#my mermay streak lives on!
dusical-moodle · 5 months
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i think both of them would make very fluttery mermaids :>
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okay mermay is technically over...HOWEVER-
legacy exploring around fontaine at dusk as a treat for not going haywire while ajax attempted to do all his paperwork, and coming across a small lake hidden behind rocks and trees with a lovely oceanid(in their human form) living inside!
it is ALWAYS mermay in my heart!!!!
Foul Legacy's drawn in by the sound of singing, a gentle melody dancing through the thick forest and trees before breaking into a small clearing. the pond nestled deep in the woods is crystal clear, surrounded by lumidouce bells and lakelight lilies, and within the water was a single body, glowing and sitting perfectly at the bottom of the lake. your blue-streaked hair floats around you as you sing, your only companions being tiny fish and seagrass- then there's an echoing chirp above you, and when you tilt your head up you meet a faceted sapphire gaze attached to a crimson red mask and two twinned horns, all wobbly and distorted by the motion of the water
Legacy's breath catches when you peek your head above the water, looking at him curiously, and he lets out a delighted trill
you're so different from each other, yet the same, both inhuman and alone in the world. even in your human form a few of your fins remain, Legacy touching them carefully with awe while you examine his horns and armor. you play with the water so effortlessly, a collection of tiny animals at your beck and call, and Legacy adds a miniature narwhal from his Vision, watching you smile happily. he shows you Ajax, half of himself, and you allow him to glimpse your true Oceanid form, elegant and floating in midair. yet still, you don't dare to leave your pond- Egeria had told you, long ago, that the world was dangerous- and Legacy whines sadly, but gently nuzzles his face against your cheek, a promise to return again
that day, the rain that falls is particularly bright and fresh
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blinddreams24 · 5 months
A Mermay Prompt
(Note: ugly crying and mentioned character death of a family member)
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“No, mom, I-.”
“Mom, I want-.”
“…Please, just listen-.”
“…Okay. I’m sorry. Bye.”
You hung up the call. You didn’t want to think about it. Don’t think about it. Just… do something else. Your knee bounced with the leftover extra energy from that candy.
Right. Candy. Killer.
You could go visit one of the boys. That’d make you feel better. You made sure to pack extra food and grabbed your keys.
The ride there was painfully slow. Nothing but trees and grass until you reached your destination. Nothing to think about but…
Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it.
You practically ran to your little beach when you parked the car, bag slung over your shoulder.
“Oh! Hey, y/n!” Cross greeted with a smile. His eyes caught on your face and he hesitated. “Y/n?”
You gave him a big fake smile. “I’m okay. Just zoned out for a second there! Sorry! I brought food!” The lifted the bag.
He was obviously still concerned. “…What’d you bring?”
“Sandwiches!” You exclaimed with a dramatic flourish as you pulled out one of the sandwiches. “The ones you said pizza was better than!”
“Uh huh.”
“Well, you get to try them now!” You shoved one in his hands.
He… didn’t eat it. He just gestured for you to hand him the bag, put the sandwich back inside, and turned back to you.
“Y/n.” You shrank at the stern yet concerned voice. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong.” You folded your hands behind your back and rocked on your heels.
His disbelieving glare pinned you in place, making you sweat.
“It’s nothing.”
“Cross. I’m fine.”
“……I…I don’t… Cross…”
“…I don’t want to talk about it…”
His glare relaxed. “Y/n. You’re all caught up running from something. Please,” He pleaded. “You need to talk about it. Come here.” His hand pat the ground next to him.
You hung your head and followed his directions. When you sat, his arm went around you.
“You’re the opposite of my mother.”
Cross blinked at you. “Uh… is that a good thing?”
“Yes. She’s… never been particularly nice.” You looked away from him. “It took me a long time to realize that…”
“…Your mother. She… lives nearby?”
“No. She hates the water. Dad always…” You stopped yourself. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it.
Cross didn’t let you. “Your Dad always what?”
“…He loves… loved the ocean.” You corrected yourself. It was fine. You could keep it together. Just don’t think about it. “He would always take me to the beach. We’d play in the water, he taught me to scuba dive, and we always cleaned up after. He made it fun.” You tried not to sniffle.
“…Did something happen?”
“…” You tried so hard, but your voice cracked anyway. “Yes… I… Mom just told me… He… He died last week. They’re ha-having his funeral tomorrow… She…” You choked on your next words. “She told me not to come… That I was disowned.”
“…I don’t have a family anymore, Cross. She kicked me out.” A hot tear rolled out of your eye, betraying you.
“O-Oh…” Cross hugged you. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” You sniffled. “Sh-She never liked me… This w-was a long t-time coming. Dad was the last… the last person holding me there. And now…” You couldn’t finish that sentence.
Cross finished it for you. “And now he’s gone.”
Tears streaked down your face. You nodded.
“…It’s okay if you need to… what was it? Cry?”
You laughed. “Yeah. It was cry. I…” You laughter melted into something harder. “I don’t… Why?”
Finally broken, you leaned into Cross’s hug and sobbed. He was surprisingly warm for an aquatic skeleton.
Letting you cry, Cross started rubbing your back and humming, just letting you vent.
“Why? Why him?! I didn’t even get to say goodbye!!” You screamed into his chest. “He was the only one left!! Cross! What am I supposed to do now?! I- I didn’t think it’d happen so soon… Cross.”
He let you pull away to look him in the eyes. Ugly tears made your cheeks glisten at him in the sunlight. “The only place left is the sea…”
His expression turned sad. “Y/n. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“Horror told me about it.” You sniffled and rubbed the tears and snot off your face. Gross… “After Killer gave me that candy.”
“Killer made you a monster candy?”
“Yeah.” You grabbed your sleeve and pulled it up to reveal the lack of scars to your companion. “Healed most of this. Apparently, he accidentally wanted to convert me or something when he added the intent. Horror noticed and explained the situation. Cross.” You grabbed his arm. “I can’t live up here anymore. No one but you guys know I exist. If I died… no one would know… or care.”
“Y/n…” He leaned down to hug you again. “It’s a big decision. You can’t just-.”
“Cross.” You interrupted him. “I’ve already thought about it. I have no one else. Please.”
He sighed heavily. “…Okay. But it will take a while and you’ll need to adjust your diet before diving in head first.”
“…Was that a diving pun?”
You could feel him grin over your shoulder. “Maybe~.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
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ewritesfanfics · 1 year
MerMay: Fishy Business
Here's my singular contribution to MerMay, inspired by @mdoodlerfandomart's piece featuring Douxie and Mer!Jim!
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47167396
Jim comes home to Douxie doing some magic, which ends with him a little fishier than before. --- He opened the front door and kicked his shoes off, and heard from the kitchen, “Are you sure about this, Douxie?” And then, the infamous words: “It’ll be fine, Arch.” That should’ve been his first clue to turn right around and leave.
To say this day has not gone as expected would be an understatement.
And it all started with three words that unfailingly spell unmitigated disaster.
“It’ll be fine.”
That’s what Jim came home to after a long school day, tired and ready to vegetate on his couch for however long Blinky would allow.
He opened the front door and kicked his shoes off, and heard from the kitchen, “Are you sure about this, Douxie?”
And then, the infamous words: “It’ll be fine, Arch.”
That should’ve been his first clue to turn right around and leave.
But he didn’t.
No, instead, he walked into the living room, calling out, “What’re you up to?” like a dumbass.
He got his answer all too quickly.
As soon as the words left his mouth, a spell left Douxie’s, and the kitchen, dining room, and living room became bathed in the blue light of his sigil. Only, the sigil shattered. With a yelp, Douxie was blasted to the floor from the force of the shattering, and a streak of light loosed by the breaking first bounced off a wall, then the floor, through the opening between the kitchen and dining, off a light fixture, and then, because of course it would with his luck, struck Jim right in the chest and dissipated.
He should’ve just gone straight to Trollmarket.
“Jim!” Douxie scrambled onto his feet and into the dining room, face pale, eyes wide, a panicked note to his voice.
Before he could even ask what that was, he got this weird tingling feeling in his hips that quickly shot down both legs. Tingling turned into total numbness and with all feeling below the waist gone, he faceplanted with a startled yelp, which is accompanied by the sound of ripping denim.
When he looked down, to see what was up with his legs, to say he screamed would be an understatement.
Instead of legs, there was a long fucking fish tail sprouting from his torso, skin blending seamlessly into iridescent blue scales that led to a pair of long, flared fins, underneath which were the shredded remains of his favorite jeans, his socks, and his boxers that he had been wearing but moments prior.
And that’s how he finds himself where he is right now.
“What the hell were you even trying to do???”
“I was trying to help you,” Douxie grunts as he hauls Jim up another step, arms hooked under Jim’s armpits, the motion bookended by the thud of his hips and the wet slap of Jim’s tail against the wooden stairs. “Why are you so much heavier with a tail?”
“How were you trying to help me?” Jim asks.
“I saw your meal plan,” Douxie, huffing as they thunk up another step, and Jim has to bite back a yelp at his tailbone hitting the harsh corner of a stair – thud, slap. “And I saw you hadn’t bought enough fish for one of this week’s dinners, so I thought I might transfigure some of the extra chicken I’ve had frozen into some fish for you to use because I am kind and thoughtful like that.”
“And how does that translate to you fish-ifying me?”
“Well, it’s been a hot minute since I did any transfiguration,” Douxie says, and up another step – thud, slap. “So, I guess I misremembered or misspelled something in the stabilization runes.”
“I’m a fish because you made a typo???” Jim asks incredulously.
“You’re a partial fish because I made a typo,” Douxie says. Another step – thud, slap.
“And that’s better?” Jim asks.
“For you,” Douxie says. Thud, slap. “Much less physically taxing than a full transfiguration. Beginning to question whether it’s better for me or not, though.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Jim asks.
“Well, I figure hauling a full fish upstairs would be easier than a fish boy, I wouldn’t have to worry about your dignity or your whining then,” Douxie says – thud, slap – and Jim doesn’t need to see his face to know he’s wearing that cheeky grin.
“Asshole.” Jim tries to smack Douxie, but apparently, Douxie’s grip isn’t as good as he’d thought. As soon as his arm is past a 90-degree angle, Douxie’s hold breaks.
The noises he makes as he thuds down the stairs are about as undignified as they come, both the vocal noises and the physical noises of his tail wetly slapping against the stairs, railing, and wall. Once he’s finally back on the ground floor, he’s pretty sure he’s bruised in places that he’s never been bruised in before, in places that hadn’t existed before he came home.
“You alright?” Douxie calls down.
“Well, since you’re alright,” Douxie says, once he’s joined Jim, “that was your own fault.”
“Shut up and get me to the bathtub.”
A half-hour later finds them finally in the bathroom after several attempts at getting Jim up the stairs.
Once Jim’s set up in the tub, Douxie turns the water on and goes back downstairs to retrieve his spell book. Jim wrestles his jacket and shirt off to keep them dry and then realizes that he doesn’t know if he can reach the bathtub knobs with his tail in the way. Luckily, Douxie times it well, returning with the book and with Archie just as the tub is about full, turning the water off with a flick of his fingers.
And then, with a shit-eating grin, Douxie plops a rubber ducky into the bath.
“Do you think this is funny?” Jim asks.
“No, no, of course not,” Douxie obviously lies as he starts to flick through his book.
“It’s not funny! I’m a fucking fish!”
“You know, believe it or not, this isn’t the worst outcome of a spell gone haywire I’ve ever seen,” Douxie then says, flicking through more pages.
“And that’s supposed to make me feel better?” Jim asks. “Come on, dude! You did this, now undo it!”
“For the love of– hold on, I’m looking!” Douxie says. Then adds under his breath, “I’m still out of breath from hauling your fish ass up those stairs …”
Jim takes the stupid rubber ducky and pelts him with it, nailing the wizard in the forehead with a high-pitched squeak and making him drop the book with an “Ow!”. The ducky bounces back in a perfect arc and flies into the bath with a plunk.
“I’ll do it again,” Jim threatens, finding the ducky and priming it to be pitched once more.
“I’m the one getting you out of this mess!”
“You’re the one who got me into this mess!”
“And I’m the one who can leave you in this mess– ow!” This time Jim makes sure the ducky hits him in the eye, with enough force for an even higher-pitched squeak.
“You know what, you’ve lost your ducky privileges!” Douxie says, clamping one hand over his eye and picking up the ducky from where it fell with the other to stick it in the cabinet behind the mirror.
“Boys,” Archie chides from his perch on the toilet seat, “squabbling isn’t going to get this fixed any faster.”
They both grumble, but they know he’s right. Douxie goes back to flipping through his book and Jim sinks further into the bath until all that’s sticking out is his head and the end of his tail draped over the side of the tub. Looking at his tail he can’t help but actually stop and think about it for a moment. As long as it can be fixed, being a merman for a little while could actually be kinda cool. And his tail is quite pretty, the shades of blue shifting and glimmering even in the shitty bathroom lighting, so he’s sure it would be even more brilliant in daylight. He’d almost like to find out – if it didn’t involve getting back down those godforsaken stairs.
As each silent second ticks by, his curiosity grows until he finally allows him to very slowly and carefully try to move. To his surprise, his tail responds instantly and easily, a movement as natural as walking. The powerful muscles beneath the scales flex and stretch to slowly raise his fins up, bringing them closer and allowing him a better look at them. They’re of a lighter shade than the rest of his tail, though they fade to a much darker shade at the tips. Running a hand over them, he’s surprised at how sturdy they feel. He supposes they must be sturdy to propel something his size around, but still, he’d been expecting something a little more delicate. He is also shocked by how sensitive they are to touch, perfectly registering every motion and twitch of his fingers.
“Hmm … I think I’ve found something,” Douxie says after what feels like forever.
“Finally,” Jim says, allowing his tail to flop back down. “What is it?”
“Well, normally it’d just be a simple spell, but since we’re dealing with a spell gone wrong and a living being here, it’s a bit more complicated,” Douxie says. “I’m thinking our safest bet would be this potion.”
Jim can feel himself pale at that, his pruned hands growing clammy and sweat breaking out on the back of his neck, his heartbeat suddenly a hundred times louder in his ears.
Douxie obviously sees the shift and quickly adds, “It’s one you drink! And it looks like this!” He turns the book around to show Jim an illustration of a corked bottle filled with a light pinkish-purple liquid.
That does help calm him down – the color is about as far from the inky black that haunts his nightmares to this very day as one can get, and there’s a relief in the fact that he’ll be the one consuming it rather than the other way around, but that doesn’t totally stop the nerves jittering in his stomach and crawling under his skin.
“Are you alright with trying this?” Douxie asks, his tone careful.
Jim swallows thickly, trying and failing to find words, so he just nods. If Douxie says this is the safest bet, then he’ll do it.
“Alright … ok, I’m going to send the list of ingredients to Blinky, and he can let me know if I need to personally gather any of it.”
While Douxie does that, movement catches Jim’s eyes, and he looks to see Archie padding over to him. He jumps up onto the edge of the tub and sniffs at Jim’s tail, which only makes Jim confused.
“Arch, what’re you doing?” he asks.
He gets no response, the cat-dragon just staring at his tail with blown pupils, this weird low sound rumbling in his chest that Jim does not like.
“Uh, Douxie, could you get Archie?” Jim asks. He looks over when he gets no response and sees that Douxie is totally engrossed in typing out the ingredients, eyes flicking between his phone and the book as he types furiously.
Not even a full five seconds later–
He wrenches his tail away from the pointy teeth now sunk into his fins. The jerk sprays water across the room and flings Archie away, sending him tumbling through the open bathroom door with a yowl.
“What the fuck?” Douxie splutters, now soaked.
“Get your fucking familiar, man!”
It takes Douxie a second to realize what just happened, but once he fully registers, he curses, puts his stuff aside, and goes to close the bathroom door firmly.
“Sorry about that,” Douxie sighs. “I should’ve anticipated that, he loves fish.”
“You don’t say,” Jim says. That story Douxie and Claire had told him about Nimuë and Archie’s heart’s desire being smoked salmon comes to mind.
Not long after, Douxie hears word from Blinky, confirming that Team Trollhunter’s got it all handled and they should have everything within the next couple of hours.
“So … do I just sit here and wait?” Jim asks incredulously.
“Unless you have a means of transport to a different body of water, pretty much, ‘cause I am not carrying you back down those stairs,” Douxie says.
Actually …
“Text Claire.”
What can he say, he’s curious, not to mention in need of a distraction from the whole ‘potion’ thing.
A few miles outside of Arcadia, the small stream those river trolls live in turns into a proper river, wide and deep, not to mention remote. Here the trees grow tall and thick, ancient giants looking over the land, with their boughs arcing gracefully over the water to paint it pink with fallen petals in the spring, dust it regal red and gold in the autumn, allow the cold light to skip across the surface in winter, and filter the hot sun through rich green in the summer. Here the water runs clean and cool, untainted and untampered, oddly clear of the pollution you might expect. In the sun, the birds trill and the water sparkles. In the rain, the frogs sing and mist sits heavy on the water’s surface. During the day, you’ll hear the buzzing of bees and see a rainbow of butterflies. During the night, you’ll hear the chorus of crickets and see the glow of the fireflies blinking in perfect time. The animals that gather at the river know it to be a haven, and the river welcomes all of them with open arms. Those who stumble upon this place might call it magic. Those who know how to find it know that it is.
Which makes it the perfect spot.
Jim clutches tightly onto Douxie, arms wrapped around his shoulders and neck, tail wrapped around so that Douxie’s carrying it in his arms. Neither is very happy with the arrangement.
“I swear to god if you drop me–”
“The more you complain, the more I’m tempted!”
Claire laughs from beside the two, though she hasn’t truly stopped since she was briefed on the situation.
“It’s not funny!” Jim finds himself once more protesting.
“Oh, it definitely is,” Claire says. “Although I won’t lie, I’m kinda into the merman thing.”
“Really?” Jim asks.
“Can you wait to flirt until I’m not carrying the Not-So-Little Mermaid here?” Douxie asks.
“Then just put me in the water already!”
Douxie walks over to the very edge of the river, though not without considerable strain (“Jesus Christ, why the fuck do you weigh so much more with a tail!?!”). He then turns around and drops Jim’s tail. With that sudden weight pulling him down, Jim loses his grip on Douxie and falls backward into the river.
The first thing he notes is that as soon as his head breeches the surface, there’s a crawly sensation across the sides of his neck that makes him shiver uncomfortably until he realizes that he’s breathing properly – it appears he got gills as well as a tail. It’s an odd sensation, breathing underwater, a totally alien one that he has to nearly force himself to do, every instinct yelling at him not to breathe in. He finds it’s easier when he doesn’t think about it, though, so he does his best to focus elsewhere.
As such, the second thing is that he can see perfectly underwater, the sensation no different than seeing on land. There’s no sting of water in his eyes or distortion of what he’s seeing, it feels exactly the same. Looking up at the surface, there’s a weird moment where he could swear that he’s looking up at the surface of a river rushing over him and looking from outside of it, rather than looking up at the surface of a river he’s within. Once he gets over the weirdness, though, he finds himself fascinated with the new world he finds himself in. Turns out that seeing things from below the surface is much, much different from seeing from above it. Even the colors seem different, brighter, deeper, richer.
Which leads him to the third thing – he was right, in sunlight, his scales practically sparkle, light bouncing off them like it does the very water. The shades of blue shift and dance along his tail in a new vibrance, and even his fins seem to glow, the sunlight shining through the translucent material and exposing every shift in the gradient, casting a shifting blue shimmer on the bottom of the river.
He cuts gracefully through the flowing water, marveling at how powerful his tail actually is, propelling smoothly through the water much faster than he anticipated for how leisurely he feels like he’s swimming. The native fish – rainbow trout, minnows, coho salmon, all in a truly remarkable abundance – dart and float around him with little care, going about their business like there wasn’t a freaking merman swimming around with them.
And the fourth, well …
The fourth is that this is the perfect opportunity.
Douxie and Claire stand at the edge of a nearby bank, both looking into the river, trying and failing to spot Jim – he bets the way his tail reflects light nearly identically to how water does helps this – which allows him to approach undetected.
The shriek Douxie lets out when Jim bursts from the water and grabs his ankles to pull him in is one that Jim will forever carry close to his heart.
Ah, revenge is sweet.
Back at home, he finds himself set up once again in the tub, though now Claire’s sitting with him while Douxie finishes mixing up the potion in the kitchen.
“You know, maybe you could take it easy on Douxie,” Claire says.
“What? He turned me into a fish!”
“Yeah, but it was intended to help you,” Claire says. “And even though his small gesture turned into a mess, I rather think you just might have enjoyed yourself at the river.”
He crosses his arms and sighs. “Maybe just a bit …”
A thrill shoots up his spine at the sudden sensation of Claire's fingers brushing across the exposed scales of his lower tail.
“Maybe I should have him turn me into a mermaid for an afternoon,” Claire muses. “I wonder what my tail would look like.”
“Probably purple,” Jim says. “Although I would suggest you already be in water – it was a bitch getting up here and now my favorite pants are gone.”
“You know, you could’ve called me sooner and had me portal you up here in the first place,” she says and Jim stops short. He then facepalms, the smack of his palm against his forehead loud enough to bounce back a couple of times. Why didn’t they think of that!?
“Because you’re both idiots,” Claire says.
“But you’re my idiot, and I love you very much,” she says, leaning over to give him a placating kiss.
“Alright, got it!” Douxie says, booting the bathroom door open with his foot, holding an overfull glass carefully in both hands. Inside, that light pinkish-purple liquid seems to glow, almost like there’s glitter floating around in it.
“And I just drink it?” Jim asks.
“Yep,” Douxie confirms holding it out for Jim to gingerly take. “And you gotta drink it all, or else you might end up with scaly feet or leftover gills.”
“I mean, gills could be handy,” Jim says.
“Drink,” Douxie says, unimpressed. But then he adds, “I will warn you, though, this could hurt. I would recommend drinking as fast as possible so that it’s not slow and agonizing.”
Jim takes a tentative sip and finds he doesn’t quite know what to make of the taste. It’s this weird mixture of citrus, metal, fresh soil, and something almost like grass but a little sweeter. Then he downs the glass as best he can, having to stop two or three times to take a gulp of air.
Once it’s all gone, he hands the glass back to Douxie, who sets it by the sink. At first, he feels nothing. It goes on long enough that he’s wondering if it worked or not, but then his stomach cramps harshly, makes a horrific gurgling noise, and pain arcs down his spine and concentrates in his hips. It’s enough to white out his vision, but it’s there and gone faster than he can let out a scream.
Looking down, he sighs in great relief at the sight of his legs.
Thank fuck.
And that’s when it registers that he’s totally naked.
He yanks his knees up to his chest with an embarrassed yelp, his face burning a bright scarlet.
“Oh, come on,” Douxie says, “it’s nothing neither of us hasn’t seen before.”
“Excuse me?” Jim squeaks.
“I have all the same parts as you and have lived through several eras of communal bathing,” Douxie says. “And if you’re trying to tell me you and Claire haven’t fooled around at least a little, I’m going to call you a dirty liar.”
“He has a point,” Claire says, stifling an amused giggle.
“Will one of you just get me some fucking pants!?”
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aquilathefighter · 1 year
Aquila's Fic Masterpost!
Here's a quick reference to all of my Dreamling fic!
Writing tag: #aquila writes
Ananke, God of Compulsion | Mature | Incomplete | 11,002 words
Lieutenant Hob Gadling is planning on deserting before his deployment. He has everything planned from faking his death to getting to the US. However, a wrench is thrown into his plan when Captain Morpheus Endeleas asks him to be his assistant for the week leading up to the company’s deployment. Now under close watch by a man Hob thinks despises him, he cannot escape his duty. What will come from a week working closely with Cpt. Endeleas?
Hold Me Closer | Teen | Complete | 26,471 words
Fluffbruary 2023 prompts! Just some soft and happy dreamlings because I can't hit them with a hammer all the time.
Smapril Showers Bring Smutty Flowers | Explicit | Incomplete | 7, 148 words
Smapril 2023 fills, prompts by staroftheendless A variety show of Dreamling smut, in whatever universes come to mind.
Dreamling Bingo Fills
Tumblr media
Watching You Dance | Explicit | Complete | 347 words
Hob has a side job as a stripper. He invites Dream to come watch him, knowing that his boyfriend's possessive streak will be activated when he's surrounded by the lustful daydreams of the patrons. 2023 Dreamling Bingo Fill for #DB215 square E5: Stripping Smapril Day 3 Prompts: Possessive | "Come over here."
Earl Grey, or: the Tiny Grey Cat | General Audiences | Complete | 768 words
Dream ends up in Hob's flat a bit before the man actually arrives, and meets a new addition to Hob's living space: a kitten! The King of Cats talks to the young kitten and finds out that children of all kinds are poor keepers of their caregivers' secrets. When Hob arrives, Dream and the kitten are formally introduced and Dream is forced to relax for once in his life. Dreamling Bingo 2023 fill for #DB215 April Monthly Prompt: Adoption replacing Square E4
Ain't Nothin' but Mammals | Explicit | Complete | 1,121 words
Dream arrives at Hob's apartment to say hello, but finds himself aurally assaulted by raunchy music. He learns that this is Hob's chore playlist, finding him dusting in the bedroom. Dream has no interest in doing chores, but does want to do Hob. Thanks, Bloodhound Gang!! Dreamling Bingo 2023 fill for #DB215 Square B2: Bestiality NB: No actual bestiality in this fic, not even discussion of the act. (See notes!)
Swashbuckling Fantasie | Teen | Incomplete | 1,344 words
Boatswain Hob Gadling is a pirate obsessed with a different kind of treasure: stories. He goes looking for fantastical tales at every port and bothers his crewmates daily for them. When he is told of a merman who lives in a dreamlike cove who is the greatest storyteller ever, he has no choice but to seek him out. He meets this mysterious man who transports Hob to a realm of his own, where Hob can seek out new adventures and create a story of his own. But between the adventures and Hob's persistence, this misanthropic merman begins to see humans in a new light, falling deeper and deeper for his pirate. Chapter 1 fulfills the Dreamling Bingo Monthly Prompt "MerMay," replacing #DB215 Square E1: Rape/Non-con!
I just really, desperately want to be your next poor decision | General Audiences | Complete | 210 words
Dream asks why Hob has done everything he has done in the interim since 1889. Hob tells him and makes a (what he deems) subtle love confession. Dreamling Bingo 2023 fill for #DB215 June Monthly Prompt: "Why did you do it?" replacing Square E3: Stargate
Hunger for the Blade | Explicit | Complete | 1,535 words
Hob had thought it would be a good idea to ask Dream to spar during their weekly Dreaming date night. How hard could it be, he’d thought. I have centuries of experience. What he’d forgotten, he’s now learning, is that his lover has millennia of experience. That he contains every single swordsman’s dreams since swords were invented on top of the glut of fictional swordplay. That had been his first mistake. His second was the bet they’d made: the winner gets to have the loser in whatever way they’d like. -- Or, a sparring match turns into a very messy blowjob. Dreamling Bingo 2023 fill for #DB215 Square E2: Knife Play
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Strings of fate chapter 9!!
Goodness I am so late. I need to catch up with your updates. A new chapter of glass and your Mermay fic (congrats on the 3-year streak btw!)
But anyway I am here to sing my praise to you Bee so get ready!
I love how you described the missing piece in Tommy's life. He doesn't remember Wilbur but there is still a sadness that lingers with the loss of him and the life he lived as Wilbur. And I like how Tommy describes it as a bother lol
Tubbo and Ranboo are very understanding. It's sweet to see them try and help Tommy sort out his dream situation. Even though what Tommy is telling them sounds a bit strange they still try to provide possible explanations. Like Ranboo suggesting that Tommy's unfulfillment comes from his mother's absence.
Jack and cellphone Niki lets gooo!!! I savor every rocket duo moment you give us. I love them so much<3
It's a bit sad that Tommy doesn't recognize Jack. It was more deja vu than anything for him. It's alright though. I'm sure they will have plenty of time to get to know each other! And this time Tommy won't need to impersonate Wilbur:)
Techno too! Ah yes. Bedrock bros. It never fails to make me smile. Just the mental image of this calm, sarcastic dude interacting with a kid that excessively curses and threatens to punch his face is just so funny. And then Tommy just thanks him after! It's wonderful
I'm so proud of Tommy! He got accepted into the university he wanted most!
But despite that, he still feels like he is missing something. Something important. or perhaps...someone????
And then of course he sees Wilbur. Ughhghdhdh gosh Bee!! This is when it hit me that strings is finally coming to an end.
I like how your ending is different from the movie's. Don't get me wrong I still think it was a good way to end the movie. It's just that yours feels a bit more complete with the boys talking about their dreams and the missing pieces in their lives.
Oh and the relief! They found each other and it's so satisfying! They hug and get all the sweet sappy stuff that we all love out of the way before falling back into their natural banter and insults.
brothers <33 i could not agree more
thank you so much for this fic bee! i know how difficult it was for you to push through and finish it! we appreciate all the hard work that you put into writing it<3
now im off to get caught up on the new stuff you've posted! you're amazing as always!!
compass anon hello!!! yes I have been busy with posting lately lol I'm going out of town next week so I'm trying to get my posting in gear because I'm definitely not getting any writing done while i'm gone
(it's very surreal to think that I now have a 3 year streak of mermay even if the first one only counts on a technicality like wtf how has it been that long)
describing the missing part of tommy's life as very challenging because tommy couldn't be too specific about it but at the same time his subconscious knows exactly what happened so it could be specific? kind of? it was a very hazy space to work with and that made it fun to write about tommy's mindset after everything
tubbo and ranboo are just trying to make their buddy feel better so he doesn't run off to the abandoned ruins of a city that got destroyed by a comet again
yeah jack and niki lets gooooo!! unfortunately yeah tommy couldn't recognize jack, but he'll definitely get to know him and niki both all over again now that he's found wilbur and wilbur will no doubt introduce him to his friends and family. everyone in their respective circles are gonna have deja vu meeting the other since they were literally impersonating each other for so long lol
I had so much fun writing that bedrock bros bit the two of them have the best banter
even though everything is going right for tommy he's still missing something... someone...
yeah I didn't want to make the ending exactly like the movies. while I love the movie with my whole heart, and I understand why the end is the way it is, I do wish we'd gotten slightly more. just an extra five minutes or so to see mitsuha and taki talking to each other. again, I understand why they didn't and I don't think it's a flaw on the movie's end at all, but it was something I knew I didn't wanna do for this fic. I wanted to give the brothers a more tied up sort of ending
I didn't want them to completely remember each other because I feel like that would just defeat the purpose of forgetting in the first place. but I wanted to get that deja vu "have we met before?" kind of vibe, and the knowledge that something happened between them in the past even if they can't fully know what it was. it doesn't matter if they can't remember everything, because they know they're the other half they've been searching for for so long. the brothers have found each other and that's what's important.
tysm i'm so glad you enjoyed!! I seriously got to a point where I almost abandoned it several times so I'm very glad I didn't, especially bc now I get to see all your kind words about it!! so ty guys <3
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fennelwrites · 2 years
beneath the brine (mermaid!volo/reader)
iiiiit's mermay >:3
(cw: slight obsessive behavior. but reader's cool with it LMAO)
read on ao3
Ever since you were young, you’d always had a fascination with the sea. Something about that deep, swirling abyss compelled you to look deeper, to plunge into the depths and survey each and every creature that lived there. You’d read somewhere that certain sailors felt that the ocean called to them, and you felt that call in your very being.
But unfortunately, you were dogshit at math. So marine biology was out.
To compensate for a lack of prospective career in the sciences, you spent much of your time at the aquarium. Sure, it wasn’t exactly the same as seeing these animals in their natural environments, but you still got a thrill as you watched them float and glide in their tanks. You lived in a town close to the ocean, and the local aquarium often featured species from the nearby waters. You’d become as much of an aficionado as you could without actively pursuing the field, and you were considering applying for a job at the aquarium. All that knowledge had to get you somewhere.
When you weren’t at the aquarium, you were out at the beach; you often ate lunch out there, treating yourself to a little picnic by the shore. There were countless little niches and coves along the shore, making it easy to find solitude if you wanted it. 
Ironically enough, it was while you were looking for solitude when you first met him.
You ducked under a rocky bluff, emerging into a small half-circle of beach surrounded by a wall of mossy stone. It was a clear day, and the temperature was perfect, not too hot and not too cold. You breathed in the salty air, closing your eyes and enjoying the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore. It was perfect.
“Well, hello there!”
Your eyes snapped open as you whirled around toward the source of the voice; a few feet into the surf, perched on a rock, was a young man. The lower half of his body was hidden, but what you could see of his upper body was lithe and lean. His light blond hair was tied back into a bun, his bangs elegantly swept over one of his piercing gray eyes.
“Apologies for startling you,” he continued, seemingly incognizant of the fact that you were eyeing him like a piece of fine art. “I don’t typically see other people here, so imagine my surprise when you strolled into my little hiding spot!”
He smiled at you, and you felt almost blinded by it. Just who was this guy? Attractive and polite, but evidently not without a playful streak. You could see that in his eyes. You opened your mouth, trying to say something, but whatever you were about to say died on your tongue.
A thought occurred to you as you watched him watch you. There were plenty of local legends about sirens and mermaids in these parts, creatures that would lure people into the depths, never to be seen again. And while you’d never considered yourself a believer in them…
As if sensing the direction of your thoughts, he laughed softly to himself before shifting on the rock in order to sit on it. 
Perfectly normal legs, and a nice set of swim trunks. 
“Sorry,” you finally said, finding your voice at last. “I was just looking for a place to eat my lunch. I can leave–”
“Oh, no need!” he interrupted, flashing that brilliant smile at you again. “I’m happy for the company, actually. It was just beginning to get boring around here.” He slid off the rock, wading through the surf until he reached you and held his hand out. “I’m Volo. Might I know your name?”
You told him, and he smiled as though he’d learned more about you than you’d meant to give him. 
Volo was a peculiar fellow; in your first meeting with him, you barely learned anything about him at all. It wasn’t until you saw him later that week at the aquarium that you gained some information on the man; on paper, he worked at the gift shop, but he was rarely there. Instead, he frequented the tanks and displays much like you did. 
The two of you were fast friends, bonding over your shared love of marine life. Whenever you saw each other at the aquarium, you’d exchange little fun facts about each of the creatures you saw, and your conversations carried over whenever you met on the beach. Although you never really learned much about his personal life–he’d always deflect your questions with that shining smile–you learned of his passion, his intellect, and his charm.
Although, to be fair, you’d known about the charm since day one.
It was strange, though; even though you’d first met him in the water, you’d never seen Volo swim since. Even when you were out in the waves in your swimsuit, he’d sit on the shore. It piqued your curiosity, but you never found a good moment to ask him about it. After all, “why don’t you swim” is a bit of an odd question, and your friendship with Volo, while strong, was still quite new.
As you made your way to your favorite spot, you thought about it more. You’d freely given plenty of information about yourself, innocent things like favorite foods and little details about your home life, but you’d never learned anything of substance about him. You had no idea where he was from, you’d never heard anything about his family, and you certainly had no idea why he liked spending time out here as much as you did.
Just who was he?
Little did you know that as you turned the corner into the little niche, you were about to find out.
Whatever you were planning on greeting him with died on your tongue as you saw Volo splayed out on the sand, dark ropes criss-crossing his form. You faintly recognized the ropes as fishing nets before your gaze drifted downwards; emerald green scales glittered faintly beneath the netting, culminating in a golden fin at the end of his tail.
His tail.
Your eyes met Volo’s again; he was staring back at you with an unreadable expression. His lips were parted slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but no words came out. The only sound that met your ears was the gentle crash of the waves against the shore.
You took a cautious step forward, and Volo instinctively leaned back. “It’s okay,” you said without thinking; was it okay? You supposed you’d figure that out. “I just want to help with those nets.”
Volo relaxed slightly, and you continued your approach, setting your basket of food down and kneeling before him. You worked in silence, gently detangling the nets from his form. All the while, he stared at you, almost like he was trying to solve a puzzle. 
Once you slipped the last of the nets off his arms, he placed a hand on your forearm. You flinched on instinct, and he drew back slightly. “...you’re scared of me,” he said softly. He didn’t seem to feel any particular way about that; it was simply a statement of fact.
Should you be scared?
“A little,” you admitted, continuing to detangle the nets around his tail. “But mostly, I just want to help.”
Volo laughed hollowly, shifting to allow you better access. “Even if after this, I drag you to the bottom of the sea?”
You looked up at him, your skepticism evident on your face. “Would you really?”
Whatever you were expecting to see in his face, it wasn’t what currently stared back at you. That playful curiosity was gone from his eyes; instead, he was gazing at you with something akin to hunger. “You decide,” he answered, his tone hushed.
That…shouldn’t have been so hot, right?
Instead of answering immediately, you elected to focus on the nets trapping his tail. “Well, if this is all a ploy to eventually drown me,” you said finally, “you’ve done a spectacular job with it. Though I can’t imagine getting stuck in fishing nets was part of your plan.”
You slipped the last of the netting off, and Volo flexed his tail gratefully. “It wasn’t,” he replied, inching closer to you. “But I was going to tell you eventually.” He leveled that intense gaze on you again, and for a moment, you were suspended in it. “Now that you know, how do you feel?”
Your breath caught in your throat as he looked at you; there was something hidden behind his controlled affect, and you couldn’t tell if he wanted to kiss you senseless or eat you alive. (If you were honest with yourself, looking back, you were okay with both. But you could unpack that later.) You inched forward, trying not to shiver when his gaze only intensified, and gave him your best smile. 
“I mean,” you began, “it’s definitely a surprise, but…not a bad one. After all, you live in the ocean, right? That’s already a plus, in my opinion.”
Volo laughed, snaking an arm around your waist. “You really have no self-preservation instinct, do you?” 
You snorted, despite the alarm bells making themselves present in his gaze. “I don’t see you complaining about that.”
Volo’s grip tightened almost imperceptibly before he tugged you forward and crashed his lips into yours. Things were moving dizzyingly fast, and you had little choice but to hold onto Volo’s shoulders for dear life. The hand not around your waist threaded itself into your hair, gripping you tightly, but not uncomfortably. Volo kissed you like he wanted to consume you, and he held you like he was drowning. You couldn’t tell if you were his lifeline or if he wanted to pull you down with him.
Just as you were beginning to feel the need for air, Volo pulled back, though his grip on you remained. “You have no idea,” he breathed in between gasps for air, “how long I’ve been waiting to do that.”
You really didn’t; he had been masking his intentions so well. You couldn’t help but wonder if he was still hiding something.
But as you pulled him in for another kiss, you found that you didn’t really care.
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selinakidreams · 3 years
pairing: merman! dabi x gn reader
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warnings: nameless character deaths, a singular mention of nausea + throwing up, unfortunately a lot of blood mentions, near death experiences, SHARK! THERES A SHARK IN THE WATER ! (I SWEAR this is supposed to be pretty but the warnings make it seem otherwise) slight soulmate au?, dabi had a SINGULAR moment of softness.
a/n: guys I don’t even know what this is and it’s unedited,, but welcome to my contribution to mermay ! I had two scenes plain as day STUCK in my head and I just needed to get them out,,, honestly this was just supposed to be a short lil thing but I’m invested,, so here this is
ps, though this may not be edited... I would like to thank all my monster fucking moots who helped me to piece together the perfect mer version of dabi— I love you guys so so so much.
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looking out into the darkness of the night, unable to locate the horizon from your position at the edge of the ship- you lift your gaze to the sky with a small sigh.
an unimaginable amount of stars litter the atmosphere, the clear view above could never be tiresome.
the city was no place for you; too crowded, full of men who were trying to court you for your fathers money and your beauty, not enough adventure. the ocean offered a type of freedom land could never- granted, the ship wasn’t much different from the bustling towns in the sense that all the soldiers would eye you like you’re a slab of meat.
the only difference given at sea is that you’re able to put those undesirable fuckers in their place. given your ranking, your power obsessed father wasn’t completely useless.
escaping to the empty deck had been your big feat today; everyone below was gulping down wine by the barrel when you managed to slip out. it was much colder out here, the chill of the salty wind was refreshing, sobering you up quite a bit- but still mentally fuzzy enough to tempt yourself into discarding edict and loosening up your tighter garments.
your drunken attention span shifted from fiddling with your bow in the back to the inky deep water...
what was that?
ripples were quietly dancing on the surface, the warm light reflections coming from the ship’s sconces moved along with them.
it had been really fast, so fast that you were almost left to wonder if you had actually imagined the most vibrant blue eyes you had ever seen... bobbing in the ocean.
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two days. it had been two days since you had first “spotted” them and absolutely nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. the sailors still went about uglily gawking at you, your captain of a father was still behind the wheel, barking orders at everyone, while you went about your business. Sighing, the image of the eyes still fresh in your mind, you prepared to be lowered into the shallower sea.
upon hearing that there was a small island not too far from your current coordinates, you commanded a stop be made, needing to take some time away from the close knit quarters you constantly share with those horrific pigs. thankfully, no arguments surfaced and you headed straight for the dinghy. it had been surprisingly easy.
the trip wasn’t too long; you patiently waited for the tip of the boat to breach the soft sand, excited for what awaited you. it was such a lovely sunny day, big puffy white clouds dotted the expansive blue sky while the palm trees at the base of the beach greeted you with a steady sway.
once your boots sunk into the wet sand, you turned to the two other men who had escorted you and informed them that you were not to be followed- but to wait right there- which in retrospect, was not a good idea. that was too much trust and responsibility that was placed in their incapable hands.
you wasted no time trudging through the lush greenery to get to the other side of the island, wanting to be as far away from the crew members as possible. 
it couldn’t have taken you more than two hours for you to reach an elaborate array of tide pools sporadically placed on a flat uneven rocky surface, some being lapped over by waves while others sat calmly- living in their own little world.
you had to look in each and every one of them.
wide eyes and mouth open, looking at all the lives in the crystal clear pools was an absolute marvel. some only held a few small sea anemones of different colors while others not only held the soft flowery plant but also housed fighting crabs of all sizes, large chunky starfish, and even a fish or two!
you took careful steps towards the end of the rocks, towards the ones where the waves were constantly restocking the pools with new life, your heart flipping in your chest at the colors of the crashing waves.
peering down into one of the deeper ones, you found it hard to take your sights away from the glistening sun streaks that cut through the water; a small gateway to the open ocean was at the bottom of this pool. it’s like you were hypnotized. making yourself comfortable, you laid yourself down next to the glistening water and began to break the calm surface with your finger tips, eyes trained on the tiny ripples.
“they left you, you know.”
you felt so at ease with the sound of the waves crashing around you, you almost didn’t hear it. it wasn’t until the nagging feeling that you weren’t alone hugged you in all the wrong places, that you looked up... only to be met with nothing.
scrunching your brow, the tranquility you were feeling before suddenly slipping through your fingers. you sat up, but not before you held a lingering glance at the glowing water once more. that’s an image that will stay in your mind; you almost wish you had your sketch book.
your mind went blank when you saw something block the light as it swam by... something big. the next few minutes happened in a blur. after scrambling up to get away from the pool, a huge body washed up on a nearby rock plateau and by no means was it graceful. your heart dropped to your stomach as you watched the lifeless body get smacked with harsh waves.
he was wearing your ship’s uniform, now drenched in blood.
nothing came up when you fell on your knees and lurched over, your eyes squeezing shut- the gruesome image of the crew member engrained in your mind.
“they got what they deserved.”
this time when you whipped your head up to follow the velvet voice, you fell into an almost trance. those breathtaking turquoise eyes you had seen a few days ago were now staring right at you, not too far away.
you couldn’t help the gasp that you inhaled as you fell back. looking at him in his entirety- you must have been hallucinating. growing up hearing the tales of deep sea monsters and nasty magical land creatures could never have prepared you for what laid in front of you.
it was such a drastic change; going from looking at something so appalling to something so... flawless... it was indescribable.
on display, your eyes followed the curled figure- wet white hair flopped against a pale forehead, the tips of his pointed finned-ears peaking out from the wet hair. there were deep dark purple markings starting underneath his eyes, slightly mimicking bags that then restarted at the bottom half of his face- all the way down his neck, ending at just the top of his chest. the markings then continued down his arms, right up to his knuckles contrasting the pale thin slightly webbed fingers that merged to sharp claws, gleaming in the sun. his toned chest eased into a pearly type of color around his hips before submerging into a black ragged tail- but it did the strangest thing. when the sun reflected off of it, a blue so royal- that you’ve only seen it on the most expensive of garments- came to life. the dorsal fin looked just as rugged as the tail did, but his odyssey fluke was splayed out so beautifully, you didn’t give it a second thought.
it wasn’t until you took a second glance that you noticed there was a red tint to his claws that you put into context what was said earlier.
“did you- di- you killed that man?”
his voice came out as smooth as silk, “I did.”
how could you be so dense? this was a creature that came from the sea- a ruthless underwater world. he was a predator. but wait-
“you can speak- you s-said.. did you kill them for me? are you going to-?”
“I killed those men because of all humans, the ones who betray others for their own greed serve no purpose.”
he didn’t tell you more than necessary in his opinion, but he was smart enough and old enough to know that you’re still going to ask more.
it seemed you were sitting on quite the pile of questions but he wasn’t going to be the one to break the silence. it was clear that you were mulling over what should be said first.
“was it you I saw at sea the other night?”
out of all the things you could ask, that was the only thing your mind had on repeat- the only thought present.
“and if it was?”
after receiving two similar vague reactions, something in you was screaming for something to happen. the interaction seemed to be going nowhere and here you were, in front of a creature that you’ve heard so much about but never actually met- a drastic change in interaction was calling, and who were you to ignore it?
in hindsight, it was a terrible idea.
one minute you were on land, next you were shedding your heavy, restrictive clothing- the mer watching with a slight smirk and a heavy gaze- then seconds later, were in the violent push and pull of the ocean. luckily you were far enough to be out of the rocky reach, but the current was too strong. you were being swayed back and forth with too much force.
if it had been your first time in the ocean, you would have been a goner- you would have washed right into the sharp jagged edges; a terribly painful way to go. but thankfully, flowing with the ocean had been your specialty since you were young. incredibly masculine and dirty, but you simply couldn’t stay away. the watery depths have lured you in and there was no escaping the spell it had casted on you all those years ago.
maybe that’s why you dove in. or maybe you wanted to see what the mer would do. whatever the case, there you were in the lull of the tide and running out of air. breaching the surface was your main goal, urging your arms and legs to snap out of the shock of the cold water.
eyes on the bubbles traveling upwards, you finally get your arms to push through the current almost missing the dark shadow swimming closer and closer to you, getting larger and larger.
a quick sideways glance in the clear water showed something large with many many rows of teeth out on display, heading toward you and gaining momentum.
a shark.
a... shark.
of all the ways you possibly thought you could go... this was not one of them. it’s almost ironic- the one way you thought you wouldn’t go would end up getting you.
breaking the surface, you gulp your last breath of air- painfully waiting for the horrifying moment when powerful jaws clamp around your body... but it never came. all you felt was a strong current zip past your feet, slightly pulling you along with it.
you’re heart was pounding; adrenaline coursing through your veins, breathing choppy as you whip your head in every which way to see what was going on in the water beneath you. then you saw it.
just then, the gory image of the crewmate’s body flashed into your mind. there had been another sailor... the mermaid didn’t pull up two bodies- he wasn’t the only predator in the water.
before you could evaluate further, you were pulled by the ankle under the water and into a place where the blood hadn’t seeped yet.
not enough air was sucked in before you submerged, so you frantically searched for ways you could reach the surface again- not even thinking about the now-absent steady grip that dragged you under.
then you felt it. pointed claws lightly tracing up your sides before his handsome face was leveled with yours. if seeing him on land wasn’t good enough, seeing him in his element was nearly heart stopping.
but your lungs were going to collapse before your heart could-
or so you thought.
he flattened his palm around your waist, cupping it gently before he inched his face toward yours, lips slightly ghosting yours, as if asking for permission.
with his toned body pressed against yours, it was hard to think straight, but the most prominent siren going off in your mind was the fact that you were loosing oxygen, and quickly. you found yourself panicking in his grip. was this really the time?
his lips were on yours in less than a second, your struggling becoming more and more apparent- but it was when he got your mouth to open that you realized what he was doing.
A mermaid’s kiss gives you the eternal breath; the ability to breathe under water.
pulling away, he watched as your eyes went wide, the small smirk you’d seen before had appeared once more.
the sensation was otherworldly; though there was a heavy pressure in your chest as the water was filtering in and out of your system, you were breathing underwater.
slowed down by the new density, you lifted your head to look up at the mer- no doubt the most excited and bewildered expression on your face, just to realize the size difference. he was huge- how had you not noticed this on land?
the more human half of his body had to be around the six foot range, his muscular tail roughly adding another ten. the massive figure floating around you was... beautiful.
he had the softest gaze when looking down at you, it nearly shocked you more that the new incredible ability had. he didn’t seem like the type to be full of expressions; it was such a warm and familiar look, something that you hadn’t seen in a long time- and one you typically didn’t see on a stranger’s face, much less a merman you had only just met.
opening your mouth to say something-if you could, that is- his expression changed in a blink, fear now contorted his features.
everything was so fast with him; his arm wrapped around your waist in mere seconds before speedily guiding you through a passage of underwater tunnels that lead to somewhere you assumed to be in the middle of the island- a lush green grotto.
once you resurfaced, you inhaled a breath you didn’t realize you needed; the new air burned your lungs- you almost didn’t want to breathe.
“just keep breathing. it will get easier over time.”
he almost sounded... bored? a complete one 180 to what you had just witnessed in the water.
the mer guided you up to the pool’s edge, lifting you with ease until you sat with only your legs dangling in the water.
outwardly, it stayed quiet for a while. there wasn’t much noise around besides the occasional bird call and the delicate sound of waded water.
your breathing had slightly evened out but you weren’t too confident in your voice, so keeping your mouth shut seemed like the best option.
what now?
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tag list: @zhongh-li
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
.. for mermay.. 8, indruck nsfw?
Here you go! Duck’s design is based on a rudderfish.
Authors note: since prompt 8 is “drunk,” drinking is mentioned in this. It’s also implied Indrid is doing some self-destructive behaviors to cope with trauma.
The party is a splendid success, as was the book launch that preceded it. Indrid has done what he does best, lined his pockets and those of his agents and editors, and gotten everyone talking. 
“Did you see the one of the pyres?”
“The one of the hurricane aftermath, the look in the girls eyes is so haunting.”
“Personally, I found the jeweled mummies a bit much, but the emergency room shots? Stunning.”
This is why Indrid is sitting on the rocks on his private cove, and will not be going back up to the house until he’s polished off all three of these heavily spiked bottles of eggnog. It’s better than the time he emptied most of a bottle of vanilla vodka, but not by much. 
He was tipsy when he snuck out the back door and down the path to the sea. So when the empty bottle rolls away, all he can do is whap at the air close to it and wave as it plonks into the water.
“Oops. Hic, oh, hic, well, what’s one more piece of trash in, hic, a dying world?”
He yelps, knocking his remaining bottles into the sand as the lost one flies through the air towards him. Or he thinks that’s the trajectory; it’s hard to tell. The point is, the bottle is back and he’s clutching his chest like an old man in a silent movie.
“Look, man, I know it’s temptin to just leave trash everywhere, but there are signs up and down this beach sayin not to litter.” A man floats in the water at the foot of the rock, black hair plastered to his forehead and muscular arms crossed over a bare chest. 
“It, hic, it was an accident. And I am, hic, in no condition to retrieve anything from the water.”
The man frowns, “shit, if you’re that drunk, you oughta get off the rocks. It’s deep here, you might drown. Go sit on the sand, it’s safer. Warmer too, still holdin heat from the sun.”
“I, I’m fine, hic, don’t, don’t need some wet man babying me.” He stands to prove his point, nearly falls face first into the water, and sits back down, “see, m’fine.”
“Get off the rock.” The man says, sounding for all the world like a cat owner two seconds from grabbing the spray bottle. 
“No.” Indrid huffs. 
Water splashes his face and he sputters.
The man pulls his hand back, preparing to send another wave at him, “Get.”
“Fuck you” 
The splash is much more intense this time and he curses, scrambles sideways, and falls to his knees in the sand. 
“That’s better, now I don’t gotta worry about fishin your careless ass outta the water.”
“If, if we are, hic, t-talking careless, you, you shouldn’t say a thing. You’re, hic, swimming in cold water with, without a wetsuit.”
The man shrugs, “Don’t need one.” With that he floats on his back, bringing a dark-scaled tail into view. 
“You’re, hic, you’re a merman.” He crawls forward, breathless, “that’s so cool, wanna, gotta photograph you, so handsome, gotta-”
“Nope” The merman swims back into deeper water, “no pictures, those can end real bad for us.”
“But, but you’re so beautiful. If, hic, if pictures are no good, I, I can draw. I draw good, even if no one likes it.”
“Uh, you really wanna sit on a cold beach paintin my picture instead of hangin out at that shindig?” He points up the hill to the brightly lit house. 
“No, nonono, hic, don’t, don’t wanna go back up there, s’awful, hic.” 
“Awful?” The merman sounds concerned, and in the patchy moonlight he swims close enough that Indrid can see the details of his face, “is someone up there hurtin you?”
“No” He shakes his head, “it, it-”
“Damn it.” He mutters as the merman retreat beneath waves. As his guests grow closer he stands, carefully picks up all three bottles, and heads uphill to meet them.
Indrid shuffles through the house, head pounding, decides he hates the following people, in this order:
-His agent
-Whoever mentioned it was a shame there were no Plata River Bridge photos, causing Indrid to drink a whole martini in order to bite his tongue.
It’s not until his third cup of coffee that he remembers the merman. God, he was really rude to someone who was just trying to keep him from drowning.
Very, very carefully, he makes his way to the beach, sketchbook in one hand and thermos in the other. 
“Hello?” He calls across the water. No reply. Of course there isn’t; the merman has the whole ocean to explore, there’s no reason for him to hang around Indrid’s house. He sighs, sits down on a piece of driftwood, and draws. Normally the cold would drive him back indoors, but today it’s bracing, blowing his hangover off of him and down the sand. 
“Glad to see you’re in one piece” 
Indrid sits bolt upright. The merman waves to him.
“You came back?”
“Yeah? I mean, this is part of my rounds, so I come by here at least once a day. More surprised you’re down here when it’s all cold and grey.”
“I, ah, I wanted to apologize for last night. I was being stubborn and rude.”
“You were, but I was kinda grumpy too. At the end of my shift and all that, but I shouldn’t have splashed you.” He smiles, swims closer, “do you, uh, remember any of the other stuff you said?”
“I have a vague memory of begging to photograph you. Or maybe draw, it’s all very fuzzy.”
“You did. I, uh” the merman’s cheeks turn pink, “you were really, uh, well let’s just say you were excited at the idea of drawin me, so I thought maybe, if you wanted to..”
“Yes”  Indrid shifts down into the sand so he can rest his back on the log, “can we do it now? You said you were on rounds, and if you’re working I don’t want to interrupt.”
“I’m done for the day. Should I get on a rock or somethin?”
“Can you come on the sand at all? Oh, ah, it seems you can.” Indrid scoots back as the merman slides gracefully ashore. In the daylight, his tail is a rich green-brown, his hair streaked with grey near his forehead. His eyes, one green and one brown, regard Indrid with curiosity as he turns to a new page. 
“You got a name?”
“Indrid. Indrid Cold.”
“Duck Newton. It’s a nickname.” The mer stretches his arms and tail, and were Indrid in a self-flattering frame of mind he’d say he was flexing for him, “I gotta pose?”
“No, as long as you don’t move too much, I should be fine.”
Duck nods, shifts onto his belly with his tail dipped in the surf. Indrid sets his pen to paper, asks Duck what he does for work and when the tunnel vision of his project dissipates, it’s dusk.
“Oh my, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you so long.”
The merman yawns, “S’okay, it was nice talkin with you, and I got to birdwatch some. Can I see?”
Indrid turns the sketchbook. Mis-matched eyes widen. 
“Holy fuck. You made me look damn good.”
“I simply captured you as you are.” Indrid feels a blush moving up his cheeks as Duck scoots closer. 
“You gonna do this tomorrow?  If, uh, if you don’t wanna draw me again, I can bring you some interestin stuff from the water. If, uh, if you want.”
His schedule for tomorrow starts with a phone interview, after which he was planning to sit in a dark living room and watch mindless T.V.
“That sounds lovely. Thank you, Duck.”
The merman beams, waves, and then pushes back into the sea, raising his tail once in farewell. 
“...now, Juno thinks it’s-holy fuck ‘Drid, was that your stomach?” Duck raises his head from where he’s been sort-of-napping, sort of talking.
“Hmm? Yes, I suppose it was.” He has his watercolors out today, a surprise stretch of sunny days rendering the beach and hillsides in glorious technicolor. 
“When did you last eat?”
“Oh my fuckin god, ‘Drid, no wonder you look like you’re close to passin out.”
“I’m fine.” 
Duck has that look on his face again, the one he got when Indrid admitted to walking the cliff-side trails when he’s coming back from the roadhouse on the edge of town. When Indrid says he hasn’t slept in two days. 
The merman says nothing, goes back to reading the book of nature essays Indrid brought him. A buzz cuts through the air and he groans, shuts off the alarm on his phone, “I need to go get ready for that interview.”
“You wanna meet up tonight?”
“Great. But, uh, seem to remember you promised me some of those cookies you say are the best in the world.”
Indrid smirks, “I suppose I did.”
“I want some. But not for dinner, with dinner. You feel me?” There’s an edge in his drawl, as formidable and unyielding as the nearby cliff-face. 
“Alright, I'll bring you some other things to try.” Indrid smiles, suddenly looking forward to a grocery run. 
Duck, now in the water, looks over his shoulder, “Good boy.”
Indrid shivers even as heat blooms in his chest. 
When sunset graces the beach, Indrid is busy setting out a half dozen take-out containers and many plastic boxes of cookies and fruit.
“Damn” Duck slides and wiggles his way onto the sand by the blanket, “you went all out.”
“You wanted a meal. I brought you one.”
“Sure did.” Duck sniffs the air, taps a carry-out bowl of soup, “what’s this?”
“Umm” Indrid peers at the label, “french onion soup.”
“Can I have it?”
“Of course.”
The merman downs the soup as fast as temperature allows, munches happily on the orange segments Indrid peels and samples the cookies. 
“Ahhh” He flops his head into Indrid’s lap, “that hit the spot.”
The human nods, bottle of pineapple soda on his lips. He’s so happy and full. 
“Duck? Did you suggest this just so I would eat something?”
The face in his lap only looks a little chagrined, “Kinda. I been meanin to suggest this, and today seemed like the right time. And, uh, I know sometimes I have a hard time lookin after myself for me, but if someone else tells me to do it, or I have to do it as part of lookin after them, it’s easier. Thought that might be goin’ on with you. I, uh, I won’t do it again if you don’t want me to.”
“Nono” Indrid sets a hand in his hair, stroking it so Duck rubs his cheek against his thigh, “you’re right. It was easier to do the kind thing for myself when you told me to. Would, ah, would you be willing to do it again.” 
Duck meets his eyes, gaze bubbling with something dark and alluring, “Sure thing, ‘Drid.”
“Before you go, I wanted to give you this.” Indrid holds out the small camera. Duck, perched on a rock, takes it with a puzzled frown. He adds, “It’s waterproof. You mentioned you wish you could take pictures of the things you see in your home. I couldn’t think of a better time to give you than your trip.”
“Thanks, ‘Drid.” Duck leans forward, rubbing their cheeks together, “you remember your instructions?”
“Yes.” He whimpers when Duck pulls back. 
“Good. Want you in good shape when I get home.” Duck’s voice returns to normal, “should be back in a week. I’ll see you then.”
Indrid waves goodbye, keeps waving well past the point where Duck could see him, even if he surfaced. Then he grabs the basket of fresh oysters and heads to the house to call Barclay. 
The phone calls and dinners with one of his few friends in town are part of his agreement with Duck. The mer told him he couldn’t meet every night, so maybe Indrid should find other forms of company. He also helpfully supplies Indrid with fresh shellfish that he has no idea how to cook, but his friend the professional chef certainly does. This dovetails nicely with his promise to Duck to eat at least one full meal a day.
It’s not just the strange dynamic they’ve hit upon that’s improving his life; it’s Duck. The merman makes him feel so safe, like someone cares about the real him and not just the him that makes them money or feeds their morbid curiosity. Not to mention he’s even more handsome than Indrid first thought and he spends plenty of nights jerking off to the thought of a cool, strong tail between his legs. 
He does well the first five days Duck is gone. Barclay and Dani come over for dinner, he paints and draws prolifically, and he even reads up on whether it’s feasible for him to adopt rats (“those are kinda like otters, right?” “close enough.”). Friday night his agent calls, excitedly reporting that it’ll soon be the fifth anniversary of the Plata River incident and the magazine is getting requests for a feature on it and Indrid will be perfect. 
Indrid says he’ll think about it, hangs up, and opens the fridge. He promised Duck he’d only drink if it was with dinner or with friends. He grabs two wine coolers and heads into the living room. 
The next day, he’s idly fiddling with the dating app he hasn’t touched since December when a new profile appears. Very good looking, close by, clearly just passing through town, and interested in Indrid. He invites him over, spends the next half hour getting ready, and even cleans the bedroom because well, that’s what he’d do for Duck, he should do it for anyone else he brings over. 
Indrid opens the door at the second knock. The guy takes one look at him, shakes his head, and returns to his car.
Indrid downs the remaining wine coolers and goes down to the beach to sulk. He tucks his legs up, pressing his forehead to his knees, and rocks back and forth. He’s nearly sober when a voice drifts across the waves.
He looks up, glasses slipping down his nose, “Duck? You’re, you’re back.”
“Yep. It was fast goin the last ten miles. Brought the camera back, think you gotta be the one to get the pictures off, but I can’t wait to show you all the cool shit we saw.”
“Me neither” He stands and instantly pitches forward, landing on his hands and knees in the shallow water. 
“You been drinking?”
“You and Barclay have a good time?” He’s giving him the benefit of the doubt, giving him an out, and Indrid decides that isn’t what he wants. 
“I wasn't with Barclay. I got horrible news last night, and today I tried to get laid and got rejected, and I’m at the point in my life where I nearly called after the guy that he could keep his eyes shut and I’d just blow him so he wouldn’t need to look at or touch me. So yes, Duck, I’ve been drinking.”
Duck’s expression swims between concern and disappointment, then comes to rest on neutral steel, “That ain’t what we agreed.”
“I’m aware. But I don’t care, I don’t” he aims a splash at Duck, “it doesn’t matter, nothing matters, nothing will come of it, same as always.”
The merman cocks an eyebrow, “You really think that? You forgettin I said there’d be consequences if you broke the rules?”
“Oooh, I’m so scared.” Indrid splashes him again.
Duck smiles, reminding him that all his teeth end in points, “Didn’t say anythin about scarin you. You really wanna believe that nothing matters, you can head home. Or” he points to a nearby rock, “you go get on your hands and knees, facin the cliffs.”
Indrid crawls gracelessly to the designated spot. It’s dangerous to turn his back on the ocean, but a gentle voice in his mind reminds him over and over that Duck is here. Duck won’t let him get hurt. 
There’s a splash as Duck pulls himself onto the rock. Then a whoosh of air and a sting in the right side of his ass. He yelps, startled, and looks behind him.
“If this ain’t okay, need you to say so now.” Duck’s eyes are wide and hungry, but his hands stay on the grey rock. 
“It’s okay.” He can’t believe this is happening, can’t decide if he should tell Duck this is not remotely a punishment. 
Another sharp grin, “Eyes front.”
Indrid’s barely obeyed when the next strike comes. Duck is strong and makes no attempt to hide it, hitting him hard enough that his knees jolt forward in the sand. The pain lights him up each time, forces the thing knotted in his chest up towards his throat. 
When the blows stop he whimpers, pushing his ass back in hopes of more.
“Don’t worry, ‘Drid, I ain’t done with you by a long shot.” Cold fingers undo his fly, bring his pants and underwear down to his thighs. He’s expecting another hit, wiggles his ass in anticipation. 
What he gets are teeth sinking into his skin.
“AH!GOD” He yells loud enough that his throat hurts.
Duck chuckles, “Holler all you want, we both know no one can hear what goes on on this beach, especially with all the wind.” He bites down again, Indrid thrashing and moaning as teeth sink into already reddened skin. Duck growls in reply, savaging the meat of his as and grazing his teeth along his thighs, dangerously close to his balls. He’s already getting hard, the process expedited by warm breath and lips on his body. 
He moans embarrassingly loud when Duck shoves his ass apart.
“Damn, you really did get all prepped for that fella. Shame, he didn’t know what he was missin.” The plug hits the sand to his right.
“You, you don’t have to flatter meEEEoh, oh Duckohmygoodness.” His fingers dig into the sand as the merman teases his rim with a flexible tongue. There’s a muffled laugh, but Duck doesn’t respond beyond that, too busy threatening him with a good time as his tongue gives an experimental push. 
Then it retreats and he turns his head left and right, delivering quick bites to either cheek before his tongue returns. He alternates between the delicious, teasing licks and painful bites, the shift never coming when Indrid expects and causing him to cry out every time. When the mer releases one side of his ass in order to slap his thighs while he continues licking, kissing, and nipping his way across bruised, sensitive skin, Indrid lets out a strangled sound, the thing in his chest now trapped at the back of his throat. 
“You make such cute noises, but they ain’t the ones I’m lookin for. I ain’t stoppin until you apologize.”
Indrid opens his mouth, intending to say something about how this is the wrong way to make him do so. 
“I, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please don’t be angry with me, don’t leave, don’t leave me here, I can’t, I, I don’t want to think about it, Duck please, I’m sorry, so sorry” he;s hunched forward, sobbing into the sand, when he realizes he’s fully clothed and Duck isn’t behind him.
“No” he squeaks, “no please don’t go.”
“I ain’t goin anywhere.” Duck slides up the sand next to him, pulls him into his arms, “I’m so sorry darlin, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I took it too far, I ain’t mad, not really” he eases Indrid’s glasses off and sets them out of harms way, “oh darlin, c’mere, it’s okay” salty kisses dot his forehead and green scales pet his legs. 
“It’s, hic, it’s not your fault. I, I l-liked it, but this has, hic, been building up for months. Years.” He hides his face in Duck’s chest.
“Years?” Duck grabs Indrid’s sweater from where he cast it off, draping it over the human. 
Indrid sniffs, “You know I’m a photographer. But I’ve never told you what I photograph. I, I made my name recording disasters and their aftermath. For a long time I took pride in it; someone has to document those things, so we can’t erase them, so we have to confront them and try to make things better, or try to keep such tragedy from reoccurring. I was so good at recording it I became famous. Wealthy. And I learned that most people like to gawk at horror and then go about their days. I, I tried branching out and...and I ended up with a disaster anyway. A bridge collapse, I chronicled everything from the instant it started to the funerals and it, it was too much. Ever since then I’ve felt trapped by my work. At times, by my life. My agent wants me to go back for the fifth anniversary, he told me so last night.”
“You ain’t goin, right?” 
“I don’t think I can.” 
Duck nods, rests his chin atop his head, “tell me what you wanna do instead.”
He does. He tells him about his other art, about the pitches for childrens books and the plans for a real vacation, about the life that, for the first time, feels in reach when he speaks about it. By the time he’s done the stars are out and he’s much calmer and clear-headed.
“Did you mean what you said earlier? That, that you thought I was attractive?”
“Every damn word.” Duck rolls them so Indrid is on his back, kisses his cheek, “thought so since that first night. But, uh” his gaze flicks down to Indrid’s crotch, “if you want more proof I’m happy to give it.”
“Get your pants off and lay on your sweater.”
Indrid complies, shivers when Duck guides his shirt up and off. 
“Fuuuuck” the mer rubs his hands up and down his torso, “when it warms up, you’re gonna swim out with me so I can get my fill of this while you ride my dick.”
“Yes. Ah, I, I did prep, but it’s been long enough now that lubrication may be an issueOOOh, ooohyes.” He release into the sand as Duck grinds his tail against his cock. The scales feel as lovely now as they do when he pets them, and he wonders if Duck will let him get off by humping his tail one of these days.
“It won’t, trust me. Lemme just--there we go. Open your legs. Heh, eager little thing.”
“I’ve wanted this too long to play coy.”
“Eeep!” Something slick and squirming presses into his ass, “do, do you have tentacles?”
“Kinda? They’re just the tip, for this exact reason. It, uh, it feel okay?” Duck smiles reassuringly and that, combined with the genuine concern in his voice makes Indrid moans and nudge him closer. 
“VeryOH, oohgracious” two more tentacles join the first, pulsing and scissoring him open, “how many are there?”
“About eight.”
He moans louder and Duck laughs, pushes his hips forward, “glad you like it, darlin’. Because from where I’m sittin your ass is fuckin amazin and I wanna be as deep in it as I can.”
“Yes, absolutely, pleaseAHHnnn” enough tentacles now that he can’t keep an accurate count, “please use it as you see fit.”
“As I see fit huh? That’s a tricky question. See, sometimes I wanna, fuck, wanna shove the whole thing in you at once and make you scream while I leave my mark on your neck.”
“AHHnnngod” A firmer shaft pushes in, ridges rubbing all the right places as the tentacles continue exploring him. 
“Other times, think it’s better to tease you with the tip, maybe make you blow me first and jerk you off until you’re beggin for my dick.”
“Yes, yesyesyesyes”
“But tonight” Duck bottoms out with a groan, “I’m gonna take it nice and slow, show you just how fuckin wonderful you are. How much you mean to me. My Indrid.”
“Yours” Indrid twines his limbs around him, “god, Duck, it feels so good, you’re so good, you always look after me.”
“That I do. Because you deserve it. And” the tentacles find his prostate and he nearly howls as Duck continues, “you deserve to learn how t’be nice to yourself. And I, ahfuck, know that ain’t easy, but I’m gonna be here to help.”
“Yes, ohgod, yes, you’re, you’re so perfect, aaAAAhnI, I’m, close sweetheart, you fill me so well.”
“Damn right. Gonna, nnngh, gonna find every fuckin way to fill you, make you feel fuckin amazin, fuck, that’s it darlin, ohfuckyeah” as he starts spilling into him, Indrid cums with a shout, splattering their stomachs. Duck moans at the sight, wriggles his hips as his shaft continues rippling and pulsing. It turns out mer orgasms are long, so long that Indrid is whimpering from overstimulation by the time Duck pulls out. 
A gentle, salt-soaked kiss to his lips, “Lookit you, took it all. You’re so good for me, darlin.”
“Mmmhmm” He doesn’t want to let go, cold, wind, and damp be damned. Duck seems to understand, holds him and whispers sweet promises in his ears until he’s shivering.
“‘Drid, your teeth are chatterin.”
“I kn-know, I s-should g-go home and w-warm up.”
Duck kisses him again, “sooner you go and rest, sooner we can do this again.”
“An excellent p-point.” He stands, blows a shaky kiss towards his future, “see you tomorrow.”
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Mermay prompt (Laiken) Part 3
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I’d been standing there for pretty close to 20 minutes as he continued his tirade. I was inconsiderate, uncaring and most of all I was a horrible daughter for putting him through what I did. It didn’t matter that I’d traveled nearly 14 hours to get where I was. All he cared about was that he wasn’t the first priority after I’d landed. “Are you listening to me, Laiken Skye?”
I groaned at the utterance of my middle name which only spurred him on more.
“I knew I should’ve let you leave. You’ve been there for what, a few hours and already you’re acting like your mother. Like you’re too good for me.” I braced myself for his tongue lashing. He only brought up mom when he was pissed off. “Don’t forget that she dropped you like day old garbage just the same as me, Princess.” he spewed venom at me over the phone line “She will toss you aside again and then you’ll have to come home to me.” I cringed at the thought of going back home. Of staying in that house with him for the rest of my life.
Tears were streaming down my face not because of him yelling at me but because I was letting him do it. Here I was 3,500 miles away from him yet I’m still afraid as if he was standing in front of me.
I took a deep breath before pulling the device from my ear and hanging up on him mid sentence. I turned off the phone for good measure because I knew he would be calling me back and I didn’t know if I had the strength to deny his calls after he would deploy his tactics. They would always reel me back in. Not this time though. Thankfully enough he wouldn’t dare try something so nefarious on someone else’s phone. He didn’t want his precious reputation besmirched by something so odious.
I stood there trying to will the tears away but I was left standing on the deck weepy eyed. Who does this to their children? What made him think this was ok on any level? I sniffled and a tissue was thrust in my direction making me jump in response. How hadn’t I known that some came out here?
I took the tissue and dabbed at my eyes before dealing with my nose. “Are you ok?” His voice wrapped around me again just like the first time I’d heard it. “You’ve been crying.” I winced as the pad of his thumb made contact with my cheek where he’d wiped a rougue tear away. “I’ll not hurt you, Laiken.”
Crazy to say, but I believed what he’d said. “Thank you.” He just nodded before joining me at the railing that skirted the whole home. We stood there in comfortable silence for some time listening to the water crashing around us before making our way back into the cottage where the party was still in full swing.
“Come on.” He slid his hand onto the small of my back before ushering me through the house straight to the restroom “Clean up, I’ll wait here till you finish.” I blushed but complied, cleaning up my tear streaked face and pinning my hair back in place before heading back out to the waiting guests. True to his word Taine was waiting right outside the door for me. His smile was something you’d dream about and it elicited one from me in response. “Barnabus is looking for you, I’ll take you to him.” His shift in attitude could be sensed but I said nothing about it. It’s like he’s almost irritated but… not with me.
Again his hand was laid on the small of my back as he ushered me forward. It’s silly to feel grounded with someone you don’t know, right? My mind was sent a flutter feeling the warmth of his palm pressed against such an intimate area though. I stole glances when I could but his eyes stayed forward and his smile was all but gone. What happened?
Even with my mind elsewhere I didn’t miss the way everyone was looking at us including my mother. The attention was really starting to get to me but just when I thought I’d lose it I was placed in front of Barnabus and the hand that was planted on the small of my back promptly left my form leaving me wanting it back where it was. “Sparrow, let’s go talk.” We walked away leaving Taine where he stood. “This is a lot, tell me how you’re doing? I heard you were crying on the deck.” I sighed before telling him just what happened. “Ahh, I thought it was Taine that upset you. I’ll need to apologize when we get back inside.” I let out the most unladylike chortle in the history of chortles before kissing his cheek.
“Da, he’s just getting to be too much. Living with him is nightmarish and I’m sure you know just what I mean.” He nodded before pressing his own kiss to my temple. There was no way he was able to ignore the way my father treated my mother over the years especially when it came to her seeing me. To say he was holding a grudge would be a gross understatement.
“I know but let’s not focus on him tonight. There are still people in there vying for your attention and wanting to get to know you.” I watched a slow smile cross his face as he took in my dress. “This suits you.” He spun me around and I giggled. This is something you do with your toddler, not your fully grown daughter but he didn’t care. “I am so happy to have you home, My Sparrow.” Home. How I wished somewhere so beautiful could be my home.
“Stop keeping her to yourself, Love. She’s here for 2 weeks so how about you share her tonight?” Mom and her flair for the dramatic. We’d only been on the deck for a few minutes but according to her, it’s like we have been out here all night.
I watched as he advanced on her before planting a kiss on her lips declaring his love like he always did. I wanted that. Wanted what they had with one another but who would put up with someone so damaged?
I followed behind the pair into the house breaking away from them when I found a group of women to chat with. They didn’t look much older than I was so I figured this was as good a place as any to start my night in. Lots of gossip about some other clan and their Chieftain flitted about but all I did was sip my drink and nod along until I found a place in the conversation to leave respectively. Their chatter left much to be desired and I found myself surfing the room in search of some type of engaging conversation.
“Not having fun?” Taine. I looked up at him and shook my head. I felt out of place like I always had. I didn’t know anything about life here or how the social structure worked so I was just a wall flower all over again. I didn’t want that for myself anymore. “Wanna get outta here? I know this place down by the water where we can watch the moon rise.” Tempting, but my mother wanted me here where I could talk to our Clan.
I looked around the room trying to gauge whether or not I could actually sneak out but I found her watching me from the corner of the room. Creepy. “She would kill me if I left this little get together” I pointed to where she was standing “but I will take a raincheck.”
We ended up moving around the room together for the rest of the night. Where I was Taine stood right next to me if not right behind. I found my in when the conversation shifted into one about the environment. That I could work with and I did for the next few hours.
Who knew being social could zap your energy reserves like that? I didn’t. I tried in vain to will the sleepiness away but nothing helped. I was in a near perpetual state of yawning when I was lead away from the conversation. I listened as Taine excused the both of us and deep down I was thankful for it. I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d be able to last in the state I was in.
I was transferred from one set of arms to another before I was escorted up the stairs to my bedroom. I stripped off my dress before washing my face and climbing into bed. My head hit the pillow and sleep took me quickly.
There were no nightmares to speak of. This time I was greeted by the sweet embrace of another. Large, warm and rumbly my companion was. “I’ve been waiting for you, Laiken .” A soft caress against my cheek followed by a warm chuckle. “Sleep now, nothing will harm you while you’re in my arms.” I believed him, whoever he was and for the second time in moments I’d drifted off.
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I made it all of 15 minutes of waiting for Laiken to walk back through the door before leaving Barnabus with the rest of his family. At first I was just gonna wait at the door but when I heard the crying I had to go make sure she was ok. Why I all of a sudden felt this need to go to her I would never know but it wasn’t something I could just ignore. Just like the sudden pull I felt when I laid eyes on her, this time was no different.
I stepped out onto the deck, sure to close the door behind me quietly. There she stood against the railing wiping furiously at her face trying to stifle the tears that still demanded to be let loose. I offered her a tissue. Albeit a little roughly since I was trying to control my own irritation at the situation. “Are you ok?” I watched her dab at her eyes before unceremoniously blowing her nose into the wad of paper. She didn’t say anything, just stood there looking worn out.
When a rogue tear slipped from her eye unexpectedly I stepped into her space catching it with the pad of my thumb. Soft. Her skin was so soft but when she winced I crumbled a bit inside. “I’ll not hurt you, Laiken” I speak the deepest truth I’d dared ever to to speak. I wouldn’t hurt her. Not if I could help it.
She seemed to relax a bit and I was able to just stand out there with her listening to the waves crash the beach. I didn’t want to break these moments of peace for her but there were people inside waiting to get some time with her. I looked at her face before we walked inside and figured she’d want to clean up before meeting some of these people for the first time. I lead her to the restroom and let her know I’d be waiting for her once she came out.
I wasn’t the only one that noticed her face and I was rushed by an angry Barnabus “What happened?” He didn’t even give me the chance to respond before starting again “I leave you to court her and I find her crying not even 30 minutes later? Did I make the wrong decision? Maybe I should’ve gone with one of the others you mentioned.” He threw his arms up before turning away from me “Bring her to me once she’s out of there.” And with that he walked away from me leaving me pissed. If he would’ve given me the chance to explain he would know I had nothing to do with her crying.
She came out looking like the episode never happened in the first place. I smiled and got one in response before remembering Barnabus and his little request. “Barnabus is looking for you, I’ll take you to him.” I tried to hide the irritation in my tone but watching her reaction I can tell I’d failed at that. Instead of trying to explain myself I just led her to where Barnabus was waiting to talk to her. I didn’t miss the way her body shivered at my touch nor the glances she kept throwing over her shoulder but I needed to get her to the Chieftain. I didn’t want any more misunderstandings where Laiken was involved.
I watched him walk away with her no doubt getting ready to interrogate her to find out just what I’d done to her to make her cry. I hope he feels like shit when he realizes I had nothing to do with it.
Having no one else to converse with, I pulled out my phone to make sure all was well within our territory. There was a report of Eion on the island but that wasn’t abnormal considering he ran tourists around the beaches in hopes of them meeting real selkies. It was ridiculous but the money was good and he didn’t make issues for us so he was fine to be here as long as his father stayed at the harbor.
My eyes drifted to the door when it was opened and she drifted through behind her parents. She really was beautiful and that dress just framed her perfectly. My eyes followed her as she tried to find a place to belong. That lasted all of a few minutes before she left to fill her drink yet again. “Not having fun?” She shook her head before looking down into the red liquid in her cup, swishing it around as she did “Wanna get outta here? I know this place down by the water where we can watch the moon rise.” Her head snood to the side where her mother was seated watching us like a lion would watch a gazelle. Why is she so intense?
“She would kill me if I left this little get together” she pointed to Danae and I sighed in defeat “but I will take a raincheck.” That just made the whole night better. I wasn’t sure before but after everything else I’m pretty sure she feels something.
I spent the rest of the night being close to her as we moved around the house. She introduced herself then did the same for me like everyone there didn’t know me already but I said nothing about it. She was adorable and I was basking in it while I could. I had to make a show of dominance when one of Barnabus’ nephews tried to make a move. I quietly put him in his place with a well placed hand on Laiken’s hip and a not so subtle glance into her eyes as she smiled up at me. Oh yeah, she feels something alright. The connection was there and I silently cheered in my head as I watched her blossom when the conversation shifted into something about our environment here.
Hours passed and I watched her yawn more and more frequently until she was just about swaying on her feet. She wanted to stay engaged in the conversation but I excused us both before leading her away from the group in search of Barnabus. “I’ll take her. Thank you for keeping her company, Taine. I am sure Barnabus is on the deck likely talking to his brothers. I know he wanted to have a word before you left tonight.” I nodded in acknowledgment before placing a kiss on Laiken’s hand.
Her sleepy smile was just as good as when she was full on beaming. I wanted to witness all her smiles. “Sleep well, Laiken. My number is in your phone should you want to get in touch.” She hmm’d in response before she was lead up the stairs. I would never have guessed that I would find my mate, let alone her being the Chieftains daughter. Mates were all but legend amongst our people these days. Denying her would’ve been the biggest regret of my life.
I’d stayed behind to help clean up the mess and rearrange the furniture if needed. Even with the guest of honor tucked into her bed conversations were still being had amongst the other guests. Around 1am Barnabus started showing people the door and I was only too glad to help in shooing the last couple of people out of the house.
I knew it’d been a while since I’d seen Danae and chuckled when I found her sprawled on the couch still holding a bottle of wine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her like this. “You wouldn’t believe how stressed out she’s been.” I turned to look up at my Chieftain. He was picking up his mate. “She’s been planning this for what seems like forever. There were hiccups along the way but I’d say it turned out pretty good.” I nodded in agreement before picking up a few cups.
I’d had just about everything taken care of when he tapped my shoulder. “Forgive me for my temper. I- I just want good memories for her here and I got  so caught up thinking you’d fudged that up. I’ll try to refrain from doing it again.” He pulled me into a hug, patting me hard against my back.
“Think nothing of it. I’ll be heading home now if there’s nothing left to be done.” I waited for a beat before heading toward the door “Thank you for trusting me with Laiken. She’s amazing” he just smiled and nodded in agreement.
I left his house heading straight for mine. I grabbed my pelt and headed back out straight for the beach. The water had been calling me for a while and I needed to feel it against my skin. I tucked my pelt around me willing the shift. Safely cocooned I moved toward the ocean diving in soon as I had the ability to.
After some time I pulled myself onto a large rock where I could bathe in the moonbeams combing from the full moon above. How I wished I was able to bring Laiken here to witness this. No matter, she will see it soon enough.
Having remembered about the early morning I had ahead of myself I cut my swim short and made my way home. I looked around the small cottage once I was inside and started thinking of all the ways I could improve it, expand it and make something Laiken would be proud of me for. I felt like a lovesick pup but I was fine with it.
I showered before climbing into bed. I must’ve been more tired than I realized because I dozed with the phone in my hand, right after shooting off a text to Laiken.
The next 2 days were pretty routine outside of me making time to spend with Laiken. We’d done a few things like going out to lunch or grabbing ice cream after the dinner Danae had invited me to. I wanted to spend all my extra time with her but that might not bode well seeing as she doesn’t understand our customs.
“Laiken.” She looked up at me smiling nodding for me to go on “Now that you’ve been here a few days how are you liking it here?” She finished chewing the candy in her mouth.
“I love it. Albeit I haven’t seen it all though the things I have seen are beautiful. I could see myself moving here.” That made me happy. “I’d just need to find a place to live. I could live here but there’s only so much hanky panky I can handle when it comes to hearing my mom and Barnabus doing it.”
She made a gagging sound and I couldn’t help the chuckle that spilled out of me. “I get it. I have an extra room if ever you want to get away for a night or so. No expectations. I just want you to know you have options.” She nodded before turning back to the pie she was making. “Alright so, why is it called a cobbler instead of a pie?” She looked at me before shaking her head in exhaustion. I knew why but I loved the way she explained things to me.
“Taine, are you kidding me? I’m pretty sure we’ve gone over this.” I shrugged and she smiled knowingly before she went over the differences. Again. I hung off of her words and watched her mouth as she spoke. I loved the way her teeth would sink into her plump bottom lip when she was to think about her word choice. “Are you even listening to me?” I nodded before looking up into her eyes. I reiterated what she’d taught me, making her smile even bigger.
Dinner was served and dessert not long afterward. The meal was made by Laiken and I and it was delicious. I lingered around the cottage for longer than normal this time because I’d be gone for the next couple days for work. Barnabus had been tucked away with Danae while Laiken and I watched a movie.
“When I come back home from the outing would you fancy a proper date with me?” She looked so surprised I almost laughed but that would’ve been bad. “You can say no if you’re not interested.” She shook her head before speaking.
“I’d actually like that a lot. I just didn’t think someone like you would want someone like me.” Has she really not picked up on my flirty texts and touches? “We will settle plans once you’re home. I’m getting sleepy so I should walk you to the door.” And she did.
I made my way home where I sat thinking about why she’d possibly think so little about herself. She’s smart and gorgeous. Perfect in my book. Perfect and mine.
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It had been days since I’d seen her on the ferry and I was starting to give up hope until she climbed aboard yet again. She wasn’t carrying luggage, just a small backpack on her back. I watched her as she sat alone looking out over the water. How bad I wanted to just talk to her but I can’t risk it. What if I stammer? Will she ridicule me?
No, she doesn’t seem the type to do that yet here I am still scared shitless. “Eion, get up here and help man the vessel.” I took another glance before turning to head back toward the navigation area. She was watching me. Our eyes locked and my stomach flipped. “Eion, get up here!” I grumbled before heading up to where my father was.
He was likely hungover after drinking well into the night. He did this far too much. I took charge of the vessel while he went about spewing his guts out in our private restroom.
I missed my chance to speak to her this time but I did notice the bow she wore in her hair. It looked like Tartan but I’d only seen one like it. Barnabus’ clan wore something spot on and that made me wonder just who she was. Perhaps I’ll get my chance to ask when she boards to head home?
I continued ferrying people back and forth from the mainland keeping an eye out for that beautiful woman. It wasn’t until late in the day that she’d stepped aboard and she was weighed down by her trip. “W-would you like a hand?” Her eyes met mine before a smile tore across her beautiful face. She had the cutest dimples that adorned her freckled cheeks.
“Yes please.” She extended her hand and I took the bags from her, depositing them next to where she’d sat. “Thank you” it was my turn to smile and I knew I resembled a loon.
I started to take my leave only to be stopped by her touch. “You’re Eion right?” I nodded “I’m Laiken, It’s nice to meet you.” If she isn’t the sweetest thing.
“Nice t-to meet you, Laiken. I should be goin’ this boat won’t navigate itself.” She chuckled before nodding in acknowledgment. Her laugh was like a breath of fresh air after being cooped up for days on end. I loved it.
The vessel started moving and I made my way to the navigation area where my father had taken control. “I have it from here. Find something to keep yourself busy.”
At his dismissal I went back to sit with Laiken. Laiken. Her name tasted amazing on my tongue and caused a smile to break out on my face. I hadn’t even noticed I was standing in front of her until she started giggling “You ok up there?” She queried looking up into my face.
I rubbed the back of my head nervously getting my fingers caught in the locks. “Yeah, I just wanted to know if you were interested in taking a tour.” She quirked a brow before shaking her head. Rejection.
“Not a Selkie tour but maybe... one of the islands?” She smiled up at me and rested her hands in her lap. “I’d like that a lot actually now that I think about it. Would you happen to be up for that kind of tour? I can of course pay you for your time.” Pay me? Just her spending time with me was more than enough payment for anything she wanted to do.
We were getting close to docking so I didn't have much time left. “You need not pay me, Laiken. I w-would be honored to take you on a t-tour of wherever you choose.” she nodded before pulling her phone out and handing it to me.
“Put your info in there so we can plan this out. I will call or text you tomorrow so we can start.” she was beaming “My mom is gonna be so excited when I tell her about this.” she was practically bouncing in her seat.
Again I noticed the tartan that was in her hair. Who is her Ma’? Before i could think to ask i was being summoned to the back of the ferry to prep for docking. “I gotta go.” i looked down at her sheepishly before turning on my heel and rushing toward where I needed to be. I smiled when I heard her call after me.
“I’ll see you soon, Eion.” her voice carried a subtle lilt to it making her sound almost playful. I loved it, I wanted to listen to her speak all day and night but right now I have to focus.
I ended up having to take care of a leak below deck and missed seeing her leave the ferry but I clutched my phone in my pocket remembering that I had an in now. “Best you stay away from that human, Boy.” I turned around and glared at my father. “Mark my words, that one is gonna be trouble.” I would never. According to him all humans are “Trouble” . Why would Laiken be any different?
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alolowrites · 4 years
Get Out of the Water
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Summary:  It’s late and you come across a stranger swimming in the water.
Author’s Note: This story was written for @bnhabookclub​‘s Just Add Water MerMay Event. It was my first time writing a Mermaid AU story and went through multiple drafts until I was satisfied with the story’s direction. Despite having a hard time, I’m really glad I challenged myself and tried something new. 
Following prompt used was: “Well…this isn’t how I expected to spend my Saturday night.”
Hope you all enjoy! 
Word Count: 1K+ (approx.)
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The dreamy sea beats a soothing pulse all through the night. There is no storm charging by, no dolphins jumping mid-air, no boats marching on. There isn’t even a speck of trash floating around like a sore sight.
Waves sluggishly drench on the cold, moon glow-gold sand. A gentle wind blows through your hair as you step forward to the slumbering sea. Your toes wiggle into the wet sand, the cold water slipping around the bare ankles and bowing away seconds later.
Small stones juggle in your left hand. They are flat and weigh no more than a tennis ball. After searching far and wide on this beach, you settled on the best ones to make the skips easier. In your opinion, the triangular rocks are better than the circular ones. Running your fingers along the first stone, you feel the rough texture prickling your soft skin.
It’s perfect.
Back is straight, your body slightly turns, and your right hand is firm. Breathing through your nose, you raise the stone and release it low against the water. The rock bounces five times before the ocean eats the mineral snack. Your throws continue until there is one stone left. Gripping on the last rock, you chuck it out to the sea with full force. Instead of landing on the water, it hits a stranger's head by accident.
You skitter back like a frightened cat. Millions of questions run through your head as you wonder why a stranger is swimming out so late. While scavenging for rocks, you never saw a single towel nor came across another person on the beach. Not letting your guard down, you cautiously approach the shoreline with nothing to defend yourself.
“Hey!” The head turns, and you slightly jump. “I get you wanna take a deep swim, but it’s dark outside, and I’m no lifeguard, buddy! So come out of the water before something happens to you.”
“Don’t worry about me, sweetheart!” Great, a cocky guy; you resist an eye roll. “Gotta say, that was a mean throw, though.”
“I’ll give you another one if you don’t get your ass out of the water, hotshot!”
“Feisty, huh?” He disappears underwater, and you panic. Did something pull him? Is he drowning? Will he end up on the shore dead? A curse escapes into the silent night as you prepare to dive in and save this dumbass. Well, that was your plan until his head pops up again, this time much closer to you. Your scream pierces his eardrum. “Okay, ow! Can you please stop hurting me?”
You point at him. “Get out of the water, bro!”
“I can’t.”
“What do you mean you can’t?” Disgust dawns on your face as you recoil away. “Oh my god, are you nude?”
“What? No!”
“Then get out of the water.”
“I told you, I can’t.”
“So, you’re nude then.”
“I’m not—” He sucks in an agitated breath; you fight back a laugh. Your eyes wander around the man’s statuesque figure that gives Apollo a run for his money. His face is perfectly symmetrical and structured, which makes you cry. It should be a crime to have a chiseled jawline that sharp. You are sure it could cut through the most robust diamonds on Earth. God certainly had his favorites.
However, it's his eyes that reel you in like a fisherman who captured their winning prize. Every shade of brown, from a rich copper red to the sweetest batch of dark cocoa powder, swirls inside. A hint of gold glimmers when they become mischievous.
A coy smile entertains his lips. “Like what you see?”
Water splashes on him.
“Very original,” you deadpan as he wipes a hand down his face. Cocking your head, you give him a curious stare. “Now, who are you, nude boy?”
“The name’s Yo Shindou,” he answers, and you see ripples move across the water. A long tail emerges from below like an elegant dancer. An armor of shark scales covers the entire length and shines with a vibrant emerald color. You nearly miss the faint black streaks running along the tail. Plopping down on the sand, you gape at the mesmerizing piece of art. “I’m a merman, and before you ask: yes, the tail is real.”
“You’re a mermaid?!”
“My bad.” A shaky hand runs through your hair. “Well…this isn’t how I expected to spend my Saturday night.”
“And I didn’t expect to get hit by a rock.”
“Oh shut up, you’re a merman. You’ll live.” As the waves hummed, a chilly air swoops through your light cardigan to remind you that it’s bedtime. Standing up, you grimace at the damp circles staining your kneecaps—damn merman. Sighing, you throw Shindou a weak two-finger salute. “Adios, magical fish.”
“Wait a minute!” Shindou protests from his spot. You spin around on your heels, the sole of your shoes digging into the heavy sand. Two hands shove inside the cardigan’s pockets as you arch an eyebrow at the guy. He might not feel cold, but you sure are. “What’s your name?”
“Come back tomorrow without getting hit by my stone and I’ll tell ya.”
“It’s a date then,” Shindou flirts without missing a beat. You’re a sputtering mess as you vehemently deny his statement. He finds you incredibly endearing for someone living above the surface. The soft blush on your cheeks does not go unnoticed by him. “Farewell, feisty human!”
“You know what!” Hands frantically search on the empty shore for rocks. Shindou retreats underwater to avoid the asteroids flying his way. Air bubbles surround him as he quickly spots you through the shimmering surface thanks to his heightened vision. He smiles like an idiot. You’re definitely his favorite human so far.
Shindou swims away, but you hear his cackles echo into the silent sky like a haunting song from a humpback whale. A stone fumbles across the sandy beach after giving it a good kick. You trek back home, not bothering to hide the soft grin cracking on your face.
“Stupid merman.”
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Thank you for reading!
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Here's story number four for Mermay! How did that come round so quickly? This time we have 5k words of budding friendship and fluff when we meet a kindred spirit on a remote island nature reserve where we've been posted as a ranger for the week. We meet some actual orcas, weather a nasty storm, and get chatting to Viggo who lives and hunts in and protects the waters around the island. It was supposed to have a female reader, but when I read it back, there was no indication of gender, so I left it as is. If you're looking for the kind of weather/storm/landscape I'm imagining for this, this video from Fair Isle, Shetland, basically covers it.
Thanks for being such an engaging and lovely bunch of patrons, and I hope you enjoy this latest offering!
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Chunky preview:
“Yer gonna be in for a storm in a few days,” the old fisherman grunted as he steered the craft through glass-smooth seas, across the yawning channel to the remote mound of rock and grass that rose like a sea-monster’s back from the depths. Dark, imposing rock, sheer cliffs, miles of deep, wild ocean, and no company but the wheeling birds through an endless, blue sky; it was about as remote a place as you’d ever been for work, and you grinned at him.
It wasn’t that you didn’t believe him - on the contrary; if anyone would know, it would be the wizened, scar-knuckled old selkie whom the Bird Conservancy had hired to take you out to the reserve, miles off the coast of the mainland. He was grim and gruff, with wild white hair like sea foam atop his head and quick dark eyes that twinkled with hidden mischief. That was the first thing he’d said to you in the whole forty minutes you’d been out on the water with him.
“I’ll be careful,” you said, but he shot you a look that said he didn't think you knew how to be careful out here on the ocean. “You think it’ll be a quick storm? I’m only supposed to be there for a week…” The fisherman didn’t respond, and you found yourself rabbiting on to fill the suddenly awkward silence. “I mean,” you added, tapping one of the four plastic crates of gear that surrounded you, “I’ve got enough supplies here for a fortnight, and the previous ranger always leaves something too, so I’m sure I’ll be alright if someone can’t come and get me, but still…” Eventually you did peter off into silence, but the old selkie didn’t fill it with any contributions of his own.
Instead he leaned into the tiller and guided his craft expertly between the currents that flowed inexorably along at deceptive speeds, making the sea seem about to boil in places, just beneath the glassy surface. It was eerie, thinking about the power of the water and how you were as out of your element here as many of the merfolk would be in the middle of a landlocked city.
The number of birds in the blue sky soon began to pick up as you neared the looming island, but while you were staring up at them, the selkie grunted something at you.
“Hmm?” you asked, attention snapping back to him. “What is it?”
“Look’ee there,” he chuckled, pointing a gnarled, brown finger out over the water behind you. “Perfect day for ‘em to play.”
Turning, you gasped as you saw the tall, unmistakable silhouettes of three orca cutting through the water like chef knives through butter. One male, one female, and probably one young one between them. Plumes of spray rose intermittently from their blow holes with a soft puff. You couldn’t tell from that distance whether they were the animals or the merfolk who resembled them, but regardless, the easy economy of their movements and the coiled power harboured in their muscular bodies was enough to make you shiver and stare. If the selkie was bothered by their presence, he didn’t show it, and they left the little craft alone as he continued to steer it up towards the concrete jetty at the base of the cliff.
“I suppose you can’t pull up here in rougher seas,” you commented, instantly regretting the banality of the comment and focusing instead on readying your stuff as much as you could without standing up. You didn’t fancy embarrassing yourself in front of him any further by overbalancing and tipping backwards into the deep blue sea.
He didn’t speak immediately, but he nodded, working his jaw as if trying to remember how to form words for a moment, and then said, “Anything rougher ‘an this, ‘n we don’t bring you landfolk out ‘ere at all.”
“That’s… probably for the best,” you grinned and to your surprise, he gave a rasping laugh, somewhere between the bark of a seal and a smoker’s cough.
“Aye. You take care now,” he said as he held the boat steady for you while you heaved the four crates of gear and your rucksack of clothes off and then clambered out without very much grace.
“Will do. And thank you,” you smiled as his fingers loosed the knot again, acting almost without thought, and he turned the craft around. It answered him as if it were an extension of himself, cruising away through the water like a marlin and as you stood there and watched, it caught the attention of the orca.
Still motionless on the dock, you watched in horror as they accelerated and began to stalk the craft. Fear rose in your throat for the grizzled old selkie, and you stepped forwards, as helplessness crushed you from the inside. Were they drawn to him because of his supernatural connection to seals; to the creatures they hunted? Only when one of them breached the surface did you see that they were the animals and not the merfolk. The fisherman didn’t react to them though, and continued to cut his craft through the water, making for the mainland, but you were certain that the big male was going to land on top of the boat and smash it to kindling each time he reared up and crashed down beside it.
A moment later, a fourth orca joined them; a male with a long, blade-like dorsal. Or at least, you thought it was another orca until the newest arrival also breached the water and you saw a merman with a huge harpoon in one hand. Was he planning on attacking the selkie? Or the orca? Morbidly transfixed, you hurried to the end of the jetty to watch.
The merman, you noticed as he breached again, had only one arm, his right ending in a stump just above his elbow. Scenarios involving the champing jaws of orca began to play in your mind. Did he hunt the orca then? Mystified, you stayed rooted to the spot and stared.
As you continued to watch, it seemed as though the merman was driving the orca off the boat with just his body, and eventually they turned and headed off down the wide sound. The selkie continued on towards the mainland, waving a hand at the merman, who gave one last spectacular breach, body smacking down on the smooth surface of the sea to give a huge spraying slap, and then he disappeared beneath the water.
An unsteady breath escaped you and you stepped back, turning wide-eyed from the scene. The unexpected drama left you surprisingly shaky, and the switch-back cliff path which wound up from the beach-level dock to the top of the island seemed almost insurmountable, especially with all your gear. Taking a moment to enjoy the sunshine in the shelter of the little cove, and to let the adrenaline drain out of you, you dug out your thermos flask and a cereal bar from your rucksack, and plonked yourself down onto one of the sturdy crates. It felt a bit like a fainting couch to a Victorian lady, and you snickered at the thought as you reclined on the decidedly uncomfortable box.  
After no more than five minutes, a lone dorsal fin rose steadily the water, followed by a short puff of air through an orca’s blow hole, and your eyes locked onto it instantly. Whatever they were - mer or animal - they were fast approaching, and you swallowed, wondering if it was the merman come to harpoon you for lunch. The more rational side of your brain told you that he’d just protected the selkie, so it was unlikely that he’d come after you. But then again, you were one of the landfolk - a human no less - and in many countries, your kind hunted merfolk down for sport. How was he to know that you were here to protect and not persecute?
Before your panic could gather much momentum, the orca mer swam into the crystal clear waters of the cove and poked his head above the water. His hair was black with a streak of white at his forelock, and the skin of his upper half was a patchwork mixture of monochrome, though largely greyish white. On his face he had two patches of dark skin over his cheekbones and around his eyes. The irises of his eyes, you noticed as he blinked at you for a moment, were almost red, though also shot through with pale blue, and he was strikingly handsome.
“Hi,” you chirped nervously, swilling the cloying remnants of your cereal bar down with a huge, too-hot gulp of tea and trying not to choke.
You can read the whole thing right now for just $1 over on my Patreon, and gain access to exclusives from both Mermay and previous months!
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metalotaku-da · 5 years
Prompts stolen from @justshance. all pieces are up for grabs if anyone wants to take them further or rework them. @shancemermay
18. Celestial seas
The quantum abyss was as beautiful and daunting as they had theorized back on altea and then some. His expedition with the holt family and the koganes, as their pilot had been a once in a lifetime opportunity for shiro. One he did not regret taking despite the fact that when they returned altea will have passed just a single deca theeb and themselves 10. A decision he regretted even less with an unexpected discovery by their crew. One that both Matt, Keith, and pidge took great joy in teasing shiro about as he prepared for another space walk. Their ship following the course the space whale migration was following. Having joined them was a newly discovered sentient race of the only word they had to describe them was space mers. Similar yet not to the mer race found on water planet deep beneath the icy surface. But this race came in a multitude of blue, black, purple and red hues, and combinations there if, and some with white spots or patches even. Large wide side fins that worked like solar sails, providing heat and energy on top of movement for them in deep space. They claimed small particles of elements they came across but the solar energy Being their main source of energy. Shiro was jealous of the ability to just glide through space uninhibited by things like oxygen needs or radiation poisoning, or the vacuum of space. Unlike him as he double checked his jet pack and magnetic boots for charge and his suit for any holes since his last space walk. Finding all to be in order. Shiro made his way to the airlock. Where the happy face of one of the space mers named Lance was smiling and clinging to door. Waiting on shiro to hurry up and join him but also to get a taste of the gasses theat would jettison from the lock with him. The radio in his helmet crackled to life with Lance's voice carrying through perfectly.
“Hurry up shiro. Your taking to long. Come out come out and play with me.” Lance pouted face pressed tight to the window contorting his pout.
Shiro chuckled moving into the lock and waiting on the timer to open the outer door. “I'm sorry not all of us can survive in the vacuum of space. We alteans need a little prep time to leave the ship.”
“Pidge and Matt don't take as long as you and the angry cosmic wolf boy do.” Lance continued to pout.
Shiro frowned at that the click of out door opening and pulling him into space the air releasing clearing Lance away from the door his fins wide open to collect the gasses, before the dispersed to much. “Yes because they are horrible at following protocol. And don't check their gear over. Which was a movement ago you were carrying pidge back to the ship.”
“We just lost track of time.” Lance said not making eye contact and examining his fingers.
“Nice try. I watched the feed so did Colleen. She didn't check her battery before she left. She's lucky I refill all air supplies every night cycle.” shiro corrected his jet pack bringing him into Lance's orbit. “Don't start lying for her too. Colleen will pull your ear frills too.”
“I didn't know it was a lie when she told me.” Lance countered grabbing shiro by the hand. “and enough about the debris mite. I got plans for us. And you have caused enough of a delay.” Lance's pulled shiro close with them chest to chest bringing a blush to his ears and his purple markings to glow. “Hold on tight we are going my speed.” Shiro did just that. Wrapping his arms around Lance's to avoid his thin membranes under his arms. Lance spread all of his fins wide and they took off away from the alteans ship and further across the quantum abyss. Passing asteroids, gas clouds and strange light anomalies they hadn't fully assessed yet. A time vision affecting them along the way. One where shiro saw himself and Matt through the academy of the sciences and exploration, as young cadets running through the halls after pranking a teacher.
Lance smiled at him all teeth, eyes and edges crinkled in mischief. Not always a rule stickler huh?” He teased.
“I'm a stickler when it's a life or death risk.” Shiro said in a tone that meant business. “However I'm not above bending the rules if there is no harm.”
“Good.” Lance said with a nod. “Cause I'm taking you somewhere you're probably not supposed to go. But it's safe if you are with me. Pidge said none of you've seen a cosmic wolf leave their nest to strike out on their own.”
“No we haven't. They are furious beast who are very territorial, and their teleportation abilities make them even more dangerous and unpredictable.” Shiro said matter of factly his voice pitched slightly in concern.
“If you don't know them, than yeah. But it's ok cause I know these two. They are nice and won't bite. Promise.” Lance said smiling. “And we are here. Don't look red in the eye. And don't touch blue.”
“What!?” Shiro said sharply in panic as Lance set him down on an asteroid that was at his back so he couldn't see what was behind him.
“Hi red, hi blue. How's my favorite fluffier wuffiers doing?” Lance sing songed gliding past shiro.  Shiro stiff as he passed. Taking a few deep breaths before turning to observe the mess he had been literally dragged too.
Shiro was shocked to find pressed tightly between two of the giant creatures. Both with their heads bent to be petted. “This is shiro. He's the altean I was telling you about.” Lance said as if he was talking to any sentient being. But their limited research being inconclusive of their level of understanding and sentientas. “Shiro this is red and blue.” And sure enough once of the creatures had a red tint to his dark fur and bioluminescent. The other blue hued. “Their pups are getting the push today.”
“Right.” Shiro said carefully lift a hand to wave making sure to not look the alpha male red in the eye. “Pleasure to meet you.” Blue disappeared in a flash and appeared directly in front of him. Shiro stood frozen holding his breath. Blue took a few sniffs before chuffing and pressing her head to his rubbing it against the helmet. Shiro's eyes wide in fear as he heard red growl loudly behind blue.
“He's not touching her. She touched him red.” Lance scolded. Blue licked his helmet for good measure before turning on her mate and nipping at his ear with her own growl. Red chuffed in response but turned away from shiro heading into a cave on the asteroid.
“Awe they like you too shiro.” Lance said cheerily pulling shiro along by his hand to follow after the pair.
“Blue might but I don't think red does. Maybe I should leave.” Shiro whispered back.
“Naw. If red didn't like you, he'd have ate your head off. He's just Moody and aloof, like Keith. All prickly on the outside, but you know deep down he's got a squishy heart full of affection.” Lance consoled.
Shiro laughed. “I didn't know you thought that about Keith. I actually thought you two hated each other.”
“Naw I don't hate Keith. He's just really easy to fire up. It's fun to tease him. He has two moods, angry or indifferent. So like to make him angry so he'll play with me.” Lance said with a smile. “But don't tell him that.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” Shiro said back with a smile. Their of group having made it to a bigger chamber of the cave came to a stop. One side had openings like windows at the head height of the wolves. Rolling along the floor was a bunch of adorable fluffy cosmic wolf puppies, just a few Thebes old covered in asteroid soot.
“Oh they are so adorable just before they teleport away from home.” Lance cooed tilting his torso and head down to be closer to the pups a few coming over to him to lick at his face and jump on his fins. “Nooooo, you'll lose your protected layer you rascals.” Lance shooed them off his body. Aren't they adorable?”
“They are.” Shiro answered with a smile. Blue raising her head proudly.
“Over here by the hole. So you can see.” Lance directed shiro to a spot to peer out the hole in the cave a clear view of the space whale migration. Several individuals with in view.
“This is a wonderful view Lance but why are we watching the whales? I thought we were watching the pups teleport.” Shiro asked turning to see red lift a pup and place it in the other opening.
“We are.” Lance said. As a flash of light replaced the pup and Lance pointed out the window. A small flash showing above one of the whales. To close. Shiro thought it's going to be pulled by the whales gravity. He lurched forward as the light became a burning streak as it fell through the whales atmosphere burning from the friction. “Oh my goddess.” Shiro said a hand clamped to his mouth.
“It's ok shiro. The soot in their fur protects them from burning up. It hardens and cracks when they hit the surface. And they pop out with shorter fur and then it grows with them as they hunt eat and grow.” He scrunched up his face in thought for a minute. “Like that egg you showed me.” Lance miminicked and egg opening with his hands. As they get stronger they can teleport farther and whale hop. When they find a mate they'll leave and find an asteroid to make babies.”
“That's really amazing Lance.” Shiro said with a smile. Less panicked when blue picked up a cub to place in view of the whales. Another flash of light and he had to admit the meteorite effect of their migration was beautiful. If he ignored the fact a living thing was inside it. Even if Lance assured him every time he winced that the pup was fine. This went on till the reached the last pup who was noticeably smaller than the others who had made their trip. He was a teal blue color of the altean ships in his bioluminescence. And he was sitting facing his parents licking their faces instead of making his trip. Ignoring their nudges.
“Hey buddy aren't you going to join your siblings.” Shiro cooed once it was obvious the parents were having no luck.
The pup looked at him before hunching down, after a moment it disappeared in a flash. Only to land on shiro's head startling him. He and Lance reached for it before it could fall from its failed perch. Back legs now resting on shiro's shoulder and front paws on his head.
“Well now,” Lance smiled at shiro eyes soft. “I guess he picked a new home. Kind of jealous of the little guy.”
“What?” Shiro asked eyes wide at Lance. He was caught off guard as blue appeared next to him licking the side of his helmet. And shiro would swear she looked smug, before she left the group and headed out of the cave. Red head-butted him next before leaving also.
“Sweet. They approve of you.” Lance cooed again. “Hope the others don't mind. We get to raise our own pupper together!” Lance squealed giving a delighted spin. The initial panic shiro felt at becoming a pet parent to a large and dangerous creature slowly fading way to his own excitement to match Lance's.
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camellianswer · 5 years
Nanbaqua: Uno
Mermay in August because I’m lazy!
Mama always loved the sea.
She took me there with her when I was four years old. The sun was just beginning to rise, like a soft gemstone burning under the waves. The sky was a gentle purple, clear as glass, and a single star peeked through the twilight.
She squeezed my hand kindly, softly, golden cascades of hair dancing in the breeze, and said “Isn’t it nice? This is where I really belong. Don’t you feel it too? Like the air is full of music, calling you home…”
I watched the diamond sparkles dance on the crashing waves and I heard the music.
From that day on, I loved the sea.
I loved the sea because it was in her.
Mama’s gone now…
The first and only time she’d taken him swimming, Uno felt as if he was a part of the sea too. It drew him close in a warm caress, tumbling him deeper into the crystal depths as bubbles swirled around him. Down there, the music was even finer. The throbbing song of the ocean permeated him completely, welcomed him and smoothed all his aches away. He would have sat contentedly under the waves all day if she hadn’t called him back.
It wasn’t something he gave much thought to back then, but it was just as easy to breathe underwater as it was to breathe in the air.
That was because he loved the sea and the sea loved him back, his mother said.
At 7 years old, Uno’s arms and chest were mottled blue and purple with deep bruises, and he left without looking back.
Where, he wasn’t sure.
For nearly a whole day and a night the little boy was pushed back and forth through the bustling city like a bearing in a pinball machine. He walked without caring for direction, hands in his pockets and head down under an oversized blue cap, and churning crowds of preoccupied adults who should know better knocked him aside without heed.
His stomach was empty, but he felt no hunger.
The day was cool, but he felt no chill.
His little body was battered, but he felt no pain.
He was alone in a new place, but felt no fear.
All he knew was he wanted…he WANTED something desperately, NEEDED it, and the need formed a dull ache in his chest that was nothing like the bruises his father had left on him.
It was on that day that he found the sea bathed in twilight again, and it surrounded him in loving embrace and washed his pains away and he knew that this…
…was his home.
Years passed in placid seamlessness. The waves knew no age, and Uno only became aware that he was growing up when he returned to land and walked among humans. Every time he did, his angle of vision shifted – ever so slightly, but not too slightly to escape his perception. As fun as the surface was, he never stayed long. After a brief visit in that world, he would always return to the world that she had loved best. A beautiful world, but a lonely one.
By now, however, he’d resigned himself to loneliness and given up on finding more of his own kind.
Immediately after his first time transforming on that day, he’d been so excited. He’d been certain that now he would find a whole colony of people just like him living happily in the ocean’s care, people who would welcome him, people who he truly could belong to.
But time passed, and he was nearing his thirteenth year, and never did he see a trace of another mer.
In a new place where the sea was clear and warm, Uno felt the familiar vibrations of human activity ripple through his ocean. Splashes and engines thrumming and music playing and another sense that he couldn’t describe – some change in the low, constant melody. Humans changed the song of the ocean simply by existing, and Uno had lived on his own for so long he could detect their presence from that alone.
With a flick of his long golden tail, he streaked up and broke the surface with barely any noise. He bobbed up and down in the gentle waves and pushed wet hair out of his eyes to take a good look around.
An expansive, white-sanded beach stretched out for miles, glittering like a strip of silver in the noonday sun. It was liberally dotted with colorful umbrellas and chairs and towels. The air hung thick with a delicious mixture of gulls calling, people laughing, and waves dancing, strong smells of sunscreen and snack foods.
Uno smiled and started heading closer. This looked like a nice place, and he’d been on the move for a while. He decided to make a stop here and see the sights. He cleaved the surface again, steering with pearly-pink webbed extensions on his forearms, and darted for a stand of trees where he could emerge without being seen.
Wearing clothes that had once belonged to a careless tourist, Uno set out on a busy pathway with the easy grace of a lifelong surface dweller.
If he had avoided attracting attention in marine form, his caution was thrown to the wind on land. Uno’s appearance turned heads, and that was the way he liked it. His hair had grown long, long down his back, almost brushing the ground when he walked even though he’d gotten much taller. It wasn’t a nuisance though, and he didn’t want to cut it. He liked the feeling of silky hair swishing around him as he swam, and left it long, braiding it up into a more manageable style when he surfaced. Though he was only 14, he was rather tall: 6-2 from tail up and 5-5 on legs; a very striking figure. He had a winning smile that made girls of all ages melt before his gorgeous blue-eyed gaze like ice cream in the sun.
Now he strode confidently, well aware of the effect he was having on the members of the fairer sex. When he brushed casually against a heavyset man distracted by his phone, nobody gave the action a second glance.
Uno tucked a small roll of newly-acquired bills into the sleeve of his jacket with practiced ease. He took a deep breath and looked up at the endless blue sky with satisfaction and anticipation with the air of an excited tourist planning his next destination.
The sea offered an escape and land offered adventure, and Uno partook of both. He quickly found a taste for gambling, betting on cards and rolls of dice with uncanny luck. It was exhilarating to tempt fate with ever larger amounts of money and watch the amazed faces of those around him as he raked in the fruits of his fortune.
Not everybody was amazed, however – many were the times that Uno was forced to flee with his stash, pursued by irate men who resented being beaten by a mere boy. Often a fight would break out and the police would be called, but Uno always slipped through their fingers like water through a sieve and got off scot-free.
That was a sort of gambling too, and he loved ending his nights with the thrill of flashing lights, blaring alarms and stupid, clumsy humans who followed his trail to the sea and stood there scratching their heads, wondering where he’d vanished to.
Um...that’s all so far! Did you like it? It’s my first time writing something like this, so be sure to leave feedback.
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stuckatmyhouse12 · 5 years
Tumblr media
[ID: A full body pencil sketch on lined paper of two figures talking. The person on the left is sitting on a rock, looking at the person on the right in fascination, and she is a girl. The boy is raising his left hand, telling a story and looking off to the upper right corner like he’s trying to remember something. The girl is a combooth blenny mermaid. Her tail is half one color and half another color, and she has spines going up along the back of her tail. She’s wearing a simple top. She has gills on her neck and slightly pointy ears. Her fin hair is in a ponytail, and is streaked different colors. She has antennae She’s chubby and Asian. The dude is wearing boots, sweatpants, and a T-shirt that says ““Love your Mother!” with a picture of the Earth below it. He’s Asain too, and stout. Behind them is a forest, and they’re on a beach]
Dhdjdhd I listened to Isle Unto Thyself like 3 times while drawing this bc it’s the only song I have with isle/island in the title 
Anyway! Finished my mermay thing for the day! I decided I’d draw two characters this time bc I finished my hw early and had time
The mermaid lives around/on this island in The Bermuda Triangle (she’s based off one of the few fish who can go on land a bit) and she’s seem quite a few people get stuck on her island after their plane/boat crashed. She’s tried to help them survive, and by now she’s pretty good at knowing what advice to give to humans to keep them alive. They’ve all died anyway up until the current people stuck on her island, who’ve been able to survive just bc of how good she’s gotten at helping! In this scene, she’s bonding with one of the people stuck there, and I like the idea that over time her and the humans become kinda like family
She’s kinda a loner, and she likes to weave things out of seaweed and stuff for fun! She’s lived around the island her whole life, and wants to leave but prioritizes helping people over that 
He’s an extrovert environmental activist who’s on a mission to see the whole world, and right now he’s telling her stories about all the places he’s been!!
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ladykg · 7 years
{Yuri on Ice Mermaid!Au - MerMay Submission} Make a little sea
'Ello lovely readers,
I know it's a bit late but this is my submission for MerMay, but really I've just been looking for an excuse to write and post a YOI Mermaid!AU because why not?
Anyway, onto the story, I hope you all enjoy and please review!
The first time his parents take him ice skating he marvels at the fact he doesn’t grow fins. He is so shocked that the water - frozen as it is - doesn’t do anything that he doesn’t care to pay attention to the girl he was about to collide with. They both go down hard, sprawling across the ice and setting his glasses askew - his grandma had insisted upon getting them, saying that his vision will always be worse outside the water.  
She is loud and hyper - the first thing he notices without being able to properly see - to the point he can’t keep up with her babbling as she hefts herself off the ice like their fall was nothing.
 “-I haven’t seen you here before,” her voice goes on, cheerful even as Yuuri feels the bruises form on himself, more than certain that she has gained some purple blotches as well. “What’s your name? I’m Yuuko!”
 “Yuuri,” his voice came small and less over-taking than hers. The second thing he notices is her beaming, teeth-filled, eye-closing smile.
A year older and two more than Yuuri on the ice gives her a grace he wishes his stubby limbs could have outside the water. She becomes his friend - declares it herself as she helps him rebalance on wobbly blades.
It becomes a day of many firsts.
Two years later his grandmother dies, taken by the foaming waves.
She was the only one in his family that shared his ‘gift’. The one that taught him how to swim, and all the rules about being part merperson. Like how often to shift, or that just because you can eat fish easier when you transform doesn’t mean you should. Like the fact that other kids don’t grow fins when submerged, that Yuuri was different and he shouldn’t despair.
She was the only one who didn’t give him worrying looks when, at the age of three, his tail replaced his legs during bath time. She had smiled, a knowing twinkle in her eye that was filled with equal parts glee.
It takes a month for his parents to coax him back into the water. Not because he fears he too will be swallowed whole by its gaping vastness, but because it is not the same alone. He hates swimming alone.
It takes Yuuko another week to convince him to skate again. (A week and several long rants about how they will never be able to impress Viktor if they don’t practice).
Viktor Nikiforov.
Yuuri fills his room with posters of the man, a star brighter than any he has ever seen. Something to connect with Yuuko over, turns drastically into Yuuri’s own fantasy of sharing the ice with Viktor one day. Of sharing with this beautiful man the closest he can get to water without shifting - something precious.
One day, he tells his parents, one day he’s going to meet Viktor and give him a bouquet of blue roses.
His parents smile those indulgent smiles that always trick kids into believing they trust in the achievement of their wishes. They say, “Of course, Yuuri.”
And when he begs them for a poodle, “Viktor has a poodle!” They indulge him. Allow their child with dreams too big for his fins and stars in his eyes to reach for heights that no one thinks he can grasp. (Or perhaps the ‘no one’ is just Yuuri). Watch as he practices relentlessly each day, feet bleeding, body bruised and legs aching from lack of shift. Look on, and smile, and support, and tell Yuuri that they believe he can achieve whatever he puts his mind to. That everyone gets stage fright. That his anxiety will wane with more time in front of a crowd.
Those smiles change when he starts to win competitions - pride, now, and a sense of not-understanding. They support him. Celebrate each victory and do not question as he brings home more and more posters of a silver-haired skater with ocean blue eyes.
When Yuuko finds out the truth she is angrier than his parents.
It was been an accident, really. Even if he does, at times, contemplate telling her everything he knows that he shouldn’t. He is different, other people don’t grow fins when they enter water, and although he shouldn’t despair that doesn’t mean he plans to tell anyone of this difference either. Both because he heeds his grandmother’s old warnings and because he is scared of what they might do. What they might say. How they might react. (That Yuuko won’t want to be friends anymore).
She did. Want to be friend that is. Despite Yuuri’s fears and tear streaked face as he rushes home after finally, finally, drying off enough to regain his legs. Despite the fact that he cries to his parents, eleven years old, that he just lost his best friend all because of this stupid ‘gift’. Despite the fact that he skips practice for three days.
Despite the fact that she feels like she has been betrayed.
“How could you not tell me?” Yuuko huffs, face set in a pout, arms propped on her hips.
Yuuri blinks up at her, Vicchan’s fur clutched in his fist for support as his still-best-friend stands outside his house and rants about how cool it was to have a mermaid - “or would it be merman, merboy?” - as a best friend. That Yuuri will have to bring her all the prettiest shells and that he will have to swim them to Russia to meet Viktor. And can she see his tail again?
Minako doesn’t find out so much as his parents decide to tell her - twelve years old and only a few months since ‘The Yuuko Incident’ as the adults call it. They don’t need someone else discovering it by accident.
What if someone besides Minami sees?
What if Yuuri starts to be careless?
What if the authorities get involved?
What if-
Yuuri sits next to his sister. His normal, finless, shiftless sister who can go swimming with everyone else. Who doesn’t have to worry about gills and glasses and legs that ache if he doesn’t go in the water for too long.
Sits in the dining area of their home and listens to his parents as they talk in hushed voices from the kitchen. They discuss his future and how worried they are, how someone might ‘find out’ and that he could be taken away. That it is dangerous for him to live so close to the ocean. That Hatetsu is a small town and someone was bound to notice.
He hates his ‘gift’ sometimes.
He leaves his little town by the ocean for America, college, and training under a new coach. It terrifies him. He knows no one, the area is foreign to him in a way he hasn’t experienced when living in a small town. Even when they traveled for competitions it had always been with Yuuko or Minako by his side. Neither of them are with him now, and stepping off the plane into this new world sets his anxiety to a level he can barely handle. But he is determined, because it had taken a year of coaxing to convince his parents it is the right move.
There are no oceans close enough to Detroit that he parents have need to worry - one of the main selling points for his transition here. But the great lakes surround him and even if they are colder than what he is used to it affords him everything he needs in life.
And the next push to become a good enough skater to meet Viktor.
Meeting Phichit changes more than just his skating schedule or rooming situation. His fellow skater helps push Yuuri to try more daring jumps, to dare to dream even bigger - to aim for the stars when he has never been able to reach much higher than the sea.
Their friendship is, in Yuuri’s opinion, one for the books. They enable each other and indulge in more jokes than Celestino permits during practices but they have fun. They excel.
They become so close that Yuuri can hardly imagine a time when Phichit wasn’t in his life - doesn’t want to because it seems terribly lonely, even with Yuuko and Takeshi and Vicchan. They have become so inseparable that Yuuri can’t even pinpoint the time when he found out, just that he did and that from then on out Phichit had joined him in skipping a class every two weeks to rent a boat and take it out onto the lake.
Phichit is also the first person beside Yuuko that Yuuri decides to tell about his dream of skating on the same ice as Viktor. Yuuri doesn’t know what he is expecting, but it isn’t the enthusiastic cheer and suddenly serious consideration of clocking more hours at the rink behind Celestino’s back.
It takes a weight off of his chest.
Five years tick by faster than he wants.  The anxiety never goes away, the panic right before getting onto the ice still fresh every single time.
Five years and he has finally made it to the GPF.
Five years and suddenly he is sitting in a stall with tear-streaked cheeks, twenty-four years old, and crying to his parents about how sorry he is to have disappointed them. To have messed up. To have missed Vicchan’s death.
To have failed so miserably in front of Viktor. To know and finally be forced to realize that his dreams really are too big for him and that fish are better left to swimming that trying to jump for the stars.
The sudden and forceful smashing of his stall door brings him up short, and with no small amount of trepidation - what if it’s Viktor, what if he has come to tell Yuuri how disappointed he is? - he slides out of the stall.
“Sorry,” he is able to force out, voice small as he tries to seem less panicked than he actually is facing off Yuri Plisetsky. They call him the “Russian Punk” and with his already frayed mentality Yuuri is less than inclined to be running into him.
“Oi,” the younger boy starts out with, and with the look in his eyes Yuuri irrationally thinks that he has been discovered. That his parents will face not only disappointment in competition but another case of ‘The Yuuko Incident’. “I’m competing in the senior division next year,” is what comes instead, “we don’t need two Yuri’s in the same bracket.”
Oh, is all that comes to mind, because he had been thinking of-
“Incompetents like you should just retire already.” And suddenly the punk is right in his face screaming an insult and walking away faster than Yuuri can really process. Cutting short his thoughts and making him feel more and more justified in his decision. There are plenty of talented skaters, what use is having an older washed out dreamer on the rink?
Even with the encouragements of a reporter he can’t see reason to continue.
Especially when Viktor asks if he wants a commemorative photo. Especially as his heart sinks so low that he can’t even feel if it’s beating anymore.
Plisetsky was right. He really is a moron.
An idiot to think that Viktor would recognize him.
He waits out the rest of his semester, attending class and focusing on his grades. Attending practices to create a new routine becomes an afterthought - what use is it to train if he doesn’t intend to compete? He takes that time to study, and those weekends normally spent with Phichit in the rink see him in the lakes.
He gains weight. It has always been easy for him to do - when he was younger he had chalked it up to the waters being cold and the fat acting as a layer of insulation. But thin or not the chill has never bothered him and his mother suffers from a similar dilemma.
By the time he returns home he is more than ready to sink back into the anonymity of a small town and spend a week doing nothing but swimming. Perhaps he’ll even visit his grandmother’s grave.
He does not expect Minako-sensei to be there, waiting for him at the train station - nor does he expect her to be so excited in the face of his failure. His mother’s good mood at his arrival doesn’t do anything to lift his spirits - she is happy for his return but cannot seem to understand what it has cost him. (He can’t begrudge either of them, though).
Seeing Yuuko again after five years settles a strange weight in his chest, he would like to call it nostalgic but he would be wrong. She watches his ragtag performance of Viktor’s skate with shining eyes - like he could be more than he is. And when it is over she is more than happy to push her triplets onto her husband in order to join him by the beach. A private section that they always trekked to when Yuuri wanted to swim without anyone but her knowing - not even his parents have been told of this particular tradition. They sit there talking. Yuuri’s tail, a pretty mixture of darker blues and greys with hints of black along the edges of his fins, in the water enough that he stays shifted.
When they were younger Yuuko would always trace out small patterns like other children would give shapes to clouds.
She doesn’t this time, too busy chatting away about all that has changed since he left. And although she doesn’t sound hurt anymore, Yuuri knows that his disappearance has taken its toll of his best friend.
That night he falls asleep, legs no longer aching and a strange tightness in his chest. (Trying to force yourself to fall out of love is the hardest thing he has ever done - even if it is with skating and what it represents. Perhaps he’ll be able to convince his heart that simply teaching classes will be enough. Even if what he really wants is to, someday, skate once more with Viktor).
When he wakes the next morning it’s to a buzzing phone. He had ignored the notifications the night before - too busy catching up with Yuuko and too exhausted after to care for what they said.
“Hello,” he says, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“I-I’m sorry Yuuri,” Takeshi says over the line. “My kids uploaded the video, and it went viral! Everyone is freaking out, and it’s been retweeted all over the world!”
It seems the universe just won’t catch him a break.
He leaves his parents a note, quickly written and Yuuri isn’t even sure it makes sense. But he’s out the door before he can really think about that, racing down the steps and skidding through town with his hood drawn up over his head. Before he knows it he’s stripped to his underwear and stuffed the clothes he hastily threw on into his pack.
His and Yuuko’s escape still has the same tree with a wide enough opening to hide his belongings for at least three days. Any longer and his family will start to worry, even with the note.
The water bites against his skin right up until his body catches up with his shift and all he can feel is the need to go deeper, go further, not stop swimming until his life is left far behind.
Sometimes he doesn’t hate his ‘gift’.
He spends four days in the water, letting the ocean wash away each budding feeling until he is more fatigued from his emotions than the actual act of swimming itself. Yuuko is waiting for him when he surfaces, eyebrows raised and foot tapping against the sand - her sharp expression makes it clear that his note was not enough. She helps him beach himself and towels his hair as he tries to dry his tail enough to shift back.
It’s not painful exactly, but not comfortable either.
Yuuri thinks that Yuuko not telling him is her way of revenge. Because as he walks up to the house a poodle too big to be Vicchan but so very similar tackles him to the ground. Yuuko laughs. The dog barks. And Yuuri’s brain tries to comprehend what is going on.
With a little struggle he manages to get up and open the door enough to see his father caring a tray of tea and small snacks past, “I’m home,” he calls out because what else can he say?
“Oh, Yuuri, you’re back!” His father pauses, “And I see you’ve met one of our new guests. Looks just like Vicchan doesn’t he? A good-looking foreigner brought him, nice fellow.”
His father is still talking, but everything has become static - and the next thing he knows is that Viktor Nikiforov is walking by in nothing but a green robe.
“V-Viktor?!” He exclaims, unable to hide his shock, because this is the same man that asked for a commemorative photo. The same man that Yuuri has been chasing after since he can remember. This is the same man that had choreographed the program Yuuko’s daughters had made into a viral video. “What are you doing here?”
“Yuuri!” The accent is thick, even more so than at the GPF, “Starting today, I’m your coach. I’ll make you win the Grand Prix Final.”
Yuuri’s life changes in that second, the one that comes right after Viktor winks. (Winks. At him). And all those emotions he had been able to wash away with his four day swim come swelling back up even worse than before. Confusion leads, right before disbelief and then panic so thick it clogs his throat.
He takes a step back, eyes wide and more than ready to run back to the water. Yuuko, his devilish best friend, places a hand on his back and shoves - more than willing to take advantage of his tired state and the way his legs feel sluggish.
He stumbles into his home, jolted from his shock just enough to get out a rough, “What?”
The end of the day comes and Viktor is sleeping on their floor with Makkachin. A sight so surreal that Yuuri doesn’t even bother to pay attention to Minako-sensei has she rushes into the house, rambling about rumors.
“Yuuri!” Minako practically yells into his ear, “Why is Viktor sleeping in one of the inn’s robes?!”
“He soaked in the hot spring, had dinner, and then he fell asleep…” he tells his old teacher plaintively.
Minako rants again, explaining off rumors and things she had read up on and things that Yuuri already knows.
Knows but definitely does not believe.
Because there must be some mistake, this must be some prank. Viktor would never decide to leave skating just to coach a washed out skater from Japan that fumbled his way through a program. It’s simply not possible.
“They’re also saying that when he saw the video of you skating his routine it inspired him to become your coach!”
That’s new, “Huh?”
“He chose you,” she tells him, bulldozing on like she doesn’t notice his disbelief. “You brought him here!”
His heart flips in his chest, unable to keep from hoping even has his rational mind tells him not to. A mistake. It’s all just an elaborate mistake, he tells himself, nothing more.
Viktor wakes with a sneeze, distracting Yuuri from his thoughts with claims of hunger, “As your coach, I’d like to know what your favorite food is, Yuuri.”
A pig is what Viktor calls him. Yuuri has heard a hundred and one different insults, pigs often included - he has moved on from letting them affect him. There are much worse things that people can call him, after all.
But hearing Viktor say is makes a knife pierce right through him, gutting him like a fish. It hurts. Hurts in a way that not even losing the GPF so badly had. Not even having Yuri Plisetsky tell him to retire can compare to the sheer embarrassment.
The embarrassment only worsens when the man seems to flirt with him. And Yuuri says seems to because clearly it’s just Viktor’s personality and he shouldn’t take the advances seriously - why would the man want anything to do with him anyway? What right does Yuuri have to think of him in any other way than his coach, than an idol?
But it makes him nervous, makes him scared to be close, and so he flinches. Flails. Runs. Dodges questions and heads to his room because Yuuko will kill him if he tries to go for another swim.
(He’s happy, even if the embarrassment and hurt still linger under the surface, even if the unsure nature of the situation makes him sure it’s all just a dream. He’s happy, because Viktor is here and even if he realizes how hopeless coaching Yuuri is and leaves at least Yuuri had him for a small while. And Yuuri will be damned if he doesn’t use that time to try and convince Viktor to stay).
The second time he meets Yuri Plisetsky it’s when he about to tell Viktor that he’s fit enough to skate. Yuri kicks him, harshly, in the back - sending him sprawling onto the floor with new reporters just outside the rink.
“It’s all your fault. Apologize,” the blond tells him, aura threatening and a look in his eyes that spells danger even if he is only fifteen. “He promised me that he’d choreograph a program for me.”
This is how he learns the Yuri is completely underestimating him, entirely self-assured in the fact that he won gold in his division the year before. This also is how he learns that Viktor can’t keep a promise - whether forgetful or just uncaring he can’t really tell.
A competition comes out of it though. One that pits him against the newly dubbed Yurio in order to win Viktor’s favor. He’s nervous despite himself.
He’s nervous that he won’t be enough to keep Viktor here. Yuri has more potential, more confidence, more comfort with Viktor and more history as a fellow Russian skater. There is little reason for Viktor to stay and coach him instead when there is more support for leaving.
But that doesn’t mean he’s about to take losing Viktor sitting down - he spends most of the night at the ice rink, going through figures and getting the feel of the ice once more.
Eros. Eros. How is he supposed to do eros? He has no skill in seducing people, is not appealing in such a way. Why would Viktor think this is a good idea?
But he tries; works hard with Minako and Takeshi and Yuuko. Goes to every practice and listens to every bit of advice handed to him. He is not about to let Yuri take away his only chance to truly skate with Viktor, even if it is just in practice. He’s not about to let himself lose. Not again.
It’s more embarrassing them he lets on to announce that his eros is katsudon of all things. Embarrassing to watch Viktor’s face, embarrassing to see the laughter and disbelief in Yurio’s. So he runs, runs until his lungs ache and then runs some more, runs until his legs take him to the side of the ocean and he all but dives into the water.
All the same he goes to practice the next day.
“No,” is the first word out of his mouth when he sees what Viktor wants him to do. The first time he has said it to the man since this competition has started. The first time he has refused to do something for their training.
“What?” Yurio says it first, “Already giving up, pig?”
And as Yuuri stares at the waterfall all he can think is that there are sadly more important things than trying to one up Yurio even if it is to gain Viktor’s favor. There are things that have been pounded into him for years - since he was three. The one thing his parents were truly strict on.
No one must know.
And although that rule has been broken with Yuuko, and with Phichit, that was after years of knowing them. He has barely known these two for a week.
He shakes his head, “I’m not giving up. But I’m not getting in the water.” With that he doesn’t even bother to explain. Because the consequences of saying no are not nearly as dire as those should his secret be revealed. A secret he has not given much thought to since Viktor has arrived - distracted as he has been losing weight, distracted as he has been trying to win Viktor’s favor and attention. So he turns, slips past the two shocked Russians and breaks into a sprint once he is sure he is out of sight even as he hears Viktor call out his name.
Because he hasn’t given much thought to Viktor finding out, but now that he is thinking about it he can’t stop. What if Viktor thinks he’s a freak? What if Viktor laughs? What if Viktor refuses to coach him anymore? What if it makes Viktor leave for Russia?
Each question makes his chest tighten. He stops a passing car and asks for a lift back to the onsen. By the time he gets home he is more than ready to hide in his room for the rest of the night. But he doesn’t get more than ten minutes of quiet before there is a knock.
With a sigh he opens the door only to go wide-eyed at the sight of Viktor standing there, frown on his face and arms crossed.
“Yuuri,” the Russian accent comes across thicker when he’s frustrated Yuuri notes. “What was that?”
“I don’t do well in water,” Yuuri says curtly, because there are many things he will let Viktor convince him to do. Skate to eros, go through a competition against Yurio, not eat katsudon. But this is something that Yuuri will stay firm on, even as his comment earns him a surprised look.
“You’re scared of water?” And an assumption makes way for the perfect out, even if it’s not true. Even if it may come back to hurt him later on.
He wins. He wins. Viktor is staying. Viktor is going to be his coach. His heart can barely keep up with the amount of happiness that is flooding through his veins. Sudden and desperate and so very intoxicating that he can hardly understand.
Viktor is staying. Alone. With Yuuri. Which means…
Which means he’s going to be spending more and more time with Yuuri.
He spends the next week hiding, more fearful of Viktor seeing his faults than anything else. (His secret kept well within that list). Just because he won Viktor over in that competition doesn’t mean that Viktor will want to stay once he gets to actually know Yuuri. Really gets to know Yuuri.
A week of avoidance and a heart to heart by the cherry blossom tree brings them closer than Yuuri could have ever imagined.
But that closeness means they are practically inseparable. They eat together, sleep in rooms right next to each other, practice together, go to and from the rink together, and travel together from the preliminary competition. Yuuri barely has time to breathe. And with Viktor thinking he is afraid of water now it means the most Yuuri can do is take a shower - not nearly enough to shift, he needs to be at least half submerged.
And it goes like that, day in and out. Two weeks turn to three and then four and soon a month and a half has passed without a shift and Yuuri’s legs ache. Practice becomes difficult around the fifth week, but he refuses to let it show.
It’s the sixth week that has his legs shaking, and with more determination than ever he hits the ice, Yuuko nearby to watch as she does from time to time. It’s a simple jump, he can pull it off without a thought normally. But now is not normally and now his legs are weaker than ever. He hits the ice hard. Harder than most falls but before he even hears his name be called he knows he’s not significantly hurt. Bruised? Most likely. Broken? Not even close.
Viktor reaches him first, “Yuuri?”
The concern hits him first. A gloved hand on his shoulder, another comes - smaller, Yuuko - to rest against his arm.
“Yuuri, are you okay?”
He gives a huff, aiming for frustration rather than pain, “I’m fine.”
“Your take off was perfect, you were tight with you spins and-“
“Yuuri,” Yuuko cuts into Viktor’s ranting. Her eyes are sharp. Sharp in the way that means Yuuri is in trouble and that he will be getting a talking to. He gulps but nods nonetheless.
“I’m fine, Viktor,” he turns to his coach - friend - and offers a smile as he forces his aching legs to move. “I can finish practice.”
“Yuuri, that fall-“
“Wasn’t that bad,” he insists but by the way Viktor’s blue eyes harden he can tell it was the wrong thing to say.
“As your coach I am ordering you off the rink for the rest of the day.” His jaw is set, hands on his hips and skates planted.
“No, Yuuri,” Yuuko taps her finger against his arm once. “You need to rest. You’ve been pushing yourself too hard.”
He meets her at their little section of beach, face sheepish and trying not to show how hard even walking is starting to become. She sees right through him.
“In the water, now.”
He obeys easily, all too eager to stop the pain and feel the cool lapping of the ocean once more. It’s his fastest shift yet, painful for the first time in what feels like forever.
“Kami, Yuuri, how long has it been?” Yuuko asks from her perch on the sand as he slides himself onto the beach enough to talk.
Thinking back he really should have seen this coming. “A month,” he says tentatively, because he knows that he should be in the water every two weeks, “probably more. But I’ve been busy! I need to train and Viktor-“
“You should tell him.”
“What?!” He feels his heart stop in his chest, not prepared for such a declaration.
“Viktor doesn’t seem like the type to go and tell everyone,” Yuuko continues as if she hasn’t just shattered his world. “Mari-nee-chan agrees, too.”
“You talked to my sister,” he wheezes out.
“And with how much time you two spend together it’s bound to come out at some point,” Yuuko taps her chin as if she is thinking all of this up on the spot. “The longer you wait the more he’ll feel betrayed.”
“No ‘but’s,” she tells him with a wave of her hand. “Besides, if you don’t this could happen again.”
“Yu-chan,” he tries, because this isn’t about Viktor telling someone else. “It’s just…” he tries to find the words, the ones that will explain perfectly why he is so reluctant. Because he has considered it. Considered telling Viktor everything and dismissed it for fear of abandonment. He isn’t sure he can say that outload… but… But this is Yuuko. Yuuko who he can tell everything. “Don’t you think this is all a bit too much?”
“Too much?” Yuuko’s gaze goes soft with understanding. “Yuuri, this is the man that didn’t run after you said katsudon was your eros.”
He feels a blush run across his face, heavy and entirely not because of how cold the water is. “Who…”
“Mari, Minako and I have weekly get-togethers,” Yuuko says cheerfully.
“I take it you and Yuuko talked.” He jumps at the voice, sputtering as his sister comes out from the shadows she was lurking in. “Is that why you’re loitering out here?”
“I’m not loitering,” he denies it, head shaking and arms flailing. It had only been ten minutes, really.
His sister hums, eyes shrewd. “I’ll support whatever you decide,” she places a cigarette between her lips. “Now get inside, fish-boy.”
He glances at her one more time, not in the least offended by her nickname. He shakes his head as he finally slides open the door nerves flaring bright and hot under his skin. What greets him is the sight of his mother and Viktor sitting together, Makkachin to the side seemingly content to just bask in his mother’s attention.
It makes him smile despite his anxiety. Despite the fact he is about to tell someone his deepest secret. Despite the fact that this is Viktor. Viktor who smiles and laughs and spends his time with Yuuri despite all his flaws. Viktor who Yuuri has idolized and chased since the first time he saw the man skate. Viktor who stole Yuuri’s heart with his skating and is doing it again with his everything.
He shuffles out of his shoes, “I’m home.”
“Ah, Yuuri, how’s Yuuko doing?” His mother smiles up at him, not bothering to stop petting the poodle relaxing by her knees.
“She’s doing well,” he gives a shaky smile. He can’t bring himself to look at Viktor, not yet. “Mom, are the hot springs cleared?”
There is shock first, his mom’s eyes wide as they skitter from him to Viktor and back. But understanding fills them all too fast, a smile brighter than Yuuri has seen from her since he came home. “Mari cleared them out a half-hour ago.” Of course his sister did. Yuuko and her have been talking, after all. He nods, perhaps for a few seconds too long because his mother gives him an encouraging look, “I’ll keep Makkachin company while you two talk.”
“Thank you,” he murmurs. “Viktor,” he starts, voice small and questioning, “I- there’s… There’s something I need to tell you.”
Viktor’s ocean blue eyes are filled with more confusion than anything else, but curiosity and trust lay there too. With little fuss his coach - friend, more? - follows as Yuuri tracks his way to the largest hot spring they have.
“Yuuri, aren’t you scared of water?” Viktor asks him as Yuuri pulls his clothes off with shaking hands and butterflies twisting a monsoon in his stomach.
“Not really,” he gives a small smile, wrapping a towel around himself as he opens the door, the cool air thick with warming steam. He pauses, staring down at the water - he’s come this far, he isn’t going to back down. (But that doesn’t mean he can’t take a few moment to catch his breath).
“Yuuri?” Viktor calls out from behind him.
“Just…” he takes the first step in, “don’t freak out, okay?”
The next few steps are easier to take. He closes his eyes as he sinks lower into the water, closes his eyes and feels the shift take place. Knows what Viktor is seeing, and knows that the steam can’t hide it. Knows by the not-so-quiet gasp.
“You’re…” there is shock there, disbelief in his voice, and Yuuri isn’t sure if he wants to open his eyes but if he doesn’t then he will never know. He thinks that’s even harder than rejection.
Viktor’s face in that moment is something he wouldn’t trade for the world. In fact, he would trade the world to never forget it. Amazement, mixed so nicely with wonder and an emotion slithering in blue depths that Yuuri can’t quiet place. There is a smile, even as his mouth hangs open in surprise. His gaze wracking over Yuuri’s figure.
Yuuri moves closer to the edge that Viktor stands by, unsure how to continue from here. So he says nothing, waiting for Viktor to do something, anything.
“You’re part fish,” finally comes, soft but loud in the silence.
“Only if half of me is submerged in water,” he explains, trying to gauge Viktor’s next move - the man has always surprised him, though, and this time is no different.
“Yuuri, this is incredible!” He has never seen anyone strip so fast, but the next thing he knows the man is sliding in next to him, sea blue gaze shining like the stars. “Can I?” Viktor asks, hands hovering over Yuuri’s tail.
He nods, because he has never really been opposed to people touching his tail, “It might be-“
“Slimmy,” Viktor exclaims, excitement so thick in his tone. “So this is why you didn’t want to go under the waterfall.”
Yuuri’s tail twitches, “I’d only known you for a week.”
Viktor hums still massaging his fingers over blue and grey scales; Yuuri takes that as understanding for his reasoning.
“It’s also why I fell earlier,” he tells him. “My legs hurt if I don’t go in the water for too long.”
This time the hands do pause, and Yuuri looks up from the water to meet Viktor’s piercing gaze, “Why did you…”
“Wait so long?” Yuuri finishes with a half shrug, “We were always together, and I was too tired by the time we separated to do anything but sleep. Before I knew it I had lost track of time.”
“I’m disappointed,” the two words come and shatter the little window of happiness that Yuuri could just about touch.
“I- what?”
“You should know better than to ignore your health!” Viktor berates him, but his hand hasn’t left Yuuri’s tail and from the looks of it Viktor isn’t so much disappointed as angry that Yuuri would abuse his body so harshly. An athlete should do everything to keep healthy, after all, their very livelihood depends on it. And with career lengths so short for figure skaters there is not much else that takes such priority. “How often do you need to…” Viktor makes a gesture with his free hand, encompassing Yuuri’s whole figure.
Yuuri cracks a small smile, “About two weeks.”
“Then we’ll set up a schedule,” Viktor announces. “We can’t have you falling like that again. You could get seriously hurt! Then what? You won’t be able to win the GPF with a broken bone.”
“Hai,” he smiles up at his ranting coach - friend, more? - and lets the pounding in his heart spread happiness throughout his veins. Maybe jumping for the stars is possible after all. Maybe his dreams were never too big for his fins and maybe they didn’t come in quite the way he thought, but they came true. Because Viktor didn’t laugh. Didn’t leave. Didn’t call him a freak.
Viktor accepted Yuuri.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
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