#my parents are run ragged and I don't know if anyone around them cares or if they themselves even know how to stop
isfjmel-phleg · 11 months
This is a personal post.
so many people I know are burned out I am burned out and I want to fix that but can't
why must everything be so stressful. for everyone.
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ohforficsakelibrary · 10 months
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x Gender Neutral Reader. No physical descriptions of reader beyond having hair. Reader has a cat. Established but new-ish, implied long-distance-ish relationship.
Summary: Life has been running you ragged lately, but someone is waiting for you when you get home. For a moment, you don't have to be strong.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of difficult family life, attending therapy, absent parents, wounded inner child, loneliness as a general theme. If I've missed anything, please do tell me.
Word Count: ~1.6K
Rating: General? Two curse words and some kissin'. The remainder of my work is 18+ / minors DNI.
A/N: I do not know about y'all but I have been going through it lately. And Frankie Morales is my comfort character. This is not along the lines of my usual writing, and for that reason, I haven't tagged anyone. But I'm sharing it on the off chance that you, like me, just need a hug. I know this time of year isn't the easiest for a lot of us, and I hope maybe this gives you a little comfort. Comfort!Frankie, if you will. Please heed the warnings and read with care.
You are worthy of love.
You don’t have time to cry.
Not right now, on this highway, snowflakes flying towards you like crystalline stars at a speed twenty miles per hour slower than the speed you’d be moving at if they weren’t.
You can’t see the lines on the road even without tears in your eyes.
One thing at a time.
Like everything lately.
Just follow the tracks of the car in front of you until it gets you home.
Home to your house that’s empty save for a grumpy tabby cat.
Most days you swear your existence hinges on his.
He’s been your thing to look forward to for the last fifteen years.
Well, and Frankie is visiting this week. 
Provided that this storm doesn’t shut the airport down.
It’s not that you hadn’t been doing well without him. 
It’s that you hadn’t been doing well.
Too long without a mental break. Exhaustion that seeps with the cold into your bones.
Too many things on a to-do list that you can’t bring yourself to do on the weekends because it’s too long and your own time is so short.
Maybe it’s some malefic arrangement of stars and planets, perhaps.
You haven’t even started buying holiday gifts. 
And it sends you face-first into the dread of making a trip back home.
The place that was supposed to be your home.
And dread is the correct word, even if your therapist says you're making real progress. 
See, the thing is, your therapist doesn’t have to sit in the contents of the box of shit you dug out from the corner of your brain and emptied all over the floor of your mind.
She only helps you sort through it every other Tuesday.
It was in the box for a reason.
It was easier to carry that way.
When finally you pull into your driveway and step out into fresh snow, it’s the smell that hits you first.
Someone has started up the wood stove so that you don’t go cold, but you hadn’t been expecting company. You figure it’s your best friend who has a key and a standing invitation, and you’re not necessarily opposed to them being here. 
Sharing a bottle of wine would probably do you some good.
You stomp snow from your shoes and step inside to offer your layers to the hooks on the wall of the mudroom before you catch sight of the boots in the tray as you toe yours off.
“One sec, babe!”
You wrench open the door that leads through to the kitchen and catch sight of him in front of the sink where he’s draining steaming water from a pot of pasta.
He looks up at you across the kitchen and winks.
“Frankie,” you breathe and he quickly pops the pot back onto a dead burner, slinging oven mitts off a fraction of a second before you collide with his chest.
“Baby,” he whispers, locking you in with an arm around the small of your back and the other at the nape of your neck. 
He smells of woodsmoke and cedar and Frankie.
Smells like home.
“You weren’t supposed to be here for another two days,” you pull back and look up into brown eyes framed by mirth-filled creases.
“I was keeping an eye on the weather,” he urges you against him again to nuzzle into your hair, “didn’t want to wait. There’s another front coming behind this one. Took an Uber from the airport. Got in about an hour ago.”
Pilots and their forecasts.
“I’m glad you didn’t wait.”
“So am I,” he tilts your chin up and presses his lips to yours. Soft and sweet. Perfect.
“I made pasta, thought you’d be hungry when you got in.” He grins against your mouth before turning back to the stove to stir tomato sauce. “There wasn’t much in the fridge, but there’s plenty for tonight.” Frankie turns off the burner.
And it’s so new, having a man in your kitchen. 
Making you dinner.
“Yeah, I’m sorry, I haven’t had the chance to go to the store,” you rake a hand through your hair as he winds a corkscrew into a bottle of wine.
So new, having arms to fall into.
“Don't apologize, babe. We’ll go tomorrow,” he sneaks another kiss as he fills your glass, one hand absently rubbing your back as he does. “Oh, I also fed the cat,” he points to stacked tins of cat food near the fridge, “from that, hope that was okay,” he fills his own glass. “He was hungry and he was insisting on spaghetti but I figured that’s not…”
“Thank you.”
It’s not more than a trembling whisper.
Because you’re fighting back tears.
This man warmed your house and poured you wine and fed your cat and made you a meal.
Because he cares.
Someone cares.
For you.
“Oh, hey no no no, cariño, what’s wrong?” He replaces his glass on the counter and cups your face in one massive palm.
Soothing with a gentle thumb over your cheekbone.
“This is so nice,” you breathe and the tears finally blur his face. “I just—no one has ever done this for me before.” 
It leaves your mouth slowly, like you're not even sure if you can say it.
If you're allowed.
Your view is quickly replaced by the grey and red of his sweater.
“There’s nothing I’d rather do, baby.”
And it makes your chest heave with the sobs you can’t hold in any longer as you wrap your arms around his waist, sinking into the way he presses you tighter against his heart.
The wool of his jumper eager to collect all of the tears you haven’t had time to cry. 
Because time stands still here, wrapped tight in his embrace.
And Francisco isn’t afraid of your mess.
“It’s okay, baby. You’re okay.”
He doesn’t ask.
Instead, he tiptoes around the debris of that box to where you weep in the center of the chaos.
To where the child sits with hot tears streaming down their face.
And he looks straight into the heart of you with eyes as soft as the toy you clutch to your chest for comfort.
And offers himself instead.
He offers the breadth of his chest and the strong panes of his back. The vice grip of his arms and the gentle soothing of a palm.
He offers his whole self.
In the stead of the affection you were never given and so learned too well to do without.
In the stead of the wire-framed mother.
In the stead of the shell that should have been a father.
In the stead of all of the unkind words you clung to in the belief that they must be true.
For why else would they not love a child in the way that a child needs love?
For why else were you left lonely for so long?
And the back of your throat goes sore with the burn of his kindness.
Kindness that you still don’t believe you deserve.
“Put it down, baby. Let it go.”
Where Life asked you to soothe yourself.
“I’m here.”
Life offers him to you now. 
For Life, it seems, has taken pity on you.
Or perhaps It grew weary of how your grief made It ache.
“I’m here now.”
And so It proffered this apology.
One that you accept in the form of skin and muscle. Bones and blood.
A soft-hearted one with big kind eyes.
And Frankie holds you until the sobbing eases.
And thumbs the tears from your lashes.
Plush lips soften into a crooked smile.
"Are you hungry, cariño?" Whispered softly.
"Yeah," you murmur because you suppose you are.
"Can we sit by the wood stove?" He turns you towards the living room and lays a kiss at the crown of your head.
"Yeah, yeah of course."
"Good, because it's fucking freezing." And that finally pulls a laugh from your throat. "Go on," he smacks you lightly on the bum, "I'll bring you a plate."
You grab both glasses of wine and toss a few throw pillows on the floor before Frankie settles next to you with two shallow bowls heaped with pasta.
When you've finished dinner, plates stacked on the coffee table, cat napping on a throw pillow near the pair of you, Frankie sits back against the sofa and pulls you to sit at his side.
"I'm sorry that I..."
"No," Frankie cuts you off and wraps an arm around your shoulders. "Don't ever apologize to me for feeling, baby."
And you stare down into the dregs of your wine.
"Promise," he prompts with a nudge of his arm.
You look up at him through tired, but grateful eyes. "I promise, Frankie."
"Good," and he kisses you slowly, all warm lips and soft moans.
He regales you with stories from his latest trip until you settle in against him, head tucked under his chin. Lulled by the rise and fall of his breath.
You let him hold you here, with one arm wrapped around your shoulders.
Safe by the gentle heat of a dying fire.
You'll be yourself again tomorrow.
But tonight you allow yourself this.
Frankie kisses into your hairline as you drift between this word and sleep. Your weight against him is soothing as he finishes the last of the wine, eyes trained on the windows beyond, tracking the path of snowflakes on their way to meet the earth again.
"Te comprendo, cariño," he murmurs, resting his cheek against your crown.
"Y creo que te amo."
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dipolardruid · 1 year
OKAY back with another request! How about Flirty reader with the yanderes? But reader dosnt flirt with the yanderes only to other people like friends/people they just met but never the yanderes. And most importantly if they ask why they say.. “Because I have too much respect for you. Also cuz I see you as my sibling!” The yanderes were family zoned which might be a lot worse than friend zoned lmao
-🌊 anon
TW: Mention of manipulation
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"Too much respect....? Sibling?" She'll be gripping her head in astonishment, she understands the sibling part it happens but too much respect? That's the dumbest crap she's ever heard.
If you want to see her genuinely get mad tell her that, she hasn't made it a secret that she has feelings for you and that she wants to be with you so everytime you'd flirt with someone else infront of her it'd chip at her more and more, so she'll tell you straight up she has feelings for you and be persistent to the point that it could ruin your chances of any romantic interest with anyone else.
As mentioned before saying you see her as a sibling won't set her off since she will still see it as a chance to be able to win you over like in those romcoms.
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"What...?" She stares at you disbelief as you tell her this "I....I don't need a sibling! If I wanted one I could've just asked my parents and too much respect!? If you do give me a chance show me the same amount of respect in our relationship!" Her voice now raised.
"I hate when you let others touch you or give you honeyed words in your ears even more so when you return those advances! I hate it so much that everytime I witness it I can't help but feel like I want to scream!" She finishes her sentence with a puff crouching on the floor with her knees against her chest.
She looks up at you with her brows furrowed before speaking "I'm sure you and I both know what'll happen if my patience truly runs out so how about you quit what you're doing and continue on as usual except your flirting with anyone who isn't me or the others...ok?"
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He stares at you with furrowed brows and jaw clenched his hands in a fist so tight you can see them shaking from the force "I already have brothers and sisters I don't need another one..." He says through gritted teeth his breathing becoming ragged as he finishes his sentence.
He takes slow steps towards you "Not only that you give me the stupid excuse of having too much respect for me...I have people who throw themselves at me saying how much they respect me, admire me some even want to be me..." He stops halfway towards you upon seeing your face which causes him to begin slouching.
"Yet the person I want more than anything to look at me with those eyes and give me those flirtatious remarks can't help but see me as nothing more than a sibling...it's not fair."
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You see as her cheeks, eyes and the tip of her nose turn red at your statement "I...I understand." You watch as she turns away from you and quickly makes her way out of the room not leaving you to process what's happening before she has the door closed.
Throughout the days you notice how she seems to be more quiet and a little distant when it comes to her usual routine but she will converse with you if you talk to her but besides that she won't initiate any type of discussion even with the others. The only one who seems to know what's wrong is Jake but he stays quiet at the request of Petra and is keeping out of it.
It wouldn't be until you would return the advances of another classmate that she'd finally give in, she would wait until she was sure you both were alone before doing anything.
"I don't understand....you barely met them yet you are so ready to throw yourself at them while I'm left in the dust, haven't I shown you how much I care!? I just don't understand what am I doing wrong...."
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He doesn't even need to ask he already knows how you view him but will act as if he didn't and use that to his advantage he'll slowly use the people around you to keep your attention on him he'll just put you in situations where you need a hero to save the day, someone to give you a comforting hug or even a protective figure when going out because you never know who could be waiting.
That respect you have for him he will have it be raised so high that when you look at him your eyes will shine as the first thoughts in your mind are how someone like him could even bother with you and once he has you in that mindset he'll begin to trick you into believing that the respect you hold for him is so much more than that.
I mean why else would someones eyes light up upon seeing someone, how your thoughts will slowly start to be filled with him at all times even for basic tasks and he will ensure that by the end of the month everyone else won't even be able to register in your mind besides him and the others.
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Request are open!
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veeluvss · 1 year
My Girl, Lily Prentiss (2)
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"Lily Addams," Emily said, clicking the remote. The entire team sat around the round table, concern clear in their faces and expressions. Prentiss could hardly get her words out. Lily was gone. Gone. "Seventeen," Emily said again, clicking on another picture of her. She couldn't tear her eyes away from her, seeing her all grown up. Her smile hadn't changed one bit. The apples of her cheeks kept the pink colour and her eyes still gleamed with happy tears in the situation. Her hair, a mousey brown now, was beautifully waved over her shoulders. Emily could see she kept active, knowing she loved the outdoors. Being deprived of it for so long meant Lily would do anything to be outside all the time. "Prentiss," Morgan said, voice breaking the silence. Emily nodded, tearing her eyes away from the picture. "Yes, of course." She mumbled, shaking her head. "Lily Addams, seventeen. Her parents came to me this morning to report her missing. She's been gone two days, no word, no sign, nothing. We need to hit the ground running and find out what happened." Emily knew she was making no sense and the team were only growing more and more worried. "Emily, what's going on?" JJ asked, sitting up in her chair. There was more silence as Emily tried to find the words.
"She was in protective custody," Emily whispered, taking a seat. She couldn't trust her legs to hold her weight. "Her parents, they, they were con artists. I went undercover to catch them. Lily - she was their daughter. They exploited her, kept her locked up, and hidden and used her whenever they could. They'd lure these women in and use them, rape them, do all sorts and Lily - she would love them with her whole innocent self because she had no idea what they were doing to them. They'd look after her, watch her, care for her. I did too. "I've always had her on my mind, she was like mine. My little girl in the darkest times. She was far too innocent for everything that happened to her," Emily explained. "I've stayed close by to her, following her family around the world. They knew. Every year, I'd send Lily a birthday and Christmas present. But now, she's gone." "And we need to find her," Rossi said. Emily nodded, still not daring to look at anyone. "We need to find her," Emily repeated. "I - I can't live knowing she's hurt and I couldn't help her."
The team jumped into action. Garcia did her tech stuff, trying to find what she could on her last known whereabouts. Emily and JJ spoke to her parents, trying to get to know them as much as they could. Rossi and Morgan and Reid went to the house, trying to find evidence there. Tara headed to her high school to talk to her little sister and Lily's teachers.
"What... what was she like?" Emily asked the parents, Gale and Tori. "Naughty," Gale sighed. JJ frowned. "What do you mean by that?" "She never listened," Tori said. "She was always pushing the boundaries, arguing." Emily could feel the anger in the pit of her stomach. "How was she at school?" "She never went to school. Didn't even know the meaning of the word," Gale scoffed. "Did you help her?" Emily asked. "We did everything we could," Gale said, nodding. "Honestly, Prentiss. If it wasn't for the technicalities of her childhood, we wouldn't have come. We think it's just drugs. Bad crowd," Gale shrugged. Emily walked out then, unable to control her anger. How dare they?
Morgan's eyes were furrowed as he moved around the girl's bedroom. "I don't know about you but if this was my bedroom, I don't think I'd want to stay either." "There's absolutely no personality here," Reid agreed, pulling back the covers of her bed. Then, he saw it. There was a ragged, grey, small baby's blanket tucked under her pillow. Reid pulled it up, inspecting it. It looked old. "Apart from this." He said. Morgan turned around and took it from his hands before quickly pocketing it. "You can't take that from a crime scene-" Reid said quickly, looking between Morgan and Rossi. "It's for Emily," he said simply, pulling back the girls' pillows but then he saw the picture. Under Lily's pillow was an old, faded picture. Morgan recognised Emily immediately, smiling, holding the girl close to her. The blonde hair leaned over and she was kissing Emily's cheek. Morgan had never, ever seen Emily so happy. Rossi looked over his shoulder, sighing. "She hasn't smiled like that with us, ever," Spencer said, looking at it too. "We have to find whoever the fuck took this kid. It'll destroy Prentisss if anything happens to her." Morgan said. He put the picture back and headed out of the room, dialling Garcia's number.
"Hey my chocolate milkshake," she smirked down the phone. "Please tell me you have some sort of lead," Morgan said, all he could feel was hurt for his best friend. Emily may have been his boss but since her first day, she and morgan had been the best brother-sister duo the team had ever seen. Their humour and personalities went together like the north and south end of magnets and Derek knew that without Lily in her life, Prentiss had been missing a big part of herself. He knew she had her secrets, everyone did. But one this close to her, one this personal, meant Emily had never cared about anything more. "I've managed to track some of her online whereabouts and Morgan, it's not pretty." She told him honestly. "Tell me." "She was very, erm, sexual online," Garcia said. "Porn sites, selling her pictures, exchanging messages. She didn't even try to keep it a secret Derek." "Could that be tied to it? Maybe a fan got freaky?" "I'm not sure. She managed to keep her identity pretty covered up. She was good at that, fake identities, and lives. She has whole documents with alternative lives for different people she spoke to. Hannah. Tina. Josie. All with different types of pictures too, different underwear, different roleplays. Derek, as painful as it is for me to say this, she was good at what she did." "Have you spoken to Prentiss?" "Not yet. I don't know how to tell her," Garcia sighed. "She's hurting." "She's just worried baby girl, don't... don't fret. We'll find Lily and get her help."
"What was your sister like?" Tara asked Skyla, Gale and Tori's biological child. "Private," Skyla whispered. "She never spoke to any of us unless it was arguing. She was always in her room, or out. She'd come home early morning and leave again only hours later. I hardly ever saw her." "So you weren't close?" "Not at all. I can hardly even call her my sister," Skyla shrugged. However, she kept her eyes down, avoiding looking up or around the room. "What's life like at home?" Tara asked, probing more. "Normal," she shrugged. "What's normal to you?" "Just," Skyla sighed. "You know, normal." "Your mum told us that Lily misbehaved, and argued," Tara said. Skyla nodded, agreeing. "Did she argue with you?" "No. Only mum." "What did they argue about?" "How quiet she was. Mum used to say she wasn't even part of the family. She.. she said that if they weren't tied by a contract, she'd be gone." Tara nodded. "Lily used to tell Mum that no one loved her, that she was alone." Skyla sighed, feeling bad for speaking badly about her mum. "Mum loved me, Dad did too. I think it hurt Lily, to see the difference. I tried to be mean too, to them to see what they would do but they didn't do what they did to Lily. I don't know why they hated her."
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ table of contents
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yukii0nna · 1 year
Children of ashes
For @shiningharmony
In Tokyo,20xx
A young man with green hair and a black suit was wandering the alleys of Sparta City. He looked deep into an alley and saw two children. Curious he called out to them
"You both can come out now. I wouldn't hurt you. I even have food." He holds out a box of donuts.
Two children come out,one boy with dark skin and red hair and one girl with black hair and purple strikes. They both look about 7. They were also ragged and hungry,as both of them didn't have anything to eat in a while. The boy especially looked eager for the sweets.The girl, on the other hand,looked suspicious at the offer.
"Why are you giving us food?" The girl asked with doubt.
The man said calmly "Because you look hungry of course. Besides I ordered too many donuts."
They both take the box and run. The man shouts"Where are you going?"
The children stop in shock. The boy starts to ask"You actually care?"
The man answers with a smile"Of course". The boy walks to him"Thank you Sir" . The man smiles"
"So what happened to you 2 kids to be out here? Where are your parents"He asked them neutrally.
Tears streamed down the girl's face and the boy was holding back his. The man continued to pry"Come on, you can tell me".
"They're dead !!killed by bad people.. " the boy said with tears in his eyes.
The man looked sympathetic" Who are the bad people,?"
The boy looked unsure if he should talk . The girl, realizing the unease in her friend,looked around to see if anyone was listening. When she was sure ,she spoke" Fiona Veron sir ,she killed my parents and is planning on finding me and stealing my body."
The man nods "and the boy?" He asked with intrigue. The boy kept quiet and looked scared. Come on, little one.
"You can tell me, I'll keep you safe"the man said softly.
"It was the Trix"the boy whispered. "What was that little one" the man asked. After all, I wouldn't be able to here you if you don't speak up."he said staring into the boy's eyes."It. Was.The.TRIX!! They did it,and killed my whole apartment too!!! All for some dumb flute!!!! " The boy shouted ,tears now rolling down his cheeks.
The man decided to comfort the children"there , there, it's okay". The man then said "Do you know why it happened?"
The children kept quiet,not knowing what to say.
"It's because those people are monsters,in human skin,they are all you know? They act as if they are kind but in reality,they are all evil. The fact they can live on earth is a crime in it off it's self"
The children nodded" I could give you a place, you both can thrive but you will have to serve me loyalty" said the man.
The boy then said" We can do it!!! Please!!! Just give us a home".
"Good,know what your names are?" The man asked in a calm demeanor. "Nistro!" Said the boy. " Dextra! Sir!! Said the girl. The man smiled
"Nice to meet you, I'm Mr Heartland,you will call me sir " the kids nodded ,happy to have a home. Mr Heartland then said"Follow me I'll get you out of this awful place". The children smiled and did what they were told.
"Now don't worry little ones. You'll be safe. As long as you obey every word I say,of course".
@insomniac-jay @gritsandbrits @marrondrawsalot
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unofficial-sean · 11 months
Every time my dad visits, I struggle to understand him. I struggle to assess our common understandings. I struggle to interact with him in a meaningful way.
I used to be a car person. I used to dream up the cars I'd own and what mods I would have on them. I'd try them out in Forza, and this is what drove me to get my GED and become a mechanic. I was obsessed. This worked well with my dad because I'd reckon most white guys are car people, too, to some degree. I was enriched with tools for gifts and our time spent talking was almost always about cars and motorcycles.
But that was before. Now, I'm focused on a deeply personal mission to make my community's HVAC system as efficient as possible; arrived at by personally seeking knowledge over years and years, and also running breathlessly into the world of cars and being knocked on my ass by the intolerance of the people in that world.
I got swept up in the mystical world of radios, which paired well with my dad, as well, who got his technician license shortly after I did, because wireless communication appealed to his sense of independence.
Instead of running face-first into hyper-masculinity, I ran into a door too small to squeeze into. Being a radio technician was not to be.
So, I moved onto biology. Also something my dad is interested in. He likes trees and has plenty of urban wildlife stories. But he is over 50, and a few months ago, I taught him that trees actually consume oxygen at night as part of cellular respiration; it was news to him. Biology wasn't to be, either; I was overwhelmed by the workload placed on my by college and I burnt out.
So here I am, now. I've tried on many costumes. I've learned a little in a lot of places. I've sought out a role for myself to fill. I lost interest in cars and motorcycles. I'm always fascinated by life, but I can't focus on it anymore. Radios are always cool, but there's no one to talk to; or any reason to. I'm terrified of diving.
So I have HVAC, now. It's the current costume I'm wearing. I have a moral mission informed by my experiences roasting in the summer and by my ever-increasing knowledge of the climate crisis. It's all I can do. In my free time, I care for my frogs, I play single-player video games, I prepare for D&D with my club. I dream a lot, too. I don't have any partners, in part because I don't know where to meet my people, and in part because I've lost interest in others, but if I did. . . I just know my family would be weird about it at best.
I don't know how to fit either of my parents into my life, if I'm honest. There's no place for them. There's nothing they can do to enrich it. When I'm around them, I feel tense. I don't want to say the wrong thing. I don't want to hear how far apart we are.
My dad took my brother and I to a car museum. I loathe cars, now. I drive one, sure. But I don't care for them. I learned that there's a completely different way of living, and I desire it dearly; why would there be any ounce of love left for them? But I go anyways, because on some level, I have to. The museum stinks of oily rags. It is a familiar smell, but one that now gives me a headache. I do a circuit, then head outside to breathe in the somewhat-fresh air. I say somewhat because the museum is next to I-5, and the tire noise erases anything sweeter that may have once been in its place.
I walk around the side to look at the building's massive outdoor units; two big, 6-comrpessor, 460v AC + boiler units. I am amazed that the compressors have a locked-rotor amp rating of 125. Can you imagine? I spied a mini-split system, too. A Mitsubishi. It uses R-410A and has a base refrigerant weight of 6oz. For every additional 25 feet of line, though, you must add 0.6 oz of refrigerant to it. There is a spot on the label for the installer to record the total weight of refrigerant in the system after install. It is left blank. Poor practice. Anyone servicing it, now, must estimate it by measuring the lines, if they can access them.
I'm supposed to be spending time with my dad, but instead I'm outside, alone. I don't wanna look at old cars who spewed lead into the atmosphere and probably killed their drivers just as often as they killed bystanders. I don't want to see the machines that my world was built around.
The museum has a section on fossil fuels and climate change. I half-expected to see some denial or distortion of history. No doubt there was some, but it's the solution to these issues that annoyed me the most. In essence, the plaques and exhibits said "let's make use of biofuels, hybrids, and electric cars to minimize emissions; and lets use renewable energy sources to reduce the carbon footprint of automobile manufacturing." fucking what. You wanna keep making cars? Unbelievable.
There was not a single mention of reducing car-dependency or electrified rail. My headache got worse. What did I expect? Car people are going to find a way to keep cars in their place.
What does this have to do with my dad? In a way, he's a barometer for sentiments on certain things. He still thinks I'm interested in internal combustion engines. I hate them. I hate their noises and their fumes. I know precisely how they work, and I could fix a broken one, but I despise what they represent and I just wish they would go away. I wish they weren't the topic of conversation anymore.
I'm tired of grave stakes and the horrors of the world. I want to feel hope again. I want to meet people who share my goals. I want to talk about a thriving future. But fuck, it is hard to do in Tacoma. I want to put a heat hump in every home. I want my tools to be part of a tool-sharing program. I want enough resources to contribute to mutual aid. I want electrified public transit so I can get rid of my car. I want bike infrastructure so I can use the damn thing to get around. I want empty parking lots torn up and replaced with green spaces.
I want to be part of it all and I want to talk with the people who already are. And instead I have my family and everyone else in this city. I'm too afraid to speak, lest I risk showing that I don't know enough. Too afraid to tell my dad I'm not interested in these things anymore because then we will have NOTHING. That will be very sad.
I'm tired. I put together a playlist of things to give me hope because I am trudging through a depression, again. Putting them on in the background while I click through Baldur's Gate 3 again because I can't sleep, but I don't have the brain power to write out my next session or do something bold and creative. I'm soulsapped.
Tomorrow will be the last time my niece celebrates her birthday in this state. She, her brother, and my sister are all moving to Illinois. We'll be at our grandparent's place. It is being referred to as the "last time we'll all be together." Grandpa's health is failing. He's about to be in hospice, if he isn't already. On one hand, I should be there just for the sake of it. I know I'd want as many people around if i was dying. Grandpa's always been cooler than his wife. She's the true reason I don't want to go. I don't like being around her.
I don't like all the "God Bless America" shit in her home. What is there to be proud of? I'm getting off track.
There's no point in raising my voice. I must be a neutral vessel everywhere I go. This is the only place I can ever express myself. Outside, I weight my guilt against my desire to push them all away. It is those days where I am compelled to spend time with family where I feel the most trapped.
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the-fiction-witch · 8 months
Emergency! P2
Media House Of Anubis
Character Jerome Clarke
Couple Jerome X Reader
Rating sweet + Sad
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Luckily I knew the way to the hospital without having to think about it too much, my heart was racing, tears in my eyes, my eyes bloodshot and puffy, I was sweaty and exhausted but my feet went on their own. As soon as I arrived I saw the ambulances parked up dropping people off I tried to see which ambulance took Y/n but they all looked the same, so I marched into the main entrance and found a receptionist and nothing but locked doors. 
The receptionist seemed confused as to why a boy in a school uniform was approaching her desk at 11.17 am on a Friday, I leaned on the desk and wiped my face running a hand through my hair and trying to look... calm. "Y/n Y/l/n she came in with an ambulance, can I see her please!"
"Alright... let's have a look," she said as she looked through her computer pushing a tissue box from the desk closer to me, I took one and wiped my face off, "AHh yes she came in as an emergency at 10.09."
"Yeah... I uhh took a while to walk here. So she is here then! Can I see her?" 
"she did come in, we do have her, just let me check... ahh it does say no visitors yet she's in too high a risk,"
"where is she?"
"She's up on the ward getting the best care she's just in a high risk and we can't allow visitors yet."
"Please I know it's no visitors, is there a way around that? please, can I just see her? ... please."
"I'm afraid not she's too high risk, her condition it too dangerous,"
"Dangerous... You're saying she's... in a life-threatening condition"
"I'm afraid so,"
"no! no! That can't happen! no, no no! She can't die! She can't!" I did my best not to burst out crying, "Please you have to let me in to see her, Please! I may never get another chance please just let me see her." 
"Maybe once her parents arrive we can ask them how they feel about visitors but-"
"Her family's in South Africa, or the Amazon, or Antarctica! god knows! She can barely get hold of them half the time even if you can get a hold of them and they drop everything to come see her they'll not be able to get here for by tomorrow at the earliest, someone needs to be with her!"
"...Who are you to her?"
"for god's sake! I'm her best friend, I've known her since I was five, we go to boarding school, we're in the same dorm house we all but live together, please! I- I can't lose her! please, there must be some way of letting me see her, right? please, I'll be as quiet as a mouse, I won't get in anyone's way I'll go to her room and just stay by her side please..." I begged, "I'll be secretive, I'll sneak in and search every room in this hospital if you don't just tell me where she is! please!"
"...She's in ward B3 Room 67. But I am not letting another soul in until her parents arrive." She said unlocking the door,
"Thank you! Thank you, thank you so much!" I told her before I fixed my bag and ran through the door I followed the signs and walked as fast as I possibly could I followed the various signs for ward B3 through the shiny, clean-smelling corridors through lifts, and turns until finally the sign for ward B3 so I headed in wiping a little sweat off my face and making myself not look so ragged and insane. I cleaned my hands and all up my arms with the sanitiser, counting the doors until I saw room 67 down the corridor. I fixed my jumper and went to the door pushing it open and stepping into the small hospital room.
I shut the door behind me seeing the grey floor, the light blue walls, white ceiling, two large windows overlooking the garden in the centre of the hospital, the bed in the middle of the room the various medical equipment on the wall behind the bed, a heart rate monitor bleeping, other equipment attached as she laid in the bed slowly breathing, her eyes closed, her body covered with a hospital gown, her bag on the side of the room as well as her folded uniform, I set my bag down beside hers and sat in the little chair beside the bed.
I did my best to try and hold back my tears as I saw her look so rough. I carefully took her hand holding it softly and stroking my thumb across her skin still so soft even if she was cold keeping my fingers in a position I could feel her pulse,
Nurses and doctors were in and out often to so various tests and such like none of them even questioning me too busy to wonder about me, Y/n looked like a ghost but her hand seemed to grip back slightly with what little strength she had to give, 
I saw her stir and I perked up as her head stirred a little her hand gripped my own a little tighter, and her eyes fluttered open letting me see her sweet Y/E/C orbs, I smiled about to speak up but she pulled the oxygen mask from her mouth and nose, pulling it down to her neck, I staid quiet assuming she was going to speak but her hand left the mask and grabbed me by my hair pulling me down in one swift movement to kiss her cold lips.
I was surprised certainly but Even if she was sick, even if she was cold, I didn't care this was everything I had ever dreamt of, everything I had ever wanted, I kissed her like this moment would last forever, I kissed her like this was our last kiss, our last chance I kept my hand in hers stroking her soft skin, my other hand came to her cheek to caress her face gently, I never wanted it to end and I knew as she laid there... I may not have another chance to tell her. 
She pulled back and I looked into those sweet eyes seeing her weak and tried smile across her lips, I couldn't stop smiling getting choked up, I wanted to tell her everything but I also wanted to cry and the crying was whining out, 
She laid back putting her mask back as she gasped for breath, and slowly closed her eyes.
I wiped my tears away and gave her hands and fingers soft kisses but panic set in as the sound of her heart rate monitor slowed, and I felt her pulse get slower and slower. I clutched her hand in my own so much my fingers went white "Y/n. Y/n! Please! please if you can still hear me don't close your eyes! Please! Please don't close them, just keep them open! please please just keep them open." I begged her my grip tightened as my body shook with dread, as I heard the alarms on the monitor starting to sound, "No! please! Please don't leave me! Please!" I begged, "No no no no no!" I begged tears running down my face as I pleaded with her, I can't live without her, not now! I have to have her be okay! I have to tell her!
Nurses and doctors surrounded the bed trying various things they pushed me out the way forcing me into the corner of the room and watching as they worked, every second felt like an hour, my heart racing so much I felt as if I was going to faint, I held my breath until the beeping returned to normal and I could finally relax again.
"We need to get her downstairs. Now." The doctor Ordered,
"What! Where are you taking her!" I argued grabbing her hand,
"Kid...just let her go." He said trying to pull me away 
"I can't! I can't let her go! I can't let go of her." I told him between my tears as I argued and pushed him away, 
"We have to take her downstairs. if we don't she'll do that again and we may not be able to bring her back." He said, "Look... I know this is hard. But if you don't let her go. She'll die."
"No! she can't die. She can't! I can't let that happen, I can't let her go Please"
"Just let him go kid. Just let her go." He said trying to approach me like you would a wounded animal, 
"No. No I can't. I don't wanna lose her, she's all I want in this world Please... Please... I can't lose her." I begged him holding her hand as tight as I could even the idea of losing her was enough to make me cry vocalizing it was enough to break my heart,
"You won't lose her. she's just going somewhere they can help fix her. Just let her go."
"a-and if nobody can fix her...? What if she d-dies down there...?" my heart beating out of my chest close to a full-on meltdown, 
"... Would you rather she dies up here? to let her hand go cold in yours, to watch her slip away just for the sake of a few more moments Because down there she has a chance up here..." He explained, "Sometimes we have to do what hurts, that's just how it is. Let her go kid."
My breath hitched and my body ran cold, I knew it was selfish to keep her in my arms just to keep me happy, she was sick, she needed their help... even if that meant I couldn't be with her, I couldn't imagine that happening again, to see her blood run cold and her heart slow, 
"... just promise you'll try everything you can to save her, okay?"
"I promise." he nodded, 
I was slow but I felt like a monster, the moment her hand left my grip I felt like I was abandoning her, but the moment she was out of my grip the nurses rushed the bed away before I could get my hands back on her, they wheeled the bed out the room and I followed it out watching every second as she's taken away down the hall and as soon as the bed turns the corner I fell to my knees crying in utter hysterics knowing there is a chance I may never see her again...
The doctor followed me and set his hand on my shoulder, "Go back to school kid."
"Why not?"
"i... I just can't. I need to know. I can't just leave her, not when... Not when she's going through this. I can't... I can't leave her." 
"We don't know how long till she comes back up,"
"I'll wait. As long as it takes."
"Okay... " He sighed before he snagged a nurse, "Pen take this kid get him hydrated fed. And patient 903 Y/n Y/l/n anything comes on the schedule tell him" He told her and the nurse nodded, "Okay, if you just go with Nurse Penny here she'll look after you till we hear about Miss Y/l/n,"
I nodded slowly getting to my feet my whole body cold and defeated as I followed the nurse to a canteen she got me some food and some water, I knew I was dehydrated from my tears but I don't care how I felt, I just wanted Y/n to be okay. The nurse sat across from me with a tablet tapping away a moment,
"Miss Y/n Y/l/n 903... Ahh here she is, anything comes through the system it'll let us know"
I nodded, 
"Are you okay?"
"I don't care about me right now..."
"You should still look after yourself, what will Y/n think if you don't."
"...can they save her?"
"I hope so,"
"I- can I ask... how... bad it is? like... given everything, what are her chances?"
"If things go well, they are very good," she nodded, "What's your name?"
"Jerome Clarke,"
"she your classmate?"
"Y/n and I both go to the boarding school, we're both in Anubis house, live in the same dorm... her- her room's just up the stairs from me, she's my best friend, we have breakfast together, go to classes together, she helps me with stupid stuff, barely a moment were ever apart, we met when we were kids... dropped off at boarding school together as five-year-olds, Guess we kinda formed a bond," I explained 
I had a feeling I knew what she was about to ask, and I don't know how to answer it, 
"I don't want to push but is she?"
There it is,
 I knew I was blushing but I couldn't deny it, she'd seen how I look at Y/n, seen how I cried over her, no point in lying, 
"Yeah... she uhh she doesn't know I-"
"You never told her?"
"No. she doesn't know. I never told her how I felt." 
"... These sorts of things always make you realize, the things you never said,"
"I- I should have told her a long time ago... I... I don't know what I was waiting for, I should have told her a long long time ago."  
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forcebookish · 3 months
finally started andor and i'm enjoying it. i already loved cassian so it wasn't a hard sell, and when the first guard died i literally said, "oh you may as well kill the other guy." jsjdjfdks cassian is my kind of lead 😌 (side-note: i'm watching it with my folks so when i said that my mom was like, "i don't like that you think like a criminal." FIRST OF ALL, MOM, i'm a writer i kind of have to think like that; second of all, i was thinking like a cop because there was absolutely no way that guard wasn't lying and he would right away lie to his superiors about what really happened SO...)
although it is star wars so i am gonna be hypercritical of it djdikfjf yes i am that kind of fan soz ANYWAY i'm only saying that because episode 3 really annoyed me 😅 for starters, the editing is. bad. then, there was no reason for them to detain bix except that she was a Main Character; literally everyone is running scared but the corpo just sensed that SHE was the one they should arrest🙄 i couldn't possibly care about timm, i didn't even hate him enough to be happy when he died i was just like "oh no, that was... inevitable." i think they were going for an Anyone Can Die type of thing, but he was obviously a throwaway character so??? i was literally waiting for him to die. luthen walks all the way to the other side of the warehouse because... they need to be on the other side of the warehouse so they have this big set piece and lose the box lmao. it was just so contrived 😩
and i'm not trying to just rag on it, i DEFINITELY like more stuff than i don't. but these are all symptoms of the same disease, which is that disney sees all of these as products to pump out and it doesn't matter how passionate the writers are, they keep running into these little things that needed rewrites/to be fleshed out (or edited better).
you know, they needed someone to go, WHY do they detain her? she needs to be doing something DIFFERENT than what literally everyone around her is doing. WHY did luthen walk to the other end of the warehouse? maybe there's some graffiti or a part or SOMETHING for him to look at/inspect, not just TO BE DRAMATIC. because right away i was like, oh, the writers need him to be over there so they lose the box. ok. there goes that tension. it's the same with the editing, there's just a lot of stuff where you're like ok why did that happen? where are we? oh it's a flashback? why was there no transition? why is the lighting and coloring pretty much the same despite having a different location, on a different planet?
anyway i promise that i'm liking it, it's definitely the first star wars thing i've liked since rogue one. i like most of the characters, and i'm really looking forward to the villain's arc because that bitch is going lose his job and his god damn mind. i like the mood, i like the culture of the planet, and i like that even when i see stuff coming or the writing is kinda lacking/laggy i'm not bored, which is more than i can say for the sequels and solo! 🙃 i definitely think they left kenari too early, i hope there are more flashbacks because that neverland-esque culture was neat and i liked the sense of foreboding from just noticing that there were only children (i wasn't even annoyed that i figured out all the parents died in a mining accident when i saw the mine skdkfka because it's genuinely a cool idea!). the blow darts took me by surprise too! i also like the trend of alien languages not being translated! you just infer what is being said through body language and context clues! i love that shit! needs more women of course.
ok i've said too much i just wanted to get that off my chest lol i'm not interested in arguing if you found this through the search function and take Issue 😩
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war-of-thorns · 4 months
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Drakaida and her siblings were born from the forbidden love between a elven princess and a human laird. They were born during the tumultuous years of the War of Thorns that was caused by their parent's union. As the war raged on Drakaida and her sibling's existence remained unknown to all but a few trusted allies.
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Drakaida stuck her brush in the paint and tried to concentrate on her painting. Looking out the window wistfully she sighed. She would much rather be out running through the fields or practicing with her sword. Of course, if her mother knew about the sword she would never be allowed outside.
"Dra watch what you are doing!" her little sister Sarya screeched as she knocked over a paint cup.
"Sorry" Drakaida mumbled glancing at her sister "I was thinking of Father and the boys" what she didn't say was she wanted to be fighting beside them. It wasn't fair even 11-year-old Haryk got to be in battle; and he didn't even want to go.
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Lady Kaida quietly approached the easels her daughters stood at. As usual Drakaidas picture was not the best done; thought with motherly love of course.
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"Drakaida you must concentrate" she said gently tsking in her usual way.
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"Im so sorry mother, I really do try. But you can hear the battle and I worry." she hated upsetting her mother. Her voice would not change but the look in her eyes said it all.
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"Why don't you go gather herbs for my medicine chest. Oh, and feed the dragons in the mews" she told her daughter smiling. "Just don't go out of sight of the gatehouse. The battle is not as close as you think but you never know what could happen." turning slowly she inspected the twin's work.
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Siora smiled thinking she was the lucky one. She was supposed to clean care of the mews and hated that chore. Her dress always got dirty and smelly.
"Try not to wear dragon droppings today" she sneered.
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Tuning to her sister she smiled sweetly. "If I do, I will make sure to sit next to you at supper"
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"Girls, Ladies do not talk like that" Kaida admonished "and they do not make that face Siora"
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Stepping into the mews she smiled and quickly fed the hawks and dragons. Too bad the dragons did not get any larger than hawks anymore. If they did the war would have been over long ago.
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Once the dragons and hawks were fed, she quickly stepped out the postern gate into the cool forest. Wandering looking for herbs she got lost in thought. Suddenly Malfor hissed looking into the trees.
"Hush biy there is nothing there" She whispered; speaking any louder seemed to disturb the woods.
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As she rounded a large oak tree, she stumbled upon an injured soldier clad in the colors of the enemy. His breathing was ragged, and armor stained with blood.
Shocked she looked around her and could see no signs of anyone else. Her compassionate heart urged her to approach the wounded man.
The man opened his eyes and tried to speak. Finally, he managed to croak out a few words "Help me please"
Drakaida knew she had to act quickly if the man were to survive; but should she help he was the enemy. Kneeling beside him she assessed his injuries. The wound on his leg was the most severe.
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"We need to get you to safety." she said. But where could she take him? If she took him to the castle her family would kill him.
Suddenly she thought of a place; the abandoned cottage here in the forest. Nobody ever ventured there, as it was rumored to be haunted.
Pushing open the creaking door and carried the man inside. Dust mostes danced in the airand cobwebs clung to the corners but the fireplace still had a few logs stacked behind it.
She laid him on the moth-eaten pallet and set to work starting a fire. At he direction Malfor blew flames at the logs and a fire flickered to life.
Meanwhile she used water from the well and a few herbs to make a poultice for his leg.
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She watched him for a short while bathing his head with cool water. Glancing outside she realized the time and knew she had to get home.
"I'm sorry sir knight but I must leave you for the night. Also, I cannot leave the fire burning." She poured water on the fire making sure the ashes went cold.
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She entered the castle through the kitchen hearing the dinner bell sound. Groaning she realized she wouldn't have time to clean up and change. She sat the basket down and hurried to the dining hall.
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As she entered the great hall Siora wrinkled her nose "Momma she stinks" her sister cried petulantly.
"Siora hush, Drakaida you really need to get home sooner to freshen up next time" Kaida said before signaling the servants to start serving.
Siora grabbed a piece of fowl of the trencher tearing into it angrily. Drakaida ate sparingly thinking about the man in the woods.
Suddenly the doors burst open to the great hall burst open startling the people inside.
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rosze-v · 2 years
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wait for me
pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
synopsis: To the hero who fought so valiantly, should he know he had reached his dreams of being the best
tw: MAJOR MANGA SPOILER, character death, heavy angst, post AFO war, Reader is not a hero but class 1A knows of reader, no comfort, yelling, swearing, be ready to cry
w.c : 2.4k
a/n: Halu! I’ve been having major writer’s block, and then the newest chapter of BNHA came out, and boom, another Bakugou angst. I CRIED writing this, and I hope you will cry too. Also, I would like to mention that I hope I don't offend anyone when I was describing the process of his f******, I tried my best to research Japanese tradition when it comes to it, and I tried incorporating it as much as I think is best for the story. Have fun!
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You woke up, body jolting to the front, breathing ragged, and heart thumping in your ears. Your eyes flit around, trying to figure out where you are, and then you noticed a picture of you, and Bakugou on the study table. With a sigh of relief, you lay back down, snuggling into his comforter, Bakugou had let you stayed in his room at the dorms. You’re not sure the time, but it felt so long since you cry your goodbyes to Bakugou.
“Promise you’ll come back, okay?”. You whispered, hugging him tight. You know how important this fight is, but knowing he’s going to risk his life makes the anxiety gnaws fast, and hard. Bakugou peeled you off of him as he flashes you a cocky smile.
“I'm Bakugou fucking Katsuki, the King of Explosion, I’ll come back without you even knowing I’m back.” You could only give him a forced smile as you nodded.
You miss him already, and you’re feeling jittery at the fact that you can’t see him anytime soon. You pat your cheeks, trying to cheer up because worrying is not going to bring anything good. You were going to stand up, when Mitsuki, Bakugou’s mother barge open the door with a smile on her face.
“They’re back!”. She announced, and immediately you bounce up, and went to her side. Your eyes well up a bit but you quickly blink it away, putting a huge smile on your face. You could already imagine it, Bakugou with a rough appearance, maybe little blood here, and there, some tears on his costume, and of course, some cuts. You’re going to see him from a far, and he will be there, searching for your eyes, and when the both of your gazes met, time would stop.
He will be walking first, then he’s jogging, and you will be doing the same, both with a huge, triumphant grin, and then you will jump into his arms, and the both of you will hug each other like you’ve never touch each other before. Your senses will remember his calloused hands brushing through your hair, his body’s heat, and the sweet scent of his quirk. Then he will greet his parents, hug them, and maybe even banter with his mom before going back to his room, with you.
And in his room, you’ll take out the medical box, ready to care for him like you always do. And you’ll hug him through out the night, stealing kisses that turn into deep make outs, but the both of you would be too tired, and the both of you will wake up, in each other’s presence once again.
But that’s not happening. You have been looking around for him, stretching your head to find that spiky blonde hair of his, but none. Your heart begins a frantic thump, and the feeling from when you jolted up before came back. You could feel your breathing getting choppy, but you take a deep breath, calming yourself down. He promised he’ll come back.
As you were running around, you spotted Midoriya, his head casting down, holding onto his right arm. You quickly approach him, and called out his name. His shoulder flinched, freezing when he heard your voice calling for him. He took in much air, hardening his emotions, as he looks up at you. Worry and fear were swimming in your eyes, getting closer to him, and then standing in front of him.
“Midoriya, where’s Katsuki?”. You asked, panic lace in your voice. Midoriya didn’t learn how to break a news to someone, especially a devastating news. Years of note taking about heroes, but he never taken any notes on how to speak without hurting.
You were confused on why he’s silent, your brows scrunching. Midoriya left out another sigh, closing his eyes a bit before looking back up at you.
“He’s… Kacchan…”. Midoriya choked on his words, holding a palm over his mouth, his eyes tearing up.
Just no.
It can’t be. Because he promised, he never breaks his promises.
No, of course not.
But you can’t help it, by analyzing Midoriya’s body language, you knew what he was going to say but you can’t- you don’t want to listen to it.
“He fought valiantly; he was amazing. I… I'm sorry (y/n), but Kacchan… he didn’t make it”. You stare into his eyes, your eyes unblinking at his words, as a chuckle left your lips. Midoriya taken aback, as his eyebrows twist, and lips frown.
“Come on Midoriya, stop joking with me. There’s just no way… I mean he promised”. Midoriya only shakes his head, affirming that indeed, he’s not joking. Your mouth open, and closes, not knowing the words to say, or the questions to ask because there’s no way.
For the first time in your life, your heart collapse first before your knees did. You took a couple breath in, short breaths, but then it felt as if the air around you had disappeared. You clutch onto your chest, banging on it because you can’t breathe anymore. Your eyes sting, you had it unblinking for so long that the tears pooled, flow down freely. You looked up at Midoriya, and he flinches. You shake your head at him, as you breathe through your mouth.
“Midoriya don’t…”. Your words were jumbling but you try to speak it out. “Don’t fuck with me… he’s… he’s alive! He promised!”. You shouted out at him, Midoriya squatted down before you, not sure what else to say to you. He could only pull you into his arms. “He fucking promised…”. You whispered, gasping for air.
“Let go of me…”. You said, but Midoriya shakes his head. You punch his chest, albeit weakly. “Let go…”. You whispered again, trying to get away from him. You need to find Bakugou, why can’t he understand that. “No, (y/n). He’s gone… please…”. He plead.
You were slapping his chest now, punching him as you screamed. “LET ME FUCKING GO. I’LL FIND HIM FOR FUCKS SAKE”. But Midoriya held on, his shoulders shaking as he wept for you, and for him. You screamed out, your pain overtaking you. It was as if your limbs were chopped off, and you could only feel the pain surging into you. There were words, sentences in your wails, but it was incoherent. You refuse to accept the fact he’s gone, refuse to accept how silent Midoriya is, and how much his tears had stained your shoulder.
Your head was getting lighter, and your throat hurts so much, it burns and scratches. You were weakening in Midoriya arms, the extreme emotions taking a toll when Kirishima came.
“Mido… (y/n).” Kirishima’s words turn into a whisper upon seeing you in Midoriya’s arm. His heart twisted at how miserable you looked, and the thing he’s afraid of came. Your mouth open but there were only hiccups, your face completely wet, and red. He’s not sure whether its right to show you now, but its better to show you since it’ll happen sooner.
Kirishima, places a hand on your shoulder at first, trying to make you notice his presence but your head is swarming with denial to even notice. Then slowly, he held onto your arm, pulling you up to his side. Midoriya, who was holding onto you before could only look down, letting his arms fall onto the grown as his own tears kept flowing. His own being breaking at another mistake he believes he did; again, he let Bakugou go.
“I’ll bring her to… you know”. Midoriya only give him a curt nod, as Kirishima pulls you to wherever it is. You could care less. You were weak, your feet staggering to follow Kirishima but he was patient enough to hold onto your shoulders, guiding you to Bakugou.
The both of you entered a room, the smell of blood was pungent, and you gagged. You finally realize where you are, white sheets covering bodies of people were on the floor. There were crying people everywhere, it looks straight out of a movie. A disturbing movie. The trembling of your body intensified, and when you got closer to a couple, you noticed it was Mitsuki and Masaru. Masaru was holding onto his wife, Masaru crying silently while you could hear Mitsuki’s sobs.
“I brought (y/n)”. Kirishima announced, immediately Mitsuki unlatched herself from her husband, and hug you.
“I’m sorry (y/n). I’m so sorry… you… he…” She couldn’t continue her words, as she stutters through her breath. Masaru got close to the both of you, and give you a hug as well. You don’t understand, you refuse to believe that it did happen. But the wailing of Mitsuki, and the complete silence of Masaru is numbing you.
You were not crying anymore, your focus only on the body in front of you. He looks so familiar, so similar to Bakugou. You notice the golden hair of his reflecting the hard light, creating shadows. You notice his high nose, and those plump lips that you had always love to kiss. Then you notice the attire he’s wearing, though torn apart, it’s so similar to Bakugou’s, its almost frightening.
“That’s… that’s not Katsuki right?”. Mitsuki sobbed out loud again as she let go of you, and hug her husband again.
don’t get closer.
Your feet betrayed your screaming heart, as you get closer to the body. You squatted down beside his arm, staring ahead at the sleeping figure. You scan through, and you notice his hand. Your trembling one tried to reach forward.
don’t touch him.
He’s so cold, you thought. So frighteningly cold but as you clasp his hand, it felt right. It felt like him. That’s Bakugou’s hand you thought, and you were happy. After so much hours, you could finally feel him again. But he’s too cold.
“When we found him, he was holding onto this”. A man approached you, you know him as Aizawa Sensei. He hands out a card, and a polaroid picture. The card was an All Might card that you know very well off, he used to show you the card, saying that he’ll get it signed one day. Then you look at the picture, and noticed its of you and Bakugou. You remember when it was taken, you were on his lap, as you pull out the camera, and you were smiling wide while Bakugou eyes focused on staring at you, his eyes filled with love, and adoration.
Your eyes were getting blurry again, and once again the horrible pain from before came back like wild wind. You blink away the tears as you sat down, pulling his hand. Why won’t Bakugou move? He would always move towards you whenever you tugged at him. But he’s so rigid, unmoving and cold.
“Katsuki… wake up please…”. You plead, holding his hand to your face but its too cold. You get closer to his face, gently touching his cheeks, and again lost of its warmth. You stroke his cheek, his forehead, and his eyebrows.
“Baby… please open your eyes…”. You whispered, wishing that he’ll just sit up, and say its all a prank. You don’t care how disgusting the prank is, but you don’t care, let it be a prank.
But he just won’t move. Your quiet sobs become uncontrollable as you pull his heavy body to you. Hugging his head to your chest and burying your face into his hair. Aizawa was going to pull you away from Bakugou’s corpse but Kirishima held him back. Kirishima knew how much the both of you love each other, and frankly, he’s not sure how to comfort you. So, all he could do is listen to your heart wrenching sobs, and look at your desperate hug.
“You promised Katsuki.” You whispered to a dead body. You didn’t know a human being could feel so much pain. Your stomach compressed, and you truly trying your best to breath through the snot, and tears. Then you remembered all the dream he spoke about, how he’s going to be the number one hero, and he would smile so gleefully, and you agree. You have seen how battered he looked when he pushes himself so hard. You had foolishly, and naively thought that his kidnapping was the worst pain you ever felt, but this.
This made you wish that Death would just kill you.
You’re not sure what exactly happened, everything had been foggy. You remember pieces here, and there. How Kirishima had to force you to let go of Bakugou, how Mina, and Ochako came to you, and tried to console you. Now, you’re standing with Mina beside you, holding you up with one hand, as she silently sobs.
Apparently, it was time for his cremation, and before it went through, family and friends are allowed to give their last respect. Everyone from 1A and 1B was there, you also see some of his teachers. You saw All Might, and for the first time, you move by yourself. All Might, like others were also crying silent tears, but when he saw you, he immediately wipes his tears. You stood in front of him, a card in your hand as you held it out. Toshinori face show confusion as you cough, trying to speak up.
“This…Katsuki wanted you to sign this”. You uttered, voice raspy, and with a shaking hand, Toshinori took it, and nodded. You bow down your head as you went back to Mina. The process of giving respect starts with Bakugou’s parents. Mitsuki and Masaru were barely hanging onto their conscience, as they stroke his face, and kisses his forehead, whispering how proud they are of him, and how much they love him.
Then it was your turn. You were stuck in your place at first, but Mina gently pushed you.
“Go speak to him”. Mina whispered, as you give her a slight nod, and walked up to his body. Half of your heart had accepted that he’s gone, but the other was hopeful. The hope was immediately crushed by the reality of what laid in front of you. Bakugou was wearing a kimono, his body don’t smell of blood anymore. Gently, you place a hand on his cheek, and stroke it. There were so many things you want to say, but you will break before you finish them.
So, you closes your eyes, willing yourself to hold your tears in, as you kisses his forehead. “Thank you for loving me.”
And you kiss his eyes. “Thank you for choosing me”. Then you kiss his nose and cheeks. “Thank you for taking care of me”.
And gently, you give a soft kiss on his lips, trying to remember the shape of it, the tingling feeling of it, and the little lines of it. Slowly, you lift your head up, and with trembling lips, a forced smile, you whispered.
“I love you… Katsuki. Wait for me”.
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localcactushugger · 3 years
Does anyone else ever get sad thinking about the abuse Hawks went through as a kid? Because I keep making myself sad thinking about it.
It's so many different kinds of fucked up that just mixed together and created one huge toxic environment.
#1) The physical abuse.
Right off the bat, Chapter 299 starts with Keigo getting hit by his father for leaving the house. It doesn't actually show Keigo being smacked, instead it shows a panel of their "home". (although it's extremely small and looks more like a broken down shack in a field to me)
But the sound of the "smak" is very much punctuated in the panel, followed by Keigo hunched over with marks on his face:
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The marks on his face are prevalent. Even in the smaller panel, Keigo still has a very obvious bruise under his eye and above his eyebrow.
THEN he gets kicked in the side/stomped on for "turning his back" on his father?? (Aka doing nothing. Literally what did he do?? Wtf?):
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He's getting smacked and kicked around, but instead of crying or getting upset he just endures. Which brings me to:
#2) The Emotional and verbal abuse. (Strap in cause there's a lot of it.)
Keigo apologizes after his father kicks him for no reason, then he curls up into a ball, clings to his Endeavor plushy, and listens as his own father rants about how much he wishes that Keigo was never born.
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Keigo says that he knew his parents were broken, so he endured because he wanted to avoid their fate.
Basically: "I know my parents are broken, but need to endure because I don't want to become broken too."
That's a horrible mindset for a child to have?? He's basically saying that he just needs to take the abuse and hope that he doesn't break because of it?
And I don't know how he wouldn't break from it with the way his parents talk to him, and all the horrible things they say:
The constant screaming/yelling. Like Shit.
"Don't do a damn thing!" " Who did you sell me out too?? You can't fool me!!" "Don't leave this house!" "Don't you dare lie to me!!" "Don't go talking to anyone!!" "You thought you'd get away with it didn't you??"
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"How many times have I told you not to turn your back on me??"
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"If only that punk was never born I'd be free."
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"Why were you even born?" "Why do you even have those wings?"
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He's gotten it from both parents. And every time it happens he just hugs his plushy a little tighter.
#3) The neglect.
In pretty much all panels of Keigo's home theres Trash everywhere. If you go back and look at the house there isn't a single panel without some kind of trash in the frame. I see beer bottles, wine bottles, wooden planks, trash bags, newspapers, dirty rags, dirty laundry hanging from the wall & hangers, floor boards coming up, leaks from the top of the walls.
The "house" is barely holding together as it is. It looks like it's about to collapse, and the inside makes you think a tornado ran through it. Nobody is bothering to clean up the mess. In fact the only person who seems to be patching up the house is Keigo. This seems to be a routine for him since he can be seen picking up a wooden plank to fix the wall. Too bad his father kicked him before he could repair the hole 🙃.
Seriously does the "house" even have running water? The windows are broken the walls are made of tin roofing tiles. Does it even have heating or insulation? It's obviously not suitable for a child. I'd be afraid that the roof was gonna fall on me while I was sleeping.
I understand they can't buy a proper home. But it wouldn't be so bad if someone acutely bothered to clean the inside a bit. At least maintain the house so your kid doesn't step on a nail, or glass from a beer bottle. IF A CHILD CAN PATCH UP A WALL SO CAN YOU. WHY IS KEIGO DOING ALL THE WORK?
You people are gonna get rats and bugs. (If you dont have them invading your "house" already)
And that's only the house.
What about Keigo? He doesn't even have shoes. His shirt is torn at the seams. And his parents didn't even notice when he left? Keigo's dad yelled at him for leaving the house and going outside, but was anyone even watching him in the first place? How does your child leave the house and make it halfway to the city before you notice? This little bird looks like he weighs 5 pounds! He's gonna get kidnapped!!
His mom is obviously unstable and she stares at the wall all day. And his dad hates him for existing. So I guess no one was watching him?
His mom also doesn't really seem to care when Keigo gets yelled at, hit, and kicked either. She just kinda stares at the wall. Then when her and Keigo become homeless and start living in a train station she guilt trips him into stealing for her. Like Really??
HE GOT INTO A CAR ACCIDENT TOO! You sent your child out to steal for you and he literally got into a car accident. He managed to save everyone involved but still, are trying to get your son hit by a truck? This is why I have so many mixed feelings about Tomie.
#4) Being held hostage in his own home.
This one is self explanatory. Keigo got hit in the face just for going outside. He was held hostage in his home for so long that he didn't even know heroes existed. And this is a society where heroes are everywhere. I'm sure it was a lonely childhood, kinda hard to make childhood friends when you get beaten just for leaving the house.
#5) Whatever the fuck "rough training" was.
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I know we haven't seen Keigos "rough" training yet. Horikoshi only went into a little bit of detail about it when he mentioned that the commission taught Hawks negotiation skills as a kid. And then theres that one image in the Season 4 outro where Keigo has a blindfold on as a child during training.
But I still would like to know more.
Why would you put a child through "rough" training, strip him of his name, and tell him it's all because he's gonna become a "special hero" right after you've pulled him out of an extremely abusive situation. Like, you aren't gonna wait a bit? Preferably until he's a teenager? Not gonna give him therapy or something?
Isn't pulling a child out of an abusive situation and putting them through "rough training" kinda like transfering them from one abusive household to another?
The training can wait.
If you want help him and support his family, do it out of the kindness of your heart and not because you think he'd be a useful hero.
I honestly don't know how this "training" went for Keigo, but considering that he doesn't currently have the best relationship with the HPCS . . . Well I don't know. All I know is that he never really seems too happy around people from the commission. He doesn't seem to agree with any of their ideologies either.
Honestly I just want him to find peace!
Based on what we've seen so far, (*cough* especially from the Todoroki family *cough*) you really shouldn't be training a child to become a hero in the first place. The training can start as a teenager if someone chooses to train.
Look at the way you massacred my boy! Give the kid a break for fucks sake!!
And these are just the early years. Don't get me started on everything else ✋🙄
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limetimo · 2 years
Regulus' bedroom
and my thoughts on it
Do Not Enter Without the Express Permission of Regulus Arcturus Black
An angsty teenager seeking to estabilish boundaries. Since he never bothered to take it down after Sirius left it was likely aimed at Walburga and Orion and his cousins just as much. I don't think anyone respected the sign ever.
They moved over the threshold together, gazing around. Regulus's bedroom was slightly smaller than Sirius's, though it had the same sense of former grandeur. Whereas Sirius had sought to advertise his diffidence from the rest of the family, Regulus had striven to emphasize the opposite. The Slytherin colors of emerald and silver were everywhere, draping the bed, the walls, and the windows. The Black family crest was painstakingly painted over the bed, along with its motto, TOUJOURS PUR. Beneath this was a collection of yellow newspaper cuttings, all stuck together to make a ragged collage. Hermione crossed the room to examine them.
The Slytherin colours decor: I think it's more Hogwarts house pride rather than 'advertising' he belonged with the Blacks. The Black family crest, either version, has no green or silver on it.
The crest and the motto, I consider it to be Regulus' way of reassuring his parents of his loyalty to them and the family after Sirius run away, perhaps even a reminder to himself.
What really strikes me as interesting is the contrast between "painstakingly" and "ragged". painstaking = done with or employing great care and thoroughness ragged = (of cloth or clothes) old and torn / having an irregular or uneven surface, edge, or outline / lacking finish, smoothness, or uniformity I may be reading this wrong, but the 'ragged collage' evokes the image of a thing hastily put together rather than a meticulously created art piece that grew over the span of several years. If it was a shrine to Voldy I'd imagine some of the articles would be on colourful paper and there'd be decorative tape and stickers and stuff. Make it pretty, you know? TLDR I think the newspaper collage was only made after Regulus started seriously re-thinking his involvement with Death Eaters and was looking for "What he says vs what he does" evidence and "if i fuck this up will he kill me or my entire family as well?"
Harry, meanwhile, had noticed another photograph: a Hogwarts Quidditch team was smiling and waving out of the frame. He moved closer and saw the snakes emblazoned on their chests: Slytherins. Regulus was instantly recognizable as the boy sitting in the middle of the front row: He had the same dark hair and slightly haughty look of his brother, though he was smaller, slighter, and rather less handsome than Sirius had been.
I love loner Regulus as much as anyone but I think he must've been friends at least with his Quidditch teammates or he wouldn't have put the photograph on his wall. Or he wouldn't be smiling on it.
The Slytherin Quidditch team had their own personalised merchandise thank you and goodbye I do not accept criticism on this one
I already said this once: we don't know how old Regulus is in that photo. Harry's default Young Sirius is from Snape's Worst Memory AKA 16, perhaps almost 17 years old, and photo!Regulus could easily be younger than that. I'm not saying he couldn't be rather less handsome than Sirius had been at the same age. But I AM saying that and teenagers change basically from month to month and Reg just might still be a baby in that pic.
Yet again, somebody had searched before them. The drawers' contents had been turned over recently, the dust disturbed, but there was nothing of value there: old quills, out-of-date textbooks that bore evidence of being roughly handled, a recently smashed ink bottle, its sticky residue covering the contents of the drawer.
I know the room was ransacked by Mundungus but you don't get "roughly handled" textbooks from a five minutes search. Therefore 1) Regulus wasn't mindful of his school books, the goth little jock 2) Regulus inherited at least some of them from Sirius or even his cousins. The syllabus hardly ever changes for most subjects and why would you buy new books if you already have them. My 7 years younger brother used the same math and biology books we got for my older sister even though we could easily afford new textbooks.
and that's about it I'd appreciate your thoughts on the "ragged" bit
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
I don't think I saw any request like this in your profile, so I'll be the first to do it: Leona and female!MC/Yuu have been in a relationship for years, with Mc's graduation from NRC she stayed in TW, married Leona and now they are expecting the first baby. Could you do a one-shot of what that situation would be like? super fluffy and happy ending. The gender of the baby is up to you
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, this type of requests are sooooooooooo wholesome for me, I find them realllllllllllly cuuuute. Thank u for being the first to ask for something like this.
I recommend you listening to this song for obvious reasons
The dawn sun greeted you with a warm hug on your face. As you woke up you felt the heat and humidity in the Afterglow Savanna’s wind ... or was it your own body heat thanks to the movements in your belly? Whatever the reason was, your awakening wasn’t the most pleasant. Moving was almost impossible given the advanced state of pregnancy and with soon to be cub moving like it’s a party. You grunted as you tried to get up, immediately waking up the sleeping lion next to you.
"Wake up already?"
"I almost couldn't sleep the whole night, someone kept me awake"
Leona's hand went straight to your belly, giving it small massages and thus alleviating your discomfort a bit. During these nine months, Leona couldn’t have been more proud of you. There weren’t many records of humans getting pregnant with the cubs of a demihuman, less along with a lion, and much less of a member of the royal family. So you, "a simple herbivore" as he liked to call you, have tamed his heart and had the strength to breed his first heir ... girl, you have some balls of steal.
"Don't you think it would be better for you to postpone your play day with that hairball of my nephew and rest?"
Like pride, Leona couldn’t help but feel great protection towards yourself, making him even more possessive than he already was, and beware of anyone who dared to put a hand on your belly, that unlucky buddy would end with a hand converted in sand.
“I promised Cheka a week ago that I would watch him play in the shadows, I am not going to play per say. That ball of hair, as you say, is no longer five years old, he understands the state I'm in"
"No, he's nine and he's even more unbearable"
Leona grunted under his breath at not being able to convince you to stay in bed with him. If something happened, he would be the first to be by your side, instead of running through the hallways to find you.
"Come on, help me get up and change"
"Oh? But the clothes would overshadow your beautiful and swollen belly thanks to my cub, I would rather for you to stay naked"
You could tell from his malicious gaze that he was eating you internally. You couldn't explain why, but with every month that passed and your belly grew, Leona felt his attraction to you increase. The last time you were intimate was around your eighth month, one of the best experiences Leona had. You were a mess from head to toe, your legs and his covered by the multiple orgasms and overstimulation sex was giving you. But such intensity almost made you faint. So from that moment you couldn’t have any encounter.
“God, you horny and cheesy lion. I'm about to pop"
You gently pulled his face away, getting a growl. His hand had not moved away from your belly, what's more, his hold became stronger.
"You better help me right now or I swear to God you're going to regret the day you got me pregnant Kingscholar"
Your sit in the shade was more than comforting. In the distance, you could see little Cheka gathering flowers and chasing after a few butterflies. Every now and then the little one would come back and place the flowers with a bright smile on your swollen belly. His mother was sitting next to you, checking your physical condition and taking care that nothing could endanger your peace of mind. Guards were scattered throughout the field, avoiding any threat that endangered the royal family.
"Honey, we have to go back to the palace"
Your sister-in-law called from the shadow to her little child, whose ears had fallen from disappointment.
"Awww, but I want to keep playing"
"You will be able to continue playing, but we need to take Y/N to her room"
"Do I really have to get in? I like to be outdoors"
If you had ears and a tail, they would undoubtedly show your disappointment just like the little redhead.
"I understand what you are saying dear, but you are about to have a cub, the best thing for you is to stay in the care of your husband"
Your sister-in-law was already clutching Cheka in her arms when the guards were heading to the palace gate, some stayed behind to help you. You got up with great heaviness and when you took a couple of steps you noticed a liquid going down your shaking legs.
You looked down in fear when you realized that you had broken bag. You called with a trembling voice to your sister-in-law, who turned her head carelessly but her gaze was decomposed when she saw your current state. The next events were a catastrophe.
The world seemed to move in slow motion. Guards carrying you in their arms, heading to the infirmary. Cheka being carried inside by a young soldier, asking in his weak voice what was going on. Servants running out of the way to let you pass. You heard the queen speak to a guard, but you couldn't make out a word given the pain that was rising from your belly.
The contractions were starting.
You cursed whoever invented the palace corridors, they were huge and long and the infirmary was still too far away. As you turned a corner, you saw a figure approach at full speed and snatch you from the guard’s arms.
"I warned you not to leave the room and stay with me, now look at the problem we are in"
Leona ran faster, dodging anyone who got in the way. You had your head placed on his chest and you could hear his heart beating very quickly, unable to tell if it was because of the nervousness of the situation or how quickly he was heading to the infirmary.
Upon arrival, everyone was already prepared… prepared to spend four long hours between contractions and screaming.
In the early afternoon, with your ragged breaths, your hands white from squeezing the side of the bed and Leona's hand, and a layer of sweat covering your forehead, you heard the first cries of your cub. The midwife wrapped the pink bundle in a blanket and placed it in your tired arms. Below them, was the hand of your beloved lion, who didnt stop smiling since he heard his baby cry, a sign that they were healthy.
Your hands went to the face of your cub who was now smiling and about to fall asleep in the arms of their parents and your body heat. Their lion-specific ears were slightly lowered and flattened over their brown hair. Their had taken on the greatest physical features of their father, now we would have to wait to see their eyes, even though you wouldn't mind if they turned out just as intense green.
"Can I know what-"
Your voice broke, unable to hold back the tears of happiness. Either way, the midwife completely understood you.
“You have a beautiful girl. Congratulations Your Highnesses"
Leona, who looked at the scene with extraordinary sweetness, was radiating pride, for you, for his newborn and for the family he was forming. He no longer cared about being the second prince if it meant forming his own pride with you.
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
Um hi, I don't normally send prompts but I had an idea, so…anyway, basically the prompt is a villain's young sidekick who shows up at the villain's doorstep in the middle of the night (villain is a nice person; more unlawful than evil, idk) really injured, and when the villain patches them up, they end up accidentally revealing that they live with an abusive family? Idk, sorry if this is a weird idea.
With ideas as good as this one, you should send prompts more often ^^ It's not weird at all, I absolutely love this. I tried really hard on this one, so I really hope you enjoy!
Please note that this work contains descriptions of the aftermath of physical child abuse. If this would upset or distress you, please avoid reading this work.
CW//Child abuse, physical child abuse, verbal child abuse, being called a 'freak', death of a spouse, blood, bacteria (in a scientific setting)
Villain had never been much of a fan of children.
They wouldn't exactly describe it as a dislike. Kids were... fine. Annoying on occasion, and endlessly confusing with their new trends and habits, but fine. Those who brought them into the world and raised them provided a precious service, but their talents were far more useful elsewhere.
They squinted their eye, the eye pressed up against the lens of their microscope. With a tiny twist of a knob, the image below focused, displaying in full detail a million squirming lifeforms.
The culture was developing as expected. They removed the slide and returned the bacterial colony to its petri dish.
They'd thought about having a family, when they were young. A juvenile, clueless thought, but a thought nonetheless. There was something that warmed them about the concept of a home that was never empty.
Nowadays, they shared their home with no one but the bacteria, and they weren't exactly the best conversationalists.
Villain moved across their lab, soft socks muffling the thudding of their feet on the tile. With practiced accuracy, they returned the petri dish back to its tray, where it belonged.
They couldn't help but glancing just to the right. To the rabbit cage, sitting empty as it was. The light above it was still glowing bright, illuminating the stale hay below, and the toilet paper roll where the cage's inhabitant's teeth had once gnawed.
Now, the habitat sat empty.
They couldn't bring themself to clean it out. That was Spouse-
That was Spouse's job.
Villain bit their lip, taking another petri dish from the tray and returning to their microscope.
They growled and swatted at the thoughts that fought to enter their brain, but it was no use. No weapon could have fended them off.
Because... Because...
Because Spouse had loved kids.
They had always talked about the concept in dreamy, wistful tones. The idea of having a family, of creating something together that wasn't borne of chemicals in a lab. And Villain had agreed. But it was always simply a plan. Something that would be done sometime in the future. When the world wasn't so hectic. When there wasn't work to be done. When...
Villain bit their tongue hard enough to draw blood, gazing as intensely through the microscope's lens as they could manage.
Now that Spouse was gone, the laughter of children would never light the dreary home. There would always be a spare bedroom.
Their home would always be empty.
Maybe that was why they had taken Sidekick in.
It was something they'd wondered so often, not that they'd ever admit it to the teen they had taken under their wing. The relationship had started so uneventfully-- a powered kid with just enough spunk and reckless abandon to find their way into the world of heroes and villains.
At first, Villain hadn't even thought of them as a sidekick. They were just a kid that they trained in their free time. A future ally who needed someone to show them the ropes.
Then, they'd started coming with them on missions.
And fighting at their side.
And now, Villain couldn't help wondering, whenever they laid in their large, empty bed, what Spouse would have thought of their protege. If they were still around, then Sidekick's 16th birthday cake wouldn't have been so shitty. But, hey, no one could say that Villain hadn't tried.
Damn, did they miss that kid. Even when they called them a dinosaur and laughed when they didn't know what Tock-Tic was, or whatever they'd said. They'd been gone almost a whole week, now.
It wasn't the first time, of course. No teen had the time to be a full-time sidekick. They had their own life. They needed to go to school and hang out with their friends and be a kid. And do whatever kids did on Tock-Tik. Villain was certain that they would come back when they were able.
By the time the knock on the door came, Villain was almost done with their inspection of the bacteria colonies. Their tired eyes flitted to the clock on the wall: Three in the morning. Had it been that long?
And who the hell was at their door at three in the morning?
The knock sounded again, yet, this time, it was distinct. Three sharp taps, then a fourth two seconds later.
Sidekick's knock. The one they'd practiced, to notify Villain when they arrived. But... They looked at the clock again. Their eyes had not deceived them. It was the dead of night. The kid should have been asleep hours ago!
Without care, they tossed down the petri dish in their hands on the nearest countertop, not so much as bothering to shrug off their lab coat as they hurried to the front door. They expected to hear the knock again-- the kid was always so impatient-- but there was no such noise. Only heavy, shallow breathing.
Other villains would have bemoaned their recklessness, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that their kid was here.
Villain flung open the window. Sidekick leapt back.
They stood in the doorway a moment, liquid shock and terror battling for dominance within their bones. When they finally recovered, they spoke no words, only bustled their protege through the door and locked it behind. The kid stumbled all the way to the lab's exam table, which Villain practically threw them upon.
The terror in their bones had settled firmly in their stomach.
"What in the world happened to you?"
It was with the gaze of a parent rather than a doctor that they scanned the kid from head to toe.
The sheer volume of blood made it difficult to pinpoint their wounds. Yet, it was clear to see that the side of their head was still pumping scarlet, and the crimson dribbling down their leg was already dripping onto the pristine lab floor.
Villain gulped. The idea of taking their eyes of the kid for a split second was petrifying, but they relented, rushing off to returning a moment later with handfuls of rags. They shoved one into the kids hands.
"Hold this to the wound on your head, as tight as you can. I'll clean off your leg."
Even with trembling hands, the kid obliged as Villain knelt down , drenching rag after rag in blood until the leg was finally clear. At the very least, the wound upon their knee seemed to have stopped weeping scarlet. It was a messy thing, blunt trauma with enough force behind it to tear straight through the skin. The villain's practiced fingers tied a tight wrapping of gauze around the joint, standing to their feet.
Blood had seeped between Sidekick's fingers, but it seemed to have begun to dry. The head wound had stopped bleeding.
"Good." Villain pried the soaked rag from the kid's hands, tossing it aside. They could clean up later. "Where else?"
Sidekick averted their gaze, shoulders winding up taut.
"You need to tell me where you were hurt. Please."
After a few moments of trembling like a leaf, the kid gestured to their side.
"Okay. Can you take your shirt off for me, please? I need to get that cleaned."
"Okay..." The kid whimpered, obliging. Villain tossed aside the bloodied garment with little care, adding it to the pile of dirtied fabric.
Their torso...
The wound on their side, just above the hip, did not bleed nearly as bad as the other two. But...
With the sheer amount of bruises littering their flesh, Sidekick's skin may as well have been blue.
Villain took a clean rag, pressing it to their side.
"Who." They spat. "Who did this?"
Their mind began to run with such speed that, had it been a computer, its fans would have been on overdrive. What heroes were active around Sidekick's neighborhood? A few came to mind, at least one or two that were far enough outside the law that they wouldn't have put much thought into doing this to a kid.
But Sidekick did not speak, instead staring at their own shoes, dangling off the exam table.
When the hip wound was dried and wrapped, Villain whirled around, grabbing their phone and flicking to the contacts page. Which of their fellow villains was near the kid's home? They could think of at least a couple. Even if they were little more than acquaintances, someone who would hurt a kid was the common enemy of all.
"I need a name, kiddo. A name. Was it Viper? Sunstorm? The Twilight Reaper? I have friends, lots of friends. We can make them regret this."
No reply. Villain bit their lip, selecting a contact, moving their finger towards the call button-
The kid at last cried.
"It wasn't a hero. My dad's not a-"
Villain whirled around.
"Your dad?"
Sidekick flushed.
"U- um, no, I, um-"
"Did your father do this?" They stormed to the exam room where the kid sat. "All of this?"
"I- I-" Their voice was choked by tears, carving down their scarlet-stained face.
Villain placed their hands on the kid's shoulders, turning their gaze towards them.
"Please. Please, kid."
The falling tears turned to full-on sobs.
"H- He said I was a- a freak!" They wailed. "I was training, I- You said I needed to practice my flying, in bird form. And I was practicing, and I didn't think anyone else was home, and then he walked in and-"
A sob broke their voice.
"They told me never to use my powers. He doesn't know that I- I stopped taking the pills. The ones that suppress them. And he got m- mad, and, and-"
"It's okay, it's okay."
Villain threw their arms around their child, embracing them while taking care not to disturb their wounds.
"I didn't know where else to go." Sidekick's words were strangled. "I'm sorry, but I didn't want to go back home and..."
"No, no." They tightened the embrace. "No. You don't have to go back, never. Not if you don't want to."
They broke off the hug, picking their phone up again once more.
"Talon has kids your age, she would take you in. Alya, too. Swan Dancer is a teacher..."
"Um." Sidekick seemed to have run out of tears, leaving them with only a broken, low voice. "I... That's all fine. But, um, I thought you mentioned having a spare room?"
Despite their parental terror, Villain let their face break into the smallest smile.
Spouse's room.
In a way, maybe they would get to meet Sidekick, after all.
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Pool Party
Pairing: Reader/Harry Styles
Rating: R, text book smut
Word Count: 5k 😳
Warnings: Slight sub/dom tones I guess? & alcohol consumption
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A/N: Sorry this is late, life somewhat resuming here in the UK so it means I’m back at my job. I managed to fall asleep mid edit folks 😳, this is my entry for the @helladirections Summer Feeling Fic Challenge, with the prompt “pool party” click the link for the masterlist. I’m still writing two more, one for @berrynarrybanana ‘s Sex Bucketlist Challenge but it’s turning out to be a 20k slow burn I wasn’t expecting 😬.Oops. But enjoy this one, I’m proud of her. My one other blatant thirst fic can be found here. Reblogs get free gratitude for the next 5 years 🍉💕
You'd been friends with Jeff since your teens, when his parents (despite their wealth), wanted him to get a job at the restaurant you worked at. In their rightful thinking, they wanted him to learn you had to work from the ground up.
Despite your clearly different class background you found a ton of common interests making the whole thing immaterial. He was a caring, down to earth guy and you were both people who really enjoyed sarcastically taunting each other every shift. You'd got used to visiting his house in the hills even though you'd been scared to get lost at first around his parents large house. Becoming solid friends quickly, you'd managed to keep in touch, as much as adult life would now allow anyway.
You knew his main role was managing a pop star but you'd not caught up in a minute and when you did, you kept your job chat out of the conversation where you could. This is why, as you barge through the kitchen, to the pool outside, you're shocked to nearly knock a stunned Harry Styles onto his behind.
"Fuck, shit I'm so sorry" you clutch your chest looking at the red wine on his tank top and his now empty glass. The soiled garment was tucked into some dressy shorts and partly covered by a loud hawaiian patterned shirt. Oh god what had you done?
You were quite honestly mortified. You'd never actually met the man himself, usually meeting Jeff at his for a few drinks or at a restaurant. You'd heard him mentioned in stories about travelling or how his campaigns were running Jeff into the ground with meetings. So, although you weren't a massive fan of his per se, in the way you didn't ask Jeff for updates or info, the way you'd hope you'd meet the attractive pop star was definitely not this.
He looked down at the offending stain then back up into your eyes, keeping his head angled down and blinking through his lashes. You couldn't read his blank expression and it put you on edge.
Maybe it was the heat trapped in the doorway, but as your eyes stayed locked you suddenly felt a fire spread from your navel up to your cheeks, and then from your center down to your toes. Your lower stomach clenched as you stared back at the guy covered in a good 2007 French rouge.
Fuck me he's pretty, you thought.
A rapid film reel of moments; sweaty bodies, those large biceps holding you against the nearest wall, smacking of lips against skin and moans of release flashed in your brain.
It had definitely been a while since you had got laid in your defense, your mood and pent up sexual frustration getting worse by the day as you tried and failed at the L. A. dating scene. Maybe you were picky, but horny and picky was an awful place to be.
However, the reality of the embarrassing scene you were currently a star of, flipped you back into the present.
Seemingly over the initial incident and hopefully not a mind reader to your thirsty brain, he takes you in and smirks.
Harry knew from the way your breathing hitched looking at his torso that you were at least a bit interested. He had clocked you the second you walked in through the big glass doors. A shirt of a band he liked and a natural beauty he wanted to spend some times with you he pondered. Ideally naked.
Zig zagging across the world promoting the album and had left little time to enjoy another person. Status and obligation to his job making it hard to just go out and meet someone. But here you were, dressed unlike anyone else, looking absolutely adorable in your embarrassment. You must be trustworthy if you're in Jeff's home,he wasn't a "bring your friends too" kind of host with his clients usually around.
This could be a fun evening for you both, he thought. Something unspoken, almost magnetic, drawing you both to one another. Surely that wasn't all his side right?
"I was told it was a good year, but I wasn't planning on consuming it quite this way?" inwardly he rolled his eyes at the barely there quip. But you laughed anyway.
"I am so, so awfully sorry, look, let's see if there's some dish liquid or something, possibly some of my next months rent in there too if I have to replace it" you let out a nervous laugh as you walked towards the kitchen. But in all honesty you weren't kidding.
Harry laughed at your sarcastic remark, impressed by your confidence in owning the situation and getting on with things. He casually watched your hips sway past a few people in to the open plan kitchen with as much subtlety as he could, you were confidentially locating all the parts needed to try and remove the offending stain.
"You seem to know your way around 'ere. I'm er…I'm Harry by the way" awkwardly waving as you mixed some solution in the sink drenching a sponge in it.
"Yeah" you smiled turning from the sink with the damp rag "known Jeff a good while, have definitely spilt red wine here before. I'm Y/N" you giggle. The beam from his own mouth matching.
"Ah! Y/N, of course, I've heard him mention you, didn't you once hide rotting mackerel in a unpleasant guys blazer?" he chuckled
"Heyyyy. Only after he spanked my ass getting him the check. Deserved a hot plate to the crotch too" you shot back.
You weren't sure where to go from here the thought of wetting down the white tank yourself definitely appealed but also seemed far too forward.
"Um…" you began gesturing with the sponge in your hand. You expected him to take it from you to sort himself out but..
"Oh yeah sorry" he replied shimmying his shirt off, dumping it on the back of a bar stool, then, crossing his arms across his stomach and lifting the tank top over his head you were slack jawed and frozen taking in the lean muscles and tattoos littered intermittently across his abdomen. He spread the top across the islands worktop flat, then grabbing the sponge with a simple "thanks" and knitting his eyebrows together in concentration as he tried to rid the dull red mark from it's center.
You still hadn't moved. A pink twinge to your cheeks as you watched his shoulder blades and back muscles scrubbing. Dirty thoughts circling your brain still.
"I would have helped you but I didn't want to start a wet tshirt contest in such a high end establishment yknow?" you thought out loud.
"Oh yeah, good call. I'm fiercely competitive Y/N so would probably be under that fancy waterfall thing by now showing off m'moves in my pants" he wiggles his hips trying to suggestively show you his "moves" but you can't help but smirk at just how endearing this man is. Dammit.
When he's finished with his shirt he drapes it over another barstool before handing you the sponge back.
If anyone asks him if he blatantly and deliberately got naked to gauge if you were into him he'd definitely deny it. But the truth is, he definitely did. Luckily for him, with the way you bite your lip and drag your eyes down his flesh as he brushes past your side to get back to the sink, he's right.
"Speaking of getting in the water in your" you use air quotes "'pants' I'm off to get out of mine" you declare, pushing yourself from the counter and keeping eye contact a second as you stroll back to the sliding doors leading to the pool.
"I… What??"
" The pool Harry?.... What did you think I meant?" you narrow your eyes and press your lips together before shutting the glass door again and turning once more to smirk at the opened mouthed man still by the sink.
You'd been schmoozing in the water for a few hours now. There were probably only 20 or so people still here and the 3rd frozen marg had got you buzzed. You were in the small hot tub type pool, attached at the top of the main one on a slightly higher level. You hadn't seen Harry for a while but the last few times you caught his eye he'd been surrounded by at least 3 other people fighting for his attention, so you banked your flirtations to soothe your own ego, grabbed another marg and tried to forget about how he had started a tornado inside you, yearning for his hands on your thighs and head peering up at you from where they met in the middle. The strong pull of lust was clearly in your head then. What a shame.
You put it to the back of your mind as you finished catching up with Glenne. Both flushed and giggly as usual, she was the perfect match for Jeff and their chemistry unmatchable. You always enjoyed hanging out with the both of them, if anything, they gave you hope your own match may be out there. She left you in the tub alone, as she went to grab herself another drink and check on her host duties boyfriend.
"Don't you find drinking whilst already in water the weirdest thing?" you look up to find Harry standing over your right shoulder as you sit with your back against the pool wall and your elbows propping you up behind you, drink in one hand. His eyes unsubtley slip down to where your breasts lay pushed together in your halter neck bikini. You definitely weren't imagining it then. Fucking fantastic, you think.
"I mean drowning yourself on the inside from the alcohol and being in more than 4 inches of water really adds a danger element to my life if I'm honest" you reply sipping your drink.
And there goes those dimples again.
He's just in a pair of yellow swimming shorts now which doesn't help the alcohol flush at all. Sitting by your right side, putting his short glass full of amber liquid and ice, on the side of the pool and sliding in to join you. He leaves a small gap, as to not appear a total letch but your smart mouth has him hooked.
Taking a sip of his drink with the water up to his collar bones he hums.
"I do feel incredibly dangerous now, you've got a point"
"I mean if you think that's danger" you edge closer, not drunk but buzzed enough to take your chances you whisper into the shell of his ear. "You should see what thrills are in the guest bathroom. 1st floor on the right? " he chokes on his drink as your suggestive whispers make his dick twitch. He definitely couldn't get out of the pool for a while.
You're gone before you get a verbal reaction. If this all goes badly then you can just hide in there and slip out to an Uber and never see Jeff again right? Right. Cool.
With a soft white towel around you and your heart rate high as you reach the main guest bedroom you enter the room, you notice a large weekend bag in there and freeze. Shit. Someone's staying over, you hadn't factored that in, but a glance to the tag and the embossed H. E. S tells you you're good. Well, if not you'll just be a creep hiding in someone's bathroom but let's not think about it too much. Your faux confidence was working well so far and what other chance was going to arise like this one? Hot celebrities need fun with strangers too right?
Entering the bathroom you rub the towel over you, leaving mostly dry skin. You'd peel away your bikini if you were definite you wouldn't need to peel it back up your limbs should this plan backfire. You move to the mirror to adjust the black flecks from your minimal makeup dispersing under your eye and just as you're about to smooth down the stray baby hairs that humidity has got to around your face, you see Harry appear in the mirror behind you. Your belly flipping over and over with the thrill he'd took the bait.
Wasting no time he smirks and holds your gaze, wrapping his hands around your waist whilst his lips attach to the junction of your neck and collarbone. His tongue drags over your soft skin and he licks and softly sucks swirls onto it with his plush lips.
"Hm. You're right. This is a more fun type of danger" he says between kisses but before he's even finished his sentence you've spun around in his arms.
The bottom of your spine cold against the marble countertop, arms around his neck as you smash your lips into one another's with urgency. Tongues and wet noises as you get to know one another through your bodies alone.
He runs his hands down your back and presses his hard length against your thigh. He's definitely packing you think as you lift up a little rub your pubic bone against his front, panting out a little moan as the sweet friction of your bodies colliding sends you into overdrive. Catching the noise through your parted lips he gently tugs on the bottom one, teeth grazing the supple flesh. This combined with his large palms kneading your ass and pulling you further, tighter, into the roll of his hips. Only two layers of damp clothing separate you,forcing your lips to break from his mouth and fully moan, not caring who may be around. You could not remember the last time a perfect stranger knew your body quite this well.
His own grunts were speeding up when he suddenly grabs the back of your thighs and hoists you up beside the sink, you gasp in shock but it was more the way the lean man thrusted you up there like it was nothing. What else could he do? You expect him to go back to kissing you but instead he pulls back with his rock hard erection outlined in the wet shorts he still has on. Looking at you dead in the eyes both raging with lust and concern. Whilst you try not to worry how you were going to accommodate him inside your tight walls.
"Is this…? I mean, you want this too right?" his hands are resting at either side of your parted thighs. You nod. "Need you to say it Y/N" he steps forward, lips wet and brushes the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip that was now puffy and pink from the earlier biting. He knew you were down to fuck, but now he wanted to test your preferences. What kind of fun you were about to have shall we say. So when you lick his thumb tip, holding his fist still and grazing your wet tongue up and down from knuckle to tip before closing your eyes and humming around the entire digit, he knew you were both in for a good time.
Removing the thumb he whispers a barely audible "fuck me" before smashing your lips back together, tongues massaging together as he peels your underwear to the side with his hand swiftly and presses digit you'd lubricated with your mouth against your clit, moving it fast from side to side with just the right amount of pressure to make your head spin. Gasping, you throw your head back, hands clasped around his neck as you lean back and feel yourself start to leak a little with arousal. The few spots dripping down on to the counter.
You could say it had been a while but really this guy was moving his way round your body in the same way you tune a guitar in key. Calloused fingers applying the right amount of pressure as you felt yourself start to get to the edge already. He was kissing down the front if your chest, between your breasts, not missing a beat when he pushed both triangles of your bikini aside and you moaned loudly as he kissed and sucked hard around your nipple, tentatively pulling it between his teeth firmly, the sound you let out made him clamp a little harder before sucking in the whole nipple again, soothing the skin his tongue. Most likely leaving a mark behind, but you kind of liked the idea of proof he'd been devouring you in all honesty.
You were becoming blissed out from all the stimulation. Clenching and moving your hips around nothing but this magical thumb working your clit up and down hard. You were overcome with this whole situation playing out the way it had. You broke away from his mouth again.
"Oh fuck.. Harry, I'm… FuckFuck I'm going to come, I'm gonna fucking… Ahhh" he pulled back one arm steadying you as your head hit the mirror behind you in your release. He just watched you and slowed his thumb down watching as the liquid cascaded onto the counter.
After you'd come down you open your eyes and shyly smiled before kissing him passionately, his hands moving around your waist tightly. You moved your hand to his shorts, teasingly grazing the outline of his cock between your fingers in hopes of repaying the favour. He does a single throaty laugh and removes your hand, holding himself against his thigh. You look at him in confusion when he splutters,
"Sorry, sorry its just I'm going t'blow my load if you touch me." then he's back on your lips "Too. Fucking. Sexy" he says between wet kisses to your jaw, neck and clavicle. "Wanted to do this since I first set eyes on you" one hand is on the back of his neck twisting nape curls between your fist whilst the other rests behind you, stopping you from hitting your head on the mirror again.
"Oh yeah? Before or after I ruined your clothes?" you laugh teasingly as he slides his hands around your back to finally remove the bikini top properly, lifting it up over your head and tossing it aside somewhere on the floor. He let's a laugh out himself completely entranced still by how natural you are around him, it was often hard to connect with strangers in his position.
"I'd spotted you walking in, was trying to open the door for you m'love" he says before sucking a red mark into your breast and massaging and pulling the other nipple slightly with his hand.
You struggle through sharp intakes of breath for a reply.
"Well….ah...that's what chivalry.. Oh.. Get's you these days I guess" and you're both laughing a little.
"Hmm. Have to try harder with my manners then won't I? I mean, I've got to clear up the mess I've made here" he cups his hand against your pussy rubbing it up and down a little with his palm. You let out a guttural noise at the friction. "Ladies first and all'tha too right?" he giggles again at himself.
You're practically cumming right then, you couldn't remember the last time someone actually went down on you. Your previous boyfriend not particularly into offering you foreplay. A main point of why he didn't stick around too long.
Harry kisses down your abdomen now, soft sloppy, sensual pecks, humming into your skin every so often in appreciation as he works at removing your soaked bikini bottoms with his hands, pushing them down to your knees before you help, letting them fall from the remaining ankle to the ground.
Harry is moving far too slow for you, kissing across each hip down to the top of your slit, breathing over where you desperately need him before paying the other side the same attention. Then he's licking up each crease where your thigh meets your pelvis.
"Y/N, just.. Just turn, that's it and lean back as far as you can there, shuffle forward until can't balance anymore" you shift your ass as forward as possible on the lip of the sink and prop yourself up on your elbows trying to be as flat as possible on the cold counter as you could, your toes behind the sink with one foot the other dangling over the edge. You keep you thighs open as Harry hunches over the counter where you now lay diagonal. He places his arms under your thighs and bends your legs flat out as he can stretch you, you're expecting some more teasing but he just looks down at your pussy licking over his lips and almost whining before burying his tongue inside you immediately. The force of his tongue lapping up your previous climax causes you once again to knock the side of your head against the mirrored wall. You turn and watch the scene almost as a spectator, witnessing yourself bare to this beautiful man, curly brown hair between your fists and making sounds like he's savouring every taste. He catches you watching before taking his mouth off you, immediately, you're whining in protest.
"Watch my eyes not my reflection baby, I'm right here"
His authoritative tone eclipsing every thought you had about the casual nickname, you stared down at the wonderful site of him lapping and suckling on your clit. Pointed tongue and firm laps against the swollen button. He then starts lapping up at your glistening hole,unhooking an arm to spread your lips open between his fingers and licking right from the bottom to the top with all the sloppy wet noises involved. He was feeling you contract as he locked faster and faster over you. His tongue deserved an award never mind his music. You couldn't believe you were on the brink of a second orgasm so quickly but when he sunk his middle finger into you at the same pace his tongue was working at, you were screaming his name into the extractor fan above before you knew it. You felt waves of liquid cascade from your pussy as he gently lapped up the produce of his work from you. You flinched in overstimulation but he cleaned up every last drop tenderly before carefully closing your legs and pivoting you round to your previous sitting up position on the counter. Neither of you had spoken a word since you came but as he leads your arms to drape over your shoulders, holding your fucked out body against his chest whilst peppering your temple with soft pecks . Then he kisses you intensely, letting you taste the sweet juices of yourself on his lips. You hummed in approval of the sweet taste as you came round.
A few minutes of carnal making out and things were heating up again. Your hands cupping his jaw then sliding to graze fingernails up and down his back, digging them in a little harder now and again and causing goosebumps to pierce through the skin rapidly under your touch.
You could feel him swallowing down grunts from the friction he was getting from his shorts covered cock brushing up and down between your slick folds.
He'd made you cum twice. Hard. He always got off of making his partners cum of course, so he was feeling beyond turned on and the slight heat of your glistening folds against his length was almostvsending him over the edge.
"I want you inside me" you whispered against his lips desperately.
No sooner had you said the words, his left hand was frantically searching through the vanities top drawer in hope. Finding a packet, checking the date quickly then tearing it between his teeth, spitting the seal onto the floor and pushing his shorts to his ankles, stepping out of them at speed before kicking them away.
He smirked when he caught your eyes bulge at his cock. He knew it was above average but the reaction was always a further compliment he thought.
Stepping forward he put on a show of putting the condom on, first rubbing the drops of sticky pre cum at the head and down his length keeping his eyes locked to yours as you wriggled on the counter with anticipation. He whined a little as it squeezed him rolling it on, so red and over sensitive from turning you on. So that's why, when you grabbed for it, he stilled your hand. Dimples appearing back in his cheeks as you looked again in confusion. He kisses you, languishing the moment before grabbing you forward from the countertop to the floor again, still keeping your lips attached. He lightly grips at your hips and turns you round to face the mirror once more.
Harry lightly grabs your throat, and the way you whimper and push your ass back against him, makes him mentally bank that idea for later perhaps. He runs his left hand up the column of your neck lightly holding your jaw between his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to look at him with his hand on your face and the other already working up and down your folds.
"I want you to watch us. Want you to watch yourself come apart. Want to watch you cum around my cock yeah? " he whispers in your ear. You noticeably shiver with excitement of what's to come.
"Please Harry, please, need it, need you."
You watch yourself babble and beg for his cock. The pathetic whimper from yourself as you try and circle your ass into his crotch again to encourage it happening. You were never patient and he's driving you insane here.
Bringing two fingers infront of your lips as you watch yourself in the mirror he looks you dead in the eye through the reflection.
"Spit" so you do, "good girl" he says kissing your cheek. His saliva lubed fingers are back rubbing your clit quickly whilst his knee nudges the back of yours to spread your feet wider as he kisses the back of your neck and shoulders. When he pauses next you're not expecting the hard thrust of him entering you entirely, sure you were dripping wet with the result of two orgasms but you cry out in a mix of stretch and pleasure as he pounds into you at a furious pace. His spare hand not on your clit is holding the bottom of your spine down as he keeps up his rhythm. His pace was that of a man desperate for release after watching you fall apart on his fingers and tongue. The build up meant he was already close as you tight walls fluttered around him. He pleads with you to stop tightening your walls around him or he's not going to last he whimpers.
You were already close again, you'd never cum this many times or this quickly in your life but you were ready for another round and by the sounds of him and the stutter his pace kept slipping you knew he was close too.
You quickly removed his hand, sucking your own fingers into your mouth to replace his own at your clit.
"M'gonna cum, but… OhOh fuck.. But need you harder. Deeper" you manage to get out.
He grunts a curse before squeezing your hips at a pressure that will leave marks tomorrow but the delight in the speed he was now able to snap his hips against the swells of your ass, was well worth it. It only took a few more seconds with the fingers that knew you best, for you to gush against his cock. Feeling absolutely exhausted you slump your sweaty chest onto the cold counter.
His orgasm taking him by surprise when you clenched up to milk him dry. He all but shouts your name as his hips stutter and you feel the warmth of his cum fill the one barrier between you.
His lips were back on your sweaty neck for a second whilst he disposed of the used condom. He ran the walk in shower and wordlessly you took his offered hand to join him under the hot spray. You'd never had an encounter end like this before not that you were a seasoned professional but after 3 orgasms the way his hands moved round your body under the water, washing away your antics with sweet strawberry-banana smelling suds on the flannel, left you with a warm floaty feeling the worn off alcohol never had.
He gently wipes your makeup from under your eyes then, smiling at the cute way your nose wrinkles slightly as he rubs at each eyebrow.
"I don't even have words" you finally laugh out blushing, not able to stand his gauge as you say it.
"Oh. So that's how to make that smart mouth o'yours stop is it? " he grins, you gasp in mock offense and go to say something but going under your chin with his thumb with his forefinger to connect your lips under the warm water spray he kisses you when you pull away you can't help but ask.
"So does this make us even on one ruined fancy vest then?"
"Hmmmm" he ponders with both hands on your face looking at the ceiling out if the falling water. " I'm not sure, I mean it was a custom, pretty high going rate those yeah"
"Yeahhhh you're right, you're right. Better factor in the cost of the custom job then hadn't I huh?"
You hurriedly sink to your knees on the tiled floor.
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pieces-by-me · 4 years
Strangers on the Road
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Gif by the lovely @honestsycrets​ 
Words: 2605
Summary: Goodness can be found everywhere. Even for a stranger on a strange road.
Warnings: mentions of ablism
Kinda feel like this is not that good and lost inspiration at the end but I didn’t want to just delete the whole thing. Would love to hear what you all think of this✨
The Silk Road was a lot of things but never boring. People would meet from west to east to bargain about jewels, exotic foods, animals, slaves and as the name says silk. Anything you could ever need you could find on the Silk Road.
There was a market place. Close to the border where sand meets snow. It was colder here. The sun not having enough warmth to burn you, but still keep you a bit warmer. The market was not the biggest but the last one you would find for miles before the terrain changes from rocky mountaintops to frost covered grounds. Hundreds of people scuffled about to find the best goods. Different prices were being called around the area by the handlers to make the travelers come to their small stalls and seats. Many big men would shout at the top of their lungs. Some women would walk about and thrust their fabric in peoples faces. Anything to make yourself and your worth known.
One small stand, it was so tiny you might not even call it that, was at the end of the market. At first sight one couldn't even see what was presented for trade or purchase. But the closer you came the more you saw. Small clay pots with lids on them, little bowls with salves and a basket filled with weirdly looking dried leafs. Medicine.
The young women behind her small stall made herself useful by cleaning small crumbs of dirt from her pots. Smiling at buyers that walked by and greeting the once that came to her.
Y/N may not have a lot of supply but the demand was high. So the little she had she could sell for more then some other merchants. With made her life a little easier. But even if she sold everything each day she would still scrape at the ends of her revenues. It's only enough for her to live each day. Which was fine. She didn't have anyone she needed to support. Her parents died when she was young and she never had any siblings. So anything she made was for herself.
It wasn't easy at the beginning. Having to collect plants in a mountains was not an easy task. Walking miles upon miles into the nearest forrest for maybe an hour just to run back as soon as the sun went down. It would be a death sentence to walk on the Silk Road at night as a little girl. And Y/N had to start make a living for herself at a young age. But she managed. The knowledge she inherited from her mother helped her a lot. As soon as she found the little round leafs buried under the snow she knew she could survive.
They weren't just normal weeds. If you cooked them they would make a tea that would help with the biggest pains. If you chewed them raw you could help your teeth stay strong. And when you stomp them together with with goat fat and a specific snake venom it would help heal wounds in half the time. That was her biggest seller. It was hard to come by. Having to milk her snakes herself and trading things for goat fat took time. Every time she made it it would sell out in seconds and it would be worth it.
Today was like every other day. Waking up. Skipping breakfast to open the stall. Standing your feet into the ground for the day. Closing up. Making preparations and tinctures for the next day. Sleep.
Y/N knew nothing else so she was happy with it. Every day she would stand between Bran the forger, the nice guy that couldn't really stand anymore due to an old injury he obtained in a fight, and Lorah the jewel seller, a hardheaded women with to many opinions and a need to gossip. It was noisy between the constant banging on metal and women's chattering about the best new stones or quality of an arm ring. But it was her little place and she couldn't imagine standing somewhere else on the market.
The sun stood high in the sky when, for the first time in years, something changed. A lot of different people would travel the Silk Road to trade and buy. Different people from different places of the world praising different gods and coming around with the weirdest foods. But never in all her years had Y/N seen a cripple being carted through the market.
He was not hard to spot. The wagon he was sitting in was a big telltale. There weren't a lot of people with carts like that. The next thing she spotted were his legs. Two legs in metal braces. They looked old and rusted, as if they were about to fall apart. And then, the last sign of the stranger were his eyes. Y/N only caught them for a second but the shade of blue that pierced though hers was something she had never seen before. They were clearer then Lorah's jewels. Bluer then the sky. She could have looked into them for the whole day and never would tire.
“What in all the lords name is that?”
The disgusted voice of Lorah snapped the young woman out of her staring. She looked at the cripple with so much hate it seems he had killed her first born child.
“What do you mean? He's just traveling through here.”
Bran voiced his thoughts.
“I can see that you old fool. The question is why is it even here in the first place. It should not be here.”
“He's not a thing. He's human just like you.”
Y/N small voice grew colder then what it usually was when she talked to the women. She didn't like the tone and words her stall neighbor used for the stranger.
“Y/N dear you're young and naive. Human puh. No we are humans, you and me. Bran even. But the likes of...him should have died right after the birth. See the legs. They're crippled and wrong. We used to bring them outside to die when children like it were born. It's not natural. It's evil and bad and must be banished from the world.”
Y/N was shocked. She knew that Lorah was opinionated on a lot of things and that she would stand for her word. But this? How could she decide that this men should have died when he was a babe? What kind of monster could decide who lives and dies just by the way they were born?
“How can you truly think that? Your jewels might be beautiful but your heart is ugly Lorah.”
“I'm not the only one with that knowledge little witch. You'll see. That creature will not get anything from the people here on this market.”
Witch. Lorah knew that Y/N was called that behind her back and that she didn't like it. But she was rather a witch then heartless. She turned around to face the evil women once more but was met with nothing. Lorah must have stormed away in believe of having the last sentence and won the argument. Pathetic.
“Let her be Y/N. She sometimes seems as evil but she has truth to her words. The poor man won't find anyone to trade with him. He looks like he will travel farther east and probably die in the cold. Crippled people don't make it far in life. It's a wonder he made it this far. God must've be kind to him.”
“There are a lot of people here who will trade with anyone. They need the money and don't care if he's a cripple or not. And screw your God Bran. Your God would want me to burn alive for simply knowing some herbs.”
The clanging from bended metal was the only answer she'd get from the smith. Maybe she shouldn't have insulted his believe. Whats done is done.
Movement from the stranger caught her eyes again. He was making his way out of the cart with the help from a crutch. Also looking as if it would fall apart. Something was off about him though. His motions looked ragged. Tugging, almost as if his muscles would give out. She looked at him and again her eyes met his. This time she could see that not only the color of his eyes were blue but also the whites around them. Pain.
She knew what blue whites meant. In her live she met some men that came back from battle with light blue colored eyes. And they always proclaimed to be in the worst kind of pain they've ever felt. Him walking around with his crutch you wouldn't see that he felt pain with every step he took. It could simply be hard to walk on this ground. But she knew. And her heartstrings pulled tighter at the picture of this man struggling to only get food or whatever it is he needs.
Y/N hadn't realized how close the stranger has come. He was close enough to see the goods that were sprawled out on her little table and for her to see that there was a silver of a necklace peaking through his tunic. It looked like a hammer and she recognized it immediately. Nothing interested him though for he just walked by her without a glance. But she couldn't let that stand. Back in her head she searched for the old language her father tried to teach her. It was hard but she managed. She turned to him and with little confidence she called.
That made him halt in his step. Turning around he met her eyes. This time on purpose. His eyes were filled with a sort of anger and he answered to fast with too many words for her to understand.
“Please, talk slower”
“How do you know my language?” It came out more of an demand then a question.
“My father thought me.”
“But why did he teach you Norse. You don't look like a Viking.”
Her answer came after a short minute but with a small smile on her face.
“I'm not Viking. But my father was friends with some. Back when he was alive.”
That made the stranger pause again. He was considered what she told him. You could see it.
“What is your name?” This time it was a question.
“Y/N and yours?”
He hesitated. Should he tell this woman who he was? Could it come back and bite him in the ass if he told the truth?
“You don't have to tell me. It's not of my buisn..”
His interruption made her to stumble over her words but after she heard that he told her his name her small smile grew larger. Ivar had to say she had a nice smile. And she was the first one to start a conversation with him and not the other way around.
“Well Ivar, is there something you might need that I can help you with?”
“No, I'm looking for food and you only sell weird looking porridge.”
Her smile didn't falter. “Well I don't have food but you can buy something six stalls to your right. Bella sells the best and cheapest dates on the whole road. Also if you say that I send you she will probably give you more for your money. But here please take this”
With the last words she turned around, ducked behind her stall and when she came up again she held a small brown pouch filled with dried leafs inside a yellow cup.
Ivar looked at her with skepticism. Why would this weird, yet beautiful, women talk to him and then also help him?
“I don't have enough gold to pay for...whatever that is. And why would you help me with food when you would gain nothing in return?”
“I don't want your gold. I just want to help. I see the way your eyes are blue and I know that you are in pain. So why wouldn't I help you when I can? Also Bella owns me one for making medicine for her son so it's nothing really”
Y/N held the pouch still in her hands but with the missing answer form Ivar her smile fell just a little. But she wouldn't take no, or the lack of one, as an answer. So with a little smirk that looked more mischievous than the smile she held before she threw the little bag to the side of him that didn't hold him up on his crutch.
With a startled look, as if he was expecting a knife, he caught the bag. The stare he threw back at her made her laugh so hard even on Bran's face grew on. He observed the weird interaction between the two even though he couldn't understand a word they'd said. He hand't seen Y/N laugh and smile for a long time.
“Well now it's yours and I don't take returns” Her voice matched her smile and after a moment to overcome his initial shock Ivar smiled back. And Y/N swore her heart skipped a beat.
“Fine... then as it seems that I am stuck with this..would you explain to me what I have to do with it?” His smile was a little dimmed but still on his face.
“You'd have to boil the leafs for a while and then drink it slowly. Little sips. And no more then one cup.” She gave him the cup too and he hid both of her gift somewhere in his robe.
They held eye contact. Knowing that their interaction would be over soon. Him still plagued with hunger and her with the need to sell more of her goods, now that she gifted some away. But neither wanting to let the other go. Y/N was the first person since he fled Kattegat that was actually nice to him. She treated him like a person and not ogled at him like the freak he was. Well as the freak he saw in himself.
And Ivar was the first men that made her laugh and made her truly feel happy for a little while. She could forget the struggle of having to be alone in this world. She would miss him. Even though they only knew each other for an hour she would truly miss this stranger with the blue eyes.
And what she didn't know was that Ivar would miss and think of her for the rest of his journey. He would see her act of kindness a far greater thing then just a small favor. And her laugh would bring him warmth when he went into the snow filled forests.
“Thank you” His small voice was filled with honesty.
“You are more then welcome. I wish you all the luck and that your gods help you on your journey”
He hadn't expected to hear that but it brought him a little bit of hope. If the gods made him meet her he was on the right path.
He only bowed his head a little, a sheepish smirk on his face, and made his way away from her and to the mentioned stall from Bella. Dates sounded magnificent right now.
Ivar vanished in the masses of people but her smile stayed on her face.
“Well someone is a little smitten”
“Ah shut up Bran” 
Her insult was met with laughter from the old forger.
Tags: @youbloodymadgenius​
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