#n a slutty coke
panb1mbo · 7 months
i cried so much in february and today after therapy, i've come to the conclusion i'm doing a lot better than i think i give myself credit for
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rosepinks-world · 1 month
FUCK IT I LOVE YOU, I REALLY DO (cherry waves pt2)
summary: wade helps you patch things up with Logan via a party.
taglist: @justaleksss @fallout-girl219 @fandomsunited @midnights-afternoons
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It had been at least a week since you’d last seen Logan.
You hated to say it but you’d been a wreck. The whole point of casual sex was that you wouldn’t get your heart broken and yet here you were with your heart broken. The fact you felt this way made you realise that you felt the same way about Logan. I mean if you were that bothered about not seeing him that had to mean something.
One weekend you were in a blanket cocoon on the sofa binge watching some shit reality tv when you heard a knock on your door.
He was all that came to mind as you fixed your hair and outfit slightly. You excitedly whipped the door open to reveal:
“Oh. Hi Wade.” You said your smile leaving your face.
“Well fuck you!” He said inviting himself in dropping some flowers onto your counter. “I was chased by an old lady for picking those from her front garden so you better put them in the best vase you own.”
You laughed but returned to being a bit miserable.
“What are you doing here Wade?”
“I’m throwing a little get together and you’re invited! How fun is that?”
Really he came all this way to invite you to a party?
“Wade you have my number why didn’t you just text me.”
“Okay you’re really missing the point.”
You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Logan is doing my fucking head in.” He complained emphasising the ‘ing’. “He keeps moping around the apartment like he’s been told he can’t jerk off for the rest of his life and it’s got to stop.”
You rolled your eyes, “Wade he’s a prick I don’t want anything to do with him.”
He tilted his head pulling out a stool and sat at the counter.
“Okay you had argument apparently but I need more, tell daddy the drama.”
You cringed at the nickname. “Never say that again.”
“Noted. Now carry on!”
You huffed slightly annoyed and embarrassed about explaining what Logan had said to you.
“We were gonna have sex like usual. He ate me out…”
“Yum.” Wade said interrupting.
You gave him a look and he quickly apologised holding his hands to his mouth.
“When I … finished I hit my head on the bed it was funny so I started laughing and then straight after he… finished in his pants from just that. He got up to the balcony smoked a cigar told me we shouldn’t fuck anymore, went to leave with no explanation, then told me that we shouldn’t because he’s falling in love with me and it’s the last thing any of us needs.”
Wade for the first time in forever was speechless.
“So yeah forgive me for not really caring about his moping.”
Wade shook his head laughing, “Never would’ve guessed that Wolvie was the Boston cream his pants type of guy.”
You threw the flowers at him. “That’s not the point Wade!”
“Woah! What’s the point then?”
“He made me feel like I’m unloveable!”
You sighed and continued explaining your point.
“I would’ve accepted him worrying about catching feelings but he said it’s the last thing any of us needed. Am I that bad?”
Wade gave you a sympathetic look as he placed a hand on your shoulder. He thought for a moment thinking of the right thing to say when he gasped.
“Ohhh! I know what his problem is.”
You perked up, “What is it?”
He shook his head no. “I think it’s better if you work it out yourself.”
You threw your arms out aggressively. “What the fuck Wade?”
“Y/n. You’re an incredible, funny, kind hearted person with an amazing ass! Of course Logan fell for you. How could he not? He’s a really sexy but really complicated guy which is why, like I said you should be getting your answers from him.”
You didn’t say anything and Wade sighed.
“Look come to our apartment tonight. Wear something slutty and go get your man. Just warn me if you’re gonna fuck because I really, really, really want to listen.”
You smiled at Wades weird way of comforting you. “I’ll think about it.”
Wade nodded looking at his watch, “Well I’ve got to go and pick up Als coke. See ya y/n”
You decided to take Wades advice.
It was ten pm. Loud music thumped through the door as you stood outside Wade and Logan’s shared apartment. You had a ‘slutty’ dress on and you’d done your makeup to the way you liked it. You went to knock on the door when you stopped just infront of it. What the fuck were you doing?
You went to walk away when the door swung open as if Wade could sense you.
“Y/ns here!” He screamed to the large collection of people as they cheered. He pulled you through the room whispering about how he was proud of you and something about how your ass looked great.
As Wade got distracted your eyes landed on a familiar brown leather jacket. You smiled slightly, you couldn’t help it but it quickly faded when he moved to the side slightly to reveal a woman. She had opposite features to you and she stood in front of him giggling and touching his arms and face. She then leaned up to kiss him and you quickly turned away.
You were angry.
Furious to be exact. You weren’t official but he obviously didn’t fall for you that hard if he was kissing another girl. You snatched a drink from Colossus’ hand downing it as you went to find more.
You were pretty far gone. Not on the verge of blackout (yet at least) but the type of drunk that would explain what you were doing right now. You were on top of a table with a crowd around you as you threw your hips around to the song playing. The cheers from the crowd encouraging you to carry on dancing and to go even further.
You felt yourself reaching to the strap of your dress pulling it sultrily down your arm the top of your bra showing. The cheers only got louder distracting you from the random guy who leaned very close to the table. He placed his hands on the top of your legs grabbing your thighs. He reached his hands around and harshly smacked your ass. The flashing lights around you combined with the thumping bass and cheers were disorientating. You barely saw as the guy who’d grabbed you was harshly shoved away a voice bellowing out,
“Get the fuck out of here! What sort of people did you invite here Wade?”
You squinted to try and make out what was going on when your legs were swept off the table. You were hoisted over the man’s shoulder the front of your body draped over his back your ass extremely close to his face. You got worried for a second wondering who the hell was picking you up and whether the intentions were right until he spoke.
“What the fuck are you doing y/n?”
The happiness of seeing him quickly wore off. God who does he think he is getting mad at you? You returned to being angry.
“Why do you care? I’m not yours to worry about anyway.”
He let out a sigh and kicked the door to what you now realised was his bedroom. You’d been there so many times that the fact you could barely walk in a straight line didn’t stop you from recognising it. He put you down on the bed gently as he went to remove your shoes.
If you had been sober you would’ve shrugged him off to show that you didn’t need him but all independence went out of your mind the minute he’d picked you up. If you had been sober you also wouldn’t make yourself seem so jealous but words left your lips quicker than you could think.
“Who was the girl you were with?” You asked as you kicked off your now undone shoe.
He looked genuinely confused. “What girl?”
You threw your head back on the bed annoyed.
“The girl that was rubbing up against you and kissed you.”
He smirked slightly, he couldn’t help but like the fact you were jealous.“Never seen her in my life. She came onto me, tried to kiss me I declined. She was pretty fucked up I think she got into Als coke so I called her a cab.”
Always a gentleman.
You rolled your eyes as he went to take off your other shoe. “Why are you so nice?” You huffed.
He smiled at the compliment. “Nice? I don’t think that’s me bub.”
You shook your head rather erratic due to the state you were in. “Nope! You are nice you just don’t let other people see it.” He smiled at your compliment.“Well you were nice until you made me feel like shit.”
He frowned guiltily as he helped you up to the pillows on the bed and placed the duvet over you. Logan stood back up and turned towards the door.
“You gonna leave me again?” You asked disappointed. God sober you would be so angry.
He shook his head. “I shouldn’t be here with you when you’re like this. It’s not right.”
You laughed hiccuping as you did “You’ve literally been inside me multiple times and this is where you draw the line? We’re not fucking! Just lay with me.”
He looked skeptical until you tilted your head your eyes shining brightly as you grabbed his arm. “Please?”
How could he say no to you when you looked like that? He cleared his throat and sat next to you on the bed. “You want anything?”
“Yeah. I want you.” You replied not looking at him, eyes fluttering open and closed. You were exhausted.
He shook his head. “Bub, no you don’t.”
You tiredly laughed in disbelief. “What do you mean? I really want this to happen you’re the one that said falling in love with me is the last thing any of us need? Am I that unlovable?”
You wanted him? You were drunk but they do say drunk words are sober thoughts. He wanted to tell you how he felt but there was no damn way you’d remember any of it the next morning. “I’m not answering you when you’re drunk I want you to remember what I say.”
His answer lingered in the air with no reply. He thought you had given him the silent treatment but then he heard soft snores coming from you. He laughed a little.
“And that’s why.” He whispered pushing your hair out of your face.
He sat on the bed next to you the whole night. He didn’t even bother sleeping, too worried about what he was going to say to you when you woke up. The only time he left was to prepare you aspirin, water and some food he knew you liked.
You turned over eyes opening as you moaned clutching your head. Logan gestured to the items he gathered earlier and you fixed yourself up. As you downed the glass of water he spoke up.
“You remember what we were talking about last night?”
He didn’t even bother beating around the bush. You paused gathering your memories it didn’t take you long and you felt like your brain had caught you up to speed. You started to remember all the things you had said and did and groaned head in hands.
He pulled his lips into a straight line.
“Right well, I’m really not good with things like this but I’m sorry for making you feel like shit.”
You kept a straight face wanting to see where this was going but you were grateful for the apology.
“Y/n… you were the one that wanted a casual relationship. For me it was great because I didn’t have to worry about hurting anyone or getting hurt but I fell for you. How could I not?”
Your eyes widened. Logan was renowned for being unemotional so you couldn’t believe he was saying these things. You were also flattered you thought you had flaw after flaw but to Logan you were perfect.
“You didn’t want anyone to love you because you didn’t want to get hurt. I’m a terrible person. The worst version of Logan. And I got scared because I don’t want to hurt you. I also really don’t want to lose you.”
You shook your head ‘no’ at his self depreciation. He felt at ease knowing that you disagreed but he continued, “And I’m an asshole for making you feel unloveable because god y/n how could anyone not fall in love with you?”
Wow. For the first time ever Wade got something right. You smiled at him swinging your legs over his body so you were straddling him against the headboard. You leaned forward studying his face whilst the pads of your thumbs gently rubbed his rough skin.
“Logan you’re worried about hurting me but you’re the first person I’ve met that’s made me feel the safest. And I’m not going anywhere- unless you kill me or something.”
He laughed at your joke. Another reason he adored you. He leaned into the touch of your hands.“So, fuck it Lo, I love you too.”
He grabbed your face with urgency as he kissed you. You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. God you two were so stupid. Why didn’t you just tell each-other this ages ago? You went to tell Logan what you were thinking when a bang on the wall pulled the two of you away from each other.
“Guys! That was so much better than listening to you fuck!” Wade yelled through the very thin walls of your apartment.
“Have you been listening this whole time prick?” Logan shouted back.
The two of you were met with a silence that strongly suggested that the answer was yes. You laughed leaning your head onto Logan’s shoulder.
“I’ll kill him.” He announced pointing to the wall. Logan was half joking but you could tell he was a little embarrassed. To open up to you clearly made him feel very vulnerable, it was understandable he didn’t want Wade to see that side of him. You tried to make him feel better by playing with the tufts of his hair. “Kill him later. Just stay here for a little longer.”
He nodded obeying you as he drew random patterns on your back. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world. You who looked beyond beautiful at six am in the morning, you who brought light to his life and you who loved him no matter his flaws.
He really did love you and you loved him. Feeling slightly giddy he reached for his cigars and lighter with you still buried into his shoulder.
“Baby..” you started pulling away from his shoulder.
He paused a cigar hanging from his lips. “Yeah?”
“Do I look like a clown?” You asked referring to your messy makeup that hadn’t been removed from last night.
“Yeah. Sexiest clown at the circus.” You cackled hitting his chest jokingly. He went back to his cigar when you started speaking again.
He quirked a brow up pausing in lighting his cigar bringing it away from his mouth. You leaned forward seductively inches away from his lips and paused.
“Don’t even think about smoking one of those fucking things in here.” You ordered smirking as you plucked the cigar from his lips placing it back on the table.
He rolled his eyes chucking the lighter next to the cigar saving it for later. He acted like he wasn’t but really he was happy. Now, he could put your hatred to cigars to a happier memory. He cupped your face. “That’s my girl.”
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janicekao · 5 months
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x stepsis reader(dark smut) Summary: Rafe Cameron and his step sister secretly have been hooking up and he is extremely possessive over her. She's a plus size black goddess and he wants her all to himself, although they often quarrel and bicker, she is his and only his. (reader may use Y/N or choose any name of your liking for the fem character)
Warnings: stepcest, dark romance, smut, hate s3x, rough s3x, cr3ampie, violence, br33ding kink, possessive, d0m&femsub, dub!con, etc.
3890 words
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Enjoy my babies <3 -------------------------------------
The house quiets down just the way that you like it. Each of your family members have their own plans as they do everyday in the beautiful OBX.
You enjoy the beach, but what you enjoy the most is the new mansion you and your mom just moved into when it's nice and empty.
It's only been you and your mother for as long as you have known it, but just last year, she married the millionaire real estate developer, Ward Cameron.
Not only did you have to get used to having a stepfather, but now you have three step-siblings. Two sisters, Sarah and Wheezie Cameron, and a brother, Rafe Cameron.
You enjoy Sarah and Wheezie's company. Sarah is a year or two younger than you, but she's really down to Earth. Wheezie is the baby, she's much younger than the entire house and seriously looks up to her big sister Sarah.
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The girls are nothing like Rafe and Ward...
Rafe and Ward are two of the same kind. Arrogant, selfish, spoiled, and most of all pure evil. Labeling themselves as "Kooks" they believe that they are better than the lower class people on this island who are known as the "Pogues."
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You're not sure what your mother saw in Ward Cameron, but you have no right to say anything being that for the last few months, you've been fucking Rafe behind everyone's back.
Started as a drunken mistake, now it has become a necessity to you both.
He needs you so badly, that if he weren't as stuck up as he is, he'd worship the ground you walk on... But then again, maybe he wouldn't with the amount of hate you both have for each other.
You see him as a cruel, rich, arrogant, asshole... And he sees you as a boring, loser, with a bad attitude. So why put up with each other?
Because the sex is fucking incredible.
Incredible to the point that he spoils you with skimpy lingerie and has put you on a birth control regiment.
Each time you do it, you promise yourself it's the last... Hating the fact that you and Rafe were supposed to become family, and now embarrassing enough, you two can't stop boning.
Maybe it is a kink that you both share together... An exhilarating fear of getting caught and the excitement of doing something so extremely wrong...
Whatever it is, you just can't stop.
Lounging in a pair of black shorts, you enjoy the quaintness of your room as you flip through a magazine on the bed.
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Sarah and Wheezie are out for ice cream, Mom and Ward are out shopping and spending alone time together, and Rafe is out on the town being devious as always... so you thought.
Bursting through your bedroom door, Rafe comes inside as he searches your purse for money...
You sigh, here we go again.
"What is it this time?" You continue to read as you ask in sarcasm. "For coke, or molly?"
"Shut up, y/n." He takes the only money you have, quickly storing it in the pockets of his pants. "It's my Dad's money anyways. If you need more, just go ask your slutty mother."
"What did you just say?" Hearing the insult about your mother makes your blood boil.
You leave your bed to quickly check him, however he only finds your short and innocently chubby stature amusing. You're far from threatening, voice too sweet to strike fear into anybody.
Staring down at you he chuckles deviously. "You heard me right. Every single night, they keep me up as she loudly fucks my dad out of all of his money."
Rafe caresses your full bottom lip as he gently pulls it down. "Like mother, like daughter, huh?"
You slap Rafe clean across his face.
He takes it like it's nothing.
A low toned growl heats his throat. "Do it again."
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You do.
Face hot and red from the second slap, he absolutely loves it.
Rafe tightens his grip around your wrists pulling you up against him. His face should be stinging with pain but instead you feel his hardened cock poke against your bellybutton.
"When was the last time we—"
"Fuck off." You immediately interrupt his lewd intentions as you find yourself back onto your bed and reading your magazine.
Rafe gently lays next to you. He's quiet, too quiet as his intense blue eyes watch you.
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Rolling your eyes you immediately turn your back on him. You try and hide the fact that his cologne from after his fresh shower has you almost dizzy with arousal, but he knows.
He watches the goosebumps fill the skin of your arms and begins to smirk.
"What is it this time?" He gently taunts. "Was it my presence? Maybe lying beside you? Or was it the cologne?"
Rafe chuckles as he watches your body tense up. "My cologne. It's always my smell isn't it, y/n?"
"I'm in a rush." He snaps.
Rafe pulls the tiny shorts off of your hips and down your legs before he tosses them to the floor. "I have places to be, not time to waste here with you. Lay on your back."
"You came in here to bother me, remember?" You play hard to get as you bark, knowing that your panties are soaked for him. "Go fuck yourself Rafe."
"Yeah?" He questions. "Well I can do that too."
As you ignore him, you hear his khakis suddenly unzip and the sounds of lewd fapping.
You peel your eyes from the magazine and notice Rafe stroking himself at the sight of you in your underwear and T-shirt.
His mouth hangs agape as he whispers your name. You continue to peek and your mouth begins to water for his handsomely long cock.
His large hand seems to swallow yours up as he takes your attention from your magazine and places your digits over his shaft for you to continue the hand job.
You sigh. "Rafe, what do you want from me?"
"You know what I want." He groans lightly. "I'm going to give you this cock and then I have to go and meet up with Barry."
Rolling your eyes at the thought of Rafe's friend Barry, you know for sure that the money he stole from you is to party. Barry is the worst company to keep... OBX's drug dealer.
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Taking your hand away from him as he nears his cum immediately aggravates him.
Rafe takes your magazine and throws it out of your bedroom's opened window, vexed from the aching blue balls you've now given him.
"I was reading that!?" You whine as you watch the pages of your favorite magazine soar through the wind and out of your window.
Rafe puts himself away as he scoffs and begins to leave your room. "You're just a fucking tease."
You hate being called a tease.
You aren't a tease, you two just... hate each other.
Sitting up from your comfortable position, you begin to demand an exchange. "What's in it for me?"
Rafe hardly hears you as he becomes nearly hypnotized by the way your thighs expand as you sit on the edge of the bed.
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"Rafe!?" You complain.
"Whatever you want." He can't pull his eyes from you as he licks the drool from his lips in temptation.
You begin to ponder over what it could be that you want in return... You are having a bit of trouble making friends in this new state, maybe getting out more could help. As much as Rafe parties, you are sure that tagging along will help you meet new people.
"Let me come with you to the beach party this Friday!" You finally decide.
"The beach party?" He frowns. "No fucking way. I know you too well, y/n. You'll do something stupid like wear that black string bikini I bought you... That's only for me to see."
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You laugh. "Rafe, I'm fully grown, you forget that you're my stepbrother... not my dad."
He gags. "Trust me, I remember quite well."
You reach to aggravate him further. "You're just afraid you'll see me flirting, having fun, and ready to fuck someone else, huh?"
His sarcastic grin fades until his eyes darken. He hates when you push him there, and somehow you're the only one who knows how to do it.
"Do you remember the last time you tried to make me jealous?" Rafe begins to threat.
You reminisce on the red and blue lights that approached the fist fight that nearly knocked you to the ground as you tried to step in between Rafe and your potential one night stand. The evening at a local bar that you wished you never had visited... The evening when you realized how possessive Rafe was truly over you.
You gulp, "I try not to actually."
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"Good." He fumes. "Now take off your panties, you're wasting my time."
Tempted to watch the spoiled rich boy plead for something that only you have control over, you begin to toy with his patience.
"Hmm?" You taunt. "Beg for it."
"What? Beg? You?" He laughs in a way that most would see as him bullying you.. Laughter that seems like you're not shit to him, but you know that you are. Your confidence has always been your most powerful trait, also what drives Rafe mad the most. "I can get pussy somewhere else."
He gulps as your cold siren eyes wait for his childish laughter to end. "So do it."
Rafe's jaw clinches. He's terribly angry that the only sex that he actually wants, is yours.
His skin begins to redden as you break the arrogant spirit of the powerful six-foot-two-inch man of pure muscle. "Please, y/n?"
You ignore him... it inflames him.
"You fucking want it too!" He scoffs. "Stop playing so hard to get!"
"So what? I also want a million dollars Rafe." You argue. "I want to hear you beg or you're not getting a fucking thing."
You gently part your plush thighs apart to drive him a bit more crazy... It's nearly comical the way you can melt him. Far from his usual type, however you have just what he needs.
"Yeah, fine. Whatever, fuck you— fine." He struggles with his thoughts and words, wanting you so bad that he nearly stutters words of hatred. It's hilarious.
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Eyes of hunger, he finally submits to you. Rafe sits at the edge of your bed, tossing you into his lap as if you were weightless.
He wants you to feel his heated gaze as he does what you ask him to do. He begins to beg for you.
"Y/n, please let me eat your pussy and fuck you until your flesh is raw and you finally shut the fuck up." His erection prodding against you out of his tight khakis nearly takes your breath away.
"Nicer." You whisper quietly.
His voice shudders. "Please baby.." Rafe is finally the begging puppy that he deserves to be brought down to. "Let me fuck you so good."
A smirk creeps across your face. "Baby?" You coo. "You must really want it, seeing that you've already gone to pet names."
"Shut up."His kiss takes your breath away, thirsty for your essence, Rafe chokes you with his tongue.
He strips you out of your clothes, letting your T-shirt and panties hit the floor as he stands over your completely bare body.
The way he watches makes you redden with shame. You're nude and he's fully dressed as you become more vulnerable by the second.
"At least undress Rafe!" You frown as you go to stand.
Your breath is sharply taken from you as he pushes you roughly back onto the bed. "Shut up, let me look at you." He demands.
Your goosebumps are back and at full force.
"Oh god.." You become embarrassed as the glistening waterfall between your legs begins to reveal your arousal. Tightening your knees together was a bad move... All Rafe does is pry them apart to watch the slickness even closer.
Enticed and licking his lips, his shirt finally comes off. He enjoys watching the gripped indents around your thighs, so soft and malleable like two pillows as he pulls you further down to the edge of the bed.
Rafe doesn't hesitate any longer. His mouth begins to swallow you up causing you to gasp from how sensitive you are down there.
Your back begins to arch as he devours your pussy and the flicking of his tongue on your clit makes you squeal uncomfortably.
You can't take it.
Your hand presses against his head, fingers through his buzzcut as you shove him away.
Rafe growls. Eyes of pure evil watch up at you as he pins your wrists to the bed. He doesn't stop.Slurping, nibbling, and tongue fucking you as he wants badly to see you cry from his pleasurable torture.
Adding his long digits into your tight cunt, Rafe curls a singular finger at your g-spot.
"Fuck! Rafe please—" Your begging is pathetic.
"Shhh." He coos gently. "You can take it, I need to work you open for me a bit."
You hate how at times he can be almost gentle and romantic... It gets to be so confusing, and in this case, it doesn't help the orgasm tightening in the midst of your stomach.
His indecent finger-fucking has your brain a puddle of dumb mush, not being able to take the precious tongue flicks and kisses on your clit along with the rough thrusts inside of you A second long and strong finger takes you to the moon. Pussy too full of his tanned digits and melting down his wrists, you sinfully cum and lay tiredly into the mattress.
He comes up for air, panting lightly as the alluring muscles in his chest writhes with each breath.
His smile melts you, wet and devious as he presses his lips to yours. "Taste that?" He taunts breathlessly, "Pussy too good for someone so fucking annoying."
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Stripping out of his pants, you watch Rafe's weighty erection near his bellybutton as it stands at attention.
He strokes himself softly, making his skin slick with the drop of wet precum that's already beaded out of his needy tip. "Turn around."
He tosses you onto your stomach without much of a warning. You still can hardly think for yourself since your last cum, so Rafe does the thinking for you.
Putting you onto your knees, he arches your back and smooths his fingers through your curls as he presses your face into the mattress for the coming back-shots.
Sliding through your slickness a few times, he lubes himself enough to fuck into you. The tip of his cock plunges through your already sensitive cunt, forcing you to take a gasp of air as you fist the sheets under you.
You hear a gulp that chokes his throat as Rafe continues to push his cock forward. "Fuck, you feel so good baby."
Clinching your eyes shut, you feel his swollen bulbous tip kiss at your cervix. It makes your body shudder. He's so far deep in you, you almost feel sick.
His balls slap against your cunt as he bottoms out into you. Your pussy feels so tight around him that you're sure you can feel his every vein probing out of his hardened flesh.
Rafe follows his own speed, paying most of his attention towards his needy want to reach his own finish. Fucking power drives into you because he knows that you can take it.
His groans are music to your ears, but you can hardly hear them over your own weeping and curses.
"Stay just like that, y/n." He nearly pleads. "You're so tight for me baby, whose pussy is this?"
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Although clearly fucked to a pulp and pussy clearly belonging to him, you'd rather die than to let him know it. Eyes half-lidded and drooling onto your sheets, you refuse to let him have it.
"Mine." You pant.
Rafe laughs, plummeting his broad thumb into your tight asshole. "You're so fucking hardheaded, that's okay, you'll learn."
"Rafe! St-Stop!" Your fist tighten the sheets further until your knuckles turn white.
"Next time it'll be my cock.." He threatens you to behave as he forces his thumb in deeper and suddenly snatches it out. "Keep playing with me."
Your body lewdy continues to slap against his. Rafe is so obsessed with it, loving your extremely thick figure and knowing just how to handle it.
He slaps your ass. "Fuck me back."
You do. You throw your ass back in away that has Rafe biting at his lip, trying to hold back from cumming his load too soon.
His strong fingertips seep into the plushed flesh of your waist as he hammers his last strokes into you. Chain dangling against your skin with each thrust.
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He groans, deeply growling out his words as he tries to help his own anticipation. "The other day when you babysat for our neighbors, I watched you bounce that baby on your hip and all I could think of was breeding you. Wanting so badly to take the pills from you and pump you with my seed."
"M-fuckkk." You mewl, pussy numb, obliterated, and needing a break.
Rafe chuckles. "The family knows how reckless I am, but what will Mommy and Daddy think of their precious-America's Sweetheart daughter when they find out she's a slut who fucks her stepbrother? A dumb slut who loves her stepbrother's cum so much that she let him fill her until she grew his baby?"
He snatches a handful of your hair, making you yelp and drop tears as he continues to tear you apart. "You deserve the hate that I get it..." His jealousy has his jaws tightened, and gritting his words. "They should know you aren't as innocent as you act."
Rafe harshly slaps your ass, you can feel the handprint swelling into a stinging welt on your flesh.
You can't help but to moan. The sex is so good but the embarrassment of loving it causes you to cry.
"Fuck you." You manage to speak through your wet lips and trembling breaths..
"Anytime you want, sis." His laugh is pure mockery.
"Fuck."Rafe fawns over your body, his hand reaches beneath you, cupping your large breasts and slowly choking your air away.
With a grip on your chin he forces your head around to watch his final act.
Deviously impaling your insides as he sputters his hot cum inside of you. "You're so pretty with a cock in you.Stop acting like we're going to stop, you know that we never will."
"Mmm."His muscles tighten as his many inches still inside of you, jolting as he spills his milky seed. "Tell me how much you love to be fucked by me..."
You feel shame as the hot nut causes you a second climax. Biting the sheets, you can't answer anything as your eyes cross and roll to the back of your skull.
"I swear to god, y/n, answer me." Rafe impales you further making your tummy ache and your cunt nearly tear against him.
"I love it." You weep a final act of submission. "I love to be fucked by you Rafe, my god, just don't go any harder."
Spreading your cheeks apart, he grins at the masterpiece of mess he's made on your swollen flesh. "I won't baby, you did good."
Melting into the mattress, you flatten out of your arched back.
Rafe checks his watch... he's extremely late to meeting up with his drug dealer.
He redresses, grinning as he watches you ache from his ruthless fucking.
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"Ice it." He cruelly demands. "I'll be back again when the house falls asleep."
You roll your eyes, reaching for your clean beach towel to wipe his cum from dripping down your thighs.
A phone begins to ring as you redress. You think that it's probably Barry calling Rafe's phone to see where he's been so held up at...
But it's not Rafe's phone, it's yours.
Rafe immediately beats you to the ringing iPhone. "Ohhhh?" He taunts. "An unsaved number? What are you being sneaky about?"
You snatch for your phone, angry that he keeps it high out of your reach. As he answers he tightly wraps his arm around your waist to keep you from fighting it.
Rafe answers your phone quietly, waiting for the caller to speak first.
"Hello?" The voice asks. "Y/n? Where are you? I thought you wanted me to come meet you halfway? Anyways, you know where we are! Bonfire at John B's baby! I already got the beer."
Rafe's blood boils.
Hearing a Pogue's voice has him heated. But hearing that out of all people, the voice belongs to JJ Maybank? It makes him furious.
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He hangs up. "Getting drunk at John B's house, huh? My sister Sarah has you hanging with those fucking Pogues?"
"Give me my phone back!" You argue. "It isn't like that.."
"So then what is it like?" Rafe frowns. "You're fucking JJ Maybank?"
You scoff. "What is wrong with you? He's the only friend I've made here in Outerbanks. He waits tables with me at the Waterside restaurant."
"Oh does he now?" He taunts.
Rafe begins to laugh sarcastically. He suddenly snatches your arm into both of your views, forcing you to see how your skin is again riddled with goosebumps.
The same goosebumps that you get when indecent thoughts make you horny.
Fuck... He knows you better than you thought.
"Look at you." His jaw tightens. "You might not be fucking him, but you want too."
Your eyes widen and your large guilty irises give you away.
You are smitten with JJ, and you can't help it. He's the opposite of Rafe... He's kind, gentle, and extremely sweet to you.
You love his innocently dimpled smile. He's the largest crush you've had since you were in middle school and watched your first Justin Timberlake video.
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"I guess I have to stop by John B's house tonight, huh? Pay a visit to JJ?" You're able to feel the heat raging off of Rafe's body.
You grab his arms, pleading for him not to make a scene. "No don't! Please, Rafe! What do you want? Aren't I giving you enough?"
"No." Rafe firmly grasps your wrists, flinging them away from touching him. "Block JJ's number, and stop talking to the fucking Pogues."
You agree, nodding as tears swell in your eyes.
"You live in this house, you're a fucking Kook!" His raised voice rains frightening screams upon you. "...Better yet, you're not even a Kook, you're mine.You're Rafe's, and if you continue to be hard headed and act like a fucking child, I'll release hell on Earth... you know that I can, and that I fucking will."
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"Tell me you understand y/n, before I make you hate me even more." His voice lowers into a final threat.
You've seen him get rough with people, better yet, you've seen him already kick JJ's ass once for something that had nothing to do with you... doing it again would only make his day.
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You gulp. "I get it Rafe, I understand."
Silence fills the room as he continues to gawk deviously over what is his, you.
Rafe wipes a fallen tear from your face. "Kiss me."
He tilts your chin to reach his lips and places the most tender kiss he has ever given you.
Rafe claims you as his as he grabs a handful of your ass, prying your sweetly soft lips apart as his tongue locks with yours. Rafe Cameron's tongue kiss is the only thing that has ever made your knees weak. Sadly, you can't decide if you still hate him or if his need to be possessive over you is actually causing you to love him.
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gotmesimpin4levi · 1 year
This fanfic plot is not mine, it is the plot of the summer I turned pretty TV SHOW not book. All I did was replace each character from tsitp with an aot character. Above is a list of all the characters that will be featured in this story and who wil play them. There isn’t much smut at all just some kissing and ano more than two 🔞 scenes
I’ll try to post frequently and I’ll post multiple chapters at a time. I did add a bit of originality to it so it’s not just a straight copy and paste with different names. Lemme know is you wanna see more anime crossovers and please enjoy!
The air is hot, the water is warm, the sun was blazing in the beautiful blue sky. It was summer which meant that it was almost time to go to Carla’s beach house in Cousins. The place I grew up at with her two sons Eren and Jean, and of course my brother Connie. The place where I lost my first tooth. Learned how to ride my first bike. Had my first love. Cousins, was my home.
“Hitch! I can’t wear that! It’s so… slutty” I said with a disgusted but playful look. She held up a pink tube dress with long sleeves, the shoulders exposed and a pair of pink platform pumps.
“That’s the point y/n!” Hitch. Hitch and y/n, best friends till the end. Sometimes I wonder how we even became friends, it’s been so long I don’t even remember. We’re complete polar opposites. She loves to go out and party, I like to stay inside and watch musicals.
“And besides Eren’ll love it” she said teasingly
“No!” I protested “ We’re not even into each other like that” I lied. Eren and I were like a commensalism. I needed him to breathe, to live. But he never really paid attention to me like I did him. Whatever I did didn’t affect him so he didnt really care.
“LIAR LIAR pants on fire!” Hitch yelled out “ you like him and you know you do”
“Maybe” I murmured “ but he doesn’t like me back so I don’t need the outfit”
“Y/n, look you can’t stay the young gullible little sister forever. Whether you like it or not your changing. Actually you’ve already changed a lot! There’s no way Eren can resist a hot steamy make out session with you. No way! And you’ve gotta get out more!”
I knew I looked different but not enough for Eren to notice me. Right?
“Maybe but I don’t wanna get my hopes up”
“Girl if he doesn’t notice you then he’s cra cra. Here, take these just in case” she handed me along with her slutty outfit a neon green bikini ithong, a pink crochet cami with light colored cutoff shorts and a pair of white Tommy Hilfiger flip flops.
“Thanks Hitch, I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m really gonna miss you”
“ hey don’t worry, I’ll see you in a week for your birthday” Bursting in to my room Connie said
“Come on y/n, moms pissed we haven’t left yet” I just blew him off. We walked downstairs and said our goodbyes. Connie drove, I rode shotgun and my mom, Hange, sat in the back seat. This was it, this was the beginning of our perfect, annual, summer getaway!
I’m soo sorry for the long chapter and all the boring exposition😭
My goal was to make it so that someone who has never seen tsitp could still read this fanfic and enjoy it so my apologies the next chapter is also long but a lot more entertaining!
As soon as we arrive in Cousins every summer, we always stop at this gas station a few miles from Carla’s to get gas and snacks.
“Come on y/n let’s get snacks while Connie fills the tank. Connie just meet us inside when your done”
“Got it!” Me and my brother said unanimously
I walked in and went straight to the slushie machine. Half cherry, half coke. Perfection! I got a couple airheads, a bag of cheetos and made my way toward cashier. He was tall, very pale, and had red hair. He wasn't a very attractive guy but he wasn’t particularly ugly either. The closer I got to the register the more our eyes met and the more his attractiveness started to increase.
“ Hey, im Floch, and you are?” he said with a smirky tone of voice
“Hey im y/n” I responded. I reached out to slide him my snacks and slushie and when he reached out to grab them from me, our hands touched. I blushed, he chuckled a bit.
“ I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here in cousins, I’d definitely remember if I saw a pretty girl like you, this your first summer?” He said as he rung up my items
“Oh umm no I’ve been coming here since before I can remember I just don’t really get out much” I could feel my cheeks get hot as my mind was still lingering in the compliment he gave me.
“ Well if you wanna get out more, all us summer Cousins kids are going out to the beach for a bonfire, if you wanna come?” The way he said it. The way his voice lingered when he said “if”. This is what Hitch meant. I had to take advantage of this opportunity!
“ yeah sure I’d love to-“
“Love to what?” My mom said curiously. I could hear Connie “oooooohhhh-ing” from the back of the store
“Nothing! See ya later” I had a goofy cheesy grin on my face. I couldn’t believe it, a boy wanted to invite me somewhere! I had to be there. Mom and Connie followed me back to the car.
“🎶We wanted to believe there was no
No Hell on Earth worse than what we know🎤” I sang out.
“Y/n. No” Connie said hiding a smile
“But every day just seems to worsen We weren't prepared at all🎤”
“🎤Now we must rise to this occasion Devoid of all consideration” I heard my mom hun in the back. After a few more verses we were all screaming at the top of our lungs,
“SASAGEYO SASAGEYO SHINZOU WO SASAGEYO!!🎤🎶” the song ended just as we pulled up to Carla’s beach house. When I got out the car I met with Jeans eyes. It felt like I was looking at a completely different person. Like he hadn’t been my best friend since before I can remember.
“ Y/N!!” He said as he took me in for a big bear hung
“ jEaN!” I said as he lifted me off the ground still bear hugging me
“Damn,Look at how big you’ve gotten! You're not out little y/n anymore” I blushed a bit when he said it.
“Yeah I guess I am changing” I walked over to Eren to hug him but decided against it at the last minute. He, like Jean, looked different too. His hair was a lot longer, he was taller, and you could definitely tell he was more toned than before. But the main thing I noticed was his aura. Something felt off with him. Like he was masking an important feature that made him, him.
“Hey, Eren” i said
“I see you stopped wearing your glasses.” That’s it?! That’s all he said to me?
“Yeah I guess I grew out of them!”
“I liked you better with them”
“Well,” I started, “ I like me better without them,” I said in a snarky tone. Eren was acting differently. Something was definitely up. I looked over at Jean and he had a look in his eye. The kind of look he gave before he did something he knew was bad.
“ guys,” he began, “ you know what time it is?”
“ no. No, no, no, no,no!!” I protested playfully
“Y/N SWIM! Y/N SWIM!!” They all chanted. They picked me up, Connie at my feet and Eren and Jean on each arm. They carried me to the pool out back.
“1!” They all said with a swing. “2! 3!” Before I knew it I was catapulted into the pool. I could hear them all up there laughing and I couldn’t help but laugh too.
“ Come on Jean, help me out of the pool” I said as I reached my arm out. When he grabbed my hand I saw a perfect moment for revenge. I had pulled Jean in the pool along with me. Connie and Eren just laughed and in that moment I saw a glimpse of the old Eren.
CHAPTER 3 Hange pov
“We are all set for your party tonight” the book store attendant said to me
“Great!” I replied.
“How was your?” He asked
“Oh my publishers didn’t send me on tour for this one, it’s been a pretty quiet release!”
“Are you on social media?” The girl asked. “You should really be on social media!”
“Ah, well, no, I’m not.”
“Are you working on something new?” He asked
“Always!” I replied Carla walked over and asked,
“How many copies did you make for tomorrow's night?”
“I think 20”
“Oh, that’s not nearly enough!” Carla protested “I’ve invited half the town!” She exclaimed. I looked at her in shock.
“What?” I said “ you said this was just going to be a small thing?!”
“Look, Petra,” she said to the store clerk “ I am so sorry but you might have to run to the Barnes and Noble in Portsmouth and get some more.”
“Business has been slow we haven’t had many copies of anything coming in” Petra said. Carla picked up a book off the counter and said
“ You must have 100 copies of this book?!”
I read the front of it
“ Levi Ackerman is the off brand Jonathan Franzen. Levi Ackerman is such a phony name. it’s like “hi I’m masculine but I’m intellectual” I mocked “ I bet Hemingway is his hero“
“Mm-hmm” Carla agreed
“ I bet he has horn rimmed glasses!” I teased some more.
“Yeah,see? I I held up his picture in the back of the book. “Yeah,” I heard a voice from across the room. “Contacts irritate my eyes.”
“Goodbye Levi!” The store clerk said as the man walked out the door.
“Yeah that was him,” Petra said “ he’s renting the Burke house this summer“
“Oh, that’s a nice place!” Carla said
I put the book back down on the counter ashamed of the situation.
“Sorry” I winced
On the first night we always have Carla’s special, Stuffed bell peppers for dinner
“Eren, I heard you quit football,” my mom said
“Yeah. what’s it to you?” He replied
“ So, Connie, I heard you got a job for this summer?” Carla asked
“ oh yeah I’m gonna be working at the rec center-“
“Wait seriously!?” Jean cut off “me too!”
“Jean it’s not nice to cut people off”
“Sorry mom” Jean said he turned back to Connie “I’ll be a lifeguard at the pool”
“Saweet!!” Connie said. He always says dumb stuff like that.
“Y/n, as you know you're becoming a woman,” Carla began “ and here in Cousins we have our annual Debutante Ball and I think you should do it!” My mother practically choked at the news.
“ Ball?” She spat out “ that’s not really y/n’s style, right?” For the longest time I’d always seen Carla as a second mom. I always tried to please her and do everything like her. I even wished sometimes she was my mother. This would be my chance, my chance to do something for Carla to make her proud.
“ Sure,” I heard myself blurt out “I’ll do it. It seems harmless”
“Y/n, I don’t think you know what your getting yourself into” my mother lectured “ a ball is a lot of work and dedication and if I’m being honest you’ve never been one to really care about such things” I could feel the tension in the room rise.
“ Well Mother, it’s my decision and I’m doing it.” Eren rose from the table,
“May I be excused please?” He asked Carla
“Aren’t you going to finish dinner?” She rebuttal
“No, mom” he said sternly “now may I go?”
“Sure,” she replied. The table went silent.
After Dinner I went outside to find Eren. He was sitting along with his feet in the pool smoking a bud. I sat down next to him. He couldn’t have been more bothered to acknowledge me.
“ Smoking is bad for your health, you know?” I told him
“ Well it’s good for my stress,“ he replied. I looked into his eyes trying to find a glimpse of the old Eren, of who he was. Nothing.
“ hey you preached it first” he looked at me with a playful grin.
“ I guess I did, didn't I?” The tip of his bud met the concrete and he threw it across the pool.
“Are you seriously considering this ball thing?” He asked me
“”I mean yeah, I’ve gotten nothing better to do”
“Don’t let my mom make you her little doll because she never had a daughter”
“I don’t mind, sometimes I really wish I were her daughter!”
“Your better off with Hange, trust me”
Before I could get anything else out of him Connie and Jean came running at the house
“Come on Eren!” Jean had called “we ready to hit to the bonfire”
“ Can I come?” I asked joyfully
“ hell no!” Connie told me “ you're not old enough yet” I was furious at those words. I was old enough to go. And you know what? I didn’t need them, I'd go on my own. As soon as the boys left the house I ran upstairs to change into Hitch’s slutty outfit. To be honest I didn’t look that bad. I could get used to this me. The new me. I slipped on my shoes and tiptoed towards the door. Before I left I saw Hange and Carla sitting on the couch together watching a musical. My favorite one actually. West Side Story. I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe one day me and Hitch would be like that. Growing old together watching movies on a couch. I slowly opened the door and left. I’d walked in the dark for about 6 minutes until I heard the laughs of teenagers. I saw the glow of the bonfire and knew this was it.
I walked down towards the bonfire and was immediately met with the smell of beer. I saw other kids drinking and making out. I walked out a bit more and I saw Floch, the guy from the gas station who invited me. He was making out with some blonde chick when he saw me. He quickly pulled away and ran over to me.
“Hey, it’s not what it looks like I was just-“ I cut him off.
“Just making out with some girl knowing good and well you invited another one here. Cuz that’s what it looks like to me!” He looked unbothered.
“That’s not it. See she was just holding your place till you got here!”
“And you know what? She can have that place cuz I don’t fuck with man whores.” Angrily I stormed off. How could I have been so foolish to really believe a guy liked me.I looked around a bit and I saw Eren. “ finally a familiar face“ I thought to myself. Until I saw him lean in and kiss another girl. I’m that moment my heart sank. I’d known Eren was probably interested in other girls but, to see it with my own two eyes boiled up a whole new anger in my heart. I could feel myself tear up. And Jean must’ve seen it too, because immediately after he came to me and pulled me away from the scene.
“Hey,” he shouted cheerfully “y/n is here!” I saw Connie’s head whip around.
“Y/n what the hell are you doing here? I told you not to come!” He had his arm around some girl I'd never seen before. She had her dark brown hair in a high ponytail, a Nirvana crop top on and a bikini thong.
“Because I can do whatever I want. I’m not a damn baby Connie!” He looked furious now
“Why am I even arguing with you? I'm taking you home now!”
“Con,” Jean interrupted, “just give her this one night.” Connie looked at him unamused “please 🥺” he said giving him a little pouty lip.
“Fine!” Connie said “but if you dare to even look at a drink you're out”
CHAPTER 6 Carla pov
“ When the boys threw Y/n in the pool today, I swear I almost saw a smile on Eren’s face. He was in a better mood today than I’ve seen him since him and Historia broke up” I said to Hange
“ I didn’t realize they were that serious?” She replied
“ Neither did I“ we both chuckled. “ he’s just always in such a bad mood. So unlike himself.”
“ since when did he quit football?“ she asked me.
“ A couple weeks ago. He only ever played football to please Grisha. I told you they weren’t getting along. I'm just gonna… let him have his space, you know? let him do his thing.” Hange looked at me with a concerned look.
“ don’t you think maybe it’s time you talked to him?” I looked at her blankly
“ There's nothing to talk about. Can we just have a really great summer like we said we would?” I leaned my arm out to touch her shoulder. We both laughed. “ How's your writing coming?” I asked her
“I just wanna hang out with you,” she replied “I could give a shit about that book right now”
“Liar! You give all your shits about your book. You give too many shits”
“It’s a mid list book” she said “ it’s been out for a month and it’s barely selling.
“ Well it is going to sell a ton of copies tomorrow and I can’t wait to read it!”
“ you never read my books“ she protested
“ Yes I do“ I lied. We both burst into laughter
“ read Levi Ackerman‘s book instead he’s got 150,000 followers on Instagram!” I chuckled a bit
“ you know it wouldn’t hurt you to put yourself out there more. Get on Tinder while your at it” I teased
“Oh my God, please stop!”
“Okay, okay. Maybe not tinder but what is the e app for the 40 and up crowd?”
“Oh I’m begging you stop!“ she cried out
“It’s Ourtime?!” I teased more
“No it’s not!” She said while laughing up a fit.
I scooted in closer and we laughed even harder. I looked at her with soft eyes.
“What?” She asked
“I really think you should let y/n have her deb season.”
“Please” she began “Debutante Balls are just so problematic!”
“I really want to see our girl in a white dress” I told her. Hange looked at me with sadness in her eyes.
“Fine. You win!”
“I always do” I told her
“ is still think it’s a bad idea” she exclaimed
“She might surprise you” I said as I rested my head on her shoulder “people can change you know?”
“Not us though.” She said
“Right,” I agreed, “ you and I are immovable objects.” We sat there together looking out on the lake.
Yess! I had managed to stay. I turned around to talk to Jean but he was already gone with his friends playing an idiotic drinking game. I walked around a bit more until I saw some commotion over where Eren was. I quickly ran over to the scene to find a drunk Eren screaming at another guy.
“Give me the fucking beer back, Reiner!” He yelled
“Dude get your own!” He clapped back
“IT WAS MINE FIRST!” Eren lunged at the other guy knocking the beer out his hand. The two started throwing punches.
“Ereh, please stop, I'll get you another beer!” The girl he was making out with said
“Mikasa, stay out of this!” Eren yelled in a headlock. The boys started throwing punches at each other. I had to stop the fight. I ran over to Eren and pulled his arm back.
“The hell?!” Eren said. He had flung his fist back and striked me across the face. I held my cheek in awe. Jean came and held me from behind. Eren looked up and realized what he had done.
“I-I-I’m sorry, I didn’t” a drunken Eren said to me. My eyes started to tear up. I felt stupid for trying to come to this party. I ran over to the empty part of the beach and sat there and cried.
A little while later. I heard feet in the sand walking towards me. I looked up to find a tall white boy with short blonde hair and soft eyes sit down next to me.
“Hey” he said to me
“What do you want?” I replied back
“I just wanted to see if you were okay, that was a pretty nasty fall,”
“Yeah it was.”
“Is your far okay?” He asked
“Yeah it’s feeling a bit better”
“Well umm.. I have a cold beer if you want it?”
“I don’t drink.” I told him
“No,no,no me either,” he exclaimed “not to drink for your cheek.” I could feel my face get hot.
“Thanks” I held the beer up to my cheek “I’m sorry I didn’t even get your name.”
“Armin. Armin Arlert. And you?”
“Y/n L/n”
“That’s a very beautiful name”
“Thanks” we talked for what felt like hours. He seemed so familiar yet he was so far from it.
“Oh no” we heard someone from up the beach yell. “THE POPO ARE HERE!” I saw Jean run down the beach toward me. He grabbed my arm
“Come on y/n we gotta go!” Armin got up with us. Jean carried a wasted Eren on his shoulders to the car. He put Eren in the back seat and got in the driver's seat.
“Come on y/n get in the car” Jean yelled
“Actually I wanted to ride with Armin-“
“No actually you're gonna get your little ass in the car!” Jean had never used that tone of voice with me before. It was scary but effective.
“ When can I see you again?” I asked Armin.
“Well you could see me Saturday and the drive in movie and 8?”
“It’s a date” I said blushing “till next time
“Till next time!” He leaned in toward me and planted a kiss on my lips.
“Ewwww, Nasty” I heard Eren say from the back seat.
“Holy shit!” Jean said “I forgot about Connie! Don’t fucking move! I’ll brb” he raced out the car and down the beach to find Connie. I could help but smile at the thought of Armin. He made me feel so happy and warm inside. I felt Eren reach and his hand from the back seat and touch my hair.
“Your hair is like a little kid's hair,” he said, “always so messy. Y/n..” he started to say then there was a knock on the window. We both looked up to see an office.
“Have you kids been drinking?”
The office trailed the four of us home. When she rang the doorbell my mother, Hange, answered it.
“Thank you so much for bringing them home, officer.” She shut the door “What were you kids thinking, getting drunk like that and having an officer bring you home?
“Mom,” Connie started, “ it wasn't even a big deal the cops just wanted to break up the bonfire!”
“ Wasn't a big deal? Con, you were escorted home by the police! THAT'S a pretty big deal to me!” You could hear Connie sniff the air a bit
“Were you guys smoking weed?” He asked
“What? Keep your voice down! Carla’s sleeping on the couch!”
“I wasn’t yelling you were mom.” Connie protested
“Just so you know Hange,” Jean began “ I wasn't drinking at all tonight. I was the DD I swear!”
Eren! You're the oldest. I expect so much more. What the hells got into you?” She looked at me “and when did you start leaving the house without telling anyone? And what the hell are you wearing?” I looked up at her
“It’s Hitch’s dress, and why am I the only one not allowed to go out-“
“It’s not that you can’t go out, it's just you need to tell someone before you leave.” She cut off “and how the hell did you even get there?”
“I walked,” I said under my breath. “You walked.” She mumbled as she put her hands to her head. “ you know better than to walk that far down the beach at night!” She's really pissed me off. I’d been her sweet innocent child for long enough. I deserved to have fun and to have my own life. She let Eren, Connie, and Jean live there life however but when I came to be I could do shit.
“Would you stop treating me like a child!” I lashed out at her. She looked me deep in the eyes, “if you wanna be treated like and adult… act like one!” She finished off her sentence in a stern voice. The kind that sent goosebumps down your arm.
“Then maybe y’all should too.” U was surprised to hear Eren say.
“Excuse me?” Mom asked as she looked at Carla’s boys “I just want you all to know that this night could’ve ended a lot differently if your family wasn’t your family.”
“We’re really sorry Hange.” Jean said
“Just go to bed guys.” I was the first one to leave. I went to the kitchen to grab a cold bag a veggies for my face. I went upstairs and changed into my night clothes. I laid back in my bed to sleep when I heard a knock through the wall. It was Jean. He’s still remembered our secret code from the summers before. I laughed softly before putting the bag back on my face and going to sleep.
CHAPTER 9 Eren pov
I got up from the bench to go to my room when I felt Hange grab my wrist.
“I don’t understand what’s going on with you?
“Nothing,” I told her “I’m fine”
“Eren!” I heard her say as I went into the living room. I saw my mother laying there on the couch. I took the throw blanket and placed it over her. I loved her but the sight of her made me so angry sometimes. I just wished she wouldn’t try so hard. So hard to pretend like everyone and everything was gonna be okay.
thank you so much for reading this part! It’s my first real fanfic that I've done. I’ve been so excited to write this and it’s so great that people actually like it. Again please let me know what else you guys wanna see and part two will be out next Tuesday. I’ll try to keep this consistent. Thank you all for the support and I’ll see you in the next part!
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foliejpg · 4 months
Slutty coke whore Patrick I am hootin n hollerin (great idea for a fic if the mood were ever to strike, wink wink nudge nudge) love your writing! 💚💚
i do have a fic in the works that covers the hiatus and specifically patrick’s struggles. <3 things like drug use, sleeping around, body image and getting over pete basically lol
it’s a sequel to this fic <3
and thank you very much <333
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geminimoonbeamx · 2 years
She’s Got Bette Davis Eyes
A/N: I'm going to be real; I miss Steve’s loser in a sailor uniform era. I’m not sure how I feel about the return of King Steve but well. Don't even get me started how much I hated the forced throat fucking that is the Duffers trying to make Stancy a thing again. Despite all that, I’m happy to have our baby boy back. 
Warnings: Smut. Road Head. Steve getting his shit verbally rocked. 
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Plus Size Reader
Summary: Steve Harrington has been on like, a hundred shitty dates this month alone. He really doesn't expect his date with you to be any different. 
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The movie the two of you had gone to see was garbage. Zombiethon. Literally as horrible as it sounds, you’d pushed for that new Demi Moore flick but Steve had become a bit of a movie connoisseur since working at the Family Video.
A bit of a douche too, but then like. Hadn't he always been one?  You’re contemplating why you’d accepted the date at all while he pokes at his coke float with a straw. The diner is in full rage, loud enough that it drowns out any chance of conversation- 
Steve’s corny pick up lines are lost to the hustle and bustle, drowned out by the jukebox and old team mates coming up to pay homage to the former King of Hawkins High himself. 
You’d gotten ready for this. Like, really. Taken hours primping and priming. Your hair fell, practiced and shiny. Your lip gloss gleamed in the light. The denim skirt you wore was just on the right side of slutty. This worked for you, with guys- always. And still, it seemed like Steve wanted to be anywhere but sitting across the table from you- 
And you? Yeah, you’re taking that pretty personally. 
If he thinks he’s going to get a kiss at the door and a second date after this he’s dead wrong. 
You let him ramble, about his dumb job and his dumb hair and his weekend trip to Indianapolis a month ago. All the while smiling, nodding, giving a quip and taking the cues. 
You're more than happy when the check comes in the form of the older woman with a smokers cough. You're pulling out your purse before she’s even dropped it on the table. 
“No, no, no. I invited you out, It’s my treat-” he pats at his pockets. 
You ignore him, pulling the crisp twenty out of your wallet and handing it to the woman. Nora, her name tag reads. “Here you go, keep the change” 
She smiles at you, before turning sharp eyes to Steve, muttering about how all the real men died in Nam’.  
Your pounding pavement towards his car. Funny, all throughout high school you’d yearned to ride passenger in the maroon BMW, and now you weren't too sure you wanted to get in it at all. It wasn't that much of a walk, back you your house- why had you chosen these tall ass wedges?
“I had that tab, back there. You didn’t have to-” Steve starts the engine, sounding uneasy and unsure for the first time tonight and hah. Good. Misery loves company, and you’re the petty bitch that will enforce the fact. 
“You snooze you lose” 
“Uh-” He makes a face, confused as you play with his radio. If he wants to be a dick fine, but you refuse to do another awkward car ride filled with his shitty taste in music. Megadeth it is. 
Your house is just outside of town, at least a thirty minute ride. 
At five minutes in you decide what the hell. You turn the knob, metal fading  “Quick quesh, why did you ask me out if you’re obviously not interested in dating anyone?”
“What? That’s not true. I date, all the time-” 
“Ah, so just not interested in dating me. Like in particular” 
“No, I wouldn't have asked you out if I wasnt interested in you. Dating you. Dating anyone” 
“Can I share my theory with you? I mean I did let you explain the entire synopsis of Casablanca back there so like, my turn” You get comfortable in the leather seat, wiggling so that you're leaning bag against the door, directly facing him. He’s cute, that dumb little look on his face. The confused nod. 
“So you haven't really been with anyone since Nancy Wheeler- 
“Not true” 
“Yeah you’ve dated like half the girls in this town. But boyfriend, girlfriend? Not since Wheeler. Suspicious? Kind of” 
“It’s not suspicious, I just haven't been with anyone that I wanted to take that next step with” Steve defends himself, bristling a little bit. Fuck if your going to let this go. Who cares if he’s uncomfortable? This is the most fun you’ve had all night. 
“Sure. It’s okay, I’ve done the hung up on the ex thing too- like for years. I just wish you would’ve told me” you shrug 
“Told you what exactly?” 
“That you weren't on the market for anything other than…physical relationships” you pick your brain for the right words. 
His mouth gapes, open, snaps closed. Nose scrunches and well. “That's not something I really go around just advertising. Girls aren't into that” 
“Aren't they?”’
“Are you?” He rebuts, doubtful. Hopeful, but mostly doubtful.  
Bingo. Right on the money.
You bite your cheek, trying to contain your grin as you reach over the console, your hand on Steves denim clad thigh “I think as human beings, it’s kind of fucked up to deprive ourselves of touch. It’s one of the five main senses and all that. I mean, so you don't want to get married...that doesn't mean you can't get your dick wet” 
Steve hisses as your fingers drag, right over his fly. “Y/N”-
“Shh, just keep driving. Don't you wanna have a little fun?” you massage his bulge and reach over, because fuck it. You're in this deep already. Rejection would sting but this date had already been horrible. 
You aim for his stubbled cheek, but he turns his head last minute, his plump lips meeting yours. Fuck, this is the good stuff. The legendary stuff. High School mythology etched on the walls of the girls bathroom, whispered in reverence between friends. Steve tastes like mint, feels like sunshine. Uses the perfect amount of tongue. 
You pull away after a moment. “Eyes on the road, hot stuff”
Now why did he take you to the worst movie of all time, when the two of you could’ve been doing this all night? Boys are so stupid. Even pretty rich ones with good hair. 
You nose behind his ear, drag your lips down his throat as your fingers begin to work on his zipper, giggling when he swallows roughly. 
“All this fun’s gonna get us killed” 
“Come on, you're a great driver. Just focus, okay” you pull away, and his head leans, following without his permission. “Or do you want me to stop?” 
You spear your bottom lip between your teeth, staring at him with big bright eyes. The shadows of your eyelashes dancing in the passing streetlights. 
“That's killer, you know that? Not fair at all. If we end up in a ditch, it’s all your fault” He sighs, concedes, reaches down to lean his seat back. 
“You worry too much. But wouldn't that be kind of rad? Death by road head. We’d have the coolest gravestones ever” You whisper wetly into his ear, tugging on the lobe with your lips. 
He just shakes his head. 
Turns out a thirty minute drive is more then enough to make Steve Harrington turn into a puddle of goo. His chest heaves and he white knuckles the steering wheel as you work him over. 
It’s sloppy and crude, the squelching and gagging echoing around the car. His thighs shake and it takes everything to keep his eyes from crossing. He sneaks a peak, down at your bobbing head, at the way that your’e putting your all into it. Those little hurt sounds you keep making when the fat head catches the back of your throat, just right. He snaps his hips up, cruel. Needing to hear it just a little bit louder as you struggle. 
He can’t do this. 
“Y/N- fuck. Ease up-” 
You double down. 
Elm Drive 
He makes a wide swerve of a turn before stomping on the breaks. Your house is just down at the end of the block. 
When he comes , with a shout and his fistful of your hair, it's blinding. He feels like he’s been sucker punched in the gut, before his spine turns to liquid. 
He’s wrecked. 
And you? You’re fine. Just peachy as you pull off with a pop. Spit and cum smeared across the bottom of your face. He accepts the little peck you give him eagerly. 
You’re wiping your face clean, reapplying your lip gloss and dabbing at the corners of your teary, mascara smudged eyes as Steve tries to come back down to earth, his chest still heaving embarrassingly when you seem so…composed. 
He inches down the street, feeling a little high. He probably shouldn't be driving right now- 
When he pulls in front of your house, porch light on and quaint, you instantly grab your bag. Ready to go. 
“So I’ll um- call you? We should hang out again. Soon? Preferably” 
You throw your head back and laugh, almost meanly “That’s going to be a no from me. This was the worst date I’ve ever been on. Like ever. Lose my number, Harrington” 
You’re out of the car before he can wrap his head fully around what you’d said. No? What? The passenger door slams. 
He’s pretty sure you’re going to leave him high and dry- take the steps up to the porch and call it a night. Instead, you freeze, contemplating for a moment. Your eyes scan the street, peeled for any sign of your neighbors before your wiggling your thick thighs, reaching up under your skirt. 
“Something to think about. If you ever decide that you want to…take that next step” You grin leaning into his driver side window. Handing him the pair of baby blue panties. Still warm. Very much wet. 
Steve poor dick jumps. “I’ll take it into consideration” 
He can’t help but grin. That stupid look on his face the entire time he watches you walk the path, shut your front door behind you. 
Steve had taken out no less than a dozen girls in the last few months, everyone leaving him feeling more unsatisfied than the last. He looks at the blue lacy fabric in his hands, and thinks yeah. 
He’s pretty sure he owes you a second date. 
Welp. This was filthy. If you're interested in reading a part two of this, let me know! I think these two could be really fun. Also, food for thought. My ask box is open. 
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
heyy! can you do a fic where reader has to sleep in the same bed as rafe? you can decide how the story goes 🥵
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Trigger Warning: CNC, drugging, breeding, implied Rafe trapping
I’d had a crush on Rafe Cameron my whole life. I befriended Sarah and Wheezie just to get close to the oldest Cameron. He always treated me like he did his sisters. Like shit. One whole summer was nothing but mean pranks and cruel words.
The older I got the more I realized he didn’t like girls that tried too hard. So I stopped wearing slutty clothes and started pretending he didn’t exist. It worked like a charm. By the time we were seniors, I was always invited to the Kook parties and I scored plenty of coke without having to pay. But Rafe still wouldn’t make a move. He even ignored when Kelc did. Rafe just tolerated me more, shared his drugs and alcohol, offered me a place to crash, but never the attention I wanted.
“You’re the best, Y/N.” Rafe says, eyes dazed and happy as he looks up at me. I can’t tear my gaze from his hard cock poking out of his boxers. Jesus, it was huge and leaking. I licked my lips, wanting it in my mouth.
“You’re the best, Y/N.” Rafe says, eyes dazed and happy as he looks up at me. I can’t tear my gaze from his hard cock poking out of his boxers. Jesus, it was huge and leaking. I licked my lips, wanting it in my mouth.
“Do you see something you like?” Rafe smirks at me. He was a lot nicer when he was under the influence.
“Do you?” I counter, pushing the straps off my dress off my shoulder and his eyes widen as my breasts come out. I shove the dress down past my waist, letting it drop to the floor. Rafe’s hazy eyes roam over my body, his cock twitching as he does.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re so hot.” Rafe sways a little so I place my hands on his shoulders to balance him, putting my breasts in his face.
“You think so?” I smile innocently, sliding one hand down to stroke him through his boxers. His eyes fall shut as he savors the feeling.
“Yes.” He hisses, his hands slowly come up to toy with my nipples.
“Why have you never made a move on?” I whisper, leaning in to place a soft kiss against his parted lips.
“I-I guess I never paid attention. Plus you’re four years younger than me.” Rafe says like he’s unsure. I push my breasts into his face, his mouth slowly closing around one of my nipples.
“Do you want me now?” I murmur, bringing his ringed fingers to my mouth and kissing each one. Rafe shudders around my flesh in his mouth as I suck one of his fingers into my mouth then lower it to my panties.
“I don’t know. It doesn’t seem right.” Rafe murmurs, teeth grazing my nipple as I force him to caress me over my panties.
“Don’t you feel how wet I am for you?” I whisper as his fingers start exploring on their own.
“You’re so wet.” Rafe rasps, slipping past the elastic and letting his fingers rubs me. I stifle a moan as he circles my entrance then my clit, over and over again.
“It’s all for you Rafe.” I tip his head back to kiss him, his lips moving lazily against mine. His finger finally slips inside me and we both curse.
“I can’t do this. You’re friends with my sisters.” His Adam’s apple bobs with each strained breath he takes while his finger works inside me slowly.
His eyes fall shut as his fingers slip from inside me. I gently push him back on the bed while his feet stay planted to the ground. I slip my panties off and free him from his boxers. I suck the hard weeping tip of his cock into my mouth causing him to moan loudly. I can feel each ridge of a vein in his shaft with my tongue as I take him as deep as I can. I had no experience with men but I’d watched plenty of porn to know how to pleasure a man. I’d been saving myself for Rafe all these years. I wanted him to have all my firsts.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna cum.” He mumbles, fingers loose in my hair. Just as his balls draw up and he swells in my mouth, I stop. He groans for a moment while I quickly straddle his waist. I line him up with my soaked entrance and slowly start to take him inside me. I wince when he hits resistance but push myself down anyway with a whimper. Rafe lays there panting, his brows pulled together in pleasure. A soft moan leaves his lips once I reach the hilt. It hurt so bad but I was determined to see this through.
“Y/N.” Rafe whispers, his hands finding my hips as I start to rock back and forth.
“Oh shit, Rafe.” I gasp, my body shaking from the overwhelming pleasure and stimulation. He was hitting spots inside me I didn’t know existed. This was amazing.
“Y/N, we can’t.” Rafe slurs but I lean down to silence him with a kiss.
“Cum for me, Rafe. Cum inside me.” I kiss him again, bouncing my ass on him as he pants against my lips. He groans loudly and I feel the moment he releases inside me, his thick cum running back out just as quickly.
“You’re mine now, Rafe.” I kiss him as he falls into his slumber. I carefully clean myself up before managing to lay him correctly on the bed, with his head on the pillow and his feet at the end. I move to the other side of the bed and climb in next to him, curling against his side as I welcome sleep with a satisfied smile.
Yes there will be a part two 😈
Tag list: @lovedetlost @hoebx @strokesofstokes @alizabethcs @carnisidi @famousdestinygarden @i-always-come-back-xoxo @pankowforlife @my-baexht-ls @onmykneesforrafe @slutforsmutsstuff @bethoconnor @hellosexxxysalvatore @mrsjakeseresin @belcalis9503 @maybanks-luver @i-always-come-back-xoxo Let me know if I missed anyone! 💕
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Snippet #22 - Motel Room]
“When Jungkook and Taehyung make a sextape in a motel room.”
Pairing: Biker!Jungkook x Biker!Taehyung
Genre: Smut 
Warnings: sub!Taehyung, dom!Jungkook, slutty!Tae, making of a sextape, safe anal sex in a motel room, blowjobs, anal fingering, use of anal beads & buttplugs, tattoo & piercing worship, body worship, mutual stripping, multiple positions, strength & muscle kink, it’s just two very hot guys making a sextape there is no brain behind this story, but also some emotional talk because it’s me duh
Wordcount: 12.1k
a/n: So here it finally is, the long awaited motel room drabble hohoho. Writing this sent me on a different plane of existence 🥵🥵 I truly hope that it can exceed you guys’ expectations 👁👅👁
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Taehyung returns from the vending machine just in time to listen to Jungkook ending the phone call. 
"Sleep tight sweetheart. I love you so much and a million kisses." 
Taehyung watches Jungkook’s face light up as you answer him. 
"I will", a giggle, "love you baby. Bye bye." 
Jungkook ends the phone call then, sighing with a smile on his lips. 
The door falls into its lock. 
Jungkook turns his head, his eyes locking on Taehyung's hands. Taehyung is busy kicking off his boots. He hadn’t put them on properly before leaving the room so it is easy to kick them off. Then he shrugs off his leather jacket, which he had placed merely over his shoulders, letting it fall on the floor.
"I see you were successful", Jungkook says. 
"Yup I was. Also got sour gummies." 
"Nice, we can share if you wanna." 
"Sure, let's do that."
Taehyung walks back to the bed and claims the empty side next to Jungkook. He hands him his can of coke and opens his own a second later. They slurp on the sugary drink for a while, sharing silence. 
It was a rainy night. Outside the roads gave off that typical sound they always make from tires driving over their wet surface. Taehyung watched the road for a while when Jungkook was busy talking with you, drinking in the view of the passing cars and the neon lights reflecting in the puddles. He can still see the neon lights from the bed. Red and pink. They are shining into the room, painting everything in this weird, almost otherworldly light. 
The mattress is hard. Jungkook said he likes it. Taehyung doesn’t. He'll have a difficult time falling asleep tonight. The lingering smell of wet carpet wasn’t helping either. It was already present when they entered their room for the first time one hour ago. Jungkook tried getting it out by opening the small window next to the television, but that only helped partially. It was stuck to everything, every surface, the walls, the wood, even the sheets, they all were soaked in the smell. 
They had neighbours upstairs. They could hear them fuck. Loudly for that matter. They started just this moment, disturbing the precious silence.
"Jesus fucking christ", Taehyung murmurs, lifting his gaze to the ceiling. 
"Yeah what the fuck", Jungkook agrees, tilting his head up. 
It was rhythmic. Their headboard hits the wall repeatedly and the mattress squeaks loudly. Also the woman was wailing in pleasure. Her partner just left out the occasional groan, which let them know that they were a man.
"You think she's actually enjoying it?" Jungkook asks. 
"She sure sounds like it", Taehyung answers him and lowers his gaze again. He takes a sip of his coke, places the can between his legs and reaches into the pocket of his leather pants to retrieve the package of sour gummies. 
The bag opens messily, spilling some of the sour powder on Taehyung's pants. 
"Fuck", he curses under his breath, cleaning off his thigh. Then he bops one of the gummies into his mouth and offers Jungkook one. 
"Thanks", Jungkook says. He takes it in in its entirety and pulls a grimace, "that’s sour goddamn." 
"Right? I have so much spit in my mouth" Taehyung says and sucks up his saliva in demonstration. 
Jungkook does the same, "same dude. But they're yummy shit." 
They both take another gummy and chew it, sucking up their saliva as they do. The woman is screeching, the hammering of the headboard speeds up. 
"I miss ___", Jungkook says. 
Taehyung snorts, "don't tell me their awful fucking made you think of her." 
"Let me man, I can’t help it." 
Taehyung chuckles. Jungkook sighs and pouts. Taehyung could watch it happen, just as he can watch Jungkook’s shoulders sink. 
"It's only three more nights and then you can see her again", he tries to cheer him up. 
"I know that’s so long still", Jungkook whines, "fuck man I miss her so much." 
Taehyung rolls his eyes, "ten days without her and you turn into a whiny boy." 
Jungkook sends him an icy glare. 
"Let me be whiny", he murmurs, making Taehyung chuckle fondly. 
"Okay, okay I’m not gonna say any more." 
And with that they fall silent again, listening to their upstairs neighbours have awful sex. 
They had been on the road again. Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi. Just the three of them. It was Yoongi’s wish to have a little road trip instead of a bachelor party. Taehyung and Jungkook agreed in an instant, meeting up secretly to plan the perfect road trip for their soon-to-be-married best friend and three weeks later they were on their bikes and ready to explore new roads. Said best friend was currently knocked out in the room next door, snoring loudly. Taehyung was actually supposed to sleep in Yoongi’s room, but ended up knocking on Jungkook’s door in the middle of him talking on the phone with you. So after a quick talk if he could stay with Jungkook for a while because Yoongi was already sleeping and Taehyung was bored, to which Jungkook said yes, Taehyung left the room again to get snacks and drinks and also watch the rainfall for a while.
The upstairs neighbours finally finish with a loud groan. Then. Utter silence again. 
"Finally", Taehyung murmurs. 
"Agreed", Jungkook says and takes a sip of his coke. 
"Can you remember all those countless nights which were exactly like tonight?"
Jungkook looks at Taehyung. 
"I can yeah. Just as I can remember all the nights where they wouldn’t shut up for hours." 
"Dude yeah those were so exhausting."
Jungkook agrees with a chuckle, which Taehyung retorts. 
"Do you sometimes miss those times?" 
"Certain aspects, yeah." 
"Don't know", Jungkook shrugs his shoulders, "maybe the freedom of it." 
"What's that mean?" 
"Just being free without having responsibilities." 
Taehyung furrows his brows. 
"Are you and ___ good?" 
"What?" Jungkook stares at him with big eyes, "oh god no I didn’t mean it like that! Of course we are good! I just meant that...I don’t know, sometimes my studio annoys me so much." 
"Your tattoo studio?" 
"Yeah, it's so much responsibility sometimes and", Jungkook sighs, "I love it, because I can live out my dream and I also know that I have way more freedom than other people do, but sometimes I miss the thrill of not knowing what kinda work I can get tomorrow." 
"Yeah I get that", Taehyung says. 
"But me and ___ are amazing. I wouldn’t change what we have for anything", Jungkook says with a goofy smile on his lips. 
Taehyung studies Jungkook. How his eyes are sparkling and how he can’t seem to stop smiling. 
"Do you love her?" he asks him.
"Yes, I love her so much", Jungkook’s answer is instant. 
"That's good to hear", Taehyung says and looks to the front. 
Jungkook takes a sip of his coke and eats another sour gummy. He slurps again as he does. 
"You know Jungkook, there was a time where I would have probably stabbed you for that sentence." 
Jungkook snorts, "yeah I know."
"Looking back, it sounds so stupid to me." 
"Same. Why did we always fight so much?" 
Taehyung sneaks a glance at Jungkook. 
"I don't know. Why did we hate each other so much?" 
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders.
"Mhm", Taehyung agrees and sips from his coke. 
The upstairs neighbours are coming down now. They can hear their door unlock and then the steps outside. They are talking, but it's intelligible through the walls.
"I don't think I actually hated you hyung", Jungkook begins. 
"What's that mean?" 
"Just...that I think that I didn’t actually hate you. Maybe I kissed Bekka because I wanted to ruin what you and her had because I was jealous." 
"Yeah no way, of course you were jealous", Taehyung says and chuckles lazily at the memory of 2010, "that’s what you always did when I found someone interesting, you got jealous cause you couldn’t have her and then ruined it for me by sleeping with her first, you dickhead."
Jungkook agrees with a click of his tongue. He sips from his coke and looks at Taehyung. 
"Thinking back I realise that I wasn’t jealous of you, but of them. At least most of the time." 
Taehyung's eyes widen. Jungkook lets out a breathy laugh and touches his neck. 
"It sounds fucking stupid when I say it out loud. I just...didn’t wanna lose you to some random chick." 
Jungkook looks away. 
"You were never a fan of the way we lived and I thought that if you would fall in love you would want to settle and leave our gang. And I...didn’t want that to happen." 
Taehyung takes a deep breath. He laughs in disbelief, shaking his head and guiding the coke can to his lips. He takes a long sip of the sweet beverage.
"Well fuck Kook, in the fifteen years of knowing you and this is the closest I have gotten to an apology." 
"You know I suck at emotional shit", Jungkook murmurs. 
"I know", Taehyung sends him a smile, "she made you better at it. Like in general, she made you so much easier to hang with." 
Jungkook chuckles, lowering his head. 
"I know...fuck Tae she is so amazing." 
"Yeah I know." 
They exchange a fond smile and share sour gummies. Taehyung is the first one to speak again. 
"I sometimes angered you on purpose." 
"What?" Jungkook gasps.
"I sometimes did shit that would make you angry so you would come closer to me to threaten me and I could feel your breath on my face or sometimes I'd push your buttons until you would press me against a wall in anger and I could feel your fingers on my body." 
It is Jungkook’s turn to widen his eyes, he even goes so far as to part his lips in shock. Taehyung laughs painfully and lowers his head. 
"I didn't want to understand what that meant although I knew exactly what that meant."
"Because I was so fucking embarrassed. You were my friend and you were straight and I was supposed to be straight too, but then I had all those gay fantasies with you. I felt so fucking disgusted by myself." 
"Hyung", Jungkook says in his serious voice, "Yoongi-hyung was already openly bi back then, it would have been alright for you to come out too." 
"Yeah well, I wasn’t ready. I didn’t want to, to be attracted to men a-and especially not you." 
"Why not me?" 
"Because I was scared that…." he inhales shakily, "...I was scared that you would hurt me if you knew what I was imagining." 
Jungkook blinks rapidly, "well fuck", he says and exhales through his mouth. 
He inhales loudly and breathes out. Then he punches his own thigh. 
"Fuck hyung I'm so sorry I made you feel like that. I wanna beat up my past self seriously", he says and laughs painfully. 
Taehyung lets him speak with bated breath, feeling his eyes prickle in tears. 
"You could have talked to me", Jungkook says and looks into Taehyung's eyes, "seriously, you could have talked to me. I probably would have gotten angry at first because I was a dickhead, but hyung."
Jungkook reaches out to touch Taehyung's arm. 
"I never would have hurt you for feeling the way you felt. Never." 
Taehyung sniffles and rubs at his eyes. 
"Fuck, that feels like old wounds are finally healing", he chokes out before he has to throw his hand over his mouth to muffle his sobs. 
"Hey, Taehyung, fuck don’t cry", Jungkook whispers, jumping into action. He wraps him up in a tight hug, petting his hair and rubbing his back, "it's alright, don’t cry." 
"I don't even wanna cry", he hiccups, "s-sorry."
"It's alright, let it all out", Jungkook soothes him, "it's what I always say. Better out than in." 
"That's what you say about farts." 
"Well it counts for tears too."
Taehyung chuckles and pushes at Jungkook's chest. The latter is cackling boyishly, keeping his hands placed on Taehyung's arms even now when there is slight distance between the two men. 
Taehyung sniffles, looking into Jungkook's eyes ever so often. 
"Thank you Jungkook", he whispers barely audibly. 
"I'm glad I was able to help you mend old wounds. Fuck hyung", Jungkook cups Taehyung's cheeks to clean them off his tears, "I was such a shitty friend to you. I should have been there for you, but instead made you scared to talk to me." 
Taehyung whimpers softly, squeezing his eyes shut. 
"You don’t have to be scared anymore. You can talk to me about anything."
"Thank you", he whispers and reaches up to touch Jungkook's wrists. 
"Mhm", Jungkook hums, wiping off the last remnants of Taehyung's tears. Then he places his hands on his shoulders instead, giving him a good shake. 
"Mhm hyung? I'm here for you, you hear me?" 
Taehyung giggles shyly, shaking off Jungkook's hands. 
"Stop that." 
Jungkook cackles, ruffling Taehyung's hair before finally pulling his hands back and resting them on his thighs. 
Taehyung raises his head and takes a deep breath. Jungkook smiles. Taehyung moves. He is quick, cupping Jungkook's cheek and wiping his smile away by kissing him deeply instead. 
"Mhm", Jungkook lets out in surprise, eyes widened and shoulders rising to his ears. 
Taehyung has his eyes squeezed shut, whimpering into the kiss. This feels so much better now that all the cards are on the table. 
He draws closer, hooking one arm behind Jungkook's head to press him to his body. 
"Wait", Jungkook breaks the kiss with a fond chuckle. 
Taehyung is breathless, panting heavily as he chases Jungkook's lips. More, he wants more.
"I want to make sure that it's okay with ___ first", Jungkook says and breaks away to search for his phone. 
Taehyung watches him with his heart racing in his chest. You pick up after the fifth ring. 
"Babe I swear to fuck, what?" your voice is heavy in sleep. 
"I am so sorry, but babyyyy." 
"Is it okay if me and Tae sleep with each other?" 
An inhale then an exhausted sigh. 
"You call me for that?" 
"Yeah well...we agreed on asking each other before we do something. Always." 
"Urgh well just for once couldn’t you have just done it? Urgh I was sleeping so well." 
Jungkook cackles, "sowwyyy, is that a yes then?" 
"It's a yes, have fun and be safe." 
"We will, now hush hush go back to sleep. Love you." 
"Mhm love you too doofus." 
The call ends. Jungkook places the phone on the nightstand and turns back to Taehyung. 
"She said it's okay….What's wrong?" 
"I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have kissed you like that." 
"What? Hey no, it's alright. I just wanted to make sure first before it escalates and I have to kill the mood with a call." 
Taehyung nods his head but stays tense.
"Hyung what’s wrong?" Jungkook asks and scoots closer. 
"I...still have gay fantasies with you", Taehyung whispers shyly. 
"Really? I couldn’t tell at all. I thought all the threesomes we had were all in the name of being straight", Jungkook jokes and nudges Taehyung's chest. 
Taehyung decides that actions speak louder than words, hooking his arms behind Jungkook's head and kissing him deeply. Teeth clash at first before the kiss melts into that of desperate, hot passion. Taehyung had never wanted to kiss Jungkook more than he did in this moment. He is feeling the same desperation he felt all the times he looked at those purple pills. Like an addict, he feels like an addict again and this time around Jungkook's lips are his drugs. 
He is so desperate that soon he has Jungkook pressed into the mattress, humping his legs needily and kissing his neck sloppily. 
"Fuck hyung", Jungkook sounds slightly out of breath, his back arching off the mattress ever so often. 
Up and down, left and right, back and forth. Taehyung doesn’t leave an inch untouched. Oh many times he dreamt of kissing this neck. Whenever he watched him work and followed the pearls of sweat run down his neck, Taehyung wanted to do nothing more than to be the one licking them off. 
Taehyung licks a thick stripe all the way from Jungkook's collarbones up to his ear, sending a shiver down Jungkook’s spine in the process. He wraps his lips around his earlobe and countless piercings and sucks on it eagerly. 
Jungkook sighs and moans softly, jaw moving as he opens and closes his lips. 
Taehyung lets go of Jungkook's earlobe, dragging his lips up the shell of his ear. 
"Let's make a sextape", he rasps. 
"What?" Jungkook asks breathily, opening his eyes widely. 
Taehyung pulls back, eyes racing over Jungkook's features. 
"I have this old camcorder, let's use it to film each other", he explains with sparkling eyes.
Jungkook chuckles, "fucking hell hyung. You really wanna make a sextape?" 
Taehyung nods enthusiastically, "it would look so good with the lighting and the room. Retro and hot." 
Jungkook contemplates for a moment, gnawing on his lower lip. It taunts Taehyung so much that he has to suck it between his teeth after a moment of gazing. It makes Jungkook mewl and later moan as Taehyung releases his lip by biting down on it and tugging on it gently. 
His lip pops back into its original shape, Jungkook licks over it a few times. It burns and pulsates, feeling hot under his tongue. 
Taehyung looks at him, watches him with sparkling puppy eyes and quick pants leaving his lips. He draws closer again, chasing Jungkook's lips in a kiss but never really going for it. 
"Fine let's do it", Jungkook agrees and nods his head. 
"Oh god that’s so hot", Taehyung chokes out and shudders in a quiet moan, "let, let me just get it real quick." 
Taehyung rolls out of bed and hurries to his bag to retrieve his camcorder. It is an old model, early 2000s with a silver body and a brittle leather hand strap, the video quality is grainy and the audio filled with whitenoise. But that is exactly what he wants. He wants it to look as if it was shot decades ago when men had to hide in shabby roadside motels to be intimate with each other. It was supposed to be the secret movie of two men escaping the world for one night of pleasure and intimacy. 
Taehyung hurries back to the bed and jumps on it. He sits down on Jungkook's lap. Jungkook just lets it happen with a fond chuckle. 
"What now?" 
"Just act natural", Taehyung tells him, fumbling with the camcorder. It turns on with a quiet purr and a second later a red light begins to shine. 
"I'm here with Jungkook", Taehyung tells the camera, "he's the sexiest man on earth", he says and runs his right hand up Jungkook's clothed torso. He follows the movement with the camera, "he was my friend once, but now he's more", he says shakily and runs his hand down his torso again, "he's my lover now."
Jungkook exhales shakily at those words, eyes landing on Taehyung's features. Taehyung doesn’t notice it, he is too mesmerised by Jungkook.
Taehyung hooks his fingers in the hem of Jungkook's turtleneck and begins tugging the piece of clothing up his torso, filming every second of it. 
"He is so handsome, I love looking at him", Taehyung says and drags his fingers through Jungkook's happy trail, "that part drives me crazy." 
Jungkook moans at the touch, abs tensing and relaxing.
Taehyung touches up his stomach, filming it thoroughly until filming the dreamcatcher tattoo.
"I told him to get this tattoo and he did. I'm so obsessed with it", he says, tracing every detail of the tattoo.
Jungkook shivers under Taehyung's soft touches, chest heaving up and down quickly. 
"And this part", Taehyung moves on, dancing his fingers to Jungkook's defined pecs. He squeezes them, showing the camera just how much Jungkook has to offer. Then one soft brush over his left nipple. 
Jungkook moans and arches his back. 
"He has his nipples pierced", Taehyung tells the camera and twists Jungkook's piercings. 
"Fuck", Jungkook chokes out, twisting the sheets. 
"He is very sensitive there. It’s really fun to touch him there", Taehyung says and moves on to the other nipple to repeat what he had done on the previous one. 
The camera gets the perfect show of it, recording the exact moment it hardens under Taehyung's fingers. 
"I love it a lot", Taehyung says and moves the camera up to show Jungkook's fucked out expression. 
"That's Jungkook. He is so sexy."
Jungkook looks into the camera then at Taehyung. 
"Should I say something?" he asks, slightly out of breath.
"No, act natural." 
Jungkook looks back into the camera and smirks lazily. 
Taehyung touches Jungkook's face. 
"He's so handsome", he whispers, outlining Jungkook's lips with his thumb, "I think of him often when I touch myself." 
Jungkook's eyes widen. 
"You do?" 
"Fuck hyung, that's so hot", Jungkook says and laughs breathily. 
Taehyung turns off the camera and places it on the mattress. 
"Why did you stop?" 
"Let's take off our clothes and then continue." 
"Fine, alright", Jungkook chuckles, "you're taking this seriously aren’t you?" he asks, sitting up to take off his turtleneck and throw it on the ground. 
Taehyung takes off his shirt as well, discarding it on the floor. Jungkook reaches for his belt then.
"Wait! Let's film that." 
"Okay", Jungkook chuckles. 
Taehyung presses record again. 
"Jungkook is going to take off his pants now." 
"Should I do it?" 
"Yes, do it." 
Taehyung keeps the camera banned on Jungkook's crotch, filming his inked-up fingers open the belt and later the buttons. Taehyung reaches out then, rubbing Jungkook's cock over the black leather. 
Jungkook twitches and moans softly. He is growing hard under Taehyung's touch. 
"His cock is so perfect, I like everything about it", he tells the camera and squeezes it softly, making Jungkook roll his hips into his hand. Taehyung films the way Jungkook's pants dent, showing the details of it by outlining them with his long fingers. Jungkook is restless beneath him, squirming as soft sighs leave his lips. Taehyung rests his hand on Jungkook's cock again and rubs his palm into it.
"Jungkook, can we see it?" 
"Yeah", Jungkook moans and rips open his pants. 
"Slow Jungkook slow", Taehyung stops him, slipping his fingers inside just far enough to play with Jungkook’s pubes. He shows it to the camera by tugging the pants down to the base of Jungkook's cock. One single ray of pink light is shining directly onto Jungkook's crotch, "he's so sexy." 
Jungkook rolls his hips up and mewls, "fuck Tae you’re such a tease." 
Taehyung gives him a smirk, one the camera can’t see, before he slips his hand inside completely and takes out Jungkook’s cock. 
Jungkook groans, throbbing in Taehyung's fingers. 
"I like touching him", Taehyung says, dancing his hand up and down Jungkook’s cock, "his cock is so sexy." 
"Okay Tae that feels so good", Jungkook moans.  
For a moment Taehyung pans up the camera, filming Jungkook’s blissed out face. He even zooms in on it, catching the perfect moment of his lips parting in a blissful moan as Taehyung rolls his cockhead between his fingers. 
"Look at him. He's so hot", Taehyung rasps and stops his movements just so he could catch Jungkook's frustration on camera. 
"Hyung", he whines. 
Taehyung doesn’t care, holding the camcorder with both hands. 
"Can you undress for us more Jungkook?" 
Jungkook groans in frustration, "fuck, yeah sure. You tease." 
Jungkook rolls out of bed. Taehyung follows him with the camera, zooming out to get the perfect picture of motel armchair on one side and Jungkook undressing on the other and right through the middle a red streak of light was separating the two. 
Taehyung thinks that view looks like art.  He films up and down Jungkook’s body, lingering on his cock when Jungkook turns, jerking himself off slowly. He pans up as he begins walking, now filming his face. Jungkook crawls back on the bed, making Taehyung shimmy back so he could film it.
"You really wanna film everything?" 
"Yes, I wanna show everyone how sexy you are", Taehyung says and begins recording Jungkook’s resting form. 
From his feet up his legs and muscular thighs, "his muscles are so nice, I want him to lift me", Taehyung rasps and lets his fingers guide the way over Jungkook's chiseled thighs, "he never did, but the thought turns me on." 
"Yeah?" Jungkook asks cockily. 
Taehyung nods his head enthusiastically, "so much", he chokes out shakily. He stops by Jungkook’s hips, running his hand up and down Jungkook’s balls. 
"Can’t get enough of him", he rasps and lowers himself to suck his cock. 
"Fucking shit", Jungkook gasps and groans, throwing his head back into the pillows, "hyung." That surprised him so much, fuck.
The camera is filming the mattress, recording muffled slurping and moans. Taehyung is too busy sucking cock to realise his unflattering filming angle. He also doesn’t notice when Jungkook takes the camcorder and turns it so the spotlight is on Taehyung sucking cock. 
His eyes are closed, both hands now resting on Jungkook’s thick thighs and his cheek is puffed out from cock. His dark hair is hanging into his face, it is ruffled at the top and his muscular back is tensing with every movement.
"Hyung, look at me." 
Taehyung opens his eyes and looks up. He moans sinfully, rubbing his legs together. Then he lowers his gaze and giggles into his hand as he covers his mouth with it. He seems so shy now that the attention is on him.
"You're the star now", Jungkook rasps, "go on, show the camera your skills. Don’t be shy, you’re so handsome." 
Taehyung obeys happily, wrapping his lips around Jungkook’s length. He bops his head up and down quickly, moaning deliciously. Every so often he averts his gaze into the camera, giving it the best eye fuck he has to offer.
"Fuck, urgh fuck, that's so good. Fuck", the room is filled with Jungkook’s curses and deep moans. The slurping sounds of Taehyung join them and every now and then one of his needy gags can be heard. Taehyung giggles each time that happens, giving the camera a sinful flutter of his lashes.
Jungkook rests his left hand on Taehyung's head and twists his hair. It forces Taehyung to go even deeper, to swallow around Jungkook’s length and feel his pubes tickle the tip of his nose.
"There we go, you’re so hot like this. Gagged by my entire cock", Jungkook rasps, soothing a squirming Taehyung by caressing his cheek. Taehyung groans and convulses in a gag, eyes rolling to the back. Jungkook is quick to act, pulling him up by his hair. He pans in on the moment his cock falls out of Taehyung’s mouth and catches the thick string of saliva Taehyung can’t seem to keep in his mouth. It drips on his cock and pubes, glistening in the pink light.
"So sexy", Jungkook twists Taehyung's hair, "take it in again." 
Taehyung obeys gladly, swallowing Jungkook's cock as if it was the only nutrition he needs. He moans around his length, giving the camera a playful gaze before he swirls his tongue up Jungkook's length, flicking it over his cockhead messily and making Jungkook's eyelids flutter in the process. 
"Fuck Tae that's so good", Jungkook moans, head threatening to fall back into the pillows. But he shouldn’t, not when he needs to make sure the video looks good. 
Taehyung lets go of Jungkook’s cock only to suck on his balls instead, jerking him off with his big hand at the same time.
"Ah h-hyung", Jungkook moans breathily, shaking the camera, "so close." 
Taehyung speeds up his hand and flicks his tongue over his balls. Jungkook bucks his hips up. 
"Close, so close." 
Taehyung purrs and raises his head, smiling into the camera. His eyes are glassy from sucking cock, his lips so pink and swollen, his chin so messy and wet in drool.
Jungkook mewls and writhes. He wants more. 
"My turn to undress", Taehyung says and crawls up the mattress to kiss Jungkook on the lips. 
Jungkook moans, wrapping his arms around Taehyung. He drops the camcorder in the process, it falls in a way so it gives the perfect view of Taehyung grinding his clothed cock into Jungkook’s. Which results in Jungkook throbbing and leaking precum all over his stomach and Taehyung's leather pants. 
Taehyung breaks the kiss. 
"I want to be filmed too", he rasps. 
"Yeah? I'll do it. Give me the camcorder." 
Taehyung turns off the recording and hands it to Jungkook. 
"I want you to film me the way you see me."
Jungkook looks into Taehyung's eyes and smiles. 
"You filmed me that way?" 
Taehyung nods his head confidently.
"Goddamn hyung you drive me insane", Jungkook gets off the bed and takes a step back so he has Taehyung resting on the bed and the wall behind him in the picture. Then he presses record. 
"It's Taehyung's turn to undress", Jungkook begins, "go on hyung turn to the camera for me." 
Taehyung obeys, sitting down on his heels and keeping his hands on his thighs. 
"He's my obedient sub", Jungkook pans the camera up and down Taehyung's body, "he is such a good boy for me." 
Taehyung rubs his legs together at the compliment, mewling softly. Jungkook reaches out to touch Taehyung's chest tattoo. 
"I love his tattoos, he doesn’t have many. And sometimes he doesn’t like them, but I do. I love all of them", he says, outlining the cracks of the tattoo all the way from his pec up to his neck. Taehyung moans and tilts his head to the side, squirming when a second later Jungkook grabs a bundle of his hair and tugs his head back. 
Jungkook films the fucked out expression Taehyung wears, letting the camera linger on his lips. 
"Show us your piercing hyung." 
Taehyung opens his lips and sticks out his tongue, showing off the small metal ball. He moans, devoted eyes locked onto Jungkook's features. He needs to watch Jungkook’s reactions, he needs to see what he thinks of him and if he is pleasing him. 
Jungkook seems mesmerised, placing his thumb on Taehyung's tongue to drag it over his piercing. 
"It drives me crazy, it feels so good when he licks me", he rasps, pressing down at the back of Taehyung’s tongue to force him to gag. 
Taehyung pulls back with a giggle, holding Jungkook's wrist and scrunching his nose up. The camera never catches his eye contact, his eyes lingering behind the lense on Jungkook’s face. Jungkook thinks that it fits the mood and that Taehyung looks so good on film. 
"Don't do that", Taehyung giggles.
"Why?" Jungkook asks in a fond chuckle. 
"It's embarrassing." 
"No, it's hot. You look so sexy for me",  Jungkook rasps and cups Taehyung's cheek, "my sexy good boy." 
Taehyung melts under the words, growing even more restless on the mattress. 
"Please Jungkook", he whispers, squeezing his hand desperately. Jungkook caresses his knuckles before he pulls his hand away and holds the camcorder with both hands.
"Go on Tae, take off your pants. Show us your big cock."
Taehyung nods his head obediently and stumbles off the bed. Jungkook takes a step back, moving around the room to find the perfect shot. Taehyung's body in front of the bed, the window is his backdrop. It lets in the neon lights from outside and hues Taehyung in pink and red colours. Jungkook stays quiet as Taehyung undresses, making sure to zoom in on Taehyung's long fingers opening his pants. He zooms out afterwards, moaning softly at the sight of Taehyung tugging them down his legs. His cock stands proud, tip glistening in his arousal. Jungkook films it, before zooming out again and filming Taehyung's entire body. 
"You're so sexy Taehyung", he rasps, "look at how perfect you are. Go on, touch your cock." 
Taehyung obeys, moaning softly as he runs his hand along his shaft. Jungkook steps closer again, filming Taehyung's face. 
"He is my good boy." 
"Jungkook please", Taehyung begs. 
"Take the camera again hyung", Jungkook says and hands him the camcorder. 
"Because I want to have my hands free for that", he says and drops to his knees. 
"Oh god", Taehyung moans, hurrying to turn the camera and catch the moment Jungkook takes his cock into his mouth. 
His inked up fingers are wrapped around the base, his fiery eyes are locked with the camera. Jungkook smirks and sticks his tongue out, spanking it with Taehyung's heavy cock. 
"Fuck", Taehyung presses out, throbbing at the view. It is not often that Jungkook sucks Taehyung off, so this right here feels like fire to him. It leaves him burning and shaking for more.
Jungkook smirks one last time and then he wraps his lips around Taehyung's length and begins moving up and down smoothly. 
"Kook", Taehyung gasps, lips parting in bliss. He is in heaven. This is literal paradise. 
Jungkook growls playfully, cupping Taehyung's balls to roll them between his fingers. He pays special attention to Taehyung's weeping tip, sucking on it so vigorously his cheeks fall in. 
"S-slow please", Taehyung squeaks, shaking the camera. 
Jungkook simply smirks and sinks back down on Taehyung's length, swallowing around him. 
"Jungkook", Taehyung moans softly, "Jungkook, oh god Jungkook. S-slow." 
He places his hand on Jungkook’s head, twisting his hair softly. This is by no means to guide him. Jungkook may be on his knees and Taehyung may tower over him, but both men know exactly who was in charge. 
Jungkook slips off of Taehyung's cock, extending his hand to let his spit trip on it. Taehyung is holding his breath in anticipation. 
"You taste delicious, hyung", Jungkook rasps, wrapping his spit slickened hand around Taehyung's length to jerk it off harshly, running his thumb over his frenum piercing ever so often.
"Fu-fuck", Taehyung presses out and stumbles. He shakes the camera even more, forgetting to film for a moment until Jungkook makes him aware of it again. 
"Keep it steady", he orders. 
Taehyung obeys, filling the audio with his heavy breathing and desperate moans. The camcorder is focused on Jungkook, filming every second of the sloppy handjob. 
"Good boy", Jungkook praises, rewarding Taehyung by tilting his head up and letting his cock slip down his throat until his nose is buried in Taehyung's dark pubes. 
"Ah!" Taehyung yelps, throwing his hand over his mouth a second later to muffle his noises, "hmpfmpf hm, oh g-mpf-god." he whimpers, eyes filling with tears of pleasure before falling closed. His brows are furrowed, his lips parted in bliss. This is the first time Jungkook deep throats him. He wants to scream. This feels so good.
Jungkook looks into the camera, tears streaming down his face and yet he keeps on jerking off Taehyung's cock with his tight throat, going fast and with loud gurgles of pleasure slipping past his lips. His inked up fingers play with Taehyung's hardened balls, his other hand is wrapped tightly around his own cock, giving it quick tugs. 
Taehyung stumbles, feeling his knees buckle. He bites down on his palm, squeezing his eyes shut as a soft sob slips past his lips. The feeling is too much. He is so, so sensitive. 
"Cumming", he squeaks, fingers shaking around the camcorder. 
"Nuh-uh", Jungkook bops off of him, squeezing around his base so tightly that Taehyung is unable to release. 
"No. Please", he whines, cock throbbing uncontrollably. 
Jungkook merely smirks and places a kiss on top of Taehyung's frenum piercing.
"Patience, we wanna get as much footage as possible don’t we?" 
Taehyung turns off the recording and lowers the camera, confusing Jungkook in the process. 
"I’ll clean out and then you fuck my ass." 
Jungkook gawks and laughs breathlessly. 
"Well fuck hyung, you’re ambitious. With what tools though? We don’t have any of our stuff." 
"We do! I brought stuff", Taehyung explains excitedly, hurrying to his bag. 
Jungkook in the meantime stands back up, closing the distance between him and Taehyung to wrap his arms around him. Taehyung squeaks and shudders, heart skipping a beat in his chest.
"This is so much fun", Jungkook rasps against his neck. 
He rocks his hips back and forth, rubbing his cock between Taehyung's ass and over his balls. It makes Taehyung moan softly, fingers shaking as they work. Then Jungkook begins trailing kisses all over Taehyung's shoulder and neck, right hand busy with playing with Taehyung's frenum piercing. 
"Kook", Taehyung whines. 
Jungkook catches the way his eyelids flutter in bliss.
"Don't let me distract you, show me what you got."  
Taehyung moans, taking deep breaths to calm himself. He works clumsily, opening the pink toiletry bag to reveal a small collection of sextoys. A douche, lube, condoms, a silicone buttplug and anal beads, there is also a glass dildo in there.
"It's not m-much", Taehyung stutters, feeling dizzy. Jungkook grinding against him and holding him and being close to him feels so good. 
"It's enough, fuck hyung why did you bring all of this?" Jungkook asks and twists his hand around Taehyung's sensitive tip. 
"Ah", Taehyung moans, head plopping down on Jungkook’s shoulder, "in case you, you - ah Kook." 
Jungkook squeezes his tip. 
"Go on. In case of what?" 
"In case you w-wanted to play", Taehyung chokes out and moans loudly, wrapping his fingers around Jungkook’s wrist. 
Jungkook feels his cock throb. Taehyung is so goddamn perfect. 
"You're so hot", Jungkook rasps and bites down on Taehyung's neck, making the latter mewl, "so you really wanna do this?" 
"Yes! I'll go right away." 
"Mhm-hm okay", Jungkook breaks away from Taehyung and struts to the bed to lie down, "I'll be waiting." 
Taehyung grabs the douche and lube and hurries to the bathroom. It is not long that both men are ready and a lot needier than before. Jungkook has his ass stuffed with the plug, feeling the weight inside shift with every step he takes. Taehyung is sitting on the edge of the bed, ready to be played with. Jungkook is towering over Taehyung, fumbling with the camcorder to turn it back on. 
"Are you ready?" he asks him. 
Taehyung nods his head, gazing up at Jungkook. 
The red light flickers on. 
"We're going to play some more now", Jungkook says, filming him stroking his fingers through Taehyung's dark locks. 
Taehyung closes his eyes and leans into the touch, squeezing his legs together.
"Do you want to play, Taehyung?" 
"Yes", Taehyung whispers and looks into the camera needily. 
"Do you want to get on all fours for me, Taehyung?" 
Taehyung nods his head obediently and gets in position. 
"So sexy", Jungkook murmurs, stroking his hand up and down Taehyung's bubble butt, "I can't ever get enough of that view." 
He parts his ass for the camera, flicking his pointer finger up and down Taehyung's hole. 
Taehyung shivers and clenches around nothing.
"Look at how sexy he is. Wanna finger him open", Jungkook rasps.
"Please finger me", Taehyung begs, pushing back into Jungkook's hand. 
"So impatient." 
Jungkook places the camcorder on the mattress in order to spread lube on his fingers and Taehyung's hole. Once done he takes it again and films what he is doing to him.
"Hold yourself open for me", he orders. 
Taehyung obeys gladly, resting his big hands on his ass.
"There we go, good boy. You look so sexy with your ass all lubed up", Jungkook praises, rolling slow circles on Taehyung's rim. 
Taehyung moans softly, tensing and relaxing desperately. Then Jungkook puts pressure on Taehyung's hole, sinking his middle finger into his warm walls. Taehyung whimpers, biting down on his lower lip. 
"There we go, opened right up for me. Fuck so hot", Jungkook rasps, filming the way Taehyung's hole stretches around his finger.
He fucks it in and out slowly, wanting Taehyung to get used to the intrusion. And Taehyung is blissed out, moaning with his mouth agape. It is just a finger, but it is Jungkook’s finger and that makes it feel so fucking good. 
Jungkook curls his digit, sending a jolt of electricity through Taehyung's veins. 
"There, right there", he squeaks, rocking his hips back and forth.
"There we go, fuck yourself on my finger", Jungkook praises, "hyung that’s so hot I'm fucking you with the finger on which I have your initials tattooed", he says and moans, showing it to the camera. 
Taehyung whimpers, feeling his stomach twist in pleasure. This is his finger and he is getting fucked with it. Holy shit he can barely handle that mental image. 
"One more", he begs, arching his back. 
"Yeah? Wanna have my finger?" 
Taehyung nods vigorously, pressing his ass back. 
"Such a greedy boy", Jungkook rasps and buries his pointer finger in Taehyung's tight ass. Now his initials are buried in him too. JK and TH both now part of Taehyung, Jungkook feels his own cock throb at the view.
"Kook", Taehyung mewls, sucking in air through his teeth. 
"There we go, look at how well he takes me", Jungkook moves the camera closer, giving a close up shot of his lubed up digits appearing and disappearing inside of Taehyung repeatedly. It looks especially sinful with the pink neon lights shining on his ass and back. 
"He has such a perfect ass", he rasps and moans along with Taehyung. 
The latter is fucking back slowly, fingers digging into his skin deeper. This is heaven. Literal heaven. 
"One more", he begs, arching his back sinfully. 
Jungkook laughs lazily, twisting his wrist just as he fucks his digits into Taehyung. He quakes and whimpers, lifting his foot to let it drop on the mattress again. 
"More", he tries again, pushing his ass back onto Jungkook's digits. 
"You think you can take it, mhm?" Jungkook taunts, fucking the thickest part of his fingers back and forth inside Taehyung's clenching hole. That image looks so pretty on camera, he thinks. Taehyung is made for the camera. 
"Yes", Taehyung whimpers, arching for him. 
"Very well, let's see about that", Jungkook says and presses his ring finger against Taehyung's hole. 
Taehyung struggles at first, refusing to open up for one more finger. But not with him, he forces his body to his luck by pushing back. His hole swallows the digit, forcing a guttural moan out of him at the sudden stretch.
"Fucking hell hyung, that's so hot", Jungkook rasps, filming the scene unfold in front of him. He changed the angle slightly, just enough to give a glimpse of how excited Taehyung makes him. His cock is so swollen, seeming even redder in the lights than it actually is. Fuck, how he wants to replace his fingers with his cock. But he shouldn’t, Taehyung needs to be the one begging for more.
Instead he curls his fingers, eliciting a blissful moan from Taehyung. 
"Jungkook", he sighs, drooling on the mattress because he can’t seem to keep his mouth closed. This is why he exists, this right here is his meaning of life. 
"You take me so well. You’re such a good boy for me", Jungkook praises, pressing down on Taehyung's prostate and making him grunt before a moan rolls off his tongue. 
Jungkook won’t say it but the view is even more sinful than before. JK, TH and your initials, now all buried inside of Taehyung. Even now you are part of this scene, making sure that Taehyung gets fucked the way he deserves to be fucked. Jungkook could cum just from the view.
"Such a good fucking boy", Jungkook rasps when Taehyung begins rutting back into him. 
Taehyung whimpers, tries harder to fuck himself on Jungkook’s digits but fails. Fuck, he probably looks like such a impatient little boy in the movie but he wants more. Again. He wants more. He can’t stand not having Jungkook’s cock inside of him any longer. Everything excites him so much. The scenery, the aspect of being filmed, getting fingered so well, the fact that this is the first time he and Jungkook are alone. Everything turns him on too much, makes him impatient and ready to take Jungkook’s big cock. 
"Fuck me", he pleads. 
"Please fuck me, please." 
Jungkook chuckles, curling his fingers against Taehyung's prostate to make thinking even harder. 
"Are you sure?" 
"Yes, yes, yes. So sure. Fuck me", he pants. 
"Very well", Jungkook says and pulls his fingers free. He records how Taehyung's hole clenches around nothing desperately before it closes up again, looking just that tiny bit redder and looser. He picks up the anal beads and spreads lube on them. Then he hands them to Taehyung. 
"Keep yourself nice and stretched out", he orders. 
Taehyung obeys right away, burying the beads in his ass to the second to last ball with ease. Then his hole struggles, forcing the cutest moans out of him. And Jungkook films it. He films every second of it. He films how Taehyung seems so lost in the sensations that he doesn’t even realise that he is being filmed, moaning with his eyes squeezed shut and his lips parted. His cheek is squished against the mattress, his dark hair sprawled out messily. One strand is hanging into his face, curling right on the bridge of his nose. Jungkook films the curve of his body next, running his palm along his spine. Jungkook thinks that Taehyung is a natural, his arch is beautiful just like everything else about him.
Jungkook runs his hand over the swell of Taehyung’s bubble butt and focuses the camera back on his greedy hole. It managed to swallow the second to last ball by now, currently struggling with the last ball. Fuck it is so much bigger than the rest, Taehyung feels his rim burn so perfectly. 
"You're doing so well", Jungkook praises him, running his pointer finger along his stretched out hole. 
"Fuck", Taehyung presses out, shivering at the sensation. The touch helps soothe the burn, Taehyung feels himself pushing again. 
"There we go, don’t stop now." 
The ball slips in, his hole closing around it slowly. Jungkook moans deeply, Taehyung whimpers. 
"Fuck that was so hot to look at", Jungkook growls, reaching for his cock to jerk himself off to the view, "pull it out Taehyung." 
Taehyung breathes shakily, tugging on the beads. He can barely handle that stretch. Fuck what if he can’t pull it out again? That this is his destiny, to be a filled up and stretched out fucktoy. 
Sadly it is not his destiny as his hole finally squeezes out the toy, surprising Taehyung so much that he pulls the toy out all the way to the last bead by accident. 
"Shit Taehyung, fuuuck that was the sexiest thing I've ever seen", Jungkook moans, having fallen back to his native dialect. 
Taehyung whimpers, feeling so fucking empty. But he needs to wait until Jungkook tells him to move, needs to be his good boy. 
"Go on, push them back in. Go slow." 
Taehyung moans gratefully, pushing the beads back inside. Jungkook films every second of it, filling the camera with his heavy breathing and the squelching sounds of him jerking off his cock. It is mesmerising to watch how Taehyung takes the first ten beads so easily, how there was almost no resistance and how slowly but surely he has to use more force to push the balls back inside. Jungkook loves the visuals of it, he loves to watch how Taehyung's pink hole closes around the bigger balls, bulging for a second before Taehyung pushes them deeper inside and the view begins again. A struggle, his hole refuses to open up until Taehyung forces it to take the bead and it opens up almost hungrily before closing around the ball and bulging. Again and again until Taehyung reaches the last bead. 
"Fucking hell hyung, you make me wanna cum", Jungkook growls, squeezing around the base of this cock. 
"Jungkook I can feel them so deep", Taehyung whimpers, reaching to the front to feel his bulging belly. 
"Fuck", Jungkook grunts and swallows heavily, "pull them out again." 
Taehyung obeys, moaning shakily as his ass releases the beads easily. The sensation is making his toes curl and his cock soil the sheets with his precum. 
Jungkook resorts to growling deeply, placing his hand on Taehyung's ass to squeeze it. 
"One last time, hyung. Show us how greedy your asshole is for being fed." 
Taehyung is spiralling. He completely forgot about the camera.
"Holy fuck, holy shit Kook", he moans, barely handling being filled up bead by bead. He forgot about the sextape, holy fuck he thought that he was simply giving Jungkook a show. But he was being filmed the entire time, "fuck", the beads feel so much bigger all of a sudden. He was acting slutty for Jungkook and now the whole world knows how much of a greedy fuckhole he is. 
Taehyung whimpers, struggling with the last bead. Oh god it must have grown. It is so big all of a sudden, so fucking big.
"Go on hyung, show us how good you can take it", Jungkook encourages him. 
Taehyung whimpers and pushes. Silence. Then a ragged, guttural moan as the toy slips right in and fills his greedy asshole. 
"Fucking perfect. You’re such a good boy", Jungkook praises him. 
Fuck. Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut. Jungkook is still talking in his native dialect. He only does that when he is too turned on to care. Taehyung is being so good for him that he is speaking in dialect. He feels like cumming because of it. 
"One more time, pull it out for us." 
Taehyung obeys, twitching with every bead. That sensation is like nothing else. 
"Fuck you're so sexy", Jungkook growls and spanks his butt gently. 
Taehyung squeaks and bucks his hips back, making his ass swallow half of the toy. 
"Yes perfect, keep stuffing yourself hyung while I get everything ready." 
"Yes Jungkook", Taehyung whimpers, obeying his command gladly. He moans the entire time, fucking the beads in and out of his greedy hole while Jungkook moves through the room to prepare everything. 
First the camera, he positions it on the dresser next to the bed. He flips the screen so they can see what is happening and angles it perfectly so they would both be in the picture and the camera would get the perfect view of Taehyung arching his back. Then he steps out of frame, not only to roll a condom on, but also to give a trembling Taehyung fucking himself with the anal beads a little spotlight.  
Jungkook genuinely thinks that Taehyung was the hottest man on earth. And that once again he thinks that Taehyung would be fucking popular as a pornstar. Fuck, he is merely acting like he always does, all natural and unashamed, and it looks fucking amazing on film. 
He steps closer to the bed again, reappearing in frame. He sneaks a glance at the viewfinder, feeling his cock twitch at the view. Fuck, his tattoos, his muscles, his body. He looks fucking incredible on film too. Like a literal pornstar. 
"Fuck hyung I just placed the camera over there and it's driving me insane", Jungkook says and grabs Taehyung's hips. 
Taehyung turns his head, staring into the camera with heavy eyes. 
"We look like fucking pornstars hyung", Jungkook growls, still speaking dialect. 
"Jungkook", Taehyung whimpers, cock twitching angrily. He pulls the anal beads out of his ass and arches for Jungkook, "please fuck me." 
Jungkook reaches for the lube, spreading some on his cock and letting a healthy amount trickle on Taehyung's gaping hole. He flinches with every drop, trembling in anticipation. He tenses up once Jungkook presses his cockhead against his rim. 
"Ready?" Jungkook makes sure. 
"So ready", Taehyung says and pushes back just as Jungkook thrusts his hips forward. It results in Taehyung taking Jungkook’s cock in its entirety in one smooth thrust and both men yelping up in pleasure. 
Taehyung twists the sheets and arches his back, feeling as if he just took a shot of his favourite drug. This is everything he exists for. 
Jungkook is struggling, wanting nothing more than to fuck into Taehyung but keeping still for the sake of getting him used to the stretch. 
"How - argh - how are you doing hyung?" he checks in, wheezing for air. Oh how he wants to move.
"Want you to move", Taehyung begs and clenches around him. 
"Fuck", Jungkook grunts and begins moving, "thank fuck you do cause I wanna fucking pound that ass like there is no tomorrow", he growls, rolling his hips smoothly. He goes slow for now, waiting for Taehyung to be ready.
"Do it." 
That is all he needed to know. Jungkook lowers his dark eyes, furrowing his brows and speeds up to a punishing pace, drilling his big cock into Taehyung's slutty hole without mercy. His balls slap against Taehyung's with each thrust, skin meets skin in harsh slaps, the lube is being scrambled in Taehyung so perfectly. Taehyung is wailing, head thrown back and eyes rolled to the back of his skull. His fingers are gripping the sheets tightly, knuckles turning white. His back is arched perfectly, giving the red and pink lights a perfect slope to dance on. His hard, leaking cock is slapping against his toned stomach with every thrust. And his hole, fuck he has never felt that fucking stuffed before. 
"Don't stop! Don’t stop!" he begs loudly, fucking himself back into Jungkook. 
"Fuck hyung", Jungkook growls, widening his stance in order not to fall. 
He feels fucking eternal. His body is tensed, muscles flexing. His inked up back and arms, his thick thighs, his toned abs and perky butt. Fuck he feels every fibre tense in pleasure. The red and pink lights cast shadows of darker reds and pinks on Jungkook’s body, hiding some of his tattoos in mystery while giving others a sinful spotlight. Jungkook looks down at where his veiny cock opens up Taehyung's pink hole. He watches how it slips out so easily and his hole stretches around him. He watches how it slips inside and feels how Taehyung's walls welcome him happily. He watches how it looks when he is buried inside Taehyung to the hilt. How his bubble butt fits so snug against his crotch, how his dark pubes look so perfect against Taehyung's skin, how his inked up fingers bruise Taehyung's hips and how rays of pink and red swirl all over Taehyung's curves. 
"Fucking perfect", Jungkook yelps and throws his head back, "you're fucking perfect hyung." 
Taehyung answers him by moaning unapologetically slutty. 
Now they are the ones keeping their neighbours awake. Now they are the ones whose screaming and moaning soaks through the ceiling and makes their upstairs neighbours wonder how hard those dudes downstairs are going at it. Now they are the ones giving everyone a show of how it is really done. How fucking should really sound like. And they aren’t even aware that they are doing it, they are too lost in the pleasure, too lost in their own fantasy of this perfect evening of two men fucking for intimacy and shared secrecy to care about the fact that they weren’t at all secretive about it. 
Jungkook opens his eyes heavily and lets out a guttural moan. He stares at the wet stain on the ceiling before a clench of Taehyung makes him go cross-eyed and force his lids close again. 
"I'm going insane", he laughs and moans, punishing Taehyung with angry thrust, "you literally make me fuck like an animal hyung." 
Taehyung grunts and moans, looking over his shoulder at Jungkook's blissed out state. His pecs and abs are flexed, pearls of sweat run down the ridges of it. They glisten in the red and pink lights. Taehyung lets his eyes linger on the dreamcatcher tattoo and watches how his ribs move under it with every ragged breath he takes.
"Fuck", he presses out, stumbling as he falls face first into the mattress. His back arches more, his ass takes the fucking even deeper, "Jungkook! Jungkook! Jungkook, I'm yours!" his screams are partially muffled by the mattress. His face is contorted as if he was in pain, but he wasn’t, he was so high on pleasure that it burns him from the inside out.
Jungkook falters. Taehyung never confessed his devotion to him before. 
"Say it again", he orders. 
"Yours! I'm yours!" Taehyung moans and sobs sinfully good, "fucking yours."
Jungkook growls and connects his hand with Taehyung's ass in a harsh spank. 
"Ah!", Taehyung squeaks before he screams his devotion to Jungkook even louder.
"Fucking hell hyung", Jungkook grunts, watching his cock shape Taehyung's hole, "that's right, fuck hyung you're mine", he says and does the unthinkable of stopping. 
That fucker stops and Taehyung is close to ripping the sheets apart in frustration.
"Don't stop, please don’t stop", Taehyung begs desperately, fucking himself back on Jungkook’s length. 
Jungkook does the even bigger sin of pulling out, leaving Taehyung to gape around nothing. Taehyung shoots up in panic, looking behind himself at Jungkook.
"Back! Please back! Back, back, back", he squeaks, reaching behind him to hit Jungkook's hand repeatedly, "back, please back." 
Jungkook chuckles, "flip over for me." 
Taehyung obeys gladly and so quickly that his swollen cock slaps against his stomach as he moves. His eyes are filled with desperation, glued to Jungkook's lips. Then he parts his legs and rolls his hips against nothing. 
"Please, please, please", Taehyung begs with his nose snotty as tears of desperation had started to fill his eyes, "back please. Jungkook please ba-ack", he wails.
Jungkook has to do everything in his power not to give in. He has never seen Taehyung so desperate before, so fucking stupid from getting his pleasure taken away that he is crying like a little baby and squirms as if he was being electrocuted. But Jungkook can’t give in, not when he has something different planned.
Jungkook leans down, exhaling as he does. His hands come to rest on each side of Taehyung’s head. Taehyung swallows heavily at the fire in Jungkook's eyes.
"Back please back", he begs quietly, squeezing out tears. 
Jungkook wipes them away and smiles fondly.
"Wrap your arms around me."
Taehyung obeys, trembling in anticipation. He never told him before but positions where he can look into Jungkook's eyes are his favourites. He is so excited about it. 
But Jungkook doesn’t slip back inside, Jungkook hooks his arm under Taehyung's legs and straightens up. 
Taehyung gasps and squeaks, body getting lifted off the mattress. Then he moans and buries his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck, giggling uncontrollably. 
The camera is standing perfectly to capture the obsessiveness Taehyung hugs Jungkook with. It captures the way he wraps his legs around his waist and how he wraps his arms around him tighter and how he seems to magically grow smaller in his arms. He is glowing, literally beaming as Jungkook carries him with ease. 
He giggles, rubbing his nose up and down Jungkook’s neck and twisting his fingers in his dark locks.
"Is that what you wanted?" Jungkook asks with a smile. It is like Taehyung wants to merge with him, he thinks it's adorable. 
Taehyung nods his head vigorously and giggles. 
"Good", Jungkook whispers, lowering Taehyung's body so he would sink down on his length. 
"Hngngn", Taehyung mewls, tilting his head back. His eyes are squeezed shut so tightly that he can see stars behind his lids. He is being stretched out so well, he feels so full. So full of Jungkook that it's overwhelming him in the best way possible. 
Then Jungkook begins bouncing him up and down his length, doing so with ease. Taehyung is tighter in this position, tighter and a lot hotter. Jungkook also feels his cock reach depths he wasn’t able to reach before. Fuck, his weight is making his muscles burn so addictingly. Jungkook can’t get enough of that feeling.
Taehyung moans unapologetically in his arms, clinging to Jungkook's body and taking the fuck gladly. His cock is rubbing against Jungkook's tensed stomach and his own, soiling their silken skins with his precum and in the process making him slip even better in the tight grip. 
Taehyung twists Jungkook's hair and sobs in pleasure. This is everything he ever wanted, this is even better than everything he ever wanted. Jungkook is holding him, he is carrying him as he claims his ass as his property. Oh how many times Taehyung wished this exact outcome as the result of being pressed against a wall by Jungkook. Oh how many times he jerked off in the shower afterwards, late at night when Jungkook and Yoongi were sleeping soundly just outside the bathroom door. 
Taehyung sobs and hugs Jungkook tighter. This is too good, this is the best thing he ever experienced.
"You're doing alright?" Jungkook makes sure, slowing down his movements. 
"Don't stop, more, fuck me hard", Taehyung begs shakily. 
Jungkook speeds up again, feeling Taehyung squeeze around his length. 
"Thank you", he squeaks, "thank you Jungkook, thank you." 
"Fuck Taehyung", Jungkook growls, thrusting his hips up as best as possible, "you drive me insane." 
Then he begins moving through the room, closer to the camera until he can tilt it up slightly. He had noticed just that moment that their heads were cut off. Now they aren’t anymore, they are being captured perfectly. Just as is Jungkook’s perky ass as he moves back to their previous position. He turns and shows the camera the way Taehyung takes his cock so well. 
"You take me so well hyung. You’re always so tight for me", he growls, rewarding Taehyung's trembling body with quick bounces up and down his cock. 
Taehyung curls his toes and moans loudly, squeezing himself closer in desperation. 
"Please can I cum?" he begs. 
"You're close? Already?" 
He nods his head and whimpers, cock throbbing uncontrollably. 
"Yeah? Is this really such a turn on for you?" Jungkook taunts, impaling Taehyung on his cock. Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s waist with his legs, fuck it's making his cock rub over Jungkook's toned abs. 
Taehyung squeaks, nodding his head in the process. 
"So you’re my little fucktoy? My perfect, little fucktoy which I can carry around and use?" 
Taehyung lifts his head, staring at Jungkook with unfocused, half-lidded eyes. Jungkook feels a coil turn in his stomach at the view. He has never seen Taehyung be so high on pleasure before.
Taehyung nods his head, twisting Jungkook’s hair. Tears roll down his heated cheeks, his lips are swollen and parted, squeaky moans roll off his pierced tongue. 
Jungkook knows that Taehyung is close, he is clenching uncontrollably around him. 
"Cum for me Taehyung", he orders. 
Taehyung freezes up, rips his eyes open and a second later breaks on command. His eyes roll to the back before falling closed, he is shaking in his arms and moaning with his voice surprisingly high-pitched.
"That's it, there we go", Jungkook encourages him, struggling with his own high. Taehyung is squeezing so goddamn much, looking so fucking sexy in the process. Nose scrunched up, mouth agape, eyes half-lidded yet rolled back. It spurs Jungkook on, making him pick up an almost punishing pace. 
"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Taehyung yelps, flexing his neck before his muscles give up on him and his head falls onto Jungkook's shoulder. Taehyung bites down on Jungkook's neck, forcing an animalistic growl out of Jungkook.
"You perfect fucking fucktoy. I wanna ruin you", Jungkook barks, dark eyes glued to the little flip screen so he could watch Taehyung's clenching ass take his cock. Taehyung trembles, curling in on himself as best as possible in this position. The overstimulation is almost too much. He grows tighter and tighter.
"I can't stop", Taehyung squeaks and convulses a second time, squirting his cum everywhere. He thinks that he never came that hard before. He can literally feel it in his bones, it is consuming him, eating him up until there is nothing left of him. Taehyung sobs, quaking uncontrollably. Being with Jungkook literally consumes him. 
Everything is too much for Jungkook. The view of Taehyung clinging onto him, the feeling of his hole pulsating uncontrollably, the sensation of his cum covering his torso. It is too much for Jungkook.
"I'm cumming Tae", he groans, arms struggling to hold him now that his fibers burn in the need to release. 
"Please fill me up", Taehyung begs and sobs, he literally sobs as Jungkook climaxes inside of him. He takes everything he has to offer, even if there was a condom between them. He doesn’t mind, he can feel it fill up with his warmth and it feels fucking incredible. So incredible that he can't help but cry in happiness and pleasure, clenching around Jungkook to help him. 
Jungkook stumbles, almost dropping Taehyung hadn’t the latter held on so well. Then the bounces stop. Silence except their ragged breathing. Taehyung is riding on the high of his afterglow, playing with Jungkook's hair at the nape of his neck. 
"F-fuck", Jungkook chokes out and tilts his head back to catch his breath, "that was incredible." 
Taehyung giggles and begins kissing Jungkook's features. Jungkook smiles, even when Taehyung begins kissing his lips he continues smiling. 
Taehyung breaks away after a moment, bouncing in Jungkook's arms as he rubs himself against his body for cuddles. 
"Did you have fun hyung?" Jungkook asks. 
"So much fun. So, so much fun", Taehyung squeaks and giggles, making Jungkook smile fondly. 
He turns to the bed and places Taehyung down on it. Then he steps back, despite the grabby hands Taehyung makes at him. 
"Soon, gotta get rid of the condom and turn off the camera." 
He turns and struts to the camcorder, carrying it to the bed for one last shot of Taehyung in his blissed-out post orgasm state. He drags his fingers through the cum on Taehyung's stomach, filming it. 
"So much cum", he rasps and wraps his fingers around Taehyung's softening cock to tug on it teasingly. Taehyung flinches and squirms, wrapping his fingers around Jungkook’s wrist. Then he giggles, face beaming in happiness. 
"So sensitive for me", Jungkook says and chuckles, letting go of Taehyung’s cock. 
He pans the camera up, filming Taehyung's face. It is heated up, dark hair sticking to his sweaty skin in messy strands. 
"This right here is my favourite look on him", Jungkook says, "did you have fun?" 
"Yes so much", Taehyung says, voice shaking slightly. 
"Good, I had fun too", Jungkook says and caresses Taehyung's leg, "say goodbye to the camera hyung." 
Taehyung hides his mouth behind his hand and giggles, "goodbye", he says shyly, averting his gaze to the side.
"Mhhm, goodbye", Jungkook rasps and finally turns the recording off.
Taehyung makes grabby hands immediately, "hold me, hold me, please hold me", he whines and pouts. 
"Soon, let me finally get rid of the condom", Jungkook says, placing the camcorder on the bedside table to clean up.
Jungkook also takes out his buttplug and brings a tissue for Taehyung to clean him off too. Taehyung lets it happen with his eyes sparkling in devotion. 
"Do you think the sextape is going to be hot?" Taehyung asks. 
"I think it's going to be more than hot", Jungkook answers him and finally joins him in bed. 
He rests on his stomach next to Taehyung, propped up on his elbows and chin resting on his hands. He looks at the other man and smiles fondly. 
Taehyung rolls over and basically throws himself against Jungkook's body. Jungkook falls with a laugh, accepting his fate of being squished underneath Taehyung's sweaty body as the other man tries to smother him in kisses.
"Are you tryna suffocate me?" he chuckles, wiggling out of his tight embrace to at least be able to breathe. 
Taehyung lifts his head, cupping Jungkook's left cheek. 
"I love you", he whispers and smiles. 
Jungkook widens his eyes, lips parting in pleasant surprise. 
"Really?" he breathes, voice carrying disbelief and shaking in emotion.
Taehyung nods his head and rests his forehead against Jungkook's temple. He closes his eyes, lips leaving a tender kiss on Jungkook’s cheek. 
"I love you so much Jungkook."​
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girl-skullz · 3 years
dom n' sub headcanons with iseei and bunny reader #!
warnings : afab!reader | sub and dom dynamics | slight piss mentioned | breeding kink is in here a lot
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dom issei #! who works hard labor shifts all day and lives off of black coffee and his cute little plaything who sits under his desk to give him the sloppiest head imaginable-
planting a fat kiss on the head of his bull like cock just to bury yourself in his fat sack kissing and sucking on his breeder balls hoping to have a pool of his hot cum paint your face ♡
dom issei #! who'll be so mean :( pulling on your little cotton tail everytime you try to pull away as he's feasting on you from behind
licking long strips all along your dripping cunt n' latching on your clit so good to the point where you might pee yourself from the overstimulation (plus his words of affirmation) "stop moving pretty bunny" or "give me one more n' let me taste you" ♡
sub bunny#! who LOVES to be played with in public !
it'd took a while for issei to figure out why you moving so much but after seeing your thighs rub together and you sit on his lap n' rut near his bulge area he knew what you wanted, taking his massive sized hands he began to place you face in front of him on his lap taking his hands and smacking your ass he began to knead and jiggle the flesh of your ass "such a horny girl, this what you wanted huh." and it's true! you did want this! his big hands touching all over your body without a care ♡
sub bunny #! who gets a bad heat and needs to be bred n' full just to think straight-
hearing the key jangling in the door you'd sprang up off of the sofa. scurrying near the door you began to paw at his belt needing wanting to be full. it had been a while since iseei plugged you up full of his cum and you needed another refill more than anything now "please need you-- inside please" you began to beg ♡
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"ngh ha--no more please m'gonna come again issei please ngh" were the noises you now made pressed up nice n' bent in a full nelson. issei had been at this for hours now pumping you till your wits end and it still didn't stop :( his balls hitting the back of your ass every time he rutted into your fleshlight like pussy he couldn't get enough to be fair ! the way your pussy gave his length a nice hug and gripped around his cock made it too easy to pump and knock you up, "isn't this what you'd wanted ? slutty bunny wanted to bred nice n' well." issei said breathless in your ear as he settled you guys down on the couch now your pussy was spread in full view as his thick fingers held your plump thighs in position
the claps became louder with a "clop clop clop" noise blasting all thought-out the room it'd felt so good to be used and fucked nice and hard it felt like a reward ! his fat tip touching your gooey spot inside of you constantly fucking and drilling this coke can cock in you, you couldn't get enough and neither could he, his sweet bunny ♡
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notes ★ : hello! I've been back and forth about posting this but here it is lmao either way I hoped you enjoyed I'm new to this blog so I wanted to start out with matsukawa cause why not ?
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laurensprentiss · 3 years
Games We Play [Hotch x Reader]
Chapter 4:
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Warnings: 18+??? I think? No explicit smut, mentions of sex, masturbation, flashbacks I guess? Also brief mentions of death, gun violence, police brutality.
A/N: Hotch is a toxic slut we love him!
Wouldn’t you agree?”
“I have nothing I need to say to you.” You mutter, gathering your things off the sticky bar.
He outstretches a hand over your things and stops you in your tracks. “Have you been avoiding me for the last four years?” The question is futile. He knows you have.
Your nostrils flare. “Get your hand out of my way before I do it myself.”
“DC is a big town, but not so big.” He drawls, ignoring you. “You must have known we were going to bump into each other eventually.”
JJ raises from her position on the bar, watching the two of you go back and forth. “Guess it was wishful thinking on my part - had it really been up to me, if I never saw you again, it’d be too soon.”
“And here I thought you thoroughly enjoyed our last encounter.” The statement is loaded with innuendo. You hate the shiver that settles on your body when he speaks, even more so when he eyes your legs in your skirt.
Suddenly his words come rushing back, clear as the night he’d first said them. ‘With these legs and those heels? Practically begging to be fucked like the slutty little girl you are.’
You fight the flutter in your stomach. “You mean when I was having a perfectly pleasant conversation with a nice man and you mauled my mouth?” You hate that you keep dignifying his responses with some of your own but the way he gets under your skin settles deep in your bones.
He’s irritating. Like a gnat that refuses to let up.
JJ’s eyes widen. “Who mauled who’s mouth?” She squeaks.
You wince and turn to offer her something that vaguely resembles an explanation but you’re interrupted. Again. “If I recall, you seemed to enjoy that.” He smirks, gaze lingering on the curve of your neck. He swears he can still taste the sweat on your neck as he’d fucked you.
Your skin prickles with heat, half at the memory of his skin on yours and his raspy voice in your ears, and half because you were silently praying he wouldn’t divulge that information in front of JJ.
He wasn’t that much of an asshole. Was he?
JJ’s bright eyes dart between you, your encounter suddenly sobering her up. “Guys?” You watch Hotch and he watches you, a flash of something devious in his eyes, the tension in the air smothering the three of you. But as soon as the look in his eyes comes, it disappears.
He finally takes his hand off your belongings. Your own shoulders relax when it appears he’s going to let this go, but it doesn’t last long. “Well. I suppose we’ll have to continue this chat later, Counselor. I suspect you may have to return to the office, I hear you’re an errand girl nowadays.”
JJ kicks his shin with her polished louboutins, muttering something under her breath with a grimace. You clench your fists as you gather your things, fighting to keep your cool.
You shoot a smile to JJ before narrowing your eyes towards Hotch. “Don’t you have a date with a rolled up dollar bill, a mountain of coke and your left hand?” You tilt your chin towards the line of empty glasses as you move past him to leave. “If you can even get it up after throwing all that shit back.” You mutter, breezing past him.
His jaw ticks and his nostrils flare, but he doesn’t react. “See you around Counselor.” He mutters.
The way he emphasises the word ‘counselor’ like it’s a joke makes your blood spike. He knows what he did. Paid off Chairwoman Lahey, dragged the tablecloth off the proverbial table and left you picking up the pieces.
Son of a bitch.
“I’ll take that as a threat, you parasite!” You half-shout back, flipping him off. It’s juvenile, you know, but you can’t help the small amount of satisfaction that settles in, even if it's just for a moment.
He returns home that night with an unsettled feeling in the back of his mind, almost like annoyance mixed with something else he can’t quite put his finger on. His mind wanders back to the encounter he’d had with you four years ago that left him tied to his bed and wanting more - and despite his best efforts to forget the way you’d played him - he finds himself unable to.
It’s a frequent thought that crosses his mind, sometimes it results in frustration and a knitted brow, other times it results in a small laugh and a hint of amazement that you were able to blindside him the way you did.
Either way, it ends with his hand wrapped around his cock and the mental images of you riding him until he can just about imagine spilling into you, the real thing just out of reach.
It’s not an obsession he tells himself. Even if since that day, he’d actively sought out women with a similar build and features to yours, even if he imagines it’s you he’s driving into while he’s on top of another woman. He refuses himself a release when he’s with another woman. He just comes home with a throbbing cock and lets himself come to the memory of your whimpers and moans.
He’s imagined it far too many times than is healthy or than he’d care to admit since your encounter, but tonight, after seeing you for the first time in four years, it’s like he can almost taste you again. The smell of your perfume, the way you look when you come, the way you’d moaned his name or the way your eyes watered while you took his cock.
His heart pounds now while the water from the shower traverses down his back, his hand wrapped tight around his cock as he shudders violently, allowing himself the release.
He was going to get you out of his system, come hell or high water.
Hotch finds JJ in her office the next morning at 10am holding an ice pack to her head. He knocks on the glass doors as he enters, but she winces, shushing him. “Do you have to pound on the door like that?” She croaks.
He frowns, looking back at the door, and then to her, chuckling. “You really can’t hold your liquor can you? Just like your little friend.” He adds the last part like an afterthought, but JJ’s ears still perk up. He rubs his palms over his slacks, inhaling deeply. “What did you need? I have a meeting on The Hill in 20, some nonpartisan attempt to reach across the aisle and mend fences. Fuckin’ hicks.”
She frowns, looking at him quizzically. “Huh? I forgot what I was going to say, God you can talk.” She mumbles with an eye roll. She flips over some of the papers on her desk, sighing when she sees the one she’s looking for. She turns it around to show Hotch, pointing at the numbers on the bottom.
“What’s this?” He asks.
“Poll numbers. Your numbers are way below Barnes, and CNN exposed her campaign for taking bribes only last week. We need to get you a partner.” She tells him, taking a gulp of water and an aspirin.
“I thought we were done with that. The socialite yesterday, no spark?”
“Jesus Christ, Hotch, how old are you? You’re not a tween girl, swooning over her crush. You’re a soon-to-be presidential candidate who needs to get over his ego, and choose somebody!”
He laughs humorlessly at the uncharacteristic outburst. “You really can’t handle your liquor. Just like that little lawyer friend of yours.” He mutters again.
JJ rubs her temple. “I meant to say this last night but you cannot say those things about her to me, or in front of me. You are a client and I respect you, but she is my best friend - you keep going like that, I’m going to say something I regret and you won’t have a campaign manager anymore. Am I understood?”
He holds out his hands defensively. “All I said was that she can’t handle her liquor. It’s a statement of fact, you know that. You went to law school, too.” She shoots him a look that tells him he doesn’t want to go any further with her today.
As he turns to leave, JJ’s curiosity piques, remembering the events of last night. “What happened between you guys anyway? Besides the Committee?”
He straightens out his tie, smoothing a hand over his chest. A flash of a memory appears in his mind of the events of four years ago. “A gentleman never tells, Jennifer.” He smiles assuredly, twisting the doorknob.
“Oh? So I can expect your sordid retelling in 5-7 business days then?”
It’s a rare day when you and JJ can manage to take a coinciding lunch. Last minute plans plus watchful coworkers at your office means you drag Kate to get takeout and the two of you, JJ and Penelope manage to get an hour and a half to gossip and catch up before the rest of the day catches up with you.
“It’s horrible.” Penelope agrees. “Their cameras were conveniently turned off when they shot that kid? Unbelievable.” She mutters.
“I know!” You set your food down. “I’ve been proposing the bill for the last God-knows-how-many years, and Gideon might have even been on board with throwing his weight behind it, but after what happened with Chairwoman Lahey?”
“I’m sorry, that sucks. I know you’ve been trying so hard.” JJ replies.
“You know I get a phone call every week from his dad? Asking if there’s any progress, and every week I have to tell him that we’re doing what we can, but what I really want to tell him is that the politicians in this city care more about currying favour from other politicians than actually doing some good.”
“No offence JJ.” Kate pipes up.
She shakes her head. “No, none taken! I actually agree with you, I see it first hand.”
“I just need someone with a considerable backing to support the bill, get it out to the floor and push it through. The public support alone would force a majority and the bastard sitting in the Oval would at least go out having done something.”
JJ eyebrows knit together, as she slowly nods, considering your words. Her phone beeps then, and her shoulders tighten as she lets out a groan. “Brace yourself, ladies. We’ve got incoming.”
The elevator dings and without your glasses on, you can only see two tall figures in suits, one’s skin darker than the others. It’s only when they get closer, you recognise the gait of his walk and steady set to his shoulders.
Son of a bitch.
You’d went four years without having to see him, and suddenly you’d been relegated to having to see him twice in the space of 24 hours.
You pick at your food now, appetite suddenly nowhere to be found. Your mouth sets in a straight line as the two men walk into the office, his presence thick. You shoot a smile up to Morgan who reciprocates kindly, squeezing your shoulder. You always did like Morgan. He was sweet, affable and playful, and a total sweetheart - but your smile falls quickly as soon as you set your sights on the Senator.
“What do we have here? Lunch break? Without me?”
You roll your eyes, as he extends a hand towards Kate. “I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure. I’m Senator Aaron Hotchner.”
She watches him darkly. “Oh I’m well aware of your work.”
Morgan crosses over to JJ and Penelope, debriefing them on something or other as Hotch watches you keenly, his gaze suffocating. You see his hand in your peripheral reaching for a piece of shrimp in your takeout container and you smack his hand away, harder than you probably need to, but you revel in the opportunity to cause him some physical pain.
“Were you raised by heathens, or do you just have no sense of boundaries?” You ask, irritated.
He reaches in for the same piece of shrimp again, this time successfully, popping it into his mouth and you suddenly lose all your appetite, throwing the container on the table and standing to face him.
“They give out regular breaks at the US Attorney’s office or have their coffee needs been met for the day? I’m sure something, somewhere needs copying, Counselor.”
Your blood runs hot. “Don’t you have some tax dollars to piss away, you leech?” He invades your personal space as you throw quick insults at each other, all hot breaths and heaving chests, anybody would think it was an intimate affair.
Morgan, JJ, Garcia and Kate watch you from afar, as you get more riled up at the Senator’s cold and detached demeanour. Kate rubs her temple, when suddenly she grabs your arm, and pulls you out.
“Gideon needs us, let’s go!” She hisses, dragging your things into the hallway.
As you leave, a small smirk graces his lips, which he quickly reframes into a frown once he takes in everyone’s expression.
“What? I was hungry.” He says, gruffly.
“Absolutely not!” JJ’s hands smack the table as she stands up.
“Jennifer, relax with the dramatics, this is antique.” He tells her, gripping the edges of the table and readjusting it.
“I’m being dramatic?” She runs a hand through her hair as she paces the length of Hotch’s office. “She can’t stand to be in the same room as you and you want to spend the next however many years-”
“-Six. Subject to negotiation.” He interrupts evenly.
“Whatever. The next six years tied to her? She can’t even do six minutes!”
“I wanted a spark.”
“Yeah, not fucking TNT!” She hisses. “She’ll end up killing you. You can’t stand each other - it’ll never work. And she’ll never go for it.”
“That’s where you come in.”
“If you’re going to tell me I need to go persuade my best friend to enter into a PR relationship with the one person in this world she hates, you can think again.”
He rubs his temples like he’s watching a hamster on a wheel waiting to stop. “Calm down. Me in the Oval means you in the White House Press Room.”
She considers it for a moment but shakes her head. “I don’t care! Look, what you did to her was real, it’s more than just her being sidelined. It’s different for a woman, especially if you’re dragged through the press. You owe her an apology, and you owe her a big one.”
“I am not apologising to anybody. Are you telling me she seriously hasn’t tried to use her daddy’s status to try better cases?” He laughs dryly, rubbing a hand over his beard. “But I can make it up to her. She gets the political clout of being engaged to a Senator, she can leverage it to get whatever it is she wants out of her job.”
JJ sighs, slumping into the chair opposite his desk. She chews on the inside of her cheek while she considers the different puzzle pieces, there’s no alternative for her client and you have been stuck in a stagnant stalemate for four years now.
Maybe this was the way forward for both of you.
“Fine. I’ll try to set up a meeting, warn her beforehand. Don’t,” she points an unwavering finger at him with narrowed eyes, “be an asshole. Remember you need her more than she needs you.”
“Fine. Whatever you need.”
She picks her purse up off the floor and gets to typing as she leaves, but not before she turns from the door. “That Communications Director job? I want it in writing before I set anything up.”
“Haven’t I done enough for you already? My money is paying for that crocodile skin thing you call a purse.”
“It’s alligator skin, and it’s a Birkin. Contract in my hand before I feed you my best friend.” Her voice carries down the hall as she leaves.
He reclines in his chair as he sighs pensively. It would take a small miracle to get you on board but he’s not a man who makes a habit of not getting what he wants.
Whether that’s you or the Oval.
He’s late. The way he saunters to your table with such a carefree spring in his step makes your blood boil. JJ spares you a pleading look as she gets up and invites him to sit.
Please be nice?
You throw her another of your own as you sip your water.
He’s a dick.
“Ladies.” He smooths a hand over tie and unbuttons his blazer as he sits. The silence is heavy, as JJ waits with bated breath to see who breaks first, his demeanour completely nonchalant as though he hasn’t had you waiting here for the past twenty minutes, for a meeting he requested. He watches you with a plain expression, close to boredom.
“You’re late.” You deadpan.
“It’s a lovely day out, why are you complaining? This country club is very exclusive.” He shakes his head. “Busy day of running errands for your friends at the US Attorney’s office?”
“Hotch!” JJ kicks him under the table but he doesn’t seem deterred. His expression remains blank and his voice gruff.
“I don’t believe this.” You throw your napkin on the table. “This is why you called me here? So you could rub in the fact that you’re responsible for my career setback?”
“Jesus, you’re both so dramatic, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were blood related.” He rolls his eyes. “Relax, Counselor. I have a business proposition for you. That’s why I called this meeting.”
You frown, the gears in your head turning. This was either a trap or another way to get one over on you and you refuse to fall back into his grasp. Not after last time. You look to JJ, who looks nervous, her big eyes apologetic.
“What could you possibly have for me?” You ask, eyes narrowing.
He clears his throat, adjusting his cufflinks. Fuck, he smells good. Bastard. “Well. To put it simply, I’m proposing that you marry me.”
You choke on your water, spluttering as you try to cough it out of your windpipe. “Excuse me?” You squeak.
He looks back at you, unamused, but the corner of his lips turn up just slightly before setting into a straight line again. “Well, eventually. First, it would be a courtship, then an engagement and an eventual marriage. Once I’m in the White House.” He says it all as though he’s rattling off an inconsequential grocery list, not proposing marriage to somebody who hates him.
You look at JJ, who looks like she wants the ground to swallow her whole, but she throws a threatening look Hotch’s way. She looks at you apologetically again, placing a hand on your arm. “It’s for PR. You know as well as anybody in this town, probably this country, that his media image isn’t so hot right now.”
You find yourself amused at that, a small smile gracing your lips when you slowly put the pieces together. You figure you can probably get something out of this, even if you don’t agree.
“Why me?”
You look over at the man sitting opposite you, who seems entirely disinterested in the conversation taking place in front of him. Instead, he’s signalling to a young-ish waiter for a drink.
His usual, you presume.
“The women we interviewed were insipid, disinteresting.” He replies, settling into his seat.
You nod, clapping your hands together. “So you’re saying I’m not like those other women? Goodie! What a wonderful compliment!” You roll your eyes.
He sighs, rubbing a thumb over his bottom lip frustratedly. Bastard looks good when he does that. “We have a spark, do we not?”
“Not. It’s not a spark if I want to strangle you.” You deadpan. “Besides, what do I have to gain out of this little arrangement?”
He chuckles, humourlessly, a dark edge to his eyes. “My political clout. I know things haven’t been so hot for you career-wise. You help me polish my image, I help you climb the career ladder. Win-win.”
Son of a bitch. God damn fucking son of a bitch.
He creates your problem, lets you suffer the consequences alone and when it comes time to help himself, suddenly he wants to act like he’s doing you a favour.
Unbelievable. The nerve of this man.
“I don’t need your clout. I’ve just about started to get my life back on track and you have a funny way of bulldozing everything in your path. Pass.”
“You sure about that?” He asks, darkly. “I have a way of getting what I want, you know that.”
The double edge of his words doesn’t go amiss by you, sending a shiver down your spine. Not this time.
“Well. This was terrible, as expected.” You slide your chair out. “JJ, I’ll see you at dinner with the girls on Saturday. And you?” He watches you straighten out your skirt, his gaze lingering on the dip of your hips and your thighs a moment just shy of burning. “I ordered three bottles of Dom on your tab, which I’ll be collecting on my way out.”
His jaw ticks, nostrils flaring. “That’s a $200 bottle of champagne.”
You sidle around to his side of the table, his cologne wafting into your nose. You brush a finger over his shoulders and duck slightly to whisper in his ear. His heart rate spikes slightly, but he does a good job of remaining calm, your lips close enough to tickle the shell of his ear.
“Yep. And I ordered three.” You pat his shoulder harshly before you leave. “It’s the least you can do for me.”
JJ glowers at him but he avoids her gaze and types something on his phone as detached and nonchalant as ever. Her feet tap on the hard concrete, her blood pressure rising steadily at how unbothered he is despite his career and hers being on the line.
“That was the best you could do? I told you that you had to be nice, that you need her more than she needs you and this is the best you could come up with?”
He squints at his phone, using a large hand to block out the sunlight. “Damn. Service here is terrible, I can only get like two bars.” He mutters.
He slams his phone on the table, jaw setting. “This is what I wanted, for goodness sake, have some faith in me, Jennifer.” She frowns, so he goes on. “She thinks she has the upper hand, but I still have one more card to play.” He rotates his phones against the table, passing it through his fingers as he speaks. “And this time, it won’t be neutral turf, I’m going to her. Throwing her off her game.”
She throws her napkin on the table and collects her bag. “No. Okay? No. You are not to manipulate her, you are not to talk to her, you are not to breathe in her general direction. She’s in a good place.” She warns him with a well-manicured finger. “Let her be.” And with that, she turns to leave too, leaving him sitting alone to bask in the sun.
But he pays no mind to JJ’s warning. All is fair in love, war and politics right? One thing she doesn’t know about him yet, is once he has an idea in his head - he’s like a dog with a bone. He will scheme and bend and manipulate to get what he wants, and what he wants right now, is to snuff out that spark in you that gets under his skin.
The ink on the pages begins to blur until all you can see are vague black blotches against white paper. You blink your eyes open, starting a fresh pot of coffee, the old pot, now stale and cold. You’re still on thin ice at work, but Gideon has been slowly sliding bigger and bigger cases onto your desk over the last year or so, and you’re finally able to take work home.
You’d thanked God then. Working in the office wasn't the same - the side eyes and people whispering even four years later, not to mention the numerous sleazy men who’d been under the impression you’d do anything for a court date.
Fucking assholes.
You’ve been dodging calls from Brandon Grant’s father, running out of ways to tell him that you’re trying your best for him. There aren’t enough words in any language to tell a grieving father that the cops who killed his son will walk free, that the justice system is stacked and the politicians in this town care more about lining their own pockets than doing any good.
You’re expecting Kate with copies of correspondence when your door rings. You fill the pot for a few extra cups - Kate always ends up staying longer than she says she will - and go to answer the door but when you open it, the breath is knocked out of your chest.
“Counselor.” Hotch says evenly, with dark eyes. He leans against the doorframe, his large body blocking out most of the light from the hallway.
You slam the door shut in his face, but he keeps it open easily, a large hand stopping the door from latching as he strides in confidently. He tucks his hands into his trouser pockets and takes in your apartment, the papers littered all over the floor, the coffee mugs dotted around and the TV playing Modern Family on mute.
It helps you work.
His gaze sweeps over your bare legs in your lounge shorts and you suddenly feel exposed, crossing your arms over your chest. You feel out of place in your own home, defensive, like you have to fight back. You suppose a man with a presence like his has a habit of doing that to people.
“What do you want?”
He ducks his head and brushes a thumb over his bottom lip, sauntering your open-plan living room and kitchen. “I thought we could continue our conversation from earlier today.”
“Get out.”
“I’m not in the habit of people telling me no, Counselor.” His words are straight-laced but there’s a hint of a threat there that sends an intriguing shiver down your spine.
“Well, I guess hell froze over. I’m telling you no. There’s nothing in this for me, and the audacity to think I’d actually help you-“
“I can get you your bill.” You freeze. “The bill you’ve been trying to get pushed through for Brandon Grant - about the body cams? I can get that for you.”
You release a shaky breath. Your mind is filled with questions and right on cue - as if he can read your mind, he strides towards you.
“Why would you do that?” You ask, backing up.
Truth be told, he’d been trying to figure out a way to fix the situation long before he knew you were lobbying for the bill. Seeing a father cry for his son on television had reminded him why he chose this career - and he uses the word ‘chose’ in the loosest sense.
Senator Philip Hotchner groomed and primed his son for a straight shot to the Senate and eventually the Oval. Something about living vicariously. But he is still a politician, and in lieu of making you think he’s sympathetic and maybe even a halfway decent person - he chooses to manipulate.
“Because I want the Oval. I know how bad you want this bill, I know you care about people.” He says the last part as though it’s dripping with disgust as he steps closer. “I do you this solid, you get me to the Oval. Like I said. Win-win.”
Your first instinct is to tell him to go fuck himself, to tell him that he can keep his favours. But you’re running out of ways to avoid Brandon Grant’s father and you’re worried he’ll just turn up at your office one day - which is when you’ll really just break down.
He watches you intently, studying your face. His eyes are a light hazel in the sun - you hate that you even know that, but right now, in the dim lights, they’re so dark, they could consume you whole.
“Say yes. You’re a smart girl, you know this is how it needs to be. I’m not going to ask again.”
“I want negotiating power.”
“I want to draw up the contracts myself.”
He grimaces. “Fine.” He grunts.
You know you’re going to regret this but you nod. “Fine. You have a deal.”
He inhales, a victorious smile pulling at his lips. “Knew you’d see it my way.” He extends a hand towards you and you take it, your hand slotting into his much larger one, strong and warm. His cologne, musky and citrusy wafts into your nose, he smells like power and money and just- man.
He shakes your hand for just a moment too long, gaze sweeping over your chest and when you try to let go, he pulls you in by your hand, crossing your arm across your body and holding you tight to him in an overpowering grip.
Your breathing quickens and your stomach dips a little at the proximity, memories of four years ago flooding your mind and the space between your thighs. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?” You try to squirm out of his grip.
“That little comment you made a few nights ago at Nick’s?” His face is so close, his nose almost brushing yours when he speaks lowly, his voice deep and vibrating. “I went home and I did use my left hand to get myself off just like you said. Ask me what I thought about.”
Warmth pools in your stomach but you refuse to allow yourself to become trapped in his web again. You shake your head.
He chuckles darkly, his other hand now encasing your ribcage, fingers flexing. “I thought about your pretty little mouth and how swollen it was after you sucked my cock. And I thought about that tight cunt of yours squeezing me tight while you rode me and how sweet you taste.”
He knows he’s being manipulative, getting the upper hand, making you feel like you’re on the defence in your home. But he hates not holding all the cards, and for what he has planned for you, he needs his head on right.
His hand trails down to your thighs, pulling at the waistband of your shorts. Your eyes flutter closed. “I bet, if I were to just … dip my fingers down here,” His fingers trail dangerously close to your inner thighs. “I’d find you ready and willing, and you’d taste just as heavenly as you did last time. Hm?” An involuntary whimper escapes your mouth as he murmurs into the crook of your neck.
He smirks. Bingo.
He releases you suddenly. “Too bad you hate me. Could have tested that theory out otherwise, Princess.”
He inhales and turns to exit, leaving you rooted in place and unable to move. Blood rushes in your ears and wetness pools between your thighs. A spark of victory and anticipation sear his veins but his quick exit has more to do with not allowing you to see - or rather - feel the evidence of his own arousal.
But then again, he’s been in a state of perpetual arousal for you, for the last four years. You needn’t know that, though.
“I’ll have JJ text you the details for the negotiation. Don’t be late, Counselor.”
You’re mine now.
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Don’t Be Sorry
In which Y/N’s past catches up to her... and Colson
Reader x Colson Baker
Warnings: Abuse (Graphic), cursing, violence.
A/N: Seriously, it gets detailed. If you are uncomfortable with domestic abuse/ violence then this is not the fic for you. If you are a victim of abuse, there are resources available for you. The National Domestic Violence Support Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). 
Word Count: 2352
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“To good music and good friends” Colson shouted over the noise of the crowd. The group raised their glasses in a toast before downing the shot. “Now let’s fuckin party!” 
It was your first time out in a while. You liked to pretend it was because you were too busy. I have a job outside of writing music with you, you would always remind the older boy. But truthfully, you weren’t as attached to the party scene as your friends and did whatever you could to avoid them. 
But when Colson asked, well begged, you to go out with them to celebrate finishing Hotel Diablo you couldn’t say no. Colson’s face when you said yes almost made you excited. Almost.
But now on the crowded rooftop of a club you’d never been to in an outfit that was all too tight and all too short, you wished you’d made up an excuse to stay home. Luckily your friends made you forget your unease. 
“Y/N, watch me drink both of these beers in 10 seconds!” Rook shouted, holding two bottles in his hands. You laughed, shaking your head slightly at his antics and pulling out your phone to time him. 
“Ok, go.” You said as he brought the bottles up to his mouth, chugging both in an astounding 9.75 seconds. “Dude that’s insane.” You showed him the timer and he cheered, dragging you to the bar. 
“I’m getting you a drink, whaddyu want?” Rook asked as he waved down the bartender. “Rum and coke?” He questioned, knowing your order by heart at this point.
“How’d you guess.” You asked with a smile on your face. 
“It’s a talent.” Rook laughed, arms flailing as he bowed dramatically. 
The pair of you got your drinks and returned to your group in the middle of the dance floor. When you got back Slim dramatically held out his hand for you to dance with him, and you guys jumped around to the music. 
The drink in your veins made you a little more comfortable. it wasn’t enough to get you into any trouble, just enough to loosen you up for a good time. As the group laughed at AJ’s terrible dance moves, you felt a chill come over the room. 
As the rest of your friends smiled and laughed, you looked around the dance floor, trying to find anything, or anyone, out of place. Unfortunately for you, you were much shorter than the men around you, so you couldn’t see much. 
Colson noticed you weren’t really with the group, and he followed your gaze around the room, leaning in close to you. “Everything ok?” He asked.
“Yeah, I just have this weird feeling.” 
He laughed, “drink too much?” 
You gave him a pointed look and then chuckled to signify you were joking. “No, I just, I don’t know how to explain it. I just have a bad feeling about something.” 
“Ok, well just don’t leave my side. I’ll keep you safe.” He winked at you and you rolled your eyes, but you appreciated the sincerity in his statement. 
Colson and you had been friends for years, but after your last relationship ended... roughly (to put it nicely), he let you stay at his place for a while until you got back on your feet. Since then you’d gotten closer to the tattooed man and come to trust him implicitly. 
You refocused on your friends, watching Pete and Baze racing pints of beers, with Baze winning (for obvious reasons). You laughed as Pete hung his head in shame. He scrunched his nose at you. “I don’t see you chugging anything.” 
This only made you laugh harder, “I don’t think what you were doing is considered “chugging.”” You made air quotes as he put on a mock hurt expression. 
“Y/N’s up next!” Slim shouted and your eyes went wide. 
“Oh hell no, man. I leave that shit up to you guys.” You smiled as he shook his head profusely. 
“Nope, you gotta do it. Rook’s already getting the beer.”
You hung your head, knowing there was no arguing with Slim. “Fine, but I’m gonna lose and then I’m gonna be mad. So if I’m mad, its your fault.” You shook your head as the boys howled. 
Rook came back with two beers in his hand, handing you one. “I’ll give you a head start.” Slim smiled.
“Fuck no, man.” You said before bringing the beer to your lips, chugging the drink. Slim was taken off guard and ended up starting a few seconds after you, which was all the advantage you needed. 
You raised your hands in victory as AJ picked you up in celebration, the boys cheering for you as Slim hung his head. Once you landed back on your feet, Rook threw his arm around your shoulders, “Y/N is the fuckin bomb.” 
You loved this feeling, you loved being surrounded by your friends who loved you. You giggled as he leaned into you, making you stumble under his weight. 
“Oh look, Y/Ns surrounded by all her little man-whores.” His voice sobered you up instantly and made every bone in your body tense up. You looked up to Colson for support, but he was already focused on the man behind you. 
“Not even gonna look at me, damn. You’re really that much of a bitch, huh? Not even gonna say hi?” His voice was like poison in your veins. Every word he spoke reminded you of the last time you saw him. You subconsciously reached up to your neck, rubbing your throat.
“Get the fuck away from her dude.” Colson said shortly. You tried to catch his eye. You wanted to beg him not to make a scene, to just take your hand and leave. But it was too late for that. 
“And who the fuck are you?” Jason, your ex-boyfriend, moved towards Colson and into your view. You flashed back to the night in his living room, his back facing you just like it was now, before he turned around and-
Luckily, Rook’s hand squeezing your shoulder pulled you from your thoughts. You turned to look at him, his head cocked and his eyes questioning. You simply shook your head at him. You looked back to Colson who was seething. You caught Pete’s eye behind him and mouthed, we need to leave.
Pete nodded, grabbing Colson’s arm lightly, but the blond only shook off his friends grasp. 
“Hey, there’s this really cool music store down the street that’s still open, we should go check it out.” AJ said, his eyes trained on you. Thank god for AJ.
“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.” Pete said, “Colson let’s go check it out.” 
You could see Jason’s face change when he figured out who the blond man was. “Yeah, Colson, why don’t you take your bitch and get out of here.”
“Don’t fucking call her that.” Colson moved closer to him and your eyes widened in fear. 
“What? A bitch? That’s what she is, a slutty fucking bitch.” With every word, Jason moved closer to your friend until the two men were almost touching. Tears stung your eyes as you flashed back again. 
“You stupid fucking whore. Who the fuck do you think you are? Fucking around with some asshole rapper! Did you forget you fucking belong to me?”
His words still rang in your mind. You could feel your body begin to shut down, your lungs gasping for breath just like they had that day. 
You were brought back to reality by the screams of protest as Colson pushed your ex-boyfriend away from him, causing Jason’s fist to make contact with Colson’s jaw. 
“You think you can get away with making me look like an idiot? I’m your fucking boyfriend, not him.”
Jason’s fist made contact with your left cheek and your knees failed to hold you up. The man caught you before you hit the ground, leaning forward to pin you against the wall behind you. 
“Y/N, c’mon, let’s go.” Rook’s arm fell to the small of your back as he escorted you through the crowd, Slim following you. You made your way down the stairs, the two boys helping to support your weight. 
“I’m gonna make you remember who you belong to.” 
Jason pinned your arms above your head as he pressed you further into the wall. His free hand made its way up your chest to your throat. His soft grasp turned into a squeeze around your neck. 
“Jason please-”
You tried to talk, but few words could come out. You struggled for air as his eyes grew darker and darker. 
“You think you can go and fuck around with whoever you want, don’t you?”
You shook your head, but he continued.
“You’re a goddamn slut, and you need to learn your lesson.” 
Your vision began to blur.
“Y/N, you okay?” You came back to reality to find yourself in the alley between the club and the neighboring building. Slim was standing in front of you, Rook to your side as you leaned against the wall behind you. 
You shook your head in response and he let out a sigh. Suddenly the door slammed open and you flinched at the noise. 
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
You kneed Jason as a last resort before you lost consciousness, and now you were running through the house. You ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind you and pulling your phone from your pocket, not even noticing the new crack in the screen. You searched for the first name you could think of.
“Colson, take a breath, man!” AJ yelled as he followed the tall blond man outside. 
Colson was pacing a few feet away from you as you tried to focus on breathing, your hand subconsciously reaching for your neck again, as if you were trying to pry his invisible hand off of you. 
Pete moved in front of you, taking in your state of fear. Other than Colson, Pete was the only one who had any idea about your ex. He didn’t know the whole story, only that it ended violently. 
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, keeping his distance as he leaned against the other wall across from you. 
You sniffled and wiped your face, nodding quickly as you realized most of your friends- save for Baze and Colson- were watching you. “Sorry guys- he’s just an ex. He’s kind of an asshole.” 
“Really kid? We couldn’t tell.” AJ tried to joke, and you cracked a small smile, trying to convince them you were ok. 
Your breathing started to slow, and you felt yourself coming down from your panicked state, until you caught Colson’s fist making contact with the wall of the club.  
“Open this fucking door bitch!”
Jason’s fists beat against the door- the only thing standing between you and him.
“He’s gonna kill me Cols. I’m so scared.”
Your sobs rang through the phone as the banging intensified. 
“He can’t save you now, bitch! Not such a big man now, are ya? Colson!”
“Colson!” Baze berated the blond man, who recoiled in pain. “Get your shit together, bro.” He said, quieter.
Colson looked up at his friend and then past him to meet your eyes. His blue orbs softened at the tears in yours. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He whispered, walking over to you. 
He leaned forward against the wall you already occupied, his arms above your head as his head drooped down to watch you. You looked up at him, your hand reaching up to touch his face where Jason had made contact. 
He flinched when your skin met his, causing you to jerk your hand back, afraid he would yell at you for hurting him. 
“It’s okay, I was just surprised is all.” He whispered before grabbing your hand and bringing it back up to his chin. You ran your fingers over the forming bruise lightly, another tear falling from your eyes. 
“I’m so sorry.” You whispered. “I didn’t think he’d- I didn’t know...” You trailed off, looking down and dropping your hand from Colson’s face. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” He moved one hand to gently tilt your face up, leaning down to be closer to you, “Look at me. This was not your fault. Okay? You don’t need to be sorry for anything, babe. You did nothing wrong.” 
“I just- if I hadn’t called you that night-”
“You wouldn’t be here. Y/N if you hadn’t called me you could’ve been seriously hurt. He could’ve killed you.” 
You took a shaky breath in, sniffling. Colson sniffled too. “Y/N, this is nothing, okay? I would take a thousand more punches like this if it means that douchebag never comes near you again. I mean it. Don’t blame yourself for this, okay?” You nod, reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck as you bury your head into his shoulder, your nose pressed against his neck. 
His arms wrapped around you and you could hear his sniffles in your ear as his lips pressed against your hair. “Thank you.” You mumble into his neck, pressing your lips against the hot skin. 
“Hey! Get the fuck out of here! This isn’t some fucking party you can photograph. Fuck off with your cameras!” Pete yelled, causing you to release Colson and look towards the commotion. You briefly see a figure in the distance before a white flash blinds you. 
“Fuckin paps.” Colson whispered, his arms still wrapped around your waist. 
“Let’s get outta here, guys.” Slim says, leading everyone back into the club to leave through the back door. Colson interlocked your hand with his as you stepped into the building, keeping you as close to him as possible as you squeezed your way through the crowd. 
Once you loaded yourselves into the van, you leaned your head on Colson’s shoulder, your hands still interlocked. “Can I stay at yours tonight?” You asked in a whisper. Colson simply pressed a kiss to your forehead, his hand leaving yours to wrap around you and pull you closer to him.  
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negans-lucille-tblr · 3 years
Too Close (Absent Sequel) - Chapter Two
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Summary: Dean and Y/N are finally happy and settled in Paris, but there’s something threatening to disturb their peace - and with them comes secrets and betrayal.
Rating: 18+ (Smut/Angst/Fluff - Dark scenes)
Chapter Tags: angst, mentions of smut, mentions of taking drugs, hints of non con, mentions of male masturbation, mentions of nudes, daddy kink
Chapter WC: ± 2.2K
A/Ns: Please send me an ask to be tagged in this series!
This fic is currently being posted four weeks (8 chapters) ahead on Discord.
Too Close Masterlist // Daughter!Reader Masterlist
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Chapter Two
Sam’s POV
> Miss you so much Daddy, need your cock so badly x
Sam stares at the text that’s just come through and sighs as he pushes back in his office chair and closes his laptop. He purses his lips as he reads the text again, and then glances out of his office window, towards the pool. He misses seeing Y/N take her nightly swims, watching the way she would glide back and forth through the water, in those tiny teasing bikinis she used to wear. Fuck, what he wouldn’t give to see that again right now. He’s been stressed for weeks, and he needs some kind of relief. It didn’t take him long to start understanding why Dean used to bury himself in pussy and coke when he wasn’t working. Sam had never really been one for the more colourful side of the industry, always too busy focusing on getting to where he is now, but he had underestimated just how much weight would be on his shoulders, being the sole man in charge. 
He’d considered hiring a right hand man, but he didn’t trust anyone - not even Dean. He couldn’t give Dean any kind of position that could let him worm his way back into power. Besides, Dean wasn’t even interested, too busy with everything he suddenly had going for him in Paris. At first, Sam didn’t have the same hold over Cas that Dean supposedly did, because Cas didn’t quiver every time Sam barked an order like he had with Dean. Dean had had a way with Cas that got things done, that Sam had never really figured out. But he’d found his own ways of getting into Cas’ good books eventually. About eighteen months ago, Sam found himself getting his knuckles dirty with Claire’s boyfriend’s blood. 
He pretended he was beating the guy up for violating Claire when she got a little too out of it, at yet another company function she’d dragged him to, but Sam knew exactly who the douchebag he would be sending away in an ambulance was. He was the guy that introduced Y/N to drugs and partying, and turned her into one of those girls for a while. Sam’s not dumb, he knows the asshole probably took advantage of his little girl any chance he got at those parties, and that very thought had Sam seeing red, until that same red stained his clothes. Cas had been so grateful that Sam had stepped in, and since that day he’d been a little more respectful of Sam as his new boss. 
But Cas wasn’t the only one who was grateful. The first time Claire offered her appreciation, Sam found them both alone in his office, with her biting her lip and rounding his side of the desk, leaning back on it and stretching out her long bare legs in front of her. Sam can remember how the tiny mini skirt she was wearing that day did barely anything to cover her decency, and he wonders what he’d have made of Y/N wearing something that slutty around an older man that she didn’t truly know all that well. Claire’s intentions were clear the moment she pushed her hair back over her shoulder to make sure her low cut top showed enough cleavage. Sam had been particularly stressed that day, and he’d had no trouble taking it out on the blonde the same age as Y/N, as he bent her over his desk and let her thank him for his help, eventually shooting his load down the back of her throat. 
At the time, it had been a while since Sam had let go like that. He’d been so focused on the business and then on Y/N, he hadn’t realised how much better he felt with some relief. And work kept him in Kansas far more often than he’d hoped, meaning that he barely got to go to Paris. And Y/N has only been back here once. So without her around as much as he’d like, he had needed something to take the edge off that was a little more local - and Claire was just that. He hadn’t expected her to want to repeat that evening in his office, but she came back only a few days later with wide eyes and a playful smirk, and Sam figured there was no harm in fucking her against the office door, and making her scream out his name as he thought about Y/N and how tight she’d feel around his cock. 
Claire became a regular thing. Every few days she’d turn up and he’d take out all his frustrations on her, fuck her until she could barely walk straight back to her Daddy, and he’d leave around little bags of product for her to find, which always kept her coming back. And Sam wanted her to come back. Claire was the only thing making his job just a little easier to handle, and it helped that everytime he sank his cock inside whatever hole she offered him, he’d think of Y/N. If Sam knew Claire was coming, he’d flick through the photos of Y/N he still had on his phone and get himself worked up in preparation. Sam had even got Claire calling him Daddy. It didn’t sound right in her mouth at first, but he soon got used to it, making her scream it every time he near enough split her in two. She’d be so high and out of her mind, she’d do anything he demanded of her. A real little slut her real Daddy would be so proud of. 
Claire was turning Sam into everything he’d always condemned Dean for, but he didn’t care. Maybe if he was more like her Daddy, Y/N would finally want him. 
But Sam put a stop to all that when Y/N finally came back to Kansas for Christmas. He’d realised that Claire was only a distraction, and not the placeholder he had tried to make her. With Claire scratching at least some of the itch, Sam had let his focus slip from the real prize, and he couldn’t have that. Having Y/N around made him realise that - made him remember what he really wanted. Claire paled in comparison to his darling niece and always would. No matter how slutty, needy and desperate for his attention she was. He only wanted to give that to Y/N now. 
She’s his, she belongs to him, and now that he’s got the business and there’s no chance of Dean taking it back without a fight, Sam’s starting to regret ever letting his brother anywhere near Y/N. He had figured Dean would get bored of her by now. Lord knows Dean’s barely lasted more than a few days with any other girl. Hell, he couldn’t even keep it in his pants for a month after finding out Jamie was pregnant.  Sam had been positive that Dean would’ve conquered Y/N, used her up and moved on after a few weeks of sex fuelled nights in Paris. Sam was half expecting Dean to come back to Kansas with his tail between his legs, and beg Sam for some kind of position in the company. 
But Dean has bigger and better things in Paris apparently. He has that hotel, and he’d bought a couple of restaurants since then, and most importantly, he still has Y/N. If only Dean knew - but he could never know. Sam’s fairly sure Dean would kill him if he ever found out the truth about Y/N. And not just who her real father is - something Sam spent years making himself forget, perfecting it so well he truly did start seeing himself as Y/N’s uncle. But Dean couldn’t find out about the other stuff either. Dean could never find out that Sam had put all those dirty thoughts into Y/N’s head about fucking him. Dean could never even think that Sam had taught his baby girl how to fuck herself, or showed her porn, or put her up to those seductive photos. 
At the thought of them, Sam reaches for his cell and opens the private folder. He clicks the first thumbnail and his eyes meet with the bikini top pushed to one side, revealing her hard nipple. All pink and perfect and just right for between his teeth. It feels like a whole lifetime ago now, when she’d trusted him enough to send him these photos, desperate for the validation she was craving from her daddy. Needy and eager to know she was desirable, that she was one of those slutty little girls that Dean ruined for breakfast and forgot about by lunch. She’d trusted Sam with that. He should’ve taken his opportunity whilst he had it. If he’d have been smarter, he probably could’ve gotten everything he wanted in one fell swoop. The business and Y/N. At the very least he should’ve swooped in to take her a lot sooner, before she was settled and living the perfect dream life with Dean in Paris. 
He had had every intention of making her his the first time he visited Paris, only six months after they moved there, but after Sam caught her stuffed full with his brother a few days into his trip, Dean had spent the remainder of Sam’s time there trying to make things right and justifying what he and Y/N were doing together, and Sam had to act like he didn’t know - that he wasn’t any the wiser. Sure they’d both suggested in the past that their feelings for Y/N weren’t natural, but it was a far cry from acting on it. And Sam could no longer play blissfully ignorant to the fact that his brother was fucking his little girl. Sam had tried to at least pretend to have to come around to the idea - and it wasn’t all that hard. He still wasn’t okay with it. But Dean didn’t have to know it was jealousy that tainted his acceptance, and not disgust. 
So his first trip hadn’t gone as planned, and then business got stressful. Sam had always been respected by people, but he’d never been seen as the top dog, and he’d heard the rumours about Dean and his daughter running off to France and why that might be. Sam ignored them all for the most part, but didn’t mind setting some records straight when he needed to. It had been a swim upstream for him the last couple of years, but finally, he thinks he might be keeping his head above choppy waters. Especially now he’s not inviting Claire around to distract him. It had been six months since she’d last been of any use to him, but she still tried. She’d send him texts begging for his cock, turn up to try (and fail) to seduce him, and sometimes she even sent slutty photos of what he’s supposedly missing. At that thought, his eyes glance back to his cell, and he smirks softly, scrolling to the next photo of Y/N. It doesn’t matter how many times he sees the image of her naked and sitting with her legs spread in that closet, it still never fails to get Sam’s cock painfully hard, and he mindlessly opens his slacks to sort out the problem he’s suddenly found himself with. 
Sam’s feeling just a little better when he eventually leaves his office, and finds Dean still in his. Usually Dean’s eager to get back to Paris after showing his face and making an attempt to catch up with his brother for a day or two, so Sam’s surprised to see he’s still here, almost a week later. And after a little conversation about it, Sam learns that Dean’s avoiding her. This could be his way in. Plus, it gets him out of Kansas for a little while, maybe Claire will finally get the hint too. Dean can’t give Y/N what she wants, and Sam knows that guilt is gonna crush him sooner or later, and he’ll leave Y/N alone and vulnerable, and Sam needs to be around when that happens. If he starts laying the groundwork now, Y/N is bound to turn to him for comfort. 
"So, London is a distraction," Sam finally says, watching Dean sigh and rub his eyes. 
"She just needs a new project, that's all," Dean insists. "Once she gets planning and designing in London she'll forget about all of this." Sam nods slowly, understanding Dean’s logic, but hoping it fails, before he clears his throat. 
“Listen, I need a break, why don’t I come back to Paris with you? Having me around might help to distract Y/N a little bit too, help keep her mind off things, and it gives you a break too.” Dean purses his lips a little and considers Sam’s words.
“Yeah, that sounds good, Sammy,” he agrees. “Thank you.” 
“Of course, so let me tie up a few business things and we can leave within the hour.” 
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Next Chapter >
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Always and Forevers: @stoneyggirl​ / @hoewkeye​ / @dandywinchesterbras​ / @foxyjwls007​ / @kyjey​ / @spnbaby-67​ / @waywardbabie​ / @phoenixblack89​ / @miraclesoflove​ / @valisiofdauntless​ / @peaches007​ / @xoxabs88xox​ / @sam-girl1998-blog​ / @linki-locks11​ / @vulgar-library​ / @jades-bullshit​ / @dirty-pan-goblin​ / @little-diable​ / @waywardbaby​ / @tatted-trina6​ / @lunarmoon8​ / @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone​ / @warrior-angel​
* * *
Supernatural Forevers: @moosekateer13​ / @akshi8278​ / @atc74​ / @notyourtypicalrose​ / @angelofthetrenchcoats​ / @pyroqueen-k​ / @thecreatiivecorner​ / @collette04​ / @lovealways-j​ / @noneedtoknow789​ / @socalgem1124​ / @impala1967dwinchester​ / @thoughts-and-funnies​ / @blueaura​ / @animegirlgeeky​ / @onethirstyunicorn​ / @zeppette​ / @lettersofwrittencollective​ / @beth-winchester21​ / @laxe-chester67​ / @nightsbite​ / @h0unds-of-h3ll​ / @squigglylinesdotthei​ / @an-unforgettable-place​ / @seawinggs​ / @krazykelly​ / @shelvierenablatt​ / @bobbie3939​ / @sharp-cheekbones-locked​ / @jaydahlynne​ / @michellemxndes​ / @allys-creative-bubble​ / @squirrelnotsam​ / @lyarr24​ / @deansbxtch​ / @pinkshenanigan​ / @beskaradberoya​ / @mikadwinchester​ / @chocolateheart​ / @cluz1babe​ / @musicalraven100​
* * *
Too Close Tags: @deans-baby-momma​ / @lifeofrileyp​ / @smellingofpoetry​ / @sweetaspiesammy​ / @destiel-bridesmaid​ / @x-mypeopleskillsarerusty-x​ / @healpeony​ / @cemini-winchester​  / @destielstuffandthings​ / @moonlightandscarlet​ / @prettysourabbie​ / @bobbysxidgits​ / @brookelan​ / @xhannahbananax03​ / @teresa-67​ / @vikki240401​ / @inkedaztec​ / @awinchester27​ / @cutebutnotinorcent​ / @cole22ann​ / @1800-bleach​ / @deangirldream​ / @ghostlygooppeanutwobbler​ / @deanscroissant​ / @jensenswinchester​ / @secretlovexo​ / @tremendouseggsmugpizza / @shawnie74​ 
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zosociologist · 4 years
"Dating Eddie (Vedder✨) Would be Like..." Headcannon
(a/n: written with a black reader in mind🍸)
Warnings?: Just a smidgen (just a.....a lil crumb👌) of smut👀👉👈
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ABSOLUTE......C H A O S ! ! !
but a good kinda chaos
Eddie usually has himself together (sometimes) around others and the same thing goes for you
But when you two fucknuts get together......it's like someone dropped 50 mentos into a punch bowl full of diet coke(caine)
But you two are honestly the cutest, especially when you both haven't seen each other in a long time💞
At first you didn't take him for the cuddling type?
That shit got nipped in the bud REAL quick
Any chance he gets he likes to hold onto you😭
You were watching 'A Different World' together at your shared apartment and you were sprawled out on the couch.....
DIS BOY.....had the au-d a c i t y to just lay on you!
"Sir, what are you doing?"
"I was cold and you're very warm and soft and you smell nice (:"
"Babe, it's 85 degrees outside-"
*you try to move* *he just shifts his head*
"Fuck it, go ahead😌"
You both have your parental moments where you have each other's back
Eddie pushes himself a lot, so you're always there to make sure he doesn't overdo it on certain things
And he knows when to pull the plug when he believes you're going past your limits
You're his biggest fan (Chris says otherwise👀👉👈 you all got drunk one night and you two had a showdown on who was the biggest Pearl Jam fan....Chris won 😂)
Live events? You're there hyping up the band at soundcheck and during performances, you know all the lyrics and play a mean air guitar👌
Of course you're cool with The Boys™, they think you're good for him yada yada yada all of that wholesome shit😏
BUT WHEN IT COMES TO Y O U doing the simplest stuff?!
He won't let you do SHIT!
Exhibit A: *climbs a counter in the Kitchen to get something high up that HE MOST LIKELY PUT THERE*
"y/n what are you doing!? Get down you're gonna hurt yourself!!!"
Looooots of adventures together!
Impromptu dates at hole in the wall restaurants
Record store trips: Gotta love music hunts!
You were heartbroken when you stood in line for literal hours for the new 'Tribe Called Quest' album and they sold out
Little did you know, Eddie got you a copy from the same shop a day in advance and really just fucking waited so you'd "appreciate it more".
"Don't worry, you don't have to thank me..........I lied, yes you do. Cash is accepted."
"I don't have cash, do you take sex?👀"
Speaking of Seeeeexxxxxxx😏
He's a freak (we been knew💀)
Oh are you both at a party?
"You better keep that pretty mouth shut unless you want everyone to hear how fucking slutty you are~"
*pulls out completely* "Okay what."
"Okay Daddy~"
Wash day for you? A pain. Only because he uses up your special hair products and shit when you decide to deep condition your hair
"I......................................but my curls-"
Of course, this leads to you having to make a stop to the beauty supply store!✨
Eddie loves going with you Every. Single. Time. U w U.
*gasps seeing a poster of a black woman with burgundy box braids* "Babe you'd look so cute with these!"
He loves watching you plat and fix your hair and take care of it, it's a culturally enriching experience for him that he appreciates😊
*watches you fix your hair in Bantu knots* "Oh those are BADASS!!!"
He thinks the world of you and who you are as a person, and would literally curbstomp a fucker if they had something insensitive or disrespectful to say about you. Then He'd tell folks. Then THEY'D curbstomp the fuck out of em.
You two get each other, and if it's good enough for you both...that's all that matters💕
But ummm......yeah! Y'ALL CUTE!!! OR WHATEVA!!!!
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sugarsugarmoon · 4 years
omg can you do yoongi + humiliation kink pls
Summary: Yoongi x reader
Genre: smutty smut
Warnings: exhibitionism, humiliation, degradation, butt plug, vibrator
a/n: you guys...have no idea... I’ll put in the read more when I’m back on my computer.
WC: 909
As you dress for your flight, you can’t help but think how impractical this outfit is. Usually you’d wear a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt, but Yoongi had other ideas.
You slip the tights over your feet, pulling them taut into place. They have built-in garters, so they are essentially crotchless stockings. After straightening the legs, you pull on a silky red pair of underwear over the top. Last time you’d made the mistake of putting your underwear under your tights, and Yoongi had cut them off of you. A shame really because you loved those ones.
You slide your feet into the heals that he had chosen and grabbed your bag. He was meeting you at the airport, and he’d told you exactly what he wanted you to wear.
After the two of you make it through security, you find your way to your gate. You plop down on the seat, trying not to let your short skirt ride up too much.
“Do you feel like a little whore?” Yoongi growls into your ear.
You swallow hard, feeling the heat in your underwear grow.
“Take this to the bathroom and put both of them in,” he says, handing you a small, black velvet bag.
You feel the weight of it, and you’re certain that you know what’s in it, though Yoongi does surprise you. You lock the door to the stall. A gem butt plug in the shape of a pink heart, the first one Yoongi ever bought you, and a wearable vibrator peek out at you from the bag.
You were already wet, but this sends you over the edge. You slide the vibrator right into place then use the little bottle of lube to insert the plug snugly in your ass. You feel very full with the still vibe inside your pussy and the plug.
Before you even leave the bathroom, you feel the sensation, the vibration. You’ve been so turned on for so long that it makes you moan. You look around you to make sure no one heard you, but you can’t be sure.
The rest of the time that you wait to board your flight, Yoongi randomly hits the button, startling you with pleasure. You’re glad that you have to wear a mask because people are less likely to see your face contort. You board, and you’re in a row with a stranger. You take the window, Yoongi the middle, and the man on the aisle. You give Yoongi a stern look, and he raises up his hands as if he’s innocent.
Halfway through the flight, you’ve almost forgotten about the various objects inside of you. Almost.
Yoongi leans over, “go to the bathroom and take off your panties. Stuff then in your mouth then come back.”
Your eyes widen.
You unsteadily walk toward the tiny lavatory onboard. In the bathroom, you slide down the silky soaking piece of fabric. You stuff it in your mouth, tasting your own arousal. With the loops of your masks securely back on your ears, you head back to your seat.
You settle in until the flight attendant starts to come closer to take drink orders. When she’s on the row before yours, Yoongi hits the button, turning on the vibrator. You feel like you’re going to cry out when he leaves it on and puts the remote away in his pocket.
The flight attendant asks the man in the aisle if he wants anything first, then yoongi. When it’s your turn, you just shake your head.
“Oh come on, honey, you have to want something.”
You shake your head again.
In your ear, he whispers, “order something and I’ll let you cum.”
“ -an I ave coke,” you stumble over the panties and the pleasure.
The flight attendant gives you a puzzled look but gets you the beverage. Your fingers shake as you reach for it across your boyfriend.
“Good girl,” he says smugly and loudly.
You set the cup down on the tray table then look at him with pleading eyes.
“Oh does my little whore want what was promised to get?”
You nod frantically, very aware of the lack of panties against your pussy. Yoongi laughs.
“Aren’t you afraid you’re going to be so loud? Let everyone on the plane know what a filthy slut you are? You don’t want that do you? Or maybe you do? Want everyone to know that you let someone make you cum while they sat there reading their books? You like when people know how slutty you are?”
The vibrating against your clit and g spot have made it so difficult to think that you nod, not even sure what you’re agreeing to. Yoongi lifts his hand up to your eye level, fingers pressed together like he’s going to snap. You look at him with pleasing eyes, and he nods his head toward his hand.
You watch the movement of his fingers closely. Finally they move, and upon the sound of the snap, you cum hard. You try to keep the sound inside but a little whimper escapes across your lips.
The man in the aisle turns and looks at you with a raised eyebrow. The furrow in is brow leads you to believe that he’s been on to you the whole time.
“Good little slut,” Yoongi whispers in your ear as he flicks off the switch for the vibrator.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Shining Star | Part Two
[Axl Rose x OC]
Words: 3.1k
Warning(s): Explicit language, mentions of suicide
Tag list: @teller258316 @reigns420 @xpoisonousrosesx @oskea93 @blowinmeupwithherlove @redlipscrystalskies14 @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @sublimeprincesswasteland
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"Pretty as a picture." I say to myself, swiping lipstick across my lips in the bathroom mirror before I click the tube shut and make sure my hair looks good. 
My stomach churns at the thought of seeing Tommy...and Vince. 
I haven't spoken a word to Vince since he got Tami pregnant a year and a half ago, and I haven't spoken to Tommy since he leapt out of my bedroom window after 3 minutes of awkward sex. 
"Do you fuck all of your friends?" My mother's words come back to bite me in the ass as I groan out in frustration. 
The only plus to any of this is that I'll get to hang out with Viv. 
There. Viv. Just focus on Vivian. 
I leave the bathroom and glance around to see if I see any familiar faces. 
I pull the skirt of my dress down a little and rub my lips together, people passing left and right, looking either too drunk to be bothered or too busy. 
"Tansy?" I hear a confused voice and look straight ahead, seeing Vivian by the payphone. 
"Hey!" I reply excitedly, rushing to her as fast as I can, being careful not to trip over my feet adorned in red heels. 
Vivian Sixx—Kinston at that point—had a ballet scholarship to Juilliard, never missed a Sunday church service, and was one of those annoyingly gorgeous girls that genuinely thought they were ugly. She couldn't stand her red hair because she was teased in middle school and called "firecrotch," she hated her freckles and her height because she'd been compared to a giraffe--"tall as shit with brown spots"--and the fact her mom was a batshit crazy Jesus lunatic never helped matters…but that stuff was all in her head because after middle school, guys looked at her differently, Jesus-lover and all. She saw annoying traits, but most people saw legs a mile long, a unique hair color that stood out in the sea of bleach blonde, freckles that framed emerald green eyes, and a heart as kind and beautiful inside as she was on the outside. 
She's always said I was the most gorgeous woman she'd ever met, but she is, to me, the most stunning. 
She didn't have to try to get anybody's attention, she walked in a room and she had it--so much so that Matt Sorum called her "Fire Woman" after The Cult song because he claimed that's the first thing that came to mind when he first saw her walking back stage at his first gig with Guns N' Roses. "She could give me the fucking clap and I'd kiss her feet for it." He told me, his facial expression mimicking someone who'd been struck by lightening twice…
People always looked at her like that but she rarely noticed because she'd be too busy looking up at Nikki with utter hearts in her eyes, but we'll get into that later.
"What are you doing here?" She asks me curiously. 
"Vince called me and wanted me to come." I explain and she raises her brows. 
"Vince?" She asks and I nod. "The same Vince that cheated on you multiple times Freshman year? And your entire relationship?"
"It's been, what, four years?" I ask, in reference to how long it's been since he and I started dating. "Maybe he's grown up a little." I suggest and she just clears her throat, cueing the hollering of an angry girl.
"Fuck you! Piece of shit! Motherfucker!" She shouts, the sound of her hitting Vince gets louder and she stomps down the hall as he follows after her, continuously trying to get her attention by saying "babe" repeatedly. 
"My pants! Babe!" He's fully in sight now as she stomps off...and he's fully naked.
"Fuck you!" She calls back to him, leaving him behind. 
"I fucking love those pants." He whines, disappointed, cupping his dick. 
"Your swimsuit parts are out." Vivian tells him, and he and I make contact over her shoulder, my nerves tensing up anxiously as he looks at me with a grin. 
"Hey, Tans." He says to me, about to come closer but Vivian stops him. 
"Go put some clothes on." She orders to him and he rolls his eyes, turning and walking away, his butt shining as he leaves. "You had sex with that." She reminds me and I frown slightly. 
"Yeah, he hasn't changed a bit has he?" I ask her and she shakes her head a little. 
"He's gotten worse." She states. "Alright, c'mon, let's go see Tommy." She takes my hand and leads me to where he is, my heart nearly beating out of my chest. 
How awkward is this going to be? 
We turn the corner and see him and two other guys standing in their street clothes, and when Tommy sees me, all my nerves dissipate because he completely makes me forget our awkward sex never even happened. 
"Tansy fucking Reilen!" He exclaims excitedly as I walk to him to hug him. 
He leans down to reach my 5'3" height and wraps his arms tightly around me. 
"Hey, Tommy!" I reply, just as happy. 
This is the first time he, Vivian, and I, will be hanging out together...Viv's been having to hangout with us separately because we've been avoiding each other for the most part. I guess we don't have to, anymore. 
He releases me, immediately turning to the ball of teased, jet black hair. 
"This is Nikki," he informs me, "the band's bassist." 
Hazel eyes--nearly green--look down at me behind his hair, traveling down my face, to my chest, down my legs, and back up again, the tiniest, mischievous smirk on his lips, and I raise my brow a tiny bit…
Trouble. Trouble. Trouble. Trouble. Is exactly what Nikki was, and it was all he and I could get ourselves into for years to follow.
"And this is Tansy." Tommy tells Nikki, oblivious to how he's looking at me.
"Nice to meet you." I tell Nikki. 
"Yeah." He replies. 
"And Mick, our guitarist." Tommy says next, nodding to the shorter man who's also got jet black hair. 
"Hi." I say to him. 
He just gives a small smile and mumbles, "hey."
"He's a little quiet but when you get to know him he opens up." Tommy says to me, quietly as Vince reappears with clothes on. "We were about to head to the rainbow," he starts next, his eyes flickering to Viv. "If someone's willing to stay out late." 
"Fine." Vivian doesn't argue, sighing out. 
"Hallelujah. Thank fuckin' God." Vince pipes, sliding his arm around my shoulder, making me roll my eyes. 
The entire time to the Rainbow, Vivian and Nikki are constantly back and forth, tearing each other new assholes and going for each other's throats. I don't know what beef they have with each other but it's brutal and borderline sex fueled. 
Once we get to the bar and grill, I drag Viv to the bathroom with me so I can touch up my makeup. 
"So…" I start, looking in the mirror, "...have you lost your virginity yet?" 
"No." She says it as if she's slightly offended. 
"It's just…" I start but quickly decide that it'll just piss her off, probably. "Nothing." 
"Tansy." She sighs, irritated. "What is it?" 
"Nothing. I just thought you and that Nikki guy have messed around." I shrug and she looks like she's seen a ghost. 
"I—ew why would you think that? We haven't." She insists and I hold my hands up in surrender. 
"I'm sorry, I just thought you had." I tell her. 
"What makes you think we have?" 
"There's a tension." The words are framed by a smirk and she widens her eyes. 
"There is not a tension. There is so not a tension." She gets it out without laughing although I can tell she wants to. “We argue. All the time. He thinks I’m a self-righteous prude and I think he’s the spawn of Satan. If there’s a tension, it’s because we hate each other.”
"You don't have to like someone to have sex with them." I inform her, speaking from experience of the guys who've had sex with me without giving a damn, and me having sex with guys I didn't necessarily like just to make them happy. "I really like him for you, though. You get all riled up and firey when he's around." 
"Oh, please." She rolls her eyes. 
“I just met the guy and I can tell he has you acting different. You used to be so quiet and shy around people you don’t really know, now you’re jumping in to conversations just to piss him off and prove him wrong.”
“Because I don’t like him.” She shakes her head. “And he doesn’t like me. That’s where the tension comes from. See? It’s full-circle.”
"Hate-sex is always an option." I suggest. 
"Do not even start." She scolds me, pointing her finger. 
"What? It gets rid of all the aggression and ill feelings." I explain. 
“So does their shows. Did you know they encourage people to get their feelings out during a show so they go home chilled out and not so uptight?” she tells me and I look at her, not even the slightest bit convinced. “And it works.”
“Yeah, until he gets off stage and then you get all hot and bothered.” I reply with a grin. 
“I get hot because he’s Devil-Spawn and the heat from hell radiates off of him and I get bothered because he’s an arrogant idiot.”
“Or you like him and don’t know why you do so you displace your frustration and confusion on to him.” I shoot back. “I was honestly joking about the hate sex okay? I don’t want you to go jump in to bed with him if you don’t want to but you two were fighting like cats and dogs the whole time we were on our way here. I think you should try to let whatever kind of bravery he evokes in you come out in a way that’s not in the form of riled up anger or fiery hatred.” I recommend and she nods a little. “Now, c’mon because I have a slutty blonde waiting.”
That was the night Mötley Crüe was signed to Elektra records by rock-god signing Tom Zutat, who's responsible for record companies grasping ahold of a plethora of leather-patented hair metal douchebags that could make good music and snort their way through long enough power rails of coke that once they reach the end of white powder without flinching, China's on the other side. But you want to know a secret? It was all bullshit. Every person I've met in that rock scene, you know, the ones that despised the term "hair metal" yet teased their hair two feet above their heads and played heavy metal? Yeah, them. Every single one of them had this "I was made for this shit" attitude. 
Some of them nearly put bullets through their head, OD'd, hung themselves, turned their cars on and locked themselves in their garage...even the ones that hadn't purposely tried to take themselves out either almost pushed it too far and died accidentally from too much booze or drugs or vehicle accidents, or did push it too far. 
They weren't made for it. 
Nobody's fucking made for millions of people wanting a piece of them every single night, management running them to their grave for more money, dealers keeping them numb, all their relationships just exploding in their faces, all of their "friends" wanting more and more and more. 
They thought they were made for it because when someone gets a taste of what they decide the universe or God or whoever or whatever destined for them to become, they take it and run with it without reading the fine print. 
They see the fame without the lack of privacy and hangers-on. 
They see the fans without the people who hate their guts and make it known. 
They see the money without the gold diggers. 
They see the excess without the high risk that comes with taking advantage of having everything with the snap of their fingers. 
They see the glutton without the punishment. 
Until they're standing on the railing of the balcony of their Hollywood penthouse, their best friend trying to talk them down while the police are on their way. 
And then of course when they do turn up dead by suicide, people talk their typical, "how awful, they killed themselves in their mansion, surrounded by their expensive furniture, wearing their expensive clothes, with millions—possibly billions—in their bank account, how sad for them, boohoo." 
As someone who's been dirt broke, to the point of getting my water cut off and having to shower at a friend's house, but then growing up to have more money than I knew what to do with aside from blow it on drugs? Money doesn't buy happiness, jerkoffs. It can buy distractions to buffer pain and suffering, sure, but once the high wears off, or that new car loses its luster, or that new house starts to feel fucking empty, all while that wall full of awards and plaques and magazine posters cementing your fame and worth and stake in the industry you sold your soul for just reminds you that you don't even recognize who the hell you are anymore and nothing can change that...you get fucking depressed. Hate to say it. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, that even though you're poor as shit and are depressed as shit that even if you had money and fame you'd still be fucking sad. But I'd rather tell you the truth than sell you the fallacy that me and everybody else I was friends with bought, that landed every single one of us in situations where we felt we had no other way except to just off ourselves all while remembering when we were stupid enough to proudly say: "I was made for this." 
People are made for this like Matthew Trippe replaced Nikki Sixx, which—if you want the truth—is complete bullshit.
“He said we could possibly score a five album deal, Viv, why aren’t you happy about this? I thought you wanted us to get signed?” Tommy asks Vivian as she slings her keys across the guys' shitty living room, pissed beyond measure.
“You just told me you were dropping out of school, Tommy! We are so close to graduating, can’t you just wait?!” 
“No, I can’t! I can’t just wait because what I wanted is happening and I need to focus on the band right now more than ever!” He argues while motioning to Nikki and Vince, who, like me, are being smart and staying near the door incase we need to get out of sight once Vivian and Tommy kill each other.
“Your education should be your main focus, at least until you graduate! You are so close to being done, Tommy, why can’t you just—“
“Because I don’t give a fuck about school, Vivian! What I am passionate about doesn’t require a diploma, and I’m sorry if me dropping out makes you feel like I’m leaving you behind or whatever the fuck you feel, but I’m not sorry for wanting to focus on my main priority!”
“What I’m hearing is that I wasted hours of my time throughout school trying to tutor you and help you all for you to throw it away on the idea of being some hot-shot rockstar with girls and drugs and booze—”
“Oh, my God, you act like you would have had better things to do with that wasted time!” He sounds like he already knows he's gonna lose the argument while Vivian just rolls her jaw. “And it’s not a fucking idea, it’s fucking reality and you’re only mad because you have no control over it!”
“I’m mad because we talked about this and everything we agreed on, everything we promised each other, is absolute void to you now that it’s actually happening!” 
“Shit changes, Viv, people change! What I considered important junior year is completely different than what I consider important now.” He calms down, sighing. 
“We agreed we would both graduate high school and I could either put off college or drop out if I needed to...” she trails off, her voice shaking slightly with oncoming tears, making me feel bad for her. “That was our plan to avoid this from happening. To avoid you leaving me behind.” Now it's crystal clear why she's freaking out over them being offered a record deal. “You considered me important junior year when you came up with that plan. When you promised me you wouldn’t go on to bigger things without me and forget me. And now...” She takes a step back, while Tommy attempts to walk to her. 
“Viv, I didn’t mean it like that.” He tries to tell her. 
“No, you’re right.” she replies, her body shaking a little. “Shit changes.” I raise my brow because I've never heard her curse before. “People change.” She keeps on. “Glad this is happening now, though, so I don’t waste any more time on a completely different page than you, Tommy.” Her voice cracks a little and she grabs her keys quickly.
“Viv—“ Tommy tries to grab her arm as she heads to the door but she snatches away from him. “Fuck you.” she cracks, her voice barely coming out as tears spill over her  lashes. 
Nikki and Vince step aside to let her leave all while I contemplate following her, but if I know Vivian, I know she likes to think about things when she's upset, rather than just talk them out with someone. Which is the only time she likes to be alone. 
She just slams the door on us, and Tommy. 
Most definitely wouldn't be the last time she did that.
"Tommy, are you—"
"—I'm goin' home." He grumbles, grabbing his keys, and me and Nikki and Vince all look at each other. 
"Tommy, you are home?" Nikki reminds him. 
"I'm stayin' with my folks so I can vent to my sister because she's the only one who knows Viv good enough to know she's being fuckin' unreasonable." He states. 
"I barely know her and I can tell you she's unreasonable." Nikki scoffs, earning a glare. "Sorry, man." He mumbles in return. 
"Bye." Tommy says, closing the door behind him. 
"Well...I'm gonna go find a chick to fuck." Vince says, stretching.
"You got one right here." Nikki chuckles looking at me and I raise my brows. 
"Not since I knocked Tami up." Vince reads my mind and I nod. 
"Exactly." I reply. 
"Who?" Nikki asks. 
"Nobody. Don't wait up." He tells us, opening the door and leaving, too, more than likely heading to the strip club down the street. 
"So, like, how old are you?" Nikki asks. 
He just gets a shit eating grin on his lips. 
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justcallmehitgirl · 5 years
Rose-Colored Boy (Peter Parker x Female Reader Smut)
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Request: “Can I please request (In the wise words of another smut addict) ‘Shy peter being teased and turning into slutty Peter.’” - @idiosadeoro
Summary: Peter crashes a birthday party and meets Y/N. Birthday sex ensues.
Word Count: 2700
Warnings: SMUT, language.
A/N: It's my birthday this week, I met Tom on Sunday, I got an awesome request, and I felt inspired during my lunch break today. Enjoy!
“You don’t look like you’re having fun.”
You look up to see your friend handing you a drink. You take it reluctantly. You peer into the red cup and scrunch your nose. It smells like vodka and cherry coke.
You best friend decided to throw you a party at her parents’ house. They were away for the weekend. Your friend was much more outgoing than you, and you could tell this party was more for her than you.
“I’m having lots of fun,” you state, forcing a smile.
You look around to see people dancing in the living room and people mingling in the kitchen. You were standing in the corner just observing everyone. These people weren’t your usual crowd. Most of them didn’t even know who you were before tonight.
“Look alive, beautiful,” your friend says, playfully pinching your cheek. “This is all for you!” She winks before walking away to join a group in the kitchen. You sigh heavily, placing the cup on a table next to you before heading towards the stairs to find a good hiding spot for the night.
You’re lying on the bed in the guest bedroom reading a book on your phone when the door abruptly swings open and slams shut. You quickly sit up and smooth your dress down as it had started bunching a bit over your thighs.
You eye the person who had entered carefully, his back facing you as he presses his head against the door. He breathes in deeply almost in relief. He turns around slowly and jumps back a bit at the sight of you watching him. He places a hand on his heart.
“Oh geez, I’m sorry! I thought this room was empty.”
“I forgot to lock it,” you blurt.
You had never seen him before. He was cute with brown curly hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a plaid long-sleeved button-up shirt with a white undershirt underneath and jeans.
“Well, I’m just going to go,” he murmurs quickly, placing a hand on the doorknob.
He turns his body towards you again.
“I’ve never seen you before. Do you go to Archbishop Molloy?”
He hesitantly shakes his head. You purse your lips.
“Then how did you find out about this party?”
He clasps his hands together nervously. “You see, my friend, Ned has a cousin who goes to Molloy.”
“Oh, I gotcha.”
“We heard it was some girl’s birthday party and we decided to sneak in.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Are you here for some nefarious reasons? Stealing? Taking advantage of drunk girls?”
He puts his hands up defensively. “No no, not at all! We just wanted to see what a Molloy party looked like.”
“I see. Well just FYI, the party’s actually for me. I’m ‘some girl.’”
He places a hand on his forehead.
“Of course I would run into the girl whose birthday party I’m crashing.”
You chuckle and stretch your hand out.
“I’m Y/N.”
He takes your hand and shakes it gently. “I’m Peter… Peter Parker.”
“So Peter, why are you hiding?”
“Oh I… um… some drunk girl kept coming onto me. I felt uncomfortable so I-I ran away from her and into this room.”
You nod.
He scratches the back of his neck.“Why are you hiding at your own party?”
“Just got tired,” you shrug.
He shifts awkwardly on his feet. You bite your lip as you eye him.
“You can sit next to me, you know. I don’t have cooties.”
He blushes and quickly takes a seat on the bed beside you. He looks down at the bedspread and plays with a piece of loose thread.
“Where do you go to school?” you inquire.
“Wow, you must be a genius.”
He shrugs sheepishly. “I’m alright.”
You smile at him and run a hand through your hair. He watches you closely. You can feel a subtle tension in the air between you two.
“You have very pretty hair,” he blurts.
You look taken aback. “Oh, it’s only because my friend styled it for me today. Usually it’s all curly and frizzy.”
You turn away and look down at your dress. He scootches closer to you on the bed and you feel the bed dip beside you.
“I bet it’s beautiful natural too.”
You blush and look up at him. His eyes are glued on yours and you feel your stomach turn into knots.
He slowly reaches over and gently runs his fingers over a piece of fallen hair framing your face.
“So soft,” he murmurs.
You gulp as his fingers linger a bit before lightly touching your cheek. You lean into his touch.
He runs his fingers across your jawline before placing his thumb over your bottom lip. He eyes you cautiously. You feel emboldened by his touch. You dart your tongue over his thumb. He eyes you intently. You take his thumb into your mouth and begin to suck. His mouth opens and closes as if to say something to you but instead he lets you continue.
You lightly twist your tongue up and over the top of his thumb before pursing your lips around it. He leans in closer to you. You suck up and down, smearing your berry lip balm down the base of his finger.
You hear him groan and you look up at him through fluttered eyelashes. You release his thumb from your mouth and take his hand into yours.
“Did you bring me a birthday present?” you ask raising a brow.
He shakes his head. You pout playfully. “That’s not very nice.”
He clears his throat. “C-can I make it up to you?”
You nod with a smirk, happy that he’s playing along.
“What do you have in mind?”
You slide your dress up your legs and place his hand on your bare thigh. He strokes his thumb over your skin, and you feel a shiver run down your spine. You gently grab his wrist and tug his hand between your legs. You see him gulp as his fingers brush against your underwear.
You drag his fingers across your covered center so he feels the wetness seeping through the thin fabric. He shifts in his seat. You glance over at his crotch to see the distinct bulge beneath his pants.
“I want you,” you say quietly.
He abrubtly gets up from the bed and you feel taken aback as your cheeks redden. You knew what rejection felt like but you weren’t prepared for this. You watch as he walks toward the door and touches the doorknob. You feel your eyes begin to water. But instead of him leaving, he turns the lock. You feel your body relax and excitement fills your belly.
He smiles at you as he rejoins you on the bed.
“I don’t want us to get interrupted.”
You nod and smile in response.
He places his hands on either side of your face and pulls you into a kiss. You kiss him back, moaning into his mouth.
He removes one hand from your face and places it over the strap of your dress. He plays with it before pushing it down your arm. The other strap gradually falls as well and you can feel the front of your dress dip low so the swell of your breasts are peeking out.
You pull back from his kiss and lean back to lie down. You grab his hands and motion for him to lie down beside you. You gaze up at him as you take his hands and place them over your covered breasts.
“Touch me,” you command softly.
He squeezes your breasts gently. He could feel that your nipples were hard even through the bra you wore. You sit up for a moment to unhook your bra, pulling it from your body and dropping it to the floor. His eyes are frozen on your bare chest, just taking in the sight. You touch his arm to signal for him to continue. He resumes massaging. You close your eyes while his hands continue rubbing, gently kneading your front.
Your breaths are even and relaxed even though you can feel your entire body burning up. You squeeze your legs to quell the dull pulsing of your clit.
He takes each nipple and rolls them gently between his fingertips. You hum softly and arch your back slightly. You roll towards him, moving his hands away from your breasts. You tug at his shirt, undoing the buttons to expose his lower abdomen. You reach behind his back to pull yourself towards him. Your lips meet his, and his mouth opens. His tongue pushes between your lips seeking yours. He pushes his tongue against yours and you groan into his mouth. He holds you close, not wanting to let go.
You push his shirt over his shoulders and you run your hands over his bare chest. You feel his muscles beneath your touch and you can’t help but wonder how someone could hide such a magnificent body. You trail your hands down his stomach and find his belt buckle. You clumsily undo it and unbutton his pants. He reluctantly breaks away from you to pull his pants and boxers down. His cock bounces from beneath the waistband of his underwear. You stare at his thick, hard member, just taking in the sight as you feel yourself getting more turned on at the thought of him inside of you.
He pushes your dress down your stomach and slides it down your legs. You try to kick the rest of the dress from you but it’s tangled underneath your feet. You blush at how uncoordinated you are. Peter looks down and merely chuckles. He kisses your cheek as he helps you kick off the rest of the dress from your feet.
You tilt your head and feel the butterflies in your stomach. Even though you just met him, you can’t help but feel a tug at your heart.
He hooks his fingers beneath the waistband of your panties and pulls them down and off of you. For a few moments you both stare at each other, just absorbing each other’s nakedness.
His fingers find its way through your pubic hair and into the cleft between your legs. His finger slides past your clit and he gently slips a finger into you. You inhale deeply.
You watch him as he pushes his finger in and out of you. You run a hand through his curly hair and close your eyes, relishing the feeling of his touch. He pushes another finger inside of you and you arch your back. You can’t stand the teasing anymore, you just need him inside you.
“Condom?” you whisper breathlessly.
He blinks a few times and nods frantically, reaching down to grab his fallen pants to find his wallet. He reaches in and hastily tugs a foiled package from one of the wallet’s compartments. He rips it open and slides the latex material over his swollen cock. You watch mesmerized.
He slides his body over yours and guides his cock into position. You instinctively widen your legs. He’s breathing heavily, his eyes darting between your lips and your eyes.
“Are you sure?” he asks huskily.
You smile and touch his cheek before nodding. He nods as he pushes his cock slowly inside of you. You don’t move, just staying in place to try to adjust to your pussy being filled.
You had only done this once before. It was with a boy you met last summer while visiting your grandparents. He told you he loved you. He was rough and eager. He didn’t even take off his clothes. It wasn’t like this. This was different.
“Is this okay?” he whispers above you.
He breaks you out of your thoughts and you place a kiss on his lips in approval. He smiles and begins to slide in and out of you. You breathe hard as he holds onto your hips and drives into you in a slow, steady rhythm.
A chill runs up your spine as he continues driving into you, his cock slick with your juices. You run your hands down his back, feeling the sweat accumulate beneath your fingertips.
It feels so good, and you feel so full. You watch Peter’s face scrunch up in ecstasy. You wonder how many times he’s done this. He seems like a pro.
He places a hand underneath your buttocks and hooks your leg over his hip so he’s entering you more deeply. He looks down at you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he comments breathily.
He brushes a piece of hair from your face and kisses you. You kiss him back and he quickens his movements. He starts to hit a particularly pleasurable spot and you feel your mouth widen.
“It feels so good,” you breathe.
You see him smirk above you.
“You like that, baby? Is this what you wanted for your birthday?”
You nod eagerly and moan.
“Oh my god, yessssss,” you hiss. “Faster.”
“Anything for the birthday girl.”
He slams into you harder and you throw your head back. You utter a soft cry as you begin to shake. He notices your reaction and reaches down and rubs his thumb against your clit. His touch triggers the avalanche inside of you. You grab onto his shoulders as your pussy begins to spasm and your body shakes against his. He holds you steady with one arm as he places his other hand beneath your head to prevent you from hitting your head against the bed.
You bite your lip but you can’t help but cry out softly. You continue holding onto him, quivering as you ride your orgasm. You feel your pussy clamp down around his cock. He lets out a groan.
“I-I’m going to cum,” he gasps.
You hold onto him as he rides out his own orgasm, feeling his member pulse inside of you. He falls against you and you kiss his neck while he continues to quiver.
After a few moments he reluctantly rolls off of you. You sigh at the loss of contact. You turn your body and rest your head on his shoulder. He wraps an arm around you.
“That was really good,” you smile. “Best birthday present for sure.”
He runs a hand through his hair. “Totally wasn’t expecting my night to go this way. I don’t usually sleep with random girls… not that you’re random! I just mean I don’t usually do… this.”
You place a finger over his lips and laugh.
“I understand. I’m the same.”
You place a kiss on his chin.
“Are you happy that we did it?”
He looks down and nods enthusiastically.
He smiles and hugs you, pulling you tightly in his embrace. You start to shiver and he pulls the sheet and blanket over you both. You both stay there, your body curled against his.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.”
You smile and close your eyes. Maybe this was going to be a good year after all.
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