#my heat can’t take it
artemisjpotter · 8 months
Hoyo please do you know what you’re doing to my shipper’s heart? 😭 ❤️
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hydriad81194 · 7 months
Lmao sorry pissa and death family nation for being somewhat inactive, take these headcanons that probably don’t align with canon as compensation
Not a single person in the Death Family is warm to touch and can often be cold before bed, their houses and nests are always somehow really warm and blanket full
Missa and Phil built a small shelf in the kitchen in the house at old spawn, Missa and Chayanne have filled it with cookbooks
Tallulah knows how to make perfume and because Missa has been away for a while, Tallulah has been making perfumes for him for when he gets back
Adding onto the last one, there have been lots of ‘failed attempts’, ie Tallulah was being nit picky with the scents and trying to figure out exactly what he likes
Missa will like anything and everything given to him, so long as it’s made with love
Phil, on the other hand, will like everything and anything given to him even if it’s given with hate, because he assumes the other has a connection to it (assumes they might just like things like he does)
When Missa first left on the old spawn Phil used to make small dinners for him that wouldn’t go bad for a while just in case Missa came back when he came back
Overtime, they would get more complex and put in the fridge with a note left for him
Every single meal, regardless of what it is, will have toast cut in the shape of Phil’s had with avocado making the green stripes, and another toast cut like a skull with blueberries for the details
Chayanne used to stress bake when his parents were gone, and that improved his skills in cooking really quickly
Tallulah walks extremely quietly, Chayanne picked this up and it scares Phil every time
Despite his parents vibes and all that, Chayanne refuses to wear black sweaters specifically, shirts are on thin ice and black k shorts or pants are a coin flip, this is because he doesn’t like flour showing on them when he doesn’t want to use an apron
Tallulah used to pick at her nails when nervous, but started picking at flowers instead and now her nails hurt if she scratches you
It doesn’t matter who you are, if you become apart of the Death Family, the first thing you’re taught is how to paint your nails
When Phil doesn’t have a bookmark with him and when his wings had healed enough, he would pluck a feather out and use it as a bookmark
Either Phil or Missa doggy ears pages in a book and genuinely can’t tell who, I just think one of them does even if they have a bookmark available
There are a shit ton of keychains on Phil’s bag, you give him one, it could be of anything (besides anything fed related), it’s going on that bag
Phil sometimes wishes he could proper speak bird, I guess, this is only so he could also flirt with and compliment Missa in another language like he does
Chayanne has crocs
When Tallulah cut her hair, she asked for a photo of Missa and mimicked his hairstyle
Whenever Missa is awake/goes to sleep with Phil, the eggs silently rejoice because those two hug each other extremely closely when they sleep
Despite Missa being gone for the longest time, when Phil didn’t come back on Mexican Independence Day, he developed a fear of him leaving him, like physically being far away when he didn’t know where he is and if he was okay, he understands now what Phil feels when he’s gone
Missa, because he’s the tallest between a bird man and children, will pick them up and spin them, even if only for a bit lmao he’s not strong
Adding onto that one, whenever Phil is too excited or stress or just overwhelmed with any emotions, Missa spins him around to help and it works for some reason
Phil started to spin himself in circles when overwhelmed and when Missa was gone
After the birdhouse and when Phil was physically alone, he used to sit by a crafting table with rocks and ores and make little figures of Chayanne, Tallulah and Missa, they weren’t the best and didn’t the proportions weren’t amazing, but he spent weeks on each one and added little faces with a marker
He left the Chayanne and Tallulah statues on their respective beds, with Missa beside the flower pot, hoping they would be replaced with the real people when he woke up
They never were, but Phil put them in the window upstairs once the eggs were back
When the eggs first went missing, Phil took out some cookbooks, and every single meal that looked frequently used/visited was made, and always left out for Missa
If they weren’t eaten, Phil would eat half of it for his dinner the next day, the other half in a fridge
He actually made Missa a fridge to put all these meal in and painted it to suit his vibes
The trash cans used to always filled with sticky notes because everyday, Phil would write ‘Dinner for you’ with a silly little doodle on it for Missa if he returned while sleeping
Tallulah writes in cursive
When Missa was gone, Phil used to write his name like Misƨa (second s is backwards) and make the tops each s look like half a heart, so it made a heart in his name
Missa picked up on this and always wrote Philza instead of Phil so he could put a heart with the z and a
Im bad at explaining so this is what I mean by their names:
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b1nkee · 1 month
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Can’t take the heat 🔥
Redraws/study of that one look @/isabellrrose did w my favorite girls on mystreet <33
Aph and nana were also going to be done but I lost motivation raaahhh
Here’s what I had before I dropped the other two drawings and the original images >3<
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boringsideeffect · 4 months
Pynch is all well and good but man. Ronsey. I’m in my hardcore Ronsey era and I am THRIVING
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softboiled-egg · 8 months
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They’re a bit worried
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hooned · 8 months
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i can’t believe i took these photos oh my god i luckily had a great view of the entire concert and wow, again, had thee absolute time of my life. ❤️‍🩹 enhypen, you will always be loved by me.
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fanby-fckry · 2 months
Ya know, record-breaking-ly hot summer in a house with no centralized AC and a very poorly ventilated kitchen was not the best time/place for me to learn that my abdominal migraines can be triggered by extreme heat, but how else was I gonna find out, I guess?
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floral-hex · 2 months
so tired of feeling sick all of the time. I’m in the middle of moving, this time to an upstairs apartment, and just carrying one box up the stairs kills me 😰
#and it’s soooo hot out#moving boxes in 90° heat sucks butts#I seriously feel like I’m going to puke and pass out from just minimal labor#saaaaad#I hate this dang body#I mean.. I blame myself for getting this week. but still.. damn I couldn’t have done a few push ups this year?#all the meds and stuff prob/def?/maybe don’t help#I overheat too easily#I’m actually so glad I didn’t unpack most of my stuff after last year’s move#and I’m staying in the same apartment complex. just a slightly nicer apt. slightly.#but this current one is just… kinda shitty. things break and never get fixed. loud neighbors. etc#new apt is in a smaller newer building. same number of rooms. just… not as broken.#met the new neighbor. he’s younger than me w/ a fiancé and he’s super nice. lots of tattoos. cool cool.#been going through and throwing away and donating a lot of stuff#like… really neat stuff that I just can’t keep anymore or clothes that don’t fit#bummer but I hope someone hits up goodwill and is like ‘oh sweet. a Morrissey shirt.’#that would make me feel good#I offered my younger brother some cool band shirts like AFI and stuff but he was like ‘I don’t know who that is’#RUDE!#I just don’t see myself fitting into a large shirt anytime soon. maybe in a year but not anytime soon enough.#anyway… oh yeah! I feel like shit all the time#just bad body disorder#im workin on it! jeez!#anyway… I just take my handful of pills and hope for the best 🫤#ok gotta go I love you#you can ignore this#text
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dilfsisko · 9 months
We were recently forced to get a new hot water heater except the way the plumbers have it set it runs out of hot water faster and takes longer to heat up than our old one.
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rottencoreflesh101 · 1 year
Ah! you finally arrived to your apartment complex. It was a pretty decent place, very calm and quiet. You were the youngest resident of the apartments, everyone else was an elder person which lucky for you, they were all very kind ppl, a very nice community that helped each other out, like a big family.
You’ve been living here for a couple of months now, hmm around 3 to 4 perhaps? you cant really remember with all the tasks you have as the only person in your home. Anyways… you’ve noticed a few weeks ago… the new resident who moved in… he was pretty handsome.
He was a young fella’ had a balache hair from black to different tones of green at the tips, his skin was a greyish pale with a few black spots that looked like birthmarks that decorated his body, his body type… skinny but fairly muscular.. hm… he was very eye catching to say the least, he was… unique.
Focus Y/N! You pat your cheeks snapping back to reality. You hop off your car heading to the trunk to grab some groceries you’ve made… gosh y/n good luck carrying all that to the second floor of your apartment.
“Do you need some help?…”
You flinch as you quickly turn around to face the source of the voice, gosh it was him! You stare at him from head to toe to fully picture him, he was wearing a tank top which was cropped right below his pecs which showed off his skinny athletic body, he had bandages all around his arms and a few patches on his face. You didn’t wanted to seem rude and ask about said injury signs so you bit your tongue to hold it back.
The yellow eyed man stares down at you with a scoff as he realized you were looking at his body. “Tch, if you don’t like what you see then look away. I was just trying to be nice.” He seemed annoyed as he turned around to walk towards the apartment you both share residence from but you quickly hold his wrist, this made him flinch and cringe in pain as he pulled his arm back. Ah right! The bandages!
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean-“
“Save it.” He spit with venom but his face suddenly went back to his resting bitch face and let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it to sound that way, it’s just… it really hurt hehe…” he chuckled trying to light up the mood as he scratched the back of his head.
“Its alright… I would really love some help, I don’t think I can carry all this to my apartment..”
“Alright.” He let out as he takes the bags you were carrying snd the ones left on your car leaving you with just your purse/bag to carry. You were pretty surprised a fragile looking man like him could carry so much…
As you guide him to your apartment’s door he breaks the awkward silence between you too. “Erm.. uh- my name’s Shabana Gyutaro by the way, I moved here a few weeks ago, I think you might’ve already noticed… socializing isn’t really my thing. Sorry if I came up as a creep”
“Not at all! My name’s L/N Y/N! Im so pleased to meet you Mr. Shabana” you said as you open the door of your apartment stepping inside. You look back at the entrance waving Gyutaro to enter, what a nice boy… You quickly guide him to your kitchen so he can out them down. “Thank you so much Mr. Shabana… you really saved me from the struggle hah!”
Gyutaro looked around your place inspecting every inch of it “Oh- Uh yeah- alright, no problem…” he seemed distracted until you meet his yellow amber eyes… “Miss L/N, do you live alone?” This question sounds innocent coming from him but you cant help to feel a shiver down your spine, your gut heavied and your brain panicked with over thoughts.
Your silence made his smile widen, creepily in fact, you noticed his canines, if you can even call them that, his full set of teeth were sharp. He took noticed of this and quickly dropped it “Oh sorry, I had surgery to have a set of shark teeth… uh edgy ikr? I know my appearance can seem quite… off putting?…”
“I-Its alright, I find you quite handsome..” you let out a bit nervous, ya felt like a rabbit in front of a big wolf, salivating over you as you do your best to play your cards right.
Those words made him froze in place then a smug creeped up on his face and he looked down at you with sinister half lidded eyes… like a predator toying with his prey…
Gyutaro approached closer to you, you stepped back realizing you are now bumping against the wall of your kicthen. He gets close enough for him to leans down to your level with the support of the kitchen’s counter and the wall, he had you cornered.
Gyutaro’s smile was enough to spook you… you could feel his breathing hitting your skin, you could even feel his eyes staring you like a piece of steak.
“What’s that neighbor?… you like me?…”
His face lighted up with a sinister joy, he haves you, you’re fucked.
“That’s adorable… pretty thing…”
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galaxywarp · 1 year
I am really…really depressed right now. Can someone say something comforting to me…?
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thesixthstar · 3 months
This heat wave is really reminding me that I am From Here for real. Like when it’s 96 I’m staying inside but last week I went and took an hour round trip walk to Starbucks and was like 😊 what nice weather for a good walk and a cold drink and then I’ve spent several days sitting out in the back yard in the late afternoon after work, instead of the air conditioned house.
I feel very solid in my stance of enjoying weather that’s Too Hot and being very averse to Too Cold
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shy-little-lesbian · 3 months
They were right… Ovulating while single is not for the weak
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
wukong for the blorbo bingo?
Wukong? Idk…..I don’t think about him that much—
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mymelodyisme · 4 months
My sister’s graduation day 😤 let’s go 👏🏽
#gosh it’s gonna be a long day and I’m running on two hours of sleep again#i only get the chance to work at night because I don’t have ✨privacy✨#and I’ve been going to bed late and waking up even more tired than usual and my mom’s been scolding me for it#and now I’ve had to tell her what I’m doing and I feel like I just gave another piece of me away again#everything I am everything I do has to be for other people#im so tired when will I give my last piece away 🥹#this was to make ME proud of ME I was doing it for myself and now I feel like it’s for her#and then she’s going to tell my dad and now it’s for him too#also I can’t even cry about it because she HAS to know why I’m upset#she keeps glancing up at me and talking to me in bits#all I have left is my emotions 🥹#anyhow sorry to start the day off so gloomy and depressing I have literally nothing to be sad about I’m very privileged#sorry you guys see me being a baby constantly 🥺 I really do have a good life and shouldn’t be complaining#here’s to a better day for us all#melifails#now i feel like a jerk subjecting you all to this😭 sorry sorry let’s move on#im gonna be a busy bee hopefully I can squeeze in a time for a nap#😭 I don’t waaaaaannnnnaaa sit for hours in the California heat MAYBE with the sun hitting us in the face#our football field is NOT kind in this way#hopefully my sister gets the shady side but even then the sun will hit us in the face eventually just not as long#im !!! excited!!!! I bought ice cream for today 👏🏽 I originally bought choco chip and minto moose tracks?? my sister loves mint flavor#so I bought mint Oreos too so she can eat them with her ice cream 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽#i assume we’re getting take out of some sort so that; ice cream; and uuuuuuu I don’t remember anything else I bought; my best friend did#bring us snacks yesterday!!! pretzels and cookies!!! so that!!!#okay brain no work no more I gotta get dressed love you muah muah muah
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