#n i used some new brushes to motivate me to try them out on this LMAO
llumimoon · 8 months
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this was just an excuse to get out of my weird art funk LOL but I think it came out really cute!! the outfit is from this art meme 💝
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mayisgoingnuts · 8 months
If you’re open to fic prompts: maybe Angel finding out Husk is ticklish when he helps him preen his wings? Currently on HuskerDust brain rot :’)
A/N: It's been a long time since I've written anything like a fic so I'm sorry if it come out bad 💔💔
PS: Reblogs and comments motivate writers; not forcing but just in case you're willing to support us :] /gen
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"Not that ticklish"
Ler!AngelDust, Lee!Husk
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive jokes, Huskerdust
Husk had a thing for his demon body and he's 100% aware of that. He ignored it as much as possible, trying to live like if he's still fully human with just a few changes, but with time he realized that perhaps... it was inevitable. At some point he had to do things that people weren't supposed to do, such as brush his fur or take care of his wings.
However, nowadays at the hotel, Husk avoided doing any of those since he's not alone like he used to be. The guy REALLY refused to be caught doing any of those embarassing things (they are for him atleast), and with people like Angel Dust in this place, he would not be left alone. Not like peace was an option at the first place, but it would get worse.
One week with doing basic hygiene only. Brushing his teeth, taking baths, brushing the top of his head, maybe cleaning his ears too. Nothing else.
At some point the consequences would come, and for his unluck, his fur was the first of them. Just using his hand wasn't really enough to keep it in place; the obvious consequence, yet a big defeat for Husk. Well, if one humiliation was about to come, doing the rest wouldn't really change anything.
"Whiskers~" Angel Dust called, approaching the counter without even looking as he sits. "Can you give some attention for the little me while everyone is busy?" But, as he opened his eyes, nobody was there.
"Oh, that's new." The spider spoke to himself, letting out a sigh of disappointment as he get off his seat.
His smirk disappeared, finally relaxing his face and revealing the honest expression of his: tiredness. Everything that Angel wanted right now was to distract himself, so the sigh had way more than disappointment.
...but his sadness did not last.
Was the only thing he heard from upstairs, immediately recognizing the cat's voice. Angel would be lying if he said it didn't worry him, which was the same reason why he walked after Husk right away.
And also the reason why there was no knocks before a giant spider basically kicked the door open.
It made Husk jump right away, almost falling on his feet. "What the... what the hell? What was that for?!"
Aaand literally nothing is happening. A bit disappointing, but at the same time relieving.
Maybe nobody died, but something was different. Angel looked at him up and down with a raised eyebrow, silent.
One of Husk's wings was open, it seemed cleaner than the other and a few feathers were on the floor.
An awkward silence dominated the room for some good seconds until Angel finally interrupted it.
"You clean your wings??"
Husk pinched his nose almost instantely. "Preen." He replied with a frown, closing his wing once again.
"Yeah, yeah, whateva'. That's kinda adorable if you ask me..."
"Good thing I didn't. You leaving now?"
Angel closing the door was everything he needed to do as an answer, approaching Husk's bed with a smirk.
"C'mon, lemme help!"
It made Husk's eyes open a little more, creating some more inches of distance between them. "No way."
"And why not? It's not like you can do it all by yourself!" The raise of an eyebrow with a bored face was the answer he got; ignored completely, of course. "Ya' know I ain't leaving anyway."
He does know, he's just sure. This stubborn spider is one to talk about when it comes to not giving up over Husk.
"Mess up one single feather and I'm kicking you out. Permanently." He says, pointing at Angel directly in the face with a sharpened gaze. The other simply nodded, wearing a big playful grin. "Understood, Husky!"
As much it was nice to have some help, it also means teaching Angel how to take care of them, and he's for sure not the best example of a teacher. This, mixed with Angel's lack of knowledge about birds overall, really didn't help.
"—And then you pull it slowly." Husk finished, watching Angel do exactly what he was told to do. Despite anything, the guy seems to be actually trying. "Yeah, like that... uh, kind of. You don't need to take a whole day to do that."
"I'm just being careful, babe! Besides, I'm not gonna risk being banned from your room~"
Husk rolled his eyes. "Just go faster." As he couldn't lose the chance, Angel raised his eyebrows in a mocking yet flirtatious way before finally returning to what he was doing. I mean, he asked for that one!
Angel indeed began to take care of the wing faster, but it also meant making his fingers a bit less quiet too. It began to turn into a problem as soon as he used them to search for anything dirty, scratching lightly. Husk's unintentional movements got Angel's eyes.
'Does it hurt? No, I don't think he wouldn't complain if it did... huh. That's weird.' He thinks to himself, resting his hand there for a moment.
"What got ya' to be moving so much, Husky?" Asked, hiding his slight concern but not his curiosity.
"Nothing, it just... tickles. A little." Answered, a little embarassed but still honest. For some reason it was quite interesting... and cute. Won't lie.
"Didn't knew that wings could be ticklish. Or just... you."
"What do you mean?"
Angel chuckled at the question. "It's just surprising that our grumpy, annoyed and sexy bartender would be so ticklish!" Husk gave him a bad stare, afraid that he was being mocked; even tho it wasn't exactly the case.
"Now you're just making up things, I'm not that ticklish."
"Ohoho, really? Then how could you be all squirmy with only a few touches?"
"It's a... uh..." He looked around, trying to find a good excuse. "...wings, thing. You don't get it, you don't have 'em."
An awful excuse, and to be honest, not even if it was the perfect one it would trick Angel.
"If that's the case then lemme test it in another spot."
Not even ten seconds in, and Angel was already wiggling his fingers in the air, his huge grin expressing a 'dangerous' excitement over the situation.
"Don't you fucking dare..."
A pause between the two. Almost a staring contest by how intense they were looking at each other.
With the war cry yelled out, he jumped towards Husk, who would be able to escape if it wasn't for Angel's additional arms. Goddammit.
Husk tried to get something off his mouth, but literally nothing, not a single sentence was able to form. Just a bunch of gibberish, which entertained the spider quite a lot. However, he wasn't there just for the teasing.
The messed words were cut with a gasp as he felt fingers moving on his sides, already squirming to get out as a body's response. The cat-demon tried to resist, but failed miserably as his giggles dominated completely.
"Fuhuhuck- get off!"
"Hmm... I'll think about it, Whiskers." His fingers, despite fast, did not seem to put that much pressure over Husk's skin. "Just gimme a moment, okay?"
Angel used his free arms to put a hand over his chin, looking up playfully as if actually reflecting on his answer.
"F-FahahaHAHahah! That- that mohoment already passehehed!"
"Hey, you broke my line of thought! Now I gotta start it all over! Huh, what was the question again?"
Husk tried putting on a serious face, only for it to break instantely. "Du-Dumbahahahass!"
"That's not a question." Replied, keeping his teasy remarks in day.
It felt indeed a bit humiliating to be in a position like this, being tickled by the same guy who drives you nuts almot everyday. Unable to do pretty much anything but giggle, and squirm, and... just... not think about anything.
This isn't as bad as it looked like. Right, still embarassing, but not exactly the uncomfortable type of embarassing. It's such a mix of emotions, and at the same time he got nothing on his mind, his head was filled with this type of thing.
And once again, his own body betrayed him. As time passes, a soft purr can be heard between his laughter, not really under his control.
Angel raised his eyebrow almost right away.
"I can hear it..."
"You cahahan't! Shut uhuhup!"
"Pfft- not really using your brain now, are ya'?" He added, tilting his head and moving his hands to Husk's ribs now. "Not like you really caaaan~"
The volume of Husk's noises increasing got him startled for a moment, but it quickly went away as he saw some wings flapping lightly.
"Me? I'm just really good with my fingers... and you're like, really ticklish. Duh."
Sadly, the fun would come to an end, as the lee's breath was already giving up on him along with the stamina. Now, pushing once more, he put actual effort on it, almost making Angel get thrown off the bed.
The energetic fingers finally lost its pace, giving his poor body full of fur some peace. Okay, maybe a last poke only for the tease, but then that's it.
"Oopsie!~" He let out, along with a silly wink. "Sooo? Still not 'that ticklish'? Cuz I don't think I don't got sides and ribs..."
Husk couldn't help but chuckle. "You digged your own grave. Hope you know that, dickhead."
Angel Dust's teasy smile softened, blinking once before leaning back.
"Yeah, I do."
He really hoped they would continue with whatever they began.
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moonlit-imagines · 6 months
Robin and the Stray (Part 2)
Dick Grayson x Kyle!reader
warnings: blood n death ment and urge to puke teehee
part 1
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Joining the Titans wasn’t exactly something you had in mind. The Titans were all kind-hearted heroic-types with these clear cut motives and tragic or powerful backstories that drove them to do good. You were here for two reasons: Dick moved to the other side of the country and you were being “rehabilitated” from your kleptomanic ways while Selina was serving a short sentence.
It felt awkward being in their presence, every glance felt like a glare. They must be thinking how dare y/n stand and fight beside us, theyre nothing but a common criminal, a petty thief, we can’t trust them. Dick had always assured you that they didn’t think less of you, but when anything was misplaced they always seemed to look to you for an answer.
You and Dick had been together for a few years now, and not all of those years were you a cat burglar. Maybe here and there, mostly for kicks or just to prove you still had it in you. Sometimes just to mess with Dick and Bruce. But Dick never stopped trusting you, he found it amusing more than anything and you grew to love each other deeply. Nothing could change that.
You were already sort of a vigilante before you were inducted into the Titans, usually sticking to the lower levels of Gotham and helping women steal their purses back or a kid who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Stuff like that. Unless, you know, Batman and Robin needed a hand.
As far as the Titans went, you were genuinely happy in San Francisco. It was a nice change of scenery after growing up in dark and gloomy Gotham. Dick felt free without Bruce standing by, doing what he could to make you feel comfortable here. Taking you on dates to new restaurants and going to beaches on your days off became a regular thing, something to make you forget you felt like you didn’t belong.
You had your own room, which was a nice change considering you and Selina typically shared or one of you slept on the couch or somewhere else depending on the night. Although, you spent most of your time in Dick’s room, it was hard to sleep alone most nights, he was like home to you. He’d mindlessly play with your hair and rubbed you back to ease your worried mind. He kept you sane.
But missions were different in so many ways. You had each other’s backs, sure, but you knew well enough that the two of you were more than capable of handling yourselves. Years of fighting against each other and beside each other made the team observer you two in awe, your fluid teamwork was incredible. To you, it was just another day.
“You okay?” Dick asked with your cheeks in his hands, looking down at you with a wet washcloth pressed between your cheek and his hand. “Don’t tell me you’re concussed, I’ll have to stay up all night with you.” You both chuckled weakly.
“I’m fine, just wiped from the past few nights.” You sighed as he wiped grime and blood from your face. You winced when he brushed against just below your eyelid where a bruise was budding. “I really got my ass beat tonight, huh?”
“We all did.” Dick wiped stray hairs from your forehead. “You seemed distracted, though. Thinking of me?”
“Gotham. Just homesick.” You told him and he kissed your forehead and continued you clean your wounds. He was pretty banged up, too, but he could tell you needed some TLC. “I love it here, but you know. I miss all that stuff. I miss Selina. I miss my cats. I miss Commissioner Gordon giving me shit for stealing and then helping him. I miss Bruce giving us lectures about staying focused. I miss Alfred trying to give us ‘The Talk.’” You rambled on while Dick nodded along, and your dull laughter caused another wince as you realized you maybhave a bruised or broken rib. “I miss you sometimes.”
“I’m right here.” He told you.
“Will you always be?” You asked.
“If all goes well.” He pulled out some bandages.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You continued to question.
“It means I don’t know the future and I won’t promise something I might not be able to control.” Dick explained in his smart-ass way. “It’s just the job, y/n. You know I love you.”
“I know you love the job.” You said tilting your head down and eyes up before he picked your chin back up.
“I don’t.” He replied.
“Keep telling yourself that.” Your sigh left his stomach slightly drop and you slid down off the table you were perched on. “I have to get a quick shower in, I’ll be back.” You trotted off the the bathroom to do so and left Dick alone with his thoughts, which you might have sparked something in him at this time. Unbeknownst to the two of you and the rest of the team, your lives were about to b me turned upside down in the worst of ways when Deathstroke entered your lives.
Your head was spinning at the time you heard the news of Garth’s passing. You fell into Dick’s arms and he held you so tightly. You felt as if you might puke and the rest of the team was right with you. Any barrier keeping you and them was broken down, there was no more tension or fear that kept you from getting close, the grief brought you all together.
It was Donna who apologized to you first, letting you know your worries were not that far off and there was a lot of distrust in you, but they moved on from it. It was the load off you needed after this tragedy. And Dick felt guilty he put you in that position, started blaming himself for so many things. You’d thought he’d get distant in all this anguish, but he wouldn’t let you go. He held on tight and began to worry for you more than usual, which worried you greatly. And it sucked because after all that happened with the Titans, you two had no choice but to go home.
“It’s what you wanted, right?” He asked you on the plane ride home, sitting across from each other on Bruce’s private jet.
“Not like this,” you stared out the window, picking at the seams of your jeans, “I just started feeling like I belonged. Now I’m leaving a place that felt like paradise. I really did love it there.”
“We can go other places. I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” Dick leaned forward and grabbed your hand. “I hate this, too. I love you, though. Wherever you go, I’ll go. It’s fine.” You closed your eyes and nodded.
“For now we’re going home.”
And you were home and it was dull and lifeless and you felt all the joy you had slip away as you fell back into old habits. Started to realize you stole because you were bored, you roamed the same streets and rooftops over and over because it was just what you did, you laod around all day and played with the cats but nothing was ever different. Not even when there was some huge debacle with a villain that belonged in Arkham Asylum. Not Two-Face or Riddler or Joker or Mr. Freeze or whoever’s weekly turn it was to enact a failure-destined plan to take over Gotham or kill Batman. It was all the same.
You sat on the same ledges and ate the same Pizza with Dick. You had meals at Wayne Manor with Bruce and Dick, a spot reserved for the late Alfred was an unfortunate change and maybe the only one. Bruce was paying your rent, offering you a bigger place or maybe one for you and Dick to share, but for some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to it. It already felt like you were taking advantage of him.
Don’t get me wrong, you loved Dick with all your heart, but he was off, too. It was obvious he fell back into his old ways. And something about it made it obvious he’d grown too fond of his life as a Titan. The independence and emancipation from Batman, where he called the shots and could do nice things with and for you. Maybe the guilt set in after another year or two or three. Because one day you were fine and the next, it was over. You looked back and realized that that promise you wanted him to make was never going to be fulfilled because he never felt secure himself. But that was his problem now, you would have helped if he’d let you.
It was awkward seeing each other in passing. After all, neither of you gave up your vigilantism. But avoidance was key. It was only a matter of time before he decided Gotham was too small for him now. You heard he’d moved to Detroit, good for him. You hoped he’d moved on and was doing well, you sure weren’t getting there anytime soon.
Then one day a few weeks later, you heard your phone ringing. Blocked Caller. You stared at the screen for a few moments grabbing the phone and holding it for a few more before you pressed the answer button. You put the phone to your ear but said nothing.
“Y/N? Y/N, it’s me. I need your help. I just—I need you.”
taglist: @volturi-stuff // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @brutal-out-here // @jinxll11 // @swanimagines // @captainshazamerica // @greek-mythographer // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @summersimmerus // @glxwingrxse // @azazel-nyx // @simsrecs // @xoxobabydolls // @azazel-nyx // @ravenstrueluv // @evilcr0ne // @sydknee624 // @retvenkos // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 // @deanzboyfriend // @zoeyserpentluck //
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sagesworld17 · 2 years
since psg lost to lens, an imagine where kylian comes back all frustrated and angry from the game and his s/o tries to relive his stress? ;)
here you go(:
kylian mbappe x reader
!WARNING! smut
When the match ended with the score being 3:1 I knew Kylian would come home a bit frustrated. I was sure they were going to win and so was he. I washed the dishes left from dinner and sat on the sofa, watching netflix and waited for him to come home.
He walked in about an hour later and threw his back in the corner of our living room. He didn’t even say hi. He went straight to the bedroom and I decided to go after him. “Y/N i am not in the mood for some motivational speeches right now. We lost and that’s it.” He was angrier than I expected. I didn’t know what to say so I just stood there, looking at him. He walked past me and back into the living room.
I wasn’t going to let his anger because of football ever effect me, but it was hard when he was mad at me for something didn’t do. I walked to the closet and grabbed a towel, new underwear and his shirt. I always slept in his shirts. I went to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I turned on the water and started getting undressed. I turned the water on so it could warm up. I was left in my bra and underwear, when the door to the bathroom opened. I felt his arms on my shoulders as he turned me around to look at him. “I’m sorry ange, I’m just mad we lost and I let my anger out on you.”
“I know Ky. I’m trying not to take it to heart. And i hate seeing you stressed.” He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, cupping my face and kissing me sweetly. “There’s nothing you can do about it and it isn’t your fault.” he assured me. And I knew that but I still wanted to do something so he would be less stressed. “Yeah, but I can still help” I replied and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He knew exactly what I had in mind when he pulled away to take his shirt off. His lips were on my again and his hands reached behind my back, unclasping my bra. He bit my lower lip and I let out a quiet moan. He started kissing my neck and his hands roamed down my back, his fingers hooking in my underwear. I lifted my hips up so he could take them off.
He stepped back and pulled his pants and boxers down. When he stepped back I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. He picked me up and stepped in the shower. The hot water hit us and we both giggled. He kissed me again and I could feel him smiling against my lips. I unhooked my legs and slid off of him, pulling away from the kiss. He looked at me with confusion covered his expression. “You’re stressed, let me take care of that for you.” he nodded, not sure what I meant.
I placed my hands on his chest and moved them lower to his v-line, painfully slow. His head tipped back giving me more access to his neck. I left a trail oh kisses there before moving lower. My hand found his erection, pumping slowly. His breathing hitched and I heard a low grunt. I moved down to my knees and licked a slow stripe from the base of his dick to the head. I swirled my tongue around the head. He looked down at me and we kept eye contact as i took his head in my mouth. His hand found my hair, making a make shift ponytail. He pushed my head down making me take his whole length in my mouth. I gaged a little before continuing to move my head up and down. The bathroom was filled with sounds of water dripping and Kylians quiet moans. I kept my pace until i felt him twitching in my mouth. He pulled out of my mouth and stroked himself a few times. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out and he came all over my face. I collected as much cum on my mouth as I could and swallowed it all.
I stood up and looked up at the shower head, washing the rest of it off. “Come on, let me wash your hair.” he smiled and kissed me softly then turned me around. I leaned my head back to give him access and he started shampooing my hair.
When we got out of the shower we went straight to bed, his arms wrapped around my waist, my back to him. I couldn’t have felt more safe in that moment.
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You Understand.
Summary: You feel you must be honest with Austin about something before either of you venture further.
Contents: Fluff Ofc! Mentions of virginity and loss of virginity. Overall just a good ole' fashion comfort fic (our favorite).
Pairing: Austin Butler x Black Reader
A/N: Hi! Long time no see! I'm very happy to be posting the first installment of the new year, and I am very excited for what it brings for all of us. I hope you enjoy.
P.S: Everyone PLEASE feel free to comment, I absolutely love reading them and it helps to motivate me to keep going with the series. Also don't shy, re-blog, like, and share if you care! Much love! * hugs*
“ I can’t believe you don’t like cotton candy. This almost feels like a crime.” Austin goofed, pointing to the small thing of strawberry cotton candy in his hand.
You snorted, “ I can’t believe you do. It’s all nice and dandy until it deflates or melts on your fingers. After that it’s gross.” 
" Plus, I prefer a nice fat funnel cake with all the fixings." You added.
“ You call it gross, and I call it the natural sacrifices one has to make for their favorite fair food. “ He wiggled his eyebrows and took a bite of the sugary confection.
You giggled at how cute he looked and even managed to take out your phone with your free hand to snap a picture of the happy cotton candy boy.
The two of you continued to laugh and joke along the Santa Monica Pier until you came to a comfortable pause of silence. 
That’s when your heart sank at the realization that this was the perfect time to tell him what had been on your mind and heart the last couple of days. You’d even consulted your friends beforehand to make sure the time was right. Once they agreed you knew exactly what had to be done.
So right here, right now, you were going to rip the band-aid clean off in hopes it wouldn’t bleed. 
“ So….” You swung his hand in yours, “ I hate to put some weight on the mood since I know we’re having such a good time.” You started. 
“ Yeah..” Austin replied, tossing his now empty cotton candy paper in a nearby trash.
“ And I can say that these last couple weeks with you have been great, honestly. But I feel like before we continue whatever this is that we’re doing, I need to let you know something because I don’t wanna lead you on.” You said, twisting at the bracelets on your wrist. 
“ Uh huh.” He encouraged me, beginning to feel a bit nervous now. 
“ As you recall, the other night when you came over to return my copy of The Policeman, upon your departure during our goodbyes things got a little spicy an- “ 
Austin immediately went to into apology,  “Again, I’m really sorry about that I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything I jus-”
Quickly you held a hand up to stop him, “ Please. It’s okay. You apologized more than enough the other night. Just wait a second and hear me out, okay. “
He nodded. 
“  As I was saying. Things got a little steamy. Let me just mention again that nothing happened that I didn’t want to. But the thing is….” 
You paused gathering your words right in your brain…
“ I guess I’m trying to figure out a way to say this without sounding completely vulgar.” You rub your now sun-kissed arm as if you're trying to brush the nerves out of your body. 
Austin’s eyebrows rose in surprise, “ Oh. Uh, well. I mean..just say it. Honesty is the best policy and I’m sure I can handle it.”
“ Yeah? “
“ Yeah.” He quickly replied, curious to see what you’d spun in your mind so obscene that you felt like you couldn’t speak.
You cleared your throat, “Okay. Fine. Here it goes..” 
“ With the way that you kissed me that night with your lips, clung your hands onto the edges of my hips, and the sounds I had to suppress from the deepest part of my being when your hand accidentally brushed against my…lower half. I had half the mind to offer for you to stay the night at my place just so that we could “ accidentally”  keep touching each other in many, many different places all night. “ You divulged. 
At your confession Austin's eyebrows shot up and he could feel his body begin to heat the same way it did that spoken of night, you could tell this by the soft peony color that collected on the surface of his cheeks and the way he looked away to watch the wheel turn on the Ferris wheel. 
You did your best to hide the shy twisted grin on your lips that came from knowing that you’d made him blush. 
When he turned back you could see the cheesiest smile play on his lips , “ I see. Well thank you for your honesty..it’s much appreciated.”
“ You’re welcome.” You gulped, “ So, with that being said I want you to know that while I’m not opposed to us taking our-”
“ Relationship.” Austin offered up.
It was your turn to raise your eyebrows at him. You hadn’t expected him to so casually throw out the R in this conversation. But remembering the words of your friends ringing in your mind you decided to play it cool and test the waters, “ Right. Well, let me just say that no one has asked me to be their girlfriend yet so….” 
“ I’m working on it. “ He said, you noticed the small bit to his lips and willed yourself to try and keep your mind focused. 
“ We’ll see.” You casually replied before continuing with your intended statement, “ But something you should know is….” 
You found the words getting stuck in your throat, but when you looked his gentle smile you found the courage to keep going. 
“ You should know that I am a virgin.” You confessed, “ And it is by choice.” 
“ AND, before you say anything. NO! It’s not because I couldn’t have had sex with someone or because people weren’t interested. Or because something’s wrong with me. But because I believe that sex is an intimate exchange of love between two people and I want my first time to be with someone I love and I know is in love with me.” You affirmed. 
      “ If that’s something that bothers you or you think it’s weird or whatever, then this is where we should just call this now so we can both leave this…thing…while still being friends.” You finished, looking out toward the pier in an act to distract yourself from how hard you could feel your heart beating in your chest. 
It was silent for a moment after you finished, and with each passing moment you were preparing yourself for the age old speech every man gave when he couldn’t get what he wanted from a woman.
It’s not you, it’s me. 
When really they wanted to say: “ It’s not me, it’s you and the fact you won’t put out.” 
Eventually his voice broke out among the chatters of people and whirl of the wind,  “ Well, again. Thank you for being honest with me. I really do appreciate it.” Austin began.
“ No problem.” You nodded, arms folded across your chest, as you still tried your best to hide your absolutely nerve ridden body.
“ As far as your…confession goes, I want you to know that you being a-
“ Virgin.” You quickly interjected, “ I’m a virgin.” 
A laugh was stifled from Austin, “ Yes, a virgin. You being a virgin doesn’t bother me any at all.”
You quickly quirked an eyebrow at him, “ Really? “ 
“ Truly.” He smiled, “ Your choice that you’ve made for your body is entirely your own. And I respect and admire your decision.” 
“ Admire? “ 
That’s a first.
“ Yeah. I admire your reasoning behind your choice. Especially since I felt like when it was my time I didn’t exactly lose mine the way one should have. I was younger and shy. Felt the peer pressure from some people my age, so I just went ahead and did it to say I did it.”  He opened up. 
You were stunned a bit at his honesty. No guy you’d ever come across had opened up to you like this, especially about something so intimate. All it did was make you grow more curious to continue exploring just what kind of species of man you were dealing with.
You shook your head, “ God, I’m so sorry that happened to you. I can tell you from experience I know what that’s like and it’s hard.” 
Growing up around the people you did, all through middle school and high school you were ridiculed about being a “ prude “ or a “ prissy princess who thinks she’s better than everyone “ all because you kept your virginity to yourself.
He smiled, “ Thank you. But don’t go feeling too bad. I eventually had the chance to actually make love to someone and have it mean something. Which is all I can ever wish for you and  anyone else.”
You nodded, “ Right. Well thanks for being so cool about it. Lord knows you’re the first guy this conversation has ever actually gone pleasant with. I appreciate your understanding.” 
Austin didn’t hesitate, “ Of course. You gotta know that I’m not in this for something as simple as sex. As people we both could walk out into the world and find that anywhere.”
“ I’m here because as cliche as it may sound, I’ve never met anyone like you before. And I really enjoy spending time with you and picking your brain. And if one day AFTER I ask you officially to be my girlfriend, you decide you wanna take things up a notch that's fine. If not, that's fine too because that's not the most important thing going on here.” He reached out to regrasp your hand in his and give it a tight squeeze.
You look over directly at him to hold the gaze from his eyes and couldn’t help but catch that familiar feeling that made you all warm and gooey.
It was then you could confirm that you REALLY liked him, like truly were infatuated with the man before you. 
“ Well, I guess we’ll just have to see what happens, huh? “ You said.
“ I guess.” Austin smiled.
“ Good.” You whispered.
“ Great.” He replied, making you both bust into a fit of giggles. 
“ Since we have that settled. “ Austin abruptly stopped in front of the ring toss stand, “ I believe I promised you, young lady. A stuffed cow, and I see the most handsome one hanging from this booth.” He pointed to the adorable white and blue spotted cow plush hanging from the stall.
You couldn’t stop the shrill that invaded your voice, “ Oh My Gosh! Austin, he's adorable.” 
“ I know. He’ll look even cuter in your arms. C’mon honey let’s go.” He happily ushered the two of you over to the booth and into your future together.  
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detectivestucks · 8 months
A Jealous Hokage VIII
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Summary: Your work week continues to be a struggle as Obito becomes too busy to keep you company. Kakashi stops keeping his distance, infuriating you.
Warnings: NSFW, Hate Sex, Unprotected Penetration, Slut Shaming
Word Count: 4.5k
Part 7
New Here? Check out Part 1
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You watched Obito leave your office and with him he took all sense of comfort. You knew he was busy today so you’d be on your own with Shiho. The shame you felt, seeing your budding career fall to the ground and get stomped on was all consuming. You had a hard time motivating yourself to work on your project. Usually you were just driven. You didn’t have to think about working hard; it was second nature. 
Today was a different story. You thought about quitting. Rejoining the field but you need to finish this project first. The village and the Anbu were counting on the intelligence your team was providing. 
It was a little harder than usual to collect everyone’s assignments.  Some of the intelligence officers opted to not complete their parts of the project, trying to leave you to finish their work. 
“Surely the Hokage won’t mind if you let this one slip.”
You quickly retort that “It’s not about what the Hokage wants from us, it’s about what the village and our fellow shinobi need from us.” 
Some of them felt bad and took back their incomplete tasks, others just laughed in your face knowing you’d be up all night doing their work for them. You scowl at them and storm away.
I’ll be sure Obito pays these three a visit.
It still hurt though. Last week every member of your team would have done a backflip had you commanded them to. Now you were lucky to exit the room without someone making more moaning sounds.
As much as you wanted to hide out in your office again today, Obito wasn’t around to bring you lunch. He had given up enough of his time helping you. You would have to go to the lunch room and get it yourself. You asked Shiho to come with, but she had a meeting to go to. 
“Sorry, Y/N. Want to wait till I come back?”
“I can’t, I have a meeting of my own when you’re done.”
You had to suck it up. It’s not like you could hide forever. Maybe it will go better than it did on Monday. They got all their jokes out and Obito left a trail of bruises behind to discourage them from making more...hopefully. 
Shiho gives you a worried look before you leave the office. Upon entering the lunchroom you take a deep breath and without making eye contact with anyone, you step in the long line to wait to order your food.
You stand there looking at the ground. Determined not to lift your face and open yourself up to conversation when a man strides up to you and begins to play with your hair. 
“Ahh the Hokage’s golden girl graces us with her presence. Where’s your guard dog? Hmm? Did you give him the day off?” 
You glare at him while wishing your ninjutsu was invisibility. Some of the nearby conversations cease to eavesdrop on you and your uninvited comrade. From across the room Kakashi stopped his own conversation, looking around to see why the room’s volume dialed back. When he saw you standing with Aoto, he looked over intensely.
“It makes me wonder, what could be so remarkable about that pussy of yours that you can keep the entirety of Team Minato under your thumb?” 
You feel the heat rise in your face. You were both furious and extraordinarily embarrassed. You wanted to knock his teeth out of that smug mouth and after, turn into a puddle and wash down the floor drain beneath your feet.  
“Mind if I take a turn and find out?” he says, reaching for your cheek.
Kakashi moved so fast you blinked and suddenly he was behind Aoto. 
“Touch her again. I dare you.” he hisses, tightly gripping the wrist of the hand that was about to brush your cheek.
“My-my, if it isn’t our fearless leader here to claim his prize.” 
Kakashi twists Aoto’s wrist behind his back, causing his face to crinkle in pain. 
“Kashi, people are staring!” You whisper urgently.
“Yeah, listen to her Kashi” he says, mocking your pet name for him through gritted teeth.
Feeling guilty for further embarrassing you he lets go. 
“See you later” Aoto whispers to you with a wink, strutting away with his friends.
Kakashi inspects your face, “Angel are you okay?” 
“Kashi, he only touched my hair.” you say as he feels your cheeks and neck which are flush with embarrassment. 
You were painfully aware of how many eyes were on the two of you. Kakashi didn’t care. To him the room was empty. He hugged you right there in the middle of the cafeteria for everyone to see. You buried your face in his chest not wanting to see a single eye as they gawked at your relationship. He kissed the top of your head before letting go. Instead of returning to the conversation he abandoned, he slid his hand around your waist and finished waiting in line for your food with you. 
Upon receiving your meal Kakashi turns to escort you to your office when a former classmate of yours, and fellow intelligence officer, came running up to him.
“Lord Sixth!”
“Yes, Jozie, What is it?” he says, keeping a firm grip around your waist.
“I hear you’re looking for new candidates to fill the position for Head of the Intelligence Department.” she says with a snide look in your direction. 
You look at the ground, no longer feeling hungry. Kakashi’s face became stern.
“I hope you didn’t come to tell me you wanted to throw your hat in the ring.”
You were shocked at his reply. Kakashi was always so polite, even when addressing enemy shinobi. Your mouth fell open along with Jozie’s as both of you stared up at him.
“Our most recent candidate knew 27 languages, completed 16 S rank projects, 117 A rank projects and has been requested by name to assist on intel matters in both the Hidden Sand and Hidden Cloud. Last I read your file, you knew 6 languages and exclusively worked on B and C rank intel projects. It would be a severe step down if we were to take your application seriously.” 
His response had you gobsmacked. You never knew Kakashi to be so cruel with his words. You’d be lying if you said your nipples didn’t stiffen hearing him come to your defense. He was so cool and collected while viciously tearing into Jozie for her disrespect. 
Steering you by your waist, Kakashi walked you out of the lunch room and down the hallways to your office. Your body obediently following his lead as your mind reeled from what you just witnessed.
“I’m done keeping my distance Y/N. I’m not going to sit by and watch them disrespect you. I know it’s the last thing you want and I’m sorry but I can’t do it anymore.”
 Kakashi wasn’t sure where your relationship stood but it was irrelevant. He loved you and you could hear the sadness in his voice as he spoke. 
“I made this mess and I’m going to fix it. I don’t know how, but I will.”
When you reached your office he stopped at the door. You walked in and put down your food. He began to walk away when he heard you whisper, “Kashi?”
He turned around to see you in your office doorway. You looked sheepish, not sure how you felt about your relationship but certain you didn’t want him to leave. 
He rushed over to you and hugged you like his life depended on it. 
You could feel him pour all of his regret into the embrace. You could feel how he loved you. If you weren’t cried out from the past few days, you were sure you’d have wept a few tears but the most you could do was softly hug him back.
“Thank you for the soup.” you say in the most musical whisper Kakashi ever heard. “...and the flowers.”
He hugged you even harder. Willing himself to speak, to apologize, but he lost his voice. He didn’t know how to say to you how much he regretted what he did. He didn’t know what words to say or how to form them with his mouth. All he could do is keep hugging you till you let go.
You separate and look up into his eyes. It killed him to see how broken you were and similarly it hurt you to be reminded of how much he loves you. His face said everything his mouth didn’t. You wanted to forgive him. You wanted to make it work but the most you could do was give him a small hug and a squeeze of his hand before heading back into your office.
Sitting at your desk, you could barely put two thoughts together before your mind wandered back to Kakashi and the way he came to your aid in the lunchroom. You found yourself drooling at the memory of how he told off Jozie and how swiftly he appeared behind Aoto. The thoughts were distracting. Generating an ache between your thighs. You quickly realized you weren’t going to get any work done in this state. You had a big project to focus on. There was no time for these mental roadblocks. 
Screw it. It’s not like I didn’t already lose the promotion. 
You slam your fists down on your desk and head for Kakashi’s office. You had an itch he needed to scratch. Similar to an earworm you need to get out of your head by listening to the entire song. 
Standing in front of his office door you begin to breathe heavily through your nostrils bringing yourself to knock before you enter. You stride in, eyes scanning the room to make sure you were alone before locking the door behind you. Kakashi’s eyes widen, shock causing his body to go lame. You stride up to him and tear down his mask. 
“You.” You say with a disgusted look as you straddle him in his chair.
“You have some nerve. Bringing all this scrutiny down on me and then playing hero when you see everyone respond the way I warned you they would.”
Kakashi’s mouth fell agape. Deeply confused by your attitude whilst straddling him. You start to push yourself against him.
“Coming to save me from your own doing.” you snarl into his ear as you begin grinding on his thigh. 
“Holding me in public.” you nip at his ear lobe.
“Kissing the top of my head like I’m something precious to you.” you kiss his jaw.
“Telling off Jozie” You paw at his chest. Rutting against his leg viciously, needing friction.
“Disrespecting my need for space.” Your hands rake through his silver hair as you finally lunge for his mouth. It was at this moment that Kakashi’s paralysis finally wore off. 
His hands lept into action, ridding you of your shirt and bra while you tore off his uniform. 
He kissed down your neck and shoulders while unfastening your pants, stripping you naked in his office, in the middle of the work day. He laid you down on top of his desk kissing you with every ounce of passion he had. His back hunching over to meet you where you laid.
Your heart threatened to burst out of your chest. You were so mad at him but you craved him, ravenous for the way he mishandles you. Your legs needily wrap around his waist. His unclothed erection pushing onto your already wet folds. You feel him shudder at the impact. It satisfied you to know how desperate he felt for you. How badly he missed you. How excited he was to touch you again. 
He didn’t care if you hated him in this moment. He’d make you forget why you were mad. He’d make you remember how much you need him between your legs. How, even now, your body craves him. He’d make you remember. 
He had to. 
You arch your back off the desk, pushing your breasts up against his chest while your fingers grip at his back pulling him down. You didn’t care that you were at work. You didn’t care if anyone heard you. You didn’t care anymore. You need him to rid you of this awful ache between your legs. And you need him to do it now.
Locking your lips on his, you push your tongue into his mouth, not asking permission. He gladly lets you in, opening wider to give you all the access you crave. You moan as your tongues entwine while rutting against his exposed length. He involuntarily groans as he collapses on top of you. Everything he needs is right here beneath him. It’s you. Just you. He needs you.
You continue rubbing yourself against him till he finally angles himself so that he slips in. Your lips break free of his as you gasp at the intrusion. It was exactly what you had been craving. Nothing felt better than when he stretched you in the way only he knows how. 
“Ah, fuck!” you cry out as he begins stroking. One hand grabbing behind his neck, the other running through his hair. You begin to berate him.
“Selfish prick. You had to make sure the entire shinobi world knew I belonged to you, huh?” You feel how his swollen head deliciously pulls at your walls with each retreat. “I bet you loved seeing the looks on everyone’s faces.”
“I did,” he sneers. “Every last one of them was envious of what is mine.” Punctuating the last word with a particularly harsh thrust, you groan from his hips meeting yours.
“Taking away 5 years of my hard work just for your own fuckin greed.” you hiss at him before he bottoms out, “Ah!”
“Can you blame me?” he grunts, continuing to thrust into you at an unrelenting pace. “Looking like a damned dream in that black dress. Teasing me and everyone else with your cleavage out. Taunting me with that sexy slit. Whimpering from the vibrator. Wearing my cap! Marking up my back! I still have the scratches there to remind me of your sweet cunt!” 
He loses himself as he remembers the evening. His thrusts become violent as he recalls his favorite memory of you. Stifling your moans in the coat closet, strappy black heels by his face, rug burn on your back, the dress pulled down and bunched around your waist. He can picture it now.
“I can leave more scratches if you like it so damn much” you snarl as you dig your claws into him, causing him pain. But he didn’t care. He deserved the pain. He fed into it, needing to be punished by you. He felt desperate as he began stroking harder. Yearning to please you. He pulled his face back, seeing the fire in your lust-filled eyes. 
It was maddening to not touch you the way he wanted to these past few days. He hungered for you. He craved your touch and attention. Icing him out was the worst punishment you could have given him. 
He grunts with every snap of his hips, not realizing his own volume. His inner wolf bubbling to the surface. You loved when he caved to his animalistic traits. You fist his hair as you throw your head back. Eyes screwed shut from pleasure. A chorus escaping your mouth as his hips roll into yours. 
Sweat begins to bead up and roll down his gorgeous chest, collecting droplets as it rolls down to where your bodies join. The warmth of your insides doing heavenly things to him. He could feel his mind short circuit as he repeatedly buried himself inside of you. 
The two of you grew loud, so caught up in your lustful passions that you both completely forgot where you were. Obito was headed to Kakashi’s office for an update. As he turned down the hall he heard the unmistakable sounds of your lovemaking. His heart shattered at the sound. How could you make up with Kakashi the day after he cost you your career? He lost to Kakashi again. He wanted to be the one making you sing. The one bringing you pleasure. He stormed out of headquarters, feeling oxygen deprived and in desperate need of air. 
Too lost in Kakashi’s arms to care about how needy you seemed, you whine and paw at his chest. He began to growl, his dark eyes taking on a dangerous glint. As much as he wanted to keep looking upon your face he wanted to be deeper. He lifted you off the desk, holding one of your legs hostage in his arms while the other foot found the floor. He slid deeper into you, pushing against your diaphragm, knocking the wind out of you. Definitely reaching that itch you so desperately needed him to scratch. 
Your loud moans, broken up by his thrusts, fill his ears with music. His arms hold your torso against his, pinning you against his chest alongside your leg. Thanking the gods for your flexibility as your sweaty bodies push together. You begin biting down on his collarbone. Panting into his skin. About to spiral into an orgasm. His animalistic grunts became more frequent, resonating from his chest with each stroke.
“That’s it baby, fuck this pussy. Fuck me like the bad boy you’ve been.” 
Lost in passion, he can only grunt in response. Your juices soaking his base and balls, dripping down your legs.
He spins you around and pushes your chest down on the desk, taking you from behind. He rams into you so hard you feel the bruises form on the front of your thighs. He grabs you at the shoulders, making sure he bottoms out in you with every intrusion. Already on the precipice, this new angle had you toppling over the edge. Eyes rolling back, spasming under his grip, he was too far gone to notice how you came undone. 
Chasing his own high inside your walls. He was so close. He lifted your leg onto the desk. You screamed at how deep and how rough he bullied into you. Your mind turned to mush as all the blood left your brain and pooled in your cunny. The athletic stamina of his continuous pounding turned you to a babbling mess. Your anger subsides for a moment as the waves of pleasure wash over you again. Shaking and milking him. He exploded inside of you. The sounds of his orgasm filling the room. 
As soon as he was done emptying himself inside of you, he collected you in his arms, pulling you into his lap as he sat down on his desk chair. You nakedly curled up in a ball, feeling chilled from the sweat rolling down your arms and back. You used his body heat to keep you warm as you nestled your head under his chin. 
He squeezes you tight, inhaling your scent. Memorizing it so he can dream about you tonight. He felt his seed leak out of you and onto his thigh. A satisfied shiver ran down his spine. 
The two of you sat there for nearly twenty minutes. Just existing in each other's arms.  You sat there for so long that the sweat on your skin dried and turned into a salty residue. 
Realizing you have a meeting to get to soon, you take a deep breath and crawl out of his lap. He rummages through his desk and hands you a tissue to clean between your legs before you redress alongside him. 
“I’m still mad at you.” you say to the floor
“I know.”
“Just so we’re clear.”
He swallowed before replying, “crystal”
You quickly redo your ponytail, smoothing the sides as you tighten the elastic. You smooth out your top and wipe the corners of your eyes to make sure there was no runny mascara. 
Kakashi approaches you, hand pushing against the small of your back, pulling you into him, thumb brushing your lip, eyes boring into you. You feel your heart skip a beat.
“Stop that.”
His brows furrowed with a questioning look.
“Reminding me how much you love me. It just makes all this hurt more.”
You turn your face away from him, pushing your hands against his chest as you pull away. You slip on your shoes and stride over to the door, unlocking the knob. 
You pause before you open the door. Tempted to say something but you couldn’t bring the words to your lips. Instead you let out a deep breath and leave his office in silence. 
You reach your office and quickly gulp down your food. You snatch up your notebook before rushing off to your meeting as Shiho returns from hers. 
With shocking clarity, you hustle through your meeting. Finding your drive and your confidence once more. You commanded the room. Anyone who tried to snicker at you found themselves caught under a deadly glare. 
“Do you have something to share?” you would snap at them.
You would have never been ballsy enough to ask that question mere hours ago. With only two days left till your project was due, you finally felt back on track. 
However in the back of your mind, you were still wondering what you were going to do after the project was over. No longer seeing room for growth in intelligence, your mind wandered back to your idea of rejoining the field. Get out of the stuffy office, away from all the scrutinizing eyes of your comrades and away from Kakashi. You decide to talk it through with your cousin Ino at the end of the day. 
“I don’t know, Y/N. Are you sure? You love what you do and you’re really good at it!”
“I used to love what I do.” You say ashamed, looking at the floor. “Now I can’t even get through a briefing without someone mentioning I’ve fucked the Hokage.”
Seeing the sadness in your face, your little cousin Ino reluctantly mulled it over. She would have never thought she’d see the day where you’d quit anything. You were the most driven and stubborn person she knew. You were always finding an answer to any problem, no matter how hard it was. You were the queen of solving puzzles and riddles and nothing could ever stand in your way. Yet here you stood before her, walking away from it all. 
“Okay, fine.” 
“Yes! Thank you! And can you please talk to Choji and Shikamaru too? I’d really like to hit the ground running.”
She looks at you with a skeptical raised brow.
“You’re the best!” you praise with a hug.
Ino was glad to see a smile on your face for the first time this week.
She had noticed how melancholy you’d been since news of your relationship swept the nation. She heard from Shikamaru and Temari about the fight that broke out between Obito and Kakashi. It seemed like your heart had already been torn between the boys and the added stress of your public humiliation and the loss of your promotion was more than you could handle. She had never seen you on the brink of tears ever, yet she saw you cry every day this week. 
She also felt bad for Kakashi-Sensei. He had been alone for so long. She was happy that he was finally in love. The world should’ve been thrilled for him. He deserved a happy ending. Why would anyone want to get in the way of that? If anything, they should’ve respected you more for being chosen by him. 
Of course there were several shinobi who felt like her. Who couldn’t stand how their comrades were treating you. They see how tired Kakashi is; it is obvious he isn’t sleeping. How on edge he’s been these past few days. He was clearly struggling with how the world had reacted to their knowledge of your relationship. It wasn’t fair to him. Not after everything this cruel life has thrown in his path.
Not to mention how many girls Ino had overheard talking shit about you. Saying you weren’t even that pretty. How you were obviously a slut. How you were clearly using Kakashi to advance your career cause ‘all you cared about was work.’ Those jealous hags couldn’t even speak two languages yet you knew 27. 
Ino and some of the others kept finding themselves in fist fights defending you. She wondered if you knew what your friends were going through to defend you. She wondered if that was part of why you wanted to leave. 
She would be right.
“I finish my project on Friday. Can we begin Friday night?”
“Actually I’m in the flower shop Friday night. How about we get together on Saturday?”
“Saturday sounds perfect.”
You walk away back towards your office. If you were going to rejoin the field you were going to do it right. Just like the rest of your work, you had to be superb. It’s not that you were unskilled, but you were sure you were unfit for battle. These days you could only perform sensory ninjutsu in a quiet space. You’d be useless if you needed to use your abilities under duress. You’d essentially become a domesticated house pet with the amount of time you’d spent in an office over the last couple years.
You also needed to find Obito. Thinking back to that horrifying fight between him and Kakashi, you know his taijutsu skills are incredible. But where is he? 
Feeling better than you had since Saturday, you didn’t need him to take you home but you found yourself missing his company.
“Shiho, have you seen Obito today?”
“Not since this morning.”
You felt a bit disappointed. 
I guess it’s fine. He’ll swing by eventually. Maybe I should stay late tonight anyways. Make up for yesterday’s missed hours.
And that’s exactly what you do. You stay all night. Shiho joined you, wanting to help with the project. She stayed till 8:00pm before she left to spend the night at home with her husband. You however, worked till nearly 2:00am. A couple times Kakashi passed your door, spying on you while you did what you do best. He leaned against the doorway reminiscing about the beginning of your relationship. The late night walks, the secret lunches, the first time you tore down his mask and kissed him. His chest constricted as he thought about it all. He tore himself away and headed home, feeling his waterline tear up.
Still you remained in your office. Working away. Eventually drowsiness washed over you. You went to the back of your office where you kept a sleeping pad. After rolling it out, you grabbed the blanket you kept on hand for these very occasions. You’d continue your work once you woke. For now you just needed a little shut eye. After days of agony you finally felt clarity. The only thought plaguing your mind now was where did Obito go?
Part 9 Masterlist
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lulu-tutu · 2 years
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Midnight Confessions 💕Rise!Leonardo
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A/N: Decided to do Leo, because I enjoy his energy and he's my fav Rise!Turtle lmao Also, sorry for the lack of posts! Been stressed, which doesn’t help me write or get motivated but I managed to get this out! Have a fic coming out soon too that is long overdue! So look out for that :)
Also thank you to everyone that has put in their requests <3 Love you guys!
Pairing(s): Rise!Leonardo x GN!Reader
Warning(s): Sweetness, confessions, all the fluff and softness in the world.
Proof read :)
Anons first request here
Leo loves to always remind you that it was him who confessed first, just so he could see that flustered yet annoyed look that crosses your face.
It's one of his favourite expressions that you make, and if he was told to draw that exact expression, he would have the best artist in New York (other than Mikey) running for the hills.
It was sometime late at night, and knowing that you would be busy tomorrow, you decided it would be better if you slept in your own bed, as much as you would have loved to have a sleep over with your turtle friends.
Leo offered to take you home, and you were surprised when he didn't wave his Ōdachi through the air to create one of his famous portals.
He instead took you by the hand and began to lead you up to the surface, while you muttered your confusion to him on the way.
"Not getting lazy now, are you?" He teased, the edge of his mask lifting as an eyebrow raise.
You scoffed, narrowing your gaze at him as the moon greeted your figures, trying your best to not let it show how much that look of his had your stomach fluttering, "Says the one who uses his portals to get snacks even though they're only a room away."
You both climbed the nearest building until your feet were planted on the rooftops, the breeze much cooler than down below on the streets.
The walk to your apartment was full of playful banter and laughter, as it usually was when you were with the blue masked turtle, up until your bedroom window was in view, which you picked up on.
Leo gently eases you down onto your balcony, his fingers wrapped so delicately around your wrist until he was absolute sure you were safely behind the balcony railing, where he decided to perch himself, his hold not loosening from your skin.
"Alright, what's the matter?" You could easily pick up that something wasn't right with him, since when does Leo go silent? Where were all his jokes? This was so not Leon like at all, and it concerned you.
His eyes widen in surprise and his hand reels back to keep himself from falling off the railing at the sudden jerky movement, "I have no idea what you're talking about, nothings the matter. Though, if you were talking to Donnie, I'm sure he'd give you a whole speech on that subject. 'Particles this, physical space that, atoms, science, science, science-'
As much as you found his Donnie impersonation hilarious and actually quite accurate, you decided to stop his rambling by lowering one of his outstretched hands that was moving around wildly at his display of character.
"I'm serious Leo, you've been weirdly quiet ever since we got close to my place. What's up with that?" You asked him softly, feeling his fingers curl around your hand until your fingers were woven together.
You noticed how his eyes lingered there, how his grip tightened ever so slightly and his thumb brushed over your knuckles as he lets out a sigh.
"Okay," He begins, his eyes momentarily closing, leaving the air between you silent once again as he sorts out his scrambled thoughts before he opens them to squint at the ground.
"We've been friends for a while now, haven't we?" At his words, you try and pinpoint exactly where this conversation could go, eyebrows slightly furrowed in thought, but you nod and continued to listen.
"We've been through a lot together, some good times and some really bad times." You watch as his mouth curls into a tender smile, his eyes finally lift to meet your own, and something in his gaze has your throat closing in on itself.
"The thing is..." He doesn't let go of your hand, even as he slowly steps off the railing to stand at his full height in front of you, his head bowed to look down at you. It feels like he was only a breath away from your face, his own body heat melting within your own, "I want to continue to be there, for all of the bad and all of the good, but...not as just your friend."
His words were so soft spoken that if you were spaced out, you surely would have missed it, but that's the thing - All you could see was him, all there was, was Leo. His gentle gaze, the feeling of his skin under your fingertips, you were enveloped completely by him.
You sudden silence must have worried him as he ever so slightly loosens his hold on your hand, his smile slipping at the corners of his mouth, "I didn't overstep any boundaries, did I? I didn't know if I explained it properly but...I really like you, Y/n."
"Leo." You breathe out, heart beating erratically against your chest at his sudden confession. You don't know how long he had been keeping it in, but you were glad at least one of you had the nerves to tell the other.
Taking his other hand and grasping it tightly, you brought them both up to your chest, running your own thumb across his skin with a wide smile, "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to hear those words."
His eyes practically light up the night sky, his own grin matching yours as he throws his head back with a sudden laugh, one that has your cheeks burning and heart thrumming.
"Are you kidding?" He finally chuckles out, his head coming down to lay against your shoulder, his body still vibrating from his laughter, "I've been planning this whole night for the past month, only to find out I could have done it so much earlier?"
His breath against your neck sends chills down your spine, and when his arms wrap themselves around your waist, well you could have been considered a human heater.
"I guess I could have said something earlier, but I didn't want to scare you off or make things awkward." You chuckle sheepishly, raising your arm to lock them around his neck, bringing him even closer, which he doesn't complain at. He instead nuzzles his face closer into the crook of your neck, "Also, for the record, I really, really like you too."
Back in the sewers, the turtle group chat (and April) gets a message from a smitten red-eared slider, stating that he would be spending the night at his partners place.
"No, no!" Donnie throws his head back in horror, his arms raised towards the sky, "You failed me, Y/n! I owe April so much money!"
"Donnie owes April so much money!" Mikey's loud giggles ring across the lair, only making Donnie's defeat that much worse.
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allmoshnobrain · 9 months
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 23 of ? | masterpost
word count: 3319 | ao3 link | fic's playlist
Finally, I spotted him, chilling on a couch in the corner, rocking a beer and a smoke as his serious eyes stared at me. My heart tightened seeing him like that; normally, when he saw me, it meant smiles and a hug. Now, however, he just watched me, his cool blue eyes meeting mine from across the room. I held his gaze for a while, my face turning a bit warm as we looked at each other. Heart skipping a beat, I wondered: was he gonna brush me off? Stand up and bail, pretending I wasn’t even there?
✦ summary: Reuniting with James forces Nore to confront the complicated feelings that arose after their kiss.
✦ on this chapter: dave mustaine x female!oc, james hetfield x female! oc, oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, angst, love triangle, drinking, smoking, recreational drug use
✦ a/n: Hello! I'm finally on Christmas break and have lots of free time, so I'm trying to write as much as I can! I'm really glad I could post this chapter before the end of the year, and I hope it won't take me too long to post the next ones :) We're on the final half of the story, and things will get a bit more intense from now on. So, how do you think James and Nore are gonna deal with their feelings from now on? I'm really excited to write about it! Thank you so much for reading, feedback is welcome and motivates me a lot! ❤
✧ I want to be the girl with the most cake / He only loves those things because he loves to see them break / I fake it so real, I am beyond fake / And someday, you will ache like I ache ✧
It didn't take too long for me to catch up with my friends again. Just a bit over two weeks post-Leanne's birthday bash, Cliff gave me a ring with some exciting news: the band had landed a gig at a renowned venue in Los Angeles, and if the first show drew a good crowd, there was talk of a repeat performance to wrap up the year.
I hadn’t crossed paths with James since he had kissed me; gotta admit, the idea of facing him after all that had happened had me feeling a bit uneasy. But I was hopeful that, when the time came, we could have a conversation about it. I just hoped we could keep our friendship. There were many things I could handle, but losing him for good was not something I was ready for.
The band needed to fill the place, so Cliff asked if I could bring someone along. I ended up inviting Pat, my friend from the record store, to join me at the show. I mean, asking Dave was out of the question; as time went by, he was getting more and more bitter every time Metallica came up. Even though he wasn't thrilled about me going to the show, having a companion seemed to ease his mood a bit. Ever since I came home with a bruised hand from having to defend myself, he seemed to gradually become more protective and concerned every day. I knew he'd rather I not navigate crowded spots alone, especially at a metal show. But, when it came to Metallica, his wounded pride still had the upper hand.
I met up with Pat right outside the record store before the gig, so we could go to the venue together. She greeted me with the biggest smile, her blonde locks and blue eyes all dazzling.
"I'm so stoked!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with happiness as I handed her the ticket and the backstage pass. "I've never had backstage access before. This is gonna be rad!"
"Yeah, it's cool. But don't expect anything too fancy; we usually just score some drinks and access to the dressing room," I said, throwing out a strained smile. I tried not to let the nerves creep in about seeing James again, but now that showtime was approaching, my anxiety was cranking up by the minute.
"Oh, don't be a buzzkill," she pouted. "You’re in a bad mood today? Aren't you happy to see your friends?"
"Sorry, Pat. I'm just kinda on edge," I replied with a sigh. Despite really liking Pat, I wasn't up for diving into the whole James-kiss situation with anyone. Truth is, I had been mulling over it way more than I'd like. Couldn't wait to clear the air with James once and for all.
We rolled up a bit later to the venue, and there was already a decent line of fans. It always blew my mind how they had just dropped their first album not long ago but were pulling in a hype crowd that was growing by the day. I could sense the West Coast getting too cramped for whatever they were cookin' up. And, like always, no need to wait in line for us; the IDs whisked us straight backstage, where the guys were getting their act together, getting stage-ready, and already a bit toasted.
I couldn't really zone in on the whole scene that kicked off with Lars, Kirk, and Cliff swooping in for the welcome party; drinks were handed out, cigs were fired up, and Lars, as usual, threw in his cheeky comments ('hey, your friend's a total babe!'). But honestly, none of that was grabbing my full attention. My eyes were on a mission, desperately looking for the only person I wanted to see. No matter how much I tried to fool myself, all I cared about was making sure things were cool between James and me.
Finally, I spotted him, chilling on a couch in the corner, rocking a beer and a smoke as his serious eyes stared at me. My heart tightened seeing him like that; normally, when he saw me, it meant smiles and a hug. Now, however, he just watched me, his cool blue eyes meeting mine from across the room. I held his gaze for a while, my face turning a bit warm as we looked at each other. Heart skipping a beat, I wondered: was he gonna brush me off? Stand up and bail, pretending I wasn’t even there?
Instead, he just got up, strolled over, and handed me the beer bottle.
“Want some?” he asked, throwing a faint smile my way. I blinked, kinda surprised. The way he talked, it was like nothing had happened. Like he never had kissed me. Like I never had bolted out of Joe's kitchen, leaving him all alone.
But, hey, wasn’t that exactly what I wanted? For things to be normal again. For us to stick to being friends, no drama.
“Of course. You ever see me turn down a beer?” I replied with a grin. He let out a soft chuckle and handed over the bottle, his cold fingers brushing mine for the briefest fraction of a second before he brought the cig back to his mouth.
Before long, the venue staff gave us the heads up that the show was about to kick off. The guys wrapped up their final checks, and Pat and I joined them, enjoying a beer by the stage. Pat was all hyped about it; even though she didn't know the band, she was really getting into the music, full of the enthusiasm you'd expect from a dedicated fan. As for me, I was a bit more reserved this time. Don't get me wrong, I was always happy to catch up with my friends, but I couldn't ignore how uneasy I felt, especially when I noticed James's glances, splitting his attention between the crowd and shooting looks my way, a silent storm brewing in his blue gaze.
After the concert wrapped up, he handed his guitar over to a puzzled Kirk, not even bothering to look at him. He headed my way, big steps and a bit of annoyance wrinkling his forehead; at that point, I was almost sure he was going to cup my face in his hands and kiss me again. The idea had my face turning hot, my heart racing, and the palms of my hands getting sticky with nervous sweat, recalling the feel of his lips on mine. Instead of that, he just stopped and locked eyes with me for a moment, carefully studying my face before saying:
“So? How was the show?”
“It was awesome! You guys rock, I loved it!” Pat exclaimed, all excited, breaking the momentary electricity that had arisen between us two. James raised an eyebrow, curious, as if just now realizing she was there, and shot me a puzzled look. I just shrugged, wearing a slight smile.
"It was killer, like always," I said with a grin, and he shot one right back at me. There it was — the familiar, genuine smile I'd been missing all night. I couldn’t help but feel relief wash all over me when I saw it.
We wrapped up the night at some random downtown bar. Most of the time, I stuck with Pat since she only knew me there. A couple of beers, a joint, and watching her all hyped up did the trick; I started to unwind, and soon enough, I was enjoying the night with a lightness I hadn't felt in ages. Had a cig between my lips, just chilling and keeping an eye on the guys from a distance. Cliff and Kirk were deep into some serious chat, sharing a joint. Lars and James had found some fans from the show, cracking up and talking loudly while passing around a bottle of vodka.
"Can I ask you something?" Pat threw out. I shifted my gaze from the scene, catching her curious, kinda fuzzy look — probably thanks to a bit of the booze. Before I could even answer, she kept going: "What's the deal with you and James?"
"Me... and James?" I raised my eyebrows, totally caught off guard. She nodded, a little smile playing on her lips. "We're... We're friends."
"And that's it?" She raised an eyebrow, and I furrowed my brow.
"Of course, that's it, Pat! You know I'm dating Dave."
"Yeah, I know. It's just..." She started, letting her eyes wander over to Lars and James before turning back to me with a mischievous grin. "He's quite the looker. Mind if I flirt with him a bit? Just for fun, you know."
I blinked, caught off guard, and then burst into laughter, my face heating up in a mix of surprise and confusion. Out of all the scenarios playing in my head for that night, Pat showing interest in James was definitely not on the list.
“Sure, why not,” I said, and she shot me a smile before strutting in the direction of James and Lars. I watched her go, a little smirk on my face, a tiny pang of envy sneaking into my chest. Maybe life would be more of a breeze if I could summon that kind of confidence in myself so easily.
"So now you're playing matchmaker?" I heard Cliff's familiar voice, and I looked up to meet his brown eyes staring at me. I grinned as he lit a cigarette, handing it to me before popping the top of the beer can he had in his hand. "Are you okay?"
"Never been better. And you?"
"Are you sure?" he raised an eyebrow. "Last time I saw you, you weren't very happy."
"Yeah, felt a bit down after... you know, what happened," I confessed with a sigh. "But I think that's all settled now, isn't it?"
Cliff didn't seem entirely convinced. He took a drag from his cigarette, the smoke billowing out before he reached out to me. I took the cigarette from between his fingers, bringing it to my lips.
"I thought James liked you," he commented, his attentive gaze fixed on my face. I shrugged.
"Maybe he does. But you know I have a boyfriend, Cliff. Maybe it's good for him to be distracted by some other girl for a bit," I said, and Cliff snorted.
"Not even you believe that, Nore."
"What do you mean?"
"What do you think? Are you sure about what you're doing, throwing your friend at him like this? Or will you regret it later?"
"Why would I regret it?" I furrowed my brow, then stared at him defiantly. "I know what I'm doing, okay?"
"If you say so," he shrugged, taking the cigarette back from my hand.
I watched him walk away with a frown, scanning the area for James, my stomach churning uncomfortably when I couldn't find him anywhere.
We bounced out of the bar late at night, still riding high on excitement and energy, a bit too drunk but not giving a damn about it. Lucky for us, the guys were staying at a friend's house nearby, and a quick call to Pat's dad had us sorted for a ride home from their place. I said my goodbyes to the guys and enjoyed the cruise home. Pat, usually a chatterbox, was oddly quiet on the drive. When I nudged her about James, she blushed so hard I couldn't help but crack up.
When I got home, I made a beeline for the shower. The hot water washed away the remnants of the night's boozing, helping me unwind and finally realize how tired I was. I slipped into my PJs, hopping into bed next to a knocked-out Dave.
I let out a soft chuckle when his arms wrapped around me, his lips landing on my neck. It was like he had a sixth sense that woke him up the moment I was back, even from the deepest sleep. Like he just knew I was nearby. How could I think of anyone else when Dave loved me like this?
“Hey,” he mumbled, his voice all sleepy, planting a kiss on my shoulder.
“Hey,” I replied with a smile, turning in bed to face him. I swept his ginger hair away from his face, and he grumbled before pulling me closer, burying his face in my neck.
"Missed you tonight," he murmured, his raspy voice making me shiver in the best way. "Glad you're back."
"Course, I'm back," I whispered, running my fingers through his hair. "We’re not gonna fight tonight, right?"
"Hmm..." he grumbled, his lips making their way up my neck until they met mine. His hands grabbed my waist as he settled on top of me. "No fights... got something else in mind."
I laughed into his kiss, my face warming as he turned up the intensity, making my whole body heat up. In that moment, wrapped up in his arms, I was sure I was loved. I was sure he loved me. And that was, and always would be, enough. 
Or, at least, that's what I told myself.
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✧ if you'd like to be tagged on the next parts, let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! ❤ ✧
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chansabsfanclub · 2 years
BangChan NSFW Alphabet
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genre : suggestive smut word count : 1212 warning : suggestive and some smutty content A/N : if you enjoy my work, please like and reblog so it can reach more people, and if you want me to do another member please feel free to send me a request!
Aftercare : 
Chan isn a very sweet person, he's always looking after other people, there's no exception when it comes to the person he loves.  After you finish the deed, he would do or get you anything you need.  Run a bath for the two of you to relaxe and clean up, get you both some snacks to eat while you watch a movie and cuddle, and eventually fall asleep together.
Body : (his favourite part of his and your body)
He loves his abs, he works on the all the time and is very proud to show them off to his partner and feel them touch them.  On you he loves your hair, p;laying with it and holding it up, back and to the side.  He loves brushing his hand through your hair as well.
Cum : 
Unless he's wearing a condom he will pull out when he finishes, cumming on your stomach, he'll promptly wipe it up though since he doesnt want you to feel dirty from it if that makes sense.
Dirty Secret : 
For the most part Chan likes very loving, vanilla sex.  But he secretly wants to have a rough session every once in a while, maybe use some bondage and try out some bdsm things, but nothing to the extent of causing you pain.
Experience : 
I feel like Chan doesn't have a lot of experience when it comes to these things, so he's always learning new things every time you guys do it.
Favourite Position:
Chan's favourite position is doggy style.  He can go as fast as he can and it feels the best for him, and his partner.  He also enjoys seeing their ass clap against his thighs, the site itself makes him want to cum.
Goofy :
Chan likes to have fun during sexy times, he likes to make you feel comfortable and cared for and if one of you makes a weird sound he'll ease your embarrassment with laughter.  Although, during certain times he does like to be serious and focuses on showing you all his love.
Hair : 
Chan doesn't mind hair at all, he prefers to keep himself clean cut but not completely hairless.  
Intimacy :
He gets very passionate when it comes to sex.  He gets into the zone and does his hardest to make his partner feel not only pleasure, but loved as well.  He doesn't goof around when he's in the moment having sex, but afterwards he'll giggle and pull them in tightly for cuddles.
Jerks off :
Chan only really jerks off when he's super stressed.  Once or twice a week, but he doesn't go crazy.  He's very busy so there's not much time to do it anyways, but if he's working late in his studio and the thought of his partner comes to mind he would pause to relieve some of his stress.
Kinks :
HUGE dominance kink, size kink, choking kink and control kink.  He's soft natured, but once he's in the bedroom he becomes a beast.  He likes to experiment with new kinks and to see what pleases his partner and himself.  He loves being in control though and seeing his partner submit to him.
Location :
He prefers the privacy of a bedroom versus public sex.  He likes to spend his time with his partner, taking their time to slowly reach an orgasm together and really enjoy their intimate time.  The only other place would be his office if the door was locked and he was really horny and desperate.
Motivation :
Music.  Chan loves music, it's his profession.  If he hears a sensual song or his partner singing beautifully he could get turned on in a second.  Music playing in the background is an essential during sex for him, he uses it to help control his pace and to create a more sensual environment.
No :
His biggest turn off is pain.  He has a choking kink but he would never actually hurt his partner.  If they asked him to spank them, hit them, bite them or anything that would cause them pain he would stop immediately and step away.  He could never cause harm or pain to his partner.
Oral :
Chans not too big on oral, he would give his partner oral if they asked, but he's not big on it.  He prefers hands, using them to give his partner pleasure and to be pleasured.
Pace :
Like I said before, he likes to listen to music and match his pace with the music.  He prefers a slower harder pace though, reaching as far as he can and feeling every inch of his partner.
Quickie :
He doesn't like them.  He prefers long intimate sessions, quick sex just to get off isn't too appealing to him.  If his partner really wanted a quickie he would do it though, he just doesn't like them that much.
Risk :
The only risks he's into are trying out new kinks.  He'd never risk being walked in on or seen in public, he likes to keep those things private, so he's not a very risky person.
Stamina :
Chan has great stamina, he could go for hours if his partner wanted to, whatever it takes to get them to orgasm.  He enjoys sex and wants it to last for a long time.  He however doesn't have enough stamina for multiple sessions.  One long session is good for him.
Toys :
He has a vibrator or two for his partner, anything to help them reach a climax.  They also are great for foreplay to get his partner riled up, as a dominant he will use anything to make his partner cum, wether that be vibrators or penetration.
Unfair (teasing) :
He likes to tease as a way of foreplay.  Slow make out sessions, a little touching and then retreating to tease his partner, getting them excited for sex.  Once he gets to the actual sex he stops teasing and goes into a serious mode.
Volume :
Chan likes top keep his own volume to a minimum, he likes hearing his partner moan and whine during sex and he gets off to the sounds they make while being intimate.  
Wild card :
Hair pulling.  It's not something he would normally be interested in, but one time when his partner and him were going at it they pulled his hair and he groaned and finished in that very moment.  It's a secret that he tries to keep, and his partner likes to tease him with it, while they're out they'll pull his hair slightly to turn him on, and he can't do anything about it.
X-ray :
"Y' know what else is big?"  Famous words of Christopher Bang Chan.  He's probably average size when fully hard, around 6.5 inches, but with girth.  He has good girth.
Yearning (sex drive) :
His sex drive isn't too high, he doesn't feel the need to have it every day, but it does increase when he's stressed out.  He's not too horny, but he'd like to have sex at least once a week, he like's to make his partner feel loved in that way.
Zzz (sleep) :
He waits for his partner to fall asleep first before falling asleep himself.  He'll stroke their hair and kiss their cheek and head and humm them songs till they pass out, then he'll fall asleep.
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
Hi hi !! Love your cod hcs!! And I apologise if I spammed them.
They pretty much made me smile today since ive been binging on them. If it's okay can I ask for some of the cod boys comforting a medic reader and their new employer is just a dick. Where reader works so much over time(even during sick days), maybe the boys get worried because reader's body is just basically telling them, they need rest?
My job has been kinda crappy lately and I've considered finding another clinic to work at because some staff get treated like shit while others are put on a pedestal.
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ᙖᥱttᥱɾ Ꙇᥙᥴƙ ᥒᥱxt tɩຕᥱ
Task Force 141 + gn! Reader
Hey Love! First of all, thank you so much for helping people that need you. I wish you the best and I hope you find a clinic that gives you what you deserve. Please don’t forget to also take care of yourself <3 I love you!
And thank you so much 🥺 This literally means so much to me <3 Spam as much as you want, I literally don’t care. In fact, it always makes me happy 😋
I hope you like this<3 LOVE YOU💖💖💖💖
╚═════ ∘◦ ❈ ◦∘ ══════╝
You were working in the infirmary for the Task Force 141 and other units. You had proven yourself to be an indispensable asset to the team, healing their physical wounds and bringing warmth to their hearts. You were their favorite. They knew they could come to you running and you would catch them with open arms. Always having a smile on your face and shining brighter than all the stars combined. They were lucky to have someone motivated and happy medic like you.
However, it wasn't long before the demands of your new employer began to take a toll on your well-being. The team noticed the exhaustion etched in the lines of your face, the dark circles under your eyes and the way you pushed yourself beyond your limits, even working during sick days. They noticed how you slowly lost your smile as each day passed and you started to look like you hadn’t slept for weeks. This started to worry the boys since they weren’t used to this side of you.
Kyle was the first to speak up, concern lacing his voice. "I think that you've been pushing yourself too hard. It's okay to take a break sometimes, you know?" he said softly.
You attempted to brush off his worry with a smile, but it couldn't hide the weariness in your eyes. "I'm fine, really" you replied, trying to convince yourself as much as you tried to convince him. He looked sad and you could read it off of his face. You healed his wound and told him to not overwork himself. Oh how bad he wanted to say that you shouldn’t either. But he didn’t. He didn’t want to provoke you.
It didn’t take too long until Simon entered the room. You turn to look at him and give him a smile but he couldn’t feel your smile to his heart like he usually would. Whenever you smiled at him, it felt like the whole world was smiling at him. But today he didn’t feel like the whole world was smiling at him.
Simon leaned forward, making it hard for you to not look at him, yet his voice gentle was stern. "You're not fine" he said, his piercing blue eyes meeting yours. "We can see it, I can see it, and it's not worth risking your health for us" you couldn’t look at him any longer so you looked down, not answering him. From outside, you and Simon could hear the new employee yell at you to come and do something instead of just sitting. Without looking back, you turned around and got out of your room, leaving Simon alone. And he was holding him back from snapping at the newbie to fuck off.
John Price, the wise captain of the Task Force came around a day later and greeted you with a warm smile he had saved. Just for you.
"How is my favorite medic?" he asked and you gave him a warm smile. Or let’s say you tried. "You lost weight, Y/N. I‘m worried you’re not doing fine. Anything you wanna talk about?" he stated, causing you to look at yourself and then back at him. "No sir. I‘m working out at home. That’s probably why." you reply, desperately trying to close the conversation but he doesn’t let you.
"What’s with your eyes then? Why do they look so tired if you’re okay?" he hits a spot in your heart and the tears are threatening you to fall any second. "I watched a sad movie last night. Still hurts. That’s all. Anything else captain?" your voice id trembling. You hope he says no and leaves because if he doesn’t, he will get to see you cry in front of him. And you don’t want him to see that.
"Come here" he opens his arms and hugs you tightly. You can’t help but let the tears fall down your eyes and ruin the makeup you put on to cover the dark circles around your eyes. "It’s okay. You just need a rest. Please take a few days off, for yourself. You need to rest Sweetheart."
You hesitated, torn between your dedication to the team and the need to care for yourself. But you know that if you leave, you’re gonna have to work harder because of the new doctor around here.
As the days passed, the team grew increasingly worried as they saw the toll that constant work was taking on you. Your body was showing clear signs of exhaustion and the concern in their eyes intensified.
Again, kyle entered the med bay, a determined look in his eyes. "Y/N" he said, his voice unwavering, "I know you've been neglecting your own well-being, but we won't let you do it anymore."
He revealed a small cut on his arm, deliberately made. "If you won't take care of yourself," he continued, "I'll have to take care of you."
In that moment, the weight of his worry and love for you became too much to bear. Tears welled up in your eyes as you nodded, finally allowing yourself to accept their care and concern.
With the help of the team, Price had a conversation with your boss behind your back and reported what’s going on and ensured that you were given a few days off to rest. The boys rallied around you, bringing you snacks, food and making sure you stayed hydrated.
Simon spoke up with a grin, "Hey there doc." he said playfully "have a whole team to take care of you now."
A genuine smile graced your lips as you felt the warmth of their care surrounding you. "Thank you" you said softly.
Johnny clapped you on the shoulder. "We're a team" he said, his voice filled with camaraderie "and can we take care of our own. And of you. That’s the least we can do"
In the days that followed, you finally allowed yourself to rest, your body and soul. The boys were there every step of the way, ensuring you got the rest and care you needed.
You were thankful to whoever was listening to you. They were family to you and whenever you needed someone, they were there for you. It’s the least they can do and pay off the times you overworked so they were doing fine. And now they are taking care of you until you stand up again and send them to bed to rest.
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JHS- Twisted Feelings (8)
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Summary: After working at an award show for 2 years everything had become normal, idols were no longer exciting to see, performances became dull and every day blended together, that was until an unexpected man asked for your help.
Warning: none
A/n: part two of the three part update, I’ve noticed a lot of twisted feeling readers are quite silent. Are you enjoying this? Is there anything you want to see happen ? Let me know and maybe you’ll find your idea in the next chapter! Interaction can change the lifespan of a story, if I see it’s in high demand I’ll update sooner. As always, thank you for reading.
Ch.07 | Masterlist | Ch.09
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You'd had to wait until 7 pm to be ushered into a meeting room, hobi by your side as the other members sat scattered around the long table. Some looked more exhausted than others, Sejin and a few other staff members at the head of the table.
Jimin, Taehyung and Seokjin all asked how you felt, the worry still causing a semi-permanent frown. “I’m fine.” You brushed off their questions, just wanting to finish up and go home.
After the panicked phone call from your mother you sat with Hoseok, you spoke about yourselves all day, him trying to distract you and reassure you whilst doing his best effort to ignore his own very visible concerns.
“Right, someone explain what’s happened.” The manager pulls at the stack of paper beside him, flipping through the first few pages before looking up towards you. “Anyone want to say anything.”
You didn’t want to be the first to speak, the way everyone looked at you with some form of expectant gleam in your eyes only made you wish you could disappear.
Thankfully Hoseok spoke up for you. “YNs eomma called her, she was distressed because someone sent a blood covered letter threatening YN to stop working with us. We were thinking if the motive was to have her fired then the mistranslation maybe wasn’t directed at us but more so a ploy to have her fired.”
“If it was someone who wanted her away from us wouldn’t they do something that didn’t harm us, until Namjoon Hyung went on Weverse and Jimin went live most people were believing what was said. The company had to release an official statement to clear it up and even now people are talking. It’s hard to see that this wasn’t about trying to damage us.” Taehyung made a few good points.
“Collateral damage, I guess?” You chalked up other simplest of answers, more unsure now with Taehyungs counter argument.
You watch as one of the men standing behind Sejin lean forward, whispering something to him. “Okay YN can you tell us if there’s anyone who would want to harm you?”
You thought on it for a moment, you’d never even so much as gotten into a verbal altercation, always been polite, helpful, had good relations with those around you. “No, no one that I can think of.”
“It could always just be a sasaeng?” Jungkook offered, his gaze settled where he was fiddling with the sleeve of his shirt.
“It could be, I’m not to sure they would know YN was working here so fast. We haven’t had a leak like that in some time. I say we monitor the situation and see if it happens again.”
“And if it does?” You questioned. “What will happen if it keeps occurring.”
“Well, I’ll be entirely honest with you.” He grimaced, this wouldn’t be nice. “You’re a new employee, you’re a translator and despite the infinity the members have showed towards you there isn’t much I can do if you’re harming their reputation. It will be out of my hands if it starts to impact them negatively.” Sejin gives you a pointed look. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“What exactly are you saying?” Hoseok brings his chair closer to the table.
“We may have to let YN go.” Sejin is careful with his words, bordering between certainty and lack thereof. “She’s technically still in the probationary period of her contract.”
“No offence but that’s bullshit, I want to work with YN. She hasn’t caused this, she helped fix the issue firing her for someone attacking her Isn’t right.” Hoseok defended, his tone holding an edge.
You stayed silent as the Yoongi surprising spoke up to support you. “YN let us accuse her and instead of walking out of here she sat and provided the company what they needed to help with damage control, firing her because some insane person thinks they can dictate who we do and do not work with is something I won’t stand beside.
“Thank you everyone, I don’t want to be a problem here I really don’t and if it comes to a point where it seriously could affect your careers I will leave. I wouldn’t want to be the cause of a major disruption to you all. Sejin I completely understand.” And the truth is you did, in their eyes BTS would always be worth more, even if the members themselves didn’t think as such.
“Okay, thank you.” Sejin gave a round of smiles, the men behind him looking peeved. “If that’s all you’re free to go home. I’ve cleared the schedule tomorrow no one needs to come in unless they want to.” Sejin turned to you. “ I’d like for you to set out a plan with those you’ll be teaching and come to an agreement on when you’d like to schedule set English lessons.”
You nodded in response, the days events wearing on you. He gave a final goodbye before leaving the room, it felt somewhat calmer with it just being yourself and the members there. “I’m sorry about that.” It was Namjoon apologising although he needn’t.
You put on your best smile, no matter how false. “It’s okay, I can understand their worry. I wanted to just get a list of the members who wanted to learn English, I can plan lessons for each of you tailored to your needs that way.”
“Firing such a good employee would be a mistake.” It was the first time Seokjin had spoke. “I’m not much into learning, a few base things would be nice though. So I could understand and interact with fans. Nothing complex. Maybe you could just put together a PowerPoint or something? I think lessons would be a bit too much for me right now.”
“I’m good with English.” Namjoon laughed. “If I ever need clarification I know where to find you.”
“Okay, anyone else?”
“Id like to.” Yoongi grumbled. Followed by a “me too Noona.” from Jungkook.
“I have sessions with Hoseok-Ssi planned for three days a week, they are 1-2 hours long a time. Is there anyone who wants something that intense?”
“I’m okay not taking lessons right now, what about you Taehyung?” Jimin turned to the singer beside him.
You wait for him to think it over. “Maybe the same as Seokjin Hyung, basic stuff.”
“Okay, just so I have this right. Both Seokjin-ssi and Taehyung-ah would like a document of some kind just detailing the basics of English conversation. Yoongi-ssi and Jungkook-ah would like lessons along with Hoseok-ssi, Namjoon-ssi is fine to go without.”
Words of approval were scattered. “I’d like mine maybe once a week, with the album production I don’t have much time.”. You admired yoongi for wanting to take on another task with how overrun he already seemed.
“Can we do twice a week Noona? I want to get better as soon as possible.” Jungkook was eager, enthusiastic and you loved to see it.
“Of course we can, Yoongi-Ssi what day would work best for you?”
“Thursday.” He responded instantly, as though he had already checked his cal see and marked a spot clear. “I don’t have much on a Thursday.”
“Okay Thursday it is, Jungkook- Ah?” You turn your head to the maknae who quickly pulls his phone out.
“Uhhh, probably a Sunday ?” Another pause. “Definitely a Sunday oh and Wednesday.”
Okay so Thursday is with Yoongi-ssi , Wednesday and Sunday with Jungkook-ah leaving every other day free. “Hoseok-ssi does that work for you?”
You turn to face him, sitting next to him meant he was a little out of your eye line. Your eyes met him as though he had been staring, you quickly averted your eyes.
“Please stop being so formal, I told you already just Hoseok or hobi. Oppa even, just not so formal.” He gives you a light smile. “I’ll probably do Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. I think we will all come for additional lessons, would that be okay? What about teaching two of us in a day?”
“My contract demands I’m available 24/7, any time you need me or want a lesson you can call me in, I don’t have many obligations so unless there’s a family issue then I should be able to come. Each lesson is only an hour or two so if need be I could do one lesson with you each a day.”
You took out your phone opening your notes to write down the plan you’d formulated.
Monday - Hoseok
Tuesday- Hoseok
Wednesday - Jungkook
Thursday -Yoongi
Friday -
Saturday - Hoseok
Sunday- Jungkook
That would leave you with Friday free, you could work with that. “I’m supposed to have a family dinner this weekend, I can reschedule for another week though.”
“No. Go to it.” Hoseok encouraged. “We can leave that session.”
“Family is important.” Yoongi agreed. “You should go.”
“Oh no it’s fine, work comes first I’m sure they will understand that. I’ll reschedule.”
“If you change your mind I’m fine cancelling our session.” It was kind of Hoseok, truly.
“Thank you. We should all get going, I’ll get as much planning done although the lessons probably won’t be as structured until next week. Think of this week as me just grasping where you need improvement and where your strong suits lie.”
You all stood from the table, the youngest three leaving as soon as possible, Yoongi and Namjoon following behind them. “Let me walk to you to the car?”
“You don’t have to do that.” You waved, shaking your head. “You’re busy enough.”
“It would be my honour.” He insisted, holding the door open for you. “Please?”
“Okay.” You resigned, walking through the open door.
“Today was difficult, I’m sorry you had to deal with this all so soon.” It really wasn’t his fault.
“Don’t apologise you didn’t cause this. Thank you for standing up for me.”
“Don’t thank me for that.”
Once you reached the car he opened the door for you. “Get home safe, oh and here!” He handed you a small sheet of paper.
“What’s this?” You questions unfolding it. “Numbers?”
“Our personal ones, our names are next to them. I spoke to the members yesterday and they agreed it was a good idea. Text me when you get Home safe.”
You quickly thanked him, sliding your bag into the car before getting in yourself. You see him stand there until the car had exited the lot.
You pulled out your phone, adding each new contact. Using their initials only.
The thought they trusted you enough to give you their personal contact details made you smile, no matter how small the gesture was.
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kailyn-writes · 10 months
First Snow | Tyson Jost x Reader
A/N: it has been forever since I have written or posted anything so please go easy on me!! This is just a short little thing to try and get my motivation to come back. If you have any requests, feel free to send them in! IDK if I'll write them but I might!
Word Count: 600
Growing up in Texas, you’d rarely had the opportunity to see actual, fluffy snow. Texas turned into one sheet of ice anytime it was cold and wet, and you’d only been out of state during the winter a couple of times. You knew when you moved to Buffalo that you would have to get used to the snow, but the first snowfall of the season took you by surprise. 
It was a Saturday morning in the middle of November, and you’d only been up long enough to brush your teeth. You’d stayed at your boyfriends place the night before, and you saw the snow through his balcony door in his room. 
“Tyson!” You shouted, rushing to get up. You grabbed a pair of sweatpants and one of his hoodies, running over to the balcony door.
“You called?” Your boyfriend asked, stepping into his room.
“Look! It’s snowing!” You pointed excitedly at the door as he chuckled, moving to wrap his arms around your waist.
“Barely. This won’t even stick, it’ll be gone by the afternoon.” He says, placing his head on your shoulder. 
“I’m still gonna play in it.” You say, pulling out from his embrace, moving to pull a pair of socks and your tennis shoes on. 
“Really? You’re not going to get much playing out of it.” Tyson says, watching you incredulously.
“Party pooper.” You give your boyfriend a quick kiss before hurrying out of his apartment and down to the lobby. There wasn’t much snow on the ground, but there was enough of it piled up on the plastic chairs sat in the courtyard, so you pushed open the door and headed right for it. 
Moments later, a pair of hands scooped up some of the snow beside the tiny snowman you were making and when you looked up, Tyson was standing beside you, nose already a little pink. You smiled up at him, watching as he scooped up a little bit more snow before squishing it into a small ball. Your eyes widened as he grinned, and you knew you were in trouble. 
Twenty minutes and several tiny snowballs later, your fingers were frozen, cheeks pink and sore from laughing so much. 
“C’mon, there’s no more snow left, what do you say we go inside now?” Tyson asks, reaching out to hook an arm around your waist and pull you closer to him. 
“Can we make hot cocoa and watch Christmas movies?” Tyson raises his brows as you smile up at him.
“Babe, it’s not even Thanksgiving.”
“You don’t even celebrate American Thanksgiving! Even more reason to start preparing for Christmas now.” 
“Okay, okay, we can make hot cocoa and watch Christmas movies.” 
One pizza, two cups of hot cocoa, and three Christmas movies later, you and Tyson were snuggled up on the couch under a blanket. The two of you had rearranged his sectional into a makeshift bed with pillows and blankets and everything. You had long since abandoned the movie playing, in favor of listening to your boyfriend’s heart beating. The steady rhythm of his heart beating, his breathing and the soft touches on your waist where his hand was idly drawing shapes on the small sliver of skin exposed was lulling you into sleepiness. 
“Hey Tys?” You murmured sleepily.
“Yes, baby?” 
“Does this mean I need new tires on my car?” 
His soft chuckle vibrates through you and you crack an eyelid to see him smiling down at you. 
“Yes, but I’ll take it to get done one day this week for you.” He says, before planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
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anon-e-miss · 2 years
Vault - Reunion
“Thank ya,” Ricochet murmured when Prime and Ironhide were out of audio range. Jazz nodded.
“I don’t think he bought a scrap of that,” Barricade said, wary as ever.
“Important thing is Prime’s goin’ long wit it,” Jazz replied. “Ironhide ain’t gonna start scrap wit ya without his okay.”
Out of sight, out of processor, Jazz thought the easiest way to keep Barricade from getting any grief was to keep him close to home while he settled. Jazz did not entirely trust Barricade’s motives, neither did he entirely trust Ricochet’s judgment but he was prepared to wait and see. There was no need to worry about his allegiance for a while. With the bitty he was carrying, Barricade would be out of commission for a while. Given the chaos in Darkmount, his and Ricochet’s absence would not be noticed for some time to come and even when it was, there were good odds that the Cons would blame it on Tarantulas. There was no need to let Megs know the eight-legged freak had been eliminated. Let Tarantulas’ drones keep them on the fritz until they fizzled out.
“Which one of got yourself scrapped?” Ratchet demanded without looking up from the CR chamber. Prime was in the medbay with him, Ironhide was mercifully absent. He never lingered in the medbay lest Ratchet get the idea he needed a tune up.
“Not scrapped,” Barricade grumbled. “Just carrying.”
“Room 3,” Ratchet ordered. “Lie down.”
“The bitlet’s my nephew,” Barricade said. “Can I just stay long enough to see that he’s okay.”
“Nephew?” Ratchet asked. “Prowl knows how to keep his secrets. Lie down on that medberth over there. Keep quiet.”
Ricochet helped Barricade onto the medberth and helped him settle on his side so he could watch. Jazz made his way over to Optimus and left his brother to fuss over his lover. He had not had the slightest idea of Ricochet’s romance with a Decepticon and as a result he had not done any digging to see just what sort of mech Barricade really was. That he had found Tarantulas’ lair, that he had been after vengeance for his brother despite the vorns of no contact, that he had wanted to save the nephew he had never known both spoke well for him. What Jazz could confirm was his testimony regarding Sentinel being responsible for the destruction of Praxus. The scum bucket had left behind plenty of other evidence regarding his crimes, mostly because he had not seen them as crimes but as acts of righteousness.
“You haven’t told Prowl or Punch would have alerted that he was trying to drag himself here,” Optimus said.
“I didn’t wanna be alone when I broke his spark if the news was bad,” Jazz explained. “He’d need ya, ‘n Ratchet.”
“He never never mentioned a brother,” Prime said.
“They both kept it close to their sparks,” Jazz replied. “‘M thinkin’ there was a lot of sparklin’ package there. But they made a pact, once Prowl appeared on our side, not to harm each other. Cade didn’t know Tarantulas had’m or he woulda gotten ‘mself slagged to save him. I need ya to be honest wit me. Cade said he joined the Cons because he heard Sentinel Prime give the order to wipe Praxus off the map and Megs had the city encircled. That ring true?”
“Yes,” Optimus replied with an all too familiar world weary gravity.
“Figured it wasn’t somethin’ he’d lie about,” Jazz sighed.
“Megatron wasn’t the villain in the beginning,” Optimus replied. “If he hadn’t lost his way, our history books would write him as the saviour of Cybertron.”
“What happened?” Jazz asked.
“I wish I knew,” Optimus replied. “Because if I did I might be able to fix it.”
“I’m activating the release protocols,” Ratchet said. “Don’t interfere. If he reacts badly I don’t need to be tripping over anyone.”
“Consider us statues,” Jazz said. He held his intakes as he watched Ratchet definitely key in a long string of commands. With a hiss, the CR chamber opened. From within it came a piercing cry.
“Owie!” The bitlet wailed and Jazz felt a tug on his spark. As Ratchet picked Ostaros up from the chamber, he brushed away a dozen cables. The bitlet, a large and chubby thing, kicked and cried as Ratchet crooned to him and set him on a medberth. “Owie!”
“Is he hurt?” Jazz asked as the bitlet seemed to cry in pain.
“He’s calling for Prowl,” Ratchet replied. “Owie, Ori. It’s okay, Sweetling. We’re going to bring your to your Ori soon.”
“How is he?” Prime asked.
“Perfect health,” Ratchet said. “Miraculously. There are scars around his spark chamber. That monster tried to implant his spark chamber in that protoform you found. I’m not sure how the shock didn’t kill him.”
“‘M sorry I can’t drag ‘m up from the Pit to kill’m again,” Jazz said.
“Owie,” the bitlet thrashed.
“Barricade, are you actually Prowl’s brother?” Ratchet asked.
“We shared a progenitor,” Barricade explained.
“It could be enough resonance to settle him enough to finish my exam,” Ratchet declared. “Ricochet, help him sit up. I need Barricade to hold Ostaros while I look him over.”
“Sure,” Ricochet helped Barricade sit up. The gravid Praxian did not look quite as ashen or green. Hopefully solid ground and clean air would help his light-cycle sickness.
“Hold him against your spark,” Ratchet ordered as he draped the bitlet against Barricade’s chassis. “Don’t kick your cousin.”
“No owie,” the little one whined as he looked at Barricade. The familial resonance was still enough, or maybe it was the doorwings. Either way, he stopped thrashing and just sulked.
“I’m not but you’ll see him soon,” Barricade reassured him as Ratchet ran more scans and did a physical exam.
“Everything seems to be... perfect,” Ratchet said, sighing with relief. “Do you want an energon goodie, Sweetling?”
“Goodie?” Ostaros perked up.
“Mhm,” Ratchet reached into his subspace and offered the bitlet a treat. Ostaros took it and shoved it into his mouth and smiled as he chewed.
“He’s perfect,” Optimus said. “Thank Primus.”
“He is,” Ratchet confirmed. “Barricade and bitlet are in good shape. They just need Barricade to get a few good meals in him and some real rest.”
“Eh?” Barricade asked.
“I mostly had you hold the bitlet to distract you,” Ratchet declared and Barricade flushed. “I’ll give Ricochet a list of supplements I want you on because I’m going to guess you haven’t let Hook or Oilslick anywhere near you.”
“Absolutely not,” Barricade confirmed.
“He’s got pretty much constant nausea, that okay?” Ricochet asked.
“It can be,” Ratchet replied. “Filtered midgrade could agree with you better, Barricade. Filler in rations can be hard on the fuel tank.”
“Okay,” Barricade said. He looked up at Ricochet.
“I’ll get it for ya,” Ricochet promised him. “Ya don’t gotta worry ‘bout havin’ enough, Sweetspark. Not here.”
“Ratchet, Prowl’s gotta be feelin’ the bond again ‘n goin’ half crazy,” Jazz said. “Can we bring ‘m to ‘m?”
“Everyone is good to go,” Ratchet confirmed.
“Prowl... might not want to see me,” Barricade said. “He doesn’t know... He should get the chance to just be happy.”
“The bitty just settle cause ya feel familiar enough wit the resonance,” Jazz replied. “Ya led us to ‘m. Prowl’s gonna be happy ya helped get’m ‘n yerself home safe.”
“Prowl can hold long grudges,” Barricade cautioned him.
“If he thought ya was scrap, he woulda seen ya scrapped,” Jazz replied. “Even if he didn’t know. He understood enough.”
“Barricade,” Optimus interjected. “If Prowl has any doubts, I can confirm the destruction of Praxus was at Sentinel Prime’s servos. Prowl’s suffering at Tarantulas servos began with him as well. I can’t imagine, hearing what you did and seeing what you did and losing what you did, making a different choice than you made.
“Thank you,” Barricade murmured.
“A transport will be outside waiting,” Optimus said. “Tell Prowl I’ll check on him and his bitlet later. I think he is going to feel overwhelmed as it is.”
“Comin’ to help if he has a crash, right Ratch?” Jazz asked.
“Yes, I’m coming,” Ratchet replied. “I want Barricade back for an ultrasound. After everyone settles. I think the procreators to be would probably like a first look at their creation.”
“Yes, please,” Barricade agreed. Ricochet was smiling in a way Jazz had never seen before. Impending procreatorhood suited him.
Jazz tickled Ostaros’ cheekplate as Barricade carried him to the transport. He had been frozen in time at 3 vorns old. Somehow he had come out of statsis with no ill effects, at testament, Jazz thought, to how well Prowl had looked after him. The bitlet was a hefty little thing, bigger in every way that Jazz would have thought he would be. He remembered Cheetor describing Prowl has having looked frail with a large belly. Beyond every other torture, the rapes and degradation, what had Prowl endured just to bring this bitlet into the world. Taratulas was no medic and Jazz did not want to imagine Prowl enduring a c-section at his servos. If Prowl had suffered lingering damage from the ordeal, Ratchet must have repaired it during the marathon surgeries. Even if Jazz asked after it, Ratchet would never tell him. His patient had his privacy rights.
“Owie?” Ostaros perked up as the transport pulled up to Jazz’s building. He looked about, looked for his originator. “Owie?”
“Almost there,” Jazz promised. “‘M a little surprised he ain’t waitin’ on the sidewalk. ‘M glad but I gotta wonder what Ori had to do to keep Prowl in berth.”
“You picked a good nursemech for Prowl,” Ratchet declared. “Don’t know if I could have managed it without sedatives.”
“Where are we going to stay?” Barricade asked Ricochet. “I know you don’t have a place in Iacon.”
“Wit us for now,” Jazz answered for his twin. “It’ll be cozy but it won’t suit Ori to see either o’ ya in a hotel.”
“You two realize your originator is terrifying, right?” Barricade asked.
“Y’re carryin’ his grandbitty, yer automatically gonna be in his good books,” Ricochet promised him. “Me, ‘m the one in trouble for not gettin’ ya outta Darkmount sooner.”
“He’s right,” Jazz declared. “Ricochet better treat ya like a king if he wants to get outta the dung heap.”
They took the elevator up and it was a tight squeeze but no one was keen on waiting for the next one. Everyone wanted to see Ostaros in Prowl’s arms. Jazz led the way to his habsuite and knocked twice, once heavy and once light, before entering his encryption. You never just came into the habsuite when Punch was on guard, you always gave a helms up. Barricade froze but Ricochet took his arm and tugged him gently into the doorway. As his lover dug his peds in and shook his helm, Jazz stepped off to the side and watched Ori silently approached. It was obvious Barricade was scared, not of physical damage, Jazz thought, but maybe something worse and it was making his gold face plates pale and gold green at the edges.
“I don’t think...” Barricade murmured.
“Everythin’s gonna be fine,” Ricochet promised him.
“Jazz can take him to Prowl,” Barricade said. “He doesn’t need me.”
“Owie?” Ostaros did not exactly strain in Barricade’s hold but he looked about wildly.
“Please Jazz?” Barricade asked, desperate for an escape. As he looked to Jazz, he saw Punch and he went ashen.
“Take the bitty,” Punch ordered and Jazz took Ostaros as Barricade just about shoved the little one into his arms as he wobbled. “Ricochet, get’m on the couch.”
“Easy Barricade,” Ratchet cajoled him. “Sit.”
“I’ll make some ruby tea,” Punch declared. “No sense tryin’ to fuel’m when his tank is rollin’.”
“What should I do?” Jazz asked as he bounced Ostaros lightly. “Should I wait.”
“Take the bitlet to Prowl,” Punch ordered. “Before the Twins can’t hold’em anymore.”
“So that was yer trick,” Jazz said.
“Oh yeah,” Punch replied. “I don’t play clean ‘n fair.”
“Geni!” Sideswipe exclaimed as he stepped into the doorway. He and Sunstreaker were sitting on Prowl’s legs with colouring books in front of them. Prowl stared at Jazz and then at the bitlet in utter disbelief. He shook his helm.
“Owie!” Ostaros made grabby servos as he called to his originator.
“He’s yers,” Jazz assured him. “The reason the bond went quiet was because the freak had’m in a CR chamber. Ratchet’s cleared ‘m. He’s in perfect shape.”
“My bitlet,” Prowl sat up straighter and leaned to reach for the bitlet. Jazz sat at the edge of the berth and put the little mechling in his arms.
“Easy,” he soothed.
“Owie,” Ostaros snuggled against Prowl’s spark.
“That’s yer bitty?” Sideswipe asked.
“Mhm,” Prowl hugged the bitlet tight, tears of joy in his optics. “I designated him Springer.”
“Not Ostaros?” Jazz asked and Prowl shook his helm.
“Tarantulas called him Ostaros,” he explained. “He was always Springer for me.”
“It’s a good designation,” Jazz replied. His own creations inched up for a better look. They surrounded Prowl like Jazz imagined older siblings getting their first look at a new bitty brother.
“He’s pretty cute,” Sunstreaker declared and Prowl chuckled and stroked his helm.
“Thank you,” Prowl said. “So are you.”
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imastrangeone98 · 1 year
The Room Where It Happened - Chapter 2: We Got a Plan To Make
(A/N: I'm gonna go on a whim and not make it a story, more of a oneshot compilation disguised as a story XD that way I won't lose motivation trying to piece the whole thing together and not worry about plot holes *laughs in delusion*)
Also now that "reader" (my unnamed oc) is officially given more lines and POV she will be henceforth referred to as "you"
Chapter 1 if you missed it
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"Any news on the runaways?"
The two Peters flinched, but the second one quickly gathered his courage. "We managed to track them to Earth-4218, but they seemed to know we were hot on their tails. They disappeared to..."
They glanced at each other, anticipating the volcano that was sure to erupt.
"...To Earth-51802."
As if the air wasn't cold enough, the temperature shot down even further. Miguel's aura, hostile as it already was, became even more vicious. So without any further word, the two Peters quickly made haste to exit the room.
Miguel, oddly enough, paid them no heed. Teeth gritted to nubs, he grabbed the back of his chair and squeezed. The plastic immediately cracked, and with a sharp yell, he threw it behind him.
The chair clattered and rattled as it fell, much like his own thoughts. Memories swarmed him, rattling in his brain as though they were rockets and fired point blank.
Your world. Of all the goddamn places to go, they went to your world.
He snarled. Hobie. No other person, Peter or otherwise, would choose that universe if they knew what was good for them.
"Dammit, Brown..." he growled. Miguel turned his back on the screens, ready to scream into his pillows yet again. But, against his better judgement, he returned back to the desk, swiftly scanning through several memory recordings to land on one.
The one of you.
His eyes softened at the sight. Without realizing, his hand reached up to brush your pixelated face.
"Ay, amor," he sighed heavily. "¿Dónde nos equivocamos?"
"Miles Morales? That's a name that slips off the tongue!" you chuckled, offering Pavitr yet another 김밥, which he eagerly shoved in his mouth before quietly asking for fourths. "Honestly, it doesn't surprise me that Miguel went so hard after that poor kid, especially if he's that so-called 'original anomaly.' Still doesn't justify a grown-ass man going ham on a child."
Gwen sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "It's my fault," she finally sighed. Her voice was hoarse and hiccupy, and you immediately moved to offer her a tissue. "I should've never visited him. I should've told him the truth, but I... I was scared. I thought he wouldn't... he wouldn't..."
Peter B. patted her shoulder in silence. The others didn't say much either.
"...Well. I'm sure there's a lot you should've done," you said to your tormented other self. "But believe me, that time will be better spent figuring out how you're gonna help him now. And right now, we should come up with a plan. After you get some shut-eye and more food in your bellies."
When Gwen tried to protest, you shushed her and placed more 떡볶이 in her mouth, effectively shutting her up.
"There's plenty more food back at my hideout; let's head out. I may be Miguel's worst nightmare at the moment, but that still might not stop him from having eyes on us." You ushered the young ones away from the 포장마차 and started swinging away, making sure the others kept close behind you.
"You said you knew Miguel, right? How come I never met you before?" Pavitr asked you. Gwen nodded alongside him, also clearly curious.
You scratched the back of your neck. "Uh... I'll tell you all when we get there." You glanced back to Peter B. "You didn't tell them?"
"Well, I..." he stammered, "I figured that after you left... they didn't need to know all the details. And besides, it's not my story to tell!"
You sighed, but nodded in understanding. "Fair enough."
You took them across the river towards an abandoned laboratory on the outskirts of the city. Carefully peeling back one of the loose boards, you ushered the small group in, standing in front of them proudly with your hands on your hips.
"Welcome, 여러분, to the Spider-Den!"
The group, excluding Peter B., stared in awe at the space. There were definitely similarities that the space had to their own: spare suits, repaired web shooters, vials upon vials of web fluid, amongst other things.
But the real knee jerker were the large spiders that scurried about: cleaning up the area, weaving new suits or repairing damaged ones, one even dangled over a stove, chopsticks held in its pincers.
"Don't mind them; they don't bite. The ones with shells actually like head rubs. 애기들, 우리 새로운친구들 침대 만드러줄수있니?“
Immediately, a few Joro spiders crawled from nowhere to corners of the building, swiftly fashioning what seemed like hammocks.
"Are they, like, your sidekicks or something?" Peni asked.
"Are they your pets? Where did you find them?" Pavitr jumped excitedly, eagerly patting a friendly black-and-white spiny spider.
"It's a long story," you sighed. "Basically, this factory used to test animals; one day, they decided to use genetic modification that... well... backfired against them. I found them after bringing the corporation down, and they couldn't leave the place they were made in. So I let them stay here, and I slowly made it into my base. In exchange, they let me stay with them and even help me out by taking care of my stuff."
The spider Pavitr was petting squeaked in response, nudging him, Noir, and Ham towards the stove, where the cooking spider was dishing out bowls of ramen for the group. But Gwen didn't budge, instead plopping herself down on a chair and resting her head on her fist.
The others soon gathered around you, bowls of food in hand, eagerly awaiting your story while slurping on their noodles. Hobie simply chuckled and leaned against the wall with Mayday crawling over his shoulders.
You sighed. "I'll warn you right now, it's not much of a story."
"Try us."
A/N: completely unrelated but I downloaded Twitter for the fanart; the fandoms make me want to delete the app 🙃 also forgive me for the Spanish; I broke out my old high school Spanish textbook and spanishdict for this and I still think I got it wrong
¿Dónde nos equivocamos? - where did we go wrong?
김밥 - gimbap; korean rice rolls with various fillings
떡볶이 - Korean spicy rice cakes with toppings, such as hard boiled eggs, fish cake, and glass noodles
포장마차 - Korean street stall that sells various street foods
여러분 - everyone
애기들, 우리 새로운친구들 침대 만드러줄수있니? - babies, could you make some beds for our new friends? (애기들 is a term of endearment usually meant for friends/family younger than you, and also for pets)
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peonyblossom · 1 year
Book: Crimes of Passion II Pairing(s): Olivia Nevrakis x nb!MC (Jenna Rose) Words: 1,179 Rating: Teen+ (just to be safe) Warnings: Knives (obvi, it's Olivia /lh) Summary: When Olivia pulls Jenna away at Trystan's recoronation ball, Jenna can't stop themself from flirting. -OR- A rewrite of Book 2 Chapter 7 Diamond Scene with Olivia in the garden. A/N: Some dialogue and narration belongs to Pixelberry Studios. The sexual chemistry between Olivia and MC in this scene was INSANE so I had to rewrite it.
The wind is cold as it bites at Jenna’s skin in the rempty royal garden Olivia has led them to. It takes them a moment to adjust to the change in temperature, the ballroom they were just in being quite warm with the intense lighting and many, many bodies. Once Jenna’s body has aclimated to the new atmosphere, they realize they are quite a few paces behind Olivia and rush to catch up as she strolls along the rectangular stone path. 
“We’re free to speak here. I swept the area for recording devices earlier,” Olivia says in a low tone as soon as Jenna catches up to her. 
“But the Royal Guard can still see us,” Jenna points out, probably out of paranoia. It’s so hard for them to trust anyone in Drakovia, let alone anyone tied to the royal family. 
“I’m a power-hungry, unmarried duchess and you’re a famous American detective with an ensemble to rival the princex themself. There are several conclusions they could draw that don’t involve espionage,” Olivia responds, her lips turning up in a smirk.
“Oh? And what conclusions might those be?” Jenna flirts. They know exactly what kind of conclusions Olivia is referring to, but just to hear her say it…
“Are you playing dumb as a way to flirt with me? Because you should know I like my potential flings to be much smarter than that.” 
Jenna laughs lightly. “Not interested in teaching me?” They ask coyly. “I have a feeling there’s a lot I could learn from you.” 
Olivia and Jenna stop walking and instead turn to face each other. “Oh, there is plenty I could teach you. Starting with the invitation to a secure channel I already sent you.” Olivia resumes her quick-paced walking, once again leaving Jenna scrambling to catch up. As they do, they pull out their phone and see a notification to download the file Olivia sent them. 
They quickly read over the dossier on The Drakovian Act for Heir Equity, disappointed there isn’t more, “This is all of it?” Jenna frowns.
“As adorable as that pout is, stop it. That’s all we have on file. Fortunately for you, I was close to both Juliana and Nadja, so I know a few finer details.” The two continue strolling through the gardens, their hands brushing together at their sides, as they try to keep their faces open and jovial so as not to raise any suspicion. By all accounts, any onlookers wouldn’t assume espionage. 
Jenna asks all the questions they could come up with about the Act and what they learned from the dossier, gaining some vital intel. By the time they come to the end of the garden loop, the wheels are turning in Jenna’s mind as they try to piece everything together. 
“So, what you’re telling me is the Act was stalled long before Juliana was killed,” Jenna clarifies, making sure they got all the pieces put together in the right way.
“Yes,” Olivia responds firmly, bringing butterflies to Jenna’s stomach. Whether from fear or attraction, they couldn’t quite tell. “Sebastyan hated Trystan, Nadja felt betrayed… and Juliana was stubborn. She wouldn’t give up Trystan or her voice in the Act’s legislation.” 
“So Juliana was in the way. That seems like a decent enough motive for someone to kill her.”
“I doubt Nadja would have gone to those lengths. After all, she stopped because she hated the idea of crossing a line.”
Jenna continues asking Olivia anything and everything they can think of that might help them in their case. Royalty was already a confusing mess on its own, let alone when it was all twisted together in a murder plot like this. For a brief moment, the thought of just returning to New York and forgetting all about this crossed Jenna’s mind. But they knew they couldn’t. They could never forget about this. Not until it was solved, at the very least. 
Whilst in the midst of their conversation, Olivia and Jenna hear a rustle behind the bushes and a trample of footsteps approaching. Jenna notices a blade appear in each of Olivia’s hands, ready to strike. Where was she keeping those? 
But it turns out to only be Princess Astrid, leading a young noblewoman into the far side of the garden, for what is, most likely, not espionage. 
“I believe our position has been compromised. We should return,” Olivia says, making her way back towards the castle.
Jenna gently grabs her wrist, causing her to turn around and says, “You don’t want to take a page out of Astrid’s book? Maybe solidify our alibi that we were absolutely not up to any espionage?” Jenna smirks.
Olivia loops her arm through Jenna’s and guides them towards the ballroom. “One, Astrid’s book and mine? Not remotely the same genre. Two, I never need to solidify an alibi. If this wasn’t solid already, it wouldn’t have happened. We should be quick, so do you want to keep flirting, or do you want to learn more about your suspects, little detective?” 
Jenna steps towards Olivia, backing her up against one of the columns holding up the balcony connected to the ballroom. “How about both?”
Olivia hesitates for a second, leading Jenna to believe they had one-upped her, but then she quickly spins them around, pinning Jenna against the column instead and placing a knife to their throat. “Ask me your questions detective.”
Still pinned against the column, Jenna asks Olivia about Trystan’s many siblings. Once they finish asking about everyone, Olivia reminds them, “Where power is based on heritage and birth order, assassination will always follow. Focus on your suspects. Who is avoiding your questions? Who is trying to distract you? To charm you?”
Jenna smirks, their gaze drifting down to the knife against their throat. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you are trying to charm me.”
“You like trouble, don’t you, little detective?” Olivia smiles. She drops the knife to her side, quickly hiding it back in her sleeve. But before Jenna can process any of that, Olivia cups their face with her hand and connects their lips. Jenna wraps their arms around Olivia’s neck, deepening the kiss, feeling Olivia’s soft lips and tasting her sour apple lipstick. 
Applause breaks out from inside the ballroom as yet another dance comes to an end. Olivia breaks away from Jenna, her lips still close. Olivia smiles and grabs Jenna’s hand, leading them back to the ballroom. 
“Unfortunately, that’s all we have time for right now,” Olivia says as they two walk back to the castle. 
“Thank you for the intel. And… the fun escape from this… regal affair.”
“Thank you for investigating Nadja’s murder. And… not flinching at my knife to your throat.” Olivia smirks. They come upon the entrance to the ballroom and Olivia says, “I’ll be in touch, little detective.” She slips away, her touch on Jenna’s fingers lingering ever so slightly. 
As much as Jenna would love to watch her walk away, she’s gone before Jenna can even open their mouth to reply.
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keefwho · 4 months
May 15 - 2024 Wednesday
This morning I woke up and used the bathroom. I was messaging TK about her new job and told her about some stuff I've been going through. She offered to call and talk about it which we did and it was a big help. All I really needed was to talk. During that I fixed the wifi connection on my sister's laptop, I don't know what was wrong but I got it. TK and I talked for over an hour which left me late to shower and breakfast. I took a quick one and threw a can of spaghettios in the microwave for a quick meal. I decided not to stream today and spent time with BR and JG while they were available instead. BR was gone for most of it so JG and I had a nice chat together. I didn't expect that, he's nice. I skipped my warmups today and worked on GZ's comic commission for only 90 minutes on and off. As usual, not streaming took a toll on my focus. I regret it, I feel like I didn't try hard enough. I tuned into Henry's stream to relax and then I wrote about my abandonment fears. I finished that in time for lunch but instead of cooking, I chopped the peppers and sausage I had in the fridge so I could freeze it all. I wasn't hungry and didn't have much time left for lunch so I made a pack of soup, a different brand than usual. It was 2 months past it's sell by date but that was okay, I made it and it was good.
Running off the regret of earlier, I buckled down to get today's request done and worked on an AI redraw of princess celestia. I was pretty rough at drawing today so I didn't make much progress but I did put in the time at least. Then I worked on my pony avatar and added visemes and experimented with how I'll make the eyes. I had joined TK, NJ, and MK in called for work and for awhile afterwards when it was chill time. I vacantly played KSP while they talked and at some point NJ started looking at the just chatting section on Twitch, largely looking to judge female streamers. It was a sort of joke at first but he made me legitimately uncomfortable with what he was doing. Basically calling every single girl either dumb or a whore based on their appearance/voice. And of course the classic ranking of their bodies. I admit I don't like their content in general either but I wouldn't shit on them for it. I got the impression this guy REALLY hates women and I started to call him out for it. So was TK, in a joking sort of way but I think she was serious too. I was legitimately disgusted this evening and if this kind of behavior keeps up (and if they keep saying the N word on occasion) then I'm not going to be attending that VC anymore. I'll just have to hit up TK one on one. After that fiasco, they started watching an anime about monsters and hunters and the lamest hunter ever or something. It was kind of interesting but VERY generic to me. It also made me uneasy with how much horrible death there was in the second episode and how pitiful the main character is. It definitely appeals to people who think that are actually the lamest people on earth, hoping they will experience a miracle that makes THEM special like they always wanted to be. I left when DS was in bed but they were all about to disband anyways. DS brought up how her weekend sleep schedule has to change which I was aware of, it was perfectly reasonable. I feel embarrassed that I was so worried before about things, it highlighted just how bad my trust and security issues can be. I had a lot to think about today. We did our puzzles and caught up on yesterdays. She also told me all about this furry character in charge of some events abusing his power and doing some shady shit. Then it was sleepy time. While she slept I played KSP and made a moon lander for Iota. It went great. Then I did my dishes, brushed my teeth, and I plan to watch Burke play this new WWII game while I'm in bed.
Things were really hard today in general. I've been doing a lot of beating myself up. I've been feeling sort of hopeless and lack motivation in general. Such a big part of me SCREAMS that things are falling apart and that I can't count on anyone in my life to stick around for any length of time. They are illogical feelings but feelings usually are. I just don't have the mental energy to do what I think I need to do. I'm exhausted.
I had a lofty idea though. Im thinking about reserving maybe 4 days where I'll get into VRchat nonstop aside from showering, cooking, and sleep. But I'll be completely alone the whole time. I'd turn off discord and only go to invite only worlds. The point would be to do something sort of like when people go into the desert to find themselves. But I'd be in a virtual world. I don't know if this would defeat the purpose but I could stream it on Twitch too, just with no chat and with my mic off. This is something I think I want to do when I get the spare days. I think if I can commit to that much alone time, I should realize some important things and hopefully come out much better because of it.
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