#my personal rule for the instrument collection these days is that they have to be 1) used and 2) cheap
crplpunkklavier · 2 years
ooh! you have a collection of musical instruments???? thats so awesome! do you wanna maybe show off because instruments are really cool-
yes!! omg thank u for asking i never get to show them off
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(1) my grandma's old mandolin (2) a djembe i honestly don't remember getting. i've had it since i was a teenager though (3) special tloz edition genuine ocarina (4) fleamarket melodica (5) liddle harmonica that was so cheap that i have two of these somehow (6) NOSE FLUTE which is the funniest instrument. you can get these for like €1 (7) my mom's old recorder
now for the string section, plus one honorary guest, because all the following instruments happen to have names
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on the top are the girlfriends :) i bought my BEAUTIFUL showstopping incredible matte black electric guitar off of a guy on ebay who had already named her mina, so when i got my bass guitar (also off ebay) to be mina's huge girlfriend i named her lucy. my acoustic western is called oscar because i literally dug him out of someone else's trash. (its a sesame street reference.) the electric violin i somehow convinced my parents to gift me as a teen was named quincy by gc, the accordion's name is van helsing. :) (the accordion is from a fleamarket and presently only half of the keys work) (im sorry about the bow dear violinists im sorry im sorry i havent touched it in ages im looking to get it replaced soon im sorry)
i don't necessarily count my piano and my e-drumset toward my collection, because i am actually proficient in them and like. need them to live lol. but here they are anyway:
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not pictured is my acoustic drumset, which is disassembled in the basement, because i currently live in an apartment and cant play it here. i probably should bring myself to just sell it, but i cant. :( my parents got it at aldi (yep) when i was like 5, and it was my brother's for the next 10 years, until i took over, and it's been with me ever since. i added a few cymbals with my own pocket money back then too because my brother and aldi are basic bitches and i wanted to rock out. so..... idk. ill lug that thing around with me until the day i die
bonus: last year i got a 3/4 guitar for free off ebay because the neck was broken, so i turned the head into a keyholder and the body into a menorah
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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Hello! Welcome back to some obersvations for the month of May! I've been super inspired since I've started working in a new firm and got to meet many new colleges. So I hope you enjoy the content and always feel free to comment your opinions and observations!
These are my personal, subjective views on some placements and signs. If you disagree, feel free to discuss it down below and not take everything personally.
With that being said, let's get started!
These people just sniff out each other the second they lock eyes with one another. It's this familiar family they all crave to feel and it's finally in front of their face. They feel at peace and at home with other Pisces dominant people. They have these glossy eyes filled with mystery and warmth. Every Pisces Sun/Rising/Dominant person I've met has some sort of artistic talent, that being: painting, drawing, sculpting, writing, play any instrument..etc. They are so in tune with the details of life others strive to see. I also think they can be such big day dreamers, introverts and tragically lovley people.
This placement can seem very distant, raw and viewed as a lonely wolf but on the contrary it's a whole different story. Aquarius rules the 11th house, which is the house of community, society, shortly speaking friendships. So having a Moon in this sign really means having a collective feeling with others and wanting to socialize. On the other hand Aqarius is ruled by Saturn, a cold and restrictive planet of time, so Aquariuans don't want to rush things nor spend their time on irrelevant people. By doing so they can seem to cut people off quickly and start over or to overly bond with someone and become obsessed, since putting so much effort and love into them. They want to be seem as rigid and cold to mask their openness and emotional demeanor. When they get hurt they shut off, write it off and try to ignore it, even though deep inside it hurts for a very long time, but they just try as hard as they can to forget.
Chiron, the healing healer. Cursed with a wound never to be patched up again, but at the same time giving the knowledge to others how to continue with their wounds. Scorpio Chirons are constitley shamed for their sexual energy surrounding them, so most of the time they cover up and try to hide underneath it. They attract a lot of perverted minds to the table by just breathing. This can also indicate a very empathetic and intuitive person who feels absolutely every thing and can/wants to help others, but by doing so breaks themself down a lot of the time. They also have strong trust issues, may abuse their power, can have low self estem, can be frightful and nervous people. When they open up their heart more and let go is when the healing truly happens. They are more wise than they think, but they cannot see it always threw the anxious attitude and self sabotaging persona.
They attract and love water signs. They crave deep connections, star gazing, physical touch, nurturing their partner, tender, sweet and innocent love. These people like to pit their partner on a pedestal and become a little obsessed with them. They want them to be the center of their universe and also want that in return. Cancer is also symbolically connected to the Mother archetype, the womb, birth...etc, having Cancer in the 5th house of romance and relationships means these people really have that motherly instinct and adore when their partner is family oriented of hands on with kids. They love rainy days filled with the smell of baked goods in the arms of their loved one. They want a Romeo and Juliet kind of love.
Now I've grown up with two Sag Moons in my house hold, one being my brother and the other being my father and they are so alike it's hilarious. I've also had 2 very close friends with this placement and again the similarities are off the rails. Firstly they need to always be on the run, optionally having a job which includes a lot of travel or just changing jobs in different places. Secondly, they are so angry when things don't go their way, but they do cool down quite quickly, the most out of the 3 fire Moons. They are also so good in finding solutions with different people and I different situations. They also love to have many hobbies, are known to be book worms and can flow with any conversation quite well. They are also huge extroverts and the goofy bunch. This doesn't apply that much if the native has a lot of 8th house placements, Pluto aspects with personal planets or a 12th house Moon/Sun/Stellium.
It's really hard for Air dominant people to relate to others. They are just overly detached and see everything threw a realist prism. It can be a little annoying to be honest, especially for fire and water signs, who are just passionate and act a lot how they feel.
Here's me again, bashing on Gemini Venuses...but I just can't help it. The Venus sign that I meet and attract the most. From all the people that remarried, had a lot of partners, Venus in Gemini takes the cake. But what I do respect about them is they will not stay in something they're unhappy with for a long time, they have very high standards and will not dumb them down for anyone. They will always find something better and more exiting and that's why they are known to "change" partners and be "promiscuous". Yep, many are jealous of them at the end of the day aswell.
I've never met a Libra rising that doesn't have q nice behind! I know that sounds kinda creepy, but it's true. Since Libra rules the lower back, they all have a more rounder rear. The also have amazing skin most of the time. A very plump and glowy face.
This can indicate a very cloudy person. They can be very inactive and procrastinate a lot, but at the same time be highly intelligent and artsy people. I mean Neptune does feel at home in the 12 house, so in my opinion if you're going to have any planet in this house, Neptune it is.
Now, I know it's such a strange placement to bash since this is a very fond placement to me and close to my heart. But I've noticed a lot of men having this placement can be confused with this feminine energy in their chart. They are very beautiful, don't get me wrong, but when this placement is mixed with a water sun/moon and a fire Mars it's a death penalty. They know they're  beautiful and girls get caught up in that trap of emotional intelligence and an attractive face. They also can be a little shallow. I've seen many guys leave the girl they have the most in common with for just a pretty face so they can show her off as a trophy and then go after the other, but still message and crave the one they truly felt something.
The thing that gets them the most if a fruity and playful perfume, long bouncy hair and back scratches...trust me.
A lot goes on in a day of a person who has this aspect. In one corner ypu want to achieve everything and anything, work your ass of and show your strong ego. In the other corner you are so sick of being the more responsible person and want to just run away. They also have an intense feeling about failure. They should lean from it, not run away.
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ros1eh0trod · 29 days
So, here I am, I have had this idea of what Vibes that Matthew Goffard gives off. I know not everyone will agree and that’s okay! I just wanted to share my head canons and ideas about this man! Enjoy!
- Very uptight as others would say. In line, rule follower, at least in public when eyes are always on you. A man with a last name that came with expectations.
- Matthew I think would have a very quiet personality, from the outside looking in he’s very composed, very well kept and in check. An unsettling calm. Even when he’s angry. Most mistake his calm demeanor as just being polite, but the truth is he’s observing. Always watching, thinking. Always planning on how to get ahead. How to better himself to be better. (Not in a happy way, more of a, I’m bettering myself to outdo you.)
- when Matthew speaks he is very direct, he knows exactly what he wants to say and what he expects of you. He has the strong personality of a leader. All of his other thoughts, he keeps inside his head. All the things he want to call you, all the things he’d want to do to you to help you remember your place.
Other things
- we all know he is jealous of Derek, he believes that he deserves what Derek has. He thinks that he should have so much more than he does. He should have the business. He should carry the Goffard name to great heights. He should carry the weight, after all he could. Much better than Derek.
- Along with that, he thinks he is better. Better than Derek, better than other siblings, better than you. Better than the other names that have a weight to them. After all, he’s spent most of his life trying to prove himself. Trying to show his worth.
- Matthew is a very smart individual, noth just because he has a name to uphold but also he spent his whole life trying to outdo others and gain favor of his father by doing well in school. Even now as an adult he’s very smart and remembers many things that he’s learned and is many steps ahead. He was a tryhard, but now he uses his knowledge for his own gain. He knows he’s smart too.
- personally, I can also see him being a germaphobe. Opening doors with a napkin, looking at you in disgust when your blood splatters on him even though it’s his fault. 😐 Sanitizing his pens, his room. Washes his bedding once a week. However he showers everyday so he’s very clean.
- in my head my mind keeps screaming that Matthew Goffard is a history junky. This man in his free time reads historical documents that he can get his hands on, history books, anything that relates to history. He finds history and cultures fascinating. Especially the more…macabre part. (He likes to read)
- he collects weapons from other cultures and decorates his room with them. They menacingly sit on the wall, the weapons waiting to be used. His walls also are decorated with art, painting, more specifically the sad and depressing paintings. The ones that make you think.
- This man works out, no doubt about it. In his one picture he already looks strong and broad. Even if most of it is natural he likes to keep the strong and broad build.
- I think he’s musically talented, it wasn’t something he originally wanted to be good at but when he thought he had the opportunity to impress his father in his younger days he tried out music and many other instruments. When he realized it didn’t really matter he stopped playing all but one instrument. The violin. I like the idea of this man being a violin player. A talented violinist.
Side note: Matthew gives the vibe that he’s naturally talented. He really could do anything he wanted to if he wanted to.
A possible painting in his room?
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tf2fansderogatory · 2 years
guys hear me out. if the mercs were tf2 animatronics what would their mechanics be
my guy you just gave me an entire AU idea
RED and BLU are rival entertainment companies, both build animatronics that perform at restaurant locations and can be rented, FNAF-style. their animatronics are so similar that one *has* to be ripping off the other, but nobody knows which is the original and which is the copy so people just pick which one they go to based on the color scheme and aesthetic
Scout has two main functions; waiter/server, and entertainer via sports. he has impeccable balance and sure footing, making him perfect for carrying plates and other dishes across a room filled with rambunctious, running children. when it comes to entertaining, he has an entire portion of his memory bank dedicated to just about every major sport in existence. his AI’s pretty good in that if the kids don’t understand some of the rules for a game, he can easily roll with it and come up with rule modifications on the spot to make sure the games are as fun as possible. normal racing is a popular game, especially since Scout’s fast. a lot faster than he lets on.
Solly works as one of multiple story-teller bots, specializing in exciting, action-filled stories- 9 times out of 10, war ones. when he was being built, the poor engineer/mechanic/all-around technician (Miss Pauling) was too sleep deprived to come up with many ideas beyond war stories. Soldier also promotes general physical health, and will usually run through “training exercises” (fit for kids) with everyone in the room after the story is over. a lot of the parents think that only the boys would like Soldier and some of them actively discourage their daughters from visiting him but they’re DUMB. at least half of the crowd of yelling, confidence-boosted cadets is eager young girls raring to fight and prove that they can do anything the boys can. sometimes the kids’ll form teams and play-fight/do a mock war. Solly makes sure that nobody gets injured and everyone knows how to “fight” without actually hurting someone. he knows how to do it perfectly, after all.
Pyro does arts and crafts, sometimes with Demo or Engie. they also, by nature of their mute design, encourage kids to be more understanding of people who don’t talk for whatever reason, which then carries over to being more understanding of anyone not like them. Pyro’s room is by far the most colorful; walls painted like Pyroland, cork boards absolutely littered in drawings the kids have given them, the shelves in his personal room (basically a closet where he goes to deactivate at the end of the day) filled with trinkets the kids made. their room is also connected to a small outside area with a fire pit. it’s nice for kids to relax with him and just watch the fire go. he even has a built-in lighter function in his hands, so he can start up a fire whenever.
Demo is also a story-teller, but his story genres are mystery and mythological/paranormal. he has a specialized voice box that lets him make sound effects, but so that they still sound like a human imitating the sound. his room is one of the most popular ones, though he prefers to wander around the establishment instead of sit in his room when he’s not telling stories. he helps out Pyro with arts and crafts, occasionally, but another way he likes to spend time with the kids is by showing off the medieval weapons (models) he has, and the kids always find it cool. it’s a rather large collection, and the models are quite…accurate.
Engie is, just like his normal tf2 counterpart, good at just about everything and pretty overworked. if animatronics could get stress headaches, he would, although mostly because of his desire to get all of his jobs done perfectly all at once. the jobs in question are musical entertainment, assistant cook, helping with arts and crafts, and helping with maintenance after the place is closed. he can play any strummed string instrument, and has a separate voice box just for singing. he also has extensive knowledge of the inner workings most of the electronic systems in the building; lights, sound systems, fire suppression- but not security. the company doesn’t want to risk him going haywire or getting some kind of malware and then letting thieves and such in. Engie also has an issue with his programming for talking to adults- the speech part of his ai is lacking in that department, so he tends to pull from what he knows for talking to kids, which used to make him come across as condescending at times. by now, though, he’s tweaked it and managed to perfect that polite, disarming tone of voice. he’s very good at it.
Heavy and Sniper’s rooms are connected and are the two designated “quiet rooms”. Heavy also reads to/with the kids and Sniper also tells nature stories, but for the most part they just keep a calm environment. kids with sensory issues, kids who get overstimulated, and even just kids who want to take a nap come to their rooms. there’s plenty of differently textured stuff available if someone needs to ground themselves or just wants to feel a certain texture. as for Heavy and Sniper themselves, they’re very calm and keep their voices low. Sniper makes sure everyone’s doing alright and doesn’t need anything, and Heavy deals with kids that are getting too loud or rambunctious (he’ll guide them out of the room and give them a gentle scolding, then let them back in if they promise to behave). if, for whatever reason, a parent is the one causing the issue, it’s still rather easy to get the parent out of the room(s), especially considering the strength of the two
Medic is the first aid bot, of course. the are a handful of different first aid stations around the building, with buttons to call Medic to them if he’s not there already. something went a little wrong with his personality coding, making him that unhinged man we all know and love, but he’s surprisingly good with kids and filtering what he says to not disturb them. the kids adore him. like Engie, though, he has issues interacting with adults- but instead of pulling from kid interaction info and coming off as condescending, Medic goes off of default, bland, robot interaction and ends up being just…creepy. short, curt speech, a lot of staring (with eyes that are far too observant and watching to be comfortable), and over time it goes from creepy and emotionless to creepy and somewhat hostile. it’s clear he’d rather be anywhere but around the adult. if one is being very insistent on talking to him, he’ll take to tidying up the nearest first aid station, giving a few…specific tools a rather thorough cleaning.
Spy, on the other hand, deals entirely with adults. he greets people at the door, and ensures the adults are at the very least comfortable while their kids have fun. most people question why his face was designed the way it was (with a mask), but…he’s calm, sophisticated, charming, the perfect animatronic for the job and honestly a good conversationalist. so nobody ever bothers to ask. it’s just a design choice, after all. Spy’s second function is assistant security, which has two parts of its own. the first is if a kid gets lost in the admittedly very large building. he’s the one who tracks them down and guides them back to their guardian. the second is helping the night shift guards when the place is closed. on most nights, he just patrols with them and takes care of any issues by following normal protocol. sometimes, though, he can convince the guards to go home and get some rest, and he and some (or all) of the other bots patrol. if someone tries to break in on one of those nights, well…you weren’t expecting to break into the home of nine sentient, semi-malfunctioning robots and get out, were you ?
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Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End Credits song
This is a very special mixtape. Today would've been my dad's 69th birthday (nice, pops) and in honor of him, this playlist comes from his personal record collection. I cannot stress enough that this man was a deeply closeted bisexual from Chicago who rode a horse exactly once and hated it the entire time. He was the farthest thing from a cowboy you could possibly get, excepting, of course, the loads of pot he smoked (and dealt), but god damn did he love him some country music. So here's to you, Mongo. This is the soundtrack for the gayass cowboy stoner action comedy epic you'd insist you only like for the soundtrack … kinda like how the Mapplethorpe flower print in your living room was 'just because you liked the flower.' <3
Spotify || Youtube music ||Part 1 - Disco ||Part 2 - Post-Punk GothRock
1 THE DOOBIE BROTHERS - Steamer Lane Breakdown [instrumental]
It's always about the leaving with Zell - running away from 'home' in Ustalav was the first huge decision he made for himself. He looks back on leaving with fondness, it was a moment of true joy, a wild and boundless freedom he hadn't felt in a long time.
Well, I take the chances, sometimes I made mistakes But you don't get nothing unless you take the breaks Living is dangerous as dynamite Sure it makes you feel nervous, but it makes you feel alright Makes you feel alright
He's ambitious, but not so much competing with anyone else as competing with himself; finding out who he really is. He's impatient to find out what living really feels like.
3 GREGG ALLMAN - Midnight Rider
And I don't own the clothes I'm wearing And the road goes on forever And I've got one more silver dollar But I'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no Not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider
Zell's stories of being a wanderer travel as far as the rest of his more imposing reputation; the idea that he's a criminal on the run (not… 100% untrue), a vagabond and roving lover (also not 100% untrue he just didn't believe anyone else was as serious about him as he could have been about them) are romantic ideas that really catch on among the general public. He doesn't disabuse people of this, because he digs how cool it makes him sound and not like. A kinda pathetic loser who's terrified of commitment.
I'm the kind of man who likes to get away Like to start dreaming 'bout tomorrow today Never said that I love you even though it's so Where's that duffel bag of mine, it's time to go
I've always interpreted this song in a playful tone, like the singer has no intention of actually leaving. He's teasing the idea, but knows he's already so far gone that there's no way he's finding anything better down the road; after a certain point, Zell gets the same way. It takes the right kind of person to keep him off the road.
5 NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND - Foggy Mountain Breakdown [Instrumental]
Zell can't count how many bar fights he's gotten in when this exact song was playing on the jukebox but it's enough that he has something of a Pavlovian reaction to it now.
6 WILLIE NELSON - Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die* (Feat. Snoop Dogg, Kris Kristofferson, Jamey Jonson)
When I'd go, I'll have been here long enough So sing and tell more jokes and dance and stuff Just keep the music playing, that'll be a good goodbye Roll me up and smoke me when I die
One of the most exciting things about finding yourself and falling in love with life is accepting the end will come, and making sure it'll be a damn good party when it does.
*Our outsider track of the list - it came out a few days after Dad passed. This one's close to my heart for that reason especially. We did in fact smoke out and play this at his memorial, it was a wonderful goodbye. I'm getting high as hell at this very moment, in his honor.
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thanamoriarty · 16 days
Let’s face it - the moment I showed him my favorite live performance of my favorite song and his response was sorta “meh. THIS is what all the fuzz was about?” I knew I should have left (actually, kicked him out, because we were at my house). But it’s ok that I didn’t. I thought “Ok, so we don’t always see eye to eye”. Except “seeing eye to eye” was the exception. It was never the rule. Unless I would compromise.
He always went out of his way to belittle me. To make me think I didn’t know enough about music - the one thing I’ve loved all my life. From “uh this band you like is just AWFUL”, “no way you’re choosing the playlist” to laughing at my face for calling an instrumental outro a solo and leaving me drunk alone without a phone in the middle of the night to go babysit his grown up drunk friend, or making me wait for hours at a random bar completely alone because he was drinking with his buddies (and then showing up to our date with said buddies), the red flags were so much that if I’d collected them, I could have built my own golf course. ⛳️
And I still didn’t leave, because at the end of the day, he always acted like he needed me. Or his bff (who used to be in love with him) would write me a “secret letter” and slip it inside my pocket, written “I think he really likes you. He’s just bad at showing it. Don’t give up on him”.
We both loved metal. I guess that and alcohol were the only things that we had in common. He was obsessed with Pantera, so of course I had to pretend to like Pantera, how am I a fan of metal if don’t like Pantera, right? I really tried liking Pantera.
I hate Pantera.
Maybe someday I’ll like Pantera. It is most likely than me ever liking him again.
Because today I have friends that don’t think I’m basic because I love Metallica and they’re “practically mainstream”, or because Arctic Monkeys is on my top 5 favorite bands. I don’t have to prove I’m a sexy metalhead because I touched myself for the first time in my life to Rammstein’s “Pu**y” music video. I don’t have to lie about not liking pop or pop punk.
I’ve learned I don’t have to be a fucking stereotype just because you were one. I don’t need to cut out parts of my personality to make myself “worthy” of you. If anything, I realize now I was too much for you. I’m chimerical, whimsical, creative, funny. I am a multitude of personalities inhabiting a single body. I feel like for the first time in my life, I know my worth. And it’s not in the backseat of your reckless drunk buddy’s car. It never was.
Gotta thank you for the guitar model recommendation when I started playing though. It was really on point.
Oh, that day you left me waiting for hours at a weird bar? I met a guy there. Told him I was with someone, and he waited with me until you arrived. There was a jukebox there and we bonded over The Doors. Up until very recently he was still after me. We went on one date, but I immediately realized he was just as emotionally unavailable as you (for different reasons) — he just happened to be a lot nicer. I’m really done with emotionally unavailable men. There were others after you two. I’m just tired. I don’t like playing games I know I’m gonna lose, not anymore.
You did leave a lot of boxers here. I hope you don’t mind I’ve used one of them to paint a wall. I guess underwear is disposable anyway.
Like I was to you, and you were to me.
Strangers to lovers, and strangers again.
(Here’s a song I love, and I love telling people that I love it. You would definitely HATE IT HAHA. But I think this sums up what I felt at the time:
“I don't wanna call it off,
But you don't wanna call it love.
You only wanna be the one that I call ‘baby’”
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Hello there! I’m here to send in a matchup! so I hope you don’t mind anyways 나 자신에 대해 말해줄게!
Fandom: I’d like a romantic male matchup for Jujustu Kaisen and MHA also I’m fine with a poly relationship too! My name is Joey but I also go by Himawari, Rin or Magtanggol too! I’m Transgender (ftm), Aromatic, Unlabled, & Bisexual, I’ve been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD & OCD and im white, arab, flipino, scottish & russian.
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses “big” words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(I’m nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don’t mean to), doesn’t shy away from conflict (a but combative with authority when people don’t know what they’re doing), dad/tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some “repressed anger issues”, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked, I have a hard time taking everything seriously, coke and a little mean when upset at someone and a fun fact is that I can eat the most spiciest foods and not have a problem with it.
hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (I’m a vocaloid producer, i make odecore/scenecore music and I make music like ATARASHII GAKKO too), dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG’s, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer/volleyball/basketball and swim, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it
likes: vocaloid/utau, iced coffee, boba tea, bread, sharks, cats, piercings/tattoos(I wanna get some tattoos!), cold weather, christmas, musicals, cleaning, rhythm games, being with my friends, shopping, mint candles, sweet and spicy food, deserts.
dislikes: spiders, bitter food, nasty scents, hot weather, manipulation, toxic people, having to be responsible for others to much(I tend to look down on/clash with people who are overly insecure), people who don't talk with me a lot, feeling restricted, and over-possessiveness
I'm a ENTP, 4w3 and a Aquarius
misc: accidentally misused slang or phrases bc I can't remember how they usually go (e.g. "bust this popsicle stand" instead of "blow this popsicle stand"), able to eland and pick up skills very quickly, i know 6 languages (Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish & French), i play the piano, bass /electric guitar and cello, prone to be a bit directionless in life, tries to find comfort and humor in hard times, not to take life to seriously, and obsess over the past
appearance /aesthetic: 5'6 / 167.64 cm, midsize, rectangular body shape, i have a masculine and feminine face (somehow), dimple on chin, hazel eyes, wears glasses, dyed black boy hair, lots of piercings, no tattoos(I need some), for style, i wear a lot suck as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, i wear streetwear clothes mostly at home/school/work, i wear fishnets and combat boats, but I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT.
thank you and have a nice day!
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(Hello I really hope you enjoy this, have a nice day/night!)
I match you with:
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Itadori Yuji
- Due to his kind personality you’ll warm up to him quickly. When he realizes that you’re being shy he makes sure to not overwhelm you when you get to know him.
- He was shocked the first time you were verbally aggressive to someone but the shock didn’t last for long. He thinks it’s admirable to stand up for yourself.
- Sets up a contest for you, him, Megumi, and Nobara on who can eat the most spiciest food in a certain amount of time. You would probably win but Itadori would be in second place.
- You guys often binge watch animes or play games together.
- He thinks it’s really cool that you are a vocaloid producer and that you know so many languages, (y’all sometimes listen to your music while hanging out)
- He really likes to listen to you talk about all of your interests. He’s a good listener and remembers majority of what you say.
- Whenever it snows outside you guys will have intense snow fights. He’s really fast so good luck on winning.
- After he’s exhausted from all the training, the water bottles you bring are helpful to cool him off.
- When you are upset he’ll gift you some of your favorite things/drinks and try to cook/bake your favorite treats.
- He asks you to take a picture of you and him so that he can print it out and put it on his wall (or desk if he even has one)
- He loves your collections and art. He would want to try pottery out and try to make something.
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Denki Kaminari
- He can be a bit loud sometimes and if you’re overwhelmed at first when meeting him he’ll tone it down a bit until you get warmed up to him.
- He admires your independence and hopes to be as independent as you.
- If someone provokes you and you’re being verbally aggressive to the person he would be on the sidelines hyping you up.
- If he reads a Manga that you also read and he doesn’t understand some of the storyline or anything he’ll go to you and see if you know about it.
- When he was first learning guitar, he goes to you for some tips.
- He introduces you to a lot of his friends (like Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, Jiro, Sero, etc) he thinks y’all will get along really well.
- You guys are like a comedic duo in the classroom. Sometimes you guys pull pranks on some of your friends. One time he asked you to teach him some insults in some of the languages you know and y’all were making fun of Bakugou in front of his face while laughing y’all asses off.
- Whenever you’re upset and/or crying he tries to cheer you up the best he can by making you laugh.
- Teaches you the newest slang and phrases.
- You guys sometimes bake together during the holidays and it becomes a mess because he decides to stick his finger into the batter and put it on your face, causing a war.
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subdee · 1 year
5 Favourite Fics I’ve written
rule: 5 favourite fics you’ve written and pass it on to 5 other writers
Tagged by @hxhhasmysoul thank you! It feels kinda dishonest to do a writing meme when I didn't write anything in uhhhh all of 2023, but I really like the idea of this one, because in my experience writers almost never like the same stories that the readers like, so it's really interesting to see what people say!
1. Pariging Coffee Shop AU - Would you guys be shocked if I said this is my actual favorite thing I've written? I had a hard time writing it because I had particular reader in mind from the outset and we fell out before I finished the first draft. But now I think it's funny, it has manic energy to match the protagonist. What I really like about it though is that the main characters, Ging and Pariston, really aren't all that similar to their canon selves but they still have workable personalities for the story. Personally I like reading AUs with quasi-original characters, but I'm always writing pretty close to canon. This one time I wrote the kind of story I like to read.
2. Treasure Hunter Yuffie Kisaragi and the case of the White Materia - this is buried as the last chapter in a 10-chapter collection of unrelated short stories I wrote for AU-gust in 2020 so no one reads it, but I like it! I've always wanted to write a mystery story and this one has a complete plot and a setting (Victorian England), even if the plot is kinda wonky in places and the setting isn't fully researched. I'm just proud of myself for finishing a mystery with an actual plot and period setting I think. I like a lot of the stories I wrote for AU-gust, actually, 2020 was a good writing year and @tofucasserole is a REALLY good beta-reader / sounding board.
3. An Honest Day's Work - It's a Jojo Part One fic? It's a pastiche on Victorian ghost stories? I was taking a class on British literature and the professor told us we could write fanfiction for the final paper? (This wasn't written for class though.) I don't know, I just like the rhythm of this one. It's moody.
4. Seven Days - Similar to the Jojo fic, this is pretty short and I spent a lot of time on the sentences. I just like the way it's written. Pretty often I'll re-read things I've written and cringe because the sentences are awkward, and I'll tell myself I'll go back to edit later, and then later never comes. This was short so it was easy to edit. I also like the way the story deals with Cloud's unreliable memory at the start of FF7. It was fun to write the different perspectives jumbled together.
5. Nevermind the Bollocks, Here's the Phantom Troupe - this one REALLY needs an edit, I contradict things I said the paragraph before when I'm not repeating what I said the paragraph before, because I wrote it in fits and starts - which is what happens when you start with "this person plays this instrument" as the premise and don't have a plot, haha. (Thanks to munen for unsticking basically every hxh fanfic I've written in the last five years!) So it's not currently my #5 favorite story, but I'm putting it on the list anyway thinking it eventually will be, because it's longer and complete, and even with the infodumping about band stuff it's less of an info-dump than Dungeon x Hunter. I like Machi and Nobu's characters in this.
Tagging... @voidcat-senket @dodici12 @rosemochi @spectroscopes @itiaskia ! I want to know !
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hunting-songs · 6 months
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Dashgame: Never Have I Ever !
Rules: Your Muse and all the Muses they interact with are in a pub somewhere across Space, Dimension and Time. Answer the first 'Never Have I Ever' In Character. At the end of that let your Muse ask a new ‘Never Have I Ever’ question for the tagged people to answer themself. After those tagged people answered your prompt, they state their own 'Never Have I Ever' and tag you back along with other Muses. Rinse, lather, repeat. Original By @treasurechestrpmemes
"Never have I ever… gone more than three days without bathing"
Senritsu looked at the other people by the table, blinked- one time, two times, three times- and than only lowered her head with a quiet melodic laughter. Still chuckling she took the drink infront of her and took a small sip: "Listen-" the woman lifted a finger as if she was a teacher explaining a very hard workassignment: "-I happen to be payed for my passion, talent and focus on my work. And occaisonally that includes beeing too engaged in cleaning a threehundred year old harph made of bones from a few decades of dust and fat collected on it because it had only recently been discovered on a random attic. So yes, I might had spend a few dayes just sitting there cleaning that instrument for the museum that had hired me with a tiny brush. And I might had neither slept or eaten on those days. Maybe I even forgot one day to drink. Or forgot to leave the house. Or looking at my phone to answer my colleagues messages or calls. And maybe I forgot to shower." For a second Senritsu grimaced by the memory like she had bitten on a sour fruit. She cleared her throat a little ruefully, even if she was already laughing behind her words. "To my defense- it is a sacrefice I am willing to make for my work. And also as soon as I had finished the project I had a nice bath, a nice drink and a very delicious sandwhich and showed off my work to the museum all dolled-up and nicely smelling." Her short fingers tapped a thoughtful melody at her chin and the woman tilted her head from one side to another like a contemplative bird: ".....Also I might had sleept a whole thirthytwo hours afterwards, but the time is very mushy in my memory." Laughing just a little flustered the young woman hasty took another sip of her drink, shaking her head honestly amused over her own flaws: "Anyway, disgusting habits of a woman happily and very passionately married to her work aside- Never have I ever hurt another person willfully."
Tagged By: @nephytale ! Thank you Dear! Tagging: @skarletchains @bewitchingbaker @gyofukuki @jxgi @uzumakiuser @rake-rake @distortedkilling @swxpped @muddsludge @curseisms @zealctry @saiakv @huntcrpcdia ...AND YOU!
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poetrysings · 6 months
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— whoa! REBECCA HENNING just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, working as a/an OB/GYN. that can’t be easy, especially at only 41 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit RETICENT and RANCOROUS , but i know them to be PROTECTIVE and PERSUASIVE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to QUEENS! —
spotify pinterest musings visage connections
full name: rebecca imani henning
nickname: becs, becca
age/date of birth: 43 / nov 12th, 1980
zodiac sign: scorpio ☼ virgo ☾ aries ↑
gender identity: cis woman (she/her)
hometown: manchester, england
current location: queens, new york
time in town: on and off twenty-five years
sexual orientation: pansexual
occupation: ob/gyn
labels: the prodigy, the opaque, the catalyst
positive traits: longanimous, vehement, protective, incisive, meticulous, persuasive, assertive
negative traits: intransigent, reticent, brittle, distrusting, rancorous
hobbies: researching, hiking, horse-riding, scrapbooking, art collecting, candle-making
languages spoken: english, french, a bit of latin
instruments played: none
favorite color: blue, pink, red
favorite food: okra soup, ghormeh sabzi, chocolate mousse
height: 5'2
distinguished characteristics: n/a
tattoos: a couple phrases along her body in different languages from her travels
piercings: earlobes and helix
right or left-handed?: right-handed
parents: anthony henning (surgeon), freyja henning (stepmother, surgeon), alexa mahama (oncologist & activist), nicholas gold (lawyer)
sibling(s): four in total, one younger sibling, one half sibling, two step siblings
children: redacted, a thirteen year old boy named Henry
pet(s): a black cat named nova
tw: cheating, divorce, teen pregnancy
Alexa met Anthony on a warm evening on her very first day in Oxford's medical program, when she accidentally entered the fourth trimester class instead of her own as a freshman. Others would've backed out immediately, apologize and go to her own class to start their year right. Alexa however, quick to her feet and noticing her mistake the minute she entered, took a seat next to an amused Anthony and proceeded to take the class alongside the others, making questions and answering a few whenever she was allowed to. Anthony, two years her senior, was impressed not only by her beauty but her assertiveness and cleverness, inviting her for a coffee and a private tour of the campus. Quick enough, the couple fell in love and married after Anthony graduated college and started medical school. Their plan was to wait a few years, get medical school done and get halfway through internships and residencies before even considering having children but when a year and a half after their wedding they were surprised by a positive pregnancy test, the couple couldn't help but rejoice.
Rebecca was born during a rainstorm in November in Manchester's Royal Infirmary, the very same hospital her father was making his residency in. She lead a very normal life for a child who has two med students as her parents. They were barely present throughout her formative years, forcing her to spend most of her time with her grandparents, aunts and uncles who were graceful enough to accommodate her on their itinerary, but whenever her parents were around if even for a short amount of time, they always tried to make the most out of their time together. They were strict with the rules they had set for her firstborn, but always made her feel loved. And the joy only multiplied when the second-born, Rebecca's younger sibling, was born.
Things started getting complicated by the time Rebecca reached teenage-hood. Her father, a now renowned general surgeon started to behave oddly. He'd claim he had long shifts and rather sleep at work and don't come for for a week straight and when he was in the house, his sole attention would be on his phone, leaving his family aside. Alexa loved her family as it was, loved the good and the bad and claimed she was fine with this sudden shift in her husband, claiming it was only phase, shutting down everyone who dared to suggest Anthony was being unfaithful or was disrespecting his own family until the day everything blew up: Anthony came home one night to pack his stuff and tell his then wife he was leaving, that he had been cheating on her with a colleague and she was pregnant with his baby. Alexa was left brokenhearted, completely disassociating herself from her family and burying herself in work. Rebecca, being a young teenage girl with no supervision or care, began rebelling. What once was the perfect daughter in the eyes of her parents became a nightmare that failed classes, skipped school and hung out with the wrong type of crowd, a scream for help that caused the relationship with her parents to break slightly with every fight they had.
At age 15 Rebecca started to date her very first boyfriend. He was charming, quick.witted and payed the attention to her her parents didn't, so she fell. Hard. She loved him for two years, through good and bad. The couple even began planning a future together where they could move to the USA once they were done with their high school years, dreams of freedom away from their homes and a life of their own. All their dreams were crushed down the day Rebecca found out she was 5 months pregnant after fainting in PE. She told her parents, hoping they would support her and guide her through the process, that they could find an answer as to what to do next but was only met with harsh words, threats and hurtful words that claimed she was on her own from that moment on. She went to tell her then boyfriend and found him on someone else's arms, breaking her heart into a million pieces.
Rebecca then made a decision, since she had nothing left in England and it was only her and the baby she carried against the world, she took all the money she had saved from allowances and summer jobs and bought herself a ticket to New York, leaving her former life behind. She worked tirelessly for the last four months of her pregnancy to get her ged and find a small apartment in queens, a place to make a home for her and the child on the way. And then, the baby came. She had promised herself she'd be a better parent than her own, that she would care for her child more than she cared for herself and she did her best. For three months, Rebecca didn't sleep; going from work to caring for her child to bring them the bare necessities— until it stopped working. Her breaking point was the day her baby got sick right as her landlord cut her electricity and water for being a few months behind on rent. It became painfully obvious that if she kept them, there was a chance her child wouldn't survive. Keeping her promise, she did what she thought was best for them; gave them up for adoption praying they would find a family that could give them what she couldn't.
The decision weighted on her for months, making her stay in bed for months on end, letting herself be absorbed in the darkest pits of inner hell until a light appeared in her way in the form of a friend who encouraged her to leave her bed and do something for herself. She applied to a few universities and was accepted into Brooklyn College for their pre-med program. She worked two jobs and did the entire program in the four years mark, earning a spot in the NYU school of medicine upon graduation with full scholarship to continue her career, things began falling into place, even earning a paid medical residency even before graduating from medical school. Somewhere in between medical school and her residency, Rebecca met the person who would become her husband, Kian Zhang. They were different from anyone else who she had met and she fell harder than ever before. A wedding came sooner than anyone expected it and a pregnancy shortly after; which wasn't easy for Rebecca who was still dealing with what had been of her and her child as a seventeen year old but she did her best to make her new life work.
When her mother called for the first time in over ten years, Rebecca didn't expect it to go well, nor to create a new relationship with her now that they were both mature adults. It took them months to heal the wounds of the past so it really was a surprise when she offered a position on the hospital she worked in, st. mary's hospital, earning over six times what she did in New York. After discussing it with her partner, they decided to take a leap of faith together and move to Manchester, her hometown, to once again start anew. With a family she thought she had lost as a teenager having her back and the one she had formed on her own, she began her journey as an OB/GYN. However, as she began to scale up the ladder and her name became more wildly known and she began gaining notoriety in the medical field worldwide, her personal life began to crumble. With her new busy schedule and other problems the couple had been dragging along, the relationship became a ticking bomb until they couldn't simply handle it anymore. The divorce papers were settled with no fights or blowouts, the love she still harbored for Kian shifting to care and respect to the father of her child. Kian decided to move back to New York and the two decided to try and coparent from different sides of the world best as they could for years, with Rebecca traveling back and forth whenever she could to make sure Henry had a sense of normalcy in his life and didn't have to travel as much himself.
At age 40, Rebecca grew tired of missing the little milestones in her child's life when he was with his father alas, after almost ten years working in st. mary's, the now renowned ob/gyn resigned and decided to move to new york to her own borough, opening her own private practice in manhattan to be closer to her son.
Oldest child ( any gender / fam / 25 )*
To this day, her biggest regret is giving them up for adoption although a part of her knowns it was for the best as she could not provide them the life she knew they deserved. She has recently contacted a private investigator to find try and find them. Although the outcome and what will happen after she finds them is still unclear, she wants to make sure they are doing fine, see if there's anything she can do to help them, now that she is able to.
Siblings ( any gender / fam )
There's four, total. One legitimate younger sibling (around 37-33), a half sibling (29-30) and two step sibling (ages undefined). She had a chance to meet every one of them during her time in England, forming all sorts of relationships with them. For one reason or another, they have now they found eachother again in New York and it's time to prove that blood is ticker than water, isn't it?
First baby daddy ( male presenting / ? / 43-45 )
They met in England when she was 15 and he was her first love. They truly thought they'd lasted a lifetime together— until the day that she disappeared from the faces of earth without much explanation. There were many rumors as to what happened but one one really knew the truth, not even Rebecca's parents who were too upset to even discuss the matter, only telling their daughter's boyfriend to forget her and start a new life. They used to dream about living together in New York, start a family there and follow their dreams— it would only be poetic justice to have them meet twenty six years later in the place they dreamed of growing old together.
Best friend ( any gender / plat / 40+ )
How they met is unclear, but they have been friends since Rebecca was 17 and arrived to New York, five months pregnant and they have been inseparable since. They've saved Bec's life more times than she's willing to admit by simply being there for her and in return, Rebecca is the most loyal and caring friend anyone could ask for.
New love interest ( any gender / rom )
She promised herself it wouldn't happen again, that her time to let herself fall was over and all that was left was her work, her child and whatever hobbie she'd pick up that month. And yet... It's all very new, who knows where it'll lead? But it gives a special spark to their lives none of them has ever felt before. Could it be love?
Other connections: people who work on the medial field, former classmates, clients, neighbors, friends, one-side crushes, fellow single parents, nannies for Henry whenever she or Kian are busy, the sky's the limit!
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theflowergirl · 1 year
get to know me ask game
tagged by my fish friend @fleet-off ❤
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (my ears are pierced thrice) // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // ✨I have a crush✨// I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell (the shells I have collected were too small for that) // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors (this is half my personality at this point) // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial (I'm checking this but what does this mean when you're not American? most people in my country are in some capacity, but yes, I do believe I am.) // I am a redhead (I was once! live your dreams!) // I own at least 3 dogs
no-pressure tagging @luny0 @alasse-irena @spacesweepers @phoenixtawnyflower @syolen @scifikimmi @tofucasserole @kdramaxoxo
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delightfulemerald · 10 months
get to know me ask game
This is the first time I've ever been tagged on here, so thanks @lelephantsnail!
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (2 on each ear) // I have at least one tattoo (upper back and left side of chest) // I have dyed or highlighted my hair (currently it isn't dyed, but I've probably spent around half my life with my hair dyed) // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails (they aren't currently painted but I prefer them painted) // I typically wear makeup (I rarely wear makeup, though I have a big makeup collection) // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas// I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument (I played piano for my entire childhood, and though I don't really play now, I still feel like I can if I really want to) // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition (sort of, I have a trophy from the local theatre awards for Outstanding Ensemble) // I can cook or bake without a recipe (I guess I can cook without a recipe but I rarely cook anything) // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks (sometimes, it's depends a lot upon what my husband and our 2 kids want) // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship (married for 22 years!) // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years (I have 3 best friends, one I have known for 32 years, one for 16 years, and the other for 9 years) // my parents are together (they divorced when I was already an adult) // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends (try and stop me, but seriously I don't understand not being interested in advice) // I have made an online friend (I have made some online acquaintances but not sure that any of them have ever truly developed into friendship) // I met up with someone I have met online (we had mutual irl friends but she reached out to me online (through LiveJournal! Ha!) and we did eventually meet in person at Burning Man! Haha!)
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season (I love all of this except sleeping to music, those couple non-bolded things I feel like I have to try now)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend (yep, since I was a kid) // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities (is this meant for kids? I have hobbies, is that the same thing?) // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love (I think different people mean different things when they talk about true love or love in general. I certainly believe in something that could be called true love, but I feel like most people do?) // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
That was a delightful diversion. Even though I loved being tagged, I feel weird about tagging other people, but if you want to do this, just act like I tagged you!
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berg-gry · 1 year
I got tagged in a few things and never did them, so here's a collection... Thank you so much to the lovely @schnaf and the lovely @brandybradyrandyandyndy <3 I'm always delighted to get tagged but I also get a bit nervous because I sometimes don't know how to answer these askljfl That's also why I'm not tagging anyone because that makes me anxious too for some reason 🙈
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get to know me ask game
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated a best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
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15 Questions 15 Mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope
2. When was the last time you cried? Unbelievably I don't remember.
3. Do you have kids? No
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No /s
5. What sports do you play/have played? I have played volleyball when I was younger but I'm not much of a sports person.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?  I've never really understood this question. Idk what do I notice? The person being there? Them talking to me? Their face? I just notice the person. What does this question meeeaaan
7. What's your eye color? green-ish
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings!
9. Any special talents? When sitting cross-legged, both my knees touch the ground. A very useful talent.
10. Where were you born? Reusing schnaf's answer: In the south ✌
11. What are your hobbies?
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12. Do you have any pet? No, aside from the family's cat who lives with my parents.
13. How tall are you? > 1,75 m
14. Favorite subject in school? Now that I think about it, I might have oppressed this? I think languages in general, but as far as I remember, it depended a lot on the teacher.
15. Dream job? Honestly, I would love to work in academics just with better working conditions, permanent employment etc. But I've realised that I'm not made for the kind of work that is required in that field. Kind of dreaming of living in Denmark and maybe making use of my degree 🥹
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Tag nine (9) people you'd like to know better!
Last song: I don't remember
Currently watching: Gefragt Gejagt, Sendung mit der Maus, Sonntagsmärchen and Tatort occasionally. Yes, I'm German.
Currently reading: I've been meaning to finally finish Bang. En roman om Herman Bang by Dorrit Willumsen, which is a biographic novel about the Danish author Herman Bang. I think it got a bit boring at some point and I haven't picked it up since :/
Current obsession: Idk, obsession is a strong word.. I don't think I'm passionate enough to be obsessed with anything at the moment 😅
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Using this picrew to create yourself (x)
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scotianostra · 2 years
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15th January 1923 saw the birth of the wonderfully eccentric and very funny Ivor Cutler.
I was first introduced to the wacky world of Ivor Cutler when I was in my late teens, my best friend;s mother had moved down to Teeside in the North of England and we used to hitch hike down the A1 onto the A19 into Stckton, we would race each other down, happy days, I sadly lost him to a drugs overdose a few years later in a flat we shared in Edinburgh.
Anyway, Ruth, my mate's mum had a wonderfulrecord collection, much of it were the country classics from years ago, Patsy Cline, Hank Williams, Jim Reeves and the wonderful Kris Kristofferson. While thumbing through them I found, Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Vol. 2, and asked about it, "Oh you'll love this" he said slipping the vinyl from the sleeve and onto ther turntable. Thisv was when the alternative comedians were beginning to make their mark, Willie and I had similar tastes in comedy. After listening to it, laughing at the nonsensical humour I asked asbout Volume 1, there isn't one I was dissapointed to hear, but it actually made sense in the strange world Ivor invented.
Born Isadore Cutler in Govan, Glasgow, into a middle-class Jewish family of Eastern European descent. His father Jack Moris Cutler was a wholesale jeweller and had premises at 85 Queen Street. He cited his childhood as the source of his artistic temperament, recalling a sense of displacement when his younger brother was born: "Without that I would not have been so screwed up as I am, and therefore not as creative." And creative he was!
Ivor was educated at the Shawlands Academy.[4] In 1939 Cutler was evacuated to Annan. He joined the Royal Air Force as a navigator in 1942 but was soon grounded for "dreaminess", apparently more interested in looking at the clouds from the cockpit window than locating a flight path, and worked as a storeman. After the war he studied at Glasgow School of Art and became a schoolteacher.
Working at a school in Paisley, however, did not agree with Cutler. He hated discipline that required the strap, having received it more than 200 times himself, and in a dramatic gesture took the instrument from his desk, cut it into pieces and dispensed them to the class.
Leaving Scotland was, he claimed, "the beginning of my life". He settled in London for a time teaching music, dance, drama and poetry to 7- to 11-year-olds. Oh how I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in on of his classrooms.
His dour recordings bely his existence growing up in Glasgow and seeing his peers arriving at school with bare feet - a fact which, he later claimed, helped form his leftwing political views, aged five - appeared in his hilarious writings, Life in a Scotch Sitting Room Volume 2. With lines such as "Voiding bowels in those days was unheard of. People just kept it in," he used a string of fantastical untruths to expose the reality of his life and the Spartan - and sometimes sadistic - Scottish existence.
He also taught for a time at A S Neil's Summerhill school. Dubbed a hippy academy where a different approach to education was fostered, Summerhill was run with rules agreed between staff and pupils, and the premise was to educate the whole person. This alternative philosophy appealed to Cutler. He lived in the grounds of the school. Ivor married for a time, but his parenting skills did not go down too well with his then wife, they had two sons, he sent one, on his first day at school wearing a kilt, I can see that going down well in England! His son remembers his father once taking him fake fishing,taking him out in the street, with a stick and bit of string and a fork tied on the end dangling in a puddle, being his fishing line, he also says "I couldn't say I was pleased when he felt the need to walk down the street with a carpet sample in place of a tie."
During the late 50's and into the 60's he mixed his teaching with that of entertainment, managing to secure a slot on Acker Bilk Show and Late Night Line-Up. On one such appearance he was spotted by Paul McCartney, who invited Cutler to appear in the Beatles' film Magical Mystery Tour where he played the bus conductor Buster Bloodvessel, and yes the lead singer of Bad Manners took his name from this and was also a fan of Cutler.
Through music, poetry and children’s books the songwriter, poet and “unjoiner” of thoughts perfected a brand of eccentric mischief that made him a favourite of many.
His absurdist songs – sung in dour Glaswegian tones with a wheezing harmonium for company – were an ever-present on John Peel’s radio shows, second only in rotation to The Fall. His darkly whimsical eye can be seen in contemporary British artists like David Shrigley and Martin Creed. And yet Cutler remains something of a marginal figure, known only to a devoted few.
For the latter part of his career, Cutler lived on his own in a flat on Parliament Hill Fields, north London, which he found by placing an ad in the New Statesman saying "Ivor Cutler seeks room near Heath. Cheap!". There he would receive visitors, and his companion Phyllis King, in a reception room filled with clutter, pictures and curios, including his harmonium, some ivory cutlery (a pun, of course) and a wax ear stapled to the wall with six-inch nails - proof of his dedication to the Noise Abatement Society, because of which he forbade his audience ever to whistle in appreciation at his work. The bicycle was his preferred mode of transport, its cow-horn handlebars in the sit-up-and-beg position in line with his Alexander technique practice.
He could quote from Homer, taught himself Chinese and was in the habit of frequenting Soho's Chinatown, where he could display his knowledge - although, typically, he chose Chinese above Japanese because the textbooks were cheaper. With the onset of old age he was increasingly worried about losing his memory, given that his father and brother had both developed Alzheimer's disease. It was a fear that was to be tragically fulfilled. He retired from the stage at the age of 82.
His main champion in the late 70's and 80's John Peel once remarked that Cutler was probably the only performer whose work had been featured on Radio 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Ivor Cutler died after a massive stroke on March 3rd 2006 aged 83.
I could no doubt find many stories about Ivor online but will give you some of his own whimsical word instead, first up is some wise advice from Mr Cutler.
5 Wise Saws
1. Do not kick a grocer on the leg.
2. If you kick a grocer on the leg, make sure it’s not a green grocer.
3. If you throw a ball, it moves in the air.
4. You can not erase a love letter with a nipple, no matter how rubbery.
5. If you empty your bowels at night, a shepherd will have a red face in the morning.
Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Vol. 2. Episode 6.
Scotland gets its brains from the herring,’ said Grandpa, and we all nodded our heads with complete incomprehension. Sometimes, for a treat, we got playing with their heads; glutinous bony affairs, without room for brains, and a look of lust on their narrow soprano jaws.
The time I lifted the lid of the midden on a winter night,   and there,   a cool blue gleam – herring heads . . .  Other heads do not gleam in the dark. So perhaps Grandpa was right.
To make sure we ate the most intelligent herring, he fished the estuary. Planted a notice, ‘Literate herring this way!‘ below the water-line at the corner where it met the sea. The paint for the notice was made of crushed heads. Red-eyed herring, sore from  reading, would round the corner, read the notice and sense the estuary water, bland and eye-easing. A few feet brought them within the confining friendliness of his manilla net and a purposeful end.
There was only one way to cook it: a deep batter of porridge left from breakfast was patted round and it was fed on to the hot griddle athwart the coal fire. In seconds, a thick aroma leaned around and bent against the walls. We lay down and dribbled on the carpet. Also, the air was fresher. Time passed. In exactly twenty-five minutes the porridge cracked, and juice steamed through with a glad fizz. We ate the batter first to take the edge off our appetites, so that we could eat the herring with respect. Which we did,  including the bones.
After supper, assuming the herring to have worked, we were asked questions. In Latin, Greek and Hebrew, we had to know the principal parts of verbs. In Geography, the five main glove-manufacturing towns in the Midlands, and in History, the development of Glasgow’s sewage system.
There’s nothing quite like a Scotch education. One is left with an irreparable debt. My head is full of irregular verbs still.
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lsdunesarchive · 1 year
L.S. Dunes were a lifeline during the pandemic for five best friends, no ego included
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Photo by Ryan Bakerink Words by Alessandro DeCaro November 18, 2022
When L.S. Dunes released their frenetic debut single "Permanent Rebellion" this past August, they set the internet ablaze, resulting in an online frenzy, and for good reason. In the midst of the surprise drop, L.S. Dunes’ star-studded scene lineup was revealed to feature Anthony Green (Circa Survive, Saosin), Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance), Travis Stever (Coheed and Cambria) and Tucker Rule and Tim Payne (Thursday). If that wasn’t enough, they threw in the announcement of their debut LP, Past Lives — a staggering collection of progressive-rock and post-hardcore songs that capture a radiating sense of punk urgency. If you were a rabid consumer of post-hardcore, emo and punk music throughout the last 20 years, chances are each member of L.S. Dunes’ own respective projects affected you in one way or another, and for the five influential figures to come together to form a supergroup is certainly a treat in every sense of the word. And for L.S. Dunes, the feeling is mutual.
Formed during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, L.S. Dunes were an opportunity more than anything to defy creative and professional stagnation imposed by acts of nature out of their control, showing that anything is possible through strength in numbers. “We’re all very big champions and fans of one another,” Rule says over Zoom from his New Jersey home, reflecting on the genesis of his new band he formed with his close friends and collaborators. “Everyone who is in this project is our personal favorite at each instrument. The times were heavy with COVID and lockdowns, but when Anthony came in and laid down the first set of vocals, we knew this was going to be the shit.” With the touring industry on hold, all five of the self-proclaimed “lifers” or “road dogs” knew they had to lean into one thing they knew best: creating groundbreaking music. “We were faced with losing our jobs, but we said, 'Fuck it, let’s create another job,'” Rule exclaims. 
Read more: The best punk albums of 2006, from My Chemical Romance to +44
Having extra time at home during the pandemic was pivotal for the five members to grow as musicians and friends, all while pushing their creative skills to new heights and breaking free from any imposed artistic limitations. “I saw this as an opportunity to experiment and do different stuff with my voice,” Green says with a grin on his face. “I wasn’t thinking about anything other than fun. I didn’t know how much I needed [L.S. Dunes].” For Green, music has always been a form of “therapy,” and this time around, he used the writing process for Past Lives as a means to “process things he was going through in his life,” channeled through the vehicle of “melodies, lyrics and poetry." 
”[This band] was a place of solace for me and, in some ways, a gift. I’ve been wanting a band that sounds like this for such a long time,” Green explains. Iero felt similarly. “L.S. Dunes is unlike any band I’ve ever been in before. [With the pandemic], life stopped, and you had a bunch of people who really only knew how to do one thing, and then you’re told you can’t even do it anymore. Depression sinks in, and you get scared and wonder what the future is going to hold,” he adds. L.S. Dunes were a lifeline for the band that came with no ego.
While piecing the music together for Past Lives remotely, there was somewhat of a healthy competition, or an impulse if you will, for each member to bring their A-game and leave their unique mark on each track. It's clear that the members of L.S. Dunes wanted to impress each other constantly and be the best friends possible to lean on both musically and personally, with Iero saying, “No one in this band is a slouch. They're all accomplished musicians, so it really pushed you to want to do more. There were no rules other than to push yourself out of your comfort zone."
During the early writing process, Green was dealing with self-esteem issues and the all-too-familiar impostor syndrome from the effect of the pandemic on his career, something he knew he would need to shake to make this record. Thankfully, the process of building L.S. Dunes from the ground up left him with a healthier mindset and a sense of rejuvenation. 
“I was having a tough time seeing through the trees. I went down this horribly self-destructive mentality where I thought I sucked, was never good and what I did never mattered. These are all real things that people go through, but Tucker, Travis, Frank and Tim helped me realize what was important, “ Green says. “It’s not about being the biggest band in the world; it’s about having people that care about you — that in and of itself is more than a lot of people can ask for in this world. To build something tangible with these people was such a joyous experience.” 
Once principal songwriting for the record was completed, the band enlisted esteemed producer Will Yip(Turnstile, Turnover) to help fully realize their vision and put their joint labor of love to tape. “Will Yip is this generation’s Rick Rubin,” Green says. “He’s never trying to make a song that is going to be a hit — he’s just trying to find what will make you happy as an artist." However, this wasn't without its fair share of hiccups, specifically for Iero, who was in the midst of a difficult medical situation. “I fell off a ladder at the end of the summer and was scheduled to record in September, so we had to put my studio time off until December,” Iero says when looking back at this hectic time period.
“I was three weeks past my last surgery when I broke my wrist, so I still had some stitches in my hand when recording the record. I literally didn’t know if I was ever going to play guitar again,” he stresses. While Iero had his fair share of fears going into the recording process, he chose to instead treat the studio sessions as a “test” to see if he could still play, and miraculously, he passed with flying colors. “For me, it was a do-or-die moment [to make this record],” Iero says. Rule summarizes this period by saying, “We captured and controlled the chaos and bottled it into this whole insane process.” Knowing what it took to create Past Lives only adds further weight to the album as a whole and will forever be immortalized as a tale of perseverance, friendship and survival. 
After the record was completed, the band, who had only practiced together twice in the same room, agreed to jump on for a mid-day performance slot at this past September’s Riot Fest in Chicago — a daunting experience for any performer but especially for a highly anticipated first show. “Tucker really thought no one was going to watch us, and I was like, 'I would love it if nobody was there!' [Laughs.] I was really nervous about how my body was going to move to the songs," Green says of his preshow jitters. “Every day leading up to the show, I would put my headphones on and listen to the set and creatively visualize the show happening by imagining me seeing how it would play out. Thankfully, when I finally got onstage, my body moved exactly in the way that it is comfortable.” 
Iero had even more on his plate, as his other band My Chemical Romance were headlining the festival later that night, and pulling double duty wasn't how he envisioned L.S. Dunes' debut live show. “This was not the position you would want to be in. For your first show to be a throw and go outside at a festival, it’s like, 'Oh man, if I could set up a nightmare scenario, then there it is.' However, it sounded great, it felt great and there were way more people than I ever thought there would be. It was the perfect storm," Iero says with relief. 
With Past Lives officially out in the world, one thing's for certain: This isn't a one-and-done deal for the band. “I want to stress this as much as possible: This is not a supergroup or a side project,” Rule says. "This is our full-time thing. We have our own bands and will continue to do them, but we love this, too. The only reason this band is a supergroup is that we’re all super-buds.” Green expands on this, saying he wants to write “a hundred more records and tour more.” He even went as far as to reveal that the band have already begun work on what will become their next record. “I truly feel that this [record] is the best thing I can do at this point in my life, and I have never gotten sick of it every time I listen to it,“ Iero says with sincerity. “I love the people in this band and the songs that we made. This is something that I want to do as much as I can full time.”
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doublebattled · 2 years
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headcanon; a formalized headcanon for the sake of not letting myself forget it in the depths of my tags on other headcanons. Let's talk about Ardbert Blake, the twins' father. No, I don't have a FC for him. If I find him a FC then I'll want to add him as a formal NPC and we cannot have that. As mentioned previously, Ardbert was of Isshu descent. Though a lot of Isshu practices were lost, there are still a handful of core ideas that survived to modern day, which Ardbert practiced. (Grammatical sidebar: "Isshu" refers both to the culture and the people group. Quirk of the language.) A quick rundown:
1. Isshu do not (traditionally) use pokéballs. Tradition is to find and befriend a partner pokémon without catching them. Now, mind you, in the modern day and age, this isn't always practical, so some would opt to capture a pokémon after formally befriending them, particularly if their partner was especially large, dangerous, etc. However, a partner pokémon is typically kept outside of their pokéball as much as possible. That said, Ardbert did not use pokéballs. His partner was Axew, and it still lives with the family in Nuvema.
2. Isshu do not eat farm-raised meat, but wild-caught meat is acceptable. Again, practically speaking, this is somewhat difficult in the modern day: that accounts for, y'know, most meat products. Depending on where they live, many Isshu are effectively vegetarian or pescatarian. (The rules regarding animal byproduct, like in gelatin, are a little loosey goosey, but it's generally regarded as fine: ultimately, it abides by another core principle of Isshu culture, which is to respect the body of what you hunt/kill as to not let it go to waste. What isn't used should be returned to where it was found and returned to nature.)
3. Though far from a hard rule by any means, Isshu marriage tradition dictates that the couple exchange emblems of their partner pokémon when engaged, so the couple is symbolically always together. It's all very cute. Ardbert proposed to the twins' mother with a normal ring, but he also later gave her a bracelet with an axew charm. She still wears it.
4. The major cultural holidays take place on the summer and winter solstices, with the latter being the cultural new year, much like how other cultures recognize a lunar new year. Minor holidays are on the equinoxes.
5. Again, this is far from a hard rule, but music is a very important component of Isshu culture. Many of their core mores and norms are born from concepts that are, culturally and linguistically, tied very HEAVILY to music. As such, it's extremely common for Isshu children to learn how to play an instrument. (Hilda is in possession of Ardbert's guitar and old record collection, both of which are in her apartment.)
Ultimately, his cancer diagnoses and passing were just inevitable tragedies. There was no apparent cause, just a stroke of fate that fucked the family over. As his condition worsened and he could no longer regularly work, the family moved to an apartment Castelia from their home in Opelucid in an effort to save some money. He passed just over eight months after, at which point the family was left pretty shell-shocked. The twins' mother would eventually move them further south, to the Nuvema-Accumula area, and. Yeah, that's all in the other headcanon. The twins were around 12 at this time, so definitely old enough that it generally really shook them.
It was only a few months ago, while their mother was cleaning out some old belongings, that some of his personal research notes resurfaced. Initially, they planned to hand them off to the University; his colleagues in turn recommended donating them to a museum collection, at which point Hilda brought them to the league's Historical Society and suggested the exhibit now on display about the translation of the Abyssal Ruins.
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