#narcissistic my god i love it so on and so forth
jenosbfreal · 1 year
nah but if i was winter? sm's hidden trainee? trained by yoo young jin himself?? her existence kept under lock and key until the debut so other companies won't try to snatch her away??? didn't even sing or dance in the debut teasers because they wanted it to be a surprise???? literally put in the same vocal unit as the taeyeon and max changmin????? my ego would be through the ROOF
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swords-of-a-soilder · 6 months
My QSMP Headcannons vs in game Canon
Feel free to correct me if I get the Canon wrong.
•Tallulah uses hearing aids-this one is actually cannon but people tend to leave it out in art.
•philza uses a walking cane after purgatory- while Phil stated multiple times that the condition of his wings gave him poor balance, even though his wings are somewhat better I imagine the constant back and forth for someone who was never really good a balancing paired with the weight of his new wings probably make it very difficult to stay balance while walking.
•Fit, Tubbo lost limbs in purgatory- correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Tubbo didn't lose a lib in Canon, and I'm also not sure if the texture of Fit new skin is meant to be read as a prosthetic but I like the idea.
•Richardslyson has a prosthetic leg- this isn't excalty clear whether or not it's canon, we know his model in game has a leg that doesn't connected to his shell but it also important to note that Phil adjusted Richards statue to reflect a prosthetic leg, so you could technically consider it canon.
•Phil is demi-romantic- I know Phil never gave a clear sexual orientation to his in game character, but watching them interact with other love interest he gives the vibe of a demi-romantic person.
•Fit and Phil are divorced on really good terms- the kind were you realize your better as friends, which would also play a part in Phil discovering his is demi-romantic. Obviously in canon they was no clear past relationships established between them.
•Bolas actually does see Phil as a father figured- obviously Cellbit calmed he was joking when he called Phil dad, however Baghera still seems to call him that. I also really just want Cellbit to have a good father figure lmao.
•Rose is Phil's mother- I could go into detail of how the goddess of life birth the angle of death, but I equate it to her being his mother as God is your father but like she's his mother directly. She made him, she raised him, she'll protect him like her like depends on it.
In canon Rose just seems to be the Spawn entity but I like to imagine her as his Spawn entity. That would mean that she spawned him into existence in the hardcore world.
•the federation isn't evil, just misunderstood- I'm not saying they are good, just more morally grey. They do horrible experiment and treat the residents curly in our eyes, but in their eyes this is normal.
They do things thinking the residents don't know any better and therefore their complains are invalid, quite like a narcissist parent.
•the eggs can shape shift- I love the idea of the eggs taking on physical traits of the person (s) that they feel loved by slowly the more fond they become of them.
So the original Chayanne would stay an egg for the first two days then shock his parents by appearing as a little boy with blond hair.
When badly injured they go back to egg form.
•Charlie is in fact part slime and that's how he shape shifted into gegg- technically the qsmp info channel confirmed this in the qsmp full story videos
•Jaiden was a part of project blue bird- again not confirm, but I really like the idea that she was raised by Cucuchroo and that's why she naturally acts kinder to him (but she doesn't remember)
•the island has a respawn entity- following the concept of Rose aiding Phil's spawn, I like to imagine the whole island has a entity that revives players after death, and thus respawning in other demension ie the nether, takes much longer as that a different entity all together.
•the radiation of the blast from purgatory turned Foolish into a shark human hybrid, I mean technically canon since has the speed fins now.
•Forever has a survivor complex- this is up to interpretation of whether or not it's canon but I perceive Forever's behaviour as someone who feels he had to save everyone; He is the president after all.
•Forever likely still has feelings for Phil- or better yet the feelings have developed into genuine love as opposed to obsession, but from observing Missa learnt the best way to love Phil is to respect his wishes.
•Lovejoy is canon in the qsmp and is sponsored by the federation hence why Wilbur often leaves for tours. I'm actually not sure if this is canon or not, I recall Phil joking about it but I don't know if that's the Canon explanation as to how he's allowed to leave the island.
•Missa like Wilbur is sent on sponsored trips by the federation; in which he gather information on other islands, the resources of said island and whether or not their populated
•The codes are corrupted dead eggs- I'm mostly getting this theory from the codes disguising themselves as eggs and codaflipa, but I really like the idea that the codes are eggs that have died in the past with past residents and are restless.
A good backing for this is how Sofia found the eggs to be non organic, which makes me think that in a way they are computer programming, an sentient artificial life.
That does however bring the lore question of how their ghost can return, I think codes are a store of ghost form for them, with the code of their existence being shattered after a while they degraded to code monsters.
This would explain why they kill eggs (they want more company) and how they're able to disguised as them. Codaflipa can only return a few times because it's difficult to keep that form with shattered codes.
Now it is hinted at that the eggs are artificial, Sofia and the details of A1 being hints at that, but there is no Canon confirmation of such to my knowledge
I also know that Etoiles seem to believe the code killed eggs because they were being controlled by the federation, but I don't believe that seeing as the federation went out of their way to get the eggs back.
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sa1-13 · 30 days
So, the voices of brainrot won so I had to put this into words cause I have been thinking about this idea for about… two hours now and I HAVE to put it out there.
The character I was thinking about was a Sonadow fan kid Void made by the wonderful @emthimofnight . Go check out all of her work, it’s absolutely divine! Her stuff is what ultimately inspired me to start drafting my own Sonadow fan kid.
Anyways, I, the romance writer that I am, was trying to think of how the actual hell a romance Void would even come about. A TL;DR summary on Void as a character: Void is narcissistic, greedy, selfish, born and raised villain with a god-complex so massive it makes Mystic Messenger’s Rika’s complex look angelic by comparison. A romance between him and… well- literally anyone- would never work. Despite his good looks, no romance would get past the other person’s attempts to initiate as, in Emthimofnight’s own words on Void on a post about their character’s reactions to being confessed to, “He just assumes it is natural for someone to be attracted to him… …whether he actually reciprocates is entirely determined by what he could get out of the person confessing.”
However, in my continuous back and forth with myself, I kept coming back to the second and third words used to describe him, greedy and selfish. The reason being was that I technically already knew how to make a character like that enthralled into a romance thanks to a manga called, “Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun!”.
To keep myself from completely spoiling one of my, at the time of writing this post, two favourite archs in the whole manga, I’ll just describe the way the mangaka makes the greedy and selfish character fall in love with the object of their affection: B gives A a smack to the face with reality that their is someone above them, A’s sudden confusion and yet fascination with this new complete stranger who just broke into their head, the fascination leading to A trying to get B, only for B to be constantly putting themselves just out of reach A’s grasp, driving A to only want B more, finally, both dumbasses are into this so it keeps going.
The second step onwards aren’t exactly hard to to imagine happening, as they are just natural consequences of both characters’s writing, leading both characters to make to follow step after step. It was just that first step that was putting me in a bind. What in the hell would you have to do to make Void even consider you to be better than him? So, I kept trying to go back to what gave him the god complex in the first place. It was his ability to fight, right?
That’s when it hit me: someone just has to beat him in a fight.
Before you say that’s impossible, firstly, nothing is truly impossible in writing, secondly, if we’re talking about fighting, if someone is just as gifted as him that has done more training than him, bitch is getting his ass handed to him. People with god-complexes often either stop, or never started with gifted people, improving themselves in the area that gave them the god-complex in the first place. It’s why villains with them are defeated more often than ones without them.
Just imagining Void deeper and deeper into all consuming, rather obsessive, love that slowly drives to actually start getting stronger and stronger, while literally everyone watches in object horror, and as those who try to control him try to force him to stop, the end up giving up their hand, making Void doing the most selfish and greedy thing he could have ever done in that situation, leaving. That kind of stuff is what I live for.
Anyway’s, thank you for coming to my TED Talk, Imma go pass out now.
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itsaspectrumcomic · 5 months
man ok idk if youll be able to advise on this or something but like. do you know anything regarding dealing with like internalised ableism?
i live in a rural part of ireland, right? and idk what it is about rural ireland but some of the people are heinous. my school is in a small miserable-ass town and like. God, man. not everyone sucks, of course but like. jesus lol additionally i have a ~mildly ableist~ mother (a "we're all a little bit autistic" and "erm. youre not disabled because youre not in a wheelchair or blind/deaf" etc etc type stuff. + "npd = bad person" which isnt particularly good for me specifically because i have npd (that i both Cant get an official diagnosis for, for various reasons, and im not really Looking for one either because i know what i am and its not like you get support for it because ~ooh scary narcissist~.)
and like. idk if this is Obvious but that can kinda cause a weird-ass relationship with You (being Me in this case, yk how it is with the second person perspective when. ranting) and The Concept Of Being Disabled. like, objectively. im disabled. im autistic, ive definitely got adhd (that im hopefully going to get examined for at some point cause college stuff requires it for the disability forums and stuff. gotta love that. fuckin 80% comorbidity right?), ive got a laughable number of repetative strain injuries, i have a sensory processing disorder, an endocrine disease that effects my Entire cardiovascular system, a spine that felt a lil quirky and bent in too much. so on a so forth
but also like. it feels wrong to call myself disabled. yk, like im doing a disservice to all the other ~actually~ disabled people (being Anyone but me lol) (none of this is At All helped by the fact that my mother refuses to listen to me regarding Jack Shit about my health in Any way. "oh you nearly passed out on top of a hill because of your cardiovascular condition? erm youre just not exercising enough actually" "you dont have depression [said while i was filling out an assigned mood diary after being forcefully brought to camhs for Reasons" like. shut the fuck up and Listen to me please. at least Entertain the idea that i could be right about something for fucking once lmao. cause ive been right about EVERYTHING regarding my mental health so fucking far so. fuck off /nay ofc) (also man. like, even if you ignored the physical issues ive got im still disabled on account of being autistic. like, motor function is fine, despite being a lil clumsy and/or unsteady sometimes but like. my emotional needs are Fucked. think of the response youd get if you asked a. fuckin. 8 year old or something to do algebra. but with a very emotionally stunted and traumatised 17 year old lol. lmao, even /lh)
so like. if youve got. any advice or whatever on any of this thatd be Super cool + no pressure obvs. sorry this is a whole. like. fucking essay's worth of Random Guy Complaining To You On The Internet lol
-🐢 <- just so i can find this again if you respond. i Like Turtles. i am Normal about the tmnt and also turtles The Creatures. i wont talk at length about turtle mutant anatomy (i am deceiving you)
Internalised ableism is a really hard thing to deal with, especially when you're surrounded by people who constantly re-enforce it. I've also spent a lot of time worrying that I'm not disabled 'enough' to deserve certain accommodations, that I'm making an unnecessary fuss. But the truth is, autism IS a disability and if there are accommodations that can help support you, you deserve access to them. You're not taking away from others with disabilities by advocating for yourself.
It's taken me a long time to understand this and I still worry sometimes. What has helped is talking about my experiences with people I know understand, like my therapist or best friend, and learning about the experiences of other autistic people through books, social media, YouTube and even real life.
I'm sorry your mother and others aren't being understanding - remember that's a them problem, not you, and try to spend your time with people who do understand.
🐢🐢🐢 <- the turtles wish you luck
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thegreymoon · 26 days
The Story of Minglan
I seriously cannot with this woman.
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You raised a fucking murderer. So what if you had a difficult delivery? Does this entitle her to kill people? Good for Gu Tingye, somebody should have stabbed her ages ago.
I just love how SHOCKED all these evildoers are that her privilege of rank didn't protect her. However, the only reason it did not protect her this time is because she overextended herself and went after someone of her own class, or arguably, even more powerful than her.
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I can't believe she is refusing to get involved! Because what a perfect opportunity to strike at Gu Tingye!
I love how their biggest grievance remains that they were not allowed to cover up her crimes this time around.
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They are not even the least bit concerned about the fact that they raised a narcissistic psychopath who sowed countless misery for as long as she lived.
Anway, eat the rich, etc. etc. etc.
They don't see anyone but themselves as people.
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So, she changed her mind. Predictable. She was never going to let such a juicy opportunity to cause trouble pass her by.
LMAO, I am actually pleased these two fools made up.
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Or did they? 🤔
There are still six more episodes and plenty of trouble ahead.
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He remains such a goddamned idiot.
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Well, clearly, not killing you was a mistake.
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Oh my fucking god.
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She wants to take her baby?? The audacity!
But she will not refuse, will she?
This poor baby.
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Oh, lady, you gave up your son for a promotion 🙄
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Also, what great fortune? She took this child not because she loves him but because she can wield him as a weapon in the future.
Wait, she's not going to be breastfeeding herself?
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I mean, I know that nursemaids were a thing throughout history and that even Nanny Chang nursed Gu Tingye, but I'm still shocked a c-drama is going there so openly.
OMG 🤣🤣
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My love for Shitou knows no bounds 🖤🖤
I am so exhausted with his nonsense 🙄
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I realise that Minglan being jealous of Fengxian is supposed to be cute and character development or whatever, but I am beyond bored and annoyed by him and his made-up problems and forever pissed that he keeps bringing up Yuanruo to use against her.
Also, I may be letting my personal hang-ups cloud me here but I have literally dumped more than one guy for deliberately trying to make me jealous. Yes, I am a jealous person, yes, I have self-esteem issues, yes, my family of origin made me feel as unlovable as they possibly could and as a result, I am a people pleaser to a fault. I have so much anxiety and fear of abandonment. But no, I am not going to be contorting myself to prove that you should stay with me rather than someone else. Go fuck yourself. The moment you make me "fight" for you means I have already lost. I find it so demeaning. Go forth and chase your dreams with other women, who am I to stop you? Oh, you didn't mean it like that? Basically, you were just egging me on because you find my misery amusing and as a convenient way to boost your own ego? To manipulate me into doing things and behaving in a way that is detrimental to me but beneficial to you? How nice of you to fully go masks off at last! NOW DOUBLY GO FUCK YOURSELF.
Anyway, so many people love Gu Tingye and have told me I will surely love him too. But not only do I not love him, I don't even like him. The closer we get to the end of this show, the more repulsive I find him. In the beginning, I was still fighting so hard to give him the benefit of the doubt, but after that second Manniang debacle, I have fully given up. Plus, it has been hinted multiple times so far that he smells, so no thanks to that. If Minglan's happiness and well-being in this hellhole of a society didn't depend on his stinky ass being alive and well-off, I would not bat an eye at the Emperor beheading him.
Wait, they brought her in from a BROTHEL?
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Look, I seriously don't want to shame people doing sex work here, but there were no condoms, antibiotics or modern medicine of any kind that would in any way have prevented STDs during this time. If I had to live in this era, I would be disgusted to sleep with a man who frequented brothels and after having sex with the women there, came home to have sex with me.
I keep hoping that the Emperor turning against Gu Tingye is some kind of a ploy because he is based on an IRL Emperor and China has strict rules against presenting such people in a negative light... but it seems more likely that he has simply become paranoid and lost his entire damn mind since coming to the throne.
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Also, thinking back, Monarch Industry certainly portrayed the ruling royal family in the worst light imaginable, so clearly the rules are not that strict. But then again, those Emperors were not based on real people and actual historical facts (as far as I know). But there is also King's War, which absolutely dragged actual historical figures to filth, however, that drama is a bit older, so the censorship rules were probably more lax.
IDK. In any case, I'm not liking him (or any of this) much at this point.
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glittervame · 1 month
My stupid bugs
This is the most random shit. Don't mind it <3
Heartbreak High x Oc! Reader, it's a teen drama you know what to expect
I felt like my world was spinning in circles, I couldn't hear anything over this stupid ringing in my ears, I stumbled over my feet as I tried to get fresh air shoving people out of my way and trying to get to the quad. "Gem? Amethyst- I need you to breathe" A hand slightly touches the lower of my back and I quickly flench away before calming down a bit when I just realize it was just the three bug boys.
"Sorry," I apologize, my voice is shaky and it sounds like I'm on the verge of crying. "Crazy in there, right?" I sigh as blink the tears away.
Dusty frowns, "Gem...we saw the wall, you know we don't see you or Ant any different" He glances at said boy, "You guys are still our friends"
I glance to his right hesitantly, looking at Spider, his eyes meet mine and he nods. It was probably one of the only times I had seen him so serious, I sag in relief wiping the the stray tears away, and giving the bugs a small grin.
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I found myself sitting in between Spider and Quinni in a musty, boy-sweat-smelling gym when the doors opened holy shit harps. She had buzzed off all her hair and she was rocking the hardcore emo look. "God her hair" Sasha whispered from behind me, "Is she ok?"
"Pack it up eleven!" Missy yelled to the girl who was walking to her seat. Amerie jumped out of her seat and rushed towards Harper-
"Sit down Amerie," Woodsy said into the mike making the girl freeze, she sighed, "I'm a woke woman, I enjoy sex as much as the next person-" laughs ripple across the crowd, "Really don't need to know!" I yelled towards her she rolled her eyes. "-But reputation is everything and this map," she gestured toward the old stairwells, "has jeopardized your reputation and the reputation of our school on the first day back"
She sighed disappointedly before looking at her assistant, "We are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on the map-" groans could be heard from across the room, "I strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs, or gathos. Alcohol equals poor choices The risk-taking behaviors outlined on this map are unacceptable. Hartley High prides itself on being a safe environment." There was a handful of laughs, "But this is a wake-up call that we are not doing enough. Oh, and we will find out who did this. Get to class. Go." She shouts pointing at the gym doors.
I was going to call after Amerie as she was running after Haper but Woodsy beats me to it, "Miss Wadia. Come with me." I stop in my tracks and lean into the hand that was wrapping around my waist, "Let's go Gem" Ant ushers me out the door.
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Sitting on the bleachers against the wall I was playing with Dustys' hair and watching the other boys play basketball when Amerie walked back into the room trailing after Harper, "Honestly she looks like a dog" I muttered looking at the pair.
"Why haven't you answered my texts? Oi! Harp! Where have you been? Firstly, your hair. Extreme, but I love it. Secondly, Woodsy knows. I didn't tell her about you, don't worry." I narrow my eyes at her words.
"I'm not worried" Harper states plainly as she blinks at the girl across from her.
"Thirdly, Dusty spoke to me so we're pretty much dating..." I roll my eyes at Amerie's words, narcissistic bitch.
"I don't give a shit"
"What's up with you? Hello. Didn't you hear me? I took the fall for you." She rolled her eyes like it was the obvious.
"I didn't ask you to do that."
"Shut up. You're my best mate." Amerie laughs
"Not anymore." Harper sneers, shutting her down quickly.
It was like watching a tennis match, the bystander's eyes in the gym bounced back and forth between the two girls and you could cut the tension with a knife. Some students had already started to pull out their phones to record.
"What are you talking about?"
"fuck off," Harper says more aggressively
"Okay, Harper, I don't get it."
"Of course you don't." she rolls her eyes
"Well, then tell me."
"I said get off me. I'm fucking done with you!"
"Fight, fight, fight!" a slight smirk passes over my lips as I see the students egg the girls on.
Amerie goes to grab Harper but the blond shoves her which causes Amerie to pin her giants against the wall, "What the fuck Harper? Stop! Why are you doing this? What is wrong with you!?" Harper bashes her forehead against her noes causing Anmerie to fall on the floor with a bloody noes. Quinnin went over to see if she was ok but ended up getting sneezed on, blood splattering all over her face, "ew"
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I grip my solo cup like it was a lifeline as I clutch onto Harper, her blond hair falling onto her face, "Bloody love you, We stick together yeah?" She nods, "Forever together, the tree musketeers" My eyeliner and face makeup glow in the dark lights my face grins as I get handed another drink by Amerie, "Drink up bitches we're getting fucked!" I rush to the dance floor with the two girls laughing along with them.
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"Why'd she do it? Crazy bitch." Ant seeths, "My mums going to kill me because of her"
I slide into the seat next to him, "Who did what?"
Spider glanced at me, "Amerie wrote the map"
My blood runs cold, as my eyes instantly find the girl who was talking to Sasha, before standing and making my way over.
"Oi, Sash! So you've picked her side?" The black haired girl asks
Sasha gives her a bewildered look, "Are you kidding me? Dude, everyone's pissed. You broke people up. You outed people. And all of that work Missy and I did to stay friends after we broke up, that's fucked." Her eyes barely meet mine and I wince.
"Doesn't mean anything now, because... Harper did the map too." Amerie says it was obvious and she did nothing wrong.
"You know what really shits me?" I hiss as I shove her back so she stumbles over her feet, "When people can't own up to their actions, You outed me to the whole school you bitch, I told you that in confidence because you were my friend! Didn't think you'd write it on a public wall for all eyes to see you sick fuck." I harshly push her back again so her back hits the brick wall of the school.
"You outed not just me but my friends" I take a deep breath before continuing, "Look, I hope you're okay...But that map is a real dog, man. And I just think you need to do some work on yourself. Like, away from us." I gestured to the people behind me in the quad, and people started laughing at the girl in front of me. "I don't want you back Wadia"
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The intercoms screech as they turn on, "Will the following students please meet in classroom 5D: Amerie Wadia, Harper McLean, Sasha So, Missy Beckett, Dustin Reid, Spencer White," Ant elbows Spider making fun of him, "Anthony Vaughn" his smile quickly fades off of his face and then he rolls his eyes as Spence grins at him.
"Sounds like a bunch of dickheads" Darren says munching on a snack and then handing a piece to Quinni when they're finished.
"Darren Rivers"
"Damit" Darren curses and I grin at him, wiggling my eyebrows and waving him bye.
"Quinn Gallagher-Jones, Douglas Piggott, Malakai Mitchell." I sigh happily lying down on a picnic table and waving my friends bye as they walk away.
"Amethyst Rivers"
"Damit!" I yell out in frustration, I hear Darren bark out a laugh before I follow behind them.
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As I walk into the room, my bag slung over my shoulder, I hear Woodsy yelling at Spider to get off the table he's sitting on. I duck as a wad of paper gets thrown in my direction, "Whore" I say to Ant, "Slut!" He grins back as I sit between him and the Spider.
"Map Bitch!" Spider whistles at her like an owner trying to get a dog's attention, "Map Bitch."
Amerie snaps her head around glaring daggers at the new kid sitting next to her, "What cunt?" He backs away, "Nice to meet you too"
"Come on Douglas..." Woodsy complains ushering him into his seat.
Spider perks up, "Oi, eshay bah! How was stereo brah?" The group around them laugh at his joke and Dusty pats him on the back.
I hang over Spider, arms dangling around his neck, "So cemetery tomorrow?" I lowered my voice so Woodsy couldn't hear us, my eyes looking around the group.
"Yeah boy!" Dusty and Ant dab each other up, "It's going to be a rager!"
Darren turns around their pink silk wrap string falling over his shoulder, "Oi, uh, what's the cemetery?" they ask eyebrow lifting.
I go to open my mouth but Spider beats me to it, "None ya biz, bong water"
"Ok, settle down thank you," Woodsy raises her voice before Spider can say anything else, Another teacher walks into the room that I've never seen before but as I look around it seems like some students recognized her.
"Hi, everyone. I'm Miss Josephine Obah, but you can call me Jojo. Kind of like, "Yo-yo," but J." She laughed at herself but seeing as no one else was laughing she cleared her throat, "I'm an English teacher, so I know some of you. But I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here. Well, your names were on the map in the stairwell. The one that's out of bounds" She looks at Amerie.
The new kid raises his hand, "Um, what map?" His face is full of confusion.
Jo-jo gives him a deadpan look, " Okay, very funny. Look, peeps, we're not dumb. We know a lot of you are sexually active, but we're concerned this map demonstrates a real lack of respect for one another when it comes to sexual relationships. So we want to address it head-on. This is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sex and intimacy...A sexual literacy tutorial."
"SLT. So we're sluts? Jo-jo, are you calling your students sluts?" I grin at her as I watch her squirm when Spider starts chanting with Ant and Dusty.
"Sluts! Sluts! Sluts!"
Jo-jo waves at everyone to be quiet, "That's enough. Come on, everyone. This class will go back to the basics on sex and...Because clearly, you all have a lot to learn in that department. It'll happen twice a week, in your own time." The class lets out collective protests ring out through the room and Jo-jo hesitates to finish, "Until..."
"No, until we judge that you started to respect each other and yourselves. You have to attend every class or it'll go on your permanent record." Woodsy finishes for her.
Ant looks up in surprise, "Wait, we have permanent records?"
"This is sex jail!"
"Thanks a lot, map bitch" Ant glares with the rest of the class at the girl as she shrinks in her seat.
"Sorry. Um, it's actually my first day. I don't think I'm supposed to be in here." The new kid raises his hand in protest.
"Legend! Made it to the map before you even started!" Spider cheers to the boy, The kid turns around in his seat to look at Spider and I shoot him a wink as I grin, and he swiftly turns back around.
"All right everybody up!" Jo-jo ushers to us, "Okay, now clear these tables to the side, please. And lift them. don't scrape them along the floor. Thank you. Now, I want you all to start walking around the room. Come on. Walking. Good, you know how to walk. Now, I want you to choose three other people to start shaking hands with. Shaking, shake... Good, you know how to shake. Shaking. And..." She looks around the room.
"Spencer," He raises his hand, "You have genital crabs-"
Darren laughs, "Checks out"
"-Not in real life, Darren, for the purposes of this game. Put your hand up, Spencer. Hand up, Spencer. Now. Hands up, who shook hands with Spencer." Me, Ant, and Dusty raise our hands "Anwo shook hands with them?"
More people raise their hands, "And who shook hands with them?" everyone has their hands up except for Amerie, "You all have genital warts" The class snickers.
"I thought it was crabs?" the new kid chimes in
"Right. Crabs. Thank you, um..."
"Malakai. Thank you. You all have genital crabs, except for you, Amerie. Well done, What does this highlight the need for?"
"Stay away from Spider, he's chat" Ca$h comments from his corner. I laugh at his comment and ruffle Spiders' hair.
"Fuck off, guys!" Spider snaps
"No! Condoms" Woodsy yells, standing by the door.
I grab my bag and make my way over to Spider and Dusty who was talking to Amerie, I wrap my arms around Spider to tug him down so I can get on his back.
"Hey, um, did we hook up?" Dusty asks confused.
"No you didn't Dusty," I say staring down the girl, "She would've been boasting about it."
"Yeah, I didn't think so but it says here-" He points at his phone showing the map. "It isn't anything Dusty," Her face was visibly turning red. "There's like a...It's like a gold line between our names?" He furrows his brows
"Gold line means destined, like destined to be," Spider grins, "She wants you dusty" Ant starts making kissing noises and I shove his head to the side.
"Simp!" I call after Amerie as she walks out of the room.
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
With a soft sigh, Spencer lowers his head between my legs and presses his lips against my folds. He begins by gently licking along the length of my slit, teasing and exploring every inch of my sensitive skin. His warm breath fanning over my clit only serves to heighten the sensation, making me arch my back and grip his shoulder.
As he continues to pleasure you with his mouth, Spencer begins to use his tongue more assertively, flicking and circling my clit with precision. He moans against my skin, his hands cupping your hips as he thrusts his tongue deeper inside me. The feeling of being so thoroughly devoured by his mouth, his expertise in bringing me so much pleasure, sends shudders of anticipation coursing through my body.
His hands move up to your hips, gripping them firmly as he sucks on your clit, drawing it into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue in a rhythmic pattern. You can feel the pressure building within you, the need for release growing stronger with each passing second. With a final, long drawn-out lick, Spencer pulls away from me, watching as my eyes flutter closed and my breath hitches.
"Are you close?" he whispers, his voice thick with desire.
I nod frantically, unable to speak past the wave of pleasure that washes over me. He smiles, satisfied, and then leans in again, running his tongue along my slit and teasing my sensitive bundle of nerves. With one final thrust of his tongue, he pushes against my clit, sending me over the edge. My body convulses in a powerful orgasm, my legs shaking uncontrollably as I cry out his name.
Spencer keeps up his ministrations, licking and sucking until the last tremor subsides, his tongue lapping at my folds like a lick of flame. When I'm finally able to catch my breath again, he pulls away, his lips swollen and red from the contact. With a satisfied smile, he looks up at me, meeting your eyes.
"Better?" he asks, his voice a low rasp.
I nod, unable to form words as I try to process the incredible sensations that still linger in my body. I reach down between my legs, feeling sticky wetness where Spencer had been, and let out a soft moan. 
"Bloody hell," I breathe as I look at my phone, looking at the time, we have ten more minutes until we have to get ready for pregame." 
Spencer grins at me, "Good" then he disappears back between my legs.
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
♫ Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake? Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze? ♫
The music thumped in the background as I was curling my hair, "Hey fuck face! Can you get me a drink?" I yell to the other room. "What do you want?" "Anything is fine no beer though!" I yell back.
♫ If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great. But while in this world ♫
"Okay, got the eye shadow just where I want it," I say, admiring my work in the mirror. "Now for some lipstick... hmm, red or nude?" I pick up a deep red lipstick and a nude gloss, holding them both up to her lips before deciding on the gloss. "Yeah, that'll be perfect. Just enough color without being too obvious." As I finish applying my makeup, I take one last sip of her champagne and decide it's time to get ready.
♫ I think I'll take my whiskey neat, My coffee black, and my bed at three ♫
I grab my favorite gold body chain and my black lace ankle boots, slipping them on before doing a quick spin in front of the mirror. "Not too bad, not too bad," I say with a satisfied nod. With my party look complete, I down the rest of my champagne before heading downstairs to meet with the rest of the boys
♫ You're too sweet for me, You're too sweet for me ♫
"What'd you get me?" I lean over the counter look, and grab the drink. Ant and Dusty shrug and point to Spider. "I did roulette with the dinks, trust, they're going to taste good" He grins, pushing the cup to her lips.
♫ I think I'll take my whiskey neat, My coffee black, and my bed at three ♫
I take a sip and let the sweet, citrusy flavors dance on my tongue. The music plays on, setting the perfect ambiance for pre-game party. I take another sip, savoring the taste, and feel a warm, fuzzy sensation spread through my chest. It's not just the alcohol talking; looking at my friends as they argue over what drinks we're bringing. I love my stupid bugs.
♫ You're too sweet for me, You're too sweet for me ♫
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
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awesomegirlystuff · 5 months
Do you think Hank Hill is a good dad? I go back and forth with myself on that one. I think he is overall--he's loving (in his way), a good provider and a decent role model, but he looks down on Bobby's interests because they're so different. People crap on Peggy, but I actually think she's a good mom because she accepts Bobby unconditionally.
Sorry this took me so long to answer.
I see what you're saying. Overall, I do think Hank is a good dad who wants what's best for Bobby. The show's main theme, or one of them anyways, is Hank's friction with a changing world, and Bobby often represents those changes. So a lot of conflict in the show comes down to that. Overall, I'd say he's a good dad.
And I do agree that people crap on Peggy way too much. Yes, she can be narcissistic at times, but, my god, it's a comedy show. The characters need to have quirks and personalities! And yeah, a lot of the episodes I see people consider bad because Peggy's ego overtakes her judgement, I find a lot of those episodes pretty funny. I don't know.
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shineybuddies · 10 months
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A couple things I’ve done, The Inner World deserves so much better 🙁
It’s a good game that has so much potential, unfortunately it wasn’t so popular
🔆Lol some spoilers ahead(just me info dumping and ranting)🔆
The series would’ve been fire too, I want to see the sillies being silly in their world of soil. I want to know more about the world and it’s lore, like the lore was pretty solid but it had some slight issues. Though I didn’t notice them till I played both games about 7 times back and forth.
I also want to know more about Conroy and Emil, I get that they’re the bad guys and all but I wanna know about their life.
We know about Robert’s, him being taken as a baby after conroy ‘killed’ (well they weren’t really killed now were they?) off the dynasty and never being able to leave the palace while also being neglected by conroy, and we know about Laura’s too, her being hidden under the Mechatre plotting the death of conroy while also trying to find her dad yada yada alright we know that good stories 10/10, but what about the bad guys.
What we know about Conroy is that he was supposedly an orphan along with the other two Windmonks (how Mama Dola found them is beyond me) and that they were all raised in the mountains, specifically the Shovel Mountains, so basically they were brothers. We don’t know what their lives were like during that time or how they were raised in those mountains or anything really. I guess at one point Conroy was just like “Ottilie’s mad fine tbh” and Y’know…did the DEED, that scandalous Windmonk… but I understand him I mean Ottilie IS fine asf.
Fast forward Conroy wants to implement the death penalty for giggles and the king says no, so Conroy says “fuck you” and plans world domination which includes having Reminepo (Laura’s father duh) build ‘wind gods’ AKA Basylians. Y’know the deal, boom boom you’re stone and you’re stone and you’re stone and OO look a baby mine now fuck all of you FFFFFFFFFFFFFFLOOTnoses.
And some small notes I found is that Conroy dabbles in Art (which I think he displays in the throne room as you see down the hallway with all the abstract art but I’m not sure), he keeps plants on windowsills specifically the spiky ones, he takes knock out pills when he can’t sleep or is feeling lonely (poor guy), he hates fosfoses AND tumblemice calling them evil (dawg..) but loves his killer hedgehog Fonk (I do too but make it make sense), I did have more but while I was writing this a friend texted and when I texted back I forgot what I was gonna write for this but in conclusion Conroy is a LOSERMAN despite his narcissistic, good-doer image.
Now Emil is kinda difficult, we know that he tumbled down a windfountain as a child (he was probably a toddler when he fell despite his brother saying he was a baby) and we don’t know HOW he survived the fall but he did and ended up in front of the wacky stuff store where he was taken in by his adoptive parents, whom are unnamed, and his brother, who also doesn’t have a name (well, more so everyone forgot what his name was) but is referred to as Emil’s Brother, Emil probably had a good childhood seeing how he has a photo of him and his family in his office which is shown on the bookshelf he has. They look pretty happy to me, besides Emil, born emo.
Someway he heard about conroy and absolutely Fell head over heels (there’s no way he’s straight. Look at him. Plus that time when he said he’ll NEVER be as attractive as Conroy.
It’s like that “I’m not gay but damn” “you don’t have to be gay to appreciate a man’s beauty.” “Nah bro I’d FUCK you”)
Then he got all Conroy obsessed, like really obsessed. Killer obsessed (he’s so real.) Anyways somehow someway he showed up with a mob of asposians to the wind chapel, WHICH MAY I REMIND YOU. WAS DEEP WITHIN THE ROOT FOREST? HOW’D HIS ASS GET THERE AND WHAT WAS THE REASON HE WAS THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, anyways he saw conroy’s remains and was like “NOOOOOOOO THE SOON-TO-BE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS DEAD. you dirty flutenoses KILLED him 😾” “😯” boom bam bang flutenoses are hated, conroyalism is a thing yada yada deedoo yknow what happens at the end.
Some small notes of Emil is that he can get so obsessed with something that it scares people well that’s what his brother says (again, he’s so real), apparently he didn’t have friends if not a couple of them so he was probably lonely in childhood but he still had a good life with his adoptive family, he didn’t really choose to be alone though he did try to fit in but I guess him wanting everything to be orderly and wanting little to no fun drove people away, alright we get it. You’re OBSESSED with conroy. I mean cmon you have him everywhere, your office is filled with it, the wacky stuff store has a whole shelf dedicated to him, you’re spending the rest of your life for one thing only and that’s to be Conroy’s second hand man.
Istg he’s in love with Conroy there definitely is some hints of fruit in him.
And one last thing on the small notes, Emil is scary good at sculpting stuff and building, he’s spent 2-3 years on the cable car sculpture thing, in his office he has a model of Conroy’s palace on display sitting on the bookshelf, this means he could technically put conroy back together and revive him. But he’d have to figure out how, I mean conroy did shatter into tiny pieces.
I think that’s all I wanted to dump for now, but I’m very passionate about TIW and will do anything for that series. If you put in enough effort, you could find a way to make TIW 3 filled with new critters and characters. Though this is all fantasy, I know that there will never been another TIW nor will the series ever be released unless a miracle happens. But I’m keeping it realistic so my mind doesn’t build up hope that shouldn’t be there.
None the less even fanart that was made years ago makes me sob tears of joy, maybe one day TIW will get more recognition and the love it deserves.
Do I ship Conremil (conroy x Emil)??? Maybe…maybe….(absolutely 100% hands down ARFARFARFARAFRFARAF yes just yes my dictator husbands)
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Me: *shuffling through old stuff from high school and finds a note book filled with an ancient Egypt modern sci-fi love action story between the reader and the god Seth* …Well time to share this with the world.
So yeah it was actually a story I wrote after assassins creed 3 came out and I started imagining what the gods and pharaohs would be like in modern day and it evolved into me diving back into my hyper fixation on Ancient Egypt lol.
Essentially the plot is reader goes to Egypt with fiancé, fiancé is a narcissist and wants to propose in public to make a big scene and get attention but can’t get the perfect photos so keeps dragging reader through active archeology sites, ground collapses, reader falls in and it’s revealed to be a tomb containing Seth. Archeologists, reader and fiancé explore down into the tomb, Seth gets set loose and the group leave the reader for dead when the tomb begins to collapse and they get knocked out. Seth sees the flowers the reader has from the failed proposal and mistakes it as an offering after centuries of being forgotten and declares they’ll be his consort as Anubis arrives and explains his wrongful imprisonment. They mark the reader as his eternal consort with a tattoo, Amit carrys reader from the tomb as it collapses and Anubis beings Seth home so he can clean up reunite with his family. And yes. Everyone including the gods. Are hot.
It features most of the known gods and goddesses. Imprisonment by the archeologists who were present during the events that kick off the story. A worldwide man hunt. And a conspiracy between Seth’s wife, Nephthys, and the evil serpent god, Apopis, to frame Seth for the murder of his own brother, Osaris.
And my favourite part, the pharaohs! In total I decided on 3 main pharaohs deemed worthy enough to live in the palace of the gods and study under them. Seti the first, Ramses the great, Tutankhamun, Nefertiti, and Cleopatra. And yes. I made them all hot. Well, kind of. They’re essentially otherworldly entities now so even in their most human appearances there’s something off about them. Essentially when they passed to the afterlife they were free from pain and could decide their own appearances and so made themselves handsome, beautiful, or to quote Tut in my favourite line from him I wrote, “I just wanted to be able to run and play tag with my daughters.” And yes tut’s two infant daughters are in the after life and have taken the form of two little girls with Isis like wings for arms, they can play for all eternity and when Tut isn’t spending time studying under Ra he spends it with them but I’ll get to that in a minute.
When designing the pharaohs I pretty much pictured them to have three main forms. Their ‘scout’ form. Which is essentially the nightingale armour from skyrim for their body and on their heads they were sci fi versions of their golden death masks. The eyes glow, there’s hollows in the cheeks where light also emits as they filter air to pick up smells etc, and the eyelids can blink as to allow them to convey emotion without exerting the energy to bring forth an actual human like face beneath the mask.
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(Pictured nightingale armour from skyrim)
The only difference really design wise is Nefertiti wears a mask resembling Bastet as she studies under her, and tut’s face mask is of his own ideal face. Not the iconic one we know because it’s been revealed that mask actually belonged to his father and tuts burial was so rushed his tomb wasn’t even his own tomb.
Their second form is their human like appearance. Essentially their ideal form outside of their scout armour. Ramses is strong and built for battle, Seti is slender but a great acrobat and he and Cleo argue frequently about who has the prettier nose, Nefertiti I pretty much picture as Ana from Overwatch just with a spear and a much younger appearance, cleopatra I now envision more as the siren from jibaro, and tut, just a very easy on the eyes, healthy 19 year old with a big fuck off pair of hawk wings.
Okay now to explain studying. Essentially the pharaohs can spend their afterlife however they please or they can study under specific gods and receive powers from them, this allows them to return to the land of the living when needed or just to explore and see things they never could or to see other realms and worlds if they wish etc, but they end up as personal servants so to speak in exchange for the teachings and if anything happens to the god that results in well, the Osiris situation, that pharaoh will become the god, lose all sense of self they held before and only retain some memories as their identity is replaced with the god they served.
Tut chose to study under Ra and was given wings and the ability to shoot flaming arrows from his bow. Seti chose Anubis and his powers can involve raising the dead or mummifying someone alive if he can hold the spell long enough. Ramses chose Sekhmet and I can’t remember what his powers are but I recall him summoning a massive sandstorm to stop the archeologists from reaching the airport when helping the reader escape back to their home country. Nefertiti chose Bastet and she’s a natural healer and comforting presence until someone hurts her son (tut) her grand daughters, or anyone she’s deemed her baby (cough cough the reader cough) then all hell breaks loose. And Cleo chose Wadjet, gifting her the ability to move like a snake and strike with venomous claws like fangs and if someone’s close enough her mask can open allowing a cloud of opium like poison to burst out like a gust of toxic wind putting anyone near her into a coma or just, well, death.
There’s a lot of forgiveness arch’s between Seth and the other gods, Osiris explains to him the plot to frame him and begs for his forgiveness for not being able to stop it, Seth forgives him obviously and generally there’s just a lot of apologising lol
Yes I added a cheesy romance scene where the reader is dancing around the archeology campsites fire with the rest of the group to the song “through heavens eyes” from the prince of Egypt. Yes Seth shows up looking like a hot ass man with an assassin like hood over his face, yes the two dance and end it with a kiss which results him exploding into a cloud of golden sand that forms into an engagement ring on the readers finger and yes Seth reforms back in his palace in the afterlife and excitedly informs his brother he proposed like a giddy big himbo.
But yeah. I might not write it in full yes it’s cheesy yes it reeks of the mummy nostalgia, yes, I love it.
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I finished Season One of The Boys. *SPOILERS*
HoLYSHIT. THAT CLIFFHANGER. I knew about some of it because of spoilers, but jesus christ it was fun to watch. My god.
Hughie's a sweetheart. As much as I wasn't sure how much I'd like him (I tend to find the MCs of shows like this boring), I actually really love him? Even though he does Bad Shit there's this adorably dorky core I can't help but find super endearing. His and Annie's relationship is like a backbone of sugar to keep this show getting too dark.
STARLIGHT'S MY BABYGIRL. Ugh. I love her so much. Her powers are rad, her costume is so cheesy in a cute way and the way she manages to balance being a nice girl at her core with plenty of flaws and badassery is just *chefs kiss*. The show never lets her get too perfect, so when she does win it's so much more satisfying.
I'm back and forth about whether I like Billy or not. Sometimes he's cool and other times I get sick of his cliched "waaah my wife is dead so I'm gonna be an angry cunt to everyone" schtick. I guess he does a good job of showing that humans contribute to the cycle of corporations, Supes and civilians, but I couldn't bring myself to care much about his angst about Becca. Idk if it's her actress but her doe-eyed face and "ooh I'm so vulnerable" thing got really sickening. Not saying she deserved anything she got but I didn't like Becca. She's just a plot device in this season. I mean, so was Robin but she came off more like an actual person and not just a victim.
I love Frenchie and Kimiko!! Their ship is just so adorable by itself but overall I just love them both, Frenchie's so cool and then such a soft boy for her and Kimiko learning how to be a human again with his kindness towards her is just so SWEET. That scene where she brushes her hair and paints her nails and comes out of the bathroom, I was like, "I know Frenchie's going to compliment her!" and when his eyes lit up at the sight of her I about died.
I don't have any particular opinion on MM, except his nickname is dumb. He's just kinda there.
Okay, okay, OKAY. Let me add a disclaimer: I don't condone anything the character does, I KNOW he's evil and he gets a lot worse, and that is BAD and so forth. Okay?
HOLY FUCK I CANNOT GET OVER ANTONY STARR AS HOMELANDER. JESUS CHRISTMAS. HE'S SO TALENTED. I don't think I've been this blown away by a TV show villain since Cillian Murphy in Peaky Blinders, and me being the gigantic Tommy simp that I am, that's a big compliment. Homelander's just so fucking INTERESTING. Yes, he's a total psycho, unstable and narcissistic and petty af, but god does the man know how to work a room. The charisma! The way he smiles and shows too much fang! When his hair gets all messy when he gets mad! His crazy-af mood swings! The way he fucking purrs his lines when he's feeling especially powerful or sadistic? How he's basically canonically a Yandere?? The EYELASHES! The way the other characters shit themselves when they hear Homelander is coming! GOD, it's so, so fucking entertaining. (And YES, I find him hot, OKAY?! I know he looks like a waxwork figure sometimes and I know he's a violent manchild, but I'm such a villainfucker and you give me a good-looking, intensely charismatic but eerily unsettling villain with a fucked-up backstory to rival Mewtwo and powers that mean he treats being shot at like a mild drizzle? What was I meant to do? I am but a mere mortal!)
I'm very smug I figured out how The Boys were going to kill Translucent before they did it. The ol' Man on Fire treatment. As soon as he bragged that his skin was impenetrable, I knew it was already over.
I don't really have any strong opinions on the rest of the Seven? A-Train is meh, Queen Maeve and Black Noir barely do much all season and The Deep is just a fucking creeper and he doesn't even manage to be cool or scary like Homelander, he's just like a fishy date-rapist you could find in any old nightclub. I know Black Noir get some cool moments and I admittedly like his costume and how he's kind of an evil counterpart to Kimiko, but I just don't have much else to say. And I thought Maeve was kind of whiny.
Homelander killing Madelyn Stilwell was so fucking satisfying. I already knew he was gonna beforehand and how he'd do it, but I was still smiling when it happened. Maybe that's fucked up but she'd been annoying me all season and tbh she deserved it - she helped make Homelander the way he is and was grooming him to boot, so fuck her.
I can't wait for Season Two now!
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jenosbfreal · 1 year
nah but if i was winter? sm's hidden trainee? trained by yoo young jin himself?? her existence kept under lock and key until the debut so other companies won't try to snatch her away??? didn't even sing or dance in the debut teasers because they wanted it to be a surprise???? literally put in the same vocal unit as the taeyeon and max changmin????? my ego would be through the ROOF
0 notes
More random music rambling disguised as analysis incoming:
Doomsday by Lizzy McAlpine x Werewolf Robin/Monster Hunter Nancy
We’re just gonna delve right in <33
Nancy and Robin are stuck in a delicate push and pull dance. Nancy knows that Robin is a monster, and Robin knows the same of Nancy—for different reasons. They should, by all means, hate each other. Especially when Nancy Wheeler decides her next target is the feral werewolf in town—assumed to be one Robin Buckley. But then they meet.
Nancy is quick to realize that Robin is no average werewolf. She’s softer than expected, warmer, kinder, she has a certain charm. She’s not a vicious monster. She’s painfully human.
Robin finds out that Nancy is losing her humanity. She’s been hunting for years on a revenge path that’s been tearing her up for years, leaving an angry husk. She learns pretty early that she is not the monster.
But there’s a weird magnetism between them. Robin is infuriatingly smooth and Nancy is achingly beautiful. Nancy finds it harder and harder to picture sinking her blade into Robin’s heart—she’d rather cradle it in her hands and protect it. Robin knows this woman is death incarnate—her own death, matching steadily closer, but she can’t help but fall for this powerful woman.
Pull the plug in September
I don't want to die in June
I'd like to start planning my funeral
I've got work to do, hmm
Jokes about not wanting to die during Pride month aside—
After weeks of their back and forth, Robin begins to want Nancy to just get it over with. She’s not ready to die, not really. It becomes, “Are you going to kill me tomorrow?” and a promise of, “One more day, Robbie. One more day,” over and over, and it’s tearing her apart. Robin wants to get it over with, because this ache in her chest is killing her slowly, and she’d much prefer the silver dagger. She she agrees. “One more day, Nance.” And one more day after that. Maybe not June. Maybe September. Maybe October. Maybe—Maybe never?
She could only hope.
Pull the plug, make it painless
I don't want a violent end
Don't say that you'll always love me
'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you
Over and over again
Again, Robin is beginning to wish this would just end, one way or another. She’s hurting, and she’s tired of it. She’s tired of sneaking around with Nancy, tired of waiting for the inevitable knife in the back. She doesn’t want to feel the pain anymore—is it so much to ask for an end to it? A painless death at the hands of Nancy Wheeler?
But Nancy swears she loves her, and it only hurts worse, because god if Robin isn’t willing to give every part of herself, to bleed out for this girl.
Doomsday is close at hand
I'll book the marching band
To play as you speak
I’ll feel like throwing up
You'll sit and stare like
A goddamn machine
Robin feels the end approaching. Whether that means another tally on Nancy’s belt, another dead monster, or Nancy leaving her with her broken heart, or maybe, just maybe a happy ending—but no. It’s doomsday. Doomsday is approaching, and one way or another, it’s going to kill her.
And when she tells Nancy she can’t do this anymore, Nancy is… Nancy is cold. Unfeeling. More machine than human. It’s because she’s shoving her own emotions down, of course—Robin knows Nancy, her inability to be vulnerable. She’s heard time and time again how Nancy can’t show emotion in the line of work—but god if it doesn’t hurt.
(insert obligatory marching band Robin joke)
I'd like to plan out my part in this
But you're such a narcissist
You'll probably do it next week
I don't get a choice in the matter
Why would I? It's only the death of me
Only the death of me
Robin can’t help but be bitter. It feels like Nancy is dragging it out, and it’s so fucking cruel. Robin doesn’t feel like she has a say in her own life, her own death anymore. Nancy holds her heart in her teeth, and one way or another, she’s going to crush it.
She’ll die at Nancy’s hands. Maybe by silver dagger or silver bullet—or maybe by the girl doing something so simple as leaving her alive.
If Nancy leaves her, after the way they’ve fallen for each other, she knows she won’t be the same. Hell, the Robin she was before Nancy is already dead.
Pull the plug, but be careful
I don't wanna die too soon
I think there's good in you somewhere
I'll hang on 'til the chaos is through
Despite the pain and the confusion Robin is suffering, she really is in love. Deeply, irrevocably in love with the angel of death, and so despite her want for an end—a small part of her can’t help but want it to draw out more. Every day she wakes up in Nancy’s arms, without that wretched knife in her back, it’s heaven. A small slice of heaven that’s all hers. She hands her heart to Nancy without question, knows the end is inevitable, she’s practically begging for it, but she asks Nancy to be careful.
And this horrible hope begins to burn, literally burn, an angry, all consuming wildfire in her chest that is burning her from the inside out, because she’s in love and Nancy is too, and they’ve both changed. Nancy seems to almost forget her warpath in favor of the stolen moments with Robin, and she’s beginning to see the errors she’s made. Nancy is learning that not all monsters are as they seem—and that she herself isn’t as innocent as she’d like to believe. I just think this line in particular could be either one of them singing to the other. Nancy knows Robin is more than her affliction—she’s a good person. And Robin knows that Nancy is more than a killer. Robin becomes more determined to see this through, to forge ahead through the chaos because maybe, just maybe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel—and not in the sense of heaven after death.
It doesn’t work out.
The death of me was so quiet
No friends and family allowed
Only my murderer, you
And the priest who told you to go to hell
Nancy knows she can’t be feeling this, can’t be getting lost in love with a werewolf. Nancy distances herself a little, focusing her attention back on the hunt for the feral werewolf. It stings. Robin avoids her in turn.
But then the hunt is over, the feral werewolf is dead, and Nancy tries to find Robin, to tell her she’s leaving—she can’t do this anymore—and they fight. Robin calls her out.
Remember this post?
Robin loses it. For the first time ever, she loses control of the wolf. It’s quieter than her normal shifts at first. Silent crying as her bones break and shift, as her form morphs into the ugly beast she knows Nancy hates, the monster she tries so hard to keep inside herself, forced out by the very girl who feared this would happen. She knows Nancy will kill her now, will sink her dagger into Robin’s fur covered chest and twist it until Robin bled out on the ground. It’s Nancy’s fault, really. Her murderer. Does that make Robin the priest? Maybe. Or maybe it’s Nancy’s guilt. Perhaps it’s both.
And the funny thing is I would've married you
If you'd have stuck around
I feel more free than I have in years
Six feet in the ground
It’s true. Robin is head over heels for Nancy fucking Wheeler. Nancy Wheeler, the priss. Nancy Wheeler, the monster killer. Nancy Wheeler, her own death in human form. She would have married her in an instant, but instead she knows that it won’t end that way. Not with a gold wedding band, but with a silver noose around her neck, choking those traces of desperate love from her.
And it’s freeing, really. Knowing her death is inevitable, that in moments, Nancy Wheeler will march through the door and plunge a dagger into her heart. She’ll finally be free of this goddamn ache in her chest—and really, maybe the dagger has been there all along, in the form of this torturous doomed romance.
But it doesn’t come. Instead, Nancy opens the door—she heard the shift, of course—and she sees all 8 feet of Robin, her hooked claws and elongated fangs, the sharp golden eyes. She sees a monster, but… She sees Robin. Fucking Robin Buckley. She can’t do it.
She’ll step closer, put a hand out to the beast. Robin will growl at her, but she won’t care. She’ll caress the wolf’s nose, cup a hand against her face. The silver dagger will clatter to the ground as she stares into golden eyes that hold so much pain and love and anger and guilt will choke her.
She’ll cradle Robin’s broad head in gentle, bloodstained hands, and she’ll place a soft kiss on her forehead, and she’ll whisper “I’m sorry,” over and over until Robin comes back to her.
No killing blow is struck, but death happens. It isn’t the way Robin imagines it. It isn’t her life force bleeding out on the carpet, but the anger, the pain, it’s leaking out of her at the seems, rolling down her cheeks in bittersweet tears. A different body will hit the floor—that of the monster hunter, leaving behind the human girl she inhabited. Again Nancy will apologize and pull her in for a kiss.
And Robin will know this is the end—not her death, but Nancy Wheeler’s, and it was caused at her own bloody claws. But it was a death that needed to happen.
Doomsday is here, and it looks not like another mounted werewolf head, but like two broken girls embracing each other with acceptance.
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I had a dream that I was in a cornerless white room with no windows or doors. I was stuck in it for what felt like years, begging anyone that would listen to answer to help me out. Eventually, from my own shadow, formed the silhouette of an older man with a long beard and rocking chair. He rocked back and forth and nonchalantly said “Sorry it took so long, I’ve been away for a while and had to go through all my voicemails.” I was both dumbfounded but upset, and asked the man who he was. He simply replied, “God”, as if I was supposed to already know that. He told me that since I was going to be here for a while, I could ask him some questions. I asked why we were out in an uncaring world, that if he loved us, why were we made to hurt and be hurt, why did Disease, Pain, Suffering, Wrath, grip us and never let go? If he loved us, why did he leave? He told me: “It’s simple, you needed to learn a lesson. If I tell you, you’ll never be able to learn it.”
“Well then, God, aren’t we made in your image?”
The silhouette’s brow furrowed as he gripped the handles of his rocking chair and slouched forward, now intently listening. “Yes. You’re made just as I intended.”
“Then if we are you and you are us, don’t you need to learn it too? I think you don’t know what we need to learn, or what you need to learn.”
He now had an expression of what I could only describe as surprise of an outburst of perceived repugnance. He opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted and stood up, him formed from my shadow now obvious but still towering over me from an unknown light source.
“You are nothing but a narcissistic parent that still is a child, but now wears adult clothing. You created us, with all your flaws, causing all of our hurt, but taking no accountability for your own actions. When your people are crying out for you, you won’t answer because you’re too busy cleaning their blood off your hands in your pristine sink. You may be upset with me, but if my only sin was being born in a world of your design, I have every right to be holier than thou.”
With an angry look on his face, he snapped his fingers, and I woke up. He deserved to hear it.
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villains4hire · 1 year
Zeena (Sonic Series)
1 - I'm gonna be honest. This is all the characters I know from the series: Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Rogue, Amy, E-102 Gamma, Big the Cat, Cream, and Doctor Robotnik, his stupid robots from that dumb show I liked as a kid and Shadow. Then the Zeti gang, I do not remember anyone else but my dumb lizards and the Sonic's original crew mostly. Then I guess Surge and Kitsunami as I thought their story was cool. I am open to other characters within the series, however, as god did they make a lot of characters over the years.
2 - This character while capable of extreme evil such as even enslaving Sonic potentially or Tails? She mostly just goes along with things and is okay with a lot of messed up stuff happening. So be warned if that's an issue as she's a darker character for Sonic in concept.
3 - This character is open to shipping but she's uh, not going to change herself as a person. If that's an issue for your character? Then it simply won't work, she might become more passive in terms of evil, but brutality wise no.
4 - This character is egotistical enough that if she likes you and you basically play kiss ass? She will probably help you adventure, even if she doesn't care what you're doing. I will probably have her on 'trained' as a tag so she can keep up with Sonic if with a stronger character like him. As I do consider Tails, Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Rogue, Amy etc all on levels ahead of Zeena, but mostly because she doesn't put forth in effort. Her species is usually just innately that powerful from the harsh environment, but the Deadly Six are exceptional and so is she. I say this mostly because Sonic is well, Sonic along with his friends that all go 'Super' at some point or another. I'd be fine with her absorbing some good amount of energy to go a form of 'Zeti Super' if you wanted a battle of some kind to that scale.
5 - I am rusty with the lore of her game but remember mostly what happens and rewatched some things, read a few comics, wikis. I more or less have an idea of what I'm going to do.
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Just gonna use the canon design, honestly? Yup, even if Lost World sucked for a lot of it. This is one thing they got right, especially if my friggin' brain worms came back after seeing her and the personality years later in the remake/resurgence. I am very canon compliant in this instance for this character but I have a lot of my own flare as noted below.
Do I want them to die: Hrm, no I don't think it's really needed for the series? Robotnik comes back constantly, so I can't see why she can't. Will I have/get icons: I have them, they were a pain to get. Tag: zeti vained (default, multiverse and canon) - trained z (See Powers Below) Age: An adult but her species doesn't age after reaching maturity. Sex: AMAB Gender: Trans Female, she's the only girl of the Deadly Six and seemingly one of the few 'Females'? Soooo yeah. She's trans. She/he, open to the idea of male wife or otherwise. Race: Zeti (Lizard-Ogre/Like Alien Species with great Variance, but mostly reptilian. They've been noted as 'Demons' or based off of Oni) Sexuality: Anyone that is up to her standards and also willing to absolutely kneel to her. But herself always comes first... right? Personality traits: Self-absorbed. Extreme Perfectionist. Extremely narcissistic, lazy, even if she's considered one of the 'stronger' of the group. While she's rather lazy even still later on? She at least trains enough to go head-to-head with Sonic or one of his friends solo in my own fanon. Cold Hearted. Cruel. Extremely selfish. Indifferent. Is rather serious when capable. Fashion savvy, extremely vain. Flirty even while fighting, likes to talk while fighting. Terrifying temper at times if pushed enough. Sadistic, malicious, likes pain. Vengeful. Sassy. Likes to argue, makes fun of people and be REALLY mean about it. Likes to gossip. Calm, stand-offish. Distant. Extremely Loyal if earned. Might be willing to get close enough to be held if she likes you. Loving isn't her strong-suit, however, but can in her own way. Enjoys food, entertainment, certain machines or even games, though... does cheat using her Zeti powers if she's losing bad enough. Enjoys lounging. Slight disdain towards masculine figures. Bit of a wanderer to chill. Lonely deep down at times. Does enjoy a bit of fun. Likes good insults to people. Tends to like friendly aggression back and bonds that way and can become really handsy, it's a specific thing, however. It's different from pissing her off. If she likes you? She will probably pester you, tease, eat all your food, laze in your house without asking, bother you randomly, look through your things. But she's also down to murder people for you no questions asked, go on adventures even if both of you might die, then also actually try to save you? Mostly because you're 'hers' at that point, regardless of relationship, even if not enslaved to her. Granted, expect to massage that ego every step of the way. Mental traits: That of a Zeti. A rather alien mindset, albeit is somewhat relatable though brutal. Physical traits: 3'5 canonically. Has no form of breasts and her 'clothes' is actually just her body, apparently. I'm just as surprised as you are, but that's apparently her skin/scales. Her scales are tough but extremely smooth. Her 'hair' is actually that of feathery down rather than actual hair, it's incredibly fluffy if touched, but if torn or ripped? The fibers penetrate the skin, hide and clog up even machines and then her hair quickly grows back near instantly, but also does piss her off as well. Powers: Most of this is canon powers and then flavoring her in-game specific powers with more illustration, with the exception of 'trained z'. Then going off her wiki as well.
1. Zeti Innate Anatomy and Powers: All Zeti's have the following abilities: Magnetism Manipulation, such as manipulating robots, electronics and so on, taking control of them with ease. Enhanced Durability, Speed, Strength, Jump. Flight. Then a unique form of energy projection for each Zeti. Then just certain sub-powers depending on what it is. (If your character is a robot, machine 2. Zeena's form of energy manipulation: Despite her size? She has extreme physical strength, much more than one would expect, along with speed and dexterity. Using large metal balls much bigger than herself attached to green tethers to rock, roll and move at extreme speeds. These green energy tethers can be manipulated, controlled and absorb energy or latch onto objects, people to use as a weapon, smash, or even energy-whip people.
3. Zeena's minor unique powers: the ability to move through ice, snow and water as if simply flowing through it even if not fracturing ice for example. Assuming she does not need to breathe for this. Then the ability to move at extreme speeds though I believe Sonic is faster but she can keep up with him, mostly from what I'm basing on her being able to plant bombs in an area in a matter of seconds.
4. Weaponry Use: she will use bombs, traps and other things, it seems in canon in other instances such as the comics. Though they're not her main form of attacking if a sudden fight breaks out. Then those claws aren't just for show, granted, she hates using them on anything other than flesh or hide due to not wanting to scratch them to ruin her 'nail-job'.
Trained Z: this is specifically if she trains being able to keep up and even go head to head with Sonic or Sonic-Level Enemies after the events of Lost Worlds if by herself. 5. Enhanced Energy Manipulation: Zeena using a combo of her deceptive strength then energy tethers and metal balls? Will form a flail of sorts that consists of two to four of them and manipulates their spatial trajectory, then using them to slam, smash while also retaining her speeds and swinging them around. Then also using her innate abilities to have the tethers shoot out, link and form something like that of a web from the balls, then the balls capable of linking to surfaces, moving, and detaching. She can also choose to have them all separate in general, slamming to have them shoot like that of a cannon in great force in all directions while controlling their movement. Then usually, she keeps her other hand free to control the tethers, manipulate them and also latch and whip people to ensnare them or beat them down. In other words, to sum it up: a tether flail that can be used to make a green energy battlefield to whip, trap and brutalize her opponents through actual torture and precise brutality. Then the metal/hard-material balls acting as the flail heads or actual she will pin-ball you to death. Motivations: Chill. Eat Good Things. Have Fun. See the next day. Laze about. Be perfect in every way. Maybe be held. Backstory: The wiki's backstory and then anything else? Well, you'll just have to get her to tell you herself.
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The Right and Left Hand Path of Magick: The Good of Both Sides
In the occult, there are two dichotomous paths of magick, both of which stir up some controversy and debate in the world of occultism: the right hand and the left hand paths. The classic battle between high magick and low magick, white versus black magick, theurgy and sorcery has caused a centuries-old rift between magicians of different practices. Before medieval times, the boundaries may not have been so clear, and practices from both sides of the spectrum may once have been part of a unified whole. But the right hand path has come to be associated with white magick and all its forms, and the left hand path with black magick and the taboo aspects of spirituality.
The Law of Polarity has not applied to any eon more relevantly than it did during the Dark Ages. When the use of witchcraft for malevolent aims spread among villages, such as the historical account of the possessed nuns of Loudun, witchcraft became reason for execution. Among occult circles, a divide occurred between those who practiced magic to unify with Divinity and those who called upon it for worldly aims. White magicians shunned black magicians as narcissists, and black magicians scoffed at white magicians as slaves to God and morality.
Having been on both sides of the spectrum on my magical journey, I have come to an understanding of their core essence and what they are really trying to achieve. When I first started my magical journey, I considered myself a white magician. I read the book A Course in Miracles, which brought clarity to the intent of white magick. Practitioners of white magick focus on creating “miracles,” and these miracles are made manifest in love. Love is, no doubt, a powerful energy. But it is also a highly refined energy, one that lifts the human soul to higher planes of existence. The Divine exists on all the realms of existence, albeit in different manifestations. However, the aspect of the Divine that is experienced and felt on the higher planes is one of communion, of “coming home.” There is a feeling of safety, like a child being surrounded by loving, nurturing parents. The child wants to be like his parents, and he receives nourishment and protection under their care.
On the left-hand path, the main focus is freedom and independence by separating oneself from the concept of a unified whole. Just as a baby comes forth from the mother’s womb and grows independent of her, so too does the black magician aspire to become independent from the Godhead and grow into his own godhood. The black magician wants to discover who he is as a growing, individual soul in a vast universe. Sovereignty is what they aim to achieve, and this can be found in the lower planes. The Divine is manifest in these lower planes as well, but at a deeper, denser vibration. There is also a strong sense of rebellion. The teenager who rebels wants to assert his identity regardless of his parents’ expectations, regardless of whether he disappoints them, and this is necessary for his growth. If he does not learn what it feels like to be on his own and make mistakes, then he remains spiritually as a child. But to remain rebellious means one has not fully grown up either.
The reconciliation of the right and left hand paths is crucial to becoming a spiritually mature adult. Its natural byproduct is a magician with a well-established identity and a positive disposition to the world. By experiencing the Divine love of the right hand path, one learns joy through giving and partnership. By experiencing Divine freedom in the left hand path, one develops the power to choose their own fate.
You know you have reached that point when two things happen:
You forge your own path while keeping your moral values.
When you stop antagonizing the other path.
The magician who has unified these two paths within himself is akin to an adult who had a loving childhood and had the freedom to discover himself in adolescence. It’s the best of both worlds! Such individuals often grow to be productive members of society.
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Monday, March 11, 2024!
7:43am: damn I feel like I'm freaking out about this remediation I slept like shit and I already feel so stressed wtf. I knew this would happen too, it's just like starting the semester over again. Also I gotta watch out bc DST means it just became daylight aka it's so easy to oversleep rn 😬
Today will be fine I'm 100% overthinking, which is good sometimes but I'm max stressed rn. Giving myself a fucking ulcer.
Also please stop thinking about dip shit, it does not matter if he treats his new girl better bc
They're bar is in hell, mine is up here where the real men are. It's easy to be amazing when you have no morals or standards and also no responsibilities 😬 please grow tf up oh wait it's gonna be a few years/ a decade on that one. Idgaf if they're happy together that's like saying you're in love with Ted Bundy 💀
After Tuesday, I'm gonna keep going on dates, keeping myself in check and staying rested bc this no sleep shit is for the birds. I'm too old to be waking up in the middle of the night to do homework that shit doesn't fly anymore. Now waking up for fun is different. Also Idgaf if that guy doesn't text me back either, his loss too idc
11:33am: THE BACK N FORTH IS CRAZY. He called me on his house phoneeeeee this bih can't get enough of me!!! Aaaaaaaahhhhh
10:09pm: god thinking about how he said his gf is annoying and he wishes they were just friends, they have sex less than once a week, said my body looks better, he misses me and wishes he hadn't done all this, said she's like an annoying little sister 🤢 and he had to go to the hospital for hemorrhoids and says his body is falling apart and can't make any male friends and is tired of having female friends at 23 yrs old is craZ. And he's still suicidal AF I haven't heard him talk like that in a while, wanting to restart his life. Wow it's like he learns a new life lesson every mf day 🤯 karma is KRAZY. Fuck and I still have a hard time sympathizing for him because he treated everyone so badly including myself. Toxic ass narcissist ass MF.
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