#nblm romance
laurasimonsdaughter · 4 months
It took a full minute of struggling before the vampire finally gave up and held still, going mostly limp under the tangle of briars.
“Alright,” he said, rolling his eyes at them. “You’ve made your point.”
“Have I?” they asked menacingly. “Because that’s what I thought last time.”
He looked up at them. “Oh come on—”
“I told you,” they snapped, “that if I tested one more giggly person with inexplicably low haemoglobin, I would fucking find you.”
The park was badly lit, but they could see the vampire’s face well enough to see that he wasn’t taking this anywhere near as seriously as he should be. Ballsy, considering they had him fully immobilized at the moment.
“Clearly you can’t actually be trusted,” they added. “So now you’re stuck with me.”
Dull light glinted of the vampire’s teeth as the corners of this mouth twitched. “That really isn’t the punishment you think it is.”
They stared down at him, baffled. “What—?”
The red shine in his eyes was almost amused. “You’re the only person around here who knows what I am, who I don’t have to pretend for. You know how tiring it is never to smile?”
The cool night air suddenly didn’t seem as cool anymore and they bristled with indignation. “There’s plenty of slayers in town all of a sudden who seem to know exactly what you are,” they replied sourly. That pissed them off too. Slayers were a brutish, self-absorbed lot. They had one or two violent encounters and suddenly felt entitled to harass innocent people just because they had a bit of trouble around the full moon.
The vampire grimaced. “Correction,” he said smoothly. “The only person who knows and is nice to me.”
“Nice to you,” they choked.
“Come on,” he grinned, fangs sparkling. “I could be lying here choking on garlic, or burning with silver! But instead...roses?” He gave a half-hearted tug on the bloom and thorn covered branches. “You could have done far worse…”
A loud, thoughtless rushing filled their ears, their face flushing with confusion. That was not—
“On that note,” he continued conversationally. “Why are you still here?” He gave them a curious look. “Why not just leave me here?”
His grin returned. “You don’t want the slayers to find me, do you.”
“Shut your fanged face.”
“Ouch,” he winced, but not in a way that anyone could possibly interpret as painful.
They were too annoyed – too angry – to think straight. “I could be asking you the same fucking thing,” they snapped, recollecting themself. “Just passing through, you said last time. So why the hell are you still here?”
His expression changed, just a fraction, and for a moment it looked like he had an answer for them. Then he shrugged, shifting uncomfortably on the grass, and looked away.
That, at least, was better. Slightly. Probably. “Well,” they said after a brief silence, folding their arms. “If you’re sticking around, you better keep your fangs off my patients. You can go right back to stealing the lab’s medical waste.”
The vampire made a dismayed noise, his gaze snapping back to their face. “You expect me to survive on nothing but dead blood?” he cried.
“I expect you not to trick innocent humans!” they glared.
A sly look passed across his face. “So the slayers…?”
Well, if they kept bothering Mrs. Lupus… They gave a sharp shake of their head. “No! No biting any humans!”
“Unreasonably cruel,” he muttered sulkily.
“You—” They raised their head with a start, glancing in the direction of a sudden sound.
“Speak of the devil,” the vampire breathed, eyes darting in the same direction.
Damn slayers. They grimaced through their frustration and drew their pocket knife. It glinted in the dull twilight and the vampire’s eyes were on it instantly.
“Now hold on, there’s no need for that!” he protested nervously. “I agree— I agree to your terms.”
“You better,” they hissed, kneeling beside him with the knife. It wasn’t silver, but he couldn’t have seen that immediately they supposed. They deftly snipped through the briars and cut him loose. “Go on, get out. And I better not have reason to bother with you again.”
The moment he was free all the vampire’s speed and grace returned. He was on his feet in a moment and smiling brilliantly down at them the next. “Well, that’s highly unlikely,” he grinned ominously. “You’ve just turned your place of work into the only place in town where I can get a bite to eat.” He winked, and fled.
They watched him disappear, their hackles raised as high as their heartbeat, and swore into the dark.
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xmushy-gushyx · 1 year
I want to be able to sit on a pretty boys lap and do his makeup, wether simply cause he's also alt or for a pride event or just a silly night in, him teasingly complaining it's taking a long time and trying to kiss me any chance he can while I push him away and tell him perfection takes time but kissing him anyway to see him smile.
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fullmoonmilk · 1 year
Oh to be in the kitchen in our cottage cooking and then when my hair gets in my face but my hands aren't free, through a completely wordless exchange my partner pins back my bangs for me and kisses me on the cheek and I feel like the most loved person that has ever existed.
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fella-lovin-fella · 7 months
conversation i had with my boyfriend at 10pm
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ifuckingadoreyou · 2 years
there's a specific kind of grief and terror traumatized people feel when they're dating. you find someone who you really click with - until things get serious. maybe they witness you having a bad day, and they decide it's not worth it, pack up their things, and leave.
you navigate the dating scene with a low expectations. most people run at the first mention of "abuse" or "assault." sometimes you think about not being open about your trauma again, just so that you can get a better sense of your date so that when the time comes to tell them about it, you might still have a chance of salvaging it. but most neurotypical people don't want somebody with baggage.
then, you meet them. maybe they have baggage, too, but the way they treat you with such patience and respect, and accomodate you however you need — it's something you've never experienced before. you almost start to put them on a pedestal, but they remind you that you need to heighten your expectations, demand respect instead of hoping it'll come to you.
maybe you have memory issues. maybe you apologize a lot for no real reason. maybe you have severe panic attacks in response to triggers. but they're with you through it all, again and again — never raising their voice, never shaming you, never harming you, but always there to pick you up when you need their support.
this is the way you've needed to be loved. this is the way you DESERVE to be loved.
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festeringhorror · 5 months
The inherent eroticism of a dragon protecting and sleeping atop its hoard (you’re in the hoard)
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sadkachow · 30 days
wish i could have a highschool romance. this is unfair wheres my boyfriend :(
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hyukleberryfinn · 1 year
The desire to suck on a guys tongue and have him moan in my mouth is Achillean me right now
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laurasimonsdaughter · 4 months
Sadly, being able to trap a vampire afforded absolutely no protection against being snuck up on in turn. They didn't even realise he was there until he was already right in front of them.
"What the-" They reared back, staggering, reflexively reaching for the silver mirror in their pocket. "Why are y-"
"Why did you let me find this?" the vampire snarled, his by now familiar features even paler than usual. He was shaking something at them that they at length realised were three empty, but still bloody vacutainers.
"This was your blood!" he hissed. There was a fierce, ruby glitter in the depth of his eyes. "Why?"
They resisted to urge to back away further and stood their ground. "The lab didn't have any leftover samples today," they replied curtly. The first spike of adrenaline was wearing off, giving them space to be annoyed. Who the hell did he think he was, stalking them on their way home!
They glared, but the vampire didn't seem to notice. He was staring at them in complete disbelief. "So you- you drew your own blood?"
They gave an impatient shrug. Clearly he already knew that, so why all the-
"Why the hell would you do that?"
"You need to eat, don't you?" they bit back, rather insulted at the implication that they wouldn't concern themself with whether he went hungry or not. How on earth would that help keep their patients safe? "You seriously think I would be this sloppy with medical waste without being certain you would dispose of it? I know you stop by on Tuesdays and Fridays."
He was still staring at them and he looked rattled enough for them to relax a little themself.
"Give me those," they ordered, snatching the tubes from his cold hand. Luckily the caps were screwed on properly. They stuffed them into their pocket. "How did you even know it was mine."
The vampire drew in a shaking breath that dissolved into a sudden, scoffing laugh. "You think I don't know what your blood smells like?" he burst forth, a tense, restless edge creeping into his movements. "That I wouldn't recognise it immediately?"
He threw up his hands and suddenly he was all up in their face again, grimacing with his fangs on full display. He was almost touching them.
"It was bad enough just knowing what you smell like! Now I'll never get rid of the taste of you…" The red in his eyes seemed to brighten somehow. "Three whole vials-"
They stared at him with as much confusion as suspicion. "You're welcome?"
"Sunlight take me, you don't have a scrap of preservation instinct do you," he gasped, turning abruptly away from them.
"I'm a nurse," they snapped. "You want to stop being my problem? Get the hell out of my town!"
"So you're saying you'll do this again!" He sounded like he was about to laugh again, but nothing about him felt amused.
"Not if this is what I get for my troubles." They weren't afraid, not exactly, if he had meant to hurt them he would have tried to already. But there was something about the way he was looking at them that was-
"Good," he snarled. "Because you shouldn't."
They narrowed their eyes at him and resolutely turned away. "Right, well, I have somewhere to be." They really didn't expect thanks, they didn't even feel like they were even owed gratitude for what was essentially emergency care, but they sure as hell didn't need to stand here and be told off. "You'd be easier to keep hidden from the slayers if you weren't so damn difficult," they muttered under their breath.
"And you would taste even better without anticoagulants."
"What?" They spun round, but there was nobody there. Not anymore.
They stood perfectly still for a second or two, but even the silence was empty. Empty enough to be completely filled with questions by the time they had hurried home.
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xmushy-gushyx · 2 years
Best part about me getting a motorcycle as soon as I can? I can have a pretty boy's arms around my waist, have him nestle his beautiful face into the crook of my neck as he softly laughs and smiles at the freedom feeling
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vrtuls1utz · 2 months
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It never comes
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fella-lovin-fella · 11 months
pride month is over so i better not see you posting any gay shit on my dash
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beer-and-burs · 1 month
Would you let me put my jaws around your throat? I won't bite down, I just want to taste your heartbeat. I promise.
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mlm-heimdall · 1 year
bf whos a horror geek x bf who just likes cute things
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remiratboi · 3 months
Chapter 4 of my smutty lil monster romance
The TW covers the entire thing but all things are not necessarily in every chapter. This is a fantasy, consent is required, read at your own risk. Also I’m making up my own rules about creatures/nonhumanraces and shit here ok? Anything’s possible.
(Also these are unedited aside from very basic grammar and continuity so apologies if things are wrong)
Cernis Sulxan - He/Him - AMAB
Ellory Broadmoore - He/They - AFAB (post top surgery and testosterone)
TW - Anxiety, OCD, OCPD, Autism, Minor Hoarding (like hoarding but it’s all paper no dangerous hoarding), some body image issues more related to gender dysphoria but also very vaguely ED related. Lots of dark sex stuff. Borderline noncon, but kinda cnc. Forced heats kinda, monster fucking, anal, masturbation, choking, incubus, dragon dick, size kink, bdsm, overstim, denial, edging, toys, public sex, impact play, probably more, I dno yet. But lots of dark sex so
Chapter 4 - Ellory
“Cernis.” The flabbergasted Dragonborn said to Ellory. “You can call me Cernis.” He continued. Ellory’s face lit up with a smile. He was more satisfied than he thought he should have been.
“Well, Cernis, you can call me Ellory. Now, please tell me I’ve convinced you to stop fighting me on this?” His jovial voice came back. They didn’t move their hand though. Cernis’ skin was warm and smooth.
Cernis finally looked away, breaking their locked gazes. “Fine. I guess.” He replied. He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “For now.” He tacked on.
Ellory chuckled. “Great!” He clapped his hands. “Let’s get going!” They jumped up excitedly.
“Uh, no.” Cernis answered. Ellory turned around perplexed. “I’m sorry but I have work to do.” The large Dragonborn fidgeted in his seat. Even though Ellory was standing and Cernis was sitting, the man was still taller than Ellory was.
“That’s alright Cernis.” Ellory said, revelling in using his name. It didn’t feel like a privilege many others experienced. “I have nothing to do this evening. My team will spend the day sorting, and then you and I can stay after office hours to get started on the decluttering.” Ellory smiled. “Does that work, Sir?” They paused heavily before saying Sir. Ellory didn’t know why they did it. He knew it wasn’t appropriate. But he was finding it hard to control himself around this man.
“I told you to stop flirting with me.” Cernis spat out. “Regardless of how good you are at it.” He finished, a hint of a smirk playing at his own lips. A thrill ran through Ellory’s spine. He laughed. They found themselves doing that often around the Dragonborn. It felt good.
He straightened their posture and nodded with feigned seriousness. They gave a little mock salute and left the room without saying anything further.
The butterflies in their stomach threatened to fly from his mouth. He chewed on his inner lip. They weren’t normally so bold. What had gotten into them? They wondered for about one millisecond before they remembered their very frustrating evening the night prior. Ellory had been on edge the entire time since. That’s all it is. He chalked it up to intense horniness.
This time the day dragged on slowly. Ellory kept checking the time, hoping it was closer to 5pm that it ever was. They kept having to remind themselves this was a job. He had no place flirting this brazenly with a client. But then moments later Ellory would be back to stealing peeks at Cernis in his office. They felt nauseous almost.
However slowly, 5pm did eventually roll around, and the office emptied as quickly as you’d expect it would. Ellory kept fighting a stupid grin on their face as they gathered their things and headed towards Cernis’ office. The Dragonborn was scowling at the wall, distinctly ignoring Ellory. They chuckled. They got such a kick out of his grumble. He knocked on the glass lightly, but entered without waiting.
“Ready Cernis?” Ellory asked, subconsciously he’d claim but they didn’t know if that was true or not, he’d enunciated the SIR sound at the beginning for he name. Ellory blushed lightly. Cernis reciprocated.
“Its lemon.” Cernis responded and thrust a small white box towards Ellory. They pondered it for a moment before fully entering the office and walking forwards to take the little box. Ellory’s eyebrow raised as they opened it to reveal a dainty lemon cupcake with white vanilla frosting, and a tiny lemon snap acting as the cherry on top.
“You…” Ellory didn’t know what to say. “You made this for me?” He didn’t know if that was a question or a statement.
The Dragonborn answered first with a grunt, then with “No. when would I have made it for you? I’ve been in this office all day.” He stated like it was obvious, and like he hadn’t just presented Ellory with a beautiful cupcake out of nowhere. “No I made it last night. I brought it in for lunch today, but I thought you might like it.” Cernis finished.
Ellory’s grin couldn’t be fought this time. “That’s very sweet of you. I love lemon.” They closed the box and gestured towards the large, and very crowded boardroom Ellory had turned into his command centre.
Cernis stood and rounded the desk. He was tall. Very tall. Ellory was around 5 foot 6, and the Dragonborn had to be at least 7 feet tall. He had stood once before Ellory the day before, but this time, with his huge body next to them, Ellory felt dwarfed. Their eyes roamed hungrily over the man’s thick forearms and broad shoulders.
After getting settled in the boardroom, Ellory was able to get into the work, and lost themselves in it. The hours passed quickly. He enjoyed Cernis’ company. Their flirty banter fell away as their time was filled with the sounds of papers shuffling, boxes scraping, a few quick words here and there as they chose which boxes needed to be digitised, and which could be recycled. Cernis had a pizza delivered and they chatted about nothing as they ate, before getting back to work. Slipping back into that casual silence.
Soon Cernis stretched and yawned. Ellory glanced up at the clock on the wall. It was late. Later than they’d expected. Really late. Ellory’s office was in a safer area of town than Cernis’ was. Ellory started to feel a panic rise in his chest as he thought about walking home so late.
“Are you…” Cernis trailed off. Ellory barely noticed as their eyes were glued to the clock. The second hand clicked by again and again. Each click got louder. Each second that passed felt more and more deafening. Ellory’s hands started to sweat. Soon all they could see was the clock. The rest of the room falling away. They couldn’t call a cab. They couldn’t ride in a cab. What could they do? It was so late. Why didn’t they pay better attention? What were they going to do? Maybe they could…
The clock continued to click.
“Ellory?” Cernis asked with concern. His large hand cupped Ellory’s elbow and snapped them out of their fixation on the clock. They stared up at the towering Dragonborn. They hadn’t heard him get up. He hadn’t noticed the man walk over to them. They tried to feign triviality and shrugged their shoulders. Their elbow raised out of Cernis’ hand and Ellory turned to face him.
“Oh, no, I mean, I’m ok.” They shook their head a couple times and plastered a smile they hoped was convincing on their face. “I just…” he glanced up at the clock again. “ I didn’t realise how late it was.”
Cernis nodded, understanding. “ ah, yes, I guess we should be heading out. I didn’t notice the time either.” Cernis left the boardroom and headed to his office.
Ellory tried to shut out the thundering clicking of the clock as they gathered his things and prepared to leave the safety of the building.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 10 months
The ominous main theme of this week's movie droned through the flat while Yule filled the bowl with a fresh batch of popcorn. Tonight's choice was a shapeshifter slasher that Ev had assured everyone would be absolutely hilarious.
She returned to the living room, where Tomek was sprawled out on the couch and Chris and Ev somehow managed to occupy a single arm chair. They were not in need of snacks. Ev was still idly chewing on a bone from their dinner and Chris had a milkshake cup filled with Ev's latest affectionate attempt at surprising him: goat's blood.
"Move over, couch hogger," Yule scolded affectionately and Tomek pulled up his legs just enough for her to sit down. Myszka jumped out of his shirt pocket and ran down his leg to jump in Yule's shoulder and demand popcorn and Tomek fondly declared him a traitor.
"No moral fibre," he added. "No loyalty! And all for a few kernels of popcorn." And he held out his hand for his own share.
"If we don't start now Yule will fall asleep halfway through again," Ev teased.
"I'm here aren't I!" Yule protested. "You have the remote." She doubted there would be much opportunity to doze off, the cover of the DVD looked incredibly gorey.
"This is a really good one," Ev grinned, fumbling with the remote. "Promise."
"You though Return of the Ungrateful Dead, was a really good one," Chris snorted at them. It seemed he had already emptied his cup, which made Ev's ears twitch with happiness.
"It's nostalgic," they argued as bloodstained letters appeared on the screen. "And you don't appreciate cinema."
Chris didn't answer, but slid his fingers into their shaggy hair and scratched behind their ear instead, making Ev's head drop down onto his shoulder immediately.
Back on Tomek's shoulder Myszka gave a meaningful squeak and Tomek tried not to choke on his popcorn in response.
Yule hid her smile in her cup of sparking tea. It was still so much better when Tomek made it for her. She let out a soft, content sigh and put her feet up on the trunk turned coffee table. The dishes still needed washing and someone - it was going to be her - needed to speak to the landlord about the bathroom window no longer closing, but apart from that this place was absolutely perfect. 
[Read how they got to this happy epilogue on AO3!]
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