#nerd gifts
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Related to @elzebrook 's beautiful bag barfing son (center), I crocheted thirty tiny PawPaws to give out at the NADDPOD live show in Sacramento for Halloween. It was a magical night where I wore a modified kigurumi possum onesie and pulled lil babies out of my pouch to give away to anyone who yelled REER at me, and Caldwell ran a WWE one shot with Hardwon, Moonshine, and Balnor.
Bonus photo of the Christmas request from my nibling for a possum playing possum 😆😵
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auzzieausborm · 6 months
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If you'd like to support my small business for the holidays, I'd be forever greatful! Please check out my Etsy shop! https://auzzieausborm.etsy.com
All my necklaces and keychains are hand sculpted, molded, and painted by me!
And thank you so much to everyone for the support thus far :)
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thatbuggygirl · 5 months
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Big shout out to my sixty-something aunt who saw this, recognized it as anime, and thought of me. I was never into Yu-Gi-Oh, but appreciate the thought.
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twilightcitadel · 2 months
We are proud to say that the team at Twilight Citadel have partnered up with Medieval Extreme! They are a group of Ukrainian designers, fighters, and craftsmen dedicated to painstakingly creating elite armour appropriate for full-contact combat such as 1 on 1 tournaments and buhurts in IMCF, and HMB leagues.
Under the leadership of Mykola Avenirov, a combat veteran with over a decade of combat experience, Medieval Extreme has partnered with us to bring our shared love of the medieval era to life through the creation of authentic, top-notch armour and weapons.
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
His trauma hair and bitchy attitude have bewitched me body and soul
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mushroomyhouse · 1 month
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NFTs? AI? What the hell is a Crypto???????? I miss simpler times 😢
Go back to the days of dial up and CD-ROMs 🥹 Old computer washi tape!
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evenstarcurios · 2 months
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Opt in to keeping Tumblr's best April Fool's Day update with you year round with the Bountiful Booper and Booper Breaker mugs! Scrumble tumblr while drinking your beverage of choice from a mug featuring 9 cat paws reaching out to boop you. Bountiful Booper https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1693353822/boop-bountiful-april-fools-day-tumblr Booper Breaker https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1707546111/boop-breaker-april-fools-day-tumblr-meme
Available now!
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itsdefinitely · 4 months
is there a ghosty max jagerman that thy is able to gifteth upon the world? (i love him so much im scared. my family has started talking about my obsession. im making a cosplay of him.)
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he looks like he'd bully me
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gay-robot-boyfriends · 4 months
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my vilex bs
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thecoolnerdblog · 15 days
Chaotic academia in the way of:
tossing five library books into the return bin minutes before they’re due
drinking either hot chocolate or tea in lieu of coffee but in any cup it does not go in
finding four leaf clovers in all my books because I keep forgetting which one is supposed to be the clovers book
My room being full of sticky notes that have long lost meaning and stickiness
Buying every study organization essential on the market and never using a single one
Color coded notes but only in that pen weird way only i seem to understand
Handwriting fluctuates between a mix of cursive and print based on what I’m writing about and my excitement toward it
Thousands of notebooks that are half used or blank or filled to the brim
Using glitter gel pens for only the most important things (legal documents and research prospects)
Bringing a notebook to take notes only to instead take notes on your phone (too awkward…)
Either being thirty minutes early or fifteen minutes late, no in between
Study playlists compiled of everything from classical Mozart to musical numbers
Sifting through backpacks for class because the zippers keep breaking from overstuffing the bag with books
“How do I have highlighter on my hands?? I don’t even use highlighters”
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phoethegreat · 4 months
I made a little thing over on TikTok! It’s a Monster Hunter Valentine’s card 😊💜🐉
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mysonsareturtles · 5 months
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roseforthethorns · 8 months
My listening to @re-dracula has been a fascinating experience. Initially, I kept up pretty well, basically through the first main arc of the story.
Then I didn’t listen to any podcasts for about 2 months. Dunno why, just took a break. (And possibly was far more emotionally distraught with my good friend Jonathan’s cliffhanger that, even knowing the story, I couldn’t bring myself to continue right away).
So I spent 2 separate chunks of time this month getting caught up: first right before Lucy’s final rally, and the second today, so that I’m current and can celebrate “Vamp Team Unite” Day.
The absolute horror of the story is so much more powerful in chronological order. And then adding in the voices- my heart utterly broke for Arthur in a way it hadn’t in previous readings of the text (I also had the privilege to teach it for 2 years at my last school). It puts the speed of everything in perspective when you have the daily sense of it in your own life.
And knowing what comes in just a few days… I dunno if I’m ready or if any of us is.
I’ve said in my discussions about Dracula that it’s no coincidence that Arthur inherits his title before Lucy’s demise. Lord Godalming- so close to “God Almighty.” It’s very fitting for someone who has to then go up against the undead, the only one who can put his true love’s soul to rest. It fits too with Seward’s description of Arthur in the moment of the staking.
Mina’s importance can’t be overstated. She figures out so much, and helps facilitate their plans because she realizes how important even the smallest details are in this story, how clearly the evidence lines up and corroborates Van Helsing’s accounts and knowledge of Dracula. I dunno if I’ve ever felt this terrified approaching the next major story beat before. For all their talk of keeping each other in the light, they immediately begin to hide knowledge that could prevent even more pain. Tho, I suppose that’s part of the horror, isn’t it?
Also, can I just say, the sound design and the dialogue editing and every single performance: absofuckinglutely bravo to every single person working on this project.
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twilightcitadel · 3 months
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Upgrade any gaming or work setup with the vibrant Lord of The Rings Mouse Mat from Erik, making it an ideal gift for birthdays or Christmas. Tailored for gamers, graphic designers, or anyone aiming to stylize their workspace, this mouse pad is not just visually striking but also a practical accessory.
With an expansive 31.5 x 13.78-inch surface and a 0.16-inch thick base, it offers enhanced accuracy, speed, and comfort during extended gaming sessions. The high-density waterproof coating fabric ensures longevity and allows for a spill-resistant setup, while the anti-slip base firmly grips your desk.
Read More
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
my favourite part of 6-ft-tall Percy “complementary white boy for scale” de Rolo is that it very much puts into perspective how easily either he could be picked up like he weighs as much as two (2) grapes or how easily he could give forehead kisses to shorter characters. pick you poison but he’s my babygirl
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Gkbc is getting really nervous and defensive when classmates assume you know something and reiterating that you're not sure because of the one time in 3rd grade that you told a kid the wrong answer and they said it in class with full confidence because they trusted you to be correct
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