#neo-monsters horror
ultimate-horror-genre · 5 months
tournament listings: first round
phobia vs. madness and phobia
home invasion & survival vs. arthouse
slasher vs. backwoods horror
gore & disturbing:
torture vs. body horror
splatter vs. cannibal
extreme vs. cosmic horror (miscellaneous plug-in because there's an uneven number of subgenres in this genre)
zombies vs. virus
vampire vs. werewolf
classic & mythological vs. neo-monsters
animals & nature vs. giant creatures
small creatures vs. sci-fi & aliens
ghosts & spirits vs. haunted house
possession vs. devils, demons, & hell
witches & occult vs. supernatural power
comedy horror vs. parody horror
gothic horror vs. found footage
folk horror vs. post-apocalyptic
i will be updating this list with links to the posts!
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goryhorroor · 1 year
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horror sub-genres • neo-monster horror
neo-monsters horror is home to all of the strange, creative, and downright weird new monsters that don't fall into any of the other standard monster genres.
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schlock-luster-video · 8 months
On October 28, 2007, Near Dark was screened at the Night Visions Film Festival.
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Here's some new Bill Paxton art to celebrate!
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bryanvegaslash · 8 months
Souvenirs d'une Chasseuse de Démons - Halloween Spooktacular 2023
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arc-misadventures · 11 months
The Shortstack Nuisance
Yang: Hey lover boy how’s it…? Uhh…? Who’s the girl?
Blake: And, why is she rubbing against you like a cat? I’m a cat, I should be the one nuzzling you!
Jaune was currently sitting at the lunch table trying to enjoyhis meal while a multi-coloured girl, with pink, white, and brown hair clung to his arm nuzzling him.
Jaune: This? Oh this is, Neo.
Yang: Who is she exactly?
Blake: And, who said you can touch your majesty like that?!
Jaune: Oh well… I caught her after she tried to steal one of my precious.
Yang: She tried to kidnap, Pyrrha?!
Jaune: What?! No! She tried to steal one of my gems!
Yang: Oh… That makes more sense… But, why is she here, I thought you threatened to eviscerate anyone who took your gems?
Blake: And, why is she trying to imprint her scent on you?!
Jaune: Haa… Best start this from the beginning…
Neo smirk deviously to herself, she had just made the steal of the century; For she just managed to snag the, Dragon Eye’ the world largest fine cut sapphire ever found. And, all from right under his nose. This was going to make her rich, and probably help her, and Roman get away from that psycho, Cinder, and whatever crazy plan she was concocting.
Everything was looking up for, Neo.
Speaking of looking up. Neo just barely managed to dodge a vicious strike that sent dirt flying, creating a smokescreen that hid her attacker from sight.
She elegantly sidestepped her attacker’s swipe, and as the dust cleared her eyes widened in shock, and she saw the hunched over form of the, Dragon King glaring furiously at her. His teeth bare, showing his long fangs as he breathed fire through his clenched jaw. His talons were on full display as he tore up the ground beneath him.
She barely had time to dodge a vicious swing of, Jaune’s claws as he tried to gut her. She knew this boy was a rather kind, and gentle soul who rarely got angry, genuinely angry. But this, this was blind rage fuelled by absolute desire for blood. Her blood.
Neo had just realized how terrible of a mistake she made. She had stepped upon the dragons tail, and the dragon wanted her severed head.
Reason was gone in the eyes of one, Jaune Luna Arc, the desire for carnage, and bloodshed was all consuming, Neo barely had time to dodge as another furious swipe tore up the tree she was standing next to, gouging up deep grooves into the tree.
As, Neo jumped back,l she used her semblance to create several duplicates of herself to distract him, and hopefully allowing her a chance to escape. Instead all she saw was the monster that appears when a good man goes to war.
One of, Neo’s clones stabbed out at, Jaune dodged to the side of her thust, grabbed her sword arm by her writs, and pulled her in, biting her neck, and completely ‘killing’ her clone in seconds.
Neo’s eyes widened in horror as her clones did not have her aura, and if one landed a killing blow upon them would destroy her duplicates. But, to see how effortlessly he chose to ‘kill’ her sent shivers down her spine. It was like the thought never entered his mind, he was going to kill her, and it wasn’t going to be a pleasant death.
His blood thirsty eyes narrowed in on her second clone, and he swiped at her. ‘Neo’ managed to get her parasol up in time to block his talons. She didn’t expected how easy it would be for his talons to pierce the reinforced fabric of her clone. He ripped it aside, pulling it in, and with his other claw he gouged her throat out, killing her instantly.
Her other clone quickly went on the attack, but something was different this time. Instead of going on a bloody offensive, Jaune gave her one look, then he bathed her in fire, incinerating her close into a mist of burning glass dust that still burned upon the ground.
Neo’s eyes widened even further for she had heard of his ability to breath fire, but she didn’t know how powerful it was. She would die a painful death as that had so much as touched her. But, before she could process the extents of his fire any further, he was upon her.
Neo was a skilled assassin, but assassins are not know for their endurance. They’re job was to get in, kill their mark, and get out before anyone was the wiser. But, considering he found her within minutes of swiping his sapphire, she doubted she could escape from him. Least she be in an urn.
His moves were highly telegraphed, how couldn’t they be? His talons hands lashing out at her easily could give her, anyone skilled enough enough time to dodge his attacks, but the shear force, and ferocity behind his swings sent her reeling back in fear of the amount of damage he would cause upon her.
She wouldn’t have to worry about it for long, Jaune was surprisingly faster than she had rightfully expected, a quick thrust with his talon hands clipped her shoulder, she could feel a sizeable chunk of her aura being chipped away. She darted back, and pulled out her parasols hidden blade, and went on the offensive.
She managed to score multiple hits that he simply shrugged off as if she had pelted him with foam darts. She thrusted her blade towards his head when she saw he was seemingly preparing to bathe her in fire, it stopped him from breathing that deadly fire of his, but something unexpected happened.
Jaune quickly move his head to the side, and caught her blade in his mouth, and shattered the blade between his fangs. Neo, could only look at the broken remains of her precious sword in her hands, that few seconds she spent looking at his broken blade was all it took for her to lose.
Neo’s mind was quickly dragged away from her musing, literally, as Jaune’s hand wrapped around her throat, picked her up in the air, and then viciously slamming her into the ground, shattering her aura upon impact.
Neo stared up in fear as, Jaune leaned over her, she saw his mouth widen as his fangs came snapping down. Neo instinctively moved her head to the side to evade his fangs, only to feel heat above her face. She peaked with one eye to see his clenched teeth before her, ejecting fire from the sides of his mouth. He raised his head, and stared down at her before his free hand reached down between her cleavage causing her to blush furiously as he pulled out the, ‘Dragon eye’ from between them.
She could see the satisfied smirk upon his lips that appeared across his face as he inspected his property. But, just as fast as that pleased smile of his appeared across his face it faded away as that bloody thirsty rage relcaimed it place upon his face.
Jaune: This is MINE! You will not take what is MINE! If you DARE take one of precious’s again, I will leaved your charred remains on a pike in front of, Beacon for all to see what will happen to those who dare take what’s MINE. UNDERSTOOD?!
Neo’s head viciously nodded as fear coursed through her body as the sweet boy she pegged, Jaune for was swiftly, and effortlessly replaced with a blood crazed maniac willing to go to extreme lengths to obtain what he wanted.
Jaune: Good… If you have any thieving friends, do tell them that the same fate awaits them if they dare take what’s mine. Well, farewell then, it hasn’t been a pleasure…
Just as, Jaune was about to leave he felt, Neo’s hands on his wrist keeping him there. Jaune looked at her perplexed as she stared up at him, wanting to ask him something.
Jaune: What is it…?
Since, Neo was mute she made a sign appear with written text appear before, Jaune for him to read.
Neo: “You’ve already pinned me down…”
Neo: “How about you knock me up~?”
Jaune’s rage fled him as he look down at her with an utter perplexed expression etched across his face.
Jaune: Excuse me, whaaaaaaaaaaaaa…?
Jaune: So yeah… That happened…
Yang: You threatened to kill her… and, then she asked you to knock her up… The hell?!
Jaune: I expect she has a kink for being manhandled; short sized, and all that.
Neo: “Hell yeah I do~!”
Blake: And, the other part?
Jaune: I refuse to acknowledge that.
Blake: Okay. But, will you do that to me?
Jaune: So since then she’s been clinging to me like a bad rash. I just can’t get ride of her no matter how hard I try to…
Yang: Oh… Is there anything we can do to help you?
Blake: We will do whatever it is you command your majesty.
Jaune: You can get her to stop doing that.
Yang: We tried… I think she gets off to it…
Jaune: I’m worried about that too. Well, Neo’s a mute so she can’t cause me too much trouble, hopefully.
Juniper: Oh, Jauney~!
Jaune: Haa… and, why must I dare to dream…?
Juniper: You met, Neo right?
Before the group stood, Juniper Arc, Jaune’s mother, a Neo standing besides her.
Yang: Wait, what? I-Is she your twin.
Jaune: Semblance; leave it at that. Yes, I know, Neo the real one is currently clinging onto me right now. What about it?
Juniper: Well, we’ve come agreement…
Jaune: Oh no.
Juniper: She will become one of your mistresses, and give me loads of beautiful grandchildren, when you’re ready for children that is.
Jaune gave his mother than, Neo a blank stare as he processed this new information.
Jaune: I’m upset you went to my mother about this, but at least you’re not demanding I give you kids right now on the spot like everyone else… So… yay…
Faunas Student: Get her!
Jaune: Oh gods… not again…
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
Things Read in March
Essays & Articles:
Reader Discretion Advised: On profanity and the sublime in poetry
Bizarre Movie Monsters: Skinamarink
Penelope and the Poetics of Remembering
Two Bad Mormons
Was Caroline Ellison a Main Character or the Fall Girl? How the 28-year-old CEO LARP-ed her way into the collapse of FTX
The 'real Lord of the Flies': a survivor's story of shipwreck and salvation
The real Lord of the Flies: what happened when six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months
The Legacy of Hoodoo Within the Black Church
'Hellraiser' writer Clive Barker on the publishing industry's homophobia and J.K. Rowling
'Ma' Reconsidered
Exposed: Dallas Humber, Narrator Of Neo-Nazi ‘Terrorgram,’ Promoter Of Mass Shootings
Black Horror Films Found Off the Beaten Path
'The Help' Spawns A Lawsuit And A Question: How Much Borrowing Is Fair?
Pentagon Blocks Sharing Evidence of Possible Russian War Crimes With Hague Court
How Wasps Are Less Bothersome—And More Beautiful—Than We Think
Researchers Pinpoint Important Biomarker for SIDS
15 Years After Invasion of Iraq, Amnesia & Distortion Obscure U.S. Record of War Crimes & Torture
The rabid sexualisation of male actors is getting creepy
Calvinism and the American Conception of Evil
The Schedule of Loss
Fuck Stuck by Naomi Morris
The Artist by Jenny George
Jenner, CA by Jay Deshpande
[11. Violence: Anglo-Linguistic] by Nam Le
Blue by Laura Villareal
T Shot #9: Ode to My Sharps Container by KB Brookins
The Bag of Skunk and the Ghetto Bank by Yahya Hassan translated by Jordan Barger
Fable of the Barn by Ann Lauterbach
"Envoi" of William H. Johnson's "Nude" by Terrance Hayes
Ancestors' wildest dreams by Kinsale Drake
Short Stories & Books:
In The Deep Woods; The Light is Different There by Seanan McGuire
Bones & All by Camille DeAngelis
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Know My Name by Chanel Miller
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
Thinking about how Harry Potter and Avatar kind of ruined the way Fandoms see certain works. Like, this was sparked on by a conversation with a freind about the undertale Fandom, and how the Fandom misunderstands a lot of things because it's not the type of thing they're used to. Fandom is so uses to action adventure stories, as well as stories where every main character in under eighteen. Undertale got misunderstood because it's really not action adventure (when you look at its plot is closer to scifi/horror), and most of the characters are very much adults with adult problems.
Like, a lot of why the undertale Fandom missreads important things is it just doesn't understand these two things. Like, Flowey, Asgore and Chara get missread as villians because the fandom tries to create a character to fill the fantasy adventure archetype of the dark lord, when undertale isn't a story that has that. Undyne and Alphys have their relationship misread because their conflict is one that only makes sense in the context of them being overworked professionals (like, realistically both of those characters are over thirty if monsters age like humans), it's why the fandom kind of ignored the complexity of papyrus and mettaton, it's why they don't understand why a mettaton neo fight wouldn't work. A lot of them don't even realize that frisk isn't the hero really.
Personally I'm kind of glad I had my undertale phase at the same time as my Gothic Horror phase. I was cringe, but it saved me from a specific type of fallacies.
This is a post about undertale but its about more then undertale. It's about a problem in a lof of fandoms. Its in everything from Dr. Who to hazbin hotel. When you're analyzing a work, you might need to ask yourself "is this about teenagers about a quest to save the world, and am I acting like it is"?
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needlesscontrarian · 1 year
On this, the anniversary of the Mishapocalypse, I'm thinking about the Constantine show and how I will never get over it.
Matt Ryan was so perfectly cast that even after the show got canceled they kept him on as a voice actor for the animated films and kept finding excuses to put him in the other live DC shows because he was just that good.
But the show was never going to be a good adaptation of the comics because what makes Hellblazer so unique and great is how fucking weird it is. It captured the existential horror of 80s Britain and the confusing mess that is modernity. It was a rejection of neo-fascism and religious orthodoxy. It was a tribute to freaks and punks and the edges of society. There's a comic where Constantine uses magic to travel through the internet. There's a comic where the demon stock market crashes because Margaret Thatcher got elected and she was so evil that it caused runaway inflation. It's the kind of bizarre storytelling that you really only get from comics. There's a combination of the literary and the visual that lends itself to that kind of weird storytelling (I'm still blown away that the Sandman show turned out as incredible as it did because it has all the weirdness of Hellblazer and then some).
But really the reason why Constantine as a show was never going to make it was because of Supernatural. Supernatural borrowed so many concepts from Hellblazer. And there's nothing wrong with that. The producers are clearly super into that genre of comic and I think that's awesome. But the relationship that the show has with monsters and the divine is just directly lifted from a 1980s Vertigo series.
And then Constantine comes onto the scene at the height of Supernatural's popularity and it looks so so derivative of the thing that was cribbing off of its notes in the first place, with its trenchcoat wearing protagonist with a perpetual five o'clock shadow and gravelly voice. And because they wanted to appeal to the Supernatural crowd they sanded off so much of Hellblazer's original personality to make it more like Supernatural.
So instead of this washed up walking disaster who narrowly avoids death at every turn through a combination of charm, luck, and willingness to be a complete bastard, you've got hyper-competent magic detective with a spell or an artifact for every occasion. No longer do you have Constantine defeating a monster by making its multiple heads fight over soccer teams. Instead he's waving his hands around and throwing fireballs. When the thing that makes Constantine an interesting character is that he's shit at magic! He's always fucking it up and getting into trouble because he messes with things he isn't cut out for.
The worst thing about the Constantine show was that it wasn't bad. It was a totally decent adaptation of a great series. A few odd choices here and there, but ultimately serviceable. The worst thing about it is that someone had already made it 10 years earlier, filed off the serial number, and called it Supernatural.
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ultimate-horror-genre · 4 months
monster: classic & mythological vs. neo-monsters
classic & mythological: this horror genre is rooted in the mythos of a culture. these films are based on the legends we heard growing up that scared us. whether the villain is a masked killer, deranged lunatic, or supernatural creature, the classic and mythological horror speaks to the inner child who believes that something could be lurking just beyond the light.
examples: the ritual, la llorona, krampus
neo-monsters: neo-monster is a term that describes everything else in the monster genre. all of the strange, creative, and downright weird new monsters that don't have a home in the monster genre live in this subgenre. neo-monsters are prevalent in B-movies but have found a new life in the mainstream thanks to cgi.
examples: a quiet place, pumpkinhead, stranger things
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goryhorroor · 1 year
masterpost of horror lists
here are all my horror lists in one place to make it easier to find! enjoy!
action horror
analog horror
animal horror
animated horror
anthology horror
aquatic horror
apocalyptic horror
backwoods horror
bubblegum horror
campy horror
cannibal horror
children’s horror
comedy horror
coming-of-age horror
corporate/work place horror
cult horror
dance horror
dark comedy horror
daylight horror
death games
domestic horror
ecological horror
erotic horror
experimental horror
fairytale horror
fantasy horror
folk horror
found footage horror
giallo horror
gothic horror
grief horror
historical horror
holiday horror
home invasion horror
house horror
indie horror
isolation horror
insect horror
lgbtqia+ horror
lovecraftian/cosmic horror
medical horror
meta horror
monster horror
musical horror
mystery horror
mythological horror
neo-monster horror
new french extremity horror
paranormal horror
political horror
psychedelic horror
psychological horror
religious horror
revenge horror
romantic horror
dramatic horror
science fiction horror
southern gothic horror
sov horror (shot-on-video)
splatter/body horror
survival horror
vampire horror
virus horror
werewolf horror
western horror
witch horror
zombie horror
horror plots/settings
road trip horror
summer camp horror
cave horror
doll horror
cinema horror
cabin horror
clown horror
wilderness horror
asylum horror
small town horror
plot devices
storm horror
from a child’s perspective
final girl/guy (this is slasher horror trope)
last guy/girl (this is different than final girl/guy)
reality-bending horror
slow burn horror
foreign horror or non-american horror
african horror
spanish horror
middle eastern horror
korean horror
japanese horror
british horror
german horror
indian horror
thai horror
irish horror
scottish horror
slavic horror (kinda combined a bunch of countries for this)
chinese horror
french horror
australian horror
canadian horror
silent era
30s horror
40s horror
50s horror
60s horror
70s horror
80s horror
90s horror
2000s horror
2010s horror
2020s horror
blumhouse horror
a24 horror
ghosthouse horror
shudder horror
other lists
horror literature to movies
techno-color horror movies
video game to horror movie adaption
video nasties
female directed horror
my 130 favorite horror movies
horror movies critics hated because they’re stupid
horror remakes/sequels that weren’t bad
female villains in horror
horror movies so bad they’re good
non-horror movies that feel like horror movies
directors + their favorite horror movies + directors in the notes
tumblr’s favorite horror movie (based off my poll)
horror movie plot twists
cult classic horror movies
essential underrated horror films
worst horror movie husbands
religious horror that isn’t christianity 
black horror movies
extreme horror (maybe use this as an avoid list)
horror shorts
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schlock-luster-video · 2 months
On April 30, 2016, God Told Me To and It Lives Again were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground.
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Here's some new art inspired by both Larry Cohen classics!
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xenosagaepisodeone · 9 months
as a child, movie monsters scare you because they inhabit the same kind of all-dominating realm as adults. even putting the matter of being too young to be able to discern reality from fiction aside, it doesn't matter if you know logically that jason voorhees couldn't fit under your bed or in your closet, because adults already navigate the world in ways you don't quite understand and already impose their will upon you without reproach. the idea that jason voorhees would kill you if he saw you is enough to make him real in the mind of a child, all because of that tacit understanding that your safety is entirely subject to the whims of others.
adults are usually frightened by movie monsters for superficially similar reasons- ie the feeling of loss of control. this is sometimes entwined with the larger cultural anxieties evoked in a work of fiction to punctuate some kind of feeling of realness, but any anxiety elicited from these types of movies normally wears off over a short period of time. nobody's jumped you while in an underground parking garage and nothings popped out of your basement. the vulnerability you are feeling is situational. life goes on. recent years have seen an increase horror media that attempts to capture loss of control as an antagonizing force, largely in the form of ambiently hostile space. the rise of interest in liminal spaces (when its not just being done by kids who are fascinated by the parts of fast food joints they arent allowed to be in), the backrooms, neo-lovecraftian cosmic horror(+the whole "lovecraft would be pissed if he saw what were doing with his ideas >:)" genre), the renewed interest in cold 70s sci-fi, and even analog horror to extent embody this curiosity. enemies that can't be seen or even understood, but are definitely felt. people at large are interested in experiencing a total loss of control; physically, socially and sensory-wise.
anyways, this is why I believe that this means culturally, the people are interested in a new kind of sex. slashers and monsters have existed for so long that they have ceded that murky unknowability compelling one to fear strangers to the spectacle of popular culture. the danger has been excavated and demystified from both the canon and fandom perspective, allowing more people than before to feel comfortable recognizing "i kind of want to suck it off" as a response to their fear of ghostface or jason voorhees, and playing with what that would entail. honestly any director in the genre worth their salt understands this, which is why clive barker is the goat. but what would be the normative sexual response in circumstances like that of skinamarink be? would jacking off in the backrooms exerting control over your circumstances or would abstaining be (and would not jacking off be the hornier option?)? discuss.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
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Fandom Masterlist + Request Rules
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Hi, I’m Lucifer! I use all pronouns including neos and prefer when people use a variety and get creative with it! make stuff up for my pronouns!
here’s my current neos masterlist to get you started if you need some inspiration
names I currently go by
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I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any of the fandoms in my bio:)!
I will not write cishet female reader. if you are a cishet fem reader feel free to still make a request, but the closest i can give you is gender neutral reader. THIS IS A VERY QUEER HEAVY SPACE!
Rules for requests:
• NO NSFW for underage characters (platonic or fluff is ok)
• NO scat, piss or vomit (I WILL write gore/blood/wound fucking)
• NO incest or stepcest
• NO major character death or necrophilia (unless we’re doing zombie or ghost stuff, that’s technically necro i guess but they can consent)
• Light angst is okay, but I generally try to stay away from heavy stuff
⚠️i don’t always have anon on because it prevents requests that violate my rules/trolls/bigots from being in my ask box, BUT if you have a request that you are too embarrassed to have publicly posted with your name on it, let me know in the request! i’ll privately alert you to when it’s posted, but it won’t have your name on it and i won’t tag you in it:)
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Creepypasta/Marble Hornets
Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Monster Drabbles
Misc Original Characters
**SOMETIMES THESE LINKS BREAK!** If this occurs, please let me know, and you can find my fics by searching either #masterlist or #[character/fandom] x reader
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Interested in my monster dating sim, Scare B&B? you can find the basic rundown here, or you can check the #scare b&b OR #monster dating sim tag on my page!
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jjhyn · 3 months
fic recs ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა
here are some of my fav fics ive read, there will be mature themes spread out through this so 18+ MDNI
- this will be updated occasionally -
pls read the warnings/summary on each readings before reading them to ensure you aren't reading anything that may trigger you
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→ missing person by @kyufessions
✧.* nct mark - thriller/horror au *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ gluttony by @misfitneo
✧.* nct mark - angst/gang au *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ the art of eye contact by @peachydyoung
✧.* nct johnny & nct jaehyun - drug dealer au *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ paranoia by @pearl-neo
✧.* nct johnny & nct jaehyun - psychological thriller au *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ angel by @ikissjae
✧.* nct jaehyun - angst au *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ sour universe by @neowinestainedress
✧.* nct haechan & nct jeno - song fic series *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ control by @yutaholic
✧.* nct johnny - horror au *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ playgirl is live by @domjaehyun
✧.* nct jaemin - thriller/suspense au *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ talking to death by @whiteteadreams
✧.* nct jaehyun - horror/supernatural au *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ save your tears by @alluringjae
✧.* nct jaehyun - angst/tragic romance au *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ devoted by @maknaesdancersrappers
✧.* nct jaehyun - series *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ through the webs by @yutafrita
✧.* riize sungchan - series *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ hate to say i told you so by @ncteez
✧.* nct johnny - series *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ scream by @neo-cult-ure
✧.* nct johnny - horror/slasher *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ monster by @revehae
✧.* nct johnny - intruder *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
→ forever yours by @lisired
✧.* nct haechan - horror *.✧
↳✧・゚ read here
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bestworstcase · 6 months
grimm are manifestations of anonymity.
the narrative overtly uses the grimm as a symbol for the persecution of faunus, and there is a heavily implied cultural perception that faunus are grimm-adjacent. salem herself is effectively a grimm faunus and implicitly identifies herself as such (she's "your grace," and so is ghira).
when ruby sees the face of the man in the hound, she sees only his silver eye and jumps to a conclusion about her mother. "that's what happened to mom. when i saw its eyes, i knew." note her use of "its" rather than "his"—he's merely an extension of summer rose in ruby's mind, a horrifying revelation of what happened to her mother.
(he's anonymous.)
before that happens, the narrative takes the time to provide the audience with more information. the hound is not what happened to summer rose; he's the unique experiment.
he is also involved in the paradigm-shifting power struggle between salem and cinder, being prominent in both their confrontation in 8.4 and salem's conciliatory move in 8.6. ruby imagines a connection between him and her mother because of his eyes, but the narrative invites us to associate him with cinder: salem makes the hound in cinder's absence and then involves him in both her cruelty and her concession, and there's an obvious line to draw between the hound and cinder's arm, and also their… eye situations:
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and he's a faunus.
salem was human until she was transformed by submersion in magical waters—first the fountain of life, then the pool of grimm. the faunus creation myth is humans transformed by submersion in magical waters, and:
But the small group remaining on the boat were too horrified or afraid to take the leap of faith. “What kind of monster are you?” they shouted at the God of Animals.
the mythical transformation is perceived as horrifying and monstrous by the humans who choose to remain as they are. while we don't know how salem created the hound, it probably did involve submersion in grimm liquid and with him being a faunus the rhyming with the faunus creation myth is… obvious, and that raises an important question: did salem do this to him, or did he take a leap of faith?
(embedding him in the conflict between salem and cinder also casts that same question onto cinder, by association.)
the hound is important—as himself, not as an anonymous proxy for summer rose. ruby's assumption is founded on his anonymity, but… how will the reveal that summer joined salem of her own volition recontextualize the existence of the hound? if he isn't what ruby thinks he is, then what is he?
broadly speaking, there are two possibilities:
it is what it looks like, and the hound was a person salem captured, mutilated, and twisted into the core of a monstrous grimm. her villain->hero arc will have to reckon with who he was and why she did this to him in proportion with the horror portrayed in V8.
it isn't what it looks like, and the person who became the hound had at least some agency—he worked for salem and died and she reanimated him as a grimm, or he outright volunteered for some reason, or the experiment went in the reverse order of what we've presumed and she made a person out of a grimm, or something. her villain->hero arc will necessarily have to involve an explanation.
which is more likely?
on the one hand, this story is not shy about affording sympathy and the opportunity to change to villains who have done reprehensible things—hi, neo. so the gathering momentum toward salem having a villain->hero arc does not preclude the hound having been tortured and subjugated, and there is potential for dovetailing with what salem has done to cinder and oscar as moral challenges she'll have to confront.
on the other… there is set up for salem to be rather less malevolent than ozma would have people believe; she didn't kill summer, her war only properly began about fourteen years ago, and she's not about annihilation. what she wants is change—freedom. the narrative has also not been especially subtle about the grimm being more than soulless evil monsters. the hound being like salem, a person who chose to become grimm, rather than her victim, fits that pattern.
there is also a connecting thread between the white fang's grimm masks ("humans wanted to make monsters of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters") and the shallow sea and the hound and salem's implicit associations with the faunus; the grimm masks are a symbol, the hound was a faunus, and salem attracts deeply traumatized, broken, desperate people.
his physical state—all the massive scarring and decay—make torture and subjugation the more intuitive possibility, but… thematically… the shallow sea, the pool of grimm, faunus choosing to don the faces of monsters, masks, anonymity. i keep trying to argue myself out of the choice idea and i can't because it clicks together too well. he has something ascension-adjacent going on—i definitely think salem resurrected him—and the main question i have right now is to what degree salem might have corrupted it.
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theoutcastrogue · 1 month
[Give me a year and I'll give you my favourite films / suggestions]
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"The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert is a 1994 Australian road comedy film written and directed by Stephan Elliott. The plot follows three drag queens, played by Hugo Weaving, Guy Pearce, and Terence Stamp (whose character is a transgender woman), as they journey across the Australian Outback from Sydney to Alice Springs in a tour bus that they have named "Priscilla", along the way encountering various groups and individuals. The film was a surprise worldwide hit and its positive portrayal of LGBT individuals helped to introduce LGBT themes to a mainstream audience." Somehow this film manages to be completely realistic (this wasn't an easy time!) and incredibly sweet. I love it
Heavenly Creatures is a Peter Jackson film based on the 1954 Parker-Hulme murder case, that "blends elements of movie genres like biography, period, thriller, crime, horror, romance, psychological drama, fantasy and dark comedy". It's unforgettably fucked up, the visuals are out of this world. As for Kate Winslet and Melanie Lynskey, who in their feature film debuts no less had to portray two obsessive teenage murderers, they did GREAT.
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And most of these are rogue-related one way or another, though Il Postino is not, it's just a fantastic film. I think the only one that needs a note is The Last Seduction: it's a classic 90s neo-noir / erotic thriller, a genre that's arguably bad, but like good bad. I kinda miss it, on account that it's got bad people doing bad things and often getting away with it, all while being hot, and terrible.
Pulp Fiction
The Crow
Natural Born Killers
Léon (Léon: The Professional)
The Shawshank Redemption
The Last Seduction
Il postino (The Postman)
Ed Wood
Il mostro (The monster)
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