#my mom asked me if I was gonna turn into a wolf tonight & Honestly
fanficimagery · 4 years
‘Cause We’re Gonna Be Legends; pt. 1
Summary: Imagine wandering the Boardwalk with your friends. A group of boys catch their attention and while your friends are doing everything to catch their attention in return, they are apparently more interested in the oblivious girl of the bunch who doesn't care to bat her eyelashes at them. You. [Part One]
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GIF courtesy of @daebom + Original GIF Post
Words: 6.5K Warnings: I have no idea what this is. I wanted just a quick little scene where the boys are taking care of a sick S/O and it turned into this. Fml. Sorry for their OOC-ness.
With summer officially here, your girl friends are more than ready to prowl the boardwalk in their skimpiest of outfits. Out of the five of you, you were the only one who preferred to actually be covered up. You didn't care to flash any skin if you weren't soaking up the rays on the beach and your friends didn't care to attempt any makeover since it was less competition for them.
And really, there was no competition at all. You were a little on the short side whereas your friends were all long-legged, thin beauties. You honestly wouldn't be surprised if a couple of them ended up in a magazine, that's how pretty they were. But you were comfortable in your own skin and didn't mind the attention being on them. In fact, you preferred to be in the background and watch your friends do whatever it is they pleased. You were content to witness and laugh at their antics, and then be grateful you were the only one without regrets or a killer hangover the following day.
You were the only one out of your friend group to live alone, so it was really no surprise your house became ground zero for getting ready for a night out. And after making sure the girls had picked up after themselves, we're not animals, ladies!, you piled into one car and sped off.
"So what's the plan?" Emily asks, already twirling a piece of her blonde hair around a finger as she eyes a couple of tourists walking by. She winks when they give her a double take. "If we're scoping out some boys, I can't mess up my hair on any of the rides."
Rolling your eyes, you let the girls pass you up and then walk behind them as they figure out what the night is going to entail. Booth after booth, each working individual calls out in order to grab your group's attention in order to play their game or buy their merchandise.
"Hold it." Ruby practically flings her arms out at her sides, stalling Jessica and Becca. "The boys are all alone and ripe for the picking."
Mentally chuckling, you let your girls ogle them from afar and then quickly fix themselves up. The boys in question are four bikers that basically run the boardwalk. David, Dwayne, Marko, and Paul. Ever since your girls had realized what babes the rebels actually were, they'd made it their mission to nab each one for a night of fun. But for as long as you've seen them prowling the boardwalk, not once had you caught them all alone. Not until tonight.
Ruby, all dark hair and red painted lips, takes the lead in all her sultry glory. Emily and Jessica follow, their heels clicking against the wooden boardwalk as they giggle back and forth to each other, and Becca- coy, innocent looking Becca- brings up the rear. For some reason, Becca was the one who had the highest chance of bringing in their targets.
You stay several feet behind them, chuckling when Becca glances over her shoulder and wrinkles her nose cutely at the one you've come to know as Marko. When he elbows Paul and Paul wolf whistles, you know the girls have them hook, line, and sinker. "Every time," you mumble, shaking your head in amusement.
As you're passing up the boys, something makes you look in their direction. Paul and Marko are calling out rather suggestive comments to your friends, but David and Dwayne are both staring at you. Your small smile briefly falters at the intensity of their stares, but you're quick to shake off the odd feeling you were suddenly overwhelmed with. Instead, you timidly nod in greeting before quickly looking forward once more to catch up to your girls.
"Oh my god. Do you hear them?!" Jessica gushes, her red hair framing her face in waves. "Tonight's the night, girls. I can feel it."
"Keys," you immediately say, holding a hand out. "You girls do you, but I am not letting you assholes abandon me if you get lucky." Emily smirks, readily handing over the keys. "And if you strike out, I'll be heading back towards the car around midnight. Wait around for me or catch a ride home. If I get to the car and no one is there, I'll sit around for thirty minutes before calling it a night and then you're shit out of luck. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, mom," all four of your friends muse.
"Good. Now go have fun," you say, shooing them away. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
"But you wouldn't do anything," Ruby mockingly pouts. "And we want to do everything."
"Of course you do," you sigh. "You girls are my favorite sluts after all. Now go before I decide to lecture you instead."
All four girls cackle before taking a path back towards the way they came, intent on catching the boys' attention once more in hopes of drawing them in. You shake your head at them as they disappear and set off to hit up a few particular booths. You've got some spending cash on you and you plan to buy yourself a few things you'd been eyeing for almost a month now.
Wandering the boardwalk, you dodge some rambunctious teens and slide past the more unsavory individuals of Santa Carla. You manage to find some of the t-shirts you'd been wanting and even a few patches to add to your bag back home. Then after snagging yourself a Cola, you walk over to a table and take a seat to do some people watching. You waste some time doing just that, smiling hesitantly when you accidentally catch a gaze or three.
You haven't seen your friends or the boys, so you figure they actually did get lucky. But it was still a little too early for your liking, so you bought tickets for some of the rides. You got on the Ferris Wheel, riding solo and enjoying the peace of the night. On the Tilt-O-Whirl you partnered up with a little girl who'd been nervous to ride alone and her mother had been grateful for it. In fact she had been so grateful that she asked if you were with someone because her little girl wanted to get on the roller coaster, but didn't want to do so alone. And since you weren't busy at all, you made the kid's night by making sure she didn't have to ride alone after jogging real quick back to the car to drop off your purchases.
By the time the mother/daughter duo were done for the night, you wanted one last ride on the carousel before calling it a night for yourself. So after ripping off the exact amount of tickets you'd need for two rides on the carousel, you then handed the rest to a couple of teens who were still having the time of their lives.
You told the carousel operator you'd be going around twice and since you've done this numerous times he nodded to let you know he understood. And though you really want to sit atop of one of the horses, you're alone and don't want to look like a complete idiot. So choosing one of the sleigh seats, you sit with your back against the arm rest and stretch your legs out across the seat so no one dares sit with you.
The carousel music starts before the ride starts to slowly spin and you settle in. You don't know what it is about this particular ride, but it's soothing to you and you tiredly smile at everyone around you who are giggling and enjoying themselves. The ride spins for a couple of minutes before slowing to a complete stop and letting off the riders in order to make room for the next batch. But you remain seated, one arm draped along the backrest of the seat and the other along the arm rest as you twist your upper torso just so. You let your head fall back, eyes closing for a few seconds as the carousel rocks from the people jumping on and off.
Suddenly your legs are being lifted and then dropped into what obviously feels like someone's lap, and you lift your head quickly, ready to tell someone off. But your anger quickly fades into shock at the sight of a familiar blonde who is now laughing at your gaping expression. Paul. Someone looms over you just to your left, behind the sleight seat, and you barely manage to suppress a squeak at the stoic looking Dwayne. His dark eyes sparkle, but his expression remains neutral. Marko is behind Paul, draped over a horse as he smirks and wiggles his fingers in a childish wave.
"Wha-" Fingers caress your right cheek from behind, sliding towards your ear to tuck some loose hair behind there. You flinch and then glance over your shoulder. David's blue eyes are intense as he stares down at you, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Um. Hi?" You wonder, rubbing at your cheek with your shoulder. You move to take your legs out of Paul's lap, but he lays an arm over your thighs to keep you in place. He grins and you sigh. "What do you want?"
"Can't a couple of guys be friendly, chica?"
"Sure, but you guys aren't known for exactly being friendly. Are you, Paul?"
Marko ooh's as Paul's grin widens, but it's the voice above you that sends a shiver down your spine. "Well now you have us at unfair advantage, sweetheart. You seem to know us, but we have no idea who you are."
The carousel music starts and the ride starts to spin again. You tilt your head backwards so you're staring at David upside down. "Because that's the way I prefer it." His expression briefly falters and you slowly grin at him. "But since you've now been acquainted with my girls, I'm assuming it's only a matter of time before they drag you to my house or try to get us all to hang out. So in that case, I'm Y/N."
"Your girls, huh?" David drawls. "Then why weren't you with them when they attempted to get us alone under the boardwalk?"
You snort. Of course they'd jump straight to sexing them up.
"Yeah, girl, why not? You'd have probably made for better company."
Your eyes subtly widen as you then quickly give Paul your attention. "Better company? You've got to be joking. They're the definition of everyone's type!"
"And what about you?"
You briefly falter. "What about me? I'm just- I'm the mom friend." You shrug. "But instead of making sure they're behaving, I send my little horndogs off to have fun and make sure they have a ride home at the end of the night if they need it."
"Now that doesn't seem fair at all." The back of David's knuckles runs along your cheek and you move out of reach. The other two blondes chuckle. "Your friends were great and all, but they lacked a little.. something."
Dwayne huffs. "Yeah. A brain."
"Hey!" You frown up at the brunette, fighting off a smile because as much as you loved your friends you knew they were a little sidetracked when sex was on the brain. Your shoulders slump and you sigh. "At least tell me you let them down easy? They've been trying to get you all in the sack for weeks."
Paul smirks. "We know."
The carousel comes to a stop and as you move to get up, the boys don't let you go far. David smirks and takes the lead, and Paul immediately slings arm around your shoulders to make you follow him. Marko saunters at your other side and Dwayne is only a step behind you.
"That dark haired one was a bit mean," Marko suddenly says. "Ruby I think her name was?"
"Yeah." You grimace. "Ruby and Becca are the dark haired ones, but Becca does just fine with rejection. She'll laugh it off and still consider you a friend. You guys are lucky Ruby and Jessica weren't drunk. They're mean when they don't get what they want."
Paul laughs and squeezes you closer to his side. "Dwayne and David held their own just fine. And besides, your girls found another group to entertain themselves with."
"Oh good. At least now I don't have to hear them complain about not being di-" You pause, staring at the motorcycles they've led you to. "Leaving so soon? I figured you boys were the type to stay up all night."
David smirks as he straddles his bike. "We are."
"What do you say, chica? Wanna go for a ride?" Paul jostles you before letting you go, only to hop on his own bike. Dwayne and Marko are much calmer as they straddle theirs, though Marko joins Paul in practically bouncing in his seat.
You gulp and slowly inch backward. "Uh, raincheck? I was actually about to head home after riding the carousel."
"Boo. Live a little," Paul says. "Have some of that spirit you were friends were showing us earlier."
Your smile dims just a little at being compared to them, but you quickly squash the feeling. "Sorry, bub. If you wanted a good time, you were better off with the girls." You take a few steps backward, shrugging. "I'll see you around. My bed's calling my name."
Paul and Marko do their best to keep you with them just a little bit longer, but Dwayne and David watch you go with carefully guarded expressions.
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Ever since you were introduced to the boys, it seemed like they were suddenly everywhere at the boardwalk. The girls didn't take their rejection personally, so it was only a matter of time before they realized that at least one of them had caught and held the boys' attention.
The girls left you alone to pursue a hopeful one night stand? The boys would find you and make sure you had a fun night yourself.
You trailed after your friends who were clutching onto someone's arm as they were won prize after prize? Marko would show up out of the blue with a prize half your size and a smug smirk when the girls would gape at his sudden appearance and disappearance.
Your friends chose the wrong crowd to hang out with? David, Dwayne, and Marko were immediately there to deal with the situation if you or your girls couldn't handle it yourselves.
Paul would endlessly flirt whenever your group would pass by, but the comments and stares were now directed at you.
Their attention solely on you didn't go unnoticed and your girls couldn't be more ecstatic for you. Normally you'd glare and reject any flirtations with a roll of your eyes, but day by day the boys wore you down to the point you'd laugh and smile at their antics. The girls were under the impression something was going on, but to you the boys were just annoyingly passing the time.
However, you couldn't help but notice how David watched you like a hawk to make sure no one was giving you a hard time. Dwayne would stand as close as possible without touching and didn't particularly like when other boys attempted to catch your attention. Marko liked to drag you onto rides and was always the one to offer dinner, and Paul liked to touch to see exactly where on your body was accessible to him. He was the most handsy of the four and thought it was hilarious when you'd punch him if he touched any spot you were ticklish. Lately though he took to slipping a hand in your back pocket when you least expected it and kissing your cheek when you yelped in surprise before running off.
Your friends were adamant that the boys were seriously into you, but you weren't so sure. They still looked and flirted with various females that crossed their paths, even as you sat there next to them and watched on in amusement.
They were the best looking guys you'd seen in Santa Carla, so surely they couldn't be interested in you like your girls kept saying they were.
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Being sick is a rare occurrence, but being so sick that you're flat out miserable is even rarer. You're normally good at taking care of yourself and getting back into tip-top shape in no time, but the flu is really kicking your ass this time around. It also doesn't help that the AC's working to keep your apartment cool aren't doing that well of a job. Well they are, but your body is doing it's best to sweat the virus out of itself and you're just plain miserable.
With your hair tied up in a loose bun to keep it off the back of your neck, you've been so overly heated that you opted to lounge around in a sports bra and a pair of cotton shorts that you normally just sleep in because they're so small. But here you are, laid up in bed as you watch TV.
There's a knock on your front door and you groan, not wanting to get up and greet anyone. And besides, all your friends knew you were sick so they were staying away. A minute passes and then another, more urgent knock sounds. You groan again, but get up to find out who's disturbing you when all you want is to be left alone.
Stumbling through the hallway and living room, you make it to the front door just as a third knock sounds.
"What?" You grumble after yanking open the door. Four familiar boys stare right back at you, two of those gazes immediately dropping to take in all the skin on display. Dwayne frowns at you, but there's a- dare you say it?- spark of concern in David's expression.
"You weren't on the boardwalk," David says. "Becca told us where we could find you."
You wrinkle your nose at him. "Did she also tell you I was sick and in no shape for visitors?"
"Oh, babe." Paul leers. "You're in the best shape. Is this," he gestures to your body, "what you've been hiding under those band tees and plaid shirts?"
"I hate you," you deadpan. Marko cackles and even Dwayne's lips twitch in amusement. You smile tiredly, but then grimace in pain. "Guys, I'm gross, I'm tired, and I'm miserable. You know exactly where I'm at now, so can I please crawl back into my bed and die in peace? Yes? Okay, bye."
David's hand stops the door from entirely closing on them. You groan and whimper, moments away from just crying with how miserable you feel. The door swings back open and the back of David's hand is immediately on your forehead. Automatically you swat him away, but then realize a moment later that it actually felt good. He was cold.
"When was the last time you took medicine?" David wonders, smirking when you grab his hand and hold it to your cheek next.
You hum as you sigh in relief. "Medicine? What's that?" You attempt to joke. When you meet his no-nonsense expression, you frown and reluctantly drop his hand. "I either pay for food and medicine or pay to keep a roof over my head. Guess which one I prioritized."
David glances over his shoulder, and Paul and Marko stare at him before taking off without a word. You frown as you watch them go, but then David and Dwayne are pushing their way into your apartment. "You're running too hot," David tells you. "You need to cool off. Now."
"I know that, dad, but I literally can't stand for too long. You're lucky I'm even still standing right now." Without warning, a now jacket-less Dwayne picks you up with one arm behind your shoulders and the other under your knees. You yelp as your hands settle on his shoulder, but when you realize his body is as cold as David's hand felt, you melt. "Oh. Oh that's nice." Dwayne chuckles and David smirks behind his back, and you lay your head on his shoulder before nuzzling in towards the crook of his neck. "If any of you get sick, it's your fault. You should have left when you had the chance."
"Don't worry about us." Dwayne's voice is low, his chest rumbling as he talks. "We don't get sick."
"Mhm. You say that now." Dwayne lowers you gently onto your bed and you raise an eyebrow at him as he climbs in next to you. You gulp as he then lays down and stretches his arm out, and you take it as an invite to drape your upper half across his chest. He curls one arm beneath his head and the other around your back, and it takes everything in you to not completely wrap yourself around him. "God you feel so good," you mumble as you let your eyes fall shut.
David chuckles. "I don't think any of us have heard that without-"
"Shush!" You feel the bed dip behind you, but are too comfortable to move and look at him. "I just replayed that in my head and realized how it sounded. Don't tell Paul."
Both boys chuckle, but then quiet down after a few seconds. You sigh as your body finally relaxes and you moan quietly when Dwayne starts to run his fingers up and down your spine. He's abnormally cold, but right now you don't give a damn because he feels great against your feverish body.
"You need to take better care of yourself," David says. "You look out for those girls of yours all the time, so the least they could do is return the favor."
"As much as they like to appear independent, they're not," you mumble. "Medicine is expensive and I'm not about to put that on my friends or their parents. I can handle a week of being sick. It's fine."
"Is it?" Dwayne drawls. "You're awfully clingy for a sick person."
"I'm sick, you assholes. Baby me."
They find amusement in your whining and Dwayne squeezes you a little tighter. But David continues to talk. "So all your friends live with their parents, except for you. Why is that?"
"We're estranged," you say. "Lived with my aunt and got a job as soon as I was able to. Then I graduated and moved out with the cash I saved."
"You still talk to this aunt?"
"No. We kept in contact for a few months, but then we each got our own lives. The only people I have are the girls."
"And us," Dwayne rumbles. "You have us."
"You're adorable. Now shush. Watch TV and let me sleep."
David and Dwayne finally go quiet then, but you know they've listened because the TV volume lowers and you can hear the channels changing. They settle on some program and you can finally feel yourself drifting off into a promising sleep.
It's apparently not a deep sleep because semi-loud noises startle you awake once more. When you lift your head to stare around the room, Marko is frozen next to Dwayne as he shows him a couple different boxes of medicine. You blink at him and then stare towards the end of the bed where Paul's eyes are directed to one spot, and one spot only.
"Damn, girl. You should wear these shorts more often." Of course he's staring at your ass. "Are you wearing underwear because if you lift your leg just a little bit higher-"
"Paul!" You snort and then grimace in pain, lowering your head back onto Dwayne's chest. "I have on underwear, okay? You're not gonna get a peek at the goods no matter how hard you stare."
"Bummer." He then holds up a brown paper bag, his gaze meeting yours. "Got some chicken soup and crackers for you. Sit up so you can eat and then take the medicine."
"What?" You're surprised they got you both food and medicine, and slowly move to sit up against the headboard. Dwayne follows, and soon enough you're sitting between both Dwayne and David in your bed. "I was only joking when I said to baby me."
"Yeah? Well too bad," David says. "You need to break your fever. Now eat a little something, shower, and then take the fever reducer."
David seems actually pretty serious about this, so after holding his gaze for a moment too long you give in. You don't mention you actually hate eating in bed and watch on in mild amusement as Dwayne and Marko juggle the now opened soup container and a sleeve of crackers while trying to figure out a way to hand it all to you without spilling anything.
"There's a lap tray under the sink in the kitchen." You take pity on Marko and his shoulders sag in relief. "And can you bring me a glass of water?" Marko does quick work of retrieving what you've asked for and then you're stretching out your legs in front of you as Dwayne sets everything up in your lap for you. You sigh as you take hold of the plastic spoon to scoop up the first mouthful and pray your stomach doesn't revolt while the boys are with you. When you take the first bite and quietly groan at the taste, your gaze darts around to the four boys who are staring at you. "Please do something other than watch me eat. This is weird."
Paul immediately pushes off your dresser to start rummaging through your drawers, Marko busies himself with your bookshelf, David starts channel surfing, and when you glance at Dwayne he has his eyes closed. Paul's a little overexcited and you can't find it in you to reprimand him because you did tell him to do something.
You eat slow, nibbling on a cracker here and there between spoonfuls of chicken broth and noodles. David even steals a cracker or two, but his gaze never leaves the TV so he never sees you grin every time he does it.
"Hey. Sick patch," Marko suddenly muses. "Where'd you get it?" In his hand is the patch depicting a skeleton mid-headbang, his skeletal hand showing the sign of the horns.
"It was a gift," you tell him, smiling fondly. "A while back I ran into a little girl who was scared to get on rides alone, so I rode with her for about an hour. Her mother was really grateful and I ran into them again a couple days later on the boardwalk. They saw my bag, the girl fell in love with all the patches, and she conned her mom into buying me a new one to show her thanks." Marko's interest is suddenly piqued and you can see him subtly glancing around. And given his own love of patches, you guess he's looking for your bag. "My bag's in the closet."
Paul joins Marko at your closet then and you finally lean back against your headboard, done with eating. Dwayne takes the tray off your lap to take into the kitchen, but you keep your glass of water to sip. You smile when Marko finds your bag, commenting on the patchwork and about a few patches he hadn't seen before.
"You feeling strong enough to stand in the shower?"
You look over at David, who's more than at ease lounging in your bed, and shrug. "Only one way to find out." You hand him your glass of water and crawl out through the spot Dwayne had vacated. Standing on shaky legs, you hesitantly walk back and forth, and then grin up at David. "Yeah. I should be fine."
He nods. "Take the medicine now, then after you shower you can relax."
From the corner of your eye you see Paul make a beeline for your dresser. "Oh I know the perfect outfit."
"Out of the underwear drawer, you d-hole!" Dwayne re-enters the room, smacking Paul upside the head and shutting the drawer he had just opened. You smile at him in thanks and then quietly chuckle at the blonde's pout. "If you calm down and stop looking at me like that, you can pick out a fresh set of exactly what I'm wearing. And yes that includes the underwear." He perks up at that and you roll your eyes. "Top drawer for the underwear, second for the sports bra, and the very bottom for pajama shorts." As Paul takes his time choosing the perfect underwear, you glance back at Marko who's caressing a few patches on your bag. You sigh. "Hey, Marko. There's a shoe box at the top of my closet to the right. It's filled with patches. Have fun choosing the five you want." Immediately your bag is dropped and he's reaching for the shelf inside your closet.
"You know you just made their night's, right?" Dwayne asks. When you glance at him, you're surprised to see he had your first dose of medicine ready for you to take.
"I needed to get rid of some patches and I have a feeling Paul would end up in my underwear drawer the second the shower turned on, so.." You take the medicine from him, tossing two pills into your mouth and swallowing them down with a mouthful of water.
Dwayne nods and then lowers his voice. "Is there anywhere in particular you want Paul to stay out of?" You're about to tell him no, but then your eyes unwillingly dart to your bedside drawer. You gulp, your face flames, and you pray your face is already red from fever otherwise Dwayne is going to know exactly what you're hiding. When you meet his amused gaze and small smirk, you quietly groan. He definitely knows. "Got it," he says rather than teasing you about it.
Clothes are then shoved into your hands and Paul winks at you. "Your selection of underwear is phenomenal. I did not expect all that lace."
You don't bother with a reply and head out into the hall as he snickers at your back, taking a left to the bathroom. Once you're hidden behind the closed door, you turn the water on cool in the shower and then allow yourself to just breathe. It's been a while since anyone bothered to actually look after you and now having four boys, who are insanely attractive in their own ways, take up that job is a little mind boggling. But before you can think anymore on it and what their motives could be, if they had any, your back twinges in pain and you start to undress.
You're not sure how long you actually take in the shower, but you know it must've been quite some time in order for Marko to knock on the door and ask if everything was okay. A couple minutes after that you finally exit the shower, slowly dressing and doing your best to towel dry your hair. Giving up, you walk out and make your way back into your bedroom.
The boys have dragged chairs into your room, only one of them now lounging in bed. Paul has shed his jacket and boots, stretched out in your bed with both hands tucked beneath his head and ankles crossed. He wiggles his eyebrows at you and you huff a brief laugh.
"Better?" David asks.
Shrugging, you look towards him. "I don't feel so gross now, but I'm still sleepy."
"Then sleep. We'll wake you in four hours for your next dose of medicine and then leave after that."
You open your mouth to argue, but his deadpan expression lets you know it's pointless to argue. So just going with the flow, you shrug and toss your towel into the corner hamper. Crawling into bed, you tiredly grin at Paul who's likely hoping for you to cuddle up to him like you did to Dwayne. But your hair is damp, so instead you settle next to him. He dramatically gasps, but you sit there to gather your hair in hand before twisting it into an untied bun and then lay down on it so it's not all over the place.
"Well then fine," Paul huffs. "I'll just cuddle you instead."
Already knowing he means it, you lay your arm out in invitation. He's so much larger than you, however, that he opts to lay on his stomach directly next to you. His right arm drapes over your stomach and tucks beneath your waist, and his face nestles in the crook of your neck. You freeze, especially when you can feel hot breath against your skin, and only relax when he seems to be behaving. "This is not how friends cuddle," you mumble, "but you're so cold I don't even care."
David and Dwayne both smirk, and Marko hides his amusement behind a fist as he chews on his thumbnail. "Good." Paul's voice is muffled against your neck. "Because we've been trying for days, weeks if I'm honest, to get you to notice we're trying to be more than just your friends."
"W-What?" You squeak. Your heart immediately starts to pound and you're suddenly self conscious about the way Paul is wrapped around you.
"We were sure you'd have noticed by now or your girls would have said something," Marko says.
"I- I mean they have," you stammer, "but.. what? Why? I'm not- I'm just.."
"You're different," Dwayne says. You blink in surprise at him. "You noticed us, but you didn't throw yourself at us."
"You also weren't intimidated by us, so that was a plus." Marko perks up in his chair. "Have you really not noticed? I mean Paul started groping you and Dwayne glared at that one guy who asked for your number until he walked off."
"Yeah, but that's just Paul. He flirts with anything that has a heartbeat." The three boys chuckle at your still astonished expression and Paul nuzzles your neck with a hum. He doesn't deny it. "And Dwayne.. I kind of guessed he was into me," you frown, "but I convinced myself that his actions were of the protective brother sort."
"Oh he was protective alright. Just not brotherly." Paul's lips and breath so close to your neck makes you shiver, and it doesn't go unnoticed by the others. Paul too if him pulling you ever closer to his body is any indication. The tip of his nose runs along your neck and you find yourself subconsciously tilting your head to the side. "Even sick you smell so good."
Dwayne, David, and Marko all tense, their gazes darting to where Paul's face is hidden. You chuckle nervously, trying to push him away with your head, only to quietly moan when you feel the flat of his tongue sweep across your skin.
"Paul!" David barks.
Startling, you get your wits about you and push Paul away. He looks a little dazed when he glances around and then offers you a sheepish smile. "O-Okay," you shakily say, "out. Your cuddling privileges are over for the night."
"Aw. Come on, babe."
"Nope. I'm too sick for that right now."
Marko laughs as Paul slinks out of the bed and then quickly takes up the vacated spot for himself. He ends up almost in the exact position, only his head lands on your chest and his arm wraps around the tops of your thighs so his hand is tucked beneath your legs. You sigh as his cold skin cools off yours.
Marko lasts exactly eleven minutes before the hand under your thigh shifts upward to your butt and squeezes. You sigh and poke his shoulder. "Out. You're as bad as Paul." He laughs, not even bothering to deny it.
Paul and Marko high five one another, and you frown as you attempt to shift into a more comfortable position. You watch Dwayne with suspicious eyes as he slides into bed once more, but then give him the benefit of the doubt when he lets you cuddle up to him instead. Once you're comfortable with your head on his chest and arm over his stomach, you're finally able to fall asleep once more when his hand settles in your hair instead of somewhere on your own body.
The next time you're woken up it's because you feel a little overheated once again. You groan as you stretch out and realize a moment later you're not cuddled up to anyone. Frowning, you also realize that there's a black coat covering you. You shove the coat down towards your lap and glance around your room, only to find David staring at you in amusement from the edge of your bed.
"Sleep well?"
"Mhm. This yours?" You ask, gesturing to the coat. He smiles and nods. "Where is everyone?"
"We need to get going." You sit up and notice then that he's got your next dose of medicine waiting for you, and a glass of water. "We'll be busy later tonight, but we'll be back tomorrow evening. Keep taking your medicine and we'll see you soon."
After David hands you the medicine and water, he stands to pull on his coat. You slide out of bed to stand in front of him and nervously shift from foot to foot. "Thank you," you mumble. "For everything."
"Don't mention it, sweetheart." David raises his hand, fingertips caressing your cheek before tucking what no doubt is wild hair behind your ear. You grimace and then reach up to smooth it down yourself. "Listen. About earlier, the boys might have crossed a line. You're sick and we kind of dropped a bomb on you about all four of us being interested in you."
"Oh." You will yourself to not blush. "I, um, it's fine. It's kind of shocking, but I'm actually-"
"Interested?" David raises an eyebrow at you.
You shrug. "Who wouldn't be? But you guys seriously picked the worst time to bluntly tell me you liked me."
"You were taking too long to catch on."
You shake your head in amusement at him. "Fair enough." Sighing, you then nod towards your door. "I'll walk you out."
"It's fine. You get back into bed." His hand raises and latches onto the back of your neck, and he brings you so his cold lips press to your feverish forehead. "We'll be back before you know it." Then without another word, David whirls around and exits your bedroom.
A few moments later and you can hear your front door opening and closing. You're left blinking at nothing but thin air and when you notice it's just after three in the morning, you numbly crawl back into bed. The entire night, the parts where you were awake, had been nuts and you can't help but attempt to go over every interaction you've ever had with the boys. You try to pinpoint exactly when their friendly interactions turned into something more, but a sudden throb behind your eyes has you groaning.
Tomorrow. You'll figure it out tomorrow.
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The Witch and The Wolf Pt.47
Word Count: 2,681
Characters: Derek Hale (brief), Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Isaac Lahey, Ethan and Aiden Steiner (mentioned), Allison Argent, Kira Yukimura, Noshiko Yukimura, the Nogitsune, Lydia Martin, Reader
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: angst, brief fluff/ crack, death TW
A/N: --- 
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“Medically, he’s okay,” you walked into the McCall House, seeing Melissa whispering to Scott.
Stiles was nowhere in sight, along with everyone else that was there before.
“How do we know if he’s really Stiles?” Scott asked.
You walked into Scott’s room, seeing Stiles laying on the bed.
“(Y/N),” he jumped out of bed, collapsing into your arms as you gasped slightly, in shock.
“Hey, Stiles,” you said softly.
“I-I’m so sorry,” he shook his head.
You wrapped your arms around him tightly.
“Really, don't worry about it. Come on,” you led him to his bed, while he sat in front of you, bouncing his leg anxiously.
“Uhm, Kira’s mom is on her way and she’s bringing the Oni with her to make sure it’s me,” his voice was shaky as he continued to look at the floor.
“Are you okay?” you put your hand on his shoulder, looking at him slightly concerned.
“I’m sorry,” he wrapped his arms around your waist once again, while resting his head on your stomach.
You stroked his hair softly, trying to calm him.
You made eye contact with Derek, seeing him frown slightly while you motioned him to leave.
“(Y/N)? Stiles? She’s here,” you heard Scott call.
You helped Stiles up, feeling him leaning on you while the two of you made your way to the living room.
You saw Noshiko standing in front of the three of you, surrounded by the Oni behind her.
“This is gonna sting,” you turned to Stiles.
He nodded his head, stepping forward as the Oni put their hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down slowly. Their eyes glew yellow, scanning Stiles.
He collapsed to the floor, shivering as you ran to him.
“Check,” Noshiko said.
You looked behind his ear, seeing a 5 marked on it.
“It’s him,” you nodded your head.
“Can the Oni track down the Nogitsune?” Scott asked her while you helped Stiles up, handing him a blanket.
“Tomorrow night. It’s too close to dawn,” she replied.
“(Y/N)? What about you?” Derek asked.
You closed your eyes briefly, trying to use your magic to track him.
“I-I don't know… The link’s broken. But, it’s not completely gone. There’s still a trace. I might be able to track it,” you replied.
“You won’t get far without the help of my Oni,” Noshiko warned.
“Well, I have to at least try. Would you know why he took Lydia?” you asked.
“Mainly because of her powers, I would assume,” Noshiko replied.
“The power of a banshee,” Scott realized.
“He wouldn't… he wouldn't kill her, right?” Stiles asked, a hint of nervousness in his tone.
“No, he won’t. We just have to find him and find him quick...” your eyes traveled to the clock.
6:24 AM
“Locus revelare,” you closed your eyes, searching through Beacon Hills for any sign of Lydia or the Nogitsune, being unsuccessful.
You groaned, resting your head in your hands, slightly frustrated.
“Anything?” Allison asked, walking into your room, Isaac close behind her.
“Nothing. It’s honestly like he just disappeared off the face of the Earth,” you groaned.
She handed you a napkin, motioning to your bloody nose as you groaned.
“Thanks,” you sighed.
“Yeah, no problem,” she replied.
“This is… frustrating,” Allison said.
“Very. Any luck on finding Lydia’s car?” 
“No…actually, scratch that,” Isaac received a text on his phone.
“It’s in the Sheriff’s impound lot,” Isaac said.
“You guys, go. I need to head to Scott’s anyway. Be careful and call me if you need any help,” both Allison and Isaac wrapped their arms around you before you hugged them back.
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen tonight, but I need to let you both know that I care about you guys so much,” Allison looked between you and Isaac.
Your face softened as you stroked her cheek.
“Right back at you, kiddo. Stay safe, both of you,” they waved, walking out of your room while you gathered your things, heading to Scott’s.
“What does your book say about the Nogitsune? Anything?” Scott sat next to you.
Stiles was currently asleep on the couch.
“This book doesn't have anything. All my other ones burned in the fire, and I’m still trying to find them again. All I can tell you is that there is a link between Stiles and the Nogitsune,” you explained.
“Isn't that a good thing? Can’t you trace it?” he asked.
“I’m trying to, without hurting Stiles. He looks like he’s getting worse and if I try to find the Nogitsune through Stiles, it might even kill him,” you looked back at Stiles’ pale figure, shaking on the couch.
“I don't want to see my best friend like this,” Scott sighed.
“I know, kid. He’ll be okay. We can do this,” you said, softly stroking his cheek.
You could hear Stiles’ voice as you turned, seeing him sitting up and gasping for his breath.
“Stiles?” the two of you ran to him, helping him stand up.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay,” Scott said, trying to calm him.
“W-What’s going on?” he asked.
He took a step back from the two of you, breathing shakily.
“Your dad is at Eichen House, they’re all looking for that girl, Meredith. Everyone else is out looking for Lydia and I’m trying to find a spell or anything to help find them,” you explained.
“Well, did you find anything?” he asked.
His voice was still shaky, and you could tell that he was only getting worse.
“Actually…” Scott started.
“We didn't find anything,” you said quickly, interrupting him.
Scott frowned as you shook your head.
“Why does it feel like we’re waiting for a ransom call?” he sighed.
“Hey, it’ll be okay,” you put your hand on his shoulder while he pulled away, noticing something off.
You grabbed his hand, realizing they were shaking, and freezing.
“What the hell? You’re freezing, Stiles,” you frowned.
Scott held his hand, black veins appeared on Scott.
“You’re in pain,” Scott said.
“I’m just cold,” he pulled away from both of you, putting on his jacket.
“I just can't get warm,” you and Scott both knew something was wrong.
“Do you want me to take your pain?” Scott offered.
“I can heal you too,” you said.
“No, it’s fine. It’s not that bad, it’s like a dull aching sensation,” Stiles said.
“Where?” you asked.
“Sort of everywhere,” he sighed.
You two gave him a sorrowful look before Scott received a call from Kira, walking back from the two of you.
“You know, this is probably the longest time you’ve spent with us since Scott became a werewolf,” Stiles let out a small laugh, his teeth chattering.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that,” you replied. 
“Don’t worry about it, I’m just happy to have you here through all of this,” he sighed.
He rested his head on your shoulder while you pat his back.
“Hey, we gotta go, like now,” Scott ran to the two of you.
You raised an eyebrow, before the three of you took off.
“Where is she?” the three of you ran to Kira.
“I don’t know, she ran off,” she shook her head.
Scott raised his head up.
“She’s in the music room,” Scott said.
“Wait, we have a music room?” you said, slightly shocked.
Scott just gave you a blank look, before shaking his head.
“Come on.”
You saw Coach tase the orderly from Eichen, his twitching body falling to the ground.
You looked slightly impressed, while Stiles ran to Meredith.
“Coach, nice to see you again,” you nodded your head.
“Who the hell are you? Another new kid?” he replied.
Scott stifled a laugh while your face dropped.
“I literally graduated like less than a year ago. I went with you to that lacrosse meet that got canceled! I was in your class!” you exclaimed.
“Not ringing a bell. Just get the kid out of here, okay?” you rolled your eyes before the rest of you raced back to Scott’s house.
You were slightly shocked, seeing Isaac sitting nervously, with Rafael standing in front of him while the four of you ran into Scott’s house, backing up slightly.
“Who’s she?” Rafael pointed to Meredith.
“She’s… my girlfriend,” Stiles lied.
She backed away from Stiles before shaking her head.
“You’re not my type,” she shook her head.
Stiles’ face dropped, giving her a look.
“Well, we have some things to talk about,” Stiles pulled her arm softly.
“He’s my type,” she motioned to Isaac.
“Okay… Isaac can come too,” the three of them ran upstairs, leaving you standing with Scott and Rafael.
You could feel a strong tension in the air as Scott dug his nails into his fist.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
You took a step back before Scott held your arm, trying to tell you to stay with him.
“I need to talk to you,” Rafael replied.
“I can’t right now,” he replied.
You heard your phone ringing as you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding, seeing Derek’s name flash across your screen.
“Uh, sorry, gotta go,” you quickly pulled away from Scott, while he mouthed for you to stay before you ran upstairs.
“I think you just saved me,” you sighed, answering the phone.
“Uh, you’re welcome I think? Look, Ethan and Aiden were trying to find Lydia’s scent, until someone started shooting wolfsbane at them,” Derek replied.
“WBhat? Where are you guys now?” your face dropped.
“We’re hiding out in a coyote den right now. But that's not the main thing. I’m pretty sure it’s Araya who’s shooting at us,” Derek said.
Araya? Realization hit you soon after.
“How did she find… are you okay?” you asked.
“We’re fine. I’m just warning you. Be safe. I don’t know what she's here for,” Derek replied.
“Okay… we have Meredith with us, we’re one step closer to finding Lydia and finding the Nogitsune,” you explained.
“That’s… be careful (Y/N/N),” he said.
You nodded your head softly before replying.
“You too. Don’t end up dead,” you said.
“Right back at you,” you let out a small, shaky laugh before hanging up the call, feeling a familiar pang in your chest.
It was worry. No matter how much you tried to stop it, you kept thinking about Derek and kept worrying about him. You reminded yourself once again that nothing good ever came of it and you were only making yourselves fall farther apart.
You shook your head, walking into Scott's room.
“No, we’re not gonna torture her!” you heard Stiles say in a hushed voice, him and Isaac in the bathroom.
Meredith sat silently on Scott’s bed, rocking back and forth.
“Hey there,” you squatted down, looking her in the eye.
“You don’t know where Lydia is, do you?” you asked softly.
“She’s not telling me,” she shook her head.
“I meant scare her,” you heard Isaac say.
“We’re not gonna psychologically torture her either!” Stiles yelled back.
You gave them a look before Meredith called out, the boys rushing back.
“Aren’t… aren’t you gonna answer that?” Meredith motioned to your phone as you frowned slightly.
She’s a banshee, right
“Oh, right. Uh, hello?” your phone was off as you pressed it against your ear.
You pretended to talk to someone, handing her the phone.
“It’s for you,” you said.
“Hello?” she asked.
You turned to Stiles, who shrugged.
“Torture shouldn't be your first answer, you know,” you whispered to Isaac.
He sighed before Meredith handed you back your phone.
“Coup de foudre,” she said.
Coup de foudre?
“W-What is that? Spanish?” Stiles asked.
“No, it’s French. Love at first sight. What the hell does that mean?” you frowned.
“I know what it means,” you turned around to see Scott running into the room.
“Camp Oak Creek. We have to go.”
“Look, if no one else is gonna say it, I will. Stiles, you look like crap. You look like you got worse,” you sighed, hearing Isaac as the four of you drove in Stiles’ car, on your way to Oak Creek.
You rested your head on your hand, giving Isaac a look.
“And when we find this other you, is he gonna look better or worse? What happens if he gets hurt?” Isaac asked.
“You mean if he dies, do I die? I don’t care, as long as no one else gets hurt because of me,” your face fell as you sat up.
“Stiles,” you started.
“No, (Y/N). I remember everything I did. From… From stabbing Scott to stabbing you, setting your apartment on fire… forcing you to take your powers back,” his voice wavered as you sighed softly.
“Stiles, that wasn't you,” you started.
“Yeah, but I remember it. You all have to promise me, you can’t let anyone else get hurt because of me,” Stiles turned to face Scott, then you and Isaac.
You shook your head.
“You can't put what he did on yourself, that wasn't you,” you said again.
“It wasn't me? I remember you screaming my name, begging me to stop,” Stiles raised his voice slightly, leaving you quiet, with nothing to say.
You felt Scott's and Isaac's eyes on you before you sighed, leaning back in your chair. You had to come up with a plan to save Stiles, whatever the outcome was.
“We've done this before, you guys. We’ve all gathered together to save lives before. They were total strangers, this is Lydia,” you all nodded, meeting Kira and Allison at Camp Oak Creek.
The group of you stood outside the gates. 
“What are we gonna do about my mom?” you heard Kira ask.
“Well, we’ll need to split up. Kira, you’re probably the only person who can get through to your mom. Half of us will stay with Kira, and half of us will go find Lydia, deal?” you suggested.
They all nodded in agreement.
“Keep your weapons close, Allison,” you looked around the camp before you, Stiles, and Scott ran into the building.
“I-I can’t smell her anywhere,” Scott shook his head worriedly, the three of you running down the corridors.
“Inveniet eam,” you looked around, running forward with Scott and Stiles behind you.
You turned right, spotting an empty room, behind a locked door.
“Patentibus,” you used your magic to push the door open, spotting Lydia backed against the wall.
“What are you doing here?! I told you not to come!” she yelled, running to you three.
“What?” Stiles asked as you frowned.
“Lydia, we’re here to save you,” you shook your head.
“Who else came with you?!” she yelled.
“Allison, Kira, and Isaac,” Scott said.
“Someone’s gonna die,” her eyes watered slightly in panic.
You felt your heart stop out of worry for your friends. 
“We gotta go,” the four of you ran down the hall. 
Stiles called out, collapsing over as you turned to look at him, you and Lydia stopping.
Scott continued to run down the alley, while you sat on your knees, lifting Stiles’ head up.
“Stiles?” you said softly.
You heard a loud screeching noise, as your head shot up.
“Go, I’ll stay with him,” Lydia said.
You froze, before nodding, getting up and running to the rest of them.
Isaac was on the floor, blood dripping from his body while Scott cried out, holding Allison’s body.
Your eyes watered, feeling your chest aching harshly. There was a loud ringing in your ears, seeing Allison’s body limp.
“I-Isaac,” your voice broke as you ran to him.
You continued looking at Allison, your tears slipping down your cheek.
“S-She’s dead… (Y/N),” Isaac cried softly, as you wrapped your arms around him. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, feeling your tears slipping as you sniffled, trying to comfort Isaac.
“Allison…” you could hear Scott crying out as you shut your eyes tightly.
You could hear Scott’s cries as you held back your own cries, biting down on your lip hard.
“I-I… We need to call Chris,” your hand was shaking as you reached for your phone, dialing his number.
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werebeastbones · 7 years
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thelastspeecher · 4 years
D&D AU - Elf Kid Adventures
Hhhh I wanted to post this a couple days ago but work was busy af this week and I didn’t have the time nor energy to finish it up until today.  But here it is.  Some upbeat cheerful cute stuff to go with the good mood many of us are in tonight.  Have some adorable smol content in my D&D AU (where, for context, the McGuckets are elves and Stan is half-orc and half-elf), discover what Stan is short for in this AU, and join Stan as he realizes that he might be crushing on a member of his party.  (Hint: Stan isn’t short for Stanley.)
              The sudden burst of light that had accompanied the defeat of the necromancer faded.  Stan rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of the afterimages.
              My hands feel…softer than usual.  He opened his eyes to look at his hands. His jaw dropped.  Shit.  Before Lute or Angie could see him, Stan hurriedly ducked behind a nearby boulder and looked himself over.  What’s the damage here?  One thing was for sure.  He was a lot smaller and skinnier than he had been a moment ago.  Dread built in his gut.
              A lock of red hair fell in front of his eyes.
              “Oh, fuck,” he whispered.  Spotting a puddle of water, Stan rushed over.  “Gods, no!”  The boy staring back at him wasn’t the rugged orcish man of mere minutes ago. “No,” Stan whined.  His reflection was skinny and gap-toothed, with wide golden eyes and freckles of the same color spilling across his cheeks.  Rambunctious red curls framed his cherubic face.  
              Stan continued to stare, distressed, at his reflection.  As an adult, there were only three things to suggest one of his parents was an elf: his pale skin, his golden eyes, and his long, pointed ears.  Normally, said ears were hidden by his hair, but now, they stuck out of his fiery locks.  No matter how hard he looked, Stan couldn’t find a single remnant of his orcish heritage, not even his pride and joy – his tusks.  
              I’m probably around twelve, then.  They started growing in when I was thirteen. Stan carefully probed around his mouth with his tongue, confirming that his tusks hadn’t come in.  I forgot just how much I used to look like Mom. If Stan didn’t know any better, he’d say the boy staring at him was a full elf.  Angie and Lute could probably tell, though.  Since they’re actually full elves.
              Speaking of…  Stan closed his eyes.
              “Yeah?” he called back.
              “Are ya okay?”  The voice was higher than usual, but sounded like it was probably Angie.
              “I’m fine.  I’m just gonna stay here.”
              “We have to regroup and figure out our next move,” Angie said, being annoyingly logical.  Stan groaned.
              “Fine, but don’t say anything, okay?”  He took a deep breath, then emerged from behind the boulder.  The second Angie and Lute laid eyes on him, their mouths dropped open in shock.
              “Yer a ginger,” Lute said flatly.  At least, Stan thought the boy who looked the equivalent of a six-year-old human was Lute.  The mop of dark hair covering his eyes made it a bit difficult to know for sure. “Do ya dye yer hair or somethin’?”
              “No, it got darker when I got older.  I look more like my Pops now, but I used to look like my Mom.”
              “I’ll say,” remarked the girl that was presumably Angie.  She walked over and looked Stan up and down.  “You look full sun elf.”  Stan’s heart did a strange backflip.
              “Oh, yeah.”
              “So, what exactly happened?” Stan asked, eager to change the topic away from his appearance.  Angie sighed.
              “I don’t rightly know.  I took down the necromancer, reversin’ him stealin’ our life force.  But I ain’t sure why it had this effect.”
              “You don’t know why we wound up twelve, and Lute wound up six, then?” Stan asked.  Lute turned red.
              “I’m still technically older ‘n ya,” Lute protested, marching over.  Angie put a hand on top of her brother’s head, quieting him.
              “Yes, Stan, we are both the equivalent of twelve-year-old humans, while Lute has become the equivalent of…”  Angie looked down at Lute.  “Honestly, a bit younger than ya first guessed.  Five years old, I think.”  Lute’s jaw dropped.  Stan snickered.  “Lute was closer to the necromancer than we were.  Maybe that was an influence?”
              “Whatever happened, I’m just glad our clothes shrunk with us,” Lute muttered.  He rubbed his eyes.  “Oof, I’m tired.”
              “You can ride on Daisy while we travel,” Angie suggested.  She whistled, and her wolf marched over.  “She’s big enough to support ya.”
              “Sounds great,” Stan interjected.  “But where are we traveling to?”  Angie and Lute looked at each other.
              “Ma ‘n Pa?” Lute suggested.  Angie nodded slowly.
              “I think they’re our best bet.  They have centuries of experience in multiple fields of magic, after all.”  Angie smiled. Stan’s heart did another backflip. “And we didn’t head too far from ‘em when we set up our station.  So’s it won’t take too long to get there.  If we don’t run into any problems, we should get there ‘fore nightfall.” Stan scoffed.
              “We’re gonna run into problems.  We’re fucking kids!” he said dismissively.  Lute nodded.
              “Fer once, I agree with Stan.”
              Lute snored softly from his perch atop Daisy. Angie looked ready to pass out as well. Stan didn’t feel much more awake himself.  He dragged his feet down the path supposedly leading to the elf settlement near the McGucket farmstead.
              So much for getting there before nightfall. If that hag hadn’t slowed us down… Stan yawned.  During their trip to the settlement, they had stumbled across an old lady who promised to help them.  Lute, younger and tired, had convinced Stan they could trust the woman. But they soon found out they couldn’t, and after an exhausting fight, they’d barely managed to escape.
              “The sun’s startin’ to rise,” Angie mumbled.  She rubbed her eyes.  Sure enough, the forest around them was beginning to lighten as the sun peeked over the horizon.  “We stayed up the whole night.”
              “‘We’?” Stan scoffed.  “You guys fell asleep at that lady’s house.  I’m the only who hasn’t had a second of shuteye.”  Suddenly, a man melted out of the woods.  Stan took an instinctive step back.
              “Children, what business do you have here?” the man asked in crisp Elvish.  Angie stepped forward.
              “Lenny-” she started.  The man’s eyes widened.  He walked over to Angie and crouched down.  Much like Lute and Angie, he had copper skin.  His dark hair was pulled into a ponytail, revealing his long, pointed ears.
              “Banjoleanna McGucket?” Lenny asked, aghast.  Angie nodded.  “You look less than a century old!”
              “Lute’s less than half of one,” Angie said, nodding at Lute sleeping on Daisy.  Lenny looked over at Daisy.  His eyes widened even further.  In the dim light, they faintly glowed green.  “We were cursed.  All three of us.”
              “Three?”  Lenny’s gaze fell on Stan, who was still eyeing the strange wood elf warily. “Ah.  I assume yer not s’pposed to be a child, either?”  He had the same accent Angie and Lute did.
              Must be a local thing.  Stan nodded.
              “I’d certainly hope so.  No proper parent would let their young son wander the woods at night.”  Lenny walked over to Stan and tilted his chin to look more closely at him.  Stan allowed it to happen.
              I’m too tired to bother protesting.  Lenny raised an eyebrow.
              “Hmm.  We don’t often see sun elf nobility around here.”
              “What do you-” Stan started.
              “I’ve spent time with our mannered cousins.  I know noble sun eyes when I see ‘em. What’s yer name?”
              “Stanaximus,” Stan mumbled, giving his full, elvish name. Lenny picked Lute up off Daisy. Lute continued to sleep.
              “Stanaximus, Banjoleanna, follow me to a place where you can rest.  While ya sleep, I’ll contact the McGuckets.”  Lenny walked away.  Stan and Angie quickly followed.  Angie nudged Stan.
              “What?” Stan hissed.
              “Why didn’t ya say you were half-orc?” she whispered.
              “I don’t look like it.  By the way, what kind of name is ‘Lenny’ for an elf?”
              “It’s short fer Leandreas.”  Angie frowned at Stan.  “Yer really goin’ to keep yer orc parentage under wraps?”
              “Yeah.  At least, until we’re not surrounded by elves.”
              Stan’s eyes slowly drifted open.  He wasn’t in the same room he’d fallen asleep in. Panicked, he sat bolt upright. He, Angie, and Lute had fallen asleep at the guardhouse Lenny brought them to.  Now, though, he was in what was clearly a bedroom.
              “Oh, perfect timing!” a voice chirped.  Stan looked at the entryway to the room.  A wood elf man stood there, beaming at Stan.
              Judging by his nose and that he looks just like Lute, this must be Mr. McGucket.  Stan swung his legs over the edge of the bed.
              “Stanaximus, right?” Mr. McGucket asked.
              “I, uh, I go by Stan.”
              “Stan.  Got it.” Mr. McGucket walked over and handed Stan a pile of folded clothing.  “Go ahead and get changed, then meet us downstairs in the kitchen.  The missus and I would like to look ya over so’s we can get started on reversin’ that curse.”
              “Okay,” Stan mumbled.  Mr. McGucket smiled at Stan again, then left, closing the door behind him.
              A few minutes later, Stan traipsed downstairs. He was immediately greeted by the scent of something sweet baking.  His stomach growled loudly.
              When was the last time I ate?  He followed the delicious smells to a cozy-looking kitchen. Angie sat at a table with her father and an elf woman she greatly resembled.  That must be her mom.  Lute was nowhere to be seen.  At the sound of his footsteps, the McGucket parents looked up.
              “Stan, come over here ‘n pop a squat,” Mr. McGucket said cheerfully.  Stan hesitantly walked over to the table and took a seat next to Angie.  Busy reading a book on curses, Angie didn’t look up.  Mrs. McGucket looked at him with a studious gaze. “Well, Sally?”
              “I’d say Lenny’s assessment was accurate,” Mrs. McGucket said.  She lacked the accent of her husband and children, instead speaking Elvish in a manner that was similar to how Stan’s mom spoke it.  “Young man, you look an awful lot like the sun elf nobility I spent a lot of time around before eloping with Mearl.”
              “…You spent time with sun elf nobility?” Stan asked. Mrs. McGucket nodded.  Before Stan could ask a follow-up question, his stomach rumbled again.  Mr. McGucket’s hazel eyes twinkled.
              “I’ll get ya somethin’ to eat, son,” Mr. McGucket said, getting up from his chair.  “After you’ve gotten some food in yer belly, we can examine ya to get an idea of what kind of curse we’re dealin’ with.”  Stan nodded. Mrs. McGucket raised an eyebrow.
              “You’re a bit lacking in manners, Stanaximus,” she commented.  “I’d expect someone of your station to know that you’re supposed to thank someone for a favor.”
              “Oh, uh, I-”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.
              Great, I’m already fucking up pretending to be full elf.
              “Angie, were you and Lute poor influences on this young man?” Mrs. McGucket asked her daughter.  Angie looked up from the book she was reading.
              “What?  No!”
              “I don’t know if I believe that.”
              “Ma!” Angie whined.  Mr. McGucket placed a plate in front of Stan.  Stan immediately recognized the food he’d been given.  It was a bread made of polenta and honey, and a rare treat that his mom would make on special occasions.  It had even been served the same way he remembered from his childhood, sliced and slathered with butter.
              “Honey loaf,” Stan said quietly.  Mrs. McGucket beamed.
              “I thought you might enjoy a taste of home. Sun elf recipes can be difficult sometimes, but this is one that’s worth the hassle.”
              “…Thank you,” Stan said.  Mrs. McGucket’s smile broadened.
              “Of course, hon.”
              As Stan ate the honey loaf, he glanced at Angie next to him.  She was still engrossed in her book, her silver eyes darting back and forth.  The sunlight caught her hair, making its already golden hue look near metallic.  Her green freckles were more numerous than they had been as an adult; he could see them trailing past the ends of her short sleeves, down her forearms.  Eventually, Angie looked at him.  Stan’s heart did a weird flip.
              “Is there somethin’ wrong?” she asked.
              “Yer starin’ at me,” Angie pointed out.
              “Oh, I was just, um, you- you have more freckles,” Stan said weakly.  He could feel his cheeks burning, but wasn’t sure why.  Angie rolled her eyes.
              “So do you.  By which I mean that you actually have freckles.  Ya didn’t before.”  Angie’s eyes lit up.  She closed her book.  “Oh! By the by, I mentioned that ya never got any lessons on magic as a kid, and my ma offered to help ya out!”
              “I mean, the reason I never got lessons was ‘cause I’m no good at it,” Stan mumbled.  Angie huffed.
              “It could easily be the other way,” she said, punching his shoulder playfully.  Stan grinned despite himself, his cheeks continuing to burn.  He looked back at the McGucket parents.  They were exchanging a knowing look.
              What are they so smug about?  Stan opened his mouth to ask why they were smirking, only for Mrs. McGucket to speak before he could.
              “You know, Angie, you being a kidlet again, it reminds me of when you were this age before,” Mrs. McGucket said, stroking Angie’s hair.  “When Max courted you, it was when you were in your sixties, right?”
              “Yeah,” Angie confirmed.  Stan’s heart began to race.
              “Such a sweet boy.”
              “Angie, you have a suitor?” Stan blurted out. Angie frowned at him.
              “I was courted when I was in my sixties and clearly ain’t married now.  What do you think?” she asked.
              “Fine, I just- why didn’t you say anything about it?” Stan stammered.
              “Because it was decades ago.  Why are ya so upset about it?”
              “I’m not upset,” Stan said.  He looked to the McGucket parents for support.  The knowing look was back.  “I’m just-”  Stan stopped his sentence abruptly, the blood draining from his face.
              Heart jumping around, blushing, jealousy? Stan wiped his suddenly damp hands on his borrowed pants.  Sweaty palms?  Shit. Stupid kid body, stupid kid hormones!
              “Just what?” Angie prompted.
              “…Never mind,” Stan mumbled.
              No, you don’t have a crush on Angie.  You don’t! You-
              “Yer such an oddball,” Angie said, chuckling. Her laughter sounded like bells. Butterflies fluttered in Stan’s stomach.
              …You do.  With a cheeky smile, Mr. McGucket took the empty plate from Stan. And her parents know.
              “Stanaximus, have you ever courted before?” Mrs. McGucket asked idly.  Stan swallowed.
              This won’t end well.
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tw-anchor · 4 years
25. Bizarre and Supernatural
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character
Episode: 3x01; Tattoo
Word Count: 10,258
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence and gore, sexual themes
Author’s Note: Here’s to season three! I’m really excited about 3A and 3B because they are my personal favorites. This season we’ll see more of what Olivia is capable of, as well as her relationship with Stiles. Hope you enjoy! Reblog and like!
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May 4, 2011
Stiles breathed heavily as he squirted some water into his mouth, finding relief from the cool liquid. The heat felt unbearable, but he kept practicing, determined to make first line for the lacrosse season next spring. Sure, it wasn't officially summer yet, but school was out, and they had time. Winning the championship game wasn't all fun and games—now he had a reputation to uphold.
Scott was certainly working him for it, too. They had already run one of the shorter cross-country tracks before heading to the practice lacrosse field, where they started doing dribbles. They were taking a quick break for water now, and then they'd start on scoring practice.
His phone beeped from his gym bag. A smile bloomed on his face when he saw that it was Olivia. She had sent some Star Wars meme with Anakin holding sand art followed by a bunch of crying emojis. How did anyone think his girl had a heart of stone?
Sweetcheeks: LOL we're still on for tonight, right?
Livvy: Yup. Dress code?
Sweetcheeks: Casual. One word—drive-in.
Livvy: Got it. I'll be ready at 4. 😊
"You're texting Liv, aren't you?" Stiles looked away from his phone at Scott's voice; he grinned guiltily.
"Sorry," he tossed the phone back into his bag.
"It's fine," Scott chuckled. "You're still taking her out for her birthday, right?"
Stiles grinned. "Do you know how wonderfully ironic it is that her birthday is on Star Wars day?"
"Of course, you wouldn't," Stiles rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I'm taking her to the drive-in. The original trilogy is starting at five, so we'll have time to pick up some food and head there."
Scott hummed and grinned at his best friend. Even though his relationship with Allison hadn't worked out, he was happy that Stiles and Olivia were getting theirs going. He wasn't shocked when he first saw them together the Monday back at school after everything went down, hands gripped together as they walked the hallways, but it was a great surprise. For a while there, he thought that Olivia wasn't going to acknowledge her feelings for Stiles. He was just glad she did.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Stiles eyed him warily.
"I'm happy for you, dude," he clapped Stiles' shoulder. "Your girlfriend is Olivia Martin."
"Yeah, she is," Stiles smiled goofily and took another sip of water. He set the bottle down and picked up his lacrosse stick, ready to go again. "Come on, I gotta pick Livvy up at four. Why don't you get in the goal and help me make team captain like you promised?"
Scott laughed and rolled his eyes, picking up his own stick. "Hey, you know what I just realized?" he paused, looking at Stiles thoughtfully. "I'm right back where I started."
Stiles gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?"
"I mean no lacrosse, no popularity, no girlfriend. Nothing."
"Dude," Stiles pushed his shoulder, causing him to stumble back. "you still got me."
"I had you before!" Scott exclaimed, using the momentum of Stiles' push to run over to the goal.
"Yeah and you still got me, so your life is fulfilled," Stiles retorted, making his way to an appropriate distance from the goal. He used his net to scoop up a lacrosse ball and got ready to try to get it past Scott. "Now remember, no wolf powers."
Scott nodded and grinned mischievously. "Got it."
"No, I mean it," Stiles pointed at him. "No super-fast reflexes, no super eyesight, no hearing—none of that shit, okay?"
"Okay!" Scott agreed loudly. "Just come on."
"You promise?"
"Would you just take the shot already?"
Stiles bit his lip and steadied his net before winding back at whipping the ball toward the goal. Just as the ball left his net, he saw Scott's eyes flash gold, so he wasn't surprised when Scott easily caught the ball.
"I said no wolf powers!"
"Allison, do you see what she's wearing?" Lydia complained to a very tired Allison over Facetime, flashing her phone's camera at Olivia's flowy shorts and white camisole. "She's wearing that for her first date."
Olivia scowled and grabbed the phone from Lydia so she could talk to Allison herself. "We're going to see a movie at the drive-in."
Allison yawned and apologized softly. "It looks fine," she agreed with Olivia. "What movie?"
It was late at night in France where Allison was currently living. After everything was said and done and Jackson was okay, she and Mr. Argent only stayed long enough for Allison to take her finals. They took off to France right after she turned her last test in, leaving barely enough time for Olivia and Allison to talk about their friendship.
Since Allison still didn't know that Derek bit her mom to protect Scott, the youngest Argent didn't offer an apology for hurting Derek. While it annoyed Olivia a little, she understood that Allison didn't know the whole story and could only base her feelings on what she knew. What she knew was that Derek bit her mom and her mom killed herself soon after. So, Olivia brushed it off and Allison apologized for the way she acted.
Their friendship was mended but the two of them and Lydia were disappointed that Allison would be in France the whole summer. They promised to keep in contact and Facetime, so, of course, Lydia thought it was appropriate to call and wake up Allison when she learned that Stiles was taking Olivia out for her birthday.
"Star Wars," Olivia informed her. "It's a special viewing."
"By special, she means Stiles is gonna get into her panties—"
"Lydia Grace Martin!" Olivia grabbed one of the throw pillows off her bed and whipped it at her cousin; Sirius yipped excitedly, thinking they were playing catch. Lydia laughed and Allison joined her. "I am not having sex with Stiles."
"Tonight, anyway," Allison commented slyly as Lydia crowed, "Uh-huh, sure!"
"It's my birthday and you guys are being so mean to me," Olivia whined dramatically, falling back on her bed. Sirius scrambled over to her, giving her face sweet little kisses. "Thanks, Siri, You're my best bud."
"I wanted to have a party for you," Lydia tugged her phone out of her hands. "Did you meet any cute boys yet, Allison?"
"I've been here for a week," Allison said flatly.
"I'm guessing that's a no."
"Leave her alone, Lyds," Olivia nudged the redhead as she sat back up and smushed her head against Lydia's so Allison could see them both. "Take time for yourself, Al. Be an independent woman who doesn't need a man to—"
"All right, Susan B. Anthony," Lydia cut her off, earning herself laughter from Olivia and Allison. "I'm not saying you need a man. I'm saying you want a man."
Allison laughed awkwardly. "I'm changing the subject now. What time is Stiles picking you up, Liv?"
As soon as the question was out of her mouth, they heard Natalie calling up to them. "Olivia, Stiles is here!"
"Now, I guess," Olivia told Allison, checking the time on her phone. It was 3:55; he was five minutes early. "I'll talk to you later, Al."
"Have fun, Liv! Happy birthday!"
Olivia thanked her and Lydia bid her own goodbyes to Allison before ending the call. Olivia dashed into the bathroom she shared with Lydia to check the braid that Lydia put it in while her cousin waited impatiently by her bedroom door.
"Come on, Liv."
"I'm coming," she huffed, walking out of the bathroom and to her door. When she opened it, Sirius zoomed out of the room, too excited to see Stiles. "Why does he love Stiles more than me?"
"Honestly, I have no idea," Lydia shook her head in agreement. She had been so pissed off when she learned that Sirius adored Stiles more than any of his owners. Stiles made it worse when he came over, talking to Sirius in the same voice that Lydia used on him.
By the time they made it downstairs, Sirius was on his back in front of Stiles while Stiles happily petted his belly, making cure little cooing noises. Olivia would never admit it to him, but her heart melted every damn time he and Sirius were together.
"Hey!" Stiles greeted her enthusiastically when he noticed her in front of him. "Happy birthday!"
Olivia smiled at him, her cheeks flushing when he gave her a quick kiss. Usually she wasn't a big fan of showing affection in front of other people, but this was Lydia. Lydia, who would tease the hell out of her later...
"Thanks, Stiles. Are you ready to go?"
"Wait, wait," Lydia cut in, holding up her phone. "I need pictures."
Olivia sighed heavily while Stiles agreed with a smile. "You're worse than your mom, Lyds."
"Shush now," Lydia waved her off. She paused, allowing for Stiles and Olivia to arrange themselves into a picture-appropriate pose and then cheered, "Say cheese!"
Olivia's mood brightened as soon as they left her house. They chatted lightly when they went to pick up the pizza they were going to bring to the drive-in and Olivia had told him what she'd had done for her birthday. Derek had taken her and Isaac out for breakfast and then he and Peter took her out to buy her first car and presented her with a new MacBook, while Lydia and Natalie took her shopping when she got home, each of them getting some new clothes.
"How was practicing with Scott?" she asked when she was done telling him about her day and they were settled at the drive-in, waiting for the movie to start.
"It was okay," Stiles shrugged and bit into his pepperoni pizza. "I got a lot of work to do."
"You already did great at the game, so I'm sure Scott will be able to whip you into shape in no time," Olivia assured him.
"Hopefully," Stiles allowed a grin to slip onto his lips. "Thanks, babe."
"You're welcome, sweetcheeks."
They pressed their lips together in a sweet kiss, tasting pizza on each other's lips. Olivia gasped lightly as Stiles swept his tongue along the seam in her lips, allowing his tongue to slip into her mouth and caress hers.
The loud billowing of the Star Wars theme made them jump away from each other. They turned to the dark screen, the light from the bright yellow scrawl illuminating their flushed faces. Olivia glanced over at Stiles as the opening theme ended, giving way to warships flying through space. She wasn't surprised to see him looking back at her.
"Boy, it's a good thing you drew me a picture."
The sarcastic tone seeping into Jimmy's statement made Stiles snort quietly and grin to himself. He was glad that his back was turned away from Scott as he looked at the various books full of tattoos that Jimmy had drawn up. Picturing Scott's innocent smile made him snort again as he flipped through pages of plastic sleeves, searching for anything that interested him.
The last night of summer and of course, Scott wanted to get a tattoo. Not just any tattoo, though. Scott wanted two black bands curled around his bicep. To be honest, Stiles didn't like the design but it wasn't his body so he wasn't going to say anything—but if the tattoo was as ugly as he thought it was going to be, he would probably have a hard time holding back.
Holy shit, he thought as he turned to another page.
The design took up most of the page but it wasn't the size that was shocking. It was the fact that the drawing looked exactly like the kanima that wreaked havoc around Beacon Hills the previous spring. Jimmy must have seen the kanima because he had all the details down, from the venomous claws to the long tail.
"Hey, Scott," he caught his best friend's attention as he turned to face the chair where he was seated. "you sure you don't want something like this?"
He showed Scott the kanima tattoo with flourish, amusement light his features. Scott wasn't nearly amused as he was; his excited face turned into a frown before he gave Stiles an are-you-serious look.
"Too soon?" Stiles asked needlessly as he closed the tattoo book and placed it back on the shelf it was sitting previously. "I don't know, man, are you sure about this?" he turned back to Scott. "I mean, these things are pretty permanent, you know?"
As Jimmy started getting the ink ready to go, Scott answered, "I'm not changing my mind."
"Okay, but why two bands?"
Scott shrugged. "I just like it."
"But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning, you know, or something?"
"Getting a tattoo means something."
Stiles scoffed. "I don't think that's—"
"He's right," Jimmy interrupted him; Stiles crossed his arms over his chest and looked to him curiously. "Tattooing goes back thousands of years. The Tahitian word 'tatua' means 'to leave a mark'. Like a rite of passage."
"Yeah, you see?" Scott grinned smugly at Stiles, making him bristle." He gets it."
Stiles narrowed his eyes at him. "He's covered in tattoos, Scott. Literally."
Jimmy gave him a deadpan look before turning to Scott. "Okay, you ready? You ain't got any problems with needles, do you?"
Scott shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Nope."
As the needle in Jimmy's hand started buzzing, Stiles slowly walked over to get a better look of what was going on to Scott's arm. His stomach flipped when the needle quickly entered Scott's skin. "I tend to get a little squeamish, though, so..."
He trailed off as his vision went blurry and his limbs felt like jelly. He was out before he even hit the floor.
When he woke up, Scott's tattoo was done and he was paying Jimmy for the work. Stiles winced as he craned his neck to look around; they left him on the floor but at least they gave him a cold pack to put against his head. He groaned as he sat up, pressing the cold pack firmer against the back of his aching head. Three minutes later, they were getting into his Jeep.
Stiles blinked at his steering wheel, wondering if he should be driving right after hitting his head but was distracted by Scott's quiet groan of pain. He turned to his best friend while throwing the soppy ice pack in the backseat. "You okay?"
Scott squirmed uncomfortably and grimaced at his wrapped arm. "It kinda burns."
"Yes," Stiles couldn't believe that Scott didn't expect some pain. "you just had your skin stabbed about a hundred thousand times with a needle."
"Yeah, but I don't think it's supposed to feel like this," Scott looked to Stiles for an answer; Stiles shrugged just as Scott jumped and grunted in pain. 'No, it's definitely not supposed to feel like this."
"Oh, God."
Scott groaned again and reached for the gauze on his arm. "Oh, I gotta take this thing off."
"No, no, no, no, Scott," Stiles immediately protested, his stomach flipping. He gagged a little as Scott started unwrapping his arm. "Scott, please stop! Oh, gross—" he paused when he saw Scott's arm. "Woah."
The solid black bands of ink wrapping themselves around Scott's bicep were fading into angry red skin. Within seconds, Scott's arm was back to normal, like he had never even entered the little tattoo shop.
"What, come on!" Scott gasped before looking at Stiles. "It healed."
Stiles was just glad that nothing gruesome happened—and that Scott wouldn't have that ugly thing on his body for the rest of his life. "Ah, thank God. I hated it," when Scott gave him an affronted look, Stiles winced and gave a flat apology. "Sorry."
"You're sure that Scott won't be at Stiles' house?" Allison looked over at Olivia anxiously.
Olivia flipped on her right blinker and turned onto the highway. "I'm positive," she reassured her friend. "Stiles said that Scott was leaving at five."
"Yeah but it's Stiles and Scott," Lydia piped up from the backseat, leaning forward so she could talk to Olivia and Allison easier. "Since when do they spend a minute apart?"
"When I ask," Olivia smiled playfully, earning laughs from Allison and Lydia. "I told Stiles that we were going out with you guys tonight, so..."
"Stiles has a brain in that big head of his," Lydia said. "I'm sure that he's smart enough not to tell Scott that he's going on a group date with his ex-girlfriend."
"Wait, wait," Allison gave them both an alarmed look. "It's not a date, right? Please tell me it's not a date."
Olivia glared at Lydia through the rearview mirror, wishing that her cousin could have kept her mouth shut because Allison wasn't ready to start dating again. Of course it was a date, though; one of Lydia's summer hook-ups had a cousin who was very hot—according to Lydia—and was interested in getting to know Allison. Olivia and Stiles had gone on double dates with Lydia and whatever guy she was into that day before so it was a natural segway into inviting them, too. Stiles hadn't wanted to go on the group date, explaining that it felt like he was betraying Scott, but Olivia had begged him. She felt bad for Scott about the break-up, but from the conversations she had with Allison over the summer, it didn't seem like Allison was going to be able to reenter a relationship with Scott. It wasn't that she didn't love him—because she really did—but it was hard for her to move on from everything that happened before.
"It's not a group date," Olivia promised Allison. "It's more of a group thing."
"Does this guy know it's a group thing?" Allison looked to Lydia for an answer now, considering she was the one who planned the whole night. "I told you guys that I'm not ready to get back out there."
"Ugh," Lydia groaned and Olivia smiled at her dramatics. "I can't believe you were in France for four months and you didn't date a single guy."
Allison shrugged awkwardly and changed the subject. "Just because you were ready after—"
"Don't say his name!" Lydia exclaimed, cutting her off.
"Jackson is a subject that's off limits," Olivia told Allison with a smile that told the taller brunette she knew that Lydia was gonna have a fit.
"You said his name," Lydia reached toward Olivia's ear and flicked it, earning herself a pained squeal.
Jackson Whittemore was a sensitive subject when it came to Lydia Martin. Despite the fact that Lydia saved him and they declared their love for one another, there were no moves on either side to enter a relationship again. After learning control with Derek and Olivia, Jackson and his family moved to England to start over. Olivia missed him but they still exchanged emails once a week—something that she wouldn't mention to Lydia until the time was right.
"Is he okay?" since Lydia and Olivia didn't speak about Jackson in their calls to Allison, she didn't know what was going on with him. "I mean, did everything work out?"
"Well, you saw how it was when it turned up that he was alive," Olivia reminded her. It had been a whole thing with the hospital and the doctors and the research that annoyed and angered Jackson so much that Olivia had to be by his side every hour so he wouldn't lose control. "but eventually, everyone got over it."
"And yes, Derek and Liv taught him the werewolf 101," Lydia reported. "like how not to randomly kill people during a full moon."
Allison grinned at her. "So, then, you've talked to him?"
Lydia shook her head. "Not since he left for London."
"You mean since his dad moved him to London," Olivia objected; Lydia liked to act that Jackson went to England willingly when he was actually really upset that he had to move.
Lydia waved her off. "Whatever, he left," she said sharply. "And seriously, an American werewolf in London? Like that's not gonna be a disaster."
"So, you're totally over him?" Allison challenged the redhead.
"Would I be going on a group date if I wasn't?" Lydia said quickly, once again blurting out the truth. Olivia and Allison laughed and she sighed. "Yes, it's a group date. It's not an orgy so I think you'll live."
Olivia chuckled as she pulled to a stop at a red light. "I vetoed the orgy," she informed Allison jokingly. She was in a happy mood tonight; it was the last night of summer, Allison was back, and she'd get to see Stiles. "and the club."
"She's a buzzkill."
Olivia scoffed and quickly turned back to Lydia for a moment. "I don't want to be hungover on our first day of junior year. Besides," she turned to Allison for back-up. "don't you like pizza and laser tag?"
Allison went to agree but Lydia cut her off. "That's because she'll win!"
"Ha-ha," Allison pushed Lydia back into her seat, all three of them laughing. "I guess you'll have to take some pointers—oh, my God!"
At Allison's exclamation, Olivia turned to her left to see what had her freaking out. She hadn't noticed that a vehicle had pulled up next to her at the stoplight—which she cursed herself for because she was usually a great driver—and she also hadn't noticed that it was her boyfriend's vehicle.
"What the hell?" Olivia narrowed her eyes at the jeep while Allison freaked out in the passenger seat and tried not to look at Scott—who was with Stiles, trying to avoid eye contact with any of them. "He's supposed to be at his house."
Stiles waved at her enthusiastically and her annoyance flooded away. She could never be anything but in love with that boy. He just knew how to relax her and make her happy in ways that no one else could.
"Oh, my God, I can't see him," Allison whimpered. "Not now."
"Liv, go," Lydia urged, slapped the shoulder of Olivia's seat. "Go!"
"But it's a red light," Olivia winced, looking from Allison—who was still freaking out—to the red light, and then to Stiles, who was rolling down Scott's window. "All right."
She pressed on the gas pedal and drove through the intersection, grateful that the road wasn't busy and they were safe to cross. Allison sighed in relief when Stiles stayed back at the light and Olivia put some distance between them.
"Are you all right?" Lydia asked Allison while Olivia gave her a worried look.
"I'm okay," it looked more like Allison was assuring herself of that than Lydia and Olivia. "I'm fine."
Olivia and Lydia didn't argue or try to coax her to open up. They weren't the epitome of sharing feelings either, especially Olivia, so they didn't want to pry. If Allison didn't want to talk about Scott, they wouldn't.
It was only a minute or so after they left the stoplight that Allison spoke up again, her eyes in the rearview mirror. "Liv, stop. We should go back and talk to them."
Olivia switched her foot to the break pedal. "We're almost to Stiles' house..." when they came to a complete stop, she saw that Stiles had stopped too. "Why did they stop?"
Lydia shrugged. "It's Stiles and Scott. Do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?"
Allison said something in return but Olivia didn't hear; she was too busy focusing on the abrupt tingling traveling through her body. The whispering of her name, along with Allison and Lydia's, flittered through her head and then...
Turn around, Olivia
Olivia didn't waste time; she whipped around, facing the front of her car. Her eyes widened when she saw a huge deer heading straight toward them. "GET DOWN!"
She barely had time to grab Allison's shoulder, force her down, duck behind the steering wheel, and hope that Lydia was safe before the deer was crashing into the windshield. Lydia and Allison screamed as heavy glass flew around the enclosed space.
Olivia inhaled deeply as the deer's body settled on the dashboard in front of her, eyes glazed over with death. She shakily reached for her door handle with one hand and her seatbelt with the other before pushing herself out of the car. She fell on her ass but she hopped up, still staring at the deer with wide eyes.
"Oh, my God."
"Livvy," Stiles was there, gently taking her arm and leading her away from the car. "Are you okay? Babe?"
Olivia inhaled once again and turned her attention to Stiles, who was rubbing her arms soothingly. "I'm okay," she told him, allowing him to pull her into a warm hug. "I'm fine."
She wasn't lying. She was shocked, yeah, but she was okay. She was glad that her abilities were able to tell her that she, Allison, and Lydia were in danger and that she was able to stop any injuries that may have happened. Mostly, though, she was confused. Why would a deer charge right down the middle of the road and crash into them?
It was like it was committing suicide.
As Stiles kissed the top of Olivia's head, Lydia dragged her out of her thoughts when she shrieked, "Well, I am not okay! I am totally freaking out!" Olivia slipped out of Stiles' embrace to grab Lydia's hand. "How the fuck does that thing just run into us?"
"It was weird," Olivia agreed, her eyes following Scott as he moved away from Allison to the deer's body. "and it came down right in the middle of the road. It's like it was crazy."
"It was scared," Scott spoke up; he put his hand on the body and looked back at them, a solemn look on his face. "Actually, it was terrified."
Olivia had woken up with Isaac on her mind. The dream she had of him and the unknown girl trying to outrace that huge alpha werewolf was permanently printed into her memory as she mechanically got ready for school, dressing in a summer dress and sandals.
While she curled her hair with one hand, she dialed Derek's number on her phone with the other. It was Isaac's turn to look for Erica and Boyd the night before and with how she was feeling, the warnings she was getting, and the dream she had, it was obvious that something went wrong.
"Morning," Derek greeted her groggily. "Ready for your first day?"
"I'm worried about Isaac," she told him.
"What? What do you mean?" his voice was alert and strict, the tone of a worried alpha.
"I mean that Isaac is who God knows where and he's in trouble," Olivia explained impatiently. Over the summer, she and Isaac's friendship grew stronger since they were the only ones left in the Hale pack, other than Derek. She considered him a brother and she knew he saw her as a sister. "Derek, we need to find him."
"I'll find him but you need to go to school," Derek told her; there was rustling over the phone and then a metallic clinking which she figured were his keys. "I'll check out the Iron Works. I'm pretty sure that's where he told me he was going last night."
"Okay," Olivia sighed. "be careful."
Who knew where the alpha pack was lurking?
"Have a good day at school."
Olivia ended the call. Since when did Derek get so paternal? She thought to herself. Right, ever since you were stuck with a psychotic dad and got yourself a boyfriend.
She slipped a headband into her hair and grabbed her purse, heading downstairs. When Sirius yipped in greeting at her as she made it to the kitchen, she crouched down in order to give him a hug and kiss.
"Hi, Siri," she cooed, snuggling her nose into the soft fur of his head. "Did you sleep well? Hmm?"
Sirius nudged her with his paw and when she went to pat him between his ears, he bit her on the wrist. "Ouch!" he struggled out of her grip and ran away. "What'd you do that for?"
Olivia rose to her full height and stared at her dog where he shuffled on his bed, digging into his blanket and stuffed toy. He had never bit her before, not like that. Yeah, he nipped while playing when he was a baby but this was a full-on bite that drew blood.
She heard Lydia's heels against their hardwood floors before she saw her. "What happened to you?"
Olivia frowned at her. "Siri bit me."
Lydia quirked an eyebrow. "Sirius bit you."
"He doesn't bite."
"Wow, I had no idea!" Olivia rolled her eyes and entered the kitchen, heading straight to the sink. "Can you get me a bandage?"
Lydia quickly went to their medicine cabinet and pulled out some disinfectant cream and a large bandage to cover up the bite. She helped Olivia with dressing the wound before looking over at Sirius in disbelief.
"Why would he bite you?"
Olivia sighed, watching as Sirius buried his head into his blanket. "I have no idea."
Sheriff Stilinski sighed in relief when he saw her on the other side of his front door. "Olivia, I'm glad you're here," he ushered her into the house. "How are you doing this morning?"
"I'm good, Sheriff, thank you," Olivia had expected Stiles to be downstairs eating breakfast but the lower level was empty of his presence.
"I thought I told you to call me Noah," she smiled sheepishly when he pointed at her. "Anyway, Stiles is...well, he's been up since four-thirty."
Olivia raised her eyebrows in shock. Stiles loved to sleep in and if he didn't get enough sleep, he was like a freaking toddler who skipped out on their nap. "Four-thirty?"
"Come on," he gestured for her to follow him up the stairs. "He was pretty upset about your accident. I think he's been researching nonstop."
Oh, God. Olivia loved Stiles to death but when he was obsessed with something, he was obsessed. She didn't know if it was his ADHD or his need to know anything and everything but if he needed to know something, he was going to look until he found it. There had been numerous times over the summer that she had found him in front of his MacBook, a couple of Adderall in his system as he searched through whatever database he had broken into.
Stiles didn't even look away from his laptop as she and Noah entered his bedroom. "You know how many vehicle collisions last year involved deer?" he asked, though he knew the answer. "247,000."
"Oh, God, please go to school," Noah groaned.
"But that's crossing the road," Stiles continued on like his father hadn't spoken. "This one last night came right down the middle."
Noah stepped over to Stiles' chair, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm not gonna beg you."
"Good, I'm impervious to your influence anyway," Stiles mumbled, switching to another tab of research.
Olivia rolled her eyes; who the hell used the word impervious?
"Would you consider a bribe?"
"You couldn't meet my price."
"You got nothing on me."
Olivia crossed her arms in amusement as Noah grabbed the back of Stiles' chair and started pulling him away from his desk.
"Dad, what are you doing?" Stiles reached for his laptop as he fought to stay in control of his chair. "Dad!"
Olivia walked over to the desk and shut the laptop, grinning when Stiles' eyes darted up to her. "Morning."
A happy glint appeared in his eyes as he hopped from his chair and then faltered. "Livvy, what—what are you doing here?" he scratched the back of his neck and then gestured around his semi-messy room. "Uh, yeah, so this is my room."
Olivia bit the inside of her cheek in amusement. Watching Stiles act like she hadn't been in his room before was so funny to her. Especially when Noah was behind him, rolling his eyes so forcefully it looked like they'd disappear into his skull.
"Don't be an idiot, Stiles," Noah sighed as he went to leave the room. "Get to school."
Olivia gave Stiles a pointed look. "You do know your dad has let me up here before, right?"
Stiles rolled his eyes and walked over to his door, shutting it firmly. "Well, that was before we did this," he quickly grabbed her, grinning at her excited squeal, and pressed his lips to hers in a sweet peck. "and this," he fell onto his bed with her underneath him, hitching one of her legs up over his hip before returning back to her mouth.
Butterflies attacked Olivia's stomach as she returned his kiss, savoring the soft feel of his lips, the firm lines of his stomach, and the ever-growing hardness between his legs that was pressing against her belly. Her fingers dug themselves into his newly grown hair, moaning softly when his lips drifted from her lips to her jaw.
Contrary to what Lydia believed, Olivia and Stiles hadn't had sex yet. They did almost everything else—there was that time at the drive-in when things got steamy and he ended up fingering her, the night when he slept over and it was the first time she ever gave a guy a hand job, oh, and the time they both went down on each other after their trip to their fourth date. But other than that? No penetration—from Stiles' dick, anyway.
Olivia was ready to take that step with Stiles and have sex. She knew that he was, too, because he was a goddamn horndog when they were by themselves and his awkwardness melted away like ice cream on a hot summer day. The spaz was more self-confident at sex than most of the things in his life, which baffled her—and turned her on at the same time—but he was the one pausing things. He insisted that their first time had to be special. That was nice and all but Olivia wasn't naïve; she knew that the first time was a disaster and what really made the whole thing special was who you did it with. To her, they could have hurried sex in his jeep and it would be special to her because it was Stiles.
But Stiles was serious about it so she would wait. It was sweet but oh-so frustrating—for the both of them.
Just as Stiles' finger started to slip their way past the hem of her dress, she pushed him away from her. "We have school," Stiles pouted and rolled off of her, his head bouncing on the mattress. "and I don't want to be late."
"We have an hour."
Olivia hopped off the bed and straightened her sundress, hiding a bemused smile as she turned back to him, hands on her hips. "I thought you said you wanted our first time to be special?"
"Hey?" Stiles sat up and grinned at her. "I didn't say anything about sex. That was all you, baby."
Baby, she scoffed mentally; she wasn't a big fan of sappy pet names. It was worse than Livvy. Only Stiles would be able to get away with calling her anything like that.
"Yeah, that was all me," she agreed sarcastically. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't control myself."
"It's okay, I understand," Stiles chuckled, getting to his feet and grabbing his backpack from the floor. "Did you eat breakfast?"
"Didn't have the time," she plucked his keys from his desk and tossed them to him. "Allison picked Lydia up pretty early. She's nervous."
"Let's get Dunkin, then," they walked out of the bedroom, Stiles shutting the door behind them. "What's she nervous about?"
"Seeing Scott again, maybe?" Olivia shrugged as they descended the stairs; Noah was already gone for work. "It could be that it's just hard to go back to school without your mom. It was for me."
As they left the house and locked up, Stiles nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too."
When they arrived at the brand-new school—it had been in progress for over two years and this was the first semester it was going to be used—they had already finished their breakfast and were ready for the day. First, before they could leave the jeep, they had to go over some rules.
"Rules?" Stiles groaned, leaning his head back against his seat. "Rules for what?"
"You know what," they'd gone over Olivia's rules for school before. "No kissing, no hugging, no touchy-feely of any kind."
Stiles rolled his eyes, equal parts exasperated and endeared with his girlfriend. "Can I at least hold your hand?"
Olivia pressed her lips together thoughtfully. "I guess that's fine."
"What about if I put my arm around you?"
"Let's not push it," Olivia smiled lightly when he made a loud but joking sigh. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Stiles leaned into her, lips pursed as he blinked rapidly at her. "Can I at least have a kiss?"
Olivia didn't hesitate to kiss him. It only lasted for a second and it wouldn't be enough to last the whole day but it was still special and it still made Stiles' lungs cease and his heart race.
The two of them separated to find their lockers and their friends. Stiles watched Olivia go with a smile on his face, unable to believe that he was starting his junior year of high school with her by his side. He loved her so damn much and she actually loved him back.
It turned out that his locker was only down the hallway from Scott's. It was very convenient. Scott had already arrived on his new bike when Stiles got to his locker, which made it easier for them to find each other before the bell rang and they had to get to class.
"You wanna ask Derek for help?" Stiles complained, looking over at Scott to see if he was serious; he was. "Why?"
Sure, Stiles was more comfortable with Derek now that he and Olivia were dating but it also made the alpha scarier. When Derek gave him the be-careful-with-my-cousin talk—the night that he and Olivia went on their second date—Stiles had almost passed out. Honestly, he was just glad that it was Derek and not Peter. In general, Olivia was really the only Hale family member that Stiles liked to spend time with.
"He's got the triskele tattooed on his back," Scott reminded him as they walked through the hallways, maps in hand to navigate the new school. "There has to be a way to do it without healing, right?"
Stiles wished that Scott would stop talking about his ugly tattoo. Personally, he thought it was a blessing that it healed.
"Okay, yeah," Stiles conceded but stopped walking as they came across a bulletin board with Boyd and Erica's faces stapled to it; he gestured to them as he continued, "still, doesn't he have his hands a little full?"
Boyd and Erica had been missing since the night that everything went down with Gerard and Jackson. Stiles was worried for them but it mostly stemmed from the fact that Olivia was really upset about their disappearance. She kept having nightmares about her pack members and always had the constant feeling that something was wrong with them.
Scott stared at the missing posters and sighed. He went to say something but both boys were distracted by the familiar British accent of their formal principal—the one that the Argents threatened to kill if he didn't give his job to Gerard.
"Look, these are the applications for the career advisor, I need them sorted," they walked toward the wiry-glass walls that held the main office where the principal was speaking to the secretary. "And what the hell is this?"
Stiles choked on his saliva as the principal held up one of Gerard's broad swords. He pushed Scott's shoulder, ready to get out of there. "Go, go, go!"
Two hallways over, Olivia and Lydia were leaning against the lockers next to Allison's, waiting as the taller brunette organized her newly bough school supplies. Olivia settled on people watching, eyeing the new students and the ones that she recognized from years before. Lydia, on the other hand, was scouting for new hook-ups.
"Freshmen," she sighed wistfully. "Tons and tons of fresh men."
Olivia grimaced while Allison gave her a look of disbelief. "You mean fresh boys, right?" she asked. "Lydia, they're fourteen."
"You might as well be dating a middle-schooler," Olivia tagged on, giving her cousin disapproving eyes.
Lydia shrugged. "Eh, some are more mature than others."
Olivia scoffed. "Gross."
"You know it's okay to be single," Allison pointed out to Lydia. "work on becoming a better person."
Olivia and Lydia exchanged a look; it was very obvious to them that Allison was talking about herself and not Lydia.
"Allison, we love you," Lydia took Allison's arms and turned her so that she was facing them; Olivia gave a supportive nod. "so, if you need to do that thing where we talk about one of us and pretend like we're not actually talking about you, that's fine."
"Totally fine," Olivia added.
Lydia pointed at her cousin before leaning back against the lockers, once again, checking out every guy that passed them. "but I don't want a boyfriend," she continued. "I want a distraction."
Olivia shook her head in amusement and turned away from Lydia, pausing when she saw two guys that she hadn't seen before. There was no way they weren't brothers because they looked nearly identical; they had to be twins. Either way, they were handsome and definitely Lydia's type; brooding bad boys.
"Oh, my God," Lydia had spotted the twins, causing Allison to look their way.
Olivia raised an eyebrow at Allison. "Are we seeing the same people, Al?" she scoffed. "They have to be twins."
Lydia hummed, green eyes studying the new kids. "Twins."
The new kids turned down the hallway that headed to the main office just as the first bell rang. Lydia watched them leave, a mischievous look on her face. Olivia rolled her eyes and nudged her to get her attention so they could get going to class.
Because the three of them all had the same English class, they walked through the hallways side-by-side to the section of the school that housed the English department. Stiles and Scott also had the same class as them, which Olivia considered pretty lucky. Out of the two hundred kids in their grade, the five of them all had the first class of the day together.
The classroom was pretty much full by the time that Olivia, Lydia, and Allison entered. Stiles got her attention right away, waving his hand in the air and then pointing to three empty seats next to him that he saved for them. Olivia cracked a smile at him and wandered over to the row of desks closest to the window, sitting in the seat next to him. Lydia scored the seat in front of Stiles but Allison was the unlucky one; the empty seat in front of Olivia had been filled by one of their other classmates.
Olivia grimaced at Allison, her eyes darting over to Scott, who was sitting on the other side of Stiles. "Sorry."
The last empty seat was in front of Scott, the one specific person she was trying to avoid.
"This ought to be good," Stiles muttered under his breath as he, Olivia, and Lydia watched as Allison approached Scott.
Allison smiled shyly—and awkwardly—at Scott, gesturing to the desk. "Is someone...?"
"No, no, no," Scott was quick to respond. "No, it's all you, all yours...Uh, it's totally vacant."
Olivia snickered as Scott looked at Stiles with a miserable face and her amusement definitely heightened when Stiles sent Scott a sarcastic thumbs-up in response.
As soon as Stiles put his hand down, every phone in the classroom started going off. Olivia furrowed her eyebrows as she quickly looked around the classroom and then focused on her purse, pulling out her phone; it was a text message from an unknown number.
Everyone in the class got a text message at the same time? How?
"The offing was barred by a black blank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth, flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness," a tall brunette who had to be their teacher, Ms. Blake, walked into the classroom, reading off her own cellphone. She leaned against her desk when she finished reading and looked out over her students to address them. "This is the last line to the first book we are going to read...It is also the last text you will receive in this class. Phones off, everyone."
Olivia pressed her lips together, impressed by Ms. Blake's entrance. It wasn't bad for a new teacher. She put her phone on silent but she didn't turn it off; if she needed to reach Derek, just in case something happened, she'd have to keep it on.
"All right, everyone," Ms. Blake crossed to the back of her desk. "If you didn't already know from your schedule, I'm Ms. Blake. Right now, while I pass out your syllabi, I want you to get into your textbooks and start reading Heart of Darkness. Make sure you're annotating as you read; write down any thought that you have. I want to know them all."
Like the rest of her classmates, Olivia opened her textbook to start reading Heart of Darkness. Her brand-new notebook was opened to its first page, carefully labeled with the date and what they were doing. Now, Olivia had always received great grades in her English classes but that didn't mean she enjoyed them. English was actually her least favorite class and it bored her to death; there was nothing she hated more than reading old literature and taking notes about what she thought. She thought that it was boring and outdated and she didn't like it—somehow, she didn't think that Ms. Blake would appreciate those annotations.
She was only through half of the first chapter when the classroom door opened and their new principal—well, he was actually the one they had before Gerard Argent—walked into the room. All eyes were on him as he whispered into Ms. Blake's ear before leaving. Ms. Blake's gaze wandered the room before settling on Scott.
"Mr. McCall?" she gestured to the door.
Olivia took the opportunity of Ms. Blake talking to Scott in the hallway to message Derek about Isaac. She was still getting those warning signals in her head and if Scott was being pulled out of class—she wasn't stupid, she knew what was happening—then something worse was going on than they thought.
Ollie: Scott got pulled out of class, I'm guessing it's his mom
Ollie: I think it's because of Isaac
Derek: I'll check it out
Satisfied with her cousin's promise, Olivia slipped her phone back into her purse. She was back to writing notes when Ms. Blake walked into the classroom and continued to write their assignment on the board. They had to read four chapters by Friday—yay.
Olivia heard the whisper that came from Stiles but ignored it; it was dead silent in the classroom and she was not about to get into trouble for talking when they weren't supposed to.
"Psst," she heard him hiss at her. "Livvy."
Olivia finally turned to him, an annoyed look on her face. "What?"
"What is that?" Stiles used his pencil to poke at her wrist where a flesh-colored bandage was covering Sirius' bite from that morning. "Is that from the accident?"
"No," Olivia pushed his pencil away from her. "Sirius bit me."
"Siri bit you," Stiles immediately furrowed his eyebrows. "No way."
"Well, I didn't bite myself, Stiles."
Stiles huffed and gave her an annoyed look. "Sirius hasn't bitten anyone before."
"Yeah, we had no idea," Lydia, having heard their conversation, bit in. "It isn't like he's our dog or anything."
Stiles' mind raced as he eyed the bandage on Olivia's arm. Sirius didn't bite people; he was one of the most playful and sweetest dogs in the world—and Stiles would die for him but that was beside the point—but he still bit Olivia. And the deer, there had never been any accidents reported where it came straight down the road like that. It's like the animals were going crazy or something.
"Hey," he whispered, hoping to get Olivia's and Lydia's attention again; it worked. "What if it's, like, the same thing as the deer? You know, like how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?"
Olivia bit the inside of her cheek thoughtfully as Lydia quirked an eyebrow at him. "Meaning what?" she asked. "There's gonna be an earthquake?"
"Or something," Stiles insisted. "I just...maybe it means something's coming something bad."
While Stiles and Lydia conferred, Olivia was deep in her head, overwhelmed by her abilities. Her whole body was vibrating and she was rapidly hearing names—Olivia, Stiles, Lydia, Allison—from the classroom but it wasn't just that, either. There was something pulling her consciousness away from her, like she was needed elsewhere.
Scott. Isaac. Derek.
Olivia, they're coming, something whispered to her. They're coming. Olivia, look out the window. LOOK OUT THE WINDOW!
"Olivia!" she startled when someone grabbed her wrist, breathing in quickly. Her eyes locked with Lydia's, who was worried. "Your eyes are purple."
Olivia couldn't respond, she needed to look out the window. When she did, she inhaled deeply; a black bird was flying right toward her and then it was there, slamming into the glass and leaving a gross smudge of blood behind.
More birds were coming; maybe a hundred black birds were flying in the direction of the classroom and it didn't look like they were going to stop. They didn't; the first few birds hit the window as Ms. Blake walked over to see what was going on. And then the fourth bird hit the window, breaking through, and everything was chaos.
Olivia, Stiles, Lydia, Allison. Olivia, Stiles, Lydia, Allison. Olivia, Stiles, Lydia, Allison.
Over and over Olivia heard her and her friends' names, paralyzing her to her seat. She hardly noticed the numerous birds flying around the classroom, terrorizing her classmates. She didn't even notice when a bird started attacking her, too busy caught up in the fact that something was going on with Isaac, Scott, and Derek, too.
It was too much for her at once.
The birds were making Stiles nervous but the fact that Olivia was just sitting there was panic inducing. He cursed himself as he tore out from under his desk, wishing that he had seen her struggling before, and lunged toward her. He wasn't very careful as he pulled her from her seat and covered her with his own body, inching back toward to where Lydia and Allison were huddled together, but he could apologize later. Her eyes were wide and purple and he figured she wouldn't remember much of what was going on, anyway.
The attack of the birds only lasted around ten minutes but a lot of damage was done. Torn textbooks and notebook paper were all over the room, along with pieces of clothing and dead birds. There were a lot of injured people—there was nothing serious but it was birds that attacked them so antibiotics were probably needed—so paramedics and the police were called.
Olivia's eyes were still purple and that could have been the most worrying thing about it all if it wasn't for the fact that she was currently trying to get out of his grasp and head toward the classroom door like her life depended on it.
"Hey, Livvy, what are you doing?" Stiles grabbed her uninjured wrist to stop her from leaving. "You have to wait for the paramedics."
"Scott, Isaac, and Derek...they're in trouble," her voice was hers but it wasn't. It was dazed and almost robotic.
He furrowed his eyebrows worriedly but focused on Olivia; he could help her at the moment, not Scott or Derek. "I'm sure they have it handled. Are you okay," he cupped her face; her purple eyes were blank. "Olivia, come on. Come back to me."
"We're gonna have to get her out of here," Allison stated as she and Lydia walked over to them. Her eyes searched the room; their classmates were still pulling themselves together but soon it would be obvious that something was wrong with Olivia. "Someone's gonna notice."
Lydia bit her lip as her cousin whispered their friend's name. "I'll take her to the bathroom," she volunteered, eyeing Stiles before he could protest. "You need to tell your dad what happened."
"Fine," Stiles agreed with a mumble.
Allison helped Lydia sneak Olivia out of the classroom while Ms. Blake was occupied, trying to round up her injured students. By the time she got back, Noah and some of his deputies had rolled up, as well as a couple of paramedics. Even Mr. Argent had come to the school to see his daughter, worried about how her first day had completely flopped within the first class period.
Stiles quickly explained to his dad what had went on and then looked for his and Olivia's things. Once their school supplies and bags were gathered on his desk, he took his phone from his pants and messaged Derek.
Stilinski: Olivia's freaking out about you guys. What's going on?
Sourwolf: I have Isaac and Scott. We're fine.
If Scott, Isaac, and Derek were out of danger, that probably meant that Olivia was okay. Hopefully she and Lydia were being attended to for their injuries, which were just a few scratches.
Stiles' gaze found Ms. Blake; she was sitting on her desk with bird feathers in her hair, her eyes blank as he started ahead. He felt sorry for the woman. It was her first day of teaching at Beacon High and this was what she got. Why on earth did people even want to work in Beacon Hills? There were disasters all the fucking time.
"Ms. Blake, are you okay?" Stiles reached for one of the feathers in her hair, pulling it out as she flinched away. "Sorry, just...that," he showed her the feather and hastily dropped it to the floor.
He needed hand sanitizer.
"Mr. Argent," his dad's voice caught his attention; he looked to see that Noah was now talking to Mr. Argent, his arms crossed over his chest. "you wouldn't have any insight into this would you?"
Stiles sat on the desk next to his, watching the exchange curiously.
"Me?" Mr. Argent was taken aback.
"Yeah," Noah nodded. "all this bizarre animal behavior, it's...You must have seen something like this before, right?"
"I'm not sure why I would or why you would think I would," Mr. Argent was uncharacteristically flustered as he spoke to Noah.
Noah paused for a second. "I'm sorry, I could have sworn I overheard my son talking about how you were an experienced hunter."
Shit, shit, shit. Stiles quickly ducked his head, burying his face into his phone so he looked busy.
"Ah, right," Mr. Argent replied. "Well, not anymore."
Stiles only looked away from his phone when Noah left the Argents, throwing his dad an accusing look. "You listen to my phone calls now?"
"No, you just happen to be loud," Noah retorted, passing his son to speak to the deputies he brought onto the scene.
Stiles was pretty sure he was dismissed, so he took his and Olivia's things and left the classroom. He and his classmates had been excused for the rest of the day, so he'd be able to find Olivia and Lydia without a problem before they left school.
As he walked through the hallway, making his way to the girl's bathroom, he called Scott. "We got a serious problem at school," he reported when Scott answered, not taking the time to greet his best friend. "Ms. Blake's class—"
"Hey, can you tell me about it later?" Scott interrupted him.
Stiles frowned. "Well, no, I'm pretty sure this qualifies for immediate discussion."
Scott sighed. "Okay, then meet me at Derek's."
"His loft?"
"No, his old house."
"What the fuck are you doing at his old house?" last Stiles knew, the old Hale house had been taken over by the county. Olivia had been really upset about it but relieved at the same time.
"Just meet us here, okay," Scott said hurriedly. "Bye."
Stiles groaned; he seriously hoped he wasn't going to that house for no reason. Derek had said that he, Scott, and Isaac were fine, so why did they need to wait around in the rundown mansion? What was so important that he had to meet them there?
He put his phone back in his pants just as Olivia and Lydia left the bathroom. He was very much relieved to see that Olivia looked like herself again, fully aware and in charge of her body. She was a little ruffled but so were he and Lydia and the rest of their classmates.
"How are you feeling?" he asked her, ignoring her PDA rules to pull her into a tight hug. He was relieved to feel her return his affection. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Olivia assured him as she pulled away. "Sorry about that. I don't know what happened."
"We need to figure out what it was," Lydia spoke up, crossing her arms over her chest. "If that happens again..."
"Someone might notice, yeah," Olivia nodded and then focused back on Stiles, reaching up to carefully prod at the scratch near his temple. "Did you get that cleaned?"
"Yes, ma'am," Stiles confirmed with a grin. "Oh, I talked to Derek and he, Scott, and Isaac are fine."
Olivia sighed in relief. "Good."
"And Scott wants us to meet them at the old Hale house."
Immediately, Olivia clammed up, giving him a tight smile. "You go ahead," she told him, not wanting to go back to the place where her mother had died. "I'll stay with Lydia and get a ride home from Allison."
Stiles frowned. "Are you sure?"
He knew that she hated to be around the old Hale house but he was worried about her being in a small space with Mr. Argent. They weren't the ones that fought and Argent had actually helped her get Stiles out of his house that spring but Stiles was still cautious. Despite her last name being something different, Olivia was still a Hale and Argent was still an Argent.
"Yeah," surprisingly, Olivia stood on her tiptoes to give Stiles a light peck on the lips. "Lyds and I have that party to go to anyway. It's gonna be fun."
Lydia rolled her eyes at her cousin's sarcasm. "Would you stop being a party pooper?"
"No," Olivia turned her gaze back to Stiles once again. "I love you."
Stiles beamed at her. "Love you, too. Be careful."
After getting her things from Stiles, it was just Olivia who went with Lydia to her locker. Allison joined them as Lydia started touching up her lipstick but they stayed silent. All three of them were still bewildered with what had happened in their english class.
Finally, Lydia spoke up, "Is it me or is Beacon Hills turning into more like a beacon for the totally bizarre and supernatural?"
Allison laughed and Olivia rolled her eyes as Lydia shut her locker. They were just about to walk away to head to Allison's car when they came across an older woman. She couldn't have been more than five or six years older than them but she looked a little haggard.
"Where's Scott McCall?" the woman asked them.
Olivia, Lydia, and Allison exchanged looks but it was Olivia who spoke up. "How you do—"
"You're the Anchor," the woman breathed and grabbed Olivia's arm; Olivia's eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Hey, how do you know..." Allison spoke up angrily, only for her arm to be grabbed by the woman, too.
Both Olivia and Allison winced in pain as the woman squeezed their arms carefully, her eyes looking at something past them.
"Easy on the physicality, sweetheart," Lydia sneered, forcefully pulling the woman's grip away from Olivia and Allison.
The woman let go and started to run away; Olivia looked back at where the woman had been staring at and saw that the twins that Lydia was lusting after were fleeing the hallway, too. "What the hell?" she muttered and looked down at her arm, which was still aching. "She bruised me."
Allison looked at her arm. "Huh, me too."
"What a psycho," Lydia glowered at the end of the hallway where the woman disappeared to.
"Come on," all three of them turned to Mr. Argent, who had walked up to them. "Let's get you girls out of here."
Olivia exchanged a nod with Lydia. After the strange day she had—which only lasted one class period, by the way—she was more than ready to get out of that school. She and Lydia ducked away from the Argents and walked down the hallway side-by-side.
(Gif is not mine)
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ronoken · 4 years
Fic Snippit
So, I read tow lovely comments this week and saw someone was kind enough to give me a shout out on Tumblr. So... A quick epilouge piece?
A quick epilouge piece! Comment on this, dammit.
In the really, really far future... 
Caline M. Bourgeois, age 13, stood in the wings of the Francois Dupont auditorium and wrung her hands as the act in front of her finished up. Olive was twirling the crap out of that baton and the blacklight admittedly looked awesome, but she was winding down and that meant Caline was next.
‘Fuck,’ she thought to herself.
She was in a white dress with some (but not too much) frill, accented with two bows holding her sandy blonde hair back in a ponytail. One bow was red, the other yellow. She didn’t want two bows, but her mother insisted this was the best way to keep the peace.
Caline glanced into the audience from where she was hiding, and sure enough, the whole Goddamn family was there. Grandpa, all three Grammas, dad with his phone ready to go, Aunt Emilie, Aunt Camille…
And an empty seat.
Caline frowned and felt her stomach start to knot up. Olive was bowing as the audience politely clapped. Behind her, two stagehands were wheeling out the beat-up school piano for Caline’s performance.
“She didn’t come,” Caline said.
She felt something rustle in the frills on her shoulder.
“Aw shucks, girly,” a voice with a thick, southern drawl said. “Y’all just need ta have some faith. Yer mama may be a bit flighty, but that dere woman ain’t one ta miss her own kin’s recital. No ma’am. She’ll be here. Y’all see.”
Caline smiled and patted the tiny lump hiding in her frills. “Thanks, Ziggy. But,” She looked again at the empty chair. “She’s not here.”
Ziggy popped his head out and patted Caline on the shoulder. “She will be. Jus’ give her time.”
“But I’m going on now!” Caline said, slightly panicked. Out on stage, Ms. Beauréal was going on ad nauseam about how hard the students had worked for the talent show this year, and how excited she was to introduce the next performer. “Ziggy, what do I do?”
“Ya get out there and ya play fer everyone, of course. Yall gonna let yer dad and yer grammas and grampa down?”
Caline bit her lip. Of course the whole family was there. Of course dad was recording. Of course this had to happen today.
“She knew this was important to me, Ziggs. She knew.” Caline muttered as she walked on stage. From the audience, she heard two voices cheering for her.
“Go Caline!” The first one cheered.
“You’re gonna do great! Gramma loves you!” The second one chimed in.
“I love you more!” The first voice said.
“I love you most!” The second one screamed.
There were sounds of a scuffle. Caline ignored them and turned to face the audience. Her eyes drifted to the empty chair…
And sitting there was a woman with short, light brown hair and glasses. She had her phone out to film, and she was waving.
Caline’s eyes went wide. “Mom?” She asked under her breath.
Beside her mom, Caline’s father looked practically spooked. At least one of her Grandmas was frowning and had her arms crossed while her Grandpa was busy laughing into his shoulder. He was doing his best to cover it with a cough.
Caline smiled.
“Toldja,” her shoulder whispered.
Out in the audience, Caline’s mom grinned as she watched her daughter being playing Nocturne No. 2 by Chopin. Caline had worked for two months with her Grandpa on the piece, and the dedication had paid off.
It didn’t hurt that Adrien was a good teacher.
“Where were you?” Marinette quietly hissed beside her daughter.
“Work,” Gina whispered back. Her eyes never left Caline as she played.
“You were almost late,” Marinette growled. “How can you of all people be late?”
“But I wasn’t,” Gina rebuffed. “And she saw me. You think I’d miss today?”
Gina didn’t have to turn her head to see the glare her mother was shooting her. She could feel it.
Gina felt a hand squeeze her shoulder. She glanced back to see Aunt Chloé smiling at her. “Ignore your mother. She’s just mad because she lost a bet.”
At that, Gina did look to her mother. “You bet I wouldn’t be here?”
Marinette blushed and crossed her arms. She turned her attention to her granddaughter on stage. “When they closed the doors, I might have been overly upset.”
Gina nudged her. “Hey, it’s me.”
“I know,” Marinette sighed.
“Shh!” Sabrina shushed them both from behind. “I’m trying to enjoy my granddaughter’s performance!”
They shut up.
Caline had barely finished up when Marinette and Chloé both rocketed to their feet, cheering and applauding wildly. Caline visibly recoiled on stage from the outpouring she was receiving from her grandmothers, but she was still smiling. Mainly because beside Gramma Marinette, her mother was also standing and applauding louder than everyone else put together. She was cheering and whistling and making a scene, and Caline was 100% loving it.
Afterwards, once the other nineteen acts were done (Aurore refused to cut any students that wanted to be on stage. Something about it not being right to deny a student their moment in the spotlight), The family group headed out for a walk by the Seine to grab some dinner and gush about the performance. All three grandmothers had argued over where to eat, but André settled things quickly by loudly asking Caline what she wanted.
So, chilidogs it was.
“Hey,” Gina said as she took a large bite. “You did great up there, sweetie. I am so, so proud of you, you don’t even know.”
Caline blushed and grinned. “Thanks. Um, hey. So, like, where were you? I didn’t think you were coming.” Her eyes drifted to Gina’s green blouse. “Um, there’s some blood on your collar.”
Gina’s smile fell a bit. “Work was a bit much tonight. Sorry about that, but I was doing my best to make sure of things. I, um, I panicked and got the time slightly wrong. Otherwise I would have been in my seat sooner. Sorry.”
Marinette’s eyebrow went up at that. “What things, exactly? Is everything okay?”
Gina nodded. “Everything is fine. Nothing interrupted the recital, and nothing is going to interrupt our dinner. We all get a nice, normal, uneventful evening to ourselves.”
Marinette was the first to catch on. “How many times did you have to go back?” She asked.
“Seven,” Gina fired right back. “It took me over four hours to figure everything out. There were gonna be two akumas tonight, and don’t get me started on the werewolf.”
“Werewolf?” Caline asked.
“There wolf,” Gina quickly replied. “Seriously, how does Aunt Alix do this?”
The group went quiet.
Gina quickly read the room. “Sorry. I know that’s a sore… Look, I know it’s weird, but I’ve honestly seen more of her since she died than I ever did before. It’s nuts in the Burrow. She was super active with monitoring time. In fact, I’m pretty sure she lived in there. Like, right before I got to the school, I ran into her.”
Adrien bit his hip. “Is she okay? Was she okay? Geez, I don’t know what the best wording is for this.”
“She was good. She was in her PJ’s and brushing her teeth. I think she’d been sleeping in a side portal again. Oh,” Gina turned to Marinette. “She also told me to tell you not to worry about your appointment next week and that it’s just a clump of fat cells. You’re okay.”
Chloé laughed a little while Marinette blushed and smirked. “That sounds like her,” the bluenette said. “But did you have to say that in front of everyone?”
Gina shrugged. “You wanna drag me for my punctuality in front of my daughter again?”
Marinette glanced at her daughter. “Touché.”
“I’m just glad you came,” Caline said. “It meant so much.”
Gina smiled and kissed her daughter on the head. “I know, sweetie.” She glanced to her husband and smiled. “I wouldn’t miss tonight for the world.”
Later that night, after Caline had been put to bed, Gina snuck out to the patio for a moment and slipped into a waiting portal.
“Sup, kiddo.” Alix called out from the center of the Burrow. She was transformed and kicked back in a recliner. Even though her hair had long since gone from pink to red to silver, she looked as feisty as ever. She was slurping down a smoothie and swiping through floating ovals, each showing a different moment in time. “You make it on time?”
“Would you please explain to me how the wall clock in the center of time itself is six minutes slow?” Gina huffed. She gestured to a clock floating in the void. “Seriously! I was almost late!”
“But you weren’t,” Alix pointed out. “Look, changing it means going all the way over there and taking it down and fiddling with it, and that’s just a lot of work. I’ve just gotten used to the difference, you know? And if I did it now, then that would completely mess me up going forward. I mean, I’d look at it and be off by six minutes. Screw that.” She slurped her drink.
Gina shook her head and sighed. “You were more tolerable before you died.”
“Which time?” Alix asked with a grin. “Thank you again, by the way. You’re really not supposed to redo things that often, but I do prefer being alive to dead, so no complaints.”
Gina smirked as she stood beside her favorite aunt and watched the portals with her.
“Thanks for your help tonight,” Alix said casually.
“It’s my job,” Gina replied. “You know I won’t say no.”
Alix glanced to her. “You ever get upset that I, um, that you got drafted into all this?”
Gina didn’t answer for a moment. She crossed her arms and settled in place as she thought.
“I used to think being Ladybug was the hardest of our jobs,” Gina said. She glanced to Alix. “I was so wrong.”
“Well, regardless? I’m proud of you, Gina. I always have been.” She considered Gina for a moment. “Hey, I’ve got tonight, okay? Go spend some time with your family.”
“Oh, did you see the recital?” Gina asked.
Alix smiled and swiped the portal in front of her. An image of Caline appeared as she sat at the piano. “You think I’d miss it?”
Gina smiled at her aunt and patted her on the shoulder. “Try not to stay up too late, okay?” She leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Love you, Aunt Alix. Please get some rest. Please?”
“Psssh,” Alix said as she waved her off. “Get out of here. I’ll give you a holler if anything pops up. Promise.”
Gina smiled and turned to leave. Someday, she’d have to tell this version of Alix that her version, the one that had… That wasn’t here anymore, preferred electric blue slushies, not cherry. Still, it was sweet of her to keep popping in and pretending.
Gina wasn’t sure what timeline this Alix was even from, but it didn’t matter. They were all her Aunt, after all.
Gina stopped at the entrance to her portal and glanced back to the woman who was casually kicked back in the recliner, a familiar ghost that if Gina squinted, was enough to help her to forget for a while.
“Good night, Bunnyx,” Gina called out.
“G’night, Time Bandit,” Alix called back. She toasted her with the half-finished slushie.
Smiling, Gina slipped through the portal, and back to home.
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ellewritesathing · 5 years
So Close - S.S. XIV
Summary: The universe has a funny way of putting the things you want right in front of you, but just out of reach. Stiles and Y/N have been best friends ever since Scott brought him home, but when Stiles realizes that he might want to be something other than best friends, she leaves to go to some fancy private school up North. Now that she’s back though … maybe he’s got a shot? A Teen Wolf AU in which the reader has always been so close to Stiles and yet so far.
Prologue - S2E1 Part 1 - S2E2 + S2E3 Part 2 - S2E4 + S2E5 + S2E6 Part 3 -  S2E7 +S2E8 Part 4 - S2E9 + S2E10 Part 5 - S2E11 + S2E12 Part 6 Part 7 - S3AE1 Part 8 - S3AE2 + S3AE3 Part 9 - S3AE4 Part 10 - S3AE5 + S3AE6 Part 11 - S3AE7 + S3AE8 Part 12 - S3AE9 + S3AE10 + S3AE11 Part 13 - S3AE11 + S3AE12 Part 14
Word-count: 2.8k+
A/N: Okay so I get that in order to expand the cast, the producers need to cut other characters out so they can include new ones and stay in their budget. And I’ve kept this rewrite pretty close to canon so far ... but now we’re throwing parts of it out the window. Enjoy!!
(Also there’s a swearword near the end if you need the warning 💗)
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You woke up with a pounding in your head and a racing in your chest. You sat up and took some deep, shaky breaths. A hand snaked around your waist and you felt the covers shift as Stiles moved. 
“What are you doing up?” he asked softly. “It’s late.” 
“I- I had another bad dream,” you said, still in a slight daze. You held his hand as you looked around. You couldn’t remember when you came over tonight. “Stiles?” 
He stopped tracing patterns on your arm to press a kiss to the side of it. “Yeah?” 
“Why is your door open?” 
“My door? What does my door matter?” 
“What if your dad sees us?” you asked, pushing back the covers and getting up. “Sure, I know I’m his favorite and all, but I don’t think he’d take too kindly to our little arrangement.” 
“He’s not even here,” Stiles said. He didn’t sound tired so much as he sounded annoyed. “So come back to bed, alright?” 
“Where is he?” you frowned. He came up with a vague excuse about where Noah was and then shook his head. It didn’t matter, he said. “Well, if it doesn’t matter then I’m just gonna close the door while I’m up, okay?” 
“Y/N, would you just leave the damn door and get back into bed?” Stiles asked. His voice was slightly too harsh to be considered playful or to be written off as grumpy from being woken up. You took a step back. “God, I didn’t- I’m sorry. Please? Just leave it alone.” 
For a second you thought about leaving it alone, but you couldn’t shake the feeling it gave you. You turned and closed the door swiftly, sending Stiles a smile when you were done but you didn’t get that far. Your hand burned as soon as you touched the doorknob, like you’d touched hot iron. And when you did close the door, it felt like your whole body was on fire. 
Stiles wasn’t there when you woke up again - you weren’t even in his room anymore - but someone was holding you. And judging by the chipped black nail polish, it was Cora. You took a deep breath and tried to move her hands without waking her up. 
But she was a light sleeper. Her grip tightened when she noticed you were moving. “What are you doing?” 
You gave up on being gentle and lifted her arms and pushed yourself to a sitting position. “You know the reason why there’s an extra mattress in here is so you have your own bed, right?” 
“You don’t remember what happened last night, do you?” Cora sat up next to you and you pulled your legs to her chest while she let hers stretch out under the covers. 
“Of course I do,” you lied. “I’m not crazy.” 
“So you remember when you sat up screaming?” Cora asked. “When I couldn’t get you to stop, so Scott, Isaac, and Melissa all came to see what was wrong? When you wouldn’t answer anyone? And when you did finally stop, you just collapsed back into the bed? I’m pretty sure you bit Isaac at some point but he-”
“Stop,” you said quietly. “Please.”
Cora took a deep breath and you felt her move closer and rub your back. “Do you remember any of that?” 
You shook your head. 
“What do you remember?” 
Your heart skipped a beat. Sure, you and Cora had become a lot closer over the two weeks she’d been living with you, but were you really about to tell her that the last thing you remember was sleeping with Stiles? 
“I don’t know,” you lied. “I just- just want to take a shower and forget about this. Can you tell Scott that I’m fine and my mom…” you paused. Melissa didn’t know the depth of what you had to do to find her that night. “And tell my mom I …”
“Got it,” Cora gave you a small smile. “Go shower.”
“Come on,” Isaac said. “It’ll be fun.” 
“No.” You closed your locker and looked over at him leaning against the one next to yours. You couldn’t help the weird deja vu that overcame you when having this conversation. “I told you that I don’t care if you date Cora, but I don’t want to see it.” 
“But you don’t have to watch us!” Isaac whined. You rolled your eyes and started walking away, and you heard him scramble to follow you. “And plus, it won’t just be me and Cora. Ethan and Danny will be there-” 
“I don’t like Ethan.” 
“- Lydia and Aiden are coming.” 
“Ditto for Aiden. And Lydia and I’ve barely spoken these past few weeks.” 
“Okay, uh … Allison’s gonna be there. And Scott probably.”
“You think I wanna see Scott and Allison make awkward conversation for three hours?” you asked. 
“Stiles will be there.” 
You sucked in a breath and turned to look at him, which almost made him topple into you. “Excuse me?” 
“I just meant- you know, if you still … have feelings for the guy … this might be a good opportunity to-” Isaac rambled, becoming increasingly quieter with every second that you glared at him. “Okay, you know what? If you don’t come, I’m just gonna tell Melissa what you did.” 
“If you tell my mom anything, I will-” the ringing bell drowned out your threat, but judging by the pale color Isaac turned, you’d guess he got your point. “Got it?” 
“Yeah, totally,” he exhaled. “Totally. So, um, it’s at seven and we all, like, live together so we’ll pick you up at six-thirty, okay?” He started backing away before you could yell at him. “Have fun in English!” 
You shook your head as you watched his retreat to his Algebra II class. When you turned to start walking, you found Cora right next to you and jumped. “Okay, what’s with you Hales and sneaking up on people?” 
“What?” Cora laughed. “I didn’t sneak up on you.” 
“Uh, yeah, you did,” you said, walking into the classroom and sliding into your seat before you were late. 
“So what was all that about in the hallway?” Cora asked. Subtlety was a skill she had yet to perfect.
“Isaac wants me to go on your date with you,” you answered. 
Cora rolled her eyes. “And I’m sure that’s exactly how he phrased it.” 
“Yeah, I mean I know wolves aren’t strictly monogamous but I didn’t think-” your joke got cut short by the teacher clearing their throat a few feet in front of you. 
“Ms. McCall, Ms. Hale,” they started. “Would you like to share with the rest of us why you’re discussing the mating rituals of animals that haven’t been in California for years?” 
“Uh … no?” 
“Detention it is.” 
You smiled proudly at the stack of books that you’d just shelved and sighed when you remembered that you still had at least three more carts to go. At least Scott and Stiles had detention too, but they always had detention so that was hardly a surprise. What was a surprise was that Isaac was there too. He told you that when he heard Cora had detention, it just slipped his mind that he wasn’t supposed to show up to class fifteen minutes late and slurping a Big Gulp. 
It was honestly kind of sickening to watch them across the room. They had this unspoken rhythm of shelving and sorting books, barely having to look at one another to get the job done. But they did look at each other. A lot. And they whispered to each other constantly. 
“That’s disgusting,” Stiles said next to you. You looked over to him and he jutted his chin in Cora and Isaac’s direction. “They’ve been going out for like three minutes and they’re practically all over each other.” 
“Actually, three weeks, two days, and eighteen hours,” you corrected. He raised an eyebrow and you continued, “It’s worse when you live with them because then knowledge like that gets burned into your brain.”
Stiles laughed and pulled a face. “That’s brutal. It must be super weird when your best friends start dating.” He looked over to where Scott was before looking back at you.
“It’s sweet and adorable, but it also makes me want to throw up,” you joked. “You know they want me to go ice-skating with them on Friday? Like some weird group date?” 
Stiles laughed but he stiffened slightly. “Are they like, you know, setting you up with some new werewolf in town?” 
“If they were, it’d be better than being the-” you pretended to count on your fingers “-ninth wheel? Hey, do you think it’s weird that we all our friends date each other?”
“So you’re not going?” Stiles asked. 
You frowned slightly. It wasn’t like him to be so focused on Cora and Isaac that he’d pass up the opportunity to complain about being one of the only group members who wasn’t dating someone. 
“Uh, no. No, I don’t think so.” You shook your head and started shelving the books that were still on his cart. “They’re pretty persistent though so I’ll probably end up there anyway.” 
“Right, right. Cool, cool, cool,” Stiles mumbled, nodding away as he spoke. 
“So are you going to help me with all this or just keep standing there?” you asked. 
“Uh, help you?” 
“Bingo. And you say you can’t pick up on subtext,” you teased. 
“Haha. Shut up.” 
You pulled a face but soon the two of you had sorted through the first cart of books. Stiles must have had a rough night because there were a few times where he’d pick up a book and just stare at it like he wasn’t sure what it was. Eventually, the two of you managed to get through your workloads and - after an awkward goodbye - parted ways to head home. 
You’d just about given up on enjoying this ‘fun night spent ice skating’ after almost an hour. You had been perfectly content to spend the night at home, catching up on homework and eating junk food, when Cora threw some clothes at you and told you to get dressed. She said that the smell of your teenage angst was annoying her and you needed to get out of the house. 
So that’s how you ended up sitting on the sidelines after skating around the rink awkwardly, while Allison did her best to teach Scott and Lydia was showing off her edge jumps.
“Doesn’t look like you’re enjoying your group date so much.” You looked up to find Stiles standing next to you, ice skates in hand. 
“Yeah, turns out group dates are a lot more fun if you actually have a date. Who knew?” you said. Stiles laughed and sat next to you, his knee knocking your leg slightly in the process. “So what are you doing here?” 
“What, a guy can’t just feel the need to ice skate at 8pm on a Friday night?” he asked as he laced up his skates. He rolled his eyes at the look you gave him in response. “Well, they needed the key I copied when Boyd worked here to get in and … and then Lydia called me.” 
“Oh.” The ease that was there before faded and you nodded quickly. You watched her land a jump and Aiden cheer her on.
“She said you looked kinda lonely and that she doubted you’d want to spend time with her and Aiden,” Stiles explained. Lydia saw you watching her and stopped skating for a minute. She waved at you and sent you a small smile. “So she asked if I wanted to, you know, keep you company.”
“She did?” 
“Yeah. She said not to tell you though, so if she asks-” 
“Then I didn’t hear it from you,” you said quietly. You lifted your hand and waved back at her, telling Stiles that you’d be right back. 
When Lydia saw you step on the ice, she started skating over to you and you carried on in her direction. You enveloped each other in what was quite possibly the messiest hug that the ice rink had ever seen and laughed. 
“I’m so sorry about what happened, babe,” Lydia said when she pulled away. “I don’t know what I was thinking. He was just panicking so badly and nothing was-” 
“I shouldn’t have avoided you for so long. It was immature.” You squeezed her hand. “You’re one of my best friends, Lyd. And I love you. And this was all so-” 
“Stupid, I know!” Lydia laughed. “But I didn’t know how to talk to you about it because you’re-” 
“Sensitive and weird and just-” you took a deep breath. “We’re good, okay?” 
“Okay,” Lydia smiled. “And I love you too, just so you know.” 
“Ow!” Stiles complained and reached for the cut on his forehead. You smacked his hand away. 
“Don’t touch it,” you said. You listened to him complain as you finished cleaning his forehead. 
“You know this is all your fault, right?” he said. “If you didn’t try to do that twirl thing-” 
“That you told me to do.” 
“-Then I never would’ve tried to catch you-” 
“Which was your idea.” 
“-And we never would’ve crashed into the ice with you using my head as a shield!” Stiles finished, dropping his hands dramatically to his side. You put a bandaid on his forehead and looked at him. 
“Are you done yet?” you asked, closing the first aid kit. 
He stopped kicking his legs underneath himself and looked at you from where he sat on the bathroom counter. “I don’t know. It was kind of fun wallowing,” he said, looking over at you with pretended sadness in his eyes.
You laughed and rolled your eyes. “Well, if it counts for anything, I had a lot of fun before accidentally maiming you.”
“So you admit that it’s your fault?” He nudged you with his foot. 
“Uh, no way,” you said dramatically, getting closer to him so you could poke his chest as you continued, “You were the one that said regular skating was boring. You were the one that wanted to try twirls and jumps. You were the one that did this.” 
Stiles laughed and caught your hand before you poke his chest again. “So what if it is my fault?” he asked. 
Your heart sped up. “Well, then you’ve gotta make it up to me,” you said softly. “I don’t get bruised for just anyone.” 
“And how should I make it up to you?” He was leaning closer and it felt like your heart was about to explode in your chest. 
“You could …” you trailed off and held your breath slightly. When you heard someone bang on the door, you jumped and pulled your hand away. In the instant that it took you to pull away, you saw the moments from your dreams flash before your eyes. The moments when you hurt your friends - when hurt Stiles. Those were still just dreams, right?
“Hey, guys, we should really be heading back,” you heard Scott say from the other side. “It’s getting late.” 
“Uh, yeah!” Stiles called back. “Yeah, buddy, we’ll be right out.” 
You had one arm wrapped around yourself and your other hand holding onto your necklace, keeping it close to your face. Your cheeks felt hot and you felt like it would be less painful if the earth opened up and swallowed you whole. 
“So, uh-” Stiles hopped off the counter. “Where were we?” 
He had a goofy smile on his face as he came closer, ready to hold you close and probably make out with you in the dirty bathroom of the local ice rink. 
“Stiles, I don’t think I can do this,” you blurted out. “I keep having these dreams where- where I’m hurting you. Maybe not always you specifically, but they’re really bad and I-” 
“It’s okay.” He stopped and let his arms fall to his sides. “I get it.”
“No, it’s not like that,” you persisted. “I really like you but I’m so scared that I’ll hurt you.” 
“Yeah, it’s a little late for that,” he said. “Uh, thanks for the medical attention but I’m gonna head out.” 
But he was already out the door. You watched it slam shut behind him and took a deep, shaky breath. You put the first aid kit away and tried to process what just happened. 
Stiles Stilinski, whom you’d been in love with practically your entire life, just tried to kiss. And you were going to kiss him back. But then you rejected him because you had been monumentally fucked up since dying to save your mom a few weeks before. Was that it? Was that your life now? You couldn’t even kiss a cute boy without being reminded of the weight of the world on your shoulders? Great.
Part 15
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mamawolfblood · 4 years
Though he didn't know it yet Chris Mclean was in for a shocking revelation. One of the campers is not exactly just some rando kid. This camper is his kid and she is out to expose it.
Name : Iris  Escalona
Age 16
Eye color green
Caramel skin
Black hair that she keeps in a high ponytail. A Cherokee rose on the left side of the hair tie.
Iris is 5ft 8",135lb
Out fit-White tanktop with the alchemists symbol blue acid washed jean shorts black converses
Iris has a dark sense of humor. She loves horror,pranks,is resourceful. Iris is not above smashing some skulls together. She is not quick to anger but Heather pushes a lot of her buttons.
All her life she just wanted Chris to know she was alive. Her mother never gave the reason why she left. She is the oldest of seven children.
________chapter 6_________
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island… A talent contest brought out the worst in our campers. It was awesome! The Killer Bass struggled to find any talent on their team, and Bridgette’s clumsiness pretty much knocked out their best prospect, Courtney. Iris stood up to Heather, so Heather swore to make Iris's life miserable by stealing her diary and birth certificate. Then she read it in front of the entire viewing world, revealing that  Iris is my daughter. Then, Heather managed to save her butt by convincing the rest of the team to vote off Justin McGorgeousness. Who will be the next one to walk off this crappy dock? Find out tonight in the most dramatic marshmallow ceremony ever! On Total. Drama. Island!
Iris pov
I sat with Gwen and Leshawna waiting for my dad to arrive. "So is Chris really your dad?" Gwen asked I nod "I didn't want him to find out yet. I was waiting for the right moment to tell him myself. You know because it was my right to do so." I said Glaring at Heather.
"Oh please it will be easier to get rid of her now. They will take their anger out on her because of her dad. Oh this was just a freebi."
*static *
"That cow has another thing coming if she thinks I'm going down. She will be out before I am trust me."
(End of Confessionals)
Chris: Campers, today’s challenge will test your outdoor survival skills. I’m not gonna lie to you. Some of you may not come back alive.[Beth and Owen gasp] Just joking. [laughs] All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team’s campsite in the forest. You just have to find it. Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of interns in pre-production. First team back for breakfast wins invincibility! [blows airhorn] Well, off you go!
Leshawna started to freak because of bears. This was followed by Owen saying he killed a bare. Izzy the proceeds to tell a storry about her encounter with a bare. This made Lindsay sick.
We all started to walk threw the woods to find our camp. Gwen looked a bit down so Trent tried to talk to her, but she just pushed him away. It was sad because the poor guy didn't know what to do.
I hope the other team will be ok.
*Meanwhile with the Killer Bass *
Katie: Sadie, lookBlueberries.
Sadie [after she gasps] : I love, love, love blueberries!
Katie: Oh my gosh! Me too!
(Confessional: Katie & Sadie)
Katie: Sadie and I are BFFFL’s.
Sadie: Best female friends for life.
Katie: We even got the chickenpox together!
Sadie: Oh my gosh, that was so fun.
Katie: It was so fun to have someone to scratch all your little scabs!
Sadie: I know, right?(confessional off)
(Honestly those two are just idiots)
Heather was complaining about I'm the next one getting voted off. Trent asked why and she said before "Iris took Harold's ant farm and poured on me!" She growls scratching I turn to face her. "Oh really it's my fault. I only did it because you did something to me unprovoked. I warm you now do anything like that again and it won't be ants in you be next time. "
I said my finger in her face. "Come on white girl lets focus on the challenge." Leshawna said pulling me along and away from Heather.
(Meanwhile with Katie and Sadie)
Katie: Okay. Those were so yummy. Can you believe how yummy those were?
Sadie: They were so yummy. Katie, where’s the rest of the team?
Katie: I don’t know. They must be nearby. Killer Bass, where are you?!
Sadie: Killer Bass! [gasps] This is just like when we were seven and we lost our moms at the mall.
Katie: And you started to cry and the security guards had to like, page our moms and they were so mad.
Sadie: Oh my gosh, like, take a pill. We’re fine.
Katie and Sadie[shouting]: Killer Bass, where are you?!
(Back to the Gophers)
I set up the tent and make a fire brake for the camp fire. "Wow you sure know what your doing. Unlike some people who are lazing around."  Leshawna said looking at Heather. "These hands were made for shopping not camping." She said crossing her arms. Owen and Trens talk about the task and Owen leaves to get food.
(Cut to Katie and Sadie.)
Sadie: You don’t know where we are, do you?
Katie: Yes! Okay, no. It’s so not my fault. Have you ever notice that all trees look the same?
Sadie: Ooh, I knew I should have known better than to listen to you.
Katie: What, you don’t think I’m smart enough to find them?
Sadie: You’re not exactly the best with like, directions.
Katie: Yuh-huh, I am!
Sadie: Nuh-uh! Apparently, you’re not! ‘Cause we’re L-O-S-T. Lost!
Katie blows raspberry
(Back at the screaming gopher's camp)
Everyone was waiting for Owen to come back with food. Some started to complain. "Hey what are you nibbling on over there." Gwen said looking at me. "Dried mint want some." I said holding up my bag. They take some when owen comes back with fish.
(Killer Bass camp)
Geoff makes a commitment about Bridgette. It didn't come out right.
Duncan: What’s for dinner, woman? I’m starving.
Courtney: I hope you don’t expect me to dignify that with a response.
DJ: Hey guys, look what I found![ pat, pats a bunny wich coughs]
Duncan: Well, I’ve never had rabbit stew before, but what the heck? I’m game.
DJ [after he sighs] : This is my new pet! I’m callin’ him Bunny!
Courtney: You couldn’t find any food? [gasps] Then it looks like we’re acting grubs and berries for dinner.
Duncan: Has anyone seen Tweedledumb and Tweedleidiot?
[creature howls]
(Screaming Gophers camp)
Owen has the Fish grilling
Trent and him start talking.
"So you and your grampa to down a bare?" I asked
Owen: Heck yes. It was the scariest day of my entire life.[Lindsay gasps.] We were out in the woods when we came upon the great beast. I tell you, he was ten feet high if he was a foot! And then he roared his terrible roar! [imitates roar] We grabbed our shotgun. We knew it was either him or us. It was nothing personal, just the law of the wild. And then, bam! One shot was all it took to fell the great beast. We took his blood and marked ourselves to honor him. It was a good death.
Heather was a skeptical about it. We all then noticed Izzy was gone and started yelling for her.
At the Killer Bass camp Ducan was telling a horror story)
Duncan: So suddenly… They-they heard this tap-tap-tapping on the side of the car. The girl started to freak out, and by this time, even the guy was getting a bit scared. So he turned the car on and he stepped on it. When they got back to the girl’s house, she opened the door and screamed! Because there, hanging from the door handle… [sinisterly] Was the bloody hook. They say that this killer is still alive, wandering these very woods. He could be just about anywhere, really. Maybe even right here!
Killer Bass screaming.
Duncan laughs evilly.
Courtney: Duncan, that was so not funny!
Duncan: Oh, yes it was! I just wish it was all on camera! Uh, oh wait, it is!
Courtney: You are so vile. Do your parents even like you?
Duncan: I don’t know, Jumpy McChicken. I haven’t asked them lately.
[wolf howls]
Courtney gasps.
(At the Gophers camp)
In the trees everyone was arguing. That was till Leshawna fell come to find out the bare was Izzy. I jump down relived that she was ok. Once the fish was done we started to eat.
At the Killer Bass camp
Bright had to pee so she ventured out of the tent only to burn the tent down when a bat hit her face.
Courtney freaks out.
The next morning was a race back to camp when we reach it the Killer Bass were there but was pointed out that Sadie and Katie were missing. Only to have them show up a few seconds later.
Chris: All right, Killer Bass. One of your fishy butts is going home. Gophers, you’re going on an all-expense paid trip to… the Tuck Shop!
I watched the marshmallow ceremony  wanting to see who is going home.
Chris: You’ve all cast your votes The camper who does not recieve a marshmallow must immediately hit The Dock of Shame, grab the Boat of Losers, and get the heck outta here. And you can’t come back. Ever. Now. I can see you’re all tired, so tonight, I’ll just throw them to you. Savvy? Courtney. Duncan. Bridgette. DJ. Harold. Geoff. Tyler. Ladies. This is the final marshmallow of the evening. Sadie.
Sadie started to cry not wanting to let go of Katie.
I felt bad but it is what it is.
After everyone left and my dad closed the show me and him sat down and just hung out. Getting to know him is not that bad. We are kinda the same but he is more sinical than me.
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despressolattes · 4 years
I'm switching up the point of view. I find it easier now to write this in third person, now that a lot of the plot can center and progress without it being Lilah narrating. I also prefer third person, now, as I grow as a writer. I hope that's okay with you guys.
book masterlist » book one masterlist
< previous chapter
Previously on Aftermath...
"I still want to backtrack to the bed things, too," Landon said, raising his hand while he spoke."
"No," Rafael and Lilah said in unison.
"Europe was amazing," Josie said, the twins walking into Alaric's office.
"It was chaos around here."
"Yesterday I came into possession of another Malivore artifact. Now monsters that shouldn't exist have been coming after it."
"I'm not gonna be afraid of losing you anymore, Hope," Landon told her, sitting by the fire with her. "'Cause I'm gonna be the guy who always fights to find you again."
"What's all that?" Lizzie asked.
"I was thinking we could spell a barrier around the urn. So the next monster shows up,, we can trap it," Hope said.
The Maxwell Bell could be heard ringing in Mystic Falls from where the Salvatore School stood. Lilah, never the girl to sleep, was shifting through grimoires while on the phone with Josh, who was also up late.
"Davina says your mom is loving Fiji," Josh said. "It's taking her a while to get accustomed to the Modern age, but she's learning."
Lilah sighed in relief. She had been avoiding the texts and calls from that side of the family, wanting to deal with Malivore before she dealt with Mommy dearest.
"I'm glad," she said honestly. She wished she could care a little more about her mother being back, but she grew accustomed to not having Lorelle in her life.
The Salvatore school, the twins, Alaric, and everyone else, they became the people she worried about the most, besides herself and Hope. She knew she would have to deal with Lorelle eventually, but the monsters that were holding their school in what felt like a constant seige was more important. That didn't mean it didn't stress her out at night, and it certainly didn't mean she didn't think about it all the time.
Maybe it was her falling back onto hold habits, like when she pushed aside the truth of who she was from the Mikaelsons for so long. She was always too scared at the concept of family that she kept it at arms length apart, even if all she had to do to touch it was step forward.
She also felt selfish. She knew Hope would kill to have Hailey back, but instead, it was Lilah who got her mother back, and parts of her wished she hadn't. It was a constant inner battle for her, knowing her own mother was out there, but all she cared about was everyone else.
Let's just say, she blames it on her savior complex.
"Okay, I gotta go," Josh said.
"Goodnight, Joshy."
Lilah was awake when Hope got up. She sat right up, smiling. Lilah shot her cousin a questionable look. Hope never looked that happy in the morning.
"You good?" Lilah asked.
"Did you not sleep?" Hope asked, staring at her, then she chuckled. "My cousin, always the night owl. Come on, let's get something to eat before classes."
Lilah's eyelashes fluttered as she blinked rapidly, unsure why Hope seemed to happy-go-lucky so early in the morning. She decided to embrace it, a moment of peace sounded great in their times of constant stress. She put the grimoire down, sliding out of bed.
"Morning, handsome," Hope said to Landon as she and Lilah approached them. She sat down next to Landon, letting her hands fall to his curls.
They were sitting in the student lounge, Landon sitting on a couch with a pastry in his hand while Rafael was on a one-seater with a cup of coffee sitting on the round coffee table in front of them.
Hope managed to curl her hair, putting it up into a half-up pony tail, leaving the front strands to fall nicely with the shape of her face.
Lilah fake gagged, and went to sit down on the arm of the one-seater Rafael was sitting on.
"Hey," Landon said, taking another bite of his breakfast.
Hope looked at Rafael, correcting herself as she said, "Handsomes."
Rafael sent her an awkward smile before looking up at Lilah. The older Mikaelson cousin just shrugged.
"Mmm, sweet, sweet cards," Hope smiled at Landon's breakfast, taking a bite of it herself.
"Somebody's in a really good mood," Rafael commented, squinting his eyes at her.
She shrugged, and said, "Hmm, just woke up on the right side of the bed, I guess."
"For the first time ever?" Landon half-joked.
Hope giggled, which caused Lilah's face to contort with even more confusion, her eyes widening.
"You're so funny. I love that about you," Hope told Landon, knocking her side into his with the giddiest smile on her face.
The twins walked in, and Lilah couldn't help but let her vampire hearing turn on just so she could distract herself from her odd-ball cousin.
"Remember what Mom said," Lizzie told Josie. "We are airy clouds flying high above a turbulent sea of drama."
"Two clouds who are not triggered by seeing ex-boyfriends," Josie added, their gaze turning to Rafael.
Wait, how long have I been stuck in my own world? When did Lizzie and Raf get together? wondered Lilah, not looking up so it didn't seem obvious she was eavesdropping.
"Who also do not make-out with ex-girlfriends," Lizzie added. She looked down at her bracelet and said, "Thanks to mom, I have a silver lining."
"Saltzman twins 2.0," Jo smiled, linking her arm with her twin's.
They walked inside, approaching the group of four,.
"Good morning, Rafael," Lizzie said, her best fake smile on her face.
"Hi," Rafael said awkwardly. "Uh, how was your-your trip?"
"Excellent," Josie answered for the both of them. "Thank you."
Rafael nodded, his eyes shifting around the room.
"And welcome back, Landon," Josie told the curly haired boy.
"Didn't you vote me out?" asked Landon.
Lilah and Rafael both cringed at his question, an audible wince.
That's all in the past," Lizzie told Landon. "Now, is everyone as excited as I am about tonight?"
"What's happening tonight?" Landon asked Hope.
She chuckled and said, "The school's annual talent show. All the factions compete."
"You know, the witch performance wouldn't be the same without you two," Lilah told the twins, wondering if the talent show was all they wanted to talk about, and if they would leave once she complimented Lizzie.
"Thank you," Josie said.
There was some musical chime, and Alaric's voice sounding through the campus via the intercom system.
"If I could have your attention. Last night we were able to capture a monster here on the grounds. We have everything under control, but given this potential danger, it is with a heavy heart that I must postpone the talent show."
Students could be heard groaning through the student lounge, and the twins looked at each other in distress.
"Hopefully, we will be able to reschedule this unique event... at a later date. A much, much later date."
"Kind of overkill, if you ask me," Hope said. "I told your dad that a unicorn barely counts as a monster."
"The monster is a magical pony?" laughed Lilah. "And Alaric is scared of it? Jesus Christ."
She linked her arm through Rafael's, pulling him up as she stood up, ignoring the look she was getting from the blonde twin. Lizzie was still one of Lilah's best friends, but at that moment, she wanted to extract herself and the wolf in Lizzie's sights out of the situation.
"Come on, I want to get breakfast before first period starts. Come with?" Lilah asked, leaving her arm linked with Rafael's.
He looked at her, then back to Lizzie, the excuse clicking in his head. He knew Lilah never ate breakfast. He grabbed his backpack from the floor, leaving Lilah.
"So, answer all my questions," Lilah said when they left the lounge. "And I got several."
"Ask away, Miss Invincible," Rafael said.
They entered the, thankfully vacant, kitchen, and she let go of his arm to go make herself a cup of coffee.
"Do you like your coffee with cream or sugar?"
She made him coffee and handed him a mug.
She drank it black, so she propped herself up onto the counter, sitting on it while Rafael stood in front of her, leaning against the kitchen island with his arms crossed.
His arms looked good in the school's longsleeve unform shirt when they were crossed like that.
"Rafael chuckled. "So, you said you had many questions. That was just one."
"Oh, yes," she said calming, folding her hands in her lap before the smile fell from her face and she exlaimed, "When the heck did something happened with you and Young Caroline?!"
"Me and who?" Rafael asked.
"Elizabeth Saltzman."
Rafael coughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "I'm not... I'm not proud of it."
"...Well?" she asked, waiting for him to explain.
"It was right after the Honor Council voted Landon out, and I was mad, and Lizzie was just... like I said, I'm not proud of it."
"You're talking to a vampire who used to be a ripper. There's a lot I'm not proud of. Now just say it with your whole chest. What the heck happened?"
"We slept together, in the gym."
"You have slutty gym sex?"
"...Lan's been calling it sweaty gym sex but... sure?"
"Is that why I heard you were her escort for her and Josie's sweet sixteen?"
"I didn't want to disappoint her, but I told her how I felt... or uh, didn't feel."
"I totally knew she had feelings for you, but wow," Lilah said, blinking as she nodded in understanding. "Well, it's great to be in the loop. Let's get to class."
She pushed off of the counter, gulping down what was left of her drink. She linked her arm with Rafael's again, tugging him away from the kitchen.
The chime went off on the intercom again as Landon met up with Rafael and Lilah. Lilah let go of Rafael's arm, the three of them walking side-by-side towards class.
"Good news, friends. The talent show is going on as previously scheduled," Lizzie's voice called.
Rafael winced and Landon patted his back. Rafael threw his hand off, the foster brothers laughing.
"So... Lizzie's acting weird," Landon brought up.
"She's not the only one," Rafael pointed at Hope as they approached her, who was standing with her back was facing them.
"Babe!" Hope said, turning around to face them, the dazed smile still on her face. "we should do a talent."
"What?" Landon asked. Landon turned to his best friend and Lilah for back up, and Landon just laughed, patting his back.
"Uh, you and me?" Landon asked her, panicked.
"I never wanted to before 'cause Lilah refuses to do them with me, and I would have had to do it alone, but now I have you. And we make up our own faction! The tribrid, and you."
Her and Landon got closer to one another, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
"No, no, I'm sure Lilah will do it with you now," Landon said desperately, staring at Lilah who shook her head no rapidly.
"Yeah, all right, yeah. Team Other," Landon said, and Hope giggled, both of them kissing.
"Ew," whispered Lilah to Rafael, the both of them just watching the lovebirds in front of them awkwardly.
They both started backing up, walking in the other direction as they started to make out.
"So gross," Lilah whispered.
"You're telling me," laughed Rafael. "Now you know how the whole school felt when-" He stopped himself short, realizing what he was about to say.
"When Roman and I were together?" she asked, finishing his sentence for him.
"Sorry, I wasn't thinking."
"Don't be sorry, it's fine. It's the truth, too."
"Here's, let's change the subject. Why didn't you ever want to do the talent show with your cousin?" Rafael asked.
"Mm, subject still the same," laughed Lilah. "I always did them with Roman. He'd play guitar while I'd sing. It didn't really count much for the whole faction battle since he was a vampire and I'm... well... probably someone who got my own place on this Honor Council, but it was always fun. We enjoyed doing them together."
"I suck at this conversation thing, don't I?" Rafael chuckled.
"Not at all," Lilah said. "I enjoy talking to you."
She stopped in front of a classroom.
"Well, this is me," she said, smiling. "I'll see you after class?"
"Yeah, I'll swing by and we can walk to second together."
Lilah went to sit down at her seat, smiling as she could still see Rafael walking down the corridor.
"He's cute," the girl next to her said.
Evelyn Mathews, the only other girl at the Salvatore school who was a siphoner like the Saltzman twins, was sitting next to her. She had long brown hair with blonde highlights and a medium complexion. She said things that were a bit out of pocket at times, but always found a way to make Lilah laugh in class.
"Who? Rafael?" snorted Lilah.
"Uh, duh," responded Evelyn. "You always get the hot ones."
"Raf's just a friend," Lilah told her.
Evelyn raised her eyebrows in agreement, though the facial expression she was making showed her disbelief for the statement. Lilah shook her head at her, opening her notebook to a clean page and getting ready to learn—not that she needed to.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Chapter 14; Part of the Journey is the end
*Author’s note*
Okay guys this is basically it. Last chapter will be the epilogue but here we have reached the final part to my Bad Wolf series that I started a few years ago. Please prep your tissues because this one’s VERY HEARTFELT and a bit angsty. But I hope you all enjoy it :)
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The world was in celebration.  With the defeat of Thanos and everyone that had been affected by the snap finally reunited with friends, family and loved ones. All over the world people were celebrating.  Fireworks shot up every night in the sky for a straight week.
In the wild Irish field that Rauri had called home for the remaining chimeras, everyone now was gathered side by side to stare up at the night sky that was just booming with color.  Rauri and I sat in our wolf forms cuddled close together on top of a large rock formation.  He looked down at me and I looked up at him and he licked me lovingly and I licked him back as the two of us finally reunited and could finally start our lives together.
The way it should be.
But there was one last thing that needed to be taken care of.  Rauri, the Winchesters, Maria, Michell and I flew out to Tony’s private little lake house for his funeral.
All the Avengers, Barton’s family, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Scott, the Van Dynes, Fury, Agent Hill, Carol, Peter Parker and his aunt May, Stephen Strange, Wong, my mom, Okoye, T’Challa and Shuri, Mr. Secretary Ross, Happy, and a young boy named Harley Keener came to say a final farewell to Tony Stark.
The greatest, and selfless man who gave his life to end it all.
We were all gathered in the living room watching a recording of Tony of him talking about the ‘Time heist’ they all did to pull this off.  He was sitting on a chair like he was pondering before finally he spoke.
‘Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn’t always roll that way. Maybe this time. I’m hoping if you play this back…it’s in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back. And something like a normal version of the planet has been restored. If there ever was such a thing. God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me 10 years ago that we weren’t alone…let alone to this extent, I mean, I-I-I-I wouldn’t have been surprised….but come on, who knew? The epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And for better or worse….that’s the reality Morgan’s gonna have a way to grow up in.’
My eyes turned to Pepper and their little 5 year old girl Morgan.  My heart especially went out to her because she was so young to lose her father.  I know firsthand what it’s like to lose your father at a young age.  I felt Rauri gently tighten his grip on my hand and he kissed my forehead as we turned our attention back to Tony’s final message.
‘So, I thought I’d probably better record a little greeting….in case of an untimely death. On my part. Not that death at any time isn’t untimely. This time travel thing that we’re gonna try and pull off tomorrow…it’s got my scratching my head about the survivability of it all that’s the thing. Then again, that’s the hero gig, right? Part of the journey is the end. What am I even tripping for?’ He stood up from the chair and almost like he was actually here in the room with us, he walked up so that he was now standing before Morgan and leaned down towards her. ‘Everything’s gonna work out exactly the way it’s supposed to. I love you 3,000.’
And with that the message ended and his hologram disappeared.
Pepper was the first to walk out holding her daughter’s hand with Happy behind them as well as a bouquet of flowers with the first ever arc reactor Tony ever got after his survival back in Afghanistan.  
We followed behind her until she crossed the small dock leading to the lake.  She knelt down beside her daughter and they both placed the bouquet into the lake allowing it to float away.
Inscribed around the frame of it were words that couldn’t be said any better.
My group of Chimeras stood right between Bucky, Sam and Wanda and my mum, T’Challa, Shuri and Okoye.  Rauri wrapped his arm around me leaning his head against mine as I allowed the tears to slowly slide down my face but still remained strong.
After the funeral and most of everyone went home and giving their condolences to Pepper and Morgan.  I stood with Clint and Mama Bear by the lakeside.
“You know, I wish there was a way I could let her know…..that we won. We did it.” Clint said heartbroken.  Wanda and I knew who he was talking about.  In fact Rauri told me that Nat ended up sacrificing herself in order to obtain the soul stone.  I looked ahead and I saw on the other side of the lake was Nat’s spirit.
She smiled lovingly at me and held her hand up smiling gratefully before fading away with the breeze.
“She knows.”
“They both do.” Mama bear finished for me.  
“And she’ll always be watching over you Clint.” I told him with a soft smile.
Clint looked down at both of us and wrapped his arms around each of us pulling us close to him and Mama Bear and I wrapped an arm around him.  We remained silent for a bit till I finally said.
“So what’s next for you all?”
“Quiet retirement. Spending time with my family.” Clint said.  “Hey, if any of you two need a place to crash, my door’s always open.”
“Thanks Clint.” We both said.  He smiled and hugged us both telling us to be good and stay out of trouble before heading back to his car where his wife and kids were at to drive them home.
“What about you Mama bear?”
“I honestly don’t know. With….Vision gone I don’t really have a plan.”
“Your Scarlet Witch, the most powerful Avenger I know. You’ll find a way to bring him back.”
“I’ll see if I can. What about you?”
“Well my honeymoon kinda got ruined thanks to scrotum head douchebag. And everyone was too busy celebrating so…..I guess going somewhere where Rauri hasn’t caused any trouble for the past five years for a good honeymoon.” She chuckled softly and said.
“So….I guess this is farewell?” I shook my head and said.
“You know I hate goodbyes. This is…..see you soon. Mama Bear.” She smiled and embraced me.
“Good luck Wolfie. Have a good life with your new husband and family.” She whispered in my ear.
“Promise to keep in touch.”
“I will I promise.” We separated from each other but she cupped my face in both her hands before giving me a kiss on the forehead.  Then she walked off.
I smiled softly and whispered.
“Good luck Scarlet Witch.” I then walked back towards the house to see Happy sitting there on the front porch with Morgan.
“I’m gonna get you all the cheeseburgers you want.”
“Okay.” She said softly.  I smiled and cautiously approached them and said.
“Hope I’m not interrupting.”
“Not at all. How you doing?” asked Happy.
“Numb. I’ve lost so many people in my life I just feel like this one has just made me totally numb.” He nodded and that’s when I turned my attention to Morgan.  I walked up to her and knelt down saying softly, “Hi Morgan. I’m (y/n).”
“Like my middle name?” she asked.  I was shocked for a second before turning to Happy and he explained.
“He almost named her after you when she was born, but Pepper wanted to name her Morgan so in the end she has your name as her middle name.”
Morgan Howard-(y/n) Stark.  I liked it.
“Yeah, exactly like your middle name. Can—I talk to you?” she nodded and I picked her up and took her off the front porch and the two of us went over to the docks and sat side by side.  “You know; you’re not the only one to lose their daddy to a war.”
“Hmm?” she looked up at me as she fiddled with her dress. I nodded and told her.
“See I was just a little older than you when I lost my daddy. He was a brave, kind man. Just like yours was.”
“Do you think they’re together?” I smiled warmly at her and said.
“I have no doubt. See I came from a Native American village, and the chief of the tribe always said that death wasn’t the end. Sometimes the souls of those that leave us are never truly gone. You can always feel them watching over you, and you can see them in the stars.”
“The stars?”
“Yeah.” I pulled her up into my lap holding her close as I continued, “And I have no doubt that when you go to bed tonight, that when you look up at the sky, and see the brightest star that twinkles in the night sky. That’s your dad watching out for you throughout your whole life.” I then unwrapped the wolf totem necklace that was once given to me by Pietro. I’ve gotten by with it long enough, time for someone else to take it. “In fact take this,”
I placed the necklace over her neck and she held the wooden carved wolf in her hand and I told her.
“Wolves are the guides to the spirit world. My tribe believed that when a wolf howls in the night, they are trying to communicate a message to the living. So whenever you feel alone, just hold this as tight as you can and you can hear your daddy’s voice calling out to you.”
“Thank you.” She said.
“You’re most welcome. And if you ever need more stories about your daddy, you can always call me, okay?” she nodded and hugged me.  I hugged her back and kissed the side of her head as Happy came up and he said.
“Hey squirt, you mom needs to see you.” She nodded and I let her off my lap and she raced off to find Pepper.  I stood up and I walked up to him and said.
“You promise to watch out for her?”
“I will.”
“Good, cause you and Rhodey are the closest thing to a dad she’ll have now. Keep her safe, and if I hear anything bad happening to her, you both will deal with me.”
“I understand.” I grinned and hugged Happy. He embraced me back and as I walked off he stopped me. “Wait (y/n),” I stopped in my tracks as he jogged up to me and reached into his coat pocket.  “Tony he…..he wanted you to have this.” He soon held up a manila folder.
“What is it?”
“It’s something he’s been working on for years, one good thing that came out from all of this is that now he feels like he’s finally repaired what the two of you lost.” I opened it up to reveal a document inside.  
“Is this……” I gasped softly.
“Yes. Legalized and everything.” I folded the paper back and stuffed into my coat pocket and wiped the tears forming at the corner of my eyes.  I looked up to the sky and I swore I could almost hear his voice.
“Thank you, Tony.” I whispered.
I met back with Rauri and he embraced me before saying.
“You ready to go home?” before I could speak up, I saw T’Challa, Shuri and Okoye coming up towards us.  I turned to my husband and wrapped an arm around him.
“So does this mean you won’t be returning to Wakanda with us?” asked the King.
“Afraid not, too bad you’ve just lost your training partner.” I playfully mocked.  He chuckled softly but said.
“We understand. Wakanda will always be open to you and your family, should you decide to be walking back our way.”
“Much obliged. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me T’Challa.” I then turned to Okoye.  Even with as tough as she was, she taught me everything I needed to know about fighting in a whole new style. “Gonna miss me?”
“I’ll miss you like a lioness misses her kill.” I chuckled and she smiled down at me.  We joined hands and nodded to each other before I finally turned to Shuri.
“Just know that I will be making hundreds of new tech for your arm and your suit just to keep you coming back.”
“And I don’t doubt it, you’re the smartest person I know Shuri. I’ll keep in touch.” She nodded before immediately coming in for an embrace.
“I’ll miss you my favorite American girl.” She whispered.
“I’ll miss you too, Lady Pantheress. Send me embarrassing stuff of your brother please.”
“You got it.”
“Alright, alright enough you two.” Both Shuri and I laughed softly before separating from each other.
The three Wakandans then saluted me by crossing their arms over their chest and Rauri and I did the same thing before they left back to their homeland.
“So now you ready to go?”
“Yes, but not to Ireland. I’ve…..got us a new home to go to. But first let’s get back to the rest of the pack and tell them we’ve got new settlement. Permanent this time.”  We met up with Mitchell, Maria and the Winchesters and I made us a portal back to our current residence.
As I stared out seeing my people trying to settle down after all that has been happening I couldn’t help but feel this pull that I needed to quickly had back to America to do one last thing before I told everyone of our new permanent home.
“So this is where you snuck off to yeah?” I smiled and said.
“Nothing gets past your nose.”
“I went five years without you love, you think I would let you stay away from me any longer?”
“No I suppose not.” I said as I felt his arms wrap around me and he kissed the back of my head.
“What is it A mhuirnín?” I heard Rauri say in my ear.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I know that face anywhere. That’s your thinking face. Like you’re contemplating something. So c’mon out with it, hmm?”
“There’s….there’s just something I need to do. I’ll be back okay?” Seeming to know what it was I was meaning, he wrapped his arms around me and said.
“Take all the time you need love, I’ll keep this rabble under control.”
“This is why I fell in love with you.” We kissed each other and I stepped away as a portal opened and I turned towards him one last time before hopping through.
When it closed behind me, I quickly phased into wolf form and took off running through the woods until I came across where I needed to be.  The rubble of what was left of the Avengers facility after Thanos’ ship blew it to hell. I sniffed the air before taking off once more to find the very people I was hoping to find before it was too late.
Bruce, Steve, Sam and Bucky.
I let out a couple of barks before they all turned toward me.  My tail wagged as I trotted towards them as Bucky was the first to greet me.
“Hey Wolfie.” He stroked through my fur before I phased back into my human form and I said.
“Thank god I made it in time. Returning the stones back to their original spots?”
“Yep, at the exact point they were taken otherwise he’s gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.” Bruce explained. God I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to seeing him a cross between himself and the Hulk.
“Don’t worry, Bruce. Clip all the branches” Steve said as he closed the briefcase containing all six infinity stones.
“You know, I tried. When I had the gauntlet, the stones, I really tried to bring her back. I miss her man.” Bruce spoke solemnly.
“Me too.” Answered Steve in the same tone.  As I was standing beside Bucky, Sam walked up to Steve and as the two of them walked up to the time machine Sam said.
“You know if you want, I could come with you.”
“You’re a good man Sam. This one’s on me, though.” Sam nodded in understandment before finally the two super soldiers I knew and loved now stood face to face of each other.  
I backed away giving them space as Steve said.
“Don’t do anything stupid till I get back.” Bucky softly grinned and said.
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” The two brothers embraced each other for what felt like eternity before finally separating and Bucky whispered, “Gonna miss you buddy.”
“It’s gonna be okay Buck.” He then turned to me and said, “C’mere She-wolf.” I smiled and walked up to him.  “Keep that pack of yours intact, show everyone you encounter who the true Alpha is.”
“I did learn leadership from the best there is. See you soon Steve.” We hugged each other and I felt him bury his face into my hair and I felt him kiss the top of my head before he finally stepped onto the time machine holding not only the briefcase but Thor’s hammer as well. He pressed onto his wrist and his suit changed into the time-traveling suit.
“How long is this gonna take?” Sam asked Bruce.
“For him as long as he needs, for us five seconds. You ready Cap?” he nodded. “Alright, we’ll meet you back here, okay?”
“You bet.” The helmet soon came over him as Bruce began the countdown.
“Going quantum. Three….two….one.” the machine activated and Steve soon disappeared before our eyes. “And returning in five…four…three…two….one.” But when Bruce pressed another set of codes into the computer, nothing happened.
At this point I was confused, as was Sam.  I turned to Banner who was puzzled as he tried to figure something out.
“Where is he?” asked Sam.
“I don’t know. He blew right past his time stamp. He should be here.” He kept piddling around with the controls.
“Well get him back!” I snapped.
“I’m trying.”
“Get him the hell back!” snapped Sam.
“I said I’m trying.”
“Out of the way Banner let me see this!” I said as I came up and pushed him aside.
“Sam. Wolfie.” I heard Bucky say calmly.  We all looked up and there just a few feet away from us sitting on an old concrete bench was an old man wearing a tan jacket and jeans.  To his left sat what looked like a brown circular cover sheet.
I walked towards Bucky and Sam and the three of us just stared and walked towards the old man.  Sam and I both had the same look on our faces but Bucky didn’t seem to be phased.
“Go ahead.” I heard Bucky say.  I looked up at him and saw him look at Sam who went on ahead first.  As Sam talked with the old man, I sniffed the air and knew the scent.
“Is that—” Bucky just pressed his finger to his lips and wrapped his arm around me.  We watched as Sam and old Steve Rogers talk with each other.  Steve then grabbed the circular cover and handed it to Sam.  He turned to Bucky and I and Bucky nodded softly.
I watched as Sam was now holding the Captain America shield.  It was then I began to realize that Steve was passing the Captain America mantle onto Sam.
The two of them joined hands and that’s when Sam walked away from Steve.
“He wants to talk to you now.” He told me.  I looked up to Bucky and he smiled down at me before kissing my temple and gently pushed me forward.  I walked towards Steve and I was stunned to see him like this.
So much older, the tired and weary eyes but somehow they still held that gentle warmth within them.  He almost looked frail but he still had the strength of hundred men.
“Steve?” he kept looking outwards and said.
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“Hi, She-wolf.” I sat down beside him and he said, “Horrified to see me like this?”
“Not at all, just—a little stunned. I mean I thought the serum would slow down your aging.”
“It has, but it can only do so much. Plus I went in the ice at only 27, so that helped with aging here when I had gotten out.” I nodded before telling him.
“Was it worth it?” he was silent for a moment before saying.
“I’d say it was. Like you, I finally got to spend the rest of my days with the women I fell in love with.” I smiled softly at him. But something else was on my mind.
“Now this maybe confusing cause I’m new to this true time-traveling theory. But what does that mean for Bucky? Do you think in an alternative reality he’s still under Hydra’s control?”
“I don’t think so. Not to say I was there but….I did hear a few rumors of Buck in leagues with a large black wolf as well as a bunch of other animals. But the female black wolf is the most protective over him.”
“You mean……”
“From the beginning Hydra dreamed of you two working together. From what I can predict no matter how many realities that it maybe, you both end up free from Hydra together. In some shape or form, you two were meant to find each other, protecting each other. No matter which reality it’s in. You both were meant to be together.” I placed his hand on top of my head and gently ruffled my hair.  “So what’s next for you?”
“Well…..to be honest. I’m taking a page out of Clint’s book. Retirement.”
“Yeah. I mean—after all that’s happened and everything I’ve been through, I—I don’t know if I can go through losing any more people, or risk losing my life again. I did technically die twice in my lifetime. Technically three if we’re counting when Hydra first took me. And if Rauri and I started a family I…..I could never put my children through what I went through.” He nodded and said.
“That’s understandable. Had to learn to make the same sacrifice when my son was born. A parent’s always got to put their children first above anything else. But whatever you choose in the end, as long as you’re happy then that’s all that matters.” I nodded and leaned up against Steve’s shoulder.
“But did you really have to give Sam the shield?” I bluntly stated.
“Now (y/n)….”
“I’m kidding. I know he’ll do a great job. He’ll make you proud.”
“That’s why the shield’s his.” He softly stated. I looked up at him and got off the bench before phasing into my wolf form and just like that day in Sokovia so many years ago, he placed his hand on top of my head, stroked down my head and said, “Good she-wolf.”  I then gave him a final lick to the face before walking away from him.
Sam, Bucky and I were walking along the forest together when Sam spoke up.
“Did I hear of a retirement plan from you?”
‘Yeah. It’s been going through my mind for a while, and now that I’m married Rauri and I really wanted to take the final step. Settle down, have a couple kids. The hero business was fun while it lasted but new heroes are born every day. And sometimes the old ones have to either step down, or die for a new one to be born.’
“We understand Wolfie, any chance we can have a clue on where you all are staying at in case we wanna make a friendly visit?” asked Bucky.
‘My old homeland. Just look up Aniwaya tribe location and only one place will take you there. Tony had—boughten the land back and put the lease in my name. So should anyone try to reclaim the land as theirs, they have to deal with me.’
“And they sure as hell better watch out. Cause I’ve seen that temper of yours.” Sam teased out.  I grunted at him narrowing my ears back at him.
‘So you two gonna crash together?’
“We just might. I mean who knows maybe catch some bad guys, see some ladies. You know typical guy stuff.” Sam shrugged.
‘I just better not here about you two making a mess. Believe me cause I will know.’
“We know you will (n/n). Keep us updated?”
‘Always Bucky-bear.’ I nuzzled into his chest.  He knelt down in front of me so that I was eye to eye with him and we touched foreheads with each other.  My ears bent back and both of our eyes closed.
“Thank you, for all you’ve done for me (y/n).” I looked at him and lovingly licked his cheek and nudged his face into my fur as I placed my front legs over his shoulders giving him a wolf hug. Whimpering and grunting sadly.
I then looked over to Sam and did the same to him.  I felt him stroke through my fur and ruffled around my neck giving it a good scratch before I backed away from them.
‘So long White Wolf, Captain. And should you both need me again, just throw back your heads and howl.’ And with that I took off running up towards the mountain.
I leapt up the side of it, jumped over small gaps of the waterfalls until I reached one of the highest peaks of the mountain.  Even from what looked like a hundred feet in the air, I could still see Sam and Bucky as if they were right in front of me. 
I wagged my tail as it was erected upward before throwing back my head and letting out a powerful and mighty howl.
*3rd Person POV*
From the ground the two soldiers could see the outline shape of (y/n) in her wolf form.  And the second they heard the loud and powerful howl, it just sent shivers up their spine.  Not in fear, but in awe.  
For as long as they both had known her, she truly had grown up right before their eyes.
Now here she was, ready to make her own life choices, finally have the life she was denied for so long and finally have a happy ending to her story.  As the clouds broke away freeing the sun’s rays, they shined down upon (y/n)’s fur making her black fur gleam and shine under the sun.
“Hail to the chieftess.” Sam stated proudly.
“Long live the Alpha.” Bucky said.  After giving two powerful howls, she turned back towards her two friends tail softly wagging once more as she looked down at them with soft eyes.  The wind softly blowing through her fur, as well as Bucky’s hair and across Sam’ face.
To them it was like feeling the final caress of their wolf friend’s soul.
“Goodbye Mother wolf Raksha.” Both Bucky and Sam said together.  And with one final look and wag of her tail, she disappeared within the mountains never to be seen in New York again.
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dw-writes · 4 years
The Garden Path
Summary: A path of wildflowers marks the way towards the woods, waiting for those who hear It.
A/N: This is something that I wrote and posted on patreon a while back, something that I decided to experiment with. I don’t know if I’m particularly proud of it, but it is something that I do enjoy. I especially enjoy the creature, and might feature him somewhere else later, if the need arises.
Please, let me know what you think of this! If I should continue writing the creature’s story, or if you just enjoyed it. :)
There’s a path behind my house. It cuts through the garden, and through the field behind the gate, and disappears into the woods. I haven’t ever walked it, because it’s old, and honestly, it’s a path that makes you think twice when you step foot on it. It’s worn into the ground from being walked almost constantly. But, since my family moved into the house almost twenty-five years, no one has walked it, so there’s now wildflowers punching through the dirt, tiny ones with seven noxious green petals and a bed of fluffy black and white stamen in the middle.
They are odd flowers: they only grow in the foot path.
On my twenty-fifth birthday, Mom said she heard a noise. We were making candied oranges together. It was something we had done every year since I could touch the stove without burning myself. I sat on the counter as Mom made the third batch, watching her move through the motions like a professional. She was telling me about the plans for the night – a nice dinner, with slow cooked chicken and roasted potatoes, homemade bread, and hand churned ice cream for dessert. “If you want to, of course,” she added with a smile. I took a candied orange from the plate. “You’re an adult, you probably have plans.”
“Nothing really,” I answered. I kicked my feet. My heels fell against the lower cabinets with echoing thuds. “Most of my friends work tonight, so we were gonna do something tomorrow. Head to the movies, maybe?” I shrugged. “There’s that old one that was just restored down in The Square. They’re gonna be showing some old flicks, ‘50s, ‘60s, and such.” Mom’s attention wandered away from the stove to the window. Her hands stopped what they were doing. “We’re gonna…. dress up….” I trailed off with a frown. “Mom?”
“Do you hear that?” she whispered. Her voice was miles away.
I glanced up at the window. It was open, and the sun filtered through the old warped glass as though through water. Outside was beautiful, like staring at a painting. But all I heard was the fire on the stove. I shook my head. “No, I don’t hear anything.” Her hands fell dangerously close to the flames. I jumped from the counter and pulled them away. “Mom?”
I squeezed her hands when she didn’t turn away from the window. She finally looked at me then with this odd smile. “Are you okay?” I asked.
“Oh, I’m perfect,” she answered. Her eyes drifted back to the window. I finished the third batch of candied oranges. She was still standing there as I cleaned the kitchen, divided the candy into small boxes, and labeled them for my friends. She still stood there when I returned to the kitchen forty-five minutes later, carrying a basket to take the candy.
I pressed a hand against her back. She didn’t even twitch. “I’m gonna go take these to the gang, okay?” I whispered. She hummed. “Maybe you should sit down?” I suggested. She hummed again, noncommittal but acknowledging.
I left to see Dad in the spare bedroom. He sat at his desk in there, clacking away at his computer, working on another book for his publisher. Trying not to break his focus, I threw him a quick hello-goodbye, and told him that Mom was in the kitchen. He nodded. “I’ll be back later for dinner,” I said.
He turned in his chair then and smiled. “Happy birthday,” he drawled.
I smiled, leaned against the door frame. “You remembered because of the dinner, didn’t you?” I teased.
“No,” he protested. He turned back to his computer so fast that I laughed. I didn’t blame him. He was in another world with his novel.
I left, visited my friends, delivered the candied oranges, and spent a little time with each of them as we ironed out our plans for the following day.
When I came home, there was a police car out front. I ran into the house, found it empty, continued through it, until I found Dad standing in the back garden with the police. The cop was taking a statement from Dad, while another office was staring into the woods far behind our house. He stood on the path, holding a flashlight next to his face. The flowers that were caught in the glaring white light were broken, trampled on. After a moment, he shook his head and looked back at us.
It wasn’t hard to piece together what happened.
They searched the woods for a week before just…stopping. The cops told us that if Mom did wander off into the woods that she would come back when it got cold, or when she got hungry. Some of the louder, more disrespectful ones said that she probably was attacked by a wolf or a bear.
Dad punched the first one that said that within earshot of him.
He wasn’t the same after Mom went missing. He didn’t write, didn’t eat, didn’t do much of anything. He just sat at the dining table, right in the middle of the kitchen, beneath the window that Mom had stared out of. He kept it open. He always kept it open.
On my twenty-sixth birthday, Dad was sitting at the table. He picked at the breakfast I made – eggs, bacon, potatoes, pancakes. He had eaten a few bites and drank his orange juice but didn’t do much else. I sat across from him, slowly stealing the food off his plate so it didn’t go to waste.
He lifted his head when I took the pancakes from him. “Do you hear that?” he croaked.
I froze. He stared out the window. With the way he sat, he could stare just over the windowsill. He didn’t move. I don’t even know if he breathed. He just…stared.
“I don’t hear anything,” I finally said. The words were hard to get out, especially with the dread that crept up my throat. I set my fork down at I watched him. “What is it?”
“It’s her.” He didn’t clarify. The longer I watched him, the more I saw change. His skin grew warmer, a light finally igniting beneath it after a cold and terrible winter. The grey that now threaded his hair seemed to melt into the rest of the light brown locks. He looked almost younger. And his eyes were filled with unshed tears.
I stood from my chair and touched his shoulder. “I don’t hear anything,” I repeated. He didn’t move. Another few minutes, and I released him, turning away to pick up the dishes and save the pancakes for later in the day. I cleaned around him, brought a blanket to drape around his shoulders, and when the time came for me to leave for work, I hesitated.
Would he still be there when I came home?
I kissed his rough cheek before I grabbed my phone. “I’ll be right back, okay?” I told him. When I received no response, I stepped out of the kitchen, shoving my hand through my hair as I called work. My boss answered on the first ring.
It wasn’t easy to explain when I asked for the day off – “I’m sorry, but my dad just suddenly went comatose? And I’m worried about what might happen if I leave him alone.”
Instead of questioning, she hesitantly asked, “Isn’t it the anniversary of…?”
I sighed, “Yeah. It is.”
“Take the day. Be with your dad. I’m sure the both of you could use it.” She paused. “And happy birthday.”
I didn’t thank her. I hung up with a sigh and shoved my phone into my back pocket. “Dad?” I called. I turned around and walked back into the house. “It’s just you and me today, and—” The words caught in my throat. The blanket I had draped around his shoulder was lying on the floor and Dad was gone. I shot through the kitchen, turned the corner, and spotted the back door just swinging closed.
By the time I got outside, he was halfway across the field, following the wildflower path at a brisk pace. I jumped over path’s gap at our gate and raced after him. “Dad!” I shouted. The field between the house and the woods was so big, so choked with weeds and thick grass that I might as well had been running through water. When I reached where he had been just moments ago, he was breaching the woods, stepping between two curved trees and into the shadows just behind them.
“WAIT!” I screamed. The grass thinned. I jumped from the path, scrambled alongside it, and slammed into one of the curving trees, knocking the breath out of me. He had been right there only seconds ago and now he was just…
He was gone.
I called the police only when my voice cracked from screaming for Dad for so long.
They searched the woods again, half as enthusiastic as before but much more empathetic.
They at least looked for two weeks this time.
Dad’s picture joined Mom’s at the police station, up on a pinboard filled with flyers of missing people.
I quit my job after that, took up where Dad had left off a year ago, and finished his last book. The royalties were enough to keep the lights on and my fridge stocked, and that was enough. That was fine.
Now, I spend my time out in the garden, sitting in a chair I had dragged from the kitchen, wrapped up in a blanket and eating candied oranges.
Every day I watch that gap in the woods in the distance. I watch the noxious green wildflowers bend towards the sun through the sky. I watch and I wait.
It is now my twenty-seventh birthday. I settle into the chair late in the morning, pulling the blanket around my shoulders, and sip orange juice from a mug. It is just another day at this point. I think that, maybe, if I don’t acknowledge the day, that it won’t happen.
But it does.
I see him first. I think it is because I am looking for him that I see him. He is tall, I can tell that even from so far away. His golden skin pushes away the shadows like a glowing candle. His horns curve high above his head, ending at dangerous points. He has pointed ears adorned with gems that sparkle in his own personal radiance.
And then I hear his voice, a deep baritone that touches my very soul before it even graces my ears.
He asks me to join him.
I am out of my seat before I even register agreeing. The wildflowers pad the trail beneath my bare feet. I walk slow, almost expecting someone to watch me, to stop me in my tracks or shout for me, but nothing comes. Would I stop even if they do? Probably not. It is just me and the man at the end of the path, the only one calling my name, beckoning for me.
He holds out a hand that ends in white crystal claws when I finally approach.
He helps me off the path and through the two curving trees with a simple tug.
I finally understand.
I finally hear it.
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Safe Haven 4/?
Rating: E
Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch, Eventually Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley/Renee Young, Sasha Banks/Bayley/Charlotte Flair, Mandy Rose/Trent Seven, Jordan Devlin/Millie McKenzie, Ruby Riott/Liv Morgan
Warnings for this Chapter: mentions of violence
Chapter Summary: Drew and Becky get to know their new mate better while meeting members of his unorthodox family, Plans are made to rescue Roman from Heyman's evil clutches.
@hitory--chan @sethsevolution @finnsauroraborealis @the-beastslayers-queen @pikapuff316 @writinglionqueen @writtingrose
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"SETHIE!" Seth hadn't even made it back to town before being tackled by a overly hyperactive blonde girl.
"I missed you too Liv" Seth groaned, slightly out of breath.
"You're lucky I'm here and not Rubes, she's very mad at ya"
Seth grimaced at the thought of seeing his older sister.
"Hey! Redhead!" Liv yelled at Becky. "Is this too basic" she gestured at her hair.
"You're right, too boring" Liv pulled out a compact mirror and smiled at it, Becky and Drew staring in shock as her hair turned bubblegum pink.
"How?" Drew asked Seth.
"Liv's a chaos fairy. Hyper 24/7, pranks everybody. C'mon brat" Liv squealed and hopped onto his back..
"Hey Livvie, Mom conjured my clothes..would you mind?" Seth asked his sister's girlfriend
Drew and Becky watched curiously as the unremarkable clothes Seth's mother had put on him morphed into dark-grey skinny jeans and a blood-red t-shirt.
"Hair too?" the fairy asked
"Yes please."
Seth shook his head and a quarter of it immediately went blond "There ya go Sethie! You look like you again, only bigger!" Liv giggles, patting the wolf on the head.
"Thanks Livvy" Seth grinned. "You're still small though"
"I'm still bigger than Millie!" Liv managed to kick Seth in the hip. "Good luck apologizing to everyone. Trent's mad because you made Tyler cry!"
"Tyler always cries!"
"Okay true, but you also made Mandy upset!"
"How long have you been away from home?" Becky asks
"I haven't lived in Haven in 8 years. I lost contact with everyone 18 months ago." Seth explained
"Dude the only reason we didn't completely lose it was because we still felt you through the pack bond" Liv tells him "We knew you weren't dead but...it was hard, anyway so why are you with the newbies?" Liv asked as they made their way to the main house.
"They're my mates." Seth said simply.
"Oooooh, Sethie's got two mates!" Liv said excitedly. Becky looking at her with caution. "I need to see Sarah, you are making me coffee later!" Liv hugged him and skipped off, Becky and Drew watching her.
"I've only heard of chaos fairies, she was...unique" Becky said.
"I need to remind Ceasero she's not allowed any caffeine" Seth said shaking his head
The three mates walked along the path back to the town in silence after Liv left. None of them really knowing what to say.
"So you guys have had this town for a long time?" Becky finally broke the increasingly uncomfortable tension
"My grandparents founded Haven. Grandfather...used to run a circus and all of the acts were different beings. When he retired, everyone just settled here. Haven was these old fairgrounds and some of the woods surrounding it."
"A Circus?" Drew exclaimed
"Grandfather was a warlock, especially skilled in persuasion and he figured it would be a way for him and his friends to not only use their abilities for profit, but to not have to hide as much. Normies will ignore most Supe shit if they think its a trick"
"Absolutely true, they're dense as hell" Becky replied.
"So, you knew Finn?" Seth asked.
"Sort of, his name was Prince back then, always wondered what happened, not surprised that vampires had something to do with it...when they helped save you. I can't believe I just said that" Becky facepalmed, remembering what Mox and Stephanie had said.
Seth smiled and shook his head "I know Haven is an odd case. Weird even amongst the weird. I mean, I'm the Wolf/Warlock hybrid that claims a Lion, a Witch, a Vampire Queen and a Vampire thats the vessel for a literal demon king for parents. Weird is kinda my thing"
"Do you remember that night?" Becky asked. Seth looked down, toying with his amulet before sitting down.
"A little. I remember being in a car with my mommy and daddy" Seth said in a faraway voice "The was a big flash of light and loud noise, and then I was flying through the woods. I had bite marks on the back of my neck. Knowing now what I know about my bio parents, I think my Mom shifted and was carrying me through the woods by the scruff of my neck."
Becky hesitantly reached over and touched the top of Seth's bowed head. Drew looking on silently. It seemed like his spitfire was already growing attached to the younger man, while Drew himself was more hesitant. Seth lived...by Drew's upbringing, an unnatural life. Haven was a lot to get used to and he'd had Becky to himself for so long.
"Do you think it's possible that your mom changed you?" Drew asked. "To protect you?"
"Could be I don't know" Seth pulled his hair. "I don't like thinking about it"
"Hey brat" A girl said, materializing next to the three. She was holding a coffee cup and had red lowlights and was so pale, Drew thought she could be a vampire.
"Hey, Ruby." Seth said quietly, "Guys this is one of my sisters."
"Yo." The girl greeted them easily and handed her brother the Chicago Bears to-go mug "One Double Chocolate Cappuccino, courtesy of Cesaro. Figured you could use it, heard you haven't had coffee in a year or so."
"No espresso?" Seth groaned.
"You know he puts too much in" Ruby said, "Besides I want to be able to sleep tonight. Your howling was obnoxious" she turned to Drew and Becky. "If either of you hurt my little brother, I will rip out your eyes and shove them down your throats"
"What it's true. We lost you once, brat. Never again" She replied with a smile
"Did anyone mention that Seth is the baby?" Ruby asked
"Millie is younger then me thank you very much" Seth said rolling his eyes and taking a sip of his drink
"Millie hasn't been missing for 18 months, and gone for 7 and a half years before that. So excuse us if we're all a bit concerned about all this" she says waving a hand at Drew and Becky.
"Excuse me, who's Millie?" Becky asked.
"My baby cousin" Seth replied fondly. "She's my Uncle Shawn's kid"
"She's a fire siren, sneezes out fire like crazy" Ruby added, drinking her coffee.
"She doesn't have much in the way of control yet. So she sets shit on fire a lot...luckily her mate is a water sprite. Jordan is really great st putting out flare-ups" Seth explains "Please don't threaten my mates. Honestly, I'm a hot mess. I doubt they even want to be with me anyway"
"Nonsense" Ruby waved her hand. "Mates are mates always. Do you think I would have gotten with Liv by choice?" Seth chuckled and blushed when Becky smiled at him. " Does anyone know about Ro?" He asked.
Ruby's face fell. "Mom is working on a tracking spell, since you don't remember exactly where Heyman's compound is located. Dad is making her rest before she casts it though so that won't be done until tomorrow, the good this is that Heyman can only do his enslaving curse during the full moon...so we have 6 days to find Ro."
"Fuck" Seth pulled at his hair. "None of this would have happened if I hadn't ran away"
"Stop it" Drew said, gently pulling Seth's hands down.
Drew had sat there quietly listening to the exchange between Seth and his sister, trying to learn more about the odd man the fates had bound him and his firecracker to. From what he'd gathered so far Seth was well-loved by his mismatched pack and had been sorely missed while on his journey of self-discovery.
"Don't beat yourself up. You couldn't have known any of this would happen" Drew says softly, still holding Seth's hands in his larger ones. Seth's brother had been right. Seth did look amazingly...like a slightly smaller version of himself, less so now that part of his hair was platinum blonde.
"He's my big brother" Seth whimpered. "He doesn't even know I'm not mad at him anymore, if Paul's spell works on him, he'll be gone for good" Drew unknowingly wiped away a tear that had trailed down Seth's face.
Becky wrapped her arms around Seth's waist "That isn't going to happen, sweetheart. We are going to get your brother back and Heyman will pay for everything he's done to both of you." She says fiercely. To which Seth nodded but said nothing.
"Forgive me for asking but are you his sister from the witch side or vampire side?" Drew asked Ruby.
"Stephanie and Hunter, can't be around Finn and Violet, my blood is toxic and Bálor hates me" Ruby answered
"I only have one sibling from Finn and Violet and that's Jordan. He's the last of Finn's pre vampiric bloodline. His parents died when he was a baby, and an old woman from his clan brought him to Haven shortly after" Seth tells them.
"Is this the same Jordan that's your cousin's mate?" Becky asked. "Yeah, thought my uncle was gonna kill him, then Finn was gonna kill him" Seth shook his head.
"Haven is completely integrated? " Drew asked, he and Becky hadn't realized just how many different species of Supernatural inhabited the small town.
"Unless they can't be around each other for a physiological reason, yep" Ruby answered "One of our cousins is a sun sprite, and she glows with actual sunlight. So she can't be around Finn and Violet."
"No one gets turned away unless you give our father a reason to" Seth said, "The pack is a family"
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The Witch and the Wolf Pt.24
Word Count: 2,610
Characters: Derek Hale, Peter Hale,  Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Ms.Morell, Gerard Argent, OC hunters, Reader
Pairings: Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: angst, cliffhanger
A/N: yay one more part till season 3 lol
Masterlist      Series Masterlist
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You stared down at your bruised knuckle, holding back a slight chuckle as you examined it. You sat in the hallway, waiting for your appointment with the counselor. Whoever it was. The Sheriff thought it would be best for all of you to go to her, seeing as what happened a few nights ago. He didn't know everything you’d seen before then. 
“Stiles,” you called, as he walked out of the office.
“Hey,” you sniffled, walking to you as he played with the strings on his racket.
“Nervous about the game?” you asked.
“Honestly, I’ve barely thought about the game, with everything else,” he nodded.
“How are you doing?” he asked you.
“I don’t know. Erica and Boyd are leaving, probably taking Isaac with them. But it's fine,” you replied softly, trying to convince yourself more.
You’d made a mini home with the pack.
“I don’t think Isaac will leave you, you know,” Stiles tried to make you happier.
“(Y/N),” Ms.Morell walked out of the office, waiting for you.
“Catch you later,” you pat Stiles’ back, walking away.
“Peter?” you gasped, staring at him as your eyes went wide.
“Missed me?” he smirked.
You felt an overwhelming sense of anger flood through your veins, before you clenched your fist, swinging at his face, hitting him.
“Oh, my-” Derek looked at you, slightly surprised as you looked back at an unconscious Peter.
“He’s alive?! He’s fucking alive?!” you yelled at Derek, smacking his arm.
“That's what I was about to tell you,” he exclaimed.
“I’m gonna kill him again! How the hell is he alive?!” you exclaimed, rubbing your head.
Derek picked up his unconscious uncle, waking out of your apartment, with you next to him.
“So, (Y/N), what brings you here?” Ms.Morell sat in the chair in front of you, as you crossed your legs, leaning back, playing with the skin on your knuckles.
At least you knocked Peter out.
“Sheriff Stilinski,” you replied, not paying much attention.
To you, speaking to a counselor or speaking to someone in that way wasn’t something you were fond of.
“Is it about the other night? At the station?” she asked.
“Probably,” you shrugged.
“Your mother died recently, correct?” you felt your heart drop, hearing the mention of your mother.
You simply nodded, looking at your fist.
“What happened to your fist?” she asked.
“Nothing,” you shook your head, looking up.
“Okay. Tell me, how are you doing? About your mother?” she asked.
“I’m doing fine. Just thriving,” you said sarcastically.
“How are you doing with everything else?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Your best friend and her family passed away in an unfortunate fire, and your mother passed away the same way. Not to mention being trapped in the school, with Derek Hale trying to kill you,” she started.
Derek? The rumor was cleared, everyone knew it was Kate, or so you thought.
“Derek Hale was innocent,” you shrugged.
“Oh, sorry, not Derek Hale. Peter Hale,” you looked up at her, shocked.
“What?” you asked.
“I know things, (Y/N), I know all about you,” she said.
“Yeah, sure,” you scoffed.
“You know my brother, Deaton?” she said.
“Deaton?” you exclaimed, jumping slightly.
You didn't even know he had siblings.
“I know about your powers, I know about everything. So, I ask again, how are you?” he asked.
You clenched your jaw.
“I said I was fine,” you said.
“Right, (Y/N), you know what a balloon is, correct?” you blinked, giving her a blank stare.
This is the school counselor?
“You know, a balloon can only hold so much air until it pops,” she started.
You rolled your eyes, understanding what she was saying. You were supposed to be the balloon.
“Yeah, so, you see, I’m not a balloon. I’m a human being,” you said.
“Even humans, or witches, have an emotional capacity,” she said.
“No offense, but I’d really rather not talk to you,” you spat.
“You’ll need someone, (Y/N)” she started.
“I don't know why I bothered coming here. Bye,” you gave a sarcastic smile, waving as you walked out.
“Hey,” you walked into the old Hale house, seeing Derek’s back turned to Erica and Boyd as they both stood there, holding each other’s hands nervously.
“We’re leaving,” Erica said softly.
“Tonight,” she replied.
You took a deep breath, nodding your head softly.
“We can’t…” her voice wavered as she paused.
“We're sorry,” Boyd said, looking down.
“It’s okay, it's hard,” you wrapped your arms around the two of them, hugging them tightly.
“We’ll miss you,” they both held you tightly.
You smiled, sinking into the hug.
“I’ll miss you guys too,” you said softly as they both walked out.
“Derek,” you turned to give your boyfriend, walking to him.
“They said they found another pack,” he refused to turn to face you.
“Good for them,” you nodded.
“Good for them? Are you serious? Do you really believe that?” he exclaimed.
“I don’t know. What I do know is that they’re scared, Derek. We lost,” you said.
“They're running away! There’s no excuse for that!” he yelled.
Why is he so mad? What did I do?
“They're allowed to be scared. They’re allowed to leave,” you replied.
“What’s wrong with you? Why are you so different? Since when is running away a good thing?” he finally turned to you.
You blinked softly, looking blankly at him. You felt your heart ache slightly, in pain. 
There was something wrong
“Not everyone's cut out to be like this,” you cleared your throat.
He sighed loudly, walking to you as he stroked your cheek gently.
“I’m sorry for yelling,” he said softly.
You just nodded your head.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Why does everyone think something’s wrong? I’m fine,” you scoffed.
At this point, even you knew that was a lie.
You heard the floor creak softly, as you quickly turned, Derek throwing a shard of glass at Peter who stood by the door.
“That was close. You could’ve hurt me, Derek.” Peter said, walking closer to the two of you.
“I’m gonna kill you,” you yelled, running at him.
This wasn't ending well for Peter.
“Kill me then. Kill me again. You two already killed me once, kill me again,” Peter gasped for air as you stood in front of him, Derek next to you. Your hands were wrapped around Peter’s neck, pushing him against the wall.
“If you’re trying to get sympathy, that ended when you killed my mom,” you clenched your jaw.
“You don't wanna hear what I have to say? Why I’m here in the first place. It's not to be an alpha, I tried that, which ended with you setting me on fire and this one slashing my throat,” he motioned to Derek as he looked back at you.
“We’d be glad to do it again,” you replied.
“(Y/N/N),” Derek shook his head, pulling you away from Peter as you clenched your jaw. He gasped for air, coughing slightly.
“Oh? What’s this?” Peter took a deep breath, looking at the two of you as he raised an eyebrow.
“Your scents are all tangled up with each other. What’s going on between the two of you?” he smirked, laying back on the ground while you resisted the urge to punch him again.
“Well, I wish I didn't kill Jennifer. She owes me 10 dollars now,” he laughed.
You grabbed his shirt, pulling him up harshly as you pushed him against the wall.
“If you don't tell us what you’re doing here right now, I will not hesitate to set you on fire. Again,” you spat.
Derek walked to you, putting his hand on your forearm.
“Hey, I said leave it,” you saw Derek clench his jaw as you sighed.
“I’ll take him from here,” Derek said softly.
You shook your head, turning back to Peter.
“It’s fine,” you shrugged Derek’s hand off of you.
“Better listen to your boyfriend,” Peter teased.
Before you could punch him again, Derek pulled you off of him, pulling him away.
“What?” you turned to him.
“(Y/N), stop. It’s just Peter. He killed… I know you’re mad at him and want to kill him. Just please let me deal with him,” Derek put his hands on your shoulders, while you turned your face to look at Peter.
Derek put his hand on your chin, turning you to face him.
“Please,” he said softly.
“I hate him,” you replied.
“I know you do. Just… go home,” he begged
You paused for a second, looking at Peter then back at Derek before nodding softly. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, before letting go of you as you walked away.
You let out a shaky breath, leading Isaac into your apartment as he scratched the back of his neck.
“I think…” Isaac paused, looking at you as his eyes watered.
“Hm?” you nodded softly, closing the door as he sat next to you on the couch.
“I’m gonna leave. With Boyd and Erica,” he said.
“Oh, okay,” your voice was low, slightly in shock as your eyes watered.
You thought he’d stay? For you?
“I-I… there’s nothing here for me now,” he sniffled.
“Yeah,” you nodded your head softly.
“I’m gonna miss you so much,” his voice cracked as he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
“Yeah, I…” you exhaled sharply, wrapping your arms around him.
He nodded softly as you kissed his forehead.
You held your cries back, leading Isaac out of the apartment after a few minutes.
As you closed the door, you felt a wave of sadness hit you, as you put your hand over your mouth, trying your hardest to hold back your sobs. You shut your eyes tightly, your tears slipping down your face before you let out a shaky breath, a small cry falling from your lips.
Your phone began to ring, receiving a call from Scott.
You took a few deep breaths, wiping your face before answering the call.
“Yeah?” you asked, clearing your throat.
“(Y/N), Gerard’s planning something. He’s controlling Jackson and he’s gonna kill someone. Tonight,” your heart dropped as Scott yelled on the phone.
“Why?” you asked.
“He wants Derek,” you inhaled deeply.
“I’m on my way,” you hung up the phone, sniffling before wiping your face, walking out of the apartment.
You’re okay
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” you heard Melissa ask you.
“Melissa. I... we need to talk about the station, and...” you started.
She gave you a sorrowful look before you were interrupted by Noah walking to you two.
“Sheriff Stilinski,” you smiled softly.
“Hey, kid. Here for the game?” he asked, smiling at you and Melissa.
Nope, trying to stop a raging lizard
“Yeah,” you lied as the three of you walked to the bleachers.
“Scott, what the hell are we supposed to do?” you whispered, getting his attention as he shrugged his back to you.
“Have you come up with a plan?” he shook his head no as you sighed.
“Do you know when he’s going to attack?” you asked, receiving another head shake.
“Do you know anything about this plan?” you didn’t need werewolf hearing to hear him sigh.
You bit your nails nervously as Stiles stood up from the bench, putting his helmet on.
“Why is my son running onto the field?” Noah groaned.
“Because he’s on the team?” you shrugged.
“Oh my god. He’s on the team!” Noah exclaimed, remembering.
You laughed softly, before getting off the bleachers, walking to Scott.
“Why can’t you play?” you asked.
“Coach benched me for the whole game. My grades aren't good,” he said nervously.
“First,” you smacked his head.
“Work on your grades. You need to graduate. Second, how are you supposed to watch Jackson?” you asked, whispering slightly.
“I don’t know! I don’t know. All I know is that we have to give him Derek, or he’ll kill someone,” Scott said.
“We can’t do that,” you bit your lip nervously as you looked at Scott.
You felt a soft thud as you felt someone sit next to you and Scott.
You looked up, a smile on your face as you saw Isaac sit next to you, wearing his lacrosse uniform.
“You stayed,” you said softly.
“I have everything I need right here,” he nodded his head.
You pressed a small kiss to his forehead, while he gave you a hug.
You saw a smirk on his face before he got up, walking to Coach.
“With Isaac here, we can do this,” Scott nodded.
You held his hand, nodding as you watched Isaac run onto the field.
“Oh my god,” you ran onto the field, running to Isaac.
“Are you okay?” you asked, bending down to him.
You put your hand on his head, lifting it softly.
“I’m fine. It’s Jackson. I think he got me. I can feel it spreading,” Isaac’s voice was strained as he laid on the grass.
You saw as Coach put Scott into the game, Isaac being taken away by paramedics.
Damn it
You heard your phone ring, getting a call from Derek.
“I really can’t talk right now,” you said.
“Peter thinks he knows how to save Jackson,” he said quickly.
“What?” you asked, following the paramedics.
“I don't trust him, but he’s onto something. I’m watching him,” Derek said.
“Okay, I gotta go,” you said, hanging up.
You groaned, getting another call from Erica.
“I…” you started.
“Derek was right,” she cried.
“What?” you froze, taking shallow breaths.
“It was Argent,” she whispered.
You felt a coldness in your chest as you tensed, frozen.
“Both, run. Now,” you said.
“We’re trying. We’re bleeding,” she whispered.
“It’s okay. God,” you whispered, feeling your heart racing.
“We gotta go,” she said shakily.
“No, don't hang up,” you started.
The call dropped as tears rushed to your eyes, taking shaky breaths as you dug your nails into your palms.
Scott and Stiles, Erica and Boyd, Isaac, Derek. Everyone was in trouble. What are you doing?! What is wrong with you?!
You ran to the locker room, walking in just in time as Isaac stood up shakily, Gerard and standing in front of him with some hunters.
“Clypeus,” you stood in front of Isaac, defending him.
“Oh, (Y/N),” Gerard said, shaking his head.
“I don't care if you know. You’re not hurting the people I care about,” you spat.
“Where did Gerard go?” you asked Isaac, turning to him, as the unconscious hunters were sprawled out in front of you.
“I don’t know, I think he went back out to the field,” he shrugged.
“Okay,” you ran to the lacrosse field, hearing loud cheering as you looked at the scoreboard, seeing the school win.
You looked at Scott nervously, as he froze, staring at Jackson, just before the lights went out.
You ran around, hearing people’s screams as you found Scott.
“Scott!” you yelled.
“I’m here,” you felt him hold your arm.
“Scott, someone’s on the field! Someone's dead,” Melissa gasped.
The lights powered back on as you ran to the middle of the field, seeing Jackson laying there, dead.
You noticed he wasn't breathing.
“Jackson!” you heard Lydia cry.
“Everyone back away! Now!” Coach pushed the players and team away from Jackson, as you bent down next to Melissa.
“What do we do?” Melissa pulled up his shirt, revealing deep claw wounds.
“Oh god,” you said.
“He killed himself,” Scott said.
“Stiles? Stiles?” you stood up, hearing Noah calling out for Stiles.
“Stiles? Where’s my son?! Where’s my son?! Somebody tell me where the hell is my son!”
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24stiles920 · 6 years
Pack Mentality
Teen Wolf Rewrite
Pairing: Stiles x Reader
Warnings: Ages 16+, swearing, jerk!Stiles
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf or Harry Potter. I am just borrowing the spells and potions from the wonderful Harry Potter Universe, not stealing them.
Words: 5724
A/N: Oh, my God. What a whirlwind chapter. Hope you like it, but I worked very hard on the end. Muhahaha. 😊
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Season 1 Masterlist
“Happy Birthday!”
I woke up abruptly, rubbing my bleary eyes to see my mom and dad wearing cheesy party hats and gleeful expressions.
“Thanks, mom and dad, but it’s—” I snuck a look at my iHome. “—actually a normal time. I thought it was earlier.”
“Can we take these hats off, now?” Dad complained to mom. “They’re awfully uncomfortable.”
“Finn, honestly—” Mom sighed. “Yes, you can take it off, she’s seen it already.”
I grinned at my parents, loving how their relationship was even after almost thirty years together.
“So,” Mom turned to me, her expression hopeful. “Did it come in yet?”
I looked at my wrists and saw nothing. No writing or anything. But that was to be expected. It wasn’t five p.m. yet.
“No, and you know there won’t be until five, mom.” I pursed my lips at her playfully.
At the age of sixteen at the exact time they were born, everyone gets a soul mark of a person’s name on one of their wrists. It was a taboo thing; people didn’t like to talk about it, as some people don’t even have a soul mark. I know Scott doesn’t have one. And some people have two names, in which case a name appears after their first soulmate dies, which is very rare.
“Eleven hours until five o’clock.” Mom grinned while dad looked nauseous.
“Dad, you don’t have to look so upset,” I laughed. “It’ll be ages before I meet him.”
“Or her.” Mom chimed in.
“Or her.” I agreed.
“Sorry, munchkin.” Dad forced a laugh. “I just don’t like the thought of you leaving us.”
I gave dad an indulgent smile, thinking that his sappiness was sweet. “Dad, today’s my sixteenth birthday; I won’t leave you yet.”
Dad finally smiled, the skin by his eyes wrinkling up. “Well, we’ll leave you to get dressed. We need to go finish breakfast.”
My parents bustled out of my room, allowing me to get up and get ready. I picked out a black camisole and paired it with a black and pink floral skirt. I topped the camisole with a pink cardigan and finished the look off with black tights and black, high-heeled ankle boots.
My phone chimed with a text while I was putting my hair up into a milkmaid braid. I looked to see that it was a text from Scott, wishing me a happy birthday and that he needed to talk to me and Stiles as soon as possible. I quickly sent him a reply and finished my hair.
I grabbed my white leather purse, slipping my wand into it, and walked downstairs, my nose twitching at the smell of baked cinnamon. I entered the kitchen to see the breakfast table laden down with cinnamon rolls, eggs, bacon, sausages, and toast.  
We had a nice breakfast, talking and catching up. I didn’t dare tell them about Scott being a werewolf, but I knew it would come up sometime. Just not now.
“So, how are you getting to school?” Mom asked casually.
I looked at her confused. “Uh, I was just gonna catch a ride with you guys, why?”
Neither of them said anything, instead, dad held out an arm and opened his fist. In his hand were keys with a silver keychain that said ‘Y/N’ on it.
“No way.” I gasped, feeling elated. My own car? I’ll take it.
“Yes way.” Dad grinned. “A Jeep Renegade, just like you wanted.”
“In navy blue?” I wondered. It didn’t matter to me, but I was just checking to see if they went all out.
“In navy blue.” Dad confirmed.
I squealed and jumped up from my seat, giving each of them a tight hug. Together we walked out to the driveway, where my brand-new jeep was sitting, gleaming in the morning sunlight.
“Oh, my God, thank you so much!” I cried, wrapping them both into another hug. “Oh, I love you guys so much.”
“We love you, too, sweetheart.” Mom smiled, cupping my chin gently. “Now get going. Don’t forget we have your birthday dinner with the Stilinski’s tonight.”
“I won’t forget.” I assured her, grabbing my purse from my dad. I walked to my jeep and got in, loving that new car smell.
I quickly hooked up my phone to the Bluetooth and played music, pulling out of the driveway, and thanking God that I had actually gone to those Driver’s Ed classes and gotten my license on time.
The ride to school was, unfortunately, fast, but Scott and Stiles were waiting by the school for me.
“Happy Birthday!” They greeted in unison, while Scott thrust a bouquet of sunflowers at me that were from him and Melissa.
“Thanks, guys.” I grinned at them.
“I have your present for later.” Stiles told me. “Dad and I went in on it, so he wanted to see your reaction.”
“Okay.” I shrugged. “That reminds me… Scott, did you want to come over for dinner? We’re celebrating my birthday. Melissa can come too. We’re having homemade pizza.”
“Sure.” Scott smiled. “I love your mom’s pizza.”
“Great.” I nodded. “Now, tell us about your text.”
Scott started explaining about this dream he had, where he and Allison were about to get it on, until Scott lost control and attacked Allison, basically killing her in a school bus.
“So, you killed her?” Stiles asked, opening the door for me and Scott.
“I don’t know.” Scott shrugged. “I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn’t breathe. I’ve never had a dream where I woke up like that before.”
“Really?” Stiles raised his eyebrows. “I have. Usually ends a little differently.”
I scrunched up my nose and turned away, trying not to think about Stiles having wet dreams about Lydia. I just had to ignore it for a few more hours. Later today I would get my soul mate’s name, and then I could focus my time on someone other than Stiles.
“’A,’ I meant I’ve never had a dream that felt that real,” Scott said in a disgusted tone. “And ‘B,’ never give me that much detail about you in bed again.”
“Noted.” Stiles sighed.
“So,” I started, “Let me take a guess here—”
“No,” Scott cut me off. “I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I’m gonna lose control and rip her throat out.”
“No, of course not.” I lied. Both Scott and Stiles gave me disbelieving looks. “Yeah, that’s totally it.”
“Hey, come on, it’s gonna be fine, all right?” Stiles said positively. “Personally, I think you’re handling this pretty fuckin’ great, okay? You know, it’s not like there’s a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take.”
Scott and I exchanged looks, both of us probably thinking the same thing. Derek Hale.
“Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher.” Scott suggested.
“Who, Derek?” Stiles exclaimed, pausing before slapping Scott on the back of the head. “You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?”
“Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real.” Scott said.
“How real?” I asked.
“Like it actually happened.” Scott answered as he and Stiles pushed open the doors to go outside.
I gasped at the sight before me. A buts was parked outside of the school, its back door ripped halfway off with claw marks and splats of blood everywhere. It was exactly as Scott had described in his dream, and my worry for Allison bubbled within my stomach.
“I think it did.” Stiles said, mouth wide open with shock.
I fumbled with my bag, trying to grab my iPhone out of one of the silly pockets. Scott seemed to have the same idea as me, taking out his phone as well. I unlocked my screen and frantically texted Allison, wondering where she was. There was no reply and one glance at Scott showed that he was getting the same results as me.
We raced back into the school, searching the hallways for the familiar dark head of curls. We had no luck, so Scott and I kept pression on, with Stiles trailing behind us.
“She’s probably fine.” Stiles tried to calm us down.
“She’s not answering our texts, Stiles.” I said nervously.
Stiles grabbed my hand, causing me to calm down a fraction. How he could soothe me with just one touch amazed me.
“It could just be a coincidence, all right?” Stiles spoke soothingly. “A seriously amazing coincidence.”
Scott glanced back at me and Stiles. “Just help me find her, okay? Do you see her?”
I looked around, but I couldn’t spot the Argent girl.
“No,” Stiles and I said in unison.
Scott turned down a different hall, getting lost in the crowd. Stiles and I turned to each other, at a lost at what we could do.
“Hey, come here,” Stiles said suddenly, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side of the hallway so that we weren’t in the way of people. He took off his backpack and rummaged through it, pulling out a small white box.
“I, uh,” He rubbed his head awkwardly. “I know I said I already got you something, but I wanted to give you this as well.”
I smiled warmly at him. “You didn’t have to, Stiles.”
“Of course, I did.” Stiles said indignantly. “You’re my—you’re Y/N.”
I gave him a small smile as he handed me the box. I took the top off and gasped as I looked at the ring inside. It was simple, but perfect, with a silver band and a single garnet stone in the middle. My birthstone.
“It was my mother’s.” Stiles said, watching as I slid it onto my right hand. “She left it for you, she loved you, said you were the best goddaughter out there.”
I glanced up at him, noticing the sadness in his eyes as he talked about his mom.
“I loved her, too.” I assured Stiles. “It’s beautiful, Stiles, thank you.”
I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his firm waist, resting my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating fast as he wrapped his long arms around my shoulders and squeeze tight.
I breathed in his intoxicating scent and savored the moment, because there, with Stiles’ arms around me, and mine around him, I felt like I was floating on cloud nine.  
“Attention, students, this is your principal.” The overhead speaker boomed. “I know you’re all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes with proceed as scheduled.”
Having parted from each other as the principal was speaking, I watched as Stiles sighed in disappointment like most of the other students in the hall.
“Come on.” I laughed, elbowing him playfully. “Walk me to class?”
“Why, of course.”
And off we went.
“Maybe it was my blood on the door.” Scott said later in chemistry class, turning around in his seat to look at me and Stiles.
“Could have been animal blood.” Stiles suggested. “You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something.”
“And did what?” Scott asked, disgusted.
“Ate it.”
“Raw?” Scott looked appalled.
“No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven.” Stiles said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “I don’t know, you’re the one who can’t remember anything.”
“Mr. Stilinski, if that’s your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while.” Mr. Harris called from the front of the classroom, his hands on his hips.
Stiles laughed mockingly.
“I think you, Mr. McCall, and Miss Stark would benefit from a little distance, yes?” Mr. Harris continued.
“No.” Stiles objected softly. Mr. Harris ignored him, pointing to two empty seats for Stiles and Scott to take on the opposite sides of the room from each other while I stayed in the same seat.
“Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much.” Mr. Harris quipped as the boys moved to their new seats.
Stiles scoffed, hauling his books and bag to the back of the classroom. Scott sat at the front with a girl named Harley, who was staring out the window.
“Hey, I think they found something.” She exclaimed suddenly, running to the window.
The whole class got up to walk to the window to see what Harley was talking about. I walked up behind Scott and Stiles, but I was too short to see over them.
“That’s not a rabbit.” Scott murmured to Stiles.
Suddenly, whatever the class saw made them all scream and jump back, causing me to startle a bit. Scott slowly backed away from the window with a horrified look on his face. Stiles joined Scott and I, a relieved look upon his facial features.
“Okay.” He said, patting Scott on the shoulder. “This is good, this is good. He got up, he’s not dead. Dead guys can’t do that.”
“Stiles,” Scott said solemnly. “I did that.”
“Okay, but dreams aren’t memories.” I argued softly as Stiles, Scott, and I walked to an empty lunch table, our trays laden down with food. I sat down while Stiles sat on my right, with Scott across from him.
“Then it wasn’t a dream,” Scott said. “Something happened last night, and I can’t remember what.”
“What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?” Stiles asked, bringing up the older, grumpy wolf.
“Because during the full moon he wasn’t changed. He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy.” Scott huffed.
“You don’t know that.” Stiles said firmly.
“I don’t not know it.” Scott countered. “I can’t go out with Allison. I have to cancel.”
My mouth opened in surprise. How could he just cancel on Allison like that? Especially when all she’s been talking about lately was Scott.
“No, you’re not cancelling, okay?” I said. “You can’t just cancel your entire life.”
Stiles nodded from beside me. “Y/N is right, Scott. We’ll figure it out.”
A tray slammed on the table in the spot next to Scott. I looked up to see Lydia standing there with a charming smile on her face.
“Figure out what?” She asked, before turning to me. “Happy Birthday, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Lydia.” I smiled begrudging at her. “And we were just talking about homework.”
“Yeah,” Stiles added breathlessly. He looked at me and whispered lowly, “Why is she sitting with us?”
I shrugged and looked up to see Allison sit in the chair across from me.
“Happy Birthday, Y/N!” She smiled sweetly at me, before handing me a chocolate chip cookie.
“Thanks, Al.” I beamed at her as Jackson walked up to the table.
“Get up.” He commanded the boy who was sitting at the head of the table.
They guy looked extremely offended. “How come you never ask Danny to get up?”
Danny, who was on the other side of Stiles, quipped, “Because I don’t stare at his girlfriend’s coin slot.”
The guy huffed loudly and got up, going to take a seat elsewhere.
“So,” Danny started casually, “I hear they’re saying it’s some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar.”
Jackson shook his head in disagreement. “I heard mountain lion.”
“A cougar is a mountain lion.” Lydia corrected him quietly. To her chagrin, we all heard her. Jackson even gave her a weird look. “Isn’t it?”
“Who cares?” Jackson said rudely. “The guy’s probably some homeless tweaker who’s gonna did anyway.”
“Actually, I just found out who it is.” Stiles said, looking at his phone. “Check it out.”
He held his phone out, so everyone could see what he was talking about.
“The Sheriff’s department won’t speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack.” The reporter on the video said. “Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition.”
“I know this guy,” Scott stuttered, taking Stiles’ phone into his hands.
“You do?” Allison asked as Stiles and I exchanged worried looks.
Scott nodded. “Yeah, when I used to take the bus back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver.”
“Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please?” Lydia drawled. “Like, oh,” She turned to Allison abruptly. “Where are we going tomorrow night? You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?”
Allison swallowed her food, glancing worriedly at Scott. “Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do.”
“Well,” said Lydia briskly. “I am not sitting home again watching lacrosse videos, so it the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun.”
“Hanging out?” Scott stammered, looking bewilderedly at a regretful Allison. “Like, the four of us? Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?”
Allison looked at me for help, and I grimaced at her. I didn’t know what to do in this situation. On one hand, Lydia was being rude by barging her way into Scott and Allison’s date. On the other hand, I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by it, and Allison would look rude if she said no.
I think Allison had the same lines of thinking, because she answered hesitantly, “Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun.”
Jackson scoffed and reached for his fork, holding it up to his face. “You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork.”
Lydia pried the fork from his hand and gasped excitedly. “How ‘bout bowling?” She asked Jackson. “You love to bowl.”
“Yeah, with actual competition.” Jackson snarked.
Allison leaned forward, a challenging look on her face. “How do you know we’re not actual competition?” She looked towards Scott, “You can bowl, right?”
“Sort of.” Scott answered, his face screwed up.
Jackson leaned forward, putting his arms on the table as he leaned into them. “Is it sort of, or yes?”
Scott scowled. “Yes.” He lied, “In fact, I’m a great bowler.”
I twisted my lips together to hold back a laugh. Scott was a horrible bowler. In fact, the last time he bowled was at my eighth birthday party. He had gone to throw the bowling ball down the lane and accidently threw the ball backwards. The damn thing landed on my foot, and I landed in the hospital on my birthday, sobbing, with Stiles trying to cheer me up and Scott apologizing to me profusely.
Stiles and I hadn’t had time to confront Scott on his colossal lie throughout the day, so when we approached him when school ended, Stiles burst out, shouting, “You’re a terrible bowler.”
We walked down the stairs to the first level of the school.
“I know!” Scott exclaimed. “I’m such an idiot.”
I reached out and patted him on the shoulder. “You’re not an idiot, Scott.”
“Thanks, Y/N.” Scott smiled down at me.
“God,” Stiles interrupted, literally squeezing in between Scott and I. “It was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first it turned into the whole group date thing. And then out of nowhere comes that phrase.”
“Hang out.” Scott and Stiles said together.
“You don’t hang out with hot girls, okay?” Stiles continued. “It’s like death. Once it’s hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out.”
I frowned at him. Why he insinuating that I was ugly? I mean, we hung out all the time, and I know he’s not gay.
“How is this happening?” Scott moaned. “I either killed a guy or I didn’t—”
“I don’t think Danny likes me very much.” Stiles pondered aloud.
“—I ask Allison on a date, and now we’re hanging out—”
“Am I not attractive to gay guys?” Stiles asked Scott and I, completely ignoring the fact that Scott was freaking out.
“—I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me,” Scott went on, “And now—now I’m gonna be late for work.”
Scott walked away from us, mumbling to himself, and leaving Stiles and I alone.
“Wait, Scott, you didn’t—am I attractive to gay guy—you didn’t answer my question.” Stiles pouted.
I gave him a confused look. “Why do you want to know if you’re attractive to gay guys?”
Stiles shrugged. “I dunno.”
We started walking out of the school towards the jeep.
“Stiles,” I started. “Are you gay?”
“What?” Stiles asked, shocked. “No! Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay, but I like girls. In fact, I love them. Why?”
“Well, you said only gay guys hang out with hot girls. We hang out all the time.” I said slowly. “So, if you’re not gay, that must mean I’m not attractive.”
Stiles stopped in his tracks and grabbed my arm, stopping me from walking any further.
“Wha—” He stopped and shook his head. “Of course, you’re attractive, Y/N. You’re one of the hottest girls in school.”
I blushed, my cheeks turning hot and pink.
“Come on,” I said, grinning like a fool. “Come look at my new jeep.”
I stared at the name written on my wrist in slanted writing. I didn’t know anyone named Mieczyslaw, but the name sounded Polish. Maybe I would meet him when on a trip overseas or something.
“Y/N, the Stilinski’s and the McCall’s are here!” Mom called from downstairs, shaking me out of my daze.
“Coming!” I called, walking over to my vanity and grabbing a chunky bracelet to put on my wrist, covering the writing for now. I would talk to my parents later, but for now, Mieczyslaw would be my little secret.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Y/N! Happy birthday to you!” My friends and family sang as my mom brought a large chocolate cake into the dining room where we were all sitting.
My cheeks flushed at their attention as I blew out all the candles in one blow. Everyone clapped loudly, cheering my name. Scott even threw in a cake cheer.
We opened presents as we ate the double chocolate cake.
Scott and Melissa got me a beautiful leather-bound journal with a elephant carved on the front. Mom and dad got me some books about potion making and a few cookbooks, as I had mentioned that I wanted to get into cooking and brewing.
But Noah and Stiles’ present was my favorite.
They presented me with a large photo album, filled to the brim with pictures of me, Stiles, and Scott, along with our families. There were even some pictures of Stiles and I in the bathtub together when we were toddlers.
“This was the best birthday.” I told them all sincerely. “Thank you so much for everything.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Now, did you get a name?” Melissa, still in her work scrubs, asked eagerly.
“I’m not sharing.” I told her, my lips quirking up a little.
Later that night, after getting interrogated about the name on my wrist by all the parents, Scott pulled Stiles and I aside, telling us that we needed to go the bus where Garrison Meyers was attacked. Apparently, Scott had went to Derek’s house to find out what happened, and Derek told him to go back to the bus and use his senses to remember.
So, after giving an excuse to the parents, we headed off to the bus garage. When we got out of the jeep, we walked up to the closed gate and Stiles put a foot in one of the links, ready to hoist himself up over the fence.
“Hey, no, just me.” Scott objected. “Someone needs to keep watch and stay with Y/N.”
I scowled at Scott, I was not defenseless.
“How come I’m always the guy keeping watch over Y/N?” Stiles whined.
“Because there’s only two of us.” Scott retorted.
“Okay, why’s it starting to feel like you’re Batman and I’m Robin?” Stiles said seriously. “I don’t want to be Robin all the time.”
“Nobody’s Batman and Robin any of the time.” Scott sighed.
“Not even some of the time?” Stiles asked in a disappointed tone.
Scott glared at him. “Just stay here.”
“Oh, my God!” Stiles yelled exasperated. “Fine. Come on, Y/N.”
He grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards the jeep, while I followed him willingly.
We sat in silence as we watched Scott scale the fence and run to the bloody bus. Stiles was unusually quiet, and I knew that it had something to do with what just transpired.
“You okay?” I asked him softly.
Stiles blew out a long breath. “I just—I just feel useless, you know? Like I’m not important.”
My heart broke as I watched his sad and disappointed face. How could he say that? Did he not know how important he was to me?
“I’ll never be the hero.” He continued. “Always the sidekick, I guess.”
“Hey,” I said strongly, capturing his attention. “Just because you don’t have powers doesn’t make you any less important than Scott.” He opened his mouth to argue, but I kept on, “No I mean it, Stiles. And who says you’re not a hero? You’re my hero. I mean, who talks with me for hours after I have a bad dream?”
Stiles said nothing.
“Who, Stiles?” I prodded, wanting an answer from him.
“Me.” He mumbled.
“Who let me drive his jeep during Driver’s Ed?”
“Me.” Stiles repeated.
“Who has to live with ADHD and constantly get good grades? Who did all the research to find out if Scott was a werewolf? You did, Stiles. You’re a damn good friend, an even better hero, and you are very important to me.” I said firmly as he watched me with an open mouth.
Finally, he smiled a little, the corners of his full lips turning up. “This is why you’re my Y/N.”
“Aw, shucks,” I waved at him.
We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, until suddenly Stiles swore, “Fuck!”
“What?” I looked at him alarmed. He didn’t answer, instead pressing on the horn two times.
I looked to see flashlights approaching the bus that Scott was currently exploring.
“Shit.” I muttered, climbing into the back seat.
“Come on—” Stiles groaned as Scott came running out of the bus. He jumped on the bed of a truck and flipped over the fence, speeding his way to the jeep.
“Come on!” Stiles shouted as Scott opened the passenger door.
“Go! Go! Go! Go!” Scott rushed out, causing Stiles to step on the gas and sending us into reverse.
“Did it work?” I asked, leaning up to put my head between the two boys. “Did you remember?”
“Yeah,” Scott nodded, breathless. “I was there last night. And the blood—a lot of it was mine.”
“So, you did attack him?” Stiles guessed, taking his eyes off the road briefly to look at Scott.
“No.” Scott answered simply. “I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren’t mine. It was Derek.”
“What about the driver?” I prodded, ignoring Scott’s theory about Derek.
“I think I was actually trying to protect him.”
“Wait,” Stiles said, clearly not over what Scott said about Derek. “Why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?”
Scott sighed and shook his head. “That’s what I don’t get.”
“It’s got to be a pack thing.”
Scott looked to Stiles, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Like an initiation. You do the kill together.” Stiles theorized.
Scott scoffed. “Because ripping someone’s throat out is a real bonding experience?”
“Yeah, but you didn’t do it, which means you’re not a killer.” I said as I patted Scott on the shoulder.
“It also means that—” Stiles started but was quickly interrupted by Scott.
“I can go out with Allison.” He sighed dreamily. I giggled under my breath. What a love-sick fool.
“I was actually gonna say it means that you won’t kill Y/N and I.” Stiles grumbled.
“Oh yeah,” Scott said in a casual voice. “That too.”
I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around, narrowing my eyes at the photo album that Noah and Stiles gave me. It had fallen off my bed as I got off of it, making a tipi-like shape on the floor.
“Y/N, hurry up,” Mom called from the hall. “We have to drop you off at the Stilinski’s!”
“Okay, mom, let me pack a bag really quick.” I told her, grabbing the photo album off the floor and setting on my bed, intending to pack it for my stay at Stiles’ house.
My parents were going on a weekend getaway. Why they had planned it my birthday week was beyond me, but they’d had it planned for months, so they couldn’t get the money back from the hotel that they were staying at.
I had offered to stay at home, but my parents overwhelmingly shot the idea down, insisting that I’d get myself in any trouble I could find. So, I was staying at the Stilinski residence until Monday.
I quickly packed some clothes in my Vera Bradley weekend bag, and shoved the photo album in there as well, fully intending on looking it over front to back tonight before I went to sleep.
The ride to Stiles’ house was quick, and the goodbyes were quicker, as my parents were eager to get on their way. Noah wasn’t home when I arrived, but Stiles was, so we ordered Chinese food from our favorite Asian place and sat down to eat.
We talked about how we thought Scott’s group date was going, and we both had not-so-positive answers. Well, mine was okay, because I knew that Allison liked Scott, but Stiles’ was more negative.
“He sucks at bowling, so I bet Jackson’s laughing his fucking ass off at him.” Stiles prophesized, eating a bite of broccoli.
“True.” I agreed, eating some chow Mein. “I bet Allison is giving him tips, though.”
“I still think Scott will royally fail, though.” Stiles laughed. “Remember when he broke your—”
“Yes, I remember.” I scowled playfully at him. “What a great memory to bring up.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Stiles chuckled. “But you have to admit it’s kind of funny now.”
“It’s a little funny.” I admitted, a smile breaking through my lips.
After dinner we watched, to Stiles’ insistence, the first two Star Wars movies, and then I told him I was heading to the guest room, intending to fall asleep.
I snuggled into the comfortable bed and pulled out my photo album, opening up to a random page. The first photo that caught my attention was Stiles and I when we were maybe three years old. Stiles had picked a dandelion and held it out to me, where I was smiling cheekily.
I slid the picture out of the sleeve and turned it over, hoping that the year was written on the back. It was, and so were our names.
Y/N and Mieczyslaw. 1999.
My hands trembled, and I let out a gasp. Stiles’ real name was Mieczyslaw? It had to be. It was on the picture in Claudia’s handwriting.
I got up out of the bed and walked to the door, deciding that I was going to go ask Stiles about this. I opened the door and wandered down the hall, walking to Stiles’ room and knocking on his door with a closed fist.
Stiles opened the door, a curious expression on his face.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” He asked.
“Your name.” I replied. “It’s Mieczyslaw?”
Color drained from his face and he stumbled back into his room, letting me follow him in. The room was a pigsty, but it was mostly clothes strewn on the ground.
“How’d you know?” Stiles asked.
“This picture.” I told him, holding up the photo so he could see the back of it.
“Fuck.” He whispered, putting his hand over his mouth.
“Do you know what name’s on my wrist, Stiles?” I asked, looking down at his carpeted floor.
“My name.” He said softly.
“And how’d you figure that out?” I wondered, not putting two and two together.
“Because your name’s on my wrist.” Stiles admitted.
I closed my eyes and shook my head, not believing that he kept this from me for close to nine months. Tears started gathering in my eyes and I made no move to wipe them away.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I cried, opening my eyes to see his guilty face.
“I-I don’t—” He stammered, but I cut him off.
“The truth, Stiles!”
“I don’t love you like that.” Stiles confessed, causing me to cry out as I absorbed his words. “Y/N, I’m sorry—”
“No, you’re not.” I sobbed. “So, what, you’re just going to wait for Lydia?”
Stiles was silent, not answering my question.
“That’s why you don’t want me?”
“Y/N, please.” Stiles begged, rushing towards me. I stepped away from him. “There are plenty of platonic soulmates.”
“I’m in love with you!” I cried out tiredly. “I’ve loved you for years and you never even noticed.”
“Oh, my God.” I gasped. Sadness wanted to drown me until I was dead, the air sinking out of my lungs. “I can’t believe this.”
“I-I don’t want to lose you, Y/N, please, can’t we work this out?” Stiles asked desperately, tears now glistening in his eyes.
I bit my lip and shook my head, storming out of his room. I entered the guest room and slammed the door, locking it before he could even try to enter.
“Y/N, come on.” Stiles groaned, knocking on the door. “I need you. Don’t do this.”
“You did this, Stiles.” I spat, glaring at the dark-grained door. “Just—just leave me alone.”
I laid down in the bed, ignoring his knocking for over an hour until it went silent and I cried myself to sleep.
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Angiewolf AU - It Hits the Fan
Day 01   Day 02   Day 03   Day 04   Day 05   Day 06   Day 07   Day 08 Day 09   Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15   Day 16 Day 17   Day 18   Day 19   Day 20   Day 21   Day 22   Day 23   Day 24 Day 25   Day 26   Day 27   Day 28   Day 29   Day 30
Today, I decided to write a new ficlet for my NaNoWriMo write, instead of using a prompt like I’ve been doing.  I got randomly inspired to write the pivotal NWHS-equivalent scene for the Angiewolf AU.  So that’s what I did.  And honestly, this was a long time coming.
Word count: 1980
              Stan took the rubbing alcohol from the first aid kit and began to swab it over Dipper’s cuts.
              “What exactly happened out there?” he asked.  Molly and Emily, standing nearby, exchanged a look.  They knew what had happened: a rogue werewolf had crossed into the pack’s territory and gone after the first vulnerable relatives it could find.  But what Dipper and Mabel had seen…that was another story.
              “Well,” Mabel started, “first, there was this huge gray wolf that showed up. It looked sick and hungry, with, like fur falling out and everything.  I was a bit sad about that, but then it attacked me and Dipper.”
              “You two didn’t get bitten, did you?” Emily asked.  Dipper and Mabel shook their heads.
              “Before we could even get a scratch from that wolf, another one showed up,” Dipper said.  “It tackled the first wolf, and they got into a fight.”
              “That one wasn’t gray,” Mabel said.  “It looked more like…ooh!  Like a kinda old golden retriever.”  Molly snorted quietly.  “And almost right after the yellow wolf showed up, two more came, and they picked us up and dropped us off in front of the door.  Then they ran away.  So today’s been a four wolf day.”  Mabel winked. “Not too shabby.”
              “You didn’t get bitten,” Stan insisted.  Dipper and Mabel shook their heads again.
              “We got a bit dinged up when we were being carried to the front door by the third and fourth wolves,” Dipper said.  “But it wasn’t from being bitten.”  Stan nodded, relieved.
              “Good.”  Someone walked through the front door.  By the floral scent that accompanied the person, Stan knew it was Angie.  “Ang, how was your walk?” Stan asked without looking up. Mabel let out a small gasp.  Stan turned around.  “Holy-”
              “Mom, are you okay?” Molly asked.  Angie waved a hand airily.  She was covered in large scratches, some actively bleeding.  Her skin had started to turn purple from bruises in multiple locations.
              “I’m fine,” Angie said.  She took a twig out of her hair, grimacing slightly.  “I’m a fairly resilient person.”
              “Did you get mugged or something?” Mabel asked.
              “No, sweetie.  Just had a nasty fall while I was on my walk.”
              “Shouldn’t you go to the hospital?” Dipper said.
              “Yeah, when old people fall, it can be really bad,” Mabel added.  Angie raised an eyebrow.
              “I ain’t quite that old yet.  And like I said, I’m fine.  I just need to take a nap, and I’ll be back to normal in no time.”  Angie took a seat at the kitchen table.  “The two of you look like ya fell in a thornbush.  What happened?”
              “There was this huge wolf that attacked us,” Mabel said.  “But then we got rescued by another wolf.  And then two more wolves grabbed us and brought us to the house.”
              “Sounds like quite the experience,” Angie said with a small smile. “I take it ya got scratched up from the wolves carryin’ ya?”
              “Yeah.  But it’s not that bad.  Just a few bumps.”
              “Ya didn’t get bitten, did ya?” Angie pried.  Mabel and Dipper shared a look.
              “No, we didn’t,” Dipper said.  “Why are you guys so worried about whether we got bitten?”  His eyes widened.  “Those weren’t normal wolves, were they?”
              “Whattaya mean, not normal wolves?” Emily jumped in.
              “Werewolves!” Mabel gasped.  “Those were werewolves!  Right?”
              “They were way bigger than normal wolves,” Dipper said.  “And they acted smarter than normal wolves.”
              “Geez, kid,” Stan sighed.  He struggled to keep his composure.  “Werewolves aren’t real.  Relax. Wolves are just bigger than you expect them to be.  Got it?”
              “But being nervous about us getting bitten-” Dipper started.
              “Hon, you can catch all sorts of nasty germs from wild animal bites,” Angie interrupted.  “That’s why we’re worried.”
              “…Oh.”  Dipper rubbed the back of his neck.  His hand came away bloody.
              “Dipper!” Mabel gasped.  Dipper stared at his hand.  “Did you actually get bitten?”
              “I don’t think so,” Dipper said.  Emily peered at the back of Dipper’s neck.  She paled.
              “No, Dipper, you did.  It’s- it’s not a big bite, but it did draw some blood,” Emily said.  Stan looked at Angie.  He could hear her heartrate skyrocketing.  She managed to keep her cool, though.
              “Okay, well, let’s just clean it up fer now,” Angie said calmly.  “Stan, can I talk to ya?”
              “Yep.”  Stan handed the rubbing alcohol to Molly and followed Angie out of the kitchen.  Angie leaned against the wall in the hallway. She let out a small hiss of pain. “Babe, how beat up did you get fighting off that stranger?” Stan whispered.
              “Bit more ‘n I expected,” Angie said quietly.  “He was a toughie.”  She shook her head.  “That’s not what’s important.  Dipper got bitten.”
              “Yeah.  He did.” Stan dragged his hands down his face. “Holy Moses, what are we gonna do?”
              “Only thing we can.”  Angie took a breath.  “Explain everything to Dipper and Mabel, help Dipper through the initial transformation, and then work on the cure so that we don’t send him home a werewolf.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan chewed on his lip.  “Will he transform tonight?  It’s a full moon.”
              “Uh, no.  The ‘virus’ or whatever has to have time to spread through the body,” Angie said.  “He won’t have his first shift until next month.”
              “Good.  We can hold off on telling him about the whole werewolf thing, then,” Stan said. Angie frowned at him.
              “Ford’s gonna come back tonight,” Stan said.  “I can’t handle him coming back and Dipper finding out.”  Angie sighed. “Angie, please.”
              “Fine,” Angie muttered.  “Only because ya asked nicely.  And…I agree. We should take things one at a time.” She smiled hesitantly at Stan.  “It’ll be nice to have Ford around again.  I won’t be there when he comes back; I’m gonna take the night to recuperate.”  Stan nodded. “I’ll ask Soos to take Dipper and Mabel fer the night.  And tomorrow morning, first thing…”  Angie met Stan’s eyes.  “We tell the kids the truth.”
              Stan paced anxiously in front of the portal.
              This isn’t how it was supposed to go. The moon rose while I was waiting for the portal to turn on.  I can’t be a wolf right now!  Emily, who was curled up in a corner, looked up at him.  Molly had opted to stay home with Angie, but Emily wanted to come and meet Ford for the first time.    
              “Dad?” Emily barked.  Stan stopped pacing.  
              “Why are ya so nervous?”
              “I haven’t seen your uncle in a while, squirt. It’s- it’s gonna be a big moment.”
              “Makes sense.”  Emily rested her head between her paws.  “I’m excited to meet him.” She froze.  “What’s that?”
              “What’s what?” Stan asked. Emily looked in the direction of the door.
              “Someone’s comin’.”
              “Damn old age,” Stan muttered.  “I’m losin’ my edge.”  He sniffed the air.  “Son of a- Emily, block the elevator!”
              “On it!”  Emily bounded for the small room that led into the main area with the portal, but before she could reach it, the elevator door opened, revealing Dipper, Mabel, and Soos.  Emily whined and stumbled back.  “Shoot!”
              “This is going from bad to worse,” Stan growled.  Soos’ eyes widened at the sight of Emily and Stan.  Soos was one of the few people outside the family who knew they were werewolves, and one of the fewer who regularly interacted with them in wolf form.
              “It’s- it’s wolves,” Dipper stammered, pointing at Emily and Stan.  “That- that one, that’s- that’s one of the ones from earlier.”
              “The one that carried me,” Mabel said, looking directly at Emily.  “You protected me!”  Emily sat down, a prideful air about her.
              “Why are the wolves here?” Dipper demanded.  He flipped through Ford’s journal.  “There’s- there’s nothing about wolves in here, just the machine!  Why- why would they-”  Dipper closed the journal.  “No. Focus.  We need to turn off the machine before the world gets destroyed.” Dipper took a step into the area with the portal.  Stan growled loudly.  Emily looked at him, surprised.
              I don’t wanna scare the kid.  God knows he’s gonna need a lot of support once he finds out he did get bitten by a werewolf.  But I can’t let him screw up everything I’ve worked for.  Soos put a hand on Dipper’s shoulder.
              “Maybe- maybe we shouldn’t mess with the wolves,” Soos suggested.  “They seem pretty scary to me.”
              “Why are they guarding this machine, though?” Dipper insisted.  He took another step forward.  Stan bared his teeth, his growl increasing in volume.
              Back off, Dipper.  You don’t understand what’s happening.  Emily let out a small bark of warning.  Stan looked over.  She nodded at the countdown clock.  Stan’s heart stopped.  It was almost time.
              Everything went white and silent.
              Stan felt himself rise up from the ground, only to slam back against it forcefully.  He got to his feet wearily.  
              Everything hurts.  The sound of a gun cocking broke the quiet.  Stan froze.  He could feel cold steel pressed against his forehead.
              “Who- who is that?” Dipper asked in astonishment.  Stan looked at the person holding a gun to his head, dreading who he would see.
              Of course.
              “Ford,” Stan started.  Ford scowled more deeply.
              “Don’t bother trying to threaten me, wolf.  I’ve taken down monsters twice your size.”
              What?  Stan’s blood ran cold.  Oh, fuck.  I didn’t get turned until after Ford went through the portal. He doesn’t know I’m a werewolf. Still in a corner, but now standing in a defensive posture, Emily began to growl.  Ford looked over at the noise.
              “Angie?” Ford said quietly.  “Did I- did I come back on a full moon?”
              “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Mabel said, holding up her hands.  “That wolf is Grauntie Angie?”  Ford stared at Mabel, just noticing her.
              “I- what?”
              “How do you know Grauntie Angie?” Mabel demanded.  Ford blinked.
              “I don’t- who- who are you?” Ford stammered.
              This is getting painful.  But I can’t speak English right now.  I can’t explain anything.  Everyone’s gonna be confused until I can turn human again. Unless…  Stan met Soos’ eyes.  Soos nodded silently.  He stepped forward.
              “Actually, uh, Mr. Stranger, that’s not Angie.  That’s Emily.  Angie’s daughter,” Soos said.  Dipper and Mabel stared at Soos in shock.  Ford frowned.
              “Who are you?  Some kind of strange, hairless gopher?”
              “Heh, I get that a lot.  But nope. Normal human.  I work for Mr. Pines, so I know his kids and his wife and stuff.”  Soos rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.  “And you’re kinda shoving a gun in Mr. Pines’ face right now, just so you know.”
              “I’m-”  Ford stared at Stan.  He gaped. “Stanley?”  Stan grumbled softly.  “Oh.  I didn’t- I-” Ford’s face hardened.  “No, I’ll leave my gun there.”
              “Real mature, Sixer,” Stan growled.
              “Wait, wait,” Mabel said, interrupting again.  She looked at Stan.  “That’s- that’s Grunkle Stan?  And Emily? How?”
              “They’re werewolves,” Ford said flatly.  He frowned at Stan again.  “Werewolves who should have thought better than to let children in here.”
              “Werewolves?” Dipper whispered.  Stan groaned.
              Great.  There goes the plan to break the news to him over breakfast.
              “What the heck is going on?” Mabel shouted.
              “That’s a question I’d like an answer to as well,” Ford said.
              “I can’t really answer any of your questions right now, jackass,” Stan barked.  Ford put away his gun, still scowling.
              “We’ll need a translator.  Do any of you know where Fiddleford McGucket is?”
              “Right upstairs,” Dipper said.  “This is his house.”
              “No, it’s not.  The deed is in my name, not his.  Not that I have anything against Fiddleford living here, but-”  Ford cut himself off.  “That’s not relevant.  He’s upstairs, we’ll head upstairs.”  Ford began to walk toward the exit.  Dipper stood in his path.
              “Before we let you upstairs, tell us.  Who are you?” Dipper asked.  Ford straightened his back.
              “My name is Stanford Pines.  I’m Stan’s twin brother.”
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wearesungreenmylove · 6 years
Snowbaz Prom 2k18
Thank you to @its-okay-that-ur-not and @alliaskofyou for letting me ask you questions about prom! also I quote cj in there so look forward to that ;) (the line was pure gold, how could I not use it)
Word Count: 944
Normal AU
The water is gone within an hour.
And there’s this giant crowd of horny teenagers surrounding the speakers, all grinding on each other like their fucking lives depend on it and trying their best to dance.
I turn away in disgust, nose turned up, and head towards the snack table. Everyone’s been avoiding it, besides Snow that is. Honestly, I’m surprised he and Agatha aren’t in the weird dancing circle.
But there he is, standing awkwardly by the snack table, stuffing his face full of cream puffs. You know, the kind they have for dessert at a barbecue(I’ve only ever been to one, with Dev’s family in 4th year, but I got enough of a sense of what they're like to know that they're really not all they're hyped up to be).
He, Snow that is, is currently wearing a dark blue suit with black lapels with a white undershirt and a purple tie, and it looks like he actually tried to tame his hair tonight (or maybe that was Penny)(honestly I think it was Penny), because it looks somewhat contained, but in a really messy way that's just so Snow it's hard to explain.
I wander over. If nothing more than to tease Snow about his wolfing down all the food on the table. At least, that's what I try and tell myself. There's no one else for me to talk to here besides Dev and Niall, but they're both..um, a little..preoccupied at the moment.
Not together, no, they're like the straightest people I know. Almost immediately after we arrived Dev and Niall joined their girlfriends, Sara and Emily, out on the dance floor, and haven't come back since. Too busy grinding on their girlfriends to bother talking to their best friend I suppose.
  I wander over to Snow.
  "Snow," I say.
  He turns around, cream puff halfway between his mouth and plate. He's got some cream and crumbs on the left side of his face, and I wonder if I could just lick it off and go. Maybe kiss him somewhere in between there. Yes, I'd lick it off the corner of his mouth, the area bordering on cheek, then I'd kiss the living daylights out of him, and then I'd go. I'd just go. And maybe never come back. Aleister Crowley, Snow'd have a field day with that.
  He smiles.
  He fucking smiles at me.
  Did someone spike the punch? Something must be wrong, Simon bloody Snow just fucking smiled at me.
   I look down at the table still stock-piled with snacks, and then my eyes drift to the empty plate where the cream puffs were, and now only a few crumbs are left. Oh no..
 I look back up and he’s still smiling this ginormous goofy grin that’s honestly so sweet I melt a little.
 “Simon..” I say hesitantly, “How many cream puffs did you have?”
 “Oh, not that many, just a fe-” he stops when he sees the empty plate. “Um,” he brings his hand up to rub the back of his neck sheepishly, “All of them.” He looks up at me. Crowley his eyes are so ordinary. Maybe that’s why I love them so much; they’re the one thing about him that seem real, everything else is just a fantasy I’ve dreamt up.
 “Okay, so we’re gonna go get you cleaned up, okay?” I whisper. Best to keep it out of everyone’s attention that I’m trying to help him. I mean, Snow probably won’t remember this after tonight, so  why not indulge myself for a moment by actually being nice to him for a change.
 “What? Why?!” He says somewhat loudly, enough for a couple people to look over at us suspiciously. Crowley. Snow’s always been one for making a scene.
 I turn his shoulder towards me, so he’s not facing the rest of the world. I don’t think this would be a good thing for the chaperones to know about, considering it was probably one of the seniors who did it, and I don’t wanna be that one kid who ruined prom for everyone. “Simon, those all had weed in them.”
 “Nobody told me,” he grumbles.
 “Bloody hell, Snow, that’s kind-of the point, so that the adults don’t find out.” I start to drag him out towards the hall leading to the guy’s bathroom.
 “You called me Simon before.”
 “No I didn’t,” I turn back to face him and he’s fucking smirking at me. “Shut up,” I mumble, and go back to leading him out of the cafeteria.
 Ms. Rowell’s been standing guard at the door for the last hour, something about how they don’t want any babies being made on school grounds or whatever. Haha, no need to worry about me ma'am, I’m fucking gay as hell. But she let’s us through after I mumble something about “bathroom” and “emergency”.
 Once we get into the bathroom I let go of Simon’s wrist and google ‘how to take care of someone who just had weed’ while wetting a paper towel. The top three sites are all telling me what to do if someone’s addicted, which is not helpful in this case.
 I turn around and he’s right there. “M’sleepy,” he says before letting his head fall on my shoulder.
 “Oh,” is all I manage to say, even though it’s more of the ghost of a word, a breath, if that. Then Simon is pushing his forehead against my neck, and holy fuck his nose is moving across my collarbones in the most amazing way, and his arms are draped around me. I just want to melt into him and let the world disappear. And so I do.
Okay, so yes Ms. Rowell from Rainbow(not an actual depiction of her, I just needed a name) but apparently at my school we have a Ms. Rowell, and that makes me happy(I wish it was Rainbow, but sorry, I’m not moving to Omaha(I think my mom would actually disown me))
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