emocowboylvr · 4 months
hii! would you be interested in doing a fic or headcanons about carl x narcoleptic!reader? it's just i never see it anywhere and i really struggle sometimes. you don't have to --just asking, but thank you. <3
Hi!! Yes of course. To do this i definitely had to educate myself a little further due to the fact that I only know the super basic information about narcolepsy. I'm happy to learn more and to do this for you!! (Also sorry it took so long.)
Thank you for requesting this and feel free to give me feedback and send more requests if you like this one.
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Narcolepsy is tough to have during the apocalypse.
It’s important to be constantly alert and awake, but that’s just not something you could do. You often felt drowsy, if not completely exhausted or drained, and the consistent moving, running, and fighting definitely didn’t help.
When Rick and Daryl, while out on a run, found you alone in the woods one day, they brought you back to Alexandria, where you met Carl.
Since Carl was your age, the two of you became friends very easily.
At first, it worried Carl that you were so tired during the day and he suspected that there were further problems, such as you not being able to fall asleep at Alexandria for some reason, or even the possibility of you being sick.
When you became closer, he asked questions, and you told him that you were narcoleptic, which led to a long discussion and a learning opportunity for him because he was uneducated on the topic.
Since the apocalypse started when he was so young, he is uneducated on a lot of topics concerning disorders or anything medical.
When you started dating, he tried to understand more about it, but at first was a little confused. He would recommend things that you know wouldn’t help, but you still thought it was cute that he was trying.
He never got annoyed when you’d fall asleep during the day, not even a little bit. He’d just use it as an excuse to hold you.
Carl is definitely a physical touch kind of guy, though he doesn’t like to show it in front of other people.
When he’s near the group he’ll do very subtle things, like put the side of his foot against yours or his pinky finger through your belt loop. If he’s feeling touchy that day he might hold your hand in front of everyone. But in the seclusion of the two of you he’s all over you.
But his favorite form of physical contact: getting away from everyone else and finding a comfortable spot for the two of you two lay down, where he would allow you to fall asleep on top of him, while he flips through the pages of a comic book he’s already read a thousand times.
The sound of his thumping heartbeat could be heard in one ear and the faint sound of his breathing could be heard in your other. You had always thought that it helped you sleep easier. You felt like it kept you asleep and from waking up during the night so often and you didn't have as many nightmares.
Maybe you just told yourself that because you liked when he held you.
Carl also loves to have “sleepovers”, although he hardly sleeps. He isn’t an insomniac or anything, but he often has a hard time falling asleep. He keeps himself up with his thoughts. But the weight of your body on his, and your soft skin that he would very gently caress in order to not wake you, would help him relax.
Sometimes you’d wake up after a nightmare, very visibly upset. Being narcoleptic, you had them often, and the apocalypse and your traumas from it really made it worse.
Your sudden stirring in bed would wake him from his sleep, and every time he would pull you closer to him, lazily tracing circles over your back or running his hands through your hair. He would place soft, loving kisses on your forehead or the bridge of your nose, and very groggily he’d mumble something like “Come here, it’s okay” or “Go back to sleep, I’ve got you.” Before he’d fall back asleep himself, probably before you did.
Of course, like every other capable member in Alexandria, you had to pitch in, which you didn’t mind, but you had night watch, and god was it hard to keep yourself from drifting off. It was only for half the night once a week, but still torture nonetheless. The moonlit sky and the faint wind in your ears almost lulled you to sleep. Your eyelids would feel like they weighed ten pounds and your body would just beg you to let it rest. But you fought it.
You’d force yourself to pace around or sing a song you used to love to keep yourself from falling into the drowsy temptation.
Sometimes, when Carl couldn’t sleep he’d come out there with you and talk to you, and every once in a while, you couldn’t help but lean on his shoulder and shut your eyes.
Every now and then he’d come out there to talk to you and he'd have to watch you struggle to keep yourself awake. He just couldn’t let you fight yourself to keep your eyes open so he’d sneak you inside really quickly, tuck you in, and take your shift for you, even though he’s already done his.
I really hope this is good enough, and honestly, like I said, I'm still learning about narcolepsy, so feel free to tell me anything I could do differently!!
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tmgstudios · 2 years
[long post, sorry, theres a tldr at the end but i really recommend reading the full thing if you can]
i really wish there was more like. narcolepsy awareness stuff in the world. that teaches people the actual symptoms and not just the stereotype. the amount of people i have talked to both online and in person about my experiences with narcolepsy who have been shocked at how much they related to my experiences is staggering. 
narcolepsy is so under-diagnosed and also very often misdiagnosed as something else because so many people, even within the medical field, don’t know the actual symptoms of narcolepsy (i am not pulling this out of my ass, my sleep specialist has told me this several times. its a real issue that sleep specialists continue to battle to this day). up until relatively recently, the past 5-10 years or so, narcolepsy and other similar sleep disorders weren’t even considered real by a lot of the medical field!!
narcolepsy is not “falls asleep at random” disorder. narcolepsy is a disorder of sleep cycles, causing the brain to enter rem sleep much quicker and more frequently then it should. 
this causes things like excessive daytime tiredness/chronic fatigue, extremely vivid dreams, sleep paralysis, hallucinations while waking up/falling asleep, and in the case of those with narcolepsy type-1, cataplexy (aka, while feeling intense emotions the brain will enter rem sleep while awake, causing muscles to lock up. this is where the “falls asleep at random” stereotype comes from, but the person experiencing it is not actually asleep, just unable to move their muscles. i can’t really speak more on this specific part of narcolepsy, since i have type-2, aka narcolepsy without cataplexy, this is just the basics i was told by my sleep doctors. EDIT: someone who experiences cataplexy has added their experiences in a reblog, if youd like to learn more please go take a look!!) [note: these are not the only symptoms of narcolepsy. not all people with narcolepsy will experience all of these symptoms, and everyone will experience them at different frequencies. for example, i only get sleep paralysis once every month or so, and my hallucinations tend to be limited to auditory] according to my sleep doctor, narcolepsy also has links to both adhd and chronic strep throat as a child (i have no idea how that last one works. but. thats what my doctor said and hey. she was right. i had chronic strep throat as a child and look at me now.) EDIT because i forgot to add: narcolepsy can not only co-exist with insomnia, but cause insomnia as well! excessive daytime tiredness --> more naps during the day --> harder time falling asleep at night
so yeah. i guess this is me doing awareness. if you relate to any of these symptoms, please talk to a sleep specialist if you’re able to. it might not be narcolepsy, but chances are it’s something, since none of these things are normal (to repeat, excessive daytime tiredness is not normal. that means there is something wrong). theres nothing wrong with asking a sleep specialist about narcolepsy and getting tested for it, even if you come back negative. 
my dms and askbox are open anytime for any kind of questions about narcolepsy, the diagnostic process, treatments, etc. while i am not a doctor, i have learned a lot through my own experiences, talking with my sleep specialist, and also my own research, since i’m currently studying to hopefully make narcolepsy research my career! whether you are questioning having narcolepsy or not, you are not bothering me with questions, i promise, you asking will probably make my day
TLDR; narcolepsy is a very misunderstood and underdiagnosed sleep disorder, and i highly recommend everyone learn about what it actually is and what the symptoms actually are, and if you relate to any of them, talk to a sleep specialist
[other narcoleptics feel free to add on to this post with your own experiences(and also to message me i always want to talk to other narcoleptics ASJDKHJ), and non-narcoleptics please please feel free to reblog! i really want to start spreading awareness for this disorder, since again, severally under/misdiagnosed and most of the world is still under the impression that the narcolepsy stereotype is true]
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Me: is stressed
My body: fuck you *fucking collapses*
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hotfudgecherryrosy · 8 months
I know literally everyone says this but i started adhd medication this morning and my thoughts are so much slower i almost dont know how to deal with it
Its like if you only ever drove on crowded roads where everyone drives like they had nothing to live for their whole life ~~like new york~~ and then for the first time drove on a calm suburban road with like 2 other cars
Also i feel a bit more awake and thats good since im primarily taking it for narcolepsy
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custom-emojis · 26 days
I know this is super random but this is my biggest tumblr acct with the most followers and reach so I’m asking here-
Does anybody in my followers have narcolepsy and if so, would you mind explaining your experience with it and how quickly it developed and if you have sleep paralysis as a symptom? (Btw. I’m asking abt sleep paralysis bc I know it is a common symptom but I. Do not have it! So I mostly wanna get a baseline on if you can definitely be narcoleptic without that symptom)
And any info on how you experience cataplexy if you have type 1.
I am having a bout of very concerning worsening symptoms and want to get some info from a place other than web md before I go to my doctor, but I am quite concerned with how things are currently going.
I’m now gonna explain my current symptoms I’m worried about- I’m not expecting anyone here to diagnose me but it would help if anyone narcoleptic let’s me know if this resonates with their experiences pre diagnosis.
Anyways. I’ve always had sleeping problems, though it’s always leaned far more towards insomnia. Except for the past month or so… I’ve been getting so so tired in the day despite having slept my normal amount. And I’ve started nodding off at seemingly random times witn seemingly little correlation to how tired I am. I have literally fallen asleep while playing overwatch and continued “playing” (albeit walking directly into walls). This is all very odd and a lot of the time I’m not even aware I fell asleep until I wake up and my boyfriend tells me it’s been an hour or so.
Edit: I also have had hallucinations while falling asleep ever since I was a kid, and apparently that can also be influenced by narcolepsy? So. Something to add
I do not know if I get cataplexy at all, though I know it isn’t a requirement. I do not get sleep paralysis, but I also am hyper paranoid about it and preventing it so I’m not sure if that influences it. I’m probably gonna be going to my doctor regardless to get a sleep study done but I’d really appreciate any input from narcoleptics on how it transpired for them. I’m only 24 so it feels a little late to develop something like this but the internet has told me it can technically develop at any age and can develop quite rapidly- and currently it does seem to only be getting worse :/ so im. Worried! Anyways. Thank you for reading and any insight you can give
(Feel free to drop answers in an ask, DMs, or as a reply)
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fun with narcolepsy
If you're not narcoleptic but you're curious how it feels, this is a summary of the kind of attack I had today. It's not always like this, but this is a fairly normal example.
this is tiredness/fatigue rather than sleepiness but i cba to check whether someone's put out a better sleepiness scale than the fucking epworth in the last few years
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Imagine, metaphorically speaking, that you're in that blue-green bit at the bottom when you suddenly notice an amber-coloured flash out of the corner of your eye. It does not approach; it remains in the distance, like an amateur paparazzo trying to scope out a potential celebrity subject. You're relatively secure in your greenness, though, so maybe it'll be fine.
Spoiler: it is not fine.
At first, you are still physically capable of behaving as though you're near the bottom of the chart; you're just still seeing that threatening glow in the distance. Then, all of a sudden, a switch flips to black.
Maybe some little glimmers of deep red. Mostly black.
Time passes. It could be seconds or hours. The only emotion you have is somewhere in the range of fear or embarrassment at having fallen asleep in public again, but you're too exhausted to actually process that feeling. You may or may not be hallucinating at this point.
The switch flips unceremoniously back, and you're thrown straight to the greens without any time spent ascending through orange or yellow. Maybe somebody noticed; maybe they didn't.
Your notes look like a cat walked over your keyboard.
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mopeymousey · 26 days
Narcolepsy is "uncureable". It doesn't go away. It doesn't get better (or worse) with treatment. Medications are for management and not improvement. I can't even wrap my head around the fact that I've been dealing with this since my early twenties let alone it'll just be my life now.
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xxhypersomnia · 7 months
Today and everyday, I am representing those with the rare disorder - Idiopathic Hypersomnia.
IH causes one to be very sleepy during the day regardless of the amount of sleep received. Unfortunately, we have yet to figure out what causes IH or how to treat it. I have participated in numerous medical trials, taken trial medications in every form imaginable, and I have even been injured by medical tests gone wrong (induced sleep paralysis = broken toe). I have spent countless weekends in a hospital bed, forced to stay awake for 25+ hours in order to conduct testing so perhaps others can find relief.
How does it affect my life?
I’m exhausted all the time. I honestly don’t know what “being refreshed” feels like. I haven’t felt that since I was a child. I sometimes sleep whole days away and it affects my relationships. I can’t drink with friends because the alcohol will make me fall asleep at the bar. I have been bruised from too much time in my bed or couch. It makes it extremely hard to stay motivated at the gym. I have fallen asleep on a treadmill and while recieving tattoos. Worst of all, it affects my memory (along with another neurological disorder). Sleep is so important to our brains, it’s a time for it to recover. And my particular version of IH causes my brain to float in light sleep, hardly ever reaching REM. So my brain is never healing. I forget things, I get anxious that I’m forgetting things, and I have a hard time formulating words that I want. It hurts to know I’m smart but can’t always present myself that way.
I could go on and on about the affects it has on me, but honestly the hardest part is people who don’t think you have a disorder. “I’m tired a lot too!”
I will always and forever support invisible disabilities. It is a backwards way of thinking to think disability means wheelchair, or some other physical ailment. Just because you can’t see a disorder, doesn’t mean it’s any less real. “You’re too young to be forgetting things..” that’s one I hear A LOT. Yea, thanks for the reminder than I’m on my way to early memory loss way before my time. I can’t even remember vacations with my family. Memories that I know I love but can’t reach.
Be kind, be cautious with your words, be supportive even if you don’t know the whole story, don’t deny someone else’s reality just because it’s different than your own.
To all my loves with narcolepsy or any other invisible disability, I see you ♥️
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alfredsolos · 1 year
Headcanon that Tim Drake has narcolepsy.
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to control sleep-wake cycles.
Tim is known to fall asleep at the most random times in canon. Like when he fell asleep in a rollercoaster.
Now imagine this:
EDS (Excessive Day Time Sleepiness): No matter how much sleep he get, Tim is always tired. And sometimes out of nowhere he gets an incredible urge to fall asleep. He always tries to keep himself awake, using various methods. One time he tried meditation, but fell asleep 30 seconds later.
Cataplexy: Sometimes he experiences sudden loss of muscle control. The episodes may vary from drooping of eyelids to full on collapsing to the ground. When that happens, he can't move, speak or keep his eyes open. So whenever he feels like an attack is coming, he drops to the ground to make his fall easier.
Sleep Paralysis: Tim had been having sleep paralysis episodes since he was a child. He hadn't think much about it then. But during his teenage years, he started to get scared of it. So much that every night whenever he went to sleep, he'd have multiple paralysis episodes. Even though he was awake he couldn't move, speak or make a sound. He'd feel pressure on different parts of his body and see shadow silhouettes while at the same time having a dream or nightmare. And worst part is that, right after an episode ends, another starts. So to prevent that from happening right after an episode, he jumps out of bed and walks around his room.
Hallucination: Other than having hallucinations while having a sleep paralysis episode, he also gets them while he is awake. Sometimes he'll see Alfred come into his room and say something to him, and suddenly he wakes up to find that no one's in his room. He'll hear foot steps, while being home alone. Loud noises help him wake up from his hallucinating state and always leaves an uncomfortable feeling inside him. Because one day it could be a real person or an assassin, and he wouldn't know it's real.
Insomnia: While being very sleepy during the day; sometimes when he goes to bed, he just can't seem to fall asleep no matter what. It frusturates him to no end.
Micro Sleep: Sometimes when Tim is actively doing something, he'll dose off for a few seconds without realizing it. It can go up to 30 seconds, and loud noises help him wake up.
Night Terror: Night terrors are episodes of screaming, intense fear and flailing while still asleep. He doesn't get this all the time, but when he does it affects him really badly. After waking up from a night terror, he becomes sweaty, trembling and eyes unfocusing. Sometimes he's really confused or doesn't even remember having a night terror in the morning.
Focus: Whenever he gets little or no sleep during the day he loses focus on his eyes and it becomes so difficult to even look at something.
That's it for my headcanon for now! As a person who often gets sleep paralysis and is always tired, I know how much it can affect Tim. Thank you for reading.
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madeofbees · 2 years
my guys narcolepsy might not be what it is on tv and in the movies
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it is exactly like low battery Baymax
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Here’s some positivity for systems with narcolepsy!
Disabled systems of any sort should be welcome to have their voices heard and their struggles recognized within the plural community. Systems specifically with sleep disorders may struggle with feeling constantly exhausted, fatigued, and drowsy. However, these individuals deserve to feel safe and welcome in the plural community! Here’s to all the systems out there with narcolepsy!
🥱 Shoutout to systems who cannot drive, operate dangerous machinery, or perform other tasks due to their narcolepsy!
💭 Shoutout to systems who formed due to their narcolepsy, whether through trauma associated with their disorder, bullying/harassment because of their narcolepsy, or anything else!
💤 Shoutout to systems whose narcolepsy causes them to live with constant brain fog or blurriness!
🌙 Shoutout to headmates who are symptom holders for certain narcolepsy symptoms, or who are more affected by their system’s disorder than the rest of their sysmates!
🛌 Shoutout to systems with narcolepsy who struggle to tell who’s fronting or differentiate between each other!
⭐️ Shoutout to systems with narcolepsy who are prevented from doing a lot of the things they want to do because of their disorder!
🌃 Shoutout to systems who cannot work, attend school, or keep up with hobbies they enjoy because of their narcolepsy!
🧸 Shoutout to systems who take medications or use other treatments to help manage their narcolepsy symptoms!
😴 Shoutout to systems whose narcolepsy makes them groggy, tired, cranky, irritable, or easily upset!
💕 Shoutout to systems who are advocates for narcolepsy, or spread awareness about this disorder to others in their community!
Navigating daily life with a disability can be stressful, frustrating, and disheartening. But for all you folks with narcolepsy out there, we want you to know that your presence in the system community is needed and wanted! You will always have a place in the plural community and we are so glad to have you here!
Please try to treat yourself and your system with kindness and self-compassion. Don’t be afraid to ask for accommodations, be vocal about your disability, and do what it takes in order for your system to feel safe and secure! Your system is wonderful and you are cherished and loved just the way you are. Try to get some rest soon, and have a lovely day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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sistrly · 8 months
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💤 、 NARCOLEPTiC LESBIAN ── A flag for lesbians with narcolepsy 。
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the-actual-lemon-boy · 4 months
Hi friends! I opened a go fund me for myself to get a service dog! If you can’t donate please consider sharing! I am also taking commissions if you prefer that route!
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sleepy-spoonie · 7 months
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Today is World Narcolepsy Day 💤
I sometimes feel my journey with Narcolepsy can be boiled down to one sentence: I've always been sleepy.
For the majority of my adult life I've suffered from sleep attacks; moments of overwhelming sleepiness that lead me to nap without much of a warning. They can, and do, happen at any time, regardless of what I'm doing: watching TV, running errands, doing chores, talking, eating, driving. They can be annoying, inconvenient, and sometimes scary.
I was first tested for Narcolepsy in 2015, not long after I fell asleep whilst actively helping new roommates move in. My results were inconclusive, and I moved on. By early 2021, I couldn't get through a day without a lunch-break nap. I spent most of my weekends in bed, and was sleeping upwards of 11 hours at a time. When I was re-tested, just after I got married, I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy (without cataplexy). My sleep latency (time it takes to fall asleep) was 5 minutes.
I trialed several medications, some that didn't work, and some that gave me adverse reactions. My sleep attacks got worse. I had to ask for accommodations at work. By early 2022, I had to stop driving. Shortly after that, I was forced to quit my full-time job.
I am currently on a medication that works for me. It doesn't earn me better sleep, or stop me from needing to nap, but it undoubtedly makes me feel a little bit more human. I still struggle with sleep attacks, but instead of several times a day, I may experience them a few times a week. The attacks can sometimes still be overwhelming, but I've mostly learned what brings them on and can recognize the signs. And, I can drive again.
Narcolepsy is a learning curve. It affects everyone differently, and treatments vary. The medications and lifestyle changes that work for one person may not work for another. Advocate for yourself. Only you know what you need to live comfortably and safely with narcolepsy.
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nightinghoul · 2 months
I started asking doctors about fatigue and weakness in my twenties, about fifteen years ago. The answers at first were "It's normal to be tired," "You work," "You're an adult now," "You have a history of depression." "Anxiety makes people tired."
They became, "You're getting older," "You aren't young anymore." "It's normal for people your age."
And only within the past couple of months (after testing and evaluation) "You're narcoleptic."
I thought I was losing my mind.
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fatteneddessert · 9 months
i may be narcoleptic but i’m no narc
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