#my best guess is I heard it in my sleep sometime and it stuck around
ereborne · 8 months
Song of the Day: February 7
"Living Next Door to Alice (Who the Fuck is Alice)" by Smokie
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sarahwriterx · 11 days
☆꧁ⓑⒺẸ’s WƗѕ𝒽꧂☆
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The roof caved in. I held up my hat and looked at the walls were breaking, one of them destroyed totally and I could see many lighten lines in the sky, they were passing fast. Of course, stars can’t move with this speed. It was because our castle, our “wish” castle, was falling down to the unknown destiny.
“Siffrin!!!” Loop called me from above a window. They looked more terrified than ever.
“Let her to be there! We have to go out of here!” they were trying to held my hand.
I grinned, didn't pay attention to them and still stuck to girl’s body. Castle was fall even more faster but before it’s crash to the Earth, I was totally unconscious.
Let me see… what is your wish?
It may be seeming rude, cause it’s a personal request. Buuut you have to tell me! All of my buddies and I can make your wish comes true!!
I mean…
We could.
 I blinked. Soft wind bellowed in my face, I could feel wet grass under me, and the sky above me was full of stars.
“He’s awake!” Loop cried of happiness.
“Holy cow.”
I sat. I could see many trees and cutted backed bushes around us. May be we hided at some type of park or something. Cardamon’s hammer was on his shoulder.
“Now speak up… who did this SHIT?” He looked at us angrily.
“Him!!!” Deckard and Howell pointed each other with fear.
“They did this.” I pointed to Loop.
Loop frizzed of fear. Cardamon took a deep breath, came to me with heavy steps, crushed all of the grass and bugs under his feet and bended on me.
“I know YOU did this, dumb!”
“So what? Do you wanna make me a Regret?” I looked at his eyes.
“BECAUSE OF YOU, our castle fallen, and BECAUSE OF YOU all of these dumbass lost their magic!!!” Cardamon shouted.
  “I was just trying to turn off that robot!” I talked carelessly.
Cardamon slapped in his own face: “AHHH!! When you are eating shit and make us into trouble I should kill myself for the others!!!”
“Thank you, thank you, don’t mention it, I am too embarrassed~” I grinned.
“Find a person who have a simple wish. If we’ll make it comes true, maybe we can take back our powers. Now separate away!” Cardamon yelled.
“How about... that crazy inventor?” Loop asked.
Cardamon grumbled: “He’s not around. Cause here is just a park, full of children, he can’t guess that we- “
I warped up his speak:” make a children's wish comes true is so much easier than adults. So he can guess that we are here!”
“Any BETTER idea?” Cardamon controlled himself, he wanted to break my head with his hammer badly.
“I’ll check around, you and others can hide somewhere. And then we meet each other here, on morning!” I said.
Cardamon looked at me with suspicious but he hadn’t any idea, so took Loop and the others with himself. And me? I started to searching the park as I said, there was weird, it seemed I was in a maze made by cut backed bushes. Sometimes I was reaching to the dead end but I didn’t lose my cool. Why I should had stress? It was beautiful night. Even I could have a good sleep in here.
“I heard something!!!”
I was hide quickly.
“Yeah… I saw his shadow too.. It was HIM!!!”
“W-What do you mean?? It impossible!!!”
“Yeah dude, But the shadow has a long hat!”
“B-But… Snufkin were passed away a long time ago…”
I smirked, moved slowly among the bushes.
“I heard somethingggg!!!”
“A-And I saw the shadow again!!! NOOOO!!!”
“HOoOoOoO…~” I whispered.
They were silent both.
“If you don’t go home… I’ll coming for you…”
“And EAT you at once!!!” I jumped in front of them.
They were two old-moomins who might be park guards, they screamed and ran for their life. I laughed. Too easy!
I didn’t see any guards further, all of them abandoned their duty and ran away. I thought here were a security park but with seeing public property, I found out I was wrong. Now it seemed Cardamon does his best and here was safe at the start. Better to came back to them...
“ Stupid creatures! That wasn’t a ghost at all, He’s just a poor thieve who has a big brain in his head!!!”
“B-But.. He was scary… We should arrest thieves and campers… Not the ghosts!!”
“I repeat it to you once again, He’s not a ghost!!! He’s just a-“
“I’m a thieve who is a ghost… HoOoOoO…~ I’m going to eat you up…” I whispered with a scary voice.
The guards were scared, screamed and ran away. I laughed. May be their boss smarter than them but it doesn’t matter.
I stood. I knew her.
“I heard screams. what happened?”
“ Ha? No… it was about my stupid guards… They are afraid of their own shadow. Go inside! It’s cold outside.”
“Can we talk a little?”
“Bee... your father said- “
“Just a little! It doesn’t hurt anyone. My father doesn’t worry about me… it has another reason.”
I watched them. Space took Bee’s shoulder, as they walked. Her brown long hair were bellowing with the cold wind. She couldn’t walk easily.
I followed them but a damn branch made me to fall on the floor.
“Aha!!! I KNEW it was one of that damn star guys!!” Space pointed at me.
“Space!! Let him go!!!” Bee held his arm.
I ran quickly. But it looked like Space found out this star guy that he got is the damned Siffrin, so he pushed Bee away and followed me so fast, and finally in another dead end he could trapped me.
This story continues..
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sylvienerevarine · 9 months
Sophrine Aulette's Skyrim Encyclopedia (Part 1)
Ok, an explanation: my brother bought me Philomena Cunk's hilarious reference book for Christmas, and it inspired me to write this goofy semi-fic. It's now Sylvieverse canon that Soph writes a humorous guide to Skyrim and it's a bestseller for years.
Atmora is sometimes called the “old country,” largely because everyone from there had beards, which made them look quite a bit older. It’s also called that because the original Nords came from there thousands of years ago in search of better weather. Why they stopped at Skyrim is anyone’s guess. One of the most famous people from Atmora was Ysgramor, who was fond of killing elves and living in an upturned boat.
No one’s heard anything from the Atmorans in a while, which means they all either froze to death or their postal service is terrible.
Dwemer Automatons are creatures made of metal that run on magic and steam. You can find them lurking around old Dwarven ruins waiting for treasure hunters to show up, and then slicing them to ribbons. This is the only game they seem to know.
There are four main types of automatons: spiders, spheres, ballistas, and centurions. Actually they’re all called centurions, but that’s confusing, so here we are. Spiders are the ones that look like spiders and are sort of cute. Spheres are the ones that look almost human on top, but roll around on a big metal ball, in which they possibly store lightning. Ballistas resemble an angry fish with legs and are horrible. Centurions look like metal giants and use a huge amount of energy, which is why they sleep in big magic arches that don’t look very comfortable.
Dwemer automatons don’t seem to work outside their ruins, which is a relief, because can you imagine running into one at the market? On the other hand, it would be very funny to have a mechanical butler.
Cheese is basically milk, but solid. It’s also the best food to ever be invented, and features in all the best dishes: cheesecakes, cheese souffles, cheese straws, cheese omelets, and fondue. My aunt Sacha, who lives in the Shivering Isles, once taught me how to make a kind of cheese that turns all colors inside-out, but I don’t usually attempt that one.
Most cheese in Skyrim comes from goats or cows. Giants have been known to make mammoth cheese, but they’re not very good about sharing it. I swiped some once and it was remarkably chewy, but very good.
A Dragonborn is a person who, through no fault of their own, was born with the wrong type of soul. Generally speaking, humans have human souls, elves have elf souls, Nords have alcohol, and so on. A Dragonborn, on the other hand, has a normal person-type body with a dragon’s soul stuffed inside.
The main job of a Dragonborn is to slay evil dragons and boss around the less evil ones. For a long time, though, there were very few dragons around, so Dragonborns had to occupy their time by becoming emperors. This lasted right up until the time Martin Septim exploded.
I am currently the only living Dragonborn, which is a very fun position to be in. There was another one hiding out in Oblivion named Miraak, but he tragically perished for reasons that were only partially my fault.
Things Dragonborns Can Do:
Absorb dragon souls
Use aforementioned souls to quickly learn Words of Power
Scream at things
Read dragon language without taking lessons
Get free garlic bread at the Frostfruit Inn in Rorikstead
Kyne is the Nordic goddess of wind, sky, the outdoors, and probably camping. You might know her as Kynareth, Khenarthi, Tava, or Kenny (though I’ve only met one person who called her that, and he was very drunk). 
In Nord tradition, Kyne was married to Shor (aka Lorkhan) and rain is the result of her crying because her husband tragically died from having his heart stuck under a volcano. It follows that the best way to get rain for your crops is to shout things like: “Missus Kyne, remember how much you loved your husband? Wasn’t it tragic how badly he was murdered?” That usually does the trick.
Kyne is also supposedly the one who taught the Dragon Voice to humans, to which I would like to respond “thank you” and also “why.”
Mead is the primary beverage, export, and religion in Skyrim. It’s made out of honey, and is therefore sweet enough that you don’t realize for a while just how strong it is, and then you’re in a bar fight with a racist old man in Windhelm. Not that that’s ever happened to me.
My husband is something of an expert on mead, and it’s his most cherished belief that happy bees make the drink taste better. I’m not quite sure how you can tell a bee’s emotional state, but I’m sure there’s a knack to it.
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Nameless crush (ft Piccolo)
Part 1: Curiosity
So beautiful. I found a perfect spot in the forest. A beautiful view of the sun resting on the horizon. Gohan took me her a few weeks back when we were trying to escape fangirls and paparazzi cause I asked to take a picture of him in his Great Saiyan Man outfit. I chuckled at the memory off Gohan almost being stripped naked by a bunch of fan girls.
I stared at the horizon as the fresh breeze hit my face. I enjoyed every minute of it. The peace, the fresh air, the view, nature. You couldn't find any of these in the city. Other than that there was something else about this place that drew me in, I don't know if its just the beauty of mother nature but something in me keeps telling me to come back. Like I'll find something more.
But every time I came back there wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary. I took out my earphones from my pocket and placed them in my ears. A song was already playing, probably because I never turn my music off. I listen to music more than I listen to people so I like to something playing just incase I need to tune out someone.
I laid there on the grass and looked up at the semi dark clouds in the sky.
"Hmm, could rain soon."I said to myself. Though I didn't really care if it rained. I don't mind getting wet. I closed my eyes and dozed off. Drifting into my secluded dream world.
I felt a wet, icy drop hit my cheek, though I dismissed it and went back to sleep. It wasn't until I heard a sound of someone moving, that I shot up and looked around, scanning my surroundings.
"Probably just another animal walking past."I said to myself as I let out a breath of relief. Though I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. It started raining harder. I took out my earphones, my I've already went through my whole playlist so my music stopped playing a while ago. I looked up at the sky, letting the water stream down my face.
"Shouldn't you be indoors right now?"asked a deep, male voice from behind. It startled me but I didn't show it.
"I could ask you the same thing."I replied, my face still enjoying the cool rain. "Its raining cats and dogs out here, why aren't you inside?"
"I like training in the rain sometimes."the man said. "Whats your excuse?"
I stood up and cracked back, my back still facing the man.
"I like the rain out here and I don't feel like going back to the city. Its so peaceful here."
"Don't earthlings usually get sick from sleeping in the rain though?"he asked. "Earthling?" I thought.
Is this guy one of the aliens I've heard of or just weirdo. I heard him take a few steps closer. With my guard up, I turned quickly turned around to face this strange man.
I jumped back in shock to see him right in front of me. His chest so close to my face. It looked like...is he green? His purple gi that stuck to his green, wet, toned body and a white cape that gently flew in the breeze.
"Ok so he's clearly an alien. Dare I look up at his face?"
I slowly lifted my head up at the green man...alien. His dark, ivory eyes looked down at mine. I tried my best to hide my nervousness but I guess he could sense it becuase he took a few steps back.
I stared at his face, his features for a while. He didn't look that bad, actually pretty handsome.
"So are you gonna answer my question or just keep staring?"he questioned with an annoyed tone. It snapped me out of my thoughts breaking me out of the trance I was in.
"Oh yeah, sorry. I was just-"
"Staring at the hideous monster before you?"
I waved my arms frantically in the air, with an embarrassing blush on my face.
"What!? No, no. I mean I was staring but," I trailed off. "You're not hideous, you're actually pretty handsome for an alien. Gah! Not that I'm saying aliens are ugly but-"
He raised his hand, cutting me off. "Its fine. I understand, most people react this way when they see me",he said. "At least before running away screaming. Which I believe now is your cue to do so."
"Why would I do that?"I asked.
"Why not? Most earthlings do." He seemed curious.
"Well I'm not most. Thats stereotypical."I said, glaring at him. His dark, cold eyes staring back.
We glared at each other for about a minute until...I sneezed. He chuckled a bit before going back to his stoic state.
"Whats so funny?"I asked.
"I guess that answers my question."he teased. "You should head home, before it gets worse." He turned and flew up a few feet in the air.
"Hey wait, you can fly? Then why not give me a lift!?",I yelled out. He stopped mid-flight and turned to me with a grin on his face.
"I don't pick up weirdo's who like sleeping in the rain.",he responded. "Sorry but you're on your own. I also noticed that you didn't come here with a car, better start walking."
He then flew off, leaving me here.
"Why you big green–ugh!",I yelled, stomping my foot on the wet ground.
"Guess its my fault anyway. But he could've been a little helpful."
I walked back to the city, it wasn't to far from where I was. Plus it wasn't that bad since the rain lightened. Everything I had on was soaked and the uncomfortably wet clothes made it almost unbearable. But I made it nonetheless.
I opened the door to my apartment, tracking water and mud all over my floor. I stripped and got into the bath. After what happened I didn't feel like another shower. After the 20 minute soak I got into my fuzzy PJs, and slippers and made myself some tea while binge watching My wife and kids. I didn't pay attention to most of it as I was busy thinking of that alien guy I met. I silently cursed when I realised I didn't get his name. My God he was handsome. I needed to take a picture of him next time.
I couldn't sleep. My thoughts of this guy kept me up. Question after question hitting my brain whenever I tried to sleep. I needed to know more, to see more, to hear more. I got up around 3 in the morning and packed all my stuff. I wore my favourite black and yellow hoodie, dark jeans and purple sneakers. I left the apartment and headed to the same spot. Multitasking trying to tie my hair and eat a chocolate bar for my "breakfast".
I headed to the spot, the sun started rising in between the moutains. Letting nice warm light hit my face.
"Oh, it's you again." That deep voice, it was definitely him. "Though I didn't expect you to be here so early.",he said, he sounded intrigued. "Or do you always do this every morning?"
"Nope, I couldn't sleep so I decided to come here and explore the forest.",I said.
"Oh really. There's a lot of places to go to but you decided to come to this exact spot. Why?"
I wanted to turn around and look at him but fear of staring into those eyes stopped me.
"I just wanted to enjoy the view first.",I said nervously.
"Ok let me not stop you. Enjoy.",he said somehow knowingly. I heard him walking further away from me with each step.
"Wait.",I said. He stopped. "What's your name?" I turned to him. His back facing me. He glanced over his shoulder, his dark pupils got a glimpse of me.
"Piccolo."he said.
"Piccolo." His name felt sweet when I uttered it. Leaving my lips tingling.
"Nice name.",I happily said.
"I believe this is the part where you tell me yours." He came closer but this time I showed no nervousness. I tried to keep a neutral face but a smile crept out when he took his final step.
"Nope. I don't feel obligated to go around telling my name to strangers."
"You're a weird one."
"Really? Thank you, I was always told I wasn't normal. Now here an alien is, proving everyones point by calling me weird.
He gave me a small smile before levitating with his legs crossed. His eyes never leaving mine. Like he was observing me.
"Didn't anyone tell you its rude to stare?"I asked.
"Thats funny coming from someone who couldn't take their eyes off me yesterday."
I couldn't say anything. I just stared at him as a light blush appeared on my face. A soft chuckle escaped his lips, like he found this amusing.
I let out a fake cough. "What?"
"Why are you nervous?",he questioned. I snapped myself out of it and stood confidently.
"I'm not. Why would I be?" I folded my arms and turned to the side avoiding his gaze.
"Your face."
"What about my face?" I then became self conscious. Was there something on my face?
"Nothing. So you're not going to tell me your name?"he asked, changing the topic.
"No, why do you wanna know anyway?" At this point I was just trying to distract him with questions so he'd stop staring.
"Just curious."
The sound of his feet touching the ground made me quickly turn to face him. He glanced down at my bag for a second before looking back at me.
"Guess I'll see you tomorrow then.",he said before walking away.
"How do you know I'll be here tomorrow?",I asked suspiciously.
"I know you will.",he stated before taking off.
I sighed. Sweet breath of relief. His charcoal coloured eyes stopped staring into my soul. At least I knew his name now.
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
I’m yours (w rafe Cameron)
Pairing- Rafe cmon x you
Summary- You and Rafe haven’t spoken in years. Now your left alone in a class room together. Can you rekindle your friendship, or better?
Series- Outer banks
Warning’s- alcohol abuse, derogatory terms said in a drunk state, kissing. Protective rafe❤️
We were best friends in middle school, used to go round each others houses and would piss off teachers together in year six. Then we got into upper school, we fell apart, nothing bad happened we just slowly but surely drifted. Until it got to a point when we wouldn’t even say hi in the halls.
We were in our last year and Rafe was popular now I just stuck with my three friends. Didn’t socialise with many other people and I hadn’t spoken to Rafe in what felt like decades.
And now we were alone in detention, the teacher had walked out for the bathroom and left me and Rafe to our own. “So What did you do” rafe asked me turning around. “Truancy” I voiced looking at my fingers. “Woah y/n, didn’t know you still had it in you” Rafe laughed intrigued. “I didn’t have any run in me for pe, so i didn’t go” I shrugged slightly.
“Mmm Fairs” Rafe got board of not getting any attention and looked forward. I looked up at him now. “You?” I asked shortly, that made him look my way. “Guess” Rafe smirked “huh… made a teacher cry” I half laughed enjoying talking to him again. “Pushed in the lunch que” he shrugged almost disappointed.
“How is your thing minor compared to mine, it’s you” I widened my eyes with a grin. Rafe shook his brown haired head at me chuckling “what’s that supposed to mean gorgeous?”. I rolled my eyes at the compliment looking at him I seriously “Rafe Cameron, have you not heard the storys?” His eyes now rolled.
“you should know better than to listen to rumours y/n” “I never said I believed them rafe”. His eyebrow shot up taken back “first girl to have said that” “I know you Cameron- the old you, but he’s there… deep down but there” I shrugged looking at my fingers again. “What you doing after this” he asked me with a neural face for once, no famous rafe grin. “Sleeping” I told him putting my elbows on the table and my face in my hands. “We should hang sometime, it’s been a while”
“Rafe i couldn’t do anything with you because you’d just be doing drugs” “no! No I swear no drugs not if your against it” he put his hands up swiftly. I did believe him. “My mates are going to pick me up then we’re going on tops boat”. my throat went dry. “You coming?” He raised his eyebrow at me “I swear I won’t leave your side” he stood up looking at the time. “…fine rafe” I started to gather up my books and he helped me, carrying a few himself. “It will be like old times” he smirked wondering out the class swerving the tables. What was I doing. Shit became real when I saw topper, kelce, Rick and Tony sitting outside in the car.
They started nudging each other when we walked down the path to them “Rafe i dont know about this” i hissed as my stomach knotted. “People make them out as bad guys but i wouldn’t have brought you if they were, I’ve got you” he nodded before we reached the black car. “Rafe pulling?” Topper winked with a hand on the wheel. “Shut up will you? I invited her” he pushed his friend through the window. “The more the merrier” Tony eyed me up and down in my little school skirt and top that had the first couple of buttons undone and my tie loose. Rafe watched him dangerously but I offered up a smile.
Tony’s smile was deep and he didn’t notice rafes daggers. Either that or he didn’t care. “Get in so we can leave this shit hole” kelce laughed in the schools direction while opening the back for me.“I’ll take your books, they’d fly everywhere back here” he took them and then offered a hand out so i could climb up “thank you” I chuckled taking a seat. It wasn’t a second untill rafe crashed in next to me. The car started moving a second after and I grabbed onto him not being prepared. Rafe laughed attaching to my wrist “you alright?”.
“Am I intruding?” “No one thinks that” he raised his eyebrows at me. “So you still as fun as middle school?” He asked me when I looked at the view of the sea. “Your type of fun has changed since year six rafe” i half laughed “not completely” he told me. The car came to a halt at tops house. He got out and came round squinting out to the sea “what the fuck- where’s the boat” he scoffed racking his brain. Tops mother opened the window of the kitchen from the house and called him. She always scared me, his mother was so stern.
Topper spoke to her for a minutes or two before returning while rolling his brown eyes. “My dad had a meeting and took the boat” he told us huffing. The three boys got out the car moaning “Rafe your the only other who has a boat, can we use yours?” Rick asked him with puppy dog eyes. “Out of commission currently, we’re having work done to it” Rafe shrugged. The boys rolled there necks in defeat. “We can use mine”. The words just tumbled out, I didn’t even think about it, the boys looked at me surprised “I didn’t know you had a boat” Tony looked at me excitedly. “It’s new” I shrugged not thinking it was a big deal.
“your parents won’t mind?” “There in England at the moment- on business” I shrugged my shoulders “shit- really” topper grinned at new opportunity “yeah, you know where I live” I nodded at the driving seat. “Yeah- of course sound, thanks y/n” topped bounced to his front seat. Rafe looked at me smiling, he licked his lips “what” “the rebel is still inside of you too” he told me. I pushed him gently to stop myself from laughing.
The car took off again and ended up at my house, me and topper didn’t live that far away from each other it was on the same road but at completely different ends. The road was quite long. He parked up and we all got out. “Do you remember where we kept our key?” I looked at rafe challenging him. He liked it i could see it in his eyes. Without saying anything he walked over to our hanging plant and took out the fake flowers holding up the gold key. We laughed together and I nodded to the front door for him to unlock it.
“I just need to grab the boat keys, make your self at home the- back door is over there if you want to check out the boat” I pointed leaving the boys in the hallway. But Rafe followed me. “glued to my hip huh” I giggled turning into my father office. “Don’t act like you don’t love it” he joked with me, I laughed shaking my head. “get over yourself” I said turning around having found the keys. Rafe was right behind me I almost slammed into him. We didn’t say anything just looked at each other “we should never have drifted” he whispered to me, our faces were not that far apart accept from the fact he was miles taller than me.
“It’s on us both” I told him swallowing “we missed out on so much time” he chewed his cheek. “Then we make up for it” I told him swinging the key with my finger. “Can I warn you first” he looked worried, “what’s up” “their going to- try their- twisted way of flirting with you- ignore them please, their twats” he told me fluffing with my hair now. “You said their not how people say they are” I folded my arms with a pout almost smiling “eh depends who you listen to, but I’m not going to stand for them doing nothing to you” “let them be I can handle my self” i clutched rafes hand for a second before making my way out.
The boys were already outside on the boat sitting on the sofas at the back. Rafe dragged his heels next to me “our saviour is back” topper yelled at us. “Uh huh” I laughed at him shaking my head. “You boat is well fancy” kelce looked up at me, he was sprawled out over the seats. “Well then I guess I shouldn’t be allowed to drive because I’ve only done it once”. Rafe chuckled behind me. “I’ll come help” “yeah me too” topper jumped up and started to climb the stairs to the wheel. Me and Rafe followed after him.
“Here” I threw the keys to topper and his eyes glowed when plugging them in. “Take it out often?” He asked starting up and steering it away from my house. “Um- I’ve been out on it twice my parents aren’t here much to show me how to use it”
“They still travel every three months?” Rafe asked me pulling a face “no- it’s every two now they open another branch somewhere” I shrugged rolling my eyes. I’d never been a fan of their job that’s why I was at rafes most of my childhood. “So what you two grew up together and then fell out and made up in detention?” Topper looked at me with a smirk in the mirror.
“No- no we never fell out” I jumped quickly, Rafe nodded his head agreeing. “Just drifted, but we can make up for lost time” Rafe qouted me and looked into my eyes. “If you play your cards right Cameron”. Topper laughed and I’m pretty sure rafe got a bit of a red tinge on his face. “He’s not used to having girls talk to him like that” topper explained in a hushed voice. “Im only joking, we have a lot of time to make up for huh”
Rafe nodded his head. “Well I’m glad rafe is going to have you around a lot” he winked at me. topper drove for most of it and then kelce swapped with him a little later on. Rafe wasn’t joking when he said he wouldn’t leave my side, not that I was complaining. we stopped the boat in the middle of nowhere particular. “Rafe come help me with something” I asked when we got to the bottom of the stairs. He nodded and kelce went to join the group. I took Rafe into the kitchen and opened one of the cupboards full of alcohol.
“There should be Pepsi in the fridge” I pointed him in the direction and took out two bottles of vodka. “On a Thursday night? Y/n you rebel” rafe giggled childishly. I found plastic cups too “score” I threw them at him. Rafe caught them wiggling his eyebrows. “Idiot” I laughed leaving the kitchen in a flash.
When I walked round to the sofas the boys all had hearts in there eyes glaring at my stash. “Christmas came early boys” Rafe put the coke down. He wrapped an arm round my waist when walking past to make sure I sat down with him. My heart did backflips.
Yes. I had a fat crush on rafe when we were younger but we where like ten years old. Still, my feelings for the boy were coming back and fast. Obviously they weren’t exactly the same as my age ten ones, because right now I just wanted to smash our faces together.
“Your my new favourite girl” topper reached for the vodka, drinking it straight. “I honestly never thought you were the type y/n” Rick smiled my way “neither did I” I shrugged half laughing. “Your invited anytime” kelce told me pouring a cup full. Rafe took it next and poured two, passing me one. “Thanks” I nodded with a shine. It didn’t take long for all of us to get drunk the bottles went pretty quickly just like the light.
The darkness was nicer, though it did start to get cold. “Y/n tell me something” Tony moved to sit next to me. My head was spinning when I looked at him. “Yuh huh” i nodded “why do you hang out with the nerds when your clearly one of us- your fun- pretty, too pretty to be a nerd”
“Tony dropping game” top blurted out bursting with laughter. “Uh- their my friends” I answered with a shrug “Tony back off yeah- your drunk” “we’re all drunk rafe, and there’s bedrooms down there if y/n is interested and drunk too” he leaned in close to me. “I said back the fuck off” Rafe raised his voice standing up. It was like he sobered up in two seconds to defend me. “Is she yours Rafe? Didn’t think so”
“can we not guys” I tried to get in between them “uh no but Rafe invited her so” Rick pointed out with wide eyes nodding staring into the air. Rafe didn’t take his glare off Tony. “Calm down Rafe, it wouldn’t mean anything” Tony laughed but that pisser him off more. “You think that’s better?” Rafe went to step forward. “Since when do you care about that’s shit” he rawed at rafe with laughter. “Don’t fucking test me”
He went to grab him but I put my hand up blocking it. “Rafe!” I snapped to get his attention “come and get some blankets with me I’m cold” I asked him so he could go and cool off. He immediately scowled at Tony and pulled me towards his body by my hip to walk us off to get blankets. “You need to calm down” I rubbed his hand before we descended down the stairs to get to my bedroom.
“Sit down” I pointed to the double bed in the middle of the room. And he did. I came to stand in front of him “are you okay?” “Are you?” He asked me before answering himself. “Yeah he’s just drunk I can handle it”, Rafe shook his head “no he took it too far” “maybe, but it’s just the vodka talking”. Rafe wrapped his arms around my hips and laid his head on my stomach. My legs gave way and I fell into his lap after a few seconds. But I wasn’t complaining and by the look of Rafes face, he wasn’t either.
“He was right though rafe” my eyes hit the floor but he pushed my chin back up. “Why are you getting so defensive it’s just little old me- you don’t care usually- unless that’s just rumours?” I asked him biting my lip. “…no- no your right, I don’t usually care about fucking girls or when they flirt with girls” Rafe nodded at me. “Right” I sniffed looking at him sadly. “I feel things for you y/n- it all came back so fast, talking to you- holding you it made me feel like I was ten again” he told me staring into my eyes.
“Rafe- what are you saying” “I’m saying I don’t want to be apart anymore” he winced shaking his head slightly. I didn’t know what to say, he felt exactly the same way I felt. Our story was supposed to have that break so we could reconnect and realise how much we missed each other. My hand landed on his face, he looked rather confused that I had not said anything to him yet. I stroked his cheek before leaning in to kiss him.
He was soft with me, not like how I imagined Rafe to be. But it wasn’t long before he had laid me on the bed and laid on top of me kissing me back more hastily. I ran my fingers through his hair before we both came up for air. “Well y/n- what are you saying?” He whispered hushed. “I’m saying- I want to try this, we have a connection and I don’t want to lose you ever again rafe”
“You won’t- your mine” he smiled widely planting kisses all over my face.
I giggled still underneath him. “Shall we go back up” “what so you can warn them off me” I laughed jokingly but Rafe just looked at me with raised eyebrows. He wasn’t joking. “Rafe i didn’t entertain none of it” “you don’t understand how jelous I was- am, that they think they can treat you like that”. I smiled stroking his face again.
“Just Trust me, Im yours”
Master list ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
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graysonsposts2 · 2 years
so writing requests huh? if you’re interested, i’d enjoy a snippet of Donnie (tmnt 2012) x gn reader, where Donnie’s very late night work is interrupted by reader’s chronic migraine flare up.
I got you!
I’ll do my best <33
Tmnt 2012 Donnie x GN!reader
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Prompt: reader has a headache and goes to Donnie for help.
Tw: none! :)
(Your/name)’s point of view:
A wise woman once told me you’ll only ever get rid of a problem when you kill it from the root. She was right.
I must’ve caught something or maybe I spent too much time looking at a bright screen but my head was killing me. The hollow inside my brain ached and felt like a clown was banging a hammer against my skull.
My brain felt funny, too. Any thought I had, it made this migraine even worse. Outside was raining good, so I let my window stay open just a little cause I figured the rain would drown out the pain.
I was wrong. It didn’t help, it also didn’t help that I didn’t have any migraine medicine. I finally got frustrated and sat up slowly, putting a hand to my head while my other pulled off the covers and I stepped out of bed. Sleeping this off obviously wasn’t helping, especially since it’s only 9:35. Since my roommates were all asleep and stores and restaurants were starting to close, I figured a walk in the rain might help me. Who knows? Maybe I’ll stop by to see some friends, my turtle friends. So, I dug into my closet and picked out a simple outfit, (color/choice) pants/shorts/skirt with a (C/C) shirt and a (C/C) jacket. My door creaked as it opened, making me cringe a little before I peaked out into the dark hallway and then entered the dark hallway. My steps sometimes made some creaks when I stepped, but my roommates were pretty big sleepers so it didn’t matter if I was a little loud while stepping down the stairs and to the door. I grabbed an umbrella before leaving and locking the door, immediately the cold air hit me and the rain gently landed on me. For a moment, I let the rain wash my face and damp my hair before opening the umbrella and started to walk. New York was always a pretty city when it was night time, the lights made it pop and sometimes the gloomy weather made the city look cool. Eventually, the air started getting a little too cold. Maybe I should’ve brought a heavier jacket, or maybe I should go home right now and try to fall back asleep. But this headache, it was still here. It’s like a really annoying fly that’s stuck in my head and it won’t stop flying around. Hearing my shoes step over something metal, I stopped and looked down. A manhole cover. I always hated this part of visiting my friends, the smell. I closed the umbrella, lifted this heavy cover up and then clogged my nose with my fingers before stepping down. Even with my nose clogged, it still smelt horrible, that’s what you get when you go down the sewers. Although I will say, the smell distracted me of my headache. The sewers were dark but I learned how to get to my friends lair well, and eventually I followed a subway track until I found the opening to their home. The faint sound of space hero’s played and got louder the closer I gotten, that was definitely Leo. I also heard the pinball machine going, probably Mikey. I looked into the liar, my guesses were all correct. “Y/n!” Mikey said, he waved at me and went back to playing the ball machine. Raph sat on the couch with Leo and they both looked over to me. “Hey y/n” Raph said. “I didn’t know you’d come over” Leo told me, he smiled at me so I smiled back and gently kicked my shoes dry at the entrance before entering. “I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to stop by.” I explained. I could see that spike rested on Raph’s shoulder, I could tell he was a big animal lover and soft on the inside but he’d never let me or anyone else know it. But I knew. “What’s the matter? Did you get dunked in water?” Raph asked jokingly. I laughed sarcastically. “Ha ha, very funny. Where’s the tall one?”. “In his lab. As always” Leo answered, turning his attention to the Tv. Taking that information, I started walking to his lab. I love Donnie. I get along with him pretty good, and maybe he’ll have something for this headache. “Have fun, nerding out” Raph spat. “Thank you, dearest” I replied in a high pitch voice before setting my umbrella on the stairs up the lab before knocking. “I’m busy, Mikey!” I heard him say. Eh, fair enough. I love Mikey, too, but he’s a little too hyper and jittery for me sometimes.
I walked inside the lab and I saw him over at metal head, twisting a flat head screwdriver into his arm. Donnie looked over at me, first his eyes with annoyance but they softened, and I could see his eyes lit up too. “What’s the matter? Mikey getting on your nerves today?” I asked. I could see his smile grow and he immediately walked up to me, it almost looked like a dog running to his owner after he’s been gone for so long. “Y/n! I’m glad your here” he said, he hugged me. I pressed my nose into his neck and hugged him back. “Oh good.” I said, feeling a pinch in my head again. He let go of me and I followed him to metal head. “How come you’re not at home?” He asked. “Not that I’m complaining, at all, just wondering” he quickly corrected his sentence. 
I smiled and leaned against his desk. “I couldn’t sleep. I have a really bad migraine currently and nothing to help it with. So I took a walk to try and help it”. I could see he immediately started to worry, and maybe a little panic but maybe I was wrong. “Oh, do you want aspirin? I’ve got plenty” he asked me as his hand touched my forehead, oh thank god. “Oh that would be awesome, Don. Please” I said, he went around his desk and I watched him grab a bottle from inside his desk. Once he opened it, he handed me two aspirins. “Here, and let me get you some water” he bolted before I could say anything.
I could also hear Mikey was starting to tease him, or I assumed cause Donnie was telling him to buzz off and go back to playing the pinball machine. Then he came in with a water bottle, “here you go” he said. The bottle was cold to the touch, so he must’ve taken it out the fridge. “Oh you’re such a life saver, Don. Thank you” I thanked before taking the medicine, Donnie sat down at his desk and looked up at me while I drank water. “What all have you guys been doing tonight?” I asked, turning to him. “Anything exciting?” I asked. He rolled his eyes and said “I wish. No. You?”. I shrugged. “Nah. I just wanted to see my favorite smart guy, is all” I smiled, he giggled awkwardly and looked away from me. “Aww… All I’ve been doing is working on metal head”
“Giving him a spa day, huh?” I asked. He nodded and looked over at his robot. He seemed like the same, maybe it was just a tune up. “Yeah. He’s been glitching out a lot so I’m trying to fix him.” He explained. “I’m also trying to figure out how to make retro mutagen for April’s dad” the mention of aprils dad seemed to have brought his energy down, i could tell he felt real responsible for him. “Any luck?” I asked, but he simply shook his head no. I got off his desk and came behind him to hug him, his body was warm and his shell was oddly comfortable to squeeze.
“It’s okay, Donnie. You’ll figure it out” I told him. “I know… I just feel real bad.” He spoke softly. “That was our fault.” His computer background had me and April talking, huh… I didn’t even notice he took that picture. “Hey, accidents happen. You’re working to fix it” I told him, I spun his chair around and he looked up at me.
“Besides. She’ll come around, it’s April” I told him. I’m not sure if my words had any affect on him or if it did, but I noticed he started to think but then he smiled at me. “Thanks y/n” he said. I gently patted his cheek. “Come on, smile. You look cute when you do” I said, he chuckled shyly and I looked at the gap in his teeth. “Oh come on… you’re gorgeous/handsome.” He told me. I giggled.
“What is this? A love comedy?” Raph asked, Donnie quickly turned around and his face was pink of embarrassment. Raph was trying to hold in his laughter, i could tell. “At least I have a love life, knuckle head.” I said. “Now that was just hurtful” Raph said, crossing his arms. “Not sorry” I said. “We’ll I hate to break up whatever this is but pizza’s here” Raph said before he walked out. What an asshole, but he’s cool. I’d like to think we’re good friends. Donnie cleared his throat awkwardly and I chuckled before kissing his cheek. “Come on.” I told him, “okay” he said, flustered as he allowed me to take his hand and walk him out to the living room. Thankfully, my headache was gone. Finally.
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
AITA for calling my best friend a bitch before she died? (tw for suicide and brief mentions of abuse)
I know the title sounds really bad, and it probably is. I(24, genderfluid) had a volatile upbringing. God-awful mother, abusive boyfriend, homelessness, the whole shebang. I was bullied relentlessly in high school, so I dropped out in my sophomore year.
When I was around 19, I found somewhere that was hiring. It required no high school diploma, it paid really well, and it was kinda dangerous (I was suicidal at the time). I took the job and joined a crew of five others. My life immediately got so much better. They all loved me, and I love them.
When I joined, I met J(24 at the time, F). We immediately became best friends. I told her everything, and she told me everything. A little while later, I became the godparent of her and her husband's son.
Now, our job isn't exactly safe, or all that standard. We essentially go into haunted places and find out things about the ghost to give to an extermination crew who comes in after us. It's super risky, but it has great insurance. The insurance covers all medical expenses, including dental and mental health. That's probably because we get hurt on the job so often.
Anyways, here's where I'm probably TA. On the night she was killed, we were dealing with a particularly nasty ghost. It wouldn't stop hunting us and throwing stuff. Now, sometimes on a job, we find these things called cursed objects. Essentially they're objects tied to the ghost. On this particular job, we found something called the monkey's paw (yes, the one where you make a wish and it grants it for a price).
So, during a hunt, me and J were hiding near each other. We were all out of repellants and the ghost was getting closer to us. I saw J grab for the monkey's paw. For a little context, me and J had this pact, where we stuck out hunts together. This originated shortly after I just joined and I was super scared. It became custom to wait it out together.
She got a hold of it and she said "I wish to escape". Now, for that wish, usually it blinds you and opens the door for a few seconds so you can get out of the house during a hunt (because it locks in hunts). I really regret what I did next. I screamed at her "YOU BITCH", because I thought she was leaving me to die. The ghost was about to get us.
Instead of going out herself, she pushed me out of the door. It locked behind me, and no matter how hard I tried to shove it open to get her, it wouldn't budge. I'm crying at this point, and screaming through the door apologies. I hear her scream, then just a bunch of gurgling. I start panicking, I start screaming for somebody to call 911. Eventually, it goes quiet, and the door unlocks. She was pronounced dead as soon as the paramedics got to her.
I just hope she heard me through the door. I don't want her last words from me to be calling her a bitch. I am absolutely devastated. It's been two weeks since then, and I still can't sleep or eat anything. The funeral is tomorrow, and I'm sitting on the bathroom floor, crying as I type this. It's a closed casket. I'm probably a horrible person for this. I just want to confirm it.
(ooc: if anyone guessed these were phasmophobia ocs, congratulations, you'd be right!)
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holdinggrudges · 1 year
the archer
pairing: wolfstar (remus x sirius)
content: angst. just real sad shit.
summary: "i wake in the night, i pace like a ghost / the room is on fire, invisible smoke" - the archer, taylor swift Sirius lies low at Lupin's. They're both hiding, in their own ways.
notes: enjoy this sort of oldish blurb while i get to writing new stuff for this account specifically. most of my stuff here will be x reader buttt if you wanted to request more pairings i would be happy to write for most :)
Sirius is a ghost, haunting Remus’ halls. He hasn’t seen the man since he unlocked the door for him three weeks ago. Maybe that’s for the best. Remus has been alternating between angry and extremely, horribly sad since that night in the shack. 
But Sirius leaves traces, empty mugs in the sink, bowls and forks put back in slightly different places than they were before. Remus can’t see him, but he knows he’s there. Still out of reach, even living in the same home. He swears he can hear his heartbeat through the walls as he sleeps. It’s a wonder he manages to avoid Remus so well. 
Remus takes to writing letters. Sirius, the first one reads. I’ve tried to hate you for so long that I can’t remember what it felt like to do anything else. He writes it. And then, resolutely, he burns it. 
I used to be so sad, all the time. Now I’m angry in between. Angry at Peter. Angry at you and, horribly perhaps but I can’t help it, James and Lily. You all promised, but the second you heard a whisper of doubt, you could no longer trust me. The wolf was bigger and harder to ignore than you ever thought it was, I suppose. I can’t blame you. Remus falls asleep on the couch as he writes. He sleeps all the way through the night, doesn’t stir at all. When he wakes, the letter is gone from his hand and a cold cup of tea has replaced it. He wonders how long it’s been there. 
Remus almost runs into Sirius in the kitchen. He knows because he steps into the living room and hears running water, and immediately scampers back into his room. He writes a letter from the safety of solitude. I guess I’m scared of you now. You’ve haunted my memories, and now you haunt my home. Ghostly is what you are, Sirius Black, and I’ve always been afraid of ghouls. He keeps this one under his pillow, where he knows Sirius won’t find it because he can’t exactly avoid Remus in Remus’ own room. 
There’s a full moon. Remus tears himself apart and puts himself back together. He writes a letter, leaves a smear of blood on it. Is Padfoot separate enough from you to have his own consciousness? I wonder sometimes. I wonder if he misses me the way the wolf misses you. He’s delirious enough that he can’t remember where he leaves it, if he burns it or not, until mid afternoon when he finally wakes to a hot cup of tea and a note tucked underneath it. Yes, it reads, in familiar curling handwriting, he does. He drinks the tea and it burns his throat, but he registers it’s made exactly how he likes it and his chest warms for an entirely different reason. 
He finds another note stuck to his fridge. Are you alright? I worry for you. He writes his response, cramped in the space underneath. Yes. I’ll be fine. I worry for you too. 
The haunting grows stronger. He can feel Sirius’ presence around corners. More things out of place. Notes and cups of tea made for Remus sitting on the counter when he wakes up. Remus finds himself feeling angry less and less, but no less afraid. 
Doesn’t Harry look just like James? When I saw him on the train, it was like seeing a ghost. Remus thinks they wouldn’t be able to talk like this face to face. 
Remus might be healing. 
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kotonoba · 2 years
ISYT (Jushiro/Fem!Reader) Ch. 35
Smut chapter, wedding night.
TW // vanilla smut, insertion, slight overstimulation, virgin smut (???)
I'm not particularly good at tagging stuff; tell me what I missed; plus, I'm not actually good at writing smut, but I'll improve. Going to do a whole server on roleplaying so I can catch up on some slang & whatnot. If y'all are interested in roleplaying or just watching the plot, feel free to dm me.
It threw you for a loop when Jushiro said he would make the vows; from what you know, vows were made between one another, not one person doing them. But you understood the moment he said his vows. He did know you well enough to do your portion in his vows. The headdress was hard to wear, but you stuck through it for pictures because Jushiro wanted many images in different poses. For a shinigami who aged well like fine wine, he sure is childish sometimes, not that you’re opposed to it. 
You changed into your shinigami attire when they said you could change out; it was more comfortable, and you didn’t own any other clothes, so this was your best choice. “I guess we have to go shopping for some home clothes for you, y/n,” your head snapped upwards towards Jushiro’s voice as he came around to greet you still in his black hakama, or at least that’s the color Jushiro told you it was. Honestly, it’s very attractive on him, but you kept that to yourself. 
“I’m fine with what I have; if need be, I’ll go shopping sometimes,” you smiled softly as you were kissed. He couldn’t be more affectionate with you in public before the marriage because he – as you know it – was a very traditional man. But, now, in front of other captains and lieutenants, even in front of his division, he was openly affectionate to you. 
“Oh, I sure hope you’re not greedy with your money and making y/n pay for her things, Jushiro,” you recognize his voice easily; that was Shunsui’s voice. You smiled a little; although the two of you are not close, he appeared enough for you to be somewhat acquainted with him. 
“Wha– no way, I meant to go shopping together; she’s my wife; of course, I have to spend on her,” you relaxed a little as the two joked around. A wedding this size wasn’t too overwhelming for you, to the very least. 
As the wedding ceremony ended, as the skies darkened in shade, Shunsui dropped by before leaving, perhaps to say his congratulatory words to you since everyone had done so to you whether or not you interacted with them. Some were new faces, and others were voices you’d never heard. It was surprising, to say the very least. As you were about to greet the flamboyant captain, he waved you off to ask you, “do me a favor.”
“Mhm?” A favor? You thought, what could it be?
“Tell me what Jushiro is like in bed.” 
Your eyes narrowed a little, “in bed?” 
“Yeah, you don’t think you’re just going to go sleep, right? I’ve slept around during my academy days, but Jushiro is quite the traditional man; as far as I’m concerned, he hasn’t slept with anyone, so share with me in the morning about how he treats you. I’m interested. You know. As his best friend and all, I’m curious about what his <;i>wife</i> thinks about his performance in bed,” he winked at you when Jushiro hurried to your side when your face started to heat up. 
Jushiro shooed him off, “I hope he wasn’t being weird about thin–” he gave you a long pause before sighing softly, “he was being weird, right? You don’t have to tell him a thing, I prefer,” he paused for a second before leaning closer to your ears, “you keep this between the two of us.” He smiled when you reacted quickly to cover your warm ears. 
As the attendees left, and the Ugendo grew quiet with only a few maids around to clean up, you and Jushiro went to help them. Jushiro's helping was to hurry up the process. Your helping was because you felt awkward standing there and watching everyone clean. Jushiro dismissed everyone when the cleaning was done as he ushered you into your shared bedroom – your official shared bedroom now that the two of you are married. 
“I hope today wasn’t too overwhelming for you, y/n,” he turned to face you after closing the door.
“It wasn’t overwhelming at all, thanks for worrying,” you smiled a little as a kiss met you on the lips. This one was different from the others, where he would pull away. He kept at it, hands resting on your hips as your arms wrapped around his neck. 
“That’s good,” he panted a little as he trailed kisses down to your neck, allowing you time to breathe from his long, obsessive kiss. Perhaps you enjoyed him being so obsessive with you at times, and it was endearing. Your neck moved slightly to the side, allowing Jushiro to kiss down to the nape. You shivered a little when you felt his tongue lap over your neck greedily before he kissed, sucked, and bit you. You let out a soft wince, and he stopped biting; instead, he gave the spot he bit a soft kiss and a light suckle before pulling back to observe you. 
You can feel how hot you were; you didn’t need a mirror, nor did you need the light to be any brighter than the dimmed version that was on right now. “‘Shiro, I–” you was cut off with a gasp when he slipped on a wedding band on your ring finger.
“I forgot about this during the wedding, so I hope you don’t mind me putting it on now,” he smiled a little. Of course, you didn’t mind. Jushiro knew precisely what he was doing when he <;i>forgot</i> and only just <i>remembered</i> now. While you were busy admiring the handiwork on the wedding band, he took his sweet time to lay you down on your back. By the time you snapped back to reality, he had already taken off his black hakama and was already working on taking off your shinigami robes. 
You were about to be shy about him taking your clothes off, but what’s there to be nervous about if you’ve seen him topless a few times. It’s only fair at this point. Instead of him fumbling awkwardly in the dimmed atmosphere, you sat up a little to take them off for him. Which elicited a sly grin on his face; you rolled your eyes at his expression. He probably didn’t expect you to be aggressive about taking your clothes off. You had bandages wrapped around your breast. In place of using bras which you found out was not a thing in Seireitei, you resorted to wrapping your breasts up so you didn’t get the unwanted stares you hated or the hindrance it gave you when you were working about. 
Jushiro gave you a long stare before deciding what he wanted to do, tugging at the bandages with his slender digits before eyeing you for permission to take them off. You nodded and helped him with the process of unwrapping. He unwrapped you like a present, eagerly, but careful not to overstep. You felt yourself heat up as everything came undone. Reflexively, you turned away, but Jushiro made you look back into his eyes, “don’t feel embarrassed, y/n. We’re husband and wife now.” It was also his way of repeating, <;i>if you need help, please tell me, and I will help you no matter the problem.</i>
You nodded gently, pulling him into another kiss primarily to distract yourself as his hands explored your body greedily. You caved and gave him a satisfied moan before breaking from the kiss. As he focused on you, you observed him and chuckled a little. He acted like a kid with a new toy, treating him with so much care as if you would break if he were even a bit rougher. “Hey, I’m not that fragile,” you laughed a little when his fingers glided down your sides to remove your lower garments. Though you heated up, you did your best to hold his presence in your eyes, not averting them out of embarrassment or anything. 
“I know,” he smiled reassuringly. He gave you a nod of appreciation when you did your best not to avert your eyes. “Don’t be scared,” he whispered by your ear before kissing your ear lobe, sliding his hand down your stomach – tracing your inner thighs until he reached your wetness. You gasped a little when you felt his finger slide between your slit, rubbing circles on your sensitive bud. He had a hand supporting your back as he eased you to lay down on your back before sliding his finger further down – and into your wetness. 
“‘Shiro, I–” he cut you off with a kiss before shaking his head. He always seemed to like to cut you off when you wanted to tell him something. As you were about to tell him anyways – it seems like he could already tell you were going to do it despite him saying no. “Listen to me–” you were caught off guard when he thrust another finger into you, causing a quick yelp of surprise. Although not threatening, Jushiro did give you a warning look because he was preparing you, and you were probably trying to stop him. Which wasn’t the case, but he didn’t want you to ask me. 
“I’m eager, y/n,” his voice was low when his fingers worked quickly, making a few thrusting motions to elicit a moan from you before making scissoring motions to loosen you in a sense. His voice sent a shiver down your spine, “I’ve held myself back on many occasions just for this,” you recall one of the scenarios being Halloween, where he did hold himself back. Your heart rate picked up as his thrusts also picked up; he probably realized that you were easing into his pace, so he decided to speed up a little. 
“Wait–” you breathed when you felt his fingers curiously tap around the inside of your walls, your thighs instinctively tried to close the gap, but with Jushiro between your legs, that was proven to be a challenge. “Slow down…” your moan drew to whisper as if you were worried someone would hear. 
“Don’t be shy,” he whispered close to your ears, as you felt a wave of heat crash into your core – your mind went blank as you were met with a kiss to the lips to ease the intensity of your climax, you panted softly as the wave of heat died down a little. Your eyes wearily watched Jushiro remove his undergarments before stroking your juice onto his member as a form of makeshift lube. He eyes you a little and grins, “curious? Are you ready?” 
You nodded, eagerly perhaps, as your arms wrapped around his neck a little to pull him closer to you. He smiled at your eagerness before guiding his shaft to the entrance of your slick. He gives you a moment to recollect yourself before he pushes in, making his way in slowly when he sees blood drip out. You didn’t take note of the pain; you focused more on Jushiro to distract yourself from the pain you heard from your human friends when you were in the material world. 
“First time?” He joked; you didn’t have time to roll your eyes when he pushed in; you could only tighten around him in response, “me too.” You nearly missed that.
“What do you mean you too?” you panted softly, trying your best to adjust.
“This is my first time too,” he smiled, grateful that you were doing your best to adjust quickly, “you’re my first and my last. I don’t intend to do this with anyone but you.” You felt your face heat up at his words. As you were about to say something of equal relevance, Jushiro stopped you – or probably just a way for him to stop you from talking. You yelped as you felt him move, thrusting in and out of you but keeping a gentle gaze on you. 
Even if the lights were dimmed, which hindered the amount of stuff you could see, you could still feel that Jushiro was getting flustered over this, his body heating up, each thrust causing a soft groan of pleasure. Your eyes shut as you wrapped your legs around his slim waist – each thrust pushing a moan out of your mouth. Nails digging into his back, you did your best not to scratch, but it didn’t take too long for your mind to go blank again, tightening your walls around his shaft once more. 
By the time you’ve come back from seeing nothing, you whined when Jushiro continued thrusting, “‘Shiro, I–” his pacing grew erratic, your hands tangled in his long white hair. You didn’t have much experience in this field, which makes you vulnerable, especially when it slows down to ram into you slowly and deeply. He pulled back to grin at you.
“Wasn’t expecting that I could control myself?” he grinned, fully knowing what he was doing to you when you whined incoherently about being too sensitive. His hands slipped to your hips, giving you a firm squeeze. He lowered himself a little more, a little closer to you for you to focus on; whilst tears swelled your eyes, you could see him through your blurred lenses mouth the words, “I’m close.” You nodded a little, bracing yourself as his pace picked up a lot more unpredictable and erratic; your tears weren’t tears of pain; Jushiro was well aware of that. It primarily came from you complaining you were sensitive, and those tears were to show that much. 
You could feel his body tense up at some point as you clung onto him; a hard thrust inward before a satisfied groan left his lips, as you released a loud pleasured moan as you felt a hot wave crash into your walls. While you were so caught up in the moment, your back arching, head tilted back, Jushiro took that time to mark all over your mark. You never took him as the possessive type, but perhaps he does desire to show everyone that you're his. It takes a bit for you to catch your breath. With Jushiro's every move, your body jolted slightly from overstimulating. He takes his time to pull out. White fluid dripped out of your womanhood, a thread of white connected from the tip of his manhood to the entrance of your slick. You glanced up at a proud-looking Jushiro, who told you to wait for a second; he was going to clean up. But you were too tired; he left to retrieve something, but by the time he returned, you had already slipped into slumber; a soft mumble of "I love you, 'Shiro" was all you recall yourself murmuring in your sleep.
Angst coming soon.
Cloudy's AO3
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six40seven · 2 years
September 15th the time is 4:40.
Today when I woke up it was to Niki. She was in the kitchen, from what i could tell and she was talking VERY loudly on the phone. My door was open again and instinctually i checked my phone. Time read 5:29 am. Which is way too early. For anyone to be up at any time. Including me. The rain was loud against my window as well. Clearly yesterday was the only day i would be going out hiking this week.
After a few unsuccessful minutes of trying to go back to sleep to the lull of the rain interrupted each time by Niki. I pushed my way out of bed and began to get read for school. I dont know if I’ve mentioned this but my school doesnt have a very strict dress code. How could it, its the only main high school in miles. So i sometimes find myself wearing the same outfit every day.
Spoiler, im wearing the same outfit as yesterday. I would show you but Im not to keen on showing what i look like on my photography and journaling blog, so youre just going to have to use your imagination. I wore the same dark green shirt and blue pull over jacket. The jacket is something i could never go without, its like a favorite of mine and its just a comfort. Even if its fraying at the edges. I still have mentioned the need for new clothes to Niki, and by the sound of it, now is NOT the best time.
So i slipped into another pare of too small pants and then grabbed my headphones, phone and phone charger before heading down the hall. I entered the kitchen at 5: 37 and narrowly avoided Niki who was pacing the room and talking aggressively into her phone. Something about situations that were out of her control. The rain was still going strong as i snuck around her, she gave me a small apologetic smile before being distracted again.
I dont particularly like loud noises so while i waited for the water for my chai to heat up i pulled my headphones over my ears and just watched everything move around me in a muffled state. Niki tapped my shoulder when my water was done, because I hadn’t heard the beep of the electric kettle. I filled a cup and dropped in two spoon fulls of chair tea mix. Niki gets it from the farmer’s market every Saturday.. or every Saturday shes free. We are almost out and she hasn’t had any time in the recent weeks to get more.
She paced out of the room again as i stirred in a bit of milk and sugar. My mug is a handy travel mug that I’ve had for a long time. I dont remember who or where i got it from but its a worn dark purple with a clear chipped top. which i put on before checking the time again. The clock above the stove read a blinking 5:56. I still had a while before my bus arrived. I considered leaving early, but the rain outside the window made it very unappealing, especially with how hard it was falling. Instead i stepped past Niki. Who still was on the phone and into our living room. Its a small space with a couch facing an old fireplace that had been there since i was a child but I’ve never seen lit and floor to ceiling windows looking out at the forest behind our short and unkempt lawn.
I did what i usually do when im not doing anything and began to look through my phone. I dont have many social medias and even less messages. Im pretty sure the only contacts i have in my phone are Niki, Karl and … Well not that many people. I have a few spam caller IDs saved for no real reason. I dont pick up calls from strange IDs. My other apps are just for this blog. editing, and photos. Also notes. Since before i got social media i was stuck to typing in my notes app. There’s about two years worth of entries. All the way back to freshman year i think. I dont go back unless i need something, and in that moment i didnt.
So maybe you’d like to see some of the photos i took recently. Besides the ones from my hike. I dont really remember … when i took them. But the time stamps all said either yesterday or a couple days ago. Thank god for technology.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
If i were to guess the last two were pictures of town as i road the bus home and the first looks like some sun set from a trail. Or maybe the last. Actually yeah the last is from the nearest general store. The one is MY town and not the one across the pass.
That general store mainly to provide necessities so you dont have to go all the way to the larger town to get things. Especially if its snowing or anything like that.
Again the last few days has been very wet and rainy. Maybe if I’d begged Niki to stay home that day she would have relented. But i didnt and instead of that i left the house at my usual time, this time with some forsight, bringing a raincoat and rain boats. My bus was on time and i have never been happy to see it even if it smelled wierd sometimes. The rain was relentless all the wya to school. So badly that at times we had to go slow because we couldn’t see the car tail lights in front of us.
The same woman said hi to me and this time i said hi back. I dont think she heard me, which is okay. I listened to my music as i rode and tried again, not to fall asleep. Its just been one of those days when just sitting is exhausting.
When i reached my stop i didnt even have to pull the string to stop the bus, the lady just knew. The rain outside was freezing, and the second i stepped off, my hair was soaked. I had unfortunately not put my hood back over it. and now it was useless, all i had to do was get to school.
I didnt run but i walked quickly. I dont like to run much because it makes me feel extremely out of breath and my feet feel much to heavy to lift. Anyway when i got to school the whole enterance was full of puddle of water on the tiles and muddy prints everywhere. I feel bad for the janitors. Even with such a small school it would be hell to clean up after the students. To hopefully save them some work i throughly wiped my feet on the rug haphazardly laid out and avoided stepping in any other messes afterwards.
I went to my first periods. Nothing happened. Nothing ever happens. At my free period i went to the library and helped Karl organize some shelves. The library is the warmest part of the school, its a common known fact, so for most of the time i spent in there it was uncomfortably crowded. Not to mention that amount of kids skipping to meet up with their.. er partners like usual… Well it was a little overwhelming. Im glad i brought my headphones so i could either listen to music or just block out the loud waves of chatter and other things.
Karl asked me how Niki was, and i told him about her stressful case and he told me to wish her well and mentioned he might stop by with Sapnap to bring her a casserole. Sapnap is his husband i think, i dont know him very well and I’ve only met him a few times. I just know he, Karl and Niki went to school together in this very high school. It’s sometimes crazy to imagine my sister going here when she was my age. I wonder is she had the same old and dusty teachers as me or if they were young back then. She’s not very old. I promise you shes not.. anyway.
After lunch which stupidly i had forgotten AGAIN. Eve e with all the extra time i had this morning, i stepped down the hall to English, the final period of my day. My teacher, Mrs. Chin, greeted me at the door. Unusually enough. I knew immediately something was up. She smiled at me and handed me a packet. It wasnt thick but she told me to read through it and asked me if i would look into applying.
When classes officially started i started looking through it and realized it was multiple applications for various scholarships and colleges in the area. I never reall considered going to college. Looking foreward like that is always so strange to me. But i did my job and read through most of them. They all were for people like me. If there anyone like me in the world i would be surprised but they all offered discounts for those with talent and all sorts of things. There was even one for writing. Writing is fun but i if i were to ever go to school for anything, it would not be for writing.
I tucked the packet into the inside pocket of my slightly soggy backpack. I forgot about it all until i got home. I took the bus like i usually do. I mean, I hadn’t gotten a text or even interacted with niki except for that silent tap ont he shoulder this morning so i assumed she would be out late again with her job. Its still too rainy to do much of anything. Its windy now too. It sort of blows the rain into your face and pellets you with it . It feels like tiny pebbles being thrown at you.
Walking and waiting for the bus was horrible. They need to put some sort of shield from the elements at this stop. I know they wont because the town has no money. Its common knowledge that theres very little money left in this town. The people who are living here are living on the scraps of a long forgotten gold industry.
When the bus arrived i was so grateful, even if the ride was longer then normal and people starred at me longer then comfortable. I dont know why they starred at me.
My house was dark when i got home at 3:50. I turned all the lights on. Its weird when im home alone and it’s dark. I made more chai for myself and sat at the kitchen table to do some homework. Something for math that was assigned. Its not something i worry too much about. When i was finished i began to search for something to eat, but the kitchen is mostly empty of food. Just another thing i have to remind niki to get. I settled for a piece of toast with honey and peanut butter. Its enough to satify me for awhile.
Now im just sitting on the couch watching the rain and the distant dark forest. There’s not really any street lights of any kind this far away from the main areas of town so its crazy dark out there, even though the sun doesnt start to set for another hour or so. I’m not really busy, i was maybe going to read more into the packet my english teacher gave me or whatever. again if anyone is interested in asking questions, please do. The time is now 5:13.
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ficfanatictrf · 2 years
Weird/Stressful Dreams + Weird Mental Issues
I have talked to my mom about this and am going to be talking to the right people about this (like my physiatrist, my therapist, and so on)
TRIGGER WARNING for the dreams section (shooting)
Lately as in the past maybe 3-4 days, I have been having a really hard time focusing.
After my ADHD meds starts to wear off for the day (I take dextroamp-amphetamin). I take my dose at around 8am since I have classes at 9 and then because I have sleeping issues I can't take it after 12pm because I then can't sleep.
So that means around 6-7pm, when it starts to wear off, it feels like my ability to focus has all but disintegrated. I suddenly find that I am getting lost at every step of what I am doing. I was watching a 15 minute video the other day and within 2 minutes I was confused on what I was watching and WHY I was watching it - like I didn't know how I had gotten to that particle tab or what the previous 2 minutes had been about.
Then onto dreams, I am normally I person that dreams sometimes. It is not all that often and typically as I wake up I remember it, but as the day progresses that information kinda floats away.
Not with these three recent dreams (I must preface this that I work as a mortuary transporters...so going to house calls for me is pretty normal and I will try to fill in the information on why certain things are 'odd')
I went on a house call alone (that is NOT normal, policy is house calls must be with a partner for safety reasons). When I got there, it was family of 3 (mother and two adult kids) with the husband having died. They were clearly trying as hard as they could to not cry and break down in front of me, forcibly trying to joke around and smile with me, but it was clear they were close to snapping at any moment. These are the calls that ruin me. It reminds me so much of my family, how a lot of us try our best to hold it in so that we don't bring down the people around us
Another house call (again alone?!?!?), but this time I was there to help a daughter literally move her parents into HER vehicle so that SHE could transfer (THAT IS NOT NORMAL!!). And she was constantly crying and falling apart the whole time, with me doing my best to try and help her. The dream ended with me watching her drive down the road and hoping she would be okay
(Trigger warning!!! This is the darkest and the one that has stuck with me for days) I want to preface this that I have been in the military, guns are not something that bother me. Not have I ever really been bothered by shootings (I mean, I am bothered that they are bad...but me and my mom have always kinda been 'passively suicidal' like if there is nothing I can do? I guess it's my time) I was in like a grocery store or larger gas station when gun shots were heard. I was with a group of people and all of us instantly went into hiding mode. I could have easily gotten out of there (there is a thing to know about me which might be rather weird. When I made the oath of enlistment at 17...I meant it. I will never /not/ feel like I can abandon the people around me. I am the oldest child and air force vet - even if I sometimes hate it...I constantly feel like I have to be the one that helps the people around me.) I was near the back of the store, I could have gotten out. However, rushing through the store, I was trying to get as many people out the back as I could. Staying low, quickly grabbing people from where they were hiding to get them out the back before going and finding more. Honestly, I don't even know how it happened - dream logic is great. But as I was helping this probably 10-15 year old boy, I heard a shot and felt a sharp and then liquid hot pain in the back of my neck. I've been shot before, I know how it feels to feel warm blood just pouring across your skin. Luckily, the kid got out, but the dream ended with me laying on the ground, choaking on blood, with the shooter standing over me.
I want to say that none of these dreams felt like 'nightmares' they just have stuck with me oddly. Like I said, I don't tend to remember my dreams for long.
Would love to talk about this with anyone that understand dream meanings more or has been on ADHD meds longer than I have that understands these things.
These are the things I think might be messing with everything
Stress (finals coming)
While sick about 2 weeks ago I stopped/forgot taking my anxiety meds for about 5 days and I've issues getting back into the habit of taking them everyday again
Anger (My extremely loud upstairs neighbor that sends me quickly into a rage with their banging)
Uncertainty (depending on my grades this semester, a LOT of this next semester like change....like if I am even in school next semester)
My meds constantly make me forget to eat...(working on that)
Not really looking forward to heading back to work (I work summer and winter breaks....my first day back is 12/12, I have to work because I need the money and honestly I do love the job/I love the people I work with. I just really want a break...I haven't really taken a break in over 3 years)
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jackalopes-pen · 10 months
Chapter 7: Pressure
Summary: Kenny goes to visit Stan in the hospital and tries reassure him on what to do
Characters: Kenny McCormick, Stan Marsh
Word Count: 933
A/N: I'm telling you right now there's a .5 to this chapter, because I want to exposition a touch. It's not a pivotal chapter so it's probably gonna be much sooner then my typical schedule.
Previous: [Escalation] | [Perspective]
Kenny hated dealing with the press. Any media, really, was just trouble. They’d guess at his identity, shove mics and cameras in his face and ask intricately framed questions to make him seem like the worst person on earth. Now that The Omens blew up a whole building, the media were on his tail. Now every headline was about how the Coon and Friends couldn’t stop actual terrorists. They wanted answers, justice, they wanted the vigilantes heads on pikes. Mysterion was the only one not forced out of the public eye to heal.. So he had to deal with all of it alone.
However, no one gave two shits about Kenny McCormick. No one cared that two of his three dickhead friends were in horrible condition and Kyle was in complete stasis. It’s stressful, and awful and is making him slowly lose it. That damn thing, stasis, it’s a fucking nightmare.
How it works is that when someone born with their powers gets really hurt, their body shuts down to heal. However, what that actually means is Kyle is practically comatose and the only way they can tell he’s getting better is as his heartbeat slowly raises back to normal. His pulse is still so damn slow, and it’s agonising to just wait it out. From what he’s heard from Kyle, it’s even worse to live it… but he can’t talk to Kyle right now.
It’s not like Stan is in much better shape. His ribs looked more like crushed chips from the blast force. He’s stuck in the med bay, barely able to walk without help. Healers are so rare these days, and especially a trustworthy one that won’t just expose their identities. The specifics were less than important, because now he was going to visit Stan and try not to lose his shit, being relegated to the only person who doesn’t start shouting around Cartman.
“Hey, man. Still breathing?” Kenny said jokingly as he saw Stan laid out on the cot. He had a ton of wires connecting all over, and the scars looked rough to heal.
“Pretty much. Kinda wish I had your power sometimes… wouldn’t have to heal.” Stan laughed, but even that was weak. In fairness, his ribs were the main point affected but, it just hurt to hear.
“Anything you wanna know about? And- don’t you dare bring up the rat fucking thing.” Kenny smirked, trying to take his friend’s mind off of everything.
“Heh, that was hilarious. But- um… how’s Kyle? Is- is he beating any faster?” Stan sounded hopeful. 
“52 BPM. A little faster every day.” Kenny was doing his best to soften the blow, but it’s difficult to say that this person’s super best friend still isn’t even in the normal range. 
“Oh, okay. I’m just really worried about him, y’know?” Stan said, turning to look Kenny in the eyes. 
“You know Professor Timmy is doing everything he can to help the process. We kinda just have to wait.” Kenny put as much sympathy in his voice as possible. There’s really no silver lining.
“Yeah, I know… it’s weird to think he’s just.. suspended in liquid and trapped in his own head.” Stan sighs and looks out the window for a moment. “Then again, he wanted to put me in liquid too.”
“You could always say you reconsidered.” Kenny offered gently
“It just creeps me out, I mean, think about it. You’re just sleeping in like.. this weird green stuff for whoever knows how long and, I have no idea what they do to me. It just doesn’t sit right.” Stan said. He looked down, a little sad.
“As much as I want to help, I’m not the guy to ask about this.” Kenny laughed nervously as he finished speaking. In all fairness, he really wasn’t. He’s the one sent on the life-or-death missions, so he never really has to heal thanks to his curse. It’s pretty much a foreign process.
“I know, I know. But, if your best friend was out for who knows how long, and your options were to either wait it out as you slowly heal or sleep through it but it kinda pushed some buttons.. what would you do?” Stan looked at Kenny as he finished his words. He had an almost pleading tone.
Kenny paused and really thought about it. On the one hand, waiting sucks. It’s agonising to just sit and wait with minimal updates and no real idea what’s going on. On the other, by sleeping through it you have no idea what they’re doing or injecting. Sure, you can ask questions after that fact but that’s hardly a comfort. It’s either prolonged and minimal discomfort, or short but major discomfort. It’s like asking how you want to die. 
“I think… I think I’d trust Timmy on this. You know he’s not gonna do something that would actively hurt you. It’s not helping you that you’re stressing over this.” Kenny smiled gently, trying to be nice about it. 
“I guess you’re right.. I don’t really wanna leave you alone though. I know the press is like a locust swarm right now.” Stan said, sympathy in his voice
“Dude, it’s fine. I can handle myself. Don’t even worry about me.” As he finished talking, Kenny put a gentle hand on Stan’s shoulder. “I trust you, man.” 
“I trust you too, Kenny.” Stan takes a deep breath “I guess I’ll go tell Professor Timmy that I changed my mind.”
“Hey, dude? Try not to die.” Kenny said, in a joking manner. He waved his friend goodbye as Stan weakley laughed. 
It’s always nice to visit Stan, he's a good guy. As much as Kenny loved talking to him, and having someone who understands, sometimes you have to put other people first. The hard fact of it is that Stan isn’t getting better when he’s stressed and can barely rest. Sure, he’s not the quickest person to trust someone but he’s really quick to care. If he can’t stop stressing about Kyle, then maybe it’s best he just sleeps through it all.
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diorjadore · 3 years
You’re Special — Vinnie Hacker
Pairing/s: Vinnie Hacker x fem!reader
Summary: Subathon stream! Vinnie tells her and chat how much he loves her.
Warning/s: Fluff, language
Word Count: ~1.9k
Song Suggestion/s:
Your boyfriend’s day was packed from the afternoon till nighttime and maybe even the next morning because he was doing a Subathon stream on Twitch. You didn’t mind though because you were swamped with college work that you would rather stay at home and focus. But that didn’t mean you can’t watch him be a goofball on camera.
He started at 3:00 pm and was having the time of his life and he didn’t even notice that hours had already passed. You finished eating dinner and decided to splurge on your man, thinking he deserves it. You gifted him 500 subs with the message: “I love you. Do great.” and the whole chat went crazy but he was quick to read it. This simple message might not be a big deal to others but it’s so heartfelt and pure that he’s just bursting with love right now. Sort of like how Tom Holland greeted Zendaya on her birthday with the caption: “My MJ, have the happiest of birthdays…”, it’s so sweet you could feel it through the screen.
He genuinely smiled and blushed at your presence on stream and said: “I love you, Y/n/n. Thank you, bub.” He sat back in his chair just smiling at the comments saying they wanna cry from how cute the both of you are.
“You’re so lucky, Vinnie. Yeah, honestly I don’t know what I did to deserve her.” He read a comment off chat.
“It’s a forever thing. Yes, it definitely is! It’s me and you forever, Y/n. You’re stuck with me.” He twisted on his seat and put a hand on his cheek while chuckling and wiggling his brows.
“I’ll gladly spend this lifetime and another with you, my love.” You typed while just looking at his contagious grin on screen, the smile lines around his eyes and mouth evident. It’s true though, it’s like you found each other at the right moment, and everything just sort of fell into place for the both of you. You weren’t looking for love when you guys met at that grocery aisle and I guess that’s the best kind of meet-cute there is?
“Bro she’s your sugar mommy.” Deny said through the screen and Vinnie just laughed.
“Hell yeah, she’s my sugar mommy, my sugar baby, my baby girl, my best friend, my future wife, everything. I don’t care!” He said while throwing his hands up as if surrendering.
“I should call her.” Deny sighed and the both of them just laughed.
“Put a ring on her then. I dare you. Yeah, dare me again in like a few months, years, I don’t know when but I will.” He pointed at the screen, all the while you were just watching him with a huge grin on your face.
“No, because you guys don’t understand. She makes me happy and she inspires me to be a better person for myself and for her cause I’m afraid I’ll lose her if I don’t become the man she deserves, you know what I mean? I love her so much it scares me sometimes actually. Like maybe my love for her is as big as that Ikea bear or I don't know maybe twice as that.” He confessed as if he was lecturing the chat while still focused on the game.
You were finishing up your homework when you decided to FaceTime him, coincidentally he died on game. He picked up after the second ring and when he came to view, you said: “Say it to my face, Vincent.” You tried to act mad but it was useless when his smile’s the first thing you see.
“Come over then.” He smirked, proud of his suggestion.
“No, I wanna hear it now. Say it again.” You demanded but failed.
“Ugh, fine I’ll come over later. Chat we have a simp!” You shouted over the phone hoping they heard you.
“You’re a simp, you’re clingy as hell. You twitch in your sleep.” He fired back. You gasped because he didn’t just expose you like that.
“You’re one to talk, Vin. You get up in the middle of the night to pee.” Two can play this game.
“Okay, whatever. You win.” He sighs, acting all irritated. He wasn’t though, secretly he loves to see you amped up like this because most of the time you were shy and non-assertive.
“Hera doesn’t love you.” You knew this would make him gasp and you were right. The chat was booing Vinnie for being a bad cat dad and although it wasn’t true, which everybody knows, it was still funny to see him all offended.
“Okay enough! My cat loves me, mine.” He showed off his big hazel-brown eyes at you to taunt you but you weren’t budging. He loves to shove it in your face how Hera’s his and we all know you’re Hera’s mom but we also know who will get custody if you guys ever break up. Hopefully, you won’t. Cat’s too precious to have divorced parents.
“Cat come here!” He picked Hera up from her tower making you jealous because you wanted to cuddle with her more than your own boyfriend.
“See? She loves me.” He said as he laid her down to the floor.
“Fucker.” You were about to hang up when he called for you.
“Wait, Y/n! I’ll say it later but uhm yeah in all seriousness though, you’re what I’ve been praying and waiting for. You’re special to me.” He sheepishly smiled at you, completely forgetting about his stream which was bawling their eyes out.
“Aww! I love you, Vin-…” You began to say while gushing at this sudden affection but he cut you off.
“Too bad you eat mayonnaise.” He abruptly said. You shouted for his name but he ended the call immediately, not wanting to get in trouble for exposing you. He burst out laughing at his silly attempt. Like a fucking middle school boy that joked in class even if his friends were the only ones that found it funny. In fairness though, his laughter is contagious because you couldn’t help but laugh as well, even if you were annoyed at him.
After a while, you arrived at Hype with middle eastern food for the both of you because you knew well that he hadn’t eaten yet and it was already 10:00 pm. Although you ate already, you were particularly craving some chicken shawarma, samosa, and flatbread. To be honest, it was more for you than for Vinnie.
You knocked on his door and he faintly said come in. He saw you and smiled widely but didn’t bother to stand up because he was still miraculously alive in Valorant. “Hello, my love.” You came up to him and hugged him sideways and kissed his temple, to which he leaned into.
“Hello, Y/n. Are you done with school works?” He looked up at you and asked as you nodded, his big doe eyes sparkling thanks to the bright screen. You started putting out the food you brought as both of your mouths watered.
“Chat we got middle eastern food!” He abruptly shouted which made you jump. He brushed your forearm in comfort because he knows how jumpy you always get and yet he still does it. It’s entertainment to him at this point.
He got up and got you a seat so you could eat together on camera. Your boyfriend was eating in between deaths while you were sitting back focusing on your shawarma. Vinnie couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at how focused you were on your food. “Look at how she’s eyeing that shit.” He said while looking at you through the monitor. That’s another thing he always does: just look at you while eating your food. It’s mesmerizing to him because you look at food with more love than when you look at him which is partially true.
“Mhmmmmm, yummy?” He said as you were about to take a mouthful. You stopped and glared at him.
“Yeah, it tastes better than you.” You smirked and he got caught off guard.
“Ayo! What the hell?” He asked in shock. You just slapped his arm and threw your head back in laughter.
“I’m kidding, babe. Both are delicious.” You said nonchalantly while biting into your food.
Vinnie shook his head in embarrassment from his suddenly confident girlfriend. “I apologize, she’s usually not like this.” He said in an English accent. You began to wonder why you said yes to your goofy boyfriend.
Another hour has gone by and the both of you were finished with your meal. You laid on his bed and pet Hera who was on your stomach. Vinnie glanced back at the both of you and adjusted his camera so chat could see your shenanigans. You noticed and carried Hera and walked towards him, using her paw to pat his head. He just broke into a smile and continued with his game. When she broke from your grasp, you sat beside him again.
“Yes, my love?” His head tilted to face you but he didn’t move his eyes away from the monitor.
“Do you want me to cook for you tomorrow? What do you want?”
“Hmmm let me think.”
“I can cook you chicken alfredo. You want that?” You asked while gently stroking his nape to relax him.
“Well… it’s-hmmm. No. You see, Y/n…” He started off and you visibly tensed up.
“You don’t like my cooking?” Your lips pouted as if you were gonna cry.
“No, baby. It’s not that.” He chuckled.
“Then what is it, Vinnie?” You asked warily. By now, your mood was shifting because of how sleepy you are.
“I like your cooking, it’s just that I would rather cook with you than you cook for me.” His words calmed you down.
“Oh. Okay! I guess that works too, bubby.” You stood up and kissed his cheek.
“Goodnight, Y/n/n! I love you.” He shouted out because he knew you slept at this time plus the fact that you were grumpy.
“Goodnight, Vin. I love you.” You trailed off while making yourself comfortable on his bed.
After a few more hours he was still streaming and his scream woke you up from when he lost at Valorant. “Vinnie!” You screamed and threw a pillow at him which hit his head.
“Oops, sorry baby girl.” His apology was useless because he did it again. You got up from the bed and dragged your feet towards him as you laid exactly on him to shut him up. You snuggled yourself closer to his neck while you were sideways, your back was supported by his right arm that was gripping the mouse.
“Okay, now I really can’t scream.” He chuckled and it vibrated through his chest which you were palming. You just hummed and gave a faint smile in response and fell right back to sleep.
“I meant what I said you know. I’ll marry you someday, Y/n. You’re too good for me sometimes but I’ll try every day to be deserving of it. Can’t believe you put up with a cornball like me.” He quietly said as he kissed your forehead.
“Simp.” You softly slapped his chest and snuggled a little more closer to him now completely falling asleep. His warmth and just him in general never failed to make you deeply fall asleep. His vanilla scent filled your nostrils as your breathing mimicked his steady one. Vinnie felt your body relax as he gently leaned his head on top of yours. He might sound like a broken record but he’s absolutely-head-over -heels-madly in love with you. He really wouldn’t have it any other way.
Author’s Note: this is so empty buy yay subathon fluff! Sorry if its mainly dialogue hehehe reqs r closed for now btw :( mwah
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asgardianangel · 2 years
Perfect One-Shot
Ignacio/Nacho x reader 
Warnings: Strong language, Verbally and emotionally abuse (not from Nacho), Violence, protective! Nacho, fluff with a tiny bit of angst  
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“You okay baby?” Ignacio asked noticing you staring at him under the moonlight in the comfort of his bed “Just admiring you Nachito” he huffed lightly at the nickname given to him by Lalo you loved teasing him with it. He then caressed your cheek lovingly. It reminded you of when you both first met. 
 It was at his Father Manuel’s automobile shop six months ago and it started off as one the worst days of your life because you were stuck in a toxic relationship with a man who wouldn’t let you go a day without being clutched in his jealous rage. Always criticising what you wore and the unwanted attention you got from men sometimes his own asshole friends. You just had enough at this point. 
As always, he wanted to upgrade his shitty Honda car that day in midst of another fury of an argument. You couldn’t even understand a single word he spouted as he was ranting that fast. 
Calling every insult under the sun you sat there in the passenger seat numb almost used to it. He ended it with a slam of the car door making you jump. Sighing in relief you sat up looking around to see him talking to an older man.  
Opening the door, you got yourself out after a little breather and single tear wipe. A group of men you assume mechanics made their way to the car. Saying a quick ‘hello’ to them you messaged your best friend telling her about today’s argument. 
“Are you okay?” An unfamiliar voice asked looking up you saw a rather handsome man. His hair was shaven and he carried a tough but friendly demeanour in his deep brown eyes as his face carried concern. 
“Yeah, I’m fine just relationship things I guess”. You brushed it off with a sniff. 
“I think the whole shop heard the way he spoke to you just now and I know it's none of my business but no man should ever speak to a woman like that.” You were grateful for him speaking against your ex’s behaviour when others would choose to ignore. You just needed an opportunity to escape the douchebag having no support other than your best friend f/n. Who would occasionally offer you place to sleep on some nights when things would get worse. 
“Thanks for your concern but I'm used to it by now.” You said looking to the ground but the man held your chin making you look at him. “He’s a cabron (asshole) and you have to get out of it before things become not only insults you understand?” 
You laugh a little at his insult but he was right. “It’s not as easy as it looks” You huffed. 
“You will find a way I promise my name is Ignacio by the way but my friends call me Nacho my father owns this shop” He pointed towards the older gentleman talking to your ex behind the till. 
“Nacho hm? I’m Y/N” You smile. Ignacio was about to continue the conversation when he heard his father call him. 
“I gotta go remember what I said” he reminded scratching the back of his neck. 
Watching as he walked back inside the shop feeling yourself blushing a little.  
‘What a nice and might I say very handsome man’ You thought to yourself almost dreamily. 
Abruptly snapping out of it you saw the face of the man you hate yourself for falling for storm over to you. 
“You think your so fucking sly, don’t you?” he spat with venom. You stood up a little crossing your arms so tired of it. 
“I don’t know what you are talking about Nathan”  
His face tenses with rage as he got all up your space 
“You're a little bitch do you know that? Flirting with every guy you fucking see even lowlife mechanics now” He accused viciously  
Looking down you fight against his insults by saying “I wasn’t flirting in fact everyone on this premises heard what an asshole you are to me” Looking up at him putting emphasis on your fire back.  
“What’s gotten into you huh?” He questioned like you were the stupid one. 
“What’s gotten into me?” You repeated. “You are the asshole bringing me down and causing arguments because you are so insecure, I can't even breathe in the same direction as other men let alone look”  
At this point he snapped at your words gripping your arm tightly you winced at the pain “I am so sick of your attitude you slut” He seethed.  
Looking at him dead in the eye you tried pulling out of his grip “let go Nathan! "You said loud enough for workers to stop what they were doing and watch the commotion. 
“I think we should go home now fuck this shop I'm not having you act like a slut here.” You looked over his shoulder to see Nacho who was wiping his hands on a cloth his eyes burning with anger at the scene. 
“I’m not going anywhere!” You yelled looking back at Nathan. 
His hand raised to a fist and you prepared to what you have been expecting for some time now. Closing your eyes expecting to feel the blow  
“HEY!” Nathan turned around and didn’t have time to react to Nacho’s fist meeting his face. 
He fell to the ground Nacho gazed at you with a smile wiping his hands together. His face turns serious staring at Nathan who was cleaned up his bloody nose with his trembling hand. Nacho grabbed him by the scruff of his jacket and slammed his shoe on his hand preventing him from moving. “If you ever touch her or even look at her ever again you will have me to deal with. Understand?” Nathan was too scared to speak you always knew he was a weak little boy inside. His shoe crushed his hand further “DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!” He yelled in his face. 
“Yes, I will not touch or look at her again” His voice trembled with fear. You felt like laughing a little seeing the man that made your life a living hell almost on the verge of tears. 
“Good. Now get the fuck off this property before I beat the living shit out of you” Nacho removed his shoe off his hand and whistled to a co-worker who gave him Nathan’s keys which Nacho threw on top of Nathan 
Scurrying like a mouse off the ground he got into his car and floored it leaving only dust behind. 
You gazed back at Nacho who held a smirk “Well he won't be bothering you anymore” he moved closer to you and started caressing your cheek. It’s been a long time since you felt affection “You, okay?” He asked. 
“Yeah, thank you Nacho” You smiled before placing a kiss to his cheek noticing a bit of blood on his knuckle “I wish I could repay you somehow but I'm not in the best place financially” 
Chuckling a little he shook his head slightly holding onto your hand “That's okay how about I take you out for a drink sometime” He suggested. 
Not giving it any thought, you agreed  
Time passed and you have never been so happy what a good boyfriend he truly made even after learning about his side ‘job’ it didn’t you away from him thinking of that saying ‘nobody is perfect’ but in the back your mind  
Nacho was... 
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
unwanted feelings
james potter x reader
description - You'd had a crush on James Potter for years and when he kisses Lily Evans in front of you, you are heart broken. Later you find that he didn't actually feel as you expected and he explains himself.
warnings - some angst, unsure reader, fem pronouns, self doubt, negative self talk, not eating for a day cause reader is avoiding someone
word count - 2800
A/N - so this one isn't my best work by far but i wrote it so looks like its getting posted. i don't know why all of my reader inserts lately are so fem and sort of bubbly, i guess it's sort of what i'm aiming for for myself right now but i'm sorry if it maybe isn't coming off as relatable.
Your throat tightened in anxiety as you watched James zoom around the pitch. He was reckless when he was playing quidditch and it was one of the things that made him great at the game and an excellent captain. It was also the thing that nearly gave you a heart attack every time you watched him play. You went to every one of his games and you always wore something of his with his colors when you were in the stands. You were stood up on your seat and a slightly bored looking Remus sat to your right, reading from a book you didn't recognize. You'd thought that Sirius playing would be enough to keep him interested but sports was just not something he enjoyed watching. You were usually that way as well but whenever James was playing, suddenly you were the most intent spectator in the stands.
You were more worried than you should have been. More worried than what was appropriate for a friend to be. That's what you were, friends. That had been reinforced many times by the shaggy haired boy and you tried desperately to get it through your head before you embarrassed yourself one of these days. Sometimes though, you just couldn't help it.
Really you might have thought he reciprocated if you didn't know any better. You often got comments on what an attractive couple you guys were but each time it was quickly corrected by James. Normally along the lines of 'Oh god no, we are just friends. Purely platonic' , sometimes followed by a shudder or a gag even. It upset you every time to no end but you played along. You rarely, if ever, contributed to the shooting down of any feelings but that was never noticed by the man you had feelings for.
You'd had a crush on him since you were probably in your second year and now you were coming to the middle of your seventh. There were a million times that you almost said something but every time there was a reminder that you were not the one he had eyes for. It usually took the shape of disgust at the thought of dating you or commentary as he pined over the Evans girl who you felt you could never compete with. How could you when she was just perfect. You saw her to the left of you as she stood in the stands as well and your hands shook with insecurity before looking back toward the game. Your heart raced nearly as quickly as James did around the pitch and you prayed that the snitch would be caught soon so that you could get rid of the stress surrounding you. You felt a hand on your right shoulder and you looked over to find Remus had stood and was looking at you caringly.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" He asked softly and you tried your very best to soften your gaze and calm your stance so you appeared less concerned with someone that you shouldn't have that much interest in in the first place.
"Of course I am. When am I not?" You smiled before looking out at the pitch.
"When youre watching the guy you're in love with play a dangerous game that you don't like." He stated simply in response to the question you meant to be rhetorical and your eyes widened.
"I don't know what youre talking about." You nearly whispered and Remus smiled.
"I'm not gonna tell anyone Y/N but its not exactly subtle. It probably doesn't help that I know the look on your face because it's how I feel too watching Sirius play." He was still smirking but your anxiety was far from eased.
"Oh god, does he know?" You asked scaredly, terrified that the answer would be yes and you would have to stop spending time with him.
"Shockingly, no." You sighed out in relief but Remus continued. "You should tell him though or else he might end up moving on."
"What do you mean? There's nothing for him to move on from. Everyone knows he's in love with Evans and he has made it pretty clear that he is opposed to being anything more than a friendly relationship with me." You choked out, struggling with the words leaving your lips but knowing them to be true.
"I mean he has a minor crush on Evans but it's nothing compared to the annoyingly huge crush he has on you. He's probably just overcompensating for the fact that he's insecure and doesn't want you to reject him."
"Why are you telling me this?" You asked sincerely. You were friends with Remus as you were with the rest of the marauders but it was nothing compared to the friendship they held within their group. You knew Remus was more loyal to James than to you so you couldn't understand why, if it was true, Remus would be telling you at all.
"Because he is trying desperately to move on seeing as he is under the impression that you aren't into him and I'd hate to see him throw something away that could be really good for him." Remus smiled gently and you looked at him gratefully.
"I really appreciate you telling me and all but I just don't think I can believe you. I can't even count how many times he has made a big show of not liking me. I love him too much to ruin what we have and I know that if I confessed and it went bad that I would lose him all together. I would rather have him in my life in a way that hurts than not have him in it at all." You stated sadly and Remus sighed but nodded in understanding.
"I get it but just know that I'm being honest and pretty soon he is going to give up on it. I just want to see you both happy but if its too big of a leap, I understand. That's exactly the excuse he tells the rest of us too."
Suddenly cheers erupted from the stands, cutting your conversation with Remus off as everyone ran to rush the pitch. The snitch had been caught and gryffindor won. You were excited for James but you were also a little terrified to walk onto the pitch to see him with the now conflicted thoughts running through your head. Your thoughts were stopped by the image in front of you which was causing the whole crowd to cheer. James had pulled Lily Evans into a kiss in his excitement and your heart stopped. You felt nausea rise in your throat and Remus caught your eye with a sympathetic look. You didn't look at him for longer than a second and you ran off the pitch with tears streaming down your face. You found your way up to your dorm, pushing yourself to get there quickly before the common room filled with students celebrating their victory. James was always one to love attention so he would be getting crazy after the game which he did just about every time they won.
When you made it to your bed, you hurried under the covers, throwing the shirt you were wearing which belonged to James onto the floor. You felt your heart clench at the despair you felt. You wanted to be upset at Remus for getting your hopes up but you knew he was sincere in his want to help. Still you felt that you would probably not be able to face James in the weeks to come. Maybe, given a little time, you could be around him and not be upset at the world for taking away your chance with him. As you laid in your bed, you stared at the ceiling. You felt tears streaming down your face and you grew angry at yourself. He didn't owe you anything, he wasn't into you. That wasn't his fault and it was so unfair of you to expect anything more from him when your feelings were not his responsibility.
You weren't sure how long you laid there but you could hear the party start and end in the common room. It must have been late. Sleep wouldnt come though, you could just feel your heart continue to break and you were stuck in a loop of self pity. You made the decision that the following days would be spent away from James if you could at all help it. That was probably what he wanted anyway and it was the only way that you would get over the pain you were feeling. At some point your roomates entered your dorm and sleep overtook you for a few restless hours.
When you woke up, the sun was barely on the rise. You hurried up and got dressed and ready. You were planning on getting to breakfast early to avoid running into any of the marauders. You found your plans were not going how you wanted when you entered the great hall to find a head of red hair next to a mop of black. Your throat tightened and you quickly moved to turn and head out of the great hall. You heard a familiar voice call your name but you rushed out before you could give it too much thought. You knew that if you let him try to convince you, you would end up having a very upsetting breakfast with your best friend and his new lover. You would rather avoid breakfast.
Throughout the day, avoiding James was proving to be harder than you had thought it would be. You had many of your classes with him and you even sat next to him in a few. He was insistently trying to get you to open up about why you were suddenly so closed off to him but you remained shut off, reassuring him that nothing was wrong and you were just a little tired from the game the day before. You avoided lunch for the same reason as you had avoided breakfast and you felt yourself starting to get a bit lightheaded. Your afternoon was spent avoiding James but soon he was preoccupied with Lily anyway.
You were hid in a corner of the library when a cough alerted you of someone's presence. You looked up to find the very eyes you hadn't wanted to see.
You pushed it down with a gulp and smiled a bit at him, trying desperately to keep the tears at bay but they were growing harder to hold back after keeping everything pent up all day. It probably didn't help that you were hungry and therefor a bit more emotional. You could feel the tears sitting in your eyes, waiting for something to go wrong so they had an excuse to escape you.
"I don't know what I did wrong." He mumbled while looking at the floor in front of you and you took a deep breath.
"There's nothing wrong James, I promise. It's just been a long day." You smiled and your heart picked up speed.
"Since when did we lie to each other?" He questioned and your heart stopped. You were left unsure how to respond.
"Since the truth would cause more damage than good." You spoke honestly. At this he looked up at you and your eyes met. A tear left you and James immediately moved to comfort you but you tried to move away, standing quickly to evade him. You regretted it as spots filled your vision, the lack of food catching up to you. You know that you turned a bit green for a moment because James looked slightly scared.
"Y/N I dont know whats wrong but you look like you should be getting to the hospital wing. You don't look well."
Before you could answer you felt your vision blacken and your legs give out before your consciousness left you completely.
When you woke up, you knew you were in the hospital wing. It smelled sterile and the bed was stiff underneath you. When you started to wake madam pomfrey came to check on you.
"You can't go around with an empty stomach like that again, do you hear me?" She scolded, though her eyes were soft. You nodded solemnly. "I was alerted that you hadn't been to the great hall to eat all day, you have to know that isn't good for you. I'm gonna have a prefect watch out for you the next couple days to make sure you're eating at meal times. Understood?" She asked again and once more you nodded before leaning back and sighing. You looked at your surroundings and were surprised to see the black haired boy next to your bed fast asleep. Your heart took off again and you felt trapped by your environment. As anxiety swirled around in your chest, James had woken up a bit.
"You're awake." James sighed, laced with relief. You still wouldn't make eye contact with him.  You felt the bed dip as he sat on it and you looked up to watch him put his head in his hands as he leaned over. You felt guilt fill your chest more than it already had from hating that you felt any claim over the man in front of you. You knew you were in the wrong and the last thing you wanted was to cause him any pain. "Remus talked to me." He almost whispered.
At that moment, you wished you could have apparated to anywhere else in the world. You looked back down at your lap and tears were once again brought to your eyes. You felt betrayal that Remus would reveal your feelings to James.
"I'm sorry." You apologized and you fiddled with your fingers.
"Why are you the one apologizing, I'm the one whos behaved poorly." He assures and you shake your head.
"That's not fair to yourself. You're allowed to want to be with whomever you want and my feelings should have no effect on that. You've made it clear for years that you weren't interested in me and it is my fault that I couldn't take a hint. I'm so sorry." You gushed out and tears started to fall from your eyes. You felt James get up from your bed and you prepared him to leave but instead you felt arms wrap around you and a kiss came to your head.
"Y/N I have had feelings for you for years. I was just always too scared for myself to even consider that you might feel the same." He whispered out but you felt only a different kind of pain. Even though he had now admitted his feelings, he was still dating Lily. Not you. Almost as if he could hear your thoughts he spoke quietly. "I broke it off with Evans." You pulled away immediately.
"What? Why would you do that?" You asked quickly and before he had a chance to answer you feared the worst. "Oh god is it because of me? James please dont let my feelings have any bearing on who you want to date, I can't stand the thought of being the reason you broke up. Even if we do have feelings for each other, you deserve a chance with Lily if that's what you want."
"It was mutual, actually. She understood that I had feelings for you and she said she had a crush on someone else. It just seemed like I had kissed her a bit rashly on the quidditch pitch and we agreed that we shouldn't have gotten together in the first place. It was only a day anyway." He reassured as he explained himself and you calmed a bit.
"So what does this mean." You got out, almost inaudibly.
"It means that, if you'll have me, I'd like to take you out on a date." He stated as if it were the simplest thing in the world and you almost couldn't believe your ears. Before you were even thinking you were nodding quickly, causing spots to once again fill your vision and James grabbed your shoulders to stabilize you before you both laughed. He pulled you by your shoulders toward him and he caught your lips in a kiss that somehow expressed all of the years of repressed feelings. When he pulled away he smiled at you and sat back on your bed. He spent the rest of the day with you in the hospital wing talking about all of the places he was going to take you in the coming weeks.
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
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I posted 30 times in 2022
That's 4 more posts than 2021!
30 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 27 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#netflix - 24 posts
#fyp - 23 posts
#writers on tumblr - 23 posts
#imagines - 23 posts
#writing - 22 posts
#short storys - 22 posts
#outer banks - 12 posts
#rafe cameron - 11 posts
#rafe fluff - 10 posts
#rafe smut - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 26 characters
#rafe cameron x kook!reader
My Top Posts in 2022:
I’m yours (w rafe Cameron)
Pairing- Rafe cmon x you
Summary- You and Rafe haven’t spoken in years. Now your left alone in a class room together. Can you rekindle your friendship, or better?
Series- Outer banks
Warning’s- alcohol abuse, derogatory terms said in a drunk state, kissing. Protective rafe❤️
We were best friends in middle school, used to go round each others houses and would piss off teachers together in year six. Then we got into upper school, we fell apart, nothing bad happened we just slowly but surely drifted. Until it got to a point when we wouldn’t even say hi in the halls.
We were in our last year and Rafe was popular now I just stuck with my three friends. Didn’t socialise with many other people and I hadn’t spoken to Rafe in what felt like decades.
And now we were alone in detention, the teacher had walked out for the bathroom and left me and Rafe to our own. “So What did you do” rafe asked me turning around. “Truancy” I voiced looking at my fingers. “Woah y/n, didn’t know you still had it in you” Rafe laughed intrigued. “I didn’t have any run in me for pe, so i didn’t go” I shrugged slightly.
“Mmm Fairs” Rafe got board of not getting any attention and looked forward. I looked up at him now. “You?” I asked shortly, that made him look my way. “Guess” Rafe smirked “huh… made a teacher cry” I half laughed enjoying talking to him again. “Pushed in the lunch que” he shrugged almost disappointed.
“How is your thing minor compared to mine, it’s you” I widened my eyes with a grin. Rafe shook his brown haired head at me chuckling “what’s that supposed to mean gorgeous?”. I rolled my eyes at the compliment looking at him I seriously “Rafe Cameron, have you not heard the storys?” His eyes now rolled.
“you should know better than to listen to rumours y/n” “I never said I believed them rafe”. His eyebrow shot up taken back “first girl to have said that” “I know you Cameron- the old you, but he’s there… deep down but there” I shrugged looking at my fingers again. “What you doing after this” he asked me with a neural face for once, no famous rafe grin. “Sleeping” I told him putting my elbows on the table and my face in my hands. “We should hang sometime, it’s been a while”
“Rafe i couldn’t do anything with you because you’d just be doing drugs” “no! No I swear no drugs not if your against it” he put his hands up swiftly. I did believe him. “My mates are going to pick me up then we’re going on tops boat”. my throat went dry. “You coming?” He raised his eyebrow at me “I swear I won’t leave your side” he stood up looking at the time. “…fine rafe” I started to gather up my books and he helped me, carrying a few himself. “It will be like old times” he smirked wondering out the class swerving the tables. What was I doing. Shit became real when I saw topper, kelce, Rick and Tony sitting outside in the car.
They started nudging each other when we walked down the path to them “Rafe i dont know about this” i hissed as my stomach knotted. “People make them out as bad guys but i wouldn’t have brought you if they were, I’ve got you” he nodded before we reached the black car. “Rafe pulling?” Topper winked with a hand on the wheel. “Shut up will you? I invited her” he pushed his friend through the window. “The more the merrier” Tony eyed me up and down in my little school skirt and top that had the first couple of buttons undone and my tie loose. Rafe watched him dangerously but I offered up a smile.
Tony’s smile was deep and he didn’t notice rafes daggers. Either that or he didn’t care. “Get in so we can leave this shit hole” kelce laughed in the schools direction while opening the back for me.“I’ll take your books, they’d fly everywhere back here” he took them and then offered a hand out so i could climb up “thank you” I chuckled taking a seat. It wasn’t a second untill rafe crashed in next to me. The car started moving a second after and I grabbed onto him not being prepared. Rafe laughed attaching to my wrist “you alright?”.
“Am I intruding?” “No one thinks that” he raised his eyebrows at me. “So you still as fun as middle school?” He asked me when I looked at the view of the sea. “Your type of fun has changed since year six rafe” i half laughed “not completely” he told me. The car came to a halt at tops house. He got out and came round squinting out to the sea “what the fuck- where’s the boat” he scoffed racking his brain. Tops mother opened the window of the kitchen from the house and called him. She always scared me, his mother was so stern.
Topper spoke to her for a minutes or two before returning while rolling his brown eyes. “My dad had a meeting and took the boat” he told us huffing. The three boys got out the car moaning “Rafe your the only other who has a boat, can we use yours?” Rick asked him with puppy dog eyes. “Out of commission currently, we’re having work done to it” Rafe shrugged. The boys rolled there necks in defeat. “We can use mine”. The words just tumbled out, I didn’t even think about it, the boys looked at me surprised “I didn’t know you had a boat” Tony looked at me excitedly. “It’s new” I shrugged not thinking it was a big deal.
“your parents won’t mind?” “There in England at the moment- on business” I shrugged my shoulders “shit- really” topper grinned at new opportunity “yeah, you know where I live” I nodded at the driving seat. “Yeah- of course sound, thanks y/n” topped bounced to his front seat. Rafe looked at me smiling, he licked his lips “what” “the rebel is still inside of you too” he told me. I pushed him gently to stop myself from laughing.
The car took off again and ended up at my house, me and topper didn’t live that far away from each other it was on the same road but at completely different ends. The road was quite long. He parked up and we all got out. “Do you remember where we kept our key?” I looked at rafe challenging him. He liked it i could see it in his eyes. Without saying anything he walked over to our hanging plant and took out the fake flowers holding up the gold key. We laughed together and I nodded to the front door for him to unlock it.
“I just need to grab the boat keys, make your self at home the- back door is over there if you want to check out the boat” I pointed leaving the boys in the hallway. But Rafe followed me. “glued to my hip huh” I giggled turning into my father office. “Don’t act like you don’t love it” he joked with me, I laughed shaking my head. “get over yourself” I said turning around having found the keys. Rafe was right behind me I almost slammed into him. We didn’t say anything just looked at each other “we should never have drifted” he whispered to me, our faces were not that far apart accept from the fact he was miles taller than me.
“It’s on us both” I told him swallowing “we missed out on so much time” he chewed his cheek. “Then we make up for it” I told him swinging the key with my finger. “Can I warn you first” he looked worried, “what’s up” “their going to- try their- twisted way of flirting with you- ignore them please, their twats” he told me fluffing with my hair now. “You said their not how people say they are” I folded my arms with a pout almost smiling “eh depends who you listen to, but I’m not going to stand for them doing nothing to you” “let them be I can handle my self” i clutched rafes hand for a second before making my way out.
The boys were already outside on the boat sitting on the sofas at the back. Rafe dragged his heels next to me “our saviour is back” topper yelled at us. “Uh huh” I laughed at him shaking my head. “You boat is well fancy” kelce looked up at me, he was sprawled out over the seats. “Well then I guess I shouldn’t be allowed to drive because I’ve only done it once”. Rafe chuckled behind me. “I’ll come help” “yeah me too” topper jumped up and started to climb the stairs to the wheel. Me and Rafe followed after him.
“Here” I threw the keys to topper and his eyes glowed when plugging them in. “Take it out often?” He asked starting up and steering it away from my house. “Um- I’ve been out on it twice my parents aren’t here much to show me how to use it”
“They still travel every three months?” Rafe asked me pulling a face “no- it’s every two now they open another branch somewhere” I shrugged rolling my eyes. I’d never been a fan of their job that’s why I was at rafes most of my childhood. “So what you two grew up together and then fell out and made up in detention?” Topper looked at me with a smirk in the mirror.
“No- no we never fell out” I jumped quickly, Rafe nodded his head agreeing. “Just drifted, but we can make up for lost time” Rafe qouted me and looked into my eyes. “If you play your cards right Cameron”. Topper laughed and I’m pretty sure rafe got a bit of a red tinge on his face. “He’s not used to having girls talk to him like that” topper explained in a hushed voice. “Im only joking, we have a lot of time to make up for huh”
Rafe nodded his head. “Well I’m glad rafe is going to have you around a lot” he winked at me. topper drove for most of it and then kelce swapped with him a little later on. Rafe wasn’t joking when he said he wouldn’t leave my side, not that I was complaining. we stopped the boat in the middle of nowhere particular. “Rafe come help me with something” I asked when we got to the bottom of the stairs. He nodded and kelce went to join the group. I took Rafe into the kitchen and opened one of the cupboards full of alcohol.
“There should be Pepsi in the fridge” I pointed him in the direction and took out two bottles of vodka. “On a Thursday night? Y/n you rebel” rafe giggled childishly. I found plastic cups too “score” I threw them at him. Rafe caught them wiggling his eyebrows. “Idiot” I laughed leaving the kitchen in a flash.
When I walked round to the sofas the boys all had hearts in there eyes glaring at my stash. “Christmas came early boys” Rafe put the coke down. He wrapped an arm round my waist when walking past to make sure I sat down with him. My heart did backflips.
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85 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Locked in
Y/n and theo get locked in a cupboard. They hate each other, well they put it off that way. but when he finds out she’s scared of small spaces something changes. He can’t pretend anymore.
Pairing: theo raeken x you
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- series: teen wolf
- warnings: kissing, main character has a fear of small spaces
“Can I do it with someone else” Theo rolled his eyes, complaining lowly to Scott. But he just raised his brow at the boy. “I can here you dumb ass!” You hinted from the sofa with a screwed up face. Theo turned to you and gave you a fake smiled not caring.
“No, I think you guys have something to chat about” “we have…! -nothing to chat about” you stood up calming down when you realised who you were talking to…your alpha.
“Y/n your gonna have to deal with it” Scott shrugged gently. Liam pulled me away while everyone was leaving your house after the meeting. “what is it with you and Theo?” He questioned quietly. “I just- nothing I just…” “you just what” Liam repeated slowly.
“I just don’t need anymore complications in this life” “complications?” “I don’t trust him enough” you apply. In truth you didn’t trust him. But it was for a completely different reason. You thought he was hot- too hot there was something strange about the boy.
“Y/n hurry up!” Theo shouted walking out the door in a rush. “And he’s annoying” your eyes rolled with annoyance. You left Liam standing there confused and wanting to know more.
You run out in to the road to get to his car not looking where your going as you looked back at Liam standing alone. “Y/N” theo practically screamed. From out of no where you were knocked on the ground and he was on top of you. For a few seconds you hesitate, looking around at what happened seeing the shiny blue car pass you with utter speed and noise. Red started up in your face.
“What the hell are you doing walking out in to a road!” Theo uproariously unloaded staring down with his handsome face, it distracted you. “You literally could have been killed!” “Are you listening?!” His eyes fluttered from disbelief. “You can get off of me now” you calmly told him looking up at his face immediately close. Theo stuttered and muttered some words that didn’t make sense before climbing off your body.
He didn’t bother helping you up just trudged over to his car across the road. “I- thank you Theo” you whispered getting in the other side finally making it to the car. “yeah- what ever” “no seriously- I’m human I could have died” You state looking at him. Theo didn’t reply, he hit the gas and the car started moving. The car Journey to the school was awkward and silent, you moved your lips to say something but nothing came to mind.
The night was dark and looking out side was the only pass of time. “You- cold?” Theo wondered asking me softly for a change. “no your fine” you replied looking at him again while he was half hanging out the window. It was such a Theo thing. Everytime we were in the car his car window was wide open and one hand was holding the roof. I don’t know what is was but it was just Theo’s thing.
“We’re here now” theo nodded toward the entrance. Swiftly he parked up and you both got out. “What is it we need” theo asked me after breaking a window to go through. You watch as the glass noisily shattered across the floor next to your feet. “The triskelion that Derek hid in here” you told him climbing through with precautions. Theo put his hand out and hesitantly you took it, he pulled you through gently and let you jump down to him off the table.
Almost like a gentleman. “Thanks but i can really do it my self” you told him backing away feeling awkward that he was being nice for a change. What was with his mood swings.Theo’s face turned instantly and that was it for conversation until we reached a cupboard. “This one?” He asked not looking at me. “I don’t know do i- maybe”. Theo deeply inhaled bowing his head. “Alright maybe we do need to chat” he turned around starring me dead in the eyes.
“We do?” You asked raising your eyebrow. “Yeah, I mean don’t you wanna sort this out” “do you?” “I wanna know why you don’t trust me- I mean I know my back history but I’ve done everything possible to prove my self to you and your pack” “this could be happening while we’re looking I don’t need you to explain why you hate me…right now anyway” you pass the boy go to pull open the cupboard.
“Isn’t this what Scott wanted us to do?” He wondered before noticing It was locked. Theo discarded the conversation and pulled the handle once and broke the lock letting the door swung open. You check inside on tip toes from your position knowing you wouldn’t like it in there, after all it was quite small. You stepped in wearily checking the light but it wouldn’t turn on. So you resorted to your phone. You hear theo come in behind you and the space automatically gets smaller. Your chest starts to feel tight.
“You could try another cupboard” you stated in hope and out of disorientation. “are you okay? Your shaking y/n” “I’m fine!” You kind of shout but then a loud bang came from down the hall way. Theo looked out to see what it was just peeking but shot back in. “ berserkers” he whispered worriedly. “How many” “too many” he peered again while slowly closing the door.
“No theo don’t” you rush to the broken handle. “Are you crazy- you can’t go out there they will rip you to shreds” he hissed holding me back. Hands on my body like you’d never imagined, one on your hip and one on your back. Or maybe you had pictured it before. Focusing on that worked… for a couple of seconds “y/n what’s wrong!” Theo asked desperately demanding I tell him.
“I don’t- like small spaces” your eyes shut and head rested on his chest embarrassment flooded your cheeks. Flashbacks of being locked in a cupboard came back whipping my brain. “…Y/n listen to me, I don’t hate you- you frustrate me all the time but that’s because I won’t admit it- or maybe I frustrate my self with you”
“Admit what” you ask Turning away from him pacing and putting your hands through your hair breathing in and out. “Admit that I like you” he whispered in the corner not taking his gorgeous eyes off you for a split second. “What- I- i your just- why are you doing this now” “I’m distracting you with the truth” theo walked towards you “I’m distracting you” he repeated softly. His hands stroked your face and he gathered a grip.
His head dipped down towards you and the world did float away along with the pain of the room when your lips met. His hand softly cupped your face and ran through your silky hair when he pulled away. “Well I think I need more distracting” you told him smiling for the first time and not letting go of him. His hands pulled you up and your legs wrapped around his waist excitedly and your back hit the stone wall.
Your hands gripped his soft hair and you both were distracted… for a while. Eventually theo moved you both and you hit the stand with all the boxes making slight noise. “Something is poking me” you pull away for a second trying to grab it. Pulling it out eventually you held it up decoding what it was. “Huh” “what” theo whispered looking at you not the object.
“Found the Triskelion” you smiled bluntly. Theo dropped you on the floor carefully with smirking lips and tucking a bit of hair behind your ear then slowly marched over to the door. It wouldn’t open. “Theo please don’t say it” You started panicking again. The walls closed in. Your body slid down the pole as you sat on the cool dirty school floor.
“Y/n Im gonna get us out of here okay, just breath” “I can’t -breath” “you just have to focus- focus on one think like- like my voice” he suggested. “Then keep talking” you prompt. “You keep talking to me- you tell me why your scared of small spaces” theo asked.
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118 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
First impressions
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-pairing: Rafe Cameron and reader
-warnings: kissing, drinking, mentions of fighting and probably some swearing in there too.
-summery: you want rafe to create a good impression on your parents at midsummers, because you where both using it as your coming out party. But the whole night goes to shit and Rafe apologies to you for it. For the first time ever.
-series: outer banks xx
- requests are open <;3
“You sure your ready?” Rafe paused at a halt before we reached the stairs. His arm fell to my waist gently, as we stopped for me to breathe softly and nervously with my hand on my chest. “I’m fine I’m fine- tonight’s just important” my lips curved into a delicate smile when I looked into my boyfriends sparkling eyes. He looked so cute in his tux, matching them baby bules. “I know it is, our coming out party huh”
“yes, yes it is so please promise me no stupid shit rafe” I fluttered my eyes at him running my hands down his collar moving our body’s closer. “I promise, now are you going to introduce me to your parents”. Rafe waved past my instructions hardly listening to that part. I eyed him with seriousness, knowing how he was. “Because last time you promised me… you still went and did stupid shit”
“y/n I won’t mess this up, it’s midsummers” he caught my hand lifting it up to kiss while looking into my eyes. “So charming” “only for you” Rafe put his arm out to me and I grasped it feeling the nerves slip away. He made me feel safe he was the only person who could, right now as I snuggled into his arm I didn’t even need to try and put on a brave face.
I knew as soon as I walked in, on Rafe Camerons arm every girl in there would be jealous of me. And every boy would be jealous of Rafe. Every head would turn and every jaw would drop. “Y/n you look lovely” rose smiled rubbing my arm as we arrived in the club. “so do you I love your head piece!” I stared amazed, but not letting go of Rafe at all. “So this is your secret girlfriend then” ward smiled putting his hand out to me.
“She was never a secret I just wanted you to meet properly because… y/n is important to me” Even when Sarah came to hug me I used one hand and cozied back up to Rafe straight after. “Never thought I’d see my brother getting all mushy over a girl” she whispered to me grinning “ohh.. he’s not the only one” i grinned up at the boy who’d now turned red. “Well… welcome to the family y/n anyone who can make my son blush must be special” ward nodded making me feel more than comfortable.
The music stopped as I was about to reply, but that was our cue. Ward and rose walked out first, then Wheezie and Sarah. Behind everyone me and Rafe walked out arm in arm. I couldn’t help but smiled as we did. I noticed my parents in the corner, I told them that I was walking in with my boyfriend. I noticed as my mum threw her arms around my dad in happiness watching me walk down with the Cameron’s. “You alright” Rafe whispered to me.
“Never been better” I turned to him as we stopped walking “even with with all the eyes?” Rafe waved his hands in the air jokingly. “Yeah you where right by me… I was fine” Rafe slightly grinned catching a strand of my hair that had fallen. He gently tucked it behind my ear “I can’t believe how beautiful you look tonight”. My eyes drifted over to my parents who where watching us.
“My parents keep letting there eyes wonder to us… you ready?” Rafe opened his mouth to say something to me but topper and kelce jumped over “Rafe! Rafe you will not believe who just got here” “who” he raised his eye brow, looking around “maybank” kelce grinned with all his teeth “I don’t think he was invited” Rafe chuckled to himself spotting JJ in the crowd “Rafe” i hushed taking his hand. “We gotta go get him man” topper slammed his cup on the nearby table.
“Yeah- yeah” Rafe nodded before looking at my hand then up at my face. “I’ll be back give me a few minutes” he told me trying to pull away “Rafe don’t do this you promised- you made a promise to me” I hissed at him feeling my eyes fill. He’d tried to follow the boys but I’d clung on to his hand holding it into my chest. “What if my parents see you chasing him” “go distract them I’ll be back give me a few minutes” Rafe told me not giving in.
I let go. Giving up, I sighed shaking my head and leaving him to it “sorry y/n” topper shouted as they made a run for it “we will bring him back in one piece” kelce jumped about. Rafe didn’t look back at me, I think he knew if he did it wouldn’t end good. I was tired of this stuff happening, time and time again. I didn’t think I could face my parents like this I tried to blink away the tears and Sarah caught me.
“Hey hey! What’s wrong” her hands flew to my shoulders, she fluffed out my hair making it hard for people to see my crying. “I don’t wanna start bitching to you about your own Brother” I shook my head calming my self down “ugh Rafe are you serious, he’s not worth these tears he’s not worth you ruining your beautiful face y/n” “he’s just- he doesn’t think things through he just goes and dose them” I breathed frantically. “Guess you better come and drink with me then… get your mind off it”
We grinned at each other and found the bar inside the club. The drinks and shots came fast and so did the drunk feeling. All of a sudden we feel a stampede of people running through the club. I saw JJ and then half a second later I saw Rafe at the front of the group chasing him. My eyes widened “fuck!” I hissed as I saw them go outside. “Y/N” Sarah shouted after me as I ran through the doors behind them. Everyone outside was staring at the racket completely gobsmacked.
“Y/n! Get down here” my father ordered scowling at me. “Dad…” i shook my head coming down the steps “was that Rafe Cameron I saw chasing JJ maybank” “I-.” Stuttering not know what to say I looked at them both. “Why is he causing a scene here” my mum hushed to me “because- no he’s not I-.” “I’m not sure Rafe Cameron is the best option for you currently” my mother said rubbing my arm “mum… please this is just one bad thing don’t let it get to you” “it’s a pretty big thing”.
“I know you like the Cameron’s.. I know that” I looked at them both in my drunk state almost crying again. “Just give him a chance” “why are you sticking up for him… he’s chasing JJ you like JJ” my dad told me sighing “please just- I want to go home I don’t feel well” I held my spinning head. My father held me up while my mum checked my eyes and everything. “I’m not on drugs!” I pushed her hands away hissing at them.
“Fine, you can go home darling we will see you when we get in” my mother rubbed my hair. “Um…Don’t tell rafe I left” I told them making my eyes wonder to the floor. “I love you both thank you” I smiled fake, before walking away. I ran out of the club and got a taxi straight home. I didn’t want to think about rafe he’d ruined my night and my parents had there first impression of him now. Which is what I was afraid of.
I laid in my bed watching the time tick. It turned one and my parents still where not back. I heard a tap on my window. It could have been the tree but something felt different, I slid off my bed and walked to the window. To my surprise rafe was crouched on the window seal. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away “y/n! Please I just want to talk” he shouted desperately. “Please”. I walked back with my arms folded. “Why should I rafe, you never listen to me” I argued with him. “I know! I know I know… I didn’t realise how much it hurt you y/n”
Rafe looked guilty he did, he looked sorry. And he’d never apologised for this before. So I opened the window. “Of course it hurts me! I’m just trying to look out for you and you throw it back in my face” I raised my voice slightly and didn’t realise till the end. I put my hands up and turned to go over to my bed “I’m not arguing with you rafe just- I can’t do this” I shook my head. “Y/n listen to me hold up hold up… I’m sorry for tonight I really am I don’t want to make you cry ever”
“Woah I wasn’t- crying” “yeah Sarah actually tried to fight me because you where crying so yeah… I think you where”. I roll my over on my bed looking at the wall not saying anything. “Y/n I promise I’ll make this up to you and to your parents- I don’t want to break up y/n I don’t”. I turned around confused. “Who said anything about breaking up” I frowned with a muddled face. “You just said- you can’t do this” rafes voice cracked, it broke my heart.
“I meant the argument- not the relationship” I half laughed but lunged over to hug him. Rafe hugged me back and I heard him sniff. “Rafe are you crying” I whispered into his neck. “I love you y/n” he shook his head with a smile. My face shot back immediately “what did you just say” “I said I love you, I’m in love with you and I don’t want to break up” “I love you too rafe… and I don’t want to break up either” I pulled his neck down hurriedly like he was about to vanish.
He giggled a second then kissed me passionately back showing me he felt the same. “I know my promises don’t mean a lot to you right now but… I promise you I’ll sort out my shit for you” he told me seriously. I pulled the cover over so Rafe could get into the covers. “Will you stay?” “Your parents…I-?” “You will have to apologise to them in the morning I guess”. Rafe nodded holding his arms out, I folded my self in between them.
“Yes. I will” he whispered kissing my head.
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123 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
It’s been a few years.
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Paring/series - Damon Salvatore and you, the vampire diaries
Summary- you are badly wounded and have no other option than to go to the salvation mansion. Only thing is you have history with them boys. Especially Damon Salvatore. Did he miss you as much as you missed him?
Warnings- mention of blood and wounds, one kiss. One swear word🫢
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while GCSEs are happening! And I’ve had no ideassss…
I knocked on the Salvatore door with all force left before sliding down the oak leaving blood in a long pattern all the way to the floor. I gasped for breath several times but none came through my lungs.
What felt like hours later the door clicked open, an unfamiliar face appeared looking around and then her brown eyes fell upon my wounded body curled up on the door step.
“Is Damon in?” I choked out with the last of my strength.
The sweet girl scanned my body with worry and sadness then bending down to me after screaming Stefan’s name out. She pealed back the cloth off my biggest wound and her eyes widened.
“It’s okay- your going to be okay” she smiled comforting me, even though we’d never met and it was obvious she didn’t think that. Stefan hurried to the door searching for why the girl was distressed.
“Y/n?” He stuttered. Completely taken back by me being here.
“Help me bring her inside” she looked up at his shocked emerald eyes.
Stefan took a second to embrace the fact I’d turned up on his doorstep before scooping me in his arms like a spade with ease. I hadn’t seen the Salvatore’s In years. Years.
Stefan brought me up to a room and laid me on the bed “it’s a werewolf bite Stefan- she’s a vampire right?” The girl had her fingers in her mouth staring at the scene. At me.
“It’s okay we should have the cure downstairs, Elena watch her while I go and get some of Klaus’s blood” Stefan ordered though nicely. There was something between them even I could sense through all my pain.
The way they moved, spoke.
Elena took a seat next to me and clasped my hand with Hers. “Nice to meet you y/n, I’m Elena Gilbert” she twinkled crossing her legs next to me and shaking her gorgeous brown hair out her eyes.
Stefan rushed down the stairs to find the cure in the millions of boxes in the basement but the boys were all out of Klaus’s blood. Stefan started to sweat not knowing what to do.
He climbed back up into the living room in time to watch Damon walking into the house through the front door holding a white car-board box.
“Damon… your back” Stefan rubbed his eye.
“Looks like it” he yawned walking up to his brother. Eyeing his bloody hands. “Trouble in paradise?” He wiggled his eyebrows trying to be funny. “Also why’s there blood on our front door”
“Not that kind of trouble but something has just happened”
Damon stared back confused before opening the box and pulling out a blood bag. His face looked unfazed. “Am I gonna care?” He lifted up his brow sarcastically pulling the bag every way to open it.
“Yes your going to care a lot- y/n is here” Stefan whispered to his older brother.
Damon looked back at Stefan in an instant dropping the ruby red blood bag onto the floor of their living room after only taking a sip. He switched on his vamp hearing to find me and sped all the way to his room where I was laying. Dying. Before Stefan could even get another word in to explain.
He stood in the doorway making eye contact with me but not doing anything. He was frozen to the core. Shock. Fear. Regret. Sadness. Just some of the things he felt when he saw me there in pain.
“Damon…” Elena whispered. His eye contact with me didn’t switch but he did walk towards me.
“What are you doing here lamb” his face softened and he came over to the other side of the bed slowly.
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180 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Love at sea &lt;3
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Pairing- Rafe Cameron x you
Summary- Rafe is just your best friends annoying brother who’s always teasing you but your view of him is changed after you spend a whole day with him out at sea.
Warnings- kissing, mentions of sex and swearing.
Series-outer banks
“You don’t look happy” Sarah rolled her eyes walking down to me with a smile on her face “oh i am.. don’t be silly” I hugged her with a fake smile on my face. We’ve been planning this for almost a month now, me and Sarah’s family were going to an island off the shore of the outer banks and I couldn’t wait to go. but then rafes plans changed and now he was coming with us. He’s always annoying me saying snarky little comments having a joke with me but his jokes are not funny. Just teasing me all the time. I couldn’t even consecrate if Rafe was in the room.
I couldn’t deny that he was hot. Because he was but he was so annoying! “Then turn your frown upside down, this is gonna be well fun” Sarah took one of my bags for me and we walked towards the boat. “Morning y/n” ward smiled helping me with my suitcase “good morning” I smiled back, Sarah disappeared on to the boat and Rafe came out looking me up and down with a grin “though I heard your voice” he stepped off the boat coming over to me. “You sound like a stalker” my lips formed a sarcastic smile.
Rafe chuckled and ward did too. “No it’s just really annoying so it stands out” “well suck it up big boy because your suck with me for two days” I winked about to walk past him. “Rafe grab the cooler it’s in the living room” ward asked his son nodding towards the house. When he walked past me his hand tucked some hair behind my ear and he whispered “wanna call me big boy again so I can call you my good girl?”. My face burnt up red as Rafe left my heart pounding against my my chest. Rose opened the window and shouted out to me “hey y/n, sorry to ask but can you also tell Rafe to bring my phone it’s on the side”
“I… will get it” I wasn’t too sure if my legs were gonna work but I managed to get them to jog down to the house. Rafe had the cooler in his hands looking down at his phone. He giggled as soon as he saw me walk through the door putting it in his back pocket. “come to take me up on my offer?” “You wish” my eyes rolled resisting ten urges to see where this teasing could get me “last chance babe” he followed me into the kitchen to get roses phone “what do you get out of this?” I turned asking him “a laugh” Rafe shrugged still staring at me. “I can’t believe I have to spend two days with you, who ever made you change your plans I hate them” “and what if it was you?” He asked as I walked past him.
I looked back at the man leaning against the wall, he licked his lips before standing up and swaying over to me “what are you talking about” my eyes narrowed “I heard you were coming along and changed the plans” “why” I took a step back expecting an answer. Rafe obviously didn’t give me one “let’s get going, places to go people to see” “questions to answer” I yelled after him. “Did I tell you you look hot today?” He waited at the door for me so he could lock it. “Your so full of shit” I rolled my eyes walking straight past him. Yet again.
A few minutes later we set off, I was no stranger to Sarah’s huge boat we often went on trips we were really close and I was close with her family too, I practically grew up with them but Rafe hardly spoke to me until this year. We stood up at the top talking and laughing for ages “I’m just going to the bathroom give me a sec” Sarah told me “actually I was gonna ask if you girls wanted to give it a go steering the boat” Rafe said from the steering wheel. “Yeah! You teach y/n till I’m back” Sarah nodded to me before running down the stairs. “Coming down or what?” Rafe smirked up at me.
“Are you still gonna be an ass or what” I clung on to the rail stepping down mimicking him. “That’s to be determined” rafe out his hand out “I can do it.. thanks” I reached the bottom sorting out my hair because of the wind, the steps down to the steering wheel didn’t have a rail and it seems I was scared of falling in to the sea, that was a problem. Rafe picked me up by my waist and put me down at the steering wheel. I slapped his hand off me staring at him “it would have taken you thirty years to get down them steps” Rafe took control of the wheel again looking out on to the sea.
“Beautiful thought isn’t it” I asked him, he turned around looking at me “yes she is” rafe looked me up and down then winked, I laughed slapping him again. “You trying this or what?” Rafe question nodding to the steering wheel “what if I crash the boat” “where?” He laughed looking out at the clear ocean “on- a shark or something” “your scared your gonna crash the boat… on a shark” Rafe lifted his eye brows up “or something” I reminded him “come here” his hand latched to my waist repeatedly and he pulled me in front of him holding my hands in place. His body right behind mine.
“Your not gonna crash” his stomach vibrated behind me with a laugh “so what were your original plans?” I asked him after a while of drowning in the awkward silence. “My plans was to go to tops party tonight and do lines and get drunk but I’d rather talk to you” “wow, choosing me over coke- I’m honoured” I rolled my eyes sarcastically. “Should be, I don’t even chose my hoes over coke” he whispered in my ear, I turned just my neck around looking at him. “Don’t think I’m gonna be one of them hoes Rafe” “I don’t want you to be one of my hoes” he told me seriously. “Then what do you want me to do?” I turned around to him with half a smile.
“What I want and reality are two different things” rafes eyes hit the floor. And that was the first time I’d had a talk with Rafe and he didn’t have one of his stupid hot smiles on his stupid hot face. He wasn’t joking here. “But- what do you want” my eyebrow raised but Sarah kinda ruined the moment when shouting up at us “hey y/n how you getting on?” “Terrible! Rafe is a shit teacher” I shouted back at her. Rafes grin came back again and he shook his head “you got banter huh” he asked stepping backwards. Sarah and wheezie came in to the cabin, “what you guys talking about” his little sister asked.
“Hoes” I answered for him “he’s a good teacher when it comes to hoes” Sarah rolled her eyes. We stayed a while longer Rafe taught them two to drive the boat, obviously not the same way he taught me. Though he did keep looking back at me every now and again. We made it to the island and Rafe stoped the boat before it really did crash. “Let’s go get changed” Sarah grabbed my hand whisking me away. We both put on our bikinis and when we got back up on top ward rose and wheezie were already in the water.. “Jump!” Wheezie shouted over at us “no way” I shook my head but Sarah jumped in screaming woohoo.
“Your really not gonna jump?” Rafe appeared with no top on and just his shorts. I almost passed out. “fucking hell Cameron” i smirked “could say the same thing but wouldn’t wanna boost your ego” “shame I really care about your opinion” I folded my arms “anyway I’m going to clime down, safely” “what if I can insure that you jumping in would be safe?” He raised his eyebrows “you can’t…” I was then lifted off the deck and pulled into rafes body with his muscular arms “dont you Dare! Rafe! No put me down” I clung on to his neck tightly making my self as small as possible “don’t you trust me?” He asked standing on the side. Before I could answer we were falling through the air then plunging deep to the clear bule water.
He kept his promise and didn’t let go of me making sure I was safe until we surfaced. “I’m gonna kill you!” I rubbed the water off my face, wrapping my arms around his neck again his still being on my waist. “Don’t lie that was fun” he laughed at me taking my hair out my face “a bit” I rolled my eyes with a smile. “Y/n, let’s check out the land” Sarah looked her brother up and down. I remembered where I was and took my hands off him pushing away “um, thanks” I turned away “oh and Rafe” I turned back around going back to him “you look kinda hot with your hair wet” I said quite hushed with a wink.
He giggled as I swam away towards the land following Sarah “what was that?” She looked at me quite seriously “what?” I asked confused “with Rafe… what was that whole- thing” “nothing… we’re just getting along” “your not fucking my brother are you?”. I choaked on my laugh, “what? Of course I’m not” “do you like him” sara folded her arms “do I have a crush on Rafe” I repeated for her, Sarah just stared at me “of course not” I pulled a face “well keep it that way yeah… I don’t want you involved with him he’s a dick head” she told me linking our arms.
We hung about on the little island for hours there was a forest which me and Sarah liked to sit In because of the shade. The water was so nice and ward had a barbecue that we ate later on in the day when It was becoming some what dark. “I just wanna say thanks for inviting me I’ve had- so much fun today” I smiled holding a marshmallow on the fire “your practically part of the family y/n” ward smiled shrugging “your like a sister to them three”. Rafes eyebrows flickered and head snapped up like he was disgusted. I side looked him and he quickly changed his face.
“We ran out of marshmallows and I’m tried so I think I’ll go bed” sarah stood up stretching. “I’ll come” wheezie took her sisters hand pulling her up “y/n you coming” “not yet, I’ll be up later” “okay” she smiled the two disappeared into the dark water. Rafe moved over once they where gone taking off his jumper and passing it to me. “I’m- fine” “your teeth chattering is distracting” he put it around me himself “it’s like a dress on me” I laughed softly zipping it up “you do look quite good in my clothes” he whispered so his parents didn’t hear. “Shut up” I laughed sitting down next to him putting my head on rafes shoulder.
“Your Hair smells salty” he told me laughing “you ruined it” I shook my head going to get up “no no” he said folding his arms around me pulling me back down. “Seriously what is going on with you two?” Rose asked from her husbands arms. “Nothing” I said really quickly looking up at them “mmh” ward laughed at us “we didn’t see what way you went if Sara asks” rose fluttered her eye at us. Rafe Chuckled when we looked at each other “come on”. My eyes went wide but I took his hand anyway, grabbing a flashlight. We both ran giggling in to the forest “Rafe it’s so dark” I stopped us after a while of walking.
“You scared y/l/n?” He grinned holding my waist “yeah…” I trailed off looking in to the distance “don’t be you’ve got me” he looked in to my eyes and with that I leant up on my tippy toes and kissed him. I couldn’t even blame my actions on something stupid like the alcohol it’s was just purely what I wanted. Rafe pulled away a few seconds later after kissing me back “did you just kiss me?” He asked confused. “Yea…” “why” “I dunno Rafe- something about today is just different between us- why’d you kiss me back” “because- I’ve wanted to do that for a while” “you… what?”
“It’s a long story- can I explain later?” “Well, what we gonna do in the meantime” he picked me up and my legs wrapped around his waist as I kissed him again. “I’m not gonna be one of your hoes Rafe” I told him “believe me y/n I’m not going to fuck you for the first time in the woods” “for the first time?” I questioned putting my hands through his hair. He formed a dangerous smile which excited me. “We should get back gorgeous” “let’s not be hasty” I smirked leaning back in. This kiss was different, out of all three this one was full of the most fire and passion. Both of us moving in sink faster and faster. It came to a close because it hadn’t, we would have fucked in the woods.
Rafe and I walked back to where the fire was, ward and rose had gone back to the boat now so it was just us. We laid down on the blankets, my head on his chest not really caring if they saw us any more “glad you cancelled your plans then?” “Very glad” he chuckled silently “same” I told him “yeah no chance you would have had as much fun with out me” “well I wouldn’t have burnt because no one would have ran away with my sun cream” I smiled reaching for his hand. “You also wouldn’t have learnt how to do a decent Marshmallow” “hey! mine were good” “yours were terrible” Rafe shook his head “we better go to the boat or imma fall asleep here”
I sat up looking at him chewing my lip “I’d rather fall asleep here with you then go up here and sleep on my memory-foam bed” he rolled his head over in my direction “so I’m better than coke and memory- foam I’m on a roll today”. Rafe laughed puting his arms out so I wouldn’t get up and go “your a such a softy” I smirked “I can be… I guess” he whispered and that was the last thing said before we drifted off. We both luckily woke up early so nobody saw us. Things were exactly the same in the morning flirting and in secret kissing. I was glad to know he didn’t just want me for sex. The boat journey back was quite quick actually, me and Sarah didn’t really leave each other’s sides.
We docked around 10am in a flash and everyone was carrying stuff off the ship “what now then?” Rafe blinked down at me I looked at him, “I don’t wanna go back to pretending i just see you as my sisters annoying friend” “what do you see me as” I wondered to him stacking some boxes “I dunno- the girl I’ve had a crush on for several months”. My head snapped looking at him “what…” “I like you y/n ain’t it obvious?! I thought teasing you was the best way to get your attention- if you think about it… it kind of worked” he half smiled. “Y/n say something” he sighed looking in to my blank face. “I left this port thinking you were the most annoying guy in the world- and I’ve come back head over heels for you”
Rafe fought back the smile on his face “dose that mean…” “I like you back Cameron” I rolled my eyes grabbing him my the T-shirt kissing him softly. them words made my heart skip a beat and I’m sure Rafe could feel it against his chest though still we tried getting closer to each other. “For a second I thought you were about to run away” he whispered “no” I laughed shaking my head close to his. “I really fucking like you back” I told him mirroring his bright smile.
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248 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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