#my prada bag came
sashaisready · 19 days
Starting Over: Chapter 1 - Betrayal
Mob!Bucky x Female Reader
Series Masterlist
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When Bucky throws you out of the house for a betrayal and won't listen to your side of the story, you know the only way out is through - it's time to start over. Maybe this was never going to be your happy ending.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, betrayal, mean!Bucky,
Part 2
Hi! This kinda came outta nowhere lmao. Apologies for the angst, I just needed to do an angsty/sad fic cos I'm in my feels. As always, I appreciate your comments and reblogs. This is a two part series (standalone, not linked to any of my other fics, not the same characters as in Sweet and Sour) second part coming soon...
Wordcount: 3.7k
“I can’t believe you’d do this to me, Doll. After everything we’ve been through? Was it all a lie?”
“Don’t deny it! That’s your voice on the recording! Banner proved your phone was there, it pinged there – we’ve got the proof. Even now you’re lying, you just can’t help yourself, can you?”
You had read about people being too stunned to move or speak, but you always thought it was a little embellished for dramatic effect in books. Surely, you could just push through? Surely shock did not have such a profound effect on your body that it rendered you temporarily paralysed and mute?
But you had calmly walked down the stairs towards the lobby of the house twenty minutes ago and hadn’t moved since. You just stood there now, rigid and dumbfounded, trying to understand how your entire world had just collapsed around you mere minutes beforehand. Now, you got the ‘stunned’ thing. You understood.
The aftershocks of Bucky yelling at you echoed around your head. What had just happened? You’d been sleeping peacefully just before he stormed in your shared bedroom, roaring at you before your eyes had even opened. You’d never seen him like that before. This wasn’t your Bucky, this was work Bucky. The one he’d always worked so hard to keep you from.
Why wouldn’t he listen? What did he mean, the recording? The phone ping? Your skull ached as you tried to make sense of it all. You would never do a thing like that to him. You loved him. You’d die before you purposefully tried to hurt him. Why didn’t he understand that?
You briefly considered going back upstairs, finding him wherever he was in the labyrinth of this house and straightening this whole mess out. Telling him you loved him, and he had to listen. Taking him in your arms, kissing him softly.
But the memory of the look in his eyes, the sheer rage they contained, the hatred that lay there, stopped you.
There was nothing to go back for.
You managed to pull yourself from your paralysis and move towards the hall closet near the front door. Well, it was more like a small room than a closet. An overflow from the walk-in closet just off the master bedroom upstairs. A huge space packed with a selection of Bucky’s jackets and shoes. He liked keeping some of them downstairs, getting the staff to rotate them when he wanted a change. Some of your things sat in there too - a few high-end coats, beautiful shoes. 
Correction, past tense - they were yours. Not now. 
“You’re a liar! You lied to me…Bet you loved spending my money too, didn’t you? Laughing all the way to bank as you sucked me dry…”
You screwed up your face as the memory of his voice flooded you. He was just so angry…he just wouldn’t listen. He wouldn’t believe you…
You pushed it all aside and opened the closet door, darting and shuffling through the combined thousands of dollars at your fingertips - the Dior, the Gucci, the Prada. You knew it was in here somewhere.
Then you spotted a flash of red behind one of the shoe racks in the far corner. There she was. 
You moved towards it, grabbing at the red fabric and tugging. It squeezed past the luxury shoes and revealed itself as you pulled it toward you - your faithful red backpack.
A relic of your former self.
No designer labels here, just a bag that had followed you throughout your life - high school, college before you’d dropped out, various apartment moves and vacations. The once-bright crimson colour had faded over time, but it was still sturdy and strong, still TARDIS-like in how much you could pack inside. It stuck out like a sore thumb in the closet against the glamour and opulence. 
You knew how that felt.
You unzipped it and dug through the contents. A pair of jeans, a sweater, a couple of T-shirts and your beaten-up old sneakers. Some pairs of underwear and bras. A few other simple garments. All polyblends and cheap textiles. No fancy labels to be found. No fine silks or luxe fabrics that Bucky had liked to spoil you with. 
This backpack was all you had to your name when you’d moved in here. Funny how life went in circles, because once again it was all you had now.
At the time Bucky had taken it from you and insisted you throw it away - you wouldn’t need it! He’d buy you a whole walk-in closet full of clothes! 
And he did. 
A dizzying amount. More than you could ever wear. A mix of designer labels and custom pieces that fit you perfectly. Fine tailoring and exquisite details. Dresses. Blouses. Pants. Jeans. Organic cotton t-shirts. Skirts of every length. Winter coats that had cost the same as two months of your rent in the city. Underwear sets so pretty and delicate that you were almost too nervous to wear them. 
And accessories, too. Handbags. Jewellery. Shoes. Oh, the shoes. Heels, flats, boots, sandals, sneakers and slippers. Shoes for fancy parties and shoes for hikes. Shoes for the grand vacations. Shoes for just lounging around the house. Shoes you only wore for sex.
All gone, in an instant.
It didn’t matter, anyway. You always told him you didn’t need any of it. And you weren’t lying. You’d never lied to him, despite what he believed now. You were always happiest in sweats and loungewear, you just liked being comfortable and yourself. You just liked being near him.
At the time you’d talked him round about letting you keeping the backpack - nostalgia, you know? You’d had it years, after all.
But he didn’t think you needed it. That was then, this was now. Why keep an old bag when you could get anything you’d ever want? He’d buy you a hundred backpacks, he said, he’d get your initials embroidered, he’d let you design your own, he’d have your favourite designer make you one - especially for you.
But that wouldn’t be your bag. The bag that had seen everything. Your constant companion. 
You persisted. What was one little backpack in a big old house like his? It would take up no space at all. He wouldn’t even know it was there.
He relented eventually, he’d always loved how down to earth and low-key you were. He was fond of your sentimentality. You’d never been interested in his money; you’d kept the love notes he wrote you - not the shopping receipts - but he still liked to spoil you. You deserved it. 
Or so he’d told you then. But it was a different story today. 
The bag had been hastily stashed here in the closet the first day you moved in and had been there ever since, languishing amongst the Italian tailoring. 
Until now.
Part of you wondered if deep down you had always known this day would come. Maybe your gut had sensed it was all too good to be true, and you knew you needed to store a parachute for the inevitable fall. 
You sniffed, wiping away the threat of more tears. There would be time for that later. 
You looked down at the slip you wore, the slinky, silly nightie thing he’d bought you that you’d worn to bed. Not very practical now you’d be out on the street. 
Your brain suddenly switched into survival mode, most likely in an attempt to stop yourself from falling apart, but you couldn’t think about it all now. You needed to find somewhere to stay. And you couldn’t do that in a silk nightdress. 
You quickly shrugged the gown off, leaving it in a tangled pool on the floor of the closet and mentally apologising to Martha who would have to pick it up tomorrow. You grabbed the backpack and pulled on the jeans, a bra, one of the tees and the sweater. You rolled the Dollar Tree socks onto your feet. Kicked on the sneakers. It was all a little musty from being folded up in the bag for so long. But it would do. 
You caught a glimpse of yourself in the closet mirror and gasped. Aside from the wild eyes and tear-stained face, you looked like a version of yourself you hadn’t seen in a long time. Another life.
Hello again.
Next: where to go. The obvious places were Wanda’s or Nat’s homes. And you’d go there. Either would work. Either would welcome you with open arms, being the true friends that they were. Bucky’s betrayal had made you question everything you knew about love, but not the faith in your friends to catch you when you fall. That was unshakeable. 
Maybe you could alternate who you stayed with until you got back on your feet, so you weren’t too much of a burden to either. You just couldn’t face either of them tonight, you needed to be alone. 
You frantically rummaged through the backpack again until you found what you were looking for at the very bottom. You let out a little yelp of relief.
The battered old wallet had seen better days, but it was hanging on. You opened it up and breathed a sigh of relief that you’d never transferred your driver’s license into the Gucci wallet Bucky had given you on that first day. Thanks, lazy past self. It wasn’t like you’d driven much anyway, not with his all drivers on the payroll and the Uber account he’d loaded onto your phone. 
The wallet also contained debit and credit cards you’d never cancelled but hadn’t touched since Bucky gave you your very own black card. It was funny how you used to obsessively count every penny and now you could charge whatever you wanted without a second thought.
Not now, then, you corrected. You needed to get used to your life with Bucky being referred to in the past tense.
“You were working with the feds this whole time, Doll? Is that it? You were all laughing at me? Laughing at how easy it was to let you in? The cute little waitress doing her ‘oh shucks!’ routine, catching me hook, line and sinker?? God I’m such a fucking idiot…”
You stifled a sob, but continued hunting through the wallet.
You thought about your purse sitting out on the side table by the front door. You could take that with you and charge a hotel room it. He probably wouldn’t even notice such a small charge amongst his wealth, and even if he did, he wouldn’t begrudge you a few bucks for a roof over your head for one night. Would he?
No. Enough. 
He had ended it. He had implied you were a leech. He didn’t listen, he didn’t trust you. He didn’t believe you. If he truly thought you’d done what he said…he couldn’t ever have loved you. Not really. 
No more spending his money, even though you never really felt comfortable doing so anyway. The showdown tonight had confirmed your biggest fears - he’d always resented you for spending his cash. You couldn’t live like that anymore. 
Besides, you didn’t want him to know where you were. Not that you thought he’d come after you…but still. 
Fortunately, the wallet had a ream of stale bills stuffed in one of the sections. You exclaimed in excitement; you remembered them now. It had been your last day at your waitress job. You’d quit right before you came over to this place to move in, and Lou had given you the rest of the week’s pay plus tips. You had fought him on it, insisting you didn’t need it - but Lou had asked you to take it. For his sake.
“I want you to be happy, hon’,” he’d told you kindly when you had shared your plans. “And I know you’re a smart girl. But you’re getting mixed up with…a different kinda world. A…different kind of guy. You never know when this might come in handy”.
You’d frowned at him at the time, not quite sure what he meant. But as you stood there in the closet clutching the cash, you sent him a silent thank-you for his foresight. God bless Lou. He was exactly right.
You shoved the money and the wallet back into the red bag and moved from the closet into the hallway. The house was completely silent. If Bucky knew you hadn’t left yet, he’d made no effort to stop you. You admitted that a tiny part of yourself had hoped he’d come after you and admit he’d made a terrible mistake.
But he wasn’t coming. 
You slung the backpack over your shoulder as you headed to the front door. As your hand curled around the handle, you turned and took one last look at what had been your first real home. What you’d hoped would be your last home. 
You looked over at your phone which you’d tossed onto the dresser next to the closet in your panic. You briefly pondered taking it, but it wasn’t yours anymore. You’d buy a burner in the morning and get a new cell plan once you were back on your feet. 
Wow. You were surprising yourself with this pragmatism. But you also knew you were hanging on by a thread.
But the fact was - you’d survived before Bucky, and you’d survive after him, too. You always kept going. You’d been dirt poor before, you could do it again. You’d been alone before, too. You’d been alone most of your life. 
You could do it again.
‘Tenacious’ - that’s what Nat had called you once. You weren’t sure if you agreed with her at the time, but now you wanted to prove her right. You wanted to be the person she believed you to be. 
You already knew it would be much harder now, as you’d had a taste of the other side. How the other half live, as they say. Before, you didn’t know any different - you didn’t know what you were missing. Now you absolutely did. Not just the money…the comfort…but being cared for, being loved. 
On some level, you’d always known this wasn’t going to be your happy ending. You knew deep down that the house of cards would eventually fall, because it always did. 
You just wished you weren’t always right. 
You opened the door and stepped out into the dark.
You walked for thirty minutes towards the city. Bucky lived on the outskirts and most of the journey had been leaving his estate along the single, winding road that led up to his property. None of his men paid you any mind. Not the ones with guns pitched up along the perimeter. Not those waiting in cars half a mile from his house, keeping an eye out for any potential threats as they did every night. They all knew who you were, so word must’ve spread fast. Otherwise they would’ve been falling over themselves to check on you and find out why the boss’ girl was out walking by herself at this time. 
You wondered if Steve or Sam had put a message out on the comms. ‘They’re over. Don’t worry about her anymore’ or words to that effect. Something cold but concise. That’s how this operation worked. 
You’d developed friendships with some of these men. Chatted to them and even brought them coffee when they kept watch on cold nights. You would watch then from the windows and tell Bucky you were worried about how freezing it was out there, and he’d laugh it off and say it was part of their job and they were fine. But they were always grateful when you came out with a thermos, always told you how much it meant to them. 
All of it forgotten in an instant, you were disposable as anything else in Bucky’s empire. You understood that now. Just like when he wanted a new car or a new watch, he’d toss away the old model - then find himself something newer and shinier. 
You walked a little further as signs of civilisation starting to appear and Bucky’s acres of land disappeared behind you. A gas station. A boarded-up strip mall. You were a little frightened walking alone by yourself, but the sheer adrenaline your situation propelled you forward. 
You breathed a sigh of relief when you eventually found a tired-looking Holiday Inn up ahead. A few of the lightbulbs on the neon sign were out, meaning it spelled out H LIDAY INN. A leaky drainpipe dripped a steady stream of water over the entrance. Oh dear. 
But it would do for now. 
You took a deep breath as you went inside and checked in at the front desk, paying for a basic room with your waitress cash. The disinterested receptionist gave you the key card and sighed with boredom, barely looking at you as she barked the directions to your room and resumed Candy Crush on her phone. She didn’t seem surprised to see a lone woman turning up in the middle of the night, arriving to a roadside hotel on foot, paying for two nights in crumpled bills. She didn’t even ask to see your ID. That all gave you a pretty clear idea of what the staff were used to here.
You passed an ancient-looking PC that guests could use, which surprisingly, as it looked like it was last updated for Windows 95, had WiFi. You made a mental note to log on tomorrow to message Wanda and Nat on social media and fill them in …and hopefully get one of them to come pick you up. 
You grabbed some chips and soda from the vending machines then walked towards the elevators. Not quite the glamorous dinner you’d become accustomed too, but it would do. For now.
You hit the button to call the elevator as you slumped against the wall, the exertion of your long walk and the evening finally catching up with you. The elevator creaked and spluttered but it finally got you to your floor. 
You scanned your keycard and swung the room door open, dumping your backpack and snacks onto the wood-veneer desk before flinging yourself onto the double bed. The no-frills basics were worlds away from the fancy hotels you were used to staying in with Bucky, but it was clean and comfortable. And most important of all, it was private. 
“Just get the fuck out. We’re done here so save your tears. Over. Finito. I don’t need some liar in my bed, being sweet to my face then sticking a knife in my back – then not even having the guts to admit to it when she’s caught red-handed”.
Finally alone, you allowed yourself to weep. To mourn the end of your relationship and the man you thought Bucky was, versus the man he turned out to really be. To grieve, to bid farewell to the life you thought you had (and would continue to have) with him, and the way you thought he saw you. It wasn’t just about losing him and tarnishing your memories, it was also grieving for a future and a life you thought you were going to have. 
“I don’t care. You’ll figure something out, sweetheart. You’re just lucky this is all I’m doing after everything you’ve pulled…”
Large, wracking sobs took over your body as you curled up on the hotel bedspread and allowed yourself to feel it all. You ate the chips and drank the soda, barely tasting either. You turned on the TV and let the black and white movie on the one working channel serve as background noise. Fatigue eventually swam over you, smothering you like a weighted blanket.
Soon there were no tears left and the well had finally run dry. Mercifully, sleep finally came for you, and you gave into it without a fight. 
And you slept. And slept. 
Bucky was at his desk looking at paperwork when Steve came back into his home office. He was doing his best to ignore the nauseating rush in his gut, trying his hardest not to think about you and the way your face had crumpled as he confronted you. Most likely it was just your guilt, anyway.
“Barton said the shipment arrived right on schedule, everything accounted for,” Steve advised as he poured himself a shot of bourbon from the small bar setup in the corner of the office. “And Sam’s out at the shipyard, running through the plan with Rumlow”.
He was desperate to address the elephant of the room and ask Bucky how he was holding up, but Bucky had previously insisted nobody bring your name up. So he didn’t. 
“Good,” Bucky replied curtly. “And Stark?”
“All on board. Said we can iron out the details next week”.
“Perfect, thanks”.
Steve nodded, downing the last of his glass as he placed it on the ornate tray and headed to the door.
“Oh, and Steve?” Bucky called out to him.
“Yeah, Buck?” He turned to face his friend.
“Do you….you uh know…where she went? After…what happened?” He asked, the tiniest hint of hesitation in his otherwise firm tone. Most people wouldn’t have spotted it, but most people didn’t know Bucky like Steve did. 
Steve shook his head, “No, Buck. Some of the men saw her leaving on foot a little while ago”.
Bucky swallowed but his face betrayed no emotion, “On foot?”
“Yeah. I guess she didn’t have a lot of options…” Steve shrugged.
Bucky nodded, “Yeah…I guess I just assumed she’d book a cab…or call one of her friends…” he said wistfully as he looked back down at the papers across his desk.
“She left her phone. Scott found it by the front door, next to her purse. I’m not sure she took anything with her, actually,” Steve mused.
Bucky frowned, “No…phone? No…money?”
Steve shrugged, “I don’t think so. But that’s good, right? You said yourself she was probably just playing a long-con to get your money too…”
Bucky’s gaze dropped back to the desk, his grip on the fountain pen he was holding tightened, the nib shaking from the force of his strength.
“You okay, Buck?” Steve asked tentatively as he watched the way the pen shook.
Any hint of vulnerability was immediately snuffed out as Bucky’s eyes snapped back to Steve. 
“Of course. Fine. Let me know what Sam says”.
Steve nodded, “Right. I’ll call him now”.
As Steve closed the door, the pen snapped in Bucky’s hand.
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totalswag · 8 months
pairs love - DREW STARKEY
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authors not since drew is in pairs at the fashion shows i thought why not write something cute and adorable. like can we talk about how freaking good he looked walking around ugh. the poll is officially over and the rafe series won! ima start working on the master list and have it up.
summary you come out to visit your boyfriend in pairs during fashion week.
warnings kissing in front of the Eiffel Tower
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Drew was invited to two fashion shows in Paris: menswear for Prada and Loewe menswear. He left three days ago, while you stayed at home to put the finishing touches on your flower garden.
You couldn't be more proud of your boyfriend with all the success he's gained over the past couple years. He truly deserves this. Getting the recognition he deserves.
Last night, you landed in Pairs, drained from hours on the plane and eager to shower and sleep on a bed. It felt good seeing Drew and being in his arms. Although it was three days without each other, you always miss his presence.
Drew had the day off, so he planned to take you out to dinner, walk around, shopping, and visit the Eiffel Tower. He advised you to get enough rest early so you have enough rest to explore the Pairs at night.
During dinner, Drew spoke about what the shows were like and meeting celebs he's seen in movies or other people for the first time. It was really cool hearing what he had to say.
You were quite excited to visit the Eiffel Tower. You've always wanted to see it in person someday. Your inner child was jumping up and down inside.
"That restaurant was so delicious; I can see why you enjoy it so much," you tell Drew, tucking your hands into your coat to keep them warm from the cold.
"I'm glad to hear that you liked it baby," He smiles, tilts his head to the side, and blushes.
You chuckle as you playfully nudge his arm. He pretends to fall on his side, with a dramatic expression on his face.
"You are such a dork," you laugh.
"Your favorite dork, dork," he responds in a playful tone, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you continue walking down the sidewalk.
Drew and you went inside a few stores that caught your eye; you might've bought a few things. Drew watched you in awe as you showed him different clothing throughout the store.
"What do you think about this one?" You inquired Drew, holding two clothes that piqued your interest.
Drew hurriedly glances aside from the apparel rack he was browsing. His brows furrow as he casts a stern stare with his pointer finger on his chin.
"I think both will look great on you, but I'd go with this one because it draws your eyes out," he says casually, sweeping his arm toward the shirt you first showed him.
"You are too sweet, you know that" you reply as you turn around, putting back the other clothing item.
He loves seeing you happy. He knew how much you've always wanted to visit Pairs and thought this was the best time to go.
"Thank you for the stuff, baby," you grin, gripping his hand and lifting the bag with your other hand.
When you went out of the last store, you heard people heading in your direction, fans. They walked forward with grins on their faces, carrying items for him to sign and their phones for photos.
When one fan spotted you were with him, she screamed your name out in delight, and the rest followed after. You put your free hand over your heart with a pout before beaming at the little fans.
We love you Drew
This is the best day of my life
I can't believe he's in front of me
He's so beautiful in person
Drew started taking pictures with the fans; giving them hugs, making videos for fans that couldn't make it, signed a few things, and had conversations.
Fans also came up to as well. They were all so sweet and caring. One fan came up to you with tears forming in her eyes, you opened your arms to welcome her.
You are so sweet, Y/N
You are so gorgeous
Can't believe you are here too
I love your relationship with Drew
When word spread that Drew was in a relationship, all of the fans went crazy, searching for who this mystery girl was. You were apprehensive about how the fans might react.
You eventually posted a TikTok video with your best friend, Madelyn Cline, and Drew happened to be in the background; people then connected the dots. In the end, they loved and admired you.
Being in a relationship with someone in the public spotlight offers advantages and disadvantages, but you wouldn't alter it for anything, especially if you love them.
"Don't cry now love," you tell her softly, "what's your name?" She tells you her name and goes on to explain how much she loves you and your content you post.
"That's so sweet of you, thank you."
You spent ten minutes with the girls until it was ready to go look at the Eiffel Tower.
The Eiffel Tower was everything you've dreamed of. Seeing it in person was one of the best feelings in the world. So many emotions were going through your body.
You got out your phone to capture some photos and videos to share later tomorrow. Drew snapped a photo of you with his digital camera, capturing the tower, and he couldn't help but smile.
He carefully put his arms around your waist, drawing you into his front, chin on top of your head, rocking you side to side slowly and silently while savoring the moment.
"This has been one of the greatest days of my entire life. Being here with you in your arms in Pairs. I just want to say thank your for bringing me out here and experiencing this."
You feel your body relax in his touch, allowing a sigh to escape your lips, your head to strike his chest, and giving him the opportunity to kiss you.
You two don't give a damn whether anyone witnesses you kissing at this point. Right now, just the two of you matter because you are in love. And you are in Pairs.
"I had to bring you out here with me, of course, sweetheart. You keep me warm, too, and I love holding you in my arms. However, when you consider it, this is our first trip to Europe as a couple” he says.
You move your body around so that your chests are against one another. In return, you up on your small toes and wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him all over his face.
I love you.
I love you more.
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@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight @chenslucy @brooklynscherry-z @johannelis2302nely @rosezza @kaydr3venge
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alanaaii · 11 months
today is your day, girl. ♡
!plugconnie x reader (blk reader in mind.)
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Today was a special day, your birthday. You wiped the drool from your lower lip as you woke up nice and early. you have been a little sad because you haven’t gotten to spend any time with your boyfriend, connie. you open your phone to thousands of “happy birthdays” and people posting about you. suddenly you heard a ding. it could only be one person. the one person you let come through your dnd. “open the door”.
a smile claimed your face as you got up. you put on your slippers and robe before going to your door. the first thing you see is pink balloons, flowers, and a hella fine connie. he was wearing a black basic polo tee with some sweats. it was early morning so it made sense for the casual fit yet his arm tats was definitely turning you on (but you ain’t sayin nun) you look down n see all these bags. victoria secret, pandora, dior, prada EVERYTHING. this man really know how to make you happy. “connie!! oh my god!!” you help him bring the bags in and shut the door behind you. he came up to you and gave you a long and deep kiss.
“fuck i missed you ma” he waited a few seconds before speaking again. “happy birthday.” you didn’t know what to say. nobody has ever treated you like this. your body decided to react by itself as you teared up and pulled connie into a hug. after a few minutes you sucked it up (no not him…yet..) and sat down, beginning to open your gifts one by one. “thank you so much con”. you were so into the gifts you didn’t notice him pull out two stacks. handing it to you. “all for you mama” you took the money and sat it down on the table. “no you did not—cmere im bout to suck the soul outta you.” you both laugh as you start putting your stuff back up. “n get dressed im taking you out.”
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Likes, reblogs and follows are always appreciated! ♡
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songmingisthighs · 22 days
Pitiful, You're Pitiful
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ch. v
group : ateez
pairing : aged up!wooyoung × aged up!reader
genre : angst, mature
word count : 5.2 k
warning : adultery, cheating, negative depiction of wooyoung, name calling, (y/n) finally growing a damn spine frfr
a/n : i'm finally updating this oh my god has it been so damn long I am saw sawrey for skipping updating in july. let's hope I can update twice on September or just not forget to update in september lmaoooooo i
buy me coffee ?
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Ever since that day at the hospital, you felt like you've been living your life on autopilot. Scratch that, it felt like you were just watching your life happening like a movie. You couldn't quite feel anything and it was as if life's choices were already made for you.
Oh yeah. Choices.
As if that word meant anything to you.
You were reluctant to go back to see Wooyoung at the hospital as he had once again been put on a 24-hour observation period because he had exhibited signs of mental distraught on top of his back pain. Ironic. Your plan was to pack some of his shit up, throw it at him and tell him that he could finally go live with his whore and just make an exit from his life and maybe for once you could work your children into your decision instead of it going the other way.
But of course, life had a different plan because the devils must be making snowmen in hell.
Once your children were made aware of the situation their father was in (all thanks to San, one of Wooyoung's partners who struck up a conversation with Dayoung when he came by the house to drop off some things Wooyoung had requested from earlier in the morning), they immediately asked to be taken to him. At that moment you wanted to tell them that it wouldn't be possible since you and Wooyoung were splitting or separating or whatever the correct term was. But seeing their distraught face and hearing them beg you broke your heart, it was obvious that you couldn't break their hearts at that moment. So you relented, you took them to the hospital the next day, allowing them to skip school against your better judgment. You can see how stereotypes about children being spoiled after their parents divorced came to be.
Wooyoung was honestly surprised to see you through his door. He had thought that you would never show your face again but there you stood in front of him, nearly bringing tears to his eyes. But before he could say anything (nothing you wanted to hear anyway), you raised a hand and told him the situation, including the fact that your children knew nothing and that you weren't planning on telling them until the two of you could sit them down together and have a proper discussion when the time is right, so until then, you promised to remain civil as long as he promised to do the same and also not involve his affair partner with their children yet. Wooyoung attempted to protest because he felt like he needed to let you know that he was well on his way to breaking up with her before the incident and he had even told her to not come to the hospital and to not visit him at all. Unfortunately, you didn't want to hear what he had to say and you simply opened the door to let your children in, rushing to their father with tears in their eyes from being so worried.
During the whole visit, you stayed in the far corner, looking at your children interacting with their father for a good hour before you suddenly left the room. You came back with one of Wooyoung's gigantic Prada travel bags, plopping it on his bed before instructing your children that their dad needed to rest. They had attempted to bargain with you, telling you that they weren't going to school anyway so it wouldn't hurt if they were to stay and take care of their father. It astounded you that Wooyoung had the audacity to tell them that they'd have plenty of time with him when he come home. It was one of the rare times your anger took over you but you let slip that Wooyoung would not come home with you. You immediately regretted saying that.
"What do you mean dad's not coming home with us? He's sick, mom," Dayoung scoffed, tightening her grip on Wooyoung's arm angrily. Still, you stood your ground, "I... Am not equipped to care for a sick man. He hurt his back again after three weeks of me taking care of him so obviously someone else could take care of him," you cleverly took a jab at the bitch he had been with and Wooyoung was well aware of it as seen from the way his face grew red and his eyes started to well up with tears. Unfortunately for you, Woohyun saw this and he immediately climbed up to his dad's bed, frantically wiping his tears, "Daddy don't cry!" he whimpered, and he too started tearing up seeing his dad with tears in his eyes and seeing how much his son loved him, Wooyoung started crying as well, overwhelmed from the way his children cared for him which pushed his guilt into its maximum level because he had finally realized the other people he had hurt with his inexcusable decision.
You were very much aware of why Wooyoung was crying and again, you couldn't help but let your feelings overtook you as you rolled your eyes. Dayoung, seeing you reacting the way you did, took a big offence since she had clearly seen you with Yunho and based off of the wrong conclusion she drew, she took your behaviour as you trying to leave Wooyoung for his own friend. But of course, she couldn't reveal her knowledge just yet.
"Mom, how could you be so cruel?" she spat, "I swear, if something happens to dad because you wouldn't take him in because you're so selfish, I will never forgive you," she declared.
And that was how you ended up spending the next 4 days sleeping on the couch with Wooyoung sleeping in your bed. The man who broke your heart slowly started to break your back in a new way, a way unlike he had done a long time ago. The time when you both were still in love. The time when it was all still good.
"Thank you."
A voice broke you out of your trance and when you looked around, you saw Wooyoung leaning against the bathroom door, looking somewhat bashfully at the floor before his eyes moved to yours from the mirror. Unfortunately for him, you immediately shifted your gaze to the pile of towels you were folding and storing into the cabinet.
"For letting me stay here," he finished, offering you a small smile as a gesture of goodwill as if you were expecting him to thank you. You'd very much like to say that his gesture meant nothing to you and that you no longer felt anything for him. What's more infuriating was the smile he gave you was still the mirror image of the boyish grin that managed to charm you into trying yourself to him, it was the same boyish grin that made your stomach flutter even at that moment, despite him hurting you and betraying you. You hated it. You hated him for making you feel like that and you hated yourself for letting yourself feel like that.
You cleared your throat, willing yourself to hold your emotions at bay despite feeling like breaking down out of sadness and frustration. "Don't thank me, Wooyoung," Wooyoung felt his stomach drop from the way you called his name out and it instinctively made him swallow the lump in his throat, "If you must thank anyone, thank your children. Particularly your daughter whom I'd have to admit is quite the master extortionist and manipulator, I'd wonder more about where she inherited those traits if I'm not more concerned that she has what it takes to be a politician one day," you said, avoiding looking at Wooyoung with absolute determination which hurt him but he had to admit he absolutely deserved. But he didn't want to push his pity party on you so he swallowed his feelings and stepped into the bathroom, "You... I don't think the couch would be a very comfortable place to sleep in and you've been at it for four days so," you cut him off with a scoff, "I can say with absolute confidence that the couch was very uncomfortable for several good night's rest, especially considering the fact that after the torture, I still have to cater to your children and also you." That time you really wanted to drive in the hostility to let him know that you definitely did not let him stay out of the goodness of your heart. "Well you could've joined me in our bed," he sighed, saying the words as if he didn't know what he was saying and the gravity of it all.
But if he was oblivious to his words then the glare you gave him once you turned around conveyed all the feelings you reserved for him. "You know damn well why I couldn't have, Wooyoung," you spat, shoving the towels into the cabinet harshly as you sped up your work so you could get out of the room faster. "We might be fighting and all, (y/n) but if it's costing you your rest and your wellbeing then-" "Fighting? You think we're-" You held yourself from screaming at him and pushed past him to peek outside, wanting to make sure that neither one of your kids were nearby to hear the conversation. Wooyoung took this as you leaving the room to not talk to him so he was surprised when you turned back to push him inside the bathroom, this time with you near the door.
"Get this into your head, Wooyoung, we didn't fight, we didn't have a disagreement, it wasn't a misunderstanding between us, you fucking CHEATED on me with the first doe-eyed slut bitch who was willing to open her legs and break up a family probably because she was just so stupid and deluded enough to think that she could make her own family with you, so no, I couldn't share that bed or other beds or any other surface where one could rest on with you because you have ruined me, Wooyoung, you have ruined our marriage, and you have ruined my inner peace so all you could do now is get the fuck better so I can either kick you out or leave without being manipulated by anyone just because you're physically injured when I'm absolutely dead. You killed me, you killed my soul. You and that whore." you spat before turning and leaving him in the bathroom as quickly as you could so he couldn't stop you. Tears were brimming in his eyes as he let the words you hurled at him pierce his heart but he couldn't even complain. After all, he hurt you a million times worse so he had no excuse for himself.
You rushed to the kitchen, the only place you could think of to cool down and not just because you downed a tall glass of iced water that did nothing for your anguish. To make things worse, as you were still trying to calm yourself, your daughter came strolling in on her phone, being absolutely clueless over your distress.
"Hey Mom, can we order that soup from that place Dad likes for dinner? He seems rather down and y'know... Flimsy lately, I just want him to get his strength back."
Oh, how you wanted to ask her why she cared so much for her dad but she couldn't spare common decency to you. By all means you were not a vindictive person nor were you petty. But God, at that moment you wanted to turn around and ask her, "What about me? What about what I like? What about what I need? What about how I've been broken for months now because your father is a cheating son of a bitch?" Unfortunately, you were not your husband. You were not selfish. You were too good even to those who had betrayed you and then some.
"Mom?" She called, an eyebrow raised along with her face from her phone when she didn't hear you answer her. Sighing, you immediately gather yourself to make your leave quickly, "We can talk about this later, I need to pick up Woohyun from the Academy, his class is ending soon."
Dayoung didn't find that answer acceptable so she pressed, "No way, you'll be gone for a while and if we 'talk' about it later, Dad would have to wait to eat and that would be bad for someone who's sick!" "I really can't talk right now sweetie, I promise I just need to go now," you said, turning around to make your leave only to see Dayoung in your way, glaring at you. "Why are you rushing to go to the Academy?" It was such a confusing question because while the answer is easy and you were sure she even knew but her tone made it seem like she was alluding to another meaning. You opened your mouth to answer but she beat you to it, "Who are you rushing to see, Mom? Is it Uncle Yunho? Are you rushing so you could spend more time with him? Perhaps you're hoping to get more hugs from him or maybe something more?" The accusation dropped on you like a thousand tons and your jaw slacked from surprise, "Mind your tone, young lady. What are you trying to say?" "I saw you and Uncle Yunho hugging in front of our house. Mind telling me what all of that was?"
In your daughter, you saw a glimpse of your husband and it infuriated you. Her defiance, her stubbornness, her instinct to pursue the truth. While all of that might be good in life when applied properly, you couldn't help but be sure that your girl had crossed a line with you.
"I don't need to talk to you about that and you don't need to know more than the fact that it was nothing, it was between me and my friend and your tone is disrespectful so I would suggest you drop this attitude RIGHT NOW," you didn't mean to sound so harsh and you felt bad when Dayoung's bottom lip quivered before she dashed out of the kitchen, going God knows where. A tired sigh escaped your lips, you truly were under a lot of pressure and even though you were stressed, even though you were emotional, you shouldn't have snapped at your daughter like that. You knew you had to make it up to her but at that moment, you really do need to go get Woohyun so you simply grabbed your bag and your keys and left the house.
Meanwhile, Wooyoung jumped slightly when Dayoung came barging into his room, huffy and her face all red. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion seeing her in such a state. "Dayoung, what ha-" "How do you stand her?" she asked, cutting Wooyoung off. "What?" "How can you stand Mom? She's such a bitch," she hissed, wiping the tears off her cheek.
Wooyoung was taken aback at the language Dayoung used to describe you. "Hey, don't talk about your mother like that," Wooyoung scolded, voice firm and he stood up from his bed, "I didn't raise you to use such language on your mom." "But she IS a bitch!" Dayoung screeched, "You don't know what she's been doing behind your back, Dad. God, she's so manipulative, you don't even know!" Wooyoung felt his body vibrate with anger because he couldn't let his own daughter talk about you like that. "You drop this, Jung Dayoung, you drop this right now because you don't know what you're talking about and I'm not willing to listen to you talk smack about your own mother," he warned in a low voice. Usually, when Wooyoung spoke to her like this, Dayoung would drop it and say sorry, wanting to go back to her dad's good graces. But not this time, not when she felt that her father had been wronged by you. "Oh Dad, believe me, I know A LOT of stuff. For example, I know that there is stuff going on between Mom and Uncle Yunho," Dayoung said pointedly.
There was something that was like a tug on his heart hearing your name and Yunho's in a sentence that was put in such a way. But he knew that you were not like that and his daughter shouldn't talk about her own mom like that. "Jung Dayoung, I'm warning you, drop this right now," he sternly said. Despite seeing the seriousness in her dad's eyes, Dayoung pressed on, "You don't think I noticed that there's something going on between you two this past couple of months? The tension is palpable and don't even get me started on Mom sleeping on the couch and saying that it was because you needed the space to heal. WAKE UP DAD, MOM'S CHEATING ON YOU!" she yelled out.
"SHE COULDN'T BE CHEATING ON ME BECAUSE I WAS THE ONE WHO CHEATED ON HER!" Wooyoung yelled louder, causing Dayoung to jump back in shock not just because of his volume but also because of the information Wooyoung just revealed. The moment the words left Wooyoung's mouth, it felt like cold water was splashed on him. Harshly. But he couldn't take it back, he couldn't go back from this.
"I... Cheated on your mother... And then she found out. She told me she found out that day I got hurt because..." Wooyoung paused, suddenly deciding that he shouldn't tell Dayoung that he was with his side piece when you found out. Not that it helped because Wooyoung's sudden reluctance to finish his sentence was a dead giveaway. "I was the asshole in this situation and (y/n)- your mother has been sleeping on the couch because she couldn't bear sharing a bed with me but you and Woohyun had asked me to stay so she held it in. She did what she was asked and she did it despite her own personal apprehension. She loves you so much that she'd rather suffer silently rather than disappointing you and Woohyun." The more Wooyoung spoke of your action and about your altruism, the more he realized how much he fucked up by cheating on you. He had gotten everything he wanted from you, heck you put it on a silver, golden, platinum platter stacked over one another and when it got hard for you, when you needed him the most, he took your kindness and love for granted and pursued the suddenly missing 5% from you. He hated himself. And by the look Dayoung gave, it seem like he isn't the only one.
For the first time ever, Dayoung looked at her father with such hurt and disappointment that even Wooyoung could taste the hatred on his tongue.
"So your mother doesn't deserve to be called a bitch because she is far from one. She's a saint for putting you, me, and Woohyun over her own self so you will show her the respect she deserves. The respect we all owe her," he stated firmly but his voice shook around the part about you deserving respect. Wooyoung was sure that no one could think of him lower than he already thought of himself. Though people could easily conduct a poll.
With chest heaving, Dayoung took a step back, then another, then another until she reached the door and her hand reached for the handle, "Don't talk to me like that, I am nothing like you in this equation." As if she couldn't bear another second with her father, Dayoung left the room the same way she came in, by slamming the door. Wooyoung had braced himself to receive backlash but to hear his own daughter harshly stating how she was not like her father truly hurt him. But it was all deserved and he couldn't even complain.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It would appear that the day had been kinder to you than expected because you had planned on postponing coming home late by allowing Woohyun to take his time packing his stuff or taking him out to dinner and maybe get some dinner for Wooyoung and Dayoung at another place. Maybe another city. But as it appears, Woohyun's class ran longer than expected since they had a special guest teacher who came in from another country. Hearing this, you were about to leave the premises to wait in your car or go to a convenience store when you heard Seonghwa, one of Wooyoung's former dance crew mates turned business partner and teacher of the academy, called you up.
"Hey (y/n), how's it going?" He asked, beaming with happiness. Pissed that your friend cheated on me with one of your staff, you thought, "Good, Seonghwa. How are you? How's dating life?" you teased which made him roll his eyes, "Oh shut up, I should have settled down in my late 20s like you told me to. The girls who approach me only approach me because they have daddy issues and I don't know what to do with that information." Still better than my marriage I'd guess, you snarkily added in your head. "I was just about to step out for a bit until Woohyun finished his class, so..." You trailed off, trying to give him the hint that you were trying to get away but it simply went over his head. "Actually, I have some things for Wooyoung to look over, I know he's supposed to be back soon but these are just a couple of plans, budget details, and meeting minutes he can look over to catch up. I was planning to give it myself later tonight but since you're here, would it be okay for me to ask you to give them to him?" he smiled a bit too gleefully for your taste because you were in such a bad state. But you couldn't fault his nonchalance as he was not aware of the situation happening at home. So you nodded at Seonghwa, returning his smile though it wasn't half as genuine as his, "Sure, you can give it to me." "Great, thanks! Wait here, I'll go to the office and get them for you!" Seonghwa then jogged in the direction of the joint office in the back, leaving you at the waiting area where the receptionist is and also other students with their friends and some younger ones with their parents.
"Mrs. Jung?"
That voice froze you not just because you were surprised, but also because that voice was the one voice you didn't want to hear calling for you.
"Mrs. Jung!" Harin called before she jogged over to stand next to you, "Hello, it's nice seeing you again!" she smiled cheerfully which made you want to slap her face as hard as you could but you kept your composure. Even if the inner side of your cheek took the brunt to the point of nearly bleeding. You mustered all of the patience in your body to hum in acknowledgment and gave her the most neutral, polite smile you could give. "A-are you here alone? What are you doing at the Academy?" she asked. What bitch, you were hoping that Wooyoung's here too? And this is his academy that his kids have been part of since before you came here two years ago, I'm welcomed here unlike you in my fucking marriage. "Woohyun," you simply said before you averted your gaze, purposefully turning around in hopes that she'll get the hint and leave you before you maul her like a rabid cat. "I like Woohyun, he's so nice to me," Harin chuckled a bit too innocently for your liking due to the insinuation and the situation, "He always calls me pretty and compliments me. Of course, he's just a generally nice kid because even the other dancers like him. And of course, they also like Dayoung who's just so opinionated and strong and bright. They truly are the mirror image of their dad."
That was fucking it.
"Really!?" you snapped at her with a voice so sharp it should've turned her into ceviche. Harin jumped slightly from the sharpness of your tone as she looked at you in surprise, taking in how you were squinting your eyes at her in disbelief. "I-I'm sorry, wha-" you cut her stupid mouth off, not even wanting to hear her feigning confusion as the why you would react that way considering the fact that she had just acted like she knew your kids enough on top of having the nerve to talk all intimate-like about your husband. "You think you can talk to me that way about MY kids after everything?" "w-w- what did I say? I-I was just saying that I adore them," Harin tried to defend herself but your anger had made it seem like you doubled in size and you were towering over her. "And who do you think you are to adore my children?" it was obvious that you were no longer holding back your anger and while a part of you dreaded this, another felt glad that you were finally able to stand up for yourself. "I know everything, you slut," you sneered, taking a step closer to get a better look at the way her face fell, "I know you've been screwing my husband behind my back. He confirmed it to me."
By then you had caught the attention of the people around and you were sure that they had heard you but you didn't care. You stood over her, watching as she stuttered, looking as stupid as a fish out of water. "What? Nothing to say now? Nothing about my kids being the mirror image of the man you slept with multiple times and even shamelessly claimed to be your husband at the hospital?" you taunted, "You might have skipped this lesson in whore school, but when you see the wife of the man you're screwing, you blush, avert your eyes, and you scurry away like a roach, got it?" maybe you took it a step too far by humiliating her like that but you couldn't help the satisfied look on your face when she stared at you with reddened cheeks and a very displeased look on her face. The crowd gathering around you didn't make things any better for her because they were starting to whisper among themselves and you recognized some of them as the affluent stay-at-home moms whose husbands fall under the stereotypical cheating trope. So hearing you say all of that, they immediately started to look at Harin with disgust, and a small part of you, the evil part that was created due to hurt, took that as a win.
You turned around to see Woohyun standing not too far away from you with Seonghwa standing next to him, looking more surprised than your son who just looked concerned. Before you could react, Woohyun rushed to stand in front of you, glaring at Harin who looked at him with guilt. If you didn't know any better, you would've guessed that she was finally facing another innocent person who got affected by her selfishness. But you weren't as willing to consider her to have any semblance of humanity in her.
"Mommy, can we go home now?" Woohyun asked without looking at you but still keeping his glare on Harin. It was obvious to you that he was trying to distract you, trying to get you out of the uncomfortable situation which made you wonder about how much he knew or even understand. But you didn't want to hash it out in such a public place with him so you nodded and took his hand, automatically causing his attention to shift to you. "Yeah, of course, we can go home now sweetie. Have you gotten all of your things?" you asked in a tone so sweet that it caused Harin's spine to tingle from the palpable difference. It didn't help that once Woohyun turned away, he too, sported an innocent smile, nodding along and showing you his things that he had packed.
Turning around with Woohyun in tow, you shot Harin one last glare before stepping to face Seonghwa with a polite smile, "Is that the file you want to give my son of a bitch husband?" Seonghwa felt his knees buckle from fear but he tried his best to stabilize himself and smile at you, "Y-yeah, Wooyo-" The sudden shift to anger on your face when you heard your husband's name almost made Seonghwa shit his pants but he immediately corrected himself, "I-I mean, t-that son of a-a bitch, needs to review this and get back to me a-at, uh... YOUR earliest convenience?" your curtly nodded and offered him a polite smile whilst covering Woohyun's ears, "Thank you Seonghwa, and I'm sorry to have done this confrontation so publicly. It was not ideal but I was pushed to engage and since it's both out in the open and both it and my husband are hypocritical cowards who will not bring this up themselves, can I trust you to report this case to HR and see to it both of them get disciplinary action because it does break the inappropriate relationship rule and not to mention this could open you up to lawsuits should the bitch expand her reach and screw all of you as well? Thank you." Seonghwa immediately nodded his head and he was about to say something to comfort you but you had started your journey out of the academy, leaving Harin in the middle of the room, being pointed and whispered at by the people around, moms, and random people like other dancers and staff. Some had even fished out their phones and began to type away and Harin could only imagine that it was about her.
Humiliated, Harin was about to run away when a figure stepped out from the crowd and blocked her. She looked up to see Yunho staring at her with a less-than-pleased look on his face which terrified her because he was always the mood-maker.
"I think it would be best if you come with us to HR," he said in a low voice, briefly looking at Seonghwa who was immediately on his phone, looking distressed and frantic as he tried to get HR to immediately gather in the meeting room along with the other people who might be related.
Defeated, Harin hung her head and muttered under her breath, "That fucking bitch," she exhaled shakily which was easily heard by Yunho who clenched his jaw and with a tightly closed fist, hit the wall next to him hard enough that a loud BOOM echoed, surprising the people around who immediately dispersed whilst simultaneously causing Harin to cower.
"Mind your language because as of the moment (y/n) told Seonghwa hyung to report you to HR, anything and everything you said is a testament to your character and action and from what I'm seeing, you should not be calling (y/n) a bitch," he said through gritted teeth, forcing Harin to drop her face in absolute shame and simply followed when Yunho gestured for her to walk down the hallway (in shame).
"If I were you, I'd fire up my LinkedIn again because if you think Wooyoung would fight for you to stay, you'd end up wasting your time, his time, and frankly, everyone's time."
network :
@cultofdionysusnet @sandsofire @kflixnet @pirateeznet
taglist :
@atinyreads @strawberry-yeo @soobiverse @vixensss @smally97 @maidens-world @yunhoswrldddd @imcoenffl @nescaffei @miaatiny @showmehoseok @tmingi @wlv-asteria @sunwoosbaby @hyukssunflower @remi-young
@staytiny816 @dearinsaniiity @scentednerdenemy @melanchobtch
permalist :
@kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @skzatzloveismonsterous @memorymonster @surveilenceysystem @dreamlesswonder86 @maddiebabyxoxo @imababywolf @do-you-actually-care @marievllr-abg @ilsedingsx @wasteitonserendipity @bbymatz @noonaishere @honeyhwaaa @ateezourstars @yoonjunshi @yoongiigolden @camillelafaye @charreddonuts @kpopnightingale @starryunho @atinct @mirror-juliet @hyuckilstan @jayb17
186 notes · View notes
sl0t4matt · 5 months
m. guiu bf! head canons (requested)
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❀ he‘s crazy about you.
❀ his friends like to tease him about how obsessed he is with you but he doesn’t care. how could he not? in his eyes you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on. outside and inside.
❀ he doesn’t want to spend his time with anyone that isn’t you.
❀ “marc! we’re gonna go out to eat with the team. you know, to celebrate tonight’s win.”
❀ “i’m okay, my girl is waiting for me.” he would say.
❀ you on the other hand like to also go out with your friends, since you never want to be that person, that does nothing with her friends anymore just because she’s dating someone.
❀ marc understands and waits in your bed for you, or calls hector out, since he’s always pissed marc completely neglects him when you’re around him.
❀ he just can’t help it. he’s head over heels for you. you got him charmed.
❀ you always send thirsty edits of him to him on tiktok.
❀ “fuck i look good.” he would say.
❀ but oh, can he be a part of the sassy man apocalypse. hitting you with comebacks you wouldn’t have even thought about. not even just that he would hit you with smart ass remarks. he was good with them. leaving you speechless sometimes.
❀ one thing about marc is he will spoil you. no matter how many times you tell him not to. that you do not need that prada bag on your pinterest board. it seems to be going in one ear and out of the other because he has almost bought you your whole pinterest wishlist.
❀ one of his most expensive gifts would be the catier bracelet that has his name engraved on it. you wear it every day to show everyone off but also feel close to him no matter where he is.
❀ you were so mad at him for buying it at first because of the price and how you don’t need all of that. that he’s enough. but he says he “wanted to” and shushes you.
❀ you’re his passenger princess.
❀ you have all of your lip products in his car. it almost looks like it’s your car.
❀ he always lets you put on your playlist since you think his music taste is shit.
❀ you influenced him though, because now he knows almost every song of your favourite artists and also listens to them while practice.
❀ he gets you your favourite flowers on every date you guys have. you could say it’s his love language to surprise you with flowers. even if the both of you just lay in your bed and watch a movie.
❀ when he’s coming to your house, he not only brings you flowers but also your mom and sweets for your siblings.
❀ another one of his love languages is physical touch. from only holding your waist in room full of people to kissing up your thighs as he goes down on you.
❀ he loves giving you head and tasting you. you think it gives him some sort of ego boost to please you.
❀ he also thinks it’s so hot when you wear his barca jersey while riding him. when you tried it for the first time it was just for fun wanting to try something new. you moaned “visca barca” in his ear, meaning for it to be funny. but he took it seriously and came three seconds after you said it. (😭)
❀ “please ma keep it on!” he would groan.
❀ can be such a whiny bitch sometimes when it comes to waiting to fuck you.
❀ it doesn’t help he would get hard at the most random moments.
❀ you lean into marc, your hand steading yourself on his leg to kiss him. your soft lips meet his for a few seconds then pull on his bottom lip teasingly.
❀ “let’s go in!” you pat his leg, leaning back in the seat as you wait for marc to open the door for you like he always does.
❀ “i-. uhm. can’t.” he coughs. you laugh loudly. “marc!! again?” you shake your head. “you’re pathetic!” you tease him laughing.
❀ you look down at the tent growing in his pants. “you’re not helping!” he groans his head falling back.
❀ “you want me to help you?” you poke his chest, winking. he sighs looking out. people won’t see us due to his black windows anyways.
❀ “fuck yeah. please do.”
❀ like said he loves you wearing his jersey that also speaks for the matches. it gives him strength to win, so you make sure that the barca jersey you’re wearing has the number 38 printed on it.
❀ you’re an emotional mess on his games. one time you’re celebrating that your boyfriends team scored, the other you’re cursing the refs and opponents.
❀ no one wants to face you when marc is scoring a goal. you’re going full crazy. yelling and chanting his name like an embarrassing mom. clapping and jumping like you’re completely mental.
❀ he points up to the bleachers to you, taking every opportunity on dedicating the goal to you. he would blow a kiss and you’d do the same after calming yourself down.
❀ you have a ritual for after the game. when the both of you come back from the game, you would give him a little reward for scoring ;)
❀ though it’s not really a valid one because when he loses, you try releasing his anger with doing the same thing.
❀ he would drag your hair while you give him head due to his anger.
❀ after completely ruining you he would apologise like the soft boyfriend he is.
❀ “sorry if i was too rough, baby.” he would say looking down on you.
❀ “it’s okay.” you would smile, eyes still glossy.
❀ after, you would lay your head on his chest and force him to stroke your arm until you fall asleep.
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heartz4shauna · 3 months
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my kink is karma.
word count: crickets..
warnings: nat cheats. mentions of lottienat. angst. she/her pronouns used for reader and nat. mentions of sex. swearing. making out. super light smut. probably ooc. not proofread.
don’t like it? don’t read it.
tags: @ludupedia @butterfliesandivy @thankynext
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natalie and you are dating! well, were dating.
your whole relationship kinda collapsed when she left the state for nationals. you kept asking to go with her to support her but she refused, telling you how lottie, a girl on her soccer teams parents couldn’t afford it. bullshit. you’ve seen the shit lottie rolls up to school in. prada, chanel, the whole works. they couldn’t afford one extra seat? yeah right.
the whole time natalie was away you tried calling her, calling the hotel she and the team were supposed to be staying at, only for a blatant receptionist to tell you there was no one saying there under the name, as she said it, annalee scatario, whoever that was.
she confessed to you when she came home that she and lottie had, to put it bluntly, fucked. jesus. it was a lot for your poor heart at the time. you two had been intimate before, you thought it was something you did. or maybe didn’t do. “was i not good enough? was she better? was there something else i could’ve done?” you asked pleadingly, your eyes watering. she just looked at you and shook her head, “it’s not that.”
you truly thought you and nat had a connection. true, you felt like that with every little crush you had since you were nine, but, she was your first relationship. your first love. your first what you thought was love.
it was hard for you to get over her, of course, having to see her almost every day in your classes. having to sit beside her in classes, damned with an ‘S’ lastname.
she’d glance at you during class and, the odd time, she’d try to talk to you. “hey, look. i’m sorry for… what i did. are we cool?” you’d just look back at her and tense your jaw, that’ll show her.
you started seeing more of lottie and nat together and it made you boil with anger- no. jealousy. that’s what it was.
your whole life wasn’t great. you grew up in the same trailer park as natalie, and that’s how you got to know each other. your mom wasn’t around all that much, working multiple jobs to support you and your siblings and your dad wasn’t in the picture. she’d listen to you when you had to complain and you’d do the same for her. you cried in each others arms some nights. connection.
but, lottie? what was she to cry about? she had parents, both parents, drowning in money, choking on their wealth. she was pretty and got good grades, she played soccer. everything in her life was perfect, you thought. they should just have each other, the princess and the stable boy.
after the initial shock of the breakup, you started to pick yourself up again. instead of staying focused in class, you’d skip class, just how you always did with nat. you waltzed into the bathroom, backpack on your bag and leaped into one of the stalls, glad to be almost back to your regular self.
you threw yourself onto the toilet with a sigh, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from the front pocket of your backpack that was perched on your knee. you took out a cig and lit it, putting it to your lips.
just as you were about to take a puff, two pairs of shoes stomped into the stall next to you. “god, natalie. why didn’t you tell me you two were serious?” oh my god, it’s lottie. is she.. talking about you? you heard a sigh and a chuckle. okay, that’s natalie. lottie and nat. they’re both talking about you. right next to you.
“lottie,” natalie drawled, “we’re over now. she doesn’t matter,” she chuckled out. rude. lottie sounded as if she was about to cry, “i’m a home wrecker, natalie. oh my god! i wouldn’t have even came into your room if i had have known.”
you couldn’t begin to believe what you were hearing. lottie was.. being kind? to you of all people? wow.
“lottie! we’re not together anymore, yeah? you don’t need to worry about her, i’m sure she’s already fucking someone else,” natalie reassured her, chuckling. what the fuck? already fucking someone else? that’s not very ‘i feel like i can only be myself around you’ of her. not very ‘i only want you’ of her.
you raised the cig to your lips and took a puff, feeling yourself become genuinely interested in what the pair had to say about you.
you could practically hear lottie roll her eyes before she stormed out of the bathroom. you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, as well as an earth shaking cough. unfortunately for you, natalie heard it.
“who’s in there?” she called out. you kept your mouth shut, barely breathing. she continued, “if you know who.. we were talking about, don’t tell her. please.” you allowed your voice to go as deep as it could and spoke loudly, “yes! i have no idea who you are talking about! good luck with that though. ha! women, am i right!” natalie chuckled awkwardly, “ha, yeah..”
she left the bathroom and you felt yourself tear up slightly. already fucking someone else. who does she think you are? you wiped your tears and took a deep breath, finishing off your cigarette.
a few weeks after that.. interaction, you noticed lottie and natalie hanging out a lot less than before. they wouldn’t even sit next to each other at lunch. yeah, okay, granted nat did skip lunch every other day to go bum cigarettes from the other goths in school. but, you’d seen them together at lunch often. sitting opposite each other and giggling, it made you sick.
but now, lucky for you, they were hanging out less. which in all honesty made you jump up and down and shoot your fist in the air.
you thought that maybe they broke up? if you’d even call it that. a fuck up? basically, they stopped hanging out and only really talked when they needed to. for example; whilst playing soccer or if they were partners on an assignment.
you noticed lottie becoming a lot more like you knew her before. she was back to that popular pretty rich girl and less like the girl who was trying to defend you in the bathroom. you were fine with it, you never cared for her much. but natalie on the other hand, she was a mess.
i mean, going through two break ups in the same.. what? month? must be rough. you felt bad for her, just a little. even after what she said in the bathroom. maybe it was her way of coping? making jokes of everything. that’s what she normally did anyway. but you knew what she actually felt on the inside.
you both used to walk home together after school, you’d wait for her after practice after you finished study. now, you two stood on opposite side of the street, natalie giving you glances every few steps.
finally getting back home, you knocked on your door, “dipshit! open the door!” dipshit was a common name you used for your siblings. you could hear one of them groan and stumble over to the door, pulling it open, “hello.” “hi,” you greeted, shoving your way into the trailer. natalie took one last look at you before she walked into her home.
natalie had been planning this for days. trying to work it out in her head how she would make it up to you. she regretted, deeply, sleeping with lottie. she did love you, she did, she just got caught up in the moment, apparently. then it all fell apart with lottie and now it was her turn to be sad.
what was her plan exactly? okay. so, it wasn’t clear to her. she knew what she was supposed to do, go knock at your door, apologise and get back together. she knew you would never agree though.
you walked into your cramped bedroom and flung yourself onto your bed with a sigh. homework. you took out your papers from the day, a pen and got to work.
about an hour or so of doing homework, you finally finished and it was already dark outside. you got up from your bed and decided it was time to change it something more comfortable. you threw on a pair of pyjamas pants and a Hello Kitty shirt.
your stomach growled as you exited your bedroom, your sibling was sprawled out on the couch, playing a video game, “hey, we’re gonna head out in a while. tell mom we’re staying at a friends house, cool?” you nodded, walking over to the small kitchen, “don’t drink too much. mom worries for you guys.” they waved you off dismissively, switching through tv channels.
you popped some bread in the toaster and waited for it to toast. you buttered it once it was ready and jumped onto the couch next to your sibling, “anything good on?” you asked them through bites. they shook their head and handed you the remote, “nah. i’m heading out anyway.” so quickly? alright. “oh, okay. have fun,” you said with a shrug as they got up and left.
you searched through the channels on your tv, with nothing interesting. you finished the last bite of your toast and tossed the remote onto the coffee table.
there was a knock on the door, you sighed and got up. “who is it?” you called out, walking over to the door. no reply. you rolled your eyes and swung the door open, it was natalie.
she looked up at you as she fidgeted with her fingers, “hi,” she said quietly. you sucked in a breath, “hi. what do you want?” she cleared her throat, “uh, i wanted to talk to you. about us.” “about what? what about us? there is no us. you know that, you knew that after you and lottie..” you huffed, rubbing the bridge of your nose,
“what happened between you two anyway? you just stopped hanging out all of a sudden, did lottie feel guilty or something?” you asked her, knowing the answer. she shook her head, “it’s.. complicated. can i come in?”
you opened the door for her to enter, albeit reluctantly, “fine.” she gave a small nod and walked in, making a beeline to your bedroom. “nat!” you called out, trying to stop her, “jesus christ,” you sighed in defeat.
you followed her into your bedroom and shut the door behind you. natalie was laying face down on your bed, her head smooshed into your pillows. “natalie,” you gritted out, “get up.” the only response you got from her was a grumbled “why?”
she flipped herself other and stared at you at the door, “yeah, me and lottie aren’t.. talking anymore. she felt guilt after. she didn’t know that we were serious,” she admitted. your eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “what are you talking about? you slept with her because she didn’t know we were serious? you do realise you slept with her, too, don’t you? it wasn’t just her who did something wrong, natalie. you’re so full of shit.”
her expression softened, “i’m sorry. i- i really am. it wasn’t my idea, that’s why i said that. look, if it means anything, i was thinking of you the whole time.” you walked over to the bed and stood in front of were she was laying, “you were thinking of me, really? you didn’t think of anything else? not even.. i dunno, telling her you had a girlfriend?”
“i’m sorry!” she yelled, “i am, believe me, please.” she sat up, looking at you pleadingly. “natalie, i want to believe you, i do,” you took a shaky breath, “but i loved you. and you obviously didn’t care about us. but, now you do, because it’s not just lottie that feels guilty, it’s you, too.”
she stood up, her eyebrows furrowed and you knew what she was thinking. you shook your head, “we’re not doing this again.” “please.” was all she said before she crashed her lips into yours.
your body instantly reacted, a warmth spreading all over. a warmth that you haven’t felt since before she left. “i fucking missed you,” she grumbled, pulling you closer to her. “shut up,” you groaned pushing her back onto your bed. “i knew you missed me,” she said with a smirk, pulling you down onto her.
you moved her hair out of the way of her neck and began kissing down it as her fingers made their way through your hair, “fuckk,” she groaned out, “s’ nice..”
“you’re such a bitch,” you mumbled against her neck, “you know that, right? wouldn’t even be doin’ this if you hadn’t come over.” natalie chuckled at your words, tilting your head to look at her, “had a choice, didn’t you?” “fuck off,” you moaned, going back to kissing her neck.
she pulled your face back to hers and pushed her lips onto yours once again as you straddled her lap. “haven’t done this in a while,” she got out in between kisses. “i wonder why,” you muttered, a grin spreading across your face suddenly. “lay down,” you instructed her, and she did so. she looked up at you with a smirk, “why?” you shook your head as you tried to unbutton her jeans, but failed.
she sat up slightly and helped you taken them off before you threw them to the other side of the room. “where were we?” you questioned, kissing down her stomach lightly which caused her to groan, ‘c’monnn.” “patience, please.”
she threw her head back against your pillows with a sigh. “come on, nat, don’t give in so early,” you joked, squeezing her side gently.
gaining your composure once again, you snaked downwards to her thighs, pressing gentle, wet kisses onto her hot skin. “c’mon, seriously.” she groaned out once again. you looked up at her, feigning innocence, “what?” “stop fuckin’ around maybe?” you hummed thoughtfully at her suggestion, your lips still on her skin, then shook your head.
“nah, i don’t think so,” you answered. you heard a sound of.. rattling from the front door. someone was trying to get in. fuck.
you instantly shot up and looked down at natalie with panicked eyes, “if it’s my mom, she’ll kill us both.” “oh, shit,” she said, looking almost as panicked as you and shoved herself under your covers, covering her lower half.
you got up and left the bedroom to go open the door. it was your sibling, “forgot my keys,” they explained. oh. “oh, yeah, okay,” you opened the door and let them in. they noticed you looked a bit panicked and asked “you okay?” you just nodded, walking back over to your bedroom.
they walked over with you quietly and peeped their head inside, “is that natalie? i didn’t know you two were back together,” they said, punching you in the shoulder playfully. you turned back to them, rolling your eyes, “we’re not.”
natalie nodded to your words, “yeah, we’re not back together. yet.”
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oracle-of-dream · 6 months
Boy Toy
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Minors DNI
Summary: Yeonjun, the face of Vogue magazine, loves it when you come to visit him. You're the only client he'll allow to see him at his apartment, and the only one he lets touch him the way you like. As long as you keep bringing him things to keep him happy...
Warnings: Model!Boytoy!Yeonjun x Rich!M!Reader, Discipline, Degradation, Yeonjun is materialistic, Unprotected sex, Overstimulation, Rimming & Handjob (YJ rec.), Sub YJ
Wordcount: 1.9k
Your phone chimed in your pocket as you stepped onto the sidewalk. It had been a pretty busy day for you, running in and out of meetings, but the stress instantly melted away when you got the notification.
YJ: Hey, Baby! Are you still coming to see me today?
YN: Yes, Baby Boy, just stay there. I'm going to bring you something today.
YJ: Like what? Any hints?
YN: You mentioned you wanted me to buy you some clothes, so I did.
YJ: Prada or YSL? You know I don't do Gucci anymore. It's not my style.
YN: Not telling. You'll see it when I get there.
You smiled as you put your phone back into your pocket. Yeonjun hated being teased when it came to presents. He'd probably start blowing up your phone, sending slutty pictures of himself to coax the secret out of you. Just more for you to look at.
The valet opened the car door for you as you approached. The driver knew where Yeonjun lived, so you didn't bother telling him where to go. There was a shopping bag in the backseat with you. Peeking inside, were the clothes you'd promised your favorite boy toy. He was going to look delicious in it, even without trying.
As you predicted, the car ride was silent except for your phone vibrating in your pocket.
YJ: Are you ignoring me???
YJ: Baby?
YJ: That's not fair! I wanna show you my photos from my recent photoshoot. Can you please look?
You looked at his messages and could hear the sound of his voice whining and begging in your head.
YN: Okay, okay. Show me.
YJ: Okay, try not to get too hard~
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Your eyes popped at his photos.
This was pretty different from the way he described the photoshoot to me...
YN: It's a little more revealing than I thought.
YJ: I guess it was hehe! You should've been there when they started dripping honey all over me
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YJ: There was so much honey. And it was super sticky and thick. Super hot really. I complained that I didn't want cold honey poured on me, so they even warmed it. Which just made it stickier. To protect the clothes, I stripped and finished nude.
How would you not get hard from the pictures? But with that image in your head on top!? Yeonjun was covered in warm honey, hands softly spreading it over his body. His feet, his hips, even his cute perky nipples. He must've been moaning like a total slut the entire time.
You were so caught up in your imagination that you didn't realize you'd completely started ignoring Yeonjun.
YJ: Hello?
YJ: Did I break you?
YJ: Or are you mad that all those staff got to touch and rub honey on me? If it makes it better, no one touched me. I dipped my hand in honey and touched myself~
YJ: Only you can touch me like that.
You couldn't look at your phone. Every message was covered in Yeonjun's horny energy.
YJ: Are you beating your dick right now? In the car? Show me!
While you did have a reputation to uphold, that didn't stop you from lifting your waistband on your pants and showing Yeonjun his effect on you.
YJ: Oh~ Another happy toy for me to play with when you get here!
YN: Just wait till I get there, Princess.
You turned off your phone and tried to calm yourself down. Staring out the window for the rest of the ride, but every time you blinked you could see Yeonjun.
Getting to your destination, a tall luxury condo building. It was all black and covered with windows. Yeonjun's room was on the 60th floor. You paid for his apartment so you could always know where to find him. Yeonjun never forgets his obligations to satisfy you as a part of his end of the agreement.
You stride in, moving quickly, the building staff greets you politely but you pay them little mind. The elevator for VIPs was already open and waiting for you. Stepping inside, you swiped your card and pressed the floor number. The elevator moved quickly up the shaft and opened directly into Yeonjun's apartment.
The blinds were open, letting in the sunset through the large windows. The deep brown hardwood floor spread out into the living room; there was a black piano, white couches, and a soft white rug. On the couch was Yeonjun, smiling devilishly at you with a cup of red wine.
He stood and slowly prowled to you, "Welcome home, Babe."
You walked forward to meet him, "I half expected you to be naked when I got here."
"I can still do that," Yeonjun raised an eyebrow as he pressed his body against you. He wore short shorts and a large jacket, giving the illusion he wasn't wearing pants. Pressing his chest against you, he arched his back to let you look down to see he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath his jacket.
"Naughty," You kissed his soft lips, the taste of alcohol and honey mixing on your tongue. "Honey?"
"Yes?" Yeonjun cooed.
"No, you, honey," You patted his head, "I mean, you did eat honey today?"
Yeonjun smiled again, bigger than before, "Maybe? And maybe I saved some for you to have." He looked down to see the bag in your hands, "But first..."
The bag was in his hands before you could hand it to him. He skipped to the couch and laid on his stomach to dump everything out to see it.
A pair of handcuffs, a police hat, and a slutty police uniform.
"Really? Roleplay," Yeonjun giggled, "Didn't take you for the type."
You shrugged, "Seeing you wear all those cute clothes in the magazines made me want to see you in something just for me."
Yeonjun unzipped out of his jacket and slipped out of his shorts. The shirt was small and tight, with the shorts showing off his cute ass. He flipped the hat on his head and spun the cuffs on his finger.
"You have the right to remain silent, sir," He winked.
You laughed at his cute acting, "Actually, the cuffs are still for you."
He looked taken aback, but Yeonjun flipped the switch instantly. He tossed the cuffs at you and sat you down on the couch. "It's kinda backward for the cop to be cuffed," He giggled.
You pulled him onto your lap as you put his hands behind his back, looking into his eyes as you latched them around his wrists. "Well, this cop has been bad. Guilty of being a slut in front of other people, without permission. So now you have to get punished."
You turned Yeonjun to face away from you and lay on the couch face down, ass up. The way he squirmed, he loved every second of you treating him roughly. You ripped his shorts off, the sound of the fabric tearing made him shudder.
The sight you were met with was Yeonjun's hole shiny and dripping.
"What's this?" You stick a finger inside your boy toy, which slides in easily. Thrusting in another finger and fucking him with them, Yeonjun's body shook and pushed against your hand to get deeper. When you pulled your hand away, it dripped with a thick clear liquid. That smelled like honey...
"No way–" You put your mouth to it and let your tongue taste. It was honey, and lots of it invested inside of him. "Is this a surprise for me?"
"Yeah, a super special one~" Yeonjun moaned as you lapped at this hole, drinking and tasting the liquid he's stored inside himself. "E-Easy, if you're too rough..."
You paused, "You'll cum? Like that will stop me from enjoying my gift." You dove back in, holding Yeonjun so he couldn't run away from you and you let another hand stroke his cock that was leaking all over the couch.
He was trying to control himself, but Yeonjun couldn't fight against the pleasure that was climbing inside him. He started to drool as his moans got more frequent and high-pitched, "Please– Oh God! You're so good, I'm gonna cum. Daddy, please–" Yeonjun's voice caught in his throat as his cock twitched and shot cum on the fabric of the couch. It drenched your hand as you stroked him, but you didn't stop until he was almost kicking.
Stopping to let him catch his breath, you stripping.
Yeonjun tried to flip over but you pushed him down on his stomach, his cum sticking to his skin.
"We're not done here," You chuckled as you stroked yourself, using Yeonjun's cum and the honey to slick yourself up.
"I-I think we can break– Just for a moment?" He squirmed but you didn't let him up.
"You were so slutty before. Sending me naughty photos in the car, wanting me to jerk off for you in the car, and even being practically naked when waiting for me to get home." You poke your tip at his hole, "We're not done, at all."
You pushed yourself inside him, feeling the honey coat you as your toy's warm walls closed down on you.
You rub Yeonjun's shoulders as you feel him tense up, "Now, make sure you're strong for me. I don't think I should hold back anymore..."
He couldn't form much of a response, mostly whimpering your name and faintly begging for more.
Who were you to deny your lovely toy what he was begging for. You pulled on his wrists, making the cuffs dig into him, and you harshly plowed him. You could tell you were hitting the right spots from the way his mouth swung open and his eyes rolled.
"Oh? Like that? You're doing amazing, Baby Boy."
Yeonjun's legs wormed their way around you and he arched his back, letting you his deeper. You grabbed his hips to lock him in place and pulled out almost completely before slamming back into him. Knocking the breath right out of him.
"Oh, holy fucking shit– Please, wait a second–" Yeonjun begged.
But you were too far gone to hear him. You moved quicker, "I know you can take it, stay strong for me, Baby." You leaned down, pressing your body onto his back, and kept thrusting, "This will teach you not to slut yourself out to people. Only me. You're mine."
Hearing that sent your toy over the edge. The friction of the couch and you slamming him made Yeonjun cum all over, somehow even more than before.
"You came twice before I got to once?" You bite at his ear, "How unfair. Now I'm gonna fill you up, my little cumdump."
Yeonjun's reply was a strained moan, his eyes sealed shut and his mouth pouring out profanity between moans. Pressing yourself tightly against him, your arms wrapped around him, you released into him with a heavy groan. You rode out your high, still moving your hips, leaving your toy mewling.
You brushed his hair with your fingers softly as he calmed down. Still inside of him, you picked him up and laid him on your lap. His face streaked with tear-stains but he still had his playful smile.
“Always a good time,” he sighed, as Yeonjun rested his head on your shoulders.
“Anything for a toy as precious as you.”
“Am I really just a toy?”
“You think you deserve to be more than that?”
Yeonjun nuzzled into your neck, “We can be more… exclusive. I surely don’t mind.”
“But you still want gifts when I see you, don’t you?”
He pecked your lips, “You know me so well!”
You laughed, “fine then, you’re all mine then. My sweet boy.”
“Now, can you carry me to the bathtub? I wanna bath, and maybe you can wash me.”
Yeonjun giggled with glee as you moved him upstairs for a bath and maybe a second round…
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the-froschamethyst4 · 8 months
How much!?
𖤐Pairing: Billionaire! Alejandro x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, hints of smut, rich man Alejandro, language, married couple,
𖤐Summary: When shopping on her own, Y/n sees a beautiful necklace but it was extremely expensive, does she gets it without Alejandro's permission or does she ask?
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Alejandro was at the office and Y/n was getting ready for a shopping spree, she does this every now and then, Alejandro gives her his American Express card and she can spend as much as she wants.
But Y/n never hits the millions or anything, she barely reaches $100,000 the most she spent on was a home store looking for new house decorations and a few new things for the house.
But shopping for new clothes was kind of a different story, she spends as much as her heart desires and Alejandro watches those bank charge stack and he doesn't care as long as his wife was happy he's happy.
Y/n had bags on her arms as she just left Prada with a few new bags, Gucci sunglasses, belts and a dress, LV shoes, YSL shoes and bags, you name Y/n probably just bought it.
As she walked around a jewelry store caught her eye, she needed to get her wedding ring cleaned up.
"Hi ma'am," a lady says walking towards her.
"Hi, I need my wedding ring polished."
"Oh yes, let me see the ring." Y/n placed her hand out and the consultant looked at the ring.
"Lovely ring, your husband has good taste."
"Thank you," she takes her ring off and hands it to the consultant. Y/n walks around the store to look at the jewelry.
A necklace with pearls was on display, it looked like something a Queen or Princess would wear, it was magnificent to look at.
"Are you finding everything alright, ma'am?"
"Yes. This necklace is beautiful."
"I know, a new piece of ours, it goes for $25,000,000."
"Wow, I can see that," the man looks at the bags in Y/n's hands and smiled.
"Would you like to try it on?"
"What? No way, that's so expensive," Y/n says.
"Ma'am you are carrying bags that are worth for 5,000k, I do not mind if you try it on." He says.
"Umm~ if it's alright," he smiles and puts on some silk white gloves, and took it off the black velvet neck stand, and placing it on Y/n's neck, everyone in the store watched how the necklace complemented Y/n's skin and eyes.
"Would you like it miss?" He asks her.
Y/n stares at herself in the mirror moving her head around to get it from better angles on her neck. She didn't even want to touch it or LOOK at it.
Alejandro was tapping his pen against his desk, taking a deep breath and looked out the window that was behind him, he was bored out of his MIND. He wanted to go home and be with his wife and see what she bought.
Alejandro loves having his own personal fashion show when it came to his wife.
Just thinking about her wearing a new LV dress hugging her body just right made him feel...all over the place.
His phone pinged and saw a HUGE charge to his card. His eyes widened and immediately started to call Y/n, she wasn't answering.
"Y/n, what the hell," he mumbles.
Y/n looked at him calling her phone, she just stares at her phone knowing she might have fucked up. Her fingers in her hair as she stares and stares and stares.
The next time he calls, she will answer which didn't take long, she took a deep breath and answered.
"Precioso (gorgeous) what was that charge to my phone?" Alejandro sounded like he was trying to stay calm.
"Umm~ Ale, I can explain."
"Start." He says.
"I was just trying to clean my ring and I got caught up in looking at a necklace and spent-"
"25 MILLION DOLLARS!" The calm was broken.
"I'm sorry," she apologized.
"Mi amor," he groans and rubs his temple. "How many times have I told you...BREAK MY BANK!!"
"Huh?" So he wasn't mad?
"You can spend higher, why didn't you?"
"I-I-I...I'm c-confused what?"
"I've told you many times to spend higher and 25 million was all you could do? Mi Corazón (my heart) I want you to make me go broke, a dollar in my bank account broke, I'll get it back, you know I will."
Y/n was so confused.
"No buts, next time you go shopping break my bank account, anyways, I love you, I have to go, see you at home," he hangs up.
Her phone falls from her hand and looked at the necklace sitting on the black velvet neck stand.
Alejandro was coming home now and Y/n was trying on the new clothes she bought looking at herself in her full body mirror, turning and looking to see how she looks in the back and seeing if her girls in the front looked perfect as well.
"Starting the show without me?" Alejandro asked, placing his blazer on the back of the black leather chair in the shared master bedroom.
"I was going to wait, but you were taking forever," she teased, walking towards him and sitting on his lap. Her arms wrap around his neck as his hands rested on her waist. "You look fucking stunning," he leans forward kissing her neck.
"Thank you, now do you want this fashion show or not?"
"Yes, ma'am," he leans back as she got off his lap, he pours himself a glass of whiskey and watched her come out in a new dress and new heels.
"YSL?" He asks. She just nods, turning to the mirror and looking at it.
Alejandro loves seeing his wife like this, he turns and saw the black velvet neck stand holding the necklace, she bought.
"Ohh~ so that was the 25 million dollar purchase," he points to the necklace.
"It's pretty." He says, taking a sip from his glass and looking back at her.
"I know, he said it was new and I was technically the first person to wear it," she says sounding excited which made Alejandro smile.
Alejandro placed his glass down and grabbed the necklace off the stand and walked up behind Y/n. Moving it to the front of her neck and clasping it. He stares at her in the mirror.
"It suits you perfectly, mi amor," he kisses her neck and held her against his chest.
"A-Alejandro...I'm not done."
"You still have more?" He asks.
"I bought a lot," she says, with an innocent smile on her face.
"Alright, show me more," he smirks as she walks to her walk-in closet, her door slightly opened and he could see her half naked body.
Y/n and Alejandro were going to an expensive dinner tonight, she was wearing her new dress and new YSL shoes with a new Prada bag and of course that necklace she bought. Alejandro held her hand as they walked in, they were immediately sat because of the restaurant knowing who they both were.
Alejandro and his gorgeously stunning wife.
He sits her down first before going to his chair across from her, they were given a wine menu but Alejandro ordered them a bottle of King Louis XIII, one of the most expensive bottles they have, it reaches to $23,000.
"Do you know what you want?" Alejandro asked.
"I think I'll switch it up tonight from lobster to maybe a beef wellington?"
"A wellington? Normally you don't get it."
"I know, but like I said switching it up," she gives him a soft smile.
"Here is your wine, now what can I get started for you both?" The waiter asked.
"I'll take Kobe beef, they way I like it." Alejandro started.
"Of course, you miss?"
"Could I have bluefin tuna?"
"Of course, now I will be right back," he says.
"Is that okay?"
"Of course, mi amor," he holds her hand and kissed her knuckles.
A few Hours Later
Alejandro and Y/n talked, drink, and ate their dinner and now Alejandro and Y/n were heading down the street just for some ice cream, an expensive dinner with cheap ice cream to fill them up.
It was always something they both did after eating at the restaurant was to eat dinner and go down the road for some ice cream.
It was mainly because Alejandro would treat his wife to everything she could ask for, and when they first met Y/n didn't come from money so the expensive date use to overwhelm her and then afterwards she showed him to an ice cream parlor she came to a lot when she was a little girl.
And to bring back memories and recreate their own Alejandro made it possible for her and in hopes one day they can still do it when they have kids and get older together.
Alejandro and Y/n sat on a metal bench enjoying their ice cream, she snuggled into his side, his hand hand holding his cone and the other resting on her hip.
"Did you like the dinner?" She nods.
"I like dessert better." She smiles up at him.
"One day, I hope we will come here with our kids and when we grow old and gray we will still come here," he says, looking down at her.
"Of course we will, Alejandro," she leans up and kisses his lips.
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lesvii · 10 months
Your Valeria Garza Buchifresa Girlfriend Headcannon 🍓
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This is mostly some hc that I have of Valeria cause I’m tired of no one doing a buchifresa lesbian cause I am one… and I’m tired of ppl saying I want a buchón while all I want is a buchona (Valeria)😩..
• You knew Valeria on a club in México Sinaloa, you were partying with some of your friends while some big guys enter the club, you saw a woman enter behind them, as you whisper to your friends who might they be, which cartel do they work from?. Either way minutes pass and you forgot about them.
•You were wearing a pink top, with a white short skirt, some white high heels and your long black hair.
•You were having your best night singing the corridos on the club with your friends when you decided to sit on the table you guys had at the club, just for a few minutes, you grabbed your phone to see any text notifications as you look up to see the waitress telling you they send you a tequila bottle one of the expensive ones, as this was not new for you, you were used to men sending you free drinks, but now you didn’t want to deal with them, but hey! a free drink is a free drink. You smiled at the waitress as you ask her clueless who was the guy that send you the bottle, as the waitress fills you a tequila shot, she mentions the table in front of yours, a few feet away. “It was the woman with the black top and tattoos” she mentioned, as you look confused, you look up to search for the woman as she smirks at you and holds her glass, you do the same as you smiled at her, your cheeks slightly blush.
•From that moment on the night just started, you wanted to go on her table and thanks her personally for the free drink but something about her having like 5 bodyguards surrounding the table made you actually think she might be from some cartel. Your friends teased you all night long telling you to go on and talk to her, as you finally got courage to do it, “fine! Fine! I’ll do it but I’m going to the bathroom first, I need to touch up my makeup” you said as you rolled your eyes and smiled playfully. You got separated from your friends and you enter the bathroom, you put some lipstick on, brushed your hair with your hands as you were about to exit the bathroom when Valeria enters. “Pero si estás preciosa” Valeria said, as you turn away to look at her you blush “Thanks”. You said and from that on you stay on Valeria table as your friends went crazy looking at you.
•Valeria can and WILL spoil you often with luxurious hand bags, LV, Gucci, Prada, Channel etc. She loves to doll you up and after all it all came with a “prize”…
•You didn’t talk much about your relationship since you knew her work wasn’t specially legal, still you didn’t know (at the beginning) she was a cartel leader.
•You love watching narco series/novelas but Valeria despises them she thinks they aren’t something to joke about it made her work look ridiculous.
•You were her trophy wife when it came to have big meetings with other cartel leaders as they brought their wives too.
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wonik1ss · 6 months
౨ৎ mrs. gym buff ! — noh yunah
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pairing — non idol!yunah x reader song rec : midnight fiction - illit & sunflower (P.E.L.) - choi yoojung & pretty girl - reneé rapp ( 1.3k ) ! none ᯤ ^ ㅇ ^ happy reading ! ⸝⸝・ᘏᘏ
prompt : you and your best friend eunchae were like cher and dion, you being self obsessed believing everyone and everything likes you and eunchae keep n you in check. but the one time you think someone doesn’t like you is the one day that someone new enters your gym class and eunchae can obviously tell they have some feelings for you.
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“watch it ! this is prada !”. you pointed to your bag as eunchae giggled her head hitting the wire fence.
“I really don’t know why they moved us outside.. I don’t need red bites all over my skin when jake asks me out”. eunchae covered her mouth but still laughed.
“what..?”. you clutch’s stour purse and turned towards the girl.
“no offense..”. you sighed.
“but you would have more luck on some jake from royal high asking you out before jake actual does”. you pouted and turned to face the jock. he was flexing his biceps to yeji and her group; who were swooning.
“he winked at me in bio”. you tapped your foot as you turned to eunchae and smiled. the smile immediately dropped as eunchae opened her mouth.
“he winked and ning too”
“she bragged to me right after it happened”. you slid down the fence hands over your face.
“that.. that doesn’t mean I don’t have a chance !”. eunchae slid down right next to you.
“he’s oogling chaer’s boobs.. I don’t think you want a chance..”. you giggled as eunchae nudged you.
“you still like girls right?”. you nodded.
“try one of ‘em out then.. for once !”. you hit the girls head and as p.e. ended went on about your day.
you tilted your glasses down as you walked into the gym. usually jake was flirting, chaewon was hitting on sakura, and eunchae was flexing the fact she could actually dance but everyone was in a straight line..
eunchae caught your eye and called you over.
“new girl”. eunchae pointed to the p.e. coach and your eyes furrowed as you looked beside her. some six foot girl stood next to her.
“this is yunah.. she’s new to the school and came in this period”. your coach seemed to glare at the girl and, her head in turn went down. you swore you heard a little ‘sorry’ and you giggled.
“what was that y/n?”. eunchae froze while you smiled.
“sorry was just wondering why we’re still standing here and not playing basketball..”. you swore you saw your coach’s eyes light up. she dismissed everyone and eunchae dragged you over to the bleachers.
“her eyes were glued to you !”. you laughed.
“I would hope so I was talking”. eunchae rolled her eyes and then glanced at yunah.
“look”. you lazily turned your gaze to the tall girl and your eyes noticeable got bigger once you realized they were on you. as soon as yunah realized she walked away.
“so I’m hot..!” eunchae rolled her eyes then got bigger.
“thanks”. you looked up. yunah was right infront of you staring anywhere but at you.
“for.. distracting coach”
“oh that’s nothing.. ni-ki does that on a daily basis. eunchae laughed and soon yunah did too.
“that’s it.. bye..”. before you could open your mouth again the girl had ran down the bleachers.
“that was weird”. eunchae said as she tilted her head.
“what’s weirder how she ran down the bleachers and didn’t bust her lip..”
next day..
“she’s staring..!”. eunchae whistled as she sat next to you on one of the benches outside.
“don’t think she wants that prada bag y/n..”
next next day..
“think she has an eye problem?”. you rolled your eyes.
“no.. i mean maybe..”
next next next day..
“probably still-“
“do you wanna play basketball with me..?”. you blinked twice and then looked at eunchae; she just nodded rapidly.
“s.. sure..”. you got up and followed the girl while eunchae protected you precious prada bag.
“I’m thinking of joining the girls basketball team.. and need help.. sorry if I bother-“
“no it’s fine I never do anything in this class anyway”. as yunah finally got a free hop she looked at you curiously up and down.
“really.. your so.. fit though?”. luckily yunah went to go get a ball so she didn’t see you blushing madly at your comment.
“ok just try to stop me.. you know the basics right”. you just nodded in a trance. as you played you couldn’t look but check the girl out. her hair was in a ponytail.. her sports jacket was off.
“oh shit are you ok?”. you squeezed your eyes shut as you felt the assault against your back.
“ya.. the basketball that hit me like the flash and landed me in my back didn’t do shit”. yunah but her lip as she cupped your cheek and eyes your figure.
“you think you can get up?”. you nodded as she helped you. you held the back of your neck as you nearly fell. yunah put both hands on your waist to keep you balanced.
“you sure you don’t need a-“
“you owe me”
“icecream.. after school tomorrow”. yunah stood in shock as you ran over to a worried eunchae.
“yes.. she’s going to buy me ice cream..!”.
last next day..
“is this black mail..?”. you laughed as yunah pulled out fifteen bucks from her back pocket.
“no ! and you only need like four bucks”. you smiled.
“ya but I’m getting some for your friends too”. you looked over to eunchae fanning her face and haerin rolling here eyes as she aided the girl. you were left speechless as yunah dragged you over to the truck.
you ordered your icecreams and chatted as you waited for them. as soon as you got them you almost gagged as you licked yours.
“is it ok?”. as you walked with yunah you shock your head, as you put haerin and eunchae’s icecreams in your back pockets.
“nah it’s shit but thanks”. yunah frowned and then grabbed your icecream.
“hay !”. quickly yunah gave you here’s and urged you to try it. when you did you frowned.
“why’d you-“
“shit you got some in your..”. yunah put one hand on your waist to pull you closer; and used the other one to whip of some icecream of your lip. you froze when you did. and everytime after that when yunah got in a two feet distance if you.
as the days went on you got closer. mentally.. but mostly physically. yunah started to back hug you..
“then he threw the question right back at-“. as eunchae got ready to laugh, you felt hands around your waist..
“wha-“. as you were about to question the girl she just stared at you blankly and then smiled. then one time when you just sitting on a bench texting a sick eunchae you felt hair on your thighs.
“so eunchae’s sick?”. it took you a minute but you did node. you even felt a kiss on your cheek..
“you think is did to much..”. you asked eunchae as she knocked on jakes door.
“no you just look like your from the yxyy unit your fine”. you nudged the girl as the door opened. a drunk yeji smiled.
“omg hayyyy”. you were about to hayyyy her right back when jakes hand snaked around her waist and he kissed her.. and then they started to make out. you and eunchae brushed past them as they continued.
“you think my hats to big?”. you laughed as you found a quiet corner to talk in.
“nah it’s pertinent to the fit”
“stop using yunah’s fancy words-“
“what’s that about my dance words?”. yunah flicked eunchaes hat. when she did the shorter girl rolled her eyes and ran over to the ‘cat girl’ haerin.
“nice clueless outfits..”. you giggled.
“I’m nando but sporty girl ! who cares about her looks !”. as you were about to giggle again you felt something wet on your cheek. you blinked twice as yunah’s hands went around your waist. you grabbed one of her hands of your waist and dragged her to the nearest bathroom.
yunah giggled as you sat in the rim of the sink to get to her height. she then wrapped her hands around the sink as you bit your lip.
“what’s wrong..”. yunah’s lips found there way onto your neck and you gasped.
“yunah !”. the girl jumped.
“what !”
“can I not kiss my girlfriend?”
“your what?”. yunah blinked twice.
“you never asked me to be your girlfriend yunah”. the still taller girl tried to take her hands off your waist but you didn’t let her.
“I want to be your girlfriend but you never asked !”. you smiled as she got closer to your face.
“will you be my-“. you closed the tiny gap between you two and kissed her. cupping her cheeks this time.
“yes.. yes mrs. gym buff”. yunah giggled and quickly shut you up. what a perfect couple..
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lefaystrent · 1 month
Florida Man Cannot Be Contained
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairings: platonic dlampr
Summary: Contrary to popular belief, Remus is not the menace of the friend group.
It's Patton.
The six of them were hanging out for the first time.
More accurately, Logan had recently been absorbed into Virgil's friend group.
They've had classes together over a few semesters. Logan's majoring in Chemical Engineering, and Virgil's majoring in Forensic Science, so there's some overlap and a lot of shared interests. While he appreciated Virgil's clever-streak and conversational merit, Logan never would have offered to spend time together outside of the classroom. He convinced himself he didn't need extracurriculars, like friendship.
"Come meet my friends, nerd," Virgil ordered after class one day.
And that was that.
On their way to a pizza joint outside of campus, Logan observed the others. They were loud, obnoxious, flamboyant, and below his intelligence. His mother would never approve.
Logan vindictively liked them.
"Oh my gosh, I love your new bag, Janus!"
"Thank you, it's Prada."
"I didn't know they sold Prada at Goodwill."
"....they do now."
Virgil maneuvered himself to be his social buffer. He kept close by Logan's elbow, and muttered meanings to inside jokes and slang to him when Logan so much as raised a brow. At some point, he stopped in his tracks.
"What is it?" Logan asked, halting beside him. The rest of the group drifted slowly past them, the gait of their walk unhurried. Everyone was too busy enjoying gossiping.
Except Patton. He had this wild look in his eyes and he began to shuffle off the sidewalk. His lips pressed together tight as if he were holding back a grin.
"Patton, man, don't," Virgil told him, but Patton wasn't looking at him. He stole glances at Roman, making sure that the other was too caught up in conversation with his brother to pay attention to him. He took a few steps to the right into the grass near a house. Then he took off.
Roman, catching on too late, noticed the man run with a strange mixture of dawning horror and exasperated suffering. "Pat– Patton. Pat, please– don't you DARE, GET BACK HERE!" He tossed his bag to Remus halfway through and took off in a dead sprint.
"What is happening?" Logan asked.
"Patton's a lunatic," Virgil sighed. Janus sighed as well and Remus spurred Patton on with whoops.
Patton hightailed it into the backyard of the random house and unceremoniously belly flopped into the pool. Roman jumped in right behind, barely pausing to shuck off his shoes in time, the sneakers flying through the air.
"Does he often trespass?" Logan questioned. "I'm not bothered, just curious."
"Only when there are pools involved. He does it so Roman will save him."
"Why would he need saving?"
"The idiot can't swim."
Out in the pool, Logan can make out some of Roman's nonplussed yelling after he resurfaced with an armful of Patton. Patton, for his part, seemed endlessly pleased with himself.
"My hero!" Patton gushed and began fawning over Roman, much to his chagrin.
Then the homeowner came out and Janus concocted an outlandish story consisting of how Patton fell into the pool totally by accident.
"This is the third time this week," the homeowner accused.
"And to that I say..." Janus paused. He took off his hat, held it to his chest, opened his mouth to elaborate–
And ran the fuck away.
"There he goes," Remus whistles. "How I hate to see it, how I love to watch it."
Roman sat at the pool's edge, arms resting on his knees and absolutely soaked. "You're grounded," he told Patton sitting beside him.
Patton beamed with pride. Virgil tried to hide behind his hands.
"Please just leave," the homeowner requested.
They quickly made themselves scarce.
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baby-alien11 · 6 months
Variety Nepo Babies on Nepo Babies (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
First of all, I have to give credits to @gabbylovesreading and @nikfigueiredo because they were the first I told this idea and the other one, and they also gave ideas that became reallity, so I have to give them their flowers
taglist (open): @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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a/n: set between the Suzuka and Shangai GP
When Variety came to you to the idea of the first Nepo Babies encounter at the same style of the Actors on Actors you were surprised because you thought they would go with more famous nepo babies, but when they told you that they wanted to go with emerging and not so looked people you liked the idea
And because they wanted to do it a bit different than the Actors on Actors, a small activity of exchanging gifts with the person you're paired was going to be held, so when they told you who you'd be paired with, you went hands on to make a good and homemade present, specially because you were a fan of them
When the day of the interview arrived, you picked your own outfit, which was a mint long sleeve corset top, a black Prada skirt, black heels, with your initial necklace, star earrings, golden rings, your nails painted black, your hair in a high bun, glittery eyeshadow and gloss, and also prepearing your bag with your things for the day and the gift box
"Well, sweet baby Tatum, wish me luck", you sighed looking at your cat, who was no longer a small tiny baby, who was cuddling in your cherry blossom pillow even though her shark bed was next to it, "I can't believe I'm meeting one of my favorite drivers today, I wish I could take you with me"
Taking your things, you went downstairs and to where your car was parked to put everything in the back, before approaching the garage where your dad was working on pieces of furniture for your brother
"Hey dad", you called him at what he stopped what was he doing
"Hey tornado, you look good, love the outfit"
"Thank you, I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving for the interview, and Tatum already had her breakfast, in case she asks for more"
"Her next meal would be until lunch, don't worry", Skeet laughed, "By the way, if it's possible, can you ask for a Logan Sargeant autograph?"
"I'll do my best", you laughed
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Taking advantage of the nice weather of LA, you debated to go without the roof but then you thought that for the sake of your hair the best option was with the roof on
Almost at the middle of the road, your phone that was connected to the car started to ring with a call from Jack, at what you pressed the green button
"Hey babe", you exclaimed, "How's filming?"
"Hey gorgeous, it's going great", Jack responded, "They're asking when you're returning to the set"
"If I don't need to go to Variety tomorrow, then it is"
"Are you going to the interview right now?"
"Yeah, I'm excited and nervous, this is like the second formal-in a set interview that I'm doing, and with one of my favorite drivers"
"You're going to do amazing, you're amazing"
"Stop, you're going to make me cry"
"I'm not saying anything that isn't true"
"I truly, really love you"
"And I truly, really love you even more"
The conversation lasted almost during the entire trip until he had to go back to film; arriving at the offices of Variety, you pulled your ID on the security stand so they let you in
Once they let you in into the property, you drove towards the private parking lot where you spotted a space with your name on it, and after turning off your car, you took your things out of your car to walk to the entrance where an intern was there to help you with your things
"We're so happy that you accepted to join the first edition of this new project", the intern exclaimed, "And I'm a fan of you"
"Really? Thank you so much, I really appreciate it"
"Actually, I volunteer to come to get you when the security anounced you were here"
"Oh, that's nice, and you're also very nice"
Once you reached the floor where the set was ready for the interview, the intern led you to a small lounge area while the interview started, not before leaving the gift box on the small table next where your asigned seat was
A few minutes after you arrived, you heard people saying that your interview partner had arrived, at what you quit your attention of your phone and stand up from the two-seat sofa to properly greet him
"And this is your interview partner", the director said stopping in front of you, "Max this is Y/N Ulrich, Y/N this is Max Verstappen"
"Hi, nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you to, I'm a big fan"
"Okay, we have a few minutes until the interview starts, so we can talk about how is this going to work, please, have a seat", taking the seat you were previously using with Max sitting next to you and the director sitting in front with a tablet in her hands, "First we're doing the interview, there won't be a script but the topics we will like for you to talk are what is like to be childs of famous people, what are you doing in your profesional life, dealing with hate, and then any random topics you want, but we want it to be the most natural and fluent conversation possible, and also the gift exchange we'll like it to be at the start or finish; then we'll have an hour and a half break for lunch, and then we'll return to do some videos and photos for social media and teasers, we hope to get everything ready this day, but if it isn't, we'll do it tomorrow, Max, we hope that it doesn't interrupt your race weekend schedule"
"I don't think so, we have like another week before the next one, so I'm free", Max shrugged
"Perfect, Y/N, how about you?"
"My schedule is also free"
"Perfect, we'll let you know when we start, meanwhile you can get to know each other"
"So, you are a Formula 1 fan?", Max asked you once the director left
"Yes, I've been a fan since a few years ago", you nodded, "You are one of my favorite drivers, actually"
"Oh, really? Who are the others?"
"Top of the list is Checo, and then I have a long list"
"What about teams?"
"Red Bull at the top, along with Ferrari and Mercedes"
"Give me five", Max said at what you laughed doing it
"And I also dragged my boyfriend into this F1 world, his teams are Red Bull, Ferrari and McLaren, even though what happened"
Seeing Max's confused face, you unlocked your phone and went to Instagram dms to search for that chat until you found the un-answered texts and passed him your phone, and noticing he read the whole thing when his eyes went wide and the way he left his Red Bull can in the center table to cover his mouth
"No fucking way he did this", Max almost exclaimed reading it again
"He did, two days after my eighteen birthday"
"This is so embarrassing, I can't believe he actually send this"
"That's why I left him on read, and the funny thing is that I met my boyfriend a few weeks after"
"I would also left him on read, honestly, this is the most embarrasing message I've ever read"
"Dude, every person that I told and shown the message to, ends up laughing and dying of cringe"
"When lunch arrives, can we show this to the others?", Max asked, "Carlos, Lance and Mick are also here, their interviews were a few days ago but they're here"
"Sure, no problem", you nodded, "Hey, have you heard the audio from '2Fast 2Furious'?"
When the director anounced that the filming was about to start, you grabbed a can of Watermelon Red Bull (Max and his team argued it was for the sponsorship) and walked towards your armchair to leave your can at the center table and return to the edge of the set to stand next to Max, while the hair and make up people fixed your look
"Action!", the director screamed
Given the signal, both of you walked towards your respective armchairs to sit
"What's up Suki?", Max said
"What's up bullet?", you responded
Almost when you finished your part, both of you started laughing, what continued for a few seconds until it died
"Hello, I'm Max Verstappen, F1 driver for Oracle Red Bull Racing and three-times World Champion, son of Jos Verstappen, former F1 driver, and Sophie Kumpen, former karting driver"
"Hi, I'm Y/N Ulrich, content creator for social media, VFX make up artist in the making, part-time model, and former high school theatre actress, youngest daughter of Skeet Ulrich, actor best known for being Billy Loomis in Scream, and Georgina Cates, best known for Clay Pigeons and profesional photographer"
"Wow, you really do a lot"
"I mean, I know that VFX make up is what I want to do in my life, but while I continue to preppare for that world, I'm also doing things that I love like fashion and sharing bits of my life with the people, what about you, did you did sidequests before becoming the F1 star that you are today?"
"In total honesty, no, since the moment I could walk my dad put me in the kart, and all was train day and night, and then participating in karting competitions, and win first place in everything"
"What would happen if you got second or under?"
"Well, one time he left me on a gas station in the middle of nowhere", Max responded while laughing
"Hold on, your dad did what?", you exclaimed in shock
"Yeah, we were leaving a race which was bad for me, and I couldn't stop talking even if he told me to, so he stopped, told me to get out, so I did, and then he drove off"
"How long you were there?"
"Not so long, my mom was in another car so she picked me up", Max explained but you were still in shock, "Anyways, how about your relationship with your dad?"
"It is good, I'm the youngest child and I was born in the middle of the divorce, but like, mom and dad ended up good for the sake of me and my siblings, and like everything we wanted to try, they have been a great support for me and my siblings, for example, my sister Naiia is an actress and has had a lot of prepparation for the industry, my brother Jakob is also an actor but is more interested in motorsports, because we have background on it"
"Really? How?"
"Yeah, our grandfather is D.K. Ulrich who is a former NASCAR driver, and our uncle is Ricky Rudd also a NASCAR driver, so Jakob is more focused on that side of the family, and there's me who collected everything"
"And how started your interest for the VFX thing?"
"It all goes back to the reason of this tattoo", you said lifting your left hand, "So, since an early age I had the curiosity of the making of movies and series, like when I saw the Scream saga with dad I was asking a lot of questions about how they did everything, and a few years later in the set of Riverdale, it started with the fake Southside Serpents tattoos, and it became my life goal when at the end of season two, there's a scene where Cole Sprouse's character appears absolutely beaten up, and I helped doing the entire make up with the guide of the make up artists, and that was the beggining"
"So basically everytime you look at your tattoo you remember your starts"
"Exactly, and dad has helped me with my classes, getting in touch with people who've worked in several films, and also getting my first job at Halloween Horror Nights, and I'm not going to deny that he has helped me a lot, I'm not going to deny my privileges"
"Yeah, there's no sense in deny that we have very famous last names and that gave us certain benefits above the others, but that doesn't mean we have to be lazy"
"Yes! You get it! I mean, people often think that we don't have to put any effort, that we're only here because of our parents, but I think we have to prove that we deserve to be here, we have to work hard as the others because life is not easy, and specially as a woman in any industry"
"I agree with that, I mean F1 is including women little by little in the teams and with the F1 Academy, but there's a lot to improve"
"Exactly, queen Susie Wolff has been doing an amazing job with the F1 Academy, but there's need to be the guarantee that women will feel safe working in any type of motorsport, or any industry"
"And what would you suggest for us men to help to create safer space?"
"Deconstruct, learn, hear their experiences, don't invalidate their feelings, and that's only the tip of the iceberg"
"Now that we entered this kind of topics, how do you deal with hate?"
"Oh dude", you sighed taking a sip of your drink, "It depends, the first times I was like 'why they're hating? I haven't done anything wrong' but there was still a part of me affected by that, also another influencers said some mean things, but my breaking point was when after Scream VI I found some tweets questioning my relationship with Jack, acussing us of having a PR relationship because of the movie, calling me fake, that I was doing it for fame, that's how nepo babies are, and my high school mean girl wrote that last one, and I told my dad but he was leaving for a convention that day so he left me at my boyfriend's house, he was filming and his mom was in the town for the weekend, and I also told him when we talked later and he posted an statement that kind of calmed the waters, but until this day there a few comments under my posts, but as Taylor Swift said 'haters gonna hate hate hate hate, and I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake, shake it off"
"Oh, I like that song"
"I know, it's so good, you should listen to her other songs"
"What songs would you recommend?"
"I'm going to take in count that Penelope lives with you and Kelly, I love that little girl, and I'm going to recommend Fearless and Speak Now, I feel like those are the best albums to get introduce to her music because they're the first ones along with debut, and then you can continue with the rest of the albums"
"Thank you so much, I'll definately check it out"
"Sooner than you know, you'll be in the race car singing 'Getaway Car'", you joked, "And I feel like I also have to ask you how you deal with hate"
"Well, we also get a lot of hate we have to deal with everyday, but once you start to win it gets worse like people will criticize everything, and more if you start at seventeen like I did, from the way you drive, your attitudes, who you're dating, the way you interact with your teammate or any of the other drivers, people booing when you are in the podium, you just need to learn to block them and focus on your race, do your best and try to win and have points"
"I only have one thing to criticize you, and that's the skinny jeans"
"What's wrong with them?"
"Every picture of you arriving at the paddock is wearing the same skinny jeans, with the same team shirt, I even bet that your closet is only that", you said before turning to look at the camera, "Kelly, if you're seeing this, please post a picture of his side of the closet, I love you, thank you"
"Listen, I'm trying to use different clothes, but I feel comfortable wearing that to the paddock"
"And there's nothing wrong with that"
"Maybe I'll start wearing some things from the new Red Bull collection"
"Oh yeah, I saw some of the pieces, they're really cool"
"By the way, when we were talking backstage we talked about two things"
"Oh my God", you laughed
"You said that you are a fan and have multiple favorite drivers, who are they?"
"I thought you were going to say about the other thing", you sighed, "Yeah, Checo, you, Lewis, Seb, Michael and Mick, Pierre, Doriane Pin, Abby Pulling, Niki Lauda, Albon, Yuki, queen Susie Wolff, Carlos, Charles and I have extreme admiration for Romain Grosjean for getting out of the car on fire, and continue in the world of motorsport"
"That was a moment for the history books of F1"
"He became a legend in the sport, and I got to admit that I giggled when I saw the photo he posted this year at the Bahrein circuit", you admited, "What about horror movies, which are your favorites?"
"Which is the one you're in?"
"Scream VI"
"That's my favorite"
"You don't like horror movies, don't you?"
Laughing because of that, both of you saw the director with a sign that read '10 minutes left', which meant that the only thing left was the gifts
"Okay guys, unfortunately we have to end this interview, but we have a last thing to do", you said
"Yeah, we have a gift exchange", Max continued
Taking the boxes from next to the armchairs, both of you exchanged the gifts leaving them in the center table, and after three rounds of rock, paper, scissors, Max was the first to open the box
"Let's see what we got here, the packaging is nice, by the way", Max said leaving the top of the box on the table, "First we have a box of cookies"
"I made them myself, the flavors are oat with cranberrys, salted caramel, strawberry cheesecake and chocolate chips"
"You made them?", Max asked at what you nodded, "That's awesome, thank you, there's also bracelets"
"Friendship braceletes, my boyfriend help me to do them, there's five for you, five for Kelly and five for Penelope"
"I feel like you like giving gifts"
"I feel like it's one of the best ways to show people how much you appreciate them, so yeah"
"There's also cats toys, Jimmy and Sassy will appreciate this, and last a Ghostface mask in a crystal box"
"And it's signed, by my dad, Matthew Lilliard, Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Jack Champion, Liana Liberato, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Mason Gooding, Dermot Mulroney and me"
"This is amazing, it's really cool, thank you very much"
"It's nothing", you shrugged, "Well, I guess it's my turn"
Getting closer to the box, you lifted the top of the box to leave it to the side, first getting out a clear bag of waffle style cookies
"Those are stroopwafels, they are typical of Netherlands, they have caramel in the middle"
"I'm not going to share this with anyone in my house", you joked taking the next item of the box which was a Red Bull light blue hoodie and a red one, along with two of the new caps, "I love this"
"One is for you and one for your boyfriend, I did my research", Max pointed, "Kelly also put a small gift"
Finding it, you pulled a box full of N°1 Hairpins from Fiona Franchimon in all the avaliable colors
"These are gorgeous", you said admiring them and grabbing one of the yellow gold ones and putting it in your hairstyle, "Can someone please tell me if I put it correctly?"
Almost running, one of the people of hair and make up aproach to you fixing it a little before returning to behind the cameras
"Thank you", you exclaimed, "Okay, let's see what's next"
Rumaging through the next item, you grabbed a mini helmet which was the one that Max used in Qatar 2023, and it was signed by him, the last item was a black box with the F1 and Red Bull Racing logos, that the moment you opened it, you almost felt like crying
"Is this real?"
"Yeah, very much real"
"This is amazing, thank you so much, I really appreciate it"
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Once the interview ended and the crew took a few photos, both of you went to the guests cafeteria, where the only people in there were the other three drivers occuping a table, so after grabbing lunch from the buffet, both of you went to sit at the table
"Hey guys, this is Y/N, my interview partner", Max greeted while sitting
"Hi everyone, is nice to meet you all", you smiled feeling a bit starstruck, "By the way, Carlos, how are you after the surgery?"
"I'm good, thanks for asking", Carlos responded, "It was bit difficult the recovery, but everything's fine"
"You literally walked into the paddock not even 24 hours after the surgery", Lance pointed
"Says the one who went to race two weeks after a bicycle accident and surgery", Carlos returned, "At least I didn't race, I was helping with strategies, Charles ended up in the podium and Ollie with points"
"Also congratulations on your win on Australia", you added
"Y/N, is your first time talking with F1 drivers?", Mick asked
"Something like that", you sighed getting out your phone to enter Instagram dms, "Two days after my eighteen birthday I got a message from one of the youngest drivers, trigger warning, is cringey"
"I'm intrigued, what does it says?", Lance asked
"Hello beautiful, I saw that your birthday was a few days ago, congratulations, I have a few weeks of break during summer, do you want to go out??", you read seeing their faces full of cringe and holding laughs, "I left him on read, and met my boyfriend a few weeks after this"
"This has to be Lando", Carlos concluded, "He's the only one who could send something like this"
"It was Lando", you confirmed showing them your phonescreen
"Not the smirking face emoji", Mick cringed, "You skipped a bullet, in total honesty"
"I know", you nodded
"Can I took a picture of the screen?", Lance asked, "This will be great to blackmail him"
"I have no problem"
"Or even better, sent this to the group chat", Carlos pointed, "I don't care if George kicks us out"
"And the funniest part of this, is that one of my boyfriend favorite teams is McLaren", you added
"Who's your boyfriend?", Lance asked
"Jack Champion, he's an actor", you responded smiling, "He's part of the Avatar movies, Scream VI, which is where we met, Retribution, and soon, Freaky Tales"
"I think his arm is bigger than my head", Mick commented since Lance searched his insta and were watching the boxing video, "How old is he?"
"Nineteen, we're both nineteen, but he has been working out since twelve years old because of Avatar, he plays Spider"
"Please tell us you are going to a Grand Prix", Carlos said, "We need to see Lando's reaction"
"Actually, in the gift exchange, Max gave me All-Access passes for the Monaco Grand Prix, so Jack and I will be there", you nodded, "Of course after clearing our schedules"
Once the time for lunch ended, you and Max returned to the set, where the small living room was gone and a race simulator was there, along with a small photoshoot station and two director chairs
"Okay guys, we're going to do a small photoshoot for promos, a video for promo and the race simulator", the director informed, "We'll start with the photos"
Going to the photoshoot station, they took some individual photos and in pairs, and since you brought your sparkling pink ghostface mask and Max brougth his helmet, they were also included in the photos
Once the photos were done and the production made sure they looked good, the next thing was the video for the promos sitting in the director chairs, and holding cans of Red Bull
"Hello everyone, this is Y/N Ulrich"
"Hi, I'm Max Verstappen"
"And we are proud to be part of the first season of Variety's Nepo Babies on Nepo Babies"
"We had a very deep and fun chat that you'll be able to see before the Miami Grand Prix"
"That's right, our interview will be avaliable on may 1st, so suscribe to the Youtube channel and turn on notifications"
Finishing the video, both of you did a small toast with the cans before drinking from them
"And cut!", the director exclaimed, "That was perfect"
While they configurating the race sim, the people from hair and make up undid your hair so it would be more comfortable but still kept it away from your face using the hairpin
"This is a race simulator, we often use it to test the cars or to play with the F1 videogames, which is what we are going to do, using the f1 2023 videogame", Max explained once the cameras started rolling, "As we can see it has everything essential like one of our cars, and don't worry I'll be your race engineer during this"
Sitting in the seat, you adjusted it and put your hands on the wheel and your feet in the pedals, realising it would be difficult with high heels
"I'm going to take off my heels", you sentenced standing up, "I'll be right back"
Walking to the space where you left your things, you opened your bag to grab a pair of mint ankle socks and removing your heels to put on the socks and return to the set
"What is that?", Max laughed seeing your socks
"Care bear socks", you responded sitting again, "Wish Bear to be specific, okay, what do I do in this game?"
"First we choose the option 'F1 World'", Max instructed at what you did it, "You can choose a team and adjust the car at your comfort, what team are you choosing?"
"Silly season started on February 1st, so I'm taking your seat", you declared choosing the Red Bull car, at what Max looked at the camera in shock, "What's next?"
"Choose a track"
"I'm going to Monaco, it's a classic, what's next?"
"Start the race"
"Please don't scream at me like Charles and Carlos in that video"
"I won't, I promise"
Once the game started, there wasn't a moment of peace between screams of both of you, Max giving instructions and you screaming in axienty and nerves, but fortunately you managed to finish the race without crashing into the walls
"Is this game avaliable for Nintendo Switch? Because it was fun", you sighed
"Yeah, you almost crashed into a wall, but you finished the race", Max pointed, "But almost everyone has had a crash, so don't worry"
"I'll still stick with VFX make up and fashion"
Once the director anounced the end of the day, the Red Bull team took a few photos of both of you, and the director also gave a few words of thanks before everyone started packing, at what you did the same putting your black crocs and the heels in your bag and organizing all of your things
"Hey, Y/N", Max called you at what you turned to look at him, "In the name of all Red Bull we would like to give you a gift"
Watching the person next to him, you saw seven boxes of twenty-four cans of the energy drink of regular flavor, sugarfree, tropical, blueberry, watermelon, coconut-berry and apricot-strawberry
"Wow, thank you so much, I didn't expect it"
"It's nothing, besides, you and your boyfriend will be guests for Monaco"
"And we really apreciate that, again, thank you very much for inviting us"
After exchanging numbers to coordinate the future travel, you started to took your things to go, but for your surprise, four pairs of arms grabbed the gift box and the Red Bull boxes, at what you turned to see the four drivers standing there
"We'll help you carry all this to your car, don't worry", Mick said
"Um, thank you", you nodded grabbing your bag, "By the way, when did you arrive?"
"Like five minutes ago", Lance shrugged
"Come on, hermanita", Carlos exclaimed, "Let's get all of this to your car"
"Did you just called me 'little sister'?", you asked with surprise
"It's because you irradate little sister energy", Carlos explained, "Wait, do you know spanish?"
"A bit, Melissa Barrera is my half fictional sister, so she teached me some words and phrases, only the basic, and some swear words"
Saying goodbye to the director and the crew, all of you went to the direction of the lobby saying goodbye to the receptionist before stepping into the private parking lot seeing your car and a special person leanning against it
"Babe", you exclaimed running towards him
"Hi, gorgeous", Jack smiled hugging you and lifting you a few centimeters from the floor
"Why you didn't told me you were here?", you asked once the hug ended, "I thought you were filming all day"
"They let us go earlier, so I thought it was a good idea to surprise you", Jack explained, "I talked with someone from Variety and mom dropped me here like ten minutes ago"
Interrupting the moment, both of you turned to look at the four drivers standing a few meters apart with the rest of your things
"Holy shit", Jack murmured seeing them
"I know", you nodded, "Guys, this is Jack, my boyfriend"
"Hi, everyone, I'm a big fan", Jack smiled
Unlocking your car, they left the Red Bull cans in the boot space and the gift box in the backseat along with your bag, and then they greeted Jack with the typical "man hug"
"Guys, he kinda looks like Ollie", Carlos said hugging Jack by his shoulders, "But with more muscle"
"Okay, I see the vision", Max nodded
"And he drives a red car", you mentioned
"Are you sure you're not related to him?", Mick asked him as a joke
"Unfortunately not", Jack responded, "But I feel honored to look like him, he is very talented"
"Maybe you'll meet him in Monaco", Mick said, "Ready for that?"
"Yeah, the moment Y/N send me the audio and the photo of the passes, I told James Cameron, Jon Landau and my mom, and fortunately I don't have to film that week", Jack explained
After talking for a few more minutes, both of you had to left, leaving the drivers still in there
"What if we tell everyone except for Lando that they are going to Monaco?", Lance proposed one your car was out of sight
"That is evil", Max oppined, "And a good idea, let's do it"
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fhatbhabiee · 4 months
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Javier Gutiérrez x Reader
inspired by the song Peligro by Aventura
word count: 712
warnings: toxic!reader, money mooching!reader, toxic relationship, reader is referred to as the devil, angst, spanish dialect w english translations (no need for the SAP button), told from Javi's POV, divorce
note: i'm fully aware this is something 100% different from all the other stuff on here and i too know it won't be everyone's cup of tea. as i've said before- if you don't like it don't bite it. if you have a problem with this guess what i put as much as i could in the warnings so don't get mad at me bc you refuse to read them. but for those who do read it- i hope you enjoy 🤍
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“Javier no se como me siento de tu esposa.” (Javier I don't know how I feel about your wife)
“Mama por favor…” (Mom please…)
“No puedes ver como te trata?” (Can you see how she treats you?)
I leaned back in my chair and let my mind wander. My mother had a point- you weren't the best girl I had been with but you were my wife. I love you.
— • —
I walked into the house, tossing my keys in the small bowl we kept by the door. You must've heard me because you came stomping into the entryway of the house.
“Where have you been?” you called out.
“My mom's house.”
“What about me Javi? What about your wife?”
I let out a small sigh and walked over to you, wrapping my arms around your waist.
“I'm sorry amor. She just wanted to catch up is all.”
“It's not like you don't see her almost every day.” you pulled away from me. “You're such a mama's boy.” you grabbed your purse and the keys to my car before walking out of the front door.
“Where are you going?” I called out as I chased after you. “Amor, wait. How about I take you shopping? To say I'm sorry for being gone all day.”
You stopped and looked over at me. “Really?” you said, eyes literally forming into dollar signs like they did in the cartoons.
“Yes amor. C'mon I'll drive, just tell me where to go.”
We spent hours in the stores, coming out with bags and bags of all the best things you wanted. Anything for my wife. But they were right- the devil does wear Prada. I know because she used my credit card.
That night we laid in bed together. You were asleep as I stayed awake, staring up at the ceiling. My mothers words rang through my ears along with everyone else's. You were dangerous- toxic, manipulative, and a cheater. After thinking about everything you've done to me for almost 3 years, I think love stopped being a reason to still be married to you.
— • —
The next morning I woke up, alone in bed. I got up and saw no sign of you anywhere. I opened your closet and saw that all your clothes and shoes were gone. I quickly ran downstairs and noticed my car keys were not in the bowl.
What else did you take?
I walked into my office and logged into my online bank account. It took a solid minute to log in but that's when I realized all my accounts were drained to zero. I walked back to my bedroom in search of my wallet but it was nowhere to be found. You had taken everything. Taken 3 years of my life, all my money and financial assets, my car-If you could you probably would have taken the house too.
I walked back downstairs, racking my mind with ideas on what the fuck to do, when I saw a stack of papers sitting on the kitchen island. Divorce papers with your wedding rings sitting on top of them. The bright yellow sticky note caught my attention more than anything though.
Me and my boyfriend will be out of the country. If you have any questions, call my attorney.
The word boyfriend hurt more than the divorce papers. I always suspected you of cheating but I thought it was just my imagination. Guess I was wrong.
— • —
“Is there anything else anyone would like to say before we finish here?” my lawyer asked.
“Can I say something?” I asked as I looked over at my now ex wife.
“Go ahead.” you said, leaning back in your seat.
“Que Diosito te mande castigo, que te hagan lo mismo y me pidas perdón. Así yo me rio en tu cara y celebro tu pena por esa traición.” (May God punish you, have him do the same you did to me and you ask me for forgiveness. That way I can laugh in your face and celebrate your embarrassment for that betrayal.)
You chuckled and sat up, leaning against the table. “Que lo sueñas Javier.” (Dream about it Javier.)
“Oh I will.” I got up and walked out of the room, never looking back again.
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beta'd: @nerdieforpedro & @ilovepedro thank you ilysm 💕
divider: @saradika-graphics
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svtminji · 1 year
secret milan meetings
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pairing. jeonghan x oc
word count. 874
date set. late-september 2023
warnings. foul language, pda 🤢, room service #i hate ordering it, fluff, alcholism #no graphic detail, do they smash..? #sexual undertones #late night talking more like late night pillow talking am i right guys..?
an. babe wake up new jeongmi drabble from svtminji on tumblr just dropped. what do you mean it’s been posted? i swear they just posted it
follow up instagram post. 9/27/23
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headlines were all important when you’re in the entertainment industry, especially when you’re in a male-dominated group. mizuki always knew that and she had always managed to appear strong in the times she had to do solo activities. in a country without her members and her fiancé, not understanding or knowing the language spoken, and with fans everywhere, she could barely leave the country with a stable piece of mind.
having to leave her home country for a fashion week was pretty difficult as well, though having her members a few countries away, or hours, was easy enough to handle. mizuki would never admit it but she had some serious attachment issues with her members. she headed to her first place of comfort, her hotel room. the walk to her hotel room wasn’t far from the market place and she had her manager with her at all times, so it wasn’t much of a hassle. with the occasional fan-greeting and stopping by stores, her days were filled with fun. upon arriving at the hotel, she couldn’t help but look around the hotel stores placed inside of it.
“ah mizuki, we should start heading to the hotel room. it’s getting quite late and crowded, so it’s best for us to head back to safety.” her manager pulled her aside from the store, motioning towards the path.
“hm? oh right, we should start heading up. did you manage to get the hotel room key? i think i left it there since we were in a rush; though i should check my bag,” mizuki replied and scanned through her bag, “nope, didn’t pack it. i swear i did.”
the manager took one look at her conflicted state and smiled, “i have it, don’t worry. it’s been a heavy week so i took at chance on obtaining the key today.” the manager took it out of her pockets and used a swiping motion towards the female idol.
the female idol sighed. what would she really do without her manager? “thank you unnie~~ i’ll make sure to repay you with room service~~” mizuki said as she expressed her regards. though soon stopped with the sudden laughter of her manager. mizuki, not wanting to look like drunks, quickly rushed her and her manager into the elevator.
“sorry,” her manager muttered, “i just realized there’s a present for you at your hotel room. it was delivered by room service i believe.”
mizuki stared at the elevator numbers going up, what was the present? could it be something from prada or could it be food that her manager could have ordered before arriving? her thinking was cut short due to a small push. the female idol turned to her manager, who motioned to the open elevator door. the pair made their way towards mizuki’s hotel room in the dim-lighted hallway.
“they could have recorded the stanley hotel here.. it’s so fucking scary.”
“they could’ve if ‘stanley’ wasn’t in the name of the movie.”
room 407. they were here and mizuki placed her key card inside the hatch. the door beeped and the room was dark. she turned to her manager, “did you want to come in or are you not wanting that offer of room service?”
“oh don’t worry, i appreciate the offer but i think you’ll like this room service better.” her manager pointed to the empty room and turned on the lights.
in the room standing still was jeonghan. no sentences or thoughts were said or processed, only the word “jeonghan” came out of mizuki’s lips. like any cliché romantic movie, she ran up into his arms and hugged him tightly, to which he greatly accepted it.
“woah there, didn’t think you missed me that much, huh? bet you couldn’t live without me.” jeonghan told her as he brushed the messy hair from her face. the questions were answered with a slight pout from her face as she pulled away.
“of course i missed you. did you seriously think i wouldn’t miss my favorite person in the world? do you even take me seriously? actually, i think you do because why else would you want to book a flight to it-” mizuki replied to his questions with more questions but was soon cut short.
jeonghan knew if he stayed quiet for another ten seconds it would lead to nothingness and he did the best thing in that situation, a kiss. the kiss was short but it did manage to stop the rambling coming from mizuki. she sighed and muttered, “i really did miss you and i hope you know that.”
“i know, how about i make it up to you? we could order ro-”
the sudden cut-off from mizuki was another kiss. he was stuck in place and began to pout. “so now you decide to kiss me at the wrong time. i was actually thinking of ordering some italian cuisine.”
“ay amore mio, we know that we won’t order room service. let’s drink some vintage wine and have some late night talking.”
“wouldn’t we still have to order room service for the wine?”
“i bought some at some winery. i did some wine tasting and this was the best one.”
“well, i’m fine with any you like, mon amor.”
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you guys are getting FED with the jeongmi content. this is actually just a jeongmi fan account. can you tell i want a jeonghan in my life.. this is actually jeongmi btw
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svtminji est. 2023
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bluedalahorse · 8 months
So is now the time to post the opening of my unfinished YR abortion road trip fic?
Maybe. Maybe today is the day! This isn’t on AO3 because I haven’t finished it, but @heliza24 really wants me to finish it and would be glad that I posted even this part to fandom.
There’s more written than just this excerpt, so I could always post more if people are curious.
No title yet, because this is untitled.
Summary: Shortly after season 2, Felice wanders off campus to process a high-profile arrest and other recent shakeups at Hillerska. She doesn’t expect to meet Sara Eriksson, who is in the process of running away.
Felice’s Phone
Group chat: MANOR HOUSE GIRLZ (Fredrika, Maddie, Stella)
Maddie: yooooo Felice
Maddie: tell us you missed Swedish class for something epic
Stella: we took notes for you
Stella: mine are better than Fredrika’s
Fredrika: LIES mine are better than Stella’s
Maddie: you’re not in your room
Maddie: girl are you even at school?
Fredrika: just tell us where you are and we won’t snitch
Stella: Felice?
Stella: please check in
Stella: and maybe flirt with one of the local boys so he buys you booze
Fredrika: and then share?
Maddie: don’t listen to them
Maddie: only flirt with someone hot
Stella: yeah he’s got to be at least as hot as Fredrika
Stella: lol j/k ahahaha what
Fredrika: heeeyyyyyyy Feliiiiiice where are youuuuu
Fredrika: we’re a little worried, just let us know
Fredrika: tho at least you didn’t get sick and disappear into the bathroom like SOMEONE we could mention
Stella: but we’re not mentioning her
Stella: bc we don’t mention traitors
Felice sits at the edge of a convenience store parking lot in Bjärstad, counting all the scars in her nail polish. It’s supposed to be a fresh coat. Stella brushed the ballet slipper pink onto Felice’s nails on Tuesday, and right now it’s only—Thursday afternoon? Felice is drunk on leftover vodka she stashed in her closet behind her Prada handbag, but not so drunk she’s forgotten that it’s Thursday. A Thursday full of literal dark clouds, at that. 
Tuesday was sunny, and it was also the day that police arrived at Hillerska and escorted that guy away. That one, the ex. Wednesday, Felice’s ex-best friend, her real ex in any kind of emotional attachment sense, came back to school for half a day, but couldn’t make it past lunch. Now people are spreading rumors about Sara Eriksson puking in the bathroom. So maybe it’s been a weird enough forty-eight hours that Felice hasn’t noticed herself scarring up her nail polish.
And maybe, now that today is Thursday, Felice needed to skip classes and get drunk and go for a walk off campus, and buy a bag of chips from a nothing convenience store in this nowhere town. There are things getting drunk won’t solve. But it’s not like being sober is going to solve things for Felice right now, either.
Felice’s phone vibrates against her thigh. She pulls it out of the pocket of her sweatpants and notes the texts from Fredrika and Stella and Maddie in her (recently purged) group chat. They’re asking her where she is, and is she coming to dinner. Please check in, fuck. How performatively worried. Felice unlocks her phone and almost fumbles her way through a typo-soaked message before deciding she’ll do this psychically. I am walking back to Hillerska now, she thinks in the general direction of school, slow and deliberate. She leaves the rest up to Maddie’s alleged witch powers and pulls herself to her feet.
Felice’s ankles ache the way they do when she’s walked on her Jimmy Choo heels for too long. She’s not wearing heels, though, only slides. Her legs wobble. Her thoughts swirl in slow, doomed circles, like dirty water circling a drain, as thunder rumbles overhead and a cool breeze rustles nearby trees. The rain is imminent, and Felice contemplates how much worse it will be when she shows back up on campus not only drunk, but drunk and completely soaked through, her carefully styled curls a wreck.
(Stella, Fredrika, and Maddie could get away with a stunt like that. A teacher might ignore their obvious alcohol breath and just tell them to put on dry pajamas and go to bed. But for Felice, they notice everything. Because Felice sticks out to begin with.)
Felice is caught in a vision of the headmistress, hissing the word inebriated on a phone call to parents, when a van pulls into the parking lot. She’s not as up on cars as the Forest Ridge boys, but this van definitely belongs to a Bjärstad local. She braces herself for an awful catcall as the window rolls down halfway, certain she’s about to get leered at by some guy in a permanently affixed football beanie.
Instead, it’s a girl. No football beanie, only football confidence. Felice recognizes the girl from Simon’s instagram—she’s come up a few times. Felice hasn’t been counting, but she’s noticed.
“You’re in choir with Simon,” says the girl. “Felice, right? I’m Rosh. Need a ride back to school?”
“I can walk. I think,” Felice says. And then, so she can own her story, she adds, “I might be a little drunk?”
Felice adjusts her posture, straightening her spine and setting her hand on her hip as she makes eye contact with Rosh. Immediately a sense of embarrassment twinges in her chest at her pose. What the—was she modeling? She’s not making a case for relative sobriety, whatever she’s doing.
Rosh turns to consult with someone next to her, then turns back to Felice.
“Come on,” she says. “Get in the car. Back seat.”
“Um. Thanks.”
The back door of the van slides open. Felice doesn’t have time to question who Rosh has next to her in the passenger seat. She receives an answer soon enough anyway. The back of Sara Eriksson’s head is so familiar—defeated brown waves that haven’t seen a wash day in too long. Sara’s shoulders are hunched over; her neck is bent. She does not turn around.
Two weeks ago, if Felice saw Sara looking like that, she would have pulled Sara close and rubbed her back until they talked through what was wrong.
(Part of her still wants to. But she doesn’t like the idea of Sara mentally comparing her hugs to someone else’s, and she’s allowed to be petty about that.)
“You don’t have to talk to me,” Sara says, tapping away on her phone. She sounds exhausted. “I’m busy anyway.”
“If you hydrate, we won’t ask about the drinking,” says Rosh to Felice. “There’s sports drink behind the passenger seat. Take one.”
Right. Sports drink. Because Rosh does sports, Felice has noticed. It sounds like an order more than an offer. Felice ducks down and liberates one of the bottles from its six-pack. The liquid inside is neon-bright and tastes of soft metal and fake citrus. Rain splatters on the van’s windows—the first sparse and irregular drops, followed by the entire pounding ensemble of water. For the next few minutes, Felice focuses on the horizon, where blurred trees meet the mirror-gray sky, and sips her post-football-run drink. Sara takes care of the directions to her old dorm, uttering an occasional “right” or “left” or “go straight here” to Rosh. Felice can’t tell why she’s doing it. Why she didn’t just insist on leaving Felice behind.
Then, the conversation shifts. Or at least, the conversation that Felice isn’t a part of shifts.
“Rosh?” Sara whispers. “I can’t find anywhere cheap enough for us to stay.”
“Even on the apps?” Rosh replies. “Look, I told you, I have some money—”
“I can’t take your money.”
“It’s money I owe Simon anyway.”
“That’s even worse. He already hates me. You should hate me more.” 
Sara breathes in, then out, audibly. She does it a few more times. Felice’s own lungs strain in sympathy.
“We have to find a place for the weekend,” says Sara. “Or we can’t do it.”
“What are you talking about?” Felice finally asks. She presses a hand to her thigh to keep her leg from jiggling. Since she was seven years old and started her first etiquette classes, she’s always been able to sit still. Always.
“We’re going on a weekend trip,” Rosh answers, too brightly. “To Stockholm—”
“—to an island,” Sara says at the same time.
“Stockholm has lots of islands,” Rosh improvises. “Sara just needs to be away for a weekend. That’s all.”
“It doesn’t sound like you’re going on a normal trip,” says Felice, hearing the suspicion in her voice, and how it sounds like her father.
“We told Mamma we were traveling,” says Sara. “My period’s late. I don’t––I don’t think it’s coming. I know it isn’t coming, because—”
“Don’t tell me that.”
“—I did a pregnancy test.”
Felice digs her chipped nails into her knee. She knew how Sara’s sentence was going to end. Not the way she knows people’s names or the answers on a test she studied for, but the way she knows to pull her hand away when she touches a hot stove. Swift and unthinking. She even gasps the same way she does when she’s burned. Not out of surprise but out of pain.
“Fuck, Sara,” says Rosh. “You don’t have to tell her. She could tell the media.”
“Sorry,” says Sara. “It just came out. I’m scared, okay?” At last she turns around and looks toward Felice, her fingers curled around the back of the passenger seat. Her face is red and purple-tinged in all the places that indicate crying and sleepless nights. “Look, you can’t tell anyone. Rosh and I are going to deal with it. We already got the pills. I can’t deal with it at home because of Simon and Mamma. I don’t know what they’d say.”
“We wanted to use my apartment,” Rosh adds. “We thought my mother was going to visit one of my aunties this weekend. But auntie came to visit us instead at the last minute.”
“Please don’t tell anyone at school, Felice.” Sara turns away again. “Or Simon. Don’t tell him either.”
“People are already talking about how you threw up in the bathroom,” says Felice. “And if you’re absent from school again, they’re going to wonder.”
“Please don’t tell,” Sara repeats, voice muffled as she pushes her face into her coat sleeves.
As much as the infusion of electrolytes, courtesy of Rosh, has helped Felice to steady her head, she’s still too drunk for this. Or maybe, again, she isn’t drunk enough. She tries to imagine her math class tomorrow, working trigonometry problems with an empty chair beside her and actually knowing why the chair is empty. She can’t. Felice can’t even imagine faking sick and staying home from class, because then Stella and Fredrika would come visit her with buns and coffee, and then they’d want to gossip.
At first, being able to gossip felt good. But ever since the arrest—since the security from the palace arriving to keep out news cameras—gossip is more like gangrene eating at an already wounded limb. Felice needs amputation, or at least closure. Until then, she’s just going to keep asking herself questions about what part of the catastrophe she made happen. Why didn’t she ask Sara who she had a crush on, like best friends always do? Why hadn’t she been more concerned that Sara was gone all the time and came back late to their room? Why hadn’t she told Sara how bad things got with him last term, to warn her?
Felice doesn’t want to keep asking herself the questions, because this isn’t her fault. Maybe Sara isn’t the only one who needs an emergency abortion. Maybe Felice needs to abort Sara from her life, so she can move on.
But if she’s going to do this, she has to make it her choice.
“My family has a vacation cabin,” Felice says. “We can go there to do what you need to do. But after that, we will never speak to one another ever again. Alright?”
Sara’s shrunk down in her seat so much that Felice can’t see her anymore, but Felice is pretty sure from the rustling of her coat sleeves that she’s nodding.
Five minutes later, Felice is on the phone with her mother, feeding her excuses and exaggerations until she gets the approval to leave school for the weekend. At the same time, Rosh turns the van around and drives away from Hillerska.
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helpinghanikan · 1 year
Poison Control (NSFW)
Miguel O'hara x reader
Chapter 1: A warm feeling
Chapter 2: A long month
Chapter 3: Worth the wait
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Lyla had to be bribed to give you a head start. Miguel already knew the antivenom would be finished by today or tomorrow. But nothing would happen without Lyla’s greenlight first. So one Prada bag wasn’t much when it came to having the upper hand.
“What’s the point of having the bag if you can’t even hold it?” You asked from the shower.
“It’s about the status, you wouldn’t understand,” Lyla explained, her hologram leaning against the overpriced tote on the counter. “Thank you, by the way, honestly wasn’t expecting you to get the color right.”
Not a lot of thought is put into your clothing for the day. A sundress worn once and forgotten about months ago. Underwear would have been pointless in moments like these.
“Sure thing. But you’ll have to thank Miguel, too. I used his card.” You reply, putting on the final touch of borrowed web shooters. “All right, go ahead and call him in.”
It makes no sense for you to be nervous about sex with Miguel. He’s never hurt you without your consent. You didn’t feel this tight in the stomach the first time you had done it.
That scenario was completely different from this current one. Back then you were just casually dating and never went farther than second base. Then, one night, he was just so casually leaning against the counter.
This was before you lived together. When you were about to head out in the later hours but wanted to get something to eat first.
He was in casual wear, hair wet from a shower, and was laughing at something Peter had said earlier. What else could you have done but pushed forward and kissed him? Holding his shirt so tightly, as if you were scared he might escape.
It just kept going from there. He kissed back and your hands wandered everywhere they could before Miguel could stop you. But he didn’t stop you, his hands were moving just as much.
You don’t need the memory to get yourself turned on. Not when Miguel enters your quarters with that look on his face.
His head is bowed slightly when he sees you standing in the middle of the room. He doesn’t care that it’s a little weird. Nor does he care that your hands are behind your back. He only cares about reaching you as soon as possible with long strides.
“Come here,” He says in a voice saved for when his control is starting to slip.
There’s a debate in the spiderverse about whether natural or artificial webs are superior. Although a personal opinion you would have to give the artificial a better grade. Solely because Hobie was nice enough to both teach you and let you borrow his spare shooters.
The shooters helped but for your plan to really work you needed to be fast. Waiting until he was only a few feet away before bringing your arm around and firing the webs towards him. No offense to your aim but it was just pure luck that you had his wrist and shoulders.
In the end, Miguel was taken to the ground. His shoulders and wrists were pinned to the ground with white webbing. His wider than they were before, staring up at you in both confusion and just a bit of betrayal.
Then he sees your smile and the confusion turns to frustration.
“What the hell?” He asks, straining against the webs that refuse to give.
Now that the hard part was over you could have some fun.
“It’s been just as long for me, Miguel.” You taunt, no better than those speeches the villain of the day tends to give. “And I’m not about to let you have all the fun. I need a little of my own.”
Miguel snarls as you casually straddled his middle.
“So be a good boy, and maybe I’ll be good for you.” You whisper, leaning in so you give him a proper kiss.
It’s a kiss that has been a month in the making. Miguel leaned his head as far forward as he could to try and take every bit of you he could get. You didn’t bother with lipstick but maybe you should have. As then you could have seen the streaks you left from the sloppy makeout.
After the kiss, you look down at him. The both of you working to catch your breath.
“I’m gonna sit on your face, okay?” You say but giving the room so he could say easily say no.
“Absolutely,” he says, hearts in his eyes just from the prospect.
It takes a bit of maneuvering to crawl up his chest. Stradling his face and being gentle in lowering yourself onto him. The heat of his breath boils your entire being before he gets the chance to lick past your lower lips.
The first time you sat on Miguel’s face he stopped you within a few seconds. The entire session was halted so Miguel could lecture you about going too easy on him.
‘I can bench press over five hundred pounds. I’ve taken more hits to the face than a boxer. I can handle you sitting, properly sitting, on my face.’ He had said, pacing the room while you sat naked on the bed.
Supposedly every spider who has had an AFAB partner has had the conversation. If you ask Peter B about it he’ll never shut up about his stupid, perfect, wife and her fear that she’ll crush him.
If it hadn't been so long you would have been more conscious of your weight. Instead, you did as Miguel regularly asked and bared down into his face. Gasping out to the world when his tongue slides through your lips, licking through heat and taste he’s starving weeks for.
Your dress isn’t the fluffiest but does hide Miguel’s head from you. Bringing your skirt up and taking hold of his hair. It creates a moan from him that reverberates through your body, his moving tongue finding your entrance and poking at it.
“Oh, fuck, Miguel.” You say, hips moving without meaning to.
It doesn’t take long for your first orgasm to build. Maybe you should have reconsidered restraining his hands. Usually, when he eats you out, Miguel makes use of his long fingers to help you along. That isn’t to say his tongue isn’t doing a pretty good job, it just sucks to be missing out on something even better.
It’s getting more and more difficult to grind at the pace you were going. Your legs turn to hot jelly and your stomach flips from the rising orgasm. It was only a matter of seconds before you were leaning forward over him. Calling in words that didn’t make any sense but seemed to be the ones absolutely needed.
Miguel continues to devour your pussy as the orgasm starts to taper off. Although it’s been said again and again it’s important to remember how long it’s been since Miguel was between your thighs. This made the orgasm something like a whole body reset, the only thing mattering is the continued work of Miguel’s mouth.
It’s for this reason that you don’t notice Miguel working on his own plan. Only when you hear the snapping of strands does your brain finally click back into reality.
“Fuck,” was all you could think to say, scrambling to get away before the webs gave completely.
Even though you never have a chance to get away, a quick game of chase was still a fun time to be had. Scrambling from the ground to your feet and springing through the living quarters before even verifying that Miguel was escaping.
Your heart pounds as you round a corner into the kitchen. Dropping harder than necessary to the floor to hide behind the island. Crawling on hands and knees to peak around the corner. Your thighs were still slick from the orgasm and spit Miguel had given like a gift.
Miguel moves heavily through your quarters. His suit disappears as he moves past the kitchen doorway. A fuckable monster searching for prey that was almost excited to be caught.
It took a serious conversation before Miguel was willing to play this game of hunt-and-fuck. Although he’d never hurt you he was still nervous about his strength and what could happen if he lets his control slip just a bit.
You didn’t have the same worries that he did. Instead, you wore the marks you gave you like a badge of pride. Bruises on your wrists and ankles, purple knees, and scratches on your thighs were all better than any kind of jewelry. Miguel did the same with the hickies and bite marks you left behind. It was only after a smug remark from Hobie that Miguel wore his uniform neck just a bit higher.
“Lyla! Where is she?!” Miguel yelled from another room.
“Don’t involve in this,” Lyla replied.
Your kitchen has three entry points. Two of which could be seen from your hiding spot behind the counter. So it only makes sense that Miguel would see you from the third.
“Got you,” He snarls in a whisper, a grip on your ankle.
He doesn’t use his entire strength. Giving you the chance to jerk your leg away from him and scramble toward freedom.
Of course, you made it maybe a foot before he had you once more.
This time he grabs your hair. Pulling your head back as he climbs over your body. Smashing his mouth against yours. His teeth clashed against yours in a way that could be considered painful. But it was a distraction from his claws going up your dress and digging into the soft of your hips.
“I’m not going to be gentle,” he warns.
Your face is practically smashed into the unforgiving floor. Your ass is pulled up high in the air, the dress is pushed up your back. With no semblance of decency, Miguel slammed forward with a fast, hard, thrust.
The sound he punched out of you was high-pitched, almost like a cry. Followed by the wet smacking of his hips against your ass again and again. No slow starting rhythm, just a determinant goal of his pleasure.
With so much focus on his own pleasure, you were left to try and get your own. While being fucked across the kitchen floor you risk further degradation by putting your hand to work. Barely able to properly move your hands, let alone find and massage your clit like Miguel was so famous for.
Miguel has taken control of every one of your senses. The internal feeling of his cock reaching deeper than you could reach on your own. The external feeling of his claws digging into your hip, his other hand keeping your head pressed down into the floor.
It smells like your combined sweat and the floor cleaner used for the kitchen. Under the sound of fucking and smacking was the Spanish Miguel recited like a prayer. All the energy used to focus on it all made it almost impossible to open your eyes. Not that there would be anything to really look at.
Your name comes out of his mouth at a different pitch than usual. The only warning you get before he bares down harder than before. Laying over your body until you’re entirely pressed into the floor. His moaning, groaning, mouth is right next to your ear as he cums.
There’s a short time of bliss when he pumps deep within you. It was only because of guaranteed safety that you allowed this to happen. Both of you taking an STD test and having access to proper birth control before ever bringing up the idea of a cream pie.
Feeling the warmth of his cum sliding as he pulls out makes it all worth it.
The primal aggression is completely gone by this point. Replaced by the concerned and loving man you knew Miguel to be. He gently rolls you over to look up at him. His hair is a mess, his face is sweaty, and he’s panting heavily as he looks over your face.
“Are you okay?” He asks, holding your face as he does.
You nod, “I’m good. Fuck, I am so good.”
He returns your smile. Leaning forward and giving you a kiss that was sweater than any desert could ever be.
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