#my mom has a print and I would just stare at it for ages
Listen, I love learning about linguistics (especially my special interest language families) but i cower in fear when I encounter academic linguists and any decent translators, for they are much more powerful than me
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erikahenningsen · 5 months
Regina visiting Janis at work
If Janis gets fired from this job, it will not be because she is bad at selling moderately priced soaps. She's actually not bad at it, although all her job really consists of is ringing people up and restocking the shelves.
No, if she gets fired, it will be Regina's fault. Every time she walks in the store, Janis knows that this day could be her last.
Like today: Regina plunks a jar of hand cream on the counter in front of Janis and complains, "This smells bad."
"Then don't buy it," Janis tells her, making a notation on her inventory clipboard. She takes the jar and sets it aside, knowing Regina won't put it back in the right place, if she puts it back at all.
"Who would want their hands to smell like spearmint?" Regina asks, wrinkling her nose.
"People who aren't you."
"It's gross," Regina says. "I don't know how this store stays in business."
"We carry a variety of scents for a variety of people," Janis recites tiredly.
Regina leans against the counter and sighs dramatically. She does look very pretty today, wearing a shirt with a plunging neckline—coupled with the way Regina is leaning over the counter, Janis momentarily forgets the difference between hand cream and hand soap.
"Can I help you with something?" Janis asks exasperatedly. "Because I really need to get this done."
"I'm bored," Regina whines.
Janis gestures to the exit of the store, which leads into the mall. "Then go to one of the many other establishments."
Regina touches the inside of Janis's wrist, right over her pulse point. "But you're here," she says, managing to make it sound more like a complaint than an endearment.
Nevertheless, it makes Janis's chest warm that Regina wants to spend time with her, even if she doesn't particularly want to be doing it here—that Regina will endure apparently offensive odors just to hang out with Janis.
"Um, excuse me?"
Janis looks up to see a lady around her mom's age. "Hi," Janis greets.
The woman slides a piece of paper over the counter along with a tube of body lotion. "I have this coupon," she says.
Janis takes the coupon and looks at it, then frowns. "Sorry, but this expired a couple of weeks ago," she says apologetically. "The promotion is over."
The woman stares at her. "It's expired?" she asks.
"Yes, sorry," Janis apologizes again.
"But I was out of town," the woman says. "I couldn't have gotten here before it expired."
Janis sighs internally. She has a conversation like this every time the store does some kind of promotion or sale. "Unfortunately I can't accept it," she says, as firmly as she can.
"She said no," Regina cuts in, glaring at the lady. "Your inability to read the fine print is your problem."
"Regina!" Janis hisses at the same time the woman says, "Excuse me?"
Regina turns to Janis and widens her eyes, like she has no idea why Janis is scolding her.
"I'm sorry, ma'am," Janis starts, "I—"
"I'd like to speak to your manager," the woman says curtly.
"How do you know I'm not the manager?" Regina says, stepping closer.
Janis grabs her arm, nails digging in warningly. "She is not the manager," Janis says, ignoring the dirty look Regina gives her.
Janis briefly closes her eyes before turning to see her actual manager.
"What's going on?" he asks, bewildered.
"Banned," Janis says to Regina in a low tone. "You're banned from this store."
"Fine!" Regina huffs. "I didn't need to buy foot cream for my grandma, anyway."
Ten minutes after Regina storms off, while Janis is being lectured by her manager, she receives a text.
Regina George: bored. miss you
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
Saruhiko's daughter making a drawing for Saruhiko, she does that often. She drew from the time they went to the zoo to the aquarium, to the beach. Saruhiko likes to keep them saved, and sometimes he prints one or two out as a small picture to keep within his wallet or pocket.
Another instance of Fushimi getting to heal his own inner child, by making sure that his kid’s drawings are always saved and put up on the fridge and everything. Fushimi never made anything for his parents outside of school-required items and even then he learned at an early age that it was better to just toss them in the garbage before he got home since that’s where they’d end up anyway (Kisa certainly wouldn’t keep them, and Niki would laugh about how his little monkey made him a present before destroying it). So the first time his daughter brings him a picture she drew he just kinda stares at it, mentally having a whole ‘wait, what am I supposed to do with this’ crisis as he tries to remember what Yata’s mom would do with stuff Yata and his siblings made. He’s vaguely aware that aren’t you supposed to put your kid’s work on the fridge, he doesn’t have any magnets so imagine him like pinning the art to the wall with a knife instead. He feels like this is maybe not quite correct but his kid just beams, looking so proud, and Fushimi decides he should buy some magnets. 
His daughter turns out to be really fond of art so imagine she’s just bringing him pictures all the time (my mom used to tell me about how when my older sister was in preschool she claimed she was required to draw a picture every day, imagine Fushimi’s daughter using that line on him and he feels like that can’t be right but if she says so then it must be true). Fushimi starts pinning them properly to the fridge and a few of them probably end up displayed in the S4 cafeteria too, she brings one picture to Munakata and he beams and puts it right up on the wall by his desk. Fushimi has some smaller ones that he takes with him, in his wallet he has like this little scribbled ‘me and my dad’ picture his daughter made for him. As his daughter gets older I imagine her laughing and saying he doesn’t need to keep every picture and Fushimi just takes that in and murmurs ‘I want to,’ like it’s something very simple but he’s proud of the fact that he was a good enough parent that his child didn’t have to worry about gifting him things she made.
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faghubby · 1 year
Country gurl
it sucked living in the middle of nowhere, well not completely. My mom had moved us to a small farm house 35 miles outside of the nearest town after Dad split. I knew it was because it was cheap. But it also left me alone most of the time. Mom working long hours and then commuting. I used this time to dress up in her things. I had gotten pretty good at it over the years. The first time I was 11 and had found old girlie mags in the barn. They where from the 80's and I was fascinated by the sexy lingerie. Mom didn't have alot of sexy things just a few panties really. But that didn't stop me. The idea that it was wrong and naughty drove me. By the time I was 16 I would dress up completely in her clothes after school. I had also found her vibrator and would fuck my ass. All while I watched porn on my phone.
Now 18 graduated high school. I had no idea what to do. I ha no money to buy a car and too far to go to find a job. So I was stuck all day at home. All this extra time did nothing but feed my fetish. I now shaved my body and dressed everyday. I would share pics with men on the internet, one man sent me a bikini in the mail to model for him. I did then thought I should get a tan. The tiny thong bikini barely covered anything. But made me feel so sexy. I was laying out getting a tan one day and fell asleep. I woke suddenly to see a man standing over me.He had a small package
"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you" he said with a big smile. Looking me up and down. I grabbed a towel and tried to cover myself. As i marveled at his big arms covered in tattoos. He looked like he worked out daily. His hair cut short and clean shaven hid his age. But he was definitely old enough to be my father. He tugged on my towel pulling it away.
"No reason to do that" he said. I was beet red embarrassed for getting caught. He dropped the towel on the ground and handed me the package. Then turned and left in his truck. My dick was straining against the tiny swimsuit. But still concealed my 4 inches. I fantasized about him as I played with myself. I came twice that afternoon. It was after 5 when I heard the truck pull in. It was the same driver. I answered the door. Now wearing jeans and a teeshirt. Mom would be home soon.
"I got you something" this man told me. Now both standing on even ground I realized he was also at least a foot taller then me. He handed me a pink box. Then leaned in and kissed my cheek.
"Wear it for me, I be by tomarrow" he said with a big smile. Before he again jumped in his truck to go. I watched as he drove away. This was a real man in real life. I thought. And it scared me. I opened the box and inside was a simple flower print sun dress. I wondered if I had time to try it on before mom came home. But decided to wait. Instead I made dinner so mom could relax. The next morning I got up and put on the sundress. I waited for my mysterious man to return. It was after 2pm when he pulled in the long driveway. I met him as he got out of the truck. I did a little spin to show him the dress.
"My name is Carl," he told me. "I would love to take you dancing"
"I don't know, I have never been out" I couldn't even look at him instead staring at my feet.
"What is your name sweety?" He asked in a smooth sexy voice
"Paul" I said. He made a sigh. I looked up.
"Pauline" I corrected. I watched as his eyes lit up. He stepped close his hand slid under the dress. Right in the dirt driveway. I looked around knowing no one was around but still scared someone would see. His fingers rubbed against my panties. He then spun me around and lifted the dress to check out my ass. Then smacked it with his big hand.
he then took my phone from my hand and added his number. Along with some other links.
"Pauline, I plan on taking you dancing he told me. He handed me another package. Pulled me into his arms and kissed me deep. His tounfe probed my mouth as he did. I melted in his arms. Then again he left me standing in the dirt as he drove away.
It was two days later when I got a package thru the regular mail. I opened it to find pink cowgirl boots. Carl called me that night. He started to call, text, message. Everyday. He called me his girl. He had me send him pics of me dressed in various outfits. Very few days another package. Lingerie, perfume, even a big dildo. He video called me to watch me fuck myself with the toy. Everyday he asked me to go dancing, I always said no. Then one day he sent me silicone enhancers to put in a bra so It looked like I had breast. I loved them and would wear them everyday. I finally agreed to go dancing with him. I picked a night mom had to work. I got dressed in my sundress and boots. Styled my long blonde hair. And he picked me up in his pick up truck. He drive me to a honky tonk. At first I was nervous but after he got me served and I had a drink or two in me I relaxed. First a line dance easy enough. But then he pulled me close and we slow danced. No one looked at me different. When Carl got tired he sat. And several other men asked for a dance. I watched Carl as he watched me dance with these other guys. He then told me it was time to go. In the truck he looked over at me
"Naughty little girl you are" he teased. "Dancing with all those other guys" he continued. I reached over to him.
"I am sorry I didn't mean" I was saying as he placed my hand on his growing crotch. He knew I had never. But I didn't say a word instead I unzipped his jeans and fished out his growing cock. It was bigger then I had imagined. Probably 8 inches long and my hand just closed around it. I leaned over and kissed the head as I started to stroke him. Carl found a remote dirt road and pulled down it stopping and having me get out. He took off my dress. I stood in a matching pink thong and bra he had bought me and the pink cowgirl boots. He had me get on my knees in front of the truck. The lights still on as I started to suck his cock. After a minute he pulled my hair and started to shove his cock down my throat. I couldn't breath. As he face fucked me. He called me dirty whore, faggot and sissy bitch. As he did. Just as I thought I would pass out he pulled back and shot his load all over my face. I laid in the dirt trying to catch my breath. He went to take a piss. As he walked back.
"Don't get up you can suck me hard again" he told me. He walked over to me I got back on my knees. And took him in my mouth again. He got hard quickly. And pulled me to my feet. He bent me over the hood of his truck. He squeezed lube in my ass. Then shoved his cock in. He didn't wait or go slow he drove his cock balls deep. I screamed and cried as he fucked me with long hard strokes.
"Such a tight bitch" he told me his large hands pulling my hips to him.
"I am going to use your ass everyday" he moaned. I saw lights go by on the road. No where people coming? Carl didn't even slow as he pumped his seed into my ass. As he pulled out I felt empty as his cum ran out my now stretched ass. He helped me back into his truck. And drove me home. I was a mess. As he pulled in the driveway I noticed my mother's car. Shit how would I explain how I was dressed. Carl parked and got out of the car. He opened the door for me and pulled me into his arms kissing me. The porch lights came on. I saw my mother step out on the porch. Carl let me go. I dropped my head and walked past my mother on the way into the house. She followed me inside.
"We can talk later " she said seeing my state in the light of the room. I went upstairs and showered. As I got in the shower I was rock hard. After all that I had not cum. I jerked off thinking about Carl. Had I enjoyed that? I thought. Knowing I needed him to use me again. I came almost immediately. I got out of the shower. I slipped on a fresh pair of panties and went to bed. My mom had left for work by the time I got up. Carl texted me a dick pic.
Want this again don't you it said. I did but didn't answer him. My mom and I never teally had that talk. She just excepted it and we didn't talk about it. Carl returned three days later. He liked to take me out in public. And use me for his pleasure after. He continued to buy me clothes and jewelry wanting me dressed pretty for him. Only to stain it or tear it off me before the end of the night. Within a month I hardly ever wore my boy clothes. Even my mother called startedcalling me Pauline. Carl had me move in with him 6 months later. Mom worried about the age difference. But wished me all the best.
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After 21 years of Marriage, my Wife wanted me to take another Woman out to Dinner and a Movie.
She said I Love You but I know this other Woman loves you and would Love to spend some Time with You.
The other Woman that my Wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a Widow for 19 years, but the demands of my Work and my three Children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally.
That night I called to invite her to go out for Dinner and a Movie.
'What's wrong, are you well,' she asked?
My Mother is the type of Woman who suspects that a Late Night Call or a Surprise Invitation is a sign of Bad News.
'I thought that it would be pleasant to be with you,' I responded.
'Just the two of us.'
She thought about it for a moment, and then said, 'I would like that very much.'
That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit Nervous. When I arrived at her House, I noticed that she too seemed to be Nervous about our Date.
She waited in the Door with her Coat on.
She had Curled her Hair and was wearing the Dress that she had worn to celebrate her last Wedding Anniversary.
She smiled from a face that was as Radiant as an Angel's.
'I told my Friends that I was going to go out with My Son, and they were impressed', she said, as she got into the car.
'They can't wait to hear about our meeting'.
We went to a restaurant that, although not Elegant, was very Nice and Cozy.
My Mother took my Arm as if She were the First Lady.
After we sat down, I had to read the Menu. Large Print.
Half way through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me.
A Nostalgic Smile was on her Lips.
'It was I who used to have to Read the Menu when you were young', she said.
'Then it's Time that you Relax and let me Return the Favor', I responded.
During the Dinner, we had an Agreeable Conversation, nothing Extra-ordinary, but catching up on recent Events of each others Life.
We talked so much that we missed the Movie.
As we arrived at her House later,
She said, 'I'll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.'
I agreed.
'How was your Dinner Date?' asked My Wife when I got Home.
'Very Nice. Much more so than I could have Imagined,' I answered.
A few days later, my Mother died of a Massive Heart Attack.
It happened so suddenly that I didn't have Time to do anything for her.
Some time later, I received an Envelope with a Copy of a Restaurant Receipt from the same place Mother and I had dined.
An Attached Note Said: 'I paid this Bill in Advance.
I wasn't sure that I could be there;
But nevertheless, I paid for Two Plates, One for You and the Other for Your Wife.
You will never know what that Night meant for Me.
I Love You, My Son.'
At that moment, I understood the Importance of saying in Time:
'I LOVE YOU!' and to give our Loved Ones the Time that they Deserve.
Nothing in Life is more important than God and your Family.
Give them the Time they Deserve, because these Things cannot be Put Off till 'Some Other Time.'
Pass This Along To Everyone;
With An Aging Parent,
To A Child,
To An Adult,
To Anyone With A Parent,
And Most Importantly,
To Someone You Truly Love . . .
Truth.....Must read each & every sentence ....
Truth no 1 : Nobody is real in this world except Mother..
Truth no. 2 : A poor person has no friends..
Truth no. 3 : People do not like good thoughts they like good looks..
Truth no 4 : People respect the money not the person..
Truth no 5 : The person you love the most, will hurt you the most !
"Truth is Simple, But, The Moment YOU try to Explain it... It Becomes Difficult.
IN LIFE: Two things define you..
"Your patience when U have nothing......... &...... "your attitude when U have everything.
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Our Life Together: The Journey (Part 2): Magnolia
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Books: The Royal Romance - Royal Heir
Rating: M (Mature content and implied sexual activities)
Pairing: Liam & Jessica Garcia (MC)
Triggers: Sexual innuendo
Our Life together timeline: This is still within Agent Phoenix A/U and its stories about Jessica & Liam’s relationship as live-in partners and married life. Character traits don’t always remain the same. Stories using this timeline are meant for challenges or requests. catch up here
Chapter Summary: The future Queen of Cordonia has a heart-to-heart with her mother, the current Queen Consort. This is a companion piece to The Journey, another story written for this challenge.
Chapter Song inspiration: Cover me in sunshine - P!nk
Word Count: 4,000*As always, forgive my typos and grammatical errors.*
Average reading time: 10 minutes
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Math Class
He was excited to be in her class this year; it was the advanced class. His mother was the Educational Liaison, and he knew that he had to focus. He couldn’t be distracted, but with her in his class, he was nervous.
He was fifteen and he was starting to have feelings for someone that he thought he shouldn’t. She was popular and everyone wanted to get close to her. Somedays in class, he would find himself staring at her through his thick bifocal glasses. He hoped that maybe she was into them because he hated contacts. He would daydream about her, wondering if she even noticed him in that way. Or noticed him at all other than just a classmate and friend.
He was going to study abroad. If he was selected for the young architect’s program, he would be spending the summer in Italy. The winners were going to be announced at the Spring Gala. He would be going anyway but maybe he could ask her to be his date.
His love of building things came from his father. But he just didn’t want to build things, he wanted to design them. He was worried that if he left, any chance he had would be gone. She would just forget him. So, he decided he would just start bumping into her.
He knew her schedule; his mother developed it. So he got on her laptop and printed it out. Her schedule was that every Wednesday, she had political science at 12 pm taught by Sir. Elton. French afterward taught by Ms. Dubois. There was something that happened monthly, it was called L&L. He wasn’t sure what that meant but he was waiting for it to happen. It occurred on the 8th. But he knew she would be pulled out of class for something on her schedule. It occurred every two weeks on Friday. It was labeled ’Magnolia Day’ the location was his mother’s office.
Her bodyguard came to escort her. She stood up and the class stood on their feet. If you were a male, you bowed your head. If you were a female, you curtsied. You didn’t move an inch until she exited the room. She turned to her class and said, “Thank you. Please excuse me.” She turned to her bodyguard and said, “Tatum, it doesn’t hurt to smile.”
“I’m sorry, your Royal Highness. I will try.” He gave her a soft smile.
Private office- Educational Liaison
“Feel better? Liam told me to keep an eye on you. But you do seem off.”
“I had too many donuts and champagne for my birthday.”
“That was five days ago.”
“Ehh I’m not 25 anymore. Bounce back ain’t wait it used to be. I have a bit of a headache and I’m tired but that’s all. Thanks for letting me use your office. You know how important it is to me. Especially since I lost my mom around this age. I’d never miss it.”
“Of course, Jessie.”
The Liaison walked out.
Lilyana curtsied as she said, “Mommy.” To the woman whose job she would one day take. She could only hope to be just like her.
Jessica smiled at her daughter fondly, “Alright, Mi Muñequita (my little doll) have a seat.”
They both sat down by a window that faced the schoolyard. A servant placed a silver tray before them. It was still in its original packaging. A white paper bag with the store logo “Magnolia Bakery.” Her mother preferred it that way. In the bag were One large Banana pudding, two plastic spoons, and one buttercream cupcake.
“Mom, I’m happy you feel better. I thought you would skip today. You haven’t been feeling well lately. ”
“Nope, never. Don’t worry about me. Besides Daddy is on my case enough about going to the Doctor’s so I will. But enough about me it’s Magnolia day.”
“Mom, did you ever just wonder if a guy liked you? You know like, liked liked you?”
Jessica took a spoonful of pudding and sighed as she swallowed. “His name is Liam Rys. You call him Daddy once known as Shinny man.”
Lilyana’s eyes got wide and said, “Daddy? Really, you didn’t think Daddy didn’t like you?”
“Lil, I felt like I had to yank it out of him. He was really just that shy.” Jessica reminisced of their first night on the boat and how bashful he was. She had to kiss him and frequently assured him all social season she wanted to be with him.
Lilyana looked at her spoonful of pudding in confusion as she thought of just how in-love her parents were. She knew she would always have high standards towards how a boy treats her after seeing how her Dad was with her Mom. But the idea of her mom EVER having to guess her Dad’s affections sounded insane.
She said, “But Daddy always looks at you like you’re the only person in the room!”
Jessica smiled, “And I’m so grateful for that… Lil, I mean, maybe this guy is just shy.”
“What do you mean?”
Jessica smiled at her daughter, “Come on now, future Queen. You’re gonna have an important job someday. You’re pretty, you’re bright, you’re a literal Princess. Boys are bound to get tongue-tied with you.”
“But I’m really just a regular girl.“
“To us, you are. I’m a mom to you and Leigh. I’m a wife to your Dad. I’m an Aunt to your cousins. I’m so many things about Lil. Sometimes, it surprises me when I have to remind myself that even though I’m just Jessica to my family and friends, to Cordonia, I’m their Queen.”
Lilyana sighed and played with her pudding, “Sometimes, the Royal treatment and title gets old…I was going to ask Uncle Leo on L and L day on some tips to not be so royal. Try to, like to, tone it down a notch. I mean Tatum is really on top of me but Uncle Leo escaped a lot.”
Jessica thought to herself, ‘Oh No! Him. Not him.’ Not wanting her loveable train wreck brother-in-law who abdicated giving her impressionable daughter tips of any kind. Liam would have a stroke and he already started freaking out at the touch of gray he spotted in the mirror when she had to kick him out of the bathroom when got sick in the morning.
She reached across the table to place a hand on her daughter’s hand, “Lil, you are who you are and you don’t have to change anything about yourself to be liked! Even being a Princess. It’s a big title until they get to know you for you and see just Lilyana. Then, it just becomes an extra thing. Look at your Dad, he is still Liam to me. I love your Dad very much, Lil. I love him for the things that make him who he is. He is loving, kind, generous, and is so hard-working. I would love him no matter his job. You are still Lilyana and you just happen to be a Princess and someday a Queen Regent. You will lead us; As the first woman to hold the job in a century, as a Latina, and as a woman of color. You think my mother left Puerto Rico to dumb it down for a man. No, she didn’t. She didn’t teach me that either. You are going to shatter a few glass ceilings and my job as your mother is to give you the hammer. Never change yourself for anyone just to be liked. If someone can’t accept you for who you and what you will become they don’t deserve you. Be you, always be you.”
Lilyana shook her head, “I get Mom. I don’t want him to think that I’m not interested because he isn’t nobility.”
Jessica put her spoon down with a raised brow, “Do you want to tell me? Or am I going to have to wait till our next Magnolia day?”
“Well… promise me you won’t laugh. You know him.” Lilyana bit her lip and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.
“Lil, I would never laugh at you. I’m happy that you can come to me.” Jessica reassured with a warm smile.
“Okay, so I have these feelings about…A friend.”
Jessica smirked and tapped the table, “Shut up! Jack-Jack!”
Lilyana blushed and looked down at the table.
Jessica smiled and tried not to have an embarrassing mom moment about her daughter’s crush but it was too precious to her not to aw at.
“I’m speechless! Lil, he is SO cute. Love the glasses. His mom picked them.”
Lilyana groaned and slumped in her chair, "I just don’t want to embarrass myself by being too obvious and I know Tío Mateo would tell me to let him make the first move, Tío Adam would tell me to sit next to him at lunch, Aunt Hana would tell me to make him a card, and Aunt Olivia would tell me to beat him in gym class and if he can accept my victory in public AHHHH it’s pointless…He seems like he doesn’t even notice me. What should I do?”
Jessica smiled and said, “Just be yourself and I’m sure Jack-Jack will feel the same.“
“Absolutely. Now take half of the cupcake or the whole thing is mine.”
Liam and Jessica’s Bedroom
Liam laid on the bed with a book in his hand with his glasses on as he watched his wife get ready for bed.
“Hey Love, how was Magnolia day?”
Jessica slipped a nightgown on her and walked over to her husband, giving him a kiss as he snapped the book closed. She grinned at him, “Very empowering and she confessed.”
Liam took a deep breath and said, “Drake said he caved too. So, what do we do?”
Jessica finished getting ready for bed as she said, “I think we just let it play out. He is a sweet boy, we have known him forever. Jack-Jack is considerate, he can be a quiet kid, he has never gotten into trouble his whole life. I couldn’t pick a better boy for Lil.”
Liam did not feel the same, “Jessica. I was a quiet one too. I’m sending her away! I would die of a broken heart but it’s necessary. Until then she won’t be going to the hedge maze and NO way is she going to the Walker ranch again. EVER! Bianca is beside herself with the possibilities. Why aren’t you out there with a telescope and doing something about this!? You have my access code go to the armory and take what you need. STOP IT THIS!”
Jessica chuckled as she got into bed, "Liam, stop.” She teased before cuddling up to him, “She is a good girl and a smart girl and he’s a good kid…She’s got to grow up eventually.”
“Yeah, when she’s 21…Actually, 25. You know what just let me die.”
Jessica kissed him and he deflated. He said, “I know. I just don’t like the idea of her dating.”
“He’s Jack-Jack. Still the little boy you would carry over your shoulders, still the boy you would take to the museum and still the boy that runs over to watch the Michael Bublé Christmas special with you.”
“He’s a boy. A teenage boy! Who could sing! He is fully aware of his body and what he would like to do to her with it. He is probably in his room just thinking about her and I can’t even say it.” Liam punched his wife’s pillow shocked that she wasn’t upset 'Motherhood has made you soft. I want my cop wife to come out of retirement.’
“Liam…Did you do anything as a teen? The type of thing you’re thinking about?”
Liam hesitated, “It’s soooo different I wasn’t supposed to have this job besides Isabelle was horrible I regretted it. Then there were a few do-overs with her. It never got better then I tried my luck a couple of girls… and then there was you and that was the end of that.”
“Okay, when you first met me. You were a grown man and I had to kiss YOU.”
Liam smirked, “That’s changed.” As he planted kisses down Jessica’s neck. She smiled and hummed in her throat before saying, “Point being, you were a good kid and became a gentleman and Jack-Jack will do the same.”
Liam stopped kissing and rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh, “Fine, but they will NOT be left alone for too long at a time.”
“Of course but I don’t think we have to worry about that for a while.”
Jessica turned and bit her lip and said, “I love it when you wear glasses BUT.” she gently removed them from his face. And Liam turned off his reading light. And turned his attention to his wife.
A week went by and Jackson grew more and more nervous as time went by. The Spring Gala was next week away but he feared every day he waited, he risked another more popular boy to swooping in her accepting their offer. She seemed to always attract every boy’s attention without trying and she ignored them all. If she ignored them, then he feared he had no hope at all.
He tried to talk to her but the stupidest ideas came out of his mouth. Today, he wanted to ask her to the gala and somehow he ended up asking for a pencil when he had one in his hand already…He wanted to crawl in a hole as she simply just smiled at him and asked if he felt well.
Walker Palace Quarters
“Hey Kid, what’s wrong?” Drake greeted his son at the door of their home and the boy shriveled up with a frown.
“Dad, I can’t ask her. Every time I try, something stupid comes out of my mouth!”
Drake wasn’t the most emotional or expressive man but he couldn’t help a slight smile towards his boy.
“You’re young, it happens. But you’ll never know until you ask her. What is the worst thing that could happen?”
“She could laugh at me or tell me I’m gross or tell everyone I’m a weirdo or-”
Drake placed a hand on his shoulder, “Stop. You’re starting to sound like a teenage Liam. I would throw things at him to get him to stop. Is that what I got to do to you? Even though that did work and then I had to throw things at Garcia so he could have a reason to talk to her. Please don’t make me throw things at my niece.”
“Dad, be serious.” He whined as Drake shook his shoulder to snap him out of it. Drake replied, “I always am.” He sighed and continued, “Jack-Jack, you know her, you’ve known her entire life. It feels like when I just met her and held her in my arms. You guys were together all the time. I remember having to stop you, Lil, and Uncle Leo from drawing on the walls at the capitol with red crayons that he gave you both! Or watching you two peeling chicky nuggets in front of the TV. Now, would she really do that to you?”
Jackson Jr. thought about it. He thought of her kind blue eyes, her warm smile, her disposition.
“…no, I guess she wouldn’t do that.”
Drake let go of his shoulder and said, “Alright, the worst she could say is no.”
“But…What if she is creeped out and doesn’t want to talk to me again?”
Drake huffed, “You’re both 15, you’ll both chalk it up as a crush you used to have and move on and another girl will come along.”
“Do you think she would really say yes?”
Drake shrugged, “You look at me and I am pretty fucken good looking. I think she will.”
Drake grew silent a moment before saying, “Son…Have we had… The talk?”
Jackson jr. covered his face, “God, Dad!”
“Hey, I don’t feel like me and Liam getting into it because you two got too handsy or an accident happened because you’re a dumb horny teen. She is a good girl and you have to know-”
“STOP. Please, Dad. I haven’t even kissed anyone yet!! Besides, Mom already covered that in 9th grade. She made a few comments about Aunt Sav that I thought was pretty funny yet savage at the same time.”
Drake huffed in relief, “Thank God. I don’t want to have that talk any more than you do.”
“Then why bring it up?!”
“I had to know you two aren’t going to get busy at this age, that’s why. I will ground you forever if you do anything at all at this age especially with Garcia and Liam’s little girl. Her Uncle’s one is a Duke and let’s forget the other one with a whole armory at his disposal at Lythikos with whatever fuck he has going on with Olivia. You’re a hormonal teen boy and people can get caught up in the moment, the least you can do is know about con-”
Jackson covered his face as his glasses fogged from the heat of his face, “Urgh…Am I excused from this conversation? PLEASE?”
Drake nodded urgently with a groan and pinched his nose bridge, “Yeah, yeah get the hell out of here.”
Jackson went to go to his room but Drake stopped him, “Hey kid, why not surprise her with something? Think of something she is into and show her how much you noticed by surprising her with it before asking her.”
He thought and nodded, a small smile forming. “Thanks, Dad mind if I ask you a few questions?”
Lilyana constantly talked to Jackson and vice versa but it was always about such mundane things that it disappointed her. All of last week went by with him avoiding her, getting quiet, asking for things that didn’t make sense.
'Maybe he really doesn’t like you? Maybe he knows you like him and it’s weird now? The idea made her stomach sink. It was now Thursday, the day before her Magnolia Day with her Mom. Spring Gala was coming up and she had turned down so many boy’s offers’s hoping Jackson would ask her.
'Mommy would tell me. I don’t need a guy to take me. I can go by myself. Yes, I can go by myself. Pff I’m badass like my mom. You don’t like me OH WELL. She thought as she got her book bag ready next to Tatum.
She suddenly heard someone behind her that Tatum didn’t stop knowing it was a friend. She turned to see a flustered Jackson and her face lit up.
“Hi, Jack.” She smiled and he smiled back.
“Um…” He wrung his hands. He had been acting so strange lately, she wondered if it was a bad thing.
“Would you…I have something to show you. But my Mom or someone will have to take us there after school…If you want to, that is!”
“Oh, Sure. I’d love to. Let me just ask Mom and Dad-”
Tatum smiled and said, “No need, your Highness. Your parents told me this was okay to do as long as I go with you of course on the ride. In fact, I’ll drive.”
Lilyana looked surprised but nodded. Tatum drove her many places, it was a part of his duty. The strange part was her parents already agreeing.
“Oh…Okay then.” She awkwardly giggled and Jackson did the same as they got ready to go.
The ride was awkward. Lilyana saw him nervously shaking his leg as she tried to make small talk. She opted for glancing out the window, wondering if it was some special day she forgot about and Jack was just the messenger. Tatum escorted her out of the car and to the building with a round roof. She was pleasantly surprised to see them enter a building that she had never been before but always wanted to go to.
“An observatory?”
He nodded, “Yeah…I know you always liked the stars so I decided this would be a neat place…Is it?”
Lilyana beamed, “Are you kidding?! I love it!”
They went inside and Tatum merely stood to watch at the door, the area already cleared.
She instantly went to an astronomy chart to look at a few constellations. She gasped as they entered the room further with blackened windows at the top but a projector as well that projected the room in shimmering stars all around them.
Then, it hit her.
“Wait…Jack, was this your idea?”
He nodded shyly.
“But why? I was starting to think…Well, that you didn’t like me anymore or something.”
Jackson looked surprised, “What? No! I just…I was just really nervous. I’m sorry.”
Lilyana waited, hope rising in her as he looked at her. He mumbled, “I…I wanted to ask you to the Spring Gala. If you say no, then I get it! Just…Please don’t think we can’t be friends anymore.”
“What? Why would I ever think that?”
Jackson blushed deeply, “Well…Because I…I sort of…Like you.” He looked down and like he wanted to run and hide. Lilyana blushed herself as butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She shyly tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at the ground herself.
“O-oh…How long have you?-”
“Since we were 7.”
Lilyana smiled to herself as Jackson nervously waited. She said, “I…Like you too.”
“You do?” He looked shocked as she giggled and nodded.
“Yeah, I just thought you didn’t like me anymore because maybe you knew and thought it was weird because I’m a princess and you know like the future Queen.”
“No way! It’s really cool. Actually, we haven’t had one in a long time. I personally know the next Queen. We shared crayons, who gets to say that? A woman leading Cordonia I love the idea! I dare anyone say anything about it your dad would flip and so would your mom and my dad. I mean, you’re…You. I didn’t think you even liked me like that at all. I’m not…I’m not a Prince and-”
Lilyanna bit her lip as he rambled and felt so nervous and excited she might throw up but quickly decided to rush over and peck his cheek to silence any doubt. She drew back her lips just as quickly as it was planted, beyond shy but eager to let him know she had a crush on him too.
“Jack…I’m Lil. I’m not a Princess when I’m with you. That’s what I like about you is that you treated me like a normal girl. I mean…You knew I love the stars just like my parents and it was my favorite thing growing up. No other boy knows that. And you went out of your way to show me…Thanks.”
Jackson’s eyes were wide behind his glasses as he touched the cheek she kissed. He grinned widely, “So is that a yes?”
Lilyana laughed and nodded before stepping back towards him. “Yes, I’d love to be your date to the spring gala. I’ve…Kind of been waiting for you to ask for awhile.”
The teens gazed at each other before Jackson took a leap of faith and gently kissed her. Lilyanna tilted her head as they both gave a quick, awkward, sweet kiss.
“See now you get to say you were the future Queen’s first kiss.”
“YES! That’s my fucken kid!” Drake beamed with pride behind the glass in the room as Jessica and Drake’s wife awed at them. She turned to Jessica and said, “Stargazing is a classic.” Jessica said, “It’s so good.” Liam didn’t know how to feel. He accepted it but he was watching them like a hawk. He thought to himself 'Lil that was your first and last kiss. You are your mother’s daughter. Once we started we didn’t stop. We are still going at it. So NO!’
The teens pulled away blushing and smiling as they busied themselves looking at the stars.
“Oh My God look! Awww, they’re so cute together. Oh god, they are holding hands!!” Jessica awed at them as she laid her head on Liam’s shoulder.
Liam sighed with an ache in his chest, “It’s so hard seeing her grow up.” ‘Drake and the damn stars. I know just how many times that worked. Now, this can do it anytime with fake stars! Pffff. It’s time to call in reinforcements.’
Jessica saw the wheels on her husband’s head-turning. Jessica rubbed his arm and held him close.
Magnolia Day
Jessica acted like she didn’t know anything but Lilyana was on cloud nine.
“Wow, you’re in a good mood for pudding.”
Lilyana beamed at her mom, “He asked me to be his date to the gala.”
Jessica grinned and acted surprised, “He did? Did you say yes?”
Jessica smiled, “Oh Lil, that’s wonderful! Aw, you two are going to be so cute! We are getting as many pictures as possible.”
“He…We kissed…Don’t tell Daddy, he’ll be so mad.”
Jessica gasped with a grin, “Lil, you did? How was it?”
Lilyanna shrugged, “It was…Nice. His glasses bumped me in the nose. They fogged up a bit too.”
Jessica laughed and took a spoonful of pudding, “ Yea I’ve been there with Daddy. It takes time. I remember one time he was so excited to kiss me he cut my mouth but to be fair it was a while since the last time we kissed. And even after all these years when he wears his and we kiss they still fog up. Both you’re both new at it.” Jessica had tears in her eyes.
Lilyana smiled, “Mommy, don’t cry.”
“I know, I know. You’re just growing up faster than I ever imagined.”
“I love you.”
Jessica gave a tender smile and held her daughter’s in her hands just as her mother used to. “I love you too, Mi Muñequita.” Jessica took a deep breath and said, “So it’s my turn to tell you something. I’m worried about it.”
Lilyana’s eyes got wide, “Mom, did results come back?”
Maze Garden
“Congrats! So Italy, how do you feel?”
“Lil, I’m gonna miss you.”
“Jack, I’m not going anywhere. I will be here when you get back.”
Jackson took a deep breath and was trying to find the words when all of a sudden a spotlight blinded him.
“Take it easy there Casanova. I want to see your hands.” Leo walked over to the couple with an oversized flashlight
Mateo held a shiny object that reflected in the light “I heard you like to sing. I think I can get you to sing higher notes if I just flicked my wrist with this dragger.”
Adam walked over with a baseball bat from his hiding spot.
Jackson bowed his head “Duke Asterford.”
Adam said, “Yea I don’t give a shit about titles. It seems like you were gonna ask our niece to be your girlfriend. I don’t know how I feel about that Mateo, how do you feel about it?”
“I don’t know. I mean did you ask one of us? ” Mateo pointed to himself, his brother, and Leo.
Then Mateo let out a whistle and said “ Pana (buddy) did this kid ask your permission?”
Liam walked from behind the well holding a polo mallet “No. No. He did not.”
Mateo admired the design on the blade looking at it as he spoke, “You see Drakey Jr. you got to ask her Papi (Daddy). Always the daddy first. I mean I can always talk to YOUR dad I never settled the score over the cake he threw in my face.”
Lilyana shouted “Daddy! You’re spying on me!? Wait Tío is the Zenobia’s -”
Mateo looked at the dagger in his hand and said, “Yes, Rubí (Ruby) let me borrow it.”
Liam swung his polo mallet and pointed it at Jackson. “YOU!”
“You have a polo mallet!” Lilyana shouted
“Lil, I’m prepared. ANYTHING can happen in the maze garden. ANYTHING. Could be a terrorist or a teenager.”
Leo pointed to Jackson and said, “Who do you think taught your father? Then he pointed to Lilyana and then said “father to stargaze!? But you’re fucken smarter than all of us with a fucken projector. Why the fuck didn’t I think of that shit? Man, all the -.”
Mateo interrupted “El otero (the other one) We don’t give a shit right now about the -”
Adam clapped his hands “Hey. Focus!”
Jackson collected his thoughts and remembered the script he practiced with his Aunt the Queen. When he asked her if she wouldn’t mind them dating.“Te pido perdón, nunca fue mi intención ofenderte.” (I ask you for your forgiveness. It was never my intention to offend you.) Jackson paused and then he added his own words “Lil, is her own person it’s the reason I like her so much she is witty, funny, and she keeps me guessing. I’m not intimidated by her at all. It’s kind of like how you feel about Aunt Jessie. She wasn’t like all the girls you met; she was a thinker. I would like the future Queen of Cordonia to be my girlfriend.
Lilyana smiled “I would like that Jack. I would like that a lot.”
Mateo looked at Liam and said, “Fuck man, you are sleeping on the couch you know that right?”
Leo picked up his phone “Sorry my wife is calling me gotta go.”
Liam rolled his eyes and said, “Leo your phone didn’t even ring.”
“We just have they type of relationship. You know soulmates. I’m not digging my grave for you. Goodnight and good luck.” Leo quickly exited the maze.
“Damn Liam. I’m sorry but it’s every man for himself right now.” Adam sighed. “Listen, I can have Hana try to calm her down. Maybe you’re only on the couch for a night or two but I can’t make any promises man.”
Liam threw his polo mallet on the ground and looked at Jackson. “I’m watching you! Nothing below the neck. NOTHING! I’m no pendejo (idiot) Jack-Jack! I will know. ” He turned to his brothers-in-law and said, “God, she knows me.” Then stormed off like a child.
Liam and Jessica’s Bedroom.
Jessica sat in bed as Liam collected a pillow and a blanket. Flustered by Jackson’s wingman.
“Jess, you know where to find me.”
“You want to come to bed, or so you want to sulk?”
“Jack-Jack is shoving his tongue down our daughter’s throat now. I will sulk until I die. Grrr. The face Jackson gave me like yeah I’m gonna score with your daughter. You just wait Uncle Liam.”
Jessica laughed “No. He didn’t you are so dramatic Liam. Jessica tapped the bed
Liam looked at himself in the mirror and combed his hair with his fingers. “Jess, I have gray hair. My daughter is dating a boy. Our son’s voice is starting to crack so then I’m gonna have to talk to him before Leo does.” Liam threw himself on the bed “Love everything is happening so fast.” He covered his face with his hands.
“So it sounds like you’re overwhelmed so I will table it and tell you another time.”
Liam turned to his wife and said, “Tell me what?”
Jessica smiled “What are you doing on November 28th?”
“Jess, I don’t even know what I’m doing tomorrow other than super cereal Sunday with the kids and you.” Liam did a quick calculation and said, “November is like nine moments from now”
Jessica smiled at her husband “Yea it’s nine months from now.”
Liam’s eyes got wide “WAIT! Jess. Oh my God, Love.”
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theriverspath · 6 months
Crowley's first gig with Luci's band! On the way there, one of her new band mates offers up his makeup skills and some helpful advice. Oh, and Crowley has an important realization about apples and butterflies. Prompt: Crowley's snake
Rated Teen. CW: closeted trans teen, dysphoria, grief
"How old are you?" Crowley looked over at her brother in confusion. They were loading the black cases that housed the band’s gear into the back of an old three-row family van. Tonight was her first gig, and her hands shook with nerves.
"Um, sixteen?" She ventured an answer. Had her brother really forgotten her age?
"Nope. You wanna know why?" Crowley narrowed her eyes, then gave a noncommittal shrug. Luci was up to something, but she wasn't sure what it was yet.
"Well." Luci hefted a guitar case onto an empty spot of carpet behind the van’s second row of seats. The third row had been removed months ago, when the band had started using it for transport. Once it was settled, his left hand dipped behind him and dug a folded leather wallet out of a back pocket. "If you're sixteen, what would that make me?"
"Nineteen. I guess." Crowley knew exactly how old her brother was. She’d been celebrating his birthday her whole life, hadn’t she? Luci handed the wallet over. Crowley took it and, with what felt like a sickening shock of electricity in her gut, realized that it was their dad’s. When had her brother switched to carrying this? How had he even gotten a hold of it? Her thoughts spun as she stared down at the palm-sized object.
“Wrong again. What does my license say?” Crowley flipped the wallet open. There was Luci’s driver’s license framed inside the clear plastic window that took up the left half of the interior. The little photo of her brother looked back up at her from where her dad’s image had been for as long as she could remember. It was hard to make out the numbers in the fading evening light, but she could just read his birthday. 
“Twenty one?” Crowley looked back. “Where’d you get this?” Grinning, Luci reached out and took the wallet from her. 
“Don’t you worry about that.” He slipped a fingertip behind his license and pulled up. Two more little plastic cards slid out from beneath it. He pushed one back, but not before Crowley caught sight of her father’s face. Luci handed the other to her. “This one’s yours. If anyone asks you for ID at the bar, show them this.” Someone had taken one of her most recent school photos and replaced the background with the same blue that Luci and her dad’s license featured.
Crowley remembered that picture day. She’d hated the white polo shirt her mother had insisted she wear. It had made her look like a prep, and had felt like some sort of weird costume. But her mom had found it at a yard sale, and had beamed with pride when she showed Crowley the little gator logo on the front. “Can you imagine? A Lacoste for two bucks! All it needs is to have this little bit on the hem sewn back up, and you’ll look just like one of those boys over at Trinity Heart.” Crowley winced at the memory of being compared to the guys who attended the nearby private school, and then immediately felt guilty.
“You can’t buy a beer with it, but at least the owner won’t make you wait in the back room when you’re not on stage.” Luci’s voice brought her back to the present. Her eyes focused on the neatly printed letters and numbers displaying her information. She skimmed past the single letter M, and found her birth date. It was two years before her actual one. According to this, she was eighteen: not old enough to drink, but old enough to be in a bar without getting hassled for it.
“You gonna drive us to the gig now that you’re all legal? I mean, sort of.” Crowley jumped at the question coming from inside the van. She’d been so focused on the license that she hadn’t noticed when Eric had climbed in the side door and settled into the bench-style middle seat. His brother leaned in through the open sliding door and handed him what looked like a fishing tackle box. He gave Eric a look that clearly communicated his opinion about his brother’s lack of any sort of sense.
“Hell no, he’s not driving my van -”
“Our van,” Eric interrupted. When Crowley had first met the two band members, she hadn’t been able to tell the identical twins apart. The fact that their mother had named them Eric and Erick hadn’t helped, either. But after a few months of them hanging around the house for practice, she now knew the individual mannerisms or tones of voice that distinguished one from the other. 
“Our van,” Erick rolled his eyes at his brother. They were painted with bold, black liner. Thin triangles of the makeup radiated down from the bottom lid, almost like spiky lashes. It was a dramatic look, and one that he shared with his twin. They’d also both shaped their hair into two short points on top, mimicking devil horns. “Especially not all the way to New Orleans.” He said the city name in three syllables: new-OAR-lens. “And we’re never gonna get there if we don’t leave.” He walked around the vehicle and hopped up into the driver’s seat. Luci made a face at the impatient guitarist’s back, then closed the van’s back doors. He joined Erick in the front. This left Crowley to share the middle bench with Eric.
Crowley slipped the fake ID into the pocket of her black jeans. It nestled next to her tube of lip balm and the bit of cash Luci had given her for the night. She’d have to get a wallet for herself soon. As she slid the side van door closed, she thought about the little clutch purse her mother used to carry on special occasions.
Erick started the engine and pulled away from Luci and Crowley’s house. He and Luci argued about the best way to get to the main highway as the van threaded its way through small residential streets. Eventually, they were on the long bridge that stretched across a huge lake. Pools of light rose and fell as they passed under the streetlights that lined the causeway. The van gently rocked as the wheels drove a cluh-clunk-cluh-clunk rhythm over the connected sections of concrete road. It might have lulled Crowley to sleep if it hadn’t been for the Metallica blaring from the front speakers. Hetfield growled a song about shifting his shape~, and Crowley nodded along as she stared out the window into the outstretched darkness.
Without really deciding to, Crowley let her thoughts drift to yesterday in the garden: the way Aziraphale had said her name when he saw her, the confession to giving Evie his report, the stumbling apology. How he looked when he took that bite from her apple. She felt her cheeks grow warm. The butterflies she’d felt at that moment were making a return appearance. This is ridiculous. I can’t be crushing on Aziraphale, Crowley told herself. A memory of the lunchroom dream surfaced, and she saw Aziraphale alight with that radiant smile. Can I?
“So, Dante usually paints red streaks on his face before a performance. Like, dripping from his eyes or mouth.” Eric’s voice was just loud enough for Crowley to hear above the music. Startled, she turned away from the window to face him.
“You wanna do something like that?” He patted the tackle box on the seat between them. “I’ve got plenty of stuff in here for it.”
Continue on ao3...
~Of Wolf and Man
0 notes
Seasons of Med: Season 5 & Seasons of PD: Season 7: Necrotizing Fasciitis Scare (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine)
Your age: 18
Jay's age: 32
Will's age: 34
"I am going to get you to understand football at this game come hell or high water," Jay told you as you said that you really didn't understand anything about football while Kevin tried to hook up the tv. Kelly threw Jay the football and Jay caught it.
"Hell or high water, huh?" you asked. "Did you just turn southern? Isn't that a southern phrase?"
"I can say whatever I want, thank you were much. Now catch." He threw you the football and you caught it easily.
"Kelly, I can't promise this is gonna be a good throw, so be ready to move," you told him as you threw the football to him. He had to jump to the left and jump high to catch it.
"Y/N, you suck at this," he laughed.
"I know."
"Jay, teach your sister how to throw a football, will you?"
He threw the ball back to Jay.
All of you were currently at Soldier Field to watch the Bears' game on a Friday afternoon. Will was originally going to go with Jay and you were going to study for your biology class, even though it was summer. You had decided to take a summer biology class so then you wouldn't have to deal with it during the fall and winter semesters when you'd be drowning in homework with other classes...and you figured you could do this one in the summer because you had heard horror stories of how hard this specific professor at CCU was. Luckily for you, Will was a doctor and could help you understand those damn diagrams that always gave you trouble.
Anyway, Will was going to come, but he got put on the schedule last minute, so Jay dragged you here even though you didn't know the slightest bit about football. Hell, you didn't even have any Bears gear to wear! Jay had given you one of his hats to wear with the promise that he'd get it back.
"Y/N!" Hailey yelled to you. "Wanna run to Mama Garcia's food truck with me?"
"Yes!" you exclaimed.
"Hailey," Jay whined. "I was just about to teach her how to throw a football."
"Halstead, if she doesn't know yet, I'm sure you can wait a few minutes. Now, I need my Spanish-speaking Halstead to come with me."
You had taken AP Spanish last year and had gotten a good enough grade on the AP exam to give you twelve college credits. This was partly thanks to Mama Garcia. You had been studying in her restaurant one night when you asked her a question about a tense. She explained it and then said that if you ever wanted to practice speaking Spanish and make some money at the same time, that you could work or her under the table. You took her up on that offer and your Spanish improved immensely.
Once you got up to the window of the food truck, you ordered a big batch of tamales in Spanish and then translated how much it was to Hailey. Then, you and Hailey went back to Jay and the rest of all your brother's first responder friends.
Kelly was yelling at Stella, Hailey, and you not to break into the tamales before the burgers were done, but you all didn't listen and each grabbed one out of the box.
You were in the middle of eating yours when you heard a scream.
You went towards the scream along with Jay, Natalie, and Kelly, but Jay made sure you stayed behind him. But, this didn't block your entire view, though.
You looked down at this man's leg. It was red and it looked like there was a giant gash on his shin with puss, blood, and flesh coming out. Things were moving underneath the skin. He was seizing and he kept saying BRT.
It was all too much. You took the Bears hat off.
"Y/N, I need you to get away from this. Whatever this guy has, I don't want you to--"
Jay didn't even finish his sentence before you vomited into that he had let you use, using it as a makeshift bowl for your puke.
He gently grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side after you finished emptying that tamale you had started eating into his hat.
"You done? You good?" Jay asked.
You coughed and then wiped your mouth. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry about your hat. I just- I don't like blood and that was nasty."
"I know. I think everyone's going to Med, so we'll run to the bathroom so we can throw away my hat now and you can rinse out your mouth. I think I have gum in my truck."
"Okay. Be glad I had the smart idea to puke into that hat, though. Or else it probably would've gone on you."
"Yeah, but I lost a nice hat in the process," Jay said as he rolled his eyes and you two made your way towards the bathrooms.
"It's necrotizing fasciitis," Will said. Everyone looked at him with a blank expression.
"Flesh-eating bacteria," you supplied.
"Wow, where'd you learn that, Short Stack?" Will asked.
"Can you not call me that? I'm eighteen! And, I learned it by watching Untold Stories of the ER."
"Junior doctor on our hands I think, Jay. And, you're still shorter than me and Jay so I can call you that, thank you very much."
"After her puking just at the sight of that, yeah, no way she's becoming a doctor," Jay said. "Anyway, the victim?"
"Right, sorry. Your victim had necrotizing fasciitis, more commonly known as, as Y/N said, flesh-eating bacteria. And, don't worry, it's not contagious. Only about four in a million people get it each year," Will explained.
"So, how do you get nec..." Kelly trailed off, not knowing the correct pronunciation.
"Necrotizing fasciitis. It enters through a break in the skin and just destroys the tissue under the epidermis. It--"
"The epidermis is the first layer of the skin," you said, reciting something you had learned in your biology class.
"Yes, it's the first layer of skin. But, as I was saying, it would really help us treat this guy if we knew who he was," Will finished after your interruption.
"I can't open a case file without a crime," Jay started, "but I'll see if I can run prints and check traffic cam footage. Maybe make out some sort of ID."
After a few minutes, everyone's panic had died down and you and Kelly were sitting down next to each other. He was trying to explain football to you even though you really couldn't care less. Meanwhile, Jay was about to make a phone call when Will motioned him over.
"Yeah?" Jay asked.
"You or Y/N have any contact with the victim? And, if you did, do you or her have any breaks in the skin?" Will asked, clearly worried about his younger siblings.
"No, we didn't have any contact. Just had Y/N puke in my hat I let her borrow," Jay answered.
"Okay, good. But, as I said, necrotizing fasciitis is rare, so you two should be fine. I gotta get back, but call if you find out anything on the victim."
"Will do. Remember to wear your gloves." Will rolled his eyes. "What? You just said it enters through breaks in the skin."
"You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?"
"One of my many talents."
"Hey, I'm leaving," Jay told you around noon the next day, poking his head into your bedroom while you stared at your lab lectures, trying to remember all the diagrams and pictures you'd need to help you identify body parts on your next lab practical.
"Okay, I'm going to the lab around 2:00 to study. That way I can actually see that stuff as I'll see it on the lab practical," you told him, not even looking up from your notes.
"Okay, be safe." He picked up Beary, who was leaning up against a pillow next to you, in a graduation gown and cap outfit. "Beary, can you make sure she takes breaks?" Then, his voice changed into his baby voice, what he always pretended was Beary's voice. "Oh, yes, Jay. I'll make sure she takes breaks while you're gone."
You laughed and reached out and took Beary from him. "Get outta here, you goon."
"Love you, too!" Jay called as he left your room.
You fixed Beary's cap and set him down, remembering when you got the outfit for him as you stared at diagrams.
"You ready, graduate?" Jay asked as he knocked on your door.
"Jay, I swear to God if you call me graduate one more time..." you said as you opened the door.
"You'll what?" he taunted.
"You know what, I don't know, but you won't like it. Are my bobbi pins noticeable?" you asked, referring to the bobbi pins you had pinned down to keep your blue graduation cap in place.
"Nope. You're good. Ready?"
You walked into the kitchen, to be met with Will. And behind him on the kitchen table was a vase of blue and white flowers, which were your school colors, and Beary leaning up against said flowers, wearing a blue graduation cap and gown. Just like you.
You laughed. "I cannot believe you guys."
"Hey," Will started, "Beary got a little backpack on your first day of kindergarten. Only fair that he gets a cap and gown on your graduation."
"Did you use the gift card from Mom?" you asked, referring to the one you had found in the letters to each of you that Will had found when you were cleaning out your dad's house after he died.
"We did," Jay confirmed. "Now, I need you to hold Beary in one hand and hold this picture." He handed you a photo of you with your little backpack on and Beary with his that your mom had taken of you on the front porch on your first day of kindergarten, right before Jay had surprised you by coming home from deployment early.
"Why do I need both?" you asked curiously.
"I saw this thing on Pinterest--"
"Wait!" Will exclaimed. "You have a Pinterest?"
"No," Jay scoffed. "But Hailey does. And she sent me a picture of something she thought you should do for your graduation pictures. You hold up a picture of you on your first day of school when you were little while you're wearing your cap and gown and then I take a picture of you. Since Beary was in that picture, I thought he could be in this one, too."
You grabbed Beary and allowed him to take the pictures. Now it was time to tell the news to your mom and dad.
"You won't believe what Will and Jay decided they just needed to get me," you said as you stood in front of your parents' headstone with Beary hidden behind your back. Will and Jay were over by a big tree talking amongst themselves so you could have some privacy. You pulled Beary from behind your back. "They got me a cap and gown for him because they said it was only fair because Beary got a backpack on my first day of school. And, since it's my last day of school, he should get a cap and gown, too.
"Also, which one of you called Will and Jay graduate all day on the day of their graduation? Because Jay won't stop calling me that and it's kinda getting on my nerves. Pretty sure it was you, Mom."
You sighed. "I wish you guys were here. Jay told me all about how you made him a special breakfast when he graduated and then went out for lunch before the actual graduation because the senior all-nighter was after. I don't know where we're going for our senior all-nighter, but I hope it's not boring. I've heard that a few years ago, some kids said theirs was super boring. I really don't want that. But, I'm glad that I could convince Will and Jay not to be chaperones for whatever my senior all-nighter is. I love them and all, but they can be a bit too overprotective at times.
"God, you guys should be here. Dad, I know you weren't the best, but you were trying. And, I'm sure if Mom was here, she'd make sure you behaved, because Mom would say it was a big day and that you couldn't be arguing with Jay." You laughed. "I can only imagine what it would look like with Jay on one side of you, Mom, and Dad on the other and you scolding both of them for fighting. Then, they'd both probably sit back and cross their arms. And, because of this, you'd probably say that I'm your favorite child."
"Alright," Jay laughed as he and Will made their way back to you. "I think it's time to go. We don't want to miss your graduation."
"You know none of us really care about the ceremony, right?" you asked, blinking back tears so that you wouldn't mess up your makeup.
"We know. It's mostly for the parents...or in your case, brothers," Will said.
You pulled out four flowers, two blue and two white, which you had taken from the bouquet that Will had placed on the kitchen table back at home, from the pockets in your dress underneath your graduation gown. "Give me one more minute."
You placed two flowers, one of each color, on top of your Mom's name and your Dad's name on the headstone. "I thought you two should have some, too. They're my school colors." You wiped your eyes as you felt a few tears prick them. "Remember to clap for me from heaven when I walk across that stage, okay?"
You took a deep shaky breath and turned back around. Will wrapped an arm around you as the three of you walked back to Jay's truck. Beary hung from your hand. In three hours, you'll have graduated high school.
You were taken out of your thoughts by your phone ringing. It was the coffee shop you worked at. And, no, it was not the one in your apartment building. But, Jay and other members of Intelligence did sometimes come in there to pick up coffee for them and the rest of the unit. This was only because they knew they'd get the friends and family discount since you worked there. But, they usually tipped you well, so you didn't mind.
Your manager asked you to come into work because someone couldn't come in. As much as you needed to study for your biology lab practical, you needed money for college more. And, you could always go to the lab tomorrow to practice for your lab practical. You also had Will. What good was having a doctor in the family if not to help you with your science homework? So, you decided to pick up the extra shift making coffee.
"Voight," Hank Voight said as he answered his phone.
"Hank, it's Wallace Boden. I need you to come down to the CCU science lab right now."
"Because Severide just told me that the victim at Soldier Field yesterday kept chanting BRT. This place is owned by BRT Labs. And, there was a fire set."
"You're thinking arson? You know we don't investigate that, Wallace."
"I know. Office of Fire Investigation is already on it."
"But, you think that the victim yesterday and the fire today could be connected?" Voight asked.
"I think it's highly possible. All I ask is that you come down here, maybe take a look inside, do some interviews, stuff you normally would do."
"Alright. I'll grab Halstead and Upton and we'll head down there."
"Thank you."
Voight hung up his phone and turned to his team, all of whom were knee-deep in paperwork after taking off yesterday to see the Bears game...which they didn't even get to see in the end. "Chief Boden needs some of us down at the CCU lab. There could be a connection--"
"Did you say the CCU lab?" Jay asked, standing up from his chair.
"Yes, Halstead, Upton, you're with me. The rest of you, stay here. We'll let you know if we need you or you need to look up information here." Voight looked to Jay who looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Halstead, we're going."
"Y/N's at the lab."
"It's Saturday," Hailey pointed out. "There's no classes on Saturdays."
"She said she was going there to study for a test. Oh, God. What if--"
"Jay," Hailey said as she walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "You just need to call or text her on the way there. She'll be okay. C'mon, let's go."
"Atwater, come with me," Voight said. "Just in case Jay's gotta go."
You finally took your fifteen-minute break after being swamped for a good half hour straight. Who knew so many people wanted coffee at four in the afternoon? The first thing you saw were seven missed calls and texts in all caps. They were all from Jay.
"What the hell?" you muttered as you pressed Jay's contact and brought your phone to your ear. He picked up on the first ring. "Why are you--"
"Where are you? The firefighters said they haven't seen you come out yet," he rushed out.
"I'm at work. What firefighters? What are you talking about, Jay?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows together.
"You're at work?" Jay asked. "I thought you were going to school to study?"
"I was. But, then my manager called me in. Why? What happened?"
Jay felt so much relief wash over him that he almost fell over in the grass on the CCU campus. "There was a fire in the lab."
"What? Are my friends okay? Did anyone die?" you rushed out. They weren't totally your friends, more your classmates, but you figured that was the easiest thing to call them.
"As far as I know, there weren't any fatalities."
You breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, okay, good."
"Just do me a favor: next time your plans change, text me."
"I can't promise I can remember that."
"Figures. But, I gotta go. Stay safe."
"Son of a bitch!" Jay yelled and threw his phone on the couch just as you entered your apartment after finishing your closing shift at the coffee shop.
"What?" you asked as you shut the door and then set your keys down and took off your hat.
"Hailey's in quarantine," he told you. "And it's all my fault."
"What? It's your fault? How'd it even happen? Why are people being quarantined?"
"Turns out that necro thing isn't as rare as Will told us."
"Jay, what the hell are you talking about?"
"Uh, there were a bunch of people at an apartment building who got the disease, so Will and others are there looking for a thing that somebody says they saw spraying the building. Could've been this exterminator person was trying to poison people in the building," Jay told you. "And now everyone in the building is quarantined at Med."
"And Hailey was in the apartment building...?" you asked, not knowing what this had to do with Hailey.
"I had her go to a house to talk to someone who was in the lab the same time as the victim. She, uh, the girl Hailey was talking to, fell over and she had the infection and Hailey touched her.
"Hailey had a hangnail or something—at least, that's the info that Will got from Natalie, and Will passed it on to me—so now she's in quarantine at Med. If I wouldn't have told her to go check out the lead, then maybe she wouldn't be in quarantine right now."
"Jay," you started, "you can't blame yourself. If it wasn't Hailey, it would've been you. Then you'd be quarantining at Med right now. And if it wasn't you or Hailey, it would've been someone else from Intelligence and then they'd be in quarantine right now."
"How did you get so mature?"
Jay's expression immediately changed. "What? Y/N, if you need someone to talk to, I can get you that."
You laughed. "Jay, chill. It's a psych major joke...even though I know I really shouldn't be joking about trauma no matter what."
"Okay, good. Do you want to watch a movie?"
"I mean, I guess. What are we watching? And, I'm gonna make popcorn, too."
"Okay. We can watch anything but Contagion," Jay told you.
"What's Contagion?"
"It's about this virus that breaks out all over a city...much like what's happening now."
"Oooh, now I want to watch it."
"I knew I shouldn't have said anything."
"Hello?" you said into the phone the next afternoon when Mama Garcia called you. Jay was out working the case, Will was trying to find a cure for this bacterial strain, and Hailey was out of quarantine because she was cleared by Natalie. So, Jay wasn't blaming himself anymore.
You quickly spoke Spanish with Mama Garcia and she asked if you could come in because they got a huge catering order last minute and she needed someone to man the cash register while she helped in the back making the order. You agreed and made your way to Mama Garcia's.
You were busy working the cash register and speaking Spanish with the friendly customers when you started hearing yelling outside, something about MS-13. You excused yourself and made your way to the back where Mama Garcia was working on tamales.
"They're saying something about MS-13 out there," you told her in Spanish.
"I'm going to need you to say that in English, chica," she told you. "I think you said it wrong because you just mentioned MS-13," she said as she wiped her hands on her apron.
"No, they're saying crazy stuff," you began. "They're chanting that you're part of MS-13. You can't hear it?"
"It's loud back here. Maybe I'll hear it if I go to the front."
She came to the front with you where some customers were leaving the building through the side entrance to get away from the mob. There weren't any customers left in the little restaurant anymore.
"Dios mio," she whispered.
There had to have been at least two dozen or more people outside all yelling and saying that she was to blame for the bacteria. Some even held signs. Some had guns or sharp objects.
You pulled out your phone. "I'm calling--"
You stopped when you heard a crash. You barely had time to register what was happening as the Molotov cocktail flew through the window and shattered everywhere, lighting the place on fire and sending shards of glass everywhere, some ending up lodged in your leg as you screamed in fear and pain.
The men and women of Firehouse 51 got a call of a public disturbance at Mama Garcia's. As they pulled up, they saw the Molotov cocktail fly right through the front window towards you and Mama Garcia. Casey started barking out orders and everyone sprang into action.
You were inside and the smoke was getting thicker. Whatever they made this out of actually worked. You pulled your shirt up to your nose and mouth to try and stop inhaling it, but it didn't work very well.
You had been in front of Mama Garcia at the time it was thrown through the window, so you took most of the glass shards. This caused you so much pain that it was hard for you to move through the kitchen and to the door to get out.
"Fire department! Call out!" you heard Stella yell as you kept trying to walk toward the back door.
"Here!" you yelled.
"Fire department! Call out!"
"Back here! Help! Help!"
You heard heavy footsteps coming toward you and then you saw a firefighter and you felt a hand wrap around you.
"Hang on. You're gonna get out of here." Stella. "Casey," she said into her radio. "I need some help in here. Female victim, trouble walking, in the back in what looks like the kitchen."
"Copy. Coming in, Kidd."
About thirty seconds later you were picked up and told to close your eyes. You did, and it was only when you finally got outside, did Truck 81 realize who they had rescued.
Will was currently working in the lab trying to find an antidote to this terrible outbreak. But, something about Dr. Seldon was suspicious. He wasn't a detective like his younger brother,  but he still trusted his gut.
Dr. Seldon hadn't noticed that Will was still in the lab when he started pouring chemicals into the samples. Now Will knew something was most definitely wrong.
"What are you doing?" he asked loudly, startling Dr. Seldon.
"Oh, these are contaminated samples," he answered easily like he had rehearsed what he was going to say.
Will pointed directly at him. "No. You know what? You need to stay right here."
Then, Seldon threw a punch and Will caught it easily. But, then Seldon hit him again in the stomach. In the split second that Will was doubled over, Seldon picked up a microscope and cold-cocked Will right over the head, causing him to fall to the ground as everything went black and he clutched his bleeding head.
Hailey was now back in the bullpen after being quarantined because she got checked out and everything was fine. She had to tell Jay to stop apologizing and that it wasn't his fault he had gotten into that mess.
"That's a blue hat, right before 2:00," Ruzek said as he looked at the security footage.
"Wait, I know this guy," Jay started. "He works at the CCU lab." His eyes widened as he realized what was going on. "He's with Will. We gotta go now!"
As Jay was sprinting out of the bullpen, his phone started ringing.
"Man, your phone!" Adam yelled.
"Just let it go to voice-mail!" Jay yelled as he ran down the stairs, not knowing that it was Casey calling him to let him know that they had pulled you out of a fire and you were currently being treated at Med.
You rubbed your eyes as you woke up a few hours later. You didn't know if it was the meds the nurse gave you to knock you out so she could pull the shards of glass out of your body or if it was from a combination of smoke inhalation and tiredness. Whatever the reason, you were awake now.
You turned to see your brothers and were very confused to see that Will was holding an ice pack to his head and Jay looked like he had gotten new stitches in his forearm.
"The hell--" You roughly cleared your throat. "The hell happened to you two?"
"We found the guy," Jay told you. "But, not before he cold-cocked Will over the head with a microscope."
"Who was he?" you asked.
"A professor at CCU. Dr. Seldon."
"I've heard of him. I think he only teaches graduate classes though, so I'd never end up being in one of his classes anyway. I'm assuming he's not teaching anymore?"
"Not a chance in hell," Jay confirmed. "If he wants to teach, he can teach all the other prisoners at Stateville."
"What happened to your arm?"
"Oh, you know him," Will began. "He's always putting other people's safety in front of his own like the idiot he is." Jay thought about smacking his older brother upside the head but decided against it only because he had just been hit in the head. "He decided that he'd rather be infected with the bacteria instead of the people in a conference room where Seldon was. So, he cut himself."
"You what? Do you have the bacteria?" you asked as your eyes widened in fear.
"No, I don't. Hailey shot in there to distract him and then I disarmed him. Will came in with the antidote anyway, but luckily we didn't need to use it."
"If Hailey got paid overtime every time she saved your ass, she'd never have to work again."
"Tell me about it," Jay agreed.
"Now, what happened to you?" Will asked. "Casey told us you were at Mama Garcia's?"
"Yeah, she called and asked me to run the front since she needed to be in the back to help work on a catering order. I went in and an hour later, there were all these protesters outside calling her a member of MS-13 and saying she started the outbreak."
"How?" Jay wondered. "Mama Garcia's like the sweetest lady alive."
"I don't know. Because people online are crazy? And then someone threw a flaming bottle of something through the window."
"And that's how the glass got in your leg?" Will asked. You nodded. "Well, the good news is that Maggie told me the damage was artificial. The reason you passed out was because of smoke inhalation. They gave you some oxygen and you're good to go once you're ready."
"Then why don't I have one of those nose thingies in?" you asked.
"A nasal cannula?" Will chuckled. You nodded. "It's because you slept long enough with it on that your oxygen is back up. And, the paramedics gave you oxygen, too. That's why you don't need it. Your levels are back to normal."
"Oh. Okay."
"You want your discharge paperwork?" Will asked.
"Yeah, Jay's gotta fill it out."
"Nope. You are not a minor anymore. So, you get to fill out your own paperwork."
You groaned as he handed you the clipboard with the paperwork on it. Now you knew why both Jay and Will hated paperwork so much. There was so much even for one little thing!
"You know, I think since you've achieved frequent flyer status at Med," Will began, "that Beary needs a hospital gown, too."
"No! Don't you dare!"
"Just write it down and give it to her for Christmas," Jay joked. But honestly, when it came to that bear and presents, you never knew if either of them was joking or not.
Everything seemed back to normal at that moment: Jay and Will joking about your Build-A-Bear, you and Jay constantly being in the hospital for whatever reason and life. Life was back to normal after this crazy weekend that had everyone in Chicago on edge and you couldn't be happier.
A/N: Idk how I feel about this one. There was so much going on in that crossover, that it was hard for me to figure out what I wanted to focus on...so, it turned into a shorter imagine. Anyway, thank you guys so, so much for reading! I also start my new job tomorrow, so updates might be a little less frequent (one or two a week, depending on how long the imagines are and how much I have to work). Anyway, please like/reblog and comment and tell me what you think! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch @liampayne88
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willowbird · 3 years
Oooh prompts game. Could you do 2 as au, 10 as prompt and umm, 5 as location? With andreil as the pairing?
Love-letter writing shapeshifters lingering in the corner booth at Sweeties :)
So it hasn't gotten to the 'love' part of the love letters, but i hope you see where it has the potential to go?
It had started as a joke. Well, not really a joke - but it hadn't really meant to go anywhere. Neil had been sitting in the back booth at Sweeties, the diner where his mom worked, because even though Dad was behind bars and the FBI were even going so far as to hide their Shifter status so they would be "safe", she had always been (and would probably always be) more than a little bit paranoid. He'd been bored, and angry, and... well, yeah okay, lonely. So he'd opened up to a random blank page of his notebook and wrote:
If anyone finds this, you should know that Lu Ellen always takes sips of the customers drinks from her tables.
Also, Darren was arrested three times for public urination.
Then he ripped the page out of his notebook, folded it up real small, and stuck it under the napkin dispenser.
That was a Tuesday.
His mom's next shift at Sweeties was Thursday, and it took Neil almost two hours of moseying his way through his homework before he remembered the note. He almost didn't check for it - because it wasn't like anyone would have found it, and even if they had they probably would have just thrown it away. Still... he was curious, so he lifted the napkin dispenser.
But instead of the folded sheet of notebook paper there was a teal post-it that said, in tiny, neat print:
Are you in the general habit of dispensing other people's secrets?
Neil stared at the post-it. He looked around carefully, studying Lu Ellen across the room to see if she was watching him for a moment before craning his head to see if he could spot Darren through the kitchen window.
When no one appeared to be paying him any particular attention, he snatched the post-it and opened his notebook to a new page.
Hate to break it to you, but if you're someone who whips his dick out and pees in public or gets their germs in my drink, you deserve to be exposed.
He folded the paper like he had the first one, tucked it under the napkin dispenser, and stared at it for a moment before shaking his head and attempting to return to his homework. He did try to catch Lu Ellen and Darren's eye throughout the rest of his mom's shift - but if they were the ones who left the post-it they either didn't know it was him who'd left the initial note or were really good at bluffing because even when he talked to Lu Ellen on his way out she showed no sign, and Darren was his usual dickish self.
On Sunday afternoon, Neil's usual table was taken by a set of twins about his age. If they'd just been there for lunch, Neil wouldn't have cared - but the boys had hunkered down in the booth with school books and notebooks, clearly planning to stay a while. Annoyed but having no other choice but to go to a different table, Neil still shot them a nasty look as he passed. One of the twins lifted his head and raised an eyebrow at him, but said nothing.
Since his mom's shift was only four hours long that day, Neil ended up leaving without getting to check if there was another note.
Monday morning, though, his mom had to stop at the diner to pick up her paycheck. Neil waited until she vanished into the back room, then slipped over to the table.
A folded note of powder-blue paper was waiting for him. He glanced over toward the staff room to make sure his mom wasn't coming, then quickly unfolded it and read what it had to say.
Good thing I do neither of those things.
So either it wasn't Lu Ellen or Darren, or they were lying. Neil pulled a pen put of his pocket and hurriedly wrote back, just below the neat handwriting:
So you say. You could be lying, though. Those are pretty embarrassing secrets for some random teenager to start exposing you about.
Then he folded it back up, shoved it under the dispenser, and was back waiting by the door before his mom came out.
No one had taken or added to the note by Tuesday afternoon, though one of the twins came in while Neil was broodily working on his homework. He was short, Neil saw now - as short as Neil was or maybe even shorter - with blond hair and sharp, hazel eyes that glittered gold in the October sun that came through the large front windows of the diner. The boy paused when he saw Neil at the table and he raised a brow, exactly how one of the twins had done the other day (which made Neil think it was probably the same one).
Neil shrugged and tried not to feel smug about it. "Better luck next time," he offered.
The boy blinked at him, then he lifted a hand and gave him a two finger salute, tapping both against his temple, and turned to go find another table.
Neil went back to his homework.
There was another note for him on Friday afternoon, this one on a cool-looking antiquey stationary paper.
Let's play a game then. Truth for truth. You tell me something true and I'll tell you a truth right back.
Here, I'll even start:
I like ice cream, even though I'm lactose intolerant. There is no way I'd allow anyone to know this though so I steal lactaid tablets from the corner store and keep them in my pockets at all times.
Neil snorted aloud, smothering the sound with his hand and casting a quick look around. He continued to hide his smile as he looked back down at the note to read the last line.
Your turn.
Neil chewed the end of his pen. He tapped it on the table. He clicked it several times. Then he turned to a fresh page, checked again that no one was looking, and wrote:
I admire your dedication. Okay, I'll bite.
He paused, thought, then decided what the hell, and gave his mysterious penpal an absolute truth.
Literally. I'm a Shifter, but due to a lot of things I can't say, I get to pretend to be human and have people believe me. My mom would probably skin me and turn my pelt into a bath mat if she knew I told anyone.
Neil stared at the words for a long time. He almost scratched them out. Almost tore out the sheet of paper, ripped it to shreds, and shoved the evidence in his backpack. Mom's number one rule right now, other than always being where she could see him if he wasn't at school, was to keep their Shifter status a secret. Shifters weren't rare or anything. They probably made up about thirty percent of the population nowadays, or something like that. But it was the one thing that couldn't be faked. Hair could be dyed, contacts could be worn, accents affected and languages changed... but there was no changing what animal you shifted to. That was hereditary. Neil's father, for example, was a wolf. Neil, like his mother, was a fox. When two different Shifters had kids it was a one or the other kind of thing. Nathan had not been too happy that his firstborn (his only) son had not had gone wolf on his first shift, that was for damn sure.
Maybe that's why, even now, Neil's mom never let him shift. Because if he'd gone wolf, his dad never would have turned on them. Then they wouldn't have had to run. They they could have been... well, he doubted happy had ever been a possibility, but less traumatized at least? Maybe then, if he'd gone wolf instead of fox, he could have made friends with other Shifter kids instead of not being allowed anywhere near them lest he accidentally give himself away. Maybe then, instead of spending his whole life forced to pretend to be something he wasn't, he could have learned how to be what he was.
Either way, Neil's mom had worked out a deal with the FBI that they could have "human" on all their official documents. Which meant that he still had to pretend to be human. And it meant that telling some random stranger was beyond dangerous for a number of reasons (though admittedly Neil was most afraid of his mom's retaliation). But maybe he was feeling extra rebellious today, angry and frustrated that he wasn't allowed to live the life they'd fought so hard for. Or maybe he really was... just that lonely.
Whatever it was, Neil took a deep breath, tore out the page from his notebook, then folded it carefully and tucked it under the napkin dispenser.
He wasn't sure what to expect from a response. But two days later there was a new note waiting for him. This one pale orange. There were at least four lines written on it when Neil unfolded it. But his eyes caught, transfixed, on the first one. His breath stilled in his chest, his heartbeat doubling. Because there, written in that neat, clear print Neil was starting to become fondly familiar of, were the words:
Me too.
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beauvibaby · 3 years
emergency contact — m.tkachuk
Tumblr media
a/n: a random fic that I finally finished!!
word count: 2.4K
You groaned, the buzzing from your phone was stirring you from your sleep, it was nearly three am. No one would call you this early for no reason, so you suddenly came to your senses, scrambling to answer it. “Hello, hello.” You rushed, hardly getting to it in time. “Is this Y/F/N?” The lady’s voice came across delicately which only caused your heart rate to pick up. “Yes.” You sat up in the bed, flipping your lamp on as she began speaking across the line. “My name is Diane, I’m calling from St. Alexius Hospital, your brother, Matthew has been brought in from a car accident, you were listed as his emergency contact.” She explained, you flew out of the bed, “is he ok?” You were rushing around, pulling on whatever clean clothes you could find first. “He’ll be fine, I’m not at liberty to discuss the details over the phone.” She spoke calmly, you nodded, before realizing she couldn’t see you. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” You quickly hung up, yanking your jeans on in a rush, you forced any nervous thoughts to the back of your mind. He would be fine, that’s what you kept repeating to yourself, he was the only family you had left, he had to be fine.
Your feet carried you into the hospital emergency room before your mind could catch up, you reached the counter and blankly stared for a moment, you read her name tag, Diane. “I’m Y/F/N, I’m here to see-” “Ah, yes, for Matthew?” She cut you off, flipping through the papers on her desk. “Room 113.” She pointed you down the hall, and you were off, speed walking down the hall, your shoes sounding loud against the linoleum floor in the early morning. 109, 110, 111, 112, you froze outside of his room, clearly it couldn’t have been that bad if he was alone. You heard a groan from inside the room and you came to your senses, you pushed the curtain aside, “Matthew.” You whispered, and then looked up, the stranger in the bed looking at you with raised eyebrows. “You’re not my brother.” You gasped, and then realized you were standing in his room still, “I’m so sorry, uh, feel better.” You saw the cast on his arm and a bruise forming just under his eyes. “I’m not complaining.” He mumbled with a lazy smile, it captivated you, the way his blue eyes lit up as you smiled back at him. “But no I’m not, my name is Matthew though.” He muttered, coughing lightly, reaching for the water, it was just out of his reach so you walked over and handed it to him. “Here you go.” You whispered, his fingers brushing against yours as he took the cup, “I have to go, I-I’m here to see my brother.” You gave him a smile, going to rush out of the room but as you turned, Diane came running in, out of breath.
“There was a mix up, I’m so sorry.” She rushed, Matthew looking between you and her, eyebrows raised in amusement. “Is my brother even here?!” You snapped, relieved but angry at the same time. She shook her head and you scrambled to pull your phone out of your pocket, dialing your brother’s number. You bounced on your feet as it rang and rang, “Y/N? Why are you calling so late?” He grumbled into the phone, “Matthew!” You cried in relief, “you’re ok?” You asked, “of course I’m ok, why wouldn’t I be?” He sounded confused, “nothing, uh, it’s a long story, I’ll call you later.” You hung up, arms crossed as you glared at Diane. “Miss Y/L/N, I am so sorry.” She apologized again, you could only nod weakly. “I’m so sorry, uh, Matthew.” You turned to the guy in the bed, he had to be right around your age. “I really hope you feel better.” And with that, you rushed out the door, over run by the emotions you just went through.
That was almost a week ago.
Five days if we’re being specific.
“Mom is going to kill me if she finds out I let you drive.” You tuned into the conversation a girl was having with what you could only assume is her brother from the way she spoke to him. You kept your eyes focused down on the cup of coffee and laptop before you, but your ears perked up. “That’s why she isn’t going to find out, right Taryn?” He quipped back at her, you couldn’t fully place it but his voice had an oddly familiar tone. Not one that you knew well, but as if you had heard it before. You continued typing away on your laptop, forcing yourself to stop eavesdropping on their conversation, a message came up on your screen and you became so engrossed in it that you didn’t even notice as Matthew walked past your table with a small gasp, dragging his sister along.
“That’s her!” He whispered to his sister, who only looked at him confused, “that’s the girl from the hospital.” He groaned, running a hand through his curly hair. Only making it look messier. Taryn glanced at you, and at him, then back and forth once more. “You couldn’t pull her.” She teased him, earning a light flick to the arm from him. “I totally could!” He defended, panicking when your head popped up, you glanced around but didn’t notice him. “Well aren’t you going to go say something?” Taryn nudged him, taking his coffee from his not broken arm, and setting it down beside hers on the table. “What am I going to say? ‘Oh hey, not sure if you remember me but you barged into my hospital room last week because you thought I was your brother’? That’s not going to work.” He rambled, too caught up in his own words to notice his sister walking towards you until it was too late. She simply sat across from you, making your body jump back.
“Uh, hello?” You spoke hesitantly, sliding your laptop closer to you, eyeing the random girl skeptically. “Hi, my name is Taryn, I think you met my brother, Matthew over there, in the hospital last week?” She smiled politely at you, pointing to the corner of the cafe were you turned and saw Matthew looking over with wide eyes and pink cheeks, he offered a small wave, wincing when he used the arm in a cast. You giggled under your breath, waving back, “I did.” You confirmed, “I’m Y/N.” You added, turning back to Taryn, “well you see, he hasn’t really shut up about you since then, he thinks you’re really pretty, so I figured I’d come try and help him have a chance to talk to you.” She explained with a grin, occasionally glancing at her brother, who you could only assume had turned more red. “I’d love to talk to him.” You assured her, slowly closing your laptop, holding back a large smile when she grinned, rushing off, you heard them bickering before Matthew approached, awkwardly sitting where his sister just was. “Hi.” He hadn’t struck you as one to be shy when you first met him, “hi.” You repeated, leaning back in your seat. “How’s the arm?” You teased, glancing down to his cast. “It’s getting there.” He shrugged, looking up and meeting your eyes. “I’m really glad they called you.” He added, ah, there’s the confidence you were looking for. You rested your elbows on the table, holding your chin lightly in your hand, “are you?” You cocked your head to the side, smiling as he blushed.
“I am.” He confirmed, placing his phone up on the table, “so why don’t you give me your number, and I’ll take you out to dinner.” He spoke softly, a small hint of nervousness to his voice. “You know, as payment for emotional trauma at the very least.” He joked, earning a genuine laugh from you. “I think that sounds fair.” You picked up his phone, adding yourself to his contacts. “Good thing I’m the only Y/N you know.” You handed him his phone, smiling as his fingers brushed yours, it sounded cliche, and you hated to even think it, but even the simple touch sent your heart into a frenzy. “Mhm, good thing.” He agreed, staying seated, “you know, if we kept talking this could almost be like a first date.” He raised an eyebrow, you noticed the small smirk on his lips. “I think I can spare some time.” You smiled sweetly at him, diving into conversation. You both covered a lot of things, from work, which caught you off guard for sure when you heard what he does, to family, all the way down to embarrassing childhood stories.
“Alright, I’ve waited as long as I can wait, Matty, we need to go.” Taryn interrupted, looking down at her brother from where he was still sitting, you checked the time on your phone and you were embarrassed to see it had been nearly two hours. “Oh my god, Taryn, I’m so sorry.” You apologized, Matthew smiling at the interaction as his sister brushed it off. “It’s fine.” She turned back to him, who was lost in his happiness, “so, Matty.” You teased, gathering your things, “I’ll be waiting to hear from you.” You stood up, pushing your purse onto your shoulder, he followed, standing in front of you, he ducked down to press a kiss to your cheek. “You’ll definitely be hearing from me.” He smirked, walking off with his sister while you blushed furiously, he glanced back and you shot him a wink, you two were made for each other.
“So, tomorrow?”
You giggled at your phone as you walked to your car, already getting a message from him. You bit your lip as you smiled, typing a quick response to leave him on his toes while you drive home.
“I’m sorry, who is this?”
You put your phone on silent to avoid getting distracted while you drove, but you could tell it vibrated a couple of times on the seat. It felt like forever until you got home, but once you did, you and Matthew texted the rest of the day, setting up plans for you both to meet at a restaurant not too far from your house the next day.
You were a little nervous, just because first dates were always nerve wracking, but otherwise you were calm, you knew you’d have a good time. You smoothed out your pants, looking down at the printed material, you adjusted your tucked in lace camisole, tugging your cardigan on over top, a chic yet comfortable outfit, paired with some heeled boots. Your hair falling down your back in loose curls, you gave yourself one last adjustment before you made your way out the door, hoping you wouldn’t be too early, you wouldn’t want to ruin his manly pride.
You were excitedly surprised when you arrived and Matthew was already standing outside the restaurant waiting for you. “Hi, Matthew.” You called as you climbed out of your car, his head snapped up, a grin covering his face as a couple of his curls bouncing in front of his eyes. “Hey. You look great.” He met you in front of your car, his jacket hanging off on one side because of his cast. “Clean up nice yourself.” You replied with ease, “how’s your arm?” You added, lightly touching it where he had scribbled on it. A chuckle falling from your lips at the stick figure he’d left on it. “Better now.” He smirked, earning a snort in return, your hand shooting to your mouth. “Oh my god.” He broke into laughter, using his good arm to move your hand from your face, “that was equally cute and funny.”
“I’m glad you thought so.” You breathed out, giggling as he led you inside.
“Oh, Matty. She’s lovely, I’m so happy for you.” Chantal grinned, looking at the ring he had picked out for you. You’d been together for just over a year, you both fell quick and hard, you moving to Calgary with him halfway through the season. “Thanks mom.” He sighed in relief, it was the last few weeks of the off season, and it was a no brainer for you both to come back to St. Louis for the summer to see your families.
What you didn’t know, is that he ended up holding onto that ring for almost a year before asking you to marry him, two years to the day when you ran into his hospital room.
“Matty, what are you doing?” You asked breathlessly as you walked into the living room after your shower, in frumpy pajamas and a wet messy bun. You looked at the candles that were scattered around, and him in a pregame suit, despite there being no game tonight. “You can’t cry when I haven’t even said anything yet.” He whispered as you approached him in shock, he pulled the velvet box from his jacket pocket. “Matthew.” You gasped, cupping his bearded jaw, he wiped under your eyes lightly, “Y/N.” He murmured, lightly kissing your forehead before getting down on one knee.
“As much as I hate how that mix up in the hospital scared you that night, I’m so grateful for it, you were right in front of me that whole time in St. Louis, but I wouldn’t have met you if it wasn’t for that.” He explained, popping the box open, you started nodding instantly, “ask me.” You begged. “Will you marry me?” He cut straight to it, grinning when you dropped down on your knees in front of him. You nodded furiously, holding his face in your hands, “yes. Oh my god, yes.” You pulled him in for a kiss, squealing in delight when he yanked you closer, “Mrs. Tkachuk sounds nice, doesn't it?”
You leaned in the doorway to your son's room, smiling as Matthew theatrically recalled your meeting story, your son, who was only four, looking up at his dad like he just told him how the earth spins. You giggled, making your presence known, you joined them on the floor, draping your legs over your husband’s lap, your son climbing onto yours, hugging you tightly as you played with his curly hair. “Is daddy telling your favorite story again?” You asked him, smiling when he nodded enthusiastically, “I really like that story too.” You told him, feeling Matthew squeeze your hip as your son giggled.
taglist: @boqvistsbabe @tortito @2manytabsopen @heybarzy @barzysreputation @yzas-stuff @iwantahockeyhimbo @leafs-forever
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aliyah-the-creator · 3 years
This is my very first post, so I hope I do good! Please give me some feedback, I would love to hear it.
The Umbrella Academy Life Swap:
The Hargreaves switch lives instead of powers.
• Ben ran away at the age of 13 and got lost in the dimension inside his stomach, the Handler eventually finds him and recruits him to the Commission. He works as a super powered agent that saves his victims from his sadistic partners, Hazel and Cha-Cha. Ben doesn’t come back in a 13 year old body like Five, he’s the same age as his siblings, and Ben does know about the apocalypse and has the eye. And unlike Five, Ben actually tells his siblings about the apocalypse and how he was a super powered assassin that acted as the kidnapper and lookout. When the Hargreaves were 13, Ben had tried to talk to Five out of time traveling because logically, he may not know where he would end up, but Five wouldn’t listen to him and started arguing with him. The fighting got so loud that Vanya and Klaus eventually got pulled into the argument as well and it turned into a fistfight with all 4 of them. All of them ended up with scratches and bruises on their faces, a few chunks of their hair missing, and cleaning the mansion floors and ceilings from top to bottom and every single room without using their powers as a punishment for fighting by Reginald. At 2 am, Ben woke up after a nightmare and felt bad about getting Vanya and Klaus into trouble when they didn’t even started the fight in the first place and tried to go to their rooms to apologize, but he never did because the Horror became restless and angry that it didn’t get anything to eat and wanted to make Ben feel how trapped they felt when Reginald always had them kill people, so Ben’s tentacles grabbed him and opened the portal to their world, which was the apocalypse, and trapped him there for 10 years until the Handler came and recruited him and was never seen after that day again. Because of Ben’s disappearance, Vanya and Klaus blamed Five and his ambition for time travel since it was him who argued with Ben in the first place and Five had never forgotten it. Ben hopes that Klaus and Vanya would forgive Five in time. Ben read Klaus’s book about what happened to his family when he disappeared, he read about Luther running away to Dallas to forget about the Umbrella Academy, about Diego staying at the Academy to keep fighting crime, about Allison’s death and how she’s now mute, how Klaus is trying to get sober and stabling himself, how Five became a professor at a prestigious university and a vigilante, and how Vanya took a dark path into alcoholism.
• Five became a lowly-paid physics professor at community college after he was fired for punching a colleague at prestigious university and he’s also a vigilante, but his fiancé Delores doesn’t like it though. Five met Delores at a professor’s conference in Canada where she was presenting her findings on the science of gems and geodes since she’s a mineralogy professor (someone who teaches the study of rocks and crystals) and where he was discussing the possibility of time travel. Those two immediately hit it off and are now engaged, Five proposed to her by using different types of gems to spell it out. Five uses his powers of teleportation to be a mysterious assassin and hero.
• Klaus is a dancer at a local theater and he has somewhat control over his powers, but if the ghosts get too loud, he smokes cigarettes instead of weed so he wouldn’t be high at a recital. He became friends with Leonard Peabody aka Harold Jenkins when Klaus was 23 after his family abandoned him for writing an auto-biography about him having a power that traumatizes him and what the Umbrella Academy was really like behind the scenes, it’s called “The Ghosts Inside the Umbrella Academy: the life of Klaus Hargreaves”. Harold makes him more isolated by threatening to kill himself and haunting Klaus for the rest of his life if Klaus tries to leave him. Since Klaus never had someone ,besides Ben, care for him and give him a home and food since he was living at a homeless shelter when he met Leonard, Klaus thinks that this type of friendship is normal and doesn’t think twice about it. In his book, Klaus portrays his remaining siblings as people who knew about his drug abuse, but didn’t do anything about it; he portrayed Luther as a hotheaded daddy’s boy who was treated like the Golden child, Diego as a momma’s boy with daddy issues always trying to compete with Luther for everything, Allison as his favorite sister who was taken too soon, who’s death was the final straw that tore apart their family, and who acts as a silent ghost mother since she’s mute (no one believes him that he can see her though), he portrays Five as the cause of Ben’s disappearance and as a heartless gremlin who doesn’t care about his siblings enough to see that his siblings are hurting and have real problems of their own, he portrays Ben as his kind-hearted and favorite brother who was the glue that hold their family together and who’s disappearance drove a wedge between the family, and he portrays Vanya as his ordinary violin playing sister that desperately wanted to belong with their family in any way she could, but turned to alcohol when she learned that her dream of being in the Umbrella Academy was crushed by Reginald and who had the easy life of not being exploited by their father for her powers like he was. Vanya actually confronted him about her portrayal in the book and they said some things that they shouldn’t have, but they eventually forgave each other and Vanya moved in with him and Leonard a month later. Klaus didn’t mind that Vanya and Leonard were dating, but saw a striking difference between Vanya and Leonard’s relationship and Vanya and Sissy’s relationship when Vanya came back from the 60s. With Leonard, Vanya was walking on eggshells and isolated from her brothers and couldn’t be herself around him, but with Sissy, Klaus saw that Vanya was happier and could be herself around Sissy and loves Harlan like her own son. Klaus was the one to kill Leonard with his powers by having Allison choke him to death when he badly hurt Harlan with a gun and tried to drown Sissy.
• Allison dies at the age of 17 when her throat was slit by a serial killer on a mission and now acts like Klaus’s mother by always keeping him sober enough to conjure her and giving him healthy advice, but ultimately going along with almost every crazy idea Klaus has. Since she has a slit throat she can’t talk, but she does sign language instead and like Ben, she ages like Klaus, but still wears the same outfit she was buried in: a yellow and green striped dress with a blue flora printed jacket with red heels and a pair of black leggings. She HATES Leonard Peabody because he’s manipulating Klaus into isolation from their family and she tries to get Klaus out of their toxic friendship, but Klaus always denies Leonard’s abuse. She misses her siblings so much that she’s deeply hurt that she had ignored their problems for so long.
• Diego stayed at the Umbrella Academy because he didn’t know how to be anything else but a hero, he also didn’t want to Mom behind, so he began reading and writing code to free Grace from her restrictive rules that Reginald put on her, but after his accident that had him have scars all over his body and face to the point where he lost his left eye and his face is almost beyond recognition, Diego left the Academy when he realized that there was no point in staying and became a recluse in his good friend, Eudora’s house. Unlike Luther, Diego doesn’t have the monkey body because I just couldn’t see that type of body build on David Castaneda. Diego met Eudora at a local boxing gym, Eudora was impressed Diego’s fight skilled and was shocked to know that he was Diego “The Kraken” Hargreaves because Reginald told the whole world including their city and Luther, Klaus, Five, and Vanya that Diego died in an explosion a year ago when he had his accident. Diego ,of course, was pissed that his own father told everyone and his siblings that he was dead instead of saying that he survived the mission and was just scarred for the rest of his life, but he wasn’t surprised that Reginald did that to keep up his reputation. Him and Eudora immediately became fast friends and roommates at her house since Diego had nowhere to go when he left the Academy 6 months ago and was living at an run-down and moldy apartment. They actually tried dating at one point, but because of their conflicted personalities, they decided to just stay friends and roommates.
• 3 months after Allison’s funeral, Luther ran away to escape his father’s tight gripped and cold stare and the house that reminded him of his lovely yet dead Allison when he was 18 years old. He ended up in Dallas, Texas where he became a famous boxer named King Kong since he’s so huge and muscular, met and married a successful TV salesman named Elliott Gussman, and they adopted an African American baby girl who they named Claire Allison Gussman. Luther decided to take Elliott’s last name ,even though it was Luther who proposed to him, to cut his ties off from the Umbrella Academy and the man who turned 6 children into soldiers and who blamed the death of an innocent 17 year old girl that happened to be his adopted daughter on his 4 sons and 1 daughter instead of the person who killed her in the first place. Luther and Elliott had a happy marriage for 3 years until Klaus’s book came out that exposed the secrets of Luther’s past and made him into a hotheaded bully with daddy issues who followed Reginald around like a eager puppy trying to get a reward and a coward ran away from his problems instead of facing them. Elliott was furious at Luther because when Luther came to Dallas he lied about being from a mob family that did all types of shady businesses and that he ran away because his “family” couldn’t understand and accept him being bisexual instead of telling him truth about his abusive father who raised them to be child soldiers, how his brother Diego would always tried to be better than him to their father’s approval, how his brother Five was too smart for his own good, how he loved his sister Allison more than he should, how he tried to forget about Ben’s disappearance, how he ignored Klaus’s drug abuse, and how he denied Vanya’s problem with alcohol for so long. When Elliott read Klaus’s book about what Luther did and who he was, Elliott immediately started arguing with him about his true identity. Luther tried to deny it, but couldn’t because he loves Elliott too much to even hurt him in a way. Elliott actually threatened to separate from Luther when their arguments gotten too much, but he didn’t and instead drove Luther and him to see a marriage counselor so that they could actually talk to each other instead of just arguing. Luther and Elliott eventually made up, but because of the book, Luther is the one that’s more pissed about it and at Klaus for almost making Elliott lose his marriage to him. Btw, Claire is 6 years old in 2019 and was adopted as a baby in 2013 by the Gussman family when Luther was 24 and Elliott was 30, a year after Klaus’s book was published.
• Vanya was introduced to alcohol at 13 years old when Five and Klaus were drinking 2 cases of beer that Five stole, Klaus persuaded her to take a sip of his beer and she hasn’t stop drinking since. Besides the violin and her pills, alcohol was the thing that defined Vanya and her personality. Vanya thought that no one would care about what happened to her since she was so ordinary and isolated that she dumped all of her pills in the garbage disposal and drinks her problems away. With her new coping mechanism, Vanya’s personality changed from quiet and meek to sarcastic and drunk. Five and Vanya left the Academy for college together, but ended up separated by the time they were 20 because Vanya kept drinking her tutition away. By the age of 22, Vanya ended up being homeless because she got kicked out of her apartment for not paying her rent with the money she used to buy alcohol. She still plays her violin, but only for cash instead of at The Icarus Theatre. She also read Klaus’s book and was upset about her portrayal as his alcoholic sister who had an easy life of being ordinary and never going on missions because she doesn’t have a power that can’t be turned off willingly or that can kill somebody; she cried and drank her misery away for 3 weeks until she confronted Klaus about the book, they both admittedly said things that they regretted, but ended up apologizing to each other in the end. She also meets and dates Leonard like in the show and instead of Allison finding the truth about Leonard, it’s Five and Delores who both tried to convince Klaus and Vanya that Leonard is a snake, but they both denied it. Vanya ends up living with Klaus and Leonard when her and Klaus made up when she’s 23. In my first draft I made it Five and Delores that Vanya ended up rooming with, but I wanted to make Vanya and Klaus isolated further by Leonard manipulating both of them. When the house is attacked by Hazel and Cha-Cha, Vanya is the one that’s kidnapped and tortured by them for 2 days and is rescued by Eudora who arrives with back up this time, but is injured in the spine by Cha-Cha. Vanya takes the briefcase and time travels to October 12, 1963 where she ends up falling in love with a woman named Sissy Cooper, a widowed housewife who accidentally ran Vanya over with her car, and becoming a nanny/second mother to Sissy’s 5 year old autistic son named Harlan. Vanya stayed with them until 1966 when a neighbor reported their “unholy” relationship to the police, so to keep them safe Vanya used the briefcase to go back to 2019 with Sissy and Harlan.
—When Vanya gets back to 2019 with Sissy and Harlan, no one believes her story except for Klaus, who promises to her relationship with Sissy a secret from Leonard, and Ben, who was the only one that was worried about her whereabouts in the first place besides Klaus. Vanya tries to become sober for the sake of Harlan not being afraid of her when she gets drunk and for Sissy and her’s relationship since her late husband was an abusive alcoholic, instead of conjuring the one she loves’s ghost like Klaus did in the show. When Vanya was dating Leonard, he would constantly have her and Klaus practice their music and dance at 12am-6am to train them more and if one of them mess up, he’ll have them locked up in a dark and tiny closet with only one dimly lit lightbulb and they would have to balance on a stool on one leg for the duration of their training. Leonard would also take his anger out on Klaus and Vanya if he had a bad day at his shop, which would leave Klaus with bruises on his arms and a black eye and Vanya with scratches on her back and bruises on her neck. (Trigger Warning for those who can’t handle stories with domestic violence) When the 3 of them were 27, Leonard gotten pissed at how independent and successful Klaus and Vanya were getting in their lives by Klaus getting paid more from his dance recitals and Vanya going to AA meetings more to the point of being sober for 3 weeks that he took his frustrations about losing his control out on them by punching and slapping Klaus and choking and scratching Vanya, but thankfully a neighbor called the police after hearing their screams and Klaus and Vanya were taken to the hospital and Leonard was arrested, but unfortunately Klaus and Vanya bailed Leonard out due to dropping charges against him as an apologize.
Here are the things that I changed
• Klaus and Vanya both cause the apocalypse by combining their powers at Klaus’s dance recital with Vanya’s violin because Leonard isolated them from everyone, manipulated them to the point of denying the abuse he put them through, and because of him trying to kill Sissy and Harlan for taking Vanya away from him.
• Five and Delores tries to explain to Vanya and Klaus that Leonard only liked them to get revenge on the Umbrella Academy and it was him that kidnapped Sissy and Harlan to get them to come back to him, but Five gets stabbed in the stomach by Klaus’s new found telekinesis and Vanya makes Five and Delores’s apartment collapsed after knocking Delores out. When the apartment collapses, Allison , who’s coperal at the moment, immediately grabs both a bleeding Five and an unconscious Delores and saves them from death and takes them to the Academy to be treated by Grace. Delores unfortunately loses her right arm to a huge piece of shrapnel lodged into it that’s cutting the circulation.
• When Ben goes to the apocalypse for the first time, he finds Luther with the eye clutched in his hand, Diego wrapped in black bandages holding a woman with a long black ponytail (Eudora), Five in an Armani suit with his eyes opened, and a red headed woman in a polka dotted blouse and a black skirt holding one of Five’s hand (Delores). All of them are dead and Ben finds out that they’re his brothers by the faded black umbrella tattoo on Luther’s wrist when Ben was inspecting the bodies. The bodies that Ben couldn’t find were Allison, Vanya, and Klaus’s, but after learning about Allison’s death from Klaus’s book, Ben kept looking for Vanya and Klaus.
• Vanya gets her burst of powers when Harlan almost drown in the summer of ‘64 in the lake 10 miles away from the farm. Harlan was playing with a beach ball when it got away from him and he tried to get it while Vanya and Sissy were cuddling in the sand and a wave pulled him under the water. Sissy started crying and panicking when Vanya couldn’t get Harlan to the surface, but after a minute of silence she was shocked and relieved to see Vanya holding Harlan in her arms while she’s floating in the lake with glowing white eyes. As soon as they get to shore, Vanya gives Harlan cpr which transfers her newly found powers to him like in the canon.
• Diego doesn’t show himself to his siblings until episode 3 when Hazel and Cha-Cha attack the house because everyone thinks he’s dead and he’s a recluse. He finds out about the attack from Grace (mom) when she calls him from her bedroom phone since they talk every day so that he can know what’s going on and because of these calls, Diego knows about Ben being back, how the funeral went, and how much each of his siblings changed over the years.
• In episode 1, since the siblings’ lives are switched around, the way they found out that Reginald died is slightly different from canon. Luther finds out from the press badgering him after he won a fight, Diego finds out from Eudora when she comes home after work and turns on the Tv in a flash, Klaus finds out during rehearsal on the radio that him and his group are listening to to practice the recital while Allison is dancing in the shadows behind him when the news suddenly comes on, Five finds out from his phone on social media when one of his students sent him the news link after Five teleports to his apartment after saving a 12 year old boy from being abducted by a creep and almost killing said creep by beating him senseless, and Vanya finds out from a bar Tv when she and Leonard are on a date. She immediately calls Klaus who was immediately going to call her to tell her the same thing when he was done rehearsals.
• Just to clarify, since Vanya spent 3 years with Sissy and Harlan in Dallas from 1963-1966, she is 33 years old and Harlan is 8 years old because he was 5 when he and his mom met Vanya. Even though Vanya spent 3 years in the ‘60s, she was only gone for 2 days with Klaus, Five, Delores, Ben, and Leonard searching for her.
• When the Hargreeves all come back for the funeral, the introduction of them to each other are very different. Diego doesn’t show up to the funeral to keep up the reputation of him being dead. Vanya and Klaus show up together, but immediately split up when Vanya goes straight to the bar making drinks for her and her brothers (mostly for her though) and Klaus goes to his old room to reminisce about his past. Five checks their father’s room and office for evidence of something other than a heart attack, he is the one that thinks that Reginald was murdered by someone, and he also greets Vanya and Klaus with Delores who went with him to meet his family. Luther is trying to get through the funeral as possible by almost avoiding his siblings, but that backfires when Five calls a family meeting to talk about their father’s death and Luther sees a tipsy Vanya holding a mix of vodka and rum, Klaus talking to Delores who is laughing at a funny story Klaus is telling, and Five lecturing the remaining siblings on how their father might’ve been murdered.
• Eudora is more present in the show since she survives the gunshot wound in her spine by Cha-Cha, but she ends up being paralyzed from the waist down in a wheelchair. She helps Five with discovering how Reginald actually died and Diego with stepping out into the world and seeing his family for the first time in years. Like in canon, she is the first one to find Vanya at the motel after finding the message that Hazel and Cha-Cha left on the van when they burned down the prosthetic factory after they got drunk off of Vanya’s “special lemonade” which is just lemonade mixed with wine and vodka. Unlike in the show, Delores and Ben go with Eudora as back up in case something goes wrong and it does end up going wrong with Cha-Cha and Eudora having a shoot out with each other in the parking lot that ultimately ends up Eudora becoming paralyzed by Cha-Cha’s bullet ricocheting off a lamppost and lodging into Eudora’s spine with her laser gunand Ben wrestling with his former partner Hazel in the motel room while Vanya is escaping through the vent with the briefcase in her arms and Delores in tow.
Ben breaks Hazel’s wrist and almost beats him to a bloody pulp for kidnapping Vanya, but he stops when he hears Eudora’s screams from outside and sees her on the ground behind her car and he immediately drives her to the hospital while Hazel and Cha-Cha get away before the police show up. Delores and Vanya get on a nearby bus to escape the chaos and they talk about what’s going on in their lives and Delores talks about how Leonard treats Klaus when they’re alone, but Vanya denies any abuse and opens the briefcase. The last thing Vanya hears is Delores screaming.
• The episode “The Day that Wasn’t” doesn’t exist in my AU and is instead replaced with an episode called “Welcome to the 60’s” where Five interrogates Sissy and Harlan about the past while working on the beat up briefcase to learn more about how to time travel. Eudora and Diego talk about how their long time friendship has become into a sibling relationship and about how Diego can reconnect with his siblings again. Luther and Delores discuss how they both want a normal and ordinary life with their husband and fiancé respectively, but fail to see that things can never go back to way they were. Ben goes off on his own to find the truth about Leonard Peabody, but finds himself at Griddy’s where he sees Hazel kissing Agnes and talks to them about his problems. Agnes gives Ben advice about how he can reconcile with his family by actually giving them time to process him being a time traveling assassin and him telling Five to not feel guilty about causing a rift between him and Vanya and Klaus because it wasn’t Five’s fault that Ben “ran away”.
I’ll continue the rest of the story when I have the time. Right now I just want to post this.
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caiuscassiuss · 4 years
oppa! | ot7 (prologue)
Description: Being raised by a caring yet distant father, a close, tight-knit family is the one thing you have craved in your short life. After your adventurer father remarries a rich woman, you’re stuck with seven new brothers. Seven very hot, very different men. 
This is not what you meant by family.
(Based on the anime and game Brother’s Conflict, but with a twist.)
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Genre: Fluff | romance | later angst and smut. PG
WC: 2k
Warnings: For this chapter, none other than cursing.
(After some readers wanted me to post Oppa! on Tumblr, I have delivered! I really hope y’all like this haha)
[ The prologue delivers hints on who each brother will be. These hints will be bolded. Some will be very apparent, some will not. ]
Rubbing your head, your eyes glazed over the notes you took from yesterday’s lecture in preparation for today. Were you on drugs when you wrote these? It looked like chicken scratch. Was that drool in the corner?
Your ears perked up at the strains of loud music coming out of your friend’s Airpods. Hyerim, your closest friend at University, seemed oblivious as she bopped her head to the hard beat. Several classmates around the lecture hall noticed too, yet weren’t as accommodating as you and sent judgemental looks towards Hyerim.
“Hyerim,” you whispered, aware that class was starting in a few minutes. She didn’t respond, still nodding along to the music.
Pursing your lips, you plucked the small pod out of her ear. “Hyerim, your music—”
She gasped, eyes lighting up in excitement. “You liked it? Okay, so I was listening to this random rapper on SoundCloud—”
“Your music's too loud —” you hissed.
“—but the real feature is the producer, who made this beat. His name is Yoongi—” Hyerim continued on obviously, caught up in her own world.
“—that’s lovely, but can you turn your music down—” you pestered, looking around worriedly.
“—but his producer name is Gloss and he’s so talented and hot and his voice —”
Seeing the majority of the seats in the hall being filled up, you clamped your palm over her lips. She let out a whimper, finely shaped brows frowning at you.
“Have you not noticed the five separate glares you are currently getting at this moment?” you said between gritted teeth, enunciating each constant hard. You stared down each person around you who was giving Hyerim looks and, embarrassed, they averted their eyes and busied themselves with something.
“Oh wait, what?” Hyerim exclaimed. Closing a fist over her AirPod, the music continued and her eyes widened as she realized how high she had turned up the volume.
Hyerim turned to the person on her other side. “I am so sorry,” she said apologetically, the random student smiling awkwardly in acceptance.
Rolling your eyes with an unbidden smile poking at the edge of your lips, you turned back to the disaster of your notes. How were you supposed to understand this lecture when you barely wrapped your head around the last one? However, you honed in on your Calculus woes to ignore how your phone burned in your pocket and the latest text you got from your father...
So focused on your lamentation, you didn’t notice the boy behind you clear his throat. Nor did you notice the second or third time he did, each one getting progressively louder. As you attempted to retrace the argument on your paper, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Excuse me?”
Whipping your head around, you craned your neck upwards to see where the tap had come from. To your surprise, you saw a very cute-looking boy, bangs pulled into a top knot, smiling apologetically at you from behind you.
“Hi! Yeah, do you need anything?” you smiled.
A blush rose on his chiseled cheekbones and he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m super sorry to bother you about this, but I dropped my charger right next to your chair. I- uh, would you mind—?”
“Of course! No worries, it happens,” you comforted, bending down to get the coiled white wire from where your bag sat. “Here you go.”
He got up from his seat to hunch over the lecture hall desk to meet you in the middle. You eyed the large difference between each of your hands’ as you handed back the charger, as well as how huge his shoulders seemed up close.
“T-Thanks, I really appreciate it.”
“No problem,” you replied, turning around to open your laptop.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hyerim’s mouth partially open in disbelief.
“You need something?” you prodded.
“I—” she took a glance at the boy behind you, as if confirming something— “I’ll tell you later.”
Shrugging, you zeroed in at the lecturer at the front of the hall.
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“Alright, so what was that about?”
Your Calculus lecture had just ended, and the two of you were in the mob of students leaving the lecture halls to get to lunch.
Hyerim looked surreptitiously around, black bangs swishing around her face. She leaned in like she was about to share the juiciest piece of gossip, and you unconsciously did so too.
“Did you know who that is?” she asked, her voice a whisper.
You felt your forehead crease and you gave her a look. “No, I did not.”
“Really?!” Hyerim pitched her voice high in disbelief.
You gave her a dry look.
It was her turn to roll her eyes. “Sometimes, I swear you’re in your own world, Y/N.”
Incredulous, you opened your mouth to argue but she waved a hand in front of you.
“That was Jeon Jungkook, Y/N! How do you not know him?”
“Oh yeah,” you snapped your fingers. “He’s that Streamer dude, right? He games and shit.”
Hyerim nodded slowly.
However, you frowned. “I heard he was intimidating and cold and stuff. Are you sure that was him? Charger boy was super nice.”
“That’s the point! It was Jung Jungkook and I have never seen him acting this soft. What did you do, ma’am? Snap him? Flash him?”
“Who do you think I am?” you sputtered. “All I was doing was thinking about how much I hated Calculus, not— not seducing someone!”
Your friend gave you a suspicious look, but decided to let go of the topic. Shaking your head, you walked past the gates of Yonsei university and into the city proper on the lookout for your favorite food place. The beeping of horns, buzzing chatter, and the small of smog filled the air as you zig-zagged between side streets to avoid busy roads.
“Excuse me,” you muttered as you pushed your way through a mob of women all entranced by something above you. Since they were not moving, you huffed and decided to see what was worth all the hype.
It was a huge, flashing LED billboard that was the central focus of the square. On it, a very sensuous looking man with blond hair and a velvet, tight-fitting suit doing some very slick moves in a dark concert hall.
Happy Birthday Jimin! It read in bright white font.
“Wah, oppa is so handsome!” a woman, who must’ve been 5 years older than the man on the screen squealed behind her white medical mask. “I’m so glad our ad turned out well.”
Her friends agreed and ooh and aahed along with her. You turned around to see if Hyerim was following you but she stood, entranced, with the mob of women on the sidewalk.
“You can thirst over him later, preferably when I am well fed,” you snapped irritably, pulling at the pink flowy material of her blouse.
She pouted but acquiesced, taking your hand as you dragged her though the intersection. All you were focused on were some good dumplings, after the mental aerobotics Calculus had forced on you and the emotional stress your father was putting you through. As you turned the corner, you breathed a sigh of relief as you saw no line.
Nestled between a large office building and a parking deck, this tiny Japanese restaurant was a favorite among Uni students for its cheap prices and good food. You usually had to arrive here early to beat the line of students and office workers that gathered here for their dinner breaks.
The cute sign that said Umaido flashed brightly above your head as you entered the restaurant. To the side of the main sigh, a smaller print reading “by the RM Group” glowed, subdued.
Waving over a pimply teen, you ordered two servings of gyoza and waited for Hyerim. She ordered a very conservative meal of sushi and some salad, and you both watched the waiter retreat. Something glossy caught the attention of your eye, and you saw some magazines on the shelf next to your head. The main one in the middle, which looked like a new age artsy publication with a cult following, was simply titled with a white V at the bottom corner.
Like a robot that was powered off, you collapsed in your seat and put your head in your hands. You really did not want to look at your phone.
“Was Calculus really that bad?” Hyerim winced in sympathy, neatly patting your head.
“It isn’t Calc,” you mumbled. “It’s Dad.”
Her expression turned down even more. “What happened?”
Lifting your head from your arms, you propped your chin on your palm and looked out the window. “You know, you’d expect for someone to give you important news in person or at least over a phone call, right?”
“Yeah?” Hyerim asked, lips pursed in confusion.
“Like, if you got remarried or something , you would at least tell your loved ones in person or at least over the phone, right ?”
“... Shit, Y/N.”
Fumbling for your phone in your bag, you ignored the notifications and pulled up your latest conversation. “Look what he texted me this morning!”
Hyerim took your phone and scrolled through it with a manicured fingernail.
Dad : I wish I could call you, but I’m somewhere with limited service.
Dad : I just wanted to let you know I got remarried to this amazing woman, Kim Seoyeon, a few days ago. We met and just clicked, something I haven’t felt since your mom.
Dad : She has seven sons, all of them are grown up. I’m worried about you living on your own, so I’d like you to move in with them. Details coming soon. Love you.
Hyerim was speechless, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. “I’m sorry, what?”
“My dad has gotten spontaneously remarried to some random woman and now wants me to move in with her sons. Like, geez, it’s not like life changing news was delivered to me in less than a hundred words!” you hissed, voice getting higher and tinged with a bit of hysteria.
“Your dad sucks,” Hyerim pronounced, taking a pointed sip of her iced water. “Seriously.”
“Hey, my dad is not that bad,” you defended. “It’s just… he’s a bit distant. Absent-minded. But he’s cared for me in the best way he could.”
“You and I have very different definitions of what constitutes good parenting, Y/N. This man left you largely on your own since you were five, and now he gets worried about you living on your own? Something's not right,” Hyerim retorted.
Ignoring her in favor of the food that arrived, you practically inhaled twelve of the fried gyoza. Rolling her eyes at your typical running-away behavior, she primly dipped a piece of sashimi in soy sauce and took a dainty bite.
“So? What’s the plan? Are you going to stage a rebellion and stay in your apartment, or go stay with some random men?”
Your response was cut off as cheers broke out from the corner of the restaurant, where a large group of men and women were huddled together.
“Cheers to our National win!” a man announced, his face already a bit flushed. “To Neuron!”
“To Neuron!” the group cheered loudly, and lifted up their shot glasses in celebration.
“To our leader, J-Hope!” the same man pronounced brightly, some sake sloshing over the tip of his cup.
“Hoseok!” the group whooped louder, more rounds going around.
As their cheers quieted down, you turned back to Hyerim. “I don’t know. I think I’ll decide when I meet them. They could either all be idiots or they could be chill. I really hope for the latter.”
“Good plan, good plan.”
An awkward silence permeated the booth since both of you were at a loss to say something.
“Onto lighter things, “ Hyerim forced out brightly, clapping her hands. “Let me tell you about my younger brother’s really hot doctor. His name is Dr. Kim and he’s tall and…”
As Hyerim continued to babble on about the tall, handsome pediatric doctor, you felt a buzz in your pocket.
Dad: Their address is 111 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-su
Dad: They’re ready for you.
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Can you guess who each stepbrother is and what they do? Comment below!!
Arc 1: Stepbrother Introductions will be released on February 15th at 8pm ET. It’s about ~15k words of getting to know these boys. Please look out for it!
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
atlas heart || part 25
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a/n : so sorry it took so long getting this update out !! i had a disgusting amount of work to do and i really was not doing anything else for a few days -- i really hope you like it!! pls lmk what you think about things now that jimin (and we) know everything! its gonna get,,,, i wanna say messy but messys not even enough to cover how messy its gonna get
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Jimin can’t remember the last time he’d closed his eyes for more than a few minutes. Time goes by so fast these days that he’s partially convinced he’s been falling asleep and not realizing it. The hours between class and dinner every day are spent in the library, his headphones shoved into his ears haphazardly while he tunnel visions onto what’s been in the back of his mind since the beginning of the year.
Those spare hours had turned into days and days into weeks -- weekends where he doesn’t even glance at his phone, unaware of the growing concern of his friends. It’s almost May now, the chill of early spring having melted away around him without him realizing. His schoolwork stopped being a priority ages ago, and he knows his grades are really taking the hit for it. He vaguely remembers Namjoon confronting him one night some time ago -- a week? Two weeks ago? -- but he can’t for the life of him recall the contents of that conversation. Something about hating to play the ‘prefect card’, but having no choice. He doesn’t even know if he’s still on the quidditch team. It doesn’t matter -- nothing matters when seeing everything with the perspective he’s got now.
Practically buried in scrolls and books, Jimin could care less about the time and the fact that he’s very obviously breaking curfew right now -- the library’s been empty for hours now, and the light outside the window has well past faded into pitch black darkness. He had to hide from Pince around 10pm, barely managing to catch the click of the librarian’s heels through the music blasting in his headphones to keep him concentrated -- it’s a miracle that she hadn't caught him, really. He’d never be able to focus properly back in his room, not when he’s this close to putting the pieces together.
It’s there, right there, everything scattered in his brain. He knows it’s sitting right in front of him, he can feel himself trying to hyperfocus on anything that can blatantly tell him what he needs to know. Flipping through the pages of a book with one hand and shuffling through scrolls with his other, he glances down at a scrap of paper with his own handwriting, chicken-scratch on a ripped up piece of parchment for him to refer back to every few minutes. There, in black ink, the words ‘vampire’ and ‘veela’ are written and then, later, crossed out. There’s one below it -- ‘maledictus’ -- that remains uncrossed and haunts his every thought.
For the better half of the week, he’d spent his nights scouring the bookshelves for any text he could find on blood malediction -- there isn’t much to show for his efforts. Too rare a condition to have any extensive research done, he could barely manage to put together a few measly scrolls and one book with less than a full chapter on the subject. Sighing heavily, Jimin leans back in his chair, rubbing at his temples while he reconsiders the information for what feels like the hundredth time.
It fits the fact that she has a blood condition… but it’s not right. There’s no mention of a potion or even of regularly experiencing sickness. Y/n is in the Hospital Wing like once a month. There wouldn’t be anything Pomfrey or Hoseok could do to help her if she was a maledictus…
He considers that maybe those things are part of blood malediction and that there just isn’t enough documentation for him to verify it. But there’s something nagging at him, telling him this isn’t right. He thinks back over everything he knows, trying to pull up the major details that could help him finally get some sleep. Ignoring the fact that he very well could doze off, even with his loud ass music, he lets his eyes close so he can think. It takes a few minutes, but eventually he’s sitting up in his seat, eyes wide as he recalls something said to him almost months ago, forgotten amidst everything else on his mind.
“What’s the deal with your roommate, Tae?”
“Who, Stephen?”
“No, not fuckin’ Stephen -- Jungkook!”
“Well, how the hell was I supposed to know?”
“Because Stephen doesn’t look at me like I’m the bane of his existence.”
“Yeah… I don’t know what you did to make Jeon Jungkook hate you, but it must have be serious--”
“Just tell me what you know about him, Tae.”
“I mean… nothing crazy, really -- an only child, comes from old money. Probably as old as the Malfoys or the Potters. His family’s the purest of purebloods. And always Gryffindors, just like the Malfoys are always Slytherins. It’s kind of nuts, having a family history like that.”
Jimin stumbles out of his chair, already making his way down the aisles of bookshelves, almost crazed with concentration.
Purest of purebloods -- there’s not a single pureblood family that isn’t documented in a registry… registry… regis-- aha!
Turning down an aisle designated for family registries dating back centuries, he scans the shelves at a lightening speed, finally coming to a halt in front of a tome titled Gryffindor Legacies. Hauling it from the shelf, he doesn’t even bother returning to his table, taking a seat right there on the floor.
Flipping straight to the back to search for the family name, he locates it easily and heads to appropriate page. Searching the family tree down generations, it takes him several pages of flipping through Jungkook’s ancestors’ lives to finally get to his parents. They’re the most recent entry -- new editions of the book are printed with each new generation, the original, handwritten copy belonging to the respective families. It’s an inefficient system for sure, but Jimin’s not exactly complaining when he’s the one benefiting directly.
Scanning the page, from the birth of his mother -- Jeon Eunha -- to her school days, from her marriage to his father all the way to Jungkook’s birth. Jimin expects the next part to follow the same structure of his mother’s story, recounting his childhood, but it diverges from that almost immediately with some extra lines that he almost feels don’t exist in the original copy at the Jeon family residence.
Not long after the birth of their first and only child, they were met with circumstances leading to the adoption and care of another, the recently orphaned infant girl, Y/n Y/l/n. In her days at Hogwarts, young Eunha had become friends with a female Ravenclaw student, who had a noticeably sickly pallor about her at all times. She was to become her closest lifelong friend. The same night in which Y/l/n was to give birth to her first child, she and her husband met an untimely fate in the form of a violent animal attack in the backyard of their own home. The Jeon family were the first to arrive at the premises, deciding immediately to take in the infant child and raise her alongside their own son. Not much else is known about the girl, only that she and the Jeon heir were to become inseparable.
Jimin stares down at the page, unblinking. There’s a lot of information to process, but the things that stand out most to him are the fact that Y/n’s mother was also apparently afflicted with the same illness as Y/n, and --
‘Violent animal attack’? I knew the car accident thing was bullshit, but… did her mom not even die in childbirth? Why would she not tell me… there’s nothing suspicious about an animal atta--
Almost like his brain has started to short-circuit after the long nights and lack of sleep, Jimin’s thoughts are gone instantly, replaced by the mental image of a book sitting not a even a few aisles away, on a table littered with all of the information he’d ever needed in the first place. He’s completely incapable of registering anything around him as he races back to his table, his mind flipping incomprehensibly between the information in front of him and all of the pieces of his memories, details that make too much sense in this moment to match anything but this one conclusion.
Most Muggles, however, will die from the extent of their injuries… all known instances of Muggle attacks have been portrayed in the media as ‘animal attacks’ so as to preserve the secrecy of the wizarding world…
Given the extent of the available research and data, collected almost entirely from male subjects afflicted with lycanthropy, not much is known about the hereditary components related to a female werewolf. Therefore, it is unknown if a pregnant female werewolf's transformations would affect the ability to carry the pregnancy to term…
Without any humans nearby to attack, or other animals to occupy it, the werewolf will attack itself out of frustration…
“My mom died in childbirth and my dad… just a… just a freak accident you know, no one’s fault or anything…”
Because werewolves only pose a danger to humans, companionship with animals whilst transformed has been known to make the experience more bearable as the werewolf has no-one to harm and will be less willing to harm themselves…
“You want to talk about forbidden, Jeon? Let’s talk about your illegal animagus status-”
The way one must imbibe it is very unique among potions, in that a goblet full of wolfsbane potion must be taken each day for a week preceding the full moon…
“…you know how long it takes me to make a full set of vials for you. I barely have enough to make it last 3 days…”
The monthly transformation of a werewolf is extremely painful if untreated and is usually preceded and succeeded by a few days of pallor and ill health…
“He was lowkey carrying her down the stairs… she looked kinda sick actually…”
Throwing scrolls behind him without care as he searches for the one with the final detail, he pulls his phone out when he finds it -- a book listing all of the recorded moon cycles for over a century. Jamming his thumb down on the icon that’ll take him to his search engine and typing with blind panic, he finds himself yanking out his headphones by the cord with one sharp tug when the answer flashes back at it him on the screen, and he realizes that almost all of the pieces are in place.
The quidditch match against Slytherin -- it was the night before a full moon.
“No, no… no, no, no, this can’t be right. This isn’t happening, this can’t be right, she can’t be--” Jimin remembers the text he’d sent to her almost 8 hours ago, sitting unanswered, and he moves without thinking. Slamming his hands down on either side of the moon cycle record, he flips frantically to the cycle for this current month, April of 1978. What he sees there has his heart dropping out of his chest.
“Next week? It’s next week? But that means she’d have to be feeling the effects of it this wee--” He’s cut off by the feeling of his phone buzzing in his pocket, and he reaches for it almost desperately. It’s Y/n, finally responding to his concerned texts with nothing more than a single line. His blood turns to ice when he reads it.
I’m fine, just feeling under the weather.
When Jimin bursts through the door of Dumbledore’s office just past 3am, the headmaster’s already seated at his desk, evidently waiting for him. He’s donning a light blue robe with a matching sleeping cap perched delicately on his head, suggesting to Jimin that he’d somehow woken up knowing he was soon to greet a guest. All of the panic invading Jimin’s body is masked just slightly by guilt, only now realizing how late it is and how intrusive he must seem in this moment.
“Mister Park, you certainly are out quite a bit past curfew, no?” Jimin stands in the doorway cradling all of the scrolls and books he’d been hoarding the last few weeks -- he can’t very well have left a huge pile of evidence back in the library. It would have taken no time at all for someone to look through it and see there were connections everywhere to lycanthropy, even if he himself had been blind to it for so long.
“... Park? Mister Park?” Jimin jumps, lifting his tired eyes to meet Dumbledore’s concerned ones. The man continues once he’s got Jimin’s attention. “Surely, you must need something from me, or you wouldn’t appear so…” He doesn’t finish his sentence. He doesn’t need to. Jimin’s aware of the state he’s in -- the dark rings under his eyes, his ruffled clothes and hair, the way he’s holding his books like he needs to protect them with his life. He looks unhinged. He feels unhinged.
Realizing he has absolutely no idea how to approach the subject of a potential werewolf at Hogwarts with the school’s very headmaster, Jimin decides to start by moving toward the chair in front of Dumbledore’s desk.
Maybe I just need to sit down and take a deep breath. That should help--
He doesn’t even make it two steps before one of the many books he’s holding crashes to the floor between them, falling open to the page he’d stuck a pencil in to save his spot. The moon cycle for April of 1978 stares back up at him, and when he flicks his gaze up to peer at Dumbledore, he sees the headmaster’s expression has hardened with caution.
“Have a seat, Mister Park.” Jimin’s heart lodges in his throat at Dumbledore’s tone, never having heard such a sharp edge to the kind man’s voice. He moves to the chair, setting the obnoxious amount of research haphazardly in his lap. His eyes will only go so far as the top of Dumbledore’s desk, unable to bring himself to meet the man’s eyes.
“Sir, I… need to ask you something.” When he isn’t granted a response, he swallows hard, pushing forward. “If there were to be a student at Hogwarts with a… peculiarity of sorts… how would you go about dealing with that?”
“How would I deal with what, Mister Park?”
“That student.”
“I’m not quite sure I know what you mean.” Jimin lifts his eyes then, confused, but he’s met with a deliberately ignorant smile.
“Sir?” Dumbledore’s smile, albeit strained, only widens.
“I think you may be suffering from a lack of sleep, Mister Park. There are no students at Hogwarts with any peculiarities, as you call it.” Jimin stares suspiciously up at him, knowing Dumbledore can tell that Jimin doesn’t for a second believe that claim. Breaking eye contact, he glances down at his lap, trying to figure out how to keep this conversation going. Trying to figure out why he’s even here.
Jimin looks down at himself and the pile of incriminating evidence, cursing his idiocy when he realizes just how bad this situation must look. A student out of bed way past curfew, barging into the headmaster’s office holding weeks of research and making outrageous claims about a potentially dangerous student. And he’s a Ravenclaw no less.
Shit. He probably thought I was some nosy little fucker trying to expose her and get her expelled.
Knowing that he’s risking a lot by being straightforward, he takes a single deep breath and meets Dumbledore’s eyes, his own filled with determination.
“Sir, I know about Y/n Y/l/n, and I know you do, too. I need to know how to take care of her. I need to know how to help her. I need you to tell me what to do because, to be honest with you, I’m freaking out.” The way Dumbledore’s examining him as he speaks tells Jimin that he’s right, but more importantly, it tells Jimin that Dumbledore hadn’t been expecting him to want to help.
“That is a very serious accusation you’re making, Mister Park, especially in this political climate. Very serious.” Jimin doesn’t waver when he responds.
“I know, sir. That’s why you’re the only one I’ve made it to. Because I need your help. Because I know you can help.” Dumbledore narrows his eyes, peering at Jimin over the tops of his half-moon spectacles.
“Have you considered the fact that just you knowing this information at all has placed Miss Y/l/n in more danger than she’s already in?” As soon as the words leave Dumbledore’s mouth, Jimin’s heart is stopping in his chest. All the times that Hoseok and Jungkook had told him to mind his business come rushing back, and he feels himself becoming sick to his stomach. Of course it’s more dangerous for her now that he knows -- he’d been too selfish to even think it through, too nosy for his own good. He had done all this to try to understand her, to try to be a better friend who can help when she needs it, but it’s all bullshit. Everything he thought he had done for her sake had actually been for his. For him and his stupid curiosity.
Lifting his head as a thought comes to mind, Jimin doesn’t even think twice before speaking.
“Can you erase my memories?” The headmaster’s eyebrows fly to his hairline, his expression becoming amused as Jimin continues rambling. “Can’t you obliviate me or something? Wouldn’t that be the best way for me to help her? Wait… but do you have to erase everything I know about her -- will I still know her? Can you make sure I still know her? I really like her! I don’t like Hoseok or Jungkook very much -- they kind of scare me -- but I like her! I don’t want to forget her, but also if me knowing that she’s a werewolf is only going to cause her more trouble, then I really think you should make me forget--” Dumbledore lifts his hand calmly, effectively silencing a frantic Jimin.
“Have you always had such a one-track mind, Mister Park?” Jimin smiles weakly, offering a half-joking response.
“It’s my only redeeming Ravenclaw quality…” Dumbledore chuckles before scratching at his forehead with a heavy sigh.
“Unfortunately -- and I do truly mean that -- I cannot erase a student’s memories. So, you and I will need to continue this difficult conversation.” Jimin considers the man’s words, knowing that it really would be better for everyone if he had his mind wiped clean and hating that he’d unknowingly put Y/n even more in harm’s way. He looks up when Dumbledore sighs again.
“Mister Park, you do understand that you are strictly forbidden from informing anyone else of this situation, yes?” When Jimin nods immediately, opening his mouth to assure the man that he wouldn’t say a word, Dumbledore only shakes his head. “No, Mister Park, I’m not sure you really understand. This situation is infinitely more complicated than you could ever imagine, so it is absolutely imperative that you keep this information to yourself.” Jimin blinks, unsure what’s meant by ‘infinitely more complicated’, but he nods again.
“I’ve put her in enough danger just by being here, Sir -- I’m not breathing a word of this to anyone.” Dumbledore examines him a moment longer, essentially staring into Jimin’s soul to gauge his trustworthiness. Eventually he nods, leaning back in his chair.
“What advice would you like me to give you, Mister Park?” Jimin stays silent, thinking hard about any way that he can make Y/n’s life easier, especially after all the trouble he’s caused up to now. His mind flashes back to the conversation he’d overheard in the library. He opens his mouth slowly, choosing his words with care.
“Sir… how does a student that isn’t even taking Potions know how to brew the wolfsbane potion? Isn’t it nearly impossible?” Jimin sees Dumbledore’s eyes flicker with recognition, and the headmaster responds cautiously.
“…If that student isn’t taking any kind of Potions course at all, they’d need to already be an expert from having dedicated all their studies to the art of potionmaking. They would also need an immense amount of private mentoring, even if they are taking Potions. We do not teach the wolfsbane potion in the curriculum. As I’m sure you can imagine, it wouldn’t fare well in these times…” Jimin squints, putting the pieces together quickly in his mind.
“And where would a student like that find this kind of… private mentoring?” The headmaster hums at Jimin’s question, peering down at him with knowing eyes.
“Well, Mister Park, if you wish to receive mentoring on much… safer forms of potionmaking, I’m sure Professor Slughorn would be happy to help you. However, if you are asking me about Mister Jung Hoseok of Slytherin House, and if you are wondering just how he became capable of caring for Miss Y/l/n at the young age of 13, well… you’re looking at his mentor.”
When Jimin leaves Dumbledore’s office almost an hour later, he feels like his head is going to explode. The nights of sleeplessness seem to also have come rushing back to him at once, and he’s not sure if he’s going to collapse first from the exhaustion or from the weight of everything he knows now. For a moment, he considers that maybe he really should ask someone to erase his memories -- Jungkook or Hoseok, perhaps.
Yeah, I’m sure they’d absolutely love to do me that favor.
Dragging his feet as he trudges down the corridor in the direction of Ravenclaw tower, Jimin stops short at a window when movement down by the Black Lake catches his eye. Almost as if thinking about them has caused them to materialize before him, Jimin watches the silhouette of Jung Hoseok stroll casually down by the shoreline, followed not long after by Jeon Jungkook racing toward him, a body perched precariously on his back. It’s not hard to see that Y/n’s clinging weakly to him as he runs, her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he keeps his hands hooked under her knees. Jimin can see that she’s got a gown on from the Hospital Wing, and it’s obvious that Jungkook and Hoseok have snuck her out from under Madam Pomfrey’s stern supervision.
They head for the Forbidden Forest, Y/n reaching back for Hoseok when Jungkook passes him. She beckons him forward, and Jimin watches as the three of them disappear together into the trees. He sighs deeply when he can no longer see them, muttering to himself under his breath as he makes his way to his room, overcome with extreme guilt at the entire situation.
“You’ve really gone and done it now, you fucking idiot.”
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mrsbrookegillespie · 3 years
+Perfect Harmony+ (Part One) Luke x Reader
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Description: For Y/N Molina, it never came easy for her. The hardest part not being able to do the one thing she loved, creating music. With her cousin Julie joining a ghost band that she’s been secretly admiring for years, her all time crush not returning the same feelings, and having many untold secrets, something is bound to go wrong.
Warnings: ANGST, swearing, mention of suicidal thoughts, Ray not being that nice (I’m sorry Ray, we love you), mention of slight sexual harassment, mentions of death (duh), terrible writing, typos, and probably more that my brain can’t think of at the moment. 
After Writing All Of That I’m Questioning This Story, But I Do Love It So... Many Songs Will Be Featured, Feel Free To Listen To Them When They Come Up.
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+Perfect Harmony+
For Y/N Molina life wasn’t easy. Her parents, one being the sister of Ray Molina, dropped her off in front of the Molina household at the age of fourteen before going off to explore the world. At the time she was upset about the situation, but it wasn’t surprising. Her parents never wanted a kid, she practically raised herself while they were in Greece eating seafood, and sipping at the finest wine, no doubt. “How are you doing?” Rose, her cousin Julie’s mom, asks. 
Y/N shrugs. “They’re never coming back, so I guess I’m going to be stuck on this couch for a while.” She actually grew quite fond of the sofa that pulled out into a bed.
“We’ll make you a room up in the loft,” Rose assures.
“So, we agree, my parents are…” Her voice fades off, inhaling through her nose.
“You know, this used to be the studio of a band.” Y/N tilts her head, looking at the older woman. “A rock band, I met them when they were going to play at The Orpheum--”
“The Orpheum?!” Y/N exclaims. “That’s amazing!” 
“They were, but they died that night.” Rose stands up, walking to a box. “This is some of their stuff.” She picks it up. “I’ve heard the music you listen to, and I think you would like them.” Setting down the box in front of Y/N, she wastes no time searching through it.
“Sunset Curve?” she questions, staring down at the logo printed on the shirt. “Cool name,” she compliments with a wide smile, setting the article of clothing in her lap. She picks up a picture showing four boys. “Were these them?” 
“Yes, that one was Bobby, he’s a flirt, Reggie, sweetie, Alex, very sassy--” Y/N giggles, “And Luke, he was the lead singer.” 
“He’s… Quite decent looking,” Y/N observes sheepishly.
“I knew you’d think so.” Rose ruffles her hair. “Listen to the CD, you never know…” 
“I will.” Y/N clutches the photo to her chest as Rose leaves. Hastily she picks up the CD that had the band's logo plastered on the plastic case. She gently places it in the player, waiting for the music to come through the speakers. And then, there it was. “They’re amazing.” She grabs the box again, pulling out an orange beanie, placing it on her head. 
By the end of the night she had searched the entire studio for more stuff, gathering it, trying things on, she stayed up ‘til sunrise listening, and trying to learn each and every one of their songs, painting each of the members on canvases, writing songs about the guitarist that even though died years ago, she couldn’t help but feel connected to. A crush on a dead guy, what’s better than that?
“Boo!” Luke poofs in next to Y/N who’s currently getting her textbooks out of her locker.
“God!” she shrieks. “You need to stop doing that to me, gonna give me a heart attack,” she mutters as her fellow classmates, and random people she had never met give her weird glances. “Make people think I’m crazy.” Luke opens his mouth to reply, but Y/N beats him to it. “Yes, Luke, I know ‘we’re all a little crazy’.”
He pouts. “Someone’s grumpy today.” He crosses his arms, leaning against the locker next to hers. “But, anyways! Do you know where Julie is?” 
And there Y/N’s heart was punched. “I mean, she has to be around here somewhere,” she answers, slamming the locker door. “Now, if you’d excuse me, I have to go to class.” She takes her time to turn around on her heels.
“You’re gonna be at band rehearsal before our performance, right?” he asks, making her stop.
Turning only the upper half of her body to look at him. “I think you forget I live in the studio.”
He lets out an airy chuckle. “Right.” He playfully rolls his eyes.
Unlike Julie she didn’t care if people thought she was crazy, for the number one reason being that people already thought that. Wacky, coocoo, freak, those were just some of the words people called her before her favorite band suddenly popped out of nowhere because Julie played their CD.
That always confused Y/N, why is that when she played the CD all that time ago they didn’t show up, but when Julie did, they did? She never mentioned her already known infatuation with the band, even though it most likely answers the question of why Julie and her can see the ghosts. “But, I’m grounded so…” She carelessly shrugs. “I’m stuck on party duty for the time being, so probably won’t be there for that, but I’ll be there for the actual performance.” Even though she would’ve done it anyway, Ray wanted Y/N to be more ‘supportive’.
“Oh.” His smile falters a little. “Cool, I’ll catch you later then.”
An awkward tension fills the air. “Yep.” She salutes towards him, walking off. 
Grounded. No phone, only can drive her car to school, and home. Y/N wasn’t even allowed to listen to her records which she’s collected over the course of three years. And it was for the reason that she's failing multiple classes, but Ray didn’t understand the struggle she’s going through.
Let’s rewind… When Rose died it left the whole Molina family broken. But, it also left another part of Y/N broken when music became Julie’s thing at that moment, Ray not allowing Y/N to even have a guitar in her room. She loved music, all she wanted to do was sing, play every instrument, write every song with any word that popped into her mind. Julie couldn’t even touch a piano until recently, and yet, it had to only be Julie’s thing. So, now Y/N has to just secretly write songs in her red notebook knowing they’ll never be used, and secretly play in the school’s band room before any student takes a foot into the building, while she watches her cousin and the guys become ‘Julie and the Phantoms’.
What does hurt her everyday, is not being able to do something she loves because they’re afraid of how it might affect someone else. But, if Julie really cared for her family member then she’d be happy for her, right? Not to mention the way Luke looks at Julie hurts a little too, the chemistry. No one can deny it. It’s not like she’s had a crush on him before they even met him as a ghost. No, the biggest crush that she’s ever had is totally not a dead guy, and no, she’s never in the past thought about killing herself in hope to meet him if there were an afterlife, which she guesses there is now. She’s sure he loves Julie not being an absolute mess for him, and he probably knows that Y/N’s in love with him and is trying to show her he doesn’t like her in the worst way possible. “Y/N!” she internally screams, hearing the familiar voice.
“Josh…” she drags out his name. Maybe she should just give him a chance? He gives her plenty of attention. She giggles to herself when the thought crosses her mind. That wasn’t funny. An inner voice replies. 
“Hey, I just… Wanted to see how you were doing, you know--just friend to friend.” 
“I actually have to go to class, so we’ll talk later, ‘kay?” She tries to turn around to leave, but Josh grabs her arm to pull her back.
“Class doesn’t start for another fifteen minutes,” he counters.
“Y/N!” Luke exclaims, poofing right next to Josh. “I still haven’t found Julie, are you sure you don’t know where she is?” He almost didn’t even notice the other boy that had also been fighting for Y/N’s attention.
“I like to get to class early,” Y/N replies to Josh. “And you haven’t seen Julie around here, have you?”
“I think I saw her in the dance room.” She gives Luke a pointed look. “You know, practicing for that dance thing.”
“Yeah!” Y/N responds, not even an ounce interested in this conversation. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she noticed Luke not leaving.
“Who’s this?” he asks.
“So, Josh, I really have to go,” she claims. “I’ll see ya around!” 
“Wait,” he starts. “Is this about when I tried to kiss you the other day?” Y/N tenses up, 
Luke’s jaw dropping slightly.
Followed by a wide smile. “Does Y/N have a boyfriend?!” he mocks. 
“No, well, yes, it is. We aren’t dating, Josh, it’s uncomfortable.” Josh huffs out. “That’s not a weird reason for why.” Y/N’s blood starts to boil.
“You should feel honored that someone would even want to kiss you, I mean your reputation here isn’t all too great, Y/N,” he states. 
“Goodbye, Josh.” She turns on her heels. 
Luke watches as she angrily walks away, glaring at Josh who obviously couldn’t see him. He turns slightly, glancing over his shoulder to see Julie by her locker. Giving Y/N one more glimpse he goes to do what he came here to do. 
Y/N sits at her desk, rereading over the words that she colorfully wrote in her journal. “You pretty thing, with pretty things inside,” she sings quietly. She slams the book closed when she finds herself getting annoyed by just how untalented she was. 
“I think that Nick guy has a crush on Julie,” Luke reports, once again magically appearing in front of her. He was taken aback when she didn’t react.
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sloppykyuu · 4 years
Issei and Hajime Pulling Your Mom
POV: you watch as your mom gets seduced by issei and iwaizumi. Lmao the POV was just funny youre the hot mom pls ALSO PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THIS IS A HEAVY JOKE AHH IDK IM ASHAMED OF THIS BUT IT MAKES ME LAUGH
KEKEK IM HIGH RN AND THOT OF THIS BECAUSE IF I WAS SEXY MILF I WOULD FUCK THIS TWO even if I wasn’t a milf I would fuck them so HARD please ignore mistakes I’m zooted
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Issei seems so mature for his age. His calm, laid back demeanor makes him seem so much older than he really is. He’s always got a lazy smirk on his face as he smoothly, slyly flirts with all the moms. It’s so obvious they think he’s good looking, always fixing their hair when he passes by, dressing a little flashier. tops cut deeper, shorts a little shorter. 
All the dads hate him because he’s taller and leaner then them, he’s seductive and flirty without even trying. His slow, smooth way of talking just makes you feel like you’re in a cliche romance movie. He’ll lean low to whisper things to them, smirking when he hears the way her breath hitches; swiping the frosting off your face and sticking his thumb into his mouth, cleaning it off; and subtly complimenting them, “I don’t know why you would say that, you’re hot for your age. Girls my age wished they looked like you.”
Yeah, he's a cheesy suave, protagonist in a romance cliche. And he’s seducing your mom right now, biting and licking his lips while looking her up and down in her swimsuit, body still tight. He’s rubbing the sunscreen into her skin, rubbing down your thighs, which is scandalous as is, but his hands are practically caressing your ass in front the whole soccer team and their parents.
You don't where he came from, or who’s friends with but he’s always around. Don’t be surprised if you come home from school and it killing your moms shit in her bed (or maybe even yours.)
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Do I even need to explain why Iwaizumi would pull your mother?? You could cum just by looking at his bulging muscles while he lifts heavy boxes for the soccer booster. 
He is the man of everyone’s dreams, your mom wants him, you want him, and your dad wants to be him. He's strong, mature, and kind. He doesn't mean to sweet-talk your mom, he's just good with people, especially mothers. His mother taught him to be polite and thats exactly what he is. He’ll carry heavy boxes for you. It seems like the mothers have been overpacking just so they can watch the way his shirt stretches around his arms and back. They love using his kindness to their advantage, always asking if he can get them something just so they can watch the way his ass flex in jeans. Always grabbing his arms, while laughing or complimenting how strong he is (subtly comparing him to their husbands)
The dads, however, might even love him more. He’s a manly man (lol), keeps up with sports, knows about building things, and whatever dads like. He can help them out with a workout routine and get as buff as he is; “well in my prime I was this built!” and he just laughs along with them. They’ve been passing him beers since he was 17, no one’s questioned him either. Your whole family loves this man.
He’s always helping with setting up graduation parties, moving, etc. anything that includes heavy lifting- you will find him there and you will see everybody staring at him because he’s so memorizing.
He’s still a young man, he has needs. And you can tell by the way his eyes never leave your mother’s body. The way he leans back in his seat and spreads his legs, not so subtly  showing off the large dick print in is jeans. You watch as she flushes before watching as he signals your mom back inside the house and a light turn on in her bedroom from the backyard. While you talk and mingle with the guests at your house, your mother is getting her back blown out by Iwaizumi. 
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myhaikyuuthings · 4 years
Omg can you please do a pt2 of the “daddy HC” where Y/N’s child surprises them with adoption papers? I would literally cry.
i can omg i love this hc series (?) so much. i was so mad when my laptop crashed tbh, it took me all day today to get it working again. i went a bit off with Akaashi’s but i just couldn’t help myself. But!!! here is it i hope you enjoy it part 1 here
pairings: kuroo x fem!reader, bokuto x fem!reader, akaashi x fem!reader, iwaizumi x fem!reader
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Kuroo: Daughter, age 9
when your daughter realized Kuroo wasn’t her real father kids can be mean ok she asked why he wasn’t her real dad
it wasn’t a conversation you wanted to have with a 9 year old, but you did
all she really gathered from it was Kuroo Is her dad, and he just needs to be on some piece of paper? 
so you got the necessary paperwork after making sure she was sure
yes you and kuroo were engaged, and would be married within the year but this was a big step for her life
she just huffed at you and took the papers, walking into your bedroom to find him playing games online with Kenma (this was a common saturday night thing) 
“dad can you sign this so you can be my real dad” 
he ended the game, placing the controller down and looking at her with confusion just All over his face “baby girl i’m already your dad?”
then he looked at the papers
“yeah but like, the kids at school aren’t gonna believe me until you sign these.” 
he cried a lot tbh, but happily signed the paperwork before pulling you both into a hug
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Bokuto, son age 14: 
your son was still as obsessed with Bokuto as ever, even joining the volleyball club to be like his dad
but he still had your maiden name as his last name
and it bugged him the older he got
even though you and Bokuto had been married for a few years, he still carried the name and was the only member of the family with it
so he did his own research on how to change it, even going so far as to printing out copies and bringing them to you lol
“love we have to get the legal documents but if this is what you want, i’ll do that right now” “i want to mom, he’s my dad shouldn’t I have his name?” so you did what you needed to
Bokuto caught a flight home earlier than planned from an international game, popping into your sons high school and finding you in the stands so you could watch together
the minute your son caught sight of his father in the stands, he was playing substantially better
after the game, Bokuto stormed the court and hugged him, showering him with praise
“if i’m gonna be your son I have to live up to your name right?” poor Kou was so confused “so you wanna adopt me?”
when you gave him the papers at home, it really registered for him that your son wasn’t kidding
baby cried for h o u r s “i’m like... your Legal dad now holy shit. i can do so much more now” “like what?” “i don’t know yet! But i’m your dad!” “you’ve been my dad for years, stop you’re getting snot on my jersey” “You need a new one anyways!! this one has the wrong name!”
cue both of them sobbing 
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Akaashi, son age 17: 
okay so you couldn’t get your ex to relinquish his rights, no matter how much your son wanted it
but! that didn’t stop your petty, petty child from doing everything in his power to get him to
i’m talking constant fights, putting sugar in his dads gas tank, even telling his guidance counselor that your ex was a drug dealer
after one too many calls from the school and your sons very angry father, you decided to sit him down and really figure out why he was acting like this
but Akaashi beat you to it
“y/s/n, what’s  up lately? this isn’t like you,” honestly he understood why he hated his father so much, the man wasn’t exactly the greatest but he never hurt him yk
“i want you to be my legal dad, not that piece of shit, all he does is talk shit about you and mom,” 
“you know you only have a few months before you’re 18, he won’t have any legal rights to you then,” your husband reassured him, staying as calm as possible
“can you at least sign these i got off line so i can piss him off?” 
Akaashi looked at the, very obviously fake adoption papers in front of him with a cool stare before reaching for the pen
“yeah I can, we both know i’m your real dad anyways, your mom just doesn’t wanna admit it” “Keiji!” “HUH?”
ngl that was a weird night, having to explain to your 17 year old that no you didn’t cheat on your ex, you were split up at the time, but it was too close together to say for sure and Akaashi had been a one night stand so you just Assumed
“oh we’re so getting a DNA test now, fuck that guy” 
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Iwaizumi, daughter age 16: 
it was your daughters ‘sweet 16′ and he went all out, years of being Oikawa’s friend prepared him for putting extravagant parties together tbh
he had everything planned down to the smallest detail
except for the possibility that his daughter would pull something like this
during the father daughter dance, she stopped mid dance and ran off to get the papers
he was Confused and a little hurt when she ran off ngl
she came back, holding the papers out to him with a little bow tied around the word ‘adoption’
“What’s this?” “just unwrap it” “hey don’t roll your eyes” 
but he opened it anyways, standing right in the middle of the dance floor with everyones eyes on him, because she asked
you sat to the side, phone in hand to record his reaction, the photographer not too far from you with the same idea
he read the papers in silence, keeping his face as neutral as possible but everyone could see the redness of his ears
“well? oh fuck are you crying” “don’t say that word” 
he was crying so hard he ruined the papers 
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