#my phd life
logicspirit · 6 months
Non native English speaker here: do we say PhD student or PhD candidate?
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strwbrryfire · 26 days
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being an artist with free will means i can spend an hour of my life making extremely stupid shit like this
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volchiitza · 1 year
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clearly trying to stop fixating on "productivity" has actually improved my focus
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foxscarf · 6 months
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it's time for one more big effort! I'm determined to get this all done now.
(and I'm in love with my vintage desk I bought second hand only last week; plus my gran's blanket is keeping me cosy. So I'm beginning to feel I'll be alright!)
37/100 days of productivity
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thesargasmicgoddess · 7 months
Update on the current state of my PhD hoe life...
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Sprinkles and iced tea for a topless/bottomless lunch sounds about right for the mental capacity I have right now 🤣🤣
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skwpr · 1 year
Incredibly Healthy Habits For Students
The most commonplace advice on good habits for students. This crucial component of a healthy relationship is not to be overlooked.
1. Don’t over-stuff your backpack.
Unless a professor tells the class to bring a textbook – keep that thing at home/in your dorm. Also, try not to carry too much with you anyway. At most I have a spiral or two, my computer. It’s not only unnecessary, but it’s heavy. It wears you down over time just adding stress and annoyance that you don’t need.
2. Work out every week.
Finding time to run a mile or two, play some basketball, or lift weights is important. It was a huge stress reliever for me and it also made me happier.
3. Stop Putting Things Off.
You know you should be finishing homework instead of going out every night. The crazy thing is, we ALL KNOW what we should be doing. But a lot of us still don’t get anything done. I’m in awe of the number of times I have put off studying or reading. However, every time I come to the simple conclusion that getting it done in the beginning is waaaaaay easier than trying to finish the task later.
4. Socialize.
Involvement in college is a spectrum. One extreme includes hobbits who stay in their dorm or apartment all day and the other includes social butterflies who are out on the town every night having fun with friends. Your goal is to find a happy medium. You don’t want to be closed off but you also want to interact with people every once in a while.
For me, this was the hardest part. I do not like to make acquaintances, but for myself I decided that it would be useful. I stepped out of my comfort zone.
5. Eat Healthier.
This is the most predictable advice I can give you. What you put in your body matters.
6. Drink more water.
Drinking water is one of the most essential healthy habits for students.
7. Know When To Say NO.
If you get your work done first, you will have time to have fun without any grief or regrets.
The most important relationship you make in your life is with yourself. It’s genuinely all a mind game. You have to learn to trust yourself by putting yourself first so that you can enjoy what life has to offer you. Having fun with this grey cloud of regret and worry about work you haven’t finished is just not fun at all. So have fun and be yourself but learn when to say NO. You’ll be forever grateful you did in the long run.
8. Give Yourself Grace.
One of the biggest downfalls for me was stressing out. Stressing over school work, time management, boys, networking, and the list goes on. It’s important to shut all the negative voices out.
There’s only one you so treat yourself with respect. If there are things you need to fix, make a plan and make it happen. If that fails, adjust the plan. No one is perfect and I wish we would collectively tell ourselves it’s going to be ok. Because it will be!
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backpackingspace · 1 year
listen listen I think Tim and Sasha should be in their 40s. And then you just have this obviously 20 something year old who's now THEIR BOSS claiming is 38 as if they can't spot a fresh out of college baby a mile away
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lizziestudieshistory · 8 months
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Someone send help, this is my "currently reading" pile and I'm fearful it's going to topple over if I keep going at this rate! Worst part is this isn't a complete picture of how out of control I am because I'm reading two fantasy books on my Kobo!
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legogradstudent · 1 year
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Repairing his run-down laptop, the grad student is tempted to obliterate the anxiety-ridden piece of junk instead.
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kevin-the-bruyne · 4 months
I’m not from thailand but there is a very similar capitalist ruling class vibe in my country that I’m picking up in these Thai BL shows and I’m tangentially but closely related to this class and all I can say is…Ming is really not that bad.
These rich boy with hearts of gold/ rich boy finds heart of gold through interaction with poor boyfriend dramas I think has skewed the way that we view rich people. As in we think of them as people that operate on a general set of values and principles that we all hold. But the casual way that Ming imprisons Joe and thinks nothing of how he’s ruining the biggest opportunity Joe’s had in his career just because he can buy him a better, more lavish life is almost painfully realistic. And no it does not at all contradict with the fact that he loves Joe. And I think the way Up plays Ming with this careful mix of being totally self unaware, even innocent at times but with absolute entitlement in every thing he does, even at his most kindest is just so chillingly revealing of the ruling class psyche.
So many people are horrified by what Ming is doing and while I’m not saying that they aren’t horrific (they are) - it’s just that if you actually know a Ming you’d know that playing with poor people’s lives is like a Tuesday morning activity for him.
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cicaklah · 1 month
A PSA from someone who has come out the other side of nearly dying: take your urinary system seriously. Do not try and be cute about UTI treatment. Do not waste your fucking time. Get it sorted. Take a fucking course of antibiotics and don't fucking die. Be in touch with your body and get embodied, learn yourself and trust yourself and forgive yourself.
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logicspirit · 6 months
Me, a day before the end of the conference I went to, not knowing anyone there and barely networking: I'm a small mouse I don't know anyone networking for research is hard I'm a nobody what am I doing here
Me at the end of the conference after a brainstorming session and after finally speaking to other people: I'M A RESEARCHER NOW MY WORK CAN HAVE VALUE.
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rowanofferelden · 3 months
With every passing day as a PhD-student, the explanation for why so many Batman villains have a PhD is because of you know, getting the PhD turned them evil (or into an anti-hero), seems more and more legit. I have reached a point where I contemplate my villain identity
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stuckinapril · 2 months
Every single person on the admissions committees for my dream med schools will roll their eyes when I say I want to become a doctor bc I love science and also love the humanity of it all……… but it’s literally the truth
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foxscarf · 7 months
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Life and work are so so busy but I wanted to give at least a bit of an update!!
This second rotation of my PhD programme is so, radically better! My supervisor is amazing and I'm loving the science very much, it's really exciting and the rhythm of the work suits me so well! It's changed my whole attitude towards my PhD which is a huge relief. Things feel brighter. Meanwhile I'm settling into my city and starting to build up a social life, which was hard at first! So I guess if you're having a hard time making a new start - new job, new city, new degree - you can take this as a sign to take heart, because this came around the corner and took my by surprise. ❤️📖🌸🔬
35/100 days of productivity
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no-where-new-hero · 1 month
i have my masters!!! not officially officially until the end of the month but i passed everything and i got several congratulations-you're-graduating emails so!!! i'm forcing myself to feel a little bit proud of this today!!
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