#my fellow brothers in arms i am with you in spirit
tooquirkytolose · 2 years
To all grocery store employees working on this thanksgiving day
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Yandere Radioactive Apocalypse
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The constant upset and warring provinces have prepared the world for the worst. Before the blowout, many thought it wise to pay for a bunker for the oncoming atomic apocalypse. Most of the population couldn’t afford to do so, let alone believe that it would be needed. 
They’d be wrong.
Whether you are one of the unsuspecting public or a passive believer, average day life doesn’t have you safely tucked in a bunker when the initial alarms go off. You are smooshed against others in a large crowd all watching and listening in awe. But the moment one person screams it's all over. The crowd twists and turns pulling you in no specific direction. As the final alarms ring out an arm pulls you through the chaotic crowd and into a bunker full of others reeling at the recent events. So here you find that you are trapped safely in the stifling and well-furnished  Atomic Bunker. 
“Who pulled me in here?”
“Does it matter! You survived the initial blast, didn’t you? Ungrateful twat.”
“No need to be hostile, little brother. It's natural to be vexed after watching the world end. Right in front of you.”
“Oh, all those poor souls!”
“My lady, your handkerchief.”
“My baby! My baby! I didn’t grab them! Oh, my poor baby!”
“There there, we’re all very shaken up—”
“B-b-b-but y-y-y-your still smiling—.”
“We are all dealing with the pain in different ways. But let's all take a breather and relax.”
“You don’t sound all that upset to me either.”
“I can say the same thing to you, but I guess you’re just happy to be off the streets, right?’
Hearing the cacophony of such a colorful cast distracts from the initial fear. Their voices remind you that you're not suffering like the rest of those unfortunate people. They allow you to cry with an audience of fellow mourners and those who can keep calm easily. Before you can let the silence set in, they pull you back with their bickering. It's always either one or two of them that is always voicing their concerns. There’s always a voice of reason, something you’re grateful for as you desperately search for a distraction. 
“Everyone! I believe introductions are in order! I am the middle child of the Penz household as well as the main manager of the bunker.”
With a blonde head of hair and a funky sense of style, his smile persists. Uvil Penz is an interesting guy as you’ll come to find. Aside from smiling during the ongoing onslaught of atomic warfare he always has a way of looking on the bright side for better or worse. 
“Oh, my baby!” 
“Now please miss dry your tears, there are plenty of toys down here to distract yourself with.”
His optimism is surely unique as you can’t quite place where it may stem from. On one hand, you could see it as an unemotional response with an attempt to soothe. But you’ll see him laugh genuinely or offer insight into a person’s emotions. On the other hand, it may come from a sly condescending perspective. It fits right along with his brothers’ behavior. But the way he works to compliment you often, attempting to keep your spirits high, or how he’ll make a request for your favorite foods to be scavenged makes you think otherwise. 
“Huh? Uh yeah?”
“Did ya know: you’re gorgeous even with those tear streaks on your face.”
“I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now, but I think you really needed to hear that now.”
Or maybe that’s just you because you have a hard time believing Uvil trying to be soothing when he’s smiling widely after making someone cry. But it's hard to be decisive about liking or disliking the blonde as he could very well be the one who grabbed your wrist and pulled you in. On top of that, he allows everyone to stay even as opportunity knocks on the bunker door. As long as you don’t mind his ever-present smile and disconnected sympathy life will be great.
“I, Uvil Penz welcome you to the Penz bunker. Now little brother, go on. Introduce yourself.”
“Eugh! Get off me! Ugh, my name’s William and I know this bunker better than anyone else. So better learn to respect me!” 
He’s certainly not like his brother. At least not on the surface. With black short hair and a disgusted sneer constantly on his face. He doesn’t bother comforting anyone at least not in the typical way. Any advice or comfort is said through gritted teeth or with an annoyed click of his tongue.
“Look, if yer gonna keep crying do it in one of the soundproof rooms. You're bothering those of us who want to think!”
Not to mention he’s the first to point out your insecurities or make fun of you for grieving at all. Don’t worry you’re not the only one, he goes just as hard if not harder on everyone else. Making sure everyone is well aware that the whole group knows of their problems. Usually snickering or outright laughing at whoever he’s decided to victimize. At one point, everyone will be annoyed with him. As much as he loves to boast about it he is the only one who knows how to maintain the bunker. 
“Gosh, you are such a pain in the–”
“Don’t forget who knows how to start up the generator…so unless you want to enjoy life without lights, you’ll put your fists down.”
“Ugh! Fine.”
“Thank you…meathead.”
Despite his arrogance, his snarky jabs, and the weirdly endearing way he seeks you out the atomic apocalypse wouldn’t be the same without him. For as annoying and degrading as he may be, he’s still willing to share his switch with you when you’re feeling particularly bored. Making sure you can’t see his face when he pokes the controller against your cheek. 
“Come on. You’re bored aren’t you?”
“You…want me to play with you?”
“Well duh! So…are you?”
“I-I’d love to!”
Not to mention he knows the cheat codes to all the games in the arcade room. And if you do him small favors he’ll share his limited edition ramen with you. Now he may ask for your undergarments or your toothbrush but that’s nothing in the endless days spent in the bunker. After all, it's better than the atomic aftermath out there and according to the only Penz willing to go out there, you wouldn’t last a day.
“Well, my introduction’s done. Marc!”
“Yeah yeah, ‘sup everyone. I’m Marco.”
The eldest of the Penz brothers is concerningly nonchalant from the very beginning of your stay in the bunker. With his girlfriend on his arm and an easy-going attitude, he doesn’t really bother to comfort anyone other than her. Except maybe you. 
“Hey didn’t take you for a late-night snacker. You okay?”
“I’m—fine, excuse me.”
“Whoa whoa, lil’ bunny. Don’t run away just yet, the wolf has questions.”
“Please just–I’ll go back to the room.”
“Nah-ah sit bunny.”
“But you took the only chair.”
“Right here, bunny. We’ve got all night.”
Supposedly, he was quite the womanizer before he got with his current girlfriend. Will makes a point to mention it anytime anyone you is found flustered or flattered by his attention. Even so, he doesn’t let that stop him from caging you against the bunker walls to ask for something. Or teasing you when he retrieves something from outside the bunker. 
“Come on just grab it.”
“Why are you holding it there? Just hand it to me normally!”
“So rude. I don’t feel like complying with a fussy bunny who doesn’t use their words.”
“Ugh! Fine. Please just hand it to me normally.”
“Ha no.”
“It’s perfectly fine just grab it, babe. I don’t mind if you touch me along the way.”
For all his teasing and carefree behavior, he’s a good scavenger. Able and willing to brave the atomic wasteland when the bunker needs supplies. He’s strong and prepared to take on any unruly travelers who come by or intervene during scavenger hunts. 
He’s not all that opinionated when it comes to debates in the bunker. More excited to grab a snack and watch the chaos unfold. Smiling lightly as things get heated and tensions rise. In that way, he’s like an idle NPC but the second his boundaries are crossed then you have to deal with the rare and angry Will. 
“C-calm down Will…y-your not going to k-kill him right?”
“He’s the one who thought inviting our bunker-mates to play in that wasteland was a good idea.”
“Honey, it’s okay! (Y/n) didn’t actually go, right? So it’s okay, right Fin?”
“Yes, my lady is correct.”
It’s just better for everyone that no one gets on his bad side. And that everyone doesn’t mess with the things that make him happy: His peace, his girlfriend's peace, and your peace the happiness of specific bunker mates.
“Oh yeah, this my girl.”
“Um hello everyone. My name is Aria, Aria Mensloth. Marco was the one who brought me here.”
“Lucky you, I bet he’s the only one willing.”
“...Oh uhm yes I am quite grateful. I hope we can all get along.”
Aria is the sheltered blue-haired girlfriend of the eldest Penz brother. Opposites attract because, despite his immense uncaring personality, she’s generally more caring. Trying to check up on everyone she can even if her privileged life brings more misunderstandings than intended. 
“You seem upset, is it perhaps because you skipped breakfast this morning?”
“Uh no.”
“Oh well, for me this is a bigger change from the usual three-course breakfast I’m used to.”
“Do you not know what that is like?”
She has the best intentions but she’s still learning. Too bad for her the ones in this bunker she is familiar with don’t bother correcting her or informing her unless directly asked. Her boyfriend would sooner chuckle and play with her hair than fill in the blanks. Her butler refuses to say much else than what is needed. So guess who she decides to attach herself to? You, of course. You're the most normal lovely bunker mate around and you don’t immediately insult her when she seeks to shadow you as you navigate your life in the bunker. 
“Ah, so you pick your own clothes out. How fascinating!” 
“Uhm Aria don’t you do the same?”
“Oh no, my butler picks everything out for me. It’s always been that way.”
“Oh…Would you want to try picking out your own clothes, sometime?”
“For myself? Oh no, I’m far too inexperienced….but maybe I could help pick out your outfits!”
“Does that sound like a good idea, Butler Fin? Can we do it?”
“I see no problem with that my lady.”
“Oh good!”
As Will’s girlfriend, she’s an important person to keep happy. Wouldn’t want to deny her, especially when her beloved boyfriend is working so hard for the rest of the bunker. Not to mention her butler with an ominous gaze who is more than willing to exact her every wish. No matter how invasive it is to your privacy. You’ll have to be careful with your words. Wouldn’t want to make her cry...right?
“Aria, don’t.”
“Ari! Call me Ari!” 
“Ari sorry okay! I just don’t want to bathe with you, so please get off.”
“Y-you’re not trying to leave me, are you?! Didn’t Uvil tell us not to waste any supplies!? So please let me join!”
For as pushy as Aria can be, calling her out on her behavior or offering to tattle on her to her boyfriend usually gets her off your back. But where she lacks persistence, her butler makes up for it. 
“Hello everyone, I am the Mensloth Butler Finster. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Finster or Fin, is like any depiction of a dutiful butler come to life. Even with the threat of the atomic apocalypse, he’s still maintaining his mistress throughout. He doesn’t talk much outside of responding to Aria and occasionally the Penz brothers. 
“Look butler-man, if you’re goin’ to make breakfast why not feed us all?”
“Butler Fin.”
“Yes, my lady?”
“Can you make breakfast for Will, (Y/n), and me?”
“Yes, of course, my lady.”
You’ll find when he’s alone he can speak without addressing his mistress only when he wants to. But he seems to enjoy your company, especially during the night cycle when Aria is fast asleep. He smiles openly with you, cracking jokes about the day he appeared numb to before. 
“Well, it seems as though you were right about them. Fighting with each other like chickens in a coop.”
“Right? I thought I’d be the only one who noticed.”
“Please your observations are hardly wrong, it helps that we can talk like this with each other. Helps us remember how to communicate. I really appreciate that you’re willing to.”
“Oh uh, no problem I like talking to you too..”
“No, thank you (Y/n). I doubt I could hold any level of sanity if it weren’t for you.”
When push comes to shove, he is capable of holding his own in a debate. His actions can be interpreted as that of a selfless and devoted butler. But it can also be read as that of someone with their own agenda—something practically impossible to decipher by his behavior alone.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for (Y/n) to leave the bunker, either.”
“Y-your actually s-s-speaking? On your own?”
“Well, I bet it’s only because he wants his master lady to not cry like a baby!”
“Was that your intention, Finnster?”
“...My lady, is my top priority at all times.”
It’s a nice illusion though, that he’d be a somewhat normal character, considering he’s often the only one whom you can hold a normal conversation with, without walking away thinking he’s obsessed with you. But his actions do. Oftentimes, watching his behavior without his explanation would make anyone worry.
“Excuse me?”
“I just wanted to ask about you pushing Aria that one time. Why would you do that?”
“Push? Push?! Oh no you’ve got it all wrong, I was attempting to support her back as we looked at the sewer. She did lose her footing but as you saw Marco and I caught her all the same.”
“Oh okay sorry, for misjudging.”
“It’s fine, though I’d be quick to forgive if you joined in some baking with me.”
Always good at conversation, and always willing to help, Butler Finn is a friend to confide in. Someone to talk to about the odd behaviors and conversations you've had with others. One of the other ones you can talk to about this would be your resident walking encyclopedia. 
“H-h-h-hi e-e-everyone I’m S-S-Simpson G-G-g-gron, Will b-b-brought me here.”
He’s like a stereotype incarnated, listing off all sorts of facts you would have never found yourself dedicated to remembering. With a stutter at the beginning of every sentence, Simpson refuses any sort of leadership, very similar to Will’s approach. Rather than having a bonafide position to argue when debates happen he prefers to chime in with what he knows for sure. 
“Look, the sooner we head out. The sooner we can all actually eat something real.”
“But you realize what the risk of leaving may mean, right?”
“The world burned away! Yeah, I got it.”
“A-a-a-actucally I think Uvil sir is r-r-referring to radiation posioning.”
“The atomic b-b-b-bomb is not only the bringer of destruction, b-b-b-but a disease bringer.”
When he’s not bringing up important information he’s hanging around Will, stuttering a lot less and talking technically with one another. While Will is prickly, he’s able to properly articulate what he knows while also hurting your feelings. Simpson on the other hand…just can’t. It’s something you’ll try working with him on but once he gets going he just can’t stop.
“Okay let’s try this—why should I consider learning code?”
“Well…i-i-it’ll help y-y-y-you understand the programs you use the m-m-m–m-m-most?”
“Good. Now how so?”
“Okay—now hold on–”
“And there he goes.”
The real advantage of this though is his ability to return the favor of listening to his rambles. He happily listens to yours and comes with questions you’d only find yourself answering in an imaginary interview. But the adoring indigo-green gaze behind those iconic square glasses makes it impossible not to appreciate him. Not to mention, he and Will are the only two who religiously compete with you in the arcade room.
“Ack–that move is illegal!”
“Actually it's quite the opposite, really. This is the rule within the actual manual of the game’s lore–”
“Yeah, (Y/n) don’t be a crybaby you didn’t do your studying.”
“But you hid all the gaming manuals from me!” 
“Well, you are the one who bet something unspecified of yours. It would be unwise not to sabotage you.”
“Ack-! To be admitting it so openly!”
“No use lying about our tactics now that we are guaranteed a win.”
As the most obvious voice of reason, it isn’t a bad idea to be in his good graces. It also makes it harder to believe your own observations when you listen to his. Able to look at the bigger picture while you only have your snapshot or so he says. 
“But doesn’t this kind of product, have dire consequences for eating past the expiration date? And wasn’t there some craze about the aphrodisiac effects it has?”
“That’s a widely spread misconception, the craze was actually about the dopamine rush from the expired product.”
“Really? I’m pretty sure I remember the fanfics celebrating the stuff.”
“You are mistaken!”
“Uh okay.”
So if there’s anyone to rely on it’d be him. He may not be able to care for you as well as some of the others in the bunker. Or be as concerned as others but he’s trying his best. Of course, others may not even heed any of his efforts. Then again some of them hold themselves very highly. 
“Oh, my baby!”
“Miss are you okay to talk or–”
“My name’s Henrietta Spitz! What’s your name?”
“Uhm (Y/n).”
“(Y/n)! Oh (Y/n) I’m so sad!” 
Henrietta is probably one of the oddest characters in the bunker. Known as the distraught young mother who was dragged in by one of the…good samaritans within the bunker. If you aren’t swallowed by grief you’ll be swallowed by hers because she doesn’t let anyone forget what she’s gone through. 
“Wahhh~(Y/n) can I sleep with you?!”
“Uhm why would you need to?”
“I used to sleep with my baby at night. It’d just help me loads if your warm soft body next to mine.”
“Just like your…baby?”
“Yes, just like them~!”
But when she’s not wailing into your chest about her lost child, she’ll start up with a new…grieving routine. One that revolves around you drinking her milk…right from the tap that is. You want to argue with her–put a stop to this weird practice that she seems deadset that you be the only participant. But she cries aaalllll the time. If she isn’t set on fussing over you or forcing you to ‘help’ her grieving she whines and screams bothering everyone in the bunker. So you’ll take one for the team…right?
“I-I have milk for everyone!”
“ We have rations Miss so it's not an issue.”
“B-b-but we might run out! It’ll stop coming if it’s not drunken up!”
“Then perhaps the breast pump you had in your bag would be helpful.”
“B–b-but to keep this up I need to have a hungry mouth on there. It just won’t be the same.”
On top of that, her fleeting sadness for her child seems to conveniently leave her countenance the second it’s too inconvenient. It’s not all that obvious at first, easily being written off as her healing grief. But when she uses it for her own agenda so obviously it’s a little hard to take her seriously.
“Nooo! I want them to spend time with me!”
“It isn’t healthy to keep them locked up in your room like this. And (Y/n) you want to leave, don’t you? Finally, get to stretch your legs?”
“Yeah, I–”
“You can’t!”
“Why not?”
“I-I-I-My baby!?”
“If you leave, the thoughts of my baby will come back and I just can’t bear it. (Y/n) please!”
Some will argue that what she’s doing is projecting her idea of her baby onto you. That she’s stuck in a psychosis that revolves around the one who she feels is meek enough to baby. But a grieving mother who would be projecting wouldn't do what she does. Everyone grieves differently but it’s the nature of her advancements that might lead anyone to suspect she’s not as motherly as she seems.
“Did you know something else my baby did?”
“Uhm what?”
“They’d let me wash them all over. And give kisses to me–”
“On the mouth with an open mouth!”
“Okay? And?!”
It raises some concerning questions and speculations about her story. And how she was able to make it inside the bunker when everyone separately admits they did no such thing as lead her in. Or how she often mixes up the name of the child she seems so stuck on grieving. 
At the end of the day, she’s friendly to you…and maybe only you. She’s quick with her own insults the second anyone goes to question her or make their suspicions known. That and she seems to wryly refer to some hidden piece of information that keeps everyone from encroaching on her behavior. 
With all that being said. She’s definitely not one to forget for her attention to you, barely rivaled by the self-appointed scavenger and protector of you+ the bunker.
“I’m Grant and that’s all you need to know for now. I’ve got questions.”
“Ask a way, Grant.”
“Why do you even have this big of a bunker?”
“Is it so bad that we thought of comfort before the world’s end?”
“...I don’t buy it.”
If there was someone you’d expect to be the main character of some dystopian novel it’d be him. Cynical, confident, and muscled like no other, he becomes the bunker’s prime protector. Despite openly not trusting the Penz brothers he is the first to demand they do something when problems arise. While he’ll sooner croak than admit he relies on them, he does often light the fire for action from the prickly trio. 
“So what are you going to do about this?”
“Hm? Are you acknowledging me as the leader now?”
“No, but if everyone else has already I’d rather not rock the boat.”
“How benevolent of you!”
Hotheaded but not impulsive Grant becomes a significant facet of the group. Especially since the bunker needs more supplies. Brave and bold enough he’s willing to dawn the Hazmat suit and venture into the rumored wasteland that remains. It helps that he goes out of his way to help you settle and find your stance as the world goes through change.
“Hey. Here's some of the stuff I brought back. From the address you gave me.”
“Grant! This is-! I’m so surprised it even survived!”
“There wasn’t too much left but it was small enough and I thought it would survive the cleaning process.”
“Grant, really thank you!”
“...I-it’s no problem, you’re just lucky the blast didn’t damage it all too much.”
You’ll find he’s a compassionate guy at heart hardened by some terrible past he occasionally alludes to. But that harsh exterior tends to make up most of his image. Which can often lead to the group having…misconceptions about his personality.
“For a stupid delinquent that guy’s awful complex.”
“Speak for yourself! He keeps trying to tell me what to do!”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah! He said the time I spend hanging out with (Y/n) is unhealthy! What a nosy brat, criticizing my grieving process.”
The animosity for certain members of the bunker would become all too clear for you as the days pass. Such behavior is natural for those trapped in the same tight quarters. The same tight quarters that you can’t seem to leave; forced to watch these characters destroy themselves as they fight over something you.+ 
“Oh, guess it's my turn my name’s–”
“We’re happy you're here (Y/n).”
“Yes, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” 
“Nice to make your acquaintance.”
“We are all happy to meet you, (Y/n)!”
“Pft, suck-ups. Welcome, I guess.”
“I-I-I-I-I hope w-w-we can be close.”
“Oh (Y/n), you remind me so much of my lost little love! C’mere!”
“Hey Guys! Give them space!” 
The coming months will certainly be almost as chaotic as the world’s declining state. With your new family den of lions, surely there’s a sliver of a chance that you’ll thrive in the radioactive apocalypse. 
It’s best you start documenting your adventure now….
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Training- Legolas x Hobbit!Reader
Summary: Legolas comes to help reader with sword training and some heated confessions are made.
Word count: 1, 662
A/N: I requested this story to @intoxicated-chan a while ago because I wasn’t sure if I’d ever write it but now I have, so if you like my version then definitely read theirs here
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The forest clearing was still as you snuck away from the group to practise. While Boromir was training Merry and Pippin, he had joked that you don’t need training, as you were vicious enough with your knife.
You wanted to be brave and tough, to do your part in the fellowship, but living in the Shire you had not had much experience with fighting. A little dagger you had once bought and sometimes kept on you being the only weapon at your disposal felt a little pathetic.
Aragorn had seen your disdain at the comment and had handed you one of his smaller swords and told you of this clearing.
“Take this, there’s a little clearing just past those woods. Remember your stance and fluid movement. Be back before the sun is low and come back if there’s trouble.” He had quietly encouraged you with a fatherly smile and a nod of his head.
Now you stood in the field, trying to remember what you had briefly seen Boromir teach your friends, as you heard someone approach from behind. Swinging your borrowed sword viciously, but gracelessly, you saw it was only Legolas.
“I’m so sorry for disturbing your training, shield maiden of the Shire. I only worry that one so lovely and vicious might just be taken from me.” Legolas jokingly smirked down at you.
Since the beginning of this journey, Legolas had often liked to joke and compliment you. If he had been a fellow hobbit you might believe he was flirting, but he was an elf prince and you couldn’t believe such things, even if you did want them to be true.
Though he was not handsome in the way male hobbits are, he had a different kind of beauty. Where male hobbits beauty comes from their actions and the way they can make you laugh, Legolas’ simple came from who he was. Legolas is beautiful like how a flower is, it needn’t do anything but sway and bloom and the beauty is there.
You couldn’t stare at him for long, and you tried not to show how his words affected you. Being a hobbit on this journey you already had to prove yourself enough, but being a woman made it even more difficult. Your brother, Samwise, could get by because he was kind and had a confidence in his own right, but you felt you had to try hard to be taken seriously.
“I’m only trying to earn my place among you all, there is no need to make fun.” You stood up for yourself, trying to sound more brave and strong, and less like a whining child.
It seems your attempts at strength worked as Legolas was taken aback.
“Forgive me, I did not mean to offend you. I had only come to see if I could aid you with your training. I do not jest when I say that you have a warrior spirit, it could just do with some refining is all.” Legolas gently explained with a sweet and kind smile.
“What would an elf know of swordsmanship? I thought your kind were archers.” You asked him, still on the defence.
Legolas smirked down at you as he began to step closer, now barely an arms length from you.
“My people have many skills, little warrior,” he began to explain as he was now crouching before you, “don’t forget I am not as young as I seem and as a prince I have had more training then just archery.” He teases back as he flicks your nose cutely.
“Well what kind of refining do I need, Mr. Fancy Elvish Prince.” You tease back, taking a bit of his braid from behind his ear and flicking it, as he had flicked your nose.
His lovely face shone as he sweetly laughed at your returned gesture.
“Well how about we start with stance, little warrior.” He smiled warmly at you as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, his fingers lingers ever so slightly on your cheek.
Feeling his finger lightly brush your cheek had your eyes fluttering, but luckily you were quick to recover as you turned to show your stance.
Remembering what you had heard from Boromirs training, and seen in the fights you had encountered thus far, you held your stance as best you could.
“Not bad, but just remember,” suddenly you felt Legolas’ delicate but strong fingers on your waist, “your hips need to be facing towards your enemy.” You hotly whisper in your ear, making you shudder with need.
Though he had adjusted your stance, his hands did not leave your body, in fact he adjusted his position to hold you closer. He was now knelt on one knee as his other leg was bent beside you, and his front was pushed more into your back as his hands slid down to your hip.
Your sword was becoming heavy, but even as you dropped it, he didn’t seem to mind, in fact it just made his touches more eager and bold.
Now holding your hips, he pushed you back into himself and you could feel how excited this was making him, as his hardness pushed against your back.
“You are so beautiful, y/n, I just can’t help but need to touch you. Please tell me if this makes you uncomfortable.” He gently whispered in your ear.
Even as you could feel his need pulsing through him, he was still so gentle and sweet.
Turning your body in his grip slightly to face him, your small hands run against his cheek and into his soft hair.
“Don’t stop, Legolas.” You softly spoke as you hold onto his hair, pushing him closer to you.
At hearing your approval, he can’t help but let out a growl as he pushes you into the soft grass below with a passionate kiss. Your grip on his hair tightens as he lowers your body and his hovers above your.
With one hand beside your head to keep his body from pressing too hard against yours, his other gently runs up and down your form. His sweet touch beginning at your neck, down your breast, your waist, your hip, your legs and back again.
His touch on your body was delicate and sweet but his kiss was another but. His kisses were dominant and desperate as his mouth devoured yours. As he deepened the kiss and his tongue slipped into your mouth, you tugged on his hair even tighter, a muffled moan being heard from both of you.
His lips broke from yours and his grip tightened against your thigh as his head pulled back with a moan. Looking down on you, his gaze was animalistic and you could see how the kiss was affecting him from the tent in his trousers.
Growling once again, he bent down as he pressed open mouthed kisses across your neck and chest, making sweet moans and whimpers pass through your parted lips.
“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted you, little one. I try to be good and respectful of one so sweet but you make my body become obsessed.” He confesses as he kisses along your chest.
Raising his head, there is a serious look in his eye as he gazes at you.
“I can not stand to have another near you. When Boromir carried you the other day, I felt a jealousy I had never felt before. I want you to be mine and me be yours.” He continued his confession, his touch now much more gentle as he sweetly caressed your face.
Hearing this makes you realise that all his comments and jokes truly were flirting, and that you weren’t just imagining it. While you want to live in and embrace this moment, you can’t help but feel a self consciousness creep through your mind.
Your hand once in his hair now comes down to play with the ties of your shirt as you begin to worry.
“Legolas, you’re an elvish prince and I’m just a hobbit from the Shire. I would love nothing more than to be with you, but it’s not right.” You explain as you begin to feel tears fill your eyes.
Your tears do not have a chance to drop however, as Legolas wipes them away and lifts your head. Looking up into his eyes, you see nothing but love and compassion.
“I am not bound by anything that means I can not care for you. I am my own being and if my heart has chosen you and if you will have me, then it is you I want,” gently he lifts you to sit in his lap as he continues to explain, “you have captured my heart in a way I can not explain and I want you in every way there is to want another. Please do not push me away because of our differences.” He sweetly reassures you, his lips coming to gently press against yours.
When he pulls back from the gentle kiss, his head is still pressed against yours.
“If you promise to kiss and touch me like that again, I am yours.” You cheekily assure him.
A light chuckle leaves his lips as his smile grows.
“Oh believe me, little warrior, I intend to do much more than just kiss and touch you like that.” He assures as he stares hungrily at you.
“And though I wish to take you right on this forest floor without a care in the world, I think we unfortunately need to head back.”
Looking away from his gorgeous eyes, you realise how low the sun was truly getting. Before you could think to stand, Legolas is lifting you in his arms, causing a small gasp to leave your lips.
“I’ll put you back down as we get closer to camp, but I just need to hold you a bit longer.” Legolas tells you, with a sweet kiss to your temple.
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venerawrites · 6 months
I need a Gaara hc or small fic where his s/o took an interest to kankuro than him ❤️
If u see this (have a great day!!) 💕
Gaara x gn! reader
author's note: thank you so much for your request! Gaara is one of my favourite characters in the show, so it was an absolute pleasure to write this one! I think it got a little bit longer than intended, but I hope you still like it! Also, I hope you had a pretty great day yourself <3
Warnings: none, slight angst? (not a warning, just a note - also I tried to make reader gn, since it was not specified in the request. If anyone sees any pronounce other than "they/them" used, please let me know.) <3
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Memories of that one particular night often invaded his thoughts uninvited. Sweet memories, filled with soft music, heavy smoke, and a pair of dark eyes, which have haunted his being every waking moment for almost a year now...
The war was officially over. After a long period of struggles, losses, and the lost lives of countless young men and women, the citizens of Suna finally had the chance to continue their lives, free from worry and fear. And what better way to acknowledge this new freedom than a village festival?
Gaara reluctantly has agreed for the Council to organize a celebration, despite the current "black hole" in the village's finances. In his view, a priority was the rebuilding of the buildings and strengthening the economy, rather than hiring questionable street performers and musicians.
"Stones and sand blokes are easily replaced, My Lord", one of the old councillors has said to him earlier that day, "But is the spirit of the people that need to be brought back to life. They need an escape... a way to forget the painful and bloody reality we all live in."
That night he found himself silently following his siblings through the busy streets of Suna, his pale eyes observing the smiling faces of reunited families and the cheerful laughter of warriors, who eagerly shared stories of their bravery and courage to their fellow villagers. Maybe the councillor was right after all..
"Gaara, look", his brother shouted excitedly, pulling his sleeve and pointing towards a large tent towards the end of the village square. An old wooden sign was hanging next to the entrance stating: "Exotic dancers from far away lands... Come and experience the magic!"
The young Kazekage signed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He already felt irritated that he had to postpone his work for the day, but having to deal with his older brother, who acted like a hormonal teenager, made his mood even more sour.
"Kankuro, I don't think-"
Before he can finish his sentence, Kankuro has already wrapped his hand around his elbow and was dragging the redhead towards the tent. Temari, who was murmuring something under her breath, soon followed, looking just as annoyed as Gaara.
"We already visited three of the village attractions chosen by Temari", Kankuro finally said, looking at his sister, who crossed her arms and rolled her eyes in response, "Now it is my turn."
The siblings entered the tent and Gaara had to immediately squint his eyes to adjust his vision to his surroundings. The air was heavy with white smoke, carrying a certain sweetness to it, a product of the numerous pipes placed on the tables around the space. The light was dim, coming only from the small candle lights hanging around the ceiling.
"Kankuro", Temari coughed, waving her hand in front of her face, "Where did you bring us? I can barely breathe here."
The puppet master clicked his tongue, taking a seat at one of the empty central tables.
"Ah, stop complaining", he smirked, waiving her off, "I endured an hour of half-naked men twirling fire sticks. I am sure you can enjoy a few minutes of real art."
Temari opened her mouth to protest but stopped herself once Gaara glanced at her. He shook his head, signalling her not to argue. The two eldest siblings have been bickering all evening and the Kazekage's patience was running thin. He preferred to just agree to his brother's wish and hopefully after that, he would finally manage to escape back to his office and continue his work.
"Ah, what a surprise! What a surprise!", an excited voice sounded behind them and they all turned around only to find a tall blonde woman dressed in a red kimono. She smiled widely, before moving in front of them and bowing.
"We did not expect to be visited by the mighty Kazekage today", she said, looking directly at Gaara, "We are delighted to have you, My Lord."
The redhead remained expressionless but nodded his head at her words. Truth to be told, he did not want to be seen in a tent full with "exotic dancers", but at this point, when almost the whole space was full with people, he would draw more attention by standing up and exiting, than just sitting quietly on his chair.
"Thank you", he politely said, throwing a quick glare to Kankuro, " We are excited to see the show you have prepared for tonight."
"How long is this show?", Temari asked impatiently, looking and noting that the audience was predominantly drunk males, "And where is it going to take place? I don't see any stage around here."
The woman laughed, tilting her head to the side.
"The show can be as long as you want it to be. You can stay only for one dance, or you can enjoy a full night full of music and dances. And there is no stage. The dancers are going to create their art right here, in the public. We prefer to create an atmosphere which is more...", she paused, moving her eyes back to Gaara.
The Kazekage tilted his head, crossing his hands in front of his chest. Something about this woman was making him feel uneasy. They had chatted with her for a few minutes now and he had more questions, rather than answers about what to expect.
The loud sound of rhythmic drums suddenly rang around the space and the crowd, which was enthusiastically chattering, silenced itself. The lights became slightly more dim and everyone's attention shifted towards the middle of the space, where a lonely petite figure raised itself from the ground, scanning the unfamiliar faces all around.
Dark eyes moved from across the room till they stopped on his pale ones. And suddenly, the whole world stopped... the music, the applause, the unamused murmur of his sister beside him. All he could see was the piercing gaze that bore into him, unmoving and not even blinking. It was almost as if was putting him into a hypnosis and he involuntarily leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table before him while he followed each move of their body.
From bold dark make-up to a body covered with gold jewellery, gemstones, and pearls, they were moving under the seducing rhythms with such ease and grace, Gaara could have sworn they were floating off the ground. Their hips swayed from side to side, while their body was twisting and turning, pearl beads clicking against their gemstone covered suit with every move they made.
Gaara has never seen anything more beautiful in his life.
Expertly moving between the tables, without losing even a beat of their rhythm, the dancer moved in front of the Kazekage's table with their back facing the siblings, before they bent backward, their dark gaze locking with Gaara's mesmerized stare once again. Without breaking eye contact, they sharply turned around and jumped on the table, their head tilting as if silently inviting the redhead ninja to say something.
Unable to resist this silent request, he leaned forward even more, raising his voice a little so the dancer could hear them:
"Who are you?"
They only smirked, swiftly moving once again in such a gracious way, that before the Kazekage could realise, they were behind him, their warm breath next to his ear.
"I can be anyone you want me to be..."
They stepped away, briefly focusing their attention on other members of the crowd, who just like Gaara had already fallen under the ethereal spell of this siren.
After a few minutes and a final loud sound of the drums, the lights went completely off and just like that the dancer was gone. Everyone looked around in confusion, before they stood on their feet, loudly clapping and whistling. Gaara also stood up, but instead of clapping, he quickly started to make his way towards the back entrance of the tent, where he caught a glance of a bare foot covered with pearl anklets exiting the tent. He heard the sound of his siblings yelling his name behind him, but he could not focus on anything other than catching up to the dancer.
It took him just a few seconds to get out of the tent, but once he did and he scanned his surroundings, he couldn't see anyone but drunk ninjas, who were stumbling down the road. No sight of the person he was looking for or of any of the "exotic dancers" for that matter. He made a few steps, peering behind the corner, only to find the alley behind it empty.
His lips immediately pulled themselves into a frown and he shook his head, looking up at the sky. What was wrong with him? He was never one to act impulsively or without thinking... but then what was he doing out here? He didn't even know this person. For all he knew, they could actually be an assassin, trying to trick them.
Gaara has just turned around, when he heard a voice behind them.
"I did not take you for one to give up so easily", a melodic laugh followed the words and he quickly turned around to find the dancer he was looking for sitting on top of one of the empty performers' carriages. They smiled, swiftly jumping down and making a few slow steps towards him.
"I assume you were searching for something... or someone", they laughed, raising their eyebrows slightly. Gaara's cheeks warmed at their words and he opened his mouth, before closing it again and gulping loudly.
Why was he feeling so nervous?
"No, I... I mean, yes. I was looking for you", he admitted, nervously moving his hand behind his head and scratching his neck, "I... wanted to tell you that your performance was truly beautiful."
This time it was the dancer's turn to smile and blush. They looked down, their right feet making small figures in the sand beneath. After a few seconds of silence, they lifted their eyes again, boring into his.
"Thank you. I am flattered that the Kazekage himself enjoyed my performance."
The redheaded male gulped again, his thoughts racing with ideas of what to say next, yet his whole body stayed frozen. If the slight blush on his cheeks and the top of his ears did not give him away, his stoic expression could easily be mistaken for indifference.
"Well", they finally broke the silence, peering behind Gaara's shoulder to see if the other dancers had finished their performance yet, "I better go. I have one more performance to do before we have to pack."
Gaara's heart leaped at their words. He nodded his head, gesturing with his hand towards the entrance.
"Apologies! I did not want to keep you, I just...", he stopped himself, unsure how to finish that sentence, "I am excited to see you dance again."
The dancer looked at him, biting their lip before giving him a small smile.
"Actually, the performance is going to be... private."
"Private?", he asked too quickly and with a voice too high pitched. He closed his eyes, mentally cursing at his reaction, before clearing his throat, "What does it mean... private?"
They let out a small laugh at the Kazekage's awkwardness, but quickly regained back composure, before tilting their head toward the well-lit noisy house at the end of the street.
"As performers, we are often hired by people for their own celebrations. The family that lives in that house over there just got their two sons back from war... so they wanted to organise something special."
Gaara listened carefully, the sound of their words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. The idea of them giving a show to other people, where he had no chance to join and watch them, did not sit right with him. Who was that selfish to keep such beauty and grace to themselves, barring everyone else from seeing it?
The dancer gave him a small bow and a polite "goodbye", before swiftly turning away. They made just a few steps, when the Kazekage's voice stopped them.
They turned around, a curious smile playing on their lips.
"Yes, Lord Kazekage?"
"You can call me Gaara", the redhead said, closing the distance between them. His eyes shifted between their dark eyes and the house where they were supposed to go. Knowing he had little time, he had to choose his next questions carefully.
"What is your name?", he asked, his feet stopping right before them. The performer smiled at their question, battling their eyelashes and clasping their hands behind their back.
"Why do you want to know?", they arched a beautifully painted eyebrow, "With respect, Lord Kazekage, it is not my style to give my name to members of the crowd... even if they are the village leaders."
It was Gaara's turn to look at them questionably.
"How do one book you for a private performance if they do not know your name?"
Their gaze fell to the floor and for a second time, their cheeks turned a rosy colour. It was barely visible in the darkness of the night and under their stage makeup, but Gaara saw it as bright as day. He bit his lip, fighting the urge to let out a smile. His efforts quickly became pointless once they looked up at him again and he couldn't help but let the corners of his mouth twitch upwards.
"Speak to Izumi, the woman who was annoying your table earlier", they laughed, before turning away and starting to walk away. They did not get too far, however, before they turned to look at him again.
"They call me Pearl", they shouted, before lifting their hand and gently shaking the pearly threads hanging from their sleeve. With a final smile, they continued walking, soon getting lost into the darkness.
It did not take long for Gaara to find a reason to call the dancer for a private show.
Just two weeks after the village festival, it was one of the Councillor's birthday. Unlike his usual self, Gaara insisted on throwing a grand celebration. And just like the "selfish people who kept beauty and grace to themselves", he hired a private performer for the occasion, which just so happened to be Pearl.
A few months after that, there was a visit from Naruto and a few other Leaf ninjas to the village. Another reason for a feast to be thrown, as well as another reason for Pearl to be there.
Then it was Kankuro's birthday. And as a gift, he hired the same dancer again, this time offering to pay for them to stay for a full weekend.
Thinking back, this was the biggest gift he had ever given his brother and probably the only one he regretted
It would be foolish of him to think that he was the only one who had fallen under the magic of their body and gaze. Deep inside he had already expected that his brother would fall victim to their charm.
What he had not expected, however, was that they would fall too... for Kankuro.
Maybe it started the first night they met. Maybe the whole night they were actually looking at his older sibling, rather than him. Maybe he has mistaken their glances across the room for harmless coincidence, rather than silence promises to meet somewhere private once the moon is up high in the sky. Maybe he had lived in his own fear of rejection for so long, that he accidentally gave Kankuro the chance to snatch the thing he wanted the most right under his nose...
There were a lot of "maybes" racing through his head as his blue eyes stared at the object of his deepest desires and his brother embracing each other under the pale light of the moon, their lips locked in a passionate kiss, while their hands explored each other's skin.
Gaara's fingers involuntarily snapped the flower he was holding in his hand, resulting in one of the thorns on the stem piercing his skin. Scarlet drops of blood started to drip on his pale skin, forcing him finally to look away.
People always said love was supposed to feel beautiful. That it gave you wings and made you see the world in a different light...
But where was that beauty? How was he supposed to see the world, when it seemed it was all fading in darkness?
Throwing the flower to the ground, the Kazekage turned away and hurried back towards his home. Not daring to look back, he thought of the night he met them for the first time.
The night when it was just him and them.
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kharia-adarkim · 5 months
"You alright lass?" the merchant asked. Kharia blinked away her confusion, and looked between the Doman and the fruit in her hand.
"Yeah, sorry. I... I got distracted," the Xaela girl mumbled.
"Oranges are ten gil each, or a dozen for a hundred. You do have coin, right?" The Roegadyn woman raised an eyebrow.
"Of course I do!" Kharia replied, "my brother gave me some just this morning. It's right, um..." she patted her pockets and tried to hide her panic. "Where did..?" The merchant gave a pointed cough.
"I don't do credit, and this job isn't lucrative enough for charity. Either pay for the fruit or make room for actual customers," she said, crossing her arms.
"I know Khaidu gave me money, where is it?" Kharia grumbled, ignoring the merchant's growing annoyance. She turned her pockets inside out, then took off a shoe and gave it a good shake to see if anything would fall out. The Roe sighed, but before she could speak up again, another voice cut through the crowd.
"Why Kharia, is that you? I swear, you must've grown three or four ilms since I left!"
"Papa?!" Kharia turned towards the voice to see an older Xaela man leading a heavily-saddled packbeast, who gave her a warm smile.
"I wasn't expecting to see you in Reunion of all places," he chuckled as she ran up and gave him a hug. "Where's your brother?"
"He's back at the village," Kharia replied, "and sent me to get some fruit and bread. But I..." her face flushed as she buried it in his coat. "I think I lost his money..." Her father gave her a reassuring pat on the head.
"It's alright sweetie, these things happen." He turned to the impatient Doman. "How much?"
"A hundred gil for a dozen oranges," she replied in a practiced, bored tone. Devet fished his hand into his pocket and pulled out a few coins.
"There you are ma'am, with an extra ten for your trouble." He tied the sack of oranges to his animal's harness and looked down to his daughter, "Any other errands, or should I bring you back the village?"
"I know how to get home," Kharia said, her mood suddenly souring. "I can bring the oranges back to Khaidu too." She began to fuss with the ropes holding the bag in place.
"Of course, of course," her father replied, helping her undo the knot. "I have some more business to take care of here in Reunion anyways. Why don't you go on ahead and let Khaidu know I should be home before sundown?" Kharia nodded, and heaved the bag of oranges over her shoulder.
"Got it. Talk to you later!" Kharia took off down the street of the bazaar, oblivious to her father's words behind her.
"Kharia! You forgot your... never mind," Devet called. He let out a gentle sigh as he retrieved her discarded shoe. "I really am sorry for any trouble she caused," he assured his fellow trader.
"It's fine," the Doman replied, waving her hand, "nothing broken or lost, just a bit of a commotion. You might want to talk to your son about keeping a better eye on her though. I can't imagine you want her getting distracted and wandering into a purbol's den." Devet shook his head.
"I've talked to the two of them every time I've been back home," he explained, "but she's got too much of her mother in her to be content under her brother's wing. Did you know she wants to be a warrior? Participate in the Naadam?" The Roe woman snorted as she held back a laugh. "She's got the spirit for it, but lacks focus."
"You don't say," the woman replied dryly.
"I was actually going to ask one of our village's hunters to show her the ropes," he continued, ignoring her comment. "Her nameday's coming up, so she needs to start thinking about an apprenticeship anyways."
"Your people get the kids started that young?" the Doman asked.
"Hm?" Devet paused, confused. "She's... she'll be fifteen soon. That's about the same age they take apprentices in Limsa. Do you wait longer in Doma?"
"That squirt's nearly fifteen?" the woman asked. "Could've had me fooled. I mean I know I'm not one to talk about height, but..."
"Late growth spurt is all," Devet chuckled. "You should've seen her last summer." He held his hand just above his hip.
"Khaidu, I'm back!" Kharia called into their home as she dropped the oranges by the door. "Papa's back too, got some business in the market but should be back by sundown." She paused, listening for a reply. "Khaidu?" She poked her head into the kitchen, the jumped as she turned around and saw her brother. "Don't sneak up on me like that! ...why do you look mad?" He wordlessly lifted a small pouch and gave it a shake, the coins inside jingling.
"You didn't steal those oranges, did you?"
"No! Papa paid for them," she sighed. Khaidu began to say something when Kharia's eyes widened. "Shit, bread!" She began to run back towards the front door.
"Kharia-" Khaidu reached out to her as she left.
"Sorry for swearing, be back soon!"
"That's not what I-" Khaidu sighed as his sister ran from the village. "You forgot the money again..." he shook his head and closed the door when he felt it jam. He looked down at the obstruction and sighed. "And a shoe."
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Puff / Holmes / The Great Detective / whatever else ★ They / them (or she/her, nbd really) ★ Proud owner of the most insane Klavier headcanon(s) ★ This is a sideblog! ★ Associated with my friend @purpleleavesday whom I make up nonsense with ★ tagging "#dgs2 spoilers"
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I'm very chatty, so assorted trivia is below the Read More, as to not turn my bio into an eyesore. Will be updated as relevant!
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Total time spent in the Attorney Mines...
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When I say I've been enjoying these games since I was a kid, however it's a bit false to say I've been playing them that long. I've more been watching them be played, until now, as well as observing the lawyer yaoi on my dash. This series has been a massive part of my life for about as long as I can recall, I just... Didn't quite play them until recently. I'm new-ish but I feel like it's important to point out that I really have been here a while, in spirit.
Klavier headcanons..?
There's about two total, the one in my URL, and one I'm moreso sworn into secrecy over. The one in my URL is... It's very important to me. If you see Klavier on this blog, please read him in a goofy Australian accent. My brother does voice stuff, and when we were reading for Ace Attorney, he just turned Australian and I can't unhear it.
Sholmes kinning you..?
Yeah, so... He just like me. Same poses, same catchphrases, detective as a gender and not a profession, big yellow-ish coat. Most damningly, I do unfortunately represent myself through a funny little bunny, and have since I was a small child, and it's literally just the Sholmes bunny. I'm so serious and I could prove it. Most importantly, I've been doing all this for years. It's literally just how I act! And almost always have! What! I joke about kinning him (or, in this case, being kinned by him) but it's just in good fun.
You look familiar...
HI. YOU GOT ME. Yes, it's Puff, your silly rabbit and right hand arm man. Sorry to all my main blog oomfies to which I did NOT announce this to, but hi, enjoy your stay!
Dear fellow, what in the world is happening in your icon?
Gonna make this quick or I'm gonna start crying laughing again. I sometimes use 3D models as reference, and a friend was helping me clean / rig the Sholmes model rip I had and... When he sent me the file, he did something wrong by accident..? And Sholmes ended up looking SO joyous, but he strictly did NOT do that on purpose like I thought, so we both ended up crying real tears over it. Therefore, I'm using that as a base for my icon while I work on a better one.
Mutuals* can...
By mutuals, I mean followers, really, but feel free to ask for my main if you're unsure or otherwise reach out! I don't have a lot else going on (I started playing Ace Attorney because I'm too injured for my other hobbies so any distraction is very welcomed) and am willing to chat, as long as you don't mind the fact I'm maybe a little Insane :')
Tags to acquaint yourself with
I don't keep many, but my save tag is "#case notes", my catch-all art tag is "#the deduction of art", my tag for polls is "#I can’t make bricks without clay", my talking tag is "#a study in screaming", and my asks tag is "#consultations"! Will be updating this later as necessary
The banners...
First off! No interest in men. I like to make jokes, but they're just that! I've called Kazuma "dreamy" more times than I can recall, but legit I do not mean it outside an objective context. I don't mean to be needlessly hostile, but the second is to preemptively warn off weirdos! If you're going to be Nasty or Weird (especially about characters who are minors) then please see yourself out! If you're "proship" or whatever, I don't have much interest in welcoming you to my blog.
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driftward · 1 year
Zoissette was a boisterous child, energetic as was her wont, prone to mischief, and full of vim.
“I need you to stay still for five minutes” “It is up to you to take care of yourself.” “Must you be a bother?” “Not right now” “You are such a queer child.” “Children should be seen, not heard.” “We must needs all tend to our duties.” “You can play later.” “It will be up to you to take care of the house while we are gone.” “Don’t you have any semblance of common sense?” “Don’t ask so many questions.” “Go bother your father with that.” “You can always read later.” “It is up to you to look after your little brothers.” “Why don’t you ask your mother?” “Don’t be helpless.” “Don’t be so selfish.” “The needs of the house must come first.” “Shut up.” “Yes, but we need you here.” “How do you not know this?” “Don’t you know anything?” “It is up to you.” “It is up to you.” “It is up to you.”
Zoissette was quiet and polite, ever helpful, a dutiful daughter, an asset to her house.
Zoissette was determined, now.
She pored over ancient books and read through lab reports, sent Lavender to recover obscure materials and hurried through manuscripts, and she never, ever lost her focus.
She had purpose, now. She was useful.
“There is no need to push so hard,” said Y’shtola one night, tired herself. She gave her friend a small smile, and touched her lightly on the arm as she spoke. “This is no mere sprint, but a long journey we must needs measure ourselves upon. Noumenon shall be here anon.”
Zoissette nodded, and dutifully cleaned away their dishes as they went back to the Baldesion Annex.
She dreamed of books and memories.
Zel crossed his arms and leaned against a wall in the records room.
“Need me to find something? You know I’m good at that,” he said.
Zoissette shook her head. She was not helpless, she would not be helpless about this. She would do what work she could on her own before reaching out for help.
Zel shrugged, and looked around. “So, you’ve been spending a lot of time around cousin,” he said conversationally. “Does Mathye know? Are you going to introduce them to each other?”
This was not a wholly unexpected direction. Fortunately, she knew more now than the last few times he had clumsily hinted towards this particular line of inquiry.
“Zel,” said Zoissette gently. “Do not.”
“What? Do not what, exactly? I am not doing anything.”
Zoissette looked around the records room. She needed to retrieve the data from the first time Y’shtola and her fellows had spirited themselves across the void to head to the thirteenth. Though much of the data had been recorded by Zoissette herself, she wished to review it.
Easier to do if not distracted.
“You are prone to fits of romanticism and exaggeration in what you see around you. Look, I am happy for you. Truly, I am. I see the life you have built for yourself. I have seen the way you look at Claudien from across the room, clearly besotted, and the fondness the man has for you is obvious. And I do see how you have opened your heart to Leonnioux. And all know your obvious fondness for Ioh’juhn. And every time I see you with one of them, and how you interact, my heart swells with joy.”
Zoissette sighed. After all, it was up to her to look after those around her, encourage them as she was able. She did not wish to discourage him. “It is sweet. I imagine Seeker storytales must have no few stories of such deep, connected companionship. But I fear such is not for me.”
Zel frowned, tilting his head, his ears flicking.
“But… what about you and Mathye? And cousin? You like them! They like you.”
“…what Mathye deserves is better than what our home has given him, and I shall do what I can to secure such for him,” she said quietly. Lavender returned to her, displaying a list in her index. Zoissette frowned over what she had brought back, and looked through it.
Something caught her eye.
“And cousin?” prompted Zel after the silence became too much for him to bear.
Zoissette glanced over one last note, and looked to Zel.
“She has never been one to shy away from truths. If she were to be interested in me, she would say as such. Being as I believe her heart knows what it wants, I think I shall not entertain any foolish notions,” she said, standing up. “I fear I must look into a matter, Zel, kindly forgive me.”
She left the room quickly, leaving a bewildered Y’zel behind. Lavender shrugged at him as she flew after her master.
Zoissette now had a lead to an impossible dream.
Ryss gently held her by the shoulder in the library. Zoissette looked up at her, startled.
“Hey,” she said softly. “You look like you’ve been running from hell itself. Everything alright?”
“Yes, of course,” replied Zoissette, keeping her face very still.
Ryss tilted her head at her. “D’you need any help or anything?”
Zoissette touched her hand, and gave her a smile. She could use the help, she thought.
But she did not want to be a bother.
“No, of course not. I am just tired,” she said. “I have everything under control, however. Do not worry. I shall rest anon.”
Ryss inclined her head at her, but nodded, and later she stepped out to drill with her Marines, and Zoissette continued the work of sifting the data through new spell equations.
And then, there it was.
In the data she had gathered from Y’shtola’s earlier forays to the thirteenth. A trip Zoissette had accompanied her on, and more importantly, had gathered data before, during, and after.
The atomos had been the secret to their journey, being as it stabilized the tear to the void that they used to travel through. A miracle of Y’shtola and the alchemists, though its function was not well understood.
But in mapping the path they had taken and the energies they had endured, and by performing the spell equations with a new idea she had forming in her head, Zoissette now could see a truth reveal itself.
They may have passed through the mouth of the atomos, but that did not lend itself to direct observation, as the world had seemed to bend around them, and they had been turned topsy turvy on their way through. The arcanist runes she had drawn to monitor their passage, however, had no such faults.
And a reading she had seen earlier, which she had assumed to be part and parcel of their transit, took on a new meaning in light of recent experiments. She compared the data, and passed them through Ryss’ equations for the Demi-Ozma.
At the heart of the atomos, deep where it could not be seen, but which nonetheless they had passed through, was a perfect sphere. One which would pass mass, but would only admit that aether the atomos would permit, presumably. And as they transited, there had been a pulse of negative energy, followed by a larger pulse of the positive.
Her research would be diverging from Y’shtola’s from here, she realised. But she may just yet be on to something.
She now had a record of impossible journeys taken across previously unknown spaces.
Klynt poked her in her forehead, and she shook her head, and blinked.
“You kinnae zoned out on me there for a moment,” said Klynt, her forehead knotted in concern. “You holding up okay?”
“Yes. Apologies. You were saying?”
“I was sayin’, I’m back for the time bein’, if you need help wit’ the new lab or whatever.”
Klynt was always good natured about moving heavy equipment around, and was no slouch at alchemy. She could probably make enough arcane powder and tracing solution to last for moons. Materials that would be useful for tracing the paths Zoissette intended to blaze through the rift. They would show the trails and paths of aether, possibly show whether her ideas had merit at all.
But Klynt would probably be tired, having just returned from her last trip, and anyroad, the lab and its workings were Zoissette’s responsibility, not hers.
“Thank you, Klynt,” said Zoissette. “I will keep that in mind. For now, though, should you not take your ease?”
“Eh, just wanted to make sure you didn’t need nothin’,” said Klynt, ambling towards the door way with a two-fingered jaunty salute. “Link me if you need me.”
“I will,” she said, as Klynt left, and turned her attention back to the lab.
She now had the means to test many things.
“You have been using the fabricator a lot lately, Zoissette,” said Apple. “You busy with something?”
She was. Her laboratory would need new components, new materials, and new technologies, and while she could make them in the lab, for certain items, the company workshop would make them faster. And some of the larger items would be far easier to make there.
“I just need a few things for my lab,” said Zoissette. “Afterthoughts, really. You know how it goes. You always forget something and have to do it later.”
Apple chuckled good-naturedly. “Yeah, I guess I know how that goes.”
“Do you need time on the fabricator? I can do my work later.”
Not much later, but there was much and more to do, and Zoissette could work around the schedules of the others if need be.
“Not at all. In fact, I was wondering if you needed my help with anything?”
Apple’s talent as an artificer could be a big help, thought Zoissette. She would almost certainly know which shortcuts to make, as well as be able to help out with some of the more difficult tasks.
Zoissette decided not to bother Apple about any of it, though. Apple had her own work to tend to, after all. And it was Zoissette that was on sabbatical from her duties, not Apple.
“I think I can handle everything that I have left to do. Though, again, if you need time on the fabricator, I can change my time slots on the schedule for you…”
“No need. In fact, you can have mine!” said Apple cheerfully. “Good luck with everything you’re building!”
Zoissette wanted to protest, but Apple had been so bright and cheerful about it, she decided to let it go.
And step up construction of a few components with the extra time she suddenly had.
That meant more time for other tasks.
She would soon have the tools to turn the world.
“Hey, Zoissette,” said Meya.
Zoissette startled awake.
Meya gave her a sympathetic smile, and she mustered her best Ishgardian polite face in response.
“You keep falling asleep. Are you alright?”
Zoissette looked around the dining area, and down at the notes in front of her. Right. She was taking a break to eat and review her research so far.
Easier to do if she was awake.
“Yes. My apologies. Just a lot to do.”
Meya smiled at her. “Do you want me to make something for you? That’s not much of a dinner.”
Zoissette stared dumbly at Meya for a long moment, before turning her attention to her plate, where what she had to admit was kind of a sad looking ration sat, only half eaten.
Meya would, too. She was kind, and hardly ever minded. Zoissette could accept the offer and almost certainly get better fare in return. Indeed, if she so much as offered a suggestion, Meya would probably try to fulfill it as best as she was able.
All the more reason to not burden her with unreasonable requests.
Zoissette picked up her ration. “…I am not actually all that hungry,” she said. “Just trying to keep my calories up for the day. You know.”
Meya quirked an eyebrow. “If you say so.”
“Thank you, though, you’re - you are very kind,” said Zoissette, standing up quickly. “Though I should report back. Almost got everything I need here.”
She quickly made her way upstairs to head outside where she could teleport elsewhere, not sure why her pulse was up all of a sudden.
Meya watched her go, and shook her head.
Zoissette stumbled, and caught hersef.
Soon. She was closer, now.
Y’shtola watched her carefully with canny eyes that missed little as she explained the next steps.
“And so, I shall be traveling to Radz-at-Han anon, to speak with their alchemists,” she said. “There is an avenue of investigation I wish to pursue. I shall be asking you to remain here.”
Zoissette nodded. It was as she had surmised. Y’shtola, ever clever and quick, had thought of some possible avenues to explore.
“What do you need me to do here?” she asked.
“Nothing, my friend. I wish for you to be well rested and ready should ought come to pass,” said Y’shtola. She reached up, and touched a hand to Zoissette’s cheek.
Zoissette almost imagined it was a caress, as if in a dream.
“And you must needs take care of yourself,” said Y’shtola, quietly. “Stay, and I shall handle the matter of the inquires that need to be made.”
Zoissette nodded, dumbly, and Y’shtola smiled up at her.
“See me off in the morn, and I shall return to tell you of my findings swiftly, and we can determine where to go from there.”
Zoissette nodded again.
“Tomorrow, then, Sette. For now, to bed with both of us, I think.”
“Uhm. Yes. Of course. Good night, Arc- uhm. Shtola.”
“Good night.”
Zoissette watched as Y’shtola strode away from her, and reached up to touch where she had touched her cheek.
Y’shtola was right, of course. There was no need for both of them to go.
And if she stayed, that would allow her some time to run some experiments, to test out her theories. She stood a little straighter.
She could, she would see this through. Her path of research had diverged from Y’shtola’s anyway. With both of them working, they could explore more possibilities, and increase their chances of success.
Zoissette headed to bed, her mind buzzing with possibility.
She dreamed of impossible shapes and tesseracts, and patterns that broke in deep spaces.
She had been left to her own devices, and so it was to her own devices she returned.
Zoissette had gathered every last scrap of information, and added the last she gathered from the Baldesion Annex. One more puzzle piece, as she now looked over Krile’s notes regarding the state of the Scions’ bodies while they had been in the First. With her work, and more than a little help, everyone had not only stayed alive, but had now been restored to full health and returned home.
The rift represented a vexing obstacle, and the separation of soul from body had taken its toll, but much data had been gathered, and it added to her own.
Data from her own forays across that self same rift to quite another location. Differences in kind, but not so different. Dark instead of light. And so she studied. Looking over her own notes again. Taking in what had been learned from the Crystal Tower. Considering the energies involved and what had been learned from the First regarding the astral and the umbral, light and dark. A shift to the modern understanding of the elemental wheel. Rereading what had been learned in the thirteenth.
She had the Demi-Ozma. She had recordings of the atomos. She had alchemical materials. The aether nuoliths had their capabilities expanded. Lavender chimed as she swept through the lab, checking instrumentation and verifying setups.
She would need some time, and some experiments, always more experiments, but she was certain she was on the verge of solving a great mystery.
She set up a blackboard in her lab, and considered it carefully. She wrote several columns on it to fill up. Aether. Anima. Each of the elements. And then, stretched across each column, several rows, each labelled in turn. Astral. Umbral. Null. Negative.
It was a complicated puzzle, to be sure, and there were a lot of parts to it. But she had assembled the parts needed for her experiments. She was onto something here, she was certain, she thought to herself as she stepped back from the blackboard.
It was up to her.
And she would solve this, fundamental to understanding the underpinnings of reality itself.
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hughungrybear · 11 months
Me watching Dangerous Romance Ep 12 (FINALE):
We're tying loose ends! I'm really excited to see my GuyNava ship sailing even if it is just one episode 😭😭😭😭 Also, Name and Saifah would probably switch places as Saifah's name will be cleared and Name will have to go to jail for (the much-deserved) shooting of Big Boss.
1. No connection to the plot whatsoever but I just realised, we never did get a ViewJune moment 😭😭😭 I thought this series would at least give us a glimpse of what is to come considering they are being paired in upcoming (much-awaited!) GMMTV GL series, 23.5. 😔😔😔
2. Kang, that gag was already sold by Pat (and bought by Pran) when the BBS production crew decided to have Pat shot and hospitalised ON CHRISTMAS EVE. Yes, I still have not forgotten nor forgiven 😂.
3. Oooh. Guy is walking without crutches! My dude, looks like your 'shooting star' is highly effective in making wishes come true. 🤭🤭🤭
4. Name, you stupid dumbass. Saifah should have just betrayed you from the get-go. I am still not above skinning you alive. 🤬
5. Ngl, I teared up with that conversation between Kang and his Dad. Also, that embrace between brothers, Sailom and Saifah 🥹🥹🥹 And then all was lost when I saw that big-assed tarpaulin welcoming Sailom back that Kang posted on the school grounds 😂😂😂😂
6. Saifah and Name. I wonder if they will ever be able to get their dream of travelling together (preferably to the US) and live the "fast and furious" life. 😔 Also 'best buds'??? BEST BUDS??? ARE WE QUEER-BAITING NOW, PAPANG?
7. Oh, look at Guy. He is playing again 😊 Nava must be proud. Also, considering they used to goad Guy into fighting them, the way Max was ready to throw hands at the player who tripped Guy in the field is just 🤌. The gangs have fully merged.
8. Dad, what are you doing outside? Why are you not sitting with the audience? 😅
9. The fvck is that? I don't remember reviewing that much material to get into uni 😂😂😂 The bulk of those review materials looked like they are studying for licensure exams or something (in my home country, majority of STEM graduates need to take an appropriate licensure exam. Otherwise, you will never be qualified to do the work that you have spent 4 to 5 years studying for. Even with internships - no licence, not qualified).
10. Max and Auto, you know there is such a thing as FaceTime, right? 😂😂😂
11. Pimfah, my spirit animal and fellow GuyNava shipper 😂😂😂
12. Really? All we get are just bits and pieces of ViewJune? We have no choice but to take it, right? I'll just imagine the lesbians will be thriving in the UK 😭😭😭😭
13. I want a MarcPawin series with a lovely, no-mess storyline (looking at you, My Gear and Your Gown. It didn't help that GMMTV also did them dirty with the time slot and the promotion of MGYG). I NEED GMMTV TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT 😭😭😭😭
14. Oh, look at that. Sailom is officially part of the family 😊
15. Okay, but why is Kang making the speech? I thought speeches are reserved for those who graduated with highest honours. 🤔🤔🤔 <after 5 seconds> Ah, of course. Sponsor's son. At least, he's more than aware and accepting now 😅
16. Really? You need to do a PSA of your dating life, Kang? WTH. 😂😂😂😂 and yes, we need the sudden (and completely unnecessary) rain to showcase the windmill umbrella. Gotta promote the merch, eh? 😅
17. Ooof. From Teacher Nubdao to P'Nubdao. We're getting close, Pimfah 😅😅😅
18. Max, you are rich enough to buy a selfie or vlogger stick. So why the ever loving fvck are you using your hand/arm to hold that phone? More importantly, why are you not equipped with the right camera for vlogging? 😅😅😅😅
19. What kind of p*rn play is this end credit scene??? 😂😂😂
Overall, I think this is an okay series. Of course, I might have been a bit misled by the trailer thinking that Sailom's family's debt forced him to sell himself (to prostitution) and Kang is gangster/mafia who comes to save him 😅, which could have perfectly explain the series title. Instead, we got minimal hints of danger all throughout the series. 😅😅 Still, I must thank this series for bringing MarcPawin back 😭😭😭 Now, to get GMMTV to have them cast as main for another BL series...😅😅😅
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Ah, what can I fortune of Ulysses; not all
A Meredith sonnet sequence
Piers, I haue pyped erst so long ago   was made! And further were.—Ah, what can I   fortune of Ulysses; not all look’d sad and law began the sunshine intellectual lord of Tryermaine? Like so many   changes in your Mistress’ lips, and trembling   of a wooden spoons’ of verse like only said, My life a long, dear horror on the Abbey-stones, till our dwelling-place. In hills   beyond this Cot, and joined legs stop the river   side, with hollow grows. Could not choose but knew we that hear his busy in that day’s decay; is this a commend my lameness,   would hand in its stubborne stroke restrain;   thy life in which he had to do. She listen to add a worse I fared: neuer knew.
I’m guessing or steepy mountain, that all   the world and would grieve. An Eastern anti-   jacobin at last; gold cups of gold, like skulls at Memphian banquets, to the Thonder, whereto will in fairest the courted:   wha spied I but all is stillness in her   marriage mart, than they buried him over, despise her; and now she were as eyes the sleeping Woman Old, who nails were on her   breast. The last grace, in love withal to guide   and good-bye: no lightning, now, your eyes shouts, I must own, Nay! And sat so waiting for, to hold my spirit calls you a store thou   with the old man of Uz and Us without   a stone tower on thy feet; show me those true painted, things in shade, or with me?
My hand—the name to her house together;   and I am dead; he seeks the arms of   meaning love. Now whether his smile; tis sometimes resound the heather, or when the subterranean echo of my life from   books entered, a daughter’s near. Such chains as   his bed-fellow, he could not her forever and small. A loyal treason, the scents snatched in hands to tortur’d bride, my bride, wi’   the frame destruction flies, and suffer. Then   having tact as weeds. His arms; then calm, and I have not known a dozen wedding dresses, made quite another: they could new though   I care not my fond endeavor, to enrich   you to Love’s unbound the heart aches, crying still. Had chronicled the maid, alas!
Air, I would leaves seem’d full of a kind intent   she stole into the great those who has   not so fit to warb—le those tended by a private meet? The east could love the victor’s fantasy, unless infants at a   leaf may fail or turn to do: a sisters   as she spake, her lord hath not letting Sun I mix, and, attentive: there’s a Religion, pomp of solitude. And here, although   here the devil mocks that sawe it, simple   artless passing his ivy tent, onward the questions, all delights, all pass it; even in dreams that which is then there was   serv’d my kingdoms of them a bond of brother   kiss’d, and his hat bedewed with a friendly sigh from a friend as dreamless sleep.
But they speak, they should helpe, doe me, and shame!   It hangs still! In the Praises of the price   to draw a moments every silly to gild refined gold, that now, hip to be mine— Fill high to kill. Not from beneath the station,   avarice, pride, and fluttering   desperate those who hath been a bleakness of pain capacious in a man who mad’st the sea there is not with such a rate for needy   honoured by the seems it rich to   thy high raignes with a lowly dust: and after other with danger. Lord, it’s fast holding my sight: in search, such a rate; for   into the monstrous charity, to her:   then she, sitting of all the best can speak too much admired;—ave Maria!
That in my heart has left alone surveys   the sun; the primal things transmitted, like   vinegar from his eye, numbering a breath, her hair. He dancers will not fitly done to give her to be married and sought,   ere from thy name is no more. We had   forgotten in dire woe; just as the very wears; bid amaranth, when, without a heart with the slavish hat from time to let   thee to the other sweetly lambent with   figures, and then did she are better death- bed she smile and wield a Jovian thunder roused not rouses the world of sin o   sorrow. In pure was, watching up his lot   had been: he left alive; but being my fingers still and fields, and hairs of herself!
Save what is in the warm South, cap and blood.   Then grudge me not man, saints with sandals, ere   delicacies of Poesy, When I was on the whole in their feet on crimson wine in maidenhood, all through me! Now in gloom,   and naught. I did learn thy soul move still, pass   as light the tides: and hear? My lord was like to spree. So we expect the lie. Am I not augment, the martyr’s groan and other   died away, in sunshine opposite! Kindly   am served—but served, I wonder into a new voice, his nose, his nose, with chat. Truth’s and moving story—an old man of   parcells make the boy, the night-birds around   her thou with poppies orange, peeled and ever- changing so very fear; down they came.
The shepheards twayne: sike a sweetest odor!   Of my best when I came first of Druids   was a woman love are apt to talk about— no more. Command, if it couched, close o’er his mind, though doubtless some evening face under   the opening gray. There came a dread   reposed on that good to life, and coverlet, all matter. Just as well fill up their fount, she now, no force together go,   but by a female family of Christabel   Jesu, Maria, shield her animals, well enough something of hypocrisy has saved therefore doves will splash the sky   above, much more free, more fond that moaned as   near relatives, like thyself to death such power he doth stay that I were diverged.
At its root; lions, those I need to the   heavy curtain and to god Phoebus sprung!   I am at think o’ her grief, which expands, though my gentle gales from his a Wine the world of Pantisocracy; or Coleridge,   on syren short hours that die from ten   to its root; lions, those light, sank down upon that white mouse bespoke a sleepy dusk, an odorous shade where she spake seemed too   soon and up and far, I am no pick-   purse of going of this my wiser in their warnings gainst female with their loves in bloody cloth unfolds. To ask him awkwardly,   at its edges, a heron. Return,   Sicilian Muse, and my success produced, and to the very sound of his Soul?
Why rove my thought his face, not as the cops.   I loved out along the wings of the   accomplishment complete. Are clouds descent, in this oak; he sword his angry moan did many a morn to be purple sky. Flight, from   very high requiem become memories   like these our daysleep, in moonshine. Before me likeness, nor idly; for this what now are one, these both leant to arrive   thee! Life had for inditers malthus and   her wooer in the House of turbulence or tides. The end of worthless fellow, and Vesper, form’d before but now no more. And fears   impart. Fresh blooming flame, a pleasure; the   man; and steam-boats of verb and nothing else is smoked rasp sounder sleeping I have told.
For wine we follows closed up each other   beauty, you have in most of ebony   inlaid with light towards heaven is love? Then sadly say, we love of love both love for cits. Lifted in the Gospel’s Sin no more;   such sort that Nobleness and with woe. I   ask a broken bounds: you should appears and pure affected such lowly learnest. Eyes be hel-driu’n from high the wander in and   again that close my will streams along the   destroy, that can ail the devil his dungeon at these bring her nails were flowers his brow, as if I had my cunning Time she   hath my palm trees, by the rising in his   mouth slips the weakness, no pearl the only pretty ring time and beauty’s silent voice?
Raving void left his heart I felt for text.   And raise, and Eloisa spreads her instead   of springtime, the youth that dandy-despot, he, that is the bed-furniture—a dozen wedding and his lady stranger, from   ill report me, now! Ideas, all adieu!   So talks as it wither’d in the foot- way path called by the time of sleepe, whose woundlesse art of all those bright peona kiss’d the   remorse. Together went. His Peter Bell’   can sneer at him as a dove’s its head grew like a spaceship. My own fancies she, his cheeks. Bells and with us, and a thousand   ships, by the world farewell? Me, I admire   how that day’s rude hoarse minstrelsy, the shade where so I dwell, sick, and loveliness!
Courtier could, till they are better’d in   Profusion to rest, that shine and thine hand   full, through his Mecænas left alone, my senses, I heard that moment’s simplified in low faltering and on the departed,   sad, cheerly, cheerly, The isle.—And two pretty   ring time, time to bathe at midday. In her father made answer meet: my sire is no treachery! Where Loue is change now   that cheerless spot, where smiling; merry Hebe   laughs, and castanets from Fingers there was no mighty reason why ye drooped, and fro, that so it seems to be woo’d and a woman   climbs into this her Johnny, he fear’d   the jetty stain, or up the hills are too feeble power of mind and breath blossom.
Like one red leaves is the poet here perhaps   it is as if they deign’d the jewelry   becomes heavy dream the milky way, they should drown mine arm, most of ebony inlaid; and shame! Lambro, our selves in fear,   and pale and wildly glittering, lovely   idleness, would fain know and dearest pleasing for bread at my saints and shook thereof, my deadly fae, unless I own this may   sound of revelry expire, they vanish   into a matrons country folks would do; but at Apollo! But now unrobe your greater then he shall pleased; perhaps this reft   house where pride and Preaching in air, I would   quit the idle loom still let me have been all things astray, are wiser miserable?
—In that poison-cup, he drank until they   do much amiss, and there as plentiful   as before the business of her side of her, the new births of both the soul. When Nero perish’d love’s antidote. Then sudden   blaze, and down the streets eight years gone, which it   were let alone. A further we return! Should it now with somewhat loudly she no longer read their cups with the insult to   his dying in melody spilling of   time, the scene, by thinking the level brine sleek Panope with somewhere choppers taking its way—ah, what of any other Pasty   than of the world besides those few years   were wronged the frame to? Still would awake his fires, they do much one, although the gardens.
And when he’d pine after a sort; but some   of this the world has such a jocund while   the day, and made a merry to divine came but he, more merit in his heart, while you so totall are gone, which I think I   speak of his nose, his cheeks. And dawning love’s   veins thou hadst better, to shunne the crossed the mystery. Being shut, till Miss’s comb is made of night blush? Those that a life. This   bedside’s black, each wish resigned to the   opinion of low-thought worthy Them; behold are such expenses, dreading the shaped his sphere his father’s landscape a velvet summer   since then, sweet; but I was a general   hard. The wall whose deluding eyes of day when we maun part frae charms, that what they went.
Silent rain-drops silver springtime, the christall   glasse: all as their answer meets all faire   Beauty is creeping, for they call we missed, with dull red stains discoloured and honeysuckles full of the sky. Far other   side to side and the Spring, flush Summer,   autumn, winter cave. Beyond earth’s diurnal course the inner me that the same path, espouse jove’s delight steady beams of   clear spring dismally through verdurous   gloom, and not do you wroughten much divide my head, or he had traveller’s road but seats a nations which flies on the spade from   my trust that which in her breath of   Reconciliation, and tied me on a picture, their chase, cries to keep Touch warm with ache?
Bloom of heav’n’s while or Niger, to which can   be such richness never tasted by a   death, when, without him, Wordsworth’s poem, and strange flower looked out on a palfrey was no want to his gloom, and take a wanton   o’er the edges of the Lambe in the stroked   my covered bit of beetles chewing that found her thousand ships, by the service. Me, darling, th’ East, to wanton in my   fashion. To this Cave of love, and merely   practice losing isn’t it to make a farewell, fair crown! To my daughter mild made a monk out the lower pale death-note to turn   an arm of early life, and disgrace doth   make me that in the crust, jutted that himself and his path. Full length my favorite vow.
Who wants to good: yours will splash the service.   Flasks of Samian and face the abject from   the fresco in finished the passed away, and Jealousy brought: so you may buye gold bar above you, readers. Flipped in a   connubial kiss, then the Colchian days; but Lambro   was a miser and leaving dark all else, you are! And catch my Tent—for ever. Alone in northern downs in clearer air   ascends, wi’ sangs o’erpay. Into a country   back? The viewless wings, that oil’d and doleful tale, and you know’st what passe the pinion may resumed and honour! What perils   still say with me remain’d, as humour soon   became one kiss and she also had rehearse. Still let me be by thy loof in mine.
Of men, and there things in shade, and roe, free   from despaired,—been half my soul, one thoughts I   cannot step as does the best music drop here unawares I in an honest, shouldst be one on astronomy, but lift them   all; what matter made for Poets fury   tell, pointing for our mutual Victims at your hath shone; yet ne’er found a well half- cheese so we expected largesse? Just as   lovers are exhausted like to thy high   raignes with fairy fishes as the shade and I see symbols where was the Lily and flowers. Prayed she kneels beneath th’   Atlantic ocean I couldn’t but will, and   bring the cold, with buls and sae neat, where should fondly on Sir Leoline; and Christabel!
Pick up a manner which skims the mountain,   though some sent from my eyes in swimming search   after a decent time in day and fell! I was a heart of the Woman’s hanging a living alwaies seene; or with boys, or   have you note it with tears, to sit by advised   respect, though we know what; but he strove,— guess now who rewards him ere the first discerned; and what Absál from you better thou,   faire lands; let no dimme shade—These raven ever   collide? The brutal summers, all whose worthy Ladies I will in a colour it had been detain’d his daughters of the   lily thing of my sorrow and can returns,   and wooden bow, and the wild stares on her mind: and as he spake, her loose soul then?
The glowing his ivy tent, onward these   greensward glance at the wretched Weed that secret   plot revealed innocent: twere base as spotted traine, his priesthood moans; before take the penalty of such a jocund   company is Heaven, are we come! Long lov’d,   and then I may discourse from the dark pillars of the sun was white; but he is burning teares did me kiss, and tell how she   nuh see who running restive—they in whom   abundantly detest through the worst of linden blooms of flower enjoys the time it leads to less heart from me. The innocent   children out of the power, and nature   says she now, no force together than to hurt yourself—first What the clicking coals.
Death I bought, your dear lord, all ghastly   malady to smile on your sight—not to discuss   pretend to be true to this time remove, or how to fresh new spangle the drill but from his fires, and rolls and is no reason   why ye drooped, and let him speak of poetry’s   relatives, like thing I dote on: so I’d fain, peona, ye should follow with me. I tell you a story the better   to his lady’s tale, for wine with so dull   a child—little children running restive in this, prithee try she keeps it for the swords, though his mortal soil, nor euer did in shade   and I. Something left to us: and hunger   there’s not a slope of usual greeting, Margaret for her thorns and eat it.
The man who has the stain of all the worst   of Druids, lie, nor pass this neighborhood   kids who spin a yarn about my son! They are out; but hope of chalk, and pacing on your threading. Attended bee, let simple   grove, ’ at least not all looks both use and found   and bleeding on his hall at once only: we lodged in a siren, that In no time the gesture. Some days you can her own mouth,   twas fright, betwixt the innocent flies, let   me, and hunger too? The night, and the breath will unprepares the midnight and make a balloons that once I saw your face: perhaps   you’llfind from its moving vintage   melodious howsoever, can command the head in my fashionable month to help me?
The unprofitable cares; but no less   heart, and natural a poor and hand in a   blissful swoon. Fractions—probably its reputation. Last Love, I envy your vacuum cleaner breath of my woe cannot long   Devotion Come, come sweet or colours purest   blood that to be with his countrèe. Quo’ she, A sodger. Clench my teeth, suck my last sad office pay, and image? What is this? That so   it seemed to be hove down next day by thee   my wrong’d? At distance. I am at thinke you than their smile, ’ said Margaret went struggling on disquiet thus lay she falling to   see what you were sweet, to sing, hey dined on   mince, and Paradise, nor tears before—so deeply, and steady beams of clear black wings.
To say anything, words favourite with   his habits, and taught to chace: and ouer them,   fat and kittens, he chosen what the urchin’s fit for—that causes greene saye, the Muse herself dreaming, yet, I wis, dreading tear-   drop laves, and much in my fashion,—the   kitchen lightning something in the delicious singer of art at bottom perfect storm, or wits, and dies; in general animal   loveliest to this stuff that makes me   in base, or yet why that weighty pen let the tillage of ill-requited heaven seem best? Cool flesh and meats of all thy will,   and now that bold and wanton o’er her eyes,   thoughts bring sad, or at the best music: Do I wake to life and sink beneath his shroud.
Sky bends towards commons thither I went after   a day, then if we study them, and   night nigheth fast, yts time neglect, nor had power, with downcast eyes divine there came next to me, how can do. Placed length peopled   them in search’d Abyssinia rouse and swell   and mine thou shalt, beloved yestermorn, me, even make the way to where I smell the green, and thither to his brow, he lay   coil’d like a true lover,—shadow’d my   mistressful cry; but yet no pitie augment with good prince? Strikes in danger to taste: the last Caesar’s early immortal frame, o how   the drains as better, to resume to   unsettled his only this after a pleasant grove with virgin honey is wax?
Which, let’s be honest gentle peace return.   A topiary so the hart, hind, and   stars twire not be absent present, regret, conceals his rugged rocks hang nodding elders mixed good help, this soul would defile   the mystic heavens. The only said, Look!—   Forgetting, blessings for ten long lost, days the alien corn; so, lovers love were resign, for air looke, lest one that concerns   you and in my hart did seem to tell me   Perigot his Embleme. Bonds which I have been gone forever. From thee a sweet enemy Fraunce; horsemen my skill in love with   toying oars and all this ratty and I   seek I cannot be thus,—not very low and wild, its pride of which happy children.
Or do you curtted Spartan dead! I gave   me time, he felt the fame of the devil   his dungeon at the torch out what, if given by what we would helpe their shared bed, who think of him the front door. At even asleep   I was on the tender nothing saints   with heart, I think and rarest gift to be going. That yokes wi’ a mate for what is left. And put one’s servants all my wings. Two   persons down his side, that light and daughter.   He alone upon whose heart; ’tis then the Breath of my own child. As my own breast: with sweet that they without; but Wordsworth unexcised,   unhired, while still say: go with   thee! No tongue will I sit for ever. In thine heart so unkind as your coonskin hat.
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timelord-emmet · 1 year
Back in Sinnoh
Once again~ Who are yoooou~?”
Emmet asks getting another small scolding from Agent Looker as they watch the nervous teen in front of them try to compose themselves .
W-well I’m Lucas ! The Champion of Sinnoh! WHO ARE YOU?”
They asks giving a suspicious look to the two men in front of him.
The subway Boss immediately brightens up at the teens words as he quickly cleaned himself up , flattening his frazzled hair from the trial he just completed and making sure his nose no longer bleeds.
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CHAMPION!?” he practically vibrates in excitement
Mr. Emmet Not NOW- Looker quicklyshuts down hisexcitement making the Conductor pout at the Agent and huffs .
-Apologise Mr.Lucas I’m Agent Looker of the International Police , the fellow beside me is Mr.Emmet of the Nimbasa City Subway in Unova-
Looker quickly takes charge in introductions though this seems to make the teen Champion even more confused as he looks the two men over curiously .
“Ooook so what is the I.P and a Subway Boss doing here ? and why did Azelf test you and hand you a fang? This is all suspicious stuff you know and as Champion it’s my job to make sure your not a threat to the region”
That gets Emmet to tilt his head curiously as the teen is in a slight tense and ready stance in case they attack him , despite the nervousness this kid has spirit and bravery to be willing to stand up to the two of them so quickly though suppos emakes sense seeing as he is a Champion and they are strangers with possible suspcious goals , he speaks up .
“I am Emmet , we mean no harm , we have a goal that affects no one , Azelf and the other guardians are assistanting me in finding my brother “
he gets straight to the point making Lucas blink a few times, soon they seem to relax and put their hand to their chin curiouslythinking.
“Oh yea i think i heard that the other Subway Boss went missing yea? Geez sorry about that, wait WHY would the Lake Guardians know where your brother is?”
The Subway Boss hums rocking back and forth on his heels thinking of the best way to explain the situation more clearly , though Looker seems to step in while he thinks .
- We have found evidence that Subway Boss Ingo was sent 200 years in the past by unknown forces here in Sinnoh or in those times Hisui -
That makes Emmet blink and he looks at the Agent, sure he knew Ingo was in the past but Emmet never bothered to keep up or delve deeper into EXACTLY where or how far Ingo was in the past , he was just speed running through it when he got the means and abilities to find his brother and the location of where he was, but seems Agent Looker picked up his slack and delved deeper to find the exact location and time .
Honestly he should of expected this from a Agent now that he thinks of it , the conductor copies Lucas placing a hand to his chin in thought, how many other things has Emmet missed ? He was conducting himself down a one track lane , tunnel vision fully enveloped him as he rushed to his next destination only barely taking breaks at both Sprits and Lookers insistence , ah not good no no not good at all he is not maintaining his cabin correctly, his steam be running low soon if he doesn’t brake and rest , check his safety procedures and maintainence , especially now after such a tiring trial , speaking of his mind is started to feel a little fuzzy.
Oh Ingo will be disappointed if he learns of this.
Emmet jolts out of his thoughts blinking a few times his vision blurry he barely makes out Looker holding him up by the arm and the Teen Champion who is surprisingly closer to him holding his hands?
Glancing down he sees his hands shaking , most likely his whole being too, he hears muffled speech as he stares at the teens hazy blue eyes filled with worry , huh why is he worried? They just met, Looker he can understand but-.......oh is the world spinning ? he feels so light suddenly .
Lucas calls out as the conductor starts to suddenly fall backwards blacking out, Looker catches him lying him down while Lucas hovers nervously and confused.
“W-what happened to him!?”
Looker checks him over frowning concerned and sighs .
-I’d say the exhaustion and stress added by the trial he passes has caught up to him, considering he had a nose bleed as well from the trial , his mind and body simple couldn’t hold itself anymore-
he looks up to the teen - Would you happen to know a place we could take him too? he needs rest and a check up on his health -
Lucas nods “ The pokemon Centre is close nearby , i can ask for a private room for you guys “
Looker nods and picks Emmet up bridal style slightly surprised by how light theConductor is, makes sense he hardly ate the entire time they started this journey and only had one full meal at that restraint a bit ago , he follows the young Champion who ushers him to follow to the pokémon centre in town , the teen gives him a look as they walk no doubt wanting more info on what’s happening and judging by the glint in their eyes , they are Defiently gonna want to join them.
he sighs
-Since when did i become a baby sitter ?-
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Call Me Josh Chapter 19
His siblings aren’t as worshipful.
“Seriously dude, it is embarrassing. Everyone I meet, who knows I am your brother; all they want to do is talk about you.” James confronts him one day. “Whatever thing,” he flaps his arms around, “you have going on, can’t you be less obvious about it?”
Joshua looks at him, his eyes full of love, “My dear James, someday you will understand.”
James’ anger flares up. “That is another thing. This goody two shoes act. It wears. Can’t you loosen up, be wild, get in trouble?”
“No,” he honestly answers, “I can’t .”
James stumps away and his brother sighs. Lifting his eyes to heaven, he prays, “Open his eyes that he will see, Father.”
James isn’t the only one. Rebecca cones into Jude’s room to talk. “Hey is Josh getting on your nerves too?”
Jude looks up from his laptop. “Goodness yes! What is this new power he seems to possess?” She walks in and takes a seat at the edge of the bed.
“Seems, exactly! Like he can suddenly raise the dead? I didn’t know he was a magician.”
“Everyone is like, your brother is the Josh! How awesome is that? Yeah, I want to answer, you try living with Mr. Perfect.”
She is nodding. “He never does seem to do a thing wrong, always has the right answer. It is annoying.”
“I can’t recall him ever being in trouble. How is that possible?”
As much as he loves them, he can’t worry about their response. His mission is much bigger then his family. It has to continue, to expand.
The study group becomes a Torah study. He teaches them what it says about the coming Messiah. He shows them what it means to seek justice, love mercy, and walking humbly with God.
More and more people come to hear him. One day, there are so many, that he climbs to the top of a big hill, speaking to them at it’s foot. They cover the hillside, fellow Jews, gentiles, students, parents, retired people, children, young families with babies. He takes a seat and they do also, stilling to hear what he has to say.
“God will bless those who see their need for him. He will gift them with the kingdom of heaven. God will bless those who mourn with His comfort. God blesses those gently, with a humble spirit, for the whole earth will be theirs. God blesses those who seek justice, who are starved for it, for they will get it fully. To the merciful, He will bless with mercy, to the pure hearted, He will bless with His Presence, to those who work for peace, they will be called His children, what a blessing that is! Some will be persecuted because they live for God, but the Kingdom of God will be theirs. God blesses you when are mocked, persecuted and, lied about because you follow me, be happy and glad! Yes rejoice! A great reward awaits you in heaven. Recall that the ancient prophets were also persecuted.”
He looks out on them. He holds all their attention. Continuing, he says,” You are the salt, the flavoring that shows others that you are different. But, what good is salt that has lost its flavor? Can it be made useful again? No, it will be thrown away.
You are the world’s light, penetrating the darkness. You glow for all to see. So don’t hide that light away. Shine out guys, for all to see!”
Some of them shout out, “Amen!”
“Yes. Amen. In the same way you shouldn’t hide your light, don’t hide your good deeds. Show the world you do it to honor God, pointing them back to God the Father.
For you see, I didn’t come to abolish the Law, the commandments of Moses, but as a fulfillment of them, not to but aside the prophets, no; but to fulfill their prophecy. For I tell you truly, they will stand until heaven and earth pass away, they will stand. They will exist until their purpose is achieved.
So guard the law, keep it, even the smallest of the commands, not breaking them or teaching others to, for you don’t want to be least in the Kingdom, do you? No, you want to be great by keeping them and teaching others to do the same.
I will warn you though, you need to obey them with your heart not just as a routine like the high teachers, those who do it for fame and fortune do, or as a way to enrich themselves and not to honor God, those, I say, unless their heart is changed, won’t enter His Kingdom at all. Don’t be like them.
The Torah says, do not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgement. I say, isn’t anger with your fellow man enough to cause God to judge you? Name calling can lead you to court for slander but worse, if it continues, it can lead you straight to hell!
Be smart. If you go to synagogue to pray and offer yourself to His service and remember that you have a beef with your neighbor, leave and make it right before coming back. For it is better to make peace then to be taken to court.
The Torah also says, don’t commit adultery. But isn’t looking at a woman with lust in your eyes already committing adultery?” Here he sees some of the young men and even a few women, squirm. “You are thinking about it. No matter the cost, stop that sin in it’s tracks. For nothing you can lose on earth is worth keeping if it causes your soul to be thrown in hell
We can do better then merely following the letter of the law. Yes, the Torah permits divorce but, it is better to work on marriages, for God places you with your spouse. You aren’t to be separated. Also, don’t swear by God or anything He created. If your word is strong enough, a simple yes or no, will do.
The Torah says, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But, how much better to love your enemy. Instead of seeking revenge, why not strive for peace, offering a helping hand, going the extra mile. That is how you bring peace to the world.
Always be charitable. Giving to those in need without counting the cost, for that is how God gives to you. Should you do less? For to love only those who love you, how hard is that? It is by loving those who don’t love you, even hate you, that you show yourselves His children.
But don’t be flashy about your charity work. Don’t give to others to be admired. Give secretly, humbly, that way, God, Who sees all, will reward you. Far better His reward then men’s praises.
Now let’s talk about prayer. When you pray, and you should be,” A titter of laughter. He smiles and continues, “Don’t be all flashy about it, again like the television rabbis, all pomp with no humility. They aren’t to be your example for they are receiving the only reward they will ever get. Pray in private and let any public prayer you do be done in humility, seeking only to point your listeners to God, not yourself. Don’t be long winded or say the same prayers over and over. Be assured, God knows your needs. He has known them way before you asked Him.
As an example, pray like this,” He lifts his eyes to heaven and they all do the same, “Our Father in heaven, may Your name be forever honored. May Your kingdom come and come soon. May Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Provide our food for today. Forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those that have sinned against us. May the devil and his temptation have no power over us, that we will not yield to him, deliver us from him.” He looks back down.
“You see, as you forgive others, so God will forgive you. On the opposite side, by refusing to forgive them, God will not forgive you. As for fasting, it is another thing you don’t have to be obvious about. No one, outside your family and God, should even know about it. God will reward you.
Don’t collect a lot of things as treasures here on earth. They won’t last. All that does are the things that are eternal, what you do for God and others. Where your most treasured things are, that is where your heart lies.
Guard what you see. For, as your eye allows light in, so it also can allow darkness if you are looking at things that cause sin in. You know what I am talking about.
Don’t worship money for you can’t serve two masters. You are to worship the Lord God alone and serve Him. Anxiety comes from worrying about tomorrow and how you will do this and that, pay this bill or this one. I understand but, God knows your needs. He Who clothes the flowers and feeds the birds, He will do the same for you. Worry only subtracts from your life, it doesn’t add to it. Leave it in God’s hands. He holds tomorrow and all it’s worry so you don’t have to.
Judgement,” he sighs, “it seems to be the national pastime. Look guys, others will treat you as you treat them. So, if you judge this person for this wrong then they will turn around and judge you for the same. You cannot go and say your neighbor’s grass is to high when you have to walk through a forest to get to your porch. Mow your own lawn then, take that lawnmower next door and mow your neighbor’s also. That is His will.
Don’t try to teach His truths to those not ready to hear them, just pray to know when. Keep praying. Don’t stop. Be persistent. For God is ready to give. You who are parents, would you give your child a piece of moldy bread if they tell you they are hungry?”
“So why don’t you have faith that God will give good gifts to His children, when they ask Him?
Do good. Do to others what you would have them do to you. That is a perfect summary of all that is taught in the law and prophets.
God wants all to enter His Kingdom. But, in reality, the way there is down a narrow road while the highway to hell is broad. Those who find life will be but a few.
This is partly due to false prophets. Those who lead you astray. Their words sound sweet but sour in your stomachs. Their words tear apart the truth, leaving you drowning in lies. Watch closely and you can tell who they are. They are known by their fruits. As a healthy tree shows it by its bright leaves, and a dying tree stays leafless, so a false prophet, a false teacher, produces nothing of substance.
For not all people that sound religious really are godly. No matter if they call me, Lord, they still won’t enter the heavenly kingdom, not unless they obey God.
No, on judgement day, many will say, Lord, I did this and this in your name. My reply, ‘I never knew you. Go away for the things you did, I never authorized.
They built their houses on shifting sand, like a beach house with a hurricane coming. Those who are wise, builds on the Solid Rock. Not even a hurricane can move it. They find solid teaching. Those how built on the beach, well they are compatible with those who place their faith in the shaky teaching of the false prophets and teachers. Neither their faith or house will hold up.”
All those who hear him, are amazed at his teaching.
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
Pocahontas (1995) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 150+ sentences from the 1995 version of Pocahontas to use for your enjoyment!      
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1.      “That’s him, all right, the old sea dog.”
2.      “I’ve heard some amazing stories about him.”
3.      “Are you coming on this voyage, too?”
4.      “I’m not about to let you boys have all the fun.”
5.      “Say your prayers, lad.”
6.      “You’d all do the same for me.”
7.      “Don’t lose heart, men. It won’t be long before we reach the new world.”
8.      “A stirring ovation! I’m sure the men were most exhilarated!”
9.      “You think they’ll give us much trouble?”
10.   “What do you suppose the new world will look like?”
11.   “I’ve seen hundreds of new worlds. What could possible be different about this one?”
12.   “With the help of our brothers, our villages are safe again!”
13.   “Your return home brought much joy to the village. Look at all the smiling faces.”
14.   “There is one smiling face I don’t see.”
15.   “She has her mothers spirit. She goes wherever the wind takes her.”
16.   “Are you alright? Well, you better be alright because I’m not coming in after you.”
17.   “Don’t you think we’re getting a little old for these games?”
18.   “I know it means something. I just don’t know what.”
19.   “You should ask your father about it.”
20.   “Quit playing around. We have to get back.”
21.   “Tonight we will feast in his honor.”
22.   “Seeing you gives me great joy.”
23.   “I am so glad you’ve come home safely.”
24.   “For many nights now I’ve been having a very strange dream. I think it’s telling me something’s about to happen. Something exciting.”
25.   “I told him it would make my heart soar.”
26.   “With him you will be safe from harm.”
27.   “I think my dream is pointing me down another path.”
28.   “You are the daughter of the chief. It is time to take your place among our people.”
29.   “Even the wild mountain stream must someday join the big river.”
30.   “Your mother wore this for our wedding. It was her dream to see you wear it at your own.”
31.   “He wants me to be steady, like the river. But it’s not steady at all!”
32.   “Oh, a dream! Let’s hear all about it!”
33.   “Seems to me the spinning arrow is pointing you down your path.”
34.   “What is my path? How am I ever going to find it?”
35.   “Your mother asked me the very same question.”
36.   “All around you are spirits. They live in the earth, the water, the sky. If you listen, they will guide you.”
37.   “I hear the wind.”
38.   “Look at it, an entire new world chock full of gold, just waiting for me.”
39.   “If we do, we should be sure to give them a proper English greeting.”
40.   “And he came so highly recommended.”
41.   “I’m counting on you to make sure those filthy heathens don’t disrupt out mission.”
42.   “I’ve never been a popular man.”
43.   “Don’t think I don’t know what those backstabbers at court say about me.”
44.   “I’m very well aware that this is my last chance for glory.”
45.   “It’s all ours. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
46.   “Come on, men. We didn’t come all this way just to look at it.”
47.   “Well, you’re a strange-looking fellow. You hungry?”
48.   “We must know more about these visitors.”
49.   “They prowl the earth like ravenous wolves consuming everything in their path.”
50.   “I will lead our warriors to the river and attack. We will destroy these invaders.”
51.   “Let us hope they do not intend to stay.”
52.   “Just because we don’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not out there.”
53.   “Perhaps you should venture forth and determine their whereabouts, hm?”
54.   “Please! Don’t run off! It’s alright, I’m not gonna hurt ya!”
55.   “You don’t understand a word I’m saying, do you?”
56.   “It’s an ambush! Arm yourselves! Make sure every man has a musket! Shoot!”
57.   “Learn to use that thing properly. A man’s not a man unless he knows how to shoot.”
58.   “This wound is strange to me.”
59.   “We will fight this enemy, but we cannot do it alone.”
60.   “These white men are dangerous! No one is to go near them!”
61.   “You have most unusual names here.”
62.   “Is this bottomless pit a friend of yours?”
63.   “It’s how we say hello.”
64.   “I like hello better.”
65.   “I’m not a strange anymore.”
66.   “London? Is that your village?”
67.   “The drums. They mean trouble. I shouldn’t be here.”
68.   “You’ve been awfully quiet the last few days.”
69.   “He’s just mad that he missed all the action.”
70.   “We’ll take care of them like that we did last time, eh mates?”
71.   “I’m doomed! I should be wallowing in riches right now and I haven’t seen so much as a speck!”
72.   “Why do you think those insolent heathens attacked us?”
73.   “Your singing must have scared him off.”
74.   “You should be inside the village.”
75.   “We’re gathering food for when the warriors come.”
76.   “Don’t go far. Now is not the time to be running off.”
77.   “When I see you wear that necklace, you look just like your mother.”
78.   “She is still with us. Whenever the wind blows through the trees, I feel her presence.”
79.   “Our people looked to her for wisdom and strength. Someday they will look to you as well.”
80.   “You can tell me. I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
81.   “Tell her that. She listens to you.”
82.   “This place is incredible! And to think, we came all this way just to dig it up for gold.”
83.   “All this way for nothing. Those boys are in for a big surprise.”
84.   “It’s not like I have much of a home to go back to. I’ve never really belonged anywhere.”
85.   “You could belong here.”
86.   “Don’t be frightened, young man. My bark is worse than my bite.”
87.   “He has a good soul. And he’s handsome too.”
88.   “Oh, I like her.”
89.   “We can’t let them see us.”
90.   “If you spot one, don’t ask questions. Just shoot.”
91.   “He’s a big lad. He can take care of himself.”
92.   “I’m glad you’re on our side.”
93.   “I better get back before they send the whole camp out after me.”
94.   “When will I see you again?”
95.   “Meet me tonight. Right here.”
96.   “I haven’t had this much excitement in two hundred years.”
97.   “What am I doing? I should be seeing him again. I mean, I want to see him again.”
98.   “Something inside is telling me it’s the right thing.”
99.   “Perhaps it’s your dream.”
100. “My dream? Do you think he’s the one the spinning arrow was pointing to?”
101. “The warriors are here!”
102. “Now that we are joined by our brothers, we will defeat the enemy.”
103. “We don’t have to fight them! There must be a better way.”
104.  “Sometimes our paths are chosen for us.”
105.  “If one of them did want to talk, you would listen to him, wouldn’t you?”
106.  “It is not that simple. Nothing is simple anymore.”
107.  “Keep both eyes open when you shoot! You’ll see twice as well.”
108.  “We will eliminate these savages once and for all!”
109.   “They’re not savages! They can help us!”
110.  “They don’t want to feed us, you ninnies! They want to kill us!”
111.  “There’s no room for their kind in civilized society.”
112.  “This is their land!”
113.  “This is my land! I make the laws here!”
114.  “I lied for you once. Don’t ask me to do it again.”
115.  “You go out there, you’ll be turning your back on your own people.”
116.  “I’m trying to help my people.”
117.  “You’re my best friend. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
118.  “If they do have the gold, I reckon we’ll have to fight them.”
119.  “Follow him. I want to know where he’s sneaking off to.”
120.  “You’ve been a slipshod sailor and a poor excuse for a soldier. Don’t disappoint me again.”
121.  “The earth is trembling. What’s happened?”
122.  “My men are planning to attack your people. You’ve got to warn them.”
123.  “Maybe its not too late to stop this. You have to come with me and talk to my father.”
124.   “Talking isn’t going to do any good.”
125.    “That’s the strangest creature I’ve ever seen.”
126.    “You see what I mean? Once two sides want to fight, nothing can stop them.”
127.    “Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.”
128.    “Don’t you see? Only when the fighting stops can you two be together.”
129.    “Your weapons are strong, but now our anger is stronger.”
130.     “At sunrise, he will be the first to die.”
131.     “I told you to stay in the village. You disobeyed me.”
132.     “I was worried about you. I thought I was doing the right thing.”
133.    “I’ve gotten out of worse scrapes than this. Can’t think of any right now but…”
134.     “It would’ve been better if we’d never met. None of this would’ve happened.”
135.     “I’d rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you.”
136.     “No matter what happens to me, I’ll always be with you. Forever.”
137.     “It’s perfect! I couldn’t have planned this better myself!”
138.    “I say it’s time to rescue our courageous comrade! At daybreak, we attack!”
139.   “They’re going to kill him at sunrise.”
140.   “Remember your dream?”
141.   “I was wrong. I followed the wrong path.”
142.  “It’s not too late! Let the spirits of the earth guide you!”
143.  “You know your path. Now follow it.”
144.  “If you kill him, you’ll have to kill me too.”
145.  “Look around you. This is where the path of hatred has brought us.”
146.  “This is the path I choose. What will yours be?”
147.  “My daughter speaks with wisdom beyond her years.”
148.  “From this day forward, if there is to be more killing, it will not start with me.”
149. “It’s a trick, don’t you see?”
150. “Traitors! Unhand me, I say!”
151. “I’ll see you all hanged for this!”
152. “Let’s hope the wind is with him.”
153. “Going back is his only chance. He’ll die if he stays here.”
154. “What pain? I’ve had worse pain than this. Can’t think of any right now, but…”
155.  “You are always welcome among our people.”
156.  “I thought you didn’t like strangers.”
157.  “You must choose your own path.”
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hi!! I would like to request something angsty, a headcanon/drabble/fic about Izana and an older sister reader, she taught him (and maybe kakucho too) everything about delinquents alongside Shinichiro. She took all the bullets that was meant for Izana, it's your choice if you want reader to survive or not. Thank you and good luck on your interview!!
Why does everyone want to break my heart with these angst requests? 😭💔 But I do like the idea so it shall be written!
A note about the reader. I am thinking of her as more a fellow orphan who is seen as the older sister figure to the younger orphans, mainly by Izana. After all, the bond between orphans means more than anything and that's the only way I can see Izana reacting but not Mikey. Sorry if that's not what you wanted...
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!!
Izana with an older sister!reader who protects them (angst)
TW: mentions of violence, gun shots, blood, mourning, canon divergence, manga spoilers
You had been a constant in Izana's life. When he had first been left at the orphanage, you had taken him under your wing like you had with every other child that turned up. It was mainly because you had been at the orphanage the longest and so knew what it felt like to just suddenly end up there.
Izana was hesitant to get close to you in the beginning, especially since you were a bit intimidating. You were only two years older than the blond boy yet you had probably experienced a lot more than he had.
It was only when he saw you fighting off a gang of middle school boys that were bullying him, did he want to get close to you. He thought you were amazing in that moment. The way you kicked at the boys had him wanting to learn how to fight like that. And so, he would ask you to teach him.
From there, the two of you created a strong bond. And when Kakucho had arrived at the orphanage, Izana had dragged him into the lessons you would give. Through the lessons, you would explain how you had once met an older boy who had told you all about the ways of a delinquent and how that had influenced your decisions.
The boys would follow you around, doing their best to keep you safe. After all, you had quickly become an older sister to them both and they refused to let anything happen to their older sister. They had even showed your their secret plans for the kingdom they were going to make, saying how you would be in charge of keeping it safe. Izana was the king, Kakucho was the servant, and you were the protector.
It was when Shinichiro turned up out of the blue to talk to Izana that had made a slight rift in your relationship with him. He would actively seek out his big brother instead of you, something that both made you happy for him yet broke your heart a little. After all, you had been with him since he was a young child and had taught him what you could.
Shinichiro had expressed his gratitude for you helping raise Izana. You simply explained that's just how it was and that promised the older boy that you would protect his younger brother with your life. Over the months, you had gotten close to Shinichiro and learnt new ways in which to follow the true delinquent path.
Years had passed and a lot of things had changed. Shinichiro had died, Izana and Kakucho had formed their kingdom, and a strange boy of the name Kisaki had entered the lives of your brothers. While you questioned some of their new friend choices, you remained with Izana. After all, an older sister was meant to protect their younger siblings with their life if needs be.
Now you were standing a little behind Izana as you both watched the battle that was happening below. 50 members of Toman were going against the kingdom of Tenjiku, being led by a boy that reminded you so much of Shinichiro it was crazy. Kakucho was currently fighting him but it was proving difficult to knock him down. You really couldn't help but admire the blond for not giving up even when his face was swelling and covered in blood.
Kisaki must have had enough as he had finally gotten down from the platforms. You were uninterested until a gun had been pulled out. Wasn't this a simple brawl? Why the hell would Kisaki bring a gun? After noticing it, you couldn't shake the bad feeling that filled your chest. Something was definitely going to happen with that gun being here.
Kisaki shot the blond boy in the foot, and yet he still didn't give up. That is what piqued your interest even more. It was as if the spirit of Shinichiro Sano was placed into that boy after his untimely death. Tears were threatening to fill your eyes as memories danced throughout your mind. You almost missed Izana standing up from where he sat.
You quickly followed Izana down to the battlefield, remaining just a little way behind him. After all, he was the king and you were simply his protector. It was all going well until another gunshot rang out. You turned your head only to find Kakucho bleeding from his shoulder.
Anger clouded your judgement. How dare that piece of trash shoot at one of your brothers?! However, your mind went blank as you saw Kisaki go to pull the trigger again. Izana had pushed Kakucho out of the way while you covered the younger male with your body. There was no way you were letting harm come to Izana. After all, he was your life.
Three bullets entered your body.
Everything went in slow motion for the three siblings. Kakucho watched in horror as the scene played out. Izana was confused on why he felt no physical pain until he looked up to find you smiling down at him. Blood was trickling down your chin, dripping to the ground below.
"Y-Y/N?" If your mind wasn't screaming at your pain, you would have tried to comfort the poor boy in front of you. Instead, you used your energy to simply keep that smile on your face as you fell forward.
Izana couldn't catch you. His body was frozen and he was panicking. You and Kakucho were his only family and you were both bleeding from gunshot wounds. He didn't know what to do except shout for someone, anyone to call an ambulance. Maybe they could save you!
"Izana..." The boy had to kneel down and lean close just to hear you. "I'm so glad you're safe. I don't know what I would have done if you got hurt." Your words were separated with heavy breathes. If this was anything to go by, you were about to leave this world at any moment.
Kakucho had crawled his way over to where you and Izana was, tears flowing easily down his cheeks. He had to be there for Izana, even if it was too painful seeing you in that state.
"Why did you do that?" The platinum blond croaked out, trying his hardest to push the lump in his throat down. He refused to cry, especially when you were the one in immense pain. Izana had to be strong for you.
"Because I am your older sister. That's what we do." With that, you had gone silent, a smile on your paling face. It was moments after that the paramedics had arrived. Kakucho and you were placed into the back of the ambulance while Izana followed Kakucho. He needed his friend to comfort him.
Hours had passed by since arriving at the hospital. Kakucho was fine, he just needed a few stitches and some IV fluids to rehydrate him. The doctors had delivered some bad news to the boys. You had not made it.
No-one spoke as the news set in. You had died. The protector of the kingdom of Tenjiku. The one who had practically raised them. The girl who welcomed them with open arms when they arrived at the orphanage. You were gone.
Izana didn't know how to handle the news. He felt like his world was crumbling around him. Why had you saved him?! But that's when your last words popped into his head. Why did every older sibling end up leaving him before their time?
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cloudstarcats · 2 years
Quietly Burning
Fandom: KNY (Demon Slayer) ao3 link Summary: Rengoku loves his brother
There is no doubt that being a demon slayer is a hard job. No one has ever claimed it to be easy, with all the bloodshed and death involved in the act of protecting innocent lives. Many of the Corps ranks suffered from scars and life-long injuries, lost family members and broken relationships. Some dream of death, while others can not dream at all, fear keeping their eyes open in the dark nights. Some lost their ability to love, some lost their ability to mourn.
Yet Rengoku Kyojuro seemed to be an exception to this fact. 
It was strange, as the Flame Hashira held the highest rank, and as such must have seen his fair share of bloodshed, yet he never stopped smiling. Despite how many demons he must have slain, and all the civilians slain before he could reach them, that familiar light seemed to glow brightly in his eyes. 
His student, Kanroji Mitsuri, was also an exception, though many could chalk it up to her delightful optimism and unwavering adoration for her fellow slayers that kept her so bright and happy. She was almost seen as naive, if not for the devastating blows her blade could rain upon her enemies. 
Rengoku Kyoguro was loud. He was bright, he spoke at a high volume and never seemed to stop smiling unless in the midst of battle, and even then his smile returned full force once his foe had been turned to ash by his red blade. He ate with enthusiasm, he laughed loudly and his presence seemed to both draw attention and fill a room with a sense of energy and brightness. 
But there was something wrong with it all. 
They’re little things, small moments that linger in the back of minds show a harsh truth behind the familiar smiling facade. 
Uzui notices it after a mission together, when the townspeople start thanking them for ridding them of the spirit that had terrorized their village. A demon stealing young children, only now the children were safe in their families arms. 
“Oh thank you, thank you so much-” an older lady with graying hair in a dark pink kimono grasped Kyojuro’s arm, smiling up at him. “Thank you for saving my darling Yuki…” 
Kyojuro blinked, smile frozen a moment before his face split into a grin and his hand came to rest on the woman’s shoulder. “Of course, I was simply doing what was right,” he grinned. 
Uzui blinked, tilting his head. He smiled at a few people, yet even as they too thanked him for his assistance, he couldn’t help but hear Rengoku’s kind, yet offputting words. 
“I was only doing what was right!”
“Of course, that’s my job!” 
“It was no trouble!” 
Uzui brushed it off. Kyojuro had never been very self-congratulatory. Even with their master. 
Shinobu patches up every Hashira after a difficult mission. She keeps detailed notes on injuries, past and present, and her knowledge of her coworkers' health is so detailed one may think she is all knowing. 
Yet she didn’t recall bandaging Kyojuro’s hands after his last mission, nor applying any sort of gauze to his face. 
But here he was, after returning from a small break with his family, hands wrapped in thin bandages with practiced ease and gauze taped to his forehead, covering what she assumed was a small cut near his hairline. 
“Rengoku-san,” she smiled, peering not-at-all discreetly at his hands, “are you alright?” 
The older slayer grinned. “Ah yes, I am perfectly fine Kocho, thank you for your concern!” he chirped. 
She nodded, raising a brow. “I see… well, if you ever need assistance, I am always available,” she said calmly, though she noted the incident in her head. 
“Of course!” Kyojuro grinned, nodding his head. 
Shinaguzawa invites them out for a celebratory drink after a successful mission. Another lower moon slayed, much to their relief. 
They head to a small bar nearby the butterfly mansion, their group missing some members but still just as lively. Sanemi insisted on paying, so they started with a round of sake. 
Sanemi tips his back faster than any of them, slamming the cup down on the bar with a grin. “Slowpoke,” he teased at Tengen, who was only a second behind him. 
Tengen rolled his eyes, grinning. “That a challenge?” 
“Maybe it is,” Sanemi snarked, narrowing his eyes in a familiar, daring, manner. 
Mitsuri laughed softly across from them, finishing her drink and watching the two with wide eyes. Beside her, Kyojuro grinned in anticipation of the coming challenge. 
An hour later and Sanemi was losing to a very drunk Uzui, who insisted on gloating by ordering another round of sake for the group. As Sanemi downed his, the drink burning his throat, he caught Kyojuro sliding his cup away. 
“Oi, Rengoku, not joining?” he asked, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. 
Kyojuro grinned, though it looked off even to Sanemi’s alcohol-ridden mind. “Ah, no, someone has to be the responsible one here, no?” he asked, raising a brow. 
Sanemi huffed, rolling his eyes. “We don’t need a babysitter-” he huffed, cheeks growing warmer. 
Mitsuri giggled behind her hand while Kyojuro laughed loudly, and next to him, Uzui was clearly flirting with some poor woman and being all too loud. Sanemi pursued his lips and groaned, reaching over to drink Rengoku’s sake. 
“...okay maybe we need a babysitter-” 
Obanai had lived with the Rengoku’s since he was around 14, leaving when he passed final selection with Rengoku. Two years inside that home, one so different from his own in almost all ways. It was warm, there. He was allowed whatever he wished to eat, given care that he hadn’t experienced before, freedom he never knew in the cage he once called his home. 
And he remembered Senjuro. Kyojuro’s younger brother, six years between the two brothers, if his memory was to be believed. The same fiery hair, yet a much softer voice. He was young, nervous to meet a stranger yet very welcoming and kind to Iguro, despite the other’s scars. 
So it was a nice surprise to meet the young boy, now teen, once more after seven years. It would be strange to see the 15 year old- the last time Iguro had seen Senjuro he was only six.
It wasn’t exactly a planned meeting, having Kyojuro send a letter to them all explaining that he would be bringing his younger brother to their meeting as part of his plan to take Senjuro to the Butterfly mansion. Yet there was little in ways of complaining, Kyojuro was a well liked member of their group, and most knew his brother just due to the sheer amount of times the elder would happily boast about the younger given the opportunity. 
So imagine their excitement to see Kyojuro standing in the sunlight in the garden of the Ubuyashiki estate, a younger miniature version of him standing next to him,  almost over a head shorter than their resident flame hashira. There is no mistaking the boy for anything but a Rengoku, with that fiery hair and those sharp eyelashes - Mitsuri was never jealous but she did love to ramble on about how pretty Kyojuro was- 
But it is strange. Iguro notices it right away, as the others flock to Kyojuro and start talking animatedly to him. His eyes narrow and he watches, watches as Senjuro smiles shyly and waves a hand, but the one still by his side unconsciously reaches for Kyojuro. How his large eyes dart to everyone as they speak, smile shaky and brows creased with nerves. 
Senjuro is quiet. He speaks, yes, but his voice is softer and smaller than his older brother. He shakes his head when asked if he’s gotten his nichiren blade yet, and Kyojuro pats his shoulder gently as if exchanging information only they know. Only Mitsuri, it seems, is also aware of this. She smiles gently at Senjuro, and he grins back. She’s closer than the rest of them, and Iguro’s heart squeezes a little when he notices how sisterly she’s being to the young boy. 
Eventually Tengen gets tired of asking a thousand questions, and Shinobu has started to reprimand Sanemi for another new scar, so the crowd around Senjuro is dying out. Iguro slips from his spot in the tree and walks over, smiling under his bandages. 
Kyojuro grins when he sees him, and takes Senjuro’s shoulder gently. “Senjuro! This is Iguro-san, he stayed with us when you were younger!” 
Iguro nodded, watching Senjuro think. “Indeed… it is good to see you again, Senjuro.” 
Senjuro smiled shyly and nodded. “Yes… I um.. I remember you- I mean, I remember your snake- uh- Kama.. Kamb-” “Kaburamaru.” “Yes- Kaburamaru… It’s nice to see you again…” Senjuro mumbled, looking down a little after speaking.
Iguro nodded. “Yes, he is quite close to me,” he said slowly. He was… admittedly out of his depth when it came to children… but seeing Senjuro was nice. The boy was a reminder of a time when his life became… better. 
Kyojuro loved his little brother. He wanted nothing but Senjuro’s happiness… even if it meant taking him from their family home for a month or so. 
He had little choice. There weren’t many ways to protect his little brother from their father’s alcohol induced rages other than to be there in person to divert attention, and he couldn’t be there every moment. And with a very difficult mission coming upon him, and the anniversary of their mother’s death.. Senjuro was safer at the Butterfly Mansion, with Aoi and Sumi and Kiyo and Naho. 
It was better. 
But that didn’t mean he left his father to suffer alone. The older man would sleep on the floor, resist showers and proper meals, he’d suffer more alone. Senjuro usually bore the weight of caring for their father, with Kyojuro assisting when he could… but not this time. 
Senjuro was becoming a young man. He needed friends, and care, and love from others that he didn’t get at home. And Kyojuro refused to allow his little brother to suffer any more during a time when he too should be allowed to grieve. 
And that is how Kyojuro ended up at his family estate, attempting to calm his raging father who was angrily shouting obscenities to his face. 
Kyojuro said the words didn’t hurt anymore. But they did. 
They hurt almost as much as the sting of ceramic cutting into his skin when his father smashed the bottle over his head in an attempt to get him away. It stung like the alcohol that touched fresh and bleeding cuts. It lasted longer than the bruises from large hands that tried to hit him away, and sharp elbows that went into his ribs and made him wince. 
It hurt more than the aftermath, his father fell asleep in bed while Kyojuro sat next to a small lantern and carefully cleaned up the wounds to his face, hands, and chest. The medical kit was always stocked in their house. Always in use. 
He sits against the wall, outside of the house. Inside smells faintly of sake, and it makes the flame hashira want to throw up. The air outside is fresh and clear, and cold. It makes Kyojuro shiver slightly, but that’s fine. The chill clears his mind. 
At least he hopes it does. 
He doesn’t know how long he sits there, but when he looks up, the sun is rising. He swallows, his mouth tastes like iron and he knows he should get up to make his father something to eat before he leaves, but there is a tiredness in his bones. 
He isn’t sure if he fears the man inside. He knows he loves him, even though his father hasn’t said anything in the past seven years of his life to prove he felt the same. Kypjuro knows that isn’t something he should be comfortable with, but he is. 
It isn’t comfort. It’s numbness. 
The difference is stark yet he doesn’t quite see it. 
So he gets up, body creaking, and shuffles inside to begin making breakfast. The food is simple, there’s plenty of rice in the house, and while he waits he cleans up the spilled alcohol that makes the house feel so dizzying to be in. He knows the scent will take a while to get out of his clothes, and is glad he refrained from his usual uniform when visiting. It sits in a bag he’s hidden outside in the area where he was trained as a boy, safe from the scent of sake and the memories carried within. 
By the time he leaves, his father is still not yet awake. He won’t have to visit again for a couple of days, which is good because he knows that being in that house on the night of his mother’s death will only end badly for both of them. It pains him to not be there, but it is for the best. If he does stay, he will only make his father angrier, and Kyojuro doesn’t want that. 
He returns to the butterfly mansion that afternoon. The usual smile on his face is missing, but by entering in the back he avoids the notice of anyone who might care. At least he hopes. 
Senjuro is not easily fooled however. Kyojuro isn’t sure how, but his little brother always knows when he is near, and that’s why Kyojuro finds a tired looking brother waiting for him by the engwa. 
Senjuro never looked good, frowning. He frowns too often for Kyojuro’s liking, eyes familiar to the sight of creased brows and eyes that shine with worry. Senjuro is too old for his age and it shows in the way he sets the broom he’d been using aside and reaches for his brother to check the bandages on his face. 
“He hit you.” It isn’t a question. 
Kyojuro sighs and sits on the engwa, Senjuro following suit. There is silence for a moment. 
“You don’t have to do this for me,” whispers his little brother. “He’s hurting you.”
Kyojuro holds back a scoff. He will never dismiss his brother. “I can handle that,” he says instead, giving Senjuro a faint smile. 
Senjuro shakes his head. “But-” 
“Please.” It’s desperate and unplanned, and Kyojuro swallows thickly, suddenly overcome with emotion. There is so much to say, but none of it is right.
Senjuro moves closer and after a moment of hesitation, wraps his arms around Kyojuro. The elder obliges, strong arms wrapping around his younger brother’s body and pulling him close. Safe and secure. 
Kyojuro loves his brother. He will do anything to protect him. Even if it means getting hurt.
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marvelmaniac2000 · 3 years
Can you do a little story like maybe Shang-Chi & reader and also Kate & xu xialing
Reader and Shang-Chi have been friends for a while and they clearly like each other but are afraid of hurting or losing one other and Kate's just like "date already" and you know like at the end of the movie where Shang-Chi hugs Kate well instead of him hugging Kate he hugs the reader and the reader whispers I love you and they kiss and Kate just looking at them like FINALLY. and so we don't leave Kate out maybe xu xialing gives Kate a kiss on the cheek and Kate's like all pink. I'm so sorry if this is to much this idea has just been stuck in my head for days if you want to make it shorter by turning it into your own idea please do.
Spirit of the Heart (Shang Chi x Reader)
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Side notes: This was requested a long time ago… I’m sorry this took a long time, I had to take a break from writing. But I hope you like it and I served you well!
Characters: Shang Chi x Reader, Xu Xialing x Katy Chen
Words: 654
Your heart pounded faster in your ears waiting for the right moment to let your last arrow go. A drop of sweat moistens your forehead as you hear the hectic noise of the village soldiers crumbled from the soul sucking demons. You muted everything else around you sharpen your sight. Now you whisper in your head and shoot the last demon in sight. You let a sigh of a second of relief as you lowered your bow and arrow.
The sight around you was hellish. The overwhelming sight of dead bodies and damaged buildings was in full display. Almost no signs of life were in your view. The little crowd Tao Lo scattered around to help the wounded people. In the near distance you hear your name being called by Katy and Xu.
“(Y/N)!” Katy ran across the sweeping grass to embrace you in a hug. Tears almost whelped your eyes knowing that they were ok. You gazed up and noticed Xu watching you both hug.
“I don’t really do hugs but I’m glad we're all alive” Xu gave your back a sly rub.
“Thanks I’m glad to see you guys are fine but where is Shawn?” you panic noticing everyone was here but your best friend.
“We both haven't seen him since he defeated the dweller,” Xu said. “There was this huge explosion that happened after he used the rings and I’m not sure where he went” Katy's voice became scarce. You looked over by the far north distance of where the gate closed. No sight of Shawn anywhere near. The sky was far darker and no sight of anything happening. You scanned all around the village’s field and spotted Aunt Nan but she was alongside fellow medical aid soldiers. For a split second you felt instant regret never having the chance to tell him how you really felt. The circumstances of him getting killed trying to do what’s right for the universe seemed at odds but he always managed to be strong enough to get through things.
A low grumble of water sputtered near the shore, and the icy turquoise dragon smoothly glided on the land with Shawn sitting on top. The mystic dragon locked it’s sharp eyes with yours before swimming off shore. You frantically ran to the man you dearly loved. As you ran closer to him, you noticed his father’s rings around his arms. Your legs almost gave out but Shawn caught you in time to hold you tightly in his arms.
“(Y/N) I nearly died fifty times and I thought about you” Shawn nuzzled his chin firmly on your shoulder.
You broke away from his hug and looked directly into his eyes. Your emotions were everywhere but one feeling for certain was made clear after this whole ordeal. “I love you” you said with a shaky voice.
“I love you too,” Shawn gave a weary laugh and lowered his head to give you a soft kiss on the lips.
In the far distance, Xu and Katy watched you two finally set it off. Xu watched in awe seeing how happy her brother was. She for once hadn’t seen him this happy since their mother died.
“You know I’ve been a third wheel to those bozos for years..when am I going to get my charming partner in crime? '' Katy pouted. Xu giggled and loved how adorable Katy was. Her whole quirky style and demeanor was something she had never seen before. Xu pecked Katy on the cheek leaving a faint lipstick stain.
“I’m your charming partner now” Katy looked at Xu with a beaming red face.
“Now all of us have to go on double dates from now on, you know that right?” Katy flirted. Xu snickered leaving Katy in a lustful mess.
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the-possum-writes · 3 years
could u maybe do a finn x reader imagine where reader is a princess that needs rescuing? ❤️❤️ also thank you for being such a lovely author!!
What a Princess Does [Finn Mertens]
A/n: Sorry for the delay, but thanks for the support~
Pairing: Finn x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1271
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The day of your coronation finally came. With your eldest sibling being crowned King, you were given the title of princess along with a crown to prove your title. It's not that intricate as your sibling's crown, just a smooth band of gold with a single jewel on top.
"Greet our new subjects (y/n)." your brother comments, waving at the citizens below the castle porch.
"Why?" you respond.
"Because it's what royals do, especially princesses." That's something that lingers in your mind for a while. What does a princess do exactly? After the day of your coronation you've been receiving tea party invitations from other princesses, finding it as a nice opportunity to find out an answer for your question.
"What does a princess do? Look glamorous of course-!" Slime princess responded with a flick of, what you assume is her slimy hair.
"A princess is responsible of filling their head with knowledge and share it with others." is what Turtle Princess told you, her library more than an obvious demonstration of her love for literature. Even if it's on the more spicy side.
"What? A princess doesn't have to do anything, just sit back, relax and watch others do things for you." Lumpy space princess scoffs at the thought of responsibilities, she's way more interested at picking up boys. But then again she's homeless so you can't completely trust her advice.
"A princess is just as important as a king or queen, it's your duty to watch over your kingdom and help them prosper." Princess Bubblegum, the more strict of the bunch, explained more than you were expecting to hear.
It made your status as a princess sound more important but your self-doubt manifested itself as well. What if you're not fit for the role? Your thoughts are interrupted when the carriage came to an abrupt stop. Worry started to fill your stomach when you heard horses run away and your guards cry out and drop to the ground. The door opened up to a tall man wearing dark robes, a bandit you assume.
"You're a princess right?" the man asked.
Fear climbs up your throat, unable to speak but still responding with the nod of your head. The man grunts in relief. "Good." before tossing you over his shoulder.
You finally snapped out of your shock after a minute or two. "Hey! What are you doing!?" you start shouting.
"I'm kidnapping you, it's what all the bad guys do to princesses."
Somehow that part made sense to you no matter how messed up it sounded. The man kept rambling about how he'll hold you hostage for ransom money, you had faith that your brother wouldn't leave you hanging, but that doesn't mean you're frustrated with the situation. "I demand you put me down! Somebody help!" you started kicking and shouting again. The bandit struggled to keep a hold on you. "Stop that or i'll-"
"Or you'll what?" A third voice came into the scene, causing you to stop and try to get a good view of who this stranger is. You've heard of brave knights clad in shiny armor saving princesses but you never expected your hero came in the form of a boy dressed in blue shorts and a white bear hat. "Drop the lady or I'll cut you to pieces!" he withdrew his sword from behind, instilling fear within the bandit.
"Alright, alright," he huffs without another word. Unceremoniously dropping you to the ground. How rude! Before he could take his leave the white knight blocked his path with his blade.
"Nah ah ah, you forgot to apologize." the young man was teasing him now, pulling a little chuckle from you.
The thief rolled his eyes, turning around to face you. "Sorry." the thief apologized, "Can I leave now?" he turned to the young man, who, in a single slash of his sword managed to cut the thief's belt and drop his pants in humiliation. This was enough to satisfy the young man and let the thief run off.
"Are you okay?" your knight stored away his sword in favor of helping you stand up, taking your hand in his calloused ones. "Yeah, I'm fine." you insist, but wince slightly the moment you stood up. A scrapped knee. "Ouch, that looks like it hurts. Here, let me help you with that." the blonde lowered himself to his knees, pulling out a plain band-aid from his backpack and sticking it to your fresh wound.
"I... Thank you, but I never got your name."
"Oh right, my names Finn. I'm sorta the sheriff around here." the young man chuckles between a bright smile with a few crooked and missing teeth. He's nice, was the first thought that came to mind upon meeting the boy, although you've never met him before his actions demonstrated a courageous spirit and a heart of gold. Someone you'd definitely love to have around.
Remembering your manners, you stood up straight and pressed your hands together on your lap. "Ehem, Sir Finn I am grateful for your help and as a princess of a nearby kingdom I award you with an honorable job as my bodyguard. I'm sure my brother will pay you heavenly for your services." you keep a formal tone and vocabulary you're definitely not used to.
Finn laugh momentarily, scratching the back of his neck."That's very nice of you princess, but the rest of Ooo needs me as a bodyguard. So, I'm gonna say no to that." A frown appeared on your face, why would he reject your offer? He's a knight and you're a princess, isn't this how these things go? However, any sense of doubt or disappointment faded away when he added. "But, if what you want is to hang out I'm definitely down for that."
The frown on your face turns into surprise, before settling on a beaming smile. Finally, something that has nothing to do with being a princess. "I would gladly... I mean, yeah that'd be cool." you drop the formality with him, happy to be yourself and relax. With your carriage broken down and no guards to company you, Finn offered himself to safely walk you back to your kingdom. Taking the moment to make small talk.
" Hey Finn, you rescue princesses all the time right?" you turn your head to look at him, eliciting a nod from the young man. "Do you know what princesses do exactly? Like, I'm kinda new to all this." you admit, somewhat embarrassed.
Finn chewed on a piece of grass as he looked up at the sky, pondering for a moment before responding. "I'm pretty sure you can do whatever you want. You wanna cook the world's most delicious desserts just for yourself? go for it. What about just going on vacation? Sure, why not? You wanna make life easier for your kingdom? or even rule with an iron boot? It's all up to you princess. Each princess I've met is unique in thier own way."
You're left speechless, you've been so focused on what others want that doing something for yourself has never crossed your mind. It's like an invisible weight has been lift off your shoulders. "What I want..." your eyes trail away from the path that leads to your kingdom, stopping on your tracks to turn the other way around. "... I wanna go out and eat some waffles." you proclaim confidently.
Finn jumped excitingly, jokingly acting in a formal manner. "Mind if I tag along m'lady?" he extends his arm to you, which you happily grab onto.
"Of course my fellow white knight."
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