#my personal favourite was uh
stoportotouch · 2 years
in fairness to her. (and to myself because we are basically the same person.) my mother does find it quite funny when i say “to literally anybody else a child deciding to do that would suggest some kind of Brain Thing” because we both know that she will always reply “but i did exactly the same thing as a child”
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dukeofthomas · 2 months
"They were never really that close pre-death" "Dick was mean to Jason before warming up" etc etc are the worst Dick&Jason takes possible. Why would you even say that about them
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greypetrel · 7 days
Rules: Make a poll of your favourite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
Tagged by @illusivesoul and @shivunin (with twin kudos to giving me a hard time deciding on whom to vote and tears for that vote not being for Kasumi)
I would pull long explanations over each of them, at will I have TED talks prepared over every single one of them, but I'll spare you all.
Tagging: @salsedine , @melisusthewee , @n7viper , @theluckywizard , @heniareth
@ndostairlyrium , @first-talon , @star--nymph , @deerna @zencetera And YOU who are reading!
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llitchilitchi · 7 months
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'Forgive me father for I have sinned.'
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Mutuals are asleep, post Izutsumi cosplay.
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5hrignold · 4 months
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
if everybody's sick, well then nobody can catch it- petscop
Paul's eyes were glued to the scratched glass of his CRT TV. The hazy pixels in its monitor jittered and the green man who appeared from the tunnel began to type.
With each beat of his heart, a new message was written, burning the words in Paul's faulty memory.
The air stood still. Paul couldn't breathe; his hands shook and ached with years of precise movement. Every scar tracing across knuckles caught flame, every poisonous word that re-shaped his bones bubbled to the surface.
His back was hunched, shoulders locked– his head hung low so that long, tangled hair obscured his face.
Glass shattered and Paul could feel every phantom shard spray onto his neck. The pounding alarm in his ears sent tremors through his body, frozen like a moment captured in time. He was too scared to make a sound, but all he wanted was to scream.
Instead, he reached for the mic and shut it off.
"Dad?" He croaked out, stiff and quiet like the day he escaped. In the back of his mind, he wondered if Marvin remembered his voice otherwise.
Petscop's unwavering silence was all that he was met with. The console at his feet stuttered and hummed, the TV in front of him continued to buzz. Not even the presence of another living thing could be heard– just Paul in his school, playing his game.
Stomach acid burned at the back of his throat as his stomach rolled. He squeezed his eyes shut. Vaguely, he could hear the sound of his controller clattering on the ground.
It was a slow thing, turning around to face his assailant. Eyes squeezed shut kept Paul’s ignorance intact, but eventually, he dared to open his eyes.
The unbroken window gleamed in the streetlights. Below it sat an air conditioner, undisturbed; pristine like the day it was bought, unused since the original inhabitant of this room left. Dust floated through the air, disturbed by his movement.
He stumbled as adrenaline shot through his brain, screaming at him to go somewhere– to get away from the real, imminent danger lurking just outside his room.
Paul threw his bedroom door open and ran down the hall, tripping over himself. He looked for the only person who knew what was coming and found her padding around the kitchen. Anna held a broom in one hand, dumping something delicate in the trash with the other. She leaned the broom against the counter as Paul barrelled into her. He gripped the sides of her cardigan, babbling into her shoulder; "He's coming, help me- please, please help me- he's coming for me-" He pleaded in a loop.
Anna wrapped her arms around his shaking shoulders. Her confusion was swiftly swept away by a rush of motherly instinct; one she hadn't felt in almost two decades. She combed her bony fingers through her son's matted hair.
"Mommy's here. It's okay, honey." She cooed, soaking up the feeling of the hug as much as possible, "Now, why don't you tell me what's wrong, hm?"
Paul choked on his words as they fought their way out of him. She was the last person he wanted to show so much vulnerability to, but a small part of him hoped she would keep him safe this time.
He pried himself away from her, leaning back to look her in the eyes. Anna frowned at his open look of ragged fear.
"Th-the glass and in- and the-the game-" He cried frantically, "He wa- he said- he-" Paul's resolve broke and he started to plead with Anna again.
She brushed her thumb across his cheek, cupping his face with her palm. She hushed him.
"Paul, calm down. I don't know what you're trying to tell me, sweetheart."
Paul wanted to wilt. He wanted to push her away and he wanted to be loved and consoled. He pulled Anna in tighter and despite himself, he hid his face deep in her shoulder. Paul choked on shuddering breaths, eventually calming enough to stop the shaking in his hands.
"He was-" He swallowed hard, blinking tears into Anna’s cardigan, "He talked to me in-in-in the game and he kno-knows I'm here. There was glass- the win-window- shattered, but no- he wasn't- he wasn't there, but I know he's coming, please Anna, please, you have to help me-"
Anna's heart squeezed and she shifted in their crushing hug to smooth down Paul's hair.
"Oh sweetheart…" She soothed, "That broken glass you heard was a plate I dropped. I just finished cleaning up when you came down."
Paul unfurled, looking around the dimly lit kitchen. He now noticed a broom propped up against the counter and a dustpan on the lid of the trash bin.
Anna took his hands slowly, but held them in a tight grip. She pursed her lips, eyes filling with sorrow.
"Aw, Paul, I'm sorry." She said tactlessly, brushing hair out of his face with a too-soft hand. Paul’s skin crawled.
"You don't have to worry. You're safe now. No one will hurt you here, not with me."
Her pitiful smile made his stomach turn. Something horrible happened in this house, to this family; Anna was a liar, Marvin was a monster. He knew he wasn’t safe, that a man waited for him down the hall, ready to take him away for good. But there was no one at the window, and Paul didn’t grow up in this house. He didn’t know anyone named Carrie Mark.
Paul slipped his hands out of Anna’s, swiping at his eyes and walking past her into the bathroom without a second glance. He shut the lock-less door behind him and pulled out his phone, typing in a number he could recount in his sleep– his lifeline. After a few rings, she picked up.
"Hey, Belle," He weakly greeted, "Yeah, um- nothing- nothing new in the game."
Paul laughed wetly and sniffled, "I'm good, can you um… can you pick me up? Please?" He nodded with his eyes shut, leaning against the bathroom door, "Thank you. Okay, yeah… love you too. Bye."
Paul sighed, not quite relieved, but glad his sister was coming to get him out of this house all the same. He slipped his phone back into the pocket of his stained hoodie.
Anna shifted on the couch, watching as Paul trudged to the front door. She wrung her hands.
"Where are you going?" She called after him. Paul stopped with his hand on the door knob, staring at the faded black paint in front of him.
"I'm going home, Anna." He said shortly. She drew in a sharp breath and cast her eyes to the floor.
"I'll be back."
Paul left the room.
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
I don't know if you're going to answer this but, Vigilante Tiso, is this an AU of yours? If so, I'm curious about the context of this concept!
Yep! Vigilante Tiso is one of my older and blog popular AU’s for Hollow Knight (based on poll results)
Originally, it started as a joke about Tiso being in Hallownest early just to take the piss out of PK and Lurien, but slowly developed into a more complicated story about Tiso being Xero and Markoth’s son (Xero biologically and Markoth via marrying into the family) as Tiso moved to Hallownest much earlier - eventually putting his distaste for the royalty into become the cities Vigilante that continued through the Infection Outbreak and in-game events. Instead of an arrogant ant that dies in the Colosseum, he’s a hot headed ant that’s been trying to protect survivors of a dying kingdom whilst wanting a solution and is willing to die for it.
A lot of it focuses more on the character relationships as they change and are affected by the story events - particularly with a small family being torn apart as simple mortals in a gods war.
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im-goin-mad · 10 months
in case you were wondering what i saw in him: i just found out bpd can cause hallucinations. so yeah.
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gunkbaby · 2 months
ok so you don't have to answer this bc I know you're really only here for Shuu BUT do you have any thoughts about Hide with BPD?
i will be honest : i know almost nothing about Hide, so I don’t feel I can answer this properly - so Hide fans can feel free to sound off in the reblogs if they have ideas (I would ask for people with BPD/experiences with it to answer particularly, because of how stigmatised BPD is!). I will main tag it so more people can see and potentially offer food for thought - people with more Hide knowledge.
But regardless, with my very limited memory of him - I don’t know if I would say he has it? Like I said, I really am not a Hide expert. I like him well enough, but I don’t think he really reads as BPD to me personally. Maybe it’s just that my experience with BPD is on the more outwardly obsessive, dependant, toxic side - which is why I think I see it so clearly with Shuu (and potentially Kanae) - but I mean. My experience isn’t final or universal. I’m not saying it’s a complete no-go, but my immediate reaction is that I’m not sure I would associate him with BPD. Again, like I said, I’m basing this off of my very limited knowledge, and my personal experience. I haven’t started my re-read officially yet (so many books on the go atm…mon dieu…), so maybe my thoughts will change during that time - in which case I will reblog this post with any new takeaways I might have for you.
I’m sorry, this is is such a shite answer 😭 I just haven’t analysed him as deeply as other characters - I’ll make notes during my re-read and see if I notice anything and report back
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running-in-the-dark · 8 months
I'm being productive!
okay I'm actually just packing my Rainbow High dolls. but it needs to be done! and I'm doing it! so that's good 😬
now I just need to decide which ones will get to stay with me for the next two months. I've narrowed it down to... seven. so I've still got to pack four of them 😬 this is too hard 🙃
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theskyexists · 1 year
This is maybe the best ending on any anime I’ve ever seen. Gundam Witch From Mercury is shaping up to be one of my favourite anime ever. Top three.
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danielnelsen · 11 months
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every time in read amber rage i just............................................like you cant give me that description and expect me to be normal about this man.
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yeyinde · 2 years
My WIP list is a scroll currently but all this talk about wilderness escapism has me yearning for the Pacific Northwest.
Feeling like a little au about shucking the unrelentingly clutch of everyday ennui and the the unrepentant existential dread of modern life by escaping into the wild where (surprise surprise) you meet the love of your life in a ramshackle cabin in the forest.
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Every time I see someone address @neil-gaiman with "Lord Gaiman" or something similar, I can't help but immediately envision the exchange kind of like that :D
Neil Gaiman © himself / art © Murderous-Coffeebean (tumblr & dA)
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the problem with thinking about the combined story for alice and lorcan (nuada and suhaila and uriel and unnamed venus fly trap woman are all included in this) is how many other characters i have to make to be in opposition to them
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