#my eternal obsession of relating songs to characters
"i don't forgive you, but please don't hold me to it"??
edit: i was trying to make this post short but clearly people are in agreement so ....
@sheridan-is-in-control"i wanted to see the world through your eyes until it happened, then i changed my mind" yes!!!!
@abby420 again lol "you called me from a payphone- they still got payphones, it costs a dollar a minute- to tell me you're getting sober and you wrote me a letter, but i don't have to read it" !!!! this IS a song that gave me a lot of inspo for my season 4 fic NGL
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Unmask Athena / Maya
As we all know, Athena/maya is a character in the Muppetverse created by Strange Aeons. But today I will unmask everything that happened in her Stroy so far, how it relates to the Strange Canon, and I will predict the future of her blog. I will however not discuss the "miracles" or her "channelling".
Now I want to talk about the MCR return tour which Father Strange made a Video about (THIS go and watch it, it’s great). Now this tour looks the be the main reference for the Maya persona.
The Tour Starts with Gerad way talking about, RATS, and his cat that came to them during the Pandamy, now who do we know to also identify/be portrait as a cat? Milton. What else this tour about... Rats, decay, bugs, this all sounds like the rot. As I already proved the name Athena also comes from this tour, Portland, October 2nd 2022 the drum says ATHENA. Portland as in C from Portland Polycule from hell which heavenly inspired the Athena Character.
Her new profile picture? It’s also a reference to MCR, her profile picture being that of the virgin Mary, the lady of sorrows, which also a title of an MCR song, also something that father strange talked about in that video she changed her name to maya. Thats name of the main character of ghost of you the story raven and tara wrote together you know, the author and editor of My immortal.
And now she apparently is a tradwife and found Jesus? And uses tags like, #biblical femininity #traditional femininity #tradwife #biblical womanhood. And we all know that father Strange has talked much about the tradwife/biblical community... girl defined... Abby classic... you know... Abby classic/Strange Aeons the eternal love story... Tim Hortons isn’t a cute coffee shop, be realistic.
So yeah, we jumped from Father Stranges Emo zone to the tradwife bible zone... but also still MCR and my immortal related...
My predictions for the Blog:
This entire phase right now is her referencing the hacking chapter of my immortal.
It’s a reference to HER (you know the office woman) from the MCR return tour.
Something will happen on 9/11 because of Gerad ways obsessions with it.
Robert will kill her.
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blacknidstang · 5 months
spn related but rather personal vent
For various reasons i've been needing to distance myself from spn in particular beside spending less time on social media and it's been because of number of extremely harmless little things that weren't even upsetting even but making me feel down a bit and now i suddenly remembered one of them was s5 and how sam was treated, how everyone was calling him incompetent and shit when he was literally offering to get himself locked in hell for eternity with satan himself, how that was their biggest worry. I think while i think undeniably Bobby did care about Sam and i mean, i think it would be so fucking absurd to claim Dean was ok with Sam jumping into the pit, but there's this persistent dissatisfaction of how these were never.. expressed.. and i love s5. I love swan song. It still wrecks me but there's a growing annoyance.
But here's the thing, when a thing or two about a show start to piss me off i just rather pull back. Clear my head. It's not that important. I dont like to log into tumblr and cry about spn's writing and a be a bitter samgirl™️. I dont wanna spend my mental energy on something quite destructive, for myself at least (and i'm sure that wouldnt make me a joy to be around anyway). Anyway. Why am i saying these? Idk. I think i'm trying to accept that i have issues with the show that really forced me to break out of heavy obsession and become more normal about it. I think admitting it gives me some peace bc i still love the characters and i still love so much of this show so unironically, even that cursed s5 itself is forever a favorite of mine. But at one point the dissatisfaction of it wasn't worth the stay. I'm still sticking around tho but i needed to vent it out in order to go back and focus on things that i love.
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The Sounds From All Around
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This blog is dedicated to my original Wuthering Waves characters. The mod of this blog (@drowning-in-cabbages) is the same mod who runs the following blogs
I am Oc, AU, and Crossover friendly!
Because of the nature of my character, Hawkmoth, this blog does deal with dark subject matter such as:
Body horror
Bug eating
Deathly illnesses
Religious themes
Implied cannibalism
Death and murder
And many other topics related to mutilation of the human body
Subject matters will be tagged accordingly
Click here to read more about Hawkmoth, the muse of this blog!
(More muses to come)
Rules are as follows:
NSFW is allowed, but keep in mind it is more than just sexual content. This will also include very grotesque depictions of gore and body horror.
Don't be rude. Those who are will be blocked
No shipping wars
While ships don't necessarily have to be discussed, I would prefer if they were. If you think your muse would bond well with Hawkmoth (or any of the others as they come out) please discus through a dm with me first. I will make exceptions if I think the two have good chemistry.
Please have fun
Call of an Echo (Interactions with other blogs)
A hexing (Interactions with Hawkmoth)
Fading whisper (Anon asks)
Leader of the lambs (Interactions/asks relating to Scar)
Cultists of many (Interactions with Fractsidus members)
Madame Magistrate (Interactions with Jinshi)
Misplaced soldier (Interactions with Jiyan and members of the Midnight Rangers)
TW: [insert trigger here] (Post contains sensitive subject matter)
Call from Afar (Character lore)
🥬 Cabbage Creations (Posts from the mod themselves)
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vellichorsdesire · 7 months
📷, 🎁, 🎧 ,🩵 ,🩷 and 🔎 !
THANK YOUU FOR THE ASKS SO MANY OMMG…/POS!!!!! very late to this as well considering this was sent almost a day ago… gosh…. okay. cracks knuckles. lets do this
> 📸 for a random screenshot / picture i can gush about.
UMMM. UMMM UMM their smile… this doodle i did of their smile i’m so so ill about the thought of them smiling because of the way they’re so very grumpy cat. their smile can be. very wonky and i loove them so much for that i love their wonky smile and weird short laughs.
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> 🔎 for something f/o-related in my room (or something that makes me think about them)
I DO have a jacket the same color as theirs though it isn’t the exact same as theirs (no hood!!! it’s a hoodie actually that’s what it’s called not just a jacket…) i get very ill whenever i wear it. just a little bit ill. it makes me think about them very much too so that falls under the parenthesis portion of this one. and one day i want to buy a blue scarf the same as theirs even though i’m not a scarf person hfjshfjdhfjfhd SUPER EMBARRASSED THINKING ABOUT SO but yeah…
> 🩷 for a headcanon about f/o.
OOH THIS IS A GOOD ONE… f/o is genuinely such an interesting character to me id like to start it off with that . they tend to be secluded quite often (their own actions, not due to others) and so i think that it affects their overall way of thinking and actions… they’re very much not used to the way s/i acts with how limited their interaction is with people and so i think they find him a huge puzzle sometimes and vice versa for s/i too honestly. they try their best to figure out each other at first when they’re not very straight up with their answers/actions. JUST A LITTLE BIT OF RAMBLING ABOUT THEM BOTH SORRY LOL THIS GOT LOONG…
> 🩵 for a fact about s/i.
s/i learns puts their walls down around f/o eventually and is vulnerable around them in the way that he wouldn’t be like that around anyone else!
> 🎧 for a song that reminds me of us.
therefore you and me i loove loove love this cover specifically… everyone has different interpretations of this song i’m aware, i don’t see this song as much in a negative light as others do (i’m obsessed with how ‘yue ni’ (therefore) in the song sounds similar to you and me and also sounds similar to ‘eien ni’ (eternally (or forever..? don’t trust me on this haha)) it’s very very much them especially the way how different the mindsets of the two characters in the song are. i could go on honestly but maybe another time? or i edit this later? LOL
> 🎁 for a gift f/o has given s/i (or vice versa).
f/o!!!! has probably given s/i letters, i believe they aren’t much of a gift giver just like s/i. and s/i writes his own letters in reply as well of course <3
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byberbunk2069 · 11 months
PL spoilers about some jobs/missions and their titles and what the titles could mean in relation to the missions and the fate of a character
I've tried to keep it as readable as possible but I'm also kinda free flowing here so it might be disjointed
Someone's interpretation on a subreddit was that So Mi is doomed to oblivion because of the lyrical nature of the song but I don't quite get that, like at all, and how would Johnny know that?
I'm definitely not saying the songs the missions are named after don't correlate with the story happening but its not all strictly verbatim otherwise the game would be a tonal mess.
I'm just saying to immediately come to the conclusion that So Mi is doomed is weird and not really accurate.
My own interpretation(s) is that Johnny named the job "From Her To Eternity" because V desires something they can't have, and its not So Mi but its what is heavily implied that So Mi finally has: a second chance at life.
Now the song itself is about a guy obsessed with his neighbor who he can't have. So if you wanna go further its probably not about V at all, it's about Myers wanting So Mi for power not because she cares about her
This desire to possess her is a wound And it's nagging at me like a shrew But I know, that to possess her Is, therefore, not to desire her
It's all open to interpretation but I don't think Mr. Blue Eyes is anything like Nick Cave's character obsessing over a woman he can't have, because he certainly has her.
It does also fit a SongV interpretation but anything between them other than being buddies is not strictly ~*canon*~ (thanks, CDPR).
Johnny could als be acting like a dick by suggesting that V's desire to live is a creepy obsession.
And this leads me to believe that So Mi has earned her second chance but it probably comes at the price of now being watched by those who helped her.
Also if we wanna back track to (the song) the Killing Moon its all about death, its correlation to the mission named after it is that its two people who are dying and really only one of them is going to defy their fate whether its V or So Mi. V can (should) be interpretted as Death and So Mi gives herself up to them and in the end V can be the one to give her a second chance or sell her out to the NUSA. Fate is against So Mi's will after all and V can change that or whatever.
But also Johnny was being a dick again and thought "oh this chick is dying and wants to go to the moon to possibly be able to live, this is just like that song I like called the Killing Moon, and YOU are death, V." and that's the thing, it's Johnny naming these jobs. When you help Kerry in Rebel Rebel, yes its a David Bowie reference where the song is about defying social norms in how you dress, but in the case of the mission Johnny was mocking Kerry (from how I saw it).
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variousqueerthings · 8 months
Hello again!
Anon here, who asked for advice how to avoid River Song episodes.
First of all, thank you so much for your extremely detailed reply and all the work you put into it.😘
Wow… these upcoming storylines are wild, and reading about it made me cringe a few times. Also reading the summary of the events makes it look like the show’s focus shifted somewhat (more towards the personal/ romantic life of the Doctor???). But I’m sure that won’t be true for the story when I finally watch it, and it just seems like it now, because I read the summarized version.
I’m not sure if I already asked this in my original message… But, as you mentioned in your reply, season 9 is the last time River Song actually appears in DW, which seems kinda odd, given that they are married and she was foretold to be the most important person to the Doctor. Did they drop the character or the storyline??? Or is it still too early for their main story, and most of their time together is still a part of the future (of future seasons) ? Plus after reading your answer, I was wondering if the Doctor had time to get to know her as a person and fall in love with her at all? Maybe I’m thinking way to logical about a TV series “love story”. It all sounds just somewhat icky. Obsession turning into love etc.😕
(In the end I probably should stop guessing and start watching, with the help of your guide.)
And another question...
As implied, I haven’t started with s5 yet. So I was wondering if it would be advisable to watch the 60th DW anniversary episodes with David and Catherine now, given I just finished the Donna & Tenth Doctor arc? Or would it be too confusing without the s5 -s13 knowledge?
Thanks again for your detailed reply!
hello hello again!
I hope the guide is useful (I can fall into the trap of over-explaining that lead to a confusion for others, but hey, it's not for lack of enthusiasm that's for sure!)
I can tell you that there's a whole bunch of storyline that isn't related to the doctor and romance. there's some neat stuff with the doctor and the master (played by michelle gomez) in s8-s10 and I like about that narrative how much it throws itself into the un-nameability and complexity of their arc, but people can and do read it as romantic, which is totally fine. but point is it's far more open + the master and the doctor obvs have that... history
outside of river song, the arc of s5-7 isn't romance-based either (well, the ponds are romancing each other, but the doctor is kind of weirded out and/or curiously fascinated like a kid looking at bugs by the Rituals of the whole thing)
I think river song's narrative is over on the tv-show, because of how that final story in s9 ties it all together. there's this odd thing about the timeline of river song in her seasons where she talks about her and the doctor as if they're meeting backwards in chronological order (so for example at one point she kisses the doctor who's like "oh ok... first time for everything," and she answer sadly when he can't hear her that there's also a last), but this is definitely not actually the case, meaning theoretically she could come back, but if they nominally want to keep this idea of them meeting backwards, it's finished. it's doctor who though, and some characters come back after over 50 years off the show sometimes, so who can say
(I uh... personally don't think the doctor was ever written properly as falling in love with river song and that it's very creepy in its whole construction and that river song never seems to have agency in her narrative, right up until she gets trapped in the library for apparently all eternity to "save" her, but then m*ffat has had the doctor seemingly "falling" for a woman who's been into him since childhood twice now (girl in the fireplace), not to mention that amy pond -- while he does not reciprocate thank goodness -- also meets the doctor as a kid first and as an adult wants to have sex with them, so... that's just a weird thing m*ffat does a few times)
but you don't really get that narrative with the watchlist I gave you, because river song barely exists outside of narratives that are actually about the doctor (no really, she's almost always doing things because of the doctor, for the doctor, so the doctor will notice her, or talking about the doctor)/in which she's a plot-point, it's one of the reasons I actually quite like her final episode -- the doctor falls into her adventure, rather than her assisting his narrative (and it turns out the doctor knows next to nothing about her life, which is frankly another embarrassing anti-endorsement to this fuckn "romance") and that format... actually works for me, it's frustrating how it gives a tidbit of a story that might have been quite fun -- still not the romance though, go away
as for the last question: I know some people who watched the Specials before watching m*ffat or chibnall eras (I actually watched the Specials before I watched most of thirteen, just because I couldn't wait, but I had spoiled myself for the major stuff of that era beforehand). there is character development and plot and lore that gives the Specials extra Spice for sure -- I think the main thing that is Very Good in terms of going the long way around is that one of the core themes of the Specials, the doctor's sheer exhaustion and loss, is really felt a whole lot more, buuuut tbh, I think there's a lot of fun in having seen the Specials first and then going back and building to it, with the second time around being "ohhh so that's why- yeah, yeah this Creechur needs a holiday or something!!!" sometimes knowing where things end actually adds to the fun, youknow
but hold on, I'll ask from a direct source: @aq2003 you watched the Specials first and then went back to catch up, do you feel solid about that decision-making in hindsight?
(in the end though, seriously, watch the specials if you're impatient -- I don't subscribe to delayed gratification. get gratified in any order you want, that's more my personal speed, it'll be fun either way)
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notteallyaginger · 1 year
Ride the Tornado (?) AU
(This is a original au)
Astrid Rosenberg: The most aggressive girl in town
Catchphrase? Bullseye ! ( hand mimicking loading and shooting a gun)
Related to Ocean (Cousin, like the "canon")
Aquarius - February 9th
Sorta like Misha, may seem rude, but later on is MUCH nicer.
Her Song is kinda like cut song, La, La, Love. With Hank (more on that later)
Norwegian !!!
Hank Johnson: The Most Affectionate boy in town
Catchphrase? "My bounty is as boundless as the sea,My love as deep; the more I give to thee,The more I have, for both are infinite,,
Dating + cares alot abt Astrid
Tarsus - May 12th
Shares a song with Astrid, similar to La, La, Love.
Trishna Jiwa: The Most sympathetic girl in town
Catchphrase? "Did you know ladybugs, a symbol of luck, are cannibalistic?,,
Hank's Ex girlfriend
Libra - September 25th
Her song is a mix between "Small things become big things" and Sugar Cloud
Frequently obsesses over bugs and nature
Corey Ross: The Most proficient boy in town
Catchphrase? "Yo, yo, yo! I'm the bad egg, rotten and cracked!,,
kinda cocky
Aries - April 19th
Gets in a rap battle with himself and has some 4th dimension realization / character development moment ( idk man...)
Janet Doe: The Most devout girl in town
Catchphrase? "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16. ,,
Head is similar to those mini angel decorations (short blond hair, big baby blue eyes, pale skin)
??? - ???
Bojd would have more religious imagery, y'know because she's Tammy..
Not much known about her..
I'll make fanart later.
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sasslett · 1 year
Get to know me!
tagged by @elveny, let's see if I can get this done before I have to get out of bed (someone play me the world's smallest violin)
Share your wallpaper: So my PC is set to cycle through my XIV screenshot folder as its wallpaper, so here's my Chromebook (where I do all my writing) and my phone (where I do all my blogging) wallpapers instead!
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A lovely comm from thetictactician on Twitter on my Chromebook!
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and this amazing comm on my phone from Hollycircling on Twitter, I can't believe she indulged me and went this fucking hard but she did this. In a week.
The last song you listened to: Warrior by Beth Crowley (this is such a Jess song tbh)
Currently Reading:  Ok... so... I actually haven't read any sort of published novel since... 2011, with A Storm of Crows I think? So I used to read a shit ton, but it was 11th grade and my friends were like 'You're still reading kids books? Read something for grown ups instead' (I was rereading Percy Jackson at the time, my beloved). So I gave it a try with a 'grown up' fantasy series and... fuck GoT it was awful and I decided if that's what adult literature was like, I didn't want any part of it. So I quit reading entirely.
Last Movie: Bullet Train, months ago. I don't like watching movies - I'm huge into the behind the scenes stuff, cinematography, lighting, direction, costume design etc etc so it makes it hard to watch movies when my brain won't stop analyzing and criticizing everything (honestly modern cinema is so full of people just 'sending it' for the next big paycheck, the heart is just gone). But my husband insisted I watch this one and you know what? It was actually really well made, I was impressed.
Craving: More time. More time to finish these cosplays (Twelve have mercy the con is in a week and a half), more time to write, more time to decompress. Also craving a Chromebook/laptop/portable writing device that doesn't freeze when I type more than 5 letters in a row...
What are you wearing right now: My nightgown! (still in bed) It's got penguins on it and it's fucking adorable.
How tall are you: 5'5, idk what that is in the rest of the world. Americans, y'know.
Piercings: None, but I bought some super cute Ascian earrings last year and I've been really tempted to get my earlobes pierced.
Tattoos: None, not my thing but totally cool for everyone else!
Glasses? Contacts?: Lasik! Totally worth if you can do it.
Last drink: Choccy milk (I am an adult)
Last show: Last narrative-focused show? Uhhhhhh.... I watched the first season of The Walking Dead in 2012 and I legit can't think of anything more recent. I just don't enjoy watching things much, I'd rather be doing something, and I'm such a snob when it comes to screenwriting/characters that most things just don't appeal to me. Other than that the last non-scripted show I watched was Restaurant: Impossible.
Last thing you ate: An oatmeal chocolate chip cookie my sister made last night.
Favourite colour: Wine/burgundy! That deep, dark, blood red with just a hint of purple (in case you couldn't tell since it's the color my WoL wears in every outfit)
Current obsession: FFXIV lol
Unrelated Obsession: Unrelated? I'd say writing but that's kind of related... So, horses? I mean that's just always my obsession.
Any pets: Uh... yeah. I myself have two horses. And then... we have a shit ton of cats. So in 2020 strays kept showing up at our house and then they'd have babies, eventually we managed to catch them all and get them fixed and now some of them have chosen to move in. Shelters are full all across the state, rescues and fosters are full. So now we have... 10 cats that live inside (it's a large house) and then another six/seven that are still feral outside but fixed at least. Nothing much we can do about it, but keeping them inside keeps them safe and saves the wildlife outside, too.
Do you have a crush on anyone: An eternal crush on my husband. He's just amazing. Soft. Adorable. Handsome. Perfect. Goofy. Gorgeous. Smart. Creative. Loving. So many more words. 12 years together in May!
Favourite fictional character: Assuming player characters/WoLs don't count, Elena Fisher from Uncharted. She was the first female character I encountered who was just... normal. Not a token female, not sexualized eye candy, not walking boobs without a personality, she was... a real person, a real character in her own right, whose gender didn't change who she was. And I fell in love with that back in 2007 (I was in middle school then, so it was kind of a big deal for me). She only got better as the years went by, I still love her.
The last place you traveled: Depends on your definition of 'travel'. On a literal sense probably Portland, but since both that and Seattle are practically in my backyard I don't really count those. Other than that, Philadelphia I think, for a wedding.
TAGGING! Oh so many people should do this. Off the top of my head, if you'd like to... @ainyan, @mimble-sparklepudding, @boggleoflight, @tallbluelady, @humblemooncat, @dragoon-mid-jump, @otherworldseekers, @aethericfist and now I'm out of time and have to get ready for work so anyone else who sees this! Sorry I was tagging in a hurry, I know a lot of you are character/RP blogs so feel free to ignore.
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silverslipstream · 1 year
Nine Writeblrs I Want To Know Better
Cheers for the tag @sergeantnarwhalwrites! last song: Beautiful Ruin by Make Good Your Escape
favorite color: Azure blue! Second place goes to midnight purple metallic.
last movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's one of my favourite films of all time and definitely a comfort watch. I've seen it fourteen times.
currently reading: Physical-book wise, it's Atonement by Ian McEwan. I heard good things about it and picked it up for £1 in a charity shop, but I'm struggling with it at the moment. McEwan's prose is needlessly flowery and overly abstract, and it keeps yanking me out of the story.
Virtually, I'm re-reading Rush (For A Gap That Exists) by sleepstxtic on AO3. It's a crossover fanfiction between Harry Potter and Formula One, with the Harry Potter characters, houses and organisations transplanted into the world of modern Formula One racing. It's a great story even if you aren't a motorsport fan - read it here!
sweet/spicy/savory: Savoury, if I'm being honest. I do have a sweet tooth, but eating sweets too much makes me feel queasy and guilty, whereas I could never get sick of sausage rolls, steak bakes and chorizo and cheese rolls. Yum :)
relationship status: single at the moment. There are possibilities of that changing in the near future though... hmm...
current obsession: Motorsport Manager. It's a PC game where you take the reins of a fictional racing team or create your own, managing your drivers, cars, race strategy, staff and headquarters as you endeavour to win at the highest level and leave your mark on the sport. I tend to make all the people in the game into characters even though they're only randomly-generated portraits, and use the game to create storylines or scenarios. It's way too addictive. I've probably written way too many career reports and fics going into all my save files: the drama between drivers, certain dramatic races, fictional magazine articles and write-ups... at some point I'll get over the embarrassment and post a few bits here.
last thing I googled: I assume this relates to writing; otherwise it's just 'how long should you reheat cottage pie in the microwave for?' as that's what I'm having for tea tonight. The last thing I googled for writing purposes was 'France 2027 election predictions'
currently working on: A sci-fi short story regarding the first spaceflight from a 'ringworld' where a group of monks and inventors defy an oppressive, anti-technology society to launch a manned rocket into space, and are shocked by the nature of the world they inhabit. Also a dystopian science-fiction piece regarding a woman who becomes addicted to selling her memories on the black market and gradually loses her identity and sanity in the process.
I'll tag @outpost51, @acertainmoshke, @amostdelectablescribbler, @guessillcallitart, @erraticprocrastinator, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @sarlusmonoele, @rbbess110 and @stesierra as well as an open tag for anybody who wants to jump in! As always, no pressure: feel free to participate or not at your leisure :)
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'Andrew Scott has seen a remarkable ascent in recent years. From his captivating portrayal of the Priest in Fleabag to iconic performances in television hits like Black Mirror and the much-anticipated All Of Us Strangers, Scott’s career has been on an unrelenting upward trajectory. Andrew Haigh’s All of Us Strangers promises to captivate audiences with its haunting love story, likely earning accolades for its exceptional achievement.
Derived from Taichi Yamada’s book Strangers, Haigh’s film, aiming for awards recognition, features Scott as Adam, a screenwriter seeking a connection with memories of his late parents. As he revisits his childhood home, he encounters their ghosts. Concurrently, Paul Mescal’s character, Harry, seeks companionship from Adam, his sole neighbour in an empty tower block.
Aside from including an intensely engaging plot, Haigh’s interpretation also places Pet Shop Boys at its core in an effort to viscerally emulate its ambiguously nostalgic time frame. In one particular scene, where Adam is decorating the Christmas tree with his parents, the event is soundtracked to the band’s ‘Always On My Mind’.
According to Haigh, utilising music like 1980s staples helped to capture the essence of the difficulty that gay men go through, particularly during eras that evoke a heightened sense of paranoia. As he explained to Roger Ebert: “Pop songs can say the things we can’t express. There’s a reason queer people have been dancing in nightclubs and discos for all eternity, together, listening to music. It gives them hope.”
In Scott’s eyes, Pet Shop Boys couldn’t have been a better choice. When John Wilson asked what the band meant to Scott growing up during This Cultural Life, he responded with an enthused “everything”, adding: “I was really, really obsessed with them, particularly their album Actually.”
Continuing, he explained: “What’s so extraordinary is that we have this film All Of Us Strangers, which [Pet Shop Boys] play a real central part in. In the script, [Haig] had ‘Always On My Mind’ as the magic song of the movie. It was so wonderful to me because there’s something about the sensibility of that music that, I couldn’t even say why it appeals to me now, but I suppose there is something that relates to sexuality and aesthetics, or an attitude towards the world, where you feel seen by something even though you don’t quite know why.”
A known fan of fictional stories with deep, relatable meanings, Scott likely appreciates the music cue due to its ability to evoke specific emotions relating to sexuality and identity. When Wilson suggests the appeal lies in its lyricism and colloquialism, Scott responds, “Absolutely, I don’t think that’s too dissimilar from Victoria Wood or Shakespeare. When you can turn that into something mythical and epic: what a wonderful talent.”'
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
Tagged by @maxwellshimbo in this post
Share your wallpaper: On my laptop, it's this awesome art I got from @/kosakashuntaro; and on my tablet and phone, the lock and home screens are the respective pieces from this fic fanart I made cuz I can and will be proud of the shit I make!! (and also cuz Rise Capril is my current otp, lol)
Last song you listened to: According to my playlist, it was I’m Here to Stay by Ty Lemley? Sometimes, I download songs cuz I hear them from media I like and then forget where I got em from cuz it just gets thrown in my endless shuffle playlist. It’s got a nice swaying tone and also is from 1963 apparently??? So, I’m gonna assume it’s from the ending credits of a WWDITS ep
Currently reading: Rereading the fic Pretend that I Never Left because it's one of my favorite 2k3 Mikey fics!!
Last movie you watched: In theaters, it was Everything Everywhere All at Once, which was absolutely Magical to Experience. But just in general, uh, I think it was the Rise movie? Or maybe Knives Out/Glass Onion?? I don't watch many movies, lol
Craving: A hug from a loved one! I'm incredibly touch-starved and cope by having fictional characters be platonically affectionate for me...
What are you wearing right now: Comfy house clothes for mild weather
How tall are you: 5'3"
Piercings: Double lobe piercings!
Tattoos: Eventually!
Glasses? Contacts?: Proud and eternal glasses-wearer✌🏼✌🏼
Last drink: My siblings tried to get me to drink a lychee-flavored alcohol on my b-day, and I took a single sip, made a face cuz it tasted like medicine, and put it down, lmao. Alcohol is Not for me!
Last thing I ate: Cereal for dinner
Last show: Rewatched Rise, but only the Casey episodes ;P
Favorite color: Any purple and pastel/golden yellows
Current obsession: TMNT, reignited from the constantly burning embers of my teen years
Unrelated obsession: Unrelated to my current obsession, or just non-fandom related?? Uhhh, short-sleeved button ups with neat patterns, I guess
Any pets: Nope! I long for a precious kitty, but I am very much Allergic (mildly) and live in a household not suited for one
Do you have a crush on anyone: Lol, Absolutely Not!! I do follow a bunch of artists (writers, included) who I will OwO at cuz their art is so good and I wanna SCREAM about it in a totally normal way
Favorite fictional characters: Currently, it's 2k3 Mikey, Rise Casey Jones (Sr), and Laika from Dames and Dragons
The last place you traveled to: Off Island? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Oregon??? Pre-pandemic, for sure
Tagging (only if you wanna do it! no pressure!!): @redstringraven @forestwhisper3 and @lollyholly99
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poppywriter · 1 year
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This chapter tackles subjects that can be sensitive to some readers, please do not interact if you are uncomfortable.
⚠️ Warning : depiction of depressive behavior and obsessive thoughts.
Read at your own risk. - Beaucoup d’amour, Poppy.
❀ Pansy n°5 = Reality ? No, thanks…
When life feels too bland, one’s mind can do wonders to escape it.
It may seem unreal or fake to some people, but for some minds the easiest way to cope with a negative or stressful emotional state is to dive into one’s subconscious and imagination. The reason why is pretty simple. You are free to control everything and everyone in your own head. You are able to picture and make up every landscape, every environment with anyone you would want to be with.
You are free to give yourself a dream life while escaping the difficult truth of reality.
This “ability” can be considered a skill available to anyone willing to expand and develop their imagination. Personally, I have always considered myself to be quite creative and full of imagination, so being able to increase my capability of imagining things has been awfully thrilling through the years. My mind has always been triggered by music. Easily imagining or making up epic battles on action like songs, dance routines on classical music or simply fake scenarios on chill lofi beats. 
I have so many different fake lives, it’s concerning… :/
But it is such a cathartic experience to insert yourself in your favorite universes, with your favorite characters. What’s even better is when you are so into your mind that you can feel things. With time, it happens to me more and more.
Sometimes the smell of freshly baked bread, but mostly the feeling of a warm embrace or lips softly brushing against one another…
That might be why I often have lucid dreams or why I believe in shifting. But those are pansies for another time.
Nevertheless, this dream-like ability can become dangerous to a certain extent. In fact, when the fake scenarios become an obsession, when day-dreaming becomes a daily occurrence, all in all, when all of it becomes too important… Then it becomes a problem. Then it is unhealthy.
Why does this amazing experience have to be so toxic ?
It is a way to cope, to feel good, to relieve stress - for once without the use of anything illegal 👀- but sadly it also disinterests you from reality. Some people can end up resenting even more their real life.
Come to think of it, that’s how addictions work, no ?
I am no one to tell you what to do if you relate to what I’m writing, neither am I judging anyone. Too often do I feel detached from reality because of my will to live in fantasies. It is something I want to work on - most of my pansies are about myself, my thoughts and based on my will to evolve.
So once again, I am no one to judge.
I am someone so obsessed with daydreaming that, when I am feeling down, it literally plagues my days. I only think about when I’ll have alone time to listen to music and continue the scenario where I left off. Or when I’ll be able to read self-insert fanfictions to drown even more in this shameful obsession of the unreal.
All of it fueled by the fear of reality and the tiredness of living.
Too often do I think I would like to eternally dream.
And that’s because I am conscious it has become this unhealthy obsession that I want to work on. I know that on the one hand, I like to make up scenarios because I would like to experience other environments/universes with other people. But on the other hand, I realized it is also because I can be whoever I want to be.
So lately - being in a good mindset - I am on a quest to better myself, to let myself discover who I am, who I want to be and most importantly to let myself take time to heal.
I know this won't be easy, that I won’t drastically stop to escape reality. But now I also know that to make this creative ability healthy, I have to try and find or even make a dream out of reality.
🔺Original work please do not steal or copy, Thanks.🔺
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moonstruck-stormy · 2 years
how about your fave Death Note character for the ask meme? :)
1: sexuality headcanon:
the lesbian to lesbian all lesbians
2: otp:
with Misa! I’m projecting a bit on misa, but the eternal and sacrificial love of a death god is so romantic (and tragic)
3: brotp:
hmm I like her dynamic with Light, they aren’t bros at all but the contentious relationship is juicy bc she’s this👌 close to killing him and only refrains to keep Misa safe and happy
4: notp:
Maybe with Ryuk bc he’s a guy and I think she’s definitely a lesbian
5: first headcanon that pops into my head:
She memorizes the songs Misa gets obsessed with and hums it to her when Misa is moping about something :3
6: favorite line from this character:
“humans are such ugly creatures”
7: one way in which I relate to this character:
cute girls can do that to ya I saw a cute girl on campus and in my mind she was perfect (too shy to talk to her tho)
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:
Calling light as pure as Misa feels a bit weird in my opinion. I feel like she’d see through the flaws in Lights ideals, but maybe it’s my bias. Or maybe it’s because it was to put light on a pedestal to show how hard he ‘falls from grace’
I’m gonna pretend she meant naive bc that makes more sense. As smart as light is most crime is done out of poverty and desperation. And Misa is genuinely just very naive. I fail to see Rem seeing nobility out of light as a shinigami and as someone who’s seen Light manipulate Misa. She feels smarter than that even if she witnessed the greed second Kira displayed.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? :
Neither! She isn’t pure per say, but she acts out of love first and foremost. That’s why I love her.
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cosmicangst · 2 years
some thoughts after finally watching the les mis staged concert (2019)
bradley jaden as enjolras w his fuckboy manbun is so hot and for what. wish i could see his take on javert. i have a feeling he’d kill it
michael ball truly trying his all but missing every target so he’s just giving nothing lmao net zero javert
alfie boe has always been a good but generally unmemorable valjean for me. idk why they couldn’t give this opportunity to another actor when alfie already had his in the 2010 concert.
which is doubly tragic for me bc javert and valjean are so lukewarm together here they make up the least interesting part of the show. during the confrontation they do have chemistry but it’s the chemistry of like a guy fighting w an irs agent over the phone. like where’s the repressed mania, wheres the mythic gravitas, where’s the years long psychosexual obsession
speaking of homoeroticism i like bradley’s take of touching grantaire’s arm and shoulder during his drink w me solo. sometimes enjolras actors will just frown in concern but keep their distance which may be more in character but i like this more intimate take bc it shows that enjolras does feel affectionate over his friends
also somewhat related remember when george blagden read the brick and immediately picked up on grantaire’s feelings for enjolras and aaron tveit was more focused on the friendship between enjolras and marius? and the sec he tried to talk to aaron about the exr subtext they were interrupted and george kept his silence and formed his whole performance around that idea? i think about that every goddamn day of my life
alfie sings bring him home beautifully but every time i watch it performed i think of that obsessed video seth rudetsky did with adam jacobs where they measured each valjean actor on how much saliva they inadvertently spit on him while singing that song
the edited shots of the barricade boys getting killed is so funny bc it’s slowed down and interspersed with this awful windows movie maker white flash and maybe in person it’s more organic as they walk down to the “afterlife” w the actual stage lighting but this recording makes it so goofy it absolutely kills the vibe
rob houchen gives the best overall marius performance that ive seen. but i’ve watched this show live in three separate productions and none of them (nor rob) has yet to top eddie redmayne for empty chairs and empty tables
all the female performances were lovely. usually neutral to chf as an actor but her i dreamed a dream was moving. she also has one of those eternally youthful faces where it’s hard to pin down her age (maybe bc i just heavily associate her with veronica) so that added a tragic undertone to it
anyway 1995 is still the best recorded concert even though i don’t like colm wilkinson anymore but i will tolerate his presence simply for philip quast. this was a passable concert but definitely not the cast album i would suggest to someone who’s never listened before
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top three octet songs?
Ohhhhh this is a hard one. Had to re-listen to both versions. Okay:
3: Actually
This was the hardest choice, Actually is a bop and my favorite of the character pieces, I'm obsessed with the use of autotune at the end and the humanization of Toby's character, plus the fact that Dave did an incredible amount of research in real life anonymous chat rooms for both Actually & Solo (though in second place from a research standpoint, Candy uses his own experiences with WoW).
2: Beautiful
Look I'm also a queer, neuroatypical mentally ill afab with self esteem issues. And I've really discovered myself through online communities, as well as been that person for others. It's up here mostly because it's relatable, but also the powerful use of solo a capella and how impressive it is. Plus the line "God is everything", not because I'm religious but because it ties in so strongly to Dave's writing. God isn't everything in the sense that one divine being made or inhabits all things, but in that true divinity lies in a million different insignificant-seeming things. Divinity and purpose isn't found through some higher being, it's inside all of us and shared through human connection. And Kuhoo hitting that "you fool" kills me every time. Personally though I preferred "never saw myself with kindness or grace/there are no words for how alone I felt" to the current "forest of dead trees" line, but I'm not Dave Malloy.
1: Little God
Dave said in an interview this was the first piece written for Octet, which was originally a very different show, and it stands out. I'm obsessed with every piece of this work, from the harmonies to J.D.'s voice to the writing. Similar to Beautiful, it's so very rooted in Dave's previous writings, this experimentation with what we mean by god and miracles and divinity, and specific passages, often around Clown Bible's production, about how steadfast atheism and dedication to logic can be just as unsympathetic and damaging to a world view (though cannot compare to actual crimes committed with religion as an excuse). Little God reminds me of Mark Twain's Mysterious Stranger (which I talk about on my main blog a lot) in being a neutral and child-like portrayal of a deity with no agenda, no sense of right or wrong, and so removed from our sense of reality and yet so calm and casual about it.
It's so dense I can listen to it over and over again and it destroys me every time. There are things i miss about the early version as well, mostly when the chorus said "gravity flux" it had a lovely melody, and the claims to godhood being "creator of the universe, eternal existence, divine simplicity" and also being sung by the God Chorus. But I'm a little less attached to those.
Calling it a song is loose but it's my favorite piece in the show, even if i can't listen to it every time I play the soundtrack! Still holds an incredibly special place in my heart as one of the most incredible pieces of theater, plus within what i consider his objectionably best show from a critical and artistic standpoint (though I have other favorites, clearly).
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