#impressive considering I was a little kid with adhd
Listen, I love learning about linguistics (especially my special interest language families) but i cower in fear when I encounter academic linguists and any decent translators, for they are much more powerful than me
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rosemarydisaster · 3 months
I made some sort of alignment classification based on whether they're impulsive or if they plan ahead for the Batfam. Feel free to correct me (politely please, I'll cry) or to add your opinion. I'm not trying to be super canon, just based on their characters' vibes.
Bruce Wayne: 100% planner. This man could be a Bene Gesserit, plans within plans, and they always work even if they shouldn't (because DC can't have him be wrong). It's like a choose your own adventure, you follow the plan and each time something new happens that is sure to chase things up he pulls a subsection specifically for it. Senior Justice League Members just don't question him anymore no matter what. "You had a contingency for getting invaded by mind controlling ballerina spiders? Yeah, sure, tell us all about it".
Barbara Gordon: she plans around her impulses. She is self aware enough at this point to know she's a bit of a hot head. It is what it is, she's called Batman an Emo Boy's idea of Therapy enough times to his face to know she just can't help herself with some stuff. So instead of working against it she plans around it. In the end, it was her plan all along. Canary thinks she could just hold her tongue, but considering the vigilantes Oracle manages, her experience in planning for these situations is invaluable.
Dick Grayson: Impulsive, not because he can't make plans or because he isn't smart. Quite the opposite. He just has that ADHD dog in him. He would be guiding the Titans through a mission and they'd be thinking "Woah, everything is going according to his plan", meanwhile inside his head is Bear Grylls saying "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome". It's not so much that he comes up with plans on the spot but he ends up changing it along the way because he thought of something better for that specific situation. He may use B's protocols for a general structure but then trusts his instinct to come up with something better on the spot.
Cassandra Cain: Neither. She's not one to be coming up with elaborate schemes but, as much as she relies on her instinct, she's able to stop before jumping. She doesn't need to plan, she knows what works. She observes and then takes the best course of action. When Bruce goes on and on about the importance of planning she just answers "Skill issue" and leaves.
Jason Todd: impulsive planner. This is a man that makes plans, okay? He's theatre kid coded, he needs to know his little monologues by heart. The thing is, he's also very emotional and has the impulse control of a toddler in front of the cookie jar. He can't help himself, he has to punch the asshole and make the witty comeback or he will explode. The outlaws have been grilled to death on the importance of following the plan but then watch him like ten minutes later throw it out the window. They find it both endearing and annoying.
Stephanie Brown: Queen of Chaos. She can plan. She's good at it too btw, she just doesn't want to if she can avoid it. She works best when she's improvising and it drives Bruce and Tim up the walls. They just hate to see women winning. She's the best one out of all of them at turning a mistake to her advantage in a matter of seconds. It's quite impressive.
Tim Drake: Chaotic planner. Everyone is so sure Tim is a mini Bruce and to a certain extent, if you squint your eyes, then yes. But Young Just Us know the truth: his plans are extremely effective but only in the most chaotic way possible. There's the Batman plan, and there's the Red Robin plan, which is like the first one but faster and with more fire. He also has to be periodically reminded to take into account his own wellbeing when making his little schemes.
Duke Thomas: plans on the go. I don't know how else to explain it but it's like those sequences in the Sherlock movies (the ones with RDJ) where he's watching his surroundings and opponents almost in slow-mo till he puts together a plan. It's similar to Dick from the outside, but if you pay attention you can see the wheels turning in his head as he goes along. He actually stops and thinks (metaphorically, most of the time his thinking is done while he distracts enemies).
Damian Al Gul Wayne: he's a strategist, not a planner. This is an important distinction because whenever Batman or Red Robin are explaining one of their convoluted plans he feels like he's actively losing braincells. He's closer to Cassandra in the way he prefers a more direct solution. He also gets palpitations anytime Jason or Stephanie just start doing things without thinking. If he knew what Dick's thought process was he would have probably developed an anxiety disorder in his time as Dick's robin. He doesn't understand the need for such high detail planning and hates the idea of making it along the way. No, he just needs to come up with the most efficient strategy and that's all.
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nocturnowlette · 9 months
I have been recently diagnosed with a mental health issue and I have been trying to deal with it on my own .I think that it is not the best choice for me and I am curious about how you are dealing with this situation that you are so confident in posting and that is a good thing for you then you be you.
Content Warning for Mental Health Discussion
First, I’m very happy that you’ve decided to reach out to someone about this topic, as it can feel very alienating to do so, and to actively declare that you’re struggling with this. Even further, I’m honored that the person you chose to ask about this is me. I’ll do my best to help.
I suspect that I might be in a similar situation to you. I was diagnosed with ADHD and Autism long after my childhood unlike some others, and so I grew up with the idea drilled into my head that I was “normal”, while just being a little different from the other kids. 
I would constantly have kids and adults alike get angry at and yell at me for reasons I didn’t understand, would be called rude or condescending or feel stupid for not understanding things that others seemed to easily. I would find it magical how other people would be able to just do things without issue, and have the only advice given to me to “just do it”. I’d be called lazy and scatterbrained and weird. Because I was supposed to be “normal”, it gave me the impression over time that something about me was just fundamentally wrong. Like I was broken.
The realization of me not being normal, that there might be something defined that actually explains all of these struggles was both enlightening and somewhat soul-crushing at first. It was nice to have an explanation after all of this time, but it felt at first like it reinforced the idea of me being “broken”. I was supposed to be “normal”, and now I’m not. Thinking back to my childhood (which was largely hard to remember for reasons I didn’t question at the time), every small wisp of a memory I would see now through this new lens. Every nice interaction was treated with paranoia, wondering what the person thought of me. Feeling vindictive towards how I was treated, feeling angry at my parents for insisting that I was normal, feeling everything tainted by this realization. I was angry at the world for “making” me this way.
I already had a strong sense of shame and self-hatred, and this only fed the flame of it. However, as time passed and I was able to reflect on it more, me learning about this has only served to help me. The first thing that is important to note is that neurodivergence is not an inherent good or an inherent bad. There are some things that concretely affect your every day life negatively, there are aspects of it that are occasionally useful, and the are things that feel wrong, but only under a societal context.
One of the things I’ve thankful about is having this realization lead me learning about the Social Model of Disability. It’s one of a few, but the simple concept is this: imagine there is a world identical to ours, except that the majority of people had the common grouping of symptoms one would associate with autism. If someone considered normal in our world was placed into that one, they would then be the one that is considered to have a “mental illness”, and there would be no name for autism because it would simply be normal. Architecture and lighting and social traditions and interactions would all accommodate those with what we call autism, and so it would be far easier to navigate the world because it was made for you.
While there are absolutely concrete struggles with autism, with ADHD, with bipolar, with BPD, with schizophrenia, they are made harder by the fact that the world isn’t built for us. There are symptoms and aspects of all of those that are only struggles because “normal” people don’t have them and don’t need to think about or accommodate them. That’s to say, you are not “fundamentally broken”. You are just different, and that can cause friction with a world that functions largely off of fitting in. You are okay, and you are not broken.
Specific to ADHD and other ones with Executive Dysfunction, it’s important to note that “productivity” is not some inherent human good. Capitalism values productivity highly, and that has bled into our culture, but humans are not robots and we were not built to simply produce. Take days where you force yourself to do nothing. If you constantly just think about needing to do something, then you won’t be able to get that relaxation you need to have the energy to do it. You’re kinda stalling yourself out. I still get like this sometimes, but it’s easier to recgonize when you’re doing it the more you’re aware. 
Again, though, while many of these problems are due to just the society we live in, there are concrete issues you need to deal with, ones that would still be problems in that fictional world where everyone has what you do. Sensory issues and depressive mood swings and executive dysfunction are not something you can just will away, and they are things that you need to deal with. However, you still had to deal with those before. Now, you have a name for it. It’s a target, and something defined that you can work on now that it’s no longer some abstract struggle and has a name and known information around it.
And, to reiterate, you are not some fundamentally different person now that you have learned this information. You simply have a name for it now. That is exclusively helpful for you, so long as you don’t fall into the pitfall that I did for a while, which is “learned helplessness”. For a good while, this realization made it feel like I was destined to fail, to never succeed, and to always be different and alienated from others. The truth is that there will always, always be people that will understand and support you. 
In my humble opinion, it’s best to avoid online semi-closed off communities that center exclusively around these neurodivergent struggles. While they’re well intentioned, what I’ve found is that it slowly becomes a place that functions like a crab in a bucket, everyone sort of convincing themselves that they will never grow beyond their struggles, and that any progress they make is in spite of them and not alongside them. In a more open, diluted website like Tumblr it might be better, but I haven’t participated much so I can’t tell you for sure.
It’s best to find communities that have people that struggle with the same things, but function as a general community of people rather than focusing just around that topic. Not only do friendships grow stronger that way, learning more about the person and being able to relate your struggles as well as count the small differences, but it enforces the idea that while this is a significant part of yourself, that it is only a part. It does not define you entirely, it is a texture to your mind. Important, but not everything.
The most important parts of growing as a person alongside your neurodivergence is both to accept it and to try your best to love yourself. Shame is a strong social motivator and it gets instilled into you early. My bullied and the uncompassionate angry adults that harshly corrected me started to form their own sort of critic in my mind, one that would always comment on what I’m doing without anyone else even needing to anymore. This is somewhat present in everyone, but it can turn nasty if it’s too strong and turns into self-hatred like it did with me.
The solution, for me, is to form a new voice in your head, one of rationality and self-forgiveness. I envision is as an owl, but most people simply feel it as an abstract voice. It talks over your negative feelings, over your self critic, reminding you that you are not worthless or broken. Reminding you of the simple facts, things you should keep in mind, even if you don’t feel them right now. As you grow and slowly change, that voice becomes more solidified. It doesn’t override or discount your feelings, but accepts them and tries to remind yourself of what’s true and what’s important.
It’s okay to feel bad, and you keep stay rational at the same time. You can forgive yourself even while you are doing something you perceive as wrong. Failure is the most important part of self-improvement, it could not happen without it. Real, helpful change happens slowly and systematically. You choose every day to do small things that help you, and sometimes fall off the horse entirely before getting back on. Change is not linear, it is not easy, and it is not fast, but it is very, very possible. The key is failure, acceptance, and forgiving yourself for failing and finding it hard to accept yourself.
Finding people that love you for you is extremely helpful, so while communities can have problems, I do highly suggest it. Even a few close friends or even just allies that understand you can make such a big difference. Even something private like a diary or journal or a private blog helps. Turning your feelings into words has some sort of effect. If people could see some of the things I’ve written down in my journal, they’d be extremely concerned for me. It’s a place that lets you get out your worst thoughts.
Lastly, understand that while some mental illnesses are concrete in their existence, others are simply names we give to a common grouping of symptoms. Both Autism and ADHD are just that, and they can potentially have multiple different sources or a combination of them, and also have many different individual nuances. Keep your ears perked to new ideas and always be willing to try them, it might take 100 before you find 1 that works, but every single one makes it a little bit easier.
And remember, you are so, so deserving of love. You are wonderful and complex and unique, while still close enough to others to resonate with them. You deserve happiness and contentment and joy and self-acceptance. You need to remember this, as hard as it is to feel it. You deserve so much love. 
Those are all of my thoughts for now. My PC crashed after typing about 15 paragraphs of this and it didn’t save because it’s a response to an ask, so I dunno how good this rewritten version is or if I covered everything the first did. So, apologies if I missed anything.
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mahi-wayy · 2 months
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• General • Romantic [both. nsfw and sfw]
A/n : Rana in this movie gives me heart issues
he has issues. like more than just his ego.
was close to his mother but she died when he was young, her memories are mostly a little blury now.
him and his father don't get along all that much.
the old man used to yell at him and beat him at mistakes when he was young. still provokes him.
somewhere in him he is still very scared of him.
has anxiety for sure.
the ego is actually a trauma response.
was shy, reserved and not very physically strong in his early teens.
he was bullied, taunted and what not.
and in name of comfort he was just yelled at to get over it and do better and show them instead of crying.
the last starw for him was some kids overpowering him in a fight and humiliating him infront of the whole school and was yelled at by his father for not fighting back.
he took a week break from school. upon his return he got the boys expelled within a day but still considers that a loss because he couldn't hit them back physically.
he started hitting the gym, learning fighting style and improving himself overall at a young age.
by the time he hit twenty he was a monster. almost touching six feet and amazing physical capabilities.
beat up boys regularly in college because they "troubled" him.
signed up in the army to get the fuck out of his house and in a little hope that his dad might finally see past the surname he shares with him.
he likes children.
over the time gets rid of the drinking habit.
runs a little colder than usual people people.
can be restless at night. especially when he trying to leave drinking and hasn't drank before sleeping.
anger issues. prone to outbursts.
bheemla overpowering him so easily gave him bad flashbacks making him angrier than he already was.
he is a family man.
don't like being disturbed when he is asleep.
has adhd.
makes the first move. impresses the person there itself.
very gentle when it comes to his partner.
apologies through actions.
learning to cook for them.
reading them books.
protective and territorial kind.
gives his partner something of his to wear always. like a chain, ring or something that originally belonged to him.
physical touch is his love language but it might take time for him to openly show it.
sleeps as a big spoon.
dom for sure.
likes using his hands.
a little sadistic? just a little but careful too.
rough and fast is his style though he does go slow and sensual every now and than.
he has a filthy mouth. not afraid to talk dirty.
got a praise kink as big as the globe.
curses and groans during sex.
tags : @mayakimayahai @warnermeadowsgirl @vijayasena @voidsteffy @jkdaddy01 @rambheem-is-real @allari-ammayi @mellaga-karagani @ulaganayagi @ahamasmiyodhah
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pretty-purple-pages · 6 months
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synopsis: percy meets his crush and leaves a weird first impression
pairing: percy x annabeth (percy jackson and the olympians)
content: highschool!au, mortal!au, coffeeshop!au, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, annabeth's family is shit
word count: 1144
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Percy Jackson was special. In a bad way. The type of special having a single mother, absent father, an abusive ex step-father, ADHD, dyslexia and a bad school record made you. 
Percy Jackson was normal. He had a loving mother and a step-father who had been there for him more than his biological father. He had amazing friends, who supported him through his hard times. He was trying his best to become a psychologist for children; to help little kids not have the nightmares he had everyday. He considered himself a normal high-schooler.
He also had a huge crush on the barista at the local coffee shop
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Annabeth Chase was special. In a bad way. The type of special having a neglectful father, non-existent mother, an ‘evil’ step-mother , ADHD, dyslexia and running away from your own house at the mere age of 7 made you.
Annabeth Chase was normal. She had found her family; a girl named Thalia, who had taken the place of being her big sister and simultaneously her best friend. Thalia had practically raised her; taught her everything her mother was supposed to. Luke was her protector, not that she needed one obviously, but he was her guide. The one she turned to when things got a little hard. She worked harder and harder everyday. She wanted to become an architect because she never had something permanent for herself so she wanted to design something that would stay. 
She was also the barista at the local coffee shop. The cafe of love; cafe d’amour
Not her dream job; just something part time to pay her rent and feed her stomach. Her scholarship covered the tuition fee; not anything else. She had to work for it.
“ORDER NUMBER 31, KINDLY PICK UP YOUR ORDER,” her voice rang loud and clear in the small coffee shop, at the corner of the street. It was a monday morning, and mondays were always the busiest. 
“Hi- uh- its- uh- it’s my order,” a boy with tousled raven hair stuttered out, “Um uh- I am Percy. Uh- you must know me, I study in your school. We have one class together. Where you sit at the back. Uh, when some girl dropped coffee on your shirt, I was the one who gave you tissues.” he spoke proudly, like a puppy waiting for praise.
Percy Jackson. That name struck no significant memory in her brain, except she vaguely remembered some boy who tripped and fell face flat on the ground because he was busy staring. At her. He looked no older than 17 and he wore a blue hoodie that said ‘fish lives matter’ and black joggers. His face was flushed and he kept stuttering. A lot.
“I don’t know you,” she muttered flatly, mostly out of annoyance, “And that will be $18.34 dollars. Cash or card?,” the boy was still zoned and flustered, “Please collect your order and move ahead; there are customers waiting behind you.”
He cursed and mumbled a quick apology and made the payment. 
This boy was weird. In fact, this whole interaction was weird. 
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Percy Jackson had one class together with the (slightly rude but cute) barista, Annabeth Chase (he found out her name from her work badge): Algebra. Percy hated maths in general, but algebra and statistics were the required courses in order to pursue his dream. Also he got to see the smart blonde who had his heart.
He was currently trying not to zone out in class. The teacher was babbling about her life or something, he didn’t care. He tried not to focus on one thing: There was no sign of Annabeth Chase. 
Usually she sat at the back of the class, playing sims or minecraft, but could still answer anything the teacher asked. She’d often argue with the teacher, but from what Percy heard, she would be extremely enthusiastic in classes she loved. In short, she made her presence known; and today she was nowhere to be found.
Percy always chose the far seat, at the back of the cafeteria. Nobody bothered him, that’s how he liked it. Hazel and Frank were on leave that day, probably doing something cutesy or their couples thingy. His best friend, Grover, was nowhere to be seen. Or Percy spoke too soon.
“HEY MAN,” Grover said with too much enthusiasm for Percy’s liking, ‘patting’ his back so hard that Percy’s face was shoved into his food. Grover was a 5'7 guy with an obsession with plants and animals. He was the person who’d ditch his plans to go on a nature protest.
“Hey,” Percy replied with the opposite level of enthusiasm, “Have you seen Annabeth? She wasn’t in class today.”
As if on cue, the said blonde walked into the cafeteria, heading to their table. Percy was awestruck; his brain unable to form coherent sentences. Although she seemed very distressed. And her eyes and nose were red. It took Percy less than a second to put two and two together; Annabeth was crying and probably had a panic attack.
“Hey Grover, about the nature trail plan we made, we’re rescheduling it. Something came up with my family.” she sniffled and Grover nodded like he understood. She flashed Percy a look of recognition, probably from their awkward encounter at the coffee shop. Percy had never blushed harder in his life; due to embarrassment of course.
“So, you call yourself my best friend, yet you didn’t tell me you were going on a nature trail with my crush?!” Percy confronted Grover as soon as Annabeth was gone, trying to make his voice deep to sound scary. He failed terribly. 
“I uh- I was going to tell-” Percy didn’t let him finish.
“And you never told me that you were that close to her where you go on trips,” Percy held his heart to mock being hurt. Grover took it seriously.
“Didn’t think you’d be that head over heels,” Grover grumbled and picked at his food,
“Also I couldn’t bring you on the trip; I actually was going to, but after your very weird encounter. Dude you actually sounded obsessed.”
Percy wanted to turn time back and erase that encounter.
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Annabeth tried to be the best at everything she did; whether it was calculus or coffee making. Validation had never been given to her by her parents, so she craved it desperately. She volunteered at places, did extra-credit in her favourite classes and tried to be the best. She needed to be. She never had a competitor; she took them down as soon as they appeared. Annabeth Chase never gave up.
So on a slow Thursday morning, she didn’t expect a newbie to appear. Especially not the weird boy from before. And she definitely didn’t want to be the one to train him.
“Hey, I’m Percy Jackson. It’s my first day here.”
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©reyna-obsessed | Not to be reposted, translated or copied on any platform
tags: @that-multi-fandom-hijabi @loife1m @moondust-on-the-hijabi @summersblossoms @hijabi-desi-bookworm
credit for the dividers: @saradika-graphics
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getlancered · 4 months
welcome to my 1 million turnabout bigtop headcanons
russell berry:
actual personality description because in the game he just kind of dies. stoic, generally serious man. bit of a blank slate to talk to. secretly TERRIFIED of confrontation, will do just about anything he can to avoid every problem in his life. this is not to be confused with avoiding responsibility, because he is the bossiest motherfucker around besides maybe trilo. runs the circus with an iron fist. no problems to fix if you never let them happen in the first place!
british weirdo
actually pretty connected in the entertainment industry
when he’s not wearing a suit he usually wears sweaters
takes first impressions so so seriously
DEAD wife that hes still not over
her death is unrelated to the circus because i think he wouldve shut that down in one singular second if it was
the circus was a passion project of her and moe’s, but russell was the only one competent enough with money and people that he ended up basically running it. neither of them wanted to do the technicalities
he wont consider his sexuality because he only loves his dead wife
nickname comes from highschool and the shit he used to get into, fabricated an identity to some stranger after vandalizing their house and it just stuck
took “class clown” a little too seriously
used to be an actual stand up comedian but being a party clown is just wayyyy easier
manchild. very silly and not serious all the time. completely aware of it by the way and encourages whimsy in the world
most insufferable case of hyperactive ADHD in the world
cannot sit normally anywhere ever
has many little odd hobbies
owns a bunch of really stupid graphic/text tshirts that do not apply to him in the slightest
likes to carry around those little plastic toys with the metal ball and a maze that u tilt around to solve. also those little water games where u push the button to try and get the rings on the hook. do u guys know what im talking about
can and will juggle any 3 items he can get his hands on
clings to russell all the time. follows him around. absolutely hates being alone so russell is his solution
gay as fuck for russell berry. this is not a secret. at all.
helped russell out with regina quite a bit, esp after his wife died
fine at confrontation unless it is of his own emotional issues
max galactia’s #1 hater
regina berry:
british loser too but fakes a french accent because it’s cuter and more posh
very good at imitating accents!
absolutely not mentally 16. very ditzy and carefree and childish
is not at all prepared for genuine reality because she was raised and surrounded her entire life by the members of the circus
very athletic!
has personalities for each of her animals and talks to/treats them like people
her mom died when she was 6, this is where her belief of dead people being stars comes from because russell genuinely could not tell her the truth
also why she wasn’t that upset about her lion or bat
closest to acro in the circus and still considers them to be best friends despite acro genuinely despising her
automatically assumes everyone is her friend unless they do or say something that shows otherwise
moe calls her “tiger” because she got facepaint as a kid and kept it on for days while acting like a tiger
amazing gift-giver
crow girl. drawn to anything and everything sparkly
enjoys those really elaborate lego sets
ft my backstory headcanon for how he entered the circus because its never established
trilo is ben’s non-loser persona essentially
ben has had severe social anxiety since childhood
^ where the stutter comes from
met moe as a teenager at his little sisters birthday party, was genuinely curious about how he can just go up on a stage in such a ridiculous get-up. talk to people. be social. he did not get it
when russell started the circus, he wanted to join and gtfo from his house
probably the neglected child to his little sister i think
joined the circus shortly after regina was born and was kind of the de facto babysitter so he considers regina his actual little sister (LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.)
trilo was created for regina when she was born. ben was kind of like a babysitter to her and made up a gag with this puppet and slapstick comedy to keep baby regina entertained. the whole circus loved it and trilo stuck!
what was once a coping mechanism became a depedancy. the only people he can speak to without trilo are the circus members
because he and the circus treats trilo like a completely separate being for his act and for regina, he never worked up the nerve to talk to people. there was no practice there because trilo isn’t him
doesn’t absolutely despise max because max is essentially like if moe was less obnoxious. flamboyant and outgoing and actually helpful!
great impressionist
max galactica:
entered the entertainment industry as a teenager after being scouted in high-school
genuinely does not give two shits about what other people think about him because he knows theyre all wrong. self-centered asshole
BAAAD anger issues. frequently smashes plates over dinner arguments. raises his voice quickly
only person spared from his eternal rage is regina berry
not getting his way makes him like genuinely upset
loves to threaten to quit to make everyone do what he wants
probably some sort of personality disorder
in a beautiful world he goes to therapy
he does actually genuinely want them to all be better performers but he’s literally terrible at showing it LMAO
lover of really obnoxious and clearly fabricated reality TV
massive drama whore. gossiper like no other.
the worst cook you’ve ever met in your life
drag queen!
into loser men (benjamin woodman)
would both kill and die for every single member of the circus
including regina. not the kind of person to ever hold such a deep grudge so this is a first for him and he has very mixed feelings about it all
he gets physical therapy and his life is better ♥️
very emotional but great at regulating his feelings and self reflection. also great poker face!
terrible at accepting anyones act of kindness no matter how big or small. feels like he always has to pay everything back
tends to hide himself away if he is genuinely upset enough to the point of not being able to hide it
extremely observant person. in both behaviors and physical settings. always knows what to look for and what is out of place
very blunt but not. rude. just sort of speaks his thoughts and feelings. either honest about what he feels or dead silent
terrible liar
“will listen to anything” music kind of guy
actually quite prideful but like. in a healthy way.
tanktop wearer duh this we know but just generally a hater towards long sleeved shirts
decent artist! fun little hobby for him
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havange · 6 months
If you are, I'd love to see more of you two interacting! There was this old group Seph was in on here and they kinda split up and I've been missing seeing them interact with people on here! Do you know anyone else on here? Seph is close to @moonlightdancer26 ! I think the three of you would be hilarious! Sorry for the long ask :>
Na ur good I don’t mind long asks at all💖
Ian gone sit here and lie to you I don’t plan on being active on here like that😭 Only time I am is when Seph mentions me or theres a topic of something that’s going down on here that comes up in our convos so I come to scope the scene out and maybe mess with them a lil LMAO
Background info: Seph has been my bestie beloved going on 5 years in counting. We met each other on the second day of math class and for anyone wondering IIIIIIII was the one that made the first move and initiated our friendship and their first impression of me was that I was a bitch (which is absolutely hilarious) but it wasn’t because of the way I acted it’s just I have a natural Rbf(Resting bitch face) and I chose a horrible seat next to some actual bitches.
ANYWHO we were both quiet kids to an extent with Seph being a little more talkative in our math class but other than that our friendship came SOOOOO natural like i’m talking first day we were cackling and i’m pretty sure we were told by our teacher we had that we were going to be separated (to which Seph death stared at him and threatened to make his life hell if he actually did it, safe to say we were never separated😭😭) Along the way we also bonded over the various and I mean VARIOUS things we have going on, great example: Adhd (It’s very very VERY strong too)
BACK TO THE STORY we had plenty other classes and even lunch together so I told them to sit with me in our next class we had RIGHT after our math class and obviously we were still trouble in there💀 and from then on our friendship flourished and now I cannot be separated from them for shit not just because I love them… but also because they know absolutely every detail of every dark ass secret I have☺️
But ya besides Seph of course, I mean I know of people on here but not enough to where i’d consider us to be friends but ya I just be chillin OH SHIT but content wise we have thought about releasing snippets of just us being deranged😭😭😭so maybe y’all will see that sometime soon
@halfblood-princes-crown may or may not agree with the way I told the story but hell ITS THE TRUTH!!! from my pov anyways🤭
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(I’m the driver!)
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mandareeboo · 1 year
Luz, Raine and Camila for the writing meme?
Pick a character I’ve written and I will explain the top ~three to five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them.
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Luz is ADHD! It's important to write her as such. Focusing can be hard, she's great at side tangents, etc.
Cannot be smooth on purpose. She just can't. She's tried and it ends with her going ass over tea kettle in front of Amity. Luz's charm is her love, is her willingness to fight a dragon, is her determination. It's not her words.
Luz will do anything for friends. She rarely stands up for herself or even gets angry on her own behalf. It's for others. She's never had friends before the Boiling Isles and she treasures them
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Raine is NOT a good speaker. They're very awkward and stilted. The few times they manage to sound smooth are usually in casual situations when they're teasing Eda. Otherwise it's a jumbled mess of ums and wells.
Talented! Raine is extremely talented. They were the gifted kid who worked their way up to Head bard entirely on their own skill. It's incredibly impressive, especially considering their stage fright. They're so strong and no one can ignore that.
ACTS OF SERVICE my god are they acts of service love language coded. Just like Luz, Raine will do anything to keep the people they care about safe and happy.
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Camila rarely understands the full picture going on but she is RIDE OR DIE. 'That little guy is the bad guy???' then tossing bats at Kiki. Doesn't get or like the Boiling Isles but her two daughters are part of it.
Mom vibes!!!! So many mom vibes. She'll adopt your ass. She'll adopt her neighbor's ass. She'll adopt five teens who show up on her doorsteps' ass.
She still makes mistakes! That's life!! But she loves her family and will keep trying to do better for them
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lollytea · 2 years
househusband wifeguy hunter is so choice!!! he watched all of That Main Character BS happen to him and went Hm! No thank you! Ill become a homebody and cook for my lovely wife!
There was a time when Hunter was the second most important person on the Boiling Isles. Like!!! He's already experienced what it's like to be on top. And now, in hindsight, he's realized that it was kinda empty and lonely. He wouldn't be all that interested in reclaiming that kind of popularity after all this is over, I don't think. He's not the same person he was.
I feel like the Golden Guard was definitely a bit of an attention seeker but it mostly stemmed from him being so severely love starved that authority and admiration from those below him was the only available substitute to keep him pushing forward. He really couldn't differentiate between love and attention, so he kept seeking out the latter, unaware that it was the former he was craving.
I wouldn't say that he's the most humble guy in the world, even now. Hunter still likes validation. He wants to be told he's cool and smart and somebody worth loving. However, he's now surrounded by people that he genuinely cares about and who care about him in return. These people have been the reason for his steadily growing confidence. He wants them to think he's cool and smart and somebody worth loving. Fuck everybody else.
(Examples include: Eagerly attempting Spanish to impress Camila, proudly modeling his cosplay for his friends, bursting into tears upon being told that Luz considers him family.)
Nothing about his big fat fuck you speech to Belos in Thanks to Them implies Hunter is remotely interested in glory anymore. He wants to study and learn and be with his friends and protect people!! He wants a simple mundane life. He wants what he's never had.
Odds are that whatever is going on in the show currently is gonna make the history books in Demon Realm culture, so Hunter's name is probably always gonna be known. But he's probably gonna peace out into semi-obscurity just through being such an elusive little freak. It's not like he's actively trying to stay out of the spotlight, he's just way too preoccupied with his palismen work and his studies and his relationships to really make an effort to becoming a public figure. Its the ADHD part of his brain that can only really focus on the stuff he gives a shit about.
I think he would definitely make an impact on the future of magic. I think all the kids would. (As would Eda, Lilith and Raine.) They're all such smart cookies. I know they're gonna create new spells and magical techniques that are gonna change the world. But Hunter would definitely be more excited about the experimentation itself that the credit he gets for it. He'll make a breakthrough, write it down, send it off to spread the word, but half the time he forgets to put his name on it. The other half of the time, Willow catches his error before it gets sent and scribbles it down herself.
Meanwhile, after a lifetime of being invisible and underestimated, I think it's within Willow's right to become something of a celebrity and she should get to enjoy the attention and admiration she gets from it. No shame in letting it get to her head a bit. No shame with enjoying being famous. No shame in swelling with pride with the knowledge that the world will always remember her name. She deserves this.
She comes home after a long day of being praised and celebrated and getting shit done and girlbossing to the max and Hunter is just like "Good for you!! Today I cooka da pizza :D!!"
They are both so happy with their lives.
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fancyfade · 7 months
Hi so I’m a Damian fan, who is still trying to get into comics and DC in general and stuff. I do know some tidbits from fandom and different blogs that I follow that do analysis.
However after a discussion with my brother (who’s been in special-ed), came this question? I don’t really know how to ask this but I’ll try to phrase it the best I can??
When it comes to schooling realistically would he be put into Special ED (Special-Education?)
While Damian doesn’t have a disability, I think because of his upbringing. Okay let me explain a little. Since Damian has college levels of education, being put into regular classes wouldn’t be considered challenging enough and if he were to be tested, the teacher probably would have to meet with his parents on whether or not to have him move up several grades?
And if the whole reason for Damian to being put into school is to help socially, then maybe special-Ed would help him? Because, the teachers are more hands on and (according to my brother) more focused on social development. And Special ED usually more works on basic life skills which probably is more of Damian needs.
But anyways, I know probably comic writers are not going to do that. But I thought it was an interesting thing to bring up for discussion?
I don't have personal experience with special education, so I can't comment on that. Teaching experience wise I can say there are two different ways people adapt content for students with disabilities:
Accommodations are ways you help students learn the same content as their peers. This can be making sure the content is conveyed via multiple means (ex: always having something visual to help explain while you are talking), breaking stuff into smaller chunks for students with ADHD, and like... a gazillion other things.
Modifications actually change what is demanded of the student, so you are asked to learn different content than your peers. I am under the impression that some special ED programs might allow for a modified curriculum, as im doing some research.
WRT hands on teacher stuff, I know that some students genuinely have a hard time managing their behavior in a regular classroom and can benefit from more individualized attention. We do know Damian isn't one of those students, though.
Continuing to connect this to DC comics characters, with my general lack of experience in special education in specific? If his parents were putting him in a non-mainstream-school thing I'm not sure why they would choose special ed instead of a gifted program, when both would presumably involve smaller classes with a more hands on teacher, but the special ED teacher would probably have a wide range of abilities to teach to. I think Damian also has had lots of experience working with teachers in small classroom environments (getting tutored 1-on-1 for most of his childhood :P) so I assume if he wants to learn more about peer social interaction he'd benefit more from something he's not used to, like a bigger classroom size? IDK. He's had small class sizes a lot of his life.
I do want to point out that Social Emotional Development is a current buzzword in teaching (and some people think it's getting too much attention and teachers are being asked to do things that reasonably should be parents responsibility but... :P not gonna get into teaching discourse since I do not have a lot of strong opinions on it) and lots of people want to try to work on kids development socially even in mainstream classes. However obviously that's hard with big class sizes.
Anyway TL;DR: I'm not really seeing how it would come up realistically, but take that with a grain of salt due to my lack of experience.
EDIT: Ok after reviewing my notes and a teensy bit more research, I don't think it's realistic I can't believe I fucking forgot the least restrictive environment thing XD and while obviously the least restrictive environment for any given student is not always a mainstream classroom, in many cases kids who receive special education services do spend time in mainstream classrooms, and at least in the US (which he is going to school in US so I think I can use this generalization :P) the goal admin would have is that the kids in Special ED do spend time in mainstream classrooms as they can, you don't spend like the whole day in a separate room. A lot of the general thought atm is that kids are not separate from their peers without justification.
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sillystringedrat · 1 year
Since recently learning abt the Lego Friends reboot I kinda went silly into a rabbit hole so now I have notes on the first ep and first impressions :3
* Definitely has some underlying social anxiety
* Lots of interests (that he makes up for other people)
* Gives major good boy dumb jock energy
* Seems to get caught up in his emotions and dismisses anything else that doesn’t have his attention, as seen with how he constantly dismisses Paisley when he’s enraptured with something.
* Probably a good dose of bottled up emotions
* Oblivious to physical boundaries (get better soon honey)
* Oblivious also to some—mostly emotional—social cues
* Probably has lived with some expectations to make him the way he is
* Introverted, perhaps has social anxiety but not in the same way as Zac (parallels perhaps?)
* Knows her boundaries and is obviously miffed at being treated the way she was
* Has problems with being a pushover, but she doesn’t guilt trip her brain into thinking she must do it, only frustrated she can’t stick up for herself
* Seems to be used to Lianne’s shenanigans
* Unlike what I originally thought, she seems to have no problem opening up to someone—at least when under stress, seeing as she opened up about her stress with Zac to Nova.
* Also bottles up emotions, but unlike Zac presumably she does let them out when people are available
* Seems to not know how to properly socialize to make a new friend, despite this she is quite emotionally intelligent
* Has ADHD, extroverted
* Literally just me smh
* Seems to know Paisley’s boundaries and they seem good enough friends that when she pushes Paisley’s comfort zone, Paisley isn’t that angry about it
* However she knows when someone has gone too far and will defend her friend
* Adopts introverts like it’s nobody’s business
* Has nothing but good intentions but sometimes puts people in situations she would better handle
* Gay ass /j (or is it a premonition?)
* Interested in fashion
* Loves being recognized for his work (perhaps his work isn’t that often? ) This thought is disproven his intro is literally him posing at his locker
* General good guy as of now
* Him, Aaliyah and Autumn seem to be pretty close friends already
*He’s my son
* Seems to be the typical nonchalant/distant one of the group for now
* A little arrogant about boasting her gamer status but eh
* So far the one putting the least effort into making dynamics with the other characters
* Just wants to chill
* Her gamer reputation seems to be a generally known fact considering Aaliyah comments if Zac plays video games around her. That or Aaliyah is the type of person to get to know every one of her classmates general interest, either one is likely.
* Can be pretty blunt
* Too busy than any child has the right to be
* A part of student council
* Very cheerful and welcoming to everyone
* Very organized and determined, a go-getter
* Probably lesbian (LISTEN—)
* Seems to not have much time for her friends although she would love to (Autumn and Leo don’t seem to mind much and seem to be understanding of her situation)
* DEFINITELY has been set up for high expectations
* Control freak to some extent
Idk if I’ll share my thoughts on the other eps, maybe if they’re long enough who knows .,.
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nighttimeebony · 1 year
Promare has recently consumed my life, so have some Promare character headcanons.
I think that Galo and Lio were actually born in the same year, with Lio only being a couple months older. They're both in their early twenties. Like, very early twenties. Just barely out of high school kind of early.
Galo and Lio are both orphans. Lio has been on the run since his Burnish awakening as a kid. He doesn't remember it very well, but he does remember his parents were wealthy, and impressed upon him the importance of appearances and propriety. He knows his parents died, but he doesn't remember the details of it. Since Lio went off the grid so young, he never got much in the way of a formal education. Lio is sharply intelligent, but he always draws a blank at school-related knowledge like math, history, science, etc. That sort of stuff is actually pretty boring to him. Lio does like to read, though, and has a surprisingly expansive vocabulary given his lack of a formal education.
Galo was raised in the foster system. He doesn't know what happened to his parents, but he never really cared to figure out. It was never something that really mattered to him. He was happy enough with his various foster families, and was lucky enough to have pretty good foster families all things considered. But all this does mean that Galo never really had much in the way of family. Galo also has a couple of learning disabilities, like ADHD and dyslexia, which made school more than a bit of a nightmare for him. He was held back a year in school before inevitably dropping out. Not too long after that, he entered into the firefighting academy, where Kray promptly placed him in Burning Rescue, despite having next to no former experience and very little training. By the time we see him in the movie, he's been working with Burning Rescue for a little under a year. He's the youngest member of Burning Rescue, with Lucia being only a year older than him, and Aina being two years older than him.
Galo and Lio are both hopeless in all areas of pop culture knowledge.
Lio is pansexual while Galo is gay.
Aina and Heris lost their parents when they were in their teens. Heris is about 7 years older than Aina, so when their parents passed away while Aina was still in high school, Heris stepped up to take care of her. They're the two most important people in the world to each other, as well as the only family they have left, so they cling to each other like no one else. Heris especially clings to Aina more than Aina clings to Heris. Aina was able to find family in Burning Rescue while Aina is all that Heris has left, and she would happily watch the world burn if it meant that she could still have Aina at the end of it all. There is a bit of a codependency issue between the two of them, an issue that Aina is slowly but surely growing out of, due to finding love and support in the other Burning Rescue members.
Aina was definitely a troubled, rebellious teenager. She listens to grunge and rock music and got into plenty of fistfights during her time in school. You cannot tell me this girl didn't have a punk phase in highschool. She gives Galo shit for not knowing when to hold his tongue, but she has just as much of a problem with talking back to authority figures if she thinks something is wrong.
Lucia has experience in coding and has a degree in engineering.
Remi is definitely a vegan. He's also half Malaysian, as well as trilingual. Galo calls him "blind" to tease him for how bad his vision is without his glasses.
Varys grew up in a big family with a small army of younger siblings that he helped his parents take care of. He's a seasoned caretaker, and by far the best babysitter. He's also an amazing cook.
Lio loves spicy food and could probably bite into a ghost pepper without breaking a sweat, while Galo has an almost pitiably weak heat tolerance and can barely stand too much pepper in his eggs.
Meis and Gueira are in their early thirties. They met up with Lio a couple years before the events of the movie, and Meis and Gueira have been with each other for basically their whole lives.
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Maroon looks up
“Hey, how’d it go?”
Navy looks him dead in the eyes. “A depressed murder-hobo Donnie just completely obliterated me.”
“Wow, even worse than that laser?” Violet calls. He ducks the spatula chucked at his head. “That’s okay, bro,” Maroon says, clapping his brother on the back. “You’re always a champion to us.”
Navy, even after all these years, tears up at that very specific reassurance. “You are the actual worst,” he sniffles, because Maroon absolutely knows what he’s doing. The smirk confirms it. “You’ve got probably half an hour before the kids wake up and bully you back into your grave,” Coral warns, appearing from actual thin air. Navy groans, already dreading the sheer amount of mockery that’s about to come his way. He was hoping to distract them with-
Oh. Oh, yeah. Whoops. (Now that he’s actually out of the apocalypse and can actually live a normal ish life, he should probably look into actually getting that ADHD diagnosis)
“When they see what I brought back from the tournament, they’ll be a little too distracted to harass me.”
Maroon snorts doubtfully. “What, did you bring them a unicorn?”
Navy turns back to the doorway, realizes his new friend (kid) friend is nowhere in sight, and sighs. “Pspspspspspspsp,” he calls into the sewer tunnels. “I’m not a cat,” a cloaked figure says. It’d sound impassive and empty to most, but Navy’s been around enough miserably depressed and just all around wrecked people (himself included) to detect the slight petulance in his tone. “Of course you aren’t,” he responds unconvincingly. Then he turns to his brothers. “Come meet Ghost!”
“Oh, is that the-“
Navy flares frantically at Maroon, who does not shut up like he should. “-depressed mur-“
Navy, through sheer force of Will and mortification, manages to activate his flaky ninpo enough to portal Maroon directly into Draxum’s apartment. “Anyways,” he says hurriedly before either one of his remaining brothers can cruelly embarrass him by exposing what was supposed to be a private joke between confidants about his first impression of the guy. “That’s Violet, that’s Coral, and the other guy is Maroon. Don’t worry, he’s fine. I sent him to Mikey’s grouchy second dad’s place.”
Ghost does not vibe well with portals. Navy probably should’ve remembered that before abruptly dropping his brother through one. “You should totally bring your kids around next time!”
“Great, like I don’t have enough migraines,” Casey grunts, shuffling over to the fridge to rifle through it. “When did you get here?” Navy asks, both perturbed and proud. Ghost looks a tad more of the former than the latter. Casey shrugs and waltzes away with his Go-gurt. “If yours are anything like mine, the Donnies are going to kill each other and the Leos are going to drive everyone else to kill them,” Ghost huffs. “Consider: free responsible babysitting. The kids go blow up stuff or whatever and you can take a long, hot bath and sleep for a full eight hours. Consecutive, even.”
“Okay, fine. Couple weeks from now?”
“…. I was actually kinda hoping in the next thirty minutes before my kids wake up and start brutally mocking me.”
Ghost sighs. “I’ll go get them.”
gshshhdhfg I have zero idea whatsoever if this is in character or just completely ridicouslt but that comic made me happy stim So Much and I had to write something before I exploded
@amevello-blue <— super cool author of Ghost in the Shell !! (That’s where Ghost is from. Considering the size of the ghost cult i don’t think anyone reading this wouldn’t know abt it, but just in case if you haven’t read it go read it it’s so cool)
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electrosair · 1 year
Helloeleoeleo i wanna join the request thing too!!! >:D
I like to listen to music and play video games in my free time :) if i have any exam or tests coming up i usually study for it around 3 weeks before so my music and video game time is cut short for the time being! After my exam/test tho i'll probably sleep in my free time to get back the ammpunt of sleep i sacrificed studying (i'll play games and listen to music too just not as much) my favorite genre of music is rnb and scenecore! (Very odd yes but it depends on my mood)
About myself and my personality.. HMMM In terms of looks i have almost long hair and average height- not too tall and not too short (still probably shorter than all the tall genshin guys tho) for persoanlity, im very clingy and can get extremely childish when i get comfortable with someone! Clingy to the point where i'd hold onto their arm and follow them- pretty much not letting them go unless if they need to hehe but before i get comfy i probably wont say more than 20 words HEBSHSHS Im very shy at first but after i get comfy im the complete opposite 😭😭
Im also very femeinine/girly girl and yes im a girl :D i like shopping makeup dressing up and all that :p i like going out with pretty clothes and pretty makeup and walking around the mall or a city :)) i talk alot whenver one of my interests gets brought up + i have adhd :>
Im also weak for guys that call me petnames like angel and pretty girl 😞 if someome ever called me that i'd malfunction tbh i also like guys that can cook and tallee than me! (For reference im around 163cm i think?)
My favorute nation is inazuma and my favorite element is hydro! It might change soon after i explore fontaine but for now inazuma is my favorite <3 i love tue scenery and music there <3<3<3
Fum fact about myself (idk if this is a fun fact tbh) i attract cats and children! But thing is im very bad with children :,) i dont know what to do or say half the time so i just stand there like 🧍‍♀️ and give a small smile to them HWDIEHID (babies sometimes scare me since they stare at me... not a lot ofc just whwnver they do i get intimidated) oh and i love cats!
(Honestly i feel like this is way too lomg and i think i made so many typos HAHAHA im so sorry 😭)
omg i have so many thoughts like i wanna match you up with 3 people but i can only choose one aaaaaaa
i love reading this requests so no worries if you think maybe it is too long, i just like knowing all of you 💔and don't worry about the typos either, i always end up checking things on the translator because i'm terrible writing in english
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I guess that you are a very calm person and that is something that would appeal to Diluc almost immediately, and considering that on first impressions you are shy, that can only add points.
With your style of preparation with exams, and I guess other important things in your life, he would perhaps feel identified since he likes to have everything related to the vineyard business very controlled.
After you get to know each other better, I'm sure that if you grab his arm to go for a walk or take a longer walk than usual, his heart would race just to talk, the first few times he would never expect it.
I can totally see him giving you makeup or clothes that you see while on a date and you stare at them for more than 3 seconds, yes, that's enough to make him want to buy it from you. At first he would be a little more embarrassed, but then he would put it together with short letters, maybe thanking you for something or just spoiling you with sweet words.
He definitely chuckles quietly when he sees a child stare at you and your only reaction is to smile awkwardly at the kid, but let's not fool ourselves, he would probably do the exact same thing if he doesn't know the child, it would be rare for him to even smile back.
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thefisherqueen · 7 months
Granada's Sherlock Holmes: Thor Bridge
I haven't watched this Granada episode yet. The canon story started off so well and then got quite dissapointing, the plot heavily relying on racism and sexism. I remember a repeated use of 'exotic woman'. I'm curious to see how Granada will handle it.
The location where they filmed the opening scene is beautiful. Look at those gardens and gates.
*Mother stands before window, waves at own children and governess* *All just stare back* Wow, rude. So they kept the part where the morther comes from Brasil, then. Please don't just keep the original plot? On another note: this lady is wearing a bright red dress with, for victorian standards, a very deep cleavage. This seems like a not entirely innocent artistic choice: red and sexy because of the racist stereotype of her being 'passionate'.
Ok, so the lady goes to her husband, shows them the flower she's plucked. He shuts the curtain. That's just mean. My sympathy is actually more and more with this lady. She can have a little murder
Lady to random guy: "Never allow yourself to love too deeply. It will destroy you." Guy: ?????
Actual scene at the bridge: the lady is again wearing a red dress with a lot of lace, a very deep neckline and even a velvet collar. I would call it quite sexy even by today's standards. Compare that with the governess, clad all in white with a high neckline, the very picture of supposed innocence and virginity. Urgh I hate this coding
Holmes sitting in a weird way is always a blessing. He looks so happy and content! (such a good look for Jeremy Brett) Ah, Watson deduces correctly that he has a case, that's why!
I had forgotten the passage where Holmes complains about his eggs being too hard boiled because the cook was reading a romance story at the same time. It makes for a very funny scene. Jeremy Brett puts a lot of emphasis on the magazine (The family herald) being 'excellent', even more strongly implying that he read and loved the story. I just want to know - how explicit was it? Are we dealing with fluff here, or smut?
*Holmes making a thorough mess of the papers once again* I love how Edward Hardwicke doesn't even object anymore, only sighs
Holmes: "I'm falling into your beloved habit of telling stories backwards" sir why are you so snarky. Go eat your breakfast
Wait, the governess wouldn't smile at the lady, but actually does smile at the husband? Urgh I would hate it if they made her actually in love. It's even worse because in this episode it's clear he's so much older than her
The following scene is hilarious. The client is almost at the door, Holmes has made a mess of informing Watson, and then chaotically tries to make up for it in top speed. Such ADHD behaviour. This scene actually does a great job of showing how Watson helps Holmes with his thinking: he brings structure and clarity with his questions
Granada has something of a problem of making each woman either scream or sob or (in this case) faint
Good that they kept the passage where a servant of his tells Holmes how harsh the husband is and how badly he treated his wife. I'm still hoping this gets resolved better than in the canon story, or the racism at least adressed, but I'm low on hope in the moment, considering they kept everything so far the same
I love the kids on the street, all excited to climb on what is probably the first car they've ever seen. In just a bit of time they'll go on to hate those
The scene where the client tries to tempt Holmes with the promiss of money or fame is very well done. Jeremy Brett is acting Not Impressed and Unamused to be told what to do (TM) and it's awesome. Especially that little desmissive hand gesture when he points the client to a chair
Jeremy Brett is so pretty when he looks grave and concerned
Holmes: "What are your exact relations with miss Dunbar?" *uncomfortable silence* Client: "Well I suppose you are within your rights..." Holmes: "We would agree to suppose so" Haha, loving everything about this exchange. I'm not even sure if I can describe what Jeremy went for here, but gods, he nailed it. Somehow it's giving 'I'm laughing at you' and 'I'm irritated at you' and 'careful, I'm dangerous' all at the same time *goes on to watch the same scene 10 times*
*Client angrily storms out after Holmes accuses him of lying and doesn't come back* *Watson proposes they still engage on behalf of the governess* Ah, Granada does stir away from canon here, if I remember it well. Loved the scenes and the way the team reworked it
*client angrily sends them away from miss Dunbar* "I'll have you crushed for this, Holmes" Oooh they are really making the client more into the villain of this story. That is a good sign. I don't get why he gets a say into who visits her, however. Just because he was her employer?? That's fucked up. Oh wait, maybe it's because he pays for her defense?
I always love Granada's crime scene investigations, the one at Thor bridge is no exception
"Some of you rich man must be told that the world cannot be bribed into condoning your offences" There it is, the great line!
I'm getting gender envy from seeing the governess striding about the garden in her long skirt. I love those skirts. But I almost never wear them because you can't cycle in those, and being Dutch, being able to cycle is way more important than gender feelings
I love how once more it is Watson that helps Holmes figure it all out at the end
Watson after the demonstration: "My revolver, Holmes." Aww he looks and sounds so sad! Poor Watson
Watson, ever the romantic, wishes the client and miss Dunbar would marry. Holmes seems sceptical and I love him for that (I had to look up what magnanimous means)
I wish Granada would have just gone ahead and made mr Gibson - the known exploiter, harrasser and abuser - the murderer. But I understand that it would have been too great a change from the canon story, messing up the great reveal. It's such a shame though that they still went through with all the 'exotic, passionate, insane woman from Brazil in the sexy dress' stuff. That could so easily have been cut without losing major plot points. It already have been a more balanced representation if they would have made miss Dunbar a woman of colour too. I also would have liked it better if the client would have faced some actual consequences for his violent and hateful behaviour (though he certainly was thoroughly called out by Holmes). The episode is so well done otherwise
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majormeilani · 1 year
8 9 and 12 for the ask meme?
autism ask meme
8. If you have any, what are your special interests?
i have a strong special interest in miniatures as in those really teeny tiny things that look like common objects like chairs or books or cookware. even better if the thing is made of realistic materials or actually functional like these one miniature playing cards i have that are an actual full deck you could quite literally play a card game with. they are actually sooooo cool. i also love dollhouses (esp calico critters bc they're so detailed) and miniature scenes.
i also enjoy dancing and choreography as well as watching people act. performance arts are very fun for me as they are both entertaining to watch and be a part of. i also love to imitate it just for fun.
i also enjoy art and its history as well as the process of game development and story building. reading and writing are also tons of fun for me. media analysis is very fun to me too as i find it fun to both consume a story and break things down about it to analyze and consider different perspectives on and i especially love talking to people about them.
psychology and behavioral studies are also very interesting to me. i love to consider the multiple possibilities of something in accordance to the circumstances that someone finds themselves in and i find human development fascinating. i also loveeeed science as a kid especially animal science and botany but in general i always found everything about it fascinating.
there's more like specific special interests i have but i can't think of them right now…. i know there's definitely media i'm interested in in regards to shows and games too but people usually mean more general things in regards to special interests than say the games that i like or something lol. but i still think they can be considered special interests too :) tho most the time i call those hyperfixations as i have adhd too but tbh they overlap most the time.
9. What was your first special interest?
i want to say probably stuffed animals and maybe cats and hamsters. i had and have many stuffed animals still as i always felt like i needed more little buddies to be my companions with. i also for a time remember being really really obsessed with this pumpkin i got to decorate in kindergarten and i was always writing about it in my little daily journal that they had us do until it unfortunately rotted and i had to throw it away. i remember the little drawings i did of it though with orange crayola markers but sadly i don't know if we have the journals anymore 😔😔
12. Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic.
oh for sure!!!
when it comes to hattytime i believe quite a few of the characters are autistic, namely bow kid, hat kid, snatcher and conductor. they all have a certain vibe to them that gives me the impression that they are. though i'm sure if i thought about it enough, i could most definitely see many of the others as autistic too.
bow and hat also appear to have selective mutism, which is a trait that i share with them myself so i always found that to be the one clue to that. they also appear to both be very analytical about their approach to things and seem to have respective fixations in regards to their manner of dressing, where hat kid seems to like more simple and loose, flowy, comfy clothes and bow kid seems to like more decorated styles of dress and i think that is a part of how they express themselves. not to mention i always saw some of their idle animations as a stim of some kind.
snatcher it's hard to explain exactly but i feel like with how consistent he is in his social interactions and desire to be left alone gives me the impression that he is autistic. he also seems to have a special interest in reading and studying things, even the subcon time rift cluing to a possible interest in science and experimentation. he also seems to share kind of a lack of social understanding especially when he was still the prince and how he's portrayed within the storybook not quite understanding why vanessa was so upset with him. also, the way he has a default stance that he stands in with his hands clasped, something that i often find myself doing too in finding a very comfortable position to be standing in.
conductor i find to be autistic as well just because of his special interests in movies and his train. he also has a similar way of standing in a default way with his hands behind his back or fidgeting constantly as a form of stim. he also seems to struggle a lot in social settings and comes off very direct and blunt and seems to struggle a lot with emotional regulation. it's just very obvious to me that he's autistic. i also think on top of his autism he has a form of ocd too, something that is comorbid with autism.
i think maybe grooves i could argue similarly that he could be autistic too? but i'm not sure because i hadn't really considered it but i'm open to the idea of course ❤️ :) though i mostly considered his to some anxiety disorder or adhd explaining his behavior but i could also see him being a bit autistic .
outside from hattytime tho, i believe max caulfield from life is strange to be autistic. she shares the same traits that i personally do and has a special interest in photography. it's also possible that chloe also is too just by how she interacts with the world and how she had a special interest in science.
when it comes to mgs, i believe naked snake/big boss and the other snakes to all be very autistic. they all seem to have their respective interests and just how they interact with others socially and romantically really gives me the impression that they are. i want to argue possibly that revolver ocelot and some the cobra unit are definitely autistic too. also otacon and the rest of his family for sure given me the impression that they are too.
from toh, i know that i definitely like to think of gus and luz as having autism. luz of course adhd and autism at the same time and gus i think is very much autistic. i don't often have many hcs for the toh characters but just solely based on vibes.
rena ryuugu, rika furude and satoko houjou from higurashi i also believe to be autistic and it's solely based on how their personalities come across and their means of expressing themselves.
i'm sure though if i went through the many other medias that i enjoy and made a list i would be able to point out characters in each one who i believe to be autistic but ough this list has gotten very long as is. thank you so much for asking though!!!!!!! ❤️
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