#need the 10 draw ticket
blue-eli · 5 months
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Ink October day twenty-six: Share
To accord a share in (something) to another or others.
To divide and parcel out in shares; apportion.
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Luck Runs Out |Part 6|
Pairing: Mabel x Reader
Summary: When your luck runs out you unknowingly drag Mabel back into the life, she's so desperate to escape.
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 3.3k
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Epilogue
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Mabel jumped in her car, speeding away before Charlie even had the chance to close his door. “Geez,” he said, as he fumbled with the seat belt. “I’m pretty sure getting a speeding ticket isn’t apart of acting normal.
Mabel slowed her speed to just above the speed limit. She had a habit of driving fast, but Charlie was right, her driving around crazy was going to draw attention. “Sorry,” she mumbled. She just needed to get to the dock, get on the Finestkind, find the drugs, get rid of the drugs, then all she had to worry about was you.
Getting rid of drugs, a gang was looking for was actually going to be the easiest part of her day. Even if they got rid of the drugs, she still had to worry about you. You were healing up nicely and you’d probably be able to take care of yourself, but you didn’t have anywhere to go. Even if the dealers thought you were dead, they still would most likely catch you trying to go back to your apartment. It wasn’t like you could sneak off to the police, you’d get yourself arrested trying to take the others down and it would leave you in even more danger.
The only solution was to sneak you out of town. Which was relatively easy, she could sneak you out to her car at night, hide you in the backseat and then just drive the next state or two over. Once you were out of town you could hop on a bus or train and be gone. She hadn’t talked to you about that, you might have dreamed about traveling the world on a boat but that didn’t mean you wanted to leave everything you knew behind. There was also the small fact that everyone thought you were dead, if you got fingerprinted or anything like that you’d pop up as deceased. So, you either needed to live off the grid, get a new identity, or they had to find a way to believably resurrect you, and deal with the drug dealers so you didn’t actually end up dead.
Mabel enjoyed talking to you, she enjoyed reading The Odyssey, something she had never considered actually reading. But when she had to talk to the doctor, a man she hated, and had to go risk her life to destroy some drugs, she was reminded what a pain in the ass you were. You were nice but your mere presence seemed to start shit, you were a troublemaker, and you knew it. She was sure that if you weren’t the instigator in all your disagreements with the Finestkind crew then you definitely fed into everyone else, twisting the knife just a bit more to really piss them off.
Her foot pressed down on the gas pedal just a bit harder as she was reminded about the doctor. He texted her with his fee, which she promptly ignored. She knew she would have to pay it, she just needed to figure out how to come up with the money. He was charging her an outrageous amount, over fifty grand. Before they had even got out of her apartment complex, he had sent her the amount added from the refill on the pain meds, which was another ten thousand. He didn’t need the money, she knew he charged to keep quiet more than anything, but she was pretty sure none of his other clients were paying that much. He was only getting away with charging her that much because he knew he could, he knew Mabel couldn’t argue with him. The situation was too risky, if she tried to argue he could start fishing around and learn about you and what happened.
She hadn’t told you about any of that yet. She wasn’t sure she was going to. Once they figured out how to get you out of this situation alive, you’d be gone, and she’d probably never see you again. She could have told you about owing the doctor, you were nice enough, you’d probably help her pay it off or insist on doing it yourself. You were the reason she had to even contact the guy in the first place, but she was the reason he was called, she made that decision not you. She couldn’t guilt you into paying him when she was the one that brought him into the fold.
She also couldn’t imagine putting you in his debt. You might have been a drug smuggler, but you clearly didn’t like it. The way you spoke made it sound like you got stuck in that life, before she got out, she was stuck there because of her mother, though you hadn’t mentioned any family yet. She wasn’t sure why she expected you to mention your family, you didn’t know each other, you were strangers. Talking about Greek mythology and helping her with homework didn’t suddenly make you best friends, she had barely known you a week.
“Mabel!” Charlie shouted, breaking her out of her spiraling thoughts. She looked at him to see him pressing himself back into the seat as far as he could, his hand extended as he braced himself with the door handle.
Mabel looked ahead, slamming on her breaks as she approached a red light. “Sorry,” she mumbled again.
Charlie looked at her with wide eyes, slowly taking his hand away from the door. He let out a shaky breath as he slowly relaxed into his seat again. She rolled her eyes, though if he hadn’t of broken her out of her thoughts, she definitely would have run the red light. Charlie’s been in the car with her before, he should be very familiar with her driving, and he was the reason for half of her crazy driving. The first time they hooked up he had her racing to the ocean so he could jump onto the boat that had already left, he had no right to judge her driving now.
“So…” he whistled. Mabel glanced at him, raising a brow as she watched him refuse to look in her direction. “You and Y/N seem to be getting pretty close…” he quickly glanced at her before looking ahead again.
Mabel slowly released a breath, preventing herself from snapping at him. When the light turned green, she began to go a more reasonable speed this time. “Yeah, and?” She asked, turning down the street she needed to.
Mabel was reminded of your kiss, well her almost kiss with you. She told herself she wasn’t going to do anything with you, that it didn’t matter if you were cute, or nice, or fun to talk to, you were trouble, and she didn’t want trouble. Even though you didn’t seem to want trouble either, maybe if given the option you’d actually leave the life you led. People talked about wanting out but actually doing it was key. Mabel wasn’t sure how many times her mom promised to get clean or to stop dealing when she was growing up, Mabel believed her the first few times, but her mother never even attempted to do as she promised. At the end of the day words meant nothing, not when the person could just ignore them, actions truly spoke louder in her opinion. Mabel wanted to believe you though, that you wanted a better life, a life that didn’t involve breaking the law.
“Nothing!” Charlie’s voice went higher. Mabel flicked a side glance at him, seeing him nervously tap his fingers on the side of the door. “Just… be careful.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Mabel snapped. She knew Charlie was just trying to be protective, but he didn’t have a right to say who she could and couldn’t hang out with, they weren’t even together anymore.
“We found them floating in the ocean,” Charlie looked at her as if that said everything. “With a gunshot wound and floating on packs of drugs.” Mabel turned her head to glare at him before having to look back at the road. “They’re bad news Mabel.”
“I’m pretty sure your brother once told you the same thing about me.”
“That’s different,” Charlie said, his voice still soft. It was clear he didn’t want this to become an argument. “They’re a drug smuggler.”
“Yeah, well my mom’s a dealer, I used to do runs,” Mabel started going off. “Last year you guys needed money and had no issue smuggling drugs to get it.”
“That was only one time!”
Mabel clenched her jaw as she narrowed her eyes at the road before them, they couldn’t arrive at the docks quick enough. “We broke up.” Mabel quickly glanced at Charlie, catching his face fall before he quickly recovered as if everything was fine. “You don’t really have a say in who I associate with. Especially when you brought said person to my door.” She flicked a glare at him.
“Just because we broke up doesn’t mean I don’t still…” Charlie shouted but it quickly died before whatever he was about to say. “It doesn’t mean I don’t still care about you.” Mabel looked at him again to see him staring right back at her with all the sincerity in those puppy dog eyes of his. “You worked hard to get out of that life. I know I’m the reason you’re in this mess now, which I’m sorry for.” He looked down, the guilt truly eating away at him. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
Mabel tore her eyes away from Charlie, she needed to focus on the road. “I know,” she whispered. “I know. But I can take care of myself, and I can make my own decisions.”
She quickly glanced at Charlie one last time seeing him nod. “I know. I’m well aware how capable you are,” he smiled to himself.
Mabel didn’t want to admit it, but Charlie was right, not that she’d ever tell him that. He was saying everything she was already thinking. There was no reason for her to get close to you and put herself in that position again. She enjoyed talking to you and she knew you were a good person but even if she wasn’t involved with any of that stuff anymore, if she was with you, she’d still be connected to it. As cute as you were, she couldn’t bring herself to start something, she couldn’t be with someone when every day she’d worry they were going to get arrested or something worse. Not matter how much fun she was having with you she couldn’t involve herself in that life anymore, she got out and she was going to stay out.
They finally arrived at the dock, making their way down to where the boats were anchored. Mabel followed Charlie as he speed walked to the boat, in a rush but not enough that it was drawing attention. She looked around, looking for any people that stuck out, anyone who didn’t scream fisherman. Mabel caught sight of a man walking around, he was in casual clothes, but he certainly wasn’t a fisherman, he was walking back and forth as he eyed the boats and the people coming on and off them. As soon as his head started to turn in their direction Mabel looked forward, they didn’t know her, as long as she wasn’t caught staring, she’d be fine.
They finally got to the boat; Mabel scrunched her eyebrows as she looked around not seeing any of the crew. “Tommy!” Charlie shouted, making his way inside the boat. Mabel followed behind, giving another quick look at the man she saw on the docks before, he wasn’t looking anywhere near her, still watching the other boats. “Tommy!”
“Where are they?” Mabel asked.
“I don’t know,” Charlie pushed past her as he made his way through the boat. “Tommy! Costa! Nunes!” Charlie looked in every corner of the boat, not finding his brother or the others.
“Maybe they assumed you wouldn’t be back and left?” Mabel knew it was a long shot and she didn’t believe it as she asked it.
“Maybe,” Charlie mumbled but clearly not believing it either. “Let’s just get the drugs. I’ll find Tommy after.”
Mabel nodded. “Where are they?”
“Hidden amongst the bunks. I think that’s where Tommy hid them,” he pointed to the small set of bunks on one of the walls.
Mabel made her way to one set of bunks while Charlie went to the other. They both dug through the bunks, ripping the sheets and pillowcases off, even flipping the mattresses. When they found nothing, they moved to check every other inch of the room, flinging open cabinets, boxes, bags, anything that looked like it could hold something, they searched.
“They’re not here!” Mabel shouted frustrated.
“They have to be!” Charlie snapped, pushing past her as he made his way to another area of the boat.
Mabel rolled her eyes and followed him. She stood in the doorway as she watched Charlie begin to tear the boat apart looking for any place the drugs might be. Within minutes Charlie had turned the entire ship upside down, boxes flung all across the room, papers scattered about, but still no drugs.
“Maybe they moved them?” he said, looking at Mabel as if he were hoping she’d agree with him. “Tommy’s not here, so maybe,” he looked around as if he were trying to find the answer in their surroundings. “Maybe he took them? Maybe he moved them from the ship because he knew it was dangerous? Maybe-”
He was cut off by a phone ringing. Mabel held her breath as she watched Charlie fish out his phone. He looked at the screen before quickly swiping and bringing it to his ear. “Tommy!” Mabel released her breath when she heard Charlie say his brother’s name. “Thank god! I was worried, where-”
Mabel furrowed her brow, tilting her head as she watched Charlie abruptly stop talking. His face went pale, and he gripped the phone just a bit tighter. He looked at Mabel and despite not being able to hear the other side of the conversation Mabel knew it wasn’t Tommy on the other end.
“Who is this?” Charlie asked, any kindness in his voice from before was gone.
Charlie stepped around Mabel, making his way back to the front of the boat. Mabel followed, nearly bumping into him when she found him standing on the deck. She followed his gaze; he was staring right at the man she had seen before. The man was also on the phone and was staring right at them. It seemed Mabel had gotten it wrong; the guy did notice them getting on the boat.
“She has nothing to do with this,” Charlie said, making Mabel snap her eyes to him. “No.” Mabel knew they were talking about her, but she couldn’t figure out about what exactly. “I’ll come but she gets to leave. She isn’t involved in this.”
Mabel was about to protest; she didn’t know what she was about to protest but she knew she wanted to protest it. Before she could say a word Charlie hung up, gently gripped Mabel by the arm and began to drag her off the boat. Mabel pulled with all her strength, but Charlie was determined to keep ahold of her.
“Go home,” he ordered once they got back to her car. “Don’t come back here, don’t call me, don’t ask questions. Just go home and stay there.”
“No,” Mabel said, finally ripping her arm out of his grip. “Who the hell was that?”
“Whose ever drugs those were,” he pointed back to the boat. “They got Tommy, the others, and the drugs. They demanded I come too.”
“No! Hell no. It’s a trap.”
Charlie groaned, clearly not wanting to have this argument. “They want to know about the drugs. If I don’t go, they’ll kill Tommy.”
“Then I’m coming too.” Mabel started to walk back down to the dock, but Charlie held up his hands keeping her in place.
“No. It’s to dangerous. Go home and I’ll come over when I’m done.”
“Just go!” Charlie’s voice rose. “Please,” he begged. “Please, you can’t be involved in this. You know you can’t.”
Mabel sighed, shaking her head, it was a mistake coming to the dock, she should have listened to you. She ran a hand through her hair, Charlie was right, if she went it would only put her and them in more danger. The problem was that Charlie didn’t know anything about the drugs, unless he decided to sell you out, which he wouldn’t do. Meaning he needed to choose his words carefully otherwise these guys wouldn’t hesitate to kill him and the others.
“Be careful,” she finally whispered, knowing there was no winning this argument. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
“I promise,” Charlie whispered then gave her that stupid grin he always gave before doing something stupid.
He waited until Mabel got in her car before walking back down to the dock. Mabel started her car but sat and watched as he approached the man. A black car quickly pulled up and the man grabbed Charlie by the arm and began aggressively forcing him into the car. Every part of Mabel wanted to go after them, she knew there was nothing she could do though. So, she put her car in drive and drove away.
Mabel was back at her place before she even knew it. She wasn’t even sure if she sped the whole way home or not. Charlie being forced into the car, played over and over again in her mind. She mindlessly opened the door to her apartment, dropping the keys on the counter as she stood in the doorway.
“Are you okay?” you asked. Mabel looked up, seeing you standing in front of her. She looked around, realizing she hadn’t moved from the doorway. “What happened?” you looked behind her. “Where’s Charlie?” your eyes darted all around her face, but Mabel couldn’t focus on anything.
“They took him,” she breathed out. She didn’t need to elaborate based on the way your face fell and became full of concern. “They have all of them and the drugs. They have everything,” Mabel gripped her hair. “Wha-what are we going to do? They have them. They have them.” Her breathing was starting to get heavy; it was like she couldn’t catch her breath. “What are we going to do? What are we-”
The words died in her mouth when she was quickly engulfed in a hug by you. This was her first time touching you, she had cleaned your wound, sure, and had helped you move around but that didn’t count, this was her first time truly touching you. Mabel wasn’t big on touch; she was never one to hold hands and only hugged people she was close with on rare occasions. She didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around you though, burying her face in your hoodie, her hoodie. She had barely known you, hadn’t even known you a month but your hug already brought her a comfort that no one else had.
“It’ll be okay,” you whispered, rubbing a hand up and down her back. “We’ll get them back. I promise.”
Mabel knew you couldn’t promise that. In general, no one could promise that but with what they were dealing with, a good outcome was even less likely. The odds of never hearing from any of them again and them ending up as missing persons on the news in a few days was a lot more likely than Charlie arriving, completely unharmed, knocking on her door in a few hours. However, when you said those words, Mabel believed you. So, she pulled you even tighter against herself and let your warmth comfort her and she silently hoped that you would be right.
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temis-de-leon · 5 months
Day 10 - Surprise kiss
Characters: Leviathan x male!MC
25 kisses challenge Masterlist
Main Masterlist
CW: suggestive, established relationship, mentions of sex between Levi and MC and Levi being a sub (surprise surprise), insecure Levi, loving (and horny) MC
Levi had never used a grip so strong on him. He felt the pad of his fingers and the tip of his nails, the stress his poor boyfriend had been under for the last week so frustrating tears were filling his eyes.
MC sighed, caressing his arm in hopes of soothing him and forgetting the tingling in his belly, although his mind made both things slightly difficult.
It was usually the other way around, with MC grabbing Levi hard enough to leave imprints of his hands, but this was a welcomed change, surprisingly exciting.
He just wished they weren't staring at the colorfully bright computer screen during his thrilling discovery.
The demon's body trembled in expectation, quickly grabbing MC’s caring hand a second after feeling the touch.
One of them was clearly too nervous to think straight and the other was too excited upon being trapped by his boyfriend.
A thrilling discovery indeed. He'd make sure to bring it up in another moment.
At the time being, however, MC needed to make sure Levi wouldn't have a heart attack or a stroke, although he wasn't completely sure if demons could suffer the consequences of being awake for hours without food or water with the same intensity as humans. Probably not, but taking care of one's boyfriend shouldn't depend on biology.
“I'm sure you'll get the ticket” he reassured him “We've all signed for the contest, even Barbatos! And you know he's usually lucky with…”
“But what if I don't?!” Levi cried before he could finish talking “That would mean I wasted our time for nothing! And you're going to get tired of me!”
He kept rambling, drying his tears before they could stain his cheeks and letting MC go in the process.
“I'm never going to get tired of you!” he assured him, feeling cold all of a sudden. His hands seeked Levi's in search of contact. “And if you don't win, we can always try next time”
“That could be years from now…”
“I don't mind” he said quickly.
There was a faint sadness in his boyfriend's voice that he immediately despised. He could understand, he wouldn't be dating him if he didn't, but there had to be something to counter the possibility of not winning the VIP meet and greet.
“Maybe you're not interested anymore”
The whisper was almost inaudible, but it was there.
Sure, there was a chance of not caring about meeting the voice actors anymore, but if Levi still craved it, then he would go. Although, he slightly suspected that was not what Levi meant to say.
He stared at him, studying his avoiding glaze and holding his slender fingers in order to make him stop prickling his own skin.
Then it clicked and his face turned sour.
“I love you” he said with conviction, enjoying the immediate blush in his cheeks. “And I'll be with you until the end of my time”
“MC… I want to be with you too…”
A ping interrupted his words. They both turned their heads towards the computer, wide eyes absorbing the sight of the cartoonish ticket and the gigantic bold letters occupying the entire screen.
MC could swear his heartbeat was loud enough to fill the room, but there were only a couple of seconds of silence before Levi jumped out of his chair and lifted him off his with a tight hug.
His babbling was unintelligible, words of happiness blurring together, though it was difficult to try to make sense of them when his legs were drawing circles in the air, the demon making them spin so fast it was making MC nauseous.
“Levi! Honey!” he tried to call him to no avail.
Finally seeing him so ecstatic made him happy, but he really needed to stop or he'd loose all sense of direction.
He thought luck entered the room when Levi suddenly stayed still and sealed their lips together and he quickly took the opportunity to cradle his face and scratch his neck, but it was only seconds before he hugged him even tighter and began spinning again.
MC crossed his ankles behind Levi's back, closing his eyes.
He could do nothing but enjoy the ride.
Taglist: @ourfinalisation  @owlisbuffering  @chizukimp4  @ravenredwine @darkflowerav  @beatlebeesstuff   @mehkers
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princessanonymous · 9 months
When Night Comes
Platonic Yandere Vampire
Previous Part | Next Part
First Chapter
10. 𝓐 𝓯𝓮𝔀 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓐𝓰𝓸
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She looked down. "Where are we going?" She repeated, desperate to change the subject.
He let go of her hand and reached into his coat to pull out two tickets that he handed her. After studying the writing on the tickets, (Y/n) looked up with a curious expression. "An art exhibition?"
He acquiesced with evident delight. "Indeed," he confirmed. "If fate is on our side, we might even be able to acquire some of the masterpieces on display."
She hummed in response, her interest not overly piqued, yet not repulsed by the prospect of the outing either. As they got off the carriage, the duke opened a sleek black umbrella as they walked the streets of London, a stark contrast against the backdrop of the setting sun casting an orange hue across the horizon.
"Aren't you protected by your ring?" she asked under her breath as she observed the scenery.
Passersby, less fortunate people, were looking at them with interest. There was something so striking about that. Here she was, dressed in lavish garments fit for royalty when all her life, she had simply been a peasant girl. Months ago, (Y/n) would have walked the same streets without anyone batting an eye.
"I am," he replied, revealing his adorned ring with a subtle flourish. "But the feeling of its rays against my skin is still unpleasant."
As they entered a grand beige building in the city, the duke gracefully presented their tickets to the attendant at the door. A quick survey of the room revealed a vast exhibition hall, bustling with people. They were all aristocrats, but as she observed everyone's mannerisms, (Y/n) became fairly certain that these men and women in elegant clothes were human.
A hopeful smile graced her face as her heart quickened its pace. This could be her chance to escape. Perhaps, she could scream for help. Yes, (Y/n) would scream for help at the top of her lungs and surely someone would come save her.
"He—" Before she could utter a sound, a hand was placed firmly over her mouth, stifling any attempt to scream. Panic surged within her, eyes widening with fear as the reality of her situation.
As she excitedly explored her first art exhibition, some onlookers shot her peculiar glances, but they refrained from commenting. In a gentle voice, the vampire remarked, "I understand this is your first art exhibition, but there is no need to express your excitement so loudly, dear." Speaking audibly for those nearby, he then leaned in, his lips nearly brushing her ear, and whispered, "There are about thirty humans here, most inexperienced in combat. I'd venture to say the odds are in my favor. Care to take the risk, my daughter? It could be an amusing game, though I'd hate to stain the exquisite art on display."
He paused before adding, "This is your second warning today, doll."
The air seemed to constrict as the weight of the vampire's words settled in, an unspoken tension lingering in the space between them. (Y/n) felt the chill that accompanied the subtle shift in atmosphere, a reminder of the power the vampire possessed. She tensed up at the second threat he had given her today and the vampire's hand retreated. (Y/n) bit back a snide remark, knowing retorting wasn't a good idea now.
Realizing she had no way of winning this time, the human continued on with the vampire who navigated the place, marveling at the paintings, drawings, and sculptures. The vampire occasionally lingered, absorbing the descriptions offered with an air of discerning appreciation.
Much to his dismay, most of them weren't for sales, still, the nobleman often tried to bargain and offer astronomical amounts of money for simple art pieces. (Y/n) huffed. With such wealth, her family could lead a life of comfort for generations. If they were still alive, she reminded herself bitterly.
"So much money," she commented in a hushed tone, her eyes flickering over the priceless pieces. "Is there some secret rule stating that vampires must be super wealthy?"
He laughed at that and shook his head. "No, but I would argue that any of us who isn't, simply is dimwitted," he admitted with a confident smile. "After all..."
He trailed off, seemingly having noticed something important. (Y/n) followed his gaze until it landed on a tableau—an inconspicuous painting, beautiful yet seemingly no different from the others. It depicted an old man, almost god-like with wings, holding a child's wings and attempting to remove them with a scythe. A grim sight, indeed, but it still didn't explain the vampire's peculiar interest.
"Saturn Clipping the Wings of Cupid," he whispered wistfully what appeared to be the name of the tableau.
"You got it right, good sir," announced the man next to the painting proudly. "From the late Ivan Akimov himself. The original."
The vampire hummed as he arched a sly brow. "Oh, is it really? " he asked with a look of interest.
The enthusiastic salesman nodded eagerly. "Oh, yes," he assured. "Only for 30 pounds*."
(Y/n), bug-eyed, stared at the price tag. It was expensive—too expensive for her comprehension. Her incredulity deepened when she witnessed the duke pull out his checkbook, seemingly unfazed by the ridiculous large sum.
"30 pounds for the original one does sound reasonable," the duke commented and the salesman smiled at that. However, the vampire's demeanor shifted as he paused and sneered, his tone cutting through the air. "But, a fake is worth nothing."
The salesman's face flushed a deep shade of red. "Are you insinuating that this is a fake?"
"Oh no, I am not insinuating anything," the vampire chuckled, shaking his head. But the humor dissipated rapidly, and his expression turned sour. "I am saying that people like you shouldn't dare enter these places to try to swindle money with mediocre copies."
Whispers and snide comments rippled through the bystanders as they watched the confrontation unfold. The salesman, now sweating bullets, struggled to maintain composure amid the growing anger. The salesman, now faced with the exposure of his deception, stammered incoherently, attempting to salvage what remained of his credibility. The onlookers, once drawn to the allure of the artwork, now regarded it with a newfound skepticism.
The vampire stepped forward, approaching the portrait to scrutinize it closely. (Y/n) just watched like all the others. "The scythe is too small," he critiqued, crossing his arms with an air of authority. "The beard isn't quite the right shade of grey, and any connoisseur of the arts of the era would notice the muscles aren't defined enough. This is a pathetic imitation."
The salesman practically leaped in rage towards the duke, his face contorted with fury. Yet, the vampire, possessing a supernatural grace and speed, effortlessly sidestepped the attack. The mansion's guards were summoned to intervene, ensuring that the confrontation didn't spiral into chaos.
The charlatan, now surrounded by vigilant guards in imposing uniforms, found himself escorted out of the grand estate. The vampire sent him one last disgusted glance. As the guards guided the disgraced salesman away, the vampire turned to face the onlookers, his demeanor shifting effortlessly. With a practiced charm, he sent a captivating smile to those who had witnessed the unraveling drama. It was as if he had performed a well-rehearsed act.
As the noblemen and women continued to admire the vampire aristocrat with fascination, (Y/n) couldn't suppress the twist of disgust within her. If only they knew what he truly was, their admiration would turn to fear and horror. All vampires were nothing more than monsters cloaked in a convincing human disguise, a disguise that concealed the horrifying nature that lurked beneath. His charismatic smile, the graceful movements, and the impeccable manners were a well crafted mask.
They left the grand estate shortly after the vampire had acquired something to his liking - an authentic tableau this time - for 40 pounds. The carriage passed through the evening landscape as they left the city and a chance for her to flee.
As they left in the carriage, (Y/n) couldn't help but voice a question she had. "You really remembered so many details about a specific painting?" she inquired.
He smiled, a reminiscing glint in his eyes. "Of course, I was there with Akimov at the time he was making it. It was around fifty years ago, I believe," he replied.
*30 pounds at that time = 3651,90 pounds today = 4652,52 US Dollars
£1 in mid victorian era would cost £121.73 today according to what I've read. Don't quote me on that though. XD
Also, here is the painting mentioned.
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sapphicmsmarvel · 5 months
modern au! competition
notes: in elains part i talk shit about The Exorcist. i’m sorry guys that movie is so so bad. Some of these are really short because i didn’t know how to elaborate LOL but yall will get the point. 
This cranky bitch has beef with your kindle paperwhite. 
You took it everywhere, always made sure it was fully charged and loaded with books. You even used the app on your phone until one day you decided you would always carry your actual kindle with you everywhere. 
When he wanted snuggles and you were reading? You had pushed him away. Until one day, he’d had enough. 
It was a rough day at work, he wanted his girlfriend. He saw you on the couch, with your emotional support water bottle, his hoodie, fuzzy sock-clad feet and a blanket. And you were holding your kindle. 
He knew he wanted to join you in that cuddle pile, so he did. 
He took away your blanket which caused you to yell an indignant, “hey!” Then he spread your legs which had you saying “oh?” 
He rolled his eyes at your dirty mind and laid down on top of you. Your kindle was in the air, he laid his head between your boobs and snuggled in. 
Breathing in your scent, he hummed contentedly. 
He felt you shake with suppressed giggles, “you comfy?”
“Mhm.” He hummed, his eyes closing. 
“My big baby.” You said softly, kissing his head and running your nails through his hair. 
He didn’t need to look up to know you were still reading, just multitasking now. After all, that’s what the pop socket is for. Multitasking while reading. 
(get your heads out of the gutter) 
He loved how happy it made you, though. He also loved the sex that came from the books that you’d want to reenact. 
don't get him wrong, he loves that you wear makeup because you love it. 
however that damn plumping gloss is gonna kill him. 
“It’s spicy!” 
“You’re being a baby, it’s minty.” 
“it’s fucking spicy!” 
It’s not his fault that your gloss is out to make him croak. He can’t help kissing you though, your lips look so plump and juicy, just perfectly kissable. And the gloss tastes like vanilla cupcakes until the spice kicks in. 
He's got beef with the sims. You’ll go missing for hours in your “cozy room” as you call it, and 9 times out of 10, he’ll walk in and see you hunched over like a cave creature playing the sims. It kind of scares the shit out of him because sometimes he’ll walk in on you like that, with a murder podcast playing on your TV. 
Eventually, he loves the game. Because he discovers that you can make your own families. You two have five kids in the sims, because even Sim-Rhysand is horny. 
Eventually he gets his own PC, he’s very excited. Owns and buys you all of the sims packs. 
Your IPad. You do everything on that thing. Work, planning, reading; writing, even. It’s with you all day, sometimes all night depending on the activity you’re doing. You can’t stop playing candy crush or some other game. She’s fully pulled the IPad out of your grip before to cuddle, and also a few times 
She didn’t get it until you got her her own with procreate installed. And now you’re the one who has to pry her away. She, like Rhysand, has learned the naughty things she can do with her new hobby. AKA, lots of drawings of you. 
Naked, clothed. You two together being naughty. 
She’s learned to love the wonders of an IPad. 
fucking theme parks. In the beginning of your relationship she didn’t know how to feel, eventually she fell in love with them. She used to be against them because she hated being sweaty (who doesn’t) but with your help she was able to be comfortable and enjoy a nice theme park day with her girlfriend. 
You two are out of state disney pass holders. Taking random flights on random days for a day at disney. Flying in that morning and leaving that night. Or driving for a long weekend. 
her competition is concerts. you’ll go to any show at any time. Your friends favorite indie band is having a show with 20 dollar tickets? sold you’ll be there. 
She’s not a fan of intense crowds, mosh pits aren’t her scene. But if there’s an artist you wanna go see and your friends can't go? She’s buying you the tickets as an early birthday or christmas gift. She’s even used mother’s day as an excuse to buy you tickets. Or Veterans Day. 
And she calls you dramatic. 
she genuinely doesn’t understand how you can play video games for hours. She does love it though because you’ll leave her alone to read while you play. 
You rarely play intense games, if you do you’re playing with friends and not some random lobby (because being a woman, a queer woman no less is not fun in random online lobbies). And that’s when you go into a different room because your friends and you are quite loud. 
But when you’re playing stardew valley or any zelda, mario game, or nintendo in general; you’re sitting by her. 
Your usual set up is you both on the couch next to each other, some asmr room video in the background and a few candles lit. 
She can even admit that your video games have awesome soundtracks. 
horror movies. you were a fanatic. On your first date you brought this up to her, nervous she’d be against it. She was all for watching them. She had never seen them, growing up her mother forbid her daughters from watching them. It didn’t stop Feyre and Nesta, however she was a bit of a rule follower. 
She thought it couldn’t be that bad. After all, they're fictional and the effects can be very cheesy. 
However, she hid that she was scared pretty well in the beginning and then when you two saw Jigsaw that killed her “street cred” with you. (her words, not yours) 
So after the intensity of Jigsaw, you had her watch The Exorcist, a movie you thought was ass but was a good movie to introduce her to horror with. 
She ended up thinking the movie was shit, too. But, it gave her a bit of a baseline to go off of.  
After that was The Conjuring universe, then The Paranormal Activity franchise ended up freaking her out in a good way. 
She liked watching supernatural, ghost hunters, and american horror story with you though! And she did enjoy the scream franchise as well as the scary movie franchise! 
She began to love them, and loved the adrenaline. 
She liked the idea of going to a haunted house during halloween, but it scared her a bit more. It was different with a screen in between her and the scare. 
Your stuffed animal collection. You personified almost everything you owned (which made it a bitch to declutter when you knew you needed to; but you couldn’t stop imagining objects with personalities). 
He loved how passionate you were, how cuddly you always looked however: 
You’re supposed to be cuddling him!! Not a damned stuffed animal! 
Then one time, he came home after a long work trip and found you asleep on the couch, you were waiting for him. 
He found you hugging a fox build-a-bear with one of his shirts on it.  
How can he hate that? 
His own dog is his competition. 
The fucker will cuddle with you then give him a smug ass look like “haha she chose me, she dont want you.” 
He loved the immediate love you had for his (son) pet. And he reacted to you the same way. You two formed a bond, the dog would follow you everywhere around the house. 
His dog was supposed to be a hunting dog, then when you (mom) came into the picture, that’s when you began babying him and forbidding Eris from taking him hunting. 
“My son will not go through the mud! He’s a baby!”
“My love, his whole life’s purpose is hunting. He’s a hunting dog.” 
“His life purpose is being the cute snuggly idiot he is!” Said snuggly idiot was wagging at your feet with an expression on his face that Eris could only describe as a “you go, mom!” look. 
“What if he gets hurt?” Your bottom lip wobbled and he knew he couldn’t say no to you. 
You were sensitive when it came to animals. It was pretty easy to make you cry, you just had to look at the dog being cute and you’d start bawling. 
But, he loved waking up in the morning to you snuggled into him with his beloved (but an asshole) dog with you two. 
Even when the dog pushes in between the two of you in the middle of the night. 
Surfing. He can’t believe he’s competing with his own hobby. 
He introduced you to it, but you cannot stop. You spend hours out in the ocean, and he wishes he could be out there with you all the time. But he’s always working with the city's ocean conservation teams and is the leading man in marine biology in your city.  So he can’t leave the office a lot, but when he can, he does join you in the surf. 
You two began a surfing contest to raise money for ocean conservation too. 
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skelesunderthetale · 4 months
How about what they would do on a date? Like activities and stuff like that
What they would like to do with you
Characters: Blue, Dream, Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Goth
Underswap (Blue) Blue would love to share his passion for sports and exercise with you! Going on a walk, at the gym, at the beach to play some volleyball and then cool off by getting in the water… Not only are they good habits, but also they are some things that he likes and wants you to enjoy just as much. If you aren’t used to sporty activities, if you had bad experiences, it’s okay! If you are willing to try stuff out, he’ll be empathetic of your experiences and make sure to be attentive and guiding. If you aren’t ready and prefer to stay in, he’s also fine with watching action movies, comedies, or even cheesy romance with you. At least he can cuddle with his favorite person meanwhile! Dreamtale (Dream) Dream doesn’t have much time on his hands, it’s obvious. When he has enough time, and when he can actually put all his attention on you, he likes to either stay inside your home to fully relax together, do some puzzles, cross stitch, read, or even watch documentaries. He only likes TV when it makes people learn things, good luck making him watch reality shows (he’s old). If you actually want him to take you out, he’d propose a nice dinner somewhere calm and cozy, or go on a walk in a special garden place. Dreamtale (Nightmare) Nightmare being himself, he hates going out during the day, or at least when it’s sickeningly sunny and pretty. He likes foggy weather, when it’s dark, and when you can look up and see the clouds almost hiding the moon. Speaking of the moon, that’s probably one of the calmest activities you can do with him: star gazing. If you are sleeping, he would bother waking you up so you guys can watch the sky together through the big window of your bedroom. Honorable mention to: reading! He’s an old soul (if he still really has one?) and can give you easily any definition you need if you have a hard time reading some of the classics he has in his bookshelves (you saw one that dated from… like… 1798…)
Something New (Killer) Killer loves cats. His hobby is to bring a new cat everytime he comes back from a mission at this point… So to cope with his lack of time that he can spend with you, he simply makes you take care of them with him. Feed them, make sure they are okay, pet them and play with them until they are all sleeping from exhaustion. If you are allergic… Well, he’ll have to think really hard to think about something else to do with you… Actually, he has a very enjoyable sport in mind :) He’s kidding! Unless…
Dusttale (Dust) Dust is a homebody, it takes him an enormous amount of willpower to actually get out of bed each morning to do whatever jobs he needs to finish before sunset. He loves you though, and his brother wants him to do what he can to make you happy. Thank his hallucinations, because they are probably the reason why you didn’t die during your first encounter… If you want to chill at home, well good for him! I mean… you guys! He’s not really doing anything though, he’s kind of just watching you do things. Will it be drawing, dancing, singing, watching a show or video, he’s silently watching. No judgment behind those eyes though, so don’t feel silly or embarassed. If you want to go out, well he just hopes it’s not somewhere like a festival or anything.
Goth (JessyDS comic version) Goth is funny to be around, and like his name can lead to think… he’s goth, and metal, and likes anything that sounds a bit louder than usual. He’s edgy, and it shows. If he was rich, he’d buy you guys tickets to every concert of bands he likes that isn’t a 10 hour drive away. And merch! IT’S EXPENSIVE. The number of times you saw him beg his dad for 10$ then beg his other dad for 100$ (Reaper understands his passion a bit more than Geno does…) When you go to a concert, it’s loud, people stink, the lights blind you, but it’s fine: at least you can feel his wings brushing your back. --- Author note : Im not a poser, and also comments are very welcome! Requests too! I love interacting with the community
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gvenevera · 12 days
Kuroshitsuji Musical ~ 寄宿学校の秘密 (Secrets of the Boarding School) 2024 ~ VERA’S REVIEW!
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Yes you read that right! I’ve had the most fateful chance to watch the very first performance of the newest Kuromyu in Hyogo last Saturday, so I figured I’ll eternalize some of my best memories here.
Before we begin: the LIVE STREAMING is available for the LAST PERFORMANCE, September 29th 2024, HERE! For only 3800 yen, you’ll get to watch it live at home, or watch it later for up to 1 week (October 6th)! Apparently you need a Japanese VPN though, if anyone knows how to navigate the site, please do share.
A few disclaimers from me:
*Anti-shippers DNI. This post barely has any shipping content at all but I don’t like people who harass others over fictional preferences. I’m a shipper, I can’t help being biased for my OTPs.
**Since photos were prohibited in the venue, I’ve included stage pictures featured in official news websites or accounts.
***This is by no means a critical review but merely a fangirl’s ramblings, and I often drew comparisons to the original stage play Kuroshitsuji Musical: Secrets of the Boarding School (2021). For reference, I suggest you watch it first! I intentionally avoided rewatching the 2021 version close to the airing date though, so my memories may not be accurate. Also my Japanese is mediocre so I apologize if there were important dialogues I didn’t catch.
I know, sorry for the dilly-dally intro. But I’d like to first stress that ever since I started following Kuroshitsuji in my first year of university (like 9 years ago now lmao), I’ve ALWAYS dreamed to watch the stage musical live in person. When 2024’s performance was announced immediately after the last episode of the anime, I was overjoyed to see that our old cast was coming back.
And it was fate that gave me the opportunity - my scheduled work program this year was set to be in Kyoto AND during September! Needless to say, I had the Kuromyu ticket bought and reserved first, before my confirmation with the Kyoto office or my visa and plane ticket. Priorities, right?
Quick remark on the ticket process: I hit a snag right in the beginning because the ticket reservation website Eplus required a Japanese phone number to sign up. I contacted multiple people (middle school friend whose brother used to work in Japan, another who was quarter-Japanese, several dealer websites with high rate exchanges), until I settled on my roommate’s friend from high school who was currently working there. Many thanks to her and my roommate for the help!
She took care of registration for me - even so the advance sales was a LOTTERY ticket! We fortunately got the lucky draw - I saw many Japanese fans on X who were not so lucky, while others bought in bulk to sell later. Then, I used the online barcode to exchange for a paper ticket when I arrived in Japan on September 1st. That’s when I get to know my seat number - 3rd floor, 2nd row B. A very far position from the stage, but it’s alright because we’re here for the atmosphere anyway!
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The performances for the first 2 days were set in Hyogo Performing Arts Center, KOBELCO grand hall. I’ve honestly never been to any kind of music performance (or even concerts) in my life, so I was blown away by the sheer size of the venue.
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By 10 AM, the audience was trickling in. I was in awe of the fact that you can tell who was coming in to watch kuromyu - beautiful women dressed in black-and-white tones, many even sporting gothic lolita bows and dresses to keep up with the Victorian England theme. In fact, it felt like the whole of Ikebukuro were gathered here in this very building!
We were ushered into the hall entrance at 11 AM and let me tell you, the crowd was suffocating! In front of the theater, there was a goods section for Kuromyu merch. I’m so glad I took the time to queue up because it seems some of the merch were starting to sell out by the second day. The booth clerk looked perplex to see a non-Japanese customer here though. Here’s how the line looked like, and this was still early before most of the audiences got in:
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(We’re not supposed to take any photos but I saw the warning signs too late…Here’s a view from where I was sitting on the third floor.)
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I realized then as we were settling in that some ladies around me had binoculars!! Well how was I supposed to know you could bring those here, instead of trying to find those fancy opera glasses!?! Ah well, I was lucky that I’d recently had my prescription glasses updated and the seat to my left was vacant, so I could lean in to see the center better.
The Performance
While it is true that you can barely see the actors’ faces from the balcony seats, it was the grandness of the performance itself that blew me away. For the first time I could see the stage in all its entirety, all the actors dancing in synchronization, and the special effects…oh it had improved A LOT from 3 years prior!
The stage sets for Weston may look a tad “crowded” in the still photo, as compared to the original where they used white backgrounds but in reality, it blended in so prettily with the flashing stage lights. The middle section was a rotating floor and one of my memorable scenes was where Ciel and Sebastian were discussing their plans while crossing the rotating stage, to give the illusion of “strolling across the school grounds.” Sounds like a simple trick but if looked amazing from above.
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On to the story itself - the execution actually barely changed from the 2021 rendition, which for me, was a relief! Now I know, some would argue a rerun should add in different elements, because who would want to see the same thing twice right? From past experiences with Kuromyu, the reruns tend to be hit or miss - different actors, different song remixes, voice changes, and so on. For this performance, I could barely tell that the cast (apart from Ciel, Sebastian and Undertaker) were all new members. Everyone got into character flawlessly!
The story of course followed the entirety of the Public School Arc. The script and choreography was almost identical to the 2021 stage musical version. If you would remember, this Kuroshitsuji arc was the first to be portrayed on stage before the anime adaptation - same as previously, they seemed to take inspiration from the manga only rather than the anime.
Some key moments from the play:
The opening sequence was again a recap of the previous arcs - Jack the Ripper (Lycoris that Blazed the Earth), Book of Circus (Noah’s Ark Circus), Book of the Atlantic (Tango on the Campania). I’ve always loved this part because you could tell they slipped in iconic themes from the past musicals.
Perfect Black: the main theme, and my favorite from this stage! I’m so happy to have heard it live! *swoons* Thank god they didn’t do anything weird to remix it. The whole cast dancing together was beautiful! However I thought 2021 did it better with the dramatic light focus on Sebastian during the chorus drop.
Ciel’s Earl of Phantomhive outfit was changed from the glittery blue suit to a blue-green checkered coat this year. (I’d have bought his Earl photoshoot set if I knew it beforehand) Yana-sensei later tweeted that she was the one to re-design it, to better match Eito. Then Eito Konishi himself replied, saying he was honored to play as Ciel Phantomhive, to which Yana-sensei praised his singing and called him “Eito-bocchan” …boy was he fanboying hard over that. He’s one of us!!
Arrival at Weston: I don’t have a comment on the P4 in particular, they were all straightforward from the manga. I think I like Redmond’s character the most here, he looked very pretty with the side-ponytail and while he was a show-off still, he wasn’t as annoying or arrogant as I somehow expected.
A notable interaction: Violet forcing Greenhill to pose for him at the swan gazebo. Greenhill’s actor really looked strained trying to keep an upside down bridge pose (Edward was supporting his back, but kept getting distracted). When he broke the pose and got up, Violet hit him over the head with his sketchbook so hard that the thump echoed through the hall.
As for the Prefect’s Fags: Edward and Cheslock were giving off some suspiciously gay rivals-to-lovers vibes over here. Which I kinda vibed with, I hope they kept the energy into the Blue Cult Arc!
One important thing: they kept the ALL the Fag lines! Which in Japanese accent also kinda sounded like them repeatedly calling each other “Fućk”. Oh how I wish the anime had kept those!
Soma Asman Kadar: now this guy deserves an ovation just for himself. Not only did he kill the role, he was also the funniest! Soma’s song was greatly improved and lengthened with catchier music and dancing - when his troupe “arrived” at Weston, he even dragged Ciel and Clayton to join in. I can’t do it justice, you have GOT to see those two English gentlemen crack the Indian dance moves! His pestering of Maurice Cole was hilarious and he kept exasperating Ciel out of his character, their chemistry was wonderful. I really didn’t expect to get hooked by Soma in this arc out of all people! Too bad Agni wasn’t here.
Maurice Cole’s miniarc - Flawless. Sometimes I wonder if he was an easy character to play just because his character trait is so extremely over-the-top lol.
The library kabedon scene and sebaciel burning Purple House scene didn’t exist. Another scene cut off from the last musical was where Clayton and the Blue House kids were congratulating Ciel on his fag duties and Sebastian took the chance to blend in with them. Sadly that was one of my favorite adlibs.
Ciel’s dream sequence: this was originally in the 2021 musical. After a talk with Macmillain made him revisit his past trauma, Ciel “dreamed” of the cultists, and Sebastian’s close call with Undertaker in BotA. I actually forgot about this part when I watched it in theater - the highlight was sebaciel reenacting the scene in BotA where they reached for each other, the enactment surprisingly gave me the impression of Ciel’s “worry” over Sebastian’s “vulnerability” here. Unlike the 2021 version though, Undertaker didn’t pull Ciel into a bridal carry or referenced the R!Ciel wake-up scene as clearly.
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The second half after the break was the long-awaited Cricket Match. Like the previous version, there was no scene of Ciel jumping into Master Michaelis’ arms, but I think they just couldn’t fit that one into the sequence. The cricket songs were mostly the same as the original - with an improvement being them cutting out Red House’s random beauty pageant contest. It actually felt like the cricket match went by faster this time, which was a win in my book. I’ve heard people complain of Kuromyu 2021 being a “Prince of Cricket” musical, hence the bad reviews back then.
The laxative meat pie scene was hilarious. From Sebastian faking it as a student complete with Red House’s uniform, to the team’s diarrhea horrors. Redmond stole the show again, as he was going to help Harcourt in the middle of the field, but tragedy struck which made him deadpan: “Oh. Someone get Harcourt.” Then immediately left the stage lol. The Blue House kids lifted Harcourt out.
The Green vs Purple house battle was the same as last time. I always felt bad to see Cheslock being the only Purple kid doing his best because without any support member cast while Violet was sitting in the grass. But this time, he gave Cheslock a tree sculpture of his bust as a good-job reward! Good for them.
Lastly Green vs Blue. They incorporated the rotating stage again in the last batting when Greenhill accidentally hit Ciel. The end of the match cut straight to the Thames Boat Ride, then they did the Blue House cheering scene after. Sebastian finally got to do his signature bridal carry, awww.
Midnight tea party: the setting was even more beautiful than last time. Undertaker letting his hair fall from his hat was iconic as usual. I was impressed with Master Agares’ fight scenes because his actor looked quite older than his 2021 predecessor. I always liked how they did Derrick Arden’s death in the musical, it felt more anguished from the P4 POV while in the anime, it just felt like a gruesome horror scene.
Final musical number was Ciel-Sebastian-Undertaker chorus during their fight in the garden. Music and choreography seemed to be similar, EXCEPT they somehow changed the iconic “Your life is my priority” scene!!! 2021’s version had me hold my breath as Sebastian had his arm possessively hooked around Ciel and took off his glove with his teeth (seriously, you have to see it yourself). This time they had Sebastian and Ciel reenact the scene on the highest stage instead of front and center, and I didn’t feel as much suspense nor was there any glove-removal from what I could see. It was also a weird placement because they were so far away, and Undertaker should’ve been the one on the top as he did his goodbye pose holding the moon.
We end the story with Sebastian recapping the aftermath with Weston’s students, and finally sebaciel’s conversation back at the manor. Again, Ciel reiterates that Sebastian is the only one who could never lie nor betray his trust. Perfect Black came on as an outro, and I got chills when Sebastian ended the last verse on a raised note!
The curtain call was the experience I’d waited for. Somehow I only realized just then that the actors would do the full call during their finale performance, which was what we got to see in the recordings! That day, after the cast bowed twice, the exit announcement immediately came on but guess what? The audience, including myself, kept clapping all the way through the announcement, it went for so long that the cast actually came out to take another bow! As they returned on stage, most of us also stood up for a standing ovation - according to twitter this doesn’t seem to be a regular occurrence outside of the finale. It felt like a truly wholesome “welcome back” for the troupe and for Kuromyu, especially after the rather harsh criticisms from the previous stage (due to major cast and style changes, even I took a while to bring myself to watch it) and the long break due to the COVID years.
Overall summary
Kuroshitsuji Musical 2024 was a faithful rerun of its predecessor. They succeeded with the musical numbers, new cast, overall adaptation of the story. The settings, props and special effects were wonderfully upgraded. The original cast carried the show: Eito Konishi’s singing felt greatly improved and I thought he carried himself as more mature than his last performance as Ciel. Sebastian’s Toshiki Tateishi had a mesmerizing voice the more I listened to him, he never went out of breath even while dancing or fighting - truly vocals fit for the troupe leader. Kandai Ueda did well as his own Undertaker too, even with Undertaker’s peculiar accent.
My few complaints: I felt like the P4 cast (bar Redmond) could do to have more distinction in their tones and movements. It felt hard to distinguish who was talking at times. The performance seemed to have a faster pacing this time around, and you get less absorbed in certain conversations between the characters, so I wished they’d added in slow scenes here and there. And of course I miss the signature sebaciel moments that I’ve mentioned - granted, this manga arc had always been my least favored because of the lack of sebaciel interactions anyway! So I’d say they did the best with the source material.
While I enjoyed seeing my favorite production performed live with the music blasting through my eardrums, it was the atmosphere that truly made the experience for me. Sitting in the 4-storeys grand hall full of some 2000 Kuroshitsuji fans really pulled me back in time, especially during the standing ovation. I’m so happy to see my favorite series so loved after all these years. I’m sure Yana-sensei could feel it too.
I wish a successful performance for the cast going forward to Tokyo, and hopeful for many more musicals to come!
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I apologise now for the many tags, but this is important, as many algorithms have just been pushing down these.
I come as a messenger of the good word of Tinlightenment to remind y’all that this Tin Can KS is ALL OR NOTHING! This means if we don’t get that last 90k, NONE of these are going to happen.
If y’all liked Headless from Shipwrecked’ Comedy (which idk how yoh wouldn’t lmao), we’ve got some amazing people from Headless in these projects, like James, Tom Lenk, the obvious babes with the bros, Curt, and OF COURSE MK! Thats just for Spy Another Day, as we have folks like Gabe in Solve It Squad and which also has Ashley from Poe Party AND The Lizzie Bennet Diaries! I feel like all these amazing amazing people deserve the chance to do more projects with each other in this circle!
I also know many of you like Joe Walker, and Joe said he’d come back for this, BUT said on stream that if they don’t get this, he’s not coming back to acting AT ALL. And I know no one wants that, let’s not let Joe down there!
And for a bonus draw to the StarKid fandom, especially the OG potterheads, just like with the Wiggly, Corey will be giving away a copy of the AVPSY script to a backer. If you want to put in for the drawing, just make sure you have backed!
Now to the Pulp fans, we’ve got 3/4 main leads in the Spy Another Day show! We would get Mariah as the lounge singer at the start, James as the informant, and Curt as, well, Agent Curt Mega. But ONLY if we get this!
As for y’all Smoshheads (do y’all have a fandom name idk?), the only way we get the amazing trio of Arasha, Angela, and Chase on The Great Debate is if we GET THIS LAST 90K! If y’all enjoy Arasha lying to everyone and the reactions to that, The Great Debate is right up your alley, I guarantee!
Not to mention the NEW NEW projects like Gross Prophets AND Intelligent Life which we just will NOT get if we don’t reach the goal, and that quite genuinely would be so upsetting, especially with Gross Prophets as this is the FIRST TCB project to have two AMAZING women (Ali Gordon and Angela Parrish) taking the helm on original music which would be AWESOME to see!
And for overseas peeps this also allows them to do shows out fo the US for the FIRST TIME EVER! Not only will they be doing a smaller version of Spy Another Day, but the reason they’ll be in the area is to also do the EDINBURGH FRINGE FEST with Solve it Squad which would be MASSIVE! Plus we will also get stuff in Adelaide as well! Alongside those we WILL get digital tickets for many of them, so even if you aren’t in the area, don’t let that deter you from pledging!
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If anyone is waiting because they don’t have money now but will at the end, DO NOT WORRY! Just like with all Kickstarters prior and in the future, the money doesn’t come out it until AFTER the campaign is over! So get those pledges in now babes! Please we need all of your help!
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Please, please go to tinlightenment.com and pledge, even 10-20 dollars is enough to help the bros pull off so many of these cool projects that ONLY can happen with your help. If you like any of these creators, please please help!
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yyh4ever · 6 months
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Yu Yu Hakusho WEBKUJI Volume 11
~capture a moment~
The 11th Yu Yu Hakusho Web Lottery has been announced! The boys are sexy and gorgeous.
Official Site: WEBKUJI
Lottery type: BOX type
Sales period: April 27 to June 11, 2024
Shipping: mid to late August 2024
Price: 750 yen/ticket
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Prize A: BIG die-cut Cushion
Size: H300mm x W700mm
Material: Suede, filling
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Prize B: BIG Acrylic Stands (7 types)
Size: Maximum height 235mm (depending on the chara)
Material: Acrylic (3mm thick)
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Price C: Tumblers (6 types)
Size: H135mm x φ85mm
Material: PP
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Prize D: Lid Mascots (14 types)
A revival item using illustrations from past WEB lotteries! You can put it on the lid of a plastic bottle!
Acrylic size: H70mm x W50 / Cap size: H16.7mm x φ34
Body material: Acrylic (3mm thick) / Cap part: PE
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Prize E: A4 Art Board (8 types)
The English quotes are really cool!
Size: H297mm x W210mm (A4)
Material: Cardboard (interleaving paper)
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Prize F: Large Can Badges (7 types)
Size: φ76mm
Material: Tinplate
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Last Win: Life-size Tapestries (7 types, available only online)
If you draw all the tickets in the box, you will receive a tapestry! You can choose your favorite character from a total of 7 types.
Size: H1880mm x W700mm
Material: Polyester (suede)
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Last Win: Younger Toguro Cushion (available only at stores)
If you draw all the tickets in the box, you will receive a Younger Toguro die-cut cushion!
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The back of Younger Toguro's cushion comes with his famous quote: "Pure strength beyond technique - that's power!! ".
Gift Campaign: Photo Chance
Those who get the in-store limited "last win prize" (Younger Toguro Cushion) can enter the campaign to win an Elder Toguro die-cut cushion. 10 people will be randomly selected from among the customers.
To participate, you need to follow the WEBKUJI X account and post a photo of the Younger Toguro Cushion with the hashtags: #幽遊白書 and #WEBくじ_フォトチャン
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The back of Elder Toguro's cushion comes with his famous quote: "I often break my promises".
Purchase Bonus: Postcard (7 types)
You will receive a random postcard for every 5 items purchased per transaction!
Size: H148mm x W100mm
Material: Paper
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One more Chance: Acrylic Panel
10 people will be randomly selected from among the customers who purchased lottery tickets to receive an acrylic panel as a gift! Those who purchased the tickets at the store can apply using the serial code on the lottery ticket stub.
Size: H150mm x W235mm
Material: Acrylic (3mm thick), metal (foot parts)
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purplephantomwolf · 9 months
Love in Motion
Chapter Six
Synopsis: Lydia gets a wrong number text from Lando Norris.
Note: This is not an accurate portrayal of how the real people in this act. I do not know them personally, so I will not be portraying them accurately.
Warnings for this chapter: None
Previous Chapters: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five
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April 25, 2022
3 pm
     I sit down at my pc, feeling uncomfortable in my suit. I take a couple deep breaths, feeling anxious about this interview. I click join on the video call. “Hello,” I greet the interviewer.
     “Hello, Lydia. My name is Jane,” the interviewer greets me. 
     “It’s nice to meet you,” I say. 
     “It’s nice to meet you, too. I’m looking forward to interviewing you. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am the head photographer at Red Bull Racing. In June, I will be stepping down because I will be going on maternity leave. I won’t be returning, so one of our other photographers, Jaxon, will be taking over. We need someone to replace Jaxon,” Jane explains. I nod along. “Tell me a little about yourself,” Jane requests. 
     “Well, I’ve been taking photos since I was a kid. I started when I was 10. I got into it because my grandpa was a photographer. He took portraits, and so I started out taking portraits. I then bridged over into taking action shots as my siblings got into sports,” I explain. Jane nods, smiling. It looks like she’s liking what I’m saying. We continue the interview for another 20 minutes. 
     “Well, I really like you and your work. Would you be able to come to the next race to meet the team? You’d be meeting the drivers and other photographers. We will pay for you to fly out. I want to see you in action before I make my final decision,” Jane asks. 
     “Yes, I am able to,” I answer quickly. 
     “If we decide to hire you, would you be able to relocate to England?” She asks. 
     “Yes, I would be able to,” I nod. 
     “Perfect! I shall email you the details of your ticket to the next race, which is Miami. I look forward to meeting you in person,” Jane responds. 
     “Thank you! I look forward to meeting you, too,” I grin. We say goodbye and end the call. I let out a loud shriek afterwards. “Oh my god!” I shriek. My phone vibrates, drawing my attention to it. I grab it to see a text from Luke. 
Luke: Are you done with the interview? How did it go?
Me: I would say it went pretty freaking good. They want me to meet the team in two weeks and they want to see me in action!
Luke: That’s amazing! 
Me: I know! I’m so excited, but I don’t want to get my hopes up.
Luke: I’m sure you’ll get it. Your photos are amazing. 
Me: Thank you!
May 6, 2022
     I step out of the cab, arriving at Hard Rock Stadium. “Lydia, over here,” I hear Jane’s voice call for me. I adjust my camera bag on my shoulder and look around for her. I make my way over to her when I spot her. 
     “Good morning, Jane,” I greet her. She smiles and says good morning before handing me a pass. 
     “This will get you into the paddock and garage all weekend. Do not lose it,” she emphasizes. I nod and put it around my neck. She leads me into the paddock and starts to show me around. “This is where we work when we’re not taking photos,” Jane explains, showing me an office. There’s two others in the office. “Guys,” Jane calls out. The two people stop working and look up at us. “This is Lydia, she is here for a trial weekend to see if she fits well with the team. Lydia, this is Jaxon and Amber,” Jane tells me. 
     “Hello, guys,” I smile, waving. Jane walks further into the room, and points to a desk. 
    “This is where you’ll be working for the weekend. You can set your camera down for now. Christian wants to meet you, he always meets with the candidates for jobs,” Jane explains. 
     “Christian?” I ask. 
    “Christian Horner,” Jane clarifies. 
     “Okay, sounds good,” I say, trying to pretend I’m not nervous. I set my camera down and follow after Jane to another office. She knocks on the door and I hear a voice telling us to come in. 
     “Christian, this is the best candidate for the photography position, Lydia. Lydia, this is Christian Horner,” Jane introduces us.
     “Nice to meet you, sir,” I say, holding out my hand. 
     Christian shakes my hand. “No need for that sir business, it’s Christian,” he shakes his head, “I’ve seen some of your photos and they are beautiful.”
     “Thank you, Christian,” I beam. 
     The door opens suddenly and we all turn to look at the new person. My eyes widen when I see that it’s Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez. “Ahh, guys. Come in, come in. Come meet Lydia. She’s here this weekend for a test run for the photography position,” Christian says, gesturing to me. 
     “Hi, it’s nice to meet you guys,” I say, holding out my hand for them to shake. Both of them shake my hands. 
     “Do you have any photos you’ve taken to show us?” Max asks me. “You seem kind of young to be already at this position.”
     I pull out my phone to show him some photos. “Yeah, I mean, I turn 21 in about two weeks. But I’ve been taking photos since I could hold a camera.” I hand him my phone and he starts scrolling through them. 
     “These are beautiful. You’re very talented,” Max compliments me. Checo, who is looking over his shoulder at the photos, nods in agreement. 
     “Thank you,” I grin, taking my phone back. 
     “We need to get going now,” Jane says. I wave bye to the three of them and follow after her. “That went well. I think Christian already likes you,” Jane tells me as we enter the office. I grin, nodding. “So, the plan is you’ll be with me all weekend. How this works is we assign different roles to each person. I take pictures of Max and Max’s side of the garage. Jaxon takes pictures of Checo and his side of the garage, and Amber just floats around taking pictures of whatever she can. If you are hired, you would take my spot of taking pictures of Max,” Jane explains to me. 
     “Okay, sounds good,” I grab my camera and follow Jane to the garage. 
     “We take pictures of anything and everything. We can get over 500 pictures a day. Once the day is done, we go through the pictures and compile the best ones in a folder so that social media can go through them and choose which ones to post,” Jane explains. I nod along. “You can wander around Max’s garage and our pit wall taking pictures of whatever you want,” she smiles, giving me a nudge, “I don’t expect you to be attached to my hip this weekend.” I nod and start to wander around the garage. 
     I take pictures of the pit crew warming up and practicing, the engineers inspecting the car or inspecting the data. I take pictures of whatever I can. Once Max enters the garage, I start to take pictures of him from a distance, not wanting to disturb him. 
     “You can get closer,” Jane says, appearing at my shoulder. 
     “I just don’t want to get in the way of his preparations. I’d feel more comfortable if I knew his routine, so I can keep a good distance but still get close,” I explain. She nods, a look of understanding on her face. “But I’m getting some good shots.” I say, starting to inch closer to Max. He must notice me out of the corner of his eye because he turns to me and shoots me a smile and a thumbs up. I quickly snap a picture of him doing that. I continue taking pictures of Max and his garage as he climbs into the car. 
     “Okay, let’s see what photos you’ve got,” Jane says, hovering over my shoulder. I open up the folder of my photos, and we start to go through them. “These are fantastic, Lydia,” Jane tells me, turning to face me. My face breaks out into a beaming smile. “I need to talk to Christian, but I think that I can have your contract all ready to go by the end of the night/tomorrow morning, if you are okay with that?” Jane smiles. 
     “Yes! I am definitely okay with that!” I say, nodding quickly. 
     “Perfect! You finish going through your photos, and I’ll go talk to Christian!” Jane cheers. Both Amber and Jaxon congratulate me with smiles. Jane leaves the room, and I turn back to the computer. I will have my major freak out later in my hotel room. 
     The door opens and we all turn to look, as Max enters the room. He strides over to me. “I heard you got hired. Considering you’re the one who’s going to be making me look good, I thought I’d come say congratulations, Congrats on the job,” Max smiles. 
     “Thank you,” I grin at him. 
     “Just make sure you get my good side,” he jokes. 
     “Which side is that? Your back side?” I joke back, not thinking before I speak. My eyes widen in horror when I realize what I said. I would’ve said something like that with friends back home. “I’m so sorry! I don’t know why I said that!” I start to gush apologies. 
     Max looks surprised, before breaking into laughter. “I have a feeling we’re going to get along great,” he says, giving me a fist bump. I let out a shaky laugh, glad that he’s not upset with me. 
     “Well, I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Have a good night,” Max says, backing out of the room. 
     “You too,” we all call after him. Jane enters the room with a stack of papers in her hand. 
     “This is your contract, you can spend the night reading it and return it tomorrow,” Jane hands me the papers. 
     “Thank you,” I pack the papers in my backpack. Jaxon and Amber wave good night and head out. I hang around the office for a couple more minutes, finishing up going through my photos. I upload the photos to the folder for the social media team and pack up my camera. “Have a good night, Jane,” I sling my backpack over my shoulder and grab my camera bag. 
     “Good night, Lydia. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jane looks up from her computer. I wave good night and leave the office. I pull out my phone to see a message from Luke. 
Luke: How was meeting the team? 
Me: I’d say it went well, considering I’m walking away tonight with a contract to read over. They loved the photos I took today. 
Luke: Oh my god! That’s amazing, Lydia! I’m so happy for you! 
Me: Thank you, Luke!
     I arrive back at the hotel and enter my room. I throw my phone on the bed and set my stuff down. I grab the pillow and scream into it in excitement. “I got a job with Red Bull Racing!” I laugh, dancing around the room. My phone lights up and I grab it. 
Luke: Can I see some of the photos you took today?
     I chew on my lip as I contemplate sending him photos. I know he’ll immediately realize who I’m now working for when he sees the photos. I sigh and decide to send him photos. 
Me: Sure! *Five images attached* 
     I nervously pace the room as I wait for his response. I don’t get a response for five minutes. But when I do, I’m afraid to open it. I finally give in when he starts spamming my phone with messages. 
Luke: Those look amazing. 
Luke: Hold on, those are Red Bull uniforms. 
Luke: That’s the Red Bull garage. 
Luke: That’s Max Verstappen. 
Me: I do. I’m taking over the position of taking pictures of Max. 
Luke: Oh my god! That’s amazing! Congratulations!
Me: Thank you! I am so incredibly happy. 
Luke: I am so happy for you. 
Me: Thank you!
     I grab my contract from my backpack and sit on the bed. I start reading through the contract, signing where it’s needed. By the time I’m done with the contract, it’s nearing 11 o’clock. I slide the contract into my backpack to return to Jane. I climb into bed, falling asleep. 
Lando’s POV
     I’m looking at the photos Lydia took today when it registers that the photos are of Red Bull employees in the Red Bull garage. “Holy shit! She’s here!” I shriek. I start pacing the room. I spam her with messages, congratulating her. She thanks me and I debate whether I want to meet her or not. I really want to meet her, but I don’t want to mess up what we have. I sigh, falling onto my bed. I decide to call Max because he met her today.
     “Hello, Lando. Everything okay?” Max asks, answering his phone. 
    “Hey, Max. I have a question/need some advice,” I sit up. 
     “Alright, what’s up?” He asks me. 
     “Do you remember me telling you about Lydia?” I start off. 
    “Lydia? I don’t think you’ve mentioned a Lydia,” he hums. 
     “Maybe not by name, she’s the girl I told you guys about at the club about a month ago,” I explain. 
     “Oh yes! I remember now. What’s up? Did she find out she’s being lied to?” Max asks. 
     “No, she got a photography job today, and she might find out that I’m lying to her because of it,” I sigh. 
     “Hold on, you said her name was Lydia and she got a photography job today. Red Bull hired a girl named Lydia for a photography position today. Is she the same girl?” Max gasps. 
     “Yes, yes she is,” I admit. 
     “Oh my god,” he laughs, “This is amazing. You need to figure something out, mate. She’s a cool girl.” 
     “She is,” I agree, “I just wanted to ask what you think I should do.”
     “Well, I don’t think she’ll freak out meeting you. She wasn’t afraid to joke around with me today. But she might get upset that she was lied to,” Max tells me. 
     I grin when hearing that she wasn’t afraid to joke around with Max. “Okay, thank you. I’ll probably wait until after the race to see if she wants to meet up,” I think aloud. 
     “Probably a good idea. But I’ve got to go to bed now. Good luck, Lando,” Max wishes me a good night and then hangs up. 
     I sigh, falling back into bed. “You probably messed up, Lando. Hopefully she won’t be too upset when she finds out,” I mumble to myself. I close my eyes, quickly falling asleep.
Taglist: @copper-boom @ironmaiden1313 @ophcelia @lauralarsen
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ebug’s sister, dm91
part one / part two / part three
we're gonna ignore the drastic hair change and the fact that the people in pictures 2 and 3 look absolutely nothing alike despite being twins in the au
pictures saved from pinterest !
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06 and 4,867 others
blakefriarr_: my brother's an ubug, episode 3! birthday edition!
jj was not actually the ebug for tonight's game, he's just a huge suck and he got me devs tickets for my (our) birthday cause he LOVESSSSS MEEEEE
he was gonna get me a mercer jersey and then i apparently offended him by drawing dicks on the printed pdf of his 10 commandments
i can't not provide context for these photos, it's my brand. so buckle up.
one is me after unwrapping the gift my dad got for jj and accidentally put my name on. yes that is fire. yes this was our father telling jj to go get an actual job. yes i laughed. yes i kept it.
the next two capture jj and i's entire relationship visually, and they are me wanting to drink out of a much too heavy, glass bottle without using my hands. jj was incredibly concerned for his safety as well as the condition the floor would be in after i inevitably dropped the bottle and got glass everywhere. however, that did not happen because i am actually god himself. next.
dawson looks very displeased with whatever he is looking at (they were winning?????? the puck was in the o zone?????? hisch had the puck?????? idek. maybe he's got digestive issues)
the boys are having a pre faceoff chat. dawson is eating his gloves.
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jj.friar31: i want that torch back
→ blakefriarr_: tough shit james
→ drayanewman: HIS NAME IS JAMES?!?!?!?!?
user6543456: dawson eating his gloves just like jack
→ user93456: will ny is the original sporting goods eater
dawson1417: happy birthday <3 hope you had a good night
→ blakefriarr_: this comment squished my heart like a pimple in the best way
→ dawson1417: you're welcome? 😭
→ blakefriarr_: thank you, handsome <3
→ dawson1417: i understand the pimple comment. good lord.
dawson1417: now that we're done being cute i do NOT have DIGESTIVE ISSUES???
→ blakefriarr_: it's nothing to be ashamed of, daws. just a tummy ache :(
→ dawson1417: i did not have a tummy ache i am a grown man
→ blakefriarr_: shit ur right my bad you've got functional dyspepsia
→ dawson1417: i've got WHAT
user230237: this is so chaotic
user098765: i love that everyone just goes with this
dawson1417: final comment i promise but why is your shirt half see through
→ blakefriarr_: why ISN'T your shirt half see through 🤨
→ blakefriarr_: lemme have a look
→ jj.friar31: this is why you didn't get a jersey
→ blakefriarr_: @/dawson1417 can i have a jersey
→ dawson1417: @/blakefriarr_ i will get you one from every theme night as long as they've got my number on them
→ jj.friar31: you're a TRAITOR, dawson.
njdevils: happy birthday, blake!
→ jj.friar31: happy birthday blake AND JJ. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOO. I'M THE EBUG!!! I'M MORE SPECIAL
→ blakefriarr_: i wouldn't say more special but you're definitely a different flavour of special
→ blakefriarr_: also technically your birthday was yesterday so stop acting like a colossal piss baby
→ jackhughes: huh
→ blakefriarr_: i REALLY did not want out of there bro i was hanging on for dear life
→ jackhughes: oh shit i thought dad had mad game
→ quinnhughes: then they wouldn't be twins ?
→ blakefriarr_: oh my god one of them has a brain cell
→ quinnhughes: glad i could be of service, congrats on being whatever age it is that you are
lhughes_06: i was gonna say happy birthday and then you said i had less braincells than quinn.
→ blakefriarr_: correction- i said quinn had one (1) braincell. therefore implying that you have none <3
lhughes_06: happy birthday jj
→ blakefriarr_: and you WONDER why i like quinn better
jackhughes: you were born on this day 🎉 jj wasn't, i guess. but happy birthday to him
jj.friar31: @/blakefriarr_ thanks for pissing off 2/3 of the hughes' i needed that
→ blakefriarr_: you're welcome it was your birthday gift
→ blakefriarr_: but just cause i'm butthurt i'll leave you with the thought that ellen would probably like me better
nicohischier: happy birthday to you and jj, thank you for calling me something normal
→ blakefriarr_: kinda weird that you don't find cap normal do you have something to share with the class
→ nicohischier: no i am 24 and i do not attend class
dougieham: i would never in a million years have thought you two were twins before your first post i actually just assumed you'd hid behind him until you got to meet us and that there was no correlation
→ blakefriarr_: is it cause i am really cool and he is just jj
→ dougieham: no.
→ dougieham: well actually sort of
→ blakefriarr_: aw thanks dougie
→ dougieham: i said sort of
ryangraves27: my head made it into this one
→ blakefriarr_: i can't tell what tone of voice this was meant to be read in
→ blakefriarr_: like are you sad?? thrilled?? terrified?? should i crop you out next time?? emote please
→ ryangraves27: i think i will not
→ blakefriarr_: this comment made me call my therapist
→ jj.friar31: thanks man she needed this
→ blakefriarr_: remember when both of the gifts had my name on them and nobody was shocked and the first one was money and things i was actually interested in and the second one was a propane torch that nobody will ever use unironically (remember which one was meant for you?)
→ jj.friar31: while ur on the phone with her can you make me an appointment too
→ blakefriarr_: she made it right before mine in case you need more time.
→ jesperbratt: you're joking about the gift thing... right?
→ blakefriarr_: they paid his college tuition
→ jj.friar31: they paid for part of your car
→ blakefriarr_: i drive an '11 civic and the check engine light has been on for a year and a half
→ jj.friar31: they pay for your apartment
→ blakefriarr_: we live together???
→ jj.friar31: that is definitely a point
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virtue1nvain · 4 months
You can refer to me as Belial :3
I am apart of the Alterhuman community ( I'm perfectly fine specifying what in DM's). PLEASE INTERACT IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR OTHERKIN OR THERIAN FRIENDS PLSPLSPLSPLSPLS!!!!!!! MY DISCORD IS VIRTUEINVEIN!!!! PLS FRIEND ME!!
I am 15, but don't mind minors or adults interacting with my posts or getting in contact as long as you're nice!!
FYI, I'm autistic!! So please be patient sometimes, I'm doing the best I can to keep up, but everyone around me seems to have SUPER long legs !!!
I have a boyfriend (hiya smiley :3333), and I'm uncomfortable with flirting! So please don't do that!!
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I am transmasc and the pronouns I use primarily are he/him, they/them, xe/xem and it/its!!!
Fyi, if you don’t want to ask or are too nervous to: just use masc leaning pronouns, it's the easiest route to NO mistakes!!
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My current interests or hobbies are honkai star rail, jujutsu kaisen, cosplaying, art, talking in general, singing, music, fnaf, the owl house, gravity falls, yaelokre, digital art, comics, most games, pressure, Equilibrium, and some other things!!
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I'll pretty much block if anyone follows me and I don't like what I see, I do this for my own comfortability though, so if I do block you don’t take it personal!!
Heres a list of things that will get you a one-way ticket to PERMANENTLY BANNED AND BLOCKED town!! (See below)
DNI if you're racist, xenophobic, lgbtq+phobic, terf/radfem, misogynistic, sexist, transmed, proship/anti-anti, darkship, map/pedo, zoophile/zoo, pro-contact para (? I forget what it's called sometimes, I think this is the right term?), anti-kin, dsmp or qsmp related, NSFW based accounts (idm if you post it sometimes but FULLY NSFW accounts make me uncomfy) anti-alterhuman/anti-otherkin, furry hunters/haters or trans-med!!
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Pls dm me on discord (virtueinvein) for more info, if you're interested or if you want art reference!!
Pricing :33333
£5 lineart (shaded or not shaded)
£10 flat coloured (shaded or not shaded)
£15 rendered (this will always be shaded)
Add £5 per extra character, and £10 if it has a complex scene or background. I can and will draw furries, animals, simplistic robots, dolls, humans, anthro animals, dnd races and the sort. Complex robots (think transformers), mecha, detailed dragons and realistic art is something I can NOT do, sadly :((
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pastenaga · 10 months
Charity Art Raffle for Mildret
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Recently my friend Mildret was diagnosed with colon cancer, they're only 26 years old and have no family support since their mother passed away two years ago during the pandemic due to covid, they live on their own and they're currently unable to work because of their medical condition. The insurance does not cover certain procedures at the moment and time is crucial at this point. We're gathering money to be able to do the surgery needed (a hemicolectomy and transverse ileus anastomosis) and start chemotherapies. They were told they only have 2 months to do the surgery.
Donations and Raffle tickets payment will be taken on:
Or directly to their bank account (but this one probably only works on Mexico and Latinoamerica): Mildret Fuentes, Bank: BANORTE, Account (Cuenta): 0433727516, CLABE: 072078004337275166.
Thank you all for your attention and your support ❤.
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🎖️#1: Animated video (MAD) or Comic or Full Colored Drawing
🎖️#2: Comic or GIF animation or Full Colored Drawing
🎖️#3: Full Colored Drawing or GIF animation.
🎖️#4: Flat Drawing + Chibi (color)
🎖️#5: Sketch + Chibi (sketch)
🎖️#6: Sketch
🎁 As a special thank you all Winners from #1 to #15 can have a Keychain + Notebook + 3 Stickers of election: See available designs 👉 HERE. (You would have to pay for the shipment ----> I can give you an estimated shipment cost if you send me your address on DM).
🎁 And from #16 to #25 can choose a keychain + 3 stickers.
🎁✨ AND as another special thank you:
The first 10 tickets will have a FREE Chibi or waist-up Sketch!!🎊
💙 Raffle starts today November 16th and ends on December 26th. 💙After you make the payment please send me a direct message with the receipt.
🏆 I will be announcing the winners during the first week of January!
I made another Charity Raffle for a little kitty some time ago, if you want you can check it out here.
Otherwise, I'm also opening commissions if you're interested, all of the profits will be donated to my friend's treatment. You can find the info here.
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✔️ I can draw: Anime, BL, GL, Hetero, OC, Kinks, Armor/weapons, RL people, Chibi, Chibi animals, Gore, Mecha.
❌ Won't draw: Realistic animals, Character design, Shouta or Loli, Landscapes.
🎬 Animated video (MAD): duration max 2 minutes, you need to provide the song, theme, and brief story you would like, (NSFW not allowed). You can see what types of videos I do on my Youtube channel
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📔 Comics: 20 pages or less. You need to provide the story and characters. NSFW allowed. You can see some examples of the comics I make here. Or my Stranger Things comic here.
🎨 Full Colored Drawing: full body, it can be digital or watercolor, and it can include a simple background. Max 2 characters. NSFW allowed. Digital Examples Watercolor Examples
🎞️ GIF Animation: Simple animation of small actions like kisses, smiling, blushing, etc. Max 2 characters. No background, no color or very simple colors. NSFW allowed. GIF Examples
✍️ Flat Drawing: full body just with flat colors, no background. Max 2 characters. NSFW allowed. Flat Examples
🎀 Color chibi: Max 2 characters. No background. NSFW not allowed. Chibi Examples
✏️ Sketch: Waist-up Max 2 characters. No background. NSFW allowed. Sketch Examples
Any questions feel free to DM me 🥰
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sweet-tragedys-stuff · 2 months
My experience and things that happened at the Voltaire concert :]
First of all, a lot of strange things happened jajaja
It was literally the first time I went to a convention and a concert, so my hands were shaking a lot; Even when I went to buy the tickets for the photo and the autograph, the ladies who were collecting told me "Cálmate jaja, ni que se te fuera a ir (calm down jaja, he's not going to leave)".
Well, I approached where he was giving autographs and cell phone photos (my dad vanished, he went to buy prickly pears)
Voltaire and Mayumi greeted me very kindly greeted and I asked him (almost crying) to sign my drawing of "Riding a Black Unicorn", I thought he was just going to sign it and that's it. but when I gave him the drawing, he saw it and asked me "Tu dibujaste esto? (Did you draw this?)" but, he asked me surprised, I answered yes, He told me that I drew very well and he showed it to Mayumi and she also told me that I drew very well (I was almost dying of happiness, I just didn't cry because I had eyeliner and I didn't want it to be ruined) he signed my drawing and asked if I could take a photo with them, they told me yes and my father took the photo with me jskakjsa with. and then he asked me "como te llamas? (what's your name?)", I told him my name, and he told me "Maren? dibujas muy bien, espero que sigas dibujando (You draw very well, I hope you continue drawing)" and shake my hand (I almost cried ×2)
And something strange happened when he was going to sit down kajsjsja, As I said, my father was going to buy some prickly pears, Well, I'm going to try to explain this in the best way possible, because it is better understood in Spanish.
My father was eating prickly pears and Voltaire approached him and asked him what he was eating (yes, super random) and my father said "Tunas"
Prickly pears, in Spanish they say "tunas", and "atún" in English is tuna, I hope it is understood, Basically Voltaire thought my father was talking about tuna, when in reality he was talking about prickly pears
And Voltaire answered "Tunas?", my father said yes and Voltaire asked again "Tuna de Atún?" and my father replied "No, no, tuna de, de tuna" (wtf?) (he forgot how to say "tuna" in English) ". . . De atún?" "No, no, de, de cactus!" "Aaaaaah" kakjsjaajaa and then he said to Mayumi "Mayumi!, hay tunas! (there are prickly pears!)"
Afterwards, I think he went to buy prickly pears, and I bought the key (500 pesos, holy shit, I spent half of my savings, but it was worth it) I also remember that I told Mayumi (because she was the one who sold me the key) "I'm sorry, I'm very nervous" and Mayumi replied "Aaaaw, don't worry"
But then, I remembered that I spent some time thinking about what would happen if I asked him for a hug, and that's what I did, I asked him "oiga, le puedo dar un abrazo, porfavor (hey, I can give you a hug? please)" (Call me strange, but I literally got to the concert with tears, sweat and blood, I needed that hug) and he didn't say anything to me, he just extended his arms and I gave him a hug.
Then, about 10 minutes before the concert started, He was no longer where he was giving autographs, and me and my father went for Chinese food, well, my father, because I was just thirsty even though I had only eaten one sandwich all day (Monterrey is a fucking oven) While we were in line to buy food, my father called me and I turned to find out what he wanted. . . Voltaire was behind me, no joke, seriously, And then, I took the opportunity to ask him what his height is, He told me that he wouldn't know how to say it, because he uses the system of inches, feet, yeah jaja, In the end he told me 6'1 (1.85 meters) Then Mayumi came and Voltaire asked her "Amor, cual es mi altura?" and Mayumi answered that 1.85 meters, It was irrelevant to say this, but I only wanted to because I found him in the fucking line to buy Chinese food, I mean, that only happend in La Rosa de Guadalupe.
now, the concert yippee
1.- At the beginning (finishing the song from The Last Halloween party) the microphone started to fall and he started shouting "Diurex!, Diurex!" And then he asked whoever was there "Amigo, tienes Diurex o algo? (Dude, do you have Diurex or something?)"
2.- Finishing the song "The Skeleton Dance" he said "No me lo vas a creer!, no me lo vas a creer!. . . Pero yo era ñoño. . . Talvez si me creas porque sigo siendo ñoño, pero ahora soy ñoño vampiro" (I, you're not going to believe me! You're not going to believe me... But I was a nerd... Maybe if you believe me because I'm still a nerd, but now I'm a nerd vampire)" akkskajs and began to tell about his life
3.- After telling his past he said "I ahora teniando 57 años, yeah, that's right, fifty seven, es una de las momias de Guanajuato, wey! (And now being 57 years old. Yeah, That's right, fifty seven, it's incredible, dude!, is one of the mummies from Guanajuato" At that age he still liked the same things as when he was 17
4.- I don't remember very well, because I didn't record it, that he said that people on the street told him "Que buen disfraz de dracula! (what a great Dracula costume!)" "Hey, todavia no es Halloween! (Hey it's not Halloween yet!)" and that offended him a lot, but after a while he no longer saw it as something bad and said "Ahora cuando la gente en la calle me dice 'que buen disfraz de dracula', yo les contesto 'Ay, muchas gracias! (Now when people on the street tell me 'what a great Dracula costume' I answer 'Oh! Thank you very much!')", but, he said it with a tone of voice and a pose that, jaja, made me laugh a lot
5.- I was saying that her most popular song is "The Night" because, well, it is the number one episode of "The vampair series" Well, he said that that song was very difficult and that he called his producer and told him to hire a professional guitarist, then they paid him his 3.5 kakskaks pesos ( joke, that lasts the song) and his producer told him something like "No hagas eso, porque cuando vayas a un concierto no vas a saber tocar esa cancion en vivo (don't do that, when you go to a concert, you won't know how to play that song)" and Voltaire said "Yo nunca voy a tocar esa canción en vivo! A nadie le va a importar esta canción!. . . 20 años después (I'm never going to play this song live! Nobody is going to care about this song! . . 20 years later)"
6.- After saying that he said "se vuelve viral, tiene 54 millones de views, y ahora yo, yo me tengo que, is embarrassment, I have to embarrass myself, me tengo que embarazar (it goes viral, it has 54 million views, and now I, I have to. . . is embarrassment, I have to embarrass myself, I have to get pregnant" okay, Let me explain, because this is a joke in Spanish, "embarrass" In Spanish, it means "avergonzar", buuuut, sounds VERY SIMILAR to "embarazar" and it means "to get pregnant" I hope it was understood jaja
So, he got confused, I don't know if it was a joke or not but he said "No me voy a embarazar? (Aren't I going to get pregnant?)"
7.- After finishing "The Night" said "Muchas gracias, ahora si necesito una chela (Thank you very much, now I need a beer)"
8.- Now "Raised by bats" because it gave an introduction of how he went to New York and ended up in places like that, he even made a joke that "termine en lugares, masomenos similares a este, termine con gente *señala al publico* se parecian masomenos a ustedes (I ended up in places. . . Let's say something like this, and I end up with people *points to the audience* more or less similar to you)" and he said to a guy "te digo, me encata tu disfraz, pero creo que no es un disfraz, asi es, asi es y asi es como debe ser (I tell you, I love your costume, but, I think it's not a costume, that's how it is, that's how it is and that's how it is It must be)" Then he said "En otras palabras, en otras palabras, yo encontre mi tribu (In other words, in other words, I found my people)"
9.- Then he said about "Raised by bats" he said "Aqui todos somos. . . Raritos (Here, we are all of us. . . Weirdos" but he said that in the USA he calls them "lovable weirdos" and he asked what that would be like in Spanish and they told him and he said "Raritos encantadores"
10.- He gave an introduction to his program "Gothic Homeking" and then said "Yo me despierto todas las mañanas, a las 4 de la tarde, y trato con toda mi alma y mi esfuerzo, vestirme como un villano de Disney. . . Y si esa gente afuera, piensan que porque así decoro mi casa y así me visto, eso me hace 'malvado' porque así me llaman, malvado, pues. . . Quizás así es (I wake up every morning, at 4 in the afternoon, and try with all my soul and effort to dress like a Disney villain. . . And if those people outside think that because that's how I decorate my house and that's how I dress, that makes me 'evil' because that's what they call me, evil, well. . . Maybe that's how it is)" holy shit, wow, even in the video you can see that I scream like a crazy bitch because he was already going to sing "When You're Evil"
11.- The Beelzebub's Philharmonic Choir, which is when people from the audience went up with Voltaire to sing, and I said "DAD, RECORD, RECORD" He said "déjame ver tus manos, si has, si has, ugt, en español! Déjame ver tus manos si has, si me has visto en concierto, otra ves. . . Sube las manos si esta es la primera vez que me vez en un concierto (entro yo kakska) pues, si has visto uno de mis conciertos, sabes que esta es la parte del show, donde yo escojo gente del público- (let me see your hands, if you have, if you have, ugt, in Spanish! Let me see your hands if you have, if you have seen me in concert, again. . . Raise your hands if this is the first time you see me at a concert (I enter kakska) well, if you have seen one of my concerts, you know that this is the part of the show, where I choose people from the audience-)" I don't remember anymore He said why I stopped recording to go to the stage, but he said that the only requirement was that we knew "When You're Evil" in full, I didn't know it but it was worth it to me and I looked for the lyrics in google
12.- when we sang the part that said
I pledge my allegiance, to all things dark
And I promise on my damned soul
To do as I'm told, Lord. Beelzebub
You have never seen a soldier quite like me
Not only does his job, but does it happily
He said "Aplausos, Aplausos, es lo menos que podemos hacer, terminan de vender sus almas a satanas en el encenario (applause! applause!" "It's the least we can do, you end up selling your soul to Satan on stage)"
Then I went to the professional photo and took a photo with him and I said something like "Hey, I would like to give you my pins that I have from you" and he stared at my pins and asked me if I I did, I told him no, that I had just done the almost human one and he told me (again) that it was very nice. Afterwards he told me that I could only take one, but that I should choose the one I liked the least, but he told me with a kindness and a smile that, God, displayed an aura of security. In the end, I gave him the one for "The Black Labyrinth" and the one for "Riding a Black Unicorn"
Well, he wore the one from Black Labyrinth (I saw it as logical because it came in black) but I thought he would only wear it while I was looking at him. The pin was never removed again, after I gave him the pin, he didn't take it off again.
"It doesn't matter, that's what I work for" but he didn't accept, I asked him for one last photo with the pin and I remembered that I had a drawing of Feathery wings, I showed him the drawing and asked him if he could sign it, but if he didn't want to anymore, that was fine, because I had already spent the autograph ticket and he asked me "Porque pensaste que no te lo iba a firmar? (Why did you think I wasn't going to sign it for you?)" And he stared at the drawing while I explained it and he asked me again, if I drawn that, just as surprised as before, and I think he was convincing me to give it to him and I told him it was for a friend and in the end He understood and signed it, I asked him if he was going to come next year and he said yes they invited him and. . . Ready, I'm gone, from the best moment of my existence so far.
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bgunphoenix · 5 months
𝕿𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ⌞𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛⌝
Wattpad Book
Chapter 1
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As soon as Y/n arrived in his room, he made sure that everything he needed was there already, his custom uniform of red and black colours, money to cover the train ticket, blood collecting needles and his sheathed katana.
He got ready and left the room, it was around 10 pm when he made his way to the back garden of the tea house, a small prick on the needle was all he needed for it to fill to the brim with his blood, taking short steps with his geta as the something on the tree began to move.
“LORD L/n! I missed you so much!” the demoness jumped at the sight of her favourite demon hunter. Her name was Aoyama Kazue, a girl who was turned to a demon at the age of 14, and had been working for the demon hunters since then, she had been welcomed in when a Lord (the equivalent of a hashira) had seen that her blood demon art allowed her to create a subspace where you could cut distances, for that, the demon hunter draws their own blood with a needle and stabs it onto a special kind of tree that acts as a portal. “I need you to take me near tokyo, close to a train station, but not that close” Y/n spoke as he handed her his blood for her to drink and use her blood demon art. “Yes Lord L/n! I'll take you there, do you need me to take you back as well?” She walked up to the tree as it began to uncurl to reveal a forest behind it, it was nighttime there “I’ll call you if I need your help, let’s go Kazue” He patted her on the head and began walking.
Meanwhile, Rengoku Kyojuro was waiting on the train station for the mugen train to be ready, the demon he had slayed the last night was but a mere distraction for the real danger that lurked on that place, it was around 8am, the sun shined on the horizon and the place was calm, he was eating one of the bentos he had bought from the lady and granddaughter. 
“UMAI” Kyojuro said which each bite he took, the rice and beef were a good combination for a bento, and he still had around 20 to eat later so it would be a feast for him!. 
“That’s a nice bento, isn’t it?” a voice said behind me, wait, behind me?? I turned around to find a male on a expensive looking hakama pants and a hakamashita with a untied kimono, H/c and radiant E/c. “Yes! It is a nice bento! Who may you be?” looking down I could see high geta sandals, he shouldn’t be able to get behind me even with my dense hearing, I didn’t get alerted by his presence at all.
“My name is L/n F/n (Fake name) nice to meet you, what’s your name?” L/n sat on the other side of the bench while he placed his bag in front of his legs. He wasn’t a demon because he was in full contact with sunlight and he didn’t look like a demon at all.
“Nice to meet you as well L/n-San, my name is Rengoku Kyojuro!” I shook his hand as he offered it to me and gave him a smile. On his hand he had a boarding ticket that said “mugen train” with red letters. “Are you boarding on the mugen train tonight? Where are you heading?” He looked down at his ticket and looked up again “Yes, I assume you are boarding as well Rengoku-san? I'm going to visit a friend of mine” His voice was calm and relaxed, like the ocean waves. “Yes! I am boarding to slay a demon that has been killing people on the train! I was sent by the demon slayer corps!”
He’s the Hashira I’m looking for, I doubt Ubuyashiki would sent two hashira on a mission, maybe a kinoe but not two hashira, as soon as he said his name I realised he was one, Rengoku is not a surname that you hear everyday, they are flame wielders, a respected family inside the demon slayer corps and not counting that fact, he has golden buttons on the gakuran, he’s 100% the hashira I was sent to protect. “You are a demon slayer, am I right? That uniform seemed familiar to me” I want him to lower his guard around me so he can trust me better when the time comes. I don’t want to knock him out, that would be a waste of my time.
“Yes! Do you happen to know the demon slayer corps? I’ll protect the train and each one of the passengers on it!” He’s loud. Charming appearance but loud. Maybe he’s hard of hearing so I won’t say anything to him yet. “I do know the demon slayer corps” and now it’s the time for charming. Lady Kichijoten please help me and forgive me for what I’m about to do. 
“Is that so? Thank you so much Rengoku-san” I placed my hand atop of his and gave him the kindest smile I could, an unorthodox but working method. His face had a faint blush on it as I moved one of my fingers to make small circles on the palm of his hand. “DO NOT WORRY, I’LL PROTECT YO- I MEAN i’LL PROTECT EVERYONE ON THE TRAIN” The stutter of his voice was a clear sign that my plan was working, he got up faster than a thunder and began to talk loudly “I’LL FULFIL MY DUTY AS A HASHIRA AND PROTECT THE PEOPLE, DO NOT WORRY L/N-SAN!” he was clearly embarrassed as he said those words.
“Fufu~, how about I treat you to breakfast after the train arrives? That way I can thank you for protecting me and everyone on the train, Rengoku-san~” Man, not even 30 minutes in and this guy is already blushing? Has he ever had a lover? Maybe not.
“THAT WOULD BE DELIGHTFUL L/N-SAN! I’LL LOOK FORWARD TO IT” He was somewhat attractive, his flashy hair and eyes were beautiful, he looked like an owl.
The conversation between the two men got interrupted when the train tracks began to clack signalling the arrival of the train to the station, “Rengoku-san, it’s time to part away but when the train stops, I’ll wait for you” Y/n gave him a smile and began to walk to the open door in front of him ignoring Kyojuro and making his way to his seat.
To Y/n’s misfortune, it turns out Kyojuro had followed him and now they were sitting in front of each other, the hashira was eating a new bento every 2 minutes while Y/n kept all his attention on all the people passing by to other carts. 
“Rengoku-san, do you happen to enjoy my company? I don’t see why following me would help your mission” The demon hunter spoke with a flirty tone as he looked at the hashira, “I wanted to talk with you! After all, we are to have breakfast after this! You said it yourself!” his tone of voice and cheeriness never faded, that got a smile on Y/n’s face. Thanks to his eating speed, Kyojuro had some rice grains near his lips that he was planning to clean
“Let’s hope I don’t distract you too much on your mission then” Y/n licked his thumb and cleaned the rice stuck on Kyojuro’s face. “I may go poor for how much you’re eating, not that I mind, Men with an appetite are quite cute if I say so myself” with a slight chuckle from Y/n’s lips, the hashira was blushing once again.
After some time waiting for the train to depart, 3 voices from another cart were getting louder, no doubt the slayers that were to accompany Kyojuro on this mission, Y/n thought.
3 men stood behind Rengoku as he continued to eat, with each bite he took he repeated the word “Umai” loudly, after a while it didn’t bother me anymore, though I couldn’t say the same about the other passengers of the cart.
They were not older than 17, maybe 16 to 15, The first to approach Rengoku was a kid with burgundy hair and a scar on his face, green chequered haori and a box that reaked of a demon, I suppose that was Tanjiro Kamado, the kid who carries his demon sister on his back. “Um, excuse me, Rengoku-san?” With every word he said, Rengoky paid no mind while he continued to eat. “We get that part already” He sounded more tired than anything, while the two other kids behind him were silent.
While Rengoku and Kamado talked I looked at the other two, a blond scared looking kid with a yellow haori and a kid with a boar mask?? Isn’t that a flashy sight to look at, and he was naked on his upper torso. “WHAT YOU LOOKIN’ AT FANCY MAN?” I guess he caught me staring because the next moment he was pointing one of his fingers at me. 
In a moment, all the attention of the 4 slayers was on me, yipee. What mess did I get myself into?
“I’m sorry for my friend over there beautiful lady, he doesn’t have any manners” the blond kid said while trying to push his friend aside. “What’s your name, beautiful lady?” and now he thinks I’m a girl, awesome.
“My name is L/n Y/n, I may be beautiful but I’m not a lady, young man” I got to admit that it was funny seeing his face contort at my revelation.
“Oh, I see” with a defeated look he went to sit down on a nearby chair with the boar kid following him close after. Kamado looked back at me and bowed his head “I’m so sorry for my friends, they don’t mean any harm but they can be quite annoying, my name is Kamado Tanjiro, it’s nice to meet you” I bowed a bit and he continued to talk “Their names are Agatsuma Zenitsu and Hashibira Inosuke, i’m so sorry if they were a bother” at least Kamado has manners.
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sweet-evie · 1 year
More SaShiSu headcanons because I'm crazy and suffering from extreme brain rot. 🥴
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At every Goodwill event they've joined in... The unspoken rule is: Don't mess with Shoko. Mess with Shoko, you either risk getting blasted across the forest or plagued by pesky curses.
SaShiSu has definitely tried their hand out at knitting or cross-stitching at some point. It was part of Yaga's lesson plan at the beginning of the school year.
10 years later, Satoru has a mountain of arcade tickets he has yet to exchange. Tickets won by the 3 of them. He can never do it anymore because it's been a decade and the arcade they used to go to is now closed. 😔
SaShiSu played hide-and-seek once or twice. ➼ Gojo always won because he cheated. He has Six Eyes and he can teleport. He leaves his hiding spot whenever Suguru or Shoko get close. ➼ Suguru and Shoko definitely know. The third time they played, Suguru just left behind a bunch of traps made of curses to annoy him. It hardly worked, and one of them got Yaga accidentally. ➼ End result: SaShiSu at detention.
SaShiSu used to watch Digimon reruns on the weekend mornings. Gojo begged them once and it turned into their thing.
SaShiSu played a lot of Mario. Suguru insisted.
Shoko secretly played the Sims 2 and made Suguru and Satoru in-game. She made them do questionable things. Sim Satoru was abducted and impregnated by aliens at some point.
SaShiSu played a three-way Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters game once. ➼ Satoru's deck is a mix-match and he kept bragging that he had all 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons. (Let's be honest, he just copied Kaiba's deck from Battle City). ➼ Shoko took out a chunk of Suguru's and Satoru's life points with a potent spellcaster-deck. ➼ They stopped playing because Satoru realized that Suguru put together an Exodia-themed deck and all that time, Suguru bided his time and kept drawing cards and discarding them to the graveyard, so he could eventually collect all 5 pieces of Exodia. ➼ They wish they had duel disks though.
They definitely went hunting for Duel Disks at kids' toy stores around Tokyo at Shoko's insistence. Satoru and Suguru indulge her.
SaShiSu played a lot of board games and other card games too. ➼ They put together a money pool. Winner takes all. ➼ For some reason, Suguru liked the randomness of Chutes & Ladders. He also has a thing for Chess. Satoru doesn't have the patience for chess. Suguru's also good at Checkers and Backgammon. ➼ Shoko wins at Uno, Poker, and Scrabble. ➼ Satoru is a monster at Monopoly. They use Satoru's real money in Monopoly btw, because rich boy doesn't mind squandering his parents' finances on the games they'd play 💴. He ends up buying more than half of the properties on the board in every game. Capitalist whore.
SaShiSu definitely played with a Ouija board more than once. ➼ It doesn't work inside campus... because Tengen's barrier, so Satoru and Suguru always find the most gnarly and "haunted" places around the city to fuck around with the Ouija board. ➼ They bring Shoko with them. ➼ Ouija board sessions always end in fits of giggles, Satoru making fun of the curses or vengeful spirits they'd attract or summon, Suguru eating the curses that were hostile, and Shoko being amused at the utter ridiculousness of the situation. ➼ One or two spirits actually willingly left after being summoned because even in death, no one wants to deal with a teenage Satoru Gojo.
On that note, Satoru definitely found paranormal games on the internet and tried them out with Suguru and Shoko.
They may or may not have lit fireworks inside abandoned warehouses in an attempt to exorcise the curse through noise pollution. Why? Eh, just because. Most of the time, you don't need a reason do to shit when you're young and you feel like you're on top of the world. Naïve little shits. Shoko is the only sensible one istg.
Satoru stole a removable stone statue in Jujutsu Tech once after Suguru jokingly dared him to do it. ➼ He hid it in one of the decoy pagodas around the school. ➼ He runs over to tell Suguru like, "SUGURU SUGURU SUGURU, I did the dare!" ➼ And Suguru is like, "WTF?" ➼ Needless to say, they got in trouble for it because they told Shoko and didn't see Yaga hanging around close by. Idiots... 🙄😁
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