#my poor angel is fighting for Crowley's life
the-ineffable-dance · 7 months
Just a little reminder... this is the way Aziraphale looks on the way back into the bookshop at the beginning of the Final Fifteen.
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The Metatrash has just told him to "Go and tell your friend the good news," and Aziraphale is headed back to convince Crowley to return to heaven to be an angel again.
That is not the face of a happy angel.
THIS is the face of a happy angel...
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Or this one...
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Especially this one...
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No... what you have as he returns to the bookshop after whatever was said with the Metatron is not happy. That's the look of a man shaped being desperately coming up with a plan. Who knows that danger is staring straight at them, and suddenly he's in a perilous dance that he must do perfectly in order to protect Crowley.
He doesn't want to go back to Heaven. He has to.
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I love Shakespeare, and I love Hamlet, compound that with the fact that they had Aziraphale and Crowley at the Globe Theater while they were playing Hamlet put me over the moon.
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What I find most amusing, is that both Michael Sheen and David Tennant have both played the part of the Danish prince.
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So we have our favorite angel and demon, meeting at the Globe because of their new "arrangement" to do miracles or temptations that are just plain and simple, a pain in the ass to do, but management wants them to do anyway.
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They also discuss the fact that if either one of their sides knew about the "arrangement" it would be abysmal for them. We know what eventually happens to Crowley later on in the future, when he saves Elspeth from attempting to take her life.
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I think the one thing that is key with this part of their history, is how much concern Aziraphale has started to show for Crowley. Even though he denies ever knowing Crowley, he is nonetheless worried about his wellbeing. These are the early stages of their relationship, with Aziraphale voicing his distress at the possibility of Crowley being destroyed if caught by his superiors.
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During their conversation, Hamlet is playing on stage, and Aziraphale loves this play. Unfortunately, it's not that popular and it concerns him very much. They then have their coin toss to see who get to do the good and bad thing in Edinburgh.
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Poor Aziraphale loses that toss and get stuck having to go there. At this point, Aziphale hears Shakespeare bemoan the fact that no likes Hamlet. This is where Aziraphale gives Crowley the, what has been called, his "heart eyes" looks. I call it the, "oh please my dear, can you do this for me?" look and Crowley just can't say no to him.
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It doesn't even take him a second to agree to his angel's request, so much for putting up a fight. He never has a chance, Crowley already has it bad and doesn't even know it.
I will say, that to me, Crowley fell in love first with Aziraphale. The debate is, when, at Eden or during Job minisode? We can debate that forever, but in the end, he is already in love.
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I adore how happy it makes Aziraphale, when his demon capitulates to his wishes. Look at him, he is beaming with happiness, how can anyone not love him.
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Crowley makes it like, yea, whatever, but you can't tell me he wasn't smiling as he walked away, knowing that he made his angel happy.
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Anyway, I love this whole minisode as I said earlier. It is adorable in their interactions over one of my favorite plays. Plus, Elizabethan Crowley is just gorgeous!
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tickety-boooo · 14 days
Aziraphale's Flaming Sword
I'm working on a poem about Aziraphale's flaming sword and it got me thinking all about it, so here are my thoughts and findings!
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First is looks: the hilt is surprisingly plain. It's not the intricate, ornate sword you might expect; instead it's more primitive, or ancient, by design. The pommel is rounded, and the hand guard curves upward around the base of the blade, resembling a cup shape, rather than a crossguard in a straight line. Actually, it resembles the handle of a torch, which is interesting. Torches give off light and symbolize guidance and enlightenment. An appropriate weapon for our angel, I think! Aziraphale is given the sword to help him guard Eden against... what, exactly? I've never really stopped to consider what the danger is supposed to be. Could it be the animals that live outside of the garden? After Adam and Eve are cast out, they're seen fighting a lion with the sword, and in his dialogue with Crowley, Zira mentions "vicious animals". If it's the forces of Hell, then he's not doing a very good job of it, (poor angel~) letting Crowley snake his way in with the whole apple business! And since it's a sword made of fire, would that even hurt a demon? Is it holy fire? Do angels have holy water AND holy fire, and if so, do demons have a "hellwater" equivalent?!?!? These are the real questions I need answers to!! lol
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I wonder if instead it's supposed to match up with what's written in the Bible. An angel with a flaming sword is sent to guard the Tree of Knowledge AFTER Adam and Eve are cast out, to prevent mankind from re-entering the garden. The angel was supposed to stop humanity from returning to paradise! I didn't know about this detail! In the show I assumed Aziraphale was always stationed there to protect Eden, even before Adam and Eve were cast out! Was this Aziraphale's actual job? Was he told to go to Eden and guard the gate after the original sin? If true, I think this would imply he had only been in the garden for a short time by the wall scene in s1ep1. And then it would make sense that he didn't try to stop Crowley from tempting Eve if he wasn't even there to see it happen originally. He's called in to work after everything already went down (like a lead balloon). But he has empathy and takes pity on the humans, and by giving away the sword he deviates from the Bible's story. I think the way this scene is cut and edited it feels like all of these events are happening immediately one after another, as it is meant to serve as a summary of Genesis (we all know the basic story) when most likely there were moments in between, like God speaking to Adam and Eve about why they're hiding their bodies and, potentially, Zira's arrival at the garden. We see in a different scene later that Zira is patching up the wall, and God asks him about the sword being missing. How is he to defend the garden against humanity's return without his sword?
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Moving onnn... This scene is an origin story for how humanity harnessed fire!! And Aziraphale is the one who gave it to us, to protect ourselves and stay cozy warm and cook our food!!!! That is so cool and it completely fits with his character!! I love that the flaming sword in Aziraphale's hands is a symbol of protection and self-defense, life and survival.
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And then because it's been given away, given to humans, (who now have the capacity for both good and bad after eating the apple) after thousands of years the sword ends up in the hands of the horseman WAR. That's her key item to summon her for the impending apocalypse. It now represents how humans have control over fire; they've created gunpowder and artillery and war and violence and Earth-ending destruction.
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But WAR is defeated by Pepper, using the same sword that now holds this duality in meaning. Pepper, "Pippin Galadriel Moonchild", the child of a hippie mother, or in a way, a child of PEACE, defending her world, protecting the lives of everyone on Earth. Ahh it's such a satisfying narrative circle, I love it!!!!
That's all for now! I totally paused my poem work to write all this out, so back to it!!
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mimisempai · 10 months
A chore worthy of a demon
After a dinner at Nina and Maggie's, Aziraphale gives Maggie a hand with the dishes. When she leaves the kitchen, Crowley takes her place, and while he gives his angel a helping hand, perhaps there's another chore that would be more worthy of him?
Nothing but a crazy little story 
On Ao3
Rating G -  775 words
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"Go help your 'angel' instead of bothering poor Muriel."
"Hey, they started it!"
"Are you a child or what?"
Aziraphale couldn't help but chuckle as he heard the bickering coming from Nina and Maggie's living room. 
The two women had just moved in together and had invited Aziraphale, Crowley and Muriel over for a celebratory dinner. 
"I think I'll go separate them before they get into a fight."
Maggie giggled as she set the dishtowel on the counter and walked out of the kitchen.
Aziraphale stared into space as he quietly washed the dishes and sighed with contentment. There was something delicious about a simple life like this. An evening with friends, where he and Crowley could just be themselves, like any normal couple.
Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice that the person occupying his thoughts had just entered the kitchen. So when Crowley playfully breathed on his neck, Aziraphale was so startled that he jumped, sending the plate he was holding flying into the air and the angel slipping on the puddle created by the chain of events.
Fortunately, Crowley had good reflexes, caught the plate, and wrapped his left arm around Aziraphale's waist, preventing him from falling.
The surprise over, Crowley's face was so close to Aziraphale's that they could feel each other's breath.
The demon was about to lean in for a kiss, but Aziraphale gently pushed him away and said in a suave voice, a slight smirk on his lips, "Get thee behind me, foul fiend. And most of all, let me finish the dishes."
Still smiling, he turned back to the sink and added, "But if you're nice and help me dry the dishes, maybe..."
Crowley pouted, sighed, but took the dishcloth anyway and wiped the dishes as Aziraphale placed them on the rack. 
The silence that followed was suddenly broken when Aziraphale began to grumble.
Crowley approached and, leaning over the sink, asked, "What's the matter, angel?"
Aziraphale pulled a particularly dirty dish out of the water and said in an annoyed tone, "Even with the scrubbing, I can't get this stain out."
Crowley replied, a challenging smile on his lips, "You could miracle it away."
Aziraphale rolled his eyes and the demon continued, whispering in the angel's ear, "Unless you'd rather have your amazing, smart and handsome partner help you?"
Aziraphale gave a quick splash of water to douse Crowley before leaning against the demon and saying, "You are mostly brazen and not at all modest, my dear."
Crowley gave him a proud smile and replied with a wink: "But you love me anyway." 
The angel chuckled softly, "Even if I wanted to, I couldn't deny it." Aziraphale grabbed Crowley's dishcloth and watched as he blew on the stain on the dish, making it disappear in the same way he'd made the paint stain on his coat disappear a few years ago. There was something fascinating about watching Crowley work miracles; he had an innate grace that made it impossible for Aziraphale to look away. 
Hell had never been able to tarnish his beautiful magic.
Crowley then turned to him, arms outstretched, a toothy smile on his lips, "Tadaaa!"
Shaking his head and grinning at his demon's antics, Aziraphale placed the dishcloth and the now clean plate on the counter and turned to the demon, who still had that cheeky grin on his lips. Crowley asked him mischievously, "Is that all, angel? Or are there any more insurmountable tasks for you?"
Aziraphale crossed his arms and pretended to think before replying, "Actually, there is something you could do for me, my dear. But I don't know if it's worthy of such an amazing, smart and handsome demon."
"Oh?" Crowley raised an eyebrow and smiled in a way that suggested he fully understood what Aziraphale was getting at.
He approached him and moved forward until he was at the kitchen counter. Placing his hands on the counter on either side of Aziraphale, he leaned over him and whispered, "So? What is this task, which may not be worthy of a demon such as myself? "
Aziraphale smiled softly, threw his arms around Crowley's neck and, bringing his face close to the demon's, replied softly, "Kiss me?"
Crowley wrapped his arms around the angel and murmured against his lips, "It's not a duty, Angel, it's a gift, a gift more than worthy of a demon such as myself. This demon will absolutely enjoy kissing his angel."
He closed the distance between their faces and pressed his lips to Aziraphale's in a tender kiss, putting all his heart into convincing the angel he loved that this wasn't a chore at all.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : (After season 2) 
Part 1 Story 1-99
Part 2 Story 100-?
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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halcyonfawn · 10 months
the blitz, part three
i don't usually post my thoughts on tv shows here; i tend to annoy my clueless friends with insanely long voice messages instead. but this time i thought why not so here we are.
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[forgive me for my poor english in advance]
let's talk about 1941. i strongly believe this year holds a very significant meaning for aziraphale and crowley's relationship. of course, we all know that, it's like saying the earth is round, but i'm curious as to what exactly had changed their relationship during that year.
if there is going to be a third part of the blitz sequence in season 3, somehow i can see aziraphale and crowley getting heavily drunk after the magic show and all the "shades of grey" talk. a continuation of their date night which has been theorised many times already, but i can't stop thinking about the possible outcomes and how it would explain aziraphale's "you go too fast for me, crowley" later on. sure, they could've met in the middle between 1941 and 1967, we don't know that for this time being, but if they haven't, then, no doubt, something truly pivotal happend in 1941. obviously, the bullet catch trick was quite a stressful experience for both crowley and aziraphale. not to mention the fact that they were almost exposed by furfur. it'd be foolish to think they weren't terrified and even traumatized after all that'd happened. so, perhaps, that's why aziraphale's so afraid to hang out (take a step forward in their relationship?) with crowley in 1967? he's being cautious and doesn't want to take another risk? or did something else happen during the blitz that we don't know yet?
so, 1941. here they are, drunk and a bit giddy. pouring more wine, talking gibberish. it has been a crazy day and alcohol is the greatest stress reliever they desperately need at the moment. then, at some point, they start to reminisce the events of the day.
1. church. explosion. the books. "that was very kind of you". heart eyes. realisation of love?
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aziraphale realised he was in love with crowley. that is one of the things that happened in 1941. and it's huge. and it shows! the way aziraphale looks at crowley, trusts him with his life, invites him in for a romantic candlelight dinner afterwards.
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so why wouldn't we see the angel in love in the hypothetical part three of the blitz? that'd be logical.
2. the bullet catch trick. miracles blocked. crowley almost shooting aziraphale in the head. possible trauma?
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for crowley (not to exclude aziraphale, of course, i doubt he was anticipating the moment the bullet would go through his head in case of failure), this whole magic show was torturous. it's in the way his hands are shaking when holding a gun. and, though funny, how he rapidly goes through the instructions in the book upon realising their miracles aren't working.
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now we know why crowley despises aziraphale's "magician mode". god- satan- who knows what can happen if aziraphale tries to do magic again.
they don't address these things to each other, of course. because that's what they do: they never say what they're really thinking. but alcohol tends to loosen one's tongue. and, perhaps, that is another important thing that happens in 1941.
now, we know aziraphale had done the "i was wrong dance" several times throughout the history, including the year mentioned.
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maybe crowley asked him to do that as a form of an apology after the absolute hell the angel made him go through. and even though, it wasn't aziraphale's fault entirely (nobody could've guessed the furfur's ambush), crowley did almost blew his brains out. and it didn't feel great. moreover, considering that they constantly quarrel, they seem to save the dance for more serious fights, if i may say so.
and after all that happened on the west end stage, crowley deserves a proper apology.
so, he says "do the dance" and is met with drunken protestations, but eventually aziraphale does it. his head spins, his whole body wobbles after several bottles of wine, but he manages to pull off the dance except for the very last move.
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it doesn't look like a very steady position to me. not to mention, aziraphale is drunk and it makes it almost impossible for him to hold balance when standing at all. so when he trembles and trips, ready for his face to be smashed across the floor, crowley catches him and this is where "the big thing" happens (a bit cliché, i know).
now, some people believe they might've kissed before season 2 episode 6. i tend to disagree but i do believe in the almost-kiss. and i think something similar could happen in the blitz part 3 (in case we get it), if we remind ourselves that aziraphale had just realised he was in love with crowley.
even though the demon manages to save his angel (once again) from falling, he is just as drunk as aziraphale.
"you need to ssssober up, angel", crowley might say.
"so do you!" aziraphale might respond.
from what we've seen, crowley is not comfortable yet to take off his sunglasses in the bookshop in 1941. frankly, he never is until season 2.
but when he's drunk, he tosses them to the nearby sofa.
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they exchange a few phrases, aziraphale's still holding onto crowley's arms, they're both barely standing. after a while, the room goes quiet so aziraphale just stares. lovingly. at crowley's eyes. the demon notices.
"wot?" he might ask.
and then...
"your eyes are so pretty" aziraphale might blurt out.
[it sounds very cheesy, i know. if i could write a fanfiction, i would, but my self criticism won't let me.]
vavoom! this is where something shifts. something changes. i imagine aziraphale leaning in for a kiss and crowley's having a mix of confusion and unknown longing on his face. but, obviously, life is no fairy-tale. something interrupts them (i haven't made up my mind on what exactly) and it ruins the moment. and it's very distracting, since they sober up almost immediately. and, to me, aziraphale would suddenly come to realisation that if they get closer, if he acts on his feelings once again, then it'd be taking a huge risk of them being caught collaborating together. so he pushes crowley away. and this is how we come to "you go too fast for me, crowley".
[thank you for reading my midnight thoughts if you got this far!]
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ananke-xiii · 8 months
My ranking of SPN seasons (based only on their PLOT) pt. 4 [final]
Here, here and here I've covered from ranking #15 to #4 so let's see which seasons will be on the podium!
3. Season 8: This season really gave me life, it's absolutely one of the best. Plot-wise, I ADORED the introduction of the tablets and the Trials, whoever came up with this idea was pure genius. So Basically our heroes have to deal with the aftermath of the events in season 7: Dean has spent 1 year fighting monsters in Purgatory while Sam run away from his responsibilities and has found shelter in the arms of a woman. Cas seems nowhere to be found. The character who moves the plot forward is my beloved Crowley: while Dean was feeling pure in Purgatory with this vampire boyfriend (ihih), and Sam was guitl-trapped into adopting a dog (seriuosly? biggest red flag ever), our King of Hell was busy carrying the show on his shoulders. He kidnaps Kevin and orders him to translate the demon tablet. Since he's not stupid, he quickly understands that 1 leviathan table + 1 demon tablet = 1 angel tablet. Consequently, his quest for the latter begins. After 1 year of hedonism, our heroes realize that they had left poor Kevin behind while an astonished Castiel comes out of nowhere. The plot gets interesting. We find out that the demon tablet contains information on how to close the Gates of Hell. Comedy of error ensues since literally everybody thinks that the angle tablet would contain the same info as the demon tablet (really, guys? The ONLY smart person in the room about this was DEAN, as per usual). So what's written on the angel tablet? Surprise! We don't really know 'cause poor Kevin spent 6 effing months trying to translate half of the demon tablet so there's now way to know now! Cas makes the usual stupid choice and gets played by Metatron: he will undergo the Three Trials to close the Gates of Heaven. Meanwhile poor Sam undergoes the Trials to close the Gates of Hell. Eventually, Dean convinces him to stop the last trial otherwise he will die and poor Dean cannot live without his baby brother (same goes for little jealous Sam who, while literally dying, finds time to tell Dean that he feels left behind because Dean seems to love his Purgatory vampire and his trenchoated angel more than him (codependecy level: atomic)). Metatron fools everyone and cast a spell to make all angels fall. BOOM, season finale is EPIC. I really really enjoyed this season, it was so rich and full of turns of events but everything was coherent and engaging. What I didn't like is brainwashing Cas via Naomi. Plot-wise, it was unnecessary since Naomi literally reveals her original plan to Dean after episode 17 so, what was the point? Sure it gave us the memorable crypt scene and for it I am forever grateful. But in terms of plot, meh. It was weak. Also, it looks a lot like what happened with Godstiel in season 6 AND weird Cas in season 7 (poor Cas knows no peace of mind, literally).Once again Cas as a character is not fully in control and makes shitty decisions for reasons unknown? Mmmmh, me not likey.
2. Season 4: This season was explosive, I fucking loved it! First of all, as I've already said, I like when there's sort of a deadline in the plot and here we have a big one: Lilith is on her course to open the 66 seals that will free Lucifer from his cage. Problem is: nobody knows which ones she will choose since there are like 600 of them. Sam and Dean try to prevent the opening of the seals but things get complicated when the Angels enter the arena: they certainly look more like enemies rather than allies and for sure cause a lot of problems more than provide solutions. Previosly on Supernatural, Dean was rescued by Castiel from Hell (what an epic entrance, Cas!!!) after having spent 30 human years torturing and being tortured by demons, yay! Sam is now addicted to demon blood and nobody is pleased about it so our heroes have plenty on their plate. Plot-wise, this season was everything, it was a rollercoaster of turns of events, allies that become enemies, enemies become allies but wait no! they've been enemies all along! Castiel inadvertently changes the course of the story and creates real free will, Supernatural goes fully meta with the introduction of the Supernatural books by Chuck Shurley, angels are showed as scary, powerful creatures rather than comforting, merciful, ethereal beings ("Read the bible" LOL)... Man, what a fucking epic season! It felt serious but also carefree? It seems weird to say that but later on SPN gets increasingly tragic in tone so I'm very pleased with season 4 because it managed to balance everything out but with a lighter twist.
Season 11: while I was writing this, I was not sure which season would be number 1 but here I am, once again, in love with the plot of season 11. What can I say? "I'm a lover, not a fighter". So, the plot: the Winchester Bros Codependency Inc. has reached catastrophic levels: they are the ones to be thanked for the release of The Darkness into the world. The first interesting thing is that, for the first time ever, nobody really seems to know what to do. Thank God, there's the King of Hell (LOL) who promptly seizes the opportunity to take Amara and raise her hoping this would turn the events in his favours. However, he's unable to control her and soon Amara escapes wreacking havoc in the world. Not knowing what to do, Castiel decides to find Metatron, while Sam decides to go back into the Cage because he believes that Lucifer might be key to fighting Amara. Chaos ensues. Metatron doesn't really know shit, Lucifer same but he manages to escape via Castiel!vessel and we get Casifer (it was insane, I loved every minute of it!), the world is in shambles. A deus ex machina is needed: God/Chuck enters the chat. From here on, it all gets very philosophical and maybe that's why I frigging love this season. So, remember the Winchester Bros Codependency Inc.? Well, turns out Amara and God suffers from the same syndrome. They manage to (momentarily) find their balance while Dean (who had a bond with Amara because they both shared the Mark of Cain or whatever) decides to go to battle alone to convince Amara to stop or, if not possible, to die trying to save the world. And Sam Winchester is finally okay with this! Wow, progress, yes, right??? All ends so well that Amara gifts Dean with his friggin' mother who was dead 30+ years ago! Happy ending, much? LOL. I liked the simplicity of the plot, it's all very progressive, the pacing is slow but never boring, all characters still continue to make stupid choices but ultimately these don't bite them in the ass and they use them to grow... I don't know, I really enjoyed season 11. The only "negative" thing is that I wish the writers made Dean tell Cas something more meaningful than "you're our brother". Tons of metas have been written about it and yeah, I know, I know. Still, this season was all about "following the heart" so I'd have appreciated more honesty about this topic but hey, we all know how it ended so #nosurprise.
Okay, I'm done here! What do YOU think? Do you agree with my ranking? I'm curious, let me know!
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So I screamed from the moment Crowley grabbed Aziraphale by the collar and pulled him in for a kiss and couldn't stop screaming until Aziraphale pulled away with a devastated look on his face.
I am in love with season 2 of Good Omens. All hail every single cog in the machine that allowed this miracle to happen (and like a greedy thing, I'm now eagerly anticipating a third season).
But with as much joy as this new season brought me, as much as I cherish each new CANON interaction of the Ineffable Husbands like a luxuriously decadently bitter dark chocolate... this new season was Fanfiction from the very first scene with Crowley being an angel of a higher station and having a hand with the creation of the universe, to the very last frames as the credits rolled through.
Don't get me wrong, this felt like it was Great Fanfiction. The kind that you find after refining AO3's filters down to within an inch of their lives, sorting by word count, carefully reading each tag, noting the amount of kudos, double checking the Last Updated date, and peering into the very soul of the Author's Notes for any unexpected surprises. Fanfiction, none the less.
This is not a rant, this is not a complaint, and I apologize that my memory recollection abilities are so subpar that I for the life of me can't provide any fic titles, (but if there are any GO fanfic readers with minds like steel traps....please help a poor girl out in the comments) but:
There are amazing fics where Crowley was a high ranking angel. He was either part of the team that hung the stars or he's even the Archangel Raphael.
I remember reading a fic where Aziraphale and his fellow Soho shopkeepers (granted, this was back when nearly all of the shops were of the eyebrow raising variety, not just Mrs. Sandwich) were a rather tight knit community.
There's a few decent fics with Outsider POVs helping Crowley or Aziraphale realize they love the other. Obviously with the limited amount of characters available to play with, those outsiders tended to be either Madame Tracy, Anathema, or Adam Young/The Them when it wasn't an OC.
We saw the Gabriel/Beelzebub pairing and loved it and never imagined it seeing it become CANON holy shit yes! but I distinctly remember a fic where Crowley was much more female presenting, and Gabriel bought them a dress. Anyways, Gabriel was on Earth and was comfortable with earthly things because he kept having very hot, very steamy encounters with Beelzebub in Mexico (I think), that started out as clandestine meetings to figure out the next Apocalypse.
I remember this perfectly lovely and indulgent fic where Aziraphale closes his bookshop and Crowley sells his flat and they take the Bentley and retire in the South Downs. And Aziraphale joined the local theater and Crowley grew an amazing garden and they raised ducks by the beach and they had the opportunity to be an "us" 😭. And obviously that doesn't happen in the show but us avid fanfic readers, we knew what it could be like for them and so that moment when Crowley confessed and the fight and the kiss I was a mess an absolute mess, but also:
We fans love the drama, love the hurt, love watching the hope leaving our favorite pairing's eyes, so there are quite a few fics where those two fighting after a confession is as emotionally charged as that scene. But to have David Tennant and Michael Sheen really act that out the way they did gave me heart palpitations, it really did.
And last, but not least, this is not main character related but our OCs- I mean, Nina and Maggie- are actually living out a Coffeeshop AU.
Like I said, I'm not ranting or complaining or anything. I am so happy we got more GO content of this caliber on the tv. But it did not feel wholly original. It felt like dipping myself into that 1000th fic with that same trope that you are willing to read about for the rest of eternity (for example: I will read every single fic created about how Hob rescues Dream from the basement in The Sandman, and I will do it with the same enthusiasm I had the first time I read the first rescue fic. It scratches an itch that feels oh so satisfying to scratch.)
Anyways, yeah. Those were my thoughts.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e10 road trip (w. andrew dabb)
didn't realize we were on a 'road so far' episode already. oh did we really need a funeral pyre? buh. okay what irritates me about that is it can lean on the emotions i associate going back to john's pyre. as much as i warmed up to kevin, his death did not really make me feel anything. and now they can borrow against my fucked up dead parents feelings that got shaken up via john. don't like it.
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also borrowing against my thoughts on dean's feelings via john's death, having this long zoom out from dean at the fire, licensed music playing. oh, it gets worse! the cleaning up kevin's footprint in the bunker. no more extra little brother at home.
was thinking today actually about mrs. tran, how crowley said she was dead but i couldn't remember if we ever confirmed if she was actually dead?
thought of it because of the phone. the logistics of the aftermath of someone has died. i was too young to deal with anything from when my dad died, but i was 32 when my mom died (fun fact i guess that would make it a year before this season aired) so my brother and i dealt with the house and belongings. damnit. now i'm upset about that, buncha cheap shots, show. sigh. too much thinking, more watching.
dean guilt++ and no sam because he's off being ridden around by a fucked up murdering angel
all right the picture with kevin and his mom got me. don't throw the fucking phone, asshole. break everything else, but not the phone, come on. this is like bobby burning the family picture with jo and ellen in s5e10 (brain, stop it)
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so we go from this scene to.... this one.
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okay tonal whiplash. they could have had a rockstar character and not making it into a cheesy joke. weird choices.
DEAN Sammy was dying. What was I supposed to do?
can't blame a shark for being a shark. can't blame a dean for doing anything to save his sam.
CASTIEL You kill an angel, its vessel dies, too. DEAN Think I don't know that? If I don't end Sam and that halo burns him out and I... God, I was so damn stupid. CASTIEL You were stupid for the right reasons. DEAN Yeah, like that matters. CASTIEL It does. Sometimes that's all that matters.
castiel is banking on it being the something that matters for personal reasons too :p
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CROWLEY I told him this was gonna happen. I was the only person who tried to warn him. I told him to run. DEAN From what? CROWLEY You. How many times am I gonna have to say this? People in your general vicinity don't have much in the way of a life-span.
don't let him make you feel worse, dean (even though it's true)
will admit i wonder what crowley does chained up for days, weeks?? at a time between visits from someone.
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definitely. good levels of quippy crowley
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CROWLEY Looks like we need a tiebreaker. Go get Moose, squirrel. Unless... Unless, of course, you can't. That's why you're here, isn't it? The poor giant baby's in trouble again, isn't he?
i will admit he made me laugh at that. poor giant baby samoose
dean is Very Sad and Very Guilty but i would like to take a moment to say i like the plaid he has on today. it's pretty. not covered up by a jacket so i can actually appreciate it
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okay that made me laugh too
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CROWLEY Shotgun. DEAN Uh, wrong. You're in the back. DEAN Hey – you, too. Keep an eye on him.
so dumb but i cackled. more cas and crowley bickering please
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dad!dean yelling at the kids fighting in the back. here for it
all right. mega confusion. so i was like this dude, why do i know this dude, is that ezekial/gadreel, was he in an older episode of spn? anyway i apparently didn't look him up when we first met him but he was one of the dimi's in s1 of altered carbon... and dimi 2 was in an spn episode (s4e5 the black and white one). i had forgotten that while dimi is the same dude, it was different meatsuits (sleeves, in the show).
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s9e10 / altered carbon s1e1 tahmoh penikett as dimitri kadmin
wonder how padalecki felt about playing an even more different character now. recall reading something recently about jackles talking about how it was harder when he was playing soulless!sam etc because it wasn't that same dynamic
I've shared this before, it did make it a little bit more difficult when Jared was playing soulless Sam or Dean was playing demon Dean or Michael. It made it a little bit, well, it was different because that person that you rely on who brings their character to life in a way that supports what you're doing and that is relatable and that is almost, is somebody that you rely on to fulfill—he completes me. Great, that's the headline tomorrow... "Jensen Ackles finally admits... ...that he really does love Tom Cruise movies." So yeah, to get back the question, it it did make it a little bit more difficult to do what we were so used to doing when you take that element away and but again that's I think that that was one of the great things about Supernatural is that we took chances like that, we swung for the fences on a lot of different things.
-from 2022 JIB 12 Jensen Sunday Morning Panel
LOL i just realized i had the wrong era license plate in the painting i just did. cue me flushing and sweating. i did something wrong on the internet where people can see, the HORROR
CROWLEY Your phallus on wheels just ran a red light in Somerset, Pennsylvania, 10 minutes ago.
lol. classy
this whole gadreel/abner thing. i dunno, man. there's just too much shit going on to care about everything
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no judgement, i pet my car too
great, jabbing holes in sam's brain and wiggling a big needle around in there. like trying to find a recessed reset button with a paperclip
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DEAN Pretty much, yeah. How are you doing? CASTIEL You want to talk about me now? DEAN I want to talk about anything that's not a demon sticking needles into my brother's brain.
oh dean. i'm feeling the feelings, jackles
CASTIEL You thought his life was at stake. DEAN Yeah, I got played. CASTIEL I thought I was saving Heaven. I got played, too. DEAN So you're sayin' we're both a couple of dumbasses?
me three
CASTIEL I prefer the word "trusting." Less dumb. Less ass.
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sorry but i laughed. that was a weird watery delivery
now crowley gets to tromp through sam's brain too, greeeeaat. this is just great.
DEAN If you mess with Sam, if you try anything– CROWLEY I keep my bargains. Besides, I don't want to be inside your brother any longer than I have to. I'm not one for sloppy seconds.
classy as ever
DEAN This don't make us square. I see you again– CROWLEY I'm dead. Yes, I know. I love you, too.
kisses, byeee
SAM What you do want me to say – that I'm pissed? Okay. I am. I'm pissed. You lied to me. Again. DEAN I didn't have a choice. SAM I was ready to die, Dean! DEAN I know. But I wouldn't let you, because that's not in me.
it doesn't excuse what dean did, but sam knows this. neither dean nor i can tolerate sam being okay with dying. just like sam and i can't tolerate dean being self destructive and ready to die at the drop of a hat
at least i can tolerate it a little better when they have these little mini breakups, now that it's happened so many times. and i don't think they're committing to a long separation onscreen? but i don't know honestly
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quality time for sam and cas?
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rosemariad · 1 year
Supernatural Season 9
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Sam oh noooooo 😥😭
He really said lemme die in peace. But Dean won’t let him go.
OML the forces of Heaven and Hell really fucked up this man’s life.
Kevin survived season 8 - woo! I know he not gonna make it to the end tho 😑
Charlie’s still around too, but is she gonna make it to the bitter end 🫥
Crowley’s locked up - its about time honestly. He is long overdue for some karma after what he put poor Kevin through. I'd be happy about Abaddon giving him shit but she's no better.
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I know Dean did not just kick Castiel out😣🤬without so much as money or food or any necessities.🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Oh heeeeeeeeeeeeell noooooooo. That son of a bitch!!!!!! 😠😡🤬🤬🤬Poor Cas looked so devastated. Bendito. You could pinpoint the exact moment his heart broke in half.
Poor guy had to rough it on the streets all alone, you don't just do that damn. He could've just sent him somewhere to stay like a friend's or a shelter.
Sam was all dazed and confused he had no idea what was going on afterwards. Dean you can't keep lying!!!! This man is so dumb!!!!
Not the angel that saved Sam's life turning to be bad :/
UGH I hate Metatron he is the WORST! Why do people keep listening to such a jackass?! And what he doesn't have the stomach to do his own dirty work?
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KEVIN - you deserved the best of everything! This one hurt me the worst y'all 😨😢😭😭😭😭
Is Dean allergic to good decision making?!?!?!?!!? After his latest fight with Sam, he fucks off and AGREES to work with Crowley? After everything the son of a bitch put him through? I knew nothing good would come of this. Dean was actually surprised that Tess died - I mean she chose to break the demon trap when she knew herself it was a bad idea. Now Dean has to deal with the mark of Cain 😤
I did find it interesting that the show decided to put a twist on the famous Cain & Abel story and how it echoed Sam and Dean's story. But there was no angel for Cain when he sacrificed himself, or his brother Abel.
Who knows how many other pairs of brothers throughout history were put in the same position across time? Cain and Abel were among the first humans…I don't think since the dawn of human existence it was just Cain and Abel then Sam and Dean. Not for a second. Especially with what we learn later…
Man Dean just gets douchier and douchier. With everyone, even Sam and Castiel. My God.
Abaddon died…yay? That Crowley son of a bitch. First he fucks Dean up, shoots up human blood ….recreatively? And strands his son out in present day despite the fact he was just in 1723. Will we even see Gavin again?
Man I really do not care for Metatron, I cannot wait till he dies. I mean I guess he’s pushing the narrative forward some but jeez what a douche.
Dean died nooooo
Then he became a demon…NOOOOOOOOOOOO
And he’s gonna be with Crowley
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While the Dean and Castiel scenes got some good stuff going - Cas losing his powers and becoming mortal - why couldn’t he be picked up? The way these guys constantly drive around the country: If Dean really wanted to assure Cas was safe from any avenging angels post fall, he’s only a car ride away 😔
Anyway, kicking Cas out was a douchey thing to do but it made for good drama. As did having the two reunite a few episodes later.
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There’s also the apology scene and them working together on cases, but after Dean gets the mark of Cain and Castiel gets pulled back into the angel stuff, their stories detract from one another. Dean does see Castiel again towards the end of the season but by that point he’s totally affected by the mark and Castiel is once again mixed up in angel shit so he doesn’t really get any quality time with Dean for more than half the season. It’s a shame because Dean probably could’ve used more time with his angel friend, given what the mark was putting him through. Oh, well.
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februaryberries · 1 year
okay live blogging my reaction to gomens 2 ep 1
crowley happy stims
crowley sweaty
im less than ten minutes in and i feel like i’ve been sucker punched in the face LMAO
god the colors and the costumes and the set of this show are so gorgeous ugh the COSTUMES
he says hello maggie so gently if he spoke to me and said my name like that i might cry i love u aziraphale
i took one (1) set design class and now ever
single show i look it im like 👀 it’s so pretty LOL
he’s so
he’s such a dork i love him
the clarinet
he knows the benches that’s so funny
bro her red outfit slays so hard
nooooo crowley depression era poor thing
continuing the delayed duck facts god i love him so much
i love the way they say holy shit
I wonder how many times they busted up laughing filming this
he’s so good at being like forgetful and annoying
i love the blowing on phones to end call
he’s so anxious zira sweeitie
i have no idea what that feels like why would u say that
the box 👀
is that all? oh?
there’s a single fly in there
you’re funny i love you
what’s gabriel
JIMMMM short for gabriel
this is so funny criminal minds heaven version w this matchbox LMAO
oh she has a partner rip :((
i… am… dusting… HES SO FUNNY
the exactly is so funny
you’re at liberty to go
i would love you to help me
they’re sooooo married fighting
just breathe that’s what humans do
gasp a material object
she’s so baiting him
oh yikes lindsey is TOXIC
he’s literally a child
standing on the chair so dramatic
no one will have noticed a thing
uh phhhhh
also okay moving on to episode 2!!!
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queen--kenobi · 2 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
thanks for the tag @purgetrooperfox
How to play: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same 
1. Kill Bill | Beatrix Kiddo/The Bride
Listen. Beatrix is my girl my baby. I don’t want her life but god I want to be her if that makes any sense.
2. Hellraiser | Kirsty Cotton
Okay Kirsty is the ultimate final girl, and I will fight anyone that says otherwise. Literally no other final girl can kick ass like her. Genuinely, when Kirsty tells Frank “Go to hell” it’s not some generic angry yell. The way she says it promises she’ll be the one taking you to hell. I love her
3. Star Wars | Obi-wan Kenobi
I am not immune to a British accent and attractive man. Yes, he is an asshole and a snob, and the fandom doesn’t explore that enough. But like. Idk man I think there’s so much complexity with his character beyond just “sad desert man” that can be so fun to play around with?
4. House of the Dragon | Aemond Targaryen
Is he a war criminal? Yes. Is he a kinslayer? Also yes. I don’t care. I am aware I’m playing into the tumblr sexyman hype with this. I have a specific Thing for characters, but especially villains, who are traumatized, who becoming the villain just seems to be their inevitable fate.
That being said, Rhaenerya is a close second
5. Resident Evil 8 | Heisenberg
Listen. I have no excuse. I just don’t
6. Breaking Bad | Saul Goodman
I almost said Gus but. Idk man Saul is my poor little meow meow he’s my pathetic man on this list
7. Nope | OJ Haywood
Just. Man. Everything about OJ. His sense of duty, the way he makes connections no one else can, him having respect for the animals he interacts with? Also all the little details like when he clicks at Angel to raise the camera like you would with a horse
8. The Good Place | Michael
Are we... are we really surprised by this one. I love that he gets a redemption arc. Even though he’s a literal demon, he’s never written off as a hopeless cause. He’s given the chance to become a good person and does, which I am such a sucker for
9. Supernatural | Crowley
Oh, no excuse on this one. I just love how evil he is but in a fun way
10. Death Note | L
L is both smart and the world’s biggest troll I love him so much he’s such a good character
No pressure tags: @baba-fett @rain-on-kamino @twistedstitcher27 @rexxdjarin @misogirl828 @galacticgraffiti @mysteryhacked @writingbylee @teeth-ing @fett-djarin
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what-gs-watching · 1 year
“I won’t leave you on your own.”
Y’all. Real life-ing is hard. And I hate it. So I’m still cleaning out random parts of my house and moping through Taylor Swift playlists and trying to convince my dog to care about me. But at least there’s Good Omens episode 5, wherein Crowley is a cute puppy and Aziraphale is on a mission and shit really starts to hit the fan in the sloppy way you’d expect. 
I hate when we focus on Shax but we have to, she’s down at requisitions with Furfur and she’s looking for 10,000 demons to storm poor Aziraphale’s bookshop. I do enjoy that hell runs terribly though, he can offer her 100 and then it drops to 70 because they’re a mess down there and it takes the wind out of her sails, which I appreciate. She’s playing at being a powerful demon, and she gets a group of trash demons to help her.
Also, the fact that both heaven and hell are just thrashing about, trying to do things and being terrible at them is somewhat comforting. They’re so inefficient, for the most part. It’s all ridiculous bureaucracy. They don’t understand humanity at all or what they’re playing at, so even if Crowley and Az are also a little bit bumbling too, they have somewhat of an upper hand. All y’all are a mess.
ANYWAY, Aziraphale is all in on doing his little cotillion ball masquerading as a the Shopkeepers association meeting, he’s got a clipboard and he’s bent on ensuring all of the necessary participants are there. Crowley shows up and asks if he can just watch the show when he realizes Az is wholly determined to get this done. Ya know, nothing is better than following the angel around. 
What Crowley doesn’t expect is just how dedicated Az is - right off the bat he goes into the musician’s store and asks if he’ll be at the meeting with his harpsichord and when the owner refuses, he offers up a Doctor Who 1965 annual (squeeee), saying he can HAVE it if he brings a quartet. Crowley is incredulous, “you gave away a book!” and Az tries to push it aside saying Maggie and Nina are depending on him. Gang, they’re really not. They really do not need any of this meddling, whatsoever. He can dress it up however he wants, but Aziraphale is doing this so he can get his romantic moment. Sweet little angel still does not understand the full weight of the situation he’s in. 
They move onto the magic shop, Aziraphale has such a memory-soaked look on his face when they step inside, he sighs. The man misses that night, bombs and books and attentive boyfriend. At least Crowley is back to being attentive boyfriend, for now.
 Az invites the proprietor to the meeting, who says he can’t attend because it’s his wedding anniversary. So he resorts back to his books, mentioning a first edition of a card player’s volume annotated by the author, but this time he only says the magician can borrow it. He agrees, and in the background, Crowley entertains himself. Selfishly, one of my favorite parts of the whole damn thing is when Crowley puts on the fez and looks at himself in the crystal ball because fezzes (and bowties)  are cool and it lets me love David’s Doctor and Matt Smith’s Doctor while I’m absolutely obsessing over Crowley, and it makes my existence hurt a little bit less. 
Back in hell Shax is trying to give a rousing speech to her pathetic smattering of demons about their mission, and I do appreciate Eric the disposable demon for the sheer fact that he frustrates the shit out of her. He points out their paltry number and he asks if they’ll be fighting angels because angels can be dangerous bastards (y’all have no idea) and he points out that the big transporter is broken. Sow a little bit of defiance, Eric. I see you.
Aziraphale continues on his mission around the neighborhood, and Crowley follows closely behind. He takes up on a bench across from the french restaurant while Aziraphale struggles through a conversation with the owner, insisting on his own broken version of french, as much as she tries to deter him. Crowley’s got his head in his hand, just watching, exasperated. Like ‘yep, that’s my ridiculous angel.’ 
Here’s something that’ll tug on your heart strings though  (thanks random Tumblr post I’ll never find): Crowley says they both speak every language invented, he doesn’t understand why Az is so terrible with french. Aziraphale apparently took night classes in the 1700’s with a Monsieur Rossignol. Rossignol in french means ‘nightingale’. 
They’re bickering in the street of course and Nina goes “bravo” which I appreciate, she says she’s just enjoying the show. Me too, babe. Aziraphale, the terrible liar, reminds her of the meeting, saying “perfectly ordinary invitation with no hidden agenda of any kind” and he flounces off, but Crowley hangs back. And then. Nina accidentally (maybe) breaks his brain.
She asks Crowley how long they’ve been together and he just says “who?” like he doesn’t fucking know she means Aziraphale. She says “you and your partner” and he trips over himself to say it’s not like that. She asks him if they just got together then, or maybe he’s got a husband or a boyfriend and Az is just his bit on the side. 
Crowley’s indignation at the thought is so sweet. Valiant. Protective. He says “He’s not my bit on the side. He’s far too pure of heart to be anybody’s bit on the side.” And I’m sure he’s thought a lot about that, for a really long time. Everyone seems to think he knew he loved Az when they met on Eden’s wall, and I guess I can’t disagree. But that’s a really long fucking time to be telling yourself Aziraphale is too pure of heart for things. 
She just shrugs at him and says that everyone’s love lives always look a lot less complicated than your own, she’s in her own head of course, she has no idea what she’s just done to Crowley but his face, he looks like he exhales a little ‘oh’ and he’s floundering, baby girl is shook to the core. 
Thinking about it, this might be the first time we’ve seen someone call him on it. In season 1 Aziraphale gets a little bit of it, Uriel saying his sunglasses-wearing boyfriend can’t protect him in hell, and then later when Shax says she’d heard they had been an item, and to Aziraphale’s credit, he takes both of those insinuations in stride. They don’t rattle him. But Crowley lets Nina’s comment break him a little bit. And maybe it’s because if she can see it, other people can. He knows how dangerous everything is right now, and if some random they’ve hardly interacted with has sniffed him out, he’s only ratcheting up that danger. 
True to form, he flees to the french restaurant and a bottle of wine. He calls Az over with a whistle (I love that, I don’t know why) and Aziraphale is still very focused on his own bullshit. He tells Crowley to wait in the bookshop, “you like waiting inside” and Crowley tries to tell him something. He really does try. He says he spent the night worried that Gabriel was going to wake up and smite him, and when Gabriel is smiting, you’ve been “smited? Smote?” Az thinks his verb conjugation is cute, he says “Smitten, I believe. You’re being silly.” But he’s not, that a real and genuine fear Aziraphale should be taking seriously. Can’t fuck up his Jane Austen plans though, of course. So he suggests Crowley tries talking to Jim. 
That, Crowley thinks, is a good idea, so he grabs his wine bottle and stalks off. This man has just had an uncomfortable truth shoved in his face and the Jim/Gabriel situation is putting them both in danger and it’s keeping Crowley from everything that he deeply wants, so he storms into the shop because someone’s going to get his fucking wrath. 
He tells Jim that the last time he’d met Mr. Fell, he’d tried to destroy him, it’s okay that he doesn’t remember that, neither does Az, but Crowley does and he “Did. Not. Care. For it.” He’s been holding onto this terrible thing he bore instead of Aziraphale, that he never fucking told Aziraphale about, and someone should pay for it, and maybe that someone is Jim since he caused the entire situation. They went straight to destroying Aziraphale completely, because heaven is just as shit as hell is, and Crowley’s been carrying that around.
Let’s be honest, they’ve both been carrying around just how horrible their respective sides actually are. And they’re refusing to tell each other about it. If Crowley is irate over the ‘punishments’ and still traumatized, you can bet Az is too. But instead of sharing in it together, they’re keeping it to protect one another. Which is absolutely 100% infuriatingly stupid. And so human. 
So, Crowley says Jim is making Aziraphale risk his entire existence for him (but that’s not it, Aziraphale is risking their entire existence, and he wouldn’t even hear Crowley’s concerns about that, he disregarded them time and again) and when Jim asks if there’s anything he can about that, Crowley tells him to jump out the window. And he agrees. And Crowley lets him open it and climb on the sill and you can see him fighting with himself, that’s not really gonna fix the situation, so he begrudgingly stops him. Crowley doesn’t really kill things. 
He tried to get Jim to remember more, Jim says he feels like a house that had someone living in it for a long time, and now they’re gone but the house can tell where things used to be. And that seems to resonate with Crowley. Jim says his memory was in a matchbox, but actually no, he took it out of the matchbox first and brought it to the shop and now it’s everywhere.
Crowley asks him to try and remember more, explain himself and he says “I don’t know, I’m just…” and Crowley fills in the gap, he says “I know, looking at where the furniture isn’t.” Like he’s been there before. Like he’s had to piece his house back together. And maybe that’s why he doesn’t remember Furfur. Maybe that’s why he takes pity on Jim and offers him a hot chocolate.
Back downstairs, Az is miraculously moving furniture around and making everything perfect for his misguided little ball and when Crowley comes down he says “You’re up to something, I can smell it. What are you planning?” Aziraphale tells him to wait and see. Because if it was really just about Maggie and Nina, he’d remind Crowley about Jane Austen and cotillion balls and humans falling in love but it’s not, of course.  So he shoos Crowley out to make sure that the humans are on their way to the meeting. 
And so, this stupid plan is in action. People start arriving, their clothes changing as they walk through the door. The bookshop looks warm and inviting and enchanting and Az is really pulling out the stops. 
Crowley knocks on Maggie’s window and she says she’s on her way so he goes after Nina, who tells him she isn’t coming because her partner has broken up with her via text, but he senses a shift. He says something’s wrong, she needs to get in the bookshop, Az will protect her and she resists but he says “for once in your life, trust somebody” and he growls at her so she runs across the street. Something is wrong. 
We gotta get through this, so basically: everyone arrives and there’s music and everyone has been manipulated into being prim and proper. Special shout out to the scene of Mrs. Sandwich trying to describe the fact that she runs a brothel but she can’t say the words. “The devil take it” is going to end up in my vocabulary, and I’m not going to apologize. Sewing buttons is extra, and all the girls do it.
Nina isn’t having it though, she comes in and she knows she’s upset but she doesn’t feel upset, that girl is only somewhat controlled by Aziraphale’s ministrations, and Az tells her there will be no long faces tonight. Everyone is under his spell but Nina is fighting it, which, good for her honestly. 
Outside, Crowley is realizing there are fucking demons stalking about, they almost go after Maggie but he stops them, screaming they’re out of order, they shouldn’t be there, there are rules. They make it clear they want Gabriel. Babe is in a panic though and he rushes into the bookshop, into Arizaphale’s little twisted reality. 
He confronts Aziraphale and he just says “I told you, we’re having a ball” and Crowley tells him they need to talk but Az brushes him off AGAIN because he can see people are getting ready for the ridiculous waltz this idiot has planned. 
Crowley tries again, he says making it rain is one thing but he thinks Az has taken this too far and there’s something really wrong going on. But Aziraphale is too deep y’all, he looks back at Crowley and says “maybe you can tell me about it while we dance” and Crowley is extremely confused but oh my god, the noise Az makes when he grabs Crowley’s hand and pulls him onto the floor. It’s just…Michael Sheen is the embodiment of heart eyes AND excited noises. Triple fucking threat, this man. 
So, this idiot gets his dance. And it’s really sweet, I can’t lie. The way Crowley curls his fingers around Aziraphale’s hand is sheer perfection. And Aziraphale is SO happy it’s happening. It’s all gonna work out, in his little blonde head. 
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But Crowley tells him there are demons milling around outside and he’s still very blasé about it, he says they’re perfectly safe inside the shop because it’s still technically a heavenly embassy. Which like, that’s good, but when Crowley tells him it’s time to stop the charade he doubles down and says “I think you’re overestimating how much trouble we’re actually in.”
Babe. C’mon babe. I understand that Aziraphale is trying to make this beautiful moment for the two of them and he’s been wrapped up in the idea most of the season, but like, where is worried Az from season 1? Yeah y’all have been ‘free’ for a couple of years, but he is legitimately throwing caution to the wind and I honestly don’t understand it. Why is he not more worried about this?!
And then it comes crashing down - the demons huck a chunk of something through the window and baby boy’s bubble bursts. 
The demons want Gabriel of course, and Jim figures that’s him so he goes outside to surrender to protect everyone, but their miracle worked too well and no one knows it’s him. And Shax is threatening them (I really do not find her threatening at all, she’s just some little shit trying to prove she’s worth something) and Crowley makes up a rule that they can’t attack humans without giving people a chance to get away first. 
She acquiesces because bureaucracy,  so Crowley tells Az he’ll get everyone out and then he’ll be back, he’s not leaving Aziraphale on his own. Az tries to tell Crowley that he has a thought but he’s dismissed like he’d dismissed Crowley before. Always talking past each other. And maybe that comes out of 6,000 years of back and forth but jesus, y’all. 
Crowley gets everyone to line up and Nina and Maggie try to confront Aziraphale about what’s going on, he attempts to miracle their memories away but they both aren’t having it (not so easy to manipulate people suddenly, is it?) and so they stay behind because they want to help. “Staying behind to die bravely? Good on you.”
Once everyone is outside, Mrs. Sandwich tells Crowley he’s a good lad, “I’m not either, actually. But thank you” with a genuine smile. He hates when Az says he’s good but a human compliment? Acceptable.
So Az is alone in the shop with the girls and Crowley is outside and he’s supposed to come back, but he has another idea when he spies the angel that was supposed to verify their miracle. He convinces her to arrest him and take him to heaven, he needs to see exactly what the fuck is up.
The point is: Aziraphale got his dance, and it didn’t work out like he expected. They did not, in fact, realize they had misunderstood each other and were actually deeply in love. Because things don’t actually work like that.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 259
The Foundry
“The Foundry”
Plot Description: Mary and the boys explore an old house astir with the sounds of a crying baby. Cas is less than thrilled she he’s forced to partner up with Crowley
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I guess? I’m like half asleep, but I don’t think anyone died
No, I won’t be having emotions about two beings who feel so out of place even though they’re with the people they care about most (Cas and Mary)
Cas is goin to Cleveland now!!!
The haircut Mary gave herself in the middle of the night looks good!
Oh geez…guess they did die. I probably wouldn’t have gone into the house
They’re all so awkward about this family hunting trip. No one in this room is behaving normally
Oh Castiel…you gotta get better at undercover names. You can’t be Agent Beyoncé, I’m so sorry, babes
When the summary said Cas was less than thrilled, that was an understatement
Oh, I hate that old, not taken care of porcelain doll
I can’t imagine how this must be making Mary feel. This is not normal boomer doesn’t get technology stuff. She literally wasn’t around it, and she’s so miserable. SHE feels as obsolete as the way she was taught to conduct investigations
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Cas care about how his hair looks. The way he’s comparing himself (and to an extent Crowley) to Sam and Dean is cute but a little pathetic. He’s just been out of this particular game
What is this acting choice? What side of Cas that we haven’t seen before (or at least in a very long while to the point that I’ve forgotten) is this?? Is he trying to be Dean? Is that it?
I miss Ro Ro’s gowns, she looks so modern now. It’s not bad, but it lacks flavor. And I hate how often she’s literally in chains. Free my girl. She did all that shit, but she deserves freedom
I really wanted Mary’s more analog way of doing to work. I know the point is she doesn’t belong here anymore but UGGGHHHH
Rowena also spends too much time afraid for her life. With pretty much everyone else, they’ll probably come back because they’re an angel or a demon or god’s favorite special little guys…but her? No one but me likes her
Ah damn, Mary’s been possessed. Can’t believe the writers made the boys fight their mom
There’s no one in the wrong here and that’s why it hurts so much. Mary’s leaving for some amount of time because she’s mourning what she lost when she died and when she left heaven, but you can hardly blame Dean for feeling hurt at her leaving. After 33 years, he finally had his mom back and after a couple days she leaves, not tragically but of her own volition. He can’t even look at her or say anything as she leaves, and poor Sam is just so shaken.
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bi-bard · 2 years
Little Dream - Dream of the Endless Imagine (The Sandman)
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Title: Little Dream
Pairing: Dream of the Endless X Reader
Word Count: 1,015 words
Warning(s): poor attempt of flirting (on the writer's part)
Summary: After learning of Desire's interference in Unity Kincaid's life, a dream goes between realms in the hopes of protecting their home.
Author's Note: This has been written and deleted so many times. I don't think I posted it, but at this point I can't remember.
I shouldn't have gone to see Desire on my own.
It was one of the most reckless things I had ever done, but I could only prove my theory by getting them to confess to it.
So, no matter how stupid, I walked into Desire's realm.
I turned around in the all-red room. Desire was sitting on the opposite side of the room, grinning at me.
"You're a long way from home, little dream," they said, leaning forward in the seat.
"Like you were when you found Unity Kinkaid," I asked.
"Ooo, that was fast," they replied.
"What did you do to her?"
"Why are you so convinced it was me?"
"I only know two beings that are known for having golden eyes," I explained. "I am almost certain that Crowley is a little busy with his angel to worry about matters of the dream realm."
"You are a smart one, huh," Desire stood up and walked over to me. "Was that a trait my brother gave you or did you earn that one all on your own?"
"What did you do to Unity?"
"I didn't do anything to her," they shrugged. "With her... that's a different story."
"You impregnated her."
"Sounds so... scientific when you say it like that. Where's the passion?"
"She was going to be the Vortex."
"Was she? Well... lucky I was there."
"It just moved on... moved to family blood. You... You want Morpheus to draw family blood."
"Aw, why would I want that?"
"I don't know. Why don't you tell me?"
"Or... you could forget all of that."
The world around me went dark. I furrowed my eyebrows, spinning around. I froze, hearing steps behind me. I still couldn't see anything.
"You could just stay here."
My heart almost stopped. It was such a distinct voice. Not Desire's, but Morpheus's. I closed my eyes even though I couldn't see them anyway.
"You could stay here," the breath of the voice brushed my skin. I felt lips find the skin of my neck. "You could stay with a version that wants you as much as you want him."
I bit my lip, fighting the urge to get lost in the deep voice and the tempting kisses.
"Just say the word-"
In that instant, the lips were gone. I opened my eyes to see myself in the dream realm again. I had no idea if I had sent myself back here or if Desire had taken care of that.
I loved Morpheus. I had for so long that it almost felt as natural as breathing. But it would be selfish to indulge that wish when the realm needed my help. I would sacrifice such happiness to protect him.
"Lord Morpheus!"
I had interrupted Lucienne and Morpheus talking in the throne room when I ran in. Morpheus had just been worrying about the Vortex. I knew that I was being a nuisance by interrupting them, but I didn't have another choice.
"My lord," I said as I made it to the pair. "I have something important to tell you."
"I cannot discuss this right now," he immediately waved me off. "There are more pressing matters at hand."
"I know-"
"Please, Lucienne and I are in the middle-"
"It's about the Vortex, so please shut up and let me tell you what I know."
Lucienne looked more shocked than Morpheus did. I had shocked myself. I was never one to be so blunt, but it was the only choice I had in that moment.
Morpheus's back straightened up when I spoke.
"I'm sorry, my lord," I muttered. "I have information regarding the Vortex situation."
"Which is?"
"The Vortex is family blood," I said. "Your family blood."
"How do you know?"
"Because I confronted Desire and they confessed to seducing and impregnating a woman named Unity Kincaid, who was stuck in the dream realm while you were imprisoned."
"You confronted Desire on your own?"
"It's your family," I explained. "I was worried about accusing them of something like this without proof or a confession."
"That was dangerous," he stepped forward. I looked down for a moment. "Very dangerous. I think you should go."
I looked back at him.
"I cannot kill the Vortex without spilling family blood. I need another solution."
I nodded. "Thank you for your time, my lord."
Lucienne grinned at me as I walked away. I grinned back at her.
All I could do after that was wait. Continue my work with humanity and wait for the situation to be resolved.
I only knew it had been handled when I was called to see Lord Morpheus.
"My lord," I called as I walked into the throne room. Morpheus was standing at the bottom of the steps, staring up at the stained-glass windows. He turned to face me. "You sent for me?"
"I owe you a thank you," he explained. "I confronted Desire. They confessed."
"I was just doing what was right," I said, grinning at him.
"Desire also told me something that I have been hesitant to believe," he continued, stepping toward me.
"About me," I asked.
"Yes," he replied. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I watched him move closer to me. "Do you have feelings for me, (Y/n)?"
I almost felt like I choked when I heard his question. I must've paused for a moment too long.
"You have no reason to be ashamed if you do."
I scoffed.
"Especially when your feelings are returned."
My eyes went wide as I looked at him. There was a small grin pulling at the edge of his lips. I let out a shocked chuckle as I smiled back at him.
"May I kiss you," Morpheus asked.
I nodded.
Morpheus leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine. It was quick and soft. It was a few moments before he pulled away again.
I looked down for a moment, feeling how warm my face got in that matter of seconds. I felt another kiss get pressed to my forehead.
I could get used to feeling like this.
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
Good Omens - “At Midnight” (Rated G)
Crowley is devastated by how smoothly the world continues on after he loses Aziraphale to the bookshop fire. Adam stops the war between Heaven and Hell, and things go back to normal for everyone... except him. Crowley goes from demon to ghoul, haunting St. James's Park every night, caught up in his memories of his angel. Until one night, he comes across something unexpected that makes things a little better... (2416 words) ... and a whole lot worse.
Read on AO3.
The hands on Aziraphale's grandfather clock have crept dangerously close to eleven by the time Crowley steps out the door of the bookshop and into the night. He's not closing up. The shop was never open. 
Not for anyone but him. 
He’d spent the day lurking in the shifting shadows, coiled around the leg of angel's favorite chair, keeping guard. 
Watching for movement. 
Praying for change.
For resolution.
He marked time by the tolling of Aziraphale's clock, the ebb and flow of the commuters outside, and a single ray of sunlight carving its path across the floor, disappearing out the window at the stroke of seven. That’s when he came out of hiding, became his demon self once again.
Crowley pops his collar against the wind and locks the door behind him. He takes one last look at the pane beneath his fingertips, running them lightly over a ridiculous note affixed to the glass. It’s a note he wrote on Aziraphale's behest, proclaiming when customers can expect the shop to open. 
The long and short of it being - don't. 
I open the shop on most weekdays about 9:30 or perhaps 10 a.m. While occasionally I open the shop as early as 8, I have been known not to open until 1, except on Tuesday...
Crowley had written it to irritate his angel - a demonic dig, as it were. But after reading it, Aziraphale couldn't have been more delighted.
"Brilliant!" he'd said. "Masterfully convoluted! Now I can finally relax and finish my crossword puzzle in peace! Thank you, my dear."
Crowley had gone warm at Aziraphale's words. He had never felt so overwhelmed by praise. 
But now, the sign makes him bitter. 
It should have long been replaced with one that reads on holiday, circling the globe, or living the happily ever after life in Mayfair with my husband.
But that wasn't in the cards for Crowley and Aziraphale. 
Crowley snaps his fingers to lower the blinds and snuff the lights, and takes off at a brisk clip to the park.
He does this every night - haunts St. James's Park close to midnight when he'd rather be at home asleep. Crowley had planned to sleep the next seven millennia away, wait until the world started over again before he showed his face to the sun, but infuriatingly, he couldn't. It's impossible for him to get comfortable in his bed when there should be someone else beside him, sitting up and reading by his damned holy light.
Crowley never thought he'd miss that stupid light piercing his eyelids and interrupting his slumber, but he misses it more than anything.
There was nothing left for Crowley after he lost Aziraphale in the bookshop fire. 
He'd always felt that if they went their separate ways, it would sever his heart, but nothing more. He'd go on. But the assumption had been that Aziraphale would still be - exist, just not in Crowley's life.
When Aziraphale went, everything good went with him - love, hope, color, and taste all vacated Crowley's world. But Crowley was too much of a coward to call it quits and join him in oblivion, since, as far as Crowley was concerned, that was where immortal beings ended up if they were eliminated from Earth. Heaven and Hell only existed for humans. Aziraphale and Crowley were created for this world. 
For them, this was it.
He thought he would get into his car and drive, but he couldn't make himself leave. He would get as far as Kent or Surrey, then his Bentley would stop.
Whether he was the one pressing the brake or his car - it varied.
Either way, he'd take a deep breath, toss off his glasses, rub the blur from his watery eyes, and the next thing he knew, he was home.
Couldn't sleep. 
Couldn't leave. 
Couldn't escape. 
Yup. This was Hell. Undoubtedly.
Since he couldn't stay put and he couldn't run away, he spent night after night roaming the park - a ghoul shrouded in shadows of the past. Selfishly, he did everything he could to make the park inhospitable after dark, the same way Aziraphale did for his bookshop to deter customers. He made the place dreary, filled it with suspicious shadows, cold spots, and feelings of dread. In his attempt to get rid of anyone who might bother him, he unwittingly thwarted a few mugging attempts and a handful of assaults, which eliminated crime in St. James's Park for the most part. 
Otherwise, he kept to himself. 
It didn't matter to Crowley one bit that Adam had saved the planet from Heaven and Hell's blasted war. Or that, in doing so, neither side seemed interested in Crowley anymore. 
Without Aziraphale by his side, Crowley wanted none of it. 
These nightly walks, re-visiting the spots where they'd met up through time, didn't help. His memories of Aziraphale had begun to erode what was left of his soul.
His regret over the one thing he had left unsaid.
But there was a handshake exchange afoot.
His late-night trips to the park were how he noticed the light, blooming, growing on the bench smack dab in front of the duck pond.
Their bench.
A thread of silver light that lasted one solid minute from beginning to end.
It was spectacular. Unbelievable in its brilliance. Of the few souls who braved Crowley's shield of demonic influence, only Crowley seemed to notice it. And he couldn't avoid it.
It called to him.
Crowley stalked the light for over a week, never getting too close. It seemed like the kind of thing Gabriel might conjure up to trap him. Heaven may not give two shits about him, but archangels have been known to hold serious grudges.
He resisted its pull, but Crowley is a curious demon, and curiosity got the better of him. Besides, what did he care if Gabriel got the drop on him? Crowley was up for a fight, even one he might lose.
He had nothing better to do.
Crowley walked straight to the bench and sat down the moment the light appeared. He stared at it, into it, trying to sniff out its origins, what it was doing there. Being this close to it, he realized he was wrong. It didn't appear out of thin air. It was a consequence - evidence of a seam ripping in the universe, and on the other side...
Crowley only saw him for a second, but that was all he needed.
They locked eyes. Aziraphale's face lit up as if he were seeing the stars for the first time. 
Stars Crowley created.
He was quite a distance from the tear. Like Crowley, he avoided it as much as possible. But seeing Crowley on the other side, he ran toward it, calling out a single word. It was all he had time for before the rend closed, and he was gone again.
The word he managed was Crowley.
Every night after, Crowley would arrive at the bench with plenty of time for the two of them to speak. As best as they could deduce, something bizarre happened during that fire in Aziraphale's bookshop. Unprecedented. Crowley assumed, at first, that the flames that devoured his angel's pride and joy had come from Hellfire. But they didn't. And Aziraphale, standing in the center of the transportation portal in his corporeal form, never made it to Heaven. He got caught in between. 
A place that many supernatural beings consider scarier than Hell. 
A railway station with a way in but no way out. For immortals, that is. Mortal souls can earn a place upstairs depending on how they behave in this celestial waiting room. But as humans and demons don't concern themselves much with Purgatory lore, there is no book in Hell or on Earth that can help. Crowley has tried finding one - traveled to libraries and broken into collections he would do only on Aziraphale's behalf. But for all of his lofty capers, he found nothing. There might be a book in Heaven, but Crowley has no way to access it.
And Aziraphale is trapped.
Wouldn't Crowley know it, but even under these circumstances, Aziraphale found ways to continue his insufferable good deeds, helping mortal souls trapped with him to move along. Though Crowley believes Aziraphale has an ulterior motive.
Peace and quiet.
Aziraphale has one of those faces that attracts people to him, people who long to share their woeful life stories. So he listens, and then he counsels. When that soul moves on, he earns the most sought-after prize of all - an additional measure of silence.
Crowley and Aziraphale thought Heaven would notice his absence by now. Gabriel’s memos were piling up on Aziraphale's desk, untouched. Or by the massive influx of souls arriving at the pearly gates. 
But no luck.
The angels in charge of the prisoners in the bottomless pits of Hell are more on the ball than the ones who keep an eye on the poor souls stuck in between.
This boundary between Earth and Purgatory dissolves at the stroke of midnight but zips up as soon as the clock strikes 12:01. Then Aziraphale disappears, not returning again till the following day. They are permitted one minute to tell each other everything, and they do their best to get it all out. 
There's one thing Crowley hasn't gotten to yet. Hasn’t for 6000 years. 
His one regret.
He plans on telling Aziraphale tonight on the off chance they can't come up with a solution to this.
Crowley feels the light before it appears. It tugs at something deep inside, ushers him to his seat on the bench. It arrives with a clap like thunder, so loud he’s surprised when it doesn’t shatter windows and crack foundations. Air whooshes by him at hurricane speeds, sucked into the impending rend. 
A second later, Aziraphale appears beside him. 
In a different dimension but beside him, framed by the light as if he's a reflection in a mirror. 
Crowley inches his hand close, knowing without seeing that Aziraphale’s hand rests similarly on the opposite side. They cannot touch. They’ve tried. 
Neither can cross the barrier.
“So, my dear,” Aziraphale starts, looking through the shimmer at Crowley, “how’s the bookshop?”
“Right as rain as always,” Crowley replies. He used to mutter, “Hello, Crowley. How are you? You’re looking well this fine evening,” but realized how immature and hurtful that was when Aziraphale heard him, and his face fell. Aziraphale wasn’t disregarding Crowley by not asking after him first. It was too painful for Aziraphale to acknowledge how far apart they were from one another. “How have you been, angel?”
“Can’t complain. Although I could really go for a plate of crepes. Or perhaps a nice, hearty gazpacho.”
“Don’t you worry. The moment I have you free of there, I’ll take you to dinner. Anywhere you want to go.”
“I’m holding you to that,” Aziraphale says, the longing in his eyes heartbreaking. “It wouldn’t be so bad over here if I had a book or two.”
“I did try passing you one over, but… “
“Yes, yes, I recall.” Aziraphale sighs at the memory of a favorite Wilde hardcover disintegrating into thin air. Luckily, that didn’t happen to either of them when they attempted to cross. “Valiant effort. Disastrous outcome.” 
“Meddled in anyone's affairs today, have you?” 
“As a matter of fact… ” Aziraphale smiles brightly. “A charming lady named Agatha. Lived a good long life. Died at the age of 93, I believe she said.”
“Wot in the world did she do to make it into Purgatory?”
“The usual. Attachment to sin.”
Crowley nods, lips twisting with a knowing grin. “Let me guess… the premarital variety?”
“That’s the one. She also poisoned an abusive stepfather, not her own, broke into a research facility to rescue rabbits, and stole a petty neighbor’s tomatoes on the daily until the day she died.”
Crowley chuckles. “Ah, yes. You’ve got to love old ladies.”
“Wot did you do?”
“Same as always. I had her give a proper confession. I forgave her for the poisoning, of course… “
“Of course.”
“... and the rabbit liberation. But we talked through the issue with the tomatoes. I explained that trespassing on her neighbor’s property is wrong even if the woman did dye all her delicates on her drying line puce.”
Crowley makes a face. He has no idea what puce is, but it sounds vile. “Probably justified there.”
“But that wasn’t the crux of her dilemma.”
“Wot was?”
Aziraphale turns, eyes wandering in the direction of the pond even though he can’t see it. “She misses the love of her life.”
Crowley's eyes widen. “Oh.”
“I assured her that her lover would be with her soon. After that, she was fine moving on.”
“Is that the truth?”
“Yes,” Aziraphale says wistfully. “He beloved misses her very much. They make a lovely couple.”
“That’ll be nice. The two of them reuniting.”
“Yes. It will be… for them.”
Silence falls between them. They steer clear of silence when they can, seeing how short their time is together, but it can't be helped. Aziraphale could work from here till eternity joining lost souls, but he can't help himself do the same. 
The weight of that overwhelms them.
Crowley's phone vibrates in his pocket, signaling their minute together coming to an end. The silver frame phases, its light dimming, sputtering like a candle about to go out. As with every time before, Crowley tries to stop it, tries to stop time to keep Aziraphale with him longer. But it doesn’t work. Either this rend works outside of the laws of time, or time has had it with Crowley’s antics, but this can’t be stopped. 
Crowley’s imagination isn’t strong enough.
“We only have a little time left,” Aziraphale says, “and we’re no closer to solving this puzzle!”
“I know,” Crowley replies. “I'll keep working on it. I promise. But before you go, I just wanted to tell you… ”
The air crackles as the rip begins to mend, the noise drowning them out.
"Yes, my dear?"
"I need to tell you... "
“Oh, Crowley!” Aziraphale starts to fade as the gap sutures shut. “I’m so sorry… "
The tear closes, his angel gone, and in the ensuing silence, Crowley’s last words hang in the air, having escaped his lips a second too late for their recipient to hear.
“… I love you.”
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I saw in your tags that there’s some old destiel fic you like on ffn. Do you have any recs ? :)
omg I haven’t been on there in years! like last time I read anything on there was like in 2014 lmao xD
32 fics total - I just checked and all of them are still up...there’s like 30+ more that I bookmarked that isn’t on the list cuz I’m not sure if they’re destiel fics or not so I gotta re-read them
all the ones below are fics that I’ve recced before in the past
1. All Angels Need Their Wings - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,784 (2012)
Dean never thought that Castiel would ever return. And when he did, he came in a very unexpected way, a very horrifying way. SLASH Castiel/Dean. Wing-Kink. Takes place in season 7. AU.
2. Heart Trouble - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 74,320 (2011)
Dean's having a harder and harder time of denying what he feels for a certain blue-eyed friend of his. And it's making him a little ornery, and a lot confused.
3. It Hurts - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,963 (2013)
Inspired by the S9 Trailer Cas had watched the angels fall and with them, his self worth. Now human facing the challenges of navigating mortality he also tries to find a place for himself in this new world. It is a hope he has to find without the Winchesters, without Dean. So now he runs, from both Heaven, Hell and from Dean. 
4. Small Problem - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 13,310 (2011)
A cursed artifact has made Castiel miniature, it's amusing for the Winchesters at first until they realize he might stay that way forever. Slash Dean/Castiel Please R&R
5 My Broken Angel - RATING: M | LENGTH: 24,999 (2010)
When Castiel disappears from his vessel, Dean is concerned. But when Castiel reappears and seems to avoid him, Dean is heartbroken. Set mid-season 5. 
6. A Hand - RATING: M | LENGTH: 23,474 (2010)
Dean/Cas, multichapter, slight AU. Dean's busy trying to re-soulify his brother, but Cas needs help. Maybe it's time Dean gave it to him. Ch. 15: Dean glared indignantly. "I find the term 'lovebirds' to be offensive. We prefer to be called 'sex-falcons.'" 
7. Saving Grace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 38,602 (2010)
With everything that was going wrong in Dean's life, it took him a while to realize that the person close to him that really needed the most help was Castiel. 
8. Candy - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 98,068 (2013)
The Fall from Heaven changed everything. The supernatural no longer hidden. Angels roaming the planet. Sam and Dean's immediate concerns were on a smaller scale. What do you do with the former King of Hell? Where is Castiel?... Destiel/Mute!Human!Cas/Angst!Dean
9. Dude, Dean Looks Like a Lady - RATING: M | LENGTH: 20,774 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
Sam's good, Cas has been found, and demons everywhere seem to be on hiatus. Seems like things are looking up for Team Free Will that is until Dean wakes up with his very own vagina anyway. Warnings: Fem!Dean, Destiel, female masturbation and S8 spoilers.
10. Evil Intent, Trials of Love, & Finding My Angel - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 36,729, 70,453, & 59,941 *rape, graphic torture, violence* (2009)
Anna rapes Castiel and uses a method that torments him more than anything imaginable. WARNING: Rape and Castiel/Dean makes sense when you read it . If you don't like then don't read!
11. Cascade - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 (2013)
"And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames!" An 8x23 coda. 
12. Count The Cracks, Hear The Shatters, Feel The Insanities - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
They've walked miles on gravel roads that led to hell and back but the journey never quite ends. This is the story of Castiel and the Winchesters after the angels fell from heaven. Post Season 8. 
13. Damn Straight & Wait Wait Wait - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: about 21,000 (2010)
Humorous Cas/Dean, with multiple POVs. Slight AU. Fluffy. Ch. 5: Sam sat in the Impala in the motel parking lot, praying that three and a half hours at the library had been long enough.
14. Entertaining Angels - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 43,659 *gen/pre-slash* (2008)
A strange boy shows up at Dean and Sam’s motel room. Maybe he needs help, or maybe he’s there to help them—they can’t quite tell. Spoilers through 4.10. Not an OC. 
15. Happy Friggin’ Valentine’s Day - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 22,771 (2010)
SLASH. It all started with Dean's perfectly healthy hatred of frivilous holidays and a much-coveted sack of dust. Poor Castiel doesn't fully understand 'romance' to begin with, and this crash course is most unwelcome. 
16. I’m Just a Love Machine - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 29,200 (2011)
The Impala finally gets the chance to love Dean back. The problem is, Castiel seems to be in its way. 
17. It’s The Great Destiel Shipper, Sam Winchester - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 49,641 (2012)
What's Sam really doing all that time on the computer? Fangirling. Over Chuck's Supernatural books. Now Wincest might be a bit too much to deal with, but Destiel he might be able to get on board with... Especially after being around the two people involved for three days straight. 
18. Pain in the Head - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 78,771 *character death* (2011)
It started out slow. "Since when do angels have headaches?" "Since they become human." Established Dean/Cas. Sort of AU. PG-13. Complete. 
19. Sleep in Heavenly Peace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 45,517 *christmas fic* (2013)
Dean wants to have a nice, peaceful Christmas for once, but it seems like the universe won't let him. Dean/Castiel. Post-8.08 (Hunteri Heroici) AU. First in "Holidays With the Winchesters are Always Fun." 
20. The Shattered One - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 94,021 *grace mpreg* (2012)
When it struck Castiel, it dropped him out of the sky. He set down the first place he could find. He stood in a field in Switzerland, swaying on his feet and staring down at his body, dazed by what it had just done.
21. This Cupid Isn’t Stupid - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 41,572 (2012)
Dean receives a shock when he wakes up to discover Castiel has returned. Why is the angel suddenly back? Why have his powers dimmed? And.. Why are he and Dean joined together by an invisible rope!
22. Wild Horses, Cas - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 23,505 (2013)
(S8 Spoilers (story is set in S9), Sickfic! Destiel, Minor Sabriel). When Cas comes down with a bad case of Pneumonia it leaves Dean feeling more protective over his friend than ever, but will it also lead to Dean's admittance of his feelings towards his friend? 
23. Wrong - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 51,384 (2010)
Angels are not supposed to drop out of the sky into motel rooms, broken and beaten. They're not supposed to bleed like that. It was all wrong. 
24. The Reluctant Contestant - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 50,502 (2012)
AU When Gabriel is hired as a new host for a dating show, Cas has no choice but to follow his brother along as part of the camera crew. Forced at the last minute to be a contestant, he is shocked when Dean Winchester continually refuses to eliminate him. 
25. The Ugly Duckling - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 81,676 (2012)
Castiel: a nerdy, skinny thing with a crush on the the most popular guy in class. Being unpopular isn't easy and it's worse when the homophobic school figures him out. A small struggle to be noticed by his crush is turned into a huge struggle for himself and his dignity. But bullying can get the better of anyone. Slash. Destiel rated M for later chapters. 
26. Nameless - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 77,882 (2013)
AU. Everyone has the name of their soulmate written on their wrist at birth. Well, everyone except Dean Winchester. Complete. 
27. Cufflinks - RATING: M | LENGTH: 61,845 (2012)
The world is full of creatures that prey on humans. It is up to 'Hunters' to fight against the dark. Lucky Hunters rely on the help of angels they have bound to their service. Sam and Dean may be good Hunters, but they have yet to capture an angel. One day, Sam finds an angel and seizes the opportunity to bind the angel to himself. Little did they know what they were getting into. 
28. Angel Training - RATING: M | LENGTH: 95,700, Angel Training 2: Save Us - RATING: M | LENGTH: 76,888, & Angel Training 3: Uprising - RATING: M | LENGTH: 89,512 (2011)
In a world where angels are common and the most privileged or skilled people are able to own one; the world's angelic hierarchy is about to change when Dean Winchester receives a wild and recently caught angel.
29. Chasing Your Shadow - RATING: M | LENGTH: 92,077 (2012)
The prophecy says that when Castiel turns twenty-three winters old, a stranger will come into his life and bring a lot of suffering. But do prophecies always come true? Demon Dean/human Castiel AU 
30. The Holiday - RATING: M | LENGTH: 32,088 (2011)
Castiel and Sam are unlucky in both life and love, so they swap houses for the holidays. Both find the experience highly...interesting. Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel
31. And In Your Arms I Shall Find Shelter- RATING: M | LENGTH: 33,824 (2012)
Dean Winchester is a long forgotten painter who suddenly receives an order for a painting from a rich man - Crowley. He is about to start painting when Castiel - his personal reaper visits him. The main question is: Will Castiel give Dean enough time to finish the painting? 
32. Jar of Hearts - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 127,192 (2013)
February being the supposed 'month of love' people seem to forget that it's also one of the coldest times of the year. Valentine's Day themed events in a cafe turned bar is how Dean managed the courage to speak to the locally famous singer and somehow score a date, a relationship, and a man he didn't deserve out of the deal. Destiel college/uniAU some Sabriel 
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