#my only issue with any of these cosplays is my hair
nururu · 8 months
I bought my lethal company jumpsuit, I also ordered my choso undershirt. I need to go thrifting for some stuff for toshi&zoro... I also need to buy fabric and dye for chosos top and black yarn cos I'm gonna make his scarf... I need to diy oxygen tanks for lethal company and also see what I can do to customize the mask I bought
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thewertsearch · 4 months
NEPETA: :33 < […] i know for a FACT that you are still f33ling b100 (h33h33) from losing aradia […] NEPETA: :33 < it may purrk you up to know that i had a dream about her during my last catnap! […] NEPETA: :33 < yes, she had these purrty wings and a splendid hood, i think she might have b33n cosplaying much like friska has b33n! […]
Derse is gone, so Nepeta presumably met Aradia in the Furthest Ring's dream bubbles.
Really, it's a bit of a no-brainer that Aradia would end up there. Her session's in tatters, and she's clearly not returning to the Veil, so where else can she even go?
NEPETA: :33 < she was so happy, just like she used to be, and she said she would s33 you soon!
Me: "Ok, maybe I'm being too much of a downer. If he's lucky, Equius might survive the coming-"
Aradia: "Equius is about to enter Homestuck's afterlife."
EQUIUS: D --> That's a nice thought, and thank you for sharing it EQUIUS: D --> But it was only a dream, and will surely have no consequence in reality […] NEPETA: :33 < are those f33lings i an detecting with my wiggly whiskery nose? EQUIUS: D --> Maybe NEPETA: :33 < then we must take this to the pile, scratching-posthaste!!! ;33
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This is sweet, but in light of what I'm increasingly sure is about to happen, it's also a little heartbreaking.
These two never had much screentime together, and it's becoming increasingly obvious that they never will.
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Honestly, this is kind of a look. I actually think she wears those glasses better than Equius himself.
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EQUIUS: D --> :33 < The e%posed belly commands to be scratched […] NEPETA: :33 < D --> RAWR, HULKING BRUTE NO OBEY COMMAND, TOO STRONG FOR TOUCHY CUDDLY STUFF PURR USUAL! BPP EQUIUS: D --> :33 < The scruffy haired, saucer eyed smart alec takes issue with the tone of the girl currently posing as said hulking brute EQUIUS: D --> :33 < She/he wonders if he/she appurreciates that the pawerful nobleman currently meow%querading as her/him would be more than happy to accommeowdate said cuddly stuff, outrageous STRONGNESS purrmitting
Just tell her you're having fun, dude! Tell her how much she means to you, and how much you unironically enjoy your roleplay! It's the last chance you're ever going to get!
NEPETA: :33 < equius, dammit! why do you always have to make this so cerebral! […] NEPETA: :33 < […] you dont always have to announce who you are purrtending to be in every line! and you dont always have to point out that its just purrtend! […] EQUIUS: D --> I was having fun EQUIUS: D --> The line about the belly scratching was e%ceptionally playful, and I am to be commended EQUIUS: D --> You will commend me, I command it NEPETA: :33 < yes yes, ok youre right. that was really great! […] EQUIUS: D --> I think I'm out of material though EQUIUS: D --> I don't actually know that much about cats
How one can be Nepeta’s moirail for any length of time and still be ignorant about cats is a greater puzzle than twenty pen-pals combined.
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innominaterifter · 7 months
The Siberian trial cosplay
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I couldn’t resist and did a test photo shoot of Siberian cosplay today. I expected to do a photos in another place, but it turned out to be a closed area. So I had to choose from what was available.
It's funny that I plan to replace literally all the things that are currently in the photo:
1. I like the look of the suit, but it is too small for me, and I will replace it with a larger one since the seams react with a menacing crackle to any careless movement.
And yes, this version of the pattern on the suit is also not the only one I’m considering. I like the look of this one, but I imagine Siberia with other patterns as well. For example, with an asymmetrical pattern or a pattern that does not follow anatomical lines, thus making the image less human.
2. Gloves and socks are purely a test version to see how it all together will look with a suit. This is not noticeable in the photographs, but they were taken very quickly and carelessly: the gloves are medical latex gloves, and the socks are regular white cotton socks painted with acrylic.
I put insoles inside the socks so that it would not be so cold to stand on concrete slabs, but in the future I will think about how best to solve the issue with the appearance of the feet.
I don't like the visible transition and folds between the suit and the socks/gloves. So maybe I'll sew socks and gloves onto the costume, making it one piece.
3. The wig was simply taken from the supplies that I had. This is an unwanted old wig that I dyed some of the strands black. For Siberian, I need a much longer wig (according to the descriptions, she has straight black and white hair down to her tailbone).
4. I didn't do any makeup for this photo shoot, so all the photos are from the back. It was too cold to do makeup outside, and doing it in advance would have been a bad idea since the photoshoot was done at the end of a five-hour walk.
Also, I don’t have a specific makeup concept for this cosplay yet. I'm trying different pattern options, but I have not yet found one that suits me 100%.
5. Lenses.
I didn't wear them for this photo shoot either, but they are really nice. I went through three different options for yellow lenses (not all lenses give the right shade for my eye color), and the one really looks great.
6. I'm debating whether to add small fangs and pointed nails. As far as I remember, Siberian had ordinary human-looking nails, and I don’t remember if she had fangs, most likely ordinary teeth.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 7 months
hi, i think u did a similar one already but could i get a hc on how succession characters react to their s/o crying? about feeling sad , or stressed , or losing a loved one , idk , just something mildly serious. i wasn't feeling great today and i started crying and my sister told me to stop crying and was like mean af to me and i could use some gentleness and affection :|
aw anon im so sorry :( I know I’m really late with this but I hope you’re doing much better <3 I’m always here for you in my ask box or pms!! your sister is an asshole you can cry whenever you want all of your emotions are valid and I love u u are so worthy
I hope these make you feel happy <3 enjoy x
serious issues (succession main cast)
ᝰ when he notices your mood is off, he immediately goes solemn
ᝰ while if it were something smaller, he’d leave it and let you come up and talk to him on your own
ᝰ but he can tell it’s bad
ᝰ and he’s not going to let you stew in this by yourself
ᝰ he will help you
ᝰ whether you want him to or not
ᝰ he gets you a glass of water
ᝰ and forces you to drink
ᝰ then sits you down and makes you tell him what’s wrong
ᝰ when you do
ᝰ rather, when you burst into tears in his arms
ᝰ he can’t help but feel horrible
ᝰ he cradles your face in his hands and kisses away your tears
ᝰ he apologizes over and over
ᝰ he’s rubbing your back the entire time you tell him what’s going on
ᝰ “cry it all out. i’m right here.”
ᝰ he talks you through it
ᝰ he’s cosplaying his therapist
ᝰ if it was a death, he gets the name of where the service will be held and pays for it in secret
ᝰ over the next few weeks, you can just show up in his office and cry on his shoulder
ᝰ and he won’t ask any questions
ᝰ he always lets you
ᝰ the night you tell him, he keeps an arm hooked around you, keeping your head to his chest
ᝰ he plays with your hair and strokes soothing patterns into your skin for the rest of the night
ᝰ as you recover emotionally, he makes sure to check in on you
ᝰ even long after the incident, you both make sure that you have no bullshit check ins with each other
ᝰ “how are you really”s
ᝰ he makes it clear to you that he will always support you
ᝰ and you’re glad
ᝰ not really the best with words
ᝰ or emotions
ᝰ or being serious
ᝰ however
ᝰ the only time(s) he is 100% serious is when you’re severely upset
ᝰ the first time it happens, it’s like he stops breathing
ᝰ “hey, come here. something’s wrong. i need to know what.”
ᝰ you tell him
ᝰ it’s the hardest you’ve ever cried
ᝰ the entire time, he grips your hand, gently stroking the back of it with his fingers
ᝰ he’s never been more focused on anything in his life
ᝰ he wishes he could help talk you through it, but he’s physically incapable
ᝰ so what he does is murmur a few comforting words then take you out on a boat ride
ᝰ because of course he has a miniature yacht on call
ᝰ “you can relax, take your mind off everything. i’ll take care of things, don’t worry.”
ᝰ the rest of the day is spent the two of you cuddled together, looking out over the water
ᝰ he doesn’t say anything
ᝰ he feels bad because he doesn’t know how to help you sort through your emotions
ᝰ because god knows he can’t
ᝰ so instead, he spends every waking moment with you, at your beck and call
ᝰ regardless, he’d do anything for you
ᝰ incident or not
ᝰ he listens to you when you talk, of course
ᝰ he just can’t give you any sound advice
ᝰ the nights on the boat, when you’re at your most vulnerable, he makes sure you fall asleep before he does
ᝰ so that he can kiss you to sleep
ᝰ and make sure you fall asleep soundly, feeling safe
ᝰ he’ll never be happy unless you’re happy
ᝰ she notices something’s wrong, but doesn’t say anything at first
ᝰ when you don’t come to her at all and instead stay holed up in your room, that’s when she knows something is really wrong
ᝰ she crawls up onto the bed with you, and you feel her hands smooth up your back
ᝰ “what’s wrong? tell me.”
ᝰ does not leave you alone until you do
ᝰ listens intently
ᝰ literally memorizes what you’re saying so that she can help fix things
ᝰ the entire time you’re speaking, she massages at your skin to soothe you
ᝰ and it works
ᝰ thumbs away your tears when they fall
ᝰ she refuses to let you go through this alone
ᝰ she helps talk through your issues
ᝰ nonstop reassuring you that everything you’re feeling is perfectly valid
ᝰ and telling you that if you’re upset, she’s upset
ᝰ and that she’ll stop at nothing to make you happy again
ᝰ in all honesty, she’s extremely inexperienced with cooking and baking
ᝰ but she figures it out just for you
ᝰ she makes you a fudge with strawberries and raspberries frozen into it
ᝰ and it’s surprisingly really good
ᝰ your tears ease as the two of you eat together in bed
ᝰ you’re still sniffling when she gently urges you to lay your head in her lap
ᝰ even when you’re this upset, she’s utterly mesmerized by you
ᝰ your lips when you chew, your cheeks, the plush of your thighs as your pajama shorts hike up your legs
ᝰ “i know it’s hard, babe. i’m here. i’m not leaving.”
ᝰ and she doesn’t
ᝰ she’s at your side for the rest of both your lives
ᝰ she holds your hand through all of your difficulties
ᝰ she always listens, always helps you with your issues
ᝰ she’ll never, ever, let you suffer on your own
ᝰ she wishes she could take your pain from you
ᝰ you’re her sun and moon
ᝰ the personification of a massive teddy bear
ᝰ when you’re upset, he’s in SHAMBLES
ᝰ he swears he can feel your pain
ᝰ he soothes you every way he knows how
ᝰ he keeps you close, rubbing his hands up and down your sides
ᝰ he makes you your favorite meals
ᝰ refuses to let you do any chores
ᝰif it was a death, he organizes these massive baskets to be delivered to everyone affected
ᝰ and the biggest one goes to you
ᝰ it has all of your favorite sweets, a bouquet of beautiful flowers, a blanket
ᝰ and a love letter detailing how you’re the strongest person he knows
ᝰ and that he loves you more than anything
ᝰ of course, he gives you space if you ask for it
ᝰ but he’s always concerned for you anyway
ᝰ he gives you your time to recover while slowly helping you along
ᝰ after a couple weeks of leaving you be and taking care of you at home, he starts making you go out with him
ᝰ “we’re getting you used to things again.”
ᝰ he stays at your side through all of it
ᝰ will always let you vent to him
ᝰ and always does his best to give you advice and help you through your issues
ᝰ every night is spent the two of you chatting about your days
ᝰ making sure the other is really okay
ᝰ his arms are always warm
ᝰ your bed even more so
ᝰ he always makes sure you’re feeling warm and fuzzy
ᝰ he just loves you so much
ᝰ he’ll never let you go cold
ᝰ when you start freaking out, he also starts freaking out
ᝰ but he gets himself together
ᝰ because you’re a big deal to him
ᝰ and he loves you
ᝰ so he’ll do everything he can to help you
ᝰ in his own way, of course
ᝰ he honestly sucks at talking you through things
ᝰ but he listens to you
ᝰ he loves listening to you
ᝰ after you tell him what’s going on, he pulls you into his arms
ᝰ he just hugs you for a while
ᝰ he doesn’t let go until you do
ᝰ and you only do that to go to the bathroom
ᝰ when you come back, he has a favorite movie of yours pulled up on the tv
ᝰ “why don’t we watch? I think you could use the brain break. relaxing is good for you.”
ᝰ he keeps you pulled tight against him
ᝰ softly stroking your hair, your neck, your shoulder
ᝰ he’s just hoping your mood is shifting
ᝰ which it is
ᝰ he’s not the best with words
ᝰ and he’s not exactly sure if what he’s doing is helping
ᝰ but bottom line, you know he cares
ᝰ and he wants to help, needs to help you
ᝰ he spends the next few days doing his best to make you feel loved
ᝰ he makes you lunch to take with you to work
ᝰ he makes sure your favorite snacks are always stocked in the pantry
ᝰ always asks things along the lines of “do you want coffee? iced tea? I’ll make anything for you” even though he doesn’t know how to cook or bake anything
ᝰ but he figures it out
ᝰ because the only thing that makes him happy is you
ᝰ and he’ll fucking die if he sees you crying again and he can’t help you
ᝰ his world revolves around you
ᝰ and he loves it that way
ᝰ honestly, you being so viscerally upset puts him off
ᝰ his world falls off balance
ᝰ demands you tell him everything
ᝰ keeps your face sandwiched between his hands as you talk
ᝰ his eyes never leave yours
ᝰ he nods, makes soothing noises
ᝰ “okay, here’s what we’ll do. we’re going to go have fun tonight.”
ᝰ he takes you out for dinner
ᝰ the entire night he’s just like eyeing you trying to see if you’re still upset
ᝰ in reality, he’s just a smooth talker
ᝰ he has no idea how to actually get serious
ᝰ so now his efforts are put into making you feel better
ᝰ when you pick at your food, he takes your hand
ᝰ and tries to be profound
ᝰ “I know I kind of suck at this whole handling things seriously thing, but I want you to know I’ll listen to anything- everything you have to say. I don’t… you’re not going through this alone, is what I’m trying to tell you.”
ᝰ it comes out really messy
ᝰ but it’s obvious he cares
ᝰ it’s obvious he loves you
ᝰ and that in of itself makes you feel leagues better
ᝰ you decide to walk off your dinner
ᝰ you both take a stroll, hand in hand, through the streets
ᝰ the night chill is strangely calming
ᝰ but you know that’s just stewy, not actually the chill that’s making you feel at ease
ᝰ “we can try stargazing tonight.”
ᝰ “stew, all I can see when I look up is smoke.”
ᝰ because you literally live in new york
ᝰ where rats live everywhere rent free
ᝰ “we’ll just have to drive out somewhere, then.”
ᝰ he actually does
ᝰ the two of you end up in a bit of a rural area sitting in the trunk of his car
ᝰ he spread out blankets and brought pillows and everything
ᝰ he even stopped at a gas station to get you both slushees
ᝰ in the gas station you both mixed flavors
ᝰ and he keeps stealing from you
ᝰ but it’s okay
ᝰ you’re leaning against him, his fingers are in your hair
ᝰ “I’m sorry I couldn’t help more.”
ᝰ “you’re helping me lots.”
ᝰ you give him a kiss
ᝰ “your lips are all blue, stewy.”
ᝰ “the blue raspberry is just really good…”
ᝰ you turn back to the stars
ᝰ but his eyes aren’t even on the stars anymore
ᝰ they’re on you
ᝰ and if he had it his way, they’d never leave you again
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nastyburger · 1 year
Please say more about the awful Asian designs in Danny Phantom. I'm not Asian but I'd love to have a rundown on the elements that make them offensive so I can avoid and critique those elements in other works. And also you deserve to speak your mind about it
im gonna mostly talk about southeast asian designs since thats what i am and the most familiar with and also what i feel are the show's worst transgression with their casual depictions. tw for racist imagery im gonna link pictures.
there's not much to say about the designs aside from, you know, everything but things to note are the unnatural yellow tone for the skin and closed slanted eyes. veggie burger (fan name for the bg character in the middle) also suffers from the huge nose that sometimes shows up in racist depictions. the straight edge/cut hair as well is somewhat stereotypical. this one isn't as bad but in conjunction with everything else its not ideal. i will give the smallest molecule of credit that at the very least dp never gave any of these bg characters buck teeth.
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some depictions are better than others, but theres still missteps happening in one aspect or another. kwan's eyes in a lot of shots/episodes can be too skinny and even too slanted, the girl in the middle is almost perfect but her skin is too yellow (she looks kinda okay on my computer screen but i remember when watching dp on my tv she looked real brightly yellow), and principle ishiyama (who was weirdly forgotten about pretty early on in the show and was replaced by lancer doing most of the school stuff despite not being principle?? which is a whole other issue with how dp treats its poc characters) the same usual notes about the slanted eyes but also the upturned nose is pretty reminiscent of racist japanese art during ww2. again it is not the worst way to draw a nose but combined with everything else in this show's depiction of asian characters its not great, they are on thin ice man.
not to mention, principle ishiyama is the only character here with brown eyes. this is a problem that extends to all poc characters in dp and to my knowledge i think ishiyama might be the only one with them tbh. this is, again, a whole other issue though.
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i think the thing that bothers me most about these designs though is that dp is very clearly aware that these depictions are bad. the only difference between the first set of characters and the second is one singular thing: they have a clear speaking role.
suddenly when theyre not stock background characters, dp knows how to act when drawing them. i cannot for the life of me find the image of it, but the last jock guy in the first set gets a speaking role in reign storm (he's cosplaying phantom) and he is drawn with proper open eyes! (theyre also blue but whatever) it just makes me sad that this was a clear choice they made.
the show also went in a different direction in the final product, but early development stuff was really drawing from a lot of japanese/asian influences like danny was originally gonna have a motorcycle (pulling from ghost in the shell) and was even referenced in the show via the akira motorcycle reference (which i once again, for the life of me, cannot find. danny took johnny 13's motorcycle and did the classic akira slide i think it was in million dollar ghost?? idk whichever one where the giw are trying to blow up the ghost zone). danny's name was originally gonna be jackie, named after jackie chan, this i assume was given to jack fenton afterwards. and i think the show having a more martial arts direction with the action was also gonna be a thing? that one could be wrong dont quote me on that, there was an episode where danny and vlad have like a weird ninja fight though im pretty sure.
either way my point here is that they wanted to pull from all these influences and it was prominent enough during development that they sprinkle references to it throughout the show and yet their portrayal and treatment of asian characters in the show is so abysmal it just feels Bad™, you know? i cant really put it more eloquently than that, like its very take and no give with it.
it overall just puts a bad taste in my mouth, and its sad that it still affects people years later. like i mentioned in the tags of the post that started this discussion with that whole old trend of putting yourself into the bg of dp screenshots, i felt alienated by that. and its not the people who participated's fault obviously but most of the people i saw participating were white fans (going off of how they drew themselves) and it made me a bit mad that they were able to enjoy the style of the show in a more carefree manner than i ever could. i didnt want to ruin anyone's fun obviously, but a small part of me wanted to bring to light how i wasnt on equal ground with them in that situation.
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lesbianpraetor · 4 months
Extra Extra Initial thoughts about Furiosa now in bullet point format Summary the movie made me want to write several essays about George Miller's brain, but also I wish somebody had rained him in just a little bit. Spoilers Ahead!
-It was super obvious that George Miller was trying to expand images that he couldn't show in the first (fourth?) movie. Speciallyyyyyyyyy the History Men, Miss Giddy in Fury Road was a character by herself, but now the archetype is well and truly established with a very specific cosplaying Saruman in the desert with tattoos vibe. Also showing in detail the other two citadels, showing the green place, showing the absolutely vile way that the wretched live, going in depth with the war boys million other things as well. I personally loved it and the picaresque sense it gave the movie.
-The citadel looked soooooo similar to Fury Road it was eerie, since everything else looked so different. But I think it made an important point about stagnation and how the men at the top will keep killing the world for as long as they possibly can only even changing their methods when forced to.
-There's a whole extra movie in the vault about how exactly the wives that were there ended up disappearing. how the politics of it changed from women desperately trying to stay there to have the high life to five women deeply committed to their own liberation (with little Cheedo being the only detractor in retrospect when she is spooked by the wider world). I feel like there is a whole lit fic novel in there about them reaching a breaking point. Maybe a situation where Joe throws out all of them and only keeps the very very best because I counted a whole 11 woman in that vault, maybe the Wives from Fury Road are kidnapped all since wretched woman would not be able to give birth without any deformities? Is Angharad that inspiring? I don't think it's the first one because the fact that woman that chose to be there then decided they didn't want to live as things is much more powerful
-the other extra movie is how exactly Furiosa befriended the wives since she actually didn't spend that much time in the vault itself. I did feel it weakened my favourite reading of Fury Road a little bit, but oh well that always happens with new instalments.
-Talking about Furiosa I'm actually so deeply sad that they casted Anya Taylor Joy for this, not even because she did a bad job, although I think Young Furiosa did a much better job, but because I have watched Queens Gambit so many times that her mere presence made me think about the movie in Doylist terms. She also just seems too Holywood? I don't know there was something about her face that made me think that she was CGIed it was too smooth. Did she even shave her head? I felt Furiosa would not have let it grow out in between escaping the vault and joining the war rig crew, and don't tell me she couldn't, everyone else had short hair Praetor Jack had a nice salon haircut. But the acting itself was good! I actually think it was an effects and direction issue.
-Since we are talking about casting Chris Hemsworth did work for me and I'm questioning if I'm having internalized misogyny about him working better than Taylor. Maybe it was the copious amounts of beard, or that he wasn't the main character but I could really inmerse myself in his character and his parallels to not Furiosa, he was a fucking lying piece of shit about that, but to Immortan Joe. Can't quite articulate waht it was exactly but I think it hit whatever Miller was trying to hit with him. Although my favourite casting was the people I didn't know from anywhere, specially Mary Jo Bassa and the Biker Crew. Burn down the media establishment where we even see actors outside of their characters, it ruins the movies.
-Most viscerally hated character from that movie was the organic mechanic though, instant visceral disgust coupled with professional disdain at this point. You are trying to tell me you couldn't even try to steam the bleeding of the man's throat? you are trying to tell me you are giving birth on the floor like a fucking amateur? he probably didn't even know the anatomy necessary to start trying to close a neck wound. And it's cannon now that he didn't create either Immortan Joe's or Rictus breathing apparatus, because they already had them before the prisoner exchange. Absolute charlatan, no this has nothing to do with me still being pissed as hell as to how he treated Angharad what are you talking about? There's one man in the movie that instantly made me think in Watsonian terms I hate his guts so much.
-And in general I felt the hypocrisy of even the men trying to be kind to Furiosa much more keenly in this movie, which is to say that I did like Praetorian Jack as the pinnacle of the archetypical road warrior and parallels to Max are very interesting and I adored how it created even more parallels to Furiosa and Max's character development in the two movies. But, I don't know, there's something about how he carried himself with Furiosa that rubs me the wrong way I just can't quite place how, might need a rewatch. Anyway Furiosa's crush on him that honestly seemed pretty unrequited from his part was fun, although I hope people don't make it the most important part of the movie (it honestly reminding me of Cheedo and the Dag, they even had a similar was it a stolen kiss moment? but I digress, the parallels between him and Max were much more interesting)
-Back to the topic of the wives there was a moment in the beggining when Mary Jobasa didn't kill the woman who claimed to be a mother and then she betrayed her, which both shows the kind nature of the green place, how it really doesn't work like that in the wasteland and how exactly the vuvalini might have been so diminished in numbers. But my favourite part about this scene was when she said "I'm not to blame" that had to be on purpose because I wanted to shout at the screen " THEN WHO KILLED THE WORLD?" so bad. The fate of the world really hinges on the simplest choices since without that little bit of snitching they just get to go home.
-Honestly just Mary Jo Bassa appreciation, she died on the third day but damn what impressive three days. If I write fic it's going to be about her and Furiosa's other mother, who made the movie pass my personal Bechdel Test with the true purpose of the original Bechdel test, to woman talk to each other in a way that let's you see the Lesbianism in their eyes.
-The scenery of the green place definitely deserves a mention as well, it felt so tiny! it felt so different from everything else of course, they didn't linger to preserve both the runtime and the feeling of it being a place almost from Furiosas's dreams. But from space it felt tiny! the space shot of the outback with the most minuscle amount of green made it feel so deeply vulnerable, and the presence of the crows everywhere made me genuinely emotional. It did clearly have enough of everything to survive and for people to thrive and be super healthy, but it seemed like every millimeter was planned to the last detail to be of the best use.
-Honestly I think the relationship between Furiosa and her mother was the beating heart of the movie, I definitely liked the first third more than anything, it felt the most like something new and fully immersed not only in the setting of Fury road but honestly more of Road Warrior in way?, I don't know closest I got to crying was at Mary's death and her little good girl when furiosa killed a man to protect their home was the cutest most uwu part of the movie. Not to mention revenge of her death is the entire point of the final confrontation.
-Also I have to mention Mr. Norton. Mr. Norton I'm free on saturday for tying up to a motorcycle, I'm sure everything you did was totally justified and also super hot, thank you for your dirty rabid woman duties it was fucking awesome how you shot a man and the quartered your former boss.
-Last comment before I forget, that scene where Jack was killed had impressive Hector vibes. Tied to the back of the chariot while hounds eat you and disfigure your corpse? More to add fuel to the fire of George Miller adoring archetypical images, and I do too no complaints, it was gut-wrenching when I realized what was going to happen. The Horde in general had a mixture of Greek Charioteers and Mongol horde I really loved it.
-Also their first fight scene together where they work seamlessly together and then Furiosa threatens his life? classic crazy wasteland, you and Max really were identical. It also cements my idea that the movie is Fury Road backwards, since Max threatened Furiosa's life first and then they seamlessly worked together. I'll have to find where all the beats parallel and how they fit together, to see if I'm right.
In Conclusion honestly excellent movie, I didn't leave with the deep emotions Fury Road made but how much it's making me think about it is deeply appreciated.
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About your Amity's post, I get some of the points but there are some constructive points I want to bring up.
Amity doesn't stand up against her parents for Luz only, she also does that for other people on the Boiling Isles. In Clouds on the Horizon, at the first scene, she and her siblings try to find ways to tell Odalia and Alador that they're unknowingly helping Belos. “Someone has to tell Mom about the draining spell, or else she and Dad are helping Belos hurt people.” The people in Amity's saying don't include Luz, because the draining spell only hurts witches with sigils, while Luz doesn't have one. Even when she's captured in a shield, her first thing she says to Odalia is “Don't you get it? You're helping a witch hunter destroy everything.”
In Reaching Out, Amity wants to reconnect with her father through the Brawl champion. Abomination is Amity's personal interest since she dyes her hair purple because it's an Abomination color. In the Brawl matches, it can be seen that Amity has unique fighting skills with Abomination, she can use it to fly, move it from one place to the other and turn her hands into Abomination like Darius. She trains magic a lot so she can improve like this.
Luz's trauma is focused at the end of the episode, but in the first half, Amity's father issue is more focused. He never listens to her and underestimates her, he's also controlling in some sense. He also destroys her book by cutting it in half. Also, the bond Amity has with Edric and Emira is overlooked as well. They give Amity the concealment stones, and are willing to show their ‘imperfect’ real selves. Emira even tries hard to heal her sister. They cheer for Amity from the stand and they get protective of Amity when Alador grabs her and throws her down. The Blight siblings play an important role in Amity's growth and development, and it's not just only Luz like how the fandom flanderizes.
Amity is only 14, and an abused victim. She only gets out of her mother's influence and she struggles to find what she wants. What Amity wants is the ability to decide for herself. Amity is in her transitional period, her biggest wish is making decisions herself, that's how she connects to Ghost. When Alador underestimates her and wants her to stay back, she still stands up to fight alongside with him and proves that she isn't weak. “I'm gonna make my own decision from now on.” Before knowing what goals or dreams she wants, she has to have the freedom to decide first.
And Odalia does more than bugging Amity about her hair color. Odalia still forces her to join the Emperor's Coven, something that she doesn't want. She was manipulated to believe that it was her dream at first. She treats Amity unfairly compared with Edric and Emira. In the first scene of Clouds on the Horizon, only Amity is criticized and grounded, they only get grounded later on because they try to burn the factory. When the twins try to save the Hexsquad from the shield, Odalia blames it all on Amity, that Amity is the one telling the twins to act out. Odalia even destroys Amity's tamagotchi, her personal belonging. Both Blight parents destroy her belongings like nothing, like a child whose phone gets destroyed by their parents.
Some are too harsh on Amity because she's 14 and they're older than that. They can somehow know what they want for our future. But as a 14 year old, Amity only wants to be a teenager studying and living to the fullest of her life without any pressure. Volunteer to read books for kids, baking, watch Azura and draw, or cosplay her favorite character. She likes Azura way before she even meets Luz. She's still a good student like Season 1 because her magic is much stronger than before. In Sunday momocon panel, Dana confirmed that Bump would have a hard time choosing between Amity and Willow to take to the "Instructing Future Witches of Tomorrow."
When Amity grows up, she can does figure out her ambitions. She becomes an Abomination engineer to create inventions based on her creativity and interests. She's also an explorer, as she travels long distances on the hot air balloon she creates to get Lilith a book. She wants freedom and chances to explore outside after years of being controlled and abused.
first off, thank you for being civil about your argument. you made a lot of points, so i'll address them one by one.
1. yes, amity stood up for the people of the boiling isles, but that was after she already broke free from odalia's influence and got with luz. i was specifically talking about s1 when amity stands up to her parents. at that point, she had no personal goals other than the fact that she liked luz.
2. abomination seems to be amity's personal interest but it also aligns with her parents' goals for her. she was excelling in abomination when she was still under odalia's control. so it doesn't really count as going against her parents' wishes.
not to mention, apart from the scenes where she fights and her hair color (which, i didn't even realize was meant to be inspired by abomination until alador mentioned it), there's not much focus on abomination as amity's special interest. if that was really the goal, they could have put more focus on it.
3. yes, that episode was about amity's relationship with her dad and her siblings. i did acknowledge that. but it doesn't take away from the fact that it's more about interpersonal drama than amity's personal goals. it starts off that way but there's so little focus on amity choosing her own path.
also, luz's trauma isn't only mentioned at the end of the episode, it was the bigger conflict in the entire episode. it starts with luz getting a reminder on her phone and throughout the episode, there's more focus on luz trying to ignore her worries and appear happy, than there is focus on amity.
4. i agree with what you said about amity needing the freedom to do what she wants before she makes a decision. the problem is that there was only one episode centered around that, and that was the episode we just talked about.
i just wish there was more focus on her healing from her trauma and discovering her passions and goals. she is the main character's love interest after all and for a show that's as progressive as toh, i would expect them to know better than to write a love interest whose sole purpose is being a love interest.
if there were more episodes surrounding amity, i wouldn't be complaining so much. and the show being cut short isn't an excuse because there were so many filler episodes that really weren't important to the main plot. the least they could have done is use one of those filler episodes to focus on amity.
5. i understand that amity was still very young and she didn't need to have her entire life figured out at that point. but given that characters like eda and king was given a lot more focus, i just wish they had done the same for amity.
my point is that i would have liked to see the process of amity figuring out her interests and discovering her identity, instead of just getting the end result. yes, we see her volunteer at library (though again, she did that way before her redemption arc and sure, she does seem to genuinely like doing it, but it's still not going against her parents' wishes) or cosplaying (which was done, in part, to comfort luz) but i wanted to see more of the arc that led to amity discovering her own interests, especially after her redemption.
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artzychic27 · 4 months
🏳️‍⚧️Happy Pride From the Recess Class!🏳️‍🌈
Akuma Class
Science Kids
Austin A: Legally Blonde, but Gayer
Gender nonconforming, who has time to narrow down pronouns?
Does everyone’s makeup before Pride with Kendra and Victoria
Dyes his hair pink
Gives free haircuts, paints peoples’ nails, and dyes hair using spray-on dye
They just want everyone to look fabulous, is that so wrong?!
Dresses in only flag colors
Uses his mom’s credit card to buy binders for people
This is the only time of year he makes people simp. Not the other way around
And they are going to use it to their advantage
Dresses her chinchillas in drag
They. Look. Gorgeous.
He somehow escapes the Glitter Wars unscathed
Todrick Hall is her anthem
Austin B: Gaymer Gurl
AroAce and He/Him
Wears Croc Heelys to pride
He wanders off a lot, and it terrifies his boyfriends best friends
Brings Elizabeth III to every pride and dresses her in only the finest fashions
He buys her all sorts of pride-themed cat toys because she’s worth it
When people ask him on a date, Elizabeth III hisses at them
Casually getting adopted by drag queens after he casually tells them about his home situation
He’s granted entry to any drag house when he wants to get away from his “parents”. He’s got six moms now, and he will steal jewelry for them
He met a little girl with yellow eyes like him and she hugged him
All of Marceline’s songs are his anthems
Austin Q: Secret Mom Friend with Mommy Issues
Questioning & He/?
Tempted to put a leash on everyone
Especially Austin B because he won’t stop wandering off!
Austin Q: WHERE ARE MY BABIES?! Have you seen a little bitch in yellow glitter pants?! He’s a little ho, but I love him!
He supplies the snacks Austin T doesn’t make. He’s the main apple slice supplier
He also makes sure to bring apple juice. He just likes apples. “They’re good for you, Armsy!”
Cosplays as every redhead character- Penn Zero, Vicky, Melissa Chase, Mary Test, Black Widow, and more
He joins the muscle-flexing contests and wins a couple
Can carry Austin A, B, and T on his shoulders
Once again, everyone thinks the four of them are a poly couple
Austin Quinlan, Protector of Lesbians, Wielder of the Sapphic Sword, Kicker of Protesters’ Balls
Knows how to do a badass rainbow kick
Gay & He/Him
Bakes all sorts of pastries for everyone and it’s pretty much the one thing everyone looks forward to
Seriously, this boy brings like twenty containers full of cupcakes, cookies, and pancakes (For the pansexuals, of course)
Not even protesters are immune to his cupcakes. But because he’s petty, they only get plain vanilla with no toppings
That’s how disappointed he is in them. Now they feel as though they’ve disrespected every deity
The drag queens, dykes on bikes, and just lesbians in general will kill for this baby
Casually name drops his parents any time a protester screams in his face
He and Jean reenact scenes from Phantom of the Opera
DJ threw a glitter bomb at him, and no one was safe
Wears Huggycake like a boa because she loves all the people, and she scares off homophobes
He met other reptile queers and now they’re having brunch
Lotta Jameson: Kick Buttowski, Queer Daredevil
Aromantic and She/Her
Gerard tinkered with her Vespa, and now rainbow glitter shoots out the pipes
Do NOT give her sugar. Seriously
She somehow sneaks onto floats
Austin Q: Lotta! Get down from there!/ Lotta: Be gay, do crimes!
Brings a baseball bat in case of transphobes
She has a shirt that says so
She did a bike jump over the protesters and dropped bags of glitter on them
Now she’s getting called Amelia Earhart by literally everyone
She got the aviator goggles and they’re pretty sure Amelia is a queer icon… Also, she sometimes goes missing in the crowd. She’s so short!
Austin Q: WHERE’S MY OTHER BABY?! SHE’S THE LITTLE GINGER BITCH IN GOGGLES!/ Lotta: Do you call all your babies bitches?
Kendra Anne Gunderson: Casually Spider-Man Kisses People… With Consent
Polyromantic and She/Her
Kendra is a bit of an icon
Known by all as “Hand-Stand Girl” because she walked only on her hands for the entire event
She has two drag queen uncles and her cousin is a beauty influencer in the queer community
Every time Kendra breathes, a lesbian meets her perfect match
Her eyeliner is on point
DJ lowers her down from buildings so that she can kiss pretty people… With consent, of course
Those two are always getting into some sort of trouble
They spray painted some transphobe’s car and put an egg in the slightly open trunk. It stunk up the car for days
When she’s not pranking protesters, she’s on the mom friend squad with Austin Q and keeping Austin B from wandering off
DJ Detweiler: The Drag Jester
Genderfluid, Bisexual, and He/She
Owns an assortment of pun shirts for every sexuality. No one knows how they come up with them
DJ: I came out to my dad./ Mason: DJ, NO!/ DJ: He told animal control he had a bison in his house!
Always accused of starting the Glitter Wars. She ain’t denying anything
As the name implies, he’s gonna prank the protesters and TERFs
So far, he got a TERF to sit on a whoopie cushion, tricked some dick trying to force himself on an Ace girl into kissing a frog, and made some homophobe think his foot went missing
Heads to drag clubs to do standup, and is probably gonna get a Netflix show when she gets older
DJ: Do you know the difference between a government bond and a homophobe? The bond matures.
Now he’s booked for seven shows throughout the month
He’s got a laugh like Sardonyx that makes people (Especially Mason) simp
Any time DJ laughs, a trans boy gets his soup
Austin Spinelli: Sneaking Out in Ballet Flats
Achillean and He/Him
Casually flirts with any guy he comes across
And he lays the Italian accent on THICK
Dresses in pinstripe suits and says he’s the boss of the Velvet Mafia
When he’s not in suits, he’s dressed in his ballet gear and doing ribbon dances
His splits are flawless
Any time Spinelli does a pirouette, a trans girl gets her wings
Any time Spinelli does a pirouette, a transphobe gets punched
When he’s got the time, and he always does, he does chalk art with the kids, and creates a literal mural
He’s always got time
The organizers loved his work so much, they commissioned a mural for a youth center
Knits beanies for everyone
Gia Griswald: You Ask, I’ll Tell
MtF Trans and She/Her
Her dad went with her to her first pride, and none of the protesters wanted to mess with the six foot tall military general war hero
Gets into flexing contests
Wears rainbow camouflage to every event
If she sees a scuff on your combat boots, she’s gonna clean them
Helped Gerard write his queer history book
In a club with other queer history buffs and they reenact iconic poses from history, but make them gay
She attended a military funeral with her dad during June, and the soldier being burried was a lesbian
Immediately, a bunch of freaks who probably stalked them went to protest. Gia flipped some bastard over her shoulder
Roger Raincomprix, the arriving officer, didn’t see a thing
She eats a crap ton of marshmallows
Victoria LaSalle: Queers on Wheels
Asexual, Bigender, and He/They/She
Decorates her wheelchair with all sorts of pride stickers
Rocks it every year in a crop top
Starts every glitter bomb fight. No one ever sees them coming
She’s just… She’s a goddex
Everyone wants to get a selfie with him. That’s how gorgeous he is
Out of everyone’s leagues
Teaches kids in wheelchairs how to pop a wheelie
Likes to answers kids’ questions
Kid: Are you a robot?/ Victoria: … Yes. Yes, I am.
Only Gerard has the privilege of sitting in his lap as he cruises through the crowd
Gerard Grundler: The Gay Genius
FtM Trans, Pan, Polyamorous, He/Him
He’s written a mini-pride history book with Gia. They got publishers lining up and everything!
Everyone is just so pretty
He bails during the Glitter Wars and takes cover in a coffee shop
Victoria’s gotta keep him from wandering off and possibly joining a cult because the members are pretty
Probably hacked into the medical system so people can have better access to hormones
Faints any time he sees Victoria in a crop top
Dresses in a lot of pride flag sweater vests no matter how hot it is
Victoria: Gerard, it’s ninety-/ Gerard: SWEATER VESTS RULE!
He builds robots to wave pride flags in sync
He and Rochelle protect the bugs
Mindy Blumberg: Opera is Gay as Fuck
Demigirl, Panromantic, They/She
Sings “Rainbow Connection” in an operatic fashion, and leaves everyone in tears
Carries Gia on her shoulders
She carries everyone on her shoulders, but mostly Gia
Will act as a human shield during the Glitter Wars because that’s how much she cares.
But the second Austin T gets his hands on a glitter bomb, she’s out
Hayley Kiyoko is her anthem
If you ask, they’ll hug you
Mindy gives amazing hugs
Everyone will die for this girl
Also, she’s weirdly poetic. It makes everyone wanna listen to her for hours
Is a pacifist, but she’ll give it to you straight if you mess with her friends
Rochelle Weems: That one person at pride who takes pictures of the protesters screaming at queer kids and posts them online for everyone to see
Demigirl, Polysexual, Ze/Zir
Brings zir Polaroid to make a scrapbook and blackmail protesters
Ze’s a rat, but a good kind of rat. The kind who makes sure homophobes and transphobes don’t get away with yelling at queer kids
Was self conscious about zir back brace until ze saw a drag king wearing a bedazzled one
Was roped into letting Austin A, Victoria and Kendra do zir makeup
Ze looked gorgeous!
Ze and Austin B share the good gossip with drag queens
In exchange, they get tickets to shows
Will kill for Austin T’s cookies
Just don’t let zir have too much sugar, otherwise ze will go crazy and start a cult based on cookies where everyone wears Cookie Monster bathrobes
It’s happened once before, and now ze’s under surveillance
Protects the bugs from getting stepped on and then places them in protesters’ hair
Ze saw this one guy about to take a swing at a lesbian, and promptly kicked him in the balls
Now ze’s got twelve new numbers in zir phone
Mason Ewing: The Most Organized Person At Pride
Bigender, Asexual, He/She
Brings a binder filled with horrific facts about conversion therapy to throw in the faces of protesters
Will talk the ear off of any protester about why they’re wrong about everything until they just walk away
Gets carried by DJ on her shoulders
Somehow knows where everyone is at all times
He teaches Rochelle how to walk in pumps and ze teaches him how to steal thirty candy bars
Brings sarcastic coffee thermoses
Paid Gerard to make her coffee maker battery operated, and now she brings it everywhere
She just pins an asexual flag pin on her tie and calls it a day. Though, if DJ asks, she will wear a pun shirt
DJ is the only one who knows how to make her laugh, and Spinelli’s taking bets on who will ask who out first
Beck King: Cosplays As Frida Kahlo
Nonbinary, Achillean, They/Them
The responsible chaperone when M. Grotke’s out of commission
Dyes their unibrow rainbow
Silently flirts with guys using eyebrow language
Cosplays as Clone High Frida Kahlo and the original Frida Kahlo. They just like Frida
Just casually flexing their muscles in front of hot guys, nothing going on there
Then the hot guys write their phone numbers on their hockey stick
Spinelli’s mentor in ‘The Way of the Achillean’
He makes crowns for kids
Any time a protester tries to attack them, they just suddenly disappear
People swear they’ve see men in black drag protesters away from Beck
Seriously, it’s like this guy’s got a whole security detail!
Alonzo Grotke: I Went to the First Pride, and All I Got Was This Brick
FtM Trans, Gay, He/Him
A well seasoned gay
Has a shirt that says “Papa Gay”
He’s total DILF getting hit on by every silver fox. He ain’t complaining, and they sure ain’t complaining when they get a look at his abs with that crop top
Seriously, this guy is ripped
The parade paused when one of the floats got a flat, and he just… He just made a whole bunch of guys simp by changing a tire, that’s all they’ll say
He’s the one keeping people at gay bars from getting roofied by creeps
Teaches meditation at the youth center
He gets hit on by the single dads, A LOT
Back in the day, he stole a police motorcycle and painted it rainbow. He passes out autographed copies of his mugshot because it’s such a good photo
His kids went to spy on his date with M. Monlataing and he pretended he didn’t notice
He passes mini water bottles to protesters since it’s ninety degrees out and he doesn’t want them dying of thirst despite everything
But, he does it with this smirk like, “Looks like I’m the bigger person here, losers. Namaste.”
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kindheart525 · 2 months
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Now for the long-awaited Glep x Marge horde! Ever since I first started working on this next gen as a serious project, I knew these two would have a whole horde of kids because of how madly in love I think they are. Glep has that raw bad boy edge and Marge is smoking hot so of course they have a big family to prove how much time they’ve spent loving each other if you catch my drift. They may have seven whole kids, but they’re just as youthful and energized as ever, which is far more than what can be said about Pim and his four kids. To outsiders, Glep looks like he’s fooling around on an iPad all day, but he’s somehow managing to give each of his kids proper attention AND keep Marge relaxed and satisfied. He’s got to be warping time itself to do all of that because I don’t know how you can have time for a full-time job AND seven kids AND a stable marriage without it wearing on you. Who knows how Glep does it.
As for the kids themselves, from right to left we have:
Blep inherited her mom’s supermodel looks but has an aesthetic all her own, going for a goth look that makes her look almost otherworldly combined with her unnaturally green skin. This combined with her speaking exclusively in her dad’s Wingon tongue leads people to make a lot of assumptions about her, that she’s weird or even scary, but the truth is that she’s very nice and sociable. She sometimes joins Kip and Dottie as a third to their trio, as aside from their common interests, both girls can relate to having assumptions made about them based on their looks.
Suzy, to many, looks like a hairball sliding around on the ground, but she would feel utterly insulted if you described her that way. She has her dad’s body and her mom’s luscious locks, though most don’t know where the hair ends and body begins. Despite her face being completely concealed, she’s so eloquent in her speech and mannerisms that you could completely forget that she’s basically a pile of hair as you become entranced in a conversation with her. She’s a classy lady and every unusual part of her only adds to her allure.
Gola is a model at some high-end agency, with an unbreakable confidence and an insatiable need to make sure the whole world knows how sharp her style is. She is quite sassy but can also be kind of dumb, arguing until she’s blue in the face to defend a claim that is flat out wrong just so she can have the satisfaction of being right. She’s also picked up a lot of her speech patterns from her dad’s friend Allan, so catch her comically mispronouncing a lot of words as well.
Chad is a pretty normal guy. As engaged in meme culture as any of his generation and especially as a child of the tech savvy Glep, so sometimes the family will be hit with a “skill issue” or “had to do it to em.” He likes to act like he doesn’t care what people think of him and will often lounge around in socks and sandals when not cosplaying as a meme. Sarcasm and jokes get a good laugh out of him but not when they’re at his expense, like when his siblings compare him to Stuart Little because of his abnormally short, less-than-two-foot stature. 
Giorno is a total gym rat, who cannot get through a single day without going through his elaborate full-body routine. He lives off of whey smoothies and many speculate lots of steroids, but he won’t confirm or deny that. School and work hardly matter to him as long as there’s gym. Workout stuff aside he has a sharp sense of humor and can engage in some good witty banter, especially with his best friend, favorite workout buddy, and love interest, Ell Pimling.
Eep, in contrast to her more eloquent and self-assured twin Suzy, is a shy little thing whose personality is as small as her stature. She is super sweet and loving with the people and critters she trusts most, and almost everyone she meets finds her very likable. This agreeability is something she finds joy in, but she has a hard time speaking up for herself when she wants something or disagrees. Her “speaking” sounds more like a squeaky dog toy than actual speech, but just like everyone can understand Glep’s Wingon tongue, she is perfectly clear to everyone when she does express herself.
Glorp is the least imposing critter you will ever meet. He is practically a background character. Every time he opens his mouth one of his siblings, parents, or peers starts speaking, so nobody knows what his voice sounds like or what his personality is. He doesn’t put up any fuss as he walks or slithers around with his noodly body, so everyone assumes he is perfectly content with the way things are. Nobody has asked him but he would probably agree based on his facial expression. 
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kneelbeforeclefairy · 3 months
I gotta explain what's happened in the past two weekish
Be me
Read hunger games when it came out like ten fucking years ago and then some. Had a group of friends who was into it. Friend group eventually broke up. Eventually got bored with it fandom. Literally recently got rid of the books cause like....well they were clogging up the shelf.
Coworker is torturing me at work (long story) so after she leaves I tend to put on little YouTube videos essay things to calm down.
Find one about the "perfect cruelty of the hunger games" explaining how the games themselves are used to surpress empathy while encouraging a facade of it
Dude that's interesting, why not?
Video talks a lot about song birds and snakes and the early games and someone called Lucy Gray?
Decide to look up some stuff aboit the book. Vaguely remember hearing something about it?
Get weird about 10th hunger games. Decide to just check out book from library
@bestnoncannonship is tired of hearing about Someone Called Lucy Gray but is interested about the games and Young Snow. We decide to watch movie
I also start rereading the books. HOLY SHIT THOSE HOLD UP.
Movie REALLY GOOD. decide, why not let's rewatch the movies because I've only ever seen the first one and she's only seen the first two.
Last time hunger games was popular and everyone was trying to play Which Character Are You , @bestnoncannonship got assigned Katniss. She wore her hair in a long braid at the time and had a blonde little sister she was crazy protective of. Also was the only one of us who had any idea about surviving in the wilderness or anything like that, being from The Country. But she never liked Katniss, see?
(group cosplay of hunger games characters never materialized. I always wanted to do the four Careers. mostly cause I liked Glimmer. )
Anyway. My character was always Effie Trinket. Didn't have much choice in the matter. old friend group took one look at me and go, it's pink, it's a bit too naive about how things are in the Not Here, its occasionally scandalized if you use the wrong forks, and let's be real it doesn't REALLY understand what trees are outside of parks. Does this bitch look like she's ever seen a district to YOU?
So we're watching the movies and at some point Ann gets REALLY ATTACHED to haymitch.
It's like an oh. OH. moment.
Wrong district 12 Victor.
She says she couldn't identify with men because of Gender ISSUES back in the day. But now that pesky little gender broke and we can identify with ANYTHING.
Gets real into Haymitch. Realized haymitch and Effie are a ship.
We both go down the Hayffie rabbit hole.
Anyway this culminates on June 6.
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Yeah. So . Universe weird like that..
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juliettedunn · 2 years
Luz Noceda and What She Means to Me
Luz is the greatest character of all time of any media ever because she is THE Luz fucking Noceda, I have loved her ever since I saw the first episode, my favorite character and remained that way. She was always underrated by the fandom in her own show. She changed my life.
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Her character is unapologetically cringe. She wears a cat hoodie and says “Meow meow.” She says random nonsense and gets big sparkly eyes and she stims by bouncing and running in place. She wears an otter onesie. She snorts book pages. She gives so many hugs.
She is androgynous, and I learned I wanted to have that style too. I saw Reaching Out and thought she looked so cool. I cut my hair and started dressing more androgynous and was so happy with that. It was inspired by Luz.
She ignores every binary. She wears a suit AND a skirt to Grom and it looks horrible but it’s HER. She has a derpy technicolor Palisman that shapeshifts. She is bisexual and she came out with an animated slideshow and a portmanteau couple name like the cringe silly icon she is.
She is so ADHD and she runs around and does the wildest impulsive things and she has volume control issues and she has a self insert Mary Sue based off her favorite fictional character, and now she’s going to battle an evil Christian colonialist in cosplay because she’s that cool.
She rediscovered a whole damn magic system and invented a bunch of spells and built an inter dimensional portal door in her backyard and she played a centuries old emperor like a fiddle and she saved so many people but she can’t even see it she doesn’t KNOW.
Her story means so much to me, her journey of being an outcast and feeling guilty for doing poor in school when she knows she can put her all into “waste of time” things like learning fantasy languages and hobbies like taxidermy. She let me forgive myself for failing college.
I didn’t truly forgive myself until I saw TTT and I cried the whole night realizing I can finally let go of that guilt.Just like Luz must learn. Seeing her find friends and family, and realizing her core wish is to be understood provides me so much comfort.
I’ve never known any character that made me feel so represented. Things that I used to be ashamed of, that Luz does too, I now feel positively about. I am so much softer on myself since I saw Luz make similar mistakes.
And her worst traits, that tendency toward self blame and keeping her guilt inside instead of confiding, made me reflect on my own tendency to do it, and I have worked hard to break this cycle. I see how harmful it is, not only to me, but loved ones, and I am changing.
My self esteem is higher now, I am forgiving of my disability, I feel safe to be a chaotic and silly mess, to be more androgynous, to get super cringey about fandom, and to reach out and confide in others. I have hope of finding people who I connect and feel at home with, like Luz did.
She is the cringiest little silly and also the most badass fucking LEGEND I’ve ever seen on screen. Luz Noceda the perfect icon. I am so grateful she exists. The ultimate character. Luz Noceda.
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melissacove · 1 year
BEN drowned headcanons
hey so the pull said yes so imma give you My BEN drowned headcanons
Warning - one of these mentions s3lf h4rm but not like, in detail. It’s mainly talking about his emotions in that one.
BEN has long hair, like not very long, like about three - to - five inches beyond his shoulders. He puts it in small ponytails sometimes:)
he does smoke weed, but he’s not a chainsmoker/stoner. He only does it like, once a week when he’s particularly stressed.
he paints his nails sometimes, usually black.
He likes video games… …ok, I lied. He LOVES games. He’s also kinda good at them - ok I lied again, he’s is GOD at video games. Well, Nintendo that is. Which leads me into the next headcanon-
he once played Minecraft with Herobrine. He legit couldn’t figure out how to mine wood😭 he can’t play EA, Sega, Mojang, et cetera. It’s hilarious watching him try… he can beat any Nintendo game, he’s perfect at Nintendo and has every Nintendo game, console, comic, anime, YouTube video, etc. on his shelf. Oh, also the merch. Yet, he still cannot do any other company. He just knows the way Nintendo writes their games. (Talking to every NCP, big worlds, no-skip dialogue/loooong no- skip cutscenes, etc.) any other way a game could be written feels foreign to him, I guess. Like Minecraft, he was so confused when the villagers and zombies didn’t have dialogue lol.
The reason he ended up latching on so hard to Majora's Mask is because of the stress of being born into a cult, his cult (the Moon Children) are known for blood letting and their gore-involving rituals. He became slightly skeptical and that’s why he was killed (or ‘sacrificed’) by the Father when he was. His only escape from this madness was his friends (pre-death Lost, Glitchy Red and Strangled Red and Herobrine. They were the gaming clique, although his friends weren’t in his cult.)
he’s a crossdresser, you can’t change my mind.
he has a really cool Princess Peach cosplay but doesn’t wear it out bc he’s trying to protect his ‘bad boy tough guy’ reputation. Only Lost has seen the cosplay, since BEN only really opens up to Lost.
Lost Silver x Ben there’s no telling me otherwise.
BEN drowned is asexual and gay. Lost is asexual and biromantic.
BEN struggles with s3lf h4rm. Herobrine (the game pastas consider him like a father, G. Red even calls him Dad sometimes) is the only one who knows about this and tries his best to help. BENs issue stems from the blood letting in the moon children having given him a twisted perspective on how to cope with trauma. He’s trying his best.
BEN is fine with showers, but he’s afraid of pools, baths, oceans, rivers and bridges that go over water. (He was dumped off a bridge and that’s how they sacrificed him.)
He has severe trauma from Majoras Mask, but it helped him through the hardest time in his life back when he was alive… he has mixed feelings on it. N64 is still his favorite console though, so he plays the old N64 Mario Kart tracks on his switch. He considers them friends from a simpler time.
ik this was proven not canon but I love the dynamic so in my au headcanon thing Sally Williams is BEN’s half sister. (Hence the different last names.)
his mother and father divorced when he was eight when his Mom found out his Dad has been raising their son in a cult.
his Mom took Sally, who was three at the time, and moved. BEN had always been a daddy’s boy though, so he decided to stay with his dad. (Plus his mom didn’t let him play Majoras Mask on his 3ds when they went out but his dad did, so theres also that.)
there lemme know if you want more of this bc I had way too much fun writing this lol
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arminizewithme · 1 year
Rain Room Cosplay Photoshoot 🌧
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Hey Tumblr! I did a cosplay photoshoot in a rain room studio back in June of 2022. I've posted the final photos, but I also want to talk a little about the logistics and experience, because I enjoy reading that kind of thing. Finding interesting places and ways to take photos is one of my favorite parts of cosplay.
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My photographer friend announced that they were booking the studio and offering shoots. I had finished my Adam cosplay from Sk8 the Infinity, and I was immediately intrigued. Sk8 has an iconic scene where Adam gets caught in the rain, so I thought this would be a great match. Plus the studio had red and blue lighting options, which match his outfit, so I thought that would look amazing.
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(^ photo by @neon-frills ) Once I had the shoot booked, I started thinking about the logistics of getting my costume wet. Most of it would be fine: the fabric parts could all be washed and dried, and the foam armor was sealed and waterproof. The only issue would be the wig. Getting a styled wig soaked would definitely ruin it, and I really love the styling I had done. So I sprung for a backup.
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I bought a short blue wig and styled it to look like Adam's wet hair look. (After the shoot, I washed it out and it's ready for a new project. I'm planning on using it for teen Ainosuke, eventually-- waste not!)
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I took a bus to the studio (in NYC), and my look was Interesting. I wore most of the costume there and brought the rest, putting on the wig, jacket, and armor once I got there. I also brought a change of clothes, a towel, and a big water resistant tote bag (for carrying my wet stuff out of there). The studio did have a changing room, but I wanted to show up as prepared as possible.
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And then we shot! It was a lot of fun. I did indeed get soaked but it was so worth it. The water was lukewarm and pretty tolerable (since people are meant to stand under it for a while). We also had options to change the sprinkler patterns and lighting. Thank you to my wife for taking these majestic bts pics.
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My photographer friend is ChezPhoto, mostly active on instagram so check them out here! They do amazing work.
And that's about it! I've used all 10 photo spots on this post, so I'll reblog with the final photos. :> Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for reading!
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Hi it's 🌼 Anon! I was wondering if I could have Akane, Ryoma, Mondo, Chihiro, ultimate imposter, and Nekomaru with a S/O thats like Komi from Komi can't Communicate? I've started watching it and I'm on the third episode 😊. I really like it so far! I was spoiled by my friend but I don't mind spoilers tbh
Komi is super popular for someone with severe socal anxiety. Both girls and boys are in love with her to the point that one of her classmates kidnaps her first friend and they find him in a closet. The girl has photos of her everywhere 💀 super creepy as hell tbh. She even eats a peice of her hair- 😭.
But in the first episode or the second, the main character says he'll help Komi complete her dream of having 100 friends despite her socal anxiety. And the main character realizes that Komi may come off as intimidating but she just has a very hard time communicating with people. She has these super cute hiccups 🥺 and she has almond shape eyes that are purple 😍 (she's hella pretty) in one of the episodes I watched, Najime (everyone in the animes childhood friend) sends her to get a drink from a cafe and she makes it there but because she's too nervous to talk, the barista(?) Gives her the wrong drink and she just takes it because she can't say it's the wrong order 😭. Then she starts tearing up when they take it out of the bag and it's the wrong one 💀 (the main character uses they/them pronouns for Najime so I'm doing the same lol)
Sorry if that's super long I really like it 😭 I wanna cosplay her so bad but I need money 😡
Hope your day is going good!
Hello 🌼 anon! I am so sorry this took forever, but I do hope you enjoy this!
Akane, Ryoma, Mondo, Chihiro, Ultimate Impostor and Nekomaru with an S/O Who’s Like Komi Shouko (Komi Can’t Communicate)
Akane Owari
She finds it cool how you’re so popular, despite your social anxiety
She is a little concerned about how everyone is in love with you, but as long as they don’t do anything weird, she isn’t too bothered about it
News flash: Someone did something weird!
She found you terrified because your friend was locked in a closet, and someone eats a piece of your damn hair-?
Yeah no, Akane is done
She knocks the mothereffers out and sends ‘em straight to jail
Damn Komi’s a player
Now she keeps a close eye on anyone who gets too close to you
She finds your 100 friends goal to be a little weird, but she’ll help you achieve it if you want
When it comes to your social anxiety, she doesn’t mind helping you, but she does want to help you step out of your comfort zone
She’ll push you a little on some occasion, but not too much
It’s only because she loves you, after all
When you came back from the coffee shop, teary-eyed because the barista gave you the wrong order and you couldn’t say it was wrong
She did comfort you, but she really wants you to work on it
But she still loves you all the same, don’t worry
Ryoma Hoshi
So you’re popular, cool
He’s honestly impressed you’re so popular despite your social anxiety
He also wants you to step out of your comfort zone, but he’s alright with helping you
He doesn’t always have a lot of patience though
It’s a little uncomfortable that so many girls and boys are in love with you, but he can tolerate it as long as they’re not creepy about it
Well, until they are
Then he’s sending them straight to jail
It pissed him off, honestly 
He also finds your goal to be weird, and he’ll try to help you, but he can’t promise to do a good job
Like I said before, he really wants you to step out of your comfort zone
Sometimes, he’ll straight up not help you to encourage you to talk to people
My dad’s done that to me before
Sometimes it does more harm than good
But he’s doing it out of love
The day of the “coffee shop incident,” he was a little irritated that you couldn’t tell the barista your order was wrong
But he understands it’s not easy for everyone
He still loves you all the same
Mondo Owada
You’re popular, which is cool I guess
He feels like being popular would get exhausting and annoying, but you do you
About your social anxiety, he doesn’t have any issues with it, but he also wants to push you out of your comfort zone a little bit
I feel like almost everyone would, honestly
Like Ryoma, he also doesn’t have the most patience
But anyway
He’s not a fan of so many people being in love with you, but he can tolerate it as long as they’re not weird
But then they are
He won’t hurt them if it’s a girl, but he’s still gonna get their ass arrested
He’s never gonna let that happen again
When they coffee shop incident happened, he found it a little silly, but understands it takes time
And he’ll help you however he can
Chihiro Fujisaki
He thinks you’re really cool and pretty
He wouldn’t want to be popular himself, but he loves that you are
If you enjoy it, of course
He gets a little insecure sometimes, what with having boys and girls in love with you
Makes him wonder if he’s enough for you
But you assure him that he is, and it makes him smile and hug you
But the day you had that incident with your friend and an obsessed weirdo, he was horrified
Was literally tearing up and clinging onto you
Now he has Mondo keep the creepos away from you
But anyway
He’s pretty shy himself, so he understands your struggles with talking to people
He doesn’t have social anxiety per se, but it can be difficult sometimes
He will help you the best he can though
On the day of the coffee shop incident, he just felt so bad for you
He’s had wrong orders before, but was often too shy to ask for a change
So he just held you and comforted you
He really does want to help you, because he understands how hard it can be
He just loves you so much~
Ultimate Impostor
He’s a little jealous of your popularity honestly
Due to his talent, he’s not the most popular person out there
But he’s not too bothered by it
Your social anxiety is a little frustrating though
He’ll do his best to help, but he wants to push you sometimes
For the most part, he doesn’t mind that so many people are in love with you
He does get a little self-conscious, but as long as you still love him, he can tolerate it
Except for the “friend-in-closet” incident, which pissed him the eff off
He had them arrested, and vowed to never let that happen again
Now like we said, he can get a little frustrated with your social anxiety sometimes
Like the coffee shop incident, but he didn’t get too angry about it
It can be hard, but he does want to help you
Even if he pushes you, it’s only because he loves you
Nekomaru Nidai
He thinks it’s cool that you’re popular
It did surprise him that you had social anxiety, but it doesn’t bother him
He doesn’t mind helping you, and he has much more patience than Mondo or the Impostor
He does push you sometimes, but he is gentler about it
He doesn’t mind that people are in love with you, as long as they don’t try anything
When they do, he is not happy
He’s not throwing hands, but he is throwing them in jail
Never gonna let that happen again
After the coffee shop incident, he couldn’t even be upset with you
It just made him want to help you even more
Because he loves you
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rustycopper4use · 1 year
It’s Always Been You pt12
(Kyoya x Male Reader)
Chapter twelve 
-Honey’s three bitter days!-
  A crash echos throughout the club, the worst days are upon them.
  “Now you’ve done it!” Tamaki gasped at the scene, Usa-chan drenched in tea.
  “It done alright.” Kaoru looks upon it.
  “But it wasn’t our fault.”
 “What! You idiots, you’re the ones who bumped into it, right?”
  “Only because Haruhi was running away.”
 The twins pulled Haruhi into a suffocating embrace.
  “We were trying to catch her cause we wanted to have some fun and dress her up in cosplay.”
  “So what?! We cosplay all the time!” Tamaki rebuttals.
 “We weren’t going with the usual host club costumes!” The twins gave a devilish smile.
  “We want to see Haruhi in a bunny cosplay, disguised as a girl.”
 “Disguised as a girl..?” Tamaki muttered.
  “You’d like to see it to, wouldn’t you?” The twins grinned
 Tamaki turns red.
“I definitely want to see that…” Tamaki freezes and began harshly yanking at his hair.
  “What am i thinking, there’s no time for stuff like that right now!” Tamaki points to the twins.
  “I know what you’re up to! You’re trying to distract me from the mess you made! Get away from Haruhi! You punks!”
 “No way~” the twins taunt pulling Haruhi impossibly closer.
  “Let me go!” Haruhi whined trying to pull away.
  “I know you’re-“
 “Excuse me, we don’t have any guests at the moment, so I don’t mind if you make a racket, but please be careful. 
 You don’t want to wake up honey-senpai.” Kyoya interrupted, still tapping away at his computer.
 “He’s a third year and he still takes afternoon naps?” Haruhi looked towards a peaceful Honey sleeping on the couch.
  “Without naps I would’ve ended up killing Tamaki, years ago.” 
 Y/n defended.
  “Why am I always the victim!” Tamaki whispered yell.
 “Because it’s you.” He shrugged. “That doesn’t make any sens-!”
 “Well we’re going to have to tell him about the bunny at some point. Let’s just wake him up and apologize.” Haruhi began walking towards Honey.
 Tamaki and the twins hurridly hid behind one of the couches.
  “No wait! Don’t get any closer to Honey-senpai!” Tamaki whispered.
  “Come back! It’s safer this way!” 
 Haruhi retreats and hides with the three.
  “What’re you talking about?”
 “Honey-senpai wakes up in a very bad mood after napping.”
 “Now this may be a rumour, but the Haninozuka family once visited a U.S. military base to give combat training. Supposedly, Honey-senpai slept through most of it because of his jet lag.”
  “Then a soldier came in and carelessly tried to wake him up. Since he had been sleeping for so long…”
  “On that day, he wiped out two entire platoons of soldiers, and not just any soldiers, green berets!”
  “And I’ve heard we’ve had diplomatic issues with American ever since that day!”
 The twins shivered.
  “How terrifying!”
 “And we’ve got a bigger problem. Usa-chan was handmade for Honey-senpai by his deceased grandmother. 
 You’ve seen how he carries it around, that little bunny is his most prized possession! 
 Imagine how he’s gonna react when he wakes and sees that his precious Usa-chan is ruined!”
 “He’s gonna do to us what his did to those green berets!” The three screams.
  “You’re exaggerating. It’s impossible for that story to be true. I mean, c’mon.” Haruhi deadpanned.
 “It is! And there’s other evidence that Honey-senpai has an evil side to him. Listen this, his blood type is AB, how do you like that?” 
  “Yeah so what?”
 “He’s saying he is the blood type as Kyoya.” Y/n lazily points to Kyoya.
 This got to Haruhi as she began freaking out along with the trio.
 “What’s the matter you guys have a problem with my blood type?” Kyoya counties tapping away on his laptop.
 Honey rolls over in his sleep with a sigh.
 “This is bad! We have to do something quick before he wakes up. Hikaru, Kaoru!” Tamaki snaps his fingers.
  “Sir!” The twins whispered with a salute.
 “Why is everything life or death with this club.” Y/n lays his head on the table. Glancing at Kyoya.
  “I mean can’t they just, y’know wash it.” 
  “They’re worried he might find out, and what he’ll do.”
  “Yes I know but it’s not like they teared him apart.” Y/n exhaled, watching the group go down in flames.
  The twins latched onto Y/n holding a pink bunny costume.
  “No.” He muttered.
 “Cmon~ Haruhi won’t do it! You’re our only hope.” 
  “I didn’t ruin Usa-chan, don’t drag me into this.” 
  “Please.” The twins plea.
Honey abruptly wakes up. A cold shiver ran through the room. 
 “He’s awake! We’ll have to use a substitute, we’ve got no choice!” Tamaki quickly places down a brown teddy bear.
 Honey rubbed his eyes, and looks to see the teddy, a deafening silence falls upon everyone. 
The twins nervously await in anticipation.
 Honey grabs the bear, and slams in to the ground.
 “Not my teddy bear!” Tamaki cried.
  “He’s gonna come after us next!” 
 Honey slowly walks towards the table Usa-chan resided. And saw the state of him.
  “He just spotted the bunny!” 
 He looks up to the host club with a stone cold glare.
  “Who’s responsible for this. Who got Usa-chan dirty?” 
 “Want some?” Y/n hands over a container of popcorn to kyoya.
  “Where did you even get that?”
 “Answer the question do you want any.”
  Kyoya reached in to grab some.
 “Some please help us! Mori-senpai please protect us!”
 “He wanted tea. So Usa-chan decided to have a drink.” Mori calmly explained.
  “I see! So that’s why his face is dirty, isn’t it! Do you think he wants some cake too?” Honey now sunshine and giggles, holds up Usa-chan
 Not long club hours finally start and guests start piling in.
  And like second nature Y/n and Kyoya are off watching the rest of the club. However something is different this time.
 Haruhi was bringing a tray of tea to Honey’s table.
  “Uh honey-senpai, you can’t keep eating nothing but sweets all of the time. Y’know you’re gonna end up getting a cavity.” She placed down the tray.
  “Oh don’t worry about it, I always brush my teeth!” Honey takes a bite and freezes.
 “Honey-senpai… is… it…?” Haruhi worriedly looks to Honey.
  “Nah it’s nothing.. don’t worry about it..” honey holds his cheek.
 The twins hold Honey down on his chair.
  “Just let me take a look in your mouth!” Haruhi struggled, as Honey throughs a fit.
  “Hold still..”
 Honey is still squirming, delaying what’s doom to come.
 “Honey-senpai, please quit squirming!”
 “There’s nothing wrong with me! Quit messing with me!” Honey starts to tear up.
 “Leave me alone!”
 Mori quietly walks up to Honey, he pushes Honey down onto the sofa, using his hand to look at Honeys mouth.
 The guests swoon at the display.
“Why are our guests obsessed with incest.” Y/n groaned.
 “So it’s a cavity?” Tamaki pops up.
 “It’s alright, I’ll be okay.” Honey whimpered.
 “Yes, you’re right, I’ll take care of this.” Tamaki clears his throat.
  “Until Honey-senpai gets over his cavity, I’m afraid he can’t have sweets.”
  “Therefore, we’ll be supportive and ask that you kindly refrain from eating snacks in the club till this whole ordeal is over.”
 The next day arrives, and Honey is now walking around with a ribbon tied around his head, the bow imitating bunny ears.
 Everyday, was Honeys personal hell. It felt like Mori was personally punishing him.
 “You had better What yourselves out there. Don’t give any sweets to Honey-senpai no matter what tricks he resorts to 
 and incidentally those instructions came from Mori-senpai, this wasn’t my doing.” Kyoya smiled, with an upbeat attitude.
 “You seem to be enjoying yourself.” Y/n grinned.
  “Is it possible it’s related to the lack of money going towards Honey’s addiction.” Y/n spoke with a knowing smile.
  “It’s a possibility.” Kyoya smiled.
 “It’s weird seeing you like this” Y/n joked.
 “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
 “Never mind. But how long do you think Honey’s gonna start using his special skills.”
 “I believe he’s already started.”
 Kyoya points to Honey, who’s now right behind Y/n.
  “Jesus! A warning.” Y/n gasped.
 “Sorry for scaring you… but I was just wondering if.. you had sweets to spare?” He gave a puppy dog look.
  “…I mean I have no candy on me…” Y/n, slid his bag farther from Honey.
  Honey pulls the bag, and digs through it.
  “He’s lost it.” Y/n nervously spoke.
 Honey began pulling out, anything he finds.
 “Aren’t you going to stop him?” Kyoya looked at a frustrated Honey.
 “I mean I don’t have anything to hide.” He spoke fanning innocent.
  Honey began piling an absurd amount of energy drinks. Honey flips the bag upside down, and finds nothing. He pouted and stormed off.
 “Great now everything is on the floor.” He tiredly rubbed his face.
 He sighed a grabbed the pile of clutter into the table.
 “Now is a better time to clean my bag I guess..”
 “You should’ve stopped him.”
“Yeah yeah I know.” 
  He starts organizing the pile. As kyoya ‘helped’.
  “I have to ask, how did you fit all of this into your bag?” Kyoya picked out the third deck of cards.
  “Magic~” he shakes his hands.
 A black and red book got Kyoya’s eye. He pulled it from the pile and looked at it. 
 The cover had a black design of a diamond, against a red backdrop.
  Inside was fairly new paper, the writings consisted of typical casino card game rules, how to mix certain drinks. 
 And with stray messy notes of reminders, off topic rants, along with contact information underlined.
 “Hm? What did you find-“
He looks at the small book.
 “Are you reading my notebook?” 
 “Give it.” He grabs the book, and places back into his bag.
 “You don’t see me go through your book.” He muttered.
 He placed the last bit of objects back in the bag.
 “Shouldn’t you empty the kitchen, before Honey gets to it.”
  The third day rolls around and Honey isn’t doing any better, he’s been pacing around in the kitchen. 
 The club was getting worried, sure they expected him to be upset. But they weren’t thinking how much Honey would change.
 “He’s gonna crack.” Tamaki stared at the ticking time bomb.
 “Would someone please talk to him, he’s scaring me…” kaoru mumbled.
  “He’s heading for the Candy!”
 Honey ripped open a cabinet, nearly knocking it off its hinges.
 “No need to worry, we emptied out of all the sweets.” Kyoya happily mentioned.
 “And now I have an entire room filled with candy.” Y/n sighed.
 Honey grabs the bear that replaced the candy, and slammed it in cold blood.
 “He’s keeps doing that to my teddy bear!” Tamaki cried.
  Honey stumbled out of the kitchen, and before he got far he tumbled. Almost like a rag doll.
 “Well there he goes.”
 “-Three days and he gives up.”
 “Withdrawal is real monster to deal with.” Y/n walks towards the limp Honey.
  “Are you okay?” He lends out a hand.  
 Honey looked at his hand, way too long.
 He then latched on to Y/n and bites into him, bound to leave a nasty scar.
 “Shit! Let go!” He began frantically trying pull him off.
 “Someone get him off!” 
 “Mitsukuni, don’t take this out on other people.” Mori stares at Honey.
  He lets go, but now he’s glaring at Mori.
 Y/n hastily backs away.
He looks back at the bite, and sees blood soaking through the uniform.
 “How… did he bite through two layers of fabric.” Y/n starts hyperventilating, digging through his bag.
  “Where is it…”
 He gives up, and decided to take his bag with him to the private bathrooms.
 He finally finds a bathroom, and slams the door behind him.
  He puts the bag on the counters by the sinks. He takes off his blazer. 
 Only find nearly his entire white button up sleeve is drenched in blood, He cringed at the state of it.
  He quickly went back to digging through his bottomless pit of a bag. For the life of him he couldn’t find his bandages, the frustration almost bring him to the brink of tears.
 -Knock Knock
 “Busy!” He quickly yelled.
 “It’s me, Y/n.” 
 He stared at the door, before opening the door.
 Kyoya stood there holding out a beaten up first aid kit.
 “You forgot to put this back in your bag.” He placed the kit next to Y/n.
 “Of course I did.” He muttered. Already begging for this day to end.
“Look you don’t have to stay, I can handle it.” 
  “I highly doubt it.”
 “I- fine don’t have to be smug bastard about it.” He huffed, pulling himself up on the marble counter
  Kyoya opened the kit, he pulled out bandages and a small bottle of disinfectant.
  “You need to take off your shirt.” He sets down the supplies  next to him.
 “Getting bold now are we, Kyoya.” 
  Kyoya just stared at him.
 He buttons his shirts a slips it  off his shoulders putting the stained shirt to the side.
 “There, happy now?”
 Kyoya lets out a hum before grabbing a towel and turning on the sink.
 “Give me your arm.”
 He listens and holds it out.
He began cleaning the wound.
  “So what’s the diagnosis, doc? How long do I have to live?” Y/n joked. 
 flustered with the fact he could feel Kyoya’s breath on him. He heart now beating faster for a different reason.
 Kyoya lets out a short exhale. “You’re currently bleeding out from a bite wound, I have to say doesn’t look good.” He grinned.
  “I’ll have to disinfect the wound. it’s going to hurt.” He placed a swab to area, causing the male to hiss and flinch away.
 “Sorry.” Kyoya quickly responds.
 “You and I both know you’re not, don’t pull that crap with me.” He  grips the counter.
 Kyoya finally finished up, wrapping the bandage snuggly around the arm.
 “Wait I just remembered… don’t have a spare uniform..” he looked towards the bloodied uniform.
 He became an acutely aware he was still shirtless. 
 “That’s why I brought an extra.” Kyoya holds up a bag. 
 “How do you get all of these spare uniforms?”
 “Do you wants answers or do you want a shirt.”
 He swipes the bag and puts on the new button up.
 “Try to not get any blood on it this time.” 
  “I can’t promise that.”
 He puts the blazer on completing the uniform.
 “You think the club has given in to Honey yet?” 
 The next day arrives, disputes were settled. Honey was back to sweets, much to Kyoyas dismay.
 He was at a table with a calculator, and a mountain of bills. 
 “It really is an addiction huh?” Y/n spoke looking at one of the bills.
  “An expensive one..” kyoya irritated mumbled. 
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beesinspades · 1 year
oh my god I haven't been tagged in one of these in what feels like AGES. thank you @the-13th-battalion!
What book are you currently reading? I started the sun and the star but I've been way too distracted with fics, writing, and drawing :(
What's your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? in theaters? I haven't seen many, but I'd say suzume!
What do you usually wear? ever since I tried cargo pants for my milo thatch cosplay earlier this year, I've been wearing almost only that, with a teeshirt or a tank top. I also got my first pair of combat boots and I'm obsessed with them even though I still haven't managed breaking them in. but also I love jeans and a good shirt paired with a waistcoat! and when it's not hot I almost always wear an old man's cap
How tall are you? 5'7 (173cm)
What's your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? scorpio. I share my birthday (not the year though) with the fall of the berlin wall. but also with lillium from countdown to countdown which is a webcomic that you all should read :3
Do you go by your name or a nickname? yes
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? i didn't know who i wanted to be as a child and i still don't. but i do believe teen me would think I look cool at least!
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? eternally single, and I haven't had a crush in years #greyarostruggles
What's something you're good at vs. something you're bad at? I'm good enough at writing (it's the only thing I've got going for me alongside cooking hahaha), and I'm very bad at keeping in touch with friends, especially if we don't share an obsession over the same special interest to start conversation about. which sucks because interests aligning like this doesn't happen often :') i hate how my brain works
Dogs or cats? love dogs but i'll always be a cat person :3
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? this year and one favorite line? mmh maybe this one: “I'm a priest, remember? I’ll show you all the other ways I can worship you.” also I'm really proud of my ace vash pride art!
What's something you'd like to create content for? baldur's gate 3! I'd like to write a fic with my tav and astarion, but ah, I'm not sure I'll manage with all the trigun stuff I already have in the works.
What's something you're currently obsessed with? [glances at current state of my blog, then at my reflection in the mirror: tristamp vash hair, vash glasses, vash teeshirt, vash's gay earring, vash tattoo] do i really have to answer this one
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? nah it's fine so far in terms of things I was excited about
What's a hidden talent of yours? i can blink and whoop i've impulsively spent money I shouldn't have spent again!
Are you religious? nope
What's something you wish to have at this moment? a hug and a miracle cure for my stupidly resilient acid reflux issues
I tag @curiosity-killed, @piyo-13, @wrathyforest, @graphitedemon, but no obligations of course~
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