#ncis // bradley bradshaw
(After a mission they were not supposed to go on, to help Maverick, the Daggers all need to give depositions - but they still need to find Maverick, as do the 86'ers) Rooster:...You know what, I can also get Hangman to come back here to help us look. He's on his way to be questioned by Special Prosecutor Rogers. I mean, we're all scheduled to give our depositions today, but I could just say that it's an emergency. Slider: No, the last thing you want to do is alert them to something being up...As a matter of fact, the longer Lieutenant Seresin can keep Rogers occupied, the better. You think he can stall them? (The Daggers all go silent and stare at each other) Rooster(trying to hold back a smile):...That won't be a problem. Phoenix(sighs): Unleash the beast. Rooster(getting out his phone): Unleashing...
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
NCIS // Bradley Bradshaw
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw knows when his soon to be wife shows up randomly on Friday evening at the Hard Deck it can’t be good. But just how bad could things really be, right?
Warnings: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x NCIS reader. Angst, Fluff. A little bit of action.
Word Count: 8.2k
Author Note: I’m glad you all had such a positive response to this idea. Here’s a one shot to say thank you for being absolute legends. Might even be open to doing more if this does well.
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“What’s got you all twisted?” Rooster smirked as he watched Hangman glare down the pool table. Missing his shot by a mile. The usual confidence ridden aviator had seemingly shrunk into a hermit style shell for the last half an hour or so. Rooster had walked in half way through the game. Settling into his surroundings with a beer and a side of fries on the way.
Hangman didn’t even bother with a response, simply ignoring the question all together as he lined up another shot at redemption.
“Oh he tried to make a move on the civ sitting at the bar—she really knocked him down a peg.” Javy tried to hide his content. He always enjoyed when his best friend learnt a lesson or two. Not everyone was obsessed with Jake Hangman Seresin—and quite frankly? Sometimes he needed to be humbled. And humble Hangman you did indeed.
“Which one?” Rooster asked as he turned around, his eyes immediately landing on you as you sat by yourself. Content with the beer in front of you. Clearly working a case. “You know what? Never mind—I already have a gut feeling.” Finishing the rest of the beer Hangman had so graciously ordered last round, Rooster really did try and play it cool as he took strides to get to you. Trying to bury the fact if he had to he’d move goddamn mountains to get to you. His best friend. His fiancé. None of the team knew about Bradley Bradshaw's love life. He hadn’t found the right time to introduce you to the squad. His colleagues, friends. He was trying to, honestly. But with your line of work? It was becoming increasingly hard to pin you down.
As Rooster made his way over to you by the bar. Pushing past people who got in his way absentmindedly—you spotted him. Sending him a smirk that he’d missed seeing in person. FaceTime just didn’t do your beauty justice. Looking at your fiancé so helplessly stunned for only a split second before you forced yourself to remain calm. Rooster thought back to the first time he met you.
You hated being on carriers. For an NCIS agent, being aboard was a big part of your job description. It was something that couldn't be avoided, although you really did try. It wasn't that you weren't good on ships or got nauseous from the motion of the ocean, no. It was something far less exhilarating than throwing up at any given moment in front of whoever had fallen victim to the sight of your breakfast, lunch and or dinner making a quick escape.
It was the fact you never knew where on earth you were fucking going. And that really sucked.
Bradley Bradshaw had seen you going around in circles for the last forty five minutes. He’d been watching you from a distance. First he saw you when he was going over his Super Hornet. Checking its systems, the landing gear, the tags. All the good stuff. Then he saw you in the galley, looking confused and almost overwhelmed with the amount of crew that had filled in for dinner. And the last time Rooster saw you before he decided enough was enough? Was when he saw you heading down towards the engine room… What the hell were you doing? Were you–lost?
“Ma’am you aren’t lost are you?” Bradley Bradshaw considered himself a confident man when it came to talking to women, but for a moment you made it hard to formulate another sentence when you turned around to face him. Completely knocking the wind out of him with the way you looked so helplessly stunned. “Because if you are, I'm more than happy to help.” Yep. That was the moment Bradley Bradshaw knew he wanted you in his life.
“I'm good, thanks.” Shrugging the sailor off, it wasn't that you didn't want help. You just had too much pride to admit you were in fact. Lost. Rooster watched with an all knowing smirk as you turned around, heading straight to what he knew to be a deadend towards the laundry room. Unless that was what you had been looking for the entire time? Bradley knew you would have to pivot your way back past him. Opting to stay put, leaning against the hull with his arms crossed waiting for you to make your appearance.
Which you inevitably had to do because you were fucking lost. Sending the sailor with the cute smirk a look when you met him back where he stood originally. Stopping right next to Bradley as he smirked down at you. All Knowing.
“Okay, so maybe I am lost.” He smelt of pear and freesia. The delectable fresh scent that could be bottled and sold. It reminded you of home. “I'm looking for my room, 507.” Bradley raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Had you been wondering the entirety of the carrier trying to look for the dorms and bunks and hadn’t bothered to stop and ask a single soul for help. “The captain said my stuff had already been dropped off but I'm so disorientated.”
“First time on a carrier ma’am?” Rooster asked kindly as he walked with you in the complete opposite direction to where you had originally been going. Huh, you really were lost.
“Would you believe me if I said no?” Rooster chuckled quietly to himself at your response. “No, I do this more often than not, I should be used to this whole, ant hill.” You tried to explain as you walked side by side, not really in a hurry to get where you were going. Rooster couldn't have known you were NCIS. You were just in your blue jeans, white T and oversized corduroy jacket. There was nothing about you that screamed, ‘Hey I’m a federal agent, stop drop and put your damn hands up.’ “But I do prefer frigates, the occasional patrol boat.”
“So what brought you aboard the HMAS Carlton?” Rooster wasn’t expecting the answer you gave him. From time to time the Navy would accompany researchers and scientists to remote islands, he just assumed perhaps you were the latest one. But no.
“Uh, I’m here making sure that Clarence Diver who was stung by that group of Irukandji jellyfish was just that.” There were some suspicious toxins found in his bloodstream. “I’m Special Agent Y/n Gibbs with the NCIS.” Oh my fucking Christ Rooster was sure he was going into cardiac arrest. Why did you have to be NCIS? “Nice to meet you—“ Clearing your thirst as you paused in your stride. Sticking your hand out to shake the sailors hand who’d stopped to help you.
“Uh Bradley ma’am, Bradley Bradshaw.” Rooster stuck his hand out to meet yours. “Everyone calls me Rooster—“ You weren’t sure when Rooster had dropped your hand, or when you had started walking again. But you had. Side by side.
“Let me guess, you some kinda of cadet? A semen perhaps?” This was Rooster's first posting on a carrier. He was fresh out of the academy and had been abroad for six months. You had a glint in your eye, something worth exploring even though the idea of pursuing a Naval Criminal Investigation Agent scared the ever living Christ out of him.
“I uh—I fly an F-18 Agent Gibbs, I’m a Naval Aviator.” He was so proud of himself. I mean who else was around to be proud of him? So he had to be, for his own sanity. Stopping right in front of the door that read 507. “Guess this is where I leave you—“ news flash, it wasn't. Instantly smitten by the way you softly nodded in response. Pressing your lips together with a small frown.
“Yeah I guess it is huh?” Silence lingered for a moment as you worked up the courage to ask Rooster to hang around. Making up a totally fabricated but believable excuse he’d later find out was all so you could spend a little more time with him. “But now I’ve got no idea how to get back to the galley and I seem to have a pretty good tour guide.”
“Special Agent Gibbs, what on earth are you doing here?” Rooster taunted your official title as he slung his arm around your shoulders. Slumped over the bar as your eyes scanned the bar like a Hawk. “Heard you put Hangman in his place?”
“What the hell is a Hangman?” Your hand came up to grab Roosters softly, your thumb softly working to massage his palm. Turning your head to gently leave a subtle yet lingering kiss on his knuckles. “Oh wait—“ You remembered from conversations you’d had with Bradley in the past. “He’s the guy right, the super cocky one?” Clicking your fingers and squeezing your eyes tight as you tried to place a name to a call sign. “Jack, No—Jake!” Beaming, Bradley kissed your temple.
The sight of Bradshaw and you hitting it off so well sent Jake into a fit. Until he realised you must have been the girl Rooster had been talking about after the uranium mission. The one he wasn’t going to let get away.
“Woah look at you go detective, case closed in a whole minute.” Bradley taunted as he stood beside your barstool. “But seriously, as good as it is to see you here—you can’t be here for something good, it’s Friday baby—“ It was true. Usually wherever you ended up in the United States or on any US naval vessel didn’t usually come with good tidings. The Hard Deck in Miramar was no exception to that rule.
“You know that body that washed up about a week ago a few clicks up the beach?” You mumbled into the neck of your beer bottle as you brought it to your lips. Taking a small sip. “Intelligence believes the man responsible for that is here—and of course where else is there to go in Fraightertown but the most popular hang out point?”
“And you didn't bother to let me know you were coming?” Rooster teased as his hand slipped up your side, featherlike. Leaving goosebumps to rise in the wake of his fingertips. “Could’ve used the heads up.”
“Why? Need a change of pants, Lieutenant?’ It was the way you implied you so easily got Rooster where he needed to be that had his head spinning. You weren't wrong and he surely was feeling a little more restricted. But how could he not be when you were looking so fine. “Pretty sure I've got a pair of tracksuit pants in my carry on that might fit–might be pushing it though.” Winking as you took another sip of your beer. “Think they're grey even–” Roosters hand brushed against your hip. His eyes widened quickly at the realisation. Holy shit you were packing?
“You don’t have a gun in here do you?” Patting your shoulders, Bradley let his hands travel down your back, your gun Halsted. “Shit—you can’t bring a gun in here!!” Rooster's eyes bugged out of his head even more as he sat down beside you on the empty bar stool. “You gonna pepper the place or something? what the hell!” Guns always made Rooster a little uneasy and uncomfortable. But you were still caught up on his first statement.
“You know I’m a federal agent right?” Reminding your soon to be husband of your career choice. “I can bring a gun anywhere I damn please—“ Not that you would, but the idea that you could always did something weird to Rooster. Mentally and sexually.
“You scare the shit out of me.” He should have corrected himself, it wasn’t you that scared him. It was your damn job. Everyone he’d ever met had always told him what he did for a living had to be frightening. But you? Something about the way you so effortlessly did your job without a care in the world, blasé and effective? That scared Rooster. That was terrifying.
“Then leave me to do my job.” Rooster wrapped his leg around one of the legs of your bar stool. Dragging you closer to where he sat. He needed to be closer, needed you closer. “Rooster, honey—I’m in the middle of something here.” You played it off that Rooster was being an annoyance, but really? You loved the cat and mouse dynamic you always had. Loved him with all your heart.
“You got back up in here?” Bradley’s voice softened as his eyes trailed from your eyes to your lips and back to your eyes. Drinking in the sight of you. It was out of worry that he asked, a deep rooted concern for your well-being. “I’m not leaving this stool if you don’t have back up.”
“DiNozzo is by the jukebox.” Tilting your head Dinozzo’s way Bradley followed the direction you had pointed him in. A small wave of peace lapping at his heart. “I’m fine Roo, you don’t have to worry about me—“ You were about to mention the van out the front that held more agents, but Rooster didn't let you finish before he was interrupting.
“Doesn’t stop me though.” Rooster was quick to quip, leaning in closer to kiss your forehead as you ducked to hide your smirk. Cheeks heating with the love that flooded your system. “Worry about you all the time.”
You and Rooster had been together for a total of three weeks when he first got a real glimpse into just how dangerous your job could really be. How it so easily threatened to take you away from him. He’d been called to TopGun. An elite school for the top one percent of pilots. Its purpose was to teach the lost art of aerial combat and to ensure that the handful of men and women who graduated were the best fighter pilots in the world.
As Rooster went about his day, training exercise after the other—Admirial Bates was calling him down with urgency.
“Theres someone on the line for you calling from the Veterans affair’s medical centre—“ Rooster couldn’t place that hospital geographically until Warlock continued. “Seems as though your a registered emergency contact for a Y/n Gibbs?” Washington, that’s where the Veterans affairs hospital was.
“Uh—yeah.” Rooster couldn’t think straight. “I'm clear for landing?” He asked range control before he made any effort to turn around. With a confirmed green light Rooster headed in. He was in the administration building of the base in no time. His chest panting. A thin layer of sweat on his forehead. Panic rising to the surface as he held the phone to his ear.
“This is Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw—“
“Hi Bradley, I’m just calling to let you know we’ve had a miss Gibbs present to the emergency department with a bullet wound to her left thigh—“ Rooster swore he forgot how to breathe as his knuckles went white as the sheer hip he held around the phone. “She’s had to go in for surgery but we’re incredibly hopeful it’s a set standard procedure, just need to remove some of the shrapnel that broke apart.”
“Can you get her to call me when she’s out?” All he wanted to do was hear your voice. “Is she okay?” When did he start crying? Why were his cheeks wet? Blinking away the tears that still threatened to spill over his waterline.
“Absolutely—” The admin assistant chuckled to herself, remembering how reluctant you’d been. “She walked herself in very reluctantly.” Rooster rolled his eyes at the thought of you not taking care of yourself. Of fucking course you’d shug this off as no big deal. “An older man brought her in, signed as Anthony DiNozzo?” That checked out, he’d been your partner since you transferred to your dads division. “Shes in good spirits and good hands, should be out shortly–ill get her to give you abuzz when she's out and feeling a little less dazed.”
That's exactly what the nurse had done. Once you were feeling up to it you called Bradley from your cell. Sitting alone in your hospital room–they wanted to keep you in overnight for observation. You understood, but home just seemed like a much better place to be. Besides, you still had work to do.
“Are you alright? What the hell happened!?” Rooster bellowed into his phone as he sat on the bench in the locker room, he was just finishing up for the day.
“Hi baby, nice to hear your voice too–” You taunted with a slight groan as you tried to move your leg out from under the lightweight blanket. “Im fine, just need to work on my reflexes a little.”
“You were shot Y/n I think you need to work on more than your reflexes, perhaps your proximity to people who want to kill you?” Rooster didn't mean to snap at you, he was just worried. “Since when am I your emergency contact anyway? I thought it would have been your dad or something?”
“Well I mean if you don't wanna be I can change it?” Your tone had softened as you looked down at your leg, wondering how differently this conversation would have been going if that bullet had hit you somewhere else. Or if this conversation would be happening at all. “I just thought you might wanna be.”
“No I do–” Bradley paused for a moment as he swallowed the lump in his chest. “I just worry about you.” He knew that when he first met you you were only a rooky, that you'd get assigned mundane cases that weren't all that life threatening and serious. Like the Irukandji jellyfish guy who'd been doing drugs onboard the Carlton. But as the years went on and you gained more confidence and experience, the less and less you were assigned the meek role of crossing T’s and dotting i’s. You were a full blown field agent and until the moment Bradley Bradshaw got the call to say you'd been injured? He hadnt really put alot of thought into it. “I guess I just never really thought enough about how dangerous your job had become.”
“Says the one who's currently learning the art of aerial combat and defensive manoeuvres.” Yep, you had him there. Rooster knew his job was dangerous, he’d learnt to accept that a long time ago, as did you. Even when you had just been close friends you had to accept the fact Bradley might get deployed somewhere and not come home. But yours had kinda crept up on him. He’d never had to process that kind of worry before. Never knew how gut wrenching the feeling could be. He now knew what his mother had meant when the sick feeling just never really went away. The constant fear that lived rent free in the back of her mind about his dad, about him. “Listen Bradshaw, I'm fine– you don't gotta worry about me.”
“Doesn’t stop me though.” Rooster was quick to quip, leaning his back against his locker willing the moment he could wrap his arms around you to come sooner. He’s asked Admiral Bates for a compassionate leave of absence to go be with you. But he was told unless someone was dead or dying he could very much forget that he even asked. “I’ll worry about you all the time.”
“I can assure you, I know what I'm doing, Bradshaw.” Sitting back upright as you pulled away, finishing the rest of your beer in one final swig. “DiNozzo I can't quite speak on behalf of.” Your tone confused as your eyes followed the direction he was hastily walking, following a man across the length of the Hard Deck. Hot on his tail. His hand going to ghost his holster as he pushed past people who flocked in his way. “Oh fuck hang on–” Jumping to your feet in an instant as you watched the man DiNozzo had identified as Bodmin wrap his arm around the neck of one of the Naval Aviators sitting peacefully at one of the round tables. Rooster felt sick to his stomach as he stood, unable to comprehend what was going on. What had poor Bob done to be brought into this. Dragged to his feet as his hands came up to grasp the man's forearms. A gun to his temple quickly escalated the situation ten fold. “NCIS DROP YOUR WEAPON!!” Shouting as you drew your weapon from your hoster, holding it at eye height. “I said drop your weapon!!” Jake Seresin had been taken aback by only a few things in his life– this? Oh this took the goddamn cake. Bradshaw with an NCIS Agent? Never in a million years did he think that man had that kinda game.
“I DIDN'T KILL THAT MAN–” Bob swore he saw his life flash before his very eyes as he stood trapped between you and the man who had him by the next with the barrel of his gun pressing against his temple. Fear evident in his eyes. “I DIDN'T HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.” Well of course you did? Why else would you pull a gun out in the middle of a heavily populated bar and take a person hostage? Your inner thoughts didn’t match your next sentence, you needed to gain this guy's trust before there was brain matter splattered across the nice hardwood floor that probably had some historical value to it.
“That's great man, really–why don't we just have a bit of a chat about it, yeah?” Trying to deescalate the situation the best you could as you took a single step forward. Slowly and every so carefully. “I mean if you weren't involved you're pretty much a free man, why ruin that shooting this guy huh?” Rooster wanted to reach out and grab you. Stop you from getting any closer, fighter every fibre of his being that told him to protect you. His eyes welled with tears, mixing with fear and adrenaline as he turned his head slightly to where Hangman and Coyote stood in complete stillness—both trying just as hard as Rooster to comprehend the situation unfolding.
Shit like this didn’t happen at the fucking Hard Deck.
“I don’t fucking trust you!” You could very much tell this guy was losing his mind. Quickly. Making a rash decision to gain his trust immediately. Rooster watched from behind as you put your hands up in surrender. Your finger pushing the safety on your handgun before the clip fell to the ground.
“What about now?” Slowly but surely crouching as you placed the handgun on the ground, your eyes never for a second leaving Bob's eyes.
“Gibbs—“ DiNozzo gave you a warning look. Clearly unimpressed by your actions. Reckless and dangerous. Standing off to the right behind the man who had Bob hostage, his gun still drawn.
“I’m unarmed.” Standing just as slowly as you had crouched. Your hands came back to the height of your head. Palms facing the man. “Let’s talk, but first you gotta let him go—“
“Uh uh, not a chance sweetheart.” Damn. It was worth a shot right? The man, Daniel Bodmin had been identified as one of the men who’d been out finishing with marine Author Avery. He’d washed ashore five days after being reported missing when a storm hit off the coast of San Diago. It seemed pretty set standard until autopsy results came back that Avery had ingested five hundred grams of cocaine in small plastic bags. That mixed with the twenty four thousand dollars sim cash found stashed behind the backboard of one of the seats on the fishing boat made it suspiciously suspect Avery may have been killed. The smell of foul play in the air. “The second I don’t have leverage, you're partner here is gonna put a bullet in my spine.”
“I’m pretty tempted to just do it anyway—“ DiNozzo piped up as he eyes down the suspect. “I’m a pretty good shot.” It was your turn to send him the same warning look he’d given you. Your hands still up beside your head in surrender as you took another slow hesitant step forward. Rooster couldn’t breathe.
“Okay so I’ll make a trade, you let him go—and you take me. That way we can talk, just you and me. Outside.”
“NO!” Rooster shouted as he took a step towards you, his chest pressed against your back before you knew what was happening. “No way.”
“Lieutenant Bradshaw so help me god if you don’t step back this second I’ll have you arrested for interfering with a federal investigation.” It absolutely pained you to say but if Bradley wasn’t going to stand down you were going to make him one way or the other. “Go stand with Jake—“
“Y/n don’t do this!“ Leaning over your shoulder to whisper through gritted teeth, Bradley begged you, the love of his life—not to do this. “I can’t lose you too.”
“I will cuff you to the pool table if I have to—“ It was tough love, sure. But you needed to do your damn job before Bob or anyone else for that matter got hurt. “Go, now.” The tone you used had gone to a new level of seriousness, you weren’t messing around. If need be, you’d cuff Bradley Bradshaw to that pool table and leave him there if that meant he was out of your way. If it meant you could do your damn job.
With hesitance and his tail between his legs, Rooster backed away slowly. Eyeing off the man who had Bob by the next and a gun pressed to his temple. There would surely be an indent by the time he was let go. Hands up surrender style—Rooster made his way over to where Hangman and Coyote stood dumbfounded.
“Are your eyes glued to your head or some shit man?” Javy hissed as Rooster stood beside him. “The fuck is wrong with you!?”
“She’s the love of my life, man.” You couldn’t blame Rooster for acting in your defence. It was in his inherent nature to protect the ones he loved so deeply, tenderly and oh so fiercely. “My whole god damn world.” He’d never been so scared to lose you before this very moment. The fallout of the uranium mission had him racing across the west coast of the country all the way to Washington where you were based. Knowing he came an inch to losing his life. Far too many times to count. On the way back Rooster had confided in Hangman for a brief moment. Mentioning that there had been a girl, a girl so fierce and loving and kind that he couldn't help but to wonder how you'd mourn him. He didn't mention specific things like how long you’d know each other or how long you two had been dating. Rooster didn't mention what you did for work or even how he’d had his mothers engagement ring resized off another ring he’d stolen from your jewellery stand.
Rooster had simply told Jake Seresin that for a moment there if he hadn’t come after him and Pete? There would have been a heartbroken soul at his funeral. A woman so willing to pray for him, take his pain for him, save his soul from himself. Bradley Bradshaw had always been the one left behind, but that day he almost left you. And he wasn't ready to do that without having made it one thousand percent clear that you were the love of his life. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
“Bradley? What–what are you doing here?” You questioned as he came through your front door. The key you'd gifted him nestled nicely in between all his other keys. Standing from your stop on the lounge–Youd been curled up watching Criminal Minds. “I thought you weren't supposed to be home for a few more days?”  Taking massive strides to get to you Bradly simply engulfed you in a warm embrace. Hugging you so tightly because there were a few moments there he thought he'd never get to hug you again. Smell your hair, feel how cold you ran against his usually hot self.
“I couldn't wait to see you for one more second.” You could hear it in his voice, fuck. Something had happened, hadn't it. But more importantly you could see it in his eyes as he pulled away to meet your gaze in the dimly lit living room or your modest two bedroom two bathroom townhouse. Big enough for you and big enough for Bradley Bradshaw. With a little extra room for a guest here and there. “As soon as I was dismissed I jumped in the Bronco and headed straight for the airport.”
“That's a pretty long flight –” You were trying to get a read on the situation. What makes a man drive almost the entire West Coast of the United States so pressingly? What on earth was going on inside his head. “Do you want a coffee or something? I can make you a fresh pot?”
“Uh yeah that would be nice.” Bradley replied softly as he brought your forehead to his lips by pressing the palm of his hand to the back of your head. Letting you go as you wondered your way into the kitchen. The kettle already empty and waiting to be filled.
Rooster couldn't wait another second, he had to ask. Following you as he fished the small black velvet box that held his mothers engagement ring out of his pocket. Opening it and he stood behind you. Your hips pressing against the lip of the kitchen bench as you filled the kettle with a soft smile on your face. Bradley's hand came to lean against the countertop as he kissed your neck softly. Peppering small butterfly-like kisses up and down the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
“What do you think you're playing at?” Taunting the naval aviator who you’d missed so dearly as you turned around, leaning against the countertop as you held the kettle now full of water. It wasn't long before it had found its new home on the tiles. Water cascading across the gloss white flooring. Your hands coming up to cup your mouth. Jaw hung slack as a gasp escaped. Eyes wide with pure shock as Bradley Bradshaw trapped you against the countertop and himself. Holding the open velvet box in his hand with a soft smile and watery eyes. “Brad–”
“I almost didn't come home this time.” It was a sentence you never wanted to hear but were still thankful enough to hear him say it. It was and would always be better than the alternative. The home calls all military men and women dreaded. The one where officials inform you of a loss. “And it made me realise that I now have someone to leave behind.”
“Bradley–” You tried to speak as you cupped his cheeks. Pressing your forehead against his as you stood on the tips of your toes to meet his lips.
“Marry me Y/n, marry me.” It was a question you didn't need to ponder or consider saying anything but yes to immediately. Watching as Bradley dropped down to one knee before you. Following him down. “I love you so much and I just–Ican't stand the thought of not having you in my life for whatever time I have here.” It was the honest truth of the matter. “And I want you all to myself, as my wife, my best friend.
“Yes.” It was all you said before you crashed into him. Your arms wrapping around his neck as you both fell to the floor, rooster on his back in the mess of water as you fell atop him. Melting together as your tongues danced and hands roamed. “I love you so much more.”
“Do we have a deal?” Your voice brought Rooster back into the room. His eyes trained on you as you kept your hands up and your eyes on bob. He looked like he was keeping it together. But you knew from experience the second he was let go he could react in all kinds of ways. You'd seen it all. “I said do we have a deal?” You weren't in the mood for this, to play silly games with peoples lives. “Bodmin!”
“Yes yes we have a deal!” He shouted. Accepting your proposal for a trade off. your self for Bob. Slowly making your way over to him, you took Bob's hand in yours. He was shaking something chronic. He’d been in situations where life and death seemed not too far apart but this? He’d never be able to forget the feeling of having his life threatened by another person.
“Floyd?” You said Bob’s last name allowed, committing the name that was proudly displayed on his name badge to memory. “Got a first name?” You vaguely remembered, it was something that started with a B. Bradley had mentioned so many people it was hard to keep track sometimes.
“Bob–” huh, You finally had a face to go with the stories Bradley had told you late at night in the kitchen. One in particular coming to mind, the bird strike. “Robert.”
“Well Bob, today's your lucky day.” You were sure to take your time as the man released Bob from his grasp, pulling Bob towards you step by step. “If you call being held hostage lucky–”
“You don't have to do this, you know.” Bob whispered as you turned around, it was now you who had your back to Bodmin. With a gentle smile you let his hands drop. The barrel of the gun that had once been held to Bob’s temple now pressing against the small of your back. “You don't have to risk your life for me–”
“It's kinda my job.” That was all you really had time to say before you were being marched towards the front door of the Hard Deck. Rooster sent DiNozzo a look as if to ask what the hell was he doing just letting you play self sacrificing damsel. DiNozzo just shrugged, his gun still drawn and locked onto Bodmin's back from across the room. “How do you wanna do this Dan? You gonna shoot a lady in the back? You know thats considered murder right?” It was now that you were getting Daniel right where you needed him to be that you started playing mind games. “If you’re already going down for the murder of Avery you may as well go two for two right?” DiNozzo could hear everything you were saying through his ear piece. When he got the chance? He was gonna slap the god damn shit out of the back of your head for being so undeniably reckless. “You killed him for the money didn't you? You just didn't know where he’d stashed it. So you panicked.”
“What happened to innocent until proven guilty huh?”
“You held a gun to a naval aviator's head–you’re as good as done.”
“Shut up before I put a goddamn bullet in you–” Shoving you out the front door was probably the dumbest thing Daniel Bodmin could have done. Because as you stepped out onto the front deck of the Hard Deck bar? A few dozen of your agents had him surrounded. Within milliseconds.
Bradley's heart fell out his arse when he heard a single gunshot come from outside. Shouting from all over the place ensued as he ran to where he’d last seen you, right out the front door.
“Y/n!!” He was expecting the worst, to see you lying on the ground with a bullet between your eyes. But that's not what he saw. Far from it actually. Special Agent DiNozzo was hot on Rooster's tail. Fuck. This couldn't be happening, this was meant to be a routine god damn op.
To both men's surprise, you had your knee pressed into Daniel Bodmin's back. He was face down on the deck with his hands cuffed behind his back, his gun discarded. Looking up at Rooster with a smirk evident on your face as Daniel squired under the pressure you were forcing him down with.
“Hi fellas.” You beamed like nothing unorthodox had just taken place. “DiNozzo, what the hell took you so long man–?”
“I was trying to listen to what everyone on comms was saying but it got all jumbled.” DiNozzo explained as he holstered his gun. Leaning down to take over the apprehension of Daniel Bodmin. “All I heard was gett him outside then you started going all awol of me like some suicidal maniac.” Pulling the now detained suspect to his feet. “When we get back to Quantico you best believe Gibbs is gonna be pissed.”
“When is he ever not?” You replied with a sigh. Turning your attention to Rooster who stood off to the side. The entire squad looking out the windows, peeping eyes looking over the windowsills to catch a glimpse of the action happening outside. This had been the most exhilarating situation the Hard Deck Bar had ever seen. Penny swore she was about ready to sell the damn place. “I'm sorry I threatened to arrest you, you know I wou–” before you could finish your sentence Bradley’s hands were clasping your cheeks. Pulling you against him as he kissed you with so much love and admiration you could taste it.
“I’ve never been so fucking worried about you—“ Roosted kissed you deeper this time, he knew what he was playing at as well. The whole ‘let me kiss her so she can’t speak’ shtick. Only pulling away with enough time so he could. “You’ve told me this stuff seems so normal to you but I want you to know it’s not—it’s beyond dangerous and I can't believe how easily you put down your weapon.” Rooster was projecting his own insecurities about your job onto you. Placing your hand over your lips as he came back to kiss you. Colliding with your open palm.
“You have a medallion sitting over our fireplace because you defied direct orders and single handedly flew into enemy territory knowing damn well you didn't have the ammunition to fight back–all to save the lives of others.” Yep. You had him with that one. “What is the difference here? Spot it and I'll give you five bucks Bradshaw–” Rooster just pulled you into his chest. His arms wrapping around your shoulders, his chin resting on the top of your head. Looking out as the sun set lower and slower on the horizon.
“I guess there isn't much in it.”
Twenty minutes. That how much time had passed since Rooster saw you held at gun point, since he saw Bob held at gunpoint. It was standard protocol, you had Bob sitting at a nearby picnic table outside of the Hard Deck taking a witness statement.
“And you’re sure you’re alright? You don’t feel like you need to get checked out or anything?” You had your windbreaker one. The dark blue oversized jacket that proudly displayed NCIS on the back.
“No ma’am, thanks to you I’m in one peice.” You smiled softly at him, honestly you were just doing your job. “I didn’t know Rooster had a fiancée—“ You closed your little notepad before pocketing it in the back of your jean pocket. “Wish we’d met under different circumstances.”
“It is a little unorthodox isn’t it.” You chuckled, tapping Bob in the shoulder before making your way over to Rooster. He’d been watching you like a Hawk as you did your thing. Told people where to go and who to talk to, lead the investigation as NCIS agents went in and out of the Hard Deck. Talking to other witnesses for as many recollections as possible to aid the prosecution. “I’m thinking of staying until Tuesday if you feel like some company?” You mentioned as you approached Bradley, he stool with his arms crossed over his chest. Just admiring you from a far. He never really got the chance to watch you work. “If not I can always get a room at the motel down the road.”
“Well I usually don’t bring in strays—“ Taunting you as you bumped your hip against your finance’s playfully, your tongue sticking out against the inner part of your cheek as his smart ass comment. “But I’m sure I can make an exception.” You and Bradley had spoken a few times about the possibility of maybe buying a house in Freightertown now that he was there on more of a permanent basis. You’d keep the rental in Washington for convenience—but the idea would eventually see you come to San Diago as well. “You can’t get mad about the dishes piled as high as Everest in the sink though.”
“I’m not gonna say a word—“ Rooster swore he saw your nose grow an inch longer. He knew you’d say something about the mess, he’d let it get a little out of hand this week. He’d been starting early and finishing late—leaving little time for upkeep on the day to day basics.
“Agent Gibbs?” One of your Agents approached you followed by two men you’d never seen before in your life. “This is officer Radavic and Wilcox—NSA.”
“What’s NSA want with our case?” You questioned and the men showed you their badges and credentials. Rooster didn’t know if he should leave or stay. Choosing to stay as you crossed your arms across your chest.
“Daniel Bodmin was a foreign national with information considered a threat to the United States of America.” You couldn't believe what you were hearing. This entire case had been blown way out of the realm of what you originally thought it to be. “We figured we’d jump in, take things off your hands.” With a scoff and a small laugh you shook your head. Kicking your heel in the rough gravel underneath your shoe.
“This case is NCIS jurisdiction–regardless if Bodmin is of interest to NSA—“ Something was off, way off. If NSA was interested they would have made contact way before now. And they’d use the proper channels to do so, not just show up in Miramar unannounced. Perhaps you were too much like your father, or maybe you just didn’t believe the story from the get go.
“Well, I personally believe it would be in the best interest of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service to work with us, after all? We are on the same side.” Yeah, no. There was something incredibly off about these two. “Have you been able to find anything on–” Before the supposed NSA  Agent had the chance to finish his sentence you were sending your shine directly between his legs. Pulling his shoulders forward into you as you did so. Immediately he went down like a sack of shit, groaning as his partner went at Rooster. Not knowing he wasn't NCIS.
“Hey woah what the–!” Rooster was pretty quick on the draw, you'd give your soon to be husband that. He didn't need your help when it came to defending himself. His knuckles would surely be bruised up slightly after he was done and the other agent was on the ground. “What are you doing! You heard the guy? You're on the same team?” Roosters eyes were as wide as saucers as he turned back to you, fixing his shirt after having laid the other agent on his ass. Unconscious.
“Im pretty sure he's not NSA–” Bending over to retrieve both their weapons as a few agents rushed to the scene. Taking them into custody.
“Pretty sure!?” Bradley shouted through gritted teeth. “Because you teed off on him like you were kicking a field goal!”
“Rooster, I've got a hunch they're working with Bodmin alright, they might be foreign oppritives—just slow your roll there.” Trying to calm your fiancé down as you dusted him off. Sand everywhere.
“Oh my gosh! Y/n, sweetheart, baby girl no you don't just kick a guy in the junk on a hunch–“ Rooster groaned as he held his stomach. “Gees, sometimes I don't even know you, who does that?” You shrugged it off with a chuckle, intertwining your arm with Roosters as yiu walked back into the Hard Deck—all eyes on you as you looked up. A good set of twelve eyes all locked onto you. “Uh, I think this might be a good time to introduce you to my colleagues here.” Rooster mumbled as he kissed the top of your head. Nodding in response you waved at everyone who just stood stunned, still processing what had happened earlier.
“You must be colleagues huh?”
“So how’d you know they were bogus?” You’d all been sitting around the pool table. You’d noticed pretty quickly just how close Bob had stayed to the side of the women who’d come racing to the Hard Deck not ten minutes after you’d placed Bodmin under arrest. When Bradley had introduced you she’d pulled you in for a hug, said thank you for saving Bob's life and told you her name was Nat.
“Theyre accents–” You replied to Coyote who just shook his head in disbelief. God you were cool. How on earth did Rooster manage to find a girl like you?
“Nope, they didn't have accents.” Rooster saw how everyone was looking at you like you were the coolest person they’d ever encountered. Flying high he decided to shoot you down for his own enjoyment. Bring you back down to earth where he and the commoners lived. Standing between Bradley legs as he sat on one of the barstools with your back against his chest. You turned as his arms came down from their home on your shoulders. His hands lingering on your hips.
“Rooster, sweetheart, baby boy.” You teased, knowing exactly what he was doing. “Do you know the difference between French open syllabic organisation and English archaic speech patterning?” Giving him a taste of his own medicine. He didn’t respond—simply smirking as he took a sip of his beer. Eyes never leaving yours. Fucking smart arse.
“What that old chestnut?” Hangman mumbled as he smirked into the beer bottle he held to his lips. The whole crew minus Bob were indulging in a few too many alcoholic beverages. “Nah, what the hell even is that?” Fuck—Rooster could count his lucky stars with you that was for damn sure. “They probably have some diplomatic unity or some bullshit.”
“That's exactly why we threw em in county.” A familiar voice entered the chat. “They’ll be lucky to even get a phone call by christmas. '' DiNozzo snickered as he picked up a handful of the peanuts sitting in a bowl on the edge of the pool table. Looking at him so disappointed and puzzled as to where he’d gone this whole time– He shot you a questioning look back. “What? What's that look for?”
“Where the hell have you been—?” It was a legitimate question you wanted an answer to. DiNozzo just frowned as he took the handful of nuts into his mouth.
“Escorting our perp into county, why? what did I miss?” Looking around, no one wanted to give him an answer. “I'm pretty sure we’re good here don't you think? Besides, I’m gonna head back to the motel and get a good rest in before giving our two NSA impersonators the old razzle dazzle tomorrow–” Bradley chuckled to himself as you lent back to him. His chin resting on your shoulder.
“Just don't let Agent Bradshaw here interrogate them.” You would soon have to get used to that. Special Agent Bradshaw. It sounded funny but in the best of ways. Like a new house. Sure it felt foregin at first but soon it would become a home. Rolling your eyes as you sighed dramatically.
“Why is that?” DiNozzo questioned with squinted eyes. “What did you do–?”
“She kicked one of the guys right in the non day plumes!” Bradley scoffed over your shoulder, feeling you pull away in defeat as you stood with your arms crossed, sending him a glare– telling him to get over it already. God you loved him. So much.
“No–” Anthony played into it. Holding his hands together to cover his crotch. “She didn’t–”
“Yep–Guy didn't even have his weapon out.” You couldn't believe how big of a deal Bradley was making out of this.
“Really!?” DiNozzo was flabbergasted. “Gibbs, that's just outright assault.” You didn't know who to stare at more, Anthony or Bradley as the group watched on with laughter and smirks.
“Mmhmm, right in the cul de sac, kicked him so hard it gave me a stomach ache.” Okay this was getting out of hand.
“So what!” Throwing your hands up in defeat. “Would it have been better if I pistol whipped him across the face?”
“YES!!” Every single man you stood with said allowed in unison. You couldn't believe it. Even Natasha rollered her eyes.
“I'd rather be held at gun point–” Bob pipped up as Phoenix softly slapped him in the chest with the back of her hand. The group couldn't help but to laugh, settling in soon after into their own conversations as you said bye to DiNozzo and turned all of your attention back to Rooster.
“You done?” Questioning his childishness you glared at him yet again with a soft smirk. “Or should I get that hotel room after all?”
“Oh No–” Bradley Bradshaw had never jumped from his seat so fast in his life. Finishing his beer as he did so. “No you're coming home with me.” kissing your cheek as he whispered in your ear. “I specifically remember you mentioning handcuffs and I don't know about you but I'm keen to play cops and robbers.”
Would you like to read more of NCIS Bradley? The series Masterlist is linked here
Tags: @auroraboreallisfine @tigerfan24 @atarmychick007
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NCIS! AU For Top Gun Maverick?
NCIS was my first fandom, I probably should not have been watching it at 8 years old, and I think it could be an interesting AU setting for TGM.
What do y'all think? The Daggers solving Navy crimes and being involved with workplace shenanigans?
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that1nerd-20 · 6 days
Hey yall, I need some help. So hopefully in about 2 years I'll be able to get a puppy. My dad (who I still live with, sad I know) wants to wait because right now we're not ready for another dog. (We currently have a dog, the cat further down in my blog is my mom's cat, if it's still there) he also won't let me if our current dog isn't doing good at that time. But anyways I'm thinking about getting a chocolate lab puppy. I know for sure I'm getting a lab but I want to get a chocolate one. I've picked out some names already because I like doing that. I want some help thinking of more names. I tagged a bunch of Fandoms so hopefully I can get some nerdy names but I also want hilarious names!
Our current list: favorites of each category are in purple, eliminated are crossed
The "love" ones: Bucky (Marvel), Boone (Twisters), Coffee Beans or Beans (nickname(nn)), Butter, Captain Wigglebutt or Wiggles (nn), Meatball, Moose, Godzilla, Bandit, Bruno, Guinness, Diesel, Sparrow, Milo, Baloo (Jungle Book), Perceus or Percy/Perc (Percy Jackson), Winston (after a horse i used to ride), Balto (Balto), Bowser (Mario)
The "really liked" ones: Rocket (Marvel), Rooster (Top Gun), Jensen (the Actor), Potato, Brownie, Caesar, Scooter, Reuben or Roo, Cappuccino or Cap, Angus or Gus (Disney's Brave), Dakota or Kota, Hawk, Drogo (GOT)
The "liked" ones: Bruce (Harley Quinn), Tyler (Twisters), Raleigh (Pacific rim), Walter or Wally, Mudflap, Otis (Chicago Fire), Simon or Si (cod ig), Tango, Halo, Wedge, Equinox or Quin/Nox, Pluto (the planet)
The "not my favorite but they're good names" ones: Maverick (Top Gun), Logan (Xmen)
So please, message me, reblog this, comment what ever, tell me some good names whether they be Fandom related, just down right funny, or both. One thing, try to keep a little bit to the theme of him being a chocolate lab and a male. Like coffee beans because they're brown and I think Beans would be a hilarious names. If the name has a nickname please tell me that too. Thank you everyone!!!
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novastories · 11 months
Title and chapter loosely inspired the song “Flashlight” by Hailee Steinfield.
Summary: Sometimes, family and friends are the people you look for even in the darkest times.
Warnings: Mentions of previous incident
Word Count: 3.3k
I'm so sorry it took so long, I wasn't planning on a break, but because of my new job I've been busy. And I've been going through some things.
This story is almost finished, but I do plan on continuing Bradley and Aurora's story after this! Thank you so much for your support, for sticking by this story, and loving it as much as I do. 💜
Shoutout to @reginleight for editing this chapter, espeically now that she is also a working gal now. 😘
As always, likes are great and all, but comments, reblogs, and feedback are highly appreciated and loved! 🤭
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Aurora still hadn’t woken up. It had been three days since the bombing and she still was deep in her coma. The doctors said that her wounds had healed properly and that she should be waking up soon, but nothing had happened since.
She was transferred to a room out of the ICU since she wasn’t in critical condition anymore. All they were waiting for was for her to wake up.
The training for the mission had been postponed, especially since Maverick wasn’t in the right state of mind to train them as well as giving Coyote, Bob, and Phoenix a few days to rest.
Speaking of the rest of the squadron, they all had dropped by at least once a day to check in on Aurora, as well as Bradley and Peyton who spent most of their days at the hospital never wanting to leave her side.
Aurora’s NCIS team unfortunately had left to go back to DC, but not before exchanging numbers with the family so they would still receive updates on her condition. Ziva left the charm bracelet with Bradley, just as Aurora wanted.
He shed a few tears when receiving it because that had meant Aurora still thought of him even in her probably final moments. It broke his heart.
Today was the first day Maverick would be going back to base to talk to the Admirals, and training would be starting back up the next day.
At least, that’s what they had thought.
“What do you mean they took you off the mission?” Penny nearly shrieked at hearing the news. 
Penny and Maverick were in Aurora’s hospital room. Peyton, Amelia, and Bradley had left to go home for a bit while Carole and Goose left to bring dinner to Penny and Maverick.
“It means I’m done, Penny. Officially. There’s nothing I can do!” Maverick sighs as he sits in his chair.
“But, what about Ice-”
“There’s nothing Ice can do.”
“So, what? You’re just going to give up?”
“What else can I do, Pen?”
“You fight! If you had lost your wingman, you’d keep fighting. Just like when Goose left.”
“If anything happens to them, you’d never forgive yourself. You know that.”
Maverick exhales. “I don’t know how to fight anymore Pen. They told me that I should take this time to be with Aurora. Maybe the admirals are right.”
“You and I both know that they’re not. Aurora would hate that you just gave up!”
“She’s right.”
Penny and Maverick quickly turn to the bed that Aurora laid in, which was a sight they were used to.
Except this time, her eyes were open.
“Oh, Rory!” Penny exclaims, rushing to hug her daughter. Aurora grunts from the hug, as Maverick rushes to press the call button for a nurse.
Aurora coughs a bit before Penny hands her a cup of water that was on the table next to her. After taking a chug of her water, Penny gave her another big hug.
Soon, all the emotions hit Aurora and she began to cry.
“I’m so sorry mom, I’m sorry I-”
“Shhh, sweetie, it’s okay, you’re safe now. It’s okay,” Penny assures her. Maverick stood on the other side of Aurora so he could hold her hand.
“We were so worried, Rory, but when we heard what you did, we couldn’t be more proud of what you had done,” Maverick tearfully told her as he brushed her hair out of her face. “It was stupid, but we’re just glad you’re okay.”
Aurora’s eyes bore into her dad’s as it filled with tears. “I fought, dad, just like you wanted me to.”
“I know, princess, I know.”
Aurora took a few seconds before asking him the question that hit him hard. “So why aren’t you fighting to go back?”
Maverick breath hitches. “B–Because maybe it’s time to turn in the wings, Ro. I’m getting old, and I should be spending more time with you.”
“Screw what the admirals say!”
“Rory, language,” Penny warns her daughter.
“You have to keep fighting, because if you give up, you won’t forgive yourself for what happens on that mission. We’re Mitchell’s, it’s in our blood. We keep fighting, no matter what,” Aurora affirms. 
Penny chuckles before kissing her daughter’s forehead. Maverick smiles, softly.
“I don’t even know what to do.”
“You’ll find a way, you always do,” Aurora smiles before she squeezes her dad’s hand. “Most likely, something illegal, but you’ll find a way.”
“Aurora Benjamin-Mitchell, don’t encourage your father!” Penny exclaims.
“Oh, please! I bet you he’s already thinking about it! It’s not like I told him to bomb the base or steal a plane!”
“Bomb jokes, really? This soon?” Penny gives her a worried look.
“Then you don’t want to hear any of the jokes Tony and I make when we’re on the field. We got head slaps from Gibbs so many times. I can feel one right now, it’s like Gibbs can tell I made a stupid joke,” Aurora winces, putting her hand on the back of her head as if Gibbs had just head slapped her. Penny rolls her eyes, as Maverick chuckles.
Soon a nurse comes by to take Aurora’s vitals, while Penny and Maverick leave so Aurora can have a bit of space. Penny rushes out to give Sarah a phone call, as Maverick calls Gibbs and the team about her being awake.
A few seconds after the call ended, Peyton, Amelia, and Bradley burst through the double swing doors that were used to enter the wing Aurora was staying at. Bradley was clutching a bouquet of flowers Maverick knew was meant for Aurora, as he liked to replace the flowers every day so Aurora would “wake up with a fresh bouquet” according to him.
Today, the flowers he had in his hand were pink carnations and white roses, symbolizing love and appreciation.
“S-she’s awake? The receptionist, they s-said, h-hold on, give me a second to breathe, I haven’t ran in s-so long,” Peyton bends over panting from running.
“Dude, we just ran from the front desk, which was not even that far,” Amelia gave him a deadpan look. Peyton ignores her and just keeps puffing out air.
“She’s awake?” Bradley looked hopeful at Maverick. Maverick smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, but right now she’s getting checked up on by the nurse, so we’ll wait until she’s done with the assessment. Wait, where’s Goose and Carole?”
“Here!” Goose bursts in dramatically through the double swing doors, holding a bag of takeout in his hands and almost hitting a nurse from the force of it, with Carole shaking her head behind him.
“Goose, careful!” Carole scolds him.
“It’s fine honey, if someone gets hurt, it’s all good because we’re already at a hospital!”
Carole sighs before turning to Maverick.
“We heard what happened. They pulled you out of the mission?”
“Wait, what?!” The trio of children exclaim at the news.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to figure it out,” Maverick reassures them.
The nurse soon walks out of Aurora’s room, saying that they were able to all visit her now. Everyone piled in, with Amelia and Peyton leading the group in, and were the first to hug Aurora.
Amelia and Peyton start tearing up, while Aurora holds them tightly.
To occupy himself, Bradley put the flowers he had in his hand in an empty vase that sat next to Aurora’s hospital bed side, as he already took the older flowers and left them at their house.
The dining table was filled with an older bouquet of flowers that Bradley had gotten for Aurora every day. Peyton complained when he started doing it because he kept sneezing from the amount of flowers, but he stopped complaining after day two. 
Carole and Goose were the next ones to hug Aurora next, Carole telling her how worried she was, while Goose kept trying to get Carole to stop nagging her. Aurora soon laid eyes on Bradley, and she started tearing up.
Bradley took that as a sign to rush to his best friend’s side and hug her tightly.
“I’m sorry, B. I’m so sorry,” Aurora whispered.
“Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe now,” he shushes her, as he combs his hands through her hair. She sniffles and they separate from the hug.
“You gave us quite a big scare there little star,” Goose sniffles as he and Carole come to Aurora’s side.
“Sorry, Uncle Goose,” Aurora cringes, knowing she had worried her family and friends.
“We’re just glad you’re alright,” Carole assures her, brushing some of Aurora’s hair back in a motherly gesture.
“Your team had to leave, but I gave them a call and they’re all happy that you’re doing okay and awake,” Maverick told her.
“And,” Amelia spoke up. “They told us about the case.”
Aurora looks at her confused. “What case?”
“You know…the case about…your scars,” Peyton hesitantly tells her. Aurora pales at that and almost starts going into a panic attack if Bradley didn’t rush to hold her hand.
“Hey, hey, you’re alright. No one’s going to hurt you now,” he assures her. Aurora hesitantly looks up into Bradley’s eyes, her eyes filled with tears.
“You all know?”
“We all know now.”
Aurora’s lips quiver thinking back to that case, where she barely had escaped with her life if it wasn’t for her team finding her and saving her.
Amelia and Peyton rushed to Aurora’s side, not only to comfort their sister, but to let her know that they were always by her side. Aurora cries and keeps whispering ‘I’m sorry’ to them, to which they kept telling her it wasn’t her fault.
Aurora was awake, and physically okay. The demons of her past haunt her on her darkest days, but with her family by her side, she was going to be okay. Because they were her light in the dark of everything, her flashlight when she’s lost.
It was about two days since Aurora woke up and right now, she was sitting alone in her hospital room. She was to be discharged soon, and she was grateful for it.
The doctor told her that she just needed a few days of bed rest, and that she should be okay, after they took a few vitals and scans of her. She had a few visitors after she woke up, one of them being Lucille.
“I can’t believe you almost got blown to pieces!” Lucille first said when she stepped into Aurora’s room before launching into a hug.
“Luci, I can’t breathe. Too tight,” was all Aurora could breath out when Lucille latched onto her.
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry,” Lucille lets her go before sitting next to her.
“Besides, it’s not like I could have stood there and done nothing. I had to save the hostages,” Aurora adds.
“And yet, you almost got blown up in the process. I know your job is dangerous, and you probably had gone through worse, but I really thought I lost you RoRo,” Lucille leans on Aurora’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry I scared you, Luci. I promise, you’re not losing me anytime soon.”
“Good, because you owe me donuts for what you put me through.”
Aurora chuckles, before also leaning on Lucille. “Deal.”
And when she didn’t have any visitors, she was able to video call Gibbs and the team.
“We’re so glad you’re doing alright!” Abby exclaims as she smiles at Aurora. 
The team had video called her from the NCIS HQ bullpen, and Aurora stares wistfully at the background, missing her old office space.
“Did you hear about the award ceremony that’s going to be happening in a few months?” McGee asks Aurora. Aurora looks at him confused.
“Award ceremony?”
“Director Vance is awarding you the Navy Distinguished Civilian Service Award for your service at NCIS as well as the actions during the bombing case.”
Aurora stares at them. “What?”
“You saved a lot of Navy dependents, plus your work at NCIS. Director wanted to-”
“But I couldn’t save Adam Lewis,” Aurora interrupts. She couldn’t save him, she didn’t believe she should earn an award.
“Artemis, there’s nothing you could have done. He entered that coffee shop knowing his end game was to kill himself,” Ziva assures her. 
“I still could have done something.” Aurora whispers, as a tear falls down her cheek.
“Rule #11.” Gibbs reminds her.
“Gibbs,” Aurora pleads.
Aurora bites the inside of her cheek before answering him, “‘When the job is done, walk away.’”
“We’re all glad you’re doing alright kiddo, but you need to walk away from the case. It’s done, it’s closed. You need to focus on yourself now.”
Aurora sighs, before nodding about what he said. Abby and Ziva soon start gossiping about what she had missed, with McGee and Tony joining in as Gibbs leaves them to chat.
She had another visitor that she was expecting, which was Jake Seresin.
“I was so worried. You scared us all half to death,” Jake ruffled her hair, and sat down next to her. Aurora had full mobility of everything, so she sat upright in her hospital bed.
“It wasn’t like that was my intention. I had to do my job.”
“Well, your job sucks.”
“My job also happened to save your life, remember?”
“Like you’ll ever let me forget.”
A lull hits in their conversation before Aurora speaks up.
“Have you talked to Peyton?”
Jake shakes his head. “Not really. I think he’s a bit mad at me for knowing about what happened to you and your PTSD before even he did.”
“He’ll get over it. I’m talking about you and him.
“There is no us, Rory. he’s made that very clear.”
“No, what he’s made clear is that he doesn’t want to go through heartbreak again if you’re just going to leave him how you always leave your wingman, hanging,” Aurora insists.
“Jake, I nearly died. Life is too precious to waste, if you love him, what’s holding you back?”
“I-I don’t want to hurt him.”
“You’re hurting him now by not saying anything. What happens when you both go on the mission? What happens if you don't come back? You really want the last words you ever said to him to be something in passing?”
Jake looked at Aurora. This mission was already something he was nervous for, and now that Maverick was taken off as instructor, the parameters of the mission, although possible, probably would not work if they didn’t stick to the ones Maverick had set for them. They needed Maverick, whether the Admirals liked it or not.
“Just tell him, Jake. It would do you both a lot of good. And maybe he’d stop complaining so much about you,” Aurora snickers.
“We’ll see Ro,” was all Jake could promise her. “Maybe I’ll talk to him after the mission, or maybe even when they tell us who’s flying the mission. I guess we’ll just have to see.”
“When do they decide who’s flying the mission?” 
“In 2 days, the day before we leave.”
It was already the next day, which means they will be deciding who flies the mission tomorrow, making Aurora feel even antsier.
From what Maverick had told her, he was going to try and win back his place at Top Gun today, but what was the plan? She had no idea. 
Soon she heard running in the hallway and they stopped at her doorway, it was Peyton and Amelia.
“Dad stole an F-18!” Peyton exclaims as he catches his breath.
“You should have seen him, Ro! He flew through the course like it was a breeze! It was so awesome!”
“Wait, can you go back to the part where he stole an F-18?!”
“Well, not stole, per-se. More like borrowed to prove to the admirals that they couldn’t just kick him off the mission.”
“And now he's the team leader!” Amelia exclaims as she sat next to Aurora in the hospital bed.
Aurora’s jaw dropped.”What?!”
Peyton smirks. “My reaction too.”
“I was joking about him stealing an aircraft, but I didn’t know he’d actually do it,” Aurora shook her head, chuckling. Then she realizes her parents were nowhere to be seen.
“So wait, where’s dad now?”
“With mom. They wanted some ‘alone’ time together, as if we don’t know what that means,” Amelia tells her, making air quotes on the words alone.
Peyton and Aurora grimace at the thought of what Amelia was insinuating. But soon Aurora smiles.
“Mom and dad are together…again.”
“We all knew it was going to happen eventually,” Amelia smirks.
“Yeah, but now, it’s real. Like something about right now feels like it’s going to be “it” this time, you know?”
Peyton nods. “Yeah, I’m glad they finally came to their senses.”
“Which means, since dad or mom isn’t here, we are in charge of getting you home.”
Aurora pales. “Uh, I don’t know if I like that.”
“Oh c’mon, we’ll get some tacos on the way home and Amelia can sleepover!” Peyton assures her.
“Okay, that does sound good.”
“And, we can even let Amelia drive!”
“Yeah!” “No!”
Amelia looked sad as her sister shot down the idea.
“But, I need practice,” Amelia whines.
“Ami, when you get your permit, and when I’m not coming from the hospital, you can drive. But for now, we’re going to have to suffer through Pey’s driving.”
“What’s wrong with my driving?!”
“Let’s just say, I’m so glad you didn’t become a pilot with your driving skills, you would be a danger in the skies.”
Peyton scoffs before looking to Amelia for support, but she nods along at Aurora’s statement.
He rolls his eyes before he goes to sign the papers releasing Aurora while Amelia helped her sister get her things together as there were quite a few things people had sent and brought Aurora while she was in the hospital.
Aurora pauses packing staring at today’s bouquet of flowers, provided by Bradley of course. Today they were pink and red roses. She smiled as she touched the delicate petals.
Pink and red, colors that symbolized both Aurora and Bradley, Aurora being pink, and Bradley being red, which also suited him since they were also his helmet colors. She also knew it symbolized love and affection.
“Bradley got so many bouquets of flowers, they’re all waiting for you at home. He didn’t throw any out and he would bring a fresh one every day he came to visit. All meticulously picked out by him,” Amelia interrupts her thoughts as Aurora looks over to her sister who was smiling at her.
“He was really worried about you, Rory.” Amelia continues. “I mean, we all were, but Bradley was distraught. Your boss had to give him a talking to. I don’t think I ever saw Bradley that terrified and scared, even when Auntie Carole got cancer. He truly loves you.”
“I know,” Aurora gives her a small smile before turning back to the bouquet of flowers.
“So, what’s holding you back now? I mean, you should tell him. I overheard what you and Jake were talking about. It seems like it’s time for you to take your own advice. Before it’s too late.”
Aurora stares out the window. “You’re right, Ames.”
Her being in a coma definitely changed everything for her. It made her think about what she could have lost if something did happen to her. She didn’t want to live her life full of regrets anymore. She was ready to leave her past behind.
She was ready to move on and tell Bradley everything.
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Disclaimer: This story is fictitious. All works are written by me and only posted here. Please do not copy, repost, or plagiarize on any other platform without my permission!
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TopGun Soulmate AU
Fates aligned with the help of an M-16
Chapter 1 A little bit of backstory
This is the story of how my whole world got turned upside down. And things happened that I never thought would happen. Anyway, My name is Kaley Leroy-Jethro Gibbs. But most people just call me K for LJ, except my dad who calls me his Sunflower. My mom and my twin sister were killed in a car accident when I was 9. And I got severely injured and was in a coma for 6 months. All of this happen while my dad was overseas fighting in a ‘Desert Storm’. You see my dad is a sniper for the Marines, well Technically after everything that happened with my mom, Kelly my twin, and myself he was honorably discharged, but Once a Marine Always a Marine. But will get into that later. Anyway after my dad got back we moved to Norfolk, Virginia, he became an N.C.I.S (Naval Criminal Investigative Services) agent which was just now getting started it wasn’t that big of a federal organization yet but it was still the best thing he could have ever asked for.
About 6 months after we moved to Norfolk I started 4th Grade which was normal for me I guess I mean I grew up moving from base to base so that means changing schools a lot but it was weird this time back because I didn’t have my twin there anymore. talk about a hard change. Anyway long story short I made 2 new friends that day that would later turn into my best friends. Natasha Trace and Callie Bassett, or as my dad and I loved to call them FireBird, and Angel, or as the U.S. Navy calls them ‘Phoenix’ and ‘Halo’. Know there are both Navel Aviators and I’m an N.C.I.S agent like my dad. I work on my dad’s team alongside agents Tony DiNozzo, Timothy ‘Tim’ Mcgee, and Ziva David our team’s M.E. Donald 'Ducky’ Mallard, and his assistant Jimmy Plamer, and our Forensic Scientist Abigail 'Abby’ Sciuto, my dads the leader of the crazy little team that is really more like a family. Who totally put the fun in dysfunctional. Then there’s the director and my dad’s boss Leon Vance who I see more as a grandpa than I do a boss which is why most of the time I just call him Pops. At first, he wasn’t a big fan of my chosen term of endearment but he has grown to love it.
In my world when you turn 16 the name of your soulmate appears somewhere on your body. Most people only get one, But some get two. Which is rare but still more common than most might think. Then there are the unbelievably rare three names which means three soulmates. Most of my family or the people in my life that I consider my chosen family. Have one but there are a few who have 2 and they have already met them. Which is amazing and I’m extremely happy for them. But for someone like me who has three and still hasn’t might any of them it kind of hard to see everyone who is important to me be happy. When I can’t seem to find my happily ever after.
When my names appeared as well as my two best friends we all agreed to not tell each other who they were until we found them. Why, I can’t remember then we had a reason it’s just been so long we can’t remember it. My dads was my mom even throw he has been married three more times since the accident none of them worked out. Zivas is Tony they refused to admit it for a while but there still each other forever. Tim, Abby, and Jimmy haven’t found there’s yet. Ducky sadly doesn’t have one but is still unbelievably happy he’s our Ducky. Now Nat and Callie both have two they meet both of there’s when they went to the academy. Nat’s are both Navel Aviators Reuben 'Payback’ Fitch and Mickey 'Fanboy’ Garcia. Callie’s are both also Navel Aviators Billy 'Fritz’ Avalone, and Neil 'Omaha’ Vikander. I have never met any of them but I have heard a lot about them. Between phone calls, Facetime, Emails, and plain old handwritten letters. The three of us stay pretty much in constant contact. Or at least we try to when they are serving on carriers in the middle of some ocean it gets a little bit harder. But we try our best.
Anyway like I said, I’ve got three Soulmates one name on each collar bone Bradley 'Rooster’ Bradshaw, Robert 'Bob’ Floyd, and one on the front of my left hip bone Jake 'Hangman’ Seresin. They all showed on the day I turned 16 all three names burned into my skin at the same time. Nat and Callie were surprised I didn’t blackout from the pain, but after the accident, I got a crazy high pain tolerance. My dad was a little taken aback because it meant that one day he was going to have to give his little girl away to three different men, not something any father wants to think about.  
Anyway, back to now I’ve just got out of a meeting in Pops office. He came down earlier to tell the team about a case, But told me to stay and that they would handle this one without me. Of course, I was confused but now I couldn’t be happier. Pops read me in on the fact the N.C.I.S was working on putting new offices or more like H.Q.’s along the coastlines of the country. Because they currently only have four one in Norfolk, New Orleans, Los Angeles, And Oahu (Pearl Horbor) Hawai’i. But now they want to start a new team in San Diego working out of the Miramar base home to Top Gun. And Pops wants me to be the team leader which is something I have been wanting and working for my whole life so of course I said yes. Now I just have to figure out how to tell my Dad and the rest of my family that I am moving all the way to the other side of the country to California. I mean after I said yes Pop gave me the specifics and told me congrats but then started to cry saying how much he was going to miss having his first grandbaby around every day. This might be harder than I think.
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callsign-dexter · 3 months
Love's Second Chance 18+
Request: Ok girl.. I made the mistake and started top Gun to make the best out of my evening 😭 now I hope you're up for another Rooster idea hehe. You and him were inseparable since childhood but then lost contact after his issues with Mav (you're his adopted daughter). Then you visit Mav someday at the base, not knowing all pilots are there. So it happens you meet Bradley again, both being stunned about the other as some time had passed. First Jake takes his chance flirting with you but you can only focus on Bradley. He's more than happy to see you and invites you to the Bar with everyone where you hit it off and afterwards spend the night together. The next morning you're all cuddled up and he admits that he loved you since playground times and you get a happy ending ? Jeeez I'm sorry it's so long but my brain can't stop making ideas 😅
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Adopted!Mitchell!Reader, Maverick x Adopted!Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut, cursing
A/N: Thank @talesofreading for requesting this and also you and @imagine-all-the-fandoms need to prepare yourselves!
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San Diego, California. So warm compared to Quantico, Virginia. It's been a while since you had been in California and the last time it was not a great memory. The last time you were here you had a huge fight with your childhood best friend, you had just found out that your adopted dad, Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell, had pulled your best friend, Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw, papers to the Naval Academy. He blamed you and took his anger, not physically, out on you. That's also when you told him you were planning on going to college and straight to NCIS. You hadn't spoken to Bradley in months, almost years and it hurt you but that's the decision you made. He didn't try to contact you and neither did you but with your access with NCIS you kept tabs on his career and you were happy for him. The reason you were back in San Diego was because you had just finished a case that had you traveling there, normally you don't but it involved Navy personnel so it was required. You loved San Diego but you loved your NCIS family just a little more. “So, Y/N..” Tony DiNozzo started smirking and you turned to him.
“What?” You asked 
“Do you have anybody you're interested in?” He asked smirking and you knew what he was getting out. He always did this. 
“Not happening DiNozzo.” You said as you picked up your gear.
“I wasn't even suggesting that. Besides, we already slept together.” He said 
“You are always suggesting that. Also, that was one time and I didn't know you would be my partner.” You said and you glared at him.
“DiNozzo stop bothering Mitchell.” Jethro Gibbs said 
“What? I'm not!” Tony tried to argue.
“Yes, you were.” Timothy McGee said
“Shut it, Probie. I was not.” Tony said 
“Was he trying to get you to go out with him?” Ziva David asked and you nodded. “Tony.” She said, shaking her head.
“I was not!” Tony shrieked and you chuckled and then turned to Gibbs.
“Do you mind if I go see my dad? I haven't seen him in a while. He's on base.” You asked and Gibbs actually smiled and nodded.
“Of course. You come back whenever you're ready. Just say the word and I'll have a plane ticket for you.” He said and you smiled and nodded grateful for him. He had turned into a father figure for you. 
“Thank you.” You said and started to walk out of the building still clad in your NCIS gear. You got into the issued car to you and the team and headed to base. When you got there you gave them your ID and they immediately granted you access.
“Have a good day Special Agent Mitchell.” The guard said and you smiled.
“Thank you. You have a good day too.” You said and pulled through the gate when it was lifted. You drove through and got to the Top Gun building and smiled as you parked. You got out and heard jets taking off and landing and it smelt like jet fuel, you always loved the smell. You smelt it for the first on your father and your Uncle Goose and you fell in love with the smell. You walked into the building and saw all the pictures of your dad's Top Gun class. You smiled looking at them all and then you got to Thomas ‘Iceman’ Kazansky’s photo and you smile grew. 
“Well, isn't this a surprise.” A familiar voice sounded and your smile grew wider.
“Hi Uncle Ice.” You said as you turned around and saw him. He pulled you into a hug and you hugged him back.
“It's been a long time, Kid. How is NCIS treating you?” He asked and you smiled.
“Treating me well. We have an agent named Tony DiNozzo and he can be so annoying. He's a ladies’ man if that tells you anything.” You said chuckling and he nodded.
“Like your dad when he was younger.” Ice said and you chuckled smiling.
“Speaking of dad. Where is he?” You asked 
“He just got done teaching so he should be in his office or in the cafeteria. Want me to take you to him?” He asked and you pulled a face.
“I don't want to inconvenience you.” You said and he chuckled and shook his head.
“Nonsense. Come on.” He said ushering you and you followed.
“So, he's actually sticking with teaching?” You asked and he chuckled.
“He is. He loves it. The last round of pilots put him through his paces. Bradley is here.” He said and you grew quiet.
“Oh.” You said and he took notice.
“They made up you know?” Ice asked
“They did?” You asked and he nodded.
“After they both went down and got saved by Hangman. They made up.” He said
“Hold up. Dad didn't tell me about him being shot down or anything.” You said slightly angry.
“Well, it was top secret mission. Nobody was supposed to know.” Ice said
“Well, I guess I could've looked it up.” You said and he chuckled as you both walked into the cafeteria.
“There she is.” He said side hugging you. “Ahh there is your dad. Well, I leave you to it.” He said and kissed your temple and left. You took a deep breath and walked over to him, his back was turned and he was a little ways away from the pilots that you had yet to see.
“Are you supposed to be doing that?” You asked him and he was quick to turn around and his face was priceless. At first it was scared but then it was smiling.
“Y/N! Look at you!” He said loud enough for you and him to hear and he hugged you.
“Hi dad. Long time no see.” You said and he chuckled.
“It has been. Look at you. You must've made a name for yourself.” He chuckled as he pulled away. 
“It's been great.” You said “Everyone has been great. Tony and you would get along so well he's like a version of you when you were younger. He's hit on me several times and keeps doing it.” You said, chuckling, shaking your head “But he's a great agent and he's actually a good guy and saved my life several times.” You added.
“Saved your life?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yea…. That's a story for another time.” You said
“We'll talk about this later.” He said and you chuckled and nodded. “Come on, I want you to meet the last group of pilots I trained.” He said and started to usher you over to them. You turned around and your eyes met Bradley's and he met yours. He's changed and grown up to be handsome. He grew a mustache just like his father's and he looks so much like him it was scary. You were in awe of him and he was in awe of you too. You haven't changed much but you've changed. Gone is that nice girl that was pushed around and now it was a girl that took no shit from anyone and got the job done when it needed to be done. 
“Pops, who is this gorgeous woman? Hi I’m Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin.” A blonde-haired, green-eyed aviator now known as Jake asked. He had a charming smile but you knew his type and weren't phased by it and that is because you worked with Tony DiNozzo big time flirt.
“This woman can introduce herself. I'm Y/N Mitchell, Maverick’s daughter. Well adopted.” You said
“You were never just adopted to me; you were and always will be my daughter no matter what.” Maverick said and you smiled.
“Thanks dad.” You said and hugged him.
“So, are you here on business?” Jake asked using his charm once again.
“I was but we just got finished. Came over as soon as we got done.” You said 
“Mmm so you got time for me to take you out on a date then.” He said using his southern charm but you just rolled your eyes and leaned against the table getting close to him.
“I'm gonna tell you what I keep telling DiNozzo. Not going to happen. Besides, I got my eye on someone else.” You said and then got up and looked at Bradley totally missing Jake's fallen expression since he's not used to being turned down but heard others snickers. Truth is that you've been in love with Bradley ever since you were kids and what you didn't know was, he was too but both of you thought that neither of you were interested in the other so nothing was done about it.
“Oh, I like her.” A woman with black hair said and you looked at her and smiled.
“I deal with a Jake at work all the time. His name is Tony DiNozzo.” You said and she smiled.
“I'm Natasha Trace. Callsign is Phoenix.” She said 
“Oh, I like that.” You said and then everyone went around introducing themselves. You really liked Ruben, Mickey, and Javy but Natasha and Bob were your favorites alongside Bradley. Jake was fun but no way would you date him. 
“Y/N I have to go to a meeting. Are you ok with staying with them? I'm sure when you leave Bradley can walk you out.” Maverick said and you smiled.
“Of course I'm ok with that.” You said and he smiled and kissed your temple and then left. You all talked and laughed and you really connected with them so easily. 
“So, Y/N what made you go NCIS and not Navy?” Bob asked and you smiled at him.
“I thought about going into the Navy but decided against it after Goose died. I couldn't do that to dad. I found I really liked solving cases and helping people so I went to college, got a degree in Criminal Justice and interviewed for NCIS. I'm now Special Agent Y/N Mitchell. My team is great and I wouldn't ask for another. Tony is very much like Jake and my dad when he was younger so he helped me grow immune to charm and guys like them. Tony tries so hard to get me to go out with him but I turn him down all the time.” You said 
“That is so cool. It's amazing what you do.” Bob said and you smiled at him.
“Thank you. It's amazing what you all do too. I could never do it.” You said. “Although I've been on ships before.” You added. You kept glancing at Bradley as you talked but his eyes never left you. You answered everyone's questions and then you looked down at your watch. “I gotta go. It was nice meeting you all. Hopefully we can get together soon.” You said.
“Maybe sooner than later you and I can get together.” Jake said, trying to shoot his shot one more time.
“No.” You said and he frowned.
“Oh, come on.” He said
“Not happening.” You said as Bradley started getting up and gathering trash to throw away. 
“Damn.” He said as Bradley came to stand beside you.
“Ready to go?” Bradley asks you and you nod and he smiles and gestures to you to follow him and you do. 
“It’s nice to see you. You’ve changed.” You said as he threw his stuff away and you both were far enough away from the group.
“It’s nice to see you too. I’m sorry for cutting you off too. Maverick explained that you had nothing to do with it after we made up. I tried to contact you but it never went through.” He told you and you looked down in shame as you both continued to walk out of the building.
“I may have blocked your number. You hurt me so bad that I was mad at you for the longest time and I never wanted to speak to you again. But then I saw you today and my anger was still there but it quickly disappeared. I’ll unblock your number and you can watch me.” You said as you arrived at your car and you did so.
“I’m sorry Y/N/N.” He said using his nickname that he had given you. “I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I'll tell you what come to The Hard Deck tonight with me and I’ll show you I’m sorry.” He said and you paused and looked at him considering it and you nodded.
“Ok.” You said 
“Ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“I’ll come to The Hard Deck with you.” You repeated
“Great, I'll pick you up at 7:30?” He asked and you nodded.
“Sounds great.” You said and then pulled out your phone to text the group. “I have to admit you turning down Jake was amazing.” He said and you chuckled.
“Like I said, I deal with Tony and he is like Jake.” You said and he chuckled. “I gotta get going. I’ll see you at 7:30.” You said and he nodded “Goodbye Bradley.” You added.
“Goodbye Y/N/N.” He said using your nickname again and then you were getting into your car and then leaving. He watched you leave with a longing look in his eye. He really did miss you. As he was standing there his phone vibrated and he pulled it out. It was a text from you.
You: See you at 7:30  
He smiled and then a second text popped up and it was a picture of you in your NCIS cap and jacket and he smiled. He saved the photo and put it as you contact pictures.
Bradley: Can’t wait
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Exactly at 7:30 there was a knock on your hotel door and you were rushing to open it and there stood Bradley Bradshaw in jeans and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt with a white shirt underneath. He had a pair, Goose’s pair, of aviators on and his hair was styled perfectly. “Hey.” You said and he smiled down at you.
“Hey.” He said 
“You look good.” You said and he smiled.
“So do you.” He replied and you blushed and looked. You were in a black t-shirt that was tucked into jeans. He then saw your bags packed. “You can bring your stuff if you want.” He said and you looked at him and smiled.
“Thank you. Are you ready to go?” You asked after a few seconds and he smiled and then grabbed your things before you could. Tony, Gibbs, Ziva, and McGee had all gone back to Virginia and they had taken the cars but you told them that you had a ride, Gibbs was hesitant but he trusted you.
“After you.” He said and gestured toward the parking lot and then you noticed his car, Goose’s Bronco. 
“You still have it?” You asked and he nodded as you started to walk out of your hotel room.
“I never got rid of it. Sure, she needs to be fixed up every now and then but it is doable.” He said and you smiled as you reached the vehicle and he put bags into the Bronco. You still had your gun and badge but they were properly put away. Bradley opened the door for you and you got in and then he got in as you buckled up. “I’m so glad you had said yes to coming to The Hard Deck with me. I missed being with you.” He added.
“I missed you, Bradley. I just wish you would’ve listened to me when I said I had nothing to do with having your papers pulled.” You said 
“I know and I was a bumbass. I’m sorry but tonight to make up for all of those times, hopefully.” He said as he drove.
“Hopefully it will.” You said and then he was pulling in a parking lot of The Hard Deck and parking next to a truck.
“Ready?” He asked as he killed the engine and you nodded and then the both of you were getting out and heading into the bar. Memories came flooding back when you stepped into the building especially when you saw Penny. You walked up to the bar.
“Hey Penny.” You said and she turned around hearing your voice.
“Little Y/N is that you? It’s been forever. I need a hug.” She said as she came out from behind the bar and hugged you.
“Yea, it is me.” You said 
 “Look at you! You’re all grown up. Pete has told me you’re with NCIS now.” She said as she pulled back and looked at you, ignoring Bradley by you for the moment.
“That is right. It is great. I have a teammate that if he was here, you would be ringing that bell so many times. Think of him as a version of Jake and a younger version of dad.” You said 
“Oh, that’s bad.” She said and you nodded “What can I get you to drink?” She asked, walking back behind the bar. 
“Whatever Bradley is having.” You said and she nodded and grabbed two beers. You took both and handed one to Bradley.
“Everyone is over by the usual hangout. Your dad should be here later.” She said and you nodded and smiled.
“Thank you, Penny.” Bradley said 
“Yes, thank you.” You repeated after him and she smiled.
“Put them on my tab.” He said and she nodded.
“You got it.” She said and then the both of you were heading over to the group.
“Y/N! I’m so glad you made it!” Natasha exclaimed and hugged you and you hugged back as best as you could. “Finally, another female to cut through all of this testosterone.” She said and you laughed and then everyone said hi to you and Bradley and then the evening got started. Throughout the night many drinks were drank and many games of pool and darts were played and let's just say you won most of the games especially against Jake which he took as a challenge. Everyone loved that Jake had met his match. When you weren’t playing pool or darts you were hanging by Bradley’s side. 
“So, Y/N.” You heard Jake’s voice and you turned to look at him. Man, he wouldn’t take a hint but you were used to it, thank you Tony DiNozzo you said to yourself.
“Yes, Jake?” You asked 
“What do you say we get out of here and grab something to eat and head back to my place?” He asked using his Texan accent and smirk and you leaned in closer to him letting him get his hopes and then you started to speak.
“Jake Jake Jake Jake.” You sighed, shaking your head “How many times am I gonna have to tell you that it is never going to happen. You just need to give up on me. Also like I said that I have my eye on someone else.” You said and leaned back up and everyone was watching especially Bradley and he had a smirk on his face.
“Damn. Every time.” He said and then walked off but it didn’t take long for some girl to come up to him and it was like your conversation with him never happened and everyone went back to their own thing.
“Man, he sure moves on fast.” You chuckled, looking at Jake and some girl and then at Bradley.
“He sure does. So, what do you say about getting out of here with me?” He asked and you smiled.
“I would love that. Lead the way.” You said and he took your hand and headed to the bar to close out his tab with Penny as you quickly bid a goodbye to the group. While at the bar you spotted your dad. So, you decided to talk to him while Bradley dealt with the tab. “Hey, Dad.” You said and he looked up and smiled at you.
“Hey, Sweetheart. Having fun?” He asked and you nodded and smiled.
“I am. Bradley and I are about to head out for the night.” You said and he smiled.
“I’m so glad the both of you have made up.” He said and you looked up at Bradley and got that dreamy look in your eye.
“I am too.” You said and then Bradley turned around and looked at you.
“Ready to go?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yup.” You turned to your dad “I’ll see you before I leave.” You said and he smiled.
“You better.” He said and hugged you “I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.” You replied and then he turned to Bradley.
“Take care of her.” Maverick said and Bradley nodded.
“You know I will.” He said and Maverick smiled.
“Good. See you both later.” Maverick said and you both smiled and bid your goodbyes to him and Penny and then you both walked out of the bar to the Bronco. Once you reached the Bronco you both stopped, your back to the beautiful vehicle. 
“Thank you for tonight. I would say it made up for everything.” You said and he smiled.
“I think so too.” He said “You look so beautiful.” He added and put a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You looked up at him and the streetlight made him glow and it just made him all more perfect. “Damn you’re so beautiful.” He whispered.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You whispered and then he was slowly leaning down and you were meeting him halfway and then both of your eyes closed and lips touched. Sparks flew through the both of you. At first it was slow and passionate and then it turned heated. Your hands went to his hair pulling him further into you and his hands went to your hips pushing back against the Bronco. He licked your bottom lip asking for permission and you granted it tongues fought for dominance until he won and then you both were pulling up for air. Both of your pupils were blown and cheeks flushed pink and heavy breathing was heard between you. “That was amazing. You’re amazing.” You said breathlessly.
“I could say the same for you.” He said in a deeper voice “My house?” He asked.
“Your house.” You confirmed and the both of you were scrambling to get into the Bronco. You both made in but kissing was involved which made it harder but you both succeeded in getting in and buckling in. He started the vehicle and you hand went to his thigh and rubbed it as he pulled out of the parking spot and out of the parking lot onto the main road. Your hand traveled higher until it got his bulging cock and you slowly rubbed and he jerked making him jerk the wheel but he corrected himself. 
“Keep doing that and we won’t make it to the house.” He said and you smirked but kept going.
“Then you better get to the house fast.” You said as you started to unzip his jeans and dipped your hands into his underwear grabbing his cock and squeezing and again, he jerked the wheel and corrected it. 
“Oh, Baby. I can’t wait to have your pretty lips wrapped around me.” He moaned as you stroked him.
“You don't have to wait. Keep driving and act like nothing is happening.” You said as you took him out of his jeans and then got comfortable and bent down taking him in your mouth. Bradley tried to keep his composure but when your hot mouth took him in, he moaned and jerked. “Careful.” You said letting him go for just a minute to look up at him through your eye lashes.
“I'm trying. Your mouth feels so perfect wrapped around me.” He grunted. Both of you were glad it was dark out and you were close to his home. You hummed and that sent vibrations down his cock and that made him buck into you. His cock hit the back of your throat and you moaned. You continued to move up and down on him while licking underneath his shift and the tip. “Keep doing that and I won't last, Baby.” He grunted and smirked as best as you could. One of his hands came to the back of your head and he slightly added pressure as you moved up and down him. You relaxed your throat to take him deeper “Goodness gracious baby. Take it all. Fuck.” He moaned as he hurriedly parked in his driveway. He was quick to kill the engine and throw his head back. His hand that was in your hair was now gripping it and he was helping push your head up and down. You decided to grab what was left of the shift that wasn't in your mouth with your hand and worked it squeezing it occasionally. Your other hand went to his heavy balls and played with them. “Holy fuck.” He moaned and bucked his hips up. You were no virgin, that was for sure your first time having been with Tony DiNozzo, yes, the arrogant cock bastard, but that was before you knew he would be your coworker. Both of you had been at a party and then one thing led to another and he was taking your virginity. Both of you agreed not to say anything and put it behind you. It did lead to him being slightly protective over you even if it meant that he hit on you constantly and you didn't care it was comforting plus it helped you resist so called playboy charm, like Jake. “We're here. As much as I want you to finish in your mouth. I wanna finish in that tight pussy of yours.” He grunted as you were pulling off of him. You wiped your mouth as he tucked himself in his jeans and it hurt because he was so hard. You both managed to get out and stumbled to the door high on sex. As he was unlocking the door you were kissing him and running fingers through his hair. 
“Damn you are so sexy.” You moaned out as you ran a hand over his heavy aching cock. 
“So are you.” He moaned and the sound made you clench around nothing and squeeze your thighs together. 
“Fuck me.” You moaned 
“Oh, I plan on it.” He said as he pushed his door open and then slightly pushed you in and closed it. He turned you around and pushed you against the door and attacked your lips with his. Hands on your hips and yours back in his hair messing it up further one of his hands traveled down to your aching core and he cupped it. Sparks flew through you and you moaned in his mouth and it got louder as he started to rub you through your jeans. He pulled away just for a minute giving you both time to catch your breath.  
“Bradley.” You moaned out as he took his hand away and unbuttoned your jeans and slipped his right-hand in. You were no doubt soaking and you confirmed it when he ran a finger through your folds. “Oh fuck.” You moaned as he started attacking your neck with his mouth kissing and nipping and soothing, you had turned your head giving him more access. His other hand snaked its way under your shirt and under your bra and to your left breast. “Fuck!” You moaned as he pinched, pulled, and rolled your nipple with his finger.
“You like that, Baby?” He asked 
“Fuck yes.” You moaned as he slipped a thick digit into you and he watched your face. He smirked as your mouth fell open, eyes closed, and head thrown back. 
“You're so pretty getting finger fucked.” He said as he leant down and nipped your neck and that made you squeeze his fingers. “Squeezing me so tight and I haven't started.” He said with a smirk and you could hear it. He added a second thick finger.
“Fuck. Stretching me so good.” You moaned, the stretch was welcoming and there was a slight pain but it quickly turned into pleasure. If his fingers felt this good you couldn't wait for his cock to be inside of you.
“Oh, Baby. Just wait until I'm inside of you.” He said into your neck as he moved his fingers in and out of you. He curled his fingers and then used his thumb to rub your clit and that had you releasing a loud moan. “That's right, Baby. Let everyone know how good I'm making you feel.” He said and then followed it with a nip to your neck and that had you squeezing him. He decided to add a third finger.
“Fuck, Bradley. So full.” You moaned and bucked your hips. “I'm gonna cum.” You moaned out. He suddenly pulled away and out and you quickly opened your eyes and glared “What the hell?” You asked.
“I want to taste you and I want you to cum with me.” He said and then got down on his knees and pushed down your jeans and underwear. Cold air hit your slicked core. He undid your shoes and threw them off with your socks and then jeans and underwear. He was aching hard but he could wait, he needed to taste you. He bent one leg and threw it over his shoulder so that he was eye level with your core. You made quick work of your shirt and bra and your nipples went rock hard in the cold. “Look at you. All wet for me. Who made you this wet?” He asked placing a kiss to your sensitive clit.
“You did.” You moaned and apparently, he didn't like that answer because you were met with a nip to your clit “Fuck.” You moaned.
“Louder. Let the neighbors know.” He growled out.
“Bradley Bradshaw made me wet!” You yelled out and were rewarded with him licking a broad stripe up your folds. His mustache scratching helped with the pleasure. He ate you out like his life depended on it. “Fuck! Feels so good!” You moaned out and was rewarded with him going faster. He pushed two fingers in and you almost came right then and there. “Fuck, Baby! I'm so close!” You exclaimed and then he pulled away and stood up and that made you growl. “Fuck you asshole.” You said.
“You will just hold your jets.” He said quickly removing his clothes and shoes. You looked him up and down and practically drooled especially when his aching hard angry cock came up and slapped his abs.
“Fuck you have really grew up, didn't ya?” You asked and he chuckled.
“So have you.” He replied and then he was stepping close to you. “Jump.” He said and you obeyed and you could taste yourself as the both of you started French kissing as he started to carry you to his bedroom. Each step his cock threatened to slip in. He walked into his room and to his bed where he fell onto the bed gently on top of you. Tongues fighting for dominance. His hips spread your legs further and he grabbed your legs and threw up over his shoulders. 
“Bradley. Baby. I need you.” You moaned into his mouth.
“You have me.” He said as he stroked himself once and guided himself in you. The stretch stung but it was welcomed all the fingering helped slightly but he was girthy and long. 
“Fuck! Filling me so good!” You moaned out as he bottomed out and settled. He leaned over you pushing your legs up to your shoulders making himself go deeper. Your hands went to his shoulders and fingers dug into them. 
“You're squeezing me so tight. Taking me so well. Gonna fuck you full.” He moaned and started moving as he caged your body in and he rested on his forearms. 
“Been waiting for this for so long.” You moaned as he thrusted in and out of you. 
“Wanted to be with you when I knew what love was but you were already gone.” He said 
“You have me now.” You said and you got a sharp thrust as a response. “Fuck. Do that again.” You said and he did so. “Faster, I'm close.” You moaned and he obeyed.
“Fuck taking me so deep and so well.” He moaned and you squeezed him as he thrusted faster. 
“That's it right there.” You moaned as nails raked down his back making him hiss.
“Feels so good. I'm gonna have scratches there for weeks.” He said and you smirked.
“Good. You have something to brag about especially to Jake.” You said and he thrusted hard.
“Don't bring his name up.” He growled
“Why not? What are you going to do about it?” you asked 
“This.” He said and sped up to a pace that had skin on skin as the only sound filling the room. He then latched onto a nipple and sucked, pulled, and bit it while he played with the other and once satisfied with that he switched. 
“I'm close, Baby.” You moaned as he pulled off of your nipple. 
“Cum with me.” He said and picked up his pace and brought a hand to your clit and started to rub, pinch, and pull on it.
“That's it right there.” You said and then his thrusts were starting to become sloppy.
“I'm cumming, Baby. Cum with me.” He said as he finally stilled inside you. Once you felt his warm sperm spill inside of you and the added pressure from your clit being pleasured you came.
“Fuck!” You moaned as that knot exploded and he put your shaking legs down as you both were breathing heavily as you were coming down from your highs. He slowly pulled out of you as he kissed you. “Damn you came deep in me.” You said and he chuckled as he laid beside you and pushed what came out back in and you moaned at the over stimulation. 
“What can I say? I didn't want to waste a drop. I wanted every drop in you.” He said as he laid beside you and you turned over to look at him. Both down from your high. 
“I missed you.” You whispered 
“I missed you too.” He replied
“I'm sorry for blocking you.” You said
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The next morning you were waking up early. At first you didn't know where you were but then you saw Bradley sleeping peacefully in front of you and you smiled. You shifted and you felt the soreness and smiled. Last night Bradley rocked your world and it was amazing. You then had the brilliant idea of making breakfast. You kissed his lips and then rolled over and started to get out of bed hoping not to wake him up but you did not succeed because you were being pulled back against him. “Where are you going?” He asked, opening his eyes.
“Well, I was going to get coffee going and start some breakfast.” You said but now you were having second thoughts not wanting to get up from his embrace “But being in your arms feels kind of nice.” You said as you turned over to look at him. 
“I like you being in my arms too.” He said then it went quiet and you could tell he wanted to say something.
“What is going through that pretty head of yours?” You asked 
“I have to ask. When did you lose your virginity and to who? You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to.” He said and you smiled and shook your head.
“No, it's fine. As to who took it, it was Tony.” You said and you waited for him to process it.
“As in Tony DiNozzo, the guy you work with?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, him. When he took it, I had just arrived in Virginia and wanted to go out with some friends that we had gone to school with. They took me out to a party and then we went to a bar, it was a really nice bar almost like Penny’s.” You explained. “After a few drinks and some crappy karaoke, I was approached by him and me being slightly tipsy and so was he. I said yes for him to take me home. We ended up having sex and he knew it was my first time and he was so sweet about it. The next morning, I got up and left without him knowing and then I started my first day on the job and turned out he was my teammate, we talked about that night and both promised not to make a big deal about it but Tony being Tony he started hitting on me and I turned him down so it's a thing between us. So yes, he was my first time; to be honest I wanted it to be with you but you never saw me that way and you had cut me off so I gave up hope so I gave it away.” You explained and you could see hurt in his eyes.
“Y/N/N-” He began but you cut him off.
“It’s ok really. I should be going anyway.” You said and started to get up but he wouldn’t allow it. “Bradley, you don’t have to take pity on me.” You said looking at him and he shook his head.
“I’ve loved you ever since I knew what love was and that was when we were little and we could play on the playground. From what little time I had with my dad I saw how he loved my mother and treated her and that is when I knew what it was. I wanted to be with you but I didn’t want to ruin what we had and now I do. I want to be with you.” He said
“But I’m in Virginia and you are here in California.” You said and he shook his head.
“We can make it work.” He said and you looked hesitant.
“I live a very stressful life, Bradley.” You said and knew you shouldn’t have said it because he lived one too.
“I live one too. Never knowing when I will deploy or if I will be shot down. Please I want to be with you and I know you want to be with me too. Let’s try.” He said caressing your face and you leaned into his touch as you thought about it.
“Ok. Let’s give it a try.” You said and he smiled and his eyes lit up no trace of sadness anywhere.
“Great! I promise this will work, Baby. I love you so much.” He said and kissed your forehead and you smiled.
“I believe you. I love you too.” You said snuggling into him and the both of you got comfortable again. As you laid there thinking about every worst possible outcome your love for Bradley kept shooting back to the surface and made all those thoughts go away. 
You knew it would work out but those thoughts of doubt still surfaced and scared you. You couldn’t wait to start your life with Bradley even if it was long distance but you knew that you could come out here and visit and you knew he could come to you. So, in the end everything was perfect and you would be a fool for not taking the chance. It was a chance you were glad you took it. You weren’t going back now and you didn’t want to go back. You are perfectly content being with Bradley and he was perfectly content with you. Everything was perfect.
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lvrfilm · 9 months
౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
(these are some of my favorite rooster works i’ve found)
my favorite works. navigation. masterlist.
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living up to the ‘legacy’ - @averagewriter-inthedark
My Heart Will Go On - @/averagewriter-inthedark
fallout - @cherrycola27
Red, White, and Rooster - @/cherrycola27
Red, White, and Bradshaw - @/cherrycola27
fever pitch - @greenorangevioletgrass
je te laisserai des mots - @jupitercomet
all over tabloids - @/jupitercomet
summer love - @ohtobeleah
NCIS - @/ohtobeleah
m.u.r.p.h - @/ohtobeleah
terms of endearment - @/ohtobeleah
voulez-vous - @roosterbruiser
my future in you - @sunlightmurdock
trouble in paradise - @/sunlightmurdock
Sub Rosa - @/sunlightmurdock
i was supposed to sweat you out - @theharddeck
ghost rider - @wishfulwithwine
40 weeks - @writingdumpster
burning love - @zstrn
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
🎃vinny's 2023 whumptober event🎃
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hi my darlings!! welcome to whumptober! this entire event is going to be 18+ so minors back off. i'm serious. this event contains heavy topics and i encourage you to read with discretion. if you read the warnings and decide that you can not handle the content, you will not hurt my feelings if you choose to skip it. protect your own peace. if you read something and find a topic i missed please please please reach out to me and let me know. i want to make sure people are properly prepared and know what they are reading!
if you want to be tagged and haven't filled out the form you can do so here -> vinny's whumptober taglist
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day 1: bloody knuckles
-> Bloodstained Sandbags - eddie diaz x reader
day 2: overworked / insomnia / exhaustion
-> Off the Clock – charlie young x reader
day 3: overstimulation
-> I Just Need Quiet – jake seresin x sarah grant
day 4: hiding an injury / betrayal / lying
-> Hidden Gems – rhett abbott x reader
day 5: hostage / kidnapping / held at gunpoint
-> This Is How It Feels – beau simpson x daughter!reader
day 6: forced to hurt someone
-> Just a Little Guidance – tim bradford x reader
day 7: disowned by family
-> The Family I Chose - natasha trace x reader
day 8: panic attacks
-> Last in the Flock – bradley bradshaw x duckie bradshaw (twin sister!reader)
day 9: scar reveal
-> When Sharks Attack – evan buckley x reader
day 10: bullied
-> Family Legacy – rhett abbott x sister!reader
day 11: fainting / adrenaline
-> Highs and Lows – charlie young x reader
day 12: character death
-> A Sibling’s Promise - peter parker x sister!reader
day 13: grief
-> Don’t Leave Your Wingman – pete mitchell x kazansky!reader
day 14: bleeding through the bandage / field medicine
-> Rookie Mistake – tim bradford x rookie!reader
day 15: experimentation
-> Pin Cushion – albert wesker x reader
day 16: amputation / hospital
-> tbd – tim bradford x reader (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
day 17: heat stroke / “you look a little pale”
-> Hazed Gaze – walt finnegan x reader
day 18: fever / vomiting / warm soup
-> Mama's Don't Get Sick Days – mickey garcia x reader
day 19: left behind / “why wasn’t i enough”
-> Past Pursuits – bob floyd x y/n rogers (lt. rogers)
day 20: dehumanization
-> tbd – walt finnegan x reader (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
day 21: blood loss / shock / near death experience
->  tbd – bradley bradshaw
day 22: whipping / punishment / stress position
-> tbd – jake seresin x ncis!reader
day 23: begging / forced to watch
-> Chasing Ghosts – eddie diaz x reader
day 24: failed escape / hunted down / too exhausted to keep running
-> tbd – bucky barnes x reader
day 25: stalked
-> Parasocial – mickey garcia x youtuber!reader
day 26: non-consensual touching
-> tbd – rhett abbott x reader
day 27: forgotten / locked away / immortal
-> tbd – pete mitchell x reader (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
day 28: whumpee hair pulling / oxygen deprivation / sweating
-> tbd – bob floyd x reader
day 29: bargaining
-> Don’t Take the Girl – tom kazansky x reader
day 30: coma
-> tbd – nick bradshaw x reader (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
day 31: crying
-> tbd – tim bradford x reader (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
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averyhotchner · 2 years
Avery's TopGun:Maverick recs pt.2
alrighty, almost 3 months later, here is my list of favourite TopGun: Maverick fics that no one asked for. like last time, it's mostly hangman, rooster and a bit of bobby boy. but i am slowly starting to fall for mickey and coyote.
please make sure to follow the age limit set by the writers!
jake "hangman" seresin
Fuck: The Universe (mini-series) by @roosterbruiser
okay maybe this is recency bias, because i did read this whole mini series yesterday and today, but still. it checks all the boxes, and of course i love the trope of jake is an ass to everyone but his girl, who also happens to be way better than him. also part 7 cracked me up.
real friends (series) by @starlightstories
i read real friends then found fuck: the universe, and i realized i really really really like the loverboy jake grumpy reader trope. i have no shame.
hey stupid, i love you (one shot) by @callsignseagull
okay this fic is very personal to me. i genuinely felt like the reader in this fic because i'm going through a very similar thing right now, and it tamed so many of my insecurities. i can't wait to reread soon!
loving you is... (series) by @demxters
guys frat hangman. that's all.
sleepy baby (series) by @discount-shades
the lengths at which this man goes just to find his princess, goals.
Where I'm From (one-shot) by @sometimes-i-write-good
sweet man jake, back at it again stealing hearts
Minimal Losses (series) by @ohtobeleah
this series and the rooster prequel NCIS ARE SO GOOD. im a sucker for this shit.
Sweet Nothings (series) by @sweetlittlegingy
yup! yup! yup! make sure you get your blood sugar checked before reading this because it's so damn sweeeeeet
Seeing Red (series) by @call-sign-jinx
picture this: its 2015, you're on wattpad and every single fic is a social media fic. but THIS? this is everything. the amount of work that goes into making a single text screenshot, not to mention the plot! its truly incredible and had be crying, laughing and sitting on the edge of my seat. i can't praise this series, and the other fics in this universe, enough.
yours (one-shot) by @theharddeck
this one... yeah its cute. but its down right sinful as well
bradley "rooster" bradshaw
I Will Always Love You (one-shot) by @amysteryspot
this one is short and sweet and honestly made me cry while eating my blt quarter pounder.
Pamper Night (on-shot) by @dagger-wren
okay this fic started as a cute little date night/self care night fic. BUT THEN, the ending had me falling in love with this dysfunctional squad. of course rooster and his girl are mom and dad, like who else.
Eat It, Twilight (one-shot) by @fandomxpreferences
okay i know this is a hangman fic, but i dont care. the rooster bff part was what i loved the most. also the plot is highlarious, and its probably because i was high when i read it, but still. chefs kiss.
Terms of Endearment (series) by @ohtobeleah
this series will be the death of me. each time a new chapter gets released im holding my breath on whether its gonna be all angst or all fluff. but either way i know its beautifully written.
And They Were Roommates (series) by @starryeyedstories
this. its hilarious and i cannot wait for more!
robert "bob" floyd
Christmas Gift (on-shot) by @call-sign-jinx
one of the most common bob fics i see is him with a teacher, and honestly i love it. who else would be as sweet and as patient as this man. i have the utmost respect for anyone who works in education, ESPECIALLY those who work with kids under 13. anyways, love this fic.
King of My Heart (one-shot) by @croimilis
dunk bob is the sweetest person ever!
Apple pie (mini-series) by @andorskenobi
the warning is very real, pls take it seriously <3
honorable mentions:
@sunlightmurdock @callsignvalley @toms-gf @make-me-imagine @callsignsaturn @madsnowstorm @jupitercomet @katsu28 @sehnsuchts-trunken @roosterforme (literally anything emily writes will be on a rec list i make)
i just wanna send my love to all the writers on this platform. whether you're just posting your first fic, or just finishing your 5th series, i appreciate you so much. i don't always have the time to comment and i'm dumb and don't understand how to reblog efficiently (working on it), but please know that all the effort and time you put in to making these works is truly admirable and i wish i was as talented as any of you.
okay thats all for now. i need to start making these more often cause theres so many i left out, i was just too lazy to scroll and find them.
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Phoenix:...This is not one of those stupid action movies you like, Hangman! Hangman: No, it isn't. If it was, you'd be dressed differently. Phoenix: And you'd be far better-looking. Rooster(to Hangman): You'd be dead by the opening credits. Hangman: Did you ever stop to think that maybe I'm the plucky comic relief?
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
NCIS // Bradley Bradshaw
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NCIS // Bradley Bradshaw knows when his soon to be wife shows up randomly on Friday evening at the Hard Deck it can’t be good. But just how bad could things really be, right? (8.2k)
Intercepted // When called for a case, DiNozzo and McGee show up at your house uninvited and stumbled upon a startling sight. (3.5k)
When // After Bradley spills his guts about details of the uranium mission, it sends you into a spiral of always wanting to be one step ahead. Upping your training to the point it becomes increasingly worrying (2.4K)
Boundaries // A call comes in on your day off about a hostage situation. Dragging your husband Bradley and his best friend Hangman into an active crime scene, the situation could not have turned out any worse. (8k)
Tag: @auroraboreallisfine @tigerfan24 @atarmychick007 @rosee-sensuelle @unhingedhousehold
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call-sign-shark · 2 years
✨Bleeding Knuckles ✨
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x YN "Fire" Gibbs
Summary: Rooster meets Gibbs' daughter at the boxing gym. She's ferocious, strong and she's a boxer, but she is in pain. And Rooster relates to it. Now he is here, and he won't let anything hurt you anymore., not even yourself.
Words: 940 (Blurb - Boxer!Reader and NCIS crossover)
Pls reblog if you like the idea, so that I know if ppl wants to know the whole angsty but fluff story behind my idea
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It all started with Bradley counting every time it hurt. This is what Carole had taught her son to help him cope with life's disillusion. Grievance, anger, mourning... Bradley had experienced them all, and they all left a scar deep within his soul. This is why he had started boxing - to evacuate all the negative and brutal turmoil his soul was undergoing. Since then, he kept boxing as a tradition but also as a way to work out during his free time. For sure, he worked a lot and could not go to the boxing gym as much as he wanted, but today Maverick granted him a leave. After weeks of harsh training, Rooster could relieve the stress that had accumulated within. Each blow against the punching bag felt like a sweet release.
One punch for the excruciating training.
One punch for Hangman, just because he is a dick.
One punch for his ex, who had just broken up with him weeks ago.
He was about to throw another punch at the poor hanging bag when the sound of a girl grunting in pain snapped him out of his thought. Rooster stopped and swept the room with his warm hazel eyes. There he saw her ... It was Leroy Gibbs' daughter - oh, he had only caught sight of her once, but he had found her so attractive that he could not forget her beautiful face.
The girl was hitting her punching ball as if her life depended on it. She was staring at it, her brows frowned, and her wet, shining lips were curled up as a wild feline hissing at his enemy. She threw a brutal punch, so brutal that the chain from which the punching bag was hanging produced a loud jiggling sound. No one quite noticed her, for the place was almost empty and the few men training here were packed together at the weight section, at the other end of the gym. Rooster took off his thick red boxing gloves, far too busy observing her to keep it up with his training. He ran one of his hands through his sweaty blonde curls, some of them sticking to his temples and forehead.
"Fuuuuuuck you!"
You growled, louder. The violence with which your first hit the bag was so ferocious that the skin on your knuckles -already damaged by one full hour of enraged boxing- broke open. Bradley thought you would stop beating that poor punching bag now that you wounded yourself, but you kept hitting it again and again. Blinded by a destructive rage, your body seemed desensitized to pain. Self-control broke down, you were a wild fire.
If at first the pilot had been intrigued and amused by your determination, he grew worried. Rooster easily recognized the sparkle of hatred that was shining in your teary and infuriated eyes, for he had the same look years ago. He clenched his jaw as he noticed you smearing your blood all over the punching ball with your wounded knuckles - he was torn between conflicting feelings. Somehow, your problems were your business, not his. His life was already busy enough and, to be true, he had his own mishaps to deal with. But, his inner voice reminded him of the time he had been like her - lost, filled with rage and sadness. He would have loved someone to take care of him. Or just someone to tell him that everything will be fine, at least. Rooster sighed and walked towards you.
"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"
You hissed through your teeth. Sweat burning your eyes, blood dripping from your hands, you growled again and punched the bag with all your remaining strength, the movement directly coming from your whole shoulder. Yet, your knuckles never met the smooth surface of the bag, for someone had grabbed your elbow and forced you to stop. Surprised, you turned and glared at the man who was holding your arm firmly.
"Hey, calm down girl." Bradley's deep voice was candy-coated with an indescribable softness. It was the first pet name that came to his head
"Leave me alone!" You hissed again, showing your teeth.
"I know you are angry but you are bleeding."
His words pulled you out of your blinding hatred. You blinked several times, chasing away the beads of sweat that had formed on your eyelashes. Then, your eyes looked where Rooster's irises of honey pools were staring at. Red and warm blood was oozing from slits on each of your knuckles. As soon as your brain realized it was your hand, an unpleasant tingling pain blossomed at their spot. You winced, then looked at the tall blonde and curly man that was in front of you. Rooster gently released your arm.
"Nevermind." You chased away his hand with a hasty movement and turned around, back to him. You really did not want to talk at the moment.
Rooster hesitated: should he leave you? He shook his head. Something had attracted him, something that he had seen in your eyes. Your pain and his were similar. This sole observation was enough to convince him he was taking the right decision. No matter what happened, he would be there for you.
"Are you sure you're good?"
Six words.
One deep yet caring voice.
It was all it took for tears of anger to overflow.
Rooster gently pressed one of his large, warm, and calloused hands on your shoulder. Looking at you with concern, the pilot's fingers closed around your clavicle to anchor his presence. He was there, and he wanted you to feel it.
"There, it's okay."
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Don't ask me what I'm doing. Can't be productive today so I wanted to write a little blurb with reader as an angry brawler girl, a good boxer, and Gibb's daughter.
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allofmytoxicity · 1 month
Who I will write for! :)
To preface this, I will write no smut, no self-harm, and no sa. This is down to personal issues, but I will not hate on anyone who chooses to write these topics.
Now, onto the characters!!!
Timothy McGee
Tony DiNozzo
Jimmy Palmer
Ziva David
Marauders Era
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Sirius Black
Regulus Black
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner (x sister!reader)
The Inheritance Games
Grayson Hawthorne
Jameson Hawthorne
Xander Hawthorne
Avery Grambs
Top Gun; Maverick
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Robert "Bob" Floyd
MacGyver (2016)
Angus "Mac" MacGyver
White Collar
Neal Caffrey
One Of Us Is Lying (Books, not TV show)
Nate Macauley
Maeve Rojas
Along with any of my own original characters that I will post stories for on here along the way!
And Requests are open!
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novastories · 1 year
What Am I
Title and chapter loosely inspired the song “What Am I” by Why Don’t We.
Summary: After a long first day of training for Bradley and Peyton, Aurora decides to spend time with her siblings and Bradley.
Warnings: Mentions of near death experiences, language, but mostly fluff.
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Halfway through the story! Some of these chapters will be a bit shorter since we are in movie plot, but I have put my own spin on it…so enjoy!
Also the first official chapter as Nova! 🦋
Thank you as always @reginleight for beta reading and editing the chapter! And a super thank you to @callsignmeiga for making the text messages for me 🥹
As always, likes are great and all, but comments, reblogs, and feedback are highly appreciated and loved! 🤭
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Lucille -> Aurora
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Jake -> Aurora
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Aurora rolls her eyes at the text when she hears the front door to her house open. CJ lifts his head up from her lap, the both of them lounging on the couch together. Bradley and Peyton walk in, looking a bit tired from training. 
The pair moved in the day after their reunion at the Hard Deck. As they didn’t have many things to move, they made themselves at home and the house has since become more lively for the first time since Aurora had moved in. She was very happy that they were both able to move in and didn’t realize how much she had truly missed them. It was as if the house had become more like a home with the three of them together in it. 
“I take it training was not great?” Aurora asked. Peyton simply walks to the kitchen without a word while Bradley, still in his flight suit walks to the couch and plops down next to CJ and Aurora. 
“Your dad is the instructor,” Bradley sighs, petting CJ.
“Huh?” Aurora gave him a confused look. “I thought he was part of the mission?”
“Apparently he’s going to be instructing the other naval aviators on how to do the mission. He and dumbass over there broke the hard deck today during a dick measuring contest,” Peyton walks back in, leaning against the door frame and drinking a beer he’d gotten from the fridge.
Bradley cringes, knowing what was coming.
“You broke the hard deck?! Are you nuts?!” Aurora reprimanded, fixing Bradley with a scathing look.
“In my defense, he started it.”
“Seriously, B?” 
“He pulled my papers, Ro. I can’t just let that go,” he whispers, sinking into the couch. CJ walks over and settles down next to him, trying to comfort Bradley. 
Aurora and Peyton look at each other and sigh. They knew what their father did was bad. The twins still to this day don’t understand why he did it. Aurora reached for one of Bradley’s hands to comfort him, getting his attention as those two made eye contact.
“Look, I know he was an asshole for pulling your papers. Pey and I understand. But in order to make this mission a success, you need to not kill yourself. I need you both to come back to me. Please B,” Aurora pleads to him.
Bradley sighs, knowing he would do anything for her. 
“Fine, okay. I will do my best to not get so mad at him,” Bradley reluctantly agrees. 
“And?” Aurora smirks at him.
Bradley chuckles. “And to always come back to you.” 
Aurora beams at him, leaning in to kiss his forehead immediately causing him to blush at her actions.Turning to give her attention to CJ, Aurora hadn’t even seen what she just caused but from the corner of his eye, Bradley could see it didn’t slip Peyton’s attention from his spot in the doorway.
“Simp,” Peyton mouths at him, while Bradley uses his left hand to flip him off.
“Well, how about we go get some tacos and hangout at the lookout spot for today?” Aurora suggests, knowing the boys would need to go out and let loose before another tense day tomorrow. 
“I’m down,” Peyton responds while Bradley nods in agreement. Aurora beams at both of them.
“Wonderful. Now, go get washed and changed please. You stink of sweat and jet fuel,” she chuckles as she heads into her room to change out of her sweatpants and oversized shirt.
Bradley and Peyton look at each other.
“She’s talking to you asshat,” Bradley stands and gestures to Peyton, dirty from repairing a jet.
“Or she’s talking about you shithead,” Peyton retorts.
“Both of you. You both stink,” Aurora calls out from her room.
Golden Trio (aka The Mitchell-Benjamin siblings)
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“So you’re telling me, you went undercover for a case as a bartender, for 5 days?” Amelia questions Aurora, who was taking a bite of her taco. Aurora held a hand up as she finished chewing and swallowing a bite.
“I’m lucky it didn’t go any longer. Many agents have gone undercover for like a year if the case goes that long,” Aurora responds.
Currently, Aurora and Amelia were sitting next to each other, across from Bradley and Peyton on a picnic bench, CJ sitting next to Amelia as she fed him scraps.
The spot they were at looks out at the beach of San Diego, a place that the twins had discovered growing up in the city. When Bradley would visit, they would always go hangout at this spot to get away from the parents, then soon they showed it to Amelia and they deemed it the lookout spot, never really showing it to anyone else.
They had bought a bunch of tacos from a taco truck on the way to the lookout after picking up Amelia in Bradley’s Bronco. It was a nice day out, the sun was setting as they ate their food and got to listen to Aurora's stories about being an NCIS agent, having never told them much from past correspondences.
“Do you think you’ll miss the action?” Peyton asks, taking a sip from his drink.
Aurora hesitates for a bit to think about it. She had yet to tell them about the one case that she was still recovering from. She knew she’d miss the action, it was all she knew for 3 years but on the other hand, she had lived the agent life she wanted to. She was good. But she was ready to actually spend time with her family.
“Yes and no.” Aurora chews the inside of her cheek.
“I miss my team. I miss being on the field. But it was the right move to come home. Spend time with mom and, of course, you Ames. I’m glad it all lined up that you both are here too.”
Aurora gestures to Peyton and Bradley, but both were busy stuffing their faces with tacos. Amelia gives them a disgusted look, while Aurora laughs at them. 
“Sowwy, wha id yo ay?” Bradley asks Aurora, mouth still full as he speaks. Aurora chuckles at his confused expression.
“I said, I’ll miss it but I’m just glad to be here with all of you,” she reiterates.
“Yeah, it really worked out,” Bradley says after swallowing his bite and smiling at Aurora. She blushes while Peyton and Amelia give each other a knowing look across the table.
They were the biggest shippers of Bradley and Aurora, but both knew why they were hesitant about being together. That didn’t stop them from scheming behind their backs on ways to get them together.
“How long are you both stationed for? Are you leaving after the mission?” Amelia asks. Peyton and Bradley turn to look at each other and shrug.
“Not sure yet. The mission is already intense, and we just started training,” Bradley responds.
“Yeah, Bradley sucked today, and it was only dogfighting,” Peyton adds on, as Bradley gives Peyton the middle finger. 
“I mean, they brought all the top graduates of Top Gun, that in itself is already saying something,” Aurora defended Bradley a bit.
“Yeah, but I mean he really sucked today, like I’ve seen him better when he’s doing test runs,” Peyton says, egging Bradley on.
“Okay, Mr. Mechanic. Where’s your pilot license?” Bradley accuses.
“You know I can cut the fuel line to your jet, right?” 
“Okay ladies, break it up,” Aurora interrupts the two. Amelia chuckles at their small banter.
“What have you got, Miss NCIS Agent?” Peyton taunts his twin.
She glares at him. “A knife, a forensic best friend to help hide or destroy your body, another best friend to help me hide, while the rest of my team helps clear my name when I get blamed for your unexpected death.”
Bradley and Amelia burst out laughing as Peyton pales at Aurora’s sentence.
“Fine. You win, for now.”
Aurora smirks at him, knowing she won that round.
“So, you wanna tell me what’s going on with you and Hangman?”
Peyton sputters out his drink while Bradley slaps him on the back. Amelia giggles.
“Nothing, nothing is going on,” Peyton wipes his mouth with a napkin.
“Really? Because the first time I brought you up, he blushed,” Aurora smiles at him.
“Oh, Peyton does the same thing!” Bradley chimes in, earning a slap on the arm from Peyton.
“Nothing is going on. Whatever he said, it’s nothing anymore,” Peyton sighs.
“What happened?” Aurora was confused. Hangman looked like he liked Peyton a lot, and would ask about him whenever he and Aurora would text from time to time.
“He doesn’t want anything but sex from me.”
“Woah, dude! There’s a child here,” Bradley blurts out.
“I’m a lot more mentally mature than you, Bradshaw,” Amelia points out.
Bradley sticks his tongue out at her, to which Amelia puts up her middle finger.
“What do you mean?” Aurora wonders, ignoring the two.
“He doesn’t want a relationship. He’s scared about dating someone like me.”
“A guy?” 
“No, being with someone also in the Navy. He’s worried that it’ll mess up his career. Especially with our family’s reputation.”
“If anything, Hangman is very open about being bisexual,” Bradley rolls his eyes.
“So he doesn’t want to date you because you’re a Mitchell?” Amelia snorts.
“Pretty much.” Peyton replies.
“Well that’s stupid.”
“I know. I just…I want to move on, but I really like him.”
“I’m sorry, Pey. He really seems like he likes you.” Aurora comforts her twin.
She was going to have a word with Jake later. Probably smack some sense into him when she sees him or threaten the asshole with her knife, whichever comes first.
“Apparently not enough,” Peyton grumbles, finishing his drink. 
“I’m bored, I’m gonna skate around.” Getting up to throw away her trash, Amelia grabbed her skateboard and was about to wander off.
“Please be careful, Ames,” Aurora tells her.
“Always! Pey, want to come with me? I’ll teach you some basics.” 
Amelia gives her best fake smile. Peyton looks at her confused, until Amelia makes a face that Peyton finally understood to give Aurora and Bradley some alone time.
“Oh, yeah! Sure! I’ve always wanted to learn how to ride a skateboard!” Peyton gave his best smile as he stuffed the rest of his taco in his mouth and threw away his trash.
“Wait, since when?” Aurora looks at him confused.
“Since, like forever! Amelia is going to teach me how to do an Olive!”
“You mean Ollie?” Amelia corrects him.
“Yeah, that too!”
Aurora and Bradley look at Peyton in disbelief as both he and Amelia leave to go do some skateboard tricks on an even road, while CJ follows them.
They both throw away their trash then sit back at the table, but this time Bradley sitting next to her as they watch the sunset. 
Bradley faces Aurora, who was keeping an eye on Peyton, Amelia, and CJ. Smiling, he could see how much love Aurora holds for her family. Plus the fact that she moved back to San Diego, and gave up a successful NCIS career in Washington D.C. in order to be home, it really warmed his heart. 
Turning her head, Aurora catches Bradley staring at her.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” Becoming self conscious, she grabs a napkin and begins wiping at her mouth.
“No, no, you’re fine. I was just…I just still can’t believe you’re here right in front of me.”
Aurora chuckles as she puts the napkin down.
“I missed you, a lot.” Bradley confesses, reaching his hand over to Aurora’s so they could hold hands.
Aurora smiles and interlocks their hands. “I missed you a lot too, B.”
Bradley looks down at the charm bracelet. It still looked brand new, as if it was just yesterday he had given it to her that Christmas day when they shared their first kiss. He soon noticed a new charm on it.
“That’s new,” he points out, simply curious at the charm.
Looking down at it, Aurora realizes the charm he pointed out was the North Star charm given by her NCIS team.
“It was a goodbye present from my team when I left last week.”
Bradley looks up to see Aurora’s eyes glaze over a bit.
“Hey, you okay?”
Aurora was drawn out of her thoughts. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”
“You miss it?”
“Oh yeah, I loved being shot at all the time,” she sarcastically answered.
“But you were safe, right? No like bad calls or close to your death bed?” Bradley worriedly asks.
Aurora hesitates. Was she ready to tell him about the cases where she would get hit by stray bullets? Or the time she almost got blown up because she refused to leave Ziva’s side when Ziva was disarming the bomb?
Probably not the time her and McGee got stuck in an elevator and almost fell to their death? The case where Tony had almost got them caught undercover was not one she wanted to relive. Or the time that she was in Abby’s lab and inhaled a bad toxin, leaving her bedridden for a few days? Surely she couldn’t tell him about the case where she took a bullet for Gibbs. Or the case where she was tortured. 
“No, I’m fine, B. I loved my team, but I think it was time for me to stop running into gunfire,” Aurora brushes off her thoughts. That was a problem for another day.
“Well I’m glad you’re here. And that you’re safe.”
“Worried about me?”
“Always for you, princess.” Bradley says, kissing her hand causing Aurora to blush.
“This mission is going to be an intense one, isn't it?” Aurora asks Bradley after a few minutes of silence, besides the ocean waves crashing and the speaker they were playing music out of from Bradley’s Bronco.
“Yeah, I think so, darling.”
“Promise you’ll be safe. That you all will come back home. Including Jake.”
“So it’s Jake now?” Bradley turns to her.
“Jealous?” She smirks at him. Bradley shook his head.
“No way.”
“Don’t worry,” Aurora leans her head on his shoulder. “You’ll always be my knight in shining armor.”
Bradley chuckles. “And you’ll always be my princess. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure we all come back safe and sound.”
Aurora hums in content with Bradley’s answer as they go back to listening to the waves and the music.
Just a distance away, Peyton and Amelia high five. Seeing the two being close and having a moment for the first time in a while was a win in their books. 
“So, who do you think is going to win that bet the parents have placed on those two?” Amelia asks, throwing a stick for CJ to fetch.
“Oh, mom for sure! They all had to change their bets when they didn’t get together in high school.” Peyton replies.
“Let’s hope they get together soon. For everyone's sake.”
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Disclaimer: This story is fictitious. All works are written by me and only posted here. Please do not copy, repost, or plagiarize on any other platform without my permission!
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Navy's Nightmare
by CrazyMoonLove (TheJupiterGirl) When the '' Female Navy Killer '' comes back, all the women members and ex-members of the navy forces are called back to the bases for their security. But will, the identity of this psychopath who raped, tortured and killed so many women, be revealed ?..... ...Read it to know.   Inspired by : '' From Port to Port '' by SamHeartfillia(SamFullbuster) Words: 5, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Top Gun (Movies), NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, Criminal Minds (US TV), Law & Order: SVU, 9-1-1 (TV), 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020), Hawaii Five-0 (2010), S.W.A.T. (TV 2017), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), Grey's Anatomy, Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Castle (TV 2009), The Mentalist, Fast & Furious (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, Other Characters: Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med), Evan "Buck" Buckley, TK Strand, Kelly Severide, Jay Halstead, Anthony DiNozzo, Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr., Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Danny "Danno" Williams, Spencer Reid, Jackson Avery, Brian O'Conner, Jake Peralta, Jim Street, Richard Castle, Patrick Jane, Will Halstead, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), Matthew Casey, Adam Ruzek, Jethro Gibbs, Rafael Barba, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Steve McGarrett, Aaron Hotchner, Mark Sloan (Grey's Anatomy) Relationships: Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Matthew Casey/Kelly Severide, Jay Halstead/Adam Ruzek, Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs, Rafael Barba/Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr., Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Jackson Avery/Mark Sloan, Brian O'Conner/Dominic Toretto, G Callen/Original Male Character(s), Jake Peralta/Original Male Character(s), Jim Street/Original Male Character(s), Richard Castle/Original Character(s), Patrick Jane/Original Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Serial Killers, Killing, Rape/Non-con Elements, Blood and Violence, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, My First Smut, Blood and Gore, Blood and Torture via https://ift.tt/4qEmtkG
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