#mystic hysteria
episims · 10 months
💌This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out! 💌
Right back at you, Win! I'm so glad that you're posting again!
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deedee-sims · 1 year
Under the cut!
@abbsterlicious replied to your post “@vulrien-sims 4t2 Trillyke Trust Me Dress made...”:
Omg thank you soooooooooooo much DeeDee, you are the freakin best!!!! I just got back from a family vacation and came home to such a wonderful surprise. <33333 my lil simmin heart is so happy! 😍
Aw, thank you! ❤
@strangextown replied to your post “Sierra visited the Park with the Gazebo and...”:
Her hair is so pretty I'M OBSESSED.
Man, I love this hair so much!
@abbsterlicious replied to your post “@pforestsims Retro Flounce Bikini for teens and...”:
Swear you read my mind 🫶🏼
It was Kooli who did, with the request, haha!
@mdpthatsme replied to your post “Torture level: karaoke Other news: the new chapter...”:
@frottana-sims replied to your post “Torture level: karaoke Other news: the new chapter...”:
@themeasureofasim replied to your post “Torture level: karaoke Other news: the new chapter...”:
Yay! 🥳
The hype is real! 😄
@mystic-hysteria replied to your post “Torture level: karaoke Other news: the new chapter...”:
damn oliver's immortal
Good for him, really! 😂
@kayleigh-83 replied to your post “A minor slot edit to the pet displays This was...”:
you are the BEST! :D can't wait to see how much better Happy Tails Pet Store looks with this update! no more noses pressed against the wall XD
Me too, me too! 😁
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newwavesylviaplath · 3 months
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cutiealls · 3 days
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heavenlygirl222 · 2 months
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laurapalmersdiary · 1 year
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gordonsicedcoffee · 7 months
much to ponder
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dirtyangelic · 7 months
God, please be gentle with me.
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lavenderlamb222 · 5 months
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fatalebridget · 1 year
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I made this dress and it’s now my whole personality
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mdpthatsme · 10 months
💌This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out! 💌
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davenusianastronaut · 4 months
Lost in Time
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Wow, I thought today was Saturday. I have been lost in space these last couple of days. I have been heavily meditating praying for peace in this situation. The people I escaped are still trying to destroy me using black magic. They won't leave me alone. I haven't posted on my main social medias because I am shadow banned. So no matter what I post and how much I post it doesn't see the light of day. So I have abandoned that page because that's where all my stalkers are anyway. I decided to keep it moving and just to start all over again with my 19 followers on IG. (@davenussuite btw lol)
I am going to be a prime example of what keeping the faith looks like and trusting in God does. I had no idea how many Satan worshipers existed until I discovered I, myself, was raised by Satan worshipers. This is why they are trying to destroy me. Luckily, God is with me and he is protecting me. I love God so deeply. I love the Divine. I love my Ancestors. I love my Spirit Guides. I love my Guardian Angels. I love the Universe. I love the Cosmos. They all play a part in my survival and my success and I give them all this credit.
Whenever you feel as if things are getting too tough. Prayer works.
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zipzittyart · 5 months
Mystic Corruption Au
Twilight Sparkle
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Mystic Corruption - MLP Infection Au
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Having gone looking for Fluttershy due to her sudden disappearance, Twilight decided to venture out to the evergreen forest to see if she could find any traces or tracks left behind by her beloved friend. Upon seeing the mutated and disease ridden pegasus Twilight was taken aback. She had to find out what happened to her beloved friend. She began to patrol and survey the area her friend resided in, wishing to find a way to remedy the disease before it got worse. By this time Fluttershy was at Stage 2 of the infection, able to move but beginning to release pollen and spores off the spotted divots on her dulling pelt. One night while investigating Twilight got a bit too close to Fluttershy, spores/pollen flying into her nose and eyes. She began to get an immediate reaction and fled the scene as soon as she realized she had been exposed. She fled to her castle.
As the disease began to take over Twilight decided to begin documenting her changes. She recorded tapes stating all her symptoms, showing examples of exposure. Due to her now sealed fate, she made an effort to gather up evidence and specimens of what led to her infection, gathering pollen, spores and flowers from the infected area and her own body. She would then lock herself in a private room to prevent herself from exposing anyone else to the disease. Before reaching Stage 2 Twilight sent out an emergency broadcast urging ponies to stay far away from the Everfree Forest. A mass hysteria would ensue.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Hello again so how about old Predacon buddy accidentally gets teleported to the transformers animated universe how would the Autobots react (you can include the elite guard if you want) predacon buddy Will most likely just want to adopt all of optimus's team now I'm just imagining Predacon buddy Just having a cuddle pile with the transformers animated Autobots and that is absolutely adorable =]
Buddy is too old for this... time to travel again!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon meeting Team Prime
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy is really starting to get tired of being launched from mystic portals.
They were going to start carrying the Apex armor to soften their landing if they needed to.
Buddy landed near some docks in the middle of the day.
This place terrified Buddy.
Everything was way too small here!
Buddy quickly looked around the area, still everything was way smaller than what they would have liked it to be.
Buddy looking around.
“Hmm… this is usually the part where I meet some human or bot—”--Buddy
“There it is.”--Buddy
Buddy looks down to see a tiny human girl.
“You’re really big!”
“That I am little one.”--Buddy
Buddy tucks in their wings and tail more to avoid touching or potentially knocking over something.
The human girl looks at Buddy a bit intensely.
“Are you an Autobot or Decepticon?”
“An Autobot, specifically a Predacon.”--Buddy
“What’s a Predacon?”
“Not important right now. What is you name?”--Buddy
“I’m Sari.”--Sari
“Sari? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard before. I’m Buddy.”--Buddy
Sari raising her eyebrow.
Buddy venting a bit.
“I know, I know the name doesn’t fit with how I look. But I have been told it matches my personality well.”--Buddy
Sari moves closer to Buddy, while they just freeze.
“I’m not going to hurt you.”--Sari
“I know, it’s just that I don’t want to accidentally hurt you. I’m not exactly known for being very careful with many fragile things.”--Buddy
Sari pats Buddy’s claws.
“You would get along with my friend Bulkhead.”--Sari
Buddy perks up.
“Bulkhead? Oh, this is great!”--Buddy
“You know Bulkhead?”--Sari
“I know his alternative. He is a good friend of mine.”--Buddy
“I’m from another dimension. Don’t ask me how, truthfully, I don’t know either.”--Buddy
“That’s so cool!”--Sari
“Buddy bowing their helm to Sari’s level.
“Could you help me find Bulkhead? He might be able to help me get home.”--Buddy
Sari is already climbing on Buddy’s helm.
Buddy slowly lifts their helm.
“Keep walking straight, the Plant will show up soon on the left.”--Sari
Buddy begins walking down the docks heading through some of the back streets.
“I’m sure Bulkhead can help! He is a spacebridge technician.”--Sari
“I’m sorry he’s a what?”--Buddy
They arrived to a seemingly abandoned power Plant after a couple of minutes and stops on the way.
Buddy wasn’t sure they could get used to humans minding their own business.
Sure, there were the ones that stared at them and others making comments here and there.
But there was no mass hysteria or riots.
The only yelling Buddy had was when they nearly stepped on a trash bin that was placed too close to the road.
Sari told Buddy to wait outside while she brought out the Team. Not like Buddy could enter either way.
Everything was still a bit too small for their liking anyways.
Buddy nearly fainted on the spot when they saw how small the Autobots were.
“Sari, can you repeat what you just said? What do you mean ‘another dimension dragon bot needs Bulkhead’s help’?”--Prowl
“Yeah, Buddy needs help getting back home.”--Sari
Bumblebee skating backwards to the door.
“Please! I bet this dragon—”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee hits a solid wall.
He pats the back feeling a solid wall of metal.
A shadow looms over him as he slowly looks up.
He looks up to see a giant metal dragon’s face.
Bumblebee quickly runs back to his team who is just equally terrified at this giant.
Sari calmly walks over to Buddy.
“Buddy, this is the team.! Guys this is Buddy!”--Sari
“Sari… I think you failed to tell us how GIANORMOUS the dragon was!”--Bumblebee
“Why is everyone here so small!”--Buddy
“We aren’t small! Your just huge!”--Bulkhead
Buddy quickly shakes their helm.
“My apologies. Its…it’s been a tough day. Being in a whole new reality again.”--Buddy
“What do you mean again?”--Ratchet
“This happens a lot more than you think. But right now, I’m just trying to figure out a way home.”--Buddy
Optimus taking a step forward holding his servo out.
“We’ll help you in any way we can.”--Optimus
Buddy raises a digit and lightly shakes the Primes servo.
“Thank you Prime.”--Buddy
It took some getting used to with Buddy being around.
For one, Buddy couldn’t fit in the plant entirely.
Buddy did find out that if they stayed low to the ground, they could at least get most of their frame in without getting stuck in the doors.
Buddy became very protective of the team the longer they stayed.
Especially seeing the stark size difference between them and the Decepticons.
Buddy was sure they scared Starscream into the afterlife after sneezing.
Optimus found himself looking for Buddy sometimes when things were starting to get to him.
He didn’t want to admit them, but he felt comfortable enough around Buddy to talk.
Ratchet and Buddy did have their old bot talks from time to time.
Ratchet is convinced he is older than Buddy, for a short time.
Bumblebee and Sari constantly give Buddy mini spark attacks when they decide to do some sort of shenanigans.
The puppy eyes worked… for a bit.
Buddy and Bulkhead sometimes make art together.
Buddy is quick to shut down anyone’s mean comments about Bulkhead’s art.
Prowl and Buddy sometimes go out for walks in the park. Buddy took him flying one time.
One time.
Sari was close to using her key on him from the fright he had when he nearly fell off, which was his fault for trying to stand up while Buddy was still ascending at such a fast pace.
Ratchet had the car batteries ready in case Buddy was going to have a spark attack.
Optimus walking into the main room to see Buddy sleeping with their wings acting like a blanket.
Optimus looks around but sees no one.
“In here!”--Bulkhead
Optimus quietly goes by Buddy and lifts their wing the best he could.
All of his team is trapped by Buddy’s heavy limbs.
“What took you so long. Help a mech out!”--Bumblebee
“All right, all right just let me—Woah!”--Optimus
Buddy reaches out quickly and traps the small Prime in their grasp.
He struggles a bit but Buddy only slightly tightens their grip.
“Don’t even try, they’ll just tighten their grip.”—Ratchet
“How long have you guys been in here?”--Optimus
“In total… about an hour.”--Sari
“They nap for about three hours. Get comfy.”--Ratchet
Buddy was ready to throw servo with Sentinel after the rude comments he said to Prime.
Buddy standing straighter with wings opened and lightly draped over team prime.
“I highly recommend you stop this rude behavior Sentinel.”--Buddy
“That Sentinel Prime to you freak.”--Sentinel
Jazz and the Jettwins moving towards Buddy’s side.
“Sentinel I don’t think—”--Jazz
“Shut it Jazz! This is between me and the freak!”--Sentinel
Buddy readjusts their wings so they now also cover Jazz and the Jettwins.
“You have five seconds to apologize before I hunt you down.”--Buddy
“You can’t do that I’m a Prime.”--Sentinel
“You will respect your superior!”--Sentinel
“4. Not my world, not my Prime. 3”--Buddy
“Sentinel… I think you should run—”--Optimus
Sentinel already barricading himself in his office.
“That was fun! Never seen Sentinel run that fast.”--Jazz
“Let me know when he’s acting out again. I’ll set him straight, even show off some of my moves from back in the pits.”--Buddy
“Excuse me the what?!”--Ratchet
A week later a portal had shown up at the Plant’s entrance.
Buddy knew it was their time to go.
After some tight hugs and teary good-byes Buddy walked into the portal.
The base was quiet today.
Maybe everyone was out on patrol again.
“I’m back!”--Buddy
Miko looking from her spot on the couch.
“It happened again?”--Miko
Buddy settling down next to her.
“We should get a tracker on you the next time you leave.”--Miko
“Ehh, I’ll think about it kiddo.”--Buddy
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laurapalmersdiary · 2 years
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rudhira · 1 month
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Hair recolours that I've made but not posted, for some reason. They all come in Poppet v2 naturals as well as these unnaturals. Maybe one of these days I will stop changing my mind on what unnaturals to use.
Ginko G90, converted by evannamari, PU-EU, 19,9k polys.
Download Ginko G90: SFS
Wings OS0823, converted by Digi, PU-EU, 8,2k polys.
Download Wings OS0823: SFS
Wings OS0826, converted by SilverLeaves, PM-EM, 11,5k polys.
Download Wings OS0826: SFS
Wings TO0140, converted by mystic-hysteria and edited by pineappleforest, PF-EF, 16,1k polys.
Download Wings TO0140: SFS
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