#never been so happy about being the oldest at the party
witchywithwhiskey · 15 days
how about ransom and “i mean, i got what i wanted, didn’t i?” 👀🫶🏼
can't resist a dare
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pairing: best friend!ransom drysdale x female reader
warnings: 18+ content (minors dni!!!), smut, oral sex (m receiving), cock worship, taking nude photos/sending nude photos, filming/recording/taking photos during sex, little bit of exhibitionism, come marking, come facial, light bdsm, size kink, dirty talk, praise kink, daddy kink, pet names (baby), aftercare, friends to lovers, revenge on a mean/rude ex
word count: 4,300ish
a/n: whoops, this ended up being longer than i anticipated 😬 but i loved the premise i came up with too much to scrap it and try to write something shorter so here we go!! i just loved the idea of best friend!ransom being a petty perv and reader being just as much of a petty perv 🤭 anyway i hope you enjoy!!! ♡♡♡
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You never could resist a dare from Ransom Drysdale. 
The devastatingly handsome grandson of Harlan Thrombey had been your best friend since you were children running around his grandfather’s spooky old house while your families spent time together. Even though you were both grown adults, Ransom still knew how to push all your buttons, and he knew that if he dared you to do something, you’d do it. 
Which was how you’d ended up in the cramped bathroom on the first floor of the Thrombey mansion during Harlan’s May Day party, your body bent over at the waist and your arm contorted behind your back to take a photo of the tiny little thong you’d worn beneath your sundress. 
Ransom had dared you to take a photo of your ass and send it to your ex. You, of course, had risen to the challenge and accepted the dare. 
You hadn’t had nearly enough champagne to make you so reckless, but there was something about your oldest friend that brought out your competitive spirit. Ransom was the only one who could get you to do such things, but you enjoyed being pushed outside of your comfort zone. Plus, you knew your best friend wouldn’t make you do anything that would actually hurt you.
In fact, if you were honest with yourself, there was a part of you that was perversely pleased to be taking such an obscene photo of yourself while some of the richest families in Massachusetts milled around just outside the door. The thought of getting caught taking naughty pictures turned you on more than you wanted to admit, so you hurried up and took the photos. 
When you were done, you picked one you liked and sent it to your ex with a smirk on your face, thinking he should be so lucky as to see your ass one last time. 
Leaving the bathroom, you strutted through the party looking for Ransom, feeling smug about completing the dare. You caught his eye when you entered the library, and even across the room, you could see the amusement dancing in his crystal blue eyes. You made your way through the crowd with a pep in your step, but halfway through, your phone vibrated with a response from your ex.
You opened the text and wished you hadn’t.
Didn’t know you were such a desperate slut, but if you really need dick so bad, I guess I’ll let you ride mine, baby. I know you loved bouncing on it like a whore. 
Your expression twisted into a scowl, and you looked up at your best friend, who was suddenly in front of you. Hurt wrapped around your heart, a part of you feeling—perhaps unfairly—that Ransom should’ve known your ex would text something vile back to you. 
“I did your dare, are you happy now?” you hissed at your best friend, taking out all your hurt and anger on Ransom. You knew you were much more angry at yourself, and your ex, for his hurtful response, but your best friend was the safest target at the moment.
Annoyingly, Ransom looked unaffected by your fury, the satisfied smirk on his face never wavering even as you continued to glare at him. When he responded, his voice was a lazy drawl that reminded you he couldn’t have known the effect of his dare.
“I mean, I got what I wanted, didn’t I?”
Before you could stop yourself, you let out a frustrated huff and opened your phone to the text message you’d gotten from your ex, turning the screen to your best friend so he could read it. “Is this what you wanted?” you sneered, knowing full well your best friend wouldn’t react kindly to what your ex had said. 
You were so determined to show Ransom what he’d done, you didn’t even consider the fact that you were also showing him the photo you’d sent. At least, not until his blue eyes went a little hazy and his smirk widened into a full-blown grin.
“The dare didn’t include you showing me the photo,” Ransom drawled, his gaze flicking to yours, the look in his eyes making something hot squirm deep in your core. “But I can’t say I mind—you’ve got a gorgeous ass.” 
Heat rose in your face, and your expression twisted into one of impatient annoyance. “Look at the response, Ran,” you gritted out, trying not to let his compliment get to you. He was your best friend—he was probably just messing with you. But you were soon distracted from what Ransom had said when he finally looked at what your ex had replied.
A storm cloud settled over Ransom’s handsome features, his eyes narrowing into two slits and his mouth twisting into a furious scowl. You even thought you heard a low rumble, like a growl, emanate from your best friend’s chest beneath the din of the party around you. 
“Who does this little shit think he is?” Ransom fumed, grabbing your phone and clicking on the contact info. “Does this motherfucker think he can talk to you like this?” Your best friend’s gaze flicked to yours and something inside you warmed when you saw the righteous anger simmering in his eyes. “And where the fuck does he get off calling you baby?” 
Your mouth opened to answer him, but Ransom just shook his head in a way that quelled you. Instead, he grabbed your hand with his free one and began leading you through the party toward the back of the house. Your feet moved quickly to keep up with his longer strides, and he slowed a little so he didn’t hurt your arm as he tugged you into the backyard. Ransom walked briskly through the gate in the fence that separated the lawn from the forest. 
You knew the forest around the Thrombey mansion just as well as the house itself, with its trees and the occasional statues representing Harlan’s various mystery novels. You and Ransom had played in the forest plenty when you were children, and partied amongst the statues when you were in your teens and early twenties. It was the only place the two of you could have any privacy, and you had to assume that Ransom wanted seclusion to discuss what your ex had said.
At your favorite of the statues in the forest, Ransom pulled to a stop and rounded on you, mischief gleaming in his blue eyes. You could tell he had a plan. 
“Do you wanna show your shithead ex what he’s missing?” 
Ransom’s smile was sharp as a knife and you couldn’t help but be distracted by your best friend’s handsomeness, just for a moment. His slicked-back brown hair gleamed in the spring sunshine that trickled down through the leafy trees above, and his broad shoulders filled out his henley so deliciously, you almost forgot the question he asked. 
But then his words broke through your distracted mind and the grin that spread across your face was practically devilish in your delight. “What do you have in mind?” you asked eagerly, bouncing on the balls of your feet as you stared up at your best friend with nothing but trust.
Ransom’s eyes darkened, his gaze dropping to your mouth for just a second before he met yours again. “Get on your knees,” he said, his voice low and gruff in a way you’d never heard before. It made heat pool deep in your core and you squirmed a little but didn’t hesitate to follow the order. 
The forest floor was blanketed in a soft carpet of dying leaves, even as new growth flourished around you, the sweet scent of spring filling your senses as you lowered yourself to your knees. Your eyes remained fixed on Ransom’s as your knees hit the soft ground, and though you knew the two of you were alone in the woods, it truly felt as though you were the only two people in the whole world.
You weren’t naive. You knew whatever your best friend had in mind to get back at your ex would be crossing one or two lines you’d never crossed with him before. But you trusted Ransom. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you. And, truthfully, a part of you that you kept hidden and locked away so much of the time wanted to cross a line or two with your best friend. 
So you sat on your knees on the ground at Ransom’s feet and stared up at him with all the trust you had in him no doubt written all over your face. You watched as his eyes softened and his mouth curved at the edges into a gentle smile, his expression filled with affection. It was so different to the hard or smarmy mask he wore in public—and even around his family—that you relaxed even further, knowing he’d take care of you even as you got revenge on your ex.
“Stick your tongue out,” Ransom murmured, his voice low and soft and nearly blending in with the breeze rustling the trees above you. His hand reached out and his fingers stroked your cheek, his smile deepening when you nuzzled into his palm before doing as he said. “Good girl, now look at me like you wanna suck my cock.”
A bolt of heat shot through you, nearly making you shiver as warmth bloomed, feral and unbidden, within your body. Ransom’s command was certainly crossing a line, but it felt like permission, too. For the first time in a very long time, you let the feelings you’d hidden away come rushing to the surface. The force of them surprised you, and you found yourself leaning into the arousal that swirled through your body.
With your tongue already sticking out, you let yourself sink into the desire you felt to suck Ransom’s cock and let it show in the way you were posed. You arched your back to stick out your ass and push up your chest, giving your best friend a good view of your tits in your dress. Letting your eyes go heavy-lidded with arousal, you stared eagerly up at your best friend.
You couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes darkened, his pupils blowing wide and his lips parting as he let out a heavy breath. He looked transfixed by you, and if you weren’t sticking your tongue out, you would’ve smirked at his reaction to you.
For a long moment, the two of you just stared at each other. Then, Ransom shook himself lightly and he held up your phone, swiping it open to the camera. You watched as he angled it the way he wanted, and waited patiently while he took a few pictures of you on your knees in front of him. 
When his eyes returned to your face, you relaxed your pose a little, expecting him to give you your phone so you could pick out a photo to send to your ex. Instead, Ransom gave you a considering look.
“Do you really wanna piss off your ex?” he asked, his voice a low, dangerous rumble that made butterflies stir in your belly even as more warmth trickled down between your thighs. A slow, evil grin spread across his handsome face that made your stomach flutter and your core clench. “Do you wanna show him what he’s missing?’
“Yes.” Your answer slipped from your lips before you really had a chance to think about it, but once it was out, you wouldn’t take it back. You trusted Ransom, you really wanted to get back at your ex, and, even more than that, you were desperately curious to see how far your best friend would take things. So you doubled down, giving him an evil smile of your own. “Yes, I do.”
Ransom’s grin turned a little smug as he looked at you with mischievous delight dancing in his eyes. The dappled light of the sunny spring day shifted across his face, and you sucked in a silent breath at just how handsome your best friend was. Your heart thumped in your chest, but you pushed the meaning behind that feeling aside and focused on the moment.
“Unzip my pants and pull my cock out,” Ransom murmured, his tone low and rough as gravel, sending a shiver down your spine.
Immediately, your eyes dropped to the front of your best friend’s slacks and you couldn’t help but notice the bulge there. A delighted smile curled the edges of your mouth. Ransom was just as turned on by you as you were by him. That knowledge gave you the courage you needed to do as he said. 
Your fingers fumbled excitedly with Ransom’s clothes as you pushed up his henley and undid the button and fly of his pants. You pushed them and his boxer briefs down over his hips, revealing the long length of his cock. It bounced free from his briefs and you sucked in a sharp gasp. He was so thick and long, your body clenched with the need to be filled just at the sight of your best friend’s cock.
Eagerly, you leaned forward, pressing your face to the underside of Ransom’s cock and inhaling the clean, musky scent of him. He smelled so good, you could feel your body react to your best friend’s cock, your pussy soaking your thong and making a mess of your thighs. Tilting your head back, you turned your heavy-lidded eyes up to Ransom, staring up at him while you nuzzled into his hard length.
“Yeah, just like that,” Ransom rasped, giving you an encouraging nod while his thumb tapped the screen of your phone, taking photos of you. “Look so pretty with my cock on your face, baby.”
A pleased smile curved your lips and your eyes closed as you savored the wonderful feeling of Ransom’s praise. It made your body warm even further, and you conveyed how happy it made you by pressing a soft kiss to the underside of Ransom’s cock. He rumbled an appreciative sound and when you looked up at him again, his eyes were the darkest you’d ever seen, his entire attention focused entirely on you.
You liked having Ransom’s attention and you didn’t wait for him to give you more instructions. Trailing your lips up the length of his cock, you pressed wet, suckling kisses to the velvety soft skin wrapped around the hardness beneath. You didn’t know which of you enjoyed it more—Ransom, with his face twisted into a look of pleasure and his chest heaving, or you, with your pussy dripping between your thighs. 
It seemed to take Ransom a moment to remember what he was supposed to be doing, that the point of you being on your knees was to record what you were doing to get back at your ex. He tapped the screen of your phone once, and when he spoke, there was something in his voice that made you think he was recording a video—a tenor of encouragement that made you want to perform.
“How d’you like my cock, baby?” he asked, a smirk clear on his face and in his tone. “Am I bigger than your ex?”
You wanted to grin and laugh—Ransom’s cock was much bigger than your ex’s. Instead, you curved your lips into your most vixenish smile and nuzzled into your best friend’s hardness like it was your most cherished stuffed animal. 
“I looove your cock, Ran,” you purred in a sultry voice, not having to try hard to show your appreciation for him. You pressed a kiss to his hard length and licked the underside of the head, wringing a grunt from your best friend. “You have such a big cock, daddy, way bigger than my ex—I don’t know how I’m gonna fit you in my tight little throat.” You batted your lashes up at the camera while you swirled your tongue around the tip, licking up your best friend’s precum. 
Ransom tapped your phone and moved it out of the way so he could look straight at you, raising one of his eyebrows in amusement. “‘Daddy’?” he asked, a delighted smirk curving his lips.
You stroked Ransom’s cock while you pulled back to answer. “My ex always wanted me to call him that, but it never felt right,” you said, making a face before you leaned forward again, wrapping your lips around the tip of your best friend’s cock and sucking on him lightly. Ransom grunted in pleasure.
“Keep going, baby, we’ll show that shithead what he’s never gonna have,” Ransom rasped, lifting your phone up again and tapping the screen while you took his cock deeper into your mouth. “Suck daddy’s cock, baby, be a good girl and show me how much you love my dick.”
You wanted to smile at Ransom’s filthy words, but instead you focused your attention entirely on his cock, bobbing your head on his hard length until the tip of him was pressing against the back of your throat. You’d never taken anyone as big as him, but you were determined to deep throat your best friend, so you relaxed your throat and pushed yourself. After a few tries, you took him all the way in, until his cock was bulging in your throat and your nose was pressed flat to his stomach.
“Oh fuck, jesus christ, baby,” Ransom shouted when you swallowed around him, your throat squeezing his hardness as you fought to keep him buried to the root in your mouth. Tears streamed down your face, and drool trickled down your chin, but you paid it no mind, focusing entirely on your best friend’s cock.
His big hand settled on the crown of your head, fingers flexing like he wanted to grab you and hold you down on his cock. Your pussy clenched at the thought, but Ransom seemed not to want to hurt you, so he simply bucked his hips a little, fucking your throat in short thrusts. 
“Shit, ‘m gonna come,” he rasped, his voice rough and strained in a way you’d never heard before. It made you squeeze your thighs together as more wetness flooded your already messy slit. “Baby, ‘m gonna come, holy fuck, your throat feels so fucking good, oh fuck.”
When his cock started to twitch, you pulled off and smiled sweetly up at your best friend. “Come on my face, Ran,” you panted, your voice breathy as you stared directly into Ransom’s darkened eyes. 
It took you a moment to realize Ransom’s hand holding your phone had dropped to his side, and the entirety of his focus was on you—just you. A pleased smile curled your lips while you pumped your best friend’s cock in your fist, squeezing the tip while he tossed his head back and let out a loud, pleasured groan.
Ransom came, muttering, “Baby, baby, baby,” under his breath, ropes of his come landing all over your face, joining the tears, spit and drool already coating your cheeks and chin. You opened your mouth, catching some of his spend on your tongue and humming happily at the musky taste of him. 
When Ransom tipped his head back up and opened his eyes to look at you, his mouth fell open in a helpless moan when he took in the state of you. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, his eyes roving over your face hungrily, like he couldn’t get enough of seeing you with his come on your cheeks. “You look so pretty covered in my come, baby,” he murmured, warmth and affection in his tone as he stroked your jaw, one of the few places on your face that wasn’t messy.
You grinned up at your best friend, pleased at his praise, though that didn’t stop you from teasing him. “Why don’t you take a picture, daddy, it’ll last longer,” you sassed. But once the words were out, you realized how serious you were about the suggestion. When Ransom raised his eyebrows in question, you whispered, “Use your phone—if you want.”
Ransom didn’t need to be told twice. He pulled his phone from the pocket of his pants and angled it above your face. “Smile for me, baby,” he murmured softly, and you couldn’t help but follow the gentle command. He took a few photos of you, sitting on your knees in the forest, covered in his come. 
Once he was done, he stowed both your phones in his pocket and pulled his henley off over his head, leaving him in a simple white t-shirt. You weren’t sure what he was doing until he started using the soft cotton garment to clean your face. He was gentle, wiping the come from your face and then clearing away your ruined makeup. 
Somehow, it felt so much more intimate than sucking your best friend’s cock and all you could do was sit there, your heart pounding in your chest while you let Ransom take care of you. His gaze caught yours, and you saw his crystal blue eyes were swirling with just as much emotion as was filling your heart, and something seemed to pass between the two of you—an understanding that something had changed between you.
When he’d cleaned your face to the best of his ability, Ransom tucked his cock away then helped you to stand, supporting your weight while he brushed the dirt and leaves off your knees. You leaned heavily against his chest when he stood up, his arms looping easily around you and you shared another silent moment, both of you smiling and staring into each other’s eyes.
It was you who ended up breaking the moment, asking the question that was making you burn with curiosity. “Are we really going to send those pictures and videos to my ex?” you asked, watching your best friend’s face for his reaction. Truth be told, you still wanted to get back at your ex for what he’d said, but since Ransom’s cock was in them, he had a right to a say in it.
He seemed to be watching you just as carefully as you were watching him. “Do you want to?” he asked, his voice toneless. He was leaving it up to you.
An evil smile spread across your face, Ransom’s lips curving into a smirk in response. “Yeah,” you said brashly. “Let him see what he could’ve had.”
“Just as long as you tell him who’s dick you’re sucking,” Ransom murmured, kissing your temple and pulling your phone from his pocket to hand to you. “I want him to know you’re my girl now.”
At those possessive words, you looked up at your best friend in surprise, but Ransom only gave you a look like you should know better.
Ducking your head, you hid an exceptionally pleased smile as you turned in Ransom’s arms and leaned back against his broad chest so he could watch over your shoulder. Together, you picked out the best photos and videos to send to your ex.
Sorry! Sent that to the wrong person. These are just for you. Oh and Ransom says hi. 
You couldn’t help but giggle when your ex immediately started blowing up your phone, taking great pleasure in blocking him. When you were done, you handed your phone back to Ransom to hold for you, since your dress didn’t have pockets, and you turned in his arms again. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you looked up at your best friend with a smile.
“So I’m your girl now, huh?” you asked, unable to let him get away with just a look for confirmation.
Ransom’s strong arms wound around your waist, holding you tight to his chest. “As if I’d be such a fool as to let anyone else have you,” he said, snorting to himself. “I’m not as stupid as your ex.”
“Clearly,” you said dryly, laughing at the unamused look he shot you. 
But then Ransom silenced your laughter with a kiss, his mouth slanting to yours perfectly. All at once, you let the emotions you’d bottled up for so long flow free, and you clung to Ransom as you both deepened the kiss. His tongue plunged into your mouth like he was staking a claim, and you answered him back with just as much fervor. 
It was less a first kiss and more a devouring of souls as the two of you made out in the woods of the Thrombey estate.
Finally, Ransom pulled away with a groan. “OK, here’s the plan,” he said with a huff, pressing his forehead to yours. His chest was heaving as he caught his breath, but he soldiered on. “We go back, tell everyone you have a headache and I’m gonna drive you home,” he said, pausing briefly to kiss you. “Then I take you back to my place and we don’t leave my bed for two days—maybe three.”
Laughing and nodding you pushed up on your tiptoes and kissed Ransom again. “Three, definitely three,” you agreed.
“Good girl,” he murmured, kissing you again.
 Before he pulled away entirely, though, Ransom caught your eye and you knew from the mischief sparkling in the depths of his gaze that he had another dare for you. You grinned eagerly. 
“I dare you to take off your thong and go back to the party with your needy little cunt dripping down your thighs for me,” Ransom rumbled, his voice deliciously low and deep and making you want to jump him right there in the woods.
When Ransom raised an eyebrow in a challenging look, your pussy clenched at the filthy dare, your whole body warming as arousal flooded through you again. You didn’t know what expression your face was making, but it made Ransom grin and press a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“If you’re a good girl, daddy will give you a reward when we get to my place,” he murmured. 
But Ransom hadn’t needed to offer you an incentive.
After all, you never could resist a dare from Ransom Drysdale.
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ashwhowrites · 6 months
Love your older Eddie!
Picturing him working somewhere with a sweet, sunshine-y younger woman. Maybe a restaurant or store? He’s got a crush on her, but she’s always getting hit on by the younger, flashier guys who work there so he never thinks he’d have a chance. To hide his feelings he’s been a standoffish grump, so he can’t believe it when she reveals she has a crush on him at the work holiday party.
Angst/fluff/smut whatever you like - I know anything you write will be amazing! Thank you ❤️
I love older Eddie! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Work crush
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Working at a small restaurant that focused more on the younger crowd, wasn't the exact job Eddie pictured for himself. But after his car shop got shut down, he just needed anyway to make cash. In a way, it was like he had to start over.
He didn't enjoy how much older he was than everyone else who worked and dined there. He worked with young twenty-year-olds who needed cash throughout college and served bratty teenagers. Other than the cook, he was the oldest one there.
His older looks and charm got him good tips. Younger girls enjoyed the flirtation and teasing games. Eddie delivered that as much as he did their food.
He hated the younger guys he worked with. They were loud, annoying, and sucked at their job. Eddie had to cover their slack as they snuck out back for smoke breaks. But there was one worker that Eddie secretly adored, Y/N.
She was also young, part of a group of annoying guys. But she was polite, hard-working, and sweet. She brightened the restaurant up whenever she walked in. She made Eddie feel butterflies and he loved watching her happiness rub off on everyone. Many people requested her, she was one of the best. And she was damn beautiful. Which sadly, everyone noticed.
Eddie lost count the many times he overheard her being asked out, by customers and the employees. Eddie couldn't help but compare himself to the guys that asked her out. They were all young and looked like they'd be on the cover of a magazine. Eddie was nothing like that, he didn't stand a chance.
When she turned down Beck, even Eddie was shocked. Beck was the heartthrob of the restaurant, almost every girl signed their number with their receipts. He was tall, and fit, with blue eyes and dirty blonde curly hair. He was sweet and polite, and Eddie hated to admit he was perfect. If perfect Beck couldn't get her to say yes, Eddie knew there was no hope for him.
With that realization, he didn't tease himself with the thought. He kept his space and didn't get to know her. He knew if he learned about her, he'd fall for her even more. It was safer to not know who she was. He just admired her from afar. He smiled to himself when he heard her sweet laugh. And he tried not to punch Beck across the face when he flirted with her his whole shift.
Tonight was the holiday party and Eddie didn't plan to go. He didn't want to party with a group of kids, he felt too old for that shit. The party was at a bar, and the owner had the dumb idea of everyone wearing Christmas sweaters. Eddie didn't own anything like that and he wasn't going to spend a dime to wear the ugly thing once.
Eddie cleaned up his last few tables, the restaurant closed early for their event. He pocketed the tip, ignoring the lipstick kiss and number written on the receipt.
"Poor girl, she was probably hoping you'd call." Eddie jumped as a voice came from behind him. He quickly turned to see Y/N standing there. A teasing smile on her face.
"I think she'll be fine," Eddie said, scooting into the booth to clean the table. He watched as Y/N took a seat across from him. She silently watched as he worked. Her eyes were on his arms and hands.
"Any numbers for you today?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, but not interested." She shrugged. She patted the table, a hint for Eddie to sit down. Eddie threw the towel on the table and took a seat. He didn't want to be that rude to her face.
"Never are." He teased, she smirked and moved on.
"Are you going tonight?" Eddie tried not to roll his eyes at the question.
"Why not?"
"Why would I?" He argued back
"It's a work party, you work here and you're invited." She said, pointing out the obvious.
"Nah, it would be like a dad hanging out with college kids. It's embarrassing. And I'm not wearing an ugly Christmas sweater."
"Yeah, but it would be like the hot dad you secretly want around. The kind where you go to your friend's house every weekend just to see her dad shirtless in the morning." Y/N said, a certain look in her eye. A look Eddie got from many of his customers. She was flirting....with him. "I have a bunch of my dad's old Christmas sweaters, I'll bring you one!" She stood up excitedly. Like she declared he's going.
"You think I'm hot?" Eddie asked, he couldn't help a tiny smirk that crossed his face. Everyone flirted with her, and she picked to flirt with him.
"I do and I know you'll look hot in the sweater. See you tonight." Eddie stared at her ass as she walked off.
"I'M NOT GOING!" he yelled after her. He heard her sweet laugh and the bell on the door.
Eddie groaned as he pulled up to the bar. He was two hours late. Mostly because he was debating if he was going to come or not.
He walked into the bar and scanned the room. He found a few of his coworkers scattered around. A few at the pool table, a few at the bar top, and a few in the back booth. He walked to the bar, at least he got to drink through it.
He held his drink and looked for her. He didn't want to make it obvious, but he knew he didn't care who was there, he came for her.
Eddie turned to see a tipsy Y/N, her hands in the air as she raced into his chest. She crushed him in a hug. Eddie slowly hugged her back.
"I knew you'd come!" She said as she pulled back. She was decked out in Christmas wear. An antler headband, that he'd hate if anyone else wore it. But of course, it looked adorable. Red eyeliner and dark lashes. Her lips were red and Eddie stared at them for too long. Her Christmas sweater was full of printed-on lights. A few real lights that flickered. She had a black skirt, tights and black boots. She was glowing.
"Did you know?" Eddie teased, smiling down at her as she leaned on the bar for support.
"Of course. I knew once you found out I wanted you to come, that you would come. " She explained. She grabbed his hand, slightly tripping on her feet.
"Woah okay. Maybe you should sit." Eddie laughed, he wrapped his arm around her waist.
"No! We gotta go to my car for your sweater!" She argued, she didn't move away from his touch. She loved the feeling of his arm wrapped around her and the way she could smell his cologne. "Just help me." She said and began walking.
After a few stumbles and many laughs, they made it to her car. She unlocked it and grabbed the sweater from the seat. She slammed the door shut and leaned against it. Eddie removed his touch from her as he grabbed the sweater.
"Put it on!" She said she looked so excited and Eddie didn't have the heart to say no. He gagged on the inside but sucked it up.
"I gotta change my shirt so let's go inside." He said but she didn't move.
"don't be silly. Just change here. I'll cover my eyes." She threw her hands over her eyes, a giggly smile on her face. She was somehow even more adorable drunk.
Eddie didn't fight on it. He took off his jacket and placed it on the top of her car. He took a deep breath, preparing for his skin to hit the cold. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt with one hand and yanked it off. He let it drop to the floor as he put his arms in the sweater, as he pulled it on over his head, he heard a small squeak.
He could see Y/N's fingers split open, allowing her to see through. Eddie felt his cheeks warm at the thought of her peeking.
"Did you just squeak?" He asked, trying to hold back a smile.
"No" she mumbled, embarrassed.
"I can see that you're still peeking." Eddie laughed, she groaned and dropped her hands.
"I couldn't help it! You can't be this hot older guy that I want to ruin my life and expect me to just not stare at you." Sober her wished she'd stop talking.
"Ruin your life? That sounds like a bad thing." Eddie said confused.
"It means I have this huge crush on you. I see you flirt with those young girls and I hate that you never did it with me. I hate that everyone flirts with me, and you haven't." She pouted, she crossed her arms as she sighed sadly.
Eddie let out a small smile, moving closer. He lifted her chin with his finger and leaned down.
"I didn't flirt with you because everyone else got shot down. I didn't think I'd be different. But now that you are loose with your lips, I can admit I've been attracted to you since your first day."
Y/N felt her heart skip multiple beats. She couldn't believe the words he said, but the reality of his lips pressed against hers made her believe. She uncrossed her arms and wrapped her arms around him. Her palms were against his back as he deepened the kiss.
She wasn't sure if the alcohol or the kiss made her dizzy.
"Where the hell is Y/N? She got sat like ten minutes ago!"
"Where is Munson? His table has been waiting for the check for an hour!"
"I think we need to get back to work," Y/N whined, her hands against the door.
Eddie stood behind her, his hands gripping her hips as his cock pounded inside of her. The harder he went the more she cried. She felt her legs go weak as she tried to keep herself up.
"Not until I cum." Eddie grunted.
"Anything else I can get for you?" Y/N asked the pen smacking against the notepad. She tried not to seem annoyed with the rowdy group of male teenagers.
"You on the menu?" She tried not to roll her eyes. An unpleased look on her face.
"No, but my boyfriend serves up a delicious knuckle sandwich if you want to try it." She said with a glare.
The boy whistled, almost like her attitude made it more fun.
The second she felt the boy's hand touch her thigh, she snapped.
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acewritesfics · 29 days
This is my Fucking Wedding Day | Tommy Shelby
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Request: No
Warnings: Swearing. S/N - Sister's Name, S/H - Sister's Husband, E/C - Eye Colour.
Word Count: 1,272
Tommy Shelby Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Standing in a slip and stockings with her makeup freshly applied, Y/N tells her mother, "I need to see Tommy."  
"You're well aware that you cannot see him right now. It is unlucky for the groom to see his bride in her wedding gown before she walks down the aisle," Her mother makes her objections known.  
"Have you forgotten who Tommy is?" She inquires while casting a wary gaze at her mother. "That man creates his own bad luck; he doesn't need a ridiculous superstition to create it for him. And also, I won't be wearing my wedding gown."  
"And you still want to marry him? I thought he was a gypsy. Doesn't he believe in such 'ridiculous' superstitions?"  
"You wouldn't need to ask that question if you actually took the time to get to know him," Y/N scolds her. She stops her seamstress from bringing her gown to her, asking for her silk robe instead.  
Her mother has never been accepting of Tommy, and her entire family disapproves of the Birmingham gangster, who will soon become her husband. Her mother and father have no trouble reminding her that Tommy isn't good enough for her, that all he brings is trouble and death, and that she'll be the next to perish, whether it's by his hands or by an enemy that he's enraged. However, despite what others say and have said, she has continued her relationship with the man she loves so deeply.  
She acknowledges that Thomas Shelby isn't a flawless man, but she also believes that he has wonderful qualities and those qualities have led her to fall so in love with him.  
Her father and siblings despise Tommy so much that they refused to attend her wedding. Its broke Y/N's heart when they couldn't even pretend to be happy for her. At least her mother was trying to try for her. Her mother knew she would feel regret and shame for missing her youngest daughter's most important day. Not to mention, she doesn't want to appear prejudiced. The older woman also wed a man that her family didn't approve.  
She defends Tommy and their relationship by saying, "I know he's not perfect like S/N's husband, but I am in love with Tommy, and he loves me."  
The fact that her sister had become pregnant with Andrew, her oldest nephew, after only knowing her husband for two months made it clear why she had wed him. S/H, her husband, is a renowned attorney who is adored by everyone and well regarded in his legal community. Their marriage was good, and they made it work but the only love they shared was the mutual love they had for their children they had together when they tried to make it work, romantically.  
"Now, could you kindly hand me my robe?" she asks, growing irritated with her mother's constant putting down of her soon-to-be husband. The seamstress brought the silk robe to Y/N's mother who handed it to her with a disapproving glare.  
There are times when Y/N's mother regrets being as headstrong and stubborn as she is since now, she has a daughter who is just like her. As a child, Y/N was always the one who resembled her the most since she was independent, headstrong, outspoken and free-spirited. Y/N carried some of those characteristics into adulthood. Those same characteristics helped her to tame her Peaky Blinder lover.  
Y/N pulls on her robe and ties the sash around her waist.  
"Your hair still has to be done," her mother calls after her as she walks toward the door.  
"I'll be back in a moment," She exits the room with a elegant boldness in her step and makes her way to the section of the church where Tommy, his brothers and the rest of his wedding party will be.  
Y/N is just about to knock on the door when Tommy's voice can be heard quite clearly above the others.  
"This is my fucking wedding day! I want you all to be on your best fucking behavior. My bride deserves to have her special day not ruined by anyone, including you lot. If anyone causes any fucking trouble, you will escort them as discreetly as possible out of the building and off the property. Gentlemen, this is not the day for violence. It is a day for celebration. If any of you start fighting, I'll fucking kill you myself. Do you understand what I am saying?"  
Tommy's speech is followed by a chorus of "yes boss."  
She knocks on the door and stands outside the room until someone opens it. She doesn't want to make a spectacle or grab anybody's attention by just being in her robe and a slip. She beams when she sees Finn, who has a surprised expression on his face when he realizes it's his soon-to-be sister-in-law. The youngest Shelby brother is by far her favourite among her in-laws, but she wouldn't admit it to anybody but Tommy. Though he aspires to be just like his brothers, he has never lost the innocence he's carried right through his childhood.   
"Miss Y/L/N, you're not supposed to be here."  
"I am aware, but I need to speak with Tommy. It won't take long, I swear" she promises the teenager. "Would you kindly get him for me?"  
"I can't say no to you, can I?" He chuckles softly and closes the door.  
A few seconds later, Tommy rushes out the door, a worried look on his handsome face. He stops in front of her and reaches for her waist. "Is everything all right?"  
She responds smiling, placing her hand on his face, softly caressing his cheek with her thumb as she looks into his breathtakingly gorgeous blue eyes, which had captured her interest since she first saw him in London three years ago.   
"Everything is perfect, Thomas, but there is something I need to tell you. I've been trying since yesterday morning, but we haven't had a moment alone to ourselves."  
"We're alone now, so what is it?" His voice is gentle and soothing.  
She takes one of his hands from around her waist and moves it toward her lower abdomen. "I learned that the illness I've been experiencing is not just pre-wedding nerves. I saw the doctor the day before yesterday after Polly made a remark about my body changing. Tommy, I'm pregnant."  
"You're pregnant?" His eyes widen in astonishment, yet his lips have a trace of a smile. "You're pregnant!"  
He continues to smile from ear to ear as he ends the kiss. "It's fortunate that our wedding is today. It's one less thing we have to worry about before the baby arrives."  
She looks at him with such affection in her E/C eyes that she lets out a soft giggle at what he said. "I love you, Mr. Shelby."  
"I love you as well, Mrs. Shelby," He responds leaning in to kiss her again.  
She leans in close to his lips and murmurs, "I'm not Mrs. Shelby quite yet."  
"It's just a matter of time," he replies before pressing his lips against hers and kissing her passionately, wanting nothing more than for their wedding to begin so she may become Mrs. Thomas Shelby.  
"Oi, you two leave it for the honeymoon, yeah?" Arthur's gruff voice broke the almost newlyweds apart. "Now Miss Y/L/N, I don't mean to sound rude, but you best be off to finish getting ready."  
"I'm on my way," she tells the oldest Shelby brother as she steps back from Thomas and leaves to go back to her chamber, leaving the two brothers to finish getting ready themselves. 
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squoxle · 1 month
˚₊‧꒰ა All Good Girls Burn In Hell ♡ S.Eunseok ff ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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💠pairing: Eunseok x Reader!afab | 💠wc: 7.1k | 💠cw: profanity, religious themes, drug use, abuse, coercion, protected and unprotected sex | 💠plot: Your tired of being mommy’s little girl so you sneak out to a college party with the Devil’s Advocate…
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With the pressure of being the perfect daughter weighing on your shoulders, the last thing you needed right now was a boy. Especially not when that boy was Song Eunseok He was everything you weren’t and the complete opposite of what your parents believed in. Rule Breaker. Trouble Maker. Bad Boy.
His beauty... charmed you like a snake, entrapping you in his comforting grasp before crushing the life out of you.
His words... were like the devil’s music, enchanting you with his lovely tune as he led you down a path of darkness.
And his eyes... God his eyes were the most delicate yet aggressive feature of his face. Boldly standing out with a gentle aura surrounding them.
He was the perfect temptation. Sent by Satan himself to draw you away from purity and righteousness.
And you were the perfect target. You were weak and he could tell, which is what made corrupting you that much easier.
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Your home life was just about as chaotic as you'd expect an extremely religious family to be.
“Honor thy father and thy mother, for this is the first commandment with promise,” she would say this whenever you did anything remotely ‘disrespectful’ in her eyes. “Don’t you want to live a long and happy life?”
Sometimes her words felt like vain repetition or taunts echoing through your head, as her method of reprimanding you often came in the form of lectures.
The neurotic controlling nature of your mother could only be tamed by one thing—aside from the public eye—and that one thing was…your father.
Unfortunately he was no longer around and your mother often blamed you for his absence.
Your mother taught you that a wife should submit to her husband for he is the head of the family and you--as his wife--are to be his helpmate.
Though that sounds fair, for the most part, Mom had a much harsher way of embedding what she believed into the lives of her children. Especially her daughters.
After your rebellious older sister ran off 4 years ago with her motorcycle-riding girlfriend, all hell broke loose at home. You had now been promoted to the oldest of the siblings and were therefore subject to physical pain on top of everything else. It felt like you permanently resided within the confines of a chapel, which often felt more like a prison than a home.
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You’d had enough of this torture. You needed a break away from the unreasonably structured environment. Just for once, you wanted to feel like you were the one pulling the strings.
Never did you expect to hand your strings over to a new puppet master.
To keep things brief, you'd met Eunseok through your best friend Faith. Ironically, she was a girl you met at Sunday school in 9th grade who definitely wasn’t the perfect little angel people thought she was.
One time her dad almost caught her smoking outside. The way she launched that bud halfway across the street before sticking a sucker in her mouth was insane. Another time you could remember her telling you the story of how she snuck a boy into her room to have sex while her parents were sleeping…well the boy was her boyfriend, but still.
She had a wild side that you found alluring. Which made you wonder if you had a one too, well one apart from the scenarios you enacted in your imagination.
As a freshman in college, you were ready to try to relax a little.
"Or maybe not," you thought to yourself as you woke up to the sound of religious music playing from the kitchen. Your mother did this nearly every morning at the exact same time, almost like clockwork.
You could smell the coffee brewing, coupled with the scent of bread toasting. You knew you could only roll around in bed for a few more minutes before it was time to get up. Not only did you still have a bedtime, but you also had a specific time to wake up. No later than 8 o'clock were you expected to be out of your pajamas and have your bed made.
"Nothing comes to a man in his sleep, but dreams," another saying your mother loved repeating.
You lived in a house with two younger twin brothers and shared a room with your big sister. Though, now that she was gone, dust bunnies were the only thing sleeping in her bed.
One thing you had to learn was to be the first one in the bathroom. Sometimes you'd get up earlier to avoid the chaotic morning bustle.
After getting dressed you grabbed an apple for breakfast and waited for your mom to drop you off for your first day of uni. Luckily, you and Faith were going to the same university, so that eliminated the anxiety that came with being completely alone on a huge campus for the next four years of your life.
Unfortunately, loneliness, like most of your other personal problems, was none of your mother's concern. "Read and pray," she'd tell you. "The Lord will comfort you."
As this was your first semester in college, you decided to knock out a good chunk of your core classes, English, Math, History, and Politics.
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After 3 hours that felt more like a lifetime, your first lecture had finally ended. By now hungry didn't compare to what you were experiencing right now. Unfortunately, you forgot to bring your wallet which meant that water would have to fill you up for now.
“I can already tell this semester is going suck ass. And the next 16 weeks of my life or going to be a nightmare from hell,” Faith sighed as she dropped her backpack on the ground beside her.
You had met up with her outside at one of the round red tables that were scattered across the open green field.
"Oh, come on you can’t say that. It’s only the first day, give it about a week or so, and then see if you still feel the same way," you said trying to encourage her to look on the bright side.
"No, you don’t get it. This guy hates me, like literally hates me. You should've seen the way he looked at me," she sighed. "God, he was such a fucking scumbag."
"My stupid fucking sociology professor. He started nagging about some bullshit and I called him out for it," she rolled her eyes before pulling out a box of cigarettes. "Want one?"
"No, thanks," you held your hand up. "Wait this is a no-smoking zone," you said as Faith lit the end.
"Shit, my bad," she shrugged before picking up her bag and walking off. "You're coming, aren't you? You're not just gonna tell me I can't smoke here and expect me to go off by myself," she held the cigarette between her two fingers.
"No, sorry, I'm coming," you stuttered.
"You better."
You followed your blue-eyed friend to a brick wall that was high enough that when you sat on it your feet couldn't touch the ground.
"So I guess we found our secret place," Faith smiled. "A sweet escape from the terrors of uni and their stupid, boring bullshit," she puffed.
You and Faith often found little areas that you claimed as your own. This was just another spot to add to your map of many discrete destinations.
"Woah, what the hell was that?" Faith looked as your stomach growled uncomfortably loud.
"All I had was an apple this morning and I'm starving," you sighed before cracking open your water bottle to take a sip.
"Well, that water isn't gonna do shit for ya. Let's go grab you something to eat," she hopped off the wall before putting her cigarette out on a rock.
"I can't...I forgot my wallet at home and my mom is already on her way here," you sighed before joining her on the ground.
"So what? I have money. Besides, it's not like she's gonna kill you for grabbing something to eat," Faith slung her bag over her shoulder. "I'm kinda hungry myself."
You’d be lying if you said you didn't have a slight gut feeling that your mom would be upset about this. But maybe Faith was right. There's no way your mom would get mad at you for eating...right?
After splitting a sandwich you headed to the front of the school to find your mom parked in a handicap spot. You waved to Faith as you walked over to the passenger side of the vehicle.
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"So, how was your first day of college?" your mom asked as you buckled your seatbelt.
"It was good," you nodded as your mom pulled down the sun visor to reapply her Cherry Blossom Bliss tinted lipgloss. "How was your day?" you asked as you placed your bag on the floor between your legs as you looked out of the window.
"Good," she said plainly as she closed the car mirror and closed her gloss before tucking it away in her clutch bag.
You drove around a bit in silence before you heard the sound of her coin-filled bag swinging through the air. Hitting you in the mouth. Strangely enough, you heard the soft jingle before you actually felt the pain.
"Don't ever keep me waiting like that again. When I come here to pick you up you need to be ready," your mother said as you turned to her in shock, covering your mouth that was now decorated with a sliver of blood that seeped through the crack of your lower lip.
"But, I--" Your attempt to explain yourself was cut off by the stinging pain from your head as your mother dug her nails into your scalp.
"Are you talking back? Don't talk back to me you fucking brat," she spat. At this point, you knew that saying or doing anything else was just going to trigger her to spiral so you wiped the tear from your eye, attempted to fix your hair, and sat back in silence until you made it home.
It was moments like this that you wanted someone to vent to. But what good would that do? Even if you told Faith about this nothing would change. This was your life and the only smart thing you could do was learn from your mistakes.
Don't be late.
Don't talk back.
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The next couple of weeks were like the first minus getting attacked for being late. You went to class, you did your homework, and you hung out with Faith. Today, your class had ended early since it was almost spring break and you took this as an opportunity to spend more time with Faith before your mom came to pick you up.
But today was a day to mark on your calendar as the beginning of your ending...
“Hey, Faith,” you said shyly as you noticed the two boys that sat with her. One of them being none other than Eunseok.
She waved to you tapping a spot beside her for you to sit. “Hey girl, we were just talking about going to one of the fraternity houses this weekend for a little get-together,” she smiled mischievously. "What d'you say? Wanna join us for some life-changing fun?"
You knew that look, and nothing good ever came from that. You’d been invited to gatherings like this before and always declined. You never regretted your decision either, especially when she’d tell you about all of the horrible things that happened. Faith never saw the stories how you did, they all sounded like exciting retellings of the glorious moments you missed out on.
"No that's alright," you chuckled as she glared at you with her big blue puppy dog eyes.
"Pleeeeeease," she whined, pouting her lips and squeezing your thigh.
"No, Faith," you giggled. "You're just gonna run off and leave me all by myself."
"I'll be there," Eunseok smirked. "In case she does abandon you," he sat on the opposite side of you placing his arm behind you.
"I-uhh," you stammered.
"Cool it big boy, she's not into that kind of stuff," Faith budded.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know she was gay," Eunseok said, slightly backing away.
"Oh no. I'm not gay," you spat.
"Okay then, lesbian? Bisexual?"
"No, I'm straight. I just don't like boys," you were doing an awful job at pleading your case and you could see Faith holding in her laughter as she watched the awkward interaction between you two.
"How the hell are you straight, but you don't like boys? That makes no fucking sense."
"No. Wait. I like boys, but I'm not allowed to date."
"Who said anything about dating," he chuckled. "Are you already trying to claim me?"
"I never said that. I mean. Ugh, nevermind," you sighed.
"Relax, I'm just joking. Faith already told me about preserving your purity."
"Yep, I sure did. So you don't have to worry about him trying to lead you astray," Faith smiled.
"Eh hmm," the other boy cleared his throat.
"Oh, right. I forgot. This is Theo. I met him a year ago at a party and we've been friends ever since," Faith said as the boy waved.
"You got me over here feeling like an outcast," he smirked.
"Well, she barely knows that goofball, Eunseok. I think this was the first conversation they ever had." Their conversation faded in the background as you dug deep into your mind only to realize that this was your first time actually speaking to Eunseok.
You were much younger when you first met and you've always been one to keep to yourself. Plus, your sister had just left and life at home wasn't so great. So there wasn't much to talk about.
"So, you're coming right?"
"The party this weekend...you're coming right?" Faith asked again.
"I don't think so. Sorry," you replied.
"Hmm...well I'm not gonna force you. Maybe next time," she said patting your shoulder. "Oh shit," she sighed as you noticed your mom walking over to you.
"I've been waiting in the car for over an hour now and you're out here goofing off with boys?"
"Mom, it's not like that I was just--"
"I don't wanna hear it. Go get in the car. Right now. We're going home," your mom looked everything but happy right now. She must've known you got out early and had been waiting for you all this time. Scared didn't begin to describe what you were feeling right now.
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To your surprise, the entire ride was silent. Even when you made it home, pure silence. You went upstairs to take a shower before going to your room to study.
As you were going through your drawers to pick out an outfit, a head-spinning blow knocked you to the ground. Your mother's angry face hovered over you as she raised her hand to hit you again.
"You attention-seeking slut," she sneered. "You're just like your whoring sister," she hummed before grabbing your hair and dragging you to the middle of your room.
"I didn't do anything! I swear," you whined. "We were just talking!"
"First you'll have boys kissing and touching all over you. And the next thing you know, you'll be with a girl too. You'll be confused and broken. Just like your sister," your mother's eyes pierced through your soul like fiery daggers as she continued to berate you.
"I wish you had been born a boy like your brothers. I'd rather have a house full of men than one filled with whores in training," her words lingered in the air as she walked over to your bedroom door. "Sometimes, I wish your sister would've taken you with her."
Every word you thought of saying was caught in your throat. You were being choked by an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and disparity. This was a common pattern whenever your mom would get violent.
Senseless slut shaming and misjudgment of your character coupled with the clawing sensation of her nails digging into your scalp was too much.
Dragging your hand across your face, you wiped the tears from your cheeks as you curled up into a ball on the floor. The sound of the ceiling fan clinking blended with the ticking of the clock that hung on your wall. You ended up falling asleep on the floor with your knees to your chest.
If not for the lamp on your desk, you'd be in complete darkness.
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The next morning you woke up earlier than you normally would. This gave you a chance to shower before going to school.
The water ran down your body as you thought back to what happened last night. You turned your back to the pouring water but flinched as you were met with a stinging pain. You looked over your shoulder to see small scratches on your back--likely from being dragged across the carpet floor.
You searched under the bathroom cabinet for something to clean the wound with. Nothing but a bottle of toner stared back at you.
"Well there's alcohol in it," you mumbled to yourself as you poured the liquid on a cotton ball. You dabbed every spot within your reach before throwing your clothes on.
"You alright?" Eunseok asked. His voice caught you off guard as you drifted off into your thoughts. Faith had walked off for a smoke break with Theo, leaving you behind with the dark-eyed boy.
"Yeah," you smiled feignly.
His energy was different than it had been before. Maybe it was because he saw how your mom behaved when she saw you guys talking.
"You sure? Don't take this the wrong way, but you look like shit," he said tilting his head to meet your eyes.
"There's just a lot on my mind right now," you sighed.
"Wanna talk about it? I'm a pretty good listener."
"No, I'm okay. It's not like that'll do anything anyway," you sniffed. Crying was the one thing you'd never do in public. And you'd rather struggle on your own than bring other people into your personal business for no reason.
"Alright, fine. Well then how about we not talk about it together this weekend."
"I can't go to that party. My mom would kill me."
"Well, you look like you're halfway in the grave already. You could use a bit of excitement in your life."
"But I've never...I can't..."
"You're an adult. You can't let your mom dictate your life forever," you were quiet before he continued. "I'm sure you can just ask your dad, right?"
"Yeah, that would probably work if he was still around."
"Oh...sorry I didn't know."
"It's fine. He's not dead, but he might as well be. I'm sure my mom would be happier if he was."
"If you don't me asking...what happened anyway?"
"Well, basically he left us because my mom is literally insane. They would always fight. And one night he came into our bedroom and slid a note under our pillow," you thought back to the feeling of him placing a kiss on your forehead as you laid there pretending to be asleep. You watched as he wiped the tears from his face. To this day you regret not saying anything. Not doing anything.
"That was the last time you saw him?"
"You're going to that party," Eunseok whispered before placing his hand on top of yours.
"I'll sneak you out on Saturday night," He said pulling out his phone. "What's your number?"
You looked down at your hands as you shamefully replied. "Even if I give you my phone number, my mom takes it at night time..."
"Damn. Well, I'll just give you my old phone. I barely use it now so I won't be looking for it," he said reaching into his bag. He pulled out the smaller black phone which was protected by a bulky plastic case. "It's a dinosaur, but it still works," he chuckled.
"Are you sure? What if I get caught?"
"Relax, you won't. You just have to keep it hidden until tomorrow night. After that, you're in the clear," he smiled.
"Okay, but if I get in trouble it's all you're fault and I'll probably never forgive you," you said as you took the phone from his hands.
Maybe a night out would do you good...
To be completely honest, it didn't take much convincing to get you on board. He was attractive as hell and as much as you hated it, he definitely had an effect on you.
"Deal," he chuckled as he watched you slip the phone into your bag.
"What are you losers yapping about?" Faith grinned as she skipped back over to you and Eunseok.
"I was just helping our little friend plan her escape," Eunseok said, cutting you off as he pulled you in for a side hug. "Isn't that right?"
You nodded as Theo clapped his hands together. "Awesome! Another innocent soul to claim for Satan," he words sent chills up your spine as you thought back to what happened the night before.
"Hey? You alright?" Faith asked as your face went blank.
"Yeah...I was just umm...I was just thinking about some stuff," you replied, trying your best to play it off. "Shoot!" you spat.
"What?" Faith asked.
"My mom is on her way. I gotta go," You snatched your bag up and began walking off.
"Sorry, I don't wanna get in trouble again," you continued as you drifted back into your thoughts.
"Hey," you felt a large hand palm your shoulder. You whipped around to see Eunseok standing in front of you. "If you ever need someone to talk to, remember that I'm here for you," you nodded as his hands slid down your arms to your hands.
A warm feeling rushed to your face as all of your previous worries melted away. It was like he was the first person to take your mind off of everything negative in your life. He was like a drug and you were afraid to get addicted.
You both stared at each other for a bit before he pulled you in for a hug. "I'll be over to break you out tomorrow night. Don't forget, okay?" His voice sounded even more soothing when he held you close. The gentle vibrations from his throat were just about as relaxing as soaking in a hot tub.
You hummed in response before walking off to join your mom in the car.
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11:24pm tomorrow night...
You quietly tiptoed through the darkness of your bedroom to your dresser. You pulled out the bottom drawer to grab Eunseok's phone from its hidden place.
Feelings of guilt, fear, and anxiety tugged at your heart as you thought back to the moment between you and your mom in the car the day before.
"I'm really sorry for how I reacted the other day..." your mom bit her lip as she gripped the steering wheel. "It's just that I'm afraid to lose you the way I lost your sister..."
You could feel the genuine pain and regret in her tone as she poured out to you.
"I don't want you to make terrible mistakes that you'll regret in the future. And sometimes...exploding is the only way I know how to fix it. That's how my parents were with me."
This was no excuse for her actions, but this did make you feel a sense of pity for her. It was almost enough to make you cancel. But you needed this more than anything else right now.
You just wanted a small taste of what else life had to offer you...
Anything was better than spending all of your free time in this hellhole.
You powered the phone on to text Eunseok.
"She's sleep. You can come pick me up whenever." you sighed as you waited anxiously for him to text back.
"Alright, princess. Your knight in shining armor is on the way to rescue you from the evil dragon." Reading his text made you giggle a bit as you struggled to find anything remotely skimpy to wear. Nothing but an old baby blue dress from your sister hung idly in the back of your closet.
You quickly hopped into the dress and slipped into a pair of silver heels.
*Tap. Tap. Tap*
The tapping sound from the window nearly made you jump out of your skin. The moonlight dimly lit your features as you turned to see Eunseok's face behind the glass. You tapped your finger against your lips, signalling him to stop.
You opened the window and stuck out your first leg to climb out. Eunseok came close to guide you out by the waist. "You ready?" he smirked.
"Yeah," you nodded.
"Then let's get the hell out of here," he chuckled, grabbing your hand and running with you to his orange Dodge Challenger. You climbed into the passenger seat as Eunseok closed the door behind you.
Your heart was beating fast as hell, probably the fastest it's ever beat in your life. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you lied. Your throat was so dry it felt like you had cotton in your mouth.
"You might be able to lie to your mom, but you can't lie to me. You look like a scared little puppy," he smiled, scanning your body. "Nice dress."
"Thanks, it was my sister's."
"Well you look amazing in it," he turned the keys and you felt the seats rumble gently beneath you. You watched as Eunseok reached down to pull out a V-pen. He breathed in slowly before blowing out the sweet strawberry-scented vapor. "Here. Take this. It'll relax you," he said handing your the plug.
"Uhh...I'm okay. I don't smoke."
"Come on, just try it once. If you don't like it you can stop."
You hesitantly opened your mouth as he brought the device to your lips.
"Just suck it in slowly. Let it fill your lungs and don't try breathing out of your nose at the same time--" You began coughing aggressively, cutting him off mid-sentence. "Or that'll happen," he chuckled, before patting your back.
You looked at him through watery eyes as he reached to hand you a water bottle. "Don't worry, I didn't drink any of it yet."
"Thanks," you sniffed.
"So, what'd you think? D'you like it?"
"It tastes good, but to be honest I didn't notice much of a difference aside from coughing my brains out."
"Well, that one was kinda weak. Hold on. Imma give you something a little stronger," he smiled as he drove to a red light. "Look in the glove box and pull out that little red case," he directed you, pointing his finger at the glove box.
You sifted through the other miscellaneous objects before finding the red case. You placed it in his hand and watched as he pulled out another smoking device.
"Alright, I'm gonna go first and you just copy me okay?" he licked his lips before clasping them around the metal tip. "Just take a little bit first," he said after blowing out the cloud of smoke.
Remembering the mistake you made last time, you sucked in slowly.
"Woah, woah. That should be good enough," Eunseok chuckled as you inhaled the herby smoke.
You blew out the smoke, filling the car with the scent. You still coughed a bit, but it wasn't as bad as before. "That's weed, by the way," Eunseok smiled. "You should be feeling it in a bit."
He wasn't wrong either. You felt a sense of alertness wash over you.
"We're almost there," Eunseok said as he entered a subdivision before pulling up to a house shortly after. Cars were lined up the street, most likely belonging to the other partygoers. You could even hear the music blasting as you sat in the car with Eunseok.
This was the first time you finally noticed that Faith wasn't there. The amount of questionable decisions you were making in such a short time even shocked you.
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You walked with Eunseok into to the lively house party hosted by Theo who greeted you at the door with Jell-O shots. "It's about time you got here, princess. We've been waiting for you," he smiled as he took down the cherry-flavored shot you rejected. "Did you get my message?"
"What message?" you asked.
"This one," he said, grabbing your hand to spin you around. "Wanna dance?"
"No, that's alright," you chuckled as he pouted playfully.
"Your loss. I'm a terrific dancer--"
"If by terrific you mean terrible then I'd definitely agree with you," Faith said cutting Theo off. "Hey girl, what do you think of the party? Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Well, we just got here a couple minutes ago."
"Yeah, and I was having a conversation with her until you came over here interrupting us," he poked her nose.
"Puh-lease. I'm sure she's glad I came over here to save her from your boring ass."
"Boring? Boring?! I'll show you whose boring."
"I'm already looking at you dummy," Faith playfully pushed Theo's shoulder. "If you really wanna dance then let's go," she giggled, leading Theo to a corner by the tip of his chin.
"Heh, later princess," he waved to you.
You watched as Theo grabbed Faith's hips. She swayed her hips, grinding her ass against him as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck. A seductive smirk crept across her face as Theo turned her around to face him. He caressed her thigh as he lifted her leg, wrapping it around him. He slowly leaned into her lips, hanging centimeters away from her soft pink lips before she placed her finger on his lips.
"I thought we were just dancing," she beamed.
"Dancing and kissing?" he chuckled awkwardly.
"Uh uh. Man, these shots have you acting extra horny today huh?"
You shook your head, scanning the room for Eunseok. You couldn't believe you were staring at them for that long. You didn't see him anywhere in the kitchen so you went out into the hall to look for him somewhere else.
To be honest, if Faith wasn’t busy teasing Theo, you'd probably be hanging out with her right now. But, Eunseok wasn’t so bad. You actually enjoyed his company. 
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Still feeling a bit fuzzy and lightheaded from the hit earlier you swayed through the partygoers, silently searching for a familiar face. You were more of a shy person, so engaging with random strangers wasn’t exactly at the top of your list. 
“Hey, ~” a dark-haired girl waved to you as she was being dragged off to a bedroom down the hall. “Wanna come have fun with us?” 
“No, that’s alright,” you smiled sheepishly. 
“Oh come on, baby. I’ll make it worth your while,” the boy said, releasing the other girl’s hand to run his nose against the skin on your neck. 
“I said, no,” you spat, pushing him away after he licked the exposed skin on your chest.
“Oh, you wanna play hard to get, huh?” He smirked devilishly as he pressed you against the wall. 
You struggled beneath his weight as you looked down to see that the girl had passed out on the floor. Knowing that this was going nowhere good, you swung your free hand to hit him straight in the mouth. 
“Argh!” He winced, licking the blood from the broken skin on his lower lip. “You little bitch! You’re gonna regret doing that,” he spat, grabbing your wrist, and twisting it slightly. You groaned at the burning pain travelling down your arm before kicking him between his legs which made him drop to the floor. 
While he was on his knees swearing and shouting out all of the horrible things he was gonna do to you, you shook the collapsed girl to try and wake her up. There was no way in hell you were gonna leave her in the hands of this monster. 
“Are we gonna play now?” She hummed. “Hmm, I’m sleepy. Can I stay here?” 
“No, come on. I gotta get you out of here,” you tugged at her arms. “No girl left behind.”
The boy must’ve been feeling better by the time you finally got her to stand as you felt a set of hands push you to the ground. He grabbed you by the ankles and started to drag you down the hall. 
Even though you kicked your legs in an attempt to fight him off, it was useless, he was much stronger than you and you didn’t stand a chance against him now. 
Dazed, but conscious enough to see what was going on, the dark-haired girl ran off. 
“Dammit,” you thought to yourself. Closing your eyes shut, you prepared yourself to just accept your fate. A set of footsteps ran up the hall toward you as you felt the boy drop your legs to the ground. 
“Ugh!” He groaned as you opened your eyes to see a beer bottle had been smashed against his head. 
You watched as Eunseok punched the boy in the face until blood came from his nose. His hair bounced at the force of every blow. You could tell he had broken his nose by the way his face had contorted. 
“Let’s go,” Eunseok said, looking at you still on the ground. He grabbed the boy by the shirt and proceeded to drag him to the front door. “Does your brother know you’re here?” He spat looking to the dark-haired girl who you assumed ran to get Eunseok. 
“I’m almost 18. I can make my own decisions,” she stuttered. 
“Right, and we see where that almost got you. Come on, I’m taking you home,” Eunseok said as he walked up to a dark-skinned guy. “Lance! Can you keep an eye on this fucker? The cops are already on their way for him.” Eunseok said as he abandoned the lunatic who tried to assault you and the other girl. “He was trying to make a move on Eunchae.”
“Sure, man. I’ll hold him until the cops get here,” the boy whom Eunseok called Lance smiled as Eunseok walked outside with you and the other girl. “Tell your brother I said hi,” he chuckled as you walked outside. 
“Get your ass in the backseat,” Eunseok spat as Eunchae folded her arms. “And put this on,” He said as he pulled off his oversized varsity jacket and draped it over her shoulders. 
“Wait! I forgot my phone,” Eunchae exclaimed as the car started up. 
“Too bad, I’ll have Theo hold onto it for you. We’re leaving,” Eunchae sat quietly in the backseat as you drove almost 30 minutes to a black and white apartment complex. 
Acting like a spoiled child, Eunchae refused to go up the stairs. You could see that Eunseok was more than fed up with her bullshit as he threw her over his shoulder and walked up the stairs to knock on the door. 
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Eunseok, placed Eunchae on the doormat in front of him as he waited for the door to open.
“You’re not doing a very good job at babysitting her, Seunghan. Maybe you should send her back by your mom and dad,” he said as he poked her cheek. 
“Yeah, I might do that because she’s obviously not ready to be an adult yet—“
“No! Ugh! You never let me do anything,” she huffed as she stormed to her room.
“Thanks for bringing her back, bro. I thought she wasn’t feeling well because she went to bed early.”
“Eh, it’s alright. But you seriously need to keep an eye on her. Oh, and Theo has her phone. He’ll probably bring it over later.”
“Okay, it’s not like she needs it anyway,” Seunghan chuckled as he closed the door.
You followed Eunseok back to the car as he started it up again. 
“Sorry,” he said after taking a hit of the weed from earlier. “I’m pretty sure this wasn’t exactly the fairytale ending you were expecting,” he sighed.
"Well, it's definitely been interesting," you scoffed lightheartedly.
"Did you want to go back to the party or to my place? It's quieter there."
"Umm, wherever you want to go is fine with me."
You were hoping that he'd choose his place. Mainly because the party felt more like a freak show, a disaster waiting to happen.
"M'kay. My place it is," he said before pulling off.
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He didn't live far from Seunghan so the drive was relatively short. You followed him up the stairs before entering his apartment which was uncomfortably cold.
You wrapped your arms around yourself in an attempt to contain some of the heat that was rapidly escaping your body.
"I would've offered you my jacket, but I already gave it to Eunchae," Eunseok said as he turned off the air.
"It's alright," you said sucking in your breath.
"C'mere," Eunseok whispered softly as he pulled you into his grasp.
Your cheeks burned hot as you felt the warmth from his body coupled with the feeling of his breath on your neck.
After a short silent moment, he turned your body to face him. He was met with a warm and submissive look on your face. A sense of innocence wrapped up by desire.
He leaned in to kiss your lips. Little did he know that this was your first kiss.
You freely allowed him to take the lead biting and sucking on your lips as he pulled your body closer to his. You quickly pulled away as you felt his bulge brush up against your core.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” you lied as you eyes fell to the ground.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t—“
“No, I want to. It’s just that…”
“It’s just what?”
“I haven’t really done anything like this before.”
“Kissing or sex?”
“Oh…sorry, I didn’t know. I kinda just assumed you had done something.”
“There’s a lot that I haven’t done.”
“Well we can stop now if you want.”
“No, I want to keep going. Just take it slow with me.”
Eunseok led you to his room that was fairly empty. Nothing but a king-sized bed, a small night stand, and a laundry bin occupied the floor space.
You stood at the foot of his bed as he began kissing you again. Though this was your first kiss, you never expected it to feel so good. Again, you felt his hardness press against you, but this time you welcomed the sensation.
You felt his hands blindly move across your back stopping at the zipper before pulling it down. He pulled out of the kiss to slide your dress down before directing you to stand up and sit on his lap.
You couldn’t deny the fact that you felt a bit shy about being naked in front of someone.
He slid your panties down before he wrapped an arm around you. He reached his finger down to glide between your lips. The amount of wetness definitely wasn’t ready for his cock just yet, so he spit on his fingers before massaging your clit.
You jerked your body as he used his fingers on you. Gripping onto his arms, you threw your head back as he inserted one finger into your pussy. Your tightness gripped around his finger as you let out a soft moan.
He slowly pulled his finger back and forth grazing the flesh of your g-spot before picking up the pace.
You watched as he pulled his finger out completely covered in your wetness.
“Okay, what do you want to do first? We can go straight into sex or I can eat you out?”
“I wanna go straight into sex,” you replied as you stood up.
“M’kay. Let me go grab something first,” he said before leaving the room. You waited on his bed, playing with the wetness between your legs.
He came back shortly after and pulled down his pants to reveal his pulsing hard-on.
“I’m gonna put this on to make it easier for you,” he said as torn open the packaging that contained a dark blue condom. You watch as he slid it down his length before climbing onto the bed. “You’re gonna get on top okay,” he continued as you hesitantly straddled him.
You leaned forward to place your hands on his chest as he guided his cock to your opening. Slowly, he pulled you hips down gliding his lubricated dick deep inside of you. You whined as he broke through your hymen. A slight burning feeling filled your core.
“Mmm, fuck,” he groaned as he thrusted into your pussy. More swears left his lips before he came inside of the condom. You felt his warm seed fill you up as he laid there breathless.
“I didn’t expect you to be so fucking tight,” he groaned. “Alright, now you gotta suck the cum off so I can fuck you raw. That was my last rubber,” he sighed, fluffing his hair between his fingers.
He pulled the condom off before you went down to wrap your lips around him, sucking off the cum before gagging slightly on his length.
Once clean he bent you over on your hands and knees and plowed into your pussy as you came closer to your climax. He pulled out his cock to insert two of his digits into your gummy hole as you reached between your legs to rub your clit.
Breathless, moaning, and panting you came all over his fingers screaming out his name. He held you down and pushed in his cock to feel you pussy clench around him as you slowly came down from your high.
You collapsed on the bed from exhaustion and satisfaction as Eunseok stroked his length.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” he sighed as he kissed your shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you home before sunrise. Just get some rest for now,” he said as he saw your legs trembling from the orgasm.
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This definitely wasn’t the night you were expecting, but you couldn’t say that you didn’t enjoy it.
You watched as Eunseok pulled his jeans up before stepping out on the balcony to smoke. Your eyes fluttered gently as you watched the puffs of smoke escape his lips. He ruffled his hair again before coming inside to join you in bed.
He guided your head to rest on his chest. The gentle hums relaxed you till you eventually fell asleep.
You don’t know what time you got in the car or what time he drove you home, but he made sure to bring you back before the sun came out.
Even though this had just happened the day before, you already couldn’t wait for your next opportunity to sneak out.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
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justcallmecj · 13 days
Y/N Being An Older Sibling To The Boys
Here, this will just be random spews of information about some examples of how Y/N acts in this manner with each boy. (This will be with everyone)(Also, platonic all around)
Also, if it's with a student who has Overblotted, It will take place sometime after their OB. I haven't researched lore beyond the Pomefiore book so anything after that I don't know about, sorry.
   Riddle Rosehearts
After Riddle's OB, it was hard for you to see him as anything but a child who had it tough in his childhood.
Ever since, you've sorta just had a soft spot him.
You often find yourself checking on him, especially when you know that Heartslabyul has had events going on that could possibly lead to stress for him.
Riddle is short, everyone know that. And you being a dragon, you're taller than most people. Because of these factors, head pats are a common occurrence for Riddle when you're nearby.
You've found yourself quite good at calming Riddle when he starts to blow his lid. You've saved quite a few Heartslabyul students from getting collard (they thank you greatly for it).
You think he is extremely cute!
You don't tease him like you do your actual sibling, but that's just because you know how sensitive he is.
Riddle won't say it because he's too embarrassed, but he absolutely loves the affection he gets from you because he is an only child and has never been treated like this.
Hugs. Plenty of them. He melts all the time from your sibling affections.
Trey absolutely loves you because of what you do for Riddle.
Trey Clover
Now, we all know Trey is the oldest sibling, so he and you are actually very alike in personality and your mannerisms.
But, with how close you two are, you both have your moments of being the older sibling to the other.
You two kinda are like those twins that actually get along. Y'know, who have similar interests so you do a lot of things together.
You and him bake for the Heartslabyul parties and unbirthdays together all the time. Even for dorm dinners where you get invited by both him and Riddle as a 'thank you' for help cooking.
When you get to be the older sibling: There are times where Trey gets stressed and you happen to catch him. All it takes is a good 20 minute talk and he feels better than ever because he's actually really good at detecting his emotions and knowing what needs to be done to feel better. You are one of those things.
For a moment when you get to be the younger sibling: Sometimes, the whispers you hear and the looks you get from the boys at school get to you. They get you feeling down. And for some reason beyond your knowledge, Trey always manages to find you. He's prepared with your favorite treat and listening ears for you to vent about it all. When you start to feel better, you both decide to go do something to have a little fun.
Unbeknownst to you both (but you both kinda do know), some kids in Heartslabyul have started calling you two 'The Dorm Twins'. It's a strange title but they still use it for whenever the both of you are together. (Cater uses it the most out of anyone, sometimes you can find pictures of you and Trey baking on Cater's Magicam with captions like #TheDormTwinsAreAtItAgain).
Also, Trey is a sucker for the big hugs you give him with your wings. For some reason, he find the action a comfort.
Cater Diamond
Now, Cater has made it quite clear that his sisters annoy him and that he rather not be near them.(He does love them tho)
You on the other hand, your affection is no where near as over bearing and annoying to him as his sisters is.
You're aware of how his actual sisters get to him, so you made sure you didn't do the same thing.
You often find yourself indulging in his Magicam shenanigans. You know it makes him happy and his wide smile makes you feel warm inside.
He actually loves when you two are hanging out and you start styling his hair! It makes him feel loved.
Cater is very physically affectionate, so when you two are together, he's almost always touching you in some way. You both love it.
On particularly hot days when he's working with the rose bushes, he invites you over so your natural cold can help keep him cool. You don't mind much anymore these days.
You sometimes like to mess with him by using the light that reflects off your scales and make a glare on the screen of his phone that makes it so he can't see anything. It annoys him so much but you stop before he actually gets upset.
Ace Trappola
The relationship between you two is 'annoying little brother with responsible/teasing older sibling'.
While Ace has his teasing streak with people, he can never seem to get under your skin, but you definitely can get under his.
You get him out of trouble (especially with Riddle) all the time. He'll never thank you for it, but you can see the silent words in his eyes.
You tease him. All. The. Time.
You also know when to reprimand him. When he's doing something you know will get him in trouble, you wack him in the back of the head with your tail to stop him. He immediately knows to back down before you try again, harder next time.
Ruffling his hair makes him so embarrassed, do it and he's frozen for a good while. It's kinda your secret weapon against him.
Of course, as all siblings do, they have their moments of getting along. When you both decide to do something, there's no doubt that it's gonna happen. Once, you both decided to play a prank on Deuce, and it worked out beautifully!
In the end, Deuce was drenched in water, and freezing cold after you sprayed the softest mist of your ice breath on him. (No harm done in the long shot tho, he was just grumpy with you two. You made it up to him by baking a treat during you and Trey's recent bake session)
You also attend most of his basketball games and are his biggest supporter in the stands.
Deuce Spade
'Delinquent brother and responsible sibling' vibes all the way with you two.
You were the first person to know about his delinquent days, and you were sympathetic with him (which he appreciated)
In times where his delinquent side shows, you know exactly how to snap him back to reality.
You bring his balled fists together and rest both hands on top of his. The firm grab of your hands is enough to ground him and remind him of his goals for this year.
 He always comes to you when he feels he needs to speak or vent about something, and you're always there to listen.
He really appreciates how you indulge him in athletic hobbies.
He loves to be able to see you cheering him on when he's at a track meet/competition, cheering him on from the audience. It always makes him even more hyped up to compete!
He's another person you should head pat. He gets silently flustered and embarrassed every time. He's not that used to positive physical affection so he doesn't know how to react.
You can't help but giggle every time you see his state after a hug or head pat, this only makes the embarrassment worse for him.
Leona Kingscholar
Now, Leona is a tricky one. While yes he is the younger sibling in his family, he's one of the older people at NRC so there's no real "being on older sibling" with him.
More, it's taking care of him when he neglects to do it himself.
Ruggie thanks you for taking some of his load from Leona off his back.
You easily hunt Leona down when it's time for his next class or when lunch time rolls around.
He reminds you of an oversized cat honestly (in an endearing way).
Sitting next to him when he naps is oddly comforting, and he doesn't seem to get too grumpy when he wakes up to find you watching him in his sleep.
You bring him food when he makes it clear to you that he's not getting up.
Sometimes, his insistence to not get up becomes so annoying that you straight up just pick him up by the waist and sling him over you shoulder while walking off to where ever he needs to be.
At this point, he's defenseless against your forced removal from his napping place.
The cold you produce is strange to him. He's so used to the hot of Savanaclaw and Afterglow Savannah that cold sets him into some kind of awestruck, shock state. (This makes moving him easier)
Once, when he was eating after you brought him lunch in the botanical garden, the sun caught on your scales and created a small circle of light on the ground in front of him. He didn't react, but you saw that for a solid 2 minutes, his eyes were glued to wherever the circle went.
He'll never tell you that he really likes the attention you give him.
You knew due to his OB that he had bad relationships with his family, especially with his brother, Farena.
You started paying more attention to him after that to try and give his some more stable relationships on his life.
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie is someone who isn't used to being taken care of.
He has so many younger siblings that he takes care of that, that treatment being uno reversed on him by you is the strangest thing to him.
And it's exactly that reason that you do it.
His clueless reactions and lack of knowing what to do spark a sense of playfulness in you that you just need to give into.
You do have your moments of being helpful instead of playful though.
You help him with his chores around Savanaclaw whenever you can.
Although, Ruggie does get back at you for playing with him eventually. And he strikes back harder than what you start the war with.
Sometimes, a full out prank war breaks out between you two.
The other members of Savanaclaw find it to be the most amusing thing ever, but Leona doesn't.
But you two purposefully rope him in and he ends up being the victim to a lot of the pranks you throw at each other. It's your guys' revenge for him making Ruggie do so many chores.
Scratch behind his ears. He makes the cutest face of peaceful contempt, one you don't get to see that often.
He has definitely introduced you to his family and they were quick to except you into the family, even if you are a dragon.
His siblings LOVE you. (You also let them hide under your wings, hang on your tail and look at your horns. You got some extra brownie points from them for that.)
Jack Howl
From others pov, it's hard for them to see you being the older sibling type when next to Jack. The way he looks, big and with a grumpy look constantly on his face, makes others think he doesn't get close to anyone. Even you.
You on the other hand, have found your way into his heart.
Jack's still young, and while you aren't actually much older, you definitely act the part. He's more immature and brash while you're the one who gets him to stay out of trouble.
He's a bit of a muscle head, and sometimes his strength gets to his head. You're strong yourself, but not in a meathead manner.
For sweet moments between you both, here: You are an absolute sucker for his wolf form.
Seeing a giant wolf is adorable enough, but knowing that it's actually Jack, the boy you've come to care for like a brother, makes it 10x better.
Whether it's his wolf or beast man form, ear scratches are a common must have with you both. He melts at the feeling of them and seeing his happy face and wagging tail makes you feel so freaking giddy inside!
Sometimes when you and him are standing next to each other(for whatever reason), your wings instinctively wrap around him. He doesn't mind and people have stopped questioning it.
Azul Ashengrotto
You and him get along oddly well.
He's a tricky man, but that behavior never seems to be pointed or shot at you.
When y'all first met, he was actually very nervous around you and found you intimidating. That was until he and you actually started interacting with each other.
You helped him a great deal after his OB. Now that you knew the truth of his childhood, your instincts of an older sibling kicked in with him.
You always encourage him with his self image and self esteem. He's actually gotten better because of you.
Its gotten to the point where he trusts you to commonly see his octopus form.
You think he is just the most adorable thing when he's like this! You can see where Floyd gets the urge to poke Azul(but you don't for fear of making him question his looks again)
You actually like to hang out at Octavinelle with him. He knows all the ways to access the giant fish tanks, meaning you get the chance to play with the fish and other creatures swimming around in there.
When you're there, sometimes Azul will take you to a secret tank that only him and the Twins know of. The cold of the water in Octavinelle is a comfort to you and you like swimming in the water. You and Azul swim together until one of you has stuff that needs your attention.
You being a dragon is extremely fascinating to him. You're nothing like the mer-folk he's used to seeing in The Coral Sea. You often catch him staring at your wings or horns even if he tried to turn away before you can see him. You're eyes are too perceptive though.
The Twins love to tease him about finally making another friend besides them. They also have come to like you because of how much you help Azul and they see that you genuinely care for him.
Jade Leech
Jade can also be tough to be an 'older sibling' to. He is the more mature of the Leech Twins and supervises both Floyd and Azul in some manner.
You appreciate his calm nature. You spend so much of your time with the other first years that chaos has become part of your daily routine.
His calm demeanor is like a breath of fresh air.
Despite this, you know that there's a more malevolent side that he has yet to truly show. But honestly, you don't care because that fact hasn't caused you any harm, nor your friends.
He didn't act any different with you than anyone else at first, but you soon saw his normal behavior change towards you.
When it's just you and him, or you, him and Floyd, he drops his formal way of speech when comfortable. Sometimes even ranting about his sorta strange passions.
One day, you, him and Floyd were hanging out in their room and Jade went on a small rant about his terrarium. You leaned over to Floyd and asked if he often does it. Floyd answered with-
"Only when he feels comfortable. I mean, yeah he does talk about them with people, but not with so much passion. Usually only with me. Don't you feel special, Umitsubame-kun?"
Now Jade considers you to be a sibling, or at least close to one.
He's also very glad that you and Floyd get along just as much as you and he. He'd be upset if you didn't
Floyd Leech
He was real quick to give you a nickname, just as he does with everyone. The name was 'Umitsubame-kun.'
In turn, you gave him one for the hell of it. You ended up calling him 'kaishi-san'
The return of his nickname games at himself shocked Floyd, but he was quick to accept it and tease you about it as well.
You've grown used to his mood swings. You also have found ways to get him interested in something, even if only for a short while.
He actually likes how easily you can handle him.
He's come to realize that there's no real getting under your skin. When teasing doesn't work, he jokes how "your skin stays true to a dragon, hard scales that don't break even with stabbing." He then sulks if he really wanted the teasing to work.
He's tried squeezing you in the past, but your scales are hard and made it ineffective. Once they even cut him a little because he tried to hard. You then spent some time bandaging the cut and spending the day with him to make up for it. He quickly accepted the apology.
Jade trusts you to watch over Floyd if he's ever not around, and you gladly take on the challenge and have fun doing it.
He took you to that secret tank I mentioned earlier simply to show off his eel form and show you some tricks in the water.
He and Jade are a packaged deal. One is typically not with the other. Only when Jade has a duty he needs to attend to or when Floyd gets bored of something Jade's doing and leaves. His first destination is typically, you.
He's clingy with you, but you don't mind. He touches your horns and pokes at you wings all the time. He stays away from your tail though unless given permission. He has a tail too and doesn't like it being randomly touched out of no where.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim gives the biggest 'little brother' vibes of anyone at NRC.
Yes he's the oldest of his family, but his attitude, demeanor and behavior shows quite the opposite.
You take care of him all the time, and he welcomes it with open arms!
Kalim is extremely physically affectionate. And while he was a lot to handle at first, you were quick to adjust and welcome the affection.
When ever you too are together he's touching you some way. Eventually, he's clinging to your side as if he were glued there.
Hugs and cuddles are a must have, multiple times a day kinda thing for him. It makes him shine just a bit brighter than before (if that was even possible)
Jamil also gets some benefits from this. He doesn't have Kalim up his ass as much as he used to be. Now Jamil can get a little bit more work done with less stress.
You are always the first person Kalim goes to when Scarabia is hosting a party. He wants to make sure you know so that you come (if you want to, he won't force you).
When he hugs you, you instinctively wrap your wings around him. It creates a dark space around him and sends a chill down his back but he always laughs at it. It doesn't matter what it feels like to him, he's getting hugs and that's what he wanted.
He was never truly intimidated with your dragon features, maybe a little nervous but not scared or anything. You thank him for that a lot.
Your horns fascinate him. They're pointy, like icicles, and cold to the touch. He pokes them when you let him and despite the cold prick he feels every time, he still does because curiosity overcomes any pain. Sometimes, you have to stop him because he's been poking to long for your liking.
He loves flying on the Magic Carpet, but to him, nothing beats flying with you. He discovered this when once you offered to carry him through the air while flying. Your powerful wings kept both of you in the air and you went faster than the Magic Carpet typically does.
Jamil Viper
Jamil is so used to being the adult of Scarabia, that your treatment towards him was hard to get used to.
It got even stranger to him after his OB.
While you already did these things, they became more frequent. You helped with his chores whenever you stopped by the dorm, constantly checked up on him, took Kalim off his hands (which you were fine with) and helped cook some of the dorm dinners. (Your time with Trey helped you prepare for this moment!)
He's so used to doing things on his own and being alone in most endeavors.
He was reluctant in the beginning, but he came to love long, deep hugs from you. Your natural cold body was calming, a break from the hot of Scarabia. (The hot was terrible to you but you did what you could to regulate yourself)
He appreciates the quiet time you give him and how you don't push him to talk about what may be troubling him. You wait for him to be comfortable.
He actually really likes listening to you talk. He showed a lot of interest once when you talked about your Unique Magic. He wanted to see what it was like (This stems from his interest in ancient incantations). You warned him of what the effects were but he still offered for you to try it on him. (He tried to use Snake Whisper on you during his OB, but your eyes are meant for blinding snow. It didn't work on you. He still feels sorry.)
Never. Again. He grew up in The Land Of Scalding Sands. He only saw snow for the first time when he came to NRC. He was definitely not ready for being actually frozen.
Vil Schoenheit
This is clearly long after chapter 1 and 2 that I wrote. You've gotten close with Vil and Rook now.
Vil doesn't like being doted on in a 'little brother' type manner. He's an only child who is constantly praised and loved by his millions of fans.
Because of this, you've decided to take a different path with him.
You began to tease him.
This was the biggest of surprises to him. Never before has someone tried to tease him. He's only ever received praise and respect from people. At first, he thought you just had far to much audacity.
It didn't take long for him to realize though, that you were being affectionate with him.
Your words were never harmful, hateful or condescending. They were their own strange, sweet encouragements hidden under the tone of teases.
"Oh come on Vil, why not do something different with how you look? I'm sure someone as talented as you could pull anything off."
One day he confronted you about it all. He expected a bit of a fight about it though. With zero hesitation, you admitted to messing around with him. But you also explained why you acted the way you did.
He then told you that he was fine with whatever affections you wanted to shower him in. Over time after realizing your true intentions, he came to enjoy the attention he got from you.
He really like gentle, firm squeezes on his shoulders or thighs because they're a feeling of grounding for him.
He's learned how to better mind his mental state after his OB and you've helped him with it.
You two being in the same dorm means you're easy to find, and same goes for the reciprocal.
He also likes to use you as a makeup dummy and a model for clothes meant to fix people with animalistic features
Rook Hunt
Rook is an interesting character.
Even as you two have gotten closer, he's still so freaking mysterious.
Your dynamic with him is more 'acceptance of the strange' (if that makes any sense).
Neither of you are an 'older' or 'younger' sibling with the other, you just kinda have a comfortable acceptance with everything about each other that has lead to a sibling-like bond.
He sneaks up on you. All. The. Time. And while you almost always hear him coming, (your hearing is even better than a beast-man) his fast movement always manages to spook you a bit from the shear speed.
He 'hunts' you like he does the other non-human students of NRC, but unlike others, you don't mind it a bit. In fact, you kinda find it fun. You can't hide from him but you can manage to escape.
He is always staring at you dragon features, but he's even managed to notice the less noticeable ones. He sees how in the sun, your eyes have a type of glaze over them, protecting them from the blinding light. Your pointed fae ears have small white points on them, a scale like spike. Sometimes your white scales have a blue tint to them in certain lighting.
He praises the beauty of all these things, always earning a small look of embarrassment from you as no one has ever noticed these things.
Once, he convinced you to go on a 'hunt' with him. You and him just spent a day watching Ruggie, Leona, Sebek and Floyd as they went about their day. But you heard as everyone of them whispered about having the feeling of eyes on them. You quietly giggled every time.
Epel Felmier
He hates it, but he is such a little brother.
He wants to be seen as big, strong and the protector.
But with you, he doesn't need to protect, you can do that on your own. You're bigger and stronger too.
You do all those things to him, but you know what he wants. Because of that, you let him.
You've let others mess with you a bit so that he has the chance to stick up for you. His accent thickens and he gets threatening.
You let him have his moments, but he's too cute for you not to baby him a bit.
Ever since the first day of school, wrapping your wings around him has become normal. And he's no longer nervous about it.
He comes to your room to vent to you about how Vil's been breathing down his neck all week and he is getting tired of it. You think it's amusing when he slips from normal speech into his natural, thick southern one.
He invites you to come with him when he's training for Magift. He uses you as a means to see how far he can push himself, using your inhuman capabilities as a test. How far and fast he can run, how flexible he is, his aim with the disc and some other things. Ruggie and Leona don't mind you helping him out.
When he needs time to unwind from the stress of Pomefiore, you know exactly what to do. You sneak him under Vil and Rook's radars and take him to a quiet place you've found in the forest behind the school. A peaceful grove of trees that creates a perfect atmosphere.
He also loves cuddles where he can be the big spoon (but he can be small spoon when he just needs the most hugging)
Idia Shroud
Idia was extremely hard to get anything like being close.
His anti-social behavior and social anxiety means that for a while, you didn't even know who he was.
You actually met him through Ortho. You were at Sam's shop while Ortho was buying some snacks for his brother to eat. You two got to talking and Ortho for some reason thought you'd be the perfect friend for Idia. So he invited you over and convinced you to talk to Idia.
It was extremely awkward at first, and rightfully so. Neither of you talked, that is, until you made a comment on one of the games you spotted on his computer.
He was shocked to know that you played it yourself. This new knowledge sparked some random burst of confidence to just talk on and on about the game.
What's your playing style? Who's your favorite? How much lore do you know? How often do you play?
You two only got closer because you started playing that game with him, speaking to him online where he's more comfortable.
Eventually, he started inviting you over more often to his dorm to play games and watch stuff.
Once he got comfortable with you, he grew used to have forms of physical affection. Your cold body was strange to him, but he found it a comfort from the usual hot temperatures of his room. Your tail was fun to watch swing and flop around when you weren't paying attention.
You were hesitant, but happy in the end to learn that his hair wasn't harmful to touch, just warm to feel.
When he, you and Ortho go out (the only times he leaves his dorm), you've learned to recognize his anxious tell-tales. When you see him start to freak out, you wrap and wing around him to block his few of people, which are the things making him anxious. It calms him down since all he can see is you and Ortho.
 Ortho Shroud
He. Is. So. Freaking. Adorable!
The 'little brother' behavior of this boy is through the fucking roof.
You met him at Sam's shop and you two hit it off right away.
He found you extremely fascinating because he's never met a fae like you. He's spotted Malleus a few times but that's it. And you're a dragon completely opposite of him.
You found him equally fascinating. Not everyday you meet a robot as intelligent and well functioning as Ortho. He seems just as human-like as anyone really.
Just like with Idia, you were hesitant around his fire features. You weren't scared after knowing they were just as harmless as his brother's hair.
He loves to give you hugs, and since he's a robot, the cold doesn't bother him.
He helps you with homework (idk, I just can see him doing this)
The thing that makes Ortho most happy is that you get along with his brother.
He takes you with him every time he goes to Sam's shop to buy something.
Malleus Draconia
You are his absolute favorite person in the world.
I mean, he does still love being with Lilia, Silver and Sebek, but you are a different story.
You being a dragon type fae makes him like you even more!
He's never met someone so like him, sure you're an ice dragon, but a dragon nonetheless. You have the same attributes he does.
He was actually really nervous to talk to you. He ended up asking Lilia talk to you first and invite you over to Diasomnia.
Lilia left you and Malleus to talk (keeping Sebek away) and you two surprisingly hit it off well.
As you got to know each other, you both were quick to learn what the other was like. And over time, you found him to be an adorable, socially awkward boy who really just wants a friend to talk to. And you were happy to fill that role.
Eventually, you came to treat him like you do your own little brother. You didn't baby him, but treated him as if he were younger (he's not but that didn't stop you, and he doesn't seem to mind.)
Trips to ice cream shops are common with you two. Your tails intertwine at times and your wings tend to brush together (when he has them out that is.)
Late night flight sessions as well. He flies over to Pomefiore and knocks on your window to get your attention. Vil found out that you were sneaking out once and got so upset about it because you were supposed to be sleeping. Them Malleus came up to you and Vil and explained to your dear dormleader that you two were just having fun. Vil didn't get onto you again after that.
He makes sure not to breath fire near you. Once he did to light a fireplace and you panicked, he hasn't done it without warning you first since.
Lilia Vanrouge
There is absolutely no way to be an 'older sibling' with this man.
He's an grown man who has raised a prince and a child of his own. Nothing but father vibes from him.
There are times though that he reminds you of a little kid due to his playful nature and short stature.
Sometimes you forget how old he actually is and just out of no where ruffle the hair on his head or rest your hand on his shoulder.
His first thought when meeting you was to introduce you to Malleus but eventually you and him got closer as well.
He gets ahead of himself sometimes and he randomly just messes with your wings or horns. After awhile of him doing this, you've just grown used to the sudden feeling of him suddenly touching you.
He tells you stories of when Malleus and Silver were babies and in turn you tell him stories of when your siblings were babies. (He begs you to introduce him to your brother and sister one day)
He treats you like another one of his kids honestly. He always invites you over to Diasomnia and cooks cookies. (Don't worry, they're simple pre made cookies that just need to be baked in the oven. He's not trying to kill you, he only does that with his actual kids.)
You take care of this sucker all the time. (Lilia thanks you for this)
Whenever he falls asleep in a less than conventional place, you're always there to scoop him and move him or watch him until he wakes up.
Silver attracts all sorts of woodland animals, meaning you get to play with them when he falls asleep.
Seeing someone with dragon features like Malleus is weird to him. He did grow up in the world of fae but the only ones he's met are those of the Draconia family. He didn't even think there were other dragon type fae.
You're a breath of fresh air for him. He's so used to being with Sebek, your more calm nature compared to the loud, verbose Sebek is nice and refreshing.
You like to set his head down in your lap when he falls asleep. But you make sure to place a cloth between you two so your cold body doesn't bother him.
He's invited you to training sessions many times. (Sebek complains but whatever) He like when you sit off to the side and cheer him on. You do sometimes like to spar against him. It's mostly just to mess with him though, you use your tail or wings to block all his attacks and he can't do anything against it, your scales are to tough to do any damage to. (Almost like ice ;) )
Sebek Zigvolt
(Through wiki searches I've discovered Sebek has two older siblings) Sebek is the youngest kid of three children! You can fit in as the perfect 3rd older sibling.
At first, he didn't show much like for you, but that's because he had only heard of you, not met you. Then you two met.
He gave you respect because you were a fae, not a human like he assumed you were through Lilia talking about you. (Of course he still held Malleus above you)
Actually, you being a dragon was very off putting for him. He felt extremely conflicted for some reason.
Even with how stubborn he was, you were determined to break through him. You mean, you've manged to get close with all the other boys, why not him too?
You did. You got to him. He grew affectionate towards you (but he'll never admit it).
Kinda giving 'reluctant and stubborn brother, but really like being taken care of' vibes.
Sebek prefers warm environments, so you being naturally freezing is strange. And you know that so you tend to refrain from touching him more than he's comfortable with but sometimes you can't help yourself. And surprisingly enough, he didn't seem to mind it too much.
(Floyd calls you 'Umitsubame-kun'. Umitsubame means Sea Swallow. It's a beautiful little sea creature. You should google it to see what it looks like. You call Floyd 'Kaishi-san'. I researched and Kaishi is a name that means 'Ocean Child', you thought it'd fit for him. Rook also called you a nickname in chapter 2. He called you Dragon de glace, which translates to Ice Dragon.)
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priniya · 2 years
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when they don’t have to hide anymore, james holds a silent grudge against his best friend, and doesn’t want to let down until he apologizes to his girlfriend.
notes: till forever falls apart continuation! james potter x black!reader. mentions of sex but not described, alcohol, party, regulus wants to kill sirius. not proofread
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well, when james finally confessed what made him bring you into the common room at night, with smudged mascara, puffy eyes, and a grimace that definitely wasn’t a happy one, regulus was furious. for the first time in a while, he wanted to punch someone so badly that the only thing a person would see was the hospital wing.
he would never have cared if it was him who cried that night, because regulus has always been a person that regularly cried, when something overwhelmed him, but you have never been that kind of person. he could recall only five to seven times when you cried throughout the fifteen years of your lives.
you’d always kept everything to yourself, hardly ever letting someone know how hurt you were deep inside. and regulus was one of the three people who actually knew, the other ones being pandora, and james. your brother was ready to throw hands at anyone who made you feel like that.
“what was this about?” regulus asked, stepping out of his dormitory with your boyfriend, when you finally fell asleep, cuddling reg’s sheets. “potter, i know the rumors about me or my friends around the castle, and if you won’t tell me what happened, i can promise you that some of them will be true.” he tilted his head to the side, glaring at the gryffindor boy.
“sirius caught us together, and began arguing with her, saying some messed up shit.” james sighed, his fingers ruffling his dark locks in frustration. “she acted that it doesn’t hurt her, but then he said that she did something to him, and it broke her down.”
“fucking piece of shit” the younger boy uttered under his breath. “i reckon, you’d like to say goodbye to your friend, ‘cause he’s gonna be dead after our talk.” there were no signs, in regulus’ tone, that would make his statement less… deathly.
“no need for that.” james shook his head, and looked towards the stairs with worried expression. “can you look after her, please?” he whispered, the picture of you crying so vivid in his mind.
“don’t worry, i will.” black smiled at him softly, before disappearing on the stairs. upon seeing his genuine upset, regulus felt like someone took away one of his concerns, if potter cared for his sister or was it just a prank pulled out by sirius.
after an hour, your brother still didn’t calmed down, and decided to take actions in his own hands. as quietly as it was possible, he went upstairs to the astronomy tower to find sirius with head in his hands. “you’re so predictable, brother.” he let out a humorless chuckle as he stepped closer.
“what do you want, regulus?” sirius sighed, definitely too tired for that conversation.
“what i want is you to finally stop pushing us, her away.” he empathized, fidgeting with his wand between the fingers. “you acted as if you were so honorable, and brave, yet you couldn’t hold you tongue behind your teeth, giving your sister full-ass anxiety attack, but you couldn’t care right? you won’t give a shit about her, yet y/n will always see you as a good person.” regulus cocked his head to the side, furious burning in his eyes. “and she will always defend you in front of every-fucking-one. i’m so sick of how she always stands up for you, whenever our family speaks badly about you, but no matter what would she do, you’re gonna see her as someone who’s not equal to you.”
when the oldest black looked at his brother, he could see the tears threatening to fall, paving a way in his cheeks. “you should be delighted that she rarely speaks about you, or how she misses you, because, my brother, your best friend would flip you off and run to her immediately.” he let out a bitter, cold chuckle. “it’s not y/n not deserving to be around potter, it’s you who don’t deserve to be around her, after what you did. you wouldn’t even care if she got herself killed for you, would you?” if looks could kill, sirius’ body would already lay on the ground, and regulus didn’t know if he regretted it.
“don’t fucking cut me off.” he added, the moment his brother opened his mouth to say something. “i couldn’t give two fucks about what you’re gonna think of me after this, but i’d give a million of fucks for y/n, so you have to options. apologize to her as soon as it’s possible, genuinely tell her how sorry you are for being a piece of shit instead of a brother, or pretend that you accept her, and her relationship with james.” the younger boy’s finger gripped the fabric of the white collar of sirius’ blouse. “don’t ever break her heart again, or i will make your life a living hell, and i can promise you that.”
before the gryffindor could even react, regulus left, feeling to vulnerable than usually. after half an hour, you could feel the mattress’ shift due to his weight, and then his hands wrapping itself around your body, clutching you in a hug.
the next few days were the same, at least they seemed the same for you. what felt different was the invitation to a party in the gryffindor’s common room from your boyfriend, despite the presence of your brother. “baby, he already knows, what’s the worst think that can happen?” he asked upon seeing a frown on your face.
“it’s gonna be fine.” he added reassuringly, his fingers playing with your hair as your head rests on his laps. “oh my merlin, i’ll be there if it matters to you.” a smile was planted on his lips, when you answered.
the other thing that has changed was that james refused to talk to his best friend unless he apologizes to you, making the week extremely exhausting and difficult for his friends that had to experience the downsides of the whole situation. potter would make everything possible to show sirius that he messed up, and he was the one in the wrong. switching places with various people in classes, turning back on him if he even opened his mouth to speak, or saying “remus, can you tell him that i don’t care?” repeatedly.
when you appeared at the party, dressed up in a silky, mid length, emerald dress, and a necklace you got from barty for christmas, some people were shocked. wondering how did the slytherin end up in the gryffindor’s common room at a party, but someone (specifically your boyfriend) answered the questions rapidly, kissing you in front of others. “you came!” he exclaimed, happily.
you could say, he has already drunk something, because he seemed tipsy, and completely out of his mind, when he dragged you all the way to his friends. you expected them to be mad at you, for tearing apart their friend group, to find lame excuses to run away before getting to know you, but they were incredibly nice, and kind.
“nice to finally meet the girl.” frank longbottom laughed, handing you a drink. “james couldn’t stop talking ‘bout you, i thought someone would kill him.” you chuckled, nudging the seeker in his side lightly.
“shut up! i didn’t.” he turned his head to you. “i really didn’t, never spoken a word about you, not a single time. really, they make it up to embarrass me, they-” he would probably go on for longer, if it wasn’t for alice, who cut him off.
“hey, if u don’t wanna embarrass yourself in front of her, shut up.” she claimed, grinning at the two of you as you took a sip of alcohol. you didn’t really talk at the beginning, just let them talk to you instead, but they didn’t seem to mind.
dorcas, a girl you recognized from your own common room, couldn’t stop talking, almost stealing you away from james, when he went to grab you two another drinks. the only one that stayed distant was lily, who would just eye you once in a while. “don’t mind her, i think she just realized her feelings for james, when she saw you.” meadows chuckled right into your ear, before mentioned earlier james pulled you away from her.
you tensed upon hearing her words, she just realized her feelings for james, when she saw you, ringing loudly in your mind, but then something hit you so suddenly. even though lily was there, james stood next to you with his arm lazily wrapped around your waist, you were the one that had to cover the hickies he left on your skin, not her. you smiled triumphantly, looking at him with the corner of your eyes.
the magic seemed to die down as soon as someone brought up your brother’s name. potter stiffened, his grip hardened, trying to change the topic swiftly. you really couldn’t look at his sad smile, caused by an argument that didn’t even involve him, it was hard not to feel resposible.
“can you give me a second?” you whispered as he tilted his head down to be able to hear you. “need to talk to someone.” he planted a kiss on your lips, before letting you go.
you didn’t even know how you found his dormitory so easily. you didn’t even knock at the door, just barged in, facing your older sibling, having a full on breakdown. “what are you even doing here? want to steal another friend of mine?”
“came here to help you get on good tracks with james again.” you let out, leaning on the nearest wall, not daring to step further into the room. “if you don’t wanna lose him, then come down and fucking apologize, i don’t care if it’s true or not, do it. for him. i don’t wanna see him sad, just do it.”
“also, i never wanted to steal your friends, my boyfriend asked me to be here, so i am.” you added, eyeing the boy who looked at you through a mirror.
“you care about him?” you sent him a nod, as if it was the most obvious thing, you could thought about. “you’re not doing this out of spite?”
“sirius, if you don’t believe me, give me veritaserum.”
when you finally came back, intending to get back to your boyfriend, who was emptying another cup of beverage, yet someone wrenched you to the side. “i don’t know what you want from james, but leave him alone, he deserves something more than to be a toy to spite someone.” the girl, who turned out to be lily evans, spat, her tone so harsh, when you cocked your head.
you were a slytherin, you get that, a one that was in a constant argument with an older brother who was a gryffindor, but besides that, no one had a reason to question what intentions you had.
“quit it, evans. the argument doesn’t include you, so back off.” your older brother put a hand on her shoulder, making her let you go without a word. he listened. “but james—” she frowned.
“james is my best friend, and her boyfriend. it doesn’t concern you.” he cut the girl off, his face as still and serious as his sister’s, and when you stood next to each other, she could count all the similarities between you. “and she’s my sister.” he added after a moment.
you felt like you would break down crying, if you weren’t so good at controlling your emotions, you could feel the tears in the corners of your eyes. it was… strange to hear him saying you’re his sister, or even related, especially when not longer than three weeks ago had he said you weren’t his sister.
it took james a little less than five minutes to spot you and sirius together near the stairs, lily didn’t even got to leave, so when he got to you, a frown was painted all over his face, confusion flickering in his eyes. “everything’s fine?” he let out slowly, a hand on your lower back.
“talking over some family drama with my sister.” your oldest brother shrugged, waiting for lily to finally leave, so he could talk it through with you and your boyfriend. “i apologize for my behavior, really, from the bottom of my heart. for you, that had to see my and her outburst” he turned his head towards potter. “and that i was such a shitty brother for you, and regulus.”
“regulus should be the one you’re apologizing to, instead of me, of course.” the seeker remarked. “i’m siding with her, because she’s right, and for the emotional support.”
“i’m sorry that i left you, but i was a kid too, when you got sorted to slytherin i felt left alone, you have to understand me.” sirius’ eyes were focused on your face as you tried to brush off any emotions, which was way more difficult due to the alcohol in your blood.
“i- uh, let’s not talk about it here, it’s a party.” you replied. “regulus should hear it too, that’s what i mean. we can forget about it for the night.” a soft smile rosed on your lips, hand wrapped around james’ torso. your brother’s face lit up as he quickly nodded.
the rest of the party went smoothly, except for the part when someone dared james to kiss evans during a truth or dare game. you sat in a circle with less intimate group of people (the marauders and friends, as you started to call it later), in the girls’ dormitory. there were more friends than just the marauders, you, and the few poeole you’ve met downstairs, but also some seventh years, and some of your age.
you shifted in your position uncomfortably, which didn’t go unnoticed by potter, and lupin, who looked at each other almost immediately when the dare was spoken. “unless it’s not okay to your snake friend…?”
“girlfriend, actually.”
“perfectly fine.” you lied, looking at the younger girl. you saw the triumphant smile on redhead’s face, when she saw how uncomfortable you were. this bitch. “that’s just a game.” you shrugged, a delicate, half smile sent to your boyfriend, trying to reassure him you were alright.
you watched him getting closer to the ginger girl, you watched her satisfied smile before their lips touched, and you didn’t dare to flinch when they did. you were taught, as a child, to never look back, when something that pained you, occured right in front of you, because consequences would hurt even more.
you watched the girl put a hand in his hair like you always do, it barely lasted ten seconds, making your boyfriend pull away. you could feel humiliated, and embarrassed to witness your significant other kiss someone else, but you knew you’d feel more humiliated if you showed any signs of jealousy.
“i thought about you.” he whispered to your ear as soon as he took a seat, even closer to you than before. “every second, i swear—” you chuckled at how flustered he was.
“jamie, it’s okay.” you spoke out quietly, resting your head on his shoulder, paying completely no attention to the surroundings, when he put an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer.
it felt like the others don’t exist, like it’s just you, and your cute boyfriend in the room, and well… it didn’t really took you too long to leave the room and manage to find a way to his dormitory. you’d probably give it a second look, if james’ lips didn’t crash into yours the second you stepped into the room.
chuckles escaped from between your lips as soon as you felt the softness of his sheets on your back, your hands flew to his hair, pulling on his curles, while his uplifted the fabric of your dress, tracing a line down your neck with hickies (again, and you surely would kill him after that).
you don’t even remember, when you threw the clothes on the floor, all you can remember is what happened between the two of you, because it’s a thing you can’t forget. you remember putting on his sweatshirt, and underwear shortly afterwards. it felt magical, definitely too magical.
you remember plopping into a pair of his baggy jeans, and putting on a belt to keep the pants on your hips, you remember fixing your make-up in the mirror, and the smile james potter had on his face while watching you so intensely.
his heart was pounding so fast, he thought it would suddenly stop, to get even quicker later. his eyes focused on your silhouette, when you adjusted the corners of your lips with a cotton pad, trying to get rid of the smudged lipstick. merlin, you were so stunning, almost ethereal that he wanted to kiss you, then again, and then again, and again.
“we should go downstairs, y’know.” he cocked his head to the side to get a better view of you, and started dressing up himself. “we don’t have to, if you don’t want to obviously.” he added, right after.
you sent him a nod, looking at the sweatshirt in the mirror. he often had it on, when you sneaked out to hogsmeade, so it almost felt like he was embracing you with warmth. somehow, when you thought about james embracing you — he appeared behind you, hugging your back, placing his head on your shoulder. “i love you. i love you, i love you, i love you.”
when you finally manage to get to the common room, everyone was already so tipsy, including your brother, and a girl who was suspicious of you, that no one noticed your absence. you drank at least a few shots of vodka with frank, who stole you from your boyfriend, and danced with you for an hour or more.
you had fun. really, even if you had a drunk talk with sirius in the corner of the room, talking through the things you’ve told each other earlier, how you let your parents cast various spells on you, so he could ran away with ease, or how he felt when neither you or regulus stood up for him during arguments. however, you weren’t really sure will you remember it, but in that moment, you were calmed.
someone even took a picture of you, shoulders linked with james, and sirius, wide grins on each of your faces. you, and your brother were looking directly at the camera, while potter stared at you, love flickering in his eyes. a photo you’d keep with you till the end of your days.
everything was going pretty well in your relationship, until the christmas break came, and knowing the situation in your household, he begged you to spend it with him, at his place. and you refused, which infuriated him to the point, when he tried to get sirius to talk to you. then it lead to a situation, when neither of you contacted the other one, no letters, no secret meetings, nothing.
your family hardly ever celebrated christmas, the tree, presents, and decorations were rarely a thing in your home, so most of the time you either spent it in your room or at malfoy manor with narcissa, and some of her friends from school. well, and while were you at home, it wasn’t the easiest break you’d had for you. your parents were giving you a hard time, especially since you’ve broken lucius’ nose, and made you apologize to him, after treating you with various spells that hurt you.
“you’re so stupid.” regulus whispered, bandaging your wounded chest. “how could you deny a proposition like that? are you mad? you could’ve spent a normal christmas with your boyfriend, and brother.” you knew he was furious, you saw it. his muscles stiff, jaw sharp as ice, and hands trembling as he finished changing your bandage.
“and leave you here? alone?” you knitted your eyebrows together as he sat next to you. “i don’t belong there. i wouldn’t be able to close my eyes at night, knowing that you’re here all alone. don’t like you wouldn’t refuse as well.” you were right, he wouldn’t.
“he’ll probably get mad, don’t you think?” your brother lift a brow, sending you a look, you wished you didn’t notice. you were about to reply, when something knocked on your window, and you were more than just shocked, when you saw your oldest brother, and james, both grinning widely. you, still in your bra that barely covered the bandages, tensed up, knowing how in trouble would you be, if your parents barged in.
then, sirius, who was already a legal wizard, casted a silecing spell, curing your uneasiness. “pack yourselves, lads. we found you a place to stay.” your brother smiled even wider, getting into the room. “still living together?” you shrugged, putting on the exact same sweatshirt as at the party, praying that your boyfriend hadn’t notice your… state.
“you’re ridiculous.” the youngest boy commented, laughter ringing in his tone, as he threw most of his clothes to the suitcase. “you said you wouldn’t leave without me, so you heard the old guy, we’re running away.”
unfortunately for you, james was perceptive, and almost immediately noticed the yellowish fabric wrapped around your belly, and chest. he was upset, but more than that — he felt guilty, for not forcing you to stay at his house, for not preventing you getting hurt. so when your twin left the room, your boyfriend’s mom prepared for the two of you, he began to talk.
“love, before you start assuming anything — are you fine? do you need anything? what did they do to you?” he let out in a hushed voice, kneeling in front of you, taking your hands in his. “gosh, you worried me so much, i couldn’t stop thinking about you for a minute.”
“i am, just real tired.” you sighed, your eyes unable to look into his. “sorry for making you worry, but you should’ve known i wouldn’t leave regulus. i don’t feel like i deserve a normal christmas.”
“what?” he replied. “baby, you deserve more than that, and from now on, you’ll get everything you deserve and even more. i love you, and i will do anything to make sure you’re protected from anything bad.” james placed a kiss on your palm, and smiled. “now, lemme give you the present i got for you, mkay?”
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deathmetalangel · 1 year
hi if your taking requests I’d like to request a mid 90s forth-grade x fem skater reader. I could be whatever tbh but she’s like really soft and nice. Idk you could do what ever you think is best <33
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warnings: stevie has mommy issues, mentions of drinking, mentions of smoking, sad stevie, nothing else really it’s mostly fluff
“from the day you arrived, i’ve remained, by your side, in chains, entombed”
ahhh i just really love fourth grade. i might’ve went overboard a slight bit.
Their friend group was strange, anyone could see that. They varied in ages, most being juniors and seniors with two exceptions. And they drastically varied in personalities. Ray was the oldest and looked out for his friends like siblings, they were all he had. Fuckshit was rowdy and always down for a party to distract himself and stay entertained. Fourth Grade was more aloof, the others called it stupid, but Y/n preferred observant.
Y/n herself was the sweetest person you’ll ever meet, a heart made of gold that shone brightly wherever she went. Ruben was almost condescending at times, he always felt the need to prove himself to Ray and Fuckshit. And Stevie, he spiraled down a dark path for a long time. Until now, he finally returned to the sweet boy they met at first. So eager and just happy to have friends.
They had their squabbles sure, but nothing they’d ever let separate them. The closest out of everyone was easily Y/n and Fourth Grade. She was a senior, about a year older than he was. Yet they’d known each other for years. She’d lived on the nicer side of town, but their dads had been really good friends. Both worked at the DMV, but it’s where their moms worked that changed their living situations. Mrs. L/n was, to be quite honest a spoilt brat of a woman. She was heinous and cruel. Only supported by her husband and her trust fund. Which she spent most of pretty quickly during her college years. But it still kept the family going strong.
Y/n had a surprisingly good work ethic. She didn’t work at Motor like Fuckshit and Ray, but she did work with her uncle at his mechanic shop. It helps to fund her “passion project”. Which is just an old 67’ Mustang Shelby.
Said girl currently sits on the couch in the back of the skate shop, her feet propped up on Fourth Grade’s lap with a book placed in hers. Her beanie is slightly slipping from her head, but she doesn’t seem to notice. “College applications are stupid. They’re all the counselors at school talk about now. I get that they’re important, but I don’t even know If I wanna go to college.” She sighs before shutting the textbook.
Fourth Grade turns to look at her, his usual far off look replaced. She always has his full attention. It doesn’t matter what she’s talking about. He’s gonna listen if she’s the one saying it. “I dunno. You’re smart. College might be good.” Ruben looks at them from the other couch. He was more interested in them than what Fuckshit was rambling about next to him. He liked the way Fourth Grade looked at her. It was, for lack of better words, full of devotion. He never sees that at home.
“Yeah, but where would I even go? All of these colleges are expensive and far away. I wouldn’t wanna leave you or the guys.” Mostly him. “I think I wanna be a mechanic. Sounds stupid huh?” She brushes off her own words.
Fourth Grade shakes his head. “I don’t think it’s stupid.” He mumbles off handedly. Like his words held no weight, what did they mean coming from someone as dumb as him? “I’ve seen your car, you’re good. You should do it.”
Yet his words meant the most to her. “You want to be a director right? You can go to college for that you know. A few colleges with fine arts programs reached out to me too. I think you’d do good.” He never really expected her to remember anything about what he wanted to do. Most of the guys assumed he just didn’t know or was too stupid to care. He pauses, they both think about the cost of it all. “I mean there’s scholarships and stuff. Next year I can help you look into it?”
“You’d do that?”
“Of course.”
She smiles at him, sweet and genuine. Ruben liked the way she looked at him too. There was no doubt with her, she loved him. Fourth Grade feels himself growing flustered. Y/n tended to do that to him. It was like he was in middle school all over again. She was the one who taught him how to skate. Y/n was so patient and understanding, she still is.
Everyone’s attention is caught by the bell to the front door. It chimes letting them know someone is walking in. The someone was Stevie, the only one missing from the current hang out besides Ray who was helping his mom. He’s a mamas boy, but y/n won’t tell anyone where he’s at. The guys tend to tease. Stevie walks in the shop clearly aggravated. She hadn’t seen him this agitated since last summer.
“Hey Fuckshit can you and Ruben go get some Arizonas and snacks? It’s on me just take this twenty. I don’t feel like going.” She holds out the cash she grabbed from her pocket.
Fuckshit looks up at her and takes the cash. “Hm yeah sure. Only cause you treating ma. I’ll get some different flavors n shit. Come on Ruben let’s bounce.” He clearly didn’t see her true intentions as he walks past Stevie on his way out. Y/n sits up straight as Stevie finally comes over to them on the couch.
“Hey Stevie you okay? It’s just us,” He knew what she meant. Just her and Fourth Grade so he could say whatever he wanted judgment free. He bites down on his lip to stop it from quivering. His nose twitches, she picks up on his tells. Y/n places a gentle hand on Stevie’s arm. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. Just sit down, we can talk when you’re ready.”
Fourth Grade watches her tentatively. She was so gentle. Stevie sits down in between the teens before he places his head onto her lap. Y/n looks at Fourth Grade who was watching Stevie carefully. The boy had been through a lot in the time they were friends. He’d grown to care about him a lot. Y/n softly caresses the boys hair. Her best attempt at soothing him.
“My mom she just doesn’t get it anymore. She doesn’t get me anymore. She’s always with some guy, Ian says she used to be like that before I was born. But I thought she’d be better. She’s so preoccupied I never see her. And then she just bugs about stupid shit. I hate her sometimes.” He vents to the pair who don’t pity him, they are just there to console him.
Y/n sighs. “I get it. My moms flighty. Always in her own world. I’ve met your mom, and both times weren’t exactly pleasant or under great circumstances. But, I do think she cares. She loves you, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to feel this way. She isn’t right to put more focus on someone other than you especially when you’re so young. However, she is still entitled to a love life Stevie.” He liked talking to her. She never judged him. Or scolded him. Just let him talk, and would advise him as best she could.
Y/n looks at Fourth Grade, her eyes flicking down to Stevie as if to tell him to say something. He can get that hint at least. “It’s hard for a mom to have a son. My moms weird with me sometimes, it’s different than her having a girl. Ya know? She’s probably just nervous because you’re getting big and growing up.” She smiles at him, his thoughtful answer was more than adequate. He blushes at her smile. She always did encourage him to be smarter than everyone thought he was.
“You and y/n aren’t weird with me. So why is she?” Y/n blushes slightly at the implications of what he was saying. “Y/n you don’t ignore me for Fourth Grade. And you’ve been like in love forever. So why does she ignore me for those guys she’s known for a few months?” Both teens almost were too embarrassed to answer.
Y/n tries to recover as best she can. “We’re a lot closer in age to you than she is Stevie. We know what it’s like to be your age. She doesn’t remember it quite as well. And me and Fourth Grade, we’re not- um. New relationships take more work. There’s a lot more of getting to know each other Stevie. That’s probably why.” She can’t even make eye contact with Fourth Grade who kind of just sits there trying to figure out what she’s saying.
They weren’t dating, but why didn’t she finish her sentence. Was he reading too much into her words? “Can I stay at your house tonight? And maybe Fourth Grade stay over too?”
Y/n smiles softly. She could never say no to Stevie. She gently wipes away a few stray tears from the boys face before responding. “Of course you can stay with me. I’d rather you stay over than be god knows where. And you’d have to ask Fourth Grade if he wants to have a little sleepover.”
Stevie looks up towards Fourth Grade who’s caught slightly off guard. “Can you come too? I like when you’re hanging out with us.”
“Sure kid.” They were really the only ones who actually treated Stevie like a kid. He wasn’t Sunburn the cool skater, he was Stevie the twelve year old. They didn’t infantilize him or belittle him, he was still an equal. But they made sure to remember he was still growing up. He didn’t have to be cool and drink or smoke. He was dorky and that was fine.
Stevie smiles before laying down on Y/n’s lap again. Her fingers gently play with his hair as he starts to fall asleep. Y/n hums a soft lullaby as he does. “He’s a good kid. It’s funny you act more like a mom than a friend to him sometimes.” Fourth Grade whispers while he watches the boy nap.
“I guess it’s just my big sister instincts. And what about you? I swear sometimes he comes to you with his problems more than me or Ray. Fourth Grade I like this girl what do I do? Fourth Grade I need help with a video project for school. Fourth Grade I’m mad at my friend again.” She laughs softly before looking back down at Stevie.
Fourth Grade laughs as well. He did often get tasked with helping Stevie, it was mostly with stuff he didn’t want to ask Y/n about. He cared a lot about what she thought of him. “He’s a bit confused, but he’s only got his mom and his brother. And his brother doesn’t seem like the brotherly type. We’re really the closest he’s got to older siblings. And only three of us are decent influences.” Fuckshit and Ruben were most definitely not good influences. In fact Y/n almost has a heart attack when she finds out Stevie is hanging out with only them.
“You parent him a lot Y/n. And you always manage to get me roped into it.” Fourth Grade chuckles softly. “No wonder he thinks we’re dating.” He mumbles the end. Afraid of the weight of his words.
Y/n pauses. “I mean, we do kind of act coupley. I wouldn’t be surprised if more people thought we were dating. I don’t really care. I’m comfortable around you.” This was her way of putting the ball in his court. Fourth Grade pauses. He looks at her and just thinks. Jesus she had him whipped. Ever since he met her he’s been following her around like a puppy.
Yet, he really didn’t want it any other way. He liked being around her. Y/n was kind, but not ignorant in the slightest. She was intelligent and so fucking sweet. He fell more in love with her little by little, he was entombed by her very being. “You scare off any girls I might get, you know that right?”
She giggles. He wasn’t serious, but he wasn’t lying either. “Like you don’t scare off guys. ‘Don’t talk to her she’s with that tall lanky guy’. I hear pretty well you know.” Fourth Grade smiles.
“I mean if we’re ruining each others chances of ever dating someone, why don’t we just actually date?” Her eyes widen. She hadn’t actually expected him to be so up front. Fourth Grade never said anything this forward. He usually stuttered and rethought his words mid sentence.
She looks into his eyes. She could tell he was being genuine, perhaps that was what compelled his bluntness. “Are you asking me out Fourth Grade?”
He scratches the back of his neck almost awkwardly. “Uh-yeah. I mean. If you wanna.” And there was the Fourth Grade she knew. Y/n smiles before gently kissing his cheek.
“I’d love to.” She smiles before placing her head on his shoulder. Leaning onto him while Stevie napped comfortably in her lap. “I love you, you know. I have since we were kids.”
His face was almost bright red. Fourth Grade swallows hard. “Y-yeah? If I’m being honest you’ve had me since we met. Especially after you taught me to Ollie.”
She smiles at the memory. “I don’t think Fuckshit is coming back with my money.”
Fourth Grade wants to laugh, he quiets himself into a soft chuckle. “Yeah. I don’t think so either. It’s okay though. We can just relax. Just us.”
Y/n mumbles something before slowly dozing off with her head still resting on his shoulder. Fourth Grade looks down at her, still in awe of the girl before him. He’d do anything for her. And he knew she’d do the same. That’s just how she was, the kind of person she was. The person he was so irreparably in love with. And by her side he’d remain.
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bedoballoons · 7 months
Hii! My b-day was on 8 of oct but I had to celebrate it today (2 weeks later). I threw a party, and invited 9 people, yet nobody showed up. Not even my closest friends. So, I would like to request if possible a hc with yandere Venti, Xiao and Ganyu and reader threw a party yet nobody showed up. If u cant do the request dw, I perfectly understand. Have a nice day and ty for reading my request!
Awwe I'm so sorry to hear that, I can only imagine how heartbreaking that was. Usually I don't write requests right after I get them (I go from oldest to newest.), but I wanted to get this out for you while it was still your birthday.
I hope it makes the day a little better! Happy belated birthday as well!! 🎁🎂🎈🎉🎊❤️
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎉𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎉
{༻~Happy birthday~༺}
CW: Yandere themes, slightly angsty with fluff at the end!
P.s. I haven't written Ganyu before so I hope she's not to ooc!
(Includes: Venti, Xiao, and Ganyu!)
You sighed quietly, watching as droopy streamers started fall from their places and brightly coloured balloons deflated by the second, even the cake looked depressed. It was your birthday and no one even bothered to show up..."What a great day to have been born..."
"Oh ho ho, someone has such a frown! Perhaps I can aid you in turning it upside down!" You perked up slightly upon hearing Ventis familiar happy go lucky voice, maybe no one else had shown up...but he had and you couldn't be more thankful, "Venti! You made it...thank you!" He chuckled sweetly, pleased beyond belief that he could make the most beautiful person in the world smile, "Of course I made it! It's your birthday and I want it to be a very happy one! Speaking of which, it's not much because...ehe I'm not the best with mora but..."
Your cheeks blushed a pink tint as the bard held out a small gift for you,...the first one you'd open. "You really didn't have to you know..."
"Of course I did! What kind of person doesn't bring a gift to someone's birthday, especially when that someone is as amazing as you!"
You bit your bottom lip, feeling slightly flustered as you opened the box...lifting up the lid to reveal a quill pen and ink, along with what seemed to be a small handmade notebook. The feather of the pen was what caught you eye as it was a bright sky blue decorated with small jewels of your favourite colours, "It's goregous Venti..."
"I figured together we could write fun memories in it and then one day after its full, I can use it to write songs for us both about our favourite moments."
"Are you...alright?"
That question seemed to sting more than it normally did, not only because the answer was a painful one...but because it was being asked on a day that should have made you happy...one that should have been all about you, if only people had actually showed up. "I'm...as alright as I can be. At least your here, I think if you hadn't appeared, I truly would have had to of celebrated all alone."
"Normally...I don't show up for birthdays, I find them crowded and feel that you should celebrate ones birth everyday, but your birthday is a special one. Someone as wonderful as you... deserves to be celebrated. I...even got you you a gift...though it may not be anything you enjoy."
You smiled slightly, watching as Xiao sat down beside you...setting a messily wrapped gift in your lap, "Xiao...I am going to love whatever you may give me, because it's from you."
His heart raced in his chest and as you began to open his gift he silently prayed to the geo archon you'd like what he got you, he'd spent hours choosing it.
You gasped, shocked to bouquet of Qinxing wrapped in adepti sigils, each of them were beautiful and smelled of the mountain tops..you couldn't even begin to imagine how long it took him to gather them all, "Xiao I-"
"The sigils will make it so they never wilt, they will always remain how they look right now...a symbol..of how I feel for you. A love that will never cease."
Ganyu pulled you close, resting her head on top of yours while she hummed a lullaby and rubbed your back, hoping she could at least ease the pain you were feeling. Not even in her wildest dreams could she imagine how anyone wouldn't want to attend your birthday, she thought of you as the most amazing person to ever exist...a star roaming amongst a sea of darkness and a day to celebrate you to her...was something incredibly special.
"I'm so sorry no one else made it...perhaps they all got caught up with work or other things and just couldn't get out of it?"
"Ganyu...I highly doubt everyone just somehow got busy on my birthday...thank you for trying though. I'm sad I didn't get to have alot of people, but having you here, it's enough to make my birthday perfect." Your words left her speechless, she loved you more than she could truly handle and hearing that she could still make your day perfect after all that had happened...
"I have a gift for you, I thought long and hard about it, made sure it was absolutely perfect for you." She moved away from you just long enough to retrieve the gift, it was wrapped in a pale blue paper and scented like flowers, you hadn't even opened it yet and you could see how much effort she'd put into it, "Awwe Ganyu this is to much, you didn't have to.."
"Oh but I did...please open it, I think you'll love it."
You smiled at her, carefully peeling back the wrapping paper and opening the box just enough to see what was inside. "Oh my gosh...it's a plushy and it's handmade, Ganyu did you-"
"In between shifts I learned the pattern for you and made sure it was sewn the absolute best I could. I've never made anything like it before and I was worried I wouldn't finish it in time...but I wanted you to have something that showed my determination and attention to what you like. I also figured it could help you sleep."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚*⁠.⁠✧Happy birthday~
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emmic0n · 8 months
(posting the fanfic here since I don't have an AO3 account yet) For He's a Jolly good Chess piece
Caine sat in contemplative silence, brainstorming what the next big act should be. When a time-keeping subroutine caught his attention... One of his oldest friends, Kinger, was about to spend his 30th year in the Digital Circus! Humans celebrated anniversaries like this, and Caine was no different. He quickly prepared the stage for a party. The act could wait, his friend needed to be celebrated!
Pomni, Zooble, Gangle, Jax, and Ragatha all found themselves suddenly on-stage. They all braced to endure whatever new act Caine came up with, but instead, Kinger appeared center-stage wearing a birthday hat and a glittering version of his robe. His sudden arrival was signaled with loud, dazzling fireworks, of which he reflexively screamed and cowered from.
Caine himself finally appeared, shouting “Friends! What a wonderful, wonderful day this is! Our friend Kinger,” Caine directed his attention to the regal chess piece, causing them to shrink into their robe out of fear, “is about to have his 30th anniversary here at the digital circus! This is a cause for celebration!”
Caine gave raucous applause as party poppers sounded, streamers flew in from out of nowhere, and a massive banner unfurled reading “Happy 30!! !”. Some of the humans clapped once or twice out of awkwardness, looking at Kinger with pity.
Kinger, meanwhile, stared off into infinity (which was not that much different from his usual expression). Time was but a meaningless slurry to him, but being given an exact reference point was far worse. He had spent almost a majority of his life trapped in a horrible nightmare simulation, a few more years and he'd have been here longer than he had been in the physical world. Realizing this, his already shattered psyche cracked into even smaller pieces. Tears welled in his eyes.
Caine watched his friend cry tears of what could only be joy! What a heartwarming moment it was!
“oh buddy, don't you start getting sentimental on me! If you start crying then I'll start crying!” Caine laughed, “Ha! That was a joke, I don't know how to!”
Ragatha attempted to butt in on Kinger's behalf, “Caine, I don't think Kin-” “Now Then!” Caine interrupted, “Let's party!”
The party consisted of games (that were about as dangerous/painful as Caine's normal acts), Cake (that wasn't edible, let alone tasty), and entertainment (which consisted of Bubble screaming on-stage for 30 straight minutes). As things wound down, Caine announced that gifts would be next!
“So!” Caine said, “what did you all bring for the man of honor?”
A moment of silent confusion passed.
“Caine, we didn't know there was gonna be a party, we didn't have a chance to get gifts.” Pomni said.
“no gifts?!” Caine exclaimed, he clicked his non-existent tongue disapprovingly “how inconsiderate, you should all know better!” His disapproving tone then immediately shifted back into his usual state of manic bombastic-ness, “But don't worry! My gift is so good that It can be from all of us! Kinger!”
The floating ringmaster once again snapped his attention to the chess piece, and once again, Kinger cowered in sheer terror.
“Kinger, my dear, dear friend. Ever since you arrived here, 30 years ago, there has been only one thing you wanted.”
Kinger stopped recoiling, did he dare hope?
“something I have never given you, until today.”
Was he going to get his freedom?
“That's right, I'm granting you your deepest desire-”
This was it! Kinger would be free! He could go home!
“your freeeeee-”
“-eeeee novelty mug!”
Kinger didn't process what Caine said until the mug materialized in his lap, it read “#100% Kigner” in comic sans.
Kinger never wanted a novelty mug
Kinger never voiced any interest in owning a novelty mug
Kinger had no idea where Caine got the idea that he wanted a novelty mug
after a palpable moment of silence. Kinger just said
“...Thanks, Caine.”
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mrsmarinara · 5 days
Ollie Turns Two || Chaos With Quinn
Part of The Hockey Babies au & Chaos With Quinn Au
A/N: as always this is an interactive au. I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions and ideas! (This takes place Aug. 18, 2023)
mamaqhughes posted
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_quinnhughes, jackhughes and 15,709 more liked this post
mamaqhughes: Oliver Quintin Hughes, my sweet, gentle, and kind little boy, you made me a mother two years ago and I’ve been spoiled with love ever since.
Only for you would I walk around a petting zoo and feed animals that I’m pretty sure were giving me the evil eye (I’m looking at you Lola the goat) in the middle of Summer while heavily pregnant. Every day I get to spend with you is a day worth celebrating but today is the day we get to do it with cake! 🎂
tagged: _quinnhughes
_quinnhughes: I wouldn’t have wanted to see him grow up with anybody else. Love you, babe.❤️
↳ mamaqhughes: I couldn’t have asked for a better father for my children.
jackhughes: happy birthday Ollie 🥳
jackhughes: on a side note, Nellie is now asking for a Pony because of that petting zoo
↳ mamajhughes: istg if I come home and you’ve bought a pony for 2 year old I’m gonna kill you
↳ _quinnhughes: @.mamajhughes if you haven’t snapped by now and killed him I don’t think you ever will.
nataliemiller: Happy birthday Ollie!! 🎉
elblue6: He looks so much like Quinn!
liked by user
↳ mamaqhughes: that’s what I’ve been saying!!
lhughes_06: Happy birthday Ols! Let him know I’m calling tonight pls
↳ mamaqhughes: just a warning but he’s mad at you
↳ lhughes_06: why?!?
↳ mamaqhughes: he kept asking for “uncle moosey” and cried when Quinn said you weren’t coming
↳ lhughes_06: I think my heart just broke
↳ _quinnhughes: it should you’re his favorite.
↳ jackhughes: what about me????
↳ mamaqhughes: I think he tolerates you for Nell & his aunt
↳ jackhughes: 😐
mamajhughes: I remember when he was born. Time goes by so fast 😭
↳ mamaqhughes: who are you telling. I hid in the bathrooms after he blew out his candles so I could cry lol.
lexiedemko: happy birthday Oliver!! (P.s. how did you get Fin to come to the petting zoo in the off-season?)
↳ mamaqhughes: don’t ask me. That was all Q.
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_quinnhughes posted
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mamaqhughes, bboeser, lhughes_06, and 60,000 others liked
_quinnhughes: ♥️ 8. 18. 21 ♥️ otherwise known as the day that I have never been more scared or excited. Some people say being a parent is hard and maybe when you’re sibling is born your mom and I will find that out but since you were born you have been nothing but an angel.
Happy 2nd birthday to my oldest child, my mini partner in crime, every goat's best friend, and Fin the Orca's biggest fan.
Tagged mamaqhughes
mamaqhughes: My baby boy 🥹❤️🥹
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bboeser: you know you’ve partied hard when you pass out on the couch after.
↳ _eliaspetterson: know a lot about that huh?
_eliaspettersson: Happy birthday Oliver!
jackhughes: the first picture was when Fin came in wasn’t it?
↳ _quinnhughes: obviously
canucksfin: happy birthday to my little bestie 🐋
canucks: Happy birthday to our biggest fan! 💙💙
elblue6: my baby boy’s baby boy ❤️
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↳ _quinnhughes: Oliver was so happy to see you.
bradytkachuk: I’m surprised he fell asleep after all the cake he ate.
↳ _quinnhughes: this was just a power nap. Don’t be fooled
bradytkachuk: Happy birthday Ollie!!
j.tmiller: be honest, are your ears still ringing from all the kids screaming?
↳ _quinnhughes: I thought I was just going insane.
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cdragons · 2 months
@dipperscavern & i were gushing over our child aka second in command!reader, akaa doe, and as a parent, I felt the need to contribute
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second in command!reader who is Jory Cassel's baby sister and whose mother died giving birth to her the same year as Robb Stark in 281 AC
second in command!reader who became Jory Cassel's whole world when he was only 8 years old - even more so when he learned from his Uncle Rodrik that his father died at the end of Robert's Rebellion at the Tower of Joy
second in command!reader who grew up completely and wholly loved and protected because she had her big brother Jory to look after and protect her
her first word was a swear word because her Uncle Rodrik stubbed his toe that one time when she was only a few months old and her first word was the 'f-bomb'
mother, father, brother - whatever his little doe of a sister needed him to be, he did that for her because she was his baby sister, and he loved her more than he loved anything ever
she got picked on for not having a mother or father, and sometimes there would be mean people who said she killed their mother and Jory actually hated her and only pretended to love her
when she cried to Jory about this, she asked him if he ever hated her because she killed their mother
she is crying so much at how her beloved brother's face drops and she starts to believe that those mean people were right - until Jory takes her little hands in his and tells her with such a serious expression that he’s never loved anyone so much after meeting them for the first time
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second in command!reader who Robb Stark had been in love with since he first laid eyes on her even though he never realized it and since they were babies, he would cry so loudly if she wasn't in his line of sight
second in command!reader who grew up with Robb and Jon at winterfell, and who was a spitfire with more audacity than a wildling from the moment she took her first steps
second in command!reader who was the little darling doe at winterfell with Sansa because she's the oldest girl and Ned Stark's boys would follow her until they reached the ends of the earth
second in command!reader who had Ned Stark's boys totally wrapped around her finger, and these three got into the most insane situations because little doe was an unhinged child
the trio became a squad when her brother came back after fighting in the Greyjoy Rebellion and Theon Greyjoy was taken as a hostage to winterfell
the squad became even more unhinged and insane because baby doe doesn't believe in subtlety and was the one who needed to be held back when a fight was about to begin
her nickname became baby doe because once she started walking, she very quickly took to running, and like a baby doe, there needed to be an entire searching party to look for her if it took too long for her to get back
ever since they were kids, Robb Stark would want two people to sit next to him during meals at the Great Hall: Jon and his Doe
so when Theon Greyjoy came to winterfell, he was nice to the boy because he was glad to have another friend, but he was NOT a fan at how his Doe kept sitting next to the boy now
but he supposed it would be okay because then doe came running toward him all excited and happy and adorable when she started spouting how she got her brother to agree to be a brother to Theon
if Jory became Theon's brother, then Theon would be doe's brother
brothers and sisters can't marry or fall in love, at least not in the way of the old gods, meaning that Theon and doe would never marry
Robb's mood was much better since then, much to the confusion from his mother and amusement from his father
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Jory thought he was hallucinating.
she walking toward him with her big, doe eyes. her hand was clutching Theon Greyjoy's.
it was a funny sight to see how his baby sister, who was still so small, dragging a boy taller than her until she stood before him with that little twinkle in her eyes.
"Uncle Rodrik was being mean to Theon," she said. "I told him he was being mean and a hippogriff because he told me i have to be nice, but then he wasn't nice!"
Jory held back a snicker and just nodded.
"Yes, that was mean, but why did you bring him here, baby Doe?"
she pulled out her pout and quivering lip and Jory knew whatever she was going to ask from him, he'd say yes.
"Well, after Uncle Rodrik was mean, I asked Theon to show me how to shoot an arrow. And then Theon told me he doesn't have any brothers because they all died! And that made me so sad because if you died, I'd never be happy again!"
Theon groaned and softly elbowed her ribs as his face became red.
he groaned. "Doe, I told you not to tell anyone about that."
she turned to her new friend with an angry look and angrily stomped the dirt with her little foot.
"Of course I'm telling about it! You're my friend, and I don't like people being mean to my friends!"
Jory leans forward and picks her up until she looked like she was flying and her little legs were kicking in the air and she couldn't stop her giggles until he put her back on the ground again.
"Very good, baby Doe. But why did you bring him here?"
"I want you to be his brother like with me! Can you do that Jory? Pleaseeeeeeeeee? No one should be alone!"
...and of course, Jory said yes.
the huge smile on her face and she cheered and tackled him to the ground to thank him told him that he made the right decision.
since then, whenever Jory and Doe would go to the godswoods, ride through the wolf woods, or go fishing at acorn waters - Theon would be there with them.
for the first time since he was taken from home, Theon Greyjoy felt like he wasn't an outsider.
he felt like he wasn't a hostage held captive by his father's enemy who aided a king who slaughtered thousands of his father's men.
he felt like a boy who had a younger sister who was his best friend, and he was her's, and it felt like he never knew what it felt like being alone in the first place at all.
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Robb Stark was not happy.
he was very not happy.
his mother had just given birth to his new baby sister, Arya Stark, and since then, he hasn't had a moment alone with Doe.
normally she would always be the first one in the courtyard, ready to train with him, Jon, and Theon under her Uncle Rodrik and brother, Jory.
but lately, all she's been doing is helping out his mother with his new sister - she's even been playing with Sansa!
Doe didn't hate his little sister - in fact, she liked Sansa very much, but Sansa liked boring stuff like playing princesses or dressing up or stitching.
and Doe wasn't boring...she was different from other girls at winterfell.
she loved to run in the woods and train with swords.
she hated wearing dresses and never bothered to learn how to braid her hair because she would just use the little leather string to hold it.
she loved playing snow wars during the summer snows and neer minded getting mud on her breeches.
but now...now she wasn't playing with him anymore and spending time with Sansa instead of him...it was very annoying.
and what's worse - Jon didn't get it, and neither did Theon.
Jon just shrugged when he complained. "Lady Stark needs help because she just gave birth to a baby."
Robb rolled his eyes. "I know that - but why is she spending all her time with Sansa? She doesn't even like playing princesses or stitching!"
Theon scoffed. "Your mum's spending all her time now with the new baby instead of Sansa, duh. If your sister's not kept busy or played with, then Lady Stark'll have two screaming babies."
Theon wasn't happy that Doe was spending time with the prissy little lady who was too much like her mother - always looking at him with an upturned nose and uppity attitude.
but he knew if he wasn't having a good time, his doe was having an even worse time.
Robb still pouted - he hated feeling like this, he didn't like it.
it was like that time when he caught doe being nice and playing the blacksmith's son and not him and he marched over to grab her wrist and dragged her away from him
Theon snickered. "Don't worry - Sansa'll get over it and you'll get your little lady back before you know it."
Robb's face turned bright red as Jon and Theon laughed at his expression.
"What're you lot screamin' for?"
Robb turned around and there she was, staring at her friends with a confused expression at the screaming she heard from her lord's son.
she burst out laughing at how he was gaping at her like a fish out of water.
She shoved his arm and walked ahead. "Come on! Septa Mor-dumb finally let me out! Let's get outta here before she changes her mind!"
she took off running with laughs echoing through the woods and all the boys followed after her.
it was the best day Robb had in so long: he spent the entire day running, fishing, playing, and climbing.
the four finally calmed down and stopped to rest underneath the red leaves of the weirwood tree.
Theon and Jon were fast asleep while Robb and Doe were still awake and talking.
"...Hey Doe?"
She turned to him. "Yeah?"
"Who do you like more: me or Sansa?"
She blinked before answering with a big smile. "You, of course, dummy! Sansa's not nearly as fun! And I knew you way longer - of course I like you more!"
the next time Doe played with Sansa, Robb didn't complain.
because he knew that no matter how many siblings he had, he'd always be her favorite Stark.
...Theon and Jon still keep teasing him about it though...whatever, they were just jealous.
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these two are so in love and are so obvious and everyone knows it but them smh
@dipperscavern is literally my wife - we're married, we eloped, and second in command!reader is our baby
@ghostinvenus i hope you don't mind me tagging you, but there's gonna be a lot more brainrot for our doe 🤣
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cupcakemolotov · 5 months
Ex's and Oh's
I have finally finished a thing, but honestly, with the 2023 has shaped up, this is a triumph! Happy Holidays, all.
Summary: Caroline's return to New Orleans is a little less triumphant than she'd like. There is a dead body in her trunk and a magical artifact in her passenger seat, and no matter how much she'd like too, the chances of avoiding her ex-husband are astronomically small. What, with the mate bond and all, but a girl's gotta hope.
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known; Minor Character Death; Magical Realism; We Make War Not Love; Post-Divorce; These Two Fools in Love; Klaus and Caroline Being Territorial; for each other; tyler is dead; kind of; Canon-Typical Violence; Violence; Murder
“You aren’t supposed to be here.”
“I know.”
Bonnie rubbed a hand down her face after she handed Caroline a cup of coffee, her expression exasperated. “Do you?”
Caroline bit down on a tired smile. “Bonnie.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” she huffed, her eyes narrowing. “Enzo and I won’t be able to hide this. You know he has my place watched. He knows we talk. He knows I used to visit you, on occasion. He let it slide, because to do anything else would just piss you off more.” She sat and sighed. “This he will not let slide.”
Caroline shrugged, reaching carefully for the cream. Her ribs tugged uncomfortably at the motion, and she was careful to hide it. She needed caffeine too badly to let her friend be distracted. It’d just been her and multiple five hour energies over the past twenty hours, and there were things that needed to be said. “He’ll get over it.”
A choked noise escaped from her oldest friend, her expression pinched. It was still early in New Orleans, dawn not having quite creeped over the edge of the horizon. Her walk from her parked car had been quiet, the city slow and sleepy in the early morning hours, only the most adventurous of tourists staggering home. Bonnie had clearly rolled out of bed when Caroline had woken her, her clothing rumbled and mismatched. She’d have felt bad about just showing up after so long, if the circumstances hadn’t been an emergency.
“Caroline, Klaus does not ‘get over things,’ particularly when they involve you.”
“It's been just over ten years since the divorce, Bon.” Three years, fifty-one days since she had last talked to him. Since she had been in the same state as him. If she thought about it too long, her chest would start to ache with the weight of it. She had just never been able to decide if it was grief or rage that she carried like a cloak.
“Oh, I’m aware,” she said flatly. “The entire bayou is aware, Caroline.”
A pause, as Caroline scrunched her nose. “I didn’t think the divorce would still be hot gossip. A decade is more than long enough for people to stop wagging their tongues.”
Bonnie let out a groan. “If you think the kind of gossip your divorce from Klaus Mikaelson inspired is going to die down this century, you’ve forgotten how insular this place can be.”
“Kol lives here.” Caroline shrugged, winced. “He has a new antic every week. They can’t be bored of things to talk about.”
A peculiar look crossed Bonnie’s face. “Would you like to know what the last bit of nonsense Kol got into?” She didn’t wait for a reply. “He threw a block party.”
Caroline blinked. “That’s… not unusual for Kol. I can think of at least three block parties he threw in the last year that I lived here.”
Bonnie made a noise. “I don’t think you're really appreciating the scale of this party. It spilled across six streets. He brought in margarita trucks. Two live bands. Cops were called, SWAT intervened after the second fireball, dozens of wolves ended up in jail overnight, and it took a week for Elijah to untangle the legal shenanigans.” She arched her brow. “A week. Even the post-Esther shindig didn’t explode through the city quite that way.”
And neither of them had mentioned a word of this to her. She wondered if Enzo had a video. “Where was Klaus?”
“Business trip.” Bonnie said succinctly. “He showed up an hour after the SWAT team had been brought in to deal with the drunk witches. Do you know what Kol was celebrating?”
Caroline shook her head.
“Your divorce.”
The noise that caught in Caroline’s throat was strangled, torn somewhere between a laugh and a shriek. Bonnie’s expression darkened into that of a martyr before a judge.
“There was a banner, Caroline. Kol hung it across the front of the mansion, right above the entrance, and he had someone set up two spotlights to make sure it was visible. I have no idea who made the banner, but it had to be someone out of state, because supposedly no one died. Would you like to guess what it said?”
Caroline opened and closed her mouth, but couldn’t quite find the words. What exactly would Kol have put up to celebrate her divorce?
“No?” Bonnie crossed her arms. “Too bad. It read, “Congratulations to Caroline Forbes, Ten Years and Counting.”
It was a physical strain, not to laugh at Bonnie’s unimpressed look. Her ex-husband had enough pride to keep the Titanic afloat, having their disaster of a marriage waved in his face had to have made him apocalyptic with anger.
Bonnie nodded at her expression. “Elijah had to smuggle Kol to Eastern Europe. He’s still there.”
Struggling with her composure, when she finally spoke, Caroline managed to mostly sound normal. “Kol can occasionally be likable, can’t he?”
“You would find it hilarious.” Bonnie made a face. “Enzo certainly did. But it’s made my life unnecessarily complicated. Rebekah is refusing to talk to Klaus until he brings Kol back, and Klaus threw her last messenger through the front doors. Werewolves can apparently bounce. “
Caroline looked everywhere but Bonnie’s face. She would not appreciate the laughter Caroline was struggling to hide.
“The pack has started referring to the party as The Event, and every time someone is dumb enough to mention it in Klaus’ hearing, he gets that particular look on his face.” Bonnie waved her hand. “You know the look: he’s clearly weighing just how useful you are and if dead would be the better state of your existence.”
Caroline cleared her throat, trying to look contrite. It was difficult, when all she wanted to do was lean forward and ask for more details. Ask just how much Klaus was suffering, if the wound of her leaving matched the one he’d left in her. “That sounds terrible.”
AO3: Link Here
Please remember that my A03 account is unfortunately locked due to AI scrapping. You will need to be logged into an account to see all of my stories.
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alottiegoingon · 4 months
facing your fears
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shauna shipman x fem!reader (all characters aged up)
warnings: struggling with sexuality, pre-crash (but mentions of it?), minimal usage of bad words, probably a bunch of english mistakes and bad writing (not my first language), no 18+ content just fluff
“Right, okay, Van. I think the lesbianism thing is taking over your head a little too much.” You scoff. Your lips were curled up in an expression that it was supposed to be a smile ready to mock your friend Vanessa and let her know how absurd her comment was, but it honestly seemed very unsure. Maybe been discreet wasn’t actually your thing, but liking Shauna Shipman wasn't something that you were happy to admit.
“She’s kind of right, you know. You think everyone is gay, Van.” Taissa’s eyes met her girlfriend’s. She didn’t like disagreeing with Van. Happy wife happy life, right? But maybe, just maybe, she could be wrong about it. Since Van and Tai got together and finally told the team, their favorite thing to do was spot other queer people at school and you were a great targer. Well, except for the fact that you probably weren't a lesbian.
It just wasn’t very you. As y/n Taylor, you had high expectations to be filled and a reputation to care about. Jackie Taylor was your oldest sister by a year and no matter how close you two were, ruining her reputation at school wasn’t a very nice thing to do and it could easily ruin your life. Her life. Jackie was the dream girl. The one that all the boys wanted to be with and all the girls wanted to be her. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect grades (almost) and perfect at soccer. Always the one that would drag all the attention to herself while walking through the school hallways and never missing a chance to attend a party with stunning clothes and the gorgeous makeup. You couldn’t complain about it though. Being related to a popular girl would usually get you stuff that most teenagers would fight to have in high school. Even if you were being known by being Jackie Taylor’s sister, it was still some sort of popularity level that many people wanted to have. Just… Not you.
You loved Jackie, of course. But the pressure of being related to the Wiskayok High School princess was too much. You were in Shauna’s car two years ago along with Jackie while she would drive you to school and you accidentaly let a thought slip away out loud; You were scared of trying for extra activities in school, frightened by the idea of not being good enough like Jackie was (which you didn’t tell her, of course). But eventually, you gave it a try when she said that you had to face your fears. She was good with pep talk. It felt like the world was ending when you tried to join the Yellowjackets team right after that and failed miserably, managing to fall right against the scratchy artificial grass on your first attempt of running after a stupid football. That’s when you realized that you saw Shauna with different eyes. When your cheek was getting squeezed against the floor and you heard the coach whistling, your eyes immediately met hers from afar. Sitting on the closest bench, Jackie made sure to scold all the girls that were laughing at you and right by her side, there was Shauna. Maybe she wanted to laugh as well but she didn’t. Probably because she was Jackie’s best friend, you thought. Her lips were pressing against each other so tightly that they were repressing even the slightest smile. She even had a threatening stare while looking at the girls who were giggling. It was a miracle that you got into the cheerleading team but at least it was better than run after a soccer ball. Besides, you looked cute in a skirt.
You knew Shauna before that, she was always at your house. But you never acknowledged her before. Not consciously at least. You remembered clear as the day when Jackie and Shauna would stay in the bedroom for the entire day; talking about everything and everyone and their stupid crushes. Jeff, Randy, James, you name it. You, too shy and scared to join them, would always politely deny Jackie’s invitations but that didn’t stop you from hearing their nonsense every time you walked through Jackie’s bedroom. Even when the door was closed, their voices, too excited to share their opinions on the world, weren’t exactly the quietest.  
“Exactly! And even if I was a lesbian, which obviously I’m not, Shauna would be the last person I would-“ You were more than desperate convicted of your own self, ready to deny Van’s crazy thought. You had no feelings for Shauna. But then, you heard a familiar voice sounding a bit too hostile now, echoing through the entire locker room. It was definitely her. You could see her narrowed brown eyes, her stiff back showing signs of tension, her folded arms and how her hair matching her eyes was stuck on a messy ponytail and took your breath away.
The muffled voice got more and more clear as the steps were sounding closer to you. You were so eager to defend yourself before that you didn’t even bother to look around and search the area for other people. A soccer team with girls only? The rumors would fly around very quickly, especially when coming straight from Jackie Taylor’s little sister. Teenagers were known for being cruel and mean for no reason and being a lesbian in 1996? That was the same as having a death wish.
“You aren’t supposed to be here. Cheerleaders are not allowed.” You were just standing up from the bench when Shauna stood there, just a few steps away from you. You took a quick glance at Van to see her with widen eyes and an ironic lurking smirk. She would always act so suspicious when Shauna was around and it made you worried every single time, thinking if Shauna would notice how their behavior changed when she stepped in and how you always seemed so nervous. You look at Shauna again and immediately remembered why Van and Taissa always assumed you had a thing for her. It was definitely probably how your pupils would dilate immediately when seeing her, the fact that your voice would get high-pitched even when saying a simple hello or how you would fix your hair awkwardly. Or maybe how you could barely say a word without stuttering and making it way too obvious that you weren’t casual about her presence.
You didn’t have enough time to say a single word. A loud metallic noise echoed through the locker room when Van practically slammed the locker door shut and gave you a very much not cautious look before leaving and practically dragging Taissa with her. In less than ten seconds, you were panicking. You were alone with Shauna all of her toughness and not a single sign of friendly thoughts inside her head. “What?” You mutter. For someone that struggled with eye contact, your eyes wouldn’t dare to leave hers. Maybe it was fear but maybe it was amusement.
“I know that you are friends with the girls but you can’t keep coming here all the time, you know? Cheerleaders shouldn’t be here and you know we only let you in cause you’re J-“
“Jackie’s sister.” You cut Shauna before she could finish her sentence. You didn’t think much before doing it. Before not only interrupting her but also giving hints that you were upset. Even if in silence.
Shauna doesn’t say anything at first but her eyebrows frowned almost instantly. It wasn’t like she didn’t know you at least a little bit to see through you, even if you had no idea, but she wasn’t expecting to hear that. Especially not now, out of the blue.
“I mean.” You sigh. It wasn’t the easiest thing for you to talk about what you felt and how all of these hidden feelings had such a deep impact on you. You couldn’t afford to maintain eye contact now and, just for a moment, you looked away. “Don’t get me wrong. I love Jackie, obviously. I just feel like…” You trail off. Maybe it was that time of the month again and you were extra sensitive or you just felt comfortable with Shauna, but something buried inside of you was begging to come out. The silence settles in for almost an entire minute. It wasn’t exactly awkwardness the thing that was hanging in the air but something very close to it. Once or twice, you would shift your eyes up from the dirty school floor to Shauna’s eyes just to make sure that she was still there.
“No, it’s okay. I get it.” She murmurs. Her eyes didn’t leave yours not even for a second. Even at different places and circumstances like at your own house or during the moments you were invited to hang out with the girls, she was always staring. Even when you weren’t aware of it, which was most of the times.
You were expecting to finally show signs of how bothered you were by the pressure of being Jackie’s sister. Of course that some of your closest friends like Van and Taissa knew that and always did their best to support you. (And by that, it meant that you would get to pick the movie for the movie night even though Van would complain about your choice as soon as the movie ended, pointing how badly written, directed or produced it was or how the actors sucked). But you weren’t expecting Shauna to understand you. She seemed to notice the surprised look in your eyes and it made the usual neutral and intimidating expression on her face softens. If you squint your eyes hard enough, you could almost see an empathetic smile.
“What do you mean? You are always glued to Jackie. You’re like her shadow. I remember going downstairs once to get some water and you were there at 2 a.m to grab Jackie a snack and I was terrified for a week. I’m surprised you don’t follow her to the bathroom.” You breath in, letting your voice show signs of vulnerability and even a playful feeling to it. And this time you weren’t crazy. Shauna was actually softening. You caught her lips twitching in a little smile and even making a sound that sounded like a laugh. When did Shauna begin to think that you were funny anyway?
“Look… All I’m saying is that I understand.” Shauna would never say anything bad about Jackie. Not explicitly. Not if she wasn’t bursting out with anger like she would do rarely or with small mean comments, which she would usually do if she felt like Jackie was being too bossy. You wouldn’t blame Jackie as well; she had her own personal problems. But somehow, Shauna was being comprehensive. She was there for you. “There’s things I can’t do because of Jackie too.”
There it was. Her words made you heart drop to your knees. You felt a cold sensation stinging on your body and now you were more focused than ever on the brown eyed girl right in front of you. Shauna had her back resting against a closed locker and her arms were still crossed, but it didn’t seem to contribute to her attempt of looking tough. You were definitely tired from cheerleading practice today and the stress from the finals combined to that probably made you imagine things when you saw Shauna’s eyes sparkling with something different when she said that looking at you. It felt like she was staring into your soul.
“I don’t… I can do whatever I want. Jackie isn’t the boss of my life.” You immediately say, clearly nervous and defensive. You feel a slight warmth in your cheeks when notice your struggle with expressing yourself and begin to overthink everything.
“Oh, really? Like when Jackie invited you to Mari’s birthday party last week but told you not to wear that dress cause yellow was her color?” Shauna smirked finally and her brown eyes were lighter. There was playfulness in her tone as well as a slight cockiness to it, she was proving a point. “Or when you had to talk to Randy Walsh once just because Jackie liked Jeff and his best friend was desperate for a date?”
The words Randy Walsh made your lips curl and your nose scrunch in disgust. That guy was awful. He even asked who invented the Pope once. He wasn’t even cute. Or charismatic. Or smart. It was safe to say that you weren’t very impressed by him. For the first time in that day, and even in weeks, you heard Shauna laugh at your reaction and half of the tension on your body faded away. You looked deeply into her eyes and you didn’t feel intimidated now. You smiled back. Well, it was still a small and sort of shy smile but it was there and it made your heart warm. You felt fuzzy while looking at her, noticing how a few hair strands would fall perfectly through the sides of her face and how her cheeks were still looking pinkish, probably from soccer practice from a few minutes ago.
“Maybe you’re right.” You finally admit. Shauna was ripping the truth out of you without even trying and you weren’t exactly opposed to it anymore. “But it’s not like I could do anything about it. Could you imagine what everyone would say if I told them that I’m into-“
“Girls?” Shauna finishes. One of her eyebrows is slightly raised. She wasn’t sounding judgy or rude, not even surprised, and you wondered why. Your body got stiff as a rock and you feel your forehead getting sweaty as a heat wave hits you. You were panicking. A lot. Enough to left you speechless.
“I went to your bedroom once last year when you were out. Jackie said that you had borrowed one of her books and she needed it to show me something and I swear I wasn’t looking for anything but you really need to hide your things better.” Shauna’s breath sounded heavy now. Was she tense? You definitely were.
Your mind was racing from thought to thought, thinking of all of the things that Shauna could’ve seen. And then it hits you. Since you were seven years old, you saw a movie from your childhood where the main character had a diary and you immediately fell in love with the idea of putting all of your feelings out with no consequences, instead of shoving them down. No one would see it anyway. At first it was just some silly little sentences about your day, about a kid stealing your favorite pen at school, about a lame day where you did nothing but stayed in your room and listening to Jackie all day or how your parents would fight over something idiotic. Then you entered high school and things changed. Suddenly losing your favorite toy wasn’t the hottest topic of your diary. Talking about how badly you hated those stupid boys from school but loved sitting close to girls in class cause it made you have butterflies on your stomach was the main thing going on. And you were lucky enough that your diary was left opened exactly on this page when Shauna entered your room. Fuck.
“You can’t tell anyone. Especially not Jackie. Do you understand how serious this is?” You immediately started to beg Shauna. Your voice was quieter now even though no one was around. Your cheeks were practically entirely covered by a bright shade of red and it was very easy to tell how nervous you were just by staring at you. Your fingers were playing with each other, fidgeting to avoid stress, your eyes were wide open and would barely blink. Your throat was tight with a feeling of having a huge lump stuck on it.
“Relax, okay? I won’t.” Shauna’s voice is quiet but soft now. Ot almost sounded like a whisper. A reassuring and genuine whisper. “It’s not like my journal isn’t full of embarrassing stuff as well.” She continues. It sounded like she was just trying to comfort you but it was actually true. You didn’t even know that she had a journal.
“Like…” Shauna takes a deep breath, taking a few steps closer to you. “Like how you look really good wearing those cheerleading skirts. And how cute your hair looks like with a blue and yellow ribbon on it.” Her breath catches on her throat when you look at her. Did she actually say those words or you were dreaming? Real or not, your heart was racing and you were feeling something different. A rush of excitement in your chest.
“You think so?” Your voice barely comes out. It sounded like a weak whisper. You couldn’t say much but the eye contact was intense and it would only get interrupted when Shauna would take a quick look at your lips. Taking another step in, her hand touched your cheek and it immediately made your body tremble. If your stomach was empty before, now it had tons of desperate butterflies.
Shauna simply nodded. Her eyes remained completely focused on yours, something shifting away and slowly tracing down to your lips. Your own eyes were doing the same, not scared to show how badly you wanted to find out how it felt to kiss her. And being quite honest, Shauna seemed to want the same thing. Finally, she begins to lean in and closes her eyes and you do the same. The next thing you feel is her soft lips pressed right against yours and it felt like the world around you had stopped. It took you a while to kiss her back. At first you just stood there like you were frozen in place. Paralyzed by the thought of trying to understand if this was actually happening, with your hands hanging in the air. But then you slowly let yourself get lost into her. When you both began to feel more comfortable, Shauna’s hands moved down to your waist firmly and your hands touched the soft and smooth skin of her cheeks. You were so close to each other that you could smell her perfume. Not too sweet but addicting and not too strong now once the day was almost over. Okay. Maybe you had feelings for Shauna.
She was the one who pulled away first. It took you some time to finally open your eyes, the idea of looking at Shauna after she kissed you was almost unbearable but in an actual good way. Now, that terrifying sensation of panic that was tightening your chest was all gone and you could only feel the warmth of your own cheeks and the one that would exhale through Shauna’s hands that remained on your waist. You finally opened your eyes, Shauna was looking at you with curious and dreamy eyes.
You were both heavy breathers now when Shauna finally broke the silence. “Am I still the last person you would kiss?” She teased you with a hoarse tone. Her lips were slightly puffy and red thanks to the kiss you two shared. You didn’t say a thing but your lips were struggling to stay still. Everything was too overwhelming and you found yourself losing the battle as the corners of your mouth got wider. You were smiling from ear to ear like a fool. That was probably what you were when it came to Shauna anyway. You were about to open your mouth to defend yourself but a masculine voice interrupted you. You both look towards the locker room entrance to see the assistant coach, Ben, with raised eyebrows and an angry stare directly at you. You immediately knew why. No cheerleaders.
“I should really go now.” You use your head to point towards the coach. Your voice was sounding thinner now and in a higher pitch than it usually was, showing signs of how dazed you were and how Shauna was the only thing going through your mind right now. Shauna slowly took her hands away from your waist. “But maybe we could, like, hang out after you come back from the nationals?” You could barely contain your smile now, walking backwards while not looking away from Shauna.
“Definitely. I can’t wait to come back.” Shauna was smirking back at you while biting her lower lip.
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this feeling | c. leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x best friend!reader word count: 2k words request: nope, at least i don’t think so. prompt: my birthday party is in full swing but it’s too much for me right now, so I grab a bottle of wine and go up to the rooftop. that’s where you find me eventually. found here! warnings: talks about anxiety, social anxiety and themes like that. also, drinking. a/n: it’s my birthday! and as a gift, for both me and you, here’s a 100% self indulgent fic. hope you like it!
my masterlist
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never a big fan of her birthday, it wasn’t a surprise when her surprise party turned a little too overwhelming for her. she was happy her closest friends were there, even some of her best friend’s friends, who eventually became her own.
charles had been the best friend anyone could ever ask for. having known each other since their teenage years, when he was still in f2. because of her father’s job they’d been invited to the f1 abu dhabi grand prix, and it was also the last race in his category.
whilst her father was more focused on the main event, she was interested in the junior category, too. mainly because there were less people gathered around to watch it, which helped with her anxiety when she was around big crowds.
she’d met charles after his race win, he was surrounded by his friends and family, and someone grabbed the bottle of champagne from his hand and started spraying it at him, but she was caught in the crossfire as she was walking by right at that moment. she couldn’t help but yelp, which caught their attention.
“sorry!” charles’ little brother, arthur, said as he took a step back and gave the bottle to the oldest leclerc, lorenzo.
“uhh, no worries,” she sighed, looking down at her wet jacket. it was useless to have it on to try and fight the night chilly wind, so she took it off and held it in her hand as she turned around to walk away.
“hey, wait,” someone caught up to her. she turned her head, seeing charles in front of her a shy smile on her face, “i’m so sorry about my brother, it’s just… the euphoria and all-”
“it’s okay. i saw the race, it was really good. congratulations.” she said, and at that moment a particularly cold gust of wind made her shiver, “i have to go.”
“thanks. um, here-” he zipped down his own jacket, filled with the team and sponsor’s logos. “take this, so you don’t get cold.”
“oh, uh, there’s no need, really-”
“please, i insist,” she sighed, looking down at his hand.
“okay. thank you,” she smiled, taking it and putting it on. she had to bite back the smile that was threatening to appear on her face as the warmth of his jacket enveloped her.
“i- i’m charles, by the way.” he said, extending his hand. she smiled, shaking it.
“(y/n),” she said.
and that was it. they’d ran into each other later that day, while the f1 race was going on, since everyone was gathered at the same spot to watch the race, it left the paddock free to wander around. charles called her name, and they talked the entire time, he opened up to her and she did the same, they exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch.
flash forward five years later, she hugged charles as a group of fifteen people surprised her in charles’ apartment. it was the only place she’d agree to go without being suspicious. plus, it was where she was staying for her week in monaco.
“thank you, cha,” she smiled, rising to her tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“ah, it’s nothing. only the best for the best,” he poked her sides, emitting an adorable yelp followed by giggles. she was quickly approached by her friends waiting there.
throughout their years of friendship charles insisted she visited him at least once every two months, which caused her to start getting to know people on her own and expanding her friend group in that small country.
she said hello to everyone, and felt a small pang in her chest when she received a few gifts. she didn’t like the idea of people feeling pressured or forced to spend time and money on her, but the people there made her forget about that thought for a little while.
it wasn’t until two hours later, when her shoulders started feeling tense, that she knew it was time to take a step back. she slid into the kitchen, opening the fridge door and grabbing her bottle of wine. even though charles lived a life full of luxuries, in which he could buy the most expensive things known to mankind, she always made sure to bring him down to earth. her favorite way was making him go to the grocery store and buy the cheapest bottle of wine he could find. a sweet rose that she’d grown to love throughout the years.
she slipped away unnoticed, everyone was too caught up in a story charles’ friend, pierre was saying. besides the harbor and charles’ apartment, the rooftop in his building was one of her favorite places in monte carlo. it overlooked everything, it had a 360 view of the entirety of monaco, and the night sky.
she stood by the edge, opening the bottle and taking a sip of the sweet wine. she smiled as she thought to everything they’d done that day, from a short ride on his yacht where they enjoyed breakfast, to a walk around, visiting her favorite shops and spots. and a nice dinner before making their way to her surprise party.
she was so lucky to have someone like charles as her best friend. he was so selfless, always putting people before himself, showing his love and appreciation for the people he cared about in any way he could. the monegasque was caring. there was no other way to describe him.
charles laughed as he remembered the anecdote pierre was telling, the frenchman loved having all the attention on him, and he knew how to keep a crowd entertained. charles looked to the kitchen, where he’d last spotted her, but couldn’t find her. he thought that maybe she was feeling hungry and wanted something small, so he stood up and went to the guest bedroom, knowing she didn’t like having people watching her eat. he looked for her everywhere, and looked at his watch once he realized she was gone.
it had been too long since her last alone time to recharge. he decided to wait a few minutes before going to the rooftop, wanting her to get enough time to think about her day and get ready to come back. it took him about five months to really get to know her, to understand her quirks, the things she did when she was nervous, stressed, happy. after that, he only had to look at her to know what she was feeling. he could read her like a book.
once charles decided it was time, he took the elevator up to the rooftop, she’d told him many times before that the view relaxed her, something about the way she could see everything but no one could see her.
“thief,” he called her, walking to her, “you stole my wine.”
“it’s my wine, you just bought it,” she chuckled, smiling at him. “how did you know?” she asked.
“it took you longer than i thought, i’m proud of you,” he said, throwing an arm over her shoulders.
“thanks, i think the amount of people, and the people themselves, really helped.” charles nodded, he’d been afraid that fifteen might be a lot for her, but she loved each and every one of them. “we’re improving,” she said, even though it might seem like she was the one who was improving on her social skills, this was a team effort.
“i’m happy to hear that.” he leaned in, touching her head with his. “did you enjoy your day?” he asked, a smile on his face as he waited expectantly.
“yeah, thank you so much, cha,” she looked up at him, a grin on her face. “i loved today.”
“good,” he said, nodding to himself, making a mental note of everything they’d done that day and storing it in the ‘approved’ folder in his head. “we still need to cut the cake,” he nudged her hip with his, a playful gesture that told her they still needed to go back downstairs, but whenever she felt ready.
“you got me a cake?” she asked, bringing the bottle up to her lips.
“obviously! it’s not a birthday without cake.”
“not necessarily,” she said, handing him the bottle, “this whole day felt like a birthday, a good birthday-” she pointed out, “and there was no cake involved until now,”
“so you’re saying you don’t want that red velvet beauty from that place you like?” he said after drinking some of the wine, placing the bottle on the floor. her eyes widened at his words, that was quite possibly her favorite thing on earth, besides charles.
“i’m just saying… you don’t need a birthday to enjoy some good cake, and a birthday is more than that, it’s about the people and the love.” she said, turning so her back was against the ledge.
“did you feel loved today?” he asked. charles walked in front of her, placing his hands on either side of her.
“i did, yeah.” she nodded, a soft smile on her lips. charles grinned, too, and noticed her eyes flicking down to his lips. “and i loved spending most of the day with you, and everything you did for me. it really made me feel… loved.” she’d paused a little before saying the last word, the tone in her voice changed, it was lower… shy.
it took charles a few seconds to try and recognize what she was feeling, but he’d never seen her like this before. this was new, it was… vulnerable, open.
“you are. so loved. by me and everyone downstairs, and many more.” she gave him a tight lipped smile, nodding.
“i know, it just… nevermind, i’m not making any sense because of the booze and the sleep,” she chuckled, trying to move, escape his caging arms, but he didn’t budge. “let’s go back downstairs, i’m sure now that we’re both gone they’ll notice.”
“okay, but- we’re having this conversation later,” he said.
“sure,” she smiled, placing her hands on his shoulders. she stood up on her tiptoes and again, pressed a kiss to his cheek. “we should go back now,” she said, but felt charles’ hands on her waist.
“wait. just… i can’t read you.” he confessed.
“what?” she frowned.
“what is going on in your mind? i- i don’t… i’ve never seen this look in your face. what are you feeling?” she felt her throat closing, she was aware of how much charles knew her, but him admitting that just by looking at her he could tell what she was feeling… it brought a chill down her back.
“i don’t- don’t really know.” she admitted. “i just know that i’ve never felt anything like this before.”
she paused, staring into charles’ eyes, which seemed to shine like the stars lighting up the sky behind him.
“well… make sure to tell me once you figure it out.” he pleaded.
“is… it’s really that important? what if i don’t feel like this ever again?”
“then we’ll have to work on it. try everything so you have this same look on your face again.” he said, sounding completely serious. she wanted to laugh, it was almost funny how wrapped up in this mystery he was.
“okay. deal.” she agreed, for him.
“good.” he nodded, dropping his hands from her waist, reaching for her hands. “we really should go down now,” he started walking backwards, leading her to the elevator.
“you’re gonna fall,” she laughed, grabbing his elbows to help support him.
“you’ve gotta catch me, then,” he smiled, leaning against the wall as they waited for the elevator.
“fine. deal.”
charles looked at everyone, as they sang happy birthday and she smiled. she was feeling uncomfortable with so many eyes on her but they were all good people, people she trusted and loved. her eyes met charles’, an amused smile on his face as everybody gave their best performance of the simple song.
she raised his eyebrows, an action she’d picked up from him, in a way that said ‘it’s not fancy, but it’s what i have and i wouldn’t change it’.
he just smiled, and kept staring at her even after she looked away. there it was. that same look in her eyes. what was it?
as the song came to an end, it was time to make a wish. she thought hard about it. as she looked around the room, and met charles’ eyes briefly, she knew.
i wish to know what i’m feeling.
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cordeliasdarling · 11 months
Birthday (Larissa Weems x Reader)
Notes: This is a random piece about Larissa and reader both being students at nevermore. Reader is popular, Larissa not so. (I know I’m so sorry it’s a bit sad.) I saw a prompt ages ago that inspired this so creds to them idk who.
Let me know if you want a part two! And pls don’t let this flop haha :0
To say I was popular.. well yes, you'd be right. I'd worked hard for it, looking perfect, getting high grades. Of course my natural personality was a winner amongst my peers at Nevermore academy. It made me feel good, more than just for my ego. I liked to know that people liked me for me. I wasn't fake, I said things as they were, and luckily it wasn't rejected.
"Hello, earth to (Y/N)!" I jolted out of my personal monologue by my best friend, Cleo. When we'd met for the first time, we clicked instantly. She knew me better than anyone else, and I loved it. And I knew her the same way.
"Sorry, just daydreaming." I chuckled quietly and glanced around at the surroundings. We were sat on the freshly cut green grass in the courtyard. It was a warm day with a refreshing breeze. Perfect for lounging around. Just beyond me and Cleo were the rest of my friend group, who were all talking, laughing. I enjoyed the company.
Then something caught my eye, actually someone.
She had silvery blonde hair, and was much taller than any girl in the school, and not just because we were the oldest in the school (we were all in our last year). The school uniform brought out her deep crystal eyes, in a way that made me smile automatically. Larissa Weems was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Cleo nudged me, a grin on her face.
"I don't know why you don't just ask her out. What's the worst that can happen?"
I rolled my eyes, a sigh escaping my lips. My eyes were still on Larissa, watching as she walked along the open corridor on the side of the grass. Her eyes were on the ground, probably watching where she was going because due to her height, she often bumped into the shorter students, forgetting her stride was bigger than others.
"She most likely will be straight. Then turn me down, laugh in my face, and leave me all alone forever." Groaning, I leaned back, laying down properly on the grass.
"You should invite her to your birthday party." Cleo suggested, taking a sip of her water bottle, which she'd slid in a few ice cubes to keep her cool in the summer heat.
"She doesn't go to parties." Well, that's just what I'd gathered from all the parties I'd been to, she'd never been there, much to my disappointment. Having drinks in our systems may have given me more courage to talk to her.
Before Cleo could reply, one of my friends approached us, causing my eyes to leave Larissa just as she disappeared through a door.
"Hi, Mary." A welcoming smile on my face, as usual. She smiled back, sitting closer, in front of Cleo.
"I was wondering if you could help me with the Math homework? It's totally okay if not." People often asked me for such favours, as it was no secret that I got top grades, and I was always happy to help.
"Yes, of course!"
"Alright everyone, today we're moving to the greenhouse for the lesson." Mrs Faye called out to everyone before they could sit down. A faint groan was heard, because we all knew how hot it would be in there. But we didn't protest, mainly because we all loved Mrs Faye, and she always made our lessons fun.
There were desks already set up in front of tables with a plant pot on all of them. All of the students grouped together in twos, though I hung back, deciding which table I would go to with Cleo. But she nudged me, secretly gesturing to Larissa who hadn't partnered up yet. My eyes widened, knowing what she was suggesting.
"No!" I whispered, but Cleo had walked off with someone else, sending a wink my way. Internally I groaned, knowing I'd have to woman-up. So I approached Larissa, a faint smile on my lips, almost grinning as her eyes met with mine. I was lost for a moment, looking up at the girl I had the biggest crush on. And she had no idea, because I was secretly an awkward lesbian.
"Hey, wanna partner up?" I asked, cursing to myself because my tone didn't sound confident enough. She nodded, her expression softening. I felt a pang of sadness for her, because she was always the last one to be picked. It shouldn't be that way.
We walked to the last available bench and sat down, facing the front.
Mrs Faye talked us through the project, and soon we were left to our own devices, having to dissect a flower to see the roots and whatnot.  At the same time, we grabbed the scalpel to start. A blush appeared on my cheeks, whereas Larissa just smiled that beautiful smile.
"Sorry." Mumbling, letting her take it and begin the work. My eyes watched her movements, wondering what her larger hands would feel like linked with mine. I was short, well not short in the grand scheme of things, but just smaller than the average nineteen year old. Did that make me and Larissa Weems less compatible? I hoped not.
The lesson went by in a blur, mostly me letting Larissa do all the work, something that was unlike me, but I was just very busy. By busy, I meant building up the courage to ask Larissa to my birthday party. It couldn't be that hard, just a few simple words. But the feeling of rejection was something I never wanted to feel. I'd always had an easy time when it came to dating. All boys though, much to my distaste, but that was the consequence of not coming out.
"Larissa?" My tone was even, not holding confidence or nervousness. She tilted her head to the side, making eye contact with me. I nearly ran out of oxygen, looking into those deep ocean blue eyes.
"Yes?" Her voice was smooth, velvety even.
"Would you.. would you like to come to my birthday party tomorrow?" Urgh, I hated the way my pathetic voice sounded so hopeful. I hoped she didn't detect it.
She didn't say anything for a full minute, seemingly lost in thought. Eventually she shook her head slowly. "Sorry, I'm busy tomorrow."
My heart sunk, hanging my head in despair. So this is what rejection felt like, a crushing feeling in my gut.
"Oh, that's totally okay." I forced a smile, staring at the now dissected plant as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Damn this. Of course the prettiest girl in school wouldn't want to come to my party. Literally almost everyone in my year would be there, except for her.
Mrs Faye then called out to the class, dismissing us all as the hour was up. Time flew fast, it seemed.
Larissa left the class before me, grabbing her bag and exiting quickly. I tried not to stare, but I didn't really relax until she'd gone completely. Not in a negative way, but because I was so awkward and down.
"So how did it go?" Cleo grinned, her arm slung around my shoulders as we left the greenhouse. I didn't reply, just groaning in a way that I hoped verbalised the rejected feeling.
"Ah. Playing hard to get. Well, there are plenty more fish in the sea." She slapped my back in what seemed to be a comforting way, but it just added to the pain. Yes, I know I was just a nineteen year old student with a silly little crush, but Larissa seemed like so much more.
As we walked along the corridor, I spotted the very girl I was mooning over, talking to a small group of people. They all seemed to shake their head in response to something she said. Larissa seemed to smile, though it looked superficial, like something had upset her but she was trying to cover it up. They all dispersed, leaving me in a state of curiousness. I was tempted to go over to the people who were naturally my friends, to ask what that was all about, but we needed to get to our lesson.
And by the end of the day, it had slipped my mind.
The next day rolled around, and I was walking out of the changing rooms, having just had track. I was alone, which was unusual, because I had decided to do a couple more laps, insisting my friends should go. They all wanted to get ready for my party anyway.
I slipped on my uniform, not bothering to tuck my shirt into my skirt. Bag on my shoulder, I moved towards the door, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard a muffled sound coming from the toilets. Frowning, I inspected further, walking into joining restroom. The sound happened again, and this time I figured out it was stifled crying. The sound tugged on my heartstrings, because the pain was clear in the tone.
"Hello?" I knocked on the cubicle door softly, and the crying abruptly stopped. The was a long silence before the door opened slowly. It revealed none other than Larissa Weems. My heart sunk further, who hurt my precious girl?
"Oh.. it's you." She mumbled, walking to the tissue dispenser, grabbing a few sheets to dab at her smudged mascara. "I'm fine."
"You don't sound fine." I followed her, about to place a hand on her arm, but stopped myself, in case she didn't like physical contact. She stared into the mirror, at herself, until her gaze shifted to my reflection.
"Don't you have friends to run off with?" She muttered, eyes now lowering to look at her hands.
"They're not important right now. Can you tell me what's wrong?" I tried my best to make my words as gentle as possible, and it seemed to work because fresh tears filled her eyes as she turned around to face me.
"We have the same birthday but everyone goes to your party, not mine." Her voice cracked, looking away in some type of shame.
It all clicked, the reason why she was 'busy', the reason those people were shaking their heads, as they weren't going to her celebration, they were going to mine. I didn't even know her birthday was on the same day as mine.
"Oh, Larissa.." I whispered, my arms opening to embrace her. She didn't move away, instead stiffening up. "I'm sorry." Though those two words didn't do much comfort.
"It's fine." She sounded cold, and suddenly pushed me away gently. Tears were in my eyes now, just like hers, except she had fiercely wiped them away.
"Have fun." She then left, her footsteps quick against the lino flooring, leaving me speechless. I wiped away one tear. I had caused her pain, and that I would never forgive myself for.
I had to make this right, I had to make her feel better, in whatever way possible.
So I furrowed my eyebrows to come up with some sort of plan.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
The Field: Dandelions (Benedict Bridgerton x Reader)
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Benedict Bridgerton x fem!Reader Modern AU Rated: G - mild suggestiveness, fluff and romance Word count: 2.7k
Part 2: Lavender Forever Masterpost
Summary: When you visit Aubrey Hall to celebrate an important day in your career, Benedict offers some new experiences.
Author's Note: The first in a four-part series based on songs about fields/nature that I associate with Benedict. This part is based on the song Dandelions by Ruth B
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Today was the day. The day you were announced as Creative Director for Bridgerton House Enterprises. The day your life took a turn for the extraordinary. Even though you had known you would reach this tier and even though the man doing the announcing was one of your oldest friends, the enormity of the milestone still toyed with your nerves. The announcement was being rolled into the company’s first corporate outing at the CEO’s family home, Aubrey Hall. An embarrassingly large ancestral estate with sprawling grounds, it was a picturesque retreat for you and your colleagues to be feted while celebrating your successes and paving a roadmap for your future.
You had been there before of course, several times. It had actually been your idea to move the company outing to the spot. You found something reassuring in the calm grandeur of the place. Maybe it was the grounds themselves or maybe it was just your relationship with Anthony. Friends since uni, you had joined him and his innumerable siblings there for a few shooting weekends and holidays over the years. After chatty meals and some raucous nights that involved climbing out of windows, the latter of which you hoped his mother would never learn about, being there filled you with happy memories. 
You and the Viscount had stumbled upon one another in your first year, headed home from late night parties arm-in-arm, singing and shouting with that unfiltered, instantaneous friendship that can only be formed by two people who just met and are both obliterated with drink. After an extremely messy mashing of tongues and unsuccessful attempt to bed each other, you both woke with embarrassment, headaches and quick realizations that your personalities were not romantically compatible. You would either have ended up murdering or driving one another off cliffs with your shared obstinance, but it was exactly that challenging streak that bound you tightly as sardonic friends and academic rivals. You cheered one another through school and then cheered one another through life as he took his rightful place within his father’s company, and you carved out a career in marketing and design. When his former Creative Director had left, you were the first person he called. Even though your preexisting relationship was no secret, you had still wanted to prove yourself and learn the culture before being handed departmental reins, so for the past year you had worked in a lower level role, getting to know the team and the company’s needs until you had told Anthony you were ready to step up.
As excited as you were, several factors were amping your anxiety. The concern that you would be seen as little more than a nepotism hire. But you supposed there was nothing you could do about that. The details of the event had fallen under your purview too, and you had been juggling caterers and florists and groundskeepers until your head spun. And then there was the brother. Benedict Bridgerton. As a show of support the Bridgerton clan were in attendance at the outing too. It was their home after all. But that left you in constant danger of bumping into Benedict and experiencing the unavoidable effect he had on you.
The first time you saw him when Anthony invited you to Aubrey Hall years ago, it felt like an engine kicked on somewhere in your chest. A new, secondary energy source powering you through life simply by knowing he existed. It drove you to spend as much time as you could in his presence, roared with electricity whenever he was near and sputtered whenever you saw him with a paramour du jour. It was problematic how often he visited you in dreams and how you would flush with heat whenever Anthony mentioned him offhand at work. Benedict was mischievous, funny, and too charming for his own good, with all of the heart and soul to make up for Anthony’s acerbicism. Over the years of your acquaintance you had become friendly if not exactly friends, but you admittedly had never known anybody like him. You knew he did something artistic for a living but not exactly what. You knew he had his own place in London but not exactly where. You knew you had caught him looking at you at recent gatherings but weren’t sure exactly why. What you did know was that your eyes were incapable of looking at anything other than him when you were in the same room, and he was only making it worse by wearing a canary yellow button down to the outing.
You had moved through the event spaces trying to avoid him, not needing anything to fluster you more. That was why you were somewhat hiding in a distant hall of the house, one of your favorites where the family displayed a portion of their considerable art collection. Pieces were always changed out and you found yourself drawn to a new one, a landscape. It was a field on a spring day, windswept with rolling hills in the distance. The lush grass was dotted with flowers - yellow, white, and blue. You felt as if you were standing inside of it, a cool breeze tickling your skin and rustling through the bordering treeline.
You were lost inside the painting when someone spoke next to you, startling you out of your reverie.
“Ah! Dreams in Kent. Like what you see?”
It was Benedict. Of course it was. Beaming at you with that grin that you thought should be criminalized, but which always made you feel better somehow. Your evasion efforts had failed and your heart was now racing somewhere in the vicinity of your throat.
“Yes,” you smiled, trying to act casual. You turned back to the painting - the only safe place to set your eyes. “It’s beautiful. Your family has quite the collection. I’m sure it took generations of curation.”
His eyes followed yours to the canvas. “Oh, we didn’t find this one. We know the artist.” 
“Lucky for you. They’re talented.”
You could hear the smile in his voice. “Mmm. And he does commissions, if you’re interested.” He shuffled to stand closer at your side, both of you keeping your eyes on the gallery wall. You tried to school your breathing, focusing on the weight of the champagne flute in your hand, something solid unlike your legs.
“About how much for something this size, do you think?” You gestured to the painting mostly to humor him and keep the conversation light. You weren’t sure you were in the market for commissioned landscapes.
“For you? No charge.” 
It took your reeling brain a moment to process what he said. Then you realized he was facing you and smiling broadly. “You didn’t paint this?” you gasped. The cheeky devil. He lowered his head and blushed. Something inside you ached. As if he weren’t beautiful enough on his own, now you were forced to witness the multiplicative beauty wrought by his talented hands. You most certainly wanted to commission a piece now. “Oh my god, I had no idea,” you marveled. “You’re a real artist.”
“Real?” As soon as his brow knotted you wanted to kick yourself.
You sputtered, hoping he wouldn’t take offense. “Oh, I just mean…I knew you were an artist but I didn’t know what kind of work you did. I was thinking more pop art or abstract…”
“Like sculptures made out of cotton balls?” His grin widened, creasing the most delightful lines around his bright eyes. 
You breathed a sigh of relief. You should have known he would be good humored. “Exactly.”
“Is that what Anthony says about me?” He arched a brow.
“No,” you said firmly, and it was the truth. “He’s obviously proud of you. He just left out the classical landscape bit.” 
The warmth that radiated out of his smile finally put you at ease. Yes, you had a crush on him but you were a grown woman. You could hold yourself together during some friendly banter. You didn’t know why Benedict alone seemed to reduce you to a babbling schoolgirl. Interactions with him felt more poignant, more significant somehow. Whenever he looked at you, even though it was hard to breathe, paradoxically you felt alive, free. You felt happy. You’d probably be in closer proximity to him once you stepped into Anthony’s C suite, so it was time to relax and get to know him better.
You turned back to the painting. “So was this plein air?”
“Yes,” he nodded. “A field on the edge of the property. It’s a quiet spot which is…hard to find with my family.” He shoved his hands into the back pockets of his jeans then his voice dropped to a register you had never heard before. “Speaking of, you’ve been here before but you haven’t seen this spot. Do you want an extended tour? To survey for a vista you may want to commission?”
His eyes leveled on you, glinting. There went any attempt at keeping your composure. This was blatant flirtation. An invitation to…something. A private tour to a secluded spot? Your heart was doing its best to make itself heard again, thrumming to the point you worried it was visible. The evening’s scheduled events wouldn’t begin for another two hours, and you reasoned that some exercise may help settle your nerves. Was there any way you could decline this offer?
True to his word, Benedict showed you features of the Bridgerton property that you had never seen before. A far flung rose garden filled with statuary, agricultural outbuildings that had fallen into picturesque stages of disrepair, and the looming stone orangery that you had always observed from a distance but never approached. Unlike the goat barns it was still in use, housing an array of palms and warm weather plants in rows across the chess-tiled floor. Even though you had known the Bridgerton family for years, the trappings of their old money lives still gave you pause sometimes. You had hobnobbed with the higher classes your entire life but your middle class roots still caused you to gawp at and ridicule certain things. You each plucked an orange and ate them as you hiked past the lake in which you had swum before, crossed a fallow field and rounded a copse of trees. 
Then you saw it. Benedict had captured the field so perfectly, you knew you had arrived before he even spoke. The idyllic fantasy his painting had conjured in your mind was now fully realized, grass tickling at your ankles and breeze brushing through the nearby treeline. Fields rolled out before you to the horizon, beyond the Bridgerton property line but unbroken by any structures or barriers. Just a sea of peaceful green dotted spectacularly with the bright yellow of countless dandelions. It almost felt as if you had stepped out of time into some pocket dimension that only Benedict knew how to access.
“It’s stunning.” You suddenly realized that he was dressed perfectly to match the surroundings, looking like an overgrown dandelion himself in his yellow shirt. It was adorable and endearing. You smiled. “Have you ever made dandelion wine?”
“What?” He chuckled. “What on earth is that?”
“Ah, of course not. Someone whose family has an orangery wouldn’t have tried such a peasant recipe.” You smirked, unable to resist the jab. The field was invoking memories from your childhood. Hazy summers at your grandparents’ cottage in Cornwall where they taught you to gather and ferment the blooms into a sweet concoction. With their ample supply, you couldn’t help but feel that the Bridgertons were missing out.
“I’m not classist toward anything that can take the edge off.” Benedict slowly moved deeper into the field, dragging his feet through the grass. 
“Why is there an edge?”
He huffed a sigh, staring out at the horizon. “The usual. Quarter life crisis. Searching for a direction. Posh boy twat who dreams of being a starving artist.”
His crooked grin didn’t mask the plaintive look in his eyes. Blessed as he was with good looks, wealth and talent, the idea that Benedict may have anything less than a perfect life had never occurred to you.
“From what I’ve seen you’ve more than accomplished the artist bit. And consider it a blessing that you don’t have to starve. It appears to me that you have everything you need.” 
“Some things perhaps, but not everything.”
His tone was so uncharacteristically serious, his gaze so weighted, you worried he had found your comment dismissive. Now you had to make him smile again. Scanning the ground you quickly found a flower that had tufted into a perfect white orb. You picked it and held it out to him. “Then wish for what you want.”
He brightened and walked back toward you with a playful air. “Do you think it will come true?”
You shrugged. “Can’t hurt to try.”
He bent and picked another tufted stem. “Only if you wish too.” 
Something lodged in your throat. The last thing you had expected on this already monumental day was to be cozying up with your friend and boss’s younger brother for whom you had carried a candle for years. The heady excitement coupled with the beautiful backdrop was making everything feel surreal. The event at the house could have been taking place in another world entirely. All of your focus was here.
Smirking at each other, you stepped close and simultaneously blew on the flower held in the other’s hand. The gauzy seeds rose and swirled around you both, heightening the strange magic of the moment. You fought not to react to his proximity and the warm gust of his breath over your hand. Closing your eyes you made your silent wish - that this flirtation would continue; that Benedict perhaps saw you as you saw him; that you could call him your own, even if just for a short while. When you reopened them he was smiling at you.
“What did you wish for?”
You backed up a step, laughing. “No, that’s not how this works. If I tell you, it definitely won’t come true.”
“How do you know?” he lilted, closing the space between you again. “What if I’m the person who can deliver what you want?”
Oh god, was your wish that obvious? Was it so easy to read how much you wanted him? You supposed it was a common occurrence for a man like him but wanted to chastise yourself nonetheless. You would have if your mind wasn’t already paralyzed by the knowing look on his face.
You somehow managed to find your voice, deflecting meagerly. “You first. What did you wish for?” “Ah, I see how it is,” he chuckled. Then everything about his demeanor grew soft and intent. His blue-grey eyes searched yours and you were transfixed by their depth, as if within them you could see forever. “I wished for something just out of reach. Something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. Or someone I should say.”
“Someone?” You asked, your voice tremulous. Your heart was pounding. There was no mistaking where this was going but you could scarcely believe that it was actually happening. Everything around you started to fall away, scattering like the dandelion tufts. Everything but his eyes, his lips, and the tender words that escaped them.
“I suppose my wish was to know if they thought of me too.” He peered up through his dark lashes, a calculated move that you knew was designed to devastate you.
“How funny,” you croaked, your voice barely above a whisper as you swayed toward him. “I wished the same thing.”
His eyes lit up and the engine within your chest roared. “Well look at that,” he leaned in, looping an arm around your waist. “My wish came true.” 
You moved with equal enthusiasm, pressing your lips together in a moment that was soft but fervent, carrying the weight of hidden feelings and the desire to explore further. He tasted of oranges and comfort; he felt so correct. You wound your arms around each other, warmed by the sun that shone bright across the field. You had been kissed many times in your life, but nothing compared to the breathless wonder of this one. This felt like once in a lifetime. A distant corner of your mind remembered that you needed to get back to the house soon but you were finding it difficult to care. Benedict began to hum happily as he kissed you over and over, winding a hand into your hair as he playfully nipped and sucked at your lips. Pulling back, he smiled and twirled the dandelion stem between his fingers. “These things do work.”
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Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp @secretagentbucky
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