#i want to plan trips to drive to the middle of nowhere with someone. eat at a diner at 3 am
sapsolais · 8 months
there should be an app for making friends with other queer people in your area who also yearn and think too much
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Summer road trip with the batfam (batfam x GN!reader)
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● so Bruce rented an RV for the batfam to go on a three month coast to coast road trip
● no crime fighting, just family time
● with you, Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Barbara, Duke, Cass, Stephanie and of course Haley and Ace it was a bit of a tight squeeze
● Alfred was back at home taking a much needed work free staycation
● Kate was also invited but she refused to be stuck in an RV with ten other people all summer, she and Alfred are happy having breakfast together once a week
● Bruce drives the entire time with Damian as his navigator
● mostly because Damian and Jason would kill each other if they weren't separated
● Jason has purposely instigated fights with Damian by eating his snacks clearly labeled 'Damian' on them
● and sometimes Jason gets accused when it was actually Cass who took Damians snacks
● Barbara has every kind of first aid or bug repellent you can think of
● you stop to go kayaking and she pulls six different kinds of sunscreen out of her bag
● Cass is the one delegated to documenting the trip
● and she takes her job very seriously
● she never not has her camera in her hands either taking pictures or videos
● Stephanie "no Cass we do not need photos of the gas station bathroom"
● and she has photos of everyone sleeping in weird positions on the rv
● and a video of Jason snoring to prove to him that he does in fact snore
● you all take turns on where you guys sleep
● there's one queen sized bed in the back that fits three and the two couches turn into a bed that fits another three and the rest are in sleeping bags on the floor
● Ace and Haley however always sleep cuddling someone in the nice comfy queen bed
● Tim has researched every single place you guys are stopping at
● Bruce thought it would be fun to just wing it and see what happens
● but Tim would not let that happen, he has the entire trip planned out down to what towns you would need to stop in for gas
● places everyone requested to go that Tim denied
● Bruce: the world's biggest ball of yarn because it's a classic road trip must see
● Dick: the corn palace
● Jason: vegas
● Damian: probably like a sword museum in the middle of nowhere that he somehow knows has an authentic ancient sword the museum thinks is a replica
● Barbara: the mothman museum
● Stephanie: Roswell
● Duke: the first taco bell
● Cass: dinosaur world
● you do stop at multiple national parks
● going hiking and swimming in little lakes with their own waterfalls
● Jason tries to sneak a snake he finds back onto the RV
● Duke "Oh no, absolutely not, get that thing out of here"
● Damian "you afraid of a little old snake Thomas?"
● Duke "that thing is not little, it is a deadly creature and I do not want it anywhere near me!"
● the RV breaks down outside a town in Wyoming with no cell service
● you all argue about who has to walk the five miles into town to get help
● Bruce and Dick are the two that end up having to do it
● when they return Damian has Tim in a headlock and Cass is taking video of it
● the random guy with the tow truck they brought back "uhh are they okay"
● Bruce "Oh yeah this is normal for them"
● you and Stephanie ended up breaking the no crime fighting rule when you went into a convenience store for more snacks and walked right into a robbery in action
● you two kicked their asses with ease, tied them up for the cops and bought your snacks like nothing happened
● Barbara back at the RV "Y/N is that blood on your face?"
● "nope don't worry about it!"
● Dick brings lots of board games to play while on the road
● Tim and Damian go way too hard trying to win which you have to play mediator for before they try to throw each other out the moving RV
● Jason still loses even though he cheats
● and Stephanie pretends not to know the rules just to mess with Tim and Damian
● you also stop at a bunch of campgrounds, telling ghost stories and having s'mores around a fire
● Barbara "has anyone seen Jason?"
● Dick "I'm pretty sure he said something about being excited to finally cross off peeing in the woods off his bucket list"
● Duke "he has the weirdest bucket list"
● a lot of you are big readers so there's books packed everywhere
● Duke "ooh we should have a book club"
● Jason "absolutely not you're lucky I even participate in Grayson's lame board games"
● Damian "for once I actually agree with Todd"
● you guys finally make it to the west coast and you all stumble out of the RV
● Tim "thank God this trip is finally over"
● Bruce "Tim we are only half way, we still have another month of driving back to Gotham"
● Stephanie "I should have stayed home with Alfred"
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sarnai4 · 5 months
As someone who loves vacations and Dagur, it didn't take long for the two thoughts to intersect. Here are some headcanons for him on a trip.
First off, Dagur is packing up the entire house. He needs to ship a few dozen packages ahead of time because TSA is not going to let him through with all his knives, but you know he's also not leaving without them. He's got any type of first aid he can think of, ropes, human-sized bags, and probably a bunch of other things that make you think he's planning a murder. In truth, he's just trying to be as prepared as possible for anything they might need. Whichever friend he sits with lets him have the window seat because he's going to be bored out of his mind on the flight if they don't.
No one probably has to worry about planning out the trip because I'm sure Dagur's done this too. If there's something else the others want to check out, that's fine, but if not, he's got it covered. Each day has a minimum of 10 activities to choose from. Some of them are touristy and the others are so in the middle of nowhere that you'd wonder how he even found out about them. Hiccup genuinely gets worried they'll never find their way back, but Dagur's got a load of maps on him and can do it.
Late nights are inevitable. Something is being thrown at whoever tries to fall asleep (probably Snotlout). The only one he'll allow to have some shut eye is Heather because he knows she'll just be tripping over everything and could hurt herself otherwise. So, she gets an hour, but then it's back to the plan.
He is not driving the others around at any point. It doesn't matter who's the chauffeur in his place as long as it's not him. Dagur isn't actually a bad driver...per se. He just speeds like crazy and curses out anyone who cuts him off doesn't follow all the traffic laws and can get easily irritated by other drivers. To avoid him being locked up in an out of town holding cell, it's best to have him be a passenger until everyone's back home. The twins probably aren't allowed to drive the others either, so the three of them are backseat buddies.
Dagur's learning as much of the language as possible so that he can be the group translator. He already likes French and enjoys finding out new things, so it's not even a matter of convincing him to do this. Unfortunately, he doesn't learn the social customs. In his defense, he never learned them for his culture either, so it's up to his friends to keep him from accidentally insulting someone. (I feel like Hiccup and Fishlegs are breaking up at least five fights that Dagur didn't even know he was about to start)
Dagur is trying out all the food and won't stop insisting the others try something too if he thinks it's really good. I feel like he'd have a good heat tolerance (or just not care how much it hurts), so there's not really a limit. I'm not sure if he'd try the delicacies. Might depend on which ones. I'd like to imagine he doesn't ever eat a spider.
By the time they're returning home, Dagur's the only one who isn't exhausted. As intense as the trip was, though, his friends have to admit that they had a blast.
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arleneworld22 · 6 months
Blessed & tiredness
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Last weekend I went to Ensenada with my brother and father, it was a kind of rollercoaster trip, there were many moments where I felt stressed and my bro too because my dad wasn’t exactly organized about where to go, but for the rest, everything was fine.
We went to walk at the pier and the rain caught us, it was very light rain, we went to one of the most old buildings of the town but before that, my father let us by our own to find the entrance to this place while he go for something to eat and the principal entrance was closed so my brother and I just walked around there looking for another entrance, in the middle of nowhere we found this canal where I see too much potential for a photoshoot and I took… idk like 20 photos I guess xd (but I don’t regret anything *extremely proud* lol ) I’m going to post all the photos in my IG later.
I loved the view, I liked the rain, I liked to saw the sea, I don’t remember when was the last time I saw it, and to be honest I can’t helped but think about you, I always associate the sea with you and it feels great tbh. For the last we went our father’s friend’s house because he had something for him and at first my brother and I felt very stressed about that because it was the house of a stranger, but actually his friend and his wife were very friendly (she thought I was 16 lol, and even my brother could talk to them normally (I forgot to say that we eat some bread and drink coffee together) and they also enjoyed our visit. The way back home was very stressful for me but also very educational, I learn many things about driving in road but the stressful part was the fact it was night and rainy and sometimes the rain was too much and other times stopped and then started again and we’ll, so on. We dinner tacos when we arrived at the city, I felt a dizzy so I just eaten one :( . That was our Sunday’s adventure.
On Monday I go to my work to sign something about the internship, they just want to make sure about my personal information and suddenly they told me I can also add my parents to get the medical services and I was
-wait- but, that’s sounds like something to someone who is already working on this…
-well… yeah(? Basically
-Does that… does that mean I passed the test?…
-yeah! Of course!
-NO-WAY!!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😍😍😱😱😱*screams in fangirl* OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
-yeah!! Congratulations!!, now we just have to wait when you are going to start ☺️
* hyperventilating * 🥹
Then I went with my other supervisor to ask her if there was more documentation to sign or something and… yeah it was something more, but it wasn’t about my internship, it was about a complaint when I worked last time in the urgency department 😅 to be honest, they were already late lol, it’s just, the complaint wasn’t directly to me, it was about how VERY VERY slow service were the day this patient came and actually I agreed with him, that day the service sucks, it was just one doctor working and the other… idk what was going, seriously in all the 12 hours I was working he just passed less than 10 patients. So my supervisor was very empathic and trying to make me feel good but I was like “oh it’s ok, actually it wasn’t my fault and I agree with him, and also I was expected other patient to make a complaint” lol so she just said that I had to make a report explaining what happened that day. It was easy. That afternoon I went to a park with him and told him the good news, how was the trip, we see this lady bug 🐞 and saw the Space X pass 🚀
On Tuesday I was planning to go to this municipal place with him to get plants free but… the archive of my report suddenly disappeared and I had to did it AGAIN and my bf already arrived and he was waiting and I get stressed and I lost many time so when we finally arrived at this place was already closed :’( but we remembered there was a new park near to this place so we went to know it and go for a walk, it was very nice, they have gooses! And a lake next to enjoy the view and I played in some park games, it was a good morning. I give the report and had a normal day at home.
Then the Wednesday… I had a normal day, just doing my chores, sleeping and did some exercise, I read about what happened with her and… I have something to say but I’m going to save that for another letter, it deserves a unique letter for that, so, this day my supervisor texted me to work the next week in the laboratory but in less than 10 seconds she said “wait WAIT WAIT, girl, change of plans, I call you now”
-Oh hi girl, how are you, aren’t you busy?
-Oh good night, no, I’m free, what happened?
-Oh perfect just to tell you that you start tomorrow your internship at 8am
That I WHAT?!
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jaehyunhour · 4 years
teenage dream | mark lee
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genre + idol → fluff, smut, tiniest bit of angst if you squint, high school au, virgin!mark (x virgin fem!reader) [they’re both 18]
word count → 4.7k
warnings → alcohol consumption, unprotected sex (always wear a condom pls guys), tiniest bit of cursing
summary → mark lee moves to your hometown halfway through your sophomore year of high school, and once he arrives you quickly fall in love with both him and the town you grew to hate. after you graduate, mark has a surprise for you that may or may not include going across state lines, losing your virginity, and asking for your hand in marriage.
“Mark, you can’t leave me. You’re my soulmate.”
“If I could marry you tonight, I would.”
“You know... it’s only about a 5 hour drive to Vegas from here.”
a/n → i’ve been writing this fic for well over a month and it’s finally done!! this fic is purely self-indulgent because 1) i’m in love with mark lee and 2) i think of him every time i listen to teenage dream by katy perry... as always please let me know what you guys think of this one! i think this is one of my favorite fics i’ve written
Before you met Mark, life was bleak. That was the only way to describe it. Your life was monotone, shades of light blue and gray; your daily routine was the same, you walked through life as a zombie and hated everything about your hometown. But when Mark showed up halfway through your sophomore year of high school, when his family moved from Canada, everything changed. You got to show him the ins and outs of the city, turn him into a real native, and fall in love — both with your hometown, and with him.
You can still recall the first time you got to show Mark what it’s like to be a local. You went downtown, taking the light rail and getting off at each stop, enjoying what the city has to offer, before getting back on and staring out the window at the scenery. Mark’s hand rested in-between both of your thighs in an attempt to warm himself, while the other pressed onto the glass window of the light rail and tapped lightly. You pointed out the window at different buildings, telling Mark the story of your life in this little town, and he sat quietly and listened. His gaze lingered on the moving buildings as you spoke, and he immediately felt his entire body warm. This is when Mark knew you were special.
Your high school graduation was bittersweet. You were choosing to go to a college only thirty minutes away from your home because of your family, and Mark was on the waitlist for his dream college in Korea. After all the names were called, and all the caps thrown in the air, Mark wove his way through all of the graduates and straight to you. He picked you up in his arms, spun you around quickly, and set you down.
“We did it,” he said, eyes wide and smile bright. He placed his hands on your face and squished your cheeks before pulling you into another hug. “I have something to tell you.”
“I can’t believe we graduated. Tell me,” you responded.
“I got off the waitlist.”
You let out a scream, pulling back from Mark and hitting him on the chest. “Oh my god, Mark! Holy shit, that’s incredible. So you’re going to Korea? W-when do you leave?” Your stomach drops at the realization that Mark will be going to an entirely different country soon, meanwhile you have to stay in a town that you love only because he’s in it. It’s not the same without him.
“I don’t leave until the beginning of September.”
“So you’ll get to move me into my dorm before you leave?”
“You think I would leave without seeing where you’re going to be living? I need to make sure that you’re being well taken care of in my absence. You know I’m kidnapping you and taking you with me to Korea if I don’t like the dorm, right?”
“I expect absolutely nothing less,” you said, both you and Mark’s families rushing up to you on the football field to congratulate you. Your families forced you to pose for photos, talked amongst themselves about your college plans, and made plans to throw you two a joint graduation party.
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Two weeks after graduation, you’re laying down on the trampoline in your backyard as the sun is setting. It’s a Thursday night, your parents are out of town for the weekend and have left you home alone. You could throw a huge party, celebrate the end of senior year, but instead you choose to enjoy the alone time in your childhood home before you move out. You stare at the moving clouds, your chest sitting on your phone as you talk to Mark who’s currently driving.
“You know, I’m kinda mad that your parents still won’t let you come spend the night at my house. We’re 18! We’re adults,” you say.
Mark lets out a laugh. “My parents are scared that if they let me spend the night at your house that I’ll do drugs, join a gang, and get you pregnant all in one night.”
“Do I really give that vibe off? I thought your parents liked me! We’ve been inseparable for well over 2 years now.”
“They love you, you know that. You’re home, right?”
“Yuuuup,” you say, standing up quickly and jumping a few times on the trampoline. He can hear the creaking of the trampoline and whines.
“No fairrrrr, you’re jumping without me!” Mark says. You hear Mark close the door to his car and lock it. Before you can ask him where he’s headed, he walks through the front door of your house, through the living room, and out into the backyard. Mark hangs up the call, before jumping onto the trampoline with you. 
You get back down onto your back on the trampoline, grabbing at Mark’s leg and trying to pull him down with you. He lays next to you, rolling over so half of his body is on top of yours. He nuzzles his head into your chest and lets out a content sigh.
“You should really keep the doors locked when you’re home alone. What are your plans for tonight?” He asks.
“Mmm, probably watch a movie and eat something. I might raid my mom’s wine cabinet and finish a whole bottle by myself.”
“Woooow, look at you breaking the rules. Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?”
“I’m just trying to enjoy myself before college!”
“Look at what I got today,” Mark says, flopping onto his back and pulling an ID out of his pocket. He hands it to you and you inspect it carefully.
“This is a Korean ID,” you start. “Aaaand, it doesn’t even have your name.”
“Yeah! It’s a fake ID. Says I’m 21.”
“Why’d you pick Kim Soohyun for your name? And why do you need a fake ID? You’re legal in Korea, you can drink.”
“My mom says Kim Soohyun is my long lost brother, I thought it would be funny. I got it for tonight.”
“Yep,” Mark says, plucking the ID out of your hands and shoving it back into his pocket. “Go pack a bag, we’re going on a road trip.”
“Where to?”
“It’s a secret, but it’s somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.” Mark lays on his side, and you can feel him staring at you. You turn onto your side to look at him. “Can you close your eyes for a second?”
You nod and close your eyes. Your heart begins beating faster and your breathing is labored. Before you can ask Mark what game he’s playing at, you feel Mark’s lips on yours. You gasp, returning his kiss, and he slips his tongue into your mouth. It’s not your first time kissing someone like this, but it’s definitely his and you can tell. His tongue peruses the inside of your mouth, and his lips are pressed firmly against yours. You try to push your tongue into his mouth in an attempt to control the kiss, but to no avail. Mark pulls back to catch his breath, and his eyes meet yours.
“You’re bad at that,” you whisper, letting out a giggle.
“Yeah, I thought I might be,” Mark says with a sigh.
“You’ll get better at it. W-we can practice,” you say, pecking his lips. “I’ll go pack a bag.”
Thirty minutes later, you’re sitting in the passenger’s seat of Mark’s car, watching him as he drives. His hands rest perfectly at 10 and 2, his lips pouting, and he watches the road ahead intensely. 
“You should probably sleep, it’s going to be a while before we get there.”
“How long?” you ask. You recline the seat and lay back, extending your hand out to rest on Mark’s thigh. “Hold my hand.”
One of his hands leaves the steering wheel and he intertwines your fingers with his. “About 16 hours? Just sleep, I’ll wake you up in like 8 hours so you can switch with me.” You nod, closing your eyes and willing yourself to go to sleep. 
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You’re not sure how long you sleep, but when you wake up, Mark’s hand is still holding yours. The sun is shining through the windshield and you look over at Mark, who is also sleeping. You’re parked next to a gas station in what feels like the middle of nowhere. You check your phone: 8:35 a.m.
“Oh, fuck,” you groan, causing Mark to stir. You tear your hand away from his, shifting the seat up and pushing Mark to wake up. “Mark, get up.”
He groans too before sitting back up. “I just fell asleep.”
“Why did you let me sleep for so long? You drove for 12 straight hours! I’m going to go inside the gas station and buy some coffee, then I’ll drive the rest of the way. You can sleep until we get to wherever the hell you’re taking me.”
Mark tries to sleep for the remaining four hours of your drive, but he’s too excited to be able to sleep. Instead, he watches you drive and smiles proudly. Mark has always thought you are so beautiful, even in your current state — no makeup, hair messy from sleeping in the car, and bags underneath your eyes. He leans over and presses a rough kiss to your cheek before laying back down. 
“What’s gotten into you?”
“What do you mean?”
“This isn’t like you. Yesterday before we left you practically shoved your tongue down my throat, and now you’re forcing me on a road trip. You’re not normally like this.”
“I just… I realized that I wasted so much time not doing the things I want to do with you, and I would’ve hated myself forever if I didn’t do it before I left to Korea.”
“You would’ve hated yourself forever if you didn’t make out with your best friend and force her to drive around before leaving to Korea?” You pause. “Where are we going?”
“Something like that. Uh… well, we’re in California,” Mark says, causing you to swerve.
“You brought me across state lines?! Maaaark, your parents are going to kill you!”
“They think I’m with Johnny-hyung for the weekend. Don’t worry, he’ll cover for me. I think we’re only like half an hour away from LA.”
“You’re insane, Mark. So so insane.”
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“So this is Santa Monica, huh?” Mark says, looking out at the crashing waves in front of him and inhaling deeply, letting his lungs fill with the cool ocean air, sand getting stuck between his toes.
“This is so beautiful,” you whisper. “Thank you for bringing me, Mark.”
“I would do anything for you, I hope you know that,” Mark responds. He takes out a brown paper bag from his backpack, twisting off the cap of the bottle inside and taking a swig of it and gagging. You laugh, taking the bottle out of his hand and sniffing it before taking a drink yourself. 
“Why would you buy vodka? You know you can’t drink alcohol very well.”
“I wanted to see if my ID would work! It was pretty easy, I just handed it to the guy and spoke in Korean and he didn’t question it.” He takes the bottle out of your hand and takes another drink, this time more prepared and able to suppress the gag that bubbles in his throat. You turn to look at Mark, and he quickly shifts his head to stare back at you. Some people say they feel their heart skip a beat when the person they love looks at them, but when Mark looks at you, your heart stops completely. Your heart stops, your breath gets caught in your chest, and you stop blinking. You have to make a conscious effort to breathe in and out, and open and close your eyelids as Mark looks at you and overtakes your thoughts.
As you’re staring at Mark, memorizing every inch of his face as the Santa Monica sun sets, you feel your cheeks begin to heat up and your face begin to numb as the vodka hits you. He reaches out to pinch your cheek, smiling wide at your flushed face, and when you feel his fingers on your skin, you just know — this is real, this is love.
“You’re so cute,” Mark says.
“Says you.” You grab the bottle from Mark’s other hand, taking another deep chug before pressing the bottle to his lips. You tilt it and he drinks from it until he can’t handle the taste anymore, pushing it away slightly and letting you drop it between your bodies.
“Y/N, I—”
“Kiss me.”
Mark doesn’t need to be told twice; instantly pressing you down into the sand, body hovering above yours and attaching his lips to yours. He lets you lead the kiss this time, opening his mouth when he feels your tongue poking at his lips and allowing you to slip your tongue into his mouth. Your tongue traces over his teeth, before meeting his tongue and playing with it. Your hands come up to hold onto his face, and he softens into your touch. Mark feels dizzy — both from the feeling of your tongue in his mouth and the vodka hitting him all at once. He pulls away, panting as he tries to catch his breath.
“I feel like I’m living a dream,” Mark says, staring at your face with something you can only describe as love in his eyes.
“I want to go swimming,” you respond, quickly sitting up without thinking and hitting your head against his. “Owie, I’m sorry, honey. Don’t know why I got up so quickly.”
Mark giggles and sits up, peeling his shirt off and dropping it on the sand. “Let’s go swimming.” He stands up, trying to kick his skinny jeans off as you stand up and start walking to the water. “Y/N! Take your jeans off at least.”
“Nuh-uh, I wanna go swimming,” you say, stumbling as you walk through the hot sand as quickly as you can and into the water. You don’t even register how cold the water is, quickly walking deep into the ocean and letting the waves go over your head. Mark rushes to catch up with you, walking into the ocean in only his underwear. He pulls you into his arms and you wrap your legs around his waist, your arms around his neck, and rest your forehead up against his.
“I miss you already, Mark.”
“I don’t even leave for another 3 months.”
“I know, but I don’t want you to go,” you say quietly. Unwillingly, tears fall down your cheeks and mix with the salt water on your face.
“I’m so glad I finally found you,” Mark responds. “My missing puzzle piece. I’m complete.” He wipes the tears and water from your face and presses a kiss to your lips. 
“I can’t believe we’ve known each other for over 2 years and you waited for us to graduate before making a move on me,” you say, angrily pressing another kiss to his lips. “I’ve been in love with you since the day I took you downtown for the first time, Mark.”
“And I’ve been in love with you since the day you asked me to go downtown with you.”
“You’re so lame,” you say to Mark, just as a huge wave goes over your heads and crashes. You both burst into laughter and you untangle yourself from him, pushing the hair out of your face and trying to regain your breathe. You place your hands on Mark’s shoulders, letting them travel down his chest to the waistband of his underwear. You slip your fingers underneath, pulling the band back before letting it snap back on his skin. “Mark, have you ever… you know…”
He shakes his head no. “M-my mom told me I should s-save myself for someone special,” he says, nervously. “Have you, ever… you know…”
You shake your head no. “Let’s go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love. Just you and me.”
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You and Mark stumble into the Santa Monica Motel, only a 20 minute walk from the Santa Monica Pier, coming up to the front desk with your clothes still dripping and asking for whatever vacant room they have. The desk attendant rolls his eyes, handing you two a pair of room keys and sending you on your way. You walk into the room, one hand holding Mark’s hand, as the other held onto the mostly gone bottle of vodka.
As you walk into the room, Mark throws your things onto the floor and locks the door behind him. You drink half of what’s left in the bottle, giving the rest to Mark which he finishes quickly before stepping into the bathroom. As Mark is in the bathroom freshening up, you pull the sheets off the bed and throw them onto the floor. You then pull the cushions off the couch in the corner, attempting to make a fort in the tiny motel room. You set the cushions up, then use the pillows to try and complete the walls of your fort, before throwing a thin white sheet over everything and crawling underneath. Mark comes out of the bathroom and raises an eyebrow when he sees the mess you’ve created on the floor.
“Come meet me in the fort, honey.”
Mark crawls underneath the sheet carefully, trying not to destroy the fort he’s sure you worked hard on. Once he’s underneath and he sees your shirt sticking to your chest, and your skin-tight jeans seemingly sticking tighter to your skin, his heart begins to race.
“I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but I feel like I’m living a dream,” Mark says, letting his hand rest on your stomach. You reach for his arm, pinching him slightly and he lets out a soft moan. “What was that for?”
“Just to remind you that this isn’t a dream. This is real, and I love you.”
“I love you,” Mark responds. You pull your wet shirt up and off your head, letting it fall to the floor before you unbutton your wet jeans and try to push them off.
“Mark, I need help,” you whine. He laughs before helping you pull your jeans down and setting them on the floor with your shirt. He looks at your entire body up and down, taking in the sight of your matching bra and underwear.
He groans. “Fuck, I really love you.” Mark lets his body hover over yours, quickly enveloping your lips in a quick, passionate kiss. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you and bucking your hips up to meet his. Mark feels himself harden in his underwear and he whines into your mouth at the feeling of you grinding up into him. Your hands grip onto his cheeks softly just as they did when you kissed on the beach, and one of his hands reaches up to pull your bra down and let your breasts free. His hands grab at your chest as if he’s done this before, fingers tugging and tweaking your nipples and you can’t help the moan that escapes your mouth and is caught by his. 
You rip his hand away from your chest, bringing it down into your underwear and pressing his fingers onto your clit. His fingers reach down to your entrance, teasing it softly before collecting your slick and returning to your clit. He pushes down roughly, rubbing in circles and your hips buck up again. This is the first time anyone else has ever touched you, and you quickly feel the knot forming in your stomach. 
“Mark, I’m gonna—” you say, pulling back from his lips for a second and grinding harder into his fingers in an attempt to reach your high quicker.
“Really?” Mark asks in disbelief, eyes wide as he presses his fingers harder into you and takes in the sight of your body. Your chest is going up and down quickly, hips moving and grinding into his fingers, one hand gripping onto his wrist as the other grips on his hair. 
“Fuck, just a few more seconds, I swear, Mark,” you whine, and he speeds his fingers up. And surely enough, within a few seconds, you’re gripping onto his wrist tightly to stop his movements as you cum, clenching around nothing as you chant his name repeatedly. Mark lets you come down from your high on your own time, afraid of overstimulating you before he can even get inside of you. As soon as you’ve come down from your orgasm, you’re pulling Mark into another kiss and pushing his underwear down. 
“Y/N, I-I should p-probably get a c-c-condom,” Mark stutters as your hand grips onto his hard dick and pumps lightly. 
“Nuh-uh,” you say, letting go of him and bucking your hips, feeling the tip of his dick rub against your clit and letting out a content sigh. “I want to feel all of you.”
Mark nods, gripping onto the base of his dick and pushing himself into you slowly, letting you adjust to him. Once he’s all the way in, he lets out a shaky breath as you clench around him a few times, getting used to the feeling of being full of something more than your fingers. “You can move now, honey.” He nods again and slowly begins moving his hips, pulling all the way out before slamming back in.
Mark lowers himself more, making sure you’re chest to chest as he moves slowly inside of you. Your legs wrap around his waist again, arms around his neck, pulling him close to you as you close your eyes and focus on the feeling of Mark’s length moving in and out of you swiftly. Mark lowers his head, resting it on your shoulder and pressing a kiss as you let your mouth fall open in a moan.
“I love you,” Mark’s hips pick up speed at your confession and you let out another loud moan. “I love you, I love you, fuck, baby, I really love you.”
He balances his weight on his hands, pushing himself up to look into your eyes as he fucks into you like his life depends on it. You want to close your eyes so bad, want to focus on the feeling of Mark fucking you, but you’re mesmerized as his eyes look into yours. You’re afraid to even blink, not wanting to miss a moment of this, not wanting to miss a second of the way Mark’s eyebrows furrow as he looks into your eyes, then down at your chest, then down at where your hips meet, then back up into your eyes. He shifts his weight onto one hand, moving the other to your clit and your eyes instantly roll into the back of your head.
“Look at me, baby,” Mark says quietly, angling his hips to meet that spot inside of you, and you struggle to keep your eyes open and looking at him, but you try. 
“A-are you sure you’ve n-never done this before?” You ask, clenching tightly around Mark as he fucks you and rubs your clit. 
“N-never ever. Been saving myself for you.”
“You’re gonna make me cum,” you whine.
“Cum for me, baby, please.” Mark says, and you nod as he presses his fingers just a little harder, pushing you over the edge quickly. The feeling of you clenching around his length sporadically, and your fingernails digging into his back, is enough to push him over the edge, and he’s cumming in you in thick white ropes. He lets out a deep groan as he cuts inside of you, giving you everything he’s got. He falls on top of you, not even bothering to pull out, and you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him close. You wipe the sweat off from his forehead and let out a laugh that he returns.
“I can’t believe we just did that,” you say.
“Are you on birth control?” Mark asks.
You flick his forehead and giggle. “Yes, I’m on birth control. I have been for like a year.”
“Oh thank God,” he lets out a sigh of relief.
You bask in the silence of the motel room for a second, realizing you’re still on the carpeted floor in the fort you’ve built. “Lets get into bed.”
Mark fixes the sheets and pillows onto the bed as you use the bathroom, and when you emerge from the bathroom naked and crawl into bed next to him, he feels his chest swell with love for you. As soon as you’re in bed with him, you snuggle into his body, resting your head on his chest and closing your eyes, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
“Your heart is beating really fast,” you whisper.
“Because of you,” he responds. He pushes you off him slightly, pushing you onto your back and resting his head on your chest. “I wanna be held.”
“You’re such a baby.” You play with Mark’s hair, enjoying the silence before it hits you that Mark is going to leave you. You’ve finally gotten the boy you love, given everything to him, and within a few months he’s going to leave you and start a new life while you’re stuck in your tiny town. Your chest begins to warm in anxiety at the thought of having to be away from him, and tears well in your eyes. “Mark, you can’t leave me. You’re my soulmate.”
“Come with me, then.”
“Ha-ha. Very funny.” The tears drip down your face slowly and Mark can tell you’re crying by the way your chest contracts underneath him.
He sits up quickly and looks down at you, eyes flickering to your bare chest for a split second before looking back up into your eyes. He wipes the tears from your face. “Y/N, I’m serious. Just take a year off and come with me to Korea, and then you can start school there. I’ll take care of you, I promise.” He leans down and presses a kiss between your breasts before coming back up. “I can’t live my life without you.  Please come with me.”
“Mark, my parents would kill me. Moving to a new country for a boy I’m not even married to? You’re insane.”
“If I could marry you tonight, I would.” Mark thinks for a second and grabs his phone from the table next to the bed, unlocking it and shielding it from your view as he looks something up.
“What time is it?”
“It’s midnight,” he responds.
“You know… it’s only about a 5 hour drive to Vegas from here.”
“If we start driving now, we can make it by the time the sun rises.”
“Aaaand, wecouldbeimpulsiveandgogetmarriedmaybeifyoureallymeantit,” you say quietly.
Mark lets out a hearty laugh before rolling over onto you and pressing a flurry of kisses all over your face, before pulling you into a long kiss.
“What was all that for?” you ask.
He unlocks his phone and hands it over to you, showing that he was looking up 24 hour pawn shops nearby.
“I had the same thought. I thought maybe we go out and get some food, hit one of these pawn shops and get some rings, then drive over to Vegas.”
You let out a laugh and peck his lips. “Let’s go then, baby.”
“I can’t wait to see the look on your parents’ face when you tell them I convinced you to drive across state lines, get married to me, and drop out of state university to move to another country with me.”
“They’ll just have to deal,” you say, getting up out of bed and cringing as you put your wet clothes back on. “I have dry clothes in the car. It’s still parked by the beach, isn’t it?” Mark nods in response, slipping his wet clothes back on and leaving the room keys with the front desk attendant. Your hand slips into his as you walk in the dark streets of the city, walking towards the beach where Mark’s car is parked. “Can we stop in San Francisco on our way back home? I want to see the Golden Gate Bridge.”
“We can do whatever you want, baby.”
“I love you. You know that, right?”
“I know. I love you, too. You know that, right?”
“I know,” you sigh contently. “I can’t wait to spend my life with you.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Together ~ KNJ [Request]
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PAIRING: Namjoon x Reader
GENRE: College AU, friends to lovers, angst, fluffy ending,
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A single cough erupted from one side of the giant lecture theatre that you were sitting inside of causing everyone to stare over at the kid that coughed. He blushed deeply but anyone would with around 100 students sitting and staring at you because you coughed. All of you were just sitting there waiting eagerly for the exam to end. Tapping pens could be heard as you glanced around at everyone, it was the final exam and it appeared as though everyone had already finished and was just waiting for the bell to ring. All you wanted to do was race out of the lecture hall and out into the hot summer weather to tan for a while but you had to sit there, in silence until the test was finished otherwise the whole year of learning would have been for nothing. 
All the hours of countless cramming for tests would have gone to waste so you sat there. Staring forward at the chalkboard and around 60 students heads since you were right at the back of the hall.
It was finally the end of your first college school year and you were looking forward to the next eight weeks of pure bliss, not having to worry about waking up early for lectures or staying up all night studying for a test. It was going to be the best summer vacation you could ever possibly want, you already had what you were going to do planned out. No one was going to be in the dorm house that you shared, they all had their own plans so you arranged to stay inside for the first week, catching up on everything that needed to do before deciding to relax, binge watch shows and do whatever you wanted.
"Pencils down and close your booklets, if you have no finished you're exam don't worry. I'm sure you can make it up when you repeat this year," You looked at the woman at the front of the room, she was a woman in her early 40's with a Karen haircut, she'd been brought in when your original tutor for the course left to have a baby and never bothered coming back. It was a surprise to you that you even knew half of the questions on the exam, the teacher was useless you practically taught yourself late at night reading through the books and countless research articles online. 
"Single file lines! You're adults, we shouldn't have to tell you how to behave!" She screamed as people began rushing to get out of the hall, you stayed behind not wanting to get trampled in the herd of people.
The room was silent again apart from the shuffling of papers as Mrs Kim collected all of the papers. Leaning behind yourself you began packing things into your bag not noticing that your best friend was lingering up behind you. 
"Boo!" He yelled out as he placed his hands on your shoulders and shook you a little making you cry out in surprise. 
"Joonie," You whined as you saw the surprised look on Mrs Kim's face as she heard a sudden noise come out of nowhere. 
"Sorry Mrs Kim, I've come to steal my best friend." He practically pulled you free from your chair and dragged you out of the hall and into the hallways where people were talking amongst one another.
"I'm not even going to ask how it went, you're my best friend and I already know you've passed," He said in a matter-a-fact tone as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and that was when you knew he wanted something. The two of you had been friends since you could walk and talk you knew exactly what he was up to when he was flattering you. 
"Whatever it is, no. I'm not doing it, I'm not driving you, I’m not doing a late assignment for you, I’m not going to pick you up late from a party and I'm not going to kill someone for you," You went through everything so you didn't leave a single thing out but Namjoon tutted at you. 
"I am offended that you would even think for a second that I was trying to get something out of you," You stood still as you looked at him with a blank stare, 
"Okay fine I need something," He grumbled pulling you with him as he walked out of the main campus building.
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Back at the house, you waited for Namjoon to tell you what it was that he wanted, the whole walk home he'd been avoiding the question or distracting you with something else. The house you lived in was huge, it had around nine bedrooms in total all with their own bathrooms and two main bathrooms. It used to be an old mansion home but it was renovated when a college was built nearby and rented out to groups of college kids. The last year you'd been living there with Namjoon and six of his college buddies, all of you got along which was perfect, no awkward meetings in the hallways or kitchen.
"You can't just tell me you need something and then not say anything," You told him as you picked up a slice of pizza from the box and began eating it. This was what he did when he wanted something, he would try to bribe you with food or do something nice for you, you'd known him long enough that this meant he was going to ask for something big.
"You're not doing anything in the summer, right?" You put down the slice of pizza and brushed your hands onto a napkin as you got up to leave. You already knew what he was going to ask and you weren't interested, 
"No way, there is no way of me going on that stupid trip." You told him as you began heading for the staircase wanting to go to bed but he grabbed your wrist. 
"You're my best friend, we're supposed to look out for one another," He whined as he looked at you, his large brown eyes turning into puppy-dog eyes as he attempted to persuade you.
It was the summer vacation he and some of his friends had been planning to take together,
"Kyong is going and I don't want to be alone with her," He told you as he looked at you, tugging on your wrist as he waited for you to say something. Mi Kyong, his ex-girlfriend that practically ripped him apart and left you to stitch him back together again. Cheating on him so many times in the relationship you wondered how he stayed with her for as long as he did. To you, she was the devil in disguise but to Namjoon she was and would always be the love of his life. 
"I'm weak if I go near her I'll break," That wasn't a lie, you knew that if Namjoon even stayed in the same room as her alone she would somehow manipulate him back into her life only to break him up into pieces yet again.
"I thought Jungkook and the boys were going," You sighed thinking about how your perfect relaxing time was going to be ruined by going out to some log cabin in the woods.
"They're taking their dates...Please...We'll have fun I promise and you can bring books...Music, painting gear...Whatever you want," You knew he was never going to let it go so you nodded slowly at him, at least this way you could keep a close eye on him at all times. 
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The two of you were back in the living room, pizza slice in your hand as you were ready to curl up and watch Grey's Anatomy together,
"There's just one thing," He called out, you turned to stare at him pizza slice in your mouth waiting for him to continue.
"You have to pretend to be my date." The pizza slice slipped from your hands and onto the white leather sofa as you stared at him. 
"What?" Your voice cracked thinking that maybe you'd heard him wrong or he was just trying to joke but he shook his head. 
"You have to pretend to date me, nothing major just...A cuddle and holding hands," You stared at him feeling your heart pounding against your chest at the thought of doing something like that was Namjoon. He wasn't the type of friend that cuddled or held hands with anyone so suddenly doing that bought back all of the feelings you had for him that you had repressed. You never wanted to admit your feelings for him and when you moved into a house together for college you pushed them down so deep you thought you'd gotten over him. 
"And share a room, which we've done before it's not a big deal." He mumbled as he began watching the screen. Not a big deal? To him maybe it wasn't a big deal but to you, it was bringing up all of the repressed feelings you'd hoped you had been over.
"Y-Yeah, no big deal." You mumbled staring at the screen as you suddenly didn't feel like eating anymore. 
"I gotta go pack," You said suddenly, leaving the pizza with Namjoon and rushing up to your bedroom. Slamming the door and looking around as you thought about all of the things you didn't have for a summer vacation, tomorrow was going to be an impromptu shopping trip as early as possible. 
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The car pulled up outside the large home and you thought it was some kind of joke until everyone began pulling their bags out. You took Namjoon by the hand and stared at him, 
"I thought you said it was a cabin in the woods," You whispered turning to look at the large mansion behind you which was defiantly not a small cabin in the woods.
"No, I said it was a home in a remote area." The remote area part was right, the ride had taken you almost four hours to get out here and it was in the middle of the woods but it was not a home of any kind. It was huge and modern. All of it was an open plan area with large floor to ceiling windows. The walls were white and black and that was just the outside. 
"I couldn't let my boys slum it for the summer," Kyong's voice said as she trailed her hand along Namjoon's back, you watched as he tensed up. The original plan was for him to be in the car with her but you managed to get Jimin and his girlfriend to swap with you both, riding along with Yoongi and his girlfriend instead. 
"It's costing me almost 650,000,00₩, for the month. I know you're only here for a week but I decided I would stay." Everyone seemed to have their eyes glued onto the building as they stared at it, 
"Nine bedrooms so I'm afraid Y/n might have to be on the sofa," She said in a condescending tone but that was when Namjoon wrapped his arm around your waist and drew you closer to him. Sparks felt as though they were shooting off your body and you hoped no one picked up on the fact that you were so shy from the small touch. 
"Actually she'll be in my room since we're together." He stared at Kyong as he said it and the smile on her face was wiped away, leaving a shocked look as she tried to think of something to say in response. 
"Really? You and Y/n- Wow...I never would have thought your taste would have changed that much," You knew it was an insult but you chose to ignore her, pulling at Namjoon's hand. 
"Come on babe, let's go find a good view." You cooed, pulling him into the front door and hoping that Kyong would finally leave him alone now that she heard you were dating, that way you wouldn't have to go through the butterfly feelings every time he touched you, even a little. 
"Babe?" Namjoon chuckled as he walked behind you, he'd never heard you call him anything besides Namjoon or Joonie, or if he was in trouble, Kim Namjoon.
"You need it to be convincing, right?" A smirk played on his lips while you had your back to him, he let you lead him through the house to try and find a room for the two of you but it was huge and you thought you might have needed a map to find your way around. 
"Here," Namjoon laughed pulling you into a large bedroom, your bag dropped from your shoulder. 
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The bedroom had its own sitting room so you weren't going to have to worry about sitting downstairs where Kyong would bother you. There were large glass windows leading out onto a balcony that looked as though it had grass on it.
"Why does the balcony have furniture, there's no door-" You stopped speaking when the glass doors that you originally thought were windows began to move and open up, folding into the walls so you could walk out onto the small balcony area that looked over a giant pool on the ground floor. 
"This place is incredible," You breathed out as you laid your hands on the balcony railing, looking over at the woods that were just beyond the house. 
Namjoon was looking around the room, an ensuite was connected to it all white marble. A walk-in shower and a corner bathtub with jets.
"Hey I-whoa," Namjoon stopped as he looked at you and the view wondering where the windows had gone.
"So that's what that switch did," He chuckled softly as he thought back on the switch he had flicked on the wall.
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The night came sooner than expected, you'd spent most of the day unpacking everything you'd bought along with you and planning what you were going to do the next day and now everyone was gathered in the kitchen. 
"I made us all a pasta dish, I figured it would be nice for the evening," Not for one second did you believe that Kyong had cooked the pasta, mostly because there were take out containers in the bin but also because Namjoon told you about the last time she tried to cook. She almost burnt her entire dorm down just trying to use a rice cooker. 
"Are you really going to eat all that?" Kyong questioned as she watched you piling pasta onto your plate,
"I mean pasta is known to bloat us but I guess you're obviously not bothered about looking bloated." Namjoon was suddenly by your side ready to take over for you, 
"Y/n looks perfect, so why don't you just focus on yourself," He ordered, taking your plate and his over to tone of the many dining tables that were in the home. 
"Ignore her, she's just trying to get under your skin." He reassured you as he smiled weakly, you knew he still had feelings for her but it was nice to see how much he was stepping in for you when he needed to.
"What did you ever see in her?" You mumbled as you began eating some of the pasta, trying not to let her lingering words bother you so much. It wasn't as though you and Namjoon were really dating, it didn't matter what you looked like anyway. If a person didn't love you for who you really were then that person didn't deserve the time of day. 
"I'm not sure, I think I was looking in the wrong direction," He laughed as he watched you eating, smiling as he couldn't help but look at you. All the years he'd known you he had been hopelessly in love with you but never realised until it was too late. Until you both in college and busy with everything else to deal with one another, he never wanted to ruin the friendship that he had with you.
"What?" You questioned as you noticed how much he was staring at you, 
"Nothing...Did you bring my favourite book with you? I might sit by the pool with you tomorrow," He was trying to change the subject and distract his own mind from thinking about you in that way.
"Do you have spare blankets over there?" You asked Namjoon later when you were back in your room, 
"Yeah but I don't think you'll need them, it's summer." He chuckled looking up to see you standing over at the sofa in the bedroom getting ready for bed. You were dressed in one of his old football shirts from high school and a pair of shorts. Namjoon's mouth nearly fell open, he'd seen you in his clothes before but this was something different.
"I meant because I'm on the sofa, I can't sleep without something covering me," You laughed awkwardly when you felt how much he was beginning to stare at you, you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. 
"Why are you on the sofa? We have a huge bed right here," He laughed pointing at the large California King Bed that was in the room but you never would have thought that he would be okay with sharing with you. 
"You want to share a bed? You? Mr Kim Namjoon who hates being cuddled?" You laughed as you slowly made your way over to the bed, pulling back the covers a little. 
"Don't worry, it's not as if I'm going to cuddle you in the night." It wasn't something that worried you though, it was a thought that excited you.
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The next morning Namjoon bought breakfast up to you on the balcony, telling you that he and the boys were going to go for a hike. 
"Sure, sounds good...Get some good photos," You told him as you bit into the apple he'd bought up to you, he smiled just watching you. That morning he'd woken up before you to find himself wrapped around you, one arm draped over your waist while your legs tangled together under the thin sheet you had both chosen to sleep in. 
"I will, what are you planning on doing today?" The plan was to sit in the bedroom and avoid Kyong as much as possible but you knew it wasn't going to happen, 
"I'll sit by the pool and read...Maybe go for a swim or bike into town." There was a small village just down the road, it was almost a two-hour walk but maybe an hour on the bike if you were lucky. 
"Sounds like a good idea, maybe I can ride with you later. We can get some snacks to bring back," Agreeing with him you couldn't wait for the day to pass just so you could spend some quality time with him but right now you were looking forward to curling up beside the pool. 
"Have a nice time," You whispered to Namjoon as you stood by the back gate of the house, all of the boys were getting ready to leave on their hike, the girls staying behind. 
"Wait!" You turned around to see Kyong rushing over in hiking boots, a coat and some short shorts that were going to do nothing to protect her from the bugs and nettles that could get her out there.
"You're going too?" You questioned as you looked from her to Namjoon, it was clear he had no idea it was going to happen. 
"Yeah. Me and my boys going for a long hike. It'll give me and Joonie a chance to chat." Hearing your nickname for Namjoon roll out of her mouth made your blood boil and you wanted nothing more than to trip her up but Namjoon looked at you and you instantly felt calmer. 
"Baby please come with me, it won't be the same without you." Frowning you stared at him wondering what he was doing when he pulled you close to him by your waist, leaning his face down so close to yours that you could feel his breath on your skin. 
"Fine, let me change..." You looked at him going to leave when Kyong scoffed at the pair of you, 
"Not even a kiss goodbye?" It was obvious that she didn't believe you and Namjoon were truly dating and you knew Namjoon wanted her to believe it so you grabbed him back the back of the neck and kissed him. The moment your lips touched it felt as though your legs had turned to jelly and you were about to fall but Namjoon held you steady, holding you by the waist as he pulled you closer to him enjoying the kiss between you. For that moment no one else was around you, it was just the two of you as you finally kissed for the first time, your heart hammering against your chest as if it was trying to escape. 
"I'll go and change," You whispered as you pulled away, your voice was hoarse as you stared at him biting down on your lip as you hoped that would happen again. 
"I'll wait here," His voice was almost as hoarse as yours as he watched you run back into the house, his eyes never leaving your body until you disappeared. 
"Well, that was a nice performance," Kyong mumbled but Namjoon didn't hear her, he just waited for you to return. 
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The week was almost over and you were enjoying your time there more than you originally thought you were going to. You and Namjoon spent a lot of time with everyone else which meant pretending to be a couple most of the time, holding onto one another, kissing him whenever you had the chance. It started to feel as though you were pretending anymore and that this was really happening, even if you knew deep down inside that there was nothing to this. That it would all be over as soon as you got back to your dorms but for now you were going to soak up as much of his attention as you could get for yourself. 
"I don't like being blindfolded Joonie, it makes you think you're up to something," You whined as he continued to walk you through a bumpy area, you could hear gushing water and footsteps but that was all. He let out a deep laugh that seemed to echo around wherever you were and you whined again, 
"Relax, here-" He began to untie the make-shift blindfold and you let your eyes adjust for a second to see that you were somewhere you'd never seen before. It was a cavern that had a pool of water inside, flowers spreading over the walls of the cave, the walls and ceiling seemed to have silver reflecting on them because of the water. 
"Hot springs," He said with a smile, bending down to touch the water as it began bubbling, your mouth almost dropped open at the sight. 
"I didn't bring a bathing suit, you didn't tell me what we were doing," You laughed softly as you looked at him and then to the pool behind him, it looked as though it was going to be relaxing. 
"Is it deep?" He shook his head in answer to your question, 
"Probably reach your shoulders, there are some rocks just under the water we can sit on and relax." He promised as he began to unbutton the white shirt he was wearing, you gasped and turned away not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 
"I didn't bring a bathing suit. I'll wear my underwear, it's just the same," He said as he looked at you, hoping that you would do the same but not once saying what he wanted out loud. 
The two of you sat there side by side in the water just enjoying the peace and quiet, Kyong had done nothing but follow the two of you around all week long leading you to "pretend" you were both together for as long as possible.
"This week has been one of the most amazing times of my life," You told him as you rolled your head over to look at him, your gaze meeting his as he smiled at you. You didn't know if it was the low lighting or just because our feelings for him were resurfacing but his eyes seemed to sparkle, as though they had a golden hint to them.
"Even with all this pretending, that's been going on?" He questioned as he looked at you, biting down on his lip as you shrugged, 
"There's been one thing that's bugging me all week." He sat up straight making you do the same as you watched him, tilting your head to the side as you waited for him to elaborate on what he meant.
"I don't want to pretend...I want to be yours and I want you to be mine." Closing the distance between your mouths, you kissed him. At that moment it was clear that everything you had been feeling that week, the sparks, the butterflies, was all real. Everything you felt for him he felt the same for you and it excited you. He placed his hands on your waist lifting you up and placing him on his lap under the water as you continued to make out in the hot springs. 
His teeth biting down softly on your bottom lip as he asked for entrance, which you gladly granted him, letting your hands wander into his hair as you tugged him closer to you. 
"We're not pretending?" He questioned as you pulled away to catch your breath, you shook your head desperately, 
"Never again," You whispered before reconnecting our lips with his, going back to your steamy make-out session in the water.
Namjoon left soft kisses on your shoulder as the two of you laid naked in the bed, looking out at the night sky as you cuddled with one another. The two of you had made it back late after your make out in the hot springs and continued your session in the bedroom where it lead to more. 
"I'll go get us a snack," He chuckled as he heard your stomach growling, even if it was almost 3 am you were hungry from the activities you had both done together. 
"Thanks," You kissed him softly as he changed into a pair of shorts and a white shirt, disappearing out of the door and leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Letting out a small excited squeal you laid back against the pillows and smiled to yourself, you never thought this day would come and now it had, you couldn't contain yourself. Everything you had ever wanted was becoming a reality.
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Time passed and Namjoon still wasn't back with your snack, you figured he was going to cook something so you laid there for a second, trying to rest a little before he came back not expecting to fall asleep within seconds of closing your eyes.
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Waking up alone the next day you frowned to yourself, he was supposed to be beside you,
"Joonie?" You called out as you changed into some leggings and a baggy shirt thinking maybe he had gone for an early walk or something. You headed down to the kitchen shocked to see Kyong nursing a hangover but that wasn't the part that shocked you. The part that shocked you was that she was dressed in nothing but Namjoon's shirt, the one he had put on the night before to go and make a snack for you. 
"I made this, drink it." Namjoon's voice called out to Kyong as she smirked at you, turning her head to look over at him and that was when you saw the deep purple bite marks up and down her neck. At that moment it felt as though your whole world was falling apart as you put it all together, dressed in his shirt, he was looking after her and she was covered in marks.
"I-I can't believe it," The glass Namjoon was holding slipped from his hand and smashed against the floor, the green liquid splashing all over the white floors and cabinets while Kyong smirked. 
"Y/n, it isn't what it looks like." You scoffed at him, rushing back up the stairs towards the bedroom as you began throwing clothes into your bag, trying to get some money together as he begged you not to overthink it. 
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"It's not what it looks like," He pleaded as he stood in the way of the door so you couldn't leave the bedroom, 
"Was she dressed in your shirt?" You questioned as you stared at him, his eyes widened with panic,
"Yes, but-"
"Was she covered in hickies?" You asked him again, cutting him off. All you needed were the answers you knew exactly what had happened. He fell back into her arms the way he always did, crawling back to her every time.
"Yeah, but that-"
"You didn't come back last night, were you or were you not with her?" His face fell and he didn't answer, tears rushed to your eyes as you pushed past him heading down the stairs and in the direction of the front door. 
"You can't just leave, we're miles away from home." He called out as he chased after you, Kyong holding onto his arm as she whined at him not to yell anymore. 
"That's my problem to deal with," You mumbled as you threw your bag over your shoulder and took one of the bikes, heading to town was the best plan for now. Once you were there you could figure out where to go by Kyong groaned at you, 
"They're for people staying on this holiday." Locking eyes with her you threw the bike onto the ground before heading down the long driveway, ready to start your long walk back into the town. 
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"Y/n!!" Namjoon yelled as he chased you down the road, grabbing you by the hand as he made you look at him.
"You have to let me explain, I know how it looks." At this point your tears were already rushing down your face as you looked up at him, you thought that he would be the one person you could trust in the world. He knew how much it hurt to be cheated on and yet he still did it to you, was it even cheating? Were you nothing more than a fling for him? 
"What was it? I was just there until she decided she was jealous enough to take you back? Or were you both in on a joke about it, she knew I had a crush on you and thought she could get kicks out of it?" He didn't blame you for being angry but he held your arm as he tried to make sure you listened to him.
"You thought, I can't screw my ex so why not fuck my best friend over instead?" Namjoon's eyes watered as he stared down at you waiting for you to finish,
"How could you ever think I would hurt you like that?"
"Because you did-"
"No. I didn't. I went down to get you food last night and I found her, drunk and on the floor covered in her own vomit." You pulled a disgusted face as he explained what had happened, leading you over to a rock as he sat you down beside him. 
"She was covered in her own vomit, along with bite marks, hickies. She said she'd been into town for drinks and got a taxi back. I changed her into my shirt and took her to bed but she wouldn't go to sleep without me there," You looked at him, feeling bad for accusing him of doing the one thing you knew he hated her for doing to him. 
“I sat beside the bed the whole night, I didn’t get into bed with her, I just wanted to make sure she was okay.” He sighed and you realized how much you must have overreacted.
"Joonie..." You breathed out as you felt bad for everything, 
"I know what it looked like but I would never do that to you. I'm in love with you, always have been and always will be but I loved her too...She may have hurt me but she's still a person and someone I once cared for so I wanted to make sure she was okay," That you could understand, you knew how deeply Namjoon cared for everyone he met so you weren't going to hold that against him.
"Now, please...Come back so we can drive home together..." 
"Together?" You questioned as he locked your hands together, linking your fingers with his, 
"As a couple?" He questioned looking at you, making you smile brightly as you nodded your head. 
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Tagline: @lyoongx  @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @innersooya @sweeneyblue1 @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @anxiousbobatea​ @justbangtanthingz​
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raeandwhatnot · 4 years
Constellations- Charlie Gillespie Imagine
Summary: You and Charlie go on many adventures, and this time Charlie surprises you with an adventure you’ve wanted to do for a while.
Warnings: none just MEGA FLUFF
Words: 2.29k
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When it came to getting to know Charlie, I found out that he is a very spontaneous person. We have been best friends for the past 8 years (crushing on him for the past 3 years), and I have been on so many adventures with him. We have been on many camping trips, random drives, sunrise hikes, and midnight shenanigans. These adventures would either be Charlie texting to see if I wanted to do something, or he would just show up at my door as if he already knew I would say yes. It’s never a dull moment with him.
It was a Friday night and I was sitting on my couch watching Friends eating a bowl of spaghetti with garlic salt sprinkled around the noodles. Normally, every Friday Charlie and I have dinner together while we watch a TV series or movie. However, with Charlie’s filming schedule, he isn’t able to do it all the time. Tonight was one of the nights I wish I had him around for company.
Knock, knock, knock.
I jumped at the sound coming from the front door. I quickly put down my bowl on the coffee table and pause my show to walk over to the door. I unlock the door and open it to find my best friend standing in front of me.
“Surprise shawty!” he says with making jazz hand gestures. I furrow my brows at his uncommon remark. “I learned that from Mads. I thought it was funny.”
I nod my head, “I figured as much. What are you doing here? I thought you had filming tonight?”
“Yeah, I kind of lied about that. I felt bad for not being able to make it to our Friday night dinners, so I thought I would surprise you!” Charlie says while stepping into my apartment. “Uh, you’re watching Friends without me?!”
I chuckle at his offended outburst and close the door, “Sorry! I didn’t know what else to watch. Plus, I didn’t want to start anything new without you!”
Charlie shakes his head in disappointment. “Are you ready to go?” he asks while bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“What do you mean?” I question.
“I have a surprise for you. Are you ready to go?” he explains.
My eyes widened, “I thought your presence was a surprise. Not, ‘I have a surprise for you’! Also, do I look ready?” I gesture to the tank top and shorts I was wearing.
Charlie shrugged his shoulders, “Well, if you aren’t ready, then go get dressed! Wear something warm; it’s a little chilly out tonight.”
I go to the coffee table where the remote was placed and turn off the TV. “Alright, alright. I’ll be right back. You can have the rest of my noodles, by the way. I’m full,” I say while walking to my room to get changed.
I shouldn’t be so surprised that Charlie was doing this. I guess with his busy schedule, we haven’t been on an adventure together in a while. I looked in my drawers to see what I should wear. I have no idea what Charlie as planned, so I’m not entirely sure what kind of outfit I should wear. I find one of Charlie’s long-sleeved shirts that he left at my apartment and decide to wear that since he said to dress warm. Even though I have washed it, his cologne still lingered on the piece of clothing. I change my shorts to wear leggings and put on some Doc Martins boots.
I quickly put on some deodorant and walk back to the living room. Charlie was sitting on the couch watching Tik Tok. I stop at the beginning of the hallway, “Is this okay?”
Charlie’s head snaps towards me. “Perfect!” he says standing up. “Is that my shirt?”
I look down at the brown and white, striped long sleeve shirt. “Yeeaah?” I say timidly not knowing what he what he was thinking.
“You look cute in my clothes!” Charlie smirks and puts his hands in his pockets. I could feel my cheeks burn from his compliment. For years, I have been trying to hide the fact that I have been crushing on my best friend. It hasn’t been easy when he is a naturally flirty person. Plus, I don’t think he thinks of me that way because we have been friends for so long.
“Thanks. Should we get going?” I question.
“Yes, we shall!” Charlie shouts as he walks to the door and opens it. “After you!” I giggle at his silly gentleman actions. We walk down the apartment hallway to the parking lot where his orange Subaru was parked. Charlie opens the passenger door, and I climb into the car. Ever since high school, Charlie always opened the car door for me. Even if I opened it myself, he would shut the door and reopen it so he was the one to open it. Sometimes I mess with him and get in the car myself, but he would just make me get out for me to just go back in the car when he opens the door.
Once Charlie gets into the car, I ask, “So, where are we going?”
Charlie turns on the car and puts his seatbelt on, “That’s for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot.”
I snort at his response. “Did you just quote Vampire Diaries?” I laugh.
“Maybe!” Charlie smiles and backs out of the parking lot. He turns on the radio to some random country station. Even though I’m not the biggest fan of country, I enjoy listening to it with Charlie. I tried to think on what he was wanting to do when it’s 11 o’clock at night. There aren’t many things open. I thought at first he wanted to just go for a drive, but he would have just told me that because that isn’t much a ‘surprise.’  
Next thing I know, we have been driving and jamming out to music for the past 45 minutes. I look around to see that we were basically in the middle of nowhere. “Charlie, you aren’t kidnapping me, right?” I wonder jokingly.
Charlie gasps and puts a hand on his chest as if he was offended, “How did you know?!” He breaks into a smile and a giggling fit. I laugh along with him at how cute he was acting.
“No, but for real. Where are we and what the hell are we doing?” I ask looking out the window. There was nothing but open fields.
Charlie slows the car down and pulls over to where the whole car was on the grass. He then puts the car in park. “We are here!” he says excitingly. Charlie pops open his trunk and jumps out of the car.
I follow Charlie and get out of the car. I walk towards the trunk to see him holding a couple of blankets. “Okay, you have some blankets? Are we camping without a tent?” I question. I am completely lost at what Charlie is wanting to do.
“We, (Y/N), are going to star gaze!” Charlie says.
“Wait, really!? I’ve been asking to do this for forever!” I say jumping up and down happily.
Charlie giggles at my excitedness, and we start walking in the empty field. I grab one of the blankets in Charlie’s arms so he wasn’t the only one carrying something. We get close to the middle of the field and place the blankets on the ground. Because I was so excited, I plopped and lie onto the ground. Charlie lies down on the right of me and we start looking at the sky. You could hear nature everywhere. You could hear the night birds chirping, the grasshoppers playing their music, and the cicadas all around us. I take my phone out of my pocket and start playing low vibes music.
“Was this worth the wait?” Charlie asks.
I nod my head, “Heck, yeah! I’ve missed our adventures, so this is amazing!”
“That’s good! I know how much you love stars and constellations, and you have been asking to go star gazing for a while,” Charlie says still looking at the stars.
“I appreciate it a lot. Thank you!” I say facing Charlie. I grab his hand and give it a squeeze. As I was going to pull my hand away, Charlie squeezes my hand as well so I wouldn’t let go. I start to blush at this and face the sky so Charlie doesn’t notice my blushing.
I then start to point out a bunch of constellations that I could find. Every now and then through my peripheral vision, I would notice Charlie looking at me instead of looking at the sky. He wouldn’t look for long before he would face the stars again. However, as I was pointing out the Canis Major constellation, Charlie wasn’t paying attention to the sky at all. Instead he was just looking at me. I stop what I was saying and face Charlie. “Are you listening?”
He tilts his head, “I have for the majority at the time. I just think you lighting up about stars is so cute!”
I shake my head and look at the sky again, “Whatever.”
“Plus, you have a constellation,” Charlie says.
I snap my head back towards Charlie. “What do you mean?”
He turns on his left side and places his index finger on my left cheek while still holding my hand. “Your freckles right here. They kind of make a constellation. It can be called the (Y/N/N) constellation.” Charlie says while lining up the freckles on my face. I could feel my face getting hotter as Charlie was guiding his finger on my cheek.
“Have you been looking at my freckles instead of the stars? I mean, the stars are beautiful tonight!” I say, trying to put the attention back on the sky and not my face.
“But I am looking at something beautiful. I’m looking at you,” Charlie compliments, his finger still lining the freckles on my cheek. He had a slight smirk on his face. He then stops lining my freckles, tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, and cups the left side of my face. He brushes his thumb on the apple of my cheek. My heart is beating so hard and so fast. I couldn’t believe what was happening. Charlie’s eyes kept switching to looking at my eyes to my lips. ‘Does he want to kiss me right now?’ I think. No one does that unless they want to kiss someone. I suddenly feel Charlie’s hand that was on my cheek sneak a little towards the back of my neck. He then pulls my face towards his and captures my lips onto his. I hesitantly kiss back, shocked that I am kissing my best friend right now! Charlies lips were so soft, and I could slightly taste his vanilla chapstick. He pulls away slowly. I gradually open my eyes to see him looking at me.
“Wow,” I whisper. “I-I wasn’t expecting that!”
Charlie pulls away his hand from my cheek, “Was that okay?”
I slightly bit the corner of my lip, “I mean, I’m not complaining about it.”
“Well, that’s good. I would be embarrassed if you weren’t okay with it. I have been wanting to do that for a while,” he says looking down at our hands.
I furrow my brows, “Y-you have?”
“Yeah!” Charlie scoffed. “I thought it has been pretty obvious that I have liked for a couple years now. I’ve been dropping subtle.. well I guess not so subtle hints, but it wasn’t working because you never noticed!”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Seriously?! I never knew that you would like me back!” I said now sitting up and letting go of Charlie’s hand.
He looks up at me and sits up as well. “Wait, like me back? You l-like me, too?”
“Yes, Charlie,” I sigh. “I’ve liked you for the past three years or so. If anything, I thought I was being obvious even though I was trying to hide it.”
“Why were you trying to hide it?” Charlie questions.
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship,” I confess. “I didn’t want to tell you my feelings if you didn’t feel the same way. I would have hated myself if I made our friendship awkward because of that. So, I tried to burry my feelings and not let it get to me.”
Charlie takes both of my hands and gives them a little kiss. “I felt the exact same way. I didn’t want to lose what we have, but I guess this means we can grow what we have even more,” he says, caressing my knuckles.
“Yeah, I guess it does,” I smirk. “That is if that’s what you want.”
Charlie leans in closer to my face and whispers, “It’s all I want.” He places his lips on mine once again. This time I instantly kiss back, take my hands out of his, and place them on his cheeks. Charlie rests his hands on my thighs. I smile within the kiss because of how happy I am.
After a few kisses, I pull away. Charlie smiles sweetly and squeezes my thighs. “I think this is our best adventure yet,” he says.
I nod my head in agreement, “I think you’re right.”
“Maybe our next adventure could be a date? A proper date?” Charlie asks.
I smile widely and give him a peck on the lips, “I would love that.” Charlie gives me a couple of cheek kisses to then give me a few more pecks on the lips. We both lie back on the ground to cuddle up next to one another and continue to look at the stars. This was the best night ever!
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
SDC gives you headpats (HC’s)
sfw // no pronouns/neutral pronouns
Everyone deserves headpats ok! If you haven’t gotten one yet NO WORRIES here you go!! (Jotaro and Kakyoin are platonic since they’re underage in part 3)
Oh Avdol knows how good headpats feel but also respects others’ personal space.
He didn’t plan on doing it to you, it just felt like the right thing to do at the moment. You are shorter than all your crew mates which they always take advantage of. Your head is basically their arm rest. 
After a particularly hard day of fighting enemy stands he notices you practically dragging your feet across the sand road on the way to camp. After everyone has set up and the campfire is roaring, everyone has taken a seat around it to relax and eat. You sit and stare at the fire, poking it with a stick you found. Avdol crouches before you. He’s still taller than you while seated.
A big warm hand lands on your head and the other hands you a cup of soup he just heated on the fire. “You did good today, take a rest ok? Joseph and I will stand guard tonight.” he smiles softly at you. His hand exudes heat even without Magicians Red. 
You gladly accept the cup while brandishing a tired smile. The soup and the pat making you feel warm all over. You wish more from him but silence those thoughts, you should keep thinking about defeating DIO. 
Joseph has always been physical with you. Touching your lower back as you pass by, leaning on your shoulder with his elbow and sometimes getting a little too close while talking to you. You push those symptoms to him being old and not knowing personal space is a thing.
He headpats you frequently but more to tease you when you don’t know something or forget. More of a “oh you poor child”. You always roll your eyes at his for doing it but end up laughing anyways. 
You call him old man, he calls you kid. The teasing nature between the two of you only growing as the journey continues. 
So when you burn your tongue on the hot soup Avdol gave you earlier he comes by to patronisingly pat you on the head. “Oh did you burn your wittle tongue?” he jabs while patting you on the head. You stomp on his toes in reply making him yelp in pain. You can hear the rest of the group snicker in the background while you smugly grin and blow on your soup. 
Polnareff is a bit of a mix when it comes to being physical with you. He respects your personal space but every so often when the chance arrives to aid you AND be able to touch you, he jumps at the opportunity. 
A hand around your waist to whisk you away to safety? Grabbing your wrist to stop you from bumping into someone? Caging your body with his to protect you from rubble in a fight? Don’t mind if he does. 
So when he sees you tiredly wobbling to your sleeping bag he comes in to assist you, letting you hook your arm through his while resting your head on his shoulder. “Thanks Pol.” you yawn. 
He basically tucks you in your sleeping bag. Whispering “Bonne nuit, doux rêves.” as he pats you on the head. He would have preferred to hug you instead but he sees how tired you are and settles. 
“Merci Pol Pol.” you reply in your best french accent, you can hear him laugh as he walks back to the camp fire.
He does not really care that much for headpats, let alone unnecessarily touching others. Why would you even get in someone’s space for no reason? He’d indicate it a way to start a fight with him. 
You’d left him alone for most of the trip, not getting in his way, listening to what he has to say and not being too loud around him. Somehow you still wanted to please this frickin kid. 
You were rudely awakened by Jotaro nudging your leg with his foot. “Get up, there might be a stand user near us.” he said, his eyebrows were knitted in a frown. 
You get up quickly to scan the area for enemies, the rest of your crew already awake and focused. Jotaro gestures his fingers at you to come over and you do. “A little to the left. Ok...good.” you do as he says standing in front of him facing the desert around you. 
Out of nowhere you feel heavy elbows rest on your shoulders and a figure behind you. Full of questions you utter a “What the fuck?”. “My arms were tired from holding up the binoculars.” he exclaims in a calm tone while continuing to scan the area. So you stand there, a glorified arm rest. No headpats from him sadly. 
After figuring out it wasn’t a stand user around your camp but just a very persistent prey bird looking for its next meal you had all packed up and started moving again. 
Joseph had rented a new car in the nearest town available and you were all off again crammed into it. You’re sat squished against the window with Kakyoin next to you in the middle. Still tired from the day before you decide to take a nap since it was going to be a long drive. 
But alas Kakyoin had grown bored of just staring out the window so he decided to bother you after letting you sleep for an hour. The two of you weren’t above pranks, small ones to lighten the mood. Ever since you joined he had found his prank partner in you. The both of you had once put peppers in Polnareff’s food without him noticing, crying from laughter as Polnareff kept trying to order more milk but the waiter couldn’t understand what he was saying. His face was bright red and his tongue swollen. 
So Kakyoin decides you’ve had enough rest and starts patting the top of your head every couple seconds until you’re awake. He feigns ignorance and keeps a straight face while looking out in front of him, even starting a conversation with Polnareff who’s driving. That little shit. 
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bahorell · 3 years
Les Amis (& co.) and what they’re like camping
Enjolras: Is kinda scared of the woods. Also he’s that guy that really has a hard time putting his phone down because “I just have to respond to this one email”. “Yeah give me one second I’m dealing with a work thing”. “omg did you hear about what’s happening in Canada? It’s horrible those poor people” “Enj the point of this is to get away from everything for a couple days” “Right I know…”. So if there’s even one bar of service they gotta go find a different place. When he isn’t on his phone he’s very active in all his friends activities. He’s not super outdoors-y so he mostly tags along when other people do things. He’ll have Baz or Courf take him on rides on their paddle boards. He’ll tag along when Chetta and Ferre go on hikes. He’ll be Feuilly’s little helper person when Feuilly’s working on building the fire. Or he’ll just hand out with people at camp or on the beach of the lake/river and just talk.
Combeferre: Loves camping because of all the bugs and critters! Found the tiniest little frogs on the shore of the lake one time and made everybody look at them. Brings plant and animal and bug ID books with him and will take little leaves or flowers and stick them in the pages of the book when he thinks he found a match. He doesn’t usually snack too much when he’s at home but when he’s in the woods he is always eating something and it’s really when he’ll let himself just go balls to the wall with the junk food. The only thing he doesn’t really like about camping is that he doesn’t get to go on jogs in the morning because he’s smart enough to not run into the woods in the middle of nowhere with no service by himself.
Courfeyrac: Has an inflatable paddle board that he bought! He likes to play lifeguard and will paddle around to all his friends who are swimming and give them rides to shore. He likes to share his paddle board with his friends but he didn’t have enough money to buy a super super fancy one that has a large weight capacity so usually if someone else is on it with him it sinks into the water enough to stress him out. Also he shares a big tent with Combeferre and Enjolras and he likes to sleep in the middle of the two of them.
Joly: Invested in a super super cute small teardrop camping trailer a couple years ago. It’s easier for him to get in and out of than a tent or god forbid a hammock (Bahorel has to lift him into it then Joly wants to get in one… this is also partially because Bahorel sets up all the hammocks and they are p much impossible to get in unless you are also 6’7”) The inside of the camper is just a bed and the back hatch opens up to cabinets and drawers and a counter and stuff that makes a nice little make shift kitchen. He’ll set up the camp stove and the cooking area right next to it. He’s not super involved in any of the cooking it just gives him less stress when the food area is organized and the table legs are on a flat surface.
Jehan: Jehan tells the ghost stories. They aren’t very good at telling ghost stories so nobody really gets scared (except for Marius and if they’re really doing a good job Enj will get a little spooked). They also wake up with the sunrise so they’re up and ready to start the day at like 5am… and they really aren’t quiet about it so they manage to wake up 2/3 of everybody else at camp. Has more dietary needs than other people so when every one gets together to build a grocery list and meal plan for the trip they’ll make their own list. They really don’t mind because they HATE sharing snacks so having their own little baby cooler all to themselves is the best. Bousset: Somehow manages to have the most amazing balance and can get on and off Bahorel or Courf’s paddle boards like it’s nothing but when he gets in the canoe with anybody they somehow always tip it over within like 20 seconds. He is the opposite of Jehan he’ll sleep until like 2 in the afternoon if one of them doesn’t come to wake him up. He’s also usually in charge of getting all the booze together for the trip bc he’s very aware of what everyone likes to drink. He takes turns with Chetta sleeping in the trailer with Joly since not all three of them can fit. When he’s not sleeping in the tent he’s sharing a tent with Grantaire.
Feuilly: Fire guy. Loves the fire. Is always excited for the sun to go down so he can start the campfire. Will not take his eyes off the fire. I mean seriously. They once played never have I ever and when it got to be his turn they timed him to see how long it would take for him to realize it was his turn bc he was too busy staring at the fire to pay attention (it was a solid 4 minutes). Sleeps in a tiny little one person tent that would make anybody else claustrophobic but he LOVES it. He does set up a hammock right next to Bahorel’s. He doesn’t sleep in it but the two of them will take naps together in their hammocks. He also has to dowse his body in SPF 10000000000+ because he’s the whitest person ever, and somehow he still manages to get a sunburn on some part of his body.
Bahorel: He’s the guy thats super picky about the camp spot. “eh i mean this one is cool but it’s a little too close to the other campsite and I don’t wanna be that close to other people thats the point of this trip is to get away from everybody.” “This one WOULD be perfect but it doesn’t have good access to the lake so it’s gonna be hard for those of us that have boats to get down there” “Bahorel the boat ramp is like 1/8 of a kilometer away we can just walk down to that…” “i mean we COULD… but it just kinda sucks” Also Bahorel has this super nice hammock system with like a bug net and a rain tarp, he will not sleep on the ground because he is scared of bugs and also the baby boy likes getting rocked to sleep. He always follows Feuilly around when he’s looking for a place to put his tent and he’ll set up his hammock right next to him. And he WAILS to Feuilly when they get back home because his SKINCARE ROUTINE GOT MESSED UP FEUILLY OHHH MY GODDDD
Grantaire: Not super big on camping but if he’s with his friends he’s having fun. There’s something about being in the woods that makes him quiet… but not in a sad way. He feels really peaceful when he isn’t dealing with a bunch of people in a big city (Even tho he loves the city). He always brings stuff so that he can draw or paint the mountains or his friends on the lake but he usually doesn’t get enough time to really make anything more than a sketch. He’s not scared of water but he avoids going in the lake if it’s not a part of it that’s deeper than his tummy. He won’t get in the boats unless there’s a lot of coaxing (usually by Enj)
Marius: LOVES being in the woods. I mean really loves it. Surprisingly it’s usually Marius that sends out the text to the group chat that’s like “hey is everybody free in a couple weekends? I wanna go camping!” He just really doesn’t like going by himself or going with just one or two people. He wakes up super early as well and usually will sit with Jehan and share coffee waiting for everybody else to wake up. Sometimes the two of them will go on a little walk together. He winds down pretty early in the evening though since he wakes up so early and is usually ready for bed by like 8:45pm. He’s also that guy that wants to eat all the berries on the bushes they walk past and has almost given Combeferre a heart attack like 7 times.  
Eponine: She’s… alright to camp with. She gets kinda grumpy in the mornings because of how cold it is but she warms up (both temperature wise, but also her mood) once she’s eaten and it’s gotten warmer out. She really just likes to lay in one of the communal hammocks and read book after book. She’ll also tag along with Gavroche on a lot of his little adventures. When she’s not with Gavroche or letting Combeferre show her all the little bugs and cool plants he found, she just sunbathes. For HOURS straight. Going camping for her is just a really long fun weekend to get her tan on.
Cosette: She’s so fun to camp with!! She’s like… the best person to camp with. She always does the planning and researches everything there is to do at and near the campsite. She knows all the hiking trails nearby and what areas have service and which ones don’t. She knows which campsites have lake/river access. She also makes the best camp coffee. It’s really the only time she drinks coffee unless it’s like… finals week or she’s got an early flight or something. She also ALWAYS has to tell her dad where they’re going. She shares her location and route with him on the drive there and texts him to let him know she’s about to lose service and texts him the second she has a bar of service. He’s just very protective and she wants to make sure that he knows she’s safe. Plus if anything DOES happen he knows where she’s going and can come save the day.
Musichetta: She sleeps like the entire time she’s camping. She’ll wake up in the morning and move from her tent or the camper and go lay in one of the communal hammocks near the fire ring and doze off with her hot chocolate… which she has spilled a couple times. Once it warms up a little she’s walk down to the lake or river and lay down, get her tan on, and take a nap. One of her favorite things is to go on hikes with Combeferre. He’s one of the only people in the group that can keep up with her. If they go with other people usually by the time they reach the end of the trail the rest of the group is about 2 miles behind them. One of the best parts of camping for her is going home and showering after not showering for like 3 or 4 days.
Gavroche: Spends the entirety of the first day trying to find the perfect tree to put the perfect swing on. He also likes to try to find any big rocks near the campsite and go bouldering and run around on top of them. He still really has that childhood curiosity about everything and no fear. He’ll run off trail trying to find deer or elk. If he doesn’t get back home with a couple scratches or bruises he doesn’t consider it a good camping trip. He also will swim out to Bahorel’s paddle board and Bahorel will grab him out of the water and throw him back in. Gavroche thinks it’s the most fun thing in the world even though he’s growing really fast and it’s taking a little bit more muscle every year for Bahorel to throw him as far as Gav wants him to.
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marvelsimp · 4 years
The New Kid: Arriving
Ch. 2
The New Kid Masterlist
Genre: Fluff, Angst Pairing: Peter x Lesbian!reader (Platonic duh) , Avengers & Reader Warnings: General angst, swearing, Description: It’s the reader’s birthday so Peter takes her to Avenger’s Tower and there are a few surprises along the way. Reader’s Powers: Healing, telepathy, and empath. Word Count: 3,073
“So, what are the plans for today?”
“You’ll just have to find out,” Peter said smiling.
“Come on its my birthday, you gotta tell me,” you whined.
“Don’t worry it’ll be fun but first, donuts.” He opened the door to a donut shop that you were just about to walk past.  You grinned; donuts were definitely one of your favorite things for breakfast.  Peter quickly went up to the counter and ordered two chocolate donuts for himself and then your two favorites. 
“How’d you know my order? We’ve never gotten donuts together,” you said while sitting down at a table.
He looked at you a little offended.  “Y/n, we’ve known each other for almost a year know.  And you talk about food, especially breakfast food way, too, much.”
‘Fair enough,” you scoffed.  
You and Peter sat there eating for maybe fifteen minutes when Peter suddenly got up, “Looks like our ride is here.”
You looked out and there was a black car that had just pulled up.  You shot Peter a confused look but decided asking questions would get you nowhere.  So, you followed him out and got in the car door he opened for you.
“Happy, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Happy,” Peter said while getting into the car himself.
You waved and smiled at Happy, he nodded and then started driving.  “So, umm,” you weren’t quite sure where you were going with that much less where you were going at all. 
“Y/n, calm down,” he teased. “I wouldn’t make you do anything you aren’t comfortable with, especially on your birthday.”
You let out a sigh.  The rest of the car trip there wasn’t much talking, you just looked out the window and took in the city that was becoming your new home. When you finally arrived you had no clue where you were until you got out of the car and looked up.  Your eyes grew wide in surprise and excitement.  “What the hell, Parker?” You exclaimed while slapping Peter’s arm.  
“Surprise,” he grinned.  
You were at Avengers Tower; you’d always wanted to go since if first opened after the attack on New York.  The first two floors were open to the public but the rest of the floors were for the Avengers, it was very rare for anyone else to be allowed to enter.  
Peter just smiled interlocking your arms together and walked you into the building.  Over the next two hours you walked from one station to another.  Some were a bit more historic and just listed facts about important Avenger events.  Some were video games or short documentaries about each individual avenger, or at least most of them.  Your favorite one was the VR game where you got to play as an Avenger, you chose Captain Marvel while Peter chose Ironman.
When you had seemingly finished, you were a little sad but Peter quickly lifted you spirts, “Don’t worry I have another surprise.” 
You could feel the excitement absolutely radiate off of him, you were pretty sure that even if you didn’t have powers that you’d still feel it.  Peter grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the building. He led you the back of the building to a garage like area and then to an elevator.  You quickly caught on. He was taking you to the upper levels, the Avengers Levels.  
“Peter, your n-“
“Friday, I have a guest.  Let Mr. Stark know that we’re here.”
“Yes, Mr. Parker he is already aware.  Would you like me to send you straight up to him?”
“Yes, please,” he said while stepping onto the elevator, dragging you along.
“Peter, are you introducing me to THE Tony Stark?”
He nodded. “Oh yeah,” he perked up, “Friday, this is Y/n Y/l/n. Y/n, this is Friday.”
“Hello, Miss Y/l/n. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s, um, nice to meet you, too,” you say looking at the ceiling. 
“She’s Mr. Stark’s AI for the building.  She’s also in his suits,” Peter explained.
“Like Karen?”
“Like Karen.”
You were anxious to say the least.  You were in Avengers tower and about to meet TONY STARK.  You collected yourself as the elevator rose, taking in a few breaths.  “You could’ve warned me.” 
“Surprising you is more fun.”
You rolled your eyes, “My own best friend keeping such a big secret from me!”
“Hmm, like you haven’t kept anything from me.”
“That’s different!”
You both had big smiles on your faces as the elevator doors opened and there they were the Avengers.  Your face dropped, “Holy fuck!”  You said that a lot louder than you meant, your hands covered your mouth, as the Avengers turned their heads to look at you.  You quickly slid over in the elevator to be out of their lines of view as you could hear a few snickers.  You turned to Peter slapping his arm a few times. “You asshole!” you whispered angrily. 
“Sorry! Sorry!” he laughed. “You should’ve seen the look on your face, though!”
“Peter! Those are the Avengers! Why are you laughing?!?!”
“Come on, Y/n. They’ll love you and I’m not the one who just screamed ‘fuck,’” he whispered in your ear. 
You muttered trying to figure out what to say.  You sighed at the stupid boy in front of you then you took a deep breath in. “Fine.  Oh my god.”  
You shook off your anxiety and when you were ready you gave Peter a light shove, making him lead the way.  The room, or what ever it was, was huge.  The main section, or where the Avengers were, was elevated from where the elevator was so you had to look up at them. It was to say the least intimidating, but they all seemed to just be hanging out on the couches that were on the platform.
You looked to the left, right over Peter’s shoulder, and there he was Tony Fucking Stark.  Right behind him were Steve Rodgers and Bucky Barnes who were talking between themselves.  Close behind them was the Falcon, you only didn’t know his name because the public didn’t know his name.  Some of the Avengers were like that, their true names weren’t know so the media used other names, such as Falcon, Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye and a few more.  You had stopped walking and there he was, your mind was running at light speed while your mouth hadn’t even started walking yet.  
“Y/n, this is Mr. Stark.  Mr. Stark, this is Y/n!” said Peter who was once again beaming with excitement.
“Tony, please,” Mr. Sta-Tony corrected.  “I can never convince him to call me that.”
You turned your head to seen Peter’s face go a little red, causing you to chuckle. You turned back to Tony, you were amazed… more like in shock.  “I-It’s an honor to meet you.” You felt like you should bow or something, they were like royalty to you but you resisted the urge.  “And yeah Peter’s likes that, an idiot. Umm, I can’t believe I’m meeting you, cause someone decided not to tell me.” Tony smirked at your response. “I’d love to ask you about your suits, they are absolutely amazing!  Especially the nano technology its incredible.”  
“We can talk about that later, kid. But for now, you gotta meet the rest of the crew.” With that he walked away, back to the platform with the couches.
“You’re trying to kill me, Parker,” you whispered in your best friend’s ear as the three men who had been behind Tony approached.
You were freaking out all over again.  Three more Avengers, you were meeting Avengers.  
“Steve,” the blond man reached his hand out.
“Y/n,” you said reaching to shake Captain America’s hand.  “And you’re, uh,  Bucky.” He just nodded in return. You turned to the other man, you scrunched your face saying a sort of sorry.  
The man just stepped forward, barley bumping into Bucky, “Sam.”
“What the hell was that for?” Bucky growled, clearly angry that Sam had touched him.
“Language,” said Steve who looked like he was dealing with two toddlers.
“Don’t ‘language’ me,” he turned back to Steve.  “She just said a way worse word than that, not even five minutes ago!” he said pointing his finger at you. You gritted you teeth and turned your head a little in shame.
Steve scoffed at Bucky then turned back to you.  “Nice to meet you, doll,” he says grabbing Bucky’s metal arm dragging him and Sam away from you and Peter. 
That whole interaction through you off.  “That was-“
“Yeah, this one hundred percent makes me feel like I’m in a fanfic,” you say trying to ease your anxieties.
He just blushes.
“Come on I’m not even talking about sm-” 
“Ahem,” a brunette woman coughs to get your attention. You look over and there are the Scarlet Witch and Natasha Romanoff. You blush, both of them are a lot prettier in person and they caught you in the middle of a weird sentence.  “I’m Wanda,” she says with a kind smile.  The rest of the Avengers seemed excited or at least a little happy and she was but you could also feel her mourning.  A type of mourning she was hiding away, trying to ignore, wouldn’t accept.  You understood that kind of mourning.
“And I’m Nat. Oh, and you might want to watch out.”
Suddenly you were grabbed from behind and picked up. “Lady Y/n,” said the thundering voice, “It is an honor to meet you.” 
You got the wind knocked out of you but you eventually let out a big long laugh. You turned your head and as you had suspected it was Thor.  “It’s nice to meet you too,” you giggled. 
“How about you let her down now?” instructed it calm voice behind you.  With that Thor set you gently on the ground. “I’m Bruce,” stated the man stepping around the god to see you.
Your eyes widen, you have Dr. Bruce Banner in front of you. You were going to ask about his PhDs or something along those lines, but you were interrupted by Friday.
“I would like to inform everyone that lunch is now ready.”
Everyone made their way to a large table. You clutched onto Peter’s arm hoping you didn’t faint or get overwhelmed and have an anxiety attack, even though you were surprisingly calm.  You ended up sitting with Peter on your left and Wanda on your right.  You soon discovered that lunch was pizza. Thank god.  You were afraid it was going to be something fancy.  Wanda offered to get you some you favorites using her powers, to which you accepted.
“So, Y/n,” Tony started, “Peter tells me that you’ve already graduated from high school.”
“Uh, yeah.  After the blip, when I came back, my school was no longer running so I decided to do school from home.  It was just easier so I spent my time pouring over my studies and working on some projects.  I finished what would usually be five semesters in about five months?”
Tony seemed to be impressed. “Tell me about the projects you were working on.” You looked over to Peter, kind of asking if he had told him about your powers. It took him a second to understand but he returned with a nod.  “After I came back I discovered my powers so I used an old microscope and collected some of my blood to study.” You went on to explain your process and what you found.  You then continued by talking about your projects.  The avengers would ask questions, mostly Tony, Bruce, and Peter.  
Then you felt it, it was like someone was screaming in your ear. Loki.  That couldn’t be right, Loki died during one of the battles with Thanos. As you began to understand and test your powers you learned that a person’s subconscious was almost always saying their name, the only time that becomes loud enough for you to hear is when the person is trying to focus or is under a crap ton of stress.  The screaming persisted.  You finally decided to turn you powers completely on to figure out exactly where it was coming from.  You finally discovered it to be the man who seemed to be preparing some desserts.  The voice screaming Loki over and over continued to grow louder and louder. The sound was banging around your skull causing you to develop a slight headache.  You turned to Wanda, you wanted to make sure before you started to throw around accusations of Loki being in Avengers Tower.  “Wanda,” you whispered in her ear, “could you read that guy’s mind over there.  Something feels off.”
She nodded her head.  Her eyes had a very faint red glow to them.  After a few seconds she suddenly stood up causing everyone to turn their heads to her, a few them went into instant defense mode, ready for a fight.  Her hands began to glow red and the man was now surrounded in the red glow too.  “Reveal yourself or I will,” she demanded.
The man groaned and rolled his eyes.  “Come on,” he said while transforming and revealing himself to be Loki.  
Thor stood up quickly his happy demeanor turned mincing as he held his hand out for what you assumed to be for Mjolnir to arrive.  
Peter quickly picked you up from your chair and ran you out to the elevator.  Which was smart because now there was yelling and screaming. “Friday take us to the game floor… Shit!” Peter grinned punching your arm slightly.
“Didn’t know I could do that.”
“No, just didn’t expect Loki to be here much less alive!”
You went on to explain to Peter how you had discovered the God of Mischief while to elevator when down.  Eventually it stopped and you two got out.  You finished your story just as Peter opened the first door.
“This is the gym.”  It was a expansive room, a portion of it was just the usual work out gear, a ginormous rock wall, and a boxing ring.  “Over here is my favorite bit.” Peter led you to a door.  When you stepped through it was full of walls that didn’t meet the ceiling, little secret paths and quite a few upper platforms.
“This is where we play laser tag,” Peter explained, “It’s meant for training but also fun! Everything can be changed with a push of a button.” He walks over to a panel on the wall and pushes a few buttons on the tablet.  The room then shifts and changes, its now a little more direct with a lot of less tunnels and more simple hiding spots. Peter then walks over to a wall that has some vests and weapons. He turns to you with a cheeky grin, “Do you wanna play?”
You smile reaching your hand out to receive a vest. “Game on.”
You and Peter play for who knows how long, but it distracted both of you from what happened upstairs.  Even with both of your regenerative abilities you were both panting and sweating after half a dozen rounds but still having fun. Then Friday spoke up, “Peter, Mr. Stark has informed me that you need to check your phone.”  You both pause your game; Peter reaches for his back pocket and reads a message.
“What does it say?”
“Umm, he just wanted to let us know that they got Loki,” he says peeking up from behind a wall then you shoot at him missing.  “Cheater!”  After a few more rounds Peter asks, “Do you want to continue the tour?  We can always come back here later.”
“Yes, please,” you say catching your breath.  You and Peter put up the gear, get some water and then exit the gym area.  He shows you a massive olympic size pool with several diving boards of different heights.  Then he takes you to a huge game room.  It has several TVs, computers, there’s even a small VR room, and of course there are tons of board games.  
Since he got that text form Tony, Peter’s excitement keeps growing and growing.  “You have another surprise, what is it?”
Peter opens his mouth then closes and he lets out a sigh, he’s a terrible liar and you’re basically a walking talking lie detector.  “Come on,” he lets out sounding a little defeated.
You let out a chuckle, he leads you back to the elevator. “Friday, take us to the living area”  
The elevator rises.  It takes you to a common area, there’s a kitchen, dining table, and a tv with some couches and chairs all in the same room.  You assume, like Peter said, that this is where the avengers live.
“I wanted to show you the labs first, but I think you’ll like this a little more.  This is where the Avengers live,” he grins like he always does with pure joy escaping him.  “The Starks’ have the Penthouse, so they don’t have rooms down here and there’s a floor just for King T’Challa and his family, Princess Shuri’s nice you’d love her.”  He leads you to a hallway with several doors. “At the end of the hall there is a guest room on each side. This hall has War Machine’s, Hawkeye’s, Widow’s, Antman’s, Dr. Banner’s, and Dr. Strange’s rooms.” He had pointed to each one respectively. He then walks to the opposite side of the living space and to another hallway. Instead of stopping before the hallway he continued walking into it. “These on the left are Falcon’s, Wanda’s, Bucky’s, and Steve’s.  On the right there’s Captain Marvel’s, Thor’s, mine, and this one...” he opens door that’s in between his and Thor’s and walks in, you follow. “This is yours.”
You let out a gasp and put your hand to your mouth.  All of your stuff is here, your bedding, posters, pictures, clothes, all of it.  You can feel the tears streaming down your face and you turn to Peter who is smiling with tear filled eyes.  “What?” you breathe out not sure what to say.  Peter simply pointed to a note on the bed.  You walk over to it and read it:
“Welcome to the team, we got a lot to talk about but for now enjoy. -The Avengers”
“I..” you turn to Peter who is now crying, too. You walk to him and engulf him in a hug and whisper, “Thank you.”
Next Chapter
Arriving-deleted Scene
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mitsmebinch · 3 years
The Dumbest Shit in the Weirdest Places: Anxiety Edition
Exactly one person said this would be cool but I happen to like that person so here we go: Traveling With Anxiety Sucks But It's Not Impossible.
1: Don't leave in the morning. I tried that once, and spent the rest of the day unable to leave my house in my bed. Your anxiety knows how to keep you from going outside and it will. Leave after you're already outside for something else, like a doctor's visit, hanging with a friend, etc. I always leave for trips after work. That leaves me 2-3 hours of travel time on the first day, which isn't great, but at least I get to leave at all.
2: Fuel up at half tank. Some states are fucking UNPOPULATED and there aren't a lot of gas stations (Looking at you Wyoming). You don't need to be looking at your gas tank every 10 minutes because you're at 1/4 tank and you don't know when you'll see civilization again. You can also check your map to see how far away the next city is!
3: Make your first overnight in a city where you know someone. First time I traveled I stopped for the night in a city one of my siblings live in. I slept in my car as planned, but I had her a phone call away if something went wrong. Back-ups are important, shit happens.
4: Vibes can be fucked. Sometimes you need to relocate for the night because the city you stopped in isn't the safest. But, you don't want your anxiety doing that every time. My recommendation would be to find a place that most cities have and stick to them. I stop at Love's, Walmarts, and hotels. They're high traffic, but they also have plenty of people also sleeping there for the night too.
5. Masks. Covid sucks, but now that masks are socially acceptable to wear everywhere, use them. Being decked out with a mask, baseball cap, and headphones is equivalent to a bullet proof vest. You can engage with others exactly as much as you want to.
6. When you stop for dinner, stop for the night. This gives you time to eat, make your safe call (essential!), check what you need to, relax. I usually take this time to sit myself in a booth with some dinner, write some reviews for where I'd been that day (reviews are my hobby), and organize my receipts and pamphlets for my travel scrapbook. In my experience servers don't bother you so much when you're alone, so it'll be some quiet time. You can also eat in your car!
7. Do not drive at night, and do not drive in low visibility weather. Have I done both these things? Yes, obviously, I am not known for my good decisions, but there's nothing like no ability to see what might be running into the road in front of you to give you a good case of the shakes. You should only be driving if you ABSOLUTELY have to, like if you're trying to get off an unmarked impassable road in the middle of nowhere. IDK. Could happen to anYOnE.
8. The 3 pats. You're probably used to using this one at home - phone, wallet, keys. You need to do that every time you get in or out of the car. I have left my phone in 3 cities across 2 states, one of which I did not notice for 45 minutes. Do not start your car unless you have all three. Put a fucking sticky note on your windshield if you have to.
9. Not everything has to be new. You can go to a city you've never been to and just watch a movie, or go to a McDonalds. Not everything has to be outside your comfort zone.
So yeah, have fun out there kiddies. Please don't be stupid, that's my thing.
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kaimelia · 3 years
tourist (ch 1)
the song that's some sort of inspiration for this story:
tourist: a love song from paris
and there's a kinda long note at the bottom if you wanna read that 😅
"So, where are we going?" Link opened the hospital door, holding it for Amelia to come through. He'd finally convinced her to go out with him on an official date, with the mutual understanding of a relationship between them. So, after an hour of rushed planning, he was leading her out of the hospital with the promise of something formal.
"Where do you think we're going?" A playful grin spread across his lips as her eyebrows furrowed in momentary concentration, her eyes glancing upwards in thought.
"Angelini's?" Link nodded. "We'll finally have an actual date," she laughed and took his hand, allowing Link to lead her towards his car in the lot.
"Are you forgetting about our sushi burrito trip?" He unlocked the car, opening her door for her and climbing into the driver's side afterward. Link turned the keys and pulled out of the lot. His mind drifted back to what he considered their first date, eating a 'culinary abomination' in what felt like the middle of nowhere.
It was calm, and he liked it. He felt like he had finally gotten to see the real Amelia on that date, eating messily and laughing with food in her mouth.
"That doesn't count. We ate and then had sex in your car. That's not a date." He laughed as her voice brought him out of his thoughts.
"Fair enough." Amelia reached over to switch on the radio, humming along to a song he faintly recognized. Silence settled between them, but he didn't feel awkward. It was the same calm from their previous 'date.' He parked the car in the lot and stepped out, holding his hand out to her. "You know, I'm not used to this."
"Used to what?" He grinned at the dimple on her face as she smiled, taking his hand as she stepped out from his car.
"Dating. Like, real dating. Especially with you."
"Well, on the first date, you get to know each other. And I actually don't know that much about you." They stepped into the lobby, Link giving the hostess his name. She led them to a table and handed them menus. "So, what's something I don't know about you?"
"I was a theatre kid in high school," he set his menu down, resting his head on his hands.
"You, Atticus Lincoln, were a theatre kid? I thought you'd have been a jock or something."
"Football in the fall, theatre in the winter, and baseball in the spring. But, I did community theatre in the summer and whenever I had time. I almost applied to college as a musical theatre major, but I didn't have the time to focus on auditions."
"You're gonna have to show me some videos of you some time. I'm having a hard time imagining it." He grinned as the waiter walked over, and they gave their orders to her.
"What about you? What were you like in high school?" Amelia rested her head on her other hand, Link's eyes not leaving hers.
"I struggled with my addiction a lot. I was in some random clubs, but nothing big. I honestly didn't know who I was," Amelia sighed, looking down from his gaze. "I let my family define me for most of my childhood. So, I didn't become anyone until I got my medical license and became my own person." He watched her shake her head slightly before looking back up at him. "What? You're being weird."
"Sorry. It's just, you're pretty amazing." Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "No, it's just that you've come so far, and you've been through so much, and I somehow got lucky enough to have you let me in." Her eyes sparkled as he spoke. "Sorry, I'll stop."
"No, it's sweet," she whispered, dropping her hands into her lap. "Did you ever think we would end up here? I mean, remember when Maggie made you ask me out?" He closed his eyes and shook his head, letting out a sigh. "That wasn't your fault; Maggie's very persuasive."
"It was mortifying. I went out for a drink with Richard and Deluca after, and when I told them, they laughed at me."
"I guess I should credit Maggie, though. She clearly was onto something," she raised her eyebrows. The waiter brought over their food, and Link watched in amusement as Amelia immediately dug into her salad. "Okay, new game. Name 3 things that you have never done but really wanna do," she muttered, her mouth half full as she chewed. Link cocked his head to the side in thought for a moment.
"Surf a 20-foot wave. Ride a camel through the Sahara and," he paused. "Cure Parkinson's." Link let out a breath, glancing away from her briefly before resuming his previous grin. "Okay, your turn." She set down her fork.
"Go to a psychic medium and talk to my dead father, get licensed in scuba diving, and," she grinned at him widely, "have sex with more than one person." He raised his eyebrows at her.
"You've never done that?" Her mouth dropped in confusion, causing Link's amusement to heighten. He'd always seen her as a very adventurous person, and this?
"You have?"
"Yeah, I lived in Venice Beach for a year," his voice dropped to a whisper, suddenly conscious of the tables of people around them.
"So did I."
"And you never had a threeway? They're offered up like mints in Venice Beach!"
"I had a medical practice there."
"Oh, I worked in a bike shop." He took a sip of his drink, meeting her eyes once again. "Okay, are we talking about a stranger, or did you have someone in mind?" She smirked.
"Carina. Deluca." He laughed. "What! I had a thing for her last year, and you have to admit it, she's really hot."
"Okay, if you ask her and she says yes." Amelia's face lit up like a kid in a candy store, her eyes wide and filled with joy.
"Really?" Link nodded at her, amused by the excitement on her face. "Oh, I could kiss you right now!" He took another bite of his food while grinning.
"That sounds like a good plan for later," he raised his eyebrows at her, receiving a grin that mirrored his.
"Okay, so you mentioned wanting to cure Parkinson's, is there a story behind that?" Link sighed, a hand brushing through his hair.
"My uncle. He was my role model growing up, and he died because of complications with the disease about 10 years ago." She had never seen him like this, so vulnerable. He was always the one with a positive mantra stuck in his back pocket, never letting her sit in her sadness. Amelia reached for his hand from across the table.
"Oh, Link. I'm sorry, I didn't know." He shook his head, shaking off the expression on his face.
"It's okay. But, it's one of the things that pushed me to become a doctor, so I wouldn't be here without him." Link chuckled, a hand covering his mouth. "See, I'm not all bright and shiny."
"That's good. I don't think we'd last much longer if you kept spewing constant rainbows out of your mouth. Maggie is enough of that." Link called over the waiter, asking for the check. "What's the plan now?"
"Well," he pulled out his credit card, placing it in the checkbook, "I could either drive you home or we could head back to my place." She raised her eyebrows at him, pulling her coat off the back of the chair.
"You think you're getting laid on the first date?" He tilted his head to the side.
"I do remember a comment about wanting to kiss me. And, this technically isn't our first date." They stood up, Amelia's hand falling into Link's as they left the restaurant.
"To your place, it is."
quick note: hi! so...if you've been around for a while, you may remember a story I have on ao3 called "dating" which was originally intended to be some one-shots of amelink exploring their relationship without the pregnancy storyline...but I kinda abandoned it. and now i'm taking 3 of the 4 one-shots and re-writing them (and combining them) to make a multi-part fic! i'm not sure how many parts this will have.....but I hope you enjoyed it!
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south-park-meta · 3 years
lalochezia with anyone you'd like
Lalochezia – The use of abusive language to relieve stress or ease pain.
When he and Kyle stop being the kind of friends who tell each other everything, Stan starts to get Cartman a little. That's not something he likes to admit. Even when he and Cartman saw each other every day at the bus stop or at school, they were almost, somehow, strangely, the least like what he'd call friends out of their group of four. Even Kyle hung out with Cartman alone more than he ever had; it was something that had made Stan jealous when they were best friends. Jealous and angry and bitter, that Kyle would want to spend time with Cartman over him, when they both knew how cruel Cartman was, and they both knew Cartman was cruelest to Kyle out of anyone.
He, however, rarely saw Cartman outside of the group setting, back when he and Kyle were really, truly close. It was only when all his real friends were sick or busy, or when Cartman had struck out on his plans and had come over to his house and done puppy dog eyes at his mom to get him to come out and play despite him shaking his head 'no'. They were each other's last resort. When the group was functioning the way it was supposed to, he had little tolerance for Cartman. And Cartman, realizing there was no room for him in Stan's life outside of the group, pretended that there wasn't any room for Stan in his.
When he and Kyle stopped living out of each other's pockets, Cartman saw his opening.
Stan knew what was happening. Cartman's manipulations had never been subtle.
"You know, a good best friend would be here. It's obvious how hard this move is hitting you," Cartman said, shoving chips in his mouth on Stan's couch.
It was a clear ploy to try and weasel his way in as Stan's best friend. Stan knew he was pulling the same shit on Kyle, too, to take his role as Kyle's best friend. He knew it. It was an open secret. But Cartman had something then, that he never had before. And that was Stan's agreement. Kyle hadn't come to visit him at Tegridy then, while Cartman and Kenny had both made the trip semi-regularly. But out loud he said, "It's a long trip." He wouldn't have defended Kyle to Kyle's own face. He complained about Kyle to his mom, and to Kenny, sometimes, and wouldn't have defended him from them, either. But this was Cartman. Kyle could take their friendship and run it through a paper shredder. He could eat it and shit it out. He could set it all on fire. If there was any part of their friendship that could endure, it was the part that wouldn't let Stan give Cartman the satisfaction of thinking Kyle was rotten.
"Me and Kyle are neighbors, dipshit. I'm here."
"A good best friend wouldn't call me 'dipshit'," Stan said, apathetic. "Wanna try again, lardo?"
"A good friend wouldn't call me fucking 'lardo', either, asshole!"
It almost made Stan laugh, a twisted-up Terrance and Phillip bit. 'I'm not your dipshit, lardo.' 'I'm not your lardo, asshole'.
"We're not friends," Stan said. He'd said it before, but he really truly meant it then. It carried a weight that their casual banter with Cartman rarely had. And he wondered who the hell he was friends with.
"Well, fine, then! Fuck you, too, Stan! I don't see anyone else lining up to talk to you, you lonely sack of crap!" Cartman went to the front door and opened it, calling out to the farm, "Hello? Anyone out there? Anyone want to be Stan's friend?"
Of course there was nothing. There was silence. There were acres and acres of empty farm. There was dust blowing up off the old dirt road.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," Cartman said. He turned back around, folding his arms. The screen door slammed closed, but the wooden door stayed open, letting Stan see the empty over Cartman's shoulder. "You've got two friends. Me and Kenny. How often can Kenny's poor ass visit you? If his parents buy gas, they're going to huff it, not use it to drive all the way out to Bumfuck, Nowhere."
Stan gnawed the inside of his mouth. He tried not to let Cartman know it got to him, but he'd been the one to give the opening. He'd been the one to say how far it was, out there on Tegridy. It took him a beat before he remembered to say, "Kyle's my friend, too."
Cartman's smile had gone Cheshire, wide and devious.
Stan knew he'd waited too long to object.
"Well if Kyle's going to be out here soon I guess I can go. Not like you need the company," Cartman said dismissively.
"You can stay if you want to. I don't give a crap," Stan said.
Stan knew that from Kyle, Cartman wouldn't have accepted that. He would've pushed his luck, asking for a specific invitation, demanding to be wanted. He probably would have gotten kicked out of the house just by asking for more dignity than Kyle was willing to give up.
But from Stan he didn't push for more. He settled for the apathy. Stan knew that was a bad thing, too. He knew even as Cartman's butt was settling back on his couch that he should've just told Cartman to fuck off. He should've taken the prospect of no friends at all over the prospect of friends with only Cartman. Instead, when Cartman sat back down, his heart loosened in relief.He needed someone, out in the middle of nowhere with no one around. Even if it was his last resort.
Cartman keeps coming after that, and Stan starts to get him in a way he never had before. In a way he'd never wanted to before. He starts to get the appeal of being selfish, really selfish. He starts to understand the desire of being actually mean. He's never been the nicest kid in the world or even the nicest kid in the class, but he's tried to do the right thing more than he hasn't. He's tried to be a person he can face in the mirror. There are still lines he won't cross and couldn't ever. Things that he kicks Cartman out of his house for. But it's easier to be alone if you convince yourself everyone else is an asshole. It's easier not to fight for what's right if you convince yourself the world doesn't deserve it. Cartman's way is a lot of things. It's mean and selfish and underhanded and he knows it. But Cartman's way is easier, and sometimes when everything feels hard, that's enough.
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
the idiots’ guide to not despising your cousin
Determined to make the best out of the worst hand, Lloyd drags his newly-living pseudo-cousin on the road trip from hell in a desperate attempt to bond. Or get rid of each other for good, they’re not sure yet. 
(This requires...a tiny bit of background, part one being that a while back i received a request for “more lloyd and sharks”. Except i misread it as “morro lloyd and sharks” which was like, odd, but i went with it and somehow ended up with 12K words of...this fic, that’s definitely 90% crack. Which brings me to part two, which is that this takes place in an entirely hypothetical au where Morro made it through the rift in s7, or somehow he’s alive the details aren’t important shh)
In his defense, Morro never would have been caught dead in this situation if he hadn’t traumatized his sort-of-cousin by possessing him two years earlier.
…alright, that’s not really a defense, but it’s the only explanation he has.
“I’m just saying,” Lloyd is…saying, as he jabs his pointer finger at him. “I could’ve been a whole foot taller if you hadn’t starved me. You stunted my growth, listening to me for five minutes is the least you can do.”
“I did not stunt your growth, you were already going to be a shrimp anyways,” Morro counters, rubbing his right eye as he tries to focus on his book instead.
Lloyd’s eyes narrow. “A whole week. And all you let me eat was half a slice of bread and vodka shots.”
“Would you — shh, it was not vodka!” Morro hisses, his eyes darting wildly around for Wu. His shoulders slump in relief as he confirms that he and Lloyd are still the only ones in the room, and he turns back, glaring at Lloyd. “I told you, it was juice.”
Lloyd glares right back. “I could still taste, you know. I’m not that naïve.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Morro quips.
Lloyd’s green eyes flash a little too much on the neon side, and Morro backs down. “Alright, alright!” He shakes his head. “I’ll listen to whatever kiddie drama you want.”
“It’s not drama,” Lloyd huffs, flopping down on the couch across from him. “It’s a proposal.”
Morro sneers. “Oh, a fancy word.”
Again, Lloyd sneers right back. “Yeah, do you need a dictionary for it?"
In retrospect, it’s probably a good thing Morro possessed Lloyd at that particular point in his life. If he’d had to deal with this Lloyd, and all his newly-found confidence and sass, he’d have dropped him off a cliff much sooner.
“Listen here, you little punk—”
“Oh, now you want me to listen to you,” Lloyd interrupts. “Spoken like a true raging hypocrite.”
“FSM, what do you want?” Morro finally cracks, tossing his book on the couch beside him. It’s clear he’s not going to be getting anymore reading done until Lloyd leaves.
Lloyd beams, looking infuriatingly pleased with himself. “Again, I have a proposal,” he says. “For you.”
Morro already hates this. “No.”
Lloyd continues as if Morro hadn’t spoken. “You should go with me to the coast this weekend.”
“The southern coast, so the one like eight hours away.”
“No, what the—” Morro stares at him incredulously. “Why in the world would I ever want to do that?”
Lloyd simply shrugs, as if he hasn’t just suggested the idea from hell. “Because.”
Morro’s going to kill him, tentatively-redeemed status be damned.
“Why, Lloyd.”
Lloyd gets a look in his eyes, the kind that makes Morro shift. “Consider,” he says. “A tornado.”
Morro, unfortunately, does consider that. “There is...merit, to the idea,” he admits, even if doing so pains him.
“Okay, okay,” Lloyd continues, like an enthusiastic salesman with a quota to meet. “Now, consider this: sharks. In the tornado.”
Morro loses any and all faith he’s ever had in Lloyd, which is impressive considering there was nothing there to begin with. “What.”
“Sharks, in the tornado. Like a sharknado.”
Something flickers in the back of Morro’s brain, snatches of a conversation he’d heard from the living room one evening, along with a lot of screeching laughter and pained groans.
“Are you trying to reenact an entirely fictional and entirely garbage movie,” Morro says flatly, mentally crediting Cole for that particular phrasing.
Lloyd’s lip juts out. “No.”
“That’s exactly what it is, isn’t it,” Morro rolls his eyes. “No. Find someone else to be stupid with you. Kai should be down, he always is.”
Lloyd narrows his eyes, but he doesn’t take the bait. “Will you just — at least hear my final point,” he pleads.
Morro stares into the vast abyss of the ceiling panels, and already regrets answering. “What.”
“The look on the others’ faces.”
Morro pauses again, desperately trying to stop himself — but it’s too late. The looks have been imagined.
Lloyd grins, sharp teeth poking out at the edge of his lip. “Now — the look on Uncle Wu’a face.”
Oh, curse everything. Morro’s coming dangerously close to being made a fool by an idiot shrimp who calls himself his cousin. He quickly backtracks.
“Noted, but that doesn’t explain why you’re asking me.”
“Because you’ve got the wind power for the tornado, duh.” Lloyd makes a face. “Also because the others will probably say something like it’s too dangerous, or a high risk, or some other nonsense like that.”
Morro highly doubts that Jay, or even Kai, of all people, would turn down the opportunity for such potent idiocy, but he does believe they’d tie Lloyd to a pole to keep him from rushing a shark.
“So you’re asking me, out of everyone else in this realm, to drive eight hours — eight — with you to some coast in the middle of nowhere — which includes water, by the way, so that’s already a strike — just so you can recreate some awful B-movie scene?”
“Yup,” Lloyd says. “And maybe drop the whole thing on my dad’s head, if we can find him.”
“Right,” Morro sighs. “Just being clear.”
He drops his head back, staring at the ceiling again. It’s the idea from hell, for certain. Morro would hate himself every minute of it, if he were to agree.
But the idea of hitting the road — of escaping the monastery — does sound tempting.
It has, admittedly, been rather boring at the monastery. Morro’s interactions with the ninja, while not as aggressive as they’d been originally, tend to be strained at best. On the better days, Morro finds the most entertainment in listening to the increasingly creative ways Kai threatens to end his existence with, should he either step out of line, or within a set boundary around Lloyd. Both of which Morro threatens to break by going along with Lloyd’s plan.
Actually, Morro muses, that’s more of a reason to go than to not. Kai’s head might potentially explode if he were to wake up and discover Morro had taken off across country with Lloyd, and Morro would get the added bonus of seeing him chew Lloyd out for being the one to suggest it. So there are definitely pros.
None of them, of course, override the fact that he’d be spending eight hours, in a car, with Lloyd and Lloyd alone. Both ways.
“Eight hours is a long time,” Morro finally says.
Lloyd’s expression drops, before his eyebrows crease stubbornly. “It’s eight hours you wouldn’t spend being hounded by Uncle Wu to train with us.”
Morro cringes. Lloyd has clearly prepared his arguments for this one with devastating accuracy. But still, eight hours. With Lloyd—
“If you do this, I’ll stop tying all your shirtsleeves together when they’re in the laundry,” Lloyd adds.
“That was you?!” Morro exclaims, indignantly. “Nya told me the dryer did that on its own!”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Lloyd shrugs. “You probably…shouldn’t take Nya’s word on a whole lot of stuff any time soon.”
“Now you tell me,” Morro mutters, sinking further into the couch and bemoaning the universe on the whole.
Lloyd scoots forward on his own couch, his eyes wide and pleading. “Please?” he says. “It’s just this once. Then I’ll leave you alone, I promise.”
Morro meets his eyes shrewdly, chewing on his cheek. He’ll regret it, for certain. Probably hate himself and the universe on the whole the entire weekend. But…he does, rather drastically, owe Lloyd. And he is trying to — ugh — make things right with him.
(As if that’s something that can be done.)
And at least there’s the promise of Lloyd leaving him alone.
Morro lets out a long, weary groan, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes. “Fine,” he grumbles. “But you’re paying for gas.”
Lloyd gives a whoop of victory, before desperately trying to stifle his excitement. “You pay for stuff?” he cackles instead. “Lamest villain ever.”
“Get out,” Morro snarls, hurling his book at him. Lloyd dodges with ease. “Before I change my mind and murder you.”
Lloyd secures a vehicle with a speed and easiness that almost makes Morro doubt which one of them is the reformed criminal. Then he remembers that, technically, they’re both reformed criminals, even if Morro’s ‘reformed’ status is still under hot debate (by himself included).
As it also turns out, Lloyd happens to have a not-so-reformed criminal friend as well, who Morro unfortunately recognizes when he hands the keys over to them.
Ronin abruptly cuts off in his lecture to Lloyd about engine safety as he spots him, his face paling. Morro pauses mid-step, mentally wishing he’d just made Lloyd carry the six packages of Oreos out to the car himself. Lloyd simply smiles, like the oblivious airhead Morro wishes he truly was.
He’s not, though, because the look in his eyes says he’s having the time of his life with this.
“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention,” Lloyd tells Ronin easily. “Morro’s the other person I was talking about.”
Ronin stares between the two of them, and looks as if he’s lost about five years of his life. “How hard do they hit your head in practice, kid.”
“Not hard enough, apparently,” Morro mutters. Ronin pins him with a glare, and despite his better judgement, Morro shuts up.
“It’s all good,” Lloyd assures him. “I know what I’m doing.”
“For some reason, I got trouble believin’ you, kid.”
“Well, you shouldn’t,” Lloyd huffs, snatching the keys from him. “I’m the Green Ninja. Also, if you tell the others about this I’ll start busting your Thursday night runs.”
Ronin’s expression sours. “Alright, alright, if you wanna go on a suicide road trip, go on a suicide road trip. Just keep me outta it.”
“Gladly,” Morro grouses, shouldering his way between them so he can dump the cursed cookies in the van already.
Ronin watches him through narrowed eyes, and makes a threatening gesture. “If you even try and come back alone…”
“He won’t,” Lloyd says, before Morro can reply. “Promise. I have it all under control.”
“That’s what you all say every time,” Ronin grumbles.
Ronin finally leaves them in peace, muttering something about ‘leaving his Thursday nights alone' before taking off. This leaves Lloyd and Morro and the incredibly hideous minivan, alone. They look at each other. There’s a moment of silence, before they both scramble wildly for the driver’s seat. Morro beats Lloyd out by a half-second, grabbing the steering wheel and shoving him back with a smug smirk. Lloyd glares at him.
“I’m driving,” he demands.
“As if you’re old enough to have your license,” Morro scoffs.
Lloyd narrows his eyes into slits. “At least I was born when cars actually existed.”
“Ooh, I’m old, how will I ever recover,” Morro mocks. “I got here first, I’m driving. Suck it up.”
Lloyd’s face screws up, and for a half-second Morro gleefully thinks he’s about to pout like a child.
To his disappointment, Lloyd blows his breath out, stands up straighter, and plays dirty.
“You take control of the car, you take control of my body, ” he shakes his head, crossing his arms. “I guess that’s just how it is with you, huh."
Morro’s hands grind where he clutches the steering wheel, and he resists the urge to smash his head against it. “Have you ever heard of abusing your power.”
“Have you ever heard of abusing me.”
“Oh for FSM’s — you can drive, fine!”
They’re roughly an hour out from the monastery, when something strikes Morro as odd.
“By the way,” he says. “How did you convince the idiot quartet to let you go?”
“Don’t call them that,” Lloyd says sternly, glaring at him. “And, uh, I didn’t.”
Morro blinks. Then Lloyd’s meaning sinks in, and he lets out a long, pained exhale. “You do realize,” he says. “That they’re going to have multiple heart attacks, then hunt me down and murder me as prime suspect, right.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Lloyd assures him, cheerfully. “I left them a note.”
Kai stares at the slightly-crumpled scrap of paper in his hands and wishes, not for the first time, that Garmadon or Wu or Misako had put in just a little more time in raising Lloyd, so he could blame them for this and not his own example.
Alas, Kai is only able to bury himself in so much denial.
“What’s that?” Cole asks, striding into the kitchen behind him. Kai hands him the note, wordlessly. Cole frowns as he takes it, trying in vain to flatten the edges.
“‘Hey guys, heading out with Morro for a couple days, going to’— something something…sharks?” Cole blinks at the note. “Geez, might need to look into Lloyd’s writing education agai— wait, he’s heading out with who for a couple what.”
“Read the rest,” Kai says, his eyes glazing over as he stares across the kitchen.
“Okay, uh… ‘—taking the van’— we have a van? — ‘shouldn’t go too far, don’t worry.’” Cole’s eyebrows shoot up as he reads on. “‘Also my phone’s dead and I forgot the charger. Sorry.’ He wrote this while he was still here, he could’ve grabbed it!” he exclaims.
“I’m going to slaughter him,” Kai states.
“Uh…which one?”
“Whichever one doesn’t run fast enough.”
As it turns out, Lloyd’s plan consists of a little more than just driving six hours to some random beach in the middle of nowhere. This is unsurprising, as Morro’s been expecting Lloyd to spring nonsense on him at any given moment.
Having lived in his head for a brief stint, Morro also finds it unsurprising that Lloyd’s plan isn’t actually a plan.
“So the tornado thing is easy, obviously, unless your powers suck,” he’s saying. Morro shoots him a look he hopes conveys the depths of his annoyance from where he’s at the wheel. Lloyd switched with him back at the last gas station, having grown fed up with Morro’s lack of skill in reading maps.
It’s not Morro’s fault his reading comprehension rests around that of a nine year-old’s. Like Lloyd’s any better.
“Gonna take that as a ‘maybe’,” Lloyd mutters to himself, squinting back at the map under the above-head car light. “It’s the shark part that’s going to be a little more tricky.”
“I hear they like blood,” Morro says. “I can always skewer you a little, then toss you in. That should do it.”
“Har har,” Lloyd replies, drenched in sarcasm. “That’s obviously not the route we’re taking. Besides, it’d be mean to lure the sharks out and not actually have anything they can eat. I’d probably end up poisoning them or something, with my mutant Oni blood.”
Morro stares at him long enough to nearly run them off the road. He jerks the car back on track just in time, shaking his head and despairing.
“I was thinking, since there’s already an elemental master of nature, maybe there’s like, an elemental master of animals?” Lloyd continues. “Then we could ask them to help us out.”
“Oh, I’m sure some random master would love to help us out,” Morro drawls. “An undead criminal who tried to unleash hell on the country and the son of Lord Garmadon.”
“Speak for yourself,” Lloyd huffs. “People actually like me.”
Lloyd ignores him. “Plus, you’re not even undead anymore,” he mutters under his breath. “You’re just regular boring alive, now.”
Morro opens his mouth, because he’s got a lot to say about that, then realizes he doesn’t quite have the words for it, aside from hanging his mouth open like an indignant fish. He shuts it, and Lloyd plows on.
“Do you think we should look for the master of like, fish or something, instead?” he questions, frowning. “I mean, I don’t even know if there is a master of animals, but if there is, sharks are technically fish, and fish are…well, I guess they’re animals too, but what if there’s like, a distinction, and all the hypothetical master of animals can summon are mammals, and we drive out of the way for nothing?”
“I will pay you,” Morro says, pinching the bridge of his nose tightly. “I will pay you so much to shut up.”
“It’s too much of a risk,” Lloyd decides, ignoring him. “Plan B it is, then.”
Morro doesn’t want to ask. That would be inviting Lloyd to run his mouth again, and Morro doesn’t hate himself that much.
But he does, regretfully, want to know how he’ll be meeting his fate.
“What’s plan B?”
“So there’s this park,” Lloyd says. “For performing animals.”
Morro and Lloyd are still arguing by the time they pull into the motel parking lot for the night.  That had been a different argument altogether, but as they’d had to sneak out around midnight to get on the road successfully, neither had really wanted to keep driving through the early morning hours.
“—no, no, I cannot make this clearer, no,” Morro growls. “I am not breaking into some — some stupid amusement park, just to steal their dancing sharks or whatever.”
“Oh come on, it’s stealing! That’s like, your favorite pastime,” Lloyd shoots back. “A shark is nothing compared to body-snatching.”
“That’s not going to work on me again,” Morro seethes.
“Oh yeah?” Lloyd taunts. “Why not? Did your morality meter run out?”
“My what—”
“I can never dye my hair black because of you,” Lloyd continues, eyes narrowed. “I will never know the teenage joys of horrifying your family by dyeing your entire head jet black, because of you.”
“It didn’t look that bad,” Morro defends.
“I’m talking about the trauma!” Lloyd snaps.
Morro pauses. “Your trauma, or theirs?”
Lloyd opens his mouth, then frowns. “Min—their— both, both traumas!”
While Morro wants to scoff back that having to endure the sight of Kai’s hair is equally traumatic for him, he also recognizes that Lloyd has a point. Which is inconvenient, because Lloyd’s beginning to use that point against him a little too well lately, but considering Lloyd also still wakes up screaming in the night because Morro’s given him chronic nightmares, he decides not to push back against that point.
Because he’s a nice person, like that.
He does, however, attempt to push for sense.
“Stealing a shark from a theme park is still theft,” he argues under his breath, as they make their way toward the motel check-in. “Isn’t that something you’re against?”
“Theft, yes,” Lloyd replies. “Freeing wrongfully imprisoned sharks from slavery, less so.”
“Oh, so stealing is an act of philanthropy when it’s you.”
“Wow, look at you, breaking out the big words.” Lloyd’s teeth grind together.
“Yeah, you need a dictionary?” Morro sneers back his words from earlier.
Lloyd looks as if he’d like to throttle him, but fortunately for Morro — or unfortunately, as he’d like to see him try — the receptionist at the check-in desk is staring at them with wide eyes now.
To be fair, Morro imagines they make quite a contrasting pair: Lloyd with his light hair in his green hoodie and green high top sneakers, and Morro with his black hair in his black shirt and black jacket and black jeans and black high top sneakers.
At least Lloyd’s basketball shorts are like, a grey color. For contrast, not that Morro cares.
He does care that they’re both wearing high top sneakers, but that’s only because it’s annoying.
Lloyd finally straightens, transforming instantaneously into a bright, innocent-eyed ray of infuriating sunshine. “Hi!” he greets. “Can we get a room for two, please?”
“Oh,” the lady blinks, clearly blinded by the intensity of Lloyd’s beaming smile. “Of course, sweetheart, one moment.”
Morro fights back the urge to inform the receptionist that Lloyd is actually a half-demon monster who could and would drag her on an eight-hour road trip from hell, with the sole purpose of stealing sharks.
He resists, though. Since he’s a nice person, like that.
The receptionist hands them the keys with ease, but it’s only as Lloyd struggles to get the room door open that the reality of their situation hits Morro.
Lloyd finally swings the door open, and Morro stares in horror at the small room. “Wait, we’re sharing a room?”
“Uh, yeah?” Lloyd shrugs. “Unless you’ve got the money for two, ‘cause I definitely don’t.”
Morro’s jaw creaks. Lloyd knows full well he has about three cents to his name. “Tell me there’s two beds.”
Lloyd scoffs loudly. “Please. I’m not completely insane.”
Morro would beg to differ, because he’s got them sharing a room, but he’s true to his word, at least. While the room is about the size of a glorified closet, there are two single beds, neatly arranged side by side. In silent agreement, the first thing Lloyd and Morro do, after tossing their bags down, is shove the beds as far as they can from each other against the opposite wall. The bedside table relocates nicely as a barrier in the no-man’s zone between the two. Morro would prefer, say, a five-feet thick vengestone wall between the two of them, but sure, the bedside table thing works.
They make camp on their respective beds after that, Morro skimming idly through his book while Lloyd flips through the little leaflet on the bedside table. He frowns, swinging his legs at the edge of his bed.
“D’you think we should just order dinner in?” he says.
Morro ignores him, continuing to thumb through his book. He hasn’t been particularly hungry since they finished an entire package of Oreos somewhere around the second hour in.
Not one to be discouraged, Lloyd continues anyways, mumbling to himself. “It’s a little late, but it looks like there are some pizza places that’ll deliver here…”
Morro frowns. “Pizza’s that cheese bread stuff, right?”
Lloyd goes silent. He stares at Morro, his expression frozen. “What.”
Morro shifts, uncomfortable at the stare Lloyd has on him. “What?”
“You’ve…never had pizza?” Lloyd finally gets out, as if the very idea is horrifying.
“No?” Morro offers. “You know I don’t eat dinner with you all. I certainly don’t eat your disgusting greasy junk food, either.”
“Disgusting — you’ve never had pizza,” Lloyd repeats, scandalized. “That’s what’s disgusting here. We’ve gotta fix this. Not even you deserve to go your life without pizza.”
“I’m touched,” Morro drones.
“Shut up, and pick out a topping.” Morro yelps as Lloyd suddenly materializes on the bed next to him, shoving the leaflet in his face. “So the standard go-to is cheese, ‘cause you can’t go wrong with that, but pepperoni’s pretty across the board, too. Kai and Nya like little peppers on theirs, so if you like spicy stuff that’s the way to go, but Cole swears by bacon bits, and Jay likes both. Zane likes the vegetable kind, but that’s just ‘cause he’s weird, so there’s that and pineapple, if you’re a mutant—”
“I’ll take the pineapple,” Morro blurts, in a desperate attempt to cut Lloyd’s babbling off.
Lloyd wrinkles his nose. “You’re not gonna like it,” he threatens. “But I’ll get us one of those split pizzas, so we can do like, two slices of pineapple, then the rest can be cheese and pepperoni, I guess, if that sounds good?”
“I literally could not care less.”
“Taking that as a yes!” Lloyd says, cheerfully. “You’re gonna love it.”
“Wonderful,” Morro grimaces. “Now get—” he shoves Lloyd, sending him sprawling to the floor with a yelp. “Back over on your side.”
It takes an unfortunately quick time for the pizza to be delivered, so Morro doesn’t have the chance to pretend he’s fallen asleep before Lloyd’s invading his space again, shoving the pizza in his face.
“Try it,” he demands. “One piece, and I’ll leave you alone.”
“That better be a promise,” Morro grouses, but he takes the slice he’s being offered, holding it gingerly between two fingers. He makes a face. “This is what you’ve been going on about? I can see the grease dripping off it.”
Lloyd rolls his eyes to the ceiling. “Just try it, geez. What are you, chicken?”
“What are you, five?” Morro retorts. He relents though, ever-so-carefully taking the tiniest of bites.
He pauses. Lloyd watches him expectantly. “And?”
Morro knows exactly what Lloyd wants to hear, and he’d eat rocks before he’d let him have it. Unfortunately, his tastebuds are arguing a different case.
Morro doesn’t reply, but he takes another bite, this one considerably larger. FSM be cursed, it’s good.
“Haha!” Lloyd crows, rocking back where he sits cross-legged on the floor. “You love it! I knew it.”
“I do not,” Morro argues. The mouthful of pizza he has doesn’t exactly sell his point.
“Do too,” Lloyd grins, taking his own slice.
Morro hesitates, then goes for another slice, giving in. “The pineapple stuff is pretty good,” he admits, reaching for the fruit-laden pizza. Lloyd chokes, his triumphant smile evaporating as his eyes go wide in horror.
“No. No, you can’t. I know you’re deranged, but you can’t be that far gone—”
“It’s good,” Morro shrugs, taking another bite.
Lloyd gags, looking as if he’d like to cry. He settles for a sigh of despair instead, reaching for one of the slices of cheese. The edges of the crust are a bit blackened, but Lloyd doesn’t seem to mind.
“When I was a kid,” he says, as he catches a trailing string of cheese with his fingers. “Burnt pizza was my favorite thing ever. It was super easy to get, if you hung out behind the restaurants. They’d always throw them out in boxes and stuff, so it wasn’t as gross to swipe outta the trash.”
Lloyd’s eyebrows furrow, and his expression drops. “Uh, I mean, sorry. The guys get weird when I talk about that stuff, ‘cause it’s…weird, I guess.”
Morro eyes him. Far be it from him to reassure Lloyd, but — “I don’t think it’s that weird,” he says. “I’d snag stuff from the trash all the time when I was on the streets.”
“Really?” Lloyd’s expression brightens. “That was how I always ate when I was hanging in cities! Smaller towns not so much, since you could swipe stuff from food stands easier there.”
Morro nods in agreement. “The bigger cities are a lot better for scavenging, but smaller villages are where it’s at for stealing. People let you get away easier there.”
“Yeah, exactly!” Lloyd exclaims. He shakes his head, muttering to himself. “I knew it wasn’t that weird. The guys just like to overreact all the time.”
“Tell me about it,” Morro snorts. “Wu’d always act like I’d kicked him in the shins when I brought that sort of stuff up.”
“Sounds like him,” Lloyd giggles, before lapsing back into silence as they both finish the pizza.
If Morro didn’t know any better, he’d call it comfortable.
Sleeping, however, is not comfortable.
Morro stares up at the ceiling, his eyes wide open. Across the room, Lloyd does the same from his own bed.
“Go to sleep,” Morro finally says. “You’re creeping me out.”
“You go to sleep first,” Lloyd responds, after a minute.
Morro grits his teeth. “No, you.”
“What, so you can murder me?” Lloyd hisses.
“I’m more worried about you murdering me!” Morro hisses back.
“You’re the ex-criminal. Maybe I don’t wanna wake up to the Preeminent at my throat.”
“Well maybe I don’t want to wake up with the Serpentine at my neck.”
“Oh, shut up, you hypocritical jerk—”
“You’re the one with a blabber mouth, you stuck-up wannabe-martyr—”
In the end, neither of them wake up with slit throats. Neither of them wake up with marker all over their face, or tied up in their own sheets, or halfway out the window, either. It is, quite possibly, a miracle.
“Well, Lloyd charged a pizza to my credit card, so we know they’re alive, at least,” Cole sighs.
“He took your credit card?” Nya frowns. “I thought Morro was the one who— you know what, never mind, Lloyd makes perfect sense.”
“He redacted the location, too,” Cole taps wearily at his phone. “Wow, we really did raise a child criminal.”
Kai moans into his hands where he’s slumped over at the table, hunkering in the pits of anxiety-induced despair.
“Y’know, it’s not too late to chase them down,” Jay remarks. “Could be fun, we could all join in on whatever awful road trip they’re having.”
“Sensei Wu said we need to let them go,” Cole mutters. “So they can ‘work things out’. That, or he wants to collect on their life insurance early.”
Jay makes a face. “And we’re listening to him…why?”
“Lloyd disabled location services on his phone,” Zane says, dully. “And since the van was procured from Ronin—”
“We have no idea where they are,” Nya growls. “I’m going to slaughter him.”
“Morro, Lloyd, or Ronin?” Jay asks.
Nya exchanges looks with Kai. “Whichever one doesn’t hide well enough.”
“So if we’re looking at this logically, I think our best bet is to just sneak in the park as tourists, so we blend in with everyone. It’s a pretty busy time of the year, so we should go unnoticed—”
“Next exit.”
“—and then we’ll be able to — huh?”
“Next exit. On the left.”
“The left? I thought it was the right. Are you sure you aren’t reading the map upside down again?”
The vein near Morro’s forehead throbs. “I’m not, now get in the — get in the left lane, Lloyd, or we’ll miss it!”
“I swear, if you make me U-turn in the middle of the highway again…” Lloyd grits out, but he sends them careening across the freeway, darting into the left lane just in time to make their turn. Morro clutches the armrest with white knuckles, desperately trying not to cover his eyes with his hands like he has every other time Lloyd’s driven.
“You drive like a maniac,” Morro finally gets out, as Lloyd pushes the car well over the local speed limit. “Whoever let you have a license should be jailed.”
“Wimp,” Lloyd mocks. “I don’t wanna hear it, with how you and your whack-job ghost pals would drive around.”
“That was different,” Morro grinds his teeth. “We had reliable vehicles and I was too dead to care. This is a bucket of bolts, and I’m unfortunately alive enough to not want to die in a fiery inferno because you crashed us head-on into a semi truck.”
“Seriously?” Lloyd rolls his eyes. “You sound like Uncle Wu.”
Morro turns to stare at him so fast his neck practically cracks. He continues to stare at Lloyd, his mouth half-open, too viscerally horrified to form a response.
He finally manages a croaked, “Take that back.”
“Nope.” Lloyd is grinning.
“Take it back, I sound nothing like him—”
Lloyd says nothing, still grinning. Dying in a fiery inferno is sounding better by the minute, if it means dragging Lloyd down with him.
“So anyways, as I was saying,” Lloyd continues, as they pull into view of the park. “I think we should slip in the park dressed like tourists—”
“—with tickets that I can buy on Cole’s credit card—”
“—which’ll give our location away, ‘cause there’s no hiding that, but we should be clear out of here by the time he checks anyways—”
“Nobody cares.”
“—alright, alright, so we’re in as tourists, then we just…grab a shark and, uh, borrow one of their big moving trucks, I guess.”
Morro stares at him. “Borrow. The park’s semi truck they use to move sharks.”
Lloyd winces. “Well, we can’t fit the shark in here.”
They both give the minivan a once-over, and cringe in unison.
“So let me get this straight,” Morro rubs his temple as Lloyd pulls them into the parking lot, pocketing their tickets with the slightest expression of guilt and a whispered ‘Forgive me Cole’. “Your plan is to just…walk into the park, pretending we’re totally normal people, then somehow stuff a shark in a truck and — and what? Bust through the front gates?”
“I was more thinking we could swipe park uniforms while we’re in there, and sneak out like Star Wars,” Lloyd says, gesturing enthusiastically with his hands.
Morro buries his face in his hands. “I despise everything you are.”
“It’s a solid plan!” Lloyd defends, kicking the car door open. “It’s better than anything you have.”
“Planning for something this stupid would burn my brain cells to a crisp,” Morro grumbles, sliding out of the van. He eyes the vehicle, something occurring to him. “By the way. If we’re busting out of here in a park truck, what does that mean for this thing?”
Lloyd pauses, as if that thought hadn’t occurred to him. “Uh…” he sweats. “I’m, uh. I’m sure Ronin’s done something bad enough that he deserves us leaving it here.”
“We’re going to come out of this with so many people after our heads,” Morro exhales.
Morro lets Lloyd snag them clothes from a nearby gift shop, which is probably the worst mistake he’s made in his life. Whether Lloyd is still aiming for a bit of revenge or his fashion sense really is just that appalling, the outfits he picks out for them almost succeed at burning Morro’s eyes out on the spot.
“What is this,” is all he manages to get out, staring blankly at the bright yellow, button-up shirt he’s holding in his hands. It wouldn’t be so bad, if it didn’t have ugly orange flowers and pineapples printed all over it as well.
“It’s what you get for liking pineapple on your pizza,” Lloyd quips, as he pulls a garishly orange t-shirt over his head. His shirt has “I Went to Oceanworld and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt” printed on it in bright pink script, which is at least better than the ugly flowers Morro gets. On the other hand, Lloyd’s stuck with a pair of truly hideous, neon blue running shorts, while Morro at least gets navy cargo ones, so there’s that tiny victory.
“Also, these were the best options they had,” Lloyd winces, having caught a glimpse of himself in a shop window as they head toward the park entrance, a crowd of people already starting to form around them. “Here, put these on.”
Morro stares at the purple sunglasses Lloyd’s handed him. “Absolutely not.”
“This too,” Lloyd ignores him, shoving a neon green baseball cap on him. “See, I’m letting you have the green one, ‘cause—”
“If you even finish that sentence, I’ll drown you in the first fish tank we see,” Morro grits out, shoving the sunglasses on. Lloyd just gives him a sunny smile, tugging a vivid pink baseball cap over his hair. He, at least, looks like he fits in here, with his idiot smile and the way he almost starts bouncing as they mingle in the crowds. Morro, on the other hand, feels much as if he sticks out like a sore, sweaty thumb.
“You know, I might actually take you up on that drowning thing,” Lloyd mutters as they drift further into the park, tugging at the collar of his t-shirt. “If only so I end up in the water. It’s so hot.”
“Makes me miss your grandfather’s tomb,” Morro mutters beneath his breath. Lloyd spears him with a glare out of the corners of his eyes. “What?” Morro defends. “It was at least cold there.”
“I remember. I almost died ‘cause of it,” Lloyd growls, his eyes flashing in warning.
“Pretty sure you were more likely to die of starvation by that point,” Morro remarks easily. “But you were already a twig to begin with, so—”
He cuts off with a strangled shout of pain as Lloyd shoves him face-first into a sign, his nose crunching against the metal. Morro pulls away angrily, only to come face to face with a truly hellish, grinning shark on the sign, pointing its deformed fin to the right. Just below the awful shark is a small, printed square that points ahead, reading Park Maintenance: Transportation.
“Just so you know, I’m going to roundhouse-kick your teeth out for that later,” Morro tells Lloyd calmly. “But I think I’ve found our stop.”
Lloyd’s expression switches from Oni hell spawn of doom to enthusiastic devil child in a heartbeat. “Oh, seriously? That was fast.”
“Aw,” Morro sneers. “Did you want to stop by the kiddie park before we left?”
Lloyd’s eyes narrow, but he doesn’t spare Morro a second glance. “Nah, but I wanted a picture of you in that shirt to immortalize. Kai’ll get a kick out of it.”
Morro pales rapidly. “No. No, Kai does not hear a word of this. This stays between you and me forever and then we die. Kai. Never. Knows.”
“I’ll keep it quiet if you give me your credit card.”
“Ha! You know this entire family’s broke.”
Breaking into park maintenance is laughably easy — or it would have been, if they weren’t dressed in the ugliest, most obvious colors possible. They make it through three different doors on the excuse that they’re “poor, lost cousins whose uncle left them to die”, but after that they have to start knocking people out. Morro debates arguing for murder, because witnesses and all, but covering their stolen uniforms in blood before they even have the chance to wear them is probably a bad move.
At least the uniforms are a decent combo of white and sky blue, instead of a criminal offense on the eyes.
“Just like Star Wars!” Lloyd exclaims happily, as they sprint for the truck.
It takes every bit of Morro’s willpower not to lock him in the nearby fish tank. He doesn’t, though, because Lloyd somehow manages to locate the one shark actually scheduled for transport, which means all they have to do is subtly distract a few more employees and steal the truck before the furious horde of security guards on their tail catch up and send them both to the Departed Realm in style.
“I said subtly distract them!” Lloyd cries, as Morro neatly finishes chopping his hand into the last employee’s neck, sending him into blissful unconsciousness. “Not that!”
“Do not take the moral high ground with me now,” Morro snaps at him. “I saw what you did to the other security guard, you absolute menace.”
“That was different, can we just— oh, good, the shark’s in the tank and everything,” Lloyd pants, flicking through the little camera view screen on the truck dashboard. “And there’s the exit gate, and there’s — oh, there’s security coming to kill us.”
“What?” Morro yelps, craning his head over. “They shouldn’t have gotten through the door that soon, we haven’t even found the keys yet!”
“Don’t need keys.” Lloyd slides down, prying the compartment beneath the steering wheel open, exposing a mass of complicated wires. “Strap the shark in and lock the back doors,” he orders, as he starts pulling at them. “I’m gonna hot wire it.”
Morro has about a thousand and two questions for why, exactly, Lloyd knows how to hot wire a car, but he immediately decides he doesn’t want to know. Well, he kind of does, because it’s possibly the only cool thing Lloyd has revealed about himself, but running for their lives from angry, underpaid park employees doesn’t seem to be the best of times.
Morro sprints around the truck, yanking the doors open fully and hoisting himself into the trailer. The shark appears to be whacked out of its mind on what Morro’s guessing is a tranquilizer, floating happily in its little tank, and Morro desperately hopes that’s not about to change with the chaotic horror that is Lloyd’s driving.
“Hang tight, fish,” Morro mutters, as he tightens the box straps. Satisfied it won’t come loose, he stumbles out of the trailer, his hands shaking with adrenaline as he slams the truck doors closed, before skidding around the asphalt for the passenger seat.
“Any day now, Lloyd,” he urges, watching the first of the guards come into view in the car mirror.
“Almost got it,” Lloyd hisses, the tip of his tongue caught between his teeth as he yanks at the wires beneath the steering wheel. “Drat, these things are so much more complicated than smaller cars—”
“Lloyd, believe it or not, I really don’t want to kill anyone today.”
“Got it!” Lloyd exclaims triumphantly, slamming the panel closed as the car hums to life. He slides back up into the driver’s seat, throwing the gearshift forward. “Buckle up, this is gonna be fun!”
“You and I have—” Morro swallows a shriek as Lloyd guns the truck forward, his head smacking back against the passenger seat. “Entirely different definitions of fun.”
“You just don’t know what fun is,” Lloyd accuses as he presses harder on the gas, angered shouts from the security guards echoing behind them.
“I know it’s not what you’re doing,” Morro shoots back, as Lloyd smashes them through several plastic barriers.
“What? How is this not fun?” Lloyd gestures with one hand, the other veering the steering wheel to the right and sending the truck careening through the park exit, narrowly missing the transport shuttle.
“Fun is me having control of this thing,” Morro grits out. “Or having control in general. You know, like how I controlled you.”
Lloyd’s head turns to him, his eyes narrowing. “You are not bringing this back up now.”
“What, it’s fun— eyes on the road, eyes on the road!”
By the time they make it on the interstate, well out of the city traffic, Morro’s lost any doubts he’s ever had that Lloyd is the actual blood descendant of the First Spinjitzu Master. There’s just no other way to explain how they manage to evade the entire park’s security staff as well as the local police without trouble, other than divine intervention.
As all things do, though, even divine intervention runs out. Unfortunately, it’s at the same time that Lloyd and Morro’s adrenaline high runs out as well, leaving them both exhausted and heavy-eyed. And also considerably short-tempered, so when Lloyd fails to spot the pothole in the dark and punctures their front tire, Morro’s already dangerously close to his breaking point.
It’s never a good place to be, when he’s around Lloyd.
“I swear, it’s in here somewhere,” Lloyd says, his eyebrows furrowing as he roots through the glove compartment again. “This is an official park vehicle, they can’t not have a manual.”
Morro doesn’t comment, too busy trying to slide the tire jack in place. It’s his fifth attempt so far, and the failures aren’t exactly helping his rising temper. It wouldn’t be quite as difficult if the road they were on wasn’t in the middle of nowhere, perched at the edge of a steep ravine. But it is, and the tire jack clanks out of place as Morro misses yet again.
“Aha! Got it. It doesn’t look too difficult, actually.”
Morro grits his teeth. How no one has murdered Lloyd for his unfailing optimism yet is beyond him. Utterly beyond him. Especially when it’s his fault in the first place.
“All we really need is to get the spare out from underneath,” Lloyd muses, skimming through the manual. “Then we should be good.”
“Stop saying we,” Morro finally snaps. “We did not destroy the tire. You did.”
Lloyd blinks, then frowns. “You didn’t exactly help,” he murmurs beneath his breath, bending down near the flat tire.
Morro’s fingers clench around the tire jack, his knuckles white. He is not going to lose his temper. He’s not. He is stuck in the middle of nowhere, with a stolen truck and a flat tire, with no help in sight, with Lloyd Garmadon of all people, but he is not going to lose his temper. It’s a waste of energy.
“Look, just — no, you’re doing it wrong,” Lloyd sighs.
Never mind. Morro’s got energy to spare.
“Would it kill you to shut up? For five seconds?” he snaps, whirling on Lloyd. Lloyd flinches back in alarm, and Morro snarls. “This is your fault, would it kill you to stop making things worse for once?”
Lloyd’s face pales. “I just—”
“We wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you,” Morro steamrolls over him, not even giving him the chance to speak. He’s done, he’s so done with this. He’s held it together pretty well this whole time, gone along with Lloyd’s stupid trip for a reason he doesn’t even know, but this is it. Being alive is not worth the effort, at all.
“You dragged me on this, you and your stupid, selfish obsession with pretending everything’ll work out fine, like you’re some little kid,” Morro stabs his finger viciously at Lloyd. “Well guess what? Nothing is fine, and neither of us are kids! We never got to be kids, and we’ll never get to be kids, because your horrible family screwed up and you came along and made things so much worse!”
Hurt flickers across Lloyd’s face, and his eyes look oddly shiny. Morro’s too far into his rant to care.
“It’s typical,” Morro spits. “Absolutely perfect. This is all your fault, I mean it. Everything’s your fault, every single stupid thing that’s gone wrong in my life, if it wasn’t for you—”
Lloyd punches him square in the mouth.
It’s not even the hardest hit he’s ever received, but it’s hard enough to send him staggering back a couple steps. Morro reels, so flabbergasted that he’s unable to form words for a good half-minute. He blinks back tears of pain, staring at Lloyd in indignation. “You — you hit me!”
“And I’m not sorry about it at all!” Lloyd yells, fists clenched tightly by his sides, as if gearing up for another hit. “You deserved it!”
He punctuates this by hurling the tire block at him. Morro dodges easily, his own anger flaring back to life.
“You call that a hit?” he scoffs. “Pathetic. This is why you were so easy to possess, you know—”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Lloyd cuts over him, kicking a rock at him this time. “FSM, what’s your problem? I don’t even know why I try with you!”
“My problem?” Morro snaps, true and properly angry now. “My problem is that some pint-sized brat stole my whole life from me, and now he’s out here—” Morro grunts as he throws the tire jack at Lloyd. “Trying to pretend we’re cousins!”
“Oh, your whole life,” Lloyd echoes, derisively. “What is it about the green gi that makes you so entitled? You’re like — you’re uglier than some stupid runner-up in a beauty pageant about it!”
Morro’s teeth clack together like a steel trap. “A beauty pageant?!”
“Yeah!” Lloyd shouts. “You’re like a screaming toddler! Who runs onstage and attacks the winner because they didn’t get first place in a contest for a stupid outfit!”
“It’s not! Just! An outfit!” Morro roars.
“I know that!” Lloyd snaps.
“Then why didn’t you give it to me!”
“Because you don’t deserve it! You’re a jerk!”
“You don’t even want it!” Morro yells. “You get the green gi and you don’t even appreciate it! This is why we’ll never be cousins!”
“Good! I don’t want you as a cousin! I hate you!” Lloyd screeches, throwing the car manual at him. “I hate you, I hate you so much!”
“I hate you too!” Morro howls, throwing the tire wrench. It spirals wildly off-aim. “Gods, you’re the worst—”
“Drop dead, Morro!” Lloyd screams.
“Make me!” Morro screams back. “Bet you don’t have it in you, you sniveling little—”
Lloyd, clearly determined to prove that he does have it in him, neatly cuts Morro off by tackling him around the waist, sending them both flying over the edge of the hill and rolling wildly into the ravine.
The screaming that follows is a lot less angry this time, and a lot more like the terrified screeching of two year-olds on a roller coaster.
“D’you think...hospitals will take..the green gi as insurance?”
“S’worth...a try. Not sure, think…my head might’ve cracked.”
“I think I heard my spine snap.”
“Pretty sure that was my knee detaching.”
Morro winces, closing his eyes briefly before opening them, staring up at the starry night sky. There’s a shifting noise near his head, before Lloyd curses, moaning in pain as it stops abruptly.
As it turns out, the ravine went a bit deeper than either of them had been prepared for. The end result is Lloyd and Morro both sprawled at the bottom of the ravine, staring into the void of space as they rethink their particular life choices up to this point. There had been a brief moment where they both attempted to shove themselves back up to continue their fight, but that dream had rapidly died as they both collapsed back into the grass, groaning in pain.
It did kill his temper rather effectively, Morro will admit. It’s difficult to keep screaming when your ribs feel like they’ve been used as a drum by a baseball bat. So they continue to lie there in silence, before Lloyd finally stirs.
“So that, uh,” Lloyd finally breathes. “That was. A lot.”
Morro winces. “Yeah. That was — I haven’t yelled like that in a while.”
“Aw, man,” Lloyd laughs humorlessly, still staring at the sky. “I don’t think I’ve yelled like that since I was like, eight.”
The crickets around them buzz loudly as they lapse into silence. At least the sky’s stopped spinning, Morro thinks.
“I think. Um. I think I probably crossed a line.”
Lloyd’s voice is so quiet, Morro almost misses it. He doesn’t miss the apologetic tone, though.
Morro’s lips press together as something in his chest twists that better not be guilt. “I..might have, as well.”
Lloyd hums. “I probably shouldn’t have compared everything you went through to a toddler.”
“Well,” Morro pauses, thinking back on it. “I mean. That crack about the beauty pageant was kinda funny.”
Lloyd gives a breathless little laugh. “Wanna know something awful?”
Morro cranes his head slightly. “Hm?”
“I actually stole that from Nya. And she was, uh, talking about Kai.”
Morro’s eyebrows shoot up. “No, you didn’t.”
“Yeah, I did,” Lloyd giggles. “It was after the whole thing with Chen — you saw that, right, in my head?”
“Uh...kind of. Sorry?”
“Nah, I don’t care as much about that one. Anyways, he was a mopey mess after it. Nya was kind of bitter. I might have been…a little bit, too. In secret.”
Morro smirks despite himself. “The Green Ninja, secretly bitter.”
“I’ll never be as bitter as you,” Lloyd retorts.
Morro’s smirk fades. “That’s fair, I guess.” He looks back at the sky, scrubbing a hand across his eyes. “Sorry I brought up possessing you again,” he mutters. “That was…probably uncalled for.”
“Yeah,” Lloyd says. “Pretty uncool that you keep doing that.”
“Yeah, well.” Morro sighs. “I’m a work in progress. But still. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I get it, I think. Not the bringing up the possession part, but the work in progress part.”
“Oh.” Morro chews on the edge of his lip. “Then, uh, I’m also — I’m also sorry I said everything’s your fault.” He closes his eyes tightly. Curse it, the feeling twisting his chest up is most certainly guilt. “That was definitely uncalled for.”
“No,” Lloyd says, quietly. “That’s…that’s fair, too.”
Morro’s eyes blink open, and he cranes his head back to stare at him. “What? No, it’s not. Blame your grandfather, or your dad, or even Wu. Or that, um, giant snake thing, that kept popping up—”
“The Great Devourer?”
“Yeah, blame that.” Morro briefly squeezes his eyes shut again. Oh, this hurts to say out loud. “You’re…you’re still a kid. You’ve been a kid, even if life sucks enough to make it feel like you’re not. S’not fair to blame it all on you.”
Lloyd is silent for a moment, and Morro hopes he’s heard the apology in his words. That’s a new hope for him to have, but it’s genuine.
“Same goes for you, then.” Lloyd’s voice is still quiet, but it’s got that painful sincerity — the kind Morro’s heard before, but never directed at him. “I mean, possessing me wasn’t good, but… everyone deserves a chance to make things right. You’re a kid, too.”
“Lloyd, you know I’m technically like, forty.”
“Yeah, in ghost years. Being dead doesn’t count.”
“Like you’d know.” Morro breaths a humorless laugh. “Either way, it doesn’t change the fact that I went after a kid for getting slapped with the green gi.”
Lloyd inhales sharply. “Could you maybe go at least five minutes without bringing that up? Just this once?”
Morro blinks at the sudden frustration in Lloyd’s voice. “W-what?”
The grass rustles as Lloyd shakes his head, but he blows his breath out, the anger seeping from him. “I just — I’m sick of it. I get that you hate me, but you could at least have the decency to hate me for me,” he says, wearily. “Hate me for like, my obnoxious habit of repeating stuff, or my annoying voice.”
Morro is quiet for a moment. “Your voice isn’t that bad anymore,” he admits.
Lloyd snorts. “You don’t have to lie.”
“No, I’m serious. It doesn’t do that squeaky-toy cracking thing anymore.”
“Well that makes me feel so much better,” Lloyd huffs.
“You’re welcome,” Morro grins. They lapse into silence again, and the grin slides slowly off of Morro’s face. Oh, curse everything, why is his chest still twisting up in knots.
He finally puffs out a weary breath of defeat. “And I don’t…entirely hate you.”
Lloyd is quiet, digesting that. “Huh. Really?”
“Yeah. Hate your stupid gi, though.”
“Oh, same. You have no idea.”
“Starting to get that, I think.”
“Heh. I guess I don’t…entirely hate you, either.”
The tire is surprisingly easy to change, when they’re not trying to bite each other’s heads off. There’s no damage to the actual truck or trailer either, so they’re back on the road before daybreak. Lloyd fretfully checks on the shark a minimum of twenty times, but it’s fine as well, peacefully floating in its little tank. He lets Morro drive, in what may or may not be a peace offering, so Morro lets Lloyd choose the music, which is definitely a peace offering. It’s the only way he’d ever willingly listen to the amount of acoustic music Lloyd plays them.
Well…that he’d admit willingly listening to.
They don’t talk much, but it’s a surprisingly comfortable silence, and by the time they pull up to Lloyd’s beach, half finished with the horrendously cheap coffee they snagged from the gas station, Morro doesn’t feel quite as annoyed with the world on the whole.
In fact, he feels dangerously close to being at peace with it, which is obviously unacceptable, so he makes sure to stub his toe at least three times as they maneuver the now-awake and incredibly annoyed shark into the waves.
“Hey, hey, c’mon buddy,” Lloyd soothes, waist-deep in the water as he coaxes the shark toward him. “It’s okay, we’re setting you free. Don’t eat us when there’s much more tasty seafood in the ocean.”
“Maybe Oni is a delicacy for sharks,” Morro suggests, his feet firmly planted on the shore. He’s been assisting with his wind, floating the shark down gently, and that’s already more than enough. “I bet seafood pales in comparison to demon flesh.”
“You’re disgusting,” Lloyd says, but his lips quirk up. “In that case, maybe I should just drop him on my dad.”
Morro snorts, watching as Lloyd finally gets the shark to deeper water, where it swishes its tail happily, clearly overjoyed to be free from its tiny tank.
“There we go,” Lloyd smiles as it swims around him. “Much better, huh?”
Morro watches the shark swim a moment longer, wrinkling his nose as sand digs between his toes. He stifles a yawn, but the coastal winds are picking up around him, gently tugging through his hair and leaving him less tired as his element ghosts over his skin, as if whispering his name.
He’s missed wind like this. The gentler kind.
He finally turns his attention back to Lloyd, and his eyebrows furrow.
“You know this is just one shark, right?”
“Mm-hm,” Lloyd hums happily, letting the shark nose against his hand.
“That doesn’t bode well for your shark tornado plan,” Morro reminds him.
“Eh,” Lloyd shrugs. “I guess freeing a shark is as good as that. I can always get my dad back later.”
“You could dye your hair, that might do the trick.”
Lloyd gives a wry smile. “It wasn’t really about that, anyways,” he murmurs, so quietly Morro almost misses it.
Morro doesn’t know if he wants to try and guess what that’s supposed to mean, so he averts his gaze instead, looking across the quiet, empty beach. It’s removed from the busier parts of the coast, almost abandoned. Certainly not the kind of place Morro would’ve seen Lloyd picking out for a weekend trip.
“So why this beach, in particular?” he finally asks. “Seems pretty out of the way, just for this.”
Lloyd is quiet for a moment, his hands creating tiny eddies in the water around him. His face falls a fraction as he watches the shark swim off, deeper into the ocean, and he dips lower into the water.  
“I came here with my dad, once,” he says, quietly. “After he was… back to normal. Without the venom, and all.”
“Oh.” Morro blinks. There’s a lot of meaning behind those words. For some reason, he’s almost frightened to try and decipher it.
Lloyd saves him from it, straightening up where he stands in the water. “So, are you gonna get in, or what?”
Morro blinks, then violently shakes his head. “No. Absolutely not. Water and I are not compatible. You know that.”
“You weren’t before,” Lloyd insists. “You are now.”
“What was that you were saying earlier?” Morro reminds him, snidely. “About traumas, and stuff?”
Lloyd’s brow furrows, in what could almost be concern. “You don’t have to,” he says, slowly. “But this is a nice place to start.”
Morro stares at the sand before him, a mere three feet from where the waves stop washing up on shore. He makes a face. It’s not like he’s scared of water. He takes showers, and he’s not afraid to sprint out in the rain if he’s left a book or something outside. But those are just — water in small doses. This sparkling blue hellhole of toxicity is different. It’s saltwater. Saltwater brings back…less than pleasant memories.
Granted, this particular body of toxic seawater doesn’t seem to be quite as deadly at the moment. Lloyd’s skin hasn’t slid off his bones yet, and he’s floating up to his neck in the stuff.
“I’ll pass,” Morro finally says, stiffly. “It’s, uh, a little too rough for me out there.”
Lloyd looks pointedly at where the gentle waves barely lap the shore. Morro grits his teeth. Drat. That makes it rather difficult not to admit that he does, probably, look like a coward. Lloyd tilts his head to the side, studying him with the eerie red eyes he gets sometimes. Morro doesn’t like the look that forms on his face.
“Why,” he says, with a gleam in his eyes. “Are you scared?”
Even though Morro’s seen that coming a mile away, he still reddens. “No.”
Lloyd raises an eyebrow. “Kinda looks like you’re scared.”
“I am not.”
Lloyd squints at him. Then, without warning, he splashes the smallest bit of seawater up toward him. Morro jumps back, with what he’ll die before he admits is a high-pitched shriek, skittering away from the tiny droplets.
Lloyd bursts into giggles, and Morro feels his cheeks blazing. “That was low, you little insect—”
“Chicken, chicken, Morro’s a chicken,” Lloyd taunts over him.
“I’ll kill you,” Morro threatens.
“Oh yeah?” Lloyd flashes his teeth at him. “How’re you gonna do that when I’m in the water?”
Morro’s hands clench into fists as he seethes. “I am not scared of the water.”
“Yes, you are.”
Morro takes a threatening step toward him, brandishing his fist. “I am not a chicken!”
“Yes you a-are,” Lloyd repeats gleefully. “Chicken, chicken—”
“Shut up—”
“Bawk, bawk—”
“I’ll break your spine—”
“Not with your chicken arms you won’t—”
“Enough with the chicken!” Morro roars, shaking Lloyd by the collar of his soaking t-shirt. “I am not scared!”
Lloyd presses his lips together, barely holding back what’s either laughter or another one of those infuriating smiles. “Okay, geez. You proved me wrong.”
Morro blinks. Lloyd looks down, and Morro follows his gaze. He blinks again.
He’s standing waist-deep in the saltwater with Lloyd, waves swirling gently around him. His flesh is not melting off. He is not dying an excruciating death. It doesn’t feel like corrosive acid. It feels like…regular water. Kind of cold, regular water, that smells a little like fish.
Morro stares at the water, letting Lloyd’s shirt go as his arms hang limply by his sides. He didn’t even notice putting a foot in.
“Hey, look,” Lloyd says, brightly. “You’re not dead."
Morro should strangle him for this. Lloyd’s tricked him into the toxic death water by annoying him, and Morro didn’t even notice. He should celebrate this new accomplishment by holding Lloyd’s head under the water until he drowns.
Oddly enough, all he can find it in himself to do is stare at the water with the tiniest of smiles. “I’m not dead,” he echoes, quietly.
Lloyd beams at him, and he doesn’t even want to strangle him for it. Morro stands waist-deep in the water, completely at ease, and feels something odd bubble up in his throat. It’s light and easy, like his chest is filling up with a balloon, and for a brief second, he meets Lloyd’s beaming smile with one of his own.
Naturally, that’s when the beach blows up.
On second thought, the ocean can die.
Morro immediately changes his mind about seawater as he’s knocked beneath a large wave, swallowing a mouthful of disgusting salt liquid. Panic twists around his heart as he flails briefly, before a hand locks firmly around his arm and yanks, pulling him to the surface and dragging him forward.
“—can’t believe this, again?!” Lloyd’s yelling in his ear as Morro splutters out saltwater. “What is it now, someone whose got aunt we got fired?”
“Don’t be ridiculousss, you know your own worth,” a hissing voice laughs across the water, and Morro struggles to find his footing as Lloyd drags them both onto the beach. “Imagine my delight when I realized the Green Ninja was lounging on the beach!”
Morro finally manages to push his sopping hair from his face, and he blinks saltwater from his eyes as his vision clears. Several paces down the sand from them stands a scarlet Hypnobrai, an admittedly intimidating weapon held in its scaly hands.  
“Oh, of course!” Lloyd spits. “Stupid green power, would it kill you to let me get five minutes of—”
He cuts off in a yelp as the Serpentine fires at them again, dragging Morro to the sand with him as the grenade blast streaks over their heads, exploding somewhere further down the beach.
“It’s okay,” Lloyd pants, as they scramble to their feet. “This is — it’s all good, it’s just one Serpentine. We can handle this, easy.”
Morro whips his head across the beach. “You do see the other four, right?”
“The other—” Lloyd swears. “How did they all get grenade launchers?”
“That’s what you’re worried about right now?” Morro shouts, as they narrowly avoid another three blasts. The lead Hypnobrai cackles wildly at them, waving his weapon like a war flag.
“How did you even find me?” Lloyd yells, as he and Morro sprint around the jetty for cover, stumbling over the protruding rocks. “This is the middle of nowhere!”
The Hypnobrai grins, sharp teeth flashing. “Oh, we wouldn’t have! But I recognized the name on the credit card used at the gas station. To be honest, I was actually expecting the earth ninja.”
“Are you kidding me?!” Lloyd cries. “What kind of karma—”
Morro grasps him firmly by the shoulders and yanks him down, just before another streaking blast of flame can take his head off. Morro cringes as the ensuing explosion rocks the ground beneath them, his ears ringing.
Lloyd crouches lower beside him, muttering frantically. “I’m sorry, okay, I’m sorry,” he’s saying in the vague direction of the sky. “I’ll never steal anyone’s credit card again, I promise, I’m sorry—”
“Are you — apologizing to your grandfather right now?” Morro gapes at him.
Lloyd throws his hands in the air. “This has gotta be someone's fau—alt, move!”
He yanks them to the side as another blast narrowly misses them, almost knocking them clear off their feet. Morro grits his teeth, frustration spiking.
“This would be a great time for a plan, oh ninja leader,” he snaps.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m on it,” Lloyd’s hands flash green. “Just follow my—”
He gasps, his eyes going wide at something beyond Morro’s shoulder. Morro has a split second of confusion before Lloyd shoves him to the ground, bright green energy blazing to life in a makeshift shield—
Just in time for the next blast to hit him dead on, sending him flying back into the jetty.
Lloyd gives a single, sharp cry before his head strikes the edge of a rock, abruptly going silent as he tumbles to the edge of the jetty, inches from being swept away by the water. He doesn’t move after that.
Morro’s stomach bottoms out, his blood running cold as he’s hit with a sudden rush of terror so strong he almost loses his balance.
Then the rage hits.
Morro turns on the Hypnobrai who fired the blast, his eyes flaming. The snake swallows, suddenly looking pale as he clutches at his weapon.
Morro roars, and the wind turns sharp and vicious, swirling around him in a vortex of fury. The Serpentine shriek in terror as they’re swept up in the gale, Morro’s wind howling as it tears the weapons from their hands. Morro barely hears them, his mind still stuck on the single scream before Lloyd had fallen silent. Anger blazes hot in his chest, and the wind grows bitterly cold, flinging water from the ocean higher and higher. Saltwater splashes against his cheeks, but Morro hardly feels it. He lets the water power his wind instead, sweeping into a furious storm.
He could easily kill them right now — happily, even. But Morro’s been an entire mess of conflicting emotions this weekend, and he’s got more pressing things to worry about, so he sends their weapons flying far out into the ocean instead. He narrows his eyes on them in fury, before hissing out, “Get. Lost.”
They don’t need any help fleeing after that, but Morro still launches them a good thirty feet away. For good measure.
He lets the wind die bit by bit, water splashing back into the ocean. Morro suddenly becomes aware of how his hands are trembling, shaking in the aftermath of adrenaline. There’s a moment of crushing silence in the absence of his howling wind, and his stomach drops.
He whips around, his eyes searching the empty beach desperately. He wasn’t — he hadn’t been thinking of Lloyd when he’d kicked the storm up, but what if—
“Lloyd,” Morro rasps, his throat closing over in fear. “Lloyd, where are you, please—”
Lloyd stumbles from behind the jetty, coughing up a mouthful of saltwater as he sways dizzily, rubbing his head. “Ow, ow, ow. I’m gonna feel that for—”
Lloyd cuts off in a yelp as Morro grabs him forcefully, pulling him in and wrapping his arms around him. Lloyd goes painfully rigid, his breathing uneven for a beat before he gingerly reaches back, awkwardly patting Morro’s shoulder with his one free hand.
“Uh, M-Morro?”
He clutches him tighter. “Shut up.”
“Mo’o, yer crush’n me.”
“Shut up. You’re terrible. You’re horrible. I get why Kai’s so grumpy all the time. How does Kai not have grey hair. How.”
Lloyd makes a muffled sound of indignation as Morro refuses to let go. He probably looks ridiculous, but he can’t find it in himself to care. A host of realizations are hitting him at once, and it’s making him slightly nauseous.
For a second, Lloyd had been quiet. He’d been still and unmoving, and he could’ve been dead. Which would have been bad, apparently, for Morro, because Lloyd can’t die. Because if Lloyd dies, then Morro won’t have a pint-sized blond cousin to yell all the angsty stuff out with, and if Lloyd dies then who’s gonna drag him out of his self-induced isolating depression and make him try gross food and break the law and actually interact in the world? Morro can’t lose that. Lloyd’s the only person who’s genuinely made Morro feel like a person, he can’t go die before Morro makes at least some attempt to apologize for being horrible in general to him.
It clicks, finally, like getting hit in the face with the blunt end of a shovel. Morro is, without a doubt, terrified of the idea of losing Lloyd. Oh no. Oh, this is awful. Because if Morro’s scared of losing Lloyd, that must mean—
“Aw, you do care,” Lloyd croaks, his voice watery.
Morro, soaking wet and holding the one person he’s wanted to see dead most like an over-sized teddy bear in need of love, wants to die.
“You tricked me.”
Morro shakes his head, pulling the edge of his blanket up around his shoulders, shifting on the uncomfortable sidewalk that lines the parking lot. They’re both bundled up in emergency blankets they swiped from the truck, shivering in their wet clothes even as the sun climbs higher in the sky above them.  
“You tricked me,” Morro repeats. “You tricked me into tolerating you long enough that I somehow got duped into liking you as a person. You irritated your way into my life.”
Lloyd breathes a laugh, before wincing and pressing his hand to his forehead again. “You should talk to Kai, I did the same thing to him.”
“You dragged him on a road trip from hell, too?” Morro wonders if he’s been too hard on Kai.
“Not exactly,” Lloyd says. “I did get him stuck in a volcano though.”
“Typical,” Morro mutters. “I don’t even have trouble believing that. You’re a menace."
“Aw, c’mon,” Lloyd grins. “Didn’t I hear you saying that you liked me as person?”
Morro bristles. “No,” he says, firmly. “That’s your concussion talking.”
Lloyd rolls his eyes. “I don’t have concuss— ow, Morro, stop!”
“Huh. Your head isn’t gushing blood, so that’s good,” Morro remarks, pulling his hand away from the back of Lloyd’s head. “That’s still gonna be a bump, though.”
“My hair hides it though, right?” Lloyd’s expression is slightly panicked. “You can’t see it, right?”
“The bump? No.” Morro gestures to Lloyd’s face. “The black eye? Yes.”
“Oh, no.” Lloyd buries his face in his hands. “That’s it, then. I’m toast.”
“Oh, you’re toast,” Morro scoffs. “Kai’s gonna wring my neck.”
Lloyd lifts his face from his hands, shaking his head. “No. I’ll tell him you saved me. That’ll buy you points.”
“Kai’s gonna love that,” Morro snorts.
“Yeah, well.” Lloyd sighs, pulling his blanket around his shoulders. “What’cha gonna do.”
Morro scoffs, pulling his own blanket tighter over his shoulders. The ocean breezes are still a bit chilly with their damp clothes, but the wind is as peaceful as it was earlier, lulling them both into a sleepy kind of haziness. Morro feels disgustingly at peace with the world again, soaking wet and sitting on a sidewalk in the middle of a half-destroyed beach with Lloyd, but he can’t muster up the energy to make himself feel otherwise. Being at peace for five minutes won’t hurt, he reasons.
“By the way, remind me to check the truck before we return it,” Lloyd suddenly says, yawning. “I think I left Kai’s apology present in there.”
Morro frowns. “His what now?”
“Apology present,” Lloyd sighs, scrubbing at his eye. “For putting him through hell.”
“Him?” Morro gapes at Lloyd. “What about me? Where’s my apology gift for getting dragged through hell?”
“Your apology gift is me not hating your guts,” Lloyd huffs, pulling his blanket fully over his hair, like an incredibly ugly veil. “And like, forgiveness and stuff.”
Morro opens his mouth, then abruptly snaps it shut as Lloyd’s words register. He stares at him, feeling a bit dizzy all of the sudden.
“You — what — forgive—?”
“You heard me,” Lloyd yawns again. He perks up, blinking. “Oh, hey, speak of the devil. There they are.”
Morro just catches the familiar hum of Bounty’s engine before the anchor crashes into the parking lot before them, splintering long cracks in the concrete. Lloyd and Morro stare up at the figures on the deck. Morro swallows.
“You’ve, uh, you’ve written up your will, right?” Lloyd gulps.
Morro shakes his head, wordlessly.
Lloyd gives a nervous laugh. “Okay, good. I haven’t either.” He watches in trepidation as a red figure begins sliding down the anchor chain toward them. “Maybe should’ve done that sooner,” he whispers to himself.
Kai doesn’t murder them, but it’s a near thing. In the end, Nya comes nearer to committing homicide, followed closely by Cole.
“Why mine?” he wails, shaking Lloyd by the edges of his blanket the minute Kai hauls them both onto the Bounty. “Why couldn’t you have snatched Jay’s credit card? He’d at least deserve it!”
“I’m sorry,” Lloyd wails back. “I learned my lesson, I promise, I’ll never do it again—”
“For crying out loud,” Nya mutters, watching them both before turning narrowed eyes on Morro. “Well, I was going to murder you, but somehow Lloyd’s still alive.”
Morro’s too tired to even fight back. “He’s like a barnacle,” he says, hazily. “Like — like those parasite things. You let them get to close and you’re stuck for life, those things, you know?”
Nya presses her lips together tightly, but her eyes sparkle in amusement.
“He got you too, huh?” Jay remarks, studying one of the grenade launchers he fished out of the water. “Join the club. Ooh, nice, this has got some real firepower…”
Morro buries his face in his hands. “Just put me out of my misery.”
“Happily,” Kai snaps, his eyes slightly manic from what’s either sleep deprivation or extreme stress. Zane catches him gently, tugging him away from Morro.
“Welcome to the team, I suppose,” Zane tells him, with an easy smile.
Morro groans. He wants to—
Well. He doesn’t exactly want to die. It’s close, but he doesn’t. Not really.
It’s an odd feeling, whatever leaves him off-kilter as he steps below the deck with Lloyd. Maybe that’s just his own sleep deprivation, but still. He snags Lloyd by the elbow before he disappears into his room, and Lloyd pauses, staring curiously at him.
“What you said,” Morro begins, hesitantly. “In the parking lot, about— forgi—that thing.”
Lloyd’s eyes dart to the floor, but he sets his jaw. “That thing. I, uh, yeah. No take backs, right?”
Morro blinks wildly, his tired brain barely able to digest that. “You know you could’ve gotten rid of me out there,” he tries, desperately reaching for sense. “You missed your chance.”
Lloyd meets his eyes again, shaking his head. “Oh, Morro,” he sighs. “Don’t you know the best way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend?”
Morro stares at him. Lloyd gives him a sharp-teethed grin. “Besides,” he continues. “What’s the point in holding a grudge, when getting you to care about me is much better revenge?”
Morro stiffens. “I don’t care about you,” he protests.
“Nuh-uh, too late now,” Lloyd’s grin widens. “Before you know it, you’ll be calling me cousin. Eating dinner with us. Calling Kai buddy.”
“I would never,” Morro hisses.
Lloyd’s grin is positively sinister. “Oh, you will,” he says. “Because you care now.”
Morro is horrified, truly horrified, to find that saying no to Lloyd’s claim would be a lie. “You’re a monster,” he whispers.
Lloyd smiles brightly. “I’ll see you in practice tomorrow!” he calls cheerfully, before slamming the door in his face.
Morro stares after him blankly, the ugly Oceanworld blanket still hanging limply from his shoulders.
“I hate him,” he finally tells the door, wearily.
Oh, curse everything. Morro can’t even convince himself the door believes him.
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browncoatparadox · 4 years
That’s the Highway That’s the Best
The Murderbot discord talked about a modern road trip AU for MB & ART and I ended up writing 1.7k when I was supposed to be doing homework. Title from “Route 66″ because why not.
I’m travelling across the desert in my van and I am completely and utterly bored. The radio cut out a couple miles back, and I’ve listened to every CD in here with Iris about a thousand times. I would look over some of the data I’ve collected, but I need to keep my eyes on the road even though there’s no one else around. The only thing that adds any variety is the occasional interesting rock formation, which doesn’t really catch my attention. I’m not a geologist, and even if I was stopping to study these would only make this trip take even longer. I sigh as I adjust my mirrors for something, anything to do, and see another figure by the road. This one’s closer, almost on the pavement itself. I idly wonder how long it’s been there. Was the road built next to it, or was it deposited later? It takes me an embarrassingly long time (about five seconds) for me to realize that the rock is moving. Specifically, it’s holding out a thumb and waving with its other arm. A hitchhiker, out in the middle of the desert, absolutely covered in dust, wearing a battered backpack and an irritated expression.
I pull up. This person doesn’t look like much of a threat, and even if they are I can take care of myself. That’s why my parents let me do the four-day drive back to the University on my own. Well, that and the fact that they were busy with some of their… “extracurricular” activities. I roll down the window, taking in the figure before me.
“I need to get to RaviHyral,” the person says, and- holy shit. Upon closer inspection they’re tiny. I know I’m big, but this kid looks like they weigh less than a helium balloon. They’ve clearly been out here for a while, drenched in sweat and sand. There’s a bandage wrapped around their leg, and their long hair drapes over their eyes. In short, they look like someone’s who’s had a rough time lately. They look me over skeptically, glancing each way as if they’re checking for someone else. I’d know better than anyone that, at least in the direction I’m coming from, I’m all they’ve got if they want to get out of the sun.
“Hop in,” I say, unlocking the passenger door. The kid slinks in, hugging their backpack close as they buckle their seatbelt. I reach into the back and rummage for a water bottle. When I turn my focus back, the kid’s hunched against the door. They shake their head when I offer them the bottle, pulling a canteen out of their bag. I shrug and turn the engine back on, sighing as I feel the air conditioning kick in. The kid exhales a bit as well (and I should probably call them something else, but there’s no way they’re older than me and it’s not like I know anything about them). The van starts moving back down the road, and I look over at my passenger.
The kid puts on headphones and starts listening to… something. If I really focus, I can make out music, something melodramatic, and people talking over it. I’m concentrating so hard on trying to make out the words that I don’t realize I’m leaning towards the kid until the kid shoves me. The kid glares. I glare back. The kid shrinks into the seat. Fuck. I didn’t mean to do that.
“What are you listening to?” There, hopefully that will clarify my curiosity. And make it so that I’m not just sitting in silence again, but this time with a mystery right next to me.
The kid says, “Episode 373 of The Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon. The colony supervisor…”  The kid’s voice trails off. “It’s kind of complicated. If you want to listen, I could put on a new show? Then we could start from the beginning?”
I nod enthusiastically, rummaging through the compartment in front of me for an aux cord. If the kid doesn’t want to talk, then at least I’ll have something new to listen to. I hand it to the kid, who plugs it into their battered iPod and presses play for something labelled as Worldhoppers. A bombastic horn flourish plays out, and I notice the kid start to relax as the characters begin to talk. It quickly becomes less of a concern to me, though, because apparently the kid has fantastic taste in media. The kid smiles a little when I look at them after the credits roll. “Next episode?”
We listen to four episodes of Worldhoppers in between where I picked up the kid and the nearest gas station. I pull over, enjoying the chance to stretch my legs. The kid sits on the hood of the car, legs kicking, as I go to refill the tank. “So, what are you doing in fuck-knows-where, ART?”
“Art?” I ask. I have no idea where that could have possibly come from.
The kid shrugs. “Short for Asshole Road Tripper. You didn’t give me your name.”
I wince a bit. In my defense, I’m not used to introducing myself to people. Most of the people I hang out with have known me since I was adopted, and those that don’t have talked to Iris first. Anyways, it’s not like they’ve given me their name either. “ART works. Just don’t talk about me with binary pronouns- it/its preferably, but if you’re uncomfortable with that they/them is fine.”
The kid startles a little bit, opens their mouth like they’re going to ask a question, and then shuts it again. I’m hoping that means that they aren’t going to start anything with me over my gender. Good. I’d hate to kick out the kid in the middle of the desert, even if they didn’t have what was quickly turning into my favorite show. I give the kid five dollars to get something to eat while I wait by the van. If they want to ditch me, they can. Even with the shelter of the gas station, they’re miles from RaviHyral and night’s coming. I doubt the kid’s going to want to be out when it starts to get cold, especially with the shorts that they’ve been wearing.
The kid comes back. I pretend not to notice them pocketing the change. They scramble into their seat as I close the fuel tank. By the time I settle into place, the intro to Worldhoppers is already playing. I turn the ignition, patting the wheel as my van rumbles to life, and head back onto the road.
The sun sets. I roll down my window and look out at the sky, even though the air has become frigid. I love the stars out here. They’re the best thing about the desert, so close that I can almost touch them. The kid looks out too, eyes widening as they take in the Milky Way splayed above us. It almost feels like flying through space, like my van is a starship travelling between worlds instead of a beat-up camper travelling to a nowhere mining town.
We ran out of episodes an hour ago. The kid had put the finale episode back on after we finished it (which I, for one, greatly appreciated, considering the sheer amount of chaos in that episode), but now we’re just sitting together in silence.
“How’d you end up out here?” I’ve been thinking about this in between Worldhoppers episodes, and while I have a hypothesis of my own I want to know what the kid’s going to say.  
They hesitate for a moment. “The last car I was in broke down. I ended up going ahead while the driver waited for a tow truck.”
I look at the kid. “I meant before that.”
They grimace. I think about the news alert that was on the radio right before the signal began to deteriorate, about a group of scientists who had found traces of radioactive waste during their biological survey, and a local teen who had helped them find evidence linking the materials to the GreyCris Mining Corporation. About how said local teen had disappeared after being checked out from the hospital, having been shot by GreyCris’s guards.  
The kid sighs, and explains the story. It lines up with what I know. I notice that they don’t mention the injury on their leg, but decide not to push it now. I’ve got a full medical kit in the back that I can use to fix it up when we stop for the night. 
I’m really not liking the situation. I didn’t like it earlier, when I just thought they might be a kid travelling alone through the desert. I ignore the part of me that points out that I’m technically also a kid travelling alone through the desert. My family knows, if not specifically where I am, my general itinerary, and they know that I can look out for myself. Plus, I’ve got a van. This kid has no one, and it sounds like they may be in the kind of trouble that my family can help with. If they need a new identity, a place where they can hide from GreyCris, I can help with that.
I don’t want to press them, but I’m this close to passing by RaviHyral and taking them back to the University with me.
“What do you need to do in RaviHyral?” I ask. I’m not planning on leaving them there alone. If they’re just headed to the nearest town, I can take them somewhere safer.
The kid looks at me, really looks, their eyes taking in everything about me and tallying it all up in their head. They make some sort of mental calculation, nod to themselves, and take a shaky breath.
“I need to find one of my old foster homes,” they say quietly. “I need to figure out what happened to me there.”
My brain runs through all of the possible meanings of that statement. This kid isn’t trying to hide their identity. They’re trying to find it.
Fuck it. My family won’t be too upset if I show up a few days late.
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mitsdriveswhere · 2 years
Traveling with Anxiety
Exactly one person said this would be cool but I happen to like that person so here we go: Traveling With Anxiety Sucks But It's Not Impossible.
1: Don't leave in the morning. I tried that once, and spent the rest of the day unable to leave my house in my bed. Your anxiety knows how to keep you from going outside and it will. Leave after you're already outside for something else, like a doctor's visit, hanging with a friend, etc. I always leave for trips after work. That leaves me 2-3 hours of travel time on the first day, which isn't great, but at least I get to leave at all.
2: Fuel up at half tank. Some states are fucking UNPOPULATED and there aren't a lot of gas stations (Looking at you Wyoming). You don't need to be looking at your gas tank every 10 minutes because you're at 1/4 tank and you don't know when you'll see civilization again. You can also check your map to see how far away the next city is!
3: Make your first overnight in a city where you know someone. First time I traveled I stopped for the night in a city one of my siblings live in. I slept in my car as planned, but I had her a phone call away if something went wrong. Back-ups are important, shit happens.
4: Vibes can be fucked. Sometimes you need to relocate for the night because the city you stopped in isn't the safest. But, you don't want your anxiety doing that every time. My recommendation would be to find a place that most cities have and stick to them. I stop at Love's, Walmarts, and hotels. They're high traffic, but they also have plenty of people also sleeping there for the night too.
5. Masks. Covid sucks, but now that masks are socially acceptable to wear everywhere, use them. Being decked out with a mask, baseball cap, and headphones is equivalent to a bullet proof vest. You can engage with others exactly as much as you want to.
6. When you stop for dinner, stop for the night. This gives you time to eat, make your safe call (essential!), check what you need to, relax. I usually take this time to sit myself in a booth with some dinner, write some reviews for where I'd been that day (reviews are my hobby), and organize my receipts and pamphlets for my travel scrapbook. In my experience servers don't bother you so much when you're alone, so it'll be some quiet time. You can also eat in your car!
7. Do not drive at night, and do not drive in low visibility weather. Have I done both these things? Yes, obviously, I am not known for my good decisions, but there's nothing like no ability to see what might be running into the road in front of you to give you a good case of the shakes. You should only be driving if you ABSOLUTELY have to, like if you're trying to get off an unmarked impassable road in the middle of nowhere. IDK. Could happen to anYOnE.
8. The 3 pats. You're probably used to using this one at home - phone, wallet, keys. You need to do that every time you get in or out of the car. I have left my phone in 3 cities across 2 states, one of which I did not notice for 45 minutes. Do not start your car unless you have all three. Put a fucking sticky note on your windshield if you have to.
9. Not everything has to be new. You can go to a city you've never been to and just watch a movie, or go to a McDonalds. Not everything has to be outside your comfort zone.
So yeah, have fun out there kiddies. Please don't be stupid, that's my thing.
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