#my fave ladies of lightning
Hi all you lovely folks, in case you were wondering, I did go see Thunderpussy + a few other bands who were AMAZING/WONDERFUL! Since it was my 5th time seeing Thunderpussy, though, they rocked my socks off the best as usual. :’D
Unfortunately (and for the first time, I think) I didn’t get to see Thunderpussy’s encore, but they ended their set initially with “Barracuda” by Heart which was AS FUCKING AMAZING as you’d think it would be (plus as a nod to a fellow Seattle band 💗 don’t tell Ann or Nancy this but I hope Thunderpussy record their cover of that song. That would blow my mind, and I can only hope they do!!). It was SUUUUUUUUPER cool and lovely, too, that they brought on the lead vocalist (and guitarist? not sure if she usually plays guitar in Sundries or what because I haven’t really listened to Sundries before) of the Seattle band Sundries to cover one of Sundries’ song, and when they played it, Leah switched to the drums and Ruby covered the bass! Oh yeah, and HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT RUBY CAME BACK AND PLAYED WITH THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SHE SMASHED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY EXPECTATIONS AS SHE ALWAYS FUCKING DOES, she’s a positively phenomenal drummer and I was (and still am!) so fucking happy that she came back and played with Thunderpussy. No offense to anyone new who drums with Thunderpussy, but nobody gets the feel of their songs like Ruby does (which Molly if not also Whitney actually commented on during their show, lmao...which I was kinda like ‘yikes’ about because that threw the other drummers they’ve been playing with under the bus...😬), and also...Ruby is a fucking beast and 1000% a DRUM GODDESS, she plays so hard the entire time and still has energy at the end so much that it makes me think she could just keep going and going...it’s unbelievable if you aren’t there to witness it yourself, but that’s how fucking amazing and incredible she is and yet still so DYNAMIC, and that’s why it makes me squeal and jump up and down with excitement when I see her with the band again - I know without a singular doubt that the show will be utterly fucking AMAZING because she’s there. :’)
Also, not to brag except maybe a little (sorry), but considering how big a fan of them I am, I have to admit that at one point I was literally standing directly next to Ruby in the crowd watching the band who were on before Thunderpussy (oh and that band, Wild Powwers, were REALLY fucking good, too. Headbanging definitely happened during their performance!!!), which is how I was screaming in my head like ‘!!!!!!!!!!! IS RUBY BACK, IS SHE GONNA PLAY WITH THUNDERPUSSY AGAIN–’ (and then she did). I was literally an arm’s reach of her in the crowd standing right next to her but I didn’t want to be annoying and ruin her enjoyment of the show so I kept my internal screaming and looking around at the people around us like ‘HELLO, PEOPLE, DON’T YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS!!!!!’ to myself (except for the last one. When she first came and stood among the crowd, she walked past me and I IMMEDIATELY recognized her, so I was looking around at the people nearby like ‘IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?! AND WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE FREAKING OUT HERE, DON’T YOU ALL KNOW WHO THAT IS...’). 😂 I also ended up standing right behind a couple of people who Molly came up to after Wild Powwers’ performance and I wanted to be like “OMG HI! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE” (and unlike the rest of the members of Thunderpussy excluding Ruby, I have not ever actually met Molly before 😌 so she probably would not have recognized me, though the other members might have...) but of course I politely refrained from doing so. Whitney also (following Ruby) stood amongst the crowd to watch Wild Powwers’ set but of course I didn’t want to bother her, either, and let her enjoy the show, although I think she might’ve been the most likely member of the band to recognize me since she gave me a hug before their 2019 NYE show (although at their 2019 show Leah also said that she recognized me from the shows I’d been to prior, as well, but she only walked past me once at this show and didn’t notice me...not that I was expecting her to).
Anyway, I’ll try to write more formally about the show when I can, because they played some songs I wasn’t expecting them to play (like that song they did with Sundries), and I really wanna scream talk about it!! I’d also love to mention the other artists and bands I saw that I loved - Stephanie Anne Johnson, and Wild Powwers. 💗 They all kicked ass.
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rask · 1 year
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nhl all-star game – feb 4, 2023
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cerezzzita · 2 months
Our fave lightning muse <3
favorite thing about them: hmm I love Trish's sassy attitude, especially in dmc4 where she gagged Dante with that "You wanna switch?!" line. It both differs her from that "she looks like Eva" thing and gives her more personality, in my opinion at least.
least favorite thing about them: the almost inexistent screentime both she and Lady lacks </3
favorite line: "Don't be late for the party~"
brOTP: She and Dante, I love the dynamic they both have
OTP: she and Lady! Like, c'mon, they're gfs, I know they are
nOTP: she and Dante & she and Vergil. Just. No.
random headcanon: Trish may or not may have tried to be a model once, she did a photo shooting for a nice brand but she got bored out of it and quitted.
unpopular opinion: I hate her voice acting in dmc1, it's so corny and she sounds bored and disinterested at anything for some reason 💀
song i associate with them: wait I forgot
favorite picture of them: this clear bonus pic from dmc5, she's serving so much <333
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its-tiamat · 2 years
hi hi!! i found your blog and i am falling in loveee >< your writing is so good and adorable aaahhh they're really fun to read too!! i see that the request is open, so... i'd like to request some hcs if it's okay heheh. well... so, i'd like to req hawks, katsuki, and dabi (is it alright if i request three characters??) with a s/o who is an airhead, sort of happy-go-lucky person, who likes to ask random questions like "what if the chicken i am eating right now was your chicken's sibling? or worse, mother??" when they're eating dinner.
i hope my request is not confusing >< thank you sooo much! I hope you have a great day!! 🌟🌟
ok anon, SO, beside thanking you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind things you just said, I LOVE THIS PROMPT. If you ever feel comfortable enough to text me, pls do it. Like, you just gave me a genius tier prompt and two of my fave characters to work with so I'd just give you the biggest kiss rn. Also, requesting three characters is super fine (It's the ideal number! I love you!) and encouraged, so I'm sure I'm working with someone you like.
Pairings: dabi × reader • bakugo × reader • hawks × reader
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To be honest, at first Toya was kinda worried about you being such an airhead. But that also means you're comfortable enough to speak your mind around him, right? He won't complain.
You love the concerned look he gives you when you do or say something weird. "You were talking in your sleep last night," he said once, while you were having lunch at your place. "Huh? What did I say?" you asked.
Toya lifted his shoulders: "you turned to look at me and said: I realized why it's called breakfast, because it breaks the fast. I mean you're not wrong but-"
"Love. I was fully awake. I was talking with you."
Don't keep asking him which food he can cook best with his quirk, please. The answer is none.
He must admit it though, your questions made him so curious. He tried to cook bacon while you weren't at home once.
It tasted like coal.
Also let's not forget, he's still a villain. Thinking out loud, you once asked him what would happen if he donated his hair and whoever used the wig committed a crime, leaving his DNA on the crime scene.
"Honey," he huffed, "my DNA is already on half of the crime scenes in this city. Honestly, I wouldn't worry that much."
It kinda froze your blood. Welp. That's the good ol' fuck around and find out. Maybe if you ever commit a crime you should drop some of his hair to the ground. Just in case.
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Bakugo used to be. So damn annoyed by your random thoughts. And his reactions are so fun that you tried to film them a couple of times.
"Do you ever think about the fact that the bus we are in is powered by decomposed dinosaurs?"
"No? What the hell, Y/n. Wait, are you filming this?"
"Nah, why would I film it? By the way, do you ever think that maybe the water you're drinking right now has been into like, someone famous? All Might, maybe."
Bakugo almost spat water over the old lady that was sitting in front of you that time. What the hell was wrong with your brain?
You couldn't deny it, annoying him is part of the fun, especially when you manage to break his tough exterior, taking him by surprise. He's been catching up lately though, and he tries to answer your questions.
"Katsuki? I have a question."
"Please, tell me it's not one of your weird ass questions, huh. It would be the third today!" He said, holding up his head with one of his fists.
"No, it's a serious one. You know how electricity runs through water right?" you asked.
"Yep," Bakugo looked at you, "another weird ass question. I knew it."
"How do fish survive when a lightning strikes the sea?" Bakugo's eyes widened. How did the fish survive? Shit, he didn't know either. With a groan, he took his phone "I gotta look this one up."
(just for the record, they don't survive :( the ones closer to the point where it strikes die because of the electric impulse, and more die because of the shock wave resulting from it. I was too curious and had to look it up too lol.)
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Keigo, on the other hand, loves your stupid ass questions. He's so on board with that.
Mostly because his head is at least as weird as yours, so even when you ask him what his favorite brand of milk is, he has a straight  answer for you. Why shouldn't he have a favorite brand of milk after all? It's the one that complements better your favorite cookies.
You both startle each other with weird facts and questions lol. It gets to the point where it looks like a competition.
"What if the chicken I'm eating right now is the sibling of the chicken you're eating?" you blurted once while you were out eating at your favorite yakitori place. His eyes kept moving from his plate, to you, to your plate. "What if my chicken is the mother of your chicken? That would be even worse!" He exclaimed. You shrugged. "At least they got to be cooked together, right?" He nodded, and went back to eating.
You love how your random thoughts just make sense to him, and how your vibes are reciprocated.
Once, while you were cuddling, he asked you: "Y/n, don't you think some word just sound...plastic? forged? I really don't know how to describe it." You shifted in his arms to look at him "like, they sound fake?"
He nodded: "Like elbow, or aardvark."
"Like harpoon?"
"Yes! You get it, love"
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
B!D is Ruby's favorite Danvers sister she just finds her to be so cool, Alex is honestly a bit jealous. She's also Nia's fave.
A/n: Found this sitting in my drafts for over half a year now because I don´t really like how I wrote it. Decided that I will still share it with you guys <3
While you were still busy cleaning the last corners and edges of the kitchen island after examining the goose in the oven that was roasting, your doorbell rang and alerted you to the guests who were slowly arriving for thanksgiving dinner.
Fortunately, the redhead had already come to your apartment a few hours beforehand, to offer you a little help in setting the table so you wouldn't be that stressed doing it all alone. The last fork found clanking it's place on one of the napkins before she walked quickly around the large dining table and went to the door at a jogging pace.
Alex swung the door open and your gaze turned from the oven window up to two brunettes squeezing past your eldest sister. While the older one, Sam, snuggled up to Alex and hugged her tightly, the younger one, Ruby, saw your figure and ran straight across the living room to you without even taking off her jacket or shoes. "Y/n!" With quick steps you let the towel fall from your hands onto the worktop and walked away from your position to keep her away from the still hot stove. With a thight grip around your middle, she hugged you and your arms fell around her shoulders. "Hi, sweet girl." At your remark she smiled and hugged you even tighter while you walked slowly to the two other woman who were still standing at the door- Ruby still in your arms. She wasn't going to let go anytime soon. "Young lady, haven't you forgotten someone?" Alex asked in a raised voice, her arms crossed under her chest and both feet firmly on the ground. Her gaze looked serious, her eyes focused on the little one in front of you, but it was all just a play. When Ruby slowly pulled away from you and crossed the last few centimeters to Alex to fall into her arms, the red-haired opened her arms and her mock serious look turned into a big grin. "It's so good to see you again."
Meanwhile you had devoted yourself to Sam and she also greeted you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. But Ruby had quickly intervened and pulled you by the wrist over to the couch to tell you all the things that she had experienced in her new home, the new school and all the friends she made. "If I hadn't introduced you to Y/n, I would still be your number one." you heard your sister pout in disbelief and you started to laugh while Sam gave her a nudge to her shoulder. "Get used to it, Danvers. I guess she is her favorite now."
Ruby hadn't noticed anything and kept chattering with you. ---
It was already after dinner and the entire Superfriends group was spread out in your apartment. While Alex was talking to J'onn and Sam at the table, Kara had made herself comfortable with Lena on the couch, watching how Winn and Ruby fought for the first place in Mario Kart. He managed to involve the youngest of the group in multiple games for a while so that you could talk to your older friends without being disturbed and you were grateful for that. You loved Ruby, you really did. But you saw your family far too seldom because of time differences at work and you wanted to talk to them too. You were joined by Nia, who was sitting at the bar, sipping at her beer and dreamingly watching you doing the dishes. You couldn't deny it, you had consumed far too many alcoholic drinks, you laughed and giggled at the simplest things that Nia told you. But your attention wasn't just on you. Your gaze kept turning to the table, literally feeling Alex's stare at you. Again and again you looked over and caught her look that you couldn't describe. It was sullen, glowering. It was strict, her eyes piercing through your body as they showed no signs of happiness but also no sadness, the brown in them got darker and you could swear there were lightning bolts in them. You tilted your head to one side and looked at her inquiringly, but as soon as she noticed that she was caught, she immediately looked away.
You decided not to keep thinking about it and enjoy the evening. You could talk to her about it later. ---
As soon as everyone was gone, you exhausted but comfortably laid on the couch with Kara to watch another movie while Alex was in the bathroom, getting a shower. Shortly after she got out of it, she ordered the blonde to skid and squeezed between the two of you as she looked at you intently before leaning against you and her head came to rest on your upper chest. "What was that about today?" "What do you mean?" "I didn't know you had a jealous side of you." you grinned from both ears and her head shot up to catch your eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip, but not a single word came out of her mouth. You knew you had correctly assessed her and her facial expressions. "Jealousy is an overwhelming feeling of insecurity about a potential loss. You are not gonna lose me, not now and not in a hundred years." Shortly after you had said this sentence, there was slap on your shoulder from her before she threw herself back on you and snuggled very close to you. "You're my sister, I hate sharing you with someone else besides Kara."
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What makes Nagi Usui from The World Ends With You the autistic girlie ever of all time? Here's what the people have to say:
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Nagi-related asks/reblogs: x This post will be updated after each round!
Image ID in alt text and under the readmore.
[Image ID. White slide with a screenshot of Nagi Usui in the bottom left corner, her glasses are all white and there is blue lightning coming off her. She is surrounded by text boxes which read,
"Has a special interest in EleStra, a mobile game, and it is her main motivation to live (or to come back to life, at least). Has an unusually formal, sometimes awkward manner of speech; often refers to others with Lord/Lady honorifics. Hyper-empathetic; can sense when people are masking their feelings, and is strongly affected by others' negative thoughts and emotions. Her power allows her to go into others' minds, but she dislikes doing it, both for their privacy and because dealing with their strong emotions exhausts her. Puts significant thought and care into her interactions, calculating every aspect of her behavior when communicating."
"Winner of the The World Ends With You autism bracket! Nagi is very emotionally perceptive and is easily overwhelmed by others' emotions, suggesting hyperempathy. She has a big interest in a game called Elestra, which she talks about often and relates situations from it to situations in real life. She particularly loves one character from the game, and pretends that someone from real life that she knows is that character. While Nagi is very empathetic, she struggles to see things from the point of view of those who are very different from her."
"Trapped in a death game and her sole motivation for escaping is to get back to playing her fave video game which she hyperfixates on. She has a speaking quirk where she talks very eloquently and overly formal and makes a lot of sounds/unintelligible noises to express when she’s feeling excited. Hyper empathetic and makes an active conscious effort to understand and communicate with people, calling it a skill that can be honed like any other."
"Literally died and landed in a death game, but was more worried about not being able to play the next chapter of her gacha game hyperfixation than y'know, being dead She is also hyperempathetic and makes So Many Noises"
" "I am simply aware of the importance of communication. And I take great pains to ensure my interactions with others remain as peaceful as possible. Asking questions. Gauging responses. Reacting aptly. I leverage every element at my disposal—actions, words, emojis, anything at all—to ensure everyone feels welcome.” - This is a direct quote from the game, which should be pretty autistic on its own. But wait, there's more! This is how she's able to Dive into other people's souls and help rid them of their inner demons. When she ends up in a three-week-long series of death games in another layer of reality played by the dead for a second chance at life, her motivation to get back is that there's a new chapter of her special interest mobile game and she can't play it until she's done with all of it. She joins the team because there's a dude who looks eerily like her favorite character who hangs around with them. Her arc resolves not by being less interested in EleStra (said special interest mobile game,) but by getting someone else who she'd previously had trouble getting along with because he spent the game masking INTO EleStra, on the grounds it'll help him cope with grief and improve his social skills. Nagi was voted Most Autistic Swag of the game duology in a fandom tournament, and this is saying something because you can make a case for like 60% of the cast at a low estimate being readable as autistic. She is an autistic queen."
"She obsesses over a mobile game (and one of her teammates because he looks JUST LIKE her blorbo/husbando). She has an ita bag covered in pins of said blorbo. She speaks in an old-timey fashion (she's 19 in modern day Tokyo) and refers to others as "Lord/Lady [Name]". AND she refers that special interest game to others as a way to "heal (their) hearts." She was voted Most Autistic TWEWY character on tumblr in a finals match against someone who's literally nonverbal with a special interest in tech who talks EXCLUSIVELY using text and rarely facially emotes. That's how autistic she is."
"Nagi is described as devoting most of, if not all her time to her pastimes, especially for a certain in-universe mobile game (Elegant Strategy, or EleStra), which she carries an itabag completely decorated with merch of a singular character from the aforementioned game, from several buttons and pins, to a charm, to a keychain plushie. She is also described as "more of a subdued character who can't assimilate into a social environment as easily as other people" by her character designer. I could go on but I'm not sure how to put concepts into words"
"She has an INTENSE special interest in a mobile game called Elegant Strategy to the point where playing it is her main motivation for trying to escape the literal actual death game she gets chucked into. She is highly empathetic which is highlighted by her psych (essentially the magic system in this game) being the ability to dive into other people's minds. She is extremely observant and puts a lot of effort into effectively communicating with the people around her, calling things like jokes or emojis "tools" to make sure everyone has a good time. The twewy fandom hosted an autism poll and she won so she absolutely deserves to go here" End ID.]
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hi! Just out of curiosity what are all of your ships for demon slayer
Oh and have a great day ☺️
Ooo, another great question! And have a great day aswell anon! :D
While I like pretty much all the (legal) ships; here are my favorites:
Sanegiyuu: I'm weak for the whole "Stoic character x hothead character" dynamic, and recently these two have been living rent free in my head. They just work so nicely and I simply can't get enough of them! (Might be working on a fic for them aswell 030)
Obamitsu: Literally my entire heart and soul. These two are canon and their relationship makes my heart melt again and again. I love their dynamic and how the ship plays on "Accepting each other flaws and all" and also "Big buff lady and her short king" AHHHH! I could scream for days about what I adore about them but I don't have the time ajkerkjakerajkkj (Also working on a fic for them 030)
Those two are the big ones, but here's a lightning round of my other faves:
Zenitsu x Nezuko: Absolutely cute, 10/10!
Tanjiro x Kanao: The coin flip scene made me soft as hell, 10/10
Tengen x Rengoku: I used to joke Ren is the 1 husband to Ten's 3 wives and now I lowkey ship it. It's not as intense as the others but it works in my head.
Giyu x Shinobu: I see them more platonically now but they are still cute!
Mitsuri x Shinobu: Another one I jokingly shipped but now lowkey vibe with it. I think it would be cute as heck, even though I see them more as friends.
Thanks for asking! :D Have an amazing day!
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1975tv · 11 months
Shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist. Then tag 10 people to do the same thing:
tagged by: @medeas-chariot
On repeat:
Love me by The 1975
Never Ending Song by Conan Gray
Electric Touch by Taylor Swift (feat Fall Out Boy)
Seventeen by Marina
Late Night Talking by Harry Styles
Unlovable by Beach Weather
Cornerstone by Arctic Monkeys
Me and You Together Song by The 1975
Born To Die by Lana Del Rey
Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac
Fave Songs:
Give Yourself a Try by The 1975
I Think He Knows by Taylor Swift
Lightning by Charli XCX
Pepper by Lana Del Rey (feat Tommy Genesis)
Applause by Lady Gaga
He Gets Me So High by BeaBaDooBee
Teddy Picker by Arctic Monkeys
Friday I’m In Love by The Cure
Out of My System by Louis Tomlinson
Cemetery Gates by The Smiths
not tagging anyone but feel free to do it <3
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
Songs That Remind Me Of My Dr
Pjo edition
Love Dive - IVE
I actually perform this in my dr lol. The Apollo cabin hosts a competition to write a mythology themed song and me n my friends come up with this
Centuries - Fallout Boy
Luke is probably a Fallout Boy reject. Fob songs fit the time period (I can’t believe I’m saying that about the 2000s lol) and fit the whole emotional baggage thing we have going on
Way Down Hadestown - Hadestown
Literally any song from Hadestown but this and wait for me esp esp
The Campfire Song - The Lightning Thief Musical
Did you think I would forget it? No siree
Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie - ABBA
Mamma Mia - ABBA
Voulez Vous - ABBA
Lay All Your Love On Me - ABBA
Literally Any Other ABBA Song - ABBA
I associate the whole ABBA gold album with this dr. For one it’s great and for two I’ve scripted it’s one of the albums Connor and Travis steal and take into camp lol
Bashir With The Good Beard - We Are Lady Parts
9 and three quarters (run away) - TXT
This song makes me ache to shift. I have the feeling of ‘home’ for this dr, and my owl house dr
Freaks - Jordan Clarke
How could I forget the pjo glmvs to this song lol. I’ve added this due to the association I have of it
House of Memories - Patd
This really reminds me of HoO specifically, and one of my fave shifting subliminals uses this song so I associate it with shifting in general.
Blue Flame - Le Sserafim
Sour Grapes - Le Sserafim
The Great Mermaid - Le Sserafim
Habang Buhay - Zack Tabudlo
Venus Flytrap - Marina and The Diamonds
Abracadabra - Brown Eyed Girls
Are You Satisfied? - Marina and The Diamonds
The Other Side of Paradise - Glass Animals
Ohh boy I can’t add all the other songs I’d normally add since I associate them so so much with my dsmp dr of 2020. And nope I don’t mean Heatwaves I mean Take A Slice because I used to imagine this really dramatic fight scene between me and Tommy whenever I listened to it and whenever I hear it my mind automatically plays the animation I came up with in my head like two years ago it’s so dramatic lol
Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
Beachboy - McCafferty
Sinrirella - Aylin Coşkun
Zero context
Everybody Talks - Neon Trees
Poker Face - Lady Gaga
I am scripting so so many iconic musicians release their songs in 2005-2011 and Lady Gaga is one of them I mean I know she did but I’m scripting she is older and so all her songs are released earlier yk? Does that make sense haha
Oh and also the lotus casino I don’t go with the golden trio I do however go with Ethan and Alabaster and Ann (oc) to get one of the credit cards
La Carcacha - Selena
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
Pov you’re Alabaster post-Titan war
GUY.EXE - Superfruit
The Squip Song - Be More Chill
CHB does a musical lol
Livin’ It Up On Top - Hadestown
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re: your tags, glad to hear the duretti bit was amusing, (curious though, was it the straight flag or the ph*lic symbol bit?) i wasn’t going to include him originally but then i had a metaphorical lightning strike moment ala duretti (albeit his was very literal) when i thought of what to out for his section
on mary, yes exactly she’s that meme, her not caring for nonbinary as a label is a bit complicated, because of stuff like finding a lot of the labels or terms used to talk about nonbinary experiences clunky or ill fitting (i,e a lot of people who are neither transmasc or transfemme being labeled transneutral regardless of if they actually present that way and/or id as such) and the frequent erasure of nonbinary people of color in too many chunks of communities, but mainly and mostly yeah it’s just that meme, i have a job i don’t need to worry about it rn, who cares
on adriel, idk? i just thought the vrigins were so that the fbc would like unlock a new steam achievement or the demon possession of vrigins would theoretically be extra powerful, human sacrifices, and/or adriel was like “what do you have there?” FBC with virgins they’re planning to do magic rituals with: a smoothie adriel: y’know what i’m not even gonna ask, carry on
thirdly it’s so cool to see a columbo fan, i didn’t realize before seeing your columbo posts th there was an actual fandom for the show beyond a good chunk of boomers, and having grown up watching it whenever my dad would play episodes, seeing posts have kicked off a good bout of nostalgia
but also mainly having watched it as a kid whenever my dad would play it means i don’t really have good memory of many episodes or anything, but i still wanna get back/get into it so what episodes would you say are the best and/or recommend?
obsessed with me getting the author's notes for this post 😭😭
the columbo of it all,,,, I love columbo. I love my lil detective. there's sooo many good episodes, here's an inconclusive list of my faves (since I haven't watched all of columbo, I'm only midway thru season 7 rn)
season 1:
murder by the book: any time jack cassidy is in a columbo episode you just KNOW it's gonna be good. the whole mystery gets undone by a horny grocery store clerk. I am not kidding. (also fun fact steven spielberg directed this one!)
lady in waiting: this woman is UNHINGED she is a GENIUS she is an IDIOT I hate her I love her she is EVERYTHING TO ME, DO YOU UNDERSTAND? she's the original evil girlboss
season 2: season 2 has like nothing but good episodes tbh you can't go wrong with a season 2 episode
etude in black: is so cleverly done, I love it I love it I love it.
dagger of the mind: is literally just macbeth. the shakespeare of it all is absurd I love it. the blocking of the final scene where it's the murderers with wax statues in mourning behind them like an actual greek chorus. it's insane. I'm obsessed with it. that's CINEMATOGRAPHY BABES
a stitch in crime: this one has leonard nimoy in it, which should be reason enough for you to watch it.
the most dangerous match: were you obsessed with chess the musical in highschool? this is for you.
double shock: columbo becomes the heartthrob of housewives everywhere after he appears on a cooking show. again, I am not kidding.
season 3: again, all hits! no flops!!
any old port in a storm: wine maker has intense homoerotic tension with columbo. columbo is a lil flattered by it.
publish or perish: jack cassidy. need I say more?
swan song: johnny cash is in this one!!
season 4: from here on out, ymmv
negative reaction: dick van dyke plays a very fun killer!
troubled waters: the BEST murder scene on columbo hands down
season 5: there's a rumor I think that this was supposed to be the last season, so they took some wild swings.
forgotten lady: the way this one resolves made me cry! one of the top columbo episodes of all time!!
now you see him: !JACK! CASSIDY! seriously this is one of my other top columbo eps of all time
last salute to the commodore: the last ep of columbo at the time. very self indulgent. it's so funny.
season 6:
old fashioned murder: I think the most clever murderer we've had? the end scene where he does the ultimate kindness of telling her family that he was lying. god. that gets me. lieutenant firstname columbo ur my best boy
season 7:
murder under glass: OH it's a tasty episode.
make me a perfect murder: I know she did a murder but I think the murder she did was justified like she deserved to go apeshit just this once.
and that's all the columbo I've watched! as with all the media I recommend, I can provide links / a google drive folder because I do so love sharing media
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
For the flower asks, let's go with Orchid because duh! It's definitely your fav flower to be in your handle and to make it reader's fav flower in TWWWBAATTA
Also Iris, since I love 90's jams.
Katy my darling. I adore you so.
Orchid - Fave Fruit!
Nary got it first but I will say my second favourite fruit is probably orange, in general. Like I love orange juice and vitamin C tablets and orange flavoured things. 😋😋
Iris - favourite 90s song
I really really really can’t choose.
My dad was a DJ in the 90s and early 2000s so my house was constantly filled with music from then. My first immediate thought was I’m Blue by Eiffel 65 (1999) because A) my birth year and B) it was in iron man plus it’s iconic. But then I think of all the rock and metal and grunge bands from the 90s that I love and now I’m conflicted.
So here’s a list because music is my life.
Semi charmed kind of life - third eye blind
Ever long - foo fighters
Black hole sun - sound garden
Loosing my religion - REM
Iris - GooGoo Dolls ;)
Lightning crashes - Live
Glycerine - Bush
Say it ain’t so - weezer
Scar tissue - RHCP
Bullet with butterfly wings - smashing pumpkins
Naveed - Our Lady Peace
Nautical Disaster - Tragically Hip
Alive // Black - Pearl Jam
Hello Time Bomb - Matthew Good Band
Self Esteem - Offspring
Smells like teen spirit // in bloom - Nirvana
Everybody - Backstreet boys
And so so much more. My formative musical years are the 90s.
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devondeal · 4 months
For the Star Trek ask game, 1-4, 28, 31, 32, and 50 💙
Thanks for the ask baby 🥰💙💚 been dying to hyperfixate on this one 🤣
1. Favorite show
Oof that is a toss up between the OG series and Voyager. I think the OG is only slightly more my favorite because I enjoy more of that cast whereas there's only like 3 characters of Voyager I really love.
2. Favorite captain
Same toss up. It's between Kirk and Janeway for me but if it had to be one, I go with Janeway because she's a badass lady and I love women in command.
Honorable mention: Captain Pike is pretty cool and chill.
3. Favorite episode
Return to Tomorrow in the OG series. I can't fully explain it but it's always been a comfort episode for me. That ep always carried so much emotion and getting to see Leonard Nimoy play a possessed Spock was so creepy and unnerving it was memorable. Close second is The Enterprise Incident cuz badass lady Romulan commander.
But any Spock centric episode is a fave to me like Journey to Babel. Also any Seven of Nine ep in Voyager is automatically my fave.
4. Favorite character
It's probably obvious by now 🤣 Spock and I have a bunch more but if I had to pick one it's him.
28. Favorite bad episode
Turnabout Intruder. It's just so god awful and amazing at the same time. It is possibly the gayest Spirk episode but there is so much sexism uselessly and senselessly introduced to Starfleet that it had to be literally erased from general Trek culture.
Like a woman not being allowed to become Captain? Then how the hell is Una able to be Pike's first officer? It's both lore breaking and mysoginistic but yet I have a soft spot for it cuz gay and I genuinely thought the actress who played Kirk when he was transferred into a woman's body did an incredible job.
31. Favorite two parter
Voyager's Scorpion Parts 1 &2 and The Next Gen's Best of Both Worlds Parts 1 & 2.
Voyager has the edge cuz it's my fave of the two series but those TNG eps just captured space horror like lightning in a bottle so both.
32. Favorite season (of any show)
Season 4 of Voyager cuz Seven joins the crew and season 2 of the OG series cuz it was the most thought provoking and gave the most character insight.
50. Favorite thing about Star Trek
I love that Star Trek is about understanding differences in people and cultures. But it's also about the few who find themselves in between worlds and trying to fit in an almost perfect society that may not always be willing keep pushing their boundaries. There are many episodes that are thought provoking and just hit both that philosophical aspect and character aspect.
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xtinak-rules · 1 year
damn, trying to make stuff is hard when you are tired all of the time. Body just sort of slacking along. I’ve been getting little bursts of writing done but I think that’s all I’ll be able to do for the near future, but maybe that’s okay? There’s nothing cohesive though. Just smatterings. Maybe that’ll be enough someday.
I’ve been loving *playing* rpgs though. I’ve been fucking with this glog discord server that started up a few weeks ago after I had been pestering people to run a GLoG for me.
It’s been a wild ride. I was the second person to join the server, after the creator. I feel like my contributions tend to go to the wayside but I am liking being there. The person running it has a ton of energy and was posting and making shit like wild for a little while, and it is very active. I’ve played in a handful of voice games and text games, all as my new fave Lady Pratt, who’s taken some time to become a character but is finding her voice.
She is a Warrior from this amazing post, using the lightning-based Weapon Art. She was sort of a character-less silo for a little while as I learned how to play the game and got more comfortable. She wears plate armor, shield, and a spear and is really just there to kill. That’s not how I saw her then, but it’s what she was about, especially given a lot of glog classes aren’t made for combat
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Those crafty cats...Thunderpussy are indeed putting on a live stream tonight (8:30 PT on IG live and Facebook, for the fans I’ve converted this year! 💖💖💖) and I can’t WAIT to see them again, oh my goodness. :’) LIKE JFC I’VE MISSED THEM SO MUCH AHHHHHHH.
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when I was young, I felt immortal and not a day went by without a struggle I lived my days just for the nights I lost myself under the lights when I was young, I felt immortal
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bugging-robot · 4 years
My favorite characters are the knight themself, the hollow knight, and the white lady. and also the mantis lords are cool
My brain is still mushy from work, so I’m not able to elaborate too much on any one of these characters, but I will do my best!
The Knight is truly a delight! I have some uncertainty as to the Knight’s relative age, but I like to perceive them as a child. An aggressive child with an idea of how the economy works and a willingness to destroy even a god. So like. A 12 year old, maybe?
THK is such an interesting character for so many reasons, which I’m currently unable to fully elaborate on. But from the “idea instilled,” to the repeated symbolism of chains that can have multiple meanings, to the fight where they start to have an internal conflict with the infection, there is so much about this character that we only know through implications and observations. And as someone who has some difficulty understanding facial expressions and tones of voice, THK is a fascinating character because I don’t need either of those things to try and understand them.
The White Lady is such an interesting character. She regrets what she and the Pale King have done, and as a... punishment? Preventative measure? She’s locked herself away in her garden for all time. She is beautiful, but sad and alone. I feel bad for her but respect how she’s responding to the past.
The Mantis Lords are very cool!!!! I enjoy praying mantises in real life, so seeing a whole tribe in the game is super neat. I really like the pattern of their fight; compared to other bosses, they feel very organized and paced. Their designs remind me of THK (or rather, THK reminds me of the Lords?).
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