#my arm still crunches sometimes lmao
dragon-creates · 5 months
She Was Like A Sunflower
Read on AO3
UM!!! EP 2 WAS SO GOOD!!!!! GUMMI GOO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!!!!! Um yeah that's all I have to say, sorry this is late lmao. Hopefully I'll get back to a better schedule soon. Also, trigger warning for child abuse in the first few paragraphs in this chapter as it does go into detail with Jack's backstory. As always I will put (1) when it starts and (2) when it finishes. All I want is for my audience to feel safe so if this is something that you know you can't read please don't feel ashamed skipping this. Stay safe xx.
3. Seven
And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why And I think you should come live with Me and we can be pirates Then you won't have to cry - Seven by Taylor Swift
“Jack! Jack! Get out here you little shit!”
A five-year-old boy whimpered at the loud voice, crouching behind a garden shed in the backyard. He held his breath, begging for the voice not to find him. In his arms he held a small, trembling baby rabbit, its nose twitching in panic as they hid.
“You can’t hide forever Jack!”
The young boy had come home from school, wanting to get into the house and not bother anyone. He had to be good, he will be good! But sometimes, good didn’t seem to be enough. Even when he was ‘good’ they still hurt him…
That was when he saw Luke, kicking a baby rabbit in the front yard. The poor thing was limping, it had probably wandered too far from its mama, now Luke was torturing it for his own amusement. He begged Luke to stop, to do something else, but the teenager had gripped his face and growled at the child to mind his own business. Jack didn’t know why he did it, maybe it was a reflex from the sudden fright he felt, but he kicked Luke in the stomach, leaving the older boy winded. There was nothing but red-hot rage in Luke’s eyes, that’s how Jack knew how much trouble he was really in.
So he picked up the rabbit, ran through the house and out into the back garden, now he was here. He heard Luke’s footsteps on the grass. Jack held his breath, forcing himself to not make any sudden noise. The seconds were achingly long, his heart pounding against his chest as he tried to hear if Luke was approaching or not. The footsteps stopped, Jack squeezed his eyes shut, as though this were all a nightmare and he would be waking up soon.
Unfortunately he was very much awake when a hand grabbed him by the hair and through him onto the open ground, forcing him to drop the baby rabbit. “You think you can get away with that?! Huh?!” Luke mocked, kicking the boy in the stomach as Jack let out a cry. “Come on! Finish what you started!”
“I’m sorry Luke! I’m sorry!” Jack wailed as the teen kicked him in the knees. “It was an accident!”
Luke paused, a sadistic grin creeping on his face as a vile idea came to mind, “Accident? Heh, I’ll show you an accident.”
His eyes darted to the baby rabbit still limping on the ground and marched towards it. Jack looked up from the ground, pushing himself up as he scanned the grass for the rabbit. It was only when he heard a crunch and a distressed squeak did his heart plummet to the pit of his stomach. Luke stomped on the little rabbit over and over again, little squeals leaving it as it writhed in pain. “No!” Jack cried, trying to stand despite his aching limbs. “Luke, stop it! Please, stop!”
Luke ignored him, continuing his attack on the poor creature. Jack tried to stand as quick as he could, the blood rushing to his head as he swayed on his feet. By the time he was fulling standing it was too late. There was nothing left of the rabbit but a mangled corpse and a manic sneer on Luke’s face. The blond teen turned to the young boy, shrugging as it he only flicked a piece of dust off his shirt, “What? It was just an accident?”
Suddenly, Jack didn’t feel the lightness in his head anymore. He squeezed his fists, a rush of adrenaline rushing through his veins as he screamed, running to Luke and tackling him to the ground. The blond wasn’t expecting this reaction, letting out a screech as he felt sharp nails scratch across the skin on his face.
“How dare you!” Jack screamed, not ceasing. “He did nothing to you! Why did you kill him?!” There were stains of red, Luke grunted as he tried to stop the scratching but Jack’s hands were too fast for him to catch. “I hate you!”
When Luke finally caught one of Jax’s hands, did clarity start to fill the young boy, along with the fearful dread. He tried to run, but Luke’s grip was firm and bruising as he stood up. With his other hand, his fingertips tapped against the blood on his face, inspecting it closely. A small chuckle left the blonde, lacking humour and filled with nothing but bad intentions. And little Jack had nowhere to run and no chance to hide now.
“Luke, please don’t do this,” Jack whimpered, trying to pull away from the older boy’s hold on his upper arm.
“Too late,” Luke hissed, his head turning back to the large, ivory house. “DAD! MOM! COME SEE WHAT JACK DID!”
Jack’s blood ran cold. Luke was already a bitter, vile person, but even bad people had to learn their behaviour from somewhere. As for Luke, he had received it from his parents. The only people – other than Luke – Jack feared the most, “Luke, I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”
But his cries fell on deaf, ignorant ears. Two adults rushed out the house, a man and women in their mid-forties with scowls that seemed to be printed onto their faces. Luke’s parents, the ones who had also adopted Jack.
The woman let out a sharp, horrified gasp, “You! What did you do to my son?!”
“Little bastard attacked me out of nowhere,” Luke threw the child forward, making him fall forward and land on his palms.
Jack barely had any time to gather himself before a rough hand grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and lifted him up. Luke’s father glared at him, a cigarette hanging up his lips as Jack tried to not breathe any of the smoke being forced down his nostrils. “You think I accept that behaviour in my house?!” He glowered.
“I-I’m sorry sir!” Jack wailed. “But he killed that bunny! He stomped on it till it couldn’t move! I just wanted to protect him!”
“All this over a stupid rabbit?!” The foster mother screeched. “You’re nothing but a little monster! Hurting my boy over a useless rodent!”
Jack’s eyes widened at what she had said. How cold and callous her words were. How she devalued the life of an innocent creature who couldn’t take care of itself. He turned his gaze to Luke, the boy holding a t-shirt his mother fished from the laundry basket and held it to his face. He was still grinning, blood staining his teeth, looking more like the monster that his mother was talking about.
“Get in!” The man growled, dragging the boy into the house again. Jack grunted as his feet scrapped against the ground with the sudden, harsh movement, feeling Luke’s eyes on him as the blonde’s father kept pulling him.
He didn’t stop until the boy was pushed into the kitchen and the door was slammed shut behind him. The man’s grip moved from the back of his shirt to his foreman, nearly cutting off the child’s circulation.
He took the cigarette out of his mouth, “This is what happens to little brats who act out of line.”
Jack gasped, the realisation of why they went inside finally setting in. His foster father didn’t want to risk any prying eyes, any witnesses to see what he was about to do next.
Jack struggled, trying to escape, but the man struck him across the face, his ring leaving a mark in the child’s delicate skin.
The cigarette moved closer to his arm, the young boy crying and writhing. The blunt hadn’t even touched him yet somehow he could already feel it.
The flaming end met his skin.
And Jack’s scream echoed throughout the empty house.
Jax gasped, sitting up straight in his bed as he clutched his hand to his chest. He scanned the surroundings, even putting a hand to his forearm to feel for any scarring. His breathing slowed, relief settling when he saw that he was in his own room, and that there were no scars to be found. Just an armful of purple fur instead.
He felt a body stir next to him, Pomni had the blankets tucked around her like a cocoon. Jax didn’t mind, he got too warm most nights anyway. He settled back down, sliding and arm round her waist and pulled her close. He felt her chest against his, rising and falling with each breath. He matched his own with hers, letting it calm his racing heart. His eyes began to droop when he heard a small voice.
“Did you have a nightmare?” Pomni asked, peering up at him with sleepy eyes.
Jax sighed, he promised not to lie to her and he wasn’t going back on it now or ever, “Yeah, I did.”
“Are you okay? You wanna talk about it?” She attempted to sit up. He patted his hand against her waist, reassuring her that she was fine where she was.
“It was about my old foster family,” he told her. “Way before I met Winter.”
“Oh, babe,” she tucked her head under his chin, snuggling close. “You didn’t deserve anything that they put you through. I’m so sorry that you had to relive that in your head.”
“There’s nothing you gotta apologise for,” Jax kissed the top of her forehead. “Honestly, I don’t think about them a lot anymore. I know that sounds ironic cause of Luke confronting me back then. But they don’t mean anything to me, they don’t matter…but you do, more than anything.
He felt her lips smile against his chest, pressing a small kiss next to his heart, “You mean more than anything to me too.”
Jax pulled her closer again, feeling his eyes fluttering shut as sleep came for him once again, “Thanks little lady.”
“I am not a little lady,” she mumbled causing him to chuckle, his voice vibrating against her ear.
The nightmare was at the back of his mind, his eyes gazing on the small jester curled up beside him. Luke didn’t matter anymore, his old foster family didn’t matter anymore. Thinking of them never did anything good for him, there was no need to focus on his past when his future was right next to him. He would talk about them if the situation occurred, he didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of secrets, but Pomni was all that mattered. And that was okay.
With one last sigh, he pressed a kiss to her forehead, joining her in a peaceful, blissful sleep. His dreams for the rest of the night were filled with the smiles of a certain brunette.
Another day, another adventure. Everyone already had the same shared opinion of Caine’s adventures, but one of the worst things they all agreed on had to be mentally preparing themselves for whatever it was going to be. It was a process that had each one of them dreading for whatever Caine had created for them. Sometimes they were the most thrilling and exciting experiences they ever had, others were boring and had them wanting to go back to their quarters, but the worst ones had to be when they were left emotionally or physically scarred with the most haunting imagery that would be stuck in their minds forever. They never understood why Caine would create such adventures like those, how could he ever think they were fun?
Jax shuddered, hoping for at least a boring adventure instead of the awful third option. He turned to Pomni – who was busy talking to Ragatha – he definitely didn’t want her dealing with that type of adventure. She had already been through enough as it is. He knew that they were to keep a low profile, but he also knew that Caine was unpredictable. Whatever adventure was chosen, he was going to stick as close to Pomni as he could. The last time they were separated she nearly…
“Good morning my superstars!” Caine beamed, a juxtaposition to the circus members sleepy and dreary attitude. “Don’t I have just the perfect adventure for all of you today!”
“Wow, such a surprise,” Jax grumbled under his breath. The jingle of Pomni’s giggle at his sentence made him smile, making sure it was hidden from Caine.
The pair of dentures didn’t seem to notice, simply continuing with his speech, “I know you all miss your old lives as boring humans, so being the gracious ringmaster that I am, I decided to base our new adventure around one of your earthly activities I heard one of you mumble about – though I can’t seem to remember who said it.”
Everyone gawked at that. Caine so rarely laid any notice or curiosity to what the outside world was like, stuck in a firm belief that the circus was the greatest place to ever reside in. This was the first time that he mentioned basing an activity on the real world, what could he even imagine what said activity involved? But more importantly, what activity did he pick?
“I’ve done the amount of research that I felt bothered to do and created this!” With a snap of his fingers, there was a flash of light and the walls of the tent disappeared. Each member blinked, rubbing their eyes from the sudden bright light. When the brightness faded, they let out a small gasp at the scene around them.
An orange sunset, tall and long hedges and miles upon miles of fresh golden corn. Caine had created a cornfield maze. Other than the vegetable, Jax felt a tingling familiarity at the sight of the maze, the memories of falling asleep with a certain jester and dreaming about his best memories of his past in a place just like this. He looked to Pomni, she seemed to be having the same familiar feeling too. She turned her head to him, her eyes twinkling and her smile sweet. He returned it with the same warmth.
“Your goal is simple!” Caine interrupted the couple’s train of thought. “It will be a race between each one of you! Whoever collects the most corn by the end of the adventure wins…oh I actually haven’t thought about that. Um, what do humans usually win at these things?”
“Oh, well it ranges from a lot of different things,” Ragatha piped up. “It could range from prize ribbons, stuffed toys, sometimes even food. Something that most people can enjoy!”
Caine hummed, tapping a finger against the bottom of his jaw, as though he were deep in thought about a life changing matter rather than a prize for a silly game, “Aha! I’ve got it! The prize can be…water! Everyone likes water! Right?”
Ragatha cringed, not surprised in the slightest from his answer, “Sure Caine.”
“Well then, I’ll you all to get started superstars!” the ringmaster grinned, about to snap his fingers. “Oh I should mention, you’re all going to be separated until all of you have found an exit! Okay, bye!”
“Wait, what?!” Pomni paled, but her question was cut short but the familiar snap of Caine’s fingers.
Jax whipped round, his heart pounding. No, no, no! He promised her he would stay! He promised to protect her! He let his feet run as fast as they would take him, not letting the red and blue woman leave his sight for a moment. But she was quickly replaced by green, towering hedges covered with the yellow vegetable he had to collect.
Jax begin to pant heavily, panic filling him from head to toe. Would she be alright? They hadn’t left each other’s sides ever since they got their memories back, too afraid to let go as if they were afraid this were only another hope filled dream. Was she alright being on her own? What is something happened to her?
He took a breath, smoothing his hands over his ears until they sprung back up, picking up the basket placed next to him. Curse Caine and his sudden stupid rules. It didn’t matter, all he had to do was pick a few pieces of corn and find an exit. Maybe he would run into Pomni as well? Yeah, that’s what he had to focus on. Finding Pomni.
He plucked a piece of the edge, placing it inside the brown woven basket before walking down the path. He would find Pomni…
He will find Pomni.
Knock, knock
“Come in!” a woman’s voice called through the door.
Riley’s wrapped her hand around the knob of the captain’s office door, with it creaking as it slowly swung open. A slender woman with warm, dark skin and brown locs sat at a table, reading through the files on her desk. Ever since Penny and Jack’s disappearance, it had thrown their entire case for a loop. But that was part of the reason why Riley was here.
“How can I help you Agent Reed?” she asked, looking up briefly before returning her attention to the papers.
“Good afternoon ma’am,” Riley stood straight, hands clasped together in front of her. The perfect picture of professionalism. “I’ve just come to receive a warrant to do a search.”
“State the place and case Reed, and I’ll see what I can do,” Rae nodded, sifting through the dozens of notes.
Riley bit her lip, praying this would work, “C&A industries ma’am, for the Penny Reed and Jack Bloom cases.”
Rae paused, the silence was somehow more deafening than Riley ever imagined it could be. The captain placed the papers down, looking back up at red-haired woman, “Weren’t you there a while ago for your case? Something about seeing if a possible witness was involved somehow?”
“Yes ma’am,” Riley nodded. “And I believe that he might be right. Which is why I’m requesting the warrant.”
“It’s also funny that you mention the case for your sister and Mr Bloom,” said Rae.
Riley raised a brow, “What do you mean?”
“We just received word this morning that the files for the missing persons cases that were related to C&A went missing. I was about to make an announcement but as you can see, because of the recent incidents I’ve become more swamped with paperwork that usual,” Rae sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Riley cringed, “It’s really become that bad?”
“Since Jack Bloom was connected to C&A, it’s opened a whole pipeline,” Rae told her. “Apparently, the company is extremely defensive with being accused of these sorts of things, and it’s not the first time someone disappeared on their property on in relation to them. However we haven’t found any proof that they were involved, so we’re still stuck in limbo until we find something to shut them down.”
“That’s why I’m asking for this warrant ma’am. There might be a chance that C&A have these files,” Riley explained. “Some of the cases had this company involved before, right? Not all, but some? Maybe this could be a good chance to see how they were connected to C&A?”
“You sure you got the right plan for this, Reed?” Rae questioned, raising a brow. Her tone was stern but not demeaning in the slightest. “C&A have a pretty tight record. One slip from us and they’ve got lawyers, attorneys, everything coming after us.”
“As long as we have the warrant, we have the right to say we’re allowed to be there,” Riley said. “I’m not going into this blind ma’am, I’ve got a plan and I know what I’m doing.”
“It’s not that I doubt you Riley, but I do know that this case is personal to you. Since it’s your sister going missing as well,” Rae took note of how the redhead tried not to stiffen up at the mention of her sister. “I just don’t want you going into this with wool over your eyes. I’ve been seeing how you and Winter come into work sometimes. Both of you would never stop grinning and smiling at one another, now it looks like you two have become strangers. I don’t want these cases getting to you to the point where you feel like you’re losing yourselves.”
Riley crossed her arms over her chest, gazing down to the floor as though she were a child being scolded. Every time she saw Winter’s face - downed and saddened from the past few months - she wanted nothing more than to kiss every inch of it. She knew Winter wasn’t ignorant to her attempts to avoid anything that attached Penny’s name to it, like retracting a hand from touching a burning flame. But she saw how it was affecting Winter. She knew that she was only trying to help, yet Riley kept turning away, kept refusing any conversation about how she was feeling. It was making things worse, she knew that. Yet the fear of watching Winter tear herself apart from grief and pain had imprinted itself on her mind, and she just couldn’t muster the courage to try and talk to her wife.
One day Riley promised herself, one day I’ll say something. Just…not now.
“Everything is fine ma’am,” she reassured Rae. “These cases are stressful, but not impossible.”
Rae hummed under her breath, fiddling with her ring finger before saying, “Okay, I’ll send to you later today. You better know what you’re doing.”
Riley grinned, a sigh of relief escaping her, “I do ma’am.”
She gave a quick nod to her superior, turning on her heel and grabbed the door handle before Rae called her one last time, “Riley.” The redhead faced her boss again. “I’m serious, be careful with this. C&A aren’t to be taken lightly.”
The captain’s voice was stoic, serious, holding deep truth that Riley was slightly nervous to ask about. But she knew that Rae was right, they had to be careful with this. “I will ma’am.”
With that, she walked out the office, straightening her blazer. She whipped her phone out of her pocket, typing quickly once it was in her hands.
I got the warrant Samual
Be ready
Riley had told her to wait, just until things were set in stone. But Amber had never felt so restless in her life. Here she was, waiting in her living room by her old computer, with both of her daughters out of reach. Was this really what was expected of her to do? Nothing? For god’s sake! Penny was trapped inside a literal video game and she was supposed to wait?! How could any mother simply do that without complaint?!
Amber groaned, burying her face in her hands before standing and walking to the kitchen. She at least had to do something to keep her mind busy, maybe some tea would help. After all, if she had anymore coffee she was sure she would only get more agitated. She opened the cupboards, her eyes roaming each corner before landing on a familiar yellow box. She reached her hand in to fish it out, sighing with slight melancholy when she saw what type of tea it was.
Chamomile, Penny’s favourite.
Penny who completed half of Amber’s heart with Riley. Penny who wanted others to see the best in themselves when they weren’t able to do so. Penny who had gone through hardship after hardship only to end up in a place that forced her away from her family and into a state of terror.
No. Amber wasn’t going to stand by. She slammed the box onto the counter and marched out the kitchen and up the stairs into the hallway. She could figure out a way to help, even if it was just a little bit. When she made it up the stairs, she reached up to a little strong connected to a trapdoor on her roof, pulling on it carefully as a ladder slid down.
Amber couldn’t remember the last time she had been up the attic, it had seemed it had been decades ago since she stored the last childhood memory of the girls up here. But it held what she needed with the plan in her head. She climbed up the ladder, poking her head up through the trapdoor as coughed from the leftover dust from the wooden floorboards. It had definitely been a while since she had been up here. She lifted herself up inside, taking out her phone to turn on her flashlight. Despite the length of time, she knew where everything was placed and kept in here. Time to get to work.
In a few minutes, Amber had packed a box full of long-lost belongings way back from her time, hopefully it was what she needed as she climbed down the ladder and shut the trapdoor. She made her way back downstairs, placing the box on the coffee table once she was in the living room. She placed her hands on her hips, where would she start? She peered down at the box, filled to the brim with gadgets, old software and objects that she and the girls used to use in a time where technology wasn’t so advanced. She picked up a walkie talkie and a string of fairy lights, perhaps she could start with that. Amber had a long way to go, but still, at least she wasn’t waiting anymore.
She just hoped that this would work a little bit, as long as it helped bring Penny home.
Pomni sighed as she picked up another piece of corn, placing it in her basket. She did panic when she was separated from her fiancé and the others, but so far the adventure didn’t seem to be too hectic. Just a peaceful stroll in the fields while picking corn. She smiled, breathing in the fresh air – as fresh as simulated air could be at least. Doing this reminded her of similar activities she, her mother and sister used to do when they were younger. To get away from work, school, chaos, her father. To just have a day where they could focus on making happy memories. Well, it worked.
It almost felt normal, but…she wished this was something she was doing with Riley and her mother. Riley would lift her onto her back for a ride, despite her younger sister’s protests of not being a child anymore yet would still cling to her like a koala. Amber would be pestering the girls in a way to make them smile, perhaps picking up one of the pieces of corn and waving it like a sword as she chased her daughters.
Pomni gripped the handle of her basket, a shaky breath leaving her lips. She missed them so, so much. She just wanted to go home. She wanted to feel the waft of the warm oaky smell that hit her every time she entered her mother’s home. She wanted to be squeezed in one of Riley’s protective hugs. She wanted to explore every area of her childhood home, to make sure that each place was burned into her mind so she would never forget it ever again. “I miss you guys,” she whispered under her breath, despite the isolation of where she stood.
She shook her head, she had to get a grip. Right now she had to focus on completing this adventure so she could get back to Jax and figure out the next step of their plans. Just as she was about to reach for another piece of the vegetable, a small blue butterfly fluttered out from the leaves and stems. Pomni let out a yelp at the sudden appearance, tripping and falling back, the corn spilling out of the basket as it toppled to the ground. She kicked her feet, backing away from the bug – the last time she was near a butterfly she nearly…
She started to tremble at the memory, internally scolding herself for getting frightened by a single insect. But the feeling of the cold water forcing her down, down, down – burning her lungs as the simulated feeling of being unable to breathe wouldn’t leave her brain. Her chest started to heave with each panicked pant as the butterfly inched closer, fearing that it would glitch if it touched her again and send her into another spiral.
It got closer, she shut her eyes, bracing for that painful static when-
“Don’t be afraid.”
Her eyes snapped open, scanning the area. She swore she heard a voice, like it belonged to an older woman. But it was just her and the butterfly.
“It’s not going to hurt you dear,”
There it was again, “Who’s there?!”
“Just someone who wants to help.”
Pomni scoffed, disbelief curling her lips into strained smile, “How can I trust you if I can’t even see you?”
“I’m sorry. I wish you could, but the rules of this game won’t allow you to see my face. Not anymore.”
The jester raised a brow. Here was a voice, a voice so different, so foreign and unlike anything she had ever heard in the circus before. But for some reason, it didn’t seem bad to trust it. Despite it not actually being her, the voice reminded her of the soft tone her mother used to use to comfort her.
Pomni gulped, looking at the butterfly again. It was simply floating there, no threat lingering in the slightest. Maybe, just maybe. She lifted her hand, her face cringing as she turned away, shoulders stiffening in case that glitch did happen. The tiny feet of the bug landed on her finger. Nothing. No pain, no glitch, just the butterfly resting there as it waited for the jester to make her next move.
She opened her eyes, she was okay. She looked up, trying to detect where that voice came from, “Thank you.” It felt silly, sitting in the dirt as she called out for someone she couldn’t see, but sillier things have happened in this circus. She looked back at the butterfly, letting it crawl across her hand, “Sorry for getting scared earlier. You seem like a friendly guy. I’m sure Kinger would like you.”
The butterfly seemed nice, and it was gentle, but why did the one from before glitch? And why was there a voice this time telling her not to be afraid? With each passing day since she got her memories back, more questions kept opening up. She stood up, picking up her basket and placing the small bug inside, “Guess we’ll need to figure you out later. Hope you don’t mind the corn, I don’t want Caine finding you just in case anything happens.”
The butterfly didn’t seem to mind, already laying down on top one of the vegetables like it was a bed. Pomni smiled, lowering the lid and continued her trail. Now this was definitely going to be an interesting story to tell Jax. She just hoped he was okay.
Jax grumbled as he hit another dead end. He had given up picking up corn a long while ago, settling for trying to find Pomni instead. But each path he took only seemed to lead him down the wrong way, as though the map of this adventure was mocking him. He gripped his ears, pulling slightly. “Easy adventure my @ss Caine,” he muttered under his breath. This was just getting tedious now.
He heard a rustle behind him, making him jump like the type of animal his avatar was. Perhaps it was one of the others? Or maybe Caine added a last-minute boss to try and make things more interesting – yet harder for them. But no, instead it was…him?
At least it looked like him, but much younger. He looked about he was no older than three, his hair shorter while wearing soft clothing stamped in little train patterns. What was going on.
“Come on sweetie!”
A new voice rung out. He looked up, a young couple came up behind the boy, reaching out their hands to him. “We have to start the maze!” the woman said, smiling at the child.
“Okay mama!” the young boy giggled, clutching his hand into hers as the wandered further into the maze.
Jax blinked, his feet trailing behind the trio. He felt like a dog on a leash going after them. Who were these people, why didn’t he remember this? Were they his…his parents? But they couldn’t be possible, his parents left him in social services ever since he was, well, the age the younger version of him here was. But then again, his earliest memory was him in a car going to his very first foster home, nothing before that.
Maybe, just maybe. They weren’t like anything like he pictured them to be, they seemed nice to younger him. Perhaps something else happened, perhaps he really used to be loved.
And so, he followed them. Tracing their lefts and rights, wherever they would go. They seemed like good people, laughing at their little boy’s antics and playing along with whatever imaginary game he came up with. He even felt himself smiling, a tear even escaping his eye at the long-lost image of the family in front of him.
Eventually they stopped, the couple sharing a look before starting down the young boy. Jax froze, what was going on? There was another rustle, a small rabbit jumping out of the stems of corn as it ran down the path. “Honey look!” the mother pointed with a grin. “What’s that?!”
“A bunny!” the little boy replied with excitement, jumping up and down on the spot. Jax’s stomach began to churn.
“It wants you to play tag with it,” the father said. “Don’t leave it waiting.”
“Okay!” the boy nodded, taking a few steps but pausing when he saw his parents weren’t following along. “Aren’t you playing as well?”
“We’ll meet you at the end of the maze,” his mother said, her tone loving despite the dread of this situation building more and more. “You’re a big boy now, I’m sure you can do it on your own.”
“Oh yeah, I can!” the young Jack looked so happy saying that, so unknowing of the true danger he was put in. “I’ll see you soon! Come back little bunny!”
He ran off, chasing the small rodent down the path. Jax shook his head, this couldn’t be happening. Why would they let a kid go off on his own?! What were they thinking. As the boy wandered further down the path, the smiles on the parents faces dropped, grief and tearful fear replacing it instead. The man placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder, rubbing it reassuringly to try and rid some of the guilt that was possibly building inside her.
She nodded to him, taking a deep breath before turning on her heel and walked away in the opposite direction of her son, her husband doing the same. Jax’s heart plummeted, “No, wait!” He cried out, but it only fell on the deaf ears of a forgotten memory. “Don’t do this! Come back!”
He turned in the other direction, that younger version of him was on his own, going after the rabbit in a wild goose chase, to never see his parents again. He chased after him, there was no way this could be true, there was no way.
He saw the boy in front of him, his small form contrasting again the setting sun in the distance. Though this time he wasn’t chasing a rabbit anymore. “Mama! Papa! Where are you!” he wailed, rubbing away tears on his chubby cheeks. “I wanna go home!”
Jax began to shake his head in disbelief, this couldn’t have happened. His parents, they really…left him.
His eyes darted back to where the boy was, but he was gone too, leaving him alone in the field. No parents, no younger him nothing. He was completely and utterly isolated. The rabbit from earlier suddenly jumped out in front of him again, making eye contact with the taller avatar. His nose twitched as the two maintained eye contact, Jax’s eyes blurring with panicked tears.
The rabbit tore off again, leaving him stunned in place, “W-wait! Where are you going!” He chased after it again, just like how his younger self did. “Why are you doing this?! What’s going on?!”
The rabbit didn’t make a noise, it only kept running. Jax did the same, his lungs burning and mind spinning with more questions building as tears streamed down his cheeks. Why was he remembering this now?! How did he even get these memories?! Why him?! Why was this happening to him?!
Why did his parents leave him behind?! Did they just not love him enough to keep him?! But they were crying! They had to have loved him, right? Otherwise they wouldn’t have done that! Or maybe they just couldn’t have them in their lives. He didn’t have a place with them, in the world outside or this world in this game. He was pathetic, useless, he deserved all the bad things that happened to him. HE DESERVED EVERY PAINFUL THING THAT CAME HIS WAY-
“GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” he screamed, his fingers pulling on the fur on his scalp.
He skidded to a halt, gawking at what was in front of him. His old foster house, where he grew up. It was tattered and broken, the complete opposite to how it looked way back when in appearance, but remained exactly the same with how it made him feel. He sniffed, his hands clutching at his chest as his heart squeezed painfully. There was a reason he was here, wasn’t it? To finally get his comeuppance for every bad deed he caused in his life. For how he acted to others in his past life, to how he treated the others in the circus, and how he hurt Penny.
The house creaked along with the stinging wind that made Jax shiver, as though it were whispering him to go inside. He should go inside.  He lifted his foot, about to take another step-
He stopped, turning back. Pomni’s voice rung out to him in the distance, “Jax! Where are you?!”
She was looking for him.
She cared about him.
She loved him.
Jax smiled, rubbing away the access tears that stained his cheeks. Maybe there was a reason for him to hurt like this, but there was also a reason to keep fighting. Pomni. He looked back to the house, the churning feeling ebbing away slowly though not fully disappearing. Perhaps forgotten things were meant to be forgotten.
He turned on his heel, running back into the maze. He had a jester to find.
The house abandoned once and for all.
“I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again,” said Samual. “This feels just like a movie.”
Riley rolled her eyes as the car pulled up to a corner near the building of C&A. She was fully aware of the déjà vu she was getting, but this time she had the proof in front of her and a case to fulfil. “You go in first and go to the room where the files are. Wait for five minutes then text me to come in,” she instructed to the boy. “If we’re gonna do this, we need to make sure that Jason doesn’t get suspicious.”
“He might be already,” Samual admitted. “After I brought you here, he’s been acting kinda funny.”
“Well we’ll just have to be as careful as we can,” Riley said. “Just do what I told you and come to me if anything happens, I’ve got your back.”
Samual exhaled, mentally preparing himself as he stared at the building ahead of him, “Alright, here goes nothing.”
He climbed out the car, making his way over and inside the tall building. Riley waited until her phone pinged before jumping out herself and making her way over. She did the usual routine of what she would do whenever she got a warrant - go in, check in with the receptionist and have free reign of her search. She took a mental note of how uneasy the receptionist looked when she saw the agent again, Samual was right about Jason being at edge since her last visit. His glass house didn’t seem to be as stable as he wanted it to be anymore.
She made her way to the elevator, checking her phone to see where Samual said he would be waiting for her as the doors shut behind her. As the elevator creaked and shifted as it lifted up, the looming hidden threat of this place started to dawn on the redhead. This company had possibly managed to cover up the disappearances of so many people for nine years, including its own CEO and his wife. And now Penny and Jack were in the belly of the beast as well.
She understood why Rae was so worried with messing up, one mistake could quite literally cost someone their life. Hers, Samual’s, her mother’s, anyone. She had to be careful. The elevator dinged, opening their doors as she stood out and saw Samual at an open door down the hall, signaling for her to come towards him.
Riley nodded, remaining as casual as possible until she reached the room and Samual shutting the door behind her. “Alright, where do we start?” Riley asked, clasping her hands together.
“It should be on this computer,” Samual told her. “Jason doesn’t like keeping stuff like that on his own computer in case he gets caught.”
“So he’d rather have someone else take the fall, how chivalrous,” Riley muttered sarcastically.
“Tell me about it,” Samual muttered. Riley looked over at him with amusement, this was the first time she actually heard him have a bit of an attitude. He sat down, cracking his fingers and rolling his neck as he logged onto the computer. “Okay, I can do this.” He pulled a bag onto his lap, the C&A logo on top as he pulled out a USB. “I snuck into his office the other day. And before you get on at me for doing it before getting the warrant, Jason was gone for the day and it was the only time in the security guards schedule where they weren’t watching his office the whole time.”
“Holy shit kid,” Riley laughed. She should be mad, really she should. But goddamn she couldn’t help but be impressed. “You have guts. So, where exactly are these files in the USB’s?”
“These USB’s have old games codes,” Samual replied. “Sometimes if we have any unfinished demos, we store information in them to make sure other competition don’t try and steal it, to put it in a place where no one would think to find.”
“And if the case files in the USBs, then Jason can carry them around wherever he wants,” Riley finished.
“Yup,” Samual sighed. “Okay, I think I know what to do here.”
In just little time, the kid had managed to open a whole different part on the USB, old coding and files appearing and scattering over the screen. Riley felt as though she had to take a step back from how intense it seemed, but Samual was unfazed a focused, still clicking and typing as though this were as simple as clicking a browser away.
“I got it,” Samual spoke up eventually, turning to Riley and holding his hand out. “You got the other one?”
“Uh, yeah,” Riley reached into her pocket, taking out another USB and placing it into Samual’s hands.
“If we take everything off this, Jason’s gonna get more suspicious,” Samual told her. “I can make copies for you to take back and from there we’ll try and figure a way to get it loaded into the game back at your mom’s place.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Riley agreed, watching him work as she glanced at the door every so often.
It felt as though hours went by, but eventually, Samual had done it. The files were copied and put into the other USB. They had done it. “We got it!” he exclaimed, a small cheer in the back of his tone.
“Looks like it,” Riley grinned, putting the USB back in her pocket. “I gotta get going, before your boss finds out what’s-”
The door slammed open, another feeling of déjà vu and piercing cold fear shooting down Riley and Samual’s backs. “What are you doing back here?!” Jason growled.
Riley sneered at him, crossing her arms as she stood in front of Samual. She wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice, “I have a warrant to check this place out since the files for our cases went missing. And since your name is the main one on Jack Bloom’s case, that means I have to search the place. AKA, doing my job.”
“What gives you the right to speak to me that way,? Jason sneered.
Riley scoffed, “Other than the fact that I’m trying to find people I care about, you don’t get to speak to me that way either.”
“Oh really?” Jason raised a brow. “I’m sure your boss will disagree.”
He stepped aside, revealing the disappointed face of Captain Rae, almost looking tired as she stepped into the room. Riley paled when another face appeared in the door – Winter. “Winter, Captain Rae, what’s going on?” Riley asked.
“We got a call from Mr Wood that you came here under the guise of a warrant to steal game codes for their rival companies,” Captain Rae sighed. “And since I’m your boss, I had to be taken away from work to make sure my agents aren’t fucking up.”
“Excuse me?!” Riley’s eyes widened, appalled as she started at the man beside her boss, who seemed to be getting smugger when Winter spoke up.
“One of the employees here managed to find Samual taking out property from Mr Wood’s office before calling you,” Winter told her. “They were concerned that you were using the cases in order to make C&A look bad.”
“That’s bullshit!” Riley snapped. “My sister is involved in these cases, do you really think I would risk her safety over fucking game codes?!” Riley was treading on dangerous waters, and she knew it. But no one messed with her sister, especially not some big shot who believed he could get away with this.
“And what exactly is in that computer over there?” Jason pointed out, his tone slightly mocking. Riley’s face fell as she glanced towards the monitor. While she was glad that he didn’t know about the spare USB, she knew that this looked really bad.
Samual stepped forward, “It was my idea!”
Everyone turned to him, even Jason – his face darkening.
Samual gulped as he continued, “I wanted to help Miss Riley with the case and decided to do some unethical routes in order to help her. You can even check the USB, the game codes are still there.”
Jason hummed, pushing past Riley as he, Rae and the others made their way to the computer. Riley nearly sighed with relief when the appearance of the game codes was still there. To the others, it looked like normal files that you expected to find at this company. But to Jason, it meant that his secret was still safe. He straightened his back as he turned back to the others, a faux grin on his face, “It seems that I was mistaken. I do apologize for wasting your time Captain Rae. I just wanted this whole mess taken care of, we wouldn’t want to go to court over this after all.”
“No, we wouldn’t,” Rae retorted in a monotone voice. “We’ll be on our way, thank you for your apology Mr Wood.”
The four walked out the room, Jason’s stare burning on their backs as the door was shut behind him. Rae halted, spinning back round as she went face to face with Riley, “I told you not to be stupid!”
“I wasn’t ma’am,” Riley froze, immediately reverting back to the professional position she was back when she was asking for the warrant. “I did as you told me to. Search with the warrant and try to find out what was going on. I didn’t know he was gonna pull that shit.”
“This isn’t a game Riley, Jason Wood can and will do anything he can in order to keep himself and C&A at the top!” Rae hissed. She stepped back, rubbing her temples to dispel the approaching headache. “Did you at least find anything?”
Riley opened her, mouth about to reveal what she found when clarity struck her. How exactly could she explain this without sounding crazy? She almost didn’t believe Samual when he told her about this, so how could she explain this to her captain? And the files still looked the same as they did from the computer, no other person would be able to tell the difference about how they looked unless they had the tech knowledge that Samual did. All it would show was exactly what Jason had tried to frame her about, “No, I’m sorry.”
Rae exhaled sharply, “Next time you’re gonna be reckless, think twice before landing yourself in hot water, Reed.”
Riley lowered her head to the ground, “Yes ma’am.”
Rae sighed turning back on her heel and walked away.
Winter came up behind her wife, sharing the same scowl as their boss, “We’re talking about this when we get home.” She didn’t let Riley say a word, already walking away and towards the elevator.
Riley rubbed her eyes, this was not how she wanted her day to end. Samual came up, fiddling with his ring finger awkwardly, “I’m really sorry Miss Riley.”
“It’s fine kid,” she mumbled. “You just get home and call me if you need me.”
Samual nodded, not wanting to prod any further as he walked away as well.
Riley just wanted to fade into nothing there and then. What type of hell was she getting herself into?
Winter tapped her foot as she waited in the living room, dressed in a pyjama tank top and shorts with her hair tied into an uneven ponytail. Riley was half an hour late. She already had a habit of obviously avoiding a situation, but this was out in the open with how hard she was trying now. Winter groaned, picking up the bottle of wine of the coffee table in front of her and poured it into a glass, she didn’t want to be sober dealing with this.
She let the liquid run down her throat, relieving some of the stress when she heard the door open. Finally.
Riley shut the door behind her, setting down her bag when she noticed Winter eyeing her down, “Where’s Percy?”
“Asleep,” Winter retorted, setting down the glass. “We need to talk.”
“Listen, I know how that looked back there,” Riley started. “But it wasn’t what you think it was.”
“Really? Riley a CEO of a billion-dollar company almost got you fired!” Winter exclaimed, setting down her glass. “What am I supposed to think?!”
“Everything I’ve been doing was to find Penny and Jack,” Riley told her. “And you really think that I would so something like that?”
“Of course not, but you’ve put me in a corner ever since Penny went missing and left me to gather dust!” Winter cried. “Now all of a sudden you’re sneaking into buildings and won’t tell me why, other than to just blindly trust you! Riley that isn’t fair! You have to tell me what’s going on!”
Riley peered behind her, grimacing at the empty wine glass on the table, “Have you been drinking on a work night.”
Winter placed her hands on her hips, refusing to back down, “I only had one glass, you know that’s all I have on work nights. And it won’t be enough for me to be distracted from this conversation.”
“I’m just thinking about Percy, okay?!” Riley groaned. “Sorry that I want to protect our son!”
“Oh please, not everyone is your father Riley,” Winter growled.
The redhead stiffened, her jaw tightening, “Back down, now.”
“No!” Winter shook her head. “You’re hiding something from me and I know it. All I want is to help you, but you act like I’m nothing but an annoyance to you. And now you’re pulling this shit and nobody will tell me why, not even you! You never keep secrets from me.” Winter’s voice broke, clutching the fabric of her tank top on her chest. “You’re hurting so much and it’s killing me seeing you like this. So why?! Why are you hiding things from me? What did I do?! Why are you allowed to protect me but I’m not allowed to do the same for you?!”
Riley wanted nothing more than to cry and bring Winter into her arms. Everything her wife said was true to a fault. She wanted to tell her about Jack, she wanted to tell her all her plans, she wanted to tell her how the grief and fear of Penny disappearing had been eating her alive for the past few months-
Percy’s cry broke her from spiral, alerting the two mothers. Riley sighed, “I’ll get him.”
Winter tried to stop her, “Riley-”
“Winter, please,” Riley’s voice was soft and desperate. “Please. I just want some silence.”
The other woman sniffed, backing away from her wife. Guilt churned in Riley’s stomach as she watched her wife face away, hearing her light sobs. This was for the best, at least she’s safe. With that, she went up the stairs to her crying baby.
Winter curled up on the sofa. Never before had she wished for her brother as she did now.
Jax gasped as the maze disappeared. He was still chasing after Pomni’s voice, but apparently Caine had announced that Gangle was the winner and brought them all back. He nearly fell to his knees when he saw the jester, she was okay.
“Well that adventure was certainly…an adventure!” Caine boomed. “I don’t fully understand your silly human activities, but tomorrow we’ll return to our regular schedule of fun, fun, FUN!”
“Yeah, yeah, great,” Jax said absentmindedly, his eyes still on Pomni as the jester looked at him, relief in her eyes as well.
“Good to hear your positive spirit Jax!” Caine grinned, about to lift his hand and pat him on the back when the rabbit flinched, arms arched over his head to protect himself.
Everyone gaped at that, Jax never flinched. Pomni brought her hands to her mouth, she knew what that meant.
“I, um. Jax, are you alright?” Caine asked, his tone much softer than it usually was.
Jax blinked, everyone was staring at him. He lowered his arms back to his sides, “I’m fine.”
Pomni bit her lip, he was anything but fine.
Even Caine was surprised by the rabbit’s actions, “Uh…right. Anyways I’m gonna…yeah I’ll just go.” The AI floated away, leaving the group in their stunned silence.
Jax ignored them, rushing to Pomni and dropped to the ground, wrapping her tight in his arms. He was shaking like a leaf, whatever he had seen in that corn maze had left its mark on him. She uncurled herself out of his embrace, holding his face in her hands as she lightly stroked his cheek. “Come on,” she held out her hand.
He hesitated for a moment, before his fingers intertwined with hers. She pulled him up, picking up both of their forgotten backets as she led him back to her room. The others were still staring, but she didn’t care. Right now, Jax needed her.
She shut the door behind her, letting him get comfy on her bed as she put the baskets back down and joined him on the red and blue mattress. “What happened?” it was only one question, but he could hear so much behind it. I’m here for you, tell me anything and everything, you’re safe.
“I-I think I saw myself in that maze?” he said. “Well, myself but younger, much younger. And my birth parents were there. I know, its stupid and stuff like this happens sometimes but…why do I remember this now? I thought I was okay with my past. Now seeing them, it only what makes what my foster family did to me even worse.”
Pomni was silent, taking in every part of what he said, “Show me where it hurts?”
He peered up at her, it had been a while since she said that to him. But both of them knew that what she did next helped more than he could imagine. He raised his arm, the same one that his foster father used to burn his cigarettes on. She held it gently in her hands, pressing gentle kisses to the appendage.
Tears trailed down the dried stain on his cheeks, his arm trembling slightly. She was so careful with him, giving him the kindness that the adults who failed him could never give him. “I know this isn’t much,” she mumbled against his fur. “But I love you more than anything. Those people never deserved you. I wish I could erase all the pain they caused you. All I hope than when I do this.” She pressed a kiss to his wrist. “You know that I’ll be with you despite everything.”
His breath staggered for a bit, it was so long since he felt the overwhelming feeling of being genuinely wanted by someone. His hands cupped her cheeks, pulling her closer and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was messy, frantic but neither of them could pull away, they needed each other.
They parted when the need for air was too strong, with Jax holding her close so Pomni could hear his heartbeat. His head was still swarming, spinning. But her simple touch was all he wanted to think about. All that he needed. The bad stuff wouldn’t go away. However for now, this was enough.
“There’s one more thing I need to tell you,” Pomni mumbled.
Jax pushed off her hat, pressing his nose to her hair as he hummed, “And what’s that?”
“Well,” she separated from him again, the rabbit already missing her warmth as she picked up her basket from the maze. Lifting the lid, she picked up the little butterfly as she cupped it in her hands. “I found this little guy during the adventure. But the way I found him? You’re gonna want to sit back for this…have invisible people ever spoke to you in this place before?”
Fairy lights were strung up, an old tape recorder and radio were placed together on the coffee table, and a walkie talkie was held in Amber’s hands. Hooked into the recorder and radio was a large wire leading to the computer. Amber clenched her fists, it was now or never.
She turned on the walkie talkie, “Penny? Are you there?”
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14dyh · 7 months
hey how are u? can you write something for hange based on "fool for you" by zayn?
Tainted | H.Z.
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Pairing: Hange Zoë x gn!reader Summary: You will do anything for Hange, however foolish and twisted may it be. Word count: 1.0k Content warning: blood, murder, injury A/N: hello anon, I'm doing great, hope you are as well :D sorry if this is too much angst for that song lmao
"I-I can't do this anymore..." You slumped back into the ground, the soft dirt and leaves crunching beneath your weight amongst the dark forest. 
The metallic sound of the shovel against rock and dirt ceased, and Hange turned to you. 
They dropped their shovel, kneeling in front of your dejected form as they wiped their hands off blood and dirt.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," they cooed, cradling you in their arms. "Sorry, you had to be this grimy because of that specimen. It definitely put up a struggle, huh?" A subtle lilt escaped their lips as they held you, you could feel them smiling. Your eyes remained shut close as tears slipped out. 
This has been going on for weeks. Gaining specimens one after the other, many failed attempts to get the solution right and even more trials to get to the accurate answers. Hange's experiment is near to its completion, but you know they won't stop from there.
There are still more to learn.
"It's the last specimen for tonight, my dear. We could take a bath together, then I'll take you to dinner. How does that sound?" They rubbed your back, their warm hands ghosting over the gooseflesh of your skin. 
It wasn't just a specimen, Hange. It was once human, you wanted to scream.
You both had to get up from the forest ground soon before insects came crawling at your bodies. It crossed your mind to drop everything and run, lock yourself somewhere, or go to the farthest city where Hange couldn't find you. You admitted your stupidity every time you saw a stray dried blood on your body even after you tried to scrub everything off. 
But you let your love win, you let them have their way and return your help by showering you with affectionate words and mounds of gifts. This is what you're exchanging your sanity for. 
Tonight was no different as Hange gently pulled you from the ground, almost carrying you back to their car because of how pale and shaken you were. 
Hange drove you home in silence, sometimes they would hum softly, looking at you and back on the road, acting as though this night was a usual Friday evening.  They did as promised, taking you to a warm bath, as they gently scrubbed the blood and dirt from you. 
“No more hunting specimens for the week, alright? What happened must have shaken you and I'm sorry...” They sounded apologetic this time but yet again, they always do, don't they?
Anyone who would look at Hange's heart and mind will know how much they love and value you over everything. Of how much they trust themself to you and how they feel safe in your hands. But they couldn't help their inclination to sinister experiments as all their thoughts would haunt them if ignored. All these thoughts cloud Hange's mind and override their empathy for their specimens, and sometimes even for you.
The next time, they tried to leave you out of it, concerned that you would get upset again. They let you sleep peacefully that night and kissed your forehead before leaving silently, careful not to wake you up. 
It was a rough night, and the specimen didn't hold back from making the night more difficult for Hange. Your absence brought them more misery. With no one to help them and control their temper, they gained a few injuries and scratches until the specimen was subdued. They buried it in silence, almost lightheaded from the struggle and blood dripping down their arm. 
They missed you. You and your temperate heart.
Hange managed to reach outside your door before slumping down the welcome rug. They fished out their phone and called you. When you picked up your phone in the middle of the night and heard their voice, you knew that something had gone wrong. They shrugged it off as a minor injury, just a little scratch, but as you cleaned all the blood and mud caked on their body, their condition only seemed to get worse. The tub was turning into a dark, murky pink. 
You bandaged and held them that night, wishing you were there to help back then despite your wishes. Knowing that Hange tried to keep you from their experiment so you wouldn't be upset only filled you with guilt. It was a foolish, tainted love and it hurts you at the same time it fills you with warmth. 
Conflicting, you would call it. 
It was a feeling brought out by the intensity of your love for them, and at the same time, your dislike for what you can do because of it. It wasn't a perfect love, you never wished it to be but it would've been better if you could keep your sanity throughout. Or perhaps lose your mind if that's the only way you would understand your lover. 
Your eyes shut close as you allow your thoughts to get absorbed into oblivion. Your arms couldn't pull away from them, they look so peaceful beneath your touch. This is the body and mind you learned to love despite everything. You could only squeeze your eyes shut as you held them tighter, thinking that you'd eventually get used to it. 
And you did. 
You persisted with a corrupted and bruised sanity, becoming their right hand in all their works. Their love and affection blinded you and upturned the morality you have left. Hands gloved with blood, skin forever crimsoned, you accepted each of their appreciative kisses, each thoughtful gift, and each warm hug on cold nights you were holding tears. You began to forget your heart and bore theirs as your own. Sometimes your reflection makes you jump, and the tap water never turns clear and always seems to bleed. Even the shower you both shared is stained with crimson. Your mind wanted to rip itself apart but your heart screamed to never falter. 
I’m grateful, my sweet, they would whisper, their body huddled to yours and for a moment, their sweet voice terrified you. You’re getting used to it now, don’t you?
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dandywonderous · 2 years
ROTTMNT Bad Things Happen Bingo #1: Crush Injury
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Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Characters: Donnie, Leo (Raph a lil bit)
Square: Crush Injury
Warnings: Serious Injury, Vomiting
Notes: HELLO I started a new thing... I’ve been wanting to do a BTHB forever and decided to crush (heh) my current brainrot up against it. I may break and do other fandoms if I get an idea but right now my main thing I wanna do is hurt the Disaster Twins a lot (I’m sorry) (they’re very punchable). 
I really intended for this to be just a drabble thing where I wrote like 500-1000 words as a break from my long fic but uhhhhhh that ended up not happening LMAO THIS FIC IS 3K WORDS WHY... 
I’m not taking requests for this challenge, sorry unless you’re a moot and then maybe if you really wanna see something specific let me know.
I’m posting these on tumblr first and then they’ll hit AO3 later that day/the next day/whenever I feel like it sometimes I forget okay
Crush Injury
Donnie is shoulder deep in one of his machines when the power goes out with a loud pop.
He grumbles to himself, pulling back a bit, as the emergency lights come on, casting everything in an eerie red. If he’s lucky, this is just a temporary blackout, and he can get back to work soon enough.
Several seconds pass, and the power doesn’t show any sign of coming back on. Donnie mutters a quiet, “Sigh,” into the room; he’ll have to stop for now. If this continues past a few minutes he’ll fire up the backup generator.
He starts to pull his arm back, pushing out of the stool he was sitting on to stand, except he isn’t paying enough attention in the dark - he accidentally shoves the stool into his jack, and it shakes and then falls back with a clatter.
The heavy metal it was holding up crashes down on his arm with a sickening crunch.
The air is punched out of Donnie, leaving him breathless and wheezing. There’s a ringing in his ears, a rising taste of bile in his mouth, and then the pain catches up to him - searing, throbbing waves of heat that wash over his whole body at a fast tempo.
His immediate instinct is to jerk away from the thing hurting him, but the violent wrenching on his shoulder reminds him that he can’t do that, because his arm, his arm is stuck, his arm is-
He vomits, bile and mostly digested bits of his lunch pooling at his feet. He would be more disgusted by it if conscious thoughts were registering, but his brain is quickly overwhelmed with panic.
He’s going to lose his arm. And he’ll be lucky if it’s just that, if he’s not trapped here forever, if he doesn’t die of blood loss before anyone finds him, if-
He sucks a breath through his teeth, desperately trying to think. He has to think, if he panics, he’ll die.
The power is still off, red light all that illuminates the grizzly scene. His phone is on a table just out of reach, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N powered down.
“H-help…” His voice trembles and barely carries through the empty room. He sucks in air again, desperately, wincing against the overwhelming pain, and tries again, harder. “Help…! Help!”
It doesn’t matter, because he soundproofed the lab. Even if he could yell louder than he is, they wouldn’t hear him.
Despairing, Donnie slumps against the machine. He knows he should be taking stock of the injury, trying to determine how much of his arm is actually still in there, how much is damaged, but he can’t bring himself to look at it. The fear clouding his mind is in some ways worse than the pain slogging against his body.
He has no idea how long he stays where he is; all he knows is that time drags on agonizingly slowly. The power still isn’t back, and the lab is uncharacteristically silent, absent the normal hums of machinery and cooling fans. The only thing he can hear is the sound of his own ragged breathing. His vision tunnels in on a spot in front of him as his heart rate speeds up, his skin grows clammy - signs of shock, he vaguely registers.
He’s going to die here. He’s going to die, he’s going to die, he’s going to-
Suddenly, in the midst of the red light, a flash of blue.
“So looks like the power’s out for us and the next five blocks. It’s probably not coming back anytime soon, but Mikey’s pitching a fit because he had dinner in the oven. Do you think you can- Donnie!”
Rapid footsteps approach him, but Donnie can’t see who it is, his vision is too dark and clouded with pain. On instinct he pulls himself back, hissing out a warning, teeth bared and muscles taut. He’s hurt, he’s trapped, he’s easy pickings, he has to startle, he has to intimidate, he’ll go down fighting-
“Whoa, whoa, hey! Easy, Donnie, easy!” The intruder puts up their hands and takes a small step back, halting their approach. “It’s just me, it’s just me.”
The voice penetrates through the primal parts of his brain, and his subconscious registers family, help, safety before his consciousness catches up.
The will to fight leaves him in a rush, and Donnie sags forward, grateful when Leo moves to catch him. A whine leaves his throat, and he doesn’t have the energy to feel embarrassed about it.
“I know,” Leo says softly, his thumb moving in gentle circles on his shoulder. “That has to hurt… Aaand it looks like you’re going into shock.”
Donnie gives a clumsy nod, desperately wishing he could just check out and let Leo deal with it now that he’s here. But even as the shock moves him closer to unconsciousness, the pain keeps jerking him back.
Leo is still holding his shoulder, but now he looks around and spots the traitorous stool that started this whole mess. “Were you sitting on that stool?” he asks, and Donnie gives the faintest nod. Leo steps forward to grab for it, and Donnie gives another whine, in warning this time.
“Threw up,” he mumbles, and Leo looks down between their feet. Once he spots it he grimaces.
“Yeah, you sure did,” he says, but his voice is light, and not judgemental. He sidesteps it, still with his hand on Donnie’s shoulder, and reaches behind him to pull the stool back to where it had been before. “Alright, buddy, sit down - slowly now, okay?”
He holds on to Donnie’s arm and guides him down to the stool. Once he’s on it he sags bonelessly against the machine again, feeling exhausted down to his core.
“Okay… good.” Leo lets out a breath, straightening up and letting go of Donnie. Without thinking about it Donnie lifts his undamaged hand and grabs for Leo’s, clinging on tight. He should definitely be embarrassed by that, but he isn’t. He’s scared, and Leo is safe.
Leo gives his hand a squeeze back. He squats so he’s at Donnie’s height, speaking softly like he can tell that loud noises just add to the pounding in his head. “I’m going to go get Raph, alright?”
A spike of fear causes Donnie to grip Leo’s hand tighter, desperate. “No.” He tugs on him with what strength he has. “Don’t leave me.”
“I’ll be right back,” Leo promises. “But I have to-”
“No, please, Leo, don’t leave me-”
“Donnie, I can’t get that off your arm by myself, I need Raph’s help.”
Logically, he knows the words Leo is saying make perfect sense. Logically, he knows that Leo isn’t lying when he says he’ll be right back.
None of it matters. What matters is that Donnie is terrified of being left alone.
He grips Leo’s hand tighter, and can feel tears in his eyes. Another whine escapes his throat.
Leo sighs, squeezing his hand again. “Okay, okay. I’m not going anywhere. But we need Raph. Do you have a way to get that fancy door open when the power’s out?”
“Emergency unlock,” he grits out. “Th-third panel… just pull the release.”
“Okay. No worries, Leon’s got it.”
He gives Donnie a wink, and somewhere in him Donnie finds the strength to be annoyed. He rolls his eyes, and Leo actually laughs.
Leo uses his free hand to unsheath a katana, then draw a small portal right in front of them. Dimly, Donnie can see another one open up near his lab door across the room. It’s just large enough for Leo’s arm.
He reaches through and knocks open the panel, biting his tongue in concentration. After a second of squinting and fumbling, he gets the release and yanks on it. There’s a soft pop, and then a creak as the door comes unlocked from the floor but doesn’t budge.
“Now what?” Leo asks.
“Raph can… push it up… from outside,” Donnie explains through wheezing breaths. 
“Alright.” Leo pulls his hand back, the portals dissipating. “I’m going to call him.”
He doesn’t let go of Donnie’s hand as he does so. Donnie is grateful; he’s vaguely aware that he’s gripping tight, likely hard enough to hurt, but Leo doesn’t make any move to pull away from him.
“Donnie’s hurt,” he hears Leo say, cutting through whatever greeting Raph tries to give him. “I need your help- his lab, yeah. The door’s unlocked, he said to just push it up. …I don’t know yet, but hurry.”
Leo ends the call, putting his phone away. “Don’t worry, Donton, the calvary’s comin’.” He squats down so they’re at eye level again. “We’ll have you out of there in a jiffy.”
Donnie nods in acknowledgement. Talking is hard when his mouth feels full of cotton, but he tries. “‘M I gonna lose m’arm?”
He sees Leo’s eyes go a little wider. The hand holding his squeezes tight. “Not if I can help it.”
They don’t talk much after that. Leo says, “Keep breathing for me, Dee, that’s it.” Donnie shuts his eyes to help his growing headache, slumping forward. “You with me, Donnie?” Leo asks, and he gives a grunt of assent.
Then they hear a screech of metal as the door to Donnie’s lab is forced up, Raph rushing inside moments later.
“...Oh geez, Donnie,” he says when he sees what’s happened. “How did you manage this?”
“Save your lectures for later, Raph,” says Leo, standing up but not dropping Donnie’s hand. “He’s in shock right now.”
“Okay… okay.” Raph gets close to them, then reaches out and lays his big, cool hand on Donnie’s back. For once the touch is welcome, grounding, and Donnie leans back into it. “Don’t worry, big bro’s here to help.”
He would normally make some smart remark at that, but he’s so tired and, though he’d never admit it, so relieved that Raph is here now, so any words he had die unspoken on his tongue.
His eyes are still closed so he doesn’t know what they’re doing, but after a second Raph pulls his hand away, and he hears him say, “I think I can lift it enough.”
“Okay, you lift and I’ll pull his arm out. …Careful, he threw up there.”
“S’not like it’d be the first time I’ve ever had puke on me.”
“Fine, but if you slip in it I’ll laugh at you.”
He feels a slight jostle to his arm, and then Leo is pulling his hand away. He whines, uncharacteristically needy, and Leo gives his shoulder a quick squeeze.
“Sorry, Donnie, but this will just take a second.”
“Count of three,” says Raph, sounding a little strained already. “One… two… three!”
There’s a screech, and the weight is miraculously off his arm. He feels hands grab at it and winces in pain as his arm is moved away from the machine and into his lap, followed immediately after by a heavy thunk as Raph lays the metal down again.
“You’re out,” Leo tells him, his hand coming back to hold Donnie’s and giving it a squeeze. “You’re free.”
Donnie drags his eyelids open and starts to look down at his arm. He sees blood and he sees odd angles but before he can see more a hand is cupping his chin and pulling his face up.
“Yeah, you just went five shades paler,” says Leo, meeting his eyes. “Let’s not look at that anymore, okay? I don’t need you losing more fluids.”
Donnie grumbles, but assents.
There’s a bit of jostling, and he realizes something is being tied around his neck, fabric. Then his arm is nestled in it, supported so it doesn’t hang limply off his side.
“Okay, that’s not the best, but it’ll do for the walk to the medbay,” says Leo. Donnie notes dimly that he’s not wearing his bandanna anymore.
“Should I carry him?” asks Raph.
“Maybe… Donnie, do you feel like you can walk, or do you need Raph to get you?”
“Can walk,” he mumbles. He isn’t sure, really, but his pride pushes him to agree.
“Okay, I don’t really trust that, but we’ll let you try. Raph, stay close.”
He gets to his feet; they feel shaky and unsteady, but he doesn’t collapse. Leo ducks under his good arm, pulling it over his shoulders so he has support without asking. Donnie goes ahead and huffs about it, but he knows if Leo hadn’t done that he would fall over.
They take their first step and Donnie groans when his arm bounces lightly off his plastron. Leo grips his good hand, giving it a squeeze.
“I know, bud, but focus on the big shot of painkillers you’re about to get. We just gotta get there.”
The walk to the medbay is torturously slow, made worse when they attract the attention of Splinter and Mikey, both of whom unleash a torrent of questions that doesn’t help the pounding in his head. “Hey, settle down,” says Raph, silencing them. “He’ll be okay, we just gotta patch up his arm.”
They get there, eventually. The lights are still out, the medbay bathed in the same red as everything else. Leo lowers him to the bed and helps him get laid out, a pillow under his feet propping them up for the shock.
He hears Leo and Raph talking in low voices above him about the backup generator, and he tries to give them instructions, though it comes out slurred and mumbled. He grimaces in frustration.
“We’ve got it, Donnie, we can figure it out,” Leo says when he leans over him.
“Don’t know… dumb dumbs.”
“Okay, good to see your sass wasn’t damaged.” Leo grins.
“Sigh,” he says, and Leo chuckles.
There’s a moment of silence as Leo goes to fetch whatever he’ll need to work; Donnie knows the basics, but all his medical knowledge slips through his fingers when he tries to access it. His brain is too foggy right now, and biology is Leo’s thing, anyway.
He does have a pressing question, though, once Leo comes back - he reaches up with his good hand, and immediately Leo puts down what he’s holding to grab it.
“Am I going to lose it?” he asks, voice trembling.
Leo’s thumb strokes on the back of his hand, and it calms him down. “I don’t think so. It’s not as bad as it feels like.”
Donnie sighs, leaning his head back. His hand goes limp in Leo’s grasp, and Leo gently lowers it back to the bed.
“Go ahead and check out. Things’ll be better when you’re awake.”
Donnie trusts him enough to listen.
He wakes up to light, the smell of antiseptic, and a dull throbbing in his arm. He groans at all of these sensations and closes his eyes again.
“Hey sleepyhead!” His brother’s voice is entirely too cheery, and Donnie hisses in response. “Okay, Grumpatello, you can go back to sleep if you want, but I thought you might like some pain meds.”
That gets his attention; he opens his eyes again, and finds that the lights have been dimmed - no red emergency light, but nothing blaring in his eyes either. Leo is next to him, holding a cup and the plastic lid from a pill bottle.
“Do you feel up to taking these orally, or do I need to start another IV?” he asks.
Donnie mumbles something that doesn’t feel like words, then holds out his hand. Leo propped the bed up at some point so he’s already sitting.
The water is handed to him first, then Leo takes the cup and dumps the pills in his hand. Donnie appreciates that he remembers his preferred way to take pills (even if he has told him it’s wrong on more than one occasion).
Once he’s swallowed them he holds out his hand for the cup again, downing all the water in three quick gulps. 
“Okay, maybe try sips next time?” Leo takes the cup back.
“Unnecessary,” he says, pleased that talking feels a little less painful. “What happened?”
Leo sits down on a stool next to his bed. “Okay, so do you remember your arm getting crushed by that… whatever it was you were working on?”
Donnie shoves down his immediate desire to explain the machine in favor of nodding. “Yes, I remember. And I remember you and Raph bringing me here. What happened…”
He can’t finish the sentence. He knows, logically, that he could just look at his arm (he can feel it, it hurts, that means it’s still there, right?), but for some stupid reason he’s too scared to.
“It’s still there,” Leo answers anyway, because apparently he’s a mind reader now (Donnie refuses to think he’s that easy to read). “Two arms and all six fingers.” He wiggles his own in demonstration.
That, finally, gets Donnie to look down. His arm is indeed there, packed tight in a cast that already has multiple purple doodles on it, courtesy of Mikey. He tries to wiggle his own fingers, but it hurts so he stops.
Still, the sigh he gives as he sinks back against his pillows is one of relief.
“Don’t get me wrong, you’ve bashed it all to pieces,” Leo continues. “Don’t even think about trying to use it for at least eight weeks. We can decide then if you need longer.” Leo is giving him his best stern look, which in reality just makes Donnie want to laugh. “You got lucky thanks to our mutant durability, but I’m serious about giving it time to heal.”
“Yeah, sure, Dr. Dumb Dumb,” says Donnie dismissively, and Leo reaches up and gives him a light but still annoying flick on the forehead.
“Worst patient ever. I’d rather have Mikey with the flu, and he gives me shit about how I make soup.” Leo leans back, looking him over. “How are you feeling, though? Woozy at all? Any pain other than the arm?”
Donnie gives a shake of his head. “I feel as well as can be expected.”
“Okay, cool.” Leo lifts his own arms over his head, stretching them out with an audible pop. “Well, you can hang out here or go back to your room. You’re stable enough.”
Donnie nods and then doesn’t make a move to go anywhere. He’d rather go to his room than stay here, with all the sterile smells and medical equipment, but he still feels wobbly. Vulnerable.
Leo, perhaps still able to read him too well, doesn’t leave either.
“...I’m glad I didn’t lose it,” he says after a moment. He can see Leo opening his mouth to say something, so he continues quickly. “I mean, I have, of course, trained myself to be ambidextrous in case such a situation arose-”
“A totally normal thing to do.”
“-but it’s more… <i>efficient</i> to have both arms.”
“You’re allowed to be happy you didn’t lose an arm, weirdo,” Leo says, reaching over and giving Donnie’s unharmed hand a squeeze that sucks any bite out of his words. “You’re allowed to be frustrated that you’re stuck like this for eight weeks. And you’re definitely allowed to be grateful to the best brother in the world for saving your life.”
“Okay, well.” Donnie pulls his hand away, swiveling to get his legs off the bed and trying not to grin too obviously at Leo’s pout. “I’m going back to my room.”
“You sure you don’t need help from your most beloved and favorite brother to get there?”
“Sure; Mikey isn’t here, though, so I guess you’ll have to do.”
“Ouch! So cold, Dee, so cold.” 
Leo loops an arm around him and pulls him into a hug, one Donnie lets him have, failing to fight his smile. He doesn’t really need the support, but he leans on Leo anyway.
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pineappleandcake · 2 years
The Puppet
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Pairings : Yandere Sandrone x Reader
Authors Note : There are barely any Sandrone fics when I searched it up on Tumblr. I was pretty upset. But I couldn’t sleep last night but I had this idea. It was where I was like “hmm so Sandrone was seen to be sitting on some sort of ruin guard during the Fatui Harbinger’s reveal, so why don’t I make something about it?” But anyways I finally put it into words LMAO. 
TW : Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, torture, non-consenual touching, blood, kidnapping, swearing/cursing, and syringes/needles.
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It’s been a few months since you escaped from Sandrone. She was scary, she made you feel uncomfortable. She would often make you watch her as she experimented on things such as ruin guards and sometimes even people. Until one day you say something that made you completely lose it. That was when she tortured a man that looked at you for barely a second.
Obviously, she saw and she was furious about it. She wanted to prove a point. That you were hers and only she could ever look at you.
You were shaking and crying as you heard his screams of torture and pain.
“Open your eyes Y/N or else you’ll be next.”
You quickly opened my eyes and what you saw was a terrifying, bloody, gruesome scene. You wanted to faint.
“How dare you even bat an eye towards them.” She screamed as she hit and punched the poor guy in front of me.
You wanted to get up and run. Run far away from this horrible place. You wanted to go back to your old life. But unfortunately, you just had to catch the Fatui Harbinger’s eye.
You wanted to get up. But there was one problem. Your hands and legs were cuffed to the chair. Finally after what felt like years, Sandrone stopped torturing the poor dude.
“Take his body and dispose of it.” She said with a sharp tone as a fatui agent grabbed his body and carried it out of her office. 
You were shaking. You couldn’t even move. You just froze in place.
Sandrone turned around and looked at you with a fake smile on her face.
“Aww look at you.” She cooed as she caressed your cheek. “Such a poor little fragile thing. That’s what the bitch gets for even daring to look at my s/o.”
She wiped your tears off with a tissue, “hmm it’s getting late now. Come on, let’s go home.”
You didn’t even say anything. You were still frozen and scared.
She picked you up into her arms as she sat down onto the hand of a ruin guard. You visibly flinched as she touched you. You felt tears about to burst out of your eyes.
“Shh. Now, don't cry. It’s all over now.” Sandrone said as she kissed your lips. 
Sandrone had a remote in her arms as she clicked a button. Then the ruin guard became awake and started walking the both of you out of her office, making their way into the “home” the both of you lived in.
About an hour later the both of you finally got back home. She got up into her bed as she cuddled with you as you laid into her arms. You waited for her to fall asleep, and as soon as you did, you crawled out of her arms. You made a run for it and you never looked back.
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Your new home was a small cabin in the middle of the woods. There were barely any people near your cabin that lived close by. You decided to get some fresh air as you felt like you wanted to take a walk and clear your mind.
You put on your coat and you began walking into a trail in the woods. It was refreshing to be outside. You have been walking for about an hour when suddenly you hear a tree branch crunch behind you. You jumped in fear as you scanned your surroundings, but you couldn’t see anyone. It wasn’t anyone, but rather something.
You checked behind yourself again when suddenly you noticed…
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
A fucking ruin guard was right behind you on your tail. 
Out of all the things she could’ve done. She sent a fucking ruin guard on your tail.
You fucking panicked as you ran and you hid behind a gigantic rock in the middle of the forest.
You waited for the ruin guard to go away. You were scared and your heart was beating so fast.
Suddenly, the ruin guard grabbed you into its hand. You screamed and thrashed around as you tried to break free from its suffocating grip. You notice the other hand of the ruin guard had a syringe in its hand.
The ruin guard lifted its other hand and lifted the syringe along with it. Suddenly the syringe went into your neck as you felt it pressing something into you. You suddenly felt sleepy. A few seconds afterwards, you fell asleep.
When you woke up, you were chained to Sandrone’s bed. You had a gag in your mouth.
A few moments later, Sandrone entered the room with a smile on your face as she saw that you were finally awake. 
She had a tray of food in her hands as she placed it in front of you onto the bed. She tore off the gag and undid the chain on your arms. Unfortunately, she left the chain on your legs off that way you couldn’t do something stupid.
“Eat. You must be hungry already.”
You obeyed as you knew you were in deep trouble. The feeling of dread suddenly spread throughout your body as you were scared on what punishment you would receive from escaping from her.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
You know ur small predicament post?? you should make a reverse version where s/o is smaller!
A Smaller Predicament [Genshin Impact x Smol!Reader]
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Characters: Scaramouche, Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo
Synopsis: Not only did you shrink, you went pocket sized as well!
(A sequel to "A Small Predicament")
(A/n): Sorry for the long wait anon, and I kind of added a twist to the scenario for more diversity hahaha hope you don't mind >_<. And why is Childe the poster boy for this series lmao.
When Childe walks in, he doesn't see you....until he looked down. He almost crunched you beneath his feet if it weren't for your constant flailing of arms and screeching voice. He blanks out for a hot minute as you clung onto his toes, doesn't dare to move an inch because he's so petrified (even though there's nothing to be afraid of??). But honestly if Childe moved right now, he might accidentally flail you to the side and that's the last thing he wants.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??" He screamed so loud it nearly blew you out of proportion. Seems like he's going to have alot of adjusting to do. Childe is a tall man (canonically the tallest) and he knows how impulsive he can get which is why he bought a handmade dollhouse from one of the Liyue merchants for you to stay in.
Though there's something about your tiny size that makes his heart flutter. With your face so small with a pair of eyes far too big, *clutches chest* "My oujo-chan is so cute" -Childe probably. He won't stop saying them over again and you were growing tired of his gushing reactions. He can't help it. He wants to spoil you rotten. You fit right onto the flat of his palms, the way you just snuggle up againts his finger and he just- swoons, might tear up (bruh).
Toys may be for kids but for Childe it was now his favourite pass time. While you navigate around the wooden dollhouse, he pitches in by moving around the furniture to make it easier for you. Offers to carry you through the rooms like a personal elevator. And please, please let him tuck you to bed. He has to pinch his fingers to grab the blanket. It's so adorable to him.
Loves it when you snuggle up against his collar. He thinks it would be the best area for you to be nearby him since the risk of you getting hit by anything (or him) by accident is very slim chance. Sometimes he pulls up his collar so that you're more comfortable and cradled within. He would have to avert his eyes down rather than turning his head if he wanted to look at you otherwise you'd be hit by his chin and that would hurt.
The poking sensation with you by his neck can bother him since he's veeeery tickilish there. Plus, Childe can get easily sweaty so have fun with that.
You have a feeling that he wasn't so pleased when you transformed back. You might be right. Actually, you are right. He secretly has an extra potion hidden somewhere...just in case.
Mortified, his soul just left his body. To think things couldn't get any worse ever since he turned into a child to the point no one took him seriously, now you're literally the size of an apple. Oh god what if his bird suddenly swoops in and gobbles you right up? Or the wrath of the wind comes by, swirling you away towards a tornado. Needless to say, Diluc grew paranoid over your well-being ever since.
Due to your extremely small size, he will ensure that you are supervised by him (except at night where he has places to go). In otherwords, you're slipped into the inner pocket of his coat. It's super warm, you can fall asleep (and feel his heartbeat awww). Diluc doesn't like keeping you in places where people can see you, it would be too easy for outer things to access your tiny form (or maybe he secretly likes the feeling of you in his pocket.)
And he's such a gentleman about it. You noticed how careful he moves among his footsteps because he's worried that you might get dizzy. Diluc guards the pocket at close parameter, keeping an eye on things so he won't bump into them. As if he was treading on thin ice (you even suggested it was best to leave you home but he's too overprotective for his own good).
You're like his little assistant. Diluc does so much paperwork through out the day and although the act was small, he finds it endearing how you would help bring the papers back to it's rightful pile or pushing the ink bowl towards him. Or during his shifts at Angel's Share, crawling around the glass utensils and trying to find a specific wine beverage on his shelf. Of course that only happens when the shop is closed, how is he going to explain to his patrons that you shrank and now live in his pocket?
He dislikes the thought of you wandering too far. It's so easy for you to get lost especially when the mansion is so large.
At night you now sleep atop the fluff of the pillow. Diluc is a calm sleeper so he won't have to worry about hitting into you. However he radiates warmth so you just subconicously roll towards to his face. He usually wakes up with you sprawled over his nose. He can hardly breath (careful, he might just sneeze too).
This all happened because of the experiements you participated with Albedo. Diluc ensures that doesn't happen again. It will take some tencaious effort to convince him otherwise.
Fuck this guy. He treats you like his new pet, a new toy (though you technically are one). He has this arrogant, smug and sadistic look as if he was a predator looking at his prey and grabs you by the collar before dangling you up in the air.
"Hmph, looks like the tables have turned," he says while toying with your state. You tell him he's just angry because he's short himself and mad that everyone else in the Fatui organization is taller than him. Scaramouche demon face activated. He's about to devour you. (Maybe you should keep your mouth shut this time. Honestly your relationship with him is pretty weird).
His hat is so fun to play with. You'd swing around like Tarzan using the strings that were hanging from it. His head was your playground now which annoys him to an enourmous extent because it makes him look ridiculous. Scaramouche will have a hard time catching you since you move around so much. Climb around him, especially the back of his neck. He'll start wheezing when you tickle him there.
The type to put you in a box but also the type to keep you on his shoulders. Being relied on makes him feel taller (lmfao). Scaramouche seemse to have developed a habit to poke your cheeks whenever he needed your attention and you bit him back once when he pushed too hard that you nearly fell off. Despite your size, your teeth still hurt. He threatens to put you back into the box if you don't behave and the outcome ends with a full out brawl as he tries to grab you again while you run around, pulling the strands of his hair to climb on top of his hat. (This is literally Tom and Jerry wtf.)
After transforming back, he outwardly admits his disappointmen. Scaramouche says it suits you better (when he actually meant that he highly prefers you small). You marked his words, keeping an extra vial for your own entertainment in the near future.
Xiao was face-palming against his forehead real hard about this. For the love of Rex Lapis, what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time? First it was the child incident, now you're the size of his finger? Good grief, looks like he will have to keep an eye on you from now on but at the same time he's scared to get too close, you are nothing but a tiny mortal in which he would have to double his effort to look after.
He lets you sit at the crown of his head rather than anywhere else. You insisted since it was easier to see everything at a nice distance (plus he's short so you won't have to worry about him bumping into door frames). You noticed that Xiao also has a little strand sticking out from the center (ahoge) and you sometimes grab onto it for stability. Turns out he's quite sensitive there and winces when you pull too hard.
For the remaining week as the antedote was being prepared, Xiao became extremely aggressive over your well-being, he looks as if he's ready to massacre everything in his way...which he did. Clears out the monsters off the path before going on daily strolls with you, you wouldn't have to lift a finger from now on. No one except for him is allowed to hold you unless they're a trustworthy person. You could feel his sharp eyes glued on you like a hawk when walking into the grasp of Zhongli's hand.
You once accidentally tripped into his almond tofu when he wasn't looking and he almost ate you. Turns out being small made his job as your gaurdian ten times harder (especially when you're the clumsy type). If you were to fall off the table, he would have to catch you right? Xiao often bumps into furnitures in the process...ouch!
He's very soft. It's all over his forehead, his mouth, his eyes. When he looks at you, his tense eatures melted away and there's an invisible fondness over them as he cradles you in his palm. The way you snuggle in them is lke the most precious thing in the world.
When you turn back, there's a wave of relief. He was really stressed out you know?
His first thought is to get you as far as he can from the Funeral Parlour before Hu Tao finds you. Who knows what that child might have in mind. Zhongli takes one of his empty tea pots and urges you to go inside, or carries a tea cup with you in it, he likes placing you on objects while carrying you around.
Zhongli realizes that you can no longer use the household items like before so he has to remake them to your standards- especially when he realized he doesn't have the mora to buy you a dollhouse. He improvises. Takes a handkerchief to make your blanket, his cups for your bathtub, Zhongli had to cut the foot into byte-sized too. But in terms of clothes, well he had to make them as well. Living thousands of years would mean he would have lot of experience. Sewing was one of them luckily. But that would mean he has to take your measurements as well. In the end, most of the things he made were dresses since they were alot easier.
You like to sneak in between his shirt and his vest tucked behind the coat he wears. Unfortunately Zhongli doesn't seem to have visible pockets (most likely the reason why he doesn't carry mora either), though if you don't hold on tight you might just slip down his vest and right to his stomach. It makes him chuckle when that happens even if the amount of effort to get you out took more than he thought since his attire is quite complicated to put on. If you really want to climb on him, he'll find a seperate pouch (but realizes it won't be a good idea when there's alot of pick-pocketers in Liyue streets).
All of a sudden he reads you bedtime stories. It's some sort of inner instinct that tells him he's taking care of a child now (he's right though). You realized that his voice was equivalent to a thunder's roar due to size difference. He would have to whisper now.
It will always be part of his precious memories when you turned pocket-sized. Zhongli still keeps the clothing he made somewhere in his closets too.
Amused by this eventful situation. Absolutely thrilled! He's not evil like Scaramouche but this new version of his s/o is both adorable and fun at the same time. You're so easy to tickle, just one poke using his finger against your hips makes you yelp. Sometimes he twirls your hair or taps your forehead gently despite your protest, he's so handsy like always in an affectionate yet annoying way.
Kaeya picks you up and places you among the fluffy comfort of his feathery scarf. You sneezed, the last time he cleaned it was before he went on a mission with the knights. Though you have to admit, it's the best feeling in the world. It's so soft you might sink deeper into the fabric. He likes to put you in places where he can talk to you easily, sometimes on the table while he downs on his wine. Normally you have to take the bottle away before it gets too much, now you have to push it away which he finds very entertaining at your futile attempts.
"Don't you have anything better to do?" you tell him. Since you turned byte-sized, he can't seem to stop playing around. Takes his two fingers and pretends they're legs walking across the surface. You would turn around and he halts, Kaeya sends you his signature grin. When he promises that he wouldn't do anything funny, you would let him hold you. Since hugs are out of the equation, Kaeya gives you his finger instead to wrap your arms around. He can't get enough seeing you like this, things he couldn't do when you were normal-sized. he enjoys your reactions way too much.
His favourite pass time is helping you brush your hair because the hairbursh is too big for you to handle. Kaeya ensure he's handling things delicately but he would love to help style it for you as well. Pretty please? At this point one request turns to another because he's having way too much fun. But it couldn't be helped since you would need his assistance in almost everything so there's really no escaping.
You were so happy when things were normal again but Kaeya would bring this up again during your conversations (how next time he would like to put you in his drinks while you're wearing a swim suit).
Legit blurted out if he could put you on a hamster wheel.
What about trying out the little maze he just made?
Or participating in a race against slimes of different elements?
No? Okay, then he'll just turn you back.
Albedo isn't going deal with this as along as he can help it (especially when he remembers what Klee did to him when he turned small.)
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tenelkadjowrites · 3 years
The Town at the Edge of the World - Seonghwa x Reader (NSFW)
🦉 Summary: When Seonghwa’s car breaks down, the two of you venture into the nearest mountain town for assistance. But the strange feeling of the town brings feelings to the surface in regards to your troublesome friendship with Seonghwa.
🦉 Word count: 7,780
🦉 Genre and warnings: one shot smut. enemies to lovers (i am using this term loosely.) unprotected sex. dirty talk. mild choking. lots of self indulgent easter eggs and references to a couple of tv shows i love lmao.
🦉 Tags: @thewonderofkpop - @foggyinternetchaos - @obligatoryidolblog - @iusrene - @yunhofingers - @multihoe-net - @haruharu-egypt - @lilhwahwa - @btsreader12 - @talkbykhalid - @xirenex - @passionloveindividualityempathy - couldn’t tag some ppl, sry.
this fic is not meant to represent seonghwa in any way, shape or form.
               You stop at the top of the hill, squinting into the darkness through the snow flurries. With relief, you see the hazy lights of the town below. Your feet are sore, you are sick of walking, and the only thing making this night more frustrating is the person you are stuck experiencing it with.
               “We’re here,” You say over your shoulder, “If you could walk a bit faster, we could get there sometime this decade.”
               There is a soft noise of irritation as Seonghwa catches up with you. His black hair is covered in a fine dust of white, matching the state of his coat. The snow crunches under his boots. A scowl is on his annoyingly pretty face – although to be honest you don’t think the expression has vanished since the car broke down.
               Seonghwa stops briefly to look down at you. He even has tiny bits of snow in his eyelashes, you notice, and the irritation rolls off him in waves.
               “Then come on. Some place has to be open to let us know if there’s a garage or something here.” He takes off at a brisk pace, misjudging the slope of the hill and losing his footing almost immediately.
               You cross your arms, watching him trip forward and fall face first in the snow with a loud curse word. Sighing, you traverse the slope a bit more carefully, crouching down next to him.
               “We’re on a hill,” You say in a cloying voice just to irritate him further, “Be mindful of your steps.”
               Seonghwa pulls his face out of the snow, his cheeks a bright pink from the cold and embarrassment. “You know, this entire situation is your fault.”
               You scoff, “How is your shitty car breaking down in the mountains my fault?”
               “Because we could have just stayed at the cabin with everyone else!” He gets to his feet hastily, easily the most ungraceful movement from him you have ever seen, brushing snow off his coat, “But nooo, you just had to get home so you could spend all day tomorrow getting ready for your date.”
               At this, your eyes narrow. “That isn’t why I didn’t want to stay in the cabin overnight.”
               “Yes, it is,” Seonghwa fires back, taking off down the hill – albeit a lot more carefully this time, “Claiming you might get called into work is bullshit and we all knew it.”
               You follow him, the exasperation you typically feel around Seonghwa growing. It is even worse because he is right although you refuse to admit it. “You still didn’t have to drive me back. Why didn’t you stay at the cabin?”
               Seonghwa puffs his cheeks out, “Hongjoong asked me for a favor. No one else wanted to take you back probably because no one else wanted to leave the party at seven pm. I did it for him not because of you.”
               “As usual, your sentiments are touching,” Having successfully navigated the hill, you wait for Seonghwa to catch up once more. When he does, you resume walking down the street, the town growing closer, “Your loyalty to your best friend is sweet. How lucky am I that the person I like the least at the party would offer to drive me back home, that their piece of shit car would break down, we would have no cellphone service because we are in the mountains, and are now trekking into a random town at nine pm hoping to find a car garage to go tow your junk pile and fix it?”
               Even though it is dark out, and the only source of light is the moon reflecting off the snow, you can still make out Seonghwa’s glower. “Do you ever stop complaining?”
               “Me?” You say incredulously, “You’ve been bitching more than I have.”
               “Have not.”
               “Have to.”
               “Have not – ugh, just stop talking!” Seonghwa snaps.
               Silence falls between the two of you. The only noise now is the wind cutting through the trees, the bare branches scraping against each other, the snow crunching underneath your feet and Seonghwa’s breathing. You are cold, having not dressed to walk this long outside but instead for a fun party in the cabin instead. But you would rather die than tell Seonghwa you are cold because you know all he will do is make fun of you and bring it up constantly in the future.
               You glance at him out of the corner of your eyes. In the few years you have known him, you never quite got along with him as well as you did with everyone else in the circle of friends. You marveled at how close Seonghwa was with Hongjoong. One night, when you were drunk, you asked Hongjoong what he saw in Seonghwa to be so close with him. He had only laughed and said, “You know what I see.” But you didn’t know. Seonghwa was haughty, stubborn, and barely spoke. He was difficult to read and not one for idle conversations or small talk. And however you felt about him, the feeling was mutual. Seonghwa found you impulsive, bratty and spoiled. Some people you don’t gel with, and he was simply one of them.
               Out this far in the mountains, the stars are bright in the cloudless sky. It is quiet out here and this town is the only sign of life for miles. It is a stroke of good luck the car broke down on the outskirts and the signs informed you that civilization was near. You shudder to think if the car had decided to stop working past the town. There is that on your side, at least.
               The town is a sleepy thing even though it is only a little past nine. As the road winds into it, you take note of the shops closed for the night, and no one on the streets. It doesn’t take long to stumble across a car repair place near the entrance of the town. It is shuttered and the sign says it opens at six in the morning. Seonghwa curses softly.
               “You couldn’t have actually thought it would be open.” You cross your arms, leaning against the wall to look out across the street.
               He mumbles something you can’t quite make out. You assume it is vaguely insulting and don’t ask him to repeat it.
               “Now what?” Seonghwa asks, as if this is all on you, “I need to find a phone to at least let Hongjoong know what is going on. That way if something happens, he knows where we are.”
               “What could possibly happen to us?”
               He arches an eyebrow. “Car breaks down in the mountains, we stumble into some sleepy town – come on. This place could be run by cultists or…or have spirits roaming at night…or we enter some other dimension or…”
               “My God, okay, this isn’t Silent Hill, will you chill out?” You roll your eyes, pointing down the road, “There’s a diner down there and it’s open. I bet they have a phone so you can call your boyfriend.”
               You take off down the sidewalk. Behind you, Seonghwa blusters, “He isn’t my boyfriend. You’re just saying that to annoy me.”
               “And it’s clearly working.”
               Seonghwa huffs, shoving his hands in the pockets of his coats. There is nothing special about the town, you think, as you look at the display windows, the shuttered shops and the way the streetlights send pool of lights against the snow that has formed on the road. You doubt anyone would be driving at this time. The only sign of life is at the diner. The quietness of the town seems to settle across you like a blanket. It feels different than the normal silence – it is as if the town is cut off from the rest of the world. Seonghwa’s silly words must be affecting your thinking and you cast the thought away.
               Outside the diner, Seonghwa stops. The sign casts different colours across his face as he studies it. Tearing your eyes away from him, you look at the diner. It is nothing remarkable. Very small, with a couple people inside sitting at the counter. The tables are all empty. In the distance somewhere, you hear an owl. A dark shape skitters across the sky and lands on top of the sign. You blink, surprised at the sight of the owl. It seems to be staring at the two of you.
               “You see? You feel it, right? This place just feels…different,” Seonghwa remarks quietly, transfixed on the owl, “As if it’s just in a separate universe or something from the rest of the world.”
               “What does that mean then?”
               He gives a small shrug. “I guess…in a place like this, we could be anyone we wanted. No one here will know us or see us again after we leave. Whatever happens here just stays here like a secret tucked away,” He suddenly looks shy as if he has said too much, “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Let’s hope they have a phone.”
               Your stomach grumbles, “I think I might grab something to eat.”
               “Are you serious?”
               “What?” You protest, “What’s the problem? And then at least we aren’t trying to just come in and use their phone and leave.”
               Seonghwa shakes his head and then takes off across the street. You follow, thinking about what he said. You suppose he is right. The place does feel strange, disconnected from the rest of the world. Perhaps it is just because it is nestled in the mountains away from everything.
               The owl watches you from the top of the sign and as Seonghwa opens the door, a blast of heat rolling out from the diner. The owl takes off, soaring through the sky. You watch it fly over the buildings, vanishing behind a clock tower.
               “Hey,” Seonghwa gets your attention, “Come on.”
               Stepping into the diner, you take a look around. The place is an ugly yellow colour – the counter, floors and tables are all yellow. A jukebox is in the corner although it isn’t playing anything. The two people at the counter look up at your entrance, eyes lingering on both Seonghwa and yourself for a few seconds before turning back to their coffees. A waitress in a pale red old fashioned uniform scurries over, looking surprised at the sight of strangers in the diner.
               “Hi, hi, welcome, oh we don’t get many new faces here. I mean, I assume you’re new? The town is really small. I know almost everyone. Do you guys want to sit at the counter? Or do you want a booth? To be honest, the counter is mostly for…regulars but I mean if you’d like –”
               Seonghwa, who already looks tired from the woman talking so quickly, goes, “Actually, I need to use your phone. Our car broke down a bit away from here and we can’t get any cellphone service. Even in town. Does the garage down the street have a tow truck?”
               “Oh, sure does! They can get your car in the morning. The phone is back here. Sorry about your cellphones. We always have issues this high up in the mountains!” Her voice is bright, “Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll bring you the phone!”
               “I’m actually starving. If I could get a menu…” You trail off.
               The waitress looks pleased, ushering the two of you to a booth on the right side, placing menus on the table. She then scurries to the kitchen, the door swinging shut behind her. Seonghwa is tapping his fingers against the table impatiently, not looking at the menu. There is a fortune telling device on the table, a small devilish looking head on top of the box with a sign on it that reads: Ask me a yes or no question! Does he/she love me? Will I become rich? Is my future bright? Underneath, it spits out the reply on a piece of paper. Curiously, it only costs one cent to use it. You stare at it for a few seconds, feeling unsettled before turning your attention to the menu.
               “Oh, they serve breakfast all day. That sounds good.” You muse and look up at him, “You’re so tense, Hwa.”
               “This place is just weird. I don’t like not having cellphone service. I don’t like not having my car. I’m tired. I’m hungry.”
               “Wow, good thing we are in a diner that can take care of two of those problems. Just order some coffee and food and stop complaining.”
               He rolls his eyes. The waitress comes back with a cordless phone, handing it to Seonghwa. “Can I get you two anything to drink?”
               You order your drink as Seonghwa goes, “Just a black coffee.”
               The waitress leaves and you lean back against the vinyl booth, still looking at the menu. “Coffee this late?”
               “If we have to camp out here all night, I should be awake.”
               You eye him, “I am not staying in this diner all night. They’ll have a motel or something. Why the hell would we stay here?”
               “This town is so small. You really think they’d have a motel?”
               You sigh, “Of course they would have a motel. Every place has a motel. If you want to stay in this diner all night, go ahead. But I’m not.” You wave your hand at him. “Come on. Call Hongjoong already.”
               Seonghwa glares at you for a moment before dialing his number. As he listens to it ring, you go, “You know his number off the top of your head?”
               “Yes,” He says as if you’re foolish for thinking he wouldn’t, “You don’t memorize any numbers? You should in case of emergency.”
               “Why would I memorize shit anymore when I have technology to do it for me?” You grumble.
               “See? That attitude right there is how you’re going to end up working for a robot overlord in fifteen years,” Before you can reply, Seonghwa’s face changes as Hongjoong answers, “Hey. It’s me. Yeah, I know, I’m not calling from my phone.”
               As he launches into an explanation of what unfolded tonight, you cast a glance around the diner. You still cannot shake the feeling that Seonghwa is right in some capacity. The place does feel cut off from the world, not entirely real. You chalk it up to the fact the cellphones don’t work, being in the mountains, and an overactive imagination. Even so, Seonghwa’s earlier words echo in your head: I guess…in a place like this, we could be anyone we wanted. No one here will know us or see us again after we leave. Whatever happens here just stays here like a secret tucked away.
               Your eyes land on Seonghwa, studying his face as he talks to Hongjoong, his back turned to the rest of the diner. His expression is much more open than it is with you. He runs his fingers through his black hair, sending a few snow flurries onto the floor to melt. The cold has his cheeks and lips a bright pink. It is the same face you have looked at a thousand times over the years but this time, it feels a little different, a little altered. You’re just tired, you think, looking back down at the menu.
               The call ends after a couple minutes. The waitress appears almost immediately with the drinks, taking the phone back. Seonghwa says he still needs more time to figure out what to order and she leaves. Someone from the counter gets up, tossing a couple of bills next to an empty cup of coffee, staring at the two of you openly as they leave.
               “What did Hongjoong say?”
               “He was a bit drunk so he just said maybe this would fix things. I have no idea what he was talking about. But he knows where we are.”
               “Right, in case we fall into some dimensional portal or something that lurks behind the diner.” You reply dryly, lowering the menu, having settled on what you want.
               Steam rises from the plain white coffee cup in front of Seonghwa. His hands curl around it gingerly, slender fingers enveloping it. Your eyes linger for a moment before looking out the window to the empty streets. You can feel his gaze on you.
               “What?” You say stubbornly.
               “Don’t worry, we’ll get you home with plenty of time to get ready for your dream date.” His tone is sarcastic and your turn your head to glare at him.
               “What is your problem? Are you just upset because I can get a date and you can’t?”
               “Do you hear yourself? Are you twelve?” Seonghwa takes a small sip of his coffee, looks surprisingly pleased with the taste and takes a larger one next.
               The waitress returns then, smiling brightly. “Oh, it’s so exciting when new people pass through. What would you guys want to eat?”
               Seonghwa tilts his head back to look up at her. “You know, this is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.”
               She taps her pen against the small notepad, her smile widening, “Aw, thank you! You’re so kind.”
               Is he flirting with the waitress? You think, adding hastily to the imaginary audience in your mind, not that I give a fuck.
               Interrupting, you ask, “Is there a motel in town?”
               “Sure is, doll. Just one street over,” She scribbles the address down on her pad, handing it to you, “Won’t be very many people there but it’s a clean place, reasonably priced,” The waitress turns her attention back to Seonghwa, clearly smitten, “Would you like a refill on the coffee?”
               “Yes please,” He says, nudging the cup over to the edge of the table although you note he has only taken a few sips and it doesn’t need to be refilled yet, “Thanks.”
               The waitress giggles and you fight the urge to roll your eyes, “Just doing my job…” She trails off, clearly waiting for his name.
               Something flickers in Seonghwa’s gaze and he goes, “It’s Cooper.”
               The waitress giggles again, giving her name although you aren’t paying attention, wondering why the hell Seonghwa just lied about his name. She takes your orders and hurries back off to the kitchen, looking over her shoulder at him for a split second.
               “Cooper?” You ask, “Where the hell did that come from?”
               Seonghwa leans forward, taking a sip of his coffee and lowering his voice as if he is about to tell you a secret. “I told you. This place…it feels different. I could make up everything about myself and it wouldn’t matter. Come tomorrow, we are out of here. What we say or do here doesn’t matter. This place exists in some void.”
               “Fine, let’s go along with this theory,” You don’t want to admit that the town does feel completely cut off from the world, “Even so, whatever we say or do here, we still remember. It isn’t like we leave here tomorrow and lose our memories. So, if you wandered into…into a bar, for example, and punched a guy in the face, I’d still remember you doing that.”
               His voice drops conspiratorially, “So, let’s make a pact. That whatever we tell people here or whatever we do, we don’t speak about it once we leave. It’s left behind in this weird town.”
               To be honest, you think Seonghwa is being a bit dramatic and letting his imagination run wild. Sure, the town feels surreal but hardly interesting enough to do anything that would warrant such a pact. But Seonghwa is looking at you with an expression you haven’t seen on his face before – which, admittedly, isn’t that hard to achieve seeing as he usually wears a scowl around you. He looks tired from the events of tonight, the caffeine clearly making him feel a bit wired, his black hair a mess from the snow and wind on the trek into town.
               “Yeah, sure, whatever,” You shrug, “Is that why you’re flirting with the waitress?”
               “I’m not flirting with the waitress.”
               “Yes, you are.”
               “I am not.”
               “Are too.”
               “Are not – no, not this again,” He leans back against the booth, shaking his head, “Why, does it bother you seeing me flirt?”
               “Only because it makes me want to vomit,” You retort.
               “Oh, because watching you flirt is so enjoyable.”
               “When the hell have I ever flirted in front of you?”
               “Are you serious?” Seonghwa asks, “I’ve seen you flirt so often I could mimic it exactly. You even do that ridiculous eye fluttering thing,” Just to annoy you, Seonghwa lowers his face slightly and begins to wildly open and close his eyes while raising his voice, “‘Oh, that joke was so funny, I’ve never heard anything funnier in my life, why don’t we go to your place and you can tell me more jokes I keep fake laughing at.’ It’s horrible.”
               Pressing your lips together in a thin line, you grumble, “I do not do that nor do I sound like that.”
               Seonghwa waves his hand in your direction. “Yeah, sure.” He scowls, looking down into the coffee cup.
               “Why are you watching me flirt to the point you can mimic it?” You counter.
               “Why does it bother you if I’m flirting?” Seonghwa repeats the earlier question.
               You don’t get to reply because the waitress returns with the food, plopping it down on the table. She lingers for a moment, clearly hoping Seonghwa will speak to her, but he merely says thanks and she leaves, looking crestfallen. His attention is solely on you.
               “Can we just drop it?” You snap when you see he is staring, “I’m hungry and I just want to eat and go to the motel.”
               He smirks as if he knows he has hit a nerve and that irritates you more. The two of you eat in silence for a bit until Seonghwa notices the fortune teller on the table.
“What is that thing? Looks like it’s from the 50’s,” He rummages in his pocket for a moment before producing a single cent, “Want to ask it a question?”
A bad feeling swoops through you as Seonghwa moves his hand towards the device. Without thinking, you grab his hand, shaking your head. “No, don’t. I just…” You trail off, acutely aware of the feeling of Seonghwa’s hand against yours, “It’s creepy.”
Seonghwa gazes at you for a beat too long before pulling away. You flatten your hand on the table as he goes, “Alright. Didn’t think something like that would freak you out.”
“Just gives me a weird feeling, okay? Drop it.” You snap.
“Fine.” He scowls but luckily leaves the fortune teller alone.
The other person at the counter leaves, drawing your attention. It is just you and Seonghwa in the diner now. Outside, the snow has picked up, sending flurries cutting through the streetlights, everything covered in a blanket of white. In the distance, due to the moonlight, you can make out the dark mammoth shadows of the mountains, waiting like hulking beasts. The hair on the back of your neck stands up and you glance at Seonghwa, wondering if he feels it too. But he is too engrossed in his food. For someone who didn’t want to eat, he is now devouring the meal faster than you.
               A lock of hair has fallen in front of his face and his cheeks are no longer pink from the cold. I told you. This place…it feels different. I could make up everything about myself and it wouldn’t matter. Come tomorrow, we are out of here. What we say or do here doesn’t matter. This place exists in some void.
               You avert your gaze back to the meal. Neither of you speak.
               Walking back into the cold is like a shockwave. With no jacket, and the rapid temperature drop with increased snowfall, you shiver, regretting once again for dressing for a party.
               Next to you, Seonghwa sighs impatiently, shrugging out of his coat and thrusting it at you. “Just take it. I can’t deal with you getting hypothermia on the walk to the motel.”
               You’d normally refute such an offer but you are honestly freezing. Plus, if Seonghwa really meant it about the pact, it means once you get out of here, you never have to mention the time he gave you his jacket.
               As you slip it on, you ask, “Aren’t you going to be cold?”
               Seonghwa is wearing a black turtleneck which at least gives him more warmth than your outfit, which focused more on looking fashionable than warm. “I’ll be fine,” He says as he leans forward towards you. The sudden motion takes you by surprise and your breath catches. Up this close, his eyes flick to meet yours, you wonder what in the world he is doing – and then he plucks the motel’s address from your fingers, straightening up and looking at it.
               You stand there awkwardly, wondering why your heart is beating so fast. Unable to look at Seonghwa, you look down the street, waiting for the moment to pass. I need sleep, you tell yourself, anxious to get to the motel.
               “She said it was just a block away,” He squints at the street sign, “I think we go this way.”
               “Do you actually know or are you going to lead us to the dimensional portal?” You quip as Seonghwa takes off, turning to the left.
               “If we find the dimensional portal, you can go first.” He replies curtly.
               Bundled in Seonghwa’s coat, you trail after him, looking around the town. Each shop is closed which makes the diner feel like the lighthouse of the town. In the distance, you can make out homes on the hills, a few lights flickering. You wonder what it would be like to live in such a place, disconnected from the world. Did the people living here feel the strangeness of it or were they too immersed in their daily lives to notice such a thing?
               Seonghwa stops suddenly to look at a street sign and you collide into his back, almost tripping. He turns around quickly to grab you, holding you steady so you don’t trip on the ice-covered sidewalk. His hand on your waist is steady and the way he looks at you is –
               You push away from him quickly, smoothing out his coat. “Whoops,” You say, unable to look at him, your words coming out in a puff of cold air, eyes landing on a tree nestled between two buildings, “Thanks.”
               Seonghwa clears his throat quietly, “Yeah, no problem. I think we made a wrong turn, actually. We passed by the other street and should have gone down there.”
               You hadn’t even noticed another street, too swept up in following Seonghwa and looking around the town. You squint, Seonghwa momentarily forgotten, as you notice a carving on the tree. Walking over to it, you stare at the little symbol hastily carved. It looks like two mountain peaks with a triangle in the centre, as if it is some sort of opening. You run your fingers across it for a moment curiously until Seonghwa tugs on your sleeve.
               “Come on. I wanna go to bed already.” He whines.
               Your focus shattered, you turn around and follow him back down the sidewalk. This time, you make the proper turn and hear muffled music in the distance.
               “Wow, a sign of life?” You wonder aloud.
               “There’s the motel,” Seonghwa points to a small building with a red neon sign that just says MOTEL, bathing the building in the colour.
               The music is coming from a bar across the street. There are a few people milling outside of it and the windows are too dark to see inside. The scent of booze and cigarettes wafts down the street. You can’t explain it but you have a feeling a place like that is for locals and have no desire to go inside.
               The motel only has a couple of rooms illuminated, their curtains tightly shut, light ringing around the edge. The lobby is open, a lamp casting an ugly yellow hue as Seonghwa opens the door and steps inside. There is nothing remarkable about the place. It is a motel lobby through and through.
               An old woman looks up from the newspaper, seemingly surprised to see two people show up around ten at night. Seonghwa does all the talking, giving his fake name, paying in cash. The old woman asks no questions and when she hands the key for room 315, she winks at you when he turns his back. She must think we are together, you realize with a jolt.
               The room is on the second floor. Seonghwa flicks on the light as you enter. There are two beds, a table with an old television, a basic phone, and the bathroom at the other end. It is sparse yet clean. With a sigh of relief, you shrug out of Seonghwa’s coat, handing it back to him. He tosses it on a chair near the window, looking at the beds.
               “Which one do you want?” He asks.
               “I don’t care,” You reply, going over to the window, leaning down to remove your boots.
               When you straighten, you peer at the bar across the street. A small cluster of people head inside. The red from the motel sign coats the parking lot in neon smears and when you stand close to the window, it bathes you in it as well. You cannot hear the muffled music. It feels as if you are watching a play from a great distance as if a giant window has come down between you and the rest of the world.
               Seonghwa comes to stand next to you by the window. The red splashes across his face, his eyes in shadow.
               “You’re right,” You admit, “This place is closed off from the rest of the world. Just something different about it. Maybe it is being in the mountains or lack of cellphone service. I don’t know. You just get the feeling they don’t get many people wandering through. It’s like…a secret just hidden out here. I can’t even remember driving through here on the way to the cabin.”  
               “Me either. I was trying to think if we did as we walked here. But I don’t think we did. It’s like this place just sprouted up.”
               “We probably just took a wrong turn somewhere, Hwa. It’s dark, snowy, and your car kept making that horrible grinding noise that distracted us.” You think that is a logical explanation although it still sounds false to your ears, “Regardless, one does get the sensation that what happens here happens…in between worlds,” You falter, “I must sound crazy.”
               “No,” Seonghwa replies, and his voice sounds so odd that you turn your head to look up at him, “It doesn’t sound crazy.”
               He is looking at you and your stomach swoops. You struggle to think of something to say when he leans down and kisses you.
               To say you are taken aback is an understatement. Your eyes widen at the touch of his lips against yours. This was Seonghwa, of all people, someone you bickered with constantly, someone you could barely tolerate. Even though logically you think you should pull away and refuse him, the conversations from throughout the night flash through your mind at super speed before landing on what Seonghwa said in the diner: So, let’s make a pact. That whatever we tell people here or whatever we do, we don’t speak about it once we leave. It’s left behind in this weird town. You suppose with that in mind, it doesn’t matter that you are giving in to feelings you conveniently buried somewhere in your heart. Once you leave here tomorrow anything you do with Seonghwa remains in this town.
               The kiss deepens, your arms circling around his neck, bringing him closer. Seonghwa tastes like coffee, your hands tangling in his hair. He lets out a soft sigh as if he wasn’t sure how you would react to him kissing you. It is easier to kiss him here, you think, than it would be out in the actual world, where people know the two of you don’t get along, where expectations are placed on your shoulders. In a place like this, where no one knows your name, where no one knows how you bicker with Seonghwa constantly, where no one would suspect anything other than casual disdain for one another, you can kiss him like this.
               Seonghwa must be thinking something along those similar lines because his hands slide to your lower back, fingers splayed against the fabric of your shirt, pressing you against him. His body is lithe, slender and warm. You suddenly cannot get enough of him as if a cork has been popped. Whatever you have buried is rising to the surface like steam in a hot spring. The world is a quiet, muted thing here and Seonghwa is all yours.
               Seonghwa’s tongue is in your mouth as you take a step backwards towards the bed. The room flickers in red from the motel sign, the only noise is the harried breathing of both yourself and Seonghwa. He moves your shirt up a little, bare fingers against your back, enough to make you inhale sharply from the touch. He smirks against your mouth, his teeth biting on your bottom lip, tugging on it as your hands move downwards to pull off his turtleneck.
               You toss it to the floor, impatience growing by the second. Your eyes have always lingered on Seonghwa even when you denied it to yourself. When he scowled at you, when he laughed at something Hongjoong said, when he focused on something on his phone – maybe you have always kept tabs on him in some way and it is only here, in some strange place where nothing feels normal, you can admit it.
               Seonghwa, with the neon draping over his body, shakes his hair out of his face as your fingers run down his stomach and abs. Your desire for him is at an all time high and it is difficult to think about anything else other than how much you want him.
               “You know,” Seonghwa says quietly, “I can always go back to the diner, maybe flirt with the waitress again, if you’re having second thoughts.”
               Your head snaps up to look at him, glaring, “So you were flirting.”
               He grins wickedly, “Maybe a little. Maybe because I wanted to see if it bothered you.”
               You push him back onto the bed, hiking up your skirt so that you can straddle him. Seonghwa laughs as you bring your hand to his chin, tilting his face back so that he has to look at you. His teeth are daggers in the dark, black hair spread out on the bed, his hands resting on your hips.
               “And it absolutely did bother you,” He says, “It was written all over your face.”
               Seonghwa arches his hips slightly, wiggling down his pants enough so his boxers are exposed. You can feel his hard cock straining against the fabric, pressing against your underwear. Your skirt is bunched around your waist and with your free hand, you move your underwear to the side to take him inside you.
               As you sink down on his cock, your hand lowers to his neck, curling around it. Seonghwa groans as inch by inch of him slides into your tight hole. He is too big for you, and you have to wiggle your hips a bit to take more. One of his hands flies upwards, holding your hand in place around his neck. Once his cock is fully inside your cunt, you go still, getting accustomed to the feeling of him stuffing you.
               Then, slowly, you rock your hips, just enough to watch Seonghwa’s face change as the pleasure begins. He looks good underneath you like this, you think, with your hand around his neck, half dressed. You don’t pick up the pace, taking your time – because time didn’t seem to flow properly in a town like this anyway, and it didn’t matter, some part of you thinks – watching which movements garner the strongest reaction from him.
               Buried in your cunt, you bring your hips down, listening to Seonghwa groan as you do. Your hand tightens around his neck for something to hold onto and his eyes flutter closed, clearly enjoying it. Seeing him like this is some sort of fever dream. You never allowed yourself to picture Seonghwa in this way. Outside of the occasional dream that would leave you waking up wet and turned on, it was something you avoided at all costs. But now, you cannot get enough of it.
               You pick up the speed as you ride him, sometimes taking him all the way inside and going still, just enjoying the feeling of Seonghwa buried inside your cunt. You alternate between tightening and loosening your grip on his neck. His skin is flushed from being so turned on and when your hand contracts around his neck, sometimes his tongue pokes out from in between his pretty lips as he whines.
               Seonghwa arches his hips suddenly, making you gasp. His hands grab at your shirt, tugging you down to kiss him. Surprised, your grip on his neck slackens as you return the kiss. As the kiss grows desperate, Seonghwa bucks his hips upwards, driving his cock deep in your cunt. You moan in his mouth as his arms wrap around your waist. In one fluid turn, he rolls you into your back, driving his cock in your tight hole.
               He stops at one point, slipping out of your cunt which makes you whine. But Seonghwa hastily kicks off the pants and boxers he still had on, crawling back over your body to continue fucking you, tugging your underwear off and tossing it to the floor.
               Seonghwa enters you once more, exhaling slowly, eyes closing for a moment. “God, you have a tight cunt. Can barely get in you.”
               Just to drive him crazy, you clench around his dick which makes him groan again, starting to move inside you.
               As he pumps his hips, his hands fumble with the buttons of your shirt. The kiss breaks and he looks down at the shirt in irritation.
               “You always wear shirts like this,” His voice is hoarse, “Your tits straining against the fabric all the time, drives me fucking insane.”
               The admission takes you by surprise. Even worse, you know that it is making you blush. Seonghwa manages to get a couple of the buttons undone in his impatience, idly moving his hips as he does so. But he clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth as if it still isn’t enough. Taking hold of the fabric, he tears at the shirt, the buttons flying apart as the shirt is forcibly ripped open, exposing your bra.
               “Hey,” You protest feebly, not really caring the shirt is ruined because you like seeing Seonghwa this desperate for you, “What am I supposed to wear tomorrow?”
               “Just put my jacket back on,” He says shortly, clearly not thinking much about it, as he yanks down your bra, bringing his face down to bite one of your nipples gently which makes you gasp. He switches between biting and sucking on your nipples, not moving his hips, just leaving his cock deep inside you as he takes his time with your tits.
               Once he is finished with them, Seonghwa drags his lips up along your shoulders to your neck before biting the sensitive skin. He doesn’t stop, leaving a trail of bites along your neck.
               “Whoops,” He breathes in your ear, “I guess you’ll have to cover this up for your big date tomorrow night.”
               You are wiggling your hips urgently, trying to get Seonghwa to start fucking you again but he remains still. He bites you one final time before finding your lips once more. The kiss is urgent, messy, and he finally resumes fucking you. You drag your nails up along his back, leaving scratches that have Seonghwa groaning in your mouth, the sound of skin smacking against skin filling up the small motel room.
               Seonghwa grabs your legs, straightening up a little to fold them against your chest as if you are a poseable doll. He resumes thrusting then, bouncing you on his cock. Your fingers grip the bedsheets, moans tumbling from your mouth as he fucks you. Some of his hair has fallen in front of his eyes, his body doused in the red neon, the only noise the two of you cursing and groaning in pleasure. There is no thought given to the world outside, this bizarre, isolated town or the way it allowed Seonghwa and yourself to give in to one another. The only thing you can focus on is that if he keeps fucking you like this, you will climax soon.
               Seonghwa looks downward to watch your pussy take his cock, sliding all the way out before ramming back in. One hand falls to your clit, brushing his finger across it just to watch you squirm.
               “You gonna cum on my cock?” He asks in a soft voice, his chest rising and falling with his fast breathing, “You gonna be a good slut for me and finish on my cock?” He enters you fully, hitting your sweet spot which makes your back arch, “There you go, whore, take the entire thing for me.” His hands curl around your waist, pulling you downward to meet his thrusts.
               “H-Hwa,” You gasp, head rolling back as your orgasm quickly approaches.
               Seonghwa’s thrusts are erratic and sloppy, making it clear his own climax is about to begin. He rubs your clit quickly as he brings your cunt down on his cock. It is just enough to push you over the edge. With a strangled moan, you begin to climax, your pussy tightening around Seonghwa’s thick cock. He grunts, one final thrust before going still, his eyes closing tightly as he finishes. Unloading in your cunt, you can feel how he fills up your tight hole, your pussy milking his cock, wiggling your hips urgently as you climax.
               Panting, Seonghwa takes a moment to collect himself as you both come down from the intensity of your respective climaxes. He slides out of you, rolling onto his back, eyes still closed. You lay next to him, half dressed in your ruined shirt and skirt hiked up around your hips.
               What the hell did we just do? You think dizzily, unable to believe that you just slept with Seonghwa – and that it had been so good. You aren’t sure what to say –
               And then realize Seonghwa’s breathing has quieted to a steady and slow pace. Propping yourself up a little, you stare at him. He is already fast asleep.
               “Unbelievable.” You mumble to no one. You supposed that at least eliminates any awkward post sex conversation.
               You study his face and gingerly brush some of his hair out of his eyes. You feel exhausted as well from all the walking, the surreal feeling of being in this town and then fucking Seonghwa. Too lazy to fix yourself up, you lower back down, moving closer to Seonghwa, closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep, dreams filled of rooms with red curtains.
               “She’s all fixed,” The mechanic pats the top of Seonghwa’s car, “Shouldn’t be any problem getting home, Cooper.”
               In the winter morning, the town looks like any mountain town – made for Instagram photos, the snow glittering in the sunlight, the mountain peaks topped with fog. Seonghwa, back in his black turtleneck and dress pants, looks as collected as someone could be for waking up in a random motel in the middle of nowhere. You hate how your heart flutters at the sight of him now.
               “Great, thanks so much,” Seonghwa remarks, “I appreciate the rush job on it.”
               “No problem. We don’t get many visitors coming through here. Wouldn’t want you to leave here thinking we aren’t hospitable.” He tosses the keys at Seonghwa, “Have a nice drive back now.”
               Waking up in the motel with a naked Seonghwa earlier had been surreal. Him promptly fucking you again upon realizing you were awake only added to the feeling. As he fucked you into the mattress and you came around his cock once more, he said something that you weren’t expecting.
               “I want to come back here with you.”
               You understood the meaning behind the words. If whatever you did in this town didn’t impact your lives once you left, the two of you could fuck each other like bunnies in the motel near the diner and no one would be the wiser. It wouldn’t change your dynamic outside of this place. It would be a secret only for Seonghwa and yourself in a town at what felt like the edge of the world.
               You are thinking about that now as Seonghwa starts the car, motioning for you to get into the passenger seat. Wearing only his jacket and your bra since he ruined your shirt last night, you feel half undressed somehow. You had left the shirt in the motel as if bringing it with you would be taking a piece of one reality into the next, breaking some unwritten rule.
               “See, not too bad,” You remark, looking at the time on the car clock, “We’ll be back by early afternoon.”
               Seonghwa shifts slightly to face you, bringing his fingers forward to brush down across your neck where a line of bites and hickeys were evident against your skin. “Plenty of time to cover these up.”
               You smack his hand away, trying not to blush. “Foundation works wonders, trust me.”
               “I’ll have to bite harder next time then.” He replies casually.
               Next time, you think quietly, taking pleasure in the words. Yes, there would be a next time, and a time after that. As Seonghwa drives down the quiet streets before turning out of the town and back into the main road, you turn around to look back at it. But the town is already swallowed up by the fog.
               “What if we can’t find it again?” You wonder aloud.
               “We’ll find it. We found it the first time, didn’t we?” Seonghwa replies – the change in his posture is evident. Now that the town is in the rearview mirror, the dynamic has shifted to the one you two are most comfortable with: bickering friends who irritate each other regularly.
               “Yeah, we did.” You murmur, turning back around.
               And it would be waiting for your return, to hold your secrets close to its chest like a lover would.        
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jarofstyles · 3 years
more gang/mafia harry. literally anything ur heart desires I just want gang/mafia!harry
Ok…. So maybe went overboard with this, but dark Harry feeds the soul (or takes it lmao)
But this is what I imagine he’s like when someone threatens or attempts to hurt Y/N.
TW/ guns, violence, blood, bad language and just altogether dark oops
Harry wasn’t a man to cross.
It was known by almost all. And when you say almost, it’s because a select portion of the population doesn’t seem to care much about their lives. At all.
It was widely known that he was brutal. Harry didn’t give second chances, sometimes he barely gave a first. You simply didn’t fuck with him. Period. He was protective of his own and the consequences of messing with them were showing to be quite deadly.
There weren’t many things that he held dear in his life. His mum and sister, yes. His core group of inner men, though even to them they may not know it. But Y/N was at the very top of that list, and that unfortunately made her a target. A large one.
Harry had people watching for her whenever she left. Perhaps that was excessive to some, but he would damned if he let anything happen to the one beam of sunshine in his life. She was his joy, his love, his breath. And no one fucked with her.
When they did, though? It wasn’t pretty.
He had gotten the call that a man had been tailing Y/N as she did her day to day. Sitting outside her apartment, waiting for her to leave. When she felt someone following, she called Harry and immediately he had his men on it. Surrounding the car before he even knew what happened. And while Harry usually didn’t do dirty work himself…. This was a very special occasion.
“I suggest shutting the fuck up.” He rolled his eyes as the guy tried to babble out excuses, Harry rolling up his sleeves as he walked into the room. His demeanor was dark and heavy. Angry. Livid. Because the man tied in front of him had nefarious intentions with his angel of a woman, and he wouldn’t be unpunished.
“You’re going to nod yes or no.” Harry took the gun from his waistband and cocked it, flicking off the safety. The man trembled in the seat, nodding yes frantically. God. Pathetic.
“You had rope in the trunk of your car. Rope. Chains. A few knives. Plastic bags. Weapons. Light fluid. Correct?” He listed off, internally roaring with rage while on the outside still remaining cool. “Don’t just sit there like a fucking idiot. Yes or no?” He clenched his jaw as the man nodded his head.
“You did. I saw it. And you were following my angel around. Yes or no?” He stepped closer, fist clenched against his side. Again, he nodded. This man was done for. “That was a mistake. You’ve got the be the stupidest person in the world. Did you think it was going to be that easy?” He took the gun and pressed it under the coward’s chin to lift it up. “Did you?”
The venom in his tone was felt in the room. It was known then that this man wasn’t going to be okay. “What were you going to do, Bradley? Hm? Were you going to hurt my angel?” His breathing picked up, waiting for a nod or a shake of the head. When he didn’t get one, his hand drew back and slammed right into the man’s face with a sickening crunch.
The man’s howl of pain only angered Harry more. How dare he think he had the right to make any noise when he was going to hurt his girl?
“Yes or no, you fucking piece of shit.” His growl was deep and he sounded truly evil. At the moment? Harry felt it. He had done a lot of fucked up things in his day, but the things he was envisioning doing to this man who threatened someone so pure and genuine? They were sick. He probably needed therapy.
“Yes! Yes, I’m sorry!” He sobbed when again Harry’s hand came up and hit him with force that nearly knocked his bound body and chair over. Blood poured from his nose and his lip was split. There was no remorse from Harry.
“You’re sorry?” He snickered, shaking his head. “You’re going to be. You’re going to tell me who hired you, you sick fuck. And then I’m going to make you regret everything. Taking this job, scaring my girl, the day you were fucking born. The girl you were going to harm has no play in this. She’s mine. That’s it. And you’d think that you’d do a bit of research into just who you’re going to hit.” His green eyes were black with rage.
“Boss? Y/N’s in your office. She’s shaken up, you should probably go see her before you get too dirty.” A voice behind him let him in, making his spine straighten up again. Y/N was always the priority, regardless of how bloodthirsty he felt right now. He needed to make sure she was okay.
“I’ll be right there.” He spoke lowly, stepping back from the man who had just signed over his life. “You sit tight. I’ll be right back after I make sure my fiancé is doing okay. Your life has been extended a few minutes due to her. Thank whatever god you believe in because when I come back, it isn’t going to be a fun ride to meet them.”
Before leaving the room, he lifted the gun and pointed it at the man’s knee, pulling the trigger. The loud bang filled the room, along with the screams of the man as the door shut behind him. It was fine to comfort his girl.
When he had her shaking form in his arms, her tears soaking his shirt, gently soothing her terrified soul, he felt that rage raise again. No one got away with hurting her.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 314: ...Or You Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Villain
Previously on BnHA: Some random assholes were all “let’s throw exploding spears at All Might and see if it activates his Conqueror’s Haki” and SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKERS, IT DID!! Elsewhere, Lady Nagant confusingly tried to capture Deku alive by shooting him in the stomach, but to be fair I guess that’s what happens when you send an assassin to do a bounty hunter’s job, so yeah. Deku was all “ouch”, and then because this is a shounen he basically just straight up forgot about it, and did a big fancy Smokescreen thing, and then activated his mildly incomprehensible new ki-blasting quirk which he got from the Third. En and the Third were all “hey Deku maybe let’s not just impulsively activate all this shit in the heat of battle when you don’t know how to use it yet and you’re already injured,” and Deku was all “thanks for the quirks guys but I’ll take it from here” and snuck up on Nagant and grabbed her arm and so now what’s going to happen I wonder.
Today on BnHA: Nagant is all “[shoots Deku again]” because of course she is lol. Deku is all “tell me about AFO!” and Nagant is all “why would I tell you anything?” and then proceeds to tell him her entire life story which is FILLED WITH SO MUCH MURDER, YOU GUYS. Holy shit. So basically she was an assassin for the HPSC, which we already knew, but somehow it’s one thing to know that, and another to actually see her running around capping dudes in the forehead and being covered in more blood than the elevator from The Shining. Anyway, so you’ll never believe it, but all that murder had a negative impact on her psychologically, and eventually led her to question everything she believed about hero society, and so she killed her creepy boss and was promptly sent to Tartarus. This extremely fun chapter ends with Overhaul showing up all “HI, HELLO, I’M STILL HERE”, because for some reason he is still here. Why are you still here, Overhaul.
“the beautiful Lady Nagant” oh you know your audience don’t you Horikoshi
well all right then! so I’m guessing this means that she is not, in fact, going to roll over and die just because Deku’s out here all “GOT YA!” like they’re playing a game or tag or something. ffff may the manga gods have mercy on our young suicidal protagonist
lmao so Deku is all “GOD I’M SO SMART, WHAT A GOOD STRATEGY I HAD, CAPITOL JOB THERE OL’ CHAP, CAPITOL” and lol, okay. I mean, it was a good plan though. but I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop here
“I’ll make you give me information on All for One” well there you go, lol. Deku Angst arc still fully engaged. still no light in his eyes either of course. just a lil chaotic ball of sleep deprivation and rage
lol, fucking THANK YOU though
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oh my god what the hell did she do to him lol
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did she shoot him with her elbow??? fucking look at this?? THIS IS WHY WE LISTEN TO HAWKS oh my god Deku are you dead
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things that I wish I could tell from this panel which I unfortunately cannot tell
did she stab him or shoot him?? can you imagine if it was the former lol. why does Horikoshi keep stabbing all my kids. look Kacchan now the two of you can match
did she actually hit him or did he get away??
or did she hit him and then he jumped away?? just, what
well anyway, so now Deku is asking her why she sided with AFO, but he seems a lot more pissed off than when he was interrogating Muscular, though. probably because she shot him three times. fair enough
oh my god
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does Lady have a blog here on tumblr dot com?? -- does Horikoshi have a blog here on tumblr motherfucking dot com?? why do I suddenly feel like this man is out here sneakily reading up on all our discourse
oh my god Deku it’s almost like getting up close and personal with someone who can shoot custom bullets from any distance and any position with deadly accuracy was a terrible fucking idea
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IF ONLY SOMEONE HAD WARNED YOU NOT TO ENGAGE WITH HER AT ALL COSTS. IF ONLY SOMEONE HAD HAD THE FORESIGHT TO DO THAT sob. can you imagine how much shorter this series would be if characters actually listened to Hawks. Hawks, and Momo. why do we even let anyone else run the show ever
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this looks a lot like what happens to me whenever I play One’s Justice. those fucking combo attacks that you can’t fucking escape from and so your character just has to stand there getting their ass whalloped repeatedly while you wonder why you paid $40 for this
but anyways though. so Lady who did you kill?? I bet they deserved it, don’t worry I forgive you
-- holy shit
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looks like the HPSC arc is back on the menu boys
so are we about to learn that the HPSC was going full Hydra on people’s asses? secretly dispatching anyone they deemed a threat to society?? “taken care of” as in you fucking shot them??
so then was the “hero” she killed actually one of the guys who was giving or carrying out these orders?? holy shit Lady, up until now I’ve mainly just been stanning you for your flawless eyebrow game and metal af quirk, but this shit could actually get real very quickly, and I am prepared to genuinely and sincerely love the shit out of you depending on what we learn next about your backstory
oh my god?!?
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so wait, hold up. am I reading this right?? basically the HPSC started murdering vigilantes because they were worried they were gaining too much of the public’s favor?? holy fucking shit???
oh my GOD oh my god
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“it’s been a while since I scarred you all with the dead dog and the graphic slaughter of an entire innocent family, huh,” Horikoshi says thoughtfully. “anyway so what do you all think of my new creation, the Spaghetti Bullet.” well, Horikoshi, so you know that squished-up face that Kermit the Frog makes sometimes? yeah. that’s what I think, if you must know lol
holy hell the juxtaposition
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I’m actually kind of surprised to learn she had a lot of fans? what with her M.O., I was expecting her to have been an underground hero like Aizawa, but apparently not? then again I still have absolutely no idea how any of that works. I really need to read Vigilantes already
oh snap
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nothing like a sweet dose of assassin trauma to finally round out our BnHA Trauma Bingo!! well done guys, we finally collected all of the traumas! hooray!
noooo Ladyyyyyyy
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holy shit what a fucking chapter. like, this man promised us an assassin, and went and fucking delivered. I was not expecting it to be this dark, lol, but holy shit I am here for it
you know, at some point you have to start questioning the logistics of this, though
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I mean, how do I put this... her quirk isn’t exactly subtle. that murder scene from a few pages back looked like the first season of Dexter for fuck’s sake, that’s not exactly “disappearing” people now is it?? and I mean, her bullets are literally made from her own fucking hair; it seems like it would be impossible not to leave any evidence behind. did no one start to wonder who the fuck was going around murdering all these people? or did the people who asked too many questions wind up getting conveniently “disappeared” themselves??
and hey, speaking of asking too many questions
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holy shit is he blackmailing her??!? or no, wait -- what the hell is he reaching for in his pocket boy you better not
(ETA: what exactly was this man expecting fdslkjd. “uh oh my unstoppable hair trigger assassin who is literally always armed is asking questions, better announce that I am going to shoot her and then reach into my pocket veeeeeery slowly while she stands there all of two feet away.” how did this guy ever function as the head of a shadow government with these decision-making skills, I’m genuinely baffled.)
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this. right here. is why “run the fuck away” was damn good solid fucking advice. oh shit. but my god did this dude have it coming
so wait lol has she just been narrating all of this out loud to Deku this entire time
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okay but can we just stop for a moment and appreciate the fact that they’re having this deep conversation about the dark secrets of hero society right in the middle of their intense mid-air sniper free-for-all lol
holy shit you guys, Nagant’s the one that should have made the tell-all video. I mean, no offense to you, Dabi, I’m sure you worked very hard on your video and did a ton of crunches every day so that you would look good with your shirt off while you told the world all about how your dad was a jerk. but seriously...
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this is already like 100x more convincing than what he put out. also, gasp, is it another flashback
yes it is oh my gosh
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so the HPSC Chairladyperson whom ReDestro killed used to be this guy’s direct subordinate, huh? I wonder if she kept the whole assassin program going after she took over. can’t say I was feeling any particular kind of grieving way about her death before, but certainly not now lol
but unfortunately Nagant has finally lost me at the same place where all of the villains inevitably do, which is to say when they somehow make the dubious mental leap from “society sucks and is bad” to “let’s just be openly fucking evil lol, worth a shot.” because when heroes murder innocent people and cover it up, that’s obviously bad (and I mean, it absolutely fucking is lol, don’t get me wrong); but when villains murder innocent people straight up out in the open without giving a fuck, they’re righteous revolutionaries? just -- is there really no non-murdery middle ground here?? I guess that’s what Deku and co. are for, hopefully
anyways oh shit Deku seems to have spotted something?? and he’s doing something weird with Blackwhip what
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oh, he spotted her, I guess
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new favorite Deku panel right here. a masterpiece
oh my god you guys our little boy is starting to grow up before our eyes
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you love to see it. and you can tell with those elipses that he’s gearing up to say something really cool and determined and badass like the shounen protag he is, yes please, Deku ilu so much please do your thing
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IS THAT A TEENY TINY LIL EYE SPARKLE THERE OMG. still not anywhere close to his usual standard, but that’s some clear resolve there in his eyes there at long last! it always shines the most clearly when he’s being true to himself and his ideals, so I love that it finally shows up again here, when he’s reaffirming his resolve to help others no matter what
uh oh so what’s Lady going to do now
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is it time for a trump card?? kinda sounding like it’s time for a trump card
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I lied btw, this is my new favorite Deku panel. but anyways what is she up to now lol
ohhhhhh, lol
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why does she seem shocked, lol. here I thought this was part of her plan, but apparently she forgot all about ol’ “Look Ma, No Hands” back up there
and so I guess that’s it for this week! so we’ve learned basically everything now about Lady and her quirk and her history with the HPSC and why she agreed to work for AFO. pretty much the only question that still remains is why the hell she decided to drag this asshole along for the ride! because I still cannot figure that out dsklkjlkf
(ETA: actually now I’m kind of wondering if they maybe have some past connection we don’t know about yet. when exactly was Nagant sent to Tartarus? is it possible she was ordered to track down and kill Overhaul at some point before that, but never got around to it? or something else along those lines? idk but now I’m curious.)
anyways Deku, I know that your empathy has no bounds and that you’re on a “saving villains” kick right now, and good on you... but also, if you decide to just like, skip all of that shit just this once, absolutely no one will hold it against you, I’m just saying. just, all I’m asking here is maybe let’s think twice before we start trying to reform guys who imprison and torture little girls for profit. I think maybe that’s a good place to draw the line. next week is going to be a very interesting chapter lol
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aomine-ryo · 3 years
I can't think of a specific scene, but I just want some angst with Tatsuya please!! Thank youu ❤️
Haha it pained me to write this,, I might’ve cried a bit while typing out some of the dialogue lmao idk why I went so hard with the angst 😭 it’s so long as well ajsjsk
Anyways, I hope you like it!! xx
Scenario: Himuro moving away
gender neutral reader
All good things seem to come to an end. All your life, you were painfully aware of this fact. You tried making some exceptions, but they just proved you wrong in the end. So why did you think Himuro was any different?
You and Himuro clicked almost instantly ever since he moved into town and into the house right next to yours. It was your typical cheesy boy next door love story, but it still filled your life with colour.
The two of you began as friends, spending an awful lot of your time together— walking to and from school, study sessions and just plain hanging out. But by far, your favourite thing to do with Himuro was climb up to the roof of your house and stare at the stars together. You’d think that with the sheer frequency of your visits to the roof that either of you would get tired of it, but you never did. The stars never failed to fascinate you. Moreover, you had memories attached to the place. This was where Himuro confessed to you for the first time. You remember it like it was just yesterday.
“... and then I slipped on one of the steps and landed on Atsushi and everyone looked horrified,” Himuro recounted his awful experience that day as you tried to hold back your laughter.
However, the imagery of it only made you laugh even harder, “How are you that clumsy?” you said between laughs, clearly mocking him.
Himuro clicked his tongue in annoyance and slapped your arm lightly. “Stop laughing. I could’ve really gotten hurt, you know,” he said, not taking his eyes off of you for a moment, even after you had simmered down and looked back up at the sky.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m glad you’re okay. But you’re just really stupid sometimes,” you smiled, meaning every word you said.
Himuro just rolled his eyes as a response before a silence fell between you two. It wasn’t awkward nor uncomfortable, the two of you just embraced each other’s presence like it was second nature.
“Hey, Y/N,” Himuro said, breaking a five minute long silence after fighting the nerves by himself.
“Mhmm?” You hummed, looking over at him and realising that he seemed unusually on edge.
“What if I told you that I liked you?”
You felt your heart skip a beat at the sound of those words before your rational thinking came into play. “Well, I wouldn’t be surprised because you’re supposed to like me. You’re my friend, after all.”
Himuro visibly hesitated for a moment before deciding to go for it. “No, I mean more than in a friend type of way.”
You felt yourself freeze up as you tried to process what you had just heard. “Oh,” was the only thing you could muster.
A few seconds of silence passed as Himuro grew more and more nervous. “Should I have not said anything?”
You still didn’t say anything as your mind tried to come to some form of coherent thought. “What if I told you I liked you back?” you finally said, so nervous that you were unsure if he had even heard you.
He certainly did though as his eyes lit up and a gentle smile fell upon his face. He didn’t plan this far ahead. Now that he had gotten his answer, his mind was in a frenzy. “Can I kiss you?” he asked you softly since it was the only thing he could think of to do at that moment.
Without missing a beat, you nodded your head yes. And on that roof, under the stars, was where you and Himuro kissed for the very first time.
Ever since that night, the two of you would be all over each other. Of course, the change in titles was a bit awkward at first, but for the most part, the way you acted around each other wasn’t all that different. You’d still argue over your favourite tv show characters, you’d still laugh at each other’s jokes and you’d still meet up on that roof together. So really, nothing changed except that the two of you would hold hands and kiss every now and again.
It was perfect to you. You both really did love each other to the point where you could barely imagine a world without the other in it. Everything came so naturally with Himuro that it was so incredibly easy. You’d really never felt this way with anyone else before.
No one else around you was surprised when the two of you started dating either. When Himuro told Murasakibara about it a few days after you two got together, he even said, “Oh you two weren’t already a thing? Congrats, I guess.”
A little over a year had passed since you two began dating and things were going smoother than ever. Well, that was until one evening when the two of you were walking home after school.
“Hey Y/N, I kind of have to tell you something,” Himuro said, his voice softer than usual, making you stop swinging his arm playfully out of concern.
“What is it?” You questioned.
“Um, well, it’s kind of hard to say this, but I’m moving,” he said, avoiding eye contact out of nervousness.
Your heart sank as you stopped in your tracks, forcing Himuro to stop too. “Moving? Where?” you asked, bewildered.
“Back to America. My dad got transferred again, so we gotta move,” he explained, hating how pained your expression was.
You felt tears prick your eyes as you processed the fact that this was actually happening. “When are you leaving?” you asked, praying that it was a faraway time like next year.
“Next week.”
You felt everything shatter around you. The wind that blew your way draining the warmth out of you entirely. “But they can’t just move him away so suddenly! Surely there are documents and other processes he needs to sort out,” You argued, trying your best to convince yourself that you could keep Himuro for just a little longer.
“No, it’s all confirmed. Most of the stuff at home is even packed up,” Himuro said, trying to fight back tears of his own as he brushed his hair out of his eyes in frustration.
“Oh,” your voice cracked as tears streamed down your face. “So how long have you known?”
“About a month now. I was just trying to figure out how to tell you—“
“A month?” You exclaimed, raising your voice ever so slightly as you felt a wave of anger flow through you. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“I didn’t know how. Plus I knew you’d get all sad and I didn’t want our last few days to be spent with you crying,” he explained, reaching his hand out to your face so that he could wipe the tears away.
He was quickly shut down by you swatting his arm away though, making him furrow his brows in confusion.
“How do you think this is any better?” You snapped. “I thought we told everything to each other. Now there’s no fucking time to do anything, do you realise that?”
“I do, but—“
“Save it, Tatsuya,” you cut him off as you wiped your tears away with the back of your hand. “I just need some space.”
Just like that you stormed away, deciding to walk back home alone and leaving Himuro behind, confused and hurt. He knew that you weren’t actually mad at him. He knew that you were just lashing out your frustration onto him because there was nothing else you could blame. He knew that. But why did watching you walk away cause an ache in his chest?
Himuro let you have the rest of the day to yourself. He did send you a few texts asking how you were holding up, but they got no response. In any other situation, he would’ve just walked right over to your house and checked for himself, but something told him that he was the last thing you wanted to see, despite the time crunch.
Himuro didn’t see you nor did he get a reply from you the next day either. By the time the evening rolled around and he had heard nothing from you, he decided that it was enough. If he didn’t do anything now, the last memory he’d have of you would be your anger.
The raven haired boy walked over to your house and knocked on the door. Your mum let him in with a smile, not thinking too much of it since she was so used to having him over. When Himuro entered your room, he found you simply just laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression.
“Y/N, are you just going to ignore me until I leave?” Himuro asked without even greeting you first.
You immediately sat up at the sound of his voice and stared at him from across the room. Now that you had run out of tears, you had slowly come to terms with the fact that he was actually leaving and you couldn’t really blame him. Your anger was uncalled for, but you didn’t want to admit it, not that Himuro was expecting you to anyway.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, voice raspy as though you’d just finished crying.
Himuro sighed as he felt his tension simmer down. He came in here expecting to tell you off, but it seemed like he didn’t need to do that after all. “You don’t need to apologise,” he said calmly as he walked over to your bed and took a seat next to you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Would you like to go up to the roof?”
A small smile fell upon your face for the first time in a while at the comforting words as you nodded in response.
Himuro took your hand and held it tight as the two of you headed up to lie down at your usual spot.
There was a full moon that night. Of course, the stars seemed inferior to the sheer brightness of the moon, but the night sky was still as gorgeous as ever. The two of you laid in silence for a moment to fully take in the sight. As you finally felt comfortable again, you noticed that you ended up matching your breathing with Himuro’s without even thinking of it.
“Do you really have to leave?” You said, directing your focus to your boyfriend, who was now more important to you than all the stars in the sky.
“I’m afraid I do,” he answered, squeezing your hand tighter.
“Can’t you just live with me? I’m sure my parents won’t mind. It seems like they love you more than me anyways,” you suggested, tone dead serious.
You watched as Himuro laughed at your idea. You could never get tired of his laugh. It was so soft and lovely that it made you want to capture it in a bottle and keep it all to yourself. “I wish I could, but my parents would kill me if I even tried asking them now. They’re so stressed about the move and I absolutely do not want to interfere,” he said, the moonlight making his dark eyes sparkle.
You took a deep breath as a moment of silence passed you by. Every part of you hurt to be with him, knowing that you weren’t going to see him again. It was a surprise that you could even talk to him normally without bursting into tears.
“Do you think we should call this quits?” You asked him, your fingers fiddling around with his.
“Call what quits?”
“Us. This relationship,” you clarified, looking at him with wide eyes. “There’s no way we can do long distance, especially after being so used to seeing each other every day.”
Himuro went silent for a second as he thought it over. This really fucking hurts. He hated thinking about it but this was the reality. “Yeah, I guess it’s for the best,” he said.
You were fully aware that you were the one that suggested it, but now hearing him say that triggered the tears all over again. “Cool,” you croaked as you did your best to fight back the cries. It was useless though, because you quickly became a sniffling mess next to Himuro.
“Hey, come on, it’ll be okay. We can go back to being friends. I’ll text you,” Himuro paused to wipe away his own tears, “I-I’ll text you every day. And we can call, and play video games, whatever you want.”
Himuro shifted over and rested on his elbow so that his other hand could wipe the tears off of your cheeks. His tender touch sent butterflies to your stomach as you felt your heart ache. His hand moved up to brush through your hair, bringing some form of familiar comfort which slightly calmed you down.
“Promise that you’ll still be my best friend?” you asked him with your shaky voice.
“Of course. Who else is going to tell me that I’m stupid every day?” he joked, making you laugh through the tears.
“Can I ask you for a favour?” You said softly.
“It’s not going to be to stay, is it?”
You giggled once again as you shook your head. “No, it’s not,” you said as you sat up.
“Alright then, shoot.”
“Well, I know we’re back to being friends now, but can you kiss me? Just one last time?”
Both of you hated the finality of those words, but that was simply the reality of the situation. Himuro smiled and nodded, “Of course.”
He leaned in, pressing his familiar soft lips against yours in the softest way possible. He could feel the hot tears trickling down your cheeks. His hand moved to wipe them away as your fingers wandered into his silky dark hair. You didn’t want this moment to ever end. The feel of his lips against yours, the way he held you so carefully, the taste of the chapstick he applies to combat the coldness of your town— you didn’t want to say goodbye to it. You didn’t want to say goodbye to him.
Eventually, he had to pull away, knowing that the longer it went on, the more difficult it would be to end. “Satisfied?” he asked you with a smile, wanting to move away from the seriousness of this situation.
“I suppose I am,” you said with a sigh. “First and last kiss on this roof, huh? How poetic.”
“Hm, I didn’t even think about that,” Himuro said, realising how absolutely bittersweet that kiss was.
Another silence fell between the two of you. You didn’t need to say anything to know that the other was savouring these last moments together.
“Hey Tatsuya,” you said as both of your gazes were fixated on the sky once again.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“I’ll miss this.”
“Me too,” he muttered before the two of you went quiet again.
“Hey Tatsuya,” you spoke again after a few minutes.
“Yes, Y/N?” he replied, your name rolling off his tongue in the same sweet way as it always would.
“I’ll miss you.”
Himuro took a deep breath and ignored the break in his heart. There was nothing else he could do.
“I’ll miss you too, Y/N.”
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zosonils · 3 years
Crossover you say 👀
i don't have much in mind story wise, but i'm thinking it takes place under the same conditions as worlds collide, which i insist on believing also happened nearly identically offscreen in the game timeline because nobody can tell me otherwise. fairly basic setup of eggman and wily teaming up to cause problems on purpose and sonic and rock working together to stop them, and now there's wisps in the mix >:O i'm sure i could think up a fun excuse plot for why sonic colours happens twice and also mega man is here now, but mostly this was just an excuse to put the special interest in the hyperfixation and come up with some fun weapons for rock based on my first and favourite sonic game
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each robot master is based on a wisp from either version of the original colours, which causes a little confusion given that you end up with two burst men and drill men but these ones have different EWN-XXX serial numbers and are entirely unrelated to their canon mega man counterparts. i haven't actually drawn the robot masters yet or thought up designs or personalities, just come up with their weapons and what stage they'd inhabit, but maybe i'll do that sometime. the robot masters are something like this
EWN-010 BURST MAN - weak to drill dash, gives bursting blaze, sweet mountain stage
EWN-011 ROCKET MAN - weak to cubic satellite, gives rocket jump, terminal velocity stage
EWN-012 DRILL MAN - weak to spike spin, gives drill dash, tropical resort stage
EWN-013 HOVER MAN - weak to rocket jump, gives hovering shockwave, starlight carnival stage
EWN-014 LASER MAN - weak to frenetic void, gives prism laser, aquarium park stage
EWN-015 CUBE MAN - weak to prism laser, gives cubic satellite, wii game land stage
EWN-016 VOID MAN - weak to bursting blaze, gives frenetic void, asteroid coaster stage
EWN-017 SPIKE MAN - weak to hovering shockwave, gives spike spin, planet wisp stage
i wrote up some really detailed information on how all the weapons work but i'll put that under a cut to prevent this post from getting too long! if you don't feel like reading massive paragraphs of game design ideas, here's the microsoft paint scribblings i did of all of them [sonic is there too]
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a chargeable attack that blasts out a sphere of fire to deal damage. charging it longer sends the fire out further and increases its damage output, but costs more weapon energy. without any charging it's a pretty standard low-range attack, but at maximum charge it functions as a screen nuke on par with the likes of rain flush, tornado blow, or astro crush. if rock takes damage while charging bursting blaze, he'll automatically release it at whatever charge level it was at when he got hit. in addition to the obvious usefulness of a fucking screen nuke, a less- or uncharged bursting blaze can be a handy way to quickly get some personal space in a tight situation.
cost: 1 unit when uncharged, 7 when fully charged [28 uses uncharged or 4 fully charged from a full gauge]. has five in-between charge levels costing 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 units from least to most powerful.
i came up with this name first because i wanted it to have blaze in it because i fucking love blaze the cat.
an explosion that launches rock much higher than a normal jump would take him, about the height of one screen. in addition to the explosion at the bottom dealing damage, rock's body deals contact damage until his upward momentum stops, which tears through enemies with low health or a weakness to rocket jump but doesn't protect him against bulkier foes or stage hazards. while he can still move left or right while rocketing upwards, the only way for rock to stop moving upwards is to either naturally run out of momentum, hit a ceiling, or take damage.
some platforms can only be reached by using rocket jump.
cost: 3 units per use [10 uses from a full gauge]
obviously a joke based on the rocket jump technique in a lot of video games, lmao. rock blows himself up and ragdolls so hard he clips out of the interstellar amusement park and sonic watches as he falls past every kill plane and into infinity forever
a dash attack slightly faster than the slide going straight down, sideways, or diagonally down-left or down-right, similar to the pile driver but shorter and without upwards reach. has fairly low attack power, equivalent to two mega buster shots, but pushes surviving enemies back, allowing them to be hit again and again with a chain of drill dashes. underwater, it moves significantly faster and further, and can be fired up as well as down, unlocking eight-directional dashing.
if rock hits a solid wall he'll bounce off of it, but if he hits certain types of dirt-like walls he'll drill into them, which can uncover helpful items like health and weapon refills and occasionally 1-ups or e-tanks [probably in scripted locations].
cost: 2 units per use [14 uses from a full gauge]
i've never played mighty no. 9 but i've seen footage of like the dash thingy he can do? because it probably looks kinda like that.
fires a shockwave that doesn't hurt any more than a standard mega buster shot [unless the enemy in question is weak to it], but stuns most enemies and has a fairly decent range. if you fire it in midair and then hold down the attack button, rock's falling speed will decrease dramatically, and he'll continue to float until either he hits the ground, the attack button is released, or he takes damage. hovering will cost additional energy, and if hovering shockwave is used in midair it can't be used again until rock hits the ground at least once.
cost: 1.5 units per use [19 uses from a full gauge], plus an extra 3 units per second of hovering, for a total of a little under 9 seconds of hovering taking the initial shot into account.
this one's pretty directly lifted from the hover wispon in sonic forces.
a laser projectile that either bounces off or goes through anything it hits a set number of times, maybe three to five. if it destroys an enemy its movement is unchanged; if it hits a wall or an enemy that doesn't immediately die to it then it bounces instead. can be fired in all eight directions, but once fired its trajectory is out of the player's hands. basically imagine gemini laser, then imagine it being obscenely better in every conceivable way. best used in enclosed rooms where it can bounce around a lot and doesn't have much opportunity to get lost offscreen.
some rooms have prisms in them like the ones in colours that automatically redirect prism laser, guiding them to destroy enemies blocking paths and the like.
cost: 6 units per use [5 uses from a full gauge]
cyan laser was my favourite colour power when i was a little baby because haha bright colour funny sound go wheeee. prism laser is probably overpowered because of this bias lmao.
summons four [?] orbiting cubes that shield rock from one hit each. they deal damage to enemies they touch unless said enemy is immune to the power. standard shield weapon, blue cube is a lame overly situational gimmick and i couldn't think of anything better. rock can still fire and charge his mega buster while shielded, but obviously can't use any special weapons. every time a cube is destroyed, the remaining ones spin faster, looking something like the tubinaut badnik from sonic mania. that's just a visual effect i don't know what else to write here it's a shield weapon.
cost: 3.5 units per use [8 units from a full gauge]
i think i'd like shield weapons more if i knew how to use the attacking ones to actually attack. i used leaf shield about 3 times in mega man 2 and every time i flung it in the wrong direction and got hit anyway.
sucks in any enemies that rock is facing for as long as the attack button is held down, drawing them to a point just in front of him. when released, the blasters on his arms [which in this form morph to look like the purple frenzy mouth] crunch down in front of him, dealing slightly more damage than a charged mega buster shot to anything that's been pulled in close enough and knocking back anything that isn't destroyed. rock can't move while using frenetic void, and if anything hits him while he's vaccuuming he drops the move without the finishing bite or knockback. this move can also draw in most types of bullets, which are absorbed and disappear if they reach the void, or continue in whatever direction they were pulled in if the move ends before they get there.
cost: 3 units per use [10 units from a full gauge]
i thought it'd be cool to combine purple frenzy and violet void somehow. i used void for the robot master name because i believe in sonic colours ds port supremacy, but the decision was ultimately pretty arbitrary.
what top spin wishes it was. a close-range attack where spikes emerge from rock's body as he does a speen, giving him a somewhat bigger hitbox. when he hits an enemy, he bounces off of it in a manner similar to the way sonic bounces off of everything he hits. the move lasts as long as the attack button is held down, draining weapon energy over time, and rock can still walk and jump while speening. some projectiles will bounce off of spike spin [generally small bullets like those from mets or sniper joes will bounce off while anything stronger will still hurt], and holding the move makes rock immune to spikes, allowing him to walk over them safely until his weapon energy depletes.
some items may be tucked away in places that are difficult or impossible to reach without walking over spikes, requiring the use of spike spin to reach them.
cost: 4 units per second, for a total of 7 seconds of spinning from a full gauge. the first unit is depleted the moment the button is pressed so the move can't be scummed into lasting longer.
honestly now that i'm thinking about this i might change spike spin to act a little more like how pink spike spindashes, but i was overcome by a desire for justice for top man.
i don't know how to end this post lmao but i've been thinking about this crossover for days on end. i know damn well it's a pipe dream but right now i'm in just the right mode of hyperfixation that if sega and capcom announced a sonic/mega man crossover in a video game that isn't smash lmao i would ASCEND
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Tik Tok | Elijah Mikaelson x reader
Requested by anon // Summary: You’re basically a walking meme, always quoting and singing popular TikToks and the Mikaelson family have no idea what you’re talking about but Hope loves that someone understands her.
A/N: i thoroughly enjoy watching tiktok and will spend hours watching it. I also annoy the shit out of my fiance showing him videos or singing songs lmao. However, I found this difficult to write and I have no fucking idea why. lol h8 my life. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this! I thought it was pretty cute, just horribly written 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: OPEN {CLOSED}
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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~ yo what’s good shawty? ~
You and Hope had grown close the couple months, especially after she figured out you loved tiktok as much as her. You two were actually a hit on tiktok and people enjoyed seeing your funny videos with the Mikaelson family, even though they had no earthly idea what the hell was going on half the time. That was the funniest part.
Hope had the idea of doing the yo, what’s good shawty in front of the family at dinner to see Elijah’s reaction.
Hope secretly recorded from across the table as your phone rang. The Mikaelson family looked at you. You gave an apologetic look, “Sorry.” You “answered” and it came over the phone, “Yo, what’s good shawty? Your man still around?” You had to hold back your laughs as you looked around at the table. 
Elijah was seated next to you and calmly wiped his mouth with his napkin, cocking his head to look at you, “Her man is still around and will not hesitate to rip your-”
You and Hope both busted into laughter, “It was a joke!”
“Oh, your faces were great.” Hope laughs, looking at her phone.
The family all roll their eyes at your antics, “Not funny.” Elijah mutters, sipping on his drink.
~ Carole Baskin ~
You and Elijah had arrived home from a date. “Is Hope at home?” Klaus asks as he enters the kitchen where you and Elijah are seated at the table, eating left over desert from the restaurant. You wiped your mouth, “Hang on, I’ll find out.” You hold your finger up, singing loudly, “Carole Baskin!”
“Killed her husband, wacked him.” Could be heard in the distance.
You laugh, nodding, “She’s at home.”
“What in God’s name?” Elijah looks at you, “Carole Baskin?”
You put a loving hand on his arm, “Oh Elijah.” You sigh, “You need to watch Tiger King.”
His face is crunched up in confusion, “Tiger King? Was he a real king? I may have known him.”
You face palmed yourself. This family.
~ Who in the hell put the muffins in the freezer? ~
You came down for breakfast, the family situated around the table. Hope walks over to you, “Hey, y/n.”
“yes?” You ask, fixing your coffee.
She opens the freezer, “What the fuck?”
You let out a small laugh, “Who in the hell put the muffins in the freezer?”
Hope laughs, “Those videos are hilarious. Have you seen the one where the Walmart worker does it?”
“yes.” You laugh, “It was hilarious.”
“There were no muffins in the freezer.” Elijah states, putting the dish in the sink, “Why would someone put muffins in the freezer?”
You and Hope exchange looks, “Sometimes I worry your family lives under a rock.”
“No, we just don’t sit on tiktok all day.” Klaus points out. He then points a finger at Hope, “I better not hear that F word come out of your mouth again.” He warns.
“Oh Klaus, come on. It was from a video.” You defend, rolling your eyes, and taking a sip of your coffee. “She’s 16. I was cussing like a sailor before I was that age.”
Hope wraps her arms around you, “Elijah, can you please make sure she stays with us forever?” You return the hug, looking at Elijah.
Elijah chuckles, nodding, “Planning on it.” He presses a kiss to your forehead, “How about you girls teach me that dance where you do this,” He steps back and tries to mimic the renegade dance but fails miserably.
“Oh my god.” Hope hides her face in your shoulder, embarrassed.
You almost spit out the coffee that you just sipped, “Oh god. We should have videoed that.”
*if your name is crossed out, tumblr is stupid and won’t let me tag you. 
**Also, i’m combining the Originals and the vampire diaries taglists. 
The Originals/ The Vampire Diaries tag list: @thefandomplace​ , @taylordrunkonwhiskey , @somewhatasoftbaddie , @toomuchtv​ , @losers-club6​ , @daddydobrockk , @akshi8278​
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels: SHORT SERIES PART 1
Member: stripper LEE JUYEON
Genre: angst, smut, exes to lovers because why the fuck not lmao and it fits the song anyw
A/N: at the point of writing this I WAS TIRED AND SLIGHTLY DRUNK BUT LETS GO. also, NOT part of the GEN Z series, i have racer juyeon in stall for you in gen z ;) also i told V that i was never going to write a stripper au for jy until he goes shirtless or grinds on a prop like kim kai did in artificial love... but when i saw this video, i thought of nothing BUT kim jongin. their styles are pretty similar... not to mention kai had an undercut phase too... conclusion: dana is in a mess and she’s drunk
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“i know it hurts to smile but you try to.”
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what is a story?
a story has a start, an arc, an ending. 
is it pages of cream colored sheets stacked atop one another, word after word after word printed in ink?
is it the lyrics that your neighbour sings in the shower because he associates the beauty of the lyrics with some heartbreak he’s been through, regardless of when he experienced it?
is it the way someone walks in the room and steals everybody’s attention with the sheer amount of confidence and intimidation he was radiating?
so, what is a story?
ups-and-downs. friendship. love. heartbreak. faults.
‘it was my fault, and it always will be.’
god wouldn’t have allowed you to forget that face even if you were dead, even if you had your skull cracked open and your brain was being eaten out in bits like Hannibal Lecter savouring the flesh of his victim. 
it feels like a witch’s long, untamed nails were being dragged across your skin, and she was breathing down your ear, whispering secrets of potions and words to curses like they were part of a song. 
he who is inked in your heart made of stone will never be removed.
blood that runs thick in the color of love forbids a stake foretold.
bones crumble to dust like fine sand in the wind,
for you will never forget that you have sinned.
the scars on your heart slowly tears apart like a wound that never healed, and every step he makes on the space makes you wish that he was stepping on your soul instead. 
not because you were sexually frustrated, but because you deserved it.
“y/n, lighten up! we’re here to have fun, not watch your mopey ass sulk!”
“yeah, you’ve been so stressed lately, don’t you think it’s time to loosen up?”
“for the record,” the music starts to thump in your stomach and the lights dim into a dark shade of red. “i didn’t want to come to a strip club.”
blood has covered the light, for his soul cries over your misdoings. 
“ugh, you’re such a party pooper,” she huffs, visibly frustrated when her forehead creases into lines under her makeup. 
the memory of you aggressively avoiding being dragged to a strip club rings in your ears like a fire alarm. sometimes, you would’ve loved nothing more besides throw a chair when she acts like that; making it seem like you wanted to do something when you’ve clearly stated you didn’t.
unfortunately, you were used to her shitty little habit. 
coercion sprints itself across your arm when she suddenly grabs it, violently shaking you when the music starts. 
dread washes over you like wildfire when he starts to move, and he suddenly becomes one with the music. 
the whiteness of his skin grabs you by the neck and sticks an ice-cold popsicle down your throat. you could still taste the sourness of the lemon flavoured one he would always give you, even though he liked it too.
the shiny, glittery, loose clothes hanging around his physical existence freezes your muscles the way medusa could turn people into stone. the hairs on your arms stand when you remember how small you looked in his clothes.
and his eyes. they hold a dagger at your heart, tip already sinking into the skin on your chest. 
black, sticky, dense tears flood out every hole of your soul’s mouth.
it takes a massive amount of effort to keep every dollop of excruciatingly painful memories to yourself, for you would’ve thrown up your dinner if you didn’t invest that kind of effort.
in your head, you were a demon coated in tears and smudged ink. 
stuck in time like a statue, your eyes were hollow and your voice was no longer. 
red, the color of blood mixed with poison was spewing out every hole from your face, your knees hitting the ground where the a bed of thorns were laid out carelessly.
the same way you laid out the bed of roses for him, only to become his thorns.
the start of the story began when you first locked eyes with him first in the neighbourhood library near your school. 
you never really liked studying in school, not when there were always noisy kids tossing a ball around or someone loudly crunching on chips next to you.
it doesn’t take long for you to notice that he’s been watching you, resulting in you warily turning around to look behind you to see if he was looking at someone else.
a soft chime in the hall pulls your attention to the old clock hanging above the entrance of the library, and an announcement rings through the PA system.
“dear visitors, the time now is 11pm. kindly exit the library and dispose of any litter you may have with you. we hope you’ve enjoyed your time here and we hope to see you soon.”
it was exactly because it was so late, that there was nobody left in the library.
carefully, you return your attention back to him, music still playing softly in your earpieces.
his eyes were glued to his books as he clears them off the table, and you remain seated, taking your time to pack your things as well.
you were hoping he doesn’t come over, so naturally, you panic when he does.
feigning the mindless scrolling on your phone doesn’t do much when he presses his palm flat on to the surface of the table, robbing you of an option to ignore him.
well, you could, but you recognise him. 
how could anybody not recognise him?
his eyes meet yours and intimidation fills you like you were drowning, but he suddenly squats with the support of his hand gripping onto the edge of the table, eyes darting away.
a frown finds itself on your face and you watch cautiously when he stands up again, placing a pen and a candy wrapper on the table before you.
“planning on hiding in the bathroom and staying overnight?”
“i... uh-- no...”
“okay,” releasing the edge of the table, he grips the two straps over his shoulders by the sides of his chest and nods towards the exit. “time to go then.”
lee juyeon had always been a rather mysterious character in school. he was two years your senior but it wasn’t surprising to know that he was friends with three of your classmates, one of them being your closest friends. 
when he wasn’t smiling, he looked like he could kill someone; drive a knife through their faces and not feel a pinch of guilt.
but when he does, it’s like setting off a billion firecrackers at once.
and by firecrackers, you mean the girls in school swooning over him.
if you had to choose a word to describe the way you looked at him, it had to be ‘indifferent’. you couldn’t deny that he was a great painting to look at and pretend ‘ugliness’ wasn’t a thing, but you’ve never really bothered to invest your emotions on anybody you deemed too far to reach.
so when he offers to walk you back to your place because of how late it was, it surprises you. 
“why do you study in the community library and not the school library? i thought i’d see you with sunwoo or eric or hyunjun in school.”
“uh... i stay for awhile just to watch them mess around until they lose their stamina... the school library is filled with idiots who eat and make a fool of themselves which make it not-conducive... so i thought the community library is a better idea. besides, the school library closes at 7pm.”
“ah,” he laughs, and you could hear the swooning in the back of your head. “why am i not surprised?”
the awkward atmosphere was killing you, and it was difficult to swallow the fact that you could not think of anything to say.
luckily, you stay just about a ten minute walk from the library, so juyeon walks right past your residence without noticing you’ve stopped.
“uh-- juyeon...”
“huh? oh,” he halts in his tracks and turns around, sheepishly taking large steps back to you. 
“thank you for walking me back.”
“it’s alright.”
silence, again.
“goodnight, y/n.”
you purse your lips and offer him a polite smile, slightly surprised that he knows your name. 
then again, he knows three of your classmates, and you were good friends with hyunjun. 
he doesn’t leave until the lift takes you away from the lobby, the view of him waving to you with his unwaxed, tousled hair makes you smile to yourself once out of sight.
the arc of the story comes when you start to find candy under your desk a few weeks later. 
you had stopped visiting the library because you were cooped up at home working on projects you needing your laptop for. 
the sugar left on your desk seemed to be some kind of coaxing to get you to go back to the library.
the candy on the desk was the same one that you ate at the library, the one with the wrapper that juyeon picked up--
“hyunjun,” you call out to the boy who was passed out on the table, walking towards him. 
“go away, i want to sleep--”
“you’ll sleep in class anyway,” grabbing his shoulders, it takes you some effort to peel him off the desk and make him sit upright. “you know who left this and i want to know who.”
hyunjun looks at you with bloodshot eyes, brows furrowing as he messes up his own hair.
“you sound like you already know who, so why do i need to bother telling you?”
the plastic of the candy wrapper crinkles in your hold as hyunjun’s head meets the table again.
again, it doesn’t take long for you to find out that juyeon might have a crush on you, and neither does it take long for you to reciprocate. 
being with juyeon was like sitting on a car and going on a long road trip. 
not many bumps, not many surprises, frankly, you were more than happy he was such an easy man to be with. 
when juyeon graduates, he gets admitted into a performing arts academy in another city, leaving you in school where you still had to wear school uniform and wake up even before the sun rose.
but he makes an effort to come back to visit you, knowing that he was the older one with more freedom. 
this long road trip, however, turns into a rollercoaster without warning, without your realisation.
the institute you enroll yourself into after graduation was located further away from the academy than your old school, but juyeon promises that he’d be with you whenever you could, and you promised the same.
distance becomes the first problem, when you realise how taxing it is to spend two hours travelling across the country to see him, and spend more time sitting on a bus or a train than actually being with him.
it starts to wear you away at the edges, fire burning the corners of ivory sheets with mandarin colored flames and leaving ashes the shade of coal on the floor.
then when juyeon was in his final year and you were halfway through your four year course, it was almost like he vanishes off the face of earth.
it worried you at first, that it felt like he was treating this four year relationship like he mattress he could fall back on anytime he wanted to. 
you didn’t blame him, but it stings in the wounds that draw on your heart after a considerable amount of time. 
was this what a long-distance-relationship encapsulated? how do couples who don’t even stay in the same country get through it?
you miss his scent, his arms around you, the way he smiles at you whenever you say something stupid or when he doesn’t get a joke and you had to explain it to him. 
it feels like he has forgotten you, and it rips you apart that you knew why, that you understand he has his own responsibilities as a student in a prestigious performing arts academy. 
but you can’t help but to think: if i could find time that i wanted to provide him, then why couldn’t he?
there was an expectation, and he didn’t meet it. naturally, it becomes a parasite in your love for juyeon. not only had you not seen him in months, his replies begin to spread out across days. 
he doesn’t reply until more than 24 hours later, and even when he does, they are short. they are dry.
you start to wonder why he was being so irresponsible with a relationship, especially one that he initiated four years ago. your thoughts start to run wild in your head, and you worry if he had just been playing with you the entire time, and now he was probably kissing someone else in some dance studio in another city.
no, juyeon would never.
then the day came that he appears on social media after a long time. the light that filled you was so intense that you smiled just by noticing he’s finally not dead.
yet, you would’ve much preferred death over seeing another girl on his social media. 
he didn’t have the time to respond to you, but he has the time to go out with another girl?
you leave him a text, trying to keep your cool and convince yourself that she was just a friend, and that he’d reply you as soon as possible if he knew you were feeling upset about him spending time with another girl.
hurt converts itself into something physical when he doesn’t reply. 
one day passes, then two. 
and soon, the whole week flies past. 
calls don’t get through, much less messages.
just what was he doing?
you worry and wonder that he no longer loved you and he was merely running from you in hopes you’d leave him alone.
where had you gone wrong? were you a bad partner?
your grades started to take a toll, and memories of juyeon started to clog up in your head as if you weren’t already trying to tear your heart out of your chest.
juyeon no longer loves you. 
he’s just having the time of his life in another city, with another girl, probably kissing her in the dance studio and running his hands all over her.
the mere thought kills you, so being able to actually imagine it in your head peels your skin off your body, leaving you in a wrecked mess on the floor with tissues used to wipe your tears. 
then, sangyeon came along.
the fresh graduate was flustered when he sees a second-year student fallen apart in a tutorial room on his trips back to the university. but he recognises you from a branching out event you attended a month ago.
it lasted two weeks, and sangyeon was your teammate as a senior, so he was more than aware of your life and existence. 
sang yeon stays a safe distance away from you while you try with way too much effort to calm your sobs down. 
it’s not a surprise when it fails though, and you break down even harder with the force of someone beating you up
sangyeon doesn’t hesitate to scoot over to your side and pull you into his arms.
it was tricky, trying to recall what exactly you told him. your eyes were swollen and your face must’ve looked like a plum while your tears stained his shirt. 
having someone’s shoulder to cry on was so comforting. it fills a gaping hole in your chest that shouldn’t be there in the first place. 
sangyeon’s voice runs through your head like honey, honey that soothes the scalding burns juyeon left on your skin. 
you knew it was dangerous, and there was a thin line to cross if you chose to let sangyeon through the doors of your heart. 
most your friends weren’t truly aware of the status of the relationship, thus telling sangyeon everything at one go combusts you even further. 
the urge to have someone’s skin pressed against yours, promising you that you were safe whenever they were around becomes painful to reject. 
you will never forget the look in sangyeon’s eyes when you kiss him mid-sentence. 
sangyeon tastes exactly his voice sounded, sweet and soft. his eyes were wide open the second you ram your lips into his. 
his reluctance slips across your arm, feeling a small amount of force being applies to your elbow when he realises what was happening.
but that pressure softens, and he lets you treat him like juyeon, in attempt to cure your own broken heart.
you will make the biggest mistake you will ever make in your life that night, and that was letting yourself pretend sangyeon was juyeon.
not only were you the one who initiated the kiss in attempt to redeem the lack of affection you were none but craving, you chose to pretend juyeon was the one who spent the night leaving fluttering kisses all over your skin. to whisper words of comfort into your ears and kiss your tears away.
when you wake up and see a pair of eyes that shouldn’t be in such close proximity to yours, it feels like a sword has been driven through your stomach.
then you hear hell knocking on your door, but he sounds like love and missing.
it is a crack, then a rip and a complete separation of your body into two when juyeon realises the door of your dorm room is not locked, and he has that bright smile on his face when he walks into the room, thinking you were asleep.
everything happens under a minute, and sangyeon wasn’t even fully awake by the time juyeon was in the room, seeing you in bed with another man.
the memory of a fight the magnitude of tremendous proportions etches itself in your brain like a parasite. 
juyeon literally hurls sangyeon out the door, the only piece of clothing on him being his underwear. 
there was an effort to stop juyeon, because you knew it for yourself that it was not sangyeon’s fault.
it was yours, and it always will be.
juyeon has the man’s clothes thrown out the door and he slams it shut in his face before you could say anything to sangyeon, locking both himself and you in the room.
have you ever seen the eyes of someone who has absolutely no clue what he did wrong?
they are broken, confused, hurt, angry. juyeon’s were coveted with a layer of tears just seconds away from billowing over his lower lids when he sees that your face was reddening from shame as well. 
there was a heavy silence that could’ve killed you, and you wished it did. 
“are you waiting for me to ask--”
“so what’s your explanation?”
you dump yourself on the edge of your bed, fingers pressing into your temples. if you pressed hard enough, maybe you could drill your fingers into your skull and rip out your brain.
why did your own name sound so threatening when it comes from his lips?
“why did you do it? the fact that we were saving it so we could be each other’s first after marriage but you go ahead and do it with someone else--”
“oh, is that the only thing you care about? sex?”
“no, that’s not what i meant--”
“i thought you’d be pissed off over the fact that i have another guy in the picture regardless of our relationship--”
“which is exactly what i’m asking right now!”
the skin on your forehead gets pulled back when your palms hold back your hair. being interrogated by juyeon in just a bra and home shorts felt so humiliating, so degrading, but you can’t help but to have that pang of hatred for juyeon.
he was the one who incited this. all you did was react in a way disproportionate to your feelings.
“why’d you do it, y/n?”
his voice is shaky, and you were terrified to look up at him because you knew he was already crying. 
it shatters your heart; you were angry.
with him. 
with yourself.
his feet shuffles against the floor and he kneels before you, eyes desperately searching yours for any sign of remorse. his hands wrap around yours but you pull away with resentment, and you can’t help but to feel like he was guilt tripping you into apologising. 
it was my fault, but he incited it. 
“stop, don’t touch me--”
“tell me what’s wrong, we’ll figure i--”
“tell you ‘what’s wrong’?” it takes alot of courage to shove him off and you lose sight of what was fuelling your emotions. “i’ll tell you what’s wrong, lee juyeon.”
he is shocked and you could almost hear something crack when he hears his name come off your tongue like you were regurgitating poison.
“you disappear off the face of earth for god knows how long and then when you finally show up again, it’s with another girl?”
it takes you awhile to notice you were now standing, and he was leaning back with his palms flat on the floor behind him. 
tears were streaming down the corners of his eyes and you know it was solely from the fact that he’s caught you red-handed but you weren’t showing signs of regret or remorse. 
it eats you that he thinks this is not his fault.
“look me in the eye and tell me confidently that you’ve been a responsible partner.”
gut-wrenching surprise writes itself across his face when the demand leaves your lips like venom. 
your eyes finally give in, hiccups starting to form in the back of your throat when the still silence gives you some kind of hint that this relationship was as good as gone. 
“i wait for you to reply for three days, sometimes more, and all you do is say ‘okay’ or ‘alright’ or ‘nah’-- how am i supposed to be convinced you are invested in this relationship? i haven’t seen you in like, what? four months?! not a proper text, no proper calls, you don’t bother to visit me though you know i can’t because of my work--”
the breathlessness in your chest is a cage with loosened screws and nails, an angry, uncontrollable beast inside waiting to lash out and give juyeon a tight slap across the face.
“ask yourself, lee juyeon,” the sobs become one with the hiccups, and droplets of agonising reality falls off the point of your chin. “who was that girl and why did you not bother to text me back? call me?”
his face falls as if he wasn’t already in a million pieces. the silence feels like a dozen paper cuts on your fingers and your lips cracking in the cold. it sounds like a the car on a roadtrip screeching to a violent stop, and it hurls both of you through the windshield.
your soul is bleeding when you see a muscle in his face twitch, because you now know he is as guilty as you are, even if he didn’t sleep with her. 
heartbreak forms a hand on the crown of your head and pushes you to nod. the tears along your jawline get wiped away with the back of your hand, the mucus running down your philtrum is a mess on your bare chest and your face is not recovered from the excessive crying in the last twelve hours. 
juyeon is quiet, but screaming in pain through his eyes. 
the weight of how broken the both of you were slams down on both your shoulders without warning, and you find enough energy to gulp and clear your throat.
“get out.”
the scene looks like a freeze-frame, and you shake your head at the sight of his unwillingness.
“get out, juyeon.”
it feels like a knife is being dragged across your throat when you say the last words you thought you’d ever say to him.
“we are through.”
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New person, same mistakes (1)
This was requested a very long time ago. I disappeared bc school is hard lmao. I’m back and will take requests!
Summary: After losing your parents, you move to the OBX with your cousin to continue your teenage years. The RULE makes for unsteady relationships, and several heartbreaks. 
Warnings: mentions of sex, drug use, abuse, violence , read at your own risk. 
Kie and her family were such angels for letting you come stay with them. After losing your parents, a new way of life was so incredibly refreshing. You were finally finding out who you were. Your aunt and uncle were so accommodating, and Kie made it much easier to make friends.
After a long day on the boat, you were finally stepping off onto steady ground. Your legs were sore, skin burning from the blistering sun, and to say you were dehydrated would be an understatement. The boys only brought alcohol along, and you and Kie had brought along some Capri suns, but ran out halfway through the day. The alcohol was still in your system, and you slowly trotted to the chateau, cooler in hand making the trek no easier.
“Hey, let me get that.” John b spoke, coming to your side. You looked at the brunette boy, his freckles prominent due to the sun exposure.
“Uh, it’s okay John b, I’ve got it.” You sighed, refusing the help of your former flame.
“Seriously, give it here.” He sighed, his hand brushing yours as he took the cooler from your grasp.
You lied there, completely bare with the brunette boy sighing next to you.
“We can’t keep doing this.” John b broke the silence.
You froze, trying to comprehend the words that just fell past his lips.
“W-what?” You said, rising and letting the cover fall exsposing your bare chest.
“Cmon y/n, you know the rule.” He breathed, standing from the bed to put his clothes back on.
“What? The stupid no pogue on pogue macking? You’re really gonna try to enforce that now?” You scoffed, standing to get dressed as well.
John b looked at you, “if the others found out, they would flip. And we’ve been best friends for years. I feel like we should stop while we’re ahead.”
“Seriously? Stop while we’re ahead?” You scoffed, pulling your shoes on “ I’m pretty sure they’ve got a pretty good idea about what’s going on already.”
“Maybe I just want to stop.” He said, making you freeze once again.
You slowly turned to face him, trying your best to keep the tears from spilling over your eyes.
“You want to stop? What happened to love John B? Huh? Was that all a stupid play to get in my fucking pants?” You spoke, your voice raising slightly.
John b shot his hands out towards you, in an effort to keep you calm. “Y/n! They’re outside, don’t wake them up!”
“Whatever John b.” You scoffed, grabbing your things and flinging the door to his room open.
You quickly made your way through the living room, seeing JJ smoking God knows what on the couch.
“Hey, where are you going?” He asked, his face suddenly scrunching in concern as John b came out behind you.
“Home- kie’s- what the fuck ever!” You groaned, finally making your way out of the chateau.
JJ watched as you got in your car, and swiftly drove off, dirt flying up behind your tires.
“John b-“
“Don’t, it’s nothing.” He sighed, dropping his arms to his side and making his way to the fridge.
“Y/n?” You wer suddenly brought out of your thoughts when JJ spoke to you.
John B had long ago made it into the chateau, and you and JJ were the only ones outside.
“Uh yeah, what’s up J?”
“Well you were just kinda standing here, not moving.” He told you.
“Yeah, just, lost in my thoughts I guess.” You stifled a laugh.
He nodded, and the two of you made your way through the thick summer air to the chateau.
Kie always told you that you were too good for John b, he didn’t really know what he had when he had it.
It took months, but you finally got back into the dating game eventually. And so say the other pogues were happy for you would be a lie.
You missed John b, you missed what the two of you had. But you were with someone else now.
Before you entered the chateau, tires crunched onto the rocks, signaling someone pulling into the chateau.
You turned to see the all to familiar car, music blasting for everyone to hear.
You rolled your eyes as your boyfriend stepped out of the car, strolling up to your place on the porch causing JJ to scoff.
You slapped him lightly
“I’m gonna go inside before I kill someone.” He spoke, causing your boyfriend to roll his eyes.
As JJ stepped over the threshold into the small house, your boyfriend wrapped his hands around your waist.
“Hey rafe.” You giggled, turning into his chest and inhaling his woody sent.
“Hey babe.” He sighed, slightly stumbling as he pulled you in even closer.
“Woah, are you okay?” You questioned, tugging away to get a better look at his face.
He was flushed, warm with beads of sweat cascading down his forehead.
“Of course I am babe.” He brushed you off, moving his head to place a rather rough kiss on your neck.
“Rafe, what are you doing? We are literally on John B’s porch.” You spoke, trying to push his heavy weight off your body.
“Cmon baby, let’s go get in the car and I’ll make you feel good, yeah?” He purred, his hands snaking up your bikini top.
“Rafe!” You said loudly, finally mustering the strength to push him off you.
“What’s your deal?” He yelled, shocking you at his sudden outburst.
With wide eyes, you scoffed, “what’s my deal? What’s yours! You’re literally trying to get into my pants on someone’s porch!”
“You don’t want me.” He deadpanned, taking his sunglasses off and running his hands through his hair.
“Of course I want you, just not right now, an-and not on a front porch for Gods sake!” You responded, pulling your face into his hands.
“Rafe,” you questioned, staring into his eyes concern and fear bubbling in your stomach.
“Rafe, are you high right now?” You whispered.
He rolled his eyes, “it doesn’t matter y/n, what matters is you don’t want to have sex with me, you want to break up!” He nearly cried, sitting on the steps with his hands pulling at his hair.
“Baby, of course I want you. But not while you’re high off God knows what! What have you been doing?”
“Just get away from me!” He yelled, swatting his hand at your legs before standing to walk to his car.
You jumped back in surprise, and watched as your boyfriend stalked off to his car before swiftly pulling off onto the street.
You were shocked to say the least, why was he being like this? You gave him every part of you, sometimes when you didn’t even want to. All you wanted to do was please him, make him happy.
You turned to see your friends watching intently from inside, and your cheeks flushed hot with embarrassment.
You opened the door to silence, other than the light ping of a bottle cap hitting the counter as JJ brought a cool beer to his lips.
“Are you okay?” Kie began.
You scanned the faces in the room, some of concern and others reading disappointment.
“Let’s just go home.” You sighed, turning to begin walking out. Kie said bye to the boys and quickly followed you onto the path.
“What was that?” She questioned, the orange glow from the sun casting beautiful shadows across the water.
“I don’t know.” You sighed, continuing the walk to your home, or, Kie’s home.
You tried calling Rafe a million times that night, laying in bed contemplating what you did wrong. Why did he feel like he needed to use drugs, were you not enough for him, like you weren't enough for John B? 
thankfully, a light knock at your door pulled you out of your thoughts. A blonde head of messy hair peaked around the corner of you door. 
“Are you dressed?” JJ’s voiced sounded, and you just curled up into your covers more, willing him to go away. 
“I’m coming in wether you like it or not, and to be honest I don’t really care if you’re dressed or not.”
Once JJ fully stepped into the room, he contemplated following kie’s orders to drag you along to the kegger. 
“JJ I don’t want to go.” You spoke, staying put in your mountain of blankets. 
“Well kie is gonna kick my ass if i don’t come downstairs with you, so this isn’t really about you.” 
Sighing, you sat up to see JJ’s lips quirked into a smile. You knew she really would kick his ass, so for the betterment of your friend you obliged. 
“okay, but I’m not going to have fun.” You told him, and he chuckled softly. 
“That’s okay, come on you can wear that, we’re already running late.” He said, pulling you out the door. 
The kegger wasn’t too crazy, just a handful of people and a cool night. You sat in a lawn chair, eyes on the fire when you felt a presence next to you. you were met with those all too familiar hazel eyes. 
“Hey.” he spoke. 
you cleared your throat, “Hey John B.”
He sighed, kicking sand as he rested his chin in his hands. He took a deep breath before sighing,
“I just thought you should know that I’m with sarah now.” 
you rose your eyebrows, “Now? You were with her before we broke up, and then threw me away like I meant nothing to you.” 
He sighed and stood before saying, “Y/n I loved you, I really did-“
“Yeah but you love Sarah more, don’t you?” You chuckled dryly, bringing your beer to your lips.
“Y/n we-“
“Just go John b, I don’t want to hear it.”
He slowly stalked away, joining the blonde girl who had no idea you’ve had your hands on every inch of his body. Touched every dimple and freckle that littered his skin. 
Before you could spiral any further, a loud motor lured you from your thoughts. 
seriously, who would bring a motorcycle out here? 
Oh, thats who. 
You stood apprehensively as Rafe made his way to you. 
“Hey baby.” He smiled, wrapping you tightly in a hug. 
“Rafe where did you get that motorcycle?” You asked him. 
“Don’t worry about it! Do you wanna come back to my place?” He asked, placing his hands on your hips, slowly drinking in your appearance. 
“Um, no not right now.” You said, notice the same dilated pupils you had seen just hours earlier. 
“Rafe, your’e high.” You scoffed, pulling away from him. 
“Yeah, so what,” He chuckled, reaching into his pocket retrieving a bag of a curious white powder, “You want some?” He offered, pushing the bag to you. 
“What! No!” You said, shaking your head at the boy in front of you.
“Whats your problem Y/N? Just take some, it makes you feel good.” He pushed further, dumping some of the contents onto his finger. 
He thrust his powder covered digit towards your face, and you turned away in disgust.
“No Rafe.” 
“Cmon, stop being a bitch and take it.” He harshly urged, grabbing you by the back of your head, gripping your hair and placing his finger under your nose. 
You thrashed in his grip, before finally falling to the ground. White powder falling over you, almost like the snow from back home.
“Seriously! You fucking bitch! Do you know how much that cost me!” He yelled, throwing his hands up in anger. 
He was starting to catch the attention of the others around you, especially JJ.
“Rafe I-I’m sorry.’ You choked out, starting to stand when a blunt force rammed into your side. 
You screamed in pain as you fell back into the sand. A dull throbbing shooting through your body. 
Did he just kick me? You struggled to sit up as he continued his mindless yelling. 
Instantly someone was at your side, helping you up as you watched JJ and pope hold Rafe from doing any more damage. 
tears spilled over your cheeks, and your body racked with sobs as kie pushed your hair out of your face, trying to calm you down. 
Of course John b wasn’t here to help
Rafe noticed your tears, and he instantly calmed, his face softening. 
“Oh, y/n I am so sorry-” 
“Shut up Rafe, we’re through!” You screamed at him, sobbing harder as kie held you against her body. 
she shot at look at JJ and pope, making JJ say, “Okay man, you gotta go.” 
“No! Y/n I’m sorry!” He cried, fighting against the two boys once more. 
“I said go man!”JJ raised his voice, forcefully pushing Rafe back to the bike he came in on.
Rafe sighed, and turned pulling his hair and kicking sand.
JJ made his way over to you, standing behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders while kie continued to tame your sobs.
“JJ h-he kicked m-me.” You choked out, and he whispered a soft I know in your hair.
JJ nodded kie off, and she took the hint, allowing you to fall into JJs grasp.
“Cmon, let’s go get you cleaned up, yeah?”
You nodded, leaning into him as he held your arm to aid your limp.
“Where’s John b?” You whispered, and JJ kept quiet, slowly leading you back to the chateau.
The others started to clear the party, wanting you to be able to calm down alone.
Once again, someone treated you like you were nothing. Maybe you are trash. Where did you go wrong?
JJ slowly walked by your side, letting you lean into him before you reached the porch of the chateau.
“JJ, I-I’m sorry.”
“What? You have nothing to be sorry for?” He spoke, leading you through the kitchen and into the small bathroom.
“You- you told me about him, you warned me, a-and I didn’t listen.” You sobbed, JJ slowly easing you down onto the closed seat of the toilet.
“Sometimes you can’t help who you fall in love with, it’s not your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for. And he’s lucky I didn’t bash his face in right there.” He said, squatting down to your level and Placing his hand on your chin to make you look at him.
Tears continued spilling out of your Y/E/C eyes, as JJ moved the sand clumped strands of hair out of your face.
His blue eyes looked into yours, and for a moment he contemplated his next moves, should he go beat the fucker up?
But he decided he needed to be here with you.
“You need to clean up, do you want me to leave you or?”
“I-I don’t think I can, my side really hurts.” You choked, steadying yourself in the blondes shoulder.
“Okay, I’m gonna go find kie-“
“No JJ, it’s fine, I just want to get cleaned up so I can lay down.” You told him, looking back up to meet his eyes.
“Okay, I’ll run you a bath.” He spoke softly, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder before starting the water.
“I’m used to people seeing me at this point.” You whispered, as he helped you stand and remove your clothing.
“What?” JJ was confused.
“I never really wanted to do the things Rafe wanted me to, I just thought I had to. I didn’t want him to leave me. But I guess it never really mattered.”
JJ wanted to cry, and go beat the shit out of the boy who forced you into things, kicked you, and made you feel like shit.
“You don’t ever have to worry about him again, I got you. I promise.” He said, lowering you into the warm tub water.
You closed your eyes as the warm water hit the throbbing bruise on your side, you continued crying as the events replayed in your head.
JJ slowly leaned you back to wash the clumps of dirt and sand out of your hair, your body limp as he held you.
His face scrunched up in concentration, seeming to have never washed another persons hair before.
You watched as his eyes focused on your h/c locks, rinsing them tenderly as to not cause you any unnecessary pain.
He raised you, water cascading down your back when a knock sounded at the door.
“Yeah?” JJ questioned, dunking a washcloth in the water and lathering it with soap.
“JJ, have you seen y/n?” Kies voice sounded from outside the bathroom.
“Yeah, she’s In here.” He spoke, beginning to wash your arms and torso as kie pushed the door open.
She gasped at the sight of her cousin, kneeling down beside JJ.
“I’m okay.” You croaked, throat sore from sobbing.
“That bruise is bad, do you think you need to go to the doctor?” She asked you, pushing strands of wet hair from your face as jj ran the washcloth over the forming purple and red contusion on your ribs.
You gasped and he let a soft sorry fall past his lips.
“I think it’s ok.” You whispered, as JJ finished and grabbed a towel to help you from the tub.
“I um- need clothes.” You whispered, clinging on to JJ as you stepped from the now cool water.
“Okay, I have some you can borrow.” He told you, sitting you down on the toilet to retrieve some clothes he had left in the chateau.
Kie looked at you concerned, wondering what you were thinking.
“I would’ve helped you with the bath you know.” She told you, sitting on the counter top.
“I know, I’m okay with JJ though.” You whispered, twirling your hair into a bun.
“Hey, are you alright?” Pope spoke, coming into the bathroom.
“Uh yeah, a little shaken but I’m fine.” You smiled.
He smiled back at you, falling into conversation.
Jj was rummaging through his room in the chateau, trying to find something decent to let you borrow. He could hear noises coming from John Bs room, and he rolled his eyes at the fact John b was to caught up with a kook to even know what had just happened to you.
Jj returned to the bathroom with a T-shirt and boxers, handing them to you before walking out with Pope to let kie help you change.
“He’s lucky I didn’t bash his face in man.” Jj sighed, leaning over the kitchen counter.
“What a dick.” Pope responded, falling onto the couch.
“John b doesn’t even know.” Jj said, looking to his friend.
“I know.”
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Let’s Go wlw! (Lin Beifong x fem! reader)
 A/N: I promise this story is more serious than the title makes it out to be lmao. Re watching LOK and seeing Lin and her character makes me go awooga. This is my first LOK fic and I hope you guys enjoy it!
Warnings: some sad thoughts but it gets fluffy!
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The light hurt. Its rays blinded you as you fell. The warmth kissed your skin but it sunk its teeth and that’s when it burned. When you dreamt of flying, this wasn’t what you had in mind. A flightless bird soaring through the clouds was the idea. Hell, that’s what everyone thought right? Smoke flew after you; the tendrils leaving your pure white dress. Your hair was burnt as you fell from the sky. You wondered if this was a punishment. Fate and the gods had to be laughing as their angel plummeted to her death. It was a cruel way to die, but it’s what you deserved right?
Katara had tried to help recover your memories. Once you recovered from crashing into the water and almost drowning, you had been brought to her. Apparently the sky had opened up and spat you out. The white dress you wore had been scavenged and hung on the wall next to your hospital bed. It looked weightless; it was strapless and every time you walked it flowed after you. A symbol was embroidered on it. A symbol from the heavens. Though, you couldn’t remember a single thing. Just what was I sent here for?
The fire crackled around the group. Korra and her friends set marshmallows over sticks, cooking them with its flames. The flames felt familiar somehow. Tenzin and his family were there, too. Tonight was a celebration. Amon had escaped but at least the city was safe. For now, anyway. There was a bad feeling in your gut, one you couldn’t shake away. Chief Beifong sat next to you. She looked pleased as she sat there with the rest of you. Her bending was back again thanks to Korra. Chief Beifong wasn’t one to seem pleased let alone happy, but tonight she seemed contempt. The thought made you chuckle. Her gray brow raised in your direction almost as if she were prompting you to speak your mind. For once, she seemed at peace. With herself and the people around you. A vast difference from the first time you met her. 
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The room you sat in was cold and dark. The table was metal and your wrists were cuffed to it. An older woman stood before you. Her hair was gray and her face strong. Her green eyes were cold as her gaze sharpened into you. There were two small scars on the side of her face. God, she was pretty. Next to her was a man. He was peculiar;a light blue arrow facing downward on his forehead and a brown pointy beard on his chin. He wore orange robes with a red looking shaw pinned over it. He was bald and at first glance looked pretty scary. But compared to the woman’s cold eyes and hard demeanor, there was a soft gaze in his eyes. Patience and kindness radiated from him. “I-I don’t know,” you sputtered, trying not to shrink away from her gaze. You felt like an animal being prodded and examined at. The woman sighed and her lips set into a frown. She seemed tired from the dark circles around her eyes and the paleness of her skin. You had the urge to reach out and touch her. The urge was strong but you didn’t understand. You didn’t know this woman. “I’ll ask again and one more time,” she hissed. You jumped as her palms slammed down onto the table. The woman’s green eyes turned into slits as she glared at you. “Who are you?” You weren’t sure how long you’d been in this dangy dark room. For the past few days you’d been in a hospital bed scared out of your mind. The looks of disgust and the distrustful glares sent your way hurt. Your eyesight started to go blurry. A tear fell from your eye and you sniffled. Lip quivered and the lump in your throat wanted to claw its way out. “Chief Beifong,” a voice said softly. The man beside her finally spoke. The woman’s gaze seemed to soften ever so slightly at your distress. Only for a second before her face turned blank. It was better than a death glare though. “I-I don’t know who I am,” you replied softly. “I’m sorry if I hurt anyone. I don’t remember anything at all. Just t-the light.” They stared at you. The man seemed more concerned while the woman mulled over your answer. “You’re not supposed to be here, are you?” The man’s voice was careful, almost like he was afraid you’d break. You shook your head. Your fists clenched and unclenched as you tried steading yourself. “I think I was supposed to die.”
You felt like an outcast. Tenzin had his family, Korra had Tenzin and her friends. Bolin had Mako and Mako had Asami. It was a circle of one big family, one you didn’t feel a part of. Tenzin tried to make you feel welcome as you worked to recover your memories. You could only gather bits and pieces but never the full picture. Everytime you tried you’d hear chanting and this big bright light. One time, you did see thousands of eyes all different shapes and sizes staring back at you. You woke up in Tenzin’s arms with light shooting out of your body. You stopped trying after that.
Bolin and the kids had sticky marshmallow pieces on their lips. Chief Beifong looked disgusted at the sight. You quietly giggled to yourself. A ghost of a smirk was on her lips at your amusement. Chief Beifong was known for being stern and harsh. Her cold demeanor had struck you at first. After the interrogation, you stayed out of her way. Though, she seemed softer with you than the others. Sure, she was still cold and distant but the little things Chief Beifong did for you didn’t go unnoticed. The soft gazes and the patience she held for you spoke louder. Even though she wasn’t chief anymore it still felt wrong to address her by her first name. You felt like you hadn’t earned it yet. Names have power, especially Chief Beifong’s. Being a respected figure and a good bender helped with the power she held. But it was the way she stayed strong throughout the bad and the good that made you admire her. Chief Beifong didn’t take shit from anybody, not even Tenzin. But, she still cared. She still cared about the city and its people. The past few months had been insane because of Amon but you and Chief Beifong’s relationship seemed stronger. “A budding friendship,” Tenzin remarked one night after the kids were asleep. It was raining that night; you couldn’t sleep from the visions of eyes peering down at you. The both of you shared a pot of tea. If it was a friendship, then what were these new feelings?
Everyone was asleep. The grass crunched softly underneath your sandals as you stood outside. Korra threw a concerned glance at you before she went to bed. You were always timid and well reserved, but she could tell there was something going on. You shook her off and gave her a reassuring smile before you snuck out. The grass felt soft as you sat in it. Your white dress pooled around you and the gold arm bracelets on both of your arms glimmered in the moon. The quiet night felt peaceful and comforting. The feelings you had for the older woman seemed to be getting stronger. Your heart fluttered and your tongue became tied every time you saw Chief Beifong. Sometimes the two of you would run into each other and have a morning chat. But lately, you have been avoiding her. She didn’t seem to care;if she did you knew she would’ve said something by now. “I take it you couldn’t sleep.” Speak of the devil. Chief Beifong stood behind you. She looked tired; the dark bags under her eyes were more prominent now. She wore a white tank top and some black harem pants. It was weird to see Chief Beifong in something so casual. “Something like that,” you replied, softly. The grass spot beside you flattened as she sat down next to you. The pace of your heart quickened. She was sitting so close that her warmth radiated off of her. “Are you alright, Chief Beifong?” She scoffed, “How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Lin.” You froze; she sounded annoyed with you. Dread tore at your gut at the thought of her being upset with you. “Sorry L-lin,” you whispered, eyes down trying to avert her gaze. The woman beside you let out a sigh. “It’s alright. I shouldn’t have sounded so harsh.” Looking up at her, you tilted your head.
 The sight made your heart flutter. The moon’s soft ray’s shone lightly on her skin. Her green eyes twinkled as she sat there. You began to love the moon and its presence more than the sun and under it, Lin looked beautiful. Her eyes moved to the corner of her eye. Your cheeks flushed once she caught you staring. The corner of Lin’s lips quivered a bit, almost as if she were fighting a smile. “It’s alright,” you replied softly. Your hands were folded into your lap. Lin thought the dress always looked great on you but now did you look like an angel. It billowed and laid around you as you kneeled there. “I’m sorry if I offended you, Ch-, Lin,” you said sternly, correcting yourself. “It wasn’t my intention. I felt like I hadn’t earned the sentiment of calling you by your first name.” Lin’s brow arched, out of interest of surprise, she didn’t know. After everything the both of you and the rest of the group had been through, she had thought you knew. You were always soft spoken and rather timid, but she realized now you felt like an outcast. Even with Tenzin, who treated you like his own daughter. Lin had always appreciated your soft nature and your respect to everyone around you. But now, Lin finally understood. You felt just like her. An outcast, the black sheep.“Don’t apologize,” Lin said after collecting your thoughts, “You meant no harm. I appreciate the thought.” Your heart warmed at her words. Lin was a strong woman. She was confrontational which scared the shit out of you but you also admired her for her bravery. Her courage to protect those she cared about. Even now Lin still cared about Tenzin and his family after they split up. The tips of your brows furrowed in irritation and a surge of anger spread through you. The snide looks and sometimes remarks Pema gave Lin had always stood out to you. Lin seemed to brush them off with a stone cold look but you wondered if even she had her breaking points. Even shields break.
“Can I ask you something,” Lin asked as the two of you stared at the moon together. Normally people didn’t come to you for advice or ask anything personal about you but you agreed nonetheless. You were a bit surprised, in fact. “Every time someone asks about your past or the things that you know you dodge the question. You isolate yourself from the rest of the group and put everyone’s weight on your shoulders. Why?” Silence. Lin watched you from her peripheral view. Your brows furrowed together as you mulled over her question. Why? “I’m not sure,” you whispered. The sadness and the loss you felt was evident in your tone. “I don’t know who I am. I still don’t. I have hints and clues but...they’re not a solid answer.” Lin hummed, “So you’ve given up?” Her questions were ones you asked yourself. They taunted you at every corner and their laughter was loud. Sometimes it was too much. The silence. It felt like you had sunken into the depths of the cold water around Republic city again. Every answer tried to scream at you but they were muffled by the water. The slowness of it all made you tired as you tried dragging yourself out of it. “In a way I suppose. Last time I tried I almost hurt Tenzin,” you muttered. “After that I didn’t feel useful anymore. I can’t do anything but put up a force field. The least I can do is try to take on the weight others can’t carry.” 
Your brightness reminded Lin of an angel. Even with her harshness and her steel cutting words you always treated her kindly. An angel sent from heaven. She looked over when she heard you steady yourself from the ground. The tall and strong stance you held never wavered. “It was nice talking to you Lin,” you smiled softly at her. “I hope you can rest soon.” The underlying message made Lin feel calm. Even if she wasn’t strong enough to pull herself out of the powerful tides of her mind you’d be there watching over her. Just like a guardian angel. The thought made her chuckle. Her eyes widened at the soft feeling of your lips on her cheek. Lin’s pale cheeks turned pink and her heart pounded wildly. You smelt like roses and your hand was soft as you steadied yourself on her shoulder. A wave of disappointment washed over her once your soft lips pulled away from her cold cheek. The loving warmth you gave left her quickly and the cold swept over her instead. As quickly as you came, all your warmth left with it. She was up on her feet quickly. Before she could stop herself, her hands encircled your wrist. Lin’s hand tugged, making your figure turn to her. The concern in your eyes wavered as you looked into her strong gaze. The vulnerability in them was bare. You liked her. God, how did she not notice. Lin was sharp and observant but for some reason you fell through the cracks. You had hidden yourself from her view; the shadows of your affections were clever. They hid will and stayed that way. You shifted your feet at her stare. She snapped out of it and pulled you to her. The tips of your ears and cheeks burned red as her chest brushed against yours. Lin felt something she didn’t think she’d feel again. A want, the need to be surrounded by your presence. She ached for your comfort and your love. She wanted you. 
You gulped nervously. Lin’s piercing green eyes searched for something. But what was she searching for? Weren’t your intentions obvious? A little squeak left your lips as her pink ones touched yours. A huff of laughter escaped her lips. Lin was soft; her hands calloused from years of work and bending. You liked them. They were a bit tough but still soft like her. Your eyes fluttered shut as you placed her hands on your shoulder lightly. Lin’s hands were gentle as they cradled your face. Both of your hearts were pounding fast. You sighed, allowing Lin to swipe her tongue gently across yours. A soft smack left both of your lips once she pulled away. Lin smelt like leather and earth. You couldn’t get enough of it.
Lin pulled away quickly. You swallowed nervously and your heart sank. Did I do something wrong? As if reading your thoughts, Lin reached her hand to stroke your cheek. Her thumb brushed across it gently. You nuzzled her palm and gave it a soft kiss. She hummed. “Make sure to be ready by nine,” Lin said, a rare smile gracing her lips. Your brows furrowed, confusion evident on your face. “Do we have a mission?” She chuckled, “No we don’t. Tomorrow I’m taking you out to breakfast.” You lit up, a grin stretched across your face. “Alright,” you responded enthusiastically. Lin laughed, intertwining her hand with yours. Things started to look better. Finally, she had you.
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wing-dingy · 4 years
Hey there! So I said I was half tempted to post some mk fanfics, so i did *nervous jazz hands*
Basically just some subscorp, fluff with very little plot, basically Hanzo has a restless night and decides to drop by the Lin Kuei temple for some comfort in his lover, Kuai Liang. Also includes Hanzo feeding Kuai, because Kuai is such a workaholoic that when he has time to eat he forgets to. I’m a sucker for lovers taking care of each other 🥺😭 like literally the file name for this fic was “oops all fluff” lmao
Oh, and a few puns because back when I rped as Kuai, I had this whole thing going on where he makes more puns than he should be allowed to and i got too attached to it as a hc lol
well hope y’all enjoy cuz all i want is some gotdamn happy subscorp
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     Kuai Liang took a deep sigh as he laid back in the snow. Far past midnight, many of the students fast asleep, but not the Grandmaster himself. No, instead he was laying in the snow, bare of any clothes save for his briefs. His clothes were neatly folded in a pile by him as he laid, now closing his eyes. The thoughts were vanishing, nothing but emptiness in his mind. It was a new form of meditation he had picked up, becoming one with the snow. It was always when the ice began to coat his body as he let go of himself and his grip on the world that he knew he had succeeded in his meditation session.
     Sometime into his meditation, he heard in the distance the sounds of snow crunching. Someone was approaching. He opened his eyes and sat up to prepare himself for a potential visitor. But when he looked around, he saw nobody, only the footsteps. Perhaps just a student wondering, looking for something to do to tire themselves out. He laid back down, then closed his eyes after a few thoughtful blinks. And there they were again, the footsteps, snow crunching and packing under the weight of somebody approaching near. Next he heard the slow scraping of metal, and that was when he rolled over and stood up to face his visitor.
    “Your hearing hasn’t failed you quite yet,” Hanzo teased as he sheathed his katana. He was without his armor, just casual clothes as it was late, but he still carried his weapons on him, just in case. “But still, that was too close.”
    Kuai smiled sweetly as he faced Hanzo. “Hearing is one of the most important senses. These ears will never fail me. But I felt my timing was amusingly dramatic no?” The cryomancer stepped forward to Hanzo, arms open. Of course Hanzo opened his arms and they united in a tight hug, cold and warmth meeting, fulfilling the temperatures each other craved. “It is wonderful to see you again, Hanzo. But why are you here? It is quite late.”
    “I was having another restless night, I wanted to see you...” Hanzo let go of Kuai just slightly, just enough to see his face while still holding him. “Why were you laying in the snow? Is your cryomancy not enough to keep you cool?”
    “I was meditating.” Kuai answered. "You are free to try it with me, if you're interested."
     Hanzo looked down at the snow, then back up at Kuai. "I worry I may melt the snow."
     "You are quite hot, you make even me melt." Kuai winked at him, causing Hanzo to blush lightly.
     "Is that another pun of yours?"
     Kuai had an awful cheeky smile. "Perhaps.” The cryomancer let go of Hanzo to retrieve his clothes he left on the ground and began to at least put on the pants. Sweat pants, just to emphasize it was the Grandmaster’s leisurely hours.
     “You can still meditate if you please,” Hanzo offered.
    “And what would the fun be in having to pretend you’re not here with me? I would much rather spend time with you.” Kuai took a hold of Hanzo’s hand, once again the cold meeting hot, and out in the snow it caused a subtle steam from their strong hands holding each other. Then Kuai gently pulled Hanzo guiding him towards the doors. “Come inside with me, I will prepare you some tea.”
    “Perhaps I can make you some food, too.”
    “You needn’t, Hanzo. Not if it is making you go out of your way.”
    “I want to feed you, my snowflake. I know you forget to eat sometimes when you get so caught up between work and your own personal time.”
    “A fair point.”
    “When was the last time you had eaten?” Although it sounded like Hanzo was scolding Kuai, he really wasn’t. He wasn’t mad at all with Kuai, it was just his worry for Kuai’s well being coming out in how he naturally expresses it.
    “Lunch time, about… 6 hours ago.”
    “Do you not feel hungry?”
    “I suppose I do now that you mention it. I suppose I can’t ever say no to your cooking, I do enjoy it.”
    “Good,” Hanzo huffed.
    Inside the temple was much warmer, something the Grandmaster always made sure of every night for his students. While he was a cryomancer himself, and he understood some of his students were also cryomancers, there were plenty that were not. The nightfall’s cold would be far too bothersome if they tried to endure it in their sleep, and a warrior without proper rest is a vulnerable one. It was even warm enough for Hanzo to notice, giving him a cozy vibe, which he didn’t mind at all given he tends to like it warmer… Except for when holding Kuai.
    Kuai took Hanzo around to the temple’s large kitchen, and let go of his hand just to begin preparing to boil the water for their tea. In the meanwhile, Hanzo looked around at the options of foods to work with for him and his lover. Something meaty, of course, since there were tons of meat stored and ready for cooking. Much of the Lin Kuei’s diet consisted of meat, it was easiest to obtain, as animals were more abundant than anything agricultural. What they did have besides meat was always received by the Special Forces to help them maintain at least some semblance of a balanced diet. Very nice of them.
    “What do you plan on making, Hanzo?” Kuai asked.
    “I am thinking of kushiyaki. It should be quick enough to prepare,” Hanzo answered as he began to pull some meat, labeled ‘game’, out of the fridge.
    Kuai loved hearing Hanzo’s Japanese. He could literally just be listing various foods in their Japanese names and Kuai would be head over heels for his lover’s mother tongue. “What is kushiyaki, dear?”
    “Kushiyaki is like the yakitori, except that it can include non-poultry meats on it. Usually it is only meat on it, but I suppose some vegetables would benefit us.” It probably didn’t count as kushiyaki then, rather than a regular grilled kebab.
    “Would you like some help preparing the meat?” Kuai asked, already drawing a knife from a drawer. “I can hardly cook, but I am quite skilled in cutting.”
    Hanzo nodded. “I would appreciate that.”
    And together they chopped the meat into cubes and rectangles. They cut off enough for five skewers, part of Hanzo’s plan. Of course, this was unnoticed by Kuai Liang until Hanzo had already flavoured and spiced them and began to put them on the skewers. “Hanzo, we may have to make another one to even the amount.”
    “No, my love. I am only going to have one, maybe two. I want you to eat the rest so you are eating enough.”
    “Hanzo,” Kuai muttered as he felt the love and care from his love. “Are you sure?”
    “I am.” Hanzo set down some bell peppers and carrots on the counter in front of Kuai’s cutting board. “Now please, help me chop the vegetables. You seem to have quite an abundance of peppers.”
    Kuai took a few peppers, and with a new knife began to cut them. “General Blade warned us the harvest would be plentiful that shipment.”
    “You do know if you ever need produce, I can supply you with some, right? My temple has a garden with plenty of vegetables.”
    “Indeed, but I do not want to take from your supply for ours.”
    “Our clans are allies, Kuai. We must help each other.”
    “I cannot disagree with that, but I do want you to take care of your clan.”
    “Just as I take care of you?” Hanzo teased as he leaned in to kiss Kuai’s cheek, then continued on to set up the grilling process of their food.
    “I have no idea what you are talking about.” Despite how deadpan his tone was, he was very clearly joking. “But of yourself, what made you so restless tonight?”
    Hanzo closed his eyes for a moment and sighed deeply. “Nightmares, I suppose.”
    Kuai frowned with deep sorrow for Hanzo. “I am sorry to hear that.” He knew that they both suffered deeply from trauma, from all the fighting, protecting Earthrealm, their past feud, their own hardships through life and death as revenant and wraith, and their losses through time. They really had gone through it all, and then some. Nightmares were just a side effect of the trauma, one they both suffered from, sometimes together. “Did you need to talk about it?”
    Hanzo thought about talking about it, but shook his head. “Not this time, thank you.”
    “Very well then.” Kuai gave Hanzo a tight hug from behind and sighed. “Regardless, I am always happy to be here to help you, and I am glad you have come over here for comfort. I will always welcome you here, my love.”
    “Thank you, my snowflake…” Hanzo did straighten himself from his vulnerable position, and instead began to help Kuai put the meat and vegetables onto the skewers so they could grill them.
    “I almost dare to ask if you can cook those yourself, but alas you had already set up the grill.”
    “You seem to have an affinity for my hellfires cooking your food.”
    Kuai smiled. “It leaves a taste of love.”
    “You are a sap.” But of course, it was one of the traits Hanzo loved about Kuai.
    As their food cooked, the tea had successfully boiled. Kuai began to place the chamomile tea bags in, to turn it into tea. That was when a horrible pun came to mind. “Hanzo, how do you make holy water?”
    “I would not know.”
    “You boil the hell out of it.” That cheeky smirk again that showed the self-proclaimed pun-master was proud of another crack of a joke. Of course, it was always adorable, the way Kuai actually thought these puns were humorous.
    Typically Hanzo didn’t like puns, they were cheesy and cheap, but Kuai was the only person allowed to make puns. He shook his head with a small touch of a smile. “You are adorable, Kuai.”
    “I take pride in being the only one allowed to make puns around you.”
    “Good. Though I still would not have thought of you to be the one to make such jokes.”
    “Cage may have had a slight influence.” Kuai Liang gently touched along Hanzo’s forearm with his cold finger tips. “It’s easy to make puns when you’re as cool as I am.”
    Hanzo huffed a small snicker. “You are certainly cooler than Johnny Cage, I will give you that. ”
    “How generous of you, Hanzo.”
    “I can say plenty more nice things about you, my dear snowflake.”
    “And I, about you.” While the chamomile tea was finishing boiling into the water, Kuai grabbed a lemon from the fridge to chop it in half. A strong squeeze poured lemon juice right out of the lemon and into the tea kettle where it boiled into the tea, then back into the fridge it went when it was no longer of use. Next was the honey, which he had to retrieve from a jar within the pantry. As he set the jar down, he looked over at Hanzo. “You know,” Already Hnazo knew a pun was about to come, it was that damn set up. “I’m not sure if honey is needed in this, since you’re already ‘sweet’ enough.”
     Okay, that pun may have got Hanzo blushing lightly again. “Yes… Well… Not as sweet as you.” Oh Hanzo, bashful at sweet praises, just as he had been with his wife a very long time ago. He tried to carry on, returning to the task at hand. He took the skewers off the grill and set them down onto a plate. With the tea finishing just in time, Kuai poured them both a cup, and the settled at one of the kitchen’s islands to consume.
    Together they ate and drank their teas, discussing their lives and what they had been up to. Kuai had plenty of new stories about his dragons, and the ghosts he’d been noticing at the temple. Hanzo spoke of his students, the gardens’ new blooms, and a new training regiment he had started. But what they both had in common was missing each other. Kuai could fly over on his dragon any time, Hanzo could hellport any time, but alas it was about their scheduling. They missed each other deeply, they missed each other’s quips, touches, shared pain and healing and comfort, each other’s languages of love. All of it. They were both Grandmasters of their own clans just wanting to forget about the world to be with each other.
     Which eventually led Hanzo and Kuai in front of the door of the Grandmaster's bedroom. Initially it had just been to walk him there, and Hanzo had planned on leaving to return to his own temple, but Kuai pulled Hanzo in as he entered his room. "You should stay the night here, Hanzo. I think the both of us could use a night together."
     "I should return to my temple, I do not want to be leaving my students without word of where I am."
     "My dear, they know of our love, and they know you have slept here before. They will take the hint in the morning when you return."
     "I suppose. I just worry if something is going to happen while I am gone."
     Now Kuai realized what Hanzo's nightmares were about, what caused his restlessness. He was having nightmares of losing his clan once again. He was having those traumatic memories of losing them before. Kuai Liang sighed. "I will not force you to stay here or there. But I promise you, they will be okay. I understand your fears, as a Grandmaster myself. When I leave, I get worried my clan will be attacked and slain. We worry because we care, and we care for them as deeply as we should be. But alongside care, we must provide them with trust. We must be able to trust that they can fight for themselves and protect each other, should they be attacked. I know your students will be safe, because they have been taught by the greatest warrior I have ever fought in my whole life. Nobody compares to you, Hanzo.” Hanzo reflected on Kuai’s words. Funny, he felt the same way, that Kuai was his toughest opponent, so surely the Lin Kuei must be great, too. “And as well, Hanzo, I’m unsure if you noticed but one of my students is at your temple for the night. We’re not the only ones visiting each other. Should anything go wrong, I’m more than certain she’d come home to alert us.”
     “I was unaware of your student staying at my temple. That does help to know, I suppose... But you are correct in your words, I need to give them trust that they can protect themselves.” Hanzo looked at Kuai’s large bed, noticing one more blanket on the bed than before, and a rather thick one, too. A significant difference that warmed his heart. It meant Kuai was seeking warmth in his sleep, attempting to reach the same warmth of the pyromancer. “It seems I should sleep with you tonight anyway,” He noted as he lifted the blanket.
     “I find myself sleeping better with a bit of warmth, it reminds me of you,” Kuai confessed as he sat down on his own bed.
     “I find myself needing at least a fan on when I sleep,” Hanzo also confessed. “The cold grounds me when I start to get too nervous.”
     “We truly do complete each other.”
     Hanzo began to start taking off his own clothes, as well as leaving behind his weapons all onto a neat pile on the floor close to the bed, so Hanzo may retrieve them in the morning. Then he got in bed with Kuai, and as he got comfortable Kuai was already holding him, admiring the natural warmth of Hanzo rather than the blanket.
     “Do you feel well enough to sleep again, Hanzo?” Kauai asked.
     Hanzo nodded. “I think I do.”
     “Good, I’m glad.” Kauai closed his eyes with a sigh, and started to feel himself drift to sleep. “Sleep well, Hanzo. Wake me up if you need anything, I won’t mind.”
     “And I hope you sleep well, too.” Hanzo hesitantly closed his own eyes. And together, in each other’s arms, in each other’s elements, they both fell asleep together.
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Making of Mein Land liveblog
I swear I meant to do this when I desperately needed serotonin, but I was too lazy to open my laptop and go on YouTube
Anyway, thank you to @sine-luce-angor-minus for sending me the recommendations in my time of need! This is one of my favorite music videos and one of my favorite making-ofs, which will hopefully translate in the disorganized mess sure to come
✨on with the show✨
Mm, love me some Reise, Reise
Can this girl teach me how to dance because lord knows I cannot
I love how Rammstein “always wanted to do a beach video.” Like, I would just like to have been a fly on the wall for that collective decision
Fuck, Till looks so good in this video. The bod. The hair. I will not hear any disagreements.
And when he smiles and waves in the little surfboard intro 🥺
Schneider is so horny in this making-of, it cracks me up
The dorky dance moves omg I love these boys so much
The Oli scene. What can I say? Schneider doing the twist, Till heckling him, Paul head banging, Reesh trying to retain his dignity. The only time I ever want to use the phrase, “boys being boys”
Goddamn, Till’s arms...
Mayhaps this is super American of me, but I love Hawaiian shirts lol and they boys looks so cute in them
I love how Flake was straight up not having a good time, and the fact that he does his interviews in the “night portion” costume cracks me up even more
The girls teasing the boys for their dorkiness—just saying what we’re all thinking
Flake is so cute coming out of the van. And he’s the only one who remotely looks like he belongs in a ‘50s beach movie lol
I also LOVE how diverse the cast of girls in this music video is
Schneider’s little giggle 🥲
The Pallid Berliner—I hope his sunstroke wasn’t too bad
God, Paul must have been in heaven that day
Fuck, Lifeguard Till is just... Sorry, I think I’m drowning, pls help, mouth-to-mouth is definitely needed
I love when Oli talks in the making-ofs. Does he talk the most in this one as opposed to the other videos? I feel like he does
As an American, I feel like I need to apologize for David Hasselhoff???
I dunno why, but I love the girl with the raspy voice who talks about their style (the one who brings up Pussy later)
Till’s awkward dance moves—MARRY ME SIR.
Also, he looks SO GOOD in a collared shirt, and this video highlights it
I love how this video was filmed in such a time-crunch. Like, it’s so well-produced, you’d never know
O trusted oracle, please tell me what Till is giving this man all dressed in black right before he readjusts his bathing suit
What a great hairstyle this was on my boyfriend, Till
And yes, these bathing suits are so ugly, but they Work
Hearing him say, “goofy,” never fails to make me smile, especially with his bathrobe and Glasgow smile paint on
I will never get over how much I love that EVERYONE was having the time of their lives while making this video...except for Flake
The boys in plaid... Why do I think this looks so fucking good on them??? Is the problem me? (Probably)
Rammstein brings the best out of everybody. Confirmed.
When they’re pushing each other 🥲 And Till looks so happy 😭
How did I JUST NOW, after having seen this upwards of five times, notice that Schneider is the one who gets taken out with the surfboard lmao
I want to be hugged like this some day, preferably by Richard
I’ve never actually seen the Pussy video lol I worry that I would get too jealous
“Rammsteen”—making all of us Americans look bad (not that it’s a hard thing to do)
“I’ve never done anything like that ... smiling all the time. It’s not my thing!” Oh, Till, how you break my heart
But then he chuckles and I’m filled with joy
Richard and Schneider clapping before they all run off to join the dancers—another thing I can’t believe I’ve never noticed. God, I love these boys
“I like him. He is fun to be with, a nice guy and Swedish.” That’s it, friends, that’s the bar
I wish there had been a storyline in the Ich tu dir weh music video. It was still cool, but I like when there’s a narrative to follow better
I don’t wear make-up, like, ever... But I want to know what lipstick Flake is wearing
The way Schneider’s hair flows in the wind
Who tf do I have to beat up for harassing Till on the beach?
God, his profile is GORGEOUS. It’s so unfair. I look so much worse from the side
Still drowning over here, Lifeguard Till, please come save
Is that Till laughing like that? My God, music to my ears
Does Oli talk more than PAUL does in this?? (Paul’s name wasn’t meant to be all-caps, but my phone autocorrected it and it seems fitting, so I’m not changing it)
Saucy Fruit. My old college nickname.
Seriously, though, what a great point about tone
Oli’s plague doctor get-up
I can’t stop thinking about the point I believe @theelliottsmiths made about one member of the band needing to look bad so the others can shine, and Reesh definitely bit the bullet this shoot. Some sacrifices need to be made
I love the way Schneider waxes poetic in the making-ofs. When I was first getting into Rammstein and trying to figure out who was who and stuff, I always thought of him as “the reasonable one” lmao
Now I know better. There is no reasonable one
I never would have thought of “best-of album=break-up” and I’m glad it’s not true, especially in the boys’ case
God, when still looks at the camera head-on... I feel like he’s the type of guy who makes you feel like the only two people in the world when he talks to you. Such a nice feeling 🥲
This video gives me flashbacks to a group project I worked on in college about the Male Gaze
Ah, talks of touring. Hopefully the world won’t end soon and I can go see these guys sometime
Can you imagine seeing Rammstein and System of a Down at the same concert? I would die. Even though Till has taken over the spot in my heart once held by Serj Tankian. Still...a cold shower would be needed
The success story of these boys makes me so happy 🥲 So proud
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