#nadiestar asks
sasiaucompetition · 7 months
Hey I am Nad98 on AO3 and I'd like to thank whoever asked to put Never Met You into this event. It really means a lot^^ And thank you op for holding this event! (btw my sasi blog is @mimssides)
I hope whoever put Never Met You into this event sees this ask!
And I'm really glad you're excited for this event! It's been really fun setting everything up!
(would you rather me put mimsides asks or nadiestar asks in the tags for future asks, if you send them? This one will have both because I'm a bit unsure /gen)
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
6 and 20 for the fic writer ask?
Thank you so much for the ask!! :D (the post, for the curious)
#6 Others' stories I re-read all the time
Oh, there are quite a few. Anything by @nadiestar, but especially Words Are Hard. Same for @candied-peach (I credit their Kissing Book for my Remus Chews Cinnamon Gum campaign.) @typically-untypical's Logan stories, most especially Logan's Letter and They Aren't Coming. @lost-in-thought-20's stories, of course, especially The First Time Two Became Three Again. @treenissanderssidesstuff's Say My Name, @naminethewriter's universe with parental Intrulogical with As Long As You Try Your Best, and @lalijinx and @frejennix's The Other Side of the Mirror are on my hit list, too :D.
You have also probably spotted me in the doc I was doing a little alpha reading for you from time to time, too! :D
#20 Favorite Title for a story I've written
I really The Uses of Adversity (it's plot related and a Shakespeare reference to As You Like it, Logan's favorite play he's seen Roman perform.) I am stupidly proud of the series title for History | Matchr, as well. Matchr is a match-making algorithm that consumes your internet search history and the | symbol is also a 'pipe' in scripting languages which literally means "put the output of 'History' into the 'Matchr' process and give us the output." The story also has some very deep past Dukeceit history, so it has a double meaning.
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patromlogil · 2 years
Body Mind and Soul - Update 4
Tag List: @mightnightmooon @strawb3rry-tea @mushroomcupp @craftingkitty13 @bagels-of-chaos @imma-potatoo @dimension-hopper @sanderdarksides @gabseliblack @thecrowslullaby @hummingbirdspark @nadiestar @kittytheroseofkirea @nobodyw8s4evr @bonker-bananas
Soulmate!AU - You glow when you touch the skin of your soulmate for the first time. You stop glowing after your first kiss.
Summary - Logan glows when he accidentally touches a bartender. The problem is he’s married, and doesn’t subscribe to this whole soulmate nonsense.
>>Master List<<
Like/reblog/reply to >>This Post&lt;;< to be added to the Tag List
Our house is too big, I’ve always thought so. Remy constantly insists that it’s not a mansion but I’ve done some surface level research and while it just falls short on the square footage it meets almost all the other requirements. Premium sustainable construction materials, multiple large open spaces, an unearned sense of grandeur, large windows, and countless rooms that exist solely to look good.
As I show the bartender around, I realise there are several rooms that I’ve never actually stepped in before, though this is no mean feat. For the most part I stick to the same three or four rooms unless told I’m needed in one of Remy’s many ‘home’ videos. Little snippets of carefully orchestrated peeks into our home life. Almost all of it is overplayed, but it pays the bills so I endure.
As I hold open the door to the latest room, the bartender’s hand brushes against my fingers. A jolt of electricity shoots up my arm making every hair on my body stands on end and I strain not to wince. Initially I thought it must be an accident but even I am able to notice the strange smirk on his face as he walks past me into the room. He’s doing it on purpose. We haven’t even spent half an hour together and I’m not impressed. Frankly, I’m drained.
“This is the dance studio,” a long room to the west of the house. Floor to ceiling mirrors line both sides to the far end where there’s a small table and some discarded snacks. On the ceiling there’s a few hooks that Remy’s used for ropes and ribbons before though they’re currently bare. “I believe it’s mostly hired out to a local dance troupe who will-”
I’m cut off, interrupted as the bartender lets out a long loud yawn, his back turned to me while he glances around the room. This is supposed to be my ‘soulmate’?
“Am I boring you?” I ask him.
He turns, a feigned look of surprise on his face.
“Bored? Why would I be bored?”
Assuming a long sarcastic rant is coming my way I wait for him to continue, though he says nothing else. I fold my arms in annoyance.
“If you’re going to be rude, you might as well leave now.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to.”
Other people’s emotions have always been a difficulty for me. I can understand how I might feel in the circumstances but as my fellow high schoolers would frequently remind me, I am the outlier, not the norm. It took a lot of time, a lot of practice, a lot of getting it wrong, but now I am reasonably competent at picking up on when people are saying one thing while actually meaning something else. While I don’t always know what it is they’re trying to get at, I know enough not to be made a fool of.
“Look, I just…” he pauses for a moment, “This is a lovely tour,” sarcasm, “but I’m seeing a whole lot of Remy,” he gestures at the studio around us, “and not a lot of you,” he holds a hand out towards me and my body locks up, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end, “Which is kind of what I bought the ticket for.”
I don’t know what to say to that. It’s true, the design, the layout, the decoration of our house is down to my husband. He understands the lifestyle, what we have to do to keep up appearances. How people of our status are expected to live. It’s the best way to maintain control over our privacy.
“Surely there’s somewhere in this big castle that says ‘Logan’ instead of…” he glances around the room again, “well...this.”
“This,” I shuffle my shoulders trying to shake the numbing tingle from my back, “is what people want to see.”
“The implication being that they don’t want to see you.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“You didn’t have to.”
I’m silent as my own words are thrown back at me.
“Janus, by the way,” he continues as he walks further into the studio, “since you didn’t ask.”
I didn’t.
It’s been a frankly exhausting thirty minutes, yet in all this time it hasn’t occurred to me to even ask. In my own head I’ve reduced him to his job and a very base perception of him that might go some way to explaining his….antagonism. I certainly wouldn’t want to be treated so reductively.
I straighten my tie, a nervous habit from my childhood. Today I’m wearing my plain metallic blue one, it’s my third favourite.
“That was rude of me.” I admit.
“It was but it’s alright,” there’s disingenuous hurt in his voice and when he turns there’s a smirk on his lips again, “I forgive you.”
I don’t like it, but it’s at this moment that a loud click echoes around the room and we both turn as the door to the studio which I had closed behind us starts to open and a voice calls from the other side.
“Logan? I know Remy said to leave you be but I thought you might-AAAAAH!”
In the doorway stands Patton, the man Remy hired to be my personal assistant. Infinitely patient, kind to a fault, staring in shock, hands clasped to his mouth. The tray of food he’d been carrying clatters to the floor harshly.
I didn’t turn the studio lights on when we came in. It’s light enough outside that although the windows are small and high up, I hadn’t thought it necessary. A decision I am seriously regretting as I become acutely aware of the soft glow both Janus and I are emitting.
In my mind’s eye, we’re surrounded by a halo of light our glow reflected off of the many mirrors that surround us. Patton just keeps staring, his eyes flitting back and forth. Janus has the decency to look panicked.
“Don’t scream,” I speak calmly, reaching a hand towards Patton, “I can explain.”
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nyctolovian · 2 years
Last Line WIP Tag Game
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words in the line.
I was tagged by @morning-softness for this hehe thanks!!!
"Any last words?" Ed asked, voice hollow.
Soooo... if anyone here is following from my OFMD fic... yall know shit's about to go down. Some time in the future lol
I'll tag @nadiestar @sevarix-blogs @dathen @yurissweettooth. And then i give up because memory sucks. But anyone else who wants to do it can try :D
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winter-jay-official · 4 years
🌼 - A wonderful daisy for you😊💗!
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Here you go!!!
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shapa-likes-art · 4 years
Pass the happy! 🌻 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
I'm not one for chain asks but I'll still indulge in the listing, I guess.
Talking to my friends
Finding good otp content
About 3 of those are a constant sometimes and 2 of those are sometimes rare.
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vexelore · 4 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
Oh, gosh, I wasn’t expecting this today wjksdhjkaf
THANK YOU 💗💘💓❤️💙💖💕♥️💓♥️🖤💙💜❤️💜💘🖤💚💜❤️💚♥️💗🤎♥️💓♥️💗💝💜♥️💙💘💗❣️💗♥️💞💝💌♥️💗♥️💛💞♥️🖤💟💗💛🤎💖💞
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chibibunnis · 4 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
Thank you so much :D <3 <3 <3
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nerdyskeleton · 6 years
I can't believe it... I can't believe you actually finished your glorious fanfiction that gave me so much life and inspired me to write my own (sorta) Blackmadhi stuff... It was so good. The ending was awesome and I was shaken when it was over. Really, thank you so much for giving us a fic with so much great scenes, so awesome character development and such spot on characterization. I don't know what to tell you more than wow. I admire and love you for this piece of work and am grateful for it💚
I can’t believe it either pal holy crap!!! feels very strange to not be working on it anymore. I am so glad that it inspired you though I will have to check it out!!! and I’m super glad you liked the ending it was in the making long long time. but for real thanks you are way too kind!! it makes me so happy to hear these things :’) I did my diddly darn best with it haha 
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a-dreamingflower · 2 years
Guess what time it is! ;P List five things that make you happy, then put this in the asks of the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Spread the happiness and positivity around!
helooo thanks for the ask :]
talking to/hanging out with my friends
smol cats
undisturbed sleep
a thoughtful gift
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doomstypewriter · 3 years
Mermaid!Intrulogical Animatic
It's finally finished!!! | Next >>
This will be part of a mermaid AU that will be continued through some drawings and fics (and asks if people are interested).
I will continue tagging the people listed on this post on the other stuff, if anyone else wants to be added to the taglist, comment.
Full transcription of the text under cut
Article - “Miracle survivor of submarine accident”.
26-year-old Remus Prince washed up on Saint George’s island, Bermudas, after his submarine’s viewport cracked at a depth below two thousand feet.
Yesterday Saint Catherine’s beach received an unexpected visitor when the body of a young man washed up on its shores. A local, who was walking his dog at the time, spotted the man and called the police thinking it was the body of a drowning victim.
This is what was expected from the deep sea explorer accident, and what the ship on the surface tragically reported. “No one could survive at those depths”, said the Captain and marine researcher, Ella Da Villa, who mourned the loss of her fellow scientists.
Despite this, Remus Prince had survived. When Paolo Riddlehoover saw his body stir, he checked to see if he was still breathing, then he called an ambulance that arrived alongside the police officers who expected to find a dead body.
Remus Prince was promptly taken to the closest hospital and has begun his recovery.
We talked to an expert to fully understand the rarity of this event:
Toshio Mizuno “Surviving this type of incident is extremely unlikely, I’d say impossible if it hadn’t happened. Not only that, but the specifics of the accident are also almost unheard of. In my experience, most accidents in submarines happen due to fires, or explosions that can be blamed on malfunctions of the machinery or human error. Submersibles, like the one Mr Prince and his colleagues were in, well, those mostly can suffer collisions, problems with the power… most of the people who die on these accidents do it because they run out of oxygen and are trapped at their location. Mr Prince’s submersible was found with its viewport cracked open. We’re talking about acrylic glass designed to withstand deep pressures and no constance of a collision. If this is a fault in the glass… well, the manufacturer and the maintenance inspectors can expect legal consequences. We’ll have to wait and see who’s really responsible for this terrible accident, two people have died. It’s a wonder how Mr Prince made it out from under 2000ft and then adrift for a week. He’s been born again”.
The authorities keep investigating the circumstances of the incident with the submersible and are waiting to take Mr Prince’s statement.
Text messages - Failed clon test: Remus Prince answer the damn phone mom is going to have a heart attack
Sure Jan - Remus I swear to god I'm flying to Bermudas
Failed clon test - I won't be glad you're alive until you text me back
Sexy Racoon - 10:30 min long voice message
Failed clon test - No one is paying attention to me bc we're too busy texting you
Failed clon test - Pls tell me you're okay
End of text transcription
Taglist: @lemonyscented , @emsiemaefander , @sunflower-avo-tea , @nadiestar , @amber-da-toon , @gabseliblack , @willowaudreykeyes‌ ‌ , @queerly-a-hisssstory-momster​ , @theyluna-womoon
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edupunkn00b · 3 years
B, F, S, T for the fanfic ask game? 😍
B: Any stories inspired by personal experience?
Short answer, yes.
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All of my human AU stories have elements inspired from my personal experience. Happily Ever After and (in particular) its Butterfly story, It Could Always Be Worse, most especially. There are elements in the rest of that series, as well.
On a lighter note, I borrowed from my experiences on a tall ship at the South Street Seaport in NYC for my pirate story Do Us Any Harm and my own Fitbit sleep records were incorporated in the Analogical story Self-Care is Not Up For Debate.
F: Favorite hurt/comfort fic?
I have a few (oml and they're all Intrulogical/Intruloceit, aren't they?) Please forgive me if I'm forgetting any!
Free Hugs by Magpie Morality and (shamelessly) my recurse on that story, At Any Price
Words Are Hard and There Are Only So Many Ways to Misinterpret a Hug by Nad98/@nadiestar (OML this fic just lives in my head)
The Cacophonous Harmony series by peachsneachers/@candied-peach
The Dark Side Logan series (Cygnus) by LadyoftheWoods
S: Fandom tropes I can't resist?
I mentioned the ones that I can't resist writing here, but in general, for reading, Logan/Remus/Janus comfort fics where you crack open the shell of cold logic, manic inappropriateness, or carefully controlled deception to find (and then comfort) the hurting heart inside... that's the good stuff, man.
T: Fandom tropes I can't stand?
Villainous Janus or Remus (and, increasingly, Orange.)
I am solidly in the 'there are no actual Dark Sides' camp, even if I (hypocritically) sometimes use the shorthand and absolutely adore "Dark Sides as Family" stories like Spread Thin by @gothfoxx.
I have become more entrenched in this POV over time, as well, and can no longer read u!Janus or u!Remus (or u!Logan) stories without being haunted by them.
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exhaustedfander · 4 years
Okay uhhh I‘m not good at giving requests. How about prinxiety and them seeing each other again after a long time! Or sth like that.😅
I had three sperate ideas for this one, but this is the one I settled on. Here’s a fluffy little human au. I’d love to hear what you think! 
a03 link
materpost link
word count: 1,638
The Best Gift
Virgil rocks on his heels, glancing at his phone. According to Roman’s text, his plane landed about fifteen minutes ago. He’d be outside to greet him any moment now, and that in itself fills Virgil with more joy than he’d felt in a while.
Roman does what he could to avoid performing in shows too far away from home. He’s always scouring for gigs in the area, or at least not too terribly far away, not exactly eager to spend long periods away from his emo nightmare. However, sometimes there are roles that Roman can’t shy away from, as much as he hates the idea of leaving Virgil, and this had been one of those times.
It isn’t as though Virgil doesn’t understand; dating a traveling actor, his boyfriend actually traveling, sometimes, isn’t something that can really come from a surprise. More than that, Virgil’s incredibly supportive of his partner. Roman’s a hell of an actor and he knows it. He deserves to grace every stage that will have him, larger ones, especially. But that doesn’t make the time apart any less difficult.
Sure, they call each other a ton, Roman insists on Facetiming nightly, and they keep in touch as best they can. But it’s never any easier, facing that empty bed at the end of the day. It can be a lot to handle, realizing audiences of strangers are being graced with Roman’s presence while Virgil is home alone eating Ramen Noodles and sulking.
It’s not as though Roman is Virgil’s entire world – he’s damn close, though. Virgil has friends he loves spending time with. He works as a freelance artist, so holing himself up at home is usually more fun than depressing, painting all day long. But god, he misses Roman when he’s away. Maybe more than he’s willing to admit, sometimes.
Three months has got to be the longest they’ve spent apart since they’ve been dating, at least as far as Virgil can remember. The gig was a role of a lifetime, Roman would’ve had to be sufficiently stupid not to take it, but it wasn’t easy on the couple. Virgil flew up to see one of Roman’s shows, and that was great, but it made going back home all the more challenging. Roman’s been gone so long, Virgil’s aching to see him, and any minute now, he’s gonna get to.
Virgil can certainly think of worse ways to spend a birthday.
“Virgil?” Virgil swivels around, grinning ear-to-ear when he sees Roman walking his way, suitcase in tow. Virgil practically sprints toward him, immediately pulled into a firm embrace the moment they make contact.
“My love, my angel, mi amour,” Roman drawls, dramatic as ever but Virgil can’t find it in himself to be irritated with him, “I missed you!” Roman gets on his tiptoes (Virgil would be lying if he said he hadn’t always found their height difference adorable) pressing their lips together soundly. If they weren’t in public, Virgil would want nothing more than to keep kissing Roman for eternity, but alas.
“I missed you too, dork,” Virgil says with an unshakable grin as they pull apart, though his hand quickly finds Roman’s free-one as they walk towards the taxis, the sound of Roman’s luggage wheeling behind them. “How’s the jet lag?”
“Absolutely abysmal,” Roman declares, and Virgil’s fairly sure he’s being a little dramatic, if such a thing is even possible, “Can we have a quiet day at home? I want nothing more than to lay on the couch with you and watch Disney movies, and continue to declare my undying love for you.” Virgil snorts.
“Aw, you poor baby,” he says, only half-sarcastically, “Sure, babe. Whatever you want. Sound good to me.”
The two talk of their missed time together in the cab, Virgil telling him of some of the new pieces he’s been working on and Roman filling him in on how the play went.
“That’s the last far-away show I do for a while,” Roman says once they’ve arrived home, flopping down on the couch, “God, it’s good to be home with you.”
“That’d be nice,” Virgil admits, sitting beside Roman, which quickly turns to settling into his lap, Roman’s fingers threaded in his hair, “Not – not that you can’t do shows wherever. I get it.”
“Hey, I mean it,” Roman says, voice edging on seriousness, “I’ve missed you terribly. I’ve missed us. I loved doing the show, and I met some very wonderful people, but very little compares to you, my love.” Virgil laughs lightly as Roman presses a kiss to his lips, firm and overwhelmingly loving.
“Jesus, you’ve managed to get even sappier than usual.”
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder, darling,” Roman says, “And, also, shut up! You love it.” Virgil glares playfully at his boyfriend.
“And what if I do?”
“And you looove me,” Roman says, drawling out the ‘o’ as far as it’ll stretch. Virgil rolls his eyes, but his expression betrays nothing but fondness. “Yeah, I do. I really fucking love you, Ro.”
“More than angsty emo bands?”
“Well… let’s not go that far.” Roman squawks in offense.
“You wound me!” Virgil laughs again, the sound far more content than he’s felt in the last few months, his arms winding around his boyfriend so that he’s lying against his chest.
“I’m teasing and you know it,” Virgil says, kissing Roman once more as if to further his point, or maybe just because he’s really missed kissing him, “I missed you like crazy.”
“One of my co-stars flirted with me; would you believe that?” Virgil hums in place of a response, lost in the feeling of embracing Roman against for the first time in what feels like forever. “I have you as my lock screen, and I talk of you constantly. Also, where in the world did she get the impression I had the slightest interest in women?!” Virgil snorts at that.
“Must’ve been an off-day for her if she was delusional enough to think you were straight, or bi, or anything that isn’t insanely gay.”
“I know, right!”
Virgil’s missed this so much. Their playful back-and-forth, innocuous teasing, cuddling on the couch and basking in each other's company. As far as he’s concerned, he’d like to keep holding onto Roman like this and never, ever let him go. Virgil can’t recall when he’d become such a fucking sap, but there’s no changing it now. He’s just gonna have to live with it, and he really doesn’t mind the thought of that.
They watch Disney movies as discussed, Virgil critiquing and pointing out plot-holes all the while (Virgil, everyone knows Beauty and the Beast is a little problematic, and frankly, I don’t want to hear it!) He can tell the long flight really wore Roman out, so he decides not to comment about the fact that it’s his birthday, instead putting all of his focus on being together again.
That is until Virgil comes out of the bathroom some hours later, having just gotten ready for bed, and finding Roman sitting on their bed with a sullen expression.
“Whoa, hey, Roman, what’s the matter?” He asks, quickly sitting beside his partner.
“I’m a terrible boyfriend.” Virgil blinks. What the fuck?
“What? No, you’re not. What the hell are you talking about?”
“Your birthday,” Roman supplies, sounding gut-wrenchingly guilty, “I forgot your birthday!”
Oh. Virgil had kinda forgotten himself, too caught up in having Roman by his side once more. He glances at the clock.
“It’s not midnight yet,” he says, “You didn’t forget. Just remembered a little late.” Roman buries his face in his hands.
“I didn’t get you anything! I didn’t wish you happy birthday! I-I’m terrible, you must hate me!” Virgil sighs, settling a hand on Roman’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” Roman mumbles weakly, embarrassedly.
“Hey, it’s okay. I don’t hate you.” Roman peaks up from his hands, daring to make eye-contact.
“You… you don’t?”
“Jesus Christ, of course not! I love you, you idiot. It’s just a birthday, I’m gonna have more of those, you know. It’s kind of this annual thing.”
“But- but I didn’t –.”
“It’s fine, babe. Seriously, I kinda forgot, too. Having you home again is gift enough, as it is. I can’t think of a better present than that.”
“I’ll make it up to you.” Virgil shakes his head, planting a kiss to Roman’s cheek.
“No need. There’s nothing to make up for. You look ready to pass out right now, as it is. I’m not mad at you for forgetting; you’ve been so fucking busy for the last couple of months, and you had a long-ass plane ride today. You’re permitted a little forgetfulness, okay?” Roman sighs as he slides into bed with Virgil and shuts out the light, his head resting on his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“I’m taking you to dinner tomorrow.” Virgil lets out a sigh.
“You don’t have to –.”
“I want to,” Roman insists, “It’s the least I can do since you’re being so gracious.”
“What, were you expecting me to force you to the couch, or something?” Roman pauses. “Roman?”
“…Maybe.” Virgil can’t help but bark out a laugh.
“Are you kidding me? After all those nights without you, I’m not letting you go anywhere.” To make sure things are crystal-clear, he tightens his hold on Roman, pressing a kiss into his hair.
“That’s good because I really wasn’t looking forward to it.”
“You’re such a dramatic doofus. Lucky that you’re so cute,” Virgil says, feeling Roman begin to go lax with exhaustion.
“Mm, love you, Virgey,” Roman mumbles sleepily.
“I love you too, Ro.”
“Happy birthday…,” Roman says before sleep greets him and he drifts off. Virgil shuts his eyes, contentment washing over him as, too, welcomes slumber.
Despite Roman’s insistent apology, Virgil still can’t think of a better birthday present.
Please let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist! I’d be happy to add you! 
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winter-jay-official · 4 years
Hello lovely Finch! You are wonderful and I love you💗🥰
Hiii Eir!!!! Thank you!!!
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vexelore · 4 years
For the ask game: yellow, white and platonic orange🐙🥰
you're so sweet mim ilysm asdfjkl;lkhfasfhjllkhgdsadhl 🥰
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satsuneade · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @block-of-writers , @myebix and @nessiemccormick (y’all are amazing friends, thank you so much! <3)
Nickname: Satsu!
Zodiac: Cancer~
Height: 1.62
Last movie I saw: Princess Mononoke
Last thing I googled: Princess Mononoke (for art reference lol I’m in a big Ghibli mood sdhgfsd)
Favorite musician: Oh god, how could I choose? err... Joe Hisaishi I guess!
Song stuck in my head: Don’t stop me now from Queen
Other blogs: I don’t have other blogs
Do I get asks: Sometimes, when I ask for them for asks games, or when I do requests or people who want to say nice things. It’s not often but I appreciate them a whole lot
Following: 389
Followers: 295 (I feel smol)
Amount of sleep: 8/9 hours I think
Lucky number: I don’t know if it’s lucky, but I love 74
What I’m wearing: A very thin white shirt and my green shorts, bc they’re the only comfy ones. I’m also barefoot bc summer is getting way too bad here oof
Dream job: Being able to work doing clothes? cosplays? I love aaaaall of that. I love designing clothes since I was small, and I fell in love with cosplays ever since I discovered them.
Dream trip: JAPAN. Oh my god, but also, I really want to visit Italy someday too hhhhh
Favorite food: I love pasta so much, every kind of pasta with lots of sauce
Play any instruments? I like playing piano, tho... I don’t have one now. I also played bongos for a while, my bf says I’m pretty good with rythm, I tried drums once and I failed so that doesn’t count lol and I love to sing so much! I never do that in front of anyone tho!
Languages: Spanish and English. I kind of understand a bit of Portuguese and Japanese, but it’s barely the basics hsdgffsdh
Favorite songs: Hm... Nothing really matters from Madonna, Castle of glass from Linkin Park, Nada es igual from Miranda!, A dios le pido from Juanes, 20 de Enero from La oreja de van gogh, What’s up from 4 non blondes, Jenny from Studio Killers, Magic from Mystery skulls (I could go on forever hsgdf)
Random Facts: -I remember being really smart when I was a kid and having almost perfect grades but that went to hell at some point lmao. 
-I used to have my hair reaching my hipbone when I was 14, but I cut it until it reached my jaw, almost giving my dad a heart attack sdhfgsdf. 
-When I draw, I have the bad habit of doing all the details of hte head before going for the rest of the body ugh. 
-Although I love the beach, I don’t enjoy getting in the water that much bc it frightens me being too deep, but I love the sand, I love the fresh air and the sight of the waves.
-I never broke a bone in my life, but I did get burned with scalding water when I was 11.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: I’m gonna give it a try bc I’m not really sure what kind of vibe I give.
A quiet room illuminated by the sunset, a cup of steaming tea alongside a sketchbook, walls painted with so many beautiful colors, that comfortable silence that two close friends share, instrumental music being listened to with headphones, flowers blooming in difficult places.
Tag 21 People: I’m really sorry if you already got tagged, I really don’t think I can fill 21 people lol Also, you really don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!
@phoenixwrighttrash @madamelenny @nerdyskeleton @trashical-girl @rossie-trees-dumpster @obnexious @hongye-arts @anythingbelowthesun @blue-beary-pie @prizsmatic @g-owlawyers22 @nadiestar
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