#my top 10 most of them are from the 501st
mathmusic8 · 2 years
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I posted 805 times in 2022
That's 685 more posts than 2021!
76 posts created (9%)
729 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 800 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 429 posts
#xd - 201 posts
#clone wars - 180 posts
#<3 - 102 posts
#nature is gorgeous - 76 posts
#kenobi show - 67 posts
#kenobi spoilers - 66 posts
#love this - 57 posts
#random - 46 posts
#thanks tumblr - 45 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#i work in tech support for an engineering company now so i'm not an engineer but i'm exposed to the field on a daily basis
My Top Posts in 2022:
I've been studying the Old Testament this year, and I happen to be on Job today. I listened to it for the whole 2 hour drive back home from my parents' house today, and I have a few takeaways:
1. Job's friends were jerks
2. Job understood this, and I loved his response--he called them out on it, stood up for himself, and taught them the gospel
3. After listening to everyone else give their spiels, the youngest one in the group (Elihu) basically said "okay boomers, I've been sitting here waiting for you to finish this whole time, and the Spirit's telling me to speak up and I have thoughts, so listen up." And then basically says "God is awesome and the definition of goodness, so all y'all need to spend more time thinking about that instead of trying to sound all wise and crap." It was entertaining.
4. Then the Lord comes in and gives us some awesome tidbits about how involved He is in the lives of all His creations. And Job drinks his Respect juice. And the Lord reassures Job that he's good. And that his friends are jerks and need to repent.
5. They did repent in the end, so good on them
22 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Star Wars Fic Recs on AO3
Family Friendly, some have mild language:
Mathmusic8 - Lost and Found - Fives and Kix, deals with a lot more than Fives and Kix. Also Only Partially Applied, which explores what might've happened if the clone's control chips were just slightly weaker
Epsilonderidani - Vode An, the first “Fives Lives” fic I ever read, still one of my favorites. Fives centric
Cuthalion97 – everything. Humor is 11/10. Start with Misadventures of Jedi Generals if you don’t know where else to go. Clones and Jedi generals centric
Inksplots - Nobody Listens to Kix and Just for Kix, great humor, huge inspiration to me for Kix's characterization. Kix centric
YoungestThunderbird – “Arcadia” series plus other works, very soft and fun. Clone centric
Wishfulthinking1979 – “Empire Reimagined” series plus many, many other wonderful AUs, including but not limited to Modern Day in England, Western, Tall Ships, and more. Firmus Piett and Max Veers centric (two side characters in the original trilogy)
Morwen_of_gondor – occasionally writes with Wishful, has excellent works too, working on an incredible Republic Commandos fix-it series called Cin Vhetin. Generally clone centric
MeridianPony – Dominos, time travel fix-it, very good characterization. Fives and Echo centric
Ariel_Sojourner - Back From the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars, time travel fix-it, also Skywalker Family Values, a (very crack) fantastic Parent Trap AU, pretty broad cast but I guess generally Luke and Vader centric
LadyVader23 – Darth Vader Goes to Therapy, crack fic, absolutely hilarious. Luke and Vader centric
Gaeasun – "After the War" series is super cute and fun. Sticks and Stones Did Break Their Bones, crack fic, Fives and 501st centric, pretty fun. I enjoyed Oh Captain my Captain, too. Works are usually centered around Tup and Dogma. Their angst doesn’t always end with fluff, so mind the tags. Clone centric
Leias_left_hair_bun - specializes in softness and sometimes angst, but mostly kids being kids and I love that. Of toddlers and ARC troopers and its sequel The return of the toddler (Nibbler) are great places to start. Clone centric
sheApunk89 - "Wilder mind" series, Force sensitive Rex gets trained by Obi-Wan. It's been a hot second since I read this one, but I remember enjoying the ending and the fact that Keeli was there. Rex centric
Triscribe - "Vod'e An" series, clones show up back in time at pivotal moments around their Jedi, lots of delightful cameos. Clone centric
AllyMoslof - Operation: Don't Wake the Commander, hilarious crack-fic about a shiny who takes his job way too seriously. Excellent twist. Clone centric
whymylife - --and Your People Will Never Be Destroyed, a fantastic fic where clone cadets piece things together early and do something about it. Cody centric
BonesofBeowulf - "Stars and Beskar" series, pretty unique AU. Has great humor, action, and characterizations. Jango and clone centric (though they aren't technically clones in this fic)
Whathenshallwesay - For The Glory, incredible post-Order 66 double-agent Cody fic. Great humor, drama, and plot. Cody centric
Killbothtwins - The Legend of Liob, a hilarious 212th shenanigans-turned-fix-it. Cody centric
smilebackwards - "Mission Reports" series, a collections of one-shots in an AU where Qui-Gon lived and now has to write his own mission reports. Very soft, hopeful, processing grief, and comfort. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan centric
WeyrWolfen - Eidola, a post-Order 66 fic where Rex and Ahoska head up a clone-rescue organization. Lots of fantastic OCs, emotions, humor, and rich setting-details. Clone centric
Mind the tags and ratings, all have strong language below the cut:
Cac0daemonia - Will You Walk With Me, very good writing and gorgeous art. Other works have adult content, so mind the tags. Waxer and Boil centric
Hollyoakhill - The Intruder, fairly clean thriller/horror, excellent ending, incredible art. Clones and Obi-Wan centric
BlueSunshine – “The Desert Storm” series, very very long, incredible writing and world building. Mind the tags–it gets a bit dark in certain places, and there's a lot of swearing around certain characters. Obi-Wan centric as well as other various people
31 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Asking for prayers
One of my nieces had a seizure last night and passed away this morning. She was a teenager and like a sister to me. We’re going to miss her so much. Please pray for us, especially my sister and her husband. This wasn’t their first loss recently and they still have three little ones at home.
God is good, the resurrection is real, and we're so excited to have my niece back with us someday
46 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Did anyone else know that "umbra" means "A region of complete shadow resulting from total obstruction of light"?
Hats off to the folks who named the planet of Umbara. Nicely done.
59 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It just occurred to me that Daiyu was Leia's first time off Alderaan
No wonder she looked a little shell-shocked to nearly run into that huge alien--it was probably the first moment she finally felt safe enough to run off on her own, to really look at the world around her, and then she realizes how different it is, and how lost she is, aside from this strange man who she's known for like 10 minutes and he smells bad but he got her out of that room and speaks softly and seems to be trying to be gentle, even if he's bad at it
91 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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raointean · 2 years
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I posted 629 times in 2022
That's 418 more posts than 2021!
92 posts created (15%)
537 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 190 of my posts in 2022
#silmarillion - 18 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 14 posts
#fanfiction - 12 posts
#star wars - 10 posts
#rings of power - 10 posts
#elrond peredhel - 10 posts
#bridgerton - 9 posts
#anakin skywalker - 9 posts
#anthony bridgerton - 9 posts
#thor - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#they see the ekkreth emblem painted on his shoulder armor and recognize it as something a lot of the found children of his tribe held sacred
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Ghost crew's view on Ezra fighting the Empire at 14
Sabine - Started fighting the Empire pretty early herself, doesn't see anything wrong with it
Hera - Worries about his safety (Sabine's as well) but understands that he can take care of himself
Chopper - Doesn't give a damn
Kanan - Was literally a child soldier, doesn't see anything wrong with it
Zeb - Is very against the whole thing. Lasat didn't let anyone under the age of majority fight, even in small not-really-battles
Rex: Sees small fourteen year old jedi with blue on his head and struggles not to call him Ahsoka
190 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
Kate: I'm about to do something really stupid
Edwina: Well, that's not a nice thing to call Anthony
194 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
Amavikkan Anakin Hcs
(The one where Anakin doesn't forget where he’s from)
He keeps it on the dl in the temple and as a padawan because it's a secret culture/language and there are no other Amavikkans around
(He keeps a journal in Amatakka. It's his most prized possession)
Anakin finds out that Obi-Wan was enslaved once when he was a padawan and teaches him some of his culture
When the war starts, he quickly realizes that the clones are not there voluntarily
He asks Kix to scan the troops on a hunch and discovers about the inhibitor chips early
The entire 501st is quietly de-chipped and it's standard procedure for incoming shinies as part of their initial medical exam
Any clones that don't want to fight are safely delivered to a planet where they can start a new life for themselves, giving the 501st the highest AWOL percentage in the entire army
When Ahsoka joins, Anakin asks her not to call him "master"
He won't explain why and eventually she stops prying, diverting her efforts into creating as many nicknames for him as possible
Anakin is part of the Tatooine freedom trail. He smuggles scanners and supplies to people and, occasionally, smuggles people themselves
Amavikkans know it's safe to come to him for help because he has the sign to Ekkreth "subtly" painted on EVERYTHING
Ahsoka figures out about the freedom trail pretty quickly and wants to help
Initially, Anakin is against it because it's actually really dangerous if they get caught and she has no way of understanding what's at stake
She stubborns her way into helping anyway
Fast-forward to Zygerria, Anakin is SUPER against Ahsoka posing as the slave because, what if it goes wrong? What if she's ACTUALLY enslaved? What if they can't find her again?
(It does go wrong and she is actually enslaved, but they don't lose her)
After that mission, Anakin takes Rex and Ahsoka into the kitchen at night and teach them some of the most basic stories while making them tzai
Rex is appreciative, but not super interested in learning more, as the clones have their own secrets and traditions
Ahsoka is curious, but a little insecure as she never really thought of herself as a slave
Anakin tells her an old Amavikkan proverb, the first of many
"A chain worn for a day is still heavy, a back whipped only once is still scarred"
(Basically, it means "if you've been enslaved ever, you can be part of the Amavikkan culture)
In addition to Jedi training, he teaches her how to go unseen and how to connect to planets
(The key is to ask nicely)
He also teaches her about his religion; Ar-Amu, Ekkreth, Leia, Tena, Maru...
She doesn't believe any of it is TRUE, unlike Anakin, but she appreciates the storytelling and the morals
I don't have an ending for this. Either it ends better than it did in canon, or it ends exactly the same way but 800000000 times more tragic
254 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
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659 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Lúthien comes of age in safety and love. Her father rules in kindness and her mother shields the land from evil.
Dior comes of age in a time of unease. His father is strong and brave, his mother wise and bold, but the Fëanorians are a threat that ever hangs over his head.
Elwing comes of age in Valinor with her husband by her side and a trail of loss and woe behind them. Her sons are taken and her people are dead. The weight of responsibility is nearly enough to crush her.
Eluréd and Elurín do not come of age, they never had the chance.
Elrond and Elros come of age in a war zone. There is death and screaming, blood spills as often as rain. They have no parents, only each other. The world has never been safe for them. They know it never will be.
Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen come of age in safety and love. Their mother is kind and wise, their father shields the land from evil.
691 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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meltherebel22 · 1 year
Star Wars Tag Game
Tagged by my favorite local Star Wars lesbians @thestarwarslesbian
1. Ride Or Die Ship (Your OTP): Codywan or literally Obi-wan/Clone Troopers
2. Most Annoying Ship: Rexsoka (I see them as siblings, sometimes with Ahsoka being the little sister). Also this is just me but Obitine, they bicker and fight like siblings to me.
3. Second Favorite Ship: Codex or Cody/CCs like Fox, Wolffe, etc.
4. Favorite Platonic Relationship: Plo & Ahsoka or even Plo & every clone (his children), I also like Obi-wan and Quinlan
5. Unrated Ship: Wooley/Cody or Wooley/212st. I’ve since some amazing fanfics of this and it’s incredible, Wooley is literally the baby submissive that sometimes bites back. And also Quinlan/Ventress, I felt like Obi-wan and Bant would kick his ass then accept him.
6. Overrated Ship: I feel like Obitine is kinda overrated bc it’s kind of a toxic relationship. Also Tech/Phee, I don’t really think Tech would be comfortable in any type of romantic relationship but that’s my opinion. And maybe Foxiyo, no hate towards the ship but I just feel like Riyo is gay for some reason, idk.
7. One Thing I Would Change In Canon: Fives dying bc I think he would be sick in TBB and kick ass, I also want Waxer and Boil to return to Numa.
8. Something Canon Did Right: Tales Of The Jedi, I loved seeing Obi-wan and Anakin again. Favorite episode is where Anakin trains Ahsoka against 501st.
9. A Thing I’m Proud Of Creating For The Fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: I guess my fanfiction story called Tiger Lily Hysteria
10. A Character Who Is Prefect To Me (Wouldn’t Change A Thing): I’m stuck between Omega and Cody, also Rex and Ahsoka. I feel like they were made prefectly.
11. The Character I Relate Most To And Why: I felt like I can relate to Tech bc I’m terrible with people and social cues. Also with Obi-wan bc of his kinda toxic relationship with his master Qui-gon, I see it has father & son and I have a bad relationship with my dad.
12. Character(s) I Hate The Most And Why: Everyone hates Krell and so do I bc of obvious reasons and for some reason I just hate Bo-Katan. I can’t tell you why bc I don’t not know why I hate her.
13. Something I’ve Learned From The Fandom: Be a mandalorian, have morals that you can live with, also if you see someone alone within the age range of 0-200 years old, they are free to adopt.
14. Three Tags I Seek Out On Ao3: Hurt Obi-wan or hurt Fox, blind or mute obi-wan. I just really love blind obi-wan fanfics.
15. A Song I Strongly Associate With My OTP/Favorite Character: Children Of Machine By DAGames & CG5. I love it for any clone, imma nerd out about this song now.
Lyrics (These are how I see the lyrics, I’ll show you two verses):
Verse One:
He lives on through us (Jango Fett)
Born from darkness, born from lust (Literally born for war and created by money/lust)
'Cause when we reach the end
We do it all over again (I see it as them willing to die for each other again and again)
Versus Two:
Follow me, we are children of the machine (Literally bc they were made my machines)
Barely human in a city built on broken dreams (Barely human bc they are seen and looked at like replaceable machines. Broken city relates to either Kamino or Coruscant, Kamino is all about money and experiments, Coruscant is literally about money and politics. They both probably had dreams at one point but now they forget how to be people so they are broken dreams)
Follow me, we are children of the machine (Uh, uh-uh, uh-uh)
Barely human in a city built on broken dreams
There is more versus’s and lines I like but these are my top favs. I also like the beat bc it sounds like foot stomps and I just immediately them marching down a hall.
NPT: I’m Really Friends With Anyone But Here & Nobody Will Probably Reply But That’s Okay 👌
@oonaluna-art @mandowords @zinzinina @alamogirl80 @izzyovercoffee @necrophatic @commander-sunshine
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kamino-blues · 3 years
501st Affection HC's (Part 1)
✨ Part 2 ✨
Rating: Pg-13 and sfw
Warnings: Fluff!!!! References to kissing, making-out, cuddling, and flirting!
Note: I'm finally starting to write for the 501st!! When I want to get a feel for characters I don't normally write for, I like to do affection headcanons to get a general feel for the character (that's why you see them pop up so much on my blog 😅💖). I hope you enjoy!!!
Rex is a complete and utter gentleman with you, constantly making sure that you feel comfortable with him
It takes a little while for him to show affection through touch, you would have to take the lead for some time
Loves it when you hold onto his arm, walking closely next to him
The ability to exchange quiet words, faces close to one another is one of his favorite things
Sometimes when the two of you are sitting in public next to each other, he would throw an arm around you (solely so that you two can be closer)
He is definitely a hand holder! Rex will send small hand squeezes when you two are in conversation with his other brothers
Is very protective of you, will keep a hand on the small of your back when you are in public
If you stray away from him for one reason or another, Rex would have eyes on you at all times
As you both get farther into your relationship, Rex would get bolder with his touches
Will pull you into his lap in public, wrapping his arms around you
If you are flustered and ask him what he was doing and mentioned that you guys are in public, he would tell you that no one could complain because he’s the Captain
At this you would usually hide your face in his shoulder, Rex letting out a small chuckle as he rests his chin on the top of your head
After a long make out session, he will pull you into a Keldabe kiss so that you both can catch your breath
Rex can be both a big spoon or a little spoon, it depended on the night
Usually he preferred to hold you, wrapping you up in his strong arms as you lean back on his chest
When he wakes up in nightmares, he definitely prefers that you hold him against your chest
Loves the feeling of your fingers running over his hair, it bring him comfort
Fives is a flirt, and is not afraid to try and make you flustered
Made it his personal goal to make you blush as much as possible when you first started dating! He was constantly sending compliments your way
He isn't afraid to give you affection, when you first started dating he made sure that you were close to each other when you were hanging out
When you are talking with him and his brothers, he will have an arm thrown over your shoulders, holding you to his side
Fives initiated your first kiss, kissing you with a passion that you had never had before
Will steal kisses in between shifts, and made sure to try and meet up with you if you were in the same area during work
Fives is the type who would pull you into a spare supply closet during work for a quick make out session
Would sneak up behind you to wrap you up in a hug, resting his head on the top of your head
When you two were alone, he was a lot more laidback, his goofy exterior fading
Fives tends to be drained by the end of his missions, so when he got to your apartment, he just wanted to be in your arms
He collapses on the couch usually, shifting as you sit down after putting on a holomovie
Will lean his head on you, you leaning your head on top of his in return
Sometimes he would shift, his head falling to lean closer to your chest, so you can wrap your arms around him
This man absolutely loves cuddles, and has practically begged you for them
Loves it when you lay your head on his chest, using him as a pillow (and vice versa!)
When you first got together, Echo would follow your lead when it came to how affectionate you wanted to be
He would take mental notes on what you liked, and would make sure that you were happy and comfortable
Honestly he would look on the holonet to get dating tips since this man had no clue what he was doing at first (He would also go to Fives for help!)
As soon as Echo learned that you were comfortable with him, he started to get a little more bolder with his touches
Hands lingering on your shoulders, arms, and hands
Will grab your hand in public more often, finding comfort in having contact with you as you walk side by side
Echo would even kiss you in greeting, even when his brothers are around (Fives would fake groan, but you would give him a look and pull Echo back into a kiss to get Fives to stop)
When Echo gets back from missions, he loves it when you run up to him and wrap your arms around him
Echo will pick you up in these moments, spinning you around before catching your lips with his own
Is a complete and utter gentleman!
Keldabe kisses, all the time, he loves to pull you into them after you kiss
Likes it when you lay in-between his legs, resting back against his chest while you two watch holomovies
Echo also liked that position so that you two can read together! He’ll have his arms wrapped around you to hold the datapad in front of you, and he’ll read to you
When you curl up next to him in bed, he will tell you all different stories about his brothers and the 501st! Mostly about the antics Fives pulls him into
Will always give you a goodnight kiss!
When it comes to cuddles, he likes holding onto you. Will trace shapes into your back until you fall asleep! He prefers that you fall asleep before him
Hardcase is a cuddly type of person!
When you meet up, he will gather you up into a hug, excited to see you
Lots of kisses, no matter where you are he’ll lean in to kiss you
Sends you winks from across the room when you make eye contact with him, and sometimes is even blowing you a kiss
When you and Hardcase hold hands, he’s swinging your arms back and forth
Is the master of giving you piggyback rides! Will randomly be like ‘Hey hun want help walking?’ And then will offer
The type of person to throw you over his shoulder and carry you, making you a giggling mess as you tell him to put you down
If anyone looks at you the wrong way, Hardcase will fight them
You have had to hold him back a few times, and once you pulled him away Hardcase would pull you into the nearest desolate spot to pull you into a kiss (if you weren’t out with anyone else of course)
Hardcase is chaotic!! And even if you are not a chaotic person he will make you act chaotic with him
One chaotic affection tactic you picked up from Hardcase was jumping on him and holding on, refusing to let go
This causes Hardcase to break down in laughter, ‘trying’ to get you to let go
Hardcase can definitely both be a little and a small spoon!
He loves it when you hold him, pressing kisses to the back of his neck
But he also loves it when he does it to you! So it really depends on the day
Taglist: @sitherin-mxschief , @kirinpl , @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s , @monako-jinn-stories , @os274 ,
If you want to be added to my taglist please let me know!💖💖
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Sword and Shield 10
Tags: Bad Batch x reader (you), fem!coded, poly!relationship, multi-part series, nonhuman!reader, Echo later on
Part 9: Shatter
Warnings: very much 18+, minors DNI you have been warned, TW for trauma and PTSD, PIV unprotected sex (irl please be safe and use protection), everything is consensual, overstimulation, oral, cockwarming, dom/sub interactions, choking, subspace mentions, poly relationship. Also I swear Wrecker will get a chapter too, don’t come at me!!
I know it’s been a while but I hope this long chapter makes up for it!
10: Recover, Relive
Two more smaller missions later, the Bad Batch had been given a break. You’d pushed through the healing and the expected night of nightmares just fine thanks to being able to curl up to the warmth of Tech and Wrecker. The entire team had been pretty careful with you for the past couple of days, letting you have your space to recover while you continued to work alongside them for missions.
Crosshair hadn’t said anything, really, but his willingness to just let you quietly sit in his presence or in the back of his mind and polish your Rifle form was his way of showing support that you appreciated.
You'd been relieved for the break, knowing that you needed a moment to reset and devote everything to recovering. While you'd started to get over the worst nightmares and the last of your injuries had completely healed, you were still struggling with flashbacks and keeping your focus.
Sitting curled up on Hunter's bunk, you leaned your chin against your knees pulled up to your chest and sighed. Everytime you closed your eyes, you could see Skarla's maniacal eyes and bloodstained grin as she reached into your body and reveled in your pain. You could still hear your own screams echoing through your memories. You'd buried them so deep, the inhibitor chips having contributed to the suppression, and now... well, it was coming back and demanding to be dealt with.
The 501st had already helped you deal with so much of your past. But not everything. And this... these memories had been ones that you’d barely disclosed to even them.
You looked up to see Hunter standing in front of the bunk, carefully sitting down on the edge. “Oh... hi.” You smiled faintly.
He observed you carefully. “Are you doing okay?”
For a moment, the temptation to just say “I’m fine” hovered on your lips. But you remembered how disappointed all your Vod’ika had been when they discovered you’d been suffering and hadn’t told them. And the Bad Batch... the ones you loved, deserved better. You knew that.
So you looked down at your knees, then back up at him. “A memory for a memory?” you offered.
Surprise flickered through his eyes, then he scooted backward and leaned against the wall. “I guess that’s fair,” he admitted. Eyebrows furrowing, he thought for a minute before finally answering. “There was one mission,” he said slowly. “It was pretty early on. Everything... almost went wrong to the point of failure. In the end, it was my fault that I didn’t listen and got Tech nearly killed.” His chest heaved with a sigh, his head shaking. “It taught me a valuable lesson, and made me a better leader. Tech forgave me. But sometimes... I still hate myself for it.” Bitterness laced his tone. “I can still hear him screaming in pain, and remember how I felt when I realized what I’d done. I’ll never forget how my own stupidity and pride allowed me to fail the team. In some ways... what happened to you on our first mission reminded me of that.”
You sat in silence for a minute, mulling over his story. In retrospect, it would make sense why Hunter had seemed to loathe himself overmuch and take too much blame for your injury on that mission. Still, you knew that most of it had been your own fault for getting distracted and allowing yourself to get sidetracked from the mission.
“Skarla,” you said abruptly. You felt his surprise over the Bond before it faded away. “She...” Your lips twisted. “She is who she is for a reason. But she’s also... extremely cruel. I... I can survive and heal from wounds that most can’t, because of what I am,” you said, feeling a bit uncomfortable. “So my wounds sometimes— they seem a lot worse to others than to me because my scale of survival is different. Skarla has... well,” you said, shifting, “she’s well aware of that fact. Every time I would fail to defeat the Guardian, she would be allowed to punish me for fifteen minutes in whatever way she pleased.”
Fifteen minutes of Nine Corellian Hells. Fifteen minutes of begging for death.
“I don’t know how many times I’ve been torn open, ribs cracked, my guts rearranged,” you said, exhaustion lining your voice. “Honestly, I’ve forgotten a lot of it. My brain... couldn’t handle keeping the memories and still staying sane, I was told. I guess it’s better I don’t. What I do still remember... it haunts me. Just the memory of the pain, wishing for death. Staring up at the ceiling of the chamber and hearing my own blood splatter against the walls, hearing myself scream like a stranger. They’re some of my worst memories. Being back there... it was hard but...” You looked down thoughtfully at your hands.
“As hard as it was... it wasn’t unbearable. Not anymore. Knowing that- that all of you were there, and that— that you believed in me, trusted me... Even Tech: he trusted me. It gave me a strength to face not just my past but my nightmares and memories now because... because I have all of you.” You gave Hunter a small but genuine smile. “Being able to feel that strength... it helped me to defeat my past.”
Hunter met your gaze with a softness in his eyes that warmed you. He held out his hand, and you took it gratefully. “We’re here for you, Shiv. In whatever way you need.”
You nodded, then scooted closer to him and leaned into his side. “I’m here, too. I want... I want to return the strength you’ve given me.”
He pressed a kiss to the side of your head, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into him. “You do already. In more ways than you know.”
Despite yourself, you had to duck your head as heat rose to your face. Your mind wouldn’t stop supplying you with memories of Hunter thrusting into you, his hands gripped around your waist and siding down your back, pulling you into his hips. His face buried between your legs, fingers sliding into you— Crosshair’s lithe fingers wrapping around your throat as Hunter came inside you, moaning—
Hunter let out a quiet chuckle. “Oh, did you remember something else in particular, Shiv?”
Thoroughly embarrassed, you buried your face in your hands with a whimper, knowing he could feel the heat coming from you and probably even smell you at this point. But for some reason... the memories wouldn’t stop. You.... wanted it. Wanted him.
Hunter’s mouth brushed against your throat, even as he pulled you back and into his chest. “If you want to make new memories, I’d be glad to help with that.”
You whined, biting your lips. “I...”
He kissed your neck, sliding up to your jaw. His hand reached up and gently tilted your chin to his face. “Is this what you want, Shiv?” he asked it in a low, husky tone, his dark eyes darting down to your mouth with a flare of desire.
You swallowed, then nodded. Yes. You wanted Hunter.
He bent and kissed you. His kiss this time was a bit different. Maybe because this time you were alone, you didn’t know, but... there was something about his kiss that was more tender, more... slow, as though he were savoring you, memorizing the feel of your lips against his.
“Come here,” Hunter rasped, turning you towards himself. Reaching up, he pulled his shirt off and dragged you close again, his hands sliding down your back as he kissed you. His mouth was hungry, his hands taking yours and placing them against his chest. His fingers gently slid under your top, and he pulled back for a moment.
“Can I?”
You nodded shyly, letting him slide your shirt and bra off. His hands slid up, cupping your breasts in his hands and admiring them for a moment.
“Can’t blame Tech for being obsessed,” Hunter admitted after a moment, teasing your nipples with his fingers.
You whimpered, shivering under the touch as you bit your lip. His calloused hands were warm and firm, and the deft confidence in the way he touched you brought back memories of his hands effortlessly wielding you as a blaster. Hunter’s touch was one of a leader, confident and respectful of the power he held, knowing its limits and its capacities and treating it accordingly.
“So you feel that, too,” Hunter murmured, making you realize that his Bond with you was alight with shared sensation.
His hand moved down, splaying over your bared stomach. He paused, his eyes curious as he simply gazed at his fingers, his palm covering your navel. Your chest heaved with breath as you wondered what he was thinking. A little embarrassed at the intensity that had crept into his gaze, your fingers twitched on the waist of his trousers.
Hunter bent forward, then, and caught your mouth in a long, languid kiss that brimmed with appreciation. His hands swept down to your waist, settling on your hips. “You’re beautiful, Shiv,” he murmured against your mouth.
A little surprised, you pulled back to blink up at him. Hunter had never really struck you as one to pay attention to that sort of thing, so his soft, earnest comment surprised you.
He reached up, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. “I know all of us love all of you, and admittedly some of us might be especially appreciative of specific things. But whenever I see you, all I think of is... you,” he said slowly, eyes trailing over your face. “Watching you interact with the team, seeing you get excited when you’re successful in Transference, or even just... sitting on a bunk somewhere. I think just your astral form is enough for me to know it’s you, mesh’la.” He leaned his forehead against yours.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you had to smile and close your eyes. The warmth curled in you, and you let your happiness spill over the Bond.
“Mm. Although I do think that you’re a different kind of pretty when you’re clearly enjoying getting fucked,” Hunter chuckled, his voice deepening as he leaned closer to your ear.
The filthy words accompanied by the way Hunter’s hands sensually trailed up your front made you bite your lip and flush, looking down. Despite yourself, a thought popped into your head and you suddenly giggled, reaching up to press your fingers against your lips.
“Something funny?” Hunter asked, amusement lacing his own voice.
“My Vod’ika,” you giggled. “They’d all be losing their minds if they knew that I—“ you burst into a fresh wave of laughter, leaning your head against his shoulder. “Maker, Kix is protective enough, he’d want to kill all of you- and Fives, oh, Fives—“ Tears of laughter welled in your eyes as you thought about it. Fives wouldn’t know whether to tease you or want to fight the Bad Batch. Hawk and Dogma would be in shock that you were with four people.
Hunter laughed with you, shaking his head. “Not sure if I should laugh or be offended that you’re thinking of other men while I’m touching you,” he teased.
You suppressed your laughter, grinning up at him. “Sorry, Hunter,” you managed. “I promise I’m paying attention to you.” You lifted his hand to your face, leaning your cheek into his palm with a smile.
His eyes darkened, and he tipped you back. Catching you gently, he lowered you onto the bunk and pulled the pillow under your head. Shifting himself above you, he bent to kiss you and pull your body against his. His fingers played against your shorts, and you had to squirm a little at the way your body sparked at the friction. Letting out a little noise into his mouth, you canted your hips up as he ground against you.
Hunter let out a quiet grunt into your mouth, nipping at your lips. “You want these off, mesh’la?” His hands tugged at your shorts.
You lifted your hips, letting him slide them off. To your vague surprise, he left your underwear on. He started to kiss down your neck and chest. His fingers slid around the thin underwear, and he grunted as he felt how slick you’d already gotten. His fingers found barely any friction as they slid into your core.
You gasped, back arching as he pressed his fingers up into you. He worked you in a way that had you whining, entirely at his mercy as he proved how diligent he’d been in exploring your body and leaning your curves and edges. He traveled down your body, kissing your thigh as he continued to work his fingers and stretch you. The way he stared at your drooling core sent a flush of heat through you.
Then his thumb pushed aside more of the underwear, and his face lowered.
You let out a strangled gasp, back arching as your hands flew down and found purchase in his hair. His breath was hot against your core, his tongue dizzyingly familiar with your body. He grunted as your fingers tightened and twisted in his hair, his fingers finding that spot that had you arching into his mouth with a moan.
“Hunter,” you moaned, trembling against him as you felt that coil tighten in your abdomen.
After one last, long lick, Hunter lifted his mouth and licked you off of his lips with a satisfied look. Shifting himself back up your body, he slid his fingers out of you and instead brought them to your mouth.
You let him slide his fingers between your lips, the flavor bursting in your mouth. His fingers pushed against your tongue, and he surveyed you with dark eyes and a lazy smile. After a moment, he pulled his hand away and slid his trousers off, bending to kiss you again. He settled himself between your legs, his cock resting heavily against your core and up your lower belly. Something slick dripped onto your skin, warm and thick.
“Is this okay, Shiv?” Hunter asked, his voice strained.
You nodded, reaching up to slide your hands up his shoulders. Over the Bond, you could feel the way his utter desperation to be inside you heightened. His mind, as he lost control of the Bond, kept focusing on the way your body melted into his hands, the way his body burned as he pressed against you, the way he gravitated towards you. He let out a quiet gasp as his cock slipped against you, his eyes squeezing shut above you.
He slowly, ever so slowly, eased into you. Every inch earned you another low groan, and you had to stare up at his face in awe. Hunter’s face twisted in pleasure, his jaw clenched and his eyelashes fluttering.
“Maker, mesh’la,” he choked, shuddering above you as he completely bottomed out, buried deep inside you. “I can’t— you’re so kriffing tight.” His eyes, when he opened them to stare down at you, looked practically drugged.
You abruptly remembered Hunter’s enhanced senses, especially as a wave came over his side of the Bond of his overwhelmed pleasure. Reaching up, you cupped his face in your hands, trying to make sure he wouldn’t overdo himself.
“Just relax,” you whispered, feeling the way he trembled against you. You knew that the moment he started moving you’d be dangerously close to the edge thanks to his own pleasure he was sharing across the Bond. Not to mention the way Hunter was practically collapsed on top of you, his body pressed against yours, his low groans spilling into your ear as his mouth pressed against your skin. His arms braced himself on either side of you, your legs propped up against his hips.
“Gonna— gonna move,” he hissed, slowly pulling back out so only his tip stayed in you. “Kriff,” he mumbled under his breath.
You were already making sloppy sounds, and you whimpered as he pushed back into you. The way his movements were so precise and sure, the way his mouth pressed against yours with a burning need made that tightness in you start to snap. You whined, already so close to coming.
“You gonna cum, Shiv?” Hunter chuckled, his voice raspy. “You’re so kriffing wet around me.”
You moaned, eyes fluttering as he started to thrust, pitching into you smoothly. His hand reached down between you, and his thumb found your clit.
“You feel so good, so hot and wet and tight,” he murmured, beginning to praise you even as his hips started to stutter. “Kriff, mesh’la, you take me so well. So pretty, under me like this.”
You whimpered, reveling in the soft praises and touches that he showered on you. You could feel him starting to get close himself, his movements a little more erratic as he lost control.
“So lucky to have you, that you love us,” Hunter rasped against your neck, his kiss almost reverent. “Gonna— gonna cum, mesh’la—“
His finger twitched against your clit and you were arching, crying out his name as the heat washed through you, white hot. Pleasure burst behind your eyelids as you came, just as he slammed into you and ground, groaning your name. He spilled into you, filling you up, then shuddered and collapsed against you. His body leaned against yours, his face burying into the crook of your shoulder.
The heat that pooled in your belly as Hunter kept you plugged made your eyelashes flutter. Letting out a soft sigh of contentment, you reached up and gently drew your fingers through his hair.
His chest heaved for breath, and his hands ran down your sides appreciatively. “I love you, so much,” he whispered, his voice getting heavy.
You reached up and pressed a shy kiss to the corner of his lips. “I love you too, Hunter. Thank you for taking care of me.”
He fell asleep rather quickly, though you guessed it was in part due to the overstimulation. You waited until he was asleep before carefully sliding out from underneath him. You quickly adjusted your underwear to catch Hunter’s cum starting to run down your leg. You needed to make it to the fresher, but had to lean against the wall halfway there as your knees almost gave out.
You finally managed to go get yourself cleaned up, and went to go change underwear and fetch your bra. You made rounds to collect laundry, putting in a load and blowing out a breath. Pushing hair away from your face, you went to the common area to go find a T-shirt you knew you’d left in there.
Looking around, you finally caught sight of the large shirt and perked up, going to go grab it and slide it over yourself. Tech was the only other one in the common room, and you made a quick decision as you walked over to him.
“Tech?” you asked softly.
He looked up at you, blinking owlishly as he registered your presence. “Ah, Shiv.” He readjusted his goggles. “Can I assist you with something?”
You tilted your head, clasping the edge of the shirt in your fingers. “If... if you’re not busy, can I— can I talk with you?” you asked, suddenly a bit nervous.
He turned fully toward you. “Sure, Shiv. I was just working on a few odds and ends anyway.”
You glanced down at his legs. “Um, can I— can I sit?”
Some confusion flickered across his face. “Of course-“
You got closer to him and slid into his lap, facing him with your legs on either side of him and your hands twisted in the hem of your shirt. He let out a small noise of surprise, his hands coming up to your hips to steady you.
“I wanted to thank you,” you said softly, still not looking up at his face.
“Thank me? For what, Shiv?” Tech asked curiously. His hands tugged at you, bringing you a little closer to him.
“I know I said it before, but— but I really wanted to thank you properly,” you said, scrambling for words. “For how you trusted me, back during the... the ritual.” You made a little, nervous gesture. “I mean— it means more to me than I think you realize. It’s— the ritual is one that’s... that’s fueled by blood, whether yourself or your Champion. Skarla— she’s always been very powerful and- and she... she was very cruel to me, a long time ago. Going back there was...” your face twisted in misery as you looked down. “It was really difficult, and I— it brought back a lot of fear.”
Taking a breath, you made yourself look up at him. “But you trusted me, believed in me. You didn’t even question me when I led you towards dangerous places, and did everything I asked without hesitating. You trusted me to the point that when faced with something unusual... you readily gave your blood for me.” Your heart was in your throat even as you said it. “It— it meant so much to me, Tech,” your voice wavered, your eyes welling with tears. “The only reason I actually won that match... is because of you.” You met his eyes, trying to convey how much it truly meant.
Tech’s eyes widened as he gazed at you with surprise, his fingers tightening around your waist.
“You gave me the strength I needed to push through, and the way you believed in me...” You reached up and wiped away the grateful tears that had sprang to your eyes. “I fought a battle against my fear and the memories of my failure, too,” you whispered. “But your faith in me was what really gave me the power to win. And I wanted— I needed to thank you. So you know... know what it means to me.”
Tech leaned forward. Your eyes widened as he kissed you, taken a bit aback by the suddenness. But it felt so good, the way his mouth pressed against yours and the way his emotions started to spill over the Bond to you. Tech was... his kiss always made you lean into him, eyes fluttering closed as you melted into the gentle, desperate affection. His precise, clinical nature softened whenever he kissed and touched you.
“I am glad that you are all right,” Tech said, his voice quiet and earnest. “It was... frightening, to see you fight alone. I am pleased to know that I could give you strength in any way I could.”
You leaned forwards and hugged him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Thank you, Tech.”
“You’re welcome, cyar’ika,” he murmured back. He let out a sigh as you shifted, his hands gripping around your hips. “Shiv— could I ask a favor?”
You blinked, pulling back to look up at him.
He glanced down at the hem of your shirt, and an image flashed across the Bond. You, leaning against Wrecker’s chest, fast asleep, Wrecker’s thick cock buried inside you as your chest rose and fell with breath and your face flushed with the arousal. Color crept up Tech’s neck.
“I— um—“
You looked up at him with a shy smile, a bit embarrassed but also flattered that he seemed to be so enamored with your body as well. Leaning down, you grasped his hand and brought it up to the hem of your shirt, pushing his fingers up under it.
Tech swallowed, his hand trailing upward, sliding to the edge of your bra. He glanced at you for permission, and you answered by reaching down and unzipping his trousers. His breath hitched as you began to slowly pump him, your fingers playing a little with his tip. His hand slid under your bra, brushing over your nipple as you bit your lips at the stimulation. Your body was still a little sensitive after Hunter, and you were starting to feel the tiredness pluck at your eyelids.
Tech slid his fingers around your underwear, only to feel you dripping wet and still leaking a bit of Hunter. He brought his fingers up and didn’t seem to be surprised at the white, simply sticking it in his mouth.
“Shiv,” Tech murmured, bending to press a kiss to your throat.
You scooted forwards, letting him guide himself into you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you had to let out a soft moan as he sank fully into you, stuffing you so perfectly. Tech really was the perfect girth for this, you thought dizzily. He just hit every spot inside you as he stuffed you full and kept you sitting still on his cock. It almost made you feel torn between wanting to move and wanting it to stay there, resting perfectly inside you, lighting you up in the best way possible.
He let out a groan against your ear, his hands keeping your hips pressed against his, keeping you completely pressed into his chest, every curve of your body melting against his. Letting out a shuddering breath, he shifted and scooted forwards, beginning to resume his work.
Despite yourself, you had to open your mouth against the crook of his neck and shoulder, biting down gently and beginning to absently suckle. His skin had a hint of salt, but just the warmth of his skin comforted you, your eyes fluttering closed as you suckled a mark into his neck.
Eventually you fell asleep, happily cradled against him and stuffed completely full.
“Oh, hey, there’s Shiv! I was wondering where she was.”
Stirring, you started to wake up. Reaching up, you rubbed at your eye and felt the yawn build in your mouth.
“You woke her up, Wrecker,” Tech sounded a bit morose.
“Huh? Oh— sorry, Shiv.” Wrecker’s voice sounded closer.
You sat up a little, arms still flung across Tech’s shoulders. Stretching, you let the yawn stretch your mouth and your eyes flutter open. Sleep still sticking in your eyes, you blinked up at Wrecker, lips parted.
Wrecker grinned. “Did you have a good nap?”
You nodded belatedly, reaching up to rub the sleep out of your eyes. For a moment, you just blankly stared at Tech’s collar as you woke up more fully. Then shaking your head, you looked up at his face. He gazed back down at you, his hand lightly resting on your thigh. He brushed his thumb across your skin, and you suddenly realized why your lower body felt warm with a pulsing heat. He was still buried hilt deep inside you, his cock thick and hard as it pressed up inside you.
“You’ve been asleep for a chron,” Tech said, his voice surprisingly even.
Your mind fizzled for a moment. He hadn’t moved for a whole chron? He hadn’t cum, obviously, so... Then your lips parted, and you tilted your head at him. But your breath caught in your throat, and you instead shivered and looked down, your face blooming with warmth. Reaching up, you pressed the back of your hand against your mouth to suppress your whimper.
“Ah— th-thank you, I— I think I needed that nap,” you admitted, trying to scrape yourself together. “Um-“ You glanced up to see Tech’s knowing, little smile that he gave you. His hand slid down to your inner thigh, his fingers pressing into your skin. His eyes glittered with the knowledge that at the moment, the T-shirt was the only thing hiding the way your body was clenching around him, making a wet spot against his trousers, drooling all over him, coating your thighs in slick. Every time he pulsed, you felt his cock press up against your g-spot.
“Wrecker, can you hand Shiv her datapad? I think it’s still on the table,” Tech said, his voice still frustratingly calm considering how clearly desperate his body was.
You glanced up at him in a bit of despair, wondering if he was really going to still not move. Though it didn’t surprise you that Tech’s patience and endurance were so high, still. This was on the verge of being cruel. Your body clearly had been frustrated this whole time you’d been asleep, denied movement and friction.
Wrecker handed you the datapad, and you took it with a weak smile. “Thank you,” you murmured.
Tech’s hand squeezed a handful of your thigh. Stay still for me, cyar’ika. And because it was Tech, somehow the order was still coated with that enamored desperation that made you want to obey, just to give him whatever he wanted.
Leaning forward again, you rested your chin against Tech’s shoulder and propped your arms over his shoulders, opening up the datapad. You also realized that Tech had taken off your bra, though you wondered where he’d put it. Not that you cared, particularly. He leaned forward a little as well, reaching for a tool, and pressed your breasts against his chest.
You whined across the Bond, pouting at how mean he was.
He just chuckled, the loving affection pouring across the Bond a satisfactory compensation.
Wrecker sat across from you, beginning to chatter about how he’d been training. You listened, humming and nodding as you pulled up the schematics that Tech had uploaded to your datapad for Wrecker’s combat gloves. You’d been studying and modifying them so that hopefully Wrecker would be able to have them by the next mission.
Just then, Crosshair strolled in. “Hunter says there’s a bit of turbulence ahead,” he drawled, just as the ship jolted.
You let out a choked gasp as it made you rise a little and slam back down on Tech’s cock. Eyes widening, you tried to keep your composure as you gripped onto your datapad. Tech’s grunt had been lost, but the way he throbbedinside you was a sweet sort of revenge.
“Whoa.” Wrecker grabbed onto his seat. “What is it?”
“Asteroid belt,” Cross said, grabbing onto the nearest steady surface. “We have to manually fly through some of it.”
Your mind was already short circuiting. Tech had somehow gotten bigger inside of you, and you were almost on the verge of tears thanks to the way he was pressing into all your sensitive spots. At this point, you were just desperately trying to hold still while your body clamped down on his cock and inched so much closer to the edge. Tech’s hand on your lower back still somehow kept you grounded, reminding you not to move. You didn’t want to disobey. You wanted to make Tech happy.
“Hey Shiv, what’re you working on?” Wrecker asked, turning to you. The ship still dipped and swerved once in a while.
You fumbled with your datapad, connecting it to the holoscreen and transferring the data. “Your- your gloves,” you managed, trying to keep yourself at least coherent. But it was so hard when Tech’s warmth was engulfing you, his hand sweeping down your back, across your thigh, pressing your chest into his.
“I’m trying to modify them before our next mission,” you continued, highlighting the list of mods you’d created off to the side of the schematic. “These are the ones that have already been done, and these are the ones that I’d like to try to do-“
The ship jolted, taking a sharp turn up before coming straight back down and banking. This time, you barely managed to keep yourself from letting out a filthy, desperate moan. Tech had slid his hand down as though to brace you, but his thumb slid under the hem of the shirt and instead slicked up your clit.
You’re doing very well, Shiv, Tech’s voice puddled in your mind. You already came twice while you were asleep. You were so good for Hunter, do you think you could be good for me just a little longer?
So you bit back your sob and instead sank your teeth into your lip so hard you swore you’d leave a mark. You weren’t surprised that Tech knew about you and Hunter’s earlier session: Hunter always projected unconsciously once he was on sensory overload.
“That looks super cool, Shiv! I can’t wait to test it out.” Wrecker was grinning.
“Ah— sorry, Shiv. I need to grab this for a moment,” Tech said, just before moving forward and pressing his hand against your lower back. He grabbed something, then leaned back again and trailed his hand up your back.
Crosshair met your gaze across the room, his lips tilting up in a knowing smirk. His eyes swept over you, a hint of appreciation buried in his dark eyes. He said nothing, but you knew that he’d figured out exactly what was happening. You were past the point of embarrassment. Not only because your body was desperate, but also because the boys all quite clearly appreciated the projections over the Bonds and the sight of you being made a mess over and over.
The final jolt back into hyperspace proved to be too much for you. The way it pressed you wholly into Tech’s front and caused your clit to grind against his hip. The way your body clenched even wrenched a grunt from him.
The datapad fell from your weak fingers, clattering to the floor. Your head dropped down, your breaths quick and shallow as your entire face flushed, eyes fluttering closed. Lips parted, you peeled open drugged and teary eyes.
“Shiv? You okay?” Wrecker asked, looking at you in some surprise.
“Cruel, Tech,” Hunter’s amused voice came from the doorway. He jerked his head. “I’m going to go get some more shut-eye. Take care of her.” He disappeared down the hall.
“Huh?” Wrecker looked thoroughly confused.
Crosshair rolled his eyes. “Wrecker, she’s been sitting there for over a chron.”
Tech turned the chair to give Wrecker the full view. His hand slid up your thigh, bringing the edge of the shirt up as his hand traveled further up your hip and waist. “She’s been cockwarming me,” Tech said almost casually. “I wanted to see how sensitive she could get. A... pleasant experiment, if you will.”
You were shivering at that point, your mouth watering as tears slipped down your cheeks. The overstimulation was a pleasure you simultaneously wished would end and yet never stop. Your entire body felt like you were trying to completely melt into Tech, legs trembling.
Wrecker laughed, eyes lighting up. “Whoa Tech, I guess you really must have wanted it. A whole chron?” He shook his head, but his eyes trailed over you. “I mean, Shiv does look really pretty like that, though,” he admitted.
Crosshair approached, bending to tilt your chin up to his face with his finger. “Well, it looks like our little kitten is rather happy about your experiment. But also getting... desperate.” A smirk curled the corner of his lips as he stared at you through half-lidded eyes. “How... appealing.” He brushed a tear off of your chin, then straightened and walked back toward the door. “Take care of her, Tech. I’ll be back to talk to her once she’s... available.”
“Good luck, Shiv. I’m gonna go get a snack,” Wrecker said cheerfully, following Cross out the door with a wave.
“It seems as though we all liked the results of this experiment,” Tech remarked, sounding satisfied.
Your fingers curled in his shirt, nails scraping across his back. Lips parting, you breathed his name in a soft, half-drunk voice that dripped with pleasure. You wanted to cum, yes, but more than that, you wanted the satisfaction of hearing Tech praise you for not moving, for being good. Just his hand on your back and the steady affection that poured over the Bond was enough to make you seek more, whatever the means.
Tech shivered under you at the sound of his name spilling from your lips, and his fingers tightened on your waist. “You’ve done so well, cyar’ika,” he murmured, kissing your ear. “Thank you for being patient. Can I make it up to you, now?”
Your mouth watered at the idea, and you pulled back a little to be able to look up at his face. You knew you were a wreck, lips trembling and tear streaks down your face, but you wanted it. Wanted to ask.
“Can I-“ You swallowed thickly, feeling your face flush. “Can you...” You licked your lips. “In my mouth?”
Surprise flickered in his eyes for a moment, then he reached forward and cupped your face in his hands. His thumbs brushed away the tear-tracks, and his eyes softened. “If that’s what you want, of course. But I’d like to make you feel good, first.”
Your mind fuzzed with confusion. Make you feel good? But that’s literally all you’d been feeling the whole time, wasn’t it? He was the one that hadn’t cum yet.
All remaining coherent thought flew out of your head the moment Tech’s fingers found your clit. He leaned forward, drawing you into a tender kiss that sharply contrasted the way he dragged his fingers against you. His hips snapped up into you once, and you broke.
You wailed.
The pent-up release that had been building as he edged you over and over had you seeing stars, fireworks, whole galaxies. It burst inside you with a heat that washed over you and stole your breath, searing into your bones and wrenching a shattered sob from your mouth. You hardly registered that Tech’s name was spilling from your lips in a litany of prayer, too wrecked to even remember your own name.
You slowly wound down from the devastating high, trembling, tears rolling down your cheeks. Your body sparked and shuddered, humming in the aftermath in a way that left a glowing ember of satisfied warmth deep inside you. Coming undone had never so intensely walked the line of pleasure just this side of pain.
Tech’s arms were wrapping around your waist, one hand coming up to cup your face as he pulled you to lean against him. You started to register his steady stream of praise as he kissed your cheek and trailed his lips down your neck and shoulder.
“You did so well, cyar’ika. You deserve to feel good. So pretty, cumming for me.”
Your eyelashes fluttered as you slowly recovered, your body all but boneless against his chest. Snuggling into him, you tucked your face into his neck and sighed softly. You just... wanted a moment. To just press against Tech and feel his presence, his hands gently skimming over you, soothing you.
“Are you okay?” Tech checked, his voice low and inquisitive.
You hummed and nodded against his shoulder, basking in the glow of the high. “Thank you, Tech,” you murmured shyly.
He coaxed your head back so he could press a soft kiss to your lips. “For what? You’re the one who had to put up with my experiment.” The words were half-teasing, but his thumb stroked over your cheek with a tenderness that showed his mild concern.
You shook your head, reaching up to delicately brush your fingers across his face, peering up from under your lashes. “You take really good care of me, even though you’re feeling it a lot too...”
He had to be almost on the verge of pain. The way he was still buried inside you at the moment gave you an acute knowledge of how much his cock was throbbing, straining inside you.
His breath came out a bit shaky. “You come first, cyar’ika.”
Reaching up, you pulled him into a grateful kiss. Before the 501st, and even then rarely, no one had ever put you first in anything. The way the Bad Batch had taken care of you even in the middle of war had been a first in so many ways. And even now, Tech had put your wellbeing and comfort first, before his own. You wanted to return the favor.
Tech leaned into the kiss, clearly growing desperate for relief. Still, the kiss was tender for all its hunger, and his hands smoothed over your waist gently.
Pulling back, you slid out of his lap and all but puddled to the floor, your knees completely weak after the force of your orgasm. Still, that’s all you needed. Scooting forward a little, you reached out and brushed your fingers against the swollen, almost purpled head of his weeping cock. He was straining, and he let out a hiss as your fingers dragged across him. A thought struck you, and you tilted your head.
“What do you want, Tech?” you asked, your fingers smearing with your own slick coating his cock. You looked up at him, wanting to please him in the way he wanted.
He lurched forward a little, then looked down at you and panted. “I— wh-what... I...”
You paused in your stroking, your thumb rubbing on the underside. “I want you to feel good, too.”
Before he could quite help himself or stop it, a thought rocketed across the Bond. Color burst in his neck, creeping up to the tips of his ears. Despite yourself, you had to stifle a giggle and instead smile a little, wholly unsurprised even if his reaction did amuse you.
Shuffling forward, you pulled your shirt up and over your head. You had to think about it for a moment, but you decided to just give it your best shot regardless of the potential awkwardness. For Tech... you’d try your best. You pushed yourself closer to his lap, letting his straining cock fall between your breasts. Reaching up, you pushed your chest together and felt the slick slide against your skin.
Tech let out a low, tortured groan that made your already-battered body pulse with appreciation. He shuddered, eyes squeezing shut as pure pleasure flashed across his face. His eyes peeled open in time to see you kitten lick the tip of his cock just peeking from between your breasts.
Readjusting yourself, you found a position that let you move a little bit while still having access for your mouth. Sliding lower, you took the whole head into your mouth. It had swollen to the point that it was almost a struggle to get it in your mouth. The moment the heat of your mouth hit his cock, he let out a strangled moan and lurched, shuddering.
“I’m not— not going to last, Shiv,” he gasped, his whole body starting to tremble.
You lifted your mouth. “S’okay, Tech,” you said shyly. “You can use me.”
You knew that he was close, but you really had underestimated the effect the visual was having on him. You’d just stretched your mouth open around him again when he let out a half-choked cry. It took you by surprise, not expecting it that quickly.
Taken off guard, the first burst into your mouth made you squeak. Every spurt of his cum kept gathering in your mouth faster than you could swallow, and soon your mouth was completely full. It started to trickle out of the corners of your mouth, while you braced yourself for balance by splaying your palm against Tech’s stomach. His hand reached down and tangled in your hair, twitching weakly as he groaned.
He was gasping for breath by the time he rode out his high. His fingers loosened, and your mouth popped off of his cock as you fell back onto the floor. Mouth still full, you whined in protest as it started to drip out of your mouth. Some splashed onto your chest, and you lifted your fingers to your lips as you swallowed. You still hadn’t swallowed all of it by the time you opened your mouth for breath, so more of it ended up on your chest.
You pouted a little, wishing you hadn’t wasted so much. Tech’s cum, for some reason, was just enough of that tangy-sweet flavor with a hint of salt to make you not hate it. Besides, now you’d have to clean yourself off more than you’d normally have to otherwise. Looking down, you smeared a bit over your chest with your slick fingers, sticking them in your mouth.
Tech had slumped over in his chair, getting his breath back.
You crawled up closer to him again, getting his attention. “Are you okay, Tech?” you asked, a little concerned.
Tech looked at you, and his eyes riveted on your mouth, trailing down to your chest. Swallowing thickly, he nodded. “Maker, yes,” he murmured, dragging a hand through his hair.
You smiled up at him. “I’m glad.” Looking back down at yourself, you hummed. “I should go clean up again...”
“Sorry,” Tech blurted.
You looked up, surprised. “F-for what?”
“I— I made a mess...” He glanced down at you. “Didn’t get to warn you.”
You giggled. “It’s okay, Tech. I don’t mind.” You gave him a smile, standing slowly to make sure your knees would get you to the fresher. Scooping up the T-shirt, you headed for the door. “I’ll be back.”
You cleaned up, pulling the T-shirt back over yourself before heading back to the common area. Finding your poor datapad, you picked it up from where you’d dropped it. Tech came up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Thank you, Shiv. I’m going to go get cleaned up.”
You nodded back, giving him a smile. Turning back to your datapad, you decided to resume a bit of work you’d been doing. Taking a break from Wrecker’s gloves, you pulled up a series of footage you’d meant to assess from a recent mission. Hooking up the datapad to the holoscreen, you started to scrutinize the footage.
You’d wanted to see if you could better understand Crosshair’s personal preferences as far as vantage point and strengths went in order to better accommodate for him. Though you did know a few of his tells as a sniper, you still felt a little in the dark when it came to any patterns he had. You wanted to try to see if you could learn anything more, also wanting to see how he handled you as a weapon from an outsider’s perspective. Sometimes, it helped you adjust better.
As usual, you lost yourself in the familiar work and completely lost track of your surroundings. Hands wrapped around your waist, settling on your hips and bringing you out of your focused haze.
“Well, it looks like I found our little kitten doing something interesting,” a voice hummed into your ear, low and smooth.
Color leaped into your face as you gasped, pulled back into his chest. “O-oh, Crosshair...”
One hand anchoring your hip to him, his other hand started to trail up your front. “And what exactly were you doing, Shiv?” he drawled, lazy but not displeased.
You swallowed. “I— I was trying to analyze footage a little more,” you answered, voice pitching a little higher. “I just— I feel like I don’t know your preferences enough, and- and I wanted to see if I could do— do better for you—“
Crosshair’s fingers came up to your neck, tracing the side of your throat down to your shoulder. “Is that right? Don’t you think we should be the ones analyzing you a little more?”
The comment had something.... else to it. An edge that made you pause, tilting your head to look up into his face. Was he upset about something?
A soft sigh blew over your skin, the only way you even knew he’d done it at all. “We stood by and watched as you fought the Guardian and weren’t able to do anything. Didn’t even know you could fight like that. What’s the point in having you be our weapon if we don’t even know anything about you?”
You closed your eyes. “It’s not your fault if I didn’t tell you,” you pointed out quietly. “And I... I should have, I know. That’s on me, not you.”
Cross grunted. “You blame yourself too much,” he grumbled.
You gasped as his teeth sank into the crook of your neck, not hard enough to bruise but definitely enough for you to feel it. Your back arched automatically, though his fingers tightened around your throat and held your head back and neck accessible.
Your eyes squeezed shut as your fingers grappled against his trousers for some sort of stability. Everything seemed to be spinning, Crosshair’s mouth hot against your skin. His hand on your hip pulled you into him, and he ground against your ass in a way that left you squirming on the verge of embarrassment. He chuckled.
“Is my little kitten going to be good for me?” A hint of stubble rasped against your neck, leaving you shuddering.
“Yes,” you whimpered, already trembling. Cross may not have been physically as large or intimidating as Wrecker, but the lithe strength in his arms and the deft confidence of his thin, calloused fingers did something to you that left you utterly weak.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmured, voice slick. His hand slid under the oversized T-shirt, trailing up your hip. His fingers hooked on your underwear, playing with the fabric. His mouth moved lazily over the back of your neck as he tilted your head forward a little for access.
“Next time we make a stop, I think we’re going to have go get you some... things, hmm?” he remarked casually, just as his hand twisted.
The underwear snapped, slipping off of your hips and leaving you feeling oddly... vulnerable. You trusted Crosshair with your life, of course. But somehow... you felt so much more self-conscious around him than the others. Maybe it was the way you couldn’t read him as easily as the others? Or just the way he tended to not be as expressive as the others toward you? What was it that made you cherish his affection in such a different way compared to the others?
Crosshair nudged you forward, letting your hands land against the holotable for support. His other hand let go of your hip, only to slide your shirt up over your back before reaching back to unzip his trousers.
“You seemed to enjoy Tech’s experiments,” he noted, fingers sliding around your hip. His fingers spread you open, revealing how slick you were already. “And do you think you can take me too?”
You nodded faintly, then gasped as his cock slid against you. “I don’t think I heard you, kitten,” he drawled.
“Y-yes, I-I can,” you stammered, already shivering. Your body felt hypersensitive, both from your previous session with Tech as well as the way Cross somehow knew exactly how to touch you in every sensitive spot. Had he really observed you that much-?
He slid two fingers into your mouth, letting you suck on them as he kept a vise-like grip on your jaw. The movement was simple, but the way it made you feel so completely controlled, trapped between him and the table, made you go pliant. He handled your body as confidently as he did your Rifle form, tracing over you with a sort of muted reverence that you began to recognize as your memory drew parallels. The confidence was reassuring, as though he were subconsciously saying that you could trust him, that he knew how to handle you expertly, that you could leave it in his capable hands.
You whimpered around his fingers as your mind fully leaned into the reassurance, leaving you open and pliant to him.
“That’s right, Shiv.” Crosshair’s voice slid around you, through you. “Bend over.”
You obeyed almost without thinking, sliding down onto your elbows and then completely collapsing against the table. The cool metal pressed against your cheek, and your eyes fluttered closed as your breath shallowed. Your lips parted in a soft moan as you felt Cross start to slide into you.
For a moment, he only kept the tip in you, letting you flutter around him and adjust. Then he reached down and pulled both of your legs up, pushing them up on the table so you looked like you were in a sitting position, your legs both on one side and pulled against his hip. His fingers wrapped around your ankle like a vise, just as he thrust up into you.
Your fingers curled around the edge of the table as you choked.
It was the first time Cross had actually penetrated you, and it was already about to drive you over the edge. His cock was long, and while not as thick as Tech, it definitely stretched you in different ways. He pressed up inside you in depths you didn’t know were possible. You swore you could taste him in your throat, he was so far inside you.
Bending over you, Cross started to mercilessly fuck up into you, barely giving you a moment to breathe. The way he had your legs together and bent up put a pressure on your clit that spiked every time he bottomed out; and at the pace he’d set, you could feel yourself careening closer to the edge. He grunted, his iron grasp on your hips definitely about to leave bruises littered over your skin.
His hand tangled in your hair, pulling so he could lower his mouth back onto your throat. Every other thrust was punctuated with a sloppy kiss to your neck, a contrast that only made you moan louder. Your body rocked with the brutal pace, and you could swear that Cross was molding you around his cock.
Somewhere in the jumble of your mind, his name managed to slur off of your tongue. You weren’t sure how or why, but your mind was starting to blur and fuzz, focusing solely on the way Crosshair’s body was hunched over yours, his hands controlling you so deftly, taking control over your body, your pleasure. Everything else faded into the background, until all you knew was him, and the way his fingers wrapped around your throat as he fucked you into the table.
You weren’t sure how long you drifted in the haze, but when you managed to focus, you found yourself gazing up into Crosshair’s dark eyes. His thin lips tilted in a smug smile as he noticed.
“Looks like someone’s back.” He raised an eyebrow. “Well then. How about you cum for me, hmm?” a hint of amused indulgence laced his tone. “You want it Shiv, don’t you? To cum all over me like the cock-dumb kitten you are?”
You whined, the pressure around your throat grounding you just enough to keep you present. The pleasure kept flowing through your body like a steady, unrelenting stream, smothering you. You did want it. Wanted to please him.
He leaned closer, not letting up his pace as his hips continued to snap up into you. “Such a good kitten,” he murmured, “with my fingers wrapped around your pretty little throat. Cum for me, Shiv. Show me how good I make you feel.”
It drove you off the cliff. Your orgasm seemed to burst from inside you, rippling up through your veins, your limbs, arching your body. It sent a wave of white heat washing through you, leaving you weak and completely lax in its wake. A sob spilled weakly from your lips as you opened tear-filled eyes to focus on him through the pleasure.
Crosshair let go of your throat, his jaw clenching as he stared down at your face. His hips started to stutter, his chest heaving with breath.
Swallowing thickly, you reached up and traced the tattoo that ringed his eye and trailed down his cheek. “Please, Cross,” you murmured dreamily. “Please, cum inside me.”
His shoulders locked as he snapped his hips into you one last time. A low groan hissed between his gritted teeth as he came, still buried deep inside you.
The liquid heat pooled inside you, and your eyelashes fluttered with contentment.
Crosshair's breath washed over your ear. "You're ours, Shiv," he murmured, voice husky with the high.
"Yours," you repeated obediently, your fingers tangling in the front of his shirt. Sleepiness plucked heavily at your eyes, the aftermath of three sessions tugging insistently at your consciousness.
"Mmm, fresher first, kitten," Cross chided. His arms slid around you, lifting you up as he slid out of you.
You whined in protest, leaning against his shoulder, even though you knew he was right. Everything was too comfortable, the sleepiness heavy and warm.
"I'll take you to Wrecker's bunk once you're done. Clean up." Cross stayed unmovable, his voice dry as he set you down on your feet in front of the fresher.
But you still clung to his shirt for another moment, looking up at his angled face and dark eyes. A wistfulness flitted through you as you wished that you could stay with him for a little while longer. But you didn't want to ask, didn't want to bother him.
He raised an eyebrow, his hand on your waist steadying your weak legs. "Unless you want to start dripping everywhere, Shiv," he glanced pointedly down at you, "though I wouldn't complain." He smirked.
You swallowed, then looked down. "O-okay," you mumbled, shuffling into the fresher. Even as you sluggishly cleaned yourself though, you had to swallow back a few tears. You weren't entirely sure why, but something in you so desperately craved to be near Cross, to just receive some form of quiet reassurance from him through just a touch or word that he... he cared.
Shaking your head and smearing away the tears, you sucked in a steadying breath and walked back out of the fresher. You'd slowly lost some article of clothing to each of them along the way, so now all you had was the oversized T-shirt. Wobbling back out, you found yourself a bit startled to see Cross still standing there by the doorway, a toothpick clenched between his teeth.
He jacked himself off of the wall and approached you. Bending a little, he picked you up effortlessly and began walking down the hallway of the ship. Ducking into a room, he walked over to the bed.
Wrecker looked up in surprise. "Oh, Cross, Shiv." He grinned. His head tilted as he observed you. "You alright, Shiv?"
You nodded faintly, not trusting your voice not to break. Cross set you down on the bed, while Wrecker shifted over to make room. Then Cross rolled his eyes.
"Move, Wrecker."
"Alright, alright, I'm moving," Wrecker whined, shuffling to the back of his bunk. Lying down next to you, he reached out and gently pulled your back to his chest, wrapping his large arm around your waist. His warmth pressed up behind you, easing some of the pain that curled in your chest.
Then, to your surprise, Crosshair slid into the bunk in front of you. Wordlessly, eyes half-lidded, he scooted closer and ran his hand down your side.
Hesitantly, you squirmed closer, tangling your fingers in the chest of his shirt again. You could feel the warmth of his body under your fingertips, and you bit your lip and glanced up at him tentatively.
Something flickered through his eyes as he gazed down at you, his hand gripping your thigh. "Do I make you uncomfortable?"
Your eyes widened, and you immediately shook your head adamantly. "No!" you blurted, your face crumpling despite yourself. "No-" your voice cracked.
Cross sighed, his thumb stroking over your bare skin. "You seem hesitant around me."
Tears welled in your eyes. "No— I-I'm just never sure if... if I'm bothering you, and-" You sniffled, the ache in your chest deepening. "I—I look up to you so much, Cross," you confessed. "Every time you let me Transfer with you and- and I can be near you or with you, I... it makes me feel so safe. I just-" your shoulders hitched, "I want to make you happy, but I feel like... like I never know if it's okay to get close to you. I don't want to bother you..."
Crosshair pulled you closer, tucking your leg up over his hip so you fit against him like a puzzle piece. "You don't bother me, Shiv," he said, voice low. "We've all been... worried about you."
You nodded, pushing your face into his chest. You decided to take the risk and reached out over the Bond, asking for attention. The Bond lit with acknowledgement, more subdued than the others' but still undeniably there. Crosshair's attention was quietly intense, making up for its more subtle nature.
Shyly, you pushed across your feelings. The way you felt safe around him, the way you looked up to his stern concentration of his craft, his diligence in working, his attention to keeping his teammates safe. The way whenever his lithe fingers handled you, whether weapon or body, it soothed and comforted you regardless of what was happening. The way you wanted his approval, his attention.
Cheeks flushing, you peeked up at him from where you'd buried your face into his chest. A hint of a smile crossed his thin lips, and his dark eyes softened as they observed you.
Reaching up, he brushed his thumb across your cheek. "Good girl, cod'ika," he murmured.
Relief burst through you as he accepted your feelings. Even though all you felt over the Bond was a soft pulse of acknowledgement and a hint of pleased affection, it was more than enough. Cross didn't need to say much to make his point, and you realized better than before that every word he spoke to you was deliberate, honest. None of his words even in the heat of pleasure were idle or empty. You clung to the knowledge, soothed with the reassurance that Cross did care, in his own unique way.
"Thank you," you whispered shyly, knowing that he didn't have to reassure you. But he cared enough about you to listen, to answer.
Wrecker grumbled behind you, scooting forward so he pressed more tightly against your back. "Share a little, Cross," he groaned, "Shiv is soft and warm and I wanna feel."
Cross rolled his eyes, the moment broken. "Selfish."
"Hey!" Wrecker protested, leaning his chin against the top of your head. "You're the selfish one here-"
You giggled, tugging at Wrecker's hand to drape over both you and Crosshair. "Let me take a nap, Wrecker, and then I'll let you cuddle more," you promised. Letting out a wide yawn, you snuggled into both of them. "Love you," you murmured sleepily.
"Love you too, Shiv!" Wrecker squeezed you.
"Kar'taylir darasuum, cod'ika," Crosshair murmured in your ear.
You fell asleep to warmth, content.
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hey congrats on 300 followers!!!!
i saw the prompts list and i can't help myself!!! i immediately zeroed on number 10, A bond between young and old, and i think Ahsoka deserves a birthday party. Obi-Wan and Anakin squabble over something and Yoda spills embarrassing stories about them (fondly) while they're distracted 🥰
Thanks so much!! This suggestion is out of this world so thank you very much for that. (Also apologies for the delay, work's been kicking my backside this week). May I present my very chaotic take on Ahsoka's Life Day celebrations.
If you'd like to join in on my 300 followers celebration, you can request a fic using one of the prompts here! :D
The (Not So Secret) Super Secret Surprise Party
AO3 Link
Summary: Ahsoka receives a very suspicious email from her Master and decides some recon is in order.
Warnings: None really, little bit of fictional swearing.
Word Count: 1.6k
Author’s Notes: This is absolute chaos but I am not even sorry. I live for anything wholesome to do with our disaster lineage, I hope I've done the prompt justice!! Fic is below the cut, enjoyyyyy.
The beauty of the Jedi Temple was unparalleled in Ahsoka’s mind. The way the Coruscant sun trickled in through the windows, highlighting the delicate architecture surrounding her. She walked in peace. The temple unusually quiet today, not that she minded. She smiled as she passed through the beams of light, their warmth settling on her cheeks.
Unfortunately, her moment of bliss was interrupted when her datapad chimed, a small reminder popping up on the screen. She’d been so busy with her studies today she hadn’t had a chance to check back in with her Battalion. Her face ruffled in confusion as re-read the reminder.
“TOP SECRET MEETING - Do NOT tell Ahsoka: @ 1700 Standard”
She clicked the invite to see it had been sent from her Master. Of course, only he could be so ridiculously unsubtle. She noted the room number in the temple from the invite and spun on her heel, keen to catch Anakin in the act of whatever he was trying to keep from her.
Anakin’s email guided her back to the Jedi’s living area of the temple, specifically one of the common rooms that was used for socialising during downtime between studies and battles. Ahsoka kept her steps light as she approached the grand door which was remained slightly ajar. She could hear a medley of voices coming from the room and started to plan how she could best get the jump on them. Grinning, she spotted her perfect vantage point, the fancy door had a large key hole which was just right for her to peer through. The Togruta crouched down and began a visual sweep of the room, starting with her Master.
“Anakin, you had one job.” Obi-Wan sighed, running a hand down his face. The man looked rather worn out as he stared his old student down.
“Okay so I may have got slightly sidetracked making this insane playlist, but being the natural leader that I am, I delegated the retrieval of the cake to Fives and Echo.” Anakin replied triumphantly, puffing his chest out in pride at his plan.
“Yes Anakin, you did delegate… an hour before the party” The Jedi Master rolled his eyes before wandering off to talk to Cody, most likely so his Commander could help calm his stress levels.
Across the room, Master Yoda stood alongside Master Plo Koon and Senator Amidala. The three of them chatting pleasantly, that was until a grin formed on the smaller being’s face “Senator, shared with you, have I? The tale of young Skywalker’s 18th Life Day”.
“No, but please do tell me more, Master Yoda” Padmé replied, a mischievous sparkle in her eye as she sipped at her wine.
“Very well. Never before seen, has the Jedi Temple, a worse hangover” the wise Jedi began his story, those around him granting him full attention as he proceeded to embarrass The Chosen One.
Opposite the door, were soldiers of the 501st, 212th and 104th who were attempting to hang a handmade banner of some kind. ”Stop there Hardcase, that’s about right… Jesse, will you for the love of Hutt hold your side straight! Do I need to examine you for some sort of balance deficiency?” The medic in blue sassed his best friend.
“Oh Kriff off Kix, it is straight!”
“Boost, Waxer, hold the middle for these two morons” Ahsoka had to stifle a chuckle at their antics. She loved the clones like brothers and it always warmed her heart when she got to witness their more relaxed side during downtime. Even if it did result in more petty bickering.
Eventually they’d managed to get the banner secured and all the clones gathered to admire their handiwork. Rex, Cody and Wolffe strolled over last, the 104th’s Commander barked out a short laugh and tried to cover it by clearing his throat. Cody leant forward to speak in Rex’s ear, a small smirk on his face. “Uh Rex, hate to break it to you, but I don’t think that’s how you spell Ahsoka”.
The blonde looked confused for a moment before his eyes zeroed in on his men’s mistake. “Oh for the love of- her name starts with an ‘A’!” Wolffe couldn’t hide his laughter anymore, bursting out into full on cackling alongside Cody as they watched Rex look at his Company in despair.
Not long after, Fives and Echo burst into the room, dramatic as ever, the latter cradling a white cardboard box. “Generals, we come baring cake!” Fives’ explosive announcement included an arm gesture to the box which nearly sent the item flying out of Echo’s hands. The more sane Domino twin glared at his brother.
“Fives, I swear if we’ve just gone on an impossible mission for this cake and you make me drop it now, I will personally throw you in the carbonite chamber” the threat was enough to make the ARC shiver in his boots, leaving Echo with a satisfied grin and earning a few chuckles from the people around them.
Ahsoka’s eyes tingled with emotion as she watched on, becoming overwhelmed with a feeling of pure love for the people in that room. However, an unfortunate side-effect of her body's reaction was that it caused her nose to tickle. Realising what was about to happen and with no power to stop it, Ahsoka braced herself as she gave a dainty, but by no means quiet, sneeze. “Aw kark” she cursed.
Everyone in the room paused to stare at the doorway. “Uh… was that the Commander?” Cody asked into the room which had descended into silence.
“Ahsoka you can come out now.” Master Kenobi offered, a small smile playing on his lips. Sheepishly, she emerged to stand before them all, their eyes burning into her as she stroked the bottom of her lekku nervously. “What are you doing, young one?”
“Anakin sent me the invite for the party setup, I was just trying to figure out why you were all meeting up without me,” All eyes turned onto General Skywalker, who at least had the decency to look embarrassed as he rubbed a hand down the back of his neck.
“General, please tell me you didn’t forget to take Ahsoka out of the email list?” Rex questioned, his tone equal to that of when he’s conveying his disappointment at his trooper’s antics.
“I copy her into everything!! It was a force of habit!” Anakin tried and failed to make his case. His reckless behaviour costing them their element of surprise.
Having gotten bored of the awkward staring at his General, Jesse broke the tension with a joyous cheer. “Happy Life Day, Sir!” He moved over to clasp his little sister in a massive bear hug to which she giggled and wrapped her arms around him in return. Eventually they all chimed in and came over to greet her, kicking off the celebration.
There had been chatting, dancing and a few games of Sabacc (remind her never to gamble against Master Plo again). Ahsoka was having the best day. In fact, it nearly rivalled the day she joined Anakin and the 501st. Nothing was better than being surrounded by the people she cared for most.
As the activities were winding down and people went back to talking amongst themselves, Anakin came strolling in cradling the white box from before. Her cake! Ever the sweet tooth, Ahsoka’s mouth began to water at the prospect of eating her weight in sugar.
As the General walked in, everyone joined in to sing the Life Day song to the young girl whose cheeks blushed under the attention. Once they finished, everyone cheered and applauded while Anakin sat the cake down on one of the tables in front of Ahsoka. Everyone gathered round for the big reveal as he teased taking the lid off the box ever so slowly. With a dramatic flair he finally removed the offending cardboard to reveal the dessert.
Comically, everyone peered over each other to get a peak at what this grand cake would be. Apparently Anakin had been droning on and on about his genius behind the design, saying it couldn’t be topped. Unfortunately, the cake before them was not what any of them expected. A few heads tilted in an attempt to try and understand what it was.
“Oh my Maker, is that?!-” Padme squealed as the image finally registered in their minds. Masters Yoda, Kenobi and Koon all shared looks among each other, Plo’s eyes crinkling with humour behind his oxygen mask. All the Clones present were nearly on the floor with laughter once the realised exactly what cake the Domino Twins managed to grab.
“Right, that’s it. Party’s cancelled” Anakin stole the cake away from Ahsoka’s innocent eyes and ran off to the far side of the room.
“General Kenobi, I swear I triple checked the order number General Skywalker gave to us” Echo babbled as he handed the crumpled piece of flimsi over to the Jedi, his face redder than the Corrie Guard’s armour.
“Ah, It would appear Anakin wrote down the wrong order number” Obi-wan deduced, his face falling into one of his signature, ‘I can’t believe I actually trained this Padawan’ looks. The General left the group of hysteric identical men to pour himself a rather large glass of Nabooian wine.
Despite being slightly traumatised from the cake, Ahsoka couldn’t help the massive grin that split across her face. These were the people that, despite their disastrous nature, cared enough to try and throw her a party. She’d never experience love like this before and in that moment she felt like the luckiest being in the galaxy. She still couldn’t believe she got to call these people her family.
Back to Masterlist
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dotnscal · 4 years
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this is my first ever fill for @badthingshappenbingo ! the prompt was obi wan + taking the blame -- it sort of ended up being very oddly cody centric, but i still hope you enjoy!! also send more prompts (characters or ships!) they’re fun!!!
fandom: the clone wars, prequel trilogy
featuring: cody, obi-wan, and a bit of anakin
words: 2.9k
“Cody breaks the news about casualties to General Skywalker. Obi-Wan steps in.”
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29349840
disclaimers: i know NOTHING about war and it shows. no idea how battle strategy works so if you know anything about that... close your eyes for that part.
anakin might be ooc. he has issues and in this case they come from a good place but they’re just... misdirected
have fun reading! send me prompts!!
also if you want to read with italics and fun formatting please read on ao3. it is 1:23 am and i want to post this but i have class at 10 and no energy to add italics into this </3 sorry i love you </333
Cody takes a deep breath, straightens his posture, and reaches forward to turn on the holo.
Almost immediately, blue light flickers to life in front of him, casting the inside of the empty command tent in its glow. It might have been enjoyable to look at—far more enjoyable than the mud and dirt Cody’s been dealing with for the better part of two weeks now, at least—but what takes up his attention are the two figures now projected before him, one with arms crossed over his chest, the other standing at attention a step behind and to the left.
“General,” Cody greets, the eyes under his bucket glancing from one figure to the other. “Captain.”
Under more relaxed circumstances, he might’ve risked using the name of the man he’s known since birth, the brother he’s fought beside for some time, now—but these aren’t relaxed circumstances, and Cody’s better than most at sticking to formality.
“Commander,” General Skywalker greets, the corners of his lips turned down in noticeable wariness. If only he knew. “You have a report for us?”
Right to business. It’s necessary, in a campaign like this, but that doesn’t make it any easier to brace himself for what he’s about to disclose, or for how he knows Skywalker will react. He takes a moment to breathe in the safety of his bucket, the solitude of the command tent, before he nods an affirmative.
“Yes, sir.” Get it out, Cody, just get it out. “We managed to take the hilltop about two standard hours ago, and the Separatist forces have been drawn back to a new front. However, we… encountered strong resistance, and we suffered severe casualties as a result.”
It was already silent, but now, tension seeps into the air. Behind Skywalker, Rex shifts almost imperceptibly— imperceptible to anyone who wasn’t a brother, maybe, who didn’t know him so well, but Cody sees it, and he, too, braces himself.
Skywalker doesn’t miss a beat, frown deepning. “How severe?”
It’s moments like these that Cody is beyond glad for his bucket. “Severe, sir,” Cody repeats, unwilling or unable to say much beyond that. He hasn’t even written the formal report yet, the casualty forms and the requisition requests for the new shinies—he’s just coordinated the digging of the graves, the making of the memorials. “It wasn’t—”
“Commander,” Skywalker interrupts, a certain intensity to his eyes that Cody’s seen only a few times. It still makes him feel breathless, and not in a good way. “I want a number.”
A number. Cody has the numbers in his head, has already committed them to memory, but speaking them aloud…
“Fifty-three confirmed, sir,” he says, as evenly as he can manage to. “One hundred thirteen unaccounted for.” Idly, Cody remembers that he’ll need to start organizing the search effort for the bodies, once the burials are done—if they’ll even have time for a search effort before their next deployment, but Cody hopes they will, hopes they’ll be able to find and bury each brother properly—
“How many from the 501st?” Skywalker’s voice is curt, and Cody sighs a silent sigh.
This had been his worry, at the outset of this campaign. With their own numbers down, the GAR had approved the 212th to temporarily borrow some of the 501st’s men—men who were now dead, who had died away from the brothers that meant the most to them.
Kriff it all.
“Twenty-nine confirmed,” Cody managed, ignoring how dry his mouth, his throat, felt. “Seventy-two unaccounted for.”
Something changes in Skywalker’s expression. A flicker of something Cody’s only seen once or twice shines in his eyes, in the sudden stiffness to his body. The first time he’d seen it, he’d quietly patched into Rex’s HUD channel, asked if there was something that he needed to know about the General, if Rex needed transfer forms—but he’d been promised that everything was alright, that whatever was going on with Skywalker, it wasn’t being taken out on Rex.
Unfortunately, it looked like the time had come for it to be taken out on Cody.
“Commander.” Deep breaths, Kote. Skywalker stands stiff as a tower, arms crossed firmly over his chest, lips almost in a scowl as he stares at Cody as though he’s nothing at all. “Do you want to tell me why my men are dead?”
It comes from a good place. Cody knows this. Skywalker cares for his men, the same as Kenobi does. Rex has told him as much, and any man in the 501st would promise the same. Only he cares for them differently, and it’s a difference that Cody isn’t used to, no matter how hard he tries to catch up. Kenobi cares for his men, does all he can to protect them—and Skywalker does all he can to hurt whoever’s hurt them.
In Skywalker’s mind, behind the anger Cody can feel even through the holo, Cody is the one who’s hurt them. Forget the clankers—Cody might as well have been the one to take a blaster to them, for all it matters to Skywalker.
He takes another deep breath.
“I’m sorry, sir.” Start with the condolences. It makes things easier when he has to give this news to Kenobi, and Cody hopes it’ll do the same job now that he’s breaking it to Skywalker. “As I said, we were facing heavy opposition. There was artillery positioned at the top of the hill while we were attempting to take it.” Cody forces himself through the words he’s rehearsed, the words he’s carefully chosen and prepared, but Skywalker’s expression doesn’t change one bit. “We had planned a flanked approach, but found that it wasn’t suited to the terrain, and I decided—"
“Forgive my commander, Anakin.”
A voice, melodic and smooth, speaks from behind Cody, and he might’ve jumped, alarmed at how easily Kenobi’s entrance slipped under his radar, were he not so utterly focused on trying to minimize Skywalker’s anger.
Obi-Wan steps forward, standing now at Cody’s side, and Cody’s grateful for his bucket again as he gives the Jedi a bewildered glance.
“And forgive me for my tardiness. I’m afraid I was held up, helping with the wounded.”
Tardiness. Cody blinks. Kenobi’s not late to this meeting.
Kenobi wasn’t invited to this meeting. Nor was he supposed to know about it until after the fact.
It hadn’t been a deliberate exclusion on Cody’s part. But Obi-Wan was taking their losses hard enough already, and Cody was convinced that the last thing he needed was to be met with anger from the one person who meant more to him than anything else in the world. It was an easy conclusion to reach—Cody would take care of it, bear the brunt of Skywalker’s anger, and inform Kenobi after the fact. It was, after all, just another duty.
Now, though… despite how careful he’d been to keep Kenobi out of this conversation, Cody can’t help but be selfishly, horribly relieved that he’s here now.
“Obi-Wan,” Skywalker greets tersely, Rex giving a nod from behind him. His posture hasn’t lost any of its stiffness, but the curve of his lips is somewhat less severe. Kenobi nods at each of them in turn, and Cody stands dumbly at his side.
“As I was saying,” Kenobi picks up, smooth and calm and polished, ever the negotiator, “you’ll have to forgive my commander. I’m afraid that we’ve seen quite a lot of action in the past few days, and he may have forgotten some of the details of our campaign.”
Cody hasn’t forgotten shit. Somehow, he gets the distinct impression that Obi-Wan is fully aware of this—but he doesn’t challenge his General on his words, instead remaining cautiously silent, waiting to see where he’s planning to take this conversation, while Skywalker casts a wary glance Cody’s way.
It’s better than the glares he’d gotten before, at least.
“I believe Cody was detailing our efforts to recover the hilltop from Separatist occupation,” Kenobi begins crisply, pausing for a moment to wait for Skywalker’s nod before he continues. “As he mentioned, the terrain complicated our initial plans of a multifaceted approach. Due to this and many other complications, I made the decision to utilize a forward charge.”
For one long, long moment, Cody is utterly thoughtless, struggling to process what Obi-Wan’s just said, what he’s just done.
After another moment, he has the sense of mind to brace himself, to prepare for the full extent of Skywalker’s upset, to hear whatever harsh criticism and rebukes he has to offer.
Nothing comes. Instead, Obi-Wan clears his throat.
“At the moment, it was the only maneuver available to us.” Cody dares to look up, dares to take in the way Skywalker’s expression has softened just barely, the way even Rex, stiff and still, seems slightly surprised for Kenobi’s words to not have been met with an outburst. “I deeply regret each and every life that it cost, but I assure you and your captain that your men died as heroes, fighting alongside their brothers, and that the others and I will do all we can to ensure that they are treated as such.”
Another beat of silence. Cody watches Skywalker’s throat bob as he swallows, and then watches as he nods just once. He still doesn’t speak.
“I’ll be able to discuss the matter in more detail later,” Kenobi promises, and Skywalker deflates a little bit more at that, some more of that stiffness fading away. Silently, Cody marvels at how the hell his general is accomplishing all this. “Until then, though, my commander and I have some more business to see to. I trust that you understand, Anakin.”
“I understand,” Skywalker repeats, his gaze wary but not overly hostile as he looks over at Obi-Wan. He glances at Cody for a moment, expression hardening just so—but when he looks to Kenobi again, the hardness melts away once more, leaving just a solemnity that still feels out of place on Skywalker’s face. “I’ll talk to you later, Obi-Wan.”
Skywalker turns, gives a nod, and behind him, Rex moves to a panel, presses a button. The holo in front of Cody flickers out a moment later, Rex and his general just gone, just like that, and Cody finds himself staring at the space their blue projections previously occupied.
What the hell had just happened?
Beside him, Kenobi sighs, lifts a hand—then rests it on Cody’s shoulder, just for a moment, over his armor as though to console him, before letting it drop and stepping away, and finally, finally, Cody snaps out of it enough to find words.
“General—” Kenobi’s already moving to slip out of the tent, but he pauses at Cody’s voice, leaving Cody to tense up, realizing at once that he hadn’t actually planned what he was going to say.
He hates how foolish his own voice sounds, so uncoordinated and unlike himself. Kenobi turns, but his brow is furrowed with that concerned look he wears more often than not, and he blinks at his commander as though nothing at all had just happened.
“Is everything alright, Cody?”
Again, Cody feels himself grasping for words, struggling to speak what he feels. In the end, he goes for simplicity.
“You didn’t have to do that, sir.”
Kenobi raises an infuriating brow, his expression the picture of innocence. “Do what, exactly?”
Cody’s confused, and his heart is still beating too fast, and all of it makes him far less careful about what he says, more willing to speak freely in the way Obi-Wan always insists he feel free to do. He swallows.
“Lie, sir,” he replies, somehow feeling a need for breath. “It wasn’t your decision to attempt that charge. It was mine.”
He’d been the one to first bring up the idea, huddled with the General and five other men behind an outcropping, knee-deep in mud with blaster fire ringing in his ears. He’d suggested it, trying desperately to find a way out of their current predicament. It had been his plan.
Obi-Wan’s expression softens, just for a beat, and he steps forward. “You may not see it that way, Commander,” he says softly, too softly, just soft enough for something in Cody’s chest to twist, “but I do.”
Cody’s at a loss for words again, but he can tell that if he doesn’t say something, Kenobi will turn to leave once more—so, desperate, he says the first thing that comes to mind.
“But I brought it up, sir.” He’s not usually so insistent in any matter, and certainly not in front of his general, but there’s something in the other man’s eyes that makes Cody’s throat feel thick with the need to speak, to say something to take away the distance in his gaze. “It was my suggestion. I made the plan. It’s—” A heartbeat, loud and clear in his chest. “It’s not your fault.”
Fault. It’s the trickiest part about war. Cody likes to think he’s come to terms with the fact that no matter what choices he makes, no matter how many hours he spends poring over strategy, his men, his brothers, are going to die. It’s what they were made to do, and he grew up knowing it—though that doesn’t make it any easier to face, any easier to silence the what ifs that come at night, all the ways things might’ve been different, the ways he might’ve saved just one more brother—
But Kenobi. Kenobi takes it harder than Cody’s ever seen, and now, it seems, is no different.
He almost flinches at Cody’s words, and the commander sucks in a breath at the sight, at the flash of vivid hurt he sees on Obi-Wan’s face before he quickly recovers, before he covers it up again. One deep breath, and it’s like Cody never said anything at all, Kenobi’s face returning to a practiced, careful calm.
“I appreciate your sentiment, Commander,” he begins, voice still quiet and distant in a way that grips Cody’s heart. “Truly, I do.” Cody doesn’t doubt it, not when he can see the sad sincerity in Kenobi’s eyes—but there’s more coming, and Cody braces himself.
“However,” Kenobi says, swallowing again, almost imperceptibly. “I’m afraid that I was the one to give the order to initiate that charge. I believe that makes me far more culpable than you.”
Cody blinks, unbelieving, because Kenobi can’t be serious about this—but kriff, that look is still in his eyes, shining blue-grey and looking right into Cody’s heart.
“General.” Cody puts the same intensity behind the word as he might’ve if he were admonishing him for escaping medbay again, or trying to evade the medics. “It was my plan.” At a loss, he shakes his head again, staring at the other and imploring him to feel his sincerity even through the bucket, to see the truth of the matter as it stares at both of them. “If anyone is to blame, sir, it’s me, not you, and—” He swallows hard. “General Skywalker should know that.”
For one brief, fleeting moment, Obi-Wan smiles—a sad smile, with none of his usual lightness. Somehow, it’s worse than the sad look he’d been wearing before. “It was my order, Commander,” he says faintly, meeting Cody’s gaze head-on. “And it is my responsibility to accept the consequences.”
Cody stares, baffled—accept what consequences? General Skywalker’s anger, or the burden of requisition forms, or the guilt, the kind that’ll suffocate you at night—before he can manage to respond.
“But sir,” he insists, that boldness from before back, boldness that he would never dare to utilize were it not for stakes like these, for something as important as his general is to him. “General Skywalker—”
Again, Obi-Wan smiles sadly, giving just one mild shake of his head to cut Cody off—and again, a careful hand raises to rest on his shoulders.
“Better that he’s mildly upset with me than putting an undue burden on you,” Obi-Wan says gently, with a ghost of that mirth he usually carries so effortlessly. It fades after a moment, just as his hand falls away from Cody’s shoulder, and Obi-Wan replaces it with solemnness. “I’ll deal with him,” he promises. “And I’ll see that your brothers are taken care of.”
His words strike something deep in Cody’s heart, something he hadn’t known was there. He knows, of course, what Obbi-Wan means—the burials, the recovery efforts, the wounded, all of it. He’s done as much before, has always cared for his men deeply enough to help with that sort of thing, but now—now, it’s so much more, and Cody doesn’t know what to say.
“General,” he says, something in his tone pleading, hoping that Obi-Wan will hear him, will break free of whatever burden he’s placed on himself, or at least let Cody carry it with him—
But Obi-Wan’s eyes only sadden further, and he bows his head just so, taking a step back.
“I’m sorry, Commander.” Another step away, and Cody’s words burn at his throat, the urge to tell him not to go, to wipe away all of his doubts, all of the blame he carries, to tell him that there’s nothing to be sorry for, it’s not his fault—
Obi-Wan manages a weak echo of a smile, meeting his gaze one last time. “I’ll do better, next time.”
A promise—a promise that he doesn’t need to make, something Cody already knows, deep down in his chest, but before he can tell him that, his general’s gone. The tent’s entrance flap swings slightly in the wind, and Cody stands, alone and with a soreness in his heart that hurts more than he can explain.
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detroitbydark · 4 years
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Chp 10
Characters: Commander Fox/Mouse (reader), Palpatine, Captain Rex, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu.
Word count:4500
Warnings: Sith typical mind fuckery, canon typical violence. Use of the force to injure.
A/N: well here we are ladies and lads, Fox lovers all. The day is upon us. I’m pretty stoked the way this one came out and I hope y’all don’t hate me too much after the fact. As always let me know what you think, ask questions, yell at me. Whatever floats your boat.
Today hadn’t started well and you were already so far past caring it was insane.
You didn’t care you’d woken up on your couch in your clothes from the day before, rumpled and wrinkled beyond salvage, your mascara a messy mask under your eyes.
You didn’t care that you spent the better part of your first hour at the office staring out the transparisteel window into the skylane that ran not far from where you sat, watching transports and speeders for by in a soothing blur.
You didn’t care about the tartness in your voice when the 501st Captain had comm’d stating it was important that he speak with Commander Fox immediately. You’d told him, in no uncertain terms, that what the Commander had on the schedule for today was of the utmost importance and that you would make sure he got the message when he got in.
Maybe you’d been a bitch, latent embarrassment from the peep show you’d unintentionally given the day before still simmering but, really, he hadn’t even offered an apology and the muffled yelling behind closed doors hadn’t done much to place him in your good graces either.
You try not to replay the night before. You’d done that plenty on the ride home. All the same, you let it play through again in your head. Now, you're looking at it in the light of day and with more clarity. The way the anxiety had been almost palpable when you’d first entered the room hadn’t seemed so obvious at the time-
A portly woman is standing a few feet away politely smiling. Your face flushes.
“I’m sorry. Daydreaming.” You explain with a forced smile and a lie “what can I do for you?” A movement behind the woman catches your attention. A tiny green hand clings to the women's slacks as equally green eyes peek around her thick leg.
“I’m Sukin Maly with level 504 children’s home. I was told this was Commander Fox’s office?” She’s pleasant looking as she glances back at the child clinging to her before focusing on you. Lines pull at the corner of her eyes letting you know she was a woman who enjoyed smiling a lot and often.
The child slowly rounds the woman’s thigh and you watch with delight as you recognize the twi’lek girl from the pictures Fox had shown you. Pushing away from your desk you move closer, crouching down and offering your hand. Wide eyes look from your hand to the attendant who gives a small nod. The girl hesitantly takes it and you give it a gentle shake before looking back up to her minder.
“I’m afraid the Commander is out of the office today.” The woman gives an understanding smile as you turn back to the little girl.
“I think I know who you are.” You offer conspiratorially, “are you Me’kar? You made quite the impression on Commander Fox.”
Her little lekku wriggle happily at the sound of her name.
The children’s attendant says something in Ryl you don’t understand. Me’kar’s tiny hands go to the top of each lek and she makes little ears with her fingers.
“Fox” she says clear as day in basic.
You can’t help but laugh and her smile brightens as she repeats the word over and over.
“She’s picking it up quickly”, Sukin explains “but that seems to be her favorite word.
“It’s ok, sweetheart. It’s mine too” you say softly as she bounces in front of the older woman.
”it’s nice to meet you both.” You offer them your given name before addressing the child again, “but you can call me Mouse if you’d like. Everyone around here does.”
This brings a peel of laughter bubbling up in the child as the attendant translates. She holds her hands in front of her like tiny paws and wiggles her little green button of a nose before making a squeaking noise. “Mouse,” she giggles.
You laugh as she pulls a stuffed tooka out of the bag draped across her shoulders.
“Cat. Meow.” She says proudly, holding the raggedy stuffy up. “Fox kiss better.”
You look up to the attendant with a furrowed brow. “She was quite taken that the Commander gave her kitten kisses when it was scared.”
You fight back a laugh at the image. “I wish he was here to see you. He’s going to be disappointed he missed such an important visitor.” The girl's smile fades as Sukin translates but only for a moment before she’s digging back in her bag for a folded piece of flimsy.
“Fox” she says proudly as she unfolds the flimsy, finally holding up an image she’d obviously been very proud of. It’s rough but you can very clearly make out little Me’kar and Fox drawn as brightly colored stick figures. Fox’s helmet is so large that the weight of it looks like it will break his little stick body in half at any moment, maybe it’s the small green hand intertwined with his red one that stops it from happening.
Your ovaries nearly implode. It is the single most adorable thing you’ve ever seen and you willingly take it as she turns to her minder and speaks in rapid Ryl.
“She’d like you to give it to the Commander.”
Saying no was never going to be an option so you nod, thrown off when she attaches herself to your waist and gives you a big hug. You pay the top of her head, “how about this. I give him this” you wriggle the picture, “and we set something up so you and your friends can come a different day when I know the Commander and his friends will be here? You could eat lunch in the big cafeteria and maybe they could give you a tour?”
Me’kar can barely contain herself as the older woman translates. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”
She spins and bounces with excitement and Sulin hurries to calm her as you hide a smile behind your hand. You trade comms with the woman and promise to be in touch after you’ve spoken with the Commander and set something up. Me’kar waves manically, turning and pulling every few steps when It’s time to leave.
“Bye Mouse! Bye!”
It’s the first bright spot in your day and you cling to the swelling feeling in your heart as you return to sorting out the mess that was the day to day operations of the Coruscant Guard.
The aide arrives early afternoon. You’d only just finished lunch and are busy packing your bag when you see them coming down the hall. The upturned nose and refined, high-end clothing scream politician from 20 klicks away. They’re feet away from your desk before their eyes even move to you.
“I’m sorry, Commander Fox-“ you begin your usual explanation and are quickly cut off.
“Your presence is requested this afternoon in the office of the Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.”
The request strikes you as odd immediately both in its formality and, if by the way the aide is staring at you, its presumed immediacy.
You were not an individual that ever had any right being in the same room as someone as powerful as the Supreme Chancellor, not because you were unworthy or less than, but simply because you had nothing to offer in any way you could find necessary.
You inform the aide gently that he is likely in the wrong place, has the wrong person.
He huffs impatiently before speaking your name, “that is your name correct?”.
You nod mutely.
“Than, miss, I believe I am in the right place and the Chancellor is well aware of who you are.”
Something sours in your stomach. You wish Fox or one of the boys were around because something just seems off. “We could do this a different time?” You question hopefully, retrieving your datapad and flipping open the calendar, “I really shouldn’t be leaving halfway through my day.”
“The Commander is with the Chancellor awaiting your arrival.”
Well, you knew that, didn’t you? You were the one who’d been answering comms for Fox all day. So why did it make your stomach flip and lurch? Maybe because you’d expect Fox to contact you with a heads up or, knowing him, send one of the kits to collect you.
“So, like now?” You clarify.
The aide's foot begins an impatient rhythm, toes tapping irritably against the floor, “like, now.” He clarifies pointedly.
You try to ignore his demeanor, he probably wasn’t used to playing go-for and certainly not used to anyone doing anything less than jumping at a chance to meet the Chancellor. Still, you don’t move with any great urgency. Maybe had he been a little nicer or the request not been so abnormal to begin with. You make a point of locking down the datapads and grabbing your coat and bags, ignoring his sigh while he glances at his chrono.
He never introduces himself. Not as you follow a step behind down the halls, not as you climb into the sleek black speeder on the landing platform. Hound And Rule are parking a pair of speeder bikes. You give them a shrug and a nervous smile as their helmets both cock in question. Hound looks like his namesake be it with a more viscous paint job. You’d laugh if you weren’t so kriffing nervous. It’s stupid. So this wasn’t exactly normal, but aside from a rude, nameless aide this was nothing worse than heading to an inter-office meeting.
Than why couldn’t you shake the feeling that you were about to get in trouble, like a child being called to the principals office? Your fingers fumble as you buckle the restraint across your chest. You barely have a chance to wave to the two Guardsmen still looking your way before the speeder is diving into the skylane and heading toward the Senate Executive building.
The ride is quiet. Any attempt to make small talk is met with a simple yes or no, a few things are even ignored completely. If this guy was intending on going into politics he’d need to take a class or two on how to fake interest in his constituents.
The speeder comes to a stop at the Supreme Chancellor’s private platform and you’re ushered off without fanfare.
“Don’t we need to check in with security?” You ask as your collector opens the door to what you can only assume is the Chancellor’s suite, a rich expanse of room and excess that doesn’t allow your eyes a moment to relax or focus on one point.
“That won’t be necessary, unless you feel like you need to be scanned and patted down?” His raises brow makes you blush.
“No- of course not. Just protocol-“
“The Supreme Chancellor sets his own protocols.” He explains as you move further into the office. The large wall of transparisteel looks out over the very tops of buildings you knew to tower high about the highest heights of the Coruscanti top level. It’s breathtaking.
The decorations are ostentatious, with a very strong splash of deep red everywhere- from the carpeting to the tapestries interspersed on the walls. Bronzium statues sit atop marble stands, their twisted faces and gnarled figures seem out of place amongst all the finery before you.
“This way, please.”
You hadn’t realized you’d slowed to gawk and move to pick up the pace from where you’d fallen back. You offer a small apology that goes unacknowledged as he presses through an imposing set of doors on the other side is more transparisteel, more red.
And the Chancellor.
Sheev Palpatine sits with his hands folded on the dark wood in front of him looking as if he’d been waiting for you to arrive. He greets you as such.
“My dear girl!” He rises to greet you, moving carefully around his desk.
Your first thought is that he was not nearly as tall as you’d imagined he’d be. On the holonet he looked every bit as tall as any of the clones that served as his guards. He’s only a head taller than you, you note as he reaches for your hand and gives it a gentle shake. You smile weakly, a spark of something uncomfortable and disquieting burning inside you.
“Supreme Chancellor” you incline your head to break the uncomfortably intense eye contact, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“She is a beautiful little creature, Commander.” He intones looking past you, ignoring your greeting.
You glance over your shoulder to see Fox standing at attention next to the door you’d walked through. It was a wonder you hadn’t noticed him immediately but with all the red bleeding through the room it was no great difficulty for him to blend in. He tips his helmet toward you even though he seems stiff. Regardless, just his presence does something to calm your nerves. Any residual anxiety about the pair of you seems to dissolve as you look at him. When you turn back to the Chancellor your smile is genuine.
The chancellor’s is still questionable while he cups your elbow and leads you toward his desk. The soft clatter of plastoid armor follows behind you. You can feel Fox behind you, can almost imagine his all too familiar body heat radiating along your back. You fight the urge to let your hand sweep behind you in an attempt to capture his own.
“My dear, the good Commander speaks very highly of you.”
“I think very highly of him” you murmur fighting the urge to look behind you.
“Very good. Very good. Have a seat and we’ll begin our little meeting.”
The chair is plush and comfortable. When the Chancellor sits down across you notice that his chair is positioned slightly higher than your own, making him appear as if he was looking down at you. The desk is fairly clean, only a handful of datapads and some neatly organized flimsy. Next to everything is a gleaming blaster. It’s hard to keep your eyes from skimming over it. You’d sat through enough conversations with Hound and Ryk to not recognize a hold-out blaster when you saw one.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it? Blas-Tech, I believe.” The chancellor motions toward the blaster but you shake your head. As much as you’ve been privy to conversations about the different makes and models you’d never really become comfortable with the actual blasters themselves. “Well suit yourself” the chancellor shakes his head gently picking up the blaster and making a show of turning it in the light. It’s small, most hold-outs were. “A gift from one of the Corellian delegates” he continues “a very thoughtful gift but I personally find blasters rather uncivilized.” He makes a show of setting it down closer to you.
“I see” you fidget in your seat, “I really don’t want to waste any of your time. I’m sure you have far more important-“
“- this is of the utmost importance, I’m afraid” there’s something about the almost apologetic look he gives you or maybe it’s the slight cooling of his tone that washes away any comfort that knowing Fox was with you had provided.
“I’m afraid, I’m not sure what this conversation is about.”
A scoff crosses the length of the desk as the Chancellor looks past you to Fox. “She is very tricky isn’t she Commander? Had I known you couldn’t see past a simple deception I would never have encouraged you to pursue her.”
“My apologies, my lord” Fox’s voice is cool and emotionless, not the rich baritone you were used to. Warning klaxons sound in your head.
“Oh, dear girl there’s no use hiding it any longer.”
Your heart rate is slowly creeping up, moving more close to the rate of your namesake than you were comfortable with. You attempt to rise to your feet but a pair of gauntlets come down on your shoulders and press you back into the chair that no longer feels comfortable.
The chancellor rises and moves toward the windows, his fine robes swing around him as he goes. Your eyes follow him carefully. Pressure builds at the back of your skull, a wholly inopportune moment for a headache to present itself if you’ve ever had one. You shake your head gently in an attempt to dislodge it. The chancellor laughs and it sends a cold shock down your spine.
“You’ve used your position and your wiles to lead the Commander astray” he begins “you’ve filled his head full of ideas of conspiracies and plots that don’t exist. And for what, might I ask?”
When you turn and look up at Fox he’s staring down at you through the dark lens of his visor. You will him to say something, anything. Surely this was a mistake.
“Fox, you can’t believe this?” You turn toward Palpatine, “this is a mistake. I’m not sure where this has come from-“
“-So I shouldn’t believe that you gathered the data for the Commander? That you didn’t read through it unlawfully and offer your own silly ideas as to what happened after our best investigators found that the ARC trooper acted against the Republic? That he was, indeed, intent on assassignation?” The chancellor’s voice grows louder as he speaks.
Your mouth gapes as he continues.
“Should the Commander not be made aware that you’ve used his affection to manipulate a good soldier into believing that the Grand Army, the highest level of military excellence in the galaxy, was intent on destroying not only his brothers but the entire Jedi order?”
Fox’s hands leave your shoulders and you jump to your feet, the chair pushing back behind you, forcing him to take a step back or be hit with it. His hand rests at his hip, fingers wrapped around the grip of his deece. The pressure on the back of your head intensifies, burns.
“You used me” the words are a broken snarl, an injured animal fighting back. “You made me love you so you could what? Tell me damnit!” His body is tight, coiled like a spring ready to snap.
“Fox, this isn’t right-“
Palpatine's voice rises over the pair of you. “I’ll tell you Commander. She came with the intent of finishing what the ARc trooper started. She was a conspirator.” The word conspirator is hissed out. Fox’s head jerks than shakes. The heel of his free hand presses against his visor. You want to go to him, find a way to make him understand, to soften the hard lines of his body.
Pick up the blaster.
A voice, cool and calculating echoes in your skull. Your eyes trail down to the blaster and your fingers flex into a fist, knuckles going white as you fight the urge that you shouldn’t have. You can hear your heartbeat pounding along rapidly in your head, adrenaline flooding your system.
“She’s here to kill me Commander. She is a spy and assassin. How else could she get in here without the guards knowing?”
Fox’s hand twitches over his own blaster. “It hurts” one hand presses at the side of his bucket. Is Palpatine in his head too?
Pick. Up. The. Blaster.
Your skull feels as if it will implode at any moment. Your eyes turn away from Fox and to the Chancellor. A cruel smile twists his mouth, a vicious play on a genuine one. Your brows furrow together as the clanging in your head grows louder.
“You’re doing this?!” Panic rises in your throat, bile burns it raw. “Why? Get out of my head!”
The pained squeal that slips from your mouth sounds foreign, a feral animal sound. “Get out of my head!” You sob whipping around. Fox, who seems to be struggling on his own, drops down to one knee, bucket cradled in his hands.
“Cyar’ika-“ he sounds small and you want it to stop, would do anything to protect him. His visor rises up to meet your eyes and you swear you see him clear as day as if it’s not there. He’s your Fox and he needs you.
Because you love him.
“How touching” Palpatine's voice echoes through the room, a perverse pleasure notable in his tone as he sees your realization from inside your mind.
But you love Fox and the weight of it gives you strength. You push harder against whatever magic has slithered into your head.
“Good soldiers follow orders” Palpatine reminds, voice cold and calculating “Shoot the traitor.”
“Fox, it’s me.” You beg him to see you. To look at you “he’s making you believe something that isn’t real. See me-“ a broken sob bubbles it’s way over your lips, “Fox…”
Distantly, the sound of blasters and the rising shout of voices becomes clear but you don’t have time to discern what’s going on.
“You will shoot the assassin commander. The blaster is in her hand. Do it, Commander!”
“Mouse- I- I- can’t” Fox’s voice comes out as if through gritted teeth and then something snaps and he rises back to his full height. The uncertainty that had been rolling off of him is gone.
“No, no, no…” you mumble, shaking your head as tears fill yours eyes. Your hand covers your mouth in horror as if it alone can hold your grief in. Fox raises his blaster at you. Desperately you turn to the chancellor. “Please! Please don’t make him do this! I’ll do anything. Please don’t make him!”
He laughs in your face and you finally do as the voice in you head has willed.
You grab the blaster.
It feels foreign in your grip. You scream as a bolt from Fox’s deece grazes your left shoulder but your right hand holds tight to the one in your hand.
“PUT IT DOWN! GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!” Fox’s voice booms as you turn back toward him. There’s no way you will get a shot off on the chancellor. “Mouse- please-“ desperation bleeds through his words suddenly and it hurts almost as much as the singed flesh of your arm.
You raise the blaster to your head. You're going to die. You know it in your very soul. Now it was only a matter of how and who. It won’t be Fox. It will be the last thing you do-
“DO IT!”
Noise erupts around you. The doors of the Chancellor's office explode open, splinters of wood showering down.
Chaos ensues.
Another blaster bolt hits you in the right flank while your attention is divided. Everything moves in slow motion. The blaster in Fox’s hand shakes as he continues to aim it in your direction. The smell of ozone assault your senses. The room spins on its own unseen axis.
The blaster falls from your fingers with a clatter as you drop to your knees. You can’t breathe, your mind screams to draw in a breath but your body refuses to comply only allowing shallow, useless gasps.
Lights flare in your periphery purple, red, blue. Voices roar to life.
Electricity tickles at your skin as your hands press down over burnt flesh. “Fox…” his name comes out as a whimper as the transparisteel at your back shatters, shards of it bite into your back, burrow deep into your flesh. The smell of blood, the coppery tang makes your stomach heave..
Chaos is everywhere, omnipotent and overwhelming. Voices shout, threaten, and yell and you struggle to focus in on any one thing.
“Don’t take another step, vod!” You see the familiar blue and white jaig eyed bucket of Captain Rex. Twin deeces are aimed at Fox but his blaster is only half pointed, his head cocks then shakes violently. “I said stop, Fox!”
“It’s not him-“ the words come out in a choked cough, not loud enough to be heard over the cacophony of wind rising up between the buildings and the clashing of Jedi lightsabers. You press up on one arm and point shakily with your injured left arm. You try again, “it’s him!”
Rex’s helmet tips toward you but his blasters remain trained on Fox as you point toward the old man held at the tip of a purple saber.
You don’t have the strength to stay upright and your arm crumples. You fall against the red carpet with a gasp. Your shoulder bears the brunt of it causing bright hot pain to shoot anew through your body. When you're able to open your eyes, your blood mixing with the red fibers, almost imperceptibly, greets you.
“Mouse- Fierfek” the gutted sound of Fox’s voice slips into your ears, “I’m sorry. I’m-“ he voice is choked off as he grabs at his throat. Another man, lip curled back in a snarl, advances on him hand raised. His robes are dark matching the poisonous look in his eyes.
“Yes, young Skywalker. Strike him down!” The chancellor's sickly voice rises up over the winds.
“Anakin!” The Jedi wielding the purple saber snarls. You see him look back at the chancellor.
“I am the senate. You will not kill me, Jedi”
“The senate is overruled”
The purple saber flashes without hesitation. You choke back a scream as Sheev Palpatine’s head leaves his body. You struggle, dragging yourself toward Fox as his hands claw against his own throat trying to dislodge his invisible assailant.
“General! Enough!” Rex’s voice rises as you grab at Fox’s leg pulling yourself in front of him.
“Skywalker” the other man intones quietly. The purple glow retracts as he places a hand over the younger Jedi’s forearm and presses down, “let him go. This wasn’t his doing.”
You miss the choked cry the younger man bites back because whatever has held Fox at bay releases him and he falls forward, body draping over you protectively.
The winds still howl, blowing up from the deep wells of Coruscant below but it sounds distant. It doesn’t chill you like it had because Fox is with you and he’ll make everything right.
You want to tell him how much you love him. You want to kiss him just once as the darkness presses in at the edges of your vision. It’s a struggle to focus on the lines of his helmet, to pretend you can see through to the cut of his jaw, his full lips -that turn up just so when he smiles- and the soothing browns of his eyes.
“You don’t get to do this” he whispers angrily between harsh breaths. His arms wrap around your body pulling you close his nose pressing against your temple. “You don’t get to die because of me”
You tell him it’s not his fault, or at least you try. You can’t make your voice work.
Fox’s lips press roughly behind your ear. A continuous loop of promises and apologies and curses spill from his mouth. Mando’a and basic slur together. You try to keep your eyes open. You want to stay with him. It doesn’t hurt anymore so everything must be ok. Fox has made it ok…
Someone yells for a medic and the darkness overtakes you.
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katierosefun · 4 years
top five star wars books? or if you're not reading those, how about your top five books in general?
oooh, anon, of course i would love to talk about my top five star wars books!! // ask me my top 5 anything 
1. gambit: siege by karen miller -- honestly,,,this is the second book of the gambit duology, but this is also the book that i read the most of just because it’s so good. first of all, there’s a lot of anakin and obi-wan bantering--so much anakin and obi-wan bantering, but there’s also a lot of solid h/c,,,anakin being really annoyed and kinda worried about obi-wan because “hey you’ve been trying to heal this entire village by yourself please can you stop” and also “we’re in this situation because it’s my fault stop blaming yourself for this” and obi-wan just being like “blaming myself--that’s ridiculous” but also no, there’s some truth to that, because....oh my god yeah this book is just the perfect amount of pain and good feelings and just....ugh please 
2. gambit: stealth by karen miller -- the first book of the gambit duology. 100000/10 because there are, again, solid anakin and obi-wan moments. this one’s a bit more lighthearted (.......i say just as i remember that there’s this one scene where obi-wan and anakin wind up being on top of a bunch of dead bodies and obi-wan just grabs anakin’s wrist and is like “i know” and anakin just,,,,vanishes? because vanishing is a thing that you can do with the force? i’m into it). also high-quality ahsoka and obi-wan moments. also high-quality ahsoka and rex moments. features the 501st being worried to death about their stupid general. also features ahsoka making friends with taria, who grew up with obi-wan. there’s this one part where ahsoka’s like “is this how easy it is? making friends?” and then taria smiles at her and ahsoka thinks, “wow” and i want to cry what a sweet kid 
3. ahsoka by ek johnston -- ahsoka tano is disaster bisexual icon and i love that for her. everyone knows that the local farmer girl has a crush on ahsoka except ahsoka. mostly because ahsoka’s like,,,,,suffering from ptsd and misses anakin and obi-wan,,,,she refers to them as her adpted parents,,,no shut up i am going to cry,,,,,ahsoka canonically thought of anakin and obi-wan as her parents,,,,,i cry,,,,,,ahsoka also thinks about padme,,,,,,there’s a snippet of obi-wan’s perspective,,,,,,,,obi-wan,,,,,,,thinks about ahsoka,,,,,,,and thinks about how she used to follow him around, asking him questions,,,,,(oh my god “i should have asked you questions / should have asked you how to be / should have asked you to write it down for me / should have kept every grocery store reciept because of every scrap of you would be taken from me” i am having a moment, clearly) 
4. kenobi by john jackson miller -- now it’s time to read about obi-wan’s ptsd!!! (no reading the ahsoka novel and the kenobi novel back to back is a Trip and a Half and i have cried many tears,,,,no i read way too many star wars books over summer 2020 leave me alone). this is one of those character-driven books, and we don’t actually get obi-wan’s perspective except for a few chapters, but i kinda didn’t mind that? this  book is really just everyone falling in love with obi-wan, and obi-wan being like “nope i am Done with people” and then angrily mutters to himself as he undoubtedly gets caught up with people Again. also, he eats cake. also, he’s a eopie grandpa. also, he dreams about anakin. also, he mentions satine. also--
5. revenge of the sith novelization by matthew stover -- bro.....where to start with this book. where to start with this book. this book is iconic. has wonderful scenes like obi-wan and anakin bantering (anakin,,,,teasing obi-wan for losing his lightsaber,,,,,i’m going to Scream),,,,,,anakin referring to obi-wan as “old buddy, pal” when they’re hanging from the elevator,,,,,,,,obi-wan recognizing anakin by his butt (oh my god),,,,,,,,,,,,obi-wan being hinted that he is bisexual,,,,,,,,,,obi-wan crying when he realizes that anakin might not trust him anymore,,,,,padme saying “you love him, don’t you? you do. you do love him.”,,,,,,,,,,,,anakin blindly looking for obi-wan when he learns of palpatine’s true identity,,,,,,,,,obi-wan not being able to focus when he thinks anakin’s dead via order 66,,,,,,,,,obi-wan wishing he was dead when he learns what really became of anakin,,,,,,,,no i’ve lost my mind over this book so many times bro
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Star Wars as if it were like the Office! (Also i need a title, so if anyone has any ideas for that or any suggestions in general, let me know.
Also, sorry if this sucks. I don’t write very often nor have I ever written a screenplay type of thing before. I honestly just did this for fun!
“Anakin, what are you doing?”
“I’m standing on the edge of this balcony.”
“Yes, I can see that. Why are you standing on the edge of that balcony?”
*pan to the chaos of Coruscant below; ships speeding in traffic, huge buildings, and an insanely long drop. Obi-Wan is standing behind Anakin on the part of the balcony that’s made to be stood on; Anakin is on the edge of the railing*
“Uh, well, some of the clones said there was no way that I could jump and land in one of the ships flying through the city, and I told them I definitely could, so here I am.”
*Obi-Wan looks to the camera in annoyance and disbelief; camera pans down to Anakin’s end point where Fives, Echo, and Jesse wave up to his position*
“Absolutely not. Get down from there right this instant!”
“Sorry, Master!”
*he jumps, and he is flying through the air for about two seconds when he suddenly freezes. Obi-Wan is looking down at him as he holds him mid air with the Force, slowly raising him back up to eye level*
“Anakin, you are twenty years old. Could you maybe start acting like it?”
*he drops him onto the floor; Anakin gets up and sulkingly follows Obi-Wan out of the room*
*this would be where the theme song and title card would go*
In the background: “yeah, so Obi-Wan refused to let me jump, so I had to come back here. Sorry you all waited for nothing”
*Obi-Wan turns to the camera*
So, does Anakin do this sort of thing frequently?
“Oh, yes. He doesn’t seem to care about safety or his own well-being. That’s the third time this month I’ve had to stop the Balcony Jump. And clearly I’m the only one who thinks these are bad ideas, so I’m always the one who has to step in. I swear I already have a few grey hairs from having to stop Anakin from doing something stupid so often.”
*back to normal scene*
“Alright, everyone gather around, we have a new mission to discuss.”
*anakin, ahsoka, and many of the clones from the 501st and 212th gather around Obi-Wan*
“The chancellor seems to think it’s a good idea for us to go investigate a possible takeover on Ryloth….” *fades out as we zoom in on Anakin clearly bored and not listening*
“I hate debriefings. When Obi-Wan does them he talks for forever. They’re too long, so I just tune him out and pretend like I know what I’m doing on the actual mission. When I tell the others what we’ve been assigned, I take 2 minutes tops. Master Obi-Wan stretches it into at least 10.”
*now to ahsoka*
“Yeah, Master Kenobi goes over every single detail in the mission log every single time. I’ve had to slap Anakin awake in the middle of a meeting too many times to count.”
*back to obi wan speaking to them all*
“So, we need to go in and investigate the distress signal’s purpose, mainly to see if it’s a separatist attack. Anakin, you’ll be positioned here and you’ll direct your troops to-Anakin?? Are you listening to me?”
*obi wan turns away from his whiteboard where he’s drawing out strategy to see Anakin staring slightly up at the ceiling. Anyone else wouldn’t have noticed, but Obi wan knows his past-padawan turned Jedi Knight too well*
“What? Oh, yeah, of course I am.”
*interview with obi wan*
“Anakin is a terrible liar. You’ll soon find that out.”
*switch to interview with Anakin*
“Luckily for me, I’m an amazing liar, so I’m not worried.”
*back to the scene. Obi-Wan has his hands on his hips in his judgmental pose™️ facing Anakin*
“Oh really? Then what did I just tell you to do?”
“Uhhh I have to hold my position, lead the 501st, all that jazz”
“Mhm and where is this all going down?”
“Uh, Iridonia of course.”
“You literally could not be more incorrect.”
*obi wan int.*
“Told you so.”
*anakin int.*
“Okay, in my defense, there’s thousands of planets. I had like a 1% chance of guessing correctly.”
*back to the scene*
“Ryloth, Anakin. Ryloth is where we’re going. A distress call was detected coming from the planet, and since the Separatists have a history of meddling with the peace of Ryloth and its citizens, we were instructed to go inspect. I will not repeat myself again. That is all, everyone get ready. You’re dismissed.”
*interview with Rex; clones preparing armor and weapons in the background*
So, are you kind of like the leader of the clones around here?
“Uh, I’m the captain of the 501st Battalion under General Skywalker’s command. I follow his orders and then lead my brothers to execute those orders. We’re one of the most successful groups of clones, so I take great pride in-“
*rex is interrupted as the camera switches focus to the background where Jesse Kix and Fox are all at each other’s throats. They’re stealing each other’s helmets and tossing them around. Rex turns to look*
(Sigh) “as I was saying…I take great pride in our success and professionalism.”
“Sorry, gotta go do my job now.”
*they board the ships and head off to Ryloth*
*camera switches to Anakin on Ryloth*
“Can we please leave now?”
“Absolutely not, Anakin. We still aren’t quite certain what set off the alarm.”
“It was probably just an accident. There’s nothing here, Master. Ahsoka, back me up.”
*ahsoka is looking down at and messing with a data pad clearly not listening to Anakin*
“What? Oh, uh, yeah. Totally.”
“Were you even listening to me?! I was speaking to you, Ahsoka. Can I get a little bit of respect please?”
*obi wan looks at the camera like ‘are you fucking kidding me’*
“Listen, Master, I started to tune you out like an hour ago. All you’ve done is complain.”
“Because there’s nothing here! I want to go home!”
“You just want to get back to Coruscant in time to go to that party for the senators.”
“What??????!?!?? That’s absurd, master. Absolutely preposterous. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
*cut to Anakin*
“Okay, I know exactly what he’s talking about, but I can’t admit it! There’s this politician gathering tonight and normally I wouldn’t be one to willingly seek out social gatherings-especially one full of politicians-but Padme is going and she asked if I would come. So of course I said yes. Also, they usually have those little cocktail weenies, so no way I’m missing that.”
*cut to obi wan*
“Anakin is terrible at hiding things, especially from me. He clearly wants to get back so he can go to the party tonight with Senator Amidala.”
Any reason why he’d want to go with her so bad?
“Oh, yes, you see my former Padawan thinks he’s sly, but as we all know he’s a terrible liar. He’s been pining after the senator since he was a boy. I assumed it would pass by now, but clearly he’s still infatuated with her. They’re very good friends but he still has his teenage crush on her. It’s very unprofessional.”
Will you be attending it as well?
“Oh, no. I’m not one for politics.”
*back to the scene*
“What? Master why are you going to that stupid thing? You hate those types of parties! Plus, last I checked, you are not a politician.”
*cut to Anakin*
“So I’ve never actually told Ahsoka about my secret relationship with Padmé…”
*back to the scene*
“Uhhhhh because I’m good friends with the Chancellor, obviously. He would like me there to….to talk about strategies. Yes. Strategies for the Republic.”
“At a formal gathering for politicians? That doesn’t even make any sense!”
“...you’re asking way too many questions, Snips. We have a mission to focus on! You’re better than this!”
*ahsoka looks suspiciously at him as obi wan shakes his head at the two of them*
“Now that you’re done bickering, will you two please go explore the blocked off caverns for any possible signs of life?”
*both, simultaneously and clearly annoyed*
“Yes, Master.”
“You know, there’s nothing in these caves. He just wanted us out of his hair. He’s just keeping us busy.”
“How can you know for sure?”
“Because I don’t sense anything. There’s nothing in here.”
“Master Kenobi told us to do it, so that’s what we’re gonna do.”
“So you listen to all of his orders but not mine?”
“Well, Obi-Wan doesn’t lie to me, so yes.”
“Psh. Pssshh. I’m not lying to you...that’s ridiculous.”
“It’s not. Tell me the real reason you’re going to that party! I know that you’re lying!”
“I’m absolutely telling the truth. I don’t know why you’re so adamant about this. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Oh please. Whenever you lie you start using big words and you talk faster than normal. Just tell me the truth!”
“Fine. My friend Senator Amidala was allowed to bring someone and since we’re friends she asked me if I would like to come along too. So I said yes.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it? Makes sense why you’re so anxious about it.”
“Whatta you mean?”
“Oh, nothing, it’s just that you’re going to a party as the Senator’s plus one which she asked you to. It’s definitely a date.”
“Whaaaaaaaatt. It’s not a date. That’s ludicrous! We’re just friends. Plus, I’m a Jedi. We can’t go on dates!”
“Right, and you don’t have a crush on her.”
“I don’t have a crush on her! We’re friends! It’s extremely platonic.”
*int. With Anakin*
“Okay, so it’s not platonic. But I don’t have a crush on her because I’m married to her! If I tell her that I willingly break the Jedi Code whenever I want, then maybe she will too! And then what kind of Master would I be?!?!”
I thought you technically weren’t a Jedi Master.
*zooms in on anakin’s ‘I will fuckin kill you’ face”
*back to the scene*
“Right, and I don’t secretly steal your jackets when you’re sleeping when I’m cold.”
“.....look, can we just get back to the mission?”
“Sure thing, Skyguy. Wait till Master Kenobi hears about this.”
*under his breath* “pretty sure he already knows...”
*scene switch to obi wan, he’s with Cody and many other clones. They’re in a room in one of the government buildings on Ryloth surrounding a beacon device. It’s a distress signal activator.*
“And you’re sure you didn’t do this, Mr. Syndulla?”
“No, Master Kenobi. I only use the distress beacon for serious emergencies. I have no clue as to who did this. There aren’t many people that have access, and it’s not something that just anyone can do by accident. You must enter a code and confirm multiple times.”
“Thank you for the information. Will you let us inspect the fortress for any intruders?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Thank you. Cody, take Waxer, Boil, and Gearshift to the west wing. Gregor, you and your troops take the left. Myself and Crys will start here. Report back if you find anything.”
“Sir yes sir!”
*we see Obi-Wan and Crys searching first. They stayed in the room where the beacon is kept. Obi-Wan is looking through digital records as Crys is underneath it looking at its internal parts like those scenes where someone is laying on a skateboard to fix a car*
“This is strange. There’s no trace of tampering with the records or files. Nothing was wiped. This doesn’t seem like sabotage or a distraction for something bigger. Crys, do you have anything?”
*crys rolls out from under the beacon*
“No, sir. Everything is wired and hooked up properly. No signs of sabotage or demolition.”
*Int. With Crys*
“I’m really good with robots and droids, so that’s probably why General Kenobi wanted me to tag along with him. Usually he takes Cody, but this is more of my field of expertise.”
*back to the scene*
“This is trivial indeed.” *he’s doing his beard stroke* “I wonder if the others have found anything.”
*switch over to gregor and his troops. They’re searching the left wing of the fortress. They’ve been interviewing many citizens of Ryloth. They’re not very successful*
“I don’t see the point in talking to anyone else. I doubt they’re gonna know anything. We should report back to the general.”
*int with Gregor*
So, Gregor, can you give us a little summary of what you do around here?
“Yeah, sure thing. Uh, I’m kind of like third in command here. I’m a captain in the 212th Battalion and that’s pretty much all there is to it.”
Your helmet is very interesting. It’s pretty unique compared to the rest of your brothers.
“Oh, this? Some clones have tallies, but these represent stitches.” *he points to em* “It’s basically just showing how many injuries I’d have and how many stitches I would’ve gotten if I didn’t have the helmet. I think it’s pretty cool.”
*back to the scene. They’ve found nothing*
“Yeah, I’ll comm the general.”
*gregor taps into his comms and contacts Obi-Wan*
“Gregor, have you found anything?”
“No, general, I called to report that we’ve found nothing out of place. The twi’leks we’ve interviewed seem like they know nothing. How about you?”
“No, sadly we’ve come across nothing either. The beacon hasn’t been tampered with whatsoever.”
“We’ll keep looking around. I’ll keep you updated.”
*he hangs up the comm*
“Alright, boys, let’s keep going!”
*we now cut to Waxer and Boil being lead by Cody. They’re going door to door in the right wing where the rooms are located asking questions*
“This is leading us nowhere, Commander.”
“I know, Boil, but General Kenobi told us to inspect the entire right wing. We only have three more rooms to do. Let’s go.”
*they knock at the next door*
“Hello, ma’am. My name is Commander Cody of the 212th Attack Battalion. We’re on a mission here from the Jedi council. The distress beacon gave off a signal earlier today and we were wondering if you knew anything about it.”
“I’m very sorry I can’t be of any help to you, Commander, but I know nothing.”
*suddenly, a small child comes running down the hallway laughing. She trips and falls and scrapes her knee.*
“hey, are you okay?”
“Waxer you know that’s not how you talk to a child!”
“I’m sorry! You know I get awkward around kids. Why do we always find a runaway child when we’re on Ryloth? Like, how has this actually happened twice?”
*boil ignores him and kneels down to the kid*
“Hey there. My name is Boil. Are you okay? Do you need help?”
*she looks a bit frightened still. Boil realizes he still has his helmet on so he takes it off.*
“Sorry about that. Is it okay if I patch up your knee? I keep bandages on me, you can even pick the color if you want.”
“...okay. Blue please.”
“Blue it is. So, why were you running so fast? Is anything chasing you?”
“No. I was just looking for my papa. And I’m bored. I played with his fun machine today.”
“His machine, huh?”
*the three clones look at each other with a look™️ and Cody comms obi wan*
“General? I think we found your culprit”
“‘Wow Anakin, you’re such a genius. It’s almost as if you were right all along!’ ‘Why thank you, Master. I knew I was right, and now we can go home even though we could’ve earlier.’ ‘Yes, you’re so right. We should’ve listened to you the whole time-“
“Anakin, are you finished?”
“‘we should make you a master on the council. I admire you.’ Now I’m finished.”
��Oh, give it a rest, Master. We get it, you’re right, now let’s get you home for your date.”
*anakin freezes and turns slowly. They’ve been walking up the ramp to board their ship when ahsoka said that. Anakin is now very red in the face*
“....what. What are you talking about snips??!! I don’t have a date. I don’t date. I’m just attending a senator party with the Chancellor. A date. Psh. Psh.”
“But you told me-“
*obi wan just rolls his eyes as they board the ship*
*We’re back to Coruscant!*
“Finally, we’re home. I’m so tired from all the nothing we did.”
“Oh, Anakin, you are such a drama queen. We did our mission like we were supposed to. Now, can I please speak to you in private?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Even though you have complained a lot today, I still care about you Anakin, and I know you made a promise to someone else already. So, I will go inform the Jedi Council that this was a false alarm by myself. Maybe I’ll take your Padawan. But you, my friend, should go get ready for your senator party.”
*anakin hugs obi wan*
“Thank you, Obi-Wan. I owe you one.”
*anakin goes up to his apartment on Coruscant where Padme is; she’s on their couch reading something and already dressed when anakin comes in*
“I’m back! I’m finally back!”
“Hello to you too Anakin. I was hoping they’d let you out. You’re cutting it close this time.”
“I’m so sorry. We had to go to Ryloth for no reason and Obi-Wan wouldn’t let me leave until we knew for sure what happened.”
“Well, I’m glad you made it in time.”
“Me too. Obi-Wan is letting me skip the debriefing for this.”
*he goes to change into his formal clothes for the party. Padme is already wearing one of her super rad fancy senator outfits. Anakin has an all black suit cause you know he’s that guy™️.
*int with Padme*
“Anakin has missed a lot of these outings with me due to Jedi business, so I wasn’t expecting him to actually be here for this one. I’m glad he is. I don’t see him as often as I wish I did.”
Do you ever think of asking him to leave the Jedi Order then?
“Oh, no. Absolutely not. I would never ask him to give up his life like that. And I don’t want that either. He’s a great Jedi and he loves what he does. I would never try to take that away from him.”
*back to scene. Now they’re walking down the halls of the senate building on their way to the party*
“So, get this, Ahsoka is convinced that I have a crush on you and that this is a date.”
“I mean, she’s not exactly wrong, is she?”
“Well, no, but I don’t really have a crush on you since, you know, we’re married. And she meant date as in ‘you invited me to this thing but we’re not together but in her eyes, it’s a date’ kind of thing.”
“Hmm so she still doesn’t know?”
“No. I can’t bring myself to tell her. I love her, but I don’t want to taint her mind and views of the Jedi Code and council. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“A very good point. You’re a good Master, Anakin.”
*they then enter the party. Many political figures from across the galaxy are there already. Its purpose is unknown to us, but it is clear that it’s important but also not too serious. They speak with many different people included Palpatine. We have yet to actually speak to him yet. Anakin is eventually over near the snack table, a drink in his hand and another one being handed off to Padme*
“Here you go. It’s your favorite.”
“Thank you. So, are you having fun yet?”
“Well, I don’t think I’ll ever have fun hanging around any politicians but you, but it’s not so bad. Plus, these snacks are really good.”
*padme rolls her eyes but laughs at him*
“It’s nice for us all to get together like this. It’s important for the Republic.”
“Mm, indeed.”
*they continue chatting until Anakin notices someone across the room. Fancy blue outfit. Blonde hair up in a bun. He doesn’t notice who it really is until she comes a bit closer. He does the pikachu face and drops his drink, luckily catching it midair with the force as he apologizes to those around him*
“Anakin?? Are you okay? What was that for?”
“You didn’t tell me she was going to be here!”
*he points to her by nudging his head in her direction hoping Padme will see who he’s talking about*
“Her? That’s my friend Satine. She’s the Duchess of Mandalore. She’s-wait a minute, how do you know her??!?”
“Nothing bad, I assure you. I’m actually quite fond of her. I just wish I knew sooner!”
“Because that, my love, is Obi-Wan’s girlfriend.”
END of this part.
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writer1 · 4 years
Fear of the unknown
Chapter 10
You leave Rex with Cody and head outside of the palace to talk to Anakin, you want to know what's going on. You hope that the council's Intel is wrong, and Grievous isn't here.
You get out there and find Obi Wan and Anakin talking together, only a few of the 501st and 212th soldiers are standing around. The rest must be on patrol and protecting the queen.
"Miss y/n, it's good to see you again. I heard that Rex had a full moon." You can hear the worry in Obi Wan's voice when he talks about the full moon.
"Yeah, he was in a lot of pain last night, and he's still transformed and in pain today. Cody's with him right now." Obi Wan nods, happy to hear that Cody finally knows. He hated lying to his Commander, he's upset that Rex already got caught in a full moon, but he can't avoid them forever.
"Well, tell him I hope that he feels better."
"I will, did you learn anything else from the journal." Obi Wan strokes his beard in thought.
"Yes actually, I found out a few more things about Rex's... Condition. I found out that it's good for Rex to transform into a werewolf regularly, but the journal didn't exactly have an explanation for it. Supposedly Jak would get sick if he went to.long without transforming." You nod, taking a mental note to have Rex transform regularly. You know that you might have to stop him from holding his transformation back.
"I also found out that werewolves tend to also transform when they're comfortable or with someone they're comfortable with. It's like an instinct, and they get very, very protective of anyone they deem as their mate. Which means you y/n." You try to take this new information in, you can't believe that Rex might seem you his mate. That's... Interesting to say the least.
"Is that all? Have you finished the journal yet?" Obi Wan nods his head.
"Yes, I'm afraid that there wasn't as much information as I'd hoped in it, most of it was about what happened before the the mission and a few things during and after. I'm hoping that if I search the archives I might find another journal." You sigh, you'd hoped that you would find out more about werewolves to help Rex.
"Thanks Obi Wan, you've been a lot of help during all this." Obi Wan smile's.
"Of course my dear, Rex is a friend." Anakin suddenly jumps in, interrupting the two of you.
"Umm, I'm sorry to interrupt. But you might be forgetting that Grievous is here, if he finds out about Rex, he'll come and try to take him to the Separatists." You feel a spark of fear in your chest, you can't imagine what kind of horrible science experiment's the Separatists would do on Rex.
"You're right Anakin, Cody and y/n can stay with Rex in the palace while we hunt down Grievous."
"Are you sure about this? Shouldn't we have more clones for protection?" Obi Wan shakes his head.
"No, Grievous will have more of a reason to come here if he thinks we are protecting something. It's a better idea to bring as little attention to yourselves as you can." You nod, Obi Wan's right, Rex will be safer with just you and Cody, while everyone else hunts down Grievous.
"Y/n, you head back to Rex and Cody." You nod to Anakin, walking back into the palace. You hope that Grievous doesn't come here, because you swear to the force that you will fight him if he tries to even lay a finger on Rex.
You arrive back at the room and open the door to the most adorable sight, Cody is sitting on the edge of the bed while Rex has his head in his lap as Cody softly pets the top of his head.
Rex is still tense in pain but not as much as before, thankfully. It looks hilarious with how big Rex is, he's taking up a big chunk of the bed. He's curled up with his tail wrapped around his legs, it's so adorable
You walk over and pet Rex's arm, and he sighs. You rub your fingers through his soft, blond fur. Cody looks up at you.
"So what's happening, does General Kenobi need me." You shake your head, telling Cody the plan. He is not happy.
"He's leaving us alone here, with no protection. What if Grievous comes for Rex, we can't stop him alone."
"You're right Cody, we can't stop him alone, but Obi Wan's right. If we don't draw attention to the palace, than he has no reason to come here." Cody sighs and nods in agreement, not having backup is still making him nervous though. If the Separatists ever got a hold of Rex, who knows what they would do to his vod'ika.
"I should be out there helping." You look at Rex as he sits up, groaning in pain. He stands up and tries to leave but Cody grabs him, not believing how tall his vod'ika actually is.
"Don't you dare try to leave this room, Rex'ika. You are in no condition to be on the frontline's, understand!" Rex grumbles under his breath, clearly not at all pleased to be stopped. You can tell that he's fighting off the pain so that he can stand.
"The 501st needs me, I can help." You're done with it now so you walk over and stand on the tips of your toes. Grabbing Rex's head and pulling him into a crouch so that you two are face to face.
"No you can't, Rex. For one you are pain, I can see how tense you're from it. For two you can't transform to human right now, if Grievous sees you like this, he will take you to the Separatists and experiment on you and I swear to the force that I will not let that happen." You've got a few tears in your eyes now, you're do angry at Rex for trying to leave. And you're so scared of what the Separatists could do to him.
"Please don't cry cyare, you know that I hate to see you cry. I'm sorry." Rex hates it when you cry, especially when it's him who's the cause. Cody's just standing back, watching the altercation.
"Just promise me that you won't try to leave, ok." Rex nods, and pushes his forehead against yours. He really wants to be out there helping his brothers, but he'll listen to you. You're right anyway, he's in no condition to help. At all.
Rex lays back in bed, and you wipe the tears out of your eyes. You have no idea what to do, you look over at Cody. He's standing beside the bed and petting Rex's head again.
You walk over and sit in a chair beside it, you hope that the 501st and 212th are successful in getting Grievous.
"So, we just wait here for them to get back." You and Cody both nod at Rex, you're so thankful that he's not trying to go out and help anymore. It's sweet that he wants to help his brothers even when he's in pain, but you will not let him get captured by Grievous for doing something stupid.
You walk over to the bed and sit on the edge of it, grabbing Rex's hand. He sits up and pulls you into a hug, and you reached up and kiss the top of his snout. Cody's still petting his arm and you just sit on the bed with him, letting him cuddle into you.
You can't believe that he's so cuddly, he's never this cuddly. You're just sitting there when your comm goes off, and so does Cody and Rex's. You feel a spark of fear, why would all your comms be going off. Something's wrong.
Taglist: @captainrexisboo @tobitofunction @pentaghasm @ohmsjedi @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @ellie1366 @marine-captain-deku @reimet @commanderrivercc-3628
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Lost and Found
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Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Summary: Set slightly before ROTS, the war with the Separatists was at an all time high. The war was being fought on all fronts, with the Jedi at the forefront of almost every battle. Anakin and his 501st regiment are on their way to meet up with Obi-Wan and his fleet to help protect a planet that’s about to be attacked by the droid army. Anakin begins to feel something in the Force, that leads him to finding something he thought was long lost.
part 01/10 “a surprise”
Word Count: 4.5k
an: so this is kinda like a mix of the movies and tcw series. as far as anakins mannerisms and development but!! i hope you enjoy, im very passionate about these star wars stories right now :) also!! don’t come at me for anakin/padme’s relationship sorry but im working around that
thank you again to @omg-i-am-lord-voldemort for reading through this. you’re the best :)
spotify playlist to listen to while you’re reading!
There was a disturbance in the Force.
It felt like a cry for help, it felt like a desperate clawing at a life that is fading. But one thing that Anakin Skywalker knew was that he heard his name being called for.
It happened in the dark moments of the night, the stars laid out around the cruise ship he commanded, somewhere near the Outer Rim. He had just managed to fall asleep, but the voice still rang in his ears.
He had stirred awake, his eyes staring into the darkness of his small cabin, and he sat upwards, the blanket he had over his torso falling into his lap. He was confused, but he knew, he knew, he had heard the voice, felt it in his soul. He had tried to meditate to reconnect with that voice, that feeling, but he couldn’t find it again.
He was scheduled to meet up with Obi-Wan the following day to continue on a joint mission to an Outer Rim planet that the Separatists were attempting to invade. There was a large colony, an ally of the Republic, that was facing imminent attack by the droid army, and Obi-Wan and him were being sent to protect the people, along with the 501st squadron.
Obi-Wan stood alongside Anakin as they were being briefed on the mission at hand, but all Anakin could think about was speaking with his master about what he had felt, and if maybe he felt it too. He wasn’t paying much attention as Captain Rex went over the information they had on the colony, the man who was their elected ruler, the terrain, everything Rex had said went in one ear and out the other. Not that Anakin would ever admit that to anyone.
Finally, Obi-Wan had motioned for his padawan to follow him to their ships to leave to the planet below. Anakin’s strides matched his, and Obi-Wan was the first to speak.
“Is something troubling you?”
Anakin shook his head, “I was hoping to speak with you about something I had felt last night, there was a disturbance in the Force, I felt.. Like something, or someone, was calling for help.”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan replied, “I felt it too.”
“I had never felt something that strong,” Anakin continued, “it felt.. close. And I could’ve sworn I heard my name as well.”
“Hm,” Obi-Wan paused, as the two men waited for a lift to arrive, he stroked his beard, “I can’t say I felt that presence.”
The turbo lift had arrived and opened for them to enter. When they did it proceeded to close, and whisk them towards their ship bay.
“But I know it,” Anakin said, “someone called for me.”
The lift opened, and Anakin took a step out, and Obi-Wan followed, “You may be right, but Anakin,” he paused and Anakin looked behind him at his Master, who held a stern gaze, “please be alert on this mission, I fear we are closer to the source than anticipated.”
“Yes, Master.” Anakin answered. The two men nodded their farewells and went their separate ways - Anakin to his ship and Obi-Wan to his. Both ships were to lead a handful of Clone ships down to the surface, and to begin setting up a defense against the anticipated attack. Anakin neared his ship and nodded towards the Clones he passed on the way, and set his hands on ship, his pal R2-D2 whirled around to face him in the droid slot.
“You ready R2?” He asked, climbing into the small cockpit, and settled in for the relatively short trip down. R2 chirped happily at him, and he smiled, flipping a few switches and the engine of the aircraft coming to life. The clear top slid closed as Anakin put a lightweight headset on, and he readied his ship to lift from the ground.
“Try not to fly too hastily,” Obi-Wan’s voice rang in his ears, and Anakin just grinned.
“Can’t promise you that Master.”
The sunlight was prominent through the sparse trees that lined the ground of the city. Mostly a rocky terrain, absolutely not to be confused with Geonosis he’d say, there was a bountiful piece of land the city resided on that was home to a trickle of a river, and a few trees that stood gorgeously large in the middle of the city. The hot planet was otherwise rather calm and cool here, the old natives would say this was because of the fact it was a holy place, but he chalked it up to just being one of the planets characteristics. He was standing in front of his humbly appointed advisors, each who had their eyes locked to the ground, and watched as the Republic vessels landed before him.
How lucky for him to be the host of two Jedi and the famous 501st regime. What an honor!
He cared deeply about honor.
He watched for a moment as the two Jedi hopped out their respective ships, and the large carriers opened to reveal dozens of clone troopers. He smiled at the two gentleman who began to make their way over, and he moved to meet them halfway.
“Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker,” he greeted, clasping his hands together and bowing his head slightly, “it is the highest honor to meet you, even under the dire circumstances.”
“Governor Shuule, thank you for offering to meet with us,” Obi-Wan greeted, his padawan quiet as he observed the surroundings.
“Of course, once we were paid a visit by Count Dooku, I had to alert the Republic immediately,” he nodded as he spoke, “my highest concern is the safety of my people.”
“As is ours,” Obi-Wan replied, and the governor motioned for the two men to follow him into the polished government building.
The words leaving Governor Shuule’s mouth seemed lined with honey, sweet and silky but sticky. He spoke about how the residents of this “fine city” were those who fled their worlds seeking a safe place to call home, and every person they passed by offered a smile - yet they didn’t feel genuine.
There was a disturbance in the Force.
Anakin could still feel it! It kept him on edge, and he allowed his Master to do a majority of the speaking. His mind, on the other hand, wondered, trying to make sense of this feeling-
-that’s how most of the day had passed without him even realizing. The Governor was offering them a chance to clean up before dinner was served. But of course we’ve already sent some food for your troops, he said as they were leaving the room. Anakin let out a pent up sigh, and Obi-Wan chuckled.
“I have never seen you so pensive, Anakin.”
“I’m sorry Master,” he replied and the two began to walk down the corridor towards the exit to outside, there, Rex and Fives were standing with a couple others, discussing something, “but honestly this place gives me the chills.”
“It feels too perfect,” Obi-Wan replied, earning a nod of the head from his Padawan, and as they neared the clones, all but Rex and Fives went off to their posts, and the two remaining clones stood a little straighter, holding their helmets on their hips and ready to give their reports.
“Sir, the outside wall has been secured and set with troops around the perimeter, keeping watch for the night. Most of the civilians have been accounted-“
“Most?” Anakin interjected, receiving a nod from Fives.
“Yes sir, there’s about 3 dozen unaccounted for.”
“That’s far too many,” Obi-Wan replied, there was a happy holler from down which they came. Looking over their shoulders the Governor was waving to them from near the room they came, dinner must have been ready. The two Jedi glanced at one another, almost like reading one another’s mind, and Obi-Wan nodded, leaving Anakin alone with his troops.
“I want you two to search this place, top to bottom,” he ordered, talking lowly for only them to hear, “something feels off, and I want to know what that is. Especially with that many people just unaccounted for.”
“Yes sir,” the two clones said in almost perfect unison, and Anakin nodded, following his Masters footsteps to join the Governor and a few others for a meal.
The sun had set a while ago, the grounds were dark all along the buildings, some lights illuminating the small residential buildings, others turned off as the two clone troopers walked down the road. The city was like a large circle, making it a bit easier to know where they were going. Both men were chatting as they walked alongside one another, glancing in either direction for anything they hadn’t yet noticed.
“It’s getting late,” Fives commented at one point as they were about to round the corner back towards the front of the largest building, the center of it all, that housed the Governor.
“You heard Commander Skywalker, search top to bottom.”
“Yeah,” Fives scoffed, “search top to bottom of what? Dirt?”
Rex stopped and faced the other clone, tapping his friend on the arm, “We do what we were told, take a look again and see if we missed anything.”
“Alright alright, fine,” the other replied, and they both faced the front of the city, but Rex shoved his arm forward for his friend to stop, giving a quiet stop order, and Fives followed his gaze.
In the distance, they saw Governor Shuule exiting one of the resident buildings, glancing around for anyone who was watching. The two clones quickly stepped around the corner of the nearest building to hide in the shadows, kneeling to the ground to stay as quiet as possible. Rex quickly turned his helmet light off and peered around the corner once again.
Governor Shuule quickly moved around the corner of the door, shutting it tightly behind him and seeming to release a pent up breath. His body relaxed for a moment before straightening and spinning around to face the entrance of his own palace (although he wouldn’t call it that, it was a “home to many”).
Rex’s stomach dropped for a moment, watching the man almost float back inside, carrying himself with as much pride as Dooku did.
“What was that about?” Fives finally spoke, and Rex looked back at him.
“No idea. Wanna find out?”
“Don’t even need to ask,” Fives replied, and both clones carefully made their way to the dark home the Governor had just left.
It was a normal cottage, well as normal as the other ones had looked at least. The outer wall was made of rock, keeping with the design of the tall mountains found nearby, with a metal door and normal windows. Not suspicious at all, unless someone is sneaking out of it of course. Of course, it was locked by a hand scanner, but Rex scoffed.
“Easy,” he mumbled, pulling something from his utility belt and dusting it onto the panel. It was silent for a few moments before beeping happily, and the metal door slid open. Both clones stepped carefully inside, and activated the lights on their helmets once again.
The outside of the building made it look as if there was a large room you were entering into, but that wasn’t the case. The clones stood on a small landing, but the ground beneath them descended down into a dark pit, stairs seeming to twist around a corner. Rex took the lead, taking quiet steps down the stairs, Fives just a few steps behind.
“What do you think he is keeping down here?” Fives questioned, earning a shrug from his companion.
“Something he doesn’t want us to know about,” Rex offered.
The stairs seemed to just keep spiraling, leading the two men deeper and deeper into the ground. The rocky texture was similar to the rest of the planet, with a hung light every once in awhile. How anyone could see down here without proper light, they didn’t know. The deeper they went, there were noises that seemed to resonate louder with each step.
Rex lifted his hand and stopped walking, Fives halting his movements and glancing down, “What is it?”
“There’s an opening,” Rex replied, motioning to the few steps left that were brightly lit, indicating an opening that had some source of light in it. The noise they could make out clearly now sounded like chatter around a room, “Proceed with caution, we don’t know what we’re about to walk into.”
“Yes, sir,” Fives replied, and the two made their final steps down, not prepared for what they were about to see.
The room was a large cave, littered with what they could imagine were the 30 missing souls. There were so many different species, and as they stepped down into the opening, in awe, a group off to the side turned around.
“What the-“
“Clones! We’re saved!”
“They’ve found us!”
Voices began to radiate in the rocky cavern, and with a glance between the two, Rex and Fives took a couple steps forward towards the group that was approaching them. A Twilek, a couple humans, and a Quarren stood in front of them.
“What is going on here?” Rex questioned.
“Shuule has imprisoned us down here,” the Quarren replied, his voice hoarse, “many of us are sick, in desperate need of medical attention.”
“How many of you are there?” Fives asked next.
“Thirty in total,” the Twilek spoke next, her eyes were dark and droopy, “about a dozen are sick, we haven’t eaten in days.”
Fives looked to Rex, who glanced only for a moment at him, “Why would Shuule hide his own people down here with no food?”
“His people..” a human voice managed from the back, causing the Twilek and Quarren to move out of the way. Behind them stood a human female, whose face looked hollow around the cheeks, and skin that had hints of purple like they were freezing. Definitely the worst of the crowd, they were being helped stood up by another on their side.
“Shuule has made his mark in this world by.. by stealing people from their homes.. families,” their voice shook with each word, and as they spoke the crowd only seemed to grow, “and bringing them here to be his slaves.”
Anakin hated slave owners. It made his skin crawl and blood boil when Rex told him over their comm links. Obi-Wan and Anakin had excused themselves when their commas blinked green, indicating a message coming in. Obi-Wan quickly turned to his Padawan, who he had to grasp onto.
“That dirty, no good lying son of a-“
“Anakin!” Obi-Wan’s voice was more forceful this time, making his Padawan stop, breathing heavily with his fists clenched, “We cannot make a hasty judgement right now, we don’t know what Shuule is capable of.”
“Oh I can tell you what he’s capable of that disgusting-“
“Our best course of action,” he interrupted, “is to have Rex and Fives evacuate those who are locked away, get them to a medical ship and then the rest to safety. Return them to their homes if we can.”
Anakin shook his head, finally letting out a more calmed tone of voice, “You’re right, Master. We‘ll distract him, and have the men evacuate those people.”
Looking at the same rocky walls everyday was torture in a new way. And you had been a slave on Tatooine until you were of age and your parents debts were paid off. Needless to say, these orange rocks made you feel crazier then the hot sand of your early life.
You were the first to revolt against Shuule. You had earned you freedom from Tatooine and he stole that from you the day before you were set to leave that desert planet. You were tired of having to wait hand and foot on a man you had hoped to just perish one day.
It’s what he deserved for everything he had done, to everyone here.
You said no to his orders, stunning him and others. He turned around so quickly with his hand fiercely against your face. It had stung, but you didn’t back down.
You said no.
He promptly locked you down here. It was a shock that he had it ready for a situation like this but you weren’t surprised, he was capable of the dirtiest and lowest of things. The first two nights you curled into a ball against this stupid rock and didn’t sleep much.
He visited you two days later, carrying food and water on a silver platter and kneeling in front of you. He had honey eyes and a somber look on his face, offering your sad soul the water first. You took it. That was your mistake. He let you finish everything, really you had inhaled it but there was no difference, with a smug grin. That was when he told you.
“You chose this ending my love.. but don’t worry, the poison should work soon enough.”
You were dying. That bastard poisoned you, and almost everyone else who came down here. You had tried to warn them not to eat the food, and some had listened, but the call of hunger was too strong for some. It had only been a few days, most surviving off just water but we all knew that wouldn’t be able to last forever.
“What are we going to do?” your Quarren friend asked. There was a group of you, the first ones who had been down here, that were looked to as leaders. The ones who wanted to revolt in the first place. Ultimately, the ones who caused this mess.
“Someone will come. Someone will find us,” you managed, your voice weak and you rested your back against another’s.
“How do you know that?”
“I have hope,” you smiled.
Then here they were. The clones now identified as Commander Rex and Fives. They walked around, scanning everyone and counting each head. As soldiers do. When they came to you, Fives was the one to speak to you first.
“What’s your name?”
“(Y/N),” you managed. Your group of friends surrounded you, letting you rest against the rocky wall, your arms laid in your lap and your eyes tired. They looked at you with pity.
You hated that.
“And your last name?” Rex had asked.
You shook your head, “Don’t-“ you closed your eyes, your breath hitching in your throat.
“It’s okay,” Fives places his heavy hand over yours, “we’re going to help you. I promise.”
You nodded, opening your eyes to meet the face of the two men before you, “I know.. I knew you would come.”
“You did,” Rex more so said then asked.
You offered a weak smile, “Maybe not you two specifically.. but I knew someone would. Better now than later.”
“Was that a joke?” Gives asked you, earning a nod from you in response. They chuckled for a moment, before there was a sudden shake in the ground.
“That can’t be good,” Fives commented, both of them standing and placing their helmets on.
“Go up and see what the devil is going on,” Rex commanded. Fives responded with a yes sir and hurried back up the stairs. Others in the cave began to chatter, and your friends all knelt down to help you up.
You felt you didn’t have much longer, but maybe if you could just manage up those stairs-
Rex stood and put his helmet back on, and Fives was scurrying back down, “Sir! The door is blocked. The droids have attacked the city, General Kenobi has sent some of the others to secure the rest of the people, but we cannot get out the way we came.”
Those nearby began to talk louder, what were they to do now? Rex looked all around, before noticing in the distance what seemed to be an opening, maybe a way out. He pointed where the cave opened to darkness.
“Where does that lead?” He asked.
“That.. It shouldn’t go anywhere.” One of your friends answered.
“Well we need to try,” Rex said, “we have to try and get out of here, and survive. It’s our best bet.”
You nodded in agreement, struggling to hold yourself up even with the help of others. They were weak as well, but Captain Rex and Fives were quick to hold you upright. They motioned for your friends to let them help you, and they obliged.
“Thank you,” you said to them both.
“We wouldn’t dream of leaving you behind,” Fives commented, earning a small laugh from you. That made him smile beneath his helmet, all while Rex shook his head. Not the time or place, he thought.
People hurried down the dark cave opening, it was almost like a perfectly made hallway. Where did it go? No one knew. The only lights guiding them were produced from the helmets of the clone troopers. It felt like you were walking forever, but maybe that was just because your strength was leaving your body. A couple times the men had to almost lift you enough that your feet glided across the ground.
You told yourself you would not die on this planet.
The crowd seemed to come to a stop, the people in front of you becoming more and more vocal. Rex and Fives, while carrying you at this point, had to push their way through the crowd.
Your stomach dropped at the sight, maybe even theirs as well. The cave did come to a large opening.
But it was completely blocked by boulders. Something must have caved in. Needless to say, you were trapped. Some people began to weep. The ground still occasionally shook as a battle raged up top, some words filtered through your mind.
We’re trapped!
I can’t go back, my legs are too weak.
I just want to go home.
“Put me down,” you mustered, earning a glance from Rex, “please just put me down.”
They set you back down enough to where your feet touched the ground, your legs wobbled a bit under the pressure, but you released your arms that were hung around each clones shoulders. You took a step forward, and those around you parted slightly.
“(Y/N)-“ a voice said, you’re not too sure who said it, not in that moment.
“I’m not dying like this,” you said, pausing only for a moment as the rest of the people in front of you, “we are not dying like this. Not here, not in this place,” you were finally in front of everyone gazing at the rocks in front of you, “I had hope and I could feel someone would come and find us, and I’m not giving that hope up.”
You had never done this before. Not really. It was only ever just a feeling that you would follow. You took a breath and with closed eyes, you just focused on that feeling. You didn’t know what you were doing, but the silence you had once heard filled your ears in a tone that felt like you were fading yourself.
But then your skin felt warm.
Your eyes fluttered open only for a moment, and the rocks that were once in front of you were know gone, seemingly placed somewhere else in the canyon that was now opened to you. Those around you hurried past you, but your legs buckled from below you.
Rex was the one who caught you before you hit the ground, your eyes closed tightly and skin cool to the touch. What he had just witnessed was something he believed only a Jedi could do. The com on his wrist blinked green, Fives was busy keeping everyone together, and checking on those who had to lower themselves to the ground to sit.
“Captain Rex, please come in,” the voice called. He could recognize it as General Skywalker any day, he knelt down as he held you in his free arm.
“Sir, we’ve managed to get out the cave, but-“
“That’s great, we’re sending a medical transport to your location now.”
“Yes sir,” Rex replies into the com, “but General-“
“We can discuss it when we return to the ship, but right now we need to focus on getting everyone to safety, and Shuule in for his conviction.”
“Yes, sir,” he replied, focusing down at your nearly lifeless body.
How did you get here?
When your eyes finally reopened you were in a bed, a blanket over top your body, and the room was large, fitting multiple people in a row on each of your sides. Your head fell to the side as you tried to find something of familiarity, only seeing a medical droid a few beds down, along with the clone you had come to know as Fives. He glanced up at just the right moment, saying something to the droid, before making his way over.
“How’re we feeling?” he asked you. Your head rolled back so you were looking straight at the ceiling, the medical droid coming over to read your vitals.
“I feel.. Good. Better than before,” you answered, earning a nod and small smile.
“I’ve been tasked with trying to locate everybody’s home worlds, and finding them a way back to their families, so can you tell me-”
“I don’t have a home,” you cut him off, your eyes were locked with his but he diverted them away from yours. He cleared his throat, and moved out the way as the medical droid asked you if he could sit you upright. You nodded, pushing yourself up on your elbows as it adjusted your pillows, and helped you slide backwards into a sitting position.
“Where were you hoping to go then?”
You thought about it for a moment, “I don’t really know.. When I was freed I had bought passage on the next ship out, I didn’t care where. I was going to look for someone.”
“And who was that?” he asked you.
Anakin was walking alongside his Master towards the bay they had converted into a place to house the refugees. The two were engrossed in a conversation, being followed by Rex behind them. They were heading to follow up with Fives about what he has documented so far. Anakin had to postpone his debriefing with Captain Rex for the moment as they awaited new orders about getting these people back to their homes.
Obi-Wan had told Anakin he was proud of him and how he handled Shuule, and not letting his anger dictate his actions. Anakin nodded, but he was still disgusted with the whole ordeal. He had yet to completely process the last 24 hours, especially with his lack of sleep, but he did feel more at ease.
The Force felt oddly calm.
The doors to the bay opened for the three man group, and they entered still having a casual discussion.
“The Council will have to act fast in this regard,” Obi-Wan was commenting. Anakin nodded, and they neared where Fives stood, “they may decide to send smaller vessels, avoid any kind of detection-”
Anakin paused. No one besides Padme called him Ani, but it certainly was not her voice that quietly filled the room. It was uncertain, laced with a sweetness he hadn’t heard in awhile. Everyone was watching, and Anakin’s body faced the source of the voice. His mouth parted slightly in confusion, processing what was in front of him.
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deathsficbin · 4 years
Foxiyo Week; Routine
First off, thank you @foxiyoweek for hosting Foxiyo week. It will be a lovely way to end a rather disappointing year. I’m hoping to participate in all days but knowing my schedule I’ll be lucky to manage more than one or two. 
I sort of took today’s prompt a bit literally? Apparently a certain Coruscant Guard Commander sets his entire morning routine on seeing a certain Pantoran Senator. Its still what I call unpolished but I wanted it down on the day of, so I’ll fix it all up and tweak it before I post it on AO3 here in a week or so.
Rated T  
Set on Ten
The alarm is sudden. Loud and jarring in the dark room.
Its one of the newer popular songs. A consistent thumping beat that grates on the nerves and sends him scurrying out of his bunk in an effort to shut it off before it becomes stuck in his head for the coming day. Thats happened before. Its not a bad song. Not exactly his taste in music but she likes it and Thorn is not afraid to use that leaked knowledge for blackmail or apparently for sneaking into rooms and resetting the alarm.
One of the perks to being Commander of the Coruscant Guard is a private fresher. Its not large. It can't even be boasted as acceptable in size. The sink takes four minutes to drain and the shower is always a balmy 10 degrees celsius. The drain is directly in front of the toilet so one basically has to straddle the permacrete while washing.
Its nothing like the freshers belonging to Senators but even so the boys on the frontline would be jealous.
He shaves under the spray and runs a comb through his hair before stepping out. It will need to be cut soon. He used to keep it trimmed short and tight. Perfectly up to regulation standards but she likes it longer and he likes it when she runs her fingers through it.
So longer it stays.
He's a soldier. Through and through. Bred, born, and raised. So he sticks to his rules, his regulations and his routines. Next is tidying up. Make the bed, neat and tight enough to bounce a credit. Then he cleans his armor. Polished and gleaming, touching up the paint if need be. Afterwards he sends yesterday's blacks to the laundry tube. Bedsheets will go tomorrow, per regulations. He'll have to smuggle the purple blanket out to an offsite laundry hovel to be cleaned. It is definitely not up to regulations and to send it down the tube would be to lose it forever. Something he's not willing to do.
It was a gift and lavender is his favorite color after all.
Breakfast. Six ration cubes, arranged in perfect symmetry, gray-brown in color and chalky in taste and texture. Some of the men crush it and mix it into a paste but he doesn't see the point. It tastes bad no matter the method. He swallows them quickly. Two bites each, chew well and chase with a mouthful of water. Its not the first time he misses those rare breakfasts elsewhere. With real caf, tea, fruit, cereals, flatcakes, freshly baked breads, sweet pastries and fried nerf steaks. She always leaves the heavier options for him, stating that she prefers a lighter breakfast but he knows she just likes seeing him eat something other than the cubes issued by the GAR. He imagines the last cube is the carved out heart of a shuura.
The taste truly ruins it.
Its probably the worst part of his morning. Spending time standing outside, inspecting the troops. Thire, Thorn, and Stone do the actual inspections. He's just around to take muster, yell at shinies, and watch the visiting legions take their own inspections in the courtyard over. Its the 104th today. Commander Wolffe looks as bored as he feels and he wonders how much his fellow Commander itches to return to the frontlines. He used to want it himself. But then he'd have to leave her behind and even the threat of daily inspections couldn't make it worth that.
Besides, with his luck he'd get stuck with someone like Skywalker. And one look at the 501st's exhausted Captain is enough to ward anyone off.
Next is paperwork. Reports from the late shift have to be gone over. Requisition forms have to be signed off. Squads have to be assigned and special requests have to be sorted and either signed or denied. Special orders from the Chancellor are at the top of his pile and subsequent Senators begging for the Coruscant Guard's protection are stuffed underneath. He skims through them, searching for her name.
He's both disappointed and relieved to find it absent.
He takes his job seriously. No other Commander of the Coruscant Guard will volunteer to make rounds in the Senate Executive Building with the new batch of shinies. Thorn raises his eyebrow when he announces he'll be taking them over the fifth and sixth floors so he sends the resident asshole a rude gesture before he ushers the new batch out the door. So what if the sixth floor is where the office of the Pantoran Assembly members are? That's no one's business but his. 
Nor is it anyone else's business to remind him how much he actually hates shinies. He's on his fourth lecture before they've even gotten halfway through the fifth floor. He's fairly certain the Nautolan senator they passed will remember to never ever lock his weapon while around civvies. Whether or not the shiny remembers is up for debate. Either way both of them now harbor a healthy amount of fear of him. Expected of the shiny. A pleasant side effect of the senator being within hearing range.
They're getting close and he's getting antsy. Ten o'clock standard is when she leaves her office to join the Chairman for brunch. He still doesn't quite understand the appeal of "brunch" but she promised to show him sometime and he hopes that day will be soon. Not today of course. Today he has five shinies to babysit but a quick glance is all he needs. Its all he needs to start every day. He hurries the shinies along, glaring at the red haired one when he stumbles onto the elevator. Its probably his fault. He's hurrying them and anyone can trip but a member of the Coruscant Guard must always be put together. Always up to standard.
A glare should be enough.
The elevator door opens to a busy hall. Its not crowded but Senators move back and forth on their way to their respective tasks. Most, he knows, have just woken up. He wonders what it would be like to sleep past eight o'clock. She promised to show him that too someday. He marches his shinies up the hall, making them pointing out possible breech points and the hidden weapon storage next to the door of the Alderaani senator. He's not actually watching any of it of course, his gaze is locked on the door twenty paces up and to the left. Any second it should open.
Any second and he'll see her.
He can hear the door open from down the hall and his breath catches when she steps out.
Riyo Chuchi stands in all her glorious beauty. The traditional yellow markings of her face stand out boldly against her perfect blue skin. Soft lavender hair is held up by a traditional Pantoran headdress. The two sections frame her lovely blue face perfectly. The gold of her head pieces accentuating her piercing eyes and bright yellow family tattoos. She's dressed in a simple red dress today. Long billowing sleeves with the back cut out and the edges trimmed in swirling gold. He loves it when she's not done up in all the frills and swills of the rich aristocracy. Unlike the Nabooian senator walking with her. That one is a walking speederwreck of color and fabric. He's not entirely sure what's her body and what's padding and pleats. Its not until she turns from speaking with her companion that she sees him.
And oh the beauty of her smile.
They do this every morning. He drags himself along until ten o'clock sharp when he always somehow manages to find himself standing in that hallway, waiting to see her beautiful smile. The same smile that gets him through every day. He might be able to meet with her later. He might not. But if nothing else, the familiarity of their morning routine is enough to get him through his day.
She's always enough.
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tirorah · 4 years
Road to Berlin’s ‘Road to Berlin’ Sure Was a Road to Berlin Episode
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Hiya, everyone! It’s that time of the week, but don’t worry, your assigned reading is pretty light this time. Because, honestly? I don’t have much to say about this episode in terms of character arcs or themes or the like. Instead, you’ll find my brief thoughts under the cut, as well as my favorite stuff from Episode 11.
In the end, this episode was a follow-up to the ending of Episode 10, and also the start of the final offensive, which makes Episode 11 the middle chapter of a three-parter. This is always difficult to make satisfying--look at any pre-planned trilogy and you can see the struggle with ramping up the tension while also not blowing the series’ full load, as it needs to set up the final, climactic piece.
Consequently, Road to Berlin (the episode) didn’t do a lot of exciting things; it simply moved the story along. And that’s 100% fine. It’s just not as richly packed with content as most of the season has been. There was also some blatant reuse of old footage again (they really love that shot of Trude brandishing her guns, don’t they?) but again, I felt it was within acceptable parameters. I did feel like the episode was holding back a bit with the aerial combat, though. Seems the Ratte was the biggest star of the show for this week.
Without further ado and in no particular order, here are my favorite things from this episode!
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Patton’s Redemption
Sort of. He was still a gloating idiot, but he actually valued Yoshika’s power enough to argue the 501st’s case to his fellow generals, and he showed admirable tenacity when the Neuroi’s full power gradually revealed itself. He didn’t shout nearly as often either, and was much more reasonable. Overall, he was far less cartoony and made a decent start at showing us why he attained his current rank.
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Although I’ll never forgive him for this. That, and calling Yoshika a ‘little missy.’
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This Line from Minna
It’s delivered calmly, but I like to think this is Diplomatic Minna Speak for ‘Fuck off and up yours, she saved your damn butts!’
And another thing: the doctor said it’d take Yoshika a week to be able to fly again, but Minna wants a delay of ten days, not seven. It seems she wants half a week extra so that Yoshika can recover more, which is both prudent and kind of her.
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The Generals Being Children
Both amusement and disbelief filled me as I watched the generals of different nations bicker like bloody schoolyard kids. It’s true what they say: War. War never changes. (And especially not the ego of man.) The fact a bunch of grown men devolved into chest-thumping and throwing crap at one another is hilarious. Even Lucchini’s been more mature than that this season, and that says something!
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Shizuka’s Turbulent Emotions
Again, Shizuka shows off her similarities to Trude; I feel like she’s definitely the type to hold this in until it comes spilling out in one ugly cry like it did here. She just wasn’t able to hold it in as long, likely due to her relative youth.
We also finally got to see the one character arc thing in this episode I was hoping for: Shizuka and her relationship with orders. For the entire season, we’ve constantly seen Shizuka’s rigid obedience to orders reinforced. But when Mio tells her to keep the Shinden’s presence a secret, we see the first time an order brings her true, internal conflict. Although it culminated in a good cry and not her disobeying said order, I have a feeling she’ll buck the trend and either tell Yoshika about the Shinden, or fly it herself.
Finally, it’s nice to see that she doesn’t let her injury scare her, and channels her guilt into some awesome attack runs. Much credit to her; she’s grown quite a bit, and not because she’s emulating the others, but by growing into her new responsibilities as a combatant.
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Yoshika Doing What She Can
Respect was earned by Yoshika this episode. Although she was obviously disappointed she wouldn’t be able to fly with the others into the final battle, she didn’t let it get her down and decided to do whatever she could to help. That meant we finally got to see her newly attained medical skills again! All those books she checked out in Episode 1 sure came in handy now.
If you will, think back all the way to Season 1, Episode 2 for a moment. A Neuroi attacked the ship bringing Yoshika and Mio to Europe, and a sailor was injured by shrapnel. Back then, Yoshika was severely shaken by the combat, and when she tried to help the sailor with her healing magic, she was promptly rebuked by someone else, as healing him with the shards still inside would only hurt him further.
But here, people rely on Yoshika’s medical knowledge and even Patton greatly respects her for it. Her suggestion to hole up in the Flak Tower is also a huge success, likely saving all of their lives.
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Shirley's Amusement at the Ratte
Why, Shirley, what are you insinuating here? Surely Karlsland isn’t compensating for something! They just like their prototypes huge.
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And Perrine’s Dismay
Harrumph! Size doesn’t matter, obviously! Just look at Perrine’s chest.
But honestly, someone else pointed this out too: the fact they’re relying so much on experimental and/or new things shows how desperate they are, and how fragile their gains are.
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Speaking of The Ratte
The Ratte is awesome. The way its rounds punched through the Neuroi walls... *chef’s kiss* It’s obvious where the love and attention went this episode: all the carnage! We also got to see a lot of Berlin’s ruins, which is a nice change from fighting over ocean and rural landscapes. In my opinion, this was the way to go with the budget.
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Also, Dem Walls!
They were so cool! I was amazed by the way they could reform to cover the gap where they were under attack! They even showed the little drones coming in to stack on top of one another. And later on, how the main body used the walls to shield itself from the Ratte’s full power was also very impressive! I love how powerful the walls were, but that the Neuroi’s resources weren’t infinite. That’s how you write your antagonist.
Not to Mention the Dome of Death!
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Let’s be honest: we all knew a snag was coming. But not only was this a clever trap by the Neuroi, it also showcased the Neuroi using the debris to build more of themselves!
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Miscellaneous Things
Something I didn’t mention in my Episode 10 post was Lynne’s support. She’s been really good at looking out for Shizuka! And she also scored a huge hit on the drone horde, which was great. And this time, Perrine also took the time to reassure Shizuka; as the one who was originally assigned to train Shizuka, it’s good she’s showing her gentler side now.
The 502nd made a brief cameo! I haven’t watched Brave Witches yet, which I’ll have to get on after this season finishes. It was also really cool to see how the other Joint Fighter Wings were pitching in for the war effort. The 501st are definitely the stars of the operation (as they should be), but there’s a multi-prong attack going on off-screen. Exciting stuff!
I also really like the little touches that RtB’s been so good at this entire season. For this episode, it’s the blue tulip on Yoshika’s bedstand. Seeing as the episode starts on the day after the ending of Episode 10, this means someone (maybe Perrine?) had a Queen of Nederland shipped out to Kiel really quickly, just for Yoshika. It’s sweet!
Finally, while Minna and Trude clashed during the previous episode, here they work together to support one another during combat. Trude comes to Minna’s aid the moment she’s attacked.
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The Stuff I Thought I’d Get, But Didn’t
I’d speculated on this episode and came up with things I thought I’d get to see. But nope!
First of all, what’s RtB’s deal with Mio? I can’t believe Minna’s had more subtext with Trude than with Mio this season! Even when the two of them finally spoke with one another for the first time since Episode 2, there was no blushing or anything like that! Are the days of Minna and Perrine fawning over Mio over? Is there someone on the writing team who loves Trude like I do, and has the same problems with Mio that I do? This is really...well, weird. I can’t describe it in any other way.
Anyway, she’s now bringing the B-17 to Berlin, meaning she might get involved somehow (and is also bringing the Shinden, possibly so Shizuka can fly it.) But here I was, thinking, ‘Oh, that plane they showed Mio with in the opening, she’ll fly that, and it’s going to have anti-Neuroi armor!’ and yet I’m not seeing any indication of that happening at all. Mio isn’t even in that plane right now. It’s the Ratte who got the anti-Neuroi treatment, and again, Mio’s presence felt...functional, I guess.
There’s something about her screen presence that bothers me, actually. I didn’t think about it before, because she was absent so much it just didn’t cross my mind, but...what happened to good ol’ jolly Mio? I don’t mind her being a bit more serious--RtB’s been a more serious season, after all--but we haven’t had a patented Mio Laugh since the first episode, and I miss it. Let’s hope the final episode gives her a nice sendoff.
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Secondly, for all the fuss they made about Yoshika and Shizuka’s conditions with that downright tragic ending in Episode 10, the two of them bounced back pretty fast. It’s literally been a day and Shizuka’s already running around fine? And Yoshika doesn’t seem to be experiencing any lingering negative effects of her overexertion? (Aside from the obvious.) For a season that’s so focused on consequences and a consistency in tone, I feel like the two of them got off a bit light.
I was also expecting Trude and possibly Minna and Lynne having sad moments because ‘oh no, people we care about are hurt!’ but because Yoshika and Shizuka seem mostly fine, that didn’t happen at all.
Usually, Episode 11 is the one that ends on a somber note, but here it seems they moved that to Episode 10, and instead had Episode 11 strike a more optimistic tone. No one really showed off their flaws, either; maybe Episode 10 was the bookend to that theme after all?
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Into the End
The episode ends on a very interesting note. Everyone finds out Yoshika is also trapped inside the Neuroi dome--and why, exactly, was no one informed of her presence on the Ratte?!--and they’re ordered to mount a rescue operation for their besieged comrades.
And then Trude comes with this absolutely surprising revelation:
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I imagine at least one staff member had a chuckle at the fact the cast is now embarking on another Road (in)to Berlin.
The what, now? This wasn’t built up or alluded to at all; I have questions, show! Not to mention, how does Trude even know about this? And why is she the one announcing it, and not Minna, the world’s best mom and team captain?
Anyway, the preview seems to indicate some sort of tunnel run--I briefly wondered if they’d have to venture in on foot, but it seems to be big enough for them to fly.
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This shot is ominous.
I’m highly intrigued by this decision. Obviously, the final confrontation will play out outside, but to yank the Witches from the air and into a much more claustrophobic space is a confident move. I can only imagine the surprises the final episode has up its sleeve.
Anyway, all in all, this was a decent episode, and while it did have lots of neat little character moments, it’s obviously setup for what I hope to be a spectacular ending. 
Even if it doesn’t quite deliver next week, though, RtB’s been so consistently great that it’s already cemented itself as my favorite show ever.
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tup-ika-5385 · 4 years
Tup Post Masterlist
Here’s a Masterlist I’ve been working on for the past four days, containing most, if not all of the major posts made on this blog. There’s a few smaller ones missing, though, so if you notice something that’s not there, or something that’s in the wrong place, feel free to let me know and I’ll try to include it. It’s somewhat organized, but it may be kinda hard to find stuff in at first, sorry!
I’ll probably be updating this list about once a week, so some of the more recent stuff might not get on here immediately. Most of these links are from my blog, but some of them are from my mutuals, so be sure to give them lots of love! Thanks for all the support everyone! 
Masterlist Part 2: link here
List of completed (mostly) favorite threads:
Most Tup-Centric: 
Explanation for Tup having long hair: link
Tup’s name origin: link
: P and other random anons: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4
Tup gives hair advice with a Tup talk: link
Tup Character Study (with every canon line he ever says): link
Tup is an adorable bean who loves all his brother SO MUCH!!!: link 1, link 2
Shiny no longer! link
Tup gets a tooka plushie: link
Tup’s scrunchie stash: link
Self-care with Tup: link
Sleepy Tup (some are repeats): link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6
Tup gets a hug from a random clone trooper: link
Mildly Sarcastic Tup: link 1, link 2
Tup reveals a kinda secret: link 1, link 2
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret: link
EchoTup Brotherly Bonding:
Echo braiding Tup’s hair: link 1, link 2, 
Echo accidentally breaks Tup’s nose: link 3
Tup and rain noises from Echo: link 1, link 2
Hardcase doesn’t like Tup’s hair: link
Tup goes to 79’s for fruit juice and space waffles: link
Tup goes to 79’s with Hardcase to meet gf (and give Hardcase a hug): link
Top hat given to Tup and Dogma at 79’s: link
Tup and Dogma teasing/ interactions: link 1, link 2, link 3
Someone changed Tup’s username to Tupperware: link 1, link 3, link 2, link 4, link 5
Tup convincing Dogma to not transfer: link
Rex is crying because his vod’ikase are so nice: link
Tup finds out someone switched his username to Tupperware & Vaughn appears: link
Interactions with Vod’ika Vaughn: link 1, link 2
SOMEONE MADE ME AN AMAZING FANART GIFT!!! (but also “die” prompt): link
Tup’s vode fighting over him: link 
Tup hiding in medbay with Coric after being fought over: link
Tup snuggling with Coric after Coric passes out in the hallway: link 1, link 2
Tup’s vode fighting over him: link 
Jesse does Tup’s hair for the first time, with angst (unfinished): link
Arcade Game (Comic Day) Tup:
Echo treats Torrent to ice cream before arcade day: link 1, link 2
Tup gets glitter on Dogma’s pillow before arcade day: link
 Comic Day Starts: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6, link 7, link 8, link 9, link 10, link 11, link 12, link 13, link 14, link 15, link 16
Other Story Arcs:
Tup hanging out with Commander Wren: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6, link 7, link 8, link 9, link 10
501st’s blacks stolen and replaced with princess dresses and boots with heels: link 1, link 2, link 3
Tup has a sweet tooth: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4
Civillians get a Tup hug: link
Tup’s vode fighting over him: link 1, link 2
Tup picking up after his irresponsible ori’vode: link 
Rex is crying because his vod’ikase are so nice: link
Manhandling ask meme: link
Echo and Hardcase got high on deathsticks:
Tup being the responsible one (including the Captain for a day arc): link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6, link 7
Echo worried about having hurt Dogma after accidentally having deathsticks: link
Singing with Clones: link 1, link 2, link 3
Tup Kidnapping Fiasco (separated into four parts)
- Lead-up, with stressed Tup : link 1, link 2, link 3
- Kidnapping: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5
- Recovery: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6, link 7, link 8, link 9, link 10
- Dogma’s intervention: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6, link 7, link 8
Tup Sad Minific post-concussion: link
Tup meets Coruscant guard: link
Tup personality type: link 
Fives tries to marry off the 501st: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4
Echo takes Tup and Dogma in the divorce: link
Tup licks an icicle: link
Tup with not throwing the chancellor off a high building: link 
Tup and the involuntary anon haircut: link
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redrobinhoood · 4 years
Age of Heroes | Prologue
A/N: First time posting my fics on Tumblr but I’ve really enjoyed writing this one so I’m just gonna drop this here. This will be the only part of the fic that I plan on posting to Tumblr, though I’m considering posting here when I update.
AO3 link | 550 words
Summary: Kenobi and Cody; Skywalker and Rex; Jedi and Clone, together. And so it seemed it would always be. But it is the end of the age of heroes, and a darkness is rising. As Obi-Wan Kenobi rushes to the aid of Mandalore, Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker embark on a mission to rescue Chancellor Palpatine. The game has been set, the pieces are lined up, and the dominoes are about to fall. [A retelling of Revenge of the Sith]
“Though this is the end of the age of heroes, it has saved its best for last.” - Revenge of the Sith novelization
The flash of blue came out of nowhere, slashing through the missile mid-air.
“Cody, get down!”
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi turned to cover his clone troopers as they retreated to take cover from the suppressing fire. The war was going poorly on this front. Pinned down on a bridge with little to no cover, his legion was being picked off far too well. Obi-Wan ducked for cover with his troopers to kneel next to Commander Cody, the man whose life he had just saved. Blaster fire and explosions rocked the bridge around them.
“Anakin, where are you?”
“I’m right here. What are you doing down there?”
“We are taking cover. Now get down!”
Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one. The other half to Kenobi. The most powerful Jedi of his generation. Perhaps, the most powerful Jedi of any generation. And he knows it. Where Kenobi is deliberate, Skywalker is brash; his strategies bringing criticism from those who don’t know him. Those who do know him have learned to follow and watch as the pieces fall into place.
“You’re not serious! There’s only a thousand droids down there, tops.”
“What are you up to? Where’s Captain Rex?”
“We already finished our battle, so we decided to come help you with yours.”
Then there were the clones. Captain Rex, Anakin Skywalker’s right-hand. A clone who had risen through the ranks by the means of his skill and tenacity. A cunning strategist, his absence marked one of the many rash plans that he and Skywalker were known for. Plans that would never have worked if not for the sheer will and trust of those executing them. He was matched by the man at Obi-Wan Kenobi’s side. Commander Cody was bred for duty. Trained to be a commander from birth, his skills in combat and strategy were nearly unmatched among the Grand Army of the Republic and had brought him the title of Marshal Commander, the highest rank achievable by a clone. His battle strategies had won many victories for the Republic, even in the face of what appeared to be impossible odds. And wherever Kenobi could be found on the battlefield, one would find Cody nearby.
“All right, I know better than to try and stop you. What’s your plan this time?”
“Stay here.”
And they do. They watch as Anakin Skywalker walks alone into the midst of the battle, unharmed and unopposed. They watch as the droids cease their fire and as the elusive tactical droid appears from the ranks. And they watch as the 501st Clone Legion rises from underneath the bridge to swarm the droid army. With a nod from Kenobi, Commander Cody rallies the 212th Legion to join the conflict as the battle is won for the Republic.
“Bravo, Anakin. You’ve done it again.”
“Oh, I can’t take all the credit. Your state of helplessness really sold them on my surrender talk.”
“Always glad to help, my friend.”
Kenobi and Skywalker; Commander Cody and Captain Rex; the 212th and the 501st Legions. Alone, forces to be reckoned with. Together, unstoppable. And so it seemed it would always be. As the Separatist forces are driven back from Yerbana it feels like nothing can break them apart. Kenobi and Cody; Skywalker and Rex; Jedi and Clone, together.
This story was inspired and heavily influenced by The Clone Wars, the Revenge of the Sith movie, and the Revenge of the Sith novelization by Matthew Stover. Some dialogue is taken directly from the source, with additions and cuts as needed for plot and pacing. Some (actually, many) scenes from the movie that do not change are cut or mentioned in passing since there is nothing more to add.
Story will be updated weekly around Friday/Saturday on AO3 and will run 10 chapters (each ~2k words) + prologue + epilogue. First chapter is coming this Friday.
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