#never forgets to disappoint me
mutualhl · 7 months
lol the irony of when i start to like louis again and he necessarily says or does some nasty shit :)
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thecatspasta · 7 months
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Guys. Guys if you join the server (jane and oscher femalevolent server) you can vote on whether not I draw arthur lesters tits at any given time
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lenievi · 11 months
Stargate SG-1 is so good. I love it so much 🥺
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sea-me-now · 2 months
taking this international asexual day to say that crowley and aziraphale from good omens are asexual and would never have sex thank you and goodnight
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iman-92 · 5 months
one of my biggest complaints about the world right now is how the fast paced, instant gratification type culture of the internet and wider tech world has slowly seeped into our interpersonal relationships. it’s like we expect instant gratification at every turn but time isn’t always meant to be saved, sometimes it’s meant to be spent. you fall in love over years and friendships deepen over a lifetime. where is the rush?
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eddis-not-eeddis · 1 month
Dealing with newcomer's embarrassment gets easier if you are surrounded by people you have no respect for.
#oh this other professional saw me do something stupid that messed up my paperwork?#but she does shady things worse than the mistake i just made on purpose to make a buck#oh i just said something dumb to my boss#give him a few hours and he'll say something even dumber to me#oh no the guy who has been working at this job for twenty years just saw me make a rookie mistake#agony abounds but he just did six other things a lot worse than I did all in one day so i'll live with it#oh no the manager is a little disappointed with my performance?#so what he's a pushover and he won't say or do anything about it anyway i'll do better next time#oh no my one coworker hates my guts#she hate's everyone else's guts too and literally never shuts up about it#i'm not special#it sounds kind of depressing--and it can be#but i have a lot of affection for these people regardless of their issues#i just don't really let my failures around them bother me too much anymore because i honestly don't care what these people think of me#i'm not going to make the same mistakes ever again#but i don't have to let this stuff keep me up at night because i did something wrong#if i'm not going to go to them for advice why do i care what they think about me?#it was something that i realized a few months ago and ever since it's made things a LOT easier to deal with#plus#these people aren't dwelling on my failures either#they all have their own stuff going on#yeah they might harp on it for a while bit new things will come up and eventually they forget#they aren't thinking about me that much anyway#XD
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everythingsinred · 3 months
its funny when people ask me about my thoughts on the last chapters/epilogue/memorial book bc those arent real to me.. like that never happened. i have no idea what youre talking about... ga got abandoned randomly and never completed and we all have to come up with our ending in our heads im sorry but thats reality
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yeoroot · 3 months
Wouldn’t it be rlly funny if we met Ace’s ex girlfriend first before meeting his brother
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I really don't understand why people are unfollowing Harry Styles based on the 1989 vault. Like. What new information was revealed.
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fluffypichu876 · 5 months
Alright, I have finished Dishonored! Such an great game, and I loved my time with it! Everything about it felt extremely polished (wonderful atmosphere, tight controls, diverse stealth gameplay, interesting lore), but the level design in particular stood out to me. The levels are full of alternative paths and open many possibilities for the players to experiment around. The secrets and optional tasks are actually fun to find and complete, since they have actual impact on the mission as a whole. Every mission is filled to the brim with subtle enviromental storytelling, and you can find an insane amount of detail pretty much everywhere you go. You can discover so much about this world if you explore the game well-enough. It's honestly amazing.
I'm glad there's still DLC and a sequel for me to enjoy, otherwise I'd be feeling really empty right now xD
"Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?"
"Indeed. I believe so."
(that shit was driving me insane lol)
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theshippirate22 · 1 year
every now and then i get hit with the idea of what might happen if Joyce found out about the sins of s1&2 jonathan
#she would lose her shit#WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU TOOK PICTURES OF THEM HAVING SEX????#WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNEW THEY WERE TOGETHER AND SLEPT WITH HER ANYWAY???#things would go down in the byers house that night#nancy wouldn’t be excluded from the yelling either because she was the cheater and HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU DO THIS#meanwhile steve is like please it’s fine it’s just me i deserved it#and she about gives herself whiplash to turn around and tell him that’s bullshit and he absolutely didn’t deserve it and#WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE SAY THAT#and then nancy would get all like sheepish and just leave and steve would end up with like an edible arrangement and shit a few days later#meanwhile jonathan is getting SCREAMED AT#she pulls out the i Am sO dIsApPoInTeD iN yOu#Will!!1!1!#i swear to good if you EVER do this to a someone you’re gonna regret it!#THEY GAVE STEVE A FUCKING COMPLEX#steve is like i can hear you i’m right here#sorry sweetie you know i’m right though#then she turns to argyle and eddie who have been sitting there the whole time#YOU TWO#argyle screams a little bit and eddie chokes out yes ma’am#(never forget this is the woman that punched a politician and took an ax to her own walls okay she’s CRAZY)#YOU TWO TAKE STEVE HOME. WAIT NO TAKE HIM TO BASKIN ROBBINS THEN TAKE HIM HOME#*angrily pulls cash from her wallet and hands it to them*#STEVE I LOVE YOU YOURE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME PLEASE COME TO DINNER ON THURSDAY#argyle mumbled good luck to jonathan on the way out and jonathan is like please don’t leave me here alone 😭😭😭😭
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revedetendresse · 2 years
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always-smileing · 7 months
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this is the last one before I blink out [this was from like a few months ago]
This was from a dream I had with mer or siren Sun and Moon and this was the Sun scene from my dream it hasn't left my mind in the slightest the background and the river rocks took long enough along with the trees and mer/siren Sun himself I just remember at the end of the dream Sun and Moon get separated, put into an aquarium and what I think maybe? Y/n or myself got a job at said aquarium and that's it I have never felt so happy and disappointed that that's where it left off and never seen again.
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persephoneflouwers · 8 months
Anons ✨
#lou tisdale anon: unconventional way to get informed i guess but if it worked good for them#‘I’ve really appreciated all of the information you’ve been sharing on here’ anon#a bit offensive you come at me talking about coincidental choices and intentional decisions#using your building as a reference… Guys cmon. At this point you should know im not stupid lol anyway I deleted the tags because#since I noticed a few people have written the same thing as you#usually the background choice falls in an intentional decision but as you say it’s a wild guess#that’s why I only said ‘I hope it’s not intentional if it is yikes’#‘don’t have any doubts about harry’ anon: we’ll never know what they support#and for once I’m glad they won’t be speaking up like their usual because#I’m already disappointed of what side they would be on this#have you seen what his friends share? have you seen what his mom shares? they can be zionist on main without ripercussions#‘seriously wouldn’t know what to if he supported them’ I would unstan right away. god thing is they’ll never be talking about politics#(except Harry sporadically finding new way to have kore people register in the us to vote democrats#and eventually forget about what is happening in rest of the world. firstly like all celebrities do secondly like everyone does.)#you take care of your little garden first#my opinion my ideology and my political view don’t depend on them#if I don’t agree with what some artist/celebrity says#ill stop interacting with them#there’s tone of music and art being made by people#who care about the world and want to see people leaving in peace and with equal rights#it’s not hard to be human you know? at times if you’re afraid to show support to the oppressed#you’re helping the oppressors with oppression and segregation#moreover when the oppression is not about you in the slightest (general you not you anon)#it only means 1. you don’t care enough to advocate 2. you have found different solutions to help (lol)#3. you don’t want to take sides (inferno canto III for me)#4. you don’t want to let know what side you’re on (sigh)
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baejax-the-great · 11 months
I think some of the arguments about fan interpretations of characters and OOCness forget a fundamental part of human nature which is this: each of us perceives the world and the people in it in slightly different ways based on our own experiences.
Most people have certain characteristics they consider fundamental to their Blorbo and some characteristics that are less important and could be changed, ignored, or scrapped for AU purposes. Unfortunately, which specific characteristics fall into which category are not going to be the same from person to person. Sometimes the overlap between two people's interpretations will be huge, and those two people will probably enjoy the same fan content. Sometimes not so much.
Personally, I write for a ship that were childhood friends that became lovers. In many AUs, people have them meeting for the first time in adulthood, and for me, that changes the nature of the ship and their characters so much that I can't really get into it. I consider their childhood friendship fundamental to them as people, and those authors don't. Which is fine. Many other people like those AUs. Nobody here is really in the wrong, we just have different opinions on what makes these particular Blorbos them.
In almost all cases, someone out there will find your interpretation of a character OOC. And that's fine. Hopefully they are polite and simply choose not to read your fics/engage with your HCs/whatever. But I think all of us have had the experience of reading a wildly OOC take and seeing other people enthusiastically going along with this "wrong" interpretation of the characters and thinking, "What??!?!"
It's fine. It's normal. It's annoying as hell (people are wrong on the internet), but it's inevitable. And if you find that interpretation particularly heinous to your Blorbo sensibilities, the block button is your friend.
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wanderingpages · 7 months
naur cuz why tf is that gifset so insane and like the chemistry tf isnt it supposed to be a disney show😭
Lmaooo it was some Canadian tv show that also aired on Disneychannel but still !!! They’re cowards for not committing!!
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