#naruto text
orochiposting · 7 months
“I can fix him dw” [drill sounds] {screaming} [chainsaw revving]
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Reasons for submission under the cut
he is trying so hard to do what he is supposed to, even succeeding at it, only for everything to be a lie
he's authentic and driven and he doesn't care what other people think, if he believes something he will go ahead and do it, unafraid of paying the price
Sasuke was right about everything
he went through so much and never gave up, it's very inspiring and means a lot
Fortnite Sasuke
despite everything he can't help but love
his relationship with Itachi is one of the most heartbreaking and beautiful sibling relationships, genocide aside it's very relatable
he looks just like Mikoto.....
he's beautiful!
he has so much compassion for others and will do what he can for them, but still does not compromise his own beliefs and goals to do so
he's so personal to [submitter] and has been the sole reason of making it through hard times
love is stored in the Sasuke
true heroine or the Naruto series
all his outfits slay
the whole manga wouldn't even exist if it weren't for him
kind, compassionate, driven by love, fucking iconic
trans masc icon and legend
the revolutionnnn
he is an emo icon
a communist
a transgay legend
[submitters] family is generationally effected by genocide so Sasukes justice means the world to [submitter]. Sasukes love means EVERYTHING to [submitter]
he is full of love
very strong
excellent gay representation
owner of the worlds most special eyes
the most relatable Naruto character
a snarky lil bitch :)
he went thru so much & gets too much hate for someone who only wanted revenge for his murdered clan
cat boy
femme fatale
kept going despite all the trauma he went through
flawless observation skills
analytical, intelligent
never let anyone push him around or manipulate him
full of love and kindness
pacifist at heart (refuses to kill innocents)
sought to destroy Konoha
serves cunt in all his outfits
friend of animals
killed Orochimaru because he felt like it
her main jutsu is just throw so many knives at you and I respect that
her weapons mastery/sealing jutsu had so much potential and it never got the treatment it deserved
team Gai supremacy
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moon-trees · 11 days
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oh-no-its-bird · 4 months
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Stupid founders doodles n textposts
+ my personal height headcanons for them, bc I think someone asked me about that a while ago but I no longer remember who
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evilkitten3 · 7 months
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naruto textposts 10/fuck
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shinoposting · 7 months
"A bra that small can only belong to..."
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Shino calling Sakura's boobs small while in arm's reach and not getting turned into a fine paste can only be evidence that he's the 'safe friend'.
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cubur · 7 months
I don't know if someone already asked you but I couldn't find your latest art here that you posted on twitter 🥺
So, you mean this one (?)
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Since this was a simple sketch I didn't feel the need to post it everywhere… ^^;
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"My boby moved on its own" is an SNS trope . Sasuke is the type of person who always does something for Naruto and then finds a logical reason to cover that up.
1. His reason for offering his bento to Naruto
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2. His reason for looking after Naruto who had been training all night.
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3. His reason for to Save Naruto from Haku's attack.
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4. His reason for why he wasn't able to kill Naruto in vote1
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5. His reason for protecting Naruto from Obito
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It gets so intense every time he protects Naruto from Obito. And Naruto notices how Sasuke protecting him from the attacks every time. Even when his Susanoo is already protecting Naruto, his hand is also going there to shield him.
We've never seen Sasuke do anything like this for Sakura, while with Naruto it's pretty consistent throughout the series. And Why do you think Kishi made 5 scenarios like this to point that out? Sasuke wouldn't do this kind of thing for anyone else. Absolutely no one. So what impression does it make?
In this war arc, Sakura herself acknowledged to the fact that Sasuke didn't care about her:
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When Sakura ran up to Madara to get stabbed, both Naruto and Kakashi were either terrified or shocked as she plunged on someone she couldn't deal with. And Sasuke's expression was completely different from the others, he was just focused on the opening to attack madara. Where are Sasuke's instincts when it comes to Sakura? And the one who saved her was Naruto. Look at her dejected face! Even she herself accepting the fact that Sasuke doesn't even worry or care about her. Also, Sasuke put Sakura and Kakashi in their place by calling them "useless" directly to their faces while they were being protected under his Susanoo.
You know, Naruto is the one who asks Kakashi and Sakura to stay closer to him...without knowing what's going on up there. And, Sasuke was talking specifically to Naruto to not move around when he comes down to Naruto and he didn't mention the other two. He only wanted to save Naruto with his Sasunoo from the infinite tsukuyomi, but Sakura and kakashi just happened to be near with Naruto.
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And Sasuke himself openly said Kakashi and Sakura just happened to be next to Naruto and that's all! Once again Sakura looked so dejected and realizes it even more in this scene. It's very clear that Sasuke didn't care about kakashi & Sakura. When Sasuke summons a hawk , and Naruto points to the right and says, "Sasuke!! Over there!!" to help Kakashi and Sakura, but Sasuke only saves Naruto
We know that Naruto cares about others and Sasuke knows this very well. And Sasuke is the character who will PROTECT those he cares about in dire situations. And who has he been saving repeatedly? NARUTO. But what Sasuke says and his actions are an underscoring for Naruto to prioritize his own safety and life in the war. Sasuke has a valid point that everything would be over if he and Naruto were to die, but it doesn't erase the fact that he doesn't care about Sakura and Kakashi and almost let them die because he was busy saving Naruto, a person who wasn't even in danger to begin with.
Simply put, he would protect Naruto, no matter what. And all Sasuke's actions are completely and purely instinctive and derived from his sub-consciousness.
To which Naruto said,
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Raw: お前の言ってることも分かってるつもりだ... けど... こういう時は体が勝手に動いちまうもんだ ろ... 橋での時────
Romaji: omae no itteru koto mo wakatteru tsumori da ... kedo... kōiu toki wa karada ga katte ni ugoichimau mondaro ...kyōde no tokiーーー
Literal: I think I understand what you're saying. But...in this situation, a body moves on its own (unconciously)... Just like that time on the bridgeーーー
What he meant: " just like your body moved on its own to save me on the bridge.... my body also move on its own to save Kakashi & Sakura". Because Naruto does care about Kakashi & Sakura. Therefore, he cannot ignore them falling into the lava and dying.
The Land of the Waves arc, specifically the battle with Haku and Sasuke's sacrifice, was pivotal to Naruto and Sasuke's relationship, as they both realized for the first time how important and deeply they care for each other. It was a very emotional moment for both of them.
When they came back from Land of waves, Naruto couldn't even look at him without blushing, and then Sasuke couldn't even look at him at all. They'd rather die in this moment than admit that how much they care for each other, but their actions speak louder than words.
Whenever something happens between these two, there are always other characters pointing out what's going on. After they return to Konoha, Kishi uses Sakura to point this out, even though it's clearly visualized in the panel:
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Raw: あ〜〜〜まだだわ!
Romaji: a〜〜〜madadawa!
Literal: Ahh〜〜〜 Not again!
Raw: この2人...波の国から帰って来てからちょっ と変なのよね...
Romaji: kono 2 nin...ha no kuni kara kaettekite kara chotto hennanoyone...
Literal: These two... have been acting somewhat/ a bit weird ever since we came back from the land of waves...
Raw: づ〜〜〜 何だか気詰まり...
Romaji: zu〜〜〜 nandaka kizumari...
Literal: oh〜〜〜 I feel ill at ease for some reason....
Raw: 早く来い来い! カカシ先生!! じゃーんなろー!!
Romaji: hayaku koikoi! kakashi sensei !! Shānnarō!!
Literal: Hurry up and get here! Kakashi-Sensei!!
変な (henna) - strange; odd; peculiar; weird; queer; eccentric; suspicious; fishy; disturbance; funny; abnormal; unusual etc... It is used as a colloquial word that has many meanings.
何だか気詰まり (nandaka kizumari): somehow I feel awkward; Somehow I feel uncomfortable; I don't know why, but I feel ill at ease.
• the author choose the length of prolonged sound mark (ーーー) longer to implying that the sound is prolonged for longer than normal. e. g: Naruto saying "Time on the bridge."
• prolonged sound mark → a wave line (〜〜〜) is used instead of a straight line (ーー)...this often represents a deliberate prolonging of the sound by the character who speaks it or just a trembly, shaky voice of the character.
Only Naruto and Sasuke knew what happened on the bridge, others like Sakura and Kakashi didn't know about it or not very clear about what exactly happened there. Later, Sasuke & Naruto didn't talk about it, but this scene always comes at crucial moments that point to their "precious person". Finally after 5 years, saving Naruto from falling into the lava leads to Naruto talking about what happened on the bridge.
Sasuke saves Naruto even when he knows Naruto could have saved himself because of Kyuubi Mode, but Sasuke has been known to save Naruto even when he doesn't need saving. We also know that Sasuke would rather give Naruto a stupid and lame excuse than tell the truth straight to Naruto's face. So, this isn't the first time Sasuke prioritize Naruto over Sakura, a pattern that has been repeating since Kishi introduced Sasuke to the story in Chapter 3.
Naruto's feelings for Sasuke grew stronger at this point. After everything Naruto had been through and talking to Sasuke every time they met, Naruto knew for sure that Sasuke still cared for him. Naruto could see through Sasuke's actions. Naruto truly understand and knows that Sasuke cares for him and that's why he mentioned what happened in the Land of Waves.
Naruto only says "bridge", but of course Sasuke knows that he was talking about that time at "The Bridge in the Land of Waves."
Sasuke had a reaction to Naruto's words. No matter what Naruto says, he wouldn't say anything... Sasuke is probably trying to show that he's "unfazed," but in reality, he might be "fazed" because Naruto has seen through his heart.
Sasuke's reaction... His facial expression is hidden by his hair and "not visible," but this "invisibility" stirs up the reader's imagination
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And he's confidently teasing Sasuke: "Even though I asked you to save them, you saved me...because your body moved on its own... because you cared about me. so I'm sure you understand my feelings to save them....Sasuke"
However, the "meaning" of this conversation...is something only Naruto and Sasuke can understand and it's their extremely personal thing (because the events on that "bridge" are memories shared only by the two of them). Kakashi & Sakura certainly not aware of this peculiar phenomenon that is unconsciously moving bodies.
Sakura's "inner words"... they really express her current feelings. Sakura is convince herself that what Sasuke says is "reasonable." Look at what Sakura says, she herself agrees with Sasuke: "It's as Sasuke-kun says (we're useless)... but (thank you, Naruto for caring about us)...." Sasuke didn't care about her desperate attempts to get his attention. And Even she herself acknowledged it, you know!
Years ago Naruto & Sasuke couldn't even look at each other pretending nothing happened, but now Naruto was talking about it with confidence. And he's clearly flirting with Sasuke.
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Konan: *Explains periods to Deidara*
Deidara: "That must suck. Imagine bleeding every month. God. It's like your body is trying to kill itself on the inside... That's art."
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sasunarualways · 1 month
if they could text during all their trauma in Shippuden
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moon-trees · 3 months
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in the gc rn we are Rotating, due to critical first-time-homebuyer brainrot, a mundane AU where hinata is a home inspector. "hey can you peep inside that wall real quick and let me know if there's water damage? thanks"
itachi is a real estate agent (who often works with hinata) not because he has social skills but because he mind controls everyone else into cooperating. the mangekyō sharingan can see all aspects of the california housing code at once, etc
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evilkitten3 · 8 months
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naruto textpost memes 7/?????????
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itsmeteiiteii · 29 days
Wearing a Dress?
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
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They r so silly (they're going to kill eachother on purpose and call it love (but not say who or what that love is for))
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