#my friend told me to go to bed and just do two prompts tomorrow but i couldnt sleep until i wrote this WhOops
Prompt 43
Geralt will never admit it, but he loves when he dreams. It's soft, and weak, and bordering on psychotic, and yet the dreams are the best thing to ever happen to him. It all started when he opened his eyes to find himself in a field of buttercups and dandelions, with a man stood in the middle, playing a tune on his lute. He was a young man, looked to be barely a man, in all honesty. He introduced himself as Jaskier and pestered Geralt the entire dream until he finally woke up. But every time he dreamt, he dreamt of Jaskier again, until he began to look forward to it, every night. It must be some sort of sick lucid dreaming, given that Jaskier also began to grow closer affections to Geralt. Geralt was quite good at dreaming if you ask him. Over the years, he imagined Jaskier differently. He grew into himself more. Looked more 'complete' in a way. More confident. Jaskier begins getting more and more affectionate, until one night he kisses Geralt. They do a lot more kissing from then on. They fuck, and cuddle, and Jaskier plays with Geralt's hair, and sings him songs, and they kiss, and laugh, and talk, and it's all in their sunny paradise. Geralt appreciates the relieve from the cruel realities of world every night. He thinks it must be a bad trait for a witcher, but he watches Jaskier laugh at his own joke for the fourth time that hour and realizes he doesn't really care if it makes him a worse witcher. It isn't until the night Jaskier mutters "Oh Geralt, how I wish you were real." that Geralt realizes their dreams might not be as fake as they had both apparently assumed.
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bbokicidal · 1 month
"Are you serious...?" - Angst! [Hyung Line SKZ]
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Notes : These are all obviously fictional situations, the red flags are just based off of habits we know they have (like Chan's need to be needed, Changbin being blunt/honest.) This post isn't me saying I think they have these red flags, it's just a fun angsty prompt I wrote down. If you don't like it, scroll and don't read.
If people like this - a maknae line will be written! If not, prolly not lol.
Warnings : Angst with no comfort, red flag behavior - some of these aren't even that bad or could be misunderstandings but still.
Maknae Line | "Good Luck, Babe." Part Two!! Here!
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BangChan - Brushing off/Having the wrong priorities
One time, it was him forgetting a dinner date - the next, he was staying at the studio late when he was supposed to be meeting your parents for the first time. You let it slide because ultimately you understood that his job took up a lot of his time, and honestly? It wasn't easy to forget about but he had a tendency to take care of you and make up with it by quick gestures before he left the apartment or when he came home; Soft back hugs, quick cuddles before he fell asleep, or kisses in passing. Lately, however, he's been slacking. He'd begun to shrug you off any time you'd touched his arm or hand, nudging you away while he typed on his laptop. He'd tip his head away from yours while laying in bed together or he'd sit further away on the dressing room sofa.
The tipping point was when he was getting ready to go on stage and was standing in wait for the others to be ready. There was still five minutes and Chris looked a bit jittery, so you figured a quick hug or kiss would help ease his nerves. However as soon as you approach and reach to touch his arms, he steps back and keeps his eyes trained on his phone. You reach again, hesitant, and his brow furrows as he maneuvers to the side to get away. "Don't touch me."
Your lips pop apart in surprise. "...Are you serious?"
He looks over, eyes briefly wandering your face before he reaches to fix his in-ear and walks away to the door, disappearing around the corner and leaving you standing there alone. Even the soft touch of Felix's hand on your back as he passed by was warmer than anything you'd felt from Chris in the last two months.
Lee Know - Keeping secrets / Prioritizing Privacy within himself
Minho had a very, very bad habit of not telling you things. In this instance; That he was leaving for tour in two days.
A world. fucking. tour. The only reason you didn't know about it was because you hadn't been out of your home in the last few weeks unless it was for a quick coffee at the cafe or to grab lunch with a friend. Work was heavy during this time of year and as someone who worked remotely, you often spent grueling hours in your office on your computer - hunched, tired, head pounding and back sore.
So you would think that when you entered your bedroom one evening after just finishing up sorting files in your office, you'd be happy to see your boyfriend already there. And you were for a moment, until you realized he was packing three rather large suitcases full of his clothes and necessities. He looks to you, then away, wordless.
"Are.. you.. moving out, or something?" You breathe in a laugh, eyes wandering over Minho as he folds a t-shirt and tucks it into his suitcase with the others.
"No. I have to bring all of my luggage to the company building tomorrow so they can have it at the airport when we leave for Australia."
"Australia?" Your brows quirk. "When -- Why --"
"Tour." He stops his movements to stare over at you, a hint of irritation evident on his face. "We're going on tour for six months."
"Six--" You breathe out, eyes widening. "Six months. And you didn't think to tell me?"
Minho moves to drop a pair of pants in his suitcase. "I would've told you if you could handle the news, maybe. Every time I mention leaving all you do is whine and pout about how long I'll be gone."
"I get upset, yes, what girlfriend wouldn't be upset that her boyfriend is leaving for a week or two? But six months, Minho, I --"
"Don't start." He all but huffs out the words, shutting you up immediately. Minho turns away to continue folding items of clothing on the shared bed and as you watch him do so, you stand and have to wonder if you want to be there when he returns home from the tour.
Changbin - Not knowing the difference between being rude and being blunt
He didn't seem to understand when to stop. Changbin had a tendency to be honest, sometimes to a fault, though you never seemed to complain about it because most of the time it wasn't a big deal. He called Jeongin out for saying the wrong word when singing, or blatantly threw people under the bus when a joke was taken too far.
And he was like that with you, too. He would be honest with you when you asked his opinion of something - was the shirt unflattering? Were you being too loud? Was your makeup bad today?
He'd lay it on you point blank. Yes, the shirt fit a little weird. Yes, you were being a bit loud in his ear. And yes, your eyeliner was going in two different directions. Criticism that was asked for. But when it wasn't asked for? Oh.
"What is your problem?" He bites as he follows you down the hallway to your bedroom. "We have ten minutes, just wear the damn dress and put your shoes on. We have to go."
Your huffs mix with stifled sobs as you rip open your dresser drawer and dig for other options, hands shaking and eyes teary. "You just told me the dress looks ugly, Changbin. I'm not wearing it out if you don't like it--!"
"What does it matter if i don't like it? It's your body, wear what you want!"
"You're my boyfriend!" You retaliate, frustrated. "I want to look nice for you and -- for the group, and I want you to like what I wear, obviously!"
Changbin lets his eyes roll before he turns out of the bedroom doorway and down the hall. You pause to watch him go, listening as he bites about how he doesn't have time for this and needs to leave for the group dinner. You stand in front of your dresser in shock as the door to your apartment slams shut, leaving you in silence and all on your own.
Hyunjin - Being too cocky / Making you feel inferior
It hadn't happened before now, and you weren't sure why it happened at all. But it did.
You'd approached to gently hold onto your boyfriend's arm as he talked to an older idol - someone he looked up to and had just done a collaboration video with. You'd only come up to tell him that the food was delivered and he could have dinner before his stage, but the look he gave you when he finally turned his head was .... wild.
No words were needed. The way his eyes directed to the side you stood at before falling as if looking you over and then immediately looking away; The way the smirk on his lips only widened and his tongue pushed at his canines as he redirected his gaze elsewhere. The soft scoff that left his lips. The way his arm slipped away from your hold in clear nuance that he didn't want you touching him.
It made you feel like less. Like he was pretending he didn't know you - Like he wanted you to bug off and disappear from his line of sight.
Hyunjin had a tendency to put on a confident, bold persona when he was on stage and at first you thought maybe that was why he was acting this way. It was lingering in his body from the dance video he'd just filmed with the other idol and eventually, it would wear off.
But as he turned from you and lifted a hand to fix his hair, he talks to the other as if you're not even there at all. And you have to wonder if it's a persona for the video, or a side of him you had just experienced for the first time. Now you could only hope it wouldn't happen again.
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ladamedusoif · 3 months
El Mar (The Sea)
Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader - Part of the Summer Lovin' 24 Fic Event
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Prompt: By The Sea #1
Word count: 6.4k (this got out of hand)
Content Notes and Warnings: Explicit; 18+ MDNI; set after the events of TUWOMT; we can assume things just didn’t work out with Gabriela because in this house we love her; no physical description of Reader beyond her clothes; references to implied infidelity (not involving Javi or Reader); references to alcohol consumption; Reader understands at least some Spanish; Reader can swim; likely errors about yachts and how they work because I have never been on one; some angst but so much softness; friends to lovers; oral sex (f receiving); mutual masturbation; safe PiV sex; did I mention the softness
A/N: For @pedgito, @amanitacowboy, and @chaotic-mystery's wonderful Summer Lovin’ fic challenge event, with love and SO MANY apologies for how goddamned late this is. (This is what happens when you are an overthinker and a perfectionist).
And huge love and thanks to @doscharolastras for being such a supportive beta for this, and for everything.
(header by @pedgito and divider by @cafekitsune)
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“You’re a great guy, Javi, truly.” Etta hastily rolls up a couple of her light slip dresses and pushes them into her Longchamp weekend bag. “But it’s over. I hope you find someone who’ll make you happy, who’ll love what you love, who’ll love you for you. I mean that.”
Her eyes scan the room for any belongings she might have left behind, but purposefully avoid the perplexed face of her boyfriend of almost a year. Javi Gutierrez is still struggling to make sense of it all. One minute he was kissing Etta on the cheek, leaving her on a sunlounger by the hotel pool while he went for a stroll along the Croisette, keen to soak up the atmosphere of the Cannes Film Festival. The next, he was standing in their comfortable hotel suite, watching his girlfriend packing her bags.
”Etta, amor, please wait. Please. We…we are going on the yacht tomorrow, remember? A week on the Mediterranean, just you and me.” He wrings his hands, helpless. “Maybe it is just what we need, no? Time together, time to see how we can save what we have.” Javi’s dark brown eyes sparkle with a mixture of hope and heartbreak. 
She exhales and zips her bag, slipping it over the handle of her large suitcase. “Is this even worth saving, Javi? Seriously?”
Javi, blindsided, is lost for words. All he can do is repeat her name, over and over, pleading, disbelieving, as Etta gives him a chaste little kiss on the cheek and leaves the room.
Later, lying on the bed in the dark, staring at the ceiling, Javi realises that in all her hasty explanations and excuses, she never once looked him in the eye.
You smiled when you opened the file with details of the client for the next week. Javi Gutierrez was a regular, usually hiring a yacht at least once a summer for a week or two of sailing around the Med. You took a certain satisfaction in the fact that he always requested that you be his chief stew (short for chief steward; in non-yacht speak, the person responsible for managing everything from dinners to room requests to on-board entertainment). 
He told you why, once. “You are…what is the term? Unbothered? It does not matter who is on the yacht, how famous or not, you are wonderful to everyone.”
You chuckled. “People are people. My job is to make sure you all have a perfect holiday.”
You suspected that Javi was thinking of the time when, on his first trip, you had somehow managed to transform a stateroom into a dojo at very short notice - and had not batted an eyelid when it became clear that it was a special request for Nicolas Cage. 
You knew you were nursing a little crush on him, there was no doubt. But that’s all it was - a little crush, harmless, inconsequential. After all, anyone would end up with a little crush on Javi Gutierrez if they met him. 
This year, Javi had hired a yacht and plotted an itinerary that would pick him up in Cannes, after the film festival, and travel across the Mediterranean to its final destination: his home in Majorca, docking in Palma. The reservation was for two guests. You arched an eyebrow, swiping down to the section of the form marked “Special Requests”.
”Mr Gutierrez and his guest (Etta Balbay, actor, model) will be celebrating their first anniversary as a couple on this trip. Please arrange for flowers and champagne in the stateroom, and intimate meals and atmosphere.”
Javi generally kept the details of his personal life close to his chest, though you knew that it had been a while since he’d had a serious relationship. You smiled as you opened up your go-to contact list for florists in Cannes, heart gladdened that this kind, funny man had finally found someone to love.
Javi can’t remember how long he’s been lying on the bed, fully clothed. He must have slept for a while, he thinks - the light creeping through the drapes is bright and fresh, suggesting early morning. He reaches for his phone. Seven AM. 
He had tried calling Etta a few times in the hours after she left, but the calls went unanswered. Eventually, he got a voice note from her.
“Javi, sweetheart, I think it’s best for both of us if we just do no contact for a while. I’ll make arrangements with your people to get my things from your place in LA.”
He listens to it again and flops back onto the bed. 
He’s woken the next time by the hotel room phone, ringing furiously. He looks at his wristwatch, this time. 
Eight thirty. 
“Hola, hello?” Javi’s voice is heavy and groggy.
“Javi?” Pablo, his assistant, sounds frantic on the other end of the line. “I’ve been trying to reach you! Did you two forget about the early departure?”
Javi rubs his face and runs his fingers through his curls. “Early departure?”
“The yacht, Javi. You’d arranged to leave at eight, remember?”
The fucking yacht. He’d completely forgotten. 
Pablo’s impatience hangs in the air. “What do you want me to do, Javi? I’m at the marina now, they called me when you didn’t show up.”
Javi would really rather curl up under his duvet and sleep for a thousand years. But he also really wants to go home. And maybe a week at sea will clear his head.
“Uh, tell them I am very sorry, I overslept… I will be there in half an hour, okay?”
Pablo sighs. “Sure.”
In Javi’s frantic state, he neglects to tell Pablo he is travelling solo. And his frazzled assistant doesn’t notice that his boss has used first person singular “I”, not “we”.
At the marina, Pablo exhales and slips his phone in his pocket. “He’s really sorry, he overslept, but he’s en route. That okay with you guys?”
You nod. “I’ll let the captain know, as he might want to replot the course depending on weather, but that’ll be fine. Mr Gutierrez knows where we are?”
Pablo sighs, again, and whips out his phone, tapping rapidly. “He does now.”
You smile and straighten your blouse when you see the black car pulling up at the end of the jetty, waiting for the familiar figure to emerge. Javi, typically, insists on helping the driver with his luggage as he makes his way to the boat. 
“Mr. Gutierrez, welcome back! A pleasure to host you, as always, and I’m looking forward to meeting Ms Balbay, of course…” You scan the jetty, wondering where Javi’s guest is. 
Javi’s face falls and he takes off his wayfarer sunglasses. “I am afraid that Etta…Ms Balbay will not be joining me on this trip, after all. We are no longer together.”
His eyes, usually so bright and warm, are filled with sadness. He looks exhausted. 
“Oh, well… that’s absolutely fine, Mr Gutierrez. Let me take your bag, please.” You turn on your best, brightest smile. Professional, always, to the last. 
He offers a slight smile in reply and follows you on board the yacht. “If you do not mind, please call me Javi? I know you like to be professional, but…we know each other so well now, no?”
You gesture towards the main living area and Javi enters, taking a seat on one of the large, comfortable couches built into the room. 
“Of course, Mr Gut- I mean, of course, Javi. I’ll bring this to your stateroom - would you like some refreshments? Coffee, maybe?”
He nods, slowly, and you head towards the staterooms, making a mental note to tell the on-board chef that he would be cooking for one, not two, and that -
Oh, shit. 
The stateroom has, per Javi’s original request, been decorated with a beautiful, tasteful floral arrangement. You had freshly opened a bottle of Perrier-Jouet champagne just prior to Javi’s scheduled arrival time, and it stands in an ice bucket alongside two vintage champagne coupes. And in front, an elegant, hand-written card wishes the now-defunct couple a happy anniversary. 
Shit. At least you’d got here first. Swiftly, you move to remove any trace of the special additions before he sees them, hoping to spare his feelings. Frantically, you search for the champagne cork - a futile exercise, seeing as you’d never manage to squish it back into the neck of the bottle, but you keep trying to find it.
”If I could at least save this…”, you mutter to yourself, holding the dark green bottle as your eyes scan the stateroom.
”Is it even worth saving?”
Javi stands just inside the door, a sad half-smile on his face. 
“Oh, Javi, I’m sorry, I was just -“
He shakes his head, his curls noticeably mussed and unattended to this morning. “Please, no apologies necessary. You were not to know. But thank you for thinking to tidy…this away.” He points at the champagne. “Please. You take it.”
He won’t hear your protestations, your insistence that you cannot drink on duty and won’t have enough time to enjoy the vintage champagne either way. When he finally accepts the bottle, he has one condition.
”You must come and have a glass with me on the deck this evening. Please? We can talk about the festival. You like film, don’t you?”
“Like” was an understatement. You adore cinema. And, as you nod your head, you think to yourself how nice it was that Javi remembered your passion for it. 
“Well…okay. But one glass and one glass only for me. I have a ship to run, after all. And now, Javi, I’ll leave you to get unpacked while I check with chef about lunch.”
Javi offers a sweet, semi-formal little bow as you leave the room.
You held fast to your limit of one glass of champagne. Javi did not. 
As he retired to the stateroom that night, a little the worse for wear, he thought about Etta, about whether there had been signs that something was wrong, whether he had misread the extent of her commitment to him. 
She had seemed…different, the last few months. Nothing major, just - a little distant. She put it down to work, juggling some minor acting gigs with modelling, and with the strain of spending most of her time many thousands of miles from Javi. That’s why he’d invited her to Cannes, planned the yacht trip. Time together, away from the demands of their careers. 
He’s haunted by her words, her wish that he would find someone who “loved you for you.” What did that mean?
He’d started to speak to you about her, sitting in comfortable seats on the deck as the sun set, his tongue loosened by the champagne. You were typically comforting, kindly suggesting that maybe Etta might just need space, that this might not be the end. 
It would be tempting to believe that, Javi muses, as he brushes his teeth. He spits out his toothpaste and reaches for the mouthwash, studying his features in the bathroom mirror. He searches his eyes, as if seeking some hint that hope was an option, that something could be salvaged from the wreckage.
Try as Javi might, he saw only exhaustion. Deep down, even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, he knew that Etta was never coming back.
After a couple of days at sea, Javi seemed a little brighter. He read, he sunbathed, he wandered amiably around the yacht chatting to you and the other two members of the tiny crew: Tony, the taciturn chef who was desperately homesick for his wife and new baby and spent every free moment on video calls with them; Andres, the ship’s engineer; and Vico, the captain. He asks you, shyly, if you would mind sharing lunch and dinner with him. 
“For company,” he explains. “And you are such good company.” 
Technically, you probably shouldn’t do it. But he’s on his own, and his girlfriend has left him, and so you take your main meals together each day. You talk about cinema, about travel; you tell him about the history of some of the places you can see from the deck of the yacht; he thanks you every time for being so kind and generous with your time.
”All part of the service,” you say. But in truth, he’s very good company too.
You see him deep in conversation with Vico one morning, over a simple breakfast of tostadas with sliced tomato and olive oil. He beams when he sees you approaching. A couple of days of sun and sea air has deepened his tan, brought his freckles to the fore, and picked out lighter strands in his hair. The loose blue linen shirt and white pants he’s wearing enhance his golden aura.
”We are going to make a little stop today, to swim,” he explains, glancing up at the bright sky. “It’s so beautiful, but oof, I need to cool down.” He mimes fanning himself, eyes rolling dramatically, and you laugh.
”Perfect. Let me know a likely time and I can reschedule lunch or dinner.”
As you walk back into the bowels of the yacht, you hear Javi calling you and turn to see him trying to catch up with you. 
“Everything okay?”
”Sí, sí.” He catches his breath and smiles that bright smile again. 
Yep, you still have a little crush on him.
”I was going to ask… would you like to join me? You have been working so hard, and it’s so hot, think of the cool water!”
He gestures with his broad hand towards the glittering blue of the Mediterranean, like a salesman making his pitch. 
It is tempting. You are somewhat used to the summers on the boat, but you still find your blouse damp and clinging to you by the end of the day, your body crying out for a cool shower. 
But he is a guest, and you are the chief stew.
”I’m not sure if I can, unfortunately - I am at work, after all…”
Javi looks crestfallen, dark eyes at their most puppyish. “Could it be a break? You break for lunch, no?”
Javi Gutierrez, you’re a hard man to say no to.
”Yes, I do, but…”
Those puppy eyes work their magic. A couple of hours later, you find yourself in the dark green swimsuit you had packed for this job, just in case it was needed, standing on the deck beside Javi. You realise, with a jolt, that you’ve been checking him out - though it’s hard not to. He’s still wearing his blue shirt, but a couple more buttons are undone now, exposing the breadth of his tanned chest. The white pants have been replaced by a pair of tight navy swim shorts that highlight his strong legs and leave very little to the imagination.
You avert your eyes and blame the heat in your face on the bright sun.
He peels off his shirt and you feel yourself heating up even more. “Ready?”
“Javi, you go first. I’m… I need to get up the courage.”
He raises his eyebrows and extends a hand towards you. It takes you a moment to realise he means for you to take it. 
“Come. We will jump together, sí?”
“If I drown, this is your fault.”
He laughs, then turns somber. “I will take care of you.” 
He means that. 
You grip Javi’s big, strong hand securely. 
“Okay. Uno, dos, tres…”
You shriek with joy as you leap into the unknown, Javi still holding your hand. The cool water of the Mediterranean shocks your system as the two of you are submerged, rapidly rising again to the surface. 
His smile is as bright and warm as the sun itself when he reappears from under the water, hair slicked back by the waves. Javi looks born to the sea, confidently treading water as you compose yourself. 
“Es bueno, sí?”
You nod, still working through the shock of the cooler water, and a huge smile creeps across your face. “It’s incredible. I didn’t realise how much I needed that.”
He laughs and lies back on the water, languidly kicking about to maintain his position, before turning smoothly round and starting to swim. Javi cuts through the water with ease, long arms and broad torso moving smoothly, sun glittering off the droplets that cover his shoulders. 
He dips down into the water in a seal-like dive, feet kicking above the surface before he reappears and grins in your direction. 
It is, you realise, the first moment on this trip that he has really seemed like himself.
He does not emerge after he goes to his stateroom to shower and change. When he doesn’t appear for dinner, you knock on his door.
”Javi? Dinner’s ready, if you are hungry?”
No reply.
His voice comes through, low and sad. 
“I will take dinner in my room this evening, if that is okay.”
”Of course. I’ll prepare a tray.”
You eat with Tony and Vico that night, enjoying the tagine Tony has had simmering away for most of the day but wondering what, exactly, had served to put an end to Javi’s sunny mood. Was it you, too familiar, too comfortable with the guest? Had you unsettled him? 
The logical part of your brain would remind you that it was Javi who asked you to come swimming with him, who had sought your company throughout. But in your panicked state, you could only think that you had crossed some unseen line and upset him.
As you nestle into your little bunk that night, you spend a few minutes scrolling mindlessly on Instagram. A suggested post from a celebrity gossip page catches your eye. 
Your stomach lurched as you swiped through the pictures. There was Etta Balbay, walking hand in hand in New York with her co-star on her most recent movie when she was supposed to have been here, on this yacht, with Javi. Her boyfriend.
”Oh, fuck.” 
The tagine was delicious, but Javi’s appetite was not up to much and his portion went largely untouched. He felt a little guilty, and made a mental note to apologise to Tony tomorrow.
He had been curled up in bed for most of the evening, ever since he’d checked his phone after the swimming pit stop and seen the pictures. Etta, looking very cosy with the lead guy from a film she’d had a minor role in. Etta, casually kissing that guy’s cheek in public, like she hadn’t just walked out on a relationship of almost a year. Etta, laughing a little too uproariously to be natural, hand resting on Jon Marcuso’s arm, in the middle of Manhattan.
”You are a fool, Javi Gutierrez.” He turns over and presses his face into the pillow, emitting a low, pained whine.
Another knock at the door. He swears under his breath and tries to decide whether to ignore it. He’d left his dinner tray at the door; you couldn’t possibly need anything else. 
There’s no second knock, just the sound of paper slipping under his stateroom door and soft footsteps receding. Javi allows a couple of minutes to pass before he climbs out of bed and gingerly picks up the note. He recognises your handwriting.
In case you wanted a late night snack. I have arranged with Tony for breakfast to be brought to your room at the usual time tomorrow. Good night, Javi.
He opens the door. A small, round tray sits on the plush carpet, bearing a small jug of tinto de verano, some cold cuts and slices of cheese, and a little plate of old-fashioned cookies. He shakes his head as he remembers a voyage a couple of years before, when he’d made up some of the beverage - a cooling mixture of Spanish red wine and cloudy lemonade - for his guests and the entire crew, you included.
He picks up the tray and carries it into his room, placing it on his bed and taking a deep draught of the summer wine. It feels like comfort itself, refreshing and sweet and kind. 
It was exactly what he needed. And you had remembered.
Javi reemerges just before lunch the next day, making a beeline for you as you oversee preparations with Tony. He gestures for you to join him outside on deck.
”I would like to apologise. For yesterday. And to thank you, of course. You… obviously worked out what was wrong.”
You swat away his apology and his thanks, reassuring him that it was all part of the service. “I did see the, um, photos from New York. I’m so sorry, Javi.”
He shrugs. “I feel like a fool. But at least I know for sure, now.”
”The only foolish one is her.” You clap your palm over your mouth, aware you might have gone too far. “Oh, I’m sorry, Javi, I shouldn’t have said that.”
He chuckles lightly and shakes his head. “It’s good to know someone thinks that highly of me. And that they remember how to make tinto de verano.” With a wink, he pops on his sunglasses and heads with his book in the direction of a deckchair.
”Need anything from the shops?”
On the morning of the penultimate day on board, Tony stands at the door to your tiny office, dressed in his street clothes and holding a couple of cotton tote bags. You raise your eyebrows in surprise.
He nods. “Javi and me are going to take the motorboat and call into that little fishing village near the cove, get a few things for tonight’s barbecue. I keep telling him we’ve got supplies but he seems dead set on making stuff for us, as a thank you.” 
A final night barbecue on the beach was a typical feature of the itineraries offered by the company you worked for, the yacht dropping anchor near a quiet cove and guests ferried to the shore in the on-board motorboat. You usually stayed on the yacht for these events, helping to sort out the food and supplies but leaving the guests and their chef to enjoy the evening. 
Javi, however, wanted the party to be as much for the crew as for himself. As evening falls over the Mediterranean he stands commandingly over the grill set up on the white sands, his red and green-patterned shirt standing out against the blue of the sky and sea. He refuses to let Tony do any work, shooing him back to his deckchair with a cold beer whenever he threatens to help out. Instead, you act as his sous-chef, setting out large bowls of salad and platters of cheeses and slicing impossibly fresh, crusty bread. 
“They smell incredible, Javi.” 
He smiles proudly as he turns the enormous langoustines on the grill. “I wanted to cook for you all, as a thank you. You have been so kind to me this week.” He shifts his attention to the potatoes baking on the coals, then looks up at you, eyes soft. “But then, you are always so very kind to me, when we travel together.”
You take a sip of your mug of tinto de verano and hope it will cool the ardour burning in your face. “It’s easy when you are travelling with your favourite guest.”
Javi flushes a little and looks down at the grill. “I mean it. This week, especially… it has been just what I needed, and you…”
The moment is interrupted by Tony, running in your direction with his phone in hand. His wife and tiny baby are visible on the screen, albeit somewhat pixelated. You and Javi wave enthusiastically as Tony holds the phone at arm’s length, attempting to get everyone in shot. Even Vico cracks a little smile as he takes a swig from his beer.
”I’ve never met anyone so homesick. Tony might need to rethink his career and stick to dry land.”
Javi lifts the fish from the grill and fills a large platter with the beautifully-charred food. “It must be wonderful to have someone to be so homesick for, no?”
It was a perfect night. The food, the drink, the company, the setting: all picture-perfect. Javi toasted the crew ten times over, Vico revealed a surprisingly strong singing voice as he performed mournful Sicilian melodies, and Tony began a makeshift disco with music blaring from his phone’s tinny speaker. Everyone danced together in turn, and you fell into Javi’s arms just as the song changed to Françoise Hardy’s “Le temps de l’amour”. 
On the ride back to the yacht, you wondered why, exactly, the world seemed to fall away when he spun you on the sand, pulled you to him in hold, swayed with you to the music, as if you were the only two people on earth. It’s just a crush, you reminded yourself. You’ve been together for a week, it’s natural to feel close. And he’s just had his heart broken.
Tony and Vico head to their bunks as soon as you get on board, keen to get a solid night in before the next day’s final stage to Palma. You walk with Javi down the narrow corridor that leads to your small cabin and his stateroom, talking companionably about the evening and joking about Tony’s dance moves, until you reach the door to your cabin.
”Well, this is me. Thank you, so much. It was magical. And you need to give me that recipe for the langoustines!”
He smiles that half smile, soft curls falling over his brow and eyes the colour of melted chocolate glittering in the low lighting. His voice is warm and low. “I meant what I said. I did not know how much I needed this time, how special you would make it for me.”
Before you can respond, Javi leans in and kisses you, soft and slow. A gasp of surprise catches in your throat but you cannot help but kiss him back, hands winding through his hair as he pulls you tight to him. He tastes of beer and wine and salt and sun, of the sea, of summer.
You moan as he pushes you against the wall, but force yourself to break the embrace. “Javi… I’m sorry. I can’t. We can’t, not with guests, not - oh god, I’m so sorry.”
He tries to disguise his hurt, but his eyes give him away. “No, no. It’s okay, I should not have done that.”
Yes, you should have. But you keep quiet.
You lean in and take his hand. “And maybe this is just a rebound thing, you know? You’ll probably wake tomorrow and be glad it stopped here, that you didn’t go any further with me.”
For a moment, Javi looks like he is about to speak. But he just nods and kisses you on the cheek, wishes you goodnight, and quietly enters his room.
The crew line up on the jetty in Palma the next day, ready to give Javi the traditional goodbye. He has changed into more formal attire, a light blue jacket and cream pants with a light coloured shirt, and his driver quickly carries his luggage to the waiting car as Javi embraces each of you in turn. He hands Tony a little Paddington Bear toy, a gift for the baby waiting for him at home.
You are the last in the lineup, and he kisses your cheeks before pulling you in for a slightly nervous hug. “I meant it,” he whispers in your ear. “Thank you.”
You watch with uncertain feelings as Javi waves a final goodbye. You make a quick return to your quarters to collect your things, call a cab, and get off the yacht. Two weeks of long-overdue leave lay ahead, and you would spend it in a tiny apartment near Palma’s cathedral, exploring the city and enjoying the nearby beaches. It would, you tell yourself as you wait for the taxi, clear your head: of Javi, of those sad, beautiful eyes, and of the memory of a perfect kiss that is replaying on a loop in your mind’s eye.
A voice calls your name, the sound cutting through the crowds meandering through the city’s narrow streets that sunny evening, about a week after you’d left the yacht. At first, you think you must be imagining it - until you turn and see Javi Gutierrez moving towards you through the crowds, somehow looking even more handsome than you remembered in his dark green suit. His eyes widen as he reaches you and takes you in, before kissing you on the cheek.
”Hermosa.” He almost breathes the word as he surveys your long sundress and espadrilles, newly purchased in Palma as a much-needed respite from your usual wardrobe. 
“You are too kind, Javi,” you respond, suddenly conscious of his gaze. “And you are looking rather guapo.”
He grins and nods shyly. “I have been having meetings in the city the last couple of days, staying at our little apartment here.” He gestures to the perfectly-cut suit. “So, I must dress to impress.”
You feel a smile creep across your face, an unconscious sign of how happy just being in his company makes you. 
Javi places a hand on your arm, gently. “Are you free? We could have a drink, perhaps - some food? Unless you do not want to, perhaps you have plans. No, you probably have plans, of course, what am I -“
“Javi? I would love to have a drink with you. Lead the way.”
Over some ice-cold glasses of local vermouth with orange slices, he regales you with stories about his future projects, seeking your thoughts and opinions on the various concepts and scripts he is working on. You talk about the city, about your plans for the rest of your time there, your next voyages.
He orders a second round, as well as a platter of cheese and olives, and you broach the subject. 
“So… how are you doing? After, well, everything.”
Javi pops a green olive in his mouth and chews thoughtfully before spitting out the stone discreetly. “I am okay, I think. Still shocked, perhaps, but a week at sea, then being alone the last few days… Well. It gave me time to reflect, to think about what I want.”
You sip your drink, not wanting to interrupt, and he continues.
”Perhaps I should have noticed that it was not going as well as I thought it was, that we were perhaps not as connected as I believed.” He shrugs. “She told me that she hoped I would find someone who ‘loved me for me’. It seems that she did not love me for me, no?”
His expression is so open, so genuine, that it makes your heart ache as you struggle to imagine how anyone could not love this man for who he was. 
“You deserve that, Javi,” you say quietly, emboldened by the vermouth. “And I don’t think there’s anyone in the world who couldn’t want you for who you are.”
He looks at you with a wry smile, eyes twinkling. “Except for Etta Balbay, of course.” 
You chuckle. “You’ve got me there.” 
He sips his drink before turning back to you, studying your features in silence before speaking a little hesitantly. “I have to tell you something. When I kissed you on the boat - it was not a ‘rebound’ thing, like you said. I…care too much about you for that.”
Your eyes widen as they meet his, warm and earnest. Fuck. He means it. 
Gingerly, you reach to tuck an errant strand of Javi’s honey-brown locks behind his ear, fingers gently caressing the side of his face as you test the waters. He smiles softly, leaning into your touch. 
“I care about you too, Javi. And not just because you’re my favourite guest.”
You lean in before you can second-guess yourself. His lips are as soft and enticing as you remember, the slight bristle of his moustache against your mouth making you sigh happily as you deepen the embrace. He cups your face in his hands as he kisses you, full of want and desire, right there on the café terrace. He leaves you panting when he breaks away, a confused look on his face.
“What about the rule? Not with guests?”
“I’m on holiday, and you’re not a guest now.” You smile knowingly, before leaning in for another kiss. “Would you…like to get out of here? My rented flat is five minutes away.”
He grins, and signals for the bill while you disappear to powder your nose.
You give in to a shared, surprisingly intense desire as soon as the door of the apartment closes behind you. Javi knows exactly how to handle you, guiding you against the wall of the tiny flat and kissing you deeply as he fumbles to undo the buttons on the front of your sundress while you tug off his jacket and unbutton his shirt. He pauses for a moment in the half-light to admire your breasts, cupped by the red lace of your bra, before bringing his mouth to your nipples, sucking each one in turn through the delicate fabric. He moans against you when you unbuckle his belt and undo his pants, slipping your hand inside his black boxer briefs to feel the stiff length of his cock.
He closes his eyes and sighs with pleasure. “Sí. So, so good. Keep going.”
He pulls down the fabric of the bra to expose your tits, grunting and muttering sweet nothings in a hybrid tongue of English and Spanish as he grinds against your palm. With your free hand you reach for his, guiding it under the skirt of your dress and to the apex of your thighs. You gaze into each other’s eyes as he roughly pulls down your panties and slips two thick fingers between your folds, fingertips expertly working your clit. 
“God, I want you, Javi.” You whine with pleasure as you ride his fingers, still stroking his cock. “Want you, want to fuck you so much.”
He groans with need and pulls you to the little bedroom, laying you down on the edge of the bed as he gets to his knees and drags off your red panties before tossing them behind him. His pinky ring glints against your thigh as he parts your legs and looks up at you, admiring your pussy as he prepares to worship. 
“I want you too - so much. Eres tan hermosa,” he murmurs, peppering the delicate skin of your inner thighs with kisses before he places his lips over your wet cunt. He has you bucking and moaning within seconds, sucking your clit over and over, working it with the perfect line of his nose, before slipping his tongue in and out of you until you come, loudly, against his face.
As you ride out your orgasm, you sit up a little and beckon him to you, opening your legs a little wider to accommodate his beautiful body. 
“C’mere, Javi.” You take one of the condoms you bought in the café bathroom out of your purse before pulling down his pants and boxers. It’s difficult not to exclaim in anticipation at the sight of him, so hard and ready for you. 
He’s already nudging against your entrance as you pull the rubber carefully over his cock and line him up to take you. The stretch is slow and intense as Javi pushes inside you, your walls already clenching around him. He squeezes his eyes as he adjusts to the feeling before he starts to rock against your hips.
“Feel good?” You wrap your arms around his broad back as he fucks you, wanting to feel every inch of him inside you. Javi pants and whines with pleasure.
“Incredible. So good, so tight for me.” He picks up the pace a little as he learns what you like and what you can take, hooking an arm under one of your thighs and pressing into the flesh as he fucks you ever deeper and ever harder. “You’re delicious, amor, so perfect - fuck!”
He grunts loudly when he sees you slip your hand between your warm bodies, massaging your swollen clit until you come again, clenching around him. When you open your eyes, he’s gazing down at you, handsome face full of pleasure and desire and a kind of wonder.
“Hi.” He slows the roll of his hips a little, taking you at a more languid pace, and leans in to kiss you. It’s soft and tender, a perfect accompaniment to the more heated passion that led you to the bed and a delicious sensation as you come down from your orgasm.
You savour the taste of yourself on his lips and smile at how utterly gorgeous this man is, hair mussed and falling forward, eyes warm and pussy-drunk and a little grin dancing around his full lips. God, he’s beautiful. 
“Hi, you.”
“Es bueno?”
“Mmmm, sí. So, so good, Javi.” With a gentle nudge of your thighs, you move together to shift positions, riding him slowly and steadily as his broad hands grip your thighs. You arch an eyebrow when he almost seems to giggle at one point, embarrassment immediately flushing over his face. You slow down and pause.
“What’s funny?”
He smiles and shakes his head, cheeks pink. “I - I don’t know. You are so beautiful, this is so good, I feel…”
You lean forward and kiss him, feeling his smile spread against your lips. “You feel…happy?”
He nods, unable to say anything more as you begin to fuck him again with a slow, deep roll of your hips and a huge smile on your face.
He wakes you with tender kisses after a night that involved very little sleep, beard bristling against the bare skin of your neck, your arms, your breasts. The smile that greets you as you blink awake is like your own personal ray of sunshine.
“I hope you don’t mind waking up to me in your bed.” 
You giggle. “Not in the least. I love waking up to you in my bed.”
He grins, rolls over, and spoons you, holding you to him with those strong, tanned arms. He nods to the little side table, where a tray with two cups of coffee sits, before nuzzling against your neck.
“Good! I love waking up in your bed too. And I made coffee.” He stops nuzzling for a moment. “I hope I remembered the way you like it.”
You wriggle over and turn to face him, tracing the outline of his features with the tip of your finger and kissing him gently. “I’m sure you did.”
He smiles. “I meant it yesterday, when I said I care about you. I think I have cared about you for a long time, but…I did not know if you cared about me.”
“I cared - I care - about you, Javi. More than I think I realised. Do you know now?”
Javi nods and kisses your forehead. “Sí.”
Further A/N: My choice of the late, legendary Francoise Hardy's "Le temps de l'amour" for Javi and Reader's dance on the beach was directly inspired by this scene from Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom, which I just adore. Please enjoy, it's so sweet. (Pedro in an Anderson movie when?!)
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
Omg I just got the randomest idea for a smut with Chessy, but would you be able to do a smut where Chessy catches the reader wearing one of her button up shirts with nothing but lingerie underneath and it turns Chessy on?
I love it!!! Omg I was so excited to write this when I first saw it. Chessy would so be turned on with her girlfriend wearing one of her shirts! I forgot to include Sammy in this but just pretend he’s at a friend’s house or something lol. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: ok I know I said the next prompt was Melissa angst and it was, but then got hit with writer’s block so I went to the next prompt which was this one. I’ll try again tomorrow but maybe you can request or send me some Mel angst stories to get some inspiration to my brain, lol.
Face The Consequences
Warnings: it’s basically porn with very little plot, Chessy and reader are horny af, public smut, fluff
Words: 3.47k
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It was summertime and a great week to spend time outside as it’ll be sunny the whole time. So the Parker’s decide to go on a week-long camping trip, Saturday- Saturday.
Chessy immediately invited you over to stay for the entire week to which you immediately got packing and came right over and ran into the Parker’s as they were heading out.
“Oh hey y/n! How are you?” Nick said as soon as he saw you. Chessy introduced you all as the twins kept pestering her about meeting her girlfriend when Chessy told them she was in a relationship. You and Chessy have been going out for about 8 months now and it’s been wonderful.
“Hey Nick, I’m good. How are you?” You replied back.
“Good, we’re just about to head out for the week, camping. Now that the twins are done school. I had a feeling you already knew that though. Chess invited you over for the week?” He says and you nod. He looks and sees Elizabeth, the twins and Chessy walking over. “Well, have fun, and please, stick to her bed.” He says and your cheeks turn red.
“Hey y/n!” Elizabeth says to you.
“Hey Elizabeth.”
Hallie gasps when she sees you. “Y/n! You’re here!” She says excitedly.
“Hey Hal.” You say and you guys high five. “Ya I’m staying over for the week with Cheesy.” You tell them and Chessy comes over to you and she gives you a kiss.
“Hey you.” You tell Chessy with a smile.
“Hey beautiful.” Chessy says back to you and returns a smile of her own.
“Sounds like a fun time. No wonder you asked for the week off.” Elizabeth says. Elizabeth decided to open up her business in California while having a manager in London and she hired you to help her with the business here. Which is how you and Chessy met a year ago as you kept coming over to the house to finish up some work during the busy months for weddings. After you requested the week off, Elizabeth had a feeling why and decided to approve it and just close up for the week.
“Yep, thanks for approving it on short notice btw.” You told her.
“Not a problem. I figured with all the times you bailed me out of a tough moment, you deserve it.” She tells you and she puts the twins bags in the trunk. Chessy goes behind you and puts her arms around your waist and leans her chin on your shoulder.
“Awwww.” The twins tease and you scoff and roll your eyes playfully at them.
“Alright guys, everyone in. You two have fun.” Nick says, then Elizabeth and the twins get in the car. Chessy waves them off and then guides you in the house.
“Alright, what are we going to do first?” You ask Chessy and she turns to face you, cups your cheeks and pulls you in for a long kiss.
“Hmm, I missed you.” She says and you smile.
“Even though I was here yesterday?” You ask her.
“Ya but you were finishing up some work with Elizabeth for most of the day.” She says and you hum. “I feel like I haven’t gotten nearly as much time with you as I want.”
“Well it’s a good thing we got a week to ourselves then.” You tell her and she smiles and kisses you again. You pull back and look at her. “Mind if I take a shower right now? I woke up a little late since I had a hard time falling asleep last night.” You ask her and Chessy pretends to think of an answer.
“I’ll allow it if I can join you.” She says and wiggles her eyebrows and you smile and kiss her cheek.
“Of course, showers are always better with you.” You tell her and you both go upstairs.
You both have a shower, along with Chessy pushing you up against the shower wall and making out with you.
When you get out, Chessy does her thing and then leaves you to do your routine as you have more you like to do after a shower. Chessy goes to make sandwiches for you two for lunch.
You brush and dry your hair, apply moisturiser to your body and then some face cream. You go to your bag and pull out your new red lingerie bra and underwear that you got for this week. You put it on and then you see Chessy’s closet door open and see a bunch of her shirts and you go to her closet. You look at all her clothes in here and you decide to borrow one of her button up shirts. You put it on and it just covers your ass and you do up the buttons but decide to leave a few of them undone for Chessy to see the red lingerie of your bra.
You go downstairs and Chessy is just finishing up the sandwiches. She has her back to you as she’s cutting the sandwiches in two.
“Hey Chess.” You tell her.
“Hey hon. I heated up some leftover chicken breasts for sandwiches for us.” She tells you.
“So that’s what smells great.” You say and she turns around with the plates in her hands and a smile on her face. She sees what you’re wearing and her jaw drops and eyes widen at the sight. You giggle at her reaction and take one of the plates from her. You both go out and sit by the pool to eat and Chessy keeps looking over at you. She thinks you look beautiful with one of her shirts on and she knows you left a few buttons undone so she can see your red bra. “See something you like?” You tease her when you catch her staring at you for like the tenth time in 3 minutes.
“Oh you know I do.” She says, a little breathy and you smile. She’s turned on and you know it. You both finish up your sandwiches and then you bring the plates in and Chessy puts them in the sink.
She then turns around and pushes you against the counter and kisses you hard. You moan into the kiss and Chessy moves to your neck and sucks on it. You gasp as she unclips your bra even with you still wearing her shirt.
“I love the new lingerie and my shirt on you btw.” She tells you and you smile. “But at the moment it’s in the way of what I want.” She tells you and undos the buttons on the shirt. She leaves her shirt on you but has it open all the way and moves your bra down so she can put a nipple in her mouth. You gasp and put your hands in her hair. Your hands run into her classes that are propped up on her head and you take them off of her and put them on. She pulls back as soon as she feels her glasses move and looks at you with them on.
“Wow, I can see out of these.” You say as you look at her.
“That’s because they’re reading glasses you dork.” She says. “Although I’ll admit that you look sexy with them on.” She tells you and you smile.
“Oh ya? Well what if I do this?” You tell her and you bend your head down and slide the glasses down to the tip of your nose and look at her. Her breath hitched and she picked you up and placed you on the counter.
“You're so sexy.” She says and spreads your legs. “And all mine.” She tells you and all the wetness from your mouth goes right to your core. She kisses up your thighs and slides your underwear off. She yanks you forward a bit from your legs and you fall back and you’re leaning on your forearms and looking at her.
“I feel a little underdressed right now. What gives?” You tell her as she still has all her clothes on. She looks at you and smiles. She knows you love looking at her boobs as you love the size of them, so she takes her tank top and bra off and you hum at the sight.
“Much.” You say and she leans down, hooks her arms around your thighs and connects her mouth to your clit. You gasp out at the sensation of her hot wet tongue on your sensitive clit. She knows all the ways to make you feel good and you know you won’t last long with the speed and intensity she’s going at. About a minute later she slips two fingers in your entrance and you cry out.
Chessy can see that your arms are shaking but you want to see her the whole time so she pulls her mouth away and replaces it with her thumb. Then with her left hand, she pulls you up and holds you up with her hand on your back. She then kisses you and you put your hands on her boobs and she moans.
You’re very close and the sensation is intense, you put your hands on her back and pull her closer to you as your legs start shaking.
“Come when you want beautiful.” Chessy tells you and seconds after she says that, you come and scream out her name. Chessy slows down and then pulls her fingers out of you and goes to put her fingers in her mouth. You intercept and grab her wrist and put her fingers in your mouth and moan. She looks at you the entire time and you think she might stick her fingers right back in you right then and there. You then undo her pants and slip your hands down her pants and underwear. You feel her wetness and she’s soaking right now.
You do the ‘sexy glasses look’ again and she loses her balance for a second. You find her clit and apply pressure on it and she bucks her hips to you and moans. You slid off the counter and she rests her forehead on your shoulder and her hands grip the edge of the counter as you continue to apply pressure on her clit. You keep your left hand on her back and you go and suck on her neck. She gasps out and then you stick 2 fingers in her. She moans at the sensation and you know she’ll get weak in her legs soon so you flip the two of you around and press her up against the counter. She’s surprised by the movement and she leans back with her forearms on the counter and you go and suck on a nipple. Her legs start to shake and her breathing is heavy, you put your thumb on her clit and she comes a few seconds later. You keep going though and she cries out when another orgasm starts building.
“OMG Y/N!” She screams out.
“I got you Chess, let go my love.” You whisper in her ear and she comes again. You slow down and pull out of her and lick your fingers. Chessy takes a minute to catch her breath and looks at you.
“I won’t ever get tired of having sex with you.” She tells you and you smile. “I mean I feel like I already don’t get enough of you as is.”
“Well I feel like I don’t get enough Chessy time too.” You tell her and she smiles at you and blushes. “Btw, Nick told me that we should stick to doing it in your bedroom.” You tell her and you both laugh.
“Well that lasted all of…” Chessy cheeks her watch. “2 hours.” She says.
“Well it was only an hour last time so… progress?” You say and she laughs.
“As much as I love how you look with my shirt and glasses on, I will need them back.” She says softly and you give her glasses back.
“Glasses you can take back but this might be my shirt from now on.” You tell her and she arches an eyebrow and smiles at you.
“Oh is that so?” She says and you nod proudly. “Hm, well I guess I could live with that, even if it’s my favourite. It does look better on you anyway.” She says and kisses you. She clips your bra back and does up most of the buttons and you put your underwear back on as she puts her bra back on. She was about to put her tank top back on when Nick comes in.
“We forgot the first aid kit.” He says.
You pull the sides of the shirt close together and Chessy covers her front with the tank top and turns around to face him. “Boss!” Chessy says surprised.
He looks up and both you and Chessy’s cheeks are red. He sees you wearing Chessy’s shirt and Chessy without even a shirt on and her hair is messed up and he sighs as he grabs the first aid kit. “Y/n I literally just told you like 2 hours ago for you guys to stick to her bed.” He tells you and you bite your lip to hold in a giggle. “This isn’t something I ever expected to see.” He mutters as he walks out.
As soon as he closes the door you burst out laughing. Chessy nudges you to stop but ends up joining in. When you both settle down, Chessy puts her tank top on and wraps her arms around you and looks at you with a smile. “How about you go sit your pretty ass down on the couch, pick a movie and I’ll make popcorn?” She suggests and you hum.
“I like that suggestion.” You tell her and she gives you a kiss on the lips. “Btw, you know that even though I’m keeping this shirt, I’m burrowing other shirts of yours every day this week right?” You tell her slyly and she giggles.
“You’re gonna be the death of me.” She says and you laugh. You go to walk to the couch and she smacks your ass and you let out a squeak. You stop and look at her and she just gives you a smirk.
“Cheeky.” Is all you tell her and she winks at you. Chessy makes the popcorn while you pop in a movie. When she comes over, you’re sitting with your back against the arm of the couch on a pillow with your legs spread out on the couch, remote in hand, ready to press play. You lift your legs up for Chessy to sit down and she puts your legs on her lap and sets the bowl of popcorn on your lap for you to share.
You press play and set the remote down on the table. While you both eat popcorn and watch the movie, Chessy keeps rubbing your thighs. At first it was sweet but now it’s turning you on. You finish the popcorn halfway through the movie and Chessy is instantly on top of you, moving your underwear to the side and running a finger through your folds. You gasp out and immediately get more wet. Chessy smirks and kisses you then slips a finger in your entrance. You gasp into the kiss and Chessy slips her tongue in your mouth and you put your hands on her back. She puts her thumb on your clit and it has you shaking your legs in no time. You come and gasp into the kiss and then Chessy pulls out and gives kisses all over your face as you come down from your high. You giggle at her kisses and she places the final kiss on your lips.
“I had no idea you’d be so horny today.” You tell her with a laugh.
“You take my clothes and look sexy in them, then you gotta pay the consequences.” She tells you and you snort.
“I should always take your clothes then.” You say and she rolls her eyes as she kisses you again.
The next day Chessy is by the pool in her one piece and you come out with a different shirt of hers on and the sunscreen in your hand.
“Hey Chess, do you mind doing my face and back?” You ask her and she turns around to face you.
“Sure, if you don’t mind doing mine.” She says back and you nod and hand her the bottle. She squirts some on her hand and does your face carefully. She then spins you around and you undo her shirt and take it halfway off and she does your back. You put the shirt back on but leave it undone and turn back around and face her. You take the bottle and you do her face and back too. You put the bottle on a table close by and Chessy runs her hands down your sides. “Hmm, beautiful.” She says and you smile. She then gets to a ticklish spot and you flinch. “Oh, are you ticklish there?” She teases you and tickles you at that spot on both sides. You giggle and squirm and you run away and she runs after you. Being a nanny to an energetic child means that she’s quickly able to catch up to you and pulls you into her.
“Ahh.” You squeak out and you squirm in her grasp as she continues the tickle torture. Your bikini top ends up coming undone as you tied it loose and you squirming on her got it pulled and came undone. Chessy stops as your top falls off and she immediately grabs your boobs. Your giggles quickly turn into moans. Chessy’s eyes are immediately blown as she goes from tickle monster to wanna fuck you in a second. She moved one hand to your bikini bottoms and unties the straps on it too and pulls it off. She lays you down on the grass where you ended up when running away and you end up sitting on her shirt. She then hooks her arms around your thighs and places her mouth on your clit. She has you squirming again in no time, although now for an entirely different reason. She doesn’t pull her mouth away until you come twice.
She then goes on top of you and kisses your lips. While kissing, you quickly fling her straps off her shoulder and pull the swimsuit down. Her boobs quickly fall out and your mouth is on them before she can even react. She gasps and you pull the swimsuit down more to around her thighs and she takes it off the rest of the way. She sits up and starts grinding on your leg. You bolt up and go to attach your mouth to a nipple. She loves that you give them so much attention as your mouth and tongue feel so good on them. She comes on your leg with a moan not long after. You both get in the pool after and make out after splashing each other.
The Parker’s come back Saturday, just after noon and you and Chessy are sitting at the kitchen island having lunch together. They end up joining you and the twins tell you all about their week.
Later on, you all gather to watch a movie together and you and Chessy are cuddled on the couch together with a blanket on top of you as it’s a bit chilly out. During the movie, you see everyone is paying attention to the screen so you quietly undo Chessy’s pants and stick your hand in under her underwear. Her eyes widen and looks at you, but other than that she doesn’t react. She goes to grab your wrist to stop you but you quickly slip a finger in and she freezes. You discreetly finger her and you both face the screen to not give anything away.
Chessy starts breathing heavily, so she puts her elbow on the arm of the couch and puts her chin on her hand and covers her mouth to try and cover up her louder breathing. She gets closer and closer to an orgasm and you see her struggle to keep it together in front of everyone and you smirk, which does not go unnoticed by her. Oh you know you’re paying for it tonight but this is too enjoyable so it’ll be worth it. She bites her lip and keeps her mouth shut as she comes and lets out a small squeak. Thankfully it was covered by a loud sound from the movie and no one noticed.
You did end up paying for it later that night in her bed but you didn’t complain at all.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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elllisaaa · 4 months
Hihi , im not really sure if it would be ur style of writing but i had a dream abt it and i thought u could write smth along those lines(i think for this fluff would be good🥹 but if u wanna add smut is fine too hehe)
Heres the prompt:
Basically most of the days you would be hanging out w ur bff beomgyu after sch, just hanging out in each other’s presence is enough. You guys wont force a conversation if its not needed n sitting in silence gives you both a peace of mind.(thise type of fs)
But one day u told him that u were going to an event with ur girl bff , where she could see her fav artist , and you being a supportive bestie decided to go with her!
Somehow thru the night things changed and you ended up with beomgyu saying these words: “ It’s always been you y/n, my eyes are only for you”
(Not rlly sure if this is how a prompt should be(if im giving too much cos this is my first prompt) but i hope it sparks interest >_<)
hiii anonie !! this definitely so damn cute, i got a little overboard with this one but i love it so much, it's so soft omgg ! this definitely such a good idea i love it, and don't worry - the longer your thoughts are, the more i'm happy !
BFF!BEOMGYU who never stops annoying you every day, be it by sending you tons of texts or by dropping by your place when he's done with his schedule. well, you always claim that he's annoying but he knows that it isn't the truth and that you're always happy to see him.
"by the way, i will not be there for our movie night tomorrow, i'm sorry." beomgyu turned to you with a judgemental look on his face. "you're letting me down !?" you rolled your eyes as you threw one of the cushions of your sofa at him. "don't be so dramatic. i'm just going to a fanmeeting with one of my friend because she didn't want to be alone."
and even if your reasons were very valid, beomgyu couldn't help but be bothered. you always spend your free time with him, and it didn't even matter if the two of you just laid in your bed in silence, watching a serie while playing stupid games on your phones. it didn't matter because what he seeked was your presence, feeling you by his side. he loved to know that he could lay his head on your lap anytime and that you would drop your phone to thread your fingers through his hair until he fell asleep.
but sometimes, just sometimes, he wished he could be even closer to you. the type of closeness that would allow him to feel jealous about you going to a fanmeeting of another idol. the type of closeness that would allow him to kiss you, and love you like you deserved to be loved.
a pout was visible on his face, but what was even more striking was the slighlty hurt look in his eyes. and even if your best friend was always a little drama queen whenever you cancelled plans with him or hung out with somebody else, you never took him too seriously, knowing that he just liked to yap. but today, it seemed different.
beomgyu didn't want to separate from your warm body, but he still sat up, already missing the feeling of your hands in his hair, but his heart was hurting too much to keep pretending this time. it was nothing, he was aware, and he didn't have any right being jealous or feeling like he was. but he did, and he wished you would feel the same even if it was impossible because he was him and you were yourself, and there was simply no way that you would love him like that.
"why are you taking it like that gyu ? i know it's a little late to let you know, i should've told you before but it's no big deal, yeah ? i'm free this weekend if you wanna come by after practice, i'll even cook for you if you want."
beomgyu could feel a knot forming in his throat the more you talked, realizing how wrong he was for making you feel guilty about something you weren't responsible for. but the question he was dying to ask still got out of his mouth, the words coming out almost against his will : "do you like him more than me ? do you think that he sings better ? is that why you're letting me down ?"
his shaking voice made your heart clench, and you paused the movie that was now serving as a background noise, focusing entirely on your best friend and the way he was fidgeting, not daring to look you in the eyes but he seemed more than anxious, more than sad.
"where is that coming from gyu ? i've never said that. or did i make you feel this way ?" but beomgyu shook his head no. "you didn't. it's just…" he stopped for a moment, seemingly thinking about something before he curled up on himself on your couch, gaze fixed on the frozen tv screen. "forget it, i'm just being selfish."
the entire mood had changed, but you couldn't care less - you were only very worried about your best friend. "you know you can be selfish sometimes, i don't mind. tell me what's going on, please ?" and beomgyu finally looked at you in the eyes, biting his lips as if he was still unsure about what he was going to say : "i'm making a big deal out of this because i want to be the only one you're fangirling over, okay ? i want to be the only one you find handsome, and the only one you gush to your friends about. i wanna be the only one for you because for me it has always been you y/n, my eyes are only on you."
you looked at him dumbfounded, as you clearly didn't expect a confession, especially from your best friend. but quickly, a little smile spread on your lips as you reached for beomgyu's hand. he let you do that, and he let you pull him closer to you too, your face only inches away from the other.
"you've always been the only one for me too gyu, i simply didn't think that you would feel the same because you're always surrounded by the most beautiful girls of the country, so why would you choose me ?" - "because i'm in love with you, so in love with you it hurts sometimes." your smile was matching his, and you could see his brown eyes sparkling with joy again. "i'm in love with you too, have been for so long." - "does that mean i can kiss you now ?" you chuckled but still nodded : "yes, you can."
so beomgyu kissed you, and the way his heart exploded in his ribcage was only another proof of how down bad for you he was. and he didn't want this feeling to ever stop if that meant he could wake up by your side every morning.
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sweetprfct · 4 months
Midnight Rain
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: The glitz and glamour of Hollywood isn't always what it seems. When Joe had started working with you in a movie, he had started wondering as to why you, the famous Hollywood starlet, has been acting out lately. Was there some dark secret behind all the angry spoiled façade? And why was he so fascinated about it?
Author's Note: This is the end of it! :) I'm debating whether to come back to this or not. We'll see... You guys let me know. But for now, I will see you all in "The Hate Formula." That one will have ten parts and probably will take up most of the summer. So, in that note, I'm asking for some Autumn/Winter prompts/ideas in my box if you want to request please! Thank you for the support of this fic, and I'll see you all soon!
Wordcount: 2.9K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
There was just something about Joe that you couldn’t seem to stop thinking about. One month since that incident in Paris, and you haven’t seen your team since you fired them. One month since you haven’t heard from Skyler or any of them. The rumors had died down, but it was still out there. You couldn’t seem to escape the paparazzi outside your house whenever you needed to go out and grab something at the store. You couldn’t seem to escape the horrible articles and tweets that everyone would say about you. 
“You should delete those apps.” Joe had suggested on FaceTime one night. “It will just mess with your brain even more.”
Joe had been there for you since Paris. He had been FaceTiming you almost every night even when he was busy filming in London. Even when he finished long hours on set, he still didn’t miss to even just send a text message to you. You couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more between the two of you. You knew that Joe had said that he wanted to be friends but how come it felt like there was something more? How come it felt like you knew there was something there, but you just weren’t sure if Joe felt the same too. Maybe he really wanted to be just friends. That was all. 
“I have been thinking about what to do with this career.” You told Joe, ignoring the suggestion that he just told you.
“Oh, yeah?” Joe smiled, raising his brow. 
His curly hair was all disheveled. He just woke up, and he had FaceTimed you right away. He was still in his bed, and he looked adorable looking like that in the morning. 
“Whatever you decide, I will support you, especially if it helps you mentally.” Joe added. 
You gave him a warm smile and stared at him for a moment through the screen. Your mind recalled the little scenario that happened the next morning back in Paris last month. You knew you shouldn’t be overthinking it, but what if you were right? What if your emotions weren’t betraying you this time? 
Alex had been calling Joe non-stop all night, but he had ignored it because he knew he was going to get an earful from him after ditching the movie premiere. He could handle that tomorrow morning when he was ready to face Alex. When morning came, Joe had found himself awake early in the morning. The sun was slowly rising, and he found you asleep peacefully next to him. He couldn’t help but stare at you, studying your facial features. 
Your long lashes, the sun reflecting through the window and reflecting through your soft butterfly skin. The way you looked so peaceful when you were asleep. Joe couldn’t help but gently grazed his fingers on your cheek. 
Beautiful. He thought. 
Stirring in your sleep, you carefully fluttered your eyes open and gazed up at Joe, who was looking down at you with a smile. You rubbed the sleep in your eyes as you gave him a sleepy smile.
“Hi.” You whispered.
“Hi.” Joe smiled, his fingers brushing a strand of hair away from your face. 
He has never seen you like this. He kept thinking how you looked so different without the façade that you have put up. He kept thinking how you looked so relaxed and happier without it. 
“I don’t think I have woken up this peaceful in a long time.” You murmured, sitting up on the bed. 
Joe caressed your back softly and smiled, “As much as I love to stay, I have to go. Alex has been looking for me.”
You nodded your head in understanding as Joe slid himself off the bed. Following right behind him and towards the door, you gently touched his arm, making him pause in his tracks.
“I just want to say thank you for yesterday and for… staying.” You said. 
Joe smiled, brushing a strand of hair and tucking it in behind your ear. “I’m your friend, remember?”
Seeing the twinkle in your eyes, Joe embraced you tightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as he planted a soft kiss on your temple. Pulling away from the hug, you found your face just inches away from his. His chocolate button eyes staring deeply into yours and suddenly, you could feel something shift between the both of you. 
Joe’s chest was heaving as he breathed heavily, and your heart was racing a million miles per hour. You watched as Joe closed his eyes, his nose gently grazing over yours. Hitching a breath, you carefully
 closed your eyes, your fingers gently running down his cheek.
“Joe…” You whispered.
He didn’t say anything as his lips gently grazed over yours. A soft gasp escaped from you and before you could press your lips against his, you were interrupted by his phone ringing in his pocket. Smiling softly, you pulled away and cleared your throat. You could see the pink that flushed in Joe’s cheeks as he reached for his phone in his back pocket. 
“They’re looking for you.” You said, looking down on the floor, hiding the blush that was slowly creeping up on your face.
A shy smile tugged on Joe’s lips, “Yeah, I have to go. Call me if you ever need anything, okay?”
You nodded your head and walked him out the door. That was the last time you physically saw Joe. Ever since then, you two have been FaceTiming or texting each other. That moment was never brought up in your conversation, so you told yourself that it was nothing. However, the soft graze of his lips still lingered on your lips, and your mind kept recalling what could have happened if his phone didn’t ring that day. You kept asking yourself if it was just in the moment or maybe, there really was something. 
Shaking out the memories from your mind, you focused your eyes on the road as you drove towards the studio. You had called an important meeting with your team. You felt the knot formed in your stomach as you arrived closer to your destination. You haven’t seen them or haven’t heard from them in a month, and you didn’t know what their reactions would be the moment you would walk into that room. 
But you have made your decision. 
This has been in your mind for a long time now and this time, you were going to go through with it. No more backing out or having second thoughts. This was what you have been wanting. This was what you needed right now. Swallowing all the guilt and different emotions that were caught in your throat, you arrived at the studio with your head held up high. 
For some reason, the thought of Joe was making you braver right now. 
Walking down the hall, you exhaled a sharp breath before entering one of the conference rooms. Inside, your whole team were chatting amongst each other and as soon as you walked in, the whole room turned eerily quiet. All their eyes were on you as you froze by the doorway for a moment. Your eyes studied each of their faces and then, Skyler’s presence at the back of the room caught your eyes. 
She looked disappointed and angry. 
“What’s all this about?” Skyler asked, her voice was cold. 
You could tell she was still pissed over what you pulled back in Paris and usually, you would feel guilty over it but at this moment, you didn’t care about what she felt. Walking towards the front of the room, you could feel everyone’s eyes following you. 
Exhaling another sharp breath, you said, “This isn’t going to take long. Thank you all for coming.”
Your eyes kept studying everyone’s reactions as you continued and said, “First, I want to apologize for how I have been acting this last year or so. I’ve been going through some things, and I lashed it all out on you.”
Everyone in the room was silent, and the only thing that you could hear was your heart pounding in your chest. It was pounding so hard that it was drumming in your ears, and you could barely hear your voice. Taking a deep breath, you looked down on the floor for a moment to collect yourself before holding your head up high in front of everyone. 
“I’m sorry for throwing things at you back in Paris and most certainly, for firing you all in anger. My actions the last couple years have been nothing but horrible, and I’m sorry for that.”
Cameron finally interrupted the eerie silence in the room by clearing his throat. He slowly raised his hand up like he was a student in a classroom, trying not to interrupt the teacher. You shifted your eyes at him and nodded your head, giving him permission to speak.
“So… are we not fired then?” He asked. 
You smiled softly at Cameron’s harmless question. “I wish I could say that but the decision I have made unfortunately requires you all to look for another job.” 
Murmurs filled the room as everyone turned to each other. They all exchanged worried looks as Skyler stepped forward, her eyes only to you. She looked pissed, but you expected that from her already. 
“What are you talking about?” Skyler snapped. 
Your eyes shifted towards her as the room suddenly died down. 
“I’m quitting acting.” You replied. 
Everyone in the room gasped softly as Skyler barked out a laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. There was a playful smile on her face as she took another step towards you, her eyes glaring at you. 
“You care too much about your career to be quitting acting.” Skyler argued. 
You shook your head, your expression suddenly turned into a soft one. A small smile appeared on your face. 
“No, I don’t.” You answered. “Actually, I haven’t cared about this for a long time. I need to be on my own for a while. Figure out what I want. Get help.”
Skyler scoffed. You could tell she was just done with you, but you have seen that expression on her face for a while now. You knew she only had been tolerating you, and you now realized that she wasn’t a good friend. She never was your friend. At the end of the day, Skyler only cared about herself and her career. 
“I’ve been trying to save your career and what happens then when you decide to come back, hm? We’re not all going to be here just waiting for you.” 
Looking around the room, you were surprised at how calm you were. You were surprised that you weren’t scared at this moment. You didn’t know what was going to happen in the future, and Skyler was right. Not everyone in this room would be just waiting around for you but for some reason, the unknown was making you calm. It was something that made you ecstatic because for the first time, you weren’t told what to do. 
You could do anything you wanted to. 
Turning back to Skyler, you said, “Honestly, Skyler, if I decided to go back, I wouldn’t hire you back.”
You saw the horrified look on Skyler’s face as soon as those words escaped your mouth. She took a small step back, her eyes filled with hurt, disappointed and offended. 
“You will regret this.” Skyler’s voice was almost a whisper. 
Your eyes stared deep into hers. Your eyes were full of hurt and disappointment. 
“No, actually, I regretted the fact that I believed your lies and thought I could trust you.” You retorted back. 
Skyler was silent as soon as you said those words. You saw her swallow all her emotions, her face all flushed as everyone else murmured to each other. Looking back at everyone else, you gave them a small thankful smile.
“Thank you again, and I’m truly sorry for everything.” You said. 
Right before you could walk out the door, you glanced over to Skyler one more time before completely walking out of the room. You let your feet lead you quickly down the hall and out the double doors of the studio, air catching your lungs as soon as you walked out. You breathed deeply, gazing up at the blue sky, the sun beaming down your face. 
You felt freedom greeted you as you closed your eyes for a moment and inhaled the Spring air. You didn’t feel anything but relief as you walked back towards your car. You couldn’t help but smile at yourself. You couldn’t help but feel proud for finally saying what you feel and for finally choosing the happiness that you deserve. 
The freedom that you deserved.
“Oh, c’mon. That’s mad.” Joe shook his head in frustration as he watched one of his shows on the television. 
He had finally found time to do laundry and catch up on his shows. As he was folding his clothes, he shook his head at the sudden revelation on the television. He had been busy filming, and he finally had a couple of days of free time to do the things he needed to do around his place. 
Putting away the last of his clothes in the closet, he glanced towards the window and saw that it was starting to pour again. Sighing, he made his way to the kitchen to make himself some soup. It was supposed to be almost Summer, but the weather in London had been gloomy and rainy. It wasn’t like that wasn't new anymore. He just missed the sun lately. 
His thoughts were interrupted on the sudden knock on his door. Glancing at the clock, Joe knitted his brows and wondered who was knocking at his door at this hour. It was late at night, and it was pouring outside. Making his way to the front door, he swung the door open and found you standing in front of him. 
“Hi.” You gave him a smile.
Your raincoat was soaking wet, and you were holding an umbrella with your luggage next to you. Immediately, Joe grabbed your luggage and pulled you inside before the rain could make you any more wet. His eyes widened, blinking and processing that you were actually here.
“Wh…What are you doing here?” Joe asked, confused and shocked.
“I um…” You cleared your throat, took your raincoat off and hung it by the door. “I quit. I talked to them yesterday.” 
Joe was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that you were standing right in front of him. 
At this hour. 
In this weather. 
“H…How do you feel?” Joe asked.
“Like I could do anything I want without anyone stopping me.” You smiled, running your fingers through your wet hair. 
Joe suppressed a chuckle as he took a step forward to you, his brows still furrowed. 
“And you decided to come to London?” 
Exhaling a sharp breath, you gazed up at him. Yes, you felt relieved and free from the industry that has been bringing you down for the last couple years. Though, there was one more question in your head that still needed to be answered. There was one more thing that you wanted to know before you could finally move forward. 
“Actually…” You looked down at your feet for a moment, a shy smile plastered on your face. “There’s one more thing I actually had to do here in London.”
Joe saw the look in your eyes, and he knew exactly what you were doing here. He knew exactly why you had flown to London and was at his front step at this god awful hour in this god awful weather. Taking a step forward, Joe slid his arm around your waist, his index finger on your chin, lifting up your head. Your eyes caught his brown eyes sparkling as he smiled at you lovingly. 
“Oh? What’s that?” Joe asked, a playful smile tugging on his lips. 
“This.” You murmured before pressing your lips against his. 
Smiling through the kiss, Joe pulled your body against his, his fingers running through your wet hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply and letting yourself savor this moment. Parting from the kiss after a few moments, the both of you panted as Joe pressed his forehead against yours. 
You grinned happily and said, “I don’t wanna be just friends.”
Joe grinned widely, setting a hand on your cheek and caressing it softly. 
“Good, because I don’t either.” 
You laughed softly as you pressed your lips against his again. Joe smiled through the kiss as he pulled you close in his arms and curled his fingers on the back of your head, kissing you lovingly and tenderly. You didn’t know what was going to happen next. You knew everything was unknown, and you knew that you eventually had to face the things from your past. 
However, you also knew that Joe would be with you every step of the way. He would be there to accept you and understand you through your lightest and darkest days. 
Parting from the kiss, Joe cupped your face between his hands and kissed your forehead so softly. You knew there were still so many challenges that you both will face but right now, all you wanted was to blissfully enjoy what you and Joe have. 
Just blissfully enjoy this newfound freedom and love that you have. 
The End.
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
best friends mom!emily prentiss and reader. where readers bsf invites her to join their vacation for winter break and r accepts not knowing that emily was her best friends mom that she has been fucking for weeks. a few days there, r decides to go to in the hot tub, emily joins after without thinking. emily and r has unbearable tension so they fuck in the hot tub while emily’s ex husband and r’s best friend are out skiing.
- 🐦
*Authors note~ I love the Emily prompts so much and I missed writing for my favourite lady*
Trigger warnings~ mommy kink semi public sex, cheating milf Emily x 21 year old reader
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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Delilah happened to be your best friend of 2 years, you'd met at college and instantly became thicker than thieves. For anyone who didn't know your story, it appeared you'd been friends for years. Yet realistically you didn't know each others family or home towns, you knew each others college lives inside and out. Delilah mentioned a family vacation she was being taken on and allowed a plus one, which was going to be her ex boyfriend, but the key word there was Ex. So it had all been payed for, she offered you to join in, knowing you'd been swept up in meeting the mystery girl, you'd return covered in love bits and satisfied for a few days. The cycle would repeat but you refused to divulge much information, only offering her gender and saying she's older, but god damn amazing in bed. So the break would do you the world of good.
That was how you found yourself and your best friend driving up to the cabin. A skiing holiday. Both singling obnoxiously loud to a special playlist of all your favourites. The emotional response would change from breakups to sexy to sad to happy and in love, a true mix but all of them loved by you both. When you arrived at the cabin you got all settled in your room before Delilah's dad and step mother arrived.
The shock of your life came when you saw your secret lover stood next to the man Delilah addressed as dad. "Emily" she nodded at your secret lover and that's when your eyes met, she was just as shocked to see you here too. Neither of before realised you were talking of the same girl. Delilah. You knew her as li and Emily addressed her as Delilah, so truly it was understandable how one didn't connect the two. Emily of course told you of her failing arranged marriage, her mother unwilling to accept that Emily was Lesbian so she arranged the marriage with a wealthy man, it made her look good so what was Emily's happiness to her?
With a nervous hi to both adults you began to listen in to what was going on. Delilah and her dad wanting to hit the slope as soon as possible, Emily hoping to stay back at the cabin maybe get a little nap in. So they were completely divided which meant they turned to you. "Uh um I could stay here with Emily? I could do with a nap, I'll hit the slopes tomorrow with you li?" You murmured hoping it would be okay.
Soon enough it had been decided li and her dad would hit the slopes and you and Emily would hang back here. As soon as they both left, Emily made her way to where you were staying, "that's your li?" She murmured as her eyes raked over your body. "You have a step daughter and a mommy kink em?" You teased watching as she smiled and came closer to you to steal a kiss. "Shut up princess you have no problem with calling me mommy when I'm attending to that pretty pussy of yours" she murmured against your lips before shoving you against the wall, the moment your back connected with the wall you let out a ridiculously loud moan. "Now now princess don't scream too loud or we will get caught" she teased before removing herself from you, "get a swim suit on, there's a hot tub and Im sure you'd hate to leave mommy all alone in there" she purred adding a quick swat to your bottom before heading to change.
By the time you had changed, Emily had already found herself in the hot tub, her burgundy swim sit hardly containing her plentiful boobs from spilling out over the cups. Her head lolled back in relaxation as the steam rose hitting cold air. "Mommy?" You whimpered as your need clouded your mind. It had been way too long since you'd had your lips on her pert buds, or lapping at her slick folds, hell you missed being dicked down by her strap. You missed your mommy and here and now with her like that, you just had to have her. "Join me princess" she murmured not even bothering to open her eyes as you scurried to join her.
The water was warm and you couldn't help but moan slightly as it washed over your skin, taking a seat next to Emily. "Now now princess you know mommy likes you on her lap" she murmured causing you to now straddle her lap. "Hello pretty girl" she murmured before kissing you hard enough to make your toes curl. "Mommy" you whined rolling your hips, only to find out she's packing.
"Mommy need you" you whined into her ear. "Princess it's been a few days since we you've had mommy, such a needy little slut aren't you?" She murmured before freeing her strap. "Gonna ride me like a good girl" she demanded really before slipping the binki bottom material to the side before allowing you to sink onto the faux dick.
"Oh mommy, fuck yes more" you whimpered eyes rolling back your head as you felt her hit that spot inside you only she could find. "Come on baby. Let mommy use that pretty pussy of yours" she murmured and you began to bounce on the strap. The hot tub jets adding bubbles to hide what was going on, "mommy mommy fuck want bed" you murmured in coherently. Quickly hoping off her strap you stumbled from the hot tube and to the bedroom you were staying in. Emily got on your heels.
Immediately you were bent over the bed, strap entering your core once more, this time pace being ruthless and erratic, "fuck princess feel so good. Take it. Take mommys cock. Fuck squeezing me so good baby" she moaned as to simply laid there taking the brutal assault, murmuring incoherent words and pleads. "Mommy! Love you mommy mommy please" you whimpered, "gonna cum" you warned. "That's it princess come for me. That's it good girl"
Emily fucked you through your orgasm before slipping from your core and moving to kiss you, "oh princess this holiday is going to be so much fun, now go clean up and look busy they'll be back soon, I love you princess" she murmured before leaving the room to freshen up.
Word count~ 1188
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oakwave · 1 year
Roomies- Van palmer x reader-smut
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Warnings: smut xoxo, a little almost angst
Description: prompt was "there's only one bed" "fuck"
If the plane never crashed and they made it to nationals and where happy little lesbians they deserve to be! (+getting caught kinda)
Words: 2000
Requested by: @imnotjesscossen
I feel my eyes start to open as the intercom crackles on "please re-buckle you're seat belts, we will be starting our descent in around five minutes" the voice of the captain announces. I rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up whilst Nat, next to me, begins buckling her seatbelt and taking her headphones off her head. "Morning sunshine"  she chirped,sarcastically yet still far too happy for someone who just sat through a six hour flight. "Hey" I grumble, much less enthusiastically, not feeling the same joy as the twinge in my back makes itself known from sitting too long.
The plane slowly tips forward as we begin to land, and coach Martinez goes over what we need to do when we land, usual teacher stuff collect our bags and follow him to the bus that'll take us to our hotel, a plan we follow well after landing, each making our way to the large bus, graciously paid for by mr.Mathews, whilst he's a shit father (from what Lotties told me) at least he doesn't mind spending his money on us. Once everyone's boarded the bus, me sitting next to Nat with Lottie infront and Jackie and Shauna on the two seats across, over the aisle, coach begins to tell us what's happening when we arrive at our hotel. "You will be sharing rooms with DESIGNATED room partners unfortunately you won't get too choose who you share with as we needed to give a list to the headmaster for safeguarding reasons" he announces, voices of objection rise, clearly no one's happy. Great. Now I need to share a room with someone I might not even be close with and won't get to sit and drink with Natalie tonight, perfect. His voice cuts through the air again "I know I know it's not ideal but it was necessary. Ok so Lottie and Nat you're sharing,  jackie and Shauna you're sharing, mari and Laura Lee, gen and Melissa, Allie and Sarah, Misty and crystal, tai and Akilah, and  y/n and Van". My eyes find vans as we look for each other in the crowded bus, we're friends, we both live in the trailer park so we know each other quite well. As our eyes meet she gives me a smile and I smile back, at least it's not someone I don't like.
After a while longer, the bus pulls up outside our hotel and we begin to file out, gathering our bags and meeting in the lobby. Coach Martinez tells us to find our room mates, me and Van drift together through the crowd of rowdy teens. "Hey" she speaks "hiya" I speak back smiling, "I'm quite glad I got you I was afraid I was gonna get someone random when coach said we don't get to choose, she commented. "I know I didn't wanna get out with one of the sophomores or anything" I joke back. Coach hands out the room keys and informs us what time to wake up tomorrow, what room he's in incase of emergency and where all the fire escapes and vending machines are incase we get hungry later in the night. He concludes his speech by telling us to find our rooms and try not to be too loud or stay up to late to prepare for the game tomorrow. The group splits up, each pair going to find their room and set up for the night. Me and Van start walking towards the elevator, making light conversation as we go. Eventually we find our room, between Lottie and Nat's, and Taissa and Akilahs rooms, "well that's good, at least they’re near by", I say nonchalantly and Van nods, fiddling with the key as she opens the door. Revealing a large room with a window on the far side and a bathroom on the left wall, however what room my attention is the double bed sat in the middle, pillows neatly stacked on the crisp white bedding. " there's only one bed" Van utters, clearly just as shocked as I am, "fuck" I blurt out. "Hey I'm not that bad you know, if this is about me liking girls-" "no no no no no, it's not sorry, I just expected there to be two beds, it's definitely not about you liking girls I promise, sorry it sounded like that" I cut her off quickly, the last thing I want her to think is that I'm homophobic, I mean I'd literally hate myself, literally. "Ok good, I thought I'd have to fight you all John McClain style for a minute" she laughs, referencing die hard in the process. "Oh no trust me you don't have to worry about that with me" I ramble, not really thinking about how obvious I made it that I wasn't straight. She looks back at me quizzically for a moment before stepping into the room with her bags. "Which side would you prefer?" She asks, it's nice of her to let me choose, not everyone would do that. "Oh I'll take the side nearest the window if that's ok with you?" I reply, and she nods in response as we begin to unpack our pyjamas and I go to get a shower to get all the grime from the day off. After cleaning off I hop out the shower, brushing my teeth and go to leave, only to realise I left my pyjamas in the bedroom and now need to head into the room with only me and van in,with nothing but a towel covering me. Perfect. After a while of debating I pluck up the courage to just go, I mean it's not big deal we're both girls right? I head into the room and start to change when I feel Vans eyes on me, as I pull my shirt over my head, "take a picture it’ll last longer" i utter giggling, secretly hoping she's not judging me for how I look. Her cheeks flush a pink colour under her freckles, her eyes moving across the room at light speed away from me, realising she's been caught. "S-sorry" she mutters. Weird, vans the most outgoing person I know, I mean in sex Ed she literally shoved a condom on her hand to prove to Randy he's not 'too big' for it, I've never known her to be reserved or quiet like this, maybe she's just tired from the flight? "Okay weirdo" I reply jokingly and she just nods before going to the bathroom.
I get into bed, Van joins me when she comes back from I assume brushing her teeth, turning the lamp of on her way.A silence fills the air, not awkward but almost expecting as I wait for one of us to say something. "Are you ok?" I ask, concern lacing my voice. "Fucking fabulous" she verbalises through gritted teeth, "ok woah, what’s going on?" I ask getting a little concerned, is it me? maybe she’s stressed about the game? "Nothing just go to sleep" she says sharply, clearly annoyed. "This is ridiculous, have I done something? How can I fix it if I don't know what I've done?", my voice annoyed, concerned maybe even upset with the last question. Vans bright blue eyes meet mine, softening a little when she sees how her words effect me. "It's nothing y/n, please let's just sleep" she asks almost pleadingly now, I sit up and turn the light on before moving closer to her. "Van I want to help, if you want to sleep I'll respect that but you don't seem ok" she sits up to the same level as me " I don't think you'll understand, you'll hate me", hate her how could I hate her? "Try me" I respond. She nods a little before shuffling closer to me, our noses nearly touching. "Is this ok?" She whispers, i nod in response, the air in my lugs seemingly caught. Her lips connect with mine so gently, a wave of electricity going through me as i realise what she meant previously. She pulls away an anxious look on her face, "are you mad?". I pull her in, my hand on the back of her neck, "does that answer your question?" We both giggle as our lips reconnect, the kiss growing more intense every second, the ache between my legs growing.
I climb into vans lap, the kiss never breaking as both of my hands find their way to her hair, I feel hers grip my waist, palming at the skin, moving to my thighs and ass, resting there. The sensitivity in my pussy growing too much, my hips begin to roll, craving for attention. I feel vans lips curve into a smile on mine, " is this ok?"Its my turn to ask through heavy breaths, afraid I'm taking things too far. "It's perfect..." Van utters, her hands encouraging my actions. My legs twitch a little, the pleasures incredible but I need something more.
As if she can read my mind Van kisses down my jaw before, reaching between us to my heat and rubbing gentle circles over my panties, feeling how wet I am through the fabric. "All this and I haven't even touched you yet?" Van questions seductively, my face goes hot and I bury my head in the crook of her neck. She moves my panties to the side, playing with my clit. I let out a long breathy moan at the sensation, Van kissing me harshly to muffle the noise, smiling into it; god she's so proud of herself. Her hand continues to move two fingers easily thrusting up into me, the sound filling the room accompanied by both of our heavy breaths and moans. Vans free hand comes up under my shirt to pull at my nipple before massaging the tissue there, sending a shiver through me. "Van, I'm gonna-" I utter, before cutting myself off with a loud moan, feeling my pleasure build. "It's ok princess, just come" with that I let myself fall over the edge, my breaths deepening as my legs started to shake, an electric feeling coursing through my veins. She continued her movements, fingers guiding me through my orgasm until i couldn't take it anymore . "mhph- van please" I almost begged as she slowed her movements, removing her fingers from my pussy, sucking them clean them in her mouth, curved in a smirk, holding eye contact with me. 
As soon as she removes her fingers, I pull her in for a long, deep kiss, tasting myself on her tongue. The kiss continues for a while, it's passionate but also gentle and sweet, filled with unspoken feelings. Van flips us over, straddling one of my legs and reigniting the kiss. A harsh knock broke through the sound of our kisses and breathing, making us pull apart before looking at each other to see if the other heard it. Van got up, quickly combing her hands through her hair and making herself look presentable before answering the door. As she swung it open Taissas and Nats shadows filled the door frame, “Could you two PLEASE keep it down, we’ve got a big game tomorrow we need to rest” tai communicated, “I know, the boning was unexpected anyway, but for this long, really!?!” Nat pushed. Van turned round to face me both our cheeks a cherry red. “Sorry” we both said in unison. Van exchanges a few more words with the girls before closing and locking the door and rejoining me in bed, silence filling the room before we both broke out in laughter. “ I can’t believe they all just heard that” she speaks in a hushed voice trying to calm down, “ I know I didn’t think we where THAT loud” I whisper back. We both take some deep breaths as our laughter dies down and we sink into bed a little. “I’m glad tonight happened and I don’t really want it to be a one time thing if you don’t” Van looks into my eyes as she speaks. “ me neither” I confirm and we share a short gentle kiss, one that represents the start of our relationship. We sink down into bed, turning the lamp off and cuddle into each other; getting the best nights sleep ever before the game tomorrow.
Heyo, I have a Lottie request coming up next so look forward to that my loves!
As always send any feedback :)
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lnfours · 1 year
From your Prompt 47 , 52 and 67 !!!!!
just some pure fluff with roommate, kinda friends to lovers!tom 😩 also bc i’m on my period rn for the first time in months and it sucks i hate birth control.
#47: “you’re cute when you’re angry”
#52: “can we cuddle?”
#67: “stop being so cute”
inbox 💌 | prompt list
you had moved in with the boys about a year or so ago. they were looking for another housemate, and your pre-existing friendship with them just made everything fall into place.
however, you didn’t really know what you were signing up for. of course, there was the usual occasion of stealing someone else’s food or using someone else’s mug when they made tea, but this was a whole new level.
they had raided your side of the pantry and stole your secret stash of chocolate. the one you kept on hand for… emergencies.
and right now, you really were craving a snickers bar. but alas, they were all gone.
you stormed into the living room with the empty container in hand. the boys turned white at your angry expression.
“what the hell?!”
everyone pointed at one another, trying to pin the blame on someone else. your gaze shifted to tom.
“you were the only one i told about the secret stash,” you said, “you’re such a blabbermouth!”
everyone else stifled laughs as tom softly chuckled, “i’m sorry. did you want me to run to the store and get some more?”
you huffed, dropping your arms in defeat, “no. just.. don’t touch my stuff!”
everyone nodded, mentally taking note not to mess with your chocolate stash ever again. you made your way up to your room, crawling back into bed with your heating pad. after a good 20 minutes or so, there was a soft knock on your door.
“come in,” you mumbled, pausing the tv. you sat up when tom opened the door, a small plastic bag in one hand and in the other was one of his mugs, steam pouring from the top.
“i come bearing gifts,” he said, setting the bag on the bed and placing the mug on the coaster that sat on top of the nightstand, “as an apology.”
you looked over at the mug, picking it up and giving it a whiff. you looked up at him, “peppermint tea?”
he shrugged, sitting on the edge of the bed, “i read that peppermint helps with cramps, and i saw you chase some midol down with your coffee this morning so…”
you nodded, taking a small sip, “thanks.”
he nodded back at you, dumping the plastic bag onto the bed, “i also, uhm, got you a bunch of chocolate. i know you had snickers and kit kats in there, but i couldn’t remember what else so i just got a little bit of everything.”
you smiled, “thank you, tom. you really didn’t have to, i could’ve grabbed some more tomorrow when i go out.”
“i know i’ve always said that you’re cute when you’re angry,” he smiled, “but you also get a little bit scary.”
you laughed, “sorry.”
“don’t apologize, i shouldn’t have told the others where your stuff was,” he smiled, looking over at the tv, “halloweentown? you know it’s almost the beginning of august, right?”
you nodded, “just getting in the spirit.”
he nodded towards the pillows, “scoot,”
you made room for him on the bed, him joining you under the covers.
“can we cuddle?” you asked softly, grabbing the remote to unpause the movie. he smiled brightly back at you, lifting his arm up as you nuzzled into his side. he grabbed the heating pad, wrapping it around your waist as you laid your head on his chest.
you nodded, “much. thank you.”
he played with your hair gently as you watched the movie. it wasn’t an unusual thing for the two of you to do. over the last couple months you found yourselves staying in each others rooms, cuddling more, and just overall not wanting to be without the other.
he was falling for you. and you were falling for him, too.
your eyelids were getting heavy as he drew circles softly onto your arm with his thumb. he pressed a soft kiss to your temple, your eyes opening as you turned to look over at him.
“hmm?” you hummed in question.
“go to sleep, love. it’s okay.”
you sighed contently, “stay with me?”
his heart burst at your question, “if you stop being so cute.”
“but that’s why you like me,” you mumbled against the material of his shirt. he chuckled softly, “because i’m cute.”
he nodded, his lips pressing against the top of your head, “you’re right, love. you’re exactly right.”
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bigfan-fanfic · 7 months
Writing Game 1.4: Campfire
Prompt: Campfire Pairing: Clark Kent/Steve Rogers
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"I still think it's cheating." Steve grins, watching Clark roll his eyes.
"Well, I'm sorry that the 'Star-Spangled Man With a Plan' couldn't get the flint working."
"Wow, do people still know about that one? I kinda thought that one would die off. It's a bit of a mouthful."
"I was just a very good history student."
"Aren't you a reporter? Shouldn't you be more interested in current events?"
"You are current." Clark laughs. "But also, you've got to know where you've been to know where you're going, right?"
"Then I guess I must know that better than anyone." Steve clicks his teeth, shooting Clark a grin. His face must be funny, because Clark snorts in an effort to stifle his giggles.
It wasn't exactly a common thing for them, camping, but during a week spent in Smallville with the Kents, Steve took the opportunity when Clark mentioned it to get them some private time. Martha and Jonathan are wonderful, but their guest room is just not conducive for two large muscular men in the same bed.
"I really liked getting to see your home. It's fascinating to me... were you ever really that small?"
Clark laughs again. "Yeah. I was quite the shrimpy kid, you know. It was one of the things I liked - Pa was a late bloomer too, and it made me feel connected to him when they told me when I was adopted."
Steve nods. "They're lucky to have you. And you with them. I think my mom woulda liked them. And you."
Clark lies back on the soft grass, looking up through the trees to the night sky. "You're doing okay, right?"
"Hmm?" Steve asks, glancing back at him. "Okay about what?"
"That joke Pa made this morning. About you being older than him."
It was harmless, Steve thought. In his own way, Jonathan was trying to put Steve at ease about it. It was a weird situation, even he would admit. How would he feel if his and Clark's son was marrying a guy who looked his age but was older than him? And then the idle thought hits him in full force that he just imagined him and Clark having a kid in the future. Starting a family. But he didn't let his wild thoughts run away with his mouth. "I didn't mind, honestly. I like that he's... okay enough to joke, I guess?"
Steve flops back onto the grass and rolls onto his side, looking right at Clark. "I love you."
"Aww. I love you too."
The reply is always so easy for Clark. It still makes Steve jumpy, the idea of being so open and free with his love - even when he knew his attraction to more than just women, he knew only that kind was "acceptable" in polite society. The first time he kissed Clark in public, he had a reaction that was somehow like the euphoric feeling of cresting the top of a roller coaster and having a panic attack all at once.
Clark scoots closer, and Steve opens his arms to cuddle him close.
"Thanks for doing this. I know maybe a whole week with my parents might be overwhelming-"
"It's really not. Martha and Jon are... they're amazing people. And you have such a close relationship with them - what, am I gonna make you choose, them or me?" Steve scoffs. "I think, even under normal circumstances, your parents are probably the best ever."
Clark beams at him, and graces him with a long, slow, passionate kiss. "All the same, we'll head home after tomorrow. I wanna do things with you that I really don't wanna be in my parents' house for."
Steve blushes, and Clark kisses him again. "I mean... technically we're not in your parents' house right now."
It's so hard to fluster Clark, and Steve cherishes the chances he gets to. Clark goes bright red, and then rolls off of Steve, laughing. "Okay, someday I'll tell you about when I came out to my parents. Let's just say I'm never trying to have sex on their land again."
"Oh, come on, you have to tell me now!"
"Fine. We were fooling around. Me and this boy from school. A good friend, Billy Crescent. My first boyfriend, after Lana and I broke up. And he, well... let's just say I caused a sonic boom and knocked down a whole buncha trees."
Steve starts to snicker, and bursts into full on guffaws. Clark pouts just a moment before he starts to laugh too.
"Alright, alright. We'll make sure not to cause another environmental incident until we get home." Steve teases, silencing Clark's retort with another long kiss.
They speak and kiss well into the night, and long after their campfire dies down, they cuddle in each other's arms, fast asleep.
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greazyfloz · 2 years
hii could you do prompt 17 or 20 (angst) or maybe combined them together with Luca
You're Pregnant?
Angst: 17. “You’re pregnant?” “I don’t want it” & 20. “Are you cheating on me”
I was hanging out with my friends and roommate and we decided to do the TikTok trend just for fun where we all pee on a pregnancy test and mix them together, pregnancy roulette. We did it as a joke not thinking any of us would actually be pregnant. We all went to the bathroom then all set them in the sink when we were done. 
“Oh no, what if one of us is pregnant” Macy says
“That would actually be funny” I laugh
“Wait, when is the last time everyone has had sex?” Beck says “I haven’t in a month or so” she continued
“Like first week of semester” Macy laughs at herself
“Like last weekend” Emilie says. 
“Like 3 hours ago” I say covering my face laughing and everyone joins in.
“Watch, you’re the one that’s pregnant!” Emilie laughs
“Wait- did someone buy other tests just in case someone is pregnant?” Macy asks
“No, no one is pregnant” I laugh, “Well, I’m not. Luca and I are careful’ I say as Emilie stands up making her way over to her sink.
“Okay let’s see” she says turning her head away picking up a random test “Negative” she says, and we cheer, “Next one… Negative” and we cheered, “Number 3… Negative” she picks up the last test and looks at it. “No fucking way!” she gasps
“What?!” we all yell at her
“Someone is pregnant” she says, turning the test over to show us. We all look at eachother in shock. 
“It’s definitely Emilie” Macy says
“No way! It’s def Y/n. Her and Luca are always at it” Emilie replies
“Okay well lets go back to the pharmacy and get tests” Beck says stands up, “I’ll drive”. We all make our way to the pharmacy when my phone buzzes. I look down to see Luca’s name on my phone. I turn it back over and Beck parks her car in the parking lot. Inside I get another text from Luca so I look at the messages and text him back:
63💖: Miss you ❤️
63💖: Come over after practice? ;)
Y/n: Miss you more ❤️ Of course ;)
We checkout the tests and rush home to take them. “Who wants to go first?” Macy says
“I think Y/n should, she has the most sex” Emilie says
“Fine, I’ll go first” I say going to the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. After I pee on the stick I just sit on the toilet and pray while it is loading on the counter beside me. After my timer on my phone went off I open the door, “I can’t look, someone come here” I say and Beck enters the bathroom with the other two following. She turns it over and I look away from her. 
“It’s you” Beck says
“I am going to be sick” I say, closing my eyes.  “How am I going to tell Luca? What is he going to think?!”
“He loves you, he -” Macy starts
“We have only been together for a year” I say cutting her off, “He literally just told me he loves me for the first time like a month ago”
“When are you going to tell him?” Emilie asks
“I don’t know” I say getting up. “I’m going back to the dorms” I say leaving
Luca texted me back shortly after getting to my room. I plug my phone onto the charger and take the pregnancy test and put it on my nightstand. I sigh before picking my phone back up:
63💖: Just leaving Yost. Can’t wait to hear your pretty little moans👅
Y/n: Sorry, I’m sick
I text him back then put my phone away. I hear my phone buzz a couple of times then I turn it off. Beck comes in and sit on my bed “Hey, you going to be alright?” she says
“N-no” I finally allow myself to cry and she brings me in for a hug. I cry for what feels like hours and she just held onto me. 
“We will go to the clinic together tomorrow, okay?” I nod and tell her I’m going to bed. 
When I wake up in the morning I turn on my phone to see a couple texts from Luca:
63💖: You okay?
63💖: Are you having a bad day?
63💖: Want me to come over?
-Missed Call: 63💖-
63💖: Babe answer
-Missed Call: 63💖-
-Missed Call: 63💖-
63💖: I’m worried please pick up
-Missed Call: 63💖-
63💖: Please text me when you see this
“Is that all from Luca” Beck asks me listening to my phone buzz over and over after turning it on. I look over and nod “He texted me last night asking if you were here and if he come over”
“What did you say?”
“I said you were asleep and that I would tell you to call him when you wake up”
“Well, I’m still asleep then” I say
“Y/n you are going to have to tell him.” She says looking at me sadly. I stand up and walk towards the door before looking back
“Let’s get this over with”
We sit in the clinic and wait for the doctor to come back to tell us what I already know. He enters and takes a seat beside me looking down at his clipboard then back up to me. “Well you definitely are pregnant, Congratulations” he says. I just nod my head and Beck rubs my back. He asked me a couple more questions before handing me a pamphlet with ‘choices’ on how to continue my pregnancy. 
When we got back to my dorm room, I go to my bed lifting the covers, throwing them over me. My phone buzzes but I don’t bother looking. “Well I am going to the library to get some notes from this morning’s class, are you going to be okay?” Beck says and I nod, “Let me know if you need anything”. 
I slept the rest of the day and then through the night. When I wake the next morning I get up and grab a hoodie out of the closet before realizing I grabbed one of Luca’s, I look at it for a second and hang it back up. I grab another hoodie and some sweatpants before throwing my hair in a bun and walking to class. 
This is one of the 2 classes I had with Luca. If I don’t walk to class with him, I usually will be early enough that we can chat before class starts but today I walk in late. I look up quickly to see Luca in the back with the sit open beside him that he saved for me with Druss sitting on his other side. I take a seat in the front row, and I can sense Luca’s confusion from way up here.
[Luca’s POV]
Y/n walks into class wearing sweatpants and a stained old hoodie 15 minutes after the lecture started. Her hair was a mess and she didn’t look like her normal self. Instead of coming up to where we usually sit, she takes a seat in the front row. I stand to see if there is anywheres close that I could quietly go and change seats too but there was nothing. “That’s weird” Druss says looking over at Y/n
“She has been avoiding me all night, I don’t know what is going on” I say back.
The class goes on forever, I just need to speak to Y/n. As soon as we were dismissed I try to catch up to her but everyone stands at the same time. By the time I could maneuver around people to the front, she was no longer there. I look out into the hallway and she isn’t there. I decide to go to her dorm to see if she is there.
Once I get there I knock, and hear nothing from the other side. I stay a couple minutes knocking a couple times calling her name before leaving back to my room.
I enter my room and lay down on my bed, “FUCK!” I yell. And Adam looks over at me
“What?” he says 
“Y/n, she is acting so weird!” I start, “She has been ignoring me and she comes to class late today looking like she just rolled out of bed and doesn’t come up and sit where we normally sit and sat in the front of the lecture.”
“Well, did you try-” he starts
“I’ve done everything. I couldn’t catch her after class so I went to her dorm and got nothing. Last night her roommate said she would call me when she woke up and I got nothing” I interrupt
“Wanna call her from my phone and see if she answers?” Adam says and I grab his phone and press her contact. It rang and rang and rang before going to voicemail. “Nothing?” he asks me standing up, “I’ll be right back” he says leaving
[Y/n POV]
Luca came earlier and it was so hard sitting in here as he begs me to open the door from the other side. When he finally left I take my phone and text Beck:
Y/n: Luca was just here banging on the door. Please come back
Beck 🥰: On my way
I’m laying on my bed holding the test in my hand still just staring in shock. I hear a knock on my door and I put the test back on the nightstand then I turn back to stare at the door. “Y/n? It’s Adam, can you open the door?” I hear Adam on the other side before knocking again. “It’s just me, I promise” he says. I get up and finally open the door, moving to the side gesturing him in. 
He comes in and sits on the desk chair and I sit over on the bed. I just stare at my feet as he sighs “Luca is worried sick you know? He is really beating himself up.” He starts, “Did he do something? Or-” Adam stops. I look up and follow his eyes to see he is staring at the test on my night stand. “Um- are- what is that?” he says standing up. I cover my face with my hands and bring my knees in.
I hear Adam stand up and investigate the plastic stick. “Shit” he says
“I know” I cry into my knees
“Hey, hey stop crying for a second and look at me” I look up at Adam, “You have to tell him”
“I know, and everyone keeps telling me. And I just found out last night. And I went to the clinic this morning and-” I ramble
“You went to the clinic?” Adam questions
“Yes. I am 100% fucked” I say
“I’m going to tell him to see you, please tell him” Adam says standing up
“No please! Not yet.” I start sniffling, “I don’t know what to say”. I pick my phone out and read the texts:
63💖: Are you cheating on me?
63💖: I don’t know why you are randomly cutting me out
63��: You are breaking my heart
63💖: You cheated didn’t you?
I look up at Adam and start crying harder than before. “H-he thinks I-I’m c-cheating” I cry into Adam’s arms. Adam pulls his phone out and texts someone then puts his phone away.
“I told Luca you had to tell him something” Adam says. He gives me a hug and the door opens.
“You told them?” Beck asks
“Just Adam” I say 
“Told them what?” I hear Luca’s voice. I look up to see him standing at the door. Both Adam and Beck leave and closes the door behind me.
“I’m sorry Luca” I cry out, “I don’t know how this happened” I walk towards him but he steps back
“Are you cheating on me? Who is he?” Luca asks
“I’m not cheating on you!” I cry falling to the floor. Luca sits on the floor beside me confused
“Then what is going on?”
“You’re going to hate me, Luca” 
“You’re scaring me Y/n” Luca whispers
“I’m pregnant” I finally say. “And, yes its yours” I say with hurt in my voice that he thought I was cheating.
Luca says "You're pregnant?" before going silent. He just sat and watched me cry on the floor before finally walking to the door opening it.
Before leaving he looks back at me.“I don’t want it” he says emotionless before slipping out the door.
Part 2 Coming soon :)
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serenity-ren-bliss · 8 months
I've found my ambition again
Prompt(s)/Premise: Kazuha + prompt 6: Reunited + Quote 6: "It's so nice to see your face"
Notes: WOOO! The first fic for this event is finally out!! Have I written a modern Au of this? Yes. Am I possibly tiring out this premise? Possibly. Do I care!? Hell nah.
TW: fem!reader, Not beta read
Kazuha stared off at the sea, lost in thought. "Kazuha!" The familiar, booming voice, sounded behind him, causing him to jump and almost fall of the bow of the Alcor.
He turned to face her. "Captain Beidou." She crossed her arms. "This is the third time today I had to scream in your ear to get your attention. What's up?"
Kazuha sighed. "My apologies, Beidou, I'm just... thinking." She smiled at him, concerned. "Well, whatever it is, you know you can talk about anything with me, right?" He nodded. "Thank you, Beidou"
She pat his back. "Well, Wei Yin needs you on deck for something." Kazuha nodded. "I'll be right there." She smiled and walked off. Kazuha took one last look at the horizon.
Later that night, the members of the Crux rejoiced. They broke out their bottles and Beidou made a toast. "Have some fun and get some rest tonight, my friends, cause tomorrow we'll be in Inazuma for the first time since the abolishment of the Sukoku decree!" Everyone cheered.
No one could deny that coming back to Inazuma after the decree was amazing. Basically any member of the crew would agree that the decree made Inazuma one of the worst nations to visit. Kazuha, tho, was extra excited. This was his hometown, and he was so happy to see everything in its full, reestablished, glory.
He drank a full bottle of sake that night, and he might've had more had Beidou not kept her eye on him. "You had enough, Kazuha, go to bed." He agreed without arguing.
The next morning, Kazuha was more giddy anyone on the Crux would ever see him, practically jumping in his seat as the Alcor pulled into the docs in Inazuma. He ran over to the rail.
"You looking for something?" Beidou asked it as a joke. She didn't expect Kazuha's face to light up at the sight of something, and he ran off the ship.
"Kazuhaa!!!!" An unfamiliar voice boomed through the air and the members of the Crux watched in awe as Kazuha, who had never once mentioned anyone from his life outside of his late best friend, ran up to a girl they had never met.
She was running towards him as well, and they met in the middle, with him picking her up and twirling her. "Kazuha!!!" He put her down so she could look up at him, cupping his face.
"It's so nice to see your face again, my love." He gave her a passionate kiss. She returned it, and when he pulled away, she gave him a small giggle. "I missed you so much. All that time in hiding was misery!"
She's been hiding away since the vision hunt decree was announced less than two weeks after her vision manifested. Kazuha used to come visit her often, however after joining the Crux fleet he never got the chance and was only able to slip letters for Thoma to give to her, which they are both endlessly thankful for, but seeing each other's face again is the best thing to happen to both of you.
"I have so much I need to show you tell you, do with you!" Kazuha giggled fondly in response. "That sounds amazing, my dear, but first, I need to introduce you to someone." She nods, practically bouncing in place as Kazuha beckoned Beidou over.
"You never told me you had a partner, Kazuha." She came up behind him. "I'm Beidou, captain of the Crux fleet." The girl shook her hand. "Y/n L/n. It's nice to meet you, Captain Beidou."
"You too. Glad to know Kazuha here hasn't been staring off into space these past few weeks for nothing." "Really!?" Kazuha blushed a little. "Aww, Kazu! You've been thinking of me!!" He chuckled. "Of course, my love. There's not a moment I'm not."
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khazadspoon · 9 months
If you're still doing prompts can I request #24 Blondie/Tuco? 👉👈🥺
I definitely am!!! I’m up for prompts anytime. If you see one you like whether I’ve reblogged a list or not just send ‘em over!!
24: “That’s a very stupid idea.”
“I suggest we bury the gold, a few thousand in each location, and mark it on a map so we can find it again later.”
Blondie didn’t look impressed.
“That’s a very stupid idea.”
Ah. He definitely wasn’t impressed, then.
“Is it? Well, my friend, I think it’s better than taking it all to the same bank. All it takes is the wrong person finding out and then… Boom! The wall is blown up, the safe is gone, and so is our gold! Take it from me, Blondie; robbing a bank is hard but it isn’t impossible.”
He snatched the cigar from Blondie’s lips and took a drag, blew the smoke out in rings as his partner contemplated his unquestionable statement. He could tell Blondie knew he was right. They had both seen the effect of a bank being robbed, had both heard the (slightly exaggerated) list of Tuco’s crimes at more than a handful of short-lived executions. Tuco was no fool.
Blondie thoughtfully rubbed at his chin before taking the cigar back more delicately than it had been taken from him. He pressed his tongue to the end, bit down on it and rolled it from one side of his mouth to the other as though trying to savour the taste. The motion was captivating and Tuco forgot what they were arguing about for a moment.
He mentally shook himself and patted Blondie’s thigh. “Besides… if we both know where it all is, we both have equal responsibility for it right? If something happens, it’ll be just the two of us to blame.”
Blondie levelled him with a look that spoke volumes. It told Tuco he wasn’t happy with the plan, but that it was going to happen despite his feelings on the matter. It was a look Tuco had begun to know very well after finding his ex-partner and now no longer ex-partner with several thousand dollars already spent on liquor and horse tack. And a new pair of boots. And a gun cleaning set that looked far too expensive for what it did.
“Blondie,” he drawled, shuffling closer on the hard dirt and leaning against the taller man, “trust me. I’ve got as much to lose as you have. Maybe more, since I haven’t spent mine yet.”
Blondie smiled, slow and soft and just a little affectionate, the smile he only smiled when it was Tuco he was looking at. “You haven’t spent it yet. And that’s only because you were looking for me.”
Tuco sighed perhaps a little more dramatically than was needed. He rested his hand on Blondie’s thigh and squeezed lightly, didn’t miss the way that smile faltered at the pressure. “I’ll always come looking for you, amigo. We are bound together, you and I, for good or for bad. Why d’you think you can’t get rid of me, eh? There are forces at work stronger than fate when it comes to the two of us.”
Tuco found himself faltering as a hand dropped onto his atop Blondie’s thigh. Their fingers wove together and Blondie squeezed his hand gently. “Yeah,” he said under his breath, “I guess there are.”
His pulse skipped as Blondie watched him for a long time, his body relaxed but something tensing below the surface. For a moment, just a moment, it seemed as though Blondie might kiss him. Tuco kind of hoped he would.
But the man took his hand away and used a stick to poke and prod at the fire.
“Get some sleep, Tuco. We’ll have to figure out some locations tomorrow.”
Tuco bedded down for the night, not sleeping as well as he wanted, still thinking of that moment where anything could have happened.
Forces stronger than fate, he thought, what a strange world they lived in.
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gyunade · 1 year
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prompt: practicing with haseul ….
y/n: girl… just realised ive never had my first kiss im so embarrassed
seulie<3: GIRL WHAT… i thought u were in your hoe era bye
y/n: well 😅😅😅😅
seulie<3: why am i kinda disappointed lol
y/n: if you’re so mad abt noone kissing me come do it yourself whore
seulie<3: bet
You didn’t think much of the conversation you had with your best friend, but as soon as you were about to enter your bathroom, you heard a knock from your window. While most people would be scared, you knew you were okay, cause it was just your neighbour best friend, Haseul. It was normal for you two to flirt jokingly, this time (as well as the couple last times) you kinda meant it…. you just weren’t expecting her to do too????
“Hi” the blonde gave you a warm smile as she plopped on your bed, using her arms as support. “what do you want?” you asked with a playful tone, closing the gap between you. She wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you down on her lap, staring at your face. “Poor y/n didn’t have her first kiss… does she want to practice?” she titled her head. You felt your face heat up but thanked the fact that you hadn’t yet taken off your makeup, so you shouldn’t be that red.
You didn’t even bother to answer, smashing your lips on hers, the sudden force making her fall back on her back. She tasted sweet, like the vanilla chapstick you always see her put on. You licked her lip, shortly after pushing your tongue in her mouth. Haseul let out a soft whimper as you bit down on her tongue. “Didn’t know you’d be so rough” she smiled up at you finally pulled away. In one quick moment, she flipped you over, now straddling your lips.
Leaning in, she placed kisses on your neck, nibbling here and there. Your hands went to her blonde hair, massaging your scalp. You gasped as her cold hands went under your shirt, creeping up to your chest. “slut..” she mumbled as she started toying with your breasts, aiming to the fact that you weren’t wearing a bra.
You lifted yourself with your elbows, letting her take off your shirt. She did the same, and was left in a cute black bra. “Stop staring” she blushed and turned her head away, leaving you surprised by how quickly her mood can change. “sorry… you’re just so pretty”
Haseul leaned in, reconnecting your lips. this time, her hand wondered in your pj short, going straight to your clothed clit. The sudden pleasure made you jump, making you grab her shoulder. “it’s okay baby.. i’ll take care of you” she kissed the corner of your mouth. Her fingers pushed your panties to the side, sliding up and down your lips. “so wet… bet you taste so good too, but that’s a lesson for tomorrow” she said as she entered you, with two fingers from the very beginning. You moaned out as she wasn’t going easy on you. She was rapidly thrusting in and out, her thumb circling at your clit.
Your heart beat quickly increased, as you started getting close. “fuck- keep tightening your cunt around me baby.” the girl above you told you, as her mouth was attached to one of your breasts, biting at it painfully. it didn’t take you long to come, shouting her name with tears in your eyes. She pulled her hand out, admiring the wetness dripping off her fingers, before shoving them in her mouth.
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polar-equinoxx · 1 year
☁️The heavens told me that clouds have been grey
yes that is from lady gaga's song hold my hand from tgm-
Here lies all of my icemav fics! So guaranteed smooches <3 (None of them link to each other unless they are in a seperate series btw)
Here is the big ol’ masterlist :)
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goose and slider forever judging them in the background
☁️There's a silver lining on every cloud 13k+
Rated Teen, and with copius amounts of fluff :3 A collection of various icemav kisses prompts from a tumblr post full of them
☁️Only One Bed (1076 words)
Rated Gen, emotional hurt/comfort Iceman and Maverick are on a mission of somesorts together, and they get put in a room which has, yep, you guessed it, only one bed. And Maverick has a nightmare.
☁️Sunset on the Field (1086 words)
Rated Gen, first kiss, a sunset, that's it. Maverick invites Iceman to sit on a field near a runway to watch the sunset and maybe stargaze, a thing friends do, right? And they both deny their plainly obvious feelings for the other until neither of them can bear it any longer…
☁️Smoke in the Air (735 words)
Rated Teen, with anxiety, and hurt/comfort They don’t tell Iceman that Maverick is missing in action. Kind of important information when you're in a hospital ward twelve hours after you're shot down.
☁️Warmth (1020 words)
Rated Teen, angst and hurt/comfort Maverick hates sleeping in the same bed as Ice. He also hates himself. Tonight makes it way worse.
☁️Blame (957 words)
Rated Teen, angsty thoughts and its a sickfic, so.. Maverick was sick. Not the little cough and blocked nose sick, but the feverous, restless sick that gives thumping headaches and coughs that give you chest ache.
☁️Missed You (2119 words)
Rated Teen, secret relationship, anxiety, mental and regular hospitals (i'm sorry Mav) An accident. Two injured pilots, a broken wrist on one, a fractured ankle and twisted shoulder on the other. A string of numbers. 225 63 2829
☁️Still by your Side (2006 words)
Rated Teen, angst, post-break up, hurt/comfort, injuries It's been a couple of months since Iceman and Maverick broke up. They're still wingmen, they still fly missions together. But it takes a bad landing from an ejection for them to realise that they still need each other. Inspired by this post , that broke me.
☁️Even Ice Melts (1927 words)
Rated Teen, angsT, grief, stormy night, post-argument, hurt comfort, good god this has it all. “No one will be there to mourn you when you crash and burn,” Ice hisses slowly. Oh how he hated Iceman. “Then let us hope I crash and burn tomorrow,” he says harshly, still somehow maintaining eye-contact with him.
☁️Starved (1825 words)
Rated Teen, hand-holding, emotional hurt comfort, mutual pining sort of at the end... Maverick is touch-starved. He doesn't know it. Nobody else knows it. Nobody else except for Iceman. Of course he had to notice. And despite them being rivals, Ice plucks up the courage to offer Maverick a seat in the next lesson.
☁️Boys Don't Cry (1921 words)
Rated Teen, fluff, emotional hurt/comfort, Ice needs a hug. Iceman Kazansky has been told all his life by everyone older than him that 'boys don't cry', 'boys don't have emotions' and if they do one must keep it all to themselves. He gets it, it's kind of why he'd called Iceman. But if there's one person that'll unexpectedly rewrite that lecture it's his newly rival-turned-wingman. Or, Ice tries to hold all his emotions in for the hundredth time and Maverick helps him understand he doesn't have to hide them anymore.
☁️Cingulomania (2127 words)
Rated Teen, fluff, hurt/comfort, Maverick needs a hug (noun) - a strong desire to hold someone in your arms. "When I go, I hope I go out just as beautifully,” Ice muses out loud. “Oh-” Maverick starts, seemingly involuntarily. “I’d really prefer it if you didn’t go at all..” Or, Iceman has unknowingly forged an emotional connection with his wingman
☁️I'm in Your Arms, I'm in Your Care (4187 words)
Rated Teen, two parts in one, hurt/comfort, both Ice and Mav need hugs Luck wasn't a strong enough word to describe how much love Ice felt for Maverick. There was such a thing as touch, though, and that was heaven for both of them.
☁️The Time Will Come (2633 words)
Rated Gen, SO much fluff, dadt, dadt repeal If there's one thing that had got Ice this far, it was the promise that one day, things would get better. He'd just have to wait. But he had got this far, looking at the smirking face of his partner-in-secret, Maverick Mitchell of all people.
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spacefinch · 10 months
Incorrect MSB quotes, part I have lost count
Carlos: One time I was late to soccer practice and the coach made me run laps. My dad was the coach. And he drove me to practice.
Carlos: Why was Robin even the leader of the Teen Titans? What were his powers? Short and mad?
Ralphie: That's all you need.
Wanda: Piss off a short person and you'll see.
Wanda: Yeeted!
Carlos: Yote!
Wanda: YEETED!
Carlos: YOTE!
Dorothy Ann: I believe the correct word is "defenestrated."
Keesha: I just want to know who threw my cooking utensils out the airlock.
Carlos: Eating chips with chopsticks is unironically galaxy brain. Your fingers don’t get greasy and it lasts for longer.
Tim: Fork
Carlos: Oh, yeah, I’m going to stab my crunchy foods and make them fall apart like an absolute absentminded dunce, fool, clown, juster, like a monstrous moron, an idiot of Shakespearean proportions, a cretin.
Phoebe: Um, you seem to forget that ‘chips’ can also mean fries. And that’s probably what he was talking about, haha
Carlos: I did not forget anything. I purposely ignore the idea of using British vocabulary to do my part in helping it die out.
Wanda: How long does someone have to be dead before it's considered archaeology instead of grave robbing?
Dr. Skeledon: As an archaeologist, I find this a veRY AWKWARD QUESTION
Wanda: Answer the question grave robber
Carlos: My friend really changed once she became a vegetarian. It's like I've never seen herbivore.
Ralphie: I sighed so loud my mom asked me if I was okay and she's two rooms away
Janet: shut up @ people who still say "science side of tumblr"
Carlos: science side of tumblr why is this person so salty
Dorothy Ann: osmosis
Ralphie: What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?
Phoebe: Sad
Tim: Gay
Wanda: Sexy
Carlos: Goblin
Arnold: "Once you've hit rock bottom the only place to go is up!" You underestimate me. I've brought my pickaxe and I'm ready to dig.
Carlos: Let me get this straight Let me run something bi you
Dorothy Ann: Let's pan this out
Phoebe: Let's ace-ess the situation
Tim: I'm gay
Phoebe: Misogyny check: Let your phone complete the sentence: Women are...
Ralphie: Women are ready to eat pizza when they eat pizza when you eat pizza when they eat pizza when you hungry hungry lol lol pizza pizza ready pizza for pizza pizza ready for pizza pizza for pizza ready for pizza pizza ready for coffee tomorrow morning and eat pizza pizza ready
Phoebe: My talent is identifying birds
Carlos: Okay, what's this one?
Phoebe: Yep, it's definitely a bird.
Dorothy Ann: Wow, humanity has been through some fascinating times! I wonder if I'll ever live through major historical events!
Carlos: it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be spece travel. it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be space tr
Phoebe: how to pick up CHICKS!!
Phoebe: cup your hands around them protectively
Phoebe: lift them from the ground
Phoebe: gently kiss their fuzzy heads
Phoebe: say "peep peep" calmingly so as not to be pecked
Phoebe: peep peep
Keesha: Found a paper I wrote in 5th grade that I got an 'f' on. My prompt was "Imagine you are sitting on a cloud, what would you do or see?" I wrote, "I would see the ground as I fell because I would fall through it because in sceince you told us that clouds were just water mists."
Carlos: Gentle reminder not to eat too much candy before bed.
Wanda: No
Carlos: This was a gentle reminder, yet your words of defiance bring me ungodly amounts of rage.
Wanda: word*
Carlos: I want nothing mmore than to uppercut you directly to heaven's front door.
Phoebe: I just found out that my gecko's tail works on my phone's touch screen, so I'm gonna let her make a text post and let autocorrect interpret the words.
Phoebe's gecko: Funks go e y y man kill zucchini angst
Mikey: The gecko has spoken
Wanda: Your skin looks great!
Mikey: Thank you! I made it myself!
Ralphie: Momentarily forgot Minecraft skins were a thing. Was very concerned.
Carlos: Can't get authentic Italian cuisine like this anymore
Carlos: *posts picture of gummy worms in a bowl*
Ralphie: I don't even know where to start with this post.
Carlos: One time my little brother Mikey programmed a thing called "coke.exe" and all it did was bring up a little pop-up that asked you if you were thirsty for cola and if you clicked "yes" it opened your CD tray and said "here is a cup holder"
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