#my kingdom for a decent writer
rahleeyah · 7 months
We all love a bottle episode and there's been a lot of talk around part 33 recently but it occured to me this morning that we rarely ever talk about something happened. Which is understandable bc the writing/direction is ham-handed, forced, try hard in parts (Olivia staring broodily out the window while lightning flashes across her face? Like really?), a case of ideas out pacing skill level, but the bones of the story are deeply compelling to me.
The idea is too nuanced, too heavy, for the show to do well, but. Olivia struggling with the longing to know her father even as she recoils from the very idea of him and what he's done. The question of why he "chose" Simon over her isn't her asking a logical, genuine question; it's the emotional response of an abandoned child.
What's interesting about it to me isn't that she feels this way, it's that the show allowed us the chance to see that vulnerability. The complicated relationship she has with the Concept of her father - the idealized father in her head, the man Simon said was a good dad, vs the monster who brutalized her mother - is a layer to her character that works, that makes sense in context with everything else, and it ties in with the 500th in that both events reinforce Olivia's humanity by showing that she isn't a vending machine for truisms incapable of being contradictory or confused, that she can devote herself to helping others and easily see what must be done to save them or improve their circumstances but she's blinkered when it comes to her own life, which is one of the most profoundly realistic traits they've given her. That is what humans do; it is always easier for us to offer guidance to others than to take that guidance ourselves.
In this episode her emotions are allowed to push and pull and tug at her, she's allowed to bounce from capable captain to wounded child, from anger to resentment to sorrow, and that is what interests me, the whole of her; she lives with a hurricane inside her chest and so rarely lets anyone catch a glimpse of it. But all those roiling emotions, all that regret and doubt and fear and rage, all that tenderness and longing, all that compassion and loneliness, all of it is part of her and influences her decisions and relationships and this episode peels back the curtain, for a moment, and for that it will always be high on my personal list, although as I said up top the execution makes it...not that great.
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janiedean · 2 months
believe me I understand working for call centers is hell on earth and I don't wish it on anyone but good grief after the 1000th time you call me for the gas/electric bill at *my parents' house* where I don't even live anymore after I told you nicely ten times that it's not my damned contract you can't ask me to not lose my shit
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the-06 · 2 years
Man, Warner Bros. can’t even give Kenshi the spotlight without shoehorning in fucking Kano and Sub-Zero.
Jesus Christ.
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cryptidcorners · 7 months
Hello again! I have yet another request to ask of my favorite Mike writer, if you are in want of something to make. How about Abby’s babysitter girl and her are playing/reenacting Abby’s favorite fairy tale, then Mike steps in just in time and Abby demands he come over to play Prince Charming. Humiliating Mike, amusing the babysitter, and then also stirring up romantic feelings all the while. Thanks so much!
Crown - Mike Schmidt x F!Reader
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Description: Mike is dragged into another one of Abby's plays, being forced to play Prince Charming with you as some warrior princess as the pairing. As Abby's creative tale unfolds, she's completely oblivious to your romantic tension with her older brother.
# requested by @/scribblesandsherlock
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Media: FNaF!Movie
Character: Mike Schmidt (+ Abby)
Tags: Babysitter!Reader, Flusteted Mike, Domestic, Fluff, Playing With Abby, Fantasy Themed, Romantic Tension, Slice of Life, Friends to ? ? ?, Some Flirting, Cute Stuff, Feminine Terms used !
No Warnings.
read my TOS + Mike Schmidt Masterlist
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"And then—" Abby was holding a cardboard tube colored messily over your head, blessing you with the imaginary title of "Warrior queen of the Rabbit Kingdom." which held a decent ring to it. Trying hard to desperately not break out of character, you giggled and replied as seriously as you could: "Thank you for bestowing this honor on me, Queen Schmidt."
Abby giggled and cleared her throat, shaking in excitement. "Now, I give you the honor of my son. Prince—uhm, Schmidt." She shrugged at you with a smile, then shifted back into her Queen Schmidt personality. "So you can get married and live happily ever after," her eyes wandered around for a toy suitable to fit the role. You gazed around too, "Oh, no. Is your son, perhaps, missing?"
"I hope not." Abby said, "You'll see him." she scavenged around and you sat comfortably. Until you saw Mike walk into the room, fixing the color of his sweater, unknowing of the world he was about to accidentally walk into, "Hey Abs, have you seen my—" Mike halted. "What is happening?"
"Hey, you can be the prince." Abby said, "I think my crown can fix you."
Mike raised his hands defensively, "Oh, no. I'm not good at playing royalty." he shook his head. "Besides, I need to go shopping."
"When will you be back?" You asked in your normal tone of voice.
"Three," he said. "Three-ish?"
"Mike, please." Abby begs, tugging her sluggish older brother by his sleeve as he stumbles hunched toward to level with her. Mike huffs, "Do I really need to be a prince? Why not a knight, or something cool?" he humors lightly. His eyes wash up at you, and he can't resist giggling at your costume made from scratch. It was impressive what Abby could make with her scrapes of material and tape. "No, she's the the knight." Abby pointed. Amused, you respond, "and a princess."
"And a princess." Abby adds, "And a witch!"
"Oh. So, I don't get any powers?" Mike says dryly, though there's a scrape of playfulness wrapped behind his blunt demeanour. He sat up and shut his eyes promptly for Abby to delicately place a cardboard mock crown on Mike's head. Abby smiled, before replying honestly, "That's because you're lame. Maybe next time you can be a princess, witch and knight."
"Goodie." Mike was obviously trying to drag a laugh out of you with his dramatic tone. You could see his eyes twinkled when it worked. There was a circle of stuffed animals and dolls, all clad in an organic costume made from Abby's workshop of a room.
"Okay, now we have a prince." She discarded the toy in her hand. "Now, you two can get married. And rule The Rabbit Kingdom."
"Married?" Mike knew it was pretend but his face flushed. "I didn't know that,"
"I am a princess, and you're the prince." You explained, almost toying with him. Mike chuckled, covering his face in light embarrassment.
"Yeah, Mike. Catch up." She cleared her throat. Mike was enjoying it much more than he thought he would. Maybe it was the idea of marrying you that sounded appealing, but that was ridiculous. He didn't love you. Did he?
Abby grabbed a floppy cat with buttoned eyes and calico patterns, making a deep voice. "I am the priest, and I say, that—we are gathered here today to see a prince and a princess get married. And, well . . ." She trailed off. "I don't know what a priest says, so. You're married!" She dropped the toy and tube together. Raising her hands out dramatically with a fun smile. "You can kiss now. Like couples do," she snickered.
You and Mike got close, giggling and awkwardly talking over each other as you tried to find a loophole. Mike swore his face was as hot as a furnace, and your stomach was twisted with butterflies caught in a trap. Abby broke the strange mental tango between you two, "You can hug if you want."
"Oh, right." You gazed at Abby, then back at Mike.
"Yeah, we can do that." He said. And so you did. Falling into a tight embrace for a couple seconds. Mike wanted to be longer, but he had errands. Plus, he doubt you'd stay long enough. Abby giggled, "You guys are husband and wife, now! Awesome." she looked around, eyes plotting something. She ran towards her room,"One second, I need to get something! Don't leave, Mike."
Yet, as soon as she disappeared. Mike stood up with a grunt, sighing. With a gentle smile, you gazed up at him. "Going so soon? We just got married."
"Very funny." Mike's cheeks flared as he removed the crown delicately and ran his fingers through his curls. He sighed and grabbed his wallet that was sitting longingly on the tabletop. "Tell her I got kidnapped by some monster or something, I'll think of a way to sneak in."
"Well, you got the right girl." You walked up to him, grabbing the door. "I am a warrior too."
"You're very in character." Mike hummed. "Is this going to be referenced often? Is it gonna be a thing?"
"Maybe, maybe not." You chuckled.
Once Mike had left his house. He felt an intense whirlwind of emotions. Romantic emotions. Loving feelings and sick stomach aches. Mike knew he wasn't a real prince, nor were you the ruler of some Bunny Palace but part of him was thinking of a life like that. Not with royalty or talking animals, but just you two. Married. The thought wasn't too strong, yet. But it kept him smiling when he was shopping. All the way through.
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dani-luminae · 5 months
What do you think of Queen Amaya?
I love her. I'm really glad that they didn't make her evil.
Right from the beginning where it's clear that she holds the original, true values of Rosas at heart (as Asha does), you know there's gonna be some conflict with King Magnifico because he's going to turn out so badly. But! I also don't doubt that the two of them love each other deeply. Her influence has kept him away from the evil magic book for this long, and she clearly fears what it could do to him.
She's a very perceptive person. When Magnifico goes downhill fast, she sees it, and turns to the only people who might help - outcasts with a price on their head, as it is - because she knows he's a threat to Rosas. She loves him, but she also decides at this point that she has a greater loyalty to their kingdom and what it was always meant to be. The writers pack a decent amount of complexity into her despite being a side-character.
My heart broke when Magnifico hit her with magic, because it's that point when you know he's really not coming back from this.
I'm glad that by the end, Amaya is clearly prepared and happy to take on the role of leading the kingdom herself - without sorcery and wish-taking. I think that her role in the movie is far better than any sort of "villain" plot they could have written for her.
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oneatlatime · 7 months
Atla season two predictions
We're halfway through season 2! I did a post on my thoughts on the show and its characters when I reached the halfway point of season one. My thoughts are mostly the same, and there's only one new character of note (all hail Toph!), so I thought this time I'd mark the halfway point by taking wild stabs at predicting where the rest of the season is going to go. I'm going to try to do at least one prediction per character. This is entirely guesswork. Once the season is done I'll come back to this post and see how prescient/stupid I was. Without further ado...
The season finale will have Azula as the Big Bad and introduce the Fire Lord as the Big Bad for season three. This is exactly what happened in the finale of season one: Zhao was big bad and Azula was introduced. So less prediction, more extrapolating based on existing data. It was a winning formula in season one, so I'm hoping the writers will do it again. I'm also hoping that Azula will follow Zhao's fate because quite frankly I don't like her very much. Tl;dr, Azula and her crew will get swallowed by a giant badger mole spirit.
Toph is getting a subplot. She feels like a character with nothing left to work on, and now that Aang can earthbend, her purpose is accomplished. So she needs another purpose in the story. That, or they're going to leave her behind at some point. I wonder if she's in season three? She'd better be. So either Toph is going to remain a character with no need of an arc, in which case her subplot will revolve around something she already excels at, or the writers are going to throw a curve ball and reveal a heretofore unknown weakness that she's going to have to work around. If it's the former, my money is on one of the idiots from the pro-bending tournament hunting her down to avenge their humiliating defeat at her hands. If it's the latter, my guess would be something intellectual that plays on her high society background. Political intrigue? Spy work? A cult? Maybe she finds out that her parents are colluding with the fire nation? Tl;dr SuperToph, somehow.
Appa comes back. This is not a prediction, this is a DEMAND. He breaks free of his captors (seriously, he went down way too easy), runs away into the wilds of the earth kingdom, and following some innate air bison sense, stumbles upon a lost colony of his fellow bison who escaped Sozin's genocide. (and have somehow remained entirely undiscovered for a century despite being each the size of a house and able to fly to boot well the earth kingdom's got a lot of empty spaces just go with it) They spend a few weeks chilling until Appa gets found. Season three can end with Appa's Air Bison Hunny showing up with a baby sky bison. Tl;dr Papa Appa.
Project Make Zuko Decent gets a new CEO. The current one sucks. Some new character is going to be introduced to provide Zuko with both the motivation and the guidance to become a decent person. Iroh's had a season and a half and made pretty much no progress; Zuko's spent all of season two trying, and has made himself somehow worse. Maybe not worse, but certainly more worn out. Time for new blood. I'd like to think that this show is above cliche, but let's be honest, it's going to be a love interest. They tried it with a kid brother in Zuko Alone and it didn't work. So some nice earth kingdom girl. Like Song, but with more backbone. Maybe she's really good at swords. They can bond over that. I feel like Zuko would be easier to connect with over something he knows he's good at. It would be less fraught than bonding over bending. She also lost her mother to the fire nation; they can bond over that too. The writers laid the groundwork in Zuko Alone, might as well use it. The more Zuko can empathise, the faster he'll get decent. I hate to see a character who exists solely for 'Man Pain' or 'Man Growth,' but let's be honest, Zuko is not self-aware enough to grow without some major hand-holding, and Iroh isn't volunteering. I know that Zuko is on the cover of my season three DVD so his 'get decent' arc has to be complete by the end of season two. Tl;dr Zuko gets schooled.
Sokka has been underutilised this season (as has Katara), so he's going to get something major. The Library set him up to lead the gang to that Earth Kingdom town who's name I forget so they can share the date of the eclipse with the king, but you know Aang isn't budging until they get Appa back. So for the next few episodes, Sokka will be in Master Tracker Mode, using all the skills he learned at the South Pole and more to rescue Appa. There can be flashbacks to him learning the skill from his dad/grandfather/uncles/Bato, then flash forward to see him applying that skill successfully, adapting it to a different climate and incorporating insights he's gained since the show started. We had Zuko Alone, now I want Sokka Alone with the ghosts of his family. Although I don't think Aang would be willing to sit out on Appa retrieval, so Aang's going to have to be urgently needed for Avatar reasons right when Sokka stumbles on the clue that is the key to finding Appa. The group splits and reunites to see the earth kingdom king, Sokka triumphant and Appa in tow. Tl;dr Sokka channels Liam Neeson with probably a lower body count.
Momo is going along with Sokka for aerial reconnaissance.
Katara needs something juicy too. She's mastered waterbending, so her growth has to be personal rather than skills-based. Maybe she gets her world view challenged? Maybe she meets an evil earth kingdom or water tribe person? Evil to the core; she's already met bunches from both nations who are stupid/malicious. Hang on - I forgot about Jet. So she meets an evil water tribe person. In the earth Kindgom. Somehow. Maybe she meets a good fire nation person? How about a fire nation healer/doctor/army medic? Someone who can show her that firebending isn't all bad. Can you heal with any element other than water? I have no idea, but it would be cool if you could. If you really want to challenge her, a fire nation firebending healer who is genuinely compassionate to people of all nations, but who is also proud to be a fire nation citizen and fond of their nation. That would REALLY confuse her. Doubly so if there's some healing technique that she desperately needs to learn from this person. Katara seems like the type to think that one person = one opinion, and that there is only one right opinion, ever, in all things, and that is hers. Show her someone complex, hypocritical, layered, but still a force for overall good. Tl;dr let's torture Katara.
Aang! It's been a while since his duties as Avatar have conflicted with his personal convictions. Actually, it's been a while since his duties as Avatar have come up at all, apart from training and getting chased for being the Avatar. Aang is going to encounter some problem that can only be fixed by an Avatar, likely something like the giant panda from season one. Maybe pissing off the Owl spirit causes unrest in the spirit world? Maybe Aang's going to have to fight a war on two fronts: fire nation v. other nations and spirit world v. physical world? Or maybe Aang's going to have to mediate in a spirit world civil war? Aang's got enough friends in the spirit world that maybe the giant panda and his friends take offence to the owl mouthing off about the avatar and it snowballs from there? It seems to me that pissing off a spirit is the kind of mistake that should have consequences beyond that spirit's episode. And this need for the Avatar comes up just when there's a solid lead on Appa, so Aang has to learn to delegate the Appa-finding to his friends while he's off saving the world. Tl;dr Aang has to do some Avataring.
Iroh needs to get his act together and come up with a better plan than following Zuko at a safe distance. This is more of a wish than a prediction, because Iroh's still very much a big old question mark to me. It's easier to predict what the child/teenage characters are going to do, because apart from maybe Toph, they have limited and already defined means. But Iroh's lived decades. He could very easily have resources, skills, connections, knowledge etc. that viewers haven't seen yet that he could call on at any time. He could pull anything out of the blue and I'd believe it, because that's how the world works when you're a sociable person who knows how to talk your way into things and has spent decades doing so. There have to be some earth kingdom collaborators around from his invading days who could be blackmailed/flattered into helping Iroh and Zuko get back on their feet. Tl;dr Iroh phones a friend. I can see the plot for the rest of the season ending in three ways:
A)Sokka's news about the eclipse causes the earth king to arrange a direct strike on the fire nation capital, killing Azula in the finale. The fire lord escapes, Azula gets promoted to fire nation martyr, and the war enters a new, worse, heightened, far more scorched earth/bloodthirsty state at the start of season three.
B) The Earth King says "yeah kid, we've had star charts for millennia, we know about the eclipse, they know about the eclipse, it'll be the one time their defences are at their absolute highest, this plan is dumb as hell, go away." This is the one I think is most likely.
C) News of the eclipse never reaches the earth king, because it turns out that unless the local king is your nonagenarian former best friend, getting a royal audience is hard if you're a water tribe nobody, and maybe his friend is the Avatar, but he's also twelve, and even in a kid's cartoon letting twelve year olds have a say in national policy is a bit of a stretch. The eclipse nonsense remains a one-episode occurrence that was just the set up required for Appa's Appa-napping, and the rest of the season is spent de-Appa-napping Appa, until a surprise appearance by Zuko jr. and her girlies in the finale.
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stealingpotatoes · 6 months
Six of Crows my beloved!!!! S&B Netflix series s2 my beloathed!!!!!
Your thoughts please!
s&b s2 is really hard to judge bc i did like it (casting once again incredible, costuming to die for, if u took the plot without knowing it was an adaptation it was decent) but at the same time it was nowhere NEAR s1's quality and thats bc you can ABSOLUTELY tell they didn't think they were getting a s3 or spinoff
like they clearly HOPED they would but they Knew. so they tried to shove 2-4 books worth of stuff into s2 and funnily enough this was a Bit Too Much! like sure the alina books have SOME issues w unnecessary scenes and cutting the books isn't like… the worst thing (still sad they missed some of my fave bits!!! esp the genya bits) but trying to weave crooked kingdom and a peppering or two of king of scars in there???? recipe for disaster!! s1 was BRILLIANT at mixing s&b w the soc protags but that was largely bc it focused on alina's books' plot and just had the soc CHARACTERS (like the only narratives it took from soc was like. helnik meeting and ig inej's indenture?) weaved in there but s2 tried to put all these crooked kingdom scenes in there too (bc they dont think they'll get them on screen otherwise) and they ring hollow bc it's clearly the writers trying to get to those scenes without the book's buildup
tldr they rushed bc they didn't think they were getting s3 LOL
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queencoldart · 7 months
I think mlp g4 has so much wasted/unused potential. There are so many things that they could've done differently/better, but didn’t/couldn't. I like people like you in this fandom, that takes the good ideas an unused potential and just sprint with it.
So here's my question: how would you have rewriten the last two seasons, and the season 10 comics? Just curious.
I appreciate the compliment. I haven't read the season 10 comics, but I think the biggest thing that held the final two seasons back was the school. I'm talking about its implementation from start to finish.
The compulsory nature of it rubs me the wrong way. This school provided a very inorganic setting for the students to learn about friendship. Their characters and relationships were really only explored when classes were not in session. The Tree of Harmony even interfered with the lesson plan because it wasn't teaching the students the right things. Another thing that was wrong with the setting was its overarching plot relying on non-pony creatures actually being inferior to ponies and not knowing what friendship is, all while trying to paint Chancellor Neighsay as the bad guy for believing what the show itself is urging you to believe.
Among the characters that regressed, Twilight Sparkle regressed the most. Not only had she seemingly forgotten that friendship isn't something you can learn by having someone else dictate it to you, but she treated others horribly; she forced her friends to become teachers despite this causing their own schedules to become (canonically) seriously disrupted and she repeatedly made innocent characters suffer to teach different characters a lesson, rather than confronting these characters directly. As a result of her passive aggressive moves and blatant ethnocentrism, she comes across as sanctimonious and conceited. If handled differently, these traits actually could have been used to write decent negative character arc as a result of her princess status, but the show treats her like she's right.
The show had too many unresolved plot lines and unused characters. If I had to rewrite the final two seasons and a friendship school had to be included, I would have taken he Cutie Mark Crusaders' camp for blank flanks and expanded it. I would have had Twilight realize the potential of this camp and use her princess status to turn it into a summer "school" where students from every kingdom are invited to just have fun, explore their talents and interests, and make friends. With complete freedom to pursue whatever activities they are drawn to, the students would naturally form relationships with other students. Students would suggest activities that are popular where they are from and we'd learn about their cultures. Twilight could oversee it all with teachers who are so passionate about their jobs that they volunteer at the school. Starlight could have helped her run it. Some of the Pillars could have been used as teachers. Starswirl the Bearded is a teacher who is learning about friendship himself. Cheerilee could have been used, as she loves teaching and has nothing to do in the summer. The possibilities are vast.
Something else I would have rewritten is Cozy Glow. If I had been the writer of the season 8 finale, Cozy Glow would have turned out to be Queen Chrysalis in disguise. It makes no sense for a filly to outsmart absolutely everyone and Chryssie is a beloved baddie already. I do like the dynamic between Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Tirek, but it's not so good that I would have kept it. Grogar turning out to be Discord all along and then gleefully punishing the frenemies while getting away scot-free himself left a really bad taste in my mouth. The real Grogar would have been a suitable end boss.
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jawanaka · 20 days
7, 29, 30 for the writers ask! (Mostly cause I want to make myself feel better about all my ideas that won't see the light of the day 😂)
Hahaha, its all good
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
Counting or not counting WIPs? I think about four that are not down on paper, at least if we count ideas that I'm somewhat serious about.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Have a cut Dandelion cameo from Swallow:
As the princess prepared to face down a queen, Morvran, meanwhile, was facing down a buffoon. He was of course no stranger to buffoons. Nilfgaards nobility, merchant guilds, senate and even military had their fair share: as, had he come to learn, did the northern kingdoms. This particular buffoon was, according to a prodigious intelligence file that Morvran had taken care to peruse beforehand, named Julian Alfred Pankratz and held, or at least had once held, the title of Viscount de Lettenhove. The man was also a graduate of the norths most prestigious university and, apparently, a man of letters and poetry famed in every court of the northern kingdoms. He also styled himself after a pestilent weed and operated Novigrads most (in)famous cabaret. His hat and clothes were of garish purple coloring and his head held the most ridiculous combination of a goatee and puffy bereft that Morvran had ever had the misfortune of setting eyes on. In short, a buffoon. Unfortunately for Morvran, the man known as Dandelion was, on the viceroys personal request mind you, contracted to organize and provide the entertainment for the feast. Which is why the man was currently parked in his office and was already in the process of quaffing a fairly decent wine that Morvran had hoped to save for a better occasion, instead of being thrown into the mud outside the gate were Morvran would have dearly liked to deposit him.
30. Ask anything!
Ya forgot to ask something :P
But because I'm a fair and benevolent writer, and becase its you, have a slice of the Ciri/Cahir WIP I might even finish one day (if you bribe me sufficiently):
He is a strange one, the smallfolk agree, the lord of Darn Dyffra. Younger then most lords, unfailingly polite when you met him riding on the roads between the olive groves and vineyards, attentive to the needs of his people and a fair man all round. Yet he is also distant, if not exactly cold and you may as well catch him daydreaming, sitting in the shade of a plum tree or on one of the walls separating the fields from the rocky lake shores. Curled black locks waving slowly in the wind as his horse happily munching son spring grass, eyes blank as if seeing something else, far beyond the stony and green hills of Vicovaro. Some say he was always like this, those times you saw him after his old father forced his nose out of whatever romantic nonsense he had found in the castle library. Others say it was the war that changed him, the burning and slaughter at Cintra, where he led a the first forlorn hope that breached the gates. Other say no, it was on his way home after the emperor dismissed him. Cahir does not particularly care what they think, or at least so he tells himself. He is too busy, he tells himself, too busy being the man of the household (his mother and sister laughs at him when he claims this) too busy getting to know the intricate runnings of the family holdings. This is fact not true: his father left the estate a well oiled machine, run smoothly by a dedicated team of clerks and lawyers, with his mother being far more capable then him in the running of the affairs. And his siblings does not seem to have caught up to his new and lofty status: mourning their father they may be but surely that is no reason to give their older brother any more respect then he is due? Which, in the way of younger siblings everywhere, is precisely none.
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boymagicalgirl · 4 months
I watched the most unpopular season in the Precure fandom: Happiness Charge Precure
My GOD, this fandom loves overhating on things. It's a solid 8/10 for me, on my MAL stack, where I rate seasons, it's below Yes! 5 and above DokiDoki.
Every character was pretty well written with good character arcs, especially Hime, except for Yuuko. She is the only character in the main cast that I felt was underwritten and pushed to the side by writers. I saw a lot of criticisms of Megumi but I thought she was a fine character. She had flaws, she messed up, and she learned from them. She wasn't a mega-perfect Mary Sue that some fans made her out to be and I quite enjoyed her. (I may be biased though since I love her LOVELY BEEEAAMM attack)
The fights were really good! I thought the villains were really fun in design and personality, especially Namakelder. The Precure designs themselves were fine, for me they were a bit too simple and I would've liked some more accessories or frills given to the girls but the unity of the designs was a nice touch. I loved the 3d animated attacks the girls had and I wish they were utilized more cause they were always beautiful.
Speaking of underutilized things, there were a decent amount of plot points that were introduced only to be brushed aside like the PreCard collection, Hime's kingdom getting restored, and so on. However, this didn't really hinder my enjoyment of the show as a whole.
I didn't like Blue, he was a very meh character for me, and he seemed to actively hinder the girls with how he'd tell them nothing until it was too late/he had no choice anymore. I am happy though, that him and Megumi didn't become NozoCoco 2.0, very happy about that.
But, overall, despite some flaws, I thought it was a very fun season. It wasn't something I had to actively push myself to get through, like Suite Precure. Some episodes in HapCha, mainly episodes 32 and 43 were very artfully directed which was a pleasant surprise for a franchise geared towards young kids like Precure.
anyways Seiji deserved better and I <3 Hime
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phoenixradiant · 3 months
PhoenixRadiant's Masterpost:
Hey guys! Thought that now that I've put a decent amount of stuff out there, I should make a masterpost to help navigate! This will be divided into three parts: 1) Personal reintroduction, 2) WIP intro and index of posts about it, and 3) Index of other posts.
1) Personal Intro/About Me:
I'm Phoenix/Fen for short, though I tend to refer to people as "hey you" and won't be offended if you do the same. I'm an adult (barely) male. I'm probably slightly autistic but prefer to think of it as I'm someone with the personality of a grey cat if that makes sense. I'm a writer, I'm a debater, I'm a cynic (in the classical sense), I'm a romantic (again, in the classical sense), I'm sarcastic, and last but certainly not least, I'm a Christian.
2) Kelovir:
My WIP is called Kelovir. It's a story about Justice, Redemption, and Hope as a real monster, a figurative monster, and someone slowly becoming a monster confront themselves, each other, and the destruction of everything they love. It's set in an alliance of kingdoms about to fall apart again, in a world where the only thing everyone can agree on is that Order is dead.
2.b) Kelovir Post Index
Excerpts From My WIP:
Prologue/Cellic Tricebrant Introduction
Magrom Karven Introduction
Narra Milbough Introduction (will add soon)
Character Profiles:
Cellic Thricebrant
Narra Milbough
Magrom Karven
Cellic's Support Cast
Narra's Support Cast
Kar's Support Cast
MCM: Farric, son of Hjodyr
Worldbuilding Ask: Countries
Character Ask: Just Desserts (SPOILERS)
Farric Fun Fact
Worldbuilding Question: Seasons
Rant: How I Broke Cellic
OCs as Knights Radiant
3) Index of Other Posts
I was wrong I'm too lazy rn and there's not enough material. Sue me lol.
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flowerandblood · 4 months
If you're already writing fanfic, then why do you always feel the need of includimg aemond's only canon love interest then proceed to write her as this awful, jealous woman getting in the way of a boring oc. You don't need to include alys, most of the time it doesn't add to the plot or all. You're just putting her
Let me start by saying that your allegations are false.
1) Alys is not the same and has not the same role in all my fanfics. In The Sweetest Fruit, she was Aemond's lover, but after his marriage, she helps him save his wife and accepts what happened with dignity, main character even named her daughter after her.
In The Impossible Choice there is no romance between them at all, Alys saves the main character's life, they even establish some kind of understanding, she is a complicated, embittered character, but with a good heart.
In The Second One, both she and Aemond are toxic, bad for each other, and both terrible. After their breakup, Alys moves on and goes to therapy, and Aemond does the same with the help of the main character.
Even in my last story, The Knight & The Judge, Alys is just having fun, being a high-ranking woman in a good position and enjoying life - Aemond's mean thoughts about her are showing his awful way of being, it's not about her. We will see her again and in this fic she will be just mature, calm woman.
2) Just because she is his only love interest in the book doesn't mean we all have to take it as a love interest that is healthy. Being a kinslayer crossed Aemond as a person who could be a husband of any decent lady in the kingdom.
If you like their dynamics, read stories about them, for me, it reminds me more of Stannis x Melisandre and I don't find anything in it that I would like to write about. I have no idea how they will portray them in the series.
3. Yes, it's gives more depth to the story, because it shows how fucked up Aemond can be and that he is not a good man – which is, like, important. He is often the one to hurt her and I rarely show it in the good light – meaning that he knows he fucked up with her and made mistakes that lead to this.
To sum up – you come to me with a thesis that is untrue, but that Alys x Aemond fans like to spread as if it was possible to harm fictional characters.
In your other ask you're saying "you are a good writer" after you called my oc's boring, lol, so you don't think that at all, and it's okay, but again, what are you even doing here? There so many great writers that write Alysmond and love this paring and you come to me to babble.
If Alys x Aemond in the fanfics would be good, healthy couple, there would be no need for Aemond to leave her for the oc in the first place.
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orreanintrepidness · 9 months
Tumblr media
Ok gang so. Rye here is in a bit of a funny situation.
Due to circumstances regarding my workplace that I really don't want to get into for the sake of my own mental health ( I have stressed enough over it as it is, I really don't want to have to go over explaining it all, sorry) I was not paid this month, and as such, I cannot afford basic things such as food, ect. My rent is fine, I always keep a spare month's rent in case this shit occurs, and my landlord is aware of the situation anyway and understands.
As it stands, I have enough to feed myself for 3 days, I have been told I absolutely will be paid this month, but not until the 24th. Essentially, I need to find money for 11 days worth of food. As such, I've been left with little choice but to do something I haven't done before and have always been hesitant on doing. I'm not an artist, but I am a writer of (I like to think) a decent enough standard to where I can, at the very least, offer writing commissions.
No. I do not intend to turn this into something I do on the side, this is purely something I am doing in order to make sure I eat this month.
Regarding what I'll write? Anything that does not violate the laws of the United Kingdom is on the table. I of course reserve the right to refuse anything I am not comfortable working with. Examples (Though limited) of my work can be found at: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Bigg_boss https://www.tumblr.com/orreasshole/725047503591964672/the-end-of-the-phenac-rebellion?source=share
As for pricing. it goes as follows:
Ko-Fi ONLY! (Someone reminded me that Ko-Fi exists and Ko-Fi is great for helping me remain transparent with what everything is going on) https://ko-fi.com/ryestuff
£3 - 100 to 500 words £5 - 500 to 999 words £10 - 1000 to 1500 words
Anything above 1500 words will have to be discussed, once again, once I close these commissions, they are STAYING closed unless I somehow end up literally bankrupt through no fault of my own again Anyone interested can either contact me via Tumblr DMs, or my discord which is pretty much in the hands of everyone now anyway.
Any kind of spreading of this is appreciated. Truly. I don't like doing this, but I have little choice in the matter.
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bedlamsbard · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @thatgirlnevershutsup
How many works do you have on AO3? 42, but a lot of those are podfic that has me as co-author -- 33 not counting podfic.
What's your total AO3 word count? normal amount. 1,710,483
What fandoms do you write for? I am serially monofannish. Right now I only write for the MCU, but before that my main fandom for YEARS was Star Wars, then prior to that Narnia (most of my Narnia fic isn't on AO3). There are a few stray other fandoms on there.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Immutable, or, 5 Times Obi-Wan Kenobi Compromised His Jedi Ethics for Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars, 5907), Wake the Storm (Star Wars, 5163), Queen's Gambit (Star Wars, 2632), On the Edge of the Devil's Backbone (Star Wars Rebels, 1839), On Yonder Hill (MCU, 1656). yes I'm aware that there is an enormous drop-off between Wake and Gambit lol, but I'm very glad one of my Marvel fics snuck in there.
Do you respond to comments? No, I have a policy about not replying to comments unless I get a direct question.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Almost definitely Gambit, since it ends on a cliffhanger with the main trio separated in another universe, Rex left behind in the Gambitverse, and the Gambitverse a mess. Made more angsty by the fact that I refuse to touch that series ever again.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'm going to go with On Yonder Hill. It ends with a party! Thor and Loki and the Avengers (except Wanda) are happy! I forcibly strangled my automatic reflex to set up a sequel like six times while writing it.
Do you get hate on fics? HA HA HA HA yes.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? If you are very lucky you will get one semi-explicit sex scene from me every few years. I'm not very good at writing smut and I tend to get bored writing it, which is why I don't do it very often.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not recently because I'm not really that interested in them, but I have in the past. I once wrote Susan Pevensie/Willy Wonka, which is probably up there.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? uh, maybe, but I don't think so.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I've had a lot of requests, but I don't think I've ever said yes.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, in the past. I'm very unlikely to ever do so again due to Some Trauma.
What’s your all time favorite ship? Odysseus/Penelope but if you meant, like, in a fannish sense, probably Kanan/Hera.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I'd love to finish Dust in the Air, my big Narnia TLB AU, but I'd have to completely rewrite it because I'm such a different writer now than I was when I was still working on it.
What are your writing strengths? I'm very good at plot, I'm probably one of the best action writers in fandom, I'm great worldbuilding, and I like to think I'm pretty decent at character voice and dialogue.
What are your writing weaknesses? I don't do brevity and I get bored writing sex scenes. I cannot write a one-shot. I do not remember the last time I wrote a story under 50K.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I wouldn't do extended dialogue (because I don't speak any other languages well enough to be comfortable doing so), but there are words and the occasional sentence in there.
First fandom you wrote for? well, it was before I knew what fandom was, but it was either The Mummy or The 10th Kingdom
Favorite fic you’ve written? I really loved The Horizon Line, but usually the answer is whatever I'm working on now.
I don't tag people so go for if you want!
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starlitangels · 5 months
To Steer By
Hiii... I was writer's blocked on this one for A While™. But I bring to you, the next chapter! And, uh... I'm sorry for the cliffhanger... 2.4k words
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7
Chapter 8 - Arrival in Aria
Moments after Estelle collapsed, her eyes were opening again. Avior was just grateful he caught her before she hit the ground. “Estelle?” He cupped her face. “Are you alright?”
She scrunched her eyebrows. “How long was I out?”
“Not long. Few moments.”
“Oh good. That didn’t feel like enough magic to warrant another all-day blackout,” she mumbled, regaining control of her muscles. “But… I do need to sit down.”
“Let’s get you back in the carriage and we’ll be on our way. We’re only going to travel a bit longer to find someplace to rest for the night anyway,” Avior said. He scooped her knees up and took her back to the carriage, where Vindemiator had convinced Caelum to go back to the driver’s bench of the darker carriage.
The inside of the white carriage had two benches, one facing the direction of travel, and one facing the other way. Avior laid Estelle on the former and took the latter for himself. He felt Vega get back in his position and heard the snap of reins encouraging the horses to go.
The carriage lurched and off they went.
Estelle didn’t bother to try to sit up. Just lounged across the bench, pinching the bridge of her nose. Avior watched over her intently.
“That was incredible,” he said.
She peeked one eye open and looked at him. “You lit a candle from a distance with the snap of your fingers. You’ve got power yourself.”
“Mm. Nothing like yours. I’m half-demon. My powers tend to be… fiery. Destructive and dangerous. I can do other things but it’s difficult. Yours… it was… that was… pure. Radiant, even.”
She snickered. “You should see my brother’s,” she said. “I’m nothing compared to him.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
She shuffled so she was on her side, facing him. “You met Morgan. My brother. He’s the Crown Prince. He’s the one who got the lion’s share of the magic. He’s the one who can see the future, not me. I can use the positioning of the stars, sun, and moon to make a few guesses and predictions, but Morgan is far more accurate.”
“But can he make that swarm of falling stars?”
She smiled. “He could make a bigger one. He actually is the one who taught me how.”
Avior hummed in thought. The carriage hit a dip in the road and bounced. Estelle winced but otherwise didn’t react.
He stuck his head out the window. “Vega? Are we stopping soon?”
“As soon as we find a defensible position to make camp,” Vega replied.
“Hm… well… hurry up.”
“Yes, sire.”
Vindemiator kicked his ankles up onto Scorpius’ lap. Who, for his part, didn’t bother to push them off. “See, the problem,” Vin said, “is Avi’s wife has white hair and I don’t know how to work with that.” He glanced over at where Avior had Estelle curled up on his lap. She was asleep and Avior was quietly speaking with Vega. “Like. All of us except Caelum have dark hair. I can make anything to work with dark hair. But I don’t know how to make anything for hair that pale. Like. With dark hair a red outfit pops and is sexy. But white hair? Which is the pop? What do I do with it?”
“Vin, you know you’re not actually the royal tailor right?” Scorpius asked. “Like. You know you outrank the royal tailor by a lot. Right?” He snickered. “Besides. The king will probably hire a female seamstress from Castle Town specifically for Estelle’s wardrobe when she needs anything.”
Vin scoffed. “Rude.”
“All I’m saying is she’s brought her entire wardrobe with her. She’s not going to need anything new for a while.”
Vindemiator stared at Scorpius, disbelief painted all over his face. “Are you implying she’s not going to have an entirely new gown made for her coronation? Which, by the way, is in two weeks?”
“No one in Aria will know that the gown she wears isn’t brand-new.”
“They’ll have a decent guess if it’s got Star Kingdom written all over it. She needs something that shows she’s our queen. Something that feels Arian.”
Scorpius rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he muttered.
Vindemiator pulled out his little book where he liked to sketch out design ideas. Caelum shuffled where he was asleep on his bedroll beside Vindemiator. Caelum’s hair had once been blond. But the transformation had turned his hair a soft, pale pink. Vindemiator could work with pink. It was the white he wasn’t solid on.
White just stood out so much. If he wanted to do a pop of color, the white would still outshine it. But a white gown—in Vin’s opinion—was too much of the same color. He needed something to complement the white. Her wedding gown had been even paler than sky blue. Which had been… nice. He supposed. He didn’t work with pastel shades for anyone other than his brother. Maybe he’d have to learn.
Across the small campsite, Estelle was asleep on Avior’s lap in the dimmest light of the campfire. Vindemiator narrowed his eyes at her and glanced down at his book.
He sketched the basic profile of a grand gown, and in the corner wrote, Dark Red? Black? Maybe one of those would work. She’d probably prefer a pastel, considering everything he’d seen of her wardrobe. But a deep, dark shade would be more Arian.
He brought his legs off Scorpius’ lap and bent his knees up as a firmer surface to draw on, adding details to the gown and material considerations. Satin and silk were nice but she needed something richer for a coronation. Velvet and taffeta were added to his list of notes. He didn’t care that he wasn’t the actual royal tailor. He liked the work and he liked the artistic expression.
Vindemiator kept designing long after everyone else had drifted off—barring Vega, who’d elected to keep first watch.
“Caelum?” Vindemiator asked his brother as the party finally crossed into the Arian castle keep’s walls. “Why don’t you show Avior’s new wife around the castle? Give her a grand tour?”
Caelum perked up. “Okay!”
Avior gave Vindemiator a confused look. Vin just shrugged.
Caelum scampered over to Estelle. “Can I show you around?” He bounced a little on his feet.
“Of course,” Estelle replied.
Caelum tried so hard to be proper. He offered her his elbow and tried to be dignified. But the second they reached one of the doors, he grabbed her wrist to point out something and went back to bouncing.
“Why Caelum?” Avior asked.
“He’ll show her all the best parts of the castle and make it easier for her to remember how to get around. And I wanted to talk to you,” Vindemiator replied.
What few members of the guard had been rebuilt were helping to unpack the supplies from the journey. Avior nodded away from the group and led Vin after him to somewhere more private. “What’s on your mind?”
Vin opened and closed his mouth a few times. “Your wife is going to need an attendant,” he said. “I… I was thinking that… my partner might be interested. I haven’t asked, but I know they were wanting to try something new. Their current job hasn’t been fulfilling for them. They need more interaction with people, not just being alone.”
Avior nodded. “Go ahead and ask them. If they’re interested we’ll get them started. See if it works for them.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course.”
Before Avior could move to leave, Vin stepped into his path. “There’s one more thing,” he said. Avior paused and gestured for him to go on. “We’ve, uh… we’ve been like this… for a month, Avi.”
“Was the attack a month ago already?” Avior muttered, sounding tired.
“Yeah. Uh… it’s been long enough that… that I… I don’t really feel like Vindemiator, anymore.”
Avior’s head tilted slightly to one side. “Alright…”
“I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Would… would it be okay if you all call me Gavin, instead?”
“Of course. If that’s what would make you the most comfortable.”
“I think it would. Caelum can still call me Vin, but, uh, I think I’d prefer it if the rest of you call me Gav if you’re going to shorten it.”
“That’s something we can do. Would you like to tell the others or do you want me to?”
“Normally I would. But you’re the king now. I think they’ll listen to you better.”
Avior couldn’t help but chuckle. “I think you put too much stock in their respect for me, but I’ll talk to them anyway and make sure they respect your decision. I’m sure they will, but I’ll talk to them.”
“Thank you, my king.” Gavin bowed slightly.
“My honor,” Avior replied.
They shook hands while Gavin rolled his eyes at the formality of it all and Avior smiled.
Estelle listened to Caelum raptly. He was excitable and young and sweet—but he also knew the castle and explained it and its layout simply. His rambles tended to wander aimlessly, but always snapped back to the subject of the castle when something of note was in their path. He also kept his directions simple.
“Oh, oh!” Caelum whispered, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “This door is one of the offshoots of the kitchen.” He gave her the youthful version of a sly smile—the smile of kids sharing secrets. “This one is the one where they make the cookies.”
Estelle twisted her head to face him properly and dropped her mouth open. “Is that right?” she asked conspiratorially.
Caelum nodded. “Don’t tell the baker I told you.”
“No, of course not.”
Down the corridor, she noticed when Caelum clammed up. It was the first time it had happened—it’d be hard not to notice. He slowed his pace and looked at where several planks of wood had been propped up over a hole in the stone wall out to the courtyard, trying to block the draft. He stared at the hole, brows tilting, lower lip sliding out, eyes watering. Estelle squeezed his hand where he’d been holding onto hers.
“Hey,” she asked softly. “What’s wrong?”
He whimpered slightly, shaking his head.
Estelle gathered him to her, resting his head on her chest and putting her chin on the back of his head. “It’s okay, little guy,” she said, rocking back and forth. “Whatever it is, it’s okay.”
He shook his head, horns nearly getting caught in her dress’ bodice. “That—that’s where the demon broke through the wall,” he managed to say. “The… the one that hurt Vin. The one that did this to us.” He grabbed his horns and pulled on them. Almost like he was trying to pull them off his head entirely. Estelle grabbed his hands and eased them away.
“Hey,” she entreated softly. “None of that. I know you must miss who you were. How you looked. But you’re okay. You’re alive, your brother’s alive. Neither of you were seriously hurt. And you’re different now but you’re still you. Having a little bit of demon blood in your veins doesn’t stop you from being the sweetest kid I’ve ever met.” She raked her fingers through his soft pink curls. “Don’t let something you had no control over get you down when you and your brother are stronger because of what happened to you.”
He sniffled and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. “I-I-I’ll try.”
“Trying is all you need, buddy.”
“Cae? What’s wrong?” a familiar voice demanded. Estelle turned to see Avior and Caelum’s brother picking up their pace at the end of the hallway. Jogging over.
Vin took Caelum from Estelle’s embrace and into his own. He glanced at the hole in the wall. Understanding dawned in his eyes. He glanced at Avior. “I’m gonna take him back to his room,” he said. Avior nodded.
Once the brothers were around the corner, Avior offered his elbow to his wife. “May I finish his tour?”
“Of course,” Estelle replied, taking his arm.
“Caelum is young. He’s had the hardest time… adjusting to all of the recent changes.”
“I guessed as much. At least he has his brother.” She sighed. “What’s his full first name again?”
“Growing up, the name he was given was Vindemiator. But he’s asked that we call him Gavin now.”
“Oh thank the stars. I have a good memory but I couldn’t get that name. Gavin I can remember easy.”
Avior smiled.
The tour of the castle continued for a bit, and Avior paused on the third floor. “Wh…” He licked his lips and sighed. “Where would you rather sleep?”
“Do you wish to join me in my chambers, or would you rather maintain your own?”
“Oh. I… I admit, I hadn’t really thought about it.” She reached up with her free hand and fidgeted with the ends of her hair. “Is whatever I decide now… permanent?”
“It doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it to be.” He pushed open a door and led her in. “These are my chambers. They were my father’s.” With his free hand, he gestured around. “As you can see, plenty big enough for the both of us to maintain our own space when we want.” He cleared his throat. “Unless you’d rather have several more tons of stone between you and I when you want space.”
“Um… how about…” On the one hand, she was well aware that she barely knew him. They’d been around each other constantly for a week, but was that enough? It would probably be kinder to both of them if they maintained their own space until they were comfortable enough with one another to share living quarters.
On the other hand… the thought of sharing space and seeing him at his most vulnerable, comfortable, and casual bore a deep appeal.
“Let’s try together at first,” she said. “If we feel like we need more space until we know each other better, I’ll be fine with that.”
Avior nodded. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”
Tag list: @pinksparkl
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aikoiya · 9 months
Aikoiya's Writing Tips Masterlist
Everyone Who Makes NSFW Content (And Those Who Are Uncomfortable With NSFW)
Dadvice - Yo, if any young dude sees this & they don't have a dad or father figure in their lives to explain stuff, go here. I hope it helps.
Reporting A Suicice on Tumblr!!
Remember To Download Fave Fics On Ao3
Google Alternatives
You Can Give People 2nd Kudos On Ao3!!
How Get Sleep
Scaling Pain, Fatigue, & Happiness - Helps pinpoint how you're doing.
Tumblr Chrono Mode
Google's "Track My Device" Tracking
God Is Wild
Media Wellness
Also, keep in mind that I'll be updating this whenever I find decent writing tips. So, check back with the version on my blog whenever, even if you've reblogged already.
My Stuff:
Tips For New Writers
The Importance of Establishing the Rules of Your Fic - Warning: This one's a bit of a rant.
List of Units of Time
Proper Characterization In Ships - Just my personal 2 cents.
My Personal Neologisms - Making up my own words. (Free to use.)
Realistic Resurrection Mechanics - From a storytelling standpoint. (League of Legends)
The Duty of Nobility - An Ideal
Portrayal of Deities in Fanfics
Portrayals of War Gods & Other Such Nonesense
Haunted Jukebox
You Will Always Be You - Motivational
Blessed Be The Creative
How I Define Shipping
Fear the Man Who Fears No God
Female Fighting Styles
Also, OneLook is a Godsend. If you're looking for a word, but all you have is the definition, then OneLook might help. Now, it isn't 100%, but it's definitely useful.
Other People's Stuff: (If anyone doesn't want their stuff on this list, please tell me & I'll remove it)
Realistic Way To Write More Consistently - Evidently works with Autism?
Guide to Naming Settlements - Toponymics
The Importance of Emphasis - Syntax Can Be Fun!
Motivation for Writing
Tips For Writing Dialogue
Canon Isn't Gospel, But It's Useful & Fun
Cultural Clothing References!!
Writing Tone
Uncommon English Words
Roman Numerals - (Cause I sure as heck can't remember them.)
Fight Scenes Advice - @illarian-rambling
Advice For Writing Deaf/Mute/Blind Characters
Things That May Be Causing Your Writer's Block & How To Fix It
How To Give Your Characters Chemistry - @tanaor
Fighting Scene Vocab
Writer's Block Cure Ideas
Types of Writer's Block
Why You Might Be Procrastinating & How To Fix It
Ways To Solve The 'Why Not Use Magic To Fix Everything' Question
Snappy Responses To "We're Soldiers; I'm Doing My Job"
Identifying Active vs Passive Voices in Sentences
Motivation Debugging
Long-Fic Help
Thou Thee Thy & Thine - Proper Useage
Nervous Tension Vocab
When Characters First Learn Swordfighting
Writing Blacksmiths
Computer Shortcuts
Writing Liars Believably
Love vs Lust
How to Depict Heartbroken Body Language in a Man
Levels of Headcanon
Flower Language
Medical: (Sponsored By @skyloftian-nutcase)
Ways You Can Pass Out
Dealing With Stab & Arrow Wounds
Time To Die of Organ Ruptures
Bluntforce Abdominal Injury
Writing Bloodloss
Seizure First Aide
Fashion Vocab:
Shoes - @sartorialadventure
Collars - @sartorialadventure
Skirts - @sartorialadventure
Collars & Suits (Men's Fashion) - @suitdup
Historical Hairstyles - @eyesofdovesbytheriversofwaters
Types of Neck Ties
Music YouTube Won't Let Me Save (becuase it's being dumb):
Lullaby For A Ghost
Other Stuff:
DnD Subclass & Profession Ideas
Complex Japanese Concepts - Looking for a specific word & would like help.
Inconvenient History:
Black History
What's In My Heart:
A Stepping Stone on the Path to Jesus
Advice Requests:
Viable Samurai Shoe Alternatives? - For a story idea.
My Other Major Masterlists:
Mythology Masterlist
LoZ Wild Masterlist
DP Ghost Zone Masterlist
Spiderman Masterlist
Arcane Masterlist
MLP FIM Masterlist
DB Masterlist
Inuyasha Masterlist
Homestuck Masterlist
Wizarding World Masterlist
Adventure Time Masterlist
Walt Disney & Kingdom Hearts Masterlist
Random Fandom Masterlist
Aikoiya Art Masterlist
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