#my ask box was filled with asks that were like - fuck the upperclassmen
bloody-wonder · 4 years
okay so in a lot of ur tags u say u don’t like the upperclassmen and i’m so glad to see that!!!! because there’s a lot of love for dan and that’s cool but the scene in tkm where she tells neil they have no room to judge him because they’re foxes but then immediately turns around and judges andrew for murdering tilda never fails to make me mad!!!!!!!! and i would love to hear ur thoughts on that and just the upperclassmen in general, thank u for having takes i agree with
behold! now my nitpicky mildly critical posts have reached the upperclassmen too
the interesting thing about the upperclassmen vs the mosters is that the first ones are considered “normal” and the latter ones “crazy” but in fact the lines between the groups are blurred. for example, nicky is a “monster” but his friendly personality makes him more “upperclassman” in my eyes which is why he wanted to be buddies with them so bad while andrew was away in the the easthaven. renee on the other hand is a sweetheart but she has probably killed more people than andrew, who’s a monster and gets judged for killing his mother. in turn, allison has killed no one but her attitude is moster-level vicious.
there are more things that make you one or the other beyond your college year and whether you belong to andrew’s group but in terms of judgement i find the comparison between renee and andrew interesting - cause they come from similarly brutal backgrounds, have both killed people and yet andrew is the lucifer himself in the upperclassmen’s eyes but renee’s an angel. ergo, the judgement isn’t passed for violating the you shall not kill commandment but for something as basic as your attitude. renee is altogether pleasant, the most tolerant character ever conceived and a joy to be around. she conforms. andrew doesn’t. that’s why he ultimately is a “monster” for dan & co.
i agree that we shouldn’t make “whose life was harder” a competition but there’s no denying that there’s an unbridgeable gap of misunderstanding between such characters as dan, allison and nicky on one hand and andrew, renee and neil on the other. the incident which stood out to me in this regard was after neil got the “happy birthday jr” message written in blood - that’s the way the foxes find out when neil’s real birthday is and dan and matt’s reaction is... to throw neil a party. do i even need to explain? neil just got a part of his secret identity disclosed against his will in a very ominous way. he doesn’t want a party the same way andrew doesn’t want a hug after having been raped. this is so obvious to me bcs i feel like i know what kind of people neil and andrew are and that you have to take it into account if you look for ways to comfort them or cheer them up. or you can just go with a method to cheer an average “normal” person up. that would sure go well. a gap. of misunderstanding. 
no person is obliged to know how every other person feels or what they want, no person can be so perceptive. but at the same time dan’s strategy of improving the relationship with andrew by inviting him and his friends to the team dinner, getting rejected and acting like she’s done everything in her power while simultaneously not even trying to hide her true feelings towards him - that strategy seems pretty half-hearted to me. he doesn’t want to hang out with you not bcs he’s “crazy” but bcs he doesn’t owe you any companionability especially seeing as you so obviously hate him, hon. 
i hope what i say doesn’t come off as me trying to call out the upperclassmen for not exerting themselves enough to become andrew’s friends. just as he doesn’t owe them anything, they owe nothing to him. he was nothing but hostile and violent towards them - for good reasons sometimes, but not always. so it’s perfectly understandable why they detest him. but they also happen to need his magic exy powers so the ball is on their court, so to say. (i hope i’m using this idiom correctly haha)
so with the party incident renee told dan and matt off bcs she has brain cells and apparently understands why it would be a horrible idea. another example of what i called “the gap of misundertanding” is when neil is trying to extricate himself from the foxes before christmas in order to go to evermore. he lies that he needs to go to his parents’ to meet his uncle and manipulates matt and nicky into urging him to go by using some basic reverse psychology - he’s vague but implies that he wouldn’t really like to go to his parents’ but his uncle comes over and he does want to meet him so he’s undecided. matt and nicky ofc tell him that he should absolutely go for no other reason, as far as i understand, that they think that christmas should be spent with your family especially if you haven’t seen them for a long time. now if i were them i believe i’d consider all i know about neil - before he joined the foxes he was sleeping in a school probably cause he has an unstable home, he doesn’t want to be seen shirtless bcs he has some body damage possibly inflicted by someone who was close to him, he never speaks of his family and he just implied very clearly that their relations are such that he wouldn’t have gone there for christmas were it not for the uncle - i’d consider all these things and the conclusion i’d come to would be “neil’s parents are probably abusive. it’s a questionable idea to send him to them alone”. i’m especially surprised that the foxes didn’t make any such conclusions seeing as they’re no strangers to the concept of an abusive family. matt and nicky readily urged neil to go and the rest just silently acquiesced. well, the idea that biological families are by default worth our time must be ingrained very deeply indeed. if andrew were there he’d have cracked neil’s big little lies in a second bcs i suppose nothing like that is ingrained in him. not anymore.
so these are my thoughts on the upperclassmen. i want to remark however that i may talk shit about them in the tags but i do think that they’re good, well-rounded secondary characters who fulfill their role of being foils to the monsters perfectly. they have faults as people but their faults are constructive to the books - both on the narrative level (for example, if the foxes were so perceptive as not to let neil go to his abusive parents for christmas the plot probably wouldn’t have happened) and on the thematic level (bcs now we see that “normalcy” is a social construct and to andrew they might appear as “abnormal” andrew appears to them).
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lizbotw · 4 years
Kageyama, Tanaka, and Daichi When Their Younger Sister is Dating Someone from the Volleyball Team
Anonymous said:
Hello can you please write hcs for how Kageyama, Tanaka, and Daichi would react to finding out that their younger sister is dating someone from the volleyball team ? I feel like they’d have the most reaction from the team lol
they definitely would have a big reaction, i agree with you!!! this was really funny to think about aha. lots of protective big bro headcanons ahead! i hope you like them because i spent a bit too much time on them and they almost morphed into actual scenarios lmao so please let me know what you think! ♡
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Kageyama Tobio
This idiot is so focused on himself and volleyball that he would barely even think to worry about what was going on in your life.
Sure, you guys shared snippets of your day as you tossed a volleyball back and forth in your backyard during the evenings, but most of the time he was so tired from afternoon practice that he just wanted to eat dinner and crash (you had to shake him awake and drag him out of bed several times to remind him to do his homework because you were just that nice to him ♡ he didn’t seem to appreciate it though).
You didn’t always need verbal communication though because the comfortable silences of your walks home and the way you always slipped each other snacks whenever one of you was up late (you usually studying for a test the next day while he was just staying up late for the novelty of it all—laying down in bed and tossing a volleyball above his head, watching volleyball videos, staring out the window dramatically thinking about volleyball… you get the idea).
For all you knew about each other and your routines, Tobio seemed unable to even think about change in a context that included you—you were his little sister and it would always stay that way, and he was caught up in his own life and the changes he had to go through to grow. You were meant to be a constant.
That’s probably why he was the last person to expect you getting in a relationship—and with someone from his team no less.
Popping your head into the gym one day—holding a bag of meat buns you had bought for him and he had forgotten on the counter at home—turned into a regular routine once his teammates seemed to take a liking to you.
They bombarded you with teasing questions about the “King” and his personal life, and you were asked how it felt to be “royalty” (“Nice one, Tsukki,” Yamaguchi snickered at some point in response to that).
You stole glances out of the corner of your eye at Tobio aggressively chugging water on the sidelines and hiding his flustered face, finding him looking back at you intently. You gave him a knowing smile and it was as though another silent pact was formed.
You made small jabs at your brother as you joked around with the teammates, but you always steered the conversation away from topics you just knew he would throw a volleyball at your head later for answering.
Lighthearted conversations were always expected when you paid short visits to the gym, and the overexcited members always immediately abandoned their drills to talk to you, earning them quite the earful from Coach Ukai, although that never seemed to stop them.
But then your visits started getting longer and longer until suddenly you were staying for the entire afternoon practice sessions whenever you had time and even helping with manager duties on the side. You had always gone to your brother’s games (he forced you to come, even if you protested that you had already made plans with your friends that day) so you weren’t all that interested in what he was up to because you had dealt enough with his self-obsessed phase in middle school.
However, you were interested in Tobio’s latest move—just not the Tobio part. The infamous quick was now all yours to see up close and while the genius setting abilities of your brother came at no surprise to you, you couldn’t help but go slack jawed every time you saw the energetic orange-haired boy Tobio always bickered with leaping into the air.
(Actually, you were still in awe of your brother, but you were reluctant to admit it and inflate his ego so you stayed quiet. Also, you wanted to take the time to admire other volleyball players too, not the same one you had been cheering for for years. Tobio seemed to understand your emotions without you needing to explain them though and didn’t take them to heart—you two just knew things like that about one another.)
The game moved fast, as volleyball had the tendency to do, but even as you watched the practice matches and drills, your eyes locked onto the short player each and every time he sprung into the air, hair flying and arm drawn back for a powerful spike.
Hinata Shouyou—his name was about all the useful information you got out of Tobio when you asked him later during the walk home before he went back to complaining about how Hinata can’t do this and Hinata can’t do that. You rolled your eyes and tuned him out—just sibling things, you know.
Thank God he had told you that at least because you had embarrassingly forgotten a majority of the team’s names after they hurriedly introduced themselves when they first met you and then never made an effort to remind you of their names afterwards.
Hinata wasn’t the only one you had your eyes on though.
Tsukishima Kei—tall and blonde with a feisty attitude that was strangely alluring, mainly because he managed to get under Tobio’s skin almost better than you ever could. His blocks were clearly calculated, and his demeanor was cool and effortless, or snarky when he wanted it to be. His height definitely helped his cause (both in volleyball and in you noticing him).
The first year Tobio seemed to talk to the least was Yamaguchi Tadashi, but only because he wasn’t a regular in the volleyball rotation and Tobio tended to have a one track mind that included not paying attention to those he didn’t need to. You saw the boy practicing his floating serves though and you were instantly hooked. The way the ball effortlessly fluttered to the ground once he served it over the net? Way cooler than whatever Tobio was doing (once again, an exaggeration, but you didn’t want to fawn over your older brother that already knew he was a genius). You couldn’t believe you had been missing out on seeing all this action just because Yamaguchi wasn’t a regular.
Since Tobio was constantly stirring up trouble with the others in his grade, you ended up getting to know the other three pretty well at first, but soon you become well acquainted with the other players and the upperclassmen.
The older members of the club moved with a certain grace and sureness that came from pure experience with the sport for so long, and you were drawn to the way they built up a solid foundation for the underclassmen, filling the holes where Tobio and the others stumbled and made mistakes.
The entire team was amazing to you. It was breathtaking to watch them play now that you weren’t bound to sitting in the stands at some tournament, and you found your eyes darting about constantly throughout the game.
Everyone there was definitely amazing, each in their own special way. This is what Tobio had been keeping you from when he said not to come to his practices because he thought you’d just get in the way?
You made sure to let Tobio know how lame you thought he was afterwards and he gave you a punch in your arm in reply as he sipped from a milk box on your walk home, scowling before turning back contently to focus on his drink.
You admiration of the Karasuno boys wasn’t one-sided at all though, and they thought you were an absolute joy to be around, whether it be your helpful nature when it came to offering your assistance to Kiyoko (Tanaka and Nishinoya were especially a fan of that one), your sweetness in complementing them whenever they perfected a technique, or the way you could easily joke around with them as though you had known them from the start. Even Tsukishima had to admit you weren’t that bad.
If you were dating Hinata, Tobio would most likely find out when Hinata kept messing up his quicks whenever you were watching—wanting to impress you but also getting too overexcited and losing focus. Cue the arguing between them until Tsukishima made a snide comment about Hinata wanting to impress his girlfriend—you.
“What the hell? No??? Why would you even say that about my sister, you idiot?” Now Tobio was all up in Tsukishima’s face, eyebrows furrowed in anger. “She would never date a dumbass like him, right?” At that he turned to you, ready for your instant confirmation—but then you hesitated and he started to get worried. “Right?” he asked again, this time almost pleadingly.
Tsukishima snickered at your brother’s crestfallen expression when you shook your head, not knowing how else to answer, and Tobio knew it was all over. He snatched Hinata up by the collar of his shirt faster than lightning and shook him in the air, yelling at him because what the fuck.
Hinata managed to wiggle out of Tobio’s grasp and shoved him back, saying that you actually liked him and it’s not like he blackmailed you or anything so what’s the big deal.
The rest of the team had to break up the fight before it got out of hand and the two of them had to be separated for a while to cool down. During all of this, Tsukishima was standing next to you, watching with an amused expression while you were simply in shock because you had no idea what had just happened.
Tobio bombarded you with a lot of questions on the walk home about why Hinata of all people and you had to explain to him that you don’t get to chose who you love because if you did you wouldn’t choose someone you knew would deliberately piss him off (he thought that was pretty stupid because just like he chose to play volleyball, you could choose not to date Hinata—sigh, he really doesn’t understand these things).
Tobio and Hinata had a lot of competitions after that to settle it once and for all who you liked better out of both of them.
(“She chose to date me, dummy!” Hinata would shout.)
(“I’m literally her brother! I’ve known her longer!” came Tobio’s reply, slightly out of breath because their latest competition involved seeing who could run the farthest and the fastest—as if that was an accurate representation of how much you liked someone.)
Tobio would keep a careful eye on Hinata and you, and there would definitely be lots of bickering between the two, although that was normal.
He would mellow out at some point and become less intense about trying to get rid of Hinata and break you two up, but if you two ever showed PDA in front of him Tobio would make sure to grumble and huff as he watched it happened, or turn away and cross his arms—if you ignored him, he would just keep doing it louder until you noticed and were forced to stop because talk about mood ruiner.
When Tobio is just completely over it and is just like ‘whatever, I guess this is happening now,’ he’ll actually tell Hinata that he… kind of trusts him with you, and Hinata would be all shiny eyed and sparkly at the complement and reassure him that he’ll do his best to always keep you happy.
There may even be a time where you’re feeling sad, perhaps after a fight, and Hinata hesitates—wondering if he should run after you, if he should bother pursuing you, if you even really want to see him again—and Tobio would be there, arms crossed and raising one eyebrow as he looks down at him.
“What are you waiting for? Go after her, stupid.”
Hinata, lost expression being replaced with one of surprise, would shift to peer up at him. “Wha- You really mean it?”
Tobio would turn away, forcing the grumpiest expression on his face possible. “Well, yeah… you’re her boyfriend. That’s your job. She wouldn’t listen to me anyway.”
With Hinata’s spirit reinvigorated, he was quick to run off after your retreating figure, shouting back at Tobio that he won’t let him down. Your brother couldn’t help but crack a smile at that.
For the love of God, do not date Tsukishima if you don’t want Tobio to disown you.
Tsukishima wouldn’t really care much about being public with your relationship—to him, who knows knows, and who doesn’t just doesn’t, simple as that. And it wasn’t like you were itching to tell your brother you were basically dating his arch nemesis (okay, that’s dramatic, but it felt like your life had become some dramatic secret—a soap opera brought to life —and you were living a double life by keeping this a secret from your brother), so Tobio basically knew nothing for quite a while. Tsukishima also didn’t show too much PDA in general so your brother remained oblivious.
That is until Tobio and Tsukishima got into another argument and Tsukishima was getting so annoyed that he just let it slip, using it as leverage to get a leg up on Tobio.
Tobio immediately clammed up and went stone-faced, mainly just at the mere thought of that, not because he was accepting it as his reality. But then he watched Tsukishima’s smirk grow and he broke out of his trance, definitely being like, “What the fuck??? She’s not dating you and I will beat you up for saying that you fucking idiot.”
Tsukishima found it sooo funny how Tobio was fuming and gave you a smug look from the sidelines. Oh boy, Tobio did not like that and was like, “Hey??? I’m talking to you, pay attention to me and don’t look at her!!! I bet she hates you!!!”
Even Hinata wanted to get in on the action, and of course Yamaguchi didn’t want his best friend to get ganged up on so he stepped in and started listing off all off Tsukishima’s good qualities that were definitely likable enough to date him.
It was getting embarrassing just how much Tsukishima had made Tobio lose his cool, so you had to step in and diffuse the situation, although no one could step away from the argument until they knew the truth so, begrudgingly, you told them that yes, you were dating Tsukishima. That didn’t really help much though because Tobio was still losing it and arguing with Yamaguchi because Tsukishima didn’t feel the need to defend himself and now Hinata was asking you if Tsukishima had blackmailed you into saying that.
To pour gas on the already flaming and wildly out of control fire, Tsukishima went up to you while the others were distracted and gave you a kiss on the forehead right in front of everyone—absolutely no shame. Oh my god, it was a whole mess and a half and everything was falling apart.
You have no idea how, but everyone calmed down at some point, although there was a lot of tension as practice continued. Things were fairly back to normal the next day once everyone had time to sleep on the issue and come to terms with it on their own.
Tsukishima loves throwing it in Tobio’s face and it’s horrible, yes, but you have to admit it’s sort of funny at times and you still love your boyfriend regardless.
Tobio goes back to hating Tsukishima even more for a while (and they had been making some progress with their relationship too so talk about a major step back), but after a while of silently fuming in his room every day for almost two weeks, he’s mostly normal again. Definitely still eyes Tsukishima suspiciously whenever he so much as looks in your direction though and reminds you that you were not supposed to date until you were like fifty (you had never agreed to or even heard of that rule before for that matter so that was a nice surprise).
Generally expect Tobio to give you guys a hard time for way too long before he sees some instance of Tsukishima actually being very caring and helping you out of an emotional rut whenever Tobio is unavailable to do so, and then his opinion of your boyfriend shifts into a somewhat favorable light. Don’t expect too much from him though.
And, well, if you were with Yamaguchi? That’s a little too close to Tsukishima for Tobio’s liking, but at least it’s slightly better.
There’s literally no way Tobio would really find out unless one of you explicitly told him. Yamaguchi might confide in Tsukishima about his relationship and there might be a chance Tsukishima uses it against Tobio in an argument, but generally he would probably decide that it’s not his place to say anything.
Tobio already doesn’t interact with Yamaguchi all that much anyway and their relationship is mostly fine (minus the times he joins Tsukishima in being a major pain in Tobio’s ass), so there’s no chance of your boyfriend blurting it out on his own in the heat of the moment either. He’s also too shy for PDA most of the time, so everything is very much hidden.
It actually starts to get ridiculous when you’ve been dating for months though and Tobio still hasn’t realized. You decide that it’s important for your brother and your boyfriend to be on better terms with each other if this relationship was going to last—which you most certainly hoped it would—so you were forced to take matters into your own hands.
Sitting Tobio down at the kitchen table, all serious with your hands neatly folded in front you, you would break the news. Tobio’s fidgeting and complaining about how this was stupid and why couldn’t you just talk to him in his room, ugh, would all fall away instantly while he processes the news.
Tobio would still argue with Tsukishima whenever he was with both you and Yamaguchi, telling the blond to “back the fuck off, you overgrown bean sprout,” but he would also look to the root of the problem and take a special interest in harassing your timid boyfriend.
Although Tobio could be intimidating at times, Yamaguchi had seen it all before, so he does his best not to be freaked out when Tobio starts directing threatening glares at him instead of at Hinata or Tsukishima like normal.
After seeing that Yamaguchi is the pure definition of harmless though, Tobio would try not to keep a cold exterior, since his protectiveness didn’t seem to be doing much anyway because there was nothing to fix when it came to worrying about Yamaguchi hurting you, and would slowly try to get closer to your boyfriend. Forcing out compliments when it came to his serves, giving him little tips along the way, and making sure to greet him and bid him farewell every practice.
It was awkward at first because he was clearly trying to force the friendship for your sake, but when you told him to just be himself because he was freaking Yamaguchi out, that seemed to do the trick and it was now a mixture between his earlier aloof behavior and his newer friendly one. A happy medium.
Yamaguchi knew that he didn’t need shining compliments from Tobio every second of the day to know that he had accepted him as your boyfriend and he was fine with that—that was just how Tobio was—plus Yamaguchi was really here for you, not your brother, so it didn’t matter much anyway.
Things were pretty mild between them, although Tobio would occasionally let Yamaguchi know that he… appreciated (yes, he had to choke it out) what he was doing for you and all that jazz.
Dating one of the upperclassmen would be a much less chaotic affair, and you would probably go about things the “mature” way and tell Tobio about your relationship near the start, rather than waiting a long time like the Yamaguchi situation, or having someone else tell him like the Hinata and Tsukishima situations. The upperclassmen are also generally more mature than those in Tobio’s grade—even Tanaka and Nishinoya would have a bit of sanity in this situation—so they would say it’s up to you if and when you want to let your brother know.
When you tell him, Tobio will kind of blink at you for a bit, just absorbing that fact because you looked dead serious.
“Don’t think you can just boss me around during practice now.”
“I do that anyway, so shut up.”
He wouldn’t know what to say to your boyfriend—yeah, he wants to be all like don’t mess with my sister, but also they’re older than him and he’s supposed to be respectful or he’ll be forced to run extra laps as punishment while Hinata laughs at him from the sidelines—so the first few practices after you tell him just end up with him studying your boyfriend very intensely from across the gym while tightly clutching a volleyball. It’s very unnerving and your boyfriend begs you to talk some sense into Tobio because he is ruining their concentration so bad and Coach Ukai is definitely considering if he should have them do extra drills to make up for it and they do not want that.
In order to save your boyfriend from such a fate, you encourage both him and Tobio to talk it over. It consists of your boyfriend doing the typical upperclassmen thing of being very reassuring while at the same time being very overbearing with their intense presence and Tobio is sweating because this is your boyfriend, don’t say anything weird or you’ll hate him forever, just keep cool.
He’s not usually one to be that worried about this sort of thing, but no matter which upperclassmen it is and no matter what kind of relationship he had with them before, he’s going to be very stoic and try to come to terms with the fact that you’re actually dating them.
While your boyfriend is all like “Don’t worry! I’ll take care of her!” and “Sorry, I know this is a little weird, but I really do like her!,” Tobio’s like “mhm,” “yeah,” “okay” so to the untrained eye he seems very nonchalant about the whole thing, but internally his mind is working a mile a minute. He probably starts sweating a little and your boyfriend is like, “Uh, you okay?” and he’s just like “mhm, yeah,” while sweat starts dripping down his forehead and he feels like he’s going to go into cardiac arrest.
Rather than the conversation between the two consisting of Tobio asserting his dominance as your brother and threatening your boyfriend, it’s just him being forced to accept his fate while your boyfriend says his piece and is like “Wow, I’m so glad you’re okay with it!” at the end of it all.
You try to minimize PDA because your brother looks like he’s going to blow a fuse anytime he witnesses it and always turns away very embarrassed, blushing furiously. Come on, you can’t really blame him. Like when did his little sister grow up so fast? Uh, a long time ago, you moron, stop being so focused on yourself.
He makes an extra effort to ask more about your life now and wants to know everything, so now your usual routine silences or shallow talks have turned into midnight discussions either in one of your bedrooms, lightly tossing volleyball back and forth, or in the kitchen as you two sit at the table and binge eat snacks.
That actually helps him a lot with coming to terms that yes, you have your own life and it’s just as important as his volleyball one and that he should really make an effort to keep up with you. He feels really bad that it took him so long to realize that you were even dating someone and after getting your perspective on the matter, he comes to accept it, trusting them to do a good job because he’s seen what they can do on the court and for the team and has known them firsthand for quite a while.
Dating anyone on the team would have its fair share of ups and down and bumps in the road, but it’ll also be a great wake up call for your sometimes too-dense-for-words brother and actually end up strengthening your relationship in the long run, especially because now he knows you have someone reliable to lean on whenever he falls short.
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Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Oh man, your entire life was just filled with him constantly butting into your personal life, playing the big scary guy at anyone who looked at you funny and always asking if there were any so called “punks” you wanted him to beat up (the answer was always a firm “Ryuu, no” because you didn’t want him to get in trouble, but you always looked at him with a sparkle of admiration in your eye at his bravery).
Just like with Saeko, he’d get embarrassed when you showed him affection sometimes, or would kick you out of his room if he had his friends over (your teasing revealed one too many embarrassing personal secrets of his that his friends made fun of him for ages for).
He still made his love clear through his protectiveness though and he wasn’t any stranger to giving you a good-natured pat on the head in public. Basically, as long as it didn’t ruin his tough guy appearance (he said that reputation was important and that he had to keep it up so that no one would even think about messing with you in the slightest), he would be very clear of his pride in your achievements and just how much you meant to him. This meant it was mainly at home or in private that he would flip the switch and give you hugs, or get started with comments of “look how much my pupil is growing” (you punched his arm when he said things like that, but you were always grinning when you did so).
(His overly affectionate moments were mainly to get back at you for teasing him in front of his friends and he gave you the same treatment, but he also really did mean it.)
He taught you how to be “tough” (hence the “pupil” nickname sometimes and the feeling he had of taking you under his wing) and you eagerly studied him with shining admiration because he was your cool older brother after all.
You were always in the know about each others lives and while he ranted to you about volleyball and school, you let him know about how you totally put some kid in their place today in class like he taught you to or if you needed his advice for things (as much as you liked to make fun of each other, you still looked up to him and his “worldly” experience that simply came from being older, plus he was very attentive when it came to solving problems in your life and giving you his input).
Finally the day came that you two were reunited and going to the same school once again when you started your first year at Karasuno. Ryuu gave you a pep talk before you went inside about what to expect of high schoolers and reminded you that the same rules still applied and that if you needed him to take anyone on for you he was just one floor away (he cracked his knuckles for good measure at that)—he reassured you that you were never too old to rely on your big bro.
Despite your protests, he decided to walk you to class on the first day, saying it was on his way to his own class anyway. He spent the walk bragging about how he was a second year now and how it was so nostalgic to walk in the first year halls now and how he remembered this and that in the hallways (he pointed to specific spots as he recalled the memories of sitting on the floor for lunch with his friends, or telling you something hilarious he spotted from the windows one day), and while you rolled your eyes and reminded him that he had been a first year just a few months ago (he shushed you when you said that), you listened with rapt interest, wondering what your own high school career would end up looking like. He also gave pointed glares to several students you passed by in the hallways, especially the guys, and made sure to loudly repeat how you must be so glad to have a second year who can fight as your older and protective brother, relishing in the way some of the first years gulped in fear.
It wasn’t long until you two reached your classroom, and you lingered just outside the doorway with him, ready to say your final goodbyes as you got ready to embark on your first day. However, when you turned to him, you realized he was looking at you strangely, his eyes sparkling with pride, but it also seemed like he was trying to hide his face from you.
“Ryuu? Are you… are you crying?” You had to try extra hard to keep yourself from bursting out laughing.
He dramatically turned his head away. “Of course not! Anyway I’ve, uh, got to go, so bye now! Have fun and trust no one!” And then he was off back down the hallways you had come from, ready to ascend the stairs and begin his own new school year.
He brought you to volleyball practice with him as soon as it began for the year, waiting for you outside of your classroom so he could lead you there and you wouldn’t get lost trying to find the gym. He wanted you to know where he was going to be spending a lot of his time outside of school in case you ever needed to find him, so he figured it would be best to let you know from the start, especially since they wouldn’t be doing much on the first day anyway.
“Hey guys!” he greeted the third years as he walked in, “I brought my sister with me, hope you don’t mind.” You followed after him somewhat timidly, not sure what the captain and vice captain he had told you so much about would be like.
Daichi and Sugawara were more than welcoming though and reassured both of you that it was fine. They asked about your interests and how your first year of high school was going so far. The duo was kind and funny, and you felt instantly at ease joining in with their antics.
You already knew the other second years from when Ryuu would have them over, so it was basically smooth sailing from then on in terms of you being friendly with everyone on the team.
That is, until the first years showed up and you had to watch the drama between them unfold—everything from Kageyama and Hinata’s initial disagreements once they realized they were on the same team, the entire storm that came with the duo of Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi, and, last but most certainly not least, the match between all of them.
Ryuu kept you updated about all of it, even letting you know of his plan of allowing Kagyeama and Hinata to use the gym before morning practice (you thought he was the coolest for taking a risk behind Daichi’s back to help the first years out), and you were so caught up in wondering how it would all turn out that he invited you to the match that Saturday.
Of course you were cheering for your brother once he was dragged in to be a part of the match and let him know afterwards how cool it was. You had been to his volleyball games before, but it was entirely different seeing them up close with everyone practicing.
You slowly began to spend more time with the boys’ volleyball team, always one to cheer on your brother and admire his skills, and once you got acquainted with Kiyoko, you began to help her out with simple manager duties in exchange—Ryuu always tried to use you as a gateway to talk to Kiyoko and having him be jealous of your friendship with her gave you a sense of triumph because you finally had something to hold over him.
You even became fast friends with Yachi once she joined the Karasuno crew due to you both being in the same grade and she became one of your favorite people to talk to whenever the day was particularly slow. You showed her the ropes of being a manager and gave her your own personal anecdotes about what it was like to be new to the team so she didn’t feel so nervous about the whole thing knowing that someone else was once in the same boat as her.
At last you were able to socialize properly with the first years now that their dispute had been settled and, similar to your experience with the rest of the team, you instantly took a liking to them, even if some of them were snarky or could be blunt sometimes (Kageyama and Tsukishima). You grew especially close to them since you were all in the same grade, although the upperclassmen still looked over you and you had a good relationship with all of them as well.
Ryuu would be able to tell right away if something was off with you once you started acting a little strange. He would be concerned and probably ask you what was wrong when you two were home and just hanging out on the couch, and since you’re so used to confiding everything in him, you end up blurting out that you were dating one of his teammates, immediately covering your mouth after and staring at him with wide eyes, unsure of what he would say.
All of the first years would need to watch their backs once he found out if it was one of them that you were dating.
“Seriously? Him?” he would ask in disbelief when you told him and shake his head. Then he would get all sentimental again and lean back, hands behind his head. “Ah, young love,” he would muse.
“Ryuu, shut up, you’re not that much older than me!”
Ryuu would constantly be lurking nearby anytime you were with your boyfriend, and during practices he would take a special interest in teasing them. Definitely glared at them a lot, gave them lots of scary faces, and threatened them whenever he had a chance during the beginning and found it hilarious if they ever seemed scared or uncomfortable. He kept that up until you told him to knock it off or else you would stop talking to him for a whole week (he can’t go that long without his little sister so he was basically forced to comply).
Tsukishima wouldn’t be all that phased by his threats anyway though so Ryuu would continue trying to intimidate him no matter what you said. (“What? Why do I need to stop? That kid needs someone to put him in his place!”)
Tsukishima wouldn’t really care at all about trying to appeal to Ryuu, but the any of the other first years would probably try to show that they were doing their best to be a good boyfriend so could he please stop looking like he wanted to murder them, please they are begging you.
Depending on the first year you chose, it may take him different lengths of time to warm up to the idea, but once he did he’s always teasing you two and “Aw, Noya, look at the tiny first years in love. If only that was us and Kiyoko. Minus the tiny part. And the first years part.”
If you choose one of the second years, when you told him he would groan and cover his ears, screwing his eyes shut because he did not want to know that.
“This is a joke, right? I can’t believe you’re dating one of my friends! Gross! I’m never going to be able to look at you two the same again.”
Nishinoya is his best friend, so once he got over the initial weirdness of it all, you three went back to being the most chaotic trio of the team. Tanaka even forgave Noya for betraying Kiyoko since he was dating you after all. Those two were basically your protection squad before, but it was ramped up to the max now that Noya was actually dating you. Anyone come near you? They were about to enter a world of pain with two feral volleyball players guarding you at all times. Lots of hanging out between the three of you, and Ryuu would get all pouty when you told him that no, he can’t come on your date tonight (lo behold, unbeknownst to you, Noya had also invited Ryuu over because “bro code” so you couldn’t escape him anyway).
Ryuu had a lot of respect for Ennoshita, so if you were dating him he would trust him to take good care of you, although since Ennoshita always kept him and Nishinoya in line, you basically had that same power now and he was not happy about you bossing him around.
Overall, Ryuu would have a hard time accepting the fact that his friends were dating you because how in the world did this even happen (the first few weeks would have him cringing and turning away if he ever saw any PDA because please spare his eyes), but ultimately he knew he wouldn’t trust anyone else to treat you better than the guys he already knew so well, so he would try his best to be supportive and make sure you knew to come to him if you needed anything as always.
Decide to date a third year and Ryuu is going to stare at you in silence for a very long time once he hears that. He’s just sitting there blinking, waiting for you to burst out laughing at the joke, but when you ask him if he’s okay, he realizes you were most definitely not joking and now he’s having an existential crisis.
“How can my precious baby sister be dating someone older than me? How am I supposed to keep that guy in line if I’m supposed to be respectful to him?” He’s freaking out because suddenly you and your entire life in his mind could no longer be considered to only consist of people younger than him that he could easily intimidate and be seen as your cool older brother by—no, you had entered uncharted territory and this was so weird.
He couldn’t do much in terms of threatening the third years, but once you let your boyfriend know that you had told your brother about your relationship, they would go talk to him themselves after seeing how tense he was acting during practice. They’d let him know they intended to take good care of you and everything like that, and Ryuu knew that he trusted their word.
Whether it was Daichi, Sugawara, or Asahi, Ryuu told them he was fine with it, but that if they ever did hurt you, he doesn’t care if they were older than him, he will come after them. He also definitely keeps a watch on you two when he can because of course he’s worried about his younger sister dating someone older than both of them.
Just like with the second years though, he knows the third years are responsible and trustworthy, and he feels pretty safe leaving you alone with them.
Eventually, no matter who it is you’re dating on the team, Ryuu will come to accept it because he wants you to be happy, but he’s constantly ready to jump to your defense if your boyfriend ever does anything wrong because he’ll always be your caring, protective older brother.
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Sawamura Daichi
Daichi was the responsible older brother every parent dreams of having (albeit a bit overdramatic at times).
Once you started at Karasuno, you were stuck to his side constantly—although it wasn’t through your own choice, no. Your dear older brother was convinced he needed to keep a close watch on you at all times and that if he wasn’t there something bad would happen and he would be the one who had to deal with the blame from your parents.
He gave you your freedom, especially because he was busy with his own life, but he was always waiting right outside the school to walk you home, and if he saw you at lunch you better believe he’s going to embarrass you in front of your friends and say “hi.” (Your friends would then proceed to ask about the “hottie upperclassman” that had just talked to you, and you would gag and stick your tongue out, letting them know that they did not want to date your brother. Listen, living with him meant that you had to see a side of him that wasn’t the perfect boyfriend facade your friends seemed to see in him. You knew the truth.)
When the time came that most people were signing up for clubs they were considering and attending club interest meetings, he invited you to stop by the gym after you were done looking around after school. This was mostly because you two could easily meet up there and then head home right after, but he also thought it would be fun for you to see what antics his team got up to, even if you couldn’t join.
You poked your head into the gym and glanced around, instantly spotting your brother on the far end of the room. “Yo, Daichi! I’m here!” you called out in a sing-songy voice, making your way across the gym. Your strides were confident, even as the rest of the team turned to stare at you, because it was your cool brother that was the captain after all and that automatically made you the star of the party, or something like that.
He would be glad to see you and introduce you to the rest of the team right away, mainly to get them to quit staring and actually get back to practicing. That didn’t help much though because you were bombarded with questions and practice was entirely derailed by your arrival.
You already knew Sugawara and Asahi from when Daichi would invite them over and you even hung out with them a few times when Daichi would host a movie night for them at your house and you would join them in the living room.
Depending on if you were a first year or second year, you might even be acquainted with the underclassmen as well if they were in your class, especially once they learned that you were related to Daichi and would go to you whenever they needed to pass on messages to him, such as if they couldn’t make it to practice later that day or requests for him to pick up supplies for them if they needed it or questions about their training. Yeah, they could easily go to him most of the time, but it was a lot more fun going through you in an unintentional game of “telephone.”
Even after you decided on the club you wanted to join, you still kept coming to the practices. Your club usually finished earlier than the volleyball team did, especially because Daichi usually kept them pretty late, so for the end of practice you would sit quietly in the corner, finishing up some homework. You could technically go home on your own if you wanted to, but the sounds of the team practicing were comforting background noise to your work, even when you had your headphones in, and Daichi preferred to walk you home anyway and make sure you were safe and nothing happened. It just sort of worked out that way and since no one had a real problem with it, everyone simply went with it.
At one point, Kiyoko asked for your help with refilling the boys’ water bottles and you agreed, setting aside the notebook you had been scribbling in as you reviewed your notes from the school day. After that, you asked her occasionally if she ever need help, or would step in on your own if you saw she or Yachi was struggling since they usually didn’t want to bother you, and soon it became a regular routine with you helping out during the practices most of the time and doing your homework on the side if you had a chance.
You got to know the team members much better now that you were actually participating, rather than tuning them out and focusing on your work, and their dynamics were intriguing and hilarious, especially how they always seemed to drive your brother up a wall while simultaneously impressing him constantly. The duality of it all kept drawing you back for more.
Now Daichi wasn’t the only one who would say “hi” to you at lunch. Some of the other boys would greet you if they saw you—if Yamaguchi dragged Tsukishima over to you when he went to say “hello,” the blonde might give you a slight head nod of acknowledgement on a good day—and the comments from your friends on the rapidly increasing number of boys that would come up to you just seemed to multiply. Expect it wasn’t just Daichi—your nice but occasionally stupid older brother—they were talking about, it was actual boys you talked to.
When you had first started attending the volleyball club practices, you had regarded everyone there as family, since that what they always said they were and that was the dynamic they had with Daichi, so you thought you automatically fell into that category, but the offhanded comments from your friends about “Ooo, what did you think about that one?” and “Yeah, he was nice, but that one from yesterday was cuter,” had you reconsidering your thoughts about a certain few of your brother’s teammates.
You would probably feel guilty keeping your relationship a secret from your brother and would decide to break the news to him somewhere near the start of when you began dating one of his teammates, choosing to do it as you two walked home one night, the air chilly and refreshing after being in that stuffy gym all afternoon. It felt right to do it then because you didn’t want to make it a big deal, rather fitting it into your daily routine so that hopefully he wouldn’t take the news as hard.
You two were in the middle of a discussion about practice that day when you bite your lip and steel yourself to tell him, shoving your hands in your pocket and staring down at the ground as you walked. “Um… Daichi… there’s actually something I wanted to tell you…”
He would immediately stop walking and turn to face you, the tone of your voice making him concerned—so much for not making it a big deal. “(Y/N), you’re not getting into any sort of trouble, are you?”
That made your eyes go wide, quick to correct him. “What?! No, no! You’ve got it all wrong! It’s just that…” And with a deep breath you would break the news to him, holding your breath right after as you watched him to see what he would do.
“That’s all? Oh, thank God, I thought you were about to tell me you joined a gang or something,” he’d chuckle, and you would hesitantly join in with your own awkward laugh, a little scared at how well he was taking this.
The fact that you had almost given him a heart attack and he was so glad that the truth wasn’t the worst case scenario he had come up with would initially have him not reacting that much to the actual implications of you dating someone, just relieved that it was something normal.
But then he would dwell on it some more as you two continued walking, your chest much lighter now that you had gotten that secret off of it. You weren’t off the hook just yet though, unbeknownst to you.
He wouldn’t say all of his thoughts out loud just yet, although he would muse, “I guess I should have seen that coming. You have been spending a lot of time with him lately,” as he reflected on the past few weeks.
“Wh-what?” you would choke out, stumbling over your steps and then rushing to catch up with him. And here you thought we were being slick the whole time. Brother knows best as they say (or something like that).
Literally start dating any of the underclassmen and Daichi is going to have to pull them aside to have a little “chat” as soon as he finds out.
When they emerge, your boyfriend looks absolutely terrified (even Tsukishima would be a little shaken), but Daichi is grinning widely and gives them a hearty clap on the back, thanking them for their time.
“N-no problem,” is what they would probably stammer out before slinking away to continue practicing.
You don’t even bother asking Daichi what he told them because you already know he’s not going to tell you, or just give you a watered down version, but you do give him your own lecture about how he should be nicer to your boyfriend and quit giving them a hard time. Daichi ends up being the one coming out of that talk a little shaken so it seems as though justice has been served for your boyfriend.
Daichi tried to make an effort to be nicer after that, but you can feel him watching you guys like a hawk across the gym whenever you’re so much as talking with one another. As soon as you turn to glare at him though, he looks away, going back to whatever he was doing, whether it be sipping from his water bottle, having a conversation with someone, or cleaning up a section of the gym, even whistling a little tune as though he hadn’t been giving the death stare in your general direction just five seconds ago.
If he really wants to know what you two are up to, he’ll pretend he’s doing something, such as picking up a ball, and inch closely to eavesdrop on your conversation. Leaning in for a short kiss? Oops, he accidentally bumped into you two very hard, he’s so sorry about that, and oh, would you look at the time, shouldn’t they get back to practice now, that break seems like it was long enough—tight-lipped smile and all to accompany it.
If your boyfriend comes to pick you up at your house to go out on a date, Daichi is there. Whether he opens the door himself, or is looming behind you as he bids you two farewell and no, he’s not trying to communicate threats using his eyes, what are you talking about?
Inviting your boyfriend over for dinner with your family? Daichi is there of course. Movie night? I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if he joined, right? Studying in your room? Hmm, maybe you should leave your door open. What? It’s just to let some fresh air in, that’s all.
Of course you want to do that whole romantic walking home together thing, so you tell your boyfriend to hurry up and change early after practice so you two can start walking before Daichi even finishes.
But somehow, without fail, no matter what you do, he’d always be there right behind you two, walking a few steps away.
You turn around to shoot him a glare. “Daichi, I swear-”
“What? I’m just walking home. I live here too, you know.”
“Go walk with Suga or something like you usually do!”
Somewhere in the distance you can see Suga running up the hill to catch up with Daichi, panting loudly and calling out for him to wait up, he was still getting dressed, can’t you have some mercy, you stupid captain.
Daichi would be generally overbearing at first and although it’s annoying it’s clear he’s just looking out for you. Plus, your boyfriend is lucky Daichi actually knows him because the treatment would be much worse for anyone else.
He may be a bit more hesitant when to comes to the troublemakers of the team, such as Tanaka or Nishinoya, versus if you were dating one of the more mature underclassmen, but ultimately he knows that even those who cause him headaches almost everyday can be just as responsible as the others when the time comes.
Daichi will probably still keep up the overprotective act for quite a while, although it gradually decreases over time, but deep down he really does trust his teammate to take care of you and will let them know as such if he sees they’re actually ever feeling unsure during the relationship and thinking that you deserve someone better.
If you’re dating one of the two in his grade, dear God, he has zero control.
Suga just amps up his playful bullying of Daichi if he’s being too worrisome.
“Suga, be careful, don’t hold her hand too hard, she has a paper cut on that finger- oof.” Cue Suga punching him in the gut with a devilish grin and reassuring him you two will be fine and to quit hovering so much.
Daichi is actually at Suga’s mercy in this case and while you feel a little bad, it’s just so funny. Whenever he looks over at you for help because please, someone stop Suga from making fun of him for being an overprotective brother, you burst out laughing and tell him, “Sorry, but I have to side with my boyfriend on this one.” Please stop rubbing salt in the wound, he looks like his spirit is about to leave his body.
You and Suga are a fearsome duo against Daichi and he has absolutely no control over either of you. As reckless as he can be sometimes, Suga is still high up on Daichi’s list of people he trusts and his caring side more than makes up for the trouble he gets you in, so Daichi feels as though you’ll be fine.
With Asahi, Daichi would try to pull the whole scare tactic on him, but he feels bad when Asashi gets all worried about Daichi hating him and ends up barely touching you if he’s around—this winds up with you complaining to Daichi about how’s he’s getting in the way of your PDA and he actually tells Asahi he should ramp up the romantic act (even if it pains Daichi to say it). Plus, he knows you’re in good hands with Asahi and he’s always careful and treats you with the utmost care in the world, so Daichi begrudgingly accepts that there’s no reason for him to step in and that you deserve to be in a relationship with the ace.
Both of the third years worm their way into Daichi’s heart in some way and he just knows he can’t control either of the people he’s spent the last few years playing with, so he simply comes to accept it, secretly glad that you chose one of them because he couldn’t think of anyone better to entrust you to.
Dating anyone on the team will have Daichi wary at first, but ultimately he knows all of them and he knows they’re good people and will likely be even better boyfriends, especially if they know he’s always lurking close by when you’re involved, so although he may try to give some of them a hard time, it all comes from a place of love and wanting to make sure that you know he’s always there for you no matter what. Once he cools down the act and sees that you’re open with him about your relationship and let him know if you’re unsure about certain things—no matter how small—he’ll be more comfortable since he knows he can be sure you’ll never keep him in the dark if it really is serious.
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shotokimchi · 4 years
What If?
Summary: Everyone can fall in love, falling for Bakugo gave you a hard time but when you learned that he felt the same, it was too late. Because you were already married.
WARNINGS: +18 SMUT SMUT SMUTTTT! and a lot of Angst.
Note: Kiri called you pebble, did ya’ll see what i did there, nah? ok... (Yagami Yato stans where u at *cough cough*)
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“Y/n L/n, will you marry me?” Tears started to well up in your eyes the love of your life, Eijiro Kirishima was on his right knee with a black box in his hand, asking you to be his partner for the rest of his life. Eijiro was the kind of man that every woman would want in her life and you felt so lucky for that. It was your birthday, so Eijiro promised to take you out to dinner and when you got to the restaurant you noticed that bakusquad was there too, waiting for the both of you. After having dinner with your friends and your boyfriend, everyone gave you their presents and Eijiro suddenly stood up and read you his speech it was sweet but he started to get sentimental and it made you emotional as well. He held you by the hand and started to tell how he was so in love with you then in an instant he was on his right knee... “Y-y/n?...” Eijiro's voice woke you up from your thoughts, and you realized you still haven't given him a straight answer. He was starting to panic and you quickly smiled. “S-sorry, i...i’m just so happy Eiji.” he gave a sigh of relief and looked at you with those beautiful ruby eyes. “Yes, a million times yes...”  Eijiro jumped to his feet and hugged you with his strong arms “Wohoo!” Mina popped a bottle of champagne. Sero and Kaminari screamed with joy, but there was someone who kept quiet all night and his name was Katsuki Bakugou. When it came to Katsuki, you'd rather shut up. He was the kid you liked in high school. Even after you finished high school, you continued to love him, and your whole college life was about trying to forget about him.
You were sure Katsuki didn't have anything to do with you, he was very strong and had goals, love wasn't his area of interest so you gave up on your one-sided love and decided to see Katsuki as a friend. After Katsuki, things were getting better. You realized how thoughtful and wonderful Eijiro was, and after a long time, you started believing in love again. 
“Come on Y/n! This is gonna be our first time attending to a college party!” Mina was trying to persuade you to go to a party hosted by an upperclassmen and after 20 minutes of trying, she was successful. Jirou had bought you a sexy dress and Mina was ready to do your hair. You were so lucky to have Mina and Jiro. They were the only ones who knew about your feelings towards Katsuki and they always supported you. They also knew about your new feelings towards Eijiro and they were giving their all to help. You weren’t in love with Eijiro, at least not yet. Everything was happening so fast, after finishing high school and trying to forget everything about Katsuki you were only focusing on your training and your grades. Your new blossoming relationship with Eijiro was exciting, it was just a little crush nothing big.
“This place is on fire, lets dance!” Mina started swaying her hips and Jiro joined her on the dance floor, after complaining for fifteen minutes, you started dancing with your friends and for a short while you forgot everything that bothered you.  Mina found you a cup of beer and the three of you started drinking. “I think i saw Kaminari and Sero!” Jirou shouted bc of the loud music and Mina wiggled her eyebrows “That means Kirishima is here too! Lets go show him your dress Y/n, you look sexy and im sure he is gonna fall for you!” You covered your face with your hands and Mina laughed then you started to feel dizzy, you werent a heavy drinker after all but the feeling of the beat and the alcohol in your veins was urging you to dance some more, then your back collided with a toned one and the smell of caramel flooded your senses, your heartbeat quickened. You knew that smell very well but you didnt wanted to turn around and confirm it. Then you felt his hands on your hips “Katsuki...?” He rested his chin on your shoulder and the both of you started to move with a slow pace. “...Short dress.” It was obvious, he was drunk. But it wasnt impossible to form a conversation so you asked “My dress?” He nodded. “Why are you here Katsuki? I didnt knew that you were a party person.” He scoffed “Dunce face forced me to come here.” You smiled at the nickname that he used for Kaminari, he was the same Katsuki, it didnt matter if he was in high school or college. He was the same... So forgetting your feelings for him was the best desicion you have ever made. “Where is Kirishima?” He raised his head and you turned to meet his eyes but your nose touched his and a slight tinge of pink dusted your cheeks, you didnt knew if it was bc of the alcohol or not “He’s not here.” He answered but started to lean closer and closer... Then his lips were on yours, it was slow but hot then his tounge licked your bottom lip and your mouth opened, welcoming his tounge. “Lets get out of here...” He sighed into your mouth and you nodded. You didnt care about anything else, everything around you was about Bakugou. The smell of caramel, the warmth of his hands, you always wanted to feel him, always wanted to touch him. The house was big so Bakugou dragged you towards the stairs and both of you clumsily reached the 2nd floor, he opened one of the doors and when the both of you got in, he immediately locked it. There was a clean bed, it was untouched. He yanked off his black dress shirt and pushed you onto the bed, his lips crashed with yours and he earned a moan from you, that excited him even more, his hands found the hem of your dress and rough scarred hands slowly made their way towards your thighs. “Do you want this?” His crimson eyes took your breath away, his gaze was so intense and you only managed to nod. You wrapped your arms around his neck and inhaled his scent “I wanted you for so long...” That took him by surprise but he didnt took it seriously bc you were drunk. He really wanted to believe your words, he liked you for so long but didnt said anything bc of his goals and all he just didnt wanted to got distracted. On top of that, he was terrible when it came to expressing his feelings to someone else, especially to you since he was crazy about you but everything was going to be okay bc he was going to confess to you tonight. “Same here.” Your breath hitched in your throat, he wanted you too? No, this couldnt be true, he was saying this stuff bc he was drunk, just like you. “Katsu... come on.” The nickname made his heart pound, he started to leave open mouthed kisses on your jawline and he nipped at your neck, when you mewled into his ear he bit down, hard. “A-ah, Katsu...” Then he licked the abused spot and found the zipper on your back, when his eyes met with your matched lingerie set, he smirked “Naughty girl~” Licking your collarbone, he threw the dress onto the floor and unbuckled his belt. His grey boxer felt tight around his crotch, his long fingers found the wet spot that formed on your panties “Someone’s getting excited~” You averted your gaze and he grabbed your chin “Keep your eyes on me Y/n.” He slowly took of your panties and slid his index finger into your core, you gave a pleasant sigh and started to buck your hips he was relieved, even though he looked confident the last thing he wanted you to feel was pain, his thumb found your clit and you cried out. “F-faster, Katsuki!” His smirk widened and he added his middle finger and quickened the pace. “You are holding onto my fingers for dear life, sexy~” Your thighs started to shake then it came crashing down on you, with a loud moan you came around his fingers. You were panting and trying to get yourself together then you saw his fingers, he was playing with your juices “See this Y/n?” He shoved them into his mouth and sucked them clean, your body was on fire. “Get on all fours baby.” He ordered and you placed yourself on your elbows and knees, he pushed your waist onto the mattress. For a moment there was silence so you opened your mouth wanting more from him but a harsh smack landed on your ass. “Ah!” You shouted and buried your face into the pillow “Thats it baby, let me hear you!” Then he activated his quirk and landed a smack onto the other one. “K-katsuki!” Then he checked the drawers of the nightstand and luckily managed to find a condom package. Then you felt it, his tip was pressing into your entrance “Y/n, are you ready?” His breath was erratic and the both of you were so excited “Yeesh~” You moaned out and he chuckled, then with a swift move, he pushed every inch of him into your tight cunt. You screamed and he started to thrust with a stable pace “Feels good...” He managed to breath out and started to quicken his pace. The both of you were moaning like horny animals and the sound of slapping skin was filling the room “K-katsu please, faster!” Your moans and pleas only boosted his ego and he let out a pleased growl “Scream for me!” Then he thrusted into you with full force and it made you shove your face into the pillow, your moans got louder and louder, then your fingers found your clit and drew messy circles. Then he yanked you towards him and pressed your back to his chest, he squeezed your mounds and nipped at your neck “Katsuki, oh god!” Then you came around him and his thrusts turned messy “Fuck Y/n, fuck fuck FUCK-” with the last thrust, he came and both of you panted. He layed onto his back and pulled you to his chest, after gaining his composure he started to talk “Y/n i- damn it, i like you for years now and fuck- even if you tell me to fuck off i just wanted you to know.” He closed his eyes and prepared hisself for rejection but the only thing he heard was your light snoring so he sighed with dissapointment. “When the morning comes, i’ll tell you.”
But he couldnt, bc when he woke up, you were gone. After that night, the energy between you and Katsuki was very strange, you were always avoiding him, and Katsuki chose to leave you alone. After two weeks of avoiding Katsuki and getting advice from Jirou and Mina, you decided to give him a call and talk things out. You felt disgusting, leaving and avoiding him, doing things like this while starting to feel some things for Eijiro... But you and Eiji weren’t a thing so it was not a crime is it? Yes, it was a crime but for you. Loyalty was so important to you and here you were, gettin drunk and having sex with your old crush.
Katsuki was in the living room while Kirishima was making some protein shake, Kaminari and Sero were out meeting with some of their old friends. Kirishima noticed the weird atmosphere between you and Katsuki but didnt wanted to talk about it since you avoided the topic several times and Katsuki just told him to ‘fuck off’ he wasn’t offended, this was Katsuki’s way of expressing his emotions and they were best friends, so Kirishima decided to give him some space. When he finished preparing his protein shake aka ‘KIRISHAKE’ he walked towards the living room and saw Katsuki, looking out of the window with a thoughtful look on his face. “Whats up bro?” Katsuki turned and looked at his best friend and immediately felt bad, he was still smiling and doing everything he could to make Katsuki feel better even if he was acting like a jerk for two weeks. “Tch, you blind? Im sitting.” Kirishima laughed and a soft smile appeared on Katsuki’s face, he was so lucky to have Kirishima by his side, he hated himself for laying with the crush of his best buddy but he couldnt help it, he loved you too, no matter how many times he told himself to forget about you, it wasnt working. The guilt felt heavy on his shoulders bc today, Eijiro was supposed to took you on a date but you called him and postponed it and told him that you were supposed to see your relatives. “So Bakubro, lets play Mortal Combat!” Kiri’s voice woke him up from his thoughts and he nodded, but just when he was about to grab the console, his phone buzzed in his pocket. There was a message, from you. His eyes popped out of their sockets and he got up from his seat. “Bro?” Kirishima was looking at him with a confused expression “Wait here.” Katsuki dashed towards his shared room with Kirishima and slammed the door shut, he immediately unlocked his phone and read your message.
Y/n: Katsuki, can we talk? Im gonna send you a location of where i am, please come.
After wearing his grey sweatpants, he checked his appereance and immediately grabbed the keys of his car, just when he was about to open the door of the shared apartment Eijirou’s voice stopped him in his tracks “Bakugou, where are you going?” Kiri had a worried expression on his face and Bakugou’s stomach twisted with anxiety. “The old hag just messaged me, uh... I should leave.” Kiri grabbed his arm and Katsuki tensed “Bro, if something is wrong let me help.” At this point, Katsuki wanted to punch himself in the face, instead of gettin suspicious, Kirishima was still concerned about his wellbeing. Katsuki sighed and shook his head “I’ll tell you later, Kirishima.” Then he left.
You were sitting on a bench, playing with your fingers, waiting for Katsuki to come. For these two weeks you couldn't look Kirishima in the eye, you were disgusted with yourself, and you hated yourself for ignoring Katsuki. You’ve had enough so figuring things out with Katsuki was going to be your first attempt to fix things. Then you spotted a black car and immediately recognized it, it belonged to Katsuki. Then the front door of the car opened and you eyed his muscular figure, he was flawless. He spotted you and hesitated, then you gave a small smile, he relaxed and slowly approached you. “Hey.” you breathed out and he sat at the opposite side of the bench, then he gave a small nod. After some minutes of silence, he decided to break it “You said you wanted to talk?” You slightly jumped and turned towards him, he was already looking towards your direction so your e/c eyes met with his crimson ones. “Katsuki, i....i’m sorry.” When he didnt give a response, you took that as a sign to continue “I didnt wanted to ignore you but... i felt disgusting.” Then you saw something flash in his eyes, was that hurt? “D-dont get me wrong! I was disgusted with myself, it doesnt have anything to do with you...” His eyes softened and eyed your tired form, all he wanted to do was confess his feelings but just when he was about to open his mouth, your voice started to shake “You know that Eijirou and i are growing closer and... I felt disgusting because, i-i love him.” His heart stopped beating and after all these years, Katsuki Bakugou felt like crying. “You love him?” He asked and you hesitated, you were feeling some things towards Eijiro but... Was it love? It should be, right? “Y-yeah.” Then he remembered the thing you said at the party, when you were alone in one of the rooms. *I wanted you for so long...* So you told him that just bc you were drunk... “I see.” His voice cracked and he quickly stood up. “Lets forget about it.” Your eyes started to fill with tears and you only managed to nod. Your heart felt heavy and you felt like the same Y/n in high school, the one who was in love with Katsuki Bakugou. You forced a fake smile and nodded “Yeah, lets forget about it.”
After your conversation with Bakugou, he distanced himself. You wanted to talk with him, you wanted to be friends but you didnt wanted to force him. On the other hand, Eijiro took you out on several dates and you were falling in love with him but this time, it was real. Shortly after, Eijiro asked you to be his girlfriend and you happily agreed. You and Eijiro were so happy and everything seemed fine, but your best friend Mina was trying to make sense of Bakugo's strange attitude. As much as you didn't wanted to believe it, she claimed several times that Bakugou could have a crush on you. Mina wasnt satisfied so she decided to talk with Bakugo, she talked with Jirou and after getting her support, she dialed Katsuki’s number. Luckily, he answered.
Katsuki: “What do you want, Pinky?”
Mina: “Hey Bakugou! Its nice to hear your voice. Can we talk?”
Katsuki: “Hurry up Pinky, i need to go for a run.”
Mina: “No i mean, face to face.”
Bakugou sighed, he was running out of patience but judging from Mina’s serious tone, he knew it was important.
Katsuki: “Whatever.”
Mina: “Great! Let’s meet at the cafe that we used to go when we were in high school. I’m already on my way, see ya.”
“Bakugou, right here!” Mina waved, she was sitting at the corner with a cup of coffe in her hands. Bakugou scoffed but walked towards her and sat down. He was fiddling with the hem of his shirt, he was nervous. Mina immediately sensed his anxiety “Dont be nervous Bakugo, im your friend.” Bakugou’s eyes slightly widened but he quickly recovered. “What do you want Pinky?” Mina sighed and nodded “Listen, you are acting strange Bakugou whenever we are hanging out, you’re less talktive end energetic than usual.” Bakugou tched “You are making zero sense.” Mina raised a brow and smirked “You are my friend, i know you well enough. Everyone noticed the changes in your behaviour, Kaminari and Sero are worried especially Eijiro.” Bakugou kept silent and Mina decided to ask the main question “Bakugou, whenever you saw Y/n you always make an excuse to leave or keep quiet. Did you guys had a fight?” Bakugou panicked and his eyes met Mina’s worried ones. He shook his head “Nothing happened, idiot.” Mina’s suspicion was growing “Bakugou do you have a... um, i dont know how to say this. Do you have feelings for Y/n?” Bakugou jumped in his seat and knocked the coffe cup that was sitting on the table. “What the hell Racoon Eyes?!” His heart was pounding like crazy, was it too obvious? Mina’s eyes softened, he was in love. “Bakugou, its ok. Everyone can fall in love, even you.” Bakugou growled “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Mina giggled and her expression turned serious “Bakugou, Eijiro is my friend but you are too. But... to be honest, im so mad at you, arent you supposed to be an observer?” Bakugou was confused, so he continued to listen “Y/n... She was in love with you for 4 years.” Bakugou’s breath hitched in his throat, every bone in his body were shaking. You were feeling the same? No. It was in the past... But was there hope? Mina’s expression changed to a pained one, she was readin him like an open book “Bakugou no, you are too late. She is already in love with Eijiro, so dont ruin their relationship, Eijiro loves her.” And with that, she stood up and gave him a small smile, Katsuki’s mind was racing, he didnt wanted to believe the fact that you were over him. He immediately stood up, get into his car and started to drive towards the agency you were working at. When he arrived, he confessed everything to you and made things worse, your heart was screaming for Eiji but it was aching, what if you confessed at high school? Would things be the same? You cried and before you knew it, his arms were around you. Silent tears fell from his eyes, everything came crashing down on him. Pain, guilt, longing... “Katsuki, we’re too late...” It was like a whisper but he managed to hear it and his arms tightened their hold around you “Y/n...”
*End of flashback*
Eijiro was driving the car while singing happily to one of his favourite songs, his one hand was on the steering wheel while the other one was resting on your thigh. “Thanks for tonight, baby.” You leaned and planted a kiss on his cheek, he laughed “You missed my lips babe!” You started to laugh and grabbed his hand. “I’m so lucky to have you, Eiji.” 
“Eiji, i cant find the keys.” You were looking for the keys of your shared apartment then Eiji chuckled and you turned to look at him. “Are you looking for these?~” You pouted and tried to reach for the keys “Thats sneaky!” He laughed and his other hand grabbed you by the waist, your chest collided with his and a lustful look clouded his face. Your breathing was starting to get heavier, he leaned towards you and closed the distance, the kiss was sweet at first but it turned to something steamy and rough. “Ei~” You moaned into his mouth and he opened the door “Jump, pebble~” you hopped and wrapped your legs around his waist. He was nipping at you earlobe while walking towards the bedroom. He gently placed you onto the bed and just when he was about to take of his black dress shirt, you stopped him. “Take a seat, Red Riot. Let me take care of you~” He sat onto the bed and separated his legs. You massaged his thighs and started to unbuckle his belt, when your hand brushed against his crotch, he hissed and it made you smirk. When you got rid off his pants, his erection was poking through his underwear. “Dont tease me pebble come on~” He moaned out and you started to stroke him with a slow pace, just when he was about to tell you to go faster, you took him into your mouth. His precum left a salty taste in your mouth, after circling the tip with your tounge, you started to bob your head with a steady pace. “Oh, Y/n...” He gave a pleased sigh then started to move his hips. His right hand started to massage your scalp and slowly gripped your h/c locks. “You are amazing, pebble~” Then his hips started to move faster and it made you gag around him. “Just like that, oh- Y/n, look at me.” Your teary eyes met his lustful ones and he growled “Beautiful, so beautiful...” It only got rougher, he was  fucking your face in a merciless way. “I’m c-coming Y/n!” Your moans vibrated around his cock and with a powerful thrust he spilled everything in your mouth. You swallowed and opened your mouth to show him what you did, waiting for his praise. He chuckled, his thumb started to stroke your puffy lips. “You did such a great job, baby girl~” Then he layed onto his back and you crawled towards him, You sat onto his semi-hard member and started to grind your hips. Your panties were soaked, after throwing your dress onto the floor you unhooked your bra and Eiji’s hands immediately found their way to your breasts. “You are so wet, pebble~” Your load moans were like music to his ears. “Ei~ please...” He pushed your panties to the side and started to draw some firm circles around your clit. “Ei, i want you...” He smirked and the tip of his member started to push into you “Ride me, baby girl.” You sinked down onto his member and his hips started to buck. You placed your hands onto his firm chest and started to bounce with a fast pace. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck-” Your eyes were closed shut, the only words that leaving your mouth were some curses. “You’re clenching down on me Y/n, fuck-” Eijiro started to thrust from below and your movements got faster and faster, it was unbearable you wanted to cum so bad. Eijiro’s fingers were drawing messy circles around your swollen bud. A weird feeling enveloped you but you paid no mind and continued to bounce on your lover. “S-something’s coming, Ei!” Eiji interwined his fingers with yours and moaned encouragin words “Its okay baby, c-come on~” Then everything turned white and you screamed “E-eijiro!”, your juices coated his member “H-holy fuck, you just squirted! So sexy~” Then he gave some sloppy thrusts and came inside of you, painting your walls with white strings of cum. Both of you panted and you collapsed on top of him, his arms wrapped around you and Eijiro kissed your temple. “I love you, pebble.” A soft smile crept its way onto your face and you replied “I love you too.”
“I dont wanna do it, im so scared!” You werent feeling so well and decided to call your friends, Mina and Jirou. You were having terrible stomach aches and you were always getting dizzy, you just thought that it wasnt important but Mina and Jirou said something that made your heart stop. “No, what is you’re pregnant?!” Mina replied. Even though you said you didn't need to take the pregnancy test, they were not convinced. “Y/n, we are concerned about your well being” Jirou took your hands in hers and gave you a soft smile, sighing you grabbed the test and walked towards the bathroom. Your hands were shaking, what if you were really pregnant? Well, you always wanted to build a family with Eijiro but you guys werent even married, he was already busy with hero work and working on wedding preparations only made things harder for him. You didnt wanted to him to get stressed over the baby, what if he didnt wanted to have kids? What if he leaves you? Tears started to well up in your eyes and you took a look at the pregnancy test and when you did, your heart stoppped beating. There were two pink lines, it was positive. Your legs gave up on you and loud sobs were bouncing on the walls, your friends heard you and rushed in. “Y/n are you okay?!” Mina shouted and they saw your shaking form. Jirou quickly embraced you and tried to whisper calming things “It’s okay Y/n, everything is gonna be okay...” Your nails started to dig into her shirt and tears soaked her shoulder. Mina crouched down and started to draw calming circles on your back, “It’s okay just cry and try to relax.” Your paranoia scared you even more, you didnt wanted Eiji to leave you, he was the love of your life, your tears continued to fall like little raindrops. “Wh-what if he leaves me, i love him s-so much...” Both of the girls stopped their movements and shared a sad look, Eijiro was a good guy, he would never leave someone behind, especially the love of his life... Jirou took a deep breath and patted your had “No, im sure he’s gonna get surprised but Eijiro is not a cruel guy, its the exact opposite.” Mina nodded and tried to cheer you up “Yeah! He loves you as much as you love him, dont stress yourself with these kind of thoughts, its not healthy for the baby!” Your sobs turned into quiet whimpers and sniffles. “Lets choose a movie and have some ice cream!” Mina suggested and Jirou nodded, a small smile appeared on your face and the girls sighed with relief “Y-yeah, lets do that.”
When the night came, the anxiety made its way to your stomach. Eijiro was still working and you were trying to think about a way tell him that you got pregnant. Then you heard the front door and started to take deep breaths. “Baby, im home!” Eijiro’s tired but happy voice broke your heart, he was working too hard. Then you felt muscular arms around your waist and a muscular chest pressed itself to your back. “I got a call from your agency, why didnt you go to work?” When you kept silent, Eijiro started to get worried and tightened his hold on you “Y/n?” Your body started to shake, you couldnt wait any longer, it was eating you up inside. “Ei-eijiro” He started to pepper your neck with kisses “Tell me what happened baby, you can tell me anything.” You took a shaky breath and managed to croak out a “I’m pregnant.” When he didnt give you an answer, panic started to well up inside of you and you squeezed your eyes shut, preparing yourself for the worst. “W-what, are you serious?” You nodded and waited, it was over. But instead, his arms squeezed you tighter and he buried his face into the crook of your neck. “I... love you so much Eijiro. If you want to leave, then-” He cut you off “No! We did this together and im staying with you until the end, i know that its too early for a kid, we are about to get married but that doesnt mean that im gonna give up on our child!” His words squeezed your heart and you hated yourself for questioning his love and loyalty. You turned around and faced him, when he eyed your shaking form his eyes softened and he pulled you in a sweet meaningful kiss. “I love you Y/n and only you.” Your arms wrapped around his neck and you took a whiff of his scent “Thank you for always being with me, Eijiro.” This was your fiancé, Kirishima Eijiro. The sweetest man on earth.
When the weekend came, Eijiro left the house to meet with the boys of the ‘bakusquad’. He was going to share with his friends that Y/n was pregnant, he was very excited but nervous at the same time. He knew that his friends would never judge him but this was something different, he was going to be a father. When he got to the bar, he saw his friends sitting at the usual table, drinking and chatting. “Hey guys, having fun without me?” Denki and Sero welcomed him with a wide grin while Bakugou acknowledged his best friend with a nod. Kirishima sat down and after having a glass of beer, he decided to bring the ‘important topic’ to the table. “So, uh... You guys know that Y/n and i are getting married soon.” Denki dramatically sighed “Man, dont rub it on our face like that, we know that we are lonely as hell~” Sero laughed and Bakugou rolled his eyes. Kirishima chuckled and started to scratch his neck “The thing is, uh...” Bakugou raised a brow and started to observe his best friend, why was he nervous? “Just spit it out, shitty hair.” Sero raised a brow and eyed his redheaded friend “You okay man? You guys didnt get in a fight, right?” Kirishima shook his head and sighed “No, its just... Y/n uh she-” With the mention of your name, Bakugou gave all of his attention to Kirishima. “Y/n is pregnant.” Kaminari choked on his drink and Sero’s brain was having a hard time with processing his friends words. Bakugou’s heart shattered to pieces, he knew that he had lost you completely when you said yes to Kirishima but hearing the fact that you were pregnant was wrecking him. Before he could even think, his mouth opened by itself and let out a “What the fuck?” Kirishima looked hurt and Kaminari interfered “Wow wow okay, we know that you are surprised bro we all are but that was kinda rude.” Sero patted Kirishima on the shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look “How are you guys handling the situation?” Kirishima licked his lips and sighed “Well we didnt expect something like this to happen but im gonna be there for her.” There was gentleness in his words and Sero smiled “She is lucky to have you, Kirishima.” Bakugou clenched his teeth, Sero was right. Kirishima had something that he didnt, gentleness. Denki smirked and tried to lighten up the mood “You guys are pretty active huh~?” With that, Kirishima’s face turned red just like his hair “K-kaminari!” Bakugou didnt wanted to think the things that you and Kiri were doing, he didnt wanted to imagine you laying in Eijiro’s arms. “A-aren’t you gonna say something, Bakubro?” Kirishima’s question caught him off guard and he saw the pleading look in Kiri’s eyes. He wanted to hear his opinion, Kiri always came to Bakugou for advice and this time it wasnt any different. “Didnt mean to sound rude. Congrats, weird hair.” Kirishima gave him a soft smile “Thanks bro.” Katsuki’s eyes softened, he couldnt stay mad at you or Kirishima, you guys were in love after all and it was going to happen sooner or later.
After that, you and Kirishima quickly got married, all of your friends attended to the wedding even Mr.Aizawa was there, you were so happy and Katsuki slowly accepted the fact that you were now his best friends wife.You were in the 4th month of your pregnancy and Eijiro forced you to take a break from hero work. The bump in your tummy was visible but you were still going on walks to stay healthy, Katsuki was visiting you and bringin you some stuff for the baby, you didnt asked for it and seeing him regularly was weird but you two managed to grow closer and closer. It was just like in high school, joking and laughing together... Even he was so busy with hero stuff, he was trying to pay you a visit. Kirishima was so happy that the love of his life and his best friend was getting along well just like it was used to be. It was a regular day for you as usual, waking up, going for a run then taking a quick shower, reading your favourite book and baking some delicious cookies for your husband and friends. After baking some delicious chocolate chip cookies, you devorated them on a plate and left them on the kitchen island for later. It was already 3:00 pm so you decided to watch a movie but the knock on your door stopped you. “Coming!” Eijirou, Bakugou and the girls were still at work so you wondered who decided to visit you this early, when you opened the door, you saw the hotheaded blond with grocery bags in his hands “Katsu?!” The nickname you used always had an effect on him. “What are you doing here, arent you supposed to be at work?!” He rolled his eyes and smirked “What, you arent gonna let me in?” He was always teasing you and you were always falling for it, he loved the expressions that you made. “N-no, ofc not Bakugou, i love your company!” You moved to the side and he took off his shoes, just when you were about to take the bags from his hands, he scoffed “Dont lift heavy things.” You smiled and nodded, “I made chocolate chip cookies, want some?” He rolled his eyes “Geez Y/n, you are consuming too much sugar.” You chuckled and ushered him to the kitchen. You made some tea and handed him a mug, the both of you sat with comfortable silence. “So Ground Zero, mind telling me why you wanted to pay a visit this early?” Hearing his hero name from you, made his heart flutter. “Just finished some paperwork and wanted to see how you’re doing.” Your cheeks grew warmer and you gave him a goofy smile “Awww, thank you Katsu!” He averted his eyes and tried to blush on his cheeks, these four months were so hard for him, you were right in front of him but it felt so far away. He wanted to tell how he felt and he was going to do it. “Y/n, we need to talk.” You took a sip from your mug and nodded “Sure Katsu, you can tell me anything.” He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Listen Y/n, this isnt something easy to talk about, do you remember the night we had, while we’re in college?” Your eyes widened and memories from your past started to cloud your mind “W-what are you trying to say, Katsuki?” He sighed and looked at you with sad eyes. “Y/n im in love with you. It’s been fuck- like what 11 years?” Your hands started to shake and your breath hitched in your throat, what were you hearing? Was it true, if it was that meant the feelings you had in high school was mutual. Tears started to well up in your eyes, why was he telling you this, you were carrying his best friend’s baby, you were in love with Eijiro. But what if you were carrying his child instead, what would happen then, would you be happy? “K-katsuki...” He shook his head and sighed “No, Y/n. You dont need to tell me anything, if i knew you had a crush on me sooner, things could have been different, i had goals and i didnt thought that you were feeling the same.” His voice cracked and his crimson eyes shined with tears. Your eyes met with his and you slowly stood up. Even if you were in love with Eijiro, Katsuki was your first love and there was a part of you that still loved him. Your shaky hands grabbed his and his eyes widened “I’m sorry for being a coward, Katsuki.” He clenched his teeth “No! If i told you how i felt-” You cut him off by wrapping your arms around his torso and the both of you quietly cried for the loss of the years. “Y/n, let me...” He tightened his hold on you and rested his forehead on yours, you nodded and closed your eyes. He slowly lovered his face and his soft lips met with yours. Katsuki Bakugou was your first love and this was his way of saying goodbye, he didnt wanted to suffer anymore, he didnt wanted to feel the pain in his heart whenever he saw you with Eijiro...
The last five months of your pregnancy flowed like water and in the end, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name was Kaori and she looked just like you but her red ruby eyes was just like his fathers. After Kaori’s 1st birthday, you started working again and your mother was looking after your daughter. Kirishima was the sweetest dad ever, he was doing everything he could to help you and Katsuki was protective when it came to the little girl. Mina was always buying her a new Red Riot onesie and Jirou was always singing her the best lullabies.
After dropping Kaori at your mothers place, you started driving towards your agency and texted Eijiro that you were going to be busy. When you got to the agency they immediately called you for backup. There were a chaotic villain group and you left with some of the pros. The buildings were on fire and some of the pro’s were badly injured, you even saw some of your old friends. Then you heard a scream, it belonged to a little girl. Her sobs were so loud and it was coming from a burning building, before you could think of anything, your legs started to move towards the building. Your quirk was called ‘Telekinesis’ and it made you control objects and sometimes humans. “Help me, mommy!” Your heart shattered to pieces and you quickly activated your quirk, after moving the rubbles to the side you managed to spot the girl but she was at the 4th floor. You ran into the building and started to call for her “Hey, little girl where are you!” you continued to shout and run, then you heard it “Im here, please help!” You kicked the door open and saw the girl, sitting on the floor. Tears were flowing from her eyes and you crouched down “Im gonna take you out of here!” Then just when you were about to carry her, she started to laugh and it turned to a scary one. “Ahahahaha!” Your eyes widened and the girl transformed into a scary man, “W-what is this?!” it was a trap, he was a villain. “Bye bye, hero.” Everything happened so fast, you felt something sharp in your chest and tried to look at it. Then your legs started to tremble and you fell to the floor, blood was everywhere, it was yours. The villain managed to shot you in the chest. A warm feeling surrounded you and the people you love came into your mind. Kaori; your little girl, Katsuki your first love and friend, Mina, Jirou then Eijiro, the love of your life, the best husband ever, the reason of your happiness. “E-eiji...” Tears fell from your eyes and everything turned dark.
Eijiro was trying to reach you for hours, the last thing he got from you was a text message, saying you’ll be busy bc of work. He was getting worried because there was a dangerous case going on and he knew you went there for help. Just when he was about to ask for permission to leave, his phone started buzzing and he quickly answered “Hello?” a woman started to speak “Hello, is this Mr. Kirishima?” His heart started to beat faster, there was an uneasy feeling in his gut. “I’m calling you from the hospital, we wanted to inform you about Mrs.Kirishima’s condition.” With the mention of your name the world stopped spinning “W-what happened to my wife?!” The woman sighed and there was a long pause “Mr.Kirishima can you please come to the hospital?” He quickly hung up, he didnt know what to do. What if something happened to you, what was he supposed to do? The only person he could call was Bakugou, so he did that. Katsuki tried his best to calm Kirishima down and both males started to drive towards the hospital.
“Bakugou!” Katsuki turned towards the voice, it was Kirishima. His teeth were clenched and he was running towards the reception. Bakugou came to the hospital before Kirishima and tried to gather some information about you but the nurses were so stubborn they were waiting for Eijiro to come. “Where’s my wife, where is Y/n?!” He started to shout and Bakugou grabbed his arm. “Bakugou, where is Y/n?!” Bakugou shook his head “Calm down, Kirishima. I know that you are worried but you are not helping.” Katsuki tried to sound calm but his voice was shaking, he knew something was wrong. The nurses werent saying a thing, he wanted to see you, he wanted to wrap his arms around you and never let you go. Then the doctor arrived, he had a melancholic look on his face. “Mr.Kirishima?” Kirishima and Bakugou turned towards the voice and Kirishima shouted “I want to see my wife!” When the doctor kept silent Katsuki’s blood started to boil “Say something, damn it!” They both wanted to see you, they both wanted to kiss you, protect you. “Mrs,Kirishima got shot by a villain and lost a lot of blood.” Eijiro’s heart started to ache and the air left his lungs, Katsuki was in shock he didnt know what to think, his eyes were wide, trembling. “We tried everything we could, im sorry...” And with that Kirishima collapsed to the ground, his painful sobs were echoing throught the corridors “Y/n!” His body was trembling, the love of his life were gone... Katsuki’s hands found his hair and started to tug at the blond locks. Tears were falling from his eyes, he let out a painful scream and hated himself for not being there to protect you...
When the funeral come to and end, Katsuki wanted to see her grave for one more time, there were flowers in his hand. “Y/n...” It was like a whisper, after crying for so long, he couldnt find the energy to speak. His heart was shattered to pieces, everything felt empty, the world wasnt colorful anymore, everything felt either black or white. “I thought you'd be here.” When he heard his best friend’s voice, he turned to see a broken Eijiro. He tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace, both men stood in silence then Eijiro started to speak “I knew that you were in love with her.” Katsuki’s eyes widened and he couldnt meet Eijiro’s gaze. “How?” He managed to croak out. “You are my best friend, i know you more than anyone else.” Katsuki felt like dying, these three days were horrible, he lost the love of his life and now he was going to lose Eijiro’s friendship too but just when he was preparing himself for Eijiro’s harsh words, Eijiro pulled him into a hug. “I cant blame you for falling in love with her, she was amazing.” Katsuki started to tremble and hugged him back, he was harshly nodding. “She left us a piece of her, i cant love anyone else but im not gonna let Kaori suffer because she doesnt have a mother.” Katsuki squeezed his eyes shut and continued to nod. Both men cried together for the loss of their love, for the woman they fell for. After calming down a little Katsuki opened his mouth “We’re gonna take care of Kaori, we gonna make her the happiest girl in the world for Y/n.” Kirishima smiled at his friend’s promise and nodded “For Y/n.”
“Hey Y/n, i cant believe twelve years had passed. It’s like you were here yesterday, our daughter is a beautiful lady now, she is so energetic and full of positivity, just like us. Everyone misses you so much, especially me. When i wake up, i want to feel your warmth beside me, i want to see your beautiful face after a long day at work. Your clothes are still in our closet, i dont want your scent to go away, our pictures are still on the walls of our house. Kaori always looks at them and tells me how beautiful you are. She is right, you are the most beautiful woman in this whole existence. Kaori loves chocolate chip cookies, when i told her that they were your favourite she wanted to make them and now we are always baking cookies with uncle Katsuki and aunt Mina. Jirou also visits us regularly and sings her the most beautiful melodies. Kaminari and Sero always make stupid faces to make her laugh, Midoriya and Shoto bought her some presents, you should’ve seen her face! She loves all of our friends but she loves Katsuki the most, she always calls him ‘Uncle Suki’. Katsuki and i promised each other to pay you a visit regularly. We missed you Y/n, we missed you so much. God, i wasnt going to cry but i cant help it baby, without you there is always something empty but i promise you that no matter what happens, im going to make our daughter the happiest in the world, you are her hero and she wants to be strong, just like you.”
-From, Eijiro
After putting the letter at the side of your grave Kirishima smiled softly and looked at his right, Katsuki was standing with a small smile on his face, then Kaori broke the silence “See you soon mom, i love you!” They both ruffled her hair and Kaori linked his arms with his father’s “Dad, uncle! Lets make some chocolate chips cookies.” Katsuki smirked “Dont eat too much sugar, brat.” Kaori pouted but laughed. Your absence was painful but they were going to make good memories, for you...
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weeklyfangirl · 5 years
Frat Boy Pt. 19
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7 (1), part 7 (2), part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13 , part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18
You’re a gal on a mission in this one. And you’re determined to get answers one way or another ;) Share this with a friend and drag them them along for a roller coaster ride too! xx 
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“This is a bad idea,” Renny muttered. We were parked a street away from the frat house, waiting for the boy who’d been ignoring me the past week to appear and get in his car. Granted, I’d only reached out once, but still. He’d never replied. Never reached out. It was the radio silence that scared me more than any gang tags. Ignorance might be bliss, but conscious ignorance was hell.
 After our dinner, I’d woken up to my car in the driveway. The windshield clean. Spotless, even. He must’ve hardly gotten sleep. 
 “Why is this necessary again? Do you think he’s cheating on you?” Renny asked. 
 I shook my head too quickly at the word cheating, because even if he was seeing somebody else it wouldn’t technically be cheating. We’d never even defined this. The only thing I hated more than knowing I was in the dark were gray zones. I shook my head too soon, though. What else could I tell her? I couldn’t exactly tell her the truth - that I think I’m being targeted as a cause of Harry’s random association with a gang and that we need to follow him to confirm my crazy conspiracies so I can affirm that one, I am not crazy, and two, I can reach a decision about whether I should talk to the cops. 
 That was too complicated.
 “Actually, you’re right. I think he’s seeing someone else.” I let the lie slip from my lips.
 “Shit. You think he’s seeing Viv?” 
 I wanted to smile at the edge in her voice. The first evidence she didn’t really like the girl either. “He already told me they slept together,” I said casually, as though I’d mentioned I ate Cheerios for breakfast again.
 Renny almost spat. “Ew!! Seriously? I mean, I guess we kind of already thought that. But still…-” she shivered “-GROSS.” 
 “Yeah. Gross,” I agreed. Something stirred next to the bins, and I clutched her arm. But it wasn’t Harry. The random associate walked on, blissfully unaware of the two girls watching his every move and so completely disappointed by his presence. We both sighed. 
 “Wait, he’s behind him!” Renny screeched. 
 Sure enough, Harry emerged, trailing behind the associate. His hair looked damp. He’d probably showered after practice, then. They did some sort of weird bro handshake and parted ways. 
 A beep of an alarm and Harry slid into his Maserati. Let the chase begin.
 “Still can’t believe he drives that thing to school,” Renny muttered. “I mean I would if I had one, too, but … cheating prick.” 
 I had to hand it to Renny. Even if someone was the most likeable person in the world, if they’d done something to cross her friends, she’d find a way to make them the most detestable. At least in her eyes. 
 We waited as he revved the engine and pulled out. He drove fast, but thankfully Renny’s VW could keep up. Grandpa would’ve been a different story. 
 “Where the hell are we going?” 
 “I don’t know.” I fought the urge to add ‘that’s the problem.’
 We travelled towards the coast before he senselessly veered inland again, ending up somewhere I’d never been before. We trailed him slowly, past locked up storefronts, and tagged alleyways, until he turned into a gritty-looking neighborhood. We slowed around the corner, making sure to keep several streets between us. 
 Around the bend, Harry suddenly slammed on his brakes. Renny lurched forward. 
 “What the fuck-” Renny ducked lower in her seat. “Do you think he saw us?”
 In the split two seconds I had, I wagered our chances of reversing and getting through this unseen. But my split two seconds were up, and I hadn’t moved. 
 The motor ran as he got out of the car, calmly, not bothering to shut the door. He’d known. He’d known all along. Time slowed when he faced us, arms crossed, squinting as his judgement penetrated through his Ray Bans all the way through the windshield. He stalked towards our car. No one was around in the rundown neighborhood street to yell at us to get our cars moving. No one could save me from this eternal embarrassment slowly mounting with each step of his black Chelsea boots. 
 The gig was up. 
 I rolled down my window when he tapped on the glass.
 “Go home,” he ordered. 
 I scoffed. “Really? You haven’t talked to me all week and those are the first words you’re going to say to me?” 
 He stepped backwards, acknowledging nothing. “Go. Home,” pointing the direction whence we came. 
 “We weren’t even following you. We were already in the neighborhood asshole!” Renny yelled. 
 I couldn’t have it end like this. I couldn’t have another week of silence, of questions unanswered. The plan was to follow him and see where he ran off to, not utterly expose my desperation. But now that plan was obliterated. Was this it? Was this seriously how he wanted to end things so… pointlessly?
 I opened the car door, running after his sulking frame. The second I placed a hand on his shoulder blade, he whipped around. I cowered. 
 He hadn’t needed to bare his teeth or shout at me to be intimidating. This oppressive darkness rolled off of him in waves, knocking me down repeatedly just when I saw the shore. Like a tired sailor, I’d return to the ocean, knowing the damage it could cause, but knowing it was worth it. It would be worth it… if I could only see beneath the surface. 
 He flinched as I pulled the shades off, but he didn’t look at me. My hand went along his jaw, against the slight stubble that’d made its way through. He relented.
 His pupils were blasted, almost shadowing the outer ring of green. 
 “I changed because of you,” I breathed. Something flashed in his eyes. Something beneath the darkened surface. “I’m not the same as I was before. And I don’t know even know how to… express it. I don’t even know if that’s a good thing,” I admitted. He opened his mouth, but I raised a hand. “I need to know what you’re not telling me. The old me could’ve gone without it, but who I am now? I can’t.” 
 But it was like he only heard half of what I’d said. “I never asked you to be in my life, Y/N.”
 “No, that’s right. You just swindled me into it by pretending to be dumb. You’re a little too good of an actor.”  
 It was his turn to scoff. “No one’s making you run after me.” 
 “No one’s making you be a complete and utter asshole right now, either. Besides yourself. Can you just-” I pushed his chest- “PLEASE. I’m clearly tired of getting nowhere.” 
 Harry looked at his watch, and his jaw clicked. “You know for someone so concerned with their life, you certainly don’t seem to have much of one.” His eyes bore into mine. 
 I swallowed, hard, unmoving though it stung. “I know Viv’s in on it.” 
 It was a stab in the dark, but it worked. He nearly growled.
 I heard Renny open her door behind me.
 “She’s involved in a lot of parts of my life, Y/N. But at least she doesn’t ask too many questions. And she sure as shit doesn’t overstep,” he growled. 
 “We both know I’m not Viv.” 
 “Yeah,” he chuckled. “You’re right…” His eyes levelled with mine. At least she actually fucks me.” 
 I felt like he should’ve stayed, watch the awful betrayal fill my eyes. But he walked away as the air was ripped from my lungs. I wanted to scream, I wanted to run up to him, push him to the ground and tell him-! 
 ...tell him what? 
 It was true. 
 He paused at the car door, not even trying to face me. “Get yourself home.” 
 I didn’t see him drive away. I just heard the slam of the car door as he left me, halfway up the hill. 
 Renny pulled the car up next to me, and I suddenly felt dirty. Like I needed a shower. A very hot, scalding shower, that would burn every inch of him off my body forever. 
 “What’s the plan?” she asked.  
 Clearly, our plan to trail the subject in very deep question had turned out very deeply miserable. 
 In a close encounter, the sailor realizes fairly quickly that the ocean holds all the power to kill them. But the second they acknowledge that, they don’t abandon what they’re looking for. 
 “Can you drop me off at a friend’s?” I asked.
 They just get a bigger ship. 
 The just-built senior apartments were the envy of everyone on campus. Modern architecture and sleek interior made it THE choicest option for the upperclassmen - especially the athletes. It was the next best thing for those not living in fraternities or sororities.
 It was also the most expensive on-campus housing available. You could live there if you were rich enough, but more importantly, if you were lucky enough. There was one other way you could live here, though. Chapman held a raffle to “make our housing opportunity equal for everyone.” Which, was bullshit, considering the apartment only reserved four out of sixty rooms for those “raffle winners.” Four raffle winners, out of four THOUSAND upperclassmen.  
 Felix and Zayn had some pretty insane luck. 
 I knocked on their door, antsy as I thought of their probable reaction: “Why is Y/N standing beyond our door on a Thursday night without Renny?” She was my strongest link to them. I’d begged her to come up with me, but she wasn’t budging. Though she wouldn’t admit it, she was a little annoyed at spending the whole day only to have found no other woman and to have been told off by Harry - who she now deems worse than Lying Panty Tossing Baby. 
 A tall athletic-built woman eyed me as she carried their trash down the hall. 
 Felix opened the door. 
 “Oh, hey.” It was the awkward I remember you but we aren’t friends dance. “S’been a while. Come in.” 
 I noticed he was at least 6’ 2” as I moved past him into the foyer where Zayn and Andre paused the video game. They had a whole tech center set up around the T.V. and dull EDC music came from their speaker system. 
 Andre waved and Zayn’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Hey! What’re you doing here?” He moved a pizza box out of his way to head to the open kitchen. Before I could answer, he returned with a cracked beer, handing it to me. 
 “Thanks,” I said, taking a sip out of politeness. Old Da Vinci maps hung on their walls along with tasteful sketches of nude women, and a framed vintage Star Wars poster was in the hallway. 
 “Where’s Renny?” Felix asked, arms crossed as he sat on the arm of the couch. He’d meant it to be casual, but it wasn’t quite casual enough.
 I didn’t want to be the one to break his heart and tell him about Niall if he didn’t already know. And something told me Renny wasn’t cruel enough to rub it in his face. “Uh, not sure. She had to buzz off somewhere though.” To Niall’s bed. I looked between the three of them. “All of you got so. Lucky. With this place. I almost didn’t believe it when Renny told me.” 
 “Not me!” Andre lifted his beer and dramatically pounded it, slamming it down on the table next to the other four beers.
 “Woah-ugh! Pa! That’s mahogany!” Felix spluttered. 
 “You found it at a garage sale!” 
 “It’s still mahogany!” he squeaked. His gangly arms flailed before adjusting his collar. “Either I’m never donating furniture to this apartment again - or you’re not allowed back in this apartment again. Or both.”
 Andre didn’t answer, just fell flat on the couch. Something was off with him. The energy shifted in the room as the guys eyed Andre. I’d clearly come at a wrong time. 
 “I can swing by later, I know you guys were in the middle of a... game…” 
  Zayn swatted his hand. “No, you’re fine. He’s just…” 
 Andre perked up, awaiting Zayn’s next words. 
 “You want to tell her?” Zayn finished. 
 Andre let out an awkward moan. “You know how date night is coming up?”
 My brows stitched. 
 “No??” He cleared his throat, surprised he had to explain. “So Sig Chi’s date night is coming up and basically we just bring a date, and… party. There’s a theme and everything. You really haven’t heard about this?”
 I shook my head.
 “Huh. It’s kind of a big deal that’s why I’m kind of... huh.”  
 “When is it?” I asked.
 “Tomorrow?!” I paused, thoroughly confused. Had Niall told Renny about this? And if it was Sigma Chi then… Harry must already have a date. For tomorrow. My blood boiled thinking that could be part of the reason why he’d dropped off the face of the Earth this week. So he wouldn’t have to take me as his date. 
 “Mine cancelled on me,” Andre said, running a hand over defined black coils. 
 “Dude, for the hundredth time, it’s not that big of a deal.” 
 “You’re not the one in a frat, Felix!” He laughed humorlessly before landing in a pile on the couch again. In a rare moment, I laughed with him. It was slightly ridiculous how important parties were.
 “Oh-kay,” Felix muttered. His blonde hair flopped on the couch next to Andre. He looked up to me, shrugging. “He’s helpless. Without the distraction of video games. Absolutely helpless.” 
 Zayn gave me a once-over. “You’re in the sorority with Renny, aren’t you?” 
 “Uh, yeah. Kind of. Not officially official yet. Kind of in the process of everything right now. Uh, but” -his eyes narrowed from my rambling- “Yeah. Yeah, I’m in it,” I settled on. 
 Andre came to life again. “Would you go with me?” 
 “Oh! Uh…” 
 “You don’t have to,” Zayn offered. 
 “I can do it. I wasn’t doing anything anyways.” The Netflix I was betraying threw a tantrum in the back of my mind. This weekend I’d been wanting to do nothing but lay low, and preferably, in bed.  
 But if today taught me anything, it’s that my plans clearly never work out too well.
 “Seriously?! It’ll only be a couple hours, I won’t make you stay the whole time. Actually, you can leave whenever you want. Just walk in with me.” 
 “Excuse me?” I asked, half-smiling. 
 “Okay, that sounded bad.” He let out a breathless laugh. “What I meant to say was, thank you. You’ll have a great time.” He threw up the finger guns. 
 Zayn nudged my shoulder with his beer. “Want to go on the balcony?” His eyes bore into mine, and I knew that he knew this wasn’t just a friendly visit. A slight chill ran through me at his perception. It was unnerving how he always seemed to… know. But I guess I shouldn’t judge him for having a keen sixth sense. 
 I let him lead me to the sliding glass door.  
 “Oh, the theme’s James Bond, too! So dress like a Bond girl!” Andre called after us. 
 “Like heels?” I asked. But Zayn slid the door shut behind us. It was dark out, but inside I could see Andre give me a thumbs up before resuming the video game with Felix. 
 “Saved his life. Mate wouldn’t stop gabbin’ ‘bout how gutted he was.” Zayn muttered. The flick of a lighter grabbed my attention. The slight orange illuminated dark features and hollowed cheeks as he took a drag. There was no denying he was handsome, especially in this mood lighting. He probably could’ve been recruited for any fraternity off looks alone, but something told me he wouldn’t step near the place. His vibe was too… anti-organization. He blew the smoke over his shoulder. 
 “Very tortured artist of you,” I noted.
 His head tilted at tortured as if throwing the title back to me. “Artist, maybe. Tortured, no.” 
 “What’s a yes for you, then?” 
 “Yes to whateva you’ve been plannin’ on asking me,” he smirked. “Must’ve been important if you didn’t find me in the studio.” 
 I looked down, then out at the city. Thousands of little people scattered everywhere. Students crawling from late-night classes on the fringes of campus looked like ants. I held my thumb up for scale. Verified ants. Maybe smaller. 
 “I came here to find a different perspective.” My hand fell. I faced him square. “Your perspective.” 
 He took another drag, letting the smoke fill the space between us. “On?” 
 I was a little surprised he didn’t know.
 If he didn’t know, he also didn’t seem too surprised. He leaned against the railing, hazel eyes undressing desperate thoughts. “What do you want to know?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper.
 The ash from his cigarette floated down to his feet, but an unseen wind carried it up again, rolling over and down like dirty snowflakes to the street below. 
 “I know he doesn’t like you.” 
 Zayn’s laugh was light, soft, but carried the same fullness as Renny’s. “Perceptive girl, ya? S’not what you want to know though is it.” 
 “Why is he so scared of you?” His brow arched, and I could tell I was losing him. “What do you know?” I clarified. 
 Another drag and his shoulders straightened. “Thought you were flatterin’ me there for a second.” Something glimmered in his eyes, something just beyond the surface, and I looked away before I could see anything more than friendly. “Can I ask you somethin’ in return?” 
 I nodded. 
 “Why do you want to know?” he murmured. 
 “I just want to understand.”
 “Mm,” he hummed, the treble of his voice like slow-spilling silk. “Curiosity killed the cat.” 
 I swallowed a little too loudly, but his words hit a little too closely. 
 “S’all right,” he continued. “S’human nature t’want to understand.” He cocked his head a little. “I actually met Harry before school started during the summer. I was working at Hilltop Resort.”
 “I was his server.” He let out a short breath as if he couldn’t believe it happened. “Tipped well, actually.” 
 “I remember you working there!” Faint summer memories of Renny whisking us away for lunch on our treat yourself day came back, stirring faint feelings of happiness. It seemed so long ago. I felt like I’d aged five years in three months. “So let me get this straight. He doesn’t like you because you’re in the service industry?” I spat.
 He winced. “No, s’more like…” He took a breath. “There was a coworker of mine. He wasn’t mean, but he wasn’t exactly nice either. Kept to himself on breaks, never really chatted with any of us except to flirt with the bartender. Anyway, I used to see Harry a lot there, but when Jack got promoted Harry’d only sit in Jack’s section.”
 I crossed my arms, the night time air finally sinking in. 
 “I didn’t think too much of it at first,” he admitted. The cigarette moved in his mouth, hand fiddling with the lighter. “But one night I was running out to give a guest the card they’d left behind, but I saw them together instead.” 
 Before I could picture Harry and Zayn’s coworker making out against the wall, he continued - “He was giving Harry stacks of cash.”
 Flashbacks of Viv trying to pass Harry money in the Catalina Island bar played out like a movie in my mind. 
 “What’d you do?” I pressed.
 He shrugged. “I saw Harry slip something else in his pocket. It looked like a little bag. Must’ve been a bonus.” He muttered the last words. 
 “A bonus for what?” 
 “I didn’t know then. I just thought he’d somehow found a way to steal from the manager’s safe and was splitting the profits.”
 “Why give it to Harry though?” 
 “That’s what I couldn’t figure out.” He leaned in. “I saw them together a few more times. The second was an accident. Third, not so much. Harry saw me that time. Then before I left for the night, I searched his locker. Took me a while, but I found some pills. Little bag of coke, too. He came in right when I was putting it back.” 
 “Yeah. He didn’t say anything. Just stared at me like he was going to kill me. I got my shit and got the hell out of there. Next day, the boss said they received a tip to check my locker and they found the drugs in mine. You know the fucked up bit? I was fired.” 
 “But it wasn’t yours!” 
 “Doesn’t matter. Still found it there.” Zayn stamped out his cigarette, blowing away the last smoke. I guess pity was etched in my face, because he suddenly turned defensive. “Don’t look at me like that. I work at Javier’s now. I’m fine.” 
 Javier’s was the fancy Mexican restaurant overlooking the Pacific. He was doing more than fine.
 “That’s still not fair to you,” I muttered.
 “I didn’t want to be involved, anyway. S’better I left one way or another.” 
 “What was his name again? Your coworker’s?”
 Jack. Why did that sound so familiar? 
 “He’s not sound, you know,” Zayn added. 
 “Well clearly if he gave you murder eyes.” 
 “No, not Jack. Harry. He’s not…”
 “Sound,” I repeated. The word felt heavy on my tongue.
 Zayn nodded, tucking a cigarette behind his ear.
 “I can’t believe Harry got you fired.” 
 “Well, I don’t exactly know. Jack must’ve been the one to move the drugs into my locker.”
 “Yeah, but who told him to?”
 Zayn didn’t answer. The facts had been there this entire time, but I didn’t want to see it. I still didn’t want to see it. But Zayn was here, undeniably linking them together for me. Harry and drugs and money were three things that’d been circulating in the same place much longer than I could know. For some reason beyond me, Harry was a dealer. Or ran as head of them. Which meant his association with the men who’d assaulted me was… what? A business deal gone wrong?
 “England’s a small country, you see the same faces everywhere. Like here, if you’re perceptive enough. And in each, he’s jus’... involved in something bigger, while at the same time trying to hide. S’like he’s a magnet for infamy to his own detriment.” 
 “Are you referring to his adoption?” 
 He twisted the cigarette behind his ear, realizing I didn’t really need an answer to this question and that now I was just testing him for what he knew. “Contrary to what he may believe, I don’t know everything.” 
 But I couldn’t fight the feeling that he was talking about me. Smooth artist’s fingers fiddled with the lighter again, but he didn’t light the second cigarette. He knew more than what he was telling me. 
 But even the new me didn’t want to hear much else tonight.  
 “You don’t want to stay?” he asked.
 I didn’t realize I was walking towards the door ‘til his words stopped me in my tracks. Disappointment tinged his words. I felt a little guilty, heading out the door as soon as I’d gotten what I’d needed. 
 But I was tired. And sadly, unless there was a sketch pad in front of him, I didn’t know what else we could talk about. I didn’t know what else he’d see. 
 I shook my head, and he lit the cigarette, not bothering to walk me out. 
Racing down the spindly halls, my heart pounded out of my chest. I heard the cries above the whispers of the Watchers, and they grew louder with a sickening urgency. A gutteral wailing meant for me. 
 I looked down the hall, awaiting the dark shadow to appear from the walls, when he’d creep closer, suffocatingly closer. 
 The door wouldn’t open, not past an inch. 
 But he called for me, this time. My name fell from unseen lips.
 “Y/N,” he called. It was hoarse. He was scared. I’d never heard that cry before. This time it wasn’t solid air the door was against - it was pills. Tiny pills, hundreds of them, thousands of them, multiplying on top of each other until they filled what I could see of the room. Until they were spilling out the crack. 
 “Y/N!!!” His voice was panicked, but muffled. It was muffled now. Why wasn’t he opening the door?? Why couldn’t he reach me?? The shadow drew closer. It surrounded me, outside, every inch of the hall covered by darkness. 
 My heartbeat was the only sound. 
 A waterfall of pills. The glint of a knife. 
 I couldn’t reach him in time. 
 I couldn’t save Harry. 
 I couldn’t even save myself.
part 20
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alitaimagines · 4 years
to the requester who dm’d your ask, this is for you! I couldn’t write the entire request but the requester knows who they are. 
Iida Tenya, Shinsou Hitoshi, x fem! reader
boku no hero academia / my hero academia 
note / song request: requests are open for fandom’s i’ve stated / he wasn’t man enough for me - toni braxton (iida), home - new west (shinsou)
You looked at Shinsou, waving him off as you got into class. There wasn’t a day when Bakugou didn’t mention why were you friends with the purple haired freak. You knew Bakugou only mentioned it because of the sports festival. 
Both you and Shinsou had been friends since PreK so it wasn’t unusual to be around him although that was starting to take a turn when you started to befriend everyone in your class. Yeah, Shinsou and you would talk everyday but not like you used too. 
“Good morning class!” You heard Iida say to all of you. You gave him a bright smile as you tried to get off the desk you were sitting on before he started lecturing you about how it was uncivilized to be sitting on desks that were once home to upperclassmen and current heroes.
“What has you in such a good mood?” You asked as you swiveled yourself around to talk to the megane boy. “You seem to be happier than usual.” He gave you an enthusiastic nod as he pulled something out of his bag. 
He pulled out a box filled with different snacks. “I want you to take this as a token of my appreciation and as a way to formally ask you out on a date.” You gave Iida a look before a warm feeling overcame your face. 
“Are you asking me out on a date or asking me out on a date as your girlfriend.” You asked as everyone gave the both of you a look of anticipation. “Out on a date as my girlfriend.” 
You gave him a yes as the class started to jokingly gag at the sentiment. It wasn’t long before Kaminari, Sero, and Mina went over to your desk to steal some of the snacks that Iida had brought you. Considering who Iida’s parent’s were, the snacks were very high end and must have costed him a fortune considering how much he gave you. 
“The school will be having the hero department cancel most educational classes for the remainder of the week as they now passed a new rule.” Aizawa muttered as he walked into the class. “Students are now supposed to have a certain amount of training before the year ends and we are no where near that so for the rest of the week, it’ll be training.” 
You growled into your desk knowing this would affect your quirk. While your quirk was very strong, there was still some drawbacks to it. Whenever you used your quirk for an extended amount of time, it usually left you extremely tired and temperamental. 
“Do you think you’re ready for the training?” Iida asked you as the both of you went to lunch. You shrugged. “Maybe, I mean it’ll have some drawbacks with my quirk but for the most part, I think I’ll be okay.” 
“I know you can do it. You’re one of the strongest in the class!” Iida responded. Your face overcame with that warm feeling once again. “Thanks Tenya, I just hope it isn’t for a long time, I know we should’ve expected this when we signed up for classes but still.” 
As the both of you continued to talk, Uraraka and Midoriya had made their way over to the table. It was usually the four of you when it came to sitting at lunch. 
“Our training starts after this so make sure to eat light but enough to make you energized.” Iida told Midoriya and Uraraka. “I just hope it’s combat training, at least for today.” Uraraka murmured. 
You nodded in agreement but knowing UA, they would throw you into the some hard training without even getting the chance to warm up or at least to activate your quirks in time. 
When Aizawa mentioned that training would be scaled to the nines, he wasn’t kidding. Months of training felt like years and everyone in 1-A/B looked like complete zombies. 
“Hey, what’s up!” You heard Midoriya say as he tried to catch up with you. You gave him a nod, not really in the mood to speak or deal with anyone at the moment. “Is something wrong? You look like you’re having a hard day.” 
You shrugged. “We haven’t been able relax for weeks and I feel like if I get punched in the gut one more time this week, I will probably go off on someone.” Midoriya gave you a sympathetic smile. 
“I know but at least we’re almost done with the rigorous training!” Midoriya tried to say with an enthusiastic smile. You shrugged once more as the four of you finally got to the table.
Iida sat down next to you as he put his hand on top of yours. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked as he noticed your soured expression. You gave him a nod as he looked at you once more before talking to Midoriya and Uraraka. 
With training and the overload of homework, you had felt like your relationship with Iida was starting to get bumpy. Although the two of you were in the half year point of being together, you still tried to make it seem like the honeymoon phase. You were trying as hard as you could but Iida couldn’t say the same. 
Whenever the two of you tried to hang out, it wasn’t too long before Uraraka, Midoriya, or literally anyone else disturbed you. You didn’t mind it for a while but once it started to get to the point where someone was disturbing you everyday, you couldn’t help but start getting annoyed. 
You tried mentioning it to Iida but he would brush it off or give you a kiss and tell you that he would try harder to hang out with just you. It worked at first but later on, you realized that he really wasn’t doing anything about it. 
With Iida not really taking the relationship seriously and your quirk being worked to its max everyday, it was starting to take a toll on you mentally. Another downside of your quirk was that your quirk would take on the personality traits of whose quirk you were using for a long period of time. 
Being that you were dating Iida and usually partnered up with him, you were starting to take his personality traits. Although that wouldn’t have bothered you too much, you did notice the traits that he kept hidden away from others and it took a toll on your own personality. You were becoming grouchier, more strict with yourself, and a lot more aggressive than usual. 
It wasn’t until the attack at USJ when you accidentally but a bit intentionally went off on Iida. With everything that happened, you forgot to check in with Aizawa and Iida had been searching for you everywhere until he found you. 
“Listen, I know what we’ve just been through is hard but you should’ve been responsible enough to check in with a professor.” You growled in Iida’s direction before getting up and looking at him face to face. 
“Listen Tenya, I don’t know why you’re planning to lecture me right here but I really don’t want to hear nagging in my ear after what we’ve been through.” You exclaimed. “Now please lay the fuck off. I need some alone time, which I know sounds great for you so how about you just leave me the fuck alone until everything gets back to normal. Then you can start nagging and lecturing me again.” 
The entire class looked at you in surprise before they quickly realized that you had noticed they were eavesdropping into the conversation. Iida looked like a kick puppy but in the back of his mind, he knew he deserved the lashing you gave him. 
“Hey, listen, I know what she said probably hurt but you know her quirk has a bit of a downfall to it so I would take what she said with a grain of salt.” Midoriya said trying to comfort him. “Just don’t overwhelm yourself.” 
Midoriya was a liar. Iida noticed even after weeks of the USJ attack, you still weren’t giving him the time of day. During class, you would ignore him or give him blank responses. You didn’t bother to sit with him or anyone in 1-A during lunch and every text he sent you was left on read. 
As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was sure the screaming match the both of you had at the USJ facility was the breaking up point. He should’ve been smart enough to figure that out but considering he was emotionally stunted in some ways, he didn’t really know if you were together or not. 
Iida went up to your door, knocking as softly as he could. You took a few seconds to open it but when you did, your face fell. “Hey Iida.” He gave you a smile. 
“Hey, I want to ask you a question.” You held your finger up for a moment, Iida hearing you tell Shinsou you would be back in a second. 
“I just wanted to ask if you and I were still together or not? I know what happened after the USJ, it really took a turn.” You stayed silent, letting him air out what he needed to say before responding. “Iida, we are. I really don’t feel like being in a relationship where I’m doing most of the work. We can be friends and all but being together wasn’t exactly the healthiest of relationships.”
He nodded understanding where you were coming from. As Iida dismissed himself, he heard you closing the door and not even two seconds later, laughing about something Shinsou had told you. 
As the weeks progressed, he could see your personality changing from the once grim attitude to what your usual personality was. You were laughing a lot more, talking with everyone in 1-A, he even seen knew jewelry around your hands and neck. 
Iida could’ve sworn that he seen a few hickey’s on your neck as you desperately tried to cover it up with foundation and concealer. He never managed to get that far into the relationship with you because he didn’t want to be doing anything too risque in the dorms and get caught. 
There would be times when Iida would just lay in bed and think about what it would’ve been like to have you laying next to him and just talking about whatever came to mind. The both of you used to do it all the time but not for more than an half an hour. 
He would also stand underneath the shower, with the water coming down with a blazing heat and hope that it would even begin to compare to how warm you were when you gave him hugs. Iida knew that he was a lot of the reason why he drove you away from the relationship but he knew that if he tried to take you away from Shinsou, it would end up the same again. 
Iida loved you and if he loved you the way he said he did, he knew he had to let you be happy. Even if it was in the hands of another arm. 
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Girls Interrupted, Chapter 1: The Institution: 1, Katya: 0 (Vatya) 1/2 - Maeve
AN: Hi, everyone! I suppose this is my debut as a fan fiction author, and I’m super nervous. I never thought that I would be a writer, myself, but when I suggested a Vatya fic outline, some of you lovely people encouraged me to give it a try. ConCrit is always welcome! I tried my hardest, and I hope you enjoy! EEK!
August air is like a woman in heat: wet, warm, and not in the mood to do favors.
The short walk from her baby blue Beetle to the cafeteria doors left Katya sweating like a hooker in church. “Part-time-clown working a corner in the Red Light District” was a solid look, but Katya was beginning to doubt that it was the right choice for the first day of the new school year. The fabric of her long-sleeved dress clung to her skin uncomfortably.
If the funfetti doesn’t cover my sweat stains, I’m suing, Katya thought.
She tried to smooth down the sheer fabric out of habit. Katya took a deep breath before throwing open the glass door and bracing herself for a head-on collision with nostalgia. White floors, harsh light, kitchen clatter—too much for a Wednesday.
It’s an A/B day. First period: English, room 316. She repeats the mantra again and again in her head. If she loses the thought, she’ll never be able to find her way back.
Pussy, she chastised.
Katya’s bright red combat boots plunk across the linoleum and up three flights of rubber stairs. She might apologize for shattering the silence if anyone else were around, but the English corridor remains silent.
She, In her loud dress and noisy shoes, looked very out of place.
Mother, I’ve breached a sterile environment.
The white walls and white floors seemed to stretch for miles in either direction. Katya had forgotten how sad the white looked without students against it.
Mrs. McPhee’s door, like all the other doors, was an unremarkable brown. Katya stared into it and tried to reconcile the empty canvas with the image of the imp of an english teacher described by the upperclassmen . No dice. Perhaps her friends were exaggerating their hatred for the woman behind the unassuming door. It would be nice to think the best of  people, but she knew she lived in a time when that didn’t happen often. People suck; get with the program.
An eternity later the bell rang and Katya got to her feet before the horde could pull a mufasa on her. The unremarkable door swung open, revealing a short woman with a tight face and copper hair.
This could be trouble, an alarm flashed in her mind.
However, her body did not have time to trigger a fight or flight response. The older woman flashed Katya a bright smile, taking in her first student of the year. Mrs. McPhee enthusiastically extended her hand for Katya to shake.
“Hi there! I’m Mrs. McPhee! It’s so nice to meet you!” She all but chirped.
Katya snapped out of her thoughts and accepted the gesture. “I’m Katya. It’s nice to meet you too,” the teen delivered the customary response before Mrs. McPhee ushered her inside.
“Feel free to sit anywhere! I need to run to the copy room and grab a few things for class today. There’s an ice breaker activity on the tables that you can get started on,” she said before ducking out into the hall.
Someone’s had their morning coffee, Katya quipped, the corners of her mouth turning up in a small smile.
Familiar faces began to fill the chairs at the tables, but Katya had yet to find one she’d spoken more than a sentence to. The presence of her long time crush, Trixie Mattel, in the seat across from her did nothing to quell her growing anxiety, either.
A frantic Mrs. McHale returned with arms full of papers shortly after the end of the passing period. Katya could hear the eyes rolling at the sight of her. Cue the secondhand embarrassment.
Copies of the syllabus made their way around the room. Katya tried desperately not to wince as her English teacher introduced the “phone spa” where phones would live during class.
It wasn’t hard for Katya to become lost in her own thoughts once again.
Is there going to be a project on the summer reading? Is my copy of All the Light We Cannot See—which I’ve annotated the crap out of—going to be of any use to me at all?
The blonde was fucked if they were going to have to do an in-depth analysis of the text. The only thing she could remember about it was that the girl, Marie-Or-Something, was blind. And that only stuck with her because of the cackling fit she had on the floor when her mom asked her why she chose the book. And, of course, it was stupid. It was too hilarious that a book with a title about not being able to see the light had a protagonist who was blind, and thus, literally could not see the light.
The thought brought a smile to Katya’s face even now. It was unlikely that Anthony Doerr intended to make an ironic joke about a blind girl, but Katya liked to believe that humor wasn’t dead. Was it terrible? Yes. But come on, she literally couldn’t see the light. Because she was blind. Katya snorted at the mental picture that formed and immediately covered her mouth. Scanning the room, Katya determined that she hadn’t drawn any attention to herself. That was, until she caught Trixie Mattel’s unimpressed gaze.
Go figure, Katya scowled, I bet she thinks I’m keeping squirrels in the space between my ears. The teen could feel her cheeks flush beet red in embarrassment. She darted her eyes down to the syllabus, suddenly finding classroom procedures intriguing.
Fuck! Shit. She thinks I’m a freak, and she’s going to tell all her friends. Everyone will stare. You’re an embarrassment, a fool a—
Lady luck chose the opportune time to smile down on Katya, for it was an A/B day, and that meant classes were much shorter. The shrill bell sounded over the loudspeaker and silenced her pleas to be wished out of existence.
Katya’s second period was library aide. It was the perfect opportunity for her to get ahead on homework when she wasn’t needed. However, she knew full well that she’d spend the hour and a half people watching and reading obscure works.
The library was empty this morning and she cou;d take a moment to compose herself. Mrs. Slay, the librarian, gave her a brief runthrough of her duties and explained library procedures. Afterwards, she released Katya to her own devices.
Katya had never actually spent much time in the school’s library. The harsh, fluorescent lighting did nothing to make the room look cozier. Dozens of tall wooden shelves framed large areas along with some extra shorter shelves of books.
Katya trailed her fingers along dusty spines, hoping that a title would catch her eye.
Her third period class, theater, was on the first floor. A lot of people found it weird that a self-identifying technician was still involved in normal theater classes. Katya began her career on the stage, though. Her stage fright and lack of singing and dancing abilities were not about to stop her from growing as a performer. She promised herself that she’d audition for the play this year.
Ginger was waiting for Katya in their usual seats when she entered the black box. The blonde smiled at her best friend, taking a moment to look over the other faces in the space before joining her long-time companion.
Unfortunately, another year had not flushed out the riff-raff. Katya scowled, new year, same bullshit. The blonde shared a knowing glance with Ginger.
Rolaskatox—the inseparable trio of  Roxy, Alaska, and Detox—remained front and center. Sharon and Jinkx camped out in the back, and Tammy sat awkwardly on her own with Raja and Manila nearby. Pearl and Trixie gossiped to their left.
After Ms. P, the theater teacher for juniors and seniors, passed out the syllabus, they gathered in a circle. Playing stale warm-up games never failed to put the majority of the class in a pissy mood. It was no secret that half of the room hated the other half of the room; times when they were all forced to work together were toxic.
The second activity Ms. P had put on the agenda for that morning was not any better: duet scenes. The oblivious woman thought it would be a fantastic idea to assign partners at random for the scenes. Katya’s heart jumped in her throat when their teacher called Alaska Honard’s name along with hers.
Alaska had long, silky golden hair, soft pink lips, and big doe eyes. She was easily the tallest girl in their grade (and quite possibly in their school). She had legs for days, and they looked stunning under that short green cheer skirt in Katya’s opinion. And most of the student body’s opinion. Alaska might have been the nicest girl on the cheer squad, but Katya was sure that this encounter could still be fatal.
Katya hesitantly approached Alaska, who had yet to stop chatting with Roxy and Detox, and cleared her throat.
“Um, Alaska, I have our scene…If you want to go work on it…” Katya trailed off, digging the toe of her boot into the black floor.
Three pairs of eyes turned to look at her. She could feel the eye roll and once over from tweedle dee and tweedle dum. Instead, she focused on the tight smile the blonde in the middle gave her. Alaska nodded and followed her out of the black box.
The two girls made their way to the anti-lobby in without a word. Neither of them knew how to break the silence between them.
It was Katya who bit the bullet “Look, Alaska, I know you’re not thrilled about being my partner. But I care about the work I do in this class, and I know you do too. So can we just—”
“I’m sorry about them,” Alaska cuts her off. The confusion and shock is visible on Katya’s face, and Alaska feels the need to further elaborate. “Rotox…they’re rotted cunts sometimes. I think you’re a great actress, and I’m actually pretty glad to be working with you,” Alaska confessed . She ducked her head, and a long, golden lock fell into her eyes. Katya had to clutch the fabric at her thighs in order to resist the urge to brush it behind the taller girl’s ear.
“Okay then,” Katya breathed a sigh of relief, “Let’s get this show on the road.”
Katya could not believe the success she’d had on her scene with Alaska in theater. Maybe cheerleaders—well, certain cheerleaders—weren’t so bad after all. Katya was feeling optimistic as she made her way back up to the third floor for biology.
Are all biology classrooms supposed to reek of formaldehyde? Katya wrinkled her nose in disgust. There were tables made up of four desks clustered in front of the whiteboard at the front of the room. The back half of the room contained lab tables and equipment. Katya figured they would not be spending the majority of their time in there. Again, not wanting to draw attention to herself, she slipped into an empty desk near the back of the room. Their teacher, Mrs. Yates, shuffled around marking students present—to save time, Katya supposed. She finished moments before the tardy bell rang, and the students quieted as she took her place at the front of the room.
Mrs. Yates opened her mouth when the door slammed open. The culprit was captain of the cheer team, Violet Chachki, or what Katya swears, must be the devil in high heels. Satan made eye contact with a startled Mrs. Yates and lazily flashed her a small slip of paper. Hot pink: Coach Calhoun’s signature color.
“You must be Violet Chachki!” The friendly woman greeted. “Why don’t you take a seat next to Katya in the back?”
The gentle instruction wasn’t an option for Violet. The only empty seats left were at Katya’s table. Katya felt as though Mrs. Yates had just declared it open season on quirky blondes with questionable fashion sense. Dread pooled in her stomach; she was too young to die.
Similarly, Violet visibly recoiled at the idea of sitting next to some theater clown. Violet’s withering gaze focused on Katya, but she was certain it wasn’t her that the fuming brunette was plotting to crucify. Katya pitied whichever of her bimbo cheerleader friends forgot to save her a seat.
Violet chose the desk across from Katya. The blonde didn’t resist the opportunity to take a magnifying glass to the untouchable girl, herself.
Violet chachki was stunning. If looks could kill, the school would be a cemetery by now. She was a dark horse, a vixen, a black widow, the kind of beautiful that hurts you if you get too close. A girl like that did not belong here. Katya watched in awe as Violet’s manicured hand brushed long onyx strands back into place.
Unfortunately, Katya was no Double O Seven, and it didn’t take Violet long to pick up on the attention she was getting. The same painted fingers removed themselves from dark, silky waves and ventured closer to Katya’s face. They snapped suddenly, and Katya almost fell out of her blue plastic chair.
She only had a second to recover when Violet spat venom at her. “Hey, Bozo the Cunt, has the lack of oxygen in your tiny car affected your ability  to function, or are you just simple?”
“Bozo the Cunt”? That’s new. Mother, I’ve made a name for myself. Katya brought her eyes up to look at Violet. Her failure to provide a timely response did her no favors and the she-demon’s ruby red lips curled into a snarl. If Katya could feel her legs, she would be running to the nearest place of worship.
“Quit staring at me, freak,” Violet hissed. Katya met violet’s piercing eyes with her own sheepish blue ones.
“I-I uhm…Sorry. You look nice today?” Katya offered with shrugged shoulders. She wouldn’t buy her excuse either.
The brunette rolled her brown eyes, fishing her sparkly red phone from her bag and leaving Katya to pick at her hands.
Mrs. Yates saved Katya’s cuticles when she passed out materials for the students to make makeshift nameplates for their desks. Katya was a sucker for crafts. She wasted no time in writing her name in thick, red letters. A large, yellow sickle and hammer ran through the center of the page and black Russian characters accented her work of art. Katya was proud of herself. Capping the black marker, she took a risk and peeked at Violet’s handiwork.
Violet chose a clean and classical look for her own sign. V I O L E T was spelled out in deep purple, looping script.
Katya sighed. It was going to be a long year if the ice queen froze her out completely. At least Katya enjoyed biology.
After everyone was finished with their nametags, Mrs. Yonkin passed out an ice breaker activity designed to help the students get to know everyone at their table. Unfortunately, it was an activity where you had to interview a partner, and Katya’s partner was clearly unwilling.
“I don’t see why we have to talk,” Violet complained. “Trade papers with me so we can fill out our own answers. I’m tired of working with people that are not myself.”
Katya couldn’t help but feel a bit insulted. It wasn’t like she had herpes or something. They didn’t even have to share their entire life stories with each other; a favorite color is as generic as it gets. If the bitch wanted to be difficult, Katya sure as hell wasn’t going to make it easy for her.
“Look, Princess, I don’t know anything about science other than it’s really good for you,“ Katya bit back, “But I haven’t done enough crack to melt my brain. Do you honestly think people would believe that you could produce chicken scratch like this?” The blonde gestured pointedly to the top of her own page where she had scrawled out her name. Violet pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Oh and I’m also not bad at science. It was a joke, A bad one,” Katya tried to assure the frustrated girl in front of her. Her words of comfort did little to change her new partner’s mood, though. She tried again, “What’s your favorite color?”
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shrimpyboke · 7 years
a;skdjfa;kwje;kfja @kuroushi, happy birthday!!! It’s a little early cause time zones, I know, but I wanted to wish you a happy day (and every day), and I don’t think I ever told you, but you were the first friend I made on this hellsite, so thank you for making me feel welcome and for your support and advice whenever I felt lost/down. I know how much you would love for OiKuro to meet, so I hope you enjoy this short fic I wrote for you! 
Words: 2905
"Have everything?" his mother asked, searching the back of the car for probably the sixth time already. Oikawa felt his frown deepen as his eyes deadpanned. His grip on the box tightened, bouncing it once to gain a better hold, and he shifted his body to minimize the soreness he knew would come later. The tapping from his foot increased in speed.
"Yes, ma. I have everything. If not, we can always come back down to get it," he sighed. The box really was getting heavy. His mother hummed, and he could see her lean out before changing her mind and ducking her head into the back seat again.
"Ma!" he snapped, though the effect was betrayed by the fond exasperation that laced his tone. Turning his head, he met his father's eyes, and the older man shrugged, impressive for someone who was balancing three boxes in his arms.
"All right, all right," she muttered, defeated, and though he couldn't see her, he could imagine her eyes sweeping the car floor for anything that might have slipped out of the tightly packaged boxes. Finally, she emerged from the car, her head barely missing the hood as she stepped into the sunlight.
He watched as she swooped down to grab at the last box, slightly turning her head towards the vehicle again. Then she visibly steeled herself, turning only to kick the door shut, and when she turned back to face the pair, she was only left with her husband. She gave him a questioning look, and he only nodded his head towards the stairs as his answer. Barely catching a glimpse of the flash of white and mint green, she shook her head and clicked her tongue, "That boy..."
Oikawa was already antsy enough waiting for his mother to finish her inspection. He'd seen the layout of his dorm room, and unfortunately, because it wasn't a corner room, he and his new roommate would only have one window. And he desperately wanted the bed next to that window.
Fumbling the box in his hands, he shifted it over under his arm and against his hips, hoping desperately that it wouldn't slip from his grip. He dug into his pocket, fingers searching until they felt the unfamiliar warmth of metal, and pulled out the key. With a jolt, he secured the box against his side and stuck the key into the lock. When it didn't give a telltale click, he jiggled the knob.
"It's open!"
Oh. Fuck. Please, please, plea—
He finally managed to swing open the door. The first thing he noticed was the head of spiky, messy hair that sat atop a face of pure mischief. The second thing he noticed was the young man that laid next to him, a shock of white and black hair hanging off the edge of the bed. The last thing he noticed was that they both occupied the bed next to the window.
Internally, he made an odd choking noise, heart sinking as he shifted the box back so that it sat in the palm of both hands. Both students turned to look at him curiously. Ok, maybe it wasn't as internal as he thought.
The one with the mess of black hair leapt from the bed and made his way over. He was tall—just a tad bit taller than Oikawa himself, and he suddenly felt conscious of his height. Instead, he plastered a smile on his face and said, "Hey, I'm Oikawa Tooru."
The other young man grinned, and even if it was good naturedly, it still looked as if he was ready to pull a snake out of his pocket and chuck it at him. His eyes slightly reminded him of a cat's as they searched him, and his entire demeanor screamed 'instinctive.'
"Kuroo Tetsurou," he introduced himself, and before Oikawa could say anything else, Kuroo plucked the box out of his hands and set it down on the desk next to the door. "Do you have anything you need help with?"
The young man lying on the bed rolled off and brushed down his shirt, "Yeah! We can help! I'm Bokuto Koutarou. I live next door and I'm his," he pointed at Kuroo, "friend."
Before he could respond, the door swung open behind him, and his parents came barreling in, multiple boxes in arms. His father stumbled slightly, the three boxes in his arms wobbling dangerously. Oikawa made to go help before it could all collapse, but Kuroo got there first, whisking the boxes out of his hands and stacking them neatly on top of the desk.
His father blinked in surprise, staring at Kuroo, who responded with a nod of his head in greeting. Bokuto moved forward to help his mother with the boxes.
"Are you his roommate?" his mother asked, rubbing her forearm where Oikawa could see the reddening marks on her fair skin. Bokuto laughed, the sound coming out loud and joyful, "No, I'm his roommate's friend. That's Kuroo, his roommate. Do you guys have anymore boxes? We can help out."
With their help, everything was moved in faster, and after thanking his roommates profusely, his parents had given Oikawa their last goodbyes. His mother had yanked him down to kiss him on the cheek and as he stood, red faced but happy, she grinned fondly.
"Don't forget to call," she said, pulling him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around her small frame and inhaled the scent of her sweet shampoo. His father threw an arm around them both and muttered, "And come visit when you can, but school comes first."
And then, they were gone. It was a little odd, being alone without his parents and Iwaizumi by his side—he felt a little lonely, and pushing the feeling to the back of his mind, he started unpacking, digging his clothes out of his bulging suitcase.
"Do you play?" Kuroo asked. Bokuto had long gone back to his room, moping about his dying phone. Oikawa turned towards the sound and followed Kuroo's gaze to the volleyball that sat atop his bed.
"Yeah, I've played since I was a kid."
"What position?"
He didn't pause from stuffing his clothes into the drawer, making sure to shove his winter clothes more deeply into the small space. Maybe it'd all fit? He hoped it'd all fit. The dorm wasn't very big, but he'd find a way to make it work.
"Setter." Then he couldn't help but add, "I've been a setter for almost my whole life."
Suddenly, their door slammed open, and the two roommates jumped, Oikawa dropping the coat that lay in his hands.
"I sensed volleyball talk!"
It turned out, Kuroo had a personality that matched his troublemaking grin and narrowed, scheming eyes. Though he was still respectful of Oikawa's space, his words were laced with underlined teasing that were meant to bait his roommate. And god forbid, Oikawa fell for them all, and he responded with equally barbed jabs (that may or may not have been fueled by his saltiness at not getting the bed he wanted.)
"Are those alien faces?"
"Yes, and?"
"Looks just like you."
"Really, Kuroo, cats? They're printed all over your pants."
"Gotta enjoy the finer things in life, my friend."
"I repeat, finer things."
"You look like crap."
"Wow, Oikawa, I didn't notice. How do you even look relatively ok at seven thirty in the morning?"
"Beauty is pain."
"Yeah, a pain in the ass."
"Like you."
"Why do you have so many cat things?"
"Why do you have so much alien shit?"
"Do you even own a cat?"
"I dunno, do you keep an old, wrinkly extraterrestrial being hidden in our room?"
"That would be you."
"Harsh, my friend. Harsh."
"He's something else, Iwa-chan," Oikawa sighed, leaning back until his head hit the wall. Kuroo was gone—either holed up in the library or up to some sort of weird ploy with Bokuto.
"Maybe it's cause you bait him with your shitty personality." Iwaizumi's voice crackled over the line, the static interfering with the nostalgia that would soon come into play. Oikawa was used to having conversations over the phone with his best friend, but that was usually at night when he knew Iwaizumi was right next door. Now, it felt odd—a little empty, if he were being honest—to be speaking to him when they were hundreds of kilometers apart.
"I don't start anything! You should meet him—you'd probably say he has a shittier personality," he huffed, resisting the urge to cross his arms indignantly. There was a puff of air against the speaker, and Oikawa could practically see the grin and quiet laugh that he missed so much in his head.
"It's hard to beat your crappiness—"
"—but, give him a chance. It's only been a few days." The words were said with a gentle firmness that quickly shut him up. It brought a pang of homesickness that throbbed in his chest, and he sighed into the phone for the nth time.
"I guess," he paused with resignation. "Since when have you gotten so sentimental? It doesn't fit you, you brute."
"Shittykawa, I swear to go—"
The first few days of practice rolled around smoothly, and, on the first day, Oikawa wasn't sure why he was so surprised to see Kuroo stretching in the corner of the gym with Bokuto talking his ear off as he literally vibrated from excitement. When their eyes had met, Kuroo had sent him a wide grin under baggy eyes, and for a moment, he was thankful that he wasn't the only one who was filled with nerves.
Their upperclassmen were intimidating. Though Oikawa was taller than a few of them, the entire team gave off an aura of intensity and critique that he hadn't felt since he'd first entered high school. And when he announced that he was a setter, he didn't fail to notice the change in expression in one of the taller players, his eyebrows rising in interest along with a sneer that stretched across his face.
His first serve was almost there, hitting just out of bounds, and he cursed, mumbling under his breath at how the trajectory was just a little off. Turning to face the coach, he noticed the same player smirk, nudging one of the others with a critical expression lining his face. It sent a feeling of inferiority sliding down his throat, thick and unpleasant like sludge.
Coach motioned for him to go again, waving his hands in a circular motion as a way of saying 'go on.'  He nodded in response and Kuroo tossed him a ball. The familiar leather hit the palm of his hands, and he inhaled deeply, the scent of air salonpas and sweat intermingling to create a familiar recollection of all the nights he spent perfecting his serve.
Taking a slow step forward, then another, he started at a run, bending his knees and leaping into the air. This part always left him breathless, and he could see the entire court in his vision. The situation was in his hands, in his control, and as the ball left his fingertips, he swung with his other arm. The leather colliding with flesh made a sharp sound that echoed through the gym, followed by the slam of the ball as it rocketed to the ground with immense speed and precision.
The satisfaction was short-lived, as when he landed, it sent a spark of pain shooting from his right knee. The shock and pain caused him to stumble forward, and he pushed himself to fall on his other knee, ears ringing and sweat beading down his temple. Gritting his teeth was the only way to keep from making a sound, and he struggled to keep his labored breathing under control.
Suddenly, a shadow cast itself over his crouched form, and he glanced up. Kuroo bent down, eyebrows furrowed, frown deepening with every new detail he took in, and he gripped Oikawa's arm.
"Can you get up?" he asked, voice low. With that, everything seemed to shatter, and he could hear the murmuring that surrounded them. He nodded, stumbling slightly when he attempted to lift himself, and Kuroo wrapped an arm around his waist to steady him.
"Fucking hell," he hissed. Kuroo didn't say a word, choosing to lead him to the bench. He murmured his thanks when he slumped down on the cold metal, and the murmuring around them faltered to staring.
"He doesn't look fit to play." The words rang, loud as it echoed throughout the gym. Though the situation was true for the moment, the implications were clear, and Oikawa's gaze drifted to the same player before, whose arms were crossed against his chest, dark eyes piercing as they bore down on Oikawa's injured form.
The shame from his weakened state left no words in his mouth, and he looked away, swallowing heavily as he pretended not to hear. He couldn't believe it was happening again—maybe he had overworked himself again. But if he didn't, then he'd never make it any higher than he had now. He'd be stuck flying at the same altitude, wings heavy and burdened as they gave into the obstacles that lined his path. He'd never be able to one day face Ushiwaka on the court, never be able to face Tobio-chan again. He had to work harder, push himself further, make sure he—
"That's not very teammate like, is it?" The sentence came out as a drawl, the question ending in a lilt. Underneath, his words, though always teasing, had never held this much malice. Oikawa looked up to see Kuroo directing his gaze lazily at the player, arms crossed.
His stance was casual, knee bent, head cocked, as he bore his gaze into the other player. The smile that curled on his face was one of forced politeness, and Oikawa could make out the twitching muscle in his jaw. Everything about him was tensed, from the fingers that curled on his upper arm to the intensity in his glare.
And in that moment, Oikawa understood.
Could see the lithe power that made to readily strike when provoked. Could comprehend that this was the true captain of Nekoma that Kuroo had mentioned his position to be once before. Could no longer doubt the grace and threat that sat in the shoulders of Kuroo Tetsurou.
"Not very team-like at all," Bokuto chimed in, and all eyes fixated on him. It was much easier to read his expression, his brows furrowed and frown deepened, the look of confused displeasure marring his face. His large, owl-like eyes followed the other player's movements, and he gripped the volleyball tightly in his hands.
The silence and tension was palpable with the older team member refusing to back down. Kuroo's smile had slipped from his face, and he was now openly glaring at him, eyes dangerously alit with barely concealed fire.
"Everyone, back to serving. Yamada, that's not how you talk to a new teammate, especially towards another setter. And Oikawa, I've heard and seen much about you, so go get that knee checked out and make sure you're in the gym again tomorrow morning," coach interrupted, his voice loud and commanding, and the tension broke. Yamada sent a scathing glare at the injured setter and turned away, now focused on his drills.
"You all right?" The question was quiet, and Oikawa jolted, tilting his head up at Kuroo, who was watching him with concern.
"Yeah," he said, rubbing at the knee, "thanks—a lot—I mean it."
A slow grin spread across Kuroo's face, and he huffed a laugh.
"That's what old, wrinkly extraterrestrial friends are for."
The next week found Oikawa curled up on his bed, a book cradled in his lap as he flipped through the pages. The boredom was unreal, and Mondays always meant no volleyball. It was a strict regime of his, and he briefly debated breaking it.
Deciding it wouldn't be a good idea for his knee, he exhaled with a puff of air and threw the book from his lap. It flopped on the bed, bouncing once before landing face down on his rumpled sheets. He stretched his arms up, feeling his bones pop with satisfaction.
Mid-yawn, the door slammed open, causing him to choke, and Kuroo and Bokuto came tumbling in, laughter loud and boisterous as always. They greeted Oikawa loudly, Bokuto's voice quickly overcoming Kuroo's and his friend had to shush him.
"We have neighbors!" Kuroo hissed.
"But I'm your neighbor," Bokuto hissed back.
They glanced at each other, and then burst into uncontrollable laughter. Idiots, the both of them.
The two dropped their backpacks on the floor and made their way to the door. This time, however, Kuroo stopped, a hand holding the edge to keep it open.
"Hey, you're welcome to join us if you want. We're going for food," he offered.
Oikawa glanced down at the book again and then back at Kuroo. Pursing his lips in thought, he pretended to think for a moment. Then he shrugged and swung his legs over the edge.
"Why not?"
"You sure you're ok being seen with aliens?"
"I'm sure I'd fit in."
"I'm sure you would."
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danisnotofire · 7 years
hey im going to orientation in a few days and im rly nervous abt starting college, i was just wondering if you had any tips or any ~advice~ bc im like, lowkey freaking out ((also i also stage manage and i love musicals and astronomy (sry i was snooping around your about page)))
hey!!! ok i am so so so sorry this took so long lol i actually just went back to school myself to help out with a pre-orientation program and we’ve been having like 17 hour days so i’m Exhausted and haven’t had a lot of time to really give a thoughtful answer (UNTIL NOW). some of this is gonna sound cheesy, but this is Emma Danisnotofire’s Official Real List of Pro-Tips for College, so if it’s on here it’s true. that being said, i go to a medium/small school (4,000 students) in the middle of fucking nowhere, so some of my experiences are gonna be a lil different. most still apply. 
first off, it’s TOTALLY OKAY that you’re nervous. i know when i went i was highkey freaking out even more bc everybody else seemed to be just excited and i felt like i was the only one actually losing my mind from how scared i was. i didn’t sleep at all the night before i moved in. being scared is fine. you’ll probably be scared for awhile after you get there, too, and that’s absolutely okay. i remember it took me a solid few weeks for me to stop feeling nauseous from nerves whenever i woke up. i promise i promise this will go away. you will settle in and you’ll make friends and you’ll figure out where everything is and how things work, i PROMISE. 
second, once you get there, don’t be afraid to talk to people!! i know that sounds super cheesy and unhelpful, but seriously. talk to your orientation leaders!! they’re usually upperclassmen and 99% of the time they had to APPLY to get that position, and it’s because they’re so so excited to meet you!! i’m a mentor for this pre-o program (it’s arts-focused), and we all had to apply, and every single other mentor is super passionate not only about the arts but about making sure the incoming freshman feel comfortable and happy and at home right off the bat. we want to like you!! talk to us!!! talk to each other!! at my school, (bucknell), orientation is actually pretty fucking legendary (it’s 5 straight days of just. nonstop activities), so getting to know your group is always nice. good conversation starters include: compliment something they’re wearing/have done, mention pets, ask about what classes they’re taking. that’s usually where i start when i’m talking to my kids!! 
okay, now for some Actual Tangible Advice. most of this is actually taken from when i gave my friend natalie some advice about college, but it’s still applicable to you!! i’m putting it under a readmore bc It’s So Very Long, I’m Sorry, I Really Hope This Helps/Makes Up For Me Not Answering For So Long
-if you can, get a microwave. if you can’t, it’s nbd because there’s probably one in your dorm somewhere. but it’s really nice not to have to put on shoes/socks to go make ramen at 3am
-INVEST IN GOOD SOCKS!!!! srsly omg you’re never gonna wanna go anywhere barefoot, and dorm heating/cooling can be tricky. i treated myself to a 5-pair box where they’re all different classic art pieces. they’re GORGEOUS and super nice for when i can’t find my flip-flops.
-also, if you have birks. bring them. they are also good for sliding on when u really have to pee in the middle of the night and can’t for the life of u find anything else. also everyone i know wears birks casually (i have a 20 dollar pair of fake ones from american eagle lol)
-OLD NAVY HAS FLIP FLOPS 2 FOR 5 DOLLARS. they make the BEST shower shoes and also they come in so many lit colors they’re the bomb digs. these are also good if you don’t have a pair of birks
-if your dorm doesn’t have it already (most dorms don’t) BUY A SCREEN FOR YOUR WINDOW!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY if u hate bugs you do NOT want them coming in when all u want is some fresh air. my roommate last year brought one to school bc i didn’t even think about it and it was a LIFESAVER.
-if you can, get one of those febreeze scent things you plug in. if you aren’t allowed, there’s this thing called a scentsy that basically melts wax and it makes your room smell SO. GOOD. idk how much they cost but honestly you will be thankful you have it if you can get it (candles work too but most dorms don’t allow candles)  
-you don’t need a huge plastic shower caddy!! you can get a softer one and then hang it on a hook outside the shower or loop it around the shower knob. they’re probs better than a big hard one bc they won’t fill up with water and you can stash it easier. (i went with a big plastic one and it’s a hassle lol). however, if you already got a big plastic one, that’s cool too bc sometimes they come with a removable second smaller caddy, and that’s good for putting your phone in outside of the shower to play music.
-lofting your bed is super nice bc it gives you a little more privacy from your roommate (and privacy is so so so rare in college, esp in a dorm). it’s also nice bc if you’re up there and a friend walks into your room (which is bound to happen with dorm living, which is where i’m assuming ur living as a first-year) they won’t immediately see you, which gives you a few seconds to get ur shit together before they see you.
-HOWEVER!! there are a few downsides to lofting ur bed. the major one is that it’s a pain in the ass to not only get up there, but also to lug your laptop/charger/snacks/etc up there, and once you’re up u probably aren’t gonna wanna come down. also, i don’t know if you drink, (which btw totally cool if you don’t!!), but there was definitely one time where i was too drunk to climb into my bed (i know, i know, several bad choices were made that night and i regret all of them), but thankfully my roommate last year was a fucking goddess though (a definite Mom Friend) and pulled all my sleeping stuff down to the floor lol. it’s rare that something like that happens, but it’s definitely something u wanna take into consideration.
-college is infinitely emotionally taxing. face masks and shower bath-bombs (you put them on the floor of your shower and they slowly dissolve and release whatever scent they are) do LOADS to make u feel better. face masks are also good bonding with friends!! 
-some other self-care college tips: cafes will usually have either hot apple cider in the fall, or you can get steamed milk with vanilla in it and it’s very soothing and gentle and calming. i got it a lot when i was sick just bc it was warm and not difficult to stomach. 
-also baking. if you get a few friends and bake something, it is 1) bound to be hilarious and 2) everyone who walks by will love you. we once made cinnamon buns, except instead of individual ones we made one big disgusting MegaBon, and we still talk about it to this day. it’s the name of our group chat lmaooo
-you can literally never have too much storage. plastic bins, crates, etc. never too much.
-you will leave college with so much more stuff than what you came with. holy shit. you will also get so many t-shirts??? see above. you’ll need storage.
-college is also the definition of ‘Everything is Happening All The Time’, and ur probably gonna make friends who try and do Everything. it took me super long to internalize the fact that it’s okay to like, say no to doing something and take a nap instead. not all the time, sometimes its good to force urself out of your room, but you can stay in on a saturday every once in a while! it doesn’t matter. 
-that being said, do try and go out of your comfort zone a little!! i was definitely not the type to do this in high school, but these days i’ll sometimes go to frat parties!! they’re actually really fun when you go with friends (and always go with friends!!!). it doesn’t even necessarily need to be parties either. audition for a capella. stage manage a show. do a club sport. there’s so much you can do!! (i actually didn’t follow my own advice here last year, i was too terrified to do a lot of things. i did theatre though, which ended up taking up most of my time anyway, but i still wish i had done more, hence why i’m doing this program right now! don’t be like first-year me. be better!)
-HOWEVER here are some (frat) party tips: girls can usually get into parties much easier than guys can, but either way don’t try to go out until around october/late september. the first few weeks back are for upperclassmen catching up with friends . go with a group, and STAY with your group. please. no girl left behind. they usually only serve shitty beer, and ofc you should keep your eyes on it the whole time. if you put it down, just go get another one instead of picking that one up again. also, invest in a shitty coat/gross pair of shoes specifically to wear to the frats. the floors are gross, and you’re probs gonna end up storing your jacket behind a trash can in the winter bc it’s too fucking hot inside the room to keep it on. (is this coat thing just a bucknell thing?? this might just be a bucknell thing). 
-more drinking/etc/stuff: know your rights. RAs are not allowed to look through drawers/open closets when doing room searches, so if you have wine or anything, make sure it’s hidden in somewhere they’re not allowed to touch.
-THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT: if someone has drank too much, BACKPACK THEM. get them into bed while wearing a filled up backpack. it prevents people from rolling over and choking on their vomit. i cannot emphasize how important it is for you to backpack someone. if you can, stay with them to make sure they’re okay. also, don’t be afraid to let them throw up before they go to bed. it helps. they’ll usually feel better. 
-if you can, get a job that lets you sit down. receptionist, librarian, etc. these are the best, bc sometimes you’ll get the  chance to study or get paid for doing nothing. also? receptionist looks SUPER good on a resume. also? money is nice.
-LOCK YOUR DOOR!!!!! I LEARNED THIS THE HARD WAY WHEN SOME WEIRD SENIOR BOY WALKED INTO MY ROOM DRUNK AT 3AM AND WOULDN’T LEAVE. also, you’ll make friends in the first week that you won’t necessarily want to be friends with later on, but they won’t get that message lol. again, lock your door (learned that the hard way, too)
-for future semesters, if you can’t get into a class right away it REALLY helps to email the professor!!! seriously, 9 times out of 10 they are more than happy to let an extra person in, because there are always students who drop the class within the first week or two. that’s how i got into astronomy my first semester, and i’m now a teacher’s assistant for it. so. really, it helps.
-the best way to be better friends with people is to just, get meals with them. honestly. make a group chat with some people and whenever ur getting dinner or lunch or whatever just throw out a ‘hey anyone wanna get food with me??’ text. 90% of the time someone will come with you.
-speaking of meals tho, ik this is the number 1 thing people tend to say, but it’s tRUE. nobody cares if you eat alone. it too me SO LONG to internalize this, but it’s totally fine to do!! it’s actually really nice sometimes, you can bring homework or your laptop and get some work done. it’s not even with meals, either! you can study alone! you can walk places alone! you can go to the gym alone! i was always terrified of being seen alone bc i thought people were gonna think i didn’t have friends or w/e dumb thing my anxiety had me feeling, (i still struggle with that lmao) but in reality you just look independent and cool!!! also, it helps to be content in the fact that you have friends and it doesn’t matter if people THINK you don’t.
-get a reusable water bottle. i got a plastic one for like 12 bucks, and i use it DAILY. if ur walking a lot, it helps keep you hydrated. also, it gives you something to do in class. also, you can personalize it with stickers and stuff (you can do the same with a laptop case). i p much take mine with me EVERYWHERE.
-this was also hard for me to internalize, but u gotta remember the fact that it’s okay not to be who u were in high school. like, i gave up some of the things i was into in high school in favor of some other things, and it took me awhile to figure out that i wasn’t like, betraying anyone, if that makes sense?? like, i started going to frat parties and actually having FUN at them??? (something i NEVER would have been into in high school, but here we are).
-also, grades are very different in college. i freaked out when i wasn’t getting a 4.0, because that’s who i was in high school, but then i kinda put it in perspective. i ended with a 3.67, which is still dean’s list. you’re not going to be perfect, bc chances are you ended up at a school with people on kinda equal intelligence levels as you. don’t freak out. 
okay that’s pretty much it!!! i can def come up with more stuff tailored to certain things/etc if you want me to talk more about this stuff!!! i love giving college advice and talking and helping people feel better about this whole thing bc i know it’s hard and scary
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