#my friend and I found ALLAYS
the-three-whumpeteers · 8 months
The whumpee had managed to escape, and was sure that for the foreseeable future, the whumper would not find them. The problem is that the whumpee didn’t have anyone- they had friends before, but it had been so long. The whumpee grows more desperate, and they just want someone that can comfort them during the worst of their nightmares.
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sanzusslutt · 4 months
She Belongs To Me
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Pairing: Bully!Katsuki Bakugo x Y/N
Warnings: bakugo is an ass, baks bullies y/n, blood mentioned, no smut, they hate each other, angst, sa mention but didn’t happen, prob spelling and grammar mistakes just ignore them, sorry if I missed anything..
Authors Note: It’s 3 am and I can’t sleep if I don’t get this out of my system. Now it’s yours.
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Thinking about bully Katsuki who made sure to make every day of your life a miserable hell. Throwing your food on the trash can, making fun of you with his friends, pushing you aside when he is walking the aisle you were walking, ripping your notebook, blowing up your stuff, everything he could think of just to make sure you would always remember him.
Unlike Izuku, you weren’t a childhood friend of his. You never were even close to what you could call a friend. You were just someone who could tolerate everything in your path and that’s what you did. Consuming every and last attack of his. You were just another victim. You hated his guts with every cell on your body and so did he.
He wanted to punch your face every time you walked in front of him. He craved to blow your face up when you answered a question correctly. He longed for that desperate look you gave him every time he stand above you, threatening that he would make your life hell. He yearned for every last drop of tear you shed for him every time he hurt you. He lusted after that sense of control when you were standing below him, afraid just by his presence. He ached for your teary eyes, begging him not to leave another scar on your body. He hated thinking about that look all the fucking time. He despised every time he thought of you on the ground, begging him. He loathed looking at you talk to other brainless guys who only want to use you for your mesmerising body. He was repelled by the damn thought of seeing you with someone.
But here you were, in an abandoned allay, close to the school, cornered by an idiot who thought he could have you his way. The stone wall felt cold as your back touched it in hopes you could get away. Your thighs trembled, the fear only getting bigger inside your stomach. The brown haired boy stepped closer, placing his hand on the wall next to your head, excluding any possibility of escape. His other hand found place on your waist, causing a nauseous feeling in your stomach as every thought of what he could do, hit you like a train. Tears started building on your eyes as you heard a voice you could recognise for miles away since it haunted you in your worst nightmares.
“The fuck are you doing, bastard?” Katsuki’s quiet voice hold a threatening tone but this time it wasn’t directed to you. The brown haired idiot’s head immediately flew to the side at the question but the only thing that fell from his lips when he saw Katsuki was just a huff.
“You thought you could have her only for yourself?” The idiot asked. The threatening look the blond boy gave to that dunce was clearer than the fucking sky. Your handsome blond bully walked slowly towards you two but his now, dark eyes were locked to the boy above you. His stroll seemed ignorant but his deadly eyes told a different story.
“Who the hell do you think you are? Huh?” Katsuki questioned. His tone now even more intimidating. His hand flew off his pocket, tiny explosions start to form as he stretched his fingers. The darkening in his red eyes grew and by the time he stood right before the brown haired fool, they became darker than his own heart.
“Ya think you can just do whatever the fuck you want with someone who belongs to me?” Bakugo laughed. Your heart skipped a beat hearing those words. Not from love or excitement but from pure shock.
“Belongs to you? I don’t think she likes you more than m-“ The idiot didn’t have the time to finish his sentence as a loud explosion from Katsuki landed right on his moron face, landing him on the hard ground and scaring you the fuck out.
The brown haired fool laid on the ground as those red eyes finally looked your way. They softened as they fell on your gaze and his body lost the stiffness it previously had. He looked up and down your figure and then turned his eyes to the end of the allay. His body soon followed as he made his way out of the deadlock.
“Thank.. you..” those were some words you never thought you would say to someone who hurt you. Especially Katsuki.
“Don’t expect me to run every time you’re in trouble.” His tone was familiarly harsh. Just when you had a feeling of hope that something in him would change, it vanished as fast as it came.
Those red eyes looked at you one last time before he made the turn that exited the unpopular allay. You were now alone, kneeling against the cold wall, with a semi-conscious body and your own stupid thoughts. Thoughts that always had that spark of hope for Katsuki..
Want me to make more bully Baku? I really like the idea to be honest..
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
I also want to know more about your Minecraft boyos
You do? :0 Well sure! :DD Here I have a pretty old sketch of the whole Minecraft gang together. And a more recent sketch of just Melvin and a few others.
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These OCS were based on a Minecraft world I had with a friend. Everything that happened in that world I translated into these characters in some way. As for what that story is, I wont dig into the nitty gritty to keep it short, just the basics.
Our story starts with Melvin the Donkey. He came from a village of other anthropomorphic animals.. but at some point when he was a teen(?) the village was raided by pillagers and burnt down.. He was the only survivor.. He grew up out in the wilderness by himself. Eventually he found a pillager outpost..
Fueled by anger and a need for revenge, he stormed into the outpost and managed to burn it down and kill all the pillagers. In that outpost though there were 6 trapped Allays. In his blind rage the cages were destroyed. 1 Allay escaped out into the woods. 2 died in the fire Melvin created. 1 was greatly wounded and the last 2 stayed behind to help the injured one. After Melvin snapped out of his rage he saw the 3 remaining Allays and brought them to safety.
He made a campfire and tried to help the wounded Allay.. but alas.. its injuries were too severe. The allay died. The other 2 allays ended up staying with Melvin and traveled with him. In their travels they found the Allay that escaped into the woods, and they became a group of four.
Also during his travels he met Butters. A yellow Axolotl that left his village underground seeking adventure. He ended up becoming Melvin's best friend. Melvin had no say in the matter-
Sometime after that when the group was running through a thunderstorm, a skeleton they were about to run past was struck by lightning. Turning into 4 skeletons riding 4 skeleton horses. The skeletons attacked Melvin so he fought back. Knocking one skeleton off, the horse ran away. Battling the others he killed all 4 skeletons and had to take down the 3 horses.
After the battle was over, Melvin heard struggling nearby. He goes to investigate and finds the 4th horse stuck in a mud pit. He calms the horse down and helps it climb out. New friend aquired!
Now the Librarian, 2 fletchers and the golem came from a village that had been destroyed by pillagers. The golem had grabbed them and ran, knowing it couldn't win against the pillagers. The villagers though had no idea how to survive out in the wilderness. How to find food, how to hunt and kill.. That's when they met Melvin and they struck a deal. Melvin: "You tell your Golem to protect me and my friends, and I will teach you how to hunt, find food and cook said food." "Deal." New friends aquired!
Then lastly the wolves. They were 2 bothers that got separated somehow. Thinking that one of them injured his leg and was swept down a river..? Melvin's group found him and nursed him back to health. later on he was reunited with his brother but they decided to stick with Melvin's group. New friends acquired! XD
Aaaaaaand that's about the gist of it XDD Thank you for reading all of this if you made it that far! :}}
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Exit Eddie Pursued by a Steve Part 3
The final part. It just keeps getting fluffier and fluffier. Seriously. So sweet.
Part 1 Part 2
The next morning Wayne found Eddie pacing the living room.
“What’s got you around the twist?” he finally asked after the hundredth sigh.
Eddie wrung his hands. “So you know how I don’t introduce you to the guys I sleep around with?”
Wayne snorted. “I figured they just liked leaping out of windows when I came home.”
Eddie giggled. “Well, this one wants to meet you.”
Wayne raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
Eddie chewed on his bottom lip. “He’s really good to me, Uncle Wayne. And I mean, really good.”
Wayne hummed. “What do you mean?”
Eddie started pacing again. “It’s like every time I think, ‘oh this is it, this the part where he gets embarrassed by me’ he does something super sweet and cements that he’s with me for the long haul. It’s like he’s inside my head reading my insecurities and coming up with things that would allay those fears.”
He stopped and handed Wayne the ring.
“He gave this to you?” Wayne asked before really looking at it.
“In front a large crowd of people so that people wouldn’t say I stole it from him.”
Wayne’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously? Wasn’t that dangerous?”
Eddie nodded, close to vibrating out of his skin. “But he wanted people to know he belonged to me and no one else.”
“It doesn’t look very expensive,” Wayne said with a chuckle.
“No,” Eddie agreed. “It’s a chintzy thing, but it’s important to him so...”
Wayne actually looked at the ring, like really looked at it. “Ed. This is a varsity basketball ring.”
Eddie nodded again. “That’s the other reason, I’m nervous introducing you to him. We were both targets of jock bullies, until we became untouchable through admittedly different ways. And I won’t lie and say he wasn’t like that, but after getting a concussion he started to realize popularity wasn’t all it cracked up to be so he joined drama, ditched his asshole friends and–”
“Who are you trying to convince me or yourself?”
Eddie blushed. “He’s just so good, Uncle Wayne.”
“So why are you trying so hard to convince me?”
Eddie gulped and sat down on the sofa, hard.
“Because it’s Steve Harrington.”
Wayne stared at him for a moment and then moved to sit next to him on sofa. “We’ve talked about him before, what so different this time?”
“He wants to meet you for a start,” Eddie said furrowing his brow. “Like even the boys that were out when they were with me didn’t want to do that. He bitched out a bunch of boys in the locker room for ragging on me. And I didn’t hear that one from him by the way. I overheard a couple of guys from his gym class talking about it. When I asked it about it that night, he brushed it off like it wasn’t a big deal.”
“It wasn’t a big deal to defend you against bullies?” Wayne asked eyes wide.
Wayne licked his lips slowly. “All right, let’s meet this boy of yours. When is he coming over?”
“Today at noon?” Eddie said with a grimace.
Wayne looked around at the newly tidied trailer and simply said. “Ah.”
“He’s bringing pizza for lunch,” Eddie said sheepishly, “if that helps.”
“Depends from where.”
Eddie pushed him playfully. “You are such a pizza snob, God!”
There was a knock on the door and Wayne looked at his watch. “Looks like your boy is a little early.”
Eddie blushed.
“I wonder if I can have him teach that trick to you,” he said rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
He got up to get the door and had his hand on the doorknob before Eddie came to his senses.
“Don’t you dare open that door, old man,” he said scrambling to the door. “I won’t have you to scare him off because of his pizza choices.”
Wayne laughed, but let Eddie open the door. On the other side was a grinning Steve.
“I hope Carlos’s Pizza is good enough,” he said holding up the two large boxes.
Wayne took the boxes from him and peeked into the top one. “You’ll do.”
He wandered off into the kitchen for plates.
Eddie grabbed Steve by the lapels of his stupid Members Only jacket and hauled him inside to kiss the daylights out him.
Steve yelped in surprise, but went willingly into his boyfriend’s arms.
“You brought pizza from the only Italian pizzeria in town,” Eddie breathed. “He is going to love you.”
Steve laughed. “I have an Italian grandmother and rich parents, we only have ever gotten pizza at Carlos’s.”
Wayne stopped short in the small area between the kitchen and the front room, pizza shoved in his mouth. He swallowed roughly.
“I hadn’t thought about that,” Wayne said a little sheepishly. “Of course he brought good pizza.”
Steve couldn’t help feel like that had docked him points.
“I’ve set some plates out for you two,” Wayne said, jutting his thumb behind him.
Eddie and Steve went to kitchen. The plates didn’t match, but Steve couldn’t find it in him to care.
Eddie opened the top box and grimaced.
He went to pull out a slice, but Steve slid the bottom box out and opened it for him.
“Cheese?” Eddie asked looking into the new box. “You bought me a cheese pizza?”
Steve smiled. “Sure. You always pick off the pepperoni off your pizza when we had it at school.”
Eddie opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before snapping it shut to kiss Steve senseless.
“I didn’t know you noticed that,” he admitted shyly.
Steve laughed. “Dude, you used to throw the pieces into Tommy H’s hair.”
Eddie giggled. “Oops!”
They went out to the front room and Eddie sat on the sofa, and Steve sat on the floor between Eddie’s knees.
Wayne raised an eyebrow at Eddie’s meatless pizza, causing Eddie to blush.
“So Eddie tells me you’re dating now,” Wayne said after polishing off one of the slices he picked up for himself.
“Yes, sir,” Steve said, curling one hand around Eddie’s calf and rubbing it soothingly.
“You’re not worried about what’s gonna happen to two boys out in Bumfuck, Indiana?”
Steve looked up at Eddie and then back to Wayne. “Not really. I probably should. I know it’s dangerous. But I’m tired of hiding who I am to be palpable for other people.”
“You aren’t worried about what your parents are going to think?” Wayne pressed.
Steve shrugged. “They’d have to actually be home to do shit.”
Eddie and Wayne shared a glance over Steve’s head.
“What do you mean, baby?” Eddie asked softly.
“They started taking trips together when I turned sixteen,” he explained, picking at the crust of his pizza, tearing off little chunks. “The trips have gotten longer and longer the older I’ve gotten. Some days, I don’t think they remember they have a son.”
Wayne wanted to poke that statement a little bit more, but Steve was already shutting down.
“They will find out eventually,” Wayne said gently. “It’s not as though they aren’t completely disconnected from the Hawkins rumor mill.”
Again Steve rubbed Eddie’s calf, a move Eddie was starting sense was about Steve’s comfort and not his own.
“They didn’t come home when Billy Hargrove bashed my head in with a plate for stepping between him and a black fourteen year old kid for daring to hang out with his step-sister.”
The glance between Wayne and Eddie was far more concerned the last.
“Is that why you came to school after missing a couple of days with your face all black and blue?” Eddie asked softly, not sure he could say it louder. Not with Wayne nearby.
Steve nodded. “Quit the basketball team after that. That got my dad calling let me tell you. Hurt and in the hospital in the second major concussion in two years, fucking crickets. Quit the basketball team, on the phone screaming about wrecking my chances to get into a good college.”
“That’s more reason to be concerned, you realize?” Wayne asked.
Steve sighed. “Probably. But when I turned eighteen, I opened my own bank account and have been stashing away money to get out if I needed to.”
Eddie bristled at that. “You shouldn’t have to.”
Steve shrugged again. “I’ve been wanting to get out that house for a while now, and I have enough saved up to do it. Which probably why I outed myself, I guess. I knew I could walk away if I needed to.”
“So why Eddie?”
Steve blushed. He looked up at him with a dopey grin. “I’ve had a crush on him for years. Hell, my first major girlfriend was essentially fem!Eddie. Beautiful, dark curly hair, deep soulful eyes...” He ducked his head in embarrassment.
“Years?” Eddie asked. “Seriously?”
Steve stroked Eddie’s calf again and hummed in agreement. “Yeah. Ever since I started high school. You were so unapologetically yourself standing up to bullies, making sure the weirdos, freaks, and outcasts were taken care of. God, how I wished I could be one of your sheep. But I had to have the right friends, date the right people, take the right classes. So I watched you from afar.”
He looked up at Wayne. “Did he tell you how we got together?”
“Yup,” he said, sucking on his teeth.
“All of it?”
Eddie laughed. “Sorry, sweetheart. I tell him everything.”
Steve shook his head. “That must be so nice.” He scratched his cheek. “When Eddie told me he was into me, that it wasn’t just about having sex, I wanted to make sure everyone knew how much I was into him.”
Eddie leaned down a kissed the top of his head. “That’s because you love loud, Stevie. And I wouldn’t have any other way.”
Steve kissed Eddie’s knee as a thank you.
“Ed said that you seemed to recognize the doubts in his head,” Wayne said, “and take steps to combat them before they took root.”
Steve blushed. “Oh, I didn’t even realize I was doing that. I just knew all the fears I had and what I would have liked my partner to do to allay them. And then did that.”
“You’re so sweet, babe.” Eddie ran his fingers through Steve’s hair and he leaned into the touch with a sigh.
Steve laid his head on Eddie’s shoulder, soaking up the comfort. Eddie kicked Steve’s thigh with his foot.
“Eat up, Stevie,” he murmured.
Steve straightened up and began to eat. The rest of the meal, descending into a comfortable silence.
They cleaned up and Steve let them keep the leftovers.
Steve said goodbye to Eddie and Wayne and him walked out to their vehicles together, Wayne for work and Steve to the final practice before the last performance.
Wayne patted his shoulder. “You’re a good kid, Steve. And if you ever need a place to run to, run here.”
Steve blushed, but nodded. As he got into his car and pulled away he shook his head fondly. In the space of two hours, he had found himself a home.
The last two days had really changed his life. He had someone who loved him for who he was and a place to run to if things got bad. The ugly step-sister didn’t need a prince to happy, all it took was one earnestly sincere metalhead and Steve would take that over Prince Charming anyway. Especially since the prince had been played by Tommy H.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @yikes-a-bee @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @mugloversonly @ellietheasexylibrarian
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dieselfang · 2 months
My friend found allays in our modded server so I adopted one and named him Bobrick
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cyberspacesociety · 4 months
Did i write almost a thousand words for this? Yes yes i did. Enjoy pure fluff -Arisanna📚
Arisanna found herself wandering deeper into the archives, away from the portal. She did this often although it normally ended with Caspian dragging her out for a break. Ari smiled softly, running her hands over the books as she walked along the shelves. She spotted an all too familiar one.
Lady of The World
She walked over and picked it up. It was about Momboo after all. Momboo, Strawberri, who was always kind to Arisanna never questioning how she acted. Momboo who's smile reminded Ari of a sunset. Whos mere presence made Arisannas heart race. Gods she sounded like Fenris.
She sounded like Fenris. Had she fallen for Momboo?
Arisanna fumbled for her comm and clicked on Fenris’ contact. After a few rings he picked up.
“Ari?” Fenris’ voice came through. Arisanna could hear Rae hushing Vaeh in the background and smiled knowing her brother was happy.
“I think i understand now” The words tumbled out of her mouth without thinking. Fenris was quiet for a minute before responding, “What? Ari what do you understand-”
“Everything you said about Rae, the way you talked about him I understand now” She explained ever so slightly cutting him off. She heard Fenris chuckle.
“So who's the lucky guy? Or lady?”
“Momboo” Arisanna mumbled her face growing hot. She sat against one of the shelves still holding LoTW.
“Are you going to do anything about it?”
“Fenris Momboo is gone”
“Ari, when was the last time you visited?”
“Uh a few months ago? Why?”
“Ari Momboo is back”
Arisanna froze hearing that. She was back?
“Will I see you soon?” Fenris asked, laughing.
“Shut up” Arisanna muttered with no anger in her voice and ended the call. She stood up and ran back toward the portal area. As they got closer they slowed down to walking.
Momboo hummed walking through the fields of flowers around the tree. She enjoyed being able to feel the breeze on her face again. They had seen almost everyone again except a certain allay. Apparently Arisanna spent most of her time in Elysium now.
Momboo turned around and spotted Arisanna standing at the edge of the field. She was even prettier than the last time Momboo had seen them. She smiled softly and walked over to the allay. No sooner did Momboo get within arms reach did Arisanna throw herself into their arms. Momboo hugged the former, feeling her shoulder get wet with tears.
“Are you alright Ari?” Momboo asked cautiously. Arisanna mumbled something incoherent into her shoulder. “Hm?” Momboo prompted.
“Didn't think I'd get to see you again” Ari repeated, stopping herself from calling Momboo a petname.
“I'm right here petal, I'm not going anywhere,” Momboo soothed not noticing how she called Ari ‘petal’ until after she finished speaking. “Why don't we spend some time catching up? I've been staying nearby,” She added, feeling her face grow warm.
The two of them sat on Momboo’s old couch. Arisanna looked over at the other gathering up her courage.
“Hey Momboo?”
“Yes Arisanna?”
“Why- why did you call me petal earlier?” Arisanna asked, watching Momboos' expression. It hit them when they saw her face flush.
“Well you're really important to me Ari and I think, I think I see you as more than a friend,” Momboo explained.
Arisanna stared at her, processing the words for a minute before responding, “I think I do too.”
Momboo smiled and pulled Arisanna closer, planting a soft kiss on their cheek. “Would it be okay if I called you my girlfriend?” Momboo asked, unable to contain her happiness.
“That would be more than okay Boo, gods I feel like I'm living in one of those fairytales the allays tell me about,” Arisanna replied, a smile of her own plastered across their face.
Momboo laughed, wrapping her arms around the allay. “Am I your fairytale then Ari?” They asked. Arisanna hid her face in Momboos dress as she felt it get warm again. The two of them sat there simply enjoying each other's presence.
Momboo smiled, running her hands through Arisannas hair as she slept. The allay had admitted to not sleeping much recently and had consequently been made to take a nap. Momboo heard her communicator ding and she looked down seeing a message from Caspian.
Traveler(Caspian): Have you seen Arisanna?
Momboo: She's currently napping at my house
Traveler(Caspian): Why is she with you Boo? You actually admit your feelings?
Momboo: Caspian!
Traveler(Caspian): Is that a yes?
Momboo: Yes Caspian I admitted it
Traveler(Caspian): I take it she felt the same? If you two are hanging out?
Momboo: I'm not answering that
Momboo laughed, putting her communicator down, turning their attention back to her girlfriend. Gods that was amazing to think about. Arisanna looked up at her slowly waking up.
“What's so funny fairytale?” They asked, voice still laced with sleep.
“Caspian knows about us now,” Momboo replied smiling at the petname. Arisanna woke up more at the mention of Caspian.
“I should get back to Elysium soon”
“Can you show me Elysium?”
“Of course, as long as you don't mind my siblings flying around,”
“Your siblings are lovely Ari I wouldn't mind at all,” Momboo assured them. Arisanna pulled herself up to sitting and held out a hand to Momboo who happily took it. The two of them walked quietly to the portal and stepped through.
“Welcome to my home Boo,” Arisanna said when they entered the archives. She happily showed Momboo around pointing out the different areas of the archives.
If Caspian found them passed out together hours later he made no mention of it.
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Hcs for a Seb x Farmer x Sam polycule? If you can, masc/gn pronouns pls? 👉👈
Seb x m!reader x Sam Headcannons
a/n: i really love the dynamic of this trio, if you ever want more scenarios of them pls ask i would love to write more for them! if anyone ever wants me to do this with fem or gn reader let me know as well!
warnings: none
At first everybody around the village thought your trio was just a little friend group
Just dudes being dudes, yknow?
To be fair, that was all it was at first.
The three of you had been very close, always getting together to play videogames and practice music
After a while though, the two boys confronted you at Sam’s house one day during band practice
“So, we’ve been thinking…”
Honestly at first you thought they were going to kick you out of the band
“Look, I know I’m not the best drummer in the world but-“
It was Sam who broke out the idea, since Sebastian was too shy to get it out
They were both surprised when you quickly agreed
After that the three of you got even closer, going out for drinks a couple times a week and always hanging out
It was actually Abigail who found out about your relationship.
“Seb, where the hell did you put my- oh! Sorry for interrupting… whatever this is. Just, just let me know if you find my DS.”
The three of you had been cuddled up on Sebastian’s bed watching a movie, Sam even starting to fall asleep on Sebastian’s shoulder
You hadn’t been trying to hide the fact that you were dating, it just never really came up
Abigail left Sebastian’s house with so many questions.
On nights when you couldn’t hang out or sleep over at one of your houses, you’d all get on a discord video call and fall asleep together <3
Sebastian is normally the last one asleep, being the night owl he is
He loves falling asleep to the sound of his two boys gently snoring
Gaming nights on call is also a common occurrence
Imagine hopping on Apex and having to fight that trio. it wouldn’t go very well
Sam is the one who always want to go out and do something, often getting bored with just staying in
The three of you always make sure that nobody feels left out, allaying giving extra cuddles and kisses to whoever is feeling a little lonely
Overall it’s a very healthy relationship!
Bonus: Jodi and Robin will sneak cute photos of you guys when you aren’t paying attention
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whisperofsong · 2 years
Pairing: Jake Hangman Seresin x Female Reader
Summary: One encounter results in a special bond.
Word Count: 1,419 words
Note: This was written for @roosterforme ‘s Valentine’s Day challenge!  Thank you for reading and supporting my writing🙂
“What did your arch nemesis do this time?” Jake asks while folding his arm behind his head to support it while lying on his less than comfortable bed.
“You mean my annoying coworker?”
“Aren’t the identifiers interchangeable?”
“You got me there, Seresin,” you admit.
A knowing smirk is etched across Jake’s face because even though you two aren’t together, he can envision your smile.  After you regale Jake with the details concerning your coworker’s latest antics, your head swims with the conversations you’ve had with him over the last few months.  The nightly phone calls have become routine and, truthfully, the best part of your day.
Several months ago, your cousin, Bob, invited you to a New Year’s Eve party hosted by one of his colleagues/friends, Javy, also known as Coyote. You had been reluctant to go, considering you wouldn’t know anyone besides Bob and worried it may appear as though you were imposing, but Bob was swift to allay your concerns.  Once you arrived, you understood why Bob had no apprehension about bringing you along.  Everyone was amicable and conversational, treating you as one of their own.
Before the party, Bob warned you about a man named Hangman and his relentless bravado.  As a result, you made a mental note to steer clear of the man your cousin depicted as insufferable.  At one point, you were in the kitchen searching for a nonalcoholic beverage when a figure knelt beside you.
“Something I can help you with?” he asked in a southern drawl that momentarily caught you off guard.  His features were chiseled and sharp, a stark contrast to his softer green eyes that held your own.
“I’m not sure.  I was hoping there might be seltzer left, but it looks like I’m out of luck.”
The stranger wordlessly stood up, disappeared for no more than a minute, and returned with a bottle of seltzer.  “Coyote keeps extras in the garage.”
“Thanks,” you reply with a small smile.  After taking a sip of your drink, you lock eyes with the stranger once more.  You assumed he would leave after handing you the beverage, but his current stance doesn’t indicate intentions of leaving.
“Your Bob’s cousin, right?”
“Yes.  I’m Y/N. And you are?”
“Jake,” he replies with a broad grin and an outstretched hand.
You place your hand in his and give it a brief shake.  “It’s nice to meet you, Jake.”  
“Likewise.  Everyone’s been treating you well, I hope?”
“Everyone’s been great!  I’m having fun.”
“Good.  Otherwise, I’d have to kick some ass,” he shares in a playful tone.
“I’ll keep you around if Hangman makes an appearance,” you joke and Jake’s expression changes from amused to serious.
“Hangman?” he echoes.
“Bob mentioned that your colleague, Hangman, is quite a handful.  With the way he described the guy, I’m amazed there’s enough room for him and his ego in his aircraft,” you tease with your lips pressed to the rim of the bottle before taking another sip.
Jake temporarily hangs his head before returning your gaze. “It’s a tight fit, but I manage.”
Your eyes widen as you slowly lower the drink in your hand. “You’re Hangman?”
“I am.  I see my reputation precedes me, although apparently that’s not a good thing.”
“I’m…I’m sorry, I…”  You frantically search for words, the right ones, but they’re nowhere to be found as Jake’s green eyes capture yours with a hint of a smile.  It doesn’t look like you’ll be receiving an invitation here ever again, says your inner voice.
“I should go,” you mumble, eager to remove yourself from the awkward situation, but his fingers brush your wrist as you attempt to escape.
“I’d actually like you to stay.”
“Even after I inadvertently insulted you?” you ask with a bemused and incredulous expression.
“It’s not like you didn’t make a point.  I know who I am and I’m well aware of what others, including my teammates, think of me, but I don’t make apologies.  And you shouldn’t apologize for who you are either.”
“Who am I exactly?” you inquire, curiosity reflected in your eyes.
“A woman who isn’t afraid to be blunt.  I respect that.”  
If the twinkle in his eye was any indication, you knew he did and perhaps it was that twinkle that persuaded you to stay, as Jake requested.
A week after the party, an unfamiliar number appeared on your screen and you decided to answer it.  “Hello?” you ask, balancing it on your shoulder as you amble from the office to your car, one of the few remaining vehicles in the spacious parking lot.
“I’m surprised you answered.  I was expecting it to go straight to voicemail,” says a male voice.
“Who is this?”  The reception isn’t the greatest, thereby making it difficult to determine who the voice belongs to on the other end.
“I’ll give you a hint.  A guy who carries around an inflated ego.”
You place your belongings on the passenger seat so your hand is free to grasp your phone, making it much easier to talk. “Jake.  Or do you prefer I call you Hangman?”
“Jake is just fine.  I hope it’s okay that I called you.”
“Why did you call me?” you ask as you clumsily climb into the driver’s seat.
“I really enjoyed our conversation at the party and was hoping to talk to you some more.  However, I get it if you’re busy-“
“No.  I’d like that, too,” you answer in a rush.
You talked to Jake for the entirety of your commute home, as you prepared dinner, while you cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes, and made yourself comfortable on the couch.  You were in the midst of telling Jake a funny incident that occurred at a family barbecue when you glanced at the clock, which read 8:07 p.m.
“Oh my gosh,” you sputter.  “Jake, we’ve been on the phone for three hours!”
“Have we?” he responds in a nonchalant tone.  “It feels like ten minutes.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean,” you say as you pick at a loose thread on your pants.
Ever since that initial phone call, you and Jake have spoken on the phone multiple nights a week, discussing everything and anything. Your childhood and the contrast between life in a big family like his and a small family like yours.  Middle school spelling bees and football games. Embarrassing moments and pivotal ones. Workplace anecdotes and vacation mishaps.  Conversation is effortless and you realize that you’ve never experienced that sort of easiness with anyone.
Now, as you lay in your bed, with your head positioned sideways on one of your decorative pillows, you’re pulled away from your reverie by an extended sigh on the other end.  “It’s kinda funny, Y/N.”
Your eyebrows crinkle and your eyes flicker to the ceiling. “What’s funny?”
“I mean…we’ve only known each other for what?  Three months?  And yet I feel like I’ve known you forever.”
“It’s because of all this late night talking, Jake,” you say as you grin to yourself, your body humming in contentment.
“And I’ve loved every minute of it, Y/N.  I wouldn’t want my nights looking any different,” he replies confidently.
“I didn’t realize you’re the sentimental type, Seresin.  A secret softie,” you jest.
“Only for you,” he clarifies in a lower, huskier voice.
The lower register causes your stomach to do somersaults, a sensation you haven’t felt before with Jake, yet it’s an undeniable feeling.
“Can I tell you something else, Y/N?”
“Uh huh.”  You gulp as you await his words.
“I’ve never been a fan of change, but…I’d follow you to any place. I like being with you.”
His words settle in, seeping into your skin and taking up space in the hollow parts of yourself that only you know about.  His words almost make you forget you ever felt empty at all.
“I like being with you, too.  As much as I love our phone calls…I think I might like you next to me better.”  Silence follows and you internally wince at your honest declaration.  You consider apologizing and taking it back when Jake’s voice greets your ears.
“I can be there in less than twenty,” he says softly.
Relief consumes you and a genuine smile, the only kind of smile you’ve known since Jake entered your life, appears on your face.  “See you then.”  And for the first time, you don’t experience disappointment when you end your call with Jake, because he’ll soon be with you, where he belongs.
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sleepy0s · 1 year
The Ariana Griande concert
Havent written Ariana much so lemme know any tips!
Some au facts for this certain one-shot
Allay Grian! (I felt like Allay grian made the most sense to be a singer cos there like musical??)
His voice sounds different due to Allay stuff- makes it higher pitched?
Hermits know he's an Allay but no one knows he's Ariana Griande (Not even pearl- very important for this)
I've decided. When Grian is just grian he is he/they and when he's being Ariana Griande has she/they
This is my longest one yet! (1303 words)
“Pearl! Pearl! I got them!” Gem came sprinting round the corner, clutching four tickets in her hands
 “Let me see!” Scar pushed Pearl to the side wanting to see the tickets, 
“Gem! You're the best!How did you get four VIP tickets?!” If Scars Vex wings worked then you best believe he would be floating
. “I have friends.” She smiled, handing the tickets out to her friends before pocketting her own. “We are forever in your debt Gem.” Scar bowed down, almost hitting Mumbo in the nose on his way back up. 
“What are you doing?” The voice made all four jump, having not noticed Grian get closer, the small allay was trying to climb Mumbo to see what was in his hands but was failing due to the suit material. “Gem just got us V.I.P tickets!” He made sure to take a pause after each letter in VIP, Grian just looked at him, sliding down the suit. “To who?” 
“Ariana Griande, of course!” Pearl responded before Mumbo could.
Now, they’re not sure what they expected from Grian but it certainly wasn’t for him to lay on the floor and sigh in what seemed to be sadness, “Grian?? You all good down there?” Gem put her arm out to help him get up- he took this as a chance to climb onto Gems shoulders instead, whatever her fault. “Yep. I'm fine.” Scar however seemed offended that Grian had responded this way to such an idol, “G, do you not like Ariana? She is the best idol in the world and you need to agree.” Grians response was a sad sigh as he hopped of Gems shoulder and fluttered towards his base. (Can you blame the guy tho? He just found out four of his friends were going to be at his concert, pressure much.)
~ ~ ~
Ok, so it turns out Gem is Amazing. They had front row seats to the concert and would be able to see everything perfectly, she had managed to get her hands on some merch so all four were decked out.
Gem was wearing a nice laced white shirt with a baby pink skirt, her hair was put high pigtails (One of Ariana's signature hairstyles) with two bows clipped on.
Pearl was wearing a pink shoulderless shirt, a bandana wrapped around her wrist, and her hair had been put into a plait with pink ribbon.
Mumbo was wearing pink glasses (Vampires don't do well with the lights), he had a pink jacket on which was covered with pins.
Scar, who was arguably the most enthusiastic, was rocking a pink cowboy hat, heart shaped glasses, a half buttoned up white and pink striped shirt (Think limited life) and had a bag covered in pins, bandanas and keychains.
So yea. They were decked out.
~ ~ ~
They had gotten there early and had been waiting for around half an hour (Though all would claim it was worth it) and now, finally the lights were dimming around the stadium  signalling the start was near, all the chatter quieted down as people looked to the stage. 
“I'm so excited!” Scar whispered from beside Mumbo
“Scar shush. I'm concentrating.” Pearl elbowed him, making him shush,.Just in time as well because suddenly a bright pink light appeared on the stage and a platform rose from underneath the stage, and there she was! Ariana Griande rose from the stage, wearing a sleeveless white shirt and a gorgeous red and pink skirt, her hair was put in high pigtails with ribbons wrapped around. It was genius really, the pink she had claimed as ‘hers’ matched the light blue of her wings and the small horns in between her hair.
“Good evening Ladies, Gents, Hybrids and Humans!” The four screamed at her entrance, waving their hands in the hopes she would notice them, “I hope everyones having a lovely night, and hopefully you're happy to be here!” She began walking to the front of the stage waving at audience members as she spoke, “We have an action packed night ahead of us, so first let’s just have a little talk!” She gave a young girl a high five, causing the girl to scream, someone threw a poster up luckily, Ariana caught it before it hit her, “Guys, please don't throw stuff.” Ariana began talking and walking again, just chatting normally as if one would with a friend about how her day had been and occasionally pointing the mic towards someone else to let them respond. 
She got to Scar, Mumbo, Pearl and Gem and gave them each a high five and smile, and honestly they looked like they were on the edge of passing out. “All right everyone! I think it's time we start!” 
~ ~ ~
The concert was around 2 hours long and honestly they wished it was longer. But now it was time for the best part. “We get to meet her!? Gem I dont think ive said it enough but you're amazing.” Pearl was smiling madly, hugging Gem as if she was going to disappear, “Yep, Yep I know- pearl. I can't. Breath.” Pearl immediately let go, making sure she was okay before running to go find the VIP line. “Pearl, wait up!” Mumbo called after her.
The three met her at the line, she had gotten near the front and was talking to one of the body guards, who seemed to know her? “Pearl! We're here!” Gem waved her hands in the air to get Pearl's attention as they got closer. 
“Ah! You guys made it! Look, meet my friend Martyn!” The three introduced themselves to Pearl's friend, “Martyn I wish we could talk longer but it's nearly our turn!” Martyn just laughed and gave Pearl a hug, promising that they would have to meet up sometime.
Scar dragged them forwards once it was their turn to meet Ariana Griande.
“Hello! Welcome, it's lovely to meet you!” Ariana smiled at them happily, from where she was sitting. “Hello! We are such big fans!!” Gem led the group to sit on the seats opposite Ariana. “It's great to see you so enthusiastic. Is there anything you'd like? I can do signatures, photos, could just chat, or really anything you’d like- under reason of course.”  There were probably loads of things she shouldn't do, but c'mon. They were gonna do anything bad. Hopefully. “Can you sign our photos? Please??” Mumbo had been put in charge of holding all four photos, and happily handed them over to Ariana to sign them. “I am so going to brag about this to Grian.” Scar said, causing Ariana to chuckle, The five talked for a bit, it was mainly just questions like if she had any pets, her favourite song she had made, just the normal things you ask your Idol. But obviously others needed a go so they had to leave, “Would you guys like a picture before you leave?” Ariana asked,
“Yes please!” Scar answered for the group as they all stood up to take the photo.
“Alright! Have a lovely night you guys! I hope to see you at the next concert!” Ariana smiled happily at them as they left the Private room, and headed back to the hub.
~ ~ ~
Scar popped around Grians base the next morning, poor lad looked exhausted. What had he been up to whilst they were at the concert? 
“Griannn!” He called out in a sing-songy voice, “Guess what I gottt”
Grian just sighed, rolling over and looking at scar, who was proudly showing off his Signed Ariana Griande poster. 
Grian rolled back over, “Scar, that's great and I love you. BUT. Its 5am go back to sleep.” Scar laughed a bit before wishing Grian a good sleep and leaving his base, promising to tell Grian all about the concert once he was more awake
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mellohiizz · 5 days
omg ok hi glitchduo anon here i love them so much let me list some of the #winning glitchduo moments in and out of lifesteal
- ash's TOP PRIORITY at the end of s5 was protecting squiddo, it was in his Book Of Goals (unofficial title)
- they are actually both really protective of each other like squiddo spent a whole irl day worrying about him NOT dying in the whole death party murder thing in early s5
- also. There was this whole thing where once ash found the orbital strike canon squiddo thought he was gonna kill them but!! He didnt. it was a lot more emotional than that but im trying to keep this Kind Of short
- ash also spent a LOT of time checking in on her near the end of s5 to make sure wemmbu wasnt trying to kill them
- lifesteal spoilers but during the final peace trial ash actually Really did not want to kill squiddo and apparently only accepted it when he was allowed to give them back the heart (ive only heard about this from 4c's pov so it might be inaccurate but i think squiddo will have it in her next video so. Yay)
- when squiddo got immortality in s5 apparently her and ash could toggle each others immortality. Like they literally held each others lives in the palm of their hands
- they were going to move far away to somewhere nice after the 'bad guys' were defeated (also in s5) and were going to be roommates. Ash said he was going to make friends with her allay 🙁🙁🙁😔😔😔 unfortunately they chunkbanned each other
- my personal favorite stream ever was the two of them talking about fnaf and playing dti for two and a half hours. They were supposed to be practicing for mccr
In summary i really like them they are the best friends ever..... huge huge fan of m/f friendships esp them.....
hello glitchduo anon!! ^_^ question! is this glitch duo propaganda?? am i being converted into a cult? /j if it is, then it's definitely working btw, they sound so sweet :( i'm not sure if i'll actually watch a lot of streams, because, again, i don't have that much time so this is the only way i get to know lore lol anyway, yapping aside, thank you for introducing me to them, their friendship sounds so nice...
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Okokokoko this is stupid but- the reader and Sigma knows how fucking fruity Nikolai and Fyodor is, and so one so one the reader and Sigma are going to find those two, but when they enter the room, they see the two gaybos kiss or something. I JUST WANNA MNOW HOW SIGMA WOULD REACT (cause bro's flabbergasted 24/7) and how the fruity bitches would react to you and Sigma knowing (I KNOW IT'S STUPID, BUT KDHFJDHRHRHRGUSHSS)
Thanks for reading this anyway, your works are aMaZiNg
thank you!!! thanks for your requests as always!
'•.¸♡ catching Nikolai and Fyodor making out ♡¸.•'
Sigma x gn!reader
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Nikolai and Fyodor made Sigma homophobic with their constant gayness, he hates the gays (in an allay way).
He thinks that if he saw them making out he wouldn't be surprised but that isn't true.
Man would be shocked, like frozen, jaw on the fucking floor shocked.
He couldn't care less about their sexualities, but when they actively flirt (and by flirt I mean trying to kill each other and possibly others) with each other that is where Sigma draws the line.
Nikolai: *Tries to kill Fyodor (affectionately)*
Fyodor: *manipulates Nikolai (flirting)*
Sigma: *screaming internally while wanting to leave*
If randomly the relationship between Nikolai and Fyodor comes up while he's having a conversation with one of them and they deny he will give them the most confused look they've ever received. Like how are they denying?!??!
Fyodor would gaslight Sigma into think him and Nikolai are just friends or something. While Nikolai would laugh Sigma off and avoid the questions about his relationships.
Would will be hearing about the shenanigans of Fyodor and Nikolai almost everytime .
'Where are they?' Sigma asked, you were looking for Nikolai and Fyodor but they seemed to be missing. You opened yet another door but no one was inside.
You walked toward another door and opened it, you found who you were looking for just doing something unexpected to say the least.
Sigma walked into the room shortly after you. He froze where he was standing, his mouth was wide open while having a shocked look on his face.
Fyodor quickly reacted to you opening the door, dropping his hands and looking at the direction of the door but Nikolai was slower to react and still had his hand entangled in Fyodor's while his other hand was wrapped round Fyodor waist and upper hips.
'What are you doing?' You could tell he tried to sound as he always does, monotone, but the soupçon of being pissed off was still present. He tried to move Nikolai's hand from his hair but came unsuccessful.
'I think we broke Sigma.' Nikolai laughed at Sigma's frozen state which was starting to relax. Nikolai's grip on Fyodor's hip tightened as he announced the nature of their relationship and gave a quick kiss on Fyodor's cheek.
It was really hard to tell but it seemed as if Fyodor was revealed upon receiving Nikolai's but you thought your eyes were playing tricks on you at this point.
Sigma finally came to his senses and just told them why he was looking for them and walked out as soon as he could. He was just confused at this point, questioning every interaction between them as he left.
He would feel awkward upon leaving but he'll get accustomed to their display of affection rather quickly.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Sorry for not posting anything "proper" yesterday, hopefully I'll post more today but I cannot promise anything.
I hope this is alright.
Also, I bought a book about English grammar so hopefully my writing will get better grammatically.
Have a wonderful day/night and enjoy the good weather if you have any and if you don't than idk, do something you enjoy :)
-love, Az
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pallastrology · 1 year
FAQ 🪴 empty houses
hello friends :-) i thought today wed look at empty houses, one of the most frequently misinterpreted (in my opinion at least) parts of the natal chart! for more information on the houses, take a peek at these posts (1, 2, 3, 4)
an empty house refers to a house with no planets, points or other bodies. there's a case to be made for a house never being "truly" empty, because if you add enough minor bodies and points to a chart, you'll soon fill every house. but for the purposes of this post, i'm only really looking at planets.
there can be a lot of fear around empty houses, which is unfounded but totally understandable. when we hear the word empty, we think of a lack or a loss. something lonely. but when it comes to empty houses in the birth chart, this isn't quite how it works. instead, it's more like a lack of activation. a planet activates the house, but a planet not being there doesn't mean that area of life ceases to be; it just means that the energies of the planets aren't impacting that area. so next time you look at your empty fifth or seventh house and wonder if you'll ever find love, the answer is absolutely yes, you will 🤍 an empty house just means it isn't activated right now, which still doesn't mean nothing will happen in that area of life. it often means that these areas aren't a primary focus right now, or they aren't chaotic or emotionally heavy to manage. none of these are bad things, and in fact they imply an easy time, if not a particularly exciting one.
as an example, i have an empty third house, yet i am studying a foreign language and hope to make my career from writing. my educational history is very chaotic, and my siblings were a huge part of my life growing up. it might seem a bit strange that my third house is empty in that case, but in reality, there are a lot of other placements in my chart that "make up for" this empty house. when we start looking at individual placements and assigning strict rules and judgements to them, it becomes very difficult to actually interpret your chart and see where the connections lead. taking a step back when things aren't making sense is generally a wise move, as is getting a second opinion.
more to consider when talking about empty houses are transits and progressions. as we go through life, our natal planets progress through the signs and houses, just as we progress through our experiences and grow as people. it can be helpful to think of progressions as showing how we gradually adapt to what life throws our way, while transits are more like the events themselves; or rather, how we could react and respond to those events. so an empty house is never actually empty for very long, it will be activated and travelled through many times over the course of your life, and with hindsight and a keen eye, you might see some really important experiences start to line up with major transits and progressions. to go back to my example earlier, i took a really quick look through my own transits and progressions when i was planning out this post, and found a couple of interesting patterns based around my educational history, one of which i'm hoping will continue to be a positive influence as i take my next steps. again, taking a step back and looking at things from a new angle is usually the best thing to do if you're feeling lost or overwhelmed with a placement.
i hope this post can allay any fear you might feel about your own empty houses; there really isn't anything to be afraid of, and for some people an empty house is a blessing! it's often misunderstood and misinterpreted, but i hope this can help to reassure anybody who has struggled with this; i have done myself in the past and the wondering and worrying is awful. at the end of the day, our birth charts do not dictate or rule our lives; they're a list of potentials and patterns, and it is still up to ourselves how we live out our days.
kira xo
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
Hiii! I'm the one who asked if I can send my oc to you! I tried to find the og the I wrote but it seems to be deleted somehow form my drafts 😭 so I made sm up quick to recap everything :')) (+and I'm sorry of my Grammar was bad :'))
So for the first oc is helen she was born 1895 and died at 1929 she is supposed to represents an owl but she doesn't look like one 😭 (I don't know how to draw:'))
The other one is mai born in 1896 and died at 1930 she represents as a cat!
Ok so when Helen was alive her Story is basically her parents wanted a boy but got her instead, in there head they wanted only boys so they can work with them and before even Helen born she was already being hated on almost all her life her parents where to shame her for doing anything yeah sure now they have two sons the is 1 year younger then her but they don't stop Hating her, her brothers just ignore her existing until one when she was 12 her grandfather came visited and already knows about everything but he doesn't mind the he had a Grand-daughter he just was happy to have a grandchildren after seeing what is happening to her he offered for her to come with him to help him in his bar, Helen Parents didn't give a darn about her so they send her with grandfather to another city and form there she stared to help him out whenever she cans along the way she meets mia, unlike Helen mia parents doesn't care about the gender as long as their kids work for them and Mia was overwhelmed with everything her parents force her to learn about how to uphold the company when the time comes, a company the sells alcohol and wine no less and it seem Helen grandfather is close to mia parents as he is a well customer to there company and that is how they meet and they hang out as much as they can and even after years Helen grandfather died and mia parents are gone they still do there guardians work continuing while being the closet friends being best friends for an almost 21 years untill one day they got in a big argument in Helen bar, mia just storms out and Helen just getting ready to leave the bar, after closing it she wants to take smoke to At least clam down besides her bar outside, she heard some kid screaming form an allay which she enter to see what is happening seeing a small girl with two man one was trying to hold the girl while the other holding a pocketknife and a gun at the floor and well...at the end the little girl got a way form there and the two man are died and helen was slowly dying because of a stab wound, after few days along with Helen funeral's mia worked extra hard not just for her own company but also for Helen bar the she got it with Force form Helen parents but she couldn't handle it anymore along with the guilt that stared when she found her only friend (that is close to a sister) she sells her company and Helen bar and putting them with good owners before taking her own life and sleeping for an eternity besides Helen grave
-this little pfp for these two:')-
Name: helen
Year:1895 Death: 1929
Death cause: bleed out by a stab wound 
Likes: her personal space, jazz/classical music, puppets show, Theater, Bitter tastes,her ''siblings'', cooking, quite places,no work to do in her tavern
Dislike: anything loud that is close to her ear, drunk sinners, alcohol, sexual remarks, anyone the try to make her "siblings" do against them,VAL, the Exorcists, anything related to her parents
Look: light Tan and noticeable-dark brown hair into a high ponytail and Amber blackeyes(honestly she almost looks human of it weren't for her eyes) her bang is still Infront Mia put pans to hold it form her eyes
Outfit:a tight dark cherry red button shirt along with a black short front Vests Basic five buttons and two long tails form behind and a white Cross Tie and a black cap toe oxford and short black gloves
Name: mia
Year:1896 Death: 1930
Death cause: suicide/Overdosing with sleeping pills 
Likes: helen personal space, jazz/classical music, Helen old puppet show,spicy tastes,her ''siblings'', Helen cooking, parts, gambling,wine,the new technology, MONEY 
Dislike: cheaters,bugs, Vees, VAL, the Exorcists, a verrry quite places,work, lemons, bitter taste,val
Look: she his pale skin (slightly Pink-sy) she his ginger hair that is a low ponytail and red blackeyes (she also has a human form but she his cat ears and tail)
Outfit: black button up shirt along with a red tie (she still doesn't know how to do her tie she gose to Helen to help her) and black jacket and black jeans and a black Loafers
Not me the entire time reading this:
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I wish I could go back and protect them!! 😭 In my humble opinion THEY SHOULD BE ANGELS
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rosenbergamot · 6 months
What about the word: mistake
YIPPEE ok i found this old silly fic i was writing ab vampire mumbo and nobody knowing or believing that hes a vampire. its just like little snippets until the big reveal and i think im gonna pick it back up bc it was fun and silly and i enjoyed it. heres a small scene from it!!
There’s someone approaching; he hears him clunking down the stairs. Judging by the scent (all warm wet moss and Etho’s deodorant) it’s absolutely Bdubs. He turns to see him, wiping a trail of blood off of his mouth with his suit jacket-- he’d gotten a little aggressive while feeding, made a little mistake, killed a villager, all that. 
“Hi Mumbo-- oh my gosh!” He trips on the last step as he sees the blood. Smells very much like Etho. They must have just stopped hanging out. Why on Earth is he here, then? “W-What the heck? Are you okay?! My god, he’s bleeding everywhere! I don’t know first aid! What should I do?”
His friend frantically runs around, searching for a first aid kit or a potion or anything. It’s quite silly of him. There isn’t even a visible wound. He looks perfectly fine.
“BdoubleO, I’m perfectly fine! Calm down, man!”
He stops so quickly it should leave an indent in the stone. “Then why the heck is there so much blood everywhere, Mumbo? Huh?”
“Just doing my daily feeding is all.” 
“You eat blood?!” He cries out, face paling. The allay part of him makes a distressed chiming sound before he slaps a hand over his mouth, clearly embarrassed. “Is that a thing humans do? I need to ask Iskall next time I see them…” 
“No, it’s a vampire thing, mate… like the first thing people think of when you say vampire.” 
“Oh, Mumbo, you’re such a prankster!” He slaps his knee. “You set this whole thing up just to make a vampire joke? That’s freakin’ rich, man. Do you not have anything else to do?”
His eyes narrow. “No, BdoubleO, I suppose I don’t have anything else to do.” 
“You should probably get a hobby! Just saying!” He chirps very helpfully. The villagers have started to recuperate. Their ire has been forgotten as he turns to stare at them. He hopes his eyes communicate the ‘what the absolute hell?’ sort of vibe he’s going for. They seem just as puzzled as he does, twin puncture wounds on each of their necks. 
He sucks a bit of stray blood off his fang. “You know what, Bdubs? I think you’re right. Maybe my new hobby will be convincing people I’m a vampire.” 
“You’re gonna have to get more convincing than this,” Bdubs gestures to all the blood. “I mean, I thought you were injured or something! Thank goodness you’re not-- though I do know how to take care of it. Licensed first aid and all that.”
He just nods and tries to look very convinced. “I’m sure you do. Now why are you in my trading hall…?” 
Bdubs launches into a rant about how he ran out of building materials halfway through constructing his stable, but all Mumbo can think about is how strange it is that this has happened twice. Do people… really not know?
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archersgoon · 6 months
celie disillusionment arc real & true
The Celie disillusionment arc is my personal theory regarding Celie’s life over the next five-or-so years post-canon. It’s mainly the assumption that she’s going to have some sort of upheaval regarding the intersection of her sense of duty towards Lumatere (and Isaboe) and her own personal love for it (and Isaboe, and her family, and Froi in particular), and that this will lead to her souring somewhat on her role in Lumatere’s foreign intelligence and how it impacts her relationships with others. The key assumption I’m making here is that Celie isn’t aware of Froi’s previous role as an assassin, at least not during the events of the main series.
(putting the rest under the cut because it got away from me somewhat)
I argue this for several reasons. First, no one else in her family has been told explicitly. They suspect, Abian and August in particular, but to my memory it’s never explicitly confirmed for them. Regarding Celie herself, there’s this section in Ferragost:
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This is pretty clearly not the statement of a woman who knows, first of all, that her brother is in Charyn in the first place, and second of all, that he nearly got killed as a result of this specific action. To be honest, given what she says after the highlighted section, it’s possible she’d think on it very similarly even if she was aware, although in that case I do think there would at least be an aside. Anyway, the implication here is that she is not aware of Froi’s recent actions, though I have no idea what she thinks he’s doing at this point in time.
From here, it’s reasonable to assume that she’s also unaware of his prior extracurricular activities with Perri and Trevanion. It’s difficult to extrapolate any particulars of her relationship with Froi, but she refers to him as a “brother of her heart” in Ferragost, and Abian refers to her feeling something like this towards him during a conversation with Isaboe in the main series, so I’m assuming that they love each other quite dearly, even if they’re not very up-to-date on each other’s lives.
The other relevant piece of information upon which the arc is based is this:
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While Celie is careful not to include her own thoughts on the matter, she’s Isaboe’s man through and through, and as such does come off as backing her in this situation. The question I ask is this: what happens if the half-truth she gives Celie isn’t enough?
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Isaboe is Celie’s closest friend. She gives her truths she gives no one else (except maybe Froi; see QoC chapter 10, although I am not getting into the implications of that right now, see this post). Their friendship is just different and more special than the rest of Isaboe’s friendships. It seems that if Isaboe was going to be completely honest with anyone, it’d be Celie. We know that’s not the case, but I don’t think Celie does. At least, she hasn’t really confronted what it means, that her best friend would (and does!) lie to her if she deems it necessary.
Anyway, with those establishing bits out of the way, let’s get on to the actual meat of the piece: post-canon Celie. From here on out I do a lot of speculation, you may very well disagree, it’s literally fine.
I mentioned it before (here) but what I basically think is going to happen is a gradual ramping up of Celie’s responsibilities as a spy in Belegonia. At the end of Ferragost she did technically come under suspicion, but given that they found nothing and people don’t really like Banyon all that much anyway, she can probably play it cool, albeit after a period of low activity to allay any suspicion. Once that happens, she’ll probably start passing information north on a very regular basis (maybe they’ll even give her someone else to work with). I mentioned it here, but post-canon Lumatere does gain something of an upper hand in their dealings with Belegonia, which could allow for more active moves on their (and Celie’s) part. I do think, at some point, she’ll be asked to kill someone. Probably not for a while, and it’ll be the result of very careful deliberation (well, as careful as they get – I’m not super convinced this is a strength of theirs), but it will happen.
While she works up to this though, there’s also the matter of Froi. Everyone knows about that scene at the creek. I don’t care; the Monts saw it, the Turlans saw it, the valley-dwellers saw it. Everyone’s going to hear about it. So, he was in Charyn, and Celie didn’t know. She’s quick on the uptake though, presumably she figures out he was sent to kill the king pretty quickly. Went off the rails, but I guess that’s just his loving nature! Not really the behaviour you’d expect from someone who’d been doing torture on the regular though, so at first I believe she doesn’t realise. She thinks the Charyn king was his first serious assignment, because he’s not really suited to that kind of lifestyle. There’s this line in Ferragost, which suggests she’s not familiar with the local extrajudicial program:
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Obviously, you can make the argument that she’s just not counting these ones due to their actions, and I think she probably does know about them on some level; but the wording of this really makes it seem like she’s not consciously aware of these things happening.
Celie knows Froi was sent to kill the king, but that seems like it. Except, as time goes on, she finds herself experiencing all sorts of weird and unpleasant emotions that she can’t really name. Finds herself lashing out, or retreating into herself, all this nasty stuff that’s so familiar, yet she can’t figure out why, until… oh. That’s right. Froi used to get like this sometimes, when they were both still living at home. She’d just put it down to his former life back then, obviously he was having trouble adjusting to life with their family.
So, I think she starts putting pieces together. She could probably figure out the general shape of things in terms of how local assassinations work, given her newfound involvement (even though they’d obviously keep her out of the loop as much as possible), and from there it’s not a massive leap to figure out Froi’s involvement. Presumably she discovers the link between that seal she swiped and Froi’s life being threatened at some point. They wouldn’t even tell her that much.
This is the tricky part, because I’m not 100% on what her response to this would be, that is, I don’t think she’d be surprised, by either the fact that he was doing all that or the fact that she was lied to, because that’s how Isaboe rolls, she knows that. Even so, it would be reasonable to assume this is an upsetting realisation for her, because subconsciously she probably assumed that her relationship with Isaboe was exempt from this. It also contextualises her family’s increasing distance from the palace. I guess what it really comes down to, is that they could do this again, and she wouldn’t know. She has three other brothers, Talon’s described as shrewd. Will he be used by the palace for the good of the kingdom? Will he have a choice? Should he have a choice? And there it is. Celie does her duty, always. But she doesn’t see it the same way for everyone. When Banyon has her rooms searched, she has this to say:
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It pretty heavily implies that love, or even simply good feeling, should come before duty. At least for Banyon, since his duty is to the Belegonian crown, which to Celie should obviously come second to her duty (sidenote: genuinely, I don’t know what she was expecting him to do here). So, if she wavers in her sense of duty at all, it’s pretty quickly going to conflict irreparably with love for those she cares about (including Isaboe I think). First, her brother runs himself ragged in the name of penance for his past sins. Next, she sacrifices herself on the altar of duty. She says she wants a love like her parents’, at least once, and she’s decided she wants it with Banyon. That is very much not achievable given her current responsibilities, and is going to be entirely impossible once those responsibilities become both larger and stricter. What she wants is locked off from her entirely, and the only way her brother managed to be really, truly happy was to remove himself from the system entirely. There’s that barrier between them. It’s always been there, but it’s truly impassable now, like with Banyon. He cannot compromise his and his family’s interests in the name of Lumatere. I figure she probably resents him for this for a good long while.
So: Celie lost her chance at love (the only thing she says she really wants), and her brother is entirely separate from her and the rest of their family now. Harm came to him as a result of her actions, and she wasn’t told. It seems very likely that the same thing could happen again, and she’d have no idea. What if this time, someone is hurt permanently? Or dies? Any of her other brothers could be recruited at any point, with no hope of reprieve, and there’s nothing she can do about it. She has to kill people without any information on why (that she hasn’t gathered herself). The shine of spying has well and truly worn off. What happens now?
There are a few possibilities here. What I do think is inevitable is a permanent rift between Sayles and the palace. Whether Celie is a part of this is less clearcut, as is the extent of its impact in both personal and political aspects. It’s possible she could just put her head down, be a miserable, disillusioned (ha!) tool of the state, and get on with her job, maybe get married off to some foreign lordling in the future. Or, she could focus on her job, get into it, even the unsavoury bits (this is Celie’s villain arc, for the record). Maybe she starts questioning the entire system. One person with all the decision-making ability and all the information isn’t sustainable and isn’t fair (“No gods, no masters,” – Celina-May of the Lumateran Flatlands). But what I think (well, hope) is going to happen is some variation on this: in the long run, Celie is a lot less replaceable than Froi. Her in with the Belegonian royal family is going to be very difficult to replicate. Therefore, she has some bargaining power. With this, in addition to her deep friendship with Isaboe, I think she can set some boundaries. It’ll probably cost her the depth of that friendship, they’ll never be that close again, but she’ll be able to live. She’ll definitely still be doing the occasional assassination, but the reasoning won’t be as opaque. She could have long-term goals (it would certainly be nice if we could legitimise our own succession laws, and wouldn’t the princess-turned-queen be sooo grateful if we could help her?). Maybe she gets a heads-up if anyone else important gets involved in her line of work. Any risks to the people she cares about? She knows about them. Probably the relevant individuals don’t, but that’s alright. I don’t think Celie’s really happy unless she’s doing something at least a little morally dubious.
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mystical-blaise · 2 years
Dadriel #11: Fear is Not My Future
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Azriel reminisces fondly about the past as he simultaneously dreads what the future holds.
Read it on Ao3 here
I haven't posted anything in a while and needed to get this out of my head. Mostly fluff with a little side of emotional hurt/comfort. Enjoy!
Remember this, the shadows used to hum as Azriel held the entire world in his hand. 
Not that he needed their heeding. After all, how could he forget how impeccably both Llyr's and little Catrin's heads fit wholly cupped in the heart of his palm? 
A heartwarming, idyllic match. So miraculously perfect. 
Almost as if the Mother herself had measured his hand's span. Both of the two wriggling babes a wonderfully complicated compliment into his life—just like their mother. 
He'd never forget his first time like this. Seeing them nestled in his hold, was against a background of fuzzy snow-white whirls. The backdrop of a blanket between them.
For a while, he had been nervous to hold them like that soft to marred skin. Worried how the roughness of him would feel against such tender flesh and featherlight wisps of hair. So when he'd often hold them at night when they were newborns, he would with a blanket between them.
And it wasn't until Gwyn had caught him one night, finally realizing what he was doing, that she calmly, gently told him, Remove the barrier, my love. 
Barrier. The word tolled through him like a clear bell of challenge. 
Barrier. It had been years since he'd allowed any between himself and his beloved mate, his friends—or around his hands. He loved the feeling of Gwyn's palm and fingers, now strong and roughened from years of training, against his own. He found comfort and clarity in her touch. Renewed vitality and strength.
And wouldn't his children gain the same?
Fear, uncertainty, were the ultimate hurdle. But eventually, with deep breaths and the shadows and Gwyn's loving support and gentle coaxing, he had held them. One at a time, their tiny, precious heads in his palm, the weight of them in his arms a joy he still couldn't comprehend.
Gods, they had been soft. They'd been so wondrously soft. Like his shadows whispering over him. Like fate and love and magic given form.
The sweet image of their small heads nestled in the center of his palm as he cradled them was imprinted on his soul, imparted with a promise. 
A promise he thought about every time he glanced at his hand. 
While Gwyn fretted and assessed the twins' lives in reaching milestones, Azriel measured the passing of time by his hand.
The once perfect fit was long gone, Llyr and Catrin not even needing the extra support of it anymore, each of them able to hold themselves, sit on their own. Their inquisitive son was even starting to pull himself up on furniture. 
Catrin was getting there, but she seemed content to allow her brother and others to bring things to her. Which still worried Gwyn, though their family did their best to allay her ruminating.
Don't worry, Berdara. My father often said how late I was at walking—until I saw something I wanted. Catrin is just willfully stubborn, just like her mother. Gwyn had stuck her tongue out at Nesta for that. But, her Valkyrie-sister continued, when she finally sees something she really wants, that little Valkyrie is going to run, not walk. And then you will beg the Mother for her to sit still again. 
And Azriel had little doubt about Nesta's claim. 
Even now in sleep, her ever-growing wings splayed beneath her, spread out as wide as her arms, her forehead was puckered as if she was scheming. Her small rosebud lips with the perfect bow were parted on soft puffed breaths, little snores that reminded him so much of watching Gwyn sleep. Though with her onyx hair, he could only imagine she was the spitting image of her namesake. Apart from her wings and the wavy ringlets in her hair, the little girl was most definitely a Berdara. 
He peered over at the other crib. His son, even with his porcelain skin and copper coloring, was Azriel through and through. A quiet boy, always content to assess a situation before trying. And Azriel swore Llyr was paying close attention to the shadows more now than ever, enough to make the Shadowsinger wonder.
Catrin's pitiful whimper called his attention.
It was a nightly ritual now whenever he was home—when nightmares dragged him from the little sleep his body called for—to check on his family as they slept. 
Safe, Singer. 
Safe. All of them were safe. No demons from his past or enemies of his present were here.
And that had been that promise the first time he'd held them with no barrier between them.
His children would never know the true reality of cold. Never know the bite of shackles on their wrists or ankles. They'd never long for comfort. 
They'd never question if they were loved.
Their safety would always be assured.
Safe to sleep. Safe to dream. Safe to love.
They'd have everything he didn't have. And he'd make sure of it with his last breath.
That was his promise.
And yet…
His knuckle gently smoothed over Catrin's forehead, over her chubby cheek. 
Every day, he compared their heads to his hand. Every day it sunk in that they were bigger, no longer fitting to the dimension. They were growing up. Every day was another day closer to—
Arms circled him from behind, and he stretched his wings aside as a pointy chin rested on his bare left shoulder. He sighed into her, loving to be surrounded by her softness and her scent.
"You all right?" Gwyn asked.
"Yes." He swallowed thickly. "Couldn't sleep. And you?"
"Nightmare," she sighed. His arm encircled her as he kissed her temple. Her soft chuckle caught him off guard. "Just look at them. They're getting so big." 
His throat bobbed, his fingertips and shadows grazing over the peach fuzz of the babe's cheek again. "They are. It seems they are doing new things each day. It's truly remarkable."
"It is. And yet…it worries me."
"Gwyneth Berdara, worried? No. I can't believe such a thing," he teased, earning a little playful nip to his shoulder.
"The more they move, the farther they go, the more dangers await. Cauldron, the House of Wind is built on top of a godsdamn mountain. It suddenly feels like a death trap. I shouldn't even dare blink when they're awake."
"The House won't let anything happen to them, love. Neither will we."
"Still, I'd feel better if we need to take precautions. Be proactive. Cover corners, secure doors and knobs. Gates around the stairs and fencing off the training ring." She eyed him. "How would you feel about covering the tips of your wings?"
Azriel snorted. "Gwyn, I love you and your creative mind, but there's no way in hell. Illyrians have had babies forever and I haven't read one single instance of eyes getting poked out by wing tips."
"If you insist." She exhaled, her eyes taking in the dozing girl in the crib. The shadowsinger tightened his hold on his mate. "Does it…does it make you a little sad, too?"
His lips twitched. His clever copper-headed wife always saw straight through to the heart of the matter. "It does."
"I don't know what I'm going to do when they leave to be on their own one day," she confided, her mouth trembling slightly against his collar. "Though I guess it's silly to think about right now, one day they'll be starting their own lives. It'll be up to them. They won't need us."
He kissed her again, tugging her ever closer to him, glancing between their sleeping children. "We'll always be there for them. And it's not silly in the slightest. I am, too. I think perhaps it's the nature of parenthood. The blessing of children comes with the curse of constant worry about what they will face, what the future holds. The perils. The heartache. I just…I don't want them to feel a moment of pain."
And he wouldn't be able to bear it. Because that was the risk of letting down barriers of the heart and soul—it left one vulnerable to the worst heartbreak, the greatest pain imaginable. 
The tactile fear of losing it all after he'd finally allowed himself to feel, to accept.
A panic he used to solely place on Gwyn and now…
"I wish I could relieve your fears and mine, Shadowsinger. But…it's not practical." He peered down at his lovely beauty, falling immediately into the teal orbs staring up through heavy lashes. "Some pain is simply a part of life. The elation and happiness of first loves, families and friendships can't be had without risk. Without having faith. Because you go in knowing that things could end with heartache and loss. I don't imagine the fear will ever abate. But it's worth it to experience love, is it not?"
He didn't take his eyes off of Gwyn, remembering all the times he almost lost her, had seen and felt her pain and dread. How he'd witnessed her drift away from him after the birth of their children. Hell, forget about battle; he'd been more terrified of losing her on the birthing bed—and their twins. 
Yet she was here. Now. They all were.
And he would relive his haunted past over again if it meant he'd end up right here.
Arm still wound around Gwyn, his fingertips left his daughter's brow to tip up his mate's freckled face. He'd memorized it long ago, each freckle as familiar as his own scars. And as he stared down, felt the touch of her skin against his own, without linen or fear between them, he dipped his face down and pressed a tender kiss to her lips.
Every kiss was a blessing. 
Every touch was a miracle. 
Every fear was worth living. 
The love for his family was worth everything. A love he would hold forever in his heart and carried in the palm of his hand.
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