#my grandma will be like. join clubs! talk to people! and it's like.
sapsolais · 5 months
there should be an app for making friends with other queer people in your area who also yearn and think too much
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stell404 · 9 months
synopsis: Late night talks. word count: 624 notes: hope you guys like this!! this was supposed to be really short with 100 words only but i got carried away and started rambling ab my own thoughts💀 this is lightly inspired by their song 'reden' it's one of my faves, that's where the "deep late night talks" idea came from. also please leave reqs for tom kaulitz (or the other fandoms i right for)!!!
The low grumble of thunder was what initially woke Tom. A flash of lightning from inside the clouds illuminates the room for a brief moment, the weather has been rapidly changing these past few weeks. Sudden snowfalls happening out of nowhere or lightning in the middle of the day—though the lightning never really hits the ground, always just in the clouds.
He reaches his hand to the other side of the bed where he was hoping to find his girlfriend—[Name]. A frown wrinkling his face when he feels nothing but the soft covers of the bed.
Another lightning brightens the dark cozy apartment, it startled him a bit but it did him a favor, it lit up the room as he looked over to the window and there she was. [Name] was sitting on the bay window seat hugging her knees to her chest, looking at the view. Though it was late at night and it was snowing and thundering, the city still was lively, red lights emitting from the cars on the street, warm lights from the tall buildings which allowed you to make out dark figures of the people inside.
Tom walks over to her "Room for one more?" he murmurs.
"Of course" she nodded, shuffling to the side to provide Tom space to sit beside her. Once he's settled, she leaned on his shoulder. Tom didn't really understand what she was doing, but nevertheless, he still joined her.
"It's wonderful isn't it?" she asked as she looked at the city in front of them. 
"What?" he sounded confused.
"The people."
"I guess?" 
She pointed to a small group of people—which seemed to be friends—walking the streets drunkenly, wobbling from side to side, "They probably just came from a club, group of friends escaping their lives temporarily." 
Tom squinted his eyes, their apartment was pretty high up, but you could still see the people on the streets.
Then she pointed to an apartment complex, this one had warm yellow lights and a figure of what looked like a grandma knitting, "She looks lonely."
Tom chuckled in response, "You like watching people?"
"It's interesting isn't it? Everyone out there has their own lives, own problems, they're all the main characters of their story. We all have our own problems and we get too caught up on it to realize that it's not just us here, we exist with other people, other species. It really puts you in perspective, makes you realize that you're never really alone." she rambles, still looking at the vast city beyond them.
He thought for a while before speaking up, "Yeah...it's nice," he said though he really doesn't get how she's interested, but he was willing to listen just to make her happy.
She continued to ramble about deep topic involving humanity, talking about how "humans have always been humans", and "the human instinct to mark the world derived from a need for community or to be remembered greatly by society", all these are topics Tom didn't find interest on, but nevertheless, he listened, he always does.
So there they sat, on the bay window seat, looking out into the vast world beyond them, their words and occasional laughter echoing around the apartment. It was then they both realized how lucky they truly are, what are the chances they could've met? A guy like him and a girl like her? It's something you'd never expect. Something only from the movies or the pages of a book. The way the world worked was something that will never cease to amaze her—amaze both of them.
"I love you," he mumbled, pressing a kiss on the top of her head as she leans of his shoulder.
"I love you too."
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
What are your favorite Beifong family headcanons?
Oooh that's a great ask. I have a lot of headcanons and I'm pretty sure I've talked about them a lot at least a few times, but I've tried to condense them as best I could!
I've rambled about my headcanons surrounding seismic sense but here's some more. The twins and Huan learnt seismic sense very early on in their lives and were provably encouraged to lean into it. Huan particularly has very well developed seismic sense. To the point where it makes him uncomfortable and he tends to shy away from using it by wearing thick socks or shoes.
When Kuvira first arrived to Zaofu, she didn't really get along with Baatar Jr. I can see Baatar Jr being very protective of Opal, since they were the two nonbenders of the family. I can see him not looking too kindly at whom he saw as his mother's attempt at having a "better daughter".
Kuvira and the twins are permanent parts of Suyin's dance troupe. (Canon for Kuvira.)
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Due to not having much interaction with people outside the family, the Beifong kids are/were super close. Which leads to even more pain as they slowly untangle and mature.
They were also very close with the staff that worked at the manor and other of their family friends, due to this being their only social interactions outside family. Aiwei and the Chef (he only calls himself chef and never reveals his real name cause he used to be a pirate and is wanted in all four nations) are basically surrogate uncles to the kids.
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It having been just the six of them, i can see it being hard for them to fully interact with new people.
Huan wanted to be a doctor as a kid and pretended to do operations on his siblings. Their father, a renown architect, even built them a little play hospital. The other Beifongs... weren't fans.
Kuvira enjoys bubble baths. That's it.
Wei collects crystals and cool looking rocks, similairly to how Su collects meteors. He's a nerd about it too. He has several opals and whenever he's in an argument with Opal he will dramatically move them to the back of his collection.
One of my fave silly headcanons/theories is Baatar Sr being Suki and Sokka's kid. Like, I know it's very unlikely, but it is a lovely idea in my head and I could ramble about it all day. I don't see a lot of people talking about it. I see plenty of people using Suyin's sons looking like Sokka as proof that Su is a Tokka baby, however the Beifong boys actually resemble their father a lot. Also I have plenty headcanons around this idea and Suki would be an epic grandma. Kyoshi warrior Opal (and the twins). Living in my head rent free. Forever.
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Wing and Opal formed a little book club and like reading together/talking about books they've read. Their siblings aren't allowed to join. One time Kuvira and Wei crashed the little meeting and Wing was so offended he pretended to run away and join the circus.
When they were children, Kuvira was the ringleader for sure. She'd take the much more well behaved Beifong kids on wild adventures, after which they'd come back to the house covered in mud.
Wing is hard if hearing. Comes from that one scene where he sent Lin and Su to their deaths after misshearing Mako.
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Aiwei was the first one to encourage Huan to pursue his artistic talents and most of Huan's first works are still in Aiwei's house.
Wei is named after Aiwei, but they already had a Juniour in the family, so he was named an abbreviation of his namesake.
Aiwei ultimately regrets betraying the Beifongs, to teh point where his nightmares in the Fog of Lost souls are about the Beifongs.
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Can't believe Zaheer sent the only confirmed gay man ever shown on screen to super hell. Homophobia at its finest
Ugh you don't know how happy getting asks about the Beifong family makes me. Sorry if these were more focused on the Zaofu crew, I know they're not as popular as Lin and Toph but they are my faves.
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neptunerings · 28 days
I am caught up on Lovely Runner (Episode 14), and I have a lot of thoughts, but I will try to keep it short, sweet, and simple.
⚠️ Major spoilers ahead! ⚠️
Kim Hye-yoon is amazing. I love her.
Byeon Woo-seok is such a gorgeous man.
How are they real? 🥹
From the start, Sol is a huge fan of Eclipse, but she apparently has an interest in film, which is fine, but why doesn't the show - I don't know - show it?
Does living over a video store make it suffice? But she barely works behind the counter other than the one scene with Sun-jae.
How about recommending a movie to a customer? Get excited over new releases? Fanning over a director?
What about outside of the store? Joining a film club? Attending a festival?
Yeah, there is one scene where she works on a video for a shaman, but why can't they give us more of it? This includes filming, storyboarding, and/or directing.
It is her dream to be a filmmaker, right?
So. . . SHOW US!
Include her struggles with the wheel chair, such as going to location to location, meeting people in different places, and how inaccessible the city is!
But no.
ONE (1) film production company can't accommodate her.
UNLESS that is her last option. . .
(But, of course, we need to see it! Show more interviews, the recuriter discomfort, the lack of elevators, ramps, vans, etc, etc.)
It is a classic case of show, don't tell!
Yet, she gets the job after she changes the timeline.
What happens to relevant experience? An internship? Meeting someone in the industry?
Either way, people with wheelchairs can't be in Film Production, even with the appropriate exp and skill, because of stairs.
Fucking stairs.
I'm sorry people with wheelchairs.
You deserve better representation.
So much better.
There are no movie posters in her room. (Not even a generic one like My Sassy Girl or In The Mood For Love or Godfather! ! !)
(Although there are film related decorations in the latest episode. But why does it take that long to SHOW it? Smh.)
She doesn't talk about movies. Like at all.
A course in Film Studies doesn't count. Bffr.
She doesn't go to the movie theater other than her date with Sun-jae.
She doesn't watch any movie in her room, in her class, or with her friends and family prior to meeting Sun-jae.
There are no scenes where they bond over it.
(We RARELY see her grandma.)
(No one is home!)
(Way too many scenes with Hyun-ju and Geum.)
Yeah, there is Basic Instinct. . .
But it is a gag.
So, circling back to Eclipse, I keep thinking she wants to work in the music industry.
Or at least in management.
But she doesn't!
What the fuck?
Let's compare to Sun-jae now.
He is written more intentionally, and this is obviously due to the circumstance, but come on.
There are SO many scenes where Sun-jae swims. It takes up a good chunk of the plot.
But we can't see Sol watch a fucking movie? She only does it when Sun-jae is in the picture?
Give me a B R E A K.
It is nice to see his transition from swimming to singing, but. . .
We never see Sun-jae sing (aside from his performances with the band).
He doesn't fucking hum!
Yet he sounds like an angel.
His voice doesn't crack.
He doesn't sound out of breath. Off key.
He sings perfectly.
Even when he and Sol listen to music in the pool, he doesn't hum or sing.
Ugh. Missed opportunity.
He is into songwriting, as well, but we never see him write anything until the timeline changes!
What the hell?
There are no posters of bands or musical artists.
There is no collection of vinyls or CDs.
He doesn't own an mp3 player or an iPod.
He doesn't listen to music on his computer or from a CD player.
His room is all about swimming.
Where are the band shirts? ? ?
Why are all his shirts basic as fuck?
Why is he wearing a bomber jacket?
(Is it to subvert the expectation? 🤔)
What about attending a concert?
He doesn't talk about music. Like at all.
(We don't know who his favorite artist is.)
Even with his BAND MATE In-hyuk.
There are no discussions and/or actively involved in composing, singing, or conversations about music.
Their bromance is cute tho.
(This could be me, but I feel like they have more chemistry. Maybe because they have a common interest - despite showing us about it - and they engage with it. Idk. You tell me.)
We see more screen time with Sun-jae and his Dad compared to Sol and her mom.
His dad gets a scene stuck in the washroom.
Do you get where I am going with this? There are holes in the character writing. It looks like Sol and Sun-jae are only people when they are together.
Barely any music references. Which is a SHAME bc the story takes place during the Golden Era of K-pop. Although I'm glad they give Girls Generation the respect they deserve.
I'M SO GLAD YURI GOT THE CAMEO. After all, there are eight members in the group. It is not only Yoon-ah and Tae-yeon. ��
(Genie Era is so immaculate!)
The show runners should have watched the Reply series if they want to integrate music and/or pop culture properly.
Tae-seong is fine. Song Geon-hee is great in the role. I wish he wasn't the second male lead tho.
(Also, Sky Castle reunion? Let's go!)
He has chemistry with Sun-jae.
Then how about this: we restart the show, but In-hyuk is the main character. He goes back in time and tries to save Sun-jae.
They are in a love triangle with Tae-seong. But, Tae-seong gives up since In-hyuk and Sun-jae are meant to be. They play in the band together, get famous, and go through the ups and downs in the music industry.
Sol is their best friend while she is in a wheelchair!
Ok, so let's talk about the murderer.
(I hate this trend! Not every romcom needs a fucking murder mystery!)
*Screams into the void*
I like the bit whenever Sol gets to a crosswalk, she gets anxious, and Sun-jae stands in front of her, and she calms down.
So, you would think a car accident takes place, right? After all, it is realistic to get disabled from a car accident. Many people suffer from it.
So let's add a random ass murderer who drives a taxi and kidnaps people. 🙄
But there is no build-up to it. There is no news report on the TV. There are no appearances early in the show.
There is only a scene about him AFTER the shows "introduces" him.
"Oh, look! Someone is murdered! Omg!"
What the fuck?
The guy who asks for her phone at the bus stop seems like a better option since he comes off so creepy and persistent, but no.
Oh well.
It is what it is.
So we approach the end.
Based on what we know, Sun-jae will regain his memories, the murderer will get caught, and they will have a happy ending.
But I don't know.
The way the writing is going, anything can happen.
So I guess we will wait and see!
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goofygooberblog · 4 months
A Retrospective A Rant
Why I love Belle Dama so gosh darn much.
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If you somehow know me in real life or just by my upfront online you would know about how much I ramble on and on about ‘Mouthpiece Toontown’ and about how I actually really love her as a character so I thought it would be fun to list out reasons I love her and her Character.
1. I Love telephone characters/ object head characters.
I just love the idea of having your head as a telephone, older models in particular are very interesting to me and how there is always a way to insert a face into a telephone!
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(These two are my favorite)Something just gets me giddy about seeing them something that makes me flap my hands in excitement, tap my fingers and shake my leg just from seeing them.
2. I Like Villains
Okay to me, technically Belle is a villain. She is an antagonist to your toon character in Toontown.
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She is a Lawbot and technically they are corrupt. (As stated above) And the Suits are the main antagonists of Toontown. I really don’t mind this however since I’d like to say most of my favorite characters are not all morally correct and it’s nice to know that before someone ruins the fun by saying
“You know she’s a villain right?”
Beats them to the chase all the time.
3. Transgender
While this isn’t canon I have realized there are people who agree with my opinion that shes our elder trans rep.
While in the Brrrgh there was a party with 99 people and while I was there myself and two other people got to talking about Belle. The general consensus is that she’s trans. Her family is trans. And everyone at COGSS is trans. {[(Expect Prester) are their Prester stans?] I hope not}
Also she was my trans awakening.
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4. I love my Grandma
Okay guys you don’t understand how much I love her so much, she’s so silly and it makes me smile so much. Un ironically she inspired me to do better in school and how I should just join my schools science club. Seeing art of her makes my day and seeing fics about her on ao3 makes me happy.
She’s the reason I found out about well toontown when the 1.3 trailer dropped. While I seemed to lack the resources to download the game, (I couldn’t find it somehow???)
She caused me to look at toontown not just Clash and it made me happier giving me an escape from any school stresses I could just hop on Clash (I somehow found it)
Toontown Corporate Clash’s v. 0.1.3 update has really changed a lot about me and I love that. The clash team actually inspired me to keep posting art, and just keep playing the game so in this end. Thank you to the clash team member(s) who made Belle Dama to fuel my fixation.
[Clash Team (if you’re somehow reading this) you should totally make a side quest where you go to her knitting club and you get a 5% increase to get her drops.]
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Me if you don’t! Me if you do!
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justsasuke · 11 months
Here's a think I've had recent, what do you think Taka would have been like in Naruto Road to Ninja when everyone was all personality swapped? Since we only get to see Sasuke as a ladies man. How would taka have fit in you think?
It took me so long to answer this because I was thinking about it way too hard hahaha
First let me just say that while we do see Sasuke only flirting with ladies in Road to Ninja I personally think that version of him would flirt with anyone given the right time and place because he has looks and personality and deserves to use them. That being said here are my thoughts on what Team Taka would be like. And yes, I still think all four of them would be a great team and get along really well. Suigetsu is wild and unhinged in general so it could go either way... He's either going to be a very weird nerdy guy who can't read the atmosphere in a room, is slow on the uptake and very much a coward...or he's the leader of a small motorcycle gang who drives around town late at night being very loud, steals stuff from little kids and doesn't like drinking water.
Karin is kind of an airhead and spacey but looks and acts like a character out of a horror film. She lurks in corners looking all creepy and stalks the people she likes and the ones she hates from a very far distance. She keeps all this information catalogued in a black journal and color codes all of it. Her bangs cover her eyes completely and no one knows how she sees anything. She's also super indecisive and hates scented things (idk all I can think of is random details). All the deco in her bedroom is plush and soft.
Juugo is a total punk and probably has like 9 earrings in one ear. He would never kill anyone but he gets arrested for being in street fights all the time (he always wins these fights). Someone asked him to join an underground fight club once and he beat them up because they were in his way and he wanted to go home. He is somehow nice--in that he'll help grandmas and pregnant women cross the streets, but they're usually intimidated because he never talks at normal volume he only yells. He doesn't have tattoos because he passes out around needles
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urtopia · 5 months
Hey @alienshifter, thank you for the tag :)
1. Are you named after anyone? I was named Aaron because it is Elvis' second name. My grandma was excited: "Aaron?? Like Moses' brother??" and my parents: "Uuuhm.. Yeah, sure."
2. When was the last time you cried? Some weeks ago? I don`t remember
3. Do you have kids? Nö
4. What sports do you play/have you played? I have done Judo and swimming. Today I simply go the gym because I usually here you need to join a club for many sports and I am not really into this
5. Do you use sarcasm? Yes I do, with my friends and partner but I often don't really understand when other people are sarcastic 😄
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? The face and the way they talk, the way they dress. Not in a judgemental way. I just like to look at people :)
7. What’s your eye colour? Inside red-brown and green-brown on the outside
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Depends on my mood. I love scary stuff but I also love cartoons and wholesome movies/shows
9. Any talents? I play violin, I do origami, I can paint, draw, write, act and am learning a couple of languages. I'm pretty good at it.
10. Where were you born? In not quite the most beautiful country in the world: Germany
11. What are your hobbies? I have many hobbies: Knitting, making bracelets, origami, writing, drawing, singing and much more
12. Do you have any pets? No but I'd like to have a pet. My husband wants a cat and I think that would be great. My only problem is my allergy
13. How tall are you? 180 cm, no idea how much this is in inches..
14. Favorite subject in school? Arts, music and when we talked about poetry, I liked German too. Biology is also cool
15. Dream job? I'd like to have a café or just a place to serve the community. People can rent it for self-help groups, German and integration courses, private school lessons etc and give people a safe space when they need one
I know, many people don't like to be tagged or do things like this so... Feel free to answer these questions if you want
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lesbiancarat · 1 year
ur post made me realize how little mr wen junhui shares about himself like? i didnt even know he had poor eyesight wdym he got lasik… people would usually say wonwoo or another member when they think of “private” svteeners but really who is this enigma of a man!!!!! icb much of the info we know about him came from others
on that note i would love to hear more obscure jun facts if you have any more 🤲🏻
haha i feel like he shares more than u might think, there are a lot of little tidbits he shares on his weibo lives and such that mostly circulate among huihuis. which is probably true of every member, it makes sense that ppl would pay a bit closer attention/remember more details about their bias. but also tbf 90% of the things he talks about on lives or in fansigns etc. is literally just food so he can also get away with talking a lot without sharing much so i see where you're coming from DKJHG
but i would be happy to share some more obscure jun facts! (this wasn't intentional but these are all predebut lmao)
when he was young he asked his mom why everyone had flowers that day and his mom explained valentine's day to him. when he realized his mom didn't have a valentine (because she was a single mother) he ran off when his mom wasn't looking and came back with a single rose ;-; (from this article about jun's childhood published from his child acting days, it's a good read with a bunch more obscure jun facts but this is my favorite story from it bc it feels like something out of a drama ;-;)
he learned to cook from his mom and grandma
he did martial arts as a kid bc he wanted to act in wuxia dramas
he also injured himself when doing martial arts at one point and developed spinal tuberculosis and had to get surgery
in highschool he was asked to join the modelling club but he declined
he WAS in the tennis club in highschool and joined it bc there was a tennis anime he thought was cool (i don't think he ever specified which show, it may have also been multiple animes where there were characters who played tennis that inspired him to join)
i probably have more obscure jun facts bouncing around in my head but these are the first ones that came to mind
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nikonyako · 1 year
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New Year new Niko! (art by intern_bomb on twt)
Taps microphone... HELLO am I doing this Tumblr thing right?
In the new year one of the activities I want to start is blogging! I think it could be an incredible way to document my thoughts and also reflect on how I am feeling. This is going to be for MYSELF. If you want to read it, or ask questions- go right ahead! But what I post here is for me and not to impress anyone else.
But besides that, first thing's first-
2022 was an incredible year in so many ways. Incredible doesn't have to mean good necessarily, either. Everyone says a year can change their life but for me especially, my whole life has been turned upside-down. Below is some of the major points of my year
-I graduated University with a Bachelor of Arts in May -I worked 3 part time jobs (if you count content creation) -We adopted our cute puppy, Antonio! -Spent over a month visiting my grandfather in the hospital while taking care of my grandma who undergoing chemo for breast cancer
The fact I was able to celebrate the holidays with my grandparents this year is a complete miracle, and I am so grateful for it. The end of 2022 felt somewhat normal compared to earlier this fall.
Nobody talks about the existential crisis you have after graduating university. Since the age of three, I have been in the routine of going to school. I wake up, go to class, learn, do homework and clubs, rinse and repeat.
For the first time in my life that isn't Summer vacation, that routine is broken, and as someone who actually enjoyed going to school, I heartbreakingly miss it! I was absolutely the band nerd in school, so I spent so much time in high school and uni taking part in marching band, orchestras, and other clubs. But nobody talks about how difficult it is to continue your hobbies outside of a school setting! It isn't like any company I work for will have a club band I can play in and I am afraid to join any community ensemble because I am not sure where I am going to settle down yet!
AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON FRIENDSHIPS It was so easy to see people at school; be with your friends. Your life and my life were on the same path therefore that was 90% of the social activity I needed. Now when I want to meet high school friends, it is an effort to actually plan and execute meetups, work with work schedules, etc. And don't get me started about college friends, where not a SINGLE ONE lives in the same state as me.
And despite all this free time since I wasn't fortunate enough to graduate with a full time job, I found it really difficult to do things without a schedule. I spent a lot of time alone in my room, with difficulty finding motivation to apply to dozens of full time positions, just to get rejected or not be selected after a few interviews. My mom always told me it wasn't what you know, but who you know. And very much to my dismay (because how could my mom be right??!?) she was very much correct. I networked with someone during one of my jobs and what would you know! I have a full time position starting this month. I am so nervous but also really optimistic and excited to get back into the schedule, make money, and blossom a career. Life never goes the way you expect it to, so the same can go for your career path as well! I still plan on staying connected with the part time jobs I have now, and of course my streaming isn't going anywhere.
At the start of 2022, I made a video outlining my goals for the year and what I accomplished so far. Unfortunately my goals for the year weren't met quite to what I hoped it would be, but progress is still progress and the main point of streaming is to have fun and share my passions, so I am still very happy!
In December of 2022, I also passed my 2 year anniversary of streaming! I am so grateful for the nearly 1.7k of you who follow my twitch! So many people have come and gone but I am so grateful for everyone who has taken the time, even if just for a second, to check me out. As the Beatles say, "in my life, I've loved them all~"
But the term streamer has also not sat right with me recently. SO... I need to fix that! I want to take content beyond streaming this year and become a *cue sparkles* CONTENT CREATOR! Which means... -I will make edited videos on YT and TikTok -More blogs like this and content where I can express myself in a different medium -More discord events and community interaction
I also really want to spend my 2023 making new friendships and strengthening the friendships I already have, and network and collab more! Especially in the second half of 2022, I have admittedly felt a bit lonely and isolated (though I am MEGA grateful for the friends who I do talk with and you know who you are). But I miss the amount of people I knew and saw in early 2021, when my streaming journey was just starting.
2023 is the year of..
-NETWORKING -Expressing myself in different ways -Challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone -Doing what makes ME happy That's my goals and my outlook on the future. To my future self- if you feel sad, or lost, or lonely.. take a break! Reach out to someone! Try something in a new way! Don't trap yourself in an imaginary box that you made, and don't be afraid to step out of that shell you locked yourself in once and for all. Take a deep breath and think to yourself- "Is this something that will be impacting my life in a month from now?" If the answer is no, take a deep breath, go on a walk, and reassess. But know it's ok to have your feelings. Future Niko is validated (and so are you readers!)
So my essay is over. 2023 starts NOW so push off strong and pace yourself! Make this year yours!
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saylorsimming · 2 years
Elder Life Game Pack
By @saylorlovessims
***Notice this is not a real pack or a mod***
This is just my idea of what should be available in the Sims 4, for elders.
Pack Includes:
Elder Recreation Center
Useable Items: Teen-Elder
* Canes
* Shuffle Board
* Croquet
* Cribbage and/or Mahjong
* Lawn Mower/Lawn Care (mowing makes clean sparkles like cleaned house?)
* Grave flowers/Wreaths
Skill Building Items:
* (Yoga style class option for exercises)
* Water Ballet in Pool
* Spinning on Stationary Bike
* Pilates on Ball
* Jewelry Making Station
* Home Cosmetics Making Station
* Pottery Making Station
* Sewing Machine
* Funeral
* Family Reunion
* Group Outing
* Go For a Walk Alone/Group
* Speed Walking Alone/Group
* Check the Mail
* Retire
* Check the Weather
* Have tea with [name]
* Watch the News
* Make an Elderly Friend
* Join/Create a club
* Visit the graveyard to mourn [name]
* Visit The Graveyard to gloat [name]
* Put Flowers on Grave of [name]
* Kick Grave of [name]
* Go on Group Outing to…
- Go for a Walk
- Visit a Museum
- Look for Shells on the Beach
- Picnic at the Park, etc…
* Go to Elder Recreation Center
* Go on Vacation or Go on Vacation With…
* Bake Cookies For [name] or Take Cookies to [name]
- friends
- neighbors
- loved ones…
* Buy Birthday Present For [name] Birthday
* Play Chess at the Park
* Feed the Ducks
* Read at the Library
* Spend Time with:
- children
- grandchildren
- friends
- spouse or any love interest
Elder Only Aspirations:
Set up like Werewolves, with;
‘Elder Retirement’-
Retire from job is task
then choose one of the following…
1.) Grams or Gramps On The Go
This Grandma is always on the go. She enjoys all ‘Active’ elder activities and is particularly competitive at any game. You can frequently find her at a the Elder Recreation Center enjoying a Spin Class, Pilates, Water Ballet or even yoga. Reward: *Does not die from woohoo or exercise.
2.) Grumpy Old So-and-So-
He is bothered by Everything and complains about Everything. The rain, the dishes, teens or animals on his lawn and he is shouting down the rafters. He keeps an immaculate lawn. He talks about his glory days. He goes into great detail about his aches and pains. (TMI much!) Reward: *Does not die if Enraged
3.) Just the Sweetest-
She is very people oriented and makes friends easily. She enjoys group outings to movies, museums, shopping and more. She thinks Family Reunions are a Wonderful Gathering (even though the teens low key hate it). She is particularly adept at Home Cosmetics making. She loves to give gifts and always remembers birthdays. Reward: *Does not die if Hysterical.
4.) Wisdom of the Ages-
He comes across as a bit of a Know-It-All, but really he just wants to pass on his knowledge. He will pass on (unsolicited) sage advise, to influence youngsters, (anyone adult or younger), regardless of relationship level. Some take it well and learn something. Others are rather offended, but he isn’t. He also wants to learn new things by taking non-degree college classes. He wants to learn things he never had time for while younger like; Sewing, Jewelry Making, Pottery or Flower Arranging. Reward: *Does not die if Mortified
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Lolly & Golly
Lulu: He’s mine
Dolly: What are you talking about?
Lulu: Oh please, you think I don’t know every thought that boy has, or could ever have, before it’s even close to being fully formed
Dolly: I’d hardly consider that something to brag about
Lulu: & yet here you are perfectly willing to accept his half-baked advances, so, I’m warning you
Dolly: How uncharacteristically considerate of you
Lulu: You don’t have the monopoly on out of character acts, charitable or otherwise
Dolly: He’s not yours, he never has been because we both had to go out with him, at your insistence 
Dolly: You want to change that now, you know he won’t stick around
Lulu: You changed it, by walking away to fraternise with the teaching staff, bad luck, it was [him] who couldn’t get away fast enough
Dolly: It was a crime, Lulu
Lulu: Call it what you want with the benefit of hindsight, darling, I hope it helps spare your 😳💀 truly
Dolly: The only one 😳💀 is our mother, you wish I cared half as much as you do
Lulu: But what else is new?
Lulu: I only have one wish now as far as you’re concerned, stay away from Gabe
Dolly: Why would I do anything for you, when everything you do is actively against me?
Lulu: It isn’t for me, silly
Lulu: If the alleged trauma hasn’t left you with special needs, you’ll do it for your own sake
Lulu: because you may think yourself hard done by already, but you really don’t know the half of it, or want to put me to the test
Dolly: You’re so transparent, my God
Lulu: What a relief, I’m trying to make myself super clear 😊
Dolly: The panicked grasp for control is crystal
Lulu: Panic, no
Lulu: people get terribly calm before they do wicked things, ask mummy about her latest cry for help
Dolly: I try to avoid all contact, which they thankfully make very easy on the whole
Lulu: It’s fine, she’s not the right person to quiz anyway, she doesn’t have my resolve
Dolly: You can channel all that resolve into keeping him then, can’t you
Lulu: Absolutely, you abandoned him, I didn’t
Dolly: We got pulled out of [your old school]
Lulu: You cheated long before that
Dolly: I don’t know why you’re acting as if you’re in love with him now when I know you’re not and so does he
Lulu: It’s laughable you would even use the word
Dolly: I’m not the one pretending, badly
Dolly: We’re so obviously incapable, he didn’t need to come to our empty home to find that out
Lulu: Nor am I, he knows where he stands, not that it’s any of your business how I do or don’t act
Dolly: Unlike you, I really don’t care what you’re up to in the bedroom
Lulu: I’m entitled to care when you invite him into yours at grandma’s
Dolly: No, you’re not, not when it comes to me
Dolly: if you thought you were monogamous, bring it up with him, good luck when you’re the one who set everything up to be shared
Lulu: Sharing him with whichever girls on [his uni] campus he has a passing interest in is one thing, you trying to steal him from me is quite another
Dolly: Get a real boyfriend, it’s clearly what you need
Lulu: No, it clearly isn’t
Dolly: You haven’t shaped him into what you want yet, you’re not going to now
Lulu: The shape of him is irrelevant to this convo
Dolly: This convo is irrelevant 
Dolly: What are you trying to achieve?
Lulu: I told you, if you leave me with nothing, well, of course, I’ll have nothing to lose
Dolly: Join the club
Lulu: I’m not welcome, it’s very much your entire point
Dolly: I’m the one who brought him over to make you feel unwelcome in your own home, oh wait, that was you
Lulu: You started this, don’t get that twisted
Dolly: It’s the one thing I can be proud of, breaking that chain
Dolly: You’re not ready to accept how wrong it all was, your part in it
Lulu: You can’t break it, that’s a fantasy, bordering on a delusion much like the rest of what you’re saying
Dolly: The fantasy is that our family is one, that anything healthy has grown from them
Dolly: It’s over, all of it
Lulu: Never, even if I die, or kill both of you for betraying me
Dolly: Betraying you
Lulu: Becoming a habit of yours
Dolly: You need deprogramming or something
Dolly: I don’t know how to talk to you, do you hear yourself?
Lulu: Do you hear me? It’s over how & when I decide, it isn’t up to you
Dolly: No one is playing your games anymore
Lulu: This isn’t a game anymore
Dolly: I’m not scared of you anymore, you’re just deeply disturbed, I’d feel sorry for you if I could bring myself to have that level of empathy 
Lulu: I am? 😅  You’re emotionless, you should be studied
Dolly: I know that having our parents and you as a sister has fucked me up, am I not playing the victim and playing up, in your own words
Dolly: you need to deal with the reality of our situation instead of placating yourself with revenge fantasies 
Lulu: The reality of the situation you caused & refuse to apologise for is something I’m having to deal with
Dolly: The reality of having parents that neglect us most of the time, then narcissistically abuse us when they aren’t, in her case
Dolly: You thinking it’s about anything else is the problem
Lulu: How exactly is that a problem for you, Dolly? You have grandma & grandpa, they’re so wrapped around your little finger it would be my fault somehow you slept with MY boyfriend under their roof
Lulu: I have nowhere but that empty house you mentioned, because guess what, I can’t even board at school now, thanks to you
Dolly: He’s not your boyfriend
Lulu: You would focus on the least important part of what I just said
Dolly: Because they’re your grandparents too, if you wanted a better relationship, you could have one
Lulu: They hate me, that relationship’s poisoned, you poisoned it
Dolly: They do not hate you, they’re not mum and dad
Lulu: They’ve been taken in by your lies & taken your side
Dolly: What lies?
Lulu: I’m not the villain
Dolly: I don’t talk about you
Lulu: Silence is a condemnation here, you don’t leap to my defence, you never have
Dolly: Grandma and Grandpa do not bitch about you, that’s an insanely paranoid thing to think
Lulu: I’ve literally heard them
Dolly: They worry about you, you conflate the two
Lulu: They think I’m a worse version of her
Dolly: It’s too late to help her
Lulu: It’s too late for me, they’ll be thrilled to be correct in mummy & I having something in common
Dolly: It isn’t
Lulu: You’ve given me no choice
Lulu: ruined my life, wrecked everything that mattered
Dolly: Look, if it wasn’t for them caring more about appearances, you could have stayed there
Dolly: that wasn’t my decision
Lulu: You decided I’m an albatross around your neck
Dolly: You harp on what I did to you, like that wasn’t a reaction to how you treated me for the first [however many] years of my life
Lulu: Like you didn’t love having me as a scapegoat, you didn’t once have to take any responsibility because you didn’t make a single decision, all of them were mine
Dolly: Which is what you wanted
Lulu: You needed me, if I hadn’t stepped in where do you suppose you’d be? Even stranger than we are
Dolly: I will literally never get to know, you didn’t give me the choice, the luxury 
Dolly: There’s no way for us to be stranger
Lulu: I gave you every luxury, we ran that school, we had total freedom
Dolly: What an entirely meaningless thing for you to base your self-worth on
Dolly: We only had 2 years left anyway, then what, you still lose your whole personality when you enter the real world
Lulu: Then we would’ve had actual freedom, away from mummy & daddy
Dolly: That’s how it is now
Lulu: But it isn’t, there’s no we now, you’ve separated us
Lulu: & in your selfish desperation to do that, you’ve brought me back to her
Dolly: You want that, you always have, no one has made you react like this
Lulu: You broke my heart, I don’t know how else to react! I’m sorry I can’t tailor this suffering to become a perfectly executed fuck you to our mother, I haven’t quite reached that level of psychopathy, I’m afraid 
Dolly: I can’t fake it anymore
Lulu: You shouldn’t have to, I’m your sister
Dolly: You made us cross boundaries that make that irrelevant now
Lulu: We’re twins, boundaries are for half & step
Dolly: You still don’t respect what anyone else wants
Dolly: I never wanted that, you forced closeness that wasn’t natural
Lulu: I didn’t force a single thing
Lulu: & you wanted Gabe, you obviously still want him
Dolly: You’re the one that met him
Lulu: Your enthusiastic consent filled the room, we all remember
Dolly: Because I knew you’d not let me strike out on my own, it had to be together
Lulu: Because you enjoyed it
Dolly: You shouldn’t have been there
Lulu: Convenient excuse now that neither of you want me to be
Dolly: How do you not feel sickened 
Lulu: Okay, maybe you do need to get out more
Lulu: people are more intimate with complete strangers, no one is calling them out
Dolly: You wouldn’t know intimacy if it stared you in the face
Dolly: I blocked out the fact you were there, however hard you persisted 
Lulu: How beastly of you
Lulu: what you mean is, you’re persisting in telling yourself you tried to, because you can’t accept what’s staring you in the face
Lulu: none of it happened against your will
Dolly: I wanted experiences, I wanted Gabe and I wanted [this teacher]
Dolly: I didn’t want you but you forced yourself into this as you did everything
Lulu: You want someone to blame
Dolly: If that were true, you’d have known about [the teacher]
Dolly: I didn’t want you, how many ways can I say and show it, you didn’t let me do a fucking thing by myself until I made it happen
Lulu: If that were true & you were devastatingly unhappy, what took you so long?
Dolly: Said as if you’re not still clinging to a devastatingly toxic relationship with our mother
Dolly: You know why
Lulu: I know you’re exhausting
Lulu: if I was the mastermind of some great plot to turn you & Gabe into my vision, you wouldn’t be this weak, you’d be my equal 
Lulu: you clung to me & I had to protect you because one of us should get to stay soft
Dolly: You think you’re strong
Lulu: Needs must, she won’t break me, I’ll beat her
Lulu: in too many ways I already can
Dolly: And what an adversary
Dolly: you’re picking a life-long battle with the saddest woman who ever lived, get a grip
Lulu: I’m surviving the nonsense you sacrificed me to in order to feel like you’d won against her yourself for once with your pathetic teacher fucking shots fired
Lulu: your scandal was as sad as any stunt she’s pulled
Dolly: I wasn’t making a scandal happen
Dolly: I don’t think like you two, thinking you’re playing chess when you’re just playing yourselves
Lulu: You don’t think, period, you can leave the sentence there
Dolly: You’re jealous that you weren’t picked to be someone’s Lolita, that’s the sad truth we’re all meant to ignore
Dolly: You wish it was you so bad
Lulu: If I cared about having him at all, I could have
Lulu: my priority was [the name of their school], not a bland series of sexual encounters which poor sir has undoubtedly blocked out
Dolly: Sure, Lulu
Dolly: then you’ll have no trouble keeping Gabe all for yourself and we don’t even need to have this conversation
Lulu: The uncomfortable truth we’re all meant to ignore is you destroyed a man’s life for fun & then cried groomer when it wasn’t
Dolly: You would need to take that perspective
Lulu: It’s valid, you’ve admitted to wanting him, wanting to escape my suffocation, he’s hardly the predator, is he?
Dolly: He got caught, and faced no consequences 
Dolly: the fantasy you have of me crying myself to sleep over it is because you’d rather I was traumatised than betray you, which is the real truth
Lulu: I’d rather you or I were dead, which can be arranged any time
Dolly: Grow up, for God’s sake
Dolly: We are to each other, that’s what matters
Lulu: What matters is, you left me
Lulu: I’m traumatised by that & you’re blatantly unphased
Dolly: We have nothing in common
Lulu: Because you’re obsessed with the idea of distancing yourself from me
Dolly: Because we’re nothing alike, no amount of forcing made it true
Lulu: Your determination to disregard whatever similarities exist doesn’t mean they aren’t there
Dolly: You’re traumatised by losing an extension of yourself, you don’t know me, you didn’t bother getting to know me as a person
Lulu: Don’t be ridiculous, I spent our whole childhoods with you doing that
Dolly: You decided everything she didn’t
Dolly: Neither of us had a personality not corrupted by her awful decisions 
Dolly: then you micromanaged the shit too small for her to care about, our favourite colour, our favourite toys
Lulu: For god’s sake, I’m not an extension of her
Lulu: I’m sorry I cared about you when it’s apparently a huge sin or something
Dolly: No need to apologise for something you didn’t do
Lulu: Wow, okay
Dolly: Everyone in our house hates each other, there’s nothing about it worthy of saving
Lulu: I loved you
Lulu: I just wanted you to feel loved
Dolly: Jesus
Lulu: Our parents weren’t going to, who does that leave?
Dolly: You deserve to get better, to get help
Lulu: You can have him, even though you deserve way better
Dolly: He can make up his own mind, it isn’t up to either of us
Lulu: Hilarious, what mind? He’s an idiot
Dolly: He still gets to live his own life, we all do
Lulu: I’m done with mine, but you two go ahead
Lulu: live happily ever after
Dolly: Don’t be ridiculous
Lulu: I was being overly optimistic, on purpose, if anything, I give your summer fling a fortnight at most before you realise he’s a bore
Dolly: I know him as well as you do
Lulu: Best of luck & best wishes, naturally 😘
Dolly: You can save the condescension, this is exactly how I knew you’d react
Lulu: I’d work on my last words but there’s very little point, my reaction will speak for itself, you’re right
Dolly: If you want to threaten to kill yourself to keep a boy, that’s your business
Lulu: It isn’t a threat or about him but your continued misinterpretation of me is none of my business
Dolly: It’s entirely unoriginal, is what it is
Lulu: I’m aware of that, but there’s also very little point to carrying out a unique suicide, if such a thing exists
Dolly: You learnt every move from her and she’s the stupidest person we know
Dolly: and still alive, despite all her insistences otherwise, so
Lulu: Not every move, the final one will hopefully go differently
Dolly: Good luck with that
Lulu: Thanks 😊
Dolly: I’ll call the ambulance and you can explain why you’re wasting everybody’s time
Lulu: I’ve only wasted my own trying to talk to you
Dolly: Every threat you make is idle, you’re like a child
Dolly: do you want to be the sad middle-aged woman who’s never had a job and has a relationship that rivals a tween girl’s?
Lulu: Foreign as my desires are to you, I’m not surprised you’d ask
Dolly: No one deserves a drain on their life and savings more than our parents
Lulu: Unfortunately, those aren’t my intentions
Lulu: still, there’s always Mattie when she’s old enough for a mid-life crisis
Dolly: Why not
Lulu: Mummy & I aren’t the same shoe size & I’d loathe living in her skin it’s awfully stretched
Dolly: Room for you both
Lulu: She’d eat me, her appetite is uncontrollable
Dolly: You have that in common too
Lulu: Your list doesn’t give me anything to live for, please don’t consider a future career as a therapist
Dolly: As I said, I’m well aware you need professional help, there’s nothing I can do for you
Lulu: & therefore you’ve washed your hands for your own sanity, what a frightful cliché
Dolly: I’ll live
Lulu: As I said, one of us should
Dolly: Talk to him, I’m sure it’ll have the desired effect
Lulu: For who? You and your desire to be the bigger person
Dolly: Yours to keep him, which is why you’re here
Lulu: Mine has changed, you keep him
Dolly: Whatever
Lulu: Romantic, I understand why he’s smitten 😍🥰
Dolly: Clearly you don’t
Lulu: He believes you’re forbidden, that I forbid it, but no, I don’t
Dolly: He wants to sleep with someone who doesn’t just lie there, that’s all
Dolly: There’s no big secret
Lulu: He wants you again, there’s no big secret he had the time of his life before & now uni is a bore & he’s sulking
Dolly: There had to be incentive for him to do it
Lulu: You’re the carrot & I’m the stick, I’m sure he took all of a second to feed you that unoriginal narrative favoured by old married men globally 🙄
Dolly: You never liked him, I don’t know why you’d be offended now the feeling is more mutual
Lulu: I’m not, him walking out is the most thrilling thing he’s ever attempted, which isn’t saying much, but he doesn’t offer much by way of entertainment
Dolly: How sad for you
Lulu: Hence baby’s first suicide attempt, do keep up
Dolly: I’d rather not, this is boring
Lulu: Agreed 🥱
Dolly: Tell him he can come back over when you’ve stopped playing for time
Lulu: Tell him yourself
Dolly: Sure
Lulu: [goodbye in whatever weird made up twin language you used to have when you were children no doubt because she is unhinged and fully intends to do this unlike Chlo’s attention seeking ass, soz girl we’re not letting you succeed but I’m sure you almost did]
Dolly: [oh hun, what would you like to do next gal gal]
Gabe: Don’t shoot the messenger if you don’t want to
Gabe: but I thought you should know she’s in hospital
Dolly: Right
Dolly: I’m sorry you had to find her
Gabe: It’s a good thing someone did
Dolly: It shouldn’t have been you
Gabe: Your parents aren’t here, they couldn’t have
Dolly: No, I should have just called the damn ambulance like I said though
Gabe: Wait, you knew she was going to do this?
Dolly: Not exactly, she makes threats all the time
Gabe: Well, you could’ve warned me
Gabe: I had to call one, with the fucking language barrier
Dolly: I said sorry and I meant it
Dolly: you should’ve just called here
Gabe: I wasn’t exactly thinking straight
Dolly: it’s fine, she’s where she needs to be now
Gabe: It’s not fine, Dolly
Dolly: It’s not over you, if that’s what you’re worried about
Dolly: she said as much
Gabe: I’m worried about her, she tried to kill herself
Dolly: She’s not thinking clearly, they’ll section her now, she’ll get the help she needs
Gabe: Will she?
Dolly: It’s out of her hands now
Dolly: she’s underage so they’ll bring my parents back, that’s why she’s done it
Gabe: They’re in [the wrong place because why would you remember], right?
Dolly: Somewhere like that
Dolly: You can go home, you shouldn’t feel bad, none of this mess is yours
Gabe: I can’t without seeing her first
Dolly: I don’t know if they’ll let you, I’ve never visited anyone in hospital
Gabe: I don’t know either, what anyone in this fucking country is saying
Dolly: Now’s not the time to lecture you on practising your English
Dolly: whatever you saw, it’s fucked you up, I know
Gabe: It was horrible
Dolly: I know
Gabe: How could she do it to herself?
Dolly: She’s not well
Gabe: She wasn’t that unwell, I didn’t think so
Dolly: I mean, she was born that unwell
Dolly: she didn’t want you to see her like that, I’m sure
Gabe: & now I’ll never be able to unsee her like that
Dolly: It’s selfish
Gabe: She wasn’t thinking about me
Dolly: Or anyone but herself
Gabe: Yeah
Dolly: I’m just exhausted
Gabe: She must’ve felt the same
Dolly: Nah
Gabe: I just mean, in a desperate state to do what she did
Dolly: She lives in a desperate state
Dolly: she’ll get what she wants from it, attention and concern from our mother
Gabe: Can your mother do attention or concern?
Dolly: She can fake it when required, just like Lulu
Gabe: Won’t she be able to tell it’s fake?
Dolly: It’s all we’ve known, the difference doesn’t matter
Gabe: Damn, no big surprise she’s messed up
Dolly: How is that news to you?
Gabe: It isn’t like she talks about your mother to me all the time
Dolly: No but
Dolly: you can’t have assumed we were normal
Gabe: More normal than this
Dolly: What an awkward surprise this has turned out to be
Gabe: Are your grandparents going to the hospital?
Dolly: Of course
Gabe: I’ll come over, you shouldn’t be there on your own
Dolly: You don’t have to for my sake
Dolly: I won’t hurt myself
Gabe: It’s for mine too, I don’t want to be alone
Dolly: Okay then
Gabe: Do you need anything?
Dolly: Just don’t expect me to cry or anything when you get here, yeah
Gabe: She’s your sister, I don’t expect you to feel any type of way
Dolly: I’m immune to it, numb
Dolly: it’s been a lifetime of manipulations, it’s her one move and it doesn’t work anymore
Gabe: So she’s out of moves
Dolly: The game is over but she won’t accept that because she didn’t ‘win’, whatever that means
Gabe: I felt like I won earlier
Dolly: Undoubtedly taking that away was a component if not a reason why
Gabe: You said she said it wasn’t over me
Dolly: [send him that specific message]
Dolly: She wasn’t at peace with the world and ready to leave
Gabe: Was this our fault?
Dolly: No
Dolly: She wants it to be mine for getting us thrown out of [the school]
Gabe: Maybe going home is a good idea
Dolly: I would if I had the choice
Dolly: further away than Switzerland
Gabe: You could go with me
Dolly: You’re only offering because you feel bad for me
Gabe: We both need to get away from here but that’s not it
Dolly: Now you know I’m as bad as her because I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for her
Dolly: and it’s ruined what we could’ve had, hasn’t it
Gabe: You’ve been through a lot, she’s put you through a lot
Dolly: I wasn’t even allowed to go to the bathroom without her as a kid
Gabe: Leave with me, you’re allowed space
Dolly: Where will we go?
Gabe: Your choice
Dolly: Say that you want me there, mean it
Gabe: It wasn’t goodbye, it still doesn’t have to be
Dolly: I don’t know what to tell my grandparents
Gabe: Tell them you can’t stay here, it’s too much & you need a break
Dolly: It’s not a lie
Dolly: the thought of having to be alone with just us in that house, I can’t do it
Gabe: The summer’s yours, you want to live not die
Dolly: I feel like I was only just born
Dolly: or like I was dead until [when this all came out and blew up]
Gabe: You’re a baby then
Dolly: Yeah
Dolly: take me somewhere I’ve never been, you basically have the whole world to choose from, I’m brand new
Gabe: I’ll take you lots of places, we have time for me to show you the world
Dolly: I feel happy, real excitement
Gabe: Me too
Dolly: You know how I felt earlier too, that it was real
Gabe: It doesn’t feel as real now, but we can get it back
Dolly: We have to
Dolly: she’s getting what she needs, we need to do this
Gabe: It doesn’t make me a bad person, when you put it like that
Dolly: How could you be, you were always my boyfriend too
Gabe: I was
Gabe: & she doesn’t need me, she has your parents & grandparents
Dolly: She wants to isolate me, she said you only wanted me because you thought you couldn’t
Gabe: She would say that, she doesn’t think I can do anything
Dolly: I haven’t stopped thinking about all the things you did, honestly
Dolly: I didn’t think I’d miss you
Gabe: Neither have I
Gabe: I missed you in the back garden, before I even really left
Dolly: I knew you’d be looking at your phone, that you’d see me deleting the messages, I didn’t want you to stop paying attention to me yet
Gabe: I want them back, say everything hot again
Dolly: I mean it all even more
Dolly: I need you so much more 
Gabe: Good girl
Gabe: that’s a good start
Dolly: You have my virginity forever, I love that
Gabe: You’re mine
Dolly: I want you to be my daddy
Gabe: My baby, I like it
Dolly: You can smoke in bed in [giving the European countries where they dgaf]
Gabe: You haven’t moved from yours & you don’t want me to
Dolly: How did you know
Gabe: Because I haven’t stopped thinking about what you could be doing
Dolly: There’s nothing else I want to do, need to
Dolly: I’ll kiss you every time you exhale, until you want me as much as nicotine
Gabe: I’m not addicted, but to you, maybe
Dolly: Your lungs are welcome, I’m so much better for you
Gabe: Are you? You take my breath away
Dolly: 😏 You’ve got all the lines, huh
Gabe: You make it sound like I’m playing games & making moves too
Dolly: You are refreshingly straightforward
Gabe: Thanks? 😏
Dolly: No translation error, I mean it as the best compliment I can give
Gabe: She’d mean it like I’m stupid, but I know you don’t
Dolly: She has an inflated opinion of her own intelligence 
Dolly: praise from teachers could be relied upon, I guess
Gabe: We don’t want to talk about her though
Dolly: I know I don’t
Gabe: I know what you want, you’ve been straightforward about it yourself
Dolly: It’s a newly found freedom but one I’m already liking a lot
Dolly: asking for what I want, not being told
Gabe: So ask me for something
Dolly: Bring [some kind of red wine that y’all would know the name of because you’re posh and European]
Gabe: Where am I going to find that?
Dolly: There might be some there
Dolly: check the cellar, [point him in the general direction, it’s more like a cabinet ‘cos your parents are living off their parents so you’re not crazy rich living]
Gabe: [take some pics of their terrible taste in wine/all drinks undoubtedly when you do find said cabinet haha because they suck]
Dolly: 🙄
Dolly: Okay, there’s a shop at the end of [giving this road y’all live along, you get the vibe, it’s London, it won’t be far]
Gabe: Take off your clothes, after this I’m not going to waste any more time
Dolly: Oh, I see 😳
Gabe: Let me see you’ve done what I told you to
Dolly: I’m not used to taking those kind of pictures but I’ll try
Dolly: [and do, being cutely awkward about it]
Gabe: You’re a natural
Dolly: I’ll get better at it
Gabe: While you’re waiting for me, it’ll give you something to do
Dolly: When you first met me, what did you think?
Gabe: You were sexy
Gabe: & I wasn’t wrong
Dolly: You make me laugh
Gabe: No joke
Dolly: I was so nervous, I can’t believe I was sexy
Gabe: I couldn’t tell
Dolly: You were nice, you made it good for me
Gabe: It wouldn’t have been for me if it wasn’t for you, I’d be able to tell that
Dolly: You don’t play games
Gabe: I try not to
Dolly: Me too, now I get to decide
Gabe: What did you think?
Dolly: I’d been told all about you beforehand, obviously
Dolly: it was exciting to have someone to talk to, someone to be close to, especially a boy
Gabe: We were close, I’ve missed that so much
Dolly: It was hard, wanting to be closer
Dolly: but there were no secrets, couldn’t be
Dolly: you understand why I did what I did, don’t you?
Gabe: Of course I do
Dolly: Now, we can be as close as we want
Dolly: as close as earlier
Gabe: Closer, we’ll be in a different country soon
Dolly: Alone
Gabe: Me & [her pet name]
Dolly: Better than my name 😍
Dolly: by far
Gabe: You don’t like it when I call you by your name?
Dolly: Hmm
Dolly: We might have to test that out
Gabe: [voice note her saying her name in as many different tones as you can think of]
Dolly: Oh
Dolly: I’ve never liked my name before, what have you done
Gabe: Nothing yet, compared to what I’m going to
Dolly: Please 
Gabe: First, [the name of this wine he is buying rn]
Dolly: Thought it would help us destress but I just need you for that
Gabe: You’re like my own private stress ball, yeah 
Dolly: You can touch me all over, I won’t move or anything, promise
Gabe: You’ll move, you can’t help it
Dolly: Maybe but I’d try very hard to be good before I did
Gabe: That’s very true & I don’t mind when you have to
Dolly: It’ll be against you only
Gabe: Into me, to get us closer
Dolly: You don’t need to pin me, it’s exactly where I want to be
Gabe: For all of summer
Dolly: School will be so dull
Gabe: Uni too
Dolly: What’s your plan when you’re done?
Gabe: Plans change, why would I make one yet?
Dolly: Fair point
Gabe: In my head I’ve dropped out 100s of times
Gabe: made 100s of other decisions
Dolly: You’re taking it as it comes
Dolly: nothing is guaranteed
Gabe: You’re an insanely intelligent newborn
Gabe: What am I going to do with you?
Dolly: Have the best summer ever?
Gabe: The best because you are
Dolly: I’m not
Dolly: but I’m going to be good for you
Gabe: Are you calling me a liar?
Dolly: Your crush is making you biased
Gabe: And now you’re calling this a crush
Dolly: Are you saying you don’t have a crush on me?
Gabe: I did, it’s turned into more than that
Dolly: Stay with me tonight
Gabe: I won’t even go to the back garden without you
Dolly: Your lap is the perfect place to be, inside and outside
Gabe: Inside you or not
Dolly: Always inside me, I’m missing you badly
Gabe: Let me see how badly
Dolly: [send him a pic of your boobs that are covered in lovebites from him]
Dolly: See?
Gabe: Look what you made me do
Dolly: You should do more, I think
Gabe: What else are you thinking?
Dolly: How loud you made me
Gabe: There’s no one to hear you scream, you can be louder
Dolly: Shit
Dolly: You could do anything you wanted to me
Gabe: In any room
Dolly: Every room, you have to
Gabe: & outside
Dolly: The neighbours can know who I belong to, who’s looking after me
Gabe: Who your daddy is
Dolly: No one else has ever cum in my pussy
Gabe: Why didn’t he?
Dolly: He was paranoid in every way, funny considering how easily we got caught in the end
Dolly: how I know all about deleting messages
Gabe: He’s made what we’ve got more special
Dolly: It ruins the moment, having to stop so you can put a condom on
Dolly: you trust that I’m not stupid like that
Gabe: You don’t need to trap me, I want to be here
Dolly: 😁
Gabe: Do it for real
Dolly: [do because like your sister you do be smiling like that]
Gabe: Your teeth can’t be English, no wonder I forget you are
Dolly: Charmer 😆
Dolly: do I sound different to the [whatever nationality the girls at his uni would likely be] when I moan?
Gabe: I can’t remember how they sound, only how you do
Dolly: Get used to it, it’s the soundtrack of your summer now
Gabe: Getting used to that will take me the whole summer
Dolly: Good
Dolly: I can’t get used to having you all to myself yet
Gabe: I keep expecting her to appear, think I see her out the corner of my eye
Dolly: Me too
Gabe: But that’ll stop, it didn’t happen earlier
Dolly: You had my full attention, anyone could have appeared and I wouldn't give a shit
Gabe: Your grandparents could’ve, I wouldn’t have known
Dolly: 🥺 Now I NEED proof you like me that much
Gabe: More proof?
Dolly: You making me cum in front of an audience we don’t know is there, yes, desperately 
Gabe: What size audience?
Dolly: Will depend where we are, what we’re meant to be doing instead
Dolly: You’re showing me the world
Gabe: What if I was meant to be playing a sold out stadium, would I still have your full attention?
Dolly: Fuck
Dolly: You know the answer
Gabe: I need to hear you say it
Dolly: I’d be more focused on you than I have ever been
Gabe: Because of you I’m the horniest I’ve ever been
Dolly: Unashamedly proud 😁😁😁😁
Gabe: Don’t smile at my suffering
Dolly: Poor Gabe
Gabe: Poor you too if it takes me 2x longer to come back
Gabe: there’s no way you could stand right now
Dolly: No, you have to be quick, I don’t want to be alone now
Dolly: You can make me, fair is fair
Gabe: I already know I can make you do whatever I like
Dolly: I want you to know, have that power
Dolly: it’s yours now, use it
Gabe: I’m about to use you, slut
Dolly: Your slut
Dolly: do you like that too?
Gabe: A lot
Dolly: As much as I like being used by you
Gabe: No, you like it way more
Dolly: You know exactly how much I like that
Gabe: You love it, don’t you?
Dolly: There’s so much that I should be worrying about in my life right now but it’s all I can think about 
Dolly: Nothing else has touched the sides, stopped me feeling numbed out
Gabe: You’re going to feel something when I get there
Dolly: Save me from the worst summer ever
Dolly: Or we’d both end up dead, I’m sure of it
Gabe: Only I can, of course I will
Dolly: Them leaving us alone after all this, it was the final final straw
Dolly: It’s not safe, you are
Gabe: Yeah, I’ll take good care of you
Dolly: You kid but where’s the lie 😏
Dolly: it’s exactly what I need
Gabe: I’m not kidding
Gabe: we’ll both get what we need, there’s no reason why not
Dolly: Yeah but
Dolly: you know I’m not going to do anything crazy like her, I don’t need taking care of like that
Gabe: I know how you need it
Dolly: Having a relationship with a teacher has made me paranoid too, just a tad
Dolly: everyone at that school had parental issues, it’s not like I was special for it
Gabe: You’re special to me, it isn’t like that
Dolly: You don’t have to say I am
Gabe: It’s true, I’m saying it because I mean it
Dolly: I’m not trying to be clingy, freak you out
Gabe: Neither am I
Dolly: We’re on the same page and I’m making it weird, aren’t I?
Dolly: You can make me shut up
Gabe: You didn’t turn things weird, she did
Gabe: they started out off & we’re trying to navigate all that
Dolly: It was a misstep, on her part
Dolly: you could’ve told everyone, still could
Gabe: I told you before, I made mistakes too
Gabe: I’m not blameless
Dolly: Neither am I, obviously
Dolly: It was gradual, after all, at first she was alright with just letting me report back, say what it was like kissing you, then she’d ‘accidentally’ walk in… we both know how it ended
Gabe: By the end we were both in too deep
Dolly: Saying no didn’t occur, some fucking how
Gabe: She’s hard to say no to
Dolly: I would’ve been punished, the end goal was to both lose our virginities to you, I knew that, if it was all for nothing she would’ve been unbearable
Gabe: I can’t regret us
Dolly: I don’t, Gabe
Gabe: Whatever else happened, we still did that & I’m never going to feel sorry
Dolly: You were perfect
Dolly: my grades plummeted for a while there, I couldn’t stop daydreaming
Gabe: It felt like I had to have imagined it
Dolly: Do you believe in me now?
Gabe: This is too real now
Dolly: Just right
Dolly: being with you, being your [the pet name he calls her], feels like exactly what I should be doing
Gabe: A summer you can daydream about when it’s over
Dolly: I’ll need the memories to cope
Gabe: They’ll get me through too, we’re in this together
Dolly: Are we really going, you swear 
Gabe: Book somewhere or start to pack, we’ll be leaving whenever you’re ready to
Dolly: You lasted longer in my house than any person should have to
Gabe: Those props are yours, I was hardly there in comparison
Dolly: She needs someone new to share the cell with
Dolly: My release date is in sight
Gabe: Your grandparents’ house is in sight again
Dolly: I’ll stop packing to let you in, perhaps
Gabe: I’m no longer just a guest, I’ll let myself in
Dolly: Wow, very bold
Dolly: what are you now then?
Gabe: Who, I’m [whatever she called him during their hookup that was giving pet name turned !!]
Dolly: That’s right 😳
Gabe: & your daddy
Dolly: Just mine
Gabe: No more sharing
Dolly: No one else is invited
Gabe: Except to watch, as our audience
Dolly: What are hotels for
Gabe: Balconies are built for the purpose
Dolly: I’m built for that
Gabe: You truly are
Dolly: I can feel you picturing my body right now
Gabe: You have the hottest body
Dolly: It’s hot for you
Gabe: I remember
Dolly: Remembering what you did to me has me so close 
Gabe: Get closer
Gabe: be touching yourself when I come in
Dolly: Yes, daddy
Gabe: Good girl
Dolly: Where do you want me? 
Dolly: This whole place is begging to be used
Gabe: How far do you think you’ll be able to get from your bed?
Dolly: You bending me over the stove is VERY good motivation but you’re right
Dolly: if I fall down the stairs now I’ll end up locked up too
Gabe: It doesn’t matter, you’ll be so wet I’ll be able to hear it from downstairs, stay where you are
Dolly: Am I loud?
Gabe: The loudest
Dolly: Is that okay?
Gabe: How could I be anything but into you wanting me that much?
Dolly: I don’t know, I don’t want to give you potential reasons why when I’d rather keep being this blatant
Gabe: Be bold with me
Dolly: There’s nothing or no one to stop us being here
Gabe: Or anywhere else
Dolly: No teachers, other jealous girls
Dolly: you can treat me how I need you to
Gabe: No interruptions
Dolly: I don’t know how we ever got away with it
Gabe: We did what we had to
Gabe: & now what we have to do is fuck 24/7
Dolly: I’ll be so sore by the time I come back here
Gabe: Something to remember me by
Dolly: 🥺 Don’t make me think about that yet
Gabe: Stop thinking
Dolly: All I’m allowed to think about is all the ways I can make you cum
Gabe: You can try
Dolly: Keeping count is keeping me from it myself
Gabe: There’s only a short countdown left until nothing will keep you from it
Dolly: I’m so exposed, if anyone else walked in, I’d be dead
Gabe: You’d be caught & called a naughty girl instead
Dolly: Heaven forbid
Gabe: I know, you just want to be good
Dolly: I’m trying so hard
Gabe: My poor baby
Dolly: You’re teasing
Gabe: I’ve kept you waiting for such a long time, haven’t I?
Dolly: What do I need to do to make you want me again?
Gabe: Remind me what’s waiting for me
Dolly: [send him a boomerang-length video so how much more !! you are is obvious]
Gabe: I’m [very nearby] but I can’t hear you
Dolly: [voicenote where you’ve purposefully put the phone just that bit too far away so it’s only catching sounds here and there]
Gabe: [actually do show up because you aren’t slay enough to prolong this any further, just know that for this ensuing hookup I’m fully picturing the vibe of Queenie and Guy’s first one aka thinking he’s so daddy and dom but kinda flopping, including thinking he’s going down on her iconically but it lasts literally for a sec before he stops to initiate said hookup and he’s lowkey in the wrong place haha]
Dolly: [when you try your best but you don’t succeed, lmao, too real, good thing you were close because of the insanity of the situation and you’re too sold on this idea of running away for all the reasons that you can’t back out now lol, gotta do the most you can with this]
Gabe: [soz girl but mediocre sex aside he will actually offer you the escape you need rn however long we let that last, soz again hun because obvs I fully imagine y’all running away and it eventually going tits up like mine and Trace’s euro trip ngl cos y’all are not it for each other and there is only so long you can both pretend and ignore the fact]
Dolly: [it’s clearly not last/barely making the whole hols and then that’s that on that, so I shall post this and we can decide what we wanna do next, go us]
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realboutfatalfury · 5 months
ooohhh so many changes with the anime and manga of mashiro no oto actually wowzer they cut off a lot of things like taketo being relevant and showing rai wasn't the one that gave setsu advice but taketoooo i seee.... there's so much differences actually i don't think i can name it all... orz i guess i'll talk about the ones i thought was neat!
the part where souichi gets back home from school and notices that mai was eating his popsicle and mai replacing it with a different flavor and shutting himself in his room was awesome actually not bc that happened to him but i like that they did that :) showed more of souichi's character and show how he is as a person
was a bit disappointed they didn't show much of him during the anime and the anime equivalent of that scene only showed him enjoying the popsicle and mai was doing whatever she was doing originally without him interrupted
the other difference i really liked is umeko sky diving instead of getting a massage before she learns souichi joined a tsugaru shamisen club doesn't really affect the scene but i thought it was funny that she was just skydiving for kicks
biggest difference from the anime to the manga though that like changes much of the parts of the story is that the manga is clearly set during the late 2000s while the anime adaptation is modernized and set in like present time i wouldn't say it was a bad decision to set it in the present time but it makes some of the parts in the story more confusing i guess? like me and my sister were wondering how old exactly matsugorou and maeda's grandma was bc maeda's grandma was talking about having to be evacuated to the countryside bc of a war i think and me and my sister just kept getting confused bc she would've been reaaaaally old especially matsugorou
but since reading the manga it cleared it up since it would make more sense if the story was set in about 2009-2010 or maybe even earlier into the 2000s and the ages would match up at that point... idk there was also the scene with setsu asking kaito if he had a cassette tape played in the manga setsu didn't have one bc he just doesn't while the anime had to make kaito an audiophile to explain he had a cassette tape player it doesn't bother me at all i just thought it was funny there's also the whole thing with tv broadcasts still being a thing and people using emails in the manga while the anime's equivalent is livestreams and texting it's really fun to see the difference ^_^ hehe i guess that'd explain mai's whole thing about being a woman in a mostly male space and her struggling to be a competent player compared to her brother but i haven't gotten to that part so i'll just wait and see how that plays out
oh also the manga i say is better for showing more of the characters especially setsu's feelings while the anime is amazing at showing the visuals and sounds of the shamisen as well as character's reactions to it and showing more of the story's setting i'm not saying the opposite does a bad job than the other i fairly enjoyed the characters in the anime as well and the visuals of the shamisen playing is beautiful as well in the manga i just think they compliment each other! so if anyone actually reads it i think watching the anime and the manga is a good idea they compliment each other yeaaaaaah o)-<
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futuristicnutpim · 10 months
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Talking about the groupie situation in the George Ezra camp (which is a yellow flag to me) but I thought about it too much and I feel like I just opened a can of worms that I never want to experience ever again when it comes to the fan groups on Facebook
Facebook is evil, but y'all already know that
I was in a fan group of Australian new wave band Pseudo Echo, and the lead singer at first blocked me via DM and but I joined the group under a new account, and that was how I found out about his concert in Los Angeles (a one-off by the way) and I paid a few dollars through Pledge Music to meet up with him on a meet-and-greet and when I was there and he approached me, everything was fine or so I thought
I was reaching for my phone because I wanted to take a selfie with him, but then he disappeared (i had a Coach tote bag with a Depeche Mode reference book and my phone was right in the bottom of the bag and I was reaching for it, and someone in the dark room asked me to sit down, and I showed her my vinyl collection and told me I was his #1 fan and I eventually met him and he signed a cover of one of my 12"s but it turned out fine
Then I come back home after a long trip cross country (I live in Florida) and throughout this ordeal I was really in a bad spot mentally and I did have outbursts with several of these middle-aged housewives and grandmas from Australia and found out the woman I showed my vinyl collection to was his girlfriend (who later became his wife) and through another DM between the lead singer and one of his groupies that he was terrified to approach me because he thought I was reaching out for a weapon instead of a phone and he made a quick exit before I sat down and I immediately thought he's a racist
Because they check bags before entering the club, but when I saw it I thought he was a racist and I was offended beyond words.
He was one of the reasons why I picked up a guitar, let alone buying one out of a welfare check, and it hurt my feelings so bad that in a perfect world I definitely would've confronted him about it
I'm not a violent person like that and I don't own guns or even like guns. He just made a false assumption, but one of the people in the fan page was there and i mentioned the event at this group and some of the females (they don't deserve to be called "women") were really mean and bullying and trying to get into my personal account but they couldn't and tried to harass me through one of my videos but I ignored them, and these are middle-aged with grown ass children with one of them dying with cancer and they were harassing someone off the internet who they never even met.
I tried my best to confront them (it turned out as outbursts), and eventually the "admin" kicked me out of the group and I blocked at least seven people in the process
It took me a therapy session many years later to finally let go of this shit but it was really fucking horrible and I was really in a bad state at the time, and I went to Los Angeles having a great time otherwise.
With all that being said, I hate fandoms or fan groups and I do my best to just post something and move on.
I have had arguments with people on the GE fan page but I'm a working woman and I don't feel the need or no longer have the energy to argue with people who I will never meet in real life
so all this shit takes me back to now 8 years ago and it makes me feel physically ill and now i no longer want to even go back to my pseudo echo blog without fucking crying my eyes out
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cursedchildofchaos · 1 year
19??? Anon, you little shit! Okay, fine lol. Not giving context either besides that some of these are from fanfics and some original stuff
Schmidt just went full Winston and got
Nothing you say is going to change my mind, Dr. Felix. 
(through gritted teeth) 
Oh, it's last names now? Fine, but I'm not helping, Dr. Roberts. Use the damn machine yourself!
Talk or I'll bite you! I'll bite your whole family! I'll even bite your grandma!
And that's why you shouldn't trust strangers that offer you candy, kids. Never know when one might turn out to be a vengeful witch.
It's called a chemical reaction, you fudging sucker!
So, what brings you to Hell?
Oh, my ex told me she would see me here.
If our dumbass friend is doing something dumbass, we are doing that dumbass thing, too, because we are dumbasses.
A BANK OFFICIAL, standing in front of Dedire, pulls his collar as he eyes the porcelain dolls about the room. They seem like each one is staring into his soul.
There’s a cat waiting to pounce when we stop dancing. You see, I’m allergic to cats, or cads, whatever you call ’em.
Snape thought briefly that he might be dead and this was his own personal Hell even though he sort of enjoyed seeing Petunia cry. The situation was all too laughable and miserable at the same time...Maybe the Catholics were right about Purgatory being real?
Haru: Tohru, tell your bf to accept this secret passionate love for Yuki and join the new Yuki Fan Club.
Kyo: I said replace me with her, dammit! Not add her and not get rid of me!
Tohru: Kyo, please, honey, just accept your secret passionate love for Yuki. Also, thanks for adding me guys! Kyo has been complaining about this group chat for over an hour, and I wanted in so bad, but didn’t want to just invite myself.
Virgil ripped his arm out of Remus' grasp.
"Scaring people is my thing, Snidely Whiplash," Virgil retorted.
MC: Loser
Dan: Yeah, what about it?
MC: Oh, um, I didn’t mean it
Dan: Ah, well, I did
MC: Stop, you’re making me feel bad for you
Dan: Good
Wait...I forgot I'm the author of this fanfic. I can just go inside his head. Let's do that (not literally, though, I get a little woozy when it comes to organs).
Today really was a Happy Birthday, wasn't it? Molly thought to herself while jamming to music in her car. I can't wait to get home and tell Toby all about it.
"Another time, I forced everyone to listen to Kidz Bop instead of original songs, claiming they were more Good Place friendly as you do. Another time I said the only people who make it to Heaven are the ones that love the movie Citizen Kane and refuse to watch anything else, so we kept watching it repeatedly as you do. Another time, I forced you to retake French, which I know you hated in high school, cuz I had Janet put a French filter on Chidi's voice...as you do," he rambled off.
"You know adding 'as you do' doesn't make it better...especially as NO ONE DOES THOSE THINGS," Eleanor said, now standing, and looking at Michael accusingly.
His eyes began to water. He slid off the chair next to her. He pulled her into an embrace. She stiffened as he buried his face in her hair that hung near her neck and over her shoulder. His tears were hot as they soaked her sleeve and hair.
Jane attempts to put her hands on her hips, but there isn't room. Instead, she sticks them in her armpits.
"But I-I," Meg stuttered. "NO BUTS! I want you to think about how disrespectful you've been while were gone," Juliet retorted. Olka belly laughed and whispered, "Butts!" Astrid kicked her sister in the shin.
0 notes
alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
109 of 2022
ABC Survey
A What’s your age?
Are you planning on seeing Alvin and the chipmunks in theaters?
I’m not planning on anything movie-related, but something tells me that this survey is outdated.
Do you know anyone who has a birthday in April?
Quite a few of people.
B Do you have any brothers? If so, what are their names?
I don’t have brothers, although I wish I had an older brother.
What day of the week were you born?
What letter of the alphabet does your name start with?
C Have you ever been caught doing something sexual?
Ever had a run-in with the cops?
What kind of car do you drive? If you don’t have your own car, what is your dream car?
Renault Clio.
D Last time you got detention?
What color will your wedding dress be?
I’m a man, are women the only people who can take surveys? Besides, I’m already married anyway.
What day of the week is it?
E Did you vote in the last election?
It’s mandatory to vote in my country, so I had no choice.
Is there someone who means everything to you?
Yeah, my husband.
Do you ever used the word ‘epic’?
Not in speech, and this question has a weird syntax.
F Do you say ‘fuck’ a lot?
I do, but in Dutch.
Who is your best friend?
My husband and some others.
Ever thought you would be with someone forever?
It’s likely on my side, I’m more loyal than people around seem to be.
G What is your grandma’s name?
One was Sofie, the other is Stephanie.
What grades did you get in middle school?
Average because there were some really boring subjects.
Would you ever dye your hair green?
I did several times, no problem.
H Ever rode a horse?
No, and honestly, I’m not interested.
How many hours do you work a week?
40, but currently I’m on a sick note.
How often do you smoke?
Never did in my life.
I Favorite ice cream flavor?
Boring questioon, pass.
Do you like ice skating?
No, I hate it.
Do you like the way Ivy looks?
Who on earth is Ivy??
J Did you join any clubs in high school?
Some of drawing, it was fun.
Do you know anyone with a jeep?
Not in person.
Do you like the name Jack?
There are worse tragedies.
K Do you knock on the door or ring the doorbell?
Only idiots knock if there’s a doorbell, unless it doesn’t work.
Last time you used a knife?
Today, to open the package.
Ever kicked a guy in the balls?
Sure, because I know how it hurts.
L Ever been in love?
Twice, but was it romantic? I can’t tell.
Is there someone you’re lusting after currently?
Lust doesn’t exist in my dictionary.
Do you care about looks?
No. I love it when a man has beautiful eyes, but there’s personality that decides if I like him or not. If I like his personality, then he’s beautiful to me, no matter how he looks like.
M Last person you were mad at?
I don’t remember.
Do you like the misfits?
Isn’t it a band? I’m pretty sure their name is written in capitals.
Give us a meaningful quote:
I’m not a quote collector.
N   What’s one thing you’ve never done but would like to try?
Play the violin, but it requires two good hands.
What’s one thing you need to do?
Rehabilitation of my hand.
Do you like day or night better?
Days, especially nmornings.
O   Do you like Opera music?
I don’t mind, but I wouldn’t choose it.
Do you like oranges?
No, but I like orange juice.
Do you open up easily to new people?
No. It’s typical for my nation not to open up to others.
P Do you pee in the shower?
I’m pretty sure lots of people do, but no one talks about it.
Do you like the name Penelope?
It’s not bad.
Ever had a panic attack?
Twice or so.
Q How quick can you type?
Now quite slowly, because my left hand has limited range of movements, particularly in fingers.
Can you be quiet for the entire day?
Typically when I’m alone.
Do you ever replace G’s with Q’s?
Does anyone do that?
R Are you in a relationship? If not, do you want to?
I’m married.
How old do you look and how old are you really?
People usually give me anything from 20 to 25, and I’m 32.
How fast can you run?
I don’t run, I was paralysed once.
S What’s one stereotype people always assume about you?
That I’ve only had good grades in school.
Ever had sex?
Unfortunately more than once.
Stupidest person you know?
You want a list? Give me your email.
T Favorite TV show?
I don’t have particular favourites. I will watch any, as long as it’s not overly romantic.
What time does school start for you?
I don’t go to school.
Do you have any hidden talents?
Probably, but how do I know when they are hidden?
U Is your dress style normal or unusual?
Rather unusual, even though I mostly wear hoodies.
Do you type ‘u’ or ‘you’?
U is formal you in Dutch, so I do type it in official emails.
What color is your underwear?
Black or so.
V What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?
Nothing, it’s a day like every other day.
Do you ever do the ‘V for victory’ or peace sign in pictures?
No, it’s childish.
What are you very excited for?
Seeing the man I like, hopefully tomorrow or so.
W Do you approve of war?
Does anyone approve of that?
Do you own any weapons?
Do kitchen knives count?
What’s your mom’s name?
X Do you know what the word Xanthous means?
Probably geel. Yellow.
Do you know anyone named Xavier?
A few people. One is a French man who used to work with us, one is my friend’s teenage son, and the other few I don’t remember.
What is your favorite XXX site?
Porn is boring like hell. I can’t bring myself to watch it, even for lolz, because I cringe sooner or later.
Y What’s your name?
Joeri, nice to meet you.
Do you drink orange juice?
I do sometimes.
Why did you last yell at someone?
I don’t yell.
Z Do you have any zits?
Not at the moment.
Do you know anyone named Zack?
Last time you were at a zoo?
30 years ago.
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