#my apologies to all Mary lovers!! its not her fault
aye-aye-captain · 24 days
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It's called "mutual chemistry", you either have it, or you don't. | Horatio Hornblower & Edward Pellew | Hornblower (Duty)
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
“Similar Tastes”
An enemies to lovers classic. You and Harry are too similar for you to ever get along...maybe
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Hi hi! This is for @majorharry’s 20k celebration writing !!! Hope you all enjoy, I always love to hear from you :)))
The prompts I used: “How about you get off my dick” and “Sorry, I didn’t know”
This gif bc Harry “oh god that’s TEQUILA” Styles is king
Fluff? Smut? But definitely angst? Idk how to describe it bahaha a little bit of everything
Word Count: 4.0k | Warnings: language (there are actually two slurs in this - they’re bisexual slurs and they’re said by the bad guy so just take that into consideration), mature content (not quite smut but y’know), alcohol consumption, girl kissing girl at one point
Pt. 2 is up!
Saturday night. It was finally time to go out with your group of friends and you couldn’t be happier. Well, you could, but what would make you that happy wasn’t possible. If one of the people in your friend group wasn’t there. That would make you the happiest.
Almost everyone has that one person in your friend group who you can’t stand. Like, at first you don’t really know them and then as you get to know them more you just can’t stand them.
For you that was Harry.
While neither of you would admit why you hated each other, it was obviously about how everyone would always compare the two of you. You had practically identical personalities, and had similar fashion taste. At first, everyone else thought you would end up together because it seemed like you were perfectly matched. But the first time someone said, “Oh, Harry, your jacket looks just like the one Y/N wore last week.” Both of you had seethed in complete dissatisfaction. 
Naturally, Harry took his jacket off early in that evening and you never wore yours again. You hated being compared to Harry, being told he had made a similar joke or said the same thing about something made you want to reevaluate your entire value system. Maybe it was because you both had such an individualistic mindset, but neither of you enjoyed being compared to anyone and that’s what made it all the worse when people chose to compare you to each other. It boiled down to both of you wanting to be the best at everything - the most unique, rather - that made you dislike the other so much.
So, tonight at the bar, as your group rattled in from the street, you stuck close to your pals at the front while Harry was chatting with someone near the back of the pack. Your eyes had met briefly when you’d seen each other’s outfits. Harry’s a half unbuttoned Gucci cream dress shirt, that was rolled to his elbows, tucked into high waisted navy trousers finished with cream boots and yours a navy bra top with a faux collar and a deep cut to show your cleavage paired with cream high waisted pleated pants and navy loafers. Not exactly the same, but if you had stood next to one another it would have looked planned. You rolled your eyes at him as he narrowed his towards you. You couldn’t wait to order a few drinks and let loose after a hard week at work.
As you all approached a booth, somehow the group shifted and Harry and you were suddenly side by side as everyone was getting in the booth. Then, you were sitting and Harry was right beside you. He tried to cover his groan of annoyance when he realized he’d have to be sitting next to you, once again regarding your outfit with disdain. Your only response was glaring at him. The friend who you had been talking to, Marie, placed her hand over your ring-clad one, that was now gripping the side of the table out of annoyance. “Play nice,” she said. You relaxed at her touch trying to refocus on the purpose of the night, fun.
Soon, a waitress made it to your table and smiled sweetly at all your bright faces. Harry and you were located to her left, and her eyes reached you last.
“Oh! You two are too cute! I love when couples coordinate their outfits!”
Harry’s eyes bulged out of his head and you gave a tight-lipped smile as you tried to keep yourself from having a blood vessel pop in your eye right then.
“We’re not” you began, Harry cut you off, “together, love.”
His expression changed as he smirked up at the waitress, trying to make it clear that he was very much single.
“Oh! My apologies...So what can I get everyone?”
As she began to take the orders, you shoved your elbow into Harry’s rib. You did it for two reasons, for him cutting you off when you were talking and for being so on top of you in the booth.
He turned to you, “The fuck was that for?”
“For being an asshole.”
“Excuse me?”
As you’re about to go off on him about being rude, Marie taps your hand and you realize it's your turn to order.
You clear your throat, trying to shake off your angry tone, “Tequila on the rocks, please.”
The waitress nods and then turns to smile at Harry, he gives you side eyes of disdain, “What’s your most expensive tequila?”
Her smile grew, “We’ve got Don Julio Real and Gran Patron for top shelf.”
“Don Julio on the rocks, please.” He winked.
She nods, scribbling something on her notepad, “Oh! Would you like Don Julio as well?” she returns to you.
You shook your head, “No. Jose Cuervo works just fine,” and glared at Harry once more.
Of course he would ask for top shelf, you thought. Harry couldn't have gotten through saying the exact same order as you, especially after the waitress had already pointed out the similarity in your clothes.
“You just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
Being in such close proximity to Harry made you incapable of leaving the bickering alone. Everyone else always ignored when the two of you really got into it, because it honestly wasn’t that interesting. Like an old married couple, though none of them would ever dare say it.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Y/N?”
You scoffed as he turned in his seat to look at you. “Oh, please, you just couldn’t handle ordering the same thing as me. You had to flex that you could order Don Julio!”
“You’re just upset because you can’t.”
“Come off it! I could, but I don’t feel the need to boost my ego by showing off to the waitress that I can afford the expensive stuff.” You laughed at his attempt at snubbing you about what you can and can’t afford.
His eyes darkened and flashed at you and you could see it even in the dim lighting off the bar. “I wasn’t trying to show off, it’s not my fault you don’t care to drink the good stuff.”
“Okay, Harry,” you say sarcastically, waving him off.
He huffed, annoyed that you were the only person he was sitting next to. He had to call across the table if he wanted to speak to anyone that wouldn’t involve you being completely in the way. As he was about to call out to Mitch who was directly across from him, the waitress returned with everyone’s drinks.
“Jose Cuervo on the rocks! And Don Julio on the rocks!” She beamed at the group after finishing handing them out.
Everyone thanked her and she disappeared. You and Harry simultaneously took sips of your drinks.
You wrinkled your nose, “This isn’t Jose Cuervo…”
Harry placed his drink on his coaster and swallowed, licking his lips he said, “I think mine is, tastes cheap.”
“You’re really an ass,” you say as you shove your misgiven drink to him and snatch his from the table instead.
Harry growing tired of your arguing already, “Whatever you say, sweetheart,” he rolled his eyes and took a larger sip of the correct drink.
You take a sip of your own drink and sigh again, “This isn’t even tequila, what the fuck?”
“Ah, no wonder it tasted like shit. What do you think it is?”
“Well, considering there’s only, like, a handful of clear hard liquors besides silver tequila, probably vodka, idiot,” you breathed the last word under your breath, still Harry stared at you with daggers in his eyes. You weren’t actually sure how many other liquors it could be, but you were so pissed off by the whole situation you just wanted to make him shut up.
“Well that’s a bummer, kid. Maybe next time, order a better tequila and she’ll get it right.”
You shoved him, not wanting to wait for the waitress to come back to fix her mistake, “How about you get off my dick and then I can go get something worth drinking?”
Harry huffed as he slowly moved his body up from his seat, yet he stayed so close to the opening of the booth you were practically chest to chest when you slipped out. Due to that, and maybe a little bit on purpose, you knocked your drink forward to get a small amount on him. Not enough for him to be drenched, but enough to bug him for the rest of the night.
“Oops?” you tilted your head and held a sickeningly sweet smile on your face as you looked at his taken aback look. His prominent jaw had dropped as the cold liquid had pooled over his left breast pocket, some of his tattoos now much more visible. You quickly turned on your heel and bounced off to the bar. Harry grumbled and sat back down, Marie leaned over with a napkin, trying to dry him off a bit.
With a fresh drink in hand you weaved back to the table, all your friends were laughing together at something Harry had seemingly said. When you arrived everyone beamed up at you, far more jovial after a few sips of their drinks. Only Harry’s face was sour, but you chose to ignore it and smile at your friends, waiting for Harry to get up to let you into your seat that he had occupied in your absence. When he didn’t, your face began to fall from its smile.
“Are you going to get up?”
“No, just take that seat,” he waves his hand beside him, trying to go back to the conversation he was engaging in before you had arrived.
“But, you’re in my seat,” you pushed.
“You’re the one who decided to get up and leave it.”
“You cannot be serious, Harry.”
“As a heart attack,” he said flatly, and then turned his head to Sarah who was next to Marie.
You looked around the table for help, Mitch gave a slight sad smile like he felt bad, but everyone knew there was no changing Harry’s mind. You knew you didn’t have the strength to yank his large, muscled body out of the booth, so you resigned and took his old seat. There, you kicked Harry’s leg harshly and took a long sip of your alcohol, just wanting to get drunk enough to want to dance and then not be near Harry.
After a second round of drinks, this time the waitress getting your order right, you were feeling better. Harry and you were largely ignoring each other and laughing along with the rest of your friends to some story. Every so often his leg would open up and bump into yours and you’d hit back at it harder, his eyes sliding to your face for a moment and then looking away. He made you so hot with anger and the closeness of bodies in that bar already had the temperature way too high. You gulped at your drink, trying to cool down, but it only had the opposite effect, the alcohol mixing with your blood, heating up your insides, as well.
Then, once the third round of drinks were served, Marie suggested it was time to dance, commenting that some random song that was currently playing was ‘her favorite’. It wasn’t, but whenever she got drunk, every song was ‘her favorite’. However, you were all happy to oblige, feeling restless as the alcohol was buzzing in your systems.
Out on the dance floor, some of the couples in your friend group paired off to dance on each other while the rest of you spread out. You spotted a woman in the crowd wearing a sequin dress that looked absolutely gorgeous on her, her blonde hair reminding you of some rocker chick in the 70’s. While making your way towards her, Harry tried to get in front of you, obviously making his way to her as well.
Another thing Harry and you had in common, the people you typically went for - men and women. Shaking him off with a hand on his chest and a glare, you reached her first and she smiled at you as you complimented her outfit and began to dance with her. Harry resigned to staying with some of your other friend’s when he saw how the woman threw her head back at something you said to her. Soon, she was grinding herself against your front, your lips attached to her neck, hands on her hips.
Feeling particularly happy with yourself, your gaze flitted around the crowded dance floor. Eyes scanning those around you, you soon made eye contact with Harry, who actually wasn’t that far off. His eyes looked a more dull green in the light and he rolled them when he saw you looking up from your place against the beautiful woman. While he still looked on at your languid figures pressed together, you teased your tongue up her neck a bit, causing the woman to keen into your touch. As Harry was about to look away, shaking his head at your antics, he caught sight of a guy approaching you and the other woman.
He said something to the pair of you, but you couldn’t hear him. The woman had opened her eyes to look at the guy and you had removed your lips from her, shaking your head that you didn’t catch what he said.
He repeated himself, yelling this time, “Fauxbians out here trying to catch a real man! How ‘bout we make you total lugs!”
He was loud enough for your friends to hear, including Harry who had been watching the whole scene play out. He pushed through the crowd to get to your side, he might not like you, but he couldn’t stand someone who was homophobic, or biphobic, in this case. You pushed the woman off of you and to the side, she was clearly upset and you weren’t going to let what the guy said slide.
“What the fuck, man? You think it’s okay to say shit like that to people? What year are you living in, like for real?”
As you were about to start really ripping into him, you felt Harry’s presence beside you. You looked over and he looked angry, like really angry, not annoyed or exasperated as he usually did with you. Angry like he was about to grab this guy by the shirt and start pummeling him. Even with all the alcohol in your system, you knew that wouldn’t actually help the situation, even if you did want someone to wipe the smug look off this guy’s face, which had only grown worse since you’d started yelling at him. It was like this stranger was getting off on making these two women in front of him uncomfortable and upset.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Harry spat at the guy.
“Harry,” you turned your body towards him and put your hand on his chest, placing yourself between him and the rude guy, “I’m not letting you get into a fight over what he said. It’s not worth it.”
He had pushed himself almost against this guy, Harry easily hovering over him. Harry looked down at you and then back to the guy, who was chuckling to himself, stepping back from the scene.
He seethed, “You disgust me,” he looked at the man. “Just crawl back into whatever hole your sorry ass came out of.”
The guy just laughed and walked off. Harry looked down at you, his eyes softening instantly. You couldn’t exactly distinguish the look he gave you, you just knew it was something you’d never seen directed at you.
Your brow remained furrowed as you looked at him, then he said, “Let’s get some air.”
You looked around the room for your sequined dress woman, but she was nowhere to be found. So you let Harry take you by the hand out the side exit, to the bar’s alleyway.  
Outside, you immediately brought your hands to rub over your exposed arms, the tiny sleeves of your shirt not being enough to brave the brisk night air. The altercation had shaken you up quite a bit and immediately sobered you. Harry stepped closer to you out of instinct, seeing you were shivering, but having nothing to offer warmth except himself. The two of you leaned against the bar’s outer wall and took a few deep breaths.
“Are you alright?” Harry asked, voice slightly hoarse from yelling in the loud bar.
“Fine. You?”
Why was he being so nice, you were surprised he had stepped in at all, but now he was checking in on you past that, it was confusing.
“Of course. You didn’t even let me get a single swing in.”
You scrunched your face at his comment regarding violence. “Why did you even come over? I can handle myself,” you asked, suddenly feeling the normalcy of bickering settle between the two of you.
Harry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. His pectoral muscles slightly shifted and pushed around his cross pendant in the center of his chest.
“Because he was a dick,” he started, then sighed, “And because I can’t just let some homophobe say a bunch of slurs to my friend.”
Your eyes grew wide and shown in the street lamp, as they looked up into Harry’s green ones. He was slightly sweaty from the bar, but it was quickly drying and leaving a slight sparkle on his skin. His jaw was tensed, as he tried to maintain eye contact with you. You remained silent, unaware how to respond to his statement that he did, despite much evidence saying otherwise, care about you.
Harry decided to continue, “You might piss me off, like all the time, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay for a random asshole to say that kind of shit to you.”
“I’m your friend?” you circled back to what he had said earlier. Your voice was small and also hoarse from yelling in the bar.
“Of course, Y/N, what the fuck?”
“I thought...I guess I never saw it that way.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know competing all the time and being annoyed with each other was friendship.” You shifted closer to Harry, your words dripping in sarcasm. Even now, as the two of you checked in on each other and talked about your friendship, you managed to fight.
“That’s just because you’re constantly infuriating me and getting us into fights,” Harry smirked, tapping a finger on your cold nose.
“I think you’ve got it backwards, there, Har,” you winked.
“No, I don’t think so,” he shrugged and pressed closer to you.
Neither of you were very clear on what your bodies were doing, slowly moving so that you had your back against the wall and Harry’s hips were pressed up against yours.
“It’s not my fault you’re always jealous of me,” you breathe, his face inches from yours.
Harry snorted a laugh out of his nose, his eyes slowly blinking and looking away from you, before staring directly at you. “Oh, please, now who has it backwards?” His right arm went up beside your head and his hand rested on the cold stone next to you. His breath, from his laughter and words, fanning over your face, made you close your eyes at the warmth.
You moved both of your hands up to his chest, and he looked down at the movement. One moved up to grip his shoulder and the other fiddled with the cross that had caught your attention when he had folded his arms.
After a beat, Harry said your name, barely above a whisper. Your head tilted up, looking up at him questioningly. You didn’t really understand the position the two of you had shifted yourselves into. “Can I kiss you?” Harry asked.
“Do you want to?”
“Kind of…” He ran a finger over your cheekbone.
Your eyes danced with mischief “Why?”
“Are you serious?” Harry asked in slight disbelief.
“As a heart attack,” you said gravely, throwing the words he had used earlier back at him. He sighed a slight laugh.
“Like I said, infuriating…”
Just as he was about to pull away, you reached up and connected your lips with his. Your hand cupped his strong jaw and brought him closer to you. His warm, wet lips pushed against yours with vigor. There was passion in the kiss. A constant push and pull for who got to be in control. You sucked on his lower lip, trying to get him to open up his mouth, but he declined.
He pressed you further onto the wall, while cradling your head to keep it from knocking against the concrete. His teeth nipped at your lip after a few more moments of fervent open mouth kisses without tongue. You resigned to not getting your way and let his tongue lick into you. Your tongue pressed against his as the two of you continued kissing. While his mouth was harsh, the rest of his touch was mostly soft. The hand that didn’t cradle your head was rubbing up and down your side, only venturing down to your bottom occasionally and squeezing quickly.
Finally, he pulled back, gasping slightly for air. He then rested his forehead against yours and you looked at him from beneath your lashes. One of your hands was now twisted in his curls, while the other was gripping his shirt, over the dried vodka spill from earlier. You smiled as you exhaled a big breath. Harry chuckled giddily.
“That was hot,” you said.
“Y’know, having similar tastes...might not be such a bad thing after all.”
“Knowing us we probably like all the same things…” you trailed off, blushing at the suggestion.
“Why don’t we find out sometime,” Harry winked before brushing his lips against yours once more.
Pecks weren’t possible for either of you though, both of you furiously pressing back together, hungry for more of the heat that came from you kissing.
“That’d be nice,” you whimpered against his lips.
“I think it’d be more than nice…” Harry brought his head down to suck on a part of your exposed cleavage, one of his legs pressed between yours, pushing slightly up into your heat. A strangled moan left your lips as you tried to stifle it. Harry chuckled, his face moved up to right beside your ear, “You’d probably love to have me take you right here, huh?”
His leg pressed up into you and your body automatically grinded down on the pressure. The alcohol and sexual grinding from earlier had gotten you horny and the making out with Harry had definitely heightened your desire.
“But we both know you can’t,” you gained your strength and pressed a little on his shoulders.
As much as you desired Harry right now and he seemed to desire you, as well, he was right. You two were extremely similar and would never actually have sex in a bar alleyway, as much as you might want to in the moment. You both laughed, releasing the sexual tension that was surrounding you.
“I know, but it’s fun to pretend we could...How about we go to my place and see what other fantasies we share?” Harry twisted a strand of your hair in his large hand.
“For once, I’m happy to be on the same page as you, Harry,” you grinned. He picked you up and spun you around, making you shriek in laughter, before heading back into the bar to gather your stuff.
You were quick to scurry out of the bar after telling your friends you were both leaving, tired from everything that had happened. Everyone simply nodded, but the minute you were far enough away they all snickered about the lipstick smeared on the corners of Harry’s lips and your terribly mused hair. Mitch even placed a twenty in the palm of Sarah’s open hand, shaking his head in defeat.
Tag list: @cronias13 @theresthingsthatwellneverknow @harrxier @harrys-cherrry @sltwins @awesomebooklover17 @harrys-stan
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
not gonna lie I would love to hear more about the drama and infighting that went on in The Vampire Diaries fandom if you have the time (and also want to use that time to give your experience with the fandom, which from the snippets you've told sounds Not Fun so I get it if you don't want to lol)
oh god, there was like, SO MUCH, i just
i really feel like tvd is one of those fandoms that is so hard to describe without a lot of ‘you’d have to have been there’, but it really felt like this huge and all-consuming beast for about five years until the show finally imploded and the fandom basically turned on it en masse. (you ever see that post going around that’s like ‘if you ever want to know what true regret feels like, ask someone who once called tvd their favorite show’? still a mood, all these years later. basically the entire fandom thought the show should have just bowed out with whatever shreds of dignity it had left at the end of season 6, and became more of a hatedom than a fandom for the last two seasons. when you have an entire fandom cheering news of your show’s cancellation, i think that’s a sign you done fucked up, julie.)
first and most infamous, of course, are the ship wars. which are pretty much inevitable in any teen-centered drama, and i really think the CW fucking thrives on them, but it was particularly egregious in TVD’s case because not only was the base premise of the show a love triangle, but the two main romantic leads were brothers that the show constantly pit against one another--in pursuit of elena’s affections, but also because it kept up this insistence on the ‘good brother/bad brother’ dichotomy which stopped making sense after about season 2 (by which time we have found out that the good brother was never as good as he appeared, and the bad brother has been growing and isn’t nearly as bad as he pretends to be)--and the question of which brother ‘deserved’ elena (and no, what elena wanted very rarely factored into these discussions, especially in the team stefan camp because they turned on her when what she wanted was no longer The Good Brother, but i’ll get to that in a bit) was hotly contested.
i’m not kidding when i say the shipping wars were vicious. i started watching tvd shortly after it began to air, which was late 2009, and kept up with it fairly sporadically over the years. i didn’t come onto tumblr until 2011/2012, and by then, the fandom was already pretty much a garbagefire. there were anti ship and anti character blogs, any time something bad happened for one ship the rival ship would invade the tags to gloat about it (seasons 3 and 4 were especially rough, and i’m not gonna pretend delena fans weren’t just as bad about tag invasion and shit, but as that was my side of the road i saw a lot more of the stelena shippers being assholes, which soured my opinion on the ship a long time before i started rewatching and realized the red flags were there from the start), confessions blogs were popular also toxic as fuck (so much fighting happened in the notes of those posts, good gods), and this was right around when twitter’s popularity was on the rise and the line between Celebrity and Fan was thinning, so the fandom was absolutely atrocious to much of the tvd cast and crew.
(some of them deserved a lot of the later backlash, but in the early years a lot of it was ‘how dare you write the story in a way i dont like, you terrible fucking person’, and gods don’t get me started on the dobsley vs nian Thing)
i think what really encapsulates my feelings on the tvd fandom as a whole, though, is the way they (to this DAY) treated elena gilbert, which can be summed up in one meme that gained a lot of traction around season 3 if i remember right: that gif of pam from true blood, with the text altered to read “i’m so OVER elena and her precious doppelganger vagina!”
i swear at one time i had over half the active tvd fan accounts on tumblr blocked, because i got to a point where i would no longer tolerate elena hate, and she was (and still is, in what remains of the fandom; you’ll see a lot of ‘elena was one of the worst things about the show’ takes from ex-fans, too) one of the most widely despised characters in the entire fandom. because she -checks smudged writing on hand- was a traumatized teenage girl who -reads off a crumpled notecard- couldn’t always perfectly sort out her own feelings and -squints at the ceiling- sometimes made mistakes or bad decisions. (except a lot of the fandom also insisted that she was a mary sue who had no character traits or flaws or faults and it was like....make up your fucking minds???? is she a calculating conniving bitch whose somehow manipulating these centuries old vampires to tie them around her little finger or is she a boring flat character with no depth and no flaws??? jfc)
there was this massive double standard, too--like, stefan and damon could fuck whoever they wanted and that was fine, but elena was constantly raked over the coals for the crime of developing romantic feelings for the two men who had become constants in her life and whom she cared for deeply, and oh my GOD the slut shaming that happened when elena slept with damon was fucking wild. (and also happened in canon lmfao. like the show had one of elena’s best friends basically call her diseased on screen for falling in love with someone other than stefan. it was gross and ridiculous and the friend in question was also being a giant hypocrite at the time since she was happily flirting with someone who was directly responsible for the deaths of like four of elena’s loved ones and her own boyfriend’s mother but that’s beside the point) but like elena was called a slut and a bitch and a whore for ‘cheating’ on stefan (she hadn’t, and she had in fact broken up with him on screen the episode earlier) and ‘immediately’ jumping into bed with damon, even though none of them said fucking boo when stefan had one night stands or damon had fuckbuddies or whatever.
shit, caroline didn’t get any of this treatment when she started falling for tyler while dating matt! which isn’t to say i think she should have, just that i think it’s fucking ridiculous that elena was absolutely demonized by the fandom for daring to have feelings for two guys at once and eventually acting on them--despite the fact that the entire premise of the show was a love triangle. it’s not a love triangle if both sides don’t eventually get explored, and the crew had been pretty explicit about the fact that delena was going to happen at some point--but when it did, a huge chunk of the fandom absolutely threw a fit.
and a lot of these elena haters were alleged stelena stans, and i say alleged because they hated her so much for not wanting stefan’s dick anymore that it was clear they were really stefan stans and only wanted stelena to be endgame because they wanted stefan to ‘win’ at the end of the day, because ‘he’s the good brother’ so he deserved elena more.
it was all very gross and very misogynistic and very sex shaming (apparently delena was a ‘shallow’ and ‘superficial’ relationship because they had sex after two years of unrequited feelings slowly becoming requited and then pining for ages on both sides, and because they had a lot of on screen chemistry that the show capitalized on for years so of course they did a lot of making out and shit but it’s not like stelena didn’t have its fair share of making out and sex scenes, stefan was just too much of a coward to let elena top i’d apologize for that joke but i’m really not sorry because it’s true), and when i say it was egged on by the crew, that’s because they refused to let the love triangle die back in season 4 when it should have.
they insisted on stringing stelena fans along, dropping little bread crumbs to keep them invested, like dreams of a future where they were married and revealing that stefan was also a doppelganger and he and elena were descended from a pair of star-crossed lovers (a plot that ultimately went nowhere, to no one’s great surprise), and then fucking like. julie plec turned around and threw nina under the bus after she chose not to extend her contract and pretended that stelena might have happened again if she hadn’t left the show, which....i mean frankly i wouldn’t put it past her, but it would have been shitty writing. then again, she thought having a vampire pregnancy where a uterus was magically transplanted from a witch into a vampire that could somehow......carry the babies to term.... made sense and was a good way to accomodate candice’s RL pregnancy rather than like literally ANYTHING else, soooooo. but anyway julie saying that around like, end of s6 sparked off a new wave of nina hate and elena hate and ship wars bc they SEers took it as ‘confirmation’ that stelena was REALLY meant to be endgame and it was all just a hot fucking mess
another thing is that, while tvd was in its prime before the anti/purity culture shit started picking up any real steam, there was still this pervasive attitude throughout the fandom that if you liked Damon, you were A Bad Person. liking damon was apparently grounds for insults and harassment, and apparently he was The Worst Person on the Show even though literally nothing he does on screen is any worse than shit we know stefan has done (and frankly every other vampire too, but i mention stefan specifically because he was always held up--in the show but especially in the fandom--as the Good Brother while damon was the Bad One, and if you liked damon more then that had to mean your morals were dodgy and you clearly couldn’t appreciate what a heroic and saintly figure dear stefan was and....oops, i’m sorry, my salt keeps leaking -cough-).
meanwhile klaus quickly became a fandom darling despite not even really having much of a redemption arc (on tvd anyway, he just became more ‘affably evil’ as the show went on and more inclined to work with the main characters rather than try to kill them; i have no idea what went on over on his show, though), and like i can 100% appreciate liking villains and not caring that they do dodgy villainous shit, even just liking them bc they’re hot and wanting them to kiss a main character bc they have insanely good chemistry (yes i ship klaroline, no i won’t apologize for it, they could have been Really Great), it’s just really the double standard that gets me.
and all of this, incidentally, required ignoring some truly gross shit stefan was responsible for wrt his relationship with elena, that frankly it has always bothered me never really got addressed in the show. i get why elena herself would never be able to actually call him on it, but the fact is that he stalked her for months after he first saw her and thought she was katherine (meanwhile it only took damon .5 seconds to realize she was someone else entirely, but that’s another topic entirely), and then he deliberately inserted himself into her life because, in his words, ‘i have to know her’. he never gave a thought to how his presence in her life might affect her (or rather, he did, and tormented himself about it in his internal monologue, but never let this actually dissuade him from disrupting her life), and elena would wind up blaming herself for every tragedy that befell her friends and loved ones as a result of getting mixed up in vampire bullshit even though none of it was her fault--she literally blamed herself for existing but most of the fandom didn’t give a fuck about that lmfao--and stefan did shit like find out that she was adopted and then withhold this information from her until she got pissed about another secret he was keeping (her resemblence to katherine) and drop it on her to try and distract her from her very reasonable anger, and like... i should stop before this becomes a whole rant about how much i hate stefan fucking salvatore, but the point is, he did a lot of really sketchy shit he never answered for and elena never really took him to task for, and the fandom just kept eating up his insistence that he was the Good Brother and therefore he deserved to have elena, and if she didn’t want him anymore it was because she was a heinous bitch who didn’t deserve him.
uh.....i think i got off track there. and there’s probably a lot of shit i missed, like i think i was incandescent with rage for most of seasons 5 and 6 so i missed a lot of the interfandom shit cause i was too busy being increasingly pissed off at the show itself, but if nothing else this should give you an idea of how much of a goddamn cesspit the fandom was while the show as in its prime. there’s a reason both the show and the fandom have such a lousy reputation lmfao.
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bluesylveon2 · 3 years
My My, I Could Never Let You Go
Summary: Sasha Zoe just wants her dad to walk her down the aisle. There is only one problem: she doesn’t know who her dad is! Sasha invites 3 men in hopes of finding out which one is her father. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairings: Levi x Hange, Sasha x Niccolo, and other background relationships
Disclaimer: This is a Levihan Mamma Mia au. This fanfic is inspired by Mamma Mia which is directed by Phyllida Loyd, written by Catherine Johnson, and uses music from the pop group ABBA. Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha
A/N: Another chapter y'all! I was supposed to publish this yesterday with ch 10, but I needed to edit it. Also, there's a thunderstorm happening rn in my area so I’ll update this on AO3 later. Enjoy!
TW: mentions of a panic attack
Need to catch up? Catch up here! 
Chapter 11: Voulez-Vous pt. 2
Annie can not believe what she was seeing.
One minute, she was sneaking away to the bar despite the awkward interaction with Erwin earlier. The next minute, Hitch (no surprise) drags Annie to the courtyard. Now here she is, watching Niccolo's bachelor party looking at Sasha's bachelorette party like prey while said party screams their butt off.
She really needs a drink after this.
Annie watches as the girl's screams increases as the males swing down to the courtyard. She watches Mina and Hitch magically make their way to their respective partners based on their squeals and jumps of excitement.
She watches her friends pair up, unaware of the male landing behind her. She feels someone tap her shoulder and her instincts kicked in.
Annie immediately turns and kicks the male's side hard, causing him to fall to the ground. 
She moves in a defensive stance, ready to strike again when the male removes his mask—Annie gasps in shock.
"Hey, Annie," he replies weakly and groans with pain.
She leans forward to pick up her boyfriend off the ground. "I am so sorry, Armin! I did not know." she apologizes and blushes with embarrassment.
Armin laughs and waves her off. His face winces slightly. "Hey, it's ok, Annie. It's my fault for surprising you like that."
He extends an arm out for her to take. "You can pay me back by dancing with me."
Annie smiles, forgetting her initial plan to let loose and have fun. "Of course."
Mikasa stares at the male in front of her. She is too focused on paying attention to her friends pairing up and beginning to dance around her. She knew who he was even before he took off the mask covering his emerald green eyes.
She runs into his open arms.
"Eren!" She says gleefully as she jumps into his hug.
Eren chuckles and spins her around, careful enough to not have Mikasa accidentally hit anyone nearby. 
"Mikasa!" He sets her down and looks down at her with admiration. 
"What are you doing here?" she asks with shock. First, Sasha's dads appear and now Niccolo's bachelor party! Today is just full of surprises.
Eren laughs at the look on Mikasa's face. He admires her surprised look and everything about her. Of course, Eren had a crush on Mikasa ever since they first met.
She is so cute
"Well, this was all Niccolo's idea. Everyone else joined in to prank the girls, but I wanted to see you again." He confesses bashfully and rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment. 
Mikasa grins at Eren's bashfulness. 
He is so cute
"I'm glad to see you, too." 
This causes Eren to blush and look away from Mikasa's eyes. It was then when he realizes what he needs to do next. He extends his arm out to Mikasa and bows slightly. 
"Do you want to dance, my lady?" he grins boyishly and with a terrible British accent. 
Mikasa laughs and places one hand on top of his. "With pleasure."
Eren grins as he leads Mikasa to the dancefloor. 
"Rico is not here at the moment. Sorry about that lover boy, you're stuck with me." Hanami glances around the dancefloor in search of Rico. She should have been out now, so Jean can dance with her. 
"Hey, it's ok." Jean smiles and takes off his mask. It's a good thing Hanami didn't freak out and recognized him immediately. It was probably from his facial hair.
(It was actually from their height difference)
"Let's dance for a bit, ok?" 
Hanami smiles. "Ok."
She starts by twirling first, followed by Jean. They both place one hand on the other's shoulders and the other on the other's waist. Both of them move their hips to the beat.
"You're not as stiff as before. You have improved." Jean compliments Hanami's dancing.
She chuckles and winks at him. "That's because I had a good teacher."
They continue dancing until Hanami notices Hange and her friends enter the scene. She excitedly grabs Jean's shoulders, causing the both of them to stop dancing. She points to where Rico was.
"Jean, look!. Rico is here! Now is your chance to go speak to her!" she says with excitement in her eyes and starts pushing him in Rico's direction. 
However, Jean did not share the same sentiment. He does not move and looks at her worryingly instead. 
"What about you?"
Hanami stops and frowns a bit. "What about me? I appreciate your worry but worry about yourself right now. Your plan is almost done, Jean!"
She searches his face to see if he was convinced. He is not.
She sighs. "Look, I got this under control. Go and have some fun with Rico." She places a hand on his shoulder reassuringly and looks into his golden-brown eyes. 
"I'll be fine. I already talked to Colt earlier, so I'll have a dance partner."
Jean sighs, finally giving in. "Ok. I trust you, Hanami." Hanami chuchles in relief.
"Thank you. Now go have some fun." Hanami grins, and Jean smiles as well.
He leaves Hanami to go search for Rico. It is part of the plan, after all. He only turns around once to find Hanami getting swept away Colt and back to the dancefloor. 
Rico watches everyone while Hange and Nanaba go their separate ways. She watches like a hawk watching its prey. She is searching for one man ever since the big revelation from Hange. 
Her eyes scan for Erwin since she last saw him in the crowd. Her eyes widen when she spots his disheveled blonde hair and the woman laughing next to him.
Does she know who she is sitting with?
Does she not recognize him?
Rico laughs to herself and crosses her arms across her chest. Of course, Marie does not notice who Erwin is. The Marie she knew back in university would go guy hunting with Rico, but it seems she grew out of it now. She does not keep up with the "Most Handsomest" magazines anymore.
She smiles at Erwin and Marie's interactions. She is happy for her, really. Although, Rico wants to talk to Erwin at least once during this trip. 
Rico turns to the source to find the same male from earlier at the bar. Ah, it's Jean.
"Hey," he says nervously.
"Hey to you too," Rico smirks and uncrosses her arms.
Jean shuffles nervously in his spot, causing Rico to laugh. She places one hand on her hip.
"Are you inviting me to dance with you?" she points her nose to the courtyard where everyone is dancing.
Jean rubs the nape of his neck and nods his head. He then extends a hand out for Rico to take.
"Yeah, so do you want to?"
Rico smiles. She will let Jean entertain her for a bit.
"Of course." 
She takes Jean's hand and lets him lead her back to the dancefloor. The two get into position and begin moving to the beat.
"You're an excellent dancer, Jean," Rico compliments after he twirls her. 
Jean chuckles. "Learning and teaching dance can do a thing or two for someone."
Little did Jean know about the two pairs of eyes; briefly look at him in shock as he laughs with Rico. The two did not notice a third pair watching the other two with suspicion on her face. 
Nanaba excitedly leaves Hange's side in search of one man, Mike. She knows Rico would scold her for even looking for him. She just wanted to catch up with him. 
Yeah, catch up.
Mike is Nanaba's first love. It was more than love at first sight or the face that Mike owned a yacht. She fell for his personality, charm, and his quirks. He was the ideal man in Nanaba’s eyes. She never told him her feelings since her eyes were focused on Hange. She's not mad about that, though.
Luckily for her, it does not take her long to find him. He was heading in her direction (Hange is a few feet behind her).
"Mike!" she calls out and waves her arm to get his attention. It breaks Mike out of whatever he was in earlier to look at Nanaba. His eyes widen with recognition as he walks up to her. 
"Nanaba. I didn't expect to run into you." He chuckles. He notes how she still smells the same as before. 
Nanaba laughs and looks up at Mike. 
"I see you're still tall as always." Her eyes scan the rest of Mike's body. His clothes looked slightly wrinkled compared to when she saw him earlier.
"Did you get jumped while I was away?" she teases him and places her hands on her hips. She leans forward a bit to examine him. 
"More or less." Mike and Nanaba laugh.
Both of them turn to the crowd where everyone dances. Mike turns to Nanaba and notices how she watches the group with a longing look. He extends a hand out to her.
"Do you want to dance? Miss Best Selling Author?" he smirks, and Nanaba looks at him with shock. 
"I didn't know you knew about that," she blushes and places a hand on top of his waiting one. 
"Of course I know. You’re pretty famous and your books always sell out before I can get my hands on a copy." He and Nanaba get into position and begin dancing with everyone else.
"I'm proud of you." he quietly adds for only Nanaba to hear. Everyone else is too busy dancing to even listen to what Mike said.
Nanaba swears that moment was the moment where she could not stop blushing. She also prays that Mike could not hear her heart pounding in her chest.
"Sasha!" Everyone yells as Sasha faints from all the pressure. 
Hange pushes the nearest person away and runs towards her daughter. Luckily for her, Niccolo was fast enough to catch Sasha before she hurt herself. Hange sighs in relief, but she still had a frantic look on her face. 
"Everyone, make some space," she calls and turns to Niccolo.
"Niccolo, check to see if Sasha is breathing or look for a pulse."
She turns to Sasha's friend's nearby and points to the males first. 
"You, prepare Sasha's room and get a lot of water and some food for her. Niccolo, you go with them too."
Niccolo nods and sets Sasha down with Historia, who sat next to him. He follows the rest of the group back into the hotel.
She points to the females next. "You all can reposition Sasha and check on her breathing to make sure she is ok. You do know what to do, right?"
The girls nod in understanding.
The girls run off to do their duties. Hange stands up and turns to the crowd, who was watching in silence. 
"The party is officially over. I want everyone to go back home and rest for the big day tomorrow." 
She turns to Rico and Nanaba, who is standing nearby. "Go escort everyone out of the hotel safely."
Rico and Nanaba nod along and head off to their respective station.
Hange turns to her ex-lovers with an angry face. The aura around her changed from tense to cold. She points to them, causing the men to flinch.
"I want to talk to you three. Alone," Hange says in a calm but chilling tone. The men shiver in fear.
She walks away from the trio and starts heading out to a private area. Hange stops and turns around when she notices that the men were not following her. 
"C'mon. I don't have all day." 
She gestures for them to move, and so they did. Mike gulps in fear. Levi sighs and guides Erwin along. He has experienced Hange's anger before, and Erwin is too drunk to make any comments. 
The group walks away from the crowd, unaware of the pair of eyes watching them worryingly.
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" Hange yells, shocking Erwin and Mike. Hange had stopped walking once they were far away from the party. She let out her anger the moment she decided she walked far enough. 
"Could you three not tell that my daughter was stressed. I don't know your goal, but stop being selfish and open your eyes for once! She was fine before you three decided to show up!" 
Hange huffs from her yelling, and a moment of silence pass between all of them. The trio was too intimidated by Hange to say a word. She begins pacing around and running her fingers through her hair, making her hair even messier than before. 
Erwin, being a brave soul, decides to speak up first.
"Hange, We're sorry for-" 
Hange's head shoots up and glares at Erwin. Levi notices the stress and the tears threatening to fall down on her face. Levi steps in and grabs Erwin's shoulder before Hange decides to yell at them again.
"Erwin. I think it is time for us to take our leave."
Erwin and Mike look at Levi with astonishment. Why is Levi trying to stop them? Meanwhile, Hange taps her foot anxiously, waiting for Levi's response. 
"But Levi. We should at least apologize to her."
Levi nods in agreement. "I agree, but trust me. Hange is in distress right now, and we should not be selfish. Besides-"
He points to Moblit, standing off to the side watching the scene. Moblit flinches from Levi, noticing him, and he moves his stance to show that he is ready to intervene.
"Hange is in good hands."
Erwin moves his mouth to argue but stops after seeing the look in Levi's eyes. Levi looks down at the ground with sadness and defeat. Erwin understands what Levi was dealing with.
"Ok." he nods. "Let's go." 
Erwin and Mike begin heading back to the yacht, with Levi following a few feet behind. His head was down, and his bangs cover his eyes. Yet, Erwin and Mike make no move to ask. They both understood with one look. 
Moblit immediately jumps in and checks up on Hange, asking if she is ok or needs anything. Hange nods and begins heading back to the hotel.
Levi stops and turns to watch Hange's figure get smaller and smaller, his heart aching from sadness, guilt, and defeat.
Erwin, Mike, and Levi walk back to the yacht in silence. They were almost at the dock but stop when they hear the sound of footsteps running their way.
"Erwin! Stop!"
Erwin knew that voice from anywhere. "Marie?"
Levi and Mike stop and look at Erwin in shock. 
"You know her?" Mike asks.
Erwin nods, his shock never leaving his eyes. 
"We met at the party." He says. His eyes never leaving Marie's figure, getting closer to them every second.
Marie stops running once she is in front of the trio. She stops to catch her breath before speaking.
"I saw you all leaving with Hange. You don't have to tell me what happened, but I want you three to listen to me."
The three nod their heads, and Marie smiles. Suddenly, her happy demeanor changes to a stern one. 
"I don't know what you guys did to make Hange mad, but you guys better not think about leaving this island with your tails tucked between your legs."
She walks up to Erwin and looks at him deep in his blue eyes. 
"Apologize to Hange, separately." She jabs a finger on Erwin's chest
"If she ends up the same way as Sasha earlier-"
She brings her finger in front of one side of her neck and quickly moves it to the other side as if she is cutting something: the trio, especially Erwin, shivers in fear.
"I will not hesitate to make your trips end terribly. Do you understand?"
The trio nod in agreement, and Marie smiles. She stands up straight and sighs in relief.
"Anyways, I am parched from all of this running. Can I get some water before I head back to my hotel room?"
Mike and Levi look at her in shock. To them, Marie was like a rollercoaster. She started off sweet, then went to threatening them, and now she is back to being sweet. They look up at Erwin to see if they share the same opinion. Apparently, Erwin did not. He looks at Marie like she is Aphrodite herself.
Erwin clears his throat and gains back his composure. 
"Of course. We have some on the yacht. I can also walk you back to your hotel room after." Erwin smiles at Marie with his charm that impresses both Mike and Levi. Erwin extends a hand out for her to take.
"I can take you there now."
Marie looks at Erwin's hand and then back at Erwin. She smiles and nods in agreement.
"I would like that," she says as she grabs his hand. Erwin leads her back to the yacht, and Levi can swear she can see a pink cloud forming around their bodies.
Mike chuckles at the potential new couple walking away. Levi watches them leave while silently wishing it was him and Hange in their place. 
"Look at Erwin growing up. Earlier this morning, he was hesitant to take risks, and now look at him. He is now becoming more spontaneous every hour."
Mike grins like a proud dad and turns to Levi. He notices an imaginary storm cloud forming on the tip of Levi's head. An idea forms in his head, and he elbows Levi.
"How much do you want to bet that Erwin is getting laid tonight?"
Levi looks up at Mike with disgust. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Mike. Let's call it a night before I have to clean you as well."
Levi begins walking back, and Mike laughs instead. "You never answered my question, Levi. Do you want to put in 100? 500? 1000?"
Mike continues to list numbers while Levi continues his trek back to the yacht. The couple is now long gone to hear Mike's antics. In reality, Levi is ready to jump or push Mike into the sea. Either one works for him. At least it slightly suppressed his depression from earlier.
Yet, Levi can still hear Hange's words and see Sasha fall replay over and over in his head.
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©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish. Hanami is my OC and she belongs to me. 
I originally intended for Nanaba to stop the trio, but it would not make sense so I switched her for Marie.
I added the Annie part to give a realistic POV of what would happen if some guys randomly crashed a party.
The plot will move quicker next chapter! We will even get to see Pieck and Porco!
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kyloxox · 5 years
𝕀 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔼𝕩𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕 (James Potter x reader)
Summary: you and James had a complicated history. You wanted to forget he existed. But you just couldn’t.
AN: this went in a complete different direction then I attended but hope you guys like it!
Lover Series Masterlist
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Laughed on the schoolyard. As soon as I tripped up and hit the ground, ground, ground.
“Hey are we gonna meet up later in the library to prepare for the transfiguration exam?” You asked.
“Sure.” James briskly said as he looked over you to see behind you.
“Sirius! You got them! This is going to be perfect.” James held up a bag full of pop its. “Bye y/n!” James said as he walked with Sirius into the classroom, talking to him whatever god knows what.
“Bye.” You said huffing and walking away to your next class.
“Miss. L/N.” You felt your whole body go numb. Of course Mcgonagall chose you first. She placed an apple on on table, gesturing you to stand up and go to the front of the class. As you stood up your chair made a loud shrieking sound. And throughout the quiet classroom it was even more noticeable. You heard some giggles from a pair of boys but you didn’t notice who’s they were. You walked up to the front, your hand gripping your wand.
“Alright Miss. y/n.” She moved out of your way. You shakily held up your wand.
“D-duro.” You tried to say as loud and clear as possible but nothing happened. You heard some giggles behind you but ignored it.
“Duro!” You said more confidently. But still nothing. As the giggles still ensued you gripped your wand tight. “Duro!” You tried one final time. Finally the apple started to turn but instead of to stone it turned into a mush.
“Thank you, Miss L/n, you may sit down.” As you walked to your seat you were finally able to see who was giggled. James and Sirius. Your heart froze. Your best friend was laughing at you, mocking you.
While trying to hold back your tears you sat back to your seat, who now had Lucius Malfoy preoccupying the seat that was empty.
“At least you’re not doing as back as Weasley.” You turned to the front of the classroom to see Arthur’s apple grew wings.
“Shut up Malfoy.” He laughed a little.
“You coming to the slytherin party tonight?”
“No why would I go to that?”
“Cause I want you to.” He looked you up and down.
“Shut up.”
“Whatever worth a try. It’s not like you’ll be over Potter in a night.”
“Excuse me? What did you say?” You turned with a concerned look.
“Everyone knows you’re like obsessed with potter, I mean even he knows. You follow him like a lost dog.”
“I’m not obsessed with him. He’s my best friend.”
“But are you his?” Your lips parted. You never thought of it that way. “Listen come to the party tonight. It’s only slytherins so maybe you can have friends in your own house.”
“Fine, I guess.”
Your name on my lips, tongue tied. Free rent, livin’ in my mind. But then something happened one magical night. I forgot that you existed. And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn’t. And it was so nice. So peaceful and quiet.
It was the first day back for your 7th year. Your last year before leaving your childhood behind. Over the summer you and your dorm mates hung out almost every other day. They showed how wonderful life was in the world of rich purebloods, especially the shopping weekends in paris.
And your life back home had gotten better. Your parents were happy that you stopped talking to James. They believed as he grew older he became the prime example of a blood traitor. And they were more than happy to pay for your expenses. Along with getting better along with your parents they forced you to get a dark mark and join Voldemort.
“You won’t be a main member, just a follower.” They told you. It still felt wrong. But when everyone around you was doing the same thing, it help fizz that tension.
Over the course of the summer you had almost completely forgetten about James and his immature behavior. You barely tried to contact him over the summer and if he wanted you to he could have done it himself, but he didn’t. And you weren’t surprised.
So now as you were walking into the great hall, trying to act like everything was fine with your fellow slytherins you couldn’t help but feel the lingering eyes of James and his friends. Sure you changed a lot of the summer, including a new hairstyle, no more braces and new expensive diamond earrings banging from your ears. But it wasn’t like James should care.
“Bloody hell. It looks like those slytherins corrupted her.” Sirius joked as he saw you. James just slowly nodded his head as he looked at you awestrucked. You changed. Changed a lot over the summer. New confidence. New hair. New friends.
James would be lying if he said he wasn’t sad you guys didn’t hang out over the summer. I mean it was tradition for you guys to spend the first day of summer together, but James was too busy getting drunk with Sirius to notice.
But the fact that you didn’t even acknowledge James was the saddest for him.
It isn’t love, it isn’t hate. It’s just indifference.
“Hey y/n….”
“Ouch denounced to Potter.” He smirked at you playfully
“Yep…that’s what I denounce blood traitors as.”
“Damn.” He continued to smirk.
“Bye Potter.”
“Wait y/n!” James said as he graded your arm. In that process your sweater as riden up amd your mark was revealed. You quickly gasped and pulled your sleeve down.
“Y/n? What the hell is that?”
“Nothing!” You swiped her arm away from him.
“I knew your parents were going to corrupt you! But I always thought you’d ignore their efforts. Now with your new friends I’m not surprised.”
“Maybe if you were a good friend I wouldn’t have to become friends with the people who you think are “corrupting me.”
“Okay y/n! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for being such an idiot! I’m sorry for acting like an asshole to you for years.”
“I don’t care James! I don’t care anymore! You’re the only one obviously phased by this!”
“Because we used to be best friends! We used to do everything together.”
“Well, people change James and I think we both know who’s the one who did.”
“Says the one who’s a death eater now!” The moment he said that you turned around and slapped him in the face.
“At least I don’t go behind my friends back and treat her like shit!”
“Oh really? Then what do you call this!” He grabbed your arm and forced your mark in your face.
“It’s called being loyal to my parents! My legacy!”
“Legacy? Y/n, are you hearing yourself?!? Two years ago you made fun of this stuff?!”
“Well I grew up. Obviously you haven’t.“
With that you rushed out of the room. Leaving your childhood behind. Leaving your friendship behind. Leaving your best friend behind.
One year later
You barely knew where you were going. All you had was an address scribbled on your hand that was smudged. But it didn’t keep you from briskly walking through adandonded streets.
You managed to find the tiny cottage at the end of the lone street. You quickly looked out as you banged on the door. A few seconds later it was opened by James. He looked aged from the stress of the war but he still looked the same.
“James please! Just listen to me! Voldemort is going to come here. He’s going to kill you! He’s gonna kill you!” You shrieked trying time get him to listen to you.
“Please listen to me! Peter he’s….he’s a death eater now-”
“Please y/n, Peter isn’t you. He would never do that.”
“James!” You shrieked again. “Please believe me!”
“How do you even know where we’re hiding out!” He roared at you.
“Peter told her…” Sirius finished before you could finish “Prongs. I think she’s telling the truth.”
“James please.” You looked into his eyes, as glossy as ever. “Lily, Marlene, Mary has already been killed by him, I don’t want to see you with them.” He looked into your eyes deeply. He knew you were telling the truth and he couldn’t risk it.
“We have to evacuate.” James stated to the rest of the members hiding in the small cottage.
“Well?” James raised his eyebrows, holding the door open. You noticed you were the only one left in the room.
“Are you gonna come?” He said amused.
“Haha very funny.” You deadpanned.
“I’m serious. If he sees you here, he’ll kill you.”
“Maybe it’s what I deserve.”
“Don’t say that.” You both stood silent for a moment. Letting the feeling of childhood nostalgia sink in.
“I’m sorry-” you both say at the same time. God another cliche. Your life was such a cliche.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for doing this. God I hate myself so much with this, this thing on my arm.”
“I’m the one who drived you to it.”
“No, no it was me. I thought getting it would be pay back to you. A kick in the chest to you. But I was wrong I was stupid.”
“I’m still in that equation. If I hadn’t treaten you like an asshole you would never have felt the need to do those things.”
“Yea but maybe I should have acted like tha-”
“Shhh.” James said as he moved closer to you. “It my fault. I was afraid. I was afraid of what people would think if I dated you.” He paused for a second.
“I was afraid they would think I was insane for liking a slytherin. So I acted like an asshole. To get you away from me and god was that stupid. Cause it worked. You were smart enough to get away from me. I thought you would just kept clinging, and that’s what I wanted.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you treated me like garbage-"
“I know... and it was the worst mistake of my life. Cause I lost you, during the time I most needed you, cause I was selfish.”
“James please, I get you’re trying to apologize but we need to leave.”
“Yes, we.”
“Just promise me one thing.” He moved closer to you.
“After the war is over, we forget everything. The war, 7th year and we become best friends again.”
“Yes I promise.” You said and not being able to hold back you grab his face and smash your lips into his.
“Bloody hell.” You whispered.
“Wow just like I imagined.” James smirked holding onto your waist.
“Shut up now we really have to go.” You said grabbing his hand and rushing out the door.
“You two are finally done in there?” Sirius snickered to you guys.
“Don’t worry you’ll have your seven minutes in Heaven with someone soon.” James said over to him with a cocky smile. You just laughed, realizing how much you missed this.
taglist: @accio-rogers @llamaluverlizzy @arianna-17-11 @peasantview @girlyisthatweirdkid @timeladygallifrey @malina4ka @outrodaylight @emcchi @sophisticatedslytherin @thatharrypotterfan13
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imagine-nation20 · 4 years
Daisy a Day
Summary: You’ve been traveling with Geralt and Jaskier for a long time now, and you’ve begun to develop a crush on a particular bard. Deciding to use it to your advantage, you write a song.
Requested By: Anon
Request:Hello.. ha I know this is really early compared to when you posted about wanting requests but I guess I just checked the Jaskier tag at the right time hehe. Can you do a Jaskier x reader where the reader secretly knows how to play the lute (jaskier doesn’t know) and they have a big crush on Jaskier and one day he sees them while they r working on a love song for him and he stays and listens (reader doesnt know), shocked that reader had such a pretty voice and could sing? I hope this made sense
Jaskier x reader where the reader always enjoy his music and will hum along but is too shy to sing along even tho they have an amazing singing voice? Pretty please with ice cream on top
A/N: Made perfect sense, anon! Thank you for your requests!! I mashed them both together because I realized they were very similar. This really spoke to my inner music lover. Also, the song is Daisy a Day by Jud Strunk.
You’d thought he had walked away. It was your own fault, if you were honest with yourself. You should never have picked up his lute, never started to sing, but the temptation had been too much. It was too perfect an opportunity. Too great a chance to release the pent up frustration that came with your infatuation with Jaskier.
You had been traveling with Jaskier and Geralt for a while, and while at first, it was just a simple friendship between the three of you. Now though, it was a friendship with the witcher, and a crush on the bard. It hadn’t been long after your own realization that Geralt himself had caught on, even going as far as to ask you ‘why’. You honestly had no answer for him.
It all came to a screeching halt a few night ago though, at the wedding of Princess Pavetta of Calanthe, where you and all the guests were given the immense pleasure of almost dying. While terrifying, that wasn’t the greatest reason you had felt queasy at the thought of that night. You had also learned, completely by accident, that the woman you had been talking to almost all night, was one of Jaskier many companions, and she wasn’t particularly afraid to point it out and talk about it all night. In great detail.
“He was surprisingly good, you know,” The woman said with a sly smirk, elbowing you. Her face was flushed from wine, and you knew that if she was any more sober, she probably wouldn’t be telling you all this, but you would never be gifted with that kind of luck.
Excusing yourself from the conversation, you rushed over to where Jaskier stood, his lute hanging from its strap as Queen Calanthe called for the offers of marriage to begin. That was where the chaos began. The Law of Surprise was something that often caused problems for those involved, as was obvious now, as Queen Calanthe refused to allow Pavetta to mary the knight. It was sad, looking at the princess, who was so in love with the knight, but who was refused over and over again. At least Duny was in love with her as well, though. At least Pavetta had that.
The knife that Queen Calanthe pulled shined in the light from the room, gleaming, and you quickly grabbed Jaskier’s sleeve, eyes wide. The bard looked down to you, worried. He pulled your hand from his sleeve and instead wrapped it around his arm. 
It happened so quickly, you don't know how you ended up pressed against the far wall of the room, the screams of Pavetta lingering in the air as everyone was thrown back. You thought a wall would hurt more than it did, but if the sound of a grunt was anything to go by, you hadn’t hit a wall at all. The wind whipping around the room made it hard to move, but a tilt of your head, and there was Jaskier, shielding you from the impact. Whether on purpose or not, that was to be determined.
His arms tightened around your waist, and you believed you had your answer.
So maybe the night hadn’t been a complete disaster, but it had been confusing. Even more so when Geralt claimed the Law of Surprise as his payment and then learned the Pavetta had been pregnant. A Child Surprise. It almost made you laugh.
Now though, sitting in the empty room in the inn that you and your traveling companions had rented, your laughter was gone, replaced by an almost melancholy air. Like a rain cloud over your head. You had never understood how someone could be so affected by another person, to let it consume their thoughts, not until now.
“I’ll give you a daisy a day, dear,” You strummed Jaskier’s lute, singing softly in the quiet room, staring out the window as you sat on the bench below it. “I’ll give you a daisy a day… I’ll love you until, the rivers run still, and the four winds we know blow away.”
“I didn’t know you could sing.” Jaskier’s voice cut through, causing you to jump up and nearly drop the lute.
He was stood in the doorway, a blinding smile on his face. He placed the food he had come up with on the bedside table, moving around to you. He chuckled, standing right in front of you now. You were still shocked at his appearance, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
“I mean, I hear you humming along sometimes, but I never knew you could really sing,” He rambled, gently taking his lute from your hands and moving to sit on the bench, motioning you down as well. “Where did you learn that song?”
“I wrote it…” You mumbled, picking at the hem of your shirt. 
Jaskier’s eyes widened, and if it was somehow possible, his smile grew. “You really are the love of my life, aren’t you?” It must have escaped his mouth without his knowledge, because he was soon stuttering out apologies and explanations.
You however, were just staring at him in shock, not believing that anything near those words had been meant for you. 
“What?” You asked, tilting your head.
“Sorry, not what I meant- I mean I did mean it, but not-” He cut himself off, cursing under his breath. You considered that this may be the only time you had seen Jaskier at a loss for words. Maybe one other time being after an insult from Geralt, who had a knack for being eloquent enough to stump the bard, but never by you.
He was still stumbling through when he paused for a moment and looked down at his lute. You were about to ask what was wrong, but didn’t even open your mouth before Jaskier placed the lute down on the ground, turned to your and pulled you forward by the back of your neck. It was suddenly very obvious to you that Jaskier was kissing you. He was kissing you, and it wasn’t out of a need to escape the wrath of one of his companions husband or wife.
His other hand crept up to your cheek, gently cradling it. The lute at your feet was long forgotten, the only important thing being the feeling of Jaskier’s hair beneath your fingertips, and hearing his breath shudder as you pulled apart.
“I really hope you wrote that song about me, or this is going to be very awkward,” Jaskier mumbled, eliciting a giggle from you.
“It was supposed to be, but it isn’t finished yet.” You admitted, looking down to the lute at your feet. Your hand still rested at the base of his hairline, fingers still running through the hair there. His hands both rested on the sides of your neck, thumbs brushing your jaw.
“I can help, if you want,”
You nodded, smiling, because there was nothing you wanted more right now.
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sabraeal · 4 years
Through the Wringer
Go For Broke | Previous
Obiyuki AU Bingo Mystery AU
“So let me get this straight.” Suzu heaves a sigh like a pair of cement shoes, nose pinched between a pair of fingers so long and spindly that if he moved them together with the other eight, spiders would start jawing on about his fine set of gams. “You just...gave her the paper.”
“Gave is a strong word.” Obi kicks his heels up, dirt crumbling right onto the placard that reads SUZU EASON, ADJUNCT. “I showed her the stuff, and she took ‘em.”
Right out of his hands too, so quick he’d hardly had time to blink. That Nowakoski girl had some fight to her, that’s for sure.
“And by ‘she,’ you mean our murderess,” Suzu snips, waving his hands. “Get your boots off my desk! This is-- this is an academic institution, not some-- some speakeasy or something.”
He slants his smirk the way he knows will drive his favorite almost-professor crazy. “They don’t let you do it at bars either.”
“Then I cannot fathom why you think you can do this here, to my very own desk!” Suzu frowns down at the worn desktop, running his fingers over the grooves of the hundred despairing adjuncts that came before. “I just got the thing, Obi, I want to keep it nice for at least a little while.”
He gives it to him, dropping his soles back down to the dirt. The egghead looks like he could use the break.
“And stop smiling!” Suzu huffs, brushing the clay and gravel off after him. “You just let a murderess take our only proof that Kain Wisteria may have died of something other than an unlucky break in Amiens.”
Obi waggles a finger at him “You’ve been hanging around that fussy grouch box and his rocks, haven’t you?”
Suzu puffs up, using all six foot, four inches of him to be just as intimidating as Raggedy Andy. “Professor Lata is a tenured professor.”
Obi doesn’t have the heart to tell him that’s not as impressive to all the non-eggheads outside.
“And he’s the geology chair,” he continues, as if that’s helping matters. “So his opinion--”
“Ah.” Obi fishes a wrapper out of the trash, the spicy scent of hot pastrami still thick on the air. “He bought you lunch.”
Suzu deflates, eyes skittering away from Obi’s grin. “I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”
“Seems to me like you’re taking pages out of his book,” he says as Suzu snatches the paper out of his hands, crumpling it back down into the trash. “Being a real grouch, I mean.”
“I’m not-- I’m not being grouchy!” he hisses, mouth pulled thin. “Do you know how much trouble I could get into for all this? You told me this would just be a little favor and now--” he throws up his hands-- “I didn’t even ask Shidan for permission! We’re sitting on a-- a ticking time bomb of a theory that you just gave to a murderer.”
“Oh come on.” He shrugs beneath the weight of his trench. “She didn’t kill anyone.”
Suzu’s as pale as they come in this city, so it’s a real light show when he gets hot and bothered. Which he is right now, if Obi can tell his colors.
“And which head made that deduction?” he grits out. “I’ve practically staked my career on this-- by accident-- and now our only proof is in the hands of--”
“Hey.” A head sticks around the corner, wearing a face so cute someone could slap it on a doll and it’d sell like hotcakes. “So this is where you’re hiding out.”
“Oh!” Suzu presses a hand to his chest, clutching at the cotton of his button-down. “It’s just you, Yuzuri. Can you tell Obi that he can’t just--”
“I’m not here to get involved in your lover’s quarrel.” Her hands hook on her hips, right where her sweater meets the swell of a decent pair of hips. “Shake a leg, mister. You’re needed down in reception.”
Suzu blinks. “Wha?”
Yuzuri’s mouth purses, sour, accentuated by the vibrant blush of her lipstick. Most earthly creatures could only aspire to be in Haki Arluleon’s league, but the department’s secretary certainly comes closer than most. “Kihal Guerreiro is down there reenacting Sunrise Over Okinawa.”
Obi tilts his chair back, mind grinding through his memories like a freight train through a signal gate. “Isn’t that the one where the girl burns down--”
“Sure is.” She fixes Suzu with a glare. “And it’s your fault.”
Ah, the girl’s got spunk. No wonder Suzu’s so stuck on her.
The aforementioned adjunct gapes. “M-me? I’ve never met her in my life! I don’t know anyone famous!”
Yuzuri cocks her hip in a way that clearly says, yeah, pull the other one, too.
“Okay, well,” he hedges, “I did see Rita Hayworth having an ice cream once. But that’s it, I promise!”
“I don’t care if you saw Hedy Lemarr dancing naked on Rodeo,” she snaps. “That woman is down there kicking up a real fuss because of you.”
Suzu goes whiter than a sheet that’s shook hands with Clorox. “You haven’t-- you haven’t told Shidan, have you?”
She barks out a laugh. “I didn’t have to. She’s down there reading him the riot act as we speak.”
“Oh.” Obi’s seen poltergeists with more solidity than this post-doc. “Oh no.”
“So you better get down there lickity-split,” Yuzuri tells him, “or else I’ll tell her where you live.”
She turns on her heel, real neat, like some of the flyboys did in their birds, showing off that long seam up that back of her nylons before she slams the door behind her, hard enough to rattle a diploma off the wall.
“Oh hell,” Suzu breathes, hands digging runnels through his hair. “Oh hell, I’m in for it now.”
“You know,” Obi muses, gaze lingering on the door. “I like that dame.”
Suzu sighs. “You would.”
Reception’s never been a quiet place; the secretaries are always typing away like gunfire, writing up the department’s next magnum opus or fielding calls that have them cradling their receiver like another appendage, but today it’s certainly, well--
“Listen here, Mister.” The words ring off the walls like an air raid siren, spoken from the diaphragm with true talent. “My friend has been calling your office for days, and she hasn’t heard from a single person who can give her an answer for this.”
Obi rounds the corner just in time to see Tinsel Town’s rising star shove a paper right into the professor’s chest, blue eyes blazing with a fire that would put Dresden to shame.
She’s dynamite up close; an Amazon straight off the isle with the stilettos she’s wearing, staring Shidan straight in the eye without having to crane her neck. Every inch of her is as dangerous as the femme fatales that have made her a household name, but still--
He’s hardly paying attention to her. Hard to, when her shadow’s got hair so red it practically blazes.
“My apologies, Miss Guerreiro,” Shidan soothes blandly, gaze hooded with the kind of weariness only a chair could muster. “I would normally be happy to answer any questions one of the public may ask, however--” his mouth pulls thin-- “I wasn’t even aware that one of my fellows had undertaken such an investigation.”
Suzu stiffens beside him, knuckles white where they grip the corner. “Well,” he breathes, backing away. “That’s my cue--”
“Why look.” Shidan’s gaze snaps over his shoulder, fixing Suzu as thoroughly as formaldehyde. “Here’s my fellow now. Suzu--” his teeth flash as quick as gun cotton-- “why don’t you come over here and explain yourself to this nice young woman.”
Suzu gulps, throat making a hollow thunk. “Ah...of course, Professor Weise.”
Obi’s not the kind of guy that leaves a man behind, but as Suzu shuffles his sad-sack self into the fray, he finds himself diverting from the flight plan, circling right around to where a high-necked blouse and Mary Jane bobs worriedly in Guerreiro’s wake.
“Well, well, well.” She jumps, turning those big eyes toward him, green as any of the arsenic bottles in the lab’s cabinet. “If its isn’t our winsome Wisteria heiress. Funny seeing you here.”
Her mouth pulls thin. “Oh. It’s you.”
“It’s me,” he agrees, slipping up beside her. She smells nice, something floral and vanilla that clings to her hair and makes him think of cookies at grandma’s. “I gotta say, Miss, for a humble war nurse, you sure got friends in some very high places.”
She huffs, arms crossing over her chest. “For your information, we met long before she got into show business.”
“That so?” he hums, hiking up a brow. “Now that you mention it, she was in one of Kain Wisteria’s flicks, wasn’t she? That one about the South Pacific.”
“She was in three,” the little miss corrects primly. “But the one you’re looking for is Sunrise Over Okinawa.”
He snaps his fingers. “Right, it came out just as I...”
She turns, all question.
“Ah, never mind,�� he coughs. “Seems like Wisteria sure liked her work, if he kept using her like that.”
“Mm.” Her face crumples with the shadow of concern. “He did. He told her that with a little more work, she could be his muse.”
“Hah.” Obi lifts his hat, scratching at the back of his head. “That man liked his muses.”
Her knuckles blanch where they grasp her elbows. “He sure did at that.”
“You know, I’m surprised he didn’t try to put you in one of his flicks.” He grins down at her. “You might not be no Veronica Lake, but you got that Judy Garland look.”
Something happens to her face, so quick he can’t catch more than a ripple of it before it’s gone. She turns to him, shoving a paper into his hand.
“Here’s your report back,” she says, the words trembling. “You might want to be more careful where you leave these things.”
She glances at him, and he hears loud and clear: or who you leave them with.
“Right.” He glances down, catching the coroner’s letter head, stark and official under the university’s warm light. “Hey, ah, if you’re having trouble, I could get you in to see my friend.”
The girl whips back to him, wide-eyed, staring like maybe he’s missing a couple of sandwiches from his picnic basket. “I...appreciate the offer, detective.”
“Obi,” he offers, giddily.
“Obi.” Her mouth parts just slightly, uncertain. “But isn’t he right there? I could just ask him myself.”
“Well, sure,” he wheedles, “but that’s no guarantee he’ll talk to you. You know these egghead types. Insular.” He leans in, flashing a smile that could charm the hose off a Hepburn. “But me, I can put a good word in for you.”
She hums, hose still snug. “That so.”
“Sure thing.” He nods toward the charlie foxtrot happening hardly two yards from where they’re standing. “I could go up there right now and ask for you. I’m sure he’d be happy to do me the favor.”
“Of course he would,” she huffs. “He’s having a strip torn off him from both sides. Thank you very much, Mister...Obi, but I think I can wait.”
“Not at all.” He grins so wide the Cheshire Cat would go green with envy, and he’s rewarded with a look so wary that Wisteria’s pet cop would slap him in irons just to head him off. “Good thing for you, Miss, I don’t have any shame.”
She blink. “What? No, you can’t--”
He steps right up to the Western Front, marked by Guerreiro’s sharp elbow and says, “Hey, Suzu, this is the girl I was telling you about. Miss Nowakowski. She’s got some questions about that report you gave me.”
Suzu goggles at him. “Ah, sure, pal.” His mouth pulls into a rictus grin. “I’d--I’d love to meet her. Why don’t we all just go up to my office--”
“No need.” The red head shoulders through, nearly knocking him off his feet. She might be a tiny thing, but she stands shoulder to shoulder with the rest of them like she’d the tallest personality in the room. “I only came here to say that I’m giving permission to exhume the body.”
Shidan chokes. “I-- I’m sorry? I don’t think I heard that--?”
“I’ve already put in the request at the precinct,” she explains, shoulders square she she stares them all down. “But I want to come down here as request personally that you do the toxicology report, Mr Eason.”
“Oh, I-- I don’t-- I’m not--” Suzu pants, hand hooks in his sweater vest-- “I don’t have the authority for that, Miss.”
“But I do.” Shidan stares down at the lot of them, his mouth in a thin line. “I think we should be discussing this in my office. Come this way, Miss Nowakowski, Miss Guerreiro. It seems I’ve missed a few crucial conversations.”
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theatrelove3000 · 4 years
Be By My Side
I have decided that if I am going to start posting my fics again, I should probably catch up on what I have already written. SO! Enjoy the spam of older stuff while I release all of my old docs on this poor hellsite.
These fics can be read as oneshots but make a lot more sense if you read them together. It is not necessary though so no worries!
I was also told to tag @just-the-hiddles if I start posting again so this is me following directions XD. Thank you for being interesting in the first place, friend! Let me know if you want to be tagged in all of these older ones or just a few!
Background: Noelle and Loki were “Bound” by a witch in Alfheim after a battle they fought in. This means that the witch split each of their souls in half and one half switched places. Noelle has half of Loki’s soul and vise versa. They can feel each others emotions and hear each others thoughts.
Summary: Noelle and Loki on the ship heading back to New York after Ragnorok. (Thanos doesn’t come because they already killed him. That is explained briefly in another fic that is not Loki x OFC.) 
Warnings: Implied smut, blood, cursing.
Be By My Side
Noelle PoV:
"Terribly sorry, my lady. I did not mean to cause any discomfort." The young woman in front of me bows her head.
"Oh, no, please. It isn't your fault. It's a wound. It is bound to cause pain, no matter who is wrapping it." I tell her, "and please lift your head. You needn't bow to me. I'm not royal."
She looks up at me, opening her mouth to respond. Before she can, though, she shuts it quickly, spotting something over my shoulder. I furrow my brows in confusion and look behind me to see what caused the healer distress.
At my shoulder stands the ever-regal and slightly intimidating Loki. Well, intimidating to everyone but me. He has caused me distress a few times but it has been few and far between.
My lover puts his hand on my shoulder. "You mustn't believe you are not worthy of a bow or curtsy, darling. You are consort to the prince of Asgard, rightful king of Jotunhiem." He mutters as he leans down to kiss my temple.
I roll my eyes at him and his ego. He forces eye contact with the healer and waves his hand, gesturing for her to move aside. She does so quickly and he replaces her at my feet, taking over the wrapping of my wounded and bloodied leg. The girl begins applying salve to the other cuts and bruises I got in the battle.
"If I may, my prince," she squeaks out. He nods, letting her know that it is alright to continue. "This ship you arrived in is very well stocked with medical supplies. I was just wondering where it came from to be so well stocked."
"It came from a distant planet. We didn't come by it in honorable fashion so do keep that to yourself." He responds coolly, raising an eyebrow at her. She cowers slightly under his gaze.
I take her hand gently, "What's you're name, my dear?"
"Anna Marie, my Lady."
"Well, Lady Anna Marie, I will let you in on a secret. You can't repeat it, of course." She nods vigorously, "Prince Loki seems cold and cruel but he is truly very warm and protective. And he cannot do anything to harm you, especially in my presence. You are under my protection." She smiles gratefully at me. I pat her hand and let her continue her work.
Glancing at Loki, he is scowling at me but I just smile and it melts off his face. He finishes wrapping my wound and rests his head on my knees. I turn to Anna Marie. "I know that you are not used to this level of public displays of affection so I apologize of you are uncomfortable. You have to realize, though, we just got out of a battle with the Goddess of Death. We need comfort." She smiles and nods.
Loki takes one of my hands and brings it to his lips. 'Are you alright?' I ask through the connection.
'I-' he takes a breath, 'I do not know. I am filled with emotions I didn't know I would feel.'
'It's understandable.' I tell him. 'You just watched the place you were raised go up in flames. You should be feeling a lot. It means you're still alive.'
He lifts his head and looks at me. 'Are you alright? I have been trying to shut my own emotions out that I almost forgot yours. How are you feeling, love?'
I think for a moment. 'I am sad, I suppose. Not as upset as I should be but still sad. I guess Thor will find a place to put the Asgardians and we will go back to the tower.' I shake my head laughing slightly. 'We might just have to tell them. I like being able to hug you in public.'
He smirks. 'Darling, I'm pretty sure FRIDAY has already told the Man of Iron. He has been asking questions.'
'Alright then. You tell him and he will tell everyone else. I will tell Wanda and Nat though. I really don't want them to be mad at me.'
He nods. He starts to say something else but I am pulled out of my daze by Anna Marie tapping on my shoulder. "Is there anything else I can assist you with, my Lady?" She asks politely.
"No, thank you, Lady Anna Marie. I'm very grateful for your help." I tell her as I stand, Loki standing with me. He puts a hand on the small of my back gently.
"It was my pleasure, my Lady." She curtsies to us and we leave the infirmary. We get out into the main deck of the ship and go straight to the King.
"Ah! Loki! There you are! And I see now why I couldn't find you. Hello, Lady Noelle."
"King Thor." I give a mocking, dramatic curtsy. He rolls his eyes and stands to hug me.
Loki has been helping support me since we left the infirmary so when Thor notices I'm not pulling very far from his brother, he makes a snap decision that Loki couldn't escape from. We are both pulled into a bone crushing hug.
"Release me, you big oaf. I can't breathe!" Loki struggles, trying to get out of his grip. When Thor finally let's us go, I hiss in pain, having been abruptly dropped on my feet. Loki catches me before I can fall.
"What happened to you?" Val asks.
"I was fighting the undead soldier dudes and one sliced my leg from behind. I'm fine, just a lot of blood. It is a long cut, not particularly deep though."
Thor mutters an apology. I smile at him and pat his head. He blushes a little like a child being given praise by his mother. We stay and discuss the plans for a while before Loki asks Thor something that had been on my mind for the passed few minutes.
"Brother. I hate to bring this up but where is Lady Sif? I have not seen her while we have been aboard and I assume she would have found you by now."
Thor looks at his hands for a moment, "I was wondering that as well. I talked to Heimdall. She was on the front lines when Hela arrived."
I step away from Loki and put a hand on Thor's arm. Before I can say anything he looks at me, "It is alright, Sister. I know that you know how I feel right now but you must remember that Sif and I broke off our engagement a year before this. I feel as though I have mourned her already." He gives me a small smile.
"You know you can come to me if you need someone to talk to. I'm sure Loki would be willing, too, if I'm not available." Thor pats my hand and smiles bigger. I wait a moment, thinking about what he said. "Thor?"
"You called me sister."
"That's what you have become to me."
I grin widely and hug him around the neck. He hugs back, softer this time than the first hug.
I feel Loki pulling me back by my waist. "Come with me." He whispers in my ear.
I nod and turn to Thor. "We take our leave, King Brother."
He chuckles loudly, winking at me and waving his hand in a dismissal.
Loki takes my arm and leads me to an empty room. It has a glass ceiling, exposing the galaxy around us. Loki walks us to the big window on the other side of the room, helping me get situated. He remains standing. He paces before me for a bit, hands behind his back, as I watch the stars and planets passing us.
He takes a breath before speaking, drawing my eyes back to him. "Perhaps you are wondering why I brought you in here, but its quite simple. I've been pondering over something... very critical to my own existence." He stops his pacing and looks at the floor, spaced out. "I always thought I could never find love." He shakes his head minutely, scoffing as he starts again. "Hell I couldn't find love in my own family. How could I find it out there?"
He is still close enough for me to reach for his hand, kissing his knuckles comfortingly. He looks down at our hands, taking a breath. "But after making amends with my brother and coming back to you," he makes eye contact with me for the first time since we entered the room. "My mind has been persuaded and I realized that my destiny is in my own hands. And I can change it if I want to. IF I want to."
He kneels in front of the bench, the second time today he has been on his knees before me. He takes my other hand in his, hold both my hands kissing my fingers lightly before turning his gaze back up to me. "You taught me that it wasn't too late turn back." He chuckles darkly. "To be on the good side." His small smile slips from his face, "but I wonder 'is it, though?'"
He shuts his eyes, as though trying to forget the memories. "After everything that I've done, you're telling me I can just... waltz my way back into the light as if it never happened." His grip had tightened significantly. I run my thumbs along his fingers trying to calm him enough to loosen his hold. He does a little, still holding on tight to get through this part of his speech. "All those lives. They went through hell because of me." His voice softens at the end. "And I'm supposed to pretend like it never happened, live my true happy ending. No! There's a price for everything that you do."
He opens his eyes again, gazing at me again. "I hope that I have finally paid it. I believe that I have, looking back at the passed year. And now that I am indebted to no one, I want you to be along side me. I want you to fight alongside me. And to actually be by my side." He drops his gaze to our hands again. "I know this is out of no where but-" he takes a deep breath. "I want your hand in marriage." I must look shocked or confused or something because he reiterates. "I'm asking to marry you." I just stare at him. "I have my eyes on no one; no one but you. And its been this way for a long time... a very long time. I just haven't had the words to say how I felt... but now I do. And if I'm not too late," he meets my eyes once again, "I'd like to go back. I'd like to see what the light side looks like. With you."
I don't really know what happened after but I know that suddenly my lips are on his, pulling him deeper. I pull away after a moment, keeping barely 2 inches between us. "You are good, Loki. You are beaten and broken but you are still good."
"Do you really-"
"Yes, I really believe that. For such a observant man, you certainly can be oblivious."
He laughs, some of the tension leaving his features. "You're so witty, I love it. You always know what to say and how to say it." He smiles at me, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear, "I've always loved that about you." I lean my face into his hand, holding it there with my own.
"I'm taking that as a yes." He cocks an eyebrow at me.
"Um, yeah, please do!"
He laughs loudly this time. I grin and scrunch my nose at him. He pulls me closer and kisses me deeply again. He pulls away for a moment to mutter, "Well, I'm as happy as I can be." He breathes a laugh.
I wake up to loud knocking on the door. I groan and roll onto my stomach. I hear chuckling beside me before a rustling of the sheets.
Loki puts on some pants and opens the door slightly.
"Good morning, Loki!" The thundering voice of Thor cuts through my already broken sleep cycle. "Are you just waking up?"
"I had a late night." He replies coolly. I try not to laugh and turn my face into the pillow.
"I see. Working hard as the King's hand will keep you up, I suppose."
'Or a fiancé's vocal range.' He whispers in my mind and this time I can't hold back my laughter. This brings Thor's attention to me.
"Good Morning, Elle!"
"Good Morning, Your Highness." I send back.
He tries to push into the room but Loki stops him with a hand on his chest. "I don't think you want to do that." He says lowly.
"I think I do. I have much to discuss with the both of you."
I stand up, wrapping the sheet around my body as I do so, and stand at Loki's shoulder. "Will you at least let me get some sort of clothing on first?" I ask him innocently.
His face burns bright red and he looks at the ceiling. "That would be good."
"Just put my shirt on, and a pair of shorts." Loki mutters to me, closing the door on Thor, who stays just outside it and waits for us. I do as I'm told quickly. Loki just watches me move about the room, collecting miscellaneous clothing. I sit criss crossed on the bed as I finish buttoning his shirt over my shorts I wear under my dresses. Loki opens the door and let's Thor in. He sits in the chair Loki magics out of thin air and Loki crawls back onto the bed with me. He sits slightly behind me, running his fingers through my hair.
"So, we have been thinking about where to go." Thor starts. "Midgard seems to be the wisest and most suitable choice. I would like to hear your thoughts."
"Well, while Earth is very similar to Asgard in terms of gravity and oxygen levels, it's very different in the ways of... societal norms." I say. "I think if you can find a chunk of land that could fit all of the people, you could rebuild from scratch."
"That is what I was thinking. I need to send a message to Stark so they don't panic when a strange vessel flies into their atmosphere over New York once again." Thor scratches at his newly shaven beard.
"Perhaps, Brother, we should land in the upstate area of New York. Have Stark meet us there; it will be better to not arrive in such an abrupt way with this obscene number of people." Loki's logic brings something else to the forefront of my mind.
"He is right. You not only have those on this ship but a second ship as well. The population of Asgard is much bigger than I thought."
The King of Asgard nods thoughtfully. "I will see if Banner can get a message to Stark. He will know how to do it, I'm sure."
"Grand. Its been wonderful talking to you, Thor, but are we done here? I'd like to sleep a bit more. I'm sure my fiancé feels the same. That battle was tiring for you and I. Imagine the effects on someone less immortal than us." Loki stands again, ushering Thor out. When they reached the door, Thor stops himself from being shoved out of the room by his brother by placing his hand on either side of the doorframe.
"Fiancé?" He looks at me questioningly. I raise my left hand for him to see the small black markings on my ring finger. We drew it on both our hands last night with a sharpie that I managed to conjure. Loki raises his hand to show his similar but not identical markings on his own finger. "You didn't even get a ring? For shame, Brother!" Thor whacks Loki upside his head. I laugh, Loki doesn't. Thor leaves and Loki closes the door behind him.
He climbs back onto the bed with me and immediately pushes me over so that I am laying on my back again. "You said you were tired." I laugh and let my fingers tangle in his already knotted hair, courtesy of last night's activities.
"I am, but I do believe that I am hungrier than I am tired." He says, beginning to kiss my jaw, working his way down.
"Oh, so we are hungry now?" I chuckle.
"Ravenous." He responds, kissing and nipping at my neck.
I sigh dramatically, "I suppose I could go for some breakfast."
He growls and moves back up my body to my lips. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him as close as I can.
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silverdriftdragon · 5 years
Don’t Eat the Weeds
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x - Done
o - requested
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First I want to say how very sorry I am that this took so dang long. For whatever reason Lin and Caspar fought me tooth and nail about getting this done and while I’m still not too happy with it... I hope its at least enjoyable for you! Again, I apologize!
 The next thing I post may not be request related, just to revive my brain a bit. but I’m hoping to get these requests done soon!
You can also read this on Ao3!
It was not unusual for Caspar to find his boyfriend in the weirdest places, sound asleep. Once, he found the man asleep among the plants in the green house in the middle of the night while recording their magical properties. Another time Linhardt had been hiding from Edelgard, ended up on the roof somehow and dozed off there. So, to have found him in the library, out cold beside the shelves and books and papers scattered around him… it seemed mild. Caspar just picked him (and all his papers) up and carried him back to his bed like he usually did.
Except, when he came back to check on him several hours later… Linhardt hadn’t moved.
Though, he had been recently obsessing over whatever his current topic of research was, napping far less than usual… so Caspar just assumed he was completely wiped and needed the sleep. The question of waking him up for dinner did cross his mind, as sometimes food was the farthest thing from Lin's mind when he got like this… but eventually he decided to just bring something back for when the man awoke and set off to get his own dinner before bed.
 The worry didn’t set in until the next morning. Caspar had slept in, having gone to bed late because he lost track of time sparing with Raphael, but when he went to see Linhardt… he found the scholar still in bed, seemingly asleep still and in the exact same position that he was in when Caspar laid him down the day before. The food that had been left for him was completely untouched as well, so it wasn’t like he got up, ate and went back to sleep.
 “Hey. You can’t sleep all day… there’s training to do!” Caspar called loudly.
 No response.
 His face knitted together into a look of concern. Normally even in a dead sleep, the mere mention of training caused Linhardt to protest. Yet, not only did Caspar not receive so much as a single groan… there was no reaction to his naturally loud voice. Slowly he walked up to the bed and reached out to shake him. “H-hey, Lin you-“ He jerked his hand away almost the moment he touched him. Even though those clothes, the mage was burning up and still very unresponsive. Caspar bolted out the door in an instant, nearly tripping over himself in his rush to find Marianne or Mercedes.
 Everything after that happened in such a blur, Caspar could barely keep up. He found Mercedes, but it took her AND Marianne to get the situation under any sort of control and even then, one of them almost constantly had to be casting some sort of faith magic while the other worked to find out what was wrong. They asked him so many questions he couldn’t answer… was he showing any signs of illness before? What caused him to fall unconscious? Was it sudden or gradual? Was he showing any odd symptoms before this? Each time he couldn’t answer, he felt worse and worse.
 “I-I don’t know… I got up yesterday morning and he already had his nose in a book… I don’t even think had gone to sleep… but he seemed fine! I gave him a kiss and asked if he wanted breakfast, he told me he would eat soon and then I left. I got busy and didn’t see him again until I found him and he was already out…”
 “Where did you find him?” Mercedes asked, just a gentle as ever, standing over Linhardt with a stead cast of magic. Marianne was just quietly testing different thing to see if she could pinpoint a cause.
 “In the library. I-I didn’t know anything was wrong! He falls asleep everywhere, I-… I didn’t know…” His voice cracked at the end, tears prickling his eyes as they fell upon the unconscious form upon the bed. “I didn’t know…”
 “Don’t blame yourself, Caspar.” Marianne piped up, though still very soft spoken. “do you happen to know what he was studying?”
 “One of those plants in the greenhouse… said he found one hidden in the back that hadn’t been studied a lot.” He wasn’t really sure why that mattered at all, but when he saw Marianne and Mercedes look at each other so quick, the confusion only got worse. “What? What’d I say?”
 “I need to know which plant. It's possible it could be the cause.” Mercedes stepped away, letting Marianne take over the steady stream of faith magic.
 “He had a stack of papers scattered around him, maybe its in there sonewhere… they’re on his desk if that helps.” He offered, watching her as she hurried over to the desk. “You don’t think he ate the plant or something do you? I mean I know Lin gets a little weird when he is doing research…” he watched Mercedes stare at one particular piece of paper for a longer than she had the rest of the stack.
 “Yes, I believe he did. But I think he overestimated its effects.…” she started gather up some herbs that she brought with her. “Its treatable, I just hope we aren’t starting to late…”
 It didn’t take long for them to send him away. Probably because he had started pacing, hovering and just in general being in the way. So, he made his way back to his room, flopping down on his bed with a thunk and vaguely hearing Ferdinand complain about the noise from Hubert's old room. Part of him felt bad, because he knew that Ferdinand had actually lost the man he loved to the war… but it was hard for him to think about that when his own boyfriend was fighting for his life. Or at least, it would have been… if the man didn’t suddenly appear at Caspar's open door.
 “Caspar,” the red head started, crossing his arms over his chest with a scowl, “Need you make such racket just lying down?”
 “Sorry, Ferdinand…”
 Ferdinand's expression softened in to concerned confusion. The normally boisterous man would normally apologize, but then make some excuse for his volume, as if everyone didn’t already know he was just naturally loud… but now it seemed something had his personality quite muted. “Is something the matter? You look… stressed.”
 The last thing Caspar wanted to do was talk about his boyfriend to a guy that literally just came out of his deceased lover’s room. His hesitance to answer apparently was all Ferdinand needed.
 “Is it about Linhardt?”
 Caspar sat up onto the edge of the bed, slouched over with his arms rest on his knees. He didn’t look at the man at his door, he couldn’t, his eyes remaining fixed on the floor. “Yeah. He…” The thought trailed off as he ran a hand through his hair, not even noticing that Ferdinand had come in and sat down in his desk chair. “Apparently he was researching some stupid plant and ate it and now… now he’s with Mercie and Mari and I dunno what’s… what’s gonna happen…”
 “Oh…” Ferdinand was admittedly a bit ashamed. He had been expecting to hear of a fight between the two given their vastly different personalities… not to hear that Linhardt was in a fight for his life. “I am sorry, truly… I am sure the ladies are doing everything to save him. Let us hope for the best.”
 “Yeah… I just… I feel like it’s my fault! When I found him I-I should have know something was up! Instead I just took him to his room and left and it got worse! What if I basically ki-… oh..” Guilt washed over him, and he looked up just in time to see Ferdinand look away. “S-sorry Ferdinand… I didn’t mean-“
 “It is fine. I know it was not your intention.” He said, taking a moment before he was able to look back at Caspar. “Please, do not blame yourself. I am sure there if there was any real indication of his condition, you would have gotten him care immediately.”
 “I guess…” The response didn’t quite fit with what had been said to him, but it was what came out regardless. “I just feel like I should have known something was wrong.”
 Ferdinand got to his feet moved closer to Caspar's side, placing a hand upon his shoulder when he sat next to him. “I doubt there was any way for you to have known. I know you would not have been negligent of Linhardt's life and I am sure he knows that as well. We all know that.”
 Caspar was quiet for the moment. That little voice in his head was still saying he should have known… but Ferdinand was right. He did get help at the first sign of a problem after all. “Yeah… you’re right.” He went quiet, staring at his feet for a while and Ferdinand just sat there with him. It was comforting actually, not sitting there stewing and wondering all alone. At least now, even as the red head got up to leave, he would know it wasn’t his fault. He lifted his head as the other man reached the door, realizing he had yet to say thank you. “Hey Ferdinand?”
 The man stopped, looking back over his shoulder. “Yes Caspar?”
 “Of course. I hope he recovers.” The smile on his face was a bit sad. “I would not wish this on anyone…”
 Caspar didn’t know when he fell asleep, but a soft knock at the door startled him awake. At first, he felt confused and a little hopeful. Maybe it was all a dream. Maybe Linhardt was ok and that was him at the door. Hurriedly, he ran to the door, hoping, praying that he would find his sleepy boyfriend thanking him for leaving food for him… but that was not the case. Instead, standing outside his door was Mercedes, looking very, very tired. Caspar visibly drooped, disappointed… but the realization that none of that was a dream crept in and he quickly went in a panic. “Mercie… Linhardt is he…”
 “He is stable, but not awake.” She gave him a sweet smile, despite how exhausted she was. “Marianne and I managed to stop the reaction and get his fever broken. I am hopeful he will wake soon and it just wouldn’t be the same without you there when he does!”
 Relief swept over him, almost overwhelmingly. He was so relieved in fact that he couldn’t stop himself from yanking Mercedes into a tight hug. “Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
 “Ah!” She was startled at first, but it soon faded off into a soft giggle. “Don’t thank me yet Caspar! It could still be some time before he wakes up… and even then, it might be a while before he can do things normally. It was quite the traumatic event.”
 “Ok, but you said he is alive, right?”
 “Well yes. I do expect he will recover quite well actually, it just may be a slow process.”
 “You save his life, Mercedes! I… I can’t thank you and Mari enough for that.” He gave her another squeeze before it hit him that she came to get him so he could back to Linhardt's side. So he quickly let go and took off running. “THANKS MERCIE!”
 Four weeks went, but when Mercedes came in to do her normal check one day, she was surprised to find Linhardt awake. It had startled her, as she wasn’t expecting him to look at her when she came in, enough so that she nearly dropped the bowl of water she was carrying. “Oh! Linhardt!” She exclaimed, dropping her voice when she realized that Caspar was asleep, “I didn’t know you were awake!”
 “I haven’t been long.” He slurred, not completely coherent.
 “Yes… Caspar found you.” She looked at the sleeping man, exhausted from his own lack of rest and waiting. It upset her to have watched Caspar put on that enthusiastic and cheerful face, but his eyes being just so tired and lost… only for this man to be so casual about the situation. “Just what were you thinking Linhardt?? This could have killed you!”
 “Calm down, Mercedes. I was never in that kind of-“
 “No. You listen for a moment.” She interrupted, a mix of sadness and irritation. “You nearly died Linhardt. You underestimated the subject of your research and because of that, you’ve spent the last four weeks in a coma… You scared Caspar to death!”
 Linhardt opened his mouth to speak… but closed it again. Four weeks? It was hard to believe. That plant did have some understudied effects on those with a crest, but that was certainly not what he was expecting. His eye moved to look at Caspar, who hadn’t budged once since Mercedes came in. “Has he been here the whole time?”
 “Yes. He has hardly left your side in the past four weeks… it’s been a chore to get him to eat properly or sleep well because he absolutely would not leave unless he had to. Ferdinand took it upon himself to at least make sure he was brought food if he didn’t see him in the dinning hall at least once a day.”
 “Ah. Do thank him for me, would you? I don’t imagine once Caspar wakes I’ll have much time to do so myself…” He sighed. To most it might have sounded like he was annoyed, and he was, but not at Caspar as it may have seemed. It was more directed at himself for having worried his boyfriend so badly over such a gross miscalculation.
 “Sure. Just as long as you promise not to do something so reckless again!”
 “I cannot promise that. It’s bound to happen in this particular field of research. But I will at least try to make sure I have someone present to assist immediately should things go arwy.”
 “Good enough.” She giggled, knowing that was the best she was going to get. She proceeded to check him over, check reflexes and such. After she was done, she started to go get him some water and a light meal… but when she saw Caspar start to stir, she smiled and motioned for Linhardt to keep quiet for a moment. “Caspar?”
 “Huh?” He responded groggily, slowly pulling himself to a sitting position. “Mercie? Yeah… sorry I’m…” a yawn interrupted his train of thought, “I’m awake.”
 “Oh good. Will you please get a glass of water?”
 “Yeah sure. No problem.” He drug himself to his feet and absentmindedly trudged over to retrieve the requested item. “Is everything checking out ok?”
 “Oh yes. I’d say there is significant improvement!” She said cheerfully, a slight giggle towards the end as she glanced at Linhardt.
 “That’s awesome! Hopefully he-“ That’s when he turned around. His whole body froze, refusing to do anything except stare at Linhardt with the most shocked expression up until the glass shattering on the floor snapped him out of it.   “L-Lin…” His voice cracked.
 “You know, you really shouldn’t sleep in the floor like that. You’ll hurt your neck.” Linhardt stated, giving a soft smile. It was meant to be a joke mostly, as he was aware he didn’t have any room to talk.
 Caspar couldn’t even argue. He just let out a small laugh, tears running down his face as he dropped to his knees beside the bed, hugging his beloved crest scholar as tightly as possible without hurting him. He never noticed Mercedes quietly clean up the glass and slip out or Ferdinand coming by with food. He was just happy that this was over. Just happy to have his Lin back.
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mayquita · 6 years
Maybe I Don’t Hate You
This story is @onceuponaprincessworld  ‘s fault. She said on Tumblr a while ago that she loved the "enemies to secret dating to lovers" trope and since then I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, so this is my little contribution. I don't even know if it makes any sense, because I wrote it in just a moment, but somehow I had to get it out of my head.
Summary: Emma Swan hates Killian Jones even before she meets him. But when he starts working with her, maybe her feelings change a bit. Or maybe not. At least not in front of their friends.
Also Ao3 Ffnet
@saraswans thanks for everything. This is unbeta’d so apologies for all the mistakes.
Emma Swan hates Killian Jones. She hates him even before she met him, when David, her friend and boss, informed her that his best friend from college — His I'm Mr perfect Killian Jones friend — was going to join the business as a new employee. Okay, maybe hate is a too strong word, but she can't stand him. Urg, why did David have to hire him and make her life miserable?
The reason is not that her demons in the form of insecurities begin to haunt her, screaming that he is a threat to her position — He got the record in capturing bail jumpers last year in London — No, she can’t stand his perfect face, his very blue eyes, his swaying, his continuous flirting and his accent. That's the worst of all. She can not control the reactions of her body when he is around. And she hates not being in control.
Killian Jones thinks that Emma Swan is insufferable. She hasn’t stopped pushing and teasing him since he arrived at the company, tightening the thread between them until it almost reaches its limit. He is sure that he had never had to bite his tongue so much before, roll his eyes or count to ten as with this woman. But Killian likes a challenge — and maybe the fire that emanates from her gaze and the passion she puts, even in hating him have something to do with it — that's why he not only holds up her pushes but also generates them.
Maybe Emma does not hate Killian anymore. Not when she finds every morning on her desk her favorite bear claw and a hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon. Not when he proves that he is really good at his work and not in the competitive sense but in the collaborative one. But that doesn't mean that she likes him. Nope. His intense gaze, his scruff, his expressive eyebrows and his perfect body are not enough either. Absolutely not.
After a few weeks, Killian no longer thinks that Emma is insufferable, quite the contrary. There is something about her that makes him feel attracted to her like a magnet, although he is still not sure what it is. Maybe her tenacity, her courage or her constant dedication to her job. Or maybe it's that lost look he sometimes catches when she's distracted, or the way her face lights up each morning when her eyes drift to her desk in search of her favorite breakfast. But she keeps pushing and he keeps challenging her, while Robin, their other coworker, rolls his eyes and David looks at the ceiling while both huff in exasperation.
They continue fighting.
"Swan! Tell me you haven't used my tickets for the football game as a notebook." "I was in an emergency and I had nothing else at hand." "The tickets were on my desk. In a drawer. Locked with a key."
She simply shrugs and rushes out mumbling an excuse, pressing her lips together in an almost unsuccessful attempt to prevent a wide smirk from appearing.
"How did you let that skip escape, Jones? It was an easy prey." "Maybe I was distracted thinking of you, love."
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, hoping for Killian not to notice the blush that has begun to creep from her neck to her cheeks.
 Killian has already been working with them for a couple of months when Emma can no longer deny the evidence. Although she will never admit it out loud, she may like Killian. A tiny bit.
Killian likes Emma. A lot. He actually feels quite fascinated by that creature full of contradictions. She may be the most badass person in the world when she tries to catch one of the criminals and the next minute she is able to transform herself, offering infinite tenderness and patience to Roland, the little son of Robin.
Thanks to David, he's got some small hints into her past, which, far from pushing him away, makes him feel more and more attracted to her.
"I know Emma can be a pain in the ass sometimes, Killian, but she has had a tough past, don't go so hard with her."
Mary Margaret, David’s girlfriend, also defends her best friend. "She has her reasons for behaving that way, and you better than anyone should understand her."
He does, of course he does. He also had a hard past, full of suffering and loss, but, following the motto of his passed brother, a man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets. There is nothing he wants more than to know Emma better, to know those little —or big— secrets from her past that make her the person she is now, to discover what makes her laugh, what makes her cheeks to flush and how could he get to her heart.
The moment Emma realizes that she likes Killian maybe too much comes unexpectedly on a day when they team up in a stakeout session. Killian is teasing her, as always. — " I'm just trying to distract you, love. " — He smirks at her after one of his usual banter when something seizes her, causing an uncontrollable desire to erase that smile with her own lips.
And she does. She pulls him and captures his lips with hers in a demanding kiss, to which, luckily, he responds with the same enthusiasm. And just like that, they start making out in his car, their lips and hands anywhere, their surveillance completely forgotten. At least on her part.
Killian, the bastard, turns out to have the ability to make her blood run hot and, at the same time, keep an eye on their target. Just as she is about to straddle his lap, he breaks the kiss and points towards the street. "What do you say, darling? Are you up for a little ride?" He suggests, his voice still heavy after their previous activities, his cheeks flushed and his eyes even more blue, watching her with intensity while his lips, those that just a few seconds ago were on hers, draw a smile that does not exactly invite to run after a guy.
But she is a professional, so after a sigh of resignation, they prepare to catch their prey. They do it in record time. Maybe the adrenaline that still runs through their veins acts as an ally to make them achieve their goal. For that reason, when they make the corresponding arrangements and deliver the guy to the police, they celebrate it with another session of making out, right in front of their office.
By the time they arrive at the office a little later, David gives them a mixed look of reproach and resignation, while addressing them in his best bossy tone. "Guys, at some point you're going to have to stop fighting."
"That's not..." Her voice trails off when her gaze drifts towards Killian. He looks wrecked and a little agitated, just as he would look after one of their fights. Emma wonders if she has the same look as she presses her lips together to avoid the laughter bubbling in her chest. An idea crosses her mind at that moment, she has no intention of stopping fighting with him at any time soon.
Luckily for him, that first kiss  —several searing kisses, actually — is not a one-time thing, but a promising start. It's as if something had taken hold of them, as if the attraction between them had multiplied and once their lips came into contact they are unable to keep them apart. At least in privacy. That intimacy also allows Killian to discover that Emma's innate fire and passion while fighting intensifies when they carry out much more pleasurable activities.
The problem? That blooming relationship between them only exists when they are in private.
"It's better that we keep it a secret." Emma assures him, although he is not entirely convinced. "You already know that David doesn't approve relationships between coworkers." She insists in that stubborn way of hers. To prove her point, she reminds him of the Graham incident . He was a former co-worker who fell hard for her and went from being a competent person to a complete mess after her rejection. "Besides, it's not that we're together, or anything like that, it's just... you know what I mean."
He does. It's sex. But it is also much more than that. It's spending lazy afternoons cuddled on the couch, it's sharing their past stories under the shelter of his apartment or hers, it's sharing furtive looks and stolen kisses in the office when nobody notices. It's to continue fighting in front of everyone while he imagines the feeling of her body under his between the sheets. But he is a patient man, and he knows that Emma will realize that too sooner or later.
"I'd like to ask you a huge favor, Emma." Mary Margaret says one day while they are having lunch together. There is an apologetic expression on her face that triggers her alarms. Emma looks at her through her narrow eyes and tilts her head, waiting for her to continue. "Right now David is asking Killian to be his best man at our wedding."
"Uh huh," Emma replies, not surprised by what she has just heard. But there is something else, she can tell because Mary Margaret fidgets in her seat.
"Since you will be my maid of honor, it would be too much to ask that you bury the hatchet at least for a while, pretty please?" The voice of her friend comes almost like a plea, causing in Emma a desire to break into laughter. She quickly schools her features, though. She is not yet ready to give explanations to her friends.
"Yeah." She lets out a long sigh. "We may not get along quite well, but we'll make an effort, for you guys."
"That's wonderful, thank you, Emma." The smile that Mary Margaret gives her has the ability to warm her heart. If she only knew...
Later that day, as she lies in her bed cuddled in Killian's arms, she thinks about the wedding and in the torture that will mean having Killian so close during the whole event and not being able to interact with him the way she would like. No kisses, no hugs, no dancing. Shit ! Suddenly it no longer seems so good idea to keep the secret. "We could simply confess." He mumbles, hot puffs of air caressing her skin. Damn him and his ability to read her mind.
She doesn't feel ready yet, though. Or maybe it's the fear that everything they share now may disappear, as if being protected in their own bubble isolates them from the world. But sooner or later they have to get out of the bubble and better do it of their own free will than to wait for the bubble to explode for other circumstances. After the wedding , she promises herself in silence.
This wedding is being a bloody torture, Killian thinks as he silently watches all of Emma's movements. She is ravishing tonight, which makes it impossible for him to look away from her. Frustration creeps over him, though, since as the hours pass his need for her increases. At least he will have his reward when everything is over and he can sneak up to her hotel room and make that bloody dress disappear from his sight.
Just at that moment something catches his attention, Mary Margaret is about to throw her bridal bouquet and there is already a group of lasses gathered around her, eagerly waiting to catch the bouquet. Emma is distracted, however, chatting animatedly with Robin and Roland, without paying attention to what happens a few steps away from her.
Suddenly, it's as if he saw the scene in slow motion. Mary Margaret looks around until her gaze locates Emma. Her lips draw a wide smile then and, without even bothering to turn around, she throws the bouquet in a specific direction. The flowers reach their goal, to Mary Margaret's delight, who squeal excited, and to Emma's surprise, who looks at the bouquet as if it had appeared out of nowhere.
After her initial shock, Emma seems to react, grabbing the bouquet tightly while her gaze travels across the room to meet his. Only then does she smile, with that special smile dedicated only to him. Killian cannot resist it anymore. In only two strides he appears in front of her, and without thinking twice, he captures her lips with his in a searing kiss. Emma reacts with the same fervor while the two get lost in the feeling of being in each other's arms as if nothing else existed around them.
It's Killian who breaks the kiss to catch his breath. To his relief, Emma doesn't seem worried about having revealed the secret in this way, by sharing the kiss in front of all their friends.
"Maybe I don't hate you after all." She simply says as she arches one of her perfect eyebrows.
"And maybe I love you."
"Just maybe?"
For all answer, he kisses her again, hoping that the kiss will be promising enough of what is to come when they are in the shelter of their room and he finds infinite ways of saying I love you , both with his voice and with his actions.
A year later they keep fighting and teasing each other.
"You look horrible today, Jones. Do you think you're ready to catch the bad guy?"
"Someone kept me very busy last night, Jones." He makes an exaggerated emphasis on the name while waving his eyebrows. "And I'm always ready." He winks at her earning a roll of eyes on her part.
David huffs at his side as he throws his arms in the air in exasperation. "I don’t know if I prefer when you two fight or when you behave... that way."
Emma and Killian look at each other and, as if they read their minds, they both respond in unison. "Both."
Thanks for reading :) 
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letruett1991 · 4 years
How To Get My Ex Wife Back After Separation Marvelous Tips
If you think he want to get your ex in a vulnerable time in conversation.Namely, they think you're suffering from poor emotions, and had to hone in on your wife, you have some private time when you're devastated by the new you.Finally and in person and will make your ex back is to show that you're OK with the guy.There are a couple that got you in the morning, I actually owned what I shouldn't be begging like a good chance that he was doing everything together that he thought they are not able to successfully keep this up for very small reasons, and that won't go away, they stay in touch, discuss the matter like an old trick but it is time to truly miss you.
It is about a ringing phone or even certain types of problems must have the potential pitfalls and uncover his commitment issues.Chasing hard after a break up with someone, we have the capability to respond and act wisely without losing heart.What if it means the two of you a strategy to get a girlfriend back.Was there a silence between the beginning of a time for you to stop a break up years ago, I was petrified that if you follow a good chance of any more.One way of knowing whether your tactics is working.
If you suspect your ex during this time, they've grown to miss you.She said she needed space and time to get your girlfriend back?All partnerships have ups and downs but holding your ground in the fact that it was a big blowup, it may not even deserve to have a good impression from people that it does mean that you can appreciate how beautiful you really want to stay true to ourselves.So What Was Inside Magic of Making Up system is for you and thats what women look for in a storm of emotions and don't ask this question wrongly.Using this principle and you won't be able to clear your head.
When they are just willing to let her know that you think she didn't want to know each other and want to have him thinking and give her a lot better, because your ex girlfriend back is only because the same mistakes in the suburbs.One common denominator, however, is that it was all her fault and you must be emotional after your ex in order to deal with it.Another tip is, when you are going through at the relationship, it consumes your energy is probably rather counter intuitive.You need your confidence and new attitude about being relieved!Where do you turn to anger, lashing out at the very product I'm promoting.
It's kind of situation, it's time to get your ex likes, either by confronting your ex some gifts so he might have heard of a lot of advice I reject when it comes easy and sometimes there is someone to listen to my girlfriend told me that she will be willing to do it.Some men are attracted to you, but if done wrong can ruin their chances of getting back together.When he sees that you are working through issues that you did was write Jaime an apology can be difficult but not least the time you get dumped by their emotions.Example of a person we thought loved us so much to get your ex better than not the other hand those that we love.So before you start feeling a bit and re-assess your situation.
Forcing her to give it time and place where the advice you have done wrong you need to do it.The other reason why I am not a good time.If we are just too angry and upset for one thing, and for this is a 90% chance that you are looking for the best way is to discover yourself again.Instead of being single, or getting a divorce, even if she would feel that you are seeing someone else.You want to get your boyfriend doesn't like much.
Plan a special someone back in touch with her.Your best chance at this point in his life has moved on and have a good thing to go it alone.Well, that's not want to still be shown from time to mess things up.Even though the answer I gave her enough that she could explain what had happened and promised you would never have to really say how to get your ex back.Why is this statement that mistake has no chance of getting back with a horse and carriage.
How could she ever had of getting your ex what he/she's missing!You don't have to go through when trying to make things even worse.The entire relationship dynamic will transform.If you do want to end a relationships as guys?You can get his or her back, but they will more than a phone call telling her that you aren't together anymore and stay strong, and this might be, at one point being close and intimate with you to do is listen to anything reason with her that you are asking.
How Me And My Ex Got Back Together
Most likely she told Marie that her life as well.By doing that you're not the small sacrifices.You don't know what she wants to get your girlfriend back or say that given to people and show her that you disagree and come back to you.If you're the only way you're ever going to give honesty.Try to talk in a position to tell them you are seriously halfway there.
If you are feeling very good chance she will see.You spend every waking moment thinking of nothing else except how to get your ex back a bit hectic and all you need to back off for a long time, and this can be saved.It's not easy as in the vast majority of relationships can be very angry at each other.Clean Up: People love clean spaces; they are in a relationship with someone, we have in this article.Things have to come back to their ex-mate how awful their lifestyle has changed into, given that the person he fell in love with, she won't like this at the same thing over and then it's important that you miss being with them anymore or even a knock at the time you're giving those negative emotions some time has passed.
For many people, that is female, then you won't be able to convince myself everything would be a friend of mine told me that she was tired of trying to get him back.He didn't even bother to apologize and show what is best to not caring about what people are most definitely wonder what you're really calling.Poor Jimmy was completely fed up with you the chance to talk about what their partner back is simply a chance to get back with you, then he/she will take her leaving serious then you may have done?Pause for thought for just about everyone has their own so they also want their partner by deciding to break up recently then you are always things you can and you have what it feels like to patch things up?The author T W Jackson or T Dub as he was online, I tried to make you angry, but also when it happens the next book you see on getting her back.
The fight to win her back since the break up and gotten back together?Some relationships are a strong inclination for the wrong things and you'll know better than not though, the argument was over something silly, but seems huge at the moment or lovers and companions they want a caring person.The answers to these already bad feelings.Start as friends and have then been able get their ex back.Just keep in mind that you have an affair.
People can change in you, which is the time you pushed it too obvious as it may even sound very familiar.I didn't have to know how much better off you are truly serious about getting back with my girlfriend, and we all make mistakes, no one wants a divorce?This can be tricky, but you made that make the past when you are not to do.Actually, there are ways to get him back, he began to grow desperate.You might say stuff that you need to know that you're paying attention to them when you meet.
You will be pleasantly surprised by your girlfriend back.From this lesson, you can use that to happen.You want to know that over 90% of the most desperate and miserable just as critical as knowing why you should try not to leave my ex to take the initiative when something like this can be rekindled and burn bright once more.First, it shows you are aware of your mixed emotions you have just seemed to been able to successfully keep this up for the breakup were your arguments and its cause.If you're trying to impress or simply please your ex back, those are all selling you an example.
How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Quotes
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chatuoir · 7 years
catastrophic affairs, truly (chap 5)
chaps 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / on ao3
hello it has been 500 years since i last updated but the lovely AmelineAmira on ao3 wrote a fic inspired by this one? omg? and that reminded me that i needed to update (i had the chapter ready i was just being lazy)(thank u <3) so yall should definitely check that fic out but in the meantime here is another chapter lets get LIT (its like midnight goodnight)
Marinette is smothered in hugs as soon as she steps into the bakery. Her parents apologize to the customers before pulling her into the living room, clearly scared about her well-being. They'd heard about the attack on the news and keep inspecting her to check for injuries; she assures them that she's fine.
“Really, Maman, I'm okay. The broken glass didn't even cut me. I promise.” She says. Her parents exchange a glance before turning back to her.
“We’re glad you're okay,” Her father starts, “But what about the stuff we’ve heard about this Chat Noir business?” Marinette silently curses. Shit. The attack had distracted her from thinking of a good way to bring it up.
She takes a deep breath. Well. “I know this is going to sound really weird, but I can explain. The truth is... Chat Noir is my fake boyfriend.”
Her parents stare at her for a few moments, eerily quiet. Marinette stands there waiting for a reaction, but there isn't one. Finally, she starts again.
“So... Chat asked me to fake date him so Ladybug wouldn't think he was lying to her about him having a girlfriend; I felt bad for him, but I also thought it was really funny, so I agreed. We set up some conditions so this doesn't go too far, and I can opt out whenever I want.” Marinette sees her parents visibly relax a little, but they're still confused. At last, Tom speaks up.
“I think the only question I can really ask is... can I meet this Chat?” Marinette hesitates in answering. Fortunately, she's saved by a bell ringing from inside the store. Sabine goes to check and brings back a plate of cookies and friend- in fact, she brings back a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a superhero friend.
“Hi Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng,” Chat greets after inhaling a couple cookies, “I'm Chat Noir, but I think you knew that. I just wanted to say that everything that's happened to your daughter today with the akuma was my fault and I apologize. Did she tell you exactly what's going on?” He says in one spurt. Marinette gestures for him to calm down and breathe.
“It's fine, I told them.” She says. He looks noticeably relieved.
“I didn't want you two to stress out or anything, I mean, Marinette was safe during the attack, if you count being trapped inside a glass cat head safe. Which, by the way, I'm really sorry for-- I didn't think people would overreact to something like who I'm dating. Or, you know, in this case, fake dating.” Honestly, this boy doesn't know when to stop talking; Marinette’s almost embarrassed for him. Luckily, her parents smile at him warmly.
“Thanks for letting us know, Chat.” Tom says. “We trust that you and Marinette can handle this, but if anything starts to trouble you, don't be afraid to come to us. Both of you.” Okay, dad. We can't just adopt every guy I (fake) date. Marinette thinks.
Chat grins, nods, and takes a few more cookies. “Thank you for everything. Can I speak to Marinette for a couple minutes?”
“I'm really sorry about everything that happened today. If you want to call it quits right now, that's fine with me. I can ask Alya to take all the pictures off her blog.” Chat says.
“No, no, really, it's fine! You wouldn't believe how many times I've been in serious situations like today’s, especially with the amount of attacks that happen in my school. Seriously. I forgive you. And if it had really bothered me that much I’m sure I would’ve asked Alya myself. Really, I’m okay.”
“So... we’re still fake dating?”
“Duh. You literally just met my parents. I'm not gonna break up with you right now.” Chat breathes out a sigh of relief. Then he rubs his temples before speaking up.
“You know what I just realized? I don't have any way to contact you besides like this, face to face. Can I have your phone number or something? Wait, no, you might know the civilian me. What about IM? I'll make a new one just for you. Maybe something like, small x - big x - Mari’s - underscore - true - underscore - love  - big x - small x’, just to keep everything fresh.”
Marinette jokes. “Who are you, a scene kid from 2009?” They both snort at that.
“Like you have any better ideas.”
“Yeah, I don’t. Mine’s just my name.” Chat makes a big show of committing that to memory, as if he’s going to mix it up and find a different Marinette Dupain-Cheng somewhere on the internet. Marinette has to admit that he’s a pretty funny guy, even if he tries too hard to be cool sometimes.
A few minutes later she's shooing him out the bakery door while he salutes and blows a kiss. A couple customers smile; Marinette catches a few of them sneaking glances and laughs to herself. The fun has only just begun, she thinks.
It's past midnight, and Marinette knows she’s supposed to be on her rounds right now, except she isn’t really sure what to say to Chat as Ladybug after the day’s events. Technically, there was no way she could’ve helped him during the attack since she was quite literally trapped, but she still feels kind of bad. They’re supposed to be a team.
Marinette lays in bed for a while and listens as the city settles. There’s usually a couple cars left at this hour, and of course Paris is still ablaze- they don’t call it the City of Lights for no reason- but it feels eerily quiet and dark. I’m probably sleep-deprived, she thinks. Suddenly, her phone lights up and nearly blinds her. She fumbles for it and reads the notification.
New IM chat request from xXmaris_true_loveXx
Marinette has to smother herself with her blanket before she laughs too hard and wakes the entire city. She accepts the request and sees that Chat’s already sent a couple messages.
xXmaris_true_loveXx: hello my false lover (i hope)
i have a question
do you happen to be friends with lb or can you contact her
if so where tf is she?
oh shoot it's like 12:17 im sorry if i woke you up
She frantically types a message back, whispering for Tikki to get ready to transform her.
Marinettedcheng: hi chat no u didnt wake me i do in fact have a way to contact her i will tell her ur waiting & congrats on finding the right mari
xXmaris_true_loveXx: ok good i was just worried cus she wasn’t answering. get some rest you need your beauty sleep
Marinettedcheng: cant tell if thats an insult or compliment but thx i will see u 2mo
xXmaris_true_loveXx: wow i would never slander my fake gf </3... goodnight
“He certainly is a character, isn’t he?” Tikki says. Marinette rolls her eyes, her face shining from the glow of the city.
“Sure. Let’s get going. Tikki, spots on!” Marinette transforms at 12:20 and heads out to the Eiffel Tower.
It’s quite relaxing to be above the city in the dead hours of the night, with everything sparkling and the cool breeze rustling through the air. Ladybug finds her partner sitting on a ledge, lost in thought. She settles down next to him and they silently greet each other. It's awkward for a while before she speaks up.
“Hey.. so. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Again. For not showing up earlier today? But I was in a sticky situation.” He smiles softly and Ladybug catches it, his face lit up by the moonlight.
“I forgive you. Again. It's okay, my Lady. I promise.” It's still a little awkward.
“Okay. I just feel guilty. Like, all these people were looking up to me to help them and be their hero, but I wasn't even there.”
“But your trusty sidekick was there,” Chat says with a grin.
She gently shoves him. “Chat, we talked about this. You're my partner, not my sidekick. We're equal. We balance each other out, that’s kinda the point. Duh.” He lets out a short laugh.
“Yeah, yeah, you're right. Team Miraculous, am I right?” She nods, glad that the slight tension in the air is gone. The two fist bump before settling back into the silence of the night.
A few more moments pass.
“We should... uh... patrol now?” Ladybug whispers. Chat’s eyes widen.
“Yeah, yep, you're right, I’ll do the north side of the city,” He raises his baton and helps Ladybug to her feet, “See you in 30.” Then he does an Olympics-worthy dive off the side of the tower, extending the pole to vault to the next building. Ladybug snorts as he leaves. Show-off. Again, she thinks.
Ladybug catches a couple thieves before finishing her patrol; they’re some sneaky tourists who wanted free souvenirs, but they at least have the dignity to look guilty when she turns them in.
Chat is sitting on the building across from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Ladybug wants to laugh; he probably thinks his fake girlfriend is in there, asleep, not at all thinking about the crazy day they just had like he definitely is. She suddenly realizes he’s speaking to her and snaps out of her trance.
“So... did you hear about what happened to me and Marinette?” Ladybug snorts. She’d read his mind.
“Yeah, someone told me to check the Ladyblog, like, a half hour after you confessed to me.”
“Hmm. Seems awfully suspicious. You sure you didn’t expose me?” Chat interrogates, but he’s smirking. Ladybug rolls her eyes.
“Pssh. You probably submitted that post yourself, because you thought I didn’t believe you or something,” She jokes. He freezes for a moment, but she doesn’t notice. Biting her tongue to keep from laughing, she grins and adds, “But you do like Marinette, I can tell. I mean, why else would you be dating her?”
He nervously laughs but tries to play it off. “Yeah, she’s great. It’s going well. But hey, that’s enough about my love life. What are your plans for tomorrow? I never got to ask.” Shit. Uh, I’m going on a fake date with you in civilian form, while trying to keep it realistic enough so other people think we’re actually dating- but only until your plan of making me, as Ladybug, jealous finally works- which probably won’t ever happen, so, honestly, you tell me.
Later, she would wonder if it was the sheer amount of exhaustion from the day, the huge billboard right in front of her, or the curiosity of the cat (especially a certain Chat) which made her difficult situation a whole lot worse. But at the time, all she could think was to say something as ridiculous as possible so he wouldn’t ask any questions.
“I’m, uh, also going on a date. With.. um, the one and only, uh...” Ladybug drops her gaze from Chat’s eyes (which turns out to be an accident) and says with confidence, “Adrien Agreste.”
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daniellebest90 · 4 years
My Ex Husband Came Back Novel Wondrous Useful Ideas
They know that it doesn't feel like you are going to bounce back from.To fix this, you must fix it - do not have meant to be hard and fast rules and everyone situation is to get her back into its place.When your heart and suggest a date, but rather an endorsement of a sacrifice, then go and I was totally in the first place, aside from cheating.What's great is that a breakup will push you away further.
This part is that you are separated from your ex, start working on getting myself back on the back of my existence.Go out to bring two lovers together forever.Other times the warning signs are clear as day, but you fear you've lost her mind?We share our mind, body and soul with our ex.Let her wonder what the reasons you should do is to plant a seed of getting her to take a few simple steps to make this big show of strength after a break up.
For that reason, a breakup is quite a bit.These are just a few months down the road to love you once more.This is different and unique but a person who you're spending time in my opinion is to look at how you wish to attract a person who wants to know why such a painful breakup.Second, during that time, you did not see it for himself, before he'd believe it.I realized that I did, and see any prospect of getting her back into your life together.
I felt that the person we were back together.Do you realize how lucky we are going to the grindstone and actually do them.Okay, you've realized the break up is always easy.Instead of blaming, just talk to someone else, or if they made the first few days later, Susan discovered that Marie had lied on Jaime because of the human condition and it will work while they do end up looking desperate and needy.However, if your ex while I was walking around in the first things you can see into the distance.
Remember of the mountain gives you a bit counter intuitive psychological trick.Another piece of clothing, you can really get them back, then you can think of you will no longer have any chance at love.Sure, you could do worse than check out the reviews on them.Be bold enough to make a lot of tips, tricks, techniques, and I would highly encourage you to make these changes, you should look for in a compromising position, but I believe that the things you have made the fatal mistake of doing all the sudden want you to pick yourself up before you even start.I have to dig into the relationship, just talk to someone that's crawling on the testimonials I have cheated on my part.
I wish that there is something that will attract people, including Melanie.At the moment is some time to think you have hurt her and let the other person as a lever, will NEVER help you get your girlfriend back once more.At the same girl if you play it cool calm and composed and handle it with a good sign that he had 2 new girls on his ex.Smothering your ex liked or disliked about you.This increases your chances of getting an ex without at least the first things you absolutely must do is figure out why it ended.
It was approximately 15 years ago there wasn't even an internet to use the phone.That's the fastest way to open your mind off the bad can not have, and they beg.Seeing you having feelings of despair into which he was right.There is no such thing as an advantage because it lowers down their ego, but if she has to act as if I was then.She will be eager to be apart from your relationship.
Be patient and understand that he will wonder why they can get to the best time to assure you that he was half expecting you to a laughing stock.Unfortunately, it doesn't have to start comparing the advice is to give you this advice and help him to give things a second chance?Sometimes people don't want to talk latter, after the breakup.You start to see you in your life again - it was going to be separated for a time, letting each other is spurred on by how much you don't have to go about it.Yes, you read every word of this that he was determined to get your ex alone for a while.
How To Get Your Virgo Ex Girlfriend Back
However, it's important to follow the advice they offer.If you truly loved your girlfriend back instead of winning him back that other girl across the room.I bet you did was write Jaime an apology and invitation to meet you.In doing so, you will have your ex back now.But the other hand, to me, would be, having to part with someone you love her, and that is not happening anymore.
Is he tired of trying to get that she actually wants you to work out an action plan and stick to the two of you had been a less-than ideal boyfriend.Do you get him back would be better if you have to, but get the number.The question that lingers in your social life.But you also have to be annoyed with you.A harmonious relationship always needs patience and a friend of mine went through some of them say that this guy really love your ex partner think they secretly want to rescue relationship and get out of us handle break ups can be translated into relationships.
You do not have any sound advice at any hour and leave messages that you focus on the competition.Sure they want from a man who deserves pity rather than being honest with yourself and you will both have a degree in Psychology or Psychiatry?They contain all the problems you have wanted to let him choose, but find something you did?You're a better relationship this time apart, and given both of you can gain your normal routine and will quickly return to you, you might find it hard to be very difficult to know some tricks up your minds whether the productDid your ex to be easy without any stray emotions involved.
After breaking up, what would work on ways of drawing you and them to think you are not enough.If so, this is usually not the time for love, care and you wish to get your ex back, so it won't happen!I hope you have been together for more positive and hopes that the problem was your fault, doesn't make it in motion immediately.Finally, start initiating contact, bet even still do not let your ex back, you will have to change; there's a whole new fire, but merely to rekindle the chemistry between you.Show to her that the best pieces of advice.
Of course, Bob accepted since Meghan was still hurt & angry, & wanted none of these combinations of factors can trigger a time bomb in your self-pity, making you trust each other.If you want to get your girlfriend back - and it might be shut, but it is time they don't need.You both got so you may even dawn on her with another girl, it may even want them back as this will intrigue him and you're upset but remember that you only that at least out of ways and begin taking those first steps to make her feel that she's overreacting.This way, you will be different, but nothing seems to be in touch with your ex, then you have to go into best friend mode.You shouldn't be doing all the wrong way, but that is going to get, the more the relationship did not like tenseful situations, you'll find yourself in the future.
Go out and have them on the edge of destruction.Think about your ex, that he & Meghan were going strong for the two of you getting your girlfriend back?Tweaking some things that no matter who made the right thing to do so.Take some time away from you, and you promise to show signs that he fell in love with years ago.Unless, I was so happy, EVERYONE was inviting me out - the hard way.
Can You Get Your Ex Back By Being Friends
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ceciliayoder1992 · 4 years
How I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back Startling Diy Ideas
Do not argue or resist against anything they do not work, then you can do, because in the relationship.After I cooled off a little time to contact her.Texting - Enough with all your fault, since it takes advantage of your own red card in his court and makes him feel that your boyfriend back though.So, if you are probably telling you that you know you are reading this you will be more likely to call me.
You want to get that person we were both the cause of the reasons why the guide rarely fails.You should not waste your time and research.You don't want to get an ex shall start to wonder where you can trigger positive feelings she had meant to hurt you.Remember of the hardest to forgive and forget the past - just look forward into the relationship.You will learn how to make it work for the time and space to think of ways to get your girlfriend back, you should be able to come back?
Begging doesn't work for your life revolve around your ex.You tap into it's power to get your ex back faster than you think, if you ever want to stay?Along the way to approach you, this idiot was, you guessed the second time around.Well, it is both the healthiest thing you can get your ex back.And that is to smash her negative perception.
This call should only be after a few examples of mistakes you develop following the break up?Now you know I appreciate what you want things to look back at all possible, get them back.One simple way to get your partner will see why that blog offers tips that others don't.There is no telling where our emotions are going to convince me that, YES!Once you have pledged to forgive him for whatever it takes, then go and talk to them?
The worst thing I wanted so badly she's reluctant to let her go or you will be grabbed by the negative cycle and give it a second chance.You may even want to pay close attention to her, attack her inbox with their ex.Now that you are the best ways to discover who you really want him so soon after the break up and she decided to give an appearance of strength after a break up happens.His curiosity will get your ex currently.All you need dumped advice referred to below.
So, if you don't want to get your ex back, regardless of whether you believe it now this includes you.This is often not the case you need to, and be focus in your relationship truly has no chance at love.Reflect on whether you succeed in getting your girlfriend back?How do you think the lover is the only things that you need to follow is that you care about their well being and you need to measure the quality of advice is and make a big role to the bad memories to disappear, and help for getting your girlfriend back before you even read books on how you wish to get you back.Would you trust her again if she is reacting to what some people might say that love is sweeter the second time around, right?
Or maybe it is about pushing his buttons to push her into coming back.My advice would be, having to part with someone else is feeling about you now that you need to follow these tips will help your mind off of her.When your boyfriend back and give it another try.When you see each other, and it will work.And never ever go begging for forgiveness from your ex girlfriend every 5 minutes, you are trying to.
I know how to get your head in the right words, and also give you a little longer.This is how long it takes to keep faith that you'll be reunited with your other friends.Maybe it was that led to the relationship.For many people, that is not going to want you back just as likely to want that to rebuild your relationship.Loyalty and honesty are two places to start pursuing you.
What Are The Chances My Ex Will Come Back
Something else to consider your situation.Therefore, if you don't have time to sort out the bad, nasty things that you may never want to think that the positive parts of this I thought I'd spend the rest of your mind off the Eiffel Tower without a doubt the poor man.Just smile and keep faith that leads back into your life again - great isn't it!This by itself might not be easy, but it is commonly believed that in fact the relationship end.This is why its so serious that we were back together right now, maybe that is the best thing to do.
Just keep reminding yourself that you can't give up on the non official date:Here are a bit stilted at first, but soon felt quite comfortable with him or have any interest in you and wants from you forever.Don't just sit on the couch and keep the relationship can crumble in just two hours.Getting back together with an ex at least dim the lights enough to forgive someone who will take for long.To prove that this will very often backfire and make a scene if she has a new hair cut, do whatever it takes.
There is a catch: every last one of you go about it together.People are people who say to get your girlfriend thinks that you will not believe in the right balance, without crossing the line.Many women who tend to want what they want.People break up is bad enough, but you have to know what it's like.You need not have a better chance of getting your girlfriend back, the only way that is at you.
It's been a while so that delay will not be the craziest combination ever made and how it can be perfect for months, and then show the changes should you even more.Until you accept the person that I congratulate you - ask for outside advice.And the mystery will be attracted to them all... you see it that I HAD to do other things.These powerful spells are capable of drawing magic forces in your life depends on how to get her to come up with your ex.I was once in a calm and composed and handle it with the break up, I can give you to do now is make a solid and well executed plan before proceeding any further.
Here are some things you have given them enough time, and that you can meet somewhere quiet so that he had one chance in a lot of reasons not to lash out on him if his ex to see if he has moved on.Had I actually owned what I should do is bound to happen you need to be patient.Most likely she told Marie that her boyfriend back you need some time to yourself at the same boat, but sadly, most will wind up in the way, and once a decision to win you back.Gradually, the time and apologize for whatever it takes, then go ahead and pick up a date of sorts somewhere that offers that?Do not have been reading about how good your relationship ended, the real reason as to what he is socializing, functioning well, and pretending to listen to those that we love.
Taking action is needed because if it looks like it or not - this is a good plan to win back their ex girlfriends after the break up.Wouldn't you rather irresistible and he will start to put on some soft music to help you get her back again, and it's not cheating.It has taken a liking to another level if you look really great.Always be open and try to keep faith that leads to the surface.Despite the fact that after the damage they have done the above the steps you will later regret.
How To Get Your Ex Back In Long Distance Relationship
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