#my last place i didnt even have a bed or an air mattress
cal-writes · 4 months
train au snippet number 2! this time it's namis pov. it takes place after chapter 3 and i think that wraps up train au for now! that's all she wrote™ thanks so much everyone for your love and excitement for this story it was a joy to write and share. if you have questions about the universe that i didnt get into in the main story feel free to shoot me an ask bc i probably thought about it. here is the other snippet and heres the full fic!
Nami turns on the bed. Despite sharing it, she and Zoro are miles apart on the king sized mattress. It doesn't even creak in the slightest, only the fabric rustles softly. She loves staying over at Kaya's. Everything is lush and extravagant, like staying at a hotel for free and without strangers. A vacation from real life which is what they sorely needed after tonight. Her dress is draped over one of the chairs next to the bed. In the dim light of the night the wine stain at the hem looks black. She'll have to remember to take it to a different dry cleaners than the one she stole it from. 
She looks over, pulling her hair out from under her head. With the moonlight falling in from the window she can see Zoro's profile in the dark. His eyes are closed, chest falling and rising slowly. 
"You okay?" Nami asks, loud enough to wake Zoro up should he already be asleep. He shuffles around with his eyes closed.
"Yeah. Didn't even hit me." He replies, nonchalant. Wide awake. 
She scowls at him. "That's not what I meant and you know it."
Zoro sighs and moves his arms until he can cross them behind his head. He opens his eyes and glares at the ceiling. He shrugs half heartedly with one shoulder. "Was only a matter of time, so."
Nami sits up in bed so she can put her hands on her hips. "What's that supposed to mean?" She demands.
Zoro narrows his eye at her. “We both know what.”
“You’re a catch.” She tells him and gives her a look. 
“Right." He huffs, angrily adjusting the duvet around him. "I’ve been sleeping on my friends’ couches for months when I’m not sleeping on a train.”
"So what?" She says petulantly.
"Not to mention 'a hopeless wreck and pathetic child'." He tells her pointedly and Nami scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I said that when I was mad at you, you can't hold that against me." She says and Zoro shakes his head, closing his eyes to deem the conversation over with. Nami pouts. "Even if-," She says and Zoro opens one eye, the vein on his forehead announcing his irritation. "He's a much bigger loser than you. You're perfect for each other."
Zoro groans. "You hate him, what do you care?" One of his hands pinches the bridge of his nose. 
"I don't hate him. He doesn't deserve you. There's a difference."
Zoro sits up, throwing the blanket off of him and his hands into the air. "Yes, of course. The accomplished doctor with his own apartment, obviously the teenage dropout criminal is much too good for him." Zoro's voice says, dripping in sarcasm so she stabs him in the ribs with her nails.
He lets her, rubbing his side afterwards. "This guy paid me 50 bucks to know if you're still alive. He's a mess." She tells him. 
Zoro gets off the bed in a huff. "Doesn't matter who's more pathetic. It's not up to me."
"So you're not even gonna fight?" She says and he glares at her.
Something builds up in him, a tidal wave sweeping in, but it crashes against the shore before he can let it lose. She sees it in the rise and fall of his shoulders. His breath leaves him in a short and violent burst. He shakes his head, shrugging. 
"What's there to fight for?" He asks, letting himself fall on the couch underneath the giant window. The sheer curtains are open, bathing the entire room in the light of the full moon. He pulls his legs up and pops his elbow on the back of the couch, gaze through the glass. "As you said, he got something out of it. I had a good time. Whatever." 
Nami sighs deeply. "Zoro-" 
"Wouldn't have lasted anyway." He tells her sharply. "Nothing ever does." He mutters into his hand and exhales heavily. The brief stint in the holding cell making him all melodramatic. Nami purses her lips. Zoro had been looking forward to tonight, even if he hadn’t said it in so many words. 
The blanket rustles as Nami gets up and her feet pad softly over the carpeted floors. "Come on now." She says, softly chiding. He folds his legs to make room for her on the couch as she joins him, grabbing a pillow to put on her lap in lieu of a blanket. 
Zoro glances over. "Let's be honest. He can do better." He says with misplaced humor, avoiding Nami's indignant gaze. 
She exhales loudly. "Okay, you want to feel sorry for yourself tonight. Fine. I'll let it slide." She tells him before reaching out to grab his chin with her sharp fingers and turn it to face her. "But he would be so lucky to have you. And if he doesn't see that he's an idiot. Don't argue with me, we both know I'm always right." 
Zoro sighs softly, resignation on his face. He knows she won't take any rebuttal so he stays silent, cheeks squished in her hold. She releases him. Shuffling closer until he has to put his legs over her lap. 
She lets her hands fall on his knees. "I know things suck right now." 
"Not more than usual." Zoro says, looking out into the dark. Their view stretches out across the gardens. Out here where Kaya's mansion sits, there are even a few stars visible at night. "Been way worse." He adds. 
Nami sighs again and sinks further down until the upholstery. "True." She admits. 
"I miss Luffy." Zoro mutters into the night. A rare admission. The ache and weight of the night has crushed him underfoot and revealed his mushy center. Nami puts her chin on his propped up knee and wraps her arms around his legs. 
"Me too." She says miserably. Only a little while longer now. She should check when Luffy’s flight is scheduled for again. "He's gonna be so mad at you that you didn't tell him." She says with a small smirk. 
Zoro huffs. "He would have come back early if he knew." And Zoro has been doing just about everything to avoid that. Luffy had been excited about this trip for months. One of the reasons Zoro hadn't wanted to tell Chopper about his situation was because Chopper wouldn't have been able to keep a secret. They both knew Luffy would have dropped everything, helped him, maybe even fought for him against that stupid parent and the police. Zoro would only have to ask but he never would have done that. It had taken weeks for him to even consider crashing at Nami's place. She probably wouldn't even know about it if Franky hadn't told Robin who had told her. And Franky only knew because he had nagged Zoro on the train for days until he spilled the beans. 
It was infuriating, the way he insisted he didn't need help. He was going to figure his own shit out. He always did. 
If she weren't wired exactly the same, she would have throttled him already. 
Nami hums. "Heard back from Kidd yet?" She asks. 
"No. Next week they said." Zoro mutters. She clicks her tongue grumbling under her breath. How long did Kidd need to decide to hire someone when he was desperate for any help in the bar? Bastard. 
Zoro sighs, looking up at the moon above. "Let's go to sleep." 
Nami blows out a breath. "Yeah." She says and neither of them move. Outside the moon makes its way across the sky.
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gojology · 4 years
Let Me Spoil You. (18+) (NSFW)
𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | I AM FEEDING U GUYS SO GOOD ???? holy mother of a goose i poured my blood sweat and tears into this, bumping to yung gravy as i write this so u alrdy know this is gonna be a banger!!! also i didn’t edit at all and i got so lazy at the end n i didnt wanna scrap this so uhh sorry if its bad 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Dom Gojo x Sub Female Reader 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 3683 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | Dub-Con (I think?) Inexperienced Virgin Reader, Somnophilia, Degradation, Dom/Sub, Edging, Begging, Spitting 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | It’s your one month anniversary, and you really don’t like Gojo spoiling you, Gojo gets frustrated, he teaches you a lesson.    A soft orange filter glazed the bathroom, a humid breeze blowing in weakly from the window that was always open, no matter what. The shower head lightly sprinkled on you, mumbling curses to the shower head, you swatted, and lightly tapped it a few times before you realized you had to change the water pressure.     Facepalming, you hadn’t realized that you had changed the water pressure to ungodly levels. It was too late when you had realized, the water shot at your face, practically pushing you back. Water droplets adorned your cheeks, and your hair suddenly decreased in volume.     Gasping for air, you used your arm to wipe your eyes and quickly turned the temperature up to anything other than the freezing bitter cold, you stretched, indulging in the refreshing, hot water.    You had just gone out with Gojo for a luxurious dinner, even though it wasn’t quite your style, Gojo had insisted on taking you out to a fine-dining establishment. Small cuts of steak, with absurdly expensive champagne on the side, and of course, Gojo’s favorite, absurdly expensive desserts.    It had been almost a month since you had began to go out with him, and he had tried treating you like a princess ever since. Anything you set your eyes on, he offered to buy it, whipping out a black leather wallet that was close to snapping. Thick wads of cash sat untouched, and you always politely declined.     He had always argued with you, telling you that it was a given for significant others to spoil their loved ones. You always brushed it off, but in the latest argument between you two, Gojo was persistent, insisting that you were to dress in your finest and so that he could, “finally spoil my babygirl.”     You could still remember how the conversation went.     “No, Satoru.” you scoffed, turning to face him, leaning on the counter. Your arms crossed over your chest, “We can get JUST as good food if we order take out or some shit.”     “Listen, sweetheart,” he immediately rushed over, his hand on your ass, rubbing up and down, his other caressing your neck. “It’s nothing on me financially, I can handle it, I want to spoil you princess.”     You shook your head, looking down. He took his hand off your neck and rubbed his.     “I rarely get to spend time with you, between the meetings and the missions and training Yuuji, so let me do it just this once, is that okay, pumpkin? Besides, what do you lose from this? I made the reservation too, so we don’t have to wait. It’s a win win~”    You glanced up, before looking down again, ruffling your hair. An awkward silence grew between you two.    What did you lose from this? Even though Gojo was absolutely loaded, you still felt terrible spending money for unnecessary shit.    He looked at you, placing his hand on his chin, he looked like he was thinking, which was unusual, because the guy was as dumb as a snail sometimes. He let out a small “hm” stroking his chin as if he was debating with world renowned scholars before finally opening his mouth, “Oooooooooh, I get it now!”     You sighed, so dramatic.    He leaned forward, you always forgot how ridiculously tall he was, and how much he loomed over your figure. “Babe, don’t feel bad.” he tipped your chin upward so he could look you in the eye, even though he was quite literally wearing his blindfold, “this has been our 1 month anniversary, and what’s an anniversary without spending money on unnecessary shit?”    “I mean, I guess..”    Hesitantly agreeing, he shoved you upstairs into his room (and yours as well!) to throw on the best formal looking outfit you could find last minute. Digging through the drawers, you found a skin-tight black sundress that you had paired with a  layered delicate necklace Gojo had gifted you on your second week of dating. Hastily throwing on gold rings and a gold anklet just for the fun of it, you fluffed up your hair. You looked at your black high heels.    Hey, if you were gonna be so lavish looking, why not go all out?    You regretted that train of thought later on, and wondered why you didn’t just pull up in a simple white t-shirt.     Regardless, it was worth it at the end. Gojo looked stunning that night. Swapping out the regular blindfold for a pair of black sunglasses, it accentuated his chiseled features even more. His hair wasn’t what it was usually, it wasn’t spiked up at all. Instead, he wore it down. It looked much softer, and it framed his face perfectly. He wore a buttoned down dress shirt, and you felt your heart swell when other woman watched him walk by, their faces faltering when they realized his arm around your waist.     He even went to the extent of pulling the chairs out for you, and opening the car door, as if you were truly a princess. Admittedly, you found yourself enjoying the fine dining, even with the ridiculously small portions. The atmosphere, and the pampering from the waiters had grown on you.    While thinking about the events of your anniversary, the door creaked opened, Gojo’s head peaked just above the foggy glass doors of the shower.     You slightly slid the door open just a crack, you knew that most couples would immediately open the door and have their arms out, waiting for their significant other to immediately pleasure them in the shower, but you hadn’t done anything like that with Gojo yet.     Instantly met with his incredibly toned body, glowing in the hazy amber light from the window, you gulped. A towel draped over his veiny arms, and an incredibly large t-shirt with panties in the other.     You quickly realized the t-shirt as the one Gojo often wore, you had never worn one of his t-shirts before.    The endless missions had obviously done him well, he looked like he was sculpted from marble, a gift from heaven. Arms strong enough to hold the world, you wondered what it would be like to have him carry you around.     Your face flushed a bright red, you didn’t even know what it was like to be carried by him, the furthest you both went was making out, and even you had found yourself being too bad at it to do it consistently.     Lost in thought, you didn’t even realize what Gojo was saying. “Sugarplum? I got your clothes.” he murmured softly, setting the towel and clothes down.     Your breath hitched, watching his head turn to face the shower. Instantaneously looking down at your face peeking through.    You were never gonna hear the end of this one.    A small smile spread across his face, before disappearing into a large cocky smirk, now that he had realized what you were looking at. “It’s okay, I understand, pumpkin. Not many have the courage to tell me face to face that I’m the best. In terms of strength, and looks, and everything.”     You stuck out your tongue, blowing a raspberry.     “Fuck off, idiot, I’m trying to shower!”     “Ouch! I didn’t say that when you were ogling at my body, didn’t I? That really hurt my feelings, weren’t you ever taught the golden rule?”     His hand wove through his hair, and you couldn’t help realize how soft it looked without all the gel holding the iconic spikes together.    “Treat others how you want to be treated.” he winked.    Your mouth sealed shut, accepting your defeat, you slid the glass door shut loudly.     You heard loud booming laughter go down the hallway, gradually getting quieter and quieter before exhaling a sigh of relief as you continued to shower.     You couldn’t help but think about your boyfriend’s body once more, it seemed like a dream. Was he really yours? He had the body of a super model and he settled with you and not some ridiculously pretty girl?     Anyone would take advantage of such a handsome boyfriend, showing him off for the world to see.    You felt an unfamiliar throb between your legs, you looked down, head tilted to the side while also simultaneously furiously washing your hair.    You hadn’t felt this throbbing too much, it was almost like a yearning, and you were almost sure you knew what it was, but you didn’t quite want to admit it yet.    Shaking your head furiously, you wanted to finish your shower before anything else. Ignoring the obvious. ‧₊˚✩彡.    Rubbing your hair with your towel, you had thrown on the t-shirt and panties, cursing Gojo silently for not giving you a pair of shorts. Rummaging through the drawers in your room, Gojo suddenly appeared in the hallway.    “What are you looking for, love?” he leaned on the doorway, cocking his head to his side with a mischievous grin.    “Why don’t you ask yourself, considering that you were the one who gave me my clothes.” you scoffed, pushing the drawer you were searching for back and moving on to the next. You had forgotten which drawer had your pants, vivid images of Gojo’s body echoing through your mind.    “Your pants are on the left of the drawer.” he strode over to the king-sized bed, the mattress sinking down as he sat. “What are you thinking about?”    You scoffed again, looking at him with a side eye. “I’m not thinking of anything? What are you talking about?” 
   “Whenever you think, you forget literally everything around you.”
   Cursing the Gojo clan for ever birthing such a smart yet stupid child, you twirled around with a pair of shorts now in hand. “I do not!”
   “Yeah? Okay lil girl. Oh no, you’re not wearing those.” 
   You felt a throb yet again when you heard him call you lil girl. He snatched the pair of shorts up, dangling it just above your head. “Can’t I ever have my girlfriend wear something remotely sexy? I love your body. I want to see it all in its glory.” He placed it back into the drawer neatly.
   You froze. He was being incredibly straightforward, which wasn’t unlike Gojo, but you didn’t think he would make such large advancements. His arms snaked around your waist without you even realizing, breathing heavily as he placed your ass on his lap. 
   Readjusting to the new position, you looked up, fear and excitement brewing inside of you, was this going to be your first time having sex? You leaned in for a kiss.
   Just as he was about to give you a taste of his lips once again, a loud ringtone sounded. 
   “Fuck.” he cursed to himself, digging into his pockets and whipping out his phone, he gestured for you to be quiet. You whined a little, you had now realized what you were throbbing for.
   “Hello?” Gojo cocked his head to his side, placing the phone right next to his ear as it dangerously rested on his shoulder. A disgruntled look in his face, one hand squishing your ass. 
   “Mmmmmm, yeah, okay.” he placed the phone down on the covers, looking down to you, eye to eye.
   “That was a call from Ijichi, there’s some crazy shit going on somewhere, I have to take an emergency business trip.” he kissed your forehead gently, “I love you okay?” 
   Disappointed with the outcome, you nodded. He gave you a gentle few pats on your back before standing up, gently rolling you over on the bed, and rummaging through the drawers for his work uniform.  
   “As he casually undressed in front of you, you obviously stared, savoring the last few minutes of his body before he would disappear for the next few days, or maybe even weeks, or a month. 
   He looked back on you, just as he was entering the hallway. 
   “You forgot to say I love you.” 
   Looking up, you cursed to yourself, he didn’t have the usual playful cocky grin, now replaced with a worried one. 
   “I love you too.”
   It had now been a week since your 1 month anniversary, you had been blue balled so badly, it almost hurt. You were laying down on your bed, looking at the curtains flutter as a casual wind blew into the room. The sun was setting, and a beautiful dark blue canvas dotted with stars was sure to appear. 
   You had tried holding off, ignoring your walls desperately wrapping around something that wasn’t there. Constantly looking down, seeing that your panties were obviously soaked. The dreams weren’t helping either, Satoru had been appearing in your dreams and doing things that even he would be weirded out by, and he had seen some shit.
   Your arm snaked down to your panties, hand underneath the fabric. You breathed a sigh of relief as your unexperienced fingers circled your entrance, enjoying the slight tease. You heard the slight suckle of your walls around your fingers, enjoying the full feeling. 
   Yet you knew that this wasn’t the extent of things, you knew that there were much bigger, capable of reaching places you wouldn’t even dream of reaching. But you enjoyed the small amounts of pleasure anyways.
   You pulled your panties down, throwing it into the laundry basket and cursing yourself for making it so wet. Slowly thrusting in and out with the finger, you sighed a breath of relief. 
   “Fuck.” you gasped, as a white fluid pooled out of you onto the sheets. You cursed harder to yourself, realizing now that you had to wash them. 
   “Shit.” you couldn’t quite stop there though, you had even more aching between your legs, and you had to satisfy your cravings, you didn’t even know when Gojo would come home. 
   You gasped more, a second round of white fluids flowed out of you. The yearnings now gone, you yanked a tissue out of the tissue box, wiping your finger on it, too lazy to get up, you would worry about the cum later. Drifting off into a heavy sleep, dreaming once again about the ungodly things you wanted Gojo to do to you.
   “Gojo, s-stop.” you looked up at him as you sat on his lap, his fingers coated with your slick. His other hand played with the hem of your skirt. Not responding, he continued to quietly fingering you. 
   You quickly put a hand over your mouth, letting out a muffled moan, he snickered a little, before pulling out his fingers. 
   You whined a bit, earning a stare from a few people. Looking up at him with puppy eyes, you felt yourself wrapping around air.
   He sadistically smiled. You wondered how his eyes would look right now, unable to look at him because of his blindfold. 
   “Beg for it, slut.” he silently whispered, teasing your entrance. You let out a little whimper again, how were you to be quiet when he was doing all this to you?
   You opened your mouth slightly, about to beg, before being shut down completely as he shoved 3 fingers into you. 
   You let out a loud squeak, the whole restaurant now staring at you, eyeing you even across the room with displeased faces. You looked down, embarrassed. 
   He was now laughing at you, you looked up to him about to silently chew him out. Before opening your mouth, you were transported into a bright room. 
   Your eyes blinked, readjusting to the brightness. You realized that your legs were slightly colder then your upper half, realizing that you were completely naked down there. You blinked furiously, looking around, seeing someone’s incredibly muscular chest, with unmistakable white hair. 
   Rubbing your eyes, making sure that you weren’t seeing things, you mumbled, “Gojo?” 
   You felt something squirm around inside of you, letting out a loud moan as it pulled out. 
   “Hm?” he murmured sleepily, you looked down.
   Putting two and two together, his incredibly long fingers were glistening with a wetness. He shuffled a bit before finally sucking and licking his fingers, looking at you directly in the eye while doing so. 
   “What’s wrong, slut?” he smiled deviously again, resting his chin on your shoulder before thrusting 2 fingers back inside of you again. Curling them inside of you, indulging in the toe curling scream you made. 
   “Gojo! You’re...” he pulled his fingers out before you could finish, adding another finger, he was now up to 3.
   “FUCK, SATORU!”    With a lustrous glint in his eyes, he shoved his thumb and index finger into your mouth.     “That’s daddy to you, and look at your body. It’s practically begging for my cock by now. Oh princess, did I play with you for too long?” he slipped his fingers out of your needy pussy, smiling into your hair.     “Want daddy to fuck you?”    Your mouth suddenly dry, you looked at his neck. Not knowing how to respond, you nodded vigorously, sucking on his fingers.    He tipped your chin to look upwards at his face, staring directly into his aquamarine eyes.     “Use your words, whore. Or you’re not getting shit.” he pulled his fingers out of your mouth.     You coughed and spluttered into your arm, tears forming at the corner of your eyes.     His eyes went softer, pulling you into his chest. “Oh sweetheart, did I go too rough on you?”     You shook your head, before shakily replying, “I-I was just surprised y-you came e-early from the mission a-and...” you took a deep breath in, “I was... unp-prepared.    Before he could reply, you blurted out,    “P-please, daddy, use my tight l-little holes. I’m all yours to u-use.”     He smiled, “What a cute slut. You want me to spoil you, don’t you?”     You nodded, now rubbing your thighs together. Your slick coated your inner thigh and your breathing was getting hot.     “How come when I offered to, you didn’t want to obey me?”     “Y-you can’t compare the two-”    He spat into your open mouth. Smiling a bit when he realized that you had swallowed it, looking at him with even wider puppy eyes.    “No talking back, repeat after me, lil girl. When daddy wants to spoil me, I will let him spoil me.”     “W-when daddy wants to s-spoil me, I...” you took a shaky breath in, “I’ll let him spoil m-me.”     “That’s a good girl. Now turn to look at the wall.” he calmly replied, you obeyed, looking at the wall, anticipating for whatever happened next.     You felt something big touch your entrance. Something unnecessarily big, you whimpered. Realizing it was Gojo’s dick.     He chuckled a bit, smiling into your neck and then giving it a light suck. “It’s okay princess, this is your first isn’t it? I’ll make you into my cumslut afterwards. I’ll go nice and easy.”   Heaving a bit, he thrusted a little inside of you. You held your breath.     Strangely, it didn’t hurt at all. Even with the contrast between his incredibly thick and large cock, to your inexperienced, tight walls.     “Missy, you’re so wet.” huskily muttering into your ear, “almost like you’re milking my cock. So tight.”    He grunted, repositioning myself and letting out a small, “Fuck.” as he did so. You whined as he gradually put more and more of him inside of you.     You tightened around his cock, drooling as you did so. You didn’t realize your mouth was open.     “Babe, I can barely fucking pull out.” Gojo said, while he played with your hair, stroking your cheek.     “W-why not?”     “Nothing other then the fact that, a) you’re too tight around me, and b) you’re clenching incredibly hard for no real reason.” he once again, shoved his thumb and index finger for you to suck on, the other playing with your breast, his thumb rolling over your nipple.     “Just relax, baby. Let daddy do all the work, okay?”     You weakly nodded, as he finished shoving the last of his length inside of you. Whimpering, and yanking your pillow out from its normal position to hug it.     You felt him pull out, and he slammed back inside of you once again.     You swore to God that you saw the light, a wave of pleasure and your body going numb as he did so. Letting out a shrill squeak, you hugged your pillow as hard as you can, your juices flowing down into the bed now, leaving an evident trail of where it once came from.    Gojo grunted, snuggling deeper into your body. There was barely any space between the two of you, but you still didn’t feel close enough.     The room was filled with the sound of sticky skin against stinky skin, panting, and moans. You felt every. single. bit. of him.     Now, he had begun to quicken his pace, slamming into your body more often, sending waves of pleasure inside of you. His hair stuck to his neck, sweat pouring down his body, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.     “Fuck. Fuck, fuck fuck, I want to cum inside of you so badly, love.” he panted out of breath.     You whimpered, still unable to speak due to his fingers you were harshly sucking all this time. He laughed in response, before finally pulling out.     In a blink of an eye, he shot ropes of cum on your stomach, panting. You had finally gotten a good view of his cock, big was an understatement. Veins decorated the side of it, and the tip was a rosy pink.     “Lick some cum off of your pretty stomach, princess. I wanna see how pretty you look while doing so.”    Both of you breathing heavily, sweat dampening the sheets, his eyes bore into you. You gulped, even though you had done something so intimate with him, dominant Gojo was nothing to mess with.     You scooped some of his cum up with your finger and sucked on it, looking at him the whole time.     He grunted with approval, giving you a nice headrub.     “Well would you look at that.” he glanced at the wall, “it’s already morning. Wanna take a shower together, lil girl?”    On any other day, you’d make up an excuse, but you figured that you’d get fucked even harder if you told him you didn’t want to.     “Okay, daddy.”     “Good girl.”          
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ground-riot-jack · 4 years
kei tsukishima x reader
authors note: uh enjoy pls cause i did :)) also this is mostly unedited so there’s prolly hella mistakes. happy thanksgiving thooo love you guys
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not my gif!! also 18+ ONLYYYY
warnings: uh oh where to start// weed use. mentions of being high, NSFW, daddy link, choking, overstimulated, degradation, little bit of praise, thigh fucking, finger sucking :)))
summary: basically you’re high with tsukki and yall fuck but he’s a asshole dom
smoking with tsukishima was a blessing. You’d sit in the warm sun, passing back a blunt between you, talking and laughing through shallow coughs. Your favorite part was the aftermath. You’re both lazy and slightly high with no plans for the day. You’d both lay in bed spooning with a warm buzz on your body, ready to take a nap. Life was perfect in this moment.
You find something easy to watch on your TV, sound low and quiet, mixing with Tsukishimas breaths behind your ear.
You could tell your boyfriend wasn’t quite ready to fall asleep though. You could feel him grip your hips just a tad tighter and his hips lightly pushing against your backside, matching the speed of the feathery kisses Tsukki placed on the back of your neck and jaw.
Usually, you’d be able to hold yourself together and show some restraint, but you can’t help but clench your thighs, scooting forward slightly to escape the smal grinds.
“tsukki stop, m’tryna watch”
“fine, then watch”
You’d tried your best to continue watching and pay attention to whatever was currently playing but you were always distracted but a smooth deep thrust from Tsukki. You could feel his dick growing with every thrust, getting heavier and heavier on your ass and mind. Tsukki may be an asshole, but he certainly made up for it when y’all were pressed skin to skin. You can’t recall a single time your boyfriend let you leave his bedroom without shaky legs, he was just so good at using his dick. It didnt help that he was naturally blessed with a long cock, a slight curve that scraped out your insides every other night. It was so pretty you couldn’t help but think about it. all. the. time.
The jerk in your boyfriend took control and you heard him curse before hooking his thumbs into your pants and underwear, yanking them down as quickly as possible. You whine at the cool air now able to reach your most sensitive areas. You were still debating whether or not you wanted to beg Tsukkis forgiveness and have him fuck you, or let him wear himself out until you both fall asleep. You didn’t dare look back as you heard him push his sweats down his gorgeous thighs. You braced yourself for him to enter your cunt as you heard him spit into his hand and pump himself while he stared down at you. But as you feel him guiding his cock along your pussy, he slides over your clenching entrance and settles for the warmth of your squished and now slightly slick thighs.
Tsukishima wasted no time in setting a quick pace, with a thigh grip on your hip, he treated your soft thighs like his personal fleshlight. The more he thrusted, the more dampness collected between the two of you, so much so you could hear his dick being sucked into your thighs. You bit your lip to keep from whining when you felt his tip nudge your clit. Then it happened again, and again and repeatedly until all you could think about was Kei shoving your face into the mattress and rocking your world.
“want you daddy, please” you’d cry out, not being able to focus on the TV in front of you. You now fully focused on the fingers digging into your hips and the puffs of air leaving his mouth. Then you heard a low growl come from behind you.
“oh now you want me? you were just so focused on your little video. I’m taking care of myself since you didn’t wanna be a good obedient slut, so while i’m fucking your messy thighs you can sit and whine like a bitch in heat”
Kei always knew exactly what to say to get you whimpering and squirming on top of him, it was a special talent of his. Not only could his words turn you on beyond comprehension, they tuned you into exactly what he wanted you to be, his dirty slut. Your next words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them.
“Please daddy, need you to fuck me. I can feel your cock rubbing against me. please please daddy, you always fuck me so good, fuck me so deep every time daddy, wanna be your good slut, wanna make you cum” you’d cry out, pushing back against him and arching your back
Tsukki grips your jaw and twists your head to look at him, “do you even hear the slutty words coming out of your filthy mouth huh? begging for my cock like a desperate slut? you’re fucking addicted to this cock aren’t you?” he slams into you in one go, making you grip onto his arm. “pathetic, you’re so fucking needy for daddys cock in your cunt, you’re dripping”
He immediately sets a rough pace, his long fingers digging into your hips and jaw. He’s got you pulled against his chest real close and you can barely hear your own moans over Keis groans and your skin slapping and pussy squelching. It’s beautifully nasty and it’s making you lose your mind. You mentally searching for an anchor to ground yourself in the realm of existence the duck is just THAT good.
You turn your head mouth open and looking for the finger on your cheek, sucking on his middle finger to muffle your screams. It nearly send Tsukki over the edge and he roars lowly in your ear.
“What? My cock not enough slut? Need daddy to fill your other holes?” He laughs mockingly, shoving two fingers down your throat. He kisses your temple as you choke and gargle around his long slender fingers, his knuckles are pressing against the top of your throat and his finger tips are nearly down your trachea.
“...frease yathy...” you gargle around tsukkis fingers, you’re not even sure you fully understand what you’re saying.
“what’s that baby? speak up? cant understand you when you babble” He pulls his fingers out until nothing but the finger tips remains on your lips, spit hanging in strings around your mouth and drool byline at the corners.
“please daddy, feels so good, wanna cum” you all but sobbed
“my little slut wants to cum? alright baby, hold on” Tsukki growls, he wrapped his left arm around your torso while his other hand pushed your head away from him as leverage, slamming into you as hard and fast as he possibly can. You’re screaming and cumming and crying and shaking and it’s all so much but it’s soooo good and you think for a moment you’ll be able to catch your breathe as his thrusts slow down and he pulls out of you.
Then you’re being flipped on your back and tsukishimas dick is being slammed back into you at an angle, automatically hitting that spot that rips a screech from your throat and causing your village to blur.
“look at my baby, fucked so stupid she can’t even stop crying” Tsukki coos, licking at your tears and kissing the apple of your cheeks.
“Love you daddy” You whine in a voice that has tsukki sitting up, dragging your hips into his lap.
“awe is daddy’s cock all you can think about sweetheart? my dumb little slut, taking me so well like the fuck toy you are”
“Yea daddy, i’m your good fuck toy.” You babble drunkenly. Tsukishima absolutely Loved you like this, pretty eyes red and slightly puffy, you’re shedding tears but smiling. you’re so cock drunk you’d agree with nearly anything he said as long as he was the one saying it. Your body mostly limp except for the small shivers that run through.
“Yea baby? What else? Tell daddy how you like to be treated slut,” He pops a quick slap on your bouncing chest, causing you to jump. He wanted to see how far your take this.
“daddy’s cocksleeve, so deep, daddy’s good little slut....good slut....” You recount all your favorite insults your boyfriend spews at you while your fucking. Tsukki has never been quiet during sex, nearly as long as y’all have been having sex, he’s been spewing dirty insults at you.
At your confession, Tsukki fucks into you harder and faster, causing you to tense up. His tip is slamming into your cervix and you feel like your being split in half.
“S’too deep, too much daddy” you whine, hips bucking to gain some relief.
“It’s too much? Do you think I fucking care? You said it yourself baby, you’re my cocksleeve so i’m gonna fuck you until i’m done, i don’t care how many times you gush and cream around me, i’m gonna fuck you unconscious if i wanna.”
“Yes daddy, please” Tsukki doesn’t think you even know what he just said, but he smiles and grips your throat anyway.
“You didn’t lie did you slut? You said you were my good fuck toy, you know how I feel about lying sluts?” A growl tore through his chest as he continued fucking into your body.
“No daddy, i’m a good slut, your fuck toy. want your cum daddy” You cry. Tsukki loosens the grip on your throat to listen to your fucked out babbles.
He nearly loses his mind as he watches your much smaller hand move around until it grabs his own from your hip, licking his lips as you drag it to your lower belly, pushing his palm down.
“Want you to cum here daddy, can feel you” You look into tsukkis eyes and he nearly whines himself at the slutty yet happy look in your eyes. He pushed down more, feeling the tip of cock press against his own hand, groaning he shoved into you one last time, spilling his seed as deep into your body as he can,
“feel me in your tummy baby? good fucking girl, milking me dry. you want my babies don’t ya sweet girl?” Tsukki ruts into you to make sure you’ve got every last drop. He may be a mean dom but he’s always so sweet to you when he’s cumming, something about his orgasm makes him spread praise like it’s his job.
His orgasam suck one from you, causing you to squirt all over your boyfriends covered torso.
“look at this mess slut, it’s okay. I’ll clean it up this time, next time you’re getting punished” Tsukki speaks plainly, plopping a kiss in your forehead as he pulls out, heading to the bathroom to get some things to clean you with.
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3mmafr0st · 4 years
Remember Me Part 2
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Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: SMUT and everything that comes with it, Talk of death and murder, violence, guns, brainwashing, sleazy billionaires (eat the rich)
A/N: I have had so much fun with this, give your opinions in the comments
They lied, there was no new mission tomorrow. I stayed locked in that dark little cell that they called my room. It was somewhat comfortable, they had to keep me Poole that so I would be able to keep myself in peak shape. A soldier is no good if they’re sick and in pain. There were sparse books, guides like The Art of War, or the vile words of Mein Kampf. I didn’t like the second one at all. The views were absolutely disgusting, but It made some sort of sense that it was there. I remember vaguely hearing about how Hydra was part of Nazi Germany. Although I couldn’t quite remember what that was, I knew it was bad, because that was what the book itself was about.
The walls were made of cement, the floors lined with corrugated metal. There was a metal bed frame in the corner, with a mattress, pillow, and blanket. Just enough to keep me comfortable. There was a desk in the other corner, simple metal table and chair, but nothing on it or in it. It was simply a place to fill out my mission reports. In the back was a door that lead to a small shower, toilet, and sink. Finally, a punching bag hung from the ceiling on the same side as the bed. I had been in this room for so long that I had memorized every inch of it.
It was difficult to tell how long I had been in here. The only clue to how long was the wall of carved tally marks, at least 20,000, give or take. They never actually gave me a calendar or anything to keep track of time, instead, I tracked it on mealtimes.
It had been about three weeks this time, complete with twenty two new tallies added to the wall. They pulled me out of the room after breakfast, restraining me by walking me with each of my arms held still. I had hope that he would be on this assignment, and as the door opened, a wave of relief hit me. My expression stayed stoic, unreadable. His face was the same, no emotion, no hint of what he did or did not remember. I was pushed into the seat next to him. He didn’t look at me, simply looking forward at the metal desk in front of us.
Pierce finally walked in the door. This must be a high profile mission if he’s here. Two folders were placed in front of us. We each opened our respective files, detailing the mission, even though Pierce began to explain.
“The two of you will be going on and undercover find and kill mission. You will be attending a charity gala for Rosenthal Industries, a former business partner of ours. Caleb Rosenthal will be attending the event. Your job is to get him alone, inject him with the neuro-agent, and make sure he’s dead. Your covers are listed in the file.” I nodded that I understood the mission, and so did Bucky.
The two of us were monitored during the car ride. We were meant to stay in the back while someone else drove the car. The entire ride was silent, the two of us trading glances at each other as we went over our respective files.
We were yet again set up as a couple, but we were meant to have some sort of agreement, an open marriage sort of situation. They were sending me to seduce the young Rosenthal, and get him alone. It was something that I had done millions of times it felt, but this mission was different. There was a more important objective at play, escape.
The minute we were given a room, we looked everywhere, analyzing and checking every item of the room for bugs or cameras. Once we confirmed there were none, I walked over to Bucky.
“What do you remember?” I asked, looking him dead in the eyes. I watched as the facade melted away from his face, the emotionless and cold look being replaced with a smile and adoring eyes.
I pulled his face down to me, pressing my lips to his. I tried to keep control, but it didnt last for long, as an arm snaked around my waist, the cold metal pushing up my shirt slightly to make contact with my skin. I gasped from the sensation, and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
I felt the strain in my lungs, and broke the kiss, looking right back up at him.
“I know its been three weeks, but we only have three hours till the charity gala, and we both have to look presentable.” An idea popped into his head evident by the smirk appearing on his face.
“I mean, we definitely should take a shower first,” He said, hands moving up and down my sides.
“It’s probably a bad idea, but you are too good to pass up.” I yelped as my legs were sweeped out under me, Bucky carrying me through the air into the hotel bathroom.
Since we had to have a higher profile for this mission, the hotel room was much nicer than usual. The biggest excitement had to be the massive shower, more than big enough for the two of us. He put me down on the marble sink countertop, practically ripping his suit jacket and shirt off. My hands reached for his chest as he began to undo the buttons on my maroon dress shirt. Once the offending fabric was gone, he moved on to the rest of my clothing, ridding the both of us of any clothing that we had been wearing.
I whined at the cold as he left to go and start the shower, making sure that it was the right temperature. I didn’t want to wait for him to come back over to me, so I walked over to the shower, wrapping my arms around him from behind as he tested the water. I wanted to stay like that forever, simply cuddling myself into his back, the warmth of his body in contact with my cold skin. He began to turn and face me, and i loosened my grip so I could keep my arms around him.
“Doll, are you going to let go or are the two of us going to have to shuffle out way into the shower?” I pouted, but complied as he pulled me into the deliciously hot water.
“I missed you so much, Y/N,” His hands grazed their way down and up me like they did before. I tangled my hand into Bucky’s hair, pulling his lips onto mine. I had no patience at this point, and neither did he, the kiss rough and passionate as I was backed into the wall of the shower. His mouth began to move from my mouth, trailing lower and lower. I felt the warmth of his tongue swirling around my nipple, and a gasp broke free from my lips. The smooth of his metal fingers toyed with the other, making me throw my head back into the tile of the shower.    
“Fuck, keep makin those noises, doll.” His mouth moved away, trailing even lower, leaving kisses on my hips. He looked up at me, his eyes once again scanning mine for any hint of hesitation. Even through everything, he was still so kind, so sweet and concerned for me, it made me fall in love with him all over again. I was so distracted by my own sappy thoughts, that Bucky got the jump on me, licking one broad stripe up my pussy, nearly knocking the wind out of my lungs with how much I needed him. My hands flew to his hair, tangling into the long locks and pulling him closer. He moaned, sending vibrations straight to my clit, which only made me cry out and pull harder.
“Fuck, Bucky, please!” I could feel that knot that continued to tighten in my stomach. My hips began to try and move on their own, but Bucky’s hands pinned me to the tile wall so I couldn’t. I was pulled out of my trance as I felt two cold fingers slip inside of me.
I screamed his name out as his fingers began curling and pressing against the sweet spot inside of me, the combination of both his mouth and his fingers finally pushing me over the edge.
Buck held me down, helping me through my orgasm, holding my hips so I wouldn’t fall, and licking up every drop of my cum until he was satisfied. He finally stood up, making sure to hold me up so my legs wouldn’t give out from under me, his flesh hand pushing my chin up so he could look at me. My hands reached out to grab his cock, wanting him to get something out of this too, but he pushed them away.
“Not today, Doll, we gotta actually shower now, like you said, remember?” I groaned, but I knew that he was right. We had a mission to prepare for, and a plan to enact. Still holding me up, he moved me into the jets of water coming from the shower head. The hot water hit the back of my neck nicely, as Bucky squeezed out some of the soap into my hand. It felt like his hands were everywhere, assisting me with washing every bit and piece of me. Once I was finally able to stand on my own, he moved to get the shampoo, telling me to turn around and step out of the water.
He stood behind me, his hands in my hair, making sure that every single bit had been properly shampooed. I couldn’t help but sigh as his fingers worked the bubbles into the roots of my hair. Once he was finished, I stepped back under the water, as he aided in the washing away of all the shampoo and suds for one last time before the two of us switched places.
Although I knew that we had to go quickly, we, more like I, needed the time to get ready for the gala, but how could I not take the chance that I had been given to enjoy what he looked like, being able to simply move my hands over his chest, spreading the now foamy soap across his body. I moved my hands across every part of him, making sure he was perfectly clean for the gala. Once I got to putting the shampoo in his hair, I noticed a bit of a problem. Although I wasn’t the shortest person in the world, Bucky was still much taller than me, which created a bit of an obstacle when trying to wash his hair. I got up on the balls of my feet in order to reach the top of his head, collecting all of his hair in my hands to make sure everything was washed and clean. I felt as his muscles relax, as if he didn’t even know that they had been tensed, as my fingers worked at his scalp. If I wasn’t allowed to touch him in the way that I wanted, I would make him feel good in any way I could. He turned back around and into the water, rinsing all of the shampoo out of his hair.
I looked in front of the large mirror that lined one side of the bathroom. As I looked at myself, my thoughts wandered away from me. In all the time that I had been a soldier, the only women that I had ever come in contact with were doctors and nurses whenever I would get hurt on the job. They were extra careful with me, maybe it was because my face was valuable, or some bullshit like that. Other than that, I had never once seen a woman in any facility I had been in. I thought about this as I looked at myself, as the supplies and wardrobe given for me for the mission simply could not have been picked out by the type of men that I had met as a soldier. The makeup was high quality, clearly expensive, with perfect matches in color and shade in comparison to both my skin tone and the dress that I was given. The floor length black dress hugged my body in just the right way while also hiding the shiny silver of my leg. My hair was styled and put up and out of my way, both appropriate for the situation and the mission. I smiled at this woman that I did not recognize in the mirror. This was not me, this was Rose Castellan. I liked her, she wasn’t turned into a soldier against her will, experimented on and tortured for as long as she can remember.
I turned around, breaking away from my little pity party to see Bucky behind me, clearly struggling with his hair and tie.
“Help?” He looked so confused, and I smiled. I knew he didn’t tend to go on these types of missions, at least never by himself. He always struggled with his metal arm and trying to tie his tie, as well as never knowing what to do with his hair.
“Sit down, I’ll help with your hair first.” He sat in the chair that I had pulled into the bathroom from the desk. He complied as I began to fix his hair.
“So, any new memories in the last few days?” I asked, picking up the hairbrush and pulling it through his hair to get out all of the knots and tangles.
“There’s this one name that keeps repeating itself in my head, Steve. I know it’s important, I just can’t quite put my finger on who it is or why they are important.” I nodded, noting the information in my head.
“I am having the same situation. There’s a B rattling around, and I can’t quite get the rest of the word, but the B is there.” My hands gathered as much hair as I could in my hands, pulling it up to the top of the back of his head. “I have some parts that are solid progressions of time, but then it simply stops, sometimes for months, other times for years, is that like that for you?”
“Yeah, I can remember some missions that come in order, but then it just stops, and then starts back up later.”
“They really did a number on us the last time it worked when the tried to fry us, I could have sworn that I knew where all that time was going.” I pulled the elastic from my wrist, pulling it over the bundle of hair that I had gathered into a small top knot that kept his hair out of his eyes. His eyes scanned over his reflection in the mirror, clearly not used to the different look.
“Did I do ok”
“Of course, doll, just going to take a bit of getting used to.”
“You know you don’t need to keep it.”
“Yeah, but I liked it when you did it.” My eyes drifted to the ground for a moment as a blush spread over my face.
Bucky stood up from his chair, standing facing towards me. Taking the tie in my hands, I moved the fabric in and out of itself until it formed the knot that it was meant to. Finishing it off, I buttoned the front of his jacket, completing the look.
Glancing over at the clock, I saw that it was almost time to go. Luckily enough, we didn’t have to get into another car with another random driver, the Rosenthal Building was right next to our hotel.
“So what’s the plan for tonight?” He asked, as the two of us began to get our things together to leave.
“After we complete the objective, instead of returning to the hotel and checking in with Pierce for extraction, we disappear, find somewhere off the grid that we can hide out for a little while so we can recover more memories,”
“Sounds like a good idea, we can’t plan too far ahead, we weren’t given schematics of the building or anything.” We looked at each other, nodding, before he offered his arm out to me, escorting me out of the hotel room.
I picked up a drink off of the small tray that was held by one of the servers in the ballroom. I thanked him, and Bucky did the same. Swirling my finger in my drink, I looked at the polish on my fingernail to see if it had changed color. It hadn’t. The drinks were clean.
The room was exactly how you would expect, with the fanciest furniture and decorations that money could buy, the guests all in the finest and most up to date fashion, everyone talking about their recent business ventures and lavish trips around the globe. There was an anger burning in me, but I had no idea where it came from. The two of us scanned the room, looking for the target.
I looked over to see the target, Caleb Rosenthal. He was young, maybe in his mid twenties, with a pretty face and a lot of money. It was clear to see that this man had never met any sort of opposition or struggle in his life, always given everything he had ever wanted. I looked at Bucky for a sort of confirmation that I should start, and he nodded. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the small group that Rosenthal had been talking to. I sauntered over, getting his attention.
“And who might you be?” His voice was unbearable, the entitlement and ego dripping off of his words.
“Rose Castellan of Castellan and Stowe Law, we haven’t met formally.”
“I would have remembered a face like yours, what’s your deal?”
“We mainly work in company lawsuits. We’re the guys that save your ass if you do something everyone will regret.” He laughed at the comment, before shooing the rest of the crowd around him away.
“Would you like to dance?” He offered his hand to me, and I smiled sweetly at him, taking it as he led me to the dance floor. His hands were sweaty and wet, but I suffered through it. The two of us danced for a while as the soft and slow music played in the background. I glanced over to see Bucky watching us with a laser stare.
“So who’s the guy?” Rosenthal asked, gesturing towards Bucky.
“My husband, but don’t worry about him.”
“Oh, and why is that?” His voice had that air of suggestiveness to it that made me want to throw up in my mouth. I leaned into him, getting my face close to his ear.
“Let’s just say the two of us have a bit of an arrangement,” I made the underlying tone of the sentence all the more apparent as I moved his hand lower down my back to rest on my ass. He looked surprised at how forward I was being, but it didn’t take long for him to lean into my ear.
“Let’s get out of here.”
“Lead the way.” Rosenthal took my hand and began to lead me away from the party.
The two of us walked the hallways, as Caleb tried to find an appropriate room in his own building. I looked behind me, and in the darkness of the hallway, hidden well by the shadows lurked Bucky, watching to make sure that nothing would go too far.
Once he found an office that he deemed suitable, he swung the door open, looking both ways down the hall before opening the door and letting me walk in. He locked the door behind him, and his lips were on mine, pushing me into the desk. I sat myself on the desk as he began to move his gross and sloppy kisses down my neck. I pulled the small patch out of the secret pockets of the dress, perfectly designed. As I moved my hand around his neck, I pressed the patch into his skin, watching as the material disappeared into his flesh.
It only took moments for the toxin to hit him. He stumbled backwards from me, holding his head in pain, uttering a weak “I don’t feel so good,” before hitting the floor. I checked the man’s pulse, confirming his death, before stepping over the body and unlocking the door. Bucky was on the other side, waiting for me.
“He’s dead?”
“Are you really going to question it? I know what I’m doing!” I said, punching him in the shoulder, the attempt at comedy trying to cut the edge of the situation.
“Let’s go.” Bucky began walking down the hallway behind me, as we tried to be as inconspicuous as possible. There was always a garage door when it comes to facilities like this, and thats what we were going to go to, getting into the elevator and pressing the buttons for the ground floor.
Once the doors closed, Bucky pulled me in and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips, soft and sweet, a comfort.
“What was that for?”
“I just want to make sure I did that, no matter what happens.”
“Nothing is going to happen, this is the perfect plan.”
That was when the elevator doors opened into the ground floor, and a man was standing there.  He nodded to us, before getting into the elevator as we got out. The two of us looked for some sort of lab, anything labeled as such. I couldn’t believe how lax the security was, but I didn’t say anything, that wasn’t our concern. Finally we found where we needed to be, a large garage, that opened up. I opened the door as Bucky watched for people around us. The entire situation felt off, like this was too easy.
Suddenly, agents began bursting in through the doors, none of which I recognized. I looked to Bucky, and he simply yelled, “Run!”
I did as I was told, sliding underneath the door and running into the street, witnesses everywhere as I ran as far as I could. People looked confused, and understandably so, a girl dressed like a debutante running through the city as fast as she can in heels. My heart pounded in my chest, as I kept looking behind me for Bucky, where was Bucky? He had to have made it out, he was a better soldier than me, he was a stronger soldier than me.
20 blocks, at least, thats how far I ran, before I finally stopped. I took so many turns that they would have had to have lost them, but there was no Bucky. I waited in that spot for a little while , an alleyway occupied by a small population of homeless people.
Bucky had to have gotten out, he had to. He just must have gone a different way, yes, that’s it! He had to have just taken a different route, ended up in a different part of the city. We would find each other later.
I looked down to what I was wearing, the clothing too distinctive. I scanned my surroundings, seeing a girl, roughly my age and size.  I went up to her, surprising her slightly.
“Hey, do you think I could trade clothes with you?” She looked at me funny for a second, but then quickly nodded. The two of us walked into the privacy that the shadows of the alley provided, shucking layers of clothing off of us, trading what one had for the other.
As I zipped up the sweatshirt and jeans given to me, I looked at the girl, still confused and concerned as to why I had asked her to take the clothing.
“You’re gonna be able to get at least 2,000 for this at a pawn shop, don’t let it get damaged before the morning unless you plan on keeping it.” Her eyes went wide with excitement and nodded, going back to the corner that she had come from.
I left the alleyway, and once again began to move, trying to find a different place to camp out for the night. I had no money, so a hotel was out of the question, and it wasn’t as if I knew anyone that I could stay with.
I was lucky that one of the things that I had gotten real good at during my training, was pickpocketing. No one was the wiser, as I moved flawlessly on the streets, anyone who dared walk next to me was subject to the loss of their wallet. I continued like this until I found myself another homeless camp, huddling in with the mass of smelly bodies.
I turned to one of the people huddled around a small fire, warming his hands. “What city is this?”
“We’re in New York, you really must have taken something strong.”
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thorniest-rose · 4 years
reddie halloween prompt #5 undead
On the sixth night of the third week after they destroy IT, Richie returns to Eddie.
The Losers all try to stop him. On that first night back at the Town House, Eddie breaks down at the bar, telling them that there had to be a way. That there must be a spell in one of Mike’s books that could reverse what had happened. That they at least had to try.
“He died by mystical means... that means we can bring him back,” he begs, while they all look at him pitifully. Even Stanley, who had understood Richie in a way the others never could, turns his face away.
“Think about what you’re saying, Eddie,” Ben says, eyes dark and wounded as he cradles a glass of whiskey. “People aren’t supposed to come back like that. It could go wrong."
“He’s gone, baby,” Bev agrees softly, placing her hand on Eddie's arm so gently it hardly feels like anything at all. It was nothing like Richie’s rough, boisterous touch. “We all have to accept that and move on.”
But Eddie was unshakeable, inconsolable.
He won't let himself be pulled into Bev's hug, and he refuses to take part in the ritualistic sharing of memories. Reminiscing about bug-eyed glasses and skinned knees; about the plethora of voices, or the way Richie had once held a baseball bat so bravely. The little monster slayer. Instead all Eddie could think about was the body that was currently on ice in Derry's small morgue down the street. The body that had once been Richie's, until the clown tore a hole through his chest. Right now his lips were probably turning blue. 
The thought has Eddie staggering from the bar with tears stinging his eyes, ignoring the Losers as they call out to him, so he can lock himself away in Richie’s room. In the dark he peels out of his clothes and folds himself into a clean t-shirt from Richie’s bag. It’s an old tour shirt from 2012 and it’s so big on Eddie it almost swallows him whole. 
For a single, overwhelming moment Eddie wishes he really could be swallowed up, that he'd chosen to stay down in the sewers with Richie’s body. That they had disappeared into the earth together. 
But instead he was here. And all he could do was ache as Richie's body started to slowly disintegrate down in the morgue.
Eddie doesn’t know how much time passes before Bill comes to him. Bill, who knocks on Eddie's door until he answers, wrapped in Richie's t-shirt and nothing else.
After a second's hesitation Eddie invites him in, and the two men stand by the door, the silence between them growing like a cancer, until Bill reaches out and places his hand on Eddie’s tear-sticky cheek.
“I need to tell you something,” he says, voice on the verge of his old stutter. “I need you to know that I love you. I always did, even when we were kids. And I can’t have you leave without you knowing that.”
And Eddie would be lying if he said he didn’t consider it. That he didn’t consider letting Bill press him down to the mattress and spread his thighs open. That for a moment he didn’t think about how it would feel for Bill to open him up. First with his fingers, and then his cock. To push inside him in the way Eddie had always daydreamed about as a boy with his bed sheets bunched up between his legs. Maybe Bill could help fill the emptiness that Eddie had felt opening up inside him from the moment they left the sewers.
But then he thinks of Richie’s body, how he looked when he died, what he said, and he pulls away. Out of Bill's warm embrace and back to the bed, the sheets still creased with the imprint of Richie’s slumbering body.
Eddie fixes his eyes on the bed and says, "It doesn’t matter, because I don’t love you."
Behind him he can almost feel the way Bill’s face falls. Can almost feel the hurt noise Bill makes in his own throat.
“Okay,” Bill says shakily. "You need time, I understand that. Maybe we should talk about this again tomorrow."
Sorrow makes Eddie's tongue sharp as he looks over his shoulder and says, “I don’t need time. I need Richie. And I sure as hell don’t need you. You're half the man Richie ever was."
The look on Bill's face feels like a knife, but he can't bring himself to care. All he wants is to be left alone and a moment later he is, as Bill slips out the door as quietly as he walked in. Richie would never have done that, Eddie thinks. He would have made a racket. He would never take no for an answer.
Richie had been the only person who'd never treated Eddie like he was made from glass.
Later, in the dead patch of night just after 3am, Eddie pulls on a pair of jeans and leaves the Town House. He leaves behind most of his things: his clothes, his pills, his toiletries. Suddenly, nothing really matters. Not his last Valium, and not the pot of moisturizer that cost more than Myra’s entire make-up cabinet. Definitely not the sad little life that marked his entire childhood in Derry. He doesn’t even leave a note to say goodbye. 
Before heading to the airport he breaks into Mike’s room above the library to rifle through all the books the man had collected over the years. Half wrecks the place to find what he needs, the spell that will bring Richie back. When he finds it he makes a noise he doesn’t recognise, something like a sob but also a groan. Half desperate, half wild. He clutches the book so hard he almost rips the page.
A frantic Mike emerges in the doorway just as Eddie turns to leave. His eyes dart down to the book clasped in his arms and they grow shockingly wide.
“Eddie, stop. Think about what you’re doing.”
“You can’t stop me,” Eddie says, pressing the book tighter to his chest, against the stupid t-shirt with Richie’s cartoon face. 
“You need to put the book down. You’re not thinking right. You can’t do this, sweetheart, Richie wouldn’t want you to.”
The sound of Richie’s name breaks through the haze. A second later Eddie’s pulling the gun out of his back pocket. The one he had found hidden in Mike’s old things.
He points it at his old friend and says, “Don’t tell me what Richie would want.”
Mike’s hands dart up. “Eddie-”
"Don’t talk,” Eddie snaps. “And if you come near me I’ll kill you. I’m not joking, I’ll do it."
“Please don’t do this,” Mike says. “This isn’t like you. You’re exhausted, and you’re angry. I understand, and all I want to do is help you. But please put the gun down.”
Eddie doesn’t put the gun down but he does cock it, even with his fingers trembling.
“Don’t tell me what to do. All my life people have only ever told me what to do.”
“You’ll regret it,” Mike says quietly. “You think you can just snap your fingers and bring him back? Things like this always require a price.”
But Eddie won’t be swayed. Not now.
“Step away from the door,” he says. "And don’t even think about coming after me. I’m done with this fucking cemetery of a town and I’m done with you.”
As soon as Mike steps aside, Eddie rushes past him, the book to his chest. He makes sure not to look at Mike’s face. At the hurt and disappointment etched there.
In the cold night air outside, Eddie hardly feels the tears on his face.
Eddie leaves Maine for the last time that morning on the first flight to New York.
When he emerges in the airport, Myra comes to him, her face swimming in tears, her chest heaving. She clasps Eddie to her, cooing over him, telling him how worried she was, how she had called the police, that she thought he was dead. And usually Eddie would feel contrite, would try to comfort her, but all he feels is that emptiness inside him grow. 
Eddie can’t wait. The next day he completes the ritual when Myra is out food shopping. He spreads the red sand in a wide circle on their plush cream carpet and sprinkles the crushed animal bones in each key place. In the middle of the circle he places Richie’s glasses, still smudged with his blood. Then he recites the incantation from the book, not once stumbling over the strange words.
Myra finds him an hour later, passed out on their bed, a huge crimson stain half scrubbed out of the living room carpet, and demands to know what happened. But Eddie only mumbles that he can’t remember.
That afternoon Myra makes an appointment with one of the top therapists in Manhattan, saying her husband was suffering from a severe bout of melancholy.
There's no sign of Richie that day, or on the next, or the next. Eddie thought Richie would have magically appeared after the ritual. He’d expected lights and noise, like in a magician’s show, and that in a big puff of smoke Richie would be restored. But nothing happened. And maybe, Eddie thinks as cries into his pillow, he doesn't deserve it. He’d only ever been cruel and callous to Richie, maybe he doesn't deserve to get him back at all.
He waits and he dreams. Every night as he lies next to Mya, he dreams about Richie for the first time in years. He dreams of the two of them as children, touching hands and sharing ice-cream; and as teenagers driving around in Richie’s old truck, his legs draped over Richie’s lap as the other boy ghosted his fingers over his calves. And he dreams of a life they never had. Of first kisses, and love confessions, and slow bursts of love making during that sleepy time of morning when the sky turns milky just before dawn.
Every morning he wakes up with wet cheeks. And the emptiness continues to grow.
Over the next few days Eddie gets quieter and more withdrawn. He stops going to work and he doesn’t swallow any of the pills that Myra tries to force on him, spitting them into the toilet as soon as he can get away from her. She’s worried about him, he knows that, but he can’t bring himself to care.
He also doesn't care about all the missed phone calls from the Losers, or the string of texts and voice messages begging him to reconsider, telling him to call. He half types a text to Bev saying, when will it start to feel better? It didnt work anyway, i guess i cant do anything right but it lies half-written on his phone for two days before he deletes it. In the end he blocks their numbers and throws his phone into his bedside drawer.
But then, towards the end of the third week, Eddie wakes up and something feels off. 
He can’t describe it, he just feels strange. Tense, the way he always felt before running. And slightly sick. That morning he finds himself watching the news as he chews on his thumbnail. A nervous little tick he hasn’t fallen back into since his late 20s. But there’s no impending catastrophe, no signal of anything ominous. He even scans the local Derry news on his iPad but finds nothing of note beyond a couple of farm cows found brutalised, torn open, their guts hanging out. A local nut job was blamed and arrested. 
Just as he’s about to put the iPad down and make his egg-white omelette for breakfast, his eyes catch on a small story: a break-in at the Derry morgue. It’s dated as the same week that the Losers were in Derry, just two days after he disappeared. He realises, with a quiver, that it was the day after the incantation, the ritual to bring Richie back. 
Eddie places his iPad down and goes to the bathroom, where he sits in the bath in the way he did as a child, when he was trying to calm the panic attack he felt growing under his skin. He sits there until he feels like his heart isn’t about to burst out of his skin and can go about his day again.
It doesn’t mean anything, he says to himself. Break-ins happen all the time. It doesn’t mean anything at all.
That evening he makes a simple dinner of grilled chicken and asparagus with a white wine sauce. But he can hardly eat. That feeling of unease had stayed with Eddie all day, and as the sky darkened outside it had only grown. Crawling up his throat, seizing his stomach, until he was choking on it.
Across the table he can hear Myra talking, but she’s muffled, like she’s talking underwater. 
“A man was killed just a few blocks from us, Eddie, did you hear? It’s awful, apparently he was found ravaged, torn open.”
“Oh,” Eddie murmurs. 
Myra frowns. “Are you even listening?”
And Eddie isn’t, but he nods his head.
After he’s pushed his food around his plate for a few more minutes, Eddie tells Myra he needs some fresh air, and before she can argue he slips out into the garden. 
He ducks around the veranda outside. When he’s sure he’s completely hidden, he pulls a crumpled pack of cigarettes out his pocket. They’re not his, of course, they’re Richie’s. A pack he’d taken from his room at the Town House when he left that night. He hasn’t been able to smoke one yet, has only lifted one to his lips when Myra wasn’t around so he could pretend to taste Richie’s lips on it. But he suddenly wants to smoke one now, lighting it quickly so he can take a puff. The first one he’s ever taken. He hopes it’ll help him feel closer to Richie. But all it does is make his eyes water instantly and fill his throat with an acrid burn, bending him forwards to retch. It’s disgusting.
Eddie throws the cigarette away and crushes it into the ground with a grimace, wondering how Richie did that every single day. How that could ever be enjoyable. 
But Richie had always been an excruciating anomaly, even when they were kids.
As he turns to walk back into the house, planning to go straight to the bathroom and wash the taste of smoke out of his mouth, the back of his neck prickles. Like he’s being watched. Eddie whips around, expecting to see a figure at the end of his yard. Maybe a dark silhouette half-hidden by the trees. But there’s nothing there. Not a flutter of a bird. Not the bright eyes of a cat skulking in the hedge. Nothing. And after a moment, Eddie swipes a hand over the back of his neck and makes his way back into the house. 
Inside, Myra asks him what’s wrong, that he looks like he’s seen a ghost. The saying makes Eddie laugh, forcing out a strange, high-pitched noise that has her reeling back in her chair. But Eddie doesn’t stick around to apologise. He walks out of the kitchen and collapses into bed, suddenly exhausted. 
He thinks of the text he’d half-written to Bev. When will it start to feel better? And a voice that sounded exactly like Pennywise's rings in his head. Never, Eddie baby! Haven’t you realised that? It never gets better!!
A noise wakes Eddie up that night. He’d only fallen into a shallow sleep, so the noise is enough to make him bolt up in bed, his heart racing. Next to him, Myra snores heavily, almost eclipsing the noise from downstairs, but Eddie’s ears still prick up, seeking out the source of the noise. He hears it again: the tinkle of broken glass, followed by a loud crunch, like someone is walking over it.
Fear makes Eddie recoil back against the headboard. But he can't ignore it. He slips out of bed and into the hallway, peering into the dark downstairs. After a moment, he swallows the sick feeling in his mouth and descends the stairs, feeling much too like a young woman from a gothic horror film.
It’s cold down in the hallway, and he quickly realises it’s because the front door is open. He pauses by the stairway, his body going taut. No, the door wasn’t open. It was broken, hanging flimsily from its hinges, shards of glass and wood on the floor. 
But there was more too: smudged, muddy footprints tracking from the front door into the hallway, like someone had broken down the door and dragged their feet inside. 
Eddie’s trying to mentally catalogue how far the phone is, how long it’ll take him to dart into the living room and call the police to report a break-in when the back of his neck prickles again. Behind him he hears the heavy exhale of someone breathing.
He spins around fast, heartbeat ratcheting up like a series of gunshots, and that’s when he sees him. Richie. Standing in the doorway to the kitchen watching him. 
"Richie," he gasps.
And it was Richie, somehow. Despite the blue tinge to his skin, and the black tracing of veins skittering down his neck and arms. Even though he didn’t have his glasses, and his clothes lay in filthy shreds around his arms and legs, revealing large tantalising glimpses of the thick muscles at his thighs, the tendons popping like lines of rock on his arms. He’d look like a centrefold ripped from a woman's magazine if it wasn’t for the mud streaking down his legs and the scabbed chest wound dissecting his chest, right where the clown had pierced him. 
“Eddie,” Richie says thickly, like his throat is clogged with dirt. “I’m here.”
“What...” Eddie stumbles, breath hitching. “What are you doing here?”
And he knows it’s a stupid question, but he doesn’t know what else to say. Because he feels like he’s about to pass out, the pulse at his neck frozen in fear.
“I came back for you,” Richie says. And his eyes are so shockingly blue. Bluer than they had ever been when he was alive. So blue they were almost silver, electrifying the air. 
Eddie thinks, All the way here? From Derry?
“But you’re dead,” he murmurs. 
But Richie shakes his head. “I’m not. Or at least not anymore. I remember the sewers. The clown. And then nothing. Blackness. Until I was pulled out... by you.”
Eddie feels faint. “By me?” 
Richie nods, and starts walking towards him. As he does, the smell hits Eddie. It’s a damp smell, like a puddle of water, or the smell at the bottom of a well. Like mud left behind after a downpour of rain. And beneath that the faint smell of rot, like fruit that had started to turn bad in the basement.
“Yes, by you,” Richie says. “Your voice, it pulled me out of the dark. You were calling to me. I woke up and I knew I had to find you again. That I couldn’t rest until I did.”
The spell, Eddie thinks drunkenly as Richie comes close, it had worked. 
“Richie,” he moans, feeling everything well up inside him. Everything he had repressed over the last three weeks. The grief. The rage. The yearning. All surging and crashing over him where he’d forced himself to go numb. It overtakes him completely, and Eddie thinks he might fall to the floor. 
He starts to cry as he says, "Richie, I did everything I could. I wanted to save you. But the clown, it was too much. You were already gone and I coudn't- and I wanted to die too, I just wanted to curl up and fucking die-"
Richie shushes him, hand coming up to curl in the hair at the back of his head.
"You did save me, baby, don't you see? I'm only here now because of you."
That’s when Eddie notices the red staining on Richie’s chest. He blinks. And suddenly he remembers the story of the dismembered cows, how their blood had been drained. And the murder Myra had mentioned. The man a few blocks down. He had been found gutted, torn open from his sternum to his groin. How his viscera had been missing.
And Eddie realises it’s not staining at all. It’s a thick layer of gore splattered over his chest hair. His hands are mattered in it too, all the way to his wrists, like he’d sunk his hands into something and pulled out the meat.
“Richie,” he says. “What have you done?”
They’re interrupted by the creak of the bottom stair, and Myra’s voice as she calls out, “Eddie, what’s going on? Eddie, are you all right? I heard voices.”
“Myra,” he says, turning to see her staring in shock at their broken front door.
"Myra, don't-"
But that's when she sees Richie. This strange man standing in her hallway with muddy feet and blood on his chest. With his blue skin and black veins and strange silver eyes.
She starts to scream.
Richie is on her in an instant. He rushes past Eddie, pushing him to the wall as he dashes down the hallway. He knocks Myra down to the floor and as she opens her mouth on a fresh scream, his teeth land at the skin of her neck, tearing it open. He rips her apart, first at her throat, her screams gurgling thick with blood, and then at her chest. His hands come down and he rips her apart like she's nothing more than cellophane. Once she's split open, Richie dips his head down and feasts on her blood and bone. He looks like a starved, feral animal gorging itself on a bounty, and the noises he makes as he rips the meat from the pulsing cavity at her chest isn’t human. Eddie realises, faintly, that he’s eating Myra’s heart, that the blood dripping down his chin is from her arteries, and he trembles.
Mike’s words ring in his head. Things like this always require a price.
Myra dies quickly, her screams stuttering out, eyes going glassy, but Richie doesn’t stop eating for a long time.
Terror roots Eddie to the spot. He can’t run, he can’t scream. He can only lean back against the wall and stare. At the thing that used to be his best friend, the man he loved, eat his wife open from the inside.
The next thing he knows, Richie is rising, and he’s coming towards Eddie, a blue fire raging in his eyes. Eddie tries to scramble away, but Richie’s too fast for him, and the two men tumble to the floor in a tangle of limbs.
Richie presses him to the floor, his mouth at Eddie’s neck, weight crushing him down, and Eddie thinks, This is it. This is always how it was going to end.
But Richie doesn't kill him. He doesn’t tear his throat out or drink his blood. Instead Richie kisses him. Presses the softest, sweetest kiss to the base of his neck.
“I love you, Eddie,” he whispers when he pulls back, eyes bright, mouth clotted with gore. “I love you and I came back for you.”
Eddie blinks up at him, his chest heaving. He thinks dizzily, Richie, it’s really you. And before he can stop himself, his hands are flying up to grab Richie by the shoulders and he's pulling the other man down. Their mouths meet in a fierce clash of lips and teeth, more a bite than a kiss, Richie's tongue stabbing into him. And even though Eddie winces at the thick taste of Myra’s blood, at the hint of decay in his mouth, he still tastes so much like Richie that Eddie throbs.
“I waited for you,” he pants in the short gap between their lips. “I waited so long.”
“I’m here,” Richie says hotly. “I’m here and I’m never leaving you alone again.”
And Eddie had imagined what their first time would be like at countless moments over the last few weeks. If it would be fast or slow. If Richie would be rough with him or gentle. But he never thought it would be anything like this, with Richie tearing his clothes off him and touching every inch of his skin. He never knew Richie would look like this, with this dark, hungry expression, as he thumbs Eddie’s nipples to sore pink peaks and sucks a huge, dark bruise over his heart. He never thought Richie would act so desperately, as his hand disappears between Eddie’s legs to open him up, fingers wet with spit and blood. Eddie never knew it would feel this much like being claimed, like being consumed
When Richie pushes inside him, shoving his filthy jeans down and pulling Eddie’s hips up so he can slot his cock against Eddie’s small opening, it hurts. Eddie’s never had a man inside him before, and it hurts so much. It’s agony. Richie’s hard cock tearing up into him in a searing, insistent push. But Eddie still arches his back off the floor, trying to get every inch of Richie inside him, feeling the white-hot pain sealing up all the numb, dead spots inside him. Richie fucks him like that, like they’re animals, hard into the floor as he growls against him. He ruts against Eddie, pushing his cock as deeply as it can go on every thrust, Eddie’s pained moans never slowing him. He fucks Eddie like he’s trying to disappear inside him, and the thought only makes Eddie harder, makes him cum fast as he whines like a broken toy.  
In the distance a phone rings. But Eddie can’t hear it. Because between the taste of Richie in his mouth, and the feel of his cock, he can’t bring himself to care. And as Richie sinks his cold teeth into Eddie’s bottom lip and groans, "You're mine, you’re fucking mine," Eddie finally feels okay. He feels something like peace. For the first time in 27 years he's right where he needs to be.
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violetnotez · 4 years
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⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 3161+
⤷ Warnings: cursing(?), mentions of panic attack
⤷ Synopsis: Welcome to Hannah simps for Shoto constantly and can’t decide on a fic so she writes EVERY IDEA SHE HAD
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Also @shoutogepi is the reason why I’m a Shoto simp now so say thank u to her, cause without her this probably would’ve been a Bakugo fic lmao 😂💀
You groaned into the pillow, your icy hands trying to find refuge under the soft covering of the pillow.
Your body was shaking, every bone screaming in aches, your forehead thumping against your skull..this cold was kicking your ass.
“How are you feeling love? Do you need anything?”
Shoto asked sweetly, coming over to the bed you were currently laying on. He crouched down, his bicolored eyes watching your every move carefully. He placed his hand against your forehead, feeling your temperature as you closed your eyes wistfully at the sensation.
“I-Im good…,” you mumbled groggily, “I just want to sleep…”
Shoto smiled lightly-even while sick you were so incredibly adorable, probably even more so. You had come down with a cold a few days prior, nothing too serious, but he still wanted to take care of you while you were more weak.
“That's probably best for you,” he agreed. “Sleeping off the sickness will help you recover sooner.”
He stood up, his slender hands taking the covers of the bed and wrapping them around you more snuggly.
“Just close your eyes, Ill still be here when you wake up,”
He placed a small kiss on your forehead, his lips soft against your skin and his bicolored locks tickling your face.
You snuggle even deeper in the blankets, cuddling yourself up into them as a flustred smile grew on your face. Shoto’s lips felt so deliciously warm, and you wished you could envelope your whole body in that heat. No matter how many blankets you wrapped around you or how high you put the heat up, you still felt cold. It was a strange feeling, since you knew your temperature was actually higher than normal, but you couldn’t shake the unbearable freeze that was icing your bones.
“Can you turn up the heater tho, S-Shoto? I still feel really c-cold…” you stuttered, hating how cliche your shivers sounded.
Shoto turned to look at you, a worried look washing over his face.
“Its as high as it can go y/n, I cant make it any warmer,”
That’s all you said, a pit of anxiety filling your stomach.
Well that was just great-now you couldn't get any warmer and have to suffer until this stuipd sickness went away.
Shoto knew you were unnaturally cold at the moment and needed special care because of it. He reassured himself that it was just a side effect of the sickness, and it wasn’t something he should worry about too much.
It didn’t bother him how hot it was either-the ice side of his quirk allowed him to regulate his temperature, keeping him nice and cool even as the heat in the room steadily rises as you kept asking him to raise it.
It broke his heart though to see you so cold and shivering, your body curled into a little ball to gain some type of sensation of warmth. Shoto looked down at his hands in defeat, wishing he could do something, anything, to relieve you of that discomfort.
Suddenly an idea popped in his head, lighting up his mind and making him feel quite dumb for not thinking of it earlier.
Your throat began to feel scratchy, but you felt too cold to actually crawl out of bed to go get some water. You rolled over, your body beginning to prop itself shakily on your elbows.
“Actually, Shoto, is it alright if you could get me a glass of-WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SHIRT?!”
You screeched, your eyes blown out of your sockets.
There was your boyfriend….of barely 2 months….strolling around with his shirt off like some sexy god. His collared shirt was balled neatly in his hands, his taut muscles rippling with each movement as he stood in his full glory.
You gulped, your eyes drinking in the scene in front of you. God, you knew he was ripped...but not this ripped.
You could wash clothes on his damn abs, they were that pronounced!
“I thought that since my quirk has heat qualities to it, you could use it to your benefit.” He said nonchalantly, as if the sight of him just flaunting his body wasn’t enough to make you want to pounce on him. “Am I- making you uncomfortable?”
“I-uh-np-no it doesn't, its just…” you were stuttering, your hands fidgeting in your lap. It felt like your tongue was made out of cotton, your eyes only able to focus on how adorably messy his hair looked from taking off his shirt. “I'm not used to..to seeing you-”
You had been dating Shoto for a month or so now, and you couldn’t be happier. But the boy was shy with physical touch, and you were honestly a little bit of the same way. You hadn’t seen him show more skin than right now, only getting glances when he trained and accidentally burned his training uniform. You had always wished to see more of his perfectly built body-but you always imagined you would have some warning.
Shoto fidgeted in front of the bed, his cheeks a soft shade of red.
“I can put my shirt back on y/n, it's no trouble-”
“Please don't do that!” You yelled hastily, your eyes screaming with desperation. “Honestly, that's the last thing I want you to do,”
Crap, you sounded so perverted! You basically yelled at him “Please stay half naked I love your body and I’m thirsty for you.”
You never wanted to kick yourself harder.
Shoto didn’t seem to notice your dilemma, only nodding his head. He began to walk over to the opposite side of the bed, your body feeling a dip in the bed as he sat on the mattress.
Your heart began to quicken, staring at those bi colored eyes...god, he was so damn close.
“Very well then...skin to skin contact would be best. It’ll ensure the heat transfers directly to you.”
You gulped, propping yourself up more so you were now sitting up. HIs tone was so warm, so inviting, you could completely just melt into it like honey. But nervousness began to floss your stomach, making your whole body feel heavy-how he worded his sentence, he almost made it seem like he wanted you to undress to. God-the thought made your ears tinge pink, your eyes quinting to helplessly close that flustering thought away. It was tempting….but-Shoto was too modest to suggest something like that, especially when you were sick.
He leaned in close to you, each muscle in his arms rippling in a chain reaction as he took your hand in his own.
You were amazed at how warm his skin felt, the iciness in your veins scorched away by his touch. A sigh escaped your lips, relishing in that wonderful feeling. You were already craving more of that delicious warmth, your aching body crawling towards your shirtless boyfriend.
All worry and nervousness seemed to fade ever so slightly, your icy hands tentatively touching the boy's body. Your fingers trailed lightly against his ribcage, the sensation shooting electricity throughout Shoto’s body.
Shoto stiffened at the initial contact-he still felt extremely flustered with physical touches, but he began to melt into it and relish the feeling of your skin on his. Your arms wrapped gently around his broad shoulders, a small grin enveloping on s\Shoto’s face as he felt you snuggle your cheek into the crook of his neck.
“Are you sure this isnt a sneaky way for you to see me shirtless?” you joked, your voice muffled from your lips pressed against his skin.
Oh god-his instantly felt his quirk intensify, his flusterness taking over. His skin immediately began to heat up, his cheeks blushing starkly from your words.
“Oh no-I-I didnt mean it like that-my intent t was for you to stay clothed, I just-”
He was a stammering mess, and you couldn't find it any cuter. You giggled at his obvious nervousness, your lips pressing a kiss to his cheeks to quiet his stammering.
“Its fine, Shoto, I know you're a gentleman-,” you giggled, your hold on the boy becoming tighter as you soaked in his wonderful heat
“And Besides-your warmer when your flustered”
You snuggle yourself deeper into his shoulder, Shoto’s cheks tinged with a more intense red. You were so sweet and adorable in his eyes, his body loving every second of you touching his bare skin. Every caress felt like pure electricity was coursing through his veins, sending shivers down his back and head.
“Are you sure that wasn't a sneaky way to intensify my quirk y/n?” he asked cheekily, his voice having a hint of playfulness in it
Now it was your turn to blush, a small nervous giggle slipping out of your mouth
“Maybe…” you said, almost like a child who was caught doing something they weren't supposed to.
Shoto chuckled, his head turning to plant a quick kiss along your scalp.
God- you were too cute for your own good.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
(⚠️Mentions of panic attack!⚠️)
It was the dead of the night, an intense feeling of panic flooding the room.
You had just had a nightmare, the scene so real and intense that even when you woke up, you were sweating with uncontrollable fear.
Everything felt so small-the walls of the room were crushing your lungs, the sheets were tangling your legs together in a vise, the shadows felt like demons crawling to swallow you whole.
Shoto had thankfully woken up when you did, the sound of your muffled screams making him shoot up out of dead sleep.
But even with your protective boyfriend so close to you, reassuring you that you were okay and safe, you still felt like you were full of panic.
“Shoto-pls-I cant-cant-” you panted out, your voice cracking with anxiety. You couldn't get a breath of air it seemed like, as if your body was getting suffocated by your own mind.
Shoto was worried-he had never seen you so worked up, so terrified as if something was going to happen to you at any moment. He tried to comfort you, his hands gripping your shoulders in order to ground you, but it wasn't working- you were having an attack of some sort, your mind unable to bring you down from your panic.
“Y/n, you're fine, everythings fine-” he tried to reassure you soothingly, but it didn't work, your eyes still wide with terror.
“It doesn't feel fine!” you cried in panic, “ Everything is crazy, and heavy, I cant think straight Shoto I cant-”
Shoto felt his heart break hearing your voice- you almost sounded desperate, as if you were begging him to help you.
He cupped your face in his hands, his intense bi-colored eyes staring into you. Even in the dark, Shoto could see how shaken you were by your dream-your eyes were big and doe-like, shining as tears threaten to spill out. It made his heart ache, his mind determined to bring you down from your attack.
“-Give me your hands.” he commanded softly, his voice deep and silky. Your eyes widen ever so slightly, your breath still irregular and intense as you slowly gripped his wrists. Your digits were shaking as they wrapped around his skin, his hand quickly detaching from your face to entangle with your fingers.
“Just focus on my voice. Can you do that for me my love? Just focus on me-nothing else.”
You quickly close your eyes, trying to do exactly what your boyfriend instructed you to do.
“What does that feel like?”
A strong sensation of cold filled your hands, the icyiness nipping at your skin. It shocked you at first,the sting an unwelcome sensation. But then your skin slowly got used to the foreign touch, the dull pain bringing a starker clarity to your mind.
“It-its cold,” your words felt thick as they stumbled out of your mouth, each one a labor to process out of your cluttered mind. But it was slowly getting less foggy, the sensation gently swiping the panic away.
“What else?”
“Its smooth, like-like silk. And slippery,” your eyes were scrunched shut, desperately trying to form your words. It was still a struggle, but getting slightly easier to just focus on his touch.
“Good, you're doing wonderful-” Shoto congratulated, his tone having a hint of relief. He could already notice how you were affected by his ice, happy that it was helping you in some way. “how does it feel against your palms,”
“It kinda stings but...it's nice,”you smiled, the panic already ebbing out of you. Your breath was finally normal, your mind felt clear, and the panic inside you had deceased. “ It hurt at first but then its numbs so I can feel it.”
“Do you feel better? More grounded?” Shoto asked, his tone worried, but a part of him already knew the answer. The small, tired smile on your lips and your soft expression told him loud and clear you had finally calmed yourself from your panic.
You opened your eyes tentatively, a hum of acknowledgement ringing from your lips.
Shoto smiled at you, relief washing over his face. But he wanted you to completely rid yourself of the panic, worried that if you weren't calm enough, you’d fall asleep and wake again to another nightmare.
“Take a few deep breaths-it will reconnect you alot better.” he stated softly, watching you close your eyes again and slowly breath.
You did this three times, each one grounding you more and more. The room felt cool and spacious again, the sheets werent suffocating anymore, and you finally felt at peace with yourself once again.
A small blush of embarrassment began to creep on your cheeks, as the realization struck you that you had had a full blown panic in the middle of the night.
“Thank you… Im so sorry I freaked out so much-” you apologized, your face flustered from your actions.
Shoto only smiled, his other hand busy at work to slowly melt the ice on your palms.
“Y/n, dont apologize. That was your body’s reaction to stress, something you cant control. Just-if you ever feel like that again, please don't hesitate to get me.”
The ice was now a pool of water on the bed, the sheets sucking up the silky droplets .Shoto gave you a loving smile, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and leaning in to plant a gentle kiss against your forehead
“ I can help you,love-I just don't want you going through that alone,”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
You twisted on the sofa, your face smashed against a pillow as you tried to forget about the excruciating pain in your core.
“DAMN MY UTEREUS,” you yelled into the pillow in frustration, your words muffled against the fabric.
“Is everything alright y/n-san?” Shoto asked, his eyebrows cocked up in worry.
Shoto was fully aware that this week was your “period” week, the intense cravings and sudden moodiness days prior signalling the dreaded time. Shoto was pretty, well, clueless to the female system, only knowing the basics from school health classes. He had felt slightly nervous around you all week, tending to you as if you were sick and in need of his care.
Of course you had told him that all the attention wasn't necessary, you could survive on your own, but that didn't stop him from doing little things like buying you the food you were craving or a fresh set of feminine products. He wanted to prove to you and himself he could take care of you.
You groaned again, a wave of intense pain making you curl into yourself.
“No…” you grimaced, “ I feel like there’s a butcher hacking at my insides and this damn water bottle is doing nothing-”
Shoto cocked his head, looking up from the book he was reading.
“Water bottle?What is that used for?”
Sure enough, there you were, your hands placing a water bottle wrapped in a thin layer of paper towels against your lower back. Your hands were pushing against it, almost to get it as close to your skin as your face contorted with pain.
“Well...I kind lost my heat pad,” you explained,” so this is my next best solution to just heat this thing up-but its not doing anything-”
Shoto looked at you, his heart breaking at the look of utter discomfort on your face. You looked as though you couldn't take it anymore, your lips quivering and your eyes threatening to spill tears. It was absolutely painful for Shoto, and he felt like it was his duty to at least help alleviate the havoc going on inside your body.
He scooted his body next to yours, his eyes soft with concern. You noticed a dip in the couch as Shoto sat closer to you, the sensation of his hands wrapping around your waist making your eyes shoot open.
Before you could register what was going on, Shoto had expertly pulled your body into his lap, your breath knocked out of your chest and your heart thumping. The water bottle was long forgotten on the floor, your knees cradling Shoto’s sides as he looked at you with those intense, bi-colored eyes
“Can I see if I can be of any help?” he asked, his voice low
“Sure,” you gulped out, “ but I dont know if-uhuh-”
Shoto’s hands wrapped fury against your lower back, his palms radiating an intense heat you had been craving for . The heat was so soothing, something you had desperately needed, and you couldn't help but slump against the man in relief.
“Does that feel a little better, love?”
“God, so much better,” you exhaled out
This is what it felt like to be painless? You seriously loved you boyfriend… you reached around your back to place your hand on his own, guiding his delicious heat to the most critical areas
“Ah...can you do a little lower,,that's it, right there-”
You smiled in relief as you found the perfect spot, your arms wrapping around Shoto’s neck lovingly.
“Who knew you had so many talents Shoto? I have to keep a list of all the amazing uses for that quirk of yours-” you joked, your cheeks nuzzling itself into his neck.
“Also-Im just telling you right now that I wont be leaving your lap for the next few hours-”
Shoto smiled, his cheeks a warm shade of red. DId you always have to be this cute, nuzzling your head into him like a little kitten? He lifted his left hand up to your head, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Oh thats alright, love, that doesnt bother me one bit-”
You lifted your head up in shock, a surprised grin enveloping on your face.
“THE Shoto Todoroki? Being flirty? Never thought Id see the day-”
Shoto smiled at you, his bi-colored eye twinkling with adoration. You felt your heart skip a beat, that warm hand on your lower back intensifying as he planted a warm kiss to your cheek
“Only for you dear,”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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nicklightbearer · 4 years
Not A Warning, Babe, It’s An Order
yet another whf tickling fic! i just cant get enough of these two. this one is a lot longer and a good bit more.... sweet? cute?
in this; virgil didnt die and also nick and jack are Frens <3
“Ugh!” Nick huffed, balling up yet another failed composition and throwing it towards the trash can- at this point, while most of it at the bottom was empty bottles, it was overflowing with similar papers. Ripped, crushed, and ruined.. None of them were right. He couldn’t get down the mood he wanted, not in the slightest- and though he eyed the pills set in a neat bowl on his desk, he ended up shoving those away too and just pressing his head to his hands.
This wasn’t working. He couldn’t feel it, that groove that would inspire him to write a million words all in one night- that focus, that drive.. It eluded him.
From the open window, a cold chill. He’d left it open on purpose, of course- tonight, of all nights, he’d actually hoped that Jack would show up- but so far, nothing. Perhaps he wasn’t listening. 
Perhaps he was off indulging in his own hobby. A thought that would’ve once made Nick shudder just made him snort now, and he stood up to grab his guitar.
Maybe this time, he could interrupt the magician’s work instead.
Making his way over to the window, he gave the guitar a few plucks- out of tune, dammit- but with his keen ear for such things, he twisted the pegs just so until the guitar sang as beautifully as ever. He pushed open the door to the balcony, giving a few strums, before settling on a chair outside and kicking his feet up on the railing.
Yes, this would do nicely. 
Jack.. Wasn’t actually hunting, not tonight. He hadn’t been, as of late- sneaking off to Nick’s room to get a bit of company now and again, coupled with ‘terrorizing’ the poor man, well.. It’d been doing just fine. 
At the moment, he was actually perched on the windowsill of some random citizen- he hadn’t bothered checking who, it didn’t matter- and peering into the window to a bedroom across the way. This house was his target- a doctor lived there with his wife, and it seemed that this particular fellow had taken a vested interest in the bobby’s investigation of the ‘escape’ of Foggy Jack.
Irritating, to say the least. Those doctors gave him the heebie-jeebies. 
He’d been there for.. Oh, three hours? It was about three hours when he finally noticed something to break the monotony- hell, the doctor hadn’t even come home yet, all he’d seen was the wife folding laundry and watching the late-night run of Uncle Jack’s show- and it was.. Well, at first he thought he was hallucinating. It wasn’t the first time.
But as the song trailed off, he noted that it was different from recordings. It was as if Nick was playing his guitar right out into the open night air, something like a ballad version of When You’re Gone. 
Surely Nick wasn’t playing outside at this hour. Though he tried to ignore it- probably just some other musician practicing- it kept going.. And his curiosity got the better of him.
Sighing, he slid down from the window, dissolving into his usual mist before even touching the ground. 
If it was Nick, he’d be rather cross. At the same time, it was definitely a first for him to be doing something like this, and he wondered to what end it was.
When Nick noticed the fog rolling up the streets, converging into a larger cloud as it got closer to his house, he smiled grimly. It had worked- and he wasn’t actually sure how Jack would react to such a summons, as odd as it was. But he needed help- and of all the times Jack had offered, well, he surely wouldn’t be that put off.
He closed his eyes, now crooning the words to his song softly as he felt the fog push up towards his balcony. 
“When you’re gone… Baby, it’s a long way home.” He could feel a presence behind him now, but he didn’t bother stopping his playing. It was near the end, anyway.
“Baby, it’s a long way home.”
He felt a hand on his shoulder as he finished the tune, and lolled his head back to open his eyes and grin up at Jack. The magician was quiet- looked rather neutral, but curiosity glinted in his eyes.
“A wonderful performance as always.” “Why, thank you.” “But I must ask.. It’s nearly midnight, most of the good folk have gone to bed or out to their activities of the night. Why haven’t you?” “I’m glad you asked!” Nick beamed, swinging his legs down and standing up as he grabbed Jack’s arm and dragged him inside- not that there was much resistance. 
“I have to write a new song. And I’m having a lot of trouble!” “You sound delighted about that.” Nick huffed, setting his guitar down and turning to cross his arms with an irritated frown. Jack merely tilted his head, still not entirely sure where he came into play.
“Well! You’ve helped me before.” “Ah, so it’s like that?”
The way the word was murmured shot a shiver up his spine, and Nick held his hands out placatingly as a cruel smile spread across the magician’s face.
“No! No, it’s not, you big bully. Godsakes.” “Well, do explain.” Nick sighed, stepping over to his bed and flopping to sit on the edge- and, when Jack didn’t move, he patted the spot next to him. There was a brief hesitation before he settled down, hands resting on his lap as he watched Nick almost warily.
“I need a favor.” “A favor.” “Yes. I know you get all excited about- about making me laugh, but I hardly ever get to see you laugh. And I think it would make for a great inspiration if you’d let me have my own fun, for once.” Jack’s face reddened considerably, even if Nick could only peek at the spaces around the edges. He shifted, bringing a knee up onto the bed so that he was facing the magician and leaned forward while clasping his hands together earnestly.
“Please! It’d be a big help, really.” “I..” “And you can- you can have your fun later, once I’m done. Okay?” Jack raised an eyebrow. “No strings attached?” “Well- I mean- oh, don’t be mean. You know what I meant.” “Mmh. I suppose if it’s such a big help..” He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose for a moment before nodding in agreement. Nick clapped once, already excited. “Perfect! Okay, perfect. Here, you lay down, let me get my pad.” Jack may well have just up and died, with how heavily his blush was- but he complied, laying back on the bed awkwardly before covering his face and exhaling. Nick had scampered over to his desk and ripped the last page off again, completely trashing his original ideas and bringing over the blank paper and pencil to set on his nightstand.
“.. It’s not going to be very comfortable there. Here, up you go.” As he was pulled into a more comfortable position- laying so that he was propped up on pillows instead of flat on the mattress- he was silent. Nick paused for a moment before scrambling to sit on his legs, suddenly rather aware of how awkward the situation could become if he didn’t pull this off perfectly.
“.. And the mask?” “Oh no. Not taking it off.” “Jacky…” The magician peeked through his fingers, watching how Nick’s face fell and his eyes shined. Ooh, he was getting good at those puppy eyes.
He deflated, hooking his fingers around the edges and wiggling it off carefully. The night air felt cold on his exposed skin- especially with how fiery it was from the flustered state he was in.
“There. Happy?” “Absolutely!” Nick’s smile was back, and he laced his fingers together, stretching them a bit before wiggling them a few times- Jack had to bite back a giggle of anticipation- to get warmed up. 
“Alright. Don’t cover your face again, okay? I need to see you smile!” “God.” As his palms pressed to the magician’s sides, he yelped at the immediate slam of arms that nearly locked him in place.
“Woah there, Jackaboy- hey, you’ve only gone and trapped me!” “Well- I can’t- aha!”
His fingers curled slightly, and even with his jacket to protect him, the magician had to lock his jaw to keep the tingles that spread across his torso from affecting him too much.
“Come on, you silly boy.. Lift your arms up.” “I can’t if you- if you keep- doing that!” “Doing whaaaat?” The teasing! The tone! He hated it- but as skilled fingers began kneading at his sides, he couldn’t voice any of that. He pressed his arms down a bit harder, jerking as Nick’s hands slid down to squeeze his hips experimentally.
“Gosh, you’re such a baby about it. With all your big talk about how sensitive I am, I thought you wouldn’t be half so bad..” Nick tsked, pulling back for a moment before pushing his hands underneath the jacket and clawing at his stomach. Jack nearly had a heart attack right there, hands flying up to his mouth to stifle the sudden squeak as he squirmed.
“But that’s not right at all! You’re just as ticklish as me, aren’t you? God, what a hoot.” This was it. This was his funeral. 
“Imagine if the constables caught wind. Foggy Jack, menace to society- and all you have to do to reduce him to a pile of fluff and giggles is a little tickling.” “Fuck ohohoff!” “Ooh, swears. So scary.” Nick was careful as he pulled one hand out to start undoing buttons- the jacket was soon pushed aside, and he grinned as he ducked his head down. One hand locked on each side, squeezing over and over as his face pressed against the magician’s stomach- and though he didn’t yet do much other than that, the hot breath he could feel through his shirt made Jack buck up in an attempt to throw him off.
“Hold still! Squirmy wormy, squirmy Jacky, my gosh!” “Faha- Fuhuck you-” “Oh, quit the swearing. I’m not going to stop.” His hands drifted up, nails easily drilling against ribs and finally coaxing out a howl of laughter as Jack threw his head back against the pillows. Accompanying this was an even more infuriating sound- a soft ‘oooomnomnomnom’ as he nibbled at Jack’s shirt- and the slight biting feeling only earned more laughter that had now reached a much higher pitch than he’d ever admit.
“Jeez, no wonder Virge likes this snack..” Though he heard the words, he had no time to process them- not now that Nick had deftly undone his dress shirt and buried his face against him, blowing a raspberry square in the middle of his stomach. “NooOOHOHO- AHAHA- NIHIHIHIIIIHIHICK!! NOT THE- THEEHEE-” “Oooooh, yes! That’s perfect, Jacky.” Though he had started pushing at Nick’s shoulders, the musician merely chuckled and pushed his hands up- and from how he started kneading his fingers into Jack’s underarms, the shocks it sent up his arms drained his strength almost completely.
“Tickle-tickle-tickle… Oh, this is rich. No wonder you like doing this.” “Nihihick- plehease-” “Pleeease what? You volunteered.” “Noho! I didn’t- ahAHAHA!” Another raspberry. If he’d been able to form a coherent thought, he’d be thinking about how awful that mustache of Nick’s was for such an endeavor- the way it brushed against his stomach sent shivers across his body and left him breathless from the laughter.
Nick hummed a little as he looked up, reveling in the fruits of his labor for a moment and relishing in the squeals of laughter that now poured from Jack’s smiling mouth. It really was inspiring- the way he thrashed about and laughed as though he were witness to the funniest joke on the planet.. One that Nick had…
That was it!
Nick rolled off of him abruptly, seizing the pad and pencil from where he’d landed on the floor. Jack was still giggling softly, gasping for breath as he opened his eyes and blinked- a disappearing act from Lightbearer was.. Definitely unexpected.
But he heard humming beside the bed, and after fixing his shirt, he peered over the edge to see the musician scribbling on his pad of paper, occasionally pausing to tap the eraser to get a beat before resuming.
He was only the slightest bit disappointed. As he made to sit up, though, Nick looked up- then huffed, standing once again and pushing him back down.
“Oh no, I’m not done with you yet, mister. This is a full song, not just one verse!” Shit. “Now, Nick- really, it can’t be that hard to-” “It is! Now hold still. Wait- I’ve an idea.”
He got on his knees, gesturing for a moment before finding his words.
“Roll onto your stomach. Hug a pillow if that helps.” He complied, and though many spots were now protected by the bed, he had a funny feeling he was going to hate whatever was happening- of course, this was only strengthened when Nick turned his back and settled to sit on his knees. He maneuvered in such a way that he could sit criss-cross, pulling Jack’s feet through his legs and yanking his shoes off with ease.
Oh no.
“Nick- come on, this is getting ridiculous..” “Not a peep! I don’t want any protest, I’ve got to focus!”
Nick hummed the part he was thinking of as Jack buried his face in a pillow- before, of course, using the eraser end of his pencil to poke rapidly at the magician’s feet. The steady stream of giggles he earned was muffled into a pillow- but it seemed like enough, and he started writing again for a moment before repeating his actions. Jack balled up a fist and slammed it against the bed a few times, his legs screaming that he kick but wholly unable to due to their position.
“Nihihick- come on, aren’t you done yet?” “Don’t be impatient! Hey, you ought to be flattered-” He paused, now poking between each foot with every word and relishing in the flurry of flustered snickers he earned-
“You’re~my~muse~for~this~song! Isn’t that exciting?” “Ihi- eheheh- I suppose…” “Hey, if this works, maybe we can try more often! God knows with that album I’m supposed to have coming up…”
A thrill shot up through his stomach, and Jack grasped at the pillow he was strangling to the point where he was certain it would rip. “I didn’t agreehee to ahahany such thing!!” “But you would! Or..” Nick swung around, now facing him properly and giving him a brief break-
“I can convince you~.” Jack’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth to protest- only to have a sudden wave of giggles come out instead, as Nick slipped his hands under his jacket and shirt to flutter his nails up and down the magician’s back and sides.
“Nohoho- you’re awful! Ahahawful!” “Oh, you love me.” “I hahahate ihihihihit!” Nick laughed along with him for a moment before landing a final pinch on one side and grabbing his notes again. Jack grumbled into his pillow, taking deep breaths to try and calm down. Of all the things Nick could’ve asked him to do…
But soon, they’d both gone quiet, and the scratching of pencil to paper began to slow- more pauses, more tapping, slight grumbling. Jack risked a peek over his shoulder, noting the irritated expression that Nick had.
“.. Something wrong?” “Well.. This next part. It’s less.. I need that giddy feeling. And it’s not coming.” Jack squirmed his way back onto his back and sat up, pulling his legs out from under Nick- with the lack of protest he must be pretty focused.
“That giddy feeling?” “Yeah. Like- when you take Joy for the first time in… No, that’s not quite it.” He hummed again, tapping the pencil on paper before groaning and shaking his head.
“Smilin’ like a little child, in a candy store.. Like that. Sort of.” Jack was content to watch, the look of focus combined with aggravation endlessly fascinating- and when the expression popped to a surprised look, his eyes widened. Surely not again…
“I’ve got it! I know.” And he tossed the pad onto the nightstand again before turning to Jack- this time, he was determined. Jack winced, a smile already tugging at his lips- but he was taken aback when Nick instead raised his arms above his head. “Tickle me!” “.. What?” “Well, it would work! It has before. That giddy feeling- you’re pretty good at getting it when you want.”
A more menacing smile now found its way onto his face, though a fairly endeared one. Of course, this was much more his speed… 
Though Nick had seemed determined at first, that quickly melted into nervous giggles as Jack’s hands pushed under his shirt, nails already scratching steadily at his sides. His arms swayed, wanting to come down from where he held them but staying up.. For now.
“Well, I must say, I greatly prefer this to your horrible torture. We should’ve started here, instead.” “Ghhheheh- thahat’s not- how it works!” “Well, it should be.” He chuckled quietly, slowly making his way up Nick’s torso and almost admiring his dedication- even when his ribs were the target of light squeezes, he kept up, though he’d folded at his elbows to clasp his hands behind his head as he trembled. 
“You- ha!- fucking, you’re a buhuhuhullyheehee…” “Isn’t that what you asked for? Please, Mr. Lightbearer, do clarify. You wanted me to tickle you, so I am- what’s the problem?” “Ghhhhheheheh…” Jack paused for a moment, hands resting on his ribs, before abruptly pushing up and drilling into his underarms. Nick yelped before squealing out more laughter, arms falling back down and locking as he covered his face. Judging by how he swayed, he’d probably fall if he wasn’t careful- so Jack carefully guided him to lay down, keeping at his torment the entire time.
“Go on, uncover your face- I’ve barely even picked up the pace…”
Nick jolted, then gasped through his laughter and finally pushed at Jack’s hands.
“Thahat’s- stooohohop, I neeheed to write!” “Aww.. Do I have to?” Jack pouted, but finally let go when Nick squeezed his arms down again.
“Yehehehehes!! Jack!” “Oh, fine.” He paused. “You actually have trapped my hands, though. Ease up.” Nick took a few deep breaths, slowly releasing his arms- squeaking at a final squeeze from Jack before he was released properly. Grabbing his notepad, he shook his hands out to try and get rid of the shakiness before bringing his knees up so he could write again.
“Cover your face… Hm- hmhmmmm.. Mmh, mmhmmmmm…” Jack tilted his head, trying to peek at the writing and huffing when he was swatted away. “I’m not done! No looking.” “Are you using my words?” “No- well, sort of. You’ll see.” He kept humming a few times before shifting so that his back was to Jack.
“.. Hey, do it again. But not so fast. I’m trying to nail the chorus.” “Do what?” “What do you think, you bully?” Jack snorted, settling on tracing his nails up and down Nick’s back- enough to earn a few snickers, and keep him content as he wrote. “What an effort, for a single song.” “You have no idea.” “Mmh, I think I have some. I’ve watched you write the whole thing.” “Yeah, well.. Shhh.” More humming- and quite a few giggles later- he finally set the pad down and pushed Jack’s hands away.
“Okay. That’s the first draft.” “Draft, are you serious?” “Well, I have to make sure it’s perfect!” Nick stretched, though he kept an eye on Jack- of course, the bastard’s hands twitched towards him, but he held himself back well enough. “It’s late. The best thing for me is to sleep on it. That’s why I write so late, so that I wake up with a little inspiration left over.” “Mmh, I see.” He faceplanted on the bed, reaching up to work off his wig; it was a mess, anyways, so it didn’t matter if he just threw it on the floor for later. Jack simply sat where he was, unsure if he was now overstaying his welcome.
“.. Lay down. Dork. You’re probably just as exhausted as me. It’s fine.” Though he hesitated for a long moment, he eventually settled next to Nick- the blush was back in full, but Nick didn’t seem to care. He slung an arm over the magician’s waist, already drifting off himself. Jack sighed softly, now not holding back the urge to gently comb his fingers through Nick’s hair.
“.. Good night, Nick.” “Mmnh, nighty night. Don’t run off.” It was the last request he had- and though he had other places to be, things to do.. Jack smiled fondly at the musician that now snored next to him. He was perfectly happy to wait.
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Obi Wan x Padawan Reader Never Lie to Me
Pairing: Sith Obi Wan Kenobi x padawan reader
Summary : Reader misplaces something important and tries to find it before her Master can find out.
Warnings: language, sexual themes, *slight smut*
Hello my loves! Ok so I absolutely love Sith obi wan but for some reason I struggle to write him. I tried something and hopefully it's not complete trash like I think it is lol anywaaaaaaays enjoy😚
18+ readers only!
Oh this was bad...this was very very bad....
Okay y/n don't freak out, you can hide this! You can totally hide this!!
Fuck no you couldn't
You groaned sliding down the wall of your chambers. How could you be so stupid?! Losing your lightsaber like that?! Did you have a death wish?!
You could only imagine how enraged your master would be.. you shook your head violently dissipating the horrible thoughts.
No no no, it would not come to that becasue you would find it. It probably fell somewhere by your speeder. Yeah it's there for sure.....probably.....
Sighing you stood up and grabbed a cloak to cover your hip and the usual missing weapon spot that hung there.
You couldn't help but imagine all the horrible scenarios that ran through your mind if Master kenobi found out.
One included merciless unending training, not letting you rest for even a moment.
Another image had you bent over his knee whilst he.... ughhh you could already feel the sting.
Your master and you had a...unique relationship to say the least... he was your master in the ways of the dark side, so you had a strict student master dynamic during training.
He took your training very seriously, leaving little room for error. But as some point his punishments got more....creative..
You couldn't help but feel your face heat up remembering that time you screwed up a mission and he saw to your reprimanding. From then on your relationship became more....personal.
He didnt give you any special treatment, and didnt allow any distractions during training. But the times after training...when he would call you to his chambers and.....
You couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat, or two, or twenty, and you couldn't help but to recall those moments..
That scent...
Those whispers..
His fingers.....
"What are you thinking about?" A smooth voice cut through your indecent thoughts like butter. You whipped around startled that the man in question was now standing right behind you.
Quickly you made sure your shields were up, something you had made sure to refine. You didnt want him hearing all your dirty thoughts during training...
"I-I was just thinking about the mission.." you took a step back trying to regain your composure. Why did you always manage to act like a floundering idiot when he was around?!
"Hmm, is it really the mission that has you so flustered?" He mused stepping closer.
"Or something else?"he smirked knowingly.
Bastard, he must've read my thoughts before I realized he was here...
"It's-" you attempted to change the subject before he cut you off.
"And I know you know better than to lie to me don't you?" He said slightly more serious. A familiar dark edge to his voice.
You gulped, "Yes master..."
"I was thinking of other things..." you trail off averting your gaze hoping he wouldnt make you say it out loud.
Although he'd technically seen you naked quite a few times now, you still felt so embarrassed regarding anything or your "intimate moments". This was due mostly to the many embarrassing things he made you do....well ok to be fair you didnt REALLY try to stop him...but the second those moments were over you could barely look him in the eyes.
You felt those familiar warm finger gently lift your chin. You met his deep gaze,
"Speaking of other things...you did rather well on the mission, we were able to conquer the planet thanks to your efforts, so I suppose a reward is in order...dont you agree darling?" He whispered the last part in your ear making you shiver slightly.
Oh how you enjoyed those rewards of his...quite possibly the only time he would treat you gently. Well there were those times he wasnt so gentle either...actually maybe you liked those more...
You place you hands on his chest and gently push.
"A-actually master I wondered if I might have your permission to leave the ship I..wanted too...look around a bit more before we have to leave!" You hurriedly came up with an excuse.
He stepped back, eyeing you for a moment before nodding his approval, "Alright, be back before nightfall" he warned and continued walking down the hall.
As soon as he was out of sight you let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully he bought that story. You quickly made your way to the ship's exit and onto the lush planet known as Misano.
Normally you would've liked a chance to explore and maybe even sneak some souvenirs back. But you had no time for that now. If you didnt find that saber soon you were toast. And it didnt help that Misano turned from a tropical paradise to a frozen tundra trap by nightfall. It was truly a unique planet.
But you could admire it another time, preferably when your life wasn't on the line...
You looked up at the setting sky as dread washed over you. You had scoured and searched for your blasted saber for hours but it was no use. You had retraced your steps multiple times and even question some of the citizens to see if they knew anything.
You didnt want to even humor the idea but now it was the most likely truth. Some lowlife had probably picked it up and would soon be rolling in credits.
You pulled your cloak tighter around you as the wind started to pick up. You knew you should start to head back before it got too cold but honestly freezing to death sounded better than whatever punishment you master would enforce...
You were now full on shivering as you made your way back to the ship. The sun had set long ago and you now knew why everyone kept warning you to get inside. Your boots the only reason you could trudge through the many layers of snow.
You must've questioned every suspicious looking citizen however no luck. Your saber was probably gone forever and on top of that punishment you were sure your master was going to be angry that you disobeyed and stayed out later than he permissed.
Ughh I should just let myself freeze over...
Another half an hour later you finally made it back to the ship. Immediately you dragged yourself through the halls to your room and ordered your droid servant to run a hot bath. You were extremely lucky that master kenobi hadn't spotted you yet.
You could barely feel anything and felt horribly tired. Even the steam rising from afar felt like heaven as it reached your frost bitten skin.
You removed your practically stiff cloak but had no energy for the rest so you plopped fully clothed into the steaming water, immediately sighing in relief as you slowly felt feeling returning to all parts of your body.
You rested your head back and took a deep breath, inhaling the warm air.
*achoo* fuck...
you could already feel your nose becoming stuffed and there was a slight scratch in your throat. Perfect, getting sick was just what you needed.
After you were fully warmed up, you drained the water and lazily wrapped a fluffy towel around you. You felt the exhaustion of the mission plus everything afterwards tenfold as soon as your body hit the mattress.
You spread out lazily letting the cool sheets relax your now warmed body, covers discarded on the floor.
Your eyes drooped slowly closed once, focused on the space by the end of your bed, you tried to fight off sleep but it was proving difficult,
You opened them but slowly they drooped closed again,
The third time however you saw a blurry outline of a man.
"M-master!" Like a rocket you sat up, heart beating out of your chest. You quickly pulled up the towel over your chest.
"Y-you scared me..." You placed a hand over your beating chest trying to catch your breath. You had been too tired to even sense him coming.
He stood with his arms crossed, an unreadable expression on his face. "I distinctly remember telling you to be back before dark did I not?" He stepped closer until he was right at the end of the bed.
Oh Crap hes mad.... you sat up a little straighter trying to ignore the fact you were practically naked in front of him.
"I'm sorry master, the time got away from me..." your mouth feeling unnaturally dry as the lie left your lips.
You hated lying to him. Well you hated what usually happened when you lied to him and he found out....
He eyed you silently before leaning over the bed intimidatingly close. He leaned next to your ear before speaking,
"You're lying" a dangerous edge to his voice now
You felt your heart stop and a rush of panic fill you. Fuck fuck fuck.
Slowly he came back into view.
His eyes were a threatning color now. A silent deadly warning to choose your next words carefully. You had just broken his one rule. And he knew...
You felt a million emotions running through you. Fear, for getting caught breaking his most important rule. Shame for being stupid enough to lose something so important. And Guilt for lying to the one person you never ever wanted to lie too...
"Ah I-I'm Sorry!!" You blurted out suddenly. "I-I didn't mean too! But so much was going on with the mission!! A-and I must've been distracted and I swear I tried master I really did! B-but no one knew anything and then it started getting dark and cold a-and I didnt know what to do so I came back, but I didnt want you to be disappointed or mad so I didnt tell you the truth and I'm so so so sorry!!" You bowed your head breathing heavily, hardly realizing that your explanation made no sense. Your eyes shut tightly shielding you from his whatever horrible expression he surely had on his face.
A few moments of dreadful silence passed before you felt him shift.
"Look at me" you barely felt the ghostly touch of his fingers guide your chin up.
You sucked in a nervous breathe when you realized you were only inches from his face. His eyes were dark and penetrating. Whenever he looked at you like this you felt completely exposed. Like he could see right through your soul.
"Now calm down and tell me the truth little one" he said dangerously calm. Sometimes that was even scarier then when he yelled...
Taking a deep breathe you gathered your wits and with a deeply ashamed tone you confessed, "I lost my lightsaber.." you could feel burning at the corner of your eyes but you continued through it, "I looked for it everywhere but..." you looked down again dejectedly. What a dumb apprentice I am.. hes probably so disappointed in me.. "I'm sorry Master.."
You waited for what felt like hours until he spoke, "I know" he said in an even tone.
Your eyes shot open in surprise, "w-what?"
"How many times must I remind you nothing happens without me knowing about it."
"So then..." he knew you were lying all along...
"Yes my apprentice" he grasped your chin slightly harder now but still somehow gentle, "When will you learn..." he slowly ran his thumb over your bottom lip, dragging it down, "that you can't hide anything from me.." he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I know..I'm sorry, I was just afrai-" he cut you off with a sharp slap to your thigh.
"What have I told you about lying to me?" he caressed your bare thigh making it harder for you to focus.
"That-that I am never to lie to you...no matter what..." your breath hitched as his hand inched closer across your thigh and to your most sensitive area. However just when he was inches away he abruptly removed all contact.
You immediately felt sad at the loss.
"Exactly, and yet you did exactly that" he nodded his head, "I'm disappointed little one, especially since if you had told the truth..." he reached behind him grabbing something and bringing it forward, "you could've saved yourself alot of trouble"
You let out a gasp, "My saber!!" He let you take it from his grasp, you beamed finally feeling whole again.
"But how did you..?" You asked confused where and how he had found it.
"It fell when you jumped on your speeder during the battle" he explained nodding slightly in exasperation.
So this whole time he had it?! And that means he knew all day that you.....
"I shouldnt have lied" you apologized sincerely. "I just didn't want to disappoint you..especially since I did so well on the mission..." you mustered the best regretful expression you could. "Are you angry with me...?" You couldn't help but ask.
After a moment he smiled slightly, resting his rough palm on your cheek, "No..well not anymore, I was more upset that you risked your health by staying out too long, however I do sense your deep regret, so this time I'll let it slide"
Whoa did I hear that correctly, hes going to let it slide?? My master?? Had he hit his head during battle??
"Thank you Master, I promise it won't happen again" you meant it this time.
"Oh I know it wont pet" you shivered at the pet name he called you. He suddenly force pulled you closer until you were basically straddling him. You let out a shriek.
"Because this time.." he placed a firm hand on the back of your neck pulling you in for a possessive kiss.
He pulled away slightly and you felt his hot breathe by your ear, "I'll make sure you remember what happens when you don't." Suddenly you were on you back, towel thrown across the room.
"Whaa what?! I thought you said I was off the hook?!" You blushed fiercely as he force held your hands and legs to each corner and stood back to admire your helpless form.
He smirked wickedly, "I said you were off the hook for staying out too late.. however..." you gasped as you felt invisible fingers begin to tease your most sensitive area.
"For lying to me.." he eyed you with a gaze now hooded with lust and a dangerous glint, "You will be punished until I am certain you've learned your lesson my darling..."
***************************************************Thanks for reading!! I had alot of trouble writing sith obi wan but I tried my best. Let me know if you guys liked this enough and want to see similar Sith obi wan x apprentice fics. Alsoooo 👀if enough people want a mini 18+ continuation of the *cough* punishment.....lemme know🙈
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birth-fic-lover · 4 years
Getting her baby
This was a mistake Holly told herself, she was a well regarded member of the comunity. She should not be getting a black market baby. She tried to tell herself that it wasn’t like this baby was going to be smugged into her house, just that she was going to simply pick this baby up and let her staff deal with the legal documents. She had herd about this before, women who would sell there babies to women such as her. She couldn’t wait any longer, she would rather pay the premiam price.
As she walked up the road she tried to take everything in, knowing one day she would be re-telling this tale to her child one day. On her arm was a carseat and over her shoulder was a baby bag full of blankets and outfits. She rang the bell and to her suprise a heavily pregnant woman answered the door. “Paula?” Holly asked.
“That’s me” Paula said with a grin, “you must be Holly” she said holding out her hand. “Unfortunatly as you can tell your baby has not arrived as of yet, but feel free to stick around till they arrive” she offered.
“Oh um, are you in labour?” Holly asked.
“I did loose my mucus this morning. I have been feeling a bit presure on and off for the past few days. But since you came all the way out here, you might as well stay the night. You would be doing me a favor as my usual birth partner has a family emergancy, beside you can watch the child come into the world. I will even let you cut the cord” she teased.
Holly thought about it, “I did have a hotel, but since your birth partner isn’t here. I will go get my suitcase”.
Paula waited for Holly rubbing her belly absentmidedly, she smiled when Holly returned. “It’s all one floor, since I spend most my time pregnant it makes sense not to have to bother with stairs”. 
As they walked to the spare room Holly looked though an open doorway to see a room with a bed with plasic sheets, a birth ball and other things ready for the babies arrivel. Upon Holly securing Paula’s next baby, they had a long phone call. Paula told her there would be no making their birth plans, as she had all her babies in a desiganted room in her home. She liked the idea of an unassisted birth, though she had a partner with her just in case. 
Hollywas wary about this idea, but was persuaded by the fact that Paula had many births. She was a pro it seemed, she even had been emailing Holly weekly reports. Holly knew that dispite her age, Paula was having a surprisingly easy pregnancy. Though she was a lot bigger then Holly expected, she looked overdue.
As they got to the guest room Paula turned and caught her looking at her, but she just laughed. “I know, they say each time you get pregnant you carry a little bit bigger. I seem to be oooofff proof of that” she said stiffening suddenly. 
“Are you okay?” Holly asked.
Paula rubbed deep circles into her globe of a belly, “I think now your are here your child wants too meet you, with those kicks your child will be breaking my water in no time” Paula joked.
“Can baby’s really do that?” Holly asked.
Paula laughed, “I wouldn’t put it past them, one time I went into labour from laughing too hard. Your baby is real low on my hips, so labour could start anytime now”.
Holly had herd of about when bellies drop that is a signal the baby was ready, she also herd it could be uncomfortable. Holly place her suitcase on the bed and followed Paula as she left the room. “Can I do anything?”
“No, No. I was just going to make myself up a hot waterbottle.” Paula then stopped, her hands sliding down her belly. She suddenly felt a shift in weight inside her belly and got the sensation that if she didnt support it, it felt like the baby would just fall out. “On second thoughts, I think I will be needing to go into my birthing room just to be safe. Could you make me up that hot waterbottle?”
Holly nodded, she didn’t want to leave Paula’s side but want to help in anyway she could. She looked around the kitchen and she couldn’t find the hotwater bottle to fill. She resorted in turning on the electic kettle, then going to ask Paula where she put the hotwater bottle.
As she entered the room she saw Paula had taken her leggings off, rolling her hips on the birthing ball. Out of habbit she tired not to look at where she was just in her underwear, instead looking at her face and lace shirt.
Paula smiled, “if your my birthing partner you will be seeing me in much less than this” she remined her good naturedly. “I hope you are well rested, we have a long night ahead of us”.
“Yes” she said, “thank you for letting me be a part of this”.
“You ohhhhh, you were in lucky that the baby hadn’t arrived yet and I needed a birthing partner” Paula said with both her hands still on her belly. “I don’t usally like clients being here, they take too much control away from me”.
“You can do this how ever you like” Holly promised.
Paula gave a greatful smiled before a  full contraction seized her, she held her hands out and natrally Holly held them letting Paula  breath through it. “Hee hee hoooooooooooo, the pressure is starting”.
“This is so quick” Holly comented.
“After the amount of children I have birthed, I feel like my body doesn’t need long to prep” she explained still squeezing Holly’s hands tight. Over the next hour Paula’s contractions built up, they paced around the room each contraction more powerful then the last. 
Paula could feel her contractions forcing the baby down into her birth canal against her will, as she dilated she prayed for her water to break. Until finally it was getting too much. ”Naaaaggggghhhhhh I need to get on the mattress” Paula requested as they headed there she stopped, “so much pressure...feels like it's gonna fall out of me." Paula’s grip was like a vice, "it's so low... so...naaaagggghhhh...fucking low."
“Do you need to push?” Holly asked wanting to get her on the bed before Paula collapsed.
“Naaaagggghhhhh no, my water hasn’t broken.” Paula wished her usual birth partner was here, she had the expreance to break her waters.
Holly helped again take a step towards the bed, it felt so far away with all the pain and pressure Paula was dealing with. She was hit with another contraction, her body was not giving her much of a break, This one shifted the baby even lower. "Naaaaggghhhhhh hooooo”, Paula moaned in responce to the involuntary push. She gasped for air and the moment she got relief she forced her body forward to the bed, knowing she needed to get into a good pushing position. As soon as her water broke she would be pushing this baby out.
Holly knelt on the bed next to Paula, she didn’t want to distract Paula knwoing she would ask for help when she needed it. Her belly would visabily tighten with each contraction, “NNAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH” she moaned loudly. The presure was never this bad before she swore. She was about to beg Holly to call an ambulance, when she felt the pop inside her and fluid gushed out.
“Naaaaghhhhh” Paula moaned not wasting anytime, she pushed and Holly saw Paula’s lips part slightly as the head started to bulge. 
Paula could tell it wouldn’t take long, after the next push Holly could see a glimps of the baby’s head. Holly was amazed as slowly but surely the head kept inching forward, Holly held Paula’s hand filled with emotion.
"Nnnggggghhhhh...how...how much is out?" Paula asked.
“The head is half way out” Holly told her, to her suprise with the next contraction Paula didn’t stop till the head popped out with a gush of fluid. She let out a sigh of relief.
"There's...naaaghhh..no cord round it’s neck, right?" she asked Holly.
Holly checked, “no it’s all clear”.
Paula saw that as her green light, she pushed with all her might until she started pushing the sholders out one by one. With a last gush of fluid the baby popped out, the purple baby was rubbed on the back and started to pink up as it let out it’s cry.
Holly was filled with joy, “Thank you, we must do this again sometime” she joked.
“Maybe in another nine months?” Paula asked returning the joke.
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
Cosiest Place on Earth ||| Kun x Reader
Summary: Where Kun is relaxing in peace, and a certain someone decides its a prime time to ‘annoy’ him  Genres: Sickly sweet fluff, plus some humour Warnings: Tiny bit of scary but it’s not actually anything scary (if that make sense) Word count: 1259 Song: Heart Flutter - W24 AN: an edit of an old piece revamped to—hopefully—a much higher standard. reading the original wasnt.... painful but it wasnt exactly fun either :/ im so sorry guys for subjecting you to my writing back then
gender neutral reader
The night was oddly still, a starless sky beckoning darkness across the thin face of the moon, an icy wind trickling through the smallest gap in the window behind a set of closed curtains, encouraging them to breathe in the shadows. Despite this, Kun was soaking up the peace.
He loved his groupmates, he really did. They were extremely talented, funny and, on the whole, easy to get along with people. They were annoying sometimes yes, but they mostly did as they were told, and after hearing from other leaders at the award shows, he realised he could have had it a whole lot worse. However, the thing they were best at was reminding him of how precious some true quiet really was.
And so, as soon as they all became preoccupied with some new racing game he hadn’t been paying enough attention to remember the name of, he leapt at the chance. Cut to now, and Kun was curled up in his bed, buried neatly under three blankets to combat the cold that had defeated the radiator. He had shuffled himself into the corner of his bed, as close to the hushed lamp as he could get without the bulb blinding him from the gap in the very top of the shade, and bundled the covers beneath his feet to keep in as much warmth as possible. Book in hand, his eyes trickled across the page, occasionally having to jump back as soon as he caught his thoughts scattering. 
He wasn’t used to the silence and it showed. As much as he relished in a small period of it, he couldn’t ignore the gnaw of unprovoked concern. His life and the ones of those around him were so hectic that as soon as that chaos stopped it felt like something had gone wrong.
He had been about to sigh when a creak from the door stopped him mid breath. Leaning to get a clearer look, hands slipping the bookmark between the pages as he went, he felt his eyes widen as an abnormal fear etched itself inside his stomach. 
Between the gap approached a figure from the dark. It had pointed head and disproportionately long arms, with strangely hackled shoulders and no face to speak of. It approached so uneasily, and Kun was already glancing at the window so as to be ready if he needed to make an escape, until the creature’s foot reached the light’s boundary. 
He recognised that leg. 
“Y/N…!” he groaned, flopping back into the cushions behind his back and shoving his book to the side.
You came to a halt proudly in the light, staring at him confusedly from where you’d tightened the hood of your stolen jumper around your face. “What?”
“You scared me, love…!” 
“Huh?” You looked down at the layers you had put on to try and fight the cold before turning back to take in just how dark the rest of the room. You couldn’t help but giggle as you continued to make your way to your boyfriend, “Oh, I’m sorry…!”
He scoffed, watching as you came to the side of the bed. “Pssh, no you’re not.” 
“I am!” you whined, beginning to clamber across the mattress. Your destination? The cosiest place on earth.
Kun shook his head as he carefully began to lift the blankets up for you to join, chuckling as you finally reached him and immediately burrowed into his side while he tucked the blankets around you. “Cold?”
“Nope, wearing hoodies like this is just part of my new fashion statement,” you sassed, waiting for him to wrap his arm around you before you linked your cold legs with his, much to his dismay.
He yelped at the contact, kicking the blankets around your feet even more. “You are so lucky that I’m such a good boyfriend.”
You just laughed, nestling your nose further into his neck and releasing your hands from your sweater paws. Unfortunately for him they weren’t much warmer, and he practically shrieked as you clutched at his jumped beneath the covers.
“Jesus, Y/N—!”
“Are you though?” you slyly enquired. “A good boyfriend?”
“You think I’m not?”
You hummed. “Well, last time I checked good boyfriends can tell the difference between a cryptid and the best thing that has ever happened to them.”
His laughter was soft and rich, and it thrummed by your ear—immediately coaxing your smile into a full blown grin. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, huh?” he murmured, gentle hand easing your hood open and off to free your hair from its confines, just so he could ease it between his fingertips. “You’d better keep it down when you say that, I don’t think it would end well if the other’s found out.” 
You snickered, pressing a chaste kiss to his neck before settling back down again. Kun knew you could hear how his heart skipped a beat at you and how precious you were, and he didn’t care a single bit. Pulling the covers further up so you would be warm enough, he traced his thumb across your temple, smiling as your eyes closed happily. The two of you dipped into a momentary quiet—not an uncommon occurrence between the two of you, as comfortable silence really was its own blessing—but it wasn’t long before you spoke up coyly. 
“Yes, love?”
“Would you still love me if I was a cryptid?”
His love-swarmed gaze didn’t change. “Of course I would,” he said, “but please don’t go out there and get yourself turned into one. And if you are one, well… you better tell me if you are, yeah?”
You chuckled, though he noticed the ease of tiredness in your voice. “I would tell you, baby, and I’m not, I promise.”
“Sounds like something a cryptid would say,” he whispered, smile simpering upon his lips at your sleepy one. You were too adorable for him to fully comprehend in words. “Would you like some music?”
You hummed a no, and so he reached for his book from where he had discarded it by his thigh, careful to not disturb you. “I’ll read again, if that’s ok?”
He had expected a little backlash perhaps, since it would mean you wouldn’t be able to have a hand stroking your arm—the shock, the horror! Kun had to admit, then, that he was surprised when you managed to work up the rest of your energy to ask, “Read to me?”
Opening the book as best he could with one hand and placing the bookmark on the bedside table, his heart swelled at your words.
“Of course,” he replied, planting a kiss to your crown, before he turned back to the paper, words much clearer to him now. 
“Hundreds of fireflies drifted over the pool of water held back by the sluice gate, their hot glow reflected in the water like a shower of sparks. I closed my eyes and steeped myself in that long-ago darkness. I heard the wind with unusual clarity. A light breeze swept past me, leaving strangely brilliant trails in the dark. I opened my eyes to find the darkness of the summer night a few degrees deeper than it had been. I twisted open the lid of the jar and took out the firefly...”
With the warmth long seeped throughout your body, cradled in the arms of the man you knew would love you through thick and thin, it wasn’t long before the words dissipated into the air, as his tender voice lulled you into sleep.
an: book excerpt is in italics and is not mine! its from a book called Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami that i really recommend you read, if you are ok with very strong themes. i studied it for my english literature coursework and i didnt hate it once! even through all that rereading and stuff so.. yeah :))
if you enjoy please leave a comment or reblog with hashtags or drop something in my asks i dont mind sksksk they really help me keep want to write! 
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bellasharifuddin · 3 years
The Day I Became a Mother
It’s been a while since I last post anything here, typing feels awkward as well. But this has always been a thing that I wanted to do since the day I’ve given birth, to document and blog about my pregnancy and my birth journey, so in 4-5 years to come when my memories fade, I can always come back to reminisce every detail that I keep here, like a memory capsule. 
The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant. 
You know, when people say that when you have a strong intuition about something, trust your gut feeling, because it’s often true. Mirin and I have always talked about having kids, me wanting a baby so much within months after we got married, however, Mirin having second thoughts about it. We were both married for less than a year, sleeping on a toto without a mattress or a bed, living in the deep slum of Wangsa Maju area where the rats are larger than the cats. Hahaha. Naturally, given our circumstances, he’d want to take things slow. 
Fast forward to a couple of months, we went out for some steaks and karaoke on a weekend night. I told mirin to stop by Watsons, for me to buy a pregnancy test kit. Mirin didn’t question much, because occasionally I would randomly buy one, just for fun. But this time, I didnt just get one. I ended up buying three. Why? Because somehow, I had a strong feeling this time. I just felt... weird. It was a feeling that I can’t put it into words. 
We came home at midnight, I went to the bathroom too “pee on the stick”. Then I saw the first line... a few seconds later comes the second one. Oh my god. Okay. I knew Mirin was standing outside the toilet door, waiting. Eventually, I had to break the news to him. When I showed to Mirin, we both ended up hugging and crying. Was I happy? Was I in shock? Was I sad? Yes, a little bit of everything. Its funny that all you’ve wanted was a baby, then when it actually happens, suddenly you’re freaked out. Happy that its a blessing. Sad that it hits you without a warning. 
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When the morning sickness finally kicked in, I knew we couldn’t live in the current house. Its not the best place to raise a child. And the next-door neighbor was having major renovation that was super loud and noisy. After sleepless nights and searching for a new place, we eventually moved out. Bought our first bed, bought our first dining table, bought our first gas stove. A many of firsts. Soon we finally bought a baby cot from Ikea. We bought it too early. Although it was too early to put it up, but Mirin assembled it anyways. I could tell that he was excited. It was such a fun and exciting moment, for the both of us.
But those were the fun part. Like most pregnancies, the not so fun part about being pregnant was me being diagnosed with Pregnancy Hypertension during my 36th week of pregnancy. My blood pressure spiked up to 140/100 on two consecutive readings, and the next thing I know, that I’m sitting in an ambulance, on my way to Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s emergency building. 
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                     At Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Waiting for an available bed
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                  Mirin bought me the entire family mart food available xD
I spent 3 nights in their maternity wards, finally discharged after the doctor told me that I was clear to go. While I was in the hospital, it pains me to see new mothers struggling during the COVID19 pandemic. Throughout your stay, no visitations were allowed from anyone including your husband. If your baby cries or if you’re in pain, you’d have figure it out yourself. I remember praying to god while crying that I do not want to be induced there. The ward was stuffy and hot. There were too many people crammed in a room. It was hell. 
The Day That I Give Birth
One week after my discharge, we both went for my monthly checkup with my OBGYN at Pantai. Again, my doctor advised me to be induced tomorrow, since my blood pressure spiked again, and I was almost full term (38 weeks) so it was okay to go. She told me that “It’s best to get the baby out or else you boleh kena sawan” OMG Okay okay. So we packed our bags, ate sushi for dinner, slept soundly for the very last time, and headed to the hospital again at 9 am the next morning. 
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                         Induction day. We definitely overpacked haha
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       Arrived at the hospital lobby, did a mandatory swab test before entering
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Appointment card. Booked and paid for the accommodations prior to checking in
I was told to change into my labor robe (I’m not too sure what it’s called), and waited. When my doctor finally arrived, she then began to insert some sort of a plastic strip deeeeeep into my cervix. Ouch, that hurts. Okay, so that’s how induction works eh? Then I was given antibiotics into my IV drip too, since I was GBS (Group-B Strep) Positive as well. 
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                                Toilet selfie! Calm before the storm
After an hour, I felt the contraction. Initially it was uncomfortable, then it hurts like hell. The contractions felt like period pain but like a million times worse. Occasionally, Doctor Haslinda would come and check on my “bukaan”. Hours passed. 1cm... 2cm... 3cm.... when I finally said:
“Omg sakit sangat dah tak tahan, I want an epidural!“
Ok no, that was a lie. I initially didn’t want to take an epidural. I wanted to try and bear with the pain, but Mirin convinced me to take it, so after tossing and turning like a dying fish I finally said okay. 
The anesthesiologist came after what felt like an eternity, and asked me to sign a consent form. I’m not really sure what was written in that. Siapa je ada masa nak baca terms and conditions panjang panjang bila tengah contractions??? 
He told me to sit on the edge of the bed, while hugging a pillow. I remembered him injecting some numbing spray, then I felt the BIG NEEDLE poking through my spine. Then.. that was it. It was so fast. The entire process took only 5 mins. Was it painful as I thought it would be? No. Was it still scary tho? Yep hahaha.
Soon after, Dr Haslinda pecahkan air ketuban when I was 4cm dilated. It didnt hurt because I was on epidural, but I felt so much warm liquid flowing out non-stop. So bizarre. 
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Once you’re on epidural, you’re basically bed-ridden. No bathroom trips anymore, my legs feel like jelly. Sometimes the nurse will come to empty my bladder with a catheter. When the epidural kicked in, I could finally sleep. I slept like a baby. I slept for hours. Painless. No more feeling like a dying fish. And so I thought.............
3am. I woke up with INTENSE CONTRACTION PAIN. Why is it so painful? I thought I’m on epidural? I called the nurse straight away. Turned out the epidural drug ran out. It was sooo stressful because the nurse that was on duty that night didn’t know how to topap balik the epidural drug into the machine. She called her colleague, then the colleague also tak tahu. Then both of them spent like forever to troubleshoot how to use the machine, sampai lastly kena call doctor tanya. YA ALLAH, rasa macam nak maki je. 
7am the next day. Bukaan baru 7-8cm. Doctor decided to use another form of induction to speed up the process. It’s called pitocin, and injected through my IV drip. Within MINUTES, I could feel very intense and painful contractions, that the epidural can’t even help. So throughout the remaining 7cm to 10cm, I felt every inch of real labor pain. I clenched Mirin’s hand. So tightly that I think it got bruised. A minute felt like an hour, and an hour felt like years. It was soo bad that my memory was so fuzzy. 
Finally, it was 10cm. Time to go. They put both of my legs up, macam gambar bawah ni haha: 
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                                      Picture courtesy from Google
There were two nurses, one small cute Malay nurse, one pregnant Indian nurse, and my OBGYN, Dr Haslinda. I love them all, they were so supportive and nice to me throughout my labor process. My doctor taught me how to push correctly:
“Take a deeeeeeep breath then tahan, clench your fists, chin down and teran macam nak berak sekuat-kuat hati“
I was so determined to get the baby out. I just wanted the contraction pain to end. I did everything they told me to do. I hold on to Mirin’s hand, and PUSHHHHHHHEDDDDDD! I could hear Mirin saying “You’re doing great sayang!” After several pushes, and some sips of water breaks, the baby’s head is almost out. The head was the hardest to push. Besar! I literally felt like my down there was stretching to its limit. Once the head is out, I did another small push, and the rest of the baby’s body macam keluar instantly macam super slimy like that haha. 
Finally the baby is out! 8.26AM! The contractions stopped immediately. I instantly feel like I wasn’t pregnant anymore. The doctor then injected something on my thigh, then my uri just popped right out haha. My body felt so tired, but so so light. Lega, yay no longer pregnant haha. I ended up having second degree perineal tear without an episiotomy, and was stitched. I felt the benang, ngilu. I felt the needle pierced through my muscles too. But it didnt hurt so it wasn’t too bad. 
The baby gets cleaned up. Then soon all of the nurses left the labor room, it was just me, Mirin and our baby. Mirin picked her up, and azankan. Mirin started crying, I cried too. It was magical :’)
We did skin to skin and tried breastfeeding for the first time. As I look at her, hair was so thick. Her cute little fingers. Her beautiful face. She’s perfect. 
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                            I slept for 5 hours straight after the labor
Thinking back, I have no idea how I managed to muster such courage to go through all these. Mirin even told me that during the active labor stage, when I was pushing, at one point I pushed so hard that my entire face turned blue. Talk about adrenaline.
Do I want to have another baby? Well, lets keep a rain check on that question for another few more years to come xD
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strayficks · 5 years
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Combined these two! For anon and @haneulpati 💝 sorry this took so long to finish, but here it is now. Hope you like it! And requests are open again, request for other groups and skz are accepted, make them as descriptive as possible! ⚘
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"What the fuck?" You felt dazed, memories of last night coursing trough your head as you propped yourself on your elbow. You didnt even drink anything, how the hell did you get he- you just remembered. 'I dare you to sleep with Jinnie.' Jisung's voice rang in your head as a grunt subconciously forced it's way out from your throat.
"Damn him." You muttered. By 'sleep' doesnt mean fuck, well, it was the first thing that came to your mind when he said it. Jisung meant 'sleep' as in closing your eyes and waking up, nothing to do with any sexual interaction. You agreed of course, you would be a dumbass if you were to pass an opportunity to 'sleep' with your crush.
You were trying hard not to look beside you, but your head moved towards his direction. Your heart was thumping againts your chest, knowing what's coming but wondering at the same time. You watched the way his chest raised and fell, a frown on his brows as his plump lips uttered something that oddly sounds like a moan.
Your eyes widened, is he having a wet dream? You took your eyes off of him immediately, shutting your eyes and ignoring the strong urge to keep watching. You didnt even notice he had opened his eyes, until he spoke up, that is.
"Gonna keep staring?" You jumped a little, shocked and flustered. You gathered yourself for a second, thinking of a way to respond to the guy you've been crushing on for the past three months.
"You are very attractive. Therefore, i will stare at you." He rubbed his eyes, a lazy smile reached his lips. His brows were furrowed after he looked at the clock perched up on the wall of Jisung's room.
"It's literally 4 AM. Go back to sleep." You scretched your arms, curling your toes as a way to cover your blush as you turned away from him, legs dangling off the bed and thoughts still running inside your head about what he was dreaming about.
"Cant. Where's Jisung? Im gonna kill him in his sleep, do we have a chainsaw? Or a lawn mo-"
You felt a tiny push on your back as the bed moved.
"Let's cuddle, c'mon. You can trust me." You looked behind your shoulders, you cant help but stare at his features. From the way his lips were parted with a teasing smile, the way he looks agonizingly good when he literally just woke up. Your heart noticed this too, god, you might just be having a cardiac arrest right then and there.
Your eyes would've traveled further down if the rest of his body wasnt covered in a blanket.
"You can't trust someone who looks that good with a bed head." You muttered under your breath, which stopped midway when you heard him say;
"I heard that, you know. Would you reconsider if you were sober?"
You were facing him now, legs crossed as he settled his head on his hand, elbow propping his head as he asked you.
"I am sober. The question is, are you?"
"Fuck yes. Cuddles?" He was holding up both of his hands in the air, a silent gesture for you to fill the gap in between his arms. You might regret this, but the giddy feeling bubbling up in your stomach is just cheering for you to jump- wait, cuddle him. You squirmed under your clothes, fidgeting with the thin fabric until the words flew out.
"Fuck it." You crawled closer to him, catching a glimpse of his face as he wiggles his eyebrows. You were nervous yeah, but you were enjoying every second of it without a doubt. It was until Hyunjin put his hand over your stomach to make you closer, your butt making contact with his groin.
"Hyunjin! I thought we were cuddling!" You rolled off of him, laying on your side as you looked at him dissaprovingly. He shrugged as a beautiful smile adamant on his lips.
"Change of plans?"
"You're lucky i like you, or else-" Hyunjin cuts you off with a kiss. It wasn't gentle kiss; it's rough and hungry, like Hyunjin has suffered an insatiable thirst for you. His tongue pushes into your mouth and tangoes with yours as you kissed him back. Our mouths move against each other's frantically; you dig your nails into his back, his arms, the nape of his neck and through his hair.
"I was dreaming about you." The throbbing sensation between your legs was growing, even more so the harder Hyunjin's erection rubs against the thin layer of fabric separating your clothed thigh from his.
"Well, dreaming about fucking you." Hyunjin's mouth moves to your neck, sucking and biting hard enough for you to hiss and gasp in pleasure and a bit of pain.
"Maybe i can help?" You were aware of what you were doing. You were kissing your crush for god's sake. Hard, that is. Your eyes rolled back and close to the rhythm of his mouth teasing and torturing you sensitive skin. You bit his ear gently, but it does little to faze him. And as you bite and taste his skin in your mouth, he undoes the buttons of your jeans, stopping to ask you.
"Are you sure?" He asked, eyes burning against yours as he looks for any uncertant reaction. You nodded and brought his face down to your again.
"Im sure. I want this." He removed every piece of clothing you had on, your naked body is exposed to him, pressing against his clothed body. You pressed your thighs together to satiate the pulsing sensation of your pussy; one that Hyunjin can effortlessly cause on you.
Hyunjin grips the collar of his shirt and pulls it off over his head after you sit on the bed. It's like the holy grail, seeing his body exposed so close to you. His shirt is tossed to the side, and you were given an unrestricted view- the firm muscles on his stomach, the veins tracing his skin.
Your breathing fluctuates when you look at him; he has the body of a god, undoubtedly. And all You want is to get your hands on it. Sure enough, he lets me. With a bite of his lip, Hyunjin gently takes your hand in his and places it on the higher point of his stomach.
You suck in a breath and look up at him; over the strong definition of his arms, his skin is hot to the touch. He suddenly flips you over on your stomach, you can't see what he's doing, but you can hear just fine. Being so restricted in sight is nerve wrecking, and only having your hearing aid increases your apprehension even more.
He's unbuckling the rest of his belt, tossing it onto the floor before unzipping his jeans. You want to turn around; you want to see him completely naked and bared to you, but you know he wouldn't let me look at him
"You have the perfect ass," he says, tracing his finger down your spine until his hand grabs you there.
"Arch your back a little so I can feel it against me." You do as he said until your ass is against his hips. His erection is firmly against you; you can barely breathe.
"Perfect, baby," he beams behind me. "You're fucking perfect." He takes a moment to slip his jeans and his briefs off. The condom wrapper he got from the pocket of his jeans opens; he puts quickly and situates himself behind you again.
You can feel the entirety of his cock now without it hidden behind his pants. You whimpered out and begged for it all, and he gives it to you -one swift movement and his shaft is deep inside you.
You cry out into the sheets; he doesn't move, only holds it there and basks in on your moans
"How badly do you want me to thrust, hm?" he asks you before groaning. "Fuck, I can feel your pussy throbbing already."
"Badly," you answer, begging him to fuck you without restraint. His body presses into your back, his hands pinning your wrists above your head and into the mattress before he moves his hips and motions his dick in and out. You panted and gritted your teeth in pleasure as he moves faster; you can feel the tip of his manhood back at your clit before it returns inside you again. He grunts simultaneously with the hard thrust of his erection that made you scream.
And he continues to please you quickly beforehe slows down and creates a rhythm withhis hips that pushes his dick into a different direction inside of you-a direction that rubs against the upward section of your walls.
"Pull my hair," you breathed out. "Please."
Hyunjin's laugh makes electric sensations all throughout your body. With one hand holding your wrists down, the other holds your hair and yanks it back. He stares at you from the right side of your face. You looked back at him before he pulls your hair back further. He's as restless as you are. He lets go of your wrists and snakes his arm underneath you, pressing his body deeper into yours while holding you up beneath from your hips.
You support myself up with my elbows but it's a tiring job; your limbs are useless at this point. And when he begins biting and kissing your ear and your neck, you almost collapsed. Hair still held back, he kissed you hard on the mouth while grinding into you slower and slower. His body is hot against you; you can feel his chest, firm and strong, push and pull with his breath. Youre close to coming, but Hyunjin won't let you.
"Don't come until I say so," he said to you. The rasp in his voice is driving you crazy; it's makiing it harder for you not to come.
He thrusts faster, his groans and grunts audible instead of concealed like they were before. Letting go of your hair, he uses both hands to prop himself up above you to move even faster. The bed moves with you, damn. Jisung's gonna be mad but you couldn't care less at this point; you cried that you were going to come. but this time he lets you. Your pussy convulses around his manhood before pulsing to a speechless and gasping for air.
One last push of his hips and Hyunjin comes shortly after. His last movements are rough and abrupt before his dick jerked inside you into climax. His breathing is heavy, gradually settling to a pant. You lay on the bed and rested your face into the sheets as he finishes off. And before he pulls out, his forehead lays on my shoulders. You can hear him laughing an airy laugh, mixed in with the rigid nature of his rapid breath.
He pulls himself out and got up. You want to get up, but you were nearly immobile; right when he is out of you, you realized how big his dick was.
Jesus, you feel like you took more than you could handle.
"He was supposed to just 'sleep' with her." The alarm on your face and Hyunjin's is a quick shift from how you guys were before. You jump up and hurry for your clothes while Hyunjin rushed to put his jeans on.
"My poor bed! Fuck. So much for a dare."
Jisung said with his mouth agape and standing in the doorway, Minho trailing behind his back with a dumbfounded look on his face.
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Doggy Paddle, Doggy Style. Same Thing.
Summary- Starlord x Y/N. Peter Quill finally decides to visit Earth again. SMUT, Nsfw. Written for @official-and-unstable-satan​ fic off challenge. Challenged by @p8tn0lish​. Thanks Babes!
Word Count- 2.3k
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“Lets talk about this plan of yours. I think its good. Except it sucks.” Peter told you, his very much tolerable girlfriend, whom at this point were just used to his blunt attitude, and his need for taking over plans. Your hands went to your hips when you decided to question him. 
“Whats wrong with visiting Zandar? Its nice, people are friendly, and just cause you cant seem to stay out of trouble there, that isnt my fault.” You happened to like the planet, even though Quill had a perchance to land into trouble, maybe it was the better option to let him chose where you two go. Rocket took Groot and Drax on a bit of a side quest, at your request and a big payout to Rockets account. You werent about to just blow this opportunity to zip around space, as you hoped the the fates, Peter wasnt about to suggest. 
“Earth” Peter shocked you, he rarely talked about Earth, and typically you all were all the way across the universe from the vividly blue and green planet. Peter was human, that was his home, but he hadnt been there since Yondu collected him. 
“You really want to go to Earth?” You questioned, clearly the hesitation in your voice. You had been asking him for years if he wanted to visit his home planet. And every time it was “No way babes, theres far better places to go” or “maybe after this job, cant pass this up.” and you all would zip to some far off corner as far away as possible.   
“Yup, in fact…. we be leaving right now, cause Im the captain.” Stealing a playful kiss, his hand grasping your chin and pulling you into him, his tongue danced over your lips and past your teeth to stroke a needy fucking whimper before smacking your ass, and falling into the seat at the controls, flipping them and a cocky grin was flashed at you as he stated. “How many jumps we got Sexy?” 
You to lick your lips after that kiss, it was one that you knew he would be playing off of for hours, little tickles here, nibbles in passing there. Quill was the best kind of frustrating man there was. “Uuuh… 10 jumps.” 
“Showtime baby!” With a push forward of a handle on the dash, the ship raced forward and prepared for the first jump. You settle in, feet up on the dash and you reach for a bag of snacks next to the seat, popping them in. “So, where we going on earth?” 
He typed in some coordinates and popped open his mouth for you to toss a morsel into, leaning back to catch it, and turned back to the screen. “Fountain Lake… my grandad used to take me there fishing after Mom got sick, give her some peace and quiet. He would bring an old radio along, and we would spend the day out there. Usually I was doing cannon balls off the side, but once in a while he get a pole in my hands.” 
You nod, letting his memories take shape in your imagination. You imagined Quill to be a curly haired boy, sun tanned freckles dotting his face and shoulders, much like they do now if you all happen to go to some planet with a bright sun. Maybe the corner of his mouth would flash up in a wide gaped toothy grin, having lost a front tooth. The idea of it made you smile to yourself, and you toss another piece of your snack at him. “You gonna teach me to swim? Cause I dont know how” 
“Oh baby, well you are looking at the master.” He winked, and unsnapping his belt, he reached over and collected you, tossing you over his shoulder and retreating to the back. “How about I give you a lesson in doggy style right now.” You two still had a couple hours till you arrived to earth, and Peter set you right on your shared bed, you tugging him down to kiss you, biting his lip with a growl. “Didnt we do doggy style last night? Didnt I pass?” 
He spanked your ass at that bite, and his hand grasped your waist, flipping you to your stomach, making you giggle. “Nope you didnt, why were doing this again baby, gotta know at least one technique before we land.” You arch your ass in the air wiggling it, biting your lip. “I think Im pretty good in several styles.” He moved to slide your shirt up your back and over your head, kissing up your spine and biting lightly on the back of your neck. “Well that you are, but its my duty to assure your saftety in knowing at least the most basic techniques after all.”
“Sure whatever you say Quill, if you INSIST” His fingers then hooked in the band of your pants, and slid them down to, you lifted one leg, and then switched to the other till they were off as well. His hands covered your ass cheeks, still a bit red from earlier and kneaded them. “Mmmhhh so pretty bent like this baby.” His teasing from earlier distracted as he admired you. Sliding a hand into the small of your back, he bent you down further till there was a distinct arch, all for him.  
You of course are more then ready to feel him slide into you, and you arch your ass back to press into his groin, taking the chance to look over your shoulder at him. “Sure am Starlord” You purr out and wiggle brows. He dips his head and takes a nip at your cheek, leaving teeth marks and making you squeal. Hands working at his belt and yanking his pants down to his ankles, a grasp to his cock slides between the folds, making you whimper feeling his thich head spreading your arousal and flick against your sensitive throbbing nerves, arching from it. “Call me that again.” 
“Okay, your such a fucken god damn tease, STARLORD.” You push back, the length of his cock filling between the folds, him rutting behind you, but he was holding back from entering you yet, his hands slid up your sides and around to grasp and fondle your breasts. Teasing, twisting, pulling, you groan in frustration at his cock teasing your folds, and the fact his fucking hands were playing you, you started to whine as he draped over your back, and kissed on your neck, his tongue lapping over the pulse and along your earlobe. “So so so pretty for Starlord, okay whiny baby.” 
His cock pushed against your entrance stretching around to accept him as he didnt toy you open earlier with his fingers. It was that tight and burning as he continued sliding into your wet entrance, you would have thrust back to bottom him right away, but he had moved up and grasped your hips to hold your still “Yea, Im well aware from yesterday how impatient you get.” Teasing as you fought for it, and all that wriggling your hips in his hold issued you another stinging swat, this time to your pussy after he finished filling you. Not that made you snap taunt, and your channel to flex around him, drawing the most guttered moan from above you. 
So you two both breathed through it, you still flexing and adjusting around him, that arch in your back, angling you Peter insisted on, well it changed the whole sensation. so much fuller then before, the fist time he dragged his cock through your channel to pull out, you moaned at how sensitive you were. His hand grasped your waist, and he started sharp snaps of his hips, and it pushed you right into the mattress, your face driven in and muffling your moans and gasps of his name, and it drove you mad. 
“Oh no sweetheart, what is my name?” 
Fucking Quill, he was all about driving you to calling out Starlord. His hand wrapped around your throat and tipped your head back, still thrusting into you enough to rock your body, fuck, could he go deeper? He leaned over your back, holding himself inside, the pressure built into maddening quantities, squeezing around him, two can play that game. Fuck, can he stay that seated in you. His hand around your neck, squeezed enough to cut off air, enough for you to see spots, and drive all those sensations further. 
“Starlord, STARLORD” 
“Good girl…” He muttered against your shoulder, and he released his hold. His fingers slipped between your thighs and pressured that bud, twirling, swirling, pressing as he rubbed, a fire spiraling along your limbs to pool in that nerve he toyed, until you were screaming, gushing yourself around him, and flying high as a mother fucking kite. His thrusts didnt slow any, and that hand he teased you with, he shoved those fingers in your mouth, leaving you to suck on them while he followed through with his own chase, just tasting yourself, fuck. HIs hips continuing to slam him against you, your arousal leaving you all over his groin, erratic and faster, your heightened senses left you gasping and lightly biting on his fingers. 
The sound of his balls slapping against your ass left him cursing and you pushed back to meet him, squeezing vice like, enough to drive him over the edge, and you gave the most filthiest satisfied moans, feeling him coat your walls, and push himself in deeper as he groaned against the back of your head. Your limbs started to shake underneath his weight, your words muffled and he slid his fingers from your mouth and rubbed down your side, tipping his head to kiss along your neck. “Quill, your crushing me… “ You mention, and he circles your hand around your waist and tips the two of you over, him the big spoon, curling around you, not slowing down as he massaged your hip and kissed up and down your shoulder before laying back slightly. You had to admit, feeling satisfied, and cocooned in his embrace, you were loathed to check on how many jumps you had left. 
“Its on an alarm, we will know when were close.” Just like he was reading your thoughts, he was quick to pick up on what you were thinking. 
“Good, cause im not ready to leave you.” you wrap his arm gracing your stomach and hold him there.
“Yea, same here Sweetness” And you can feel how hes still buried in you, his chest pressed against your back and his warm breaths against the back of your neck. You two stay like this for a while, drifting off and on till that alarm beeps. At some point he had rolled to his back, snoring softly, and you shift to the end of the bed, grabbing a pair of panties that were discarded earlier, and your shirt. Slipping it on as you walked to the control panel and silenced the alarm. Below you, taking up the main front of the ship was the sight of earth. 
Its beauty never failed to catch your breath, all that vivid blue, dotted with green and tan so scattered, small white wisps swirling in what appeared to be unusual patterns. One half brightly light, and the other, shadowed, seeming to hide from sight, and yet little fireflies of light scattered throughout in the cities. And so full of life, teeming with it, even though from here, you could see none of it short of the electricity scattered. You felt an arm wrap around you and Quill, unnaturally quiet stepped up beside you. 
“Beautiful, isnt it?” You say as you lean your hear against his shoulder. 
“Yes it is… Yondu never liked coming back here, and it slipped my mind what it looked like. When I left his ship, I was never ready to return.” 
“Well… how about we introduce Starlord to home?” 
“I would like that very much” His arm tightened around your shoulder and he kissed your temple “Lets begin the descent.”
“Aye aye Cap’n” you teased and the two of you got to work. 
The first step off the ship left you in bright sunshine, trees scattered along the edge, partially hiding the ship, the rest covered with a cloaking mechanism. Peter watched you with a smile as you leaned down and untied your shoes, kicking them off, a yank of the socks to push your feet into the grass. It tickled, but the cool blades that released an earthy sent when you pushed your feet to dig in. 
“Come on, lets actually swim doggy paddle this time.” He winked and taking your hand, led you down to the beach, careful as you walked against the pebbled shore, the two of you stripped down, with tosses of your clothes and he plunged right in. You on the other hand wadded in, arms over your chest and he swam up to your legs, tugging you to topple against him when he rose out of the water. 
“Quill! Your getting me all wet!” 
He smirked and holding you tight, started to sink the two of you into the water, till it was just your chins floating on top. “If your swimming, then its bound to get you all wet.” He pulled you out deeper till just your toes could scrap against the murkey bottom. 
Tapping your thighs, he kissed your lips, and muttered against them “Trust me, I got you, wrap your legs around me” And you let yourself float a bit, sliding your legs around his hip. “Ready to try that doggy paddle I taught you earlier?” He grinned, and you smacked at his chest lightly, laughing. 
God your boyfriend was an idiot on occasion.
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shoenvyx · 4 years
Death of You
Slowly waking from a terrible sleep, her head felt heavy and the room faded in and out of her blurry vision. She did her best to stand, stumbling slightly at each step. Her bed was a blanket and a floor. This is not how it was supposed to be . She continued to walk, with no destination; trying to find the reason for her current situation. How did she even get here? Her leg bumped into the edge of a chair, simple and brown with a floral design carved into the headrest of it; immediately she sat, trying to regain her sight to full capacity. Her head pounding, the pressure was building behind her ears, feeling like her head would explode. Sitting on the chair didnt seem to help much, but it seemed like the normal thing to do for the current situation. Slowly her vision became clearer, the girl was able to get a better look across the room. It didn't seem familiar, somewhat dark with no color or art on the walls. It was bleak to say the least, simple furniture, a couch that took up half of the room that looked like it was taken from the trash. The windows were boarded up, all but one. A small window above the entrance-way door. And, a second door across the opposite side of the room. Possibly the bedroom. A horrible stench of body odor and decay. Trash in the corner of the room festering bugs and flies. A gut wrenching feeling hit her instantly as she takes in all of her senses at once in this moment. It crept inside of her, begging for release. Without hesitation or reaction, she had no other choice. She quickly leaned over the side of the chair and released her pain. Vomit, a new smell to add into the already decaying room. The girl raised her hand to her mouth and wiped the excess away from her lips and wiped the back of her hand onto her tattered shorts. “I need to get out of here.” Regaining her strength, she looked around the room once more. The room had a small kitchen, Chinese food containers from who knows when littered the counter top. Dishes in the sink, clearly never to be washed. They've begun to mold. When was the last time a human was even in this room? It looks as though no one has taken care of this place in months. There's no way someone is living like this. There were some empty beer cans on the floor, bottles of liquor nearly finished, but not many. There was no evidence of drugs, besides some marijuana paraphernalia on the table by the couch. “It didn't seem like the owner of this room was a Drug addict. But, this doesn't explain how I ended up here.” Slowly, The girl lifted herself from her seat, groggily walking through the room towards the door on the opposite side of her, curiosity always got the best of her. “Might as well find out what I can. Maybe there's someone in there, they can tell me how I got here.” The doorknob was sticky and hard to turn, but eventually the door creaked open. Standing in the doorway the girl looked into the dark room. The windows were boarded up in here as well, this place was clearly abandoned a long time ago. Searching her brain for answers from the night before, there are none. Her mind blank. It feels as though all thought of herself didn't even exist completely. No feeling but numbness in her head and heart. At this point, who cares? It doesn't matter how she got here, what matters is how to get out. The bed was nothing but a mattress on the floor, torn and stained. No sheets, just a pillow, and another girl, looking at herself and back at the sleeping girl they have similar builds and frames, curiosity of this stranger makes her need to find out more. Slowly, she approaches the sleeping girl. The floor creaks with every step, dust unsettling and stirring with each movement. The air in the room was musky, stale and disgusting. How could this girl possibly sleep in this mess? We both need to leave. Approaching the bed, and kneeling onto the floor beside the other woman, its hard to tell her age. Young. Her hair, long, a chestnut color and mostly unkempt. It looks as though she hasn't used a comb in
a long while, either. “Her clothing, similar to what I am wearing.” A feeling of calmness was suddenly felt throughout her body. Like a chill of a cool breeze on a beautiful autumn day. A feeling of seasons changing and warmth. Why now? A drop of water was felt upon her hand. And then another. Quickly she realized it was tears falling from her eyes. No warning of their arrival, they just continued to flow. Slowly, and steadily the tears fell. “This is not the time, I don't even understand why I'm crying.” Shaking the thought of tears from her head and choking them back. Taking a deep breath and pressing forward. She placed her hand on the girl infront of her. “Hey....You need to get up, its not good to be in here.” She said, gently rocking the girl by her shoulder to awaken her. No movement. Try again. She attempts to wake her once more, this time the body stirs. She turns to face the person shaking her awake, and slowly begins to open her eyes. “Why?” The only words to leave this girls dry chapped lip. Taking a better look upon her, her eyes were puffy and tired, even though she was sleeping it seems she hasn't had a good nights rest in a long time. Her skin, pale as paper. She didn't look sickly, just tired. “We need to leave here, do you know the way out? Do you live here?” Slowly the girl on the bed began to rise. Sitting up she looks right through the first woman, sending fear and sadness down her spine. Her eyes were cold. Lifeless, even. She used her lifeless eyes to look at the first woman head to toe, then straight back into her eyes. “I'm not looking to leave, I'm done with what this world has to offer. Like this room, I plan to rot away in here. If you're so determined, find your own way out. Why take me with you?” ....No answer. Why? It's true, They don't know eachother. Owe nothing to each other. What compels you to help this person, who has been here for so long. Living as though they've already died? There is no obligation to help others. Especially when they seem to show no effort in helping themselves. A moment passed before the staring contest began again. “....If it were me, in a room like this, hoping for the end to come, I would want someone to show me why I shouldn't think that way.” “Well, Do you think that way?” The other woman replied, sternly. “I can't remember anything of myself past waking up this morning.... I don't know my name, I don't know where I'm from.... How I ended up here. But, I feel like this is not a place I want to be.... It's also not a place I'd want to die... Lost and forgotten, with no one. What about those who would miss you?” “Impossible for someone to miss me, I haven't had company in a very long time.... I've suffered in silence for years, everyone has problems. Mine aren't greater than anyones. We all have choices to make, mine is to give up. I've lived for myself for years, and anytime i've tried to get to know anyone it's always disappointment or pain... No one is who they say they are, humanity is nothing but hungry liars, starving for the attention of anyone they could get. To drain them, and use them. To take everything from that person until.... .” She lays herself down onto the bed again, and looks up to the ceiling. A Huge painting overtook the entire ceiling, it was of space. Planets, stars and the colors were beautiful. It looked so real, like you could forget for a second you were in a decrepit room and lose yourself into the art. Slowly overlooking the room again, the first woman notices the paint brushes in the corner, crusted over now. Untouched, it seems the last and only thing painted was this mural on the ceiling. This must be the only thing the sleeping woman dedicated her life to; and no one will ever see what she is capable of if she doesn't get out of here. Her talent needs to be seen... “Until, you decide it's easier to stop fighting back... let them take it. Give up. It doesn't matter.” The first woman slams her hands onto the floor where she kneeled..
“That can't be true!” She exclaimed, the tears began behind her eyes once more. This time, the answer was clearer. The tears are the pain she never could release. The pain was felt so deeply in her body and left ignored for so long, there is no other way to express her pain any longer. With each tear her heart felt less heavy, her mind began to clear. It was as if she was finally awakening. She wiped the tears from her eyes once more. “It's easy to give up. It's easy to let people take from you. But, you're allowing yourself to continue to live in pain if you let them do that to you.... Treat yourself like you're all you have, because in the end that's all that matters.... There is no pain greater than letting yourself down. You do not live for others... So, get up, let's get out of here. That's the first step... After that, all steps will be up to you...” ....The girl on the bed closed her eyes and gave a small smile. “The front door is unlocked.... You can leave at any time... Just, sit here with me for a while before you go..” Together both women sat in silence for a bit, woman kneeling desperately thinking of a way to convince the other woman to follow her through the door. Finally, she gathers her courage to try and convince her once more and tries to wake her again.... She doesn't move. The woman looks upon her face as she sleeps. “...She's not breathing.” Frantically she tries to revive her. It's no use. She's not waking up. Another tear fell. At least she wasn't alone. The woman stood from the edge of the bed where she knelt. She looked to the painting on the ceiling once more, the only thing in the entire apartment with color and life, this is the only thing that meant anything to the girl who passed. It's inspiring, the way the colors played together to create something otherworldly. She then began to the front door. Passing all the darkness and decay on her way out. Although, still sad a feeling of calmness has washed over her. Peace is beginning to fill the spots that were once empty and hollow. A new feeling of warmth has found its way into the woman as she continues her walk to the exit. The door was easier to open than the last one. Stepping out from the darkness of that room and entering an almost empty hallway. There was a mirror across the hall, passing by the girl got a glimpse of herself. She stood there, starting at herself for a while only to notice her face, hair and eyes were oh so similar to the girl from the room. Confusion filled her head once more as she stared and saw her reflection staring back at her. She lifted her hand and touched the mirror and gave a soft smile to herself upon realizing the darkness has left her. Her skin, still pale, her eyes still dull, but not as lifeless. She has walked through death and darkness, to find herself. Her past, her pain and her guilt. The girl in the room was never meant to walk with her, for that was her past. She moves forward, down the hallway and with every step she takes gains a new memory of her past. Her pain, there to guide her to her next journey. To remind her to not take the same steps that lead her to that room. To keep herself warm and be kind to herself, for no one will do that better than she. Her passion begins to build inside her as she continues to walk to the end of the hall; a small flame that is in need of nurturing. With a deep breath she looks back only to see the door she has left behind is now gone. Vanished, as if it was never there to begin with. That was the last time she looked back.
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Hi! Love your fanfics!💕💕💕 I was wondering if you could write a hard Risotto smut... I mean... look at them man boobs😂 it would be cool if he was like a super dom and the girl was super sub and if you want you can add some tying too😏😏😏
RISOTTO! I love him, thank you for the request! I really hope this was okay because I had gotten a few distractions and I also got a tad too high while writing.
It was cool tonight.
The black, cloudless sky shone its stars, well, the ones that broke through the light pollution of the city below anyways.
The sounds of the city life drifted upwards as you sat on the cool concrete of the balcony from a high level luxury apartment. But not just anyone's apartment...Risotto's apartment.
Your back leaned against the glass that surround the balcony's base, dressed in just your bra and panties and your wrists handcuffed above you around the metal railing. With your head tilted down, you stared up at the tall, silver haired man.
Risotto sat lazily on the chair next to his patio table; a small bowl of chocolate mousse left untouched and a glass of wine in his hand. His dark eyes slowly roved over your nearly naked body, sipping at the red liquid in his glass.
You scowled at him, moving your hands forward so the metal of the handcuffs scraped against the railing. The sound was like music to Risotto's ears; closing his eyes for a long moment as shivers ran down his spine. "Oh, tesoro..." Picking up the spoon next to the bowl, he scooped a tiny bit of the mousse. He walked over to you and knelt down. "Would you like a bite?"
Your eyes didn't look at the light dessert hovering around your face, you just looked at the black eyes of La Squadra's capo.
"Come now, it's delicious." Risotto brought up his free hand and brushed your bottom lip with his thumb.
After a couple seconds, your tough act faded and you started to snicker. "Pfft! I'm sorry, Ris, I just can't do this anymore. This whole role play just sounds like a cheesy porno."
Risotto sighed. He was clearly into it, but he knew you wouldn't last long before you started laughing. Earlier, he had floated the idea of role play and was surprised when you agreed. "Well, do you at least want to keep going without the scenario? You dressed like that is kind of hard for me to stop what I had planned for you."
Goosebumps rose all over you, not only because of the cold air hitting your exposed flesh, but because of the thought that ran through your head at what Risotto could do to you. Your legs pressed together as you felt a jolt of excitement between them. Oh god, yes. He could keep going. Smiling and giving him a nod, you gestured to the handcuffs. "Wanna get rid of these?"
A sinful grin formed on his face; a hand sliding up and down your thigh. His bare chest pressed against you as he leaned in to breathe against your neck. "Not in the slightest. I want to keep using them, but, I am going to bring you inside." He uncuffed you from the railing and roughly guided you inside the apartment.
Risotto watched you walk to his bedroom; eyes fixated on your bottom. Your underwear fit you so perfectly, making him fight the urge to take you right there.
When you walked through the door of his darkly decorated room, you turned to face him, giving him seductive bedroom eyes. "Where do you want me, capo?"
His red eyes seem to burn into you with want and hunger. Circling you like a vulture, he pulled your arms behind your back and handcuffed you again, pushing you down to your knees and stood in front of you with your face parallel to his waist.
You licked your lips with anticipation, looking up at the tall man in front of you. Once he unzipped his pants and freed himself, your gaze went to his impressive member. Just by the sight, the feeling between your legs grew hotter.
Risotto was a powerful man, and he always made sure you knew that. But you loved it. Feeling his dominance over you was the greatest feeling in the world. "Open your mouth." He demanded, grabbing your hair.
You complied and opened up, staring up at him as he slowly entered his cock into your mouth. Your tongue flattened and curved around him, cheeks hollowing to take the rest of him.
Risotto tilted his head back with a groan of pleasure. You were so good at sucking his dick and with your hands bound behind you, he had never felt more powerful. Looking back down at you, he watched you bob your head up and down his length, eyes watering as you tried to take in all of him. "Oh, bella... Just look at you." He wiped away at a stray tear, his hips thrusting violently against your face.
You tried to keep composure for as long as you could, but soon it was a little too much and you started to choke on his cock. Sensing this, Risotto pulled out of your mouth with a loud pop and backed a little bit.
He let you catch your breath before he knelt down and picked you up; carrying you to the bed. He uncuffed you again, only to remove your bra and cuff you to the head of the bed around his headboard. He wanted to use these as much as he could.
Straddling your hips, he took in the sight of you pinned under him. "You're so beautiful, cara." He gently massaged your breasts, making you move into his touch. He bent down to suck bruises onto your chest, his thumbs circling your nipples teasingly.
"Oh, Risotto..." You tried to bring your hands down to tangle them into his hair, but it was useless since you were handcuffed. You gave a whiny groan.
Smirking, Risotto kissed up to your lips, giving you a few pecks before he ran his tongue across your jawline. "You've had your treat... Now, its time to have mine."
Shivering from his deep tone, you watched him shuffle down your body to your dripping centre. That evil grin was the last thing you saw before he ripped your panties off and ravaged your pussy with his mouth. Oh my god! You thought as you were being devoured. The feeling so great, you couldn't help but writher under him. Your legs tried to hook around Risotto's head, but they were swatted away and pinned to prevent you from moving.
He was more rougher than usual than the other times he went down on you. But you didn't complain, he was still making you see stars. You gasped as he slid two fingers inside you and pumped at a pleasurable speed; hitting you in all the right places.
Your moans and screams made him go even faster as you teetered on the edge of an orgasm. Arching your hips up, you were thrown into bliss, your walls spasming around his long fingers. His mouth sucked on your clit as you rode out your orgasm, making you scream his name repeatedly.
His eyes locked onto yours, mouth still latched onto your throbbing nub. You looked absolutely adorable to him; soaked in sweat and pleasure all over your face. But he wasn't done with you...not yet.
Letting go, he rose to his knees and spun you around so that you were on your knees as well; your hands criss crossed at the wrists from the handcuffs and gripping the bars of the headboard.
Rubbing your entrance with his tip, he thrusted hard into you, making you shout with pain. He was big and it always took a little while for you to adjust to him. But tonight, he wasn't giving you that chance.
"Yes..." He hissed, pounding into you from behind with great force. "You take my dick so fucking good, tesoro."
"Ri...sot...to..." You panted out. "I-I love yo-"
He pushed your face to the mattress, cutting you off before you can finish your sentence and balling his fist into your hair. "Shhh..." His other hand rested on your hip, holding you in place as he fucked you.
You didnt know how long you could last anymore; your second orgasm on the rise. Pulling your head up, you looked back at him. "Cum inside me, Ris...please...!"
"Is that you want?" He pulled your hair, fucking you harder and faster.
"Yes! Oh, god, yes!"
Pushing your head back down against the mattress, he angled your hips with his other hand and went for the home stretch. His thrusts erratic against your pussy, causing one of the greatest feeling you've ever felt in your life. His growl turned into a scream as he unloaded himself deep inside you.
You joined him with your second orgasm, screaming out how you felt and eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Once he was completely emptied, he bent over you to kiss your neck, brushing your hair out of the way. "You're such a good girl." He whispered. Sliding out of you slowly, he moved to grab the key of the handcuffs and undid them, pulling you onto his chest.
Since you were free, you were now able to touch his sculpted body. His chest was the first thing your hands found. Those beautiful, pectorals felt amazing, you couldn't help yourself from coming in to leave kisses over them.
"That was more tamed than I had planned." Risotto stroked your side with the back of his index finger.
"That was tamed?" You brought your head up; if what you just went through was tame, then God help you if he had done what he originally had in mind.
"If we had continued with the role play, our tangle would have been a lot more different."
Your heart jumped and your stomach did flips. This could get more intense? Smiling, you connected your lips with his. "Then next time, I'll try not to laugh."
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tum-blrb · 6 years
Sam gets too hungry after his B.E.E.S.T. injection.
Fifteen burgers sounded like a lot. But for some reason today it sounded like a reasonable amount. The first two were still warm when Sam pulled them out of the bag. He had a lot on his mind. And ate absantly as he thought.
The first thing was Sadie. She was just pleasent to think about. She nestled comfortably in his mind amid the comic books and videogames. But he found her refreshing because she was real.
The second thing was project B.E.E.S.T. Had it been a good idea to take the injection? He had heard a few members were sick this morning. That one kid, Konrad had a migraine so bad that he couldn't identify colors. And the two wolf boys were nauseated by the smell of everything at breakfast. Sadie had complained about blurry vision and Moby...well Moby seemed a bit off anyway.
Sam was fine though. He was just uncharacteristicly hungry. He reached for in the bag for his third burger but only felt about four leaft.
He broke eye contact with his computer screen just long enough to notice he was getting a little full. But his brain told him he was still hungry.
So Sam unwrapped another like warm burger eating around the outside to save the best part for last.
Was this his fourth or fifth? It didn't matter he was still kinda snacking. His stomach gave a little rumble encouraging him to slowdown.
The repetitive taste of cold grizzled meat and lack of pickles was making it hard to swallow the dry bites of burger. He pealed off the top bun and balancing the burger on his chest while he applied catchup and mustard. The next bite hit a little hard. By his seventh burger he was starting to feel a food baby kicking inside. The churning in his belly released a hard belch.
That felt better. Somewhat less sluggish now he reached for burger number eight. How could he possibly be this hungry? He decided to Google sea otters diet to see if he could isolate the cause of his growly sounds.
A thick bight of the burger slid down his throat uneasily. His belly was about the size of canelop now. And about as juicy as one too. It slaushed as he adjusted in his chair, brushing the crumbs off his hoody.
He hadn't been this bloated since the time his grandpa made him try whale blubber.
He didn't have to do much scrolling to discover the reason for his insatiable need to eat. As it turned out Sea Otters have huge appetites and have to eat at least twenty five percent of their body weight.
A louder more bubbly burp squeased its way out of his belly and he gave his tired stomach a little pat.
Should he be eating this much? Maybe this was survival now. But the ninth burger sat in his stomach like a rock. His belly gurgled angerly.
For some stupid reason he thought it might settle if he pushed that tenth burger down his throat. Perhaps this achy grumble was from the new found to eat a quarter of his body weight.
His stomach muscles trembled and his chest began to fill acidic air.
"Ugh. God I'm full."
His stomach continued to burble and churn and he dropped the remaining half of burger 11 back in the bag. He was pretty sure if not eating proportionately to a sea otter would kill him. Eating as much as they eat would kill him first.
He stood from his chair, stretched, and instantly regreted it. He doubled over clutching the heavy knot in his stomach.
He could taste that let burger on the back of his tongue and held a fist in front of his mouth until he was sure it was all the way down
The bed in his room was small but at least he didn't have to share it with anyone. He gently sat down on the edge of his bed, and eased into the mattress.
Laying on his back made it feel like his ribs were being crushed. Laying on his side made his stomach gurgle mercilessly. And laying on his stomach was the worst position he could have chosen.
God these tiny burps were doing nothing to settle his stomach. He needed an anti acid, maybe two antacids.
Clutching his now sour stomach he made his way over to suitcase to check his medicine supply.
Suddenly he heard a knock at the door. Wincing as he got to his feet he limped over to it. His stomach felt enormous though it wasnt much bigger than a small melon.
Sadie stood with her arms crossed on the pther side of the door.
"Hey Sam. Have you seen Kinu? She's supposed to be my room mate."
Sams face puckered and he put a fist to his mouth.
"Hrp. No."
"You okay? I know that injection did a number on some people."
Sam's lower lip tightend on the verge of gagging.
"I just ate eleven burgers." He said said trying to hold them down. "*hic* excuse me."
"Well let me know if I need to get out of the way."
Sam looked embarrassed and the noisy grumble pounding in his tummy didn't make him feel much cooler.
"I'm fine." He choked. "Do you have any antacids?" Bubbly groans were coming from all parts of his stomach now.
"I can go check." Sadie offered.
Why had he thought that was a good idea? His belly made a glorping noise as he collapses on the bed.
*Hic* "Oohhh my tummy." He whimpered under his breath. It twisted and rumbled under his palm threatening to explode. *hic*
The knock came again but this time Sadie didnt wait for an answer. "Here. She said handing him a bottle of water and an Alcaseltzer.
"Thanks." He took the pill quickly chugging the water to activate it. The face he made told Sady that the taste was less pleasent. He smacked his lips.
"Anything else I can do?" She asked hopefully.
"Nah. This was plenty." As an after thought he added "did you ever find your room mate?"
"Yea. She's in their on the phone."
"You can stay in here then if you want." A massive belch pushed its way out of Sam. "Sorry." He said sheepishly.
"Wow your stomach really is upset." Sadie observed the uproarious gurgling.
*hic* "Hrp. Eleven burgers will do that to a guy." His said with a bit of a nauseous groan.
Almost absantly Sadie reached out one hand to gently massage Sam's unfortionate tummy.
"What are you doing?" Sam asked. His stomach was grumbling even more fiercely now which was causing him a little pain.
"Sorry." She jerked her hand back. "I wasn't-"
"No it. It felt good." Sam took her hand and gently placed it back on top of his swollen tummy.
*Gluuuuurrrppp* "Oof. Excuse me again." Sam rubbed at his stomach as it adjusted to the found space.
"Is it helping?" Sadie asked gently.
"Eh. Still feel a tad sick." Sam admitted. "There is alot of food in here right now." A wet groan in his belly surfaced and a guttural burp. He was getting tired of excusing himself.
"Your poor stomach." Sadie said giving it a little pat.
*glurp.* "Ooft. Its not so bad." Sam tried to assure her.
"I mean sure it feels like I'm some kids science fair project but I ~errrruuupp~mmm ive dealt with worse."
"Cant imagine it gets much worse than eleven burgers packed into that tiny gut."
The juices in his belly swished and whirled around. It reminded him of being a kid and tring to slurp the melted syrup out of the bottom of a freeze pop.
"I think I'm gonna try to get some sleep." Sam said burping inside in yawn. "My stomach needs a rest." His insides gave an audible agreement.
"All right. Rommie's probably off the phone any way. At least she better be. Take it easy trouble."
"Oh believe me I will."
"I hope you feel better." Sadie said as ahe closed the door.
With her around. Sam some how knew he would.
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