#they can talk to each other in english german and spanish
Dorcas: How do I look?
Marlene: Tu eres magnífica.
James: Mals, that spanish
Marlene, blushing: Du bist großartig
Peter: German, not even close.
Marlene: Fuck off!
James: and we are back to english!
Dorcas: Wait, how many languages you know?
Marlene: four, english, german, spanish and tagalog.
Dorcas: oh [starts mentally preparing the wedding venue]
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Visit II
Fridolina Rolfö x Child!Reader
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You go to a Barcelona match
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With Momma and Morsa in Madrid and you in Barcelona, Frido takes you to one of her games. Or, her team’s game because she’s got a little injury that keeps her off the squad for the week so she sits up in the box with you.
It’s not your first time at one of moster Frido’s games but it’s your first time at a Barcelona game. You like the jersey, you decide. It’s blue which is a Not-Wolfsburg colour but it’s also got red and that’s an Arsenal colour. The badge is cool too and you decide that Arsenal can be your English team and Barcelona can be your Spanish team like how Wolfsburg is your German team and Linköping is your Swedish team because that’s where Momma and Morsa first met.
Moster Frido isn’t playing today so you wear an Ingrid jersey instead. She’s starting today and, strangely, so is Mapi. That confuses you a little but you figure with Frido injured that Barcelona don’t have enough defenders to go around.
“It’s nice that Ingrid lets Mapi play with her,” You say as the whistle blows for the first half to begin,” Ingrid’s a good girlfriend.”
Frido laughs. “Don’t ever change, little monster,” She says. You don’t understand what’s funny but you assume it’s an adult thing that you’re still too little to know about.
Barcelona, you think, are much better than Arsenal. Not that Arsenal isn’t good but Barcelona is a lot more organised. They always know where each other are and they’re playing this first half like they actually know how to play football rather than having to settle into it like Arsenal do.
You cheer when Mapi passes the ball off to Ingrid, who weaves through the other team and passes it off to someone else. You don’t really remember much about the Barcelona team from the final against Not-Wolfsburg, not really. You don’t really know the players well but you know you’ll learn.
You’re good at learning. Morsa says it’s a good skill to have.
The person in goal is called Paños and you mark that in your brain because she’s very good. You prefer Zećira obviously but you think v is really good too and you want to watch a few more matches with her.
Barcelona scores while you think about it, some girl with Guijarro on her back.
The crowd goes wild, as does another little girl in the box. She’s wearing a Guijarro jersey like how you’re wearing an Engen one. She goes absolutely crazy. She waves a little flag and jumps up and down in joy.
“That’s little Nat,” Moster Frido says in her ear,” She’s Patri’s cousin.”
“Who’s Patri?”
Frido laughs. “The girl who just scored.”
Little Nat, as moster Frido calls her, keeps cheering and jumping around. You smile at that. That’s how you react when Momma scores.
“Do you want to go say hi?” Frido asks you and you think about it for a moment.
You could go say hi but you just move a bit closer to Frido, suddenly feeling shy. “I don’t speak Spanish,” You whisper to her.
“That’s okay,” She says,” Little Nat speaks some English too. She’s very nice.”
You think about it again but the shy feeling doesn’t go away. “Maybe later.”
“Okay,” Frido says,” Later then.”
You settle more firmly at her side, though your eyes track Little Nat all the way back to her seat. You think, if you were a little braver and you spoke Spanish, you would talk to her. But you’re shy and you don’t speak Spanish so you don’t.
You focus back on the match and watch as Mapi makes a very good save for someone that doesn’t play football. It’s nice that she’s come out to support Ingrid and is on the pitch even though her job is to get tattoos and be a good girlfriend.
Every time you tell Frido that, she laughs and cuddles you nice and close in amusement.
The match ends with a very impressive score line for Barcelona and you cheer like everyone else when it’s over.
Frido takes you down onto the pitch.
Little Nat from earlier is there too, with her parents – though she abandons them to sprint to her cousin who scored the goal earlier.
You end up with Mapi and Ingrid. “Hi, Ingrid! Hi, Mapi!” You chirp, giving them both big hugs.
“Is that my jersey?” Ingrid teases and you nod.
“Uh-huh! It’s so cool! I like Barcelona.”
“That’s great!” Ingrid high fives you and you giggle.
You turn to Mapi. “It’s nice that Ingrid let you play with her. Say thank you, Mapi.”
“Ingrid didn’t let me play with her!” Mapi says,” This is my job! I play football!”
You give her a weird look. “Playing in the park isn’t the same as playing on the pitch,” You tell her,” But you’re a very good girlfriend for helping Ingrid on the pitch today. If you keep practicing really hard then maybe you can join a proper team one day too.”
“Guys!” Mapi complains,” Come on, help me out here! Tell her I’m a footballer!”
Ingrid and Frido are too busy laughing at Mapi’s outrage to help her out.
You’re insistent on your view that Mapi exists to get tattoos and be Ingrid’s girlfriend. There’s no way she’s a footballer and you refuse to accept any other alternative except maybe that her job is feeding the stray cats in the neighbourhood. That could be her job too.
Her cat, Bagheera, is very sweet. You think you might want a cat when you’re older though you think you also want a puppy too. You don’t know if they can live in the same house but you hope so because you like both cats and dogs.
You know Morsa doesn’t want any pets right now but you do so you’ll try to convince her to let you have a pet when you go back to London. That gives you enough time to think of a plan to convince her.
“Hey,” Mapi says,” Did you go and talk to Little Nat during the match? I think you’d really get on with her.”
You shake your head. You spare a glance over your shoulder at her. She’s on her feet now, her cousin having put her down but still keeps holding her hand. She’s staring back at you with a smile and waves.
You wave back to be polite but still feel a little shy and duck to hide behind Frido’s legs.
“Someone's a little shy,” Frido says to Mapi, looking down at you,” But that’s okay. I’m sure they can make friends another time.”
(You never get to make friends with Little Nat as a child but, one day, you make a girlfriend and then a wife of Talia).
“Next time then,” Mapi says,” I’m serious. I think you and Little Nat will be great friends one day.”
You peak out from Frido’s legs.
Little Nat is still looking at you. She waves again and you wave back before you spot someone off to the side.
You gasp and grab Frido’s hand, pulling her with you.
“It’s Caro!”
Caro is standing by the water cooler, drinking from a bottle but she turns at the sound of her name. She spots Frido, who indicates downwards to where you’re dragging her over.
Caro lets a small smile appear on her face and she drops into a crouch right as you barrel into her arms. There’s something about you being older now that puts Caro at ease. She remembers when you were just a tiny baby and how scared she was to drop you.
It’s harder to drop you now and Caro’s much more comfortable. Her arms wrap around your little body and you hug her back so tightly that she’s a little shocked at how much strength is in your tiny body.
“Hi, Caro!” You say, panting from how quickly you go to her side.
“Hello, y/n.”
“You played so good!” You tell her,” Just like at Wolfsburg! You score so much! You’re so cool, Caro!” You chatter on and on about Caro’s two earlier goals.
Caro nods along to you and Frido only pulls you away when you start yawning, completely shattered by your long day in the sun.
“Alright, little monster,” She says,” Say goodbye to Caro then we’ll say bye to Ingrid and Mapi. We need to head home.”
You whine but do as you’re told, giving a hug to Caro before running off to do the same with Ingrid and Mapi.
You’re practically asleep by the time Frido straps you into your car seat. You keep yawning and your head lulls to the side. It’s adorable and Frido snaps a quick picture, sending it off to Pernille and Magda, who she knows are eagerly awaiting an update from her after the game.
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Good 4 U
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Hello there!
I hope you’re all great. This story is just out of my imagination, but enjoy anyway, I guess ♥ Also Caitlin and Lia are always a thing in this word.
TW: Reader! Wälti, no other I think.
Unlike your older sister Lia, you are not wise and quiet. You have trouble concentrating and you aren't necessarily interested in the idea of landing somewhere. You and Lia don’t have the same character, but that never stopped you from loving each other a lot. You’d do anything for your older sister who’s only 10 months older than you. And you know she would do anything in return for you. You and her were almost like twins and even if you wasn't planned, you parents always loved you the way they love Lia.
You travel all the time, leaving one place when you're getting tired to visit another corner of the world. You are sociable and have no trouble making contacts with anyone, to find a job or to make new friends. You are lucky to be able to remember the different languages in the countries you visit. You speak German from birth, you are bilingual in English and you talk other new languages like spanish or italian.
For now, you are in London with your sister for a week. The last time you stayed in London with Lia was last year when her life was a little more complicated than now. This time, you decided to come to see her just because you missed her and wanted to be with her for her birthday. You contacted Leah to help you surprise her, and you congratulate yourself for filming Lia's reaction when you walked into her living room following Leah.
When Lia told you about a karaoke night with her friends, most of them from Arsenal, you didn't hesitate a single second before accepting. You already know Caitlin obviously and Leah, who you met when she came in Switzerland last year. You met some of the girls last time you came in London, but you don't know all of them. This is a good occasion to met them.
Despite the time set at 9pm, not everyone arrived on time but this didn't prevent the people already present from starting to have fun. You’ve already shared a song with Steph and another with Leah. And you’re choosing the song you’re going to sing with Lia when Katie finally makes her appearance in the establishment.
When the music started, Katie was greeting everyone and sat at one of the tables surrounded by a bench, reserved for the night.
She's sitting with Caitlin, Leah, Kyra and Alessia when her gaze mechanically refers to you when you start singing. And her gesture stops immediately when she looks at you, her arm halfway between her mouth and the table as she was getting ready to drink.
"You alright mate?" laughs Kyra
"Who’s the girl with Wally?" Katie asks, blinking.
"Her little sister. Why?" asks Leah, bowing her eyebrow.
But Katie doesn’t answer, completely hypnotized by you. She just can’t take her eyes off you, your face, your body and anything else that can be part of you.
"It's Wally’s sister?" ended up repeating Katie before glancing at Caitlin. "Damn, you’re shagging the wrong Wälti, Caitlin."
"You’re disgusting" Caitlin says, rolling her eyes.
Leah laughs softly next to Katie and the Irish girl seems to reminding something. She turns herself a little to look at Leah before talking.
"Wait, this is the sister you met last year?"
"Yes?" answer a frowning Leah.
"And you didn't try anything with her?"
Katie’s tone let perfectly passes the disbelief she feels at this idea. But Leah rolls her eyes again.
"She’s Lia’s little sister. She would have killed me. And she’ll kill you too if you try anything with her"
Katie responds with a throat sound before finally bringing her drink to her lips. And from then on, she won’t leave you until your song is finished. Katie recognized Olivia Rodrigo’s song "Good 4 u" and she briefly wonders if it means anything to you and Lia.
When the song ends, Lia approaches the table where Katie is installed while you take the opportunity to go to the toilet. If Caitlin greets your sister with a big smile, making her sit on her lap, Leah can’t help but drop the information to Lia.
"Your sister caught Katie’s eyes" Leah announces with a big smile.
This causes a growl from Katie who hoped to try a discreet approach with you and a frown from Lia, who quickly takes off from Caitlin to lean towards Katie.
"Stay away from her Katie, I’m not kidding"
Katie raises both hands as a sign of abandonment, not without rolling her eyes.
"Looks like I’m the devil in person" Katie growls before finishing her drink.
"She was hurt once and since then has been traveling around the world. I want to see her again before Christmas 2025."
"Okay, okay, I get it" sighs gently, Katie. "I’ll get myself a drink."
After asking if anyone wanted something, Katie gets up to order herself a drink, deciding to go to the other side to have less to wait. And Lia will not be able to tell her anything, because it's finally you who approaches her first. You come to order yourself a drink too and you have no trouble recognizing the teammate of your big sister, that you watch play as soon as you can.
"You're Katie, right? I'm Y/N, Lia's sister" you smile before reaching out to greet her.
"Yes, that's me. Nice to meet ya" Katie grins, taking your hand in hers, squeezing it maybe a little to long.
Your eyes cross and you find yourself becoming aware of the beauty of the young woman who stands before you. You first notice her blue eyes and then her smile that you quickly find mesmerizing.
You are interrupted in your moment by the server who finally takes your orders. And, while Katie passes her command, you discreetly let your gaze slide on her forms. How did you not realize before how breathtaking she was?
"Lia told me you travel a lot" Katie says, turning to you to resume your conversation.
"Oh, yes… I just came back from New Zealand" you explain with a smile, before starting on an explanation of your last trip.
The minutes pass quickly as you chat with her and then you find yourself interested in her and her life. There’s something about Katie that hypnotizes you and you could honestly spend hours listening to her and laughing at what she’s telling you. You like her humor, the sound of her voice and it’s a little destabilizing for you to find yourself so impacted by someone so quickly.
"Do you want to get some fresh air?" Katie says after realizing you’ve been talking for a while.
You accept with pleasure and you follow her on the outdoor terrace of the establishment, Katie seems to know this place very well. Which is probably not surprising since Lia told you they come often.
"Here" simply makes Katie by dropping her jacket on your bare arms after seeing you shiver.
"Thank you" you answer with a sincere smile.
You move a little away from the entrance to not be in the way and you lean against a wall looking up to look at the stars. However, you gently frown when you see that they are not visible. You forgot they’re hard to see from central London.
"When are you leaving again?" asks Katie while looking at you.
You leave the sky with your eyes to carry them over her before gently shrugging your shoulders with a smile.
"I haven’t decided yet. Why?"
"I was wondering if you would give me your phone number so we could meet again, before you leave."
You bite your lip briefly while observing her. You are not sure if it's a good idea, you will probably leave soon and you know that it would probably not lead to much. But you’d be lying if you said the Irish girl didn’t tease your curiosity.
"Okay" you end up answering before you pick up her phone and put your number on it.
A big smile is born on Katie’s face and you don’t know her enough yet to realize that it’s a frank smile and not the sufficient smile she likes to have to provoke her opponents. Her phone in her pocket, Katie settles next to you, leaning against the wall like you.
"Do you like to look at the stars?" asked Katie.
"It’s probably one of the things I prefer to do" you admit without hesitation. "But it’s difficult from here"
"I know a place where they can be seen. You want to go see?"
"I just ran into Katie running away with a pretty blonde" laughs Victoria who just arrived while sitting at Lia’s table.
"I’m going to kill her" the Swiss woman announces, noting that you have also disappeared.
Kyra’s sigh sound out at the same time as Leah’s facepalm. Caitlin masks her amused smile behind Lia’s head, but she is nevertheless surprised by Alessia who smiles back at her.
You suspect a little the annoyance that Lia must feel and you feel in spite of yourself a slight guilt at the idea of not enjoying her birthday party with her. But you take a look at Katie after you get out of her car and you quickly realize that she’s genuinely happy to show you this place.
"What’s your favorite constellation?" Katie asks you when you’re both sitting in the grass.
"Aquila" you answer by pointing to the place in the sky where it is. "And you?"
"I didn’t have one until now, but it could become my favorite" Katie replies with a smirk.
You laugh slowly and you turn your head in her direction, to see that Katie rolled to the side and that she’s looking at you. You feel yourself blushed and you’re pretty glad it’s dark and Katie can’t see it. But you don’t let her out of your sight and you decide to play her game.
"What is your astrological sign?" you ask.
"Well maybe my favorite constellation is going to be Virgo then"
Katie laughs softlyand, taking a sudden aspiration, you gently take her hand in yours. Katie lets you and you find that her skin is pleasantly warm and soft against yours. You shift your attention to the sky above you, feeling Katie’s gaze stay on you. But it doesn’t bother you, it’s not the kind of heavy look that makes you uncomfortable. You feel good and safe with her, despite what Lia seems to think.
It’s almost two o'clock in the morning when Katie takes you home to your sister, whose keys you have so you can get in and out whenever you want.
"I hope I’m not interrupting a private celebration" you grin maliciously at Katie, who insisted on accompanying you to the front door.
"If there is going to be a celebration tonight it will probably be to celebrate my death" laughs Katie before explaining, when you turn an interrogative look in her direction "I was not supposed to approach you tonight. Lia has warned me"
"Why did you do it then?" you ask curiously while searching through your purse while looking at it.
"Technically, it was you who approached me" Katie replies with a satisfied smile. "But I’m very happy about it."
You smile back at her and you probably look at each other for a few seconds too long, before you come out of your trance and regain your self-confidence.
"I’ll defend your cause, if you want" you joke softly.
"See me again and it will have been well worth it."
You smile again and bite your lip briefly. You really want to kiss her, but maybe it’s too early for that. You step forward and put a kiss on her cheek instead before backing away again and opening the door.
"Go home safely"
"I will" answers Katie with a smile. "Good night"
"Sweet dreams"
The house is empty when you enter and you assume that either Lia is not back yet, or she went to Caitlin’s. You go undress and remove your makeup and it's when you are writing to your sister to inform her that you came home when you receive a message from an unknown number.
From Unknow I came home safely. Sleep tight beautiful x
From You Sleep well too. We talk soon x
Lia looked at you with skepticism when you told her that nothing happened with Katie, unless looking at the stars and learning to know her. Since her breakup, Katie had a lot of fling and Lia obviously didn't want you to fall for the Irish girl before being ignored by her.
Katie and you wrote to each others a lot during the past days and you find yourself smiling every time she texted you. When she asked you on a date, you accepted with a second thought.
Katie take you to an Irish restaurant, she looked almost outraged to learn that you have never been to Ireland during your many travels. You had a great evening and when she brought you back you vaguely hoped for a kiss but Katie just gently kissed your cheek before smiling with affection. She then waited until you go inside to leave. Then you started texting each other almost all the day, every day.
From Katie ✨ u going to the game today?
From You I am :) why?
From Katie ✨ Would you let me take you for a brunch before ?
From You I would love to
From Katie ✨ Great. I'm taking you at 10 xx
You almost turned the cupboard in which you installed your clothes in your sister’s guest room to find a proper outfit. You ended up opting for a simple outfit, comfortable but nevertheless different from what you can wear every day. Once ready, you go to the kitchen, in which you find only Catlin in the company of her cup of coffee and a toast with…
"Vegemite?" you ask with a smirk
"Lia always has a jar for me in her cupboards" replies the Australian with amusement.
"How romantic" you laugh softly
You take a glass of water, realizing rather quickly that Caitlin observes you over the cup of coffee that she holds with two hands. Since she and Lia got together, the Australian has taken on the role of your big sister too. You obviously can’t compare the connection you have with her with the one you have with Lia, but you appreciate her enormously.
"Are you going out?"
"Yes" you just answer
"With Katie?"
You don't have time to respond with the positive or negative that Lia’s voice is heard behind you. Obviously she must appear when the name of the Irish is pronounced.
"What, Katie?" Lia asks, bowing her eyebrow.
"I'm going to a brunch with her" you explain softly with a sigh. "Look, don’t make that face, I know you don’t want anything but to protect me, but if it makes you happy… Nothing ever happened between us, if it turns out she’s not even interested in anything but friendship with me"
You gently shrug your shoulders and carefully avoid Lia’s gaze. You don’t necessarily want your older sister to see how depressed you are about this idea. But it's Caitlin who speaks again, although she's peacefully returned to reading her diary.
"Or she takes the time to do things right with you because you mean something to her" she points out without looking at you.
You frown thoughtfully at her, but Caitlin doesn’t add anything. Lia gets closer to you though, gently laying her hand on yours.
"What would make me happy is that you are too. I just want you to be happy and make sure no one can hurt you any more."
"I’ll be fine, Lia, I promise" you assure her with a little smile. "I learned from my mistakes"
Lia pout a little and when your phone vibrates in your pocket when Katie writes to you that she has arrived and that she waits for you, you take your big sister in your arms.
"I love you" you say before you kiss her cheek.
"I love you too. See you at the game?"
With a smile you nod before leaving the house. Your smile widens when you see Katie waiting for you, leaning against the front of her car.
"You look stunning" Katie smiles looking at your outfit.
"You’re not bad yourself"
Katie is dressed in her training kit, ready for the game and you find it strangely sexy. Unlike other times you have seen her, you don't hesitate to greet her with a hug and then let her take you by the hand to train you to the passenger door of the car.
The establishment that Katie has chosen is between Lia’s house and the stadium, the Irish girl explaining to you that it's a place that she loves and that has the advantage of not being too well known by the general public. It seems to have its habits and even if you don't necessarily appreciate the big smile with which the waitress welcomes Katie, you are quickly satisfied by the hand that she puts in your back to guide you to her usual table.
As always, the discussion is pleasant. You have to admit you did some research on Katie, but you feel like the Katie that people can see on the football field is different from the one you see every day. The Katie you know is sweet, attentive, considerate and charming. You have the impression that she really listens to you and that she seems particularly interested in what you tell her, no matter what it is.
And the butterflies that you have in the hollow of your belly when her fingers touch your hand while taking the salt are rather very pleasant. However, you regret not knowing if things are really shared or if Katie is only interested in friendship with you.
"Can I ask you a question?" asks Katie, her blue eyes watching you attentively over her cup of tea.
"Of course" you answer with a little smile.
"When she asked me not to come near you, Lia mentioned a romantic relationship that ended badly. I’m not asking you to tell me everything, but if you have any residual trauma or like that…"
Of course Lia mentioned your old relationship with Katie. On the other hand, you can’t blame her, after learning about the various deceptions of your ex-girlfriend, it was so painful that you never set foot in Switzerland again and you never saw your family again for a year. It apparently left your sister with trauma as well.
"As long as you don’t lie to me or hide things from me, it should be okay" you mumble and shrug.
Katie looks funny and you briefly get lost in your thoughts until the Irish woman gently takes your hand in hers. When you look up at her, she smiles softly at you, her eyes immensely sweet.
"No matter what happens, I will never. I promise"
You smile softly at her, losing yourself in her eyes. Katie changes the subject and when it’s time to leave for the stadium, you have the impression that the time has passed much too quickly.
"Do you mind if someone sees you get out of my car? There are often fans waiting for us in the parking lot, they cannot access it but they wait behind the gates. I can drop you off if you want" Katie asks when you’re about to arrive.
"I don’t care" you assure her by tapping on her arm.
You didn’t expect her to grab your hand with hers to interlace your fingers, but this gesture is rather pleasant.
Katie was right, you barely got out of the car when you heard some people calling her name. The young woman having advised you not to pay attention to it, you follow her inside the corridors in the colors of Arsenal without turning once your glance towards the fans.
"Shall I leave you there?" asks Katie once right outside the door that’s supposed to take you to the VIP corner, where Lia booked you a seat.
You nod with a slight smile. You know the way now.
"Thanks for the invitation. I had a great time"
"So do I" Katie says, smiling as well. "You still don’t know when you’re leaving, right?"
"Maybe soon. I don’t know yet"
You gently shrug your shoulders, but you don’t miss the disappointment that briefly passes over Katie’s face after her smile drop.
"Oh… okay. Well, I’ll see you soon, I guess?"
"Yeah" you smile softly.
Katie gives you a little smile, but it’s only when she turns her heels in the direction of the changing rooms that you walk forward two steps and you take the floor again.
The Irish girl turns and looks at you with surprise. She apparently did not expect you to hold her back.
"You want to know what it depends on?"
"Yes" she says again, looking at you carefully.
You made other steps to catch up to her and to be at her height but you mechanically bite your lip, a little anxious about your courage and its repercussions. But now is not the time to back down. Katie seems to have quickly noticed your nervousness since she is also moving in your direction of a step, offering you a reassuring smile.
"Yes, I… I like you, I mean not necessarily only physically. And I really like the moments we spend together, but I don’t know if it’s mutual or if I’m making ideas. And I’m a little afraid that after talking to you about it now it changes or complicates things, but-"
Katie ends up interrupting you, putting her finger on your lips to silence you. You don’t know if it’s a good thing or not and you freeze instantly.
"I like you too, I thought it was obvious. I’m sorry if I let you think otherwise. My love life may not have been the most stable in a few months, but with you it’s different."
You don’t have time to answer anything that Leah Williamson appears around the corner to call Katie. Training will begin soon.
"I have to go. I’ll see you later?"
You nod with a smile. Katie looks at you for a few more seconds smiling before heading to where Leah disappeared a few seconds ago.
"Katie?" You call her again though. "You forgot something"
Gently frowning, Katie turns in your direction, no doubt to see you so close to her, always smiling. She has no time to question you, since you come forward until you can put your lips on hers. It’s just a light kiss, but the sensations are amazing.
When you open your eyes again, Katie’s are dipping into yours and you have to take it on yourself so you don’t pass out. If you listened to yourself, you would do it again, but you don’t want to cross the line. That said, given her smile, she doesn’t seem to be against that kiss.
"Now you can go" you smile maliciously.
But Katie shakes her head with her big smile still displayed on her face. Taking advantage of your proximity, Katie gently puts her hand on your neck before drawing your face once again against hers. This kiss is longer than the first and your hands naturally find place on Katie’s body.
When Katie gently caresses your lower lip with her tongue, asking for access to yours, you do not hesitate a single second before leaving it to her. Obviously, you forget a little where you are and that everyone could surprise you. It is finally a door noise far away from you that brings you back to reality, a few minutes later.
"I really have to go" whispers Katie, her lips caressing yours when she speaks.
And it makes you half lose your mind. So you can’t resist the urge to kiss her again and it takes all your strength to tear you away from her. And let her go.
"Come on, go make the rest of the world enjoy your talent" you smile softly
Katie laughs but steals one last kiss before leaving. It’s in a second state that you join your seat, but when Katie appears on the field alongside the other players, you can’t help but smile again. Katie quickly spots you in the stands and sends you a wink to which you respond with a smile.
In the end, it’s not as safe as this that you’ll leave London.
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mj0702 · 8 months
The other Bronze – Pt. 3
For all the patient waiting people (like @valewosomtb) and my Bubs (I'm proud of you and always will be ❤️)
And please remember - this is pure fiction... so it doesn't need to make sense 🤣
You wandered the streets of Barcelona gotten lost a long time ago but not caring to open google maps.
“Seriously Luce.... kicking me out so you can... probably get some” you mumble to yourself rounding the next corner.
The next thing you knew was that you were sitting on your Ass with a beautiful girl across from you, looking just as baffled before starting to talk to you in spanish. You made the international known sign for “I don't understand” by shrugging your shoulders as you try to push yourself up again.
“Ehrm... damn... what was the spanish Word for English...” you mumbled to yourself before looking at the woman “Inglés?” you ask embarrassed
“Of course” the woman said laughing as she stood up herself offering you a hand “I said I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going”
“Oh god no, I wasn't looking... I... kinda got lost and am too lazy to open maps” you say before you wince as you push yourself up from the pavement
“Are you okay? You look like you hurt something” the woman asked concerned
“Yeah I'm good” you wave off, knowing fully well you weren't good. You definitely sprained your wrist – if not worse. Ugh – your sister will kill you. Such an inconvenience.
“Are you sure?” the woman asked you again this time with a little insistence
“Yeah, I'm sure – you speak very clear english for a spanish person” you said and tried to change the topic
“Oh I'm not Spanish – I'm in fact German... we learn english in school” she winked
“Oh German... now that's interesting” you muse, a smile tugging on your lips
“And why's that?” the woman asked
“I... don't know... I thought it would be nice to say that” you rubbed the back of your neck smiling embarrassed.
The woman laughed loudly “At least you didn't make any bad jokes about us not being funny... that's a plus” she winked before looking at you “Where are you from?”
“Born in Aberdeen, raised in Berwick-upon-Tweed... generally speaking – I'm from England” you grin
“What brought you to the most beautiful city in Europe then?” the Woman asked smiling softly
“Visiting family... Y/N by the way... I thought I should introduce myself before you declare me as unpolite” you continue to grin as you offer your left hand for her to shake
“Left Hand? You english People really are something else” she smiled before taking you're offered Hand “Caroline... friends call me Caro”
“I may or may not have sprained my wrist – that's the reason for the left hand... but yes, we're also something else... so tell me... Caro... what brought you to Barcelona” you tested the waters by using the Womans short name
She smiled “Feeling bold, are you? Assuming we're friends and using my Nickname without even asking”
Again you were thrown off guard by her forwardness “Ehrm... I thought if you tell me something like this, I... could just... you know – use the information”
This time the Blonde laughed freely “Don't sweat it... it's okay... Can I... maybe interest you in drinking a coffee with me?”
“Like a date?” you said confused
“More like a “I'm sorry I ran into you and put you on your ass” coffee” the blonde smirked
“In that case... I'll pay for yours, you pay for mine... I also put you on your ass” this time you smirked
“Deal” the blue eyed girl said smiling “I know a small coffee place not far from here if you're interested”
“Sure... lead the way” you said, your sprained wrist momentarily forgotten. That's until you wanted to put your hand into your pocket. Suddenly you got painfully reminded of your small incidence as you winced for a second.
“You are very gullible, you know... I could be a serial killer” the blonde said smirking
“It's statistically highly unlikely that two serial killer run into each other and then go out for a coffee” you shrug nonchalantly while the blonde laughed out loudly.
You arrived at the small coffee shop, which was a cute one. A little hidden away from the bigger streets, it immediately got calmer and quieter – for the first time since you touched spanish ground, you allowed yourself to breath. Caro took you through an Archway into a beautiful courtyard where she pointed to a little – tiny even – shop with three or four tables. You stopped in the middle of the courtyard and slowly spun around taking in the beauty of this place. The sandstone Walls looked like they could tell endless stories about colourful festive evenings, calm mornings and lovers.
“It's beautiful, isn't it?” the blonde German asked quietly
“I couldn't find the right words to describe this beauty even if I tried” you whispered back still looking around in awe.
“Let's get this coffee and you can stare some more” Caro teased but her voice still soft before she walked towards the little shop, greeting the Owners like they were family.
You sat down at one of the tables while still staring around, waiting for your new found friend to return. There was wild Ivy growing up the walls at some places making it even more mysterious and beautiful. Your companion joined you at your table smiling brightly.
“I gather you're a regular?” you grinned at her nodding towards the Shop
“What gave it away?” Caro laughed “The greeting or that I know there's a Coffee Shop so well hidden that not even many Barcaloneans know of its existences?”
“The Greeting and the fact that I didn't order anything...” you mused smiling “... and yet there are two cups of coffee being prepared”
“Good observation skills, I'm impressed” the German smiled “The owners are former Neighbours of mine... they helped me a great deal when I first came to Barca a few years ago and I still come around every time I'm in the area to say hi”
“That's nice... that you still come here to say hi” you say softly “... friendships like this are important... now... what am I getting?”
“I assumed you're a “Cortado” girl...” the blonde winked
“Huh... come again?” you asked confused
“Cortado... the best you could compare it to is a Latte Macchiato... It's an Espresso with milk... “ the German explained “Just... never call it Latte Macchiato... it's a Cortado”
“Got it... Cortado” you say serious, trying to pronunciation right as you repeat the spanish word
“Sounds good” Caro grinned as your coffee gets served by an elderly Woman “Gracias Nana” the blonde grinned graciously
The two of you drank your coffee in silence before starting to talk about nothing and everything at the same time. You really enjoyed the time with the blonde, who was very easy to get along with. She was funny, witty and light-hearted. You shared a few good laughs while she also taught you some real spanish (unlike Mapí did) so you would at least be able to order your coffee the next time on your own. In her company you absolutely forgot the time – which resulted in also forgetting your “engagement” with Keira.. and Alexia... and Lucy... and Mapí. As the sun started to set you realised that you might talked longer with the German as you planned – and that your Phone was dead.
“”Ehrm... I really have a good time... I REALLY do... but... what time is it?” you asked embarrassed after you checked your – very VERY – dead phone.
“Just before 6pm” your new friend answered with a glance at her watch
“Uh oh” was the only thought on your mind which also made it out of you verbally “How far is that football place from here?”
“Camp Nou? About 30 Minutes, why?” Caro looked at you confused as you try frantically to restart your Phone.
“I'm dead... I'm so SO dead.. my Sister is going to kill me” you said panicking “I was meant to meet her at Camp... Nope at 3”
“Yeah.. you might be a little late for that” the blonde said awkward “Come on... I can either get you an Uber or I deliver you – and take the blame... or should you rather go home?”
“Ehrm... I don't really remember where “home” is” you confessed embarrassed, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Camp Nuo it is then... come on” your new found friend said smiling already standing up.
You follow suite standing up rummaging in your pocket pulling out the 20 Euros that Lucy gave you putting it down on the table
“Leave it... it's covered already” Caro said grinning pushing the 20 back into your hands.
“But..” you said dumbfolded looking at the bill in your hand
“Mauro and Valeria are family... it's on the house” the blonde winked and started to walking away after yelling a goodbye towards the elderly couple.
You stumbled after her trying to keep up “But we had a deal”
“Next time” the german waved off already a few steps in front of you her mobile in her hand ordering an Uber.
You just needed to wait around five minutes for a car to pull up and Caro opened the back door
“Your chariot awaits, my lady” the german grinned waiting for you to climb into the backseat
She gave the driver the destination and you were on the way towards Camp Nuo. As the Uber pulled up you immediately spotted a small group of people.
“I'm so dead” you mumbled as you saw one of them roaming in front of the group a mobile phone in her hand before it makes the way to her ear to just be brought back down seconds later
“Let me guess.. the one trying to call you is your sister?” the blonde german smirked at your frozen like state pushing you out off the car following closely behind
“Can we just drive off a...” you started but got interrupted by loud angry yelling
“Bronze??” Caro asked confused “As in Lucy Bronze?”
“My sister” you mumbled quietly as you took cover behind the blonde
“Oh my god” the blonde whispered shocked
“Is she coming over??” you asked from behind her not daring to look
“She tries... other people holding her back... is that Alexia Putellas?” your new friend mumbles back standing frozen in place
“Probably” you whispered “You seem to know players... is Keira Walsh in that huddle somewhere?”
“I think so... I mean I'm not sure” the german answered lowly
“I call out for her and you have to tell me if someone reacts, okay?? KEIRA????” you yelled from behind Caro hoping that Keira was still around
“Yep... someone just looked over” your german friend said as Keira looked over
“Good.... can you bring me over to her without Lucy noticing?” you questioned
“Ehrm... this is Lucy Bronze we're talking about.... I don't think there's anything that goes unnoticed by her” Caro mumbled back
“You give her too much credit” you rolled your eyes behind the taller woman “Okay... maybe you could distract her and I run over to saftey – namely Keira”
“How should I distract a world class defender? Have you seen the stuff she pulled off at the Worldcup??”
“Ask her for a Autograph or something... go fangirling” you said pushing your friend forward.
“Absolutely not” Caro said shaking her head “Ooooooh... they're coming over”
“Okay...” you said panicking “You go left, I go right”
“You do realize that they have zero intrest in me, right?” she asked you raising an eyebrow
“Damnit” you swore quietly
“Cariño” you suddenly hear behind your human shield “would you mind stepping around this nice woman”
“No” you mumbled now grabbing Caros shirt
“Cariño” Alexia said but you heard her warning tone “I promise Lucia won't hurt you”
You peeked around your human shield to see Lucy a few feet away flanked by Ingrid and Ona and her face showed pure fury. Alexia stood right in front of Caro and you acting like a mediator.
“It wasn't my fault, I swear” you rushed out but stayed behind the german
“I didn't say it was but we were very worried” the spaniard said calm “now please step around that poor woman who you roped into this”
“Her name is Caro and she's german” you said still not moving from behind her
“Hola” Alexia said to your friend not sparing her a second glance “Do not make me get you out from behind her”
You reluctantly step around Caro standing now next to her your head hung low
“Thank you” the blonde spaniard said before she grabbed your wrist pulling you away a bit
“Alexia please” you digged your feet into the ground trying to stop the unievitable “She'll kill me and it was really an accident”
“She won't kill you stop being so.. dramático” Alexia said calmly as she pulled you over to where the others were standing.
You looked back over your shoulder towards your new friend who had a sorrowful look on her face waving slightly before turning around ready to leave
“Wait” you called out to her “I still owe you this coffee... Alexia please... One minute, okay”
Alexia stopped and let go of your wrist turning around to you
“You can't out run me... even if you try...” she warned you
“I just want to make sure there's a chance I can pay back my depth” you rolled your eyes
You quickly walked back to the german pulling out that 20 Euro bill scribbling your number down pushing it into Caros hand
“Call me... when I charged my phone again” you smiled then turning around walking back to the waiting Barcelona captain
“Wise choice not trying to run” Alexia said smiling slightly
“It's not like I would come very far” you shrugged nodding towards the bunch of football players standing a few feet behind Alexia
“True... now come one – you have to explain quite a bit” the blonde smiled encouraging at you pulling you along towards the small crowd
“Do you actually know what I just went through???” Lucy yelled the second you were close enough “I thought you.... I don't know... got killed or laying dead in a ditch or something!!”
You stepped behind Alexia hiding behind her. You knew your sister loved you to death so her yelling at you was bad
“Lucia” Alexia warned noticing how it effected you “We said no yelling... explain what happened Cariño”
You shook your head taking a step back just to feel someone cutting off your escape route. When you looked around it was Keira who had a blank look on her face
“It was really an accident Kei... I swear... Lucy gave me money and said I should go to the next Starbucks... I didn't want google the route, so I got lost and just wandered around... I met Caro because I ran into her and put her to her ass so I wanted to apologise by buying her a coffee and she said she knew a nice place and so I went with her... it was a really cute place and I forgot about time and when the sun set I checked my phone to see it died” you said talking one mile an hour trying to convince her that you didn't want to cause trouble on purpose.
Keira took a deep breath listening closely to your rant before holding up a hand
“Bitsy do you realize how much you had us worried... I mean I'm used to you wandering off but you don't know this city – as beautiful as Barcelona is, it can be dangerous... you don't know where to go and where to stay away from... hell Bitsy you don't even speak the language” she said and you saw that Keira held herself back
“I really didn't mean too” you answered sadly looking down
“I know... but that doesn't make it any less scary for us” the englishwoman said quietly before engulfing you in a bear hug.
“Will she kill me?” you mumbled into Keiras shoulder as you hugged her back
“No” the englishwoman chuckled “she probably handcuff you to herself... or bring back the dino-harness”
“Ugh... please don't let her” you groaned being remembered of one of the most embarrassing things Lucy ever done to you
You were about 10 when Keira took you to Lucy who was playing in Lyon at the time. They decided it would be a good idea to go with you to the park so you can power yourself out. Needless to say that you indeed used the whole park – much to the dismay of Lucy who had her first ever panic attack because she lost you. After that incident she immediately bought one of these kiddi-leashes to keep you in check. And not only did she make you wear it when you three were out in privat – oh no... she'd made you wear it when she went to training. So the first time you met worldclass players like Wendie Renard, Amandine Henry or Dzsenifer Marozsán you were strapped in a kids harness which had a dinosaur design – to be exact a dino whose biting his own tail - with a leash attached to its back. Looking back now it was probably the saftest – but also the most embarressing - option for you since you would have definitely wandered off exploring Stade Gérard Houllier and probably have gotten into trouble somehow. So you spent a whole training being tied to post next to the pitch solmley to the fact that Keira had something else to do and couldn't take you with her.
Now as Keira hugged you tightly and brought back those memories which resulted in you pressing your face into her shoulder. Just as you got comfortable against Keira you got ripped away from her embrance and found yourself at the receiving end of another tight hug.
“Never EVER do that again, Bubs” your sister mumbled into your hair “You can't just disappear like that... I was so SO scared”
“I'm sorry, Luce” you mumbled back thankful that she got over her initial angryness
“Are you okay? Nobody hurt you, right? Who was that woman?” Lucy fired question after question as she pushed you backwards to take a look at you
“I'm good Luce... really” you said hiding your slightly swollen wrist “That woman was Caro... I ran into her and she helped me getting here”
“You can't just go with strangers, Bubs... I thought I drilled that into your head back in Lyon” your sister said and looked at you somehow helplessly
“It wasn't like I knew where I was or something” you rolled your eyes “She seemed nice and she really helped me”
“Cariño” you suddenly heared behind you again and it made you jump a little
“Hm?” you hummed carefully turning around facing Alexia
“Are you really okay?” she stared down at you and you knew that she knew.
“Yes... yes I am” you tried to sound convincing but your voice betrayed you at the end
“Oh my god, you aren't” your sister exclaimed “Tell me.. you did get hurt, didn't you?! Is it bad? Do you need an ambulance? No wait... I drive you... Ona... get the car – we need to go to the hospital and you need to translate”
“Lucy!” you yelled “I'm fine... no ambulance, no hospital... calm your tits”
“You know you were never good at lying, Bitsy” Keira grinned “And if even Lucy picks up on it, then it's a really bad attempt”
“I'm not lying” you pressed still hiding your injured wrist
“Are we stretching the truth again then?” Keira asked knowingly
“Maybe” you said, looking down starting to kick the pavement embarrassed
“Show me immediately” Lucy demanded and already started to inspect your face moving her hands down to check your shoulders
“Keira” you whined trying to get away from your sisters prying hands
“Lucy stop it... it's her left wrist” the englishwoman rolled her eyes
“How did you... outch Luce” you started as your sister grabbed your wrist making you hiss out in pain
“You're not as sneaky as you think Bitsy” Keira grinned
“But I... Ow Lucy... that hurts man” you said bewildered before your sister put a little pressure on your wrist which hurts a LOT
“You tried to hide it very well – yes you did” Keira chooed and pinched your cheek “But not well enough for me or Alexia”
“Why would you hide something like this, Cariño?” the barca captain wanted to know
“You saw how she reacted and she didn't even know I was injured... OW!” you said nodding towards your sister while Lucy was prodding your wrist
Alexia delicatly took your hand out of Lucys hands and inspected it closely turned and stretched it carefully. You hissed at some of the movements even trying to pull away at one turn but one stern look from the blonde spainard made clear that you wouldn't get away
“It hurts” you mumbled as you tried to pull away again
“I bet” Alexia said quietly still inspecting your wrist “Looks like a sprain but to be sure you need some... radiografía”
“I need WHAT?” you squeaked shocked and scared at the same time
“Ona... what is radiografá” the spainard asked her teammate
“X-Ray.. you need some x-rays” the young catalonian said
“HA” Lucy exclaimed in a “I told you so”-tone
“Nooooo” you whined and JUST stopped yourself from stomping your foot
“Come on Bubs...” your sister said lovingly as she laid her arm around your shoulder and pulled you towards her Cupra “... I heard the spanish hospitals are quite an experience”
“Keira” you whined begging looking at her with big puppy eyes
“I'll meet you there okay?” the englishwoman said reassuring
“Excuse me... I'm there with you, you don't need to whine for Kei” Lucy said accusing
“But Keira knows everything about me... you're like a piece of swiss cheese sometimes” you said embarrassed
“I know EVERYTHING about you” your sister exclaimed outraged
“What's my blood type?” you raised an eyebrow
“Red” your sister shrugged as she opened the back door of her car for you
“Nope... uh-hu... I won't let you take any responsebility or make any medical decision when your answer is “Red” as a blood type” you shook your head fast
“Bet Keira doesn't know either” Lucy rolled her eyes looking over towards her fellow england teammate
“AB positive” the blonde said before entering her own car
“Seriously??” Lucy exclaimed throwing her arms up in annoyance
“I'm driving with Keira” you said quickly trying to get into her car
“You're not” your sister grabbed your shirt pulling you back “Stop being a child and get in the car”
“Then I want to ride shotgun” you said stubborn
“Ona is riding shotgun” Lucy said calm
“Ona is what?” the short woman asked confused pointing at herself
“You front” Lucy pointed at her girlfriend “You back” she pointed at you
“Why?” you whined again
“My Cupra has a lot of buttons – you will push all of them and probably break it” your sister explained
You huffed offended but climbed into the back of the sleek black car.
“Fucking finally” Lucy sighed and rolled her eyes after she closed the car door
“Be nice... she's upset” Ona said over the roof opening the passenger side door climbing in
“I'm upset too” your sister mumbled getting into the driver seat and started the car to drive you to the hospital.
The drive only took 15 minutes but for you it became nearly unbearable. You hated hospitals – with a passion. You had to spend some time in hospital when you were about six years old due to a burst appendix and since that time it was a mission to get you to put a foot in said buildings. It took Keira a lot of bribing to get you to visit Lucy when she had her knee surgery. That's how bad it was – you wouldn't even enter a hospital for visiting others.
“Come on, Bubs... let's get this wrist checked out” Lucy said softly as she leaned in the open car door. You didn't even noticed the car came to a halt before being deep in thoughts what could go wrong with a simple check-up. They could discover something worse and will keep you in there and probably maybe surgery and something goes wrong and you're going to die on that table. You decided right there and then you won't enter the hospital – there was a high risk of dying and your life just begun.
“Bubs?” your sister tried again seeing you spiraling, your forehead showing wrinkles you keep biting your lip your eyes staring into nothing
“Let me... you know how she gets about hospitals” Keira said softly arriving just in time to see you in distress “Get her checked in, I'll get her in there okay?”
“Kay... thanks Kei...” Lucy sighed then looking at Ona sheepishly “you need to help me... these forms are probably in spanish”
The short catalonian grinned “Aren't you around long enough to know basic spanish by now?”
“Speaking it... not reading it” Lucy mocked her girlfriend
As the two Barca players entered the hospital to get you checked in for your wrist Keira slipped into the backseat of Lucys car right next to you.
“Hey Bitsy” she said quietly trying to get your attention laying her hand carefully on your knee
“I don't want to go in there, Kei... I'm going to die” you said in a monotone but slightly panicked voice
“You're not going to die” the blonde chuckled “They'll do the same as Alexia did, test your ability to move in different directions then decide to take some.... how did you always refer to x-rays when you were younger?”
“Bone pictures” you mumbled
“They will take some bone pictures see that nothing is broken, then either put a simple bandage or a splint on it and we're out again – if you're good, I tell Ona to tell them to give you the good painkillers” Keira tried to walk you through whats most likely to happen.
“But if they discover something wrong with my wrist and they want to do surgery and something goes horribly wrong and I die on the table?” you looked at your comfort person horrified
“Not going to happen, Bitsy... It's just a simple check... and you have too much movability for it to be broken... it's just a sprain, okay?” the blonde englishwoman smiled reassuring
“You promise?” you mumble leaning into Keira
“I promise... now come on... your sister already came out the entrance looking for us three times now” Keira smiled at you
“She should calm her tits...” you rolled your eyes annoyed
“She was so worried, Bitsy... her session today was shit because she felt one guilty for kicking you out and two she was scared that something happened to you... I know you're a big girl now and you definitely can look after yourself but this is still a unknown city to you and honestly Bitsy – if you take a wrong turn you could end up in a very bad area and get killed”
“I really didn't mean to worry you...” you mumbled ashamed
“I know... but cut her some slack... she loves you to bits... she would do everything for you – always have and always will do” the englishwoman smiled while opening her side of the car taking your right hand into hers pulling slightly for you to follow her
“Took you long enough” Lucy whispered so only Keira could hear her
“We're here, aren't we?” the fellow english fired back a little annoyed
“Ona is talking to the nurses if there's anything they could do to get us through faster... I know every minute spend in here she's more likely to bolt” Lucy talked quietly always having an eye on you as you clutched Keiras hand hard.
“She's scared... she's convinced they'll take her in for surgery and she's going to die” the blonde explained as she let you squeeze her hand to the point where it became numb.
“Is there anything I can do?” your sister asks her ex-girlfriend getting a little concerned herself
“Hold her? Tell her you won't leave” Keira said simply and the second she finished Lucy was out of her seat, crouching in front of you
“Come here Bubs... just like old times” she smiled at you before prying your hand off Keiras and pulled you forward so you had to stand up. She then sat down in your place and now pulled you down into her lap holding you tightly
“I've got you Bubs... you know I won't leave and everything will be over quickly” your sister mumbled into your hairline as you laid your head on her shoulder getting tired after your long, eventful day. You were just about to close your eye for a long needed nap as a nice looking young woman with light blue scrubs and a white lab coat called out your name
“y/n?” the doctor called out and Lucy nudged you slightly as Ona made the doctor aware that you were infact there
You slipped of Lucys lap but didn't move until your sister pushed you forward always having her hand on your back.
“I think Ona should come too... I don't speak spanish and yours is probably shit...” you mumble tiredly
“I'll let you know that I speak excellent spanish, devils spawn” your sister growled back but you heared that it held no bite
“You're probably not even able to order a coffee” you spoke quietly as you followed the doctor
“I can even order an apple pie on the side” Lucy smirked at you – knowing it would ease your nerves a bit since this is the only thing you always find the most important to learn first.. how to order food - as she pushed you through the door of the trauma room closing the door behind you so your exit was blocked and you couldn't run off.
It went just as Keira promised you and nothing bad happened. The woman palpated your wrist in several different places moved it around a bit and decided to take some x-rays to be sure. After three failed attempts to take some pictures of your wrist without Lucy in the room the nurses begrudgingly allowed your sister back in the room. The moment Lucy stepped in your line of sight you relaxed and held still for the few minutes it took the nurses to take the x-rays. It wasn't really your fault that you panicked when they told you – in spanish of course – what they wanted you to do and you got “slightly” irretated when they just grabbed your arm. At least you didn't bite anyone this time. Now you were seated in the trauma room again waiting for the doctor to come back to review your pictures and tell Lucy what her treatment plan was who then would tell you. The woman looked at the pictures closely before speaking to your sister.
“You have a really bad strain.. nothing broken, just really really badly sprained wrist... you'll get a splint for now and as soon as we're home we'll ice it” your sister told you softly holding your good hand.
“Okay” you said carefully not trusting the process
“You're going to be okay Bubs” Lucy soothed you “just a splint and we're on our way home, okay”
“Do they have cool colors?” you asked quietly
Lucy turned towards the doctor repeating in spanish what you just asked
“Which color do you want?” your sister asked you
“What are the colors of Real Madrid? White and Gold if I'm right, right?” you grinned wide at Lucy who looked betrayed
“Hell to the no” Lucy exclaimed outraged “In no way you enter my home in these colors... what a disgrace”
“White and gold?” you asked the doctor directly but she just looked at you bluntly so you decided to take a different approach
You stood up – slowly so your sister wouldn't think you're trying to bolt – going to the door, opening it and yell from the top of the lungs for Ona. The small Player came sprinting down the hallway coming to a skittering halt in front of you
“Yes?” she said a little panicked
“What's white in spanish?”
“Blanco, why?” the blonde spainard looked at you confused
“And gold?” you smiled at her
“Oro” she looked even more confused than before and it didn't help that Lucy groaned behind you
“Blanco and Oro, sí?” you turned around looking at the doctor grinning from ear to ear
“Sí” the doctor grinned leaving the room
“I can't believe you” Lucy exclaimed throwing her arms up in defeat “using my girlfriend for your pettiness”
“What just happened?” Ona asked getting more confused by the second
“She wants a splint in the colors white and gold...” Lucy groaned
“That are Reals colors” Ona exclaimed shocked
You just sat on the bed grinning widely as the two women in front of you started a discussion in spanish. Soon the doctor came back with a white splint with gold around the edges showing it to you
“Tanto?” she looked at you
“Ehrm... sí?” you answered unsure looking at Ona for help
“Sí muchas gracias” the spainard smiled politely
You got your split fitted to your wrist and with a description for some – apparently very good pain meds courtesy of Ona – you leave the hospital with your entourage of three world class football players.
“See Bitsy... nothing bad happened... I’m proud of you for not bolting” Keira smiled warmly as you crossed the car park.
“Yeah Bubs... I’m actually REALLY proud of you... I know it’s somehow a big deal for you but you took it like a champ” Lucy also smiled widely as she kept her arms around your shoulders keeping you close to her side
“Real colors, I can’t believe it” Ona mumbled next to Lucy “and I helped... what’s next? Sitting in the Real section at the El classíco?”
You laughed at Onas antics “Get used to it, Batlle... you’ll get used and abused from me until there’s nothing left to squeeze out of you” you laugh
“Welcome to the Family”
Now it was Lucy who burst out laughing with Keira following suite also laughing heartwarming. Onas face showed pure horror as you four reached the cars.
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ninyard · 6 months
The monsters and their ability to pick up languages is so interesting to me so here’s some random HCs about monsters + languages that are definitely not original at all:
- Neil learned French in Europe before him and Mary found their way to French-speaking Canada. He essentially had to semi-adopt the language discrepancies while he was there, and even though his fluency is in French from France, sometimes he messes up and pronounces things weirdly or differently (and Kevin frequently makes fun of him for it)
- Kevin has some rusty Japanese that he was forced to learn growing up. He can understand it pretty well, and can somewhat speak it to a lower level, but he can’t read or write it. He’s not fluent, and probably couldn’t hold a conversation with a native speaker, but he could understand his Japanese counterparts in the Nest when he needed to.
- In turn Kevin isn’t able to order in Japanese at a restaurant, but he could explain the rules of Exy to someone fairly coherently if he had to.
- This isn’t an original thought by any means but Neil and Kevin definitely speak in French when they’re by themselves just to make sure they don’t lose it.
- They sometimes make calls to each other on the court in French, and because of this, most of the team picks up very basic calls in French. None of them can actually speak it, but Andrew picks up a little more than the rest, having spent so much time with Kevin. Again, couldn’t hold a conversation, but every now and again he recognises certain words in their conversations.
- Neil is like a walking version of those White Guy Speaks Chinese And Stuns Waitress (he can understand her?!?) polyglot youTube videos. It becomes more of a hobby for him once he’s settled and the FBI are off his back, but the foxes are constantly shocked by how many languages he can speak. He is fluent in English, French, and German of course, with some conversational Spanish, but he can pretty much have a basic interaction in most of the languages of countries he’d been in. His Dutch is the worst, because he could never quite grasp the proper pronunciation of things, but one time he speaks to a waiter in Italian and Andrew can’t believe it.
- (RIP Neil Josten, you would’ve loved duolingo)
- When he goes to the Olympics he’s like a kid in a candy store. It’s like a subconscious bingo game for him to speak to someone from every country at least once.
- Aaron loves listening to music in German. He would definitely drag Nicky to a rave if they ever found themselves in Berlin.
- Katelyn asks him whenever they have their kid if he wants to raise them bilingual, but he decides not to because he only really learned German for Nicky and his brother, and doesn’t really speak it at all after he graduates.
- Neil and Nicky study Spanish together sometimes. It helps Nicky stay close to his roots now that his immediate family is pretty much out of the picture. It means way more to him than Neil even knows.
- Another unoriginal one but Andrew and Neil definitely do learn sign language in the future. I could talk about this one forever.
- When Kevin gets frustrated, he finds it hard to speak ANY language. He messes up words in English, forgets how to say things, and occasionally is the butt of the joke when he combines a French and English word accidentally.
- Kevin watches anime when nobody is around. He thinks dubbed anime is a crime.
- Andrew thinks he’s pretty good at German until he tries to have a conversation with Erik and realises wow native speakers talk a lot faster than we do. You wouldn’t know, because even if he just understands half of a sentence, he can usually piece together what is being said 90% of the time, and he would never admit out loud that he needs Erik to slow down when he’s talking so he can understand him.
- He is, however, REALLY good at accents. He has a talent for speaking gibberish but sounding as if he’s speaking fluent French. It drives Kevin up the wall when he does it, but he also hates when he can’t understand what Kevin and Neil are saying to each other.
And Bonus:
- Jeremy is really bad at accents. He is initially frustrated by Jean and his French, but once he understands that it is Jean’s first language (that the Moriyama’s took from him), he makes an effort to try and learn. He’s just really, really bad at it. Jean cringes every time he tries, because he speaks with a heavy American accent. Jean is not pretentious about his language, but he is, at the end of the day, French. So when Jeremy says bonjour in that hideous so-Cal accent, it’s in part endearing that he’s trying, but mostly like nails on a chalkboard.
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sleepisoverrated · 7 months
My headcanons about Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson is smart.
Like I hate it when they make him a dumb bimbo, he's hot yes he knows it, but he also has been hacking into the Pentagon for fun since he was ten, survived Spyral and several almost apocalypses. I know it's cannon since no Bat is dumb, but some fics, SOME FICS, make him look like he never went to school.
Dick Grayson knows so many languages.
I assume due to the fact that he grew up in a traveling circus he already knew a lot of languages(even if his english was bad when his parents died), but due to being robin and Bruce Wayne's ward he learned basically all major languages on Earth( and some alien) like Romani, German, French, Russian, English, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Irish, Finish, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indian, Latin, backwards speech(Zatara), Tamoranian(i think that's how you spell it), Kryptonian, speedster(when speedsters talk super fast) and so on.
Dick Grayson has at least some immunity against Fear toxin(Ft), Joker venom(Jv).
And most of the other poisons due to constant exposure since he was 9, also when he was younger there were no antidotes for Ft and Jv so he learned how to ride them out without a sound. (You can't tell me it hasn't fucked him up somehow, like a 9 y/o being constantly exposed to these things HAS to have some consequences and while he has his immunity I also think he has extreme anxiety( like all the bats a.k.a. Bat paranoia) and constant panic attacks(next headcanon))
Dick Grayson is a master at controlling his body.
Besides the fact that he probably learned acrobatics before he could walk and was a stage performer(always smiled even if the performance got off the rails) I also think he has taught himself complete control of his body due to far too many close calls. He learned to control each muscle individually for combat under high-stress situations(where he most needs that control). This had a side effect of him being able to control his face muscle/expressions and body language. He became the best actor there will ever be, because he can keep a smile on his face even if he is in excruciating pain, he can look completely calm and relaxed even though he is having a panic attack and the opposite is true as well he can look completely terrified even though he is amused. Because of this you need to know him extremely well to tell if he's in distress(the only people so far are Alfred, Damian and Slade(he's obsessed))
Anyway if you want more of the headcanon's just say, Nightwing is one of my favourite characters I can rant about him much longer.
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kelpstheshifter · 2 months
Introducing My 1950s Housewife Life
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Abt me ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
˚୨୧⋆ 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆: Alice Lexington <33
˚୨୧⋆ 𝑨𝒈𝒆: 19 years old <33
˚୨୧⋆𝑯𝒐𝒃𝒃𝒊𝒆𝒔: Childcare, Ballroom dancing, Dancing, Crocheting, Cooking, Cleaning, Baking, Sewing, Fashion Designing, Horseback Riding, Snow Skiing, and Horse Dressage
˚୨୧⋆𝑵𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: American
˚୨୧⋆𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔: English, Spanish, Italian, Patois, German, Chinese, Tagalog, French
˚୨୧⋆ 𝑵𝒆𝒕 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉: 3.5 Billion Dollars
Relationships (mostly family) ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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𝑴𝒚 𝑯𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅, 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝑬𝒅𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑳𝒆𝒙𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒐𝒏
˚୨୧⋆ 𝑨𝒈𝒆: 42
We married 2 months ago, but we dated a year before that. I am this man's PRINCESS. He is the CEO of the biggest oil company in the world (It's generational) and he's an amazing man, whom I love dearly. This man basically created Princess Treatment. When he's not working on business deals and such he's at home being a great husband and father. He loves the piano, collecting vintage cars, and yachting. He's the whole package and I love him.
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𝑴𝒚 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑𝒅𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓, 𝑫𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒉 𝑳𝒆𝒙𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒐𝒏
˚୨୧⋆ 𝑨𝒈𝒆: 15
Deborah and I are 4 years apart, we went to the same high school and we were friends, but not extradionarily close since I was a senior and she was a freshman when we met. We get along well and now that we're family we're the best of friends.
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𝑴𝒚 𝑩𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅, 𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒎𝒔𝒐𝒏
˚୨୧⋆ 𝑨𝒈𝒆: 22
Frances and I are best friends because of our husbands but that doesn't mean we love each other any less. Our husbands (Charles was my boyfriend at the time) introduced us to each other at a Charity Banquet and we hit it off immediately. When we're at our homes in the suburbs we talk shit about the other moms, bake, drink, and dance together. This woman is my other half.
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𝑴𝒚 𝑯𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅'𝒔 𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅, 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒎𝒔𝒐𝒏
˚୨୧⋆ 𝑨𝒈𝒆: 28
This is John, He's Frances' husband and a very close friend of Charles. Charles considers him as his little brother. He inherited his father's spot in the Lexington Oil Company so he's very wealthy and highly ranked amongst the families. This is man can DANCE. When we all go dancing if I'm not dancing with Frances or Charles I'm dancing with him. He's such a gentleman, he's into pottery and swimming. I actually scripted a scenario where he teaches me pottery. I love him. Frances bagged herself a GREAT man.
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𝑴𝒚 𝑮𝒐𝒅𝒔𝒐𝒏, 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒎𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒓.
˚୨୧⋆ 𝑨𝒈𝒆: 5 months
I LOVE MY GODSON! Me and Charles are the godparents of Frances and John's beautiful baby boy. Whenever me and Frances are hanging out in our houses in the suburbs we watch him while tidying up, baking, or watching movies. He's my pride and joy I love this kid.
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒆𝒙𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝑫𝒐𝒈𝒔, 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑷𝒆𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓
˚୨୧⋆ 𝑨𝒈𝒆: 1 year old and 4 years old
Scruffy is Charles' German shepherd and Pepper is the poodle he surprised me with when we first started dating. They're best friends and you can NOT separate these two I swear. They have such different personalities, Scruffy being a rough-housing hooligan and Peppers being this proper and polite baby. I love them both dearly and they mean the world to me.
˖𓍢ִִ໋𓇼⋆𝑭𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒅𝒓˖𓍢ִִ໋𓇼⋆
ᡣ𐭩 Racism is not a problem in this reality
ᡣ𐭩 The Lexingtons are the richest family on earth while the Williamsons are the twenty-first richest
ᡣ𐭩 We own 3 houses the Lexington Villa, Mansion, Beach house, and then a whole bunch of miniature properties that I did not take the time to memorize
ᡣ𐭩 All the wealthy families get together for banquets, fundraisers and balls a few times a year
ᡣ𐭩 The world is always like the 1950s-60s even as time progresses
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katyswrites · 2 years
don't call me 'baby'
Pairing: Steve Harrington/fem!reader
Warnings: Sugardaddy!Steve, swearing, sexual harassment/men being gross, alcohol use, smoking, age gap
Wordcount: 4k
A sugar daddy modern AU, a whirlwind summer romance in Italy, and two people from completely different walks of life, somehow finding each other in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But, what will happen when summer ends?
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PART 1 | in the same room, at the same time
This wasn’t supposed to happen. That’s what you would tell yourself, later. But, life is funny that way - nothing ever really goes the way you’d expect it. And, when you had taken the last-minute shift at Enoteca Bruni, the fine-dining restaurant where you worked as a cocktail waitress, you could have never predicted where the night would take you.
It had started with a large reservation that had come in around 8pm, four businessmen in suits and watches that you imagined cost more than your entire month’s rent. You were used to that type - considering the prices on the wine list, nearly everyone you served here lived at least three tax brackets above you. It wasn’t a job meant for everyone - a lot of these types of customers were dismissive, rude, and expected those who serve them to disappear in the background, not to interrupt whatever they were doing, which was obviously oh-so-important. But, the tips were phenomenal, and the late night hours worked perfectly with your daytime shifts at the cafe in the city’s center.
Still, the most intriguing thing about them was that they weren’t Italian, like you had gotten used to - nor were they speaking Spanish, French, German, or any of the other languages you had learned to recognize over the last few years. No, they were American. It wasn’t often that you heard your native tongue and accent nowadays - no, it was actually jarring. But, you welcomed it. The oldest man at the table, a gray-haired, thin man with a sharp face and tailored three-piece suit, smiled when you greeted them with a hello.
“How wonderful,” he had exclaimed. “Someone from our side of the world.”
“Finally,” a younger man with a smattering of freckles on the other side of the table had said, exasperated. “We’ve got someone who actually speaks English around here.”
“Well,” you said, “To be fair, you are in Rome. I suppose you could say we are the odd-ones-out.”
He rolled his eyes, and shrugged. “Yeah, well, I guess I’m just trying to say it’s nice to actually understand who I’m talking to for once, you know? Not that I’m looking for her to talk back.”
Unfortunately, that didn’t even crack the top ten worst things a customer had said to you in your time working here. So instead, you just plastered on a cheerful smile.
“Of course. In that case, what drinks can I get started for you gentlemen?”
As the hours wore on though, it was becoming harder and harder to feign kindness. With each wave of dismissal, or snap of their fingers, you wanted to take the drinks you were serving and throw them in their faces. The worst of the bunch were probably the first older man you had spoken to, who had such a vile demeanor about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on it; and perhaps worse than him were two of the younger men, the dark-haired one with freckles, and a sandy-haired guy with what you could only describe as a mullet.
1982 called, it wants its hairstyle back, you thought to yourself. 
It was those two who you could see undressing you with their eyes, who called you over for nonsense requests, asking you to bend over the table to get things that you knew they were perfectly capable of reaching themselves. And, you weren’t deaf; you heard the comments they made as you walked away to fetch more wine and scotch.
Look at that ass go, one of them said. I’d definitely hit it.
As if you could pull that, the other said. Besides, you’ve already got two bitches on the side Billy; leave some for the rest of us.
Don’t look at me, the sandy-haired man who was apparently named Billy retorted. If anyone around here needs to get laid, it’s Harrington.
With your back turned, you rolled your eyes, and wondered if they’d notice if you spit in their drink - that was, until no-first-name Harrington replied.
Guys, lay off - just let the girl do her job, yeah? 
You took a deep breath, and recomposed yourself - it was the bare minimum, but it was something - someone who saw you as a person, maybe.
You carried the tray over with a wide smile plastered on your face, handing out drinks as you surveyed the table. You glanced at Harrington, the quietest one in the group - you had hardly heard a word from him all night, until right now. He was handsome, on the younger side of the group, but you’d estimate still about a decade your senior; he had a thick, slightly wild head of chestnut hair, and more of a boyish look about him. And with the exception of his perfectly-tailored suit and ostentatious Rolex, he didn’t look to have much else in common with his colleagues at first glance. While they sat at ease, laughing and conversing over their drinks, he sat up straight, stoically swirling his wine.
You pulled the post-dinner cigars they had asked you to bring out of the box, slicing the end with the guillotine cutter and handing the first one to the oldest man, striking a match and lighting it for him until he drew smoke. It felt humiliating sometimes, to light the Suits’ cigars for them as if they couldn’t do it themselves, but that came with the territory in a place like this, you had learned. 
You reached Harrington last, only for him to shake his head.
“Oh, none for me - thank you though.”
Thank you - he was probably the first one from the table to say that all evening. 
“Can I get you gentleman anything else?” you asked stiffly.
“That’ll be all, for now,” the gray-haired man said, waving you off. 
You nodded, and at the bar, decided it was high time for your smoke break. You glanced at your watch - your shift was over in less than an hour, and your high heels were killing you. You signaled to the manager behind the bar that you were taking fifteen, and shouldered your way out the door.
The first few minutes outside were peaceful, and relatively quiet - at least, as quiet as Rome could be at this hour. There was still the distant sound of traffic, the bustle of people on the sidewalk, many drunkenly stumbling and laughing, in the midst of making merry on a Friday night. You took a drag from your cigarette and inhaled deeply - even just a few moments off of your feet, and sitting out here on this bench in the fresh air, was starting to take the edge off. Still, you couldn’t shake that table of men - your manager had warned you that it was a very high-profile client, explaining that the dinner was likely a pretense for some multi-million dollar deal to be discussed. Still, you found yourself muttering under your breath, practicing the retorts and profanities you had wanted to throw at them. The shield you had built for dealing with customers was only so strong, and if your job wasn’t on the line, you probably would have told them to fuck off hours ago.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you don’t hear someone approaching, not until they’re right next to you, clearing their throat.
“Oh! Jesus, hi,” you say, clutching your chest with your hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
Harrington was standing above you, hands in his pockets and his tie loosened.
“It’s fine - I promise, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
His smile was friendly, and a bit apologetic. He looked different in the dim light, a bit younger, and not at all like someone who spends his days in an office doing… whatever those men inside did.
“You mind if I sit?” he asked, gesturing to the empty spot next to you on the bench. You just shook your head, a bit wary of him still.
He smiled, and started fishing around in his pockets until he pulled out a small baggie of tobacco and a pack of rolling papers. You raised your eyebrows, and smirked.
“You roll your own cigarettes?” you asked.
He nodded, not quite looking at you, focused intently on the task and hand.
“Yep. It’s so much better than that crap you smoke, trust me.”
You scoffed, despite the fact that this man was technically your customer, and your shift wasn’t quite over yet.
“Yeah, well, I’m doing just fine with what I’ve got. Thanks though…” you trailed off, looking at him expectantly. He caught on and turned to face you, grinning.
“Steve. Steve Harrington.”
He extended a hand towards you. You hesitated for a moment, caught off-guard by the simplicity of the gesture from someone like him, but you took it, telling him your own name. His much bigger hand was warm and calloused, shaking yours firmly before pulling away.
You stared at him intently, desperately trying to figure him out as you placed your cigarette between your lips and inhaled. It was hard to figure out what exactly his deal was - but, he was talking to you like you were an actual person, so that was at least a step above most of the people you’d waited on here.
When he finished rolling, he stuck the cigarette between his lips, then sighed. 
“Shit - d’you have a light?”
You nodded, reaching into your handbag and pulling out your small blue lighter. He leaned in close, close enough that you could faintly smell his cologne, feel the heat radiating off of him in the cool May evening. It took a moment for the flame to catch, then he was leaning back and he took a drag, letting his eyes flutter shut.
You looked away quickly, staring at the street ahead. Your black cocktail dress didn’t offer much coverage, causing you to shiver slightly as a breeze picked up. It was Steve who broke the silence, after a few moments.
“I want to apologize, by the way - my, uh, colleagues… they’re assholes.”
You nearly choked at his words, whipping around to face him.
“I’m sorry… what?”
“I - I don’t know how much you heard in there, but -”
“I heard enough,” you said quickly.
His face fell, then hardened. He looked… angry? Or, perhaps disappointed.
“I really am sorry. I know I probably should have said something, but…Brenner’s my boss. And, there’s a lot of people who would kill to work for him. So, you have to understand… I mean, Tommy and Billy, they’re real jerks. I can’t stand them, most of the time. So, just know that if you want to punch them in the face, I’d understand.”
You laughed at that, shaking your head. 
“Well, just between you and me, I do want to punch them. But… I would really like to keep my job, and actually get a good tip at the end of the night. So, if I can make it through the next -” you glanced at your watch, “- half an hour or so, I’ll be alright. I’m kind of used to it anyway, working here.”
You felt his eyes on you, but didn’t turn to meet his gaze. Then, he said more softly, “I’m sorry to hear that. Really.”
You shrugged. 
“It’s fine. But, thank you - most people don’t take the time to say that, I guess.”
A moment of semi-awkward silence fell between you and him, before you added, “But, it’s good to know that I apparently have a nice ass.”
He laughed at that, choking on the smoke he was inhaling.
“Oh God - Billy and Tommy really are the worst. Did you hear that they actually were trying to make a bet about you in there?”
You raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued.
“What kind of bet?”
He suddenly broke eye contact, staring straight ahead as he shook his head vigorously.
“You know what - nevermind, you’d be disgusted -”
“Well now you have to tell me,” you conceded, inching closer. “C’mon, it can’t be that bad -”
“They said if I manage to get you to go home with me tonight, they’d agree on this huge deal with HNL that they’ve been trying to close with our European counterpart for months - they said it because they knew it wouldn’t happen, of course, I don’t really -”
“What would you get?” you asked bluntly.
“If they thought you won the bet, like, would that be good for your job?”
He scoffs, nodding fervently.
“Um, yes - my yearly bonus would probably quadruple -”
“Then let’s do it,” you said.
His mouth fell open, and he was staring at you like you had three heads.
“Do what, exactly?”
He suddenly looked flushed, frozen in place as he stared at you. You felt a devilish grin spread on your face as you looked back at him, stubbing out the cigarette with the toe of your shoe.
“Here’s what we’re going to do, Harrington.”
You had made sure he arrived back at the table only moments before you. The group of cajoling men were louder now, Tommy slurring his words and Billy in a heated debate with Brenner. Steve flashed a smile at the group, then started sipping his drink as if he had never left.
“What I’m saying is, if we offer them 14 percent -”
“Well, at that rate, we may as well sell them the whole goddamn company -”
“We’re going to have to budge at least a little if we want to make headway, otherwise Upside Tech might outbid us -”
“Harrington!” Tommy cried over the other two men. “Where th’hell ‘ave you been? You left me stranded with these two, they’re actually trying to work right now -”
Then, he spotted you, suddenly flashing a grin that was too wide for your liking.
“Mademoiselle - might I say, I think you’ve only gotten hotter since I last saw you -”
“That was only about twenty minutes ago,” Steve said firmly, cutting Tommy off. “Also, we’re in Italy, not France.”
Tommy waved him off, leaning closer across the table, towards where you stood. 
“May I ask, how’re you getting home tonight, little lady?”
You just smiled.
“I’m actually so happy you brought that up - while I appreciate your concern and all, I’ve got that covered.”
You then turned to Steve, who froze in place.
“Ready to go, Steve?” you asked innocently.
All conversation stopped, then, the other men around the table stopped to gape at him. A smug smirk appeared on Steve’s face, and he stood up slowly, smoothing out his suit.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
Despite yourself, your heart fluttered at the pet name, as ridiculous as it felt. 
“What?” Billy said, his jaw nearly on the floor.
But before they could ask any more questions, Steve was holding out his bent arm, which you graciously hooked yourself through. You pressed yourself into his side, flashing another grin back at the group.
“I’ve left your bill on the table - thank you gentlemen for a wonderful evening, and we hope to see you soon!”
Then Steve surveyed the table, adding, “I suspect you’ll be in touch about negotiation meetings shortly? Since that was the deal and all. I’ll see you at the office on Monday.”
Then, you and Steve turned a corner and headed out the door, to where a car was already waiting for you.
Steve gestured for you to go in ahead of him, opening the backseat door. You slid across, greeting the driver quickly and Steve followed, shutting the door behind you. The second it was closed, you both looked at each other, and burst into uncontrollable laughter.
“Oh my God - did you see their faces?”
“I’m going to live on that for years,” he added, fighting to breathe. You threw your head back, practically cackling at the memory of their dumbfounded expressions.
“That was amazing,” Steve said, regaining his composure. “Seriously, thank you.”
“Don’t mention it - I think I got off of it more than you.”
“I doubt that.”
You met his gaze, and your breath stopped for a moment. He really was handsome, his honey-brown eyes staring into yours with such sincerity that it was actually overwhelming. You looked away quickly, staring straight ahead.
“Well, if anything, it made my shift more interesting, so thanks,” you said, fiddling with your hands in your lap.
“Yeah, and you just made me my yearly bonus, so thank you.”
After a moment, he cleared his throat. 
“So, uh, where do you live? So I can get you home.”
“Oh! Right,” you said. “Um, do you have any ID or anything?”
Steve furrowed his brow, confused.
“Why are you asking?”
“Look, don’t take this personally - I’ve watched way too much Criminal Minds in my life. And, while I’m sure you’re nice and all, I’m not exactly gonna tell a strange man I’ve never met where I live without some precautions. So, I’m going to take a picture of your ID and send it to my roommate, so she knows who to turn in if I end up on the news, yeah?”
Steve just smirked, and pulled out his wallet.
“So, you think I’m strange?”
You shrugged, fighting a smile.
“Obviously, yes.”
Steve chuckled softly, fishing his license out of his wallet.
“Fair enough - as long as you’re not trying to steal my identity or anything.”
“Oh, definitely,” you said sarcastically. “I was actually going to buy a mansion in your name, if that’s alright.”
He laughed, handing you the card as you took a photo. The address was in Indiana - interesting. He was also 30, judging from his birthday - nearly ten years older than you. Also interesting. You handed it back, shooting a quick text to Robin:
I’ll explain later, but in case I get murdered!
You attached the photo and pressed send. 
Satisfied, you leaned forward, telling your address to the driver, who nodded and pulled onto the busy city street.
You leaned back in your seat, staring out the window. You passed dimly-lit alleyways and bustling restaurants, groups smoking on the sidewalk and couples kissing on benches as the evening started winding down. The silence in the car is comfortable enough, considering that you met the man beside you a few hours ago. It’s him who breaks the lull in conversation, once again.
“So, why did you do it?” he asked quietly.
“The bet? Well, kind of - at least, why did you make it look like I - like we -”
You shrugged, shifting to face him.
He nodded, gaze fixed on you.
“Well - a few reasons, I guess. I knew it would get those jerks off of my back. And, I knew it would help you, with your bonus and all.”
“And why did you want to help me, though? You know nothing about me.”
“Not true,” you said firmly. “I know one thing.”
“And what’s that?”
“You’re kind.”
It was simple, but true - for the type of clientele you usually served, he was a rare breed. Maybe it wasn’t much, but it was something.
“I mean, you were nice to me, and actually treated me like a person. I can’t say that for a lot of people, not in that place.”
“Oh,” he said softly. 
A beat. Two. Then, he added, “Oh no - I didn’t even ask, did you have a car, back at the restaurant? Because we can go back and get it -”
“No, don’t worry about it - I don’t have one. I usually take the bus.”
“Oh - alright.”
You tried to stop yourself from rolling your eyes - Steve probably wouldn’t be caught dead on a bus. Or any public transport, for that matter. But, you kept it within yourself, and turned out towards the window again - the sights were getting more familiar, the buildings a little more run-down - closer to home.
You noticed your phone light up in your lap, and glanced down - a response from Robin.
Um… congrats???? Getting laid???? You’d better tell me EVERYTHING!!!!
You laughed under your breath, and saw Steve move to look at you out of the corner of your eye, curious. Before you could respond to her message, the car came to a halt right outside of your apartment building. You sighed, and turned to face the man beside you.
“Well, this is me. Thank you. For the ride home, I mean - you didn’t really have to do that.”
“Of course I did,” Steve said, waving a hand. “Had to make sure you got home safely and all, it was the least I could do.”
You both looked at each other for a moment, faces soft. You shot him another appreciative smile, and popped open the car door.
“Goodnight, Steve Harrington. Until we meet again!”
You knew the chances of seeing him ever again were slim at best, but it felt like the right thing to say, given the hilarity of the situation. After slamming the door shut, you rooted through your bag for your keys, taking the steps up to your door two at a time. Before heading inside, you turned and waved to the car one more time - Steve wasn’t visible through the tinted windows, but you liked to imagine that he was waving back, maybe even smiling fondly. 
Two days later, an envelope was pushed through the mail slot in your door. It was Robin who brought it in, plopping it down on the kitchen table as you sipped your coffee.
“What’s that?” you asked.
She shrugged, carding through the other envelopes and flyers.
“Don’t know. But, it’s made out to you. The envelope looks fancy though - I mean, who the Hell puts a wax seal on letters anymore?”
You felt your heart skip a beat, and snatched it up, turning it over in your hands - it was thick, the nice kind of stationary that you had to go out of your way to buy. There was a return address, but it seemed like it was for an office building of some kind, with no name associated. And, right on the center, a red wax seal with an H. You felt your face grow hot, your stomach doing somersaults as you practically tore the thing open.
Inside was a simple piece of paper with a note scrawled on it. After writing out your name, it read:
Thank you again, for the other night. You have no idea how much that helped me out. Plus, it was probably the best time I’ve had at a work event… well, ever. But, since you provided such great service… you really should be tipped appropriately. I also made sure to leave a glowing review with your manager the next day. Buy yourself something nice.
You glanced back in the envelope, and gasped - loudly enough that Robin stopped what she was doing, and joined you in her awe.
“Is that -”
“Yeah,” you whispered. “It’s a shit ton of money.”
He had sent a stack of €100 notes - you hadn’t counted yet, but it had to be over €1,000, at least. 
“Dude, that’s like, at least two months’ rent right there, right?” Robin asks, flabbergasted.
“I - yeah.”
“Okay, be honest - are you a drug dealer? Is that, like, a side gig you’ve got going?”
You shook your head incredulously, gripping the money - the most cash you had ever held at one time in your life.
“No,” you admitted. “That would be a lot easier to explain.” Steve Harrington, you thought to yourself, what’s your deal?
Notes: a brand new fic! A ton of credit goes to my friend Em, who indulges my fantasies and headcanons with plenty of ideas of her own. Also, I've never been to Rome, so bear with me here. Also, please always read content warnings before reading each part!
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elkyralt · 4 months
I'm going to write this now as I'm watching the goodbye stream, to add my two cents and whatnot.
The community has always been a huge part of the project, if we put the actual server aside for one second. The fanart, fanfics, headcannons, theories, comics, analysis, videos, memes, all of it was just as important as the actual players and server happening. The community was as much the lifeblood of the project as the actors involved were, and for that I can give a big thank you to all of you in the QSMP tag reblogging and creating under QSMPblr. I've adored each passing moment here - that including the rougher eras because as a community I've seen very measured responses from people truly passionate about the purpose the QSMP was there to serve - to unite communities.
As I'm watching Quackity talking about the fact that even if the QSMP as a project has ended, his desire in bridging cultural and language gaps is still present and something he wants to continue creating for. So yes, even if the server is currently ending, what has been achieved will forever be present. I'd never even thought that I'd be in a community with so many different nationalities who are not afraid to express themselves in their own languages and cultures, and especially I'd never thought that I'd be eagerly waiting to congratulate mutuals on their national holidays and things like that. In that, it's made me want to get closer to my own culture since I've never really properly grown up where I come from and I think that is something to be cherished.
I'd never thought I'd rekindle my passion for language learning and now be able to watch videos and streams in Spanish to understand the majority of what's being said and laugh along in chat, nevermind that same passion being rekindled or created for thousands of others. We have so many languages here and it's insane to even think about isn't it? People in the community that speak: Portugese, French, English, Spanish, German, Korean and probably more! I've been trilingual for the major part of my life, and have known Italian really well for a long time on top of that, but the QSMP as a whole has opened up my perspective on language like I'd never thought anything could.
THAT BEING SAID. Thank you to the creators involved in the project. It was clear to me as early as from the first days - before the translator - when the creativity and passion of the creators broke through those initial barriers and helped form the meaningful connections we find today. The roleplayers that created stories and characters very near and dear to me are absolutely to be praised, personally, I'd say q!Cellbit, q!Roier and q!Etoiles are my favourite characters to come out of this and those that I will keep creating and blogging about. Every character that came out of this is incredible though, everyone even down to Jorgito the IV drip and Posolito the capybara are utterly, indisputably, definantly: peak. Im greatful to the duos or groups that have emerged thanks to the translator and opportunity, just a few examples being: Cellbit and Roier, Badboy and YD, Pierre and Maximus, Etoiles and Phil, Missa and Phil, Cellbit and Baghera, Tubbo and Pac, etcetera! All of these connections between CCs were really entertaining to watch, and all due to the QSMP.
ALSO THAT BEING SAID. Thank you to the actors behind the scenes doing as much of a part as the streamers themselves. The eggs were all absolutely wonderful as NPCs and breathed life into the server like no other. All of them, all portrayed such different characters with realistic personalities and struggles that to me have always been stupendous at staying in character at all points. Lullah, Chayanne, Richas, Tupperware (Dapper), Patitas de cheto (Bobby), Leo, Tillin, Juanna, Trump, Chunsik, Em, Pepito, Sunny, all of you eggos have made the QSMP an unforgettable experience, and you admins deserve to get recognition. Massive thanks also go to the designers, writers, actors and managers behind the project as well, just as important in keeping the server running and fresh in how it was.
General thanks to the project for achieving what it has. Uniting communities, creating an incredibly story and characters, opening mine and other's eyes to more diverse cultures, rekindling passion for language learning and just so much more shit I could talk about for hours. This server has been an incredible ride, but that doesn't mean I'm leaving it completely.
Of course, the QSMP was by no means perfect and I'm not trying to make it out to be. It has it's issues and I'm completely aware of that. I think the impact and beauty the server has had is something to be celebrated regardless because it's something on a scale not done before.
I'm still going to be here, posting and creating about this SMP even after it closes. I'm still gonna be here posting silly clips and making long posts like this one that will maybe get 5 notes - but that's fine with me. I'm proud to be part of this community and experience as a whole, since Day fucking 1 - and I regret none of it. To all the people I've met over this thank you so much for being the people you are, keep creating and learning.
Thank you, QSMP, QSMPblr and Quackity Studios.
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allthingslinguistic · 2 months
Summer 2024 travel plans and Language Guinea Pig Diaries
In August and September, I'm doing a bunch of travel to various European countries. In order, they are:
Glasgow, Scotland for World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon), where I'll be on a panel about Languages as World-Building and doing assorted meetups
Helsinki, Finland for the Societas Linguistica Europea annual meeting
Tartu, Estonia for a colloquium talk on Applying Linguistic Methods to Linguistic Communication at the University of Tartu and a two-part workshop on lingcomm for participants of Methodological Excellence in Data-Driven Approaches to Linguistics (MEDAL)
Nijmegen, Netherlands for some meetings with linguists
Florence, Italy to visit friends
Madrid, Spain for the publication of the Spanish translation of Because Internet by Pie de Página
I hope to run into lots of interesting people at these events! If you're already in one of these places and I know you, including from the interent, feel free to reach out and see if we can fit something in!
This whirlwind list of events and places has also gotten me thinking: this trip is going to be a fun chance to learn some more about some languages! I'm already fairly familiar with Spanish and Scottish English (I doubt people will speak much Broad Scots to me with my Canadian accent), and I'm confident on my ability to brush up on them by a bit of exposure and possibly watching a relevant movie on the way there, but the other four languages are going to take a bit more doing. Here's my initial situation, in order of familiarity:
Italian - I studied it for two years in undergrad and spent about a week in Italy shortly thereafter, and by the end of the week I was finally beginning to feel like it was starting to "click" but then I haven't really touched it since then. So I feel like it would come back with exposure but I wonder if there's something I could do in advance to help it come back sooner/faster rather than taking the whole week of being there again
Dutch - I went through the whole Duolingo tree on rapid-speed back when you could skip through lessons for new material only and not practice drills over about a year in 2019-ish just for fun and as an excuse to look up lots of Germanic roots (I studied German before I knew any linguistics so it was fun to triangulate there). Never actually been anywhere Dutch was being spoken but I did find I could get the gist of youtube videos about linguistics in Dutch so it probably needs "activation" similar to Italian
Finnish - No background except for a few linguistics factoids (case! vowel harmony!), and that it's a Uralic language (related to Hungarian but not to any of the Indo-European languages, so this is a fun chance to learn some things about a language family that's unfamiliar to me)
Estonian - Also no background, also Uralic, clearly the fun thing to do would be to learn enough bits of Estonian and Finnish that I could compare them with each other (also since I'm meeting with linguists in both countries, this would be a fun topic for small talk conversation)
At the same time, there are a lot of language learning strategies floating around out there, and I have two nearly matched pairs of languages on this list: Italian and Dutch, both of which I am pretty good at cognate languages for and have studied some a while back, so I could test two activation strategies, and Finnish and Estonian, both of which I have essentially zero familiarity with, so I could test two strategies for getting somewhere near a basic functional ability.
I have about a month until I start this cycle with a flight to Helsinki. One month, four languages. What could possibly go wrong?
Here's my tentative plan so far:
Activation, Italian and Dutch - I'm pretty sure what I need for these languages is largely as much audio imput as possible (given what's feasible around like, all the other things going on in my life). I've decided to aim to watch one or two youtube videos in Italian per day, focusing on relatively concrete, daily life topics (such as gelato making) and to listen to one episode of a podcast in Dutch per day, aiming to get through the back catalogue of Kletsheads, a podcast about multilingual children.
Why these strategies? Well, I'm meeting up with linguists in the Netherlands but not in Italy, so it makes sense to try to learn more linguistics vocab there. Also, I'm curious about the effect of medium between video and podcast: will being able to see people talking and what they're talking about have much of an effect on how much I can understand? Will I find it easier to integrate one or the other of watching videos vs listening to podcasts into my life at a practical level? Plus, will concentrating on a single, more academic topic vs watching a scattered, unsystematic list of videos have effects on my vocabulary?
Basic function, Finnish and Estonian - I'm probably looking for some phrases to say to people in shops and restaurants and the ability to pronounce things written on menus adequately and match heard words/placenames to written versions on signs. I started doing a very minimal one lesson a day on Duolingo for Finnish in January, when planning for this trip started, for the very simple reason that I was already familiar with Duolingo and it doesn't have Estonian, so I decided to just start by doing a thing I was familiar with until I got around to doing more research. I've been casting around trying to figure out a source of basic Estonian phrases online when a friend mentioned learning French on tiktok, so I searched for "learn estonian" and voila! I think I'll also aim for a video or two of Estonian phrases per day but I want to do more rewatching than with Italian or Dutch, since I'm aiming to remember specific common phrases. So maybe one rewatched video and one new video, per day? They're shorter on tiktok than on youtube.
Why these strategies? This is a comparison of Duolingo's more systematic approach with lots of repetition and gamification and word-by-word translation in a relatively sterile environment versus a more organic and free-styling approach with more grounding in real people and faces and full phrases where I'm not really trying to understand the individual words. There are lots of factors to compare and it's not a completely fair comparison since I started Duolingo in January and I only thought to start the TikTok idea this week, but hey, learning anything still counts as progress.
Summary: I have four languages, each focused on a different app: YouTube, my podcast app, Duolingo, and TikTok. Hopefully for the video apps, this will help their algorithms kick in and start recommending me further useful videos. The difference between the two video strategies is that for Italian, I'm watching monolingual videos that are aimed at people who already speak Italian and just want to learn something about the topic, whereas for Estonian, I'm watching bilingual videos aimed at English speakers who want to learn some words or phrases in Estonian.
Am I going to get these four languages mixed up? Probably! I'm hoping that choosing a different app/strategy for each is a little bit helpful on that front.
Do I think these strategies are optimal? Probably not! But I'm aiming to choose things that feel relatively clear to implement consistently, rather than getting bogged down in researching language learning methods instead of actually getting exposure to the languages. I'll probably do a basic "look up some key phrases and try to learn them" a day or two before entering each place too. And maybe shift other aspects depending on how things are going, stay tuned!
At any rate, I figured it would be more fun to blog about my attempts to use myself as a guinea pig for a few different language learning strategies here than to just do it in my own head (and hopefully help me with staying motivated). And maybe people will have tips of either language learning strategies that have worked for you in general or specific ideas for these particular languages, so this is the beginning of a series that I'm calling #Language Guinea Pig Diaries and future posts will also be posted under that tag!
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maochira · 1 year
Heya! I was just wondering if I can request young teen reader (about 13-15) with the father figure coaches (mostly requesting for Snuffy and Noa) meeting their team? It can be headcannons or scenarios I don't mind^^ Take ur time as always, ty in advance!!
This request took me so long to actually start I'm sorry😭😭 (I received the request over a month ago shndns) Also I think you mean their Blue Lock teams? So I'm doing that! (in the series, reader went along to Blue Lock anyways)
Tags: gn!reader, shy!reader in Lavinho's part, just for context: reader is in a team of the same club as well (but one for younger players)
Noel Noa + Bastard München
-you already met most of the German Bastard München players before you went to Blue Lock with them, but never had a proper conversation with any of them
-you travelled to Japan with them but you didn't sit next to any of them in the plane, so you didn't talk to them there either
-Gesner has tried to talk to you on multiple occasions but was held back by his teammates
-the first time you get to meet the entire team, including the Blue Lock players, is on the second day of the Neo Egoist League
-at first, everyone was kind of confused why you're there and what your position is, so they were unsure if they should talk to you
-Kaiser says something mean about you, then Isagi starts defending you (despite not knowing you at all) and basically everyone else defends you as well
-and that concludes your first meeting with the entire team. It was just everyone yelling at Kaiser
Chris Prince + Manshine City
-you already met the English players tons of times and have talked to them every now and then, so the flight to Japan was mainly you and them getting to know each other properly
-the first Blue Lock player you met was Nagi, and he wasn't really interested in actually talking to you. You picked that up as him disliking you so you avoided him and the other Blue Lock players for a week
-but at some point, Reo gets curious about you so he approaches you. You have a short conversation with him and he also clears up your misunderstanding from Nagi
-it doesn't take much longer until you start talking to Chigiri as well and after a bit, you're pretty much besties with the entire team
-even Nagi says talking to you isn't a bother and he feels a little bad for giving you a wrong impression at first
Lavinho + FC Barcha
-because you're so shy, Lavinho already knew it would take a while until you get used to having so many new people around you
-before going to Blue Lock, he introduced the Spanish players to you, and then in Blue Lock he introduced the Japanese players to you
-to his surprise, as soon as you meet Bachira, you lose a part of your shyness and warm up to him pretty quickly. A lot quicker than you did to anyone else
-Bachira becomes your big brother figure in the span of two hours
-in general, FC Barcha is just a big chaotic family and being there is fun every day
Marc Snuffy + Ubers
-this team screams "found family" in every way possible
-you were already very close with the Italian players before coming to Blue Lock, so only the Japanese players are new to you
-Barou shows zero interest in talking to you at first, but you quickly become friends with Niko (mainly due to being very close in age) and then Aryu, Oliver and Sendou
-all of them try to get Barou to give you a chance as well, but he's stubborn. Then the Italian players start bothering as well so he finally gives in
-Barou really wants to deny it, but you remind him of his younger sisters (regardless of your gender) so he kind of treats you that way as well. He will deny it every time someone asks him about it, though
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Disney Villains Only being able to Speak their First Language to Eachother
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Hey fellow Hetalians (No such thing as an ex-Hetalian, y'all know that), remember that post about all the characters only being able to speak their countries official languages for a day?? And the chaos that would've ensued?? This is inspired by that post XD
Imagine the Disney Villains getting hexed by like, Mama Odie or Merryweather or Merlin or someone, so they can all only speak and understand their first language for a month.
Yes. A whole month.
The Toon Patrol are seriously struggling because Greasy keeps talking really fast Spanish at them but the rest have no idea what he's saying. Eventually Smartass decides to lock him in a separate room until this can be figured out and you can just hear banging and vague Spanish coming out the crack.
Ernesto is trying to figure out what some of the English speakers are saying because every 11th word is kinda familiar and they speak slow (Especially the rotund, yodelling fellow) but he keeps getting distracted by this faint Spanish yelling coming from another room.
Hades and Jafar stand off to the side near a wall just watching all the mess. They cant understand each other of course but no one else can understand them either so there's really nothing else to do. Hades will occasionally point something out, like Gaston leaning his sweaty arm on Frollo's shoulder and Frollo struggling to not buckle under the weight, and they'll chuckle. (Yes, laughter. The universal language XD)
Speaking of the French speakers-- they're suffering. Frollo hates his fellow French speakers for all being such sinners, Lady Tremaine hates the others because they're idiots or they have too much attitude towards her (*Cough* mal), Maleficent looks down on them all because they're all magic-less plebs, Edgar hates them because they all have money, and Gaston keeps talking about himself and someone is going to hit him. But they all try to keep it together, keep it classy, though most of them have elected to just not talk except for Gaston.
The oddest pairing is probably Hans and Ursula. She speaks Danish, or a dialect similar to it, and he is either Norwegian or Icelandic. If he's Norwegian, they're trying to figure out what the other is saying. Its mostly Ursula flirting with him and him carefully deciphering her words... and then facepalming. ikke til å tro (Unbelievable). But she keeps making like she has something important to tell him, like how to fix this huge predicament, and he keeps falling for it XD
Hilda and Mother Gothel speak German together and basically check out of this mess- like, do they want to understand what insanity Gaston and Jafar are saying again?? Or Frollo?? Haha, No...
Scroop speaks a harsh alien dialect and Silver's just standing next to him like yeah, yeah... you know i dont understand a word you're saying? *... realises scroop cant understand him either and sighs* Ahhh... *Rubs the bridge of his nose*
Rourke approaches the Horned King, curious why he's just standing there doing nothing and gets a string of growly Welsh and promptly... leaves... Like nope. Not today. That crap sounded like an ancient curse and that is not on todays schedule, thanks.
Clayton claims to have visited half these countries (Truth) and could figure out what many of the other villains are saying if he wanted (Exaggeration) so Cruella's like okay great... go and Captain Hook's like that's marvelous! go ahead then my good fellow!. He goes up to Shan Yu and immediately fails.
Shan Yu is usually pretty quiet around the other villains, so him standing there unreadable though faintly amused by them all is... not out of the ordinary XDD
If you have more to add, please feel free! XD
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woso-lover · 1 year
I love it and I hate at the same time | Lena Oberdorf
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Lena Oberdorf x german!barça!reader
Summary: After the events if the euros, you transfered to Barcelona and leaving with that your girlfriend, Lena, behind. But you still worked out together and were each others biggest fan in the Champions League, to blind in your bubble that you two didn't realised that one has to destroy the others biggest dream.
English is not my first language
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You hated it. This was not how you wished the season ends. You didn't wish for an Barcelona vs Wolfsburg final. First it's your former club you learned to love and you're still friends with your old teammates. But second because you had to play against your girlfriend. You two always talked about your dream of winning the Champions League. And now one of you had to destroy the others dream.
It's the first time you start to regret your move to Barcelona. Right after the euros you got an offer from Barcelona. Claiming they were impressed of your play style in the euros, even if you lost to England. You were, next to Lena, one of the most talented midfielder. Even trought your lost they still wanted you and you wanted to go to them, but Wolfsburg became your family you didn't wanted to leave. But they were all supportive and advocated you to the move. They all knew about your dreaming of Barcelona, just like Jill does and you finally had the chance to make your childhood dream reality. And Lena knew about your dream too. So she let you go and told you to go. But she didn't fully let go. You two were still in a realationship and went to all the Champions League or important games of the respective other, if you had the time. So basicly nothing change between you, exept the fact that you didn't see each other every day. You celebrated the cup win against Freiburg, like your still part of the team. It was the time you knew you gonna meet them and after the lost League to Bayern Munich, they wanted now notjing more but winning. For you, you live with Obi still in deniel. In your little bubble that no one can destroy. In your little bubble that got destroyed as soon as you landed in Eindhoven.
Of course you talked about before. You said whatever happens it will not effect your relationship. You also brought the rule to live, that you both will neither see each other nor communicate with anything. You needed this rule to be focused.
The first time you see each othet again was in the tunnel. You stood next to each other.
"Viel Glück" Good luck whispered Lena and smiled at you.
"Dir auch viel Glück" Good luck to you too You whispered and smiled at her too.
You felt a soft touch on your shoulder. You didn't need to look around to know it was Lucy Bronze. She looked at the both of you with pity. She couldn't imagine being in the same situation with Keira. She knew about your relationship with the german, since you became friends in this past year. She took you under her wing, since your one of the youger ones with 21 and didn't know any spanish too even english was a bit tought for you.
"Alright, take a deep breath" You did. Lucy put both her hands on your two shoulders. "And now I want you to focus on the game, 'kay. Don't look at her. Do not look once in her direction exept you need to, alright?" You just nooded unsure. You hated this feeling. In the end of the day you wanted to celebrate together with your girlfriend.
Everything went down in the first 3 minutes. Trought a mistake of Lucy Bronze your former teammate Pajor score the first goal. Everyone on the pitch was shooked. Mostly the Barça players. No one thought about this early goal. And god you wished you could celebrate with them. Your eyes made their were to the cheering Wolfsburg players. Just as Obi was about to met your eyes Lucy pushed you quickly away.
"Hell na. I told don't look at her, exept you need to steal the Ball from her." She looked directly into your eyes waiting for encouragement. "Come on" She said and put her arm around your shoulders.
This goal boosted Wolfsburg. They were stoping every attack Barcelona was about to make. And to all this chaos, Alex Popp shot an amazing header and shot the second goal for Wolfsburg. And again everyone came to celebrate, but this time you didn't look at them. You just walked away. But Lena looked out for and as she found you walking away she felt bad. She to celebrate with you and you being sad and walking away.
With that the whistle blow. And you walked in the lockerroom frusterated, like every other player. It wasn't like you were dead. You had chances over chances but nothing worked out. So it the end, what happens in the lockerroom stays in the lockerroom.
Back on the pitch it looked like Wolfsburg was to confident of winning that Patri shot to beautiful goals in first 5 minutes and brought your team back in the game. With that Wolfsburg was now shocked and Barcelona the way better team.
After an amazing long ball of you from Mapi you were about to pass the ball into the box. But you got stopped by your girlfriend with a rather nasty tackle. It made you fell down, but the referee didn't care and let the game go on. But Lena quickly rushed back to you.
"Scheiße, Y/n. Alles gut?" Shit, Y/n. Everything's okay?
"Yeah all fine" You said and walked away very quick.
Lena just looked after you and sighed, but also doing the same.
A few minutes later the third and winning goal for Barcelona got shot from you. You ran to the players, who were doing the warm up, and were meeting with Alexia Putellas. And then your other teammates come to hug and celebrate you. You didn't even know why you were cherring. You hate it when players celebrate hard against their own club. You even criticized Jill last year and now your doing the same.
As the game went on you could feel that your former teammates are trying everything to score a goal. It was stoppage time when you looked at Lena for the first time. Poppy laid again on the ground holding her face in her hands. You kneeled beside her. She was one of the closet person back in Wolfsburg and put you under her wing like Lucy is doing in Barcelona. You felt sorry for this woman. She's fighting so hard and still always lays on the ground. At first you didn't noticed that also Obi kneeled also down to her teammates. You only noticed as you looked up and found Lena already looking at you. She sent you a soft smile wich you returned.
This corner was Wolfsburg last chance, but Paños saved the ball. And with the final whistle blow the game ended and Barcelona won for the second time the Champions League. Driven by joy and adrenaline you let Mapi to drag you to the big group hug.
Lena watched you. She watched you smilling and laughing. She was happy for you, she really was but the sadness won over and the tears starting to roll down. She looked around for her teammates and saw Felicitas Rauch breaking down. Overwhelmed with her feelings Lena let the tears a free go.
After the end of your group hug you were the first to pull away, searching for only one person, Lena Oberdorf. And you found her looking around the stadium with tears in her eyes. A few meters further you saw your friend Feli breaking down crying.
Now you also felt overwhelmed and you do the only thing that helps you, when you feel this way: hugging Lena. Her embrace always calmed you down. So you ignored Prati yelling to join in and ran up to your girlfriend. Wich didn't noticed that you are running up to her and suprised, when she felt your arms around your body. She let out a quick jelp, what the attention of Alex Popp and Svenja Huth focus. Both of them admiring and giving each other a short glance, before minding their own buisness.
This interaction nnoticed also Lucy, when she was looking for you. Smiling at the both of you. It was a well needed hug you both were dreaming of. A hug with a lots of sorrys from your side. Sorrys that Lena couldn't register.
"You should go back celebrating." Lena sniffed as you both pull away from the hug. "And stop saying sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about." She put her hands on your cheeks. "Looks like the better team won. Maybe next year for me, but congratulations! I'm so proud of you." She kisses your forehead.
"But what about you? I destroyed your dream."
"Yeah and I'm that you are the one not Arsenal or any other club. And next Wolfsburg is going to win." She smiled sadly. "Now go and celebrate with your teammates." She pushed you away. You give her unsere look before running up to Lucy and Keira.
It was time to celebrate with the trophy and your high began to raise again as Alexia starts raised the trophy to the sky and made her team with that champions of europe.
The next hour was all a blur for you. Dancing, screaming, yelling, taking pictures and going to interviews. Singing 'Sweet Caroline' with Keira. It all was fun but you missed your girlfriend.
When you were looking for her, you found her by her family. So you ran up to them and greeted them. They told you how proud they were of you. Since Lena brought you home, they adored you and you became their second daughter.
When you were alone on the pitch, you finally had a moment to breath. You both watched some of your teammates still celebrating.
"Come to Barcelona." You said, wich made Lena look at you. "I hate not being around you. I hate not celebrating goals with you. And the most I hate is that days like this could be happen again and I gotta say I hate and love this day so much." You said not looking at Lena once.
"We see, baby. We see." Is the only thing the midfielder said, before she put her head on your shoulder.
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silkendandelion · 5 months
On todays break from our WIPs:
Headcanons for one piece languages:
Languages I think characters from the one piece universe could speak—minus English, cuz it gets my blood pressure up 😤 also with some OCs sprinkled
Assume everyone can speak the Common Language, which is how they speak to each other normally (unless I’ve specified I think they’re bad at it) also we’re splitting up the Spanish into dialects bc the hyperfixation is hyperfixating
OC River: Panamanian Spanish, his common is fluent but he just sounds so dumb sometimes, give him a break
OC Aurelio: Mexican Spanish (he dunks on River for using Caribbean slang but he’s just a hater don’t mind him ❤️)
Shanks: Mexican Spanish, dabbles in French (currently trying to learn German from Mihawk)
Buggy: German, french (his common is fluent but heavily accented I feel it in my bones)
Mihawk: Spain Spanish, German
Crocodile: Italian, Arabic, German, conversational Latin Spanish
Law: German, Russian, Spain Spanish (I don’t think he’s very good at it actually 😔💙)
Sanji: French, Argentinian Spanish
Robin: this learned girl can talk the ear off anyone anywhere, don’t ask me “But what about—” the most beautiful polyglot in the world has at least dabbled, I’m sure
Perona: French, Spain Spanish (she sponged it off Mihawk, wanted to learn German but gave up)
Nami: Swedish, Finnish, what Portuguese she sponged from Luffy
Luffy: Portuguese, we’re assuming Dadan taught it to him. But for some reason every time the Strawhats encounter a new language Luffy can magically speak it back like, he doesn’t know how he does it either
Franky: he’s got the common on lock but he was too busy becoming an incredible shipwright to learn anything else 😔
Feel free to add your own headcanons in the reblogs/replies, all are welcome!
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shveris · 13 days
my jjk headcanons, part 4
some of these can be seen as modern!au AND canon universe things
part 1
part 2
part 3
when yuuji cries, it rains blood/red water (???) in sukuna’s inner domain
shoko can handle human bodies without issues but animal bodies? she tears up every time without fail
languages satoru is fluent in, besides japanese: english, korean, mandarin. he can also hold simple conversations in spanish, portuguese, italian, german, russian and ukrainian. he’s not sure if he should give french a try (because 1. it sounds awful, 2. it’s a difficult language, 3. he’s made too many “i hate the french” jokes and he’d feel low-key embarrassed if he ends up speaking it)
in addition to the hc above, satoru also regularly gets really confused about kanji & hanzi (iykyk, someone please end my suffering)
modern!au yuuji uploads song covers on niconico & youtube because gege said yuuji has the best singing voice + it’s canon that he likes to sing. his most popular uploads are deep coma, overdose, odoriko and asu no yozora shoukaihan
click the song names to get redirected to youtube in case you don’t know any of these
he’s an awful rapper though so whenever there’s rap parts, he makes sukuna record them since their voices sound almost the same
megumi cannot sleep unless it’s completely and utterly dark in his room. no LEDs, no lights coming through his blinds, no nothing. when he gets fed up with all the light sources, he just disappears into his shadow and sleeps in there
modern!au satoru can play a dozen of instruments (canon satoru can’t because his clan deemed learning those things as unnecessary for the holder of the six eyes)
modern!au sukuna would make those “cooking because murder is illegal” tiktoks
it’s a coping mechanism he copied from his twin because yuuji bakes when he’s in a bad mind space
suguru keeps a plethora of house plants and they’re all thriving (his place looks like a jungle)
satoru names his pets & suguru’s most used cursed spirits after characters from his fav movies & shows (click here for a more detailed post i did for this a while back)
sukuna can take control over yuuji's reflections and shadows (non-shamans can’t see it though)
sukuita twins in modern!au would be the same height until they hit 12 — sukuna gets a growth spurt because he eats his veggies. around 17 yuuji’s suddenly taller than him and he’s just “????!!!!”
adding onto that (cuz i love twins!au): sukuna buys lots of kirby merch because it reminds him of yuuji — he would never loudly admit it though. he just puts it in yuuji’s room and doesn’t talk about it ever
suguru has lots of things twice because shoko and satoru tend to accidentally buy him the same things for his birthday
shoko knows how to play the ukulele. it started out as a joke but she’s actually really good at it. she rickrolls people when asked to play something
modern!au sashisu would be like the plastics but they actually genuinely like each other and just dislike everyone else
suguru and shoko used to roll their cigs (it’s cheaper) until they befriended satoru. he uses his family’s assets very well by financing all their nicotine addictions
satoru only smokes cigs with those balls inside the filter — you have to break them before smoking — because they taste sweet(er). he dislikes the ones with menthol though
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tam-shade-song · 10 months
Things in KOTLC universe that are canon, actually, I'm Shanon's keyboard
Keefe is not a natural blond. He started dying his hair in his second year.
When Fitz and Keefe were in their second year, a rumor arose that Biana was the result of an affair, and because Lord Cassius was starting to get associated with the Vackers through their son's friendship, he didn't want any rumors to spark about his own son. To make Keefe look more like him, Cassius had Keefe start dying his hair.
Sophie was named at birth Sophia, but since no one ever calls her that she accidentally gave Alden the name Sophie when her legal papers were being made. Now she's just gaslighting the entire lost cities into believing her name's Sophie and the only one who knows is Dex, Biana, and Tam.
Tam has a lisp. Keefe used to tease him about it until Tam shoved him down a flight of stairs.
Rayni has killed three people. The first time she used her ability, and for a while, she hoped that the black swan member survived, but later she learned through Tam he died. The second time she set someone on fire like how you can use a magnifying glass to start fires with light. The third time she stabbed a girl around her own age in the chest. Rayni held her hand as she bled out.
Rayni is the tallest out of the Solroof kids. She's five-seven, Wylie is five-six, Linh is five-two and Tam is five feet even.
During the time that Dex wasn't involved much, like around flashback, he hit a massive growth spurt and is almost as tall as Fitz, but because of his bad posture, he looks shorter.
Dex also didn't get a haircut for a while, so for a short period of time, he had a mullet off-screen.
Tam is trans ftm. He managed to keep it a secret from Tiergan and Wylie for a while, but when Tiergan had to enroll him in Foxfire he found out. By then, he had already come out to Rayni.
Tam and Linh didn't actually dye their hair with metal. They would occasionally sneak into the lost cities and shoplift out hair dye.
Tam and Linh talk to each other in Vietnamese when they want to have private conversations.
If we're going off the normal high school languages, (Spanish, German, French, and Mandarin) I think Sophie would choose German. If her school had extra, (I have a friend whose school offered Japanese, Arabic, ASL, and maybe some more, but she goes to a private school) I think Sophie would be on the fence between Arabic and ASL, before ultimately choosing Arabic. She read Frankenstein and saw Clerval's love for Arabic poetry and wanted to understand it herself, but at the same time, because she was always surrounded by noise, she liked the quiet. She picked Arabic because it would be more useful.
Upon manifesting as a Polyglot, Sophie really wanted to learn ASL but found out her ability wouldn't instantly make her fluent bc it wasn't something she heard.
Rayni talks to herself in Hindi
Wylie does actually know ASL, and Sophie was absolutely delighted. She made him teach her a bunch of words.
The Diznees speak to each other in English all the time, partly for privacy and partly to annoy their snotty customers.
Tam's dead name is Tien.
Tam and Linh both took piano lessons. Linh liked learning the music, but Tam preferred to either make stuff up or sound out his favorite songs. Later, Tam learned to play guitar, and he mostly played bass.
Rayni can play piano, violin, and cello. She wanted to be a musician and introduce more human-style music to the lost cities.
Rayni never graduated, but Tiergan tried to get her to return to Foxfire so she could enter the nobility.
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