#my stuff got gone through this morning because my grandmother has to come in here and complain about the state of things while not helping
atlabeth · 1 year
far too young to die - anthony lockwood
summary: three things happen on the day you decide to solve your problem:
your tea-making skills get lauded
you get the biggest history lesson of your life
everything goes wrong.
you should have expected this the moment lockwood & co got involved.
a/n: this got away from me but twas very fun to write and protective lockwood is becoming my lifeblood lol<3 enjoy and remember kids: fuck netflix
wc: 5.7k
warning(s): canon typical stuff, mentions of murder and throat slitting, implied/sort of described domestic abuse, hurt/comfort. reader panics a lot. suspend your disbelief please and thank you. reader also has a last name of holloway just for convenience
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Reading the newspaper was impossible this morning. 
Your leg wouldn’t stop bouncing up and down, and the envelope on the far side of the table drew your eye every five seconds, and your neighbor did not need to be cutting his lawn at the moment, and all the while that presence was there. It always was, whispering illegible things to you and taunting you through the shadows and making your life a living hell you couldn’t prove. 
An unwilling shiver ran down your spine, and you tamped down on it. 
After today, it would finally be over. 
The doorbell rang, and you about jumped out of your skin. You took a deep breath, calming your heartbeat as you set your cup of tea back on the table, and went over to the door. When you opened it, you were met by three teenagers about your age, and the lanky, dark-haired boy in front gave you a small smile.
“We’re here for Edmund Holloway,” he said. “Have we got the right address?”
“You do—I’m his daughter,” you said. “You’re the agents?” 
The boy nodded. “Anthony Lockwood of Lockwood and Co.” He held out his hand and you shook it, and once you released it he gestured to the other boy and girl standing with him. “These are my colleagues, Lucy Carlyle and George Karim.” 
You nodded again, wringing your hands together as you let out a shaky exhale and said your name. “Anthony, Lucy, George— nice to meet you all.” 
“Lockwood is just fine,” he said, and you nodded. 
“Are you the one who put out the ad?” George asked with a frown. “It doesn’t look like your father is here.” 
You shook your head. “My father put out the ad. He’s on a business trip at the moment.” 
Anthony frowned. “Why isn’t he here?” 
“He doesn’t handle ghosts very well,” you said wryly. “Gives him an awful fright.” 
“Most people don’t,” Lucy said. “That’s why we’re around.” 
“Forgive my bluntness, but it doesn’t seem very smart of him to leave his daughter in a haunted house,” Lockwood said. “Even if agents are clearing the house.” 
“He doesn’t exactly… know I’m still here,” you admitted sheepishly. “My father expected me to stay at a friend’s house until today, give you all the payment, and then make myself scarce until the problem was solved.” 
“Why in the world are you here then?” George asked. 
“...Because I need to know that this ghost is gone,” you stated. “I need to see with my own eyes that it’s over.” 
Lockwood eyed you cautiously, and you cleared your throat as you stepped aside. “Come in, agents. I can explain over tea.” 
You closed the door as they filed inside, and you wrought your hands together as you followed them. “I’ve got Earl Grey and chamomile, if anyone’s interested,” you said as you began filling up your kettle. 
“Chamomile would be lovely,” Lucy said, her eyes wandering around the interior as she took a seat next to George at your table. 
Lockwood, however, stayed standing. He pointed at a painting hanging on the wall and glanced at you. “Starry Night?” 
You nodded. “My grandmother painted it when she was younger. She specifically left it in her will for me.”
He smiled. “It’s beautiful.” 
“It is, isn’t it?” You pulled a tin of loose tea out of your cabinet and set it on the table. “I’ve never been much of a painter myself, but I’ve always wanted to learn like her.” 
“As interesting as this is, you said you would explain your poor choices,” George interrupted. “And your history.” 
“Blunt as he is,” Lockwood said dryly, “he’s right.” He took a seat next to Lucy, leaning back in the chair. “Tell us everything you know about this house—anything that could be causing the haunting.” George cleared his throat and his lips twitched. “And why you’re still in the haunted house alone.” 
You nodded, leaning against the counter with a sigh. “To answer the question on all of your minds, I have no idea who the ghost could be. My only guess is some fellow from decades ago, back before the house was in our immediate family.” 
“You inherited it?” George asked. 
“From my grandmother,” you said, “the same one who painted. She died a few decades ago, and she left the house to her son in her will. After my mother died, my father and I moved here to get away from the memories.” 
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Lucy said softly, and you managed a smile. 
“Thank you.” You folded your arms across your chest. “And before you ask, no—it’s not my mother’s ghost. She died far away from here, and she’d have no reason to stay behind.” 
“Do you know when this house was built?” George asked. “A lot of the architecture looks Victorian.” 
“Sharp eye,” you said with a slight smile, and you stood up from your spot against the counter as the kettle started to whistle. You poured the water into three mugs and added your handmade tea bags before you looked back at them. “It was built in the 1850s, I believe. I think it’s been in our family since then, but I’ve only been aware of it since my grandmother.” 
“Could it be your grandmother’s ghost then?” Lucy asked, and you shook your head. 
“She didn’t die here. And she wouldn’t have any reason to stay either,” you said. “Which is why I’ve had no idea who it could be.” 
“Strange indeed,” Lockwood agreed, suddenly speaking up. His gaze pierced into you. “You’ve got such a connection to this ghost and yet you don’t even know who it could be.” 
Your cheeks burned. George huffed a laugh. 
“That’s right,” he said. “You haven’t even told us about why you’re still here.” 
“The ghost hasn’t just been haunting our house,” you murmured, staring down at the floorboards. You’d have to clean the dirt between the cracks later. “It’s… it’s been haunting me too.” 
Lucy frowned. “What do you mean?” 
“It’s always around me,” you said, and even then you could feel the chills all over your body. At this point, though, it might’ve been your own design. “I— I can always feel its presence, I hear it whispering to me constantly, and it feels like every time I touch something old in here I get a damned vision, or voices in my head, and—” 
You stopped, realizing your voice had risen without you noticing, and you took a deep breath. 
“And I feel like I’m going insane,” you finished, your tone much quieter than before. 
“You’ve got Touch,” Lockwood concluded, something different in his eyes. Lucy’s expression had softened, and George just looked even more interested than before when you nodded. 
“Talent that strong and you’re not an agent,” he said. “Why?” 
“I’ve never wanted it,” you said dryly. “And after dealing with this ghost for the past few months, I’ve got even less desire.” 
“You should consider it,” he said. “Maybe then you won’t have a ghost in your backyard.”
“This ghost has been toying with you for months, but it hasn’t even tried to harm you,” Lucy said. “It’s definitely a Type 2 based off your description, so I’ve got no idea why. What’s the point?” 
Lockwood shrugged, and he gave a nod of thanks as you placed the mugs of tea in front of them. “Maybe it’s related to you after all. I’ve heard cases of relatives not harming their own, especially in more sentient Type 2s—it’s rare, but it happens.” He looked at you. “If this house has been in your family since the 1800s, surely there’s been at least one violent Holloway death worthy of the Other Side.” 
“Is your theorizing always this fun?” you asked as you crossed your arms. 
“Usually more,” he said helpfully. Lockwood took a sip of tea and hummed. “We should get chamomile more often.” 
“I’m always telling you to,” Lucy said. “George is just insistent on making his own black tea.” 
“That’s because it’s far superior!” he exclaimed. “You should be thanking me for it, honestly.” 
Lockwood took another sip and looked at them. “She makes a great chamomile. It might just change your mind.” 
“I don’t mean to interrupt your conversation,” you said, arms still folded as their heads all snapped to you, “but we’ve only got two hours until the sun sets, and this house is still very much haunted.” 
“Right. I guess that means we should start preparations.” Lockwood stood up, smiling at you. “Thank you for the tea and your information. We’ll take your keys, vet the place, and hopefully have your ghost vanquished before morning comes.” 
“You don’t need my keys,” you said. “I’m staying.
George laughed. “You can’t be serious.” 
He looked at you, completely serious, and then at Lockwood, who wasn’t immediately objecting, and his eyes widened. “You can’t be serious!” 
“I want to help,” you said plainly. “It’s my house, it’s my ghost. I want it gone, and I want to be there when it happens.” 
“You’ve got no training,” he said. “You’ve got Talent, sure, but zero training. You’ll just—” he looked at Lockwood— “she’ll just slow us down.” 
“…You do know this place better than anyone,” Lockwood said, eyes still on you. “Right?” 
You nodded. “Lived here for the past ten years. I know all its nooks and crannies, and I could guide you through it blindfolded.” 
“You’re not an agent,” George said. 
“You said it yourself that I’ve got Talent,” you said, “and an obvious connection to this place and whatever’s haunting it, seeing as the ghost won’t leave me alone.” 
“Lucy, you can’t seriously be okay with this,” he said, glancing at her. 
“…I have some Touch too. I can help her, see if we’re picking up the same things. Besides,” Lucy said with a shrug, “you all took me in on a whim before I was fully certified. It’s just one job, in her house of all places.” 
“I won’t impede your work—I promise.” You looked at Lockwood, desperation mixing with resolve in your eyes. “For months, this house has haunted me from within. I want to be with you when you destroy it.” 
Lockwood’s lips quirked up in the slightest of smiles as he nodded. “Alright, then.” 
You immediately broke into a wide smile of your own as George sighed. “DEPRAC is going to have a field day with us if anything goes wrong. Allowing a completely uncertified girl to help us.”
“If anything goes wrong, I’ll personally take the blame for it,” you said. “I’ll say I forced you into letting me work with you all, and I will pay any fines.”
“Once we got fined 60,000 pounds for burning a house down,” he deadpanned. “Are you alright with that?”
You frowned. “Should I really be hiring you all?” 
“Come off it, George,” Lockwood said, and he collapsed his hands together. “Nothing like that will happen today, I assure you.” He smiled wryly. “As long as everything you told us was the truth, that is.” 
“It is,” you said. “I wouldn’t lie about something like this.” 
Lucy huffed a laugh. “You’d be surprised what some people do.” 
“Another reason I don’t want to become an agent,” you supplied. 
Lockwood picked up their bags and set them on the table, and he pulled out a bundle of chains then he tossed it to you. You caught it with a slight grunt. 
“Do you know how to use those, not-an-agent?” Lockwood asked wryly. 
You rolled your eyes, though not without mirth, and nodded. “I read, Mr. Lockwood.” 
“Good. Those are for your protection. We’ll protect you, of course,” he gestured at his rapier, “but it’s a last resort.” 
“Let’s try not to get there, then,” you said. 
“One thing you should know about working with us is that things rarely go to plan,” George said. 
“That is not true,” Lockwood rushed, but that only proved that it was most certainly true. 
You sighed as you finished the rest of your tea from before, having gone cold. You were certainly getting yourself into something with these agents. 
“Right, then,” Lockwood said, clearing his throat. He pulled out his rapier, that small smirk showing itself again as he looked at all of you. “Let’s catch ourselves a ghost.” 
You didn’t think your house had ever been as intimidating, as tense, as it did now.
You creeped through its hallways alongside the agents, the chains icy cold in your grip, almost scared to even breathe. Lockwood and Lucy had their rapiers drawn, and George held a net in one hand with one of their bags slung over his shoulder. 
They carried themselves differently than any of the teenagers you’d been around, with an air of eerie confidence completely foreign to you. It was admirable in a sense. Scary to think it could have been you. 
“No death glows yet,” Lockwood muttered. “Hear anything, Luce?”
“Very faint yelling,” she murmured. “I can tell it’s an argument—there’s two different voices, but that’s all I can make out.”
Lockwood looked at you, but you shook your head. “Not ringing a bell.”
“Where?” George asked. “Arguments are a good sign.” 
Lucy edged past Lockwood so she was in the lead, and you moved up the stairs. She paused at the top, her eyes closed and her brow slightly furrowed. “It’s even louder up here. I feel it all over, but it’s stronger around here. It’s a couple, a man and a woman—finances, jealousy, general unhappiness…” Lucy opened her eyes and looked at you. “Did your grandparents argue while they lived here?” 
“They argued like any other couple,” you said, “but as far as I know, they were completely happy. They loved each other.” You frowned. “And I don’t know why regular arguments would be so strong around here after so long.” 
“Time isn’t the biggest aspect for sounds,” Lucy explained. “They can linger for decades and be as strong as the day it happened.”
“And maybe they weren’t just regular arguments,” George suggested, your stomach sinking at the thought. 
“Could it be your grandfather’s ghost?” Lucy asked. 
You shook your head. “No. He’s alive, and he doesn’t even live in England anymore.” 
“Move around and touch some things then,” George said. “See if you get anything.” 
And so you did. You handed the chains to Lockwood and laid your hands on various things around the hallway and some of the rooms while George and Lucy went off on their own—the walls, certain objects, the beds. All you got were memories from your first few years here, and a blur of the decades between your grandparents. It was overwhelming, and you had to pull away after you touched your grandfather’s watch in your dad’s room. 
“Do you feel alright?” Lockwood asked. Though George and Lucy had gone off on their own, Lockwood had stayed with you to, one, make sure you were protected as his client, and two, keep track of any information. “You’re stumbling a bit.” 
“Yeah,” you murmured, “I’m… I’m fine. I’m just not used to using my Talent on purpose like this.” 
“On purpose,” he repeated wryly. 
“I try not to do anything with it,” you said. “I told you, I don’t want to be an agent.” 
“There’s a lot of people out there that would kill for a power like yours,” he said. “Kids stuck on night watch, agents with fading Talent, adults who can’t see for shit. Seems strange to just… ignore yours.” 
You shrugged uncomfortably. “I’m not ignoring it now, am I?” 
“No,” Lockwood said, “I suppose you’re not.”
Eventually, you made it to another room, your grandparents’ old bedroom that you’d ended up turning into your father’s office, and when you opened the door Lockwood whistled. 
“That’s a bright death glow.” 
You grimaced. “So this is where they died.” 
He nodded. “By the look of it, it wasn’t pretty.” 
“Great,” you muttered, and you walked inside. 
“Lucy! George!” Lockwood called as he followed you in, craning his neck to look behind him. “Get over here—we’ve got a lead!” 
“What is it?” you heard Lucy asking, her voice getting closer. 
Though you started to answer, you didn’t get the chance to finish as the door slammed shut on its own, separating you and Lockwood from the others. Your eyes widened as you whirled around. 
“Don’t panic,” Lockwood said immediately. You nodded shakily despite the blood pounding in your ears, and at your confirmation, he yelled out. “Luce? George? Are you alright?”
“We’re fine!” Lucy shouted, and there was the rattling of the doorknob. “Is it locked on your side?”
You moved forward and tried to turn the handle to test it, but a scream was ripped from your throat as you stumbled backwards. Your hands flew to your neck, splaying across the skin as you expected to feel blood, but there was nothing. The cold metal pressed against your skin, the sharp edge of the knife tore across it, but there was nothing. Centuries flashed behind your eyelids but there was nothing. 
Lucy and George called out your name, but you couldn’t respond, your eyes wide as dinner plates as your whole body shook.
“God, are you alright?” Lockwood caught your shoulders before you could run into him, and his hands stayed there when he realized how much you were trembling. When you turned to look at him, your hand still pressed against your neck to stop invisible bleeding, his eyes were filled with concern. “What did you see?”
“I… I—” You tried to voice it, but the words stuck in your throat as the tremors continued.
Lucy yelled your name again and there was a bang on the door, and Lockwood looked up. “She’s okay! She felt something when she touched the handle— Lucy, see what you can get on your side!”
“Got it!”
“It’s okay,” Lockwood said softly, his attention turning back to you. His hands on your shoulders grounded you, and he was a surprisingly welcome presence. “Whatever’s here, I won’t let it hurt you. You just have to tell me whatever it is you saw when you touched that doorknob.”
“I didn’t see anything,” you finally managed. “I— I heard them yelling, screaming, threatening to leave each other, and then—” You forced your breathing to still, but it hardly worked. 
“And then what?” His voice was still just as soft, and he didn’t move away from you or take his hands back. He just stood there, waiting for you. 
“And then he killed her, Lockwood,” you whispered, your hand falling to his wrist. “She threatened to leave him, and he slit her throat.” You still felt the blood dripping down your neck. You wanted to crawl out of your skin. 
He was alarmingly good at keeping his emotions in check, the only sign of his shock the slightest pause before he asked again. “Who?” 
“I— I don’t know,” you said. “I just— I felt it, and it’s the same presence I’ve been feeling for months.” 
“So it’s our ghost,” he said. “Obviously, but we just need to see if Lucy can…” 
His words phased through your ears as the air in front of you shimmered, blue light coalescing into the source of your endless tormentor. One image, one woman, one ghost, the face of someone you never thought was an option, and you could do nothing but stare. 
“Lockwood,” you croaked, and he turned around. Immediately, his expression hardened, and he said your name as he moved forward and in turn pushed you behind him. 
“Don’t make a sound,” he uttered as he slowly drew his rapier, and he handed the chains back to you. You took them as quietly as possible, and with his arm braced in front of you, he moved the two of you back a safe distance. “Do you recognize her?” 
You nodded, but you couldn’t speak. All you could do was stare up, wide-eyed at the ghost above you. You’d been expecting a monstrous apparition, a cruel face to put to the presence that had been haunting you all this time, but it wasn’t. It was familiar, and perhaps it was cruel all the same, because the ghost was—
“Now would be a good time to say it,” Lockwood said dryly. 
You nodded again, your voice barely a whisper. “I guess I was wrong.” Your throat bobbed. “Because that’s my grandmother.”  
“Ah,” Lockwood said placidly. “The ghost really is your grandmother. Lovely.” 
“I never knew,” you whispered. “I didn’t know she died here, that she was murdered—” 
��You’ve got to stay calm,” Lockwood interrupted. “You’re not going to be any help to me or yourself if you’re not calm.” 
You didn’t know how you were supposed to stay calm in the face of your murdered ghost of a grandmother, who looked far younger than she was supposed to because she was murdered— 
“Do you hear me?” he asked, his voice more assertive than before. “I need you to stay calm for me.” 
Your vocal chords decided to work this time, though just barely. “I— I’ll try my hardest.” 
“I’m sure you know this already,” he said wryly, “but don’t let her touch you.” 
And then, George’s voice rang out. 
“What the hell is going on in there?” he called, and the ghost lunged. 
Lockwood pushed you back all the while slashing his rapier at your grandmother, her screams filling your ears and penetrating your body to the bone. It stole the breath out of you, even as her body dissolved from the metal, and Lockwood latched onto your arm as he backed to the edge of the room with you. 
“We’ve got a Type 2 in here!” Lockwood yelled, his sword brandished and his arm still protectively in front of you as his eyes darted all over the room, breath held as he waited to see where she would appear next. “George, work on getting that lock open! Lucy, find the source!” 
“Do you have any idea what it is, or am I just on a wild goose chase?” Lucy asked frantically. 
“The latter,” you responded, and you heard her groan as she ran off. 
“I don’t know if a lockpick will even work,” George said, voice muffled through the wood. “Ghost powers don’t respond well to science.” 
“At least try,” Lockwood said. “I’d appreciate it knowing you’re on the case.” 
“As long as you try not to die,” he grumbled. 
“No promises.” 
You shook your head as shaky breaths rocked through you. “Your sense of humor is a bit morbid.” 
Lockwood winked, somehow smiling even now. “We’ve got to cope somehow.” 
You huffed a laugh, only slightly unhinged. “Sorry about this, by the way. I really didn’t know that it was my grandmother. Honest to God, I had no idea she died here.” 
“One of the less egregious problems we’ve had,” Lockwood said. His eyes sharpened as he looked across the room, and your grandmother’s ghost suddenly appeared again. 
His grip loosened on your arm as he pulled away, handling his rapier with the skill of someone twenty years his elder. You lashed out with your chains whenever she got too close, staying behind Lockwood every time he shifted or twisted or moved around the office, but in such a small space—all the while dealing with her screams and the constant dread just being near her filled you with—you were beginning to grow tired. 
“Do you have any idea what her source would be?” he asked. “Or— or where it would be?” 
“No!” you exclaimed. “I thought we’d just be dealing with some bloke that was killed a few decades ago, not my grandmother and her vicious murder that I knew nothing about!” 
“Try and think, then!” Lockwood thrust forward with his rapier, preventing the ghost from advancing on the two of you for a moment as he continued to move back. “I know that this is shocking, but we’ll have time to deal with that later. Right now, you have to focus! Use your talent!”
Your heart beat like a hammer, the blood pounding in your ears, and you nodded. “Keep her away from me.”
Before Lockwood could question anything, before you could second guess yourself, you lashed out with the chains and darted past your grandmother’s ghost. You latched onto the doorknob again as you screwed your eyes shut, and it hit you all at once.
You weren’t immediately dead, so you assumed Lockwood was doing his job. But centuries of memories flashed before your eyes, and you were living through years simultaneously. 
The first time your grandparents toured the house together, your grandfather closing the door behind him as he took a moment for himself. He knew then that was where he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. 
When they decided to buy the house and crossed the threshold for the first time, him carrying your grandmother all the way up the stairs and to their bedroom, her falling onto the bed with a delighted squeal. 
Your father was born, and your grandfather’s hand slipped off the doorknob as he carried his newborn baby into the room, cooing and rocking him while he walked over and sat on the side of his bed. 
He lost his job, closing the door with a hand running down his face as he slammed his fist into the wall. The wallpaper dented beneath his knuckles, but he didn’t even notice. 
Your grandmother carefully closing the door behind her, padding over to the desk, opening the drawer and finding letters. Undistilled shock and barely bridled anger, the stench of betrayal. 
An awful argument, the worst yet. Screaming so loud it rocked the walls of the room, insults and threats and accusations flying through the air without a second thought. She went to leave, put her hand on the doorknob, but he went mad with rage. He slashed her throat from behind before he can even think, and your grandmother died with her hand still on the handle before she collapsed.
The doorknob, and—
“Her brooch,” you muttered, and your eyes widened as you slammed your hand against the door. “George, the brooch! Tell Lucy to get the brooch!”
“What brooch?” he yelled back. 
“My grandmother’s brooch!” you shouted. “My grandfather gave it to her as an anniversary gift. It’s emerald, Georgian cut! You’ll know when you see it— the vanity in the master bedroom on the first floor! You don’t have time to get her, just go!”
His footsteps ran off, but you didn’t even get a moment to relax as you felt that awful presence again. 
You whirled around and your breath caught in your chest, frozen stiff as you stared back at the face of your grandmother. 
It wasn’t that cruel, demented thing you’d seen when she attacked at first. This was just… her. Beautiful and fair-faced, late thirties having no effect on her. The eyes of your father, elegantly braided hair. You recognized the style of her dress, one that had been passed down to you. 
She looked like… like you’d imagined yourself in a decade or two. 
God, she was so young. Young and in love and betrayed. 
The world grew dimmer, your surroundings taking on a crystalline sheen. Everything was cold and your muscles were made of lead. You heard distant shouts, but it didn’t matter. 
Nothing mattered. 
You were so tired.
And then it all shattered. You crumpled to your knees, an overwhelming stabbing in your head as your breath came back to you in haggard waves.
Lockwood was over you, his rapier forgotten on the ground, and he shook your shoulders as he said your name over and over.
“…Lockwood?” you managed, your eyes barely open as you looked up at him. 
His smile was one of pure relief as he nodded, and though he stopped shaking, his hands still remained on your shoulders. “Yeah. You’re alright.”
“What happened?” you murmured. 
“You were ghost-locked,” he said breathlessly. “I tried to fend her off, but she was only focused on you. George must’ve gotten to the source right before she could get you.” He smiled sheepishly, but there was clear-cut fear behind those eyes. “Sorry about that.”
“I nearly died,” you said. The words tasted like plastic on your tongue, unusual and stiff. 
He shook his head. “I wouldn’t have let that happen.”
Lockwood went to say more, but the door busted open suddenly, drawing the attention of both of you.
George and Lucy were both completely out of breath when they barged in. Lucy’s rapier was drawn and George held your grandmother’s brooch in his hand, wrapped ten times over in a metal net.
“Are you all okay?” Lucy asked, her eyes wide as yours. “I could hear her all the way downstairs, and—” 
“We’re alright,” you interrupted, and you looked at Lockwood. He got the hint, and he helped you up from the ground. The energy had been completely drained from you after being ghost-locked, so he kept his arm around you. 
“Looks like you were right,” George said, holding the brooch up. “Half-right, the ghost being your grandmother and all, but you’re right where it matters.” 
“Pretty good time to be right,” you said shakily. 
“Last minute save.” Lockwood laughed breathlessly. “You fit right in here.”
Lockwood helped you downstairs, and he insisted on making tea for you while you sat at the table with George and Lucy explaining what had happened. 
Your grandparents were happy, you hadn’t been wrong, but one too many things went wrong beneath the surface. They got married young, but he never felt like he was good enough for her despite her reassurances. He lost his job a week before your father was born, and with the stress, the finances, the jealousy— it all built up. Your grandfather snapped, so your grandmother did as well. 
“...and he killed her,” you finished quietly. “She found out he was cheating on her, they had this huge argument and she actually meant to follow through on her threats of leaving him.” You swallowed around the lump in your throat. “It turns out she never got the chance, and my grandfather’s been lying to us and the world ever since.” 
“I’m so sorry,” Lucy murmured, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now.” 
You nodded thankfully, and you smiled up at Lockwood as he placed a fresh cup of tea in front of you. It warmed your bones when you took a sip, and you already felt your strength coming back from the ordeal. 
“You all might get some calls from the police,” you said. “I’m going to call my father tonight and tell him everything, and then we’re going straight to the authorities.” 
“We’ll back you up if we get any,” Lockwood assured. “We’ll tell them everything you told us.”  
Lucy and George nodded. “I got some visions of my own that corroborate your story,” she said, “so don’t worry about proof.” 
George held up your grandmother’s brooch, still wrapped in the net. “I’ll hold onto this if they need it for evidence. Soon as it’s done, we’ll take it straight to the furnaces.” 
You nodded gratefully, and after another sip of tea, you stood up. Your legs didn’t shake, so you took another step and looked back at them. “Come on. I’ll walk you all out.” 
After the three of them gathered their things, you followed them to the door, and your smile was the most genuine it had been since this all started. 
“I can’t thank you all enough,” you said. “Lucy, George, Lockwood—you’ve put an end to my misery, you’ve finally put my grandmother to rest, and you’ve helped bring a murderer to justice.” Your shoulders felt a whole lot lighter as you handed the envelope to Lockwood. “I’m forever in your debt.”
“I wouldn’t say forever in our debt,” George said. “You’ve just paid that off.” 
You cracked a smile as Lockwood swatted him with the envelope, then he looked back at you with the same charm as always.
“We were happy to help. And we appreciated yours as well.” Lockwood dug into his pocket and pulled something out, pressing it into your hand. He lingered for just a moment too long before he pulled away and cleared his throat. 
“Your business card,” you realized as you brought it up closer. “What for?”
“You’re Talented,” Lockwood said, “obviously. Even though you haven’t honed it at all, you’ve still got some pretty impressive raw ability. If you ever find you want to put it to use, learn the ropes of being an agent… give us a call.” He smiled. “Lockwood & Co would be happy to have you.”
You looked over at Lucy, almost as if you wanted her approval. She gave you that faint smile. “You’re good when you’re confident, Holloway. And it would be nice to have another girl.”
George, next. He shrugged. 
“You held your own,” he said, “mostly. I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you got some training. We can’t expand our agency for just anyone.”
“And you already know what I think,” Lockwood said with that same smile. 
You couldn’t help a slight one of your own, and you looked at the business card again before shoving it into your pocket. “I’ll think about it.”
Lockwood nodded. “35 Portland Row. Remember it.”
“I don’t think I could forget,” you said with a soft laugh.
His lips twitched into a smile. “Good.”
Lockwood nodded at you one last time, something passing between you for just a moment before he turned around and his crew followed him. You watched the three of them get into the taxi and drive off before you closed the door, allowing yourself a deep, deep sigh. 
And despite all the chaos that had just occurred, despite the life-changing revelation that was brought forth, despite your near-death experience and the shift to your axis and the tainting of your family tree, as you walked back inside and picked up the phone to dial your father…
You felt more at peace than you had in a long, long time. 
You took the business card out of your pocket, staring at it as you waited for the number to connect. 
…Maybe, you thought wryly.
Just maybe. 
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz @masteroperator @louderfortheback 
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david-watts · 2 years
oh and yes. there are mice about. hopefully not within the actual house but just under it and coming inside occasionally
#had to chase one out of the toilet earlier.#tiny little guy.#promise I won't be making any comments about eating their tails this time#anyway. because this room is in a state because that's what happens when you're trying to shove two grown adults into a tiny room#we're going to get blamed for it. that they're nesting in here.#even though it's just as fucking likely they'll be doing the same in what's meant to be my fucking room#that I don't think ever will become my room because even if I don't take heed of what the mice mean#they're gonna keep dragging their heels when it comes to getting new carpet which we have to have down before I'm allowed to move#the cupboard outta there and into the hall and she's not gonna help me with the cornicing#the most I'll get towards it is sleeping on a dead folding bed that's older than me amongst piles of hoarded paper and boxes of things#that are a mix between mine and everyone else's#I don't even think my stuff is considered mine anymore unless it's in the way then it's always mine even when it's not#my stuff got gone through this morning because my grandmother has to come in here and complain about the state of things while not helping#with either my m*ther and her sprain or with the sorting out#but my shoes which I can't store anywhere but by the door are in the way! and it's like I want her to trip and break her neck!#I think the mice signal that I am approaching my death#well. first time we had mice. good things happened that changed my life.#second time my life again changed but for the worse and it culminated in leaving home#third time? I think I'm going to die#that's the big life change that's going to happen. I will die and won't have to worry about a fourth rat infestation
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bookstantrash · 3 years
A/N: I am so very sorry for not updating for so long. I know I said I’d try to update more frequently while I was on uni break but life happened lmao. Classes are back, but I’ll try not left y’all hanging for so long.
You can check here Pemberley’s Lake, Hooked on You, Smells like petrichor and paper, The Sound of Music and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, part one, two, three, four and five of my Nessian Pride and Prejudice AU.
That being said, I hope y’all enjoy this chapter! We got a little bit of fluff, sprinkles of angst and a lovely plot twist ✨
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Bloody Day and Ominous letters
Nesta woke up with the worst headache she had ever had in her entire life. She really should not have drunk as much as she had last night but as she saw her friends and Morrigan having fun that little voice inside her head — usually her mother’s or grandmother's saying Do better, Stop being such a disappointment or Your only purpose is to marry well so forget about love — got louder and louder, judging her company and trying to make her feel ashamed.
But she had had enough. Her grandmother and mother had both passed away already. It was time to bury them for good. So Nesta took the wine bottle from Morrigan and drank half of it in one go, her friends cheering around her. And she had so much fun. Nesta would never have guessed that drinking could be so enjoyable, nothing like those uptight parties where the ladies sipped a lonely glass all night long while the gentleman lost count of theirs. The only downside was her killing headache and the fact that she had overslept, a fact she took notice of once she glanced at the wall clock.
She had just sat up on her bed —  massaging her temple to ease the tension on her head — when an insistent knocking on her door made her mumble a curse. No doubt it was either Emerie or Gwyn — maybe both of them — waking her up. Those two were quite used to drinking, so it was no surprise to Nesta that they would be up and about very early.
“Would you two stop it?” she said loudly, opening the door wearing only her chemise, probably having ditched her dress during the night while she slept “I have a killer headache and your banging is not helping at all—”
She stopped mid sentence when she came face to face with Georgianam, the young lady’s hand still raised to knock on her door, Cassian right behind her.
“Oh, I apologise Lady Nesta” Georgiana said “We had agreed that we would go on a nice early morning walk today, but when I did not spot Miss Archeron at the breakfast table I got worried.”
“Please do forgive me, Miss Georgiana. I had a bit too much to drink yesterday and ended up oversleeping.” Nesta quickly said, mentally kicking herself for her rudeness “I will be ready for our walk in a minute.”
“Lovely! I will be waiting at the parlor then!”
Nesta closed the door with a sigh. Her morning had not begun the best.
However, it was only while she was brushing her hair that her sleep fogged mind caught up to the fact that Cassian had seen her half asleep wearing nothing but her chemise and with early morning messy bed hair.
She definitely could not be allowed to drink more than two glasses of alcohol if that was how she was going to behave whenever she drank more than deemed proper.
When she arrived at the parlor ten minutes later, she could not help but avoid looking at Cassian.
“Mrs. Potts brought you a little something to eat” Georgiana informed, pouring Nesta tea “And also some headache medicine”
“Please thank her in my instead later, she is too kind to me”
“Oh, it was all my brother’s doing” Georgiana smiled in Cassian's direction, serving herself some cookies “He was the one who asked her to provide not only the medicine but also the food.”
“I appreciate the gesture, my lord.” Nesta hid her blush behind the teacup.
“It was nothing, my lady” was all he answered, refusing to look at her.
That made Nesta’s heart strangely hurt. She could not help but think he had been disgusted by her earlier appearance. Her hair was such a mess and her chemise was all wrinkled from sleep—
Wait. Why did she care so much of what he thought of her? Nesta Archeron was not one to give much attention to others opinion of herself, so why was she getting so worked up when it came to Cassian? Of course, one could not help but notice how he always looked so presentable, with his spotless clothes, hair combed to perfection every single time. She had never seen a gentleman’s hair be so… perfect. She could bet her first edition of her favourite romance that he had awfully handsome bed hair. And that he had a mint breath even when woke up. And that he probably slept shirtless, if the last time she saw him at midnight at his library was any indication of his sleeping attire.
Oh Mother, why was she now thinking about all of that? She waved an imaginary hand to disperse her not so proper thoughts, focusing on the small talk Georgiana was making.
Both Nesta and Cassian kept avoiding each other during their walk, which did not pass by Georgiana without notice, especially given how her brother had made sure to stay two steps behind them, giving the excuse he wanted to give both ladies “privacy to talk comfortably”, something he had never done. Their walk, however, was cut short when Nesta showed signs of being tired and admitted that her headache had not disappeared.
“I assure you it is nothing to fret over” Nesta told a worried Mrs. Potts when they came back “It must be from yesterday’s drinking. There is no need to call a doctor.”
“Nonetheless, I will ask Chef Ramsay to prepare some light food and my special hangover drink” the old headmaid said with a motherly expression.
Thanking Mrs. Potts again, Nesta went to her room to splash some water on her face in hopes of refreshing herself. But a painful jab low on her stomach made her freeze and the blood drain from her face.
“Just knock on the door, my Lord” Lumière said as he watched Cassian drop his hand once again. The maître d’ had been watching his lord pace in front of the parlor door for what must have been twenty minutes.
“I do not want to bother her. Maybe I should call Mrs. Potts or wait until the other ladies come back” Cassian ran his hand through his hair in distress. Emerie and Balthazar had gone out with Morrigan to visit some possible new business partners — her big circle of connections proving itself to be very useful in helping expand their business — while Azriel and Gwyn had gone to the town, which was helding a small music festival. Georgiana, on the other hand, had received a telegram from a friend who had returned early from their trip abroad, and she had promptly gone to meet them.
“This, dear brother, is your chance to speak to Miss Nesta” she had said before leaving “I do not know what happened to make you both so distant, but you better make amends. I already asked Emerie to design the gown I shall wear at your wedding.”
Cassian had told Georgie to mind her own business and stop being such a busybody, proceeding to stand guard outside the parlor.
“Leave the lord alone” Cogsworth hissed, elbowing Lumiére “Her ladyship has not asked for help so it must mean she is fine and does not wish to be bothered.”
“Nonsense, old friend!! The lady is simply too shy to ask for it and the lord too polite to risk disturbing her” taking a step forward, Lumière knocked on the door.
“What do you think you are doing?!” the major-domo whisper yelled, and Cassian was sure he would have throttled Lumière were it not for the faint voice coming from the other side.
“Please, do come in” Nesta said.
Taking a deep breath, Cassian opened the door, leaving behind Cogsworth and Lumière, who were trying very hard not to start a duel right there.
The first thing he looked for was Nesta.
Nesta, who was rather pale and was clutching a pillow very hard against her stomach.
“Are you alright?” he asked, not knowing whether to sit beside her or just stay standing a few feet away.
“I am” she said, although the deep breath she took had him thinking it was not true “Where are Gwyn and Emerie?”
“Gwyn went to the town festival with Azriel. An Emerie went with Mor and Balthazar to meet prospective business partners.”
“Are you really alright Nesta?” he asked again “You do not seem fine at all if I may say.”
“I assure you I am perfectly fine” Nesta insisted through clenched teeth “Where is Georgiana?”
“At a friend’s house. They returned early from a trip.” Cassian said, a bit annoyed she was asking for his sister when he was right there. It was a stupid jealous feeling, and he was not even more annoyed because he felt glad they got on so well.
“Do you know when any of them will be back?”
“I am afraid I do not know” daring to approach her, Cassian sat beside her on the sofa “But I am here. If there is anything I could do…”
“There is no need to bother yourself. I truly am—”
And that was when Nesta whimpered and clutched her pillow even tighter, doubling over a little bit.
“You are definitely far from fine sweetheart” Cassian said, rubbing her back in hopes of helping her, nevermind proper etiquette.
“It is really nothing. Just—”
“Just what?”
“Lady stuff!!” Nesta finally said, her whole face heating up like a fireplace.
“Oh. Oh! I see. I— I understand” he said, also a little bit flustered “Not that I actually get it but I have also experienced pain and—”
Nesta wished the ground would open up and swallow her. She was used to getting her period, it was a monthly occurrence. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, this time it seemed her body had decided to punish her more than usual. Not only had she gotten a killer headache — made worse by her hangover —  but she was cramping very badly, and they usually were not that bad. That was why she had gone to that walk with Georgiana, even though she was getting mildly uncomfortable soon after they arrived at the garden.
Not that she did not want to miss any Cassian time.
Him going with them had been a bonus.
A surprise, but not a pleasant one.
Maybe just a bit pleasant if she was being honest. Just a tiny tiny bit.
“I will stop talking now” Cassian mumbled, interrupting not for the first time her errant thoughts.
She wanted to die. To tell Cassian — even indirectly —  that she had gotten her period was the most mortifying she had ever experienced.
“I can get Mrs. Potts for you” he tentatively said, restarting the back rubs “She can get you some tea for pain. Or a bag of warm water. You can tell her anything, do not worry.”
Nesta managed to nod her head in agreement, despite her stubborn side that refused to ask for help from the maids or other servants at Pemberley.
Cassian himself went looking for the head maid instead of just ringing for her, assuring her he would be back in less than ten minutes. And he did come back in record time with Mrs. Potts, who gave her tea and pain tonic that she assured Nesta made wonders for stopping cramps. All the while Cassian hovered over Mrs. Potts, unsure of what to do.
“Do you require anything else? Maybe another blanket?” he asked after Mrs. Potts had left. He had made sure to bring back a blanket too and had even tucked her in with extra care “Or more tea? I can ask someone to come and bring fresh hot tea”
Nesta would never have imagined Cassian to be such an overbearing mother hen. He was being extra careful around her and it annoyed her beyond reason.
“Cassian, this happens every month. Has been happening since I was thirteen, alright? Can you please stop?” she snapped.
She regretted her words as soon as she realised how rude she had been and what exactly she had said. However, he was being so overweening. As if she was made of glass or was on her deathbed.
Yet all Cassian did was crack a smile and nudge a chocolate muffin towards her. Nesta had been in such pain and so quiet he had been concerned if Mrs. Potts’ pain tonic would really work. But there she was.
There was the feisty, sharp tongued and quick-witted Nesta he knew.
There was the Nesta he fell in love with.
He barely held his tongue back and risked blutering his feelings right in front of her. Again.
“May I get you a book then? It is a good way to pass the time until your friends are back.”
“Thank you. That would be lovely” Nesta gave him a soft smile, her previous embarrassment having died down a little.
He was gone and back in a record time, and Nesta delusioned herself into thinking he had raced to the library because he did not want to leave her for too long.
“I got the book you were not able to finish last night” Cassian said, handing her Sellyn Drake’s latest romance “And I also took the liberty of getting one of my favourites too. In case you finish this one quickly.”
She thanked him again, curious as to what book was his favourite, what made her even eager to finish her current read.
Turns out Cassian was a fan of epic poems, a fact that — combined with his admission of having read Sellyn Drake’s romances — once again made Nesta view him with new eyes. She had thought he would be more of a war strategy person, all business and serious matters. Yet it seemed that Cassian had a dreamer inside of him.
“How many times have you read this book?” Nesta asked as she turned a yellowed page. The book was old, but she could see it was very loved given its good condition.
“A lot of times. It was my favourite book as a child, and I could not part with it once I moved out of my childhood home” he gave her a smile “It was also my dear companion during long expeditions. I have most of it memorized.”
“I bet you charmed every single lady during your travels with your knowledge, wooing them with beautiful words” she teased, despite the small pang of jealousy in her heart.
You refused his hand and humiliated him, she thought, you have no place to feel jealous. Cassian is a wonderful gentleman, it is expected to have women falling left and right for him, not to say him pursuing them.
“You are actually the first person apart from my family who knows that I read poetry” Cassian admitted “And I also have never met someone that made me want to declare a poem to”
Nesta did not know what to say to that. They were bordering dangerous territory, something that seemed to happen more and more frequently.
And Cassian, seated right beside her, was thinking the same thing. He had allowed himself to get closer to him again, something that yesterday he had vowed to avoid, had tried to do that morning. But to see her in pain, uncomfortable and not talking to him hurt more than those moments in which he could see a life with her. Those moments with Nesta were a double edged sword: he craved and loathed them with the same urgency.
He would kill to have even a single moment with her.
He would die if he had even a single moment with her.
Nesta made him want to be selfish.
Made him want to declare poems to her, maybe even attempt to write her one.
At the moment, he could not help but recall a certain verse of the Epic of Gilgamesh:
What could I offer
the queen of love in return, who lacks nothing at all?
Balm for the body? The food and drink of the gods?
I have nothing to give to her who lacks nothing at all.
You are the door through which the cold gets in.
You are the fire that goes out. You are the pitch
that sticks to the hands of the one who carries the bucket.
You are the house that falls down. You are the shoe
that pinches the foot of the wearer. The ill-made wall
that buckles when time has gone by. The leaky
water skin soaking the water skin carrier.
To Cassian, Nesta was the goddess of love. And he was the one who could not offer her a single thing for she lacked nothing.
“Well, I will not disturb your reading any longer” clearing his throat to break the new tense silence between them, Cassian gestured to the book in her hand “But do feel free to make comments while you read, I would very much like to hear your opinions about it.”
And she did just that. Every passage she found interesting, each line that caught her eye and interpretation she had about a certain phrase, she shared them all with Cassian. Somewhere during their conversation that awkward tension between them disappeared completely, with Cassian letting his arm rest on the back of the couch, getting closer to Nesta. And Nesta somehow ended up getting closer to him too, almost leaning on his side.
It was all very improper. Cassian staying alone with Nesta, so close to each other and acting as a married couple.
But Cassian would let himself be selfish one last time.
One last time before they had to go their separate ways.
The day would have ended perfectly were it not for the letter that Gwyn brought once she and Azriel had come back.
While Emerie, Balthazar and Mor had arrived late in the evening — with good news of new partnerships being agreed on —  Gwyn and Azriel had come back much later, just when everyone had finished dinner. Nesta had not been too worried, she trusted Azriel to take care of Gwyn and her friend was not bound by the stifling high society etiquette, but she breathed a little easier when they finally arrived.
“Oh Nesta, we passed by the inn we were staying at before and the landlady gave me a letter addressed to you. It seems she had forgotten to send it to us yesterday when our things were brought here.” Gwyn gave her the letter once they had moved to the game room “She apologised deeply for it.”
“I understand, it is a busy season for them.”
“It is a letter from Feyre” Nesta furrowed her brows in confusion as she broke the letter’ seal, which she recognized as being the one representing Feyre’ status as Duchess “She sent one barely a week ago, I wonder what could have happened.”
Nesta had guessed it would be another letter from Feyre asking about how their trip was going, if she had seen beautiful scenarios and bought any souvenir for her youngest sister. Or even a curious inquiry about what she thought of Cassian. Feyre had been quite interested to know if they got along — she had always been a busybody and matchmaker, and since marrying Rhysand had tried time and time again to nonchalantly push her to Cassin. If she ever discovered that Nesta had already been proposed by Cassian — and that she had refused his hand — chaos would befall upon Nesta.
However, as her eyes scanned the lines, Nesta’s assumptions of its contents proved to be far away from reality. She felt her blood run cold, her heart stop beating and fear. So much fear.
“Excuse me” she managed to say, getting up “I need a moment.”
“Nesta, are you alright? What did Feyre say? You are very pale” Gwyn said, her voice full of worry.
“I am fine. Just cramps” she brushed off her friend’s worries. She did not want to make the others notice that something was off with her, she did not want to alarm Gwyn..
Yet as she exited the room she failed to perceive that Cassian had been paying attention to her ever since Gwyn gave her the letter. He was always paying attention to his surroundings, especially when she was around.
He left the room a few moments after her, trying not to raise suspicion to his attitude. He did not know where she had gone — Pemberley was vast and her room was too far away for him to not have caught her faster — but something led him to the small outdoor patio just left from the small gallery he had at Pemberley.
As he got closer and closer there, he heard the sound of someone crying, which made his heart beat faster and a deep fear grow inside him.
He arrived outside to find an unimaginable scene: Nesta crying. Crying as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest.
She was a mess, her careful braided hair coming undone, as if she had ran her hands through it in desperation.
“Nesta… Nes dear, what happened? Is Feyre alright?” Cassian did not care that she most probably left the room to cry in private. He was worried, he needed to be beside her, he needed to help her somehow.
“I— Feyre she—” she was sobbing so hard she could barely breathe, let alone talk, making Cassian’s heart break in a thousand pieces.
“Shh it’s okay sweetheart. I am here Nes” he gently cupped her face, making her look at him “Take deep breaths with me.”
He took a deep breath, holding it in for three seconds before letting it go. He kept doing it until Nesta did the same, slowly calming down.
“Can you talk now? Do you want me to fetch you some water?” Cassian asked, tenderly brushing off her remaining tears.
“No, I— I can talk now” Nesta took another breath “Feyre is alright. It is Elain.”
“Elain? Is she sick? Talk to me Nes, help me understand”
Elain was the picture of the perfect lady in high society. With her numerous suitors, lovely and delicate behaviour — not to mention her singular beauty — it was hard to find someone who did not like her. Given that her hobbies — cooking and gardening — did not pose a threat to her health and well being, Cassian could not understand what would have made Nesta react so strongly. Perhaps Elain had fallen ill, something that rarely happened.
“No. She is not sick” Nesta shook her head “Cauldron, I almost wished she was sick.”
“Elain was…. Elain was kidnapped” she added, her eyes filling with tears again.
“Kidnapped? How?”
That made no sense, who would kidnap Elain? And why?
“She was going to visit Feyre. And when she didn't show up Rhysand went to search for her and—” Nesta started to cry, desperation filling her voice “They found her carriage turned over and hidden near the outskirts of the city. No sign of her at all.”
Cassian was speechless. He could only imagine how Feyre must be feeling after she got the news and hoped Rhysand was doing his everything to help find Elain.
“The coachman was killed and her lady in waiting was rushed to the hospital.” she cried even harder “This is all my fault. I should never have left her. We have no male relatives and Feyre is living too far from our childhood home. I was supposed to take care of her.”
“Nesta, it is not your fault. You could never have guessed something like this could happen.” he looked deep in her eyes, the blue in them even brighter because of her tears “Is there anything I could do to help?”
“I am afraid there isn’t, '' she whispered “I have to go back home. Try to hire an investigator, talk to Feyre and hope Elain is not disgraced by society rumors. Hope she is alive”
Cassian could only nod in agreement and wait for Nesta to recompose herself before they went back inside. Their friends were as horrified and worried about the situation as he and Nesta, and decided to go back right that moment. The staff noticed something was amiss and made sure to ready the carriage in record time.
“Thank you for welcoming you at your home” Nesta said, her complexion a bit better “I can assure you we all had a wonderful time here.”
“It was my pleasure. Have a safe travel and remember that Pemberey is open to you and your friends whenever you want to visit” Cassian helped Nesta get on her carriage one last time, letting go of her hand begrudgingly.
And as Nesta and her friends got farther and farther from Pemberley, as Nesta got farther and farther away from him and took his heart with her, Cassian felt a calm fury settle inside him.
He had some letters to write to some old friends.
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The Long Con Part One
Prologue | Masterlist | Next Part Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader Rating: T Notes: Oh hey there! Welcome to Dany Has Been Googling Art Stuff For Like Two Months The Series. Warnings: Cursing (meant to mention that before WHOOPSADOODLE sorry) Summary: You’d never seen Agent Pike look anything less than collected, even in the thick of a case. 
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“The Raft of the Medusa, huh?”
You didn‘t bother to look away from your laptop where you were stationed at your lectern.
“Géricault did good work,” You answered as you finished answering the email that you were working on. You knew that this couldn’t be a terribly timely or pressing matter, because the FBI agent that had shown up had bothered to sit through the second half of your lecture that morning. 
“How long have you guys been up to romanticism?” He asked.
“Oh, just this week. Géricault’s got a good range...Landscapes, horses, portraits… horses... current events… horses…”
“Lots of horses.”
“Yeah, he was kind of a horse girl.” 
You finally sent the email off and turned to look at Agent Marcus Pike. The man was, mercifully, still looking at the recreation of the Géricault painting. 
“This one of your old ones?” He asked. You laughed a little, leaning against the lectern. 
“No. I’ve got a friend in Atlanta that specializes in recreations of Delacroix and Géricault.” 
“He’s talented. I’ve seen the original, this is… Incredible.” 
“Mm, I know. The corpses almost look happy in this version.”
Pike’s brow rose and he gave you a look out of the corner of his eye.
“So?” You asked, “How can I aid the bureau today, Agent Pike?” 
He gave a small smile, his hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck as he turned to face you more fully.
“I’m actually not here on bureau business,” he told you, peering at you nervously. Your brows rose. You’d never seen Agent Pike look anything less than collected, even in the thick of a case. 
“You’ve got my attention,” You reassured him. 
You were trying so hard not to laugh, if not for the earnest look on Pike’s face. You watched him as you ran your finger along the handle of your coffee mug. The two of you had taken up residence at your favorite coffee shop and bakery, There Ain’t Muffin To It. It was a little out of the way of the college’s campus, but you preferred that - you hardly ever ran into your students that way.
Pike had insisted on paying for your coffee, and then he’d explained his… Situation. 
His fucking hilarious situation that you were really, really trying not to laugh at. 
“So…Just-- To make sure I’m on the level here,” You said, “Your sister Marnie is getting married in two weeks, and she was probably going to set you up with some cute hometown girl, and instead…” You had to pause, biting your lip to tamp down a laugh before going on, “Instead, you told her that you’re bringing… Me.” 
“That is the long and short of it.”
“And can I ask what possessed you to blurt out the name of an ex-fencer-turned-art-professor?” 
“I panicked and I was looking at the Coleman file.”
“Ah,” You nodded. You’d assisted Pike’s team on that case. A man named Augustus Coleman had recently come forward, claiming to have found Oudry’s White Duck. The work had, in fact, been a fake (though it was a very, very convincing one). You’d spent time with Agent Pike, looking over the painting itself and helping his team track down Coleman’s forger. It had been a lot of long nights, a lot of hard work, but Pike had given you implicit trust, and you’d gotten the job done. 
And now, apparently, he was trusting you with this, too. 
“I don’t… Lie well,” Marcus added, and you couldn’t help but laugh then. 
“I can see that.”
Marcus smiled, “I know this is an inconvenience. I wouldn’t ask you to fly down for the week I’m gonna be there--”
“But you’d want to?” 
Marcus winced, “My sister’s already passed your name on to my mom and I’m getting questions. You could just come in for the weekend. I’d pay for your airfare,” He tacked on. 
“Wow, you are desperate.” 
“What you said, about my sister setting me up with some-- hometown girl? It’s accurate, I’m pretty sure I know exactly who she would’ve tried to set me up with.”
“No, she’s nice, but we don’t suit and Marnie hasn’t quite gotten that message.” 
Your brow furrowed, considered something. 
“Tell me something,” You leaned forward on your forearms, watching Marcus.
“You could've found someone else to bring along, asked them to use my name and fake it to your family for two days. You’re actually asking me instead. Why?” 
Marcus’ eyes searched your face.
“Couple of reasons. Remember a minute ago when I said I was bad about lying?” 
You chuckled, “Uh-huh. The other reason?” 
“I need to go down there with someone that I trust. Someone that I know will have my back.”
“And someone that can lie?” 
“Exactly. See what you just said, about asking someone else to use your name? Didn’t even occur to me.”
You were quiet for a moment, considering Pike. The week that he’d named for the wedding was spring break-- you didn’t have any plans set in stone, just papers to grade. 
“...Can I think about it?” You asked. Marcus’ smile brightened at that. 
“Of course,” He nodded, “I appreciate it.” 
You believed that-- the man couldn’t lie for shit. 
That evening found you in your apartment, grading quizzes for your Intro to Greek and Roman Art course. Most of the students had a good handle on the subject, so the grading and corrections didn’t take you long. Once you’d finished, you poured yourself a glass of wine and settled down on your couch to find something to watch for the evening. 
Once you’d chosen a show, though, you really couldn’t focus on it. You had, after all, told Marcus that you’d consider his proposal. You were...Fond of Agent Pike. The agents that you’d worked with prior to his transfer to the D.C. office had all treated you with varying degrees of contempt when asking for your help on a given case; they’d kept your interactions to the barest of bare minimums, held you at arm’s length in regards to the cases that you were being asked to assist on, and hardly ever updated you on case outcomes - not that they were required to do so, but you had often wondered. Marcus Pike was so different from his predecessors. When he’d come to the D.C. office and had first needed your help on a case, he’d gone out of his way to introduce himself, the particulars of the case, and to say that, “any assistance that you could provide would be greatly appreciated.” And it hadn’t felt glib, either. You’d felt like the man actually wanted your help, wasn’t that he was just reaching out to you to cover his bases. You’d assumed that after that first case, the niceties would fall away, but Marcus had never been anything less than kind to you - even when he was stressed. He treated you with respect, understood that your time was your own, that you’d put your criminal past behind you. You were now using what you’d learned in that world to help the Bureau, and to teach.
The time you’d spent with him on the Coleman case had been the biggest eye-opener. He’d come to understand more about how you used to operate - the way you’d sold forgeries to money-grubbing, self-involved wealthy elites that cared more about owning a one-of-a-kind artwork, uncaring of where it had come from or why you had it; they hadn’t cared about the questionable and fake provenance, had only looked so close when examining the work itself. Your grandmother had been a painter, and a masterful forger - she had been the one to paint most of the forgeries that you’d helped to fence. She had taught you her tricks, connected you with the network that she operated within - she had gotten you arrested, and had been furious when you hadn’t taken the fall for her. You and Marcus had spent a lot of time together during the Coleman case - mostly working, but you’d had some downtime. There were times when he insisted that you sat down and ate, else the food would get cold. Others, when he had a question, he’d come to your office at the college, but he’d bring coffee with him, or some kind of snack - a little way of showing thanks before he even asked his question, even if you didn’t have an answer for him. Marcus was a good man. It was no wonder he needed help lying, especially to his family. Something he’d said to you that afternoon had stuck with you, though, something that was floating above the rest: “I need to go down there with someone that I trust. Someone that I know will have my back.” Marcus Pike trusted you. He was comfortable with you having his back - he was comfortable with you being around his family for a week. 
You picked up your phone, scrolling through your contacts to find Marcus’. You hit the ‘call’ button before raising it to your ear. He picked up on the first ring. “Hello?” He asked, and you smiled at the anticipatory tone. “Think they’ve still got any seats left on your flight?” You asked. Tag list: @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​​ ; @spideysimpossiblegirl​​ ; @blueeyesatnight​​ ; @elen-aranel​​ ; @yespolkadotkitty​​ ; @artsymaddie​​ ; @phoenixhalliwell​​ ; @lunaserenade​​ ; @winniedaboo ; @empress-palpat1ne​​ ; @randomness501​ ; @nutmeg-20 ; @leonieb​
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supernaturalgirl20 · 3 years
Prompt list #2
8. “I’ll take care of you.”
Prompt list # 1
6.Have you been taking care of yourself?”
For either Marcus or Pero. Please and thank you. So excited to read what comes out or your beautiful head. 😊💖🥰💕
Thank you for the prompts my dear I hope you enjoy 🥰 I went with Pero on this one. Love some soft (grumpy) Spaniard 😍
Warnings: fluff, small bit of angst, little bit of angry Pero, mention of sickness, poverty, mention of sex.
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Pero has been gone longer than expected and your worried. What if something has happened to him. You would never know. When you married the grumpy Spaniard a year ago, you had asked him to stop selling his sword, that you wanted him home safe, wanted to start a family with him. Pero being the stubborn man that he is, agreed, but only if he could join William one last time. You we’re not happy but you compromised. He promised he would return before winter set in, that he would breed you, keep you in his bed until you were carrying his babe. Promises are worse than lies, that’s what your grandmother once said. You promise things to people, give them hope, when you know you may not be able to do it.
Winter was hard to prepare for, especially when you were alone. You had to ensure you had enough food to last in case you could not make it to the village, the animals needed extra care and the house had to be prepared to withstand any harsh winter conditions. You had most done, all that was left was to gather enough food supplies to see you through, making sure to get extra in case Pero returned. Although you we’re losing hope little by little each day that passed without him.
Going to the village was burden and a treat. A burden because of the long journey on foot, carrying heavy baskets, but also a treat as you got to catch up with some locals, who we’re always so friendly. You began to feel a chill in your bones, a pain behind your eyes. You knew it was the flu, having been outside in the wet and windy weather without the proper clothing. Something Pero would chastise you for if he were here. I must grab some medicine while I’m here. Your last stop was to Mrs. Smith the baker, she would always throw in some extra bread for you, she was a sweet old women.
“Y/N my child, come come you must sit please, you do not look well. Are you ok?”
“I’m ok it is just a cold or the winter flu, but thank you for your concern, I will take the usual if that is ok.”
“Where is that husband of yours to look after you? It is not right for a man to leave his wife for so long.”
“He should be home any day now.”
She gives you a look as if to say ‘do you even believe that’.
“Here take this tea home with you, it is my special blend, it will help.”
“Thank you so much your very kind.”
“Nonsense my dear, now you must make haste before night falls. I have given you some extra bits to see you through.”
“Thank you.”
You walk out into the street saying your final goodbye. The journey home was long and hard, the baskets weighing heavier thank usual. Making it home just before dark you prepare the drink that Mrs. Smith gave you. It tasted vile but if it helps you will bear it.
Sleep did not come, you were up all night coughing and with a fever. By morning you could barely move, your whole body ached. You dressed, unwillingly, but you had one more trip to make into town. How you longed for Pero to be home right now. You left early and were gone all day. You passed Mrs. Smith and she barely let you leave then village.
“Dios mio, my dear you can not walk home like this. You look like death.”
You laugh, well try to,through the coughing.
“I’m ok I promise, I’m heading home now and I promise I will rest.” She offered for you to use her horse and cart, but you politely refused, having never taken Pero up on his riding lessons. You struggled home, as you came over the slight hill, your home just beyond it, you began to feel dizzy. Swaying your vision beginning to go, you collapse on the road, baskets falling on you. You do not know how long you’ve been on the ground, coming in and out of consciousness, you think you hear the distant sound of a horse. A figure looks over you, this must be death.
“Mi esposa? Mi amor please wake up, wake up. No….no you canno be dead. Por qué la dejé?”
Everything is dark, your head feels heavy, but your body feels weightless, like your flying.
You wake startled to find you are in your home, in bed to be exact. How did I get here? You here a clatter in the kitchen and some muffled curses. Trying to get out of bed to see who is in your home, the door bursts open and you finally see him. It’s been too long and yet like he never left.
“Hermosa! What are you doing out of bed, you need to rest.”
He lifts you up and gently places you back in bed. He pushes some hair from your face, and he is staring at you with a strange look on his face.
“Have you been taking care of yourself?”
“I have yes, it have been hard I won’t lie but..”
He puts a hand up indicating that he was not finished. “Clearly not, if I arrive home only to find my wife nearly dead on the road. You should not have been out in that weather, especially when you are no well!” You pull the covers over you, Pero has never been this angry before, not with you.
“I canno believe you were so reckless, I don’t know what I would do if you were gone.”
The anger in him dissipates and he moves towards you slowly, gently lifting your chin so you are looking directly at him.
“I am sorry mi esposa…kiss….mi vida…kiss….mi amor. I was just worried. I am home now I’ll take care of you.”
“Pero you should not be kissing me, you could get sick also.”
“Hmm I will kiss my wife if I want. I am built of strong stuff do not worry.”
He leans in to kiss you again, the warmth of him consuming you. You shiver slightly and he notices shedding himself of his armour, and with nothing on he slides in behind you pulling you close.
“I will keep you warm mi amor, and when you are over this we will start on that family no?”
It was good to have Pero home.
@lunaserenade @day-off-inkyoto @asta-lily @anaaaispunk @librariantothejedi @maievdenoir @elinedjarin @kirsteng42 @loserrlauraa @dihra-vesa @seasonschange-butpeopledont @pascal-rascal424 @ikinmahlen @janelongxox @almaeunice @javierpinme @thorins-queen-of-erebor @dindjarinneedsahug @jediknight122 @stevie75
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comehomeducklings · 3 years
Past [Part 2] (Obsession)
A/N: Some chapters will be named with either “Past,” “Present,” or “Future,” then their numbered part coming right after it. This is to confuse you less when flashbacks or anything happens. As you have probably noticed, it says “Past” for Part 2. This is going back near when Tom and her just met. Thank you for reading! <3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Tom Riddle's Moodboard
Main Character's Moodboard
1940 - 3rd year
“Potions is not that bad, I swear. You just have to be good at measuring.”
At the table, my friends and I are discussing our classes this year. Potions being one of my favorite topics. Devyn absolutely loathes that certain class. We have to drag her there to make sure she doesn’t skip. Poor girl tries her best to not mess up but the cauldron always ends up blowing up. I even watched her do every step once, never missing a beat. The potion still ended up failing, even though she did everything correctly. She gave up after a while, who wouldn’t. I help her do extra assignments for extra credit to keep her grade up. She also studies with me to make sure she can memorize everything and pass her tests. Amelia is pretty good at the class, she’s luckily paired with Devyn most of the time. Carrying the potion to success, with a little bit of my secret help. It’s not cheating, it’s using your resources.
I’m resources.
“Potions is not that bad,” Devyn mocks me. “If it weren’t for you two I would have gone insane in that stupid class.”
Amelia just laughs at her while eating her hash browns on the plate. She reaches her hand out to take some more eggs.
“You were able to do it before. Not the way you were supposed to, but it worked,” Amelia says.
“Exactly, just start doing it your way at this point. I don’t think Slughorn will care how it’s done, just how it comes out.”
Devyn nods her head and points at me with a fork. Her mouth full of food so she settles for that response. My plate doesn’t have much other than some bacon and fruit. I’m not usually a breakfast eater. I get my appetite at lunch and dinner time. It’s just too early for a bunch of food smells, the smells make me kind of nauseous. I’ll eat though, enough to hold me off till lunch.
The chatter in the lunchroom rises by the minute. Everyone refilling themselves before their busy day. All energy levels rising while everyone wakes up from their groggy morning mood. While my friends finish eating we continue to talk about our classes and share the schedules for this year. Most classes we had were the same except for our electives. I tried taking as many electives as possible. My family back home never really did magic. I actually came a year and a half late since my family wanted me to have a normal school experience. I learned to do everything without the use of magic, the only thing my mom taught me was the floo network, creatures, and plants. I would often accompany her to Diagon Alley when she shops. I got an Owl for my 10th birthday. A cat would have been amazing if I wasn’t allergic to it. My owl is a brown and white-furred barn owl. Don’t ask me why I named it Bartholomew. I was ten okay, give me a break. Speaking of the floo network, my mom had to chase me through it quite often because I kept teleporting everywhere. I once ran into the Ministry of Magic’s building and got lost. They had to take me home to my parents. Their faces told me everything I needed to know about the punishment waiting for me.
Halfway through the second year is when I came to Hogwarts, a second letter coming that year asking my parents to let me learn more there. So when they finally let me attend, everything was pretty new to me. My mother was the magic one in the family. Her grandmother, my great-grandmother, before her had the magic gene. Going to school was the same experience as going from a muggle-borns perspective. The difference is, I knew more about its existence. I would look at yearbooks my mom had from when she went here. She earned a lot of titles, all the achievements being recorded down. I always wondered why she never wanted me to come here. Did something happen to me, to her? I’m guessing she just wanted a normal life with dad. He has always supported her through everything. A love, a bond like that is hard to come by. He would also learn about magic right next to me. At least, the stuff my mom allowed to let us know.
That’s why I want to learn as much as I can, of what’s available. Why learn math in the muggle world when I could be learning divination. Spells of all types, potions for everything of inconvenience. My chores could be completed with just a flick of my wand. I’ve lately been learning wandless magic, on my own. Albus has helped by providing me with material to study that type of magic. The only thing I’ve managed so far is a spark coming from the tips of my fingertips. Sparking hope that I could actually, maybe, achieve that level. Now I won't get my hopes up, but that can lead me to a certain advantage in dueling. That being one of my weakest skills. Always panicking, saying any spells that pop up in my mind, and making random movements coming from my wand. Often confusing who I’m up against, although they recover from that confusion fairly quickly.
Riddle, met him once. One too many if you would ask me. I dissuade ever wanting to speak to him. Arrogance and pride flow through his tongue like second nature. I do take pride in succeeding above him in 3 classes. He is 2 classes above me but, that’s not the point. I do admit, he’s attractive. Only a little though, how else would he charm his way through the professors and students.
“Alright, I’m ready to go. You guys done?”
“Yeah,” I say. Devyn and I start leaving our seats and heading towards the huge doors.
Amelia hurried from her seat, a few steps behind since she took some fruit with her to eat on the way. More and more students also started making their way towards the first period. Not wanting to be blamed for the loss of house points. This system causes so many fights, everyone’s competitive side getting the best of their common sense. I would be lying if I said it didn’t get the best of me before. Amelia being her usual bubbly self skips backward while chatting with us. Before we could warn her to stop, she pushes someone ahead of her. Both falling down, hitting the floor. She spins her head extremely quickly, her hair sticking in her mouth from the force of the wind.
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” she explains. Quickly trying to digest her situation. I make my way towards her and pull her up. I fix her robe and dust off any dirt on the cloth from the floor.
“Clearly idiot, can you not use those bug eyes of yours to see?”
Devyn and I make eye contact. We understand that there are witnesses here, and one of them is bound to snitch on us if we fight. A huge scene would probably make Amelia feel even more embarrassed as well. Instead, I guided Amelia by her back. We continue on to class while I comfort her. Devyn is staying back to “talk” to the guy. Lestrange is in for it now, any poor soul would be when in the fiery path of her anger.
Devyn’s loud yells could still be slightly heard when entering the potions classroom. First class of the year, and day. On Slughorn’s table, I can see a vial with the wideye potion contained inside. I set Devyn’s textbook on her station, turning to the page that contains information on the potion. Hoping to save her confusion and time.
“Welcome, welcome! Nice to see some old faces, and new ones,” he says with the biggest grin on his face. “Today we’ll be learning about the Wideye potion. Can anyone tell me what this potion does?”
I quickly raise my hand, rather eager. I did some reading about a lot of potions during the summer. Trying to get a headstart on my studies. This potion being one of them. Only 3 students raised their hand, one of them being me. The other, well, Riddle.
“Yes, go ahead and answer,” the professor looks my way.
I smile, “The wideye potion prevents the person consuming the liquid the ability to fall asleep. Which is often used in the medical field to wake someone from a sleep caused by a blunt force or drug.”
“Precisely! 10 points.”
I look back rather smugly at Riddle, rather happy I got chosen instead of him. I know, he could have easily answered that too. I’ll let myself bask in the small achievement for now. 30 minutes of class is just spent writing down notes, preparing us for the potion we will make. Note-taking is my favorite, especially the little doodles I get to make. We use a feather instead of the regular pen. I found it rather amusing and liked the certain feeling of writing with it. The dipping noise that the point of the feather makes when hitting the liquid ink is a very profound sound. No real writer’s bump forming on my fingers.
“That’s enough writing, I need you all to prepare your cauldron, gather the materials you need, and start your potion. If done correctly, tomorrow when we add the finishing touches and check on it the potion should be a blue/green color,” Slughorn comments. “You have 10 minutes to study your notes, then the rest of the class to make your potion. No looking back at your notes after those ten minutes.”
After scanning my notes, I stand up and walk towards the ingredients on the shelves. If I remember correctly my potion requires snake fangs, standard ingredient, and wolfsbane. I gather all that in my hand and set it down near my cauldron. Before I start, I take a moment. I’m missing something, I’m sure there was another ingredient.
Wolfsbane, check.
Snake fangs, six of them.
I have the measures of Standard ingredient.
There’s one more, I try to look around the room. Then I remember that we get an automatic failing grade if caught cheating. There’s no way I’ll let my grade drop like that. Over something so small and inconvenient too. Making my way to the shelves, I scan over the ingredients over and over again. Trying to see if any of the names pop out to me.
Definitely not.
That’s an ingredient?
I don’t even want to know how that one was obtained.
This one, of course it’s this one. I even remember putting a star next to the name in my notebook. Dried Billwig stings, I believe six of them were needed. All that time wasted. Hurrying to my seat I get to work. The time goes by quickly, all that could be heard was the sizzling and whooshing of our potions. I almost knocked down my vials a couple of times. Someone actually did, their time spent on cleaning the glass off the floor. After heating the first three ingredients, I crush them together in the mortar. Then stir clockwise from what I recall, three times specifically. Finally, I wave my wand over then leave it to brew.
Just in time from the looks of it. I glance at Devyn to see how it went for her, and she looks pretty proud of herself. I take that as a blessing that it didn’t blow up this time of round. I’m guessing she took our advice and did it her own way.
A student raises his hand, “May we leave?”
“Oh yes yes, go ahead. No assignments for the first day, only the potion you made in class.”
Before I leave the classroom I examine Riddle’s station. He already left the room. His potion looks similar to how mine turned out, his workspace thoroughly cleaned. Everything used properly placed back to where it should be. Perfectly spotless, not a single speck of dust in sight. All done without magic too, surprising for someone born into the wizarding world. When I mentioned that I met him once, it wasn’t much of anything. The only way I know how he really acts is through other people. Much admire his intelligence and strong will. Others are jealous of the potential he holds for the future.
Girls are already trying to slip love potions into his drinks. I would feel bad if he wasn’t so rude to them. Only just before touching the disrespectful line. He almost drank one of their attempts before. Wouldn’t want to imagine how that turned out. Tom riddle, in love. That man probably doesn’t know the feeling of happiness, let alone love. I feel bad for his future girlfriend, she’s going to have to deal with a handful of baggage.
“How much do you want to bet Nott will demolish him?” A Gryffindor girl to my left whispers.
Nott, part of Riddle’s group from what I’ve seen. They all eat lunch together and talk to one another so it’s a reasonable guess. Very talented duellist, one of the bests here.
“I hate to admit it, but he’ll definitely win this. I’ll still have hope for the other guy though,” I whisper back trying not to sound mean.
Nott and the other Slytherin boy are up right now. It’s a courtesy for the audience to stay quiet until someone casts the first attack or defense. From then on all you will hear is shouting of encouragement and the opposite. Nott’s eyes are focused, zoning in on the opponent before him. His wand is steady, mouth slightly parted to breathe through better. Whole-body alert and tense waiting for something. From what I'm getting, I believe he’s waiting for the Slytherin boy to go first. Nott casts spells quickly and thinks them through decently. Sometimes you're not able to create a counter-spell quick enough to defend yourself against him.
Riddle’s group and himself are near the corner of the platform. All seemingly analyzing every breath he inhales and exhales. I finally hear the whoosh of a wand and a whiz of light fly past the platform. The glow from the spell lighting our faces for a millisecond. Nott quickly counters that spell and moves to cast his own. Magic flies across the platform, all of our eyes going back and forth like a ping-pong match. The Slytherin boy starts breaking a sweat. He’s only been able to get a couple of offensive spells in there, most of his plays spent throwing off Nott’s. If he doesn’t turn the battle soon, the outcome will become very clear.
It is a little less exciting since we only know a handful of spells. So whatever you know from your own studies you use in these duels. When we move up the years the class will become more serious and dangerous. Right now it’s just to teach us how to counter and cast quickly. The proper etiquette and movement. You use spells that you know, they aren’t supposed to harm someone. Either stun them, make them fly back, or disarm. Most of those spells require a little of a higher level, most of us not even knowing of its existence yet. So what’s mostly cast between competitors is a basic spell to exert force. That force should be aimed for the legs, or the wand to disarm that way. The way someone can win here is to make their knees or hands touch the floor, or disarm their wand. As I mentioned, it will get more intense as time goes by. We're only just starting 3rd year right now, a lot more charms will be learned later on.
I shake my head to get rid of any lingering thoughts. My attention goes right back to the duel taking place in front of me. Nott quickly aims a spell at the knees and manages to bring the other boy to his knees.
“Mr. Nott wins this duel! Please step off the platform, we will evaluate your performance.”
During the practice duels today, you watch it, think of ways to help the person improve, and point out things they might have done wrong. At the end, the professor picks people raising their hands to allow them to give their feedback. Participating is part of the grade you get in here. I personally prefer giving feedback then dueling. I’m not the best at casting, I do give out good defense spells though. That should mean something, I hope.
“Let’s start with Nott, does anyone have feedback for him?”
A couple of people spread apart raised their hands. One by one they all ask questions and give feedback. They mention his feet and posture when he stands. Arms fully stretched out where it would have been more flexible to bend it slightly. When he casts he shouldn’t be walking backward. They shortly switch to the other boy’s questions and feedback. The way he never gave himself the opening to cast an offensive spell often. He would move around his area a lot. Almost slipping off the stage during one of those movements. Tom and his group privately discussed with one another. They’re probably giving Nott their own feedback and suggestions privately.
“Now, Riddle I want you to come up and…,” he scans the room for another student. After some time he points his finger at me. “You.”
I could have had a smooth sailing class. I was so close to not having to go up there. My hands start sweating a bit, my anxiety jumbling my thoughts together. Riddle’s already up there and soon to be on his side of the platform. Taking his wand out and wandering his fingers over the design. I gulp, a big toad stuck in my throat. I wipe my hands on my robe and start up the stairs. Riddle seems as unbothered as ever. We bow, turn, then walk ten paces back. During this time I try predicting who will cast first. I don’t know him very well, I’ve also never seen him duel.
I take my dueling stance and wait for the signal to start. Hoping, praying, that I don’t embarrass myself. Slipping up is not allowed, not when going against him.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Let’s talk about Kara.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 2150.
It’s been two weeks since you’ve been back home from your ‘nearly death’ experience and things are almost back to normal. Almost.
You realize now you look a lot like Kara, and you’re not thinking about looks, but how things affect you. After Lena’s assassination attempt you went days having panic attacks, nightmares, having to sleep with your moms because you were scared, and developing mechanisms to get through the night. When you were shot with kryptonite, on the other hand, that didn’t happen. And now, after you almost died, things got rough at first, but you’re back to your normal life. Sure, you have to use a cast on your leg to justify your limping, and your powers are making a slow return, but you’re back at school again.
Lena has also gone back to work by now. It was a long period of not stepping foot on L Corp and things have not completely fallen apart, but they were very close to it when she came back. But Kara, well, let’s talk about Kara. She faced a lot of near death experiences, but none have affected her like you almost dying.
“Hello, my child, light of my days, star of my nights.” Kara says when you walk in the living room in the afternoon.
“You’re such a weirdo.” You make your way to the couch to sit next to her, she wraps you in a hug and you laugh. “What’s up with the Shakespearean talk?”
“Oh, you know, just want to make sure you know you’re the reason I exist.”
“I really am not. Grandmother Alura and grandfather Zor-El are.” You say with a smile still dangling on your lips and Kara smiles too, tightening the embrace. “Momma, ouch. Still don’t have all the superpowers, remember?”
“Sorry.” Kara kisses the top of your head a few times. “What do you want to do today? Should we do a Harry Potter marathon?”
You look at her expectantly face, and you give her a soft smile. You have tests you haven’t studied for, you have to catch up in almost every single subject from school, and you certainly can’t waste time re-watching a movie you’ve seen a bunch of times already. But you just take one look at her face, and you change your mind.
“Sounds awesome.” She matches your smile and soon enough you’re both wrapped up in blankets, eating snacks and reciting some lines from the movies you both know so well.
You should talk to her. It’s been weeks. She can’t go on like this. She picks you up from school every day, so you never have to walk alone (she makes Lena drive you there in the morning before work). She spends all afternoon practically glued to you, and she hasn’t slept in her own bed ever since you were back from the DEO. It doesn’t matter how many times you assure her that you’re fine. It doesn’t matter how many times Lena bribes her with hugs and kisses and other stuff, she doesn’t leave your bed.
All of her other responsibilities were tossed aside. No more CatCo, no more Supergirl calls, no more going out to buy food, no more anything. Kara is either inside of the house in her sweatpants, or with you when you need to be out of the house.
You can see Lena’s worried about her, but you know she is also still worried about you, so she hasn’t said anything to Kara yet. You don’t know what to do. You love your momma, you love having her with you all the time, that’s really not the problem. The problem is that you know this isn’t healthy. You were once obsessed with keeping Lena safe and that did you no good.
But Kara looks unhappy and worried, and your heart squeezes in your chest every time you look at her and think about telling her this has to stop. You look at her gasping next to you when Cedric dies, four movies into the marathon, and you can’t bring yourself to do it.
But the feeling grows bigger. It stirs you inside. When she lays next to you on your bed, and you watch Lena leaving for another night of sleeping alone, it grows a little more. When you see her eating cereal with chocolate syrup, because there’s no more milk and she doesn’t want to go out to buy more, it grows a bit more. When you have to go to school half an hour earlier than your usual time, because Lena has a meeting and she can’t be late, it grows more. This can’t go on any longer. You have to say something.
“Hello, my fellow Hufflepuff companion, shall we remain doing our marathon?” Kara asks and you roll your eyes, before sitting in front of her on the couch.
“Maybe.” You hold her hands and she looks at you furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. “There’s something we need to talk about first.”
“Oooh. Am I in trouble?” She asks, making you laugh.
“Momma, I think it’s time for you to go back to work.” You say turning your face back to serious. “I’m fine.”
“I know you are.” Kara says, but her face says otherwise. “But we’re having so much fun here together, aren’t we?”
“We are. But you can’t stay home in your sweatpants and ugly socks for the rest of your life. Even I know that.”
“Uh.” She grunts. “But work is so boring and you’re so cool!” She pulls you in for a hug. “Besides, your mom’s a billionaire. She can pay for everything.”
“Yeah, but you’re an adult and you need to go back to functioning like one.” You hug her tight. “I’m not saying you have to get out there now, I just want you to know that I’m ok, and I’ll be fine when you do decide to go back.”
“Ok mommy, I got it.” She jokes and you roll your eyes while smiling. “You know what I’ve noticed? You only call me mommy when things are bad. Like when you’re scared or something.”
"That’s not true!” You try to defend yourself, but you know it is pretty much how it works.
“It is true.” Kara whispers and kisses your head again. “I like how you say mommy, I just don’t like that it’s always in scary situations.”
“Ok.” You let go of her and look in her eyes. “Can we make popcorn and watch Harry Potter, mommy?”
“YESSSSSS!” Kara cheers, clapping her hands and then raising them in a celebratory move. “I’ll make the popcorn and you put the movie. And I’ll be right back, my baby.”
Kara comes back with so much popcorn, you could feed an entire movie theater. You two get comfortable on the couch with lots of cushions and blankets and continue the marathon you started on the day before.
“Hi, my loves.” Lena walks in the living room after work and looks at you and Kara wrapped up in each other while sobbing. “Why are you two crying?”
“Dobby died.” Kara points at the TV and Lena chuckles a little. “It’s a real tragedy, ok?”
“I’m sure it is.” She says ironically. “Then I have something to make your days slightly better.”
“I doubt it, we had a pretty decent day.” You say and she shows you a box of donuts. You untangle yourself from Kara and stand up right away. “Oh wow, I stand incorrect. Thanks mommy!”
“Hey! I’m mommy! Stop throwing it around like it means nothing!” Kara complains pretending to be upset and you grab one donut from the box.
“Here mommy, have a donut.” You give Kara the donut, then grab another one from the box and offer it to Lena. “Here mommy, you can have one too.”
“Stop it!” Kara grabs you from behind making you sit back on the couch. She starts tickling you, making you laugh.
“Wait, why can’t I be mommy?” Lena asks sitting on your other side. She tickles you too. “I’m mommy!”
“You are not!” Kara replies, and her hands don’t stop. “You never once were mommy!”
“Exactly! I deserve more now.” Lena stops tickling you and she protects you from Kara’s hands making her stop. “Tell her, babygirl. Tell her I’m mommy and I’ll buy you more donuts.”
“You!” Kara hisses pointing at Lena. “Come on kid, tell her I’m mommy and I’ll buy you all the food your heart might desire.”
“What the hell?”
“Oh yeah, she’s being Shakespearean.” You look back at Lena. “Well? Aren’t you going to increase your payment?”
“You’re a mercenary.” She jokes and kisses your cheek. “I’ll go shower while you two finish the movie and then we can have dinner?”
“Sure, mommy.” You say making Lena chuckle and Kara complain.
“Hey! I promised you any food your heart desires!”
“Yeah, but you don’t have any money right now.” You point at your head. “Smart.”
“You know what? You just ruined mommy for me.” She pouts.
“Sorry, mommy.”
“God, you’re so freaking cute.” Kara’s pout is immediately gone and she grabs your face and smiles. “No, you didn’t. You can never ruin anything.”
On Monday morning when you walk in the kitchen you see Kara on her work clothes. You smile at her knowing what that means, and you can see Lena is also excited that she’s going back to work. She doesn’t seem excited herself, but you know she’s making an effort, so you’re really proud of her.
In the evening, you hear when she comes back from work, so you put the TV on mute and look back at the door. She throws her shoes to the side, along with her coat and purse, unties her hair and makes her way towards you while unbuttoning a couple of buttons on her shirt.
“Hey! How was your day?” You ask and she throws herself on the same couch you’re in, placing her head on your lap.
“I think half of my problem with today was putting on real pants.” She mutters and you give a soft giggle in response.
“Right. And the other half?”
“I didn’t get to hang out with you all afternoon.” She complains and you smile, playing with her hair.
“You’ll get used to it.” You tell her making her grunt.
“Why aren’t all people as nice as you are? Or fun? Or cool?”
“Or smart.” Lena adds, throwing herself on the chair in front of you and you turn to look at her, surprised you didn’t hear her coming. “God, I wish I could fire everyone in that building and hire you instead. Everyone was particularly stupid today.”
“As much as I am flattered, please don’t fire Aly. I like her.”
“Should we all just quit our jobs and stay home forever?” Kara says calling Lena with her hand. Lena goes to the couch you’re both in, and lays next to Kara, placing her head on your lap, too. You look down giving them a smile.
“I don’t have a job.” You’re still playing with Kara’s hair, and Lena grabs your other hand so you can do the same with her.
“You can quit school. Lena can teach you, and then you can teach me!”
“That sounds like an excellent idea.” Lena agrees, throwing her arms around Kara. “It can be just the three of us forever.”
“Please, don’t encourage this kind of nonsense.” You poke Lena’s cheek. “You know momma doesn’t need much to go completely nuts.”
“Hey!” Kara complains sticking her tongue out at you.
“I’m really proud of you, momma.” You stroke her cheek lightly and her face lights up when she hears that. “I know it wasn’t easy going back to work and wearing real pants. But the only way we can move on and forget all the nightmare we lived, is if we all make an effort to have our lives back.” You see Lena smiling, like you’re so smart she can’t believe it. “I get that it is easier hiding ourselves here in our little world, but the real world out there needs you. They need Supergirl saving them. They need Kara telling them the truth. I wouldn’t want to take that away from them.”
“Oh my God.” Kara wipes her tears and gets up from your lap to look at you. “What did I do to deserve such a great daughter?”
“I know, right?” Lena also wipes away some tears and you smile at her reaction.
“I love you mommy.” You kiss Kara’s forehead, and she kisses yours in return. “I love you mom.” You bend so you can also kiss Lena’s forehead.
“We love you kid. We really love you.” Kara says hugging you, and awkwardly Lena wraps her arms around both of your waists and smiles. “Rao, I love this family.”
You breathe relieved when you feel that finally things will go back to normal. It’s about time.
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vivian24l · 3 years
“I remember that day clearly, my last birthday with them. Father knows I hate large gatherings, yet he threw me a big party anyways. Everyone showed up. The Leaguers, the original Leaguers, the Titans, my friends and family.
I didn’t appreciate it back then. Now I can only look back and wish I could experience it once more. Wish I could see them once more, happy, together, not having to worry about an ongoing war.
I remember racing my cousins. I wish I hadn’t cheated in that race. Uncle Jon said Mother had used the same trick when they were kids. I practiced magic with Tiago and the Constantines. I remember Aunt Kori pulling me into an unbreakable hug. She had told me I’m growing to be just like my mother.
I used to look like her. Both with purple eyes and purple hair. My skin had more color. Now I look nothing like her. I no longer have her purple eyes, but green like Father’s, my hair has become a brighter shade of purple.
I miss them. Father gave me a silver dagger that day. He never lets me play with sharp objects, we only used wooden sticks when training. Mother gifted me with a spell book, it contained a vast collection of spells ranging from beginners to highly advanced. I lost both of them. The only things I have left of my parents, lost, gone forever. I long for them to return. My parents and their gifts.
I wish for all of them to return. Not just my parents but everyone. I wished this never happened, I wish the war never started. I wish I had been more grateful for all that they have done for me.”
“Do you remember the day they left you at that place? That place that was supposed to be remote, guarded, and free of any upcoming parademon attack?” he asked the young girl.
“How could I not? That was the day I lost them. That was the day they left.
Grandmother Talia greeted us at the harbor of Infinity Island. I didn’t know, back then, that it was the last time I'd see them. They told me I’ll be staying with Grandmother for a while, I didn’t think of asking how long. Then they hugged me. I missed that. I missed the way they’d cover me in their warm embrace. The way Father wraps his arm around both me and mother. I caught a shimmer of a tear from the corner of Mother's eyes. I felt their sadness. It was when I saw that tear slip, that I knew something was wrong. When I felt Father fighting to keep his posture, his stoic manner, that was when I knew I would be there for longer than ‘a while’. I wish I could’ve told them how much I loved them, I wished I could’ve given them one last hug,” she closed her eyes. “But I didn’t. I didn’t because I was a dumb eight year old who didn’t know what to do.”
“Do you remember the day you died? The day those hybrids took you down? The day you visited me in my realm and left to rejoin the living? The day you left something very valuable behind?” he asked.
“Why are you asking me these questions?” she asked miserably.
He smiled. “Because Granddaughter, it is good to learn from the past, to take the pain and turn it into strength. Now, tell me of that day.”
“I-I remember running to the courtyard. There were screams coming from outside. An assassin crashed through the window, his legs were gone. I was...horrified, yet I kept going. I was stupid, thinking I could help. When I reached the courtyard, I saw corpses everywhere. Ripped up and severed. Grandmother and her elite archers were shooting down the creatures. My uncle calls them Paradooms. Parademons mixed with Kryptonian DNA. Grandmother’s supply of kryptonite-infused weapons was running low. I thought I was strong enough. I summoned beams of energy. I kept using magic until I had no energy left. I kept going. I should’ve stopped. I continued to fight. Picking up a stray sword with a kryptonite blade. It cut through plenty of monsters. Then Grandmother called my name. It was as if time slowed down. Her face contorted to horror, an emotion I have never seen her express. I felt a wave of emotions coming from her. Yet, nothing from myself. The pain was so bad, it felt like nothing. My vision had begun to blur when I noticed the sharp point of a claw emerging from my chest. I remember the paradoom falling as I laid on the ground. Grandmother rushed to my side. She told me not to worry. Then I came here. To this place you call home.”
“I never see this hellish realm as home. I am a conqueror of worlds, I focus on establishing and controlling new frontiers.”
“TT. We can agree that we have very different interests, Grandfather.”
“Now, I must ask. Why are you here? Why am I here? Why have you called upon me?”
“I am here to remind you. It takes a lot of energy to escape that prison in your mother’s head to visit you in your dream. This location is where your subconscious wants you to be, because deep down you know where to go. You know how to end this. You blame the Lazarus Pit for your loss of powers, but have you really lost your powers?” He gave her an amused smile, knowing the young girl was conflicted.
“Yes. No! I don’t know! I can still feel emotions, I can feel energy within me, but I can’t access it. I can’t perform a single spell, not even the simplest,” she confessed.
“The Pit is supposed to revive and strengthen the one of dips in it, that is if they are able to control the evil temptations of the Pit. You, Granddaughter, were already powerful. You still are. The Pit boosted your abilities, but you haven’t brought them back with you.”
“You’re saying...that I left my powers in Hell?” Rashida asked skeptically.
“What else could I be saying, dear?”
“What’s it in for you? Why are you helping me?”
“Because I would like to conquer Earth. I shall not let that weak, ‘New God’ destroy this planet before I do. Besides, I need a body to inhabit once I break free. Your mother won’t last, she is already weak.”
This got Rashida’s attention. “Then how do I get my powers back? How can I get to Hell without dying?”
“Hm. I’m sure that spellbook of yours would be useful. Once the proper ritual is performed, you should be able to enter and exit that realm.”
“But, I’ve lost it. The book was burned during the first paradoom attack.”
“You are the granddaughter of Trigon. The granddaughter of the first Batman, Bruce Wayne. The great granddaughter of Ra’s Al Ghul. The granddaughter of Talia Al Ghul. The daughter of Raven, the Queen of Hell. The daughter of Damian Al Ghul Wayne, the current Batman. You have a powerful heritage. I expect you to live up to your blood.” He gave her an expectant look. “And let’s not forget that family that took in your mother when you first came to Earth, the Kryptionians,” he added.
“Bart explained this to me the other day, something about a multiverse. The book is lost in this world. It no longer exists in this universe. However, there are many alternate universes, different worlds out there. If I’m able to locate the right one, I should be able to get that book”
Trigon smiled. “Correct, my dear. Now, time is running short. I suggest you make haste.”
Rashida looked up from her internal thoughts. “Wait, what do you mean by that?”
But it was too late. Her surroundings have begun to shift. Trigon had swirled into a translucent black shadow and disappeared through the cracks of the room. She no longer sat in the obsidian chair in the Underworld’s throne room. Instead Rashida sat up with a jolt in her uncle’s base. Her head was beaded with sweat. She left the little room, which she had claimed to be her sleeping quarter. Jason was still asleep in front of his computer. Judging by the position of the sun in the cloudy red sky, it was late in the morning.
Artemis looked up from her daily ritual of sword sharpening. “Good morning, kid.”
“Why did you let me sleep in?” asked Rashida.
“Last night was rough. I thought you needed the rest,” she glanced at Jason and Roy, who was still asleep on the worn down couch. Artemis held up a tin can. “Pineapples?”
Rashida accepted the fruit. “How did you get your hands on pineapples?”
Artemis shrugged. “Oh, you know. Quinn and her buddies were in the area.”
Rashida took a bite of the diced pineapples. “I have to say, I envy them. They get to do the cool stuff like infiltrating LexCorp. While, we’re stuck fighting off the parademons and thugs.”
“This’ll be over soon. And then, you can do the cool “infiltrating” stuff as well,” assured the Amazon.
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i-am-ironic · 4 years
The time that Dick dragged Marinette and Damian to the police because damian was nice to someone.
The title is a bit of an over simplification but it got the most votes and i think its funny. This probably isn't what you were expecting but damian wasn't expecting it ether so here we go!
Part 2
Damian was not having a good day. It had started out fine. He had gone to Wayne Enterprises to look over some paperwork and was planning on introducing his long time girlfriend to his family later that day. As he was headed back home he saw a flower shop, it had been a while since he had gotten marinette anything after work so he decided to stop and get her a bouquet.
He picked out a beautiful set of flowers, with lilys and some yellow flower he didn't know the name of.
But, as he was walking down the sidewalk toward his car a woman stopped him and said, "would you mind holding this for me? Just for a second?"
Now usually he would say no but marinette had been telling him he needed to be nicer to people so he said, "yes, just hurry."
He soon learned he should not have said that.
The woman handed him a bundle. Right before sprinting back to the flower shop and around the corner.
Damian's first though was 'well crap. This is a bundle of dr*gs isn't it?'
He carefully stated to unrap the bundle so he wouldn't disrupt what ever was in there. He didn't want any of it on him and he didn't want to touch any of it.
Well it wasn't dr*gs.
When he removed the blanket from the top of the bundle he found a face. The eyes were closed and the little pink mouth was open. Soft black hair was poking out from the edge of the blanket.
This was a baby.
He was just handed a baby on the sidewalk.
The baby was asleep.
He didn't know what to do. He couldn't process what just happened. So he did what any logical man would do. He walked to his car, and got in it. Then he realized he couldn't drive anywhere with the baby so he got out of the car and started walking back to his apartment.
He must have looked pretty strange walking down the street with flowers in one hand and a baby in the other. He was still wearing the suit from the office and he was a Wayne. As the youngest of the Wayne's and only blood son he was pretty recognizable by the public.
When he finally reached the apartment the first thing he said after walking in the door was, "Marinette I'm never going to be nice to anyone again."
"Why babe?" Marinette called from the kitchen where she was cooking something for dinner. "What's wrong? Oh you brought me flowers how kind!" She grabbed the flowers turning on her heal to go put them in some water.
"Mari, im sure what ever you are cooking will be great," he said, she knew that today was his day to cook but they would have to talk about her overworking herself later, "I need some help over here."
"Why? What happened........." she saw the baby but then put her head in her hand before saying, " Damian Wayne is that a baby?"
"It is and I don't know what to do, and we don't have milk or diapers, or clothes, or....... Marinette? Are you okay?"
"Just give me a minute, I wasn't expecting my boyfriend to come home with a baby today." She stood there for a second before shaking her head and looking back up at damian. "OK so we have a baby. I guess we should see if he or she needs to be changed before we go to the store."
"We don't have any diapers." Damien added helpfully.
Marinette took the baby and walked to the living room as she said, "okay so go to the kitchen and get a towel and while you are in there turn off the stove."
As damian looked for a towel he heard marinette yell from the other room, "its a girl!"
After the 'diaper' situation was taken care of the two of them just stared at each other and the baby between them. She had woken up. She had the biggest blue eyes ether of them had ever seen. She couldn't be more then a month or two old. But she wasn't crying. She just looked around.
"Okay, so," mari started, "how about you tell me how you acquired a baby girl, in the car to the store."
"Yeah, about that, um, you see I didn't have a car seat so I just kind of walked here from the flower shop."
"Of course you did. It's fine we can walk, ill hold the baby if you promise to carry all the stuff we buy."
"Deal." He could carry all the things they would need, plus it would give him a great excuse to show off.
"So.... are you going to tell me where you got this baby?"
"Well, pretty much i went to get you flowers and as I was leaving a lady asked me to hold something for her and I remembered how you told me to be nicer to people so I agreed and then she took off running and I saw the baby and brought her home."
"So a lady just handed you a baby and ran, dang. You are aware no one is going to believe you right?" Mari said still trying to process everything.
"Yes I'm aware. Anyway we can't keep calling her 'the baby' we have to give her a name."
"Any ideas?"
"We are not naming her emma. What about Adélie?"
"How about Martha?"
"After your grandmother? That would be a good middle name." She paused for a moment, "I know Gabrielle, Gabby for short."
"Gabrielle Martha Dupan-chang al Ghul Wayne, poor kid has such a long name." Damien laughed.
"We might not be able to keep her dames, then what?"
"First we are going to get clothes, diapers, clean blankets and some formula. Then we can go to the police and file a report for fear for the safety of a child. The fact that she was just handed to me on the street should be enough evidence, they should give us custody until everything goes through. In the mean time we can try to get approved to foster her and maybe even adopt."
"One step at a time."
By this point the two of them had reached the store. (Im imagining like a Walmart or Target type of store) They made a bee line for the baby section. Neither of them had any idea what to look for and they didn't want to call any more attention to themselves then they already had. After all this was Damian Wayne walking into a store with a girl no one knew, and a baby, who had a dish towel wrapped around her waist. Needless to say people were staring.
Marinette picked out three outfits, a pastel purple dress, a green onesie and a blue onesie. Then they got some bottles and pacifiers before heading over to the diaper section. Neither of them expected to see Dick Grayson-Wayne walk around the corner as they were trying to figure out how many diapers a baby really needed for a few days.
The shock on Dick's face was worth all the questions he was inevitably going to ask. First he looked at his brother, then marinette, then the baby products damian was holding, and finally the baby in marinette's arms. He closed his mouth that had been hanging open and nodded, walking over to the three of them.
"Im not going to ask about the dress," he said Indicating the baby clothes marinette had handed damian " or the girl, and frankly I'm too scared to ask about the baby, but are you still coming to dinner tonight?"
"We don't know yet." Obviously annoyed Damian looked between his brother and marinette, "we didn't expect to have a baby this morning, so the plan has changed."
"What do you mean you didn't expect to have a baby? If you're girlfriend is pregnant then you are going to have a baby! That's usually how that works. Honestly Damian!" Then he seemed to remember all the days of school Damian had missed because of Robin dutys, "oh no. Damian when you were in high school did you miss the class called-"
"Im going to stop you right there," Marinette finally cut in "um, you see this isn't, exactly,our baby."
"And to the police we go!" Dick said dragging them out of the store barely letting them pay for their stuff. When ever ether of them tried to speak he would shush them and say they should tell it to the judge.
Did he honestly think they had stolen a baby? Well, to be fair, that's pretty much what Bruce did to Jason soooo....... and he had just met marinette and didn't know what kind of person she was. But they were planning on going to the police after the store anyway so this actually worked out.
Once they arrived marinette went to the bathroom with Gabby to change her diaper and put on some of the clothes. Damian and Dick went to Commissioner Gordon so Damian could explain the situation.
Marinette walked in right as damian was finishing the story, " And Dick saw us in the picking out a bottle and he asked about the baby and when I told him she wasn't our he dragged us here."
"So what your telling me is that you want to keep the baby until and unless the parent or gardien comes forward?" Commissioner Gordon looked quite surprised, "Damien you are so young, you don't need a baby that isn't your responsibility, and what does your girlfriend think about all of this?"
"I agree with damian," the three men looked up at Marinette holding baby Gabrielle, they had been so caught up in their talk they hadn't noticed her walk in, "i know what foster care is like, one of my roommate was in the system and she barely mad it out alive, it's been years but she still has nightmares and calls me in the middle of the night. Ha," her laugh was humorless and cold, "we bonded over our trama. I wont let this sweet little girl go through that when I can stop it."
Dick had slight tears in his eyes he remembered life before Bruce adopted him. There weren't many good memories. "I think they should keep her. If anything goes wrong they have the whole family to help, and no one should have to wonder where they are going to sleep that night."
"If you all are that determined then i'll start the paperwork. But," he said stopping the smile that had started to form on the new parents faces, "you will both have to agree to give her up if we end up finding her legal gardien, before you officially adopt her. After you adopt her she is yours and no one can take her back."
Marinette and Damian hugged making sure not to squish Gabrielle. They went back to the store, while Dick told the rest of the family Damian and his girlfriend would be a little bit late, and they had a surprise for everyone.
Damian walked in front of marinette as they entered the house.
Alfred the butler was there to great them, "good evening Master Damian and you must be miss mar-" the shock on Alfred's face was evident as he stared at Damian's tiny girlfriend holding a baby's car seat. "Is-is that?"
"Alfred could you please tell my family to gather in the living room we will be up in my room until then so they won't see the 'surprise'." He put emphasis on the word 'surprise' gesturing at the car seat.
Alfred nodded and smiled mischievously. Damian lead marinette to his room were they left all the baby stuff. When you have a baby you have to travel with a ridiculous amount of stuff.
When Alfred came back to get them he started at the baby girl, "what is her name?" He asked softly so he wouldn't wake her.
"Gabrielle Martha dupan-chang al Ghul Wayne." Damian answered just as softly.
"How old is she?"
"We aren't sure, we when to the doctor earlier today after we finished at the store and he said she was about two months old."
Alfred looked quite confused but knew they would explain once they got to the living room with the rest of the family.
Damian walked in first to block marinette and the baby from his family's view. The room was packed, there was Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, Stephanie, and Barbara, not to mention Selina Kyle Alfred and Duke. When they had said the WHOLE family wanted to meet Damien's girlfriend they ment the whole family. When Damien sat down and they saw Marinette and Gabrielle, and i am not exaggerating when I say, all hell broke lose.
In the chaos it was hard to hear what specific people were saying but someone said, "i knew it wasn't like you to want us to meet your girlfriend now it all makes sense!" And "Well Bruce, at least he knows about his kid." There was also lots of swearing probably by Jason. Tim chugged an entire pot of coffee. Only Bruce was silent. He started at the them and waited for the room to quiet down.
"Damien, would you like to explain yourself?"
"Well this is all marinette's fault if you think about it."
Marinette looked offended as she responded "it is not my fault! You were the one who took a random baby home!"
"YOU KIDDNAPED A BABY!!!" Jason cut in.
"I mean its kinda the opposite of kidnapping if you think about it."
"I did not kidnap Gabrielle, she was handed to me on the street and I didn't know what to do so I took her home."
"Oh my God!" At this point everyone was confused. "What do you mean she was handed to you on the street?"
"Well i was walking out of the flower shop and a lady came up to me and asked if I would hold something for her and I said yes, so she gave me something and took off running. I looked down and there was a baby. I took her home and then marinette and I went to the store to get her some stuff. That was when we saw Dick. When he found out Gabrielle wasn't our baby he took us to the police i explained everything to them and we are going to keep her until her guardians can be found. If they don't find anyone we are going to keep her."
"What a story." Tim said. "Well that clears that up let's eat."
They continued talking late into the night about all the things that would have to change. But all things considered it went pretty well.
When the little family got home marinette went through the blankets Gabrielle had been wrapped in and found a letter.
"Dear Mr. Wayne,
This is my daughter, I don't have the money to take care of her, please give her a good life I don't know what will happen if she is put in the foster care system and I don't want to think about it. If you decide to keep her I will sign over all parental rights to you, I just ask that you give her the life that I couldn't, and that you let me see her on holidays. My name is Amanda Jones you can find me if you want to or just let me be. tell her I love her but I couldn't keep her. I love her so much."
She would have to give this to the police in the morning. But for now she had to get some sleep before Gabrielle woke up.
This took forever to write but here it is i hope everyone likes it and thank you to everyone who voted on the name for this. I'm not entirely happy with how it turned out but its not bad, and I don't think it's going to get any better.
(Part 2)
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calif0rnia-lovers · 4 years
safe haven.
A/N: Don’t mind me, just giving J a normal high school romance--one where his family is not involved. Set in S1 of Animal Kingdom. First time writing for this guy, so let me know what you think 
Pairing: Josh Cody x Black!OC
Rating: 💙 A soft piece with the youngest Cody, and the girl he tries to keep secret from his new found family. 
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Request: Convincing J to study bc he's too caught up in the family business to worry about midterms
Words: 3.3k
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Josh tightens his grip, crushing the letter in his hand. Left inside the unaddressed envelope, the letter remains unread. There is no point in reading it. J got the gist of the letter from the conversation with the counselor. He discards the crumpled mess in a nearby trash can.
The end of the school week produces a flood of excited teenagers emptying into the parking lot.
J's mind is on the previously discarded letter.
It was a letter of truancy, addressed to his grandmother, his current guardian. It has been months since the passing of J's mother. The school's patience has spread thin. His grades have not dropped, but his attendance has.
His mind is on the letter when he fishes his keys out of his front pocket. His pace slows before he comes to a complete stop a few feet short of his truck. The truck is where he left it, but there's a new addition.
It now has a powder blue backpack on the hood. Seated beside the backpack is the prettiest girl in school.
Cori Edwards has a familiar pair of black shades concealing her dark brown eyes -- now J remembers where he left them. She has abandoned the denim jacket he caught a glimpse of her in earlier. A knowing smile spreads across her face as she watches his eyes linger on the sundress she wears. As his eyes return to hers, J can't deny the smile on his lips.
The last time he saw Cori, for longer than the brief seconds they pass in the halls, was a month ago. This year, it appeared fate wanted to test the two. They had the same classes, the same teachers, but never at the same time. A few months ago, this meant they spent all of their free time stealing kisses at lunch and in the halls. They would then make up for lost time as soon as the school bell rang.
But things have changed too much. 
J's mother didn't keep track of his movements. His grandmother and uncles, J came to learn, analyze his actions. Keeping secrets has become second nature to him since moving into the Cody House. The one secret he swore he'd never reveal was Cori. He hasn't introduced her to Smurf or his uncles. He hasn't shared much about how his life has changed, upon his moving into their house, with Cori.
After so many vague responses, Cori understood it was better not to ask questions. She didn't want to spend her limited time arguing with J. Only, in the last month their limited face time has dwindled. Fizzed out to nothing.
A few texts here. A few long spread out phone calls there.
It was after one of those texts that their last reunion had taken place.
J might have been slightly drunk -- sober enough to drive, and park his truck a block from Cori's parent’s house. He had climbed through her bedroom window. The act itself was not graceful. His tumble through the window at three am woke her dad. Her dad came in to find Cori “still sleeping,” the toppled over AP Calculus and Physics books on the floor enough incentive for him to return to bed.
Once the coast was clear, J managed to strip before climbing into bed alongside her. All she received was a quick kiss before his arm was around her. He was out before his head hit the pillow. He left Cori with no time to inquire about his reasoning behind showing up drunk. Or about the black eye and busted lip. He had to sneak out in the morning before her parents got up.
Rumor has it J’s been showing up to school, even if Cori's rarely seen him there. He shows up for three days, almost like clockwork. Technically, it is enough to stop the school from legally reporting him for truancy. Until the counselor concluded it was time J stopped playing that game--which brings us to J's current situation.
He's standing in the parking lot, keys in hand, staring at his girlfriend -- at least he thinks she's still his girlfriend. Is it weird if he leads with that question?
As he stands before her, the only thought in his mind is how much he's missed her smile.
Jingling the keys in his hand, J regards the innocent smile on Cori's lips before shaking his head.
“You got a tracker on me, I don’t know about, Edwards?”
“Nope. It’s just a Cody sighting is kind of a big deal in these halls,” Cori sighs lightly as her eyes pass over the crowded parking lot. “Word gets around pretty fast when you actually show up.”
Cori’s words don't receive a verbal response. Her eyes are covered, but J knows what look lies inside them. The look causes his eyes to avoid hers. His hand rubs against the back of his neck, a soft chuckle leaving his lips.
"Haven’t seen you around lately, Josh." She continues, the warmth of her fingers against his chin lifting J's gaze. Cori raises her sunglasses, her eyes passing over his face. "Nice to know your black eyes is gone."
"Yeah--sorry about that night." The smile on his lips is sheepish as he watches her study his face. He mentally kicks himself for the following line--he knows it's getting old. He says it anyway. "I had some family stuff-"
"That left you drunk with a black eye and busted lip?"
J takes in her raised brow, his shoulders sink.
What can he say?
I got my ass kicked after I was caught in the act of stealing some guy's car. Granted, my uncle saved my ass, but not before I got a black eye and busted lip?
No. He can't say that.
If he does, then he would have to explain why he was stealing a car in the first place. And that is a rabbit hole J isn't willing to jump down--not with her.
The passing of her fingers through his hair causes J to speak up.
"Sorry. I know you're tired of bullshit excuses." He shakes his head.
"I'm used to it," Cori sighs, her hands falling to her lap.
Before he can stop himself, J's hands are on her thighs pulling her closer. His lips are on hers.
"I'm sorry. You look nice," he smiles as his lips press a second kiss against hers.
"I’m serious," he chuckles as his hand finds her waist.
"Trust me, I know it’s true," she laughs. "I’m just trying to figure out why it’s taken you so long to say it."
"I’ve been busy," he begins. "With-"
"Family stuff," Cori nods, her hand waving to dismiss the subject. "I know, but that's not what I tracked you down for. I have so graciously blessed you with my presence because you owe me two things."
"What are they?" J's brow arches, a soft smile on his lips.
Cori drops her hand for his cheek. J's eyes remain on her as she leans back, weight resting against her palms.
"I need a ride home," she lightly pats the hood of the car. "And I need a study buddy."
J lets off a light scoff at the latter.
If there is one undisputed fact, it is Cori's academic ranking. She is top of their class. Between the two, J needs a study buddy to catch up to her perfect GPA.
"Okay. When?"
"Tonight, genius," her eyes roll as she pushes against his shoulder. "Josh, please don’t tell me you forgot we have midterms Monday."
J's eyes briefly drift shut.
"Shit--I have a family thing tonight."
"When?” Cori smiles as his eyes pass over the parking lot. The corners of J's lips turn up into a smile before his gaze returns to hers. “I’m just saying...it’s technically not nighttime yet…and being as you haven't seen me in ten thousand years...the least you can do is study with me...”
"What’s it gonna take for me to get out of this?"
Cori pauses to think.
Shaking her head, Cori smiles as her hands find his shoulders. "There is absolutely nothing that you can give me for me to drop this."
"Unless,” Cori bites back her smile as her playful eyes meet his. “You want to tell me how much you missed me.”
“If that’s it,” J sighs, his lips stopping short of hers, “You might want to go ahead and find another ride home--”
“Shut up,” she giggles as his hands find her waist.
Helping her down, J steals a kiss before following Cori to the passenger side of his truck.
"I'm just giving you a ride home."
"Uh-huh." Turning to face him, she smiles as his lips press against hers.
She allows him a second kiss as J's arm wraps around her waist.
“To sweeten the deal,” she beams. “I’ll even let you take me out.”
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"What is it?"
Cori's eyes remain on the surfers visible from the parking lot. She watches the girl who manages to ride the swell longer than the rest of the group. When she glances across the truck, she discovers J watching her. 
"What do you mean?" 
A low chuckle escapes J as he watches Cori busy herself with the task of finishing her milkshake. 
"What's on your mind?"
Despite her asking him to stop and grab something to eat, Cori hasn't said much to J. Even if she had, he knew her well enough to grasp Cori was waiting to ask him something. Her brown eyes raise to meet his gaze before she lets out a breath. 
"It's kinda stupid."
"Coming from you?" His brow arches as his fingers interlace with hers. "I doubt it."
Cori's gaze remains on their interlaced fingers as she speaks.
"It's just, the winter formal is coming up. I figured we could go together."
She glimpses up once her suggestion is met with silence. J's brow is a furrowed, a hesitant smile on his lips. 
His thoughts are racing--he's praying this is the initial time she's breached the subject. That he hadn't missed any hints in his haze the past weeks.
"Seriously? You never want to go to those things."
Cori's eyes roll. J's right. In the last two years, neither of them have attended the school’s dances. 
She bites her lip before opting to take another sip of her strawberry shake. 
"You really wanna go?" A light shrug is what J gets in response. "If you want to go, I'll go."
"It's just--we're going to be done with school soon. We have to go to at least one--"
"And prom?"
"That's not up for debate. Your ass is taking me to prom, Joshua Cody." Cori laughs as J's lips press against her fingers. 
J's smile fades as a ringtone interrupts the conversation. He releases Cori's hand before retrieving his cellphone from the truck's console. 
She silently observes as he reads the name on the screen. 
She remembers the name--he is one of J's uncles--but that's where her knowledge ends. The furrow of J's brow sets in as he declines the call.
“So...this family thing," she notes, as his eyes meet hers. Before she can get the rest of her thought out, a text comes through recapturing J's attention. "It must be pretty important.”  
J's shrug seems outlandish when held alongside the urgency of his uncle. In the time it took to eat, J's phone has got several notifications. Each time, he pauses long enough to silence the call and proceeds as if it never came. 
“It’s just a thing with my uncles.” His mood is light as he sets the phone back down. His easiness returns as he meets her eyes. "Smurf's pretty serious about everyone being home for it." 
He can notice the slight hesitance in her eyes before she offers him a smile in return.
Leaning across the car, J presses a kiss against her cheek. His lips drift to her neck. 
"I'll get the tickets Monday," he mumbles as his lips retrace their steps. "Promise."
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J's truck is parked engine idling. His left-hand rests against the steering wheel, his eyes on her.
Cori has removed her seatbelt. Her body is turned in the seat so that she faces J. She toys with the hem of her dress instead of moving to get out.
"It was good to see you, J."
"Yeah," J agrees. Her eyes lift to meet his, the soft smile on his lips stretching into a grin. "You too."
J opens his mouth to continue the thought, but Cori has already turned away from him. He watches as she retrieves her backpack from the back seat.  
"Cori," J clears his throat. The action hinders Cori's opening of the door. Her hand hovers over the handle. "Maybe we can hang-"
J blinks. His brow furrows as a silence falls over the car.
"If you want to see me again," Cori teases, her hand falling from the handle. "It will be in school."
"Why do I have a feeling you're not gonna let this go?" J's eyes roll softly as Cori leans across the car. "You’re serious?" 
"Because I'm not letting this go," she smiles sweetly, ignoring the chuckle the action pulls from J. "And, I'm 'lock my window' serious, Josh. Show up if you want, and I’ll leave you outside."
The smile on Cori's lips grows as J's gaze falls from hers. His tongue passes over his lips as she leans closer.
His eyes drift shut as her giggle fills the car before Cori presses a kiss against his cheek. She leaves a second kiss before moving away. Hopping out of the truck, Cori slips her backpack onto her shoulders.
"Think about what’s important to you, Cody," she beams before shutting the door.
J picks up his phone. The screen lights up as a new text message appears.
6 missed calls. Baz
7 missed texts. Baz
1 missed text. Craig
He opens the most recent notification from Craig.
Dude. Call Baz back so he'll stop losin his shit. You know we got that thing tonight
Cori is in the process of unlocking the door when she hears the sound of his car door slamming. Looking over her shoulder, she smiles as J crosses the driveway backpack over his shoulder.
"Two hours,” he concedes. J is powerless to the tug of her hand as Cori pulls him inside. “Then I have to go. Baz is blowing up my phone.”
"Then we better get started."
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J's fingers comb through his hair, the brown eyes trained on him forcing him back to reality.
Judging by the look on Cori's face, this is not the first time she has spoken. Heat rushes to his face as J's gaze reverts to the stack of notecards in his hands.
"Uh--yeah," he clears his throat as he shifts in the computer chair. "That's right."
He steals a second glance at her, the smile on Cori's lips not helping with his current situation.
"Of course it is," she winks. Her gaze returns to the review sheet. She stops to make a note alongside the term The Baroque.
The two are currently in the midst of an AP European History review.
J isn't much help, but Cori doesn't need it. Each of her responses is correct. That's good for J. He's spent the last thirty minutes distracted.
It's a good thing Cori claimed the bed, laying on her stomach as she pulled out her notebook. J took the computer chair opposite of her. If Cori had let him join her on the bed, no studying would have taken place.
It doesn't matter that a month has passed. J hasn't been able to keep his eyes off Cori Edwards since her arrival freshman year.
A smile creeps across his face as J's eyes meet Cori's for a second time.
"You need a break, Cody?" The grin on her lips widens as Cori rests her chin in her hand. "You seem distracted."
"Just thinking about how you don't need these." J lifts the cards in his hands before discarding them on the nearby desk. "You never have."
"Hmm..." Cori's eyes return to the review sheet. She pauses to add more to the notes written neatly in the margins. "True, but you do."
Pushing herself up, she passes over the review sheet. Written neatly in the top right-hand corner is J's name.
"I made this for you Tuesday night."
J studies the sheet for a moment, his fingers massaging his temple as he takes in Cori's study guide.
Shit--she's right. He does need it. He missed the review session on Tuesday. The thing about AP Euro is that it's not as straight forward as Trig. J can ace his Trig midterm in his sleep. AP Euro is a whole separate story.
"Thanks, Cori," he sighs. The grateful look in his eyes as he watches her cross the room earns him a warm smile. "You didn't have to-"
"Oh, trust me, I know." Taking his hand in her, Cori lowers herself down onto his lap. "But, I know you have a lot going on. Besides, making the sheet helped me review for the test."
"I love you. You know that?"
"As you should." Taking his face in her hands, Cori smiles as J meets her gaze. She closes the remaining distance between their lips. "I love you too."
As her lips drift to his neck, fingers slipping beneath the hem of his t-shirt, J pushes her dress up her thighs.
"I thought we were studying," he chuckles, his lips returning to hers.
"We're taking a break," she giggles. "You’re useless when you’re distracted."
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When he wakes, J knows he’s overstayed. He was meant to leave by four. It’s four thirty. 
The cellphone, humming on the surface of Cori’s desk, sounds through the bedroom. J doesn’t lift his head from the pillow. Instead, he watches her face scrunch in irritation as the sound gradually pulls Cori out of her sleep.
“You gotta go?” She breathes, her eyes remaining shut as she tries to fall back to sleep.
“I should,” he chuckles. His finger traces the curve of Cori's shoulder. “Your parents will probably be home soon.”
“You’re right.” A soft giggle follows as J's arm wraps around her waist, pulling her body across the bed. “You should probably go.”
Despite his words, J makes no move to leave the bed. He sinks his face into her neck. His weight presses her into the mattress as her arms wind around his neck. He stays there for almost ten minutes. His eyes closed, listening to the delicate pattern of her pulse. Neither says a word. Cori knows the time has come to let him go when J presses a soft kiss against her skin before forcing himself up.
“I have some family shit I gotta handle,” J huffs as his palms rub against his eyes. “So, um, I probably won’t be on my phone for most of the weekend.”
J proceeds to redress, his body in no rush to leave, as his phone starts again.
He needs to go. Now.
J has prolonged his return to reality, and the Cody House, long enough. If he doesn’t call back shortly, Smurf might have a heart attack.
J tugs his t-shirt over his head. His eyes focus on the bedroom window. He’s shocked Smurf's car is not parked out front. It wouldn’t be the first time his grandmother has tracked him.
“I just meant--I might not be able to pick up if you call,” he crosses the room to meet Cori. The faint smile on his lips brings one to her. “You can text me.”
“Maybe,” Cori sighs as J's lips caress her cheek. “If I have time. I’ll have to check my schedule.”
She catches sight of his sparkling eyes before J’s lips are on hers. The kiss itself is soft, another step in his lingering goodbye. His lips linger against hers before pressing against hers a final time.
“Hey,” J pulls back, his fingers interlacing with hers. He gently squeezes her hand as she meets his gaze. “Thanks for today. I missed you.”
“You too.”
“I’ll text you later,” J smiles before retrieving his phone and backpack.
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We're Worlds Apart (4)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: a curse word if you squint, sassy Draco
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: a day late bc i got distracted watching game of thrones lmao i have adhd so i honestly should've known better than to have something so attention demanding in front of me :P
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(gif cred)
Three more days.
Three more days until your brother and his girlfriend come to your Buffalo suburban home to spend Thanksgiving. You came home from work on a better day than the ones from the week before, only to walk inside and was almost convinced you entered the wrong house.
Your mother took the liberty of decorating your house while you were gone. The place looked like an IKEA catalogue. Green and cream colored throw pillows were on your black leather couch, your small dining table had a fall-themed centerpiece and a blood orange table cloth. New dining chairs, all of them matched, unlike the mismatched ones you had before. And that god-forsaken ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ wooden sign hung in your kitchen. That damn thing is leaving first thing in the morning.
“Ma, what the hell did you do to my house?” The more you looked, you groaned at what you saw. Your grandmother’s tapestry was no longer hanging at its original place, now hung hidden behind the tv. “Oh, don’t give me any grief about it. Y/B/N is coming and I don’t want the place looking like the Spirit store.”
You knew you couldn't really fight her on this. It would be more frustrating to have to argue and still not be able to put everything back to how it was until she left. Taking a deep breath, you walked yourself to your room to get changed into comfortable clothes and light some sage for your nerves.
Three more days.
One more week.
In a week's time, Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott were to come to New York to spend the month of December with Draco and to say he was excited was an understatement.
He was excited, nervous, and many other feelings that he was too stressed to name. The guest room was prepared for the two of them to share, all he had to do was figure out what to do with them while they were here. He had taken a week off and had no idea what to do. He still hadn’t gone around the city he lived in. He could always ask his friends at Saint Marie but for some reason, he was too shy to.
He could always ask Mrs. Charles for recommendations on what to do. She was a sweet muggle neighbor that he came to like as well as her husband. He could also ask you, but it’s been over a week since he spoke to you in your yards. From glimpses into your window, you seemed so exhausted. Not that he really cared, but he remembered that you would try to get along better and so far, all he’s done was give a nod towards your direction when he walked into his home as you were leaving yours.
His bedroom blinds were always closed now because he knew that if he were to see you doing your… whatever you do in your room just once, he’d change his mind about the whole thing. It still bothered him, but not as bad as it did when he first saw it.
Draco’s stomach growled as he sat on his couch, bringing him out of his thoughts and walked over to the kitchen. To his despair, his pantry, cabinets, and fridge were all empty. Guess I’ll have to grab something. He pondered on what he was in the mood for as he ran out the door. Draco figured he'd just figure it out as he drove around the streets downtown.
Since moving to America, he found so many new cuisines than he had ever imagined. He usually always ate at home, and if his family ever ate outside of home they usually went to the finest restaurants in France. Of course, they were all wizard-owned restaurants. But in New York, he’s been introduced to new things. For one, he had his first ever hamburger with Blaine. Ashley took him to a Chinese restaurant, and Ian bought Draco a traditional New York pizza.
Yes, all these things existed in London. Maybe not so much New York-style pizza, but there was pizza. Draco, however, never had the opportunity to try any of these foods. Lucius was extremely strict about eating out. It was never necessary considering he could afford the best quality foods to be made at home. When they did eat at restaurants in France, it was only because a higher official at the Ministry had invited them for a night out.
Around the streets, the bright lights of buildings and restaurants lit the streets as he drove around them. Draco turned into a street he hadn’t been into yet in hopes to find something else he could find to try. There were a couple places he hadn’t been into; a Greek restaurant, a Brazillian one, and a couple shops. There was one shop close to the end of the street. It was sandwiched between two boutiques and had a neon green and purple sign in the front. Soul Beads. In front of the building was a man with a weird sign in one hand and an even weirder thing that seemed to have made his voice louder in the other. Draco couldn’t make of the rubbish he was yelling into the thing from inside his car.
Draco pulled to the curb to walk around the street and check out the restaurants. A bell jingle caught his attention, turning around to see one person he didn’t really expect to see here. “Draco?” your face showed the same expression as his. He watched as you closed the door to Soul Beads and walked up to him. The weird man that stood in front of the store yelled out, “DON’T TALK TO HER, THIS BITCH HERE WORKS FOR THE DEVIL!”
“Do you know him?” Draco asks with a quirked eyebrow. The stranger kept yelling profanities at you but Draco saw how you couldn’t be bothered by it. “He does this every couple weeks. What brings you out here?” Your hands were stuffed tightly in your pockets for warmth.
“Do you own the street? Can I not be here?” he asked sarcastically. You faced him with a deadpan look as to ask him again without having to say the words to him. Or call him a smartass. Which he is. With a roll of his eyes, he continued, “I’m looking for something to eat but I’ve never been to these places before.”
“Ah,” you started, “Well I don’t know what kind of stuff you’re used to, but I suggest the Greek restaurant right across. Over-priced, but the best gyros you’ll ever have in Buffalo.”
“It’s yee-roh, not jahy-row.” Draco corrected. He couldn’t tell if you were irritated or confused after he said that. Probably both.
“You know Greek?” you asked.
“I studied it when I was a child. My tutor showed me the word once and hit my hand when I had mispronounced it. Learned the hard way to never do that again,” flashbacks to the older woman teaching him the language cursed his mind for a few seconds.
His stomach growled even louder now in the silence between them. Draco blushed in embarrassment, shifting around to look away so you wouldn’t see. You slightly chuckled and tapped his shoulder. “Come on, neighbor’s treat.” And you walked onto the busy street.
This bloody woman is crazy to be crossing a busy street he thought as he rushed to follow you across the street. He got scared as a car got too close and ran to the safety of the sidewalk. “You’re gonna get yourself bloody killed one of these days like that,” he scolded. “If you’re gonna live in New York, you’re gonna have to deal with annoying pedestrians and sometimes be an annoying pedestrian. Be glad you don’t live in Manhattan, they’re worse. A person could be hit by a car and he’d just get on up and keep walking.” you informed.
Draco would be lying to himself if he said that didn’t spook him a little. Sure, he’s seen a few students get hexed, some by him, but they’d never just dealt with it and continued walking in the halls. They’d either have to hope their friends knew the counter curse or they’d end up in the hospital wing and had Madam Pomfrey help them back to normal. These muggles really are just… strange.
The restaurant looked old and desperately needed a remodel but by Merlin, it smelled amazing. “Now, are you getting a yee-roh sandwich or are you getting something else?” you mocked his previous correction with a playful roll of your eyes. Draco looked at the menu but it didn’t matter as he didn’t know the first thing about Greek food. What the hell did my father force me to take lessons for? “Do you want me to just order for you?” you asked as he kept browsing for too long. There were only 12 things on the menu but it still confused him.
He held back a snarl as he agreed to your help. He stood aside as you ordered and waited until it sounded like you were done, then headed up to the window to pay. “Oh, you don’t have to. I insisted I would pay,” you tried to push his hand away and reach for your credit card but he proceeded to hand the money to the cashier. “It’s nothing.”
“Here or to-go?” the lady asked with a thick New York accent. The two of you just looked at each other waiting for someone to say something. “Do you want to just-”
“Eat it here?” He looked at the small space and saw only one unoccupied table by the window. One of two tables. No longer growling, his stomach was shaking nearly violently, indicating that he can’t wait any longer. It was a strange feeling to be starving. Never had he ever had to wait for food at Malfoy Manor nor at Hogwarts. Whether it was house elves or first years, someone always ran to get him food with a snap of his fingers. “Yeah, here’s fine.”
The lady handed your plates to you as he went to claim the small table before someone else did. He looked around the space with a slight disgusted look. It’s not that it was run by muggles, but just because the place looks so old and kind of dirty. Even the house elves at the Manor lived in better conditions. The corner he sat in made him feel slightly claustrophobic. How do they sit and enjoy anything like this?
You sat the food on the table and shook your jacket off on to the chair. Draco watched as you placed the plates as neatly in front of you both. He couldn’t help but notice the rings that covered most of your fingers. Some were simple silver bands, some bronze bands, and some looked like wire that had a wrapped, colorful rock in the center. They were mismatched but coordinated at the same time. If that made any actual sense.
You started some simple small-talk, “So, what brings you all the way out here?”
“I got a better job opportunity,” Draco responded. His voice sounded uninterested, and his eyes stared at the plate. It had three pieces of meat on a bed of white rice, a small salad and a little dipping bowl of some white sauce. He dipped the meat into the sauce and as he tasted it, he nearly groaned in content. The flavors danced around his mouth and he had to hold himself back from devouring the whole plate in a matter of seconds.
He could feel you staring at him but chose not to look up to see judgement in your eyes. Whether it was with amusement or not. The food was so good and he would most definitely order another one to-go on his way out for his lunch break tomorrow. I’m definitely bringing Blaise and Theo here.
“What kind of job do you do?” Draco stopped chewing his food and swallowed nervously. He should’ve expected this kind of question sooner or later, but here he was sitting in silence trying to figure out what to say. He couldn’t just tell you that he’s a Healer because then that would lead to more questions and that’d be more answers he couldn’t give you. “What, you don’t wanna tell me?” you furrowed your eyebrows at him as he continued his silence.
Finally, the word popped in his mind, “I’m a doctor.” Hopefully that ends that conversation.
“That’s cool, what kind of doctor are you?” Shit. There’s more than one kind?
“Uh, I work with people who come into the hospital with major injuries like a broken arm and such,” Draco stuttered.
“So, an emergency room doctor. You work in the ER then,” you concluded with a hand over your mouth as you chewed. “Y-yeah, that.” Draco tried not to sound suspicious. “What about you?”
You cleared your throat, drank some of your soda and pointed out the window, “You see that store over there? Soul Beads? That’s my store.” It was weird how coincidental it was that of all streets to drive into and of all people to run into, he ran into you coming out of your personally owned store. Looking back at you, he saw your face relax and smile at the building. “What do you sell? I’m assuming it’s not food seeing as you didn’t invite me in.”
Now it was time for you to stutter, “Oh, just candles and stuff. Nothing too flashy.” You poked at your food and took small bites of it. There was an awkward silence between you two for about ten minutes before you started the conversation before, “Assuming you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, will you just be working that day?” Draco didn’t know much about the holiday, only that he was getting paid more that day.
“Yeah, I’ll be at the hospital for the night. Probably until four in the morning.”
“Well that sucks. You’ll miss out on the greatest American tradition that is Black Friday,” you chuckled.
“What’s that?” Yet another thing Draco didn’t understand.
“Black Friday is when people fight to the death for a discount on things like appliances and tvs. It’s quite amusing to watch,” you slightly exaggerated. Keyword slightly. Draco had wide eyes as he heard the description. “I’m sorry, to the death?”
With that, you laughed so hard you placed one hand flat against your chest and the other held the table with a tight grip as if you were to fall from your seat. He then realized you actually didn’t mean to the literal death and mentally scolded himself for being so gullible. You continued laughing and he rolled his eyes before chuckling to himself. You leaned back up and wiped some tears underneath your eyes, “Oh my god, I needed that laugh.”
A shiver went up Draco’s spine once he caught a glimpse of your smile. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you smile at all. Before your little argument, you would smile towards him and all the other neighbors all the time. But this never happened before. He looked away from your eyes and tried to find anything else to look at. Tilting his head up, he saw an air conditioning unit. Oh, that’s why.
Small talk ended there with a clear of his throat and proposed to go home. Draco saw how you looked a little disappointed and forced a small, kind smile on your face, “Yeah, it’s getting kinda late and I don’t want to keep my mother waiting. God knows what she’s done to my house while I was gone.” He wasn’t going to keep pressing on the matter as he figured they still weren’t close enough for that. One dinner didn’t make them friends in his book. It wasn’t terrible, though. Maybe he would do it again.
Walking to their own cars, she said “See you around, neighbor,” and got into her car and drove off. He just nodded his head as he always did and drove off as well. They arrived home at the same time and walked inside without looking at each other, thinking that it would just be weird to keep saying goodbye.
It was finally Thanksgiving, and Y/B/N and Stephanie were going to be over around three in the afternoon. Your mother was more of a pain than usual, waking you up at six in the morning to do last minute cleaning, grocery shopping, and starting on roasting the ham. The loud argument over ham or turkey in the grocery store the week before lasted for an embarrassing two hours after your mother caved and let you pick the main entree for dinner.
Once you got an hour to yourself, you went to your closet in the hall and grabbed a small glass jar then walked to your backyard for some lavender. You walked to the kitchen for a stick of cinnamon, placed the items on the kitchen counter and walked quickly to your room for something small. Your eyes found a loose ribbon on the floor and grabbed it then went back to the kitchen.
You put all the items into the jar and browsed the kitchen for one more thing. There was a bouquet of flowers on the dining table that your mother bought. Perfect. You grabbed a couple flowers and took the petals to mix in the jar. Once you were done, you chanted to yourself three times:
“Goddess, please take the negativity out of this kitchen.
Replace it with positivity and love. So mote it be.”
You heard your mother waking up from her nap from the guest room and ran into the kitchen to hide the jar somewhere she couldn’t see it. The spell can’t exactly work if she sees something to nag about. She walks in the kitchen and sees you looking suspicious.
She looks at you with squinted eyes - mainly because she had just woken up - but said, “I’m not gonna ask what you’re up to. Can you make the potato salad? I like the way you make it better.” You silently agreed as you looked for the things in the fridge and grabbed a large bowl to mix it in. Your mother walks up to one of the cabinets to grab a pot to boil the potatoes with, only to find the thing you tried to hide. “What’s this, honey?”
You stammered over your words trying to find an explanation before she cut you off, “It’s pretty with all the things in there. You should keep it out.” She placed it beside a photo on the countertop and walked away to fill the pot with water. You were surprised she didn’t ask any further questions. You continued cooking and had a hopeful smile on your face. Maybe it won’t be so bad tonight.
The doorbell rang and you both looked at the clock on the wall. It read 1:55 and you looked at each other in confusion. “Y/B/N must be early,” your mother guessed and went to the door to let him in. The greeting was loud as she greeted him in. You could hear your little brother’s laugh with enthusiasm as he walked into your kitchen, “What’s up, big sis?”
You placed the utensils down and ran up to him with your arms up, “I’ve missed you too, baby brother.” He was much taller than you as he picked you up and hugged you tightly. You slightly swung your legs to give him the signal to let you go. He got his height from your dad, leaving you short thanks to your mother. Your brother had a big smile on his face and you reciprocated the smile. It’s been a long time since you’ve seen each other.
“Oh, lemme introduce you. Steph, c’mere!” He looked over his shoulder and called for the special guest. A beautiful woman with long, chocolate brown hair and doe blue eyes walked next to Y/B/N. “It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Stephanie.” She held her hand out causing you to quickly wipe your hands on your apron. “Hi, I’m Y/N.”
“Y/B/N has told me so much about you. I was so nervous to meet you,” Stephanie admitted with a slight blush on her cheeks. “I wonder what this dummy told you. I bet you I can tell you more embarrassing stories about him,” you jabbed his arm.
“That’s not fair, I didn’t say anything all that bad. You’ll hex me or some shit,” he had his hands up in defense.
“Y/B/N!” Your eyes widened and you laughed nervously, “Don’t listen to him, he’s an idiot.”
Stephanie looked back and forth at the two of you and finally settled on you, waving a hand, “Oh no, that’s okay. I practice, too.” Wait, what? It seemed your mother thought the same exact thing, only out loud. “Yeah, Stephanie also does the same thing you do. Crazy, right?”
Your mother stood shocked before them, not saying anything. Your brother had a smile that wasn’t exactly fitting the situation. Stephanie had a kind smile, and although you were visibly surprised that your little brother’s girlfriend was, of all things, also a Wiccan, you were laughing inside at your mother.
This is gonna be the most interesting Thanksgiving ever.
next chp
(っ◔◡◔)っ taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla @fangirlanotherjust @originalsoulcollector @opiomancy @lipstickandloveletters @ninacotte @daedric-sorceress @frecklesandfirecrackers
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softboywriting · 4 years
Summary: Sometimes your mate is right under your nose. [werewolf au] [fluff] [alpha shawn]
Word Count: 1.7k
|Masterlist in Bio|
Getting a date when you're a werewolf is hard, but getting a mate, that's even harder. Most of the other wolves in town are already taken and the human guys aren't interested once they find out what you are. Not that you really want a human mate. They just don't understand a lot of aspects of werewolf life and don't care to try to.
So when you find out that one of your pack alphas is making it harder for you to find someone, you're simultaneously annoyed and curious. Being cockblocked is one thing, but having it being done by the one alpha you've had a crush on since you moved into the pack house is another. Only problem is, this alpha is a pain in the ass and you can't decide if you want him, or if you want to strangle him.
Shawn has his pros and cons. He’s fine, like damn fine. Gorgeous even. But he’s bossy, always on your ass about keeping up with the pack on runs. Always reminding you when it’s your turn to do parameter checks because you do them with him and he won’t have you make him look bad. But at the same time he will make you lunch, give you extra time in the bathroom when the other wolves are fighting to get in, and even do your laundry when you forget about it in the laundry room. He cares, and those little moments make your heart race. You walk a fine line between wanting him, feeling drawn to him, and being irritated by his very existence.
Everything changes on one Friday night. You and your friend Tish have gone out of town to a new night club that has just opened. What better place to meet someone then there? Loads of people from all around are going to the grand opening. There is bound to be someone who will take you out.
Things are great. You chat up a few human guys, get some drinks off of them, dance a little, the usual for a night out. But as soon as you get the courage to ask for their number, they split. It's like they know something isn't right, like they sense you're a werewolf. It's annoying and quite frankly it hurts.
You turn your sights to a werewolf guy at the bar. Tall, light brown hair, real soft on the eyes. He's definitely a beta, not big enough to be an alpha. Perfect.
"Hey, how's it going?" You smile as you take a seat on the bar stool beside him.
He looks up from his drink and raises his eyebrows. "Me?"
"Yeah, you. How's it going?"
"Uh, good. Just chilling, having some whiskey." He lifts his glass and takes a sip.
"Yeah, cool." You wave at the bartender and he motions that he'll be there in a moment. This conversation isn't too thrilling, you'll need a drink. "Did you come with friends?"
"Yeah, they're around."
You wait, expecting him to continue the conversation but he doesn't. "Are you single or am I reading you wrong?"
The guy nearly chokes on his drink. "Am I single? Yes. But you're not, so why are you trying to flirt with me?"
"What?" You laugh in disbelief. "I'm extremely single. Have you gone scent blind?"
"You reek of an alpha. I'm not messing with an alpha's girl. I'm not stupid."
"An alph-" you freeze mid sentence as realization hits you like a truck. It's Shawn. You smell like Shawn, the only unmated alpha in your pack, the one you've got a crush on. He's cockblocking you and probably has been for a long while simply because he is unmated. "Oh my God."
"Yeah, sorry sweetheart." The guy chuckles to himself. "Good luck though."
Just after two in the morning you arrive home, Tish dropping you off and going to her own place. You get inside and drop your keys and shoes by the door. Everyone is asleep, the lights are all off. You head up to your bedroom and stop short of the door. It is open just a crack, the latch not completely flush to the frame. Did you miss closing it? No. You always close your door tight.
You push open the door and see a figure on your bed, illuminated by your winnie the Pooh night light in the corner. It's silly. You got that nightlight when you were ten and kept it solely because it was the last gift you received from your grandmother before she passed. Who knew it would actually come to use in your twenties.
"Hello?" You call out, flipping the switch beside your door and illuminating the room in soft white light.
Immediately the person stirs, stretching and then sitting up. It's Shawn. "What who- oh."
"What's going on here?" You ask, looking around just to make sure it's actually your bedroom. It is. One hundred percent. No doubt about it. "Why are you in my bed?"
Shawn stands and puts on his usual air of authority, arms crossed, eyes hard set on you as if you're the one who's done something wrong. "I came to check on you and you were gone. So I waited."
"I went out with Tish. I didn't know I needed to update you on my personal life." You roll your eyes and go to your dresser to find a pair of pajamas. "That doesn't explain why you were waiting on my bed asleep. Why not just wait in your own room?"
Shawn doesn't say anything and heads for the door. You stop him, hand on his arm and he looks down at you. "What?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"Yes I did. I said I was waiting. I guess I fell asleep."
"But why in my room?"
"Because you would come in here."
"Do you wait for me often?"
Shawn looks away and you raise your eyebrows. That's new. He never turns away, never shows fault to anyone.
"Shawn. Do you come into my room a lot?"
"I'm just protecting you."
You narrow your eyes. "What? Protecting me from what? That's not an answer to my question."
He steps toward the door and crosses his arms, avoiding eye contact. It's not unlike him to be so defensive, but to be silent is unlike him. He's always the one to drive an argument or command attention in a conversation. It's as if he feels guilty now, as if he's been caught doing something he shouldn't be. "Please don't be angry with me."
His words sideline you for a moment. You're pretty sure you've never heard the word please come out of his mouth. "How can I be angry when I don't even know what you're talking about?" You duck into his field of vision and he looks the other way. "Why are you being weird?"
"I'm not being weird."
"Then stop talking in riddles and answer my questions. Why are you in my room now? Have you been coming in here when I'm gone? And what are you protecting me from?"
Shawn shakes his head. "I just...sometimes I just come and sit in here, okay? I don't touch anything I promise."
"I mean it's not okay because this is my private space and-"
"I don't want you to leave."
You fall silent, staring at the alpha before you. Leave? Why would you leave? This makes even less sense than before. "Shawn. I don't understand anything you're saying to me. I'm very confused."
Shawn takes a deep breath and leans against your desk, hands gripping the edges. "I like you."
"Okay." Your stomach flips in excitement. You feel like such a teenager getting attention from her crush for the first time.  
"I really, really like you a lot." His eyes find yours and you can't breathe. "Your scent calms me down when I get irritated or uh, anxious, but anyway, I come and sit down on your bed. I know I shouldn't do that and that this is your space. I'm sorry."
"And...I guess I also come in here so my scent is on your stuff because I don't want you to...to find someone else and leave the pack."
"You know you can just ask me out right?" You mumble and he flushes. "You don't have to cockblock me all the damn time if you just want to go out with me."
Shawn pushes off the desk and stands in front of you, cheeks red and you can't help but feel a sense of pride knowing you caused it. You made the big scary alpha blush and say please and sorry. Such power you weild in this moment. "You won't say no?"
"Why would I, Shawn? Not sure if you've noticed but I really like you too."
"Oh." He rubs his neck. "You do?"
"Yeah, you're a little hard to read so I didn't know you liked me back. I've been trying to get a date for weeks and I haven't been able to because you've been keeping everyone away."
He smiles sheepishly. "Oops?"
"I guess I've been looking for a date in all the wrong places."
"Yeah." He bumps your fingers with his and you let him curl his around yours. "You really like me? You're not just saying that?"
"Yes I really do like you. It's like this pull that I have whenever you're around. Even when you irritate me and boss me around a bit on runs, I still just want you."
Shawn grins, his prominent fang teeth showing and you take a deep breath. "I thought it was just me. I feel that too, the pull to be closer to you."
"Maybe we should stop fighting it?"
You wrap your arms around him and he squeezes you tight, falling over onto your bed. "Great, now I'm really gonna stink like you."
"Mmm, gonna taste like me too." He says and brushes his lip against your lips, sending your pulse through the roof. "Can I?"
With that he presses a kiss to your lips and you automatically open up to let him in. It's all it takes to seal the deal for you. You don't care if you smell like him, taste like him, or hear nothing again but his voice. You're sold, signed and sealed on this deal. You’re definitely mated.
Thank you for reading :) Please reblog if you enjoyed. - A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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hvllevator · 4 years
mismatch ; Wong Yukhei
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↳ Lucas never lived an easy life. Being introduced to vices at such a young age took a toll on him. Boxing being one of them. His father made him think that love was unworthy of his time and that he was undeserving of love, so it was never in Lucas’ dictionary to fall in love. That was until he met a girl who cried during one of his boxing matches. Will you be able to pull him out of darkness? Will he change for the better?
pairing: wong yukhei x female reader
genre: angst, fluff, smut, boxer!au
warnings: mention of violence, drugs, abuse, sexual content, swearing
words: 15,6k
a/n: this is purely fictional and if you are uncomfortable with any of the topics ive mentioned in my warning, please refrain from reading. i love this and i hope you love it as much as i do ! please tell me what you think
Lucas was raised to be independent, not like he had a choice. His father was a drug addict and his mother left him before he could even open his eyes. His father often mistreated him, reminding him every second of his life that he was a mistake and that his mother should’ve aborted him when she had the chance then maybe she would still be with him. Lucas lived with constant threats coming his way, he somehow learned how to cope with them. It wasn’t until one day he finally had enough, with a bat in hand he used it against his father. Lucas was then taken away from him and was forced to live with his grandmother. Having no one to really rely on, he was introduced to a few vices at such a young age, 14 years old to be exact. Smoking, drinking, and even taking up drugs just to name a few. Boxing was one of them. He found comfort in beating an opponent till they’re left unconscious, all the pent up anger in him was finally being released. It didn’t take long before Lucas was known to be one of the best underground boxers in the area. He was ruthless and merciless when it came to the ring. The money he got through boxing was enough to supply him for the next few months of living. As soon as he turned legal age, he bought an apartment for himself, wanting to be away from his so called family as best as he can. Not that it was difficult since he wasn’t really that close with his grandmother, and his father never really cared about him, so Lucas packed up his bags and left home the very second he can. Lucas was thankful for the friends he made along his boxing journey. Qian Kun was one of them, a fellow boxer who he trained together with. Kun was one of the people he trusted the most, he was the one who helped him when he was in a really dark place.
Lucas was also known for someone who loved to fuck, with girls practically throwing theirselves at him, who was he to pass up the opportunity of having a great orgasm for the night. He had one night stands here and there, even having girls cry over him leaving before they could even wake up in the morning. He wasn’t one to do relationships, the thought of being tied down to one person sickened him. He knew he wasn’t cut out for all the romantic shit, he feared that he would repeat the same mistakes his father did. Although Lucas knew he was better than his old man and that he would never take advantage of his fighting skills, he wanted to be safe rather than sorry.
Lucas had a fight tonight, nothing really new. Wrapping the bandages on his hand, he did a few stretches before slipping on the mouth guard. Kun wished him good luck before entering the ring. It didn’t take long before his opponent was knocked out, slipping the mouth guard out, a triumph smirk made its way on his face as he was being announced as the winner. He barely had any damage done to his face. As he was stepping off the ring, his gaze landed on a pretty girl who had tears streaming down her face from when she watched the match. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched her wipe her tears.
You were practically dragged to watch this boxing match you had absolutely no interest in, if it wasn’t for your best friend then you truly wouldn’t have come. Pulling the “I will do your laundry for two weeks” card had you seated in the front row of a cruel match. Wincing every time someone threw a punch against one another. You admit that you were not used to this sight at all, so you couldn’t help the tears that were slipping out of your eyes. As soon as the fight ended, you wanted to leave but Soyeon still wouldn’t let you since her boyfriend hasn’t appeared in the ring. Wiping your tears away, you lifted your head to see who was being announced as the winner of the round. Surprised that the person getting off the ring was already staring at you. You watched as he purposely held eye contact with you, striding towards you until he was fully in front of you.
His eyes were filled with worry, his stare was making you uncomfortable and you’re sure that your confusion was written on your face.
“Are you okay?” He asked, and you wondered why.
“Y-yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?” You felt your breathing increase. He was the winner of the match, and you knew there were plenty of eyes on you. Some even snapping pictures maybe.
“You were crying.” He stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
“You saw that?”
“Of course. You don’t seem like the type to watch these fights.” He smirked, he was attractive that’s for sure.
“I’m not.” You shook your head.
“Yo Lucas! Come and get your prize!” You heard a voice called out, making Lucas groan. He took a step away from you before turning his heel and approaching whoever called him, he turned his head back to you and winked at you before leaving completely. What just happened?
Lucas was rushing to claim his prize, his foot tapping on the floor impatiently as the money was being counted awfully slow.
“Shouldn’t you prepare this shit before the match?” Lucas snapped, glaring at the teller. They ignored his remark, continuing with what they were doing. Lucas sighed and shook his head, thinking that you will probably be gone by the time he comes back. He was right, the seat you were previously sitting on was now empty.
Lucas couldn’t get the thought of you out of his head, he found it silly that a girl your age was crying over a boxing match yet it interested him, you interested him. Kun sensed that Lucas was out his focus recently, it worried him yet he had a slight idea why he was being worked up.
“You okay?” Kun asked, letting go of the weights he was previously working out with.
“I’m fine.” Lucas grunted, throwing punches towards the punching bag in front of him.
“Oh really? It has nothing to do with the girl that was at your match?”
Lucas’ movements halted at Kun’s comment. He swung his head to face him, curiosity splattered on his face. “How do you know her?”
“I don’t, what I do know is she’s my girlfriend’s best friend.” Kun shrugged, returning to lift his weights.
“No way! She’s Soyeon’s best friend? Dude, please help me. I need her number.” Lucas’ focus was entirely on Kun,
“Fuck off, she’s not someone you can fuck with and bolt.”
“I won’t do that to her.”
Kun couldn’t help but scoff at Lucas’ words. Putting the weights down once again, he swiped the forming sweat on his forehead. He looked at Lucas who awfully had puppy eyes plastered on his face. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Kun!” Lucas whined, “Please, please, please help me out! I won’t sleep with her—well unless she wants me to— and then bail on her, I promise! She seems so interesting.”
“Oh, so suddenly you believe in love just because a girl was crying during your match?”
“Shut up, I didn’t say I love her. She’s simply just... amusing and enticing.” Lucas smiled, thinking back to when he laid his eyes on you.
“She was sobbing.”
“And what about it? She’s beautiful and I very much would like to know why she was sobbing that night.”
“You sound sincere, it’s scary.”
“Kun.” Lucas deadpanned, but pouted soon after.
“Fine! I’ll ask Soyeon.” Kun sighed, rolling his eyes at him but secretly loving how his best friend was interested in finding someone.
“I love you!”
“Fuck off.”
Lucas has had your contact number for a while now, but he was too anxious to send you anything. What was he supposed to say? Hey, I was the one in the ring when you were crying the other day? Lucas felt stupid, he couldn’t believe he was getting so worked on over some girl. But you weren’t just some girl, something about you sparked within him, maybe he just wanted to sleep with you? But why would he go through all that trouble just to get in your pants when he could meet with some random girl right now. He never was the one who believed in love at first sight, if he could even call it that, in fact he would puke on whoever believed in that kind of stuff. Thoughts keep haunting him but all he knew was he wanted to see you again.
Lucas groaned, getting out of bed, and putting on something presentable. He texted his friends if they wanted to go to the bar tonight, and they agreed. It didn’t take long before Lucas and his friends were seated in the club. His eyes roaming around to find someone he wanted to sleep with tonight.
“Lucas,” Kun called out, making him turn his head. “you still haven’t called her, have you?”
Lucas merely shrugged, somehow feeling defeated. Kun rolled his eyes at him before taking his phone out of his pocket and sending a few texts.
“Ooh! Our Lucas is in love?” One of his friends, Ten, asked. Wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.
“No, shut the fuck up.” Lucas barked, drowning in the glass of alcohol in his hand.
A few drinks later and Lucas was stumbling over his own feet. His friends watched in amusement, never seeing him this drunk without an apparent reason before.
“I’m going to find s-someone.” Lucas slurred, standing from the booth but Kun grabbed his arm to prevent him from leaving.
“You’re staying here.”
“That’s not fun.” He sat back down, crossing his arms and glaring at his older friend.
“Trust me, you’ll thank me.” Lucas was more than confused at his words, shrugging and continued to down more drinks. Two familiar female figures made their way towards your table. Kun slipped Lucas a bottle of water before patting his shoulder.
“Baby!” A familiar voice shrieked, making Lucas roll his eyes before lifting his gaze to greet Kun’s girlfriend. He was taken aback when he was met with a beautiful lady he was sulking over the past few days.
Kun greeted Soyeon with a kiss, before introducing you to the group. You shyly waved at the new faces you were met with.
Soyeon yet again dragged you out of your house, telling you to look as sexy as ever. So here you were, in a tight black dress that perfectly hugs your body and some heels.
The boys took turns in introducing themselves as well, Lucas being the last one to do so as he was too busy gawking at you. Ten slapped his arm and mumbled that it was rude to stare.
Lucas coughed before standing and extending his hand towards you, “I’m Lucas.”
“It’s weird you shake hands.” You giggled but accepted his hand nonetheless. “I’m Y/N.”
“We’ve met, yeah?” Lucas smiled, feeling his heartbeat against his chest and he cursed it for being that way. Everyone was watching the scene that was unfolding between the two of you, some unable to hide the smiles on their faces.
You nodded in response, watching as Lucas practically shoved Ten away from the seat beside him, gesturing for you to seat beside him instead. Ten feigned hurt before sitting somewhere else, he didn’t want to cockblock his friend either way. You gladly took the empty seat beside Lucas, feeling his gaze entirely on you. You shifted in your seat before making eye contact with him. Immediately regretting it because the way he was staring at you made your heart flip.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” You questioned, feeling heat rush to your cheeks.
“You’re beautiful.” Lucas mumbled, a smirk forming on his lips. “Do you want a drink?”
“Thank you. I do, yeah.” You flashed him a smile.
“Come, I’ll buy you one.” He stood up, extending his hand to you once again, which you took before he guided you towards the bar. Leaning against the counter, he ordered drinks for the two of you. You took your time in scanning his outfit. Seeing him in plain black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket to complete his aesthetic. You raised an eyebrow in amusement, he didn’t seem like someone who fights people for a living.
“I’ve been wanting to contact you for quite some time actually.” Lucas offered you the glass, which you gladly accepted and downed in one go. His eyes widened in amusement, not expecting you to drink all of it in one gulp.
“Hmm?” You hummed, “Why didn’t you?” You bit on your lip, watching him move even closer to you. Lucas ordered another set of drinks.
“I didn’t know if you wanted to see me too, and for starters, I don’t even know if you’re single.” He shrugged, drinking from his glass before returning his full attention on you. “A pretty girl who was crying at my match.” He teased, making you playfully roll your eyes at him.
“I am single, thank you for asking.” You remarked. “And shut up, I wasn’t used to seeing people getting beaten up. You can’t blame me for sobbing.” You explained, somehow imagining how stupid you must’ve looked that night. The club was thankfully not that packed with people, you weren’t used to clubbing as well, you were more of a quiet and reserved person. Someone who would rather spend their Saturday night indoors. Though you couldn’t say you were complaining that your best friend brought you where. Truth be told, you too were thinking of Lucas recently. It was very curious that he took his time and interacted with you during that night, and to say you were upset when he was pulled away from you. Finding out that Soyeon somehow had ties with Lucas excited you in some way. You knew that surely wasn’t the last time you were seeing him.
“That’s a first, you know, seeing someone cry watching a boxing match.” His eyes fully trained on you. You were really beautiful.
“Consider me unique then.” You giggled, running a hand through your hair before settling your glass down on the counter.
Several drinks later and you were a giggling drunken mess, Lucas offered to drive you home once he finally thought you were too drunk to keep drinking. Lucas stopped drinking the second he figured out that you weren’t stopping any time soon. Thankful that he had a head start in drinking earlier and was finally sober enough now. You accepted his offer to drive you home, after throwing him a bunch of questions about his motives to you. He assured you that he just wanted to make sure you got home safe since Soyeon was probably going home with Kun for the night. Bidding your goodbyes to the group, he walked you to his car.
Telling him where you lived, he drove off. Faint music was the only thing that could be heard throughout the expensive sports car he had. You shifted your head and stared as he gripped on the steering wheel. You didn’t know why but you licked your lips at the sight of him. His eyes intently on the road. He raised his eyebrow and turned to face you for a second.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Lucas questioned.
“You’re hot.” You bluntly responded, making Lucas chuckle.
“So I’ve heard. Thank you, doll.”
“Aren’t you going to compliment me back?” You slurred, glaring at him as you crossed your arms.
He once again shifted his head to face you, smiling at the sight, before returning his gaze on the road. “You’re beautiful, very beautiful.”
“Thank you.” You yawned, eyes feeling droopy.
“We’re almost there, stay awake for me, babe.” You almost didn’t hear what he said as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
Not long before he pulled up in front of your apartment. Getting out of the car, he helped you in getting inside of your place.
You plopped on your bed the second you saw it, kicking your heels off. Lucas merely smiled at the sight of you. You snuggled in your sheets, the coolness engulfing your body. He let you get settled on your bed, tucking you in properly. He couldn’t help but stare at your sleeping figure. Pressing a kiss on your cheek, he left your apartment that night.
You woke up with a pounding headache the next morning, groaning to yourself, you reached your nightstand for your phone but instead you felt a glass of water on it. Curious, you inspected it and found a note beside it.
Figured you might have a headache when you wake up. I hope you don’t mind me rummaging through your kitchen drawers - Lucas
Written on very sloppy handwriting but your heart warmed nonetheless. You took the aspirin and gulped it down with water. Getting ready for your day, you took a shower and dressed in comfy clothes. You didn’t really have plans for today considering it was a Sunday, and you had no classes. Sighing to yourself, you decided to get a cup of coffee from a café nearby.
Lucas’ mind was all over the place, he kept questioning himself why he was so invested into seeing you. He obviously had a great time with you last night.
“Why don’t you ask her out?” His friend, Xiaojun, asked as he watched him clearly drifting into his thoughts.
“Should I?” Lucas sighed, taking his phone out and staring at your contact number.
“Obviously, it seems like you can’t stop thinking about her.” Xiaojun responded as a matter of factly. He couldn’t deny that he found joy in seeing his friend, who was apparently scared of being tied down, being so hung up on a girl. You must be a different type of special to get Lucas so worked out.
“Maybe I should.” Lucas closed his eyes before calling your number.
Your phone rang when you were in the middle of ordering. You excused yourself but the barista wasn’t having any of it, telling you to order or leave the line. You felt embarrassed, deciding to ignore the call and carried on ordering.
“She didn’t answer.” Lucas frowned, closing his phone and throwing it on the table.
“She must be busy.” Xiaojun shrugged, leaning against the sofa.
“It’s ten am, what could she possibly be busy about.”
“Slow down there, loverboy. She has a life, you know.”
“Whatever.” Lucas crossed his arms as he glared at his phone.
Soon after you claimed your drink, you finally took your phone out and checked on who called you. It was an unknown number. Furrowing your eyebrows, you tapped on the number to return the call.
Lucas’ phone rang loudly throughout the room. His eyes averting to his device. Xiaojun watched in amusement as he didn’t make any effort to pick up the phone.
“Now you’re playing hard to get?” Xiaojun laughed, grabbing his phone and seeing your name on full display. “Stop being a baby.” Xiaojun chucked the phone towards Lucas.
“Hello?” Lucas mumbled through the phone.
“Hi? Who is this?”
“You’re the one that called.”
“O-oh, I’m sorry must be a wrong number.”
“No!” Lucas almost screamed, clearing his throat, ”It's Lucas, I was just playing with you.”
“Oh! Hi Lucas. Thank you so much for bringing me home last night. I apologize if I caused any trouble.”
“No worries, though if you wouldn’t mind... I would love to see you again. Can w-we... I mean like, would you like to go on a date with me?” His face scrunched, hearing how terrible he was. Xiaojun was silently laughing at his friend being awkward at asking you out, which he just flipped off.
It took you a few seconds to register what he said, a smile forming on your lips when it did. “Of course! Tomorrow sounds good?”
“Okay, tomorrow it is. I’ll pick you up at seven?” Lucas threw his fist up, as if he was claiming victory.
“Seven, alright, see you tomorrow Lucas.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
The hour of your date finally came. Lucas arrived exactly at seven o’clock as he couldn’t hide his excitement. He texted you saying to dress casually with a touch of formality. After panicking for thirty minutes about what to wear, you end up wearing a black short turtleneck with a semi fitted white dress over it. You put on light makeup to match with your outfit and some accessories to complete the whole look.
“You look amazing.” Lucas complimented, the second you opened the door. A smile made its way on your face, scanning his outfit. He was wearing what seems to be like black kinda fitted slacks and a tan Burberry shirt with a black long-sleeve inside.
“Thank you, you look nice.”
“Nice? That’s all I get? Where’s the woman that called me hot the other night?” Lucas feigned hurt.
“Shut up, you know you’re handsome.” You glared at him, which he only laughed at.
“Are we going to stand here and flirt or are we going to do the flirting elsewhere?” You teasingly raised an eyebrow.
“Let’s go. We have a long night ahead of us.” He winked, extending his hand for you to take as the two of you walked to his car.
The ride to the restaurant didn’t take long, the place was quite fancy but not too showy.  Lucas’ hand was placed on the small of your back, guiding you around the place as if he’s been here a few times. You two got to your tables, the waiter handing you your menus. Eyes glancing at it, you were shocked to see the prices of each meal. You weren’t exactly broke but you weren’t the wealthiest either, and you didn’t know if Lucas would be paying for the bill since you didn’t want to assume he would, but you wanted to be prepared to share the bill. You looked for a cheap yet delicious option.
”I’ll get the Chicken Alfredo pasta.” You closed the menu, taking a sip from the glass of water that was served in front of you.
“Will that be enough for you?” Lucas questioned, his eyes still reading the menu.
“Yes, I think so.”
Lucas had a feeling that you were refraining yourself from order too much, so he took the initiative to order more food. He called over the waiter, giving him the names of the dishes he wanted to eat as well as saying your order with a bit more side dishes.
The two of you were left alone, classical music playing in the background. Your fingers tapped on your thighs, suddenly feeling the awkward air. Lucas felt it too, and it was strange. He wasn’t usually one who would get himself in awkward situations since he was practically the life of the party, a social butterfly. But with you around, he felt like he needed to impress you.
“Do you have another match coming up soon?” You broke the ice, watching his gaze cast onto you.
“I think I have one in about a week? Would you like to come?”
“I’m not sure...” You shifted in your seat, “It still isn’t my kind of environment.”
“Of course, it’s totally up to you. I would like it if you went though.” His gaze softened, lips curling into a smile.
“I’ll think about it.”
It didn’t take long before your food was served. You both ate your meals in peace, conversation stirring between the two of you every now and then. You talked about yourself when he asked. He learned that you were a university student, and that you work part time at a small flower shop that you adored. You also told him how you weren’t really close to people until Soyeon came around and pulled you out of your little bubble. He also learned that you used to be in a relationship months back but it ended because he wanted to sleep with you but you simply told him that you weren’t ready and it clearly upset him. He learned that you were complete opposites, a mismatch. When you noticed that your plate was almost empty, you realized that you’ve been talking for some time now and all Lucas did was sit and listen to what you were saying.
“I’ve been talking too much. What about you? What made you pursue boxing?” You questioned, wiping pasta residue off of your lips.
“I like hearing you talk.” He smiled fondly, “Boxing wasn’t really something I was proud of from the start, I only got into it because I thought it was a way for me to release all the... anger I felt. But then they told me how good I was at it and I thought why not turn it into a living, so here I am now.”
“Why were you angry? If you don’t mind me asking.” Leaning more against the table, to hear him more clearly.
“My father wasn’t really the best at being what you call a father figure, and my mom ran away from us when I literally just got out of her womb.” Lucas’ gaze drifted down on the table, his fingers fumbling the table cloth. “I didn’t really have anyone to rely on when I was growing up. I was sent to my grandmother for... beating my dad up once, he’s still alive don’t worry. I guess I’m thankful I didn’t end up in jail for what I did.”
“Wow.” You let out once he finished his story. His world was the complete opposite of yours. Your life was basically rainbows and flowers around a field, though you did have your own hardships here and there, it was nothing compared to what Lucas was going through.
“When I got into boxing, that’s when I met Kun and the guys. They helped me a lot, and I’m very thankful I get to call them my friends.” Lucas added, deciding to wrap his story up for the night. You couldn’t help but reach for his hand, enclosing it with yours.
“I’m glad you met wonderful people.”
“Doesn’t it bother you? Knowing that I do something that isn’t really legal for a living?”
“Illegal, you mean?” You laughed. “Not really, I mean we all have our own ways of trying to survive in this world don’t we? Yours is just simply different from the rest but that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. As long as you’re not a serial killer, it’s alright with me.”
“You’re so kind.” Lucas mumbled, adoration written all over his eyes.
A handful of stories later, you were both ready to leave. Lucas told you that he was going to take care of bill, which you thanked him for. You ended up back in his car, on the way to drive you home for the night. He pulled up at your apartment, taking his seatbelt off before facing you.
“I had a great time.” Lucas mumbled, his eyes focused on you.
“I did too.” You smiled, genuinely enjoying the time you spent with him.
“Will I be getting a second date then?” He cheekily asks, his dimples popping out.
“Only if you let me pay next time.”
“No promises.” He teased, a smirk on his face. “Can I get a kiss goodbye?”
Your eyes widened at his request, feeling your heartbeat rapidly increase. It’s not like you haven’t been kissed before, but it seemed different with Lucas. You felt yourself nod at his words obviously taking him aback since he was only half joking, but was glad when you let him nonetheless. His hand reached up to cup your cheek, leaning towards you as you shut your eyes and anticipated for his lips. His lips brushed against yours before you leaned against him to connect his mouth to yours. The kiss was quick and had a sweet sensation. Pulling away, you couldn’t help but bite on your lips.
Lucas didn’t say a word but the smile on his face was saying more than enough.
“Goodnight, Lucas.” You bid as you stepped out of his car, and into your apartment.
Lucas contacted you a few days later, reminding you of his boxing match that he invited you to. You’ve thought of it for a while and decided to make an appearance, which made Lucas ecstatic, telling you that you were his good luck charm from now on. You found yourself seated with Soyeon once again, in the front row. Anxiety rushing to your blood when the players were being introduced. Of course, you knew Lucas was great at this and he hasn’t lost in quite some time but you couldn’t help the nerves lingering throughout your body. When Lucas was finally called in the ring, your heart fluttered at the sight of him. You haven’t seen him in a week yet you felt like it was a week too long. Soyeon squeezed your arm when she noticed the anxious look on your face, somehow giving you comfort which you appreciated.
Not long before the match started, Lucas rapidly threw punches against his opponent and cowering when he needed to. When Lucas got punched in the jaw, you let out a loud gasp, clutching onto the hem of your skirt. He quickly regained his posture and continued to attack his opponent. You didn’t have control over the tears that sprung to your eyes. Feeling silly yourself, you quickly wiped it off before anyone could see them. The match ended, with Lucas being announced as winner, you can’t say you were surprised since he is really great at what he does. Watching Lucas rush out of the ring, he immediately made his way to where you were, with a big goofy smile on his face. You saw the bruise forming on his jaw, making you frown. You wanted to reach up and touch his face but his arms suddenly wrapped around your waist, pulling you in a tight hug. He was sweaty and you internally cringed at the feeling but you didn’t pay no mind to it, letting him wrap you up in his arms.
“You came.” Lucas pulled away from you.
“Of course, I did. I said I would, didn’t I?” You flashed him a smile. You noticed that he had light blood splattered on his bare chest.
“Did you cry?”
“She totally did!” Soyeon chimed in.
“Shut up!” You hissed towards Soyeon who only laughed at you before turning your attention back to Lucas.
“Stay here? I’ll just get changed.” You nodded at his words, he debated whether to give you a kiss, deciding to give you on the forehead instead. He left soon after, you sat back down noticing that there were multiple pairs of eyes on you, however you didn’t pay any attention to any of them.
Lucas came out shortly after, in a fresh set of clothes and sweat free manner this time. He approached you once again before asking if you wanted to leave. You went with him because he was the only reason you were there in the first place.
“Are you hurt?” You questioned Lucas. He took you to a nice quiet restaurant, telling you that it was a congratulatory dinner and that he wanted to treat you somewhere.
“It kinda stings but nothing I can’t handle.” He shrugged, taking a bite off his burger.
“That’s scary.”
“What is?”
“Being hit in the face.” Lucas chuckled at your statement.
“Yeah, it’s kinda scary.”
“What if you get really hurt?” You pouted, the thought haunting you. There’s a reason his job is considered illegal since it was different from regular boxing, his type had no set of rules at all. You even heard that people die in that ring so it was inevitable for you to be scared.
“I won't, baby.” He assured, not knowing the way he addressed you made the inside of your tummy do summersaults. “I won’t get hurt as long as you’re here with me.”
Lucas took you home that night, you even offered him to go inside your apartment, which he agrees on since he has been wondering what your place looked like. Your walls were covered in white wallpaper, dark furniture contrasting the purity of the place. You told Lucas to make himself at home, he gladly did, taking a seat on your sofa as his eyes continued to wander around the place. He caught sight of some photos of you hanging up against the wall, making him smile lightly to himself as he observed. Some of them were childhood pictures and some seemed like recent ones.
“Come here.” Lucas called for you, you walked close to him until he was in your reach. He pulled your hand down making you collapse on top of him, you were now seated at his lap. You felt heat rise to your cheeks at the sudden closeness. “Pretty girl.” He whispered, bringing his hand up to touch your cheek. “My real name is Yukhei.”
His sudden confession took you aback, clearly not expecting him to spring out information about his name. “Yukhei.” You tested the name out. “I like it. Why do we call you Lucas then?”
“Yukhei was what my dad used to call me, I hated hearing my name from him. It’s like every time it came out of his mouth I can practically feel the venom dripping out.” He removed his hand from your face, placing it on your thigh instead. The feeling shooting throughout your entire body.
“Do you want me to call you Yukhei?” You mumbled, this time it was you who reached your hand up to caress his cheek.
“Yes. You can call me either way, you can also call me Xuxi. Though I would prefer if you called me baby.” He winked, making you playfully slap his chest.
“That’s so cheesy.”
“But you like it.”
“I guess.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“You don’t have to ask me every time.”
That was all Yukhei needed before pressing his lips against yours, pulling you in a much needed kiss. His hand went up to the nape of your neck. His tongue gliding across your bottom lip, you opened your mouth wider as your tongues fought for dominance, he obviously won. You pulled away from the kiss only to reposition yourself so your legs were on either sides of his thighs. He leaned up and kissed you once again, even more full of passion if possible. His hands reaching up to rest on your ass. He trailed kisses down to your lips, then to your jaw, and then to your neck. Sweetly sucking and biting on certain areas, making you let out a small moan. You ground your hips against his crotch, this time earning a groan from him.
“I don’t wanna have sex yet.” You blurted out when his lips were still on your neck. He pulled away and stared into your eyes.
“Of course, baby. Not yet.” He assured, he wanted you to be comfortable with him at all times.
“Okay, just making it clear.” You nodded, shyly biting on your lip.
“This is probably the worst timing ever, but I’ve had this thought in my mind for quite some time now. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“Yes!” You break out into a grin, which he mirrored when you said your answer. He once again pulled you in for a kiss, much sweeter than last time.
Your little make out session was cut short due to the time, and you weren’t exactly comfortable with the idea of Yukhei spending the night yet. He kissed you goodbye before teasingly calling you his girlfriend, and with that you were left alone in your apartment.
A month has passed by and your relationship with Yukhei was more than you imagined. He was the sweetest when it came to you, always wanting to make sure you were comfortable with him. You reciprocated the amount of affection he gave you, genuinely falling for him. You even had thoughts of how no one has ever made you feel this way before and you were quite happy that Yukhei was the first man to grow this close to your heart.
Yukhei invited you to come over his place, telling you how he wanted you to meet his friends, though you already have but they were all under the influence of alcohol. He offered to pick you up but you told him no, and that you could ride a taxi on the way to his place. You haven’t really had the time to visit his place yet, seeing as you were busy with your studies and your job, so you were surprised to find out that he lived in a luxurious looking penthouse. Of course you knew he made big money but you never knew it was that big.
“Hi, baby.” Yukhei greeted you with a short peck on the lips, before ushering you inside his home. You were practically gawking at the interior itself, everything was so neat and expensive looking, scared that if you broke something it would cost you your entire month’s worth of rent. You spotted his friends lounging around the living area, Kun who you were already familiar with waved in your direction.
“The woman of the hour!” You recognized Yangyang announce, smiling towards you. You returned his gleeful grin, before taking a seat on the sofa alongside them.
“What did you feed our Lucas that he’s absolutely smitten with you?” Ten teased, earning a handful of laughs around him. You took note of the way his friends all called him Lucas. Yukhei sat beside you, throwing his arm behind you. You knew about Yukhei’s past endeavors, he told you about them one night. You were in no position to be upset of course, you weren’t exactly together when he did what he did.
“Even I don’t know why he’s so whipped.” You smirked, seeing Yukhei’s shocked expression.
“I thought you were on my side!” He whined, burying his head against your shoulder.
Yukhei’s heart warmed at the sight of his girlfriend and friends getting along. It wasn’t everyday that he would bring someone home, it almost felt like bringing you to meet his family. Hours passed before the boys slowly started to dissipate, more like Yukhei kicked them out since he wanted to spend some time alone with you.
“Finally.” Yukhei grumbled when Hendery and Sicheng finally decided to leave you two alone. You merely giggled at his behavior, still sitting comfortably on his sofa with the television playing in the background. “I have you all to myself now.” He turned to face you, seeing the light in his eyes when you met his gaze. He didn’t waste no time in pressing his lips to yours. You’ve had your fair amount of make out sessions throughout your short relationship, though the farthest you have ever gotten to was a few dry humping and breast touching. Yukhei didn’t force you to anything you weren’t ready for yet. “Can we try something tonight?” He asked when you pulled away for air.
“I want to eat you out.” Your breath hitched, his words immediately shooting up to your core. The sudden shift in the atmosphere made you speechless. “Only if you want to of course.”
“I want to.” You responded. Yukhei broke into a smile before connecting his lips to yours once again. His hand cupping your face while the other was placed on top of your thigh. You felt his hand slowly creep up near your core, sparks shooting through your body every time he inched nearer.
“Let’s go to my room, doll.” Yukhei retracted all forms of contact with you, making you pout. He reached for your hand before guiding you to his bedroom. You didn’t have time to scan the environment because as soon as you walked in, Yukhei pressed you up against the door, kissing you ever so passionately. You moaned when you felt him bite on your lips, your arms flying up to rest them on his shoulder. His hands fell to your thighs, gripping them and signaling you to jump up, which you did, and then he carried you to his bed. He laid you on the soft mattress, crawling in between your thighs. His hand tugged on the hem of your shirt, wanting to take it off and you gave him assurance that he could. He wasted no time pulling the fabric off your head. His eyes hungrily scanning your body which made you shy, wanting to cover yourself up but he grabbed your wrists to prevent you from doing so.
“You’re absolutely beautiful, you don’t have to hide anything from me.” He kissed you once again, his hands roaming your body., your breasts specifically. He cupped your breasts through your bra.
“Take them off.” You whispered against his lips, he complied. Hand reaching up to unclasp it from behind. He swiftly pulled it off of you. His mouth practically watering at your bare body. He attached his mouth to one of your breasts while his hand kneaded the other. Your hand reached up to grip on his hair, you couldn’t help but moan when he started sucking and licking on your nipple, while his fingers flicked on the other. You wrapped your legs around his waist, wanting to feel him close, you whined at the way his clothed bulge brushed against your core.
Yukhei pulled away from your breast, prepping kisses on your stomach all the way to your inner thigh, his hand made its way to the button of the shorts you were wearing, quickly unbuttoning them and pulling it off of you. You were only left in your panties yet he was still fully clothed, you gripped on the hem of his shirt, quickly getting the message he swiftly took it off. Leaving his bare toned chest in full view. You bit your lip at the sight, of course you’ve seen him shirtless due to his job but it was different when you were being so intimate with one another.
“You like what you see, baby?” He smirked, seeing your expression.
“Very much.”
“Can I take this off?” His fingers hooking the waistband of your underwear, you simply nodded, watching him pull it away, cringing at the sticky feeling it previously had. He pulled your body down as he laid down on his stomach, your core very near his face that you felt his warm breath fanning against it. You sucked in a breath when he kissed your inner thighs once more. His hand hooked under your legs, placing his palm on your abdomen to keep you from moving.
“Yukhei.” You breathed, your cheeks felt like burning from the lack of contact.
“Tell me what you want.” He inched closer to you.
“Your tongue.” You managed to let out, as he continued kissing you everywhere but where you needed him the most.
“What about my tongue?”
“Please, Yukhei, fuck me with your tongue.” You whimpered out, finally feeling his tongue on your core. His tongue striding your wet slit, he groaned once he got a taste of how sweet you were. The tip of his tongue swirled circles on your clit, making you gasp loudly as you arched your back. You haven’t been this intimate with anyone, the closest thing you have had touched you there was your own fingers and it was nowhere good to what he was doing to you now. Your hand reached up to curl your fingers through his hair, tugged it lightly making him groan. He harshly sucked on your sensitive bundle of nerves, flicking over it simultaneously, not holding your moans back as he did. his tongue delved between your folds, lapping your juices. He brought his hand down from your abdomen and onto your clit, his thumb rubbing circles on it. You felt a knot starting to form inside you as his tongue took care of you.
“I-I’m gonna...” Yukhei quickened his actions, and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. Your orgasm came crashing down on you, your thighs slightly trembling when it did. He pressed one last kiss on your cunt, before pulling away and halting all actions immediately. He sat back up, his hand resting on your leg as you watched his expression. His mouth was covered by your wetness, making you giggle. He merely smirked and leaned down to give you a kiss. Tasting your arousal from his lips.
“You did great, princess.” He mumbled when he pulled away from your lips. You let out a breath, your hands reaching up to caress his cheeks. He picked up your underwear from the side, helping you put them back on. “Do you want to stay the night?” He grabbed his discarded shirt and handed it over to you, indicating that you should wear it for the night. He just loved seeing you in his clothes.
You nodded in agreement, it wasn’t the first time you two spent the night together. He has slept at your place multiple times now, claiming that he was too lazy to even bother going home.
“Have you never had a girlfriend? Like at all? Not even once?” You asked him when you were settled in his arms.
“I don’t think so? Women would like to claim I dated them though.” He pulled you closer to him, his hand resting on your back as your legs were tangled to one another.
“What a player.” You scoffed, before placing your hand on his chest tracing small patterns on it.
“Not anymore.” His simple words somehow eased your heart, of course you were touched to hear it especially when it came from someone like him.
“You’re just a softie, aren’t you.” You didn’t know why but knowing that you were Yukhei’s longest relationship, or even only relationship, you felt some kind of pressure especially when he’s been with different women.
“Are you complaining?” He raised his eyebrow, looking at you.
“No, I love it.” You yawned, snuggling closer to him.
“Goodnight, baby.”
You woke up to the sound of talking the next day, patting the bed to feel for the presence you’ve grown fond of but you were greeted with an empty space. Frowning to yourself, you got out of bed, putting some decent clothes on before walking out into the living room. You saw Yukhei and Sicheng talking —more like arguing— very heatedly.
“He’s mad, Lucas, and now he found out about Y/N, I don’t think he’ll rest until you give him what he wants.”
“I’ll talk to him soon, don’t worry. I’ll handle it.”
“Yeah, but where will you get-“ Sicheng caught sight of your figure from behind Yukhei, making him shut up completely. Sicheng gestured to you, Yukhei turned around and smiled immediately when he saw you.
“Baby! Good morning.” You walk in the living room, feeling guilty because you disturbed their conversation. Yukhei turned back to Sicheng, “We’ll talk about this next time.” He whispered so only he could hear him. Sicheng merely nodded then turned to face you.
“Y/N, hi, so I see you spent the night.”
“Hi, Sicheng. I did, how are you?” You sent him a small smile.
“I’m great, but I have to leave now. It was nice seeing you again.” Sicheng bid his goodbye to you and Yukhei before leaving the place. Yukhei went to the kitchen and you trailed after him, your mind still clouding over what they were previously talking about. You would have paid no mind to what it was but you heard your name and you couldn’t just ignore it.
“What was that about?” You threaded lightly, watching him take out a pan and a few breakfast ingredients. His back was turned to you so you couldn’t really see his facial expression. “Can you even cook?”
“Actually no, and I was hoping you would cook for us.” He finally turned to face you, a goofy smile on his face this time. “Unless you don’t want to of course, we can always go out to eat, but I’ve tasted your pancakes before and it was really good.”
“I don’t mind cooking.” You stepped in place before grabbing the pan and putting it on the stove. You expertly handled the ingredients of the pancake. You felt Yukhei’s presence behind you before his arms wrapped around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“You don’t have to worry about what happened earlier. It’s nothing your pretty head should stress about.” Yukhei mumbled, as you continued to make the pancakes he requested.
“Are you sure?”
“I promise.” He planted a kiss on your cheek before letting you go so you wouldn’t burn the food. You decided to trust his words, and let the topic go, after all you knew he would take care of everything, including you.
“Did I tell you I have a fight in three days?” Yukhei spoke up while in the middle of consuming his pancakes, he told you how much he loved your cooking and he wouldn’t mind coming home to it, although it was too early, you somehow pictured the two of you living together.
You shook your head in response before putting your plate in the sink. “I don’t think you did. Do you want me to come?”
“Of course I do, you’re my good luck charm.”
“The day that jinxes, I will fight you.” You glared at him, crossing your arms against your chest though he simply lets out a laugh at your adorable state.
“Are you sure you want to fight me, princess?” He smirked, standing up to wrap you in his arms. “Come on, let’s shower.”
“Together!?” You shrieked, pulling away from his arms to stare at him in disbelief.
“You said it, not me.” He laughed, before hooking his arms around you once again.
“Yukhei.” You groaned, placing your head against his chest.
“I love that, say my name again.”
“Shut up, Yukhei.”
The day and hour of the match finally arrived, your usual seat with Soyeon beside you but this time Hendery was also on your side. He claimed that since you were dating someone who he considered his brother that you should get along quite well with everyone else, and you didn’t disagree. It was heartwarming to know that they welcomed you with open arms. The match shortly began, the short introduction of the players being called out before you saw Yukhei come running in the ring. Your heartbeat began increasing, as you watched the match begin. It started with Yukhei immediately throwing his punches, which his opponent skillfully dodges. The match felt like it was being dragged on seeing as the opponent was quite the expert himself, you winced every time Yukhei received a punch, even seeing blood trickle out of his mouth.
Everything being too much for you, you closed your eyes and bowed your head instead. Hendery noticed your behavior which he frowned upon, seeing how uncomfortable the whole thing must be for you. The ring of the bell caused you to look up and see who won the match. Yukhei was, standing over the knocked out opponent, his breath rigid as he raised his hands in victory.  A few cheers were heard before he stepped out of the ring, Yukhei looked horrible, with blood gushing out and his eye badly beaten up. Usually he would come up to you after his matches but this time he went straight back to the where you’re guessing is the locker room. Minutes have passed by and Yukhei still wasn’t coming out, so you had no choice but to watch Kun‘s match. You have never actually seen him fight before, seeing as you immediately left after Yukhei’s round, but now having the chance you saw that he was really good at it as well, no wonder he and Yukhei got along so easily.
Your phone buzzed, indicating that you got a text and you fished it out of your pocket to see that Yukhei has sent you a text
Yukhei 🤍 (7:28pm)
Meet me outside
You apologized to Soyeon and Hendery for leaving abruptly which they understood, before bidding your goodbyes to the two. You walked out of the arena, spotting Yukhei leaning over his car. You walked towards him, seeing him dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie.
“Hi, Y/N.” He greeted you once you were in his sight.
“Hi, Yukhei. What happened? Are you okay? You didn’t come see me after your match.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I got beaten up pretty badly and I didn’t want you to see me that way.” He ushered you in his car so that you could leave, and he drove off immediately.
“You know I won’t mind, I’d still like your face no matter how badly you got beaten up.” You smiled at him, but soon dropped when you noticed his vague expression.
“You’re just being nice.” He mumbled, more under his breath but you caught onto it anyway.
“I am not!” You defended, wondering why he was acting this way.
“Yukhei, what’s wrong?” You asked, wanting to reach for his hand.
“Nothing! Just, it wouldn’t fucking hurt for you to be honest sometimes.” He grumbled which took you aback. He never gets mad at you, this side of him surprised you.
“Excuse me? Where are you getting this attitude?” He didn’t respond instead you swore you saw him roll his eyes at you. “Stop the car.”
“What? No.” He turned to look at you, lines forming on his forehead. You were well aware that you were glaring at him right now.
“Stop!” He parked the car on the side, stepping on the brakes. He let out a huge sigh before letting go of the wheel and covering his face with his hands.
“I planned something tonight and,” Yukhei looked up and faced you, the dim lights from outside glistening on his face. You saw the black eye forming, his lip sort of busted, and the bruise on his jaw. “I got beaten up like a fucking loser and I feel ugly...”
“Yukhei,” You reached up to grab his hand, intertwining it with yours. “you are nowhere near ugly. Your face is practically sculpted by the gods. What was your plan for tonight? I’m sure you can still do it.”
“I want to fuck you.” You nearly choked at his words before lightly slapping his hand.
“You snapped at me for that!?” You glared at him, crossing your arms against your chest.
“No, well maybe, but I wanted to look sexy for you and I look horrible so it ruins the mood.”
“You do not look horrible.”
“Y/N, please, I have a throbbing black eye, and my lip has a huge bump on it. I know when I look horrible, so no we are not continuing my plans for tonight.”
“How about I suck your dick then?”
“Fuck, don’t say things you don’t mean.” He groaned.
You climbed over to sit on his lap, your legs on either sides of his thighs. Showing him that you indeed meant what you said. You lightly pressed your lips against his, not wanting to cause him any pain. You didn’t miss how Yukhei winced when you kissed him, causing you to immediately pull away.
“Does it hurt?”
“Kinda.” He shrugged before leaning in to kiss you once again, he didn’t mind getting hurt if it was because of you. You held onto his shoulders for support, feeling his growing bulge underneath you. You rocked your hips against him, making him let out a low groan.
“Baby.” Yukhei breathed, his hands resting on your waist. He leaned in your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin. You continued grinding your hips on his crotch. His grip on your waist tightened. “Don’t tease me now, doll.” You slipped off his lap and kneeled in front of him, minding the steering wheel that was above your head. Yukhei adjusted his seat so that you had more room. Your hands made its way to his belt, unbuckling it before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants with one hand while you palmed him through his jeans with the other. You slid his pants off with his assistance, he was left in his boxers and you saw how his cock strained against the material. You licked your lips at the sight before slipping your fingers reached for the waistband of his boxers, he lifted his hips as you pulled them down. His cock sprang up, lightly slapping against his stomach. Your eyes widened at his size, you knew he was big but clearly didn’t expect this.
“Are you just going to stare or are you going to be a good girl and suck?” Yukhei growled, seeing his cock twitch made you smirk. You reached up and wrapped one hand around it which made him groan and throw his head back. Your thumb at the slit of his cock, spreading the pre cum that he released. You started running your hand up and down oh his shaft as you felt arousal rushing to your core. You licked your lips before leaning in to lightly lick the tip. “Fuck, stop teasing me.” You poked your tongue out even more, licking every possible spot of his cock that you could before wrapping your lips around the throbbing tip. You hummed against him, which shot through his body making his cock twitch. You started sucking lightly around his making him let out a few curses, his eyes fully trained on you which made you shy. You lowered your head a bit more, trying to take up as much as you possibly could, your hand covering parts that you couldn’t reach. “That feels so fucking good, baby.” He breathed out, you slowly started bobbing your head around him and occasionally sucking on it when you could. Yukhei’s hand reached up to collect your hair and turn it into a makeshift ponytail, his hand guiding you onto him, but not forcing you all the way.  You continued your actions until Yukhei was a hot swearing mess. You felt your throat burn at the feeling but you didn’t mind, especially when you saw how powerless Yukhei got. “Can I come in your mouth, baby?” His breath was shaky as he tried to contain himself from thrusting his hips into your mouth. Since it was your first time with him, he wanted to be as gentle as possible. You took him out of your mouth, your hand stroking him up and down before giving him a now. You leaned down once again to suck on his tip, bobbing your head up and down but this time at a faster motion. His grip on your hair tightened, his hips slightly lifting to meet your pace. His groans started to get loud and you knew he was close. Without warning, hot liquid started to shoot out and into your throat. You let go of his cock, and he let go of your hair, his head falling behind him as he catches his breath. You swallowed all of what he gave you, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before looking up to him.
Yukhei was already staring at you, a small smile at his lips as he watched you sit there between his legs. “Did you like it?”
“I loved it. You’re so good, doll.” He reached for his pants and boxers, sliding them on. You slowly got up from your position, sitting back on his thighs. He cupped your cheek, stroking it lightly.
“That was my first time.” You confessed watching his face contort to disbelief.
“No way! You totally knew what you were doing.”
“Thanks to porn, I guess.” You shrugged before kissing him on the cheek and going back to the passenger seat. Yukhei chuckled in amusement, and drove off.
You were called in at the flower shop that you worked in, telling you that they needed an extra hand for the deliveries that was coming in that day. You had no choice rather than to agree, since you needed the cash anyways. You were arranging flower patterns when you noticed a man enter the shop. You looked up to greet the customer, shocked to see a man with a full tattoo on his neck, wearing a leather jacket in this heat. He looks like someone who works in Yukhei’s field of expertise.
“Hi! How may I help you?”
“Are you Y/N?” He asked, his voice deep but sickeningly sweet, eyes scanning you from head to toe which made you very uncomfortable. It was peculiar that he knew your name, and you wondered how else he would know your name if it weren’t connected to Yukhei. You hesitated for quite a long time, pondering whether to give him your actual name or something to cover you up with.
“How do you know me?”
“Yukhei’s girl?” He raised his brow.
“Maybe.” He took a step forward before gripping on your arm rather tightly, and before you could let out a scream you felt a sharp metal against your waist.
“Scream and I’ll shoot.” You had no choice but to swallow the sound you were about to emit. “Follow me and we’ll have no trouble.”
You ended up following him like he said, as he shoved you at the back of a black van. You hissed at the contact, seeing two other men inside the van. You tried scooting away but one grabbed you by your ankles to yank you towards him.
“What the fuck!” You screamed, trying to kick off his grip but he was obviously stronger than you. You watched as he tied a rope around your feet.
“Don’t want you running away now do we, doll?” You cringed at the way he called you something Yukhei often uses as an endearment. The other guy reached up behind you, wrapping your wrists with a rope as well. Any movements were practically useless by now so you didn’t waste any effort to break free. To say you weren’t anxious was a lie since your heart was beating so loud against your chest that they could probably hear it as well. You took note of the appearances of the people around you instead. The guy who held you by your feet had dark pink hair which was a contradiction against his whole dark facade. The guy who tied your wrists had bright white hair, a sharp jaw and an eyebrow slit. You couldn’t quite point your finger on who they were, but you were guessing they knew Yukhei since the first guy mentioned him.
Yukhei. Your mind drifted to your boyfriend, he told you he was picking you up today so that you could continue what was apparently disrupted the other time.
“How are you so calm? Isn’t this your first time being kidnapped?” The guy with pink hair spoke up, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion at your silent state. In fact, you too were quite shocked that you still managed to keep shut at this situation.
“Do you want me to scream then?”
“Taeyong, shut up.” The guy with white hair warned Taeyong.
“Ah, so you have names.” You spoke up, watching as White Hair turned to face you with a glare evident on his eyes.
“Can we all just shut up until we get where we need to be.”
“Okay, white hair.” You didn’t miss how Taeyong snickered at your statement, causing his friend to slap him on his arm.
“Yuta, and the one you met earlier is Jaehyun. Now, quiet down.”
Not wanting to fight back, you followed his instructions and zipped your mouth shut for the entire ride. It didn’t take long before the car came to a halt. The two men got of the car.
“Can’t you just take off the ones at my feet? Do you honestly think I would run away.”
“I don’t trust you well enough, and be quiet we’re the ones in charge.” Yuta spat, grabbing your body before placing you on his shoulder.
“At least buy me dinner first, damn.” You let out, your head feeling fuzzy from being upside down. You swore you could’ve seen Taeyong smile from the corner of your eye.
“Fuck, she’s annoying. Take her.” Yuta handed you to Taeyong who carried you bridal style like a person in their right mind would. You always thought you would be one of those victims who would drive their kidnappers crazy, funny how you were right. Your eyes wandered around the environment, seeing that you drove to some kind of empty warehouse. The second you entered the place, you saw a familiar figure.
“Yukhei!” You yelled out, his head whipping in your direction seeing his more than shocked expression. You were more than relieved to see his presence.
“What the fuck!?” Yukhei walked towards you but Jaehyun stopped him from getting any closer. Taeyong settled you down on a chair nearby, your hands and feet still tied up. “Why the fuck is she here? I’m already here. Why are you dragging her into this? And she’s fucking tied up, she’s not an animal.”
“Wasn’t sure if you would actually pull through.”
“Of course I would. I said I would, didn’t I? Let her fucking go.” Yukhei growled, veins almost popping out of his neck.
Yukhei threw the duffle bag he had with him onto Jaehyun’s chest, and with Jaehyun’s signal, Taeyong and Yuta untied you from the confinements. Yukhei scrambled his way to you, his hands cupping your face.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you? I’m so sorry you got dragged into this.” You didn’t say anything instead you wrapped your arms around him, more than happy that you saw him and that you were not actually being held hostage. “Jaehyun this is fucked up!” Yukhei growled at the man after he let you go. Jaehyun didn’t seem to be fazed not one bit, his eyes landed on you before a smirk formed on his lips, his entire presence made you shiver.
“I wasn’t going to fuck with her, Lucas.” Jaehyun’s voice dripped in venom as he carefully chose his words. “I just wanted to make sure you kept your part of the deal, and if you didn’t, well you could imagine.” He scoffed, getting ready to walk out the place but Yukhei stopped him by putting a hand on his chest and curling his fist against his shirt.
“Pull this stunt one more fucking time, I will have your head on a platter.” Yukhei spat, but only loud enough for the both of them to hear. He let go of Jaehyun, returning his attention to you before dragging you away from the place.
“See you in the ring, Lucas!” Jaehyun’s voice called out one last time before Yukhei dragged you to his car.
It was crystal clear that Yukhei wasn’t in the right state of mind due to his knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel too hard, and his jaw clenching every now and then. Your mind was still clouding with thought from the previous events, why did Yukhei own Jaehyun money? And why the hell were you dragged in the chaos? You wanted to bombard him with questions but you didn’t want him lashing out on you.
“Are you mad?” You squeaked out, rubbing your hands against your jeans. You watched as his eyes turned soft for a second, yet he kept his gaze on the road.
“Not at you.” Was all he said before the car went silent once again. You pursed your lips before deciding to turn your head to the window instead.
Yukhei was livid. He loathed how Jaehyun found and captured you even though he threatened him quite a bunch of what would happen if he laid a finger on you. He couldn’t believe that he actually did and he knew it was to spite him. Yukhei owed Jaehyun a large amount of money due to drugs. Drugs that he took nearly every single day to someone escape the harsh reality of his life. He was rushed to the hospital once because of it, and ever since then his friends had a drug ban around him to help him recover, which he thinks is shitty since they didn’t withdraw with him. Yukhei hasn’t taken a drag even since the incident happened, well maybe he has once but he wouldn’t tell them that.
Yukhei knew why Jaehyun held a grudge against him. It was because Yukhei slept with Jaehyun’s girl, it wasn’t entirely his fault since she never once mentioned that she was taken and allowed Yukhei to sleep with her, not just once but multiple times. Long story short, Jaehyun walked in while they were in the middle of fucking. Of course Yukhei knew why Jaehyun was so angry considering he now knows what it feels to have someone you treasured, and Yukhei would be heartbroken if someone did the same. That’s why he didn’t bother making amends with him, it wasn’t like they had quite a friendship that he needed to rekindle it.
The car came to a halt and you were about to open the door and head out when Yukhei gripped on your arm. “Can I stay with you tonight?” You nodded, allowing him and you both went inside your apartment.
Yukhei was dead silent, and it worried you that he might be thinking too much that he thinks he couldn’t voice out his thoughts to you. You both got in bed, after changing out of your clothes and into new ones.
“Would you mind telling me what’s on your mind?” You mumbled, seeing Yukhei on the far end of the bed as if he was purposely trying not to be near you. He turned his head to face you before letting out a sigh. He shit his body so that he was entirely facing you.
“I’m so sorry you got dragged into this mess. It must’ve been so scary, Jaehyun is fucking stupid.” He frowned, genuinely worried about you. “I owed him money because I used to buy drugs from him.” You had to make sure you heard him correctly, your mouth slightly opening as you registered what he said.
“Drugs?” You knew he had his vices, and you didn’t know why what he said surprised you. You even saw him take cigarettes quite a few times now, which never really bothered you and you were in no place to tell him what he should and shouldn’t do, you weren’t his mother.
“Yes, please listen to me first, baby.” He paused, seeing you nod. “Yes I used to take drugs, but that was in the past. I once almost overdosed on it so that’s why the boys made sure I don’t take any anymore.” The thought of Yukhei taking drugs brought shivers to your spine, of course you had nothing against it. You just couldn’t picture it in your head.
“You don’t anymore, right?” You questioned, crinkling your nose.
“I don’t, I only did it because it somehow gave me relief.”
“That’s nice to hear, Yukhei.” You hummed a tune.
“Since... you’re the one who gives me relief now. I love you, Y/N.” He confessed, you felt the tears forming at your eyes from his words. It was the first time those three words ever came up. You pulled him in for a soft kiss, feeling his smile against the kiss.
“I love you too, Yukhei.”
Yukhei’s hand reached up to cup your cheek, pressing a much more passionate kiss on your lips. You returned his energy, your hand pulling at his shirt against his chest. His tongue swiped on your lower lip, asking for entrance, you gladly opened your mouth. His tongue fighting with yours for dominance which he easily won, roaming your entire mouth. His hand went to your waist, signaling you to move, and you did, hooking your leg around him and lifting yourself so that you were straddling his lips all without breaking contact with his lips. He rested his hands on your thigh as you pulled away from his lips, moving your lips to his neck instead, pampering it with kisses before harshly sucking and licking on an area which caused him to let out a groan. You felt his bulge hardening underneath you, and you rocked your hips against him. His grip on your thighs tightened.
“Fuck, baby.” He breathed, his hand pulling on the hem of your shirt and you pulled away so he could slip it off your body. He was greeted with your black lingerie which made him cock his eyebrow. “Almost like you knew this was going to happen.”
“I did not!” You protested, feeling shy all of the sudden.
“Beautiful.” He adjusted his body so that he was leaning against the headboard, he leaned his head against your breasts, pressing a kiss on the exposed areas. Your breath hitched as he cupped your breasts against your bra, massaging them lightly before he reached one hand behind you and unclasped it easily. He licked his lips once your bare breasts was revealed, taking one nipple in his mouth, the tip of his tongue ran over the sensitive bud making you moan as your arousal started to pool in your underwear, his other hand made sure to give your other nipple as much as attention by gently rubbing it, occasionally lightly pinching it with his fingers. “Will you let me fuck you tonight, doll?” He mumbled, and you nodded feeling even more turned on by his choice of words. In a blink of an eye, your positions were switched and he was on top while your back laid against the bed. His fingers hooked on the waistband of your shorts and underwear and in one swift motion, you were completely bare while he was still fully clothed. As if he read your thoughts, he stripped out of the shirt he was wearing making you trail your hand on his chest.
Yukhei leaned forward to kiss you on the lips once again, feeling his hand make its way to your core. You gasped when he started rubbing on your clit, moaning when he applied pressure. He slid his fingers up and down your folds before inserting two into you, slowly pumping them in and out of you. You whimpered, as his thumb toyed with your clit while simultaneously picking his pace up. He curled his fingers which earned him a loud moan from you. Your hand flew to his hair, gripping on it while he continued his movements.
“Y-Yukhei, I’m gonna come.” You breathed out, staring directly in his eyes.
“Then come for me, baby.” He kissed your lips, feeling his fingers dig even deeper inside you. Your legs tried closing against his wrist which he only spread apart once again with his other hand.
“Fuck!” You cried out when you felt your orgasm washing over you.
He pulled away his fingers when you did, and he put his fingers in his mouth, tasting your juices. You felt heat rush to your cheeks from his actions but he just groaned when he got a taste of you. “Always so sweet for me.” He pulled away from you, only to discard his pants and underwear, leaving him completely bare and your mouth almost watered at the sight. His cock slapped against his abdomen, spots of pre cum leaking his slit and you couldn’t wait for him. “Are you on the pill, baby? I want to come inside you.” You nodded, assuring him that you were indeed on the pill, that was all he needed before he hungrily kissed you on the lips. He spread your legs wider, his hand pumping his cock a few times before aligning it at your entrance, he ran the tip over your folds before sliding his cock inside you. You gasped at the uncomfortable sensation, your hand gripping at his shoulder, trying to ease the pain. “I’m sorry, I know it hurts, but it will get better I promise.” Once you were used to the feeling, you told him to move. He slowly pushed himself inside you even more, before beginning to thrust in and out. His hands gripped on your hips as he began to pick up his pace, moans slipped out of your lips which turned him on even more. He leaned down to press a kiss on your lips, your legs wrapping around his waist which allowed him to ram deeper into you from a new angle. The sound of skin slapping echoed throughout the room, he positioned his hands on either side of your head to support himself while his thrusts gained more force, pounding into you while hitting your g-spot perfectly.
“Fuck, right there.” You whined, feeling a burning sensation at the pit of your stomach from the pleasure.
“I love you.” He whispered in between thrusts which made you squeeze your eyes shut from the overwhelming feeling.
“I-I love you too, Yukhei.” You gasped out, clenching around him as you felt your orgasm approaching, he continued his actions, his hand reaching up to cup your breast and pinch your nipples which only built up your orgasm even more.
He groaned, feeling his orgasm coming along as well which only made him pick up his pace even more. “Come for me, princess.”
“I’m c-close.” You spoke between your moans, feeling like you’re about to burst at any moment. “Shit!” Your second orgasm came crashing all over you, feeling your thighs shake from the insane amount of pleasure.
“Such a good girl.” His thrusts started to slow down, feeling his own orgasm come along. He pushed inside you one last time before releasing inside you, you felt his warm cum spurt inside you. He let go of your body, pulling himself out of you. Your body squirming when you felt his cum ooze out of you.
Yukhei stood up from the bed, only to walk in the bathroom and grab a damp towel. He walked back in to see you trying to sit up in bed, he sat next to you, wiping you clean with the towel. You smiled at the gesture, grabbing his discarded shirt from the side before putting it one. He threw the towel in the hamper, turning the lights off and climbed in bed with you. He pulled you against his bare chest, you inhaled and you got a whiff of his scent, he smelled like sex and flowers. “I have a match tomorrow.” Yukhei blurted out.
“That was fast.” You yawned, eyes starting to drift shut.
“It’s with Jaehyun.” You felt him stiff under you, you opened your eyes to look at him. Though he seemed unfazed, you felt like there was something deeper to it.
“Have you fought him before?”
“Once, it ended in a tie though, wasn’t too happy about it.” He turned his head to you, pressing a kiss on your forehead. “I’m still sorry about what he did to you, I’ll make sure he pays.”
“Stop apologizing, I’m fine and I’m here with you. That’s all that matters.”
“I love you, Y/N. You have no idea how much I do.” He whispered.
“I love you, too, Yukhei, more than you could imagine.”
Apparently Yukhei and Jaehyun’s fight was one of the most anticipated one. The arena was even more packed than it usually was. You sat in your usual area, this time with the rest of Yukhei’s friends around you. You asked Yangyang why their match was most awaited, he told you it was because of how their last match that concluded in a tie left everyone hanging and that they’re just excited to see who will finally win this one.
Yukhei sat backstage, wrapping his hands with the bandage, doing a few stretches. Jaehyun walked in, a triumph smirk on his face that Yukhei found annoying.
“Lucas.” Jaehyun greeted him with a curt nod, Yukhei barely paid attention to him, continuing with what he was doing. “Don’t be rude. I was trying to be friendly.”
“What do you want?” Yukhei spat, eyes staring daggers at him.
“Easy tiger, I was just wondering what will happen if I win? Will you let me fuck your girl then, you know to make it fair?”
Yukhei saw blood. He abruptly stood up from where he was sitting, getting ready to throw hands at Jaehyun who still haven’t wiped of the stupid smirk on his face. “Don’t even fucking think about it.” He growled, facing him. “Why are you so fucking hung up over what I did!”
“Because I loved her, Lucas, maybe you don’t understand but you fucking ruined everything I had with her because she thought you would be with her afterwards.” Jaehyun snapped, jaw clenching after speaking.
“No, she ruined it. I didn’t even know she was dating you.”
Jaehyun scoffed at his words, clearly not believing a word Yukhei was spewing. As Jaehyun opened his mouth to speak, someone came in, announcing that the match was about to start. With that, the two men split up, but not before Jaehyun provoked Yukhei even more by telling him he couldn’t wait to see you.
The players were being introduced, per usual they came running the ring shortly after. You watched Yukhei’s very obvious angry expression, and you glanced back to Jaehyun who seemed to be enjoying seeing Yukhei this way. Something felt wrong, your stomach was twisting as you watched the two men. Your heart beating against your chest, Yangyang must’ve noticed your state for he placed his hand in yours, somehow finding a way to comfort you. You silently thanked him and with a loud ring of the bell, the match began.
Yukhei nearly lunged at Jaehyun which was something he wouldn’t usually do since he would always wait for the opponent to come to him first. Yukhei started throwing punches, some of them were dodged by Jaehyun while some were coming in contact. When Yukhei was caught off guard that’s when Jaehyun struck back swiftly punching Yukhei in areas he knew he wouldn’t expect. To say Jaehyun wasn’t good was a lie, seeing him too worked on beating Yukhei up as if it was no big deal. You nearly cried out at the sight of Yukhei barely putting in the effort of hitting Jaehyun back.
“Why won’t you punch back, you fucking coward!” Jaehyun yelled, repeatedly hitting Yukhei’s chest yet he retracted all movements. All he could think of was how he sabotaged Jaehyun’s relationship, and that he probably deserved the beating he was getting. Yukhei lowered his fist as he received punches to his face. You stood up from your seat, wanting to scream at him to move but Yangyang held you back down so instead you sobbed as you watched Yukhei continuously receive the punches Jaehyun was throwing. Soon after, Yukhei’s body dropped to the floor, and with the ring of the bell, the match was over.
You stared in shock as Yukhei’s unconscious body laid on the floor then you felt anger seeping through you. “Why isn’t anyone helping him!?” You yelled out, your gaze drifting to the boys, seeing Kun who was already on the phone calling the paramedics.
“Underground fighting is illegal for a reason, Y/N, there’s no rules hence they can decide what they will or will not do.” Xiaojun spoke but you barely paid attention to what he said. You watched with wary eyes as Jaehyun claimed his victory.
Yukhei woke up to a pounding headache, he reached up to touch his forehead, feeling the bandage that was wrapped around it. He scanned the environment, seeing the white sheets that embraced his body. He frowned when he noticed how quiet the room was, due to it being empty. He shut his eyes once again, and then opened them after a few minutes. He was surprised to see that you were in the room, curious of how he didn’t see you enter. He called out your name, which had your head turning to his direction.
“Yukhei, hey baby. How are you feeling?” You asked him, sitting on the edge of his bed, you saw his eyes turn into panic when he saw you. “What’s wrong? Do you want me to call the doctor?”
“Y/N!” He screamed, his hands flying up to his hair. “Y/N! Why can’t I hear you?!” He sobbed, your heart dropped as his words. “Why is nothing making sound!?” The doctor came rushing in when he heard the commotion and you stood back with tears in your eyes as they examined him. They told you that his deafness was caused by the concussion he had from the match, and that he had a chance of healing from this since it can be temporary.
You sat beside Yukhei, his eyes red from the way he cried. You reached for his hand, pressing a kiss on it. You wanted to comfort him and tell him that everything will be alright but you knew he would just be stressed out even more if he couldn’t hear what you were saying. Instead you sat by him and held his hand.
Yukhei was discharged from the hospital a week later, with the doctor’s note that he should be watched over and come back when he had progressed. Yukhei wasn’t in his usual self recently though you wouldn’t blame him, he still had a few bruises on him that were fading as weeks passed by, and the bandage that was wrapped around his head will be removed in a few days. He wouldn’t try to speak since he knew he wouldn’t hear what he would say and it would just remind him of his condition. You kept your word and took care of Yukhei as weeks passed by. You tried balancing your studies and being there for him. You had to quit your part time job at the flower shop since it brought back unwanted memories. You’ve been staying at his house for the mean time, wanting to be able to give him aid whenever he needed it though he would barely ask you for any. Yukhei would often spend his time sleeping the days away, only waking up when he had to eat or go to the bathroom. You completely understood where his behavior is coming from so you were being lenient with him, you knew he was already exhausted enough as it is. The boys would often visit Yukhei as well, wanting him to know that they will be there throughout his entire recovery.
Ten walked in on Yukhei, his head in his hands as tears slipped out of his eyes. He almost called him subconsciously which he mentally facepalmed himself for. Instead, Ten took a seat beside Yukhei, rubbing his back to comfort him.
“I’m so tired, it’s been nearly two months.” Yukhei sobbed out, leaning into Ten’s touch. Ten was surprised to hear Yukhei speak since he wasn’t really in the mood for talking ever since his condition began. “I still can’t hear shit.” Ten’s heart broke at the sight of his younger friend breaking down in tears, he didn’t know what to do so he kept quiet and held him in his arms until he felt slightly better. He almost felt sorry for him, but he would never tell him that. “I want to quit boxing.”
Ten’s eyes widened at his sudden words. “Lucas...” He started not knowing how to respond to what he just revealed.
“I feel like everything is my fault. Y/N is suffering because of me.”
Ten shook his head in disagreement. “No stop that, nothing is your fault. You didn’t do anything.”
Yukhei saw Ten move his lips but he didn’t pay no mind to them, the voices in his head were too loud. “She was kidnapped because of me, she had to quit her job because of it, and now all she does is stay here and take care of me like a baby. I don’t deserve her.”
“Stop saying that! Of course you deserve her, she’s your happiness isn’t she? And you deserve happiness.” Ten felt useless telling him all these words, he wanted so bad for Yukhei to receive his words so he whipped out his phone instead and typed down what he'd been saying. Yukhei lightly laughed at his attempt of getting him to understand what he was saying.
“Thank you, Ten.”
You came home later that night from your quick trip from the grocery store. Setting the bags of food you had down on the kitchen counter, you wandered around to find Yukhei. When he wasn’t in any of the rooms, your brows furrowed, wondering where he could possibly be.
You heard the water from the bathroom, confirming that he was in there. You decided to join him. Pushing open the door, you saw him behind the glass shower door. You stripped out of your clothes before joining him, you placed your hands on his bare back, making your presence known. He spun around to face you, a slight smile on his face when he saw you.
“Hi.” He mumbled, moving aside so that the water would hit your figure. You grinned in response before taking the bottle of shampoo from the side. You gestured the bottle and his hair which he nodded to and leaned down so that you could reach his hair. Pouring shampoo on your palm, rubbing your hands together before massaging his scalp with it. The bathroom quiet with only the running water could be heard. “I love you. Thank you for taking care of me.” He mumbled while you were in the middle of rinsing the shampoo out of his hair.
“I love you too. You don’t have to thank me.” He watched as your lips moved, trying to read the words off of it. Once you were done rinsing, he grabbed your wrists making you halt your movements. You watch as the water streamed down his beautiful face, his eyes watching you with full adoration. He leaned closer to you before he pressed his lips against yours softly. The sweet and intimate moment made your heart skip a beat. The shower ended not long after, deciding to end the day in each other's arms.
Yukhei was being needy. He hasn't touched you in so long because he wasn’t really in the mood to do anything if he couldn’t hear the beautiful sounds you made. But he just couldn’t handle it now, he needed you. So he did, you spent the day in bed and under the sheets. Making one another feel good and after countless orgasms later, you finally decided to rest. Your naked bodies tangled under the duvet.
“Can I tell you a secret?” He mumbled, and you nodded in response. “I kinda hear you but the sound is very muffled, unclear.” You sat up in bed from his news, an obvious grin on your face.
“Yukhei, that’s so great!” You clasped a  hand against your mouth from the amount of joy you were feeling. After three months there were finally signs of him getting better.
“And I’m planning on quitting boxing.”
“Yeah, I realized I can’t continue living off of it, and that if I want to keep you by my side then I should do something that wouldn’t harm you.” His eyes started to wander off as if he was in deep thought. Honestly, he didn’t know what he had in plan, he wasn’t even sure if he would get any job opportunities since he didn’t really finish school.
“You know I would still support you no matter what.” You reached for his hand and grasping it with yours, the pad of his thumb subconsciously drawing patterns on the back of your hand. His eyes watching your every move.
“Speak louder for me, baby.” You repeated your words until he understood. “I know that, doll. But I can’t keep boxing forever, better to stop while it’s early. And besides, I want to marry you, you can’t have a beaten up husband on your wedding day.”
Your breath hitched in your throat from the way he said it so casually while your mouth agape with shock. “You want to marry me?”
“Of course, I do. I wouldn’t have you around if I didn’t.” Yukhei felt absolutely smitten with you, he never thought that he would love a girl as much as he loved you. You brought out the best in him and he was thankful that he spotted the girl crying during his match. You were his euphoria, someone he could approach when he had too much on his mind. It was as if every atom in his body gravitated towards you.
“I want to marry you, too.” You muttered, his hand tugging you close to him. You sighed in content, feeling like nothing else mattered except for the two of you.
a/n: hi :) don’t worry this isnt how mismatch is ending! ill post an epilogue very soon. thank you so much for reading all 15k words of this and please tell me what you think about it!
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wonjaekook · 4 years
beneath the daylight moon
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Read Chapter 2 here!
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“Why do we sometimes see the moon, even during the daytime?”
Jaehyun didn’t know, nor did he care to notice that such a thing existed; it was a mystery to him, but you were a bigger enigma.
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Jaehyun lowered his phone from his ear, nearly dropping it as he stared at the man opposite him. You and Jaehyun both spoke up at the same time, two voices raised in unison to ask the same thing. A name, which in this case served as a question of its own.
It took Jaehyun a moment to process that you had just said his best friend’s name and he had to muster all the self-control that he could manage to not to turn and look at you in shock. Instead, he swallowed hard, continuing to stare at Johnny. He rose from the bench slowly, but quickly hurried over, a short laugh leaving his throat as he embraced him.
“When you asked for my address, I thought you were going to send me a package or something,” Jaehyun said through a grin, giving his friend a solid smack on the shoulder as they part, “not this.”
“Getting into the building was the hard part. I could’ve just gotten your address from Mark. Thankfully, your grandma was home to buzz me in. I think she loves me already.” Johnny’s familiar grin was like a piece of home. One would think that Jaehyun had gotten used to moving around, as he’d done so his entire life, but being in a new place was always somewhat strange. It was nice to see his friend again.
“Of course she does,” he said, unable to hide the happiness in his voice. “Are you here for business or for pleasure, then?”
“Why not both?” As Johnny started to talk more, Jaehyun remembered you. He did his best to resist looking over his shoulder at the place where he left you, but shifted on his feet impatiently as time went on. “...so, I hope your weekend is free so we can check the place out.”
Jaehyun nodded somewhat absentmindedly. “Yeah, sure, I’m free.”
“Since I’m here, do you want to do something now? Unless I interrupted you here?” Johnny’s eyes were warm, a soft caramel brown that shined with obliviousness.
“I can finish this up tomorrow afternoon.” He said it loudly enough that he hoped you heard. Though he didn’t leave off with much more to say to you, he felt like the conversation wasn’t even close to over. That’s how it always goes with you - something left unsaid, unfinished. One of the two of you always has to leave and, this time, it’s him. “I’ll make you something good for dinner as a welcome back meal.”
“I thought you’d never offer.” Johnny turned back towards the entrance to the roof, then stopped a moment later and faced outwards again, taking in the view. “By the way… it’s really nice up here.”
Jaehyun turned as well, following the general sweep of Johnny’s gaze, except really looking towards where he stood talking with you a few minutes ago. To his disappointment, but no great surprise, you were gone. “Thanks. I guess it is.”
In your room, you’re alone. After feeling Jaehyun’s touch, a warmth you were no longer accustomed to feeling, your contactless existence felt even more hollow. You’ll meet with him tomorrow, you decided, if not just to brush your hand against his once more. Also, because you have to talk about him. About visiting your body. And about Johnny.
Johnny... he’s back. He’s here. The notion terrified you and excited you at the same time. If your sister sees him…
You supposed you’re not the only ghost around these parts anymore.
After talking with you today and then having spent time with Johnny, one of the warmest presences in his life, Jaehyun lied in bed at the end of the night feeling far more relaxed than he had for quite a few days. That is, until he dug out the piece of paper your sister had given him. With his phone in one hand and the paper with her number scrawled on it in the other, he hesitated. The message was fully typed out, just a “Hey, this is Jaehyun from down the hall. Could you send me what hospital and room number Y/N is in?” but he couldn’t send it. He preoccupied himself with double-triple-quadruple checking that he typed her number in correctly, read his message over and over again for grammar and spelling mistakes, dwelled on other ways he could phrase it.
He thought about the look in your eyes on the rooftop. Though you had asked him to go, that lack of conviction on your face was what was making this message take fifteen minutes to send instead of just one. He usually thought of himself as an optimist, though now his mind was in a jumble, trying to figure what would really be the best thing to do. His thoughts spiralled in and out of doubt, wondering if you truly wanted him to do this, wondering if this will even work. Wondering, once again, if history was repeating itself.
Then, he remembered some wise words from his grandmother. ‘If you can try, you should. It may just be worth it.’ Though she probably hadn’t meant that saying for something like this, they were the last push he needed. He pressed send.
You watched from the hallway between your room and your sister’s as her phone lit up. Her hair was arranged in its usual nighttime style and she was just about to crawl under the covers of her bed when her eyes caught on the received text message. The small, pleasant smile that graced her worn face made you mirror her look. You could only hope that the news makes her sleep well tonight.
The text that Jaehyun was greeted with, about five minutes after he sent his own, was very straightforward. It contained the exact information he had asked for, including the address of the hospital, and ended with a ‘I don’t know how you know her, but thank you for caring.’
That night, his dreams were soundless, sightless, but filled with a kind of warmth that he couldn’t describe with words. It wasn’t at all a nightmare, but he still woke up with a heavy feeling in his chest.
This time around, Jaehyun didn’t avoid meeting you. If anything, he stretched the definition of ‘afternoon’ to be far earlier than most people think of it. He arrived on the roof at 11:30 in the morning and, at first, shuffled around the area, absentmindedly staring at different pots and gardening fixtures that he’d installed up here as he wished that time would move faster. After about fifteen minutes were spent unproductively, he decided that he might as well make use of his time. He spent another hour and a half heaving the bags of fertilizer that he brought up previously to where he needed them, packed it into the planters, and pulled weeds. The manual labor made him work up a sweat. Though he had gotten into the habit of bringing his own towel to wipe it away, a part of him still wished he had your handkerchief. His thoughts briefly wandered to you again - how you had handed him the item, what it means to you - and that seemed to be enough to summon you.
From the doorway to the stairs, you stood watching him for a moment. He wiped away sweat, shined in the sun, still glistened slightly despite the hat that he had started wearing, and crouched in front of a planter so that he could get a better look at the nothing that appeared to be growing in it. He didn’t notice you at first because your footsteps were soundless.
“That’s where you planted them, right? The Four O’clocks?” You saw his muscles tense in surprise, though that was the most reaction you got for sneaking up on him. Still, an apology left your mouth. “Sorry.”
He shook his head. “Don’t apologize, I just didn’t notice you until now.” His eyes shifted back to the planter in front of him. “And, yeah. They haven’t popped up yet for some reason, though. I’ll have to do more research.”
He stood, brushed his gloves against each other to get some of the extra dirt off, and removed them, stepping over towards where he had left some of his other stuff. As he walked, you trailed along next to him, watching the way a drop of sweat slid down from his hairline into his shirt. It had been a long time since you’d felt temperature - neither a cold breeze nor the sun’s warmth had touched your skin. You weren’t sure if you missed it or not. The only time you had really felt any heat were the times you touched-
The times you touched Jaehyun.
Something inside of you twinged with both pain and hope. If fate existed, he must be a sign of something good to come in your future, right? The key to all of this. Though just yesterday both of you realized that neither one of you had the answer to what was happening to you, you felt like all you could do was cling to even the smallest bit of feeling that he was returning to your life.
“I texted your sister.” He said, snapping you out of your thoughts. A small towel was in one of his hands, which he had clearly used to wipe away sweat while you were trapped in your thoughts. There was a small smile on his lips that you quickly mirrored.
“I know.” Slowly, you reached for his hands, taking one of them in your own, his palm gently held between yours. The warmth seemed to seep into your very being. You swore you could even feel the slight slick of sweat on his palms. “Jaehyun, thank you.”
He tilted his head and his smile became puzzled. “I haven’t even visited you yet.”
“Even just contacting my sister meant the world to her. And that means even more to me.” You tentatively released his hand, the feeling of aliveness quickly leaving your body. “When are you going to go?”
“I was thinking tomorrow.” The immediacy struck you. Tomorrow was so… soon. When you had forgotten your doubts for the last little while, they returned again.
“Tomorrow… tomorrow is good,” you forced yourself to say. The determination on his face told you more about him - once he’s set his mind on something, it’s hard to get him to diverge from that path. He was dead set on helping you.
Silence flowed between you for a moment, only the distant rushing of traffic from the small city below infiltrated the bubble of the rooftop. Jaehyun broke eye contact with you, his tongue flicking out as he nervously wetted his lips. “How do you know Johnny?”
You took a deep breath, like you would if you were trying to ease your nervousness when you were in your own body. “It’s not so much that I know him. It’s more my sister.” You stepped towards the railing at the edge of the building, looking out at the city and the blue sky above. It was far too early for a daytime moon, being a bit past noon. “They were a thing in high school. People really thought they would end up together forever, but college got in the way of that. Now, she’s with that… that piece of human trash that calls himself her boyfriend.” Though your tone had started off pleasant, wistful, remembering a softer past, it quickly turned bitter. Being stuck in the state you were in, you had spent more than enough time wandering aimlessly around your apartment, watching him do nothing all day, watching him waste time and resources. A part of you really believed that her current boyfriend was just a placeholder for the hole that Johnny left when he went away, but you didn’t tell Jaehyun that. It might be better just to leave your hypotheses to yourself for now.
Since you were staring out, speaking to the city air instead of facing Jaehyun, you couldn’t gauge his reaction. The more of your explanation he heard, the more surprise showed in his eyes. After you finished speaking, you took a moment, glared down at the city below, and then composed yourself and turned back around to look at him. He stepped forward, joining you against the railing. “That… explains a lot.” There was a strange smile on his face, like he was finally understanding something. “Johnny never really dated seriously in university. Always seemed kind of hung up on someone from the past. He never named her to me, in all the years I’ve known him.”
“You know him from college, then?”
He nodded. “Yeah. He’s my best friend. Small world, isn’t it?” You realized the particular irony of the statement to your situation, as you couldn’t leave this building, never mind the town, and let out a snort of laughter. “I guess that explains why he suggested we start the restaurant here.”
You stood in silence again, staring out at the rooftop garden instead of at the street below this time. Though some parts of the garden were still rough around the edges, it no longer looked like the roof was abandoned. The area teemed with new life, tiny splotches of green disrupting the brown of the soil and fertilizer as most everything that he’d planted had started growing by now. Everything except the Four O’clocks. “Jaehyun?” He looked towards you, humming in acknowledgment. “Even if visiting my body doesn’t help, I’m still glad that I met you.”
“If only it was under better circumstances,” he agrees. His eyes fell on the wall that led to where the mural was. “Hey, when you wake up, do you want to finish that mural? I think it would really tie this place together. I’ll even buy the paint for it.”
You looked in the same direction as him, the image of the unfinished painting clear in your head. Right now, you really had no desire to do anything with it, but you supposed that Jaehyun made a good point. “I guess. It would be nice to have a brush in my hand again.”
The sound of a car honking loudly from below shattered the tender moment, startling both of you. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he fished it out, glancing at the incoming message from Johnny.
‘Where do you want to go for lunch?’
“Shit.” He pushed off of the railing, standing up straight. “I forgot that I’m meeting up with Johnny and Mark in an hour.” He started to gather his stuff from the top of the crate where he had left it before glancing over and catching your eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow? You won’t run away again?”
You shook your head. “See you tomorrow, Jaehyun.”
When he walked to the roof exit, he turned around to look at you again. You were seated on the old crate that he first saw you on, in those same dark denim overall shorts with the paint splashes and white tee. Like you could sense him staring at you, you turned slightly. As you did so, your image seemed to waver slightly, as if the sunlight was moving through your opaque being; a strange mirage in the afternoon air. He blinked and you appeared normal again, so he raised a hand in a final farewell for the day. After you returned the gesture, he disappeared into the stairwell.
For the rest of the day, he intermittently thought of you. Johnny and Mark largely kept him distracted, helping him plan some of the items he’ll have on the menu of his restaurant, what the interior could look like, what to name it. As they drove around after lunch, the conversation shifted.
“Dude,” Mark said, “I heard that Ten is also in town right now. You should visit him.”
“I haven’t seen him in years.” Johnny said, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. “It would be nice to catch up.”
Jaehyun chimed in at that. “Ten from high school?”
“Yeah. I’m kind of surprised that you remember me talking about him.”
“Do you still talk to anyone else from back then?” There was a slight insistence to Jaehyun’s voice that perplexed Johnny. Jaehyun knew he probably shouldn’t have been pushing this hard, especially since his best friend never opened up to him about it before, but he couldn’t help it. “There’s this girl who lives on my floor who seems about your age.”
“Are you trying to get me to hook you up with someone? It’s about time.”
“No,” Jaehyun said firmly, his eyebrows furrowed. “And you know I wouldn’t have a problem with that if I wanted to talk to a girl.”
“Tell that to your ex. If I hadn’t pushed you to talk to her-”
“I don’t want to talk about her.” There was a snap to Jaehyun’s tone that he usually didn’t use and it cut off the conversation quickly. Mark shifted uncomfortably in his seat, checking his phone. Jaehyun almost decided to drop the topic entirely, but he felt like he owed it to you to ask. “The girl from my floor is named S/N L/N.”
The tapping of his fingers against the wheel stopped. Slowly, Johnny’s grip tightened. Normally, Johnny was in complete control of his emotions. Now, he didn’t seem angry, but it clearly evoked something in him when Jaehyun said your sister’s name. “Yeah. I know her.”
Mark nudged Jaehyun, raising his eyebrows in an attempt to communicate with him nonverbally. Jaehyun ignored the signal. “Were you close?”
Johnny shrugged, forcing himself to relax slightly as he drove. “You could say that.”
No one spoke for a while, until a familiar, nostalgic song played on the radio, reigniting the conversation. Jaehyun planned on leaving the conversation at that, inviting the two over for dinner. As afternoon turned to evening, they returned to his apartment complex. When he stepped out of the car, he couldn't resist looking up. The roof seemed like such a long way from here. He shook his head slightly to clear it and led his friends to his apartment. The elevator ride was short and empty of anyone but them, with Mark gushing about eating his food again. When the doors opened to his floor, he got out and nearly walked right past her. Johnny didn’t, though.
As soon as he exited the elevator, his friend saw her. Jaehyun stopped walking when he saw that Johnny wasn't with him and Mark. Johnny was having some sort of staredown with your sister. She had the same bag on her shoulder that she did the last time Jaehyun saw her, though the sunglasses were missing this time, leaving her expressions largely unguarded.
She seemed to swallow heavily, taken aback by this ghost from the past. “John.”
“S/N.” All Jaehyun and Mark could do was watch. They stared at each other for a moment longer before Johnny once again forced himself to relax a bit and offered her a small smile. “Jaehyun was telling me about how you live on the same floor.” “What are you doing back here?” She said, cutting right to the chase. She seemed far more outwardly unhappy to see him than he did to see her.
“Visiting. Probably going to move back soon, though.” He was watching, carefully assessing her reaction. He stood tall, his hands in his pockets, casual. She appeared much more stiff, weighed down more by life than he had been in the years since they’d seen each other.
“I thought you wanted to get out of this town?” There was a certain bitterness to her voice that was very personal. Almost resentful.
“You still remember that?”
“How could I forget?”
Jaehyun and Mark glanced at each other, wondering if they should do something. At those words, though, Johnny’s smile brightened slightly. “I’m glad I’m unforgettable.”
“This isn’t about you anymore.” Johnny’s face fell slightly at that, eliminating the slight cheer that he had just gained. “I have to go.” As she reached the elevator, she turned back to them, looking Jaehyun in the eyes. Her eyes were piercing, though they didn’t seem to hold any malice, only confusion. “You’re really strange, Jaehyun.”
It crossed Jaehyun’s mind that he might have started something far beyond his depth or control. After the elevator doors closed with her behind them, Johnny turned back towards him and Mark. “Dinner?”
As he cooked, Jaehyun watched the sun set outside the window adjacent to the kitchen section of the apartment. From here, he couldn’t see if the moon was out yet, but he thought about it and he thought about you. He wondered if you were thinking about him, too.
The way you thought about Jaehyun was with the sort of desperation someone who was hanging onto the edge of a cliff thought about a rope. Right now, he was your lifeline for more reasons than one. In your dark room, the emptiness felt suffocating. You lied sideways on your bed, staring at the ceiling, untaken by the sleep you no longer require. Back when you were alive, you might have taken the time to paint him, capture the way he had made you feel in the short time you’ve known him and the few conversations you’ve had with him. Then, you would have opened your sketchbook and flipped through the drawings from better days, ignored the darker sketches of more recent times.
You wondered if your sister had flipped through those drawings since it happened, seen the last picture you created. It was a self-portrait of sorts, though your eyes were filled with black and your limbs were strung up like a marionette. Out of control in your own life, close to being soulless. You didn’t know nor remember what had possessed you to draw it and you wished you had finished with something brighter. It didn’t matter anyways - the book was stuck on your shelf with some of your other things, out of reach of your touchless world. What did matter was what’s going to happen tomorrow.
The more you thought about it, the more the doubts bounced around in the transparent space of wherever you would call your mind now, the more Jaehyun visiting your body in the hospital seemed like a terrible idea. It has been a long time that you’ve been like this and it’ll probably be an even longer time if you somehow wake up. You weren’t sure you were ready to be exhausted like that again.
You thought about your sister and her hunched figure over the dimly lit coffee table at night, the bills piling up, each dollar that leaves her bank account only adding a single grain of sand to the hourglass of the life she’s built here. She never really talked finances with you, but you knew it was never easy. You covered rent, but she tried to keep all of her other bills away from you. You dreaded more than wondered what would happen should that hourglass finally become empty. How much time does this life have left?
It only took you a moment to leave your room and reach her. She was exactly where you pictured her, though she wasn’t staring at the bills, trying to crunch numbers anymore. Her gaze was on her lump of a boyfriend asleep on the couch. “S/N,” you couldn’t help but whisper, “just leave him. Go to bed.”
For a heartbeat, it almost seemed like she heard you, or was at least about to pay herself a courtesy, as she rose from her place at the table and walked the short distance to the hallway adjoining the living area to the bedrooms. Then, she stopped, stared at the ground, and turned slightly, laying a hand on his shoulder. He began to stir as she spoke. “Honey…” the word rang bitter in your ears, “come to bed.”
The look he gave her through bleary eyes showed a type of spiritual rotting that had its roots deep in his core. “Bitch, I was asleep. Can’t you leave me in peace for one night?”
“You’ll sleep better in bed than on the couch…” The meekness with which she spoke had you curling your hands into tight fists, your nails digging into your palms. Both she and you knew that no matter what she did, she would always be wrong in his eyes. Always. If she hadn’t woken him, he would’ve gotten angry in the morning instead, bemoaning how she hadn’t woken him and gotten him to sleep on the bed instead. You’d seen that exact argument happen before. You couldn’t say how many times you’d seen this exact scene, too.
He grunted, slowly getting up. “Is that so?” He tilted his head, cracking his neck in something of a stretch. “You think you know better than me?”
“No,” she flinched as he raised a hand, “I’m sorry.”
The grin that filled his face wasn’t bright. It was crooked, sick, and it made you want to vomit when you knew you weren’t even capable of doing so. Back when they first started dating, he was much better at hiding the pleasure he takes in “besting” her, but now he didn’t even try. As he walked past her, he bumped her shoulder with his arm, making her draw herself in, attempting to minimize the space she took up. After he was gone, more safely away from her in their bedroom, she sank down onto the couch, wrapping her arms around her torso. She stared at the scattered bottles and trash on the small side table next to the soft. It took about a minute before she leaned forward, resting her face in her hands, slow tears falling down her cheeks. You couldn’t bear to look at her like this. Back when you were in your own body, you never knew she cried like this. When you couldn’t stand to watch the fighting without doing anything anymore, you would just lock yourself in your room and pray no one got hurt. Every bit of it, you regretted. You should’ve stood up to him more, stood by your sister, shared her pain. Regret was a bitter taste.
“Y/N,” you heard from her, a quiet plea into the night, “I’m sorry. Please come back.”
You’d heard her cry out for you before, but this time it hurt even more than usual. Your hands were still curled in fists and, after the feelings of regret and helplessness and pure rage boiled over, you lashed out, like you could hit one of the bottles on the table. The silence shattered as your hand made contact with the object, sending it clattering onto the wood surface of the side table, then rolling onto the floor. Your sister’s head snapped up, her eyes following the bottle. The last round of tears fell as she blinked rapidly and scrubbed at her eyes, trying to figure out what caused the bottle to move. She finally got up uneasily, now just dabbing gently at her eyes, before she picked up the bottle to dispose of it.
As she started to warily clean up the rest of the trash, you stared at your hands. There was no way…
It was late by the time your sister joined her boyfriend in bed and it was only slightly later when Jaehyun settled down to sleep. Johnny hadn’t spoken about Stella for the rest of the night and Jaehyun hadn’t asked. He agreed to meet him in two days to check out locations for the restaurant, and that was that. In some ways, he was grateful. The more he involved himself in this situation, the more he felt like everything was spiraling out of control. But, in the opposite way, he wished something more had changed. He just hoped that visiting your body will lead him to something better.
It took a little while, but he eventually fell asleep.
He didn’t remember arriving in the hospital, just opening the door to your room. Your hair was longer than it was when he saw you on the roof and you appeared almost skeletal, your cheekbones hollow and eye sockets sunken in deeper than they should be. Hadn’t the doctors been taking care of you?
When he leaned over, taking your hand, your eyes immediately flickered open, as if you’d been waiting for him. He blinked and you transformed, your skin glowing with life and hair full and luscious. “Jaehyun, you saved me.”
Your voice came out as a warble, confusing and bird-like. Not at all how you sounded when he talked to you before. He tried to speak, but you cut him off. “Y/N-” “You saved me, you saved me.” You repeated, the mantra becoming a sort of chant as you stared at him, unblinking. The fingers on the hand that he was still grasping began to turn into talons, sharp and digging into his skin. “You saved me, you saved me, you saved me.”
He awakened in a cold sweat and bolted into an upright sitting position. The city birds that hung out outside his window were chirping, faintly reminding him of the way your dream-self had sounded. He shivered and pressed his face into his hands. Why did he keep having nightmares about you?
The sunlight streaming through the window was a small comfort, reminding him that things were fine. He considered going back to sleep, but figured that if his body wanted him to get up, he might as well. From what he saw on the hospital website, visiting hours didn’t start for a little while, so he had time to get ready and do some work on the garden before he left. The physical labor took his mind off of things for a while, but the car ride to the hospital certainly didn’t. His car felt far too empty and quiet even with one of his favorite playlists on. He considered himself lucky that the drive was short, though most of the medical traffic for the more rural nearby towns flowed to this hospital because it’s the nearest city, small as it is. The parking garage felt miserable, drab and lifeless, and the inside of the hospital itself felt no different. Stark white, sterile except the dirt streaks on the tiles from visitors’ feet, walls largely undecorated save for large signs warning about various diseases.
The lady at the front desk didn’t ask too many questions when he signed in and said your name. She simply gave him a visitor pass and let him through, scrawling down his name in a sign-in book. Your room was on the fourth floor, so he made his way to the elevator, passing by a few people who appeared far more tired than he did. They’d clearly spent a lot of time here. Some had red eyes from crying, some were simply hunched over, staring at nothing. The elevator was empty and stayed that way for the entirety of his short ride. On the fourth floor, there were fewer people, these strangers milling and sitting about. One guy, maybe around his age, was seated on a bench, staring at an apple that Jaehyun assumed he had placed down next to him. He glanced at the strange boy but kept walking, eventually standing in front of the door that he had been directed to by both the check-in lady and your sister.
The doorknob turned easily, though the door creaked as he pushed it, showing signs of age that the hospital had tried to simply paint over. He let himself in and closed the door behind him, finally turning around and allowing himself to look at your body.
Thankfully, you weren’t as skeletal as he feared you would be. He almost laughed at how different the room arrangement was from his dream as well, the relief making him relax slightly. Your body looked to be in quite good shape despite the amount of time that you’d been in a coma. Patches of your hair were clearly shorter than the rest, where he assumed you had to have some sort of surgery, though signs of said operation were no longer quite visible. IVs were stuck in your skin, providing you with the fluids that you needed to stay alive. Whatever this version of alive was. Your skin didn’t have quite the same sheen to it that it did when he talked to you, but you looked largely the same, like you were asleep. It was almost strange for him to see you in different clothes than your usual paint-stained overalls and white tee, the blue and white hospital gown seeming unnatural. He had only ever seen you in the warm outside lighting of the rooftop, so seeing you under this white fluorescent lighting was almost a strain to his eyes. The thought crossed his mind that you looked far better surrounded by green and brown and blue than you did by all of this white.
“Hi, Y/N,” he said quietly, walking closer to your body. There was an empty vase at your bedside, so he opened his bag, revealing the flowers that he had purchased on the way here. It was a pretty standard arrangement of pink roses and baby’s breath, but it brightened the room immensely. “It’s kind of strange to see you here. I hope these help. I would have brought you flowers from the roof, but they aren’t ready yet. Sorry.”
He didn’t know what he was looking for as he talked. Maybe a flicker of your eyelids, a twitch of your fingers. The air conditioning kicked on suddenly and the blast of chilly air made a few locks of your hair shift ever so slightly, almost tricking him into thinking that you moved on your own. After waiting for a moment, he finally reached for your hand. Your skin was colder here than it was when he touched you before. Your hand slotted into his nicely, but it was limp, unresponsive. A few minutes of nothing passed, time he spent just looking at you and repeating ‘please wake up’ in his head, before he quietly tucked your hand back under the covers of your bed.
“I hope you wake up soon,” he said, “so we can properly meet.”
As he exited the room, he kept his head down, mindlessly walking back to where he remembered the elevator being. The hallway was straight and long and, with his lack of attention, he ended up slamming into someone’s shoulder relatively hard. Both he and the other person staggered slightly, stopping in their tracks.
“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking,” he said quickly, glancing sideways at the boy he had run into. He was the same guy he had seen sitting on the bench before, staring at the apple next to him. The look on his face was an extreme reaction, pure shock covering his features. Jaehyun cringed to himself. “Hey, I really didn’t mean-”
“You can see me. You can touch me.” The guy interrupted him, raising a hand to point at him. “It’s been so long since anyone’s been able to do that!” Oh shit.
“Look,” Jaehyun said quickly, panic immediately filling him, “I’m not trying to become some sort of ghost-whisperer. I’m already trying to help someone and I can’t handle more and more of you.”
“No, listen-” As Jaehyun tried to turn around, pretend like this never happened, the boy grabbed his arm, his fingers sharp as they dug into his skin slightly. “I saw you go into that girl’s room. From the sounds of it, you didn’t get what you wanted. I can help you.”
Jaehyun narrowed his eyes at that. “If you can help me, why are you still like this?”
“I can help you. And her.” Jaehyun’s eyes shifted towards the door that he had just left behind, then back to the boy gripping his arm. “But I need your help first.”
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Hello My Dear Friend
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Warning: Talking about Texas (I'm from here, chill bro lol), panic attacks, Phonophobia: the fear of loud sounds.
A/n: Hello! How have yall been? I hope you are okay and are taking self of yourself. I'll be 100% with yall, I guess I just had to get out what was wrong with me because out of nowhere (with the help of medication) I had a need to start writing.
Also, I DID NOT KNOW MY LINKS WERE NOT WORKING! I’m so sorry. I realized the best way to get to my masters list is to go to my description bar. I don't know why it isn't. if you know how to fix it, please let me know!
Anyways, I never put summaries, but here's a little snip—Y/n is best friends (100% platonic) with Jared and will be with Embry. The end. Enjoy!
Finally! I'm finally coming back to the place I grew up at and loved. The place where nature is at every corner. I never thought I would miss the muggy and rainy state. I miss my friends on the Res and the few friends I had in Forks. I especially miss my little brother-from-another-mother, Jared.
Jared and I grew up together on the Reservation. We befriended each other instantly in second grade after making a bet that one of us could eat our rainbow popsicle faster than the other. The winner gets the strawberry scented eraser and a mechanical pencil that the other grabbed from a 3rd grader. Needless to say, I won. Granted, I had a brain freeze, but it was 100% worth it. But now I was on my way back to La Push to finish my Junior year with my friends after leaving in Freshman year.
Pulling up to the house I grew up with, I was welcomed by my grandparents and my aunt Lydia. My grandmother and aunt were already outside washing what looks like something green; I'm assuming she's making collard greens tonight. My grandfather just came from around the side of the house with some more logs to make a fire. As soon as the car is parked, they look up with smiles on their faces, and I jump out to embrace my family.
"Nana, Papa, Aunty!" I say as I run up to them as they get ready for me to embrace them. After Nana had a minor heart attack, Aunt Lydia came to La Push from California to assist her since she was a nurse for the elderly. She eventually moved in with them after she divorced her bastard of a husband. Their marriage is an example of what happens when you don't communicate well with your partner beforehand. Aunt Lydia never wanted kids—she liked them, but she also liked giving them back to their parents. Her ex-husband, Justin, wanted kids. He's always wanted kids, and knowing that she never wanted them, he still tried to sabotage any way for them to get one. Hiding her birth control, poking a hole in the condom, arguing that she'd change her mind eventually. Not understanding that she did not want one. At some point, he claimed he was okay with it, but as soon as they got married, I guess he figured she'd change her mind.
Three years later, she filed for divorce. Not long afterward, she moved back up here; then, when Nana had a heart attack, she moved in with them. It's been a year since all of that happened. She is now dating a man in Forks who already has kids and doesn't want anymore. The kids are in fifth, seventh, and ninth grade, so she's content and happy. They all love her, and she loves them equally, if not more.
"Hey, baby! How's my Ladybug." Nana asked. Ever since I was little, she gave me that name. I was adopted by the Nomalose at two, and the second my Nana came up to me in her kitchen, somehow a Ladybug flew in and landed on my shoulder. Thus, granted me the name Ladybug.
"I'm good, Nana. How are you feeling?" I asked, hugging her as she continued to sit in her chair then moving to my aunt.
"Oh, baby, I'm fine. Always am, and always will be." She says with a smile. So optimistic as always. After greeting everyone as we moved inside, we all sat around to catch up on what has happened since we were gone. Dad had a job transfer in Texas, so we had to pack up and head out. At first, leaving La Push and moving to Dallas was (obviously) terrifying, but I was repulsed by the thought of it. But after a while, it wasn’t too bad. I mean, yes, it's hot as hell, some people are questionable, the pollen is horrific, and the redlining system is as evident as can be. However, I grew to love the heat and get a tan, made some friends, and the food…. oh, the food. What kind of threw me off is that they have to state the Texas flag pledge in class every day. What the absolute fuck.
After finishing up, we head back to the car and head to our home. Grabbing our stuff and unpacking it before the rest of our furniture arrives tomorrow. It's only mid-July (imagine moving in the middle of the summer from Texas to Washington. It was absolute hell), so I take this time to explore the area I once knew and get acquainted with. I plan on calling up some friends before I see my A1, the Jelly time to my Peanut butter, the Tom to my Jerry, the Magenta to my Blue, Jared Cameron. We kind of fell off within the last couple of months, but a little show-and-tell never hurt anyone.
I text some of my old friends I kept in contact with, and we decided to meet up at the beach. I put on my shorts, grab my beach gear, and head out.
"Be back before the streetlights-" mom started,
"-Come on. I know, I know. I'll text you when I'm on my way home." I finished. I kiss my parents and jump in the car to head to First beach. When I arrived, I see my sister-from-another-mister, LaCienega.
"Y/n/n!" She screams, running to me.
"Cien!" I scream back. We hug each other as tightly as possible before laughing like a bunch of crazy women.
"So, you're just going to forget all about us? Well, bitch, fuck you too." I look behind Cien and see her twin brother Javier and our other two friends, Leilani and Damion. I go up to them and hug the absolute shit out of them, and we all head towards the beach. We spent the day laughing, crying, playing soccer, and playing chicken before calling it.  I planned on seeing Jared tomorrow but was warned by Leilani.
"Jared isn't Jared anymore, Y/n/n," she says, looking down at her hands with a deflated expression.
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at everyone else too.
"Did Jared stop talking to you recently?" Javier asked. I nod my head slowly. They looked at one another, and he continued. "He did the same to us too. He randomly disappeared one day, and the next thing we know, he grew a whole foot and a half, gained muscle, got a tattoo, and just ignored us. He started to hand it out with Sam Uley. Now when we see him, he just ignores us and moves on like we are nothing to him." I shake my head. That can't be right; Jared wouldn't be like that—he can hardly ignore starting random shit with people, especially if there's money involved.
"I mean, yeah, he did fall off the face of the earth, but…no. I'm going over there tomorrow. I'll talk to him to see what's up. That just doesn't sound like the Jared I know." I say, packing up.
"Well, if you can get him to talk, ask him for that $20 he owes me. Bastard never paid me back after winning a bet that I could out eat an XL pizza against him." Damion laughs. I nod my head and head to my car. On the way home, I think about what they said. I just can't fathom that Jared would be like that to anyone. It just doesn't sound like him at all.
The next day, I text the crew that I was on my way to talk to Jared. I decided to surprise him, and because I knew he didn't live too far, I decided to get my steps in and just walk to his place. Once I was there, I knocked on the door, and his mom answered.
"Oh my…Y/n? Is that really you?!" she exclaims with a smile on her face. She instantly pulls me into a hug, and tears swell in her eyes.
"Hi, Mrs. Olivia," I say back as I hug her. She invites me in, and we talk until Jared's sister and dad walk through the door.
"Y/n!" Kaylee, Jared's sister, screams and runs to me. I hug the now 12-year-old girl.
"Hey hon, hi, Mr. Kevin," I say, giving a wave across the room.
"Hey Y/n, how have you been? When did you get in?" he asked.
"I’ve been good. Just settling in. We came in yesterday morning. I came by to see you guys, and I was wondering where Jared was.” His demeanor changed. He cleared his throat and said Jared is with some friends and now isn’t a good time seeing him. He basically rushed me out of the house after that. As I was walking home, I thought it was strange, but I didn’t want to question it…for now.
It was only one in the afternoon, so I decided to walk to the diner not far from his house. I go up to the counter to order something to-go and sit on the barstool. Taking out my phone, I text Cien and Leilani what happened. They found it strange, but they weren’t too shocked by it. When I looked around the small diner, my eye caught a pair of familiar eyes.
“Kim?” she looks at me, and her eyes widen instantly. She gets up from her table and walks over to me and hugs me.
“Holy shit! Y/n?! What are you doing here? When did you get in?” she asked. Kim and I weren’t necessarily “besties,” but we were friends. More like the type to hang out around school, but not so much outside of it.
“Hey! I moved back. Came in yesterday. How have you been?” I asked. Before she could say anything, my food comes out, and she offers a ride to drive me home.
“Oh, you don’t have to. I don’t mind walking.” She looks at me hesitantly,
“Come on, we can talk on the way. Plus, daylight or not, you never know what's lurking.” She says.
“What do you mean?” I ask. She grabs her stuff from the table she was sitting at alone, and we walk towards the door.
“Well, lately, there has been a lot of bear sightings in the area. People coming up missing or dead. And, I just don’t want you to be the next victim.” She says as we head towards my place.
“Damn, so, let me guess, no hiking?” she nods her head.
“Please, please, please! Do. Not. Go. Into. The. Woods. Especially by yourself. The last thing we need is someone going missing again.” She emphasizes. I look at her with shock and just nod my head. At the light, she turns to me. “I’m serious Y/n. I know you have a habit of being a daredevil and taking risks. Don’t do it.” I look back at her with a shocked expression and just nod my head.
“Yeah, okay. I promise.” I say being serious. She nods her head, and we continue onward in silence. When we get home, I tell her bye and head inside. I now want to know what the fuck is going on, and what did I miss?
The next morning, I try calling up Jared, but I got no response. As I headed to the kitchen, I could hear Mr. Kevin’s voice laughing and talking to my dad in the living room. Heading in that direction, I welcome him then head into the kitchen to make myself some food. Once I was done, I head back to my room and get ready to head to the beach. I overheard Mr. Kevin saying that Jared and “the guys” would be at first beach. So, why not take a trip there for the fuck of it?
I tell my parental guiders that I will with some friends and head to my car. I text Leilani and Cien to meet me up at the beach for a little girl's day out. As I’m setting up, I run into Jacob Black, Embry Call, and Quil Ateara.
“Holy shit! Y/n!?” I turn to see Jake, and I smile at them and wave. We were classmates up until I left. I look at them, and I still see Quil looks like a baby, and Embry has gotten a little cuter, yet awkward and shy, but cute as can be.
“Hey, guys! How are you?!” I say, hugging them. Maybe hugging Embry, a little longer than I probably should’ve. They were a grade younger than me, but I still would hang with them when they were around.
“Not too bad, can’t complain. How about you?” Quil exclaims. Embry just looking at me and giving me butterflies in my damn stomach.
“I’m good. You know, just moving back, living life, trying to not get killed in the process. The usual.” I say, smiling. We talk until the girls come up. I tell them to text me some time—mainly hinting at Embry—and we parted ways. A couple of hours later, the girls head home, and I stay for a little while longer while La Push is still welcoming the sun. Not long afterward, I’m cut from my daydream with loud hoots and hollers. I turn to see who it was, and I can only make out a few of them. One of the girls turns to me and waves at me. I look behind me to see no one, and I slightly wave back, having no idea who she is. She runs up to me, and I see it's Kim.
“Oh, shit. Kim, hey. Sorry, I can't see shit.” She smiles and laughs but brushes it off. She invites me over to play soccer with her friends, and I politely decline. I suck being around new people. She smiles and encourages me, but I hear the voice I’ve been looking for before I could say anything.
“Y/n?” I look up to see Jared. But not the Jared that I remember; this Jared is entirely different. Someone I have never met before in my life. This Jared looks like he belongs on WWE or some shit.
“Jared? Holy shit! You’re fucking huge!” I say, walking towards him. But before I could do anything, he cuts the reunion short.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Hold on. Pause. What the fuck?
“Um, I live here. What’s wrong? Is that a bad thing?” he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.
“No, I meant here. On the beach. I thought me not replying meant not to contact me or follow me.” I looked at him, shocked. Kim steps in the middle.
“Woah, babe, chill. You guys cool?” I nod my head.
“Yeah, we’re friends.”
“Was.” What the…
“Woah, what the hell J. Did I do something? What the fuck is your problem? Last time I checked, this was a free beach.” What the hell was his problem? Who is this? This, this is…They were right, Jared has changed.
“Y/n, you shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t have come back!”
“Jared, what the hell!?” I walk up to him, confused. I look behind him and see 2 more guys and a female.
“Leave Y/n. Just to make everything clear to you and to all of your friends, leave me alone. Don’t talk to me, don’t text me, don’t contact me. Don’t come to my house to bother my family, and don’t bother my girlfriend. Come on, Kim.” I stood there in shock. Kim looked as puzzled as I did but looked back at me and walked off. I stood there until I felt something fall on my face—a tear. Before I could react cognitively, I go back to my stuff and head home. I honestly felt like my heart has been ripped to pieces.
As I pull up to the house, I run inside and go straight to my room. I sit on my bed and text everyone in the group text what happened and just shower and lay in my bed again. It wasn’t until later that evening that I came out of my room for dinner at my grandparents’ house that I communicated with everyone. Why would Jared act like that? Did he do that with everyone? Is this what everyone was talking about? Something is up. I’m not going to say it's ‘roid-rage, but… I can’t pass up the thought that it might be drugs.
The following week I keep myself busy doing little things and going out with my friends, hanging out with Jake, Quil, and Embry. Mainly attempting to not be bothered about my last interaction with Jared. Coming home from Port Angeles with everyone that evening, my parents are arguing again. I retreat my stuff upstairs and try to silence them out. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always had a horrible reaction when it comes to people screaming at me or arguing with or in front of me. I eventually narrowed it down to a time where I don’t remember before I was adopted. It didn’t help that my parents did it frequently as I grew up. It was worse when I was a kid. Before I would be able to leave and go to Jared’s house, he would calm me down. Now? I have no one. I can't necessarily go to my other friends because they don’t really get how bad it is. Jared is the only one who knows and who has seen the horror.
As much as I try to block it out, nothing is working. I grab my speaker and head to the bathroom to shower, trying to calm my nerves and tune them out. Hoping that they would stop by the time I get out. But I was wrong. It seemed like it has only gotten worse. And when I listened in, it was my fault.
“If you weren’t fucking yelling, she wouldn’t need to hide and turn up the music to block us out!” mom said.
“Why is it MY fault? Like EVERYTHING ELSE! Jesus! I told you to stop when the car pulled up! BUT NO! YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO HAVE THE LAST FUCKING WORD!” Dad said. And it was just like that back and forth. I slide down the back of my door and put in my headphones while trying to even my breath. Attempting to not have a panic attack. But it seemed as if the more I try, the louder they got. The louder they got, the more I cried. I couldn’t take it. I threw my headphones on the bed, grabbed my coat, put on my sneakers, and ran past my parents and out of the house. Even as I’m running away, I can hear them yelling about how I’m now leaving. It’s times like these that make me wonder why I can’t be normal.
Not realizing where I’m going, I just run. No stopping, no looking back, not thinking, just running. I don’t come back to the realization until I am in front of Jared’s driveway. I stop, thinking back on his hurtful words that I start panicking and running away from his home. Mindlessly running away, I trip and fall from a tree root sticking out of the ground. I look at my surroundings and notice that I somehow ended up in the forest. Confused and unsure, I look for a sign of familiarity, and I can’t find anything. Trying to not put myself in an even more state of panic, I take multiple deep breaths and calmly walk back into the opposite direction I tripped. But after a little while later, I notice I was lost even more. The sun is setting quickly, and I have no idea where I’m at.
Panic starts rising as I try to calmly and carefully walk out of the woods. I reach for my phone only to discover that I don’t have it. I either left it at home or dropped it when I fell. I stop by a nearby tree and just try to relax. But of course, life likes to go against me and scare the shit out of me. It wasn’t a second later that I heard the crunching of leaves and a branch snapping. I looked around me and didn’t see anyone. The rustling of the branches above me had me look up and saw nothing. But it was the figure in front of me that scared the living shit out of me. 
In front of me stood an average height woman with chopped short black hair; she was skinny, pale skin, and beautiful. But what was creepy was the red eyes. I was so shocked by her appearance that I didn’t notice the man next to me. He towered over me. He looked six-feet, with silver blond hair, pale as the woman, and blood-red eyes.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here, Vanity. A little pet, I see.” The man says, stepping towards me.
“I see. Awe, she looks so adorable! I just want to eat her up! Can we keep her Leo!?” the female, Vanity, said. She gets a disapproving look from Leo, who turns to me, and the next thing I know, I’m up against the tree with this hand around my neck. This, by no means, is helping with my anxiety. I froze, unsure what to do.
“This is interesting, no fight back.” Leo says, “Well, where’s the fun in that?” he snarls. He throws me across the forest. I land on my shoulder and scream out in pain. “Run.” Is all he says before I get up and take off. I run as fast as I could while screaming for help. Hoping anyone is out there and available to rescue me from this hell.
“SOMEONE, PLEASE! HELP ME! HELP!” I yell, running as fast as my legs could carry me. If there's one thing I’m grateful for, it's being thankful for having the gift of balance. Without it, I would have tripped and fallen by now. I hear laughter above me, and as I look up, I see Vanity and Leo jumping from tree to tree, terrorizing me more. Nightfall has hit, and I can't see shit. I turn in another direction to get away from them, only to enter into an open field. I run across this little open area only to be cut off by Vanity on one side and Leo on the other.
“Now! We’re having fun. Right baby!?” Leo screams to her.
“Son of a bitch! What are you guys!? Please don’t hurt me!” I say, tears coming from my eyes.
“Well, since you asked so nicely. We’ll make it quick, hon.” Vanity says. She shoves me to the ground and moves my head to the side, but I hear a growl from across the field before she could do anything else. We all turn to look, and I see wolves. Giant wolves. What the living fuck is going on? A more enormous black wolf is leading two more of them, looking at us.
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here. I thought you guys died off.” Vanity says, turning to Leo, “The game just got interesting.”
“Game? What game? I don’t want to play.” I said in a quivering voice. One of the wolves looked at me; the one next to him stares back at him, then at me.
“Seems to me that one of them recognizes our little friend here, Leo.” The bitch pops my shoulder out of place, making me scream out in pain, begging them to let me go. The wolves growl and take a step closer.
“Gotta catch us to get her,” Leo says. Next thing I know, I’m tossed over his shoulder, and we’re taking off into the deep dark forest. Before I can react, I find myself moving at an inhuman speed. My mind catches up with my voice, and all I can do is scream.
“Let me go!” I yell to someone. I look up to see the wolves right on their tail. A second later, I'm being tossed in the air, and I was caught by Vanity.
“What the fuck! Please! Don’t kill me! Please!” they ignore my plea, and she starts jumping up from tree to tree along with Leo. She tosses me again, and I barely land in Leo’s arms. At this point, I'm crying. I have no idea what’s going on technically. Wolves are chasing us. I feel sick to my stomach. I just want to go home. I turn to look behind Leo and see a wolf right upon him. He senses it and tosses me to Vanity. She catches me, and I look ahead. We are coming up on a clearing, I recognize. It’s the cliff.
“NO! NO! NO! I CAN'T SWIM! I CAN'T SWIM! HELP! HELP!” Those were my last words before I’m thrown over the cliff and into the pacific. Everything slowed down at that point. I looked back and saw Vanity diving after me, and behind her, I saw one of the wolves looking at me, and before I hit the water, it howled, and I blacked out.
Part 1: Hello My Dear Friend
Part 2: Goodbye My Dear Friend
Part 3: Welcome My Dear Friend
Part 4: Why My Dear Friend
Part 5: End My Dear Friend
Request Open!
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Grandma Knows Best
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Summary: Three months and you were still on edge ready to run at a moments notice and Clark is beside himself with worry, it was time Martha nipped this in the but once and for all. Grandma always knows best.
Warning: Angst, Swearing, Past Trauma,  Panic attacks
A/N: so this one is very angsty the next chapter should be happier and a little humor but I wanted to have this final 'melt down' I hope you enjoy it xxx
Taglist: @sofiebstar​ @thefangirlsblog​ @gooseyhouse​ @charliestufff​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @loserrlauraa​  @cheeseman​
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The potting shed was old and rickety, Clark and Konner were going to fix it up over the weekend well fix it up; they were going to knock out all the panels and put perspex glass over it making a humongous diy green house,  they were going to home depo to order the glass tomorrow, but for now it was perfect shelter for the older plants. Around six weeks ago Martha had dragged you in here to plant your first ever plants. It had been fun, poking tiny holes and planting the seeds you were out here everyday watching,waiting for a shoot! But after a week you had gotten bored and stopped looking until she had told you of the first few leaves of spinach had popped through...It seemed within days of that all your plants had sprouted, none had died and to say you were proud was an understatement. You loved watching them grow something about caring for the fragile plants watering and feeding them pellets and tending them was soothing in a way. Whenever you got to overwhelmed you'd come out to the shed and take care of them, it was a place you could escape all...Except grandma. Martha had all but exiled the boys when she noticed Clark pestering you inside. she could see that gardening was becoming a solace for you, something you did without a care and she was pleased. You moved slowly behind Martha as she showed you how to dead head some of the plants and curb the tomato's so that you got less leaves and more fruit. You watched fascinated as she made quick work of the tall tomato plants plucking the new budding stems that would only produce leaves that would shade the fruit so it couldn't ripen. She turned looking to you concerned today she planned to air out a few things with you it was high time you had a little heart to heart.Three months. Three long months and still you held back Martha was worried, you hadn't settled, well you had but you were still skittish ready to run at a moments notice. They hoped you'd be more relaxed but it would seem you were the opposite more guarded and secretive and not once had you referred to them as family. It saddened her, konner had let slip that you were frightened of hurting someone...Namely her. But the woman trusted you. Clark was beside himself he didn't understand what he needed to do he was a father...Your father and he hadn't a fucking clue! Martha had decided it was time to nip these silly fears in the butt herself something tells her you needed a female touch. Clark had come to her a few days ago in floods of tears he had tried to take you shopping for clothes and you'd refused so then he offered to get a meal and when you turned that down it was coffee even though he didn't even let you drink it...He just wanted some one on one time with you he had been so excited for you to come home, he wanted a daughter...But you didn't seem to want a dad? He couldn't understand it he was lost and confused he desperately wanted you to open up to him, wanted to wrap you up in his arms and fight off all your doubts but...He didn't want to rush things, Bruce had called him out for being overbaring at first and said things take time but still he was impatient. What if you thought he didn't care because he was now giving you space? He hated the idea of you fearing being abandoned and alone again. You seemed happy on the face of it but when no one was looking your face was blank a mask hiding everything below. The longer you stayed here the more he could see you pull back you were fighting it, fighting being safe secure and happy. He couldnt get through to help neither could konner he had been trying to hard and you'd shut yourself off from him, Clark didn't want that to happen with him. It crushed him knowing you were still frightened and had decided that it would be an idea to just stay at the farm. He wanted to give you stability but he wanted you to come to him to open up and talk or or at least treat him like a father even if you didn't call him dad.
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Martha moved slowly around you discreetly positioning herself between you and the door. She knew you'd try to avoid this and if you had the chance you'd run off and hide and that was not happening...Not again last time you'd been gone for a whole twenty-four hours the Clark had found you sleeping at a bus stop at two in the morning scaring the daylights out of everyone. She turned to face you a small smile was on your face as you prodded the leaves on your prized cucumber plant the first cucumbers just starting to form. "You know your dad was thinking of helping you design your room... I got a few catalogues of wallpaper and stuff...Ideas for designs from the home depot" You looked up at her blinking with a soft smile then moved slowly stepping up beside her placing your hands on the wooden Table in front of you. "He shouldn't...No point we're moving to the city again so...Yeah" Martha tilted her head letting out a breath placing the ant powder over your the cucumber plant to keep away the earwigs. "Well that was the plan...But your dad thinks it might be best to keep you and konner away from it... So your all staying here its not like he has to worry about getting to work~" she gave a sly smile and nudged you softly then frowned at your sour expression. "I didn't realize" Martha eyed you cautiously and stopped tending to the veg and turned. Then dipped down to your level you met her eyes for a second. What she saw broke her heart you were hurting and unsure still so lost. "Well now you do...So tell me what do you think you'll do to your room...I'm sure it won't be pink!" You took another deep breath poking a finger in the soil drawing a line in it. And shrugged. Its not something you thought about kids in the system didn't decorate, everything is temporary. "Don't know....Shouldn't bother...Only two years" Martha turned a placed a hand on he hip unimpressed. But you couldn't help feel she already knew that'd be your answer. "Now what the hell makes you say that? You think were gonna what? Kick you out at eighteen? Honey no that’s all behind you now...I mean christ Clarks still here and he's what thirty seven? Thirty eight" You flicked your gaze to her then back down to the spinach shoots in front of you moving the spritz them with a mix of water and dish soap helping keep away bugs. You arched over to the small container that held a mix of rock salt and crushed egg shells it helped keep away the slugs and snails. "I...Its hard I forgot what its meant to be like...In the system you just get thrown out...Go to the streets....Always weed to run or something or you can go to the sewers" Martha frowned at that "So that was your plan? You were going to be a drug runner? Or go Live in the sewers?" She asked none to impressed you felt scolded and skittish under her gaze and you didn't even see it. A mothers; in this case grandmother's disapproving gaze was felt. "I...I was a drug runner on and off...Then well I made a delivery to the Joker...He was...Frightening and I called it quits after that...Didn't want to be near the big leagues...Big people let their little people die" Martha crossed her arms this was new you never really spoke about how you survived normally brushed them off. "You ever try these drugs?" The question was meant to be casual but didn't quite hit the mark, you shook your head truthfully. "Couldn't risk it...If I reacted bad I could of...Well killed people so it just didn't seem like a good idea" she eyed you carefully and nodded she believed you. "Right well don't let you dad find out... But seriously you should think about what you want to do with your room everyone needs their own personal space" you heaved a deep breath smoothing out the layer of eggshells on the dirt covering the pot. Martha said dusting her hands off leaning on hand on her hip the other palm was flat on the table next to you.
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"Okay right out with it...Come on whats going on in that mind of yours?" Her voice wasn't irritated she seemed more worried, wanting to know what was going on so she could fix it rather than to berate you for it. You swallowed moving our arms shrugging at her with a heavy sigh. "Just...I- it only been a few months not that long- things are going well now...But they might not be-I'm still dangerous my power can react at anything at anytime-" you were cut off by a clump of moist dirt hitting your cheek splatting across your lips making you spit and retch. Ew. You growled looking at her with a scowl. "Hey-what the fuck?-ugh ew no stop it!" Martha scoffed and flicked another small clump of mud at your face making you splutter spitting out the small flecks of dirt in your mouth. You looked up appalled at her wiping your tongue and she just hummed chuckling nodding a playful smile. "Yes I see it has incredible reflexes, nothing gets passed it~" you glared at her as she chuckled louder then flashed your eyes playfully and pulled at the water in the watering can urging it up the spout sending a large slosh of water over her croc covered feet she jumped back giggling lightly but stepped back to the table moving the pots back turning around leaning back on the table patting it. "Up you go darling time for a little chit chat" you frowned Your laughter dieing...This was it, they'd grown bored of you...You bit your lip preparing for the inevitable still wiping your face wanting the dirt off but obeyed sitting on the table looking down. She didn't let you for long stepping in front of you tilting your face up and pushed away a few locks of hair. "You always hide behind these curls...I wish you'd pull them out of your face and let me see my beautiful little granddaughter..." Martha spotted the eye roll and pinched you chin making you look at her. "I'm not your grand-" she frowned moving the hair to stay behind your ears then smiled. "Hush....Ah and there it is..." you frowned not following her trying to avoid her all seeing gaze "There’s what?" You bit out still expecting to be told to pack up and leave. These types of talks are never good, your being shipped off. Back to the tower not that you'd stay fuck them you never needed them. You don’t need anyone! "The doubt of a scared little girl, you hide it or you try to...But its there your eyes are a window we all see it...You think your poker face is perfect but...You Y/n L/n Kent are an open book...Clark sees it to he wants to help he loves you, I love you and so does konner" You furrowed you brows and tried shaking your head wanting to look anywhere other than her. You couldn't look her in the eye with whats coming, they stutter when you do makes it harder for them to be rid of you. "I-I don’t know what- Look I don’t need an excuse just say what you need to say!" she shook her head tutting and continued butting in before you could talk yourself into a panic. "Don’t give me that crap...You still think we're just gonna dump you off somewhere eventually...Well you better think again missy...You are my granddaughter, Clarks daughter and Konners sister and that is the end of it we love you! And nothing is going to change that y/n..." "W-What? Your...your not getting rid of me? But that’s what they do...When they want to talk" you asked heart clenching but Martha gasp seeing you trying to bottle up your devastation and anger. She turned cupping both sides of your face shaking her head looking mortified you'd think such a thing. It was then she truly saw just how much damage was there. You thought you were disposable and could be thrown away at anypoint. "No! No no of course not...Oh god sweety no listen I just-This is exactly why we need to talk my love...We are never ever abandoning you...My god your ours! And you are never going anywhere! We love you but we...We don't really know what you need you never ask for anything love...But your here and that's it you belong here with us" you blinked rapidly you couldn't help but buy it, believe maybe foolishly that this time it was the real deal. You whimpered trying to save face wiping away the tears before they shed. "B-but my power-" you started to argue but was quickly shushed as she held a finger to your lips and rolled her eyes with a light hearty chuckle. "Makes you no more dangerous then Clark or Konner now enough...I don't care, and I don't want to hear it anymore...You hear me? You are not going to attack me at all we all know that by now...Your breaking your fathers heart, he knows you still feel unsafe here and your just waiting to be abandoned again and its not happening...Now this afternoon you and your dad are gonna sit down and look at some ideas for you room which you are both going to redecorate together over the weekend. A few days bonding with him will do the world of good and might make you finally accept that you are going no where" you looked down with a deep sigh and picked at the loose splinters of wood on the table pulling thin strands of the wood.
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"He loves you, you silly girl we all do...I know you still have your original bag packed stuffed between the desk and wall, it's how we found you last time" you snapped your head up to her what? Your bag gave you away? She shrugged to you with a cheeky grin. "Oh what you think that phone's been magically charging itself for three months? I've been charging it and your uncle Bruce may have tracked it for us to find you quicker...Having your dad flying all over smallville in the state he was when you went missing wouldn't have been very subtle...He'd have ripped the place to shreds and terrified the locals" you blinked at her. He was actually worried?  You thought it'd been an act. you flushed heart tingling and warming when the thought of someone caring enough about you to worry when you vanished. "I hope that soon you will unpack it...Clark is...He is at a loss he wants to get to know you but doesn't want to push he is frightened he would chase you off...Just please talk...Whatever it is we can help we just want you to be happy and safe" you looked down sadly unsure how to express yourself. The Kents had been brilliant but you just...Something made it hard for you to let go of the past. Your Mum and Dad the ones you couldn't save who died whilst screaming...They had called out for you! for you to save them but you couldn't you were weak...Defenseless even with this gift you couldn't protect them...A life time of guilt a life time of being alone, telling yourself that you can't lose people if you don't have them around you. How could you explain that? how did you explain it wasn't what you'd do necessarily it was also what if you couldn't help? couldn't save them? tears welled in your eyes at the thoughts and you sighed shuddering a breath. Martha moved closer standing between your knees and hugged you pulling you to her shoulder holding you tight rubbing your back hushing you and suddenly for the first time you cried. You sobbed gut wrenching cries into her. Until then the only other person to hold you had been Clark and that had been to prove a point. You moved trying to pull back apologizing for snotting all over her but she was having none of it she held tighter petting your hair softly kissing your head. "Hey?...Its okay...I got you baby we got you...You don't have to be frightened anymore...Or alone we are here for you...We are my love I promise" you shook your head still weeping into her the flood gates opened and you let loose. Martha was happy and gutted, she knew you needed to get this out but at the same time it was difficult to hear you shatter like this. A normally stoic sarcastic unshakeable and frankly stressed out teen finally cracking masks dropping and finally opening up, showing the true terrified little girl she really was. "But its bad!...I shouldn't-youll just!? and like the rest I cant-I wont!!" You fought to maintain an even voice but failed miserably spitting out the words rushing them with broken sobs. Martha was quick to ask she needed to know whats going on, needed to reassure you to fix the issues if she could. "Whats bad pumpkin? What's wrong sweety?" Her voice was calm a gentle lull that aimed to sooth you and draw the truth from you. "...M-My parents they-they died!...I tri-ed they y-yelled for help-to me THEY CALLED OUT TO ME! and I didn't...I couldn't and on the beach...It was my fault! mine...If I'd held on they could have made it!! and-and now with you guys! I wont be able to...I can't.? Youll die! And itll be my fault! Its always my fault...And then its- I don't want to replace them-my real parents" You shook your head no. you tried pulling back again this time Martha let you and moved holding either side of your face as fat tears still streamed down your face. You cried harder coughing and hyperventilating choking on your own sobs panicked looking for a way out. She held steady holding both hands firmly on your face well aware of the earth beneath her feet moving sifting like sand but she ignored it, her grandbaby needed her and so she began talking you through the attack.
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"shh shh calm yourself down...Thats it its okay...Your alright I've got you...I've got you baby... Good girl see thats it a little more...Deeper breaths in then out...Good" Martha held her breath as you coughed a few more times your breathing was fast but you were calmer your tears still flowing freely but it was a soft quiet crying as opposed to the borderline hysterical sobs moments ago. That was it the final piece to the puzzle, you didn't want to disrespect your real parents by accepting new ones- or in this case a new father. And you felt responsible for there deaths carrying that type of guilt wasn't healthy for anyone. "...Okay...Okay baby...Grandma understands now...It wasn't your fault...None of this was your fault and don't you think otherwise ever...Your parents loved you and were probably yelling for you to hide and stay still...And the beach that wasn't your fault the atlanteans did that...They tried to declare war honey...If you wanted to I'm sure your uncle Arthur would talk to you about it...He felt guilty when he found out" you gasped and shook your head panicked at her.
"No! It wasn't his fault" she smiled at that he'd be happy to know according to Clark the man was beating himself up over it. She'd have to mention something to Clark to get the message across. "Or yours love...You couldn't have known what was going to happen...No one did we didn't-Clark didn't" You sucked in a deep breath and shook your head and opened your mouth to argue that you should have been stronger. "No no...I'm not done love...Do you think your mum and dad would want you to be alone?...Isolate yourself and refuse to live with a new family? That they want you to be unhappy?..I'm not asking you to forget them but its been a long time and maybe its time to accept that another family wants to be yours to protect you and guide and love you in your parents stead" you frowned wiping your face in vain as the tears still poured. "B-But what about you?- what if I can't save you? or Konner or-or" Martha shook her head at you chuckling raking her hands through your hair over and over in a soothing motion. "You don't have to...You don't have to save us love...Your dad is superman there isn't a lot he can't over come and konner is just behind him...And if anything ever happens here I'll have all three of you...Please don't make yourself unhappy in fear of loosing us, we aren't going anywhere" you blinked at her but gave a small smile Martha relaxed and hugged you again giving you one last kiss on your forehead. "Really? I'm- I don't need to....I wont be alone?" she shook her head at you somehow getting this off your chest made you fell lighter, it was freeing. You nodded thoughts still racing, no one ever took the time to really listen but it- Martha made sense your parents wouldnt want you to be alone would they? even if it was your fault which you still belived it was...They probably were crying out for you to hide, they must have known what was happening and only managed your name befor everything collapsed...The beach, well that was...It was war or the start of one. Seeing that she had gave you a lot to think about she patted your shoulders and nodded to the house. "Go have a shower and relax, we can plant these in the garden tomorrow...Just chill for today okay?" you gulped and slipped off the table to the floor slowly and turned timidly to hug her taking her by surprize you moved up on tip toes kissing her cheek and pulled away. "Thank you Grandma...That-You made sense" and with that you ran off letting the door slam behind you on your way out sprinting to your room. 
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It took a while but after a few days of deliberation you finally come to terms with everything. Nothing else had been mentioned about it over the past few days, well things had been pretty normal but you'd been thinking alot. Martha made a lot of sense it wasn't a eurica moment but it had switched you on. Maybe it was time to move on...You'd never forget your parents you'd never stop loving them but maybe...Maybe you could love your new family to. That’s what they were...What they were trying to be a family it was just you that was the problem, to cut off and dare you say 'emotional stunted'. No one had ever just let you unload onto them like that before, by the time you were due to start therapy you were already in the hospital being sedated under the mental health act. You never had anyone to talk to and by the end of that ordeal you'd found a way to deal with it, reasoned with your own guilt and had your own take on what happened. Maybe this could be a new start...Its never to late right? Maybe you should just start interacting instead of avoiding them, you and konner got on you were friends but Clark and Martha...You'd tried not to be around them much. No point getting under their feet besides you didn't need to many attachments if you were completely honest talking to konner was just so you didn't go mad, you needed atleast one person to talk to. It was late on friday morning when Martha and Konner had left to go shopping. You woke up to Martha placing some more design magazines on your desk by the door. Grandma you mentally corrected yourself had said she was going out and would be back around dinner time with take out. She must have brought them up to try and sway you, wanting you to make the first move with..Dad. You hadn't approached him yet still nervous and every time you did get a bit of spine Konner was there to you didn't want to make a fool of yourself. She winked at you and nodded, it will be fine. Once she left you sat up skimming through the book's quickly then looked about the room you were in, it was spacious and at the back of the house...You hadn't the foggiest idea what to do with it at all, you’d never done this sort of thing before. You felt silly but it was kind of a big thing for you...The finality of making your mark on the house. It was daunting. You held the catalogues in your lap for a moment looking around...You should probably paint it your favorite color right? but what was your favorite color?...It had been so long since you thought about stuff like that you were stumped. You moved slowly to the door magazines in hand, it was time to start trying. You padded down the stairs timidly and peeked through the banister, Clark was in the kitchen sitting at the table. You sat on the step for a few seconds taking deep breaths watching him from between the wooden spokes in the banister then nodded you moved and hovered by the door. He looked tired reading the paper before him drinking his coffee. He must be tired there was an incident in india last night..Landslide he was there for a few hours digging out survivors and that says alot considering who he was. You crept up behind him and stood awkwardly curling your toes.
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"Err clar-Dad?" He froze shoulders going rigid and turned slowly blinking a few times, he was shocked but happy? A grin spread across his face making his eyes practically glow. He swallowed placing down the paper he was reading. "Y-yes? Whats up?" You could see a slight tremble as he was trying to contain himself. You moved and sat next to him and placed the magazines on the table. "I err...well Grandma said that I can decorate my room...She got me these but, I've never done it and don't...I don't know what I can do or what to do...I can you help me?" He nodded quickly clearing the table he was vibrating with excitement, happy that his mother got through to you. You smiled and spread out the books. "So what do you like? Have you thought about any colors or themes" you blinked a little and flicked through the first magazine. "I like the sea" you said in a small voice sounding weird you'd never really spoke about your likes and dislikes before it was kind of irrelevant. You suddenly perked up drawing Clarks attention as you gasped seeing a few images of murals. "I...That’s cool I like the second photo...With the big mural its cool..." Clark looked over your shoulder smiling nodding it was very light and airy the room was three walls of faux white brick the final wall was a huge mural of the suspension bridge separating Gotham and Metropolis. "It is different you could have the mural on the wall across from your bed" you thought about it and smiled sheepishly nodding. "You think they have a beach one...Not like white sand and clear water...But like rocky? With forrest and stuff that sort of seaside raw and rugged..."  Clark smiled as you muttered away listing off ideas. Finally you were showing your true colours a bright and happy young girl slowly peeking out from behind her curtain of curls. "Well they should if not we can always go and take our own pictures" you gasped looking up at him shaking your head. "No no we don't...You don't have to do that..." you mumbled quickly avoiding his gaze. "Its no hassle...I do work for the daily planet I have access to some of the best cameras around...Ixm sure we could get a panoramic shot..We can fly out and find you a perfect spot it won't be that hard to scale it up and have one printed" he shrugged closing his own magazine waiting for you to answer. You twiddled your fingers it did sound fun...You'd never been anywhere before by plane the idea of going somewhere even quieter then this was very tempting you could just imagine the waves. "You can't book a holiday just so I can decorate...I'll just find one online" he chuckled at you shaking his head trying to hold back his amusement, he didn't want you to think he was laughing at you. "Oh no sweetheart I meant I will fly us out somewhere...It'll take a few minuets but there’s a great couple of island's near Vancouver extremely beautiful and lush there should be some good places there " you faltered then flushed. Oh yeah he can fly...Over the past few months you kind of forgot he was superman he was just Clark to you...Now dad. You took a breath. It was weird saying dad again. But you didn't feel bad about it just uneasy, what if he was doing this just to make sure you don't loose your mind and turn on them...Was that it? There must be a reason.
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"Hey honey whats wrong? Gone all quiet all of a sudden, if you don't want to I can always ask your uncle Arthur to take a photo for us...Hell he might even have a few of his buddies photo bomb for you" Clark added trying to lighten the mood but secretly he was worried. Your happy dispositions had gone and you looked ready to run off and hide again. He was a little disappointed at the prospect of not being able to fly you off and spend a father daughter day at the beach, but these things would take time. "No no we can go! I want to go! it's just...I err forgot you were...That you could...Your just normal around here and just feel a little silly...I've also never been flying like at all and its just a little daunting" Clark grinned placing a hand on your shoulder squeezing it lightly. He was relieved you did want to spend time with him you were shy that was all. "That’s not silly at all and I promise flying with me is the safest way, I wont drop you, I'll never drop you, you can count on it...How about we go tomorrow afternoon? I can go borrow a camera from the office in the morning" you smiled into your lap twisting your t-shirt in your fingers nodding quickly trying to keep your nerves at bay. "Really? That's err fast and what about konner and grandma? Won't they want to come?" Clark's heart melted and burst all in one hearing you worry over your brother and grandmother. He was finally at ease. This wasn't a ruse you did think of them as family you did already love them. He'd ask his Ma about what was said but he doubts she'll tell him. But even if she didn't he's forever grateful to her because what ever was said has finally worked and for the first time he can truly say he felt like you'd accepted him as your new father and that meant the world to him. "Well they might but I have it on good authority that whilst we are having our father daughter weekend. Ma and konner are going to have fun of there own and spend the weekend in the city 'living it up' I have no doubt in my mind that they will be making good use of my savings...I have a feeling konner is going to wrangle himself a new xbox..." you looked down nervously the whole weekend? Alone with him. He moved his hand to ruffle your hair. "Hey...Its okay like I said we don't have to go flying, we do have to go to home depo tho ma still wants her makeshift greenhouse." You frowned he sounded defeated you turned facing him eye steely determined not to chicken out. This had to work, this was your home and you had to try harder. "I want to though...A-and like you said...You wont drop me I'd rather go flying for the first time with you rather then konner...He'd drop me just to catch me again and I'd probably piss myself" you muttered akwardly. "Then its settled! Tomorrow we go to the beach and take photos for your bedroom! Do you have a swimsuit? And some summer clothes it might be hot there and pack some suncream I wont have you burning! If you forget it your staying in the shade~" you smiled meekly at him nodding you did have a few summer clothes, some cotton shorts and a vest top should be fine. "Good you can pack a bag in the morning" he added grinning ear to ear finally feeling as though he had a chance to step in. You had opened the door and it was his job to make it stay that way. You crouched over the books with him feeling more and more confident as you began pointing out things in the books that you liked with him finally relaxing with him. Then it hit you like a truck. This really was it! Your very own room, your own home and a proper family.
You felt yourself getting choked up windpipe closing tightly only managing a few small hums in agreement as he pointed out different things colors and diy ideas. You took a deep breath trying to swallow the lump away from your throat. It was when tears blurred your vision and you sniffled trying to hold it back that Clark made his move wrapping you up in his arms all but dragging you out of your chair onto his lap. You wriggled trying to be released more out of habit then actually wanting to get away but he held firm tucking your head into his shoulder shushing you. "Your alright...I've got you I promise" he didn't speak after those words letting them sink in, he didn't need to say more then that his message was clear. You'd been accepted the fear and anxiety was melting away in one huge mass of relief as he just held you close one arm pinning you to him the other moving grabbing the pen that lived on the kitchen table and a small note pad used for shopping lists. He bit the lid off the pen and began writing a small list of what you'd need to get for your room. You tucked your face into him whining pitifully for the first time in years feeling truly safe and secure.
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