#my tumblr is a damn mess 😅
lexa-griffins · 1 year
Also would you consider opening a website whee you would post all of your snippets and generally what you write ? Kind of in the form of a link tree, I’ve seen couple people on tumblr do it, I fee like it’s less messy than tumblr if that makes sense ? Have the link in the bio making it accessible you know ?
🤔 that would be a good idea. Right now I have my ao3 linked which is where my posted fics are but my writing here on tumblr is a little bit all over the place 😅 i do havr a side blog @powerbottomlexa where my intention was to reblog my asks and tag them more properly with an index of sorts pinned at the start so the tags would be easier to navigate through- including just headcanons or snippets. Unfortunately I got slightly side tracked and ended up no doing it consistently and it would take me a bit to sort through all the answered asks (which should be around 3k if my archive is correct, most having been answered in the past 2 to 3 years) and random writing I post that is under different au tags.
I do have to at some ppint organize things better and that is a nice suggestion to get things started so thank you ☺️ I'll have to take an afternoon to see about that!
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matt-rosse · 2 months
Oh damn- I'm posting a little late ain't I 😅 I don't know how many people will see this since it's late in the night... However.
This is my favorite traditional art so far, I would say it is the best I've done in all this years.
Character is ENA, from a YouTube series called... Ena AKKDKAKDKAKSKS It's from a guy called Joel G.
Please click on the picture, cuz tumblr always messes with the pic's resolution 😓
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papa-evershed · 1 year
Hey! If you’re interested in doing so For Science or something, I could go a run down on your favourite moments from the Act On interviews. I really feel like Rob is so comfortable and engaged in those, they’re a delight.
I can definitely do this! This is right up my alley because I completely agree, I feel like the Act On This interviews are when we get the best glimpse of him just being him because it isn't press related. And quite frankly, him just being himself is more interesting to me than watching someone answer the same five questions over and over again on a press tour. (Not that I'd complain if he did do more press. I'll take whatever I can get, I'm not fussy.)
I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the length and because this will most likely be a very unorganized list. I considered doing video clips but Tumblr just makes that too much of a pain in the ass. 😩
(* I decided to really only do the most recent Act On This because otherwise I'd be here all damn week trying to make a list and ain't no one got time to read that. 😂)
First off, it's not exactly a moment but like previously mentioned—just the general vibe of these interviews. It's so much more laid back and less professional (in a good way) so we get to see The Hot Mess Express™ in all of his glory and who wouldn't appreciate that small glimpse into his unfiltered chaos? These gifs literally happened within seconds of each other. Between him dropping his phone, struggling to set it right, then immediately breaking into dance, I get whiplash just watching.
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2. I won't gif this one because he's so understandably private about his kids, but the moment when one of them bursts in not long after the above moment. And honestly, there isn't anything there to gif (again, not that I ever would) because boy was quick as lightning to turn that camera to protect his kid's privacy. 100/10. For all of his goofing off, Dad was quick to Dad™. And even with that distraction and the speed with which he remedied it—he still kept up with what Ross was asking and saying to him. For all the talk of how much of a class clown he is, it appears he can still handle his shit without missing a beat when it really matters and this was a prime example of that.
3. When he pretty much just admitted to being drunk during the Christmas trivia. Keep it real, that's how we like it. 😎
4. This one may be considered a boring choice but another one of my favorite aspects of the Act On This interviews is hearing him get to speak so candidly about his acting process. It's not something most actors really get to discuss in great length with traditional press anymore unless they're the pretentious, insufferable, method sort that make headlines with their extremes. But hearing him discuss how he tried to find ways to bring warmth to the character in The Inheritance made me even more interested in seeing it—to see how much of it they kept, to see if the attempts were even successful. He talked about adding humor because otherwise the audience might grow tired of these fighting siblings and he's right. When he finally does settle down and get serious, he gives incredibly insightful answers and I feel like his approach to most characters is just spot on. So yeah, a thoughtful answer that also increased my interest in an upcoming project is a major win.
5. It's happened over the course of a few different Act On This interviews so it's a bit hard to gif or anything but when either he or Ross mentions how frugal he is. 😅😂 He's got a five year old IPhone (which shouldn't be remarkable but lbr), his laptop supposedly only works if it's plugged into the wall, he'd rather have the money than a make-up artist, and I'm almost positive there are examples I'm missing. Love me a frugal king. 👑
6. I wouldn't call this one a moment really, more so just another example of why I love Act On This—for little pieces of insight and perspective like this. I like learning how people cope with different things and what tools they use, this one is also just very relatable because it's something I find myself also doing as I get older too (although not in audition rooms, obviously).
7. Similar to the last one, whenever he talks about how he's found ways to deal with nerves. It's especially interesting to me because I feel like I've seen a lot of chatter among fans as to whether or not he gets nervous but he's pretty transparent about how his nerves have sabotaged him in the past. It's something else that's relatable, when he discusses finding methods that work for him (mindfulness really is slept on). It takes a certain level of vulnerability to admit when you've been actively searching for ways to cope and it's admirable to hear anyone not just admit it but to encourage others to do the same. Plus, don't we all watch these hoping for those honest moments?
8. Because I'm a trash person and I wouldn't be me without admitting it...every single moment when he has the audacity to just exist looking like this. 🤷‍♀️ He was 🔥🔥and I'm honest enough to admit that the eye candy is certainly a perk of any Act On This interview.
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Honestly, I could keep going but I will spare us all.
Of course there's the obvious mentions too, like whenever he breaks into song and/or dance. The Christmas trivia was a pleasure. And like most people, I also enjoy just any little personal tidbit he's chosen to share throughout the years, even something as simple as what beer he wants to drink or his love of house plants.
Overall, I appreciate these interviews because like you said, they're just so comfortable and engaging. Once he gets the wiggles out there's usually some really great advice or tidbits shared so I really watch these always waiting on those moments and anything else is just icing on the cake.
Hopefully this was somewhat of a satisfactory answer and bless anyone that's read this far. 😳
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groovygrub · 1 month
heyyy folks!!! as promised, a brief(...ish) explanation of what's been going down:
so we had ourselves a bit of a ~tornadic thunderstorm~ almost a week ago; apparently FOUR lil twisters touched down in our area and several were visible from our driveway?!! – tragically, i didn't get to actually see the tornados because i was tripping too hard (here's some common sense disguised as a fun fact! if you consume 16x a "microdose" of shrooms, especially combined with other edibles, the dose isn't so micro anymore!! that shit had me macro-ed, dude 😩 learn from my mistakes!) and also didn't expect any visible touchdown from our house :((( i cried when i found out i missed out on the nados, ngl.
anyway, the majority of the city lost all power and my house just got it back last night! we still got some live wires ⚡ hanging in our yard so it's cordoned off but hopefully they'll fix that soon because i really gotta go foraging soon & would prefer not to get yelled at and/or zippity zapped. i'm already getting zippity zapped enough by my own brain, you know??
while on the topic of brain zaps!! the extreme heat & humidity and stress (and without any AC, air purifier, very little water, etc) has been... less-than-compatible with my chronic health shit (especially my seizures, POTS, EDS, mast cell disease, and migraines) 😅 i've had 5+ (?) episodes over the past week and they're still periodically making little cameos 🥲
definitely one of the worst clusters i've had yet tbh. after the initial seizure, i couldn't really move & was just chilling there and my broke-ass brain very helpfully kept supplying me with nothing but the thought "damn, bro got prone" (i would make a great doctor, i know). and then i started sobbing because my CNS was too afk to go grab a drink and seizures always make me sooo goddamn thirsty for some reason & i was already so dehydrated 💀
and i didn't even get to see any nados!!!! like!!! that's so twisted, dude (pun really not even intended, just slipped out, whoops). "fucked up" doesn't even begin to describe it. absolutely gargantuan L for me :((( an elephantine L, a BROBDINGNAGIAN L, if you will. feels like i just got hoodwinked by the cosmos.
anyhowsies. i set forth with the intention of just letting y'all know why i've been playing tumblr hooky (oh!! and in the days immediately leading up to the power outage, i was just busy being helplessly in love. still am, don't have any plans of stopping ❤️✨ but i'm also trying to be more present again for my beloved little army of weirdos!) and to say sorry for the delay in memes 😕 so idk how it turned into this mess, my b!
i'm slowly working through my notifications too!! just takes some extra time to process things when Brain is rebooting (and Brain has to fully reboot every time i have an episode 🙄 dramatic ass lil bitch). thank you so much for all your patience, birds & bees (new inclusive alternative to "ladies & gentlemen" just dropped!) 💛
ps to my wonderful moot who said they were queueing one of my memes for last monday: if you're reading this, please know i didn't forget about you or your post!! i WILL get to it, promise! 🙏
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okay but hold me like you scared to sounds so good already (they all sound so good tbh but this one piqued my interest lol) what's it about? and for the fanfic questions 32, 50 and J :))
@frappe-the-peppermint WE GOT ONE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ahem oh wow who said that. anyway ill do the questions first then get into fic discussion…
32) Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
i listen to SO MUCH MUSIC!!!!! it depends on what im wrting tbh but i just queue up a bunch of songs in my liked playlist and write and write until it ends or im no longer on that flow. and well my music taste is an absolute mess so there isnt any one definitive band or genre that does it for me (i only pay attention Sometimes) but i suppose artists like mitski and queen would be a decent summary of my taste 😅
50) How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
gravity falls, no stop. the first one that ever piqued my interest was versability (originally on ff.net me thinks) and god damn it HOOKED ME!!!! gravity falls was already getting me up but wow that just got me SO MUCH HIGHER. i have a few authors i started binge reading like thesnadger and pinesinthewoods, i started extracting fics from reccs from tumblr artists, soon discovered ao3, and never looked back. and as for writing fic,,,,, well frankly it was the search for the cure’s original form that got me GOING!!!! it originally had crappy ocs as the forefronters but i soon changed that lmao (im definitely not saying theyre bad in general, just those… no) and i wrote So Much For It on my notes app. i didnt realize i culd actually show people until way later, in which i did, and realized that it could actually be better. thats why i reversed back to part one, made the story a part two, scapped the ocs, and…now we’re here. i still love it and gravity falls, i dont really show it here anymore. i really should, man. i need to write for them again!!!! it still excites me!!!! and the prose that im weaving now,,,, id DEMOLISH THE GAME!!!!!!! :)
J) what your favorite fanfic trope? have you written it?
honestly i think just showing you my favorted ao3 tags will paint a very detailed picture. here:
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though i suppose if i had to pick one here…god its between time loop and presumed dead (and grief/moruning but idk if thats a trope so much as it is a theme). MMMMMMMM. mmmmm. just YES. the psychological affects of both being a time loop and thinking someone you love is dead but they arent actually are DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!! they are a MUST HAVE. i daydream constantly, but i havent written time loop yet because while i love it, i havent hadthe motive to write such a thing myself. reading is chill ✊ and presumed dead well i try to throw it is as much as i can, the most recent ive used being a west end town and my favorite being that one kid from jersey ! i need to do more of these fr. its just so GOOD!!!!!!
okay. its finally time for the brainwashing discussing of the fic ! i can tell you alllll about that story and it will be my pleasure sonny 🫡 its a very long story. but short verison in case you dont want to go on: its a Titanic epic . april 1912. iceberg. ive read a few that are AMAZING, but i wanted to write one that catered it allll to Me. it has lesbians, heaven sucking ass, flood parallels, and a king of the world AND draw me like one of your french girls scene. very nice 🔥
okay now its time for the long story. so a super super long time ago for a post i cant even remember (i really wanna find it 😭😭) i for someone reason went on a tangent about the titanic. i had just read this fic called sinking into the sea which was tbh VERY GOOD (and i would read it again fr fr ) but at the time, i was kinda bummed that aziraphale and crowley never actually Interacted when i had expected. aziraphale didnt even know crowley was there!!! it left me feeling melancholy, and realizing that all of the titanic fics ive ate up to that point didnt HIT hit the spot (i didnt find this after this realization, but again, theyre not even on the boat 🤧) so i was feeling a bit incomplete. i started ranting and ranting it was a wholeee wall of a text of what I would do with a titanic story and i realized oh wait i can Do Something with this because i haev free will and actual (somewhat) coherent skill. pepper jumped on the wagon, REALLY REALLY encouraged which i cant thank enough for, and….we’re here. its brewing. i had a very large interest in the titanic for a long time before this tbh, so being able to insert it into The Interest just JUMPSTARTED my brain and it still does to this day. now for the plot….
its 2020, a year after the apocalypse (no pandemic). anathema, newt, brian, crowley, and aziraphale have been assigned to plan adam’s 12th birthday party—they shenanigan, as you do. on the day of the party (adam’s birthday) anathema and newt find a chest in jasmine cottage’s attic full of titanic relics, including a pack of polaroid photos (handheld cameras did indeed exist in 1912, i checked !) which kinda might sort of have a photo of aziraphale and crowley!?!?! it was sent to them about six months before. but after the whole Second Volume fiasco, anathema just sort of wrote it off in that way and Hid It. but newt was curious, he found it, and god it was writtent his way wasnt it. (well, not by the nutter they were thinking of actually). anathema confronts them about itsoon after, and they all sit down to hear the story of the titanic in a sort of rose dawson beat. then its 1912—50ish years since the holy water incident and almost a century since the resurrectionists disaster. aziraphale has been assigned to take this trip to new york for Some Reason (we found out why later) and happened to invite crowley to come along to attempt to make amends after Allat (he really does feel bad, but he will NOT do the holy water thing yet </3) shit occurs, but history atlarge will not be rewritten. it does change their story, though. adding a sprinkle of interest in the device family line. agnes prophec(y)(ies), dancing on deck under the stars, playing cards with humans and winning by a Lot, aziraphale’s artistic skills are put to use at one point—ughghgufhits just so DEAR TO ME!!!!! and of course the conflict will come later, especially considering the religious connections to the titanic sinking—“not even God can sink this ship” type conversation 🥰 aziraphale can and will be made uncomfortable. its for the character development dont worry about it. i even have a playlist for this fic (it sorted by the way the tone shifts thru the story, some songs are silly but they had to stay). pep has also made some song covers to some of the songs that ive heavily connected to the fic and I REALLY FUCKING LIKED. LIKE A LOT. THEYRE AMAZING YOU SHOULD LISTEN IF YOU WANT TO!!!!
the point of all this is that i like titanic fics and im trying to throw my hat in the ring even if its just for me and my friend 🔥🔥 because while others have fed me, i havent seen ones that have documented like Every Single Day on the titanic that aziraphale and crowley would theoretically have as well as developing aziraphale and crowley’s relationship while taking into account whats happened before (insert the story into a part of the timeline seamlessly i think thats how i’d describe) AS WELL AS connecting the reason why the titanic was such a freak tragedy and how the world is not fucking fair instead of just “oh whoops the thing sank 😞” i want NITTY GRITTY DETAIL!!!!!! I WANT GUILT!!!!!!! I WANT CHAOS!!!!!!!! I WANT TALKING ABOUT GOD!!!!!!! I WANT AZIRAPHALE IN A MENTAL CRISIS!!!!! I WANT CROWLEY JUST WANTING TO FUCKING LIVE FUCKING PEACEFULLY!!!!!!! I WANT LESBIANS!!!!!! i need to get on this,,,, so much to do. i love it all and TY FOR THE ASK!!!!
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I just wanted to say how much I love your writings!
Dude I’ve been reading your stories since 2021. Such a long time! You’re apart of me now homie 😭. I found you first on Ao3 or wattpad I forgot but, I remember the day I realized it was the same person since you go by different users. I was ecstatic! Then I found out you had tumblr, girl I was kicking my feet giggling, rereading all your works.
I just wanted to say I’ve loved following you for so long! I’ve loved seeing you improve and write stuff that completely tear me apart. (Its okay, I’m a sucker for angst)
I always love all the things you put out. I remember getting notifs for your fics before class or after work and just being so impatient to get back home and read it. It always made my night or day!
And dude It’s crazy to me that we r the same age 😭🫶🫶 i pray you’re older than me by at least a couple months. I don’t think I could forgive myself if I had a person younger than me make me kick my feet in the air like you do whenever I read your fics 💀 I’m kidding, I’d still do it regardless LMAO
but, yeah just wanted to say its been an honor loveisanimaginarydagger3000 🫡
Hey 😁
2021???? Damn, you deserve a medal for putting up with my awful writing back then haha. The fact I've been writing for so long is crazy, I feel like all you reader's are a part of me too😭 U guys are the reason I'm still writing <3
Giggling and swinging your feet huh?😅😉 I feel honoured 😭
I'm so glad you put up with my old works, I'm so proud of how far I've come and I'm so glad people like you have been there to support me all the way through it.
Ugh you sound like me with my fav fanfic authors😭😅 Now it's my turn to giggle and swing my feet, maybe even blush a little :)
Well my birthday is December and I'm an 05 baby so you can figure it out from there😅 (Yes I was one of those teenagers who tried to write smut and fanfics but failed to write good ones till I grew up a bit)
It's been an honour to write for you all haha, this sounds like I'm quitting but I promise I'm not. I'm just going to take a small break to get all my shit together cause I'm a mess atm😭😅
Feel free to message me if you wanna talk more, about anything or the journey we have been on haha
I hope you have a good day/night <3 :)
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lizzy06 · 1 month
patiently waiting for the bakugo + kirishima rec list 😭💕💕 but this is the best page on tumblr
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Hey anon!
😳😳 I finally get why fic authors are so determined to finish their stories even tho they are in midst of ww3 loll, being appreciated here on internet feels so good ... but yeah you're too sweet😊😊.... I still have to work on making my posts better...since I still do mess up sometimes and any damned theme except for the official one ain't showing the link colours correctly😅... but yeah I am getting there...feels good to knw ppl out there are looking forward to my posts!
Are you perhaps talking abt kiribaku(or is it bakukiri)or their respective separate lists?... Cuz I need to knw!!! Since I wasn't planning on making a kiribaku list but if you and everyone else want it, I surely will!!! So yeah pls do tell me!😜
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Smooches,, your fic isn’t showing up on the dottore x reader tag!! ☹️☹️ It was there when you posted it w/o the text but after you edited.. POOF 😭
I KNOWWWW I WAS TRYNA OUTSMART THE SYSTEM TO SEE IF IT WOULD WORK but nope. I DON'T KNOW WHATS GOING ONNNNN tumblr fix ur damn website 🙄🙄😔 ugh,,, maybe it's the borders?? my other posts don't have borders and they work... i will keep experimenting i guess 😭😭💥
edit: IT WAS THE BORDERS??? well... it looks kind of ugly but, happy reading!! will try to make more borders that don't mess up the tags later 😅
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goosegoblin · 1 year
i sent an IM and then saw you don't really check IMs so i am SO sorry for the double text so to speak, i'm a mess dkfsdf -- hi, this is a long shot - but i wrote bezal’el for the spn fandom back in the day and was reminiscing about it with some people today 🙈 i was looking through the tumblr tag and saw you talking about it. it has been super duper lost to the ether of time and the laptop i wrote it on was like three laptops ago. do you happen to have it saved anywhere?? i would love to read it again if i could and remind myself i once knew how to write 😅 absolutely no worries if you don’t, i know it's ancient history, but i thought i’d ask. reading your posts about it was so lovely and touching and made my heart go dokidoki 💕💕💕💕💕 i know this was approximately 5000 years ago!!! but thanks for loving that fic once upon a time 😭😭😭
!!!!!! bezal'el! i love bezal'el!!
bro. that thing is. damn. holy shit. that's incredible.
I am going to find this for you. This is my goal now.
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dollyyun · 3 months
hi Rubyy! Im back again! Sorry for disappearing for weeks 😭😭 I was dealing with exams so i stayed away from tumblr for a while 😅
But anyways! I've devoured 60k words Jay's and Heeseung's parts just now, and girl, I'm freaking in love with Jay's part 🤭 after studying my ass off, DKP really felt like a cure fr. Especially Jay's part had me in a massive chokehold 😩 I was inevitably gone when Jay defended Y/N against the other knights. What can I say 🤷‍♀️ I'm a weak girl for men like him. You wrote him amazing 💯💯 Definitely my favorite part so far, but Heeseung's part is also so good in a freaky way. WDYM THEY GAVE HER A WHOLE NEW ROOM? BROS ARE OBSESSED 🗣️🗣️ Though, I'm kinda skeptical about them, because who tf is that Jinae girl and why is she dead and what she had to do w them? So much questions... Yk, what if the boys didn't kill Jinae, and it was someone else all along..... orrrr maybe they did.. yeah I keep forgetting that no one in this story is innocent, damn 😔 Even Y/N's religious(?) mom has some mess going on (fuck her mom btw she didn't have to be a bitch to y/n)
Also that cliffhanger?!??! Ngl you got me so curious with that one and the next part's teaser.. Who tf should i believe idrk and thats what it's making it so enjoyable to read. I love unpredictable series that makes me question my own thoughts. Your writing is so unique dont ever doubt it Ruby ❤️ not when you keep dropping masterpieces like that. I could genuinely read every piece you write no matter what story it is because you have a way with words. Believe me when I say you're one of the best writers on tumblr 🫶 sending you lots of love <3 im deffo looking forward to your new works
(and sorry if there are any grammar mistakes it's been some time since I last spoke english i may have forgotten how to speak 😭😭😭)
JILL BBY I’VE MISSED YOU SM🥹💗it’s okay! don’t apologise especially when you were dealing with exams! and certainly don’t apologise for grammar mistakes because i’m not a grammar police😭
HELP- 60K WORDS OH MY💀i bet it was too time consuming for you and i’m sorry about that😭oohh i see that you’re a knight jay’s girlie🤭broskis are very much obsessed to the point where they- i’m gonna stfu😇so many questions and everything shall be answered in part 6(which i hope🤞🏻)
jill, it’s too early for me to cry because wdym i’m one of the best writers to you🧍🏻‍♀️😭i appreciate you sm you have no idea and i LOVE that you always send in your thoughts and theories and i love reading them all🥹
thank you my love🫶🏻i can’t wait for you to read what else i have in store for you🧚i love you sm and you deserve only the bestest💟
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what's coming out of my keyboard
okay folks, here we go...a candid look at everything I have SLOWLY swirling around out there (as of 9/14)
(and if you read something you like and want more of it just like drop a comment or send an ask or spam me with messages cause I have a BAD habit of letting fics rot 😅)
In the After : the bits we didn't get to see as Joel and Ellie escape and then what comes after, moment by moment as they try to recoup
-> slow whump, lots of hurt/comfort, just tragic Joel and Ellie trauma dynamics after David, and ofc the birth of "dad" Joel -> in progress, chapters -- 13, ~65K words, last upd. 8/24 -> affectionately nicknaming this one the forgotten older sib cause yeah Read here on Ao3 or find the first chapter on Tumblr here
Back & Forth : Joel and Ellie struggling to fall back into a rhythm immediately after Silver Lake because they are both too stubborn to admit they are not doing hot
-> Ellie (trying) to take the lead, bad communication, hopelessness and double angst, dash of comfort -> in progress, chapters -- 11, ~45k words, last upd. 1/5 -> I posted chapter 1 of this so the idea would get out of my head and I could focus on in the after. I had zero expectations or plans of continuing and now it is one of my most popular?? Read all of it here on Ao3 or, find chapter 1 and the latest chapter 11 on Tumblr here
We all break a little, when we fall : weeks and weeks out from David, basically to Utah, Joel and Ellie finally have to confront things they haven't been talking about
-> dark with some canon typical violence, big sad, with big convos, a look inside Ellie's traumatized brain, oh and some FEDRA backstory for funzies -> in progress, chapters -- 7, ~26k words, last upd. 9/20 -> probably one of the darker and most serious things I have ever written and was soooo nervous to post. I wrote out a massive section of the end of this before even writing the beginning so yeah that's all Read here on Ao3 or take a peak at chapter 7 on Tumblr
Derail the mind of Me: Joel told Ellie she would go back to her normal self after winter. When that doesn't happen, she tries to find a solution herself at the end of a little orange bottle
-> not super dark, but probably a bit depressing. Drug use, angst, and Joel freaking the fuck out when something goes wrong -> in progress, chapters -- 2, ~14k words, last upd. 2/15 -> I've had this one brewing for while, and have been trying to do the concept justice, but damn is it hard. Read all of here on Ao3 or chapter 2 here on Tumblr
Turning in the Undertow: A shorter fic picking up right after Joel and Ellie leave the restaurant and walk off toward the Lake, Ellie POV
-> A bit of a slow and introspective take on post-episode 8. Lots of tender Joel through Ellie's eyes -> in progress, chapters -- 1, ~8k words, last upd. 9/14 -> This was rotting on my computer for like five months and finally decided to post the first half (yay!) Read all of here on Ao3
Sad and More Sad:
Next of Kin: Joel becomes a dad on the worst day of his life
-> Hurt/small touches of comfort cause Joel just lost his wife and that’s sad and he’s 21 and doesn’t know anything about caring for a baby. -> COMPLETE ✅chapters - 1, ~16k ->this one is just really really sad. I think the canon is that Joel’s wife left him, but I just think it would make his character way more tragic if she died. Especially because Joel had Sarah so young. You don’t know Claire Johnson but you will be grieving her just like Joel. Read here on Ao3 or just pop over to the Tumblr version
Cried out, to you alone : a continuation of Sarah's death on outbreak day cause Joel sobbing in a field was not enough
-> Hurt/no comfort cause Sarah is deadzo, Joel is a mess, and Tommy is stepping up, surprisingly a lot of Tommy in this one??? -> Complete (for now) ✅, chapters -- 2, ~8k -> started as a one-shot ish, and is kinda the first multi-chapter fic i've finished. There was interest for me to continue, and I have ideas, but not sure if that comes as more chapters, or another part (probably this) Read here on Ao3 or find the latest chapter on Tumblr here
I can't do this without you : Ellie taking care of Joel after he gets stabbed - that's it, that's the fic
-> a sick fic if you want it to be, but really is just Ellie trying to make sure Joel doesn't go six feet under -> in progress, chapters -- 1, ~4k words, last upd. 7/16 -> impatiently posted the bit of the fic I was working on cause I didn't have the beginning done, and then never went back to it (shocker) There has been some interest lately in an update so a new chapter will be on the way soon 👀 (and by soon I mean there is words on a doc but date unknown) Read it here on Ao3 or find it on Tumblr here
Out of my Ordinary:
Just Like The One I Used to Know: After Silver Lake, Ellie is not herself. Joel tries to change that
-> hurt/comfort but also fluff???, Joel gives Ellie a taste of Christmas and it's kinda sweet -> Complete ✅ , chapters --1, ~5k words -> It's a lil holiday one shot that was written for secret Santa, but also post ep 8 cause I can't help myself...but that's like not the main point at all Read it on Ao3 or here on Tumblr
This is the Best it Will Ever Be : the five day trek to the University before everything went to shit
-> fluff???, just Ellie and Joel riding around, a father - daughter duo -> in progress (but really basically abandoned, i'm sorry), chapters -- 1, ~5k words, last upd. 6/28 (rip) -> um yeah this was supposed to be five chapters, one for each day, but never got past day one so opps. Maybe one day this will be revived but that's not going to be anytime soon! Works as a one shot tho :) Read it exclusively on Ao3 .... cause I guess I never posted it over here (hehehe another oopps)
Push through it : Ellie (and Joel) are struggling in the nourishment department post Silver Lake cause food is icky
-> Silver Lake one shot, but mainly whump, hurt/comfort/progress, tw for eating disorders (sorta kinda) -> Complete ✅, chapters -- 1, ~4k words -> PROMPT: no. 1, But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps” w/ Swooning & “How many fingers am I holding up?” -> Wrote this pretty much on my phone and haven't really looked at it since so beware of writing errors Read here on Ao3 or in full here on Tumblr
Dark as Space : Ellie's first time in the Hole back at FEDRA - nuff said
-> whump ofc, absolutely no comfort because this is the Hole, smol little Ellie and mean ole' FEDRA -> Complete ✅ , chapters -- 1, ~3k words -> PROMPT: no. 3, "Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon” w/ Solitary Confinement -> I got so hyped thinking about the idea for this one and then had no time to do it the justice it deserved, which is not a great sale tactic to you but oh well, give it a read cause its still depressing good stuff Read it here on Ao3 or stay on Tumblr and read here
It's the scars that had me wrong : Ellie tries to get rid of her scar a different way the first go around
-> whump w/ basically no comfort, Ellie hurting herself cause she's a poor tortured soul and doesn't want her scar, special guest appearance by Tommy -> Complete ✅ , chapters -- 1, ~4k words -> PROMPT: no. 27, “You drew stars around my scars; But now I’m bleeding.” w/ Scars & “Let me see” -> I wrote this in a day and Idk man just give it a read. TW: for Cutting/Self-Harm. Read it here on Ao3 or Tumblr here
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placeinthisworld · 7 months
I’m that anon and this might sound over the top but I genuinely feel so so so heard right now because for the longest time when I followed them their takes and the way Taylor just fully consumes their life made me feel drained. I remember always side eyeing how they would conveniently side step criticising Taylor whenever she would genuinely mess up like saying oh they’re not a part of that group so they don’t want to take up space but it’s like okay I get it, hell I can even respect that but why aren’t you reblogging posts criticising Taylor made by the people she has directly hurt from her actions then. the way that fans go into dissecting very minute details over there sometimes made me think of how inevitable it is for Taylor to not grow and change cuz these are the blogs that always filled up Taylor’s feed and realistically fans like this is what she’s exposed to and on a human level I can’t imagine being treated as if every minor action of mine is worth extensive praise. The mental development of a celebrity impacted by being placed on such high pedestals has always intrigued me. I won’t lie there was a time, whenever I came home from school I would sit and obsessively consume only Taylor content and would be very defensive over her in real life as well but ( and I’m not trying to be super judgemental here) I can’t imagine being that committed to protecting, coddling, praising and borderline worshipping somebody like that when I know that individual never even considers my existence for like a second, I genuinely can’t imagine doing this for years and years and never growing past it especially with everything Taylor has done.
I still remember how condescending and truthfully mean they were being to anons when some fans questioned why Taylor swapped out invisible string for the 1 and they defended joe so so so much as if they were his lawyer or something but as soon as they broke up the absolute switch up kind of floored me cuz I always thought that they genuinely started liking joe for his work at one point cuz of how much they would place him on a pedestal as well before but damn I got whiplash from soo many blogs after the breakup. I know this turned into a giant rant and I’m so sorry but it’s just I’ve never come across anybody that felt the same way cuz generally literally everybody praises that blog and treats it like royalty sometimes so it’s like getting to vent to somebody for the first time 😅😅😔😔
100000000% bestie i agree with everything you’ve said 😭
i followed them too for the longest time and always kinda followed that same mindset too. but something changed when eras started that made me just kinda….feel like there was a tswift overexposure/ blowup where it suddenly felt like people were only online again to gain clout, and then the breakup happened and everyone and their mom was suddenly a diehard swiftie with all these opinions about it and it started to make me feel icked out by the way people just…..casually discussed and debated/speculated about her personal life and their entire relationship without knowing really anything more. when the breakup happened i definitely saw the switch from just another swiftie to literally suffocating up taylor’s asshole. i mostly blame tumblr too for giving them that attention lol i think that definitely fed into their dialogue. i remember being kinda sad when i unfollowed but knew it was better for me bc their interactions with anons and their opinions were so wild lol. i also remember starting to feel like i was a bad fan/ swiftie if i couldn’t defend taylor like that in good conscience so i figured disengaging would be enough, but then meathead came into play and suddenly their narrative became clear that they were really just ready to support and defend taylor about absolutely everything (and then somewhere along the way they blocked meeeee and ngl i wa so caught off guard bc i had unfollowed so long before that i couldn’t even tell you when it happened or like what i said to cause if LMAO i’m sure it was one of my criticism posts about taylor but like still find it funny!) because at the end of the day we’re all just fans seeing what taylor wants us to see and nobody really has any insight as to what taylor is thinking or how she feels, yes even if you spent a few hours with her once 5+ years ago……
overall is been a very eye opening experience as to how parasocial relationships develop and how weird people are on social media…..i always said (jokingly) that swiftism was a disease but like i actually feel like it is
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meimi-haneoka · 10 months
Thanks so much for answering my asks! It's an interesting point you brought up about Yukito reverting back to his original self. So now I'm just wondering to what extent, Kaito rewrote the world. Like Touya can still use time magic, though I suppose that's more of an innate skill rather than magic that he got from somewhere. And like you said, Ruby and Spinel are still in Tomoeda even though their original "reason" for coming is no longer valid in the rewritten world. Just wanted to hear your thoughts on this if you have any insights!
For Akiho and Kaito, how do you think their relationship dynamics will change now that they decided to continue their travels? Now that they are both free to do what they truly want. Plus, we've seen Akiho's more assertive side too in the recent few chapters. I feel like Akiho might start calling the shots more now, and Kaito agreeing to her every request (more so than before 🤣) As the both of them continue to grow and heal together, I feel that there's alot of potential for future short chapters (hopefully!!) To show different areas of their lives. Both of them have really grown on me! Truly wish for them to have the happiness they did not have before, and live the life they want. TOGETHER. I'm not on tumblr much so I don't see firsthand the hate they get, and to be honest, at the start of the serialization I was abit hesitant about trusting Kaito too, given that I was already attached to Sakura and he seemed to be manipulating both the girls (especially how he was portrayed in the EN translation and the anime). But again, along the way, after seeing more and more of how he treated Akiho, and seeing his motivations and reason for doing it (your translation posts helped alot with that too), I've definitely softened alot towards him. It's sad that some people still can't see that. 😕
Hello again! Today I feel a bit better so I'm going to answer this ask ❤️
So now I'm just wondering to what extent, Kaito rewrote the world. Like Touya can still use time magic, though I suppose that's more of an innate skill rather than magic that he got from somewhere.
From what we know, Kaito rewrote everything connected to his existence and to the existence of the Clear Cards...since Yukito made that pact with the Shrine in consequence of the situation that arised with the Cards, that had to go too. It's like Kaito wrote a giant "you won't have to worry over anything" in his script. Yes, I think Touya's powers stayed because they're innate.
And like you said, Ruby and Spinel are still in Tomoeda even though their original "reason" for coming is no longer valid in the rewritten world.
Yes, in fact in the rewritten world Kero mentions they came "for visiting"! 😅That damn Kaito really thought of everything....
For Akiho and Kaito, how do you think their relationship dynamics will change now that they decided to continue their travels?
Here comes this stupid blog owner's squeal whenever she has to answer to a question about Kaito and Akiho 😂
Ohohoh, their relationship is going to keep evolving a lot, from how I see it. Like, if for SyaoSaku I can see a more quiet, peaceful type of development typical of school sweethearts in the next years, for YunaAki I see a more nuanced evolvement. Because they're not SyaoSaku, they have different personalities, different backgrounds, different traumas in their baggages that they have to heal from, a difference in age... There's so much to work with, if sensei really wanted to write a spin-off about them...
Like. Akiho does have undoubtedly lots in common with Sakura, but she also got quite a different personality. She's been mad at Kaito for more than a month, and who knows how long she'll be. OF COURSE he made a big mess (and I'm not joking, this represented a tear in their relationship and they'll have to mend it with patience), so it's totally normal, but for example I don't think Sakura would've been mad at Syaoran for this long.
The assertiveness you detected from Akiho in the last chapters, has actually been going on for long time. In chapter 48, she found the courage to make a love confession, even if in a covert way.
In chapter 52, she insisted 3 times with Kaito to know if he was feeling ill or not. When she saw he insisted in covering it up, she tried to tell him very clearly that she was there for him, young and inexperienced as she was, but that he didn't have to face all of this alone. He ran away and shut a door in her face.
In chapter 53, after such a disgraceful behavior from Kaito, one that would've made any girl cry and backtrack in defeat (always remember why he did it, though...), what did this girl do? Arranged an entire date without telling him anything and literally dragged him out with a "we're going out today", NO BUTS! Akiho had learned in chapter 52 that "asking" doesn't get any result from Kaito, if she wants something from him (and in that case she wanted him to have some relaxing time), she has to take it by force 😅just like Momo cheered her on! 😂
Chapter 57, following what she learned, she "ordered" him to rest, "using" her role as master (and he's the "butler") because she knows that's the only way he'll listen.
Chapter 58, once again, when Kaito started talking in a derogative manner about himself, Akiho's nerves were put to test once again, and so she rose up the couch and in a quite "irritated" manner she expressed her frustration at his behavior.
Akiho's assertiveness with Kaito has gradually but steadily progressed from halfway the story and it's been an amazing journey to watch, from here. I almost feel pity for those who never realized it, because they truly missed something good. It's good to watch a girl find her identity and her voice. As I always say, Akiho flourishes thanks to Kaito and her feelings for him, turning into the best version of herself. This process had its culmination in chapter 78, where Akiho went full out in expressing her feelings on the matter. Akiho is just perfect for Kaito. Because that's what Kaito needs, he's an incredibly stubborn person (CLAMP said so themselves) so he needs someone strong enough to hold the reins and not be knocked down by his bullsh*t. Not everyone can handle Kaito, and he won't let just anyone get "access" to him in that way. Akiho IS strong enough to handle him, she already can now that she's 13, it'll only get better the more she grows up.
Being the balanced half of the pair, Akiho won't only demand from Kaito, of course she'll also encourage him to heal and to find his true worth, something he wants to do for himself. Because we all know that the MAJOR problem that brought to the big mess that happened in Clear Card was his self-loathing, in the first place.
I picture Kaito being always the same oblivious dork even when they'll grow up, while Akiho will surprisingly be the more "flirty" one 😂you would never expect it from her, since she's also very sweet...but she's got scars of her own she needs to heal from, and Kaito will help her with that too, a lot.
As he learned the hard way from this painful experience, Kaito will start to trust that he's not alone and there's really someone out there who loves him, and that he doesn't need to take all the burden of things alone. That what he can do, to make his loved one happy, is to start loving himself more, first and foremost.
They have a strong vibe of "completing" eachother, and it's telling that they've spent the first part of their life together with Kaito trying to find a way to "heal" Akiho, and now they'll be travelling to find a way to heal Kaito.... They might be broken people, but when they put together the pieces of their jagged hearts, something gentle is born, as Aimer said in her "Hana no Uta" song (one of the first songs I've ever associated with YunaAki).
...Yeah, it's like I could already picture all of this, exactly in this way, already halfway through the story, that's why I started to like them so much and hoping in a happy ending for them. I saw all the signs, and they all paid off, because CLAMP were quite transparent in what they wanted to portray.
Of course before then, I was wary of Kaito too, just like you. Especially in the beginning, if you read back my old posts of 2017/2018 you can get all the evidences....but that was part of the game because that's exactly how CLAMP wanted us to feel. I played their game and I'm happy about what I won. 😊
...still, I hope they're going to find Momo soon 😂
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childotkw · 2 years
Thinking about your past Aus only to find out Tumblr's tagging system is so messed up it can't pull anything past three posts
God I know, it's so frustrating. So many times I've tried to find my AUs on my own damn blog and I get nada. It's a pain 😅
Which one were you looking for? Maybe I can scrounge up the proper tag link for you?
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amor-immortalem · 1 year
I really love your Azalea fics. I read your Mammon economy fic and another one shot and they were chef's kiss. I want to thank you for writing such wonderful angst. It always brings me great comfort. I was wondering if it was possible to make a masterlist just for her stories? I found one miraculously in my feed and I have read like 4 overall, but they were all out of order. I checked your masterlist from 1-4 but I was a bit lost. I'm new to tumblr but I apologize for being a dumb ass 😅 Also, I'm an only child, but I could still feel her pain. I always ended in tears from the few fics I read. I know Azalea ain't a saint, but Mammon's attitude is very frustrating. Every time they take a positive step forward, he always messes it up. Arella was frustrating too, but in I think I'm okay she finally seemed to understand the situation better. Since I haven't read everything, I may be missing details, but it's very frustrating how Mammon always remembers everything that has to do with their sons. Cyrus is understandable of course. But even so, he defends them when they don't have time to for example, babysit Mahlon, but of course Azalea is a brat for not wanting to because she has nothing important to do 🙃 Do you have plans for more Azalea fics? Will Mammon finally get his shit together and stop making excuses for forgetting his promises to his daughter and treat her equally like he does with his sons? I hope he does. I was a bit hopeful after reading 30 miles north but our dumb ass demon never seems to learn 😭 Sorry for going on a rant. I'm very passionate about family bonds especially in angst settings 😂
Honestly I don’t mind the ranting and I’m absolutely chuffed that you loved her fics that much.
Funfact: Azalea was the first out of the next gen characters that I ever made and even some of her mother’s traits came out of that initial draft for Azalea’s design. Idk if you could tell but she immediately became my favorite to write for out of the lot of them as her character is far more fleshed than any of her brothers or cousins.
As for the masterlist, it’ll be under the cut and the links are in chronological order for when they’re happening in her life and it’ll be updated as I upload more fics for her.
Character Masterlist: Azalea
Azalea gets summoned (a comic in which Azalea meets Max)
Everything Undesired epilogue (while not a fic about Azalea, the epilogue gives some insight into the issues that were building up with Azalea just prior to Cyrus’ return and it kind of sets up the whole arc between Cyrus and Azalea)
I Think I’m OKAY
Part 1
Part 2
30 Miles North
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Body Image Issues ( this was more so focused on Asmo’s daughter Zulima but it was about Azalea’s own body image problems so I’m including it here)
Part 1
Part 2
Of Horrible Parenting and Stubborn Teenagers (oneshot)
The Final Straw (oneshot)
Razorblades and Rubberbands
Part 1
I think that’s everything. Unfortunately I had stopped writing angst for her for a time even though she’s in damn near every next gen fic in on way or another due to me feeling that writing about her issues was getting boring for readers so I think I only have those four fics about her that you read, but I have 2 or 3 (maybe 4 even) WIPs of angst for her that I never posted that maybe I’ll be motivated to finish now. And tons more to write about.
Can I have your @ so I can tag you in new stories for her? (If not that’s okay too)
As far as the rest of your ask goes especially in regards to Mammon and his treatment of his daughter. I want to write their relationship getting better due to my own need to have that parent-child reconciliation but because I currently have and have always had a shitty relationship with my own father, it just never seems like a genuine resolution and feels… fake-for lack of a better term.
You know what they say, write from experience, or something along those lines
Also i do want to kinda clarify that Mammon’s not solely responsible for how he treats Azalea over her brothers as she doesn’t communicate her own schedule with him since she just doesn’t trust her father- and to a certain extent her mother- with that information anymore. Like he’ll text her to find out what’s going on in her life and she’ll just straight up leave him on read. Mammon and Arella can’t plan around or take into consideration a schedule they don’t know and that’s where alot of this comes from.
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OK so I just wished to express this because I don't do it very often but feel the need to right now, even though it's actually hard to do so and put into words so I'll do my best, hopefully without sounding too disgustingly fan girly...
Basically Sam Fender is someone who despite being from a whole different part of England to me, is someone who as a person alongside his music, I could not relate to anymore to than I already do.
I have had the privilege of being able to express my adoration a little and was shocked when he responded to me over Instagram last year, but man I don't think he would even know the half of it if I could actually tell him all of it in person.
I just know I would find it difficult, I would stutter because of nerves and he would probably find it too overwhelming and somehow I would probably make him feel uncomfortable because I am good at that, and I think there's a reason I haven't met my absolute favourite actors/musicians for this very reason 🤣🤣 but yeah I would struggle for probably an hour or two before I would eventually calm down and be able to chat to him like an actual fucking normal person!
So instead I am letting it out to this tumblr void and letting it be here for just my thoughts and for anyone who might be slightly interested.
Sam Fender is like a mind reader. Like he really feels like he knows my life for real. I mean similarities are definitely there where my parents struggled financially when I was a child. I had an estranged relationship with my dad for years despite choosing to live with him when I was 10. My mum walked out on us and I was broken for years. I got bullied at school for years as well and although it's called "Dead Boys", I was nearly a Dead Girl that couldn't be explained, except I just wanted to die at 17.
Seventeen Going Under was really the hitting point for me. I really was 17 and going under in life. I was a mess. And then Spit of You made me bawl my eyes out when I first heard it because those lyrics alongside the music video was just pure dynamite for me, like everything that I wish I could express, but he has done it better than me.
I've considered the music route and have been told I am a good singer and a good writer, but damn, did I struggle to keep myself motivated to teach myself guitar. I did ok but then kind of gave up on it because I didn't think I could get very far.. I was watching my dad have mental breakdowns almost everyday which clouded my motivations. I still consider sometimes whether I try and pick it up again and play at an open mic night. One day I might. The closest I have come as of late so far is on karaoke nights working at the pub and only then do I sing my heart out besides at home 😄
His political views are a part of it too. Our political system is fucked and he expresses that brilliantly too with Long Way Off and Aye. I mean Hypersonic Missiles and White Privilege as well but they're more worldwide explanations. The left (Labour) and right (Conservatives) don't appeal to me either way. We need a whole revamp.
Basically this fella from North Shields is like a gift to me and to many others. I just wish he could know this without me sounding like a creepy fucker. He's just awesome in general really and I guarantee that if I wasn’t so awkward with celebrities and could actually keep my cool when I usually can, I would happily have a good old chinwag with him, just talk about life and have a few bevvies.
I mean hell, the actual dream would be to duet a song with him ❤ he would play guitar and I would sing. It's not expected though and seems like such a long shot to ever actually happen, and while I saw him perform at Ally Pally in London in November 2021, I did not get lucky in catching him after the gig. Maybe one day I will but then he would probably be super famous by then. He definitely deserves all the attention anyway!
So yeah. That was what I was thinking about this morning of all things 😅
I love you Sam Fender, even though you have no idea who I am.
Luna x
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