#natasha romanov x male reader
ornii · 5 months
She Likes to Flirt (A Lot)
Natasha Romanoff X Male Reader (Short & Sweet) (Yup, Like Nat)
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You obviously have a thing for Nat, and Almost everyone sees it.
Being the Spirit of Vengeance you held within yourself the devils bounty hunter, making you one of the most powerful begins on earth and a potential Level 10 Threat. Obviously you were scouted by S.H.I.E.L.D and joined their marry band of heroes, the Avengers. And after the little stunt in New York, the rest was history. Mission after mission you slowly grew closer to Natasha. Seasoned Assassin and Spy, she was the first you met due to her doing recon for Nick Fury. Naturally you two grew to be good friends, perhaps, even more.
It was nearing Night, after another mission at Sokovia you headed back to Stark Tower to celebrate, the massive parking garage opens up and you park your chopper there. Following behind was Natasha as usuals, somehow the Jeep didn’t get demolished in the fight. You chucked as you walked to the elevator. Natasha follows, looking at the bike.
“Aren’t gonna take your keys?” She asked, “Trust me, that bike isn’t going anywhere without me.” You reassured her, tapping the upper floors you both stood there as it began to rise. She dusts herself off as you try to put the flames off on your coat.
“Good mission overall.” She said, “Yup, Bruce and Tony are in their nerd lab brooding or something. With them together I’m a bit worried.”
“Don’t be. We can handle them, well I can.” She said, “What’s that supposed to mean?” You respond and she keeps her eyes forward, smiling. She ignores your question.
“You stink.” She said.
“I Tore through hydra guards like butter with a hot knife, I’m gonna stink. I’m pretty proud of that.” You said, “You do have a lot of. Good assets.” Nat said.
“Well damn that’s a first. A compliment.” You said.
“Now you know Steve doesn’t like that kind of language.” She said jokingly, you bite your lip and look forward trying not to laugh.
“He’s never gonna live that down.” You said
“Ever.” Natasha comments.
“You know you stink too right? Gonna need to shower.”
“Obviously, we have a party tonight, plus I have to put my face on, or whatever normal women say.” Natasha looks at her reflection.
“You’re Normal Nat.” You said to cheer her up. She turns to you, smiling. “I’m an assassin and you’re a bounty hunter for the devil, we’re not normal.”
“Well obviously but, looks wise, you don’t need to put on your face, looks good as is.” You point out, poking her forehead. Before she can open her mouth for some cheeky response, the Elevator opens and you step out.
“See you tonight Red.” You give her a send off before heading to the one room you somewhat own in the Tower.
The Party Finally arrives and you’re mingling with Thor and Rhody, who’s giving an, interesting story.
“Well, you know, the suit can take the weight, right? So I take the tank, fly it right up to the General's palace, drop it at his feet, I'm like, "Boom! You looking for this?" He explains, (Y/n) and Thor exchange glances and then back to Rhody. "Boom! Are you looking..." Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else that story kills.
“That's the whole story?” Thor asks.
“Yeah, it's a War Machine story.”
“Well, it's very good then. It's impressive.”
“Yeah the Tank Part was really cool.” You said, Rhody sighs. “Okay fine, what did you do that was cool?”
“Uh, recently? By myself? A meteor was gonna hit Sweden so, I flew into the air and used my chain to pull the meteor back and hurl it into the atmosphere.” You casually explain, Rhody looks flabbergasted. “It was a Tuesday, I think.” You said, Rhody walks off as Thor Pats you on the shoulder. “That’s, very impressive.” And walks off, maybe you were going a little too high, you finished your beer and looked to the bar for more, what caught your eye was the redhead in a perfectly fitting white dress, you mosey over and casually slide down on a seat. Your eyes and Nat’s lock, and she smiles.
“Come here often, handsome?” She was the first to lay the foundation for the chat and you went right along with it.
“No, first time, but I saw this beautiful bombshell working the Bar and I had to see her.” You reply, Nat couldn’t hide her smile.
“Now what kind of man would leave a woman like you all by your lonesome, must have a bad taste in them.” You added on.
“He's not so bad. Well, he has a temper. Deep down he's all fluff. Fact is, he's not like anybody I've ever known. All my friends are fighters. And here comes this guy, trying to actually do the right thing. Even if he screws if up sometimes.”
“He…Sounds amazing.”
“He's also a huge dork.” She adds in, (Y/n) looks blindsided, Nat shrugs, “Chicks dig that. So what do you think should I fight this, or run with it?”
“Well, the guy really likes you.. I say give a chance, see where it goes? Is that, wrong to ask?” He asks, so hopeful. Nat smiles and sits up from the bar.
“Not at all, but, I think she likes you too, it may not look like it now... But never say never.” Natasha walks away, and Steve approaches (Y/n,) who sat there really considering her words.
“It's nice.” Steve said.
“What?” You reply confused.
“You and Romanoff.”
“No, me and her aren’t uh.. you know.” You mutter, Steven shakes your resolve.
“It's okay. Nobody's breaking any by-laws. It's just, she's not the most... open person in the world. But with you she seems very relaxed.”
“Yeah, Nat she... she likes to flirt. So do I.” You admit, now daydreaming of her slowly taking that dress off. But Steve ruins your daydreaming.
“I've seen her flirt, up close. This ain't that. Look, as maybe the world's leading authority on "waiting too long;" don't. You both deserve a win.” Steve gives you some damn good advice, and went off to his lonesome. You really thought about what he said.
“You know Steve, you got a point.. we do deserve a happy ending and— Wait, what the hell do you mean, "up close"?!
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gingiesworld · 7 months
Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst. Fluff. Happy Ending
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @natsbraids
Word Count: 3.4k+
Y/N always found themselves sitting at Lily’s bedside, reading her favourite book. A small smile on both of their faces, since Lily’s mother had left the two once they found out the severity of her illness, Y/N was there with her everyday.
Everyday, they passed a red head who always disappeared into the room down the hall. Sitting beside her sister who had severe liver disease, although the blonde had never done any form of drugs or alcohol abuse, she was dealt a bad hand.
“So, the doctor said I can take you out for some fresh air today.” Y/N told Lily who beamed. “Of course it will only be to the hospital gardens but it is out of this room.”
“Thank you O’Pa.” Lily spoke as she looked at Y/N.
“You have nothing to thank me for.” They told her as they helped her get her coat on.
“You’re always here.” She started. “Everyday, you even do your work here too.”
“I would do anything for you.” They told her. “You’re the most important person in my life and I don’t know how I will cope once you leave me.”
“I’ll never truly leave you O’Pa.” She told them softly. A smile on both of their faces. They helped her get situated in the wheelchair, placing her fluffy blanket over her lap to help keep her warm.
Once the two sat side by side in the garden, Lily’s smile faltered as she thought deeply.
“Do you think mom will miss me?” She asked them as they sighed. Not really knowing where their ex was, even though they weren’t yet divorced, they only thought of Lily.
“Yeah.” They answered unsurely. “I’d like to think she wouldn’t be completely heartless, but she doesn’t deserve for you to think about her, not when she abandoned you.”
“She left you too.” She pointed out as they nodded.
“She did.” They spoke thoughtfully. “But the reason she left allowed me to truly see the person she is, and I don’t want someone like that around my sweet girl.”
“Do you think they’ll find me a liver?” Lena asked as she and Nat walked through the gardens.
“Maybe.” She whispered, although she was unsure, she wanted Yelena to have a little bit of hope. “I believe they will.”
“I don’t want to die.” She whispered, a tear escaping her eye as Nat was quick to wipe it away.
“You’re not going to die.” She told her firmly. “I am not ready to lose my little sister.” Nat’s eyes soon caught sight of the tired parent who sat beside their teenage daughter, a sad smile on her face as she could see the pain in their eyes, even as they smiled and laughed.
That evening, the two escaped to the canteen, both Lena and Lily were sleeping and the adults were in need of a coffee.
“Hi.” Nat greeted them as she stood beside them in the que.
“Hey.” They gave her a small smile.
“I saw you earlier, was that your sister?” She questioned as they chuckled.
“No, Lily is my daughter.” They told her as they walked back through the corridors. “My wife and I had her when we were in school, the marriage was the most stupid decision I ever made but Lily is everything to me.”
“Where is your wife?” Nat questioned as they chuckled lightly.
“You're very nosey for a stranger.” They teased as she nodded with a giggle.
“Well, I spend pretty much all of my time here, so I need some form of adult conversation.” She answered truthfully. “My baby sister has severe liver failure.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that.” They whispered as she nodded. “I guess it is lonely being here all of the time. I usually work from home but I brought my work here with me. Lily has a degenerative heart condition and has been on the list for the better part of a decade.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” She spoke tenderly as they shook their head.
“She’s not afraid.” Y/N whispered as they stopped outside of Lily’s room. “She knows that the likelihood of her getting a new heart within the next few months is extremely slim. So she’s made peace with it, and I guess I have to make peace with it too.”
“But it’s good to have hope.” Nat told them as they sighed.
“I did have hope, for many years I had hope but day by day, I started to lose it.” They looked up at Nat. “I’ve lost hope that she will get better, but I know that she won’t be in pain. She will be free of her pain.”
Both Y/N and Nat had spent most of their days together, even taking the two girls out to the garden. There was only a couple of years of age difference between the two of them, so they had got on like a house on fire.
What they never thought would happen would be that she would start to deteriorate rapidly through the night.
“I’m sorry.” The doctor spoke after giving their prognosis.
“Wouldn’t a transplant work?” They questioned urgently as the doctor shook his head.
“Her heart is barely beating, she is barely holding on.” He told them.
“There must be something you can do to give us more time.” They pleaded as Lily tried to call out to them. “I’m not ready. I’m not ready.”
“O’pa.” She called as loud as she could. “You’ll be fine.” They shook their head as they looked away, allowing the tears to fall freely. “How do we know if I am a match for Yelena?” She asked him as Y/N turned to look at her.
“You are a match.” He answered her. “But she isn’t at the top of the list.”
“What if I want to give my liver to her.” She told him. “Isn’t there some sort of waver that I can sign?”
“Yes.” He said as Y/N sighed before he turned to face them. “But I need your permission.”
“She has my permission.” They stated shakily. “If this is what she wants to do then I will sign whenever I need to.”
“Thank you O’Pa.” She smiled as the doctor left the room, soon returning to her with papers to sign.
As the days went by, Y/N never left her side, afraid that every second could be her last second.
“Promise me you will find happiness O’Pa.” She rasped out as they nodded, holding her hand.
“I promise.” They smiled tearily. “I love you so much Lily.”
“I love you too O’Pa.” Lily smiled before smirking. “Lena’s sister is pretty and single.”
“Lily. I am not looking for a relationship.” They told her.
“Maybe a friend then, you could use one.” She told them as they nodded.
“Maybe.” They whispered as she took a deep breath.
“I’m tired.” She told them as they gave her a tight lipped smile, tears filling their eyes.
“Sleep sweetheart.” They ran their hand through her hair, humming the lullaby she had always loved since she was a baby. Time felt as though it had frozen as they waited for the machines to beep constantly before stopping. Once the doctor had entered the room, muting the monitor before calling time of death. Y/N cried silently as they kissed her forehead one last time. Soon getting up and leaving the room for a moment as they prepared her for organ donation. Racing against time as they hooked her up to a bypass to remove the available organs.
“Y/N?” Nat questioned as she approached Y/N, a coffee in her hand. “No.” She whispered as they just nodded.
“She’s gone.” They spoke barely above a whisper. “The only person I had is gone. I have nothing left.”
“I’m so sorry.” Nat rested her hand on their back as they leaned forward.
“I’m going to be sick.” They started to run towards the bathroom, hurling themselves into an empty stall and vomiting the contents from their stomach. They collapsed to the floor beside the toilet, sobbing as they hugged their legs.
“Y/N!” Natasha ran to them, hugging them as they cried. “Is there someone I can call?”
“Pietro.” They whispered. “He’s been my best friend for years.” They handed her their phone after unlocking it. She soon found Pietro’s contact in the phone and dialed it.
“Hey Y/N/N.” He spoke as he answered the phone.
“Hi, is this Pietro?” Nat spoke.
“Yeah, where’s Y/N?” He questioned.
“They’re at the hospital, it’s bad.” Nat told him.
“It’s Lily isn’t it.” He spoke as a mere observation.
“Yeah.” She whispered. “They need you, Pietro, or someone.”
“I’m on my way.” He told her as soon as he hung up, heading straight from work to the hospital.
“He’s on his way.” Nat told them as they nodded.
“Thank you.” They whispered as they looked up at her. “How’s Lena?” They asked as they got to their feet.
“She is in surgery.” Nat told them. “They finally found a liver.” She watched their expression through the mirror. “It was Lily’s.”
“It was what she wanted.” They told her, a sad smile on her face. “She knew she was dying, she had known for years. She was ready.”
Y/N had soon accepted their daughter’s death, slowly moving forward with their life as she wanted. Returning to their apartment and work, slowly getting everything back to normal.
Of course, their ex never showed up, even after they had sent her a simple text, explaining the whole situation. She still never came to say goodbye to their daughter.
“Hey.” They heard a familiar voice as they waited in line at the coffee shop.
“Nat, hi.” They smiled at her. “How are you and Lena?”
“We are both great.” She beamed as she joined their side. “She is now cleared from the hospital.”
“That’s great to hear.” They beamed as Nat smiled.
“How have you been? I wanted to try and reach out to you sooner but.” She started as they shook their head with a small smile.
“That’s ok, and I have been coping.” They told her. “It’s slowly getting easier to get up as each day comes but I still miss her.” The two soon ordered their coffees and sat down at a table outside. Nat watched as Y/N lit up a cigarette. “But being back in the office has made it all bearable.”
“That’s great.” She smiled proudly at their progress.
“A friend of mine is hosting a barbecue this Saturday, would you and Lena like to join me?” They asked her as she smiled shyly.
“Yeah, Lena would love it too.” She answered them as they smiled.
“Great, here is my number, text me your address and I’ll pick you both up.” They told her as they handed her a card before getting up with their coffee in their hand. “I have to get back to the office. I’ll see you both on Saturday.” Nat waved goodbye as she watched them walk away through the crowded streets, a smile on her face as she watched them disappear.
“Do you think this is a good idea?” Wanda asked Y/N as they joined her and Vis for dinner. “Lily gave her liver to her sister.”
“I know.” They nodded. “But I just feel at ease with her, at the hospital, she was my only friend.”
“I’m sorry.” Wanda whispered as Y/N shook their head no.
“Wanda, you have the twins to think about, Pietro has work and Mon is pregnant. I didn’t expect any of you to put your lives on hold for me.” They told her confidently. “But Nat was a friend to me during the hardest time of my life.”
“I just don’t want you to get hurt.” She told them as they kissed her head.
“I know.” They smiled before helping her set the table. Everyone tried to make them feel as normal as possible.
“Y/N.” Vis spoke up as they all sat at the table. “I found her, Sharon.”
“Yeah?” They questioned curiously.
“I still have the divorce papers you had written up and signed, ready to send to her.” He informed them as they nodded.
“Send them.” They told him. “I am ready to cut all ties with her.”
“I will be sure to deliver them myself.” Vision told them as they nodded, a small smile on their face as everyone sat down, eating dinner as normal as can be.
The day of Wanda’s barbecue came around and Y/N was nervous about picking up Nat and Lena, bringing them to meet their family you may as well say.
“Hey.” They greeted as Nat answered the door. “Are you both ready?”
“Yeah, Lena’s just getting her bag.” Nat told them with a smile. Once the three of them were situated in the car, Y/N started the journey to Wanda’s. Nat was bouncing her leg up and down nervously as Lena listened to her music through her headphones.
“It’s going to be ok Nat.” Y/N reassured her, giving her knee a squeeze.
“I know I shouldn’t be nervous because it isn’t like we’re in a relationship.” She thought she said something wrong as Y/N’s smile faltered. “Not that being with you would be a bad thing because quite frankly, I would consider myself lucky if I was with you.”
“It’s ok Nat.” They smiled. “Although Wanda may be the tough one to convince, she is like a sister. Her, Pietro and I grew up together. She was the one who helped me adjust to helping Lily even though she had the twins.”
“She sounds special.” Nat whispered as Y/N nodded.
“She really is.” They confirmed as they soon pulled up in Wanda’s driveway. Helping both Lena and Nat out of the car before leading them up to the door, letting themselves in and heading straight to the yard, Pietro manning the grill, the twins running around as Wanda conversed with Monica.
“Y/N!” The twins ran straight towards them, running straight into their arms, catching the attention of the three adults.
“Hey mini Maximoffs.” Y/N beamed as they hugged the two of them.
“Y/N.” Monica smiled as she greeted them with a hug, soon followed by Wanda.
“This is Natasha and Yelena.” They introduced the two as Monica smiled, introducing herself before she decided to help the twins with something.
“Hi.” Nat squeaked out as she shook Wanda’s hand, holding her firm gaze with a smile on her face.
“It’s so nice to meet you.” Wanda smiled as she looked between the two sisters. “Thank you for looking out for this one when we couldn’t.”
“Wanda.” Y/N groaned. “I.” They started before Wanda cut them off.
“She was still the one who helped you through it more than the rest of us, and Lily would be thankful for this woman.” She told them firmly as Y/N nodded, giving Wanda another side hug before disappearing to help Pietro. “So, what is your relationship with Y/N?” Wanda asked as she and Nat disappeared inside to prepare the salad.
“I don’t really know what we are.” Nat spoke honestly. “We’re friends I guess but is it wrong to want more?”
“No.” Wanda smiled at her. “It’s never wrong to want more than you get.” She turned to look at Nat who was watching them talk with Yelena. “I watched them go through heartbreak, three times in their life.” Nat listened to her words intently. “I watched their life slowly slip away when they received Lily’s diagnosis, then when their ex left the two of them, and thirdly only months ago. Lily was the best thing that they had in their life and how they remained by her side everyday up until the very end. It shows me just how strong they truly are and they need someone to remind them of that, especially when they get sucked back into the darkness.” She looked at Nat. “Maybe that person could be you, you could be their light in the darkness.”
“So, what is it with you and my sister?” Lena questioned as Y/N sat beside her.
“We’re friends.” They started as they soon heard some commotion from the house. Getting up and heading straight inside to see the woman they never wanted to see again.
“Y/N, can we at least talk about this.” She asked as she held up the divorce papers.
“They need to be signed by you and then I can be free of you.” They told her bluntly.
“Can we at least work this out?” She asked as she pointed between the two of them. “It’s what Lily would want.”
“You have no right to say her name!” They growled as they stepped closer to her. “She was my daughter! Not yours because you ran away as soon as it got real. You abandoned her when she needed us both.” They took a deep breath as tears formed in their eyes. “Do you want to know what she asked me before she died? She wondered if you would miss her! Even though she hadn’t seen you in years, she still had good thoughts about you, and I never had the heart to tell her the truth about you being a fucking coward.” They took a deep breath as everyone listened. “So do me one favor and sign those god damn papers because I don’t want to be married to you. I haven’t for years because I lost hope that you would come home years ago. Hell, I was stupid to hold onto that hope that you would return.”
“Y/N?” She tried again shakily.
“JUST FUCKING SIGN THEM!!” They yelled as they stepped closer. “I WANT OUT!!!! SO JUST SIGN THEM!!”
“Sharon, I suggest you sign them and leave.” Wanda told her firmly as Pietro held Y/N back against the wall, allowing them to calm down. Sharon looked over their broken state, seeing that the Y/N she knew was gone, she no longer knew who they were.
“Ok.” She whispered as Wanda handed her a pen, watching over her as she signed them before leaving.
“Are you ok?” Wanda asked them as they looked in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry Wanda. I never wanted to lose myself. Not in your home.” They whispered as she shook her head.
“It’s perfectly understandable.” She told them before pulling them in for a hug.
The drive back to Natasha’s apartment was silent, once they had pulled up, they walked the two of them to the door. Lena gave a quick wave before disappearing to her room, leaving Nat and Y/N alone.
“I’m sorry about earlier.” They told her. “Neither you or Lena should have witnessed that.”
“It’s ok Y/N.” She told them as she took their hand in hers, they looked at their hands together and it felt right. “I understand why.”
“But it was disrespectful.” They pressed on.
“I can see how Lily was so caring and mature for her age.” Nat whispered as Y/N’s eyes snapped to hers.
“Lily.” They nodded as they took their hand away from hers. “I have to go.” They told her, walking away towards the elevator, Nat closed the door, leaning against it as Y/N made it all the way to their car. “Fuck.”
With that, they ran inside the building and up the stairs, running as fast as they could before knocking frantically on the door.
“Y/N?” Nat spoke confused, only to be cut off by them cupping her face and kissing her passionately. “What?”
“I needed to do that.” They whispered. “I don’t know where or when I started falling for you but I have and I made a promise.” They told her as their foreheads pressed together. “I promised Lily and I intend to keep that promise.”
“What was the promise?” She asked softly.
“To find happiness again.” They told her. “And that’s how I feel when I am around you, I feel free to feel how I feel.” They sighed as they looked in her eyes. “I am free to find myself again.”
“When you do find yourself, then take me on a date.” She told them as they nodded. “But not until your divorce is finalised and you know who you are again.”
“I will.” They nodded before kissing her once more, walking away with a wide smile on their face. Finally free to feel more than just pain and grief.
@natsbraids was it better and happier than my others? ;)
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buffymore · 1 month
Looking for people who write male reader requests specifically for TOP MALE READER! SMUT.
Specifically for the characters Dean Winchester (supernatural), Steve Rogers (marvel), or celebrities Jensen Ackles, or Chris Evans.
Or marvel women like Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff and male reader.
Let me know if you write for these people or let me know if you know anyone who is interested, I'm looking to send some requests!!
And someone who's more adventurous and not prudish in writing, no offense if you are a prude.
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Please!! 🙏🤞🥺😭 Pls...
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teaaagan · 1 year
The best feeling
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livingdreams97 · 2 years
One Shots Masterlist
Hello, I'm new to tumblr and I don't really understand how it works. So Welcome to my account and i hope you enjoy reading what i post😁.
I will be writing one shots of different celebrities and characters of both movies and series. And a Wattpad writer will also be helping me and will let me upload their one shots to my profile.
Below I will update the famous ones and the one shots that I will upload:
Emily Dickinson -> "The past comes back" Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 .
Daenerys Targaryen -> "The rightful heir." Part 1, Part 2, Prart 3, Part 4, Part 5.
Hailee Steinfeld -> "The Late Late Show"
Rhaenyra Targaryen -> "The Personal Guard." Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
Eloise Bridgerton -> "The Prince". Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
Emily Junk -> "The New Bella." Part 1, Part 2, ...
Wednesday Addams -> "The wolf in my bed". Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4…..
Tara Carpenter -> "The lies I keep". Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4...
Kendall Jenner -> "Yes". Part1, Part 2.
Sarah Cameron -> "The Ice Cream". Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
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natashaxmarvelmen · 1 month
Looking for anyone who is accepting requests and would be up to writing Lizzo x male reader smut!?
Please I beg of you, I'm trying to help my depression
Or looking for people who will write marvel women x male reader (Natasha Romanoff, she hulk, Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers)....
Y'all please help me out!!
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csoorin · 1 month
I keep thinking about a fic where Natasha tries to reach to save everyone that was on the black widow program but there is one last person that she can't find anything about.
Somehow she gets a clue and goes to a really small city in the middle of nowhere, they don't even use computers, so she goes to the local library and tries to search as she talks to the librarian, but he doesn't help much.
A villain follows her to that city and they get in a fight, in some important point, Natasha is needing help, the Librarian appears to help and is somehow really good at fighting.
It turns out that the last black widow teenage that she wanted to save and couldn't find is a trans guy.
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littleavengerfics · 2 years
Can I request a Natasha x little!male reader
Where the avengers aren’t in the tower on a mission so reader decides to just walk around in a diaper and onsie (they don’t know he’s a little) Natasha walks into the tower and walks into the room seeing him in nothing but a diaper. Continuing with the prompt "Don't be scared I'm right here with you."
And maybe the next day "I love you more than anything."
Thx 😊
Finding out- Nat x little y/n
Thank you so much for the request
Warnings: age regression, diapers, bottles cg nat. Male reader (he/ him pronouns used)
Everyone was getting ready for a mission, including myself, well everyone except for y/n. He had been given some time off for a few weeks, I tried asking Maria what was going on but she said it was just for a "mental break."
Of course I understood the need for breaks in a job like this, its a lot of pressure and you're practically guaranteed to lose at some point, and when something bad happens... it weighs on you.
I had gotten close to y/n recently after a mission, we didn't really get along that well before that. He was really closed off at first, especially with me, I couldn't help but take it personally but then we eventually started talking and things worked out with us.
I couldn't help but worry about y/n being alone whilst we were on this mission. He'd been getting really upset recently, I really wanted to know what was happening with him. I wanted to be there for him but it's hard to help someone when your miles away trying to save the earth at the same time.
"Hey, Agent Romanoff good to see you." Maria welcomed, I smiled and greeted her back. She told me to follow her and i hissed when she slapped my side. "Go home Natasha."
I straightened myself out and shook my head. "The team need me." Maria sighed turning around. "They need you healthy Natasha, you're hurt go home. The team already left for the mission. I'm just proving my point to Fury at how stubborn you are."
I huffed all the way home about not being able to go on the mission. Sure Maria was kind of right but she did get on my nerves sometimes.
I parked my car and walked inside the tower. "Hey y/n?" I called out after hearing his footsteps, when our eyes met we both froze.
I woke up this morning to being told there was a new mission, and that everyone was about to leave. I couldn't help but be relieved, the whole tower to myself. I could be little without anyone noticing. I didn't have to hide it today.
I got some breakfast, my favourite of course, then somehow avoided Natasha's attempt at talking to me.
I loved Natasha a lot but there was always something about her that made me want to be in my little headspace. That's why when I first met her I was more than a little distant.
"Okay kid, don't trash anything we will be back soon." Tony said from outside my bedroom door a mumbled some thing incoherent as a response, he seemed to accept this though as he left me alone after that.
Once I knew the tower was empty I got changed into my favourite onesie and grabbed my stuffed animals and a bottle. I got my stuffies comfortable on the couch before settling down in front of the television with them. "hm what you wan watch?" I asked looking at my stuffies for help, I saw my favourite show pop up on the screen so clicked play.
Two hours of tv later I was getting thirsty, I noticed the empty bottle next to me so I went to the kitchen to make a drink. Everything was going fine until i went to pull the juice carton away from the bottle but it got stuck on the rim and knocked it over. A sudden wave of juice flooded the counter and soaked my pyjamas.
I let out a whine of frustration and devastation as I looked at the huge mess. I hated the feeling of the soggy clothes against my skin so I pulled it off, tears threatening to spill out. I stepped out, leaving the onesie in a puddle of juice.
I went to go grab another onesie from my room, slightly cold from standing there wearing nothing but a diaper. I only took a few steps when I heard a voice behind me, I turned to see Natasha looking at me in complete shock.
I couldn't hold back anymore and burst into tears. Natasha snapped out of it and came towards me. "No no buddy, don't cry it's okay." I still didn't calm down, backing away from her. "Okay..." She looked around for a minute before grabbing one of my stuffies. "Hey why don't you give your teddy some hugs and take some breaths for me." She offered me the stuffed animal which I accepted, burying my face in it.
"Woah. What happened in here little guy?" Natasha asked I assumed she saw the mess which only made me more upset. Now I was going to be in trouble. "Sowwy." I mumbled behind the fur, she grabbed some paper towels from the side and cleaned up the mess.
"That's better, I'm guessing this is yours?" She held up my dripping pyjamas. I shook my head, she didn't seem to believe me but she nodded anyway. "Why didn't you tell me you are a little?" She asked before turning to leave. "Come on, let's go clean this and get you changed before you freeze."
I hesitated, I was getting cold, I think I may have been shivering but I was still not sure about her knowing my secret. She held out her hand but I shook my head.
"Scawed." I don't know how she heard me whisper but she stopped for a minute and smiled sympathetically. "What's scaring you bud?" I slightly lowered the bear. "is dark." I said pointing down the corridor. "an you see me little."
"Don't be scared, I'm right here with you." Nat walked down the corridor and turned on all the lights, "and you can hold my hand if you want. You don't have to be scared about that either, I don't mind that you are a little. I just want to help you, can we go get you in some warmer clothes?"
I nodded taking her hand. "So what's your stuffies name?" All the way to my room and back she asked me questions about all my favourite things and she actually seemed interested in me. I soon realised it wasn't as scary as I thought, Natasha had always made me feel safe and that feeling only seemed to grow now that I was little.
"Okay we got new pyjamas and a new clean diaper, what else do we need hm?" She asked standing in the kitchen. "Baba?" i asked quietly. "Of course how could I forget the cutest little one's baba. Why don't you get ready and pick a movie or something to watch and I will be back with your baba in a minute." I nodded excitedly before rushing off to pick a movie.
When I heard the Russian's footsteps I hid under my blanket so she wouldn't be able to find me.
"Okay, I have a cup of coffee and I have a bottle for the cutest little ever, excuse me bear? have you seen a cute little in a onesie anywhere? Uh huh uh huh." I listened curiously as she spoke to my stuffie. "Well I thought I left him here but now I can't find him anywhere. Now there's just this blanket here hm I am a little cold, I don't think y/n would mind me borrowing his blanket." I giggled as she tore the blanket off and looked at me with a shocked look on her face.
"There you are." She chuckled, tickling me. "I got your baba." She smiled handing me the bottle.
"tanks chu." I said around the bottle in my mouth. "No problem." She replied, pressing play on the movie.
We didn't move off the couch for the rest of the day except when it was ABSOLUTELY necessary, we stayed put watching all the movies and tv shows we wanted.
"Well bud the team will be back soon so I think it's time we get you ready for bed and we can play again tomorrow okay?" I nodded rubbing my eye. "Okay little dude let's get you in the bath and ready for night night."
Nat helped me get ready for bed, she made sure I brushed my teeth and she even helped me pick out the best onesie. "Okay buddy, get in bed." I climbed in with my stuffies and Nat pulled the blankets over us and tucked us all in.
"Goodnight y/n." Nat smiled placing a kiss on my forehead I smiled, digging my face into the pillow to hide my grinning. "I'll see you in the morning buddy." Nat smiled before turning to leave.
"Nu Natty." I whined making her turn around. "teddy wan kisses toos." Nat smiled and walk back over to my bed. "Of course, how could I forget?" Nat smiled kissing the bear in my arms. "I'm guessing you all want kisses too?" She asked my other stuffed animals, I nodded and she hummed quietly, kneeling on the edge of my bed, "Goodnight all of you." She placed a kiss on each of their head's. "Night night natty."
A few hours had passed when I jolted awake from another nightmare. I curled up clutching my stuffie secretly hoping Nat somehow know i was in trouble and would come and find me. I laid in the dark crying into my stuffie before realising she wasn't coming and staying alone in the dark was a terrible idea.
I remembered what Nat had said earlier about not needing to be afraid of the dark when she was around, she was only down the hall, all I had to do was walk a few steps and I would be okay.
Still clutching my stuffie I climbed out of bed and snuck down the corridor, there was a small light under her door so I assumed that she was awake.
I knocked on her door but I didn't get a response, I pushed the door open and her bed was empty, I was about to close the door but a hand stopped me. Nat pulled the door all the way open, her face changed from annoyed to a smile. "Hey kiddo, are you alright?"
"bad dreams." I mumbled into my stuffies fur, she frowned slightly offering me a hug. "That's not good, I'm sorry, do you want to sleep here tonight?" I nodded enthusiastically forgetting all about my fear.
"Okay, go grab some stuffies and hop in, do you want a drink to help you sleep?" I gave a small nod before leaving to get some more stuffies. I came back and threw them all on Nat's bed making her chuckle. "okay you get all settled in here and I will bring you your drink in a second."
I laid down in her bed cuddling up with my stuffies, almost falling asleep until she walked in. "Hey I got your drink." I rubbed my eyes and sat up, "Do you want anything else?" She asked handing me my drink, I thought for a moment before nodding. "Can I has cuddles wiv Natty?"
"of course little one." She smiled climbing into bed next to me, I snuggled up to her and she put her arm around me, holding me in a comforting hug. I instantly sighed, feeling extremely relaxed and soon I was struggling to keep my eyes open. "Go to sleep sweetheart, I will be here when you wake up." I mumbled a goodnight before giving in to my sleepiness.
The next morning I woke up early and the lamp on her bedside table was still on I realised she must have kept it on all night in case I woke up again. I tried to get up without waking her but I must have failed because I heard the bed move as she rolled over to look at me.
"Hey." She smiled, sitting up. "Hey, good morning. And uh... thank you for yesterday, I'm sorry you had to deal with that but I appreciate it." I said, fidgeting nervously.
"Of course y/n, you do not have to apologise I didn't mind it, I loved it. You don't have to hide anything from me anymore. I love you more than anything."
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marvels-bitch-boy · 2 years
hey i’m the anon that requested “nat’s boy” the one about the friends episodes & i just want to say that it turned out perfectly dw!! i love everything about it and u also did the bit of angst really good too :) i’m so happy it’s gonna have a 2. part bc honestly it could be a great little series even! anyway i love it <3 thanks for writing it!!
So...You've all been asking, and begging for PART 2!!!!
welll.....it just so happens that I have finished it! Here you go!
Masterlist , Part 1
Nat's Boy Part 2:
A/N: so sorry for this taking so long! but I had a lot on my plate with college decisions and then moving halfway across the country. But I was able to finish it! I'm sorry it's so short but please know I did what I could!
Word count: 943
You arrived back at your apartment to see the fiery redhead from before laying peacefully on the couch with a thin blanket covering her. Even though she presumably arrived later than her usual time you had decided to catch dinner with a few interns from the Stark industries college reach-out programs with Pepper and Tony accompanying you. You knew that Natasha would have waited up for you but you figured she would have eventually gone back to your shared bed. You supposed that tonight however it must have felt barren and too spacious even for her. 
You sighed as you took your shoes off and quietly set your keys and bag down before making your way over to the couch. You contemplated lifting her up and carrying her to the bed like you usually would but the fight from earlier echoed in your head. You thought back to the first time you met. How she had smiled at you, you thought it had been one of the most beautiful and genuine smiles you had ever seen. You started to question her words to you. Her actions. 
Shaking your head you attempted to knock the doubt out of your brain. You wanted to trust her and you wanted to believe that she loved you the way you loved her but the thoughts seemed to linger. They whispered as you went to your shared room and got changed, they whispered as you went to the bathroom and did your nightly routine. They whispered as you climbed into the empty bed and felt the cold encase you as you stared at the ceiling. They continued as you got out of bed and made your way back to the couch in the dark of the night. The thoughts were screaming at you as you picked Natasha up and carried her bridal style back to the empty bed. Once you set her down and saw her melt into the bed the whispers faded into the background. The second you felt her arm gently lay over you and her face snuggle into your shoulder ever so lightly the whispers stopped. There was silence. You let the calm silence lull you to sleep as the red-heads breathing seemed to match your own. 
 You woke up before her, for the first time since you two had moved in together you were the one who was up and was watching the city come alive. You made your way out of the bed carefully, you didn’t want to wake her for a number of reasons. One was that you didn’t know what to say after the fight the day before. You didn’t know if she wanted to talk to you about what you both said. You didn’t know if she wanted to ignore the issue and pretend as if it never happened. So. You just got up and went along with your morning without waking up the woman in question. 
As you were in the kitchen making your morning cup of coffee, you could hear the footsteps coming down the small hallway. You knew what was coming and it terrified you. You didn’t dare turn around and face the being the steps belonged to. After feeling arms wrap around your waist you froze for a moment and your mind went blank. It was like a void took over your brain. You know what you see when a plane flies through a cloud?... yeah that’s what your mind felt like. Suddenly your hand was scalding hot and you yelped out in pain. Natasha broke away from you and quickly turned on the sink as you thrust your hand under the water. It only took a few minutes for her to clean up the mess and for you to place burn cream on your coffeed hand. She bandaged it up and then gave you a soft hug. You didn’t return it though. She slinked off of you and took your head in her hands. “I’m sorry…” she looked deep into your eyes and was waiting for a response. You attempted to hold your ground but looking deep into her eyes you were stuck. “I am too, I’m sorry I’ve been making you feel this way without even knowing.” you release a sigh and continue “I feel so stupid, I mean of course these things would effect you”. Natasha rubbed your cheeks with her thumbs “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, I’m the one who decided to be jealous, I didn’t trust you and I was wrong for that…” she took a deep breath “And I’m sorry for making you feel like I only wanted to get into bed with you, I swear I didn’t!”. You let her words hang in the air for a moment before you took her hand in your good one. “I know… I’ve been hurt before and-and well I just- I couldn’t believe that you of all people I let in did that…It made me feel stupid”. You’re both staring into each others eyes, tears pooling in the corners of them. 
“I love you, and you are one of the smartest man I know. You are so kind and you only think of others. I would never want to hurt you.” She looked at you with hope in her eyes. You planted a soft kiss on her forehead and spoke up “I know you wouldn’t. I know because I love you too” The words that you both were too afraid of speaking to one another slipped out and you knew you couldn’t take them back. That wasn’t a problem though. You both knew you wouldn’t ever stop saying them.
tags: (let me know if you want to be added too general tags)
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gingiesworld · 7 months
Not Alone (Drabble)
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Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: A little bit of a sad fic, but bitterweet.
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad (if you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
Y/N had suffered a lot in their life, from an early age, they realised that their family never truly wanted them. Even being in a room full of their friends and family, they have never felt lonliness like this before. All of these people in the same room, breathing the same air, listening to the same stories, all stories that never included them.
So they decided to leave, walking home without bidding anyone of them a goodbye. Well, it's not like they would miss them to be fair.
"Y/N/N?" Nat's voice called out as she spotted the familiar frame sat at their usual bar, drowning themselves in a bottle of whiskey. "I thought you had your Grandparent's anniversary?" She asked as she took the seat beside them.
"Yeah, I was there." They told her, not sparing her a glance, but even with the sound of their voice, she knew how broken they were. "Have you ever felt like the loneliest person in the world, even in a room filled with people who share the same DNA as you? Because that's how I felt, like I am not seen or heard by any of them." Nat just sat and listened as they spoke. "I bet if I were to drop dead, no one would miss me, because they sure as hell don't miss me when I there. Hell, they don't even acknowledge me."
"I would." Nat told them. "I would miss you if you were to leave this earth." They watched her as she spoke. "I understand that your family is pretty shitty for making you feel like that but you are not alone, because I will always be here to remind you that you have me and the team." She took their hand in her own. "We're your family and we will do everything we can to make sure you never feel like that, ever again."
"Thank you." They whispered as she just smiled, rising to her feet and helping them to their own.
"Let's go home." She told them. "Besides, Tony and Steve have been arguing about the war. I swear they should get married." Y/N listened to her speak about all they have missed while being at a so called family gathering. Feeling better within themselves the closer they got to the compound.
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buffymore · 3 days
Anyone taking requests for Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, male reader?
For smut?
Do you take requests for either ships (character x character smut) or (character x male reader smut)?
I'm looking for someone to take requests for me so that they can write me a smut fic.
Looking for Someone over the age of 18 by the way...
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space-oreos · 2 years
Reader with powers? Or Natasha with powers? For “Child of Mercury, Kin of Cupid” ? (W.I.P)
Having a difficult time choosing because I like both plots so, whichever pair gets the most “votes” or “attention” gets chosen because I want you guys to (if possible, with my writing skills) enjoy this too, and also to mostly make my mind up.
For context so you can decide which one you want to choose: 
Option A
If Natasha is chosen, the plot will lead with the plan that she needs to get the child of enemy affiliation to like her and take her out to events/get close to them so she can gather intel. 
Option B 
If it’s reader, then their “father” (?) is forcing them to do this as they are a product that was conducted in a lab and they have to get N to like them, so they can gather intel about the avengers/S.H.E.I.L.D/ things about the red room. They see Natasha as a direct affiliation, so it has to be her. 
The only difference would be the plot and not the power, which is why I didn’t include what the power would be, but what plot do you guys think? 
I also changed the title and the gender identity of the reader, as before the title was “Daughter of Mercury, sister of Cupid” (This will be the title if Natasha is chosen) and if reader is going to be chosen, it just kinda wouldn’t make any sense for me to limit their gender identity if they aren’t an oc and instead just someone you (the reader) implemented in the story (like an oc or you, seeing as when I read character x reader, the reader is usually an oc I’ve thought of). Seeing as everyone has different people they implement, I’m just going to use they/them when they are being referred to, as those can be used in a singular context and leave identity up to interpretation. By doing this, this also includes people who use they/them as well, so it gives the reader a broder spectrum of gender identity, by including everyone (I hope/think?). If there is a problem/something inaccurate with the statement I just made tell me, I don’t mean to be offensive, I just wanna write without offending anyone. (Also, I don’t do this with all my stories as this also limits how I can implement dialogue with reader for certain stories, and sometimes when I write I forget, just letting you know in case you wanna read anything else I post), (Y/N may pop up a few times for convenience).
If you do decide/vote thank you, it’s appreciated :) Also it would let me know if anon asks are working/on hahaha.
(Voting now closed)
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just-aake · 9 months
Boundless Devotion - Part IV
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Pairing: princess!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: MedievalAU. Natasha is the eldest princess of the Romanov Kingdom. As the time of her coronation approaches, she is suddenly forced to make a decision – either find herself a partner or her parents will choose one for her.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Warnings: slight fluff, slight angst
Words: 4898
A few days have passed since the night of the ball, and you find yourself back at the castle, this time for your usual meeting with Queen Melina. 
Beyond her role as the kingdom's ruler, the queen has always had a keen interest in the sciences — a passion you also shared since you were young.
As a result, you frequently visit the castle to engage in discussions and assist with her latest discoveries and experiments. 
However, recently, your focus has shifted toward some of her previous contributions, especially the ones during the war between the Romanov and Stark kingdoms.
You shuffle in your chair again as you attempt to analyze the information on the parchment before you.
Normally, it wouldn’t take this long, but you can’t seem to concentrate. Your mind is too distracted trying to find the right moment to ask her your questions. 
The sounds of scribbling in the library stop, causing you to look up.
You find that Queen Melina has paused in her writing and set her quill down, looking at you knowingly. 
“Let’s take a break,” she offers.
The two of you decide to move closer to the fireplace for your conversation, and you hand her a cup of tea before sitting on one of the chairs beside her.   
Queen Melina nods her head at you as she takes a sip, indicating for you to speak. 
You lean forward in your seat, eager to discuss your recent findings from your readings.
“In one of the books you gave me, there was a mention of something called the Black Widow operations. I tried to find more information, but there weren't any further details about it anywhere.”
“That’s because it was a secret operation created by your father and me during the war. Only a select few are aware of its existence and purpose,” she explains.
Your shoulders slump at the revelation.
If this operation was a kingdom secret, it's likely you won't be able to uncover any more details about it.
Melina observes your crestfallen expression carefully before making a decision.
“Do you know about the black widow spider?” she asks you.
You look at her in surprise, realizing that she intends to continue discussing this restricted subject with you.
When you shake your head, she continues, “They're named after the tendency of the female species to consume the male after mating.” 
Setting her cup down on the table, she turns her attention to you.
“Your father has always found that concept intriguing — the betrayal of a loved one.”
Of course he would.
You can't help but roll your eyes, hardly surprised at your father's cruel fascination with such an idea.
The queen proceeds with her explanation.
“The Black Widow operations were based on this idea. At the time, I had recently developed a serum that relaxes a person's mind and their compulsions. Combined with your father’s conditioning methods, we were able to develop a new way of gaining information from our enemies.” 
“By controlling them,” you interject, already suspecting the true nature of the operations. 
She nods in acknowledgment, confirming your suspicion.
“Once activated by a handler, the affected subjects would unknowingly search for the information that we needed and relay it to us without ever realizing what they were doing.”
“So these subjects were unaware of what happened to them?”
Your hands clench involuntarily at the unsettling thought of being controlled without knowing to eventually betray your loved ones.
“This was during the time of war,” the queen reminds you. “The Stark Kingdom had made significant advances in their weaponry, and we needed something to help shift the balance. Your father ensured that the process wiped away all memory of the conditioning.” 
Her gaze becomes solemn as she gazes into the crackling fire.
“Initially, that was the sole purpose of these operations — to gather intelligence. But as the war dragged on, Dreykov grew restless.”
She continues with a sigh, “So, he expanded the operations beyond controlling just the subjects' thoughts, but also their actions. He believed that this would be the key to victory in the war.”
“But you didn’t agree,” you say as more of an observation than a question.
Melina nods, her expression tinged with regret.
“Dreykov and I had shared similar ideals and aspirations for many years. We would have done anything to win the war for a better future for the kingdom.”
“What changed?” you ask, curious about the turning point in their history.
Her gaze softens, a faint smile on her lips as she reminisces.
“Well, everything appears different when you are about to start a family.”
Realization dawns on you as you remember.
Natasha was born near the end of the war.
Melina lets out a sad exhale as she continues. 
“I could sense that the Starks, too, were growing weary of the war. They already had a son and were expecting another child soon,” she adds, her voice laced with understanding. “And for a moment, I believe your father also understood what I meant…when he had you.” 
Your expression turns doubtful at her words, but the queen doesn’t notice as she finishes.
“So, a peace treaty was made between the two kingdoms, stopping the war. Everything was supposed to be okay.” 
“But it wasn’t.”
You can continue this part of history. Everybody knows of the tragedies that followed immediately after the war's end.
“My mother was killed in a fire by enemies seeking revenge on my father. And soon after, the captain of the Stark kingdom murdered King Howard, Queen Maria, and their newborn daughter, leaving the surviving son, Prince Tony, to assume the throne.”
You furrow your brows at an unnerving thought.
"The captain…he was a part of the operations, wasn't he?" you inquire, piecing together the connections.
“I don’t know,” the queen admits with a heavy sigh. "Your father was still grieving when I confronted him about it, but he denied any involvement."
She shakes her head at the memory.
“Nevertheless, I closed the Red Room and put an end to the Black Widow operations, and any further research on them has been sealed and restricted ever since.”
You look down at your hands sadly at the information.
“So, there was no method developed to undo the conditioning on those affected,” you conclude.
Melina gives you a sympathetic look and places a reassuring hand on your shoulder for comfort.
You let out a disappointed sigh. That means you’re back to where you originally started in your research. 
A silence follows for a moment before the queen decides to speak, her tone more lighthearted to contrast the somber atmosphere.
“I’m glad to see you and Natasha are close again.”
When you look at her in surprise at the shift in conversation, she raises her eyebrow at you, teasingly adding.
“Well, closer. I heard about your little display the other night.”   
You flush under her gaze as you hide your face behind your hand, still embarrassed at the memory. 
The two of you were swaying slowly to the soft music in an isolated corner of the dance floor, within perfect view of the other nobles in the ballroom.
“I have an idea,” Natasha says with a smirk.
You are about to question her when Natasha suddenly tilts her head and leans in, her face covering yours from the watchful eyes of the other nobles. 
You close your mouth in surprise, your next words lost as your eyes widen.
From everyone else’s perspective, it appeared as though the princess just leaned in to kiss you. 
In reality, Natasha’s lips hover just above yours.
A breath’s distance separated the two of you. If you move even a little, your lips will touch hers. You feel your heart beat faster at the thought.
Before you can react any further, Natasha pulls away, her eyes shining with amusement as she teases you.
“That expression on your face is really cute.”
Internally groaning at the memory, you feel your face grow even warmer in embarrassment.
After Natasha's bold move, there is no denying what the other nobles believe is your current relationship with the princess. 
The point becomes even more evident when Kate's excited exclamation at the sight of the two of you supposedly kissing draws the attention of everyone in the room.
Melina lets out an amused chuckle at your reaction.
“I’ve always known you two would be a good match.”
You lower your hands from your face and tilt your head, puzzled by her comment.
What did she mean by ‘a good match’?
Just as you're about to ask her for clarification, a knock at the library doors interrupts you.
Natasha steps into the room, her gaze shifting between you and her mother.
“Are you finished with Y/n?” she asks.
Melina waves her hand in dismissal.
“Go ahead, I remember what it was like to be young and in love.”
Natasha rolls her eyes and extends her hand to you, nodding towards the exit.
"Let's hurry before she starts sharing her old love stories."
As you're leaving, Melina calls out to you both, “Y/n, please join us for dinner tonight. And Natasha, don’t be late again.”
You nod in acknowledgment as Natasha groans and pulls you out through the doors.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Natasha strolls beside you along the stone paths that lead to the castle’s garden.
Besides the gardeners, other castle staff barely go through this area, leaving the both of you isolated from prying eyes or ears.
After checking that nobody else was around, she turns to you with a question that she’s been wondering about since the night of the ball. 
“So my plan was to pretend until after my coronation. What exactly is your plan?”
You raise your brow teasingly at her.
“What, you don’t want to be in this fake relationship with me forever?”
Natasha huffs in disbelief, shoving your shoulder with hers lightly.
“I’d marry you myself if it means you don’t have to be with that jerk.” 
And she was serious. You were her closest friend and an important person in her life. She would do anything to make sure you were safe and happy.
You smile softly at her, shaking your head in refusal.
“I just need time to look for someone else suitable enough to replace Lord Rumlow.”
“Better than me?” Natasha teases.
You chuckle, rolling your eyes exasperatedly as you walk ahead of her. 
Reaching the garden’s entrance, you stop and turn around to face her with a serious expression.
“Alright, we should get our story straight.”
Natasha gives you an amused look.
“What do you mean?”
“We need to come up with how we became a couple,” you explain.
Natasha crosses her arms and tilts her head in thought before shrugging. 
“There’s not much to come up with,” she reasons. “It’s a typical story. A princess and her childhood friend. One day, the friend realizes her feelings for the princess, confesses, and then they decide to be together.” 
You raise your brows playfully at her words, barely concealing your grin.
“Somebody’s confident.”
In response, Natasha gracefully plucks a red rose from a nearby bush, a teasing smirk on her lips, as she leans in close and offers it to you.
“You’re the one who said I could get anybody in this kingdom to fall for me.”
You accept the flower with an amused laugh, gently pushing her away. 
“Well, I’m not just anybody,” you tell her as you brush past her into the garden.
Natasha watches you go with a soft smile before following after you. 
“Alright then, let’s say that I was the one who fell first and confessed to you,” she offers, catching up to you. “We don’t need to reveal anything more than necessary.”
You nod in agreement, stopping and turning back around to face her again. 
“Then what about how we act around each other?”
Natasha’s brows furrow in confusion.
“What’s wrong with how we usually act?”
You wave your hand, gesturing vaguely in the air.
“I’m talking about other things, you know, like affectionate touches or….” your voice trails off as you think of the other things couples typically do.
“Kissing?” Natasha finishes for you with an amused smirk.
“I have never seen your face turn that red before,” she says with a light chuckle at the memory of the other night. “I’m not sure how long we’d be able to pull this off if you are constantly blushing at my actions.”
Your expression turns into a pout at her teasing.
“You just caught me by surprise. Anybody would be flustered in my position.” 
“I’m not so sure about that,” Natasha replies, confident in her ability to maintain composure since she is used to the many flirtations from the other nobles and was unfazed by all of their attempts before.
“You don’t think I can make you flustered too?” you ask as you place your hands innocently atop her shoulders.
Natasha tilts her head and squints suspiciously at you, unconvinced.
“You can try,” she says skeptically.
A sly grin appears on your lips at the challenge. 
Without hesitation, your hands glide down from her shoulders and rest against her front, just above her chest. You move in close, your bodies not quite touching but enough for her to feel your warmth. 
Natasha’s eyes widen slightly in surprise but she doesn’t step away, unwilling to back down.
Your face leans in slowly until your lips hover a breath away from hers, mimicking what she did the other night. But then your voice drops to a low whisper against her lips.
“Are you sure about that?”
Natasha locks her gaze onto yours, and for a moment, the world around her fades until her only focus is you. Her words seem caught in her throat as she feels her heart quicken slightly.
Your head shifts to the side, breathing gently against her neck before moving your lips up next to her ear. 
“Gotcha,” you murmur. 
You pull back swiftly and step away, removing your touch from her body and innocently clasping your hands behind you. Your eyes sparkle with triumph as you tilt your head teasingly.
“Looks like the princess can blush after all.” 
Natasha blinks, momentarily caught off guard as she raises a hand to rub at her warm cheeks in surprise, feeling a faint blush spreading. She coughs lightly, regaining her composure.
“Not bad,” she admits absently. 
Your smile widens in victory as you reach for her hand, intertwining your fingers. 
“We don’t actually have to kiss.” Waving your clasped hands, you tell her. “Touches like this should be good enough for the public.”
You pull her towards the castle. 
“Come on, Natasha, we wouldn’t want to be late.”
Natasha hums distractedly in acknowledgment, but her focus remains on your clasped hands as she wonders to herself. 
Why was her heart still racing?
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
On the way to the dining hall, you noticed that Natasha was oddly quiet, but when you glanced back at her, she offered you her usual smile. 
As you enter, you see Queen Melina and Yelena are already seated at their respective positions at the table. King Alexei is away on a short trip to the neighboring kingdom, so his seat at the other end is empty. 
An additional chair which you assume is yours has been placed next to the other empty one beside the queen.
Natasha goes to pull out the chair next to her usual seat for you, but Melina stops her.
“Natasha, move over for Y/n. We have much to discuss.”
Yelena begins to laugh at her mother’s blatant display of favoritism, but she masks it with fake coughs when the queen shoots her a disapproving look.
Rolling her eyes, Natasha complies with her mother’s request, pulling out her usual chair for you instead. As she pushes you in, she leans down to whisper, “I told you, she likes you more.”
Melina looks between her two daughters and remarks sarcastically, “Oh, I’m sorry, did you or Yelena suddenly develop an interest in my experiments?” 
Yelena hastily shakes her head, diverting her attention to petting Fanny beside her.
You tilt your head at Natasha in confusion as she settles in the seat next to you.
“I thought you liked to hear about her experiments.” 
Over the years, you’ve frequently talked with Natasha about your sessions with the queen, and she always seems genuinely interested in what you say.
Melina arches a brow at Natasha. “The last time I tried to discuss my findings with you, you brushed me off and told me that you would simply read about them in your next lessons.”
Natasha shrugs indifferently as she replies, “It’s more interesting when Y/n explains it.” 
Melina gasps in offense at her daughter’s words.
Yelena’s expression shifts into a teasing smirk as she gestures between her sister and you.
“What she means is she just enjoys listening to Y/n talk.”
Natasha discreetly kicks Yelena under the table in reprimand. 
“Ow,” Yelena shoots a glare at her before turning to her dog.
“Fanny, bite,” she commands.
The dog playfully bounds under the table toward Natasha, only to stop abruptly at the sight of a treat in your hand.
You toss the treat to Fanny and pat her head as she happily settles down beside you.
Yelena gasps in mock betrayal at her dog. 
As the dinner meals are brought out and set down on the table, Melina turns her attention to you.
“So, Y/n, what are your plans for tomorrow?”
“I’m heading into town for some errands,” you reply.
“Oh, will Natasha be joining you as well?”
You pause, a bit surprised by her question. You definitely were not expecting to have Natasha join you on your trip tomorrow.
“I am?” Natasha asks for you.
“Well, since you two don’t have to hide your relationship anymore, this would be a great opportunity for you to have a date,” Melina suggests.
“That’s…right,” you say, looking at Natasha nervously, realizing the implication. “We can go on dates in public now.”
Melina narrows her eyes disapprovingly at her daughter.
“Unless you are too busy training to take Y/n on a proper date, Natasha?” she asks accusingly.
Before Natasha can respond, the doors of the dining room burst open, drawing everyone’s attention.
King Alexei enters joyfully and makes his way to his chair while greeting everyone.
“Sorry I’m late, my family—ah and Y/n, nice to see you again—I have an exciting new story to tell you about my journey!”
Melina gives him a questioning look at his presence.
“We weren’t expecting you back until tomorrow,” she remarks.
King Alexei waves his hand nonchalantly.
“The guards wanted to get back sooner after the attack on the road.” 
A plate is set down in front of him before he continues.
“That’s the story I wanted to share with you all. There I was, surrounded by twenty mercenaries, all pointing their weapons at me.”
“Wait, you were ambushed?” Natasha interrupts with concern.
He grins and nods, his eyes glinting with excitement.
“Aye, it was exhilarating. I haven’t felt this energized since my days in the war. You know, this reminds me of the time when I had to fight with one arm and leg broken.”
Yelena waves her hand dismissively, commenting, “We’ve heard that story many times already. Can we get back to the ambush?”
“Yelena!” Melina chastises.
“What? Obviously, it turned out okay if he’s here now,” she defends herself.
The queen rubs her head in exhaustion at her family before standing up.
“I’m sorry, Y/n, you’ll have to excuse me. Apparently, I need to speak with my husband and the captain in private.”
With that, she drags King Alexei out of the dining room, leaving the three of you to finish up your meals.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
“You didn’t have to come with me.”
Your voice breaks the silence in the carriage, pulling Natasha from her thoughts. She turns to you, sitting beside her in the carriage.
Registering your words, she scoffs in disbelief.
“After what happened to my father, you’re lucky I didn’t just have you stay the night at the castle.” 
Your head tilts in thought at the idea.
“It has been a while since we’ve had a sleepover at the castle.”
Natasha shrugs before commenting, “I’m not opposed to the idea.”
Her smile takes on a teasing expression.
“Though it may be inappropriate now that we’re technically a couple. Imagine the rumors that would spread if someone saw that you spent the night in my room.”
Your face flushes a light shade of red at her words, and Natasha’s smile widens at the sight. She’s growing fond of being the cause of such blushes on your face. It was quickly becoming her new favorite expression from you. 
You shoot her a playful glare, already knowing she was teasing you on purpose.
“Or I could just stay in one of the guest rooms.”
“But that’s no fun,” Natasha sighs in mock disappointment.
The conversation drifts off into a peaceful silence for a moment before Natasha recalls her mother’s earlier comment.
“You know, I can come with you tomorrow into town if you’d like,” Natasha suggests hopefully. She misses spending time with you like the way the two of you used to do.
You shake your head in refusal, replying with an understanding tone, “You don’t have to, Natasha. I know you have other things you need to do.”
Frowning at your words, Natasha rests her hand atop yours before responding sincerely, “I’ll always have time for you.” 
She leans against your shoulder, bumping it lightly. 
“Besides, my mother's right. This will give us a chance to show our ‘relationship’ to the public.”
You let out a laugh in disbelief.
“So we’re going to have a date because of your mother’s suggestion?”
Natasha gives you a pointed look.
“We wouldn’t want her to become suspicious. We have to make it seem like we’ve been together in secret for a while already.”
Your expression turns contemplative and you let out a worried sigh at the reminder.
“Then maybe we should practice things like kisses on the cheeks or the hands too so that we’ll look more comfortable with each other if it ever comes up,” you wonder out loud.
Natasha feels her heart quicken slightly at your words, but then she regains her composure, clearing her throat and shaking away that strange feeling in her chest.
“Do you want to try?” she finds herself asking without thinking.
Natasha watches as you ponder in thought before nodding at her with a determined expression. Facing forward with your cheek towards her, you close your eyes tightly in anticipation.
“Okay, go ahead,” you say.
Natasha holds in a laugh at your adorable expression as you wait for her to kiss you on the cheek. She can’t help but tease you as she leans in.
“Why are you so tense?” 
You open your eyes and turn to her defensively.
“I’m not—“ 
Both of your eyes widen in surprise when Natasha’s lips brush softly against the corner of your mouth.
The two of you remain in that position for a moment, too shocked to move.
Eventually, Natasha is the one who pulls away first, her eyes locked onto yours. It feels just like that moment in the garden where everything around her disappears, her heart racing like before.
When you lightly bite your lips where she had touched yours, Natasha finds herself drawn to you at the movement, unconsciously leaning in again.  
“We have arrived, Your Highness,” the coachman calls out as the carriage slows to a stop.
That brings Natasha back to reality as she pulls herself back in surprise. She looks away from you, clearing her throat lightly to find her voice before responding to him. 
“Okay, thank you.” 
When she turns back to you, she finds your head slightly ducked and looking away, a definite blush on your cheeks. 
The carriage door is opened by your night gatekeeper who helps you out of the carriage. Natasha follows you soon after, rubbing her neck nervously.
“Y/n, about that kiss…,” Natasha trails off, seemingly at a loss for words. 
You chuckle lightly at the sight of the usually confident princess reacting so shyly, so you decide to make sure she knows that everything is still okay between the two of you, despite the accidental touch.
Raising your hand to cup her face, you lean up and give her a soft kiss against her cheek.
When you pull away, Natasha gives you a confused look. 
“There, now we’re even,” you tell her in reassurance.
“Well, that display certainly confirms the rumors I’ve been hearing,” a sudden voice interrupts.
Both you and Natasha turn towards the source and see your father descending the stairs toward the two of you.
Natasha gives him a polite nod and smiles in greeting.
Despite being close friends with you for years, this is probably the first time that she has met your father personally outside of formal events. 
“Good evening, Lord Dreykov.”
“Princess Natasha,” he greets, giving her a curt nod.
“I see you’ve brought my daughter home from her frivolous activities,” he continues with a condescending tone, his harsh words aimed at you.
Natasha’s smile fades at his tone and the insulting comment towards you. She turns to give you a questioning look but finds your head ducked toward the ground, avoiding her gaze.
Returning her attention to your father, Natasha remarks coldly.
“I don’t believe we’ve ever had a proper conversation with each other.”
“No, the last time I saw you, you were still a child,” Lord Dreykov states, examining her critically, his eyes scrutinizing her. “Some in the kingdom might even argue that you're still a child now, hardly ready to rule.”
Natasha smirks confidently in understanding, her posture straightening at the challenge. She’s no stranger to facing older nobles who are wary about her capabilities of taking the throne. 
“I assure you that I am fully prepared to follow in my mother's footsteps. Though, I am open to insights from those who believe they know better.“
He scoffs at her words.
“My suggestion would be to not tread the same path as your mother.”
“Do you disagree with the decisions she made for the kingdom?" Natasha questions.
Lord Dreykov waves his hand dismissively as he admits, “Queen Melina possesses a brilliant mind, especially when it comes to her scientific discoveries and experiments.” 
His voice shifts into a tone of disdain.
“However, her choices as the ruler of our kingdom — let’s just say, not everyone views her decision to accept a peace treaty when victory was within reach as a wise choice.” 
“And yet both kingdoms have been at peace with each other for over two decades,” Natasha points out, her voice unwavering.
“If that is what you believe, then allow me to offer another piece of advice, Your Highness,” he says, feigning politeness.
“Peace is often just a thin veil, concealing the demons lurking underneath. You can never predict when a friend one day may suddenly become your enemy the next.”
His tone remained neutral, but Natasha sensed a subtle warning in his words. She is about to argue when she feels your hand grab hers. 
Natasha looks over to you and finds your face now pale, just like that moment back at the ball when you were speaking with Lord Rumlow. 
Glancing down, she notices your hand trembling slightly as you hold hers, but you quickly cover your clasp hands with your other hand, stopping the shaking.
Concern fills Natasha’s eyes as she studies your face.
She has never seen you in this kind of state before, so unsure and frightened.
Her eyes narrow as she glances suspiciously at Lord Dreykov, but another tug of her hand redirects her attention back to you.
You look at her with pleading eyes, whispering to her.
“Natasha, just go home.” 
Lord Dreykov lifts his head at her, haughtily.
“Indeed, it is growing dark soon. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to the princess on her way home, now would we?”
Natasha clenches her teeth at the sight of his smug expression, unable to hide her new disdain for the noble.
“Natasha, please.”
At your words, Natasha dispels her tense posture before turning to you with a gentle expression.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/n,” she promises, bringing your slightly trembling hands to her lips in a light kiss.
She shoots Lord Dreykov a suspicious glance before retreating into the carriage.
Once the carriage disappears from view, you let out a breath of relief before turning to your father with a sigh.
His hand emerges from behind him, and you involuntarily flinch at the sight of his raised hand, closing your eyes to brace yourself. 
When you feel him pat your head, you cautiously open your eyes and see him smiling coldly at you, his eyes glinting with a sinister look.
“I was disappointed when you told me you were no longer close to the princess, but this…making her fall for you,” he scoffs, mockingly. “Maybe you are not as useless as I thought.”
As he leaves, his words weigh heavy on your heart, leaving you filled with worry. You’re no longer sure if you made the right decision with this plan anymore.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Series Masterlist : Boundless Devotion
a/n: Thank you for reading!
Taglist: @lightwhoranoutoflight, @taliiiaasteria, @romanoffprentiss, @canvascoloredin,  @silentwolfsstuff, @blacklightsposts, @arcturusseer, @presser24, @dvrkhcld, @jujuu23, @screechcat, @vivs46
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teaaagan · 1 year
I swear I'm going to find you account that writes sub!Natasha constantly
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littlenahsstuff · 1 year
Requests open!
What I write:
Only x reader
No male reader but all will be gender neutral unless specified otherwise when requested
No smut for now
Darkfics (again no smut though)
Who I wrote for: (if not on this list you can still ask me)
Natasha Romanov
Wanda Maximoff
Agatha Harkness
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
-Resident Evil: Village
Alcina Dimitrescu
Donna Beneviento
Bela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Mother Miranda
Tiffany Valentine
Amanda Young/The Pig
Laurie Strode(ik she ain’t but she’s in the genre)
-Abbot Elementary
Melissa Schemmenti
Janine Teagues
Ava Coleman
-Mean Girls
Regina George
Janis Caplan
Cady Heron
-Sarah Paulson
Pretty much any character besides Bette and Dot, TB Karen, and Mamie. Not exclusive to AHS
-Avatar the Last Airbender/ Legend of Korra
Lin Beifong
-Stardew valley
Kara Danvers (Supergirl)
Lena Luther (supergirl)
Evelyn Deavor(Incredibles 2)
Other, I might do the character you want if I’ve heard of them
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insanesanitysparks · 7 months
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Thankfully Together MHA Ships/Writing Sparks for Nov.
I usually write character x reader plots, but I wanted to do some short posts for character x character pairings (that I ship). I'm going to attempt to do a different ship every day for the entire month of November (30 ships at the least though I may do more if I finish early). I'm currently short 3 ships.
I'd also be really interested in hearing what MxF character ships you guys would like to see, especially since I'm short 3 ships. If I get the time, or maybe for December, I'll focus on other people's ships.
If you want to use my list, by all means go ahead! Just send me the link(s) to whatever you write because I definitely want to read what you do with it! ^^
And without further adieu, my ships...adding links to this as I finish the one-shots, so this will be a sort of masterlist. Male x Female Ship Ship Name Prompt Idea
Izuku Midoriya (Deku) x Ochaco Uraraka (Uravity) Izuco - I think this sounds adorable Super sweet vanilla, first time shenanigans, cuteness overload.
Eijiro Kirishima (Red Riot) x Mina Ashido (Pinky) Eishido or Eijido - kind of sounds like a martial arts name Feigning bravery, energetic, positive, partner oriented.
Mashirao Ojiro (Tailman) x Toru Hagakure (Invisible Girl) Mashiru or Toro Kind of shy but definitely curious.
Denki Kaminari (Chargebolt) x Kyoka Jiro (Earphone Jack) Deka or Kyoki They strive to please each other but also battle for dominance.
Shoto Todoroki (Shoto) x Momo Yaoyorozu (Creati) Shomo - sho mo of those cute ships lol Traditional courtship to formal proposal and marriage.
Hanta Sero (Cellophane) x Mina Ashido (Pinky) Hanna or Mita Party kids, kind of chaotic and wild without breaking rules.
Yuga Aoyama (Can't Stop Twinkling) x Toru Hagakure (Invisible GIrl) Yuru or To...ga - Yu ru the world Toga! xD Self doubt and insecurities. I want a blindfold.
Tenya Iida (Ingenium) x Mei Hatsume Tenei or Meiya Partners in profession and life.
Neito Monoma (Phantom Thief) x Itsuka Kendo (Battle Fist) Neika or Itsuto She fell in love while keeping him in line.
Fumikage Tokoyami (Tsukuyomi) x Ibara Shiozaki (Vine) Fumira or Ibakage - personally like Fumira Mutual corruption. She saves, he curses.
Katsuki Bakugo (Dynamight) x Setsuna Tokage (Lizardy) Katsuna or Setsuki Two powerful people get horny basically.
Mezo Shoji (Tentacole) x Pony Tsunotori (Rocketti) Meny or Pozo - Meny reasons to love this ship Size difference and cute cuddles.
Koji Koda (Anima) x Kinoko Komori (Shemage) Koko Animals eat mushrooms and Kinoko likes being appreciated.
Rikido Sato (Sugarman) x Reiko Yanagi (Emily) Rikiko Baking together, more than just bread. ;P
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor) x Rei Todoroki Enei - enabling...? Enji gives Rei control for a night.
Keigo Takami (Hawks) x Fuyumi Todoroki Keimi He was spying on Endeavor, she was silently rebelling.
Natsuo Todoroki x Melissa Shield Natssa - kind of makes me think of Natasha Romanov He's a programmer who foes to work with a machine specialist.
Kosei Tsuburaba (Tsuburaba) x Tsuyu Asui (Froppy) Koyu or Tsusei - Tsu sei call her Tsu x'D He's not sure how to feel about that tongue.
Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi x Shino Sosaki (Mandalay) Naono Two leaders who relax with each other.
Shota Aizawa (Eraser Head) x Ryuko Tsuchikawa (Pixie-Bob) Shoko or Ryuta Her clock is ticking and he likes desperate women...and cats.
Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods) x Yu Takeyama (Mountain Lady) Shiyu or Yuji She gets on his nerves but he loves her. They support each other.
Masaru Bakugo x Mitsuki Bakugo Maki or Mitsuru - I like them both Twist on traditional male/female household.
Hizashi Nishiya (Present Mic) x Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke) Hizami or Emishi Similar chaotic energies. No wall is thick enough for these two.
Yagi Toshinori (All Might) x Inko Midoriya Yako or Ingi He's like a father figure to Izuku and she loves that.
Sekijiro Kan (Vlad King) x Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) Sekimuri or Nejiro Kinky pair, blood and whips...they get it on.
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Nighteye) x Kaoruko Awata (Bubble Girl) Miruko or Kaorai Behind closed doors she's serious and he's hilarious.
Danjiro Tobita (Gentle Criminal) x Manami Aiba (La Brava) Danami or Manajiro Little bit of an age gap, they found love in a hopeless place.
All for One (Original Shigaraki) x Inko Midoriya Shigariya He uses her for an experiment, plays 'god' with their child.
Ken Takagi (Rock Lock) x Mrs. Takagi No couple name, 'cause I can't find her name A devoted working father and his loving stay-at-home wife that he can't live without.
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