yami-no-kurama · 2 years
Pride Month 2022, Yami_No_Kurama
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Well, hello! Sorry, but it's not a Pokemon Uranium Comic update~ It's for tomorrow, I promise, don't worry. I just wanted to do the Pride Month for once. (Mainly because I feel confident enough in my drawing skills lately) Welp. There it is. For the ones who are new with the flags, here is mines: - Black, Grey, White, Purple lines: Asexual - Black Triangle, Grey and White big lines, Green small line: Demiromantic - Pink, Purple, Blue, White, Pale Green, Medium Green Lines: Neutrandrogyn (To make it easier use She/Her for me) Well, I guess that's it. See you tomorrow!~
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androgyne-homosapiens · 11 months
Androgyne gender identity
Androgyne, androgyn or androgynous gender, is an identity under the nonbinary and transgender umbrellas. Androgynes have a gender identity that can be a blend of both or neither of the binary genders. They may describe this as being between female and male, between man and woman, between masculine and feminine or simply 'in between.' They can also identify as neither feminine or masculine, or neither female and male.
from the nonbinary wiki
As stated in the definition, androgyne people are trans (they don't identify exclusively as the gender they were assigned at birth), and nonbinary (they are not one of the binary genders). Of course it is up to an individual to choose the words they use to identify themselves with.
The word androgyne has an interesting history, at times it was used as an umbrella term similar to nonbinary (I won't go in to much more detail here, but there is more info in the nonbinary wiki).
androgyne, androgyny, androgynous
As a rule, androgyne refers to a gender identity, while Androgyny refers to gender expression (androgynous would be the word used to describe an individual using androgyny as their gender expression). A person may identify as androgyne, and not be androgynous, and a person my be androgynous and not identify as androgyne.
But the split isn't quite so clear. In theory:
Androgyny is a wide category of gender expression that either mixes or omits markers of both feminine and masculine gender expression.
The nonbinary wiki
Androgyny possession of both masculine and feminine characteristics. Androgyny may be expressed with regard to biological sex, gender identity, or gender expression.
It is explained well in this post, but I think a good way to understand the difference is that androgyne is an androgynous gender identity. While androgyne will be used as a gender identity, and androgyny is more general reference to a blend of male and female characteristics.
What is overall the most important to understand that use of these words for individuals will vary. General use of these terms has changed over time. If an individual feels that these words help them to understand themselves (even if they don't fit the "exact definitions") then that is what is important. Words are here to benefit us.
Here is a useful graphic to understand the "androgyne spectrum":
androgyne spectrum
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[ID: a scale, starting from the left with "Female" and "Feminine", then "Gynx", "Androgyne" and "Androgynous", "Androx", "Male" and "Masculine". End]
from this post, by @bentonthegay. And this post gives a good explanation about it, and about androgyne as a gender identity:
I think that the specific thing that makes Androgyne an identity all its own that I believe is within the center of the gender spectrum, right alongside other non-binary genders that blur the line between “male” and “female”. Androgyne is the “neither” and/or “both” of the spectrum. It’s a bit of a blend of selected traits from both sides. Given, that means very different things to different people, so I imagine that not every Androgyne person dresses or behaves just like I do. [...] The part of the identity that sets it apart is how Androgyne people feel about themselves.  As an Androgyne person, I believe that I am not a man or a woman. I reside comfortably between the extremes. So I guess it’s not just a mix, it’s more that I’m a blurred segment of the gradient between them. I do believe that Androgyne is an identity by itself and not just “a mix of female and male traits”. Given, that’s like saying a banana split is just ice cream with bananas and sweet toppings. You’re not wrong, but it’s not just that.
post by @androgynepositivity
Another important point to remember that while androgyne is a mix of the two binary genders, it is also connected to neutrality, being in the middle of the spectrum, it is "both" and "neither", and can be different for each person.
Similarly, androgyny can be both presenting femininely and masculinely at the same time, or more of a neutral look, neither feminine nor masculine.
Depending on the person, androgynes may see themselves as falling under the multigender umbrella.
in the "Brochure for the Human Outreach and Achievement Institute" (1987) the following definition is found:
Androgyne: A person who can comfortably express either alternative gender role in a variety of socially acceptable environments. (Includes bigenderist)
This is both an interesting historical look on the meaning of androgyne, but also the close connection androgyne has with the multigender (and in particular bigender) community.
The meaning of bigender has expanded in the past 30+ years. It refers to people who have two specific gender identities, these identities may be male and female but also may not be. Seemingly this can include androgynes.
The choice to include oneself under the multigender/bigender umbrella should be a personnel one. Do I feel like being androgyne is a mix of two things? Or perhaps it is one identity, one gender? Maybe the experiences of multigendered people resonate with me, and I would like to be connected to their community regardless? The history connects androgynes and multigended people. At any rate, we are all queer and therefore connected.
Femandrogyne: an androgyne person that feels more feminine than masculine.
Mascandrogyne: an androgyne that feels more masculine than feminine.
Neutrandrogyne: an androgyne with equal amounts of masculinity and femininity, and/or simply neutral.
Versandrogyne: an androgyne with amounts of femininity and masculinity that fluctuate, for example they could go between femandrogyne and mascandrogyne.
Demiandrogyne: an androgyne who relates partially, but not fully, to the androgyne experience (this term is also under the demigender umbrella).
Thank to @androgyne-culture-is in this post for the deffintions, they can also be found in the LGBTQIA+ Wiki.
flags and symbols
The official androgyne pride flag is:
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[ID: flag with three vertical stripes, in the colors, from left to right: pink, purple, and light blue. End]
The pink represents femininity, the light blue masculinity, and the purple a mix of them both.
This is a great post explaining about other flags that are less known, based off the nonbinary wiki.
One important symbol is:
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[ID: a circle with an arrow coming out of the top, and a horizontal line underneath the triangle of the arrow. End]
This symbol is a mix of female (Venus) and male (Mars) symbols. It is also an intersex symbol, and a symbol for other genders. In the image the symbol is pointing up, but it is sometimes depicted pointing to other directions.
Another important symbol is the Necker Cube:
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[ID: illustration of a cube. End]
Necker Cube n. 1. An optical illusion in the shape of a cube. May take either of two forms:
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Proposed by the author as a symbol of androgyny, because it is either concave or convex depending on how you look at it. I prefer this to the mars-plus-venus sign, which depends upon a juxtaposition of stereotpyes (sword and shield for male, looking-glass for female), and which, furthermore, combines the signs for the two most irritating gods in the Roman pantheon. If we must depend on Greek mythology, I would prefer to take a cue from Janus and use some variation of the two-faces motif on the cover of some editions of The Left Hand of Darkness. The Necker cube, however, is simpler, and suggests ambiguity in more than mere gender. Who wants to design the lapel pin?
 The Angel’s Dictionary, part of the Androgyny RAQ
And for more info: Practical Androgyny
There is much more history to the word and identity. Many more experiences it could include, but there is only so much I can cover. I do hope that nothing I've written makes it seem like this identity has rigid rules that need to be adhered to in order to identify with it. On the contrary. This seems to be a very broad and open way of identifying, and different aspects of it may resonate with many.
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Today's Gender of the Day is: Neutrandrogyne!
Neutrandrogyne is typically described as being masculine, feminine, and neutral all at the same time. This may mean someone who is androgynous and neutral-aligned, someone who is neutrois and both feminine- and masculine-aligned, someone who is trigender with genders that are feminine, masculine, and neutral, or simply someone who experiences these three gender qualities all at the same time. This identity can fall under the multigender umbrella.
Someone who is neutrandrogyne can be fluid between identities or may fluctuate between them, or they may just be static. They may not have equal amounts of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality or all three may be experienced equally. The identity's name implies overlap between the identities, as if there is a blend of the three, but they may also be experienced separately depending on the individual using the label.
Another definition for neutrandrogyne is experiencing femininity and masculinity in equal amounts, though androgyne or androgynous can be used for this on its own.
See more androgynous genders here. Similar identities include neuangi, androgyneutral, or galaxian.
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bigenderpolls · 3 months
Bigender folks ONLY. I can't edit this poll after it's been published.
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enbeehive · 7 months
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Hey! I decided to make a new androgyneutral flag based on personal preferences, as well as just being an androgyneutral person wanting to create a flag for community visibility.
The trans flag has 5 stripes, so I wanted to use that as a springboard for this one's format. The colors are based on a previous androgyneutral flag, as well as the genderqueer one, but have their own meanings too. From top to bottom they are: androgyny (purple), history (lavender), the vastness of community (white), authenticity (pale green) and neutrality (dark green). I wanted to create something nice with this color scheme, as well as showcase the beauty of androgyneutrality.
Androgyneutral describes someone who is nonbinary and has both androgynous and neutral components to their gender, exclusively or otherwise. It can also describe a particular way of being multigender / having more than one gender identity, if that's how a particular androgyneutral person wishes to express themself. What androgyny and neutrality means to each individual person can vary, but that's honestly part of the beauty behind it all!
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every-gender-ever · 3 months
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Neutrandrogyne, or neutral androgyne, is a term with two possible definitions. The first refers to an androgyne or otherwise androgynous gendered person whose gender has relatively equal amounts of masculinity and femininity. One does not significantly outweigh the other.
The second definition is a gender that is partially male or masculine, partially female or feminine, and partially neutral. Under the second definition the amounts of masculinity and femininity do not have to be equal.
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Neumidgender Pride Flag
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Midneugender or neumidgender: (neumid or midneu): a neutrally gendered identity exists in the middle between of the binary genders of female and male; the combination of neugender and midgender; a specific form of neutrois in which someone experiences a gender balancing or intermediating the binary gender spectrum.
See also: neutrambigue, neutrambiguine; neutrandrogyne, neutrandrogynous; neutrangi, neuangi; midambonec, midneutrois.
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donuts4evry1 · 1 year
Y'know what? They're pretty much exactly the same but I'll give you the benefit of a separate poll so they can duke it out seperately
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journeytodrawiii · 1 year
Gender and Identity 💗
Okay, so... recently I’ve been feeling differently about my gender and I’ve come to the realization that I am not a trans guy anymore. My transmasc identity was never an act or a sense of confusion, because at the time it was what made me feel like me. However, as I just said, my gender has changed. I now identify as a femandrogyne person and use the pronouns he/they/she (On top of this, I would appreciate it if you referred to me using the name Lorelei, thank you.). “Androgyne is a non-binary gender identity in which one is simultaneously male and female. Subsets include femandrogyne, mascandrogyne, versandrogyne, neutrandrogyne, and demiandrogyne. Femandrogyne is a gender identity in which one is androgyne, and feels a greater amount of femininity than masculinity.” -gender wiki. I still feel connected to masculinity but much greater to femininity, I am however neither a man nor a woman and am simply me. Beyond being femandrogyne, I am queer, which for me simply means I like who I like, and don’t like who I don’t like. I, like many others, am still on the journey to my true self and I’ve come to rest at another stop, which my be my last or just another pause before I continue on. Either way this is who I am. Just know that being true to who you are is essential in this life. I love y’all!!
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neopronouns · 1 year
A neutrambiguine/neutrambigue flag? Based on neutrangi/neutrandrogyne
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hongjooong · 3 years
The Untamed is so fucking good but I've also never cried consistently episode through episode of a series until I watched this shit
akhdjakdjhas looks like I'm up for quite the ride 😔✌
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Androgyne is a non-binary gender identity in which one is simultaneously male and female. Subsets include femandrogyne, mascandrogyne, versandrogyne, neutrandrogyne, and demiandrogyne.
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What Exists Within the Gender Trinary?
(An essay under the cut.)
The gender trinary is typically viewed as consisting of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality. In a previous essay, I talked about what gender neutrality is, and before that I explained what identities lie outside of the trinary. Now, let’s take a step back and talk about what exists within the gender trinary and how complex it can actually be.
The gender trinary is simply made up of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality - however, you may see gender terms that refer to qualities that are not trinary nor in between anything within the trinary. What does “in between'' refer to in this context? We’re already familiar with the concept of androgyny (also called epicenity), which is the experience of being between masculine and feminine in some way - some people may lean one way or the other, some may be in the dead center, and others may see themselves as being a perfect blend of both. Keep in mind that this isn’t an inherently multigender experience, but often an experience of gender expression or presentation (depending on who you ask.)
In-between qualities don’t just exist within the binary of feminine and masculine. If you imagine the trinary as a literal triangle with each main quality sitting right on its points, you can draw a line between all three to complete the shape. Along these lines are your in-betweens. You can be in between masculinity and neutrality, or femininity and neutrality - called neutromme and neutremme respectively. You can even be right in the center of the entire triangle and consider yourself as being in between every single gender quality (some people might call this neutrandrogynous or something similar, but it doesn’t really have a word.)
Additional identities within the trinary aren't just the in-betweens. Words like “masculinity” and “femininity" are actually umbrella terms for more specific identities, such as fluid or fluctuating genders, masc- or fem-aligned genders, proximal genders, and genders related to atrinarity while still being within the trinary.
Many people also view the trinary as male, female, and neutral - genders rather than gender qualities. In this case, a lot of identities that can fall within this trinary are demigenders - demiboy, demigirl, demineutral - or multigender identities such as bigender or trigender (though multigender identities can also encompass atrinarity and beyond depending on the individual.) Neutrois and similar niaspec genders can fall under the trinary as well as “compound” genders like boygirl, manwoman, neutramale, and neutrafemale. Aporagender also falls under the trinary, as it can include neutrality.
As you can see, the gender trinary includes far more than just three gender qualities. These three are more like gender quality categories, where any one of them may encompass several other gender qualities. Remember, just about any gender term can be an umbrella term for more specific labels, and any attempt to put genders into strict categories will always be met with exceptions. It may be a trinary, but there's plenty of wiggle room for even more.
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bixiaoshi · 3 years
3 bitch I could hug you 😒💕
DO IT i dare u
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missfiretruck · 4 years
🥝 and papaya!!
kiwi: what’s something that fascinates you?
a lot of things!!! but right now and for a while ive really been into like. astrology. and i mean i personally bs a lot about astrology but it DOES fascinate me!! like how some of it can be SO on point and correct but how its different for everyone ... i just find it so interesting and fun!!
papaya: what song describes your aesthetic?
probably ... right now ... barbie girl by aqua sdkjfsdlkf
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Neufemache Pride Flag
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Neufemache or neutrofemache (neutrofemasle or neufemasle): being male, female, and neutrois.
See also: neutrandrogyne, neuangi, neutrandrogynous; neufemasc; tritrinary/pantrinary/omnitrinary, neuambinary/neutrambinary; ambonec.
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