#my philosophy is that the manga is like hard canon
spatio-rift · 2 years
im really interested in ur imayoshi dream now??
also idk if psp game is considered canon but a top 10 izuki moment is the time he met himuro and immediately started on his pun comedy routine without even introducing himself. and kagami had to intervene to save izuki's face because he wasn't getting the hint that himuro had no idea what was going on at all,,
IT WASNT MUCH i just had a dream the final chapter of knb was about imayoshi wearing samurai armor somehow. inexplicably. i dont even remember if it was like on the court playing in armor (thats what im hoping for its funny) or just like a special chapter cover page but the man was wearing armor. all the knb dreams ive had are so ridiculous and nothing happens actually like there was one where wakamatsu played for yosen and imayoshi was straight for some reason and nothing else. one where imayoshi did magic tricks with meat balls to entertain aomine (??????)(btw not any kind of innuendo i mean literal meat balls magic tricks). that bit from inside out like 'do u ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head' <- me at myself everytime i wake up from one of those
WHAT i dont remember this at all i need to give this a reread cuz wtf thats so funny 😭 silly guy back at it again!!!
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khorai · 10 months
Same Anon as before. Do you have any unpopular opinions about certain characters?
A lot even but i will only talk about my opinions regarding the characters from the Naruto manga that I appreciate - if I expand, we'll be here tomorrow - .
Firstly, let's start with Sakura.
I don't understand why some—actually, many—of her own fans say she is poorly written.
She isn't...?
Sakura has issues concerning her character, but it has NOTHING to do with bad writing but more about her role in the story and how she was used. As for her character itself, she-is-not-poorly-written.
Honestly, I hate this claim because it gives the impression that her character is bad when that's not the case at all.
Coming from the antis, it's not surprising —they can't even understand the character of their own favorite, so understanding Sakura's character would be a miracle— but from her "stan"?
She is not poorly written, and that's my final word on it. I'm more than tired of hearing this nonsense. Yes, the narrative failed her many times— like many other characters, for that matter —but it's not the "bad writing" of her character to blame, but rather Kishimoto's inability to focus on characters other than Sasuke and Naruto.
Another unpopular opinion about her is that I HATE fanon versions of Sakura (and when I say fanon, I also mean popular headcanons about her circulating in the fandom).
It may sound extreme, but you'll quickly understand why:
Initially, it was actually the opposite. I loved it because I enjoyed seeing the different iterations of her that fans could create. It was always refreshing to read other versions of Sakura in fanfic—that admittedly had little to do with the original—growing and experiencing incredible things. I liked that.
And then things got worse.
For some reason, many of her fans —and antis as well— started confusing her canon version and her fanon version (some takes on her are so OC that I sometimes wonder if we're talking about the same person), while others began to claim that she should have had techniques like mokuton in the canon.
... What do they think Sakura is?
Naruto and Sasuke?
If they want their headcanon to be somewhat plausible in the context of canon, at least give her something that aligns with his philosophy of hard work.
Mokuton, from what I know, only manifests through the Senju lineage. If she had it in the canon, she would have to be descended from a Senju —naturally or artificially, it doesn't matter— and honestly... I disagree.
That's not Sakura.
This girl is a titan of her own making, partly thanks to her courage and hard work, and then thanks to Tsunade and Shizune -bless these ladies-
I would never want her to have power-ups like Naruto; it would negate everything she has done since the beginning of the manga, and that's just a big no.
I can understand her fans being upset about her treatment by Kishimoto —I am too, a lot— but that doesn't mean we should change her character to fit a shoddy female version of her male counterparts; that's just rude.
It wouldn't even be the same person anymore.
My last unpopular opinion about her (I have many more, but I'll just stop here) is that she deserved better.
... I classify this as an unpopular opinion because what I mean by that is not: "she deserved better than Sasuke" or "she deserved to be with Naruto" or AGAIN "she should have gotten over Sasuke" or some other thing like "she should have had some super powerful ability."
No, what I mean is that Sakura deserved her own arc.
An arc in which she wouldn't have to carry the weight of the shinobi world's guilt on her shoulders as usual - if Konoha is messed up, it's not her fault-
An arc in which we could see her actually experience her other skills, have other epic battles, build other relationships, break free from the grip of Team 7 in general.
She's supposed to be the heroine of the manga, but Kishimoto treated her like a supporting character with way too much screen time.
Damn, we don't even know what her home life is like.
We don't even really see her parents in the manga, and why is that?
Because she doesn't have an overly tragic background to make Hades pale?
Because she doesn't have balls?
Compared to her teammates, she doesn't matter, is that it?
The only thing we see her do again and again is blame herself for things beyond her control.
Kishimoto made her some kind of martyr of pain, and it infuriates me every time I think about it.
The worst part is that many of her own fans sweep this under the rug and prefer to argue about who "deserves her."
Sasuke here, Naruto there... is she a piece of meat?
It's almost taboo to talk about the real problems surrounding her character in this fandom without someone mentioning how "Sasuke doesn't deserve her, and Naruto is much better" or how "Sakura is obsessed with Sasuke's dick."
Next, Sasuke.
Sasuke deserved better...
Sasuke was wrong...
are notions that should more often go hand in hand.
His redemption journey was a good idea because, no matter what his most zealous fans say about it, Sasuke needed that journey.
Konoha hurt him, and it's easy to become an apologist for his character given all the crap he went through, mainly because of the incompetent authorities of this crappy village, but... that doesn't change the fact that he is not without blame and that he also did messed up things.
However... I don't like the resolution of his character arc.
Once again, Kishimoto reminded us in the cruelest way possible that Naruto is a classic Shounen, and the protagonist must always be right.
To the detriment of Sasuke.
Attention, I'm not saying that Naruto's view was wrong and Sasuke's was right because that's far from the case.
What annoyed me is the way the author handled it.
It seemed like Sasuke was almost wrong to think the way he did, when given his situation, his reaction was actually expected and normal. I really don't like how he put Naruto's opinions on a pedestal at the end of manga.
He gave Sasuke a completely independent story that didn't revolve around Naruto's sphere of influence -quite rare even today in the Shounen era- .
He endowed him with his own will.
Literally more than Naruto, it was Sasuke who led the dance in the manga, and why in the end?
So that everything would go in the direction of the protagonist?
And that, without even serious questioning of the Konoha system?
What was the point of Naruto knowing the truth about the Uchiha massacre then?
So yes, I don't like what Kishimoto did to Sasuke's character in the end; I find it unfair to him.
I classify this as an unpopular opinion because, even though I'm not a fan of the resolution of his character arc, that doesn't mean I'm "pro-revolution" or that I think Sasuke did nothing wrong, because he did.
This brings me to my second unpopular opinion about this character:
Sasuke is not a revolutionary.
He is not the character built to challenge the system that some of his fans think he is.
Like… since when did Sasuke become someone who could change Konoha's system in the first place?
That was never his goal; the only thing that led him to make that infamous statement was anger and betrayal he felt towards Konoha. It was his obsession with revenge that led to this thought, and nothing else.
Moreover, excuse me, but his plan was crappy.
Eliminate all Kage, okay.
Take the lead of all the villages, okay.
Launch a revolution and change the system...
As if the other shinobi of the alliance would just stare at him and do nothing -_-
His idea was doomed to fail from the start.
I'm theorizing a bit here, but basically, here's the deal:
Does he really think he can eliminate the entire Shinobi alliance? (because that's what he would have had to do to achieve his goal)
With what help?
That of Team Taka?
Yes, Sasuke is powerful, but even he couldn't have pulled off this feat without becoming ridiculously overpowered (even more than at the end of the manga).
The only thing this plan would have brought if executed would have been to alienate all Shinobi nations against him (well, he already did it, but it would have been even worse).
And if, by some miracle, his plan had worked - if he had succeeded in his revolution - it would have just caused decades and decades of war between rebel factions - because there would be if we still follow the logic of the manga - wanting to return to the old times, others wanting power for themselves, and others simply refusing to let power go to an Uchiha (let's not forget the reputation of this clan).
Moreover, to change a system hundreds of years old in a world governed by the law of the strongest, it takes much more than violence and a strong desire for revenge.
He would need many brains at his disposal: tacticians, politicians, doctors, advisers...
In short, he would need allies he could trust and who would not betray him.
Unless he wants to be a bully, which honestly seems more likely to me.
He would need the help of countless geniuses in each field for this revolution to be successful, and from what the manga tells us, all these people are in the alliance.
... Who would want to work for him willingly after all he would have done?
And even if there are people willing to do so, it will always be with the fear of possible betrayal.
If even Madara and Hashirama - alias shinobi gods in their time - needed strong allies to create Konoha and make it a prosperous nation...
(even though it went to hell afterward, but still)
What will Sasuke do with a partially destroyed nation that he will have to rebuild with his own hands?
And let's not even talk about the fact that he was consumed by revenge and half-crazy when he talked about this revolution.
I still can't believe there are people who take these words seriously.
I really wonder what kind of revolution they expected with Sasuke in that state of mind?
If it had happened, it would have led to two possible situations:
The death of the last surviving Uchiha or an even more gruesome massacre than the one that wiped out his clan.
Although, considering those who support this pseudo-revolution among his fanbase, the latter option would have suited them just fine.
Another reason that honestly makes me think this thing is stupid is that it doesn't align with the manga's vision.
Kishimoto, despite the few innovative takes he has made several times regarding the plot and some characters, remains a staunch traditionalist. Sasuke would never have become a villain, and he would never have been killed either; that would go against Naruto's dream.
He would also never have become a "revolutionary" challenging the system.
It's not his role; he's not the protagonist.
The character of Sasuke - like all the others, in fact - exists within the limits of the plot; we cannot go beyond and make his character something it was never supposed to be.
Although, for me, it's a good thing that he isn't because his plan was just as bad as Naruto's flawed idealistic vision.
I still think that if Kishimoto had made them talk normally for once, without them having to almost kill each other, if he had made them come to a compromise that would have combined their two ideas, it wouldn't have been as half-baked in the end.
To choose between the plague and cholera, he should have just paired them together -_-
But no, he had to choose nardo's protagonist vision.
Another opinion about Sasuke is his relationship with Naruto, which I find... shaky? overestimated? poorly written?
They share a strong bond, that's an undeniable truth, and you'd have to be pretty stupid to deny that.
It's the main bond in the manga, after all.
But in terms of friendship... I have doubts.
For me, the only reason I believe Sasuke and Naruto are friends is that Kishimoto said so.
We hardly see it in the manga.
Their relationship literally built on years of objectification, selfishness, disdain, rivalry, misunderstanding, resentment, and a huge savior complex.
Naruto made Sasuke his priority not out of genuine concern but because he wanted to prove he was worthy of being Hokage, and for that, Sasuke had to come back at all costs.
That's not friendship; it's selfishness and objectification.
Oh, I don't doubt that he cared, but the problem is that the manga doesn't really show us that.
Moreover, this idea that "Naruto understands Sasuke" is, for me, a bunch of nonsense.
Maybe he does so at a superficial level because of their slightly similar experiences, but if we go deeper?
Naruto doesn't really understand him, and it showed particularly when he learned the truth about the Uchiha massacre.
For Sasuke, it's more complicated.
He has a lot of mitigating circumstances that actually explain his behavior (Itachi being alive, the curse of hatred).
But in general, he played the role of an antagonist for most of Shippuden, and the fact that his character arc didn't revolve around Naruto made him some kind of insensitive jerk to everyone - at least on the surface - .
If Sasuke wanted to take revenge on the world, Naruto wanted to save him.
And neither of them was willing to give in on that.
I'm not going to judge Naruto for not caring about Sasuke's goals after Itachi's death. Who in their right mind would support such a plan?
It was supporting a one-way ticket to self-destruction.
And I'm not going to judge Sasuke for the numerous attempts to kill Naruto because that would be unfair.
However, what I judge is how Kishimoto made their communication impossible.
When they start talking seriously, it always has to end with one of them almost dying at the last moment.
Even Vegeta and Goku had more civilized discussions than these two, and that says something.
I like their relationship, but I sometimes find it hard to label them as friends, let alone best friends.
There's a lot of things that haven't been well-managed in there.
Third opinion:
Sasuke is not evil.
He is not the cold, emotionless individual that more than half of this God-forsaken fandom wants him to be.
I never thought I'd classify this as an unpopular opinion, but considering the nonsense I've seen about him, I had to do it. According to this fandom, both among his stans and antis, Sasuke is abusive, sexist, possessive, indifferent, unfaithful, easily manipulable, selfish, a lousy father, and the list goes on.
Of course, he is none of that, but it's always amusing to see people forcing their fantasies onto his character. This guy has always marched to the beat of his own drum; he has no more official truth about him other than this, and that really irritates a lot of people.
Now, onto his big brother:
Itachi... is not a good person (I still can't believe I have to say this).
He is not even a martyr from my perspective.
I really dislike how his character is glorified in certain parts of the fandom. But at the same time, I don't like how he's demonized among the antis.
Itachi is not an angel, but he is not a demon either.
He's selfish and an unparalleled manipulator, but that doesn't make him evil. He can also be gentle, warm, and incredibly loving - though he has a peculiar way of showing it- .
He's a character with a messed-up mentality, and I love him for that. I hate seeing his character being destroyed by people trying to fit him into boxes he doesn't truly belong to; it annoys me.
In the end, Itachi is a tragic character who found himself forced to make horrible choices. His life was just immensely... torturous.
I love him, but given all the mess he caused, his death was both expected and deserved.
He was tired, disillusioned, sick, and with a list of Uchiha deaths as long as Tobirama's (not to mention what he did to his brother). So no, the idea that he shouldn't have died is truly ridiculous.
Please, let this tormented man find peace in his death.
I'll stop here because at this point, these are not even unpopular opinions but downright diatribes.
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
okay this is a long and specific request (sry just a random thought)
Dazai X Reader (with teleportation ability)
background story
Y/N (16 at the time) was a half time worker at the ada but was very often at the PM (btw she didnt tell that they worked in the ada) because she was Chuuyas younger sibling (only by one year) and looked at Koyo like a older sister. she was the one that trained Gins assation skills. She was also kinda close to Dazai, and was bestfriends with Yosano. But since she was 16 she had to go somewhere to study, so she decided to study somewhere in Europe to study coding or something and got in. But while she was there she needed a job so she went around and looked for a job and she found a good paying job but ofc it was a trap that was setup by Nikolai cuz he just wanted to. But somehow she was able to become Nikolai`s student and Sigmas bestfriend in the sky casino. She did finish studying and all that before becoming a DOA member. Years later (21 years old now) went back to Yokoami because Fyvodor was able to get arested. She finally got to catch up with everyone both from the pm and ada (but left out that she joined the DOA) Even though she was with everyone she was alot with Dazai, so Yosano and some other ADA memebers gets curios over this and the do some thing random you decide.
the plot and the request
the reader wants to quit the DOA but feels bad about it beacause she has been with them for a long time so its hard for her (but ends up leaving before the end)
Dazai x reader
pls no NSFW or smut
chuuya and Koyo finds out about dazai and reader (not happy chuuya)
looks : 155 cm, Ginger with a white streak of hair, no specific e/c, loves baggy clothes but dosent wear all the time
personality : kinda like Oda but a bit more expressive and lower chanse to get angry than Chuuya but close, loves Cheese, chocolate and cats. Dislikes killing for fun, horror movies, rats (fyvodor PTSD) and creepy people (cough* cough* Mori cough* cough*)
the rest is up to you or if you want to switch something do it
its ok if you dont want to do this :) hope you have a wonderful day/night
Hiii!! Lemme give you a medal first for the longest request ever that I've received xD 🎖And I will try my best to write this! 
Btw, I changed a few parts! Reader is 19 when she meets Nikolai because it is canon that Sigma appeared from the book 3 years ago and reader wants to leave the DOA. She also catches up with the PM and the ADA, but it isn’t mentioned in this fic.
TW: Mentions of suicide, Dazai, killing, slight mentions of Fyodor’s philosophy
BSD Manga spoilers below!
Dazai x fem!reader 
Should I stay, or should I go?
If you were asked to describe what you were feeling now, it would be a mess.
This whole ‘mess’ started when you left Japan at the age of 16 to study coding. A brilliant student and a prodigy at the subject, it was no surprise when the most prestigious school in Europe accepted you into their coding course. It was a bit hard to fit in at first, but later on you had made friends with everyone in your class, and you also were the top student in the year level for coding.
But you had to leave behind your friends and family. You were honestly a bit sad when you had to leave your older brother behind, but he had urged you to go for the scholarship, even when you could tell that Chuuya also didn’t want you to leave. You also had a hard time leaving your friends in the Port Mafia and the ADA, especially Yosano since you two were best friends, but they all encouraged you to follow your dreams and accept the offer.
The person you had the hardest time saying goodbye to was Dazai.
Dazai, the suicidal maniac of the Port Mafia. He normally put on a goofy and annoying personality, but his eyes were blank, as dead as the bodies that he had killed. Since you were Chuuya’s younger sister, he naturally took an interest in you and teased you for your height, however, your personality made him intrigued. Dazai then befriended you and often hung out with you when you two had time.
It wasn’t long before you caught feelings for him. His wit, his charm, his cunningly smart mind roped you in, and not to mention he himself was quite the handsomer. You were on the verge of confessing to him, but you had moved to Europe afterwards. Your feelings then evaporated, but the residue was still left in your heart. 
The last time you saw Dazai was when you went out for drinks with him. He knew; of course he knew about your scholarship. Dazai had smiled at you and wished you luck, but his eyes didn’t quite match his smile. You were too preoccupied with the thoughts of a new life that you didn’t realise how painfully Dazai looked at you.
Moving to Europe meant expensive living standards, and expensive living standards meant that you had to find a job to get enough money. For three whole years, you were working at a lot of part-time jobs since you were a full-time student. The money you earned was enough, but it didn’t stop you from being stingy.
One day, you were scrolling around on the internet when you found an advertisement for a part-time coder at a programming agency. The pay was quite well for a part-timer, and you could definitely use some extra money. Without hesitation, you called the number and arranged for an interview to take place.
However, you had walked into a trap. Your ‘employer’ was a clown who went by the name of Nikolai Gogol. He tried to kidnap you to use for one of his missions, however, when he saw your teleportation ability, all thoughts of using you for his mission were gone. He then offered you then and there to be your mentor, or else he would kill you then and there and make it seem like nothing happened.
Even if you were suspicious of him, you were in no place to refuse. And so you started your life as a Decay of Angels member.
Hacking, travelling, killing enemy groups, exchanging information, these had grown to be the norm for you. You were trained well, and you could handle yourself in the missions you were given, but it was mostly thanks to your teleportation ability. Without it, you would either have been burnt alive or sliced into pieces or decapacitated.
Over the course of 5 years, you had grown quite close with Sigma, and Nikolai proved to be quite a good teacher and older brother figure. You were glad to have made new friends, but you hated your new life. Every single detail of it, and especially the Russian man who was the mastermind.
You wanted to leave.
But you knew it was no use. Even if you could escape with your teleportation ability, Fyodor could merely track you down and send someone to assassinate you. The demon always saw through everything behind those cold, amethyst eyes of his, and you were no exception.
Until 3 years later.
“Fyodor was arrested?”
You and Sigma were currently enjoying a break in his office. It was evening, and the sky was a beautiful pinkish hue. When he had casually stated the statement, you had jolted a little. Someone as careful and as cunning as the Devil himself getting caught?
Sigma nodded. “It’s all part of the plan, remember? When Fyodor is in prison, we’ll have to wait one month. After the Armed Detective Agency receives an award, then the plan will truly begin.”
The Armed Detective Agency.
Those three words, uttered with the utmost casualness, conjured up a storm of emotions within you. Memories from 7 years ago came swirling back, of you solving cases with Ranpo and going out shopping with Yosano. How sometimes, you would feed stray cats with Fukuzawa, or just hanging out with some of your friends. Your hand unconsciously curled up into a fist at the thought of what Dostoevsky had in plan for them. You leaned forward.
“What about the Port Mafia?”
“The Port Mafia?” Sigma looked at you curiously. “I’m pretty sure Dostoevsky has laid plans for them as well. He isn’t the type to forgo any possible threat.” He took a sip from a glass of water.
“Why do you ask?”
“I was just wondering,” you replied. Sigma waited for you to speak more, but when it was evident that was all you were going to say, he didn’t press. You stood up, stretching, your face betraying no emotion.
“I’m pretty tired, so I’ll go to bed early. Good night, Sigma.” You said, yawning. Sigma only looked at you with more curiousity, but he didn’t judge. He nodded back and bid you goodnight, and you teleported into your room.
The Armed Detective Agency, the Port Mafia, Yokohama... they’ll all be doomed. Now is my chance to escape and help them!
But out of nowhere, a second voice came into your mind.
Are you sure? You know how close you have gotten with Sigma. And Nikolai; he was the best mentor that you’ve ever had, no? It would be a shame to suddenly leave them after everything you had been through together. And what about all the people you’ve killed? Do you think there’s still a place for a sinner such as you in the world?
Dostoevsky’s mocking laughter echoed in your head. The memory of his cold, violet eyes resurfaced, as well as his smirk that was only befitting for a demon like him. You pinched yourself, the pain keeping you awake and alert.
Shut up. Your philosophy means nothing to me. Yes, even though I am a sinner, it doesn’t mean that I can’t find a way to become a better person. I’m going to leave this place, and returning to my friends and family.
Fyodor’s smirk widened.
Go ahead. Try to.
Deep down, you knew that he was correct. You were always one to get too attached to people, and when the time came, it was too hard for you to let go. Only someone with enough intelligence was able to persuade you to bid farewell, to accept the change and to move on in life.
Such as Dazai.
“Ne, Dazai-kun. Say that there’s this person who is in a crime syndicate. They know that what they’re doing is wrong, however, they also find it so hard to leave because of the friendships they made in the organisation. What would you do if that person were you?”
15-year old you and Dazai were sitting in Bar Lupin together. It was a quiet night, with no people, no cars, no noises. Just peace and tranquillity.
“Hmmmmm...” Dazai pondered, tilting his head like a curious child.
“I would probably commit suicide! This situation sounds so tough to be in, and it definitely would torture me mentally, so why not end everything before it gets much worse?” He grinned, yet despite his excited tone of voice, his left eye was as dull and lifeless as before.
You blinked. “I’m serious, Dazai. What would be the best way?”
“Mmmm.... it’s a case of ‘logic vs emotion’.” You tilted your head, surprised to see that Dazai was kind of serious.
“Logically, it would be the best decision to stay. Criminal organisations are ruthless to the ones who try to leave, and the relationships made in the syndicate would’ve all been for nothing. After all, nobody dares to disobey the big Boss.” Dazai flicked his glass with a finger. A ping! sound filled the air.
“Buuuut, in my opinion, I would leave. Afterall, things do get boring quite quickly when you’ve gotten used to it, and not to mention that those ‘friends’ could become backstabbers in a second. So my advice would be to leave the organisation and find something to give you a will to live. Or, as the old saying goes, ‘follow your heart’.”
You pondered for a moment.
“But you know what’s cooler? Leaving without a trace and suddenly reappearing on the enemy organisation! That would be something to laugh about! Imagine the looks on their faces!” Dazai said excitedly, spinning around in his chair.
“I should probably do that! Ne, Y/N-chan, you would be my accomplice, would you not? And even if we fail, at least we would be able to die alongside each other!” He leaned forward, lips curled up into an eager and childish smile. Your cheeks felt hot for a moment, but you made yourself look passive.
“Unlike you, I’m not a suicidal maniac. So, thank you but no thank you.” Dazai drew back, a pout on his lips.
“So mean, Y/N-chan.”
He was right.
You hated every single second spent in this organisation, and it had slowly drained away your will to live. Even when you had made friendships, you knew it was a matter of time before the own organisation would betray you. And the hurt you would feel then wouldn’t be twice as bad as the hurt you would feel if you leave.
You recalled Dazai’s eyes; dull and lifeless with no spark of life in them. That apathetic-ness had only increased as time passed by, each day growing duller and duller by the moment.
Just remembering Dazai’s name awakened a blazing fire of emotions in you.
You had thought your feelings for him had died down, but they were just buried, not completely put out. The love you had for him burned strong, stronger than it had ever been before. Even if you knew that he probably didn’t love you back, even if he had just regarded you as a friend, it still didn’t stop you from feeling this way for him.
You straightened up. Quiet apologies spewed out from your lips, each thanking and apologising to Sigma and Nikolai for being your friends, and how sorry you were that you were leaving them. But you were following your heart.
With one last exhale, you shut your eyes and disappeared. 
Omg I’m so so so sorry that this was so late!!! 😭😭😭 School was giving me a lot of hw ;-; but I’m glad that I was able to finish this. Tbh I’m not that proud on how I wrote this either, and I’m very sorry if I didn’t write it well!
@catzlivedforbsd @ashthemadwriter @i-just-like-goats  @pixyys 
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makedonsgriva · 1 month
Hi again @makedonsgriva . If you don't mind me asking, can I ask, what are your top 7 favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series/etc) and your top 7 favorite ships (can be canon or non canon) from any media? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this questions before and if I ask too much.....
Hi @dnana-2809-blog !!! Thank you for the ask. I don’t mind answering your questions at all and you are always welcome to send more asks in my inbox ^_^
Top 7 favorite media (in no particular order)
1. Attack On Titan
I can never ever move on from this story. The plot twists??? The characters??? Zero fan service and filler episodes and being just straight to the point??? And the PLOT!?! HELLO??? THE PLOT IS SO GODDAMN GOOD????
Attack on Titan is truly a fantastic story about war, humanity, sacrifice and above all, love. On the surface level, it seems like every other shonen anime out there but its depth is truly incomparable. No media I’ve watched comes close to it.
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2. Captive Prince Trilogy
I think I read this series for the first time back in 2018-19 and it absolutely rocked my world??? I reread it almost every year now because holy shit??? I’ve never read a better enemies to forced allies to friends to lovers to divorced but forced allies to lovers to im gonna die for this man???
Also the plot??? CS Pacat knew how hard they cooked and ate with Captive Prince. The world building, the characters, the plot twists, politics, the drama??? I M M A C U L A T E.
I highly recommend it to everyone who has not read it but please check the trigger warnings for this trilogy before you start.
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(Pls let me know the artist yall so I can edit this and credit the artist!)
3. Carry On Trilogy
I don’t think I’ve ever been as emotionally attached to a series as I’ve been to Carry On. Like Simon, Baz and Penny were exactly who I needed as an awkward teen dealing with a lot of bs. I saw this trilogy being completed in front of my eyes. I can’t tell you how healing and rewarding it was for me to read Any Way The Wind Blows. 2020 was the most horrific, heartbreaking nightmare for me and I think a part of me healed when I read AWTWB in 2021. When I saw that Simon and Baz were going to be okay, I understood that I would okay too. It wasn’t going to be easy, but it would happen.
Sorry I think I got too personal but I just have so much love for this series and the way it showed healing and love and friendship. It’s so special to me ❤️
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4. Tian Guan Ci Fu
A very recent addition but I just know it’s going to be one of those series I’m going to spend the rest of my life loving. I’m such a sucker for stories that are, at the end of the day, about love. About knowing how vicious and shitty this world is but being kind is what makes all the difference. About learning from past mistakes and about making a future, no matter how late that future comes.
It also gave me Xie Lian. You guys don’t understand just how much I love Xie Lian. I can go to war for that man, okay. I can follow him through hell. I will protect that man with my life.
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5. The Good Place
It’s been a while since I watched this show but I do remember just how deeply it impacted me and permanently altered my brain chemistry.
The characters were all so unique and coming from such different backgrounds and with really interesting backstories. The growth we witnessed for them over the four seasons was phenomenal. Especially for Eleanor. And Michael. God I fucking love Michael.
Everything about this show was top notch. I think I will need to make a whole separate post talking about the philosophy of this show. I think this is one of those shows that everyone needs to watch at least once in their life.
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6. Fleabag
Fleabag will always be superior. The main character is one of my all time favorites and I think it tells a really great, bittersweet story of coming to terms with your own flaws. It’s a story about life but not the entirety of it because we just get to witness a very small portion of Fleabag’s life. Her mistakes are colossal but her life is too big to be defined by it. Yes she is a raging cunt but yes I love her to death and her story too. The humour, the fourth wall breaking, the emotions… all of it make fleabag the amazing show it is.
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7. Yuri On Ice
My first anime ever. The feelings it gave me is incomparable to any other. News of its movie cancellation was beyond devastating.
(As I type it out, the theme song is playing in my head..)
I can’t begin to emphasise just how important this anime is for queer representation in mainstream anime because while this anime is about ice skating, yes, above all it’s about love. How it makes us better, how it brings out the best version of ourselves, how it sustains and pushes us forward. And that love just so happens to be between two men. It’s just so heartwarming.
It was so so important for me as a young queer person still struggling with their identity and wanting to fit in. Yuri On Ice was so important for me and still is.
(Fuck I miss Yuri and Viktor)
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As this post has already got too long, I will answer your ship question in a separate post! I will make sure to tag you when I do :)
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Hello.....If you don't mind me asking, can I ask, what are your top 7 favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series) and your top 7 favorite (fictional) characters from any media ? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this questions before......
Sorry about the late response I usually use tumblr on my phone but i was having a hard time typing something so long so it’s taken me a few tries. 
Thanks for being my first ask! I would love to answer your question.
Deciding on my favorite all time characters was so much harder than I thought it would be. I think it’s because the character exists so thoroughly in their own world to me that it’s hard to stack them against each other. But I’ll do my best!
I’m going to split my answer between your two asks because I don’t want the response to be too long. Also, forgive me for I cannot spell and punctuation is my natural enemy. 
My Favorite Characters (as of right now)
Jason Todd a.k.a the Red Hood - Batman/ Red Hood Comics
This is pretty simple actually I’ve been obsessed with him since I watched Under the Redhood the animated movie and then went on to consume so much content about him. I think he is if not my most favorite character, then at least my most consistent character (I jump from hyperfixation to hyper fixation alot) So yeah he’s great. He’s very much a shining example of characters I tend to gravitate to in media. 
Kugasaki Nobara - Jujustu Kaisen
Justice for my girl Nobara. I consume quite a bit of media alot of which you could argue was originally geared towards menand so female characters are usually not the best or most fleshed out and so rarely become my favs which is why I hold the ones that do so close to my heart. Nobara is like no other female protag I’ve seen in shonen, she’s allowed to be so much she’s so mean and so forthright and she’s silly she’s a non-hypersexualized comedic relief character and that’s so hard to get with female characters that isnt just them beating up the main character who just lets them. Don’t get me wrong she’s mean to yuuji but in the way we are all mean to our best friends. Her moral philosophy is one of my favorites in the show, shes so complex and so fun and here powers are so interesting. I wish more would be done with her.
Ice Bear - We Bare Bears 
I don’t really have much to say here. Ice Bear’s just a cool dude.
Reigen Arataka - Mob Psycho 100
This is very basic of me but I love Reigen so much. I love mob to but Reigen just slightly edges him out because of his sheer insanity. The way Reigen is animated is so god he can never just do one action he’s so hyper and he’s such a bullshitter I love him. But really I feel like we never really get these kinds of  stories with “sensei” like characters. Cause in the beginning He’s presented to us as Mob’s master but it’s so obvious that he’s a con man but the thing is he still gives really good advice and in his own way he is genuinely really helping people. And he gives the single most best piece of advice to a teenage mc that I’ve ever seen. Like how often to you hear the master character tell their pupil that the right thing to do is runaway. That he shouldn't be responsible for fixing the messes of adults, he’s a child and should be allowed to be a child that all the villains are adults and it’s frankly pathetic that they are trying to fight actual children. Reigen simply is him and he grows so much in the way he treats Mob. It’s hard not to love him. Also he has no friends his own age so I feel bad for him. 
The Archangel Michael - Supernatural
There’s not much to say here. He has like 20 minutes of screen time across 15 seasons, but the ways in which I am unwell about him are limitless. He’s my poor little meow meow I will defend him to my dying day. 
Honorable mentions to those I don’t really think about often,and like more in the context of a dynamic, but when I do I go on an absolutely fanfic fuelled mania. 
Erwin Smith (AOT) - There is no canon evidence for this whatsoever but he strikes me as a man that is just a little too much like his mother (unhinged). This is solely based on a specific fic series but the ways in which I am unwell about this trope has implanted unto him. Also love his dynamic with Levi
Robb Stark (GOT)- Honestly I cried about the red wedding for 5 days straight and yeah I like reading about his dynmaic with Jon. 
Shinsou and Aizawa (MHA) -  cheating, but I like them as a dynamic and i flip flop between who I like better, especially in fics where Shinsou isn’t just a vehicle for trauma.
Mihawk and Shanks (OP) - We don’t really know alot about either, though Shanks has gotten a bit more fleshed out recently. I think if we ever find out more about Mihawk he would ascend to one of my favorite characters but right now all Ireally have are headcanons. Also I love Shanks I love seeing him on screen I find him such a fun but tragic character and i dont really know why but yeah he cares so much he’s like a slightly more weighed down luffy what’s not to love?
And finally the ogs
Zoro (OP) - I was so obsessed with him when I first started reading one piece. Love him and Luffy
Nico di angelo (PJO/HOO)  - I think mostly I’ve outgrown Percy Jackson but what kind of person would I be if I didn’t give love to the ogs.
and so here's my list of favorite characters very convoluted I know. I'll probably respond to the second half of your question tomorrow because this kind of wiped me. 😅
But thanks so much for the ask! this was fun
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knyplotrewrite · 2 years
my thoughts on canon Douma
(will have manga spoilers!)
Douma is one of those guys I feel like a lot of people misunderstand. And to be honest, I don’t fault either the people for not looking deeply enough nor Gotouge for writing him “weirdly,” he’s written just fine, but he’s genuinely so different and uncanny that it’s hard to nail his character down. He’s not someone you’re really supposed to relate to, where his lack of humanity is his core characteristic and the most intriguing parts of his character is just how distanced he is from the concept of having personhood.
This being said, he kinda suffers from the same problems as Muzan where the fact that he’s placed in a story full of fighting and action did him a huge disservice. Any interesting mentalities or thought processes he could have sparked are overshadowed by blood and gore and flashy colors.
He’s also not given nearly enough time to properly establish his role as an influential, scarily competent cult leader. In the narrative, he’s painted as this positive, airheaded guy who’s a little fucked up sometimes, which completely skips over exploring how he acts in front of his followers, or just people he generally wants to keep up appearances for. Does he act more mature? Does he try to fit the image of the savior in his followers’ minds? Does he not try to change his persona at all? What does he actually say? What does he actually do? You might point out that Kotoha shows an example of how he treats followers, maybe a little warmly, maybe with a little pity, but the fact most of her story was revealed through exposition and through his POV alone can give him grounds to skew it in order to fit his own philosophies (and we already know he’s a bit of an unreliable narrator so).
The above point is definitely a problem that could have been fixed had he had a whole arc dedicated to himself while in his Savior persona, with more people to tell Kotoha’s story in a different point of view, but I digress.
I do think his role serving as a foil to Shinobu, Kanao, and Inosuke was nicely executed. But, it did feel half baked since it was all shoved into the Infinity Fortress arc with barely any build up. Well, hmm, Shinobu is fine? It’s Kanao and Inosuke I have more issues with, which I’ll explain more in their specific analysis posts.
(Ooh, I kinda want to touch on the discussion on if Douma is misogynistic or not, but I’m not sure if people would be more interested in me just analyzing the canon content alone and giving a solid yes or no answer, or if they want to hear my personal interpretation which can branch from canon quite a bit. In any case, it’ll be its own separate post.)
also @keniaku bc its your babygirl
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ciaran · 6 months
Ok so maybe the manga Tokyo Babylon and its sequel X/1999 by clamp could be your thing? I think it used to be pretty popular so I’m not sure if you’ve heard of it or not. There is both a canon mm pairing (subaru/seishiro which wasn’t my thing personally though I did find it compelling) and yaoi bait (subaru/kamui and fuma/kamui which both were my thing). x/1999 is also visually breathtaking. I should warn you it’s on a 10+ year hiatus but there is like 18 volumes with like 200 pages in each one, so plenty of content, and the hiatus does give room for fan fiction content so. Warning that it is very dark and tragic
oh I've heard of clamp!! I'll check this out, thank you
in general i enjoy pairings where one of the characters is manipulative/conniving & the other one is perpetually kind of angry and grumpy @ the first one but also participates in his schemes and begrudgingly steps in when the first one gets in trouble... i also like betrayals ! I'm a huge fan of characters fucking each other over and then having to deal with what that means. and i like characters who have the same goal or the same underlying philosophy but very different methods. this is a very consistent pattern of shipping for me and the only places I've diverged with my ship patterns is with ocs.
this is probably why Mo Du/silent reading gripped my brain so hard for a while, and it's why i can't really get behind a ship like hualian, which despite being a god/devotee ship (kink fodder for me) also has a canon t/b dynamic that's the reverse of what i enjoy. i like when a ship has some element of opposing each other
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Sorry for once again leaving a big meta-rant at your doorstep in the middle of the night, but after the last one I remembered one more thing about how AfO/Shigarakis Quirks are handled that REALLY pisses me off:
The narrative itself moves away from the concept of Quirks and to simple "MOAR POWERRRR!!" instead. Like you said, AfO being utterly uncreative with his Quirks is already annoying, but that could be salvaged by him being a chuuni-loser that got his lunch money stolen one too many times. You could make that part of the character and be his weakness.
The problem is that the larger narration itself has started leaning into the same direction. And I apologize in advance for bringing it up, but we need to talk about the Stars and Stripes Arc for a second here, specifically about how Shigaraki shrugs off just about anything she throws at him. I am not going to delve into how he survives New Order, its stupid, everyone knows its stupid, thats not what I want to complain about (today at least). I mean all the other attacks, like the Laser-barrage or the Missiles:
How exactly does Shigaraki survive those? Well, he just does. No sign of a trick, no mention of a Quirk that was used specifically for this, nothing. The Manga itself says: "Well, he survived Endeavour, obviously he will survive this." It's literally one step away from saying "Well, he is the BBEG, clearly he isn't going to die here."
Like, yes, we get it, he is the BBEG, he is not going to lose this fight, Stars and Stripe is nothing more than a glorified plot-device to make him seem more dangerous and powerful in this arc. And no, I will never stop being salty about that! (And I am so glad that I was introduced to S&S by fanfic first!)
My point being is that you could be creative here, have him use specific Quirks or combinations of them to avoid/nullify certain attacks and gain the upper hand! Not only would he be more threatening, the fight would feel less like b*llshit in general. In canon, he wins due to a combination of dumb fucking luck, persistence, and more dumb fucking luck. You can essentially see the hand of the author in the background!
And that is the most frustrating thing: It essentially "agrees" with AfO's approach. One of the core pillars of the setting is being disregarded for simple Diabolis ex Machina / Power of Anime nonsense. And thats just a shame.
I've seen someone write a brief analysis of the Star and Stripe arc with the conclusion that it was written specifically to demonstrate that brute force wasn't going to cut it. More specifically, that All Might at his prime is not the person for the job. So here's a umber One Pro Hero with incredible Super Strength trying to overpower AFO and failing, to demonstrate that Midoriya's approach of saving Shigaraki is better.
So how's the current arc going?
Hm. They seem to be. Hitting All For One very hard.
The narrative keeps accidentally validating All For One's bullshit philosophy and I'm so tired.
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Thoughts on volume 1 (disorganized and very sparse, I don’t have the brain capacity for meta this week)
Greetings everybody! I probably won’t be super insightful or anything but I’d really like to have conversations with people (can’t convert my irl friends no matter how hard I try). I’ve really enjoyed reading about people’s thoughts in the tags this week.
Thank god for the people at trigun overhaul they are saving my ass so much time and money right now. It’s really accessible and I appreciate it very much, that shit could NOT have been easy or quick.
I was really iffy on Nightow’s style for a long time, but it’s growing on me pretty quickly. There’s something about that 90s style of manga I was never quite sure about, but Vash’s babygirl eyes are winning me over.
Manga Vash just kind of feels different already? He’s still Vash obv but he feels more blue as opposed to maybe a warmer color. There’s a palpable melancholy about him and it’s making me feel weird. Kind of like I’m seeing the reality of his character and situation? (*I should mention that I’m basing my picture of him on all animated material + a decent amount of manga spoilers.) Maybe part of that is the kind of baby face he has here. He looks younger but seems older? His eyes feel different. It’s the lashes, probably. He looks like a wet cat in a lot of these drawings because of those eyes.
Odds are decent that I’m just weird emotionally right now lol. Probably good this is scheduled to be read slowly instead of all at once. Maybe this is just putting into perspective that his Antics are for his own sanity as much as his image. I, too, make jokes to ignore the Existential Dread. He is more often visibly upset without the theatrics.
WAHOO! (<- obligatory Dante comparison)
Gonna flat color some pages. I have to get it out of my system. It’s killing me they’re like coloring pages I MUST.
The Plants are good and proper fucked up here, aren’t they. I see why Trimax people make Vash an eldritch monstrosity. Very excited to see how much of that is based in canon. Also, wings! (I am going to be normal about this (<- lying)).
Not to homestuck post on the trigun blog but Vash and Knives are so hope/rage coded. Could make an argument for like 4 different classpects for both of them but I’m not that dedicated. This isn’t related to the specific thing we’re reading, it's just on the brain right now. It’s a fun way to think about how character philosophies/personalities interact with each other.
Volume 1 complete! I like Meryl a lot more here. 98 gave me the wrong impression, I think, so seeing this stuff in its original context makes more sense. More often I find myself thinking “oh, that’s more reasonable than I thought.”
Overall I'm enjoying the manga more than I enjoyed my 98 rewatch so far. Once we get into the Meat I’ll probably like it more than Stampede (idk we’ll find out). It’s generally pretty rare for me to like manga more on account of whatever flavor of neurodivergent I am making it fucking impossible to focus on reading long enough for it to not be word soup. Knowing as much as I do about the adaptations is definitely helping with the reading comprehension.
Anyway, I've started coloring a few pages and I might start doing at least one or two per volume if time permits. Got carried away with these ones though. I’ll post them to the tag later.
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
To start off, I love meta-conversation, meaning I love finding behind-the-scenes information which helps explain certain storytelling choices. Sometimes this is disagreement among the creative team, sometimes this is finding out about deep-cut references in a work, etc. There are good and bad reasons for a creator's decisions to be challenged or changed. Especially in a serialized thing such as Naruto, even if there was an "idea" of an ending from the start, things will inevitably change.
One of those changes seems to be regarding Sasuke's character arc. I've read a number of metas in the past few days which seem to agree on a few things: that the overarching themes of children being the products and victims of a military complex was dumbed down or concealed because shonen jump decided it was too dark (and that a number of inconsistencies resulted from this change in philosophy); Naruto's "hero's journey" was meant to be challenged by Sasuke's existence, but due to the needing to keep Naruto as the hero (and perhaps again the difficulty relating certain kinds of situations in a teen-targeted magazine), his ability to represent change while also maintaining a forgiving and optimistic heart was sacrificed and therefore, Sasuke's ending also fell short.
With that out the way, these are some thoughts I wanted to post because I think I'm going to have to add Sasuke to my character list, and I'm thinking through things in real time as I read the manga… I don't feel at all bad about being more obvious about things the manga was probably only able to hint at (or avoid entirely) but those things will inevitably change the trajectory of things as we go on.
- I'm reading the manga for the first time as an adult, but I started watching Naruto when I was about the characters' age. It actually puts into perspective how the characters actually show their age really well. Sasuke's post--Danzo-fight adrenaline high isn't doing him any favors, but watching the scene recently, I really felt like there's a lot of fear on Team 7's side driving their desire to pull Sasuke back from the brink. They are afraid of what things look like if he refuses to come back, and what that means for each of them. The villages have also established themselves as a kind of safeguard against the free-for-all mercenary war that was the warring states period, and there's some fear there of what replaces a village system.
- Sasuke is jumping from grief-mad idea to desire, but it occurs to me (as I'm sure it has many others) that he doesn't actually have to attack Konoha. All he has to do is tell the truth of what happened to Itachi and have people believe it. Easier said than done, but there's a reason the elders ordered the Uchiha massacre to be perpetrated by one of their own. I find it unlikely that some of the major clans (the Nara, mostly) haven't considered that the event was village-ordered, but getting the information out publicly would lead to a certain amount of outrage. I imagine he doesn't do this because he's worried for his clan's reputation - martyr is better than traitor - but it would be super interesting if someone tried.
- Justice is hard, it's harder than revenge. The way I write him, Sasuke is loyal to Naruto (and his teammates somewhat) by the end of the canon arc, not the village. The village can't afford to give Sasuke justice (at least all at once) because that requires it to change its own power structure - it's a shitty fact about institutions ruled by people invested in those institutions continuing. A war is a great chance to make change because of the upheavals it causes, but it requires balance because common people are just as invested in "returning to normal" as those in power once things settle down. We know that this resulted in a pattern that culminated in a literal war against the past, but as we've seen so many times, even world-shaking events have a difficult time dislodging those in power...
- And that's part of the reason Sasuke leaves after the war. Sure, he wants to recreated Indra's journey in some narrative way, but this may have been was one of the only ways the author could figure out that gave both Sasuke and Naruto what they wanted. Sasuke travels the world finding faith in humanity again, but also trying very hard to bring justice (in the literal, not the institutionalized sense) to the people who don't live in shinobi villages; the people a little like the children Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko were, and what he himself became - a child who lived in a shinobi village but was not protected by it. Sasuke's "reparations" are to leave things better than he found them in the outside world.
Tl;dr: I think it's appropriate that Sasuke spends so much time away from Konoha given how the village system cannot give him what he wants. Also, if I went through what he went through I wouldn't want to live there either. Sure, he's intelligence gathering, but I genuinely do not think he finds a world ending threat every other week. He's tracking down those things, but I prefer the idea that he learns how to connect with real people again too. The Uchiha brothers are awkward af, they need to go out and meet/see real people.
I'm in no way claiming to speak for canon. This is just what I am toying with based on what I've read so far. So if anyone is curious about the ideas I keep in mind when writing Sasuke's bits, these are just some things.
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crush3dmary · 1 year
A bit late for the ask game, but I'm gonna throw a freeform at you.
What is one question on the list that no one asked, but you were really hoping they would?
If none apply, use this as an excuse to just info-dump whatever thing you've been wanting to go crazy about!
Ahhhh my treasured mutual thank you so much for the ask!! I think I'm going to use this opportunity to info dump about my current longfic wip, because I'm really excited about it!
Philosophy of a Knife is a yugioh canon rewrite au where Bakura wins and Ryou becomes a vessel for Zorc's power. I have a lot of big plans for it, but it's really a glorified character study with an alternate interpretation of Ryou. I once heard the interpretation that Bakura is a manifestation of Ryou's own intrusive thoughts and I thought this could be an interesting thing to explore alongside the concept of an unreliable narrator as he starts to lose his grip on reality more and succumb to his more carnal urges, inspired by my very real experiences with ocd/intrusive thoughts. The first chapter is pretty canon compliant so far to the manga but I'm planning to have it diverge pretty significantly around battle city. And there will be card games! I learned how to play Duel Monsters for this! I really committed to the bit for this one. If you guys want a preview of the first couple paragraphs, I shared this in a few servers so I don't mind sharing it here too. Under a cut to be safe.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Ryou would learn this the hard way—he'd always considered himself the kind of person that others don't remember, someone forgettable, his anonymity nearly paralleling invisibility. It was only when he lost that resource that he would realize how much of a divine sanction it was.
If one had asked him seven months prior where he imagined his sorry life, the last thing he would have said was "acting as a vessel for the dark God Zorc Necrophades", but even if his life before the Ring was relatively mundane, going about the motions like it were a series of small tragedies, ever since his body became communal, all he could say for certain was that his days were unpredictable at best.
Nobody had told him when he accepted Zorc's soul that the Darkness felt like fire and ice in his veins, something swimming through his arteries like the aftertaste of grief that had clouded his senses since the day he got the phone call saying they're dead, and now you're not just lonely but alone. Nobody told him that he'd feel it skittering across the hairs of his neck like the most graceful of insects, and more than that, nobody told him that nothing would slow the process of his own decay.
A panic that wasn't his washed over Ryou's body as he doubled over, coughing and choking, a malady that had nowhere to go. Jagged nails dug into the pale skin of his forearms, drawing blood that stained the tips of his fingers onyx. Soon after, one of his hands came up to rest over his open mouth, and he retched.
The moment he pulled away, he cowered with revulsion when he saw that his blood and bile were black.
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samiesramen · 1 year
So I had someone as me about what I meant about Piers’ resilience towards love and I promised to go more into that. Let’s begin:
❗️Contains spoilers from the Resident evil manga❗️
Keep in mind, I am not saying this is canon, more so a headcanon that I’m using canonical pieces to further prove. Other than that, let’s get into it.
I had said my post about Mullivans that Piers had grown resistant to love. In a post more previous to that, I said that he had definitely been through it. Years of service in the BSAA, he has definitely lost friends, and dare I say family.
Losing friends his age, older, and younger when he became a lieutenant really did some life long damage to his psyche. These made Piers resilient to the idea of mains meaningful connections.
In his mind, when they were M.I.A or killed, the feeling wouldn’t be so bad, accept the loss and send your condolences. But it never worked. It just made him worse, he wished he talked to them more. Gotten to know them before they were gone.
Hearing how the other BSAA agents talked about them at their funerals or after they were honorably discharged sometimes ended up being to much.
I feel like because of this he also became less social. Now don’t get me wrong, Piers is definitely still a pretty nice guy, he’s not just gonna ignore you if you try making small talk. He just doesn’t connect as much as he did anymore.
I feel like after what happened in Edonia he contemplated cutting ties with Helena. If he lost her too he would’ve honestly ended up like Chris or maybe similarly to Leon.
Piers has definitely had his fair share of falling in love in the field too.
There are three people who stick out the most to me though.
Firstly, Tyler Howard. A US government agent who was involved in the incident at Philosophy University. One of the first guys Piers had ever dated. It was a meaningful relationship to him, but it broke his heart (Tyler’s too) when they separated.
Similarly Tyler decided it wasn’t going to work out with his kind of work. It was a mutual break up. Piers really underestimated how much it would really hurt, therefore affecting his work ethic for a while before he finally got over it.
A while after that he met Merah Biji. For sly and BSAA lab technicians before she transferred Special Operations Unit, working along side Chris and Piers.
At the time Piers had no intentions to date, still feeling a bit said after his breakup with Tyler.
Merah and Him and grown a connection. Piers had respect for the older woman and vice versa. Soon they became great friends even leading to them becoming an absolute unit in the field.
They eventually started crushing in each other, cute moments, including the awkwardly cute ones, before Merah confessed to him after a mission and he just accept her love.
The love only lasted for so long. After the incident at the University, a while in his heart and be created. He became tougher, a little bitter, and his resilience in love and grown much higher than before.
Chris was worried sick, as well as Jill, Sheva, Leon, Sherry, and Helena. Piers was so heart broken he couldn’t even go to Merah’s funeral. They understood why and didn’t pry.
Whenever they saw him they just tried their best to be caring and soft, all knowing how it feels to lose loved ones in terrible times. Piers understood what they were trying to accomplish and just let them do their best. He wasn’t one to destroy a person’s hope. It was hard to cope.
I wrote a lot so far, so this is gonna be a two parter! Stay tuned :3
- SamiesRamen
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sashi-ya · 1 year
Hi I have question.
Now that the scene with Giselle is be adapted and they toned it down to make it less transphobic what are your thoughts on it?
With the anime adapted certains fans are obviously disgusted because they thought that Giselle was this cute wifu material girl and then Yumichika revealed their gendered and now they are butt hurt over that. From what I seen many people have mixed feelings about how Kubo treats his queer and trans coded inviduals some say he a homophobia and transphobia because of the interaction between Yumichika and Giselle and the treatment of Charlotte as some joke. While other says that he handled it decently compare to some animes like One Punch Man.
For me base on the interviews with Kubo I think he handle his queer and trans characters well. Yes some are villains which to some can see as a red flag but at the same time they are flesh out characters with their own unique personalities. There are some flaws with them but I think with more knowledge and feedback on how to properly handle similar to the anime adapted I think he did a good good job.
But what are your thoughts on this whole debate?
I hated the fact that they censorship the scene, honestly. Why? because it is once again the same shit with Bleach and the anime adaptation. While manga has deep, deep meanings and it is full of philosophy and symbolism, Pierrot tries TOO damn hard to turn into a mere "shonen". And again, after so many years the same mistake is committed. I can't understand WHY people will be so stupidly offended by Yumichika's words. IT IS INTENDED TO BE TRANSPHOBIC because they are ENEMIES and they were HURT by her. As much as I love Gigi she acted like a bitch, hurting them and even turning Toshiro into a zombie. Why is it SO hard for some people to understand that they are actually having beef?
And that wasn't the only thing that had been censored in the anime this time. Again Pierrot has that stupid agenda of forcing a ship that's not canon. We can discuss if you like it or not, but the truth is that in the end Ichigo married Orihime and not Rukia. But once again, they had censored a key scene where Ichigo gets all blushed because of Ori's clothing. I hate the damn studio for doing Orihime SO bad in comparison with manga. But that's another story.
in my opinion, Kubo handled the queer characters pretty well. However, as I'm not trans nor an active participant of the lgbt community (i am pan, I just don't participate actively for no specific reasons) my opinion is not a very "authorized" one. In any case I am more than open to learn a lot about it :3
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ao3feed-jjk · 21 days
Psycho (Where Moonlight and Darkness Blur is the Truth of the Night)
by Inkonstantin DM'd my friend this: my brain is nonfunctional today 😃 insanely hard to form coherent thoughts, much less sentences. the amount of time it took me to form that sentence is ridiculous. think i need to write something artsy and poetic and fucking broken. maybe Junpei/Mahito? something just. dark, cracked, oozing, purple prose like flower petals on the inky waters of the river Styx, ghostly, uncemented, undefined, not even shades of gray just varying shades of black, and if the ghost-fire dances on the dirty rainbows swirls of oil, well. snap a photo, and hope it shows. just drips, drips of water down the cave walls, where you trace your fingers trying not to lose yourself in the depthless dark where each step you take you're never sure if your sole will meet cold ground or empty air, still there's cave-sweat on your fingertips and you can feel the dank of something living and breathing there and yet never realize that the only thing alive in there is you yeah my brain is broken 💀 And then I spent the next several dark hours writing this one-shot. Words: 6654, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 14 of jjk fics that are all toji's fault Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Yoshino Junpei, Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen), Kenjaku | Fake Getou Suguru, Itadori Yuuji Relationships: Mahito & Yoshino Junpei, Mahito/Yoshino Junpei, Kenjaku | Fake Getou Suguru & Mahito, Itadori Yuuji & Yoshino Junpei, Itadori Yuuji & Mahito Additional Tags: Canonical Character Death, Canon Compliant, i think, maybe smeared a few details and took a few liberties, but no major changes, Poetic, Purple Prose, Pining, Unrequited Crush, Philosophy, Dubious Morality, Nihilism, Dark fluff, idk what to call it, I Don't Even Know, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, my bain broke and so i needed to write something broken, Mahito is His Own Warning (Jujutsu Kaisen), Humanity, Love/Hate, Character Study, Relationship Study via https://ift.tt/0kSeJuI
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hua-fei-hua · 3 years
“the hardest part of characterization is getting their voice down” “the hardest part of characterization is nailing their quirks w/o flanderizing them” “the hardest part of characterization is--”
SILENCE. the hardest part of characterizations is figuring out their opinions on things that don’t appear in their canon and/or justifying said opinions for them
#yes this is abt the chalk wall drawing au i mentioned a while back n on stream#but this was also a problem i distinctly remember having when writing the closet fic lol#bc there was that one bit that was like a throwaway joke where nobara n megumi argued abt rent-a-girlfriend the manga#like what i'm working on now they do have canon opinions! and canon justifications for the most part#but it's hard to translate that into smth academic bc i personally in essay writing REALLY AVOID bringing up my own experiences#like i think it was my 7th grade english teacher who guided us away from that which makes sense for that age group#like now that i'm older and a more skilled writer i probably could utilize my own experiences well in an arg essay#but doing so still feels to me like i'm setting myself up to be dismissed by my audience blah blah blah blah blah#and these characters' justifications like mostly in their personal experiences/philosophies#so trying to break away from that and take on a more ''historical'' angle i guess? so that they can separate themselves#from the topic they're arguing in a way that'll make their essays seem more impartial (building author credibility) is kinda difficult haha#this is pretty fun tho i read all the 'in-universe primary sources' and whatnot which is a pretty fun thing to say#i think mostly i feel kinda floundery bc 1. it's been a while since i've written an essay like this#and 2. usually when doing these sorts of essays you have like discussions and stuff in class and you read a bunch of complete sources#so working off of just two character opinions and bits of lore and stuff has made it feel like a kind of incomplete exploration#of the topic; thus making me feel unprepared for this sort of writing but like.#laying it all out and just starting to scrap together an outline it's like 'okay you should be all right' so. eyy#花話
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danhoemei · 3 years
Hi, danhoemei.....if you don't mind me asking who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (canon or non-canon)? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hello thanad-zid, the curious sweetheart 💚 I don't mind at all, you actually made me think about the series I haven't thought about for so long! (I'll answer excluding danmei because that's material for a whole separate post and I partly answered that)
19 days by Old Xian - tianshan
(and zhanyi who I love with my whole heart but tianshan is The One for me akjvsbdv)
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Tough on the outside but soft on the inside delinquent and the devilish lonely rich boy who'll go batshit crazy if his friends are in danger. Both of them learning to trust and very slowly showing their vulnerable sides to each other.... I can't say much, it's already a spoiler that they become closer because in the story they start as strangers or even "enemies". They're also secondary characters so they make appearance later in the story and gradually gain more importance (well, it started with them being secondary but tbh now they're one of the main characters with a lot of focus AND I AM SO HAPPY). But anyway, I am absolutely obsessed with them.
The original main pair (zhanyi) has completely different dynamic and vibe, but I love them and enjoy their story and relationship very much as well <3
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This series has such variety of multilayered characters who honestly could have their own separate manhuas. I absolutely recommend 19 days, it started like absolute crack but gained so much depth and action and angst and questioning yourself and 'am I abnormal for having feelings for you' and trust and progress in relationships and-
I love this manhua so much, please read it, if you enjoy danmei you'll enjoy it.
Their story by Tan Jiu
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You want a sweet story about a lesbiab who fell in love at first sight and then pursued her love interest, firstly becoming friends and learning about each other, everything among a lot of humor and shenanigans? Well here you go.
Brooklyn 9-9 - Jake and Amy & Friends - Monica and Chandler
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I see similarities so I put them together lmao. They are wholesome and sweet, support each other no matter what, work for their dreams and for people they hold dear. The guys are hella funny but also very smart and cool, the girls are intense and ambitious and need to have everything under control but are also very sweet and loving. The shows are light and hilarious, good as a stress relief.
The Good Place - Chidi and Eleanor
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First of all I recommend The Good Place in general, a wild ride of unexpected twists and turns, each reveal more “whaaat” than the previous one, with diverse representation and filled with philosophical questions and lessons, created by people who love philosophy. Its humor is incredible as well akjvndfv
Chidi and Eleanor are complete opposites - a nerd with severe anxiety issues who spent his whole life buried in books, and a bi disaster who partied hard, made a lot of bad things, and cared mostly about herself. They learn from each other and complement each other, all the while growing and changing right in front of our eyes.
Aggretsuko - Retsuko and Haida
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HAIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA im love him your honor. Get a partner who can do both (be sweet and supportive, be badass and taking no bullshit). I truly believe they'd be happy and just right for each other, and I want them to be together 😭😭
Yuri on ice - Yuri and Victor
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akhdbsdjkfnlsdf if you watched this then you know why. I recommend it if you want a good quality lgbt anime with an interesting story, diverse characters, and beautiful skating scenes 💚 I love this wholesome duo so much T^T
Svvord of Truth - Richard and KahIan
I kinda feel like I owe it to them to mention them here, probably my earliest couple on this list. It’s an old high fantasy series which I read when I plunged straight into puberty, I haven't read it as a more mature person so I wonder if there are some harmful stereotypes I didn't see or how many typical tropes there are (well e.g. the main guy is so ridiculously overpowered and smarter/holier-than-thou, and there is a lot of black and white there) but also it’s a really complex world with interesting mechanics. However, what truly makes me remember this series fondly is because it was there with me when I was going through a lot of hardships, showing me a rich world with many people worth loving, strong women who I admired and strived to be, wise people of different backgrounds, cultures, and ages. It taught me how important it is to be kind and compassionate, that no matter how desperate your situation can get there is always hope and a way, that people who care about you will be there for you when you need them, and that you need to reciprocate as well. To always “think about the solution, not about the problem” which became the thing I repeat to myself every time I start struggling. The main couple also showed me what I want to strive for in a good relationship - support, understanding, standing by each other’s side no matter what, deep respect for each other and treating each other as equals, working for the relationship, and most importantly trusting each other. The series might be a typical high fantasy but for my growing and messed up mind it was a good teacher who reminded me of things we consider obvious but tend to forget, and might have played a significant role in who I am now.
Ok, I wanted to add a short bullet-point list of some other couples but this list is already long so let’s end here xd
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