karlenandgail · 7 months
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The Prince meets THE QUEEN....
“Tell Abriella that Gail’s Prince has arrived in New Orleans and is currently having coffee with Armaund and I.” Watching Thenasus’ eyes widen almost had Jean Pierre chuckling.  “If she could please come most expeditiously, we would appreciate it.  He is…touchy…and a bit impatient to see his redhead.”  Jean Pierre smiled.
"I'm sorry did you say…" Thenasus leaned towards Jean Pierre, his eyes narrowing slightly; he was sure he had to have heard wrong.   He hadn't even had a chance to work with Gail to obtain any information on her supposed Prince, and yet he had somehow found Jean Pierre in New Orleans?  
"Oh yes, an actual Prince too, of Uffern no less.  Youngest brother of King Kellen, although I can say that they seem nothing alike, thank the Source." Jean Pierre's smile didn’t reach his eyes and was tight.  Both he and Thenasus had encountered Kellen in the past, neither wished to again.  "I was at one point a tad worried for Armaund's safety.  It seems Prince Karlen is rather touchy and the possible insinuation of her dead, I mean she IS in Hell, just about had him exploding.  Thankfully he does have more composure and restraint than his elder brother."
"Lovely.  I am sure Abriella won't be able to contain her excitement for that kind of response." Thenasus said with so much sarcasm that the air was rife with it.  The tall guard had a feeling that this could explode if handled wrong, on both the Uffernian and Imperium fronts.
"He is at least ready to relinquish title and royal standing so he can come to the realm.  Not even a blink when I mentioned it." Jean Pierre noticed Thenasus was as shocked at this as he'd been.
"I'll tell Abriella.   As soon as she's available, I'm sure she'll be down.  We’ve had an interesting day or so, you’ll have to have Anna fill you in." The guard shook his head.   Had the Fates decided no one got to sleep or peace in the realm for the foreseeable future?  Between the disaster at breakfast with Yael, the arrival of Kaylin and Asher, the expected oncoming conflict with Damien, the idiot spectre who almost got his…wife? killed the night before and now this, he wondered how much more could go wrong.  That had all happened before midnight the previous day.  Now this one was starting with an Uffernian Prince wishing an audience with the Queen.  What next, a proposal from…no, he was going to not even think anything of the sort.  The damn Fates would probably make it happen, at this rate, and trying to contain Cruz if one more thing went upended would be…a headache.
“Prince Karlen, I have been informed that you wish an audience with me.”  Abriella gave no notice before she appeared in the antique shop, where Armaund and Jean Pierre were quite sure that they would soon become tea leaves, from how much they were going through waiting for her to show up to handle their guest.  She was dressed in an elegant suit and anyone not in the know might mistake her for a powerful business woman.  Powerful she was, but her business was normally death and warfare, not paperwork and money making.
Karlen, for his part, rose and bowed to the Queen.  He knew she held the key to seeing Sophia, who he had learned went by Gail when awake.  “Queen Abriella, I did.  However, please, I relinquish all title and standing, as I understand that our realms are not, nor have ever been, allies, so I am no longer a Prince.  I come before you as a humble demon, wishing to enter your realm in search of the woman I’ve loved and searched many realms and worlds over for three hundred years for.  I know her as Sophia, but I know in her waking hours that she can go by other names.  If it pleases, your highness, I would just like the chance to finally be with her.”  For the first time in his long life, he was truly nervous.  His voice was sincere, and there was even a slight pleading sound to it at the end.
If she did not believe him or refused him, he did not know what he would do.  If his Sophia was truly friends with Abriella then declaring war on her realm to get to her would be the exact opposite of a good thing.  The Queen was far more beautiful and composed than even the rumors that had reached Uffern had stated.  Possibly his brother, Kellen, could negotiate something if this endeavor failed.  Karlen would not be deterred, he had worked too hard and for too long to just give up.  
“I was informed that you were willing to do so.  Your powers will be partially bound till you have proven yourself trustworthy within my realm.  I have been advised of the previous relations between your family and my grandfather.  While he has made some…changes…in his demeanor, I cannot allow war to break out. No does your brother have a diplomatic relationship with my reign.  I am sure you understand my position.”  Abriella had a soft smile and inclined her head.  Gail had no clue she was there, nor that Karlen had been found.  Truthfully she didn’t trust him, and until it could be confirmed that he WAS her dream Prince, suspicion would reign supreme.  There had been enough upset in Imperium in the last twenty-four hours to last her for a long time.  When she returned she still needed to have her conversation with Leandre about the upcoming visit she was going to make to Damien.
“Your Majesty, I shall agree to any provisions required in order to be with Sophia.  If there are any tests that I must endure, I shall agree to those too.  I have anticipated this day for centuries, I will let nothing stand in my way if I can eliminate it easily.” Karlen’s expressions and voice were resolute, but not confrontational.  While trying not to sound as desperate as he felt, he did want to convey that he was not going to challenge her in any way regarding the requirements to be a guest of Imperium. 
“Orpheus, Andronicus?”  From the shadows stepped two of Abriella’s Royal Guard.  Both dressed in their more regal gear, they were being tasked with “babysitting” the Prince until it had been determined whether he could be trusted.  “These two guards will be with you at all times.  If you try to leave the realm with Gail, it will be considered and act of war, and you will feel the force of all four of the Horsemen upon Uffern.  If you are being honest regarding your intentions, then within time we can make changes to these requirements. We are still chasing the beings that had Gail enthralled and I will not allow her to be endangered because of your obsession with her.”  Abriella’s chin was lifted, but her voice was not confrontational.  At the moment, she was walking the fine line between a friend and the regent of the realm.  It was not a comfortable one for her.  She knew that further separation from Karlen, should he prove to be the one Gail had described, would only cause the sweet woman more pain.  
“You will have no argument from me, Your Majesty.  I will follow whatever rules you lay out to be able to be able to see if what we have experienced over the centuries in dreams can come into the waking world as well.”  Karlen nodded in deference to her, grateful that he wasn’t being chained, literally, in some kind of dungeon or jail.  His brother was not known for his friendly relationships with other realms, so that he was no met with outright hostility was at least a step in the right direction as far as he was concerned.
“We are not going to have you meet Gail directly.  You will have a conversation with your guards and Gail’s guardian within Imperium will bring her by the open doorway.  First we will see if she recognizes your voice, then we will move forward from there.”  Abriella, Cruz, Olly, Arch, and Thenasus  had all discussed how to handle things before she had teleported to the antique shop. They all felt it better not to bring them together directly until they had more indication that he truly was who she had dreamed of.  In this way they could avoid further trauma to her.  “Now, let’s be away.”
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I'm so mad about how much Poptropica has changed.
1st they get rid of all the good islands: wimpy kid, spy island, peanuts island, super power island, cryptids, etc. and they removed ep.5 of survival island (literally the final island! WTF!)
Plus, I still had a bunch of islands I didn't complete, mostly skullduggery island, poptropulus games island and reality TV island (the latter two as they relied on luck and skill)
2nd they made the hard islands easy, like literally. In mythology you no longer have to do the god/goddess quiz in order to get Aphrodite's teleporting mirror, Hercules is outside the restaurant and you no longer have to cross the river of Styx. It made me so mad because I struggled with this island, but it is still one of my favorite islands and it ties into Supervillain island (the one where you enter the dreams of all the past villains to get key items. So much fun!). Anyways, the point is I finished the island in less than hour (30 min tops) when it usually would have taken me much longer. The most annoying past is that it's still marked as level 3 difficulty when it should be 2.
3rd all the new islands they make are rubbish, absolute rubbish. Fairy tale island is dumb, jade scarab island was ok, but still could've been better.
4th they changed the menu and customization, you used to do be able to make your own character, choosing their hair color, skin tone, mouth, and name (I still have my og name on my first account, but still the fact you can't make your own name now is so sad). Anyways, the menu and character profile was so much fun, choosing your team (I was fighting squids. I think that was the name) and the little quizzes they had (like, when was the last time you got sick and what pet you had) made all the more interesting to have friends. Omg, you used to be able to have friends! Totally forgot about that!
Anyways, the most annoying thing they got rid of (mainly cause they removed the islands) was having a little icon thing in the character profile where you could see all your medallions that showed what island you had completed. I don't how to tell you how satisfying it was to see almost a full array of gold (except for the islands I never completed) and that was my favorite thing. *Sigh* if only I had taken a photo, but I was young and dumb then (barely a teenager) so I didn't think about taking a photo.
Anyways, the point is, Poptropica sucks now and it needs to bring back the good islands.
Tag or comment your favorite islands.
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tinyfantasminha · 1 year
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also i couldn't have chosen a better name for the MC
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flufallo · 5 months
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this was rushed so shush
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Small BSD kindergarden!AU headcanon pt.1 - Ranpo, Poe and Mushitaro playing detective
TWs: None
Ranpo loves playing detective games with Poe and Mushitaro
He always wants to be the detective who leads the investigations
Poe is always the second detective who helps Ranpo to solve the cases. He also always brings in new ideas to the "case"
Ranpo absolutley loves his ideas and praises Poe often for such great ideas
Mushitaro wasn't a big fan of the detective games at first since he always had to play the role of the villain or the criminal but for some reason Ranpo never stopped asking him to play with them
Mushitaro often tried to hide when he saw Ranpo and Poe walking towards him or when he heard Ranpo calling his name but hiding was useless
Even if he tried to ignore them or if he said that he didn't wanted to play, Ranpo would always pester him until he gave in
One time he got so pissed that he snapped at Ranpo, telling him that he didn't wanted to play the criminal anymore.
He already expected Ranpo to be angry or to start pouting but to his surprise Ranpo started to laugh and told him that he can be a detective too if he wanted to
Since then they are all "detectives"
Mushitaros' plush ghost and Poes' plush racoon "Karl" are nearly always either valueable witnesses or the main suspects
Ranpo always walks around the kindergarden, hunched over and inspecting everything with his detective magnifying glass while Poe and Mushitaro follow him, talking about their ideas, theories and who they suspect
Sometimes they involve random other kids in their play without them knowing
Once they scared a kid since they kept following them and kept watching them from a distance
When one of the kindergardners asked them what they were doing, Ranpo told them that they were spying on a suspect of a big case while Poe hid behind him
Mushitaro is often complaining about things making no sense
Poe has a bit more fantasy and imagines the greatest most twisted cases while Mushitaro complains about the case being way too over the top
Sometimes they involve Yosano in their play as doctor
They call themselves "The Perfect Crime Trio"
They also started to accept "serious cases" of other kids after they had no ideas for new cases anymore
Now they also solve things like which kid stole the candy or ate the last yogurt
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spacehell69 · 16 days
actually nini does want to settle down very badly i forgot his ultimate goal is literally ◼️e◼️◼️◼️◼️g ◼️◼️s ◼️◼️◼️y ◼️◼️ge◼️◼️◼️◼️ with zim 😊
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lynne-monstr · 7 months
I for one am grateful to you for warning us about shows with upsetting endings so I know not to watch them because nothing ruins my week faster than a show with a terrible ending. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Mysterious Lotus Casebook and how sad the ending is so I know if I can watch it haha
hi!!! i wrote my mlc ending write-up post a while ago (rip me, so late with my inbox sorry!) and i hope it helped if you saw it! i think i saw you still slowly watching it.
it definitely wasn't the kind of ending that's totally my jam but i thought it was fitting for the show.
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heretodefyfate · 11 months
when will Variya get her own teaser 😭
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well i couldn't add it via reblog, and adding it by editing the original post caused the entire post to dissappear. anyway, here's the Turtle God
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ghost-art-evan · 10 months
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Meet Greg the ice type Joltik!
He is as soft as powdered snow and loves to cuddle even if he is a bit cold to the touch.
Check out Crater of Mysteries on Paper Demon
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 year
Not to post about the complete wrong fandom or anything, but I'm rewatching Drawtectives rn and I just love these dorks sm
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satoriberry · 1 year
"oh i like nonchalant men" "i like men who drops subtle hints that they're in love with you" i want my guy to imagine me as a dying, wilting flower whenever he forgets to say "i love you" and give him a 1 minute long bone crushing embrace.
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! ♡♡♡
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (9-15 Apr 2023)
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ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦ ᵇᶦⁿᵍᵉᵈ ʸᵉˢᵗᵉʳᵈᵃʸ
🥰Love Exactly (darter_blue) - 64K, zimbits AU - fluffy AU with a chance meeting in a bar and instalove - fun read, like wrapping a warm blanket around yourself
😊👂‍Death Beside the Seaside (Lady Hardcastle Mysteries #6) (T.E. Kinsey, author; Elizabeth Knowelden, narrator) - Emily & Flo try to take a holiday at the seaside but there's no sea and a surprising number of internal spies. -
😍Wish Granted (ambut) - 40K, stucky no powers AU - reread of this fave D/s getting together fic
😊👂‍A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons (Saffron Everleigh Mystery #1) (Kate Khavari, author; Jodie Harris, narrator) - entertaining enough cozy mystery set in 1920s British academia with the standard 'plucky & smart-but-also-foolish' amateur detective (newly minted botanist) trying to exonerate her mentor from murder charges. I enjoyed it enough that I might read another but I'm not feral for it
🥰Winter's Children (Neery) - 66K, stucky - "When their attempts to recreate the super soldier serum failed, Hydra started trying to breed Captain America clones from his genetic samples. Unfortunately, the serum's effects aren't passed down genetically, so instead of an army of tiny Captain Americas, they get a bunch of tow-headed, asthmatic, allergic, immuno-compromised little Steves. And then the Winter Soldier stumbles across Hydra's failed experiment…" - just a great fucking fic. I stayed up until 1AM to read and I am too fucking old to be doing nonsense like that, but it was totally worth it.
😍Fourth Floor (dirtybinary) - 41K, stucky modern magic AU - "The one where Steve is an angry millennial wizard, Sam is a Disney prince, Natasha is a shapeshifter, and Bucky is a spoiler."
🥰👂‍Rattling Bone (OutFoxing the Paranormal #2) (Jordan L Hawk, author; Tristan James, narrator) - another enjoyable & spooky ghost hunting adventure with the OutFoxing The Paranormal found family, this time dealing with Oscar's actual family history/trauma.
🥰You're the One That I Want (PR Zed (przed)) - 53K, stucky modern no powers AU - reread, angsty arranged-marriage-for-insurance that is so satisfying
💖💖 +203K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
toasty warm heart (wearing_tearing) - Stranger Things: steddie, 9K - TOO FUCKING CUTE AND WARM AND FLUFFY
as sunshine falls on the wretched (KivrinEngle) - The Hobbit: gen, 18K - a very sweet canon-divergent AU where bilbo adopts a lost little dwarf baby
Handy (softestpunk) - The Sandman: dreamling, 3K - ceramicist Dream lusts after handyman Hob, doesn't make his move, is sad but is saved when he meets the hot professor he's giving a guest lecture for - short and sweet!
the game is on again (ReinventAndBelieve) - The Witcher: Geralt/Jaskier/Eskel, 7K - hot and tender af!
Dirty Laundry - s2, e5-7
Ted Lasso - s3, e5 [x2]
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s9, e1
Uncommon Comfort Reads with Malka Older, Martha Wells, KJ Charles, and T Kingfisher - super fun panel
Schmigadoon! - s1, e1-6
Schmigadoon! (Schmicago!) - s2, e1
99% Invisible #316 - The Shipping Forecast
The Sporkful - Bill Nye, The FOOD Science Guy!
Big Gay Fiction Podcast - A Trip to the Ballpark with KD Casey
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Places Our Families Took Us
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Ashley House
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Fairy Circles
Vibe Check - A Satisfied Geriatric Millennial
99% Invisible #532 - For a Dollar and a Dream
⭐The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Fun and Funny Science with Mary Roach
Off Menu - Ep 187: Lily Allen
Into It - Are We Into Taylor Swift's Breakup, Lofi Girl, and a Baby Shark Podcast? {worth a listen to hear whatshisname Alwyn described as 'sentient mayo'}
You're Dead To Me - Al Andalus
ICYMI Plus - Meet the Internet’s Princess
Welcome to Night Vale #226 - Creditors
⭐Hit Parade Plus - The British Are Charting Edition
CREDITS: Burt Bacharach
AM In The A.M.: '70s Pop Morning
Classic Sunny Afternoon
Best Of '81 To '85 [Ratt]
Essential Glam Rock
Ratt radio
"Summertime Girls" [Y&T] radio
The Fixx radio
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
gen loss man. he intrigues me.
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@jewishdainix @genlossjpg (sorry if the latter of you doesn't like being tagged for art, I just figured you'd wanna see ur little horror man. will happily delete u here at ur request :) )
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Rita Moreno
December 11, 1931
Puerto Rican actress, singer and dancer
Valentina [West Side Story: 2021]
Lydia [One Day at a Time: 2017-2020]
Liliana [Jane the Virgin: 2015-2019]
Ida [Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks: 2014]
Inez [King of the Corner: 2004]
Angie [The Cosby Mysteries: 1994-1995]
Kimberly [B.L. Stryker: 1989-1990]
Lucy [The Ring: 1952]
Terru [Pagan Love Song: 1950]
brunette/ grey hair
brown eyes
playable: teenager, young adult, adult
Icons: One Day at a Time | West Side Story
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