#my eating schedule... already not great but gonna look worse with this
autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Thinking about how I actually am going back to work and I'm not looking forward to it
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Tired of all the troubles
Jos Cleary-Lopez x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, chronic pain, mention of a past car accident, stress
“Tired of all the troubles, they've been wasting my time. I don't wanna fight, gonna leave it behind.”
— The Middle of Starting Over, Sabrina Carpenter
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After getting married, you and Jos had moved out of state getting a humble one-bedroom apartment in California. The weather there was way better for your pain from old injuries and other problems. So, when Jos brought it up, you agreed nearly immediately. Anyway, you two have been living here for close to three years now and you and Jos have made a pretty great life here together. Your own routines and traditions. Favourite places to see, places to eat at. Places to shop at, and everything else in between. On this particular morning however, despite the sunny forecast, you woke up in immense pain in the early hours of the day and fell back asleep instantly to avoid the impending problem. Well, that and the fact that it was barely 4:30 in the morning. Your plan proved successful when you peeled your eyes open and the clock showed 8:49am. Jos was stirring in her sleep next to you, but she doesn’t wake up. Instead, in her sleep— she reaches over to find you and wraps her arm around you. You groan, mentally cursing in your head.
‘Damn it! The weather’s fine, why is it acting up?’ You scolded yourself, feeling beyond annoyed.
“What’s wrong? Are you alright? You feeling sick?” Jos asks you sleepily, voice nearly a murmur.
Oh, so she was awake.
“No.” You answered curtly, exhaling forcefully through your nose.
“Do you think you’d want to sleep it off? Or should we do something?” She asks again, now more awake.
“Well, are you still tired?”
“No, I slept at like, 11 last night. You went to bed after midnight. I felt you getting into bed.” Jos answered.
“Yeah, oh.” Jos scoffed playfully, turning around from her position on her back to look at you. “Do you know what could’ve triggered this flare?”
“Nope,” You huffed, “I don’t. I didn’t do anything outside of my capabilities. The weather’s been fine, so I really don’t know.”
In your junior year of college, you and Jos got into a car accident that very unfortunately left you with chronic pain. Unlike for Jos, who recovered from it completely. You disliked the reliance you needed to have on her because of it, but you knew your wife would do everything she could to help you, just because she loves you. That the vows weren’t just vows. Jos meant it all, so did you. You felt okay with it eventually, letting go off your worries and letting her take care of you when needed.
“I have work today.”
“Call in sick.”
“Can’t, we’re understaffed.” You reply, turning around to lay on your stomach. This position always alleviated the ache somewhat.
“What time? 12?”
“Yeah.” You said, cheek smushed against the pillow, “I get off at 8.”
You laid in bed for another hour or so— actually nodding off. Then, you finally got out of bed and freshened up. When you got out to the kitchen, Jos’d already made breakfast. “Have some breakfast, take a painkiller. But until you have to leave for work, try not to do anything that’ll make the pain worse.”
“That’s all I’m trying to babe, all I’m trying to do.” You sat down in a chair at the table, “Wait— didn’t you have work?”
“Yesterday, at work, they said they needed me to clear off some leave days. So I decided to take the next two days off to start.”
“Yeah, well. You haven’t had off days in awhile.” You shrug, “You deserve it. Rest up, do whatever you want.”
“I will, babe. Don’t have to worry about me, I’ll be right there to pick you up from work tonight.”
“Aw.” You chuckled, “That’s nice.”
Unlike Jos who had a full-time job, you could only hold down a part-time one given how frequently your symptoms acted up. You hated it at first but eventually grew to love it, it allowed you more freedom in your schedule and allowed you to have your shifts covered by someone else when absolutely necessary.
After breakfast, you could only lounge on the couch. But you couldn’t exactly get comfortable, and you were started to get very annoyed by the fact, and yourself. God, you wanted to scream. About half an hour later, you gave up and went to take a shower. Jos watches you closely, worried, as usual on days like today. “Gonna shower, could not get comfy.” You replied curtly.
“Okay.” She hums.
Jos drops you off at work later that day. Saying bye to her, she smooches you on the cheek before you got out of the car, “I’ll meet you for your break if you want. Just call or text me, okay?”
“Alright.” You nod, gripping onto the strap of your crossbody bag. Jos reaches across the front seat to pull the door shut for you. “See you soon, honey.” She flashes you a smile. Then, she was off. You pushed the glass door open and stepped into the building. A cinema situated right by a noisy, noisy arcade.
“Hey!” Someone exclaimed, squinting to focus, you spot your favourite coworker.
“Hi, Amy.” You smiled slightly, walking past her into the break room to put away your bag and clock in.
“Thought you weren’t coming in today. You’re a little later than usual— not late, of course.” She says, “Are you okay?”
“Sure?” You shrug, adjusting your name tag.
“Oh, no.” Amy sighs, “Why did you come in then?”
“Because I need money?” You laughed.
“Ah! y/n.” Shit, your boss. “Been waiting for you. Could you make us some popcorn this afternoon? Our stock’s running a bit low.”
“How about I do that, and she takes the counter?” Amy quickly interjected.
“Hey, as long as all the duties are done, I don’t care who does it.” Your boss agreed, “Very well. y/n, you…don’t look so good.”
You chuckled awkwardly, telling him, “I’m fine, Joey.”
“Alright, if you say so.” He shrugs, walking back into his office, “Amy, do four bags of the salted and five for the sweet.”
You pulled a shocked face, glancing at her. Amy couldn’t care less about it, laughing— she was happy to just be away from the counter where she had to interact with a bunch of strangers for hours. “Eight bags?” You mouthed, “Damn.”
“I love doing this.” She says, “Don’t know why I keep getting put on the box office.”
“Good for you then.” You bit back a laugh, “How about this? If we happen to work on the same shift and I get put to do the popcorn, let me know if you wanna just swap?”
“Oh, definitely.” Amy agrees.
“y/n, Amy, you two need to cover the concession stand as well, Camila’s out.”
“I want two large popcorns, two diet cokes and three hotdogs.”
‘Okay. Hello to you too.’
“Hotdogs have a two to three minute waiting time. Would that be okay with you, sir?”
“Whatever, just make me the food.”
Biting back a scoff and an eye-roll, you told him his total amount due and he made payment. Then, he went off to the side to wait. While Amy heard the order and quickly served the popcorn, you went ahead and prepared the hotdogs then the drinks while they were still cooking. Once you handed his order off to him, you slipped away to the bathroom, seeing the time on the clock as you made your way to the back: 3:44pm.
Shutting the stall door, you sat on the seat, staring into space. You took what must’ve been about two minutes to calm down, though actually unsure if it even helped. Because right when you stepped back into your work station, you heard a gasp, a scream and a smack. Some high-schooler just spilled his drink all over the floor. “It’s not my fault! They didn’t put the lid on properly!”
“You were squeezing the cup, Dean. That’s on you.” A girl with him says with a scoff.
You took in a deep breath, turning back around to grab the mop and bucket to clean up the mess. “You want me to help?”
“No. Just focus on your popcorn.”
“I’ll be fine, I’m the pro at popcorn-making here.”
“No, I got it.” You told her again, quickly mopping it up and returning the equipment back to the bathroom. Without another word, the bunch of kids left, rushing to their show. No thank you, no sorry, no nothing. ‘Why are some people like this? Whatever, it’s just a job—’
“Alright, grouchy.” Amy teased,
“Yo, they pay you to work. Not stare into space.” You hear a guy’s voice beside you. Startled, you jumped. It was Joey. “You good? I’m gonna need you to cut these sheets into card sized pieces for our refund slips.”
“Why are you here then?” He asked, “Can’t have you passing out. Corporate would rather die than pay for an ambulance or deal with a workplace ‘incident’.” He was right. You knew companies usually avoided hiring people like you who would need a little more support at times. But somehow, you ran into Joey who was a few years older than you were. Someone whose mother dealt with similar issues due to the same reason. So he understood, he got that you had your bills to pay and that you didn’t want to completely rely on your partner,
“Wouldn’t want to leave Amy being the only one working this shift, huh?”
“You just answered your own question.” You said, taking the sheets of paper and locating the scissors.
“Things are slow right now, so sit down somewhere and do this if you need to.” He continues, “We have Tylenol if you need it,”
“Okay, and no thanks.”
“Alright, as long as you’re sure.” With that, he was back in his office again. While you went into the break room to bring a chair out. You sat in a corner behind the counter to carry out your task, while watching for any customers coming in.
You completed the task soon after, then Amy asked what time you wanted to go for your break. “You go first, then I’ll go.” You started, “You started your shift earlier than I did.”
“Okay.” She talks to you while wiping down the cleaned popcorn machine, “Do you want to get you your food?”
“It’s okay, thanks though.”
Once Amy was done cleaning up the machine, she leaves to go buy food leaving you in charge of just about everything here for a good forty-five minutes. Well, the upcoming showtimes were…okay. No more than a couple people per show. So, you were pretty confident you would be fine. Also, Joey came out from his office to assist once he saw customers queuing up, so you were glad you weren’t just left entirely alone. Once Amy’s break was over, it was your turn to go and eat. And since you’d already told Jos not to come down, you were on your own. While chatting with Jos on your phone. She sent you a picture of this new book she just bought, on her way home from dropping you off at work to let you know what she was up to currently. And you responded with a photo of yourself eating, then put your phone aside.
Though the aches and pains weren’t the worst you’ve experienced, you still could not wait to be home because every minor inconvenience seemed to be ticking you off.
Spotting Jos’ car outside waiting for you already, you quickly clocked-out and left after saying bye to Amy, not knowing where Joey was at. “Hey, babe.” She greets.
“Hi, Jos. You haven’t been waiting long, have you?”
“No, I just pulled up here like, 2 minutes ago.” She laughs. “You okay?”
“Fine, I guess. But the pain’s making me hate everything. Kids were yapping and screaming all over the place, spilling drinks and snacks, some people don’t say ‘thank you’ and I just wanted to scream, or zap them, but at least that’s over now.”
“Indeed it is.” Jos squeezes your thigh comfortingly, her hand stays there for the whole ride home. She even put on your favourite playlist.
Jos opened the door, holding it for you to enter first. “Thanks.” You told her, kicking off your shoes and taking off your socks. You then went to wash your hands and got changed into comfy clothes.
“I already made dinner so don’t worry about that, okay?” Jos poked her head in to talk, then waited for you to get dressed.
“M’kay.” You nodded softly, “Thanks for picking me up and for making dinner.” You pressed a kiss to her cheek and she smiles, kissing you back. “No problem at all.” She gives your shoulder a light squeeze then pulled out a chair for you. She made chicken and dumplings, one of your ultimate comfort foods. Which you greatly appreciated after a somewhat testing day at work.
Dinner was calm, amazing change after the chaos that was work. “You want something to drink? Wine?”
“Uh, no. I think I’m gonna take the meds so I’d better stay away from alcohol.”
“Okay, no problem.” She acknowledges, without hesitation she got up to get you the medication and a glass of water. Jos set those down in front of you then resumed eating. After dinner, you and Jos cuddled up on the couch watching some TV while you waited for the painkiller to take effect. It just felt good to have her hold you after being on your feet all day.
“You wanna head to bed? If not you can finish the movie, I’m gonna go get ready to turn in.” You ask, eyes looking up at her.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Jos agrees, turning the TV off, “C’mon.”
She helps you up off the couch and you two went to wash up. You crawled into bed first while she finished up her skincare routine.
“Babe? You wanna lay on your stomach? I could massage your back.”
“Okay.” You muttered and rolled over. You rested your head on folded arms while you allowed her to get started. Feeling her palms pressing down against the sore spots across your lower back brought you almost instant relief. Jos never fails to make it better, knowing just the right spots to work over, “Feel better?”
“Mhm.” You hummed in response, voice unclear as your eyes started to shut. “Thank you, baby.”
“No problem, honey.” She says with a smile, playfully giving your ass a squeeze, making you giggle.
“I love you.” You continued.
“I love you too, honey.” She whispered, “G’night.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
Okay it’s finally done after a whole chunk of it got deleted earlier😮‍💨
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matenrou-fan · 2 years
Random hypmic characters with overworked fem! s/o pt 2
comfort, cuddles, Jyuto being horny a little
Dice, Jyuto, Hitoya, Sasara
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-"Hey!! What's this long face about, huh??"
-He can immediately tell that you are not in the mood and really tired, and he's so so worried..!
-How can he not? He loves to messing with you, always spending his evenings in your house as you two play together
-"You look even worse than me when I almost win a big jackpot in pachinko but the last ball didn't enters into right hole..!!" - he sigh, then smirk and takes your hands in his own - "But it's mean today my turn to be a caring partner?"
-He spend so much time in your house so he know where laying all stuff that he need for cooking you a dinner. He also willing to help you clean your house, despite it's his last favorite thing in the whole world
-If you wants to vent about your work he's also here. Due to his vagrant life he can't fully understand why you worried about your work that much, but he still will listen and cheer you up..!
-"Here, here.. You're not working now, you here with me..! So come on, relax a little, okay?" - he pinch your cheek and giggle, as you two laying together in bed, cuddling - "I'll make sure that you will never be sad or tired of your work ever again, understand?!"
-He has so many free time so he would visit you during work hours just to check out your well-being and make you smile a little with his complaints about another jackpot that he lose
-"Someone is sure too quiet today, huh?"
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-His work also pretty hard so he can see when you feel the same, with such dim eyes and tired face
-So be ready for the whole evening of relaxation, cause Jyuto is really love to spoil you and also to spoil himself, and he will spare no expense to make you feel better
-"Mm? Don't worry about dinner, I already order something, darling.. What exactly? Hehe, it's surprise.. So come on, we have plenty time before delivery guy would come, we should take a bath to wash off all this stress.." - he gently hold your waist with his warm hand, smirking playfully - "Oh, of course we will take it together, darling, so we can help each other.."
-As you two sitting together with face masks, relaxing, he will listen to your complaints about work, giving you some advice and scolding a little for push yourself too much
-"If you will continue to ignore your health I will have to punish you, dear.." - he chuckle, noticing your blush, but then he get a little bit serious - "Take care of yourself, alright? Ain't any job worth it, you know?"
-Will take you in some spa salon in weekends so you will finally feel more fresh and rested
-"...Have troubles on work?"
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-He has a bad habit of overworking himself too so he's pretty annoyed that you let yourself do the same.. Aren't you see how tired he is in evenings? Wanna be like he?
-As he's also really exhausted he will just drag you to the bed, hugging you tightly as you two laying together, resting. Your hugs always makes him feel better so he wants to pay back and cuddle you a little
-"Sometimes hard work is a good thing, but you shouldn't push yourself so bad, okay?" - he mumble as you can see that behind his grumpy face he hiding care and worries about you - "I'm not gonna be that nice if you will do it again, you know?"
-He can be a great listener and advicer if you need one, always carefully listening to your problems. He might seem unbothered but actually he's already thinking how can he helps you with your schedule
-"I'll be pretty busy this week, so YOU would call me during your lunch breaks every day and tell me what exactly did you eat and if you let yourself rest, understand?" - his voice a little bit husky as he tie his tie early in the morning, looking at you with furrowed brows - "Don't ever try to slack off or tell me you don't want to distract me from work.."
-He also will try to spend his weekends with you, just to make sure you actually let yourself rest
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-"Oh, is my little sunshine is feeling bad today?"
-He get used that you're always smiling at him when you two meet after your work shift, he already make a few puns while he was waiting for you and just can't wait to tell you them but your sad and tired face makes his heart break
-So he would try to cheer you up with little things, like helping you change into comfy clothes. And then you can make dinner together!
-"Hey, hey, what cut of meat do you get from an extremely tired butcher?" - he giggles as he cut beef for dishes while you turning oven on. It's just so hard for him not to joke around when he see you sad, he just wants to make you smile - "A filet mid-yawn..!"
-Well of course if you feel dead tired he would be more quiet and caring, listening to your mumbles and giving you some advices as you laying on his laps with his hands in your hair, you feel goosebumps from his suddenly very soft touches
-He will try to turn into jokes your little stories about incidents on work, but he don't want you to feel as he didn't value your problems, he just wants you to not worried about this so much and look at things from another angle
-"Here.. what does a python drink to relax?" - he asks, holding you a cup of warm drink while you sitting together on a couch, cuddling "Gerbil tea...!"
-Despite his goofy behavior now he would be more careful, always asking you how was your day and if you push yourself too much again
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ragecndybars · 2 years
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
👀👀👀 Anon... I hope you knew what you were getting into when you asked this.
I already went on a rant about Akihiko, so here is my Minato Arisato, aka Makoto Yuki, aka Sakuya Shiomi if ya nasty, rant <3
He only says as many words/syllables as are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to get his basic point across. In general, he isn't a talker, but he isn't the type to say, for instance, "I'm getting a little tired, so I'm gonna head to bed," he's more of a "Tired. Night." type of guy.
We all know that he has that Resting 😐 Face. He has a really nice smile when it's genuine, but if he tries to force it just for the sake of appearances, it looks insanely strained and just... wrong 😅
He can be a real space case sometimes. Take your eyes off of him for too long and he'll drift into traffic or walk into a pole because he's not watching where he's going, he's either doing complex mental math to allocate time and determine his schedule for the next few weeks or he's rotating a 3D model of a snake in his head, and both activities take up the same amount of brain power (all of it).
Though he's hard to read and can come off as aloof, he's a genuinely great friend who's understanding, a great listener, and very attuned to other peoples' moods. But. And I cannot stress this enough. He is kind of a huge asshole sometimes.
Autistic king.
Big fan of music and also weapons. He owns a lot of CDs, including Lotus Juice's entire discography, and can play a fair number of musical instruments to some degree of proficiency, as well as knowing Fun Facts about many other instruments. He also knows Fun Facts about many types of weapons, not limited to just the types he's able to use.
Speaking of which, I've said this before, but I think his ability to use almost any weapon type isn't just because he has an interest in weapons, or because he just has Overpowered Protag Syndrome, but also because he very closely watches his party members' movements during battle and picks up on their technique. That's also why he can't use guns or knives -- the way Aigis and Koromaru use those weapons is unique to them, as a robot and dog, so he can't observe them to see how to use them himself. I think he does know how to do basic maintenance on Aigis's guns, though, since he's seen her dong that as well.
I've said this before as well, but I don't think he's the type to address people directly very often. He's more likely to tap their shoulder, say "Hey," or just start talking without preamble. This isn't necessarily noticeable -- most people don't think to themselves, "Hm, y'know, he's never actually addressed me by name before," because that's just not something people really pick up on -- but, when he does address someone, either by name or just by "Senpai" or another relevant title, it catches their attention because they subconsciously aren't used to him addressing them, and that's why he is 100% capable of saying "Senpai" romantically.
There are very, very few foods he likes to eat, which is why he gets the same thing at every restaurant in town every time he goes, but that also means that he's very used to eating food he thinks is gross, which is why he can stomach Fuuka's creations better than any other character. To him, her burnt food slathered in all the wrong sauces and spices isn't that much worse than just having a regular entree that isn't one of his very few Approved Meals.
He's pretty laid-back and sometimes even lazy, but he HATES having free time. If he doesn't have anything to do, he isn't going to just casually indulge in a hobby or anything -- he has to have something concrete, like a Social Link to level up, or a particular skill he wants to hone, even if that skill is honed by watching a movie or something. His motto is "If I'm not doing something, then I might as well be asleep," and he sticks to that whenever he possibly can.
The only exception to this rule is video games. There are a few games he can play without needed to justify it to himself as honing his Guts or whatever. He likes farming sims :) A couple other members of SEES play them as well, but he's the only one who's remotely relaxed about it. He's just there to have fun, whereas Mitsuru and Aigis are frantically minmaxing to become billionaires in their first season. (Fuuka at least will play with him normally, though she's more of a rhythm game girl imo)
He doesn't grasp social cues very well, but if he feels like he does understand a particular social cue, he'll use it as a crutch of some sort. For instance, to use a specific example from a published fic, when Akihiko gives him a thumbs up in Always Wanna Play, Minato thinks to himself, "Ah, yes, a thumbs up. I know what that means, and now I know that thumbs ups are an effective way to communicate with Akihiko," which is why he then gives Akihiko three more thumbs ups throughout the fic (even in very dire circumstances where it doesn't realy fit, lmao)
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always-music0 · 8 months
Run Rabbit Run
Hannah would considers herself the unluckiest girl in the world,having being born into a tangled web of murderers and monsters that live in your closet and under your bed. Until one day an unforeseen issue makes its way into her already fucked life and now if she thought her life sucked it’s about to get a whole lot worse.
A Creepypasta/Twilight crossover 18+
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Bella was super fucking nice..
She showed me to the office and we coincidentally had the same schedule so we walked to every class together, she even took the heat from the nerdy Asian dude who tried to touch me.
Although I had steered her away from the people I was 99% sure were vampires, but to give them the benefit of the doubt they didn’t smell like human blood which was odd to say the least.
At lunch she pulled me to sit with a bunch of weirdos the Asian dude introduced us too. As they all chatted away I opened my lunch made by the twitchy fuck. A little note with serial killer hand writing laid neatly on top of the paper bag
‘Have a good first day I’m watching you :)’
I lifted my head to the window overlooking the forest that backed up the school and lo and behold up in a tree with his own fucking packed lunch was Toby twitching away.
I sighed and pulled out the sandwich he made me and took a bite as he waved at me. I lifted my hand unenthusiastically in response
“Who are you waving to?” Bella asked and I flinched
“What? I’m just stretching my arm” I said extending my arm up and over her shoulders she laughed and shrugged my arm off and I smiled as I listened to their conversation
All of a sudden the air seemed to shift as the group of wannabe vampires walked in
“Who are they?” Bella asked and I perked up to what one of the girls at the table had to say about them.
“They’re the Cullens..” she started, and honestly went on for ages about how attractive, weird and not that good with people… honestly about the same as my three dipshits, Bella seemed to be intrigued with the last one Edward but to be fair he was pretty looking definitely not my type though.
After a little while longer and Bella stealing glances at the Cullens the bell rang singling the end of lunch. As me and Bella walked towards out next class I realized something.
“Did you see them eat?” I asked and Bella looked confused
“What?” She asked and I frowned the pit in my stomach growing larger
“They don’t take a single bite of their food…” I trailed off as we passed two of them in the hallway.
“Maybe they weren’t hungry” Bella said walking past me and I gulped as I made eye contact with the big one
“Yeah maybe..” I scurried past them pulling Bella along
“Common we’re gonna be late.” I said pulling her arm towards our next class.
A few classes later we arrived in biology be escorted by one of Bella’s new pals,And to my utter horror there sat Edward Cullen at a table alone I scanned the room for any other empty seats and couldn’t find any obvious ones. We walked up to the teacher and he smiled
“New Students! I hope you both can keep up well, this being the middle of the year and all..” he said and handed us some books and papers
“Uhh Bella you can take a seat next to mike and Hannah… sense this is your first time according to your transcript in AP biology 3 I’m gonna have you sit next to…” Don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it done day it..
“Edwards, he can sorta show you the ropes”
“With all due respect sir I have been in numerous AP bio classes even some collage courses I’m sure I will be fine sitting somewhere else” I tried to deflect as my hair stood on end. He was watching me
“Oh well even so if you have any questions Edward is more than capable of answering them.” He said and shooed us to take out seats.
Great just fucking great.
I slowly walked over to where he sat, he reeked of animal blood and I tried not to scrunch my nose.
He looked up at me as I sat down.
“Hello, I’m Edward..” he said politely but his voice almost sounded strained.
I nodded and sat down
Setting my stuff out and taking out my notepad and pens
“You’re Hannah right?” He asked and I nodded again I could feel the strength radiating off of him and his blood lust almost rivaled a certain painter I knew
“Yeah..” I said and turned my attention to my notebook and book
Ask the class continued I took notes but kept my guard up and paid close attention the the thing sitting next to me and as the class went on he became more and more uncomfortable looking, he keep looking at Bella and then me and then Bella and then me and I hated the way his eyes darkened.
I looked at the clock it was a minute until the bell would ring. He shot up right as it rang and bolted out the door.
I looked over at Bella and she looked confused, I tried not to let my relief show on my face that he was gone.
I walked up to Bella
“What’s his deal?” She asked and I shrugged
“I have no clue” I lied as we walked out the door and to the office as we reached the main office I felt the buzz of my phone and stoped
“You go ahead I’ll be right there” I said and pulled out my phone, Bella nodded and walked in as I opened my phone
It was a text from Tim.
‘Need your help will pick you up soon’
I sighed I never liked helping Tim
As I put my phone away and turned to walk into the office I was almost ran over by the thing I was trying to avoid the most
“Woah” I said and he glared down at me,
I glared back up at him make sure to try and convey as much distrust as I could
He went to go walk away and I cleared my throat, he turned and looked at me again
“Do yourself a favor.” I said and he tilted his head I took a breath and continued
“Stay away from me and stay away from Bella” I finished and walked into the office, I looked back through the glass in the door and saw him staring at me with a confused and concerned look I nodded at him and he quickly walked off.
Bella was still talking to the office lady when I got there and she quickly got me up to speed.
After finishing up some paperwork my phone buzzed once again
‘Be out front in 5’ it read and i huffed
“Everything ok?” Bella asked and I nodded
“Uh yeah my ride is almost here and he gets kinda prissy when he has to wait” I shuddered just thinking of Tim walking in here to come collect me
“Oh well maybe we could ride together some days…” she offered and I smiled at her. It was a nice thought to have friends who would bring me to school and hang out after school or something but I knew that couldn’t happen
“Yeah maybe, but my… guardians?” They definitely weren’t like brothers or best friends or anything really, they had a two jobs. Go wherever boss told them to go and watch over me they weren’t really ones to do something for the benefit of others “are kinda overprotective..” I said and she nodded
“Well If you ever need a ride let me know” she said and I smiled.
“I will” I said as we walked out of the school and into the foggy air right on cue Tim pulled up on his motorcycle and I winced ‘he couldn’t fix the truck and he’s probably in a bad moon’ I thought and trotted down the statues towards him Bella went to follow me and I turned
“Hey Umm my people are kinda interesting…, and I know for a fact he’s in a bad mood… maybe just stay up here until I leave” I said and she tilted her head confused
“Ok?” She agreed unsure
“Great thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow” I said and started jogging down the stairs
Tim had already been watching me
“Who’s that?” He asked as he handed me a helmet when I had got down there
“She showed me around school today I don’t know” I said putting it on
“You don’t know? He sighed and I shrugged
“I didn’t care enough” I said climbing on
“Hmm if you say so…” he said slowly he kicked the kickstand up
“Hold on” he said and I wrapped my arms around him he kicked off and rode out of the parking lot and into the street.
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A/N: Part three bay-bee! I’m having a lot of fun putting thease together and I hope those of you who find this weird fic are enjoying it as much as me! And again thank you always for reading it really makes me happy to make stories out of the scenarios I come up with. As always have a great day/night and life!!
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feelingpoorly · 2 years
Interrupting my regularly scheduled queue because I had to say this NOW, it can’t wait 😂
I think I’m getting sick 😭 like, I’m chronically ill, so im sick all the time but like, I think I’m coming down with a virus or something
I feel MISERABLE. My worst symptom rn is my throat but I can already tell im gonna wake up tomorrow feeling 100x worse all over.
BUT it got me thinking…
My throat is so dry rn that I’ve been chugging so much water, juice, lemonade etc to try and alleviate it, but it’s not working (because it’s not actually dry, just sore). All I’ve succeeded in doing is making myself very full of liquid and nauseous. My stomach is exactly very settled atm, I don’t THINK whatever this is is explicitly affecting my stomach but it’s touchy. Trying to drink so much water to help my throat has caused some really bad nausea and sloshing 😫
Secondly- throat sweets. Eating so many of them that you get VERY nauseous from them. Is something I’ve accidentally done in the past, and was reminded of this evening when I have one and immediately felt sick as a reflex, like my stomach remember what I did to it in the past when I ate a whole packet of them 😂
I mean, I feel like trash, but these are probably really great tropes to inflict on your characters so.. 😂
Oh and also… I’m not gonna post photos of myself on here cos privacy and that but I took a photo earlier and posted it to my story on Instagram (bc ngl im a bit of an attention wh0re when I’m sick because i was never looked after as a child whelp) and I am NEVER pale. But I looked like white, and my cheeks were flushed very red. Honestly, I wish I could post it on here but you’ll just have to take my word for it. In a weird way, I was actually kinda impressed that I looked how I feel. Now it would make my day if someone saw that photo and messaged me to tell me I looked ill 😂
I’m also sorry if this doesn’t make sense either. My stomach is still unhappy and cramping and im pretty sure im running a bit of a fever as I can’t get warm and my mind is scrambled. Anyway, g’night.
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officialkatie · 11 months
just putting a long vent under a read more (i hope)
i should have guessed that after a week of sleeping well (bc sick) i wouldn’t be able to sleep. also i hate my monday class. i have 10 left but god at what cost its completely unbearable and the professor is one of the reasons i dont want to teach anymore. how could you say to people going to school to be a teacher “youre gonna be so stressed and good luck bc it sucks”
i know i dont want to be a teacher anymore and im finishing my degree to get the job i DO want. but at the same time i dont want any job. i hate working. how do people do it. how has my high school italian teacher taught in the same place for 51 years and still going? how does he not feel defeated? i havent even started a Real Job yet and i hate it. i havent had a moments peace or a day without something looming over me since ever. since at least before covid. but then that added ANOTHER thing to loom over me that will never go away.
i hate that i have to have a checklist in my mind of all the things i have to do before i graduate. it should be easy!
-finish classes
-student teach
-get certification
but its NOT that easy. bc in order to finish classes thats this semester. thats 10 more sucky mondays with an awful professor in which i also have to observe 15 hours at a school (on top of the 100 required hours i already did, im not currently in a school and i didnt know about this and we were all so pissed and just another reason i hate this professor), 1 more week of incredibly intensive classes which GREAT! more time for the stinky class. 9 more tuesdays bc the schedule is so weird, all while working part time and doing homework and figuring out student teaching and having personal responsibilities and a relationship and maintaining my health. its no wonder im sick. then once the semester is over its work work work. bc i cant work while i student teach. no break for katie. i have to focus on holidays and pretending to care about people who cant even remember my birthday. its not that hard to remember. i remember all of yours so whats up with that. then i go to orientation for student teaching and then i do it. i dont know where yet! bc i have to email the man who’s been screwing me over every step of the way (another thing for the to do list). and once a week while i student teach i go to a seminar class. a new update to the academic schedule means my class could end at 10:40 pm. who does that. i live an hour away from campus. if my class ends at 10:40 im going to fail. then i do that for “75” days (in quotes bc there’s not even 75 school days in the spring semester yet thats my requirement?) and then i graduate. should be easy peasy. then i go to the real word and back to my part time job while i look for real job so i can move out and live with the one person who gets me and doesnt make me feel bad for living. and we’re gonna have a great life together but thats another to do list. find an apartment find a job move pay rent pay utilities try not to kill yourself make friends even though you’re socially inept ever since leaving college and your social life is in shambles. eat healthy.
im literally a mess and im so congested and i hate not sleeping and this is just making it worse. i have james taylor in my head and my stomach hurts so bad bc i ate like shit today. i wish i could turn off my brain and i tried using headspace app and thats another thing. i updated my student status and they sent me a confirmation. yet charged me for full price. and you cant even unsubscribe yourself. you need to email someone and so i did and they sent me back “we got ur email! sorry we’re taking so long:(((“ and charged me with a full smile on their stupid faces. if i can figure out how to rip from that app you bet your asses i will
i really need a break.
i feel so bad getting this degree and its not bc im wasting my own money. my parents are paying and they’re so supportive and dont care that id rather do something education-adjacent and my boss at my part time job says she’d be so happy to have me while i figure my shit out after graduation. all i have to do is drag my lifeless body across the stage at graduation. i have a part time job after that and i wont be tackling things alone after that. i have good references and im qualified for the job i want. all i have to do is get there but its SO HARD and i can’t stop thinking about how much its going to take to get me there. its like looking at a number line. sure YOU see the whole number integers but to me there’s a universe in between 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5. im trying so hard to not get caught up in those universes but man does that take brain capacity i do not possess.
if i have to work forever into an endless oblivion im going to hit myself in the face with a brick. i love having days off and going to museums and walking through the park and going around to coffee shops and record stores and just enjoying life. if my quality of life enjoyment is diminishing NOW what will it be like when i have to go to work every day instead of having off two days a week for school and to catch up on life?? am i doomed to be boring and hate life?? how can i live if i cant LIVE? (2 am drama,everyone.) the thought of taking “personal days” seems like hell to me. i just dont want to work on a schedule like that. i can give 10000% at work its been seen its been done but i control the schedule right now. take that away and it’s over
at least my dog barking at 2 am did not wake me up. i am already up sir and i feel like my butt is on fire. and my legs are so restless.
and another thing? he’s barking bc my sister is coming home. ever since she moved back home things are worse for me. she’s so messy and i am so not and it really gets under my skin and overwhelms me. and she is inconsiderate of other people and takes my stuff. why do i have to parent my older sister. doesnt she know she’s building up my resentment for her. i dont want to spend time with her and my mom looooves to guilt me about it bc of her relationship with her sister. but then she and my dad go and mumble under their breath about how they cant wait for her to finish her masters thesis (not gonna happen,im gonna graduate with my masters before her and she’s two years older than me and has been working on thesis for 3+ years now) and leave bc she’s turning our house into a trainwreck. why cant she just live with her boyfriend who is (to me) deadbeat. nice guy but like i dont even know what his job is? is there one? (also not fair to him bc the standards for partners in my family have been set verrry high: see above future roommate. he is universally adored while sister bf? jury is still out. also i maintain that my sister is a homewrecker. i guess both figuratively and literally at this point.)
anyways my tumblr is getting laggy so i guess thats my sign to end this. im sure that i will not sleep.
0 notes
yakumtsaki · 3 years
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It’s another beautiful night at Union Manor and Maxx beats up Abbey while D’vorah watches TV in front of the couch she destroyed, man, pets are the best.
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Shajar is skilling like crazy and banned from doing anything else, because a) I can just see Wyatt’s pathetic career trajectory repeating itself b) if he and Jojo die before Shaj and Don top their careers we’re once again gonna have to go out and make friends for their promotions, like when goddamn Komei died the day Wyatt was gonna get promoted and took all his friends with him. 
I had a hard enough time with the friend-making last gen and Wyatt and Jojo were a lot more socially competent than this group of assholes. 
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Case in point, this is what Shajar does when practicing ‘charisma’ in the mirror. Are you charmed yet??
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Meanwhile, no longer content to just set men’s hearts alight, Cyneswith has taken to starting fires in the kitchen. I’m still mad at Sophie for getting knocked up ahead of schedule but good Lord, when you look at everyone else in this house it’s like who even cares.
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-I don’t like following recipes, I wanna follow my culinary instincts instead!!🌸 
Ya I’m literally not even letting you in the general kitchen area until you have 5 cooking points so get cracking.
-This is boring!!!💗
Can I maybe interest you in cheating on Don? 
-Always, huhu!🌸
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We go to our beloved karaoke place and meet this iconically dressed downtownie, whose name I do remember for once, it’s Wren! Just look at his style, FINALLY a proper lover for Cyn.
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-So strangers are always coming up to me on the street, asking, ‘Wren, how can I become as cool and stylish as you?’ -Strangers come up to you on the street but they already know your name?💗 -Baby, everyone on the street knows my name.. ;) -Wow, huhu!🌸 -Just one of the many advantages of having as many DUIs as I do, word gets around to keep the streets clear when I’m driving!
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-I love him!!!💗💗💗
Ya he’s a dreambot..
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..he’s also dumped us to go hit on this chick, is this goddamn Christy from the pet asylum?? Ugh.
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-I’ll just make him jealous by chatting up Amin!🌸 Wren: Man, that’s the stuff, if I’m not eating cereal in a club I’m just not living.
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Ok Wren I’ve had enough of your shit, time to win your love with the most powerful aphrodisiac known to man: a drunken karaoke duet. Frances will you gtfo pls? Why must you be on every lot we’re at.
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Somehow inviting Wren to karaoke was all it took for him to get a crush on Cyn, damn girl! Amanda is HORRIFIED by this visage. 
Didn’t you hook up with Victoria??
-That was different, she was married to *Komei*!
Well Cyn is married to *Don* who is about 100 times worse. But ya I guess unlike Komei he’s been fAiThFuL, ugh. Whatever!!
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Honestly these two look unironically great together, their lewks really complement each other. I love Wren’s pink scarf!
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FINALLY. Mary Gavigan is INTO it-
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-but Cyn is not. Why are you rolling wants for stupid Malcolm who’s not even here, we got his love, we’re done with him!
-Malcolm is special! He’s been with my grandma, it makes me feel in touch with my ancestors!💗
Kill me.
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Well Wren is stinking so it’s time to call this a night-
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-especially because of all the karaoke joints in all the towns in all the world, the slob walks into this one. After the Jake Do debacle I legit live in perma fear of Cyn getting caught on a date by a different lover. Time to return to the safety of our home..
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..and find Jake Do there. WTF. WHY ARE YOU HERE, FREAK
YA IT’S KINDA HARD NOT TO. Aren’t you still furious with Cyn for ‘cheating’ on you???
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BRO. It’s a shame Jake is a face 1 and thus not marriage-able because he’s truly the most criminally insane townie I’ve ever encountered (if you don’t remember the deal with him we met him in this update)
Like legit, he ran into the house, stood there creepily doing nothing, and then ran out. I’d also like to point out that he was never in actual love with Cyn, all he had on her was a CRUSH since their hot tub adventures were interrupted by his oppressive maitre d’ mother.
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After spending an eon in the attic lab, Jojo finally got the golden robo badge, it’s servo time!
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-Jòjò, hâve toi bèèn méssing avec mon tràin modèle?? -Yes Wyatt, absolutely, during my lifelong quest to create conscious life out of matter, I took a break to mess with your model train. -Je knèw it!!!
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It’s an amazing day, Shajar maxes the two remaining skills she needs to top the politics career thanks to this chance card..
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..the kits grow up and they’re ADORB, black eyes is Ferra and yellow eyes is Torr..
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..AND WE HAVE DOUBLE PROMOTIONS. HELL YA. Maybe you two aren’t such hopeless losers after all. Also Shajar as a judge, LMAO
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I can’t stress enough to you guys the degree to which Wyatt does fuck all around here, so now that Sophie is prego I’ve delegated the dog bathing to him to take some of the pet burden off her-
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-especially since her pregnancy bump was so intense it momentarily turned her into a brachiosaurus. Ok Soph, the pet careers can wait, just take it easy these days, alright??
-Like hell I will! And this kid is gonna be named Sophie Junior, regardless the gender! And if we have more, they’ll also be named Sophie Junior! 
So many cool Spanish names and you want to name the poor kid SOPHIE JUNIOR.
Not happening!
-Then I’m not giving birth!! Do you have any idea how much control I have over my muscles??? I’ll keep that thing in there till it’s 30!!!
Just go relax and we’ll talk about it later!!!
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-HA, KNOCKED UP LOSER! Couldn’t win the conception game, can’t win this one either!!
SHAJAR!!!! WILL YOU JUST. GOD. You get one promotion and you think you’re hot shit.
-She’s right, I am a knocked up loser :(
You’re not a loser!!!! Everyone else in this family is a loser!!!!! Shajar literally, I will fucking murder you, stop upsetting your hormonal wife. MORON
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Cyn also pops and she is SHOCKED. Probably shocked that the kid is Don’s, I am too, Cyn!
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Donaldo is at work so we invite Wren over to make him fall in love with us and never see him again, huhu!
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Cyn finally busts out the voodoo doll Jojo got on vacation, I’ve never tried this thing before and man, it. is. AWESOME. Both Cyn and I are so excited that our our way to 20 lovers became easier, I’m like ah what a great day~ but unbeknownst to us, we are about to experience the Mary Sue/Daniel scripted event all on our own:  
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So fucking Don gets demoted the exact second Cyn and Wren fall in love and the GODDAMN VOODOO DOLL has an instant make out interaction-
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Wren: Oh hi, Don!
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We send Wren home pronto, and at this point I remember that Cyn has unlocked the ‘smooth talk’ aspiration benefit, which like the voodoo doll, I have never used before. And much like the voodoo doll, it turns out it’s OP AF:
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My expectations of this thing were non-existent, so basically she just gave him a rose, he accepted it-
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-he got this red glow with little hearts, I’m like ok so that means per the description that he’s not furious anymore, at least that’s something-
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-but no, this shit full on restores the relationship to pre-cheating levels!!!! I’m sure everyone else knows about it but I was SHOOK. That’s it Cyn, between this and the voodoo doll there’s no stopping us!!!
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ICONIC. It’s literally like it never happened, best reward ever!!!
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Both Wyatt and Jojo dislike Don immensely and never interact with him, so I thought it was so cute when Wyatt autonomously did their school cheer with him..
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..but it turned out he just wanted to shittalk him to Sophie! Poor cucked Don :(  I don’t know how I’m STILL constantly surprised by what a bunch of bitches this family is.
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-You have trod the arduous paths of excellence~
Tell me about it.
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Boundary [Dana’s 700 Special]
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Track: Fever - Enhypen / TiO - Zayn / Close - Nick Jonas, Tove Lo
➣ Member: my og bias owo
➣ Genre: idol! ju x stylist! [fem] reader
➣ Warnings: swear words and if you squint, some smut
➣ Word Count: i’m like 100% sure it’ll be as long as accelerate [i was wrong it’s nowhere near but whatever]
➣ A/N: Thank you for 700 followers. You are all nothing but amazing ♡
➣ Taglist: @taesty-wander-lust​ @tbzzhoe​ @suzy-rainbow​ 
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He’s going to be the absolute death of me.
The thought is loud in your head, and you were almost sure you would’ve blurted it out had the filming studio been empty. Breaking Dawn was blasting from the speakers behind the MV director, experimenting with some strange angles that you’ve never seen any other MV director try with the group before. 
If you thought Reveal was dangerous, this might be worse.
“Okay! Let’s do that hook into the chorus first and we’ll see how that angle goes!”
“Breaking Dawn, I see-”
“Cut! Juyeon-” The director snorts while staring at the monitor from the camera. “That was great but um, we’ll need to rate the video if we release this one.”
Never mind. It is worse.
“Yah, Juyeon!”
“Ahh... seriously?”
“You already have enough screen time, why are you so greedy?!”
The members crowd around Juyeon and shove him playfully as the director films that part from the monitor, and brings his cellphone over to the group to see. You can barely hear the music from the phone, given how far you were standing from the filming area. 
The group of 11 burst into loud yells and frustrated groans, with Younghoon and Chanhee giving their iconic ‘OoO’ faces to Juyeon. The main man chuckles, embarrassed, and shakes his head while waving it off.
“I didn’t intend to make it so suggestive, sorry!”
“It’s alright, that was great, really!” The director assures him. “It’s just that we can’t release that without rating the MV, and you guys don’t really have that kind of reputation yet so, we won’t do that for you guys now. But anyways, can we get a 10 minute break and we’ll pick up where we left off?”
The boys celebrate in unison, Eric immediately rushing off for the washroom, some members going to the staff to ask for their phones, others going for the monitor to check their progress and the remaining approaching their stylists for appearance maintenance.
So, when Juyeon approaches you with that sly-mixed-with-shame smile, you can’t help but to shake your head at him. 
“Really? He asks you to go all out and you look like you want to eat the camera,” Pulling open your little kit, you set it on the table next to you. You pull out the comb and hairspray and start adjusting his hair again - all that dancing’s pushed some strands out of its rightful position.
“Aw, so you agree that I looked good enough?”
“What?” The pitch is higher than expected, but you hope your feigned annoyance camouflages the pinch of jealousy. “Please! The director said it’ll be rated!”
Juyeon laughs, standing with his feet a little more apart than natural for you to have easier access to his hair. 
“Well, you’re the one who did my hair and makeup. If it’s anybody to blame, wouldn’t it be you?” 
His words halt the sharp end of your comb in his hair, and you poke it into his scalp for good measure while puffing out your cheeks. He chuckles it off. 
“Excuse you, sir, Cre.Ker gave me a color palette and a set of reference pics. Ever since they cracked the code with you with Reveal, they just won’t stop with this genre of style on you.”
“I mean... I definitely prefer my current style over what they did to me in Boy.”
The memory cooks up a bunch of images in your head, and you fail to stop the giggle that runs off your tongue when you return the comb to the kit. 
“Aw, come on, that was cute,” Picking up a brow pencil, you fill in the tiny fade-out. “You were, what? 19? No reason for you to look as raunchy as you do now.”
“It’s a pity you only met me just before I become ‘raunchy’.”
“Why? I mean, ‘Juyeon’s not a good boy’ though. Raunchy’s closer to that than what you did pre-Reveal.”
“I meant it!” Juyeon widens his eyes and his brows shift up his forehead just as the tip of the brow pencil lifts off his skin. “I’m happy Cre.Ker’s letting us show what we want to.”
“And I’m happy for you too,” You finish up on his foundation where it’s starting to wear off. “But one day, you’re gonna cross a line and break some hearts.”
Juyeon smiles as you cap on all your equipment and close your kit. Resting one hand on your hip, you quickly give his hair one last poke before he resumes his normal standing position.
“What if I only want to break specific hearts though?”
A frown befalls your face and you forge an ugly look by crooking your lips. “What? Was that an attempt to flirt? Please stop,” Waving him off, you turn and pick up your kit, walking away on your heels as Juyeon tails you.
He’s just practising flirting on me at this point. Best friends and best friends for what? Get MY heart broken? PLEASE.
“Flirt with Kevin if you want, he’ll give you better advice,” You turn to the film area and sure enough, Kevin was busy twerking into the camera and Changmin’s just face palming himself. 
“Oi Kevin! Stahb it!” You yell across the space and Changmin points to you, turning to yell at Kevin.
“Yah, even y/n’s telling you to stop!”
Chuckling, you turn into the dressing room as another hair stylist finishes with Sangyeon in the mirror. 
“Hello sir, you look kinda tired today, are you resting well?”
“Don’t get me started. Schedule’s packed into June,” Sangyeon subtly shakes his head, but his stylist holds his cheeks and shifts his face back to face the mirror.
“Sangyeon, please face the mirror. It’s not my fault if your hair gets messed up again,” The hair stylist grins as he picks up the hairspray.
“Sorry,” Sangyeon blinks at him and purses his lips. Juyeon crashes into the two seater-sofa in the corner of the dressing room and groans tiresomely, resting his head on the top surface of the headrest. 
“Well, you should get some rest before Kingdom kicks in,” You place the kit on the dressing table and sit down in the two-seater next to Juyeon. “It’s not going to be an easy fight, y’know.”
“Right! You used to be ATEEZ’s hairstylist!” Sangyeon’s eyes widen and you can see him struggling not to turn to you directly instead of trying to find you in the strangest angle of the reflection in the mirror. 
“Yeah. Those guys are intense, and I mean intense! Six out of eight are known for performance skills and the other two... one produces 99% of their tracks and the other belts out notes even I can’t reach.”
“You sound like you were sent from KQ to intimidate us-” Sunwoo struts in and waves an annoying finger in your face.
“I’m not-” Swatting his finger away, Juyeon leans forward and pulls Sunwoo’s hand. “I’m just saying for good measure- it’s not going to be easy. Stray Kids is also going to be great competition, not to mention iKON and-”
“AhHH, we get it!” Sunwoo shushes you, swinging his hand with Juyeon’s.
“No matter the outcome, you all need to know that you guys were stellar last year. I was new then, but it was absolutely stunning to watch you guys work and put so much effort into your performances.”
“Oh my God, yeah, you could not shut up about the Danger performance,” Sangyeon cooes, letting his stylist finally finishes and shifts to pack the hair equipment. 
“I’ll bet it’s cause your best friend over here got the most screen time,” Sunwoo perks up a mischievous brow and smirks at you.
Juyeon’s eyes widen and stares at the youngest, “I didn’t get the most screen time.”
“If not you then who?” Sangyeon butts in as he stands.
“Uh... Changmin?”
Sunwoo and Sangyeon go quiet. 
“Yah, you had a good amount of screen time too!” Sangyeon turns and blurts out at Sunwoo, playfully shoving him. 
“Y’all are being loud in here,” Kevin’s head pops out from beyond the door frame, one of his stylists tagging behind him and struggling to pat down his clothes. 
“No, tell me if Sunwoo had more screentime than Changmin in Danger from last year,” Sangyeon wraps an arm around Sunwoo and slowly walks him out. 
“What? I don’t know, Changmin had the opening and the dance break...”
Sangyeon’s hairstylist follows closely, and by instinct, he shuts the door behind him, leaving you with Juyeon in the dressing room. It’s humid, from all the lights turned on in the room, and the leather seat wasn’t the most comfortable thing to sit on.
Turning to Juyeon, his eyes are gently shut, and frankly, he looked like he was about to fall asleep. The backrest of the sofa sinks when you lean back, mimicking his position.
“You have like four minutes left so don’t even think of falling asleep.”
“I’m not sleeping,” He offers a tiny smile on his lips, eyes still shut. 
“Sure, you’re not.”
“Wake me up when the director needs me.”
“You wish,” The leather under your legs squeak when you push yourself off, but he sticks out an arm at your stomach and pushes you back down. Judging by the miniscule smirk on his face, he’s just messing with you. “What do you think you’re doing? I have a job to do and you have a music video to film.”
He remains quiet. Someone shouts at Eric outside.
“You’re being fucking weird today, sir,” You lift a hand and grab his arm to move it away, but he swiftly wraps his fingers around your wrist and yanks you forward instead. 
Using your palms to keep the distance between your faces, you’re hovering above him now, breath on his upper lip. The sweat’s begun to collect in the lines of your palms, stuck to the arm rest by his side and the cushion he’s leaning on. 
Your vision immediately darts to his face upon the bold move, and he’s got that slight smile prancing on his lips when he’s thinking of a joke or something funny and doesn’t want to say it. It’s been a good year of being Juyeon’s best friend (apart from the members), so you’ve definitely grown to know how to read him by his actions.
You sigh, rolling your eyes and removing your legs from next to his thighs.
And then he cuts you off by holding you in position with his arm around his waist, challenging your knees to hold you up - because if they buckled, you’ll land right on top of him. 
“What the Hell do you think you’re doing?” 
Knock knock
“y/n, are you done with Juyeon’s hair? Filming’s resuming!”
There’s an awkward tension between you and Juyeon now, with his eyes wide open and staring into yours, arm still around your waist. But having his nose just inches away from yours and his breath breathing down on your philtrum feels so surreal. It feels like it’s a dream that you’ve failed to pull yourself out from.
He parts his lips, then purses them, and sighs through his nose. 
“Yeah, she’s done! I’ll be out in like, two seconds!”
Your gaze finds his and you’re panicking when he’s moving again. Within two seconds, you’re flat on your back on the length of the couch - and this time, he’s holding himself above you.
“What the- I-”
“We’ll continue this later back at the company, I promise,” Then he rounds your cheek and presses a kiss into your cheekbone instead.
He pulls back, offering you his kind smile and a ruffle into your hair for good measure. Nothing in your body is working when you hear him shuffle for the door, and it clicks shut behind him, with Breaking Dawn already blasting in the filming space.
Sucking in a deep breath, you don’t realise how hard your heart is thumping in your head until you hear your own shaky exhale. You don’t know where to look, you can still feel his grip on your waist and his breath on your upper lip, and everything’s just a mess right now.
What the Hell just happened?
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“Eric - Dior Shirt Size M...” You mumble under your breath, fingers gripping the pen to the clipboard so hard, your writing would probably leave a mark in the sheet under. 
“I think this is the last luggage!” Younghoon’s stylist drags the black case in, lining it up with the last unopened one. “Need help?”
“Yeah, just open the luggage for me and separate Sangyeon’s clothes from Jacob’s, but otherwise I can handle it on my own.”
She nods, laying it down and unzipping it for the clothes to spew out. “How’s working here? It’s been over a year, right?”
“Mhm,” You glance at her, obviously tired. “It’s alright, but thanks to your advice since last year, I don’t think it could’ve been better.”
With a kind smile, she looks up at you, placing Sangyeon’s pants over his stack. “You’re experienced from ATEEZ, so it wouldn’t have been that hard anyway.”
She stands, resting her hands on her hips as you walk over, squatting to check Sangyeon and Jacob’s clothes. 
“So... what’s going on with you and Juyeon?”
I’d like to know too.
“Huh?” You look up at her, head tilted to the side with a sneaky cocked brow. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, please- All the stylists here know you and Juyeon are like- hanky panky nowadays. Pretty sure the boys know too, or at least have some idea.”
A cackle runs your throat dry as you graduate your attention to Jacob’s clothes. “Is that what they’re calling it? ‘Hanky-panky’? Cute.”
“Do you know why they’re still in a meeting this late?”
“No, why would I bother? As long as I don’t lose my job, it’s none of my concern.”
“They’re in meeting to be informed that their dating ban has been lifted.”
Your grip around the pen tightens, but halts abruptly. 
“Ah...” She sighs, contemplated with herself. “Cat got your tongue? Or should I say... Juyeon got your-”
Interrupted by the practise room door being pushed open, both of your attentions immediately flit to the new commotion. 
“Oh, Juyeon! Meeting’s over?”
“Yeah,” He turns and closes the door behind him. His hair was still waxed up from the day’s schedule, makeup still on but fading. Clothes snug around his shoulders with his belt tight around his hips. Those stupid jeans never did you any good since day 1. “Sangyeon said he left a ring in one of the luggages so he sent me to come get it while he counsels Kevin for twerking.”
“y/n’s just going through Sangyeon’s wardrobe, so she might find something,” Your colleague’s begun to take small, insignificant steps towards the door, and your anxiety begins to increase with every inch she places between the two of you.
“Which is why I’m here,” He stuffs his hands into his back pockets.
“Right, right,” Now, she’s already got her hand on the door knob, glancing past him and at you with wide, glistening eyes. “I gotta go check your wardrobe for tomorrow so... I’mma go now, and uh... security comes by around 12am. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“What-” You blurt out, receiving a sharp, surprised look from Juyeon.
“Bye! Bye Juyeon!”
“Bye,” He waves. 
“No, wait-” 
And so, the door clicks shut behind her, and her shadow behind the translucent material disappears down the corridor. 
The whir of the air-conditioner in the practice room fills all the awkward openings in the room, but all you can hear is the rapid thunk of your heart in your brain - as if that was even possible. 
“About earlier today-”
“Give me a moment while I look for Sangyeon’s ring. What does it look like?” Standing up too fast, your vision goes white and a second of dizziness throws you off your balance.
So, of course, Juyeon rushes over and holds you by your waist before your ankles or knees give way. The incessant blinking makes you wish you could actually pass out right now, because your weight’s in his arms and you can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye.
“Iron deficiency much?” The corner of his lips curl up into his cheek before releasing you. “Do you need to sit down?”
Clearing your throat, you turn away first. “No, I-”
“Good, because I have some points to make and you’re gonna stop running away from them like you’re doing now.”
The change in tone runs chills down your spine and goosebumps erupt all over your skin - thank god you were wearing a blazer, safe from his observation. 
“How have you tolerated it so much?” He folds his arms across his chest, tilting his head innocently but his eyes say otherwise. It’s always his eyes that tell a whole different story from the person he’s known to be. 
“Y’know, being around me but you’re so calm and collected and I just...” He shakes his head, and to your dismay, takes a step forward - which drives you backwards. “How?”
His voice is too sing-songy. It’s too calm and collected for you because you’re about to barf up your dinner, which was a good 4 hours ago now. There’s nothing left in your stomach to barf up. 
He takes another intimidating step and you wince at your inability to look him in the eye.
Another step back. 
“Like, I know we’re friends but my God-” Shaking his head, he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip.
Another step forward. Another backward.
“It’s upsetting that I can look ‘raunchy’ and it doesn’t seem to do anything to you... But seeing you the way you are every other day makes me want to- just-”
Another step forward. 
One more one back.
And your breath halts.
Your back hits the wall, the rear of your skull lined with the pillar. 
Oh, no.
Gritting your teeth so tight, your jaw starts to ache and your temples are throbbing. 
“I’m not seeing things, right?” A flicker of curiosity sparkles in his eyes when you muster up the courage to look at him - only to regret it instantly. “It’s not in my head that you feel the same way I do, right?”
“I... Don’t know what you’re talking about- You’re an idol... and I’m- I’m just your stylist and I-”
“‘Just my stylist’?” The comment forces his brows into a slight frown, before he lifts his hand and covers the bottom half of his face with his palm. “Rethink what you just said.”
Sucking in a deep breath, your chest wells with a horrid mix of desire and self-discipline. Those two don’t go well together. 
“We can talk about this some other day,” You choose to say, dragging your body along the pillar in a bid to shift out from the wall-Juyeon sandwich like a fool. He lifts his arm and presses his palm into the pillar behind you, caging your poor, poor soul in this fateful corner of his stupid practice room.
“Juyeon, we need... boundaries in this industry. One scandal and it’ll destroy your career.”
“Boundaries?” He buckles his elbows, shrinking the gap between your noses. “Boundaries are for idols who still have a dating ban.”
Breathing down your nose, he’s too close for comfort. You can smell his cologne, the scent of his hair wax and see the bumps on his cheek under the faint layer of makeup. You don’t realise you’re trembling until he tilts his head ever so slightly, free hand reaching up to your chin to steady your face.
“Stop running from me,” Shaking his head painstakingly subtly, he whispers into your lips. “You were mine from the start and you know that.”
The adrenaline rush through your nerves sets off fireworks all over you when he slots his body against yours, lips fitted with yours like puzzle pieces; against the wall, with his palms on your cheeks. There was no care or consideration with how much strength he was channeling into this kiss - it feels so pent-up, so frustrated. Without warning, your body resigns as you circle your arms around his shoulders.
Gripping the rim of his collar in your hands, his hands drop to your waist and holds you closer, if it were even possible. A million thoughts race through your head - and at the same time, none. This moment was something you didn’t even know you needed. 
Juyeon’s hands roam the small of your back as he keeps you against the wall, relaxing into the kiss and sighing into it instead. 
This bliss comes in the form of him. Him who provides you all the sinful wants deep down inside you. 
But this bliss doesn’t last, for the practice room door swings open violently and tears Juyeon off you.
“I told you to find my ring, not hook up with your crush!”
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miekasa · 3 years
okay but what about airport!levi? he gives quiet businessman vibes sitting in his slacks and turtleneck
IN HIS TURTLENECK 😭😭 He would also be quiet and to himself, but not in the emo way. You got me thinking about all of them now, so here are my other thoughts about the boys at the airport.
He thinks the idea of separating classes on an airplane is beyond stupid, but if the flight is particularly long, or particularly packed, he’s not above paying for business class for a little extra personal space for the two of you.
When he doesn’t do that, tho, he never picks your guys’ seats ahead of time, so sometimes you’ll be separated. Good thing he’s also not above lying at the check-in desk, “I’m in Zone 1, could my wife be seated next to me so that we can board together?”
They respond with an “of course,” and move your seats together, and Levi walks back with a content nod of appreciation. You are not married, and marriage sucks about as much as class separation on a 30 foot long plane, but it has its benefits.
Masks on, regardless. No debates. Pandemic or not, the mask stays on. Do not perceive him, keep the pressurized air sharing to a minimum.
Doesn’t wander much in the airport. There’s nothing in there that he hasn’t seen already, except for the marked up prices on touristy t-shirts.
And if you wander, he’ll usually just sit in the waiting area to watch your bags while you window shop and do your thing. If you’re gone for more than 30 mins, he might call, under the pretenses of, “Making sure you didn’t get lost. You know that Starbucks was near gate 41 to the left, not the right, right?” Like he’s a comedian or something 🙄
He does encourage you to get snacks before you board, tho. Airplane food is gross, and he would much rather pay for a $13 sandwich that you can snack on later, than for you to have to eat mush.
He’s got a little portable mug he takes with him for when he’s wants to buy a hot drink before getting on his flight. It’s cute.
Doesn’t fall asleep on the plane ever. No matter how long the flight is—at most, he’ll take a quick power nap somewhere in the middle if it’s over 9 hours, but other than that, he’s good to go.
Doesn’t mind if you fall asleep, and he always adjusts your neck pillow to make sure you don’t get cramps.
Travel champion. This man loves being in the airport even though he’s convinced it’s a time capsule, he fucking loves it.
King of “your airport fashion matters, babe.” Not necessarily wearing a whole three piece suit, but he does put in a little effort; it’s not just the first pair of sweats he has laying around.
Swears coffee tastes better in the airport. It does not. That does not stop him from buying it. He should learn to quit tho, especially for someone who hates airplane bathrooms as much as he does.
Charming with all the security personnel and desk assistants. You could be checking in for a flight at 4am, and Jean’s got people smiling and cheery for their shifts.
Bitches about the selection of movies on the flight, and learns to just download his own ahead of time. Gets really startled when he’s watching something and the flight attendants try to grab his attention for food or drinks—the very loud, classic, Jean Kirstein “HUH?”
On that note, he also gets startled by the loudspeaker announcements in the airport. He doesn’t know why he has to hear about American Airlines flight 2170 to Cancun, when he is not on American Airlines flight 2170 to Cancun.
Not opposed to paying extra for better airplane food or drinks on the plane if it’s the right time of day. He always finds something to toast to, plus he likes to treat you whenever and wherever he can.
Takes care of your overhead luggage and helps out the people around him if he sees they’re struggling. Gets shy when you call him a gentleman for it, and he rubs his neck, grumbling, “I was just helping the line move a little faster.”
Great timing, generous, will pick up your checked bags for you, and already rented a car a week in advance: 10/10 travel buddy.
He doesn’t like planes and there’s no solid reason why—nothing bad happened to him as a kid, and it’s not even that rare unfortunate incidents freak him out or anything—something flying just makes him a bit uneasy.
He won’t say it though, and he tries to keep it together when you’re checking in, but you can tell he’s anxious once you’re sitting and waiting for your flight to board.
He’ll ask to switch seats if you have the window seat, because somehow the feeling of being boxed in between the plane wall/window and another person makes it feel more like a car than a plane and he’s okay with that.
Going to the airport is one of the few times he hair won’t be styled, and falls in his face a bit. He usually throws on a beanie to cover it up, but you think he looks pretty cute either way.
Can’t usually fall asleep and he hates it because he just sits there thinking about the worst for the entire duration of the flight. But when you travel with him for the first time and coax him into taking a nap it’s so much better.
It’s about the only time he’ll let himself be publicly babied by you; but it makes everything so much easier that he doesn’t even mind.
So now, whenever you get on flights, he just puts his hood up, lays his head on your shoulder and waits for the magic to happen.
Bonus: you’re traveling with his friends, and Pieck and Marcel past to your seats, surprised to see Porco fast asleep on your shoulder. Pieck squeals, going on about how you must be a wizard to have gotten him to nap, to which Marcel just shakes his head, “Nah, he’s just really in love with her. Look at his face, that’s the calmest he’s been since he was five.”
Loves the airport. Not an ounce of organization in his soul though. By that I mean, yeah, he’s probably forgotten his passport at home, or forgotten that a full size bottle of body wash cannot go into his carry-on luggage.
Forgets to wear shoes that easy to take off and is fumbling over himself after the security check trying to lace them back up or put them back on.
Likes for you guys to have coordinating sweatsuits, and even though you don’t travel super often, Connie’s got at least 3 pairs of them lined up for you guys.
Sweet enough to drop plans or rearrange his schedule to travel with you if you were originally gonna be alone. He knows you can handle yourself, but he doesn’t want for you to travel alone if you don’t have to, especially if you’re going someplace far and/or for an extended period of time.
He always finds breakfast food to eat before he gets on his flight (if you two even have time to spare for food that is). It could be 9pm, but Connie’s asking for a breakfast wrap.
Hates waiting in the little pre-flight area. Claims it’s boring as hell and that’s why there’s no reason to get there 3 hours early 🙄🙄
He always spends at least 30 minutes browsing all the movie and TV show options available on-board, loudly exclaiming in excitement when they have something cool to watch—only to fucking fall asleep 10 minutes later. Right on top of you when he was oh-so-excited to watch Madagascar 2.
Always steals the aisle seat, even if it’s yours. It’s probably for the best though, because he has to get up to pee at least twice, no matter how short your flight is.
Makes some cheeky remark about you meeting him in the bathroom. He doesn’t mean it... unless he does. Unfortunately, you’ve never... successfully been able to do that out of fear of being caught by the flight attendants, but there have been a few quickies in the “family” (“It’s ethical, because technically we’re participating in the act of making a family, babe”) bathroom before you boarded. It’s his fault, not yours.
He really likes planes, and traveling in general. I think trains would be his favorite mode of transportation, but airplanes are good too.
I hate to say it but he claps when the plane lands. I will not elaborate or defend my stance on this.
Prefers the window seat because he likes to look out at the clouds as he’s in the sky.
He took his passport photo a little before he cut his hair, so the security personnel always hold it up and flicker between his ID photo and his current appearance a few times before stamping it. It makes him a little embarrassed because he can’t tell if they think he looks better or worse and sometimes he’s really fighting for his life convincing them that that’s him in the picture 😭
Listens to music rather than downloading a movie or watching a show, and always brings wire headphones to the airport so that it’s easier to share and listen with you.
If you fall asleep on him first, he’ll likely fall asleep on you shortly after. If he’s tired enough, he’ll fall asleep first, though he’s somewhat embarrassed and disappointed because he wanted to see the descent and skyline outside.
When he’s not asleep or window-watching, he’s somewhat fidgety out of excitement, rather than nervousness. He’s excited to be traveling and looks forward to wherever you’re going, even if it is just a weekend long work trip.
Hates traveling alone, though. It just feels particularly lonely to him to be going someplace foreign without company by his side. So, he’ll call you at every checkpoint and send you updates.
He only ever buys two things in duty free: shot glasses with the name of the city/country you’re traveling to, and whatever variety of button down short-sleeves are available to him.
You knew this was coming, but this man is absolutely at the airport 18 hours before your flight takes off, and he’s driving like a manic getting there, like you don’t have all the time in the world.
Fascinated by anything and everything in duty free. Definitely spends more money than necessary on your return flight on the grounds that he was getting a good deal.
Exchanges money in the airport and keeps cash in his fanny pack. There’s no traveling without the fanny pack.
Plays crossword puzzles on his phone on the plane, and it’s just about one of the only games he has. That and Candy Crush—I get the feeling he’d be on level 500+ of that game and he always knocks out at least 10 levels on a flight.
Always a little surprised when he feels his your head on his shoulder, but he says nothing, and acts like he didn’t even notice, but there’s a telling little smile on his face.
Takes the most foul selfies of him and your sleeping self. In his defense, he had the best intentions; but that angle was flattering nobody. It’s too bad he’d already paid for the in-flight wifi and sent it to Hange because now you’ll never live them down.
You could probably get him to put on a (skincare) face mask during your flight. He forgets to take it off tho, and if you don’t tell him, he’d fully walk through customs with it on his face.
Accidentally gets drunk because he doesn’t understand that just because he can handle several glasses of whiskey in his favorite bar on a Friday night, does not mean it will translate on a plane.
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Make a Move
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➣ Pairing/genre: roommate!Hobi x reader
➣ Premise: You thought ‘Hope’ was a girl, but looking at the hot dude currently claiming to be your roommate, you might be wrong.
➣ warnings/tags: pure fluff, reader gets a lil sick for a minute
➣ word count: 4.6k
➣ a/n: this was a commission by @hobi-gif for Army for AAPI! Thank you so much for commissioning this, I hope you enjoy it! You guys, check out ways to get involved in this awesome cause by clicking the link!
You look down at the application, and back up at the person standing in front of you. Down, then up.
Twice more, just to wrap your mind around the dumbest mistake you’ve ever made.
The man fidgeting nervously before you manages a bright smile. “Yep. That’s me!”
Again, you stare down at the application. “I…you’re the one moving in?”
Hoisting the heavy-looking box higher in his arms, the man – Hope if he’s to be believed, offers a strained nod. “Yeah, it’s sort of a nickname…Hoseok. I’m Hoseok.” He looks around, poking his head through the doorway to your small apartment. “Mind if I set this down? It’s kinda heavy…”
You step aside in a daze, watching as Hoseok sweeps inside and sets the box down with a thud on the counter. A moment later another head is peeking inside before carrying in another box.
“Hey, I’m assuming you’re one of the roommates?” The newcomer asks, sweeping some of his ashen-blond hair off his forehead and extending a hand out to you. You take it with some trepidation.
“I am. And you’re Hoseok’s friend?”
“Namjoon. Just stopping in with a few of his things. Oh,” Namjoon waits until Hoseok walks back outside before continuing, speaking to you in a hushed tone. “I just wanted to say thank you. You know, for letting him move in. Ever since our landlord found out we had seven people instead of six, it’s been hard trying to find a place but Hoseok was adamant he be the one to move out. Did want to separate the others-”
“Wait, woah,” you hold up a hand, effectively cutting him off. “Seven? Seven people living in one tiny apartment?”
Namjoon tilts his head to one side, brows furrowed. “He didn’t tell you? That’s why he moved out; someone had to. Our apartment has a six person limit, so once our landlord found out Hoseok volunteered to be the one to move out.”
It appears that Hoseok hasn’t told you a lot of things.
“I…no, he didn’t mention that.”
Namjoon moves on, unphased. “Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for taking him on. It’s nearly impossible to find a place this time of year, and we weren’t sure if you would be chill with having a male roommate, but it really means the world. This way he can stay close to us-”
“Yeah, we live just a few blocks away. He didn’t say that?”
At that moment Hoseok walks through the door, still wearing that sheepish smile that he directs at you.
“No. He must have forgotten to mention that, too.”
           Once Namjoon has left and Hoseok gets into organizing all of his things, you set up camp on the couch. Book in hand, you can’t help but assess your new roommate.
           A part of you wants to get rid of him, but another part of you is interested to see what might unfold from this strange situation. You’ve never had a male roommate before, and if Namjoon is any representative for what this man’s friends look like…
           You suppose it’s not too much of a pain to allow Jung Hoseok to stick around for a little while.
           Hoseok hums to himself, occasionally making little sound effects as he puts a bowl away or opens a cupboard. Every once in a while he’ll ask you a question, like, “Is this spot free to use?” or “Are you allergic to anything?”
           You’re nearly heading to bed when Hoseok knocks softly on your door. Your rooms are on opposite ends of the apartment, something you find yourself being extremely grateful for tonight. The knowledge that a stranger is chilling in your apartment is enough to have you feeling a little worried.
           It’s simple. Sure, Hoseok seems nice enough. Friendly even. But he’s too attractive to be normal.
           “What’s up?” You ask, opening your bedroom door to see Hoseok with his arms full of shampoo and other shower items.
           Despite the large bottle of Pantene blocking his chest, it’s easy to tell that he doesn’t have a shirt on beneath his robe.
           Indeed, the sight before you is enough to have you clutching the doorframe until your knuckles are white in an effort to not gape.
           Wearing nothing but basketball shorts and fluffy white robe, Hoseok shuffles from one foot to the other. “Oh, I was just wondering if you had any preference about where I put my things in the bathroom. You know, if the left side is specifically yours or something like that.”
           “Huh?” You shake your head, forcing yourself to only look at his eyes. That turns out to be even worse, in some weird twisted way. “Oh, yeah. Well, I tend to put most of my stuff on the left side of the vanity. But you can put your stuff wherever. I’m not worried about that.”
           Hoseok nods, taking a step back. He bids you a quiet goodnight before retreating back down the hallway.
           A few seconds pass as you remain in your doorway, thinking hard.
           No, you’re not worried about sharing a drawer in the bathroom or putting the A/C on a lower setting, as he asked you about earlier.
           You’re just worried about the fact that you’ve never found a pair of basketball shorts more attractive than just now.
           Basketball shorts paired with nothing but a robe?
           “This is gonna be great,” you mumble to yourself, closing your door and leaning against it. Only when you hear the sound of the shower going do you allow yourself to relax. “I’m gonna die.”
2 weeks in
           “I’m headed to the store, you need anything?”
           You pause, assessing the contents of the fridge. “Um…eggs?”
           It’s not very often the two of you are in the apartment at the same time, your schedule being polar opposites. However, it’s always relatively friendly. Still a little awkward, but always cordial.
           Hoseok – or Hobi, as he’s repeatedly invited you to call him – scans his little list. “Already on the list. Anything else?”
           “You already put eggs on the list? Like, for me?” The two of you by no means share groceries.
           Hobi shrugs. “Yeah. I figured you were nearly out since you eat them like every morning.”
           “Hey, not every morning-”
           “Every weekday morning.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you. “Tell me I’m wrong. I’ll wait.”
           You groan. “Yah, just go. I’ll text you if I need anything.” Turning back to the fridge, you utter out, “Annoying little-”
           “What was that?”
           You wait until you hear the door close to let out a sigh. “Huh.” You didn’t even realize that he would notice those kinds of things. It’s a strange feeling, having someone notice even the most mundane parts of your routine.
           You…like it?
           Opening up a few of the cupboards, you realize that you’re nearly out of bread. You grab your phone, pulling up Hobi’s contact and calling him. He picks up after a couple of rings.
           “Hey, did you remember something else?”
           “Yeah, would you mind picking up some bread, too?”
           “Oh, good one. Um…” you can hear him moving around, and you swear you hear the click of a pen before he speaks up again. “Wheat, right?”
           Again, that strange feeling stirs in your chest. “Right.”
2 months in
           “I’ve never met anyone as obsessed with skincare as you.”
           Hobi chuckles darkly, beginning to apply his night mask to the other side of his face. “I doubt you’ve ever met anyone with such oily skin before, either.”
           You lean up against the doorframe, resting your head against the side of the door. Hobi continues applying the crème, looking utterly focused on the task. His forehead scrunches up in little lines as he looks up, rubbing underneath his eyes.
           If you’re being completely honest, it’s adorable.
           To put the icing on the cake, he begins humming to himself and leaning in closer to the mirror, making you chew on the inside of your cheek. It’s horrible enough that he has to be wildly endearing, but does he really have to be so cute?
           It’s exhausting.
           “It smells good,” you sigh out, eyes drifting shut. Hobi’s good looks isn’t the only thing that’s been exhausting to you lately. School is trying its best to wreck you and you hate to admit that it’s doing a great job of it.
           “You want some?”
           Eyes fluttering open at his question, you furrow your brows. Hobi is looking at you in the mirror, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He squeezes out a bit of the night mask onto his finger, turning to you.
           “You already washed your face, right?”
           “Good,” he nods more to himself than to you. “Close your eyes.”
           Giving him a distrustful look, you realize that you’re too tired to bother bickering with him at the moment. Instead, you close your eyes and hold your breath.
           A moment later the cool feeling of Hobi’s fingers dabbing the cream on the tip of your nose. He repeats the action all over your face, his other hand coming to cup your chin as his thumb absentmindedly traces your jaw.
           You suddenly feel extremely off balance, swaying on your feet. Hands shooting out to steady yourself, you instinctively cling to the front of Hobi’s sweatshirt. He chuckles lowly, making you tighten your grip.
           “Don’t fall over,” he mumbles, beginning to rub the night mask into your skin.
           You don’t say anything, settling for an annoyed huff. After a moment, Hobi takes up humming the same tune he was before. The two of you settle into a comfortable daze, your shoulders relaxing as the seconds tick by.
           “You know,” Hobi muses as he switches to your right cheek. “We’re pretty good roommates. Don’t you think?”
           “Mm. I’m still angry you put ‘Hope’ on your application, though. That was a dirty move.”
           Hobi’s laughter has you opening your eyes just to catch the expression of happiness he’s sure to be wearing. Sure enough, his head is thrown back and his heart-shaped smile in on display, the sight tugging at the corners of your lips.
           Catching your eye, Hobi smirks. “How can I ever make it up to you?”
           You purse your lips, melting a little at the concentrated pout that forms as Hobi resumes applying the night mask. He’s moved up to your forehead now, making your eyes drift shut again.
           “I vote you make me French Toast one of these weekends.”
           “Oh, and that’ll solve it?”
           “No, but it’s a start.”
           He chuckles quietly, pausing and then tapping lightly against your cheek. “All done.”
           Opening your eyes, you see the slightly confused look in Hobi’s eyes as he squints down at you. “What?”
           He blinks. “What?”
           You nod at him, “You look confused or something.”
           When he doesn’t answer after a long moment, you step back into the hallway. “Alright…I’m heading to bed. Thanks, Hobi.”
           His brows are furrowed as he turns back to the mirror, the confusion only growing. “Night.”
3 months in
You’ve quickly come to learn that there are pros and cons to having Hoseok as your roommate.
           One very strong pro is the fact that he’s a clean freak. You swear you haven’t had to worry about vacuuming for the past three months, he always beats you to it.
           “What are you doing?”
           He pauses mid-fold, eyes wide as he looks up at you. “…folding.”
           “My laundry?”
           He glances down at the shirt in his hands as though just realizing that these are your clothes. “I…yeah. Yeah, I am. It’s just, you left your basket out here by the couch so I figured I might as well fold it and put it away if you’re gonna leave it out here.”
           The passive aggressive tone in his voice rolls off your shoulders, knowing that he didn’t intend it that way. It’s obvious to tell that something is on his mind as he continues to you’re your shirt and place it atop a neat pile beside him.
You find yourself sitting cross-legged across from him and silently joining in on the impromptu folding party. Once you finish, Hobi clears his throat and avoids eye contact with you.
           Perhaps it has to do with the fact that he accidentally grabbed the same pair of lacy black underwear at the same time as you, which ensued in an awkward match of tug-of-war that you quickly won once he realized what he was holding.
           “So, the guys are doing a thing tonight.”
           You blink, pulling the folded laundry toward you and getting up. “…ok.”
           Hobi’s face lights up in a grin, and he jumps to his feet. “Really? You’ll come?”
           Perhaps it’s the utter joy you see in his eyes or the way he’s currently shaking your shoulders and causing the socks on the top of your pile to tumble to the ground, but you burst out laughing.
           “Hoseok!” You shout through your laughter. “You didn’t even invite me!”
           He immediately stops shaking you after that, scrambling for some form of a response. Swiping one of the pairs of socks that slipped to the ground, he kneels down on one knee and looks up at you with a giddy grin.
           “Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to visit my friends tonight?” With no shortage of sound effects, he offers up the socks as though proposing to you with a priceless diamond ring.
           “You’re an idiot.”
           Hoseok’s smile only grows. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
           Hobi’s light knock on your door goes unnoticed as you slumber on, completely dead to the world. After you had put your laundry away, you felt a wave of exhaustion overtake you.
           He knocks again, and this time you rouse just enough to grunt out something incoherent. He slowly opens the door, poking his head inside.
           “You still gonna come with me, sleepyhead?”
           His chipper voice makes you wince, your head pounding. “Mm, jus gimme…” you close your eyes again as the dull light filtering in through your blinds is enough to send you spinning. “…a sec.”
           It’s quiet for a moment, and you think that Hobi must have left. A second later, however, you hear him padding across your floor.
           “Are you sick?” He answers his own question as he places his hand against your forehead. “Oh, jagiya, you’re burning up.”
           The pet name has your temperature rising a bit more. “Mm fine.”
           Hobi chuckles softly, taking care to be quiet. “Have you eaten? Where’s your water bottle?” They’re all rhetorical questions apparently, because moments later he’s scooping your water bottle off the floor and tiptoeing back out of your room.
           After what feels like hours later, Hobi sidles back into your room with a full water bottle, some soup he must have microwaved, and another glass of liquid. It’s steaming, the scent making you scrunch up your nose in distaste.
           “What…” you can hardly muster up the energy to finish your sentence. Hobi perches on the edge of your bed, carefully placing everything on your nightstand.
           “It’s medicine. Drink it, and it’ll help. But first you need to sit up.”
           Easier said than done. Your body is exhausted, and your arms shake a bit as you attempt to scoot back against the headboard. Cheeks burning a brighter red, Hobi thankfully doesn’t comment on it. He just patiently readjusts your pillows and tucks your hair behind your ears with meticulous movements that have you smiling softly.
           “Ok,” he sighs out once that’s been taken care of. “Now, eat some soup…” his words trail off as he hands the bowl off to you. He watches as you bring the spoon to your lips, mumbling, “Blow, it’s hot.”
           Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you follow his instructions. Once you’ve eaten over half of the soup and feel too full to continue, he hands you the steaming cup that has you scrunching your nose up all over again.
           “C’mon,” he urges, “my mom used to give this stuff to me all the time when I was a kid. It works like a charm, promise.”
           “What?” He crosses his arms, frowning. “You don’t believe me?”
           You shrug, mindful of the full contents of the glass. “It’s just easier said than done, that’s all.”
           “Here, I’ll take a sip to show you that’s it’s not bad!” Reaching for the cup, you burst out into a fit of laughter as Hobi stares down at the liquid with unabashed terror. He clears his throat and squares his shoulders. “Right…just one sip…”
           Blowing across the surface carefully, he sacrifices his tastebuds. The instant he swallows, he thrusts the cup back into your hands and dives off the bed. “Ach!” He rushes out of the room, no doubt heading for the kitchen. Indeed, a moment later you hear the faucet running and wonder if he just decided to shove his head under the running water instead of wasting time on grabbing a cup from the cupboard.
           With your water bottle on hand, you attempt to chug the medicine. It’s horrid, making you gag, but you continue until the contents are drained. You’ve just managed to drink some water to rid yourself of the lingering taste when you hear Hobi’s phone ring.
           “Hey hyung,” he’s still in the kitchen, but you can hear him clearly. “Oh, yeah…I don’t think we’re gonna make it. No, it’s not that, she said she’d come.”
           You freeze, holding the still-warm cup close to your chest. For some reason, your stomach does a little flip when you hear the way Hobi’s tone changes as he speaks about you. It’s infinitely softer, something you don’t recall hearing before.
           “She took a nap and woke up with a fever-” he pauses. “Yeah, I just gave her medicine. But she needs to rest. She’s exhausted. What? Ugh, really Jin? I’m not-” The sound of Hobi shuffling about has you leaning closer to the open door, trying to hear what he’s saying. His voice is much quieter when he speaks next, but you can still hear bits and pieces of what he’s saying. “I can’t just make a move on her while she’s sick, that’s unethical!”
           Clapping a hand over your mouth before he can hear you snort, your eyes widen. Make a move?
           On you?
           “Yah, quit it. Tell everyone I say hey, I’ve gotta go.” Again there’s a pause, quickly followed by an annoyed hiss. “See, this is why I never tell you anything.”
           He quickly says his goodbyes after that, and you scramble to appear normal despite your pounding heart. You hear Hobi’s sigh from the kitchen, and you wish you could know what he was thinking.
           “Alright,” Hobi calls, heading back into your room. The second he enters you feel as though you’re seeing him for the first time. “Let’s get it- oh, you already finished it?”
           You blink, suddenly blinded by the sight of his adoring smile. As he settles down on the edge of your bed, you manage a feeble nod.
           “Jagi,” again with the pet name, “you look exhausted. Let me take the dishes and how about you go back to sleep?”
           Despite the fact that you literally live in the same apartment, the thought of Hobi leaving you alone in your room has you stalling. “Uh, who called?”
           There’s a flicker of panic that’s quickly replaced with an easy smile. “Jin hyung, he was wondering where we were. Don’t worry, I told him we weren’t gonna be able to make it.”
           You’ve heard plenty about Jin – truthfully about all of Hobi’s friends. You were excited to meet them tonight, after hearing so many stories.
           “I’m sorry,” you frown, still clinging to your glass. “You can still go, if you want.”
           Hobi looks at you like you’ve grown a second head. “Why would I…? No, I’ll stay here with you. Can’t leave a sickie on their own, you know that.”
           Groaning, roll your eyes. “I feel like an idiot.”
“If you’re an idiot, I’m an idiot.”
You snort, setting your glass down before you cause an accident. “Isn’t it, ‘if you’re a bird, I’m a bird’?”
Hoseok shrugs, a smile playing on his lips. “Close enough.”
He holds your gaze for a few seconds too long, but neither one of you look away first. Instead you bunch up your blankets in your fists and offer him a crooked smile. “Thanks, Hobi.”
His eyes linger on your smile, his lips mirroring it. “Anytime.”
4 months in
           Nothing has changed, and yet everything has.
           Ever since you fell ill, you’ve been jumpy. Anytime Hobi accidentally brushes up against you as he reaches for something in the kitchen, whenever he knocks on your door, even when he calls you from the grocery store. It all makes you jump and sends your heart racing.
           “You’re so dramatic.”
           You look up at Yuri, your most brutally honest friend. “…ouch?”
           She shakes her head, sinking down lower in her seat across from you. You keep boxing up your leftover food to take home, wondering if Hobi would like it.
           “I mean it. You’ve been freaking out about this guy for over a month now without doing anything about it.”
           You pause, looking at Yuri with wide, pleading eyes. “What am I supposed to do? He’s my roommate!”
           “So what? Your lease is up in a few weeks, isn’t it? If it backfires, just move out.”
           You snort. “Easier said than done. I can’t just up and move whenever I like, you know.”
           “You can’t or you don’t want to?”
           “Shut up.”
           “I refuse. Now,” Yuri checks the time on her phone. “tell me what you like about him.”
           “I never said-” you sputter, but Yuri holds up a hand and cuts you off.
           “Actions speak louder than words. He’s literally your background on your home screen.”
           Ok, that sounds like a bit much. It’s true, though. A week ago Hobi finally got to take you out to meet his friends. Together you went on a midnight hike (something you’d honestly never do again) and found a breathtaking view at the top. His friends, specifically Jimin and Taehyung, had practically shoved the two of you together for an impromptu photoshoot under the night sky.
           The photos are a little blurry and dark, but you love them. Enough to add one as your background. “But you can’t actually see us in the picture, it’s just pretty-”
           “Sure it is. You two make a cute couple.”
           “W-we do?”
           Yuri jumps up, clapping her hands and startling a couple just a few tables down. “Aha! See, you do have feelings for him!”
           “Ok, ok,” you hold up your hands in surrender. “Just sit down.”
           Once she’s taken her seat again and apologized loud enough for the couple she scared to hear her, you lean in close over the table. She rubs her hands together, looking every bit the scheming friend she is.
           “Alright, let’s plot, shall we?”
           Hobi checks the window for the eighth time in under five minutes, brushing the curtains aside to see if your car is in the lot yet. It’s not.
           “C’mon Jung,” he rolls his neck, bouncing on his feet. “Calm down. Keep it chill. Everything’s fine.”
           Everything is not fine.
           Things haven’t been fine for months now, something he’s been able to deny to an impressive level. Last weeks, however, the lie came to an end.
           His friends loved you. Like, ranted and raved about how funny and cool you were until he was worried he needed to organize an intervention. Then, the icing on the cake.
           Yoongi had grabbed him while you were hiking back down, sandwiched between Jin and Jungkook. He nodded down at you, turning a knowing eye to Hobi.
           “So…when’s that gonna happen?”
           Hobi played dumb, frowning at Yoongi. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
           “Hoseok, c’mon.”
           You laughed at Taehyung, who jogged up ahead. He was quickly joined by Jungkook. Hobi’s pretty sure his heart stopped beating as you turned around, searching for him. Once your eyes found his, your smile widened.
           Yoongi laughed at his side. “You’re whipped, and you don’t even realize it.”
           Indeed he was. Dangerously so, if he was going off of the amount of times he’s knocked on your door to ask you out only to change his story at the very last moment to ask you something stupid instead. You never seemed to mind, just laughing at his strange questions and teasing him mercilessly.
           “Ok,” Hobi whispers to himself, still bouncing on the balls of his feet. “You’ve got this. Just rip it off like a Band-Aid. Quick and to the point.” He tilts his head to one side. “But not the painful part. No pain.”
           He’s in the middle of his pep talk when the sound of your key in the lock alerts him to your return. Hobi is standing in the middle of the living room, looking like an idiot. Naturally, he shoves his hands in his pockets. Yeah, that makes him look less like an idiot.
           The second the door opens and you step into the apartment, every thought eddies out of Hobi’s mind.
           You freeze, not expecting Hobi to be standing in the middle of the living room impersonating a lamp when you got home.
           “Hi…?” Hobi swallows at the sound of your voice, watching your every move as you slowly lift up the bag of leftovers. “I brought home leftovers if you want some…”
           “I need you to go out with me.”
           Now you’re really frozen, staring up at Hobi as his eyes widen at his own words.
           “What? What for?”
           “For me.”
           You slowly close the door behind you, setting the food down on the counter before turning to face Hobi again. “For you?”
           He nods, a panicked look in his eyes. “Yes. For me.”
           “Hobi, I don’t understand. Do you need a plus one or something for an event? Is that what it is?”
           Removing his hands from his pockets and taking a step towards you, Hobi shakes his head. “What? No, I need- I need you.”
            It’s a good thing you already set the food down. “Me?” You squeak out, looking your roommate up and down as he takes another step.
           Clearly there’s been a communication error. Hobi brushes his hair back from his face, chewing on his bottom lip before coming to a stop before you.
           “Us,” he repeats, voice low. “I need us to be a thing.”
           “O-oh.” That’s all you can manage as you try to recall if Hobi has ever looked at you like this before. It’s hard to contain yourself when you realize that he has, however he’s always been quick to mask it with something else. Or, more often than not, a silly question.
           “Will- can you…” he stops, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. Without his gaze on you, you gain a bit of courage and raise a hand to cup his cheek. His eyes fly open, and he offers you a shy smile. “Do you want to go out with me? On a date?”
           Craning your neck, you hold your breath and plant a kiss on his cheek. You delight in the way he instantly flushes, garnering more courage by the second.
           “Yes.” Then you arch a brow. “I have one condition, though.”
           Hobi’s eyes are half closed as he looks down at you, appearing as though he’s slipped into some euphoric realm. “Hmm, anything.”
           “I demand French Toast.”
           Dissolving into a fit of laughter, Hobi sinks to the ground, taking you down with him. You protest, but not too much. Holding you tightly, Hobi subsides in his laughter enough to wink down at you. “French Toast it is.”
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taglist: @baepsaetay​ @dreamcatcherjiah​ @kookie-vuitton​ @thecaffeinatedscribbles​ @moon-write​ @fangirl125reader​ @heishichoulevi @knjkitten​ @sacha-cff​ @vik7797  @eusticenatalie​ @hesmyphenominiall​ @miriamxsworld​ @kayahay​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @marianeamine​​ @hqtetsurou​ @protontippens​ @beginwithamin​ @limiworld​  @jeonyoongi-jimin @buttvi​ @yoontaethings​ @sunshinejunghoseokie​ @delacyrose224​ @jiminiesmagicshop​ @hitsussi
© alpacaparkaseok
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baby-iloveyou · 3 years
A cover model, only for your eyes to see [PART 1]
pairing: yeo changgu from pentagon x gn!reader genre: fluff, suggestive, in a relationship for a few months already but still first base, idol/model changgu warnings: very innocent reader, changgu kinda has a corruption kink, public teasing, it's kinda cute at the beginning, the reader is so innocent it's so cute summary: Your relationship with Changgu has been nothing but lovey dovey so far, and when Changgu asks you to visit him at his Men's Health photoshoot, you can't say no. But this would mean you would see him shirtless for the first time, and you didn't expect the view to affect you that much. word count: 2.7k writer notes: part 1 of this because i want to get it out there already and otherwise it's gonna be such a long post, hence why i split it up in two!! hope you enjoy ;)
You are on PART 1, here's PART 2
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"Yeo One will be the next cover model for Men's Health Korea! Leave your questions for him in the comments and we will record a Q&A with him. You don't want to miss this!" You read the Instagram post out loud to your boyfriend, who was sitting right across from you. "Aw Changgu, I'm so happy for you! This is so cool!" You smiled and leaned forward over the table to kiss his nose. He closed his eyes when you pecked him and grinned. "It is my second time as well, I'm really happy they invited me again." He said, while a big smile was plastered on his face. "Apparently they couldn't get enough of you!" You said and winked at him. "I can't get enough of you either." You added afterwards. Changgu laughed: "I'd rather spend the day with you than with them. I can get enough of them, but I also can never get enough of you."
Both of you were smiling like idiots, until Changgu suddenly said: "What if you come visit me during my photoshoot? I know you've never seen me shirtless, so this would be a good first time." This time, he was the one who winked at you. "I'll be all done up, I'll look great so why won't you see for yourself instead of a photo?" You were slightly flustered. "Is that allowed? Can I just show up to your photoshoot without any notice beforehand? I don't know Changgu..." He shook his head and stood up to walk over to you. His right hand was on your shoulder, his face in front of yours. "Yeah, it'll be fine! I'll persuade them. I need someone to entertain me during that photoshoot and you are the perfect kissable huggable kind of entertainment." The moment you replied that you'd come, he gave you a big smile, pecked you on the lips and left to go to the gym.
The day of the photoshoot was nearing and with every day passing, you could feel your nerves getting worse. Changgu was going to the gym every day to work on his body and to be in his best shape, and it only made you feel even more nervous. You didn’t know how you were gonna react to his physique, what kind of feeling to expect, what to do if something went wrong somehow? It made you terribly stressed, but you tried your best to not show Changgu your feelings. He had to focus on his own schedule and his lover’s emotions were not a part of that schedule.
The day before the photoshoot, your thoughts were going a mile a second, thinking about what Changgu would look like shirtless, what kind of concept the photos would have, what Changgu would look like shirtless, whether the staff from Men’s Health was nice, what Changgu would look like shirtless… The thought would not leave your mind. You felt bad about it, even thinking about such a scenario made you embarrassed. “Keep your mind out of the gutter, Y/N… You shouldn’t think about these kinds of things…” You whispered to yourself. “Hm?” Changgu hummed, apparently hearing your buzzing but not quite hearing what was being said. You looked up at him, said it was nothing and left to go take a shower. Changgu tilted his head to the side in confusion, but didn’t think too much of it and continued scrolling on his phone while eating his protein bar.
The moment had finally come. Changgu had sent a message at 8AM, letting you know he was on his way to the photoshoot location and when you could come over. “I’ll be exercising a bit more at the beginning and then I have make-up and styling, which would take around 2 hours or so. If you are dropping by, do so around 1PM for my manly muscles,” the text read, finished off with a sunglasses emoji. You mentally facepalmed at the text, smiling because of how stupid the text was.
However, it did also remind you that it was The Day. All those built-up nerves were coming back and you weren’t sure whether you would be physically able to visit him. But you made a promise, and you were gonna stick to that promise. So you hopped out of bed, got ready, picked out the clothes that you knew Changgu liked and hopped in the first taxi you saw on the way to the address he sent.
“Hi, is this the photoshoot location for the magazine Men’s Health?” You asked a random staff member who happened to walk by. “Yes it is, why do you ask? Oh wait, are you the person that Yeo One was talking about? He said something about inviting someone to the set.” So he told the staff about your visit. At least you could tell that the staff member was fine with it, which made you calm down slightly. You nodded and smiled. “Yes, that must be me. Could you tell me where I can find him?” After a few instructions and some pointing towards certain directions, you went on your way to find Changgu.
You were a bit early: you were supposed to get here at 1PM, but right now it was 12:30PM. He might still be getting his make-up done, you thought to yourself. Thankfully, the staff was lovely and had extra chairs so you could sit down at the actual shooting area, where the photos would be taken in a moment. You plopped down and scrolled through Instagram, waiting for Changgu to show up as his majestic beautiful-looking self.
Your scrolling session was rudely interrupted by a hand coming from behind you, grabbing your phone and taking it out of your hands. “Hey, what the??” You exclaimed, before looking behind you and seeing your boyfriend with his leather jacket zipped up. He laughed, “It’s just too easy with you.” You rolled your eyes in a joking manner. “Ha ha, very funny. Now give me my phone so that I can take some photos of you.” You could tell he wanted to keep your phone but that he also wanted you to take pictures of him when he hesitantly handed back your phone. “Pose for the camera, manly man.” You said, with a cheeky tone, as a reference to his own message. And pose he did.
You had never seen him so serious like this, so attractive, so captivating. Your face quickly turned into a blank expression while taking photos of him, and only when Changgu called out to you, you realised you were wandering off. “Y/N? Hello?” You looked up at him from your phone screen. “Should we take some photos together as well?” The heartwarming smile you knew all too well was on his face, a drastic difference from the posing face he had a few seconds ago. “Oh yeah, that sounds really nice, let’s do that!” You walked up to one of the photographers and asked if he could take some pictures of you two. He agreed and even proposed to take pictures with the actual background and lighting that they’d be using for the shoot. Both you and Changgu liked the idea and walked over towards the spot the photographer was pointing to. “What kind of poses should we do?” You softly asked Changgu. “Do they know we’re dating? Can we do couple stuff?” He replied back: “They don’t know but they don’t really care. When I asked whether you could come over or not, they were so chill about it. It’s probably fine.” After hearing that, you stood on your tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. Click! That was photo number one. Both of you blushed and smiled while looking at each other. You grabbed his arm and hugged it while leaning against his body. Click! There was a second photo. “I have an idea,” Changgu said all of a sudden, “climb on my back.” There was no hesitation. You let go of his arm and, using the chair that was standing there, jumped on his back. He had a very broad back, and you could feel his muscles where your arms were holding on to his body. Click! And the last picture was taken. “Thank you!” You got off Changgu’s back and rushed over to the photographer to retrieve your phone. “Let’s take a look!” You said while walking back to Changgu slowly.
“Everyone please get ready for the shoot! We will start in a few minutes!” A staff member shouted out through a megaphone. “We can look through the photos later, love. I have to get ready.” Changgu replied to you after the announcement. You nodded and headed to the chair that was right next to the photographer, so you had a good view of your boyfriend. Changgu sat down on the same chair you two were standing in front of just now, and unzipped his leather jacket to reveal… his abs. He was not wearing anything underneath the leather jacket. You could’ve seen that coming, but you still were caught off-guard. The red and blue lights that were reflected on his body made him look so incredibly handsome. You gulped at the sight.
Maybe you had too good of a view.
It felt like he was born to be a model. His facial expressions were off the charts, and the way he exuded so much confidence by literally sitting on a chair was insane to you. The loving, idiotic (in the best way possible) and giggly Changgu could not be found right now. You couldn’t tear your eyes off him, he was simply stunning in every single way. So stunning in fact, that it made you feel something. A feeling which was unknown to you. Some type of need, the need for him. You didn’t know where it was coming from, or what it was. But your brain couldn’t process said need. The only thing your brain could think of was Changgu.
“Okay everyone, good job! Let’s have a quick break and get back to it in 30 minutes or so.” The same staff member shouted. You could see Changgu looking around a bit, spotting you and resting your eyes before signalling you should come to him. You walked over to stand next to where he was seated, eyes trying not to drift over to his abs. You know you failed since Changgu said: “Are you that impressed?” And there was the cheeky smile again. Although, it was slightly different this time. It turned into a little smirk, knowing you couldn’t keep your eyes off his physique. “I… I just didn’t… I just… I…” You were stuttering from his teasing tone, flustered and didn’t know what to say. “Do you want to touch it? My abs?” He taunted you, grabbing your hand and slowly reaching for his body. As much as you wanted to pull away your hand to prevent even more embarrassment, you simply couldn’t. He was addicting and the way he lured you in made it impossible to deny him. Before you knew it, your hand (which was guided by his hand) was stroking over the little cubes, its edges, the entire thing.
You could feel your cheeks burning and the need from earlier came back, but this time it was worse than before. Changgu noticed you licking your lips as your hand was going over his six pack, and perked a brow. “Was that coincidental or did you just lick your lips because of me?” Your eyes shot up from your hands to his eyes. They were dark, and it seemed like a similar kind of feeling like the feeling you were experiencing right now. Changgu’s other free hand softly pushed you onto his lap, so that the staff couldn’t see what was going on. He looked up another time to see if someone was paying attention, and slowly lowered your hand to the hem of his pants, making you toy with it. At this point, it felt like you were able to cook an egg on your cheeks, they were burning hot. And you didn’t even know it was possible to feel like that. Changgu lowered your hand even more, it was now hovering over his crotch area. You could feel something, you could see something. You felt like you were staring but you couldn’t help it. It was such a new feeling and it made you feel... good. “Babe, no staring. We’re still a photoshoot studio, remember?” Changgu’s free hand, which wasn’t holding your palm, raised your chin so you had to look him in the eyes. “No… I mean yes, no staring…” You pouted but it made sense, there was a different time to explore these feelings. Changgu scooted you off his lap, and excused himself to go to the toilet. You walked back to your original chair, still thinking about what had just happened. About 5 minutes later, Changgu still hadn’t returned. And 5 minutes after that, there still was no sign of the man. You grabbed your phone to look at the photos that you took earlier, and saw that Changgu actually sent you a text. “Come over to the toilet stalls?” You put your phone back in the pocket of your trousers and walked towards the toilets.
“Changgu?” You asked when you opened the door to the stalls. No response. After you closed the door, you asked again. This time, your boyfriend did come out of one of the stalls. Before walking over to you, he checked all the locks of the stalls. All were green. You were still standing in front of the, now closed, bathroom door, looking at Changgu slowly approaching you. You took a few steps back until you were against the door. He kept getting closer and closer, until only a few inches were left between your faces. “Do you like what you’ve been seeing today, love? How are you feeling?” You gulped again, the second time today. “I… I… You look… You look very good… Your… Your body… Your body is very nice looking…” It felt like your entire vocabulary had been snapped away by him. “Tell me what you feel baby, have you ever felt this way before?” His tone was so patronising, but you couldn’t help but answer him. “It… It feels nice… I feel weird, it’s all so new…” A smirk appeared on Changgu’s face. “Y/N, I can see right through you, you know that right? Do you know how cute you look right now?”
Your mouth opened, but words refused to come out. The power he had over you was insane. “No response anymore? I guess you’re too embarrassed to admit how cute you are.” He took a small step forward, making the distance between your faces even smaller. He rested his hands next to your head against the door, trapping you with his body. “Do you want me to act on your feelings? Is that what you want me to do? Use your words.” The tension between you two made you almost break, and you knew you had to try and get at least a ‘yes’ out of your mouth.
“I-I think I do… I’m not sure what you are going to do though.” You managed to get a sentence out. Changgu removed his hands from the door and crossed his arms to think. His eyes scanned your entire body, starting with your head, going down to your feet and back to your head. He licked his lips and smirked. “I have an idea… but you’ll have to wait for tonight. The break is almost over and I have work to do.”
At this point, you really wanted to slap your boyfriend.
The devilish look he had on his face indicated that this was his plan all along, to only taunt and tease you for now. You pouted in the hopes that he would do at least something to help you along, but you didn’t know what to do to get him as desperate as you. And honestly, you were almost certain you wouldn’t succeed based on the way he was acting. The only thing you could do was wait until after the photoshoot.
click here for part 2
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Can u pls write something like dark!reader x steve rogers high school AU , where R is rich spoil brat & she always had a crush on steve but she always bully him by calling him skinny and all and Then yrs later, time changes her family discarded her from will and she becomes poor and need job, got hired for PA by dark ceo!steve rogers who she bullied her all school lifee😈😈
okay this is a lot for a headcanon but I don’t have time to do a whole oneshot BUT I also really like it so we’re gonna just make a longass headcanon here we gooooo
warnings for heavy dub con, choking, slapping, degradation (by steve), bullying (by the reader), abortion mention, brief mention of/implied assault.
“heyo pipsqueak” you called out to get steve’s attention, laughing when he frowned.  “looks like you grew a whole inch over summer, be sure to have your mom draw a line in pencil on the doorframe.”
he just rolled his eyes and got back to chatting with his friend.  not friends, friend, cause he only had one: bucky, who snarled at you as well.
“pick on someone your own size, if you can find somebody with as big a head as you,” bucky shot back, making you scoff.
“you know, it’s a shame you hang out with this deformed freak, you could’ve been popular.  you’ve got the looks for it.”
“I’d rather keep my brains, thanks,” bucky explained as you walked away with your posse of fellow popular kids.
you didn’t used to be so mean to steve.  it was sort of a comedy of errors, really.  you two had been friends in elementary school-- you, him, and bucky were the rambunctious trio up until middle school.  
things change for boys and girls in middle school.  guys just get along with each other and don’t think about it much.  girls, though... girls need to be sharp.  it’s eat or be eaten.  and you wanted to eat.
you were lucky that you developed early.  it meant that girls respected you and boys feared you-- not just for your attractive features but for the fact that you loomed a foot over most of them.
you started to take advantage of it.  and by the time you realized you had feelings for your best friend steve, it was already too late-- he was at the bottom of the food chain and you were at the top.  
you told your new girl friends that you wanted to take steve to the sadie hawkins.  they laughed at you.  for a moment, you felt what it was like to be outcast and you never wanted to feel it again.  so, you told steve and bucky that you’d grown apart.  and you were happy to just be former friends...
it was steve that started it.  he called you out.  he told you that you were nothing like who he used to know-- you had become vapid and cold and narcissistic.
“you’re so busy worrying about what other people think, you never take the time to think for yourself.”  that was what he said.  and it fucking hurt.
“saw you talking to your boyfriend steve the dweeb,” your friend tanya announced at lunch just a few minutes after that conversation.  and you were angry, and hurt, and truly friendless despite being surrounded by other popular girls.  so you said some things you could never take back.
“steve?  as if.  did you know he still sleeps with a security blanket?  and he has his friend bucky fight for him every week cause if he took a punch he’d crumble to dust?”
and so, mortal enemies were formed.  it only got worse in high school, as you fought to secure your title at the top while steve and bucky’s presence filled your heart with guilt and your gut with anger.
if only you’d known how quickly you could fall from your high horse.
it started when you dated tanya’s ex, brock.  she was made so she spread a rumor that you would fuck any guy on the football team, even all of them at once.
apparently, a lot of people believed it since tanya had been your sidekick since 6th grade.
two football players believed it.  and when you wouldn’t follow through on it, you got yourself a black eye.
that meant you missed school for a week because you couldn’t possibly show up looking like that.  tanya told everyone it was because you got grounded and sent away to church camp after your parents caught you in bed with one of the neighbors.  so now your reputation was ‘sleeps with football players and old men.’
only brock had been there for you.... but it turned out he had motives of his own.  you had originally planned to wait until college, but brock was clearly wanting something in return for putting up with dating pariah #1... so you let him take your virginity.
the condom broke.  when you dashed to the trash can to hurl in the middle of history class, you knew something was wrong.  (and lost that many more social points in the process.)
brock dumped you the second he found out you were pregnant.  didn’t even help you pay for the abortion.  he got back together with tanya and told her the real reason for your ‘medical absence’.  and that was the last straw for the former homecoming queen.
the humiliation drove you to some.... poor choices, for the next few years.  you tried not to think about them now, but it was hard not to when their consequences were staring you right in the face: no money, no job, nearly homeless, and desperate.
over a hundred job applications later, only one had called you back and scheduled an interview.  and you only needed one.
so there you were, waiting in the chilly lobby area while the receptionist typed away and chomped her gum, tapping your toes and glancing out the window occasionally.
you were surprised when you had been told your interview would be on the 51st floor.  you sort of assumed it would just be some random manager interviewing you, not somebody important enough to have a waiting room like this, or a view like this.
when a man stepped out from the nearby hallway, your eyes went wide.  he was tall, and handsome, and obviously muscular underneath the exquisite suit.  you suddenly felt underdressed in your hand-me-down business clothes.
then he called your name.  and you realized he was going to interview you.
you stood up and nodded.  “you can follow me to my office,” he instructed with a smile, leading you down the hall to the corner office.  you were in awe of the grandiosity of it all.  you were dumbfounded when you saw CEO on the door.
“there must have been a mistake,” you explained as he shut the door behind you.  “I... I’m just interviewing for an entry-level position.”
“no, there’s no mistake,” he shook his head, “I have you exactly where I want you.  take a seat.”
he circled his desk and sat on the other side of it, resting his elbows on the desk and giving you an oddly smug smile.  an awkward silence was finally broken when he realized, “you must not remember me.”
“I... have we met?” 
“I don’t blame you, I look pretty different,” he shrugged.  “I must’ve grown a whole inch this summer.”
you gave him a confused look before realization dawned on you, along with shame, and fear.
“oh... oh my god, Steve?!” you squawked.  he just grinned.  “you look... you look...”
“you look great!” you said aloud instead.
“yeah,” he agreed, “wish I could say the same for you.”
you swallowed dryly.  “so that’s what you want,” you sighed, “to get back at me.  I understand.  I deserve it...”
“I don’t want revenge,” he denied.  “I’m just sorry to see you haven’t been... thriving, since high school.  your job history--” he scanned your resume briefly-- “well, you don’t have one.  have you been slumming it all this time?”
“without my parents’ money?  yeah,” you admitted.  
“surprised you applied here, instead of turning tricks on 5th and Columbus.”
your back straightened and your eyes went wide at that comment.
“I mean, you’re already dressed for it,” he smirked.
you stood up and crossed your arms.  “if you’re just going to insult me, then I’ll leave now.  I’m sorry for everything I did to you, steve,” you announced, voice shaky with oncoming tears.
“can you really afford to leave?” he pressed.  “if you have a chance at a job?”
that, unfortunately, got your attention.  “you... you might actually offer me something?”
“I will offer you something,” he corrected, “if you just sit down and listen.”
you relented, returning to your seat.  you could stand a lot more insults if there was money on the line.
“to be honest, there’s no way I can hire you for the position you applied for,” he sighed.  “you’re just underqualified.  but I think I can create a position for you.”
you liked the sound of that.  “what kind of position?”
“well, that’s tricky, seeing as you don’t have any skills,” he frowned, “except one.  so that’s the one I plan on using.”
the look in his eyes made it all too clear what he was referring to, but as you shrunk into the leather chair he went ahead and clarified.
“I’ll pay you whatever salary you saw in the ad.  but you won’t be doing data analysis or office management or anything like that.  all you’ll be doing is spreading your legs for me whenever I fucking want.”
fear shot up your spine; his eyes were devouring you, pinning you to the chair, and you tried to process that.  “I--”
“before you say anything,” he interrupted immediately, “let’s just be perfectly clear that this might be your only shot at a real job.  what I’m offering has better pay than stripping, and better benefits than hooking.  and unless you have any education or experience I don’t know about, you’re totally fucked.”
“seems like I’m fucked either way,” you mumbled, making him laugh.
“see, you’ve still got that sharp tongue,” he grinned.  “can’t wait to put it to better use.”
maybe it was just desperation for cash.  maybe it was because he was good-looking and you could do a lot worse.  maybe it was because, on some level, you felt like you deserved his punishment after how horribly you’d treated him.
“I’ll do it,” you sighed.  “when do I start?”
he stood up and reached across the desk to grab your neck, glaring at you.  “right now.”
his free hand was already fumbling with his belt, the one on your throat guiding you downwards.  “on your knees,” he instructed, and you slipped out of the chair and onto the floor.
he let go of your neck and you figured he was going to come to you, but instead he stood still and demanded: “crawl.”
debasing as it was, you crawled on your knees to his side of the desk, and he laughed at you bitterly.  when you reached his feet and popped back up, you gasped at the sight of his hard cock right in front of your face. it was bigger than your face.  and it was dripping precum.
“don’t get so bug-eyed, you can handle it,” he grinned.  “if your mouth’s as big as I remember...”
you didn’t want to hear any more.  you just wanted to get this over with, so you quickly took his head between your lips and started to suck.  you were shocked when he slapped you, hard enough to knock his length from your mouth and to make you reach up and clutch your stinging cheek.
“fucking whore,” he grimaced, “did I say you could put it in your mouth?  god, you’re so fucking desperate.  just open your fucking mouth and I’ll show you what I want, okay?”
you nodded and stammered an apology, looking up at him with watery eyes and an open mouth.  he swiped the latest drop of precum on your tongue before gliding his cock over it, grabbing your hair to keep you steady as he pushed himself to the back of your throat.
“fuck, that’s better,” he sighed.  “so much better when you just do what you’re told.  I remember how you used to be so cruel with this mouth.  now you’re being so welcoming...”
you just sat there and let him use your mouth, trying not to gag when he hit your throat.
“look up at me,” he instructed, “yeah, that’s it.  can’t have you forgetting who’s doing this to you, now can we?”
that went on for a bit longer until mascara-stained tears streaked your face, which he seemed rather proud of.
“damn, wouldn’t mind having you swallow my come right now,” he admitted, “but I have bigger plans.  get up, bend over my desk.”
you coughed briefly when he pulled out, but did as you were told.  he instantly yanked your skirt up over your ass and spanked you several times roughly, making you sob and whine.
“wanna see this ass all bruised up in the shape of my hand,” he explained.  “so we can both remember how hard I fucked you.”
he tore your panties like they were paper, chuckling when he found you already wet.
“dripping already, just from choking on my cock?  poor baby...”
you spread your legs slightly, though you were sure nothing was going to adequately prepare you for his size.
“you figured out how to use birth control since graduating, right?” he asked, and you nodded quickly.  “good.  cause I’m not using a condom,” he continued as he let his cock glide over your folds, groaning slightly, “and there’s no way in hell I’m pulling out.”
he pushed forward in one brutal stroke, making you cry out loudly.  you really hoped these rooms were mostly soundproof.
“shit, you’re tight,” he hissed, already pulling back and thrusting back in.  “clearly you recovered from your years of slutting it up in high school.”
“that-- that wasn’t true,” you defended.
“oh, just shut up,” he growled.
he fucked you fast and deep, his hips pushing yours into the edge of his desk with each thrust.  his hands pinned you down at your shoulders, another reminder that you were entirely at his mercy.
“fuck, this is just what you needed... somebody to put you in your place.  makes sense that it should be me, since you hated me so much.”
“I didn’t h-hate you,” you hiccuped. 
“yeah, you wanted me, didn’t you?”
“always,” you admitted.
“wanted my fat fuckin’ cock to tear up your pussy?  is that it?”
“yes,” you moaned, “yes, steve, wanted to be yours.”
“even when I was skinny and short?”
“even when you hated me,” you added.
he growled slightly and you felt your walls tighten around him suddenly.  he chuckled, clearly aware that you were enjoying this.
“you want more, baby?  want me to fuck you harder?”
“whatever you want,” you answered instead.  “just use me however you want.”
he moaned and leaned down to cage your body in with his.  “fuck, baby... you’re taking this better than I thought you would.  such a good girl for me, huh?  such a good little slut.  want me to use you, baby?  take all my anger out on you?”
“yes,” you whispered, sobbing when he began to fuck you more brutally than you thought possible.  but it felt good.  so good that your legs were shaking, so good that you felt even better when he tugged your hair.
“yeah, gonna come on my cock, aren’t you?” 
you nodded and bit your lip.
“m’ close too,” he admitted, “you’re gonna be so full of my come, it’s gonna be dripping down your legs when you walk out of here...”
your orgasm made your body shake and your eyes roll back.
“fuck, I can feel you coming,” he groaned, “fuck, just like that-- fuck!”
you felt his warmth fill you as his cock flexed against your walls.  you were busy trying to catch your breath when he slumped down on top of you and pushed the air from your lungs.
“damn... didn’t think I was gonna come that fast,” he sighed.  “see what you do to me?  fuck, I knew this was a good idea.”
sure, it felt good, but you were sure he was only going to get rougher and meaner the longer this went on.  you couldn’t imagine how you were going to get out of here without somebody noticing your wrinkled clothes, messed-up hair and, as he’d pointed out himself, come all over your thighs.
“guess I’ll see you at 8am tomorrow, huh?” he chuckled, giving you an unexpected peck on the cheek.  you couldn’t answer, though, interrupted by the phone on his desk ringing.  “oh, sorry, gotta get this.”
he reached for the phone and picked it up, bringing to his ear all without pulling out of you or even lifting his body from on top of yours.
“bucky, hey,” steve grinned as he spoke into the phone, looking down at you and stroking your hair, “you’re not gonna believe who I ran into today...”
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Accidental Family
Hey folks! This is one of two fics for the six month celebration of this blog! Woohoo! Blood on the Ice is one of the most popular series I've written, and expanding it into Josie’s (@prohibitionincurls ) Winging It world with her was unbelievably fun. Disclaimer: one of the OCs has ADHD and it is a central theme of the story--while Josie based some of his characteristics on her own experience, we both recognize that this is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Thank you again for six amazing months, and I hope you enjoy!
Lots of love,
Eve <3
TW for mentioned injury
“Oh my god, they’re gonna kill me,” the kid whispered in a wavering voice, sounding much younger than he actually was as he left the penalty box.
“They’re not going to kill you,” Bowie soothed, still watching the tunnel where Remus had disappeared mere minutes earlier. From what he saw, there had been a bit of blood, but the bruising didn’t look too bad. Then again, there had barely been enough time for anything to visibly swell before he was whisked away.
“Can I just stay in the box?” Felix cast a look toward the Lions bench and his voice cracked. “They can’t yell at me in the box, right?”
“Hey. Look at me, Marty.” Bowie took him by the shoulders and gave him a gentle shake. “The Lions are good guys. They’re not going to hurt you, but you did just fuck up one of their best friends. What would you do if someone hit me in the face?”
“Come on, man, I’m a terrible fighter. I don’t know how well I’d be able to defend your honor after something like that. It was an accident. Do you think they know it was an accident? Should I go tell them?”
“I know. They know. Loops definitely knows. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re a little cold at first.” He ruffled the rookie’s hair and turned back to the game; the Lions were moving fast and brutal, slicing right through their defense for yet another goal. Shit. Felix clearly felt bad enough already--losing the game wouldn’t make him feel any better. 
They ended up losing the game.
Bowie had figured it might happen; he would have had the same fire if it had been his teammate that got clocked like that. Hell, he used to have the same fire when he and Remus had played together, so he completely understood. 
That did not change the fact that once they got home, Felix was still borderline inconsolable. The 18-year-old wasn’t technically billeting with them, but the apartment he was renting just so happened to be in the same building, on the same floor, and right across the hall from his and Simon’s. This led to an informal adoption of the rookie and he was around their house at least five times a week, if not more. 
Felix Martin was a good kid, and that idea was confirmed when Kronk immediately took a liking to him; the cat loved nobody but the three of them. Bowie was grateful that he and Simon were there to quell some of the homesickness that came from moving out to a new city on his own for the first time. The transition was always tough, but they could provide a little support.
They parted ways from the team when the bus got back from the rink and drove to their building in silence. Once they made their way up the stairs and down the hall, Felix moved to go back to his apartment. 
“Nope,” Bowie said immediately, placing a hand on his shoulder and steering him through the door to his and Simon’s place. It wasn’t a good idea for Felix to be alone right now--there was nothing to do alone after a loss aside from beat himself up about it, and Bowie would be damned before he let that happen. 
Simon and Kronk were perched on the couch, but they both moved into the kitchen as soon as the door clicked closed. Simon took one look at the pair and carefully wrapped his arms around Felix; the kid practically melted. The three of them stood there for a moment until Simon pulled back a bit and tilted his head toward the living room. Felix nodded and Bowie followed the two, sharing the couch with Simon while the rookie curled up in the large armchair diagonal to them. 
He...well, if Bowie was being honest, Felix looked like hell. He chewed his lower lip like an anxious beaver and fiddled with the loose threads of the closest armrest; everything about him screamed discomfort. Bowie caught Simon’s worried glance in his periphery and let out a slow breath, trying to relieve at least a little of the tension in the room.
“You don’t have to relive it if you don’t want to. I saw the game. But if you want to talk about it…” Simon trailed off with a significant look.
Felix sighed and his shoulders caved in a bit. “It was just one of those moments. All of a sudden, I didn’t really have a grasp on what was going on, which feels like shit because I’ve been doing pretty well so far. I dunno. It was just...bad.” 
That was it. Bowie knew Felix had seemed a little off. When Felix mentioned he had ADHD at the start of the season during one of their ‘getting to know your neighbor’ chats, Bowie hadn’t thought much of it. But as they grew closer, he began to notice when Felix forgot to eat or drink, or got overwhelmingly excited about something, or when he suddenly spaced out. It wasn’t just Felix being Felix.
The whole team stepped up and became intensely protective, of course. They not only helped him remember meal times, but also scheduling, directions, and everything in between. Bowie felt especially responsible for reasons he didn’t entirely understand--there was just something about the kid’s sweet heart that struck a chord.
He also knew that Felix was highly emotionally intelligent, but had no concept of whether people liked him or not. He was someone who assumed the worst, all the time. So, Bowie decided to do the only thing he knew would work: after a few more beats of uncomfortable silence, he pulled his phone out, tapped a few buttons, and pressed ‘call’.
“Hey, Remus, are you alive?” 
An amused snort came from the speaker even as Felix blanched. “Hello to you, too, Bowie. Jeez, you’re worse than Sirius.  I’m one hundred percent alive, just a little swollen. Your rookie’s got a helluva shot, but maybe tell the kid to hit the puck and not my face next time.” 
Felix flushed red and put his face between his knees, though hearing the laughter in Remus’s voice and knowing that he was okay clearly took some of the weight off his shoulders. Bowie whooped internally and shot him a quick, reassuring smile.
“Yeah, the kid’s got spirit, but he’s also got ADHD. He’s great most of the time, but sometimes under extreme pressure he can’t figure out where the fuck he--or anything else around him--is. Something about focusing or neurons firing the wrong way, maybe? Either way, it’s why he’s a terrible fuckin’ driver.”
Felix flopped back against the chair with a groan. “How the hell am I supposed to know how far away the cars around me are based on the mirrors? And how am I supposed to park?!” 
Remus’s laugh echoed once again. “Don’t ask me, kid, I’m not allowed to drive, either. Not because I’m ADHD, but because I’m terrible at it.” 
“You can say that again!” a muffled voice called from behind Remus. 
“Please excuse my fiance,” Remus said politely. “He’s a jackass who’s trying to make me lay down again.”
Felix smiled, though it was a bit pained. “I didn’t get a chance to apologize earlier. That stick was totally on me. And--I mean, I heard some of the guys talking afterward and it sounded like you got pretty banged up, so I’m really sorry. Like, really sorry.”
“Hey, woah, you’re fine,” Remus soothed. Bowie recognized his ‘talking to newbies’ voice and hid a smile in the cuff of his hoodie. “It’s the name of the game, after all. Did Bowie ever tell you about the time I accidentally checked him into a wall? Or when I broke his visor with a puck? For context, this was when we were on the same team.”
“Or that time you kicked my legs out from under me and sent me sprawling across the ice during practice.”
“That one was on purpose.” 
Bowie glared at the phone, but Felix was snickering and his grin was genuine. It calmed him a bit. “Thanks, Loops.”
“No problem, kiddo.” Remus paused for a moment, then mumbled something inaudible to someone in the background before clearing his throat. “Bowie.”
“Yes?” Remus had never been a wild card, per se, but he certainly had a knack for asking strange questions out of the blue.
“Did you accidentally adopt a child or do my ears deceive me?”
Bowie was about to laugh at the absurdity of it, but then he took a moment to think, looking back and forth between Simon and Felix. “Fuckin’--maybe I did, Re, but he’s ours now. And if that’s the case, I’m going to formally request that you tell your fiance to quit being mean to my son.”
Remus laughed on the other end of the line. “Will do. Felix seems like a sweetheart, I’m glad he’s got you two.” 
Bowie nodded with a slight smile, even though Remus couldn’t see him. “So are we. I can practically sense Sirius hovering, so go let your boyfriend fuss over you for a little while.” 
An offended noise came from Remus’s side, followed by a lower laugh and the click of the call ending. 
Simon looked Felix dead in the eyes. “I’m seconding the ‘kid’ thing. You may just barely be a legal adult, but it doesn’t mean we can’t adopt you. Congrats on your new gay dads.” 
Felix’s bright laugh sent a wave of relief through Bowie. “You guys are only, like, eight years older than me.”
“Silence, spawn,” Simon said, pointing a playful finger at him as his grin widened into something sweet and lopsided. “Now both of you need to come eat something. I made cookies while you were getting pushed around for a living.”
Bowie was still worried about Remus’ face--he made a mental note to call the next day to check in--but all his concerns disappeared as Felix scooped the cat up for a snuggle and followed Simon into the kitchen. They may have lost the game, but he would lose a million Cups to keep that moment forever: his Simon fussing over them both, his cat purring in pure bliss, and his kid settling into place at last.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Leave the Cooking to Me (Sam x Rose x Reader)
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Request: Sam x rose x reader. Where R was a part time chef so she’s always cooking their meals and the team is jealous of the good food
Author’s Note: Special Thanks to @literaryhedgehog. We had way too much fun doing this one and spent way too much time looking up random food things. Gotta say that we are both a sucker for writing for Sam. 
Sam and Rose were lucky and they would tell that to anyone who would listen to them. You weren’t just the sweetest human being they had ever met, or the most thoughtful. You were all of those things, and you knew how to cook. Not just recreationally either. You were the full fledged winner of Top Chef season 19, and the Sous chef at one of the hottest restaurants in Washington D.C.
“How can you make such good food dressed like that?” Sam asked, leaning over the island and resting her chin on her hand. 
“What do you mean?” You raised your eyebrows at the woman, continuing to run your knife along the onion without looking at it. 
“Don’t all of your skills come from your chefs coat?” Rose asked, sliding up beside you, her hand trailing under the back of your shirt. You shivered at the cold hand touching your skin. 
“I’m not Iron Man. I can function without an outfit,” you said, rolling your eyes, as you grabbed an egg. You happened to like wearing an oversized pajama shirt and short-shorts while cooking. You never felt bad about spilling anything on them, since you didn’t exactly wear them in public. “Sam, since your hands aren’t literal icicles-” Rose stuck her tongue out at you playfully “- can you hold this and warm it up to room temperature while Rose helps me hold the pastry?” 
“Ohhh what kind of pastry? Why is that filling purple?” Rose squealed. You knew how much she loved when you baked for them (especially considering those croissants you made them for special occasions). She pulled the bowl closer to her, and scrunched her nose when she saw the contents. 
You may have had a good track record, but that color was crazy. 
“It’s Spanakopita, but we’re going to experiment just a little bit. If you don’t like it you have to eat it anyway,” You shrugged, rolling out the dough onto a cutting board, and positioning Rose’s hands right where you wanted them. 
“If you make it, we’re going to like it.” Sam snorted, and Rose raised her eyebrow at her. 
You bit you lip, wilting just slightly. “I just got inspired, cause the beats are going to look so good in the risotto for the Arancini,”
“If it’s anything like that curry you made last time you got inspired, I think we’ll be ok,” Sam said, kissing your neck with a grin while you worked. You squeaked a little and jumped, hip-checking her to keep her away from accidentally touching the food. 
“It’s just a shame Valentine’s day already happened,” Rose said, looking at the three bowls of filling in their various places on the counter or in the fridge, “Pink, red, and purple dishes would have made great themed appetizers for your restaurant!” 
You snorted and shook your head. “I wish, we could do anything this interesting.” The arancini, maybe. The other two would probably be avoided like the plague for fear of any garlic or other lingering spices. “People are too bougie to enjoy the simple things like strangely colored foods.” 
“Good thing we’re not!” Sam smiled broadly, stealing a piece of orange-colored pork from the bowl to your right. 
“Yeah, we get all the sass and none of the class,” Rose giggled, barely avoiding your slap at her hand as she also stole a piece of pork. 
Just then you heard singing from the couch. “We are family,” Sam stuffed the piece of pork in her mouth and jumped up to grab her phone from where it was wedged between the cushions. “I’ve got all my sisters and me.”
“Tha’s Kwsten,” She spoke through her mouthful then swallowed. Do you mind if I go take this?” 
“Go for it, we’re about to stick this stuff in the oven anyway,” You nodded, giggling when she tripped over a chair on her way to grab the phone. “Make sure you swallow before you answer,” 
“Took you long enough. What were you doing, trying to find your pants?” Kristie’s voice rang through your apartment the second Sam answered the call. You smiled when your girlfriend’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink. 
“No, Y/n is cooking. She’s so good with her hands Kris, it’s not fair,”  Sam said shaking her head. 
Kristie snorted, wiggling her eyebrows at the woman. “I’m sure she is,” 
“Stop trying to turn everything I say into a euphemism.” Sam groaned, sending a glare at Rose who was cackling like a madwoman. 
“But you make it sooo easy,” Kristie teased, “I mean what was it you said last time, ‘she kneads aggressively?’”
“Bread, Kris. She was making bread. And you’re supposed to do-I mean knead it aggressively, that’s how gluten develops.” 
“Stop trying to explain it babe,” Rose sang, her voice bubbling with suppressed laughter.  
“You’re just making it worse,” You nodded along. 
“You know, I’m not this mean to you when Emily and Lindsey pull this shit with you. I was even sympathetic with the Sketchers thing,” Sam pouted. 
“We agreed to never mention that again,” Rose said menacingly, but Sam was distracted as you handed her a plate with the Spanakopita.
Sam’s pout melted off her face at the sight of the plate. “Ooo goodies. Thanks babe,” 
You kissed her cheek and waved to her sister on the phone before heading back to the kitchen to finish the next set. 
“What is that?” 
“Just course one of the amazing appetizers lunch my wonderful girlfriend is making for me.” Sam bit in and rolled her eyes at the taste, holding up the other half of the Spanakopita so she could see the gorgeous and delicious purple filling. 
“For both of you Sammy. Don’t leave Rosie out, that’s mean,” You called out, your tongue poking between your teeth as you stirred the pot on the stove. 
In the background of Kristie’s call, Sam could see other teammates gathering around the phone to see her food. She stood and walked back to the kitchen, turning the facetime camera around so they could see the two trays out of the oven and then you stirring at the stove. You waved your spoon but stayed focused. The rice was just at the point when it was most likely to burn and you needed to make sure the texture didn’t go from delicious to goopy. Risotto wasn’t for the faint of heart. 
“Look at how fluffy this Bao is!” Sam said, slowly tearing one of the dumplings in half in front of the camera. Sisterly torture went both ways- her sister may turn half of what Sam said into sex jokes, but Sam could rub the delicious food in Kristie’s face. 
“Why is it so orange?” Emily asked, piping in from behind the older Mewis sister. 
“Some awesome Indonesian spices that Y/n thought would be good,” Sam said, taking a huge bite out of the bun. 
“Tamarind and Turmeric in the mix,” you called out from behind her.
“It’s not fair that your girlfriend is a literal chef who enjoys cooking in the weekend,” Emily whined, followed shortly by a “shut up Sonnett” from Lindsey and a thump. 
“Experimenting apparently,” Rose said, mischievously. 
“Not helping dear. Anyway, what were you calling about Kris?” Sam said pointedly. 
“We just wanted to know what you eta for camp was?” Kristie asked. 
“Um, the flight leaves tomorrow at what time was it again Rose? 8 am?”
“Try 4:30 am Sam,” You rolled your eyes. It was going to suck, but you were going to make sure to pack some tasty overnight oats so no one was grumpy on the plane. 
“Ugh. That’s bullshit. Anyway, takeoff at god-awful early in the morning, and then we’ll see you when we land!” Sam said. She hung up the phone and moved back towards the counter. 
“Don’t worry babe, I’ll schedule the flight next time,” You leaned up to kiss her cheek. “Now how bout you help me roll some balls?” 
“I don’t know what we did wrong this time?” Kelley said, poking the overly pale cinnamon rolls that had just come out of the oven. Then she turned the roll over to see a crisp black scorch on the base. “It looks like we took them out just in time though?”
“They’re pale on the top and burnt in the bottom,” Rose whined, tapping the middle of one of the rolls experimentally. 
“Kind of line you Rose,” Sam laughed, patting her shorter girlfriend on the back. 
“Haha, at least they’re not hockey pucks like the last batch,” Rose grumbled. 
How they had let their teammates talk them into this, she didn’t know. What she did know was that cooking with you was way more fun than doing it with this bunch. At least with you everything turned out tasty in the end. And if she accidentally messed something up you always knew how to fix it. 
“Stop that,” Kelley swatted Alex’s hand away from the bowl of icing. “That’s unsanitary. Let us drizzle it on the rolls first and then you can clean the bowl.” 
“But then what are we gonna do with this caramel you insisted I stir?” Emily asked, looking up from the pot in front of her. 
“It’s for the next batch. You put it in the bottom before you bake,” Sam answered, beginning to roll out the next set of cinnamon rolls. 
“And technically, we didn’t insist you do anything Sonnet. We mentioned our idea to make caramel for the cinnamon rolls and you jumped up and said “I volunteer as tribute”” Rose grumbled. “You didn’t even let us suggest a recipe.”
“Which considering the success of the other recipes you picked, might have been a good idea,” Emily said, frowning slightly at the bubbling mixture in front of her. She was stirring but the bubbles weren’t going away like they did with pasta. Maybe because it was thicker? She stirred faster to compensate.  
“Hey guys, what are you-... oh shit,” You raced over to the stove, nearly barreling into Emily as you grabbed the practically overflowing pot of molten sugar and moved it off the heat, praying you had gotten to it before it was too late. You really didn’t want to have to explain to the trainers why you and Emily had third-degree burns if the pot exploded. 
You spun towards the group of older players, glaring at them. “Who let the child do the most dangerous job?” 
“Dangerous?!?” Kelley and Rose sputtered. Sam just blinked at you
You shook your head and pinched the space between your eyes. “If it crystallizes and you don’t take it off the heat it can explode. You don’t stir sugar,”  
“Oh. Well. At least there’s still icing?” Sam grabbed one of the better rolls and gave it a hearty helping of icing before handing it to you.
“What did you use, because Alex is vegan and she’s been eating it?” You narrowed your eyes at the offered plate, glancing sideways at a set of very pale rolls and a set that were very burnt and flat. 
“Flaxseed and applesauce instead of eggs and oat milk instead of milk. And margarine instead of butter.” Kelley said, automatically. She and her fiance had been making vegan substitutes for a while now, and while they might not have been traditional cinnamon roll ingredients, she knew the measurements by heart, so that’s what they had used. 
You bit your lip and squinted your eyes as you reached out and swiped a bit of frosting from on top of the bun and put it into your mouth. 
You gulped when the salty substance hit your tongue, trying and failing to conceal your wince after the flavor. Your girlfriends were a lot of things, but apparently good cooks wasn’t on that list. “Hey, what container was the powdered sugar that you used for this in?”
“Um, this one?” Kelley said, sliding you a container. 
Your eyes widened at the blue-lidded container. You had been experimenting for a new dish at the restaurant and had gotten a hold of some micro powder salt flour for it. You thought it would give the new cracker-jack-themed desert a better taste, and help to balance out all the sugar from the Caramel ice cream. 
“That’s not sugar,” you said weakly. 
Alex dipped her finger into the bowl and tasted it, gagging. “It’s salty!”
Sam frowned down at the plate in her hand. She hadn’t wanted to do this, to begin with, but the team had insisted. Assured her they knew what they were doing and that you would love the surprise. Instead, Emily had almost burnt down your kitchen and everything was a mess. 
“Is none of it alright,” Rose asked softly from behind you, her lip jutting out. 
You scanned the kitchen, looking from the still ominously bubbling ooze on the stove, to the cinnamon rolls so undercooked you could catch salmonella from them to the icing, then finally to a glass on the counter. You grabbed it and took a large swig of vanilla oat milk. 
“Your milk tastes great!” you said enthusiastically, as the others started laughing. 
Sam and Rose just wilted further. You sighed, wrapping your arm around your taller girlfriend and holding your hand out to Rose. “It’s the thought that counts guys. And I love the thought,” 
“That’s what your parents tell you when you give them shitty presents so you don’t feel bad,” Rose grumbled, and Sam nodded. 
You sighed, unable to keep your lips from tipping up in a smile. It was just. It was so bad it was funny. “Maybe next time start with something a little easier? I’d love some scrambled eggs and toast!”
 Sam sighed. “You hate eggs,” 
You laughed again. “But I love you, even if you two can’t cook,” 
You leaned up to kiss under Sam’s chin and over to Rose’s cheek. You loved them and would remind them that their skills were on the field. They should leave the kitchen stuff to you. 
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crowfootwrites · 3 years
Assumptions [Chibs Telford x Fem!Reader]
I honestly don't even know what this is. A v long one-shot? Also, the ending is not my best work, but it is what it is. I just love Chibs. So, here's approximately 4,250 words about it.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut (like, literally a third of this is just smut): oral sex (M receiving), fingering, P in V sex; language
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As you pulled your car into one of the few remaining open spaces of the Teller-Morrow lot, you took a few calming breaths and wiped your damp palms on your bare thighs. In the passenger seat, your best friend Luci looked over at you with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. Unlike you, she seemed completely at home. It made sense; Luci was dating Juice, a patched member of the Sons, and she spent a fair bit of time at the clubhouse. This was the first time she had been able to successfully drag you along, thanks to your hectic work schedule.
You were excited to be attending a SAMCRO party, but you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t also a little nervous. A clubhouse full of rowdy bikers, surrounded by alcohol, drugs, and half-naked women? As juvenile as the thought felt, you wondered briefly what would happen if they didn’t like you. If you were unwelcome. If Luci abandoned you and then you had no one to talk to. If you embarrassed yourself somehow.
“Babe, it’s gonna be fun!” Luci said reassuringly on your right. She opened her door and hopped out. Not wanting to get left behind, you got out and followed close behind her to the front of the clubhouse, where the party was already raging.
A couple guys were inside a big boxing ring out front, beating the shit out of each other with bare fists, and a small crowd gathered around to watch. Some others were sitting at picnic tables to the left of the front door, smoking and drinking beer. You let your gaze wander, trying to take in as much of the surroundings as possible. It was mostly men around you, and most of them were wearing kuttes. There were also plenty of scantily-clad women roaming around, hanging off of the bikers. You were suddenly glad you let Luci pick out your outfit. You weren’t showing off as much as Luci in her tight black bandage dress, but your short, blue, bell-sleeved baby doll dress advertised a ton of leg and complemented your bright red lipstick. You fluffed your hair nervously as you walked past the men out front. No one really paid you any attention, which simultaneously made you feel better and worse.
Luci grabbed your hand with a reassuring look and tugged you through the door into the clubhouse. Inside, it was… chaotic, in a word. Music pulsated through the room over the chatter of a throng of people. Inside, there were more men in kuttes; standing around the pool table, crowded around the bar on the side of the room, seated at tables or on couches. There were also more women inside, sitting on men’s laps or flitting around flirting with anyone wearing a kutte. They all seemed a little drunk, all giggles and teasing touches. A few people glanced over at you and Luci as you walked in, but paid no other mind.
Luci dragged you over to the bar, squeezing her way in between two men sitting on barstools. They made space for her and greeted her cheerfully, pulling her into tight hugs and kissing her cheeks. Luci reached around for you and dragged you up beside her.
“Bobby, Piney, this is my best friend, (Y/N)!” she exclaimed, thrusting you into her spot. (Y/N), this is Piney,” she motioned towards the man on your left, who wore a nasal cannula attached to an oxygen tank. He nodded gruffly at you as Luci continued, “and this is Bobby!”
Bobby smiled warmly at you. “Nice to meet you, sweetheart,” he said. He had a welcoming presence and you already liked him. He had long, wild gray hair and an unkempt beard. He reminded you of a big teddy bear.
“What’ll you have?” he asked you and Luci, flagging down a guy with a prospect patch working behind the bar.
Luci leaned over your shoulder to answer Bobby. “Two whiskeys, rocks,” she said cheerfully. The prospect turned to get them as Luci squealed behind you. You turned to see Juice grabbing Luci up into a giant hug and spinning her around him. She laughed, a look of pure joy on her face. You couldn’t help but smile. You knew Luci deserved the happiness she had with Juice. Somewhere deep inside, you felt the dull tick of loneliness, but you shoved it down like you always did, and your smile didn’t even falter.
Bobby tapped your upper arm with a knuckle, handing you a whiskey.
“Oh! Thank you,” you chirped. Bobby handed Luci her drink, but she was already lost in Juice’s presence, and he chuckled at the sight of them. You couldn’t help but giggle alongside him. They were pretty cute.
Bobby turned back to you with a grin. “So, how long have you been friends with Luci?” he asked conversationally.
“Oh, god,” you snorted, “basically forever. We met in kindergarten. We actually hated each other at first, but then I punched her in the face over a boy, and we’ve been best friends ever since.”
Bobby laughed aloud. It was a good laugh, and it put you at ease. “Well, we like her here,” he said. “She’s got a good head on her shoulders. She’s good for our Juicy.”
Your smile widened as the pair moved onto the makeshift dance floor and you nodded at Bobby. “Juice has been really great for her, too,” you admit quietly. “She’s been through a lot, and he makes her really happy. Treats her right.” Bobby nodded slowly and gazed out over the crowd in the clubhouse. Your gaze followed his and you noticed a Son rising off one of the couches and approaching the bar. You turned a little more towards Bobby to study him out of the corner of your eye as he approached. The man wore all black beneath his kutte. The first thing that registered in your mind was his undeniable handsomeness. He kept his graying hair swept back from his face, but a few strands fell forward around his eyes. He also had silvery facial hair and long scars that climbed from the corners of his lips up to his cheekbones. He carried himself with an easy confidence, clapping Bobby on the back as he finally reached your bar companion.
You ducked your head and took a long swig of your drink nervously, but Bobby was already introducing you, and you glanced up with a smile, trying to mask any apprehension.
“(Y/N) here is a friend of Luci’s! (Y/N), this is Chibs,” Bobby supplied.
A blush crept slowly across your cheeks under Chibs’ gaze, but you squared your shoulders and threw him a bright smile, trying to will your nerves away. You held out your hand and Chibs shook it firmly, his hands large and calloused. You wondered unexpectedly what they would feel like on your body before you flushed deeply and glanced away from Chibs. You were suddenly reminded of just how long it had been since you’d slept with anyone, and you instructed yourself mentally to cool it. Bobby cleared his throat with a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Headin’ out for a smoke,” he said to his companions. “You need anything, (Y/N), come grab me,” he added.
“Thanks, Bobby,” you said sweetly.
As Bobby made his way out the door, Chibs took the bar stool beside you and smiled. You could feel the warmth in your face, despite your desire to play it cool. Chibs’ eyes were intense and perceptive and the feeling of him watching you had your heart thumping in your chest.
He motioned to your almost-empty glass. “Wha’re ye drinkin’, lass?”
Your breath caught in your chest at the unexpected presence of a Scottish accent, and you tried to recover quickly, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of this incredibly handsome man.
You cleared your throat nervously. “Uh, whiskey,” you responded. He grinned almost approvingly and you ducked your head quickly to hide your smile upon the discovery that Chibs had dimples.
“Oi! Sack!” he called to the prospect at the other end of the bar. When he had gotten his attention, he motioned towards your glass and held up two fingers.
He turned back to you. “So, firs’ time a’ one o’ these?” he asked conversationally, gesturing vaguely towards the raging party beside them.
You nodded, tossing back the last of your drink. “Luci’s been asking me to come with for like a month,” you said with a chuckle, “but I’ve been working a ton, so this is the first time I could come out.”
Chibs’ eyes didn’t leave yours as you answered him. You liked that. He didn’t leer or openly ogle you.
“And wha’ is it tha’ ye do, darlin’?” God, that accent.
“I, uh, I own a photography company,” you told him sheepishly, but some of your apprehension abated when you realized he looked fascinated.
“So, ya do weddin’s an’ the like?” he asked as the prospect set two glasses of whiskey in front of them.
You nodded eagerly. “Weddings, milestone birthdays, maternity shoots, family photos… All kinds of shit,” you said, earning a chuckle from Chibs.
You greatly enjoyed conversing with Chibs. It felt easy. He listened attentively and appeared engaged. Periodically, you wondered if he was simply entertaining you, as you couldn’t wrap your head around what an attractive man, wearing a sought-after patch, wanted with you. But he continued to ask you questions and he seemed genuinely interested. You sat at the bar chatting with Chibs for what felt like a long time. As you spoke, you found yourself leaning closer to him, taking comfort in the low lilt of his voice. His eyes followed yours at all times, an easy smile on his lips. You realized after a while that he had begun leaning closer to you as well, his elbow propped on the bar. You saw him glance very briefly towards your crossed legs on the barstool, your skin on display as your dress rode up over the course of the evening. His eyes found his way back to yours almost immediately, not wanting to be impolite, but that glance, probably in combination with the alcohol and the long night of talking, sent heat flooding to your core. You bit your lower lip and took a chance, gently sliding your hand onto his jean-clad knee as you laughed at a story he was telling about Juice. He didn’t break stride in his tale, but you saw the hunger flash in his eyes as he registered your hand on him.
By this point in the evening, your heads were practically touching, tilted together conspiratorially as you spoke to one another. You were swooning at the scent that wafted around Chibs, a mix of leather, cigarette smoke, and good whiskey. Perhaps it was the alcohol (although, to be honest, you hadn’t had that much to drink), but you were suddenly desperate to know what it felt like to have Chibs touching you. Your earlier apprehension had been wiped away by his demeanor and company over the course of the evening. You hadn’t been with anyone in the year since you had returned to Charming, and it had been a long and lonely time. You knew that this would probably be a one-time thing, which wasn’t normally your style, but you hadn’t felt this kind of pull towards anyone in a while. Maybe it would be good for you to see it through?
So when Chibs brought his arm off the bar and placed his right hand at the top of your thigh, his thumb resting in the bend of hip, you tipped your head forward just slightly, resting it against his with a small sigh. And that, apparently, was enough for him. Chibs rose from the bar stool and you uncrossed your legs to give him space to stand between them. Both of his hands found your hips and your heart thundered against your ribcage. You bit your bottom lip and didn’t try to hide the desire in your eyes as you met Chibs’ burning stare.
“Not too old for ye, lass?” he asked, his voice tinged with such a slight edge of uncertainty that you weren’t actually positive you had heard it.
You shook your head vehemently, wanting to reassure him without openly telling him you had a thing for older men anyway. “With age comes experience,” you responded coyly. He grinned at that, his hands tightening on your hips. He grazed his nose gently against yours before capturing your lips in a soft kiss. His mustache tickled your lips and you smiled against his mouth before bringing a hand up to cup his cheek, running a thumb along his jaw. With that touch, he deepened the kiss, a low rumble in his throat. He snaked one of his hands up to the back of your neck, keeping you pressed into him as your tongue danced against his tentatively. He pulled away for a moment, his brown eyes on fire. You were both breathing heavily and, as embarrassed as you would have been to admit it, you were already soaking wet.
You let him pull you off the barstool and guide you gently towards the back of the clubhouse, where you had seen Juice take Luci. The dorms, you remembered. His hand never left yours, and you inspected the reaper patch on the back of his kutte as you followed him. Were you really about to do this with a Son? With an outlaw biker? Chibs pulled you into a sparsely decorated (but blessedly clean) room with a large Scottish flag hanging behind the bed and closed the door quietly behind you. You studied the need in his eyes, the comfortable set of his shoulders, and you knew the answer. Yes, yes you were.
He glowered at you hungrily, and you gripped the leather at the front of his kutte, letting your hips grind forward into his. You felt the firm grasp of his hands on your ass, still over your dress, and you couldn’t wait until he got underneath it. He brought his lips greedily to your neck, kissing and nipping and biting until you were whimpering under his ministrations. Your hands traveled from the front of his kutte to his sides, sliding them underneath his black t-shirt and caressing the soft skin there. You ran your nails lightly up the front of his chest and he shuddered slightly at your touch. As he growled against your ear, you couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips. That seemed to send Chibs into overdrive. He gripped you tightly around the waist and hoisted you up so you could wrap your legs around him, his hard length pushing against you beneath his jeans. You couldn’t help the little roll of your hips, rubbing your core against him, eager to feel him against the thin fabric of your soaked panties. He moved you to the bed before setting you down with a little bounce. His hands grabbed the hem of your dress and he tugged it over your head, tossing it to the side. He stared at you for a moment, reclining on his bed in nothing but a bra and thong, a bit of wonderment in his eyes.
You watched as he shed his kutte and pulled his boots off, then tugged his shirt over his head. Before you was a strong, sturdy man, broad in the chest. The kind of man you imagined would have no problem manhandling you in bed. The thought had you squeezing your thighs together, increasing the pressure there. You studied the strand of wooden beads around his neck and the tattoos scattered across his chest and arms, licking your lips suggestively. You were a sucker for tattoos. You sat up on the bed, scooting yourself to sit on the edge and pulled him towards you by his belt loops. He grunted and exhaled hard as you deftly unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans, pulling his pants and boxers down. His cock bobbed in front of you, hard and uncut, twitching slightly with the sound of Chibs’ breath. You gazed up at him through your eyelashes and he stared down at you almost pleadingly, his jaw clenched. You wasted no time in bringing him into your mouth, swallowing as much of him as you could, letting your tongue trace the veins and ridges along his length. He groaned and wound his hands into your hair, gripping gently. You could tell he was trying not to pull or push too hard, but you wanted to hear him make more of those delicious sounds. You took him deeper, until you were gagging and tears were pricking at the corners of your eyes. You used one hand to grip and stroke what you couldn’t reach with your lips, and the other to roll his balls lightly between your fingers. Groans and growls flew freely from Chibs’ mouth and you smirked. You had always been a little cocky about your oral skills and were glad to know you hadn’t lost your touch.
“Fuck, darlin’, if ye keep on like tha’ I’m no’ gonna las’ long,” Chibs growled, his hands moving to rest below your jaw, motioning you upwards. His alluring Scottish brogue thickened in the throes of your playtime together. You hollowed your cheeks and pulled your mouth off him with a loud pop before coming to stand before him again. He guided your lips to his, kissing you fiercely, his hands snaking behind you to unclasp your bra. As it fell to the floor, he tugged your thong off, gripping your ass forcefully, his erection pressing between your bodies. You whimpered, desperate to have him inside you. His hand slipped between the two of you and he ran his deft fingers teasingly along your folds. He touched you so lightly, so tauntingly, that you actually whined, a keening sound that flew out of your throat unbidden. He chuckled darkly, then thrust a finger into you, his thumb circling your clit firmly.
You cried out, finally getting some release for all the tension you’d been holding between your legs. You buried your face into Chibs’ shoulder, dragging your nails down his back. Your hips rocked against him and he added a finger, thrusting harder, circling faster.
“Ahh – Chibs, fuck,” you hissed, your chest heaving against his. “I need you.”
“Tell me wha’ ye wan’, love,” he mumbled against your ear, his lips ghosting over your temple. Heat expanded between your bodies where you clung to him, trying to stay upright through the waves of pleasure shooting through your abdomen.
“I – Chibs, I need you to – to fuck me,” you stammered, your brain overloaded by sensation. You ran your fingers gently along his cock, still pressed between you, and through the fog you felt the clenching of his jaw against your cheekbone. You groaned quietly as he pulled his fingers from you and brought them to his mouth, tasting you. Fire burned in your cheeks, turned on beyond comprehension, and you twisted your hips against him involuntarily.
A moment later, Chibs backed himself up the bed, coming to rest finally with his back against the headboard. He leaned over towards the bedside table, his gray hair falling into his eyes as he plucked a condom out of the top drawer. He curled a stern finger and motioned you towards him. As you crawled up the bed, he handed you the packet. You wasted no time ripping it open and rolling it down his length, gripping him firmly and eliciting a sharp hiss from him. You straddled his lap, the slickness between your thighs gliding over his cock as you leaned forward to wrap your arms around his neck. His hands once again found a home on your ass, the metal of his rings warm now, and he gripped you tightly, guiding you upwards as you positioned him at your entrance.
Pleasured groans tore from both of your throats as you sank down onto him. He held you still for a moment, letting you adjust to his size, and your foreheads grazed as you leaned in to kiss him again. You thought hazily that you might never grow tired of kissing this man. Slowly, you surged higher, then ground down again, pulling another moan from Chibs. His grip on your ass tightened as you rode him, and you were sure you’d have bruises the next day. You felt incredible. He felt incredible, filling you deliciously and hitting you in just the right spot. You tossed your head back, your hair cascading down your spine as you chased your peak. Chibs attached himself to the curve of your shoulder, his lips and teeth savoring every inch of your skin.
Your thighs burned with the effort, melding with the heat building in the base of your belly. Chibs brought a hand to the back of your head, pulling your face closer to his, his lips crashing onto yours fervently.
You rode the wave higher, quickly approaching the brink that you would happily throw yourself off of under Chibs’ care. You panted against his lips, your foreheads joined as you rocked together, words tumbling incoherently off your tongue.
“Chibs – I, fuck – almost there. Please, I need – gonna come –” you whined, the pleas snatched from your mouth unchecked.
“Come for me, darlin’,” he whispered huskily, flattening one hand against your lower stomach, his thumb pressing roughly on your clit. Sparks flashed behind your eyelids as you peaked, crying out Chibs’ name. He slowed his hand on your clit, letting you ride it out, groaning under you as he continued to thrust. The feeling of you clenching around him was too much and he snapped, burying himself deep inside you one last time, a guttural, rolling grunt erupting from somewhere deep in his chest.
You remained settled in Chibs’ lap with your arms wrapped loosely over his shoulders as you both caught your breath. Your chests heaved in tandem and Chibs traced his fingers up and down your side gently.
“Jesus, love,” he finally managed to huff out.
You gave a breathy laugh and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. As your breath evened out, you gingerly climbed off of Chibs’ lap and began searching for your clothes, your unfamiliarity with this type of situation beginning to creep in. It had been a very long time since you had had a one-night stand, and you didn’t want to overstay your welcome. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Chibs remove the spent condom and toss it into a trash can by the bed. You grabbed your dress off the floor and tugged it quickly over your head. As you circled the bed in search of your bra, Chibs watched you keenly.
“Where ye goin’?” he inquired from his spot on the bed, where he had pulled the comforter over himself.
“Oh, I just… I figured I should get going,” you answered, a flush rising to your cheeks. Was that not the right thing to do? You couldn’t imagine a scenario wherein he wanted you to stay.
You glanced back at Chibs, who was wearing a smirk that made your knees weak. “Was it that bad, love?”
Your jaw dropped and you stumbled to reassure him. “No!” you exclaimed. “No. It was – honestly, Chibs, it was amazing.” You paused, twisting your fingers nervously and staring at the floor, balking slightly at being this vulnerable. “I just figured. I don’t know. I guess, that you wouldn’t want me to stay. Just sort of a one-and-done kind of thing,” you trailed off feebly. As the words left your lips, you realized that he hadn’t actually ever given you that impression. You had just assumed. You wiped a hand over your face, even more embarrassed now.
“(Y/N). Look a’ me.”
You forced your gaze back to Chibs’ face. His eyes were soft, watching you with a small smile.
“I don’ wan’ ye to go anywhere,” he admitted. “I don’ know wha’ you’re lookin’ for, lass. Fuck, I don’ even know wha’ I’m lookin’ for.” He ran a hand through his hair, sweeping the graying strands back before continuing. “Bu’ I know tha’ I like ye. And I had fun tonigh’. So, maybe ye can come back to bed wi’ me, and we can figure the rest ou’ in the mornin’. Wha’ do ye think abou’ tha’?”
The tension that had been winding tighter and tighter in your chest suddenly unfurled, and warm relief flooded your limbs. You didn’t want to have to admit that you perhaps liked Chibs more than he liked you. You had been determined to see it through, even if it was just a one-night stand, but hearing that he was at least a little interested felt nice after such a long time alone.
Whatever was going to happen in the morning could wait, and you weren’t in any hurry to make more assumptions about Chibs anyway. So, you shot him a rueful grin and climbed back into the bed beside him, letting him slip your dress back off and pulling you into his arms.
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