#my dream bin pc I think
satansapostle6 · 10 months
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Josh Futturman has always had a crush on his beautiful coworker, the sharp, sexy scientist he thought he could only dream of talking to.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Sexual content.
Part One: Purple Orchids, Indian Food, and Chocolate
Josh Futturman always noticed her, every time she walked into a room. He knew that it was because he’d had a crush on her for as long as he’d worked at Kronish Labs, but he also felt that, regardless of how he, or anyone saw her, she was just inherently noticeable.
Her name, from what he knew, was Dr. Johansson, and although Josh hardly knew anything about her and had only spoken to her on a few occasions, never more than a couple of sentences, he still thought she was a total goddess.
Dr. Johansson was a scientist at Kronish Labs, the head of the research department. She worked right below Dr. Camillo, Elias Kronish’s right hand man, although, if you were to ask Josh, he could’ve sworn she herself should’ve been Kronish’s right hand man.
Every time Josh saw her, he wished he could’ve spoken to her; struck up a conversation, or paid her a compliment; anything. But Josh was more than aware that he was nothing more than a janitor at Kronish Labs; his job wasn’t even to cure herpes; it was to clean up after the people curing herpes.
That morning, not too long after his shift at the lab had started, Josh Futturman was gradually making his way up the building, emptying every garbage can in sight and cleaning up whatever needed to be cleaned. Truthfully, Josh couldn’t wait to get home and return to his video games. It was all he really thought about throughout his day at work.
He was only thinking of his PC at home as he entered Dr. Kronish’s office, where he and Dr. Camillo, along with one of the lower level scientists, were all deliberating. It was certainly a lot to take in.
“Dr. Camilo,” Elias Kronish said as calmly as he could. “I have told you, many times now, we will be going public with the research as planned.”
“But why?! Going public with that information is just going to cost us! We could make a fortune off of all of it!”
“As I have told you many times before, we are in the business of helping people, not just ourselves,” Kronish reminded him.
Josh awkwardly entered the room, cart behind him. “Sorry, Dr. Kronish, should I come back?”
He received two different answers.
“Yes, you idiot!” Stu Camillo shouted angrily.
“No, it’s quite alright,” Kronish smiled, speaking over his associate. “Thank you.”
“‘Course,” Josh nodded, cautiously entering the room to take out the garbage.
“Dr. Camillo. Need I remind you that… I’m sorry, what was your name again?” Kronish asked apologetically, seeming genuinely guilty.
“Futturman,” Josh replied, practically shocked that the founder of the company cared about his name.
“Thank you. Need I remind you that Mr. Futturman here works for me, just as you do. You do not have the right to address my employees on my behalf, and you most certainly do not have the right to berate them completely unprovoked!”
Josh silently gave the older man a thankful glance just as he left the room. As he tossed the small bag of garbage into the bin he carried around, he noticed a tall woman about to enter Kronish’s office.
“Hachi machi,” he blurted out, unable to stop himself.
“Oh. Sorry,” she said simply, backing up to allow Josh to pull the cart out.
He felt himself nearly choke on his words. It was Dr. Johansson, arguably the most beautiful woman in the building.
“I-It’s okay,” Josh stammered, barely pulling the cart out as he looked at her.
She looked perfect, as she always did. Her long, strawberry blonde hair was flawless, falling in soft ringlets that perfectly framed her face. And it was a beautiful face. It was striking how little makeup she actually wore; she had the features of a model.
It was no wonder she was constantly allowed to violate the office and lab dress codes. Mostly because of her talents and performance as head of the research department, Kronish hardly even noticed what she wore under her white lab coat. She could get away with a clubbing dress and a pair of stilettos if she felt like it.
Today, Josh noticed that she was wearing a nice black and purple dress with tall dark heels, the dark purple tone complimenting her strawberry blonde hair surprisingly well.
“Might not wanna go in there just yet,” Josh warned her shyly as she held in her hands a folder most likely meant for Kronish.
“Yeah… Dr. Camillo’s having one of his days,” he informed her.
“Is he? Well, I can handle Dr. Camillo,” she sighed unenthusiastically as she walked into the office.
Josh saw as Dr. Camillo’s head turned automatically, seeming much more excited about Dr. Johansson’s interruption than Josh’s.
“Sorry, Dr. Kronish, I just need you to sign off on these two,” she said politely as she held out the open folder.
“Yes, that’s right, of course. Thank you,” Kronish nodded as he quickly signed the forms.
Dr. Johansson nodded as she closed the folder and turned to leave.
“Hey, Brynne,” Camillo said, grinning like a child about to open a Christmas present.
“Dr. Camillo,” Brynne Johansson said curtly.
“You never responded to my invite, for my Christmas party next weekend,” he spoke up.
“That’s because I asked around and there is no Christmas party, Stu. If you ask me, the most realistic part of that plan is you throwing a party and no one showing up.”
Dr. Johansson left the office, and turned to find Josh, still looking in. He was mortified, realizing he’d been caught staring. But she didn’t seem to think anything of it.
“Does Dr. Camillo really hit on you like that?” he asked nervously, trying to salvage the interaction
“He tries to,” she nodded.
“Wow. My condolences,” he remarked humorously, still extremely nervous.
“Thanks,” she smiled dryly. “You have a good one… Futturman,” she said, reading off of his shirt before walking back to her own office.
Josh watched in disbelief as she walked away, shocked that she cared enough to learn his name. He was then interrupted by an angry Dr. Camillo, who practically pushed past him.
“Watch where you’re standing, janitor! If you were half as good at cleaning as you are lurking, you’d have a fucking award!”
Josh sighed in defeat as the man furiously pushed the janitorial cart away, creating even more work for him. He pulled it back towards him, just as Kronish also emerged from the office.
“I’m sorry, you’ll have to ignore him,” he apologized to Josh, who was surprised by the man’s kindness. “He’s a very angry man.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” Josh smiled lightly.
Dr. Kronish just chuckled.
“So. Dr. Johansson’s caught your eye, hmm?” he noted.
“Uh…” Josh had no idea how to respond. “She’s nice.”
“She is nice,” Elias Kronish nodded, hearing the subtext. “And also, very fond of orchids. Specifically the purple ones.”
“Oh,” Josh remarked, considering the idea.
“She also likes Indian food, and Ethiopian food, and raspberry iced tea, and chocolate, specifically those little Ferrero Rochers, if that’s an easier introduction,” his employer considered thoughtfully.
“Thank you, Dr. Kronish,” Josh smiled.
“Please. Call me ‘Elias’.”
“Thank you, Elias,” Josh corrected himself.
The older man smile had a strange twinkle to it, as if he just radiated kindness.
“What was your first name, again?”
“Josh,” he told him. “You seem to know a lot about her.”
“I’m the only one she likes enough to talk to,” he explained. “Brynne’s a lovely woman. Private, and snarky, but lovely.”
“I know,” Josh Futturman nodded, fully aware of how funny she could be.
“Good luck, Josh,” Elias Kronish smiled, leaving him to his own thoughts
Part Two
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duskymrel · 1 year
TWST characters as different people i've seen at school
yes most of this is slander
Riddle: The kid who treated being line leader as though he had just been elected President of the United States of America
Ace: Would stand up in class and shout "FOR KOBE" and throw a piece of paper at the trash bin. Would completely miss.
Cater: Filming a fucking TikTok dance in the middle of the school hallway during class transitions. Fucking MOVE, i got places to be. (I walk directly though their tiktok and ruin it)
Trey: That kid who's birthday you know by heart and eagerly await every year because he brings in the BEST desserts. The good kush.
Deuce: Says the stupidest shit in class unironically. Other guys are confused as to how this makes him more endearing but girls fawn all over him.
Azul: Passes by his crush (Jamil) in the hallway and thinks blud will stop and fall madly in love with him at first sight and will declare his love to Azul and it'll be something straight out of a teen girl movie. It ends up playing out exactly like this video: https://www.tiktok.com/@irljigsaw/video/7232906141385215274?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Floyd: Kid who only likes Chemistry because he's crazy excited about mixing chemicals and setting things on fire. Anything he makes in a lab he loudly comments on how badly he want's to take a bit fat slurp/bite out of it. (it's me i do this)
Jade: One of the mushroom core girlies. Wears mushroom jewelry, has mushrooms patterns on his clothes, draws them for art class, draws them on his notebooks and binders. It's almost obnoxious but he's forgiven by everyone because he's hot.
Leona: Literally doesn't give a shit about school. Shows up in pajama bottom's and takes the fattest nap right in the middle of Geometry.
Jack: The only nice guy on the football team, girls LUST for him ❤
Ruggie: The only class this kid liked was free and reduced lunch (real)
Kalim: Guy who refuses to eat school food. He's probably got the right idea, that nacho cheese sauce probably causes cancer. Brings the most banger lunches and makes people jealous. (Lunchables, the GOOD fruit gummies, chips, a cookie, and a Caprisun.)
Jamil: In classes where you're not allowed to eat, he's the kid who sits in the back and makes a 9 course Gordan Ramsay approved gourmet meal.
Idia: This was so easy this guy was the anime weebo who wore anime merch every day and sometimes even wore anime wigs to school. He won't admit it but he would Naruto run through the halls in middle school.
Ortho: The cute little innocent babey schnookums who the girls all doted on. Hurt him and you'll get jumped by every girl in the student body. Fuck around and find out type shit.
Vil: Bozo who would literally paint their nails in class and would be doing their eyeliner while the teacher was trying to explain mRNA.
Epel: YEEHAW REDNECK KID. you know who i mean. the one who wears a hat with the American flag on it every day and whenever the teacher tells them to take it off they go on a rant about how unpatriotic the teacher is.
Rook: The only kid who actually liked French class. Tries to rizz people up in the hallway and asks for their Snap but always fails. Maidenless behavior.
Malleus: The tall quiet emo kid who slumps in his chair on his phone, with the bottom resting on his belly. He looks like he's listening to edgy emo music but it's actually tooth rotting cheesy pop music
Lilia: The manic pixie dream girl who will spew the most wise sage advice when asked.
Sebek: Literally one of those girls who's attached to her boyfriend like a parasite. You cannot separate her. Overly loyal and won't stfu. Is like a mix between a golden retriever and a chihuahua.
Silver: I swear on my life he's one of the kids who's been adopted by his entire friendgroup. People love him he's just a likeable person. He makes a new friend and BOOM they've adopted him. You're my son now, boy.
@heartscrypt i thought specifically of you while writing Azuls
anyways all of these are people i've known i've got irl sources for this. no i won't apologize for all the slander because it's funny.
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What do you think about a potencial story of Vil dressing as a female and reader falling in love with said person not knowing Vil and her are one in the same? (Honestly this is a story idea from another account, hopefully from a past life of yours?)
Oh my. We have met in a past life, haven't we Alice? I bid you a good evening. You have tickled me pink... I actually have been working on it recently.
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This topic... Is very sensitive for me and how I view myself. I was so excited to eventually get around to it as a personal work. Naturally, this is a rough draft of what I plan to do. But I am still in love with the idea. I remember when I was first able to talk about it. Sitting on the carpet floor of a dark room, my PC sitting on a plastic bin, my keyboard on my knees as everyone kindly indulged me...
I want to fall in love with a gorgeous man, and a handsome woman. I want them to share the same body and say "I don't mind." ... Simply because I haven't heard it outside of a dream... It is extremely self indulgent... So I will take care to make this as dreamy as I can. Let's do our best again today Alice.
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Thrown Away
Thrown Away: The Lands of Rust and Dust, 9 Games, 2003
Have you ever had a dream that stuck with you as a feeling, but you couldn't actually say anything about it? I feel like that's what happened with Thrown Away - someone had a really, really atmospheric dream and needed to make a game about it. And I feel very confident that that dream came right after watching the movie 9.
Your characters in Thrown Away are constructions of discarded materials - basically anything you might find in the rubbish bin. String, rubber bands, scratched camera lenses, empty tin cans, all kinds of stuff. It's build on an expy of the One-Roll Engine, with its iconic "Roll 10 dice and get your character" approach.
Eight major NPCs are detailed, with names like "The Ogre" and "The Magician" and "The Combine". Each of them has an iconic personality and goal, and an approach like "enslave them to build my ziggurat" or "feed off their fear."
And unfortunately, that's it. There's about 200 words on each of the major NPCs. There's no description of how your characters should get together, why they should stay together... There's an implicit assumption that they'll be facing the major NPCs because those folks are all hostile to the rest of the world in one way or another. There are no defined roles for the PCs. There's no implied setting buried in the character abilities. No one needs anything in order to survive, and there's no indication of why anyone would even stay anywhere near the major NPCs because there's no world described. You can't sink your teeth into vapor.
The art is also atmosphere with no substance. You'd think someone would have actually drawn some of the very cool-sounding PCs, but nope. It's abstract landscapes with indistinct shapes in the distance and one or two major features. If it wasn't for the fact that it's from 2003 I would think it might be early AI stuff.
Despite their name, 9 Games had one game and it was this one. They had an account on e23 but it's closed, and you can only find a couple hardcopies circulating on the con circuit.
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maximuswolf · 1 month
I can't throw out my CD-ROMS!
I can't throw out my CD-ROMS! I've managed to bin VHS tapes, Cassette's, Mindisks (...yeah), DVDs, CDs, I've even thinned out my books. But I don't want to throw out my old PC Games. I'm not sure what I think's going to happen? I'm not even sure I've got a CD/DVD drive anymore!?Mainly I think it was the added value which came with the game. I'm taking about posters, fliers, artwork - and most importantly the games manual.The concept of "world building" is understood by most, and also why it's important in creating investment into a game. With these old games I think I enjoyed the cross-discipline work that went into creating a games "package".Did anyone play the game "Weird Dreams"? It came along with a novella which did more for me than anything I've experienced since, I was properly invested in that game!Does anyone else have any fond memories of tangible game ownership?(Incidentally, I just found out Weird Dreams is in Steam shop!! Excited!! 😆) Submitted August 15, 2024 at 08:11AM by ComprehensiveCutn https://ift.tt/DLKOp9Q via /r/gaming
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judemabon · 11 months
Creating an Online Presence
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How do I make an online presence?
What might seem like a simple question has been asked, and answered by thousands, probably millions of would be influencers, marketing experts and "E-Celebrities" and still no one has came up with a foolproof answer. It all depends on what sort of online presence you are looking for, as an aspiring Game Developer I will be trying to get my name "out there" to as many would-be Employers, Coworkers and (hopefully one day) Investors as possible. For some of my Hobbies, such as painting Miniatures, Building Lego and Making music, I've posted my progress, things I'm proud of, and things i know i need to work on, to a community of likeminded social media users to give me feedback, criticisms and just to enjoy. I plan on doing the same thing with my Video Game journey, Posting all my Progress from my first "Proper" try at a video game in 1st year of Uni, the hundreds of VERY amateur sketches I've made while coming up with game concepts, to the Games I'm actually proud of.
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(Pictured above, some of my aforementioned Warhammer models)
Why would I make an online presence?
Like I mentioned in my last paragraph, mostly just to get my name out there. To show everyone I can what makes me special, what makes me so different to all these other Developers, and (most importantly) why they should hire ME. I've never been the most outspoken person in the world, so making a blog, showing people what I can do without even having to meet them (and risk making a fool of myself) first seems like a no brainer.
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(A very low-res first attempt at pixel art for my first attempt at a video game)
What Platforms Should I Use?
Another good question (Thanks Gavin) and a controversial one too. Most Social Media sites that people still use (RIP MySpace) have certain connotations that come with them, most of them negative, and that influences the type, and amount, of Industry members that use each website. From the stereotype that Facebook is for the older generations, and Instagram is for the younger generations, Tumblr is for the Artsy types, LinkedIn is for the Serious types, YouTube is somehow home to everyone, and god knows whats happening to X (formerly twitter) It seems if you want to reach the most people possible, you need to be open to posting to multiple sites. Before starting this blog, id never even opened the Tumblr website, and had only really heard about it from a couple old memes and YouTube videos (DashCon 2014?? too deep a cut??) Only to find out that its nothing like the picture id been painted, so I've learned already that I need to keep a very open mind. So far i have been posting on Instagram and Twitter since starting Secondary school, Facebook since i got invited to play Farmville by my Granny, LinkedIn since starting my part-time job hunt in 1st year of Uni, and YouTube since I got my first PC and thought I was fit to be the next member of FaZe, so I have my fair share of social media experience.
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(another, strangely low-res, Pixel art attempt, this time for a game me and a few classmates brainstormed concepts in summer 2022)
What Sets Me Apart From the Competition?
I think what sets me apart from the countless talented people in my industry is my passion for the things that i set my heart to, When i start a project, its all i can do, its all i think of, in my free time i'll be thinking of different ways to improve on my ideas, new concepts and ideas. When I was at work over the summer, i spent all my free time (and any time the place was empty enough) sketching out weapons, armour, locations, enemies and pretty much anything else that came to mind for the game i was working on over summer. It becomes almost an obsession, to the point where i was dreaming about medieval armour because i was so invested in the concept of the game. By the time Uni started back up again id filled up a sketchbook with ideas (and probably filled half my recycling bin with sub-par sketches.)
(a tiny error in the code of my first game)
-Jude Mabon
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eigerstendec · 1 year
Corpo Meeting
(context: Ed was the handler for the group of PCs. Here, he meets with Militech management, about the team's payment demands, after a harrowing job)
A handful of papers are laid down on the conference table… a glass of water is picked up, and put down… a handful of sips emptier… droplets of water streak down the inside of the glass… a bewildered set of female eyes looks up from the paperwork… 'Kiroshi (tm)' barely visible on the irises. "I'm not believing what I'm reading here… this isn't a payment request, this is a list of demands… from a group of freelancers who want to extort us. What do you think James?"
An executive, with his hands folded in front of his face - one metal, one flesh - index fingers vertical, together, against his lips, levels a gaze at the woman…
"I'm with you on this one. For the moment, I'm speechless… in all my years of being an executive at this company, I've never seen a Payment Remit form come across this table with as much gall as this one. Miss Tanner brings up a very valid point, Ed… this team presents a list of payment items that are more along the lines of terrorist demands… looks at this list… LOOK AT IT!"
The voice becomes raised, and irate. The hands come down, and motion to the paperwork present on the table, in a rather hostile manner.
"This was a job, just like any other. Your team was chosen for their aptitude, and will be paid for their aptitude. They didn't do anything that any other team - " … the voice is interrupted.
"They KILLED Rache Bartmoss!!", yells Ed… as he slams a fist down on the table; with enough force to tear the RealSkinn on his left hand… a bit of blood seeps out.
"You sent this team in, without a hardcopy breifing, and asked them to bag the suspected team of Netrunners. They did that. the willingly went in… they didn't zero out because they had to think on their feet! They worked on the fly, and got you, not only the results you wanted… but the results you could only DREAM of!! What do you think would have happened if we had sent Blackhand's team in there? Morgan is loyal… but blood is thicker than money… we all know that. He's bled with Bartmoss before… he only bleeds for you because you pay him, and he's not going to throw his honor in the dust bin!!"
The female points a wickedly sharp finger at Ed… Carbo-Glass painted a devilish red protrudes from the end. Her glasses have slid down the bridge of her nose; and she speaks to him with a lowered gaze… shooting daggers over the top of her glasses.
"Don't bring Blackhand into this!! Don't divert the discussion with topics of your beloved Edgerunner altruism. You're in a corporate boardroom - ACT LIKE IT!! While it's true that we employ the Edgerunners for their honor - worth every Euro, I might add - that's NOT what this meeting is about! This meeting is about this completely asinine list of payment… demands… that your team has submitted. LOOK AT THIS LIST!! An Alpha Class Conversion - but NOT the transplant procedure!? Orbital SURGERY FACILITIES!? And this list of weapons!? We have LIGHT ARMORED COMPANIES that are less well equipped than whoever this person is that makes this kind of request!! You want Militech to release, to a private individual, armaments that certain COUNTRIES are denied!!?? Extractions!? Sure - we have an Extraction business - a very lucrative one I might add - what are these people planning that they need this kind of hardware for!? Are we going to be pulling these Edgerunners out of Arasaka's Tokyo Main in a month!? What are they planning with all this!? Thier permits ALONE will cost us ten thousand Euros to grease. This is outright extortion…"
"Anyone else…", says Ed; as he steels his gaze at the woman… looking down over his own glasses…
"Would have thought twice about killing Bartmoss, and we'd be in a shit-fuck predicament right now. You've got higher clearance than I do - BOTH of you. You've seen what Bartmoss has done… the outright THEFT and DAMAGE to Militech that's been perpetrated at his hands. Who KNOWS where that information went… all that info that was stolen from the Dataforts… who knows what Rache did with it all!! For all we know, it was all in his head - being saved for just the right time… and now… he's dead. One of the guys you had me sign on… a holdover from the Ocean War… he put three in Bartmoss without thinking. I made the call, and this guy acted with ZERO hesitation!! Isn't THAT the kind of "Consummate Professionals" you're always pining over?! Aren't THOSE the kind of people you want on your Operations!? Name me one other - JUST ONE OTHER - Freelancer that would have done that, and you can burn me right here!!"
Ed takes a seat and turns his ire towards the male executive….
"What KIND of people want this stuff!? The same KIND of people who have been funded by Militech's black budget for these past months… Did you think there's a SINGLE Edgerunner out there who doesn't know of Rache Bartmoss?! This team isn't stupid… they KNOW exactly what they did. They know the value that Bartmoss, flatlined, has to a Megacorporation like Militech. You're lucky the Ghostlord was even KILLED in the first place!! Last time I was in this building, Lansky, you were in Ops… now… because this team executed the mission you started the proposal on, and executed Rache Bartmoss… Yes, Lansky… they EXECUTED HIM! Because they did that, now YOU get a promotion, and you're calling me into this meeting to tell me that MY team is making too many demands?! If it weren't for MY TEAM, you'd still be doing followup paperwork on the Antarctica project! MY TEAM got you out of your "Ops Shithole", as you were so fond of calling it. They're the reason that when YOU punched in not 48 hours ago, you had a fat promotion, direct from Lundee, sitting on your desk! And MY TEAM is the ONLY reason that you're sitting in that chair right now… so don't you DARE raise your FRACKING VOICE AT ME AGAIN!! I WILL take you outside, and put you in the ICU of Night City Medical."
Ed settles himself back into his seat… having come to his feet during the tirade. As he does so, he withdraws the finger pointing at the man now identified as Lansky.
"He makes a valid point Mr. Lansky… you're here strictly as a "feet wet" training session. While you do have every executive right to fire Mister - " … her glance is drawn over to Ed abruptly. Ed has a scowl on his face, and is giving her the same look he just had, moments ago…
"…buuuut… I doubt that you would be able to make that firing stick, Mister Lansky… and it would be seen as a petty animosity. If you want to eliminate someone in a Megacorporation, as an Executive, Mister Lansky… you have to go about it in less than obvious methods. I digress…"
The woman looks squarely at Ed, and takes her glasses off… placing them on the table…
"Ed. May I call you Ed?"
Ed smiles.
"Ed, then. You are right. Blackhand wouldn't have done what your team did. While they would have performed in a less…violent manner… I see your point. I doubt that Morgan would have killed his friend. Honor is the bread and butter of the Edgerunner world… and once you throw that away, you're nothing… you're less than nothing. Blackhand would never kill a friend, unless that friend had betrayed him in some personal way. I cede your point. I also admire your tenacity, anger, and… well… brass. It takes a certain someone to come into a meeting like this and shout at Executives - no matter how new they are to the position. Unlike Mister Lansky, my tenure here at Militech goes back to adolescence… and I know that you're given considerable respect and regard in this Corporation for saving Donald's life."
She looks over at Lansky.
"THAT piece of information, Mister Lansky, does not leave this room… and I suggest oyu forget it right now."
Lansky nods.
"Forgetten, ma'am."
The woman addresses Ed once more.
"So… Ed. For the reasons you bring up, and for your personal service to this Company's CEO and President, I will approve these requests. I do not want to know of anything that happens as a result of these 'payments'…"
"It's a fair payment.", says Ed… "An Alpha Class model form a year ago? Some heavy weapons, sitting in a Militech warehouse in Vancouver… some time in a medical facility… all the rest… fair payment. Fair payment to a group of Edgerunners who just killed one of their Icons. Think about that for a bit, sometime."
With that… signatures are signed on the paperwork. The woman hands it over to Lansky… "Get these requests processed, please. Payments need to be remitted in a timely fashion; so cut the red tape with my signature."
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emiliemaria · 2 years
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vneuns · 3 years
build - a - bear
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pairing : irl!dream x gn!reader
warning : full on fluff
word count : 1k
a/n: ( decided to post a bit early ) this is for @mayasimagines 600 event!!! congrats on 600 love <33 ! this is the first event i’ve ever entered so i was kinda nervous but i hope everyone enjoys
Clay pressed a chaste kiss to the back of your hand as the two of you made your way to the food court before going downstairs. “So is it a Auntie Anne’s kind of day?” He questioned as the two of you turned the corner being met with the open area the smell of food invading your nostrils.
You nodded as the two of you made your way to the pretzel stall in the far right corner. “What’cha wanna do after?” You shrugged as the two of you got in line. “Need to go to bath and body works.” You told him as you pulled up your jeans a force of habit you tended to do randomly as you looked around the food court.
“I have to go to best buy, get a replacement cord for my Pc since patches decided she was gonna snack on it.” You couldn’t help but giggle as the two of you moved up being next. “My lil’ baby don’t be mad at her.” The blonde above you rolled his eyes as you pressed your body against his smiling at him.
“Thought I was your baby.” he faked a pout as he wrapped his hands around your waist. “You’re my second baby.” you lifted yourself up on your tippy toes as you pressed a kiss to his lips. He wiped his lips against his shoulder just as the two of you were ready to go up causing you to have to turn around.
“Can we get one Cinnamon sugar pretzel and then a cup of cinnamon sugar nuggets?” The boy behind the counter nodded reaching for the small medium cup on display, and then grabbing a piece of parchment paper grabbing a cinnamon pretzel from it’s spot in the back with the bigger pretzels. “Anything else?”
“And a Mango and strawberry lemonade.” He finished off the order grabbing his wallet from his back pocket to pay once the brown hair boy came back with your drink placing them on the counter and going to assist the next person in line.
You picked up your cup while Clay grabbed the drink and his pretzel. “Don’t think I’m just gonna forget about you wiping my kiss off.” You stated plainly taking a pretzel out of the cup and popping it in your mouth as you headed towards the elevator.
“You put my cat over me, what’d you expect?” You pressed the button to call the elevator watching as he took a sip of the lemonade in his hand. “I didn’t put her over youuu.” You joked getting in the empty elevator and hitting the second floor button.
“Yeah okay.” He rolled his eyes once more causing a smile to form on your face. Now it was your turn to wrap your arms around him watching as he took a bite of the pretzel. He moved the food in his mouth to the side, “What?”. You puckered your lips towards him signalling you wanted a kiss. Your boyfriend leaned down giving you a quick before taking another bite.
“Ohh cinnamony,” A laugh left his mouth as he watched you lick your lips and raise your eyebrows when you noticed his eyes trained on your lips.
The elevator dinged signaling you were at the second floor. Your arms unwrapped from around Clays stomach as you made your way out and to the build - a - bear workshop next to the Children's place. “Hey guys!” A woman who looked like she was in her mid-thirties greeted the two of you as you made your way inside the store.
You gave her a smile and a wave as you approached the bear station. “What about this one?” He pointed with his pinky at the blue and green turtle like unstuffed bears. “A bear not bulbasaur.” You told him sternly as you peaked into the lined up bins.
“How about this?” You picked up a tan fluffy bear showing it to the blond taking a small sip from the lemonade in his hand. “Whatever you want my love.” He told you as the two of you moved forward greeting the other woman at the stuffing station.
You handed her the bear as she pulled the hole over the pipe that stuffed the cotton into the empty bear. “How are you two love birds doing on this wonderful afternoon?” She smiled as she pressed down on the petal. “We are doing really good, thank you for asking.”
She pulled the bear off the pipe, it now being all stuffed. She reached for one of the red hearts next to her and handed it to you. “Okay and now we’re going to do the heart ceremony.”
After both agreeing to love the bear with all your heart she asked if you wanted to give your bear a smell and if you wanted to put a voice message in it. To which responded with of course.
“Now whenever you’re ready press the button on the side and let go when you’re finished.” You turned to Clay who was wiping his sugar dusted hands on the side of his jeans. “We’re gonna be like Rachel and Phoebe and do that thing like with their voicemail.”
He shook his head washing his throat down with some lemonade before handing over to you and allowing you to have a sip to get ready.
“ready?” he nodded.
The woman whose name tag you had read stated Loren smiled fondly at the two of you as she put the voice message box in the bear's paw before handing it to you and allowing the two of you to go pick out clothes for your bear.
“Ooh babe look at this.” You picked up the mini green hoodie from off the shelf. “She can be a mini you.”
“you’re a dumbass, you know that?”
You chuckled scrunching your nose at him. “Yeah but i’m your dumbass.”
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203y · 2 years
one of the very first 3D games i ever played on PC was Half-Life; one of the very first console games i ever played on my cousin’s xbox was Left 4 Dead; and THE very first game i ever bought for myself at a gamestop discount bin was The Orange Box for the 360. my very first experience with Team Fortress 2 was playing alone, exploring Dustbowl, Gorge, Gravel Pit and 2Fort, listening to GabeN in the developer commentary in an empty Hydro. i dont think i ever played with other players or even could, it seemed like nobody in the world was playing this game on console. eventually i learned why, discovering it was a port of a PC game so of course nobodys wasting their xbox live time playing
i made a steam account and installed it for the sole purpose of finally playing the Real Team Fortress 2 as soon as it became available for free on the platform in 2007. i remember the day i finally convinced the parents to give me money to put into my dumb steam wallet, just five dollars, so i could buy my very first crate keys AND more pressingly, unlock the ability to actually send and accept friend requests on steam. i had my first hats, my first non-stock weapons, and my first cohesive gaming and fandom community i ever dared to delve into fully. i played NOTHING but this game for years; breathed, thought and dreamed of nothing but TF2. i cant explain ENOUGH of how much it has impacted my entire being, shaped my humor, gave me inspiration to create, outright saved me from sinking irretrievably into the darkest recesses of my life. theres just simply never going to be another game quite like Team Fortress 2 in style, tone, or community, and calling it a deeply-revered cult classic feels like so much of an understatement its practically offensive. 
semi-recently i finally broke my 999 hours of total playtime into 1002.2. i want that number higher tho, thats still wee baby hours of playtime, i ought to be scratching 3000 or more by now!! overwank stole me away for an embarrassingly long time, so long it felt bizarre and alien to even move around in TF2 again. practice makes perfect, but admittedly its been getting a little hard to just dive into public servers like i used to. the user-made botocalypse is unbearable without friends, feel like pure shit just want her back x
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Desperate Dream
Drew McIntyre 
Be realistic.
Tags:  @blondekel77 @calwitch @chanelxberlinstark @briqueenofthenorth @fioportella @wrestlingfae @whocares006 @dancefaeirie @ramsaypants @alibob687 @lunarchaosqueen @keepyourdreamsalive @meremaidqueen @demonqueen29 @colbynatorsforlife
I’m back baby!... Kinda....
I turned in the bed again, waiting for an alarm I knew would come too soon. I felt the sick feeling of hollow rise in my chest, the crispy sheets felt too clean. Too cold. I open my eyes to the disgustingly bland room, who knows what hotel at this point. They all look the same. I turn to my phone, just as empty of notifications as I am of the will to rise and get the day started. The past few months would do that to anyone.
“God he drives me crazy.” I smile at Sasha. She winks and continues to scroll on her phone as Drew enters catering. While I was not the hottest star on the roster (being looks or with the audience) I always managed to keep a warm temperature around the Scottsman.
He walks with the kind of swagger you would expect from the current champion, despite him not currently having anything decorative adorning his waist. His usually unkept hair had been tied back as he picked an apple from the pile on the food table. At this point I felt myself heat in the cheeks, it would not look good to have someone like me staring at a man so openly. A married man. I frowned and picked at my now cool pasta in front of me.
Sasha leant across and caught my eye “You know… People are saying it’s not going well.” I raised an eyebrow at her. “Drew, I mean… He hasn’t gone back to Scotland, in maybe, months?” I blanked at this information. I had noticed Drew was around a lot more, I just guessed they were gearing up to finally give him a title and he needed to prove commitment. The company had always been a bit archaic like that. “Probably warming up for the title Sash, he’s getting awfully close.” I pulled the corner of my mouth down. It wasn’t like Sasha to encourage a friend into doing something bad; she was the voice of reason.
She leant back and said “I know, but...” she flipped up her phone and went back to scrolling “Management told everyone they’re free to proceed however they need to, Heyman said he’s stayed voluntarily. The call for Drew as next champ was made months ago.” Now this was new. Sasha herself was in contention for the
Raw title, it would make sense that she had this knowledge… But the idea that Drew would go months without going home hinted at something else. Superstars always went home when they could. I did occasionally, but I had no one to go back to. Didn’t sting to be away when no one noticed you were gone. I was snapped out of my musing by the rather handsome man. “Is this seat taken, ladies?” Sasha shook her head and gestured to the chair and I smiled at him, feeling heat rise in my cheeks again.
He sat fluidly and brought tonight’s matchlist in front of him, I hadn’t even seen him holding it. “Uh, hey Drew- do you know what-” I began nervously and he cut me off without even looking up “Four” I smiled tightly and looked back down. “I better get going” I rose and went to take the pasta to the bin. “God luck!” I turned to see Drew had looked up from the sheet and was smiling widely at me.
How did he know my name?
I rolled to one side of the bed and back again. The idea that soon I wouldn’t have anything but memories made me sad, so sad. But what could I expect? It was nothing more than I deserved.
Drew’s shoulder brushed mine in the small booth, we were both laughing at Bayley dragging a terrified Kevin Owens towards the dance floor. He leant back in his place while I went to grab a drink from the centre of the table. As I turned back to check where I was sitting I noticed where Drew’s eyes were. I sat back, coincidently my back was now near Drew’s outstretched arm over the booth.
I felt this sudden urge to lean into Drew, and the room got hotter. I heard him clear his throat. “You’ve been doing well lass, makin waves.” I turned to him as he spoke and raised my brows. While it was true, I was slowly making my way up the ranks, it was a shock that Drew paid any attention to it. We weren’t in the same groups of friends, it wasn’t common that people ventured past their immediate friends. “Well, I could say the same to you Mr Number One!” I smiled back to him, happy that my work had been recognised. He shook his head and smiled. My heart could’ve stopped right there and then.
I smiled at the mirror across from the bed, lost in the memory of the night. Remembered being so struck by his smile, the way his eyes crinkled and the blue hues in his irises seemed to jump. I could understand how so many of his fans had fallen for him so quickly. I had been all too keen to throw myself at his feet.
His tongue was hot and heavy against my throat, licking a trail from the base all the way to my ear. I couldn’t help but squirm, it felt so wrong to have such an exposed part of me clear with his mark. If someone walked past they could see the wet mess I had too quickly become at the short work Drew had made of me. His hands wound my waist and I found myself trembling, the sheer power of the man. Trying to get my own back, I snaked my hand into his hair and pulled sharply- in turn pulling him from my neck. Drew growled and pushed his hips into me, pushing me against the wall further. “Drew, room!” I managed to gasp at him, and we soon both fell through the door.
“Are you sure ya don’t wanna continue in the hall? I could take you right there, how many men would be jealous?” I hummed under his praise, really anything that came from his mouth I was here for. The door slammed shut and his ripped at my clothes, I was getting annoyed at how they clung to me. He grunted and one of the buttons on my shirt pinged across the room. We moved to the bed and he licked down my neck, biting at the base and pushing his hips into mine.
I gasped his name to the ceiling; my prayer was heard when Drew took the rest of his clothing off. I kissed his cheeks and his beard burned under my lips. I knew this was a lust fuelled night, but I would take the adoration and these moments to fuel the idea of an us later. He chuckled and his hands found my hips, pulling me to him before moving me further up the bed.
I scrambled backwards and stilled as arms landed either side of my head. I found his eyes and kept contact, winding my legs open and around his midsection. I wasn’t sure how long this would go, before he realised the mistake, before he became sober- before my head found it’s way back to being on top of my shoulders. I couldn’t stop now, not knowing full well I could have felt him.
We both stopped and he lowered his head slightly, lips brushing mine. “Are ya sure?” He whispered to me I nodded and again refused to blink, scared to break whatever this was. I was already too wet, too worked up from the idea. He slid in far too easily and I moaned at how filthy it was. “This all for me?” I nodded again and licked at his neck. I suppose I could at least act like just having his hands on me was enough to fuel orgasms later on. After a few strokes, I could hear myself along him and Drew was grunting. I couldn’t have this over so soon.
My hand snaked between us, I needed to hear him, needed him to use me. I needed to make this impossible to forget. He grinned at me, thinking I was going for my clit. I smirked back. “Ah fuck, yer fucking-” his neck strained as I used my index and middle finger around his cock to squeeze him as he pulled out. He strained and stuttered into me a few times and I felt him pulse. I began to rub my clit and used the moisture from his cock to assist me. Drew was whispering things in my ear that I couldn’t hear. He’s fucking me, this is really happening, Drew is splitting me open. I couldn’t hear anything past my thought. I panicked and arched off the bed, cumming so hard it might have actually been leaking from me. Drew was moaning and began to protest when I pushed him off of me. I turned on my knees, spread my legs and wagged at him.
“Fuck, that’s how I like it baby.”
I bit my lip as he slipped in again, and I knew from the tempo he wasn’t going to last for too long. I snuck my hand down again to squeeze him and he grunted, thoroughly shoving me through the bed as he came inside me. I squeezed around him and sighed.
I had been stupid. So unbelievably stupid that night. And the many nights that followed. Each time Drew knocked, I had been on my knees waiting for him. Work had been no different for us, no real interaction… But Jesus. After school curriculum would take all night learning how to make each other sing.
That didn’t stop the worst part. It was easy to ignore the guilt and feelings of pure loathing when we were in the act. But the nights where we wouldn’t be together, the nights I would go home, he had press… Or he went home… I didn’t eat, or maybe I ate too much… Or was it that I drunk too much? I couldn’t remember the last time we had been separated. My life outside work was being drained by a man that wouldn’t look twice at work.
Sasha had been the one to spot it. I no longer looked when Drew entered the room, I knew the head would be between my legs later that night. She only looked at me and dragged me to a closet in the stadium we were in that night. “Look, I don’t know and I don’t need to know. You need to get your head in the game. Whatever has happened or is happening, you need to stop this. I don’t remember the last time we hung, the last time you were at the PC...” She shrugged and looked away. “People are talking. Of course I’m defending you, but please know that this is not worth it.” I looked at her, for the first time. I nodded… “I’m sorry Sash.” I chocked the words out and she hugged me, letting my cry into her shoulder.
Where did I think this was going? That we would just start skipping through work holding hands? So I asked. I spoke, I asked him what we were doing. It was hopeless, he gave me a demonstration that ended the conversation before it even started.
It was getting closer, there was more talk backstage. Drew was going to take the championship and run the company for the red brand. I was happy for him but… I had a decision to make. I think I had already made it when I never actually had a conversation about what we were doing. There was still a ring on his finger at press. As it loomed closer, his wife came over to see it happen live. I couldn’t believe it when I saw her. Not that she shouldn’t be there, she had every right. It was me that didn’t deserve to be there. I looked at her, so beautiful with brown locks and a glow around her that a happy wife always has.
I didn’t sleep for two nights after.
I wasn’t sure how I could live with myself, for being so selfish. For believing rumours about someone’s marriage. Never going to the source.
Be realistic, be realistic. It was never going to happen, it was nothing more than sex when his wife wasn’t there. Be realistic.
Hunter was not overly against my leaving. I gave him reasons like not being on TV and taking spots for others that deserved it more. I knew he saw through it. But he at least respected me enough to pretend to believe it. Be realistic I whisper…
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tomtenadia · 4 years
Island Dreams - Chapter 17
Chapter 17 for you all.
It's finally moving in day and they have some fun and their relationships takes another step forward.
Rowan gets into an accident and he finds himself married :)
I hope you will enjoy this.
Moving day had arrived and gone. Aelin had been sad about leaving her house but the idea of living with Rowan was far more exciting. In the end they did manage to move everything on the Saturday. After Lysandra had gone back to London, Aelin had asked her to ship all of her boxes there and that felt like the final step. She was definitely not going back. This was it. This was her new life. Hopefully with Rowan in it. Moving boxed had been exhausting and now it was Sunday and she was staring at the mess that was her bedroom and was trying to decide where to start to tackle the indecent amount of boxes.
Luckily Rowan had solved the book problem for her. Her thirty five boxes of books had joined his extra book storage in the attic. He had joked that he might eventually turn the place in a library and Aelin had responded telling him that it was a brilliant idea. She was busy unpacking her clothes when Rowan’s head popped in her room announcing that lunch was ready. “You are wonderful.” She joined him in the kitchen isle and was ready to tuck in in another one of his wonderful meals. “Did your aunt teach you to cook?” “She did.” He answered without elaborating any further. He had briefly mentioned once that he had lost his parents but never expanded on the subject and she was not going to press him on a topic that was clearly going to cause him pain. She ate the food with a happy face and Rowan thought he would be happy to cook for her forever just to watch the smile of satisfaction painted on her face. After they polished their meal, Aelin offered to help clean. It seemed only fair. Once done she went back to her room and deal with the boxes that were still staring at her. All of her clothes were spread on the bed and she was trying to divide them into categories. At the bottom of a box she had also found a couple of her old scrubs and nostalgia had hit her hard. One box was full of knick knacks and she pushed it aside. Definitely low priority. One last box had pictures frames to be hanged on the walls. Most of them were of her and Lysandra but at the bottom she had found one of her and Chaol that had survived the purge. She threw the thing on the bed and went back to her mission: organise her wardrobe. A few hours later she was half way through her boxes and she had not noticed Rowan leaning against the door staring at her with a half smile. Aelin was sitting on the floor and seemed defeated. “Unpacking not going well?” “I hate it. I never realised how much stuff I had. When I packed everything I had Aedion and Lysandra and all we did was just dump stuff in boxes. They were trying to get me out of that house as soon as possible. Rowan sat on the edge of the bed. His eyes caught the photo abandoned on it. He took it “Is this him?” “We took that the night we got engaged. I have scrubs on because he proposed at the hospital where we met. That photo survived the purge. It needs to be destroyed.” Rowan noticed the pain in her eyes. No matter how much she hated her ex husband, he could tell that whatever they had it had mattered to her and she was still hurting about it. He put the photo down and noticed a black dress. He leaned forward and grabbed it out of curiosity. “I bought for a charity event. Wore it once and never had the chance to use it again.” She explained when she saw him staring at it in curiosity. In reality Rowan was imagining her in that dress. All of a sudden he was glad he was sitting down. Aelin saw his stare and grabbed the dress from his hands, a wicked smile on her face “Stay there,” she told him, leaving him alone in the bedroom. When she came back ten minutes later Rowan noticed her and almost had a heart attack. She was stunning. The dress hugged her curves perfectly, it had a cut on one side exposing her leg up to the knee. It was sleeveless and the top of the corset reached just under her collarbone. She turned around and showed him the whole thing and Aelin noticed desire burning in his eyes. “What do you think?” He took a step to her and his hands were on her waist “That I don’t want you to wear this dress outside. I want this view all for myself.” His voice was rough and a bit breathless. Aelin laughed and kissed him and Rowan pushed her against the wardrobe and pinned her there. Her hands went to his butt and pushed him closer to her body. His hand sneaked through the cut of the dress and cupped her butt and gasped when he realised she was not wearing anything underneath. “You will be the death of me.” He breathed against her neck where he was depositing hot kisses making her shiver. “Against a wall is another one of my fantasies…” she whispered in his ear and she felt his hand move in between her legs. “Good.” He added locking his mouth on her “it’s another one of my special skills.” Rowan deepened the kiss, her mouth opening to him. Her tongue gently brushing against his. His fingers slipped between her legs and gently brushed her sensitive spot. Aelin moaned and arched her back against him. Then all of a sudden the magic broke as he pulled away from her, kissed her forehead and walked away. Aelin’s growl of frustration was loud “Whitethorn!” Aelin shouted following to the living room “You can’t.” She groaned, frustration now rising high. What was his problem? “You always do that, you tease me, you get me all hot and then you leave.” Rowan gave her a tight smile and took a step closer, his mouth to her ear “So that when I can finally have you it will be amazing.” “And very short.” She lashed back “Because I will be so horny that I will have an orgasm at your first touch and it will last seconds.” Her eyes now fixed on his. “Who said that we can’t have a second a third and why not a fourth time? I have stamina.” Aelin growled and ran back to her room and slammed the door quite hard. She groaned for another few minutes while she changed back in her comfortable clothes. “Damn he is infuriating.” She threw the dress in one of the drawers and lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling. She wanted him so badly that she was sure she was going to combust very soon. She took a deep breath and then got up again and finished to tidy up everything. An hour later the boxes were finally gone and she had finished decorating it with her stuff and the pictures and eventually it started to feel like her place. She looked at the place and smiled happily at the final job. She picked up the flattened boxes and left the room. Rowan was in the living room reading a book on the sofa and she ignored him as she passed behind him and headed outside to bin the boxes. When she came back Rowan was looking at her. “All done?” She stormed to her bedroom and slammed the door again. Later on when she was sitting on her bed reading, she heard a knock on the door and Rowan’s voice telling her that dinner was ready. She gave in and joined him in the kitchen not without giving him a cold stare. “I am sorry,” he said. She sighed “it’s okay.” He gave offered her a plate with some food “I didn’t mean to piss you off this much.” “I am not.” He scoffed “Yes, you are.” She slammed the fork on the table “Fine. I am. I am, because damn it but I want you, okay? It’s been driving me nuts.” She finally let out her frustration “And I get it, we have a promise and I will wait but this is new. Chaol never made me feel like this. None of the guys before him did. You do. You set my body on fire with just a touch and all I want is for you to slam me against a wall and fuck me so hard that I forget my name.” “I am really good at that…” he smirked and Aelin’s heart lightened. She could not be mad at him. Not when he smiled at her like that. “Someone has a high opinion of himself.” “I definitely can make you forget your name. To be honest, I am positive I can do that just with a kiss.” He kept eating never averting his gaze from her. “You can do that by just be beside me sometimes.” She admitted. That’s how mad about him she was. “Dinner is lovely, by the way. Thank you.” She finally conceded. He smiled at her warmly. And like that their little fight was over. “So, what do you do in the evening?” “Read mostly. As you can see I don’t have a tv.” “I have a laptop with Netflix.” Explained Aelin and he looked at her with confusion. “Netflix is a website where you can watch movies and series. I pay a small amount every month. They add loads of content very regularly.” She took a bite of the chocolate cake she was sure came from his aunt. “We can watch something together.” “I guess we can do that.” “Perfect.”
After dinner Aelin had offered to clean up the kitchen since he had cooked. Once she was done she joined him in the living room and brought her laptop with her. She sat beside him, a blanket on their legs and the pc on it. She snuggled close and started browsing Netflix. “We can watch Brooklyn nine nine. It’s one of my favourites. It’s a bunch of detectives in New York. It’s hilarious but has some great storylines as well.” “We can watch something new. You don’t have to rewatch it just for me.” Aelin turned to him “I rewatch it regularly. I love it so much.” “Okay.” He said kissing her head. Ten minutes later she noticed that Rowan was actually quite involved “I like her.” He said pointing at Detective Santiago. “She is awesome.” “Those two are ending up together. I bet on it.” He commented pointing at Santiago and Peralta and Aelin squeezed his hand. “I like the new captain.” Aelin looked at him but his stare was fixed on the screen and she loved his relaxed face. Her hand caressed his hair and his eyes closed at the contact. Then trailed down and traced his ear and finally placed a very brief kiss on his neck. “She is hot. Santiago I mean.” And Aelin laughed. They binged watched the first season that Aelin decided to call it a night. She was tired from all the moving. “We can continue tomorrow.” He nodded happily. “Good night, my heart.” She said kissing him.
Their home arrangements slowly set into a regular rhythm and Aelin adapted to his way of living. She still felt like a guest and she wanted to make sure she was not disrupting his life too much. He would cook and she would clean the kitchen. She would help him with chores around the house. In their free time Rowan took upon him the task of teaching her to cook. They began with something very simple. Aelin was a quick learner and she also managed to prepare lunch a couple of times without burning down the house.
One night he was in bed and sleep was evading her. She tossed a few times and then her arm extended to the empty side of her bed. She sighed. Since she and Rowan had gotten back from their little holiday she had missed his presence at her side at night. His arms around her and his warmth. She closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep.. “Damn,” she groaned in frustration throwing the sheets at the bottom of the bed. She sat up and decided to get up. After pacing for a few minutes in her bedroom she walked out of the room and reached his. “Rowan?” “Are you okay?” He asked switching the light on and sitting up in his bed. His hair was tousled from sleep and she thought he looked sexy. “I can’t sleep.” She said not moving from her spot on the doorstep. She would not move until he gave her permission. “Come here.” He said patting the bed beside him. She smiled and joined him. He lay down again and she snuggled against him and smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her, one around her chest and the other lower around the waist. His head tucked in the crook of her neck. She turned to face him “Since our trip I miss not having you beside me at night.” “Do you now?” He huffed against her skin. Aelin nodded and squeezed closer. Gods it felt so good to be in his arms. Rowan sighed “Do you want to sleep with me?” Then he heard how his sentenced sounded like “I mean you can stay in my bed and sleep in here if you like it.” Aelin looked up at him and smiled “I’d love to.” A kiss on his nose “But I am leaving my stuff in my room. I can’t move my things again.” “It sounds like a plan.”
From that night Aelin had officially moved in his bedroom. She had finally started sleeping soundly again. They had added another milestone in their relationship.
It was of the weekly mornings when Rowan had gone to teach his swimming classes and she was in charge of the bookshop and she was loving it. Aelin looked at her watch for the billionth time in the past ten minutes. Rowan was late. He would always come back at the same time but that day he was late. Over an hour late now and panic began to settle in her. He hadn’t texted her and that was unusual as well. He had always texted even if he was going to be five minutes late to open the shop. Which he knew it was not going to be an issue since he had given her a set of keys a while ago. She paced and could not concentrate on anything. In the end she caved and phoned him. The phone rang a few times. She was about to hang up when he answered. “Rowan Whitethorn, were the fuck are you?” A woman’s voice replied at the other end and Aelin’s heart started racing. Why was another woman answering his phone? He would not cheat on her. “Hello?” Said the voice on the other side and Aelin woke up. “Yes, who are you? Where is Rowan?” “My name is Dr Jamieson. Are you a relative of Mr Whitethorn?” And she almost felt sick. She had done plenty of those phone calls to know that it was not a good sign. She sat down on the chair behind the counter and placed her free hand on her knee to stop it from shaking. “Mr Whitethorn has been admitted to the hospital following a car accident.” Aelin’s brain stopped working. She could not think and definitely she could not breath. “Is… he…” “We should discuss it here at the hospital. Are you a relative?” Aelin froze. She knew hospital policy and they were not allowed to disclose the situation of the patient to someone who was not family. And they weren’t and a roommate was not in the list of the people allowed. Fuck. Her brain was too shocked to think properly. “I am his wife.” Her mouth uttered and she froze “I am on my way there. Is he still in the A&E?” “He has been taken for a CT scan. When you arrive ask for me.” Aelin thanked the woman and took a deep breath and coerced her brain to start working again. Quickly she closed the shop and went back home to get her car. Within ten minutes she was at the hospital, dropped the car at the parking and ran as fast as she could to the A&E. At the reception she asked for Dr. Jamieson and to tell the woman that Mrs Whitethorn was here. She had to remember her act. Five minutes later the doctor arrived and shook her hand. “How is he? Can I see him? Is he out of the CT?” “Mrs Whitethorn, your husband will be back from the CT exam quite soon. He was involved in a frontal crash. The paramedics found him unconscious and his head took a hit. We believe it was from rebound from the seat belts. Very likely his head hit the window pretty hard, that’s why the CT scan. He has few bruises on his ribs and torso due to the seat belts. Nothing is broken but he will be sore for a while.” “Have you checked his abdomen for internal injuries? Are his legs fine?” Her A&E training kicked in and she went through all the possible injuries from such an accident. The woman in front of her looked at her with the type of look that Aelin used to give to family members that tried to tell her how to do her job. Aelin sighed “I am a cardio thoracic surgeon. I have worked in an A&E long enough and seen enough accidents…” “I had a feeling. You did not ask the usual questions family members ask.” The doctor gave her a faint smile “I guess he will be in his room by now. If the CT comes back clear you will be able to take him home tonight but he will need to be at rest for a while.” “Thank you.” The doctor accompanied her to his room and she stopped outside for a moment. She took a deep breath and finally opened the door of his room. A sigh of relief left her when she saw him awake. “Hey…” she ran to him and kissed him while tears ran down her cheeks. She had been terrified. He tried to hug her back but his body protested at the idea of him moving. “Don’t move. You bruised your chest and your ribs.” Then she looked at the cut on his head and noted that luckily was not deep enough to require stitches. Gently she kissed it “No stitches.” And she sat down on the bed beside him and took his hand in hers. Dr Jamieson entered the room while she was kissing his forehead. “Mrs Whitethorn, your husband’s CT is clear. He has a very mild concussion and might experience some headache. If…” “If he gets dizzy, has double vision, gets confused or struggles to stay awake bring him back to the A&E. I know the drill.” The woman smiled and nodded “I will have your discharge paper ready in an hour.” And she left and Rowan was staring at her with wide eyes. “I can explain,” she said knowing full well the reason of that stare “Hospital policy is that they can’t disclose information to non family members. So I had to lie. I couldn’t say I was your sister because well, it was not believable so… my only option was to say that I was your wife. I am sorry.” Rowan started laughing but he stopped when his ribs caused him pain “It’s fine, I think it’s cute.” “I think it’s the concussion speaking.” And she kissed him again “I was terrified.” She took a deep breath “although before that I was mad at you for being late and not telling me anything. Then I phoned you and a woman picked up. Until she told she was a doctor I thought you were cheating on me.” He leaned his forehead against hers “Never. I would never do such a horrible thing to you.” “We are going home soon, and once we do, you will have to listen to me.” He tried to reply but she put a finger on his lips “No. I don’t care. I am the doctor and you will do as I say. You will stay at home and rest. I will look after the bookshop. And this is not open for debate.” “Looks like I got myself a very stern wife.” He kissed her. “Jokes aside, how do you feel?” “A bit of a headache and very sore.” He leaned back on the pillow. “How did you get in an accident. You are such a careful driver.” He flinched “I left the school, at a roundabout an idiot with a van did not respect his turn and I drove straight into him. The car—” “Shh… we’ll deal with the car later.” An hour later the doctor came back with the discharge paper “I prescribed some painkillers. He will need rest. No work for at least three days.” “Thank you doctor.” And the woman left again. “Come, let’s get you back in your clothes.” Rowan pushed his legs off the bed and Aelin helped him remove his hospital gown. Of course he was naked under it and she almost gasped at his bare body. “Dear wife, never seen your husband naked?” He joked and she tried to keep her eyes up. As a doctor she had seen naked men plenty of times, but seeing him was different. “Ok, let’s try to put the t-shirt on. This may hurt.” And it did. Because of his bruises he was in pain and lifting his arms was not an easy task. “Slowly…” they finally managed and he decided to ignore the hoodie. It was not cold outside. Then she helped him with his underwear and trousers. He leaned against her and she tried to hide her massive blush when she caught a peek by mistake. Gods, the man was perfect. “How is your shoulder?” “It’s fine.” Aelin looked at him with the expression of a doctor who caught his patient lie. “Look.” He moved it in circles and she noticed that he was moving it easily and without discomfort. “If you are lying, your are dead, dear husband.” He kissed her “I love you, my dear wife.” Before heading home Aelin stopped at the pharmacy and got the medicines the doctor had prescribed. Once at home, she pushed Rowan to the bedroom. He protested saying that it was day and he could stay on the sofa but he discovered very quickly that Aelin in doctor mode was a bit of a despot. “Just for today. Tomorrow we’ll organise the living room so you can camp there during the day but today I am home and you will stay in bed.” “Fine.” He yielded. She went to his drawer and got some clean bed clothes. “Not again.” “You are not coming to bed with that t-shirt. First, there is blood on it. Second it’s dirty and I changed the sheets this morning.” “You are so mean.” He complained. Aelin grabbed a tube “wait.” She told him when she noticed he was about to try and put the t-shirt back on “This gel will help reduce the bruises and reduce the inflammation.” She spread a bit of the gel on his chest with circular motions being very careful not to cause any more pain. Once she was done she helped him put the t-shirt back on “We’ll put a bit more tonight before bed.” “I have my very own sexy personal nurse.” She grinned in response “Yes, and you’d better listen to her.” She helped him to get into bed and then left the room and came back with a glass of water and some pills “Take these, they will help the headache and reduce the pain in general.” Rowan followed orders and she then sat happily beside him on the bed. “Do you want me to get you a book?” Rowan shook his head “I don’t feel too great to read just now.” She caressed his head and kissed his forehead “just sleep a bit, then.” “We can watch one of your shows.” She grinned. Rowan did not have a tv but she had Netflix on her laptop so she had introduced him to some of her favourite series. At the moment they were to season two of Brooklyn nine nine and Rowan seemed to love it. “I’ll be back.” When she did she had a bed tray and her laptop. She made sure Rowan was comfortable and not in a position that would cause him pain. Then she placed the tray on the bed and her laptop on it. She put her pyjama on and snuggled under the blankets with him and curled up to his chest, and her arm around his waist. “Are you okay?” “Perfect.” He kissed the top of her head. “Are we continuing with Brooklyn nine nine?” He nodded and she started Netflix. A few hours later Aelin woke up and noticed they had both fallen asleep. She closed her laptop and placed on the floor on her side of her bed. Rowan woke in that instant. “Shhh go back to sleep.” She soothed. He lay down again and she snuggled against him. Her hand went gently on his chest and brushed it gently. She had been terrified when she was told he had been in an accident. Until she saw him in his room awake she could not push away the terror in her heart. She felt his heart beat steadily and she finally relaxed and eventually fell asleep as well.
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lottalucamotion · 4 years
Stex Appreciation Month day 31: Nit Picks and What You’d Change
*Cracks knuckles*
Once more this will be all text and no art since this is topic is probably better covered in words.
So basically I will be breaking down Stex into the way I would direct it if this was “Luca’s Starlight Express”. Some aspects will be full on changes, though most will just be a mix and match of aspects of different shows over the years that I liked.
So let’s begin this break down.
So first off I’ll talk about what seems to be wrong with Starlight and what the trends seem to show. I of course no nothing for sure, but this is just speculation based on rumors and little tidbits of information I’ve picked up on during my time in the fandom.
It seems like the biggest flaw that the show has is the lack of care, mainly by Andrew Lloyd Webber, for the show in general. While the show is heavily credited to have been created by ALW no doubt because he’s more the household name, Stillgoe is the one who really made Starlight what it is. Lloyd Webber was just reluctantly along for the ride. He was never fully on board with the idea of making Starlight a musical, and just intended for it to be a music collection for kids. It was to the point that ALW felt the need to put a disclaimer for critics saying that he didn’t really want to make it.
Starlight was always meant to be an audience entertainer, not a critic entertainer. From the minute it was conceived as a train musical on skates, it was damned to be crucified by critics, and well, the biggest issue with where it has ended up is the lack of acceptance to just let it be what it is.
This is not to say the show hasn’t always had some flaws. Where it seems to have always lacked is the story. It relied more on the spectical of being a series of being a roller skate show with music and races rather than a musical with a complex story and characters. Don’t get me wrong, this by no means implies the characters are not likable. The main cast has a lot of likable qualities even if they’re characterizations are fairly basic. In a sense this, give a chance for the audience to interpret the characters how they want. Though on the other hand it can also make the the main characters difficult to root for since their motivations are never really made clear.
In addition to that there are of course that matters of making certain characters out to be shallow stereotypes, and the critique that there is sexism in the story. Honestly, I think the poor direction in which the “fix” for the sexism critique is due to attention being paid too much to professional theatre critics who don’t actually want to give stex the time of day so they just say the story is sexist with no further elaboration, causing the direction to go blind into whatever the hell “I Need Me/Ich bin Ich” is.
Though not everything I would apply to my ideal stex is related to story. Most of it is just things are of no real consequence, just preference for this sequence or that song.
So now that this ramble is over, let’s actually get to the real meat of the matter.
I like the transition between the introduction of the nationals and Rolling Stock rather than starting with Rolling Stock.
I have a difficult time deciding whether Engine of Love should be Rusty’s intro or Call Me Rusty. I’m leaning more toward Engine of Love simply because I like that song more. Though putting in Engine of Love means that there won’t be any Whistled at Me variation. I would be okay with that even if I do love the pop version. Forgoing the “Dream Engine” plot point altogether honestly makes creating a more compelling characterization for Rusty and Pearl easy (Pearl’s dream train is a steam engine, and Rusty’s a steam engine so it just makes no sense why she would fall for and electric and diesel when she’s specifically looking for a steam engine).
So on that note let’s talk about what plot I have in mind for Rusty and Pearl. Pearl is a young excursion car who works around a lot of vintage engines for a luxury tourist line. Rusty and Pearl have known each other for a long time and promised each other that they would run their first race together.
While other engines are more inclined to be prejudiced toward steam engines, coaches find them quite romantic. However, Rusty’s physical state and the fact that he’s a switcher engine means that the coaches not only don’t believe he is capable of racing, but also believe it’s too dangerous for him. When Pearl agreed to race, she was not aware of how dangerous racing could be for Rusty.
Basically “Make Up My Heart” rewrite where Pearl makes the point that racing with Rusty could hurt him physically but she also doesn’t want to hurt his feelings.
It makes Pearl’s motives for leaving Rusty much less likely to be read as malicious, and makes more sense for their eventual romance.
As for Rusty, I prefer the writing going more toward how Rusty was originally written, more motivated to prove himself rather than racing to win over Pearl. Rusty’s reluctance to race coming from the fact that no one believes in him rather than just being rejected by Pearl. Obviously it stings the most coming from Pearl since the two of them were the closest, but she’s not the only factor. Maybe he even has thoughts that the coaches are right and he could get hurt.
Speaking of romances, let’s talk about Greaseball and Dinah. Dinah actions are likely the biggest sexism complaint source, and I won’t really deny that criticism. I get that we want everyone to get a happy ending at the end because that’s just the nature of this musical, it’s supposed to be light hearted and all. So if Greaseball and Dinah have to get together again, some justification should be given there, like implications that Greaseball and Dinah’s relationship beforehand is good and worth keeping even if just through the actors’ body language (like maybe Greaseball acting a bit more lovey-dovey toward Dinah in Pumping Iron rather than just having him treat her like all of the other coaches). Greaseball can still be a general asshole without being mean to Dinah. They can still have an argument about Greaseball’s cheating, but instead of having Dinah immediately backpedal to try to beg him out of leaving her, it should be an agreed action, where Dinah willingly leaves Greaseball as well as him leaving her. 
Greaseball should also at one point show some sign of remorse, maybe he notices her in U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D., watches her, thinks about it for a bit after she leaves, but shakes it off for the time being since he has a race to focus on.
Back on the subject of songs, for Lotta Locomotion, I’d love to see it with more subtle lyrics like “A Lotta Locomotion” but slap hard like “A Whole Lotta Locomotion”.
Bring back the original coaches. Yeah maybe Ashley is “outdated” and not PC but this is coming from the same people who put the confederate flag on the diesel gang and named the British Engine Brexit. I can’t fathom why they got rid of Buffy too?
I like all versions of ACDC and think what version would be best depends a lot on the voice of who’s playing Electra.
Red Caboose toaster hat edition - no Canoose. Also Killerwatt has no rights, I’d bring back the original components.
I actually really like the newer versions of the Rockies, I just don’t like the new Right Place Right time, the original version was the best in my opinion.
Even though I would include Caboose, I do like how Flat Top was given a more prominent story role without him, and would kind of like to emulate that.
Dustin should also be given more fleshing out in the first act, for example, having him sing “There’s Me”. While on one hand, having Caboose sing There’s Me gives more ways to think about his character, it just makes sense to give that comforting role to someone like Dustin (plus Dinah and Dustin being friends would just be the cutest shit ever).
Go back to the “Hey you” version of the Rap, none of this train Tinder bullshit we have now.
I usually hate the love songs in Stex but “I Do” is one of my favorite of all stex songs so that can stay as is.
Bring back No Comeback.
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zoh-gaeru · 5 years
i apologise if you get this ask a lot, but i really wanna know - how do you play these games, particularly lsd dream emulator?? it’s a game i’ve admired since i was super young, & i’ve always wanted to play it!! unfortunately, i’m not willing to spend like $400 on an actual copy of the game.. ;o; also, keep up the great work!! it makes me super happy to see ppl still talk abt the works of osamu sato.. yr blog is so lovely!! ;w;
Aw thank you for enjoying my blog!! I’m sorry I don’t update it much these days…
If you want to play LSD, I recommend downloading an emulator such as ePSXe (some of my friends would suggest Mednafen, but I don’t think that’s user-friendly). For the ROM itself, you can get the bin/cue files here: http://satoarchives.com/Archive/Games/(1998)%20LSD%20Dream%20Emulator/ISO/
The archives also have ROMs for the other PSX games, as well as PC games. For Eastern Mind, you’ll probably need DOSBox (you’ll need to find some guides to run it tho), and for Chu-Teng you’ll need Basilisk II.
This is an old guide for Eastern Mind, and the links might not work but it’s worth a shot if you have trouble with setting up DOSBox: https://easternmindtongnou.tumblr.com/howto
Follow Sean’s guide for Chu-Teng: https://hawaiisamurai.tumblr.com/post/54583988254/chu-teng-download-link
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lafactoriaweb9-blog · 4 years
Is Obesity More Prevalent In America Than European Countries? My Eye Test Says Yes!
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back-katalogue · 5 years
Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue
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"But Kat, this isn’t on your backlog list!” Yeah, well, I didn’t include my console games because I wanted to make it easier on myself, except then I ended up playing my console backlog anyway. I’ll adjust accordingly.
First, for those of you that have been sleeping under a rock since the turn of the millennium: Kingdom Hearts is a bizarre crossover between Disney and Square Enix, with an action RPG hack-and-slash style gameplay, which has become infamous for its increasingly convoluted narrative, bizarre naming conventions, having loads and loads of characters, lengthy diatribes on what it means to have a heart or to have memory or to be a person, and taking fourteen entire years between its second and third numbered titles.  
Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue is the last of the compilation collections released for the PlayStation 4, containing a HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (originally released for Nintendo 3DS in 2012), Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-, which is a follow-up to Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and a tech demo for the then-upcoming Kingdom Hearts III, and Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover, a feature-length film companion that details the background events of Kingdom Hearts χ, a now defunct-PC browser game that lives on as the mobile Kingdom Hearts Union χ. If you’re still with me after all of that then congratulations! 
I bought KHHDII.8FCP in 2018 and... didn’t play it until now, because life and Kingdom Hearts III got in the way. C’est la vie!
Dream Drop Distance is the first actual sequel to Kingdom Hearts II, which came out in 2005. Arguably, I think Kingdom Hearts Re:coded sits between II and 3D in terms of chronology, but in that one you revisit a bunch of KH1-era worlds in a datascape, and it serves mostly to inform Sora and co. that half of the characters in the above image exist and need rescuing. In Dream Drop Distance, you play as both Sora and Riku, as the two embark on their Mark of Mystery exam and travel to numerous sleeping worlds, including a Traverse Town populated by The World Ends With You characters, the Fantasia-inspired Symphony of Sorcery, and, perhaps most baffling of all, a Hunchback of Notre Dame world. Yes, that’s right! Judge Claude Frollo, one of Disney’s most complex and child unfriendly villains, is in this charming game! You’re also accompanied by Dream Eaters, who are both your allies (Spirits) and the game’s enemies (Nightmares), who you can create and train and raise to unlock abilities, commands, and act as your partners in combat. 
I’ve played 3D before and I still think it’s charming, although it’s a lot more fun to play on a console with a controller than it is on your handheld device. There aren’t as many changes between the original and the HD remaster, unlike the games in the 1.5 and 2.5 collections, so there isn’t much to comment on. I still feel like you need a guide to get a full understanding of Dream Eater mechanics, particularly with regards to recipes and dispositions, but I felt like I understood them better this time around. I will say that they had to change some of the mini games, and while they vastly improved the Candy Goggles, they made Water Barrel a little more frustrating, but it’s understandable due to the loss of the touch screen. 
A fragmentary passage is an entirely new experience for me, and chronicles Aqua’s time in the Realm of Darkness, following the end of Birth by Sleep. It’s very clearly a tech demo for KH3, given that it utilises the same engine and controls, but I love Aqua and I love to play as Aqua, so I wasn’t too mad about that. Your reward for completing objectives in this game is accessories, so you can stick cat ears or Minnie Mouse ears and a pair of wings on Aqua. I imagine it’s a little demeaning, given that she’s suffering from self-loathing and doubt throughout this game, but it’s amusing as a player. 
Fin or Bin: Well... I have finished 3D, although I’d like to get a few more achievements, tackle the secret boss, and craft the missing Dream Eaters that I need. I also need to finish A fragmentary passage, but I think I’m going to come back to that with a proper walkthrough. 
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