#my spanish is not good and I forgot all of my german so you have to forgive me
Dorcas: How do I look?
Marlene: Tu eres magnífica.
James: Mals, that spanish
Marlene, blushing: Du bist großartig
Peter: German, not even close.
Marlene: Fuck off!
James: and we are back to english!
Dorcas: Wait, how many languages you know?
Marlene: four, english, german, spanish and tagalog.
Dorcas: oh [starts mentally preparing the wedding venue]
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skulls-soul · 11 months
~I have a head canon Morgan is multilingual~
Like you can’t look at me and tell me that with all of the traveling they do they DONT spend time researching the comen language so that way they can have an easier time being hidden
Cuz giving tourist energy is It good for I heist
Anyway imagine with me
Alex: are you writing in German?
Morgan: yup
Alex:….you know German?!?!? Sense when?!?!
Morgan: sense like a year ago? After I learned French
How many languages do you know?!?!?!?
Morgan: like *count fingers* 7
Alex: 7!?
Morgan: ya English , Spanish , French , Italian , Korean , German and Russian
Morgan: oh you know it’s easier to get around in those locations when you can speak the main language.
Alex: so why the notes?
Morgan: well I wanna touch up as much as I can before my trip duuuh
Alex: hmm ya ya totally make sense (sarcasm) it’s not like you have a multilingual friend that can help you practice
Morgan: who?
Alex:…..your looking at them
(Feelings where hurt but that’s ok Alex quickly forgot why they where upset when they heard Morgan speak German)
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inosukes-boar-mask · 3 months
Another 21st century au headcanons and right now this is.... The glorious inventor queen, Celiné Georges. 👀🙏🏻
Born on December 25th in Strasbourg, France and she's a Capricorn. (Lmaoooo ion fw with zodiac signs though I just literally like to put this randomly 😂) She's the eldest child and she actually has two younger siblings as well. She has a younger brother named Édouard and he's 5 years younger than Celiné. He's also a professional football player who plays in the Premier League. (Manchester City) and in the France national football team. And the other younger sister is named Daphné. Daphné is 11 years younger than Celiné. And she's currently a med student as well.
Her father is obviously French of course and her mother is of African descent. Celiné has a good relationship with her parents and with her siblings as well. Also she always have been a Mama's girl. She loves and cares for her mother so much.
Celiné can speak 5 languages. Aside from her native language (French), she can speak English, German, Spanish, and Portuguese fluently. She's currently learning Mandarin at the moment and she's kind of.... Struggling to learn about it.
She went to Massachusetts Institute of Technology thru an exchange scholarship program. She studied aerospace engineering here and this is also where she met Greta. (Who was also an exchange student like her back then)
She was just an average girl during her high school years in France. Not that popular but she's actually very smart. She likes physics a lot and also chemistry as well. She also likes astronomy and she wishes that she could work on NASA one day. She's a member of the science club there and she also used to do a lot of robotics and stuff in her high school years.
She's an introvert. She only has like, a small group of friends during her teenage years and even until now. She also doesn't trust anyone easily that's why her circle of friends are really small. (Quality over quantity though 👀) Also, speaking of being an introvert, she mostly likes to spend her time alone and she would just be with her friends when she's in the mood to hang out with them. (Which barely happens because she's mostly in her room all day inventing stuffs 👀😂)
She obviously learned German from Greta 👀 she was actually the one who taught her how to speak it and in exchange for that, Celiné also started to taught Greta French as well.
She likes her coffee strong. Like really strong and bitter. 👀 (She's literally me lmao i also like my coffee really strong)
Currently working as a aerospace engineer at NASA right now 👀 she's happy that she had achieved her dream of working there and she also work alongside Greta too. (oh and even Orville as well. 'cause that boi is an astronaut.)
Well, speaking of Greta, she's also in a long-term relationship with her as well. They got together during their sophomore year in college. (Oh and what if I told you that they are also engaged in this another universe that I've made 👀🤭) and they didn't start off really good. They were literally an academic rivals back then before becoming lovers 👀👀🤭
Did you know that Celiné also used to be in a band during her teenage years? 👀👀👀 Well yes. She used to be the lead guitarist in that band. They would mostly play at the school whenever there's an event there or they would even have a gig sometimes. But eventually, they disbanded after graduating high school because Celine and her fellow bandmates had to take on a different path in life. (She also doesn't see herself as a musician also. She prefers working on a STEM-related career)
She started inventing things when she was 9 years old. It just started with some simple wires and some other materials that she got from her grandfather's basement and then that's where she just started inventing things and her grandfather was even impressed by her inventions.
I almost forgot to put her hobbies here 😂 honestly aside from doing inventions and stuff, she also likes playing chess. She was taught by her father how to play the game because her father used to compete back then. She also does some mechanics as well. Like she can fix her own car something like that. 👀 She likes reading books too. Sci-fi is one of her favorite genres and she also likes doing photography as well. (Her camera are full of Greta photoshoot pics though 👀)
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mysteriawrites · 2 months
Hello ,can I request a TWST matchup please !? And thank you .
I'm a 5'5" Arab girl (165cm) (she/her, straight )who wears a hijab. I am a brunette with big, light brown eyes and red-framed glasses. People often say I have a soothing aura when they look into my eyes. My face is round with a kind of heart shape with big cheeks, a small nose, and cute defined lips. I'm pale cause I mostly stay at home and avoid getting a tan. I have a lot of beauty marks on my face . I have eyebags, which might be due to anemia, and I always look tired unless i use blush ,tho i dislike the texture of makeup on my skin (but i do care about my skin by applying skincare ,but i dont do it very often 😅)people say I am cute and pretty but it's hard for me to believe them (insecurities and self doub go brr...)
drawing, (sketches mostly) ,I plan to learn colour theory to start painting. I adore all forms of art, paintings , music , sculptures..ect (I love everything that is beautiful ,plus everything is beautiful in its own way).I enjoy reading. Although it's been a while since I found a book that peeked my interest ,I mostly read fanfics recently . Video games hold a special place in my heart, I LOVE the different art styles and plots in each game. I like anime, but I've been too busy lately to watch. I have some sewing skills, mostly for patching things up, but I want to sew clothes and learn crochet in the future. Crafting is another hobby I enjoy, I am good with my hands. I love learning new stuff. biology ,psychology, and physics r my fav subjects(i like learning about anatomy whether it's animal's or human's +plants in the medical field +my fav scientist is Nicolas Tesla). I speak 3 languages: Arabic (native), French, and English. I plan to learn Spanish, Italian, or German next, depending on my mood. I'm a quick learner and adapt easily to different situations(that's something I admire and take pride in) While I can cook simple dishes like pasta and eggs, I'm not skilled at cooking savory foods.but in baking ,if you give me a recipe, i will make the most delicious desserts you've ever tasted(but quiet ironically i hate cooking ,i only do it if i am forced to), lemon tart is my fav due to my sweet tooth.
I forgot to mention my love for horror movies and games(they dont even scare me . Even though I am a good swimmer, I have thalassophobia (ironic), but i do like me some facts about marine biology, with jellyfishes, anglerfishes, and Caribbean reef octopuses being my favorites.
My personality is quite flexible and depends on both the people I'm with and my mood. When I'm outside , I tend to feel anxious, although I do my best not to show it. I come across as calm, chill, and reserved, often giving off a "don't approach me" vibe, but I'm friendly and won't reject anyone who wants to chat, although I dislike small talk and feel a bit uneasy around boys. I've had trust issues due to past betrayals, so I'm cautious with my relationships now (whether it is friends or family ,no lover tho ,don't get me wrong i can be quiet the romantic but the only man that I would probably get attached to would be fictional for sure lol)
With my close friends, I'm more open, bright, and cheerful. I talk a lot about my interests, sharing random facts (they call me a nerd). I'm caring and sweet toward my friends, and my love languages include gift-giving, physical touch, and acts of service. I give them presents and hugs, always respecting their boundaries.
I would describe myself as creative, passionate, and smart, with a hint of perfectionism. I admit I am lazy and unmotivated more often than i like (i can't help it). I am an INTP-T, Enneagram 5w4, and a Libra. I'm also an older sister.
I am a burnt-out gifted kid , but I try to be the best version of myself whether academically ,mentally or physically(i admit i do feel down thinking that i am never gonna make it ,but i always try to push these thoughts aside but most of the time they get the best of me sadly).I often feel I'll never be good enough for my mother (she has high standards for me that I can never seem to meet). I was bullied cause of my looks and weight, which made me depressed and anorexic for a year. Thankfully, I've changed a lot over time, tho it affected me making me antisocial, having trust issues and insecurities. I like energy drinks. My music taste varies from pop, alt/indie, classical( my fav pieces are moonlight sonata 3rd movement, danse macabre , in the hall of the mountain king and la campanella ) ,jazz, to rock/metal, with a particular love for rock & roll. Comfortable baggy clothes are my go-to(makes me feel good in my own skin) , and I can be quite sarcastic with a sharp tongue at times. Once I get comfortable with someone, you'll find I'm pretty blunt and honest .I am polite and respectful .I can also be stubborn and a pessimist if I am not in a good mood . I like cats, and I am afraid of dogs and horses and can't stand people who underestimate me .I have inferiority AND superiority complex (but mostly inferiority)
Hello hello thank you for the request (first hijabi request I’ve gotten which makes me happy cause i wear hijab too ❤️) sorry this took 80 years my life is on fire.
Anyway without further ado DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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You and Vil are surprisingly similar which makes it easier for you two to click than with most other people. You both try your absolute hardest to be the best people you can be and see the beauty in the world around you although while he tries to bring out the beauty in things you see beauty in the way they already were.
You and Vil met during alchemy class after you dropped into Twisted Wonderland. At first Vil was his usual perfectionist self: ordering you around and being controlling about how to do your project, but once you showed him your alchemic proficiency he was genuinely impressed.
Ever since then not only did you capture his respect, but also his intrigue. Despite being as busy as he is, when he had the time he would try to learn more about who you were by either word of mouth or asking your friends (Rook offered to “observe you” but Vil voted against it for it is rude and creepy).
One day while he was on a run he saw you under a tree practicing your sewing. He decided this was a good opportunity to strike up a conversation with you given he knew a thing or two about clothes.
He walked over and gave you some advice about your stitching. Sadly it came off a lot more condescending then he would like and it rubbed you the wrong way which lead you to giving him the cold shoulder but tried to politely dismiss yourself.
You know those guys that are more intrigued by those who aren’t interested in them? Yeah that’s Vil even if he’ll never admit it. The more you ignore or avoid him the more he wants to make amends and try to impress you.
Until one day where you’re in a particularly bad mood you have an outburst about how him not giving you space makes you uncomfortable due to old wounds and ask what his deal was.
This made him realize his behavior towards you was unfair and disrespectful. He didn’t take your feelings or comfort into account at all. He is as ashamed with himself.
He stood before you and gave a genuine and sincere apology before walking away.
You don’t know how or why, but his apology moved you. He’s not like other guys you’ve met before. You could tell that he felt genuine remorse and met every word of what he said
A week later you two run into each other again and make awkward small talk. You can tell that he still feels bad about what he did, so you propose that you guys start over as true friends.
And he agrees.
After that you slowly but surely grow closer and closer. Bonding over shared passions and views, before long Vil is falling in love with you. You’re not his first crush, but you’re the first one he truly feels love and affection for. Not just a relationship for the press or screens.
And so he asks you out like a classic fairytale prince for a fancy private dinner. And although you accept you let him know that he doesn’t need to do something so extravagant, that you would be happy no matter what. That takes him by surprise, but it’s not an unwelcome one.
You and Vil are like an old married couple once you finally get together.
Always bantering about how you both need to take better care of yourselves. It’s wholesome and funny at the same time.
Because he can’t always spend a lot of time with you, his love language is gift giving and acts of service. What better way to spend his money than on you. He gets you things he sees you eyeing in the store or on your wishlist or things that make your day a bit easier.
Since he’s not the best at showing it he wants to make sure you know you’re loved even without words.
Your dates usually consist of simple things like cooking at home where you have full privacy.
He is the Queen and you are the King/Queen/Royal at his side.
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regnzz00 · 1 year
dc superhero girls headcanons
hey there if you found this post, that must you really like this show and i do to
i have hyper fixated and maladaptive dreaming about this show since it came out (so like 4 years i need a life lol) so i have a lot of headcanons but some of them are so wacked that they dont make sense, so i will only put the ones that make sense and ill keep adding as time goes on, oh, and another thing to note is that i know nothing about the dc universe other than this show so idk
(also if you dont know what a headcanon is, its like something about a show or a movie or a book is canon or confirmed in your head but not in the actual show or movie or book or whatever, hope that makes sense)
~ kara is an alien (which makes sense cuz she is from another planet so she technically is)
~ since kara is from another planet, english probably doesnt exist there and the language of her planet probably different from all the other languages on earth so it would make it really hard for her to learn english, what im basically saying is that english isnt her first language
~ kara probably got some sort of ptsd from the hole she was stuck in for a bunch of years or what ever it was i think its the phantom zone but idk anything about that sooo, and on top of that she lost her mother and her home so that would make a source of her anger and emotional problems
welp these are the only ones that i have thought about and/or fucked or not relevant or about people gender and sexuality wise but its not my job to label people thats their job but i could add those idk (but ignore the label i just put on kara about her mental state shhh its an idea remember shhhh)
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ok i thought of more shit
also a lot of these are going to be about kara because shes the one i decided to latch onto 4 years ago so yeah
~ i find it really weird that the names on kryton are similar to the names on earth cuz like i said they are different planets so things would be totally different like the language and stuff, but for some reason the names are very english like kara, clark, laura (whatever the aunts name is) but names like zod and non arent traditional english names. so my headcanon is that kara and her cousin either chose or were given those names to be normal ig
~ zees mother probably cared about her a lot and she probably had a reason for leaving but her father keeps its from her
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i forgot to finish last edit oops
~ karen is more angst than she makes it out to be and kara is more sweet and innocent than she makes it out to be
~ being queer on kryton is like totally normalized
~ kara find babs absolutely beautiful, like not shes attracted to her or has a crush on her or anything, she just finds her extremely aesthetically pleasing to look at (no i dont ship these two, thats fine if you do tho)
~ kara is kinda the mom friend to garth, karen, and babs
~ kara doesnt know how old she is or when her birthday is cuz all planets rotate and revolve differently so i would think that years would be different there, i would think she is probably around 16 to 19, also wouldnt she be like older is she didnt go to the hole or whatever, idk the whole story about that
~ diana once asked kara to teach her krytonian so that kara would have someone to talk to (which is so sweet when i think about it), but its like really hard and it took kara forever to learn english and she is still learning it, but kara loved the offer
~ diana speaks a lot of languages (which im pretty sure is canon), she speaks greek (cuz shes from there), english (you know), (these are the most spoken languages of the world, according to google) mandarin chinese, hindi, spanish, french, arabic, russian, portuguese, german, hebrew, latin, and she is learning japanese so she can talk to tatsu (damn girl idk how she does it, miss try hard)
edit 4
so i know its been a while cuz ive been lazy lol
i also only have a few today
~ kara actually has a good singing voice, but she never portrays it
~ kara is also very musically talented and dabbles in many musical instruments
~ also kara is much more intelligent than she portrays, she just sucks at english and earth stuff (idk if i said this before)
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euroquision · 10 months
A Very Big Favor to Ask <3
Hi tumblr. I'm sorry if it seemed as though I forgot you existed. I know EuroQuision was much more active awhile ago when I was just focused on essays and articles, but as of late, it's clear that the growing severity concerning Palestine required the whole world's attention, and EuroQuision quickly *blossomed* on TikTok and has hit almost 1,000 followers! And once the EuroQuision TikTok hits 1k, I'm going to be launching a EuroQuision Patreon!
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While my main TikTok is currently monetized, all of those profits will be donated to Islamic Relief USA. This Patreon will be for direct support to me as a solo creator trying to get EuroQuision off the ground! In 2024 I plan to release a set cycle of video essays and written articles, and the support from Patrons would help make that possible for me. Thank you for considering supporting me; the kindness and support y'all have given me on tumblr alone is enough already.
But anyway, onto the aforementioned "Favor" in the title. The favor is not the request to follow me on TikTok so I can start a Patreon. My favor is this:
Any of y'all good at translating?
So as you are probably fully aware, on top of my Google Form "Should ISR be Removed from ESC'24," I've been creating a Google Doc of national broadcaster contact information for every European country. While it's still a work in progress, I'm slowly adding more languages translated by native speakers to help make this contact information more accessible to everyone in the world.
So my favor to ask is this! Can you translate?? Are you looking for a way to help bring attention and urgency to Palestine and taking action against Israel? Do you ALSO want Israel out of ESC? Then I need your help, pretty please!
So far, the contact document has been translated into French, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch, Croatian, Serbian, and Finnish. It's currently being translated into Spanish Danish, German, Maltese, and Swedish. However, if you are fluent in English and any of the following languages, hit me up!!!!
If you need access to the Google Doc, the Google Form, or any more info about where to find me online, check out my new EuroQuision Linktree! Just click HERE and find everything you need.
Thanks to everyone again who has already supported me so much. There's still so much more to update y'all on, but all in good time. For now, just wanna assure you tumblr still exists to me and that y'all are crucial to making any real change happen <3
Free Gaza, Free Palestine. And get Israel out of ESC 2024.
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callsign-mimic · 7 months
Meet Mimic!
(My CoD OC, not me lol)
Lieutenant Renee "Mimic" Foster
(Edit because I forgot to tag @charliemwrites so that Captain Castle Alistair has some idea as to why this creature is so skittish around him. And also so Charlie can squee about her more.)
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Name: Renee "Mimic" Foster
Rank: Lieutenant
Aliases: Mimic, Bunny, Maus, Fawn, The Bard, The human equivalent of a Capybara
Official Callsign: Mimic
Age: 34
Gender/Pronouns/Sexuality: AFAB Agender, she/he/they (predominately uses she/her because it's easier and she doesn't actually give a fuck), Pansexual, Panromantic (Gender is meaningless to a mimic).
Marital Status: Officially Single, Unofficially has enough partners to start several sports teams.
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 250lbs of combined fat and muscle. Don't let her plush exterior fool you, she can and will throw down if she has to. She has plenty of thigh, tit, tum, and ass to be the perfect pillow as well. Built for cuddles, but can and will kick your ass.
Hair: Dark brown bordering on black, length ends just between shoulder blades, soft natural waves
Eyes: Pale blue, almost grey in color. Needs corrective lenses to see. Whether she uses contacts or glasses depends on mission requirements.
AuDHD. Inattentive and hella quiet. Loud, boisterous, and super expressive when hyper.
Wears a choke chain collar outside of missions. Is it a kink thing? No. She likes the weight of it and the sounds it makes when she moves. Can it be a kink thing? Absolutely.
Uncannily laid back and unbothered by most things. It takes a lot to make her angry. Rusty started comparing her to a capybara and often affectionately refers to her as "Capy".
Was in drama, choir, and band. Could definitely have gotten a considerably safer job as that voice actor that surprises you by being the voice of multiple completely different sounding characters.
Terrifyingly perceptive. Her peripheral vision is good enough that she can be sitting right next to a mark and not have to turn to look at them to give updates on their movements.
Practically a shape-shifter. Specializes in infiltration and espionage because she has the energy of an NPC and can integrate herself into most settings so well it just seems natural for her to be there. Need her to be sweet and bubbly? Done. Need an aggressive, short king with a Russian accent? She's got you. Surprisingly androgynous for someone with almost hyper-feminine features.
Fluent in English (native language), German, Russian, and Spanish. Teaching herself Japanese because she is an easily bored millennial weeb.
Sub leaning switch who can dish it out until her targets are puddles, but gets sheepish and flustered the minute she's given a genuine compliment (Stripper likes to make her a squirming mess by whispering praises into her ear while he has a tight hold around her waist. When she can't form proper words anymore is when the kisses start).
A ruthless, efficient killer on missions. Total prey animal off duty.
Sweet as. Will give you the shirt off her back if you need it. Always down to provide cuddles for comfort, a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to vent to.
Mom friend. Somehow ends up being the unofficial den mother of every team she works with (except her own, because Big Papa has the parenting handled for the three little goblins ❤️). She has zero issues with this.
The type of person who thinks being low maintenance is a good thing. Very rarely asks for help or support. Big Papa is the only person she (currently) trusts enough to let him take care of her. If you try to take care of her, she will make up some lame excuse to get away, or try to redirect your attention to something else.
Has all of the hobbies of a grandmother. Can knit, crochet, cross-stitch, embroider, sew, cook, and bake. Also does woodworking, works on cars, and makes weapons (yes, doing the forging and smithing herself). As previously stated, she gets bored easily.
Already has arthritis in her hands because she uses them pretty much nonstop.
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acrazybayernfan · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @veyoux (thank you so much 😘❤️)
tea, coffee, or soda? tea, definitely tea, I drink tea for breakfast (earl grey), after lunch (green-teen with mint or jasmine), at five o'clock (black tea) and then before going to bed (herbal tea), so almost during the all day. But I like coffee so I drink some from time to times and I hate soda.
dogs or cats? Dogs. I like cats a lot but I feel closer to dogs. I hope that, one day, I will have a dog with whom i can go hiking and who will also become a friend for my disable little brother and for my horse.
can you play an instrument? I can't but I can sing. I have practiced opera singing since I'm a child.
what’s your sign? pisces and I really really fit into the pisces type
first song lyrics that pops into your head? “but if you close your eyes doesn't it almost feel like nothing changed at all”
do you have any tattoos? no
favourite place you’ve travelled? Siena. I traveled there as a child and the last night of our stay, we saw a firework just about the duomo and the old city and it is one of my most beautiful childhood memories. The city is just gorgeous and I have a special interest and taste for trecento and quattrocento sienese art. However I also have to mention Rome because I traveled there more than ten times and still want to return there and then to come back another time and another one... it's impossible to get bored of Rome. I also have a soft spot for Budapest, Vienna, and of course for Krakow.
what’s the last movie you’ve watched? Les amants timides, it's the film of a theater play from Carlo Goldoni
do you have any hobbies? I have too many for my own good ! I love reading (mostly classical literature and books about art), singing and listening to music, hiking, drawing (even if I'm so bad at it), sewing, gardening, cooking (I can make some really nice cakes hehehe), photography, theater, horse-riding, swimming, watching sports (football, tennis, f1 and cycling mainly) and I started to take a karate class this year (surprisingly I appear to be relatively good at that).
what languages do you speak? French, English (but not as well as I would like), a bit of Spanish that I learned at school and forgot afterward. I understand Italian quite well and I can make a few easy sentences. I also understand a bit of german and polish (mostly just words here and there)
you can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? This is so HARD !!! If I want to have a good time and just enjoy the moment probably signor Benedict or Lord Goring but for a more serious type of conversation Virgile (not the historical character) but the one described by Dante
compliment yourself! I mostly did what I had to do today.
I'm tagging @miasanmuller, @klaarolines, @nyctophilic0vitnir , @hungrigbuffel, @manuelmueller , @littleblueducktales (feel free to ignore it besties this is just a way for me to say hi and I would like to know you better <333)
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achaiapelides · 1 year
Kit's Diary
Chapter 14
Dear Ty,
I did not write you for quite some time, but that's not my fault at all... Lies. It's totally my fault. I forgot where I put this book and spend four weeks trying to find it. Guess where it was? Under Mina's bed. Luckily Mina can't read yet, so she obviously didn't read what I wrote in here.
Apart of searching for this book, there was a lot of stuff happening this weeks.
Firstly, I had to write some exams. English and History went pretty well, Geography and Spanish, too. With German, I had some struggles, but I think it was good enough to pass. Math, though, was a different story. We were learning about something called vectors, but damn that stuff was so confusing. Why are we learning this? Do they think that before I fight a demon, I stand there and calculate, where the demon is coming from? No. I just stab. Also, I totally failed this exam. We don't have the grades yet, but I don't quite think I want to know them. Also, I had to do a test in physics. I just guessed because I didn’t understand shit, but I apparently I guessed right becauseI got an A in that test. I'm not complaining.
In addition to the exams, we also had to hand in our assignment paper from the history project. You remember the books I told you about? Yes. This project. We chose the book about Anne Boleyn. Stupidly, I started reading a bit too late and only had three days to do the whole assignment. I don't have to tell you that I was awake the whole last night, right? Yeah, not making that mistake again. We also didn't get any grade for this yet, and I honestly have no idea if I did good or not. But I think I didn't fail completely. It's still history, not maths. Lol.
Secondly, I did this hypnosis thing I told you about. Tessa was willing to cast that spell and I apparently told her and the therapist all the stuff that my mind pushed away to protect me. The thing is: I still don't remember it, only Tessa and the therapist got to know it. Originally I wanted them to tell me what happened, but after Mrs Sullivan informed me, that any details might make me remember those repressed memories, which can damage my mental health even more and I guess we all don't want that. So, I agreed that they only tell me a short summary of the events I forgot, without any major details. Tessa told me then that I apparently survived several attacks coming from faeries as a child and also several people from the Shadow Market that tried to assault me. Every time, I told them, a mysterious blonde woman saved me, but I didn't describe that woman further and had no idea who it was. Tessa suggested that it might have been my mother. She also told me that there were other violent people in my memories, but didn't want to specify who it was, only that it didn't seem to be their intention to hurt me, but to keep me safe. Maybe she ment my father because he definitely wasn't the gentlest person on earth.
Apart of that, I also got my official ADHD diagnosis. The sheets really helped Mrs Sullivan and the expert, who joined her, to diagnose me. Thank you, too, I guess. Now, I legally can have more time for exams, for example. Not that I need it. I'm usually not too slow. And if you can't math, more time ain't gonna help you either. I also talked to that expert about you a bit, and he said, that it's actually very possible that you have autism. See, I wasn't wrong! He also told me, that, if we are on speaking terms again, I should encourage you, to also get a diagnosis, even if it won't help you much among Shadowhunter, as it can also ease you mind because you realise that you're not stupid or weird at all.
Thirdly, my friends and I had a sleepover at Cirenworth. Yes all of them. Leo, Sam, Maria, Henry, Hazel and Louise. Henry never visited me, so we showed him around. According to him, the word  "cottage" does not do Cirenworth justice. "That's not a cottage! That's a fucking castle!" Haha. Then Jem explained to us, that legally, Cirenworth is a little bit too small to be a castle, so you have to refer to it as a cottage. But that can't change my mind. From now on forward I will only refer to Cirenworth as our castle now. Anyways, we began our sleepover and watched a few movies, before Leo had the glorious idea to do a karaoke contest. Sam proved to us, that he bears exactly 0% musical talent, Hazel and Louise decided to start a girl group and Leo obviously won, because she's the only one who actually took singing lessons. I, on the other hand, got smacked by Hazel with a pillow, after I sung "Forever & Always" by Taylor Swift a bit too enthusiastically, which, according to her, was very ironic, considering that I am the one who promised to stay with you and then left. Which is fair. But also, just let me enjoy a song goddammit.
Lastly, Tessa and Jem decided that it would be good for me and Mina to see some more of this world. So, we are going to travel around Europe in the autumn holidays starting tomorrow. First we will go to Paris and then to other cities in Europe. But I don't know which. They said it's a surprise. So I'm really excited. But that's nothing against Mina's excitement. She's jumping around the whole day, screaming "Paris! Paris! Paris!" so loud that the mail man looked quite concerned when he delivered a letter.
I hope you also had a good time in the last weeks. Dru told me you visited Blackthorn Hall again with your siblings. And that you have a pet now that eats curtains. Jem also send Church to visit Emma and he came back looking quite traumatized. Now I really wonder what animal your pet is. For all I know it could be an alligator. Wouldn't expect anything less with you. (Please don't let it be an alligator!)
I'm going to end this entry now, as I have to get up early tomorrow to portal to Paris.
Good night!
Love, Kit.
Author's note:
Um... so I forgot to publish the chapter last week and the week before. Oops. And also today is Sunday, not Monday. But I might forget tomorrow again, so here you go. Early chapter!
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15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
aaww thanks @hannahrama for tagging me!! :)
i’m tagging (and no pressure to do this btw):
@fnhrl  @lelianasgirlfriend @solas-egg @tesknicaa @ammiittaa @niranhesr @ebonysquib  @bisexualtelepath @blueberriiee @lenemango @hardwitchhologram @dreamsvoids @bramble-elfdancer @blackwallmancer @theloveshow
  1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
8. Any special talents?
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
11. Have you any pets?
12. What sports do you play/have played?
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope, I got a very typical German name lmao. Anna is a very popular name :’) I call myself Sammy on here though because a friend of mine gave me that nickname (it’s because of Sam from SPN haha)
2. When was the last time you cried?
hmmm my uni stuff frustrates me a lot at the moment, so that’s where i get emotional
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
pretty much all the time. runs in the family. you can’t ask anyone anything because the reply will always be something ridiculous lmao.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
i guess their voice? i really love voices.
6. What’s your eye color?
it’s green-grayish. there are a few pics of me on here (sometimes i think about deleting them again idk), so you can have a look at it yourself ahaha.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
i’m starting to like scary movies again so this is a bit of a difficult choice. tbh though i think we need more happy endings. i like happy endings.
8. Any special talents?
i don’t know if it’s a special talent but my french accent is apparently quite believable, at least to my french teachers. i used to be really good at french but sadly forgot most of it. i love the language though. i used to be able to learn new languages quite fast heh :’) i also do voice acting as a hobby from time to time (just posting stuff on youtube) and sometimes here on tumblr when i post my audio stuff. it’s really fun to do. apparently, my english accent also fools some people into thinking i’m british (at least when i met ben barnes at a convention he thought i was british ahaha). so yeah...i love accents. but i don’t know if any of that counts as a special talent.
9. Where were you born?
Germany. In a small town. It’s quite boring and there is nothing here to see ahaha.
10. What are your hobbies?
i love drawing fanart, reading (although i have abandoned my reading list for a while), voice acting, photography (portrait photography), sometimes playing guitar, playing video games like TLOU, RDR2, Dragon Age, Uncharted...  I also do cosplay from time to time.
11. Have you any pets?
yes, i’ve got a dog. he’s a mix of a great mountain dog and a german shepherd. so he’s big and fluffy. his name is anton :)
12. What sports do you play/have played?
well, as a kid i used to do ballet which i am getting into again. it’s so much harder than i remember.
13. How tall are you?
just 163 cm. i think that’s 5′4 or something. so pretty much an average height haha.
14. Favorite subject in school?
I loved English, Art, and Theatre/Literature. I really miss school in that regard.
15. Dream job?
I used to want to be an actress (like most people lmao) and there were people who told me I had an ‘‘actress’‘ face and a few even told me I could be a model (lmaaooo what) but I don’t have the self confidence for that tbh. Right now I want to work in IT.  I started studying Robotics so yeahhh...it’s difficult af. I also want to learn French and Spanish again which is always useful :)
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
honestly as a german person it's wild to think that only white people live in an european country... that anon for sure 100% definitely is a white american I ASSURE YOU. no white european thinks like that😭😭
also it's really cool you speak like 3 languages? arabic english and french?? you're slaying bro let's go!! arabic and french are literally so hard too 💔 the only thing i can say in arabic is "give me 1" bc it sounds similar to zb1 HAHAH shoutout to my arabian bestie😋
btw i'm super excited for blooming day! can't wait for the first chapter to drop💗💗 i love smau's SMMM
have a nice day and good luck fighting all the e2l shanbin x venom allegations <3 (it's hilarious)
-anonymous anon👍🏻 LMAO
omg a new german friend <3 no cuz i think it's just obvious right?? like what country in the world has only white people?? does it even exists?? is it possible??
actually i speak five languages 🤞🏼 but i don't like to put it like this bcz i don't think i'm fluent in any of them. i speak french obviously, arabic, english, spanish and korean but i still make some mistakes in each of them, even french. plus, i totally forgot how to write or read arabic 😭 i have facilities learning languages bcz yk immigrant children always do
i can't wait too drop it either! it's my first time doing one and i've been thinking about this plot for a while now, so i'm excited to finally reveal it! hope you'll like it <3
i think i'm slowly losing the fight </3 but i won't give up >:)
welcome here my anonymous anon, hope i'll see you around often <3
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crychan · 1 year
hi! saw you asked about the dream/quackity situation and i think the answer you got was a lil' biased so i thought i'd say some stuff too. after quackity announced qsmp dream made a priv tweet saying he was "excited to see Quackity's server." then he added "just though i'd say in advance that i've been working on a similar thing to collaborate with creators from around the world, so people aren't up in arms about copying when it happens haha." he uploaded a vid yesterday where he and a bunch of friends all speaking diff languages (i think it was spanish, japanese, german, russian, hindi, and others) beat minecraft together. they seemed to be having a lot of fun? and when there were translation errors they could either explain or go along with the bit to be funnier. personally i think the mod is really cool because it means creators don't have to learn five diff languages fluently to be part of a worldwide server. like, asking creators to do that is just insane, so dream's mod lets them all communicate with people they wouldn't otherwise have been able to talk to.
sorry i shared my own opinion in the end instead of presenting the plain facts, but i hope this was helpful/illuminating/vaguely interesting! have a nice day :)
oops forgot to mention dream put this in the description of his video: "Whenever this mod's bugs are fixed and it's features are added, I plan on releasing this to the public for free, and with open source so anyone can make any additions they want with ease."
Omg thank you for this thorough reply to my question! I think you remained pretty objective. I’m majorly out of my MCYT phase, but still follow Dream and Quackity’s privs on twt, and the vibe I got from them was much more friendly and respectful like you’re describing. Just individual efforts towards the same goal of positive multicultural interactions!
I’m sure OP had good intentions, and their concerns that perhaps Dream isn’t giving enough respect and credit to the work that Quackity has done is totally valid. As a bilingual, multicultural person, Quackity is certainly breaking ground and trailblazing uncharted terrain. The fear that Dream might swoop in a somehow take over an idea that Quackity has been working on for longer? 100% Valid. But they are friends, with similar goals. I’m a big believer they want what’s best for each other, and themselves. Nobody’s feelings need to get hurt. Any problems they have about each other’s projects, they will work them out privately. Whether the fans can accept that? That’s another problem for another day! 😅
Thank you again for your message! I hope you have a wonderful day🥰💕
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bizzybee280yt · 7 months
the beginning of a vast collection of quotes that has been collected over the past 2 1/2 years from high school
“If anyone asks, run” - a teacher
“I get communist vibes from Freya” - a different teacher
“I am only racist by association” - “the student”
“All the things I was scared of as a child I am no longer scared of because I keep imagining fucking them” - me
“How much cow extract do you have left?” - my best friend
“Your hair did not gain consciousness to fling frogs out of car windows at high speeds” - my best friend
“Put the biological weapon away” - another teacher
“Go suck a popsicle, alright?” - a student
“I didn’t kill anyone I swear” - my gf
“Can you tell Trae to please stop humping my chair” - different student
“Last period, I became the Walter White of crayons” - different student
“My hand is…circular” - different student
“Lemme colonize those legs!” - my gf
“I am special!!!” - a student (whilst on the floor)
“Come drink my period blood boy!” - the same student (whilst still on the floor)
“Substitute teachers are Medusa” - my gf’s brain at 3:am
“Crying without fiesta music is just sad” - my gf’s brain at 3:am
“Outpizza the hut” - my best friends’ boyfriend
“Nazi cockroaches” - anonymous
“Bacon is Bacon” - a student
“Bacon is not Bacon” - a different student
“We forgot the yeti!” - anonymous
“That’s so German of the Mexicans” - my gf
“Beard oil” - anonymous
“Don’t bodyshame the sheet!” - a student
“I won’t kiss you till you’re 13!” - the same student (seductively)
“I know she’s thirty but that doesn’t matter” - a different student
“You’re not cared about!” - the aforementioned same student (aggressively)
“I’m just a walking human rights violation” - “the student”
“You’re touching it right now.” - a student
“Lick it.” - the same student
“She said keep those grippers away.” - the same student again
“She licked it.” - a different student
“What are you doing?” - unknown
“Fresh new and lubricated,” - unknown
“It’s thick” - a student
“Your D is in the wrong place” - a teacher
“The tooth fairy was really good at biology!” - a student
“The triangles are known for really good bee’s” - the student that was on the floor
“I can talk and breathe sometimes” - a student
“The only two real colors are pink and rainbow, anything else is a lie told to you by the government, like taxes or birds.” - my best friend
“Are you done sniffing my notebook?” - my gf
“No you don’t get to eat my notebook!” - my gf
“I’m constantly trying to get into other peoples cars” - a student
“We were friends for like five minutes,” - idk
“Facial American” - idk
“Keep it in there” - the Spanish teacher
“It’s the colors fault” - a student
“Ignore the screams” - the creative writing teacher
“Your butt’s are fine” - the creative writing teacher
“I spend my time looking at sexy robots” - me
“Stop hitting peoples titties with your anti-gun violence sign” - my best friend
“Science isn’t here” - a student
“I get paid to take attitude from teeenagers” - idk
“Hey how do I get rid of this extra skull?” - my gf
“A hole is a hole is a hole” - my best friend
“I can feel the breeze in my cheeks” - my best friend
“You are an acquired taste,” - a student
0 notes
justrandomfandomstm · 9 months
I think I havent done an actual introduction post so here we go
Hello unlucky onlookers!
I am a writer here to feed my brain rot and occasionally post about my actual writings and ff as well as just ships I adore and things I read and vent and well, hang around, lazy about, blahblahblah
FANDOMS I HAVE/WILL POST ABOUT: Marauders, Percy Jackson, Stranger Things, F1, Merlin, Young Royals, Awae, AFTG
Find me on Ao3 here for some fics but most will be posted first here as well as some one shots, fluff and just in general, more stuff might be here.
I'm Latin and speak spanish and english fluently, bit of french, german and asl. I am Aroace agender, I L O V E music to an unhealthy point. I have quite a few neurodyvergencies and chronic pain, I have two dogs but want a cat. I was a high intensity athlete before the chronic pain kicked in (so I got REAL good athlete au's), I studied film and quit uni but am working to live alone again. I ramble. A lot. Like a lot. As you can see...
So thats all you have to know about me and CONGRATS you know more about me that most!!
I love questions, especially about my work. If you have prompts or have one shot ideas Im always open for more! If you want me to write something for you, want me to finish fics I forgot about :), or just hang around in general you have the right spot
Im glad to answer any questions you might have about me or what im working on, im constantly looking for new mutuals and, yeah, thats about it!
Have fun on my page and good night!
Little disclosiour
Vent posts are also very common here, mostly about said disabilities and just my depression in general, some dark thoughts that can be triggering can be found so if your not comfortable with that then this may not be the page for you and thats completely fine. My mind can go to darker places sometimes so please take with caution most of my writings and posts. It's not *dark* dark but take it with a grain of salt?
Anyways, thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
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kaywavy · 1 year
[not my writing]
Pocket calculators! Now there's something. They're so complicated! I have a calculator which has sines, cosines, tangents, logarithms, hyperbolic functions and multiple nested parentheses. You can program it in Fortran, Algol, Basic, Pascal, Forth, Fifth and Sixth, ADA and Carruthers. It will factorize primes for you. At present it's working on the Halting Problem.
It translates from one language to another. From German to Spanish. From Macedonian to Esperanto. From Cantonese to Greek. Or from American to English.
It is, in fact, a multiprocessor system. There are 22 Transputers in there. Sometimes they organize a game of football between them.
It has a full color, wraparound wide screen, liquid crystal, three-dimensional holographic display. It's called HoloChromaCinePhotoRamaScope.
Its audio facilities include Dolby Digital Decaphonic surround sound. On the way here I watched "The Labyrinth" on it.
It also has synthetic speech and a voice recognition system. I often talk to it. I tell it my problems. Sometimes it psychoanalyses me. It has me figured as paranoid. But that's just because it keeps getting at me. But don't get me wrong - it can be very user friendly. In fact you can program precisely HOW user friendly you want it is to be on a scale from ONE to TEN.
On a setting of ONE it won't even interrupt a football game to answer you. But on a setting of TEN it's so friendly that on a cold day it pre-heats its pushbuttons.
But no matter who smart it SEEMS, deep down inside it's just a dumb old computer.
One time I got really mad at it. Like all computers, it knew precisely what I wanted it to do. It knew exactly what I MEANT. So why does it have to go and DO what I SAID?
How do you get even with a dumb machine like that?
First I tried slapping it around a little. I pushed its buttons a bit hard. I threatened it. "How would you like a busted display" I said.
But it did no good. It just said "I am virtually unbreakable - and I'm not going to take any notice till you enter the data nicely, like you used to do."
Whatever I did it always seemed to win.
I decided to have a man-to-man talk with it. So I sat it down and said to it "Who's the boss here, you or me?"
No reply.
Again I ask "Who's the boss, you or me? Go on, answer me!"
"I'm thinking, I'm thinking," it said.
So I hit it. Hard. Too hard. I cracked its case.
At first I thought that was the limit of the damage. But then little things started to go wrong. At first there was nothing definite. Nothing you could put your finger on. Just little things like stuttering. It just didn't sound quite the same. Its voice seemed to lack its former confidence.
Then once I caught it making an arithmetic mistake. Of course I didn't mention it. But you could tell it knew. Its self image was shot to pieces.
Saddest of all, it forgot our anniversary - of the day I bought it. In the past this had been a special time for us.
I just couldn't bear it any longer. One evening I tucked it up snugly in its case, lit candles, played a record which was popular when we first met, and sat down beside it.
"Where did we go wrong?" I said. But it had it pride. It wasn't about to weaken in front of a non-machine.
"Wrong? Nothing is wrong," it said. "Just insufficient data."
But underneath you could tell it was hurt.
From there it was a rapid downhill slide.
Now it just mutters to itself. It can only do very simple calculations on small numbers.
Finally came the ultimate indignity. It lost control. It leaked electrolyte all over its case.
I felt so bad about it. My other gadgets weren't happy about it either. They all came out in sympathy for the calculator. My watch gave me a bad time. My power tools keep blowing fuses.
Then one night last week I was driving my car back from London when suddenly the engine stopped all by itself on this lonely country road.
I tried to get out but the solenoids were inhibited by the central locking computer. Suddenly the air conditioner came on and started to blow out freezing cold air. It made a noise like wind whistling through the trees. Then this creepy music came from the loudspeaker. The sort of music they play in movies when the hero is lost in a dark forest.
I got scared. The cold, the wind and the weird music got to me. Then it started to speak.
"You're the guy who beats up pocket calculators!"
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onmywaytonarnia · 1 year
@angry-pinscher nominated me, so here we goooo
Tea, coffee or soda?
Mostly soda, occasionally tea and I don't like coffee but drink it constantly.
Cats or dogs?
Cats, hands down. Love them. Dogs are adorable too, but when it comes to what I'd like as a pet, I'll choose cats every time.
Can you play an instrument?
Kinda? I sing and the voice is sorta an instrument, right?
I also play a bit of ukulele, guitar and keyboard, but never learned either.
What's your sign?
First song lyrics that pop in your head?
We're aaaaall in thiiiiis togeeether, once we know that we are, we're all stars and we seeeeee that...
Do you have any tattoos?
Yup. Seven: one on each ankle side, one right on my foot, one on my stomach and one above my elbow crease.
Favorite place you've traveled?
Ummm probably London, I love seeing musicals and I've made pretty nice memories there.
What's the last movie you watched?
Tricky, I watch so much content all the damn time hehe... BUT the last one I distinctively remember is "Everything Everywhere All At Once". SO GOOD!!!
Edit: actually, it was "Star Wars: A New Hope", which I watched for the FIRST TIME with my boyfriend hehe
Do you have any hobbies?
Yeah, plenty! I just wish I had more time to pursue all of them hehe... I do love acting for theater and musicals tho and am in rehearsals for two performances atm.
Also I spend wayyy too much time on social media - dunno if that counts as a hobby tho.
What languages do you speak?
English obvi, German is my first language and I've learned some Spanish via school and uni courses. Also took a few lessons of Romanian, pursued Finnish via Duolingo to impress my sister (which did not work) and am trying to learn some Polish because that's my boyfriend's native language.
You can hang out with any fictional character for an hour, who is it?
An hour isn't enough time to really get to know somebody. So imma have to choose Toothless of HTTYD-fame because I wanna spend that short hour riding a cute dragon!
Compliment yourself
Hey Sära, you're badass and it's really brave of you to be so unapologetically yourself most of the time!
Aight. I forgot who I tagged last time and I dunno if you wanna do another tag game (I love talking about myself but that doesn't mean y'all have to), but if you wanna do it, feel free to tag me so I'll see your responses! 🥰
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